ATLAS Offline Software
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NActsTrkThe AlignStoreProviderAlg loads the rigid alignment corrections and pipes them through the readout geometry to cache the final transformations of the sensor surfaces associated to one particular detector technology (Pixel, Sct, etc.)
 NAFPHeader file for interface of SiGlobAlignDBTool used to read global alignment for database
 NAmgDefinition of ATLAS Math & Geometry primitives (Amg)
 NAnalysisThe namespace of all packages in PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging
 NAnalysisUtilsUtility class to select combination of elements in a collection
 NAthenaSome weak symbol referencing magic..
 NAthena_testFunctions & macros to test the difference between floats
 NAthOnnxNamespace holding all of the Onnx Runtime example code
 NBStoXAODHelperTool used by TrigBSExtraction to convert to xAOD
 NCaloPrefetchThis software was developed for the ATLAS project
 NCaloRecNamespace for helper functions
 NCPSelect isolated Photons, Electrons and Muons
 ND3PDBlock filler tool for noisy FEB information
 NDerivationFrameworkTHE reconstruction tool
 NDiTauRecToolsImplementation of boosted di-tau ID
 NegammaMVAFunctionsThese functions are for calculating variables used by the MVA calibration
 NELThis module defines the arguments passed from the BATCH driver to the BATCH worker
 NExpressionParsingNamespace holding all the expression evaluation code
 NFlavorTagDiscriminantsThis file contains "getter" functions used for accessing tagger inputs from the EDM
 NFTFHeader for factorised IRoiDescriptor interface
 NGlobalSimAlgTool to obtain a selection of eFex RoIs read in from the event store
 NGsfMaterialCollect Structs we use for material effects in GSF and their meaning in one place
 NGSFUtilsDynamic array fullfilling alignment requirements
 NH5UtilsHDF5 Tuple Writer
 NHGTDCopyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 NHLTIt used to be useful piece of code for replacing actual SG with other store of similar functionality In fact it used to be more like interface adapter for ARA objects access, nevertheless since the ARA project is gone it is only an unnecessary extra layer
 NHTXSHiggs Template Cross Section namespace
 NIDPVMClass to retrieve associated truth from a track, implementing a cached response
 NIDTPMAthena include(s)
 NInDetPrimary Vertex Finder
 NInDetDDMessage Stream Member
 NJetGeomA collection of routines for geometric tasks in 2D and on a cylinder
 NJetHelperClass IJetCalibStep
 NJetVoronoiDiagramHelpersJakub Cuth
May 2015
 NJiveXMLThis header is shared inbetween the C-style server thread and the C++ Athena ServerSvc
 NL1MUINTDedicated namespace for the MuCTPI output class(es)
 NLArBadChanImplA helper class that provides iterators over elements in two separate ordered containers as if the elements were merged in a single container and sorted, but without any CPU overhead
 NLVL1EFexTowerBuilder creates xAOD::eFexTowerContainer from supercells (LATOME) and triggerTowers (TREX) inputs
 NLVL1MUONIFNamespace for the LVL1 muon interface classes
 NMagFieldLocal cache for magnetic field (based on MagFieldServices/AtlasFieldSvcTLS.h)
 NMcParticleEventTPCnv_dictFile: McParticleEventTPCnv/McParticleEventTPCnvDict.h Dictionary file for persistent representation(s) of McParticleEvent classes Author: Sebastien Binet Date: July 2007
 NMDThis module provides a lot of global definitions, forward declarations and includes that are used by all modules
 NMissingETBaseGeneral namespace for MET EDM software
 NMonitoredGeneric monitoring tool for athena components
 NMuonNRpcCablingAlg reads raw condition data and writes derived condition data to the condition store
 NMuonCalibCscCalcPed - algorithm that finds the Cathode Strip Chamber pedestals from an RDO
 NMuonCalibR4MdtCalibDbAlgR4 reads raw condition data and writes derived condition data to the condition store
 NMuonCombinedThe MuonTagToSegMap is an auxillary construct that links the MuonSegments associated with a combined TagMap to a second segment collection that can be dumped to the output root file
 NMuonG4R4Include the common definitions from the MuonReadoutGeometry
 NMuonGMEnsure that the Athena extensions are properly loaded
 NMuonGMR4The ReadoutGeomCnvAlg converts the Run4 Readout geometry build from the GeoModelXML into the legacy MuonReadoutGeometry
 NMuonR4This header ties the generic definitions in this package
 NMuonValClass to store array like branches into the n-tuples
 NMuonValR4Lightweight algorithm to read xAOD MDT sim hits and (fast-digitised) drift circles from SG and fill a validation NTuple with identifier and drift circle info
 NNSWL1A trigger trigger candidate for a stgc sector
 NParticleEventTPCnvDict_tmpFile: ParticleEventTPCnv/ParticleEventTPCnvDict.h Dictionary file for persistent representation(s) of AOD containers Author: Sebastien Binet Date: December 2006
 NPATCoreInformation about type of data used to fill particle
 NPerfMonTestPerfMonTestPolyVectorAlg.h Example for the memory optimization tutorial
 NPESALocal tools
 NPMGToolsTool providing sample cross-sections and k-factors etc
 NpoolPool namespace
 NPseudoJetGetterImplementations of concrete input-to-PseudoJet conversions Separated from PseudoJetAlgorithm for readability
 NPythia8Author: James Monk (
 NPythia8_UserHooksSome common functions for determining pTs and navigating event records for the PoWHEG + Pythia user hooks
 NRCUThis module defines a variety of assert style macros
 NRecName: MuonSpContainer.h Package : offline/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/muonEvent
 NRingerNamespace dedicated for Ringer utilities
 NROIBNamespace of the LVL1 RoIB simulation
 NROOTSelection rules: declare transient members
 NRootAuxDynIOSpecialization of RootAuxDynStore for reading Aux Dynamic attributes from RNTuple
 NRun1USAGE: openCoraCool.exe "COOLONL_SCT/COMP200"
 NSCT_ConditionsAlgorithmsSCT_SimpleHisto.h C++ projects
 NSGForward declaration
 NSHThis module provides a lot of global definitions, forward declarations and includes that are used by all modules
 NShowerLibNamespace for the ShowerLib related classes
 NstdSTL namespace
 NtauRecToolsImplementation of a TrackClassifier based on an RNN
 NTCCHelpers\bried Internal helper class for TCC & UFO building
 NTIDATest for xAOD
 NTrigThe common trigger namespace for trigger analysis tools
 NTrigConfForward iterator to traverse the main components of the trigger configuration
 NTrigGlobEffCorrTemplate specializations below must be enclosed in this namespace
 NTrigMatchHelper namespace for calculating deltaR for unknown object types
 NTrkEnsure that the ATLAS eigen extensions are properly loaded
 NTrkDriftCircleMathFunction object to check whether two Segments are sub/super sets or different
 NxAODICaloAffectedTool is abstract interface for tools checking if 4 mom is in calo affected region
 C_ArrayListDefinition of an ArrayList
 C_HashTableIteratorDefinition of a HashTableIterator
 C_ListIteratorDefinition of a ListIterator
 C_PyAthenaEventLoopMgrClassPython facade of PyAthenaEventLoopMgr
 C_SetIteratorDefinition of a SetIterator
 C_SListIteratorDefinition of a SListIterator
 CAbsShapeErrorGetterLiquid Argon base class for shape information
 CAbstractErrorCodeAbstractErrorCode abstract base class for L1Calo error codes
 CAbstractL1CaloPersistentConditionAbstractL1CaloConditionContainer abstract base class for L1Calo persistent conditions container objects
 CAcceptTemplated class containing a cut, name of cut and description of cut(optional) Typically, the class will be templated on <xAOD::TruthParticle> or <xAOD::TrackParticle>
 CAcceptDataObject to encode the result of several cuts
 CAcceptInfoObject to describe a series of cuts
 CActiveStoreSvcA service that caches a pointer to the currently active store. It also implements the IProxyDict store interface
 CActsElementVectorHelper to hold elements for deletion
 CActsGeantFollowerToolTool which manages the ActsGeantFollower action
 CActsGeometryContextInclude the GeoPrimitives which need to be put first
 CADCDataData accumulated for one ADC @TODO: different histo range for HI/LOW gain
 CAddressRemappingSvcThis class provides the interface to the LCG POOL persistency software
 CAddValidDataFunctor to add Valid data
 CAFP_GlobRecoToolAlgorithm reconstructing protons from tracks
 CAFP_ProtonRecoAnalyticalTool for proton reconstruction by directly using transport parameterisation
 CAFP_ProtonRecoBaseBase class for all proton reconstruction tools
 CAFP_RawCollectionClass representing collection of silicon detector data
 CAFP_RawCollectionHeadClass represnting header record in bytestream
 CAFP_RawDataCommonHeadBase class representing first 8 bits in a record in bytestream
 CAFP_ROBIDThis class contains static members encoding A and C side robs
 CAFP_SIDLocRecoToolAlgorithm reconstructing tracks from hits clusters
 CAFP_SiRawDataClass representing data record for silicon detectors
 CAFP_TDLocRecoAlgorithm reconstructing tracks from hits clusters
 CAFP_TDLocRecoToolAlgorithm reconstructing tracks from hits
 CAFP_ToFRawData_v1Class representing data record for time-of-flight detectors
 CAFP_ToFRawData_v2Class representing data record for time-of-flight detectors
 CAFP_VertexRecoBasicTool for vertex reconstruction by basic algorithm
 CAFP_VertexRecoToolAlgorithm reconstructing vertices from protons
 CAFP_WordReadOutClass capable spliting word into parts, used to fill raw containers
 CAFPLocRecoStationBasicObjHelper class representing an AFP station used in track reconstruction
 CAFPProtonTransportParamClass for the parameterization used by the proton transport tool
 CAFPProtonTransportToolClass for the tool that parameterizes proton transport
 CAFPSiClusterBasicObjClass representing basic silicon pixels cluster, designed to be used for creating the clusters
 CAFPSiClusterLayerBasicObjClass representing basic silicon layer with pixels and their clusters to be used for creating the clusters
 CAFPSiClusterToolThis class reconstructs clusters of pixels
 CAFPSiDBasicKalmanToolClass reconstructing tracks using basic Kalman filter
 CAFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrackClass representing a reconstructed track with Kalman filter
 CAFPSiDLinRegToolTool for reconstructing AFPTrack parameters from track candidates
 CAFPSiRowColToLocalCSToolTranslates pixels rows and columns to position in standard ATLAS coordinates system
 CAFPTDBasicToolClass reconstructing tracks using basic Kalman filter
 CAFPTDBasicToolTrackClass representing a reconstructed basic ToF track
 CAFPToFSiTAlgorithmAFP monitoring algorithm combining data from Si-layer and ToF
 CALFA_RawDataCollectionRDOs : Chamber Service Module, collection of RawData
 CALFA_RawDataCollection_chargeRDOs : Chamber Service Module, collection of RawData
 CALFA_RawDataContainerThis container provides acces to the PMF RDOs
 CALFA_RawDataContainer_chargeThis container provides acces to the PMF RDOs
 CAlgorithmIdentifierSmall structure to hold an algorithm's name and store, plus some details on its EventView. The AI also keeps a pointer to the EventContext and MsgService, this is for convenience such that methods which use the AI don't need to be additionally passed these
 CAlgorithmIdentifierHashCompareStatic hash and equal members as required by tbb::concurrent_hash_map
 CAlgorithmIdentifierMakerSimple factory class to construct an AlgorithmIdentifier from an algorithm name and context
 CAlgorithmPayloadSmall structure wrap the various values stored for an algorithm just before it starts to execute
 CAlignAlgThis class is the main algorithm for the alignment with tracks. The algorithm is used to align the modules of the Inner Detector, the Muon Spectrometer, or both
 CAlignModuleAlignModule is a grouping of TrkDetElementBase objects, grouped according to the type of alignment, groupings being specific to detector type.
For example, for MDT alignment: 1) L1 alignment uses an AlignModule for each endcap and one for the barrel for a total of 3 AlignModule elements in the AlignModuleList. 2) L3 alignment uses a single MDT chamber for each AlignModule. 3) L2 and other types not yet implemented for MDT alignment. See detector-specific implementation of IGeometryManagerTool::createAlignModuleList() to see how implemented
 CAlignModuleToolTool for managing list of AlignModules, detector elements in AlignModules, and AlignPar for both. Can be used as is or inherited by subdetector. (dual_use library exists for this class.)
 CAlignParAlignPar contains all the information related to an alignment parameter of a particular align module or detector element, including a pointer to the align module/detector element, the value of the alignment parameter with its error, the initial value and error
 CAlignResidualCalculatorTool for calculating residuals for measurements and scattering centers and storing on AlignTSOS
 CAlignResidualTypeAlignResidualType is an enum describing the type of residual AlignMesType is an enum describing the type of TSOS for the residual
 CAlignTrackAlignTrack is a generalization of a Trk::Track, used as the basic object to contain track information and other quantities useful for alignment. Created by an implementation of IAlignTrackCreator, and other quantities added for a particular alignment method using an implementation of IAlignTrackDresser
 CAlignTrackCollSplitterAlgorithm to split the "AlignTracks" track collection into several smaller track collections corresponding to different types of AlignTracks
 CAlignTrackCreatorTool used to create an AlignTrack containing all TSOS on a track, including scatterers
 CAlignTrackDresserTool used to dress AlignTrack with residuals and other information needed for alignment
 CAlignTrackPreProcessorTool used to create AlignTracks from an input collection of tracks. At a minimum, the track is refit and the full covariance matrix and derivative matrix are stored on the AlignTrack. The AlignTracks are filled into a collection of Tracks
 CAlignTSOSAlignTSOS is a TSOS with extra variables useful for alignment. It is created using an implementation of IAlignTrackCreator and stored on an AlignTrack
 CAlignVertexAlignVertex is a simple structure to store objects belonging to a vertex. Contains a pointer to the original vertex, the matrix and the vector to be solved for the vertex, vertex position, its covariance matrix and a collection of AlignTrack's belonging to it
 CALineInjectTestAlgThe ALineInjectTestAlg creates a complete arbitrary set of Alignment constants
 CAnalyticalDerivCalcToolThis class is the tool used with global chi2 aligment to calculate analytical derivatives based on the track covariance matrix
 CAODCollHandleBaseBase class for all AOD object collections This class primarily handles setting up the interface, and some of the loops updating objects (where it calls child methods to initiate the loops, since handles aren't stored locally) The only data stored here are the name of the collection, and the pointer to the object browser
 CAsciiInputA class to provide read access to an ASCII input file
 CAsgElectronChargeIDSelectorToolElectron selector tool to select objects in Asgena using an underlying pure ROOT tool
 CAsgElectronIsEMSelectorTool to select objects
 CAsgElectronLikelihoodToolElectron selector tool to select objects in Athena using an underlying pure ROOT tool
 CAsgElectronSelectorToolElectron selector tool to select signal electrons using the ElectronDNNCalculator retrieve a score based on a DNN. This includes preprocessing/transformations of the input variables and the actual calculation of the score using lwtnn
 CAsgForwardElectronIsEMSelectorElectron isEM selector
 CAsgForwardElectronLikelihoodToolElectron selector tool to select objects in Asgena using an underlying pure ROOT tool
 CAsgFudgeMCToolTool to fudge photon MC shower shapes
 CAsgPhotonIsEMSelectorPhoton isEM selector
 CAskForRoIThe test calls for RoI data access for each RoI returned bunch of quantiries are checked, RoI et, actual RoI span, and cells count
 CassMake the histogram assessment part of the config
 CAssociationMapTemplated base class for a look-up map for associations
 CAssociationObjectIteratorObject iterator for association maps (internal use only!)
 CAssociator_DeltaEtaPhiFixme: needs to be replaced by something inheriting from BestMatcher
 CAtDSFMTGenSvcA random number engine manager, based on dSFMT
 Cath_dso_event-*- C -*- AthDsoCbk.h
Header file for the dso callbacks api Author:
 CAthAlgStartVisitorCall start() on all ReadCondHandle's of an algorithm
 CAthCheckedComponentMixin class to perform additional checks on a component
 CAthConstConverterGaudi converter base class with const interfaces
 CAthElectronEfficiencyCorrectionToolCalculate the egamma scale factors in Athena
 CAthenaAttributeListAn AttributeList represents a logical row of attributes in a metadata table. The name and type of each attribute is given in an AttributeListSpecification. AthenaAttributeList is an AttributeList which is also a DataObject and thus can be saved in an Athena data store, e.g. the Event Store
 CAthenaAttributeListCnvThis class provides the converter for the AthenaAttributeList class
 CAthenaAttrListAddressThis class provides the an IOpaqueAddress/GenericAddress which can hold a pointer to an AthenaAttributeList object
 CAthenaConditionStreamThis class is OBSOLETE. Use AthenaOutputStream with writeOnExecute=false and writeOnFinalize=true instead. out stream specialized for condition data. Write data at finalize only
 CAthenaConverterTLPExtensionThis class is used to add functionality to a standard AthenaConverter
 CAthenaEventLoopMgrThe default ATLAS batch event loop manager
 CAthenaHDFStreamToolThis class provides the IPCTool for HDF Stream objects
 CAthenaHiveEventLoopMgrThe default ATLAS batch event loop manager
 CAthenaMonManagerAn Algorithm that manages a set of modules, each inheriting from ManagedMonitorToolBase, by setting common configuration variables and organizing the output data
 CAthenaOutputStreamAlgorithm that marks for write data objects in SG
 CAthenaOutputStreamToolThis is the implementation of IAthenaOutputStreamTool
 CAthenaPoolAddressProviderSvcThis class is the EventSelector and AddressProvider for event data
 CAthenaPoolCnvSvcThis class provides the interface between Athena and PoolSvc
 CAthenaPoolConverterThis class provides the abstract converter to translate an object to/from its persistent POOL representation
 CAthenaPoolTestASimple class with two int's for testing pool i/o from Athena
 CAthenaPoolTestAttrReaderTest Algorithm for reading an AttributeList from the transient store
 CAthenaPoolTestAttrWriterTest Algorithm for testing creation of explicit collections, writes an AttributeList to the transient store each event
 CAthenaPoolTestBSimple class with int,int,float,double for testing pool i/o from Athena
 CAthenaPoolTestCSimple class with four int's divided among protected/private for testing pool i/o from Athena
 CAthenaPoolTestDSimple class with HepGeom::Point3D<double> for testing pool i/o from Athena
 CAthenaPoolTestDataWriterTest Algorithm POOL I/O tests, writes AthenaPoolData objects to the transient store
 CAthenaPoolTestMatrixSimple class with various CLHEP classes for testing pool i/o from Athena
 CAthenaRootSerializeSvcThis class provides the AthenaSerializeSvc using ROOT
 CAthenaRootSharedWriterSvcThis class provides an example for writing event data objects to Pool
 CAthenaRootStreamerThis class enhances ROOT custom streamer base TClassStreamer and can choose a converter function based on the streamerinfo checksum
 CAthenaRootStreamerSvcThis class provides the manager for ROOT custom streamers
 CAthenaSharedMemoryToolThis class provides the IPCTool for SharedMemory objects
 CAthenaSharedWriterThis class provides an example for writing event data objects to Pool
 CAthLegacySequenceAlias for backward compatibility
 CAthMessagingClass to provide easy MsgStream access and capabilities
 CAthMonitorAlgorithmBase class for Athena Monitoring Algorithms
 CAthPhotonEfficiencyCorrectionToolCalculate the egamma scale factors in Athena
 CAthPropertiesPimpl-style holder for component properties
 CAthReadAlgGeneric algorithm wrapping an input conversion
 CAthReentrantAlgorithmAn algorithm that can be simultaneously executed in multiple threads
 CAthRNGSvcA service to manage multiple RNG streams in thread-safe way
 CAthSequencerClassName: AthSequencer
 CAthTruthSelectionToolClass to apply selection to xAOD::TruthParticles,required by validation
 CAtlasDetectorIDThis class provides an interface to generate or decode an identifier for the upper levels of the detector element hierarchy, i.e. Atlas, the detector systems and detector subsystems. As well general "print out" methods are provide for all detector systems. All id helper classes derive from this class. This class also provides access to the version tags of the id dictionaries used by the helper
 CAtlasFieldG4 wrapper around the main ATLAS magnetic field cache or field svc for forward field
 CAtlasFieldCacheCondAlgCreate a MagField object for tracking clients Purpose: for each event, create a MagField object for tracking clients and store in conditions Store
 CAtlasFieldMapCondAlgCreate a MagField object for tracking clients
 CAtlasG4EventUserInfoThis class is attached to G4Event objects as UserInformation. It holds a pointer to the HepMC::GenEvent which was used to create the G4Event. NB As with VTrackInformation, the GenParticlePtr held by the AtlasG4EventUserInfo object can change during simulation (i.e. each time the track undergoes a non-destructive interaction)
 CAtlasGeoPointDeclare a point holder for Atlas usual geometry
 CAtlasIDDetDescrCnvThis class is a converter for the AtlasID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store
 CAtlasMeasurementSelectorATALS specific Implementation of the member functions needed by the measurement selector
 CAtlasTrajectoryClass to store G4 trajectory information
 CAtRanluxGenSvcThe default ATLAS random number engine manager, based on Ranlux64
 CAtRndmGenSvcA random number engine manager, based on Ranecu. Its usage is deprecated, at least when high quality sequences of randoms are required (Ranecu period has been shown to be too short, and sensitive to the quality of initial seeds)
 CAttrListIndexesIndexes to attribute name, type name and object value for the persistent storage of an attribute list. The attribute and type names are stored in individual vectors, but the object value is stored in one of serveral type-specific vectors
 CAttrStructThis is a StoreGate object holding the TT online-attribute map
 CAuxDiscoverySvcThis class provides the interface between AthenaPoolCnvSvc and AuxStore classes
 CAxisInfoClass to store information about axes, limits, whether it is log or linear scale etc
 CBareDataBucketAllows to insert void* returned from serialisation into the store
 CBasicConstantGPUDataExporterStandard tool to export calorimeter geometry and cell noise to GPU
 CBasicEventDataGPUExporterStandard tool to export cell energy and gain to the GPU
 CBasicGPUClusterInfoCalculatorStandard tool to calculate cluster info (energy, transverse energy, pseudo-rapidity and azimuthal angle) and apply E/ET cuts on clusters if desired
 CBasicGPUToAthenaImporterStandard tool to convert the GPU data representation back to CPU
 CBasicValidationNtupleToolThis validation tool writes basic information about Trk::Track into an ntuple; it is also the steering tool for all Trk::IValidationNtupleHelperTool
 CBCM_DigitizationTop algorithm class for BCM digitization
 CBCM_DigitizationToolPileup tool for BCM digitization
 CBCMBuilderBeam Condition Monitor Builder
 CBcmCollisionTimeHolds information about bkg and collisions timing and multiplicity from BCM stations
 CBDTVertexWeightCalculatorA tool to select the primary vertex associated to the hard-scatter using a BDT
 CBeamBackgroundDataClass holding the results of the Beam Background Identification Method
 CBeamBackgroundFillerImplementation of the Beam Background Identification Method
 CBeamHaloGeneratorAn abstract base class to provide generic beam halo generator functionality
 CBeamHaloGeneratorAlgA GenModule algorithm to produce beam halo HepMC records from input ASCII files produced with MARS or FLUKA beam background simulations
 CBeamHaloGeneratorSettingsA class to read a vector of strings defining particle filtering settings and provide a method for filtering particles based on type and kinematics
 CBeamHaloParticleA class to describe a generic beam halo particle
 CBitOpUtility class for integer bit operations
 CBkgStreamsCacheIn-memory cache for pileup events
 CBLM_ModuleBeam Loss Monitor module builder
 CBLMBuilderBeam Loss Monitor Builder
 CBoostedHadTopAndTopPairFilter events based on presence of charged leptons
 CBoundSurfaceCnv_p1< SURFACE, ITPConverterFor< Trk::SurfaceBounds > >
 CBoundSurfaceCnv_p2< SURFACE, ITPConverterFor< Trk::SurfaceBounds > >
 CBranchDescDefiniton of a branch descriptor from RootTreeContainer
 CBTaggingClass for xAOD b-tagging information
 CBTagVertexClass for xAOD secondary vertex finding information (main client: JetFitter) that is too much overhead for the xAOD::Vertex
 CBuildCaloRingsFctorWithCluster< container_t >Template for CaloRings builder functor
 CBuildVertexPointingAlgAn algorithm to build a vertex from photon pointing
 CBunchCrossingAverageCondAlgConditions algorithm to unpack fill parameters from COOL
 CBunchCrossingCondAlgConditions algorithm to unpack fill parameters from COOL
 CBunchCrossingIntensityCondAlgConditions algorithm to unpack fill parameters from COOL
 CBunchDataUtilUtility class to to decode data from FILLPARAMS COOL folder
 CBunchDescriptionUtility class to to decode data from FILLPARAMS COOL folder
 CBunchGroupCondAlgConditions algorithm to unpack bunch group data from COOL
 CBunchGroupCondDataHolds data on filled bunches
 CBunchGroupUtilUtility class to to decode data from FILLPARAMS COOL folder
 CBunchLumisCondAlgConditions algorithm to unpack raw luminosity data from COOL
 CBunchLumisCondDataHolds raw luminosity data, per channel
 CBunchLumisUtilUtility class to to decode data from FILLPARAMS COOL folder
 CByteStreamTransient data object, holding BS content of the event
 CByteStreamAddressIOpaqueAddress for ByteStreamCnvSvc, with ROB ids
 CByteStreamAddressProviderSvcA concrete IAddressProvider
 CByteStreamCnvSvcGaudi Conversion Service class for ByteStream Persistency
 CByteStreamCnvSvcBaseThe base class for offline and HLT ByteStream conversion services
 CByteStreamDataWriterThis class defines abstract interface for data writing
 CByteStreamDataWriterV5Implementation of ByteStreamDataWriter for version 5 (run1) of EventStorage
 CByteStreamEmonInputSvcImplements the interface IByteStreamInputSvc for reading events from emon
 CByteStreamEventStorageInputSvcThis class is the ByteStreamInputSvc for reading events written by EventStorage
 CByteStreamEventStorageOutputSvcThis class provides the services for writing FullEventFragment into file. This class implements the interface IByteStreamOutputSvc for the conversion service to write the output to a file
 CByteStreamMergeOutputSvcThis class provides the services for merging FullEventFragment with existing bytestream input. Mostly meant for adding new L2+EF results
 CByteStreamMetadataThis class is the StoreGate data object for bytestream metadata
 CByteStreamMetadata_p1This class is the persistent representation of ByteStreamMetadata
 CByteStreamMetadataCnv_p1This class provides the converter to customize the saving of ByteStreamMetadata_p1
 CByteStreamMetadataContainerThis class is the StoreGate data object for bytestream metadata
 CByteStreamMetadataToolThis class provides the MetaDataTool for ByteStreamMetadata objects
 CByteStreamOutputStreamCopyToolThis is a tool that implements the IAthenaOutputStreamTool for copying ByteStream from input
 CByteStreamRDP_OutputSvcWriting the data to ROBDataProviderSvc for transient BS
 CcaldataA structure to contain data associated with the calibration of a certain sub-module
 CCalibHitValidateAdd energy in CaloCalibrationHitContainers
 CCalibratorA structure to contain data associated with the calibration of a certain sub-module
 CCaloAffectedToolTool to check if object is in an affected region
 CCaloAlignCondAlgCondition Algorithm for making CaloDetDescrManager condition object
 CCaloBCIDCoeffsLuminosity-dependent pileup offset correction conditions object
 CCaloBCIDCoeffsCondAlgConditions algorithm to create CaloBCIDCoeffs
 CCaloBCIDLumiLuminosity-dependent pileup offset correction conditions object
 CCaloBCIDLumiCondAlgConditions algorithm to create CaloBCIDLumi
 CCaloCalibClusterDecoratorAlgorithmThis algorithm decorates xAOD::CaloCluster with calibration hit truth information
 CCaloCalibClusterMomentsMaker2Calculate calibration hit based moments for CaloCluster objects using Primary Particle ID
 CCaloCalibClusterTruthAttributerToolConcrete tool that calculates calibration hit truth energies in xAOD::CaloCluster
 CCaloCalibClusterTruthMapMakerAlgorithmThis algorithm creates several maps used for fast access to information in the calculations related to calibration hit truth energy
 CCaloCalibrationHitClass to store calorimeter calibration hit
 CCaloCalibrationHit_p1Persistent CaloCalibrationHit class, version p1
 CCaloCalibrationHit_p2Persistent CaloCalibrationHit class, version p2
 CCaloCalibrationHitContainer_p2Persistent represenation of a CaloCalibrationContainer,
 CCaloCalibrationHitContainer_p3Persistent represenation of a CaloCalibrationContainer,
 CCaloCalibrationHitContainer_p4Persistent represenation of a CaloCalibrationContainer,
 CCaloCellData object for each calorimeter readout cell
 CCaloCell2ClusterMapMap of CaloCluster objects each CaloCell belongs to
 CCaloCell2ClusterMapperCreate a map of CaloCluster objects each CaloCell belongs to
 CCaloCell_Base_IDHelper base class for offline cell identifiers
 CCaloCell_IDHelper class for offline cell identifiers
 CCaloCell_SuperCell_IDHelper class for offline supercell identifiers
 CCaloCellClusterWeightsHash lookup of calibration weights for calorimeter cells
 CCaloCellContainerContainer class for CaloCell
 CCaloCellContainerAliasAlgAdd an alias to a cell container
 CCaloCellContainerVectorContainer class for CaloCell
 CCaloCellContCopyToolConcrete tool for coping an entire CaloCellContainer
 CCaloCellEnergyRescalerCaloCellMakerTool to re-scale cell energies
 CCaloCellFastCopyToolConcrete tool for coping Calo cells
 CCaloCellFilterAlgAlgorithm to filter CaloCellContainer
 CCaloCellIDFcnA functional to get the ID from a CaloCell pointer
 CCaloCellLinkSimple store for CaloCell links. This object is fully navigable
 CCaloCellLinkContainerContainer class for CaloCellLink
 CCaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2T/P conversions for CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2
 CCaloCellPacker_400_500Calo cell packer/unpacker v400/500
 CCaloCellsCounterCPUOutputs counts of cells, both by type and cluster presence, with each cluster being identified by its cell with the largest signal-to-noise ratio
 CCaloCellsCounterGPUOutputs counts of cells, both by type and cluster presence, with each cluster being identified by its cell with the largest signal-to-noise ratio
 CCaloCellTimeCorrToolTool to shift cell time values
 CCaloClusterPrincipal data class for CaloCell clusters
 CCaloClusterCellLinkBookkeeping of cells that make up a cluster Simplified replacement for CaloCellLink, CaloClusterNavigable and Navigable classes used during run 1
 CCaloClusterCellLinkContainerContainer class for CaloCellLink
 CCaloClusterCellLinkContainerCnv_p1T/P conversions for CaloClusterCellLinkContainerCnv_p1
 CCaloClusterChangeSignalStateHelper to temporarily change the signal state of a cluster
 CCaloClusterChangeSignalStateListHelper to temporarily change the signal state of many clusters
 CCaloClusterCompareDescending order by energy
 CCaloClusterContainerStorable container for CaloCluster
 CCaloClusterCorrectionCommonCode common to cluster corrections
 CCaloClusterDeleterDeletes clusters from the CPU collection. Used for testing and debugging purposes..
 CCaloClusterGPUProcessorBase class for GPU-accelerated cluster processing tools to be called from CaloGPUHybridClusterProcessor
 CCaloClusterLinkTemplateTemplate class for CaloClusterLink
 CCaloClusterLocalCalibCluster correction tool which applies local hadronic calibration w eights to the cells. The weight are provided by ICellWeight tools
 CCaloClusterLogPosCluster correction tool to compute the logarithmically weighted centroid
 CCaloClusterMakerTop algorithm to reconstruct CaloCluster objects from CaloCell objects
 CCaloClusterMomentDefines enums and data types for different moments of CaloCluster
 CCaloClusterMomentsMakerCalculate moments for CaloCluster objects
 CCaloClusterMomentStoreStores CaloClusterMoment in a keyed map
 CCaloClusterNavigableNavigable part of CaloCluster, use CaloCellLink
 CCaloClusterStoreRawPropertiesStores the current (calibrated) cluster energies and coordinates as raw properties
 CCaloClusterVariablesProvide calculations of cluster based variables using the clusters associated to the jet seed of the tau candidate
 CCaloCompactCellHolds compactified CaloCell information
 CCaloCompactCellContainerContainer class for CaloCompactCell objects
 CCaloCompactCellToolHelper to convert from CaloCellContainer to CaloCompactCellContainer and back
 CCaloCompositeCellBaseBase class for methods and store of cell links
 CCaloCompositeKineBaseBase class for kinematics of composite calo object
 CCaloCondBlobBaseThis class provides the core BLOB infrastructure
 CCaloCondBlobDatGeneric template class for storing a number of "T"s for each channel/gain
 CCaloCondBlobFltClass for storing a number of floats (Flt) and functions on those
 CCaloCondTypeClass encoding CaloCondBlob types
 CCaloCondUtilsStatic class providing utility functions
 CCaloConstCellContainerCaloCellContainer that can accept const cell pointers
 CCaloConstCellMakerCreate a CaloConstCellContainer
 CCaloConstIteratorAdaptorTranform iterator over pointers to iterator over const pointers
 CCaloCPUOutputStandard tool to output CPU cluster info to the non-standard file format that we have been using for plotting and validation purposes
 CCaloDepthToolImplementation of the ICaloDepthTool interface.Given a Track direction, checks if it is in the Calorimeter acceptance and provides various radii to be compared/used in the extrapolation
 CCaloDetDescrDictThese headers should not (from pure C++ pov) be necessary, but are needed for building the ROOT dictionary
 CCaloDetDescrElementThis class groups all DetDescr information related to a CaloCell. Provides a generic interface for all calo cells. Subsystem specific information is included in daughter clases defined CaloDetectorElements.h
 CCaloDetDescriptorThis is a base class for LAr and Tile Descriptors The primary goal is to speed up loops over all the calo cells and reduce the size of the CaloDetDescrElements by caching information they have in common
 CCaloDetDescrManagerThis class provides the client interface for accessing the detector description information common to LAr and Tile. It is used in the Calorimeter reconstruction (from CaloCell building down to combined reconstruction)
 CCaloDM_IDHelper class for Calo Dead Material offline identifiers
 CCaloDmDescrAreaThis object is used to compute calibration energy deposits in the dead material
 CCaloElementPositionShiftDx,dy,dz displacement of the calorimeter cell caused by sagging
 CCaloEMFracHold binned EM fraction data
 CCaloEnergyClass extending the basic Trk::EnergyLoss to describe the measured or parameterised muon energy loss in the ATLAS calorimeters
 CCaloEnergyClusterImplementation of navigation and kinematics for CaloCluster and CaloTower
 CCaloGPUClusterAndCellDataMonitorPlaces (matched) cluster and cell properties in monitored variables to enable plotting with the Athena THistSvc instead of the custom solution that was being used previously. Its histograms can be configured as in a MonitoringTool
 CCaloGPUCUDAInitializationBase class to provide some basic common infrastructure for initializing CUDA only at the right place to work fine with multiprocessing..
 CCaloGPUHybridClusterProcessorAlgorithm to reconstruct CaloCluster objects with GPU acceleration, providing interoperability for calling standard CPU algorithms before and after the GPU processing part
 CCaloGPUOutputStandard tool to output the GPU data representation to the non-standard file format that we have been using for plotting and validation purposes
 CCaloGPUTimedBase class to provide some basic common infrastructure for timing measurements..
 CCaloHadDMCoeff2Dead material correction coefficients
 CCaloHadDMCoeffCheckRuns toy reconstruction to validate dead material constants
 CCaloHadDMCoeffDataData to read from special DeadMaterialTree
 CCaloHadDMCoeffFitTo fill and fit TProfile histograms using special dead material tree
 CCaloHadDMCoeffHelperHelper class to read dead material correction coeffitients from ASCII file
 CCaloHadDMCoefMinimRuns minimisation to get correction coefficients (i.e. new sampling weights) for the energy deposited in dead material in front of FCAL
 CCaloHelpersTestHelper to initialize ID helpers for unit tests
 CCaloID_ExceptionException class for Calo Identifiers
 CCaloIDHelperBase class to factor out code common among Calo ID helpers
 CCaloIdManagerThis class initializes the Calo (LAr and Tile) offline identifiers
 CCaloIdMgrDetDescrCnvThis class is a converter for the CaloIdManager which is stored in the detector store
 CCaloLCClassificationToolClassify clusters according to their probability to stem from an em object
 CCaloLCDeadMaterialToolDead material correction tool for local hadronic calibration
 CCaloLCOutOfClusterToolCalculates out-of-cluster corrections based on cluster quantities
 CCaloLCWeightToolCalculates hadronic cell weights based on cluster and cell quantities
 CCaloLocalHadCoeffHold binned correction data for local hadronic calibration procedure
 CCaloLVL1_IDHelper class for offline TT identifiers
 CCaloMomentsDumperOutputs cluster moments (and other assorted properties) to text files
 CCaloNoiseHashRangesHelper to calculate hash offsets in each COOL channel
 CCaloNoiseSigmaDiffCondAlgNAME : CaloNoiseSigmaDiffCondAlg.h PACKAGE : Calorimeter/CaloRec
 CCaloPhiRangeThis class defines the phi convention for Calorimeters
 CCaloRecoStatusReconstruction status indicator
 CCaloSamplingCalorimeter Sampling enum
 CCaloSamplingDataSimple data object to store all variables in calorimeter samplings
 CCaloSamplingHelperAlgorithmic methods of the legacy CaloSampling.h class used by the legacy CaloCluster object
 CCaloScaleClusterEM calorimeter containment correction
 CCaloShowerData class for cluster variables associated with a CaloCluster
 CCaloShowerContainerContainer class for CaloShower
 CCaloSubdetNamesThis class contains the ENUM needed to label the calorimeter pieces which be mooved independently, including the Cryostats, and mapping with the corresponding identifiers and strings when possible
 CCaloSuperCellAlignCondAlgCondition Algorithm for making CaloSuperCellDetDescrManager condition object
 CCaloSuperCellDetectorElementElement to represent a SuperCell
 CCaloSurfaceBuilderThis class creates the Surfaces needed to perform track extrapolation
 CCaloSwClcon_v2EM calorimeter containment correction
 CCaloSwEtamod_v2EM calorimeter \(\eta\) modulation corrections
 CCaloSwEtaoff_v2EM calorimeter eta offset (S-shape) corrections
 CCaloSwEtaoff_v3EM calorimeter eta offset (S-shape) corrections, version 3
 CCaloSwGap_v2EM calorimeter gap corrections
 CCaloSwGap_v3EM calorimeter gap corrections
 CCaloSwPhimod_v2EM calorimeter \(\phi\) modulation corrections
 CCaloSwPhioff_v2EM calorimeter \(\phi\) offset corrections
 CCaloTesterHelpers for creating calorimeter objects for unit tests
 CCaloThinCellsByClusterAlgThin calorimeter cells not associated with clusters
 CCaloThinCellsBySamplingAlgThin calorimeter cells by sampling
 CCaloThinCellsInAODAlgThin calorimeter cells, digits and raw channels not associated with clusters linked to an electron, after some cut
 CCaloTopoClusterMakerTopological cluster maker
 CCaloTopoClusterSplitterTopological cluster splitter
 CCaloTopoTowerAlg============================================================ CaloTopoTowerAlg.cxx, (c) ATLAS Detector software Calorimeter/CaloRec/CaloTopoTowerAlg
 CCaloTopoTowerBuilderToolBaseCaloTopoTowerBuilderToolBase is abstract base class for tower builders
 CCaloTopoTowerContainerStorable container class for CaloTower
 CCaloTopoTowerContainerCnvPOOL Converter for CaloTopoTowerContainer
 CCaloTopoTowerFromClusterCalibratorA cluster builder tool to calibrate topo-clusters formed from (EM) calorimeter towers to the LCW scale
 CCaloTopoTowerFromClusterMakerA cluster builder tool forming topo-clusters representing calorimeter tower signals on a regular grid in \( (\eta,\phi) \) space. By default, EM-scale topo-towers are created from cells in topo-clusters
 CCaloTopoTowerMakerTop algorithm to reconstruct xAOD::CaloCluster objects representing topo-towers from CaloClusters
 CCaloTowerData class for calorimeter cell towers
 CCaloTowerContainerStorable container class for CaloTower
 CCaloTowerContainerCnvPOOL Converter for CaloTowerContainer
 CCaloTowerGeometryTower geometry store and description provider
 CCaloTowerSegData object stores CaloTower segmentation
 CCaloTriggerTowerServiceTool providing the mapping of the online and offline TriggerTower identifiers as well as the TT-cells mapping
 CCaloTTDescriptorThis class holds the Calorimeter TriggerTower geometrical description
 CCaloTTDescrManagerThis class is used to build the CaloTTDescriptors and CaloTTDetDescrRegions carrying the geometry information of the Calorimeter Trigger Towers
 CCaloTTDescrRegionThis class provides an interface to the geometrical description of the Calorimeter Trigger Towers
 CCaloTTMgrDetDescrCnvThis class is a converter for the CaloTTDescrManager which is stored in the detector store
 CCaloTTOnAttrId_PThis is a database object holding the TT online-attribute map
 CCaloTTOnAttrId_tStructure definition of the LArTTOnAttrIdMap
 CCaloTTOnAttrIdMapCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of MyClass
 CCaloTTOnOffId_PThis is a database object holding the TT online-offline map
 CCaloTTOnOffId_tStructure definition of the LArTTOnOffIdMap
 CCaloTTOnOffIdMapThis is a StoreGate object holding the TT offline-online map
 CCaloTTOnOffIdMapCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of MyClass
 CCaloTTPpmRxId_PThis is a database object holding the TT PPM to RX channels map
 CCaloTTPpmRxId_tStructure definition of the CaloTTPpmRxIdMap
 CCaloTTPpmRxIdMapThis is a StoreGate object holding the TT PPM to RX channels map
 CCaloTTPpmRxIdMapCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of MyClass
 CCaloVariableTypeDefinition of Calorimeter Variable types in CaloCluster
 CCaloVertexedCellEvaluate cell kinematics with a different vertex
 CCaloWeightInterpolatorCalculates an interpolated weight in n dimensions
 CChainDetailStructure to encompass the data stored in a prescales XML generated by the RuleBook
 CChanCalibErrorCodeChanCalibErrorCode class for L1Calo error codes Adapted from /LVL1/l1calo/coolL1Calo/coolL1Calo/ChanErrorCode.h
 CChanDeadErrorCodeChanDeadErrorCode class for L1Calo error codes Adapted from /LVL1/l1calo/coolL1Calo/coolL1Calo/ChanDeadCode.h
 CChanFitErrorCodeChanFitErrorCode stores information about the calibration fit quality
 CChargedTracksFilterFilter events based on presence of charged tracks
 CChargedTracksWeightFilterFilter events based on presence of charged tracks
 CChargeFilterChargeFilter can filter objects upon their charge
 CCheckCloningFactorDump MC event record
 CClassID_traitsDefault, invalid implementation of ClassID_traits
 CClassID_traits< CaloConstCellContainer >Specialize ClassID_traits for ConstDataVector so that they will be automatically made const when recorded in StoreGate
 CClassID_traits< ConstDataVector< DV > >Specialize ClassID_traits for ConstDataVector so that they will be automatically made const when recorded in StoreGate
 CClassID_traits< DataVectorWithAlloc< DV, ALLOC > >Specialize ClassID_traits for DataVectorWithAlloc so that they will be automatically made const when recorded in StoreGate
 CClassID_traits< ViewVector< DV > >ClassID_traits specialization for ViewVector
 CClassIDSvcService to manage and verify CLID assignments in athena
 CClassNameAn interface for getting the name of a class as a string
 CClassName< DataVector< T > >Specialization of ClassName for DataVector
 CCLIDRegistryStatic registry of CLID->typeName entries. NOT for general use. Use ClassIDSvc instead
 CClusterCellRelinkAlgAlgorithm that rebuilds clusters using cells from a different container
 CClusterCreatorAlgorithm creating xAOD::CaloClusters from CaloClusters
 CClusterDistanceFunctorThe ClusterDistanceFunctor is a templated distance functor used for matching two objects based upon their cluster rather than their eta and phi directly
 CClusterSplitProbabilityContainerCnvTP converter for the ClusterSplitProbabiltyContainer
 Ccmdline_parser_paramsThe additional parameters to pass to parser functions
 CCMMCPHits_p1T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CMMCPHits class
 CCMMCPHitsCnv_p1T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CMMCPHits class
 CCMMCPHitsCollectionCnv_p1T/P converter for CMMCPHits and CMMCPHits_p1
 CCMMCPHitsCollectionCnv_tlp1T/P converter for CMMCPHits and CMMCPHits_p1
 CCMMEtSums_p1T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CMMEtSums class
 CCMMEtSumsCnv_p1T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CMMEtSums class
 CCMMEtSumsCollectionCnv_p1T/P converter for CMMEtSums and CMMEtSums_p1
 CCMMEtSumsCollectionCnv_tlp1T/P converter for CMMEtSums and CMMEtSums_p1
 CCMMJetHits_p1T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CMMJetHits class
 CCMMJetHitsCnv_p1T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CMMJetHits class
 CCMMJetHitsCollectionCnv_p1T/P converter for CMMJetHits and CMMJetHits_p1
 CCMMJetHitsCollectionCnv_tlp1T/P converter for CMMJetHits and CMMJetHits_p1
 CCMMRoI_p1T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CMMRoI class
 CCMMRoICnv_p1T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CMMRoI class
 CCMXCPHits_p1T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CMXCPHits class
 CCMXCPHitsCnv_p1T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CMXCPHits class
 CCMXCPHitsCollectionCnv_p1T/P converter for CMXCPHits and CMXCPHits_p1
 CCMXCPHitsCollectionCnv_tlp1T/P converter for CMXCPHits and CMXCPHits_p1
 CCMXCPTob_p1T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CMXCPTob class
 CCMXCPTobCnv_p1T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CMXCPTob class
 CCMXCPTobCollectionCnv_p1T/P converter for CMXCPTob and CMXCPTob_p1
 CCMXCPTobCollectionCnv_tlp1T/P converter for CMXCPTob and CMXCPTob_p1
 CCMXEtSums_p1T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CMXEtSums class
 CCMXEtSumsCnv_p1T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CMXEtSums class
 CCMXEtSumsCollectionCnv_p1T/P converter for CMXEtSums and CMXEtSums_p1
 CCMXEtSumsCollectionCnv_tlp1T/P converter for CMXEtSums and CMXEtSums_p1
 CCMXJetHits_p1T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CMXJetHits class
 CCMXJetHitsCnv_p1T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CMXJetHits class
 CCMXJetHitsCollectionCnv_p1T/P converter for CMXJetHits and CMXJetHits_p1
 CCMXJetHitsCollectionCnv_tlp1T/P converter for CMXJetHits and CMXJetHits_p1
 CCMXJetTob_p1T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CMXJetTob class
 CCMXJetTobCnv_p1T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CMXJetTob class
 CCMXJetTobCollectionCnv_p1T/P converter for CMXJetTob and CMXJetTob_p1
 CCMXJetTobCollectionCnv_tlp1T/P converter for CMXJetTob and CMXJetTob_p1
 CCMXRoI_p1T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CMXRoI class
 CCMXRoICnv_p1T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CMXRoI class
 CCnvFactoryAbstract factory to create the converter
 CCollectionByteStreamCnvTemplate class for BS converter for Collections
 CCombinatoricsOdometerHelper class for particle combinatorics of several lists
 CCombinedShapeErrorGetterLiquid Argon base class for shape information
 CComboHypoToolBaseBase class for tools which cut on properties of multi-object or multi-leg chains. User should derive from this class and implement the executeAlg function. This will be called once per combination of objects in the event which reach the ComboHypo alg which hosts this tool
 CCompRawChannelSmall class holding a single method to compare two different TileRawChannel
 CCondAttrListCollAddressThis class provides the an IOpaqueAddress/GenericAddress which can hold a pointer to an CondAttrListCollection object
 CCondAttrListCollCnvThis class provides the converter for the CondAttrListCollection class
 CCondAttrListCollectionThis class is a collection of AttributeLists where each one is associated with a channel number. This allows R/W with COOL of multichannel conditions objects, stored in COOL itself. The collection looks like a vector of pairs of (channel num, AttributeList) where one may iterate over all of them or access each AttrList by channel number as in a map. One also maintains the IOV of each channel allow update of only invalid channels
 CCondAttrListVecAddressThis class provides the an IOpaqueAddress/GenericAddress which can hold a pointer to an AthenaAttributeList object
 CCondAttrListVecCnvThis class provides the converter for the AthenaAttributeList class
 CCondContHold mapping of ranges to condition objects
 CCondContBaseBase class for all conditions containers
 CCondContBaseInfoTraits class to find the base for CondCont
 CCondContMixedConditions container for which keys are ranges in both Run+LBN and timestamp
 CCondContMixedBaseBase class for conditions containers for which keys are ranges in both Run+LBN and timestamp
 CCondContMixedBaseInfoTraits class to find the base for CondContMixed
 CCondContSingleBaseBase class for conditions containers that are either Run+LBN or timestamp
 CCondMultChanCollectionA CondMultChanCollection is a template class which can hold a collection of T* objects which are intended to be written out and then registered in a COOL multichannel folder, or just read back. The T* objects are normally written/read via a conversion service, e.g. via AthenaPOOL, and their references (e.g. tokens) saved as the data payload in COOL
 CCondMultChanCollImplA CondMultChanCollImpl defines the non-template part of a CondMultChanCollection. It holds the vectors of: channel numbers IOVs tokens to the DataObject a pointer to the CondAttrListCollection, used to register in COOL
 CCondProxyProviderThis class is the AddressProvider for conditions data
 CConstDataVectorDataVector adapter that acts like it holds const pointers
 CConstituentSubtractorToolConstituent modifier implementing the Constituent Substraction technique
 CContainerStorage of the time histories of all the cells
 CCopyEventStreamInfoThis class provides an algorithm to make the EventStreamInfo object and update it
 CCopyEventWeightCopy MC truth event weights into the event info store
 CCoreDumpSvcService to print additional information before a crash
 Ccorr_HV_EMBPSCorrection for time dependent HV effect in barrel presampler scale in 2012
 Ccorr_HV_EMECPSCorrection for wrong HV EMEC presampler correction for 20.7 processed data (2015,2016)
 Ccorr_pileupShiftCorrection for pileup induced energy shit as function of mu per layer for 2016 data
 CCosmicGeneratorCosmic generator. The output will be stored in the transient event store so it can be passed to the simulation
 CCostDataCaches and propagates event data to be used by monitoring algorithms
 CCostROSDataCaches and propagates event data to be used by monitoring algorithms
 CCounterAlgorithmConcrete implimentation of Counter to monitor all properties of a given Algorithm instance
 CCounterAlgorithmClassConcrete implimentation of Counter to monitor all properties of a given Algorithm class. The new event logic is the same as in CounterAlgorithm, only histogram definition differs
 CCounterBaseForward declare
 CCounterChainConcrete implimentation of Counter to monitor all properties of a given Chain instance
 CCounterGlobalConcrete implimentation of Counter to monitor global properties of the event
 CCounterROSConcrete implimentation of Counter to monitor the data requests for a single Read Out System request and corresponding Read Out Buffer requests
 CCounterSequenceConcrete implimentation of Counter to monitor all properties of a given Sequence instance
 CCounterThreadConcrete implimentation of Counter to monitor all algorithms executing on a single thread
 CCountHepMCCount the number of events to pass all algorithms/filters
 CCPMHits_p1T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CPMHits class
 CCPMHitsCnv_p1T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CPMHits class
 CCPMHitsCollectionCnv_p1T/P converter for CPMHits and CPMHits_p1
 CCPMHitsCollectionCnv_tlp1T/P converter for CPMHits and CPMHits_p1
 CCPMRoI_p1T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CPMRoI class
 CCPMRoICnv_p1T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CPMRoI class
 CCPMRoICollectionCnv_p1T/P converter for CPMRoI and CPMRoI_p1
 CCPMRoICollectionCnv_tlp1T/P converter for CPMRoI and CPMRoI_p1
 CCPMTobRoI_p1T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CPMTobRoI class
 CCPMTobRoICnv_p1T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CPMTobRoI class
 CCPMTobRoICollectionCnv_p1T/P converter for CPMTobRoI and CPMTobRoI_p1
 CCPMTobRoICollectionCnv_tlp1T/P converter for CPMTobRoI and CPMTobRoI_p1
 CCPMTower_p1Persistent form of CPMTower using T/P separation
 CCPMTowerCnv_p1T/P converter for CPMTower and CPMTower_p1
 CCPMTowerCollectionCnv_p1T/P converter for CPMTower and CPMTower_p1
 CCPMTowerCollectionCnv_tlp1T/P converter for CPMTower and CPMTower_p1
 CCSC_IDDetDescrCnvConverter for CscIdHelper
 CCscCalibMonToolBaseThe CscCalibMonToolBase class
 CCscCalibMonToolPedClass for monitoring pedestal calibration results
 CCscCalibMonToolSlopeClass for monitoring CSC relative gain calibration results
 CCscCondDataCollectionContains all the information for a single CSC COOL parameter
 CCscCondDataCollectionBaseBase class for CscCondDataCollection.
 CCscCondDataContainerContains complete set of all data from cool data base
 CCSCConditionsTestAlgMTExample class to show calling the SCT_ConditionsSummarySvc
 CCscDigitContainerUse IdentifiableContainer with CscDigitCollection
 CCscPrepDataContainerCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CCscRawDataClass to hold the electronic output for a single CSC readout channel: n sampling ADC data + the address (Identifier of strip == use hash id)
 CCscRawDataCnv_p3Transient/Persistent converter for CscRawData class
 CCscRawDataCnv_p4Transient/Persistent converter for CscRawData class
 CCscRawDataCollectionCollection of CSC Raw Hits, arranged according to CSC Detector Elements Author: Ketevi A
 CCscRawDataCollection_p3Persistent represenation of the Collection of CSC Raw Hits
 CCscRawDataCollection_p4Persistent represenation of the Collection of CSC Raw Hits
 CCscRawDataCollectionCnv_p3Transient/Persistent converter for the Collection of CSC Raw Hits,
 CCscRawDataCollectionCnv_p4Transient/Persistent converter for the Collection of CSC Raw Hits,
 CCscRawDataCollectionIdHashHash function for CSC Raw Data Collection
 CCscRawDataContainerThis container provides access to collections of CSC RDOs and a mechanism for recording them
 CCscRawDataContainerCnv_p3Transient/Persistent converter for a container of collections of CSC Raw Hits,
 CCscRawDataContainerCnv_p4Transient/Persistent converter for a container of collections of CSC Raw Hits,
 CCscROD_EncoderThis class provides conversion from CSC RDO to ROD format
 CCscSimDataCollectionCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CCSCSimHitCollectionCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CCscStripPrepDataContainerCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CCTP_DecisionLegacy data class representing the LVL1 CTP trigger decision
 CCTP_Decision_p1Persistent representation of CTP_Decision
 CCTP_Decision_p2Persistent representation of CTP_Decision
 CCTP_DecisionCnvPOOL converter for CTP_Decision
 CCTP_DecisionCnv_p1T/P converter for CTP_Decision and CTP_Decision_p1
 CCTP_DecisionCnv_p2T/P converter for CTP_Decision and CTP_Decision_p2
 CCTP_RDO_p1Persistent representation of CTP_RDO
 CCTP_RDO_p2Persistent representation of CTP_RDO
 CCTP_RDOCnvPOOL converter for CTP_RDO
 CCTP_RDOCnv_p1T/P converter for CTP_RDO_p1
 CCTP_RDOCnv_p2T/P converter for CTP_RDO_p2
 CCTPByteStreamCnvByteStream converter for the CTP_RDO object
 CCTPByteStreamToolTool doing the CTP_RDO <-> ByteStream conversion
 CCTPSrcIdMapThis class provides conversion between Lower level Source ID to higher level source ID for CTP ByteStream fragments
 CCTPUnpackingToolBaseBase class for CTP unpacking tools
 CCutBookkeepersLocalCacheHelper in-memory structure
 CCutFlowSvcThis implements the methods for ICutFlowSvc
 CCutListTemplated CutList class to contain a group of cuts
 CDataBucketWrapper inheriting from DataObject (via DataBucketBase) that takes ownership of a data object to be put in the DataStore
 CDataBucketBaseA non-templated base class for DataBucket, allows to access the transient object address as a void*
 CdatabundleA structure to contain hit data
 CDataHandleIterator over instances of a given type in StoreGateSvc. It d-casts and caches locally the pointed-at object, to speed-up subsequent accesses. It can be reset by the store for asynchronous updates (IOVSvc)
 CDataHandleBaseIterator over instances of a given type in an IProxyDict (such as StoreGateSvc). It d-casts and caches locally the pointed-at object, to speed-up subsequent accesses. It can be reset by the store for asynchronous updates (IOVSvc)
 CDataHeaderThis class provides the layout for summary information stored for data written to POOL
 CDataHeader_p3This class provides a persistent representation for the DataHeader class
 CDataHeader_p4This class provides a persistent representation for the DataHeader class
 CDataHeader_p5This class provides a persistent representation for the DataHeader class
 CDataHeader_p6This class provides a persistent representation for the DataHeader class
 CDataHeaderCnvThis class provides the converter to customize the saving of DataHeader
 CDataHeaderCnv_p3This class provides the converter to customize the saving of DataHeader_p3
 CDataHeaderCnv_p4This class provides the converter to customize the saving of DataHeader_p4
 CDataHeaderCnv_p5This class provides the converter to customize the saving of DataHeader_p5
 CDataHeaderCnv_p6This class provides the converter to customize the saving of DataHeader_p6
 CDataHeaderElementThis class provides a persistent form for the TransientAddress
 CDataHeaderElement_p3This class provides a persistent representation for the DataHeaderElement class
 CDataHeaderElement_p4This class provides a persistent representation for the DataHeaderElement class
 CDataHeaderElement_p5This class provides a persistent representation for the DataHeaderElement class
 CDataHeaderElementCnv_p3This class provides the converter to customize the saving of DataHeaderElement_p3
 CDataHeaderElementCnv_p4This class provides the converter to customize the saving of DataHeaderElement_p4
 CDataHeaderElementCnv_p5This class provides the converter to customize the saving of DataHeaderElement_p5
 CDataHeaderForm_p5This class provides storage for the constant fields of the persistent DataHeader class
 CDataHeaderForm_p6This class provides storage for the constant fields of the persistent DataHeader class
 CDataLinkObject reference supporting deferred reading from StoreGate
 CDataLink_p1Persistent representation of DataLink contains the StoreGate key of the container object to which the link is pointing
 CDataLink_p2Persistent representation of DataLink contains the StoreGate key of the container object to which the link is pointing
 CDataLinkBaseType-independent part of DataLink; holds the persistent state
 CDataLinkCnv_p1< DLINK >Converter template for converters between transient DataLink and its persistent representation. Template argument DLINK is the type of the transient DataLink
 CDataLinkCnv_p2< DLINK >Converter template for converters between transient DataLink and its persistent representation. Template argument DLINK is the type of the transient DataLink
 CDataLinkVectorThis class is a a vector of DataLink for objects of type DC It uses an internal chain to keep track of modified entries. A call to cleanup is required after processing an event or prior to process a new event. cleanup will call the clear() method of all the touched DataLink instances. The template expects the DataLink to export the DigitCollection class type (DC) and the DigitCollection identifier type
 CDataLinkVector_p1Persistent representation of DataLinkVector
 CDataLinkVector_p2Persistent representation of DataLinkVector
 CDataLinkVectorCnv_p1< DLINKVector_TYPE >Converter template for converters between transient vectors of DataLinks and their persistent representation DataLinkVector_p1. Template argument DLINKVector_TYPE is the type of the transient DataLink vector
 CDataLinkVectorCnv_p2< DLINKVector_TYPE >Converter template for converters between transient vectors of DataLinks and their persistent representation DataLinkVector_p2. Template argument DLINKVector_TYPE is the type of the transient DataLink vector
 CDataModelCompatSvcService for DataVector backwards compatibility
 CDataPoolTyped memory pool that saves time spent allocation small object. This is typically used by container such as DataVector and DataList
 CDataPreparationPipelineThis is the class for the data preparation pipeline
 CDataProxyDataProxy provides the registry services for StoreGate
 CDataVectorDerived DataVector<T>
 CDataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase >Base specialization for DataVector<T>
 CDataVectorBaseDerivation information for DataVector
 CDataVectorWithAllocDataVector using a custom allocator for the elements
 CDataWriterParametersClass containing parameters needed to initiate DataWriter
 CDbIter< T >
 CDBM_DetDiamond Beam Monitor detector builder
 CDBM_ModuleCageThe module cage is the structure forming of the three aluminium plates and rods, which support the DBM module
 CDBM_TelescopeDiamond Beam Monitor telescope builder
 CDeadMaterialCorrectionToolLocal cluster correction tool for Dead Material correction in hadronic clusters
 CDebugComboHypoToolConcrete implimentation of the ComboHypoToolBase used by the ComboHypoTool unit test. This class will report which physics objects were supplied to it, and it will pass any combination supplied where at least one physics object is supplied on each leg whose pT > 45 MeV
 CDebugViewVery simple pass-through implementation of IProxyDict
 CDecayBaseA class that allows for a fast calculation of the flavours of the descendants of a vertex, particle, or a set of particles
 CDecisionAlgCall through interface to FilteredAlgorithm
 CDecisionsSummaryMakerAlgExecutes after all chains have finished. Makes decision objects containing decision IDs per passing chain, prescaled chain, and express-prescaled chain. Writes HLTNav_Summary container
 CDecisionSvcThis implementes the methods for IDecisionSvc
 CDecodedPIDImplementation of classification functions according to PDG2022
 CDecodeVersionKeyThis is a helper class to query the version tags from GeoModelSvc and determine the appropriate tag and node to pass to RDBAccessServer
 CDecoratePhotonPointingAlgAn algorithm to decorate photons (also electrons) with pointing variables
 CDecorateVertexScoreAlgAn algorithm to decorate vertices with a score
 CDecorHandleKeyArray< T >Class to hold an array of DecorHandleKeys
 CDefaultIndexingPolicy< ActsTrk::TrackContainer >
 CDefaultIndexingPolicy< std::map< KEY, ELEM > >Set up to automatically use this indexing policy for maps
 CDefaultIndexingPolicy< std::set< KEY > >Set up to automatically use this indexing policy for sets
 CDepositInCaloClass describing the measured energy loss associated to muons on the detector level, that is per calo layer
 CDetCondCFloatDetCondCFloat is a class to hold sets of Identifiers and arrays of floats for detector element specific information Richard Hawkings, started 29/1/04 formerly DetCondFloat but renamed to DetCondCFloat to allow DetCondFloat to be a parallel virtual class with no CLASS_DEF Latter is inherited by specialised TRT conditions data classes
 CDetCondKeyTransClass to hold set of HepGeom::Transform3D keyed by string value for storage in the conditions DB typically for holding top-level transforms for GeoModel/G4. This class can be persistified (converters in DetDescrCondAthenaPool)
 CDetectorFieldManagerToolTool for setting up a volume-local magnetic field manager
 CDiLeptonMassFilterFilter on dileptons within a Z mass window
 CDiPhotonFilterFilters and looks for di-photons
 CDirectPhotonFilterFilters and looks for photons from brem or hadr proc
 CDiTauToolBaseThe base class for all tau tools
 CDoubleEventSelectorAthenaPoolThis class is the EventSelector for event data
 CDQTBackgroundMonMonitor background processes in the detector
 CdRMatchingToolTool to perform dR-based matching of tracks and truth particles
 CDsoRootLockWorkaround for ROOT TClassTable locking problem
 Cdummy_ATest nested vectors - problem seen in root3/4 transition
 Cdummy_ETest derived class that contains a list of parent classes
 CDummyDetDescrElementDummy Detector Element for testing
 CDumpEventDataToJsonAlgAlgorithm to dump some Event data to JSON
 CDumpFragsDump eformat fragments from FullEventFragment
 CDumpMCDump MC event record
 Ce1hg_SystematicsGet systematics from MG/HG layer 1 miscalibration assuming MG is correctly re-calibrated with muons
 CeFEXNtupleWriterAn Athena algorithm which creates Ntuple output of L1Calo bitwise simulation
 CeFEXOutputCollectionClass which stores the output of eFEX simulation for the use of eFEXNtupleWriter
 CeFEXRoIByteStreamToolImplementation of a tool for L1 RoI conversion from BS to xAOD and from xAOD to BS (IL1TriggerByteStreamTool interface)
 CEffectiveRToolGiordon Stark
Created: May 2015
 CEfficiencyScaleFactorUtility class to manage scale factor histograms Simple container class for scale factor information Contains histograms for Efficiency, Scale Factor and Systematic errors Handles loading from files and manages the histos The user should not have to interact with this directly!
 CeflowAzimuthEflowAzimuth represents phi and has kinematic functions which correctly deal with phi wraparound etc
 CeflowCaloThis defines the eflowCalo enum, which is used to label calorimeter layers in a simplified scheme which exludes the presamplers and combines the Tile regions
 CeflowCaloObjectAn internal EDM object which stores information about systems of associated tracks and calorimeter clusters
 CeflowCaloObjectMakerThis class creates eflowCaloObjects and adds them into the eflowCaloObjectContainer
 CeflowCellEOverPTool_mc12_HLLHCClass to store reference e/p mean and widths, as well as reference energy density radial profile fit parameters
 CeflowCellEOverPTool_Run2_mc20_JetETMissClass to store reference e/p mean and widths, as well as reference energy density radial profile fit parameters
 CeflowCellIntegrandClass to represent the 2D Gaussian integrand
 CeflowCellIntegratorClass that controls the 2D integration
 CeflowCellListConcrete class derived class from pure virtual eflowAbstractCellList
 CeflowCellPositionThis class stores the eta,phi and layer of the calorimeter cell and defines a "<" operator which can be used to order the eflowCellPosition based on eta,phi and layer
 CeflowCellSubtractionFacilitatorThis class deals with the removal of calorimeter cells from calorimeter clusters
 CeflowDatabaseStores calorimeter cell eta and phi widths, a X0 per unit length in the EM and HAD calorimeters
 CeflowDepthCalculatorThe class calculates the depth of each layer, in interaction lengths, for a given EM2 eta
 CeflowEEtaBinBaseBase class which sets up some of the infrastructure to store the e/p reference values
 CeflowEEtaBinnedParametersInherits from eflowEEtaBinBase
 CeflowFirstIntThis object holds the expected energy deposit of a track and the known width of that distribution
 CeflowFirstIntParametersExtends eflowFirstInt to include parameters of the fits to radial shower profiles
 CeflowFirstIntRegionsThis defines the J1STLAYER enum, which is used to label calorimeter layers in a simplified scheme which exludes the presamplers and combines the HEC layers
 CeflowLayerIntegratorThis class calculates the LHED (Layer of Highest Energy Density) in a cluster or group of clusters
 CeflowLookupExpLookup-table based exponential function to save CPU time, which is used by eflowCellIntegrator
 CeflowMatchClusterThis class, which inherits from the pure virtual ICluster, stores a pointer to an eflowRecCluster
 CeflowRangeBaseEflowRangeBase is an object to represent a length in eta or phi, and this is used in eflowCellIntegrator as a variable in the integrations over eta and phi
 CeflowRecClusterThis class extends the information about a xAOD::CaloCluster
 CeflowRecMatchTrackThis class, which inherits from the pure virtual ITrack, stores a pointer to an eflowRecTrack and has an interface which returns an eflowEtaPhiPosition (representing the track eta, phi coordinates in the requested calorimeter layer)
 CeflowRecTrackThis class extends the information about a xAOD::Track
 CeflowRecursiveGaussLegendreIntegratorClass to perform a generic recursive Gauss-Legendre Integration, see Templated in the type of the integrand
 CeflowRingSubtractionManagerThis stores information, a rank and ring thickness, about cell rings in an ordered way
 CeflowTrackCaloExtensionToolInherits from eflowTrackExtrapolatorBaseAlgTool and AthAlgTool
 CeflowTrackCaloPointsThis class stores a map of calorimeter layers and track parameters (the result of the track extrapolation to the calorimeter layers)
 CeflowTrackClusterLinkStores pointers to an eflowRecTrack and an eflowRecCluster
 Ceg_resolutionGet resolution for electron and photons (converted / unconverted) vs E,eta
 CEgammaClass describing an e/gamma
 CEgammaAllFexFeature extraction Tool for LVL2 Calo
 CEGammaAmbiguityToolElectron / photon ambiguity resolution. Dual-use version
 CegammaBackShapeEM cluster shower shape calculations in 3rd sampling. Calculate the width in the back layer around the eta,phi of the hottest cell in the middle layer
 CegammaCaloClusterSelectorA tool which specifies whether a cluster passes a selection
 CegammaCellRecoveryToolTool to recover cells lost because of the topocluster timing cut
 CegammaEnergyPositionAllSamplesHelpers to define the energy and position in each sampling From the original (eta,phi) position of the cluster, it finds the location (sampling, barrel/end-cap, granularity) For this we use the CaloCluster method inBarrel() and inEndcap() but also, in case close to the crack region where both boolean can be true, the energy reconstructed in the sampling
 CEgammaGapCalibrationGeneral Interface for calibrations at the LVL2 Egamma Calo Fex algo
 CEgammaHitsCalibrationGeneral Interface for calibrations at the LVL2 Egamma Calo Fex algo
 CegammaIso{Tool to estimate the hadronic energy behind the electromagnetic cluster, the
 CegammaMiddleShapeEM cluster shower shape calculations in 2nd ECAL sampling Calculate the width in the strip layer around the eta,phi of the hottest cell in the middle layer
 CegammaMVACalibToolA tool used by the egammaMVASvc to help calibrate energy for one particle type
 CegammaPreSamplerShapeEM cluster shower shape calculations in presampler of ECAL
 CegammaRecBuilderProduces egammaRec objects starting from clusters. The algorithm produces an egammaRec for each input cluster where the matched tracks and vertices are linked. These two matchings are done depending on the flags doTrackMatching and doConversions, by default true. Additionally, if doTrackMatchedView is true a view container of the egammaRecs with matched tracks is created
 CEgammaReEmEnFexFeature extraction Tool for LVL2 Calo
 CEgammaReHadEnFexFeature extraction Tool for LVL2 Calo
 CEgammaReSamp1FexFeature extraction Tool for LVL2 Calo
 CEgammaReSamp2FexFeature extraction Tool for LVL2 Calo
 CegammaStripsShapeEM cluster shower shape calculations in 1st ECAL sampling Calculate the width in the strip layer around the eta,phi of the hottest cell in the middle layer
 CegammaSuperClusterBuilderCreate supercluster under egamma (no tracking) hypothesis Useful if you want to run calo reconstuction without tracking
 CegammaSuperClusterBuilderBaseBase class for electronSuperClusterBuilder photonSuperClusterBuilder egammaSuperClusterBuilder This class cannot be instantiated by itself since the execute method is not implemented
 CegammaTopoClusterCopierSelect topo-clusters to be used in egamma reconstruction
 CEgammaTransitionRegionsGeneral Interface for calibrations at the LVL2 Egamma Calo Fex algo
 CElectronClass describing an electron
 CElectronChargeEfficiencyCorrectionToolApply the correction for the difference in electron charge mis-ID rates in MC/data
 CElectronDNNCalculatorUsed by AsgElectronSelectorTool to calculate the score of a python trained DNN using lwtnn as interface to do electron ID. Also applies a transformation to the input variables based on a QuantileTransformer
 CElectronFilterFilters and looks for electrons
 CElectronMuonTopoInfoElectronMuonTopoInfo is a class for storing information about combuned electron-muon object. It stores angular distance, invariant mass, common vertex information, and opposite charge bit
 CelectronPearShapeAlignmentCorrectionReturn a correction for deltaEta1 to account for the pear shape distortion of the calorimeter
 CElectronPhotonVariableCorrectionBaseClass to correct electron and photon MC variables
 CElectronPhotonVariableCorrectionToolTool to correct electron and photon MC variables using the ElectronPhotonVariableCorrectionBase class
 CelectronSuperClusterBuilderCreate supercluster under electron hypothesis
 CElementLinkElementLink implementation for ROOT usage
 CElementLink_p1< INDEX >Persistent representation of ElementLink - constains StoreGate key (name) of the container it is pointing to, and an index to the container element. The C++ type of index can be integer for sequences or a "key" type for sets (like std::map). (std::string is supported, define more types if necessary)
 CElementLink_p2< INDEX >Persistent representation of ElementLink - contains an index to a StoreGate key (name) of the container it is pointing to, and an index to the container element. The name index is used to look up the actual container name, which is stored elsewhere. The C++ type of element index can be integer for sequences or a "key" type for sets (like std::map). (std::string is supported, define more types if necessary)
 CElementLink_p3< INDEX >Persistent representation of ElementLink - constains a hash of the StoreGate key (name) of the container it is pointing to, and an index to the container element. The C++ type of index can be integer for sequences or a "key" type for sets (like std::map). (std::string is supported, define more types if necessary)
 CElementLinkBaseBase class for ElementLinks to vectors of pointers
 CElementLinkCnv_p1< LINK >Converter template for converters between transient ElementLink and its persistent representation. Template argument LINK is the type of the transient ElementLink. The type of the persistent link representation is automatically deducted - it can be integer index type, or string index type. More types can be added in ElementLink_p1.h
 CElementLinkCnv_p2< LINK >Converter template for converters between transient ElementLink and its persistent representation
 CElementLinkCnv_p3< LINK >Converter template for converters between transient ElementLink and its persistent representation. Template argument LINK is the type of the transient ElementLink. The type of the persistent link representation is automatically deducted - it can be integer index type, or string index type. More types can be added in ElementLink_p3.h
 CElementLinkContNames_p2< INDEX >This class is used to hold the container names for element links. It can converter container names between string names and integer indices
 CElementLinkVectorElementLinkVector implementation for standalone ROOT
 CElementLinkVector_p1< INDEX_TYPE >Persistent representation of ElementLinkVector - constains a list persistent ElementLinks in a compacted form (exactly in the same way as the transient ElementLinkVector) Different StoreGate keys (container names) all stored only once, and the list of pairs<contaner name, index> is replaced by a list of pairs<container ID, index> where the ID is an index to the list of container names The C++ type of an index in a container can be integer for sequences or a "key" type for sets (like std::map). (std::string is supported, define more types if necessary)
 CElementLinkVectorBaseBase class holding the container independent part of ElementLinkVector
 CElementLinkVectorCnv_p1< LINK_VECT >Converter template for converters between transient ElementLinkVector and its persistent representation. Template argument LINK_VECT is the type of the transient ElementLinkVector. The type of the persistent link vector representation is automatically deducted (it is based on the primiteve C++ type used by IndexingPolicy) - it can be integer index type, or string index type. More types can be added in ElementLink_p1.h
 CEMBBasicReadoutNumbersThis is a collection of numbers used to create the cell shapes
 CEMBCellA cell of the electromagnetic barrel calorimeter readout geometry This class gives dimensions and positions, and indices of an electromagnetic barrel calorimeter readout cell. Positions are in local coordinates (local to a "big piece", or in this case the EMB half barrel). Use the EMB Cells through EMB Cell Links please!!! This will free the memory used by the cell when the last link to the cell disappears
 CEMBDescriptorLAr EMB Descriptor
 CEMBDetDescrDescriptor for regions of the electromagnetic barrel calorimeter
 CEMBDetectorElementLAr EMB Detector Element
 CEMBDetectorManagerA manager class providing access to readout geometry information for the electromagnetic barrel calorimeter
 CEMBHVManagerThis class provides direct access to information on the HV electrodes within the barrels. The information may be accessed either directly or iteratively. Direct access is provided by the getHVModule() method. Iterative access is by looping over valid side, eta, phi, and sector indices to retrieve a HV module. From the high voltage modules one can obtain a list of electrodes (iteratively or directly)
 CEMBHVModuleDescribes one HV Module within the EMB
 CEMBPresamplerHVManagerThis class provides direct access to information on the HV electrodes within the barrels. The information may be accessed either directly or iteratively. Direct access is provided by the getHVModule() method. Iterative access is by looping over valid side, eta, phi, and sector indices to retrieve a HV module. From the high voltage modules one can obtain a list of electrodes (iteratively or directly)
 CEMBPresamplerHVModuleDescribes one HV Module within the EMB Presampler
 CEMBremCollectionBuilderAlgorithm which creates new brem-refitted tracks
 CEMECCellA Cell of the electromagnetic endcap calorimeter readout geometry This class represents a single EMEC Cell. These cells are specified by phi and eta boundaries, the latter which corresponds to an inner and outer radius computed from and effective focal length. Those numbers come from the database via the EMEC DetectorManager
 CEMECCellConstLinkSmart Pointer to EMEC Cells. This reference counted link allocates on demand. It audits the total pointer count and collects the garbage when nobody's looking
 CEMECDescriptorLAr EMEC Descriptor
 CEMECDetDescrDescriptor for regions of the electromagnetic endcap calorimeter
 CEMECDetectorElementLAr EMEC Detector Element
 CEMECDetectorManagerA manager class providing access to readout geometry information for the electromagnetic endcap calorimeter
 CEMECHVManagerThis class provides direct access to information on the HV electrodes within the EMEC. The information may be accessed either directly or iteratively. Direct access is provided by the getHVModule() method. Iterative access is by looping over valid side, eta, phi, and sector indices to retrieve a HV module. From the high voltage modules one can obtain a list of electrodes (iteratively or directly)
 CEMECPresamplerHVManagerThis class provides direct access to information on the HV electrodes within the EMEC. The information may be accessed either directly or iteratively. Direct access is provided by the getHVModule() method. Iterative access is by looping over valid side, eta, phi, and sector indices to retrieve a HV module. From the high voltage modules one can obtain a list of electrodes (iteratively or directly)
 CEMECPresamplerHVModuleDescribes one HV Module within the EMEc Presampler
 CEmptyCellBuilderToolBuilding Cells objects from Atlfast
 CEmTau_ROIEm/Tau RoI class for analysis
 CEmTau_ROI_p1Persistent representation of EmTau_ROI
 CEMTauROIRetrieverRetrieves ROI objects, default mode uses HLT/Offline object LVL1_ROI::emtaus_type
 CEMTauROIRetrieverRetrieves ROI objects, default mode uses HLT/Offline object LVL1_ROI::emtaus_type
 CEMVertexBuilderThis tool builds ID vertices from a given TrackParticleContainer
 CEndcapPresamplerConstructionGeoModel description of the LAr Endcap Presampler geometry
 CEndOfEventFilterAlgFilter alg passing if the chain given by the ChainName property is active (seeded and not prescaled) in a given event, and optionally if the event is accepted to at least one of the streams given by the StreamFilter property
 CEndOfEventROIConfirmerAlgEnsure that all ReadHandles for triggers running on all HLT-accepted events at the end are available. Empty collections are stored for unavailable keys
 CEnergyLossCnv_p1T/P converter for class EnergyLoss
 CEnergySum_ROIEnergy-Sum RoI class for analysis
 CEnergySum_ROI_p1Persistent representation of EnergySum_ROI
 CEnhancedBiasWeightCompAlgCompute Enhanced Bias weights for the events
 CEnhancedBiasWeighterTool to calculate data-driven rates using EnhancedBias datasets
 CEposThis code is used to get an Epos Monte Carlo event
 CERROR_you_should_use_the_CLASS_DEF_macro_to_define_CLID_and_VERSIONHelper used in order to get the clear error message for the developer
 CERROR_you_should_use_the_CLASS_DEF_macro_to_define_CLID_and_VERSION< true >
 CEstimatedBremOnTrackCnv_p1T/P converter v1 for EstimatedBremOnTrack
 CetExtra patterns decribing particle interation process
 CEtaPhiBaseBase class, with just the eta-phi limits and the overlap functionality
 CeTowerContainerContainer class for eTower
 CEvenEventsSelectorToolThis class provides an example for reading with a ISelectorTool to veto events on AttributeList
 CEventCleaningTestAlgA testing algorithm for the dual-use event cleaning tool in Athena
 CEventCleaningToolClass for selecting jets that pass cleaning cuts
 CEventContextAthenaPoolThis class provides the context to access an event from POOL persistent store
 CEventContextByteStreamThis class provides the Context for EventSelectorByteStream
 CEventContextMuonCalibStreamThis class provides the Context for EventSelectorMuonCalibStream
 CEventEtDensityData container for event Et densities
 CEventFeatureBasic container for event feature data
 CEventFeatureStoreStorable container for EventFeature objects
 CEventIDThis class provides a unique identification for each event, in terms of run/event number and/or a time stamp
 CEventInfoThis class provides general information about an event. Event information is provided by the accessors: EventID* event_ID() const; EventType* event_type() const; TriggerInfo* trigger_info() const;
 CEventInfoByteStreamAuxCnvThis is the class definition of ByteStream converter for xAOD::EventInfoAux Event Info is built from RawEvent when reading. Nothing is done when writing ByteStream
 CEventInfoByteStreamxAODCnvThis is the class definition of ByteStream converter for xAOD::EventInfo Event Info is built from RawEvent when reading. Nothing is done when writing ByteStream
 CEventInfoReaderTest Algorithm for checking TagInfoMgr and the storing of geometry and conditions tags in EventInfo
 CEventInfoWriterTest Algorithm for checking TagInfoMgr and the storing of geometry and conditions tags in EventInfo, writes extra tags
 CEventNumberFilterAlgorithmSimple algorithm used to filter events by Event Number
 CEventPropertyNtupleToolNtuple helper tool to encapsulate filling of general event properties, such as event stat, timing, trigger
 CEventSelectorAthenaPoolThis class is the EventSelector for event data
 CEventSelectorByteStreamConcrete implementation of IEvtSelector for ByteStream
 CEventShapeStoreConverterBase< EventShapeStore_p1 >
 CEventShapeStoreConverterBase< EventShapeStore_p2 >
 CEventStreamInfoThis class provides the summary information stored for data written as a Event Stream
 CEventStreamInfo_p1This class is the persistent representation of EventStreamInfo
 CEventStreamInfo_p2This class is the persistent representation of EventStreamInfo
 CEventStreamInfo_p3This class is the persistent representation of EventStreamInfo
 CEventStreamInfoCnv_p1This class provides the converter to customize the saving of EventStreamInfo_p1
 CEventStreamInfoCnv_p2This class provides the converter to customize the saving of EventStreamInfo_p2
 CEventStreamInfoCnv_p3This class provides the converter to customize the saving of EventStreamInfo_p3
 CEventTagBuilderAlgorithm to store event tag information in an attribute list object
 CEventTypeThis class represents the "type of event" where the type is given by one or more "characteristics"
 CEventViewCreatorAlgorithmUsed at the start of a sequence to create the EventViews: retrieves filtered collections via menu decision from previous step, merges them and writes out a merged collection to be consumed by HypoAlg(s). Spawns EventViews for each unique ROI associated to each Decision object in the merged output. Links the EventView and the ROI to each Decision object in the merged output
 CEvgenOTFTopUpSvcService to hold some information for topping up algorithms that are running on the fly
 CEvtBCLThe class provides the form factors for orbitally excited semileptonic decays
 CEvtBCLFFBCL Form Factors
 CEvtBGLThe class provides the form factors for orbitally excited semileptonic decays
 CEvtBGLFFThe class provides the form factors for semileptonic D and D* decays with full mass dependence
 CEvtHQET3The class provides the form factors for orbitally excited semileptonic decays
 CEvtHQET3FFThe class provides the form factors for semileptonic D & D* decays with full mass dependence
 CEvtLLSWThe class provides the decay amplitude for orbitally excited semileptonic decays
 CEvtLLSWFFThe class provides the form factors for orbitally excited semileptonic decays
 CEvtPHSPBBMixThe class provides routine to decay vector-> particle particle with B0 mixing, coherent B0B0-like mixing if any
 CEvtPHSPBMixThe class provides routine to decay vector-> particle particle with B0 mixing, handles states with only one neutral B
 CEvtYmSToYnSpipiCLEOboostRegister Decay model EvtYmSToYnSpipiCLEOboost
 CExampleClassThis class provides an example data object for AthenaPool
 CExampleHitThis class provides a dummy hit data object for AthenaPool
 CExampleHit_p0This class provides a dummy hit data object for AthenaPool
 CExampleHit_p1This class provides a dummy hit data object for AthenaPool
 CExampleHitContainerThis class provides a data vector for ExampleHit objects in AthenaPool
 CExampleHitContainer_p1This class provides a persistent state for the ExampleHitContainer class
 CExampleHitStreamer_p0This class provides an example for a ROOT streamer
 CExampleL1TriggerByteStreamToolExample implementation of a tool for L1 RoI conversion from BS to xAOD and from xAOD to BS (IL1TriggerByteStreamTool interface)
 CExampleTrackThis class provides a dummy track data object for AthenaPool
 CExampleTrack_p1This class provides a dummy hit data object for AthenaPool
 CExampleTrackContainerThis class provides a data vector for ExampleTrack objects in AthenaPool
 CExampleTrackContainer_p1This class provides a persistent state for the ExampleTrackContainer class
 CExtendTrackToLayerToolExtrapolate tracks using the calo extension tool
 CExtrapolateMuonToIPToolTool to extrapolate tracks in the muon system to the IP
 CFakeHLTWordFake HLT word for streaming (deprecated)
 CFastCaloSimParamAlgModified class for shower library generation algorithm
 CFastJetInterfaceToolWrapper for fastjet verion 2.4.4
 CFauxTriggerMapSupport class for use in AthenaPoolMultiTest event splitting.
Acts as dummy trigger information in event. FOR TESTING ONLY
 CFCAL_ChannelMapThis class contains the tube and tile maps for the FCAL
A tile is of a set of FCAL tubes
 CFCALConstructionInsert the LAr FCAL into a pre-defined mother volume
 CFCALDescriptorLAr FCAL Descriptor
 CFCALDetectorElementLAr FCAL Detector Element
 CFCALDetectorManagerA manager class providing access to readout geometry information for the forward calorimeter
 CFCALHVManagerThis class provides direct access to information on the HV electrodes within the barrels. The information may be accessed either directly or iteratively. Direct access is provided by the getHVModule() method. Iterative access is by looping over valid side, eta, phi, and sector indices to retrieve a HV module. From the high voltage modules one can obtain a list of electrodes (iteratively or directly)
 CFCALHVModuleDescribes one HV Module within the FCAL
 CFCALTileA tile of the forward calorimeter readout geometry
 CFCALTubeThis class represents an FCAL Tube. The tube has a position and it also has links to the High Voltage Lines
 CFCS_StepInfoSDCommon sensitive detector class for LAr systems
 CFillFilterValuesCopy MC gen values we filter on into the event info store
 CFillParamsCondAlgConditions algorithm to unpack fill parameters from COOL
 CFillParamsUtilUtility class to to decode data from FILLPARAMS COOL folder
 CFilter_TrackSadly need to include a root dependency, but no matter - the TIDA::Track class itself inherets from TObject already, so perhaps the boat has sailed on that concern long ago
 CFilter_TrueDefault simple filter which accepts all tracks
 CFilteredAlgorithmAlgorithm that marks for write data objects in SG
 CFilteringConsumes multiple decision inputs and filters those that are labelled with the required decision IDs
 CFilterRangeFilterRange implements the range (ie: [min, max]) the filters will use to take their filtering decisions
 CFilterReporterGuard class for use with ref FilterReporterParams
 CFilterReporterParamsHandle for applying algorithm filter decisions
 CFindDuplicatedLArDigitsThis algrithm produces a column-wise NTuple out of raw data
 CFineTimeErrorCodeFineTimeErrorCode class for L1Calo error codes
 CFixHepMCA "fix-up" algorithm to correct weird event records
 CFixLArElecCalibFix electronic calibration constants for MC
 CFixLArElecSCCalibFix electronic calibration constants for SC
 CFloatArrayStoreClass FloatArrayStore Access and manipulate an indexed storage of float vectors
 CFlukaHaloGeneratorA class to provide conversion from a FLUKA format ASCII input record into HepMC format, with or without sampling
 CFlukaParticleA class to describe a FLUKA particle read from an input ASCII file
 CFolderInfoStruct to hold CLID <-> folder name mapping
 CFolderUpdateFolder update entry
 CForwardProtonFilterDescription: Filter based on kinematics of forward proton
 CFourLeptonMassFilterFilter on two dilepton-pairs with two mass windows (by default >60GeV and >12GeV)
 CFPEControlSvcService to enable or disable floating-point exceptions
 CFPGADataFormatAlgTesting alogrithms for RDO to FPGA data converted
 CFPGATrackSimOverlapRemovalToolRemove (mark) duplicate tracks This tool takes FPGATrackSimTrack as input and mark their status of passing/failing the overlap removal criteria
 CFPGATrackSimSGToRawHitsToolExtract the raw hists from info in SG
 CFullEventAssemblerTemplate class for assembling a full atlas raw event from subfragments
 CFullEventAssemblerBaseBase class for assembling a full atlas raw event from subfragments
 CG4AtlasActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CG4AtlasAlgPrimary Athena algorithm for ATLAS simulation
 CG4AtlasRunManagerATLAS custom singleton run manager
 CG4CaloTransportToolA tool which transports particles through the Geant4 geometry
 CG4ThreadInitToolA tool which sets up the worker-thread-local workspace for Geant4
 CGen_HEPEVTC++ access to the Fortran HEPEVT common block
 CGenAnalysisBase class for evgen-level analyses
 CGenBaseBase class for common behaviour of MC truth algorithms
 CGenerateELinkIndexType_p1< int >
 CGenerateELinkIndexType_p1< std::string >
 CGenerateELinkIndexType_p1< uint32_t >
 CGenerateELinkIndexType_p1< uint64_t >
 CGenerateELinkIndexType_p2< int >
 CGenerateELinkIndexType_p2< std::string >
 CGenerateELinkIndexType_p2< uint32_t >
 CGenerateELinkIndexType_p2< uint64_t >
 CGenerateELinkIndexType_p3< int >
 CGenerateELinkIndexType_p3< std::string >
 CGenerateELinkIndexType_p3< uint32_t >
 CGenerateELinkIndexType_p3< uint64_t >
 CGeneratePersNavigableType< NAV, NavigationDefaults::DefaultWeight >
 CGeneratePersNavigableType_p2< NAV, NavigationDefaults::DefaultWeight >
 CGeneratePersNavVectorType< NAV, NavigationDefaults::DefaultWeight >
 CGeneratePersNavVectorType_p2< NAV, NavigationDefaults::DefaultWeight >
 CGeneratorsThis code is used to get a HIJING Monte Carlo event. genInitialize() is used to read parameters callGenerator() makes the event genFinalize() writes log files etc fillEvt(GeneratorEvent* evt) passes the event to HepMC
 Cgeneric_listHolds temporary values for multiple options
 Cgeneric_valueGeneric value variable
 CGenericMuonSimHitCollectionCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CGenericResultInterface class for all HLT, CALIB, MONITORING results The class define the interface between PSC (PESA steering controllers) at Lvl2 and EF used to retrieve the information for processing in the Athena to be put in the (even or detector fragment) headers
 CGenFilterBase class for event generator filtering modules
 Cgengetopt_args_infoWhere the command line options are stored
 CGenModuleBase class for common behaviour of generator interfaces
 CGeo2G4BuilderMain builder to create/position all volumes described in a GeoModel Tree
 CGeoAlignmentStoreEnsure that the extensions for the Vector3D are properly loaded
 CGeoCaloCalibHitAdaptor for CaloCalibHits
 CGeoDBUtilsEnsure that the extensions for the Vector3D are properly loaded
 CGeoGetIdsVisitor to traverse a GeoModel graph and make a callback for each identifier found
 CGeoGetIdsActionCallback object calling a templated functional
 CGeoOpticalPhysVolEnsure that the extensions for the Vector3D are properly loaded
 CGeoOpticalSurfaceEnsure that the extensions for the Vector3D are properly loaded
 CGeoStraightAccSectionRecord of All Electrode Straight Pieces
 CGeoVisitVolumesVisitor to process all volumes under a GeoModel node
 CGeoVisitVolumesActionCallback object calling a templated functional
 CGeoVisitVolumesNoXformActionCallback object calling a templated functional
 CGeoVPixelFactoryThis is the base class for all the pieces of the Pixel detector
 Cget_MaterialResolutionEffectGet resolution systematics from material effect (mc12c setup, MVA calibration)
 Cget_result< oldresult, newresult, false >
 Cget_result< oldresult, newresult, true >
 CgetCLID< T, false >
 CgetCLID< T, true >
 CGetLCClassificationTop algorithm to generate classification histograms for Local Hadron Calibration
 CGetLCDeadMaterialTop algorithm to final processing of dead material tree and producing of dead material constants
 CGetLCDeadMaterialTreeTreeTop algorithm to generate special dead material tree for Local Hadron Calibration
 CGetLCOutOfClusterTop algorithm to generate OutOfCluster histograms for Local Hadron Calibration
 CGetLCSinglePionsPerfTop algorithm to get local hadronic calibration performance plots for single pions
 CGetLCWeightsTop algorithm to generate Weight histograms for Local Hadron Calibration
 CgFexInputByteStreamToolImplementation of a tool for L1 input data conversion from BS to xAOD and from xAOD to BS (IL1TriggerByteStreamTool interface)
 CgFEXRoIByteStreamToolImplementation of a tool for L1 RoI conversion from BS to xAOD and from xAOD to BS (IL1TriggerByteStreamTool interface)
 CGlobalChi2AlignToolBased on SiGlobalChi2Algs and TRT_AlignAlgs.
AlgTool used to calculate and store first- and second-derivatives for global chi2 alignment of any set of detector modules defined using AlignModule. Also provides methods for solving for the final alignment parameters
 CGlobalFieldManagerToolTool for setting up a detector-global magnetic field manager
 CGlobalNNCalibrationTool to provide the global NN calibration for jets
 CGoodRunsListSelectionToolTool implementing the GRL selection
 CGoodRunsListSelectorToolThis file contains the class definition for the GoodRunsListSelectorTool class
 CGPUClusterInfoAndMomentsCalculatorStandard tool to calculate cluster info (energy, transverse energy, pseudo-rapidity and azimuthal angle)
 CGPUToAthenaImporterWithMomentsTool to convert the GPU data representation back to CPU, with selected moments too
 CGRLSelectorAlgAuthor: will buttinger To use this alg in your joboptions: masterseq = CfgMgr.AthSequencer("AthMasterSeq") ToolSvc += CfgMgr.GoodRunsListSelectionTool("myGRLTool",GoodRunsListVec=["my.grl.xml"]) masterseq += CfgMgr.GRLSelectorAlg(Tool=ToolSvc.myGRLTool)
 CGTower_IDHelper class for jTower offline identifiers
 CGuidThis class provides a encapsulation of a GUID/UUID/CLSID/IID data structure (128 bit number)
 ChAdd on demand proxies to the address registry (SG)
 ChDetCondFloat is a class to hold sets of Identifiers and arrays of floats for detector element specific information Richard Hawkings, started 29/1/04
 ChA "zone" inside the field map Expands BFieldMesh<short> adding an id and a vector of current conductors
 CHandleKeyArray< T >Class to hold an array of HandleKeys
 CHECCellA cell of the hadronic endcap calorimeter readout geometry
 CHECDescriptorLAr HEC Descriptor
 CHECDetDescrDescriptor for regions of the hadronic endcap calorimeter
 CHECDetectorElementLAr HEC Detector Element
 CHECDetectorManagerA manager class providing access to readout geometry information for the hadronic endcap calorimeter
 CHECDetectorRegionDescription of a region of homogenous granularity in the hadronic endcap calorimeter
 CHECHVManagerThis class provides direct access to information on the HV electrodes within the barrels. The information may be accessed either directly or iteratively. Direct access is provided by the getHVModule() method. Iterative access is by looping over valid side, eta, phi, and sector indices to retrieve a HV module. From the high voltage modules one can obtain a list of electrodes (iteratively or directly)
 CHECHVModuleDescribes one HV Module within the HEC
 CHECRadialSegmentDescription of a radial segment of a HEC module
 CHepMcParticleLinkLink optimized in size for a GenParticle in a McEventCollection
 CHepMCTruthReaderAlgorithm demonstrating reading of HepMC truth, and printing to screen
 CHepMCWeightSvcService to read/write HepMC's WeightContainer key names from/to IOVMetaDataContainers author: will buttinger , NLAA
 CHerwig7Interface to athena
 CHerwig7APIInterface to the Herwig7 API
 CHGTD_ClusterContainerCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CHGTD_DetectorToolHGTD_DetectorTool is a standard GeoModel tool, which calls HGTD_DetectorFactory::create(), stores HGTD_DetectorManager to the Detector Store and also registers a callback function align() which applies misalignments on top of the 'regular' geometry
 CHGTD_GeoModelAthenaCompsClass to hold various Athena components
 CHGTD_IDDetDescrCnvThis class is a converter for the HGTD_ID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store
 CHIClusterMakerAlgorithm to build HI-style clusters, which are essentially towers. Cluster energy is sum of cell energies x geometric weights eta/phi are (energy x geometric weight)-averaged positions. eta0/phi0 are original tower coordinates. If cluster energy is below m_E_min_mom ent, eta=eta0, phi=phi0
 CHIClusterSubtractionAlgorithm that applies background subtraction to clusters. The subtraction needs to be handled separately from the making. The unsubtracted clusters are inputs into the jet finding which in turn defines the background (HIEventShapeContainer)
 CHijCrdnClass definition for HijCrdn, which is used to modify the Hijing HIJCRDN common
 CHIJetCellSubtractorToolConcrete implementation of HIJetSubtractorToolBase. Class used by HIClusterSubtraction and HIJetConstituentSubtractionTool to provide kinematics of a cluster after subtraction given an event shape. This version of the tool navigates back to the cells
 CHIJetClusterIndexAssociationToolJetModifier that associates HIClusters w/ a jet. Necessary because you may want to know all clusters w/in DR < X rather than just the clusters that are constituents of the jet. Since HI-style clusters derive from towers they have a well-defined index For each jet, this tool associates a set of clusters from a pre-determined indexing
 CHIJetClusterSubtractorToolConcrete implementation of HIJetSubtractorToolBase. Class used by HIClusterSubtraction and HIJetConstituentSubtractionTool to provide kinematics of a cluster after subtraction given an event shape. This version of the tool does not use the cell information and thus should be faster than HIJetCellSubtractorTool
 CHIJetConstituentSubtractionToolJetModifier that actual does the background subtraction. This tool is the most important one applied to HI jets!
 CHIJetDiscriminatorToolJetModifier that filters collection based on values of moments MaxConstituentET and MaxOverMean set by HIJetMaxOverMeanTool. Only jets w/ values of these moments larger than m_MaxOverMean_cut and m_ET_min_cut respectively are kept. values of these selection cuts are controlled by declareProperty w/ names MinimumETMaxCut and MaxOverMeanCut respectively
 CHIJetDRAssociationToolJetModifier that stores links to IParticles w/in DR of a jet. In HIJetRec this association is needed to determine which clusters t.o exclude from the HIEventShape recalculation on the basis of some seed jets May not want to only use constituents of seed jets, e.g. R=0.2 jets as seeds but want to exclude DR=0.6 around jet position, track jets, etc
 CHIJetMaxOverMeanToolJetModifier that calculates moments in HI subtraction bootstrap. The ET of each jet constituent (HI clusters) is considered The maximum ET and maximum / mean are calculated from this set of values and stored as moments MaxConstituentET and MaxOverMean, respectively
 CHIJetSignificanceToolModified by R.Longo on May 2020 to include new treatment for JetDecorations
 CHIJetSubtractorToolBaseAbstract base for JetModifiers applying constituent based subtraction
 CHijJet1Class definition for HijJet1, which is used to modify the Hijing HIJJET1 common
 CHijJet2Class definition for HijJet2, which is used to modify the Hijing HIJJET2 common
 CHijJet4Class definition for HijJet4, which is used to modify the Hijing HIJJET4 common
 CHiMain1Class definition for HiMain1, which is used to modify the Hijing HIMAIN1 common
 CHiMain2Class definition for HiMain2, which is used to modify the Hijing HIMAIN2 common
 CHiParntClass definition for HiParnt, which is used to modify the Hijing HIPARNT common
 CHistDetailsDetails of the histogram axes etc
 CHistHandlerUtility class to avoid having to determine the input histo at every single call to the tool Remembers the type and axis binning of a histogram and provides a common interface independent of these details
 CHiStrngClass definition for HiStrng, which is used to modify the Hijing HISTRNG common
 CHitsToxAODCopierAlgorithm to copy RDO hits into xAOD writable format
 CHiveEventSlotA structure created by HiveMgrSvc and used by SGHiveStoreSvc to forward the StoreGateSvc method to a thread-specific SGImplSvc
 CHiveMgrSvcA service that manages a multi-event collection of StoreGateSvc It implements the IHiveWhiteBoard interface
 CHllgamRepeatTimeShowerTool that will repeatedly perform time showering on the intial photons from a Higgs decay until at least one is offshell
 CHLTCaloCellMakerNAME: HLTCaloCellMaker.h PACKAGE: Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCommon
 CHLTCaloCellSumMakerNAME: HLTCaloCellSumMaker.h PACKAGE: Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCommon
 CHLTEDMCreatorTool capable of creating collections missing (early rejection) after HLT processing. It declares output handles for all possible collections produced by the trigger
 CHLTEDMCreatorAlgAlgorithm calling the HLTEDMCreator
 CHltEventLoopMgrAthenaMT event loop manager for running HLT online
 CHLTHeavyIonMonAlgMonitoring algorithms for HLT_mb_*_hi_* chains
 CHLTResultMTByteStreamDecoderAlgAlgorithm creating HLTResultMT from ByteStream representation
 CHLTResultMTByteStreamDecoderToolTool filling an HLTResultMT from ByteStream event data
 CHLTResultMTMakerTool to create the HLTResultMT at the end of each event
 CHLTResultMTMakerAlgSimply calls the result maker tool to create HLTResultMT. The algorithm is meant to be used only offline. Online, the result maker is called directly by the event loop manager
 CHLTResultMTMakerToolBase class for AlgTools filling information in an HLTResultMT object
 CHltROBDataProviderSvcROBDataProvider service for retrieving and serving ROB data in HLT online
 CHLTSeedingCollects information from CTP bits and LVL1 RoIs, activates HLT chains and creates seeding RoIs
 CHLTSeedingNoCtpForTestingSimplified version of HLTSeeding with minimal dependencies to use in testing
 CHypoBaseHypothesis algorithms take the output of reco algorithms and the decision from the preceeding InputMaker, to produce a new decision. This is a base class for HLT Hypos to reduce boilerplate and enforce the common naming scheme for decision handle keys. Derived classes will have to add specific reco data read & write keys to suit their purpose
 CIAddressProviderInterface for IOA providers
 CIAFP_GenericPixelToolBase class for all pixel identifier tool
 CIAFP_GlobRecoToolInterface for AFP tools that reconstruct protons from tracks
 CIAFP_ProtonRecoToolInterface for proton reconstruction tool
 CIAFP_Raw2DigiToolInterface for AFP tool that translates RawData to xAOD::AFPSiHits
 CIAFP_SIDLocRecoToolInterface for AFP tools that reconstruct tracks from silicon detector hits
 CIAFP_TimeRecoToolInterface for proton reconstruction tool
 CIAFP_VertexRecoToolInterface for AFP tools that reconstruct vertices from protons
 CIAFPSiClusterAlgToolInterface for tools with algorithms that clusters silicon pixel hits
 CIAFPSiClusterToolInterface for AFP tools that create silicon pixel hits clusters
 CIAFPSiDLocRecoTrackAlgToolInterface for AFP tools that reconstruct tracks from silicon detector hits
 CIAFPSiRowColToLocalCSToolInterface for tools that translate pixels columns and rows to local position in station and saves output in xAOD format
 CIAFPTDLocRecoToolInterface for AFP tools that reconstruct tracks from time of flight detector hits
 CIAFPTDLocRecoTrackAlgToolInterface for AFP tools that reconstruct tracks from time of fight detector hits
 CIAlignResidualCalculatorInterface for tool used to calculate residuals
 CIAlignToolInterface for tool used to accumulate information for each track, and then to solve for the final alignment parameters
 CIAlignTrackCreatorInterface for tool used to create an AlignTrack
 CIAlignTrackDresserInterface for tool used to dress an AlignTrack with derivatives and other quantities needed for alignment
 CIAlignTrackPreProcessorGeneric interface for alignment algtools which process a track collection and return a collection of AlignTracks (e.g. refits, with or without vertexing, track selection ...)
 CIAsgEGammaIsEMSelectorInterface to tool to select photons
 CIAsgElectronChargeIDSelectorToolInterface to tool for ChargeID
 CIAsgElectronIsEMSelectorInterface to tool to select electrons
 CIAsgElectronLikelihoodToolInterface to tool to select electrons
 CIAsgForwardElectronIsEMSelectorInterface to tool to select electrons
 CIAsgPhotonIsEMSelectorInterface to tool to select photons
 CIAthenaEvtLoopPreSelectToolThis class provides the interface for AthenaEvtLoopPreSelectTool classes used by AthenaEventLoopMgr
 CIAthenaOutputStreamToolThis is a tool that allows streaming out of DataObjects. This has been factorized out from AthenaOutputStream to allow output streaming to occur from anywhere, for example from the finalized method of an algorithm
 CIAthenaOutputToolThis class provides the interface for AthenaOutputTool classes used by AthenaOutputStream
 CIAthenaPoolCleanUpThis class provides the interface for the AthenaPoolCleanUp which is used to clean up AthenaPoolConverter
 CIAthenaPoolCleanUpSvcThis class provides the interface for the IAthenaPoolCleanUpSvc which is used to clean up AthenaPoolConverter
 CIAthenaPoolCnvSvcThis class provides the interface between Athena and PoolSvc
 CIAthenaPoolTestCollectionInterface class for AthenaPoolTest i/o tests with DataVector
 CIAthenaPoolTestDataInterface class for AthenaPoolTest i/o tests
 CIAthenaRootCnvSvcThis class provides the interface between Athena and RootSvc
 CIAthenaRootStreamerSvcGaudi style interface to Athena ROOT streamer service
 CIAthenaSelectorToolThis class provides the interface for AthenaSelectorTool classes used by AthenaEventSelector
 CIAthenaSummarySvcAbstract produces summary of Athena stuff
 CIAthMetaDataSvcThis class provides the interface for MetaDataSvc
 CIAthRNGSvcManage multiple RandomEngines in thread-safe way
 CIAthSelectionToolIAthSelectionTool is a virtual baseclass for selection methods
 CIAtRndmGenSvcManage multiple CLHEP random engines as named streams
 CIBJetCorrectionToolClass IBJetCorrectionTool
 CIBkgStreamsCacheInterface to in-memory cache for pileup events
 CIBTaggingEfficiencyJsonToolClass IBTaggingEfficiencyJsonTool
 CIBTaggingSelectionJsonToolClass IBTaggingSelectionJsonTool
 CIByteStreamCnvSvcInterface for bytestream conversion services
 CIByteStreamEventAccessInterface for accessing raw data
 CIByteStreamInputSvcThis class provides the interface to services to read bytestream data. The concrete class can provide Raw event from a file, transient store, or through network
 CIByteStreamOutputSvcThis class provides the interface to services to write bytestream data. The concrete class can provide RAW event to a file, transient store, or through network
 CICaloCalibClusterTruthAttributerToolInterface class tools calculating calibration hit truth information
 CICaloClusterGPUConstantTransformerBase class for tools that convert constant information to the GPU-friendly format used in CaloGPUHybridClusterProcessor
 CICaloClusterGPUInputTransformerBase class for tools that convert event information from the Athena structures to the GPU-friendly format used in CaloGPUHybridClusterProcessor
 CICaloClusterGPUOutputTransformerBase class for tools that convert event information from the GPU-friendly format used in CaloGPUHybridClusterProcessor to the Athena structures
 CICaloClusterGPUPlotterBase class for tools that can be used to plot events within CaloGPUHybridClusterProcessor
 CICaloConstCellMakerToolOperate on pointers to const CaloCell
 CICaloCoordinateToolThis (clean) interface is implemented in the (rather dirty) ICaloCoordinateTool class, which depends on data-bases and H8 CTB specificities
 CICaloEstimatedGainToolEstimate gain used to read out a certain energy
 CICaloRecoMaterialToolThis (clean) interface is driven by 2 constraints :
 CICaloRingerElectronsReaderInterface for tool CaloRingerElectronsReader
 CICaloRingerInputReaderBase Interface for CaloRinger particle reading
 CICaloRingerPhotonsReaderInterface for tool CaloRingerPhotonsReader
 CICaloRingsBuilderInterface for tool CaloRingsBuilder
 CICaloSimpleGeomToolT his (clean) interface is driven by 2 constraints :
 CICaloSuperCellIDToolInterface for tool to map between calorimeter cells and supercells
 CICaloSurfaceBuilderInterface to CaloSurfaceBuilder
 CIClusterCellWeightToolInterface class for tools weighting cells in CaloCluster objects
 CIClusterClassificationToolInterface class for tools classifying CaloCluster objects
 CIClusterFilterToolInterface for extending Particles with calo intersections
 CICollectionSizeAbstract interface for finding the size of an event collection
 CICoreDumpSvcInterface of a core dump service
 CICPJetCorrectionToolClass ICPJetCorrectionTool
 CICTPUnpackingToolInterface for CTP unpacking tools
 CICutFlowSvcThis class provides an interface between event filtering algorithms and athena input/output streams,
 CIDataShareAbstract interface for sharing data
 CIDCalibHypoAlgImplements Hypo selection on IDCalib stream trigger
 CIDCalibHypoToolGenerate the decision for IDCalib stream trigger
 CIDCInDetBSErrContainerIDC like storage for BS errors, TODO, customise implementation further so that we store int rather than int*
 CIdContextThis class saves the "context" of an expanded identifier (ExpandedIdentifier) for compact or hash versions (Identifier32 or IdentifierHash). This context is composed of
 CIdDictDetDescrCnvConverter for the DetDescrCnvSvc which parses the identifier xml dictionaries and creates an IdDictManager in the DetectorStore. This is used by the IdHelpers to initialize themselves
 CIdDictFieldImplementationIdDictFieldImplementation is used to capture the specification of a single field of an Identifier
 CIdDictManagerIdDictManager is the interface to identifier dictionaries
 CIDecisionCollectorTools that collect decisions
 CIDecisionSvcThis class defines a protocol to register boolean decisions and
 CIdentContIndexIdentifiable container index to a contained object
 CIdentifiableThis class provides an abstract interface to an Identifiable object
 CIdentifiableValueCacheThis class is to provide an event wide MT container for concurrent storing of basic types, like ints This is a version of the identifiable container optimized for basic types The cache is designed for event level storage and concurrent writing
 CIdentifierFieldThis is the individual specification for the range of one ExpandedIdentifier IdentifierField
 CIdentifierHashThis is a "hash" representation of an Identifier. This encodes a 32 bit index which can be used to look-up "Identifiable"s stored in a simple vector. It is intended to be a continuous hash, i.e. it runs from 0 to N-1, where there are N different possible values for an Identifier(32) within a specific context. IdentifierHashes are created by default in an invalid state which can be checked with "is_valid" method. This allows some error checking
 CIdentifierHashCalc< T >
 CIdentifierHashTable< T >
 CIdentifierToHashThe IdentifierToHash table
 CIDerivCalcToolInterface for tool used to select tracks, to determine detectors (ID or MS) for which to perform alignment, and to calculate first and second derivatives of track chi2 with respect to track and alignment parameters.
 CIdHashTableHelperHelper base class for instantiation of templated class IdentifierHashTable
 CIdHelperThis is an abstract base class for helper classes that know how to convert Identifier <-> IdentifierHash objects
 CIEFlowCellEOverPToolPure virtual base class, from which concrete classes inherit and define reference e/p mean and widths, as well as reference energy density radial profile fit parameters
 CIEFTrackingFPGADataFormatToolAbstrct interface class for EFTrackingFPGADataFromatTool
 CIEFTrackingIntegrationToolAbstrct interface class for EFTrackingFPGAIntergration
 CIEgammaCalibrationGeneral Interface for calibrations at the LVL2 Egamma Calo Fex algo
 CIegammaCaloClusterSelectorUsed to select clusters for seeding
 CIegammaCellRecoveryToolInterface for the Reconstruction/egamma/egammaCaloTools/egammaCellRecoveryTool
 CIegammaIsoInterface for the Reconstruction/egamma/egammaCaloTools/egammaIso
 CIegammaMVACalibToolA tool used by the egammaMVASvc to help manage the MVAs
 CIElectronLRTOverlapRemovalToolInterface class. Abstract interface class. Provides the user interface for the ElectronLRTOverlapRemovalTool class
 CIEnhancedBiasWeighterDefine interface of EnhancedBias weighting class
 CIEventSeekAbstract interface for seeking within an event stream
 CIEventShareAbstract interface for sharing within an event stream
 CIEvgenOTFTopUpSvcIService to hold some information for topping up algorithms that are running on the fly
 CIEvtSelectorSeekAbstract interface for seeking for an event selector
 CIFastJetInterfaceToolGeneral tool configuring fastjet functionality
 CIFastSimDedicatedSDThis is the interface for the fast simulation dedicated sensitive detector
 CIFillNtupleToolInterface for tool used to fill an ntuple with useful information for debugging, etc. Implementation is detector-specific and does not have to be implemented if not needed
 CIFilterIFilter is the main interface to the filters
 CIFilterCutsIFilterCuts is a class which is used internally
by the filters to copy their cut properties one to another (via the IFilterCuts::setFilter(ifilter) method)
 CIForwardParentThinningToolInterface class for tools that thin low-level objects based on a selection on associated high-level objects
 CIFPGATrackSimInputToolInterface of tools responsible for generation of the FPGATrackSim sim wrapper files
 CIFPGATrackSimRoadFilterToolA road filter returns a vector of roads given a vector of roads
 CIFPGATrackSimRoadFinderToolA road finder returns a vector of roads given a vector of hits
 CIFPGATrackSimTrackExtensionToolA track extension tool takes tracks and hits, and returns a NEW set of roads
 CIGeoGetIdsActionEnsure that the extensions for the Vector3D are properly loaded
 CIGeometryManagerToolInterface for tool used to build the AlignModules to be used for alignment. The implementation is specific to a detector type
 CIGeoVisitVolumesActionDefine a simple callback for each volume found
 CIGeoVisitVolumesNoXformActionDefine a simple callback for each volume found, without keeping track of geometrical transforms
 CIGoodRunsListSelectionToolMain tools implementing this interface: GoodRunsListSelectionTool (source code: DataQuality/GoodRunsLists)
 CIGPUKernelSizeOptimizerInterface for GPU kernel size optimization (allowing adjustment of kernel sizes to the properties of the available device)
 CIGPUKernelSizeOptimizerSvcActual Athena inteface for the IGPUKernelSizeOptimizer
 CIHepMCWeightSvcIService to read/write HepMC's WeightContainer key names from/to IOVMetaDataContainers author: will buttinger , NLAA
 CIHistogramDefinitionSvcInterface class to get the histogram definition for a named histogram in a given directory
 CIHISubtractorToolAbstract interface for tools that implement constituent based subtraction
 CIHIUEModulatorToolAbstract interface for tools that can provide UE modulation given an HIEventShape
 CIHiveStoreInterface that provides access to the current hive store
 CIHiveStoreMgrInterface through which HiveWB control StoreGate instances
 CIHLTOutputToolIHLTOutputTool implementations help in creation HLT output (EDM gaps filling, BS creation, Views merging, etc.)
 CIHybridProcessorHelperHelper interface for implementing hybrid MP+MT. Used by the Hybrid Shared Event Queue Consumer MP tool
 CIInDetSecVtxTruthMatchToolClass for vertex truth matching
 CIInDetServMatBuilderToolTool for building services in SLHC geometry
 CIInDetVertexTruthMatchToolClass for vertex truth matching
 CIIOVDbMetaDataToolThis is an interface to a tool used to manage the IOV Meta Data for a given object in the MetaData Store
 CIIOVDbSvcAbstract interface to IOVDbSvc to access IOVRange and tag information
 CIIOVRegistrationSvcThis is an interface to a service used to register conditions objects in the Interval of Validity (IOV) database
 CIIOVSvcAbstract interface for IOVSvc. This is used (usually via StoreGateSvc regFcn and regHandle methods) to setup access to time-varying data, such as calibration. See for details
 CIItemListSvcThis class defines a protocol to register boolean decisions and
 CIITkStripsRawContByteStreamToolInterface for Athena Algorithm Tool to provide conversion from ITk Strips RDO container to ByteStream
 CIITkStripsRodEncoderInterface for Athena Algorithm Tool to convert from Strips RDO to ROD format BysteStream
 CIJacobianManagerToolInterface for tool used to calculate Jacobian terms. Not yet implemented
 CIJetBuildToolIJetBuildTool is a dual-use tool interface for a tool that builds a jet collection
 CIJetCalibrationToolClass IJetCalibrationTool
 CIJetCalibToolThis interface is superseding the old version, IJetCalibrationTool
 CIJetDecoratorInterface for adding a decoration to a jet container
 CIJetEventSelectorIJetEventSelector is a dual-use tool interface for a tool that selects a jet based on EventInfo selections (e.g
 CIJetExecuteToolIJetExecuteTool is a dual-use tool interface for generic tools, i.e. those that behave like algorithms
 CIJetFromPseudojetIJetFromPseudojet is a dual-use tool interface for a tool that constructs a new ATLAS jet from a fastjet pseudojet
 CIJetModifierIJetModifier is a dual-use tool interface for a tool that modifies a jet collection
 CIJetSelectorIJetSelector is a dual-use tool interface for a tool that selects a jet
 CIJobIDSvcInterface to JobIDSvc
 CIL1TriggerByteStreamToolInterface for AlgTools converting ByteStream to xAOD RoI objects and vice versa
 CILArAutoCorrThis class defines the interface for accessing AutoCorrelation parameters for each channel @stereotype Interface
 CILArFEBTempToolInterface for Tool to provide FEB TEMP DCS information
 CILArHVPathologyDBToolInterface for Tool which transforms LArHVPathologiesDb into AttributeLists and vice versa
 CILockableInterface to allow an object to lock itself when made const in SG
 CILockableToolProvide an interface for locking and unlocking a tool externally
 CILumiBlockMuToolProvides interface for LumiBlockMuTool
 CIMatrixToolInterface for tool used to manipulate matrix and vector entries and to solve for alignment parameters
 CIMetaDataToolThis class provides the interface for MetaDataTools
 CImpactInCaloThe ImpactInCalo collection is created by the TrackToCaloAlg algorithm, which loops on all Tracks of a given collection and extrapolates them to the LAr presampler (_0), strips (_1), middle (_2), back (_3) and to the Tiles
 CImplementationUses property of this tool to configure the prescaling
 CIMuonEfficiencyScaleFactorsInterface class. Abstract interface class. Provides the user interface for the MuonEfficiencyScaleFactors class
 CIMuonEFTrackIsolationToolInterface for EF muon track isolation tools
 CIMuonIdCutToolThe IMuonIdCutTool is a virtual interface for a practice tool which will cut on an muon ID
 CIMuonInJetCorrectionToolClass IMuonInJetCorrectionTool
 CIMuonLRTOverlapRemovalToolInterface class. Abstract interface class. Provides the user interface for the MuonLRTOverlapRemovalTool class
 CINav4MomLinkContainerCnvDefinition of the athena pool converter for INav4MomLinkContainer
 CInDetPRD provider for the Inner detector needed, to optimize search for IdContext
 CInDetAlignHitQualSelToolThe InDetAlignHitQualSelTool is to select good quality hits for alignment to build residuals with possible cuts on outlier hits, hits which are too large clusters, hits with large incidence angles, etc
 CInDetAlignModuleToolTool derived from AlignModuleTool which implements the method for returning a sub-TrkDetElementBase structure identifier Hash. This is only needed for TRT where the structure is a single straw
 CInDetAlignOverlapToolThe InDetAlignOverlapTool is to select good quality tracks for alignment to build residuals with possible cuts on overlap hits, overlaps in SCT and PIXELs (in Phi and Eta)
 CInDetAlignTrackSelToolThe InDetAlignTrackSelTool serves to select high quality tracks for the inner detector (Pixel+SCT) alignment algorithms. This AlgTool provides a track selection based on the following cut variables: Momentum, pt, number of shared hits, number of holes and chi2 probability. Returns 0 in case a track is not accepted, otherwise 1
 CInDetBasicPlotClass holding Pt plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods
 CInDetDetailedTrackSelectorToolTrackSelector for general use
 CInDetGeometryManagerToolTool for setting up Inner Detector alignment geometry
 CInDetIsoTrackSelectorToolA tool to be used for track preselection in isolation, the given AtaLine is the transported lepton to the BeamLine tracks can be checkec w.r.t to it
 CInDetPerfNtupleThis class is a base class for the actual ntuples used when writing IDPVM ntuples
 CInDetPerfNtupleBranchThis defines a helper class used for writing output ntuples in IDPVM
 CInDetPerfNtupleBranch< std::vector< branchType > >
 CInDetPerfPlot_EfficiencyClass holding Pt plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods
 CInDetPerfPlot_FakeRateClass holding Pt plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods
 CInDetPerfPlot_HitEfficiencyClass holding res plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods
 CInDetPerfPlot_HitResidualClass holding res plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods
 CInDetPerfPlot_HitsClass holding Pt plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods
 CInDetPerfPlot_nTracksClass to hold various counters used in RTT code
 CInDetPerfPlot_ResolutionClass holding res plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods
 CInDetPerfPlot_TrackParametersClass holding Pt plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods
 CInDetPerfPlot_TRTExtensionClass holding Pt plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods
 CInDetPerfPlot_VertexClass holding general plots for xAOD::Vertex
 CInDetPerfPlot_VertexTruthMatchingClass holding plots for truth matched vertices
 CInDetPerfPlot_VerticesVsMuClass holding general plots for xAOD::Vertex
 CInDetPhysValMonitoringToolTool to book and fill inner detector histograms for physics validation
 CInDetPlotBaseMixin class to give extra capabilities to plots such as ATH_MSG and an easier booking interface, as well as access to the HistogramDefinitionSvc which allows an external configuration file (txt or xml) to define the plot limits and titles
 CInDetRawDataFakeCreatorClass which encapsulates the creation of an InDetRawDataCollection
 CInDetRawDataFakeReaderTest Algorithm for POOL I/O, reads InDetRawData from transient store
 CInDetRawDataFakeWriterTest Algorithm for POOL I/O, writes InDetRawData to transient store
 CInDetRttPlotConfigHelper struct - steer the configuration from the parent tool's side
 CInDetRttPlotsClass holding all plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods
 CInDetSecVtxTruthMatchToolClass for vertex truth matching
 CInDetServMatAthenaCompsClass to hold various Athena components
 CInDetTrackPerfMonToolGaudi includes
 CInDetTrackSelectorToolA tool to be used for track preselection in primary vertex finding. One possible implementation of the track selector tool. Here all possible cuts used in the primary vertex finding will be implemented. The particular cuts will be turned on and off by user through the python jobOptions
 CInDetTrackSplitterToolInDetTrackSplitterTool.cxx AUTHOR: John Alison johnd.nosp@m.a@he.nosp@m.p.upe.nosp@m.nn.e.nosp@m.du
 CInDetTrkAlignDBToolTool for writing Silicon and TRT alignment constants into oracle DB or ASCII files
 CInDetVertexTruthMatchToolClass for vertex truth matching
 CINextPassFilterInterface to a tool (typically) that decides whether the event loop mgr (typically) need to do another pass over the evts
 CInnerDetProbeCollectorToolGeneral Classes
 CInputMakerBaseInput Makers are used at the start of a sequence: retrieve filtered collection via the input decision from the previous step and write it out directly so it can be used as input by the reconstruction algorithms that follow in sequence. This is a base class for HLT InputMakers to reduce boilerplate and enforce the common naming scheme for decision handle keys. Derived classes implement how the reconstruction is started. Current options are via WriteHandle<TrigROIDecscriptorCollection>, as used by the InputMakerForRoI specialisation. Or via the spawning of EventView instances over a given sequencer, as used by the EventViewCreatorAlgorithm specialisation
 CInputMakerForRoIUsed at the start of a sequence: retrieves filtered collection via menu decision from previous step and writes the RoI collection out directly so it can be used as input by the reco alg that follows in sequence
 CIntegrationBaseThe base class for the EFTracking FPGA integration development
 CIObservableToolInterface for tools that want to calculate a quantity from an xAOD::IParticle
 CIOVDbMetaDataToolThis is an interface to a tool used to manage the IOV Meta Data for a given object in the Meta Data Store
 CIOVDbSvcAthena service for Interval Of Validity database. The IOVDbSvc may be in one of three time states which determines from where the IOV time is coming: initialization - IOV time must be set from the EventSelector begin run - IOV time should have been set with signalBeginRun event loop - IOV time is from EventInfo
 CIOVDbTestAlgAlgorithm to test writing conditions data and reading them back
 CIOVInfiniteRangeCollection of static functions providing infinite EventIDRanges
 CIOVMetaDataContainerThis class is a container for conditions data. It is intended to be used to store conditions data from COOL as file metadata
 CIOVMetaDataContainer_p1This class is a container_p1 for conditions data. It is intended to be used to store conditions data from COOL as file meta data
 CIOVPayloadContainerThis class is a container for the payload of conditions data. It is intended to be used to store conditions data from COOL as file meta data
 CIOVRangeValidity Range object. Holds two IOVTimes (start and stop)
 CIOVTimeBasic time unit for IOVSvc. Hold time as a combination of run and event numbers
 CIPageAccessControlSvcInterface to a service that monitors memory page accesses
 CIParticleCollHandleBaseBase class for collections holding AOD objects of iParticle type Handles pt etc cuts Local data:
 CIParticleExtrapolationToolInterface for extending Particles with calo intersections
 CIParticleLinkContainerCnvDefinition of the athena pool converter for IParticleLinkContainer
 CIPCMatrixToolBased on SiGlobalChi2Algs.
AlgTool used with 64-big parallel processing to create IPC matrix and vector for storing first- and second-derivative terms needed to solve for alignment parameters. Also provides for methods to add terms to existing matrix entries, and to solve for alignment parameters by inverting matrix and multiplying by vector
 CIPerfMonMTSvcSTL includes
 CIPFSubtractionToolAlgorithm base class which inherits from IAlgTool and defines pure virtual execute method which takes pointers to eflowCaloObjectContainer, eflowRecTrackContainer and eflowRecClusterContainer as input
 CIPileUpXingFolderInterface to SG::Folder with an attached bunch crossing interval
 CIPoolSvcThis class provides the interface to the LCG POOL persistency software
 CIProxyDictA proxy dictionary
 CIProxyRegistryProxy registry (a read/write dictionary)
 CIPseudoJetGetterIPseudoJetGetter is a dual-use tool interface for retrieving a vector of fastjet pseudojets
 CIRDBAccessSvcIRDBAccessSvc is an abstract interface to the athena service that provides the following functionalities:
 CIRDBRecordIRDBRecord is one record in the IRDBRecordset object
 CIRDBRecordsetIRDBRecordset is an abstract interface to the RDB Recordsets, which represent a snapshot of HVS-tagged data tables in the relational database
 CIReAlgToolCaloBase Class for Tools used for Egamma and Tau Feature Extraction Algorithms
 CiRecCoordRoIInterface for all reconstructed RoI classes
 CIResetableResetable object (e.g. a SG DataHandle)
 CIROBDataProviderSvcInterface class for managing ROB for both online and offline
 CIRoiDescriptorDescribes the API of the Region of Ineterest geometry
 CIRoIsUnpackingToolInterface for RoI unpacking tools
 CIRootSvcThis class provides the interface to the ROOT software
 CISchedulerMonSvcDefines interface for interaction with a service monitoring the Scheduler status
 CISCT_RodEncoderInterface for Athena Algorithm Tool to convert from SCT RDO to ROD format BysteStream
 CISCTRawContByteStreamToolInterface for Athena Algorithm Tool to provide conversion from SCT RDO container to ByteStream
 CISCTRawDataProviderToolInterface for Athena Algorithm Tool to fill Collections of SCT RDO Containers
 CISecondaryEventSelectorAbstract interface for secondary event selectors
 CISetCaloCellContainerNameAllow changing the name of the CaloCellContainer used by a tool
 CISimTestToolInterface for the simulation test tools
 CIsoMuonFeatureClass with isolation variables for TrigmuIso algorithm
 CISpacepointFeatureCalculationToolCalculate features for spacepoints to be used as inputs to the GNN-based track finder
 CIStringPoolAbstract interface for looking up strings/CLIDs in a pool
 CIsValidStoreFunctor to check if Store is valid
 CITagInfoMgrThis is a Athena service which manages detector description tag information. It maintains a TagInfo object with current tag values
 CITauToolBaseThe base class for all tau tools
 CITBCaloPosToolClass ITBCaloPosTool
 CItemListSvcThis implementes the methods for IItemListSvc
 CITileBadChanToolAn abstract inteface to get Tile channel and ADC status
 CITileCondProxyAn abstract interface to get Tile conditions data from source (file, DB)
 CITileDCSToolAn abstract interface to get Tile DCS information from DB
 CITkPixelCablingAlgConditions algorithm which fills the ITkPixelCablingData from plain text (a file)
 CITkStripCablingAlgConditions algorithm which fills the ITkStripCablingData from plain text (a file)
 CITkStripFrontEndSimulation of the ITk Strips front-end electronics working as a SiPreDigitsProcessor models response of ABCstar chip amplifiers to collected charges, also does cross-talk, offset variation and gain variation, in a correlated way
 CITkStripsRawContByteStreamCnvConverter for writing ByteStream from ITkStrips Raw Data
 CITkStripsRawContByteStreamToolAthena Algorithm Tool to provide conversion from ITkStrips RDO container to ByteStream
 CITkStripsRodEncoderAthena Algorithm Tool that provides conversion from ITkStrips RDO to ROD format Bytestream
 CIToolWithConstantsAbstact interface for ToolWithConstants
 CITrackAnalysisDefinitionSvcAthena include(s)
 CITrackCaloClusterToolInterface for tools creating particles using TCC methods and filling a FlowElementContainer
 CITrackCollectionProviderInterface for tool used to get a collection of tracks
 CITrigBphysStateBase class for TrigBphys state objects
 CITrigCostSvcPure virtual interface to be implimented by Trig Cost service(s)
 CITrigErrorMonToolInterface of a tool which retrieves and monitors all non-success status codes returned by algorithms
 CITrigEventLoopMgrEventLoopMgr interface implemented by the HLT event loop manager
 CITriggerBitsMakerToolBase class for AlgTools providing a getBits interface to generate trigger bits
 CITriggerTimeInterface to a tool that returns the time offset of the current trigger. Used by PileUpMergeSvc
 CITrigInDetAccelerationSvcService Interface for TrigInDetAccelerationSvc class
 CITrigNavigationThinningSvcDefine interface for doing TrigNavigation thinning
 CITrigTauCaloHypoToolBase class for the TrigTauCaloHypoTool
 CITrigTauFastTrackHypoToolBase class for the TrigTauFastTrackHypoTool
 CITrigTauPrecisionHypoToolBase class for the Precision step hypothesis tools
 CITrigTauPrecTrackHypoToolBase class for the TrigTauPrecTrackHypoTool
 CITrkAlignDBToolInterface for tool use for managing list of AlignModules, detector elements in AlignModules, and AlignPar for both
 CITRT_DCS_ConditionsSvcService Interface for TRT_DCS_ConditionsTool
 CITRT_RodEncoderThis class provides conversion from TRT RDO to ROD format
 CITruthClassificationToolTool interface to classify particles into multiple categories based on their truth information
 CIUserDataCalcToolThis is the base class for all tools that will be used to calculate UserDate. It is of course not required, but it is meant to simplyfy life
 CIValgrindSvcAbstract interface for ValgrindSvc
 CIVertexWeightCalculaculatorInterface class for signal vertex selection
 CIWeightToolInterface for tools that want to calculate a weight from different event information
 CJEMEtSums_p1T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::JEMEtSums class
 CJEMEtSumsCnv_p1T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo JEMEtSums class
 CJEMEtSumsCollectionCnv_p1T/P converter for JEMEtSums and JEMEtSums_p1
 CJEMEtSumsCollectionCnv_tlp1T/P converter for JEMEtSums and JEMEtSums_p1
 CJEMHits_p1T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::JEMHits class
 CJEMHitsCnv_p1T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo JEMHits class
 CJEMHitsCollectionCnv_p1T/P converter for JEMHits and JEMHits_p1
 CJEMHitsCollectionCnv_tlp1T/P converter for JEMHits and JEMHits_p1
 CJEMRoI_p1T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::JEMRoI class
 CJEMRoICnv_p1T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo JEMRoI class
 CJEMRoICollectionCnv_p1T/P converter for JEMRoI and JEMRoI_p1
 CJEMRoICollectionCnv_tlp1T/P converter for JEMRoI and JEMRoI_p1
 CJEMTobRoI_p1T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::JEMTobRoI class
 CJEMTobRoICnv_p1T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo JEMTobRoI class
 CJEMTobRoICollectionCnv_p1T/P converter for JEMTobRoI and JEMTobRoI_p1
 CJEMTobRoICollectionCnv_tlp1T/P converter for JEMTobRoI and JEMTobRoI_p1
 CJetBasic data class defines behavior for all Jet objects
The Jet class is the principal data class for all reconstructed jets,
independent of the signal course. It describes a navigable composite
reconstruction objects with with a four-momentum representation consistent
with all other reconstruction objects. Its constituents are referenced as
generic INavigable4Momentum types.
 CJet_ROIJet RoI class for analysis
 CJet_ROI_p1Persistent representation of Jet_ROI
 CJetAttributeHistoA histo building tool (JetHistoBase) using attributes to fill histograms
 CJetAttributeRatioSelectorIJetSelector implementation which select according to ratio of attributes
 CJetAttributeSelectorIJetSelector implementation which select according to an attribute
 CJetCaloCellQualityToolCalculates calorimeter based variables for jet quality using CaloCell contained in jet object directly
 CJetCellAccessorUtility to loop over CaloCell contained in a Jet
 CJetCleaningToolClass for selecting jets that pass cleaning cuts
 CJetClusterMomentsToolJakub Cuth
February 2014
 CJetCollectionContainer for Jets
 CJetCollection_tlp2Top level container that will store all the various jet objects that are getting stored
 CJetCollection_tlp5Top level container that will store all the various jet objects that are getting stored
 CJetCollection_tlp6Top level container that will store all the various jet objects that are getting stored
 CJetCollectionCnvConverter reponsible for reading in the top level object (tlp1) and sending the data off to the real tlp converter that does the translation work
 CJetCollectionCnv_tlp2Top level converter for jet collections
 CJetCollectionCnv_tlp5Top level converter for jet collections
 CJetCollectionCnv_tlp6Top level converter for jet collections
 CJetConstitFourMomToolRussell Smith May 2015
 CJetConstituentIteratorA safe iterator on jet constituents
 CJetConverterBase< Jet_p5 >
 CJetConverterBase< Jet_p6 >
 CJetDRTrackAssocToolTeng Jian Khoo Oct 2021
 CJetDumperTool to dump jets to the log
 CJetECPSFractionToolDavid Adams
May 2015
 CJetElement_p1Persistent form of JetElement using T/P separation
 CJetElementCnv_p1T/P converter for JetElement and JetElement_p1
 CJetElementCollectionCnv_p1T/P converter for JetElement and JetElement_p1
 CJetElementCollectionCnv_tlp1T/P converter for JetElement and JetElement_p1
 CJetET_ROIEnergy-Sum RoI class for analysis
 CJetET_ROI_p1Persistent representation of JetET_ROI
 CJetFilterApplies the generator level filter for jet candidates
 CJetFinderTool to find jets
 CJetGlobalEventSetupPerform setup actions for jet handling at each event
 CJetINav4MomAssociationA JetAssociation object for a generic object
 CJetInputElRemovalToolSelec electrons and store a vector of cluster free of the electron ones
 CJetKeyDescriptorCollection_tlp1Top level container that will store all the various jet objects that are getting stored
 CJetKeyDescriptorCollectionCnv_tlp1Top level converter for jet collections
 CJetMomentMapConverterBase< JetMomentMap_p1 >
 CJetMomentMapConverterBase< JetMomentMap_p6 >
 CJetProviderConcrete class that implements the recording of jets & aux container to StoreGate via an externally provided WriteHandle
 CJetPtAssociationToolDavid Adams
April 2014
 CJetQGTaggerVariableToolProperties: VertexContainer - name of the vertex container EventInfo - name of EventInfo container AssociatedTracks - name for attribute holding the list of associated tracks TVATool - tool to do track-vertex association TrkSelTool - tool to select tracks (none ==> no selection)
 CJetSeedBuilderClass to build tau jet seed
 CJetTagInfoDummy transient object for the over all pool converter
 CJetToolRunnerTop-level tool for jet reconstruction
 CJetTrackMomentsToolSteven Schramm
February 2014
 CJetTrackSumMomentsToolJames Frost
January 2015
 CJetTrackVtxAssoAlgCreates a jet::TrackVertexAssociation object
 CJetUsedInFitTrackDecoratorToolClass JetUsedInFitTrackDecoratorTool Decorates tracks with vectors of AMVF vertices and annealing weights --> Needed for Run 3 TTVA
 CJetVertexFractionToolSteven Schramm
February 2014
 CJetVertexTaggerToolJames Frost
November 2014
 CJetWidthToolSteven Schramm and David Adams
February 2014
 CjFexInputByteStreamToolImplementation of a tool for L1 input data conversion from BS to xAOD and from xAOD to BS (IL1TriggerByteStreamTool interface)
 CjFEXRoIByteStreamToolImplementation of a tool for L1 RoI conversion from BS to xAOD and from xAOD to BS (IL1TriggerByteStreamTool interface)
 CJiveXMLServerControls and handles the JiveXML server threads This class creates, handles and controls the JiveXML server threads both for incoming and outgoing data. It also provides an interface for the threads to the TDAQ services, such as error logging
 CJobIDSvcService to distribute unique job identifier
 CJTower_IDHelper class for jTower offline identifiers
 CjTowerContainerContainer class for jTower
 CKeyConcept< char *, std::string >
 CKeyConcept< char, std::string >
 CKeyConcept< char[N], std::string >
 CKeyConcept< int, std::string >
 CKeyConcept< long long, std::string >
 CKeyConcept< long, std::string >
 CKeyConcept< short, std::string >
 CKeyConcept< unsigned char, std::string >
 CKeyConcept< unsigned int, std::string >
 CKeyConcept< unsigned long long, std::string >
 CKeyConcept< unsigned long, std::string >
 CKeyConcept< unsigned short, std::string >
 CklassThis class describe the base functionalities of a HypoTool used by the ComboAlg
 CL1CaloCTPMonitorAlgorithmMonitoring of L1Calo --> CTP transmission Compares L1Calo data with CTP TIP data
 CL1CaloDerivedRunParsFolder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V1/Conditions/DerivedRunPars
 CL1CaloDisabledTowersFolder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V1/Conditions/DisabledTowers
 CL1CaloEnergyScanResultsClass that holds transient information about the calibration for trigger towers
 CL1CaloEnergyScanResultsContainerContainer of L1CaloEnergyScanResults objects, inherit from the abstract base class AbstractL1CaloConditionContainer
 CL1CaloEnergyScanRunInfoContainerContainer of L1CaloEnergyScanRunInfo metadata, inherit from the abstract base class AbstractL1CaloConditionContainer
 CL1CaloHVCorrectionsClass that holds mean HV corrections for receivers
 CL1CaloHVCorrectionsContainerContainer of L1CaloHVCorrections objects, inherit from the abstract base class AbstractL1CaloConditionContainer
 CL1CaloHVCorrectionsForDBThis algorithms creates a sqlite database of current HV Corrections
 CL1CaloHVDummyContainersThis algorithms creates dummy containers so HV job will run without data
 CL1CaloL1TopoMonitorAlgorithmMonitor legacy CMX to L1Topo transmission of TOBs and timing of the L1Topo trigger bits with respect to L1 accept
 CL1CaloLinearCalibrationThis algorithms creates calibration constants using a linear function
 CL1CaloPedestalL1CaloPedestal class
 CL1CaloPedestalContainerL1CaloPedestalContainer class
 CL1CaloPedestalCumulIntermediate Class to store pedestal data from the L1CaloPedestalMaker algorithm
 CL1CaloPedestalGeneratorAlgorithm to produce TriggerTowers filled with simulated pedestal runs
 CL1CaloPpmDeadChannelsFolder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V1/Calibration/PpmDeadChannels
 CL1CaloPprChanCalibFolder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V2/Calibration/Physics/PprChanCalib
 CL1CaloPprChanCalibV1Folder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V1/Calibration/Physics/PprChanCalib
 CL1CaloPprChanDefaultsFolder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V2/Configuration/PprChanDefaults
 CL1CaloPprChanDefaultsV1Folder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V1/Configuration/PprChanDefaults
 CL1CaloPprChanExtraFolder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V2/Calibration/Physics/PprChanCalib
 CL1CaloPprChanStrategyFolder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V2/Configuration/PprChanStrategy
 CL1CaloPprConditionsTransient conditions class for objects defined by the online framework and retrieved from COOL
 CL1CaloPprConditionsContainerContainer of L1CaloPprConditions objects, inherit from the abstract base class AbstractL1CaloConditionContainer
 CL1CaloPprConditionsContainerRun2Container of L1CaloPprConditions objects, inherit from the abstract base class AbstractL1CaloConditionContainer
 CL1CaloPprConditionsRun2Transient conditions class for objects defined by the online framework and retrieved from COOL for the V2 database version
 CL1CaloPprDisabledChannelTransient conditions class for objects defined by the online framework and retrieved from COOL
 CL1CaloPprDisabledChannelContainerRun2Container of L1CaloPprDisabledChannelRun2 objects, inherit from the abstract base class AbstractL1CaloConditionContainer
 CL1CaloPprLutTransient class defining the PPM lookup table objects
 CL1CaloRampCumulClass to store intermediate ramp data for the L1CaloRampMaker algorithm
 CL1CaloRampDataTransient class to store the RampData calculated from calibration runs
 CL1CaloRampDataContainerContainer of L1CaloRampData objects
 CL1CaloRampMakerThe L1CaloRampMaker creates a set of L1CaloRampData objects
 CL1CaloRampRunPlanTransient class defining ramps runplan objects defined by the online framework and retrieved from COOL
 CL1CaloRampStepClass to store the measured energy per step for either calorimeter or level-1
 CL1CaloReadoutConfigFolder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V2/Configuration/ReadoutConfig
 CL1CaloReadoutConfigJSONFolder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V2/Configuration/ReadoutConfigJSON
 CL1CaloRunParametersFolder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V1/Conditions/RunParameters
 CL1CaloRxGainTransient conditions class for objects defined by the online framework and retrieved from COOL
 CL1CaloRxLayersClass that holds information about calo layers that make up receivers
 CL1CaloRxLayersContainerContainer of L1CaloRxLayers objects, inherit from the abstract base class AbstractL1CaloConditionContainer
 CL1CaloTriggerTowerSelectorThis algorithm retrieves a TriggerTower container from storegate, loops through it and stores to an output container only the trigger toweres matching the slection criteria
 CL1DataConsistencyCheckerChecks the consistency between CTP active items and L1 RoIs (TOBs) received from RoIB/readout
 CL1TopoByteStreamCnvByteStream converter for the L1TopoRDOCollection
 CL1TopoByteStreamToolTool doing the L1TopoRDO <-> ByteStream conversion
 CL1TopoOnlineMonitorAlgorithm to monitor L1Topo transmission and simulation errors for the (Run-3) L1Topo boards
 CL1TopoOnlineMonitorHypoHypo algorithm for L1Topo online monitoring chains accepting events with potential hardware, decoding or simulation issues
 CL1TopoOnlineMonitorHypoToolHypo tool using the xAOD::TrigComposite with information on potential L1Topo hardware, decoding or simulation issues to decide whether an event should be accepted or not
 CL1TopoRDOThe class that represents the raw data received from an L1Topo board
 CL1TopoRDOCollectionContainer of L1TopoRDOs (standard Athena boilerplate)
 CL1TopoSrcIdMapThis class provides conversion between Lower level Source ID to higher level source ID for L1Topo ByteStream fragments
 CL1TriggerByteStreamDecoderAlgAlgorithm calling tools to convert L1 ByteStream into xAOD collections
 CL1TriggerResultByteStreamCnvByteStream converter for L1TriggerResult
 CL1TriggerResultMakerAlgorithm creating L1TriggerResult and linking the relevant L1 xAOD collections to it
 CLAr2DWaveBasePer-channel class holding wave information in time bins
 CLArAbsShapeLiquid Argon base class for shape information
 CLArAccumulatedCalibDigitData class for calibration ADC samples preprocessed by the DSP
 CLArAccumulatedCalibDigitContainerContainer class for LArAccumulatedCalibDigit
 CLArAccumulatedDigitData class for ADC samples and autocorr preprocessed by the DSP
 CLArAccumulatedDigitContainerContainer class for LArAccumulatedDigit
 CLArAlignCondAlgCondition Algorithm for applying LAr Alignments
 CLArAlignDbAlgAlgorithm for writing LAr alignment constants to Cond DB and reading them back
 CLArAlignHelperHelper class for applying LAr alignments either from LArDetectorToolNV or from LArAlignCondAlg
 CLArAutoCorrCompleteThis class implements the ILArAutoCorr interface
 CLArAutoCorrMCImplementation of the interface ILArAutoCorr for MC Derives from LArAutoCorrComplete, and implements the phi-z symmetry
 CLArAutoCorrPC-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArAutoCorrP1C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArAutoCorrSubset_p1Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArAutoCorr data
 CLArBadChanFebStateA class that stores the bad channels of a single FEB
 CLArBadFebMaskingToolMask LAr cells in Febs with decoding errors or listed in the bad feb database
 CLArBadXContConditions-Data class holding LAr Bad Channel or Bad Feb information
 CLArCableAttenuationCompleteThis class implements the ILArCableAttenuation interface
 CLArCableAttenuationPC-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArCableLengthCompleteThis class implements the ILArCableLength interface
 CLArCableLengthPC-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArCalibDigitBase class for LArDigits taken during calibration runs
 CLArCalibDigitContainerContainer class for LArCalibDigit
 CLArCalibDigitsAccumulatorEmulator of DSP code in accumulation calibration mode
 CLArCalibInject_timeShThe aim of this algorithm is the simulation of the LAr analogue Super-Cell sums
 CLArCalibTriggerAccumulatorHelper class to accumulate calibration triggers
 CLArCalibValidationAlgAlgorithm to validate LAr Autocorr;
 CLArCaliPulseParamsCompleteThis class implements the ILArCaliPulseParams interface
 CLArCaliWaveContainerLiquid Argon Cumulative Wave Container
 CLArCaliWaves2NtupleThis algrithm produces a column-wise NTuple out of a LArCaliWaveContainer or a LArPhysWaveContainer
 CLArCaliWaveSubset_p1Persistent class container of LArCaliWave data
 CLArCaliWaveSubset_p2Persistent class container of LArCaliWave data
 CLArCaliWaveSubset_p3Persistent class container of LArCaliWave data
 CLArCaloIdLiquid Argon class for standalone storage of cell information
 CLArCellData object for LAr calorimeter readout cell
 CLArCellBuilderFromLArRawChannelToolBuilding LArCell objects from LArRawChannel
 CLArCellCollectionContainer Class for LArCell in a ROB used by EF
 CLArCellContClass which contains statically allocated LArCellCollections
 CLArCellContFakeCreatorCreate a CaloCellContainer with LArCells for POOL I/O tests algs
 CLArCellContFakeReaderTest Algorithm for POOL I/O uses CaloCellContainer as test data
 CLArCellContFakeWriterTest Algorithm for POOL I/O uses CaloCellContainer for LAr as test data
 CLArCellEmMiscalibApply miscalibration in EM calorimeter at cell level
 CLArCellGainPathologyApply to MC the pathology on gain corruption between cha0-63, 64-127, which affected 7 samples data April-July 2010
 CLArCellInfoLiquid Argon class for standalone storage of cell information
 CLArCellMergerReplace cells in calo cell container with cells from alternate raw channel container
 CLArCellRescalerTool to re-scale cell energies. Weights would be typically obtained by Z->ee intercalibration
 CLArCollisionTimeHolds information about collisions timing from end-cap LAr calorimeters
 CLArCompactSubsetChannelPointerThis acts as a pointer to a LArCompactSubsetChannelProxy
 CLArCompactSubsetChannelProxyA more compact way of storing shape/ofc data — non-const portion
 CLArCompactSubsetChannelVectorThis acts like a vector of channel objects
 CLArCompactSubsetChannelVectorPointerThis acts as a pointer to a LArCompactSubsetChannelVector
 CLArCompactSubsetConstChannelProxyA more compact way of storing shape/ofc data — const portion
 CLArCompactSubsetConstChannelVectorThis acts like a vector of channel objects — const version
 CLArCompactSubsetConstFebPairThis acts like a FEB ID/channel vector pair
 CLArCompactSubsetFebPairThis acts like a FEB ID/channel vector pair
 CLArCompactSubsetVectorThis acts like a vector of FEB ID / channel vector pairs
 CLArCondDataTestAthena algorithm used for testing LAr conditions data access
 CLArCondFEBIdChanMapThis class maps FEB IDs to/from COOL channel ids
 CLArConditionContainerTemplate class for providing interface for accessing conditions data.
 CLArConditionsChannelSetTemplate class for use for I/O of conditions data correction sets
 CLArConditionsContainerBaseThis is a non-template implementation base class for LArConditionsContainer
 CLArConditionsContainerDBLArConditionsContainerDB template class Author: Walter Lampl Initial Version: April, 22nd 2005
 CLArConditionsSubsetTemplate class for use for I/O of conditions data
 CLArConditionsSubset_p1Persistent class container of LAr conditions data. Holds the generic information a LArConditionsSubset, i.e. not the details for each conditions object
 CLArConditionsSubsetTraitsTraits class giving the types to use for the objects contained within the subset
 CLArConditionsSubsetTraits< LArOFCP1 >When storing these data in a LArConditionsSubset, use LArCompactSubset
 CLArConditionsSubsetTraits< LArShapeP2 >When storing these data in a LArConditionsSubset, use LArCompactSubset
 CLArConditionsTestAlgAthena algorithm used for testing LAr conditions data access
 CLArDAC2uACompleteThis class implements the ILArDAC2uA interface
 CLArDAC2uAMCImplementation of the interface ILArDAC2uA for MC Derives from LArDAC2uAComplete, and implements the phi-z symmetry
 CLArDAC2uAPC-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArDetCellParamsCompleteThis class implements the ILArDetCellParams interface
 CLArDetectorManagerStored in storegate. Provides access to EMB, EMEC, HEC and FCAL Detector Managers. This manager for the whole LAr can purvey not only physical volumes but also pointers to managers for the sub-calorimeters:EMB, EMEC, HEC and FCAL
 CLArDetectorToolNVLArDetectorToolNV is a standard GeoModel tool, which calls LArDetectorFactory::create(), stores LArDetectorManager to the Detector Store and also registers a callback function align() which applies misalignments on top of the 'regular' geometry
 CLArDigitLiquid Argon digit base class
 CLArDigitContainerContainer class for LArDigit
 CLArDigitsAccumulatorEmulator of DSP code in accumulation pedestal mode
 CLArDigitsThinnerAlgorithm to copy a selected subset of LArDigits
 CLArDSPThresholdsSubset_p1Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArDSPThresholds data
 CLArDumpShapesDump out shape information to a ROOT file
 CLArElectrodeIDHelper for the Liquid Argon Calorimeter cell at the electrode level
 CLArElectrodeIDDetDescrCnvThis class is a converter for the LArElectrodeID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store
 CLArEM_Base_IDThis class factors out code common between LArEM_ID and LArEM_SuperCell_ID
 CLArEM_IDHelper class for LArEM offline identifiers
 CLArEM_regionThis class provides an interface to deal with regions in the neighbours finding
 CLArEM_SuperCell_IDHelper class for LArEM offline identifiers for supercells
 CLArEMEC_CphiCompleteThis class implements the ILArEMEC_Cphi interface
 CLArEMEC_CphiPC-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArEMEC_HValphaCompleteThis class implements the ILArEMEC_HValpha interface
 CLArEMEC_HValphaPC-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArEMEC_HVbetaCompleteThis class implements the ILArEMEC_HVbeta interface
 CLArEMEC_HVbetaPC-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArFCAL_IDHelper class for LArFCAL offline identifiers
 CLArFCAL_regionThis class provides an interface to deal with regions in the neighbours finding
 CLArFCAL_SuperCell_IDHelper class for LArFCAL offline identifiers for supercells
 CLArFCalTowerBuilderToolSpecial tower builder for FCal
 CLArFCalTowerStoreIntermediate store for cell/tower maps
 CLArFebEnergyHolds partial energy sums Ex,Ey,Ez for each Feb
 CLArFebEnergyCollectionContainer class for LArFebEnergy
 CLArFebErrorSummaryHolds information from the FEB Error Summary
 CLArFebErrorSummary_p1Persistent class for LArFebErrorSummary, version p2
 CLArFebHeaderHolds information from the FEB Header
 CLArFebHeaderContainerContainer class for LArFebHeader
 CLArFEBTemp2NtupleThis algrithm produces a column-wise NTuple out of a LArFEBTempTool
 CLArfSamplCompleteThis class implements the ILArfSampl interface
 CLArfSamplMCImplementation of the interface ILArfSampl for MC Derives from LArfSamplComplete, and implements the phi-z symmetry
 CLArfSamplPC-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArfSamplSymImplementation of the interface ILArfSampl for MC using the z-phi symmetry
 CLArG4CalibSDA specialized SD class for saving LAr calibration hits
 CLArG4FastSimSvcClass for fast simulation option service
 CLArG4GenShowerLibClass for shower library generation algorithm
 CLArG4SDToolA base class for tools that manage LAr SDs
 CLArG4ShowerLibSvcClass for shower library service
 CLArG4SimpleSDCommon sensitive detector class for LAr systems
 CLArGraphShapeLiquid Argon class for standalone storage of cell shape information
 CLArH6OscillationCompleteThis class implements the ILArH6Oscillation interface
 CLArH6OscillationPC-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArHEC_Base_IDThis class factors out code common between LArEM_ID and LArEM_SuperCell_ID
 CLArHEC_IDHelper class for LArHEC offline identifiers
 CLArHEC_regionThis class provides an interface to deal with regions in the neighbours finding
 CLArHEC_SuperCell_IDHelper class for LArHEC offline identifiers for supercells
 CLArHitClass to store hit energy and time in LAr cell from G4 simulation
 CLArHit_p1Persistent LArHit class, version p1
 CLArHitContainerHit collection
 CLArHitContainer_p1Persistent represenation of a LArHitContainer,
 CLArHitContainer_p2Persistent represenation of a LArHitContainer,
 CLArHitFloatClass to store hit energy and time in LAr cell from G4 simulation
 CLArHitFloatContainerContainer for LArHitFloat
 CLArHITtoCellMake a dummy supercell LArRawChannelContainer from a CaloCallContainer
 CLArHVCablingSimToolMapping from HV lines to electrodes
 CLArHVIdMappingReaderHelper to read HV ID mapping data from a file or conditions
 CLArHVLineIDHelper for the Liquid Argon Calorimeter High-Voltage identifiers
 CLArHVLineIDDetDescrCnvThis class is a converter for the LArHVLineID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store
 CLArHVManagerThis class provides access to the High Voltage throughout the LAr. High voltage conditions can also be accessed through the readout Geometry, if appropriate
 CLArHVScaleCorrCompleteThis class implements the ILArHVScaleCorr interface
 CLArID_ExceptionException class for LAr Identifiers
 CLArLATOMEHeaderHolds information from the LATOME Header
 CLArLATOMEHeaderContainerContainer class for LArLATOMEHeader
 CLArLATOMEMappingClass to provide SC mapping
 CLArLATOMEMappingAlgClass to fill SC mapping object from conditions DB
 CLArMCSymHelper class to handle z-phi symmetry of calibration constants in MC
 CLArMinBiasAverageCompleteThis class implements the ILArMinBiasAverage interface History:
 CLArMinBiasAverageMCImplementation of the interface ILArMinBiasAverage for MC Derives from LArMinBiasAverageComplete, and implements the phi-z symmetry History:
 CLArMinBiasAveragePC-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArMinBiasCompleteThis class implements the ILArMinBias interface History:
 CLArMinBiasMCImplementation of the interface ILArMinBias for MC Derives from LArMinBiasComplete, and implements the phi-z symmetry History:
 CLArMinBiasPC-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArMiniFCAL_IDHelper class for LArMiniFCAL offline identifiers
 CLArMphysOverMcal2NtupleThis algrithm produces a column-wise NTuple out of a LArMphysOverMcalDB
 CLArMphysOverMcalCompleteThis class implements the ILArMphysOverMcal interface
 CLArMphysOverMcalMCImplementation of the interface ILArMphysOverMcal for MC Derives from LArMphysOverMcalComplete, and implements the phi-z symmetry
 CLArMphysOverMcalPC-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArMphysOverMcalP1C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArMphysOverMcalSubset_p1Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArMphysOverMcal data
 CLArNoiseCompleteThis class implements the ILArNoise interface
 CLArNoiseMCImplementation of the interface ILArNoise for MC Derives from LArNoiseComplete, and implements the phi-z symmetry
 CLArNoisyROAlgFind list of suspicious preamplifiers and Front End Boards from cell collection
 CLArNoisyROSummarySummary information for noisy LAr preamp / FEBs
 CLArNonLinearityAdd non linearity in calorimeter for test at L2
 CLArOFCCompleteThis class implements the ILArOFC interface
 CLArOFCPC-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArOFCP1C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArOFCSubset_p1Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArOFC data
 CLArOnlID_ExceptionException class for LAr online Identifiers
 CLArOnline_SuperCellIDDetDescrCnvThis class is a converter for the LArOnline_SuperCellID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store
 CLArOnlineID_BaseHelper for the Liquid Argon Calorimeter cell identifiers
 CLArOnlineIDDetDescrCnvThis class is a converter for the LArOnlineID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store
 CLArParams2NtupleThis algorithm produces a column-wise NTuple out of several complete structures
 CLArPedestalCompleteThis class implements the ILArPedestal interface
 CLArPedestalMCImplementation of the interface ILArfSampl for MC: only one constant is needed for MC
 CLArPedestalMC_p1Persistent class container of LArConditionsMC for LArPedestal data
 CLArPedestals2NtupleThis algrithm produces a column-wise NTuple out of a LArPedestalDB
 CLArPedestalSubset_p1Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArPedestal data
 CLArPedestalSubset_p2Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArPedestal data
 CLArPhysCaliTdiffCompleteThis class implements the ILArPhysCaliTdiff interface ` *
 CLArPhysWaveContainerLiquid Argon Physics Wave Container
 CLArPhysWaves2NtupleThis algrithm produces a column-wise NTuple out of a LArPhysWaveContainer
 CLArPhysWaveSubset_p1Persistent class container of LArPhysWave data
 CLArRampCompleteBaseThis class implements the ILArRamp interface
 CLArRampMCImplementation of the interface ILArRamp for MC Derives from LArRampComplete, and implements the phi-z symmetry
 CLArRampPPersistent data for LArRamp Copied from LAr
 CLArRampP1Persistent data for LArRamp Copied from LAr
 CLArRampPTmpPersistent data for LArRamp Copied from LAr
 CLArRamps2NtupleThis algrithm produces a column-wise NTuple out of a LArRawRampContainer
 CLArRampSubset_p1Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArRamp data
 CLArRawChannelLiquid Argon ROD output object base class
 CLArRawChannel_p1Persistent class for LArRawChannel, version p1
 CLArRawChannel_p2Persistent class for LArRawChannel, version p2
 CLArRawChannelCollection_p1Persistent LArRawChannelCollection, version p1
 CLArRawChannelCollection_p2Persistent LArRawChannelCollection, version p2
 CLArRawChannelContainerContainer for LArRawChannel (IDC using LArRawChannelCollection)
 CLArRawChannelContainer_p1Persistent LArRawChannelContainer, version p1
 CLArRawChannelContainer_p2Persistent LArRawChannelContainer, version p2
 CLArRawChannelContainer_p3Persistent LArRawChannelContainer, version p3
 CLArRawChannelContainer_p4Persistent LArRawChannelContainer, version p3
 CLArRawChannelSimpleBuilderCTB simplified LArRawChannelBuilder using hardcoded calib. constants
 CLArRawDataContByteStreamToolAn AlgTool class to help converting LAr raw data objects to/from ByteStream
 CLArRawDetSelectorThis class provide access to LArRawChannels in each sub detector Input: LAr Detector Identifier Allowed are lar_em lar_hec lar_fcal
 CLArRawRampThis class stores a unfittet ramp (=a vector a ADC and DAC values)
 CLArRawSCLiquid Argon SuperCell raw data
 CLArRawSCContainerContainer class for LArRawSC
 CLArReadoutModuleServiceService for creating and interpreting LAr readout modules identifiers
 CLArReadParamsFromFileThis algorithm reads an ascii file and fill a paremeters structure into the detector store
 CLArRecoMaterialToolThis class implements the CaloDetDescr/ICaloRecoMaterialTool and provides the average materials needed for the LAr part of the Calorimeter/CaloTrackingGeometry volumes
 CLArRecoSimpleGeomToolThis class implements the CaloDetDescr/ICaloRecoSimpleGeomTool and provides the simplified geometry needed for the LAr part of the Calorimeter/CaloTrackingGeometry volumes
 CLArRinjCompleteThis class implements the ILArRinj interface
 CLArRinjPC-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArRodBlockAccumulatedV3This class provides decoding/encoding from/to ROD format
 CLArRodBlockCalibrationV1This class provides decoding/encoding from/to ROD format
 CLArRodBlockCalibrationV2This class provides decoding/encoding from/to ROD format
 CLArRodBlockCalibrationV3This class provides decoding/encoding from/to ROD format
 CLArRodBlockHeaderCalibrationV0This class provides decoding/encoding from/to ROD format
 CLArRodBlockHeaderTransparentV0This class provides decoding/encoding from/to ROD format
 CLArRodDecoderThis class provides conversion between ROD data and LArRawChannels
 CLArRodEncoderThis class provides conversion from LArRawChannel and LArDigit to ROD format
 CLArRodIdHashClass that provides LArReadoutModuleID to integer hash ID mapping
 CLArRoIMapMapping between calorimeter trigger id to offline/online Identifier
 CLArRoIMapCondAlgConditions algorithm producing LArRoIMap
 CLArSamplesDataLiquid Argon class for compact storage of samples data
 CLArSamplesDataContainerLiquid Argon class for compact storage of samples data
 CLArSamplesDataTweakerStorage of a collection of digits for one cell
 CLArSamplesEventDataLiquid Argon class for compact storage of samples data
 CLArSamplesFilterListStorage of a collection of digits for one cell
 CLArSamplesFilterParamsStorage of a collection of digits for one cell
 CLArSamplesHistoryClass to calculate chi^2s
 CLArSamplesHistoryContainerStorage of a collection of digits for one cell
 CLArSamplesOFCLiquid Argon class for standalone storage of cell shape information
 CLArSamplesRunDataLiquid Argon class for compact storage of samples data
 CLArSCDigitBase class for LArDigits taken by LATOME
 CLArSCDigitContainerContainer class for LArSCDigit
 CLArSCL1MakerThe aim of this algorithm is the simulation of the LAr analogue Super-Cell sums
 CLArSCSimpleMakerMake a dummy supercell LArRawChannelContainer from a CaloCallContainer
 CLArShape32MCThis class implements the ILArShape interface
 CLArShapeCompleteThis class implements the ILArShape interface
 CLArShapeInfoLiquid Argon class for standalone storage of cell shape information
 CLArShapePC-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArShapeP1C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArShapeP2C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArShapeSubset_p1Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArShape data
 CLArShapeSubset_p2Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArShape data
 CLArSimpleShapeLiquid Argon class for standalone storage of cell shape information
 CLArSingleFloatSubset_p1Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArSingleFloat data
 CLArSingleIntSubset_p1Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArSingleInt data
 CLArStrHelperHelper class to manipulate strings for LArOnlineID names
 CLArTdriftCompleteThis class implements the ILArTdrift interface
 CLArTemperatureCorrectionToolCorrection on the energy for temperature fluctuations authors: Ruggero Turra 2015
 CLArTowerBuilderToolConcrete tool for CaloTower building in LAr
 CLArTshaperCompleteThis class implements the ILArTshaper interface
 CLArTshaperPC-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArTTCell_PThis is a database object holding the offline TT-cell map
 CLArTTCell_tStructure definition of the LArTTCellMap
 CLArTTCellMapThis is a StoreGate object holding the offline TT-cell map
 CLArTTCellMapCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of MyClass
 CLArTTL1Liquid Argon TT L1 sum class
 CLArTTL1CalibThis algorithm is meant to be run in standalone only for TTL1 calibration purposes
 CLArTTL1ContainerContainer class for LArTTL1
 CLArTTL1MakerThe aim of this algorithm is the simulation of the LAr analogue trigger tower sums
 CLAruA2MeV2NtupleThis algrithm produces a column-wise NTuple out of a LAruA2MeVDB
 CLAruA2MeVCompleteThis class implements the ILAruA2MeV interface
 CLAruA2MeVMCImplementation of the interface ILAruA2MeV for MC Derives from LAruA2MeVComplete, and implements the phi-z symmetry
 CLAruA2MeVPC-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data
 CLArVectorProxyProxy for accessing a range of float values like a vector
 CLArWaveDerivedQuantitiesCompleteThis class implements the ILArWaveDerivedQuantities interface
 CLArWFParams2NtupleThis algorithm produces a column-wise NTuple out of a LArWFParamsContainer
 CLArWFParamsContainerLiquid Argon Wave Parameters Container

 CLATOMEMappingTool to get LATOME SC and SCID mapping file and fill std::map variable with it
 CLBDurationCondAlgProduce LBDurationCondData from /TRIGGER/LUMI/LBLB
 CLBDurationCondDataHold luminosity block duration data produced from /TRIGGER/LUMI/LBLB
 CLegendSlightly more convenient legend class
 CLeptonFilterFilter events based on presence of charged leptons
 CLinearityADCParameterization of correction for ADC non linearity
 Clnk_helper< CONTAINER, false >
 Clnk_helper< CONTAINER, true >
 CLUCID_DigiTopAlgorithm to perform the digitization of LUCID SimHits
 CLumiBlobUtilUtility class to to decode data from FILLPARAMS COOL folder
 CLumiBlockMetaDataToolDeclaration of the LumiBlockMetaDataTool class
 CLumiBlockMuToolTool to provide interactions per crossing (mu) from reading values stored in DB
 CLumiBlockMuWriterAlgorithm to write interactions per crossing (mu) into xAOD::EventInfo as decorations
 CLumiBlockTesterAlgorithm to test luminosity tools
 CLumiCalibratorUtility class to apply calibrations from /TDAQ/OLC/CALIBRATIONS folder
 CLuminosityCondAlgConditions algorithm for luminosity data
 CLVL1_ROITop level AOD object storing LVL1 RoIs
 CLVL1_ROI_p1Persistent representation of LVL1_ROI
 CLVL1_ROICnvPOOL converter for LVL1_ROI
 CLVL1_ROICnv_p1T/P converter for LVL1_ROI and LVL1_ROI_p1
 CMakeEventStreamInfoThis class provides an algorithm to make the EventStreamInfo object and update it
 CMakeInputDataHeaderThis class provides an algorithm to make an OutputDataHeader the InputDataHeader
 CMakeLArCellFromRawBuilding LArCell objects from LArRawChannel
 CManagedMonitorToolBaseProvides functionality for users to implement and save histograms, ntuples, and summary data, while allowing a central manager to coordinate and configure many ManagedMonitorToolBase instances
 CMarsBeamGasInteractionA class to describe the beam gas interaction that produced a iven MARS particle
 CMarsHaloGeneratorA class to provide conversion from a MARS format ASCII input record into HepMC format, with or without sampling
 CMarsParticleA class to describe a MARS particle read from an input ASCII file
 CMarsShowerPrimaryA class to describe the primary shower that produced a given MARS particle
 CMassRangeFilterFilters on two particles' invariant mass
 CMaterialEffectsBaseCnv_p1Converter for T/P separation of the TrkMaterialOnTrack/MaterialEffectsBase class
 CMaterialEffectsBaseCnv_p2Converter for T/P separation of the TrkMaterialOnTrack/MaterialEffectsBase class
 CMaterialEffectsOnTrackCnv_p2T/P converter v2 for MaterialEffectsOnTrack
 CMatrixToolBased on SiGlobalChi2Algs.
AlgTool used to create a large matrix and vector for storing first- and second-derivative terms needed to solve for alignment parameters. Also provides for methods to add terms to existing matrix entries, and to solve for alignment parameters by inverting matrix and multiplying by vector
 CMBTSCollisionTimeHolds information about collisions timing from MBTS counters
 CMbtsDetectorElementMbts Detector Element
 CMcEventCollectionThis defines the McEventCollection, which is really just an ObjectVector of McEvent objects
 CMcVtxFilterMcVtxFilter allows to select HepMC::GenParticle based on the decay pattern
 CMDT_IDDetDescrCnvConverter for MdtIdHelper
 CMdtAlignmentStoreHelper struct to cache simulatenously the As-built and the BLine corrections of the Mdts for fast access within the new MdtReadout geometry
 CMdtAmtHitMDT RDO's : data from a single channel of an AMT Atlas Muon TDC
 CMdtAsBuiltParContainer classifier the MDT as-built parameters See parameter description in
 CMdtCablingOffDataSplit the offline part of the cabling apart to use it later for sorting
 CMdtCablingTestAlgAlgorithm to test the validity of the MDT cabling
 CMdtCalibDbAlgMdtCalibDbAlg reads raw condition data and writes derived condition data to the condition store
 CMdtChamberHelper struct to represent a full Mdt chamber
 CMdtChamberTypeInfoSimple data class that holds the MDT chamber type information: number of multilayers, number of layers, number of tubes
 CMdtConditionsTestAlgExample class to show calling the MdtConditionsTestAlg
 CMdtCsmMDT RDOs : Chamber Service Module, container of AmtHits of a single Mdt chamber
 CMdtCsmContainerThis container provides acces to the MDT RDOs
 CMdtCsmIdHashHash function for Mdt module Identifier to be used in MdtDigitContainer (IdentifiableContainer)
 CMdtDigitContainerUse IdentifiableContainer with MdtDigitCollection
 CMdtMezzanineCardMdtMezzanineCard - Helper struct to represent the structure of a mezzanine card in a consistent way Each mezzanine card reads out in total 24 tubes of a chamber covering all tube layers of a chamber
 CMdtPrepDataContainerCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CMDTSimHitCollectionCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CMdtTdcOffSorterHelper struct to search through the std::set if a conversion from offline -> online is needed
 CMdtTdcOnlSorterHelper struct to search through the std::set if a conversion from online -> offline is needed
 CMdtToyCablingJsonDumpAlg: Simple algorithm to generate a toy cabling map for the Mdt detectors
 CMdtToyTwinCablingDumpAlg: Simple algorithm to generate a toy cabling map for the twin tubes
 CMdtTubeInChamberHashTableClass for making an MDT tube hash within one chamber
 CMdtTubeInChamberHashTableTypeHolds the MDT chamber type information in the form of a MdtChamberTypeInfo data member
 CMdtTubeInChamberIdFieldsHelper class implementation to instantiate the templated IdentifierHashTable class
 CMeasurementSelectorTraits< AtlasMeasurementSelector< NMeasMax, traj_t, measurement_container_variant_t > >Types to be used for the measurement selection measurement and covariance types during measurement selection and for the final calibration are different to directly use the value of the uncalibrated measurement @TODO a first assessment does not indicate any performance improvement
 CmenuMake the sidebar many part of the config
 CMergeCalibHitsAlgorithm to propagate CaloCalibrationHitContainers into the overlay store
 CMergeCalibHitsToolAlgorithm to copy in the overlayed store the calib hits from the signal event
 CMergedEventInfoThis class provides general information about an event. It extends MergedEventInfo with a list of sub-evts (the original and the bkg ones)
 CMergeGenericMuonSimHitCollAlgorithm to merge truth jet collections in the overlay store
 CMergeGenericMuonSimHitCollToolAlgorithm to merge MC track record collTool in the overlay store
 CMergeHijingParsAlgorithm to copy in the overlayed store the HijingEventParams from the signal event
 CMergeHijingParsToolAlgorithm to propagate HijingPars to the overlay store
 CMergeMcEventCollectionAlgorithm to merge MC truth collection in the overlay store
 CMergeMcEventCollToolPileUpTool to merge MC truth collection in the overlay store
 CMergeTrackRecordCollectionAlgorithm to propagate TrackRecordCollections into the overlay store
 CMergeTrackRecordCollToolAlgorithm to merge MC track record collTool in the overlay store
 CMergeTruthJetsAlgorithm to merge truth jet collections in the overlay store
 CMergeTruthJetsToolAlgorithm to merge truth jet collections in the overlay store
 CMergeTruthParticlesAlgorithm to merge truth jet collections in the overlay store
 CMergeTruthParticlesToolAlgorithm to merge truth particles collections in the overlay store
 CMetaDataSvcManages the content of the metadata stores
 CMissingCellListToolMissingCellListTool.h Header file for class MissingCellListTool Author: P.A
 CMissingETCompositionConverterBase< MissingETComposition_p1 >
 CMissingETCompositionConverterBase< MissingETComposition_p2 >
 CMissingEtFilterFilters on total missing energy from nus and LSPs
 CMixingEventSelectorStream of events read from different selectors
 CMM_IDDetDescrCnvConverter for MmIdHelper
 CMMCablingTestAlgAlgorithm to test the validity of the MDT cabling
 CMmChamberHelper struct to represent a full MicroMegas chamber
 CMmDigitContainerUse IdentifiableContainer with MmDigitCollection
 CMmDigitEffiCondAlgConditions algorithm to load the sTGC efficiency constants that are used in digitization
 CMMPrepDataContainerCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CMMSimHitCollectionCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CMomentumFilterMomentumFilter can filter objects upon their four-momentum properties
 CMonTool to store LATOME mon header and footer data
 CMonitorAlgorithmConcrete implementation of Monitor to monitor all Algorithm instances in an event
 CMonitorAlgorithmClassConcrete implementation of Monitor to monitor all Algorithm instances in an event, grouped by their instance class
 CMonitorBaseForward declare
 CMonitorChainAlgorithmConcrete implementation of Monitor to monitor all Algorithm instances associated with chain in an event
 CMonitoredRangeContainer which represents a time range and holds a collection of Monitors which monitor this range
 CMonitorGlobalConcrete implementation of Monitor to monitor global properties of event execution
 CMonitorROSConcrete implimentation of Monitor to monitor Read Out System
 CMonitorSequenceConcrete implementation of Monitor to monitor all sequences in an event
 CMonitorThreadOccupancyConcrete implementation of Monitor to monitor utilisation of individual threads in a MT job
 CMsgStreamMemberNot terribly useful per se, since one could simply use the IMessageSvc* directly, but helps implementing
 CMTCalibPebHypoAlgHypo algorithm for framework testing
 CMTCalibPebHypoToolBase class for tools used by MTCalibPebHypoAlg
 CmuCombMain LVL2 Algorithm
 CMuCTPI_DataWord_DecoderClass helping to decode the MuCTPI data words
 CMuCTPI_MultiplicityWord_DecoderClass helping to decode the MuCTPI multiplicity words
 CMuCTPI_Phase1_RDOClass representing the readout data of the MuCTPI hardware and simulation
 CMuCTPI_RDOClass representing the readout data of the MuCTPI hardware and simulation
 CMuCTPI_RDO_p1Persistent representation of MuCTPI_RDO
 CMuCTPI_RDOCnvPOOL converter for MuCTPI_RDO
 CMuCTPI_RDOCnv_p1T/P converter for MuCTPI_RDO_p1
 CMuCTPI_RDOToRoIBResultAlgorithm fixing the muon RoI information in the data
 CMuCTPI_RIOReconstruction Input Object of the MuCTPI hardware and simulation
 CMuCTPIByteStreamCnvByteStream converter for the MuCTPI_RDO object
 CMuCTPIByteStreamToolTool doing the MuCTPI_RDO <-> ByteStream conversion
 CMuCTPIL1Topo_p1Persistent representation of MuCTPIL1Topo
 CMuCTPIL1TopoCandidate_p1Persistent representation of MuCTPIL1TopoCandidate
 CMuCTPIL1TopoCandidateCnv_p1T/P converter for MuCTPIL1TopoCandidate_p1
 CMuCTPIL1TopoCnvPOOL converter for MuCTPIL1Topo
 CMuCTPIL1TopoCnv_p1T/P converter for MuCTPIL1Topo_p1
 CMuCTPIPhase1ByteStreamAlgoThis is done in the original (run2) tool; trying to replace this with an include above
 CMuCTPISrcIdMapThis class provides conversion between Lower level Source ID to higher level source ID for MuCTPI ByteStream fragments
 CMultiDimArrayMulti-dimensional array with a compile-time number of dimensions, and a run-time complete freedom over the size of the dimensions
 CMultiDimArrayTypesGeneral recursive subtyping trait
 CMultiDimArrayTypes< T, 0 >General recursive subtyping trait
 CMultiDimArrayTypes< T, 1 >General recursive subtyping trait
 CMultiElecMuTauFilterSelect multiple charged leptons taking into account electrons, muons and taus (inc
 CMultipleEventLoopMgrA specialized AthenaEventLoopMgr that allows multiple passes over an event collection
 CMultiRangeA MultiRange combines several Ranges
 CMuon_ROIMuon RoI class for analysis
 CMuon_ROI_p1Persistent representation of Muon_ROI
 CMuonAlignmentErrorDataMuonAlignmentErrorData is condition data which is derived and recorded by MuonAlignmentErrorDbAlg
 CMuonAlignmentErrorDbAlgMuonAlignmentErrorDbAlg reads raw condition data and writes derived condition data (MuonAlignmentErrorData) to the condition store
 CMuonAlignmentParBasic class to map the MuonAlignment parameters to the different subdetectors inside the muon system
 CMuonCaloEnergyContainerData object for a StoreGate container holding a vector of CaloEnergy, the detailed energy loss description associated to combined muons
 CMuonClusterOnTrackCnv_p1NO LONGER NEEDED, except for backwards compatibility
 CMuonDetailedTrackTruthMakerThis algorithm produces track truth data using Muon PRD truth collections
 CMuonDictionaryEDM dictionary providing the muon, calo energy and SpShower classes
 CMuonFilterFilters and looks for muons
 CMuonFullIDHelperGenerate the appropiate full Identifier string for the differen Muon subsystem IDs
 CMuonHoughDataNtupleRegister all hit and truth info into a ttree
 CMuonHoughHisto2DHistogram class, similar to Root's TH2D
 CMuonHoughTransformerAbstract base class, Strategy pattern
 CMuonHoughTransformer_xyzAbstract base class for hough transform with carthesian coordinates
 CMuonIdCutToolImplementation of an IMuonIdCutTool
 CMuonInDetExtensionMergerAlgThe MuonInDetExtensionMergerAlg merges several InDetCandidate collections and dumps them into a single container
 CMuonInDetToMuonSystemExtensionAlgThe MuonInDetToMuonSystemExtensionAlg processes further the InDetCandidates created by the MuonCombinedInDetCandidateAlg
 CMuonMatchingToolClass that provides functionalities for searching for online muons close to a given offline muon and judging they are matched with the specific criteria
 CMuonMDT_CablingAlgMuonMDT_CablingAlg reads raw condition data and writes derived condition data to the condition store
 CMuonNSW_CablingAlgMuonNSW_CablingAlg reads raw condition data and writes derived condition data to the condition store
 CMuonPatternCombinationDetailedTrackTruthMakerThis algorithm produces track truth data using Muon PRD truth collections
 CMuonQualityWordA bitted word defining different levels of muon identification qualities (in terms of purity and efficiency), based solely on type of identification and reconstruction properties
 CMuonRdoToPrepDataAlgAlgorithm to decode RDO into MdtPrepData get the RDO container from Storegate loop over the RDO Decode RDO into PrepRawData loop over the PrepRawData and build the PrepRawData container store the PrepRawData container in StoreGate
 CMuonRoIByteStreamToolTool for converting MUCTPI ROB from BS to xAOD and from xAOD to BS (IL1TriggerByteStreamTool interface)
 CMuonSegContainerMergerAlgThe MuonSegContainerMergerAlg merges all MuonSegments assocaited with the combined muon tags into a single Trk::Segment container
 CMuonSegmentFilterAlgThe muon segment filter alg thins all segments coming from a certain detector technology, or in a certain region of the muon spectrometer, e.g
 CMuonSegmentPseudoJetAlgorithmA PseudoJetAlgorithm for muon segments (which are not IParticles)
 CMuonSimDataCollectionCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CMuonSpectrometerProbeCollectorToolGeneral Classes
 CMuonSpShower_p1Persisent representation of the transient Rec::MuonSpShower class
 CMuonSpShowerContainer_p1Persisent representation of the transient Rec::MuonSpShowerContainer class
 CMyLockableDataObjTo test SG lock functionality
 CNavigableNavigable template generalization to handle navigation
 CNavigable_p1< INDEX_TYPE >Persistent representation of Navigable - which is in fact an ElementLinkVector with additional weight parameter
 CNavigable_p1< INDEXTYPE, void >
 CNavigable_p2< INDEX_TYPE >Persistent representation of Navigable - as a vector of ElementLinks with an optional, additional weight parameter
 CNavigable_p2< INDEXTYPE, void >
 CNavigableCnv_p1< NAV >Converter template for converters between transient Navigable and its persistent representation. Template argument NAV is the type of the transient Navigable
 CNavigableCnv_p1< NAV, NavigationDefaults::DefaultWeight >
 CNavigableCnv_p2< NAV >Converter template for converters between transient Navigable and its persistent representation. Template argument NAV is the type of the transient Navigable
 CNavigableCnv_p2< NAV, NavigationDefaults::DefaultWeight >
 CNavigableTerminalNodeDummy type needed fro specialized implementation
 CNavigableVector_p1< INDEX_TYPE >Persistent representation of set of Navigables - which is in fact an ElementLinkVector with additional weight parameter
 CNavigableVector_p1< INDEXTYPE, void >
 CNavigableVector_p2< INDEX_TYPE >Persistent representation of set of Navigables - which is in fact an VectorElementLink with additional weight parameter
 CNavigableVector_p2< INDEXTYPE, void >
 CNavWrapperWrapper for Navigable implementation
 CNavWrapper< NavigableTerminalNode >Specialized wrapper for singular navigable data objects
 CNewMergeMcEventCollToolPileUpTool to merge MC truth collection in the overlay store
 CNonConst< const T >
 CNonPointer< T * >
 CNoPileUpMuWriterAlgorithm to write interactions per crossing (mu) into xAOD::EventInfo as decorations
 CObjContainerHelper classes to manage shared objects in a scope
 CObjContainerBaseObject container base class
 CObjectMatchingObjectMatching is a base class that performs generic matching of objects using the distance functor framework
 CObjPtrPointer to objects managed by ObjContainer
 CObjRefHelper class to refer to objects in the container ObjContainer
 Coh_lock_histogramLock to be used for thread unsafe histogram operations
 Coh_lock_histogram_mutexHelper class to set histogram mutex
 Coh_scoped_lock_histogramScoped lock to be used for threaded histogram operations
 COnlineErrorCodeError codes saved to ByteStream status word in case of HLT failure online
 COnlineLumiCalibrationCondAlgProduce lumi calibration data from COOL
 COnlineLumiCalibrationCondDataLuminosity calibration data, produced by OnlineLumiCalibrationCondAlg
 COnlineLumiCalibratorUtility class to apply calibrations from /TDAQ/OLC/CALIBRATIONS folder
 CORToolBoxTestAlgA testing algorithm for the dual-use overlap removal tool in Athena
 COutputStreamSequencerSvcThis class provides configuration properties to enable OutputStream file sequences
 COverlapRemovalGenUseAlgAlgorithm to implement basic OR procedure as a prerequisite for event cleaning
 COverlapRemovalTestAlgA testing algorithm for the dual-use overlap removal tool in Athena
 CP5toP4JacobianPhiThetaEM2PxPyPzEJacobian to transfrom trk perigee parameters (d0,z0,phi,theta,E) to (px,py,pz,E)
 CPageAccessControlFIXME Access to the underlying
 CPageAccessControlUsing the underlying
 CPageAccessControlSvcService to monitor access to memory pages
 CPairBuilderClass to build pairs of XY values
 CParallelCallTestProvides interface and helper functions to perform stress testing of the thread-safe code
 CParentChildFilterAllows the user to search for any given decay Parent -> Child + X
 CParentTwoChildrenFilterAllows the user to search for any given decay Parent -> Child1 + anti(Child1) AND Parent -> Child2 + anti(Child2)..
 CParityCalculates the parity of a passed word
 CParticleCandidateListA simple wrapper for std::list<int> to model a list of particle identity candidates
 CParticleDecayFilterClass to filter events based on the decay of a parent particle into a set of children particles
 CParticleFilterThe filter will pass only if it finds a particle with the specified properties
 CPassFilterFilter algorithm that always pass, needed to fill gaps in HLT CF
 CPdgIdFilterPdgIdFilter selects particles from their pdg id code
 CPEBInfoWriterAlgPass-through hypo algorithm writing decisions with attached partial event building information
 CPEBInfoWriterToolBaseBase class for tools used by PEBInfoWriterAlg
 CPFCellEOverPToolClass to store reference e/p mean and widths, as well as reference energy density radial profile fit parameters
 CPFClusterCollectionToolInherits from IPFClusterCollectionTool and AthAlgTool
 CPFEGamFlowElementAssocThis is the algorithm, which inherits from AthReentrantAlgorithm, that adds element links between particle flow objects (Flow Elements) and Egamma objects
 CPFLCCalibToolThis tool can either use a series of CaloClusterProcessor to calibrate the modified xAOD::CaloCluster (modified when we do the charged shower subtraction) using recalculated LC weights or its own internal method to use the stored LC weights in the eflowRecCluster objects
 CPFlowCalibPFODecoratorAlgorithmThis algorithm decorates xAOD::FlowElement with calibration hit truth information
 CPFMomentCalculatorToolThis tool uses a CaloClusterCollectionProcessor to calculate new moments for the modified calorimeter clusters (modified when we do the charged shower subtraction), and makes use of IPFClusterCollectionTool to generate a VIEW container of xAOD::CaloCluster to be used in the CaloClusterCollectionProcessor tool
 CPFMuonFlowElementAssocAthReentrantAlgorithm to associate Flow Elements (FEs) to Muons
 CPFSubtractionEnergyRatioCalculatorClass to calculate the ratio of new to old energies of CaloClusters after the particle flow charged shower subtraction has been run
 CPFSubtractionStatusSetterThis class contains a few functions to set the amount of energy removed from a xAOD::CaloCluster by a xAOD::Track in eflowRec
 CPFTauFlowElementAssocThis is the algorithm, which inherits from AthReentrantAlgorithm, that adds element links between FlowElements (FEs) and Tau objects
 CPFTrackClusterMatchingToolThis is the tool, which inherits from AthAlgTool, which clients can use for track-cluster matching
 CPFTrackMuonCaloTaggingAlgAlgorithm to use calorimeter information to remove potential muons
 CPFTrackPreselAlgAlgorithm producing a preselected set of tracks
 CPhiFilterRangePhiFilterRange implements the range (ie: [min, max]) the filters will use to take their filtering decisions
 CPhotonClass describing an photon
 CPhotonFilterFilters and looks for photons
 CphotonSuperClusterBuilderCreate supercluster under photon hypothesis
 CPileUpEventInfoThis class provides information about an overlaid event. It extends EventInfo with a list of sub-evts (the original and the bkg ones)
 CPileUpEventInfoReaderTest reading of PileUpEventInfo
 CPileUpEventInfoWriterTest reading of PileUpEventInfo
 CPileUpEventLoopMgrThe ATLAS event loop for pile-up applications
 CPileUpMergeSvcPreferred mechanism to access information from the different event stores in a pileup job
 CPileUpStreamTriple selector/context/store defines a stream
 CPileUpTimeEventIndexStruct encapsulating the identifier of a pile-up event
 CPileupTruthParticleSlimmerAlgorithm to skim the xAOD truth particle container for pileup minbias samples
 CPileUpTypeFor details on how the MC particles are defined and organized see
 CPileUpXingFolderSpecify time interval we want to study pileup for a set of data objs
 CPixelByteStreamErrorDetectorElementStatusToolTool to extend pixel detector element status data by the status extracted from the bytestream error container
 CPixelClusterContainerCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CPixelDetectorElementStatusCloneToolTool to extend pixel detector element status data by the status extracted from the bytestream error container
 CPixelFastDigitizationTop algorithm class for Pixel digitization
 CPixelGeometryManagerToolTool for setting up Pixel alignment geometry
 CPixelGeoModelAthenaCompsClass to hold various Athena components
 CPixelIDDetDescrCnvThis class is a converter for the PixelID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store
 CPixelRDOElemLinkVecVector containing element links to pixel RDOs
 CPlacementThis class holds all the necessary information to guide the writing of an object in a physical place
 CPlotsSet of generic plots
 CPlotsDefinitionSvcAthena include(s)
 CPLR_IDThis is a Identifier helper class for the PLR subdetector. This class inherits from PixelID
 CPLR_IDDetDescrCnvThis class is a converter for the PLR_ID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store
 CPoolCollectionConverterThis class provides an interface to POOL collections
 CPoolSvcThis class provides the interface to the LCG POOL persistency software
 CPRD_MultiTruthCollectionA PRD is mapped onto all contributing particles
 CPrdWrapperHelper class to help reflex/gccxml to discover the right types
 CPrimaryParticleInformationThis class is attached to G4PrimaryParticle objects as UserInformation. The member variable m_theParticle holds a pointer to the HepMC::GenParticle which was used to create the G4PrimaryParticle. Tthe member variable m_theISFParticle holds a pointer to the ISFParticle used to create the G4PrimaryParticle. (See ISF::InputConverter::getG4PrimaryParticle().) The behaviour is slightly different inside and outside ISF:
 CPrintMCPrint MC event details for a range of event numbers
 CProcedureHolderHold procedure dependent procedure vector
 CprocmapsA simple API to access /proc/self/maps info
 CPropertySupport class for PropertyMgr
 CProxyProviderSvcManages the address providers and add proxies on demand to the store
 CPseudoJetAlgorithmPseudoJetAlgorithm retrieves and builds the pseudojet inputs used in jet finding
 CPseudoJetMergerPseudoJetMerger collects a list of PseudoJetContainers into a single PseudoJetContainers
 CPyAthenaEventLoopMgrImplementation of the AthenaEventLoopMgr that allows selective and specific overrides in python. The idea is to maximize code-sharing with AthenaEventLoopMgr to reduce maintainance
 CPyClassIDSvcA wrapper for ClassIDSvc
 CPyDataHeaderA wrapper for DataHeader
 CPyItPatchThis class provides some pathces for an iterator
 CPyReverseProxyA utility class to convert a C++ object to a PyObject
 CPythia8B_iAuthors: James Catmore and Maria Smizanska / Inherits from Pythia8_i by James Monk
 CQwToolDual-use tool wrapper to set the Qw substructure variable
 CRALEmbAccess the EMB parameters from the geometry database
 CRALEmecAccess the EMEC parameters from the geometry database
 CRALExperimentalHallAccess the experimental hall parameters from the geometry database
 CRALHecAccess the HEC parameters from the geometry database
 CRandomErrorThrow an error with given probability
 CRangeA Range describes the possible ranges for the field values of an ExpandedIdentifier
 CRangeIteratorThis iterator is able to generate all possible identifiers, from a
fully bounded Range
 CRanSeedClass definition for RanSeed, which is used to modify the Hijing RANSEED common
 CRatesAnalysisAlgVirtual analysis class for performing rates studies on AOD Pure virtual base class for trigger rate studies on EnhancedBias or MC AOD files
 CRatesCPSHelper class to keep track of coherent prescales between chains in a group This class knows about its group's common prescale factor and can hence apply it coherently at the end
 CRatesGroupUsed to calculate the rate for a group of RatesTrigger objects at L1 or the HLT
 CRatesHistoBaseBasic base class for any common functionality between RatesTrigger and RatesGroup This means that everyone has access to the same histograms
 CRatesScanTriggerUsed to calculate a rate scan as a function of some threshold value
 CRatesTriggerUsed to calculate the rate for a single trigger at L1 or the HLT
 CRawConfDeclare a configuration param struct
 CRDBAccessSvcRDBAccessSvc is the implementation of IRDBAccessSvc interface
 CRDBQueryRDBQuery is an implementation of IRDBQuery interface
 CRDBRecordRDBRecord is one record in the RDBRecordset object
 CRDBRecordsetRDBRecordset is an implementation of IRDBRecordset interface
 CRDBVersionAccessorRDBVersionAccessor is a helper class navigating HVS tree and getting child node tag by the tag of one of its parents
 CReadCardsGet tag-value pairs from a file
 CReadDecorHandleKeyArray< T >Class to hold an array of ReadDecorHandleKeys
 CReadHandle< T >Smart pointer to an object of a given type in an IProxyDict (such as StoreGateSvc). It d-casts and caches locally the pointed-at object, to speed-up subsequent accesses. It can be reset by the store for asynchronous updates (IOVSvc)
 CReadHandleKeyArray< T >Class to hold an array of ReadHandleKeys
 CReadLArDigitsCTB: code to read digits
 CReadLArRawCTB: code to read raw channels
 CReadLumiBlockHelper class to read in lumi block length info from COOL for a run
 CReadTriggerDecisionAlgorithm demonstrating use of trigger decision information
 CReadTRT_DetectorElementsAlgorithm to demonstrate access to TRT detector elements, printing out parameters of specific straws
 CReadxAODAlgorithm demonstrating reading of xAOD containers
 CRecCTPByteStreamCnvByteStream converter for the CTP_RIO object
 CRecCTPByteStreamToolTool doing the ByteStream -> CTP_RIO conversion
 CRecMuCTPIByteStreamCnvByteStream converter for the MuCTPI_RIO object
 CRecMuCTPIByteStreamToolTool doing the ByteStream -> MuCTPI_RIO conversion
 CRecordingEnvelopeResponsible for finding the G4LogicalVolume pointer for each recording envelope and for creating and filling the corresponding TrackRecordCollection
 Cregister_aux< HLT::TypeInformation::no_aux >
 CRegSelToolEmacs: this is -*- c++ -*-
 CRemoveDataFunctor to remove a sampling from the Store
 CRemoveSamplingFunctor to remove all sampling in a store
 CResidualResidual is a class that stores the residual, error, and type of residual
 Cresult_handler< queried, result, HLT::TypeInformation::nil >
 CRingerRingsThis class carries the generated Rings
 CRivet_iInterface to the Rivet analysis package
 CROBData_TTemplete data class to wrap ROB fragment for accessing ROD data
 CROBPrefetchingAlgAlgorithm taking a list of decision objects, extracting RoI from each and prefetching ROBs (i.e. calling ROBDataProviderSvc::addROBData) for all these RoIs from specific detectors configured in the RegionSelectorTools property
 CRODHeader_p1Persistent form of RODHeader using T/P separation
 CRODHeaderCnv_p1T/P converter for RODHeader and RODHeader_p1
 CRODHeaderCollectionCnv_p1T/P converter for RODHeader and RODHeader_p1
 CRODHeaderCollectionCnv_tlp1T/P converter for RODHeader and RODHeader_p1
 CRodRobIdMapThis implements just the ROD->ROB conversion part of Hid2RESrcID
 CRoIBResult_p1Persistent representation of ROIB::RoIBResult
 CRoIBResultByteStreamCnvByteStream converter for the RoIBResult object
 CRoIBResultByteStreamToolTool doing the RoIBResult <-> ByteStream conversion
 CRoIBResultCnvPOOL converter for ROIB::RoIBResult
 CRoIBResultCnv_p1T/P converter for RoIBResult_p1
 CRoIBResultToxAODRoIB result to xAOD converter
 CRoiDescriptorDescribes the Region of Ineterest geometry It has basically 9 parameters
 CRoIPEBInfoWriterToolTool writing ROB list corresponding to an RoI in given detectors for use in PEBInfoWriterAlg
 CROIPhiRZContainerContainer for phi sorted ROIs defined by phi, r and z
 CRoiReaderRoiDescriptor collection
 CRoIsUnpackingToolBaseBase class for RoI unpackers
 CRoiWriterAlgorithm creating xAOD::RoiDescriptorStore objects
 CRPC_IDDetDescrCnvConverter for RpcIdHelper
 CRpcChamberHelper struct to represent a full Rpc chamber
 CRpcCoinDataContainerCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CRpcCoinMatrix_p1Persistent representation of RpcCoinMatrix class
 CRpcCondDataContainerHolds all information of the cscRPC Conditions data
 CRpcDigitContainerUse IdentifiableContainer with RpcDigitCollection
 CRpcFiredChannel_p1Persistent representation of RpcFiredChannel class
 CRpcPadContainerUse IdentifiableContainer with RpcPad
 CRpcPrepDataContainerCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CRpcROD_EncoderThis class provides conversion from BS to ROD format
 CRpcSectorLogicContainer_p1Class to represent
 CRPCSimHitCollectionCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CRtGraphA class for generating a r-t and t-r graphs by binning the 2D histograms in Calibrator::rtHists in r ot t bins
 CRunTriggerMatchingAlgorithm demonstrating trigger matching in Athena User provides a trigger string (wildcards possible) and the name of an offline object container, and the algorithm counts how many offline objects are matched to that trigger
 CSameParticleHardScatteringFilterAllows the user to search for any given production Parent1 + Parent 2 -> Child1
 CScaledErrorDataLiquid Argon class for standalone storage of cell shape information
 CScaledShiftedShapeLiquid Argon class for standalone storage of cell shape information
 CSchedulerMonSvcService monitoring the Scheduler status and producing relevant online histograms
 CSCT3_RawData_p2N.Barlow, Apr 2008 replace float[20] with vector<int> to represent strips with errors
 CSCT3_RawData_p3N.Barlow, Apr 2008 replace float[20] with vector<int> to represent strips with errors
 CSCT3_RawData_p4S.Oda, Oct 2018 replace unsigned int by unsigned short for for the presampling samples for Overlay MC
 CSCT_AmpHeader file for SCT_Amp Class
 CSCT_CablingCondAlgFromCoraCoolCondition algorithm which fills the SCT Cabling from the database, using CoraCool
 CSCT_CablingCondAlgFromTextCondition algorithm which fills the SCT Cabling from plain text (a file)
 CSCT_CalibDefectDataContainer with a list of defects derived from calibration data and used in SCT_ReadCalibDataCondAlg and SCT_ReadCalibDataTool
 CSCT_ChargeTrappingCondDataData object for SCT_ChargeTrappingTool, SCT_RadDamageSummaryTool, SCT_SurfaceChargesGenerator
 CSCT_ChipClass which stores infomration on the SCT chips: id, config, mask
 CSCT_ClusterContainerCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CSCT_ConditionsParameterTestAlgThis class acts as a test/sample client the ConditionsParameter class
 CSCT_ConditionsSummaryTestAlgExample class to show calling the SCT_ConditionsSummaryTool
 CSCT_CondParameterDataData object for SCT_ConditionsParameterTool and SCT_ConditionsParameterCondAlg
 CSCT_ConfigurationCondDataClass for data object used in SCT_ConfigurationCondAlg and SCT_ConfigurationConditionsTool
 CSCT_ConfigurationConditionsTestAlgThis class acts as a test/sample client for the SCT_ConfigurationSConditionsSvc class
 CSCT_DCSConditionsTestAlgThis class acts as a test/sample client the DCSConditions class
 CSCT_DCSConditionsToolClass to provide DCS information about modules from the COOL database
 CSCT_DCSFloatCondDataClass for data object used in SCT_DCSConditions{HV,Temp}CondAlg, SCT_DCSConditionsTool, SCT_SiliconConditions{HV,Temp}CondAlg, SCTSiPropertiesCondAlg, SCTSiLorentzAngleCondAlg
 CSCT_DCSStatCondDataClasss for data object used in SCT_DCSConditionsStatCondAlg, SCT_DCSConditionsTool, SCT_Silicon{HV,Temp}CondAlg
 CSCT_DetailedSurfaceChargesGeneratorClass to take calculate Charge Transport in the SCT with a detailed charge transport model
 CSCT_DigitizationTop algorithm class for SCT digitization
 CSCT_FastDigitizationTop algorithm class for SCT digitization
 CSCT_FrontEndDataSimulation of the SCT front-end electronics working as a SiPreDigitsProcessor models response of ABCD chip amplifiers to collected charges, also does cross-talk, offset variation and gain variation, in a correlated way
 CSCT_GeoModelAthenaCompsClass to hold various Athena components
 CSCT_IDDetDescrCnvThis class is a converter for the SCT_ID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store
 CSCT_LinkMaskingTestAlgExample class to show calling the SCT_LinkMaskingTool
 CSCT_MajorityCondDataClass for data object used in SCT_MajorityCondAlg and SCT_MajorityConditionsTool
 CSCT_MajorityConditionsTestAlgExample class to show calling the SCT_MajorityConditionsSvc
 CSCT_ModuleVetoCondDataClass for data object used in SCT_ModuleVetoCondAlg, SCT_LinkMaskingCondAlg, SCT_ModuleVetoTool, SCT_LinkMaskingTool
 CSCT_ModuleVetoTestAlgExample algorithm to show calling the SCT_ModuleVetoSvc to exclude bad components
 CSCT_MonitorCondDataClass for data object used in SCT_MonitorCondAlg and SCT_MonitorConditionsTool
 CSCT_MonitorConditionsTestAlgExample class to show calling the SCT_MonitorConditions
 CSCT_MonitorConditionsToolClass for keeping track of errors caught by the monitoring
 CSCT_PortMapHelper class to map the input/output ports of a chip
 CSCT_RawDataContainer_p2Persistent represenation of an SCT_RawDataContainer
 CSCT_RawDataContainer_p3Persistent represenation of an SCT_RawDataContainer
 CSCT_RawDataContainer_p4Persistent represenation of an SCT_RawDataContainer
 CSCT_RawDataToxAODAlgorithm to read RDO information from SCT ntuple and write augmented xAOD
 CSCT_ReadCalibChipDataTestAlgThis class acts as a test/sample client to the SCT_ReadSCalibChipDataSvc class
 CSCT_ReadCalibChipDataToolThis class contains a Tool that reads SCT calibration data and makes it available to other algorithms
 CSCT_ReadCalibDataTestAlgThis class acts as a test/sample client to the SCT_ReadSCalibDataSvc class
 CSCT_ReadCalibDataToolThis class contains a Tool that reads SCT calibration data and makes it available to other algorithms
 CSCT_ReClusteringThis performs reclustering after identifying dead or noisy channels
 CSCT_RodDecoderAthena Algorithm Tool to decode the SCT binary format to create RDOs and inserts them to the collection
 CSCT_RodDecoderErrorsHelperAllows to accumulate errors in one fillColection call
 CSCT_RodEncoderAthena Algorithm Tool that provides conversion from SCT RDO to ROD format Bytestream
 CSCT_RODVetoCondAlgAlgorithm needs to show calling the SCT_RODVeto to exclude bad components
 CSCT_RODVetoTestAlgExample algorithm to show calling the SCT_RODVeto to exclude bad components
 CSCT_SensorCondDataClass for data object used in SCT_SensorsCondAlg and SCT_SensorsTool
 CSCT_SensorsTestAlgThis class acts as a test/sample client the ConditionsParameter class
 CSCT_SiliconConditionsTestAlgExample class to show calling the SCT_SiliconConditionsTool
 CSCT_TdaqEnabledCondDataClass for data object used in SCT_TdaqEnabledCondAlg and SCT_TdaqEnabledTool
 CSCT_TdaqEnabledTestAlgExample algorithm to show calling the SCT_ModuleVeto to exclude bad components
 CSCTCalibWriteToolAlgorithm to test writing conditions data and reading them back
 CSCTEventFlagWriterAthena reentrant Algorithm to flag an event bad if the number of errors exceed threshold
 CSCTGeometryManagerToolTool for setting up SCT alignment geometry
 CSCTRawContByteStreamCnvConverter for writing ByteStream from SCT Raw Data
 CSCTRawContByteStreamToolAthena Algorithm Tool to provide conversion from SCT RDO container to ByteStream
 CSCTRawDataProviderAthena Algorithm to decode the SCT Byte Stream
 CSCTRawDataProviderToolAthena Algorithm Tool to fill Collections of SCT RDO Containers
 CSegMemSvcService to access an arena caching allocator
 CSelectEventNumberThis class is an algorithm that can be run before track fitting to select events from an ascii file
 CSensitiveDetectorBaseCommon base class for tools that create and manage Geant4 sensitive detectors
 CSensitiveDetectorMasterToolPublic tool which manages all the sensitive detector tools
 CServicesStaveThere are several possible types of staves from services point of view:
 CSGAccessAlgAlgorithm that loads data objects listed in a SG::Folder
 CSGDeleteAlgAlgorithm that resets the data objects listed in a SG::Folder
 CSGImplSvcThe Athena Transient Store API
 CShapeErrorDataLiquid Argon class for standalone storage of cell shape information
 CShiftingDerivCalcToolTool used to calculate total derivatives of residuals w.r.t. alignment parameters by shifting chambers in various directions, refitting tracks, and determining chi2 vs. chamber positions. This is used to calculate first derivatives
 CSiGeometryManagerToolTool for setting up Silicon alignment geometry
 CSiliconIDThis is an Identifier helper class for both the Pixel and SCT subdetectors. This class defines identifier hashes which span BOTH the pixels and the scts
 CSiliconIDDetDescrCnvThis class is a converter for the SiliconID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store
 CSimpleIDNtupleToolTool for writing information to ntuple for debugging
 CSimpleMergeMcEventCollToolPileUpTool to merge MC truth collection in the overlay store
 CSimpleViewVery simple pass-through implementation of IProxyDict
 CSimTestHistoUtility helper class for dealing with histograms in the sim tests
 CSimTimeEstimateAlgorithm to estimate the amount of CPU time that simulation will take
 CSingleHistogramDefinitionAlmost-a-struct for holding the single histogram definition
 CSiSmearedDigitizationTop algorithm class for Pixel digitization
 CSITrkAlignDBToolTool for writing Silicon alignment constants into oracle DB or an ASCII file
 CSoConsSoCons - Inventor version of the G4Cons Geant Geometry entity
 CSoGL2PSActionSoGL2PSAction inherits Inventor/SoGLRenderAction
 CSoLArSoLAr - Inventor version of the G4Cons Geant Geometry entity
 CSoPconsSoPcons - Inventor version of the G4Cons Geant Geometry entity
 CSoPolyhedronSoPolyhedron is an Inventor encapsulation of the HepPolyedron class written by E.Chernyaev
 CSoTubsSoTubs - Inventor version of the G4Tubs Geant Geometry entity
 CSqliteReadSvcSqliteReadSvc implementats IRDBAccessSvc interface for reading plain tables in the Geometry SQLite database
 CSqliteRecordSqliteRecord is one record in the SqliteRecordset object
 CSqliteRecordsetSqliteRecordset implements IRDBRecordset interface. It is a container of records read from an SQLite table
 CSrcIdMapThis class provides default conversion between Lower level Source ID to higher level source ID
 CStackCursor_Cursor object used to move between nodes of the tree
 CStackHandle_Unique reference for a stack trace
 CStackNode_Node used to store trace data
 CStandardFieldSvcAthena service for constructing the AtlasField object
 CStaticPEBInfoWriterToolTool writing a configurable constant list of ROBs and SubDetectors for use in PEBInfoWriterAlg
 CStatValSimple struct to hold a value and it's associated uncertainty
 CStaveServicesClass storing all the services of a stave (or a petal, etc...) classifying them by function and by number of items
 CStdCalibrationInputsName : egammaLayerRecalibTool.h Package : egammaLayerRecalibTool Author : R
 CsTGC_IDDetDescrCnvConverter for sTgcIdHelper
 CsTGC_RegSelCondAlgNB: this sTGC class follows the naming convention from the sTGC detector code base hence the non-standard naming convention sTGC rather than STGC etc
 CsTGCAsBuiltCondAlg2Conditions algorithm to load the alternativ sTGC as built constants
 CsTGCAsBuiltData2Class holding the sTGC as built conditions data and applying it. The model consists of four parameters:
 CsTgcChamberHelper struct to represent a full sTgc chamber
 CsTgcDigitContainerUse IdentifiableContainer with sTgcDigitCollection
 CsTgcDigitEffiCondAlgConditions algorithm to load the sTGC efficiency constants that are used in digitization
 CsTgcPadPlottingAlgSimple algorithm to plot the sTGC pad positions
 CsTgcPrepDataContainerCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CsTGCSimHitCollectionCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CsTGCSimHitCollectionCnv_p2The _p2 converter was added to support HepMcParticleLink_p2 in 21.3
 CStoreClearedIncidentIncident sent after a store is cleared
 CStoredLArCalibHitContainersStore pointers to the different hit collections
 CStoredMaterialManagerThis class holds one or more material managers and makes them storeable, under StoreGate
 CStoreGateSvcThe Athena Transient Store API
 CStoreIDDefines an enum used by address providers to decide what kind of StoreGateSvc they are providing addresses for. A hack, really..
 CStreamSelectorToolThis class provides an example for reading with a ISelectorTool to veto events on AttributeList
 CStreamTagMakerToolMakes stream tags out of chain decisions
 CStringParseUtility object for parsing a string into tokens and returning them as a variety of types
 CStringSerializerUtility class (not a tool or so) to serialize strings into stream of 32bit integers
 CSubSysResult_p1Persistent class used by RoIBResult_p1
 CSuep_showerAuxiliary class for SUEP generation
 CSwitchingFieldManagerG4FieldManager that sets tight stepping for muons; disables magnetic field for other particles
 CT2CaloEgammaForwardReFastAlgoMain LVL2 Algorithm
 CT2CaloEgammaReFastAlgoMain LVL2 Algorithm
 CT_AthenaPoolAuxContainerCnvAthena pool converter for aux store classes
 CT_AthenaPoolCnvThis templated class provides the converter to translate an object to/from its persistent POOL representation
 CT_AthenaPoolCnvBaseThis templated class provides the converter to translate an object to/from its persistent POOL representation
 CT_AthenaPoolCoolMultChanCnvThis templated class provides the POOL converter to translate a DataVector<T> to and from a CondAttrListCollection. In this case, the elements of T are written/read and their POOL tokens are stored in CondAttrListCollection
 CT_AthenaPoolCustCnvThis templated class provides the converter to translate an object to/from its persistent POOL representation
 CT_AthenaPoolCustomCnvCompatibility for old converter classes that don't get passed the key
 CT_AthenaPoolCustomCnvWithKeyThis templated class extends T_AthenaPoolCustCnv to provide management of the persistent objects created by the converter and to correctly delete retrieved persistent objects
 CT_AthenaPoolExtendingCnvThis templated class extends T_AthenaPoolCustomCnv to provide additional/chaged functionality for AthenaPool converters for top-level TP separated persistent objects that are an extension to some other, top-level TP separated object
 CT_AthenaPoolFindBaseClass to find the proper pool converter type for an EDM object
 CT_AthenaPoolFindBase< ViewVector< DV > >Specialize to use the proper converter for ViewVector classes
 CT_AthenaPoolLegacyCnvThis templated class extends T_AthenaPoolCustomCnv with the ability to write odditional persistent representation (usually an old one) if the user-provided writingLegacy() method returns true
 CT_AthenaPoolTPCnvCnvAthena pool converter for a class using TP separation
 CT_AthenaPoolViewVectorCnvAthena pool converter for a ViewVector class
 CT_AthenaPoolxAODCnvAthena pool converter for xAOD classes
 CT_AuxContainerCopyTPCnvConvert aux container version by generic copy
 CT_Muon_IDDetDescrCnvTemplated base class for Muon detector description converters
 CT_TPCnv< AFP_SIDLocRecoEvCollection, AFP_SIDLocRecoEvCollection_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< AFP_TDLocRecoEvCollection, AFP_TDLocRecoEvCollection_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< ALFA_DigitCollection, ALFA_DigitCollection_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< ALFA_GloRecEvCollection, ALFA_GloRecEvCollection_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< ALFA_LocRecCorrEvCollection, ALFA_LocRecCorrEvCollection_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< ALFA_LocRecCorrODEvCollection, ALFA_LocRecCorrODEvCollection_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< ALFA_LocRecEvCollection, ALFA_LocRecEvCollection_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< ALFA_LocRecODEvCollection, ALFA_LocRecODEvCollection_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< ALFA_ODDigitCollection, ALFA_ODDigitCollection_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< ByteStreamMetadata, ByteStreamMetadata_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< ByteStreamMetadataContainer, ByteStreamMetadataContainer_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< CTP_Decision, CTP_Decision_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< CTP_Decision, CTP_Decision_p2 >
 CT_TPCnv< eflowObjectContainer, eflowObjectContainer_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< eflowObjectContainer, eflowObjectContainer_p2 >
 CT_TPCnv< eflowObjectContainer, eflowObjectContainer_p3 >
 CT_TPCnv< eflowObjectContainer, eflowObjectContainer_p4 >
 CT_TPCnv< eflowObjectContainer, eflowObjectContainer_p5 >
 CT_TPCnv< EventBookkeeper, EventBookkeeper_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< EventBookkeeper, EventBookkeeper_p2 >
 CT_TPCnv< EventBookkeeperCollection, EventBookkeeperCollection_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< EventBookkeeperCollection, EventBookkeeperCollection_p2 >
 CT_TPCnv< EventInfo, EventInfo_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< EventInfo, EventInfo_p2 >
 CT_TPCnv< EventInfo, EventInfo_p3 >
 CT_TPCnv< EventInfo, EventInfo_p4 >
 CT_TPCnv< EventShapeStore, EventShapeStore_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< EventShapeStore, EventShapeStore_p2 >
 CT_TPCnv< EventStreamInfo, EventStreamInfo_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< EventStreamInfo, EventStreamInfo_p2 >
 CT_TPCnv< EventStreamInfo, EventStreamInfo_p3 >
 CT_TPCnv< ExampleHitContainer, ExampleHitContainer_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< ExampleTrackContainer, ExampleTrackContainer_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< InDet::InDetLowBetaCandidate, InDetLowBetaCandidate_tlp1 >
 CT_TPCnv< InDet::InDetLowBetaContainer, InDetLowBetaContainer_tlp1 >
 CT_TPCnv< LB_IOVRange, LumiBlockRange_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< LB_IOVRange, LumiBlockRange_p2 >
 CT_TPCnv< LUCID_DigitContainer, LUCID_DigitContainer_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< LUCID_DigitContainer, LUCID_DigitContainer_p2 >
 CT_TPCnv< LUCID_RawDataContainer, LUCID_RawDataContainer_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< LumiBlockCollection, LumiBlockCollection_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< LumiBlockCollection, LumiBlockCollection_p2 >
 CT_TPCnv< LVL1_ROI, LVL1_ROI_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< MergedEventInfo, MergedEventInfo_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< MergedEventInfo, MergedEventInfo_p2 >
 CT_TPCnv< Muon::RpcByteStreamErrorContainer, Muon::RpcByteStreamErrorContainer_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< MVFVxContainer, Trk::MVFVxContainer_tlp1 >
 CT_TPCnv< PileUpEventInfo, PileUpEventInfo_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< PileUpEventInfo, PileUpEventInfo_p2 >
 CT_TPCnv< PileUpEventInfo, PileUpEventInfo_p3 >
 CT_TPCnv< PileUpEventInfo, PileUpEventInfo_p4 >
 CT_TPCnv< PileUpEventInfo, PileUpEventInfo_p5 >
 CT_TPCnv< Rec::TrackParticleContainer, Rec::TrackParticleContainer_tlp1 >
 CT_TPCnv< Rec::TrackParticleContainer, Rec::TrackParticleContainer_tlp2 >
 CT_TPCnv< Rec::TrackParticleContainer, Rec::TrackParticleContainer_tlp3 >
 CT_TPCnv< SkimDecision, SkimDecision_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< SkimDecisionCollection, SkimDecisionCollection_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< TrackParticleTruthCollection, Rec::TrackParticleTruthCollection_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< TrackParticleTruthCollection, Rec::TrackParticleTruthCollection_p2 >
 CT_TPCnv< TrackParticleTruthCollection, Rec::TrackParticleTruthCollection_p3 >
 CT_TPCnv< TrackParticleTruthCollectionContainer, TrackParticleTruthCollectionContainer_tlp1 >
 CT_TPCnv< TrackParticleTruthCollectionContainer, TrackParticleTruthCollectionContainer_tlp2 >
 CT_TPCnv< TrackParticleTruthCollectionContainer, TrackParticleTruthCollectionContainer_tlp3 >
 CT_TPCnv< Trk::ClusterSplitProbabilityContainer, Trk::ClusterSplitProbabilityContainer_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< TruthParticleContainer, TruthParticleContainer_p5 >
 CT_TPCnv< TruthParticleContainer, TruthParticleContainer_p6 >
 CT_TPCnv< V0Container, Trk::V0Container_tlp1 >
 CT_TPCnv< V0Container, Trk::V0Container_tlp2 >
 CT_TPCnv< VxContainer, Trk::VxContainer_tlp1 >
 CT_TPCnv< VxContainer, Trk::VxContainer_tlp2 >
 CT_TPCnv< ZDC_SimFiberHit_Collection, ZDC_SimFiberHit_Collection_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< ZdcDigitsCollection, ZdcDigitsCollection_p1 >
 CT_TPCnv< ZdcRawChannelCollection, ZdcRawChannelCollection_p1 >
 CT_TPCnvNullPlaceholder for the case where no conversion is to be done
 CTagAthenaAttributeListAn AttributeList represents a logical row of attributes in a metadata table. The name and type of each attribute is given in an AttributeListSpecification. TagAthenaAttributeList is an AttributeList which is also a DataObject and thus can be saved in an Athena data store, e.g. the Event Store
 CTagDtoThe TagDto class It contains all fields of the TagDto class from the CREST API
 CTagInfoThis class contains the list of currently valid tags for detector description - GeoModel and IOV/Conditions. Tags are given as name/value pairs
 CTagInfoMgrThis is a Athena service which manages detector description tag information. It maintains a TagInfo object in the Detector Store with current tag values
 CTau1P3PDetails_p1DEPRECATED - Do not use except for backwards compatibility Persistent Tau1P3PDetails class
 CTau1P3PDetailsCnv_p1Legacy converter
 CTau1P3PExtraDetails_p1DEPRECATED - Do not use except for backwards compatibility Persistent Tau1P3PExtraDetails class
 CTau1P3PExtraDetailsCnv_p1Legacy converter
 CtauAnalysisHelperObjectDEPRECATED DO NOT USE - MIGRATE TO TauCommonDetails
 CTauAODMuonRemovalToolTool meant to run at AOD level, to remove the muon found inside the TauJet
 CTauAODRunnerAlgThe implementation of the TauAODRunnerAlg, which is meant to run at AOD level
 CTauAxisSetterSet Tau "Detector Axis" and "Intermediate Axis"
 CTauCalibrateLCImplementation of tau energy scale (TES) with eta and pile-up correction
 CTauCellVariablesCalculate tau calorimeter variables from cell information
 CTauClusterFinderAssociate the clusters used in the seed jet to the tau candidate
 CTauCommonCalcVarsCalculate variables which rely on tracks and precalculated cell/cluster information
 CTauCommonDetails_p1Persistent class for Analysis::TauCommonDetails
 CTauCommonDetails_p2Persistent class dor Analysis::TauCommonDetails
 CTauCommonDetailsCnv_p1Transient Persistent class converter for Analysis::TauCommonDetails
 CTauCommonDetailsCnv_p2Transient Persistent class converter for Analysis::TauCommonDetails
 CTauCommonExtraDetails_p1Persistent class for Analysis::TauCommonExtraDetails
 CTauCommonExtraDetailsCnv_p1Transient Persistent class converter for Analysis::TauCommonExtraDetails
 CTauDecayModeNNClassifierTau decay mode classifier using a neural network
 CTauDetailsContainer_tlp1Persistent class for Analysis::TauDetailsContainer
 CTauDetailsContainer_tlp2Persistent class for Analysis::TauDetailsContainer
 CTauDetailsContainer_tlp3Persistent class for Analysis::TauDetailsContainer
 CTauDetailsContainer_tlp4Persistent class for Analysis::TauDetailsContainer
 CTauDetailsContainerCnv_p1Transient<->persistent converter for Analysis::TauDetailsContainer
 CTauDetailsContainerCnv_tlp1Tau details container converter
 CTauDetailsContainerCnv_tlp2Tau details container converter
 CTauDetailsContainerCnv_tlp3Tau details container converter
 CTauDetailsContainerCnv_tlp4Tau details container converter
 CTauElecSubtractAlgAlgorithm that remove electron cluster and tracks from the tracks and cluster containers
 CTauElectronVetoVariablesCalculate variables sensitive on electrons
 CTauEleOverlapCheckerSelect only the tau within the removal direction
 CTauGNNWrapper around ONNXUtil to compute the output score of a model
 CTauGNNEvaluatorTool to calculate tau identification score from .onnx inputs
 CTauIDVarCalculatorThis class implements a tool to calculate ID input variables and add them to the tau aux store
 CTauJetCnv_p3Transient<->persistent converter for Analysis::TauCommonDetails v3
 CTauJetCnv_p4Transient<->persistent converter for Analysis::TauCommonDetails v3
 CTauJetCnv_p5Transient<->persistent converter for Analysis::TauJet v5
 CTauJetRNNWrapper around lwtnn to compute the output score of a neural network
 CTauJetRNNEvaluatorTool to calculate a tau identification score based on neural networks
 CTauolaPPThis Algorithm provides an easy interface to Tauola C++ interface
 CTauPi0Candidate_p1Persistent class version 1 for TauPi0Candidate
 CTauPi0CandidateCnv_p1Transient Persistent converter version 1 for TauPi0Candidate
 CTauPi0Cluster_p1Persistent class version 1 for TauPi0Candidate
 CTauPi0ClusterCnv_p1Transient Persistent converter version 1 for TauPi0Cluster
 CTauPi0ClusterCreatorCreates Pi0 clusters (Pi0 Finder)
 CTauPi0ClusterScalerScale cluster energy to take care of charged pion energy
 CTauPi0CreateROIFind the cells used to create pi0 cluster
 CTauPi0Details_p1Persistent class version 1 for TauPi0Details
 CTauPi0Details_p2Persistent class version 1 for TauPi0Details
 CTauPi0ScoreCalculatorSelectes pi0Candidates (Pi0 Finder)
 CTauPi0SelectorApply Et and BDT score cut to pi0s
 CTauRecDetailsCnv_p1Legacy TauRecDetails converter
 CTauRecExtraDetails_p1DEPRECATED - Do not use except for backwards compatibility Persistent TauRecExtraDetails class
 CTauRecExtraDetailsCnv_p1Legacy converter
 CTauRecToolBaseThe base class for all tau tools
 CTauRunnerAlgMain class for tau candidate processing
 CTauShot_p1Persistent class version 1 for TauPi0Candidate
 CTauShotCnv_p1Transient Persistent converter version 1 for TauShot
 CTauSubstructureVariablesCalculate variables from the tau substructure
 CTauThinningAlgThin taus below a minimum pt threshold
 CTauTrackFinderAssociate tracks to the tau candidate
 CTauVertexedClusterDecoratorDecorate CaloVertexedTopoCluster to the tau candidate
 CTauVertexFinderAssociate a vertex (origin) to the tau candidate
 CTauVertexVariablesClass for calculating vertex variables
 CTauWPDecoratorImplementation of tool to decorate flattened BDT score and working points
 CTBBPCRawRaw data class for BPC measurement
 CTBByteStreamCnvToolAn AlgTool class to provide conversion ByteStream <-> TestBeam Instrumentation Data created Feb 2004 Walter Lampl
 CTBCaloCoolPosToolClass TBCaloCoolPosTool
 CTBCaloCoordinateThis class implements the CaloDetDescr/ICaloCoordinateTool and handles the translation between :
 CTBCaloPosToolClass TBCaloPosTool
 CTBClusterMakerSimple cone cluster maker for TB data analysis
 CTBExtrapolTrackToCaloToolThis class takes a given TrkTrack, extrapolates it to the Calo and returns the variables needed to compare with the cluster position
 CTBLArCalibDigitContainerLiquid Argon Calibration Digit Container

 CTBLArDigitContainerGaudi Class ID
 CTBPatternUnitStreamerToolCompares pattern unit with client defined masks
 CTBPatternUnitStreamerToolH8Compares pattern unit with client defined masks
 CTBPhaseRecReconstruction of a suitable event phase
 CTBPhaseStreamerToolUsed for cutting TBPhase on guard region
 CTBTrackToCaloAlgThis Algorithm is meant to be an example of use of the TrackToCalo tools :
 CTBXMLWriterToolBaseBase class for XML writer tools for 2004 event display
 CTConverterRegistryRegistry for Root converters
 CTConverterStreamerRoot streamer that calls our converter when reading in non-split mode
 CTConvertingBranchElementA variant of TBranchElement that can call converters when reading objects in split mode
 CTConvertingStreamerInfoVariant of TStreamerInfo to handle conversions
 CTElectronEfficiencyCorrectionToolCalculate the egamma scale factors Implementation class for the e/gamma Efficiency Scale Factors. This code implements the underlying logic of accessing the ROOT files containing the recommendations
 CTElectronIsEMSelectorExample tool to select objects in pure ROOT
 CTElectronTestAlgDual use Test Alg for TElectronEfficiencyTool
 CTestIt is supposed to try out all the methods + do that from several threads to assure service robustness
 CTestClassTest classes for the Serializer 2006/07
 CTestHepMCFiltering algorithm to sanity check HepMC event features
 CTestRandomSegAlgTrivial algorithm to test the sequence of random numbers produced by an IAtRndmGenSvc
 CTEventClassClass used for the test
 CTextFileDBReaderClass to read in a text file and allow easy retrieval of parameters
 CTFCS1DFunction_NumericConverter functions that does nothing for floats
 CTFCS1DFunction_Numeric< uint16_t, Tfloat >Converter functions to store/retrive float numbers in integers
 CTFCS1DFunction_Numeric< uint32_t, Tfloat >Converter functions to store/retrive float numbers in integers
 CTFCS1DFunction_Numeric< uint8_t, Tfloat >Converter functions to store/retrive float numbers in integers
 CTFCSEnergyRenormalizationThe class TFCSEnergyRenormalization ensures that the sum of cell energies in every calorimeter layer matches the output of energy simulation
 CTFCSGANLWTNNHandlerCopyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 CTFCSNetworkFactoryCopyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 CTFCSONNXHandlerCopyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 CTFCSSimpleLWTNNHandlerCopyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 CTFileLooperBase class to loop over all the keys in a ROOT file
 CTForwardElectronIsEMSelectorExample tool to select objects in pure ROOT
 CTGC_BYTESTREAM_ERRORSThe struct for errors in ByteStream
 CTGC_BYTESTREAM_FRAGMENTCOUNTThe struct for fragment count in ByteStream
 CTGC_BYTESTREAM_HIPTThe struct for HiPt in ByteStream
 CTGC_BYTESTREAM_HIPT_INNERThe struct for Inner trigger bits in ByteStream
 CTGC_BYTESTREAM_LOCALSTATUSThe struct for local status in ByteStream
 CTGC_BYTESTREAM_READOUTHITThe struct for hit in ByteStream
 CTGC_BYTESTREAM_READOUTTRACKLETThe struct for tracklet in ByteStream
 CTGC_BYTESTREAM_READOUTTRIPLETSTRIPThe struct for triplet strip in ByteStream
 CTGC_BYTESTREAM_SLThe struct for SL in ByteStream
 CTGC_BYTESTREAM_SOURCEIDThe struct for source ID in ByteStream
 CTGC_IDDetDescrCnvConverter for TgcIdHelper
 CTgcChamberHelper struct to represent a full Rpc chamber
 CTgcCoinDataContainerCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CTgcCondDbDataConditions object to mark switched-off Tgc gasGaps
 CTgcCondDbTestAlgExample class to show calling the MdtConditionsTestAlg
 CTgcDigitContainerUse IdentifiableContainer with TgcDigitCollection
 CTgcDigitThresholdDataConditions object to cache
 CTgcDigtJitterTestAlgExample class to show calling the MdtConditionsTestAlg
 CTgcDigtThresholdTestAlgExample class to show calling the MdtConditionsTestAlg
 CTgcL1RawDataAn unit object of TGC SROD output
 CTgcPrepDataContainerCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CTgcRawDataAn unit object of TGC ROD output
 CTGCSimHitCollectionCnvCreate derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container
 CThinningHandleKeyArray< T >Class to hold an array of ThinningHandleKeys
 CThinTRTStandaloneTrackAlgThin TRT standalone tracks
 CTIDARoiDescriptorDescribes the Region of Ineterest geometry It has basically 8 parameters
 CTightMuonElseNoFieldManagerG4FieldManager that sets tight stepping for muons; disables magnetic field for other particles
 CTightMuonSteppingFieldManagerG4FieldManager that sets tight stepping for muons; caches global values for other particles
 CTile_Base_IDThis class factors out code common between TileID and Tile_SuperCell_ID
 CTile_SuperCell_IDHelper class for Tile offline identifiers for supercells
 CTileAANtupleClass to produce TileCal commissioning ntuples
 CTileBadChannelsCondition object to keep Tile channel and ADC status
 CTileBadChannelsCondAlgCondition algorithm to prepare TileBadChannels and put it into condition store
 CTileBadChanToolThe tool to get Tile channel and ADC status
 CTileBchDecoderClass providing the association between TileCal problems and status word bits
 CTileBchPrbsStatic class providing TileCal bad channel problems
 CTileBchStatusClass holding bad channel problems
 CTileBeamElemContByteStreamCnvThis AthConstConverter class provides conversion from ByteStream to TileBeamElemContainer
 CTileBeamElemDumperDump a TileBeamElemContainer to a text file
 CTileCalCellMonAlgClass for TileCal Cell based monitoring
 CTileCalibCondAlgCondition algorithm to prepare TileCalibData object and put it into condition store
 CTileCalibDataTemplated condition object to keep TileCalibDrawers
 CTileCalibDrawerBaseThis class provides the core BLOB infrastructure
 CTileCalibDrawerBchClass for storing a 32 bit status word for each ADC
 CTileCalibDrawerCmtClass to store comments in BLOB without any data
 CTileCalibDrawerDatGeneric template class for storing a number of "T"s for each channel or ADC
 CTileCalibDrawerFltGeneric class for storing a number of floats (Flt) for each channel or ADC
 CTileCalibDrawerIntClass for storing a 32 bit array of words for each ADC
 CTileCalibHitCntNtupThis class creates ntuple with calibration hits container info
 CTileCalibHitNtupleThis class creates ntuple with calibration hits info
 CTileCalibMonitorAlgorithmBase class for Tile calibration runs monitoring
 CTileCalibTypeClass encoding TileCalibDrawer types
 CTileCalibUtilsStatic class providing several utility functions and constants
 CTileCellBuilderThis class creates Cells from RawChannels and stores them in a container
 CTileCellBuilderFromHitThis class creates Cells from RawChannels and stores them in a container
 CTileCellContThis class builds the Tile cells
 CTileCellFakeProbScales down the energy of cells due to simulated failure of drawers
 CTileCellMonitorAlgorithmClass for Tile Cell based monitoring
 CTileCellNoiseFilterThis tool subtracts common-mode noise from all TileCells
 CTileCellNoiseMonToolClass for TileCal noise monitoring at cell level
 CTileClusterMonitorAlgorithmClass for Tile Tower based monitoring
 CTileCondAlgCondition algorithm to prepare Tile conditions object and put it into conditions store
 CTileCondProxyCoolThe tool to get Tile conditions data from DB
 CTileCondProxyFileThe tool to get Tile conditions data from file
 CTileCondToolEmscaleCalibration of TileCal channels and access to calibration factors
 CTileCondToolOfcCalculates OFCs on the fly using pulse shapes and A/C matrix from database
 CTileCondToolOfcCoolExtracts OFCs from database
 CTileCosmicMuonClass containing detailed results from TileMuonFitter
 CTileCosmicsTriggerSimulates the trigger logic in the Tile standalone board
 CTileDCSCondAlgCondition algorithm to prepare TileDCSState object and put it into condition store
 CTileDCSStateCondition object to keep Tile DCS status from DB
 CTileDCSToolThe tool to get Tile DCS information from DB
 CTileDddbManagerThis class provides access to constants in the Geometry DB
 CTileDetectorElementTile Detector Element
 CTileDetectorFactoryLiteDefinition of the TileDetectorFactoryLite class. The TileDetectorFactoryLite is invoked by the TileDetectorTool when the GeoModel description of Tile calorimeter is built from the SQLite database It also builds readout geometry (coming soon)
 CTileDigiNoiseMonitorAlgorithmClass for Tile digi noise based monitoring
 CTileDigits2BytesThis class converts TileDigits to and from bytestream in ROD format
 CTileDigitsContByteStreamCnvThis AthConstConverter class provides conversion from ByteStream to TileDigitsContainer
 CTileDigitsContByteStreamToolAlgTool class to provide conversion from TileDigitsContainer to ByteStream, and fill it in RawEvent
 CTileDigitsDumperDump a TileDigitsContainer to a text file
 CTileDigitsFilterThis algorithm copies TileDigits from input container to output container keeping only channels with (max-min) sample above threshold
 CTileDigitsFromPulseThis algorithm creates TileDigits from pulses provided by pulse simulator
 CTileDigitsGainFilterThis algorithm copies TileDigits from input container to output container
 CTileDigitsMakerThis algorithm performs digitization in TileCal, obtaining TileDigits from TileHits
 CTileDigitsMonitorAlgorithmClass for Tile digi noise based monitoring
 CTileDigitsMonToolClass for TileCal monitoring at digits level
 CTileDigitsThresholdFilterThis algorithm copies TileDigits from input container to output container
 CTileDQFragMonitorAlgorithmClass for Tile DQFrag based monitoring
 CTileDQstatusClass that holds Data Quality fragment information and provides functions to extract the data quality status for channels Checks for the following types of errors stored in the Data Quality fragment:
 CTileDQstatusAlgProduce a TileDQstatus object
 CTileDrawerEvtStatusThis class keep detailed status info about one drawer in a given event
 CTileDrawerRunStatusThis class keep detailed status info about one drawer in whole run
 CTileEMScaleCondition object to keep calibration factors of TileCal channels
 CTileEmscaleCalibOptionsClass for encoding Tile calibration options into a bit map
 CTileEMScaleCondAlgCondition algorithm to produce TileEMScale and put it into condition store
 CTileExpertDumpAlgorithn to dump out calibration constants from the TileInfoSvc
 CTileExpertToolEmscale(For experts only) Calibration of TileCal channels and access to calibration factors
 CTileFatherMonToolBase class for TileCal online monitoring tools in physics runs
 CTileFilterManagerAuxiliary class for TileRawChannelMakerManyAmps
 CTileFilterResultAuxiliary class for TileRawChannelMakerManyAmps
 CTileFilterTesterAuxiliary class for TileRawChannelMakerManyAmps
 CTileFragHashHash table for Tile fragments (==drawers ==collections in StoreGate)
 CTileHid2RESrcIDThis class provides conversion between fragment ID and RESrcID
 CTileHid2RESrcIDCondAlgCondition algorithm to prepare TileHid2RESrcID conditions object and put it into conditions store
 CTileHitDataVariables to identify Hit objects
 CTileHitNonConstContainerThis is a minimal version of a TileHitContainer in which the saved collections remain non-const
 CTileHitToCellThis algorithm builds TileCells from TileHits. Hits from the PMTs in the cell are merged and calibration constants applied to obtained cell energy, time and quality
 CTileHitToRawChannelThis algorithm builds TileRawChannels from TileHits. TileRawChannel amplitude, time and quality are obtianed from the TileHits. Noise is applied to the amplitude
 CTileHitToTTL1This algorithm builds TileTTL1 objects from TileHits
 CTileHitVecToCntTop algorithm class for TileHitVecToCnt
 CTileHitVecToCntToolThis AlgTool merges TileHits from different AthenaHitVectors and stores the result in a TileHitContainer
 CTileHWIDHelper class for TileCal online (hardware) identifiers
 CTileHWIDDetDescrCnvThis class is a converter for the TileHWID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store
 CTileIDHelper class for TileCal offline identifiers
 CTileID_ExceptionException class for Tile Identifiers
 CTileInfoDumpAlgorithm to dump out calibration constants from the TileInfoSvc
 CTileJetMonitorAlgorithmClass for Tile Jet based monitoring
 CTileL2Class to store TileMuId and Et quantities computed at the TileCal ROD DSPs
 CTileL2ContByteStreamCnvThis AthConstConverter class provides conversion between ByteStream and TileL2Container
 CTileL2ContByteStreamToolThis AlgTool class provides conversion from TileL2Container to ByteStream and fill it in RawEvent
 CTileL2DumperDump a TileL2Container to a text file
 CTileLaserObjectDumperDump a TileLaserObject to a text file
 CTileLogicalOrderingClass for ordering any TileData Objects according to logical (offline) identifier To be used with sort algorithm
 CTileMBTSMonitorAlgorithmClass for Tile MBTS based monitoring
 CTileMonitorAlgorithmBase class for Tile monitoring per L1 trigger type
 CTileMuClass to store TileMuId quantities
 CTileMuFeatureCnvTransient persistent converter for TileMuFeatureCnv
 CTileMuIdMonitorAlgorithmClass for Tile MuId based monitoring
 CTileMuonFitMonitorAlgorithmClass for Tile cosmic muon based monitoring
 CTileMuonFitterFits straight cosmic muon track to TileCal event
 CTileMuonReceiverDumperDump a TileMuonReceiverContainer to a text file
 CTileMuRcvContByteStreamCnvThis AthConstConverter class provides conversion between ByteStream and TileMuRcvCont
 CTileMuRcvContByteStreamToolThis AlgTool class provides conversion from TileMuonReceiverContainer to ByteStream and fill it in RawEvent
 CTileMuRODToNtupleThis class creates a directory, called TileMuRODTag, in the ntuple with the Tile ROD DSP muon tagging information
 CTileMutableDataContainerHelper for holding non-const raw data prior to recording in SG
 CTileNeighbourThis class return all neighbours for given hash ID of the cell
 CTilePaterMonToolBase class for tilecal calibration monitoring tools
 CTilePulseCondition object to keep and provide Tile pulse shape
 CTileRawChannel2BytesConverts the TileRawChannel object into bytes
 CTileRawChannel2Bytes2Converts the TileRawChannel object into bytes as it is defined at the testbeam
 CTileRawChannel2Bytes4Converts the TileRawChannel object into bytes as it is defined at the commissioning 2007. Updated for M6
 CTileRawChannel2Bytes5Converts the TileRawChannel object into bytes as it
 CTileRawChannelBuilderOpt2FilterReconstructs Tile digitized pulses (ie, computes amplitude, time and pedestal) as a linear combination of the samples
 CTileRawChannelBuilderQIEFilterReconstructs Tile digitized pulses (ie, computes amplitude and time) for the QIE front-end
 CTileRawChannelBuilderWienerFilterReconstructs Tile digitized pulses (ie, computes amplitude, time and pedestal) as a linear combination of the samples
 CTileRawChannelContByteStreamCnvContains methods to do the conversion from bytestream format to TileRawChannel stored in a TileRawChannelContainer and vice-versa making use of the TileRawChannelContByteStreamTool
 CTileRawChannelContByteStreamToolAlgTool class to provide conversion from TileRawChannelContainer to ByteStream, and fill it in RawEvent
 CTileRawChannelCorrectionAlgThis algorithm applies noise filter tools to input Tile raw channel container
 CTileRawChannelDumperDump a TileRawChannelContainer to a text file
 CTileRawChannelGainFilterThis algorithm copies TileRawChannel from input container to output container
 CTileRawChannelMonitorAlgorithmClass for Tile raw channel based monitoring
 CTileRawChannelMonToolClass for TileCal monitoring at channel level
 CTileRawChannelNoiseFilterThis tool subtracts common-mode noise from all TileRawChannels in one container
 CTileRawChannelNoiseMonitorAlgorithmClass for Tile digi noise based monitoring
 CTileRawChannelOF1CorrectorThis tool correct TileRawChannels amplitudes which came from OF1 DSP if pedestal changed
 CTileRawChannelTimeMonitorAlgorithmClass for Tile raw channel time based monitoring
 CTileRawChannelToL2This class emulates the algorithms processed at the TileCal ROD DSP level to contribute to the LVL2 trigger: a low Pt muon tagging algorithm and the Et calculation per superdrawer
 CTileRawChannelVerifyThis class compares two sets of TileRawChannels
 CTileRawDataNonConstContainerThis is a minimal version of a TileRawDataContainer in which the saved collections remain non-const
 CTileRawDataOrderingClass for ordering TileRawData Objects according to hardware identifier (channel number) To be used with sort algorithm
 CTileRawDataReadingAlgClass for Tile raw data reading from BS
 CTileROD_DecoderDecodes the different TileCal ROD subfragment types in bytestream data and fills TileDigitsContainer, TileRawChannelContainer or TileL2Container
 CTileROD_EncoderProvides conversion from TileRawChannel, TileL2 and TMDB (digits,MF raw channel,decision) to ROD format
 CTileRodIdHashTable to convert ROB ID to fragment hash
 CTileRODMonitorAlgorithmClass for Tile digi noise based monitoring
 CTileRoI_MapTileCal RoI map to offline Identifier
 CTileSamlingFractionCondAlgCondition algorithm to prepare Tile sampling fraction conditions object and put it into conditions store
 CTileSampleNoiseCondition object to keep and provide Tile sample noise
 CTileSamplingFractionCondition object to keep and provide Tile Calorimeter sampling fraction and number of photoelectrons
 CTileTBAANtupleClass to produce TileCal commissioning ntuples
 CTileTBBeamMonitorAlgorithmClass for Tile TB Beam elements based monitoring
 CTileTBCellMonitorAlgorithmClass for Tile TB Cell based monitoring
 CTileTBDumpTileTBDump produces formatted dump for both RawChannels and Digits Properties (JobOption Parameters): drawerList - vector of frag IDs present in data (hex numbers as strings) drawerType - type for every frag from drawerList 1=B+, 2=B-, 3=EB+, 4=EB- these parameters are needed only for 2003 data (when 0x102 and 0x202 were ext.barrel modules) correct values for 2004 are set by default
 CTileTBHitToBeamElemThis algorithm creates TileBeamElem container from TileHitVector with hits from ancillary detectors for testbeam simulation
 CTileTBIDHelper class for TileCal offline identifiers of ancillary testbeam detectors and MBTS
 CTileTBMonitorAlgorithmClass for Tile TB based monitoring
 CTileTBPulseMonitorAlgorithmClass for Tile TB Pulse based monitoring
 CTileTBStatClass to produce run statistics. Used to fill commissioning database
 CTileTimeBCOffsetFilterThis tool sets bad status for channels with 25ns or 50ns timing jump
 CTileTimingCondition object to keep and provide Tile timing
 CTileTMDBMonitorAlgorithmClass for Tile TMDB based monitoring
 CTileTowerBuilderToolConcrete tool for CaloTower building in Tile
 CTileTowerMonitorAlgorithmClass for Tile Tower based monitoring
 CTileTrigTypeDefinition of different trigger types (calibration and physics)
 CTileTTL1HashHash table for TileTTL1 identifiers
 CTimeBurnerReject-all hypo algorithm sleeping for some time and doing nothing else
 CTimedHitPtrSmart pointer to a hit that also provides access to the extended timing info of the host event. For a pu event this is taken from the event PileUpTimeEventIndex usually accessed via PileUpMergeSvc::TimedList
 CTimeDividerHelper class to divide time into intervals aligned with wall clock Once object is constructed say with arguments (6, 10, seconds) the time gets divided into 6 intervals each of 10s long
 CTimingFilterInformationSimple helper struct used to obtain the timing information by the IMBTSTimeFilter and ICaloTimerFilterTool
 CTMultiFileLooperBase class to loop over all the keys in several ROOT files
 CTokenThis class provides a token that identifies in a unique way objects on the persistent storage
 CTokenAddressThis class provides a Generic Transient Address for POOL tokens
 CToolConstantsCondAlgConvert from COOL inline data to ToolConstants
 CTopLevelTPCnvBaseBase class for top-level TP converters
 CTopoAutomatonClusteringTopological cluster maker algorithm to be run on GPUs
 CTopoAutomatonSplittingCluster splitter algorithm to be run on GPUs, using the same cellular automaton-based approach as Topo-Automaton Clustering
 CToyConversionSvcToy that implements IConversionSvc
 CToyConverterToy converter template that creates a default instance of DATA
 CToyNextPassFilterAlgAlgorithm providing a toy implementation of INextPassFilter
 CToyNextPassFilterToolTool providing a toy implementation of INextPassFilter
 CTPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS_BASE, TRANS, TPIntegerVector_p1 >
 CTPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS_BASE, TRANS, TPIntegerVector_p2 >
 CTPCnvBase< TRANS, TPIntegerVector_p1 >
 CTPCnvBase< TRANS, TPIntegerVector_p2 >
 CTPCnvStdVectorConstConst version of TPCnvStdVector
 CTPConverterTypeMapClass TPConverterTypeMap Converter registry template: a map from type_info to the appropriate converter
 CTPhotonIsEMSelectorThis class in intented to apply a cut based identification criteria to photons
 CTPileupReweightingTool to get the calculated MC pileup weight. Also does custom weights and other useful stuff
 CTPIntegerVectorStorage_p2Storage implementation for TP converters producing TP representation as series of ints
 CtPlotterGeneric plotter class - better to have one of these - make sure it can be configured however you like, line styles, marker types, legends etc now a template so can be used for TH1D and TH2D etc
 CTPPolyCnvBase< TRANS_BASE, TRANS, TPIntegerVector_p1 >
 CTPPolyCnvBase< TRANS_BASE, TRANS, TPIntegerVector_p2 >
 CTPPolyVectorCnv< TRANS, TPIntegerVector_p2, CONV >
 CTPPtrVectorCnv< TRANS, TPIntegerVector_p2, CONV >
 CTPropertyTemplated wrapper around user properties
 CTrackExample class for monitoring
 CTrackAnalysisDefinitionSvcAthena includes
 CTrackBarcodeInfoMinimal implementation of VTrackInformation. Instances of this class are attached as UserInformation to G4Tracks. This is used for G4Tracks with no link to the HepMC::GenEvent, but a non-zero barcode/id value. (See AthenaStackingAction::ClassifyNewTrack(...).) No GenParticlePtr is held by the TrackBarcodeInfo class. The member variables are: m_theBaseISFParticle - a pointer to the ISFParticle corresponding to the current G4Track, m_returnedToISF - a flag indicating whether the ISFParticle corresponding to the current G4Track scheduled to be returned to the ISF, m_barcode, m_uniqueID and m_status - ???
 CTrackCaloClusterRecValidationToolTool to book and fill inner detector histograms for physics validation
 CTrackCollectionProviderTool used to get track collection from StoreGate
 CTrackDataNtupleTreeThis class inherites from the automatically created TrkValidationNtupleOutputTrack to have independent interface to the ntuple
 CTrackExtensionAlgAlg that starts from proto tracks and runs CFK on a (sub)set of provided pixel measurements
 CTrackExtensionMapAUTO - An Undocumented Tracking Object
 CTrackInformationImplementation of VTrackInformation. Instances of this class are attached as UserInformation to G4Tracks
 CTrackletSegmentNew segment class for single ML segments
 CTrackParametersCnv_p2New convertor which handles all track parameters in one go - i.e
 CTrackParticleBaseCnv_p1Convertor for Trk::TrackParticleBase
 CTrackParticleTruthCollectionContainerCnv_tlp1Tau details container converter
 CTrackParticleTruthCollectionContainerCnv_tlp2Tau details container converter
 CTrackParticleTruthCollectionContainerCnv_tlp3Tau details container converter
 CTrackRecordGeneratorTrack Record Generator. The class takes input simulation track records and uses them as generator records
 CTrackSortHelper method to sort tracks
 CTrackTruthMC particle associated with a reco track + the quality of match
 CTrackVertexAssociationToolCreates a jet::TrackVertexAssociation object
 CTransformMapGeneric class to outsource the cache of transformations, Vectors, etc, from the core class instance
 CTreeShapeErrorGetterLiquid Argon base class for shape information
 CTRegSelEtaPhiModuleTemplate class with payload added NB: >, <, == and != operators should be defined for the payload for the sorting when adding to an std::set could get away only with < operator, but there you go
 CTrig3Momentum3 Momentum Class for Jet/MET Calculations
 CTrigAFPSidHypoMonitoringAlgMonitors performance of AF SID reco and related hypo
 CTrigBmumuxComboHypoEF hypothesis algorithm for B -> mu+ mu- X decays: B+ -> mu+ mu- K+ B_c+ -> J/psi(-> mu+ mu-) pi+ B_s0 -> mu+ mu- phi1020(-> K+, K-) B0 -> mu+ mu- K*0(-> K+ pi-) Lambda_b0 -> J/psi(-> mu+ mu-) p K- B_c+ -> J/psi(-> mu+ mu-) D_s+(->phi(-> K+ K-) pi+) B_c+ -> J/psi(-> mu+ mu-) D+(-> K- pi+ pi+) B_c+ -> J/psi(-> mu+ mu-) D*+(-> D0(-> K- pi+) pi+) partial (lost pion from D*+) and full reconstruction
 CTrigBmumuxComboHypoToolComboHypoTool for B -> mu+ mu- X (bBmumux) and B+ -> mu+ nu_mu X (bBmux) decays
 CTrigBmumuxStateState class for TrigBmumuxComboHypo algorithm
 CTrigBmuxComboHypoEF hypothesis algorithm for B -> mu+ nu_mu X decays: B+ -> mu+ nu_mu anti-D0(-> K+ pi-) B0 -> mu+ nu_mu D*-(-> anti-D0(-> K+ pi-) pi-) B0 -> mu+ nu_mu D-(-> K+ pi- pi-) B_s0 -> mu+ nu_mu D_s-(->phi(-> K+ K-) pi-) anti-Lambda_b0 -> mu+ nu_mu anti-Lambda_c-(-> anti-p K+ pi-)
 CTrigBmuxStateState class for TrigBmuxComboHypo algorithm
 CTrigBphysStreamerHypoImplements a streamer (no selection) for the HLT framework
 CTrigBSExtractionTop algorithms which unpacks objects from BS and places them in SG
 CTrigByteStreamCnvSvcA ByteStreamCnvSvc implementation for online use
 CTrigByteStreamInputSvcA ByteStreamInputSvc implementation for online use, reading events from hltinterface::DataCollector
 CTrigCaloClusterBase Cluster Class
 CTrigCaloClusterContainerContainer from TrigCaloCluster type objects
 CTrigComboHypoToolTrigComboHypoTool is a ComboHypoTool that calculates topological quantities between two particles and apply cuts on it (upper and lower cut) accepting the event if the required condition is satisfied
 CTrigCompositeContainerContainer from TrigComposite type objects
 CTrigCOOLUpdateHelperTool to perform COOL updates during the run
 CTrigCostAnalysisAthena algorithm used to process Trigger cost monitoring data in Run 3 and above. Outputs histograms
 CTrigCostAuditorGaudi Auditor implementation to hook algorithm executions and notify the Trigger Cost Service
 CTrigCostDataStoreThread safe and multi-slot hash-map to cache PAYLOAD objects/primitives during event execution
 CTrigCostFinalizeAlgSimple class to end the Cost Monitoring at the end of acceptedEventTopSeq
 CTrigCostSupervisorAlgSimple class to start the Cost Monitoring at the begining of HLTBeginSeq
 CTrigCostSvcAthenaMT service to collect trigger cost data from all threads and summarise it at the end of the event
 CTrigDecisionRetrieverRetrieves ROI objects, default mode uses HLT/Offline object LVL1_ROI::emtaus_type
 CTrigdEdxTrackHypoAlgImplements Hypo selection on triggering large dEdx tracks
 CTrigdEdxTrackHypoToolGenerated the decision for hypo thats triggers on high pt isolated tracks
 CTrigDisappearingTrackHypoAlgImplements Hypo selection on triggering disappearing tracks
 CTrigDisappearingTrackHypoToolGenerated the decision for hypo thats triggers disappearing track
 CTrigEFBjetClass representing a b-jet candidate created at EF
 CTrigEFBjetContainerContainer of TrigEFBjet objects to be stored in POOL
 CTrigEgammaFastCaloHypoAlgImplements egamma calo selection for the new HLT framework
 CTrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlgImplements Hypo selection on L2 electrons
 CTrigEgammaFastElectronReAlgoTrigEgammaFastElectronReAlgo is a Trigger Fex Algorithm that retrieves the TrigEMCluster container and the TrackCollection containers and then creates a TrigElectron Container with a subset of calorimeter-ID selection variables that are calculated (eg. E/p) The algo will apply some very loose selection cuts to the TrigElectronContainer created which is of TrigParticle type TrigElectron The TrigElectron conatiner will then be retrieved by the hypothesis algorithm TrigEgammaFastElectronHypo that will perform the corresponding fast electron selection
 CTrigEgammaFastPhotonHypoAlgImplements Hypo selection on L2 photons
 CTrigEgammaFastPhotonReAlgoConvert the TrigEMCluster to TrigPhoton object
 CTrigEgammaForwardFastCaloHypoAlgImplements egamma calo selection for the new HLT framework
 CTrigEgammaForwardPrecisionCaloHypoAlgImplements egamma calo selection for the new HLT framework
 CTrigEgammaForwardPrecisionElectronHypoAlgImplements precision electron selection for the new HLT framework
 CTrigEgammaPrecisionCaloHypoAlgImplements egamma calo selection for the new HLT framework
 CTrigEgammaPrecisionElectronHypoAlgImplements precision electron selection for the new HLT framework
 CTrigEgammaPrecisionPhotonCaloIsoHypoAlgImplements egamma calorimeter isolation selection for precision photon triggers
 CTrigEgammaPrecisionPhotonHypoAlgImplements egamma calo selection for the new HLT framework
 CTrigEgammaTopoHypoToolTrigEgammaTopoHypoTool is a ComboHypoTool that calculates the inv mass and deltaPhi distance Apply inv mass cuts (upper and lower cut) or deltaPhi cuts or both to the two electrons/photons and accepts the event if condition is satisfied
 CTrigElectronFile: TrigElectron.h
 CTrigElectronContainerFile: TrigElectronContainer.h
 CTrigEMClusterClass with calibrated variables for egamma clustering
 CTrigEMClusterContainerContainer from TrigEMCluster type objects
 CTrigEMClusterConverterBase< TrigEMCluster_p1 >
 CTrigEMClusterConverterBase< TrigEMCluster_p2 >
 CTrigErrorMonToolRetrieves and monitors all non-success status codes returned by algorithms
 CTrigEventSelectorByteStreamOnline implementation of IEvtSelector for ByteStream
 CTrigExISPublishingIS Publishing test algorithm
 CTrigFPGATrackSimRawHitsWrapperAlgSteering algorithm to run IFPGATrackSimInputTool and save the output in plain ROOT tree
 CTriggerBitsMakerToolObtains trigger bits from Navigation summary via getBits and (online) fills trigger bits in the HLTResultMT object
 CTriggerEDMSerialiserToolTool responsible for filling an HLT result object with serialised EDM collections
 CTriggerEfficiencyPlotsClass holding Pt plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods
 CTriggerInfoThis class contains trigger related information
 CTriggerRegistryToolThis file contains the class definition for the TriggerRegistryTool class
 CTriggerSummaryAlgIn addition, a merged decisions collection is prepared. But not currently written. An algorithm reading partial decisions and print them. Use to debug at the end of a sequence
 CTriggerTower_p1Persistent form of TriggerTower using T/P separation
 CTriggerTowerCnv_p1T/P converter for TriggerTower and TriggerTower_p1
 CTriggerTowerCollectionCnv_p1T/P converter for TriggerTower and TriggerTower_p1
 CTriggerTowerCollectionCnv_tlp1T/P converter for TriggerTower and TriggerTower_p1
 CTriggerTowerThinningAlgThinning algorithm for the L1Calo Trigger Towers
 CTriggerTranslatorToolSimpleProvides functionality for users to implement and save histograms, ntuples, and summary data, while allowing a central manager to coordinate and configure many TriggerTranslatorToolSimple instances
 CTrigHIEventShapeHypoAlgImplements FCal-based forward gap selection for the HLT framework
 CTrigHistoThe base class for TrigHisto1D and TrigHisto2D. This class should never be stored or used directly
 CTrigHisto1DA very basic one dimensional histogram to provide storage of HLT distributions, allowing constraints but preventing excessive memory usage for busy events. The histogram data is compressed during persistification according to the type of template instantiated
 CTrigHisto1D_p1The persistent partner of TrigHisto1D class
 CTrigHisto2DA very basic two dimensional histogram to provide storage of HLT distributions, allowing constraints but preventing excessive memory usage for busy events. The histogram data is compressed during persistification according to the type of template instantiated
 CTrigHisto2D_p1The persistent partner of the TrigHisto2D class
 CTrigHistoContainerContainer of TrigHisto1D classes
 CTrigHitDVHypoAlgImplements Hypo selection on triggering displaced vertex
 CTrigHitDVHypoToolGenerated the decision for hypo thats triggers on dispalced vertex
 CTrigHIUCCHypoToolTool to select Ultra Central Collisions (applies a cut on calo energy)
 CTrigInDetAccelerationSvcService for creating GPU-accelerated Work items for HLT ID algorithms
 CTrigIsoHPtTrackTriggerHypoAlgImplements Hypo selection on triggering high pt isolated tracks
 CTrigIsoHPtTrackTriggerHypoToolGenerated the decision for hypo thats triggers on high pt isolated tracks
 CTrigJetCRHypoAlgHypoAlg for low-EMF trackless jets algorithm
 CTrigJetCRVARHypoAlgHypoAlg for low-EMF trackless jets algorithm
 CTrigJetEJsHypoAlgHypoAlg for exotic jets / emerging jets algorithm
 CTrigJetHypoAlgImplements jet selection for the HLT framework
 CTrigJetTLAHypoAlgHypoAlg for TLA algorithm
 CTrigL2BjetClass representing a b-jet candidate created at L2
 CTrigL2BjetContainerContainer of TrigEFBjet objects to be stored in POOL
 CTrigL2CaloLayersAlgImplements LAr layer by layer cut based detection for the new HLT framework
 CTrigLArNoiseBurstAlgImplements LArNoiseBurst detection for the new HLT framework
 CTrigLArNoiseBurstRecoAlgImplements LArNoiseBurst detection for the new HLT framework
 CTrigLiveFractionCondAlgConditions algorithm for trigger live fraction data
 CTrigLiveFractionCondDataHold live fraction data produced by TrigLiveFractionCondAlg
 CTrigMatchToolThe TrigMatchTool is an athena tool used to match reconstructed objects to trigger objects and chains
 CTrigMatchToolCoreThe TrigMatchToolCore defines the core functionality of the TrigMatchTool and is used for matching trigger and reconstructed objects
 CTrigMessageSvcMessageSvc used by the HLT applications
 CTrigMissingETClass for LVL2/EF MissingET trigger
 CTrigMissingEtComponentMET trigger slice components (auxiliary information for TrigMissingET)
 CTrigMissingETHypoAlgImplements MET selection for the HLT framework
 CTrigMonAlgSummary of single agorithm execution. Algorithm is identified by position within parent sequence. Class stores stop and start time as encoded words from TrigMonTimer class, so timers are constructed on fly and returned by value. Class can also store (uint16_t, float) pairs of variables
 CTrigMonChainSummary of chain decisions
 CTrigMonConfigThis class holds encoded ids for monitoring objects and helps to map these objects to trigger configuration
 CTrigMonConfigCollection_p1Persistent copy of TrigMonConfigCollection;
 CTrigMonEventCollection_p1Persistent copy of TrigMonEventCollection;
 CTrigMonL1ItemEncoded L1 decision for one item
 CTrigMonTESummary of one trigger element from navigation tree
 CTrigMonTE_p1Persistent copy of TrigMonTE
 CTrigMonTHistSvcHLT online histogram service
 CTrigMultiTrkStateState class for TrigMultiTrkComboHypo algorithm
 CTrigMuonEFInfoCnvTestAlgAlgorithm to test conversion of EFMuons to xAOD objects
 CTrigMuonEFIsolation_p1Persistent partner class for TrigMuonEFIsolation
 CTrigMuonEFIsolation_p2Persistent partner class for TrigMuonEFIsolation
 CTrigMuonEFIsolationCnv_p1T/P Converter for TrigMuonEFIsolation_p1
 CTrigMuonEFIsolationCnv_p2T/P Converter for TrigMuonEFIsolation_p2
 CTrigMuonEFIsolationContainer_p1Persistent class partner for TrigMuonEFIsolationContainer
 CTrigMuonEFIsolationContainer_p2Persistent class partner for TrigMuonEFIsolationContainer
 CTrigMuonEFIsolationContainerCnvClass to convert between persistent & transisent versions of TrigMuonEFIsolationContainer
 CTrigMuonEFIsolationContainerCnv_p1T/P Converter for TrigMuonEFIsolationContainer_p1
 CTrigMuonEFIsolationContainerCnv_p2T/P Converter for TrigMuonEFIsolationContainer_p2
 CTrigMuonEFTrackIsolationToolEF Track Isolation tool
 CTrigMuonMonitorAlgorithmBase class from which analyzers can define a derived class to do specific analysis
 CTrigNavigationThinningSvcThe TrigNavigationThinningSvc is an athena tool used to slim the trigger Navigation structure in various ways
 CTrigNavigationThinningSvcMutexLow-granularity protection for Run 2 data paths
 CTrigNavSlimmingMTAlgConsumes a set of Run 3 trigger navigation collection(s), applies slimming/thinning, writes out a single output collection
 CTrigOperationalInfoThis class defined generic object to store operational info available during triggering online i.e
 CTrigPassFlagsA Flag is an ordered collection of bits (vector<bool>) that can hold additional (boolean) information about a trigger object
 CTrigPathSupport class for use in AthenaPoolMultiTest event splitting.
Stores trigger path information, i.e. correlation between trigger levels
 CTrigPhotonFile: TrigPhoton.h
 CTrigPhotonContainerFile: TrigPhotonContainer.h
 CTrigRDBManagerHelper to manage database connections
 CTrigRNNOutputThis class carries the output of the Neural Network of TrigMultiVarHypo
 CTrigRNNOutputConverterBase< TrigRNNOutput_p1 >
 CTrigRoiDescriptorNope - should be used for standalone also, perhaps need to protect the class def bits #ifndef XAOD_ANALYSIS if !defined(TRIGSTEERINGEVENT_TRIGROIDESCRIPTOR_H) && !defined(XAOD_STANDALONE)
 CTrigSctSpCountsCollectionContainer class needed for EDM. Should normally only contain 1 TrigSpacePointCounts object
 CTrigSignatureMoniMTAlgorithm implementing monitoring of the HLT decision in the MT framework
 CTrigSORFromPtreeHelperHelper class for Start Of Run (SOR) record
 CTrigStreamAddressIOpaqueAddress for TrigSerializenCnvSvc
 CTrigStreamerHypoAlgImplements a streamer (aka no selection) for the HLT framework
 CTrigSuperRoiDescribes the Region of Ineterest geometry It has basically 9 parameters
 CTrigT2JetLVL2 Trigger Jet Class
 CTrigT2JetContainerContainer of TrigT2Jet elements
 CTrigTauFile: TrigTau.h
 CTrigTauCaloHypoAlgHLT CaloMVA step TauJet selection
 CTrigTauCaloHypoToolHLT CaloMVA step TauJet selection hypothesis tools
 CTrigTauCaloRoiUpdaterUpdate the input RoI direction in (eta, phi) to the tau's axis, calculated from the RoI calo clusters
 CTrigTauClusterClass with calibrated variables for tau clustering
 CTrigTauClusterContainerContainer from TrigTauCluster type objects
 CTrigTauClusterDetailsContainerContainer from TrigTauClusterDetails type objects
 CTrigTauContainerFile: TrigTauContainer.h
 CTrigTauFastTrackHypoAlgHypotesis algorithm for the fast tracking steps
 CTrigTauFastTrackHypoToolHypothesis tool for the fast tracking steps
 CTrigTauPrecisionDiKaonHypoToolPrecision step hypothesis tool for applying meson kinematic cuts (meson chains)
 CTrigTauPrecisionHypoAlgHLT Precision step TauJet selection hypothesis algorithm
 CTrigTauPrecisionIDHypoToolPrecision step hypothesis tool for applying ID cuts (standard chains)
 CTrigTauPrecTrackHypoAlgHypothesis algorithm for the precision tracking step
 CTrigTauTrackRoiUpdaterUpdate the input RoI direction in (eta, phi) to the leading RoI track (if any), and update the size
 CTrigTimeStampUtility class to measure time duration in AthenaMT The pattern when it is useful: AlgA tags the beginning of the time period AlgA::execute() { timeStampHandle.record( std::move( std::make_unique<TrigTimeStamp>() ) ); }
 CTrigTrackSelectorL2 tracks
 CTrigTrtHitCountsA class to store the distributions of time of threshold from the TRT raw data
 CTrigTrtHitCountsCollectionContainer class needed for EDM. Should normally only contain 1 TrigTrtHitCounts object
 CTrigTRTHTHCounterTrigTRTHTHCounter gives back the number of TRT high-threshold hits based on the code of HIPsFilterAlg by Sergey Burdin @migrated from TrigTRTHTHCounter.h & cxx
 CTrigTRTHTHhypoAlgTrigTRTHTHhypoAlg passes depending on the number of TRT hits found by the TrigTRTHTHCounter fex
 CTrigVertexFittingNodeThis is the implementation of classes used by TrigL2VertexFitter:
 CTrigZVertexHypoAlgUses Verter weights found by TrigZFinderAlg/Tool to select events with high multiplicity
 CTrigZVertexHypoToolApplies selection on the number of tracks poting to vertex (actually on the vertex weight)
 CTrkAlignDBToolAlgTool used to read in from alignment database and to write parameters to database
 CTrkParametersComparisonFunctionFunction for parameter position comparisons, now implemented as hidden template with ComparisonFunction<TrackParameters>
 CTrkTrackFakeReaderTest Algorithm for POOL I/O uses TrkTracks as test data
 CTrkTrackFakeWriterTest Algorithm for POOL I/O uses TrkTracks as test data
 CTRootCompareClass to compare the histograms in two root files
 CTRT_ByteStream_ConditionsSvcService for retrieving ByteStream conditions information
 CTRT_DCS_ConditionsSvcService for accessing DCS conditions information
 CTRT_HWMappingSvcAlgTool providing offline -> hardware mapping information
 CTRT_IDDetDescrCnvThis class is a converter for the TRT_ID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store
 CTRT_PAI_effectiveGasEffective gas: All quantities necessary to calculate PAI ionisation for gas mixture
 CTRT_PAI_elementChemical element
 CTRT_PAI_gasComponentGas component (molecule)
 CTRT_PAI_gasMixtureGas mixture = mixture of gas components
 CTRT_PAI_ProcessThe Photon Absorption Ionisation model used for the ionisation in the TRT
 CTRT_RodEncoderThis class provides conversion from TRT RDO to ROD format
 CTRTCalibratorThe TRTCalibrator is called from TRTCalibrationMgr
 CTRTDetectorFactory_FullThis class creates the TRT Geometry
 CTRTDigCondBaseCommunication with CondDB
 CTRTDigCondFakeMap"Fake" straw map until "real" map is known
 CTRTDigitClass for TRT digits
 CTRTDigitizationTop algorithm class for TRT digitization
 CTRTDigSettingsClass containing parameters and settings used by TRT digitization
 CTRTElectronicsNoiseSimulate TRT Electronics Noise
For description of metod, see Thomas Kittelmanns PhD thesis chapters 9-11
 CTRTElectronicsProcessingElectronics Processing
 CTRTFastDigitizationTop algorithm class for TRT digitization
 CTRTGeometryManagerToolTool for setting up TRT alignment geometry
 CTRTMonitoringAlgMonitoring algorithms for TRT trigger chains
 CTRTNoiseSimulation of noise hits in the TRT
 CTRTProcessingOfStrawTRT Digitization: Processing of a TRT Straws
 CTRTRawContByteStreamToolAn AlgTool class to provide conversion from TRT RDO container to ByteStream, and fill it in RawEvent created: Oct 25, 2002, by Hong Ma requirements: typedef for CONTAINER class method StatusCode convert(CONTAINER* cont, RawEvent* re, MsgStream& log );
 CTRTTimeCorrectionTime correction
 CTRTTrkAlignDBToolTool for writing TRT alignment constants into oracle DB or an ASCII file
 CTrueHitInChambHelper struct to map all muons in the same chamber
 CTruncationAnalysisAlgRetrieves and prints the content of HLT result truncation debugging information object
 CTruthClassificationToolTool to classify particles based on their type and origin
 CTruthJetFilterTruth jet filters
 CTruthStrategyManagerSingleton class for creating truth incidents
 CTTbarMassFilterRequire the invariant mass of a top + anti-top pair to be within a certain range
 CTTbarWToLeptonFilterRequire the event to contain at least one charged lepton (from W decay, which should come from top) with pt at or above Ptcut
 CTTOnlineIDHelper class for Calo TT online identifiers
 CTVirtualConverterBase class for converters for Root schema evolution
 CTVirtualConverter_TEasy-to-use templated class for defining converters
 CUniformShapeErrorGetterLiquid Argon base class for shape information
 CUpdateAfterForkIncident to signal that a new worker was forked
 CUpdateHandle< T >Smart pointer to an object of a given type in an IProxyDict (such as StoreGateSvc). It d-casts and caches locally the pointed-at object, to speed-up subsequent accesses. It can be reset by the store for asynchronous updates (IOVSvc)
 CUserPhotonFluxTool to implement Pythi8 main70 functionality
 CValgrindAuditorValgrind auditor
 CValueTag-value pair class
 CVarHandleKeyArray< T >Untemplated base class for VarHandleKeyArrays
 CVarHandleKeyArrayCommon< T >Mixin base class for VarHandleKeyArrays, inheriting from std::vector as well as VarHandleKeyArray to provide vector-like access
 CVariableWrapper around a histogram which allows for some additional filling patterns and data manipulation
 CVBFForwardJetsFilterFilter of the type of VBF forward jets
 CVectorElementLink_p1< INDEX_TYPE >Persistent representation of a vector of ElementLinks The C++ type of an index in a container can be integer for sequences or a "key" type for sets (like std::map). (std::string is supported, define more types if necessary)
 CVectorElementLinkCnv_p1< LINK_VECT >Converter template for converters between transient VectorElementLink and its persistent representation. Template argument LINK_VECT is the type of the transient VectorElementLink. The type of the persistent link vector representation is automatically deducted (it is based on the primiteve C++ type used by IndexingPolicy) - it can be integer index type, or string index type. More types can be added in ElementLink_p1.h
 CVGammaORToolThis tool can be used to identify the overlap of a V+jets and V+gamma sample or in fact between most V^n+gamma^m and V^n+gamma^(m-1) samples (e.g
 CViewVectorIdentify view containers to be made persistent
 CVNetworkBaseCopyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 CVNetworkLWTNNCopyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 CVoidMonitoringToolHelper class to declare an empty monitoring ToolHandle
 Cvsincos_parVectorized version of parametrized sincos see ATLASSIM-4753 for details
 CVTrackInformationInstances of classes derived from this class are attached as UserInformation to G4Tracks. It extends G4VUserTrackInformation. The GenParticlePtr held by the VTrackInformation object can change during simulation (i.e. each time the track undergoes a non-destructive interaction). The member variables are m_classify: a classification of the current G4Track (Primary, Regenerated Primary, Registered Secondary, Secondary) and m_primaryGenParticle: a pointer to the GenParticle used to create the initial G4PrimaryParticle from which the current G4Track decends
 CWeightingValuesSummary_tStructure to hold per-event weights for distribution
 CWritableArray< N >Read-write multidimensional array, specialized for N=0
 CWritableArrayData< N >A WriteableArray together with an Arrayrep
 CWriteDecorHandleKeyArray< T >Class to hold an array of WriteDecorHandleKeys
 CWriteHandle< T >A smart pointer to an object of a given type in an IProxyDict (such as StoreGateSvc). It d-casts and caches locally the pointed-at object, to speed-up subsequent accesses. It can be reset by the store for asynchronous updates (IOVSvc)
 CWriteHandleKeyArray< T >Class to hold an array of WriteHandleKeys
 CWriteHepMCWrite the MC event record to file in IO_GenEvent text format
 CxAODAuxContainerBaseCnvPOOL converter for the xAOD::AuxContainerBase class
 CxAODBTaggingAuxContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::BTaggingAuxContainer_v1
 CxAODBTaggingTrigAuxContainerCnvPOOL converter for the xAOD::BTaggingTrigAuxContainer class
 CxAODBTagVertexAuxContainerCnvPOOL converter for the xAOD::BTaggingAuxContainer class
 CxAODCaloClusterAuxContainerCnvPOOL converter for the xAOD::CaloClusterAuxContainer class
 CxAODCaloClusterAuxContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::CaloClusterAuxContainer_v1
 CxAODChargedTracksFilterFilter events based on presence of charged tracks
 CxAODChargedTracksWeightFilterFilter events based on presence of charged tracks
 CxAODDiLeptonMassFilterFilter on dileptons within a Z mass window
 CxAODDirectPhotonFilterFilters and looks for photons from brem or hadr proc
 CxAODElectronAuxContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::ElectronAuxContainer_v1
 CxAODElectronAuxContainerCnv_v2Converter class used for reading xAOD::ElectronAuxContainer_v2
 CxAODElectronFilterFilters and looks for electrons
 CxAODEmTauRoIAuxContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::EmTauRoIAuxContainer_v1
 CxAODEmTauRoIContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::EmTauRoIContainer_v1
 CxAODEnergySumRoIAuxInfoCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::EnergySumRoIAuxInfo_v1
 CxAODEnergySumRoICnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::EnergySumRoI_v1
 CxAODEventAuxInfoCnv_v1Converter for reading xAOD::EventAuxInfo_v1
 CxAODEventAuxInfoCnv_v2Converter for reading xAOD::EventAuxInfo_v2
 CxAODForwardProtonFilterDescription: Filter based on kinematics of forward proton
 CxAODFourLeptonMassFilterFilter on two dilepton-pairs with two mass windows (by default >60GeV and >12GeV)
 CxAODHIEventShapeAuxContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::HIEventShapeAuxContainer_v1
 CxAODHIEventShapeContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::HIEventShapeContainer_v1
 CxAODJetAuxContainerCnvPOOL converter for the xAOD::JetAuxContainer class
 CxAODJetFilterApplies the generator level filter for jet candidates
 CxAODJetRoIAuxContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::JetRoIAuxContainer_v1
 CxAODJetRoIContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::JetRoIContainer_v1
 CxAODJetTrigAuxContainerCnvPOOL converter for the xAOD::JetTrigAuxContainer class
 CxAODJetTrigAuxContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::JetTrigAuxContainer_v1
 CxAODL2StandAloneMuonAuxContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::L2StandAloneMuonAuxContainer_v1
 CxAODL2StandAloneMuonContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::L2StandAloneMuonContainer_v1
 CxAODLeptonFilterFilter events based on presence of charged leptons
 CxAODMETFilterFilters on total missing energy from nus and LSPs
 CxAODMissingETAuxAssociationMapCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::MissingETAuxAssociationMap_v1
 CxAODMultiElecMuTauFilterSelect multiple charged leptons taking into account electrons, muons and taus (inc
 CxAODMultiMuonFilterFilters and looks for muons
 CxAODMuonAuxContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::MuonAuxContainer_v1
 CxAODMuonAuxContainerCnv_v2Converter class used for reading xAOD::MuonAuxContainer_v2
 CxAODMuonAuxContainerCnv_v3Converter class used for reading xAOD::MuonAuxContainer_v3
 CxAODMuonAuxContainerCnv_v4Converter class used for reading xAOD::MuonAuxContainer_v4
 CxAODMuonFilterFilters and looks for muons
 CxAODParentChildFilterAllows the user to search for any given decay Parent -> Child + X
 CxAODParentTwoChildrenFilterAllows the user to search for any given decay Parent -> Child1 + anti(Child1) AND Parent -> Child2 + anti(Child2)..
 CxAODParticleDecayFilterClass to filter events based on the decay of a parent particle into a set of children particles
 CxAODParticleFilterThe filter will pass only if it finds a particle with the specified properties
 CxAODPhotonAuxContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::PhotonAuxContainer_v1
 CxAODPhotonAuxContainerCnv_v2Converter class used for reading xAOD::PhotonAuxContainer_v2
 CxAODPhotonFilterFilters and looks for photons
 CxAODRODHeaderAuxContainerCnv_v1Converter class for reading xAOD::RODHeaderAuxContainer_v1
 CxAODRODHeaderContainerCnv_v1Converter class for reading xAOD::RODHeaderContainer_v1
 CxAODSameParticleHardScatteringFilterAllows the user to search for any given production Parent1 + Parent 2 -> Child1
 CxAODShallowAuxContainerCnvPOOL converter for the xAOD::ShallowAuxContainer class
 CxAODTauJetAuxContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::TauJetAuxContainer_v1
 CxAODTauJetAuxContainerCnv_v2Converter class used for reading xAOD::TauJetAuxContainer_v2
 CxAODTauJetContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::TauJetContainer_v1
 CxAODTauJetContainerCnv_v2Converter class used for reading xAOD::TauJetContainer_v2
 CxAODTEventBranchSpecialised class for browsing xAOD event interface objects in ROOT
 CxAODTEventTreeTransient TTree for interactive xAOD event data access
 CxAODTMetaBranchSpecialised class for browsing xAOD metadata interface objects in ROOT
 CxAODTMetaTreeTransient TTree for interactive xAOD metadata access
 CxAODTrackCaloClusterAuxContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::TrackCaloClusterAuxContainer_v1
 CxAODTrackParticleAuxContainerCnvPOOL converter for the xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer class
 CxAODTrackParticleAuxContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v1
 CxAODTrackParticleAuxContainerCnv_v2Converter class used for reading xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v2
 CxAODTrackParticleAuxContainerCnv_v3Converter class used for reading xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v3
 CxAODTrackParticleAuxContainerCnv_v4Converter class used for reading xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v4
 CxAODTrigBphysAuxContainerCnvPOOL converter for the xAOD::TrigBphysAuxContainer class
 CxAODTrigCompositeAuxContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading TrigCompositeAuxContainer_v1
 CxAODTriggerMenuAuxContainerCnvPOOL converter for the xAOD::TriggerMenuAuxContainer class
 CxAODTriggerMenuJsonAuxContainerCnvPOOL converter for the xAOD::TriggerMenuJsonAuxContainer class
 CxAODTrigNavigationAuxInfoCnvPOOL converter for the xAOD::TrigNavigationAuxInfo class
 CxAODTrigPassBitsContainerCnvCustom converter for reading xAOD::TrigPassBitsContainer correctly
 CxAODTrigRingerRingsAuxContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::EmTauRoIAuxContainer_v1
 CxAODTrigRingerRingsContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::TrigRingerRingsContainer_v1
 CxAODTrigRNNOutputAuxContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::EmTauRoIAuxContainer_v1
 CxAODTrigRNNOutputContainerCnv_v1Converter class used for reading xAOD::TrigRNNOutputContainer_v1
 CxAODTruthParticleSlimmerElectronAlgorithm to skim the xAOD truth particle container for xAOD electron filter
 CxAODTruthParticleSlimmerGenAlgorithm to skim the xAOD truth particle container for generators filters in fact we want to remove barcode 0 particles and particles with duplicated barcodes This algorithm is used to copy and skim the particles from the xAOD TruthParticles container, The design of this class heavily mirrors the DerivationFramework::TruthCollectionMaker
 CxAODTruthParticleSlimmerLightLeptonAlgorithm to skim the xAOD truth particle container for xAOD electron&muon filter
 CxAODTruthParticleSlimmerMETAlgorithm to skim the xAOD truth particle container for xAOD MET filter
 CxAODTruthParticleSlimmerMuonAlgorithm to skim the xAOD truth particle container for xAOD muons filter
 CxAODTruthParticleSlimmerPhotonAlgorithm to skim the xAOD truth particle container for xAOD photons filter
 CxAODTruthParticleSlimmerTauAlgorithm to skim the xAOD truth particle container for tau filter
 CxAODTTbarWToLeptonFilterRequire the event to contain at least one charged lepton (from W decay, which should come from top) with pt at or above Ptcut
 CxAODVBFForwardJetsFilterFilter of the type of VBF forward jets
 CxAODXtoVVDecayFilterExtendedThe main purpose of this EF is to specify the decay of V1/V2 in H->V1V2, V1->decay, V2->decay with VH production
 CXmlVariableInfoUtility to convert xml files from TMVA into root TTrees for this package
 CXtoVVDecayFilterExtendedThe main purpose of this EF is to specify the decay of V1/V2 in H->V1V2, V1->decay, V2->decay with VH production
 CXXH128_hash_tThe return value from 128-bit hashes
 CXXH32_canonical_tCanonical (big endian) representation of XXH32_hash_t
 CZdcByteStreamCnvThe converter class has the methods to create the collection objects from a file (RDO to ByteStream) and ByteStream from RDO
 CZdcByteStreamReadV1V2ToolTool to perform ROB fragments to trigger towers and trigger towers to raw data conversions
 CZdcByteStreamToolTool to perform ROB fragments to ZdcDigits and from ZdcDigits to raw data conversions
 CZdcCaloUserHeaderL1Calo User Header class
 CZdcDataAccessV2Tool to retrieve all TriggerTowers from bytestream
 CZdcID_ExceptionException class for Zdc Identifiers
 CZdcIDDetDescrCnvThis class is a converter for the ZdcID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store
 CZdcL1CaloErrorByteStreamToolTool to accumulate ROB/ROD unpacking errors
 CZdcL1CaloSubBlockL1Calo Sub-Block base class
 CZdcL1CaloUserHeaderL1Calo User Header class
 CZdcPpmSubBlockSub-Block class for PPM data
 CZdcRdoCollectionA collection of ZdcRdo from the readout of all ZDC modules
 CZdcSrcIdMapThis class provides conversion between Lower level Source ID to higher level source ID for L1Calo ByteStream fragments
 CZdcSubBlockZdc Sub Block base class
 CZdcSubBlockHeaderL1Calo User Header class
 CZdcSubBlockStatusL1Calo User Header class
 CZdcUserHeaderL1Calo User Header class
 CZtoLeptonFilterFilter and look for Z's decaying to leptons