►NActs | |
CExtrapolationCell | |
CIsReadOnlyMultiTrajectory | |
CIsReadOnlyMultiTrajectory< ActsTrk::MultiTrajectory > | |
CIsReadOnlyMultiTrajectory< ActsTrk::MutableMultiTrajectory > | |
CIsReadOnlyMultiTrajectory< T & > | |
CIsReadOnlyMultiTrajectory< T && > | |
CIsReadOnlyTrackContainer | |
CIsReadOnlyTrackContainer< ActsTrk::MutableTrackSummaryContainer > | |
CIsReadOnlyTrackContainer< ActsTrk::TrackSummaryContainer > | |
CIsReadOnlyTrackContainer< T & > | |
CIsReadOnlyTrackContainer< T && > | |
►CObjSurfaceWriter | |
CConfig | |
►CObjTrackingGeometryWriter | |
CConfig | |
►NActsCollectionsConfig | |
CTrackBackends | |
►NActsConfigFlags | |
CAmbiguitySolverStrategy | |
CPixelCalibrationStrategy | |
CSeedingStrategy | |
CSpacePointStrategy | |
CTrackFitterType | |
►NActsExtrapolationDetail | |
CVariantPropagator | |
►NActsTrk | The AlignStoreProviderAlg loads the rigid alignment corrections and pipes them through the readout geometry to cache the final transformations of the sensor surfaces associated to one particular detector technology (Pixel, Sct, etc.) |
►NCache | |
CCacheEntry | |
CCreatorAlg | |
CHandles | |
CHelper | |
►Ndetail | |
►NFitterHelperFunctions | |
CATLASOutlierFinder | Outlier finder using a Chi2 cut |
CReverseFilteringLogic | Determine if the smoothing of a track should be done with or without reverse filtering |
►NMakeDerivedVariant | |
CMakeVariant | |
CMakeVariant< TypeHelper, VariantType, 1 > | |
Caccepted_decoration_types | |
CAnalogueClusteringToolImpl | |
CAtlasMeasurementContainerList | |
CCKF_config | |
CDecoration | |
CDuplicateSeedDetector | |
CGenMeasurementRangeList | |
►CGenUncalibSourceLinkAccessor | Accessor for the above source link container |
CBaseIterator | |
CHitSummaryData | Helper class to gather hit summary information for e.g |
CMeasurementCalibratorBase | |
CMeasurementRange | |
COnTrackCalibrator | |
CSumOfValues | Helper class to gather statistics and compute the biased variance |
CTrackFindingMeasurements | |
►CTrkMeasurementCalibrator | |
CMeasurementAdapter | |
CActsToTrkConverterTool | |
CActsToTrkConvertorAlg | |
►CAdaptiveMultiPriVtxFinderTool | |
CTrackWrapper | |
CAlignStoreProviderAlg | |
CAmbiguityResolutionAlg | |
CATLASSourceLinkSurfaceAccessor | |
CATLASUncalibSourceLinkSurfaceAccessor | |
CCaloBasedRoICreatorTool | |
CClusterizationAlg | |
CConstTrackContainerHandlesHelper | |
CCoreStripSpacePointFormationTool | |
CDataLinkHolder | |
CDataPreparationAlg | |
CDetectorAlignCondAlg | |
►CDetectorAlignStore | |
CInternalAlignStore | The muon system contains additional parameters such as B-lines, as-built, passivation |
CTrackingAlignStore | Store holding the transfomations used by the Acts algorithms |
CDetectorElementToActsGeometryIdMap | |
CDetectorElementToActsGeometryIdMappingAlg | |
CDetectorVolumeSvc | |
►CDummyRDOList | |
Cconst_iterator | |
CEstimatedTrackParamsAnalysisAlg | |
CFullScanRoICreatorTool | |
CGaussianSumFitterTool | |
►CGbtsSeedingTool | |
CGbtsSpacePoint | |
CGeometryContextAlg | |
CGlobalChiSquareFitterTool | |
Chas_rdoList | |
Chas_rdoList< Object, std::void_t< rdoListFunc_t< Object > > > | |
CHgtdClusterAnalysisAlg | |
CHgtdClusterDataPreparationAlg | |
CHgtdClusteringTool | |
CHgtdClusterizationAlg | |
CHgtdClusterValidationPlots | |
►CHgtdTimedClusteringTool | |
CCluster | |
CHitCounterArray | |
CHitCountsPerTrack | Container for hit counts per track Contains hit counts per associated truth particle and the total hit counts As last element in the container |
CIActsToTrkConverterTool | |
CIDetectorElement | Base class interface for the actual readout elements |
CIDetectorElementBase | Base class interface providing the bare minimal interface extension |
CIDetectorVolumeBuilderTool | |
CIDetectorVolumeSvc | Interface of the service providing the Acts::Detector which implements the navigation delegate paradigm and eventually replace the legacy tracking geometry |
CIFitterTool | |
CIHGTDClusteringTool | |
CIMeasurementSelector | |
CIOnBoundStateCalibratorTool | |
CIOnTrackCalibratorTool | |
CIPixelClusteringTool | |
CIPixelSpacePointFormationTool | |
CIProtoTrackCreatorTool | |
CIRoICreatorTool | |
CISeedingTool | |
CIStripClusteringTool | |
CIStripSpacePointFormationTool | |
►CIterativePriVtxFinderTool | |
CTrackWrapper | |
CITkAnalogueClusteringTool | |
CITrackParamsEstimationTool | |
CKalmanFitterTool | |
CMeasurementCalibrator2 | |
CMeasurementParameterMap | |
CMeasurementToTrackParticleDecoration | |
CMeasurementToTruthAssociationAlg | Algorithm template to associate measurements of a certain type to a xAOD truth particles using a sim data collection where the sim data collection contains associates RDOs to truth particles and there energy/charge disposition |
CMeasurementToTruthParticleAssociation | |
CMultiTrajectory | Read only version of MTJ The implementation is separate as the details are significantly different and in addition only const methods are ever needed |
CMuonDetectorBuilderTool | |
CMuonDetectorNavTest | |
CMutableMultiTrajectory | Athena implementation of ACTS::MultiTrajectory (ReadWrite version) The data is stored in 4 external backends |
CMutableTrackContainer | |
CMutableTrackContainerHandlesHelper | |
CMutableTrackSummaryContainer | |
►CNoDeletePtr | |
CDeleter | |
COrthogonalSeedingTool | |
CPhysValTool | |
CPixelCacheClusterizationAlg | |
CPixelCacheSpacePointFormationAlg | |
CPixelClusterAnalysisAlg | |
CPixelClusterCacheDataPreparationAlg | |
CPixelClusterDataPreparationAlg | |
►CPixelClusteringTool | |
CCluster | |
CPixelClusterizationAlg | |
CPixelClusterToTruthAssociationAlg | |
CPixelClusterTruthDecorator | |
CPixelClusterValidationPlots | |
CPixelSpacePointFormationAlg | |
CPixelSpacePointFormationAlgBase | |
CPixelSpacePointFormationTool | |
CPixelSpacePointValidationPlots | |
CPrdAssociationAlg | |
CPRDSourceLink | |
CPRDSourceLinkCalibrator | |
CPRDSourceLinkCalibratorGX2F | |
CPRDSourceLinkGX2F | |
CPRDSourceLinkSurfaceAccessor | |
CPRDSourceLinkSurfaceAccessorGX2F | |
CPrepRawDataAssociation | |
CProtoTrack | |
CProtoTrackCreationAndFitAlg | |
CProtoTrackReportingAlg | Very lightweight algorithm to print out the results of the EF track finding |
CRandomProtoTrackCreatorTool | |
CReFitterAlg | |
CRegionsOfInterestCreatorAlg | |
CScoreBasedAmbiguityResolutionAlg | |
CSeedAnalysisAlg | |
CSeedingAlg | |
CSeedingAlgorithmAnalysisAlg | |
►CSeedingTool | |
Cexternal_spacepoint | |
CSeedToTrackCnvAlg | |
CSimpleCylinderDetBuilderTool | |
CSiSpacePointsSeedMaker | |
CSpacePointAnalysisAlg | |
CSpacePointCacheDataPreparationAlg | |
CSpacePointCollector | |
CSpacePointDataPreparationAlg | |
CStripCacheClusterizationAlg | |
CStripCacheSpacePointFormationAlg | |
CStripClusterAnalysisAlg | |
CStripClusterCacheDataPreparationAlg | |
CStripClusterDataPreparationAlg | |
►CStripClusteringTool | |
CCell | |
CCluster | |
CStripClusterizationAlg | |
CStripClusterToTruthAssociationAlg | |
CStripClusterTruthDecorator | |
CStripClusterValidationPlots | |
CStripInformationHelper | |
CStripSP | |
CStripSpacePointFormationAlg | |
CStripSpacePointFormationAlgBase | |
CStripSpacePointFormationTool | |
CStripSpacePointValidationPlots | |
►CSurfaceBoundSet | |
CBoundComparer | : Comparison struct to construct sets of Acts::Surface bounds with unique elements |
CSurfaceCache | : Helper class to connect the aligned transformations of each active sensor(layer) with the Acts::Surfaces |
CTestRoICreatorTool | |
CTrackAnalysisAlg | |
►CTrackContainer | |
►CIndexingPolicy | |
CConstTrackProxyPtr | |
CTrackContainerReader | |
CTrackExtensionAlg | |
►CTrackFindingAlg | |
CBranchState | |
CCKF_pimpl | |
CTrackFindingValidationAlg | |
CTrackParamsEstimationTool | |
CTrackParticleAnalysisAlg | |
CTrackParticleTruthDecorationAlg | |
CTrackStatePrinterTool | |
CTrackSummaryContainer | |
CTrackToTrackParticleCnvAlg | |
►CTrackToTruthAssociationAlg | |
►CAssociationCounter | |
CEmpty | |
CTrackToTruthParticleAssociation | |
►CTrackTruthMatchingBaseAlg | |
►CBaseStat | |
CEmpty | |
►CDebugCounter | |
CEmpty | |
CDummyProperty | |
CEventStatBase | |
CTruthMatchResult | Match result returned by analyseTrackTruth |
CTransformCache | |
CTransformCacheDetEle | |
CTrkToActsConvertorAlg | Algorithm convert Trk::Track to ACTS multistate objects |
CTruthGuidedProtoTrackCreatorTool | |
►CTruthParticleHitCountAlg | |
►CAssociationCounter | |
CEmpty | |
►NActsUnitConstants | |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook | |
►NActsUtils | |
CStat | Simple class to gather statistics : min, max, mean, rms |
CStatHist | Extend Stat helper by an equidistant binned histogram |
►NAddZJetsWeights | |
CCustomFormatter | |
►NAFP | Header file for interface of SiGlobAlignDBTool used to read global alignment for database |
CISiGlobAlignDBTool | Interface to tool providing local alignment of silicon detectors from the conditions database |
CISiLocAlignDBTool | Interface to tool providing local alignment of silicon detectors from the conditions database |
CIToFLocParamDBTool | Interface to tool providing local parameters of ToF detectors from the conditions database |
CIToFVtxParamDBTool | Interface to tool providing vertex parameters of ToF detectors from the conditions database |
►CParameterization | Class representing transport parameterisation as four Equation |
CEquation | Local class for storing parameterization equation |
CSiGlobAlignData | |
CSiGlobAlignDBTool | Tool providing local alignment of silicon detectors from the conditions database |
CSiLocAlignData | Class storing information about alignment |
CSiLocAlignDBTool | Tool providing local alignment of silicon detectors from the conditions database |
CToFLocParamData | Class storing information about alignment |
CToFLocParamDBTool | Tool providing local parameters of ToF detectors from the conditions database |
CToFVtxParamData | Class storing information about alignment |
CToFVtxParamDBTool | Tool providing vertex parameters of ToF detectors from the conditions database |
►NAFPAlignDBCreate | |
CAFPDBDict | |
CfolderBulk | |
►NAFPAlignMCDBCreate | |
CAFPDBDict | |
CfolderBulk | |
►NAFPDBBase | |
CAFPDBRecordBase | |
CAFPDBTableBase | |
►NAFPMon | |
CAFPCluster | |
CAFPFastReco | |
CAFPTrack | |
►NAFPToFDBCreate | |
CAFPDBDict | |
CfolderBulk | |
►NAFPToFMCDBCreate | |
CAFPDBDict | |
CfolderBulk | |
►NAfterBurner_tf | |
CEvgenExecutor | |
►NAGDD | |
CExpressionEvaluator | |
►NAlgorithm_HLT_TableConstructor | |
CAlgorithm_HLT_TableConstructor | |
►NAmg | Definition of ATLAS Math & Geometry primitives (Amg) |
CVector3DComparer | Comparison of two Vector3D, needed for the definition of a std::set<Amg::Vector3D> |
CVectorVector3DComparer | |
►NAnalysis | The namespace of all packages in PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging |
CAtlfInfo | |
CAtlfInfo_p1 | |
CAtlfInfoCnv_p1 | |
CAtomicProperty | |
CBaseTagInfo | Class BasetagInfo: Implements methods defined in ITagInfo |
CBaseTagInfo_p1 | Hold onto the base tagging info |
CBaseTagInfoCnv_p1 | |
CBasicTrackGradeFactory | |
CBTagLightSecVertexing | |
CBTagTool | |
CBTagTrackAugmenterAlg | |
CCalibrationDataContainer | |
CCalibrationDataEigenVariations | |
CCalibrationDataFunctionContainer | |
CCalibrationDataGlobalEigenVariations | |
CCalibrationDataHistogramContainer | |
CCalibrationDataInterfaceBase | |
►CCalibrationDataInterfaceROOT | |
CHadronisationReferenceHelper | |
CCalibrationDataInterfaceTester | |
CCalibrationDataInterfaceTool | |
►CCalibrationDataMappedHistogramContainer | |
CBin | Helper class for the specification of custom binning |
CCalibrationDataUpdater | |
CCalibrationDataVariables | |
CCDIReader | |
CClassifiedTrackTaggerTool | |
CCleanUpVertex | |
CCombinerTool | |
CCombinerToolTag | |
CComposite | |
CDetailedTrackGradeFactory | |
CElectron | |
CElectronAssociation | |
CElectronAssociationCnv_p1 | |
CElectronConstituent | |
CGbbNNTagInfo | |
CGbbNNTagInfo_p1 | |
CGbbNNTagInfoCnv_p1 | |
CGradedTrack | |
CHadFlavorTagInfo | |
CHistoHelperRoot | Helper class for histograming |
CHistoLimits | |
CIBTagLightSecVertexing | |
CIBTagTool | |
CIBTagTrackAssociation | |
CICalibrationDataInterfaceTool | |
CICandidateSearch | |
CIClassifiedTrackTaggerTool | |
CICombinerTool | |
CIConstituent | Class IConstituent: This is the abstract base class for additional jet constituents to be put into the JetTag/ParticleJet class |
CIJetFitterClassifierTool | |
CIJetFitterNtupleWriter | |
CIJetFitterTagInfo | The IJetFitterTagInfo class: Abstract baseclass for JetFitterTagInfo and JetFitterGenericTagInfo |
CIJetFitterVariablesFactory | |
CIMSVVariablesFactory | |
CIMultivariateJetTagger | |
CIPInfoBase | |
CIPInfoBase_p1 | |
CIPInfoBaseCnv_p1 | |
CIPInfoPlus | |
CIPInfoPlus_p1 | |
CIPInfoPlusCnv_p1 | |
CIPTag | |
CIPTrackInfo | |
CIPTrackInfo_p1 | |
CIPTrackInfoCnv_p1 | |
CISvxAssociation | |
CISvxAssociation_p1 | |
CISvxAssociationCnv_p1 | |
CISvxConstituent | |
CITagInfo | |
CITagTool | |
CITrackGradeFactory | |
CJetBTaggingAlg | |
CJetConstituent | Class JetConstituent: This is the implemntation of the JetConstituent class for ParticleJet |
CJetFitterDummyClassifier | |
CJetFitterGenericTagInfo | Generic replacement for JetFitterTagInfo |
CJetFitterInputWriter | |
CJetFitterTagInfo | The JetFitterTagInfo class: This class contains information of the secondary vertex fit within the jet |
CJetFitterTagInfo_p1 | |
CJetFitterTagInfoCnv_p1 | |
CJetFitterVariablesFactory | |
CJetPartonTruthLabel | |
CJetProbInfoBase | |
CJetProbInfoBase_p1 | |
CJetProbInfoBaseCnv_p1 | |
CJetSecVertexingAlg | |
CJetSecVtxFindingAlg | |
CJetTagCalibCondAlg | @ class JetTagCalibCondAlg |
CJetTagCalibCondData | |
CJetTagInfo_tlp1 | Contains a vector of evrything that we will store.. |
CJetTagInfo_tlp2 | Contains a vector of evrything that we will store.. |
CJetTagInfo_tlp3 | Contains a vector of evrything that we will store.. |
CJetTagInfoCnv_tlp1 | |
CJetTagInfoCnv_tlp2 | |
CJetTagInfoCnv_tlp3 | |
CJpsiCandidate | |
CJpsiEECandidate | |
CJpsiFinder | |
CJpsiFinder_ee | |
CJpsiPlus1Track | |
CJpsiPlus2Tracks | |
CJpsiUpsilonCommon | |
CLifetimeInfo | Class LifetimeInfo: Class to store information produced by the LifetimeTag |
CLifetimeInfo_p1 | |
CLifetimeInfoCnv_p1 | |
CLikelihoodMultiDTool | |
CMSVVariablesFactory | |
CMSVVtxInfo | |
CMSVVtxInfo_p1 | |
CMSVVtxInfo_p2 | |
CMSVVtxInfoCnv_p1 | |
CMSVVtxInfoCnv_p2 | |
CMultiSVInfoPlus | |
CMultiSVInfoPlus_p1 | |
CMultiSVInfoPlusCnv_p1 | |
►CMultiSVTag | |
CVars | |
CMultivariateTagManager | |
CMuon | The ATLAS Muon object - see doxygen, physics workbookd and the Muon Combined Performance WG's pages for full documentation |
CMuonAssociation | |
CMuonAssociationCnv_p1 | |
CMuonConstituent | Class MuonConstituent: This is the implemntation of the MuonConstituent class for ParticleJet |
CMuonContainer | Definition of StoreGate container holding a vector of Analysis::Muon |
CMV2Tag | |
CmyIPxDinfo | |
CNavAssociationCommon_p1 | |
CNewLikelihoodTool | |
CParticleShallowClone | |
CPhoton | |
CPhotonAssociation | |
CPhotonAssociationCnv_p1 | |
CPrimaryVertexRefitter | |
CQGPartonTruthInfo | Class QGPartonTruthInfo: Class to store more truth information about a JetTag (e.g |
CSecVtxInfo | The SecVtxInfo class: This class contains information of the secondary vertex fit within the jet |
CSecVtxInfo_p1 | |
CSecVtxInfoCnv_p1 | |
CSETrackInfo | |
CSETrackInfo_p1 | |
CSETrackInfoCnv_p1 | |
CSlice | |
CSLTrueInfo | |
CSLTrueInfo_p1 | |
CSLTrueInfoCnv_p1 | |
CSMTrackInfo | |
CSMTrackInfo_p1 | |
CSMTrackInfoCnv_p1 | |
CSoftElectronInfo | |
CSoftElectronInfo_p1 | |
CSoftElectronInfoCnv_p1 | |
CSoftLeptonTruthInfo | Class SoftLeptonTruthInfo: Class to store truth information about lepton in jet |
CSoftLeptonTruthInfo_p1 | |
CSoftLeptonTruthInfoCnv_p1 | |
CSoftMuonInfo | |
CSoftMuonInfo_p1 | |
CSoftMuonInfoCnv_p1 | |
CSVForIPTool | |
CSVInfoBase | |
CSVInfoBase_p1 | |
CSVInfoBaseCnv_p1 | |
CSVInfoPlus | |
CSVInfoPlus_p1 | |
CSVInfoPlusCnv_p1 | |
CSVTag | |
CSVTrackInfo | |
CSvxSummary | |
CSvxSummary_p1 | |
CSvxSummaryCnv_p1 | |
CTagNtupleDumper | |
CTau1P3PDetails | DEPRECATED DO NOT USE - MIGRATE TO TauCommonDetails Basic details class containing information produced by tau1P3P algorithm, goes to both AOD and ESD |
CTau1P3PExtraDetails | DEPRECATED DO NOT USE - MIGRATE TO TauCommonDetails Extended details class containing information produced by tau1P3P algorithm, goes to ESD only |
CTauCommonDetails | Basic detail class containing information for track and calo seeded tau reconstruction algorithms |
CTauCommonExtraDetails | Extra detail class containing information for track and calo seeded tau reconstruction algorithms |
CTauDetails | |
CTauDetailsContainer | |
CTauJet | Object for taus common for ESD and AOD |
CTauJetContainer | |
CTauPi0Candidate | |
CTauPi0Cluster | |
CTauPi0Details | |
CTauPID | Class containing discriminants produced by identification algorithms |
CTauRecDetails | DEPRECATED DO NOT USE - MIGRATE TO TauCommonDetails Basic details class containing information produced by tauRec algorithm, goes to both ESD and AOD |
CTauRecExtraDetails | DEPRECATED DO NOT USE - MIGRATE TO TauCommonDetails Extended details class containing information produced by tauRec algorithm, goes to ESD only |
CTauShot | |
CTrackAssociation | |
CTrackAssociationCnv_p1 | |
CTrackConstituents | Class TrackConstituent: This is the implemntation of the TrackConstituents class for ParticleJet |
CTrackCounting | |
CTrackCountingInfo | |
CTrackCountingInfo_p1 | |
CTrackCountingInfoCnv_p1 | |
CTrackGrade | |
CTrackGradePartition | |
CTrackGradesDefinition | |
CTrackSelector | |
CTruthInfo | Class TruthInfo: Class to store more truth information about a JetTag (e.g |
CTruthInfo_p1 | |
CTruthInfoCnv_p1 | |
CTruthTagResults | |
►NAnalysisUtils | Utility class to select combination of elements in a collection |
►NSort | Sort |
►NPrivate | |
Cdosort_imp | |
Cdosort_imp< true > | |
CCombination | Combination |
CPermutation | Permutation |
CSelection | |
►NAodEventInfo | |
CPyxAODEventInfo | |
►NAODEventPicking | |
CPyxAODEvtFilter | |
►NAPRDefaults | |
CRNTupleNames | |
CTTreeNames | |
►NAPRTest | |
CAClassWithDict | |
CAuxStore | |
►Napydep | |
CDependencyFinder | |
►Nasg | |
►Ndetails | Namespace for "implementation types" |
CAsgComponentPrivateToolConfig | Helper type with all necessary details about private tools |
CAcceptData | |
CAcceptInfo | |
CAnaToolHandle | Modified tool handle that allows its owner to configure new tools from the C++ side |
►CAsgComponentConfig | Object that stores the configuration for an AsgComponent and is able to create one from it |
CAccessSubtoolData | Access the configuration for the given subtool |
CAsgMessaging | Class mimicking the AthMessaging class from the offline software |
CAsgMessagingForward | Base class to forward messages to another class |
CAsgMetadataTool | Base class for dual-use tools that provide file metadata access |
CAsgService | Base class for the dual-use service implementation classes |
CAsgServiceConfig | Object that can create a AsgService |
CAsgTool | Base class for the dual-use tool implementation classes |
CAsgToolConfig | Object that can create a AsgTool |
CCheckHelper | This is an internal traits class for status codes used by the ANA_CHECK* macros |
CCheckHelper< bool > | |
CCheckHelper< CP::CorrectionCode > | |
CCheckHelper< int > | |
CCheckHelper< StatusCode > | |
CCheckHelper< T * > | |
CDataHandleTestTool | Tool used to unit test AnaToolHandle |
CEventStoreTestAlg | Algorithm used to exercise asg::EventStoreTestTool in Athena |
CEventStoreTestTool | Tool testing some of the "event store functionality" of asg::AsgTool |
CIAsgService | Base class for the dual-use service interface classes |
CIAsgTool | Base class for the dual-use tool interface classes |
CIDataHandleTestTool | Interface for DataHandleTestTool |
CIEventStoreTestTool | Interface for (a) tool(s) testing the event store |
CIUnitTestService1 | Interface for UnitTestService1 |
CIUnitTestTool1 | Interface for UnitTestTool1 |
CIUnitTestTool2 | Interface for UnitTestTool2 |
CIUnitTestTool3 | Interface for UnitTestTool3 |
CMessagePrinterOverlay | Object to change the IMessagePrinter temporarily |
CMsgHelpers | Helper class for functions dealing with messages |
CSgTEvent | Wrapper for TEvent to make it look like StoreGate |
CSgTEventMeta | Wrapper class providing StoreGate-like access to metadata in ROOT |
CStandaloneToolHandle | "initializing" ToolHandle for stand-alone applications |
CToolStore | A light-weight replacement for ToolSvc for ROOT analysis |
CUnitTestService1 | Service used to unit test AnaToolHandle |
CUnitTestTool1 | Tool used to unit test AnaToolHandle |
CUnitTestTool1A | Tool used to unit test AnaToolHandle |
CUnitTestTool2 | Tool used to unit test AnaToolHandle |
CUnitTestTool3 | Tool used to unit test AnaToolHandle |
►NAth | |
CDataObjID_PtrEqual | |
CDataObjID_PtrHasher | |
CDsoDb | Helper class to query rootmap files and extract their content |
CDynamicDataHelper | Helper class to gather all declared data IDs and propagate them to components which declare data dependencies dynamically |
►NAthContainers_detail | |
Cstrict_shared_lock | Lock object for taking out shared locks |
Cupgrading_lock | Lock object for taking out upgradable locks |
►NAthContainersRootTest | |
CBar | |
CBaz | |
CL1 | |
CL2 | |
CL3 | |
►NAthCUDA | |
CIKernelRunnerSvc | Interface for executing AthCUDA::IKernelTask tasks |
CIKernelTask | Abstract interface for setting up / running a CUDA task |
CInfo | Class providing information about the CUDA devices at runtime |
CIStreamPoolSvc | Interface for a CUDA stream pool service |
CKernelRunnerSvc | Service used for executing AthCUDA::IKernelTask tasks |
CKernelRunnerSvcImpl | CUDA implementation of AthCUDA::KernelRunnerSvc |
CKernelRunnerSvcImplCallback | Class used for calling AthCUDA::KernelRunnerSvc::setTaskFinished |
CKernelStatus | Helper object used for synchronising GPU kernel tasks |
CStreamHolder | Helper class for handling CUDA streams |
CStreamPool | |
CStreamPoolImpl | |
CStreamPoolSvc | Service managing a fixed number of CUDA streams for an application |
CStreamPoolSvcImpl | CUDA implementation of AthCUDA::StreamPoolSvc |
►NAthCUDAExamples | |
CLinearTransformStandaloneExampleAlg | Example algorithm running a very simple operation using CUDA |
CLinearTransformTaskExampleAlg | Example algorithm exercising the AthCUDA core code/services |
CTrackParticleCalibratorExampleAlg | Example algorithm performing "track particle calibration" |
CTrackParticleInterface | Interface for the VecMem based GPU friendly TrackParticleContainer |
►NAthDictLoaderSvc_test | |
CAthDictLoaderTestAlg | |
►NAthena | Some weak symbol referencing magic.. |
►Ndetail | |
CIsNonNullPtr | Predicate to spot non NULL pointers |
►Ndetails | |
CAthLegacySequenceAdapter | |
►NUnits | |
CUnit | Wrapper to avoid constant divisions when using units |
CAlgorithmTimer | Timer that invokes a user callback once the time is reached |
CBitTraits | Describe the bit features of an integral type T |
CCallback1 | |
CCallback1Rep | |
CCallbackImpF11 | |
CChrono | Exception-safe IChronoSvc caller |
CConditionsCleanerSvc | Facade class for conditions garbage collection |
CCondObjDeleter | Deletion object for conditions payloads |
CDataBucketBranch | |
CDBLock | Common database lock |
CDebugAids | Utilities for debugging support |
►CDelayedConditionsCleanerSvc | Clean conditions containers after a delay |
CCondContInfo | Information that we maintain about each conditions container |
CQueueItem | Item in the work queue |
CDelayedConditionsCleanerSvcProps | |
CDvThinningHdlr | Handle DataProxy holding DataVector . This class defines a (type-safe) protocol to pack and unpack thinned DataVector |
Cget_thinning_handler | Metafunction to automagically dispatch on the type of a container and fetch the right thinning handler |
CIConditionsCleanerSvc | Interface for doing garbage collection of conditions objects |
CIdcThinningHdlr | Handle DataProxy holding IdentifiableContainer This class defines a (type-safe) protocol to pack and unpack thinned IdentifiableContainer |
CIInputRename | Interface to retrieve input rename map |
CIMessageSvcHolder | Get a IMessageSvc* on 1st use (if not set) and release it on ~ |
CInputRenameEntry | Type of the input rename map: sgkey_t -> sgkey_t |
CIRCUObject | Base object class for RCU-style synchronization for Athena |
CIRCUSvc | Interface for RCU service |
CISlimmingHdlr | This class defines a protocol to slim objects (removing parts of that object) |
CIThinningHdlr | This class defines a protocol to pack and unpack thinned collections |
CLeafCnv | |
CNtupleCnvSvc | |
CRCUObject | Wrapper object controlled by RCU synchonization |
CRCURead | Helper to read data from a RCUObject |
CRCUReadQuiesce | Helper to read data from a RCUObject |
CRCUSvc | Service to allow cleaning up RCU objects at the EndEvent |
CRCUUpdate | Helper to update data in a RCUObject |
CRCUUpdater | Implementation of Updater for RCUSvc |
CRecyclableDataObject | Helper for recycling objects from event to event |
CRecyclableDataQueue | Holder for recyclable objects |
CRootAsciiDumperAlg | |
CRootAsciiDumperAlgHandle | |
CRootBranchAddress | |
CRootCnv | This class provides the abstract converter to translate an object to/from its persistent ROOT representation |
CRootCnvSvc | This class provides the interface between Athena and RootSvc |
CRootConnection | This class provides the implementation of Athena::RootConnection class, similar to Gaudi IDataConnection |
CRootGlobalsRestore | |
CRootNtupleEventContext | |
►CRootNtupleEventSelector | Class implementing the GAUDI IEvtSelector interface using ROOT TTree as a backend |
CCollMetaData | |
CRootNtupleOutputMetadataTool | This is the AthenaRoot version of AthenaServices/AthenaOutputStreamTool |
CRootNtupleOutputStream | Algorithm that marks for write data objects in SG |
CRootOutputStreamTool | This is the AthenaRoot version of AthenaServices/AthenaOutputStreamTool |
CRootSvc | This class provides the interface to the ROOT software |
CScopedTimer | Helper class to create a "scoped cook timer" without having to declare the CookTimer itself within the scope (see CookTimer documentation) |
►CSharedLibrary | Shared library services |
CLibraryInfo | Information about a currently loaded shared library |
CSharedLibraryError | Error in a shared library operation |
CSignal | Utilities for handling signals and fatal errors |
CStatusCategory | |
CStdThinningHdlr | Handle DataProxy holding std::vector<T> This class defines a (type-safe) protocol to pack and unpack thinned DataVector |
CThinningCacheTool | Create ThinningCache for a given stream |
CTimeout | Singleton to access the timeout flag |
CTimeoutMaster | Class to modify timeout flag |
CToolLock | RAII helper for acquiring the lock of an ILockableTool |
CTPCnvType | |
CTPCnvVers | |
CxAODBranchAddress | |
CxAODCnv | |
CxAODCnvSvc | |
CxAODEventContext | |
►CxAODEventSelector | Class implementing the GAUDI IEvtSelector interface using ROOT TTree as a backend |
CCollMetaData | |
►NAthena_test | Functions & macros to test the difference between floats |
CDummyRCUSvc | |
CInitGaudiGoogleTest | |
CLeakcheck | |
CLeakCheckDisable | |
Cnormal_distribution | |
CRNG | Generator compatible with the STL RandomNumberGenerator |
►CTestAlloc | To test handling of non-standard memory allocators |
CHead | |
CTestedValue | |
Cuniform_real_distribution | |
CURNG | Generator compatible with the C++11 STL UniformRandomNumberGenerator |
►NAthenaBaseComps | |
CAthAlgorithmDHUpdate | Update output dependencies to include symlinks |
►NathenaHLT | |
CMyHelp | |
►NAthenaInternal | |
CAthenaInternalInstan | |
CROOT6_AthenaPython_WorkAround_Dummy | |
CROOT6_StoreGateBindings_WorkAround_Dummy | |
►NAthenaInterprocess | |
CFdsRegistryEntry | |
CIdentifiedSharedQueue | |
CIMessageDecoder | |
CProcess | |
CProcessGroup | |
CProcessResult | |
CProcessStatus | |
CScheduledWork | |
CSharedQueue | |
CUpdateAfterFork | |
►NAthenaKernelDict | |
Ctmp | |
►NAthenaMP | |
CWorkerOutput | |
►NAthenaPoolCnvSvc | |
CExcCaughtException | Exception — Caught an exception during conversion |
CExcNoDictForClass | Exception — Can't find dictionary information for class |
CExcUnsupportedVersion | Exception — Unsupported persistent version of CLASS found |
CTPCnvElt | Helper for calling a TP converter from an Athena converter |
CTPCnvElt< CNV, T_TPCnvNull< TRANS > > | Helper for calling a TP converter from an Athena converter |
►CTPCnvList | Helper for calling TP converters from an Athena converter |
Cdo_create_transient | Functional to iterate over TP converters and call createTransient on each |
Cdo_pers_to_trans | Functional to iterate over TP converters and call persToTrans on each |
Cwrap_tpcnv | Metafunction to wrap a TP converter in TPCnvElt |
►NAthenaPoolUtilitiesDummyClasses | |
Ctmp | |
►NAthEx | |
CDFlowAlg1 | |
CDFlowAlg2 | |
CDFlowAlg3 | |
CHandleTestAlg | |
CHandleTestTool1 | |
CHandleTestTool2 | |
CHandleTestTool3 | |
CHist | |
CIHandleTestTool | |
CNtup | |
►NAthExThinning | |
CCreateData | |
CReadThinnedData | |
CWriteThinnedData | |
►NAthExThinningDict | Persistency |
Ctemp | |
►NAthExXRT | |
►CVectorAddOCLExampleAlg | Example algorithm exercising the AthXRT core services |
CSlotData | Slot-specific state |
►CVectorAddXRTExampleAlg | Example algorithm exercising the AthXRT core services |
CSlotData | Slot-specific state |
►CVectorMultOCLExampleAlg | Example algorithm exercising the AthXRT core services |
CSlotData | Slot-specific state |
►CVectorMultXRTExampleAlg | Example algorithm exercising the AthXRT core services |
CSlotData | Slot-specific state |
►NAthHIPExamples | |
CLinearTransformExampleAlg | Example algorithm running a very simple operation using SYCL |
►NAthInfer | |
CIAthInferenceTool | |
►NAthONNX | |
CJSSMLTool | Tool using the ONNX Runtime C++ API to retrive constituents based model for boson jet tagging |
►NAthOnnx | Namespace holding all of the Onnx Runtime example code |
CEvaluateModel | Algorithm demonstrating the usage of the ONNX Runtime C++ API |
CEvaluateModelWithAthInfer | Algorithm demonstrating the usage of the ONNX Runtime C++ API |
CIOnnxRuntimeInferenceTool | Interface class for creating Onnx Runtime sessions |
CIOnnxRuntimeSessionTool | |
CIOnnxRuntimeSvc | Service used for managing global objects used by Onnx Runtime |
COnnxRuntimeInferenceTool | |
COnnxRuntimeSessionToolCPU | |
COnnxRuntimeSessionToolCUDA | |
COnnxRuntimeSvc | Service implementing AthOnnx::IOnnxRuntimeSvc |
►NAthPoolEx | |
CPassNoneFilter | Simple Filter algorithm which simply sets pass=false for all events |
CQueryTag | This class provides an example for reading with a ISelectorTool to veto events on AttributeList |
CReadCond | This class provides an example for reading conditions data objects from Pool |
CReadData | This class provides an example for reading event data objects from Pool |
CReadExampleElectron | This class provides an example for reading event data objects from Pool |
CReadMeta | This class provides an example for reading in file meta data objects from Pool |
CReWriteData | This class provides an example for reading and writing data objects from/to Pool |
CWriteCond | This class provides an example for writing conditions data objects to Pool |
CWriteData | This class provides an example for writing event data objects to Pool |
CWriteExampleElectron | This class provides an example for writing event data objects to Pool |
CWriteTag | This class provides an example for writing event data objects to Pool |
►NAthPyEx | |
CMyCutClass | |
CMyDetObj | |
CMyObj | |
CMySelectionAlg | |
CMyTool | |
CRNGWrapper | A wrapper class for event-slot-local random engines |
►NAthSYCL | |
CLinearTransformExampleAlg | Example algorithm running a very simple operation using SYCL |
►NAthViews | |
CConditionTestAlg | |
CDFlowAlg1 | |
CDFlowAlg2 | |
CDFlowAlg3 | |
CDigiDemoSetupAlg | |
CViewDataVerifier | |
CViewMergeAlg | |
CViewSubgraphAlg | |
CViewTestAlg | |
►NAthXRT | |
►CDeviceMgmtSvc | Service used for programming XRT compatible accelerators |
CAthClContext | Struct to hold information about a context, as well as the devices, the program and XCLBIN file associated with the context |
CSystemInfo | |
CXclbinInfo | Struct to hold information about an XCLBIN file, as well as the kernels it contains |
►CIDeviceMgmtSvc | Interface for AthXRT::DeviceMgmtSvc service |
COpenCLHandle | Struct holding OpenCL handles for a kernel |
►NAtlas | |
CExtendedEventContext | |
►NAtlasCLHEP_RandomGenerators | |
CAtlasCLHEP_RandomGenerators_test | |
►NAtlasDetDescr | |
CAtlasRegionHelper | |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook | |
►NAtlasRoot | |
CegammaEnergyCorrectionTool | |
►NAtlCoolConsole | |
CAtlCoolConsole | |
CHistoryConsole | |
►NAtlTriggerDBCopy | |
CDBConnection | |
COracleExporter | |
CSQLiteInserter | |
CGetter< External_RNG, RNG_Key, Atlas_RNG, std::less< std::string > > | |
►NBarcode | |
CIBarcodeSvc | |
►CLegacyBarcodeSvc | |
CBarcodeInfo | |
CValidationBarcodeSvc | |
►NBasicClusterInfoCalculator | |
CClusterInfoCalculatorTemporaries | |
►NBeamspot | |
CTrackPhiSort | |
CTrackPTSort | |
►NBeamSpot | |
CBeamSpotDB | A simple struct to hold vertex info |
CEvent | |
CID | |
CVrtHolder | |
►Nbeamspotman | |
CBeamSpotOption | |
►Nbeamspotnt | |
CPlots | |
►NBeamSpotSummary | |
CBeamSpotSummary | |
►NbeamSpotT1_Vertex_trf | |
CBeamSpotVertexTransform | |
►NBeamSpotWebPage | |
CBeamSpotWebPage | |
CDummyPage | |
►NBelle2 | |
CEvtB0toKsKK | Register Decay model EvtB0toKsKK |
CEvtBSemiTauonic | The EvtGen model of semi-tauonic B decays including new physics effects based on [M |
CEvtBSemiTauonic2HDMType2 | The EvtGen model of semi-tauonic B decays including the charged higgs effect of 2HDM Type2 based on [M |
CEvtBSemiTauonicAmplitude | The base class for the calculation of the spin dependent amplitudes for the BSemiTauonic model based on [M |
CEvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator | The class calculates the helicity amplitude of semi-tauonic B decays including new physics effects based on [M |
CEvtBSemiTauonicScalarMesonAmplitude | The class calculates the spin dependent amplitudes of B->Dtaunu decays for the BSemiTauonic model based on [M |
CEvtBSemiTauonicVectorMesonAmplitude | The class calculates the spin dependent amplitudes of B->D*taunu decays for the BSemiTauonic model based on [M |
CEvtEtaFullDalitz | Class for the simulation of the eta -> pi+pi-pi0 decay with an improved dalitz description |
CEvtEtaPi0Dalitz | Class for the simulation of the eta -> 3pi0 and eta'->3pi0 decays |
CEvtEtaPrimeDalitz | Class for the simulation of the eta' -> pi+ pi- eta and pi0 pi0 eta decays |
►Nboost | |
►Ndetail | |
Coperator_arrow_result< T *, DataModel_detail::ElementProxy< U >, T ** > | Hack for dictionary generation |
►Npolygon | |
Cgeometry_concept< JetVoronoiDiagramHelpers::Point > | |
Cgeometry_concept< JetVoronoiDiagramHelpers::Segment > | |
Cpoint_mutable_traits< JetVoronoiDiagramHelpers::Point > | |
Cpoint_traits< JetVoronoiDiagramHelpers::Point > | |
Csegment_traits< JetVoronoiDiagramHelpers::Segment > | |
►NBPhysPyHelpers | |
CBPyWrapper | |
►NBStoXAODHelper | Tool used by TrigBSExtraction to convert to xAOD |
CDefaultHelper | |
CIHelper | |
CMuonHelper | |
CToolHolder | |
►NBulkRun | |
CBulkRun | |
►NBulkRunFollowup | |
CBulkRunFollowup | |
►NByteStreamDataDict | |
Ctmp | |
►NByteStreamExceptions | |
CbadFragment | |
CbadFragmentData | |
CfileAccessError | |
CreadError | |
►NCalibDataClass | |
CADCInsertError | |
CCalibData | |
CCalibDataError | |
CDataCopyError | |
CDataUniqueError | |
CDeleteError | |
CHeadInsertError | |
CMapInsertError | |
CQueryError | |
CRTInsertError | |
CT0InsertError | |
CUpdateError | |
►NCalibrationDefaultSourceConfig | |
CMuonCalib__CalibrationDefaultSourceConfig | |
►NCalibrationSourceConfig | |
CMuonCalib__CalibrationSourceConfig | |
►NCalibrationTargetFolderConfig | |
CMuonCalib__CalibrationTargetConfig | |
►NCalo | |
CCaloTrackingGeometryBuilder | |
CCaloTrackingGeometryBuilderCond | |
CCaloTrackingGeometryBuilderImpl | |
►NCaloCellPackerUtils | |
CBitfield | Helper for packing into/out of a bit field |
CFloatfield | Helper for packing a float into/out of a bit field |
CFloatfield2 | Helper for packing a float into/out of a bit field, with a minimum of 0 |
►NCaloClusterCorr | |
CCaloSwCalibHitsShowerDepth | Helper to calculate the shower depth as used in the calib hits SW cluster correction |
CDDHelper | |
Cet_compare_larem_only | Helper to compare two cells by Et |
CSamplingHelper | Sampling calculator helper class |
CSamplingHelper_CaloCellList | Version of helper class for cells taken from StoreGate |
CSamplingHelper_Cluster | Version of helper class for cells taken from the cluster itself |
CSegmentation | |
►NCaloClusterListBadChannel | |
CCaloClusterListBadChannel_parms | |
►NCaloClusterMomentsMaker_detail | |
Ccellinfo | |
►NCaloClusterMomentsMaker_DigiHSTruth_detail | |
Ccellinfo | |
►NCaloClusterRemoveBad | |
CCaloClusterRemoveBad_parms | |
►NCaloClusterRemoveDuplicates | |
CCaloClusterRemoveDuplicates_parms | |
►NCaloComputeSWcellWeights | |
CCaloComputeSWcellWeights_parms | |
►NCaloCond | |
CException | Calocond Exception base class |
CIndexOutOfRange | Thrown if an index is out of range |
CInvalidBlob | Thrown if coral::Blob does not conform with expected structure |
CInvalidCaloGain | Thrown if an invalid CaloGain is encountered |
CSizeConflict | Thrown if BLOB size is not correct |
CTypeConflict | Thrown if object type in BLOB does not agree with class type |
CVersionConflict | Thrown if object version in BLOB does not agree with class version |
►NCaloConstitHelpers | |
CCaloClusterExtractor | |
CCaloConstitExtractor | Interface to retrieve calo informations from a jet constituent |
CFlowElementExtractor | |
CPFOExtractor | |
►NCaloDict | |
Ctemp | Dummy variables for dictionary generation |
►NCaloEvent_detail | |
Cparamholder | Interface to NavigableToken weights |
Cparamholder< T, NavigationTokenIteratorTag > | Interface to NavigableToken weights |
►NCaloG4 | |
CEscapedEnergyRegistry | Keeps track of which types of volumes use which VEscapedEnergyProcessing objects |
►CSimulationEnergies | |
CClassifyResult_t | This defines the results returned by the energy classification; these detailed results are mostly used for studies |
CVEscapedEnergyProcessing | Virtual interface for escaped energy processor classes |
►NCaloIdCnv | |
CCaloIDHelper_IDDetDescrCnv | Base class for calo ID helper converters |
CCaloIDHelper_IDDetDescrCnv_T | Class for calo ID helper converters |
►NCaloMonitoring | |
CLArCellBinning | |
►NCaloPrefetch | This software was developed for the ATLAS project |
CArenaHandlePrefetch | Wrapper for SG::ArenaHandle with pre-fetching |
►NCaloRec | Namespace for helper functions |
►NHelpers | |
►CCaloClusterSignalAccumulator | Cache for data accumulator |
CCluster | Cluster quantities |
CSampling | Sampling quantities |
CArrayrep | Representation class for Array's |
CCaloCellFactor | Container for a cell-level rescaling-factors, typically obtained by Z->ee intercalibration |
CCaloCellPositionShift | Container for a cell-level rescaling-factors, typically obtained by Z->ee intercalibration |
CToolConstants | Container for the tool constants managed by ToolWithConstants |
►NCaloRecGPU | |
►NCUDA_Helpers | |
CCUDAStreamPtrHolder | |
►NHelpers | |
►NMemoryContext | ! Holds dummy classes just to identify the place in which memory lives |
CCPU | |
CCUDAPinnedCPU | |
Cmaybe_allocate | Possibly holds an object in its internal buffer |
►CMemoryManagement | ! Handles allocation of a type T , using indexer as the integer type to indicate sizes |
Ccopy_helper | |
Ccopy_helper< MemoryContext::CPU, MemoryContext::CPU, dummy > | |
Ccopy_helper< MemoryContext::CPU, MemoryContext::CUDAGPU, dummy > | |
Ccopy_helper< MemoryContext::CPU, MemoryContext::CUDAPinnedCPU, dummy > | |
Ccopy_helper< MemoryContext::CUDAGPU, MemoryContext::CPU, dummy > | |
Ccopy_helper< MemoryContext::CUDAGPU, MemoryContext::CUDAGPU, dummy > | |
Ccopy_helper< MemoryContext::CUDAGPU, MemoryContext::CUDAPinnedCPU, dummy > | |
Ccopy_helper< MemoryContext::CUDAPinnedCPU, MemoryContext::CPU, dummy > | |
Ccopy_helper< MemoryContext::CUDAPinnedCPU, MemoryContext::CUDAGPU, dummy > | |
Ccopy_helper< MemoryContext::CUDAPinnedCPU, MemoryContext::CUDAPinnedCPU, dummy > | |
Cmove_helper | |
Cmove_helper< C, C, dummy > | |
Cunary_helper | |
Cunary_helper< MemoryContext::CPU, dummy > | |
Cunary_helper< MemoryContext::CUDAGPU, dummy > | |
Cunary_helper< MemoryContext::CUDAPinnedCPU, dummy > | |
Cseparate_thread_accessor | ! |
Cseparate_thread_holder | Manages objects of type T in a thread-safe way, ensuring that there's an object available for each separate thread while minimizing the number of allocations |
CSimpleContainer | Holds a run-time amount of objects of type \T, measuring sizes with indexer , in memory context Context |
CSimpleContainer< T, indexer, Context, false > | |
CSimpleContainer< T, indexer, Context, true > | |
CSimpleHolder | Holds one objects of type \T in memory context Context |
CSimpleHolder< T, Context, false > | |
CSimpleHolder< T, Context, true > | |
CCellInfoArr | |
CCellNoiseArr | |
CCellNoiseProperties | |
CCellStateArr | |
CClusterInfoArr | |
CClusterMomentsArr | |
CClusterTag | |
CConstantDataHolder | |
CConstantEnumConversion | |
CEtaPhiMapEntry | Holds an (eta, phi) to cell map for a given sampling |
CEtaPhiMapEntry< eta_grid, phi_grid, respect_deltas, false > | |
CEtaPhiMapEntry< eta_grid, phi_grid, respect_deltas, true > | |
►CEtaPhiToCellMap | |
Cbuffer_size_functor | |
Ccheck_cell_in_all_functor | |
Ccheck_cell_in_sampling_functor | |
Cfinish_functor | |
Cget_cell_from_all_functor | |
Cget_cell_from_sampling_functor | |
Cinitialize_all_functor | |
Cinitialize_sampling_functor | |
Cregister_cell_functor | |
CEventDataHolder | |
CGainConversion | |
CGenericTagBase | |
CGeometryArr | |
CNeighArr | |
CNeighOffset | |
CNeighPairsArr | |
COtherCellInfo | |
CQualityProvenance | |
CTag_1_12_1_32_18 | |
CTag_1_1_12_16_18_16 | |
CTag_1_1_12_32_18 | |
CTag_1_1_7_31_8_16 | |
CTag_1_30_18_15 | |
CTag_1_7_1_31_8_16 | |
CTagBase | |
►NCaloRingerKeys | |
CCaloRingerKeysDict | |
►NCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration_v1 | |
CCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration_v1_parms | |
►NCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration_v2 | |
CCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration_v2_parms | |
►NCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration_v5 | |
CCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration_v5_parms | |
►NCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration_v5_1 | |
CCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration_v5_1_parms | |
►NCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration_v6 | |
CCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration_v6_parms | |
►NCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration_v6leakdata | |
CCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration_v6leakdata_parms | |
►NCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration_v8 | |
CCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration_v8_parms | |
►NCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration_v8leakdata | |
CCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration_v8leakdata_parms | |
►NCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration_v9 | |
CCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration_v9_parms | |
►NCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration_v9leakdata | |
CCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration_v9leakdata_parms | |
►NCaloSwClcon_dc2 | |
CCaloSwClcon_dc2_parms | |
►NCaloSwClcon_dc2new | |
CCaloSwClcon_dc2new_parms | |
►NCaloSwClcon_g3 | |
CCaloSwClcon_g3_parms | |
►NCaloSwCorrections | |
CCaloSwCorrectionsSetup | |
►NCaloSwDeadOTX_back_v1 | |
CCaloSwDeadOTX_back_v1_parms | |
►NCaloSwDeadOTX_ps_v1 | |
CCaloSwDeadOTX_ps_v1_parms | |
►NCaloSwEtamod_g3 | |
CCaloSwEtamod_g3_parms | |
►NCaloSwEtamod_v2 | |
CCaloSwEtamod_v2_parms | |
CCaloSwEtamod_v3_parms | |
►NCaloSwEtamod_v4 | |
CCaloSwEtamod_v4_parms | |
►NCaloSwEtaoff_g3 | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_g3_b1_parms | Barrel eta position (S-shape) correction for sampling 1 |
CCaloSwEtaoff_g3_b2_parms | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_g3_e1_parms | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_g3_e2_parms | |
►NCaloSwEtaoff_v2 | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v2_b1_parms | Barrel eta position (S-shape) correction for sampling 1 |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v2_b2_parms | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v2_e1_parms | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v2_e2_parms | |
►NCaloSwEtaoff_v3 | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v3_b1_parms | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v3_b2_parms | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v3_e1_parms | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v3_e2_parms | |
►NCaloSwEtaoff_v4 | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v4_b1_parms | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v4_b2_parms | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v4_e1_parms | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v4_e2_parms | |
►NCaloSwEtaoff_v4_1 | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v4_1_b1_parms | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v4_1_b2_parms | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v4_1_e1_parms | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v4_1_e2_parms | |
►NCaloSwEtaoff_v5 | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v5_b1_parms | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v5_b2_parms | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v5_e1_parms | |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v5_e2_parms | |
►NCaloSwGap_g3 | |
CCaloSwGap_g3_parms | |
►NCaloSwGap_v2 | |
CCaloSwGap_v2_parms | |
►NCaloSwGap_v3 | |
CCaloSwGap_v3_1_parms | |
CCaloSwGap_v3_parms | |
►NCaloSwGap_v4 | |
CCaloSwGap_v4_parms | |
►NCaloSwGap_v5 | |
CCaloSwGap_v5_parms | |
►NCaloSwGap_v6 | |
CCaloSwGap_v6_parms | |
►NCaloSwLayers | |
C_etaphi_getter | |
CCaloSwLayers_parms | |
CCaloSwLayersWt_parms | |
►NCaloSwLongWeights_904 | |
CCaloSwLongWeights_904_parms | |
CCaloSwLongWeights_904gap_parms | |
►NCaloSwLongWeights_atlfast_v1 | |
CCaloSwLongWeights_atlfast_v1_parms | |
►NCaloSwLongWeights_old | |
CCaloSwLongWeights_old_parms | |
►NCaloSwLongWeights_pi0_v1 | |
CCaloSwLongWeights_pi0_v1_parms | |
►NCaloSwLongWeights_v3 | |
CCaloSwLongWeights_v3_1_parms | |
CCaloSwLongWeights_v3_parms | |
►NCaloSwLongWeights_v4 | |
CCaloSwLongWeights_v4_parms | |
►NCaloSwLongWeights_v5 | |
CCaloSwLongWeights_v5_parms | |
►NCaloSwLongWeights_v6 | |
CCaloSwLongWeights_v6_parms | |
►NCaloSwPhimod_g3 | |
CCaloSwPhimod_g3_parms | |
►NCaloSwPhimod_v2 | |
CCaloSwPhimod_v2_parms | |
CCaloSwPhimod_v3_parms | |
►NCaloSwPhimod_v4 | |
CCaloSwPhimod_v4_parms | |
►NCaloSwPhimod_v4data | |
CCaloSwPhimod_v4data_parms | |
►NCaloSwPhioff_g3 | |
CCaloSwPhioff_g3_b_parms | Barrel phi position correction for sampling 2 |
CCaloSwPhioff_g3_e_parms | |
►NCaloSwPhioff_v2 | |
CCaloSwPhioff_v2_b_parms | Barrel phi position correction for sampling 2 |
CCaloSwPhioff_v2_e_parms | |
►NCaloSwPhioff_v3 | |
CCaloSwPhioff_v3_b2_parms | |
CCaloSwPhioff_v3_e2_parms | |
►NCaloSwPhioff_v4 | |
CCaloSwPhioff_v4_b2_parms | |
CCaloSwPhioff_v4_e2_parms | |
►NCaloSwPhioff_v4data | |
CCaloSwPhioff_v4data_b2_parms | |
►NCaloSwPhioff_v5 | |
CCaloSwPhioff_v5_b2_parms | |
CCaloSwPhioff_v5_e2_parms | |
►NCaloSwPhioff_v5data | |
CCaloSwPhioff_v5data_b2_parms | |
►NCaloSwRfac_v3 | |
CCaloSwRfac_v3_parms | |
►NCaloSwRfac_v4 | |
CCaloSwRfac_v4_parms | |
►NCaloSwRfac_v5 | |
CCaloSwRfac_v5_parms | |
►NCaloSwTime | |
CCaloSwTime_parms | |
►NCaloSwTransitionRegionsCorr_v1 | |
CCaloSwTransitionRegionsCorr_v1_parms | |
►NCaloSwTransitionRegionsCorr_v5 | |
CCaloSwTransitionRegionsCorr_v5_parms | |
►NCaloSwTransitionRegionsCorr_v5_1 | |
CCaloSwTransitionRegionsCorr_v5_1_parms | |
►NCaloTopoEMetaoff | |
CCaloTopoEMetaoff_v1_parms | |
►NCaloTopoEMgap | |
CCaloTopoEMgap_v1_parms | |
►NCaloTopoEMlayers | |
CCaloTopoEMlayers_parms | |
►NCaloTopoEMlongWeights | |
CCaloTopoEMlongWeights_v1_parms | |
►NCaloTopoEMphimod | |
CCaloTopoEMphimod_v1_parms | |
►NCaloTopoEMphioff | |
CCaloTopoEMphioff_v1_parms | |
CCaloTopoEMphioff_v2_parms | |
►NCaloTopoTmpHashCellSort | |
Ccompare | |
CcompareAbs | |
CcompareAbsWithIndex | |
CcompareWithIndex | |
►NCaloUtils | |
CExcBadContextlessRetrieve | Exception — Bad contextless retrieve |
CExcBadToolConstantVersion | Exception — version mismatch for tool |
CExcConstantNotSet | Exception — constant not set |
CExcConstantReset | Exception — constant set more than once |
CIToolConstant | Internal interface for dealing with a collection of ToolConstants |
►CToolConstant | Constant of a ToolWithConstants |
CCProperty | Internal wrapper for Gaudi::Property |
CToolConstantsContext | Context object for retrieving ToolConstant values |
CToolWithConstants | |
CToolWithConstantsImpl | Internal implementation object |
CToolWithConstantsTestTool | Algorithm used for testing ToolWithConstants |
►NChain_Algorithm_HLT_TableConstructor | |
CChain_Algorithm_HLT_TableConstructor | |
►NChain_HLT_TableConstructor | |
CChain_HLT_TableConstructor | |
►NChainConfigurationBase | |
CChainConfigurationBase | |
►NChainDefInMenu | |
CChainProp | |
►NChainNameParser | |
CHLTChainInfo | Helper class that provides access to information about individual legs |
CLegInfo | Struct containing information on each leg of a chain |
CLegInfoIterator | Iterate over the legs of a chain |
►Ncheck-daod-stats | |
Cterm | |
►NCheckAppliedSFs | |
CReleaseComparer | |
CSystematicComparer | |
►NcheckFileTrigSize | |
CcheckFileTrigSize | |
CCounter | |
►NcheckRpcDigits | |
CRpcDigit | Representation of a single RPC digit |
CRpcSDO | |
►NcheckTP | |
CColumbo | |
CDataMember | |
CFctMember | |
►NcheckxAOD | |
CContainerInfo | Class for holding information about a single container |
CdSFMTEngine | |
CRandBinomialFixedP | |
►NClusterMatching | |
CCaloClusterMatchingTool | |
CCaloClusterMatchLinkAlg | |
►NClusterMomentsCalculator | |
CClusterMomentCalculationOptions | |
CCMCOptionsHolder | |
CRealSymmetricMatrixSolver | |
►NClusterSeg | |
CCluster | |
CClusterAnalysis | |
CClusterNtuple | |
CSpacePoint | |
►NcmpExerciser | |
CCombinationsTests | |
CFastReductionLabeledCompTests | |
►Ncommon | |
CCaloClusterCorrSetup | |
CCaloCorrectionConfigError | |
►NCondContainer | |
CCondContFactory | |
CCondContMaker | |
CICondContMaker | |
►NConfiguredTileVolumeBuilder | |
CConfiguredTileVolumeBuilder | |
►NconfTool | |
CfullColor | |
CnoColor | |
►Nconifer | |
CBDT | |
CDecisionTree | |
COpAdd | |
►NContentHandler | |
CContentHandler | |
►NCookieCutterHelpers | |
CCentralPosition | Find the reference position (eta, phi) relative to which cells are restricted |
CPhiSize | Find the size of the cluster in phi using L2 cells |
►NCOOLRates | |
CCOOLQueryHandler | |
CCOOLQueryWorker | |
CQueryBundle | |
CRateQueryBundle | |
CRateQueryHandler | |
CRateQueryWorker | |
►NCopyTruthParticlesAlg | |
CCopyTruthParticlesAlg | |
►NCoreClass | |
CDraw_2DCount | |
CDraw_Base | |
CDraw_DetectEfficiency | |
CDraw_HitMultiplicity | |
CDraw_HitOuttimeFraction | |
CDraw_Occupancy | |
►NCoreParser | |
CDOMNode | |
►NCorrelationMatrixHelpers | |
CCorrMat4D | |
►NCosmicGeneratorConfig | |
CCavernPropertyCalculator | |
►NCoWTools | |
CCoWLibrary | |
CCoWRecord | |
CCoWRecordStats | |
CMonitor | |
CMStrStream | |
CStreamBase | |
CStrStream | |
CVecStream | |
►NCP | Select isolated Photons, Electrons and Muons |
►Ndetail | |
►CContainerType | Check what kind of object/container the argument is |
Cchecker | |
CShallowCopy | Helper class to create shallow copies and register them in the event store |
CShallowCopy< T, 1 > | |
CShallowCopy< T, 2 > | |
CShallowCopy< T, 3 > | |
CShallowCopy< xAOD::EgammaContainer > | |
CShallowCopy< xAOD::IParticleContainer > | |
►NDetailSelectionExprParser | |
►CLexer | Lexer which turns a token stream into a stream of unambigous symbols to be used by a parser |
CSymbol | Struct grouping together the type and original string representation of a symbol |
CSeparator | Separator to be used in a boost::tokenizer |
CAbsEtaAxisHandler | |
CApplyE2YFakeRate | |
CApplyFakeFactor | |
CAsgClassificationDecorationAlg | Algorithm for decorating classification using a tool based on the CP::IClassificationTool |
►CAsgCutBookkeeperAlg | Algorithm for dumping the CutBookkeeper metadata into a histogram |
CWeightsGroup | Weights helper struct |
CAsgEnergyDecoratorAlg | |
CAsgEventScaleFactorAlg | Algorithm for calculating per-event scale factors |
CAsgFlagSelectionTool | IAsgSelectionTool that cuts on char decorations |
CAsgLeptonTrackSelectionAlg | Algorithm for performing track-vertex selection on leptons |
CAsgMaskSelectionTool | IAsgSelectionTool that cuts on int decorations with mask |
CAsgOriginalObjectLinkAlg | Algorithm for relinking a shallow copy with it's base container when this was not done originally |
CAsgPriorityDecorationAlg | Algorithm for decorating priorities |
CAsgPtEtaSelectionTool | IAsgSelectionTool that performs basic pt and eta cut (with an optional eta gap) |
CAsgSelectionAlg | Algorithm for calling IAsgSelectionTool |
CAsgShallowCopyAlg | Create a shallow copy of an input contsainer |
CAsgUnionPreselectionAlg | Algorithm for turning a systematics depending selection decoration into a selection decoration without systematics |
CAsgUnionSelectionAlg | Algorithm for selection an union of objects that pass at least one systematics |
CAsgViewFromSelectionAlg | Create a view container based on selection decorations |
►CAsgxAODMetNTupleMakerAlg | Algorithm that can write MET variables to a simple ntuple from xAOD objects/variables |
►CElementProcessor | Class writing all variables from one standalone object |
CBranchProcessor | Class writing one variable from an xAOD object into a branch |
►CAsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg | Algorithm that can write a simple ntuple from xAOD objects/variables |
►CContainerProcessor | Class writing all variables from one DataVector container |
CBranchProcessor | Class writing one variable from an xAOD object into a branch |
►CElementProcessor | Class writing all variables from one standalone object |
CBranchProcessor | Class writing one variable from an xAOD object into a branch |
CAsymptMatrixTool | |
CAxisHandler | |
CAxisHandlerProvider | |
CBadMuonVetoSystHandler | |
►CBaseFakeBkgTool | |
CUncertaintyList | List of systematic variations (UID + sigma) to be considered This is implemented as a basic linked list, since unless in very rare cases it should only contain a single entry |
CBaseLinearFakeBkgTool | |
CBJetCalibrationAlg | Algorithm to apply b-jet specific energy correction |
CBootstrapGenerator | Class to generate random numbers with a unique seed |
CBootstrapGeneratorAlg | Algorithm to compute per-event bootstrap replica weights |
CBTaggingEfficiencyAlg | Algorithm for calling IBTaggingEfficiencyTool |
CBTaggingInformationDecoratorAlg | |
CBTaggingScoresAlg | |
CCalibratedEgammaProvider | |
CCalibratedMuonsProvider | Decorates a muon collection with efficiency and scale factor |
CCalibratedTracksProvider | Decorates a track collection with efficiency and scale factor |
CChargeAxisHandler | |
CChargeSelectorAlg | Algorithm that selects an event if the event has leptons with opposite sign or same sign |
CCollectionContainer | The collection container manages the time binning of a particular scale-factor map |
CCopyNominalSelectionAlg | Algorithm that copies the nominal selections over to all other object systematics |
CCorrectionCode | Return value from object correction CP tools |
CCorrectionTool | Helper base class for "correction tools" |
CDileptonInvariantMassSelectorAlg | Algorithm to select an event with 2-lepton mass compared to a specified value |
CDileptonInvariantMassWindowSelectorAlg | Algorithm to select an event with 2-lepton mass compared to a specified window of values "lowMLL" and "highMLL" |
CDileptonOSSFInvariantMassWindowSelectorAlg | Algorithm that vetos an event with two OS electrons or muons mass in a specific mass window |
CDiTauEfficiencyCorrectionsAlg | Algorithm for calling IDiTauEfficiencyCorrectionsTool |
CDiTauMassCalculatorAlg | |
CDiTauSmearingAlg | Algorithm for calling IDiTauSmearingTool |
CDiTauTruthMatchingAlg | Algorithm for calling IDiTauTruthMatchingTool |
CdRJetAxisHandler | |
CEfficiencyScaleFactor | |
CEffiCollection | Handles the 5 different scale-factor maps binned in time |
CEgammaCalibrationAndSmearingAlg | Algorithm for calling CP::IEgammaCalibrationAndSmearingTool |
►CEgammaCalibrationAndSmearingTool | |
CAbsEtaCaloPredicate | |
CDoubleOrAbsEtaCaloPredicate | |
CEtaCaloPredicate | |
CSysInfo | |
CEgammaFSRForMuonsCollectorAlg | Algorithm to collect photons and electrons which close in dR to muons as FSR candidates |
CEgammaIsGoodOQSelectionTool | Tool selecting e/gamma objects based on their object quality flags |
CEgammaIsolationCorrectionAlg | Algorithm for calling CP::IIsolationCorrectionTool |
CEgammaIsolationSelectionAlg | Algorithm for calling IIsolationSelectionTool |
CElectronChargeEfficiencyCorrectionTool | |
CElectronEfficiencyCorrectionAlg | Algorithm for calling IElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool |
CElectronLRTMergingAlg | This wraps the Electron LRT collection merger in a CP algorithm |
CElectronLRTOverlapRemovalTool | Class-algorithm for electron particle collection merging |
CElectronSiHitDecAlg | This decorates electrons with extra information from the track and cluster to avoid writing them out for SiHit electrons |
CEtaAxisHandler | |
CEventCutFlowHistAlg | Algorithm for dumping the an event-level cutflow |
CEventDecoratorAlg | Algorithm for decorating EventInfo |
CEventFlagSelectionAlg | Algorithm for selecting events by flag |
CEventSelectionByObjectFlagAlg | Algorithm for selecting events based on object flags (e.g |
CEventStatusSelectionAlg | Algorithm for selecting events based on their error status |
CFakeBkgCalculatorAlg | |
►CFFJetSmearingTool | |
CSysData | |
CFJvtEfficiencyTool | |
CFJvtSelectionTool | |
CFlowElementPtr | For the flow elements we need a special derivate which also contains the weights |
CHistHandler | |
CHistHandler_TH1 | |
CHistHandler_TH2 | |
CHistHandler_TH2Poly | |
CHistHandler_TH3 | |
CIClassificationTool | Tool interface to classify particles into multiple categories by assigning them an unsigned integer |
CICorrectionTool | |
CIEfficiencyScaleFactorTool | General interface for tools providing analysis efficiency scale factors |
CIEgammaCalibrationAndSmearingTool | |
CIElectronLRTOverlapRemovalTool | |
CIFakeBkgSystDescriptor | Auxiliary interface equiping the tools derived from IFakeBkgTool with helper methods to identify what the different SystematicVariations correspond to All the tools inherit from this interface |
CIFakeBkgTool | Top-level interface for the tools providing an estimate of the fake lepton background All the tools, each of them implementing a different method for the estimation, inherit from this interface |
CIIsolationCloseByCorrectionTool | |
CIIsolationCorrectionTool | |
CIIsolationHelper | |
CIIsolationLowPtPLVTool | |
CIIsolationSelectionTool | |
CIJetJvtEfficiency | |
CIJetQGTagger | |
CIJetTileCorrectionTool | Interface for the tool correcting for dead Tile modules |
CIJvtEfficiencyTool | |
CIKinematicSystHandler | |
CILinearFakeBkgTool | Interface for the tools providing an estimate of the fake lepton background, which are able to provide an event-by-event weight |
CIMuonCalibIntScaleSmearTool | Class IMuonCalibIntTool |
CIMuonCalibIntTool | |
CIMuonCalibrationAndSmearingTool | |
CIMuonEfficiencyScaleFactors | |
CIMuonLRTOverlapRemovalTool | |
CIMuonSelectionTool | Interface for (a) muon selector tool(s) |
CIMuonTriggerScaleFactors | |
CinputScaleMapper | |
CIOStatsAlg | |
CIPhotonPointingTool | |
CIPhotonVertexSelectionTool | |
CIPileupReweightingTool | |
CIReentrantSystematicsTool | Interface for all CP tools supporting systematic variations within a reentrant algorithm |
CISelectionNameSvc | Interface for the central systematics service |
CISelectionReadAccessor | Specialized accessor to read a selection decoration from/to an xAOD object |
CISelectionWriteAccessor | Specialized accessor to write a selection decoration to an xAOD object |
CIsoCloseByCaloDecorAlg | |
CIsoCloseByCorrectionAlg | |
CIsoCloseByCorrectionTrkSelAlg | |
►CIsoCorrectionTestHelper | |
CIsolationBranches | |
►CIsolationCloseByCorrectionTool | |
CObjectCache | |
CIsolationCondition | |
CIsolationConditionCombined | |
CIsolationConditionFormula | |
CIsolationConditionHist | |
CIsolationCorrection | |
CIsolationCorrectionTool | |
CIsolationHelper | |
CIsolationLowPtPLVTool | |
CIsolationSelectionTool | |
CIsolationWP | |
CIsoVariableHelper | |
CISysHandleBase | Basic interface for all systematics handles |
CISystematicsSvc | Interface for the central systematics service |
CISystematicsTool | Interface for all CP tools supporting systematic variations |
CITrackVertexAssociationTool | |
CIWeightPFOTool | |
CJetCalibrationAlg | Algorithm for calling IJetCalibrationTool |
CJetDecoratorAlg | Algorithm for calling IJetUpdateJvt |
CJetGhostMergingAlg | Algorithm for combining multiple ghost collections into one |
CJetGhostMuonAssociationAlg | Algorithm for adding ghost muons to jets |
CJetJvtEfficiency | |
CJetModifierAlg | Algorithm for calling IJetModifierTool |
CJetNGhostSelectorAlg | Algorithm to select an event with a specified number of objects compared to a transverse momentum value |
CJetQGTagger | |
►CJetQGTaggerBDT | |
CTagger | Slot-specific TMVA tool and associated variables |
CJetReclusteringAlg | |
CJetSelectionAlg | Algorithm for calling IJetSelector |
CJetTileCorrectionAlg | |
CJetTileCorrectionTool | |
CJetTruthTagAlg | An algorithm for tagging reco-jets if they are close enough to a truth jet |
CJetUncertaintiesAlg | Algorithm for calling ICPJetUncertaintiesTool |
CJvtEfficiencyAlg | Algorithm for calling IJEREfficiencyTool |
CJvtEfficiencyTool | |
CJvtEfficiencyToolBase | |
CJvtSelectionTool | |
CJvtSelectionToolBase | |
CJvtUpdateAlg | Algorithm for calling IJetUpdateJvt |
►CKinematicHistAlg | Algorithm for dumping the kinematics of an IParticle container into histograms |
CHistGroup | Histograms we fill per systematic |
CHistSubgroup | Histograms we fill per systematic and object |
CLeptonSFCalculatorAlg | |
CLhoodMM_tools | |
CLhoodMMFitInfo | |
►CMakeSystematicsVector | This class handles turning the list of systematics into the actual list of nuisance parameter points to evaluate |
CGroupConfig | Configuration for the given group |
CMCTCDecorationAlg | Algorithm to unpack and decorate MCTruthClassifier Classification information |
CMetBuilderAlg | Algorithm for calling IMetCalibrationAndSmearingTool |
CMetMakerAlg | Algorithm for calling IMETMaker |
CMetSignificanceAlg | Algorithm for calling IMETSignificanceTool |
CMissingETPlusTransverseMassSelectorAlg | Algorithm to select an event with MET + W-boson mass compared to a specified MET+MWT value |
CMissingETSelectorAlg | Algorithm to select an event with missing E_T above or below a specified value |
CMuonCalibIntHighpTSmearTool | |
►CMuonCalibIntSagittaTool | |
CParameterSetSagitta | |
►CMuonCalibIntScaleSmearTool | |
CParameterSetScaleSmear | |
CMuonCalibrationAndSmearingAlg | Algorithm for calling IMuonCalibrationAndSmearingTool |
CMuonCalibTool | |
CMuonCloseJetDecorationAlg | Small algorithm to quickly write the jetDR decoration needed for isolation scale-factors to the muon |
CMuonEfficiencyScaleFactorAlg | Algorithm for calling IMuonEfficiencyScaleFactorTool |
CMuonEfficiencyScaleFactors | |
CMuonIsolationAlg | Algorithm for calling IMuonSelectionTool |
CMuonLRTMergingAlg | This wraps the MCP LRT collection merger in a CP algorithm |
CMuonLRTOverlapRemovalTool | Class-algorithm for muon particle collection merging |
CMuonQualityUpdaterAlg | |
CMuonScaleFactorTestAlg | Small test algorithm to quickly test/demonstrate the usage of the MuonEfficiencyCorrections code within athena |
CMuonSelectionAlg | |
CMuonSelectionAlgV2 | Algorithm for calling IMuonSelectionTool |
►CMuonSelectionTool | Implementation of the muon selector tool |
ChitSummary | Struct to handle easily number of hits in different parts of the MS |
CMuonTriggerEfficiencyScaleFactorAlg | Algorithm for calling IMuonTriggerScaleFactors |
CMuonTriggerScaleFactors | |
►CMVAInputEvaluator | |
CMiniEvaluator | |
CMVATrackVertexAssociationTool | |
CNLargeRJetMassWindowSelectorAlg | Algorithm to select an event with N large-R jets with a mass compared to a specified window of values "lowMass" and "highMass" |
CNNJvtEfficiencyTool | |
CNNJvtSelectionTool | |
CNObjectMassSelectorAlg | Algorithm to select an event with a specified number of objects compared to an invariant mass value |
CNObjectPtSelectorAlg | Algorithm to select an event with a specified number of objects compared to a transverse momentum value |
CObjectCutFlowHistAlg | Algorithm for dumping the object-level cutflow |
COutOfValidityEventHelper | Helper to translate a CP::CorrectionCode into a ::StatusCode |
COutOfValidityHelper | Helper to translate a CP::CorrectionCode into a ::StatusCode |
COverlapRemovalAlg | Algorithm for calling IPileupReweightingTool |
CParticleLevelChargeDecoratorAlg | |
CParticleLevelIsolationAlg | |
CParticleLevelJetsAlg | |
CParticleLevelMissingETAlg | |
CParticleLevelOverlapRemovalAlg | |
CParticleLevelPtEtaPhiDecoratorAlg | |
CPhiAxisHandler | |
CPhotonEfficiencyCorrectionAlg | Algorithm for calling IPhotonEfficiencyCorrectionTool |
CPhotonExtraVariablesAlg | |
CPhotonOriginCorrectionAlg | Algorithm for correctiong the origin of a photon wrt the Primary Vertex |
CPhotonPointingTool | Implementation for the photon pointing tool |
CPhotonShowerShapeFudgeAlg | Algorithm for calling IElectronPhotonShowerShapeFudgeTool for photons |
CPhotonVertexSelectionAlg | |
CPhotonVertexSelectionTool | Implementation for the photon vertex selection tool |
CPileupReweightingAlg | Algorithm for calling IPileupReweightingTool |
CPileupReweightingProvider | |
CPileupReweightingTool | Implementation of the PileupReweighting tool |
CPMGTruthWeightAlg | Algorithm for calling IPMGTruthWeightTool |
CPrimodialPtSystematic | The PrimodialPtSystematic was the former PtKinematicSystHandler |
CPtAxisHandler | |
CPtKinematicSystHandler | Z->mumu reconstruction scale-factors are delivered in eta-phi maps integrating out any pt-dependence |
CRunNumberSelectorAlg | Algorithm to select an event with 2-lepton mass compared to a specified value |
CSaveFilterAlg | Algorithm to turn event selections into filters for cutflow saving |
CSecVertexTruthMatchAlg | Algorithm to perform truth matching on secondary vertices |
CSelectionAccessorExprBase | Serves as the base for a few logical expression classes |
CSelectionAccessorExprNot | SelectionAccessor which implements a logical NOT |
CSelectionAccessorExprOr | Implements a SelectionAccessor that performs a binary logical OR |
CSelectionAccessorList | SelectionAccesor for list of selection decorations |
CSelectionAccessorReadSys | SelectionAccesor for reading systematically varied decorations |
CSelectionExprParser | Public interface for the expression parsing facility |
CSelectionNameSvc | Canonical implementation of ISelectionNameSvc |
CSelectionReadAccessorBits | SelectionAccesor for standard CP algorithm selection decorations encoded as bits |
CSelectionReadAccessorChar | SelectionAccesor for OR tool selection decorations |
CSelectionReadAccessorInvert | SelectionAccesor for inverting a selection decoration |
CSelectionReadAccessorNull | SelectionAccesor that can be used instead of a nullptr |
CSelectionReadHandle | Data handle for reading selection properties from objects |
CSelectionWriteAccessorBits | SelectionAccesor for standard CP algorithm selection decorations encoded as bits |
CSelectionWriteAccessorChar | SelectionAccesor for OR tool selection decorations |
CSelectionWriteAccessorInvert | SelectionAccesor for inverting a selection decoration |
CSelectionWriteAccessorNull | SelectionAccesor that can be used instead of a nullptr |
CSelectionWriteAccessorSys | SelectionAccesor for reading systematically varied decorations |
CShowerDepthTool | |
CSortedObjPtr | Small helper struct to have sets of particle pointers sorted by pt |
CstrObj | |
CSumNElNMuPtSelectorAlg | Algorithm to select an event with a specified number of electrons or muons compared to a transverse momentum value |
CSysCopyHandle | Systematics data handle that will either copy the input object or act like an update handle |
CSysFilterReporter | Systematics aware filter reporter |
CSysFilterReporterCombiner | Reporter class that combines the filter decisions for all systematics |
CSysFilterReporterParams | Properties and persistent data for systematics aware filter reporters |
CSysHandleArray | Vector-like class for systematic handles which interact with decorations |
CSysListDumperAlg | Dump systematics names into a histogram |
CSysListHandle | Class managing the property to configure the list of systematics to process |
CSysReadDecorHandle | Data handle for reading systematics varied input data |
CSysReadHandle | Data handle for reading systematics varied input data |
CSysReadHandleArray | Data handle for reading systematics varied input data |
CSysReadSelectionHandle | Data handle for reading systematically varied selection properties from objects |
CSystDiTauUnioniserAlg | |
CSystElectronUnioniserAlg | |
CSystematicRegistry | This module implements the central registry for handling systematic uncertainties with CP tools |
CSystematicsCache | Helper class to cache systematics varied calibration constants inside a ISystematicsTool or IRentrantSystematicsTool |
CSystematicSet | Class to wrap a set of SystematicVariations |
CSystematicSetHash | SystematicSet hash function for general use |
CSystematicsSvc | Canonical implementation of ISystematicsSvc |
CSystematicsTool | Base class for CP tools providing systematic variations |
CSystematicVariation | |
CSystJetUnioniserAlg | |
CSystMuonUnioniserAlg | |
CSystObjectLinkerAlg | |
CSystObjectUnioniserAlg | |
CSystPhotonUnioniserAlg | |
CSystTauUnioniserAlg | |
CSysWriteDecorHandle | Data handle for reading systematics varied input data |
CSysWriteHandle | Data handle for writing systematics varied input data |
CSysWriteSelectionHandle | Data handle for writing systematically varied selection properties from objects |
CTauCombineMuonRMTausAlg | |
CTauEfficiencyCorrectionsAlg | Algorithm for calling ITauEfficiencyCorrectionsTool |
CTauSmearingAlg | Algorithm for calling ITauSmearingTool |
CTauTruthDecorationsAlg | Algorithm to decorate truth matched information |
CTauTruthMatchingAlg | Algorithm for calling ITauTruthMatchingTool |
CTElectronTestAlg | |
CTestIsolationAthenaAlg | |
CTestIsolationCloseByCorrAlg | |
CTestMCASTTool | |
►CTPileupReweighting | |
CCompositeTrigger | |
CPeriod | |
CRun | |
CTrackParticleMergerAlg | Algorithm to merge multiple track collections into one |
►CTrackVertexAssociationTool | General track-vertex association tool |
CWorkingPoint | |
CTransverseMassSelectorAlg | Algorithm to select an event with W-boson mass compared to a specified MWT value |
CTreeFillerAlg | Algorithm that writes events to a tree filled by preceding algorithms to fill |
CTreeMakerAlg | Algorithm that creates an empty tree for subsequent algorithms to fill |
CTrigEventSelectionAlg | |
CTrigGlobalEfficiencyAlg | |
CTrigMatchingAlg | Algorithm to provide and decorate trigger matching for leptons Currently only single leg triggers are supported |
CTrigPrescalesAlg | Algorithm for retrieving trigger prescales |
CTTVAClosureSysHandler | Extra systematic assigned for the TTVA non-closure |
CUndefinedAxisHandler | |
CVertexSelectionAlg | Algorithm meant to select events with "some" vertex requirements |
CVGammaORAlg | |
CWeightPFOTool | |
►CxAODWriterAlg | Algorithm writing an xAOD output file |
CItem | Helper struct |
►Ncreate_period_container | |
Cconfig1 | |
►NCrest | |
CColumnExistException | |
CCommonCrestException | |
CCrestApiBase | |
CCrestBaseException | |
CCrestClient | |
CCrestClientExt | |
CCrestConflictException | |
CCrestContainer | |
CCrestException | |
CCrestFsClient | |
CCrestRequest | |
CFinStructureException | |
CurlParameters | |
►NCSV_InDetExporter | |
CCSVDumper | |
►NCSV_InDetImporter | |
CCSV_InDetImporterAlg | |
►NCTPdataformat | |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook | |
►NCxxUtils | |
►Ndetail | Portable implementations |
CCHMTableIterator | Helper to generate hash probes |
►CConcurrentHashmapImpl | Hash table allowing concurrent, lockless reads |
Cconst_iterator | Bidirectional iterator over occupied table entries |
Centry_t | One entry in the hash table |
CTable | Table of hash entries |
CHashmapLock | Helper to allow for external locking with put() |
CSizedUInt | |
CSizedUInt< 1 > | |
CSizedUInt< 2 > | |
CSizedUInt< 4 > | |
CSizedUInt< 8 > | |
CUIntConv | Helpers for converting between uintptr_t and a pointer or integer |
CUIntConv< uintptr_t > | |
►Nfpcompare_fn | |
Cequal | Compare two FP numbers, working around x87 precision issues |
Cequalf | Compare two FP numbers, working around x87 precision issues |
Cgreater | Compare two FP numbers, working around x87 precision issues |
Cgreater_equal | Compare two FP numbers, working around x87 precision issues |
Cgreater_equalf | Compare two FP numbers, working around x87 precision issues |
Cgreaterf | Compare two FP numbers, working around x87 precision issues |
Cless | Compare two FP numbers, working around x87 precision issues |
Cless_equal | Compare two FP numbers, working around x87 precision issues |
Cless_equalf | Compare two FP numbers, working around x87 precision issues |
Clessf | Compare two FP numbers, working around x87 precision issues |
►NvecDetail | |
►Nbool_pack_helper | Helper for static asserts for argument packs |
Cbool_pack | |
Cvec_mask_type | Deduce the type of the mask returned by relational operations, for a vectorized type |
Cvec_type | Deduce the element type from a vectorized type |
Cvec_typedef | Check the type and the size of the vector |
CArray | Read-only multidimensional array |
CArray< 0 > | Read-only multidimensional array, specialized for N=0 |
►CArrayIterator | Iterator class for Array<N> |
Cpointer | Proxy to return from operator> |
CArrayIteratorChooser | Helper for defining iterators over Array's |
CArrayIteratorChooser< 1 > | Helper for defining iterators over Array's , specialized for N == 1 |
CArrayScanner | Helper class for converting strings to Array's |
CBitPacker | Pack a set of values bitwise into a stream |
CBitPacker16 | Pack a set of values bitwise into a stream |
CBitPacker8 | Pack a set of values bitwise into a stream |
CBitUnpacker | Helper to unpack a set of values bitwise from a stream |
CBitUnpacker16 | Helper to unpack a set of values bitwise from a stream |
CBitUnpacker8 | Helper to unpack a set of values bitwise from a stream |
CCachedPointer | Cached pointer with atomic update |
CCachedUniquePtrT | Cached pointer with atomic update |
CCachedValue | Cached value with atomic update |
►CClassName | Recursively separate out template arguments in a C++ class name |
CExcBadClassName | Exception to signal a malformed class name |
CExcMissingVariable | Exception to signal a missing variable |
CRules | A set of transformation rules to use with ClassName |
CCMurmurHash2A | |
►CConcurrentBitset | Variable-sized bitset allowing (mostly) concurrent access |
Cconst_iterator | Iterator over all 1 bits in the set |
CImpl | Implementation object |
Creference | A reference to one bit in a set |
►CConcurrentPtrSet | A set of pointers, allowing concurrent, lockless queries |
Cconst_iterator | Iterator class |
CHasher | Hash functional for keys |
CMatcher | Matching functional for keys |
►CConcurrentStrToValMap | Hash map from strings to arbitrary objects allowing concurrent, lockless reads |
Cconst_iterator | Const iterator class |
CHasher | Hash functional for keys |
Citerator | Iterator class |
CMatcher | Matching functional for keys |
CCRCTable | Precomputed tables and constants for the CRC calculation |
Cextrace_init | |
►CFloatCompressor | Class implementing a lossy float compression |
Cfloatint_t | Type used in the compression |
CFloatPacker | Pack/unpack floating-point data from/to a given number of bits |
CIRangeMapPayloadDeleter | Helper to delete payload objects for ConcurrentRangeMap |
CLockedPointer | A pointer together with a movable lock |
►CPackedArray | An array of unsigned values of some bit size, packed tightly |
Cproxy | Proxy class for representing an lvalue to an element of PackedArray |
►Cpointer_list | A fast way to store a variable-sized collection of pointers |
Callocator | Allocator for pointer_list , specialized for NELT |
Citerator | Forward iterator over the list |
►Cpointer_list_base | A fast way to store a variable-sized collection of pointers |
►Callocator | Very simple allocator for use with pointer_list |
Cchunk | One memory allocation chunk |
Clist_block | A single block in the list |
Crange_with_at | Add at() methods to a range class |
Crange_with_conv | Add to a range class conversions to containers |
CRedirStderr | |
Creleasing_iterator | Adapter to retrieve elements from a unique_ptr iterator via release() |
Creverse_wrapper | Adapter for a container-like class to be used in a range-for so as to iterate in the reverse direction |
CRing | A very simple ring buffer |
►CSimpleUpdater | Simple (non-deleting) Updater implementation |
CContext_t | Context object |
Csincos | Helper to simultaneously calculate sin and cos of the same angle |
Cspan | Simplified version of the C++20 std::span |
Cvec_fb | |
CWritableArray | Read-write multidimensional array |
CWritableArray< 0 > | |
CWritableArrayData | |
►ND3PD | Block filler tool for noisy FEB information |
►NRoot | |
CClearinfo | Hold information on how to clear one variable |
CCleartable | Table giving information on how to clear all variables in a tree |
CAddVariable | Common implementation of IAddVariable |
►CAuxDataFillerTool | Copy aux data to D3PD |
CVar | Describe one variable |
CBlockFillerTool | Type-safe wrapper for block filler tools |
CBlockFillerTool< Types< T0 > > | A specialization of BlockFillerTool that can accept one of several types |
CBlockFillerTool< void > | Type-safe wrapper for block filler tools, for tools taking no input |
CBlockFillerToolImpl | Non-template parts of BlockFillerTool |
CButFirstType | |
CButFirstType< Types< T0, TYPES... > > | |
CCaloCalibHitFillerTool | Block filler tool for EM samplings from a CaloCluster |
CCaloCalibrationHitContainerGetterTool | Define a special getter |
CCaloCellDetailsFillerTool | Block filler tool for EM samplings from a CaloCluster |
CCaloCellRawFillerTool | Block filler tool for calo cell raw eta/phi |
CCaloClusterCellAssociationTool | Associate from a CaloCluster to CaloCell |
CCaloInfoFillerTool | Block filler tool for EM samplings from a CaloCluster |
CClusterEMSamplingFillerTool | Block filler tool for EM samplings from a CaloCluster |
CClusterPositionInCaloFillerTool | Block filler tool for eta/phi positions in calo coordinate from a CaloCluster |
CClusterSamplingFillerTool | Block filler tool for EM samplings from a CaloCluster |
CCollectionGetterFilterTool | A collection getter that filters the results of another |
CCollectionGetterFilterToolImpl | Non-template parts of CollectionGetterFilterTool |
CCollectionGetterRegistryTool | Tool to keep a registry of collection getter tools |
CCollectionGetterTool | Type-safe wrapper for ICollectionGetterTool |
CCollectionGetterToolImpl | Non-template parts of CollectionGetterTool |
CContainedAssociationFillerTool | Represent a single association by containment |
CContainedMultiAssociationFillerTool | Represent a multiple association by containment |
CContainedVectorMultiAssociationFillerTool | Represent a multiple association by containment inside vectors |
CContainerFlagFillerTool | Flag objects that are present in other containers |
CConversionVertexAssociationTool | Associate from a conversion to its vertex |
CCovarianceFillerTool | Block filler tool for error and covariance matrix |
CD3PDMCTruthClassifier | Work around MCTruthClassifier brain-damage |
CDRAssociationTool | Associate to particle closest in DR |
CDRConeAssociationTool | Associate all particles within a DR cut |
CDummyInitAlg | Work around initialization ordering problems |
CDummyVarFillerTool | Create an empty variable in the D3PD |
CegammaClusterAssociationTool | Associate from an egamma to its CaloCluster |
CegammaConversion0FillerTool | Block filler tool for photon conversion information, for LOD 0 |
CegammaConversionFillerTool | Block filler tool for photon conversion information |
CegammaDeltaEmax2Alg | Calculate deltaEmax2 for egamma objects and store as UD |
CegammaGenParticleAssociationTool | Associate from an electron/photon to a matched GenParticle via classification tool |
CegammaLayer1ExtraFillerTool | |
CegammaMaxECellAlg | Find most energetic cell in the middle layer for an egamma object and store in UserData |
CegammaNbCellsGainAlg | Count the number of cells in each gain, layer by layer |
CegammaRetaphiFillerTool | |
CegammaSumCellsGainAlg | Find most energetic cell in the middle layer for an egamma object and store in UserData |
CegammaTraversedMaterialFillerTool | Block filler tool for the material traversed by a photon/electron until the entrance of the calorimeter (in X0) |
CegammaTruthAlg | Select egtruth particles |
CegammaTruthClassificationFillerTool | Fill in type/origin from MC classifier tool for an egamma |
CElectronJetDRAssociator | For every electron find jets in a cone and store lifetime, signed IP, and PTRel of relation |
CElectronTrackParticleAssociationTool | Associate from an egamma to its TrackParticle |
CEventErrorStateFillerTool | Block filler tool for event error state from EventInfo |
CEventFlagNames | |
CEventTrigInfoFillerTool | Tool writing the stream decisions to D3PDs |
CEventTypeFillerTool | Block filler tool for the event type from EventInfo |
CEventWeightFillerTool | Block filler tool for the event weight from EventInfo |
CFakeProxy | Proxy class for storing any kind of object |
CFirstAssociationTool | Choose the first result from a multiple association |
CFourMomFillerTool | Block filler tool for a four-momentum |
CIAddVariable | Common interface for adding a variable to a tuple |
CIBlockFillerTool | Abstract interface for tool to fill a block in the D3PD |
CICollectionGetterRegistryTool | Abstract interface to keep a registry of collection getter tools |
CICollectionGetterTool | Abstract interface to get a collection of objects and iterate over it |
CID3PD | Define an abstract interface for building a D3PD tree |
CID3PDSvc | Abstract interface for service to create D3PD trees |
CIdentityAssociationTool | A generic identity association; i.e., one that simply returns its input |
CIIteration | Abstract interface for iterating over a set of things |
CIMetadataTool | Write metadata to a D3PD |
CImpactSigmaFillerTool | Fill d0/z0 uncertainties from an ErrorMatrix |
CIMultiAssociationTool | Abstract interface to form a multi-way association |
CINav4MomLinkContainerGetterTool | Getter tool to retrieve an INav4MomLinkContainer from SG |
CIndexAssociationFillerTool | Represent a single association by index |
CIndexFillerTool | Fill an index of an object within a container |
CIndexMap | |
CIndexMultiAssociationFillerTool | Represent a multiple association by index |
CIObjFillerTool | Abstract interface for tool to fill an object in the D3PD |
CIObjGetterTool | Abstract interface to get an object to put in the tuple |
CIParticleLinksCollectionGetterTool | |
CIReaderD3PD | Common interface for the code generator D3PD classes |
CISingleAssociationTool | Abstract interface to form a single association |
CLArCollisionTimeFillerTool | Block filler tool for collision time information |
CLArDigitFillerTool | Block filler tool for EM samplings from a CaloCluster |
CLArHitContainerGetterTool | Define a special getter |
CLArHitFillerTool | Block filler tool for EM samplings from a CaloCluster |
CLArNoisyROFillerTool | |
CLArRawChannelContainerGetterTool | |
CLArRawChannelFillerTool | |
CLArSCHitFillerTool | Block filler tool for EM samplings from a CaloCluster |
CLBMetadataTool | Add luminosity metadata info to a D3PD |
CMakerAlg | Algorithm to create a D3PD tree |
CMBTSFillerTool | Block filler tool for MBTS information |
CMBTSTimeFillerTool | Block filler tool for combined MBTS time information |
CMDTSimHitFillerTool | Filler tool for the basic properties of MDTSimHit |
CMultiAssociationTool | Type-safe wrapper for multiple-target associator tools |
CMultiAssociationTool< Types< T0 >, TO_T > | A specialization of MultiAssociationTool that can accept one of several types |
CMultiAssociationTool< Types< T0 >, Types< U0 > > | A specialization of MultiAssociationTool that can accept one of several types, mapping to multiple output types |
CMultiAssociationToolImpl | Non-template parts of MultiAssociationTool |
CMultiAssociationToolTo | Helper for MultiAssociationTool |
CMultiReaderAlg | Algorithm used for generating D3PDReader sources |
CMuonGenParticleAssociationTool | Associate from an electron/photon to a matched GenParticle via classification tool |
CMuonNumberOfSegmentsFillerTool | Fill number of muon segments |
CMuonTrackParticleAssociationTool | Associate from an Muon to its primary TrackParticle |
CMuonTrkHitFillerTool | |
CMuonTruthClassificationFillerTool | |
CMuonTruthHitsFillerTool | Fill truth hit information for muons |
CNoType | Placeholder for empty type |
►CObjectMetadata | D3PD variable metadata handling class |
CVariable | Internal class keeping track of a single variable |
CObjFillerTool | Object filler tool for a single object |
CObjGetterTool | This is a type-safe wrapper for the IObjGetterTool interface |
CObjGetterToolImpl | Non-template parts of ObjGetterTool |
CPerigeeBLPredictionFillerTool | Fill expectHitInBLayer from a Perigee |
CPerigeeCovarianceAssociationTool | Associate from a Perigee to its ErrorMatrix |
CPerigeeFillerTool | |
CPerigeePair | |
CPerigeePairOldPerigeeAssociationTool | Associate from a PerigeePair to the perigee for the original track |
CPhotonTruthAlg | Analyze GenParticle's matching photons and made UD decorations |
CPhotonTruthTool | |
CReaderAlg | Algorithm used for generating D3PDReader sources |
CRootD3PD | Root-based D3PD tree |
CRootD3PDSvc | Service to create a root-based D3PD |
CRootObjectMetadata | Extension of the ObjectMetadata class for reading D3PD files |
CRootReaderD3PD_v1 | D3PD class used for generating ROOT D3PDReader classes |
CRootReaderD3PD_v2 | D3PD class used for generating ROOT D3PDReader classes |
CRootReaderD3PDBase | Base class for all ROOT-based code generators |
CRootReaderD3PDSvc | A very simple D3PDSvc which produces RootReaderD3PD objects |
CSCFillerTool | Block filler tool for EM samplings from a CaloCluster |
CSelectedParticlesFilterTool | A collection getter that filters the results of another based on the contents of a SelectedParticles object |
CSelectType | Select one type out of the tuple |
CSelectType< Types< TYPES... >, N > | SelectType used of Types |
CSGCollectionGetterTool | Collection getter tool retrieving a container from StoreGate |
CSGDataVectorGetterTool | Getter tool to retrieve DataVector/List collections from StoreGate |
CSGGetterImpl | Common object getter code for retrieving from StoreGate |
CSGKeyResolver | Helper to resolve the SG key to use |
CSGObjGetterTool | Getter tool to retrieve single objects from StoreGate |
CSGTileDigitsGetterTool | |
CSGTileHitGetterTool | |
CSGTileModuleBitsGetterTool | |
CSGTileRawChannelGetterTool | |
CSingleAssociationTool | Type-safe wrapper for single associator tools |
CSingleAssociationTool< Types< T0 >, TO_T > | A specialization of SingleAssociationTool that can accept one of several types |
CSingleAssociationToolImpl | Non-template parts of SingleAssociationTool |
CSingleAssociationToolTo | Helper for SingleAssociationTool |
►CSkimDecisionFillerTool | Block filler tool for SkimDecisions |
CVar | Description of each variable being written |
CTileAssocFillerTool | |
CTileCellDetailsFillerTool | |
CTileCellDigitAssociationTool | |
CTileCellFillerTool | |
CTileCellRawAssociationTool | |
CTileClusterFillerTool | |
CTileCosmicMuonFillerTool | |
CTileCosmicMuonTileCellAssociationTool | |
CTileDigitFillerTool | |
CTileEventFillerTool | |
CTileHitFillerTool | |
CTileHitInfoFillerTool | Block filler tool for total TileHit energy |
CTileL2FillerTool | |
CTileModuleBitsFillerTool | |
CTileMuFillerTool | |
CTileMuonFillerTool | |
CTileRawChannelFillerTool | |
CTileTrackFillerTool | |
CTileTriggerFillerTool | |
CTileTTL1FillerTool | |
CTowerFillerTool | |
CTrackParticleChargeFillerTool | |
CTrackParticlePerigeeAtBSAssociationTool | Associate from a VxCandidate to its perigee at the beam spot |
CTrackParticlePerigeeAtOOAssociationTool | Associate from a TrackParticle to its default Perigee |
CTrackParticlePerigeeAtPVAssociationTool | Associate from a VxCandidate to its perigee at primary vertex |
CTrackParticlePerigeePairAtOOAssociationTool | Associate from a VxCandidate to its Position ErrorMatrix |
CTrackParticleVertexAssociationTool | Associate from a TrackParticle to its reconstructed vertex |
CTrackRecordCollectionGetterTool | |
CTrackRecordFillerTool | Filler tool for the basic properties of TrackRecord |
CTruthMuonsToSG | |
CTruthParticleBremFillerTool | Fill the hasHardBrem flag |
CTruthParticleChildAssociationTool | Associate all particles within a DR cut |
CTruthParticleClassificationFillerTool | |
CTruthParticleFillerTool | |
CTruthParticleParentAssociationTool | Associate all particles within a DR cut |
CTruthParticleProdVertexAssociationTool | Associate from a TruthParticle to its GenVertex production vertex |
CTypeConverter | This is helper for converting between pointers of different types, given dynamically by std::type_info |
CVariable | Structure describing one D3PD variable |
CVectorFillerTool | Object filler tool for a collection of objects, saved as vectors |
►CVectorFillerToolBase | Common code for wrapping filled variables up into a vector |
CVar | Description for a single variable |
CVars | Description for the list of variables |
CVertexCovarianceAssociationTool | Associate from a VxCandidate to its Position ErrorMatrix |
CVertexKineFillerTool | Block filler tool for vertex kinematics, from attached tracks |
CVertexTrackParticleAssociationTool | |
CVoidObjFillerTool | Object filler tool for tools taking no input |
CWrapType | Helper so that Types<> will be an empty class |
►ND3PDMakerReaderDict | |
Ctmp | |
►ND3PDSizeSummary | |
CBranchgroup | |
CFilestats | |
►ND3PDTest | |
CDefaultFillerTool | Test setting default values in d3pds |
CDefaultFillerTool2 | Test setting default values in d3pds |
CFillerAlg | Test class for D3PD maker |
CHitsFillerAlg | Test class for D3PD maker |
CIN4MHLVAssociationTool | Test code: IN4M -> HLV |
CMapDumper | |
CMyVec2 | |
CObj1 | Test class for D3PD maker |
CObj12FillerTool | D3PD maker regression tests |
CObj1Container | |
CObj1FillerTool | D3PD maker regression tests |
CObj1Obj2AssociationTool | Test code: associate from an Obj1 to a single Obj2 |
CObj1Obj2MultiAssociationTool | Test code: associate from an Obj1 to a set of Obj2 |
CObj2 | Test class for D3PD maker |
CObj2FillerTool | Block filler tool for TrigElectron calo variables (LOD 2) |
CObj3 | Test class for D3PD maker |
CObj4 | Test class for D3PD maker |
CObj4Container | |
CObj4FillerTool | D3PD maker regression tests |
CObj4GetterTool | |
CObj5 | Test class for D3PD maker (aux data) |
CObj5FillerTool | D3PD maker regression tests |
CToObj2AssociationTool | Test code: associate from an Obj1 to a single Obj2 |
CToObj2MultiAssociationTool | Test code: associate from an Obj1 to a set of Obj2 |
►NDataModel_detail | |
CCompareAndPrint | Helper for remove_duplicates |
Cconst_iterator | Const iterator class for DataVector/DataList |
CDVLCast | Casting operations for DataVector/DataList |
CDVLCast< DVL, false > | Casting operations for DataVector/List , static_cast version |
CDVLCast< DVL, true > | Casting operations for DataVector/List , dynamic_cast version |
CDVLInfo | |
CDVLInfoBase | |
CDVLIterator | Implementation for iterator helper |
CDVLIteratorBase | Helper to iterate over a DV container |
Cdvlmapdel | |
CElementProxy | Proxy for lvalue access to DataVector/DataList elements |
Citerator | (Non-const) Iterator class for DataVector/DataList |
CNoBase | Marker for the base of the inheritance hierarchy |
►NDataModelAthenaPool | |
CCLHEPConverters | Register all CLHEP converters |
CDataVectorConvert | Provide backwards compatibility for reading DataVector classes |
CPackedContainerConverter | Converter from std::vector<T,ALLOC> to SG::PackedContainer<U,ALLOC> |
CPointConverter | Converter for Hep3Vector to Point3D<double> |
►NDataModelTestConfig | |
CLoadReadDicts | |
CLoadWriteDicts | |
►NDataVector_detail | |
CVirtBases | |
►NDbg | |
CEmpty | |
CHist | |
CHistTemp | |
►NDCubeHistograms | |
CMyHistoFiller | |
►NDebugPage | |
CDebugPage | |
►Ndefects_dump_graph | |
CNode | |
►NDerivationFramework | THE reconstruction tool |
►NTriggerMatchingUtils | |
CRangedItr | Utility class that acts wraps a bidirectional iterator |
CAnalysisMuonThinningAlg | |
CAnyVertexSkimmingTool | |
CAsgSelectionToolWrapper | |
CAugmentationToolExample | |
CAugmentationToolLeadingJets | |
CAugOriginalCounts | Augmentation with primary vertex counts (before thinning) |
CBadBatmanAugmentationTool | |
CBasedInvCache | |
CBdKstarMuMu_metadata | Store JO metadata specific to the Bd->KstarMuMu analysis |
CBkgElectronClassification | |
CBmumu_metadata | Store JO metadata specific to the Bmumu analysis |
CBmumu_reco_mumu | |
CBmumuThinningTool | Primary vertex, track and muon thinning for Bmumu analysis |
►CBMuonTrackIsoTool | |
CMuIsoItem | |
CBoostedHadTopAndTopPairFilterAugmentation | |
CBoostedHadTopAndTopPairFilterTool | |
CBPhysAddMuonBasedInvMass | Augment secondary vertices with muon-information-based mass |
CBPhysBGammaFinder | |
CBPhysConversionFinder | |
CBPhysMetadataBase | |
CBPhysPVCascadeTools | |
CBPhysPVThinningTool | |
CBPhysPVTools | |
CBPhysVarBlinder | |
►CBPhysVertexTrackBase | |
CBaseItem | |
CTrackTypeCounter | |
CBTrackVertexMapLogger | |
►CBVertexClosestTrackTool | |
CCtItem | |
►CBVertexTrackIsoTool | |
CIsoItem | |
CCaloClusterThinning | |
CCaloIsolationDecorAlg | |
CCandidate | |
CCascade3Plus1 | |
CCascadeTools | |
CCellsInConeThinning | |
CCfAthAlgTool | |
CClassifyAndCalculateHFAugmentation | |
CClassifyAndCalculateHFTool | |
CClusterEnergyPerLayerDecorator | Decorate egamma objects with the energy per layer for a rectangular cluster of size neta X nphi built on the fly |
CCollectionMakerHelpers | |
CCombination | |
CCommonAugmentation | |
CCompactHardTruth | |
CDecayGraphHelper | |
CDeltaRTool | |
CDerivationKernel | |
CDiMuonTaggingAlg | |
CDiphotonVertexDecorator | |
CDistanceInTrainAugmentationTool | |
CDiTauTrackParticleThinning | |
CDRAW_ZMUMUSkimmingTool | |
CEGammaClusterCoreCellRecovery | |
CEgammaTrackParticleThinning | |
CEGammaTracksThinning | |
CEGCrackVetoCleaningTool | |
►CEGElectronAmbiguityTool | |
CDecorHandles | |
CEGElectronLikelihoodToolWrapper | |
CEGInvariantMassTool | |
CEGPhotonCleaningWrapper | |
CEGSelectionToolWrapper | |
CEGTransverseMassTool | |
CEventInfoBSErrDecorator | |
CEventInfoPixelDecorator | |
CEventInfoPixelModuleStatusMonitoring | |
CExpressionParserHelper | Helper class for using ExpressionParsing::ExpressionParser |
CFilterCombinationAND | |
CFilterCombinationOR | |
CFourLeptonVertexingAlgorithm | |
CFourMuonTool | |
►CGainDecorator | |
Ccalculation | |
CGenericObjectThinning | |
CGenericTruthThinning | |
CGenFilterTool | |
CGoodRunsListFilterAlgorithm | |
CHadronOriginClassifier | |
CHadronOriginDecorator | |
CHardScatterVertexDecorator | |
CHardTruthThinning | |
CHICentralityDecorationTool | |
CHIGlobalAugmentationTool | |
CHITrackParticleThinningTool | |
CHITrackQualityAugmentationTool | |
CIAugmentationTool | |
CIDTrackCaloDepositsDecoratorAlg | |
CInDetTrackSelectionToolWrapper | |
CInvariantMassTool | |
CISkimmingTool | |
CIsolationTrackDecorator | |
CIThinningTool | |
CJetCaloClusterThinning | |
CJetExternalAssocTool | |
CJetLargeD0TrackParticleThinning | |
CJetMatchingTool | |
CJetMSVAugmentation | |
CJetTrackParticleThinning | |
CJpsiPlusDpstCascade | |
CJpsiPlusDs1Cascade | |
CJpsiPlusDsCascade | |
CJpsiPlusPsiCascade | |
CJpsiPlusV0Cascade | |
CJpsiXPlus2V0 | |
►CJpsiXPlusDisplaced | |
CMesonCandidate | |
CMesonCandidateVector | |
CXiCandidate | |
CLArCollisionTimeDecorator | |
CLockDecorations | Algorithm to explicitly lock a set of decorations |
►CMaxCellDecorator | |
Ccalculation | |
CMbtsToVectorsTool | |
CMenuTruthThinning | |
CMergedElectronDetailsDecorator | |
CMergerTester | Class-algorithm for track particle collection merging |
CMETRemappingAlg | |
CMETTriggerAugmentationTool | |
CMuonExtrapolationTool | |
CMuonJetDrTool | |
CMuonTPExtrapolationAlg | |
CMuonTrackParticleThinning | |
CMuonTruthClassifierFallback | |
CMuonTruthIsolationDecorAlg | |
CMuPlusDpstCascade | |
CMuPlusDsCascade | |
CNTUPStringSkimmingTool | |
CPdgConditional | |
CPFlowAugmentationTool | |
CPflowIsolationDecorAlg | |
CPhotonsDirectionTool | |
CPhotonVertexSelectionWrapper | |
CPixeldEdxTrackParticleThinning | |
CPixelNtupleMaker | |
CPrescaleTool | |
CPseudoTrackSelector | Class-algorithm for pseudo track selection |
CPsiPlusPsiCascade | |
CPsiPlusPsiSingleVertex | |
►CRCJetSubstructureAug | |
Cmoments_t | |
CReco_4mu | |
CReco_mumu | |
CReco_V0Finder | |
CReco_Vertex | |
CReVertex | |
CSaturatedTriggerTower | |
CSelect_Bmumu | |
CSelect_onia2mumu | |
CSkimmingToolExample | |
CSkimmingToolEXOT14 | |
CSkimmingToolEXOT5 | |
CSkimmingToolHIGG1 | |
►CSkimmingToolHIGG2 | |
CCandidates | |
CSkimmingToolHIGG5VBF | |
CStreamAuditorTool | |
CSUSYGenFilterTool | |
CSUSYSignalTagger | |
CSV1TrackThinning | |
CTauIDDecoratorWrapper | |
CTauJets_LepRMParticleThinning | |
CTauSelectionWrapper | |
CTauThinningTool | |
CTauTrackParticleThinning | |
CTauTruthMatchingWrapper | |
CThin_vtxDuplicates | |
CThin_vtxTrk | |
CThinningToolExample | |
CTileCellsDecorator | |
CTileCellsMuonDecorator | |
CTopHeavyFlavorFilterAugmentation | |
CTrackIsolationDecorAlg | |
CtrackIsolationDecorator | |
CTrackMeasurementThinning | |
CTrackParametersAtPV | |
CTrackParametersKVU | |
CTrackParticleCaloCellDecorator | |
CTrackParticleThinning | |
CTracksInCone | |
CTrackStateOnSurfaceDecorator | |
CTrackToVertexWrapper | |
CTriggerCountToMetadata | |
CTriggerGenericObjectThinningTool | |
CTriggerMatchingAugmentation | |
CTriggerMatchingTool | Tool to perform trigger matching in the derivation framework |
CTriggerSkimmingTool | |
CTriggerTowerThinningAlg | |
CTruth3CollectionMaker | |
CTruthBornLeptonCollectionMaker | |
CTruthCaloShowerDecorator | |
►CTruthCategoriesDecorator | |
CFourMomDecorationKeys | Set of DecorHandleKeys to write the four momenta needed for the HTXS categorization |
CHTXSSample | |
CTruthClassificationDecorator | |
CTruthCollectionMaker | |
CTruthCollectionMakerTau | |
CTruthD2Decorator | |
CTruthDecayCollectionMaker | |
CTruthDressingTool | |
CTruthEDDecorator | |
CTruthIsolationTool | |
CTruthLinkRepointTool | |
CTruthMetaDataWriter | |
CTruthNavigationDecorator | |
CTruthPVCollectionMaker | |
CTruthQGDecorationTool | |
CTTbarPlusHeavyFlavorFilterTool | |
CTVAAugmentationTool | |
CUFOTrackParticleThinning | |
CUnassociatedHitsDecorator | |
CUnassociatedHitsGetterTool | |
CUsedInVertexFitTrackDecorator | |
CVertexCaloIsolation | |
CVertexCand | |
CVertexPlus1TrackCascade | |
CVertexTrackIsolation | |
CViewContainerThinning | |
CVSITrackParticleThinning | |
CxAODStringSkimmingTool | |
CZeeVertexRefittingTool | |
►Ndetails | |
CIParticleWriterBase | |
►NDigraph | |
CDigraph | |
►NDiTauConfigFlags | |
CDiTestTauRecConfigFlags | |
►NDiTauMassTools | |
►CMissingMassCalculator | |
CDitauStuff | |
CMissingMassInput | |
CMissingMassOutput | |
CMissingMassProb | |
CMissingMassTool | |
►NDiTauRecTools | Implementation of boosted di-tau ID |
CDiTauDiscriminantTool | |
CDiTauIDVarCalculator | |
CIDiTauToolBase | |
►Ndlldep | |
CCache | |
CColor | |
CSharedLib | |
CStats | |
►NDMTest | |
CAllocTest_v1 | Testing an xAOD object with a non-standard memory allocator |
CAllocTestAuxContainer_v1 | Testing an xAOD object with a non-standard memory allocator |
CAllocTestReadWithAlloc | Test reading AllocTest with a non-default allocator |
CAllocTestReadWithoutAlloc | Test reading AllocTest with a non-default allocator |
CAllocTestWriteWithAlloc | Test writing AllocTest with a non-default allocator |
CAllocTestWriteWithoutAlloc | Test writing AllocTest with a non-default allocator |
CB | Base contained class for DataVector tests |
CBDer | A class deriving from DataVector containing the base class, B |
CC_v1 | |
CCAuxContainer_v1 | |
CCInfoAuxContainer_v1 | |
CCLinks_v1 | For testing thinning of xAOD objects |
CCLinksAOD | For testing thinning of AOD objects |
CCLinksAOD_p1 | Persistent class for AOD CLinks container |
CCLinksAODCnv_p1 | |
CCLinksAuxContainer_v1 | For testing thinning of xAOD objects |
CCLinksAuxInfo_v1 | For testing thinning of xAOD objects (standalone store) |
CCondAlg1 | |
CCondAlg2 | |
CCondReaderAlg | |
CCondWriterAlg | |
CCondWriterExtAlg | Alg to write conditions data via an external script |
CCTrigAuxContainer_v1 | |
CCVecWithData_v1 | |
CD | Derived contained class for DataVector tests |
CDDer | A class deriving from DataVector containing the derived class, D |
CDMTestRead | Algorithm for printing test data |
CDMTestWrite | Algorithm for creating test data |
CDummyDecisionWriter | Make a dummy xAOD::TrigDecision to avoid warnings when writing bytestream |
CELVec | For testing ElementLink |
CG_v1 | |
CGAuxContainer_v1 | |
CH_v1 | |
CH_v2 | |
CHAuxContainer_v1 | |
CHAuxContainer_v2 | |
CHAuxContainerCnv_v1 | |
CHLTResultReader | Test for serializing an xAOD object from bytestream |
CHLTResultWriter | Test for serializing an xAOD object into bytestream |
CHVecCnv_v1 | |
CITestTool | |
CJVec_v1 | For testing jagged vectors |
CJVecAuxContainer_v1 | For testing jagged vectors |
CJVecAuxInfo_v1 | For testing jagged vectors |
CMetaReaderAlg | |
CMetaWriterAlg | |
CP_v1 | Class used for testing xAOD data reading/writing with packed containers |
CPAuxContainer_v1 | Class used for testing xAOD data reading/writing with packed containers |
CPLinks_v1 | For testing packed links |
CPLinksAuxContainer_v1 | For testing packed links |
CPLinksAuxInfo_v1 | For testing packed links |
CS1 | |
CS2 | |
CS3 | |
CxAODTestAlg | |
CxAODTestClearDecor | Algorithm to test adding decorations to a DataVector with auxiliary data |
CxAODTestDecor | Algorithm to test adding decorations to xAOD data |
CxAODTestFilterCVec | Algorithm to test filtering xAOD data |
CxAODTestRead | Algorithm to test reading xAOD data |
CxAODTestReadCInfo | Algorithm to test reading xAOD data |
CxAODTestReadCLinks | Read and dump CLinks/CLinksAOD objects |
CxAODTestReadCVec | Algorithm to test reading xAOD data (CVec) |
CxAODTestReadCView | Algorithm to test reading xAOD data (CView) |
CxAODTestReadDecor | Algorithm to test reading decorations using handles |
CxAODTestReadHVec | Algorithm to test reading xAOD data with schema evolution (HVec/HView) |
CxAODTestReadJVec | Test reading jagged vectors |
CxAODTestReadPLinks | Test reading packed links |
CxAODTestReadPVec | Algorithm to test reading xAOD data with packed containers |
CxAODTestReadSymlink | |
CxAODTestReadSymlinkTool | |
CxAODTestShallowCopy | Algorithm to do a shallow copy of CVec types |
CxAODTestShallowCopyHVec | Algorithm to do a shallow copy of HVec types |
CxAODTestThinCVec | Thin CVec objects |
CxAODTestThinJVec | Thin JVecContainer objects |
CxAODTestThinPLinks | Thin PLinksContainer objects |
CxAODTestTypelessRead | Algorithm for reading test xAOD data |
CxAODTestWrite | Algorithm for creating test aux data |
CxAODTestWriteCInfo | Algorithm for creating test aux data |
CxAODTestWriteCInfoTool | Algorithm for creating test aux data |
CxAODTestWriteCLinks | Algorithm for creating test aux data |
CxAODTestWriteCVec | Algorithm for creating test aux data |
CxAODTestWriteCVecConst | Test recording a const aux obj via WriteHandle |
CxAODTestWriteCView | Algorithm to test writing an xAOD view vector (cview) |
CxAODTestWriteFwdLink1 | |
CxAODTestWriteFwdLink2 | |
CxAODTestWriteHVec | Algorithm to test writing xAOD classes for schema evolution (hvec/hview) |
CxAODTestWriteJVec | Test writing jagged vectors |
CxAODTestWritePLinks | Test writing packed links |
CxAODTestWritePVec | Algorithm to test writing xAOD data with packed containers |
CxAODTestWriteSymlinks | Algorithm testing making symlinks/aliases through handles |
►Ndmtest_condwriter | |
CcreateTestDB | |
►NdoL1CaloHVCorrections | |
CHVCorrectionCalculator | |
CHVCorrectionCOOLReader | |
►Ndq_defect_info_table | |
CDefect | |
►Ndq_defect_summary | |
CDefect | |
►Ndqi | |
CCompositeAlgorithm | |
CConditionsSingleton | |
CCorrelationYX | |
CCountsBinsGreaterThan | |
CDatabaseConfig | |
CDisableMustClean | |
CHanAlgorithmConfig | |
CHanApp | |
►CHanConfig | |
CAssessmentVisitor | |
CAssessmentVisitorBase | |
CCompAlgVisitor | |
CConfigVisitor | |
CMetadataVisitor | |
CRefVisitor | |
CRefWriter | |
CRegexVisitor | |
CRegionVisitor | |
CHanConfigAlgLimit | |
CHanConfigAlgPar | |
►CHanConfigAssessor | |
CVisitor | |
CHanConfigCompAlg | |
CHanConfigGroup | |
CHanConfigMetadata | |
CHanConfigParMap | |
CHanHistogramLink | |
CHanInputRootFile | |
►CHanOutput | |
CRegionNameComp | |
CResult | |
CHanRuntimeConfigSingleton | |
CMiniConfig | Description |
►CMiniConfigTreeNode | A node of a tree structure holding a configuration, where each node may be given attributes, and a node inherits the attributes of parent nodes if those attributes are not redefined |
CVisitor | |
CWriter | |
►Ndqm_algorithms | |
►Nsummary | |
CAlwaysGreenSummary | |
CAlwaysUndefinedSummary | |
CBinwiseSummary | |
CDivideByHist | |
CFractionSummary | |
CJetWorstCaseSummary | A simple summary This summary maker calculates result for a region for Jet Monitoring as the worst result of childs |
CMDTSummary | |
CMDTWorstCaseSummary | A simple summary Compute the MDT Coverage to ML Granularity per region (BA,BC,EA,EC) based on four separate plots in four different layers (Inner, Middle, Outer, Extra) returns green if > 90 %, red if less than 90%, and undefined if enough of the plots failed the MinStat requirement |
CPercentSummary | |
CSimpleSummary | |
CWorstCaseSummary | A simple summary This summary maker calculates result for a region as the worst result of childs |
CWorstCaseYellow | Restricted summary |
CWorstWBlackSummary | A simple summary This summary maker calculates result for a region as the worst result of childs |
►Ntools | |
CbinCluster | |
CbinContainer | |
CDumpConfig | |
CSimpleAlgorithmConfig | This class provides a simple implementation of the DQMF abstract AlgorithmConfig interface which can be used in dqm_algorithms (see AddReference algorithms) |
CAddReference | |
CAddReference_All_Bins_Filled | |
CAddReference_BinContentComp | |
CAddReference_Bins_Diff_FromAvg | |
CAddReference_Bins_Equal_Threshold | |
CAddReference_Bins_GreaterThan_Threshold | |
CAddReference_Bins_GreaterThanEqual_Threshold | |
CAddReference_Bins_LessThan_Threshold | |
CAddReference_Bins_LessThanEqual_Threshold | |
CAddReference_Bins_NotEqual_Threshold | |
CAFP_LBsOutOfRange | |
CAFP_ToFEfficiency | |
CAFP_ToFSiTCorrCheck | |
CAll_Bins_Filled | |
CAveragePrint | |
CBasicGraphCheck | |
CBasicHistoCheck | |
CBasicHistoCheckModuleStatus | |
CBasicStatCheck | |
CBinContentComp | |
CBinContentDump | |
CBinDump | |
CBinHeight_Equal_Threshold | |
CBinHeight_GreaterThan_Threshold | |
CBinHeight_GreaterThanEqual_Threshold | |
CBinHeight_LessThan_Threshold | |
CBinHeight_LessThanEqual_Threshold | |
CBinHeight_redEqual_yellowGreaterThan_Threshold | |
CBinHeight_redEqual_yellowLessThan_Threshold | |
CBinHeightThreshold | |
CBinPrint | |
CBins_Diff_FromAvg | |
CBins_Equal_Threshold | |
CBins_GreaterThan_Threshold | |
CBins_GreaterThanAbs_Threshold | |
CBins_GreaterThanEqual_Threshold | |
CBins_GreaterThanNonZeroMedian_Threshold | |
CBins_LessThan_Threshold | |
CBins_LessThanAbs_Threshold | |
CBins_LessThanEqual_Threshold | |
CBins_LessThanNonZeroMedian_Threshold | |
CBins_NotEqual_Threshold | |
CBinsDiffByStrips | |
CBinsDiffFromPreviousLBs | |
CBinsDiffFromStripMedian | |
►CBinsDiffFromStripMedianOnline | |
CbinOnline | |
CcolorbinOnline | |
CcolorclusterOnline | |
CBinsFilledOutRange | |
CBinsOutOfRange | |
CBinsSymmetric | |
►CBinThresh | |
Cmask_limits | |
CBinThreshold | |
CBlackBin | |
CBlackBin1D | |
CCheckBinSpike | |
CCheckBinSpike_1D | |
CCheckHisto_Mean | |
CCheckHisto_RMS | |
CCheckMean | |
CChi2Test | |
CChi2Test_2D | |
CChi2Test_Chi2 | |
CChi2Test_Chi2_per_NDF | |
CChi2Test_Prob | |
CChi2Test_ProbUW | |
CChi2Test_ProbWW | |
CChi2Test_Scatterplot | |
CChiComp | |
CCorrelationYX | |
CCountsBinsGreaterThan | |
CCSCNoisyDead | |
CCTP_AllBinsAreEmptyExceptZero | |
CDifferentThan | |
CDivideBin | |
CDivideReference | |
CDivideReference_All_Bins_Filled | |
CDivideReference_BinContentComp | |
CDivideReference_Bins_Diff_FromAvg | |
CDivideReference_Bins_Equal_Threshold | |
CDivideReference_Bins_GreaterThan_Threshold | |
CDivideReference_Bins_GreaterThanEqual_Threshold | |
CDivideReference_Bins_LessThan_Threshold | |
CDivideReference_Bins_LessThanEqual_Threshold | |
CDivideReference_Bins_NotEqual_Threshold | |
CEfficiencyRefComp | |
CGatherData | |
CGraphPrint | |
CGraphTest | |
CGreaterThan | |
CGrubbsOutlierTest | |
CHistogram_Effective_Empty | |
CHistogram_Empty | |
CHistogram_Not_Empty | |
CHLTMETComponents | |
CHLTMETStatus | |
CIterativeGaussianFit | |
CJarqueBeraTest | |
CJarqueBeraTest_JB | |
CJarqueBeraTest_Prob | |
CKillBinsByStrip | |
CKolmogorovTest | |
CKolmogorovTest_MaxDist | |
CKolmogorovTest_MaxDistPlusNorm | |
CKolmogorovTest_Norm | |
CKolmogorovTest_Prob | |
CKurtosisTest | |
CKurtosisTest_GreaterThan | |
CKurtosisTest_GreaterThanAbs | |
CKurtosisTest_LessThan | |
CKurtosisTest_LessThanAbs | |
CL1Calo_OutlierAndFlatnessTest | |
CLastBinThreshold | |
CLastBinThresholdAction | |
CLessThan | |
CMaskedBinRow | |
CMaximumBin | |
CMDT_OccupancyHoleFinder | |
CMDTADCSpectrum | |
CMDTChi2 | |
CMDTCluster | |
CMDTMLOverview | |
CMDTMultiplicity | |
CMDTOverview | |
CMDTOverview_Global | |
CMDTOverview_Station | |
CMDTPercentUnderThresh | |
CMDTTDCOfflineSpectrum | |
CMDTTDCSpectrum | |
CMDTTubeCheck | |
CMDTTubeCheckError | |
CModuleStatus_All_Bins_Filled | |
CNo_OverFlows | |
CNo_UnderFlows | |
CNoAction | |
COccupancyHoleFinder | |
COutlierAndFlatnessTest | |
CPassInput | |
CReferenceMasking | |
CReferenceMasking_Bins_Diff_FromAvg | |
CReferenceMasking_Bins_GreaterThan_Threshold | |
CRepeatAlgorithm | |
CRootFit | |
CRootFitGraph | |
CRootFitTEff | |
CRPC_OccupancyHoleFinder | |
CSCTTrackTiming | |
CSideBand | |
CSideBand_Absolute | |
CSideBand_Relative | |
CSimple_doublegaus_Fit | |
CSimple_erf_Fit_Graph | |
CSimple_fermi_Fit | |
CSimple_fermi_Fit_Graph | |
CSimple_fermi_Fit_TEff | |
CSimple_gaus_Fit | |
CSimple_gausplusexpo_Fit | |
CSimple_gauspluspol1_Fit | |
CSimple_landau_Fit | |
CSimple_pol1_Fit | |
CSimple_sinusoid_Fit | |
CSkewnessTest | |
CSkewnessTest_GreaterThan | |
CSkewnessTest_GreaterThanAbs | |
CSkewnessTest_LessThan | |
CSkewnessTest_LessThanAbs | |
CSTG_YMeansperSector | |
CTileDQAction | |
CTileTriggerMonitor | |
CTripleGaussCollFit | |
CTRTCheckPeakSimple | |
CTRTHistogramHasNonZeroEntries | |
CTRTWeightedAverage | |
CZDCPercentageThreshTests | |
CZDCPercentEvents_AboveThreshold | |
CZDCPercentEvents_UnderThreshold | |
CZDCPercentEvents_XthBin | |
CZDCPercentEvents_XthBin_NormalizeToFirstBin | |
CZDCTestConstantVsLB | |
►Ndqm_persistency | |
CPAlgorithm | |
CPMetadata | |
CPParameter | |
CPRegion | |
CPResult | |
►Ndqutils | |
CCoolMdt | |
CCoolRpc | |
CCoolTgc | |
CHanOutputFile | |
CHistogramDataCOOL | |
►CMonitoringFile | |
CCopyHistogram | |
CGatherNames | |
CGatherStatistics | |
CHistogramOperation | |
CMetaData | |
COutputMetadata | |
CPostProcessorFileWrapper | |
CStatusFlagCommentCOOL | |
CStatusFlagCOOL | |
CStatusFlagCOOLBase | |
►Ndqutils_mdtdeadnoisy | |
CTubeRange | |
►NdrawFromPickle | |
CBaseClassFromDict | |
CPadWithHits | |
CSectorTriggerCandidate | |
CSingleWedgePadTrigger | |
►Ndso-stats | |
CData | |
►NDummyTest | |
CTestAlg | |
►NECUtils | |
CEventCleaningTool | |
CIEventCleaningTool | Interface for the event cleaning tool |
►NeFEXNTuple | |
CeFEXAnalyzer | |
CeFEXNTupleLoader | |
►NeflowEventDicty | |
Ctmp | |
►NeflowEventTPCnv | |
Ctmp | |
►NeflowRec | |
CEtaPhiLUT | 2D look up table for eflowRecClusters |
►NeflowSubtract | |
CSubtractor | Used in eflowCellLevelSubtractionTool and eflowRecoverSplitShowersTool to perform the removal of calorimeter cells from clusters |
►Neformat | |
CROBFragment | |
►NEFTrackingDataFormats | |
CMetadata | The structure of the Metadata containing data after clusterization |
CPixelCluster | The PixelClusters struct contains all xAOD::PixelCluster data members |
CPixelClusterAuxInput | The PixelClusterAuxInput struct is used to simplify the creaction of the xAOD::PixelClusterContainer |
CPixelClusterOutput | The PixelClusters struct contains the output arrays from the FPGA |
CSpacePoint | The SpacePoint struct contains all xAOD::SpacePoint data members |
CSpacePointAuxInput | The SpacePointAuxInput struct is used to simplify the creaction of the xAOD::SpacePointContainer |
CSpacePointOutput | The Pixel/Strip SpacePoints struct contains the output arrays from the FPGA |
CStripCluster | The StripClusters struct contains all xAOD::StripCluster data members |
CStripClusterAuxInput | The StripClusterAuxInput struct is used to simplify the creaction of the xAOD::StripClusterContainer |
CStripClusterOutput | The StripClusters struct contains the output arrays from the FPGA |
►NEFTrackingFPGAIntegration | |
CTVHolder | |
►NEFTrackingSmearing | |
CFTS_Track | |
►NEFTrackingXrtAlgorithmConfig | |
CJsonToDictAction | |
►NEgamma | |
CClusMomentumPlots | |
CElectronFrwdPlots | |
CElectronPlots | |
CIsolationPlots | |
CKinematicsPlots | |
CLRTElectronPlots | |
CPhotonAmbPlots | |
CPhotonCnvPlots | |
CPhotonConversionPlots | |
CPhotonPlots | |
CShowerShapesPlots | |
CTrackPlots | |
►NEgammaCalibPeriodRunNumbersExample | |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook | |
►NEgammaCalibrationConfig | |
CEgammaGapCalibrationConfig | |
CEgammaHitsCalibrationBarrelConfig | |
CEgammaHitsCalibrationEndcapConfig | |
CEgammaSshapeCalibrationBarrelConfig | |
CEgammaSshapeCalibrationEndcapConfig | |
CEgammaTransitionRegionsConfig | |
►NegammaEventDict | |
CEnumDictLoader | |
Ctemp | |
►NegammaMonitoring | |
CClusterHistograms | |
CDiObjectHistograms | |
CEfficiencyPlot | |
CIHistograms | |
CIsolationHistograms | |
CParticleHistograms | |
CRecoClusterHistograms | |
CRecoElectronHistograms | |
CRecoPhotonHistograms | |
CShowerShapesHistograms | |
CTrackHistograms | |
CTruthElectronHistograms | |
CTruthPhotonHistograms | |
CWidthPlot | |
►NegammaMVAFunctions | These functions are for calculating variables used by the MVA calibration |
CConversionHelper | The ConversionHelper struct is stll used by egammaMVATree in PhysicsAnalysis but not the functions in the dictionaries above |
►NegammaParameters | |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook | |
►NEgammaPhysValMonitoring | |
CEgammaPhysValMonitoringTool | |
►NegammaPID | |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook | |
►NegEnergyCorr | |
►NResolution | |
CROOT6_OpenNamespaceWorkaround | |
►NScale | |
CROOT6_OpenNamespaceWorkaround | |
CROOT6_OpenNamespaceWorkaround | |
►NegGain | |
CGainTool | |
CGainUncertainty | |
►NEL | This module defines the arguments passed from the BATCH driver to the BATCH worker |
►NDetail | |
CAlgorithmData | All the data a worker tracks for an individual algorithm |
CAlgorithmMemoryModule | Module wrapping each algorithm with its own memory monitor |
CAlgorithmStateModule | Module managing the state of the algorithms on the workers |
CAlgorithmTimerModule | Module wrapping each algorithm with its own timer |
CBaseManager | Manager to handle all of the basic tasks |
CBatchInputModule | IInputModule implementation for the batch driver |
CDirectInputModule | IInputModule implementation for the direct driver |
CDriverManager | Manager that passes callbacks through to the Driver |
CEventCountModule | Module tracking how many events get processed by each algorithm |
CFactoryPreloadModule | Module preloading all the registered factories |
CFileExecutedModule | Module recording when FileExecuted was called |
CGridReportingModule | Module that handles the reporting from the job on the grid |
CIInputModuleActions | Actions that Module::processInputs can perform |
CLeakCheckModule | Module implementing a simple leak checker |
CManager | Interface for classes that handle job management for the Driver |
CManagerData | Internal data structure for passing data between different manager objects anbd step |
CMemoryMonitorModule | Module monitoring memory usage at various points during the job |
CModule | Base class for EventLoop instrumentation module |
CModuleData | Data the EventLoop core classes are sharing with the Module implementation |
COutputStreamData | All data needed to manage a given output stream |
CPostClosedOutputsModule | Module enabling to perform checks/actions on outputs once files are all closed |
CRetrieveManager | |
CStopwatchModule | Module wrapping the TStopwatch class |
CSubmitDirManager | Manager to handle the submission directory itself |
CSubmitManager | |
CTEventModule | |
CTreeCacheModule | Module for setting the TTreeCache parameters on the input |
CWorkerConfigModule | Module implementation for running user configuration on the worker node |
CAlgorithm | |
CAlgorithmMemoryWrapper | IAlgorithmWrapper that adds a memory monitor to an algorithm |
CAlgorithmTimerWrapper | IAlgorithmWrapper that adds a timer to an algorithm |
CAlgorithmWorkerData | All the external components an algorithm needs before initialization (in EventLoop) |
CAlgorithmWrapper | IAlgorithmWrapper for AnaAlgorithm |
CAlgSelect | |
CAnaAlgorithm | (new) base class for EventLoop algorithms |
CAnaAlgorithmConfig | Object that can create a AnaAlgorithm |
CAnaAlgorithmWrapper | IAlgorithmWrapper for AnaAlgorithm |
CAnaReentrantAlgorithm | Base class for EventLoop reentrant algorithms |
CAnaReentrantAlgorithmConfig | Object that can create a AnaReentrantAlgorithm |
CAnaReentrantAlgorithmWrapper | IAlgorithmWrapper for AnaReentrantAlgorithm |
CAsgServiceWrapper | IAlgorithmWrapper for AsgService |
CAsgToolWrapper | IAlgorithmWrapper for AsgTool |
CBatchDriver | Base class for all drivers running on batch systems |
CBatchJob | |
CBatchSample | |
CBatchSegment | |
CCondorDriver | Driver to run on Condor batch systems |
CDirectDriver | Driver that runs directly inside the submission job itself |
CDriver | Base class for the various EventLoop drivers that allow to run jobs on different backends |
CDuplicateChecker | |
CEventRange | Range of events in a given file |
CExecDriver | Driver for running batch jobs locally as a new process |
CGEDriver | Driver for running on GE batch systems |
CIAlgorithmWrapper | Wrapper around a generic algorithm for use within EventLoop |
CIFilterWorker | Interface to the filter functions in the algorithm sequence |
CIHistogramWorker | Interface to histogram storage on the worker |
CITreeWorker | The interface to TTree storage on the worker |
CIUnitTestTool | Interface for UnitTestTool |
CIWorker | Interface for algorithms to access IWorker |
CJob | |
CJobConfig | Job configuration that is independent of driver and dataset |
CKubernetesDriver | Driver to run on Kubernetes |
CLLDriver | Driver for running on IBM Load Leveler batch systems |
CLocalDriver | Driver for running batch jobs locally for testing purposes |
CLSFDriver | Driver for running on LSF batch systems |
CMetricsSvc | |
►CNTupleSvc | |
CCopyInfo | Description: the information we need for copying branches |
CWhiteInfo | Description: the information we need for whiteboard variables |
COutputStream | |
CPrunDriver | Driver to submit jobs via prun |
CPythonConfigBase | Base class for the python configuration of any asg::AsgComponent |
CSlurmDriver | Driver for running on SLURM batch systems |
CSoGEDriver | Driver for running on SoGE(?) batch systems |
CTorqueDriver | Driver for running on Torque batch systems |
CUnitTest | |
CUnitTestAlg | |
CUnitTestAlg1 | |
CUnitTestAlg2 | |
CUnitTestAlg3 | Algorithm capable of leaking a set amount of memory per event |
CUnitTestAlg4 | Algorithm testing file metadata access |
CUnitTestAlg5 | |
CUnitTestAlg6 | |
CUnitTestAlg7 | AnaAlgorithm for testing the configuration on the worker node |
CUnitTestAlgXAOD | |
CUnitTestConfig | Class describing how to run the jobs for driver unit tests |
CUnitTestFixture | |
CUnitTestSkim | |
CUnitTestTool | Tool used to unit test AnaToolHandle |
CVomsProxySvc | |
CWhiteBoardSvc | |
CWorker | |
CWorkerConfig | |
►NElectronEfficiencyHelpers | |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook | |
►NElectronRingerSelectorDefs | |
CBaseElectronSelectorConf | |
CElectronRingerSelectorTestLoose | |
CElectronRingerSelectorTestMedium | |
CElectronRingerSelectorTestNoCut | |
CElectronRingerSelectorTestTight | |
►NElectronRingerSelectorMapping | |
CelectronRingerPIDmenu | |
►NElectronSelectorHelpers | |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook | |
►Nerror | |
CImpactPoint3dEstimatorProblem | |
►Nerrorcheck | |
CReportMessage | Helper class to use to report a message |
►NEventAnalyzer | |
CEventAnalyzer | |
►NEventBookkeeperTPCnvDict | |
Ctmp | |
►NEventCommonTPCnvDict_tmp | |
Ctemp | |
►NEventContainers | |
ChashPair | |
CI_InternalIDC | |
CIDC_WriteHandleBase | |
►CIdentifiableCache | |
CMaker | |
►CIdentifiableCacheBase | |
CIMaker | |
CIdentifiableContainerBase | |
CIdentifiableContTemp | |
CIIdentifiableCont | |
CInternalOffline | |
CInternalOfflineFast | |
CInternalOfflineMap | |
CInternalOnline | |
►NEventFiller | |
CLheEVNTFiller | |
►Nexample_evgenanalysis | |
CMyAna | |
►Nexerciser | |
CCombinationsTests | |
CConditionsTests | |
CPartitionsTests | |
CPartitionvsFlowNetworkTests | |
CSimpleConditionsTests | |
►NExpressionParsing | Namespace holding all the expression evaluation code |
►Nast | |
Cexpression | |
Cnil | |
Coperation | |
Cunaryexpr_ | |
CAccessorFactory | Class which creates accessors for the specified xAOD object content (singleton) |
►CAccessorHelper | Auxiliary class to handle xAOD accessor based xAOD object content access |
CKit | Auxiliary class to create the corresponding auxiliary helper object |
CAccessorKit | Implementation of an accessor creator which provides accessors for xAOD accessor or decor handle access to content of AuxElement or AuxVectorBase |
CAccessorWrapper | |
CBaseAccessor | Base class of xAOD object content accessors |
CBaseAccessorWrapper | |
►CCollectionMethodHelper | Auxiliary class to handle method calls of vector containers (AuxVectorBase) |
CKit | Auxiliary class to create the corresponding auxiliary helper object |
►CDecorHelper | Auxiliary class to handle decorator handle based xAOD object content access |
CKit | Auxiliary class to create the corresponding auxiliary helper object |
CEmptyVectorAccessor | Special accessor to handle empty containers until the correct accessor can be created |
CEncapsulatedDefault | |
CEncapsulatedDefault< IProxyLoader > | |
CEncapsulatedDefault< IUnitInterpreter > | |
CEncapsulatingSingleton | |
CExpressionParser | |
CGenAccessor | Generic accessor to access xAOD object content |
CHelper_and | |
CHelper_eq | |
CHelper_gt | |
CHelper_gte | |
CHelper_lt | |
CHelper_lte | |
CHelper_neq | |
CHelper_or | |
CIAccessor | Interface of auxiliary classes to access xAOD object content |
CIAccessorKit | Interface of a class to create an xAOD object content accessor |
CIProxyLoader | |
CIUnitInterpreter | |
►CMethodAccessorFactory | Class to create accessor which call methods of an AuxElement of an AuxVectorBase container (singleton) |
CIMethodAccessorKit | |
CMethodAccessorKit | Auxiliary class to create a specific accessor which calls a method of an AuxElement or AuxVectorBase |
►CMethodHelper | Auxiliary class to handle method calls of "scalar" containers (AuxElement) |
CKit | Auxiliary class to create the corresponding auxiliary helper object |
CMultiParserHelper | Helper class to handle an array expression parsers to be used in the generic code |
CMultipleProxyLoader | |
CNTUPUnitInterpreter | |
►CPlainAccessorFactory | |
CIKit | |
CPlainValueKit | |
CStdVectorKit | |
►CPlainValueHelper | |
CKit | Auxiliary class to create the corresponding auxiliary helper object |
CProxyLoaderSingleton | |
CScalarHelper | Auxiliary class to handle scalar like containers (AuxElement) |
CSGNTUPProxyLoader | |
►CSGxAODProxyLoader | Auxiliary class to access content of xAOD objects referred to by variables of an expressions handled by an instance of the ExpressionParser |
CIParentHelper | Interface of an auxiliary class to pass the parent, e.g |
CParentHelper | Template of an auxiliary class to declare the new handles in the parent AthAlgTool, AthAlgorithm etc |
CReadHandleMapTmpl | Particular map which is used to associate names to read handles of AuxElements or AuxVectorBase |
CSingleParserHelper | Helper class to handle a single expression parser to be used in the generic code |
CSingleton | |
CSizeHelper | |
CSizeHelper< SG::AuxElement > | |
CSizeHelper< SG::AuxVectorBase > | |
CSizeHelper< std::vector< T > > | |
CStackElement | Class describing a single element in a text expression |
►CStdVectorHelper | Auxiliary class to handle method calls of "scalar" containers (AuxElement) |
CKit | Auxiliary class to create the corresponding auxiliary helper object |
CTestProxyLoader | |
CTMethodCollectionWrapper | |
CTMethodWrapper | |
CTriggerDecisionProxyLoader | |
CUnitInterpreterSingleton | |
CVectorHelper | Auxiliary class to handle vector like containers (AuxVectorBase) |
CxAODElementProxyLoader | |
CxAODProxyLoader | |
CxAODVectorProxyLoader | |
►NFakeBkgTools | |
►CDatabase | |
►CEfficiencyTable | |
CBoundType | |
CDimension | |
CGenericError | This propagates an error message |
CParam | |
CStatDef | Could try to keep track of the bin number, for the description |
CStringRef | Note: the following structure is used (instead of a simple std::string) so that XML line numbers can be printed in the error message, which requires keeping track of the position of the string in the original file |
CSystDef | |
CXmlError | This propagates an error message + the reference to the faulty piece of XML when an exception is raised |
CEfficiency | Structure to hold an efficiency together with a variable number of uncertainties |
CFinalState | |
CParticleData | |
CUncertainty | |
CWeight | Structure to hold a weight together with a variable number of systematic uncertainties |
CYield | Structure to hold an event yield together with a statistical uncertainty and a variable number of systematic uncertainties |
►NFCS_Param | |
►Ndetail | |
CSDWrapper | A template class which wraps multiple sensitive detectors |
CConfig | |
CFCS_StepInfoSDTool | A base class for tools that manage FCS_StepInfoSDs |
►NFEHelpers | |
CFillNeutralFlowElements | |
►NFileBrowser | |
CFileBrowser | |
►Nfitman | |
CPlots | |
►NFlavorTagDiscriminants | This file contains "getter" functions used for accessing tagger inputs from the EDM |
►Ndetail | |
CNNHasher | |
CNNKey | |
►Ngetter_utils | |
CSeqGetter | Template class to extract features from sequence of constituents |
►Ninternal | |
CBVarGetter | |
CBVarGetterNoDefault | |
►NTruthDecoratorHelpers | |
CBacklinkAlg | |
CBTagAugmenterTool | |
CBTagConditionalDecoratorAlg | |
CBTagDecoratorAlg | |
CBTaggingBuilderAlg | |
CBTagMuonAugmenter | |
CBTagMuonAugmenterTool | |
CBTagTrackLinkCopyAlg | |
CCAccDec | |
CConstituentsInputConfig | |
CCountIParticleAlg | |
CCountTrackParticleAlg | |
CDecoratorAlg | |
CDL2 | |
CDL2HighLevel | |
CDL2Properties | |
CDL2Tool | |
CFoldDecoratorAlg | |
CFTagDataDependencyNames | |
CFTagGhostElectronAssociationAlg | Algorithm for adding ghost electrons to jets |
CFTagInputConfig | |
CFTagOptions | |
►CGNN | |
CDecorators | |
CGNNAuxTaskDecoratorAlg | |
CGNNOptions | |
CGNNTool | |
CGNNToolProperties | |
CHbbGraphConfig | |
CHbbTag | |
CHbbTagConfig | |
CHbbTagProperties | |
CHbbTagTool | |
CHitDecoratorAlg | |
CHitsLoader | |
CIConstituentsLoader | |
CINNSharingSvc | |
CInputVariableConfig | |
CIParticlesLoader | |
CJetHitAssociationAlg | |
CJetTagConditionalDecoratorAlg | |
CJetTagDecoratorAlg | |
CLinkCounterAlg | |
CMultifoldGNN | |
CMultifoldGNNTool | |
CNNSharingSvc | |
COnnxOutput | |
CPoorMansIpAugmenterAlg | |
CSoftElectronDecoratorAlg | |
CSoftElectronTruthDecoratorAlg | |
CTrackClassifier | |
CTrackLeptonDecoratorAlg | |
CTracksLoader | |
CTrackTruthDecoratorAlg | |
CTruthParticleDecoratorAlg | |
CVRJetOverlapDecoratorTool | |
►NFloatingPointHelpers | |
CConversionHelper | |
CConversionHelper< Format, Format > | |
CConversionHelper< StandardDouble, StandardFloat > | |
CIEEE754_like | |
►Nfmt | |
Cformatter< ISkipEventIdxSvc::EvtId > | |
►NForwardTracker | |
CBeamline | |
CBenderDipole | |
CBenderQuadrupole | |
CCollimator | |
CCollimatorData | |
CConfigData | |
CForwardTrackerConstants | |
CIBeamElement | |
CIBender | |
CIParticle | |
CMagnet | |
CParticle | |
CParticleTracker | |
CPlane | |
CPoint | |
CSpacer | |
CStringer | |
CTransversePoint | |
CzPosNextElement | |
►NFourMomDict | |
Ctmp | |
►NFPEAudit | |
CFPEAuditTLSData | |
►NFPGADataFormatUtilites | |
CEVT_FTR_w1 | |
CEVT_FTR_w2 | |
CEVT_FTR_w3 | |
CEVT_HDR_w1 | |
CEVT_HDR_w2 | |
CEVT_HDR_w3 | |
CM_HDR_w3 | |
►NFPGATrackSim | |
►CActsTrackInspectionTool | |
►CFpgaActsTrack | |
►CMeasurement | |
CglobalCoordinates | |
CFPGATrackSimPrototrackFitterAlg | |
CFPGATrackSimReportingAlg | |
►NFPTracker | |
CBeamline | |
CCollimator | |
CCollimatorData | |
CConfigData | |
CDipoleBender | |
CEmptySpaceElement | |
CFPTrackerConstants | |
CIBeamElement | |
CIBender | |
CIJunkElement | |
CIParticle | |
CIQuadFocuser | |
CLineFormater | |
CMagnet | |
CMagnetData | |
CNullBender | |
CParticle | |
CParticleTracker | |
CPlane | |
CPoint | |
CQuadFocuserHorizontal | |
CQuadFocuserNull | |
CQuadFocuserVertical | |
CQuadrupoleBender | |
CSelectBySide | |
CSolenoidElement | |
CStringer | |
CTransversePoint | |
CValueSetter | |
CzPosNextElement | |
►NFSR | |
CFsrCandidate | Simple interface for searching the FSR candidate |
CFsrPhotonTool | Implementation for the "FSR" provider tool |
CIFsrPhotonTool | |
CToolTester | Simple algorithm for using the FSR tool in Athena |
►Nftag | |
►NFTAGValidation | |
CFTAGValidationAlgorithm | |
CPhysicsTriggerVariablePlots | |
CPhysicsVariablePlots | |
►NFTF | Header for factorised IRoiDescriptor interface |
CBaseSpacePointFilter | |
CLayerCalculator | |
CRoI_Filter | |
CSpacePointSelector | |
CSpacePointShifter | |
CSpacePointTransform | |
►NG4UA | For nSW |
►NCaloG4 | |
►CCalibrationDefaultProcessing | User action for default processing of calibration energy deposits |
CConfig | Configuration options for constructing this action |
CCalibrationDefaultProcessingTool | Tool which manages CalibrationDefaultProcessing |
►NiGeant4 | |
►CMCTruthUserAction | |
CConfig | |
CMCTruthUserActionTool | Tool which manages the MCTruthUserAction |
►CPhysicsValidationUserAction | |
CConfig | |
CPhysicsValidationUserActionTool | Place holder tool |
CTrackProcessorUserActionBase | |
►CTrackProcessorUserActionFullG4 | |
CConfig | |
CTrackProcessorUserActionFullG4Tool | Tool which manages the TrackProcessorUserActionFullG4 |
►CTrackProcessorUserActionPassBack | |
CConfig | |
CTrackProcessorUserActionPassBackTool | Tool which manages the TrackProcessorUserActionPassBack |
CActionToolBase | Abstract template utility base-class for G4 user-action tools |
CActionToolBaseReport | Specialized action tool base class for tools that must merge results across all threads |
CAthenaDebugStackingAction | Debug version of the AthenaStackingAction used for validation of Russian Roulette algorimts. It can ensure that there is no randomization in simulation caused by turning the Russian Roulette on or off |
►CAthenaStackingAction | Standard ATLAS stacking action functionality. Mostly taken from the old AthenaStackingAction implementation, but adapted for the new user action design for multi-threading |
CConfig | Configuration option struct for AthenaStackingAction |
CAthenaStackingActionTool | Tool which manages the AthenaStackingAction |
CAthenaTrackingAction | User action for pre/post tracking truth handling |
CAthenaTrackingActionTool | Tool which manages the AthenaTrackingAction |
CCheckActivation | |
CCheckActivationTool | Tool which manages the CheckActivation |
►CCosmicPerigeeAction | NEEDS DOCUMENTATION |
CConfig | |
CCosmicPerigeeActionTool | Tool which manages the CosmicPerigeeAction action |
►CDebugSteppingAction | |
CConfig | |
CDebugSteppingActionTool | Class to manage the DebugSteppingAction action |
CEnergyConservationTest | |
CEnergyConservationTestTool | |
►CEnergyLossRecorder | |
CConfig | |
CEnergyLossRecorderTool | A class to manage EnergyLossRecorder actions |
CConfig | Configuration parameters |
CReport | Per-thread results for merging at end of run |
CFixG4CreatorProcess | |
CFixG4CreatorProcessTool | Tool which manages the FixG4CreatorProcess user action |
CFluxRecorder | |
CFluxRecorderTool | Tool which manages the FluxRecorder action |
►CG4AtlantisDumper | |
CConfig | |
CG4AtlantisDumperTool | |
CG4AtlasEventAction | ATLAS subclass of the G4 event action |
CG4AtlasRunAction | ATLAS subclass of the G4 run action |
CG4AtlasStackingAction | Atlas subclass of the G4 stacking action |
CG4AtlasSteppingAction | Atlas subclass of the G4 stepping action |
CG4AtlasTrackingAction | Atlas subclass of the G4 tracking action |
CG4AtlasUserActions | Struct for passing around user actions |
►CG4CosmicAndFilter | |
CConfig | |
CReport | |
CG4CosmicAndFilterTool | |
►CG4CosmicFilter | |
CConfig | |
CReport | |
CG4CosmicFilterTool | |
►CG4CosmicOrFilter | |
CConfig | |
CReport | |
CG4CosmicOrFilterTool | |
►CG4HitFilter | |
CConfig | |
CReport | |
CG4HitFilterTool | |
►CG4SimTimer | A user action for monitoring G4 runtime at event and run level |
CReport | Simple struct which holds timing results for an action instance |
CG4SimTimerTool | Tool which manages the G4SimTimer action |
►CG4TrackCounter | A simple action which counts tracks |
CReport | Simple struct for holding the counts Might want to use larger integral types for this.. |
CG4TrackCounterTool | Tool which manages the G4TrackCounter action. This tool creates the G4TrackCounter for each thread and merges the track counts from all threads in finalization |
CGeant4SetupChecker | |
CGeant4SetupCheckerTool | Tool which manages the Geant4SetupChecker |
►CGeantFollower | |
CConfig | |
►CGeantFollowerMS | |
CConfig | |
CGeantFollowerMSTool | Tool which manages the GeantFollowerMS action |
CGeantFollowerTool | Tool which manages the GeantFollower action |
CHIPKiller | Kills Monopoles and QBalls with energy < 1 MeV |
CHIPKillerTool | Tool which manages the HIPKiller user action |
CReport | Report class for merging per-thread results |
CHIPLArVolumeAcceptTool | Tool which manages the HIPLArVolumeAccept action |
CConfig | |
CHitWrapperTool | A tool which manages the HitWrapper user action |
►CHyperspaceCatcher | User action for catching cases of the hyperspace bug |
CConfig | |
CHyperspaceCatcherTool | Tool which creates and manages the HyperspaceCatcher user action |
CIUserActionSvc | Abstract interface for the UserActionSvc |
CIUserActionTool | Abstract interface for tools that construct G4 user actions |
CConfig | |
CLArGeoH62004EventActionTool | Tool which manages the LArGeoH62004EventAction action |
►CLArGeoH62004SteppingAction | NEEDS DOCUMENTATION |
CConfig | |
CLArGeoH62004SteppingActionTool | Tool which manages the LArGeoH62004SteppingAction action |
CLengthIntegrator | A user action used to evaluate thickness of all detectors traversed by outgoing particles |
CLengthIntegratorTool | Tool which manages the LengthIntegrator action |
►CLooperKiller | A user action to kill looping tracks |
CConfig | |
CReport | |
CLooperKillerTool | Tool which manages the LooperKiller action |
►CLooperThresholdSet | Kills Monopoles and QBalls with energy < 1 MeV |
CConfig | |
CLooperThresholdSetTool | Tool which manages the Looper Threshold options |
CMaterialStepRecorder | |
CMaterialStepRecorderTool | Tool which manages the MaterialStepRecorder action |
CMCTruthSteppingAction | User action which handles recording-envelope truth tracks |
CMCTruthSteppingActionTool | A tool for managing the MCTruthSteppingAction |
CMomentumConservation | Checks momentum conservation |
CMomentumConservationTool | Tool which manages the MomentumConservation user action |
CPhotonKillerTool | Tool which manages the PhotonKiller user action |
►CRadiationMapsMaker | |
CConfig | |
CReport | Simple struct for holding the radiation maps |
CRadiationMapsMakerTool | Tool which manages the RadiationMapsMaker action |
►CRadLengthAction | |
CConfig | |
CRadLengthActionTool | A tool to manage RadLengthAction actions |
CConfig | |
CRadLenNtupleTool | Tool which manages the RadLenNtuple action |
►CScoringPlane | |
CConfig | |
CScoringPlaneTool | A tool to manage ScoprinPlane actions |
CScoringVolumeTrackKiller | NEEDS DOCUMENTATION |
CScoringVolumeTrackKillerTool | Tool which manages the ScoringVolumeTrackKiller user action |
CSG_StepNtuple | |
CSG_StepNtupleTool | Tool which manages the SG_StepNtuple user action. creates one SG_StepNtuple instance per thread |
►CStepHistogram | |
CConfig | |
CReport | This holds all the data from individual threads that needs to be merged at EoR |
CStepHistogramTool | Tool which manages the StepHistogram action |
►CStepNtuple | |
Cstepdata | Simple struct to hold step information |
CStepNtupleTool | Tool which manages the StepNtuple action |
CSteppingValidation | User action to do some basic step-based validation of G4 |
CSteppingValidationTool | Tool to manage the SteppingValidation action in AthenaMT |
CStoppedParticleAction | NEEDS DOCUMENTATION |
CStoppedParticleActionTool | Tool which manages the StoppedParticleAction |
►CTestAction | |
CReport | Results to be accumulated across threads at end of job |
►CTestActionEHist | |
CConfig | |
CTestActionEHistTool | A Tool to manage TestActionEHist Create the TestActionEHist for each worker thread. Note that since this is using ROOT access DIRECTLY, it is aonly tested and working with 1 thread. Operation with more than 1 thread will be disabled from the python side |
CTestActionShowerLib | Class for collecting G4 hit information |
CTestActionShowerLibTool | A tool to manage TestActionShowerLib |
►CTestActionTimer | User action to measure time spent in subdetectors |
CReport | This holds all the data from individual threads that needs to be merged at EoR |
CTestActionTimerTool | Tool which manages the TestActionTimer action |
CTestActionTool | |
►CTestActionVPTimer | |
CConfig | |
CReport | |
CvolumeData | |
CTestActionVPTimerTool | Tool which manages the TestActionVPTimer action |
►CTestBoundariesUserAction | |
CData | |
CTestBoundariesUserActionTool | A class to manage the TestBoundariesUserAction |
CThreadActionHolder | A thread-local storage wrapper for the user actions |
CThreadSpecificUserAction | A thread-local storage wrapper for the user actions |
CUserActionSvc | A service which manages the user actions for G4 simulation |
CUserActionToolBase | Abstract template utility base-class for G4 user-action tools |
►CVerboseSelector | |
CConfig | |
CVerboseSelectorTool | |
►CVolumeDebugger | User action to debug G4 geometries |
CConfig | |
CVolumeDebuggerTool | Tool which manages the VolumeDebugger action |
CVolumeDumper | |
CVolumeDumperTool | Tool which manages the volume dumper action |
►NGaudi | ============================================================================= |
►NParsers | |
CGrammar_< Iterator, T, Skipper, typename std::enable_if_t< impl::class_can_be_tuple_v< T > > > | |
CProperty< SG::ReadCondHandle< T > & > | |
CProperty< SG::ReadHandle< T > & > | |
CProperty< SG::ReadHandleKeyArray< T > & > | |
CProperty< SG::UpdateHandle< T > & > | |
CProperty< SG::VarHandleBase & > | |
CProperty< SG::VarHandleKeyArray & > | |
CProperty< SG::WriteCondHandle< T > & > | |
CProperty< SG::WriteHandle< T > & > | |
CProperty< SG::WriteHandleKeyArray< T > & > | |
CProperty<::SG::ReadCondHandleKey< T > & > | |
CProperty<::SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< T > & > | |
CProperty<::SG::ReadHandleKey< T > & > | |
CProperty<::SG::UpdateHandleKey< T > & > | |
CProperty<::SG::VarHandleKey & > | |
CProperty<::SG::WriteCondHandleKey< T > & > | |
CProperty<::SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< T > & > | |
CProperty<::SG::WriteHandleKey< T > & > | |
►NGen_tf | |
CEvgenExecutor | |
►Ngenerate | |
Cbreit_generator | Breit-wigner generator |
Cexperiment | Given a histogram, get a generator for the distribution in that histogram, then run some pseudo-experiments and collect the mean and rms
Cgenerator_base | Base class for a "generator" class |
Chist_generator | Generate a distribution according to an input histogram (after smoothing) |
►NGenerateMenuMT | |
CFilterChainsToGenerate | |
CGenerateMenuMT | |
CSingleton | |
►NgenerateMioctEncodingFile | |
CEntry | |
►NGeneratorObjectsMcEventDict | |
Ctmp | |
►NGeneratorPhysVal | |
CGeneratorEventInfo | |
CGeneratorPhysValMonitoringTool | |
CGeneratorPlots | |
CGeneratorProductionVertexPlots | |
►NGenevaUtils | |
CGenevaConfig | |
►NGenfun | |
CAtlasBComponent | |
►Ngeo_id | |
CGeometryIdentifier | |
►NGeoGenfun | |
CArrayFunction | |
►NGeoModel | |
CTransientConstSharedPtr | The TransientConstSharedPtr allows non-const access if the pointer itself is non-const but in the const case only a const pointer is returned The class takes the ownership of the object using a shared_ptr |
►NGep | |
CCluster | |
CConeJetMaker | |
CGepCaloCell | |
CIClusterMaker | |
CIJetMaker | |
CJet | |
CModAntikTJetMaker | |
CWFSClusterMaker | |
►NgetIBLDate | |
CscanDataThread | |
►NGetLBInfoFromCOOL | |
CFolder | |
CLumiBlock | |
CRun | |
►NgetPipeDate | |
CscanDataThread | |
►Ngit-package-pseudomerge | |
Cbcolors | |
►NGlobal_HLT_TableConstructor | |
CGlobal_HLT_TableConstructor | |
►NGlobalSim | AlgTool to obtain a selection of eFex RoIs read in from the event store |
►NBDT | |
CBDT | |
COpAdd | |
CTree | |
Cap_fixed | |
Cap_int | |
CCount | |
CcTauInputAlgTool | |
CcTauMultiplicity | |
CcTauMultiplicityAlgTool | |
CcTauTOBArray | |
CDecision | |
CDeltaRSqrIncl2 | |
CDeltaRSqrIncl2AlgTool | |
CeEmInputAlgTool | |
CeEmSelect | |
CeEmSelectAlgTool | |
CeEmTOBArray | |
CeFexRoIAlgTool | |
CEgamma1_LArStrip_Fex | |
CEgamma1BDTAlgTool | |
CEMB1CellsFromCaloCells | |
CEnergyThreshold_jXE | |
CEnergyThresholdAlgTool_jXE | |
CERatio | |
CERatioAlgTool | |
CGenericTOBArray | |
CGlobalSimulationAlg | |
CICaloCellsProducer | |
CIGlobalSimAlgTool | |
CjJetInputAlgTool | |
CjJetSelect | |
CjJetSelectAlgTool | |
CjJetTOBArray | |
CjXEInputAlgTool | |
CjXETOBArray | |
CL1MenuResources | |
CLArStripNeighborhood | |
CRound | |
CSimpleCone | |
CSimpleConeAlgTool | |
CStripData | |
CTracer | |
CTrunc | |
CXilDef | |
►NGlobalVariables | |
CLArDQGlobals | |
►NGPT | |
CIProfilerSvc | Simple interface for the profiler service |
CProfilerService | Implementation of the IProfilerSvc interface |
►NgraphAlgs | |
CDepthFirstOrder | |
CDirectedCycle | |
CTopological | |
►NGsfMaterial | Collect Structs we use for material effects in GSF and their meaning in one place |
CCombined | Helper struct for combined material effects, multicomponent description |
►CEnergyLoss | Helper struct for energy loss effects, multicomponent description |
Celement | |
CScattering | Helper struct for multiple scattering effects single component description |
►NGSFUtils | Dynamic array fullfilling alignment requirements |
CAlignedDynArray | A wrapper around std::aligned_alloc |
CComponent1D | Struct representing 1D component |
CComponent1DArray | Struct representing an array of 1D component |
►CMergeArray | Struct representing an array or the merges |
Cmerge | |
►NGXF | |
CLayerSort | |
CLayerSort2 | |
►NH5Utils | HDF5 Tuple Writer |
►Ninternal | Clssses to add type traits for H5 |
CCheckType | |
CCheckType< 0, T, I, decltype(*begin(std::declval< T & >()), void())> | |
CCheckType< N, T, I, decltype(*begin(std::declval< T & >()), void())> | |
Cdata_buffer_t | Data_buffer_t |
CDataConsumer | Implementation for variable filler |
CDataFlattener | Data flattener class: this is used by the writer to read in the elements one by one and put them in an internal buffer |
CDataFlattener< 0, F, T, M > | |
CDSParameters | Constant parameters for the writer |
CH5Traits | We have lots of code to get around HDF5's rather weak typing |
CH5Traits< bool > | |
CH5Traits< char > | |
CH5Traits< double > | |
CH5Traits< float > | |
CH5Traits< int > | |
CH5Traits< long > | |
CH5Traits< long long > | |
CH5Traits< short > | |
CH5Traits< unsigned char > | |
CH5Traits< unsigned int > | |
CH5Traits< unsigned long > | |
CH5Traits< unsigned long long > | |
CH5Traits< unsigned short > | |
CIDataConsumer | DataConsumer classes |
CIVariableFiller | Variable fillers |
CVariableFiller | Implementation for variable filler |
CAppOpts | |
CConsumers | |
CDefaultMerger | |
CIH5Merger | |
CIOOpts | |
CTreeCopyOpts | |
CVariableFillers | Variable filler arrays |
CWriter | Writer |
CWriterConfiguration | |
CWriterXd | WriterXd |
►Nhan_lark_tester | |
CT | |
►NHECNoiseD3PDMaker | |
CHECNoiseD3PDMaker | |
►NHepGeom | |
CBasicVector3D | |
►NHepMC | |
CDataPool | |
Cis_smart_ptr | |
Cis_smart_ptr< std::shared_ptr< T > > | |
Cis_smart_ptr< std::unique_ptr< T > > | |
Cis_smart_ptr< std::weak_ptr< T > > | |
Cremove_smart_pointer | |
Cremove_smart_pointer< std::shared_ptr< T > > | |
Cremove_smart_pointer< std::unique_ptr< T > > | |
Cremove_smart_pointer< std::weak_ptr< T > > | |
►NHEPVis | |
CSbPlane | |
CSbRotation | |
►NHerwig | |
Cbb4lFullShowerVeto | Vetos parton showers where no b (anti)quarks are produced |
►NHerwig72ConfigLHEF | |
CHw7ConfigLHEF | Configuration class for showering LHE files from MG5_aMC@NLO or PowhegBox |
►NHerwig7Config | |
CHw7Config | Configuration base class for Herwig7 |
►NHerwig7ConfigBuiltinME | |
CHw7ConfigBuiltinME | Configuration class for built-in / "old-style" matrix elements |
►NHerwig7ConfigFxFx | |
CHw7ConfigFxFx | Configuration class for showering FxFx-merged LHE files from MG5_aMC@NLO |
►NHerwig7ConfigGeneric | |
CHw7ConfigGeneric | Configuration base class for Herwig7 |
►NHerwig7ConfigLHEF | |
CHw7ConfigLHEF | Configuration class for showering LHE files from MG5_aMC@NLO or PowhegBox |
►NHerwig7ConfigMatchbox | |
CHw7ConfigMatchbox | Configuration class for Matchbox runs with Herwig7 |
►NHerwig7ConfigMerging | |
CHw7ConfigMerging | Configuration class for Matchbox runs with Herwig7 |
►NHerwig7Utils | |
CConfigurationCommands | Class for handling commands to modify the generator configuration |
CProcess | Class for handling a single process |
CProcessHandler | Class for handling parallel local multi-processing |
►NHforToolDict | |
Ctmp | |
►NHgtd | |
CUnpackedHgtdRDO | |
►NHGTD | Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration |
CCluster | |
CClusterCollection | |
CClusterTruthInfo | |
CClusterTruthTool | |
CExtensionObject | |
CPadClusterizationAlg | |
CSinglePadClusterTool | |
CStraightLineTOFcorrectionTool | |
►CTrackTimeDefAndQualityAlg | |
CCleaningResult | |
CHit | |
►CTrackTimeExtensionAlg | |
CDecorHandles | |
►CVertexTimeAlg | |
CHSclusterBDT | |
►NHGTD_EventTPCnvDict | |
Ctmp | |
►NHI | |
►NSubCalo | |
CAddEventShape | |
CByEtaRange | |
CByLayer | |
CByLayers | |
CByLayersN | |
CByLayersP | |
CByLayersWithEtaRange | |
CHIEventSelectionTool | |
CHIPileupTool | |
CHIVertexSelectionTool | |
CIHIEventSelectionTool | |
CIHIPileupTool | |
CIHIVertexSelectionTool | |
►NHistControl | |
CHistControl | |
►NHitIdentifier | |
CRpcIdentifier | |
CStationIdentifier | Basic class to represent a muon Identifier with the fields stationName, stationPhi, stationEta |
►NHLT | It used to be useful piece of code for replacing actual SG with other store of similar functionality In fact it used to be more like interface adapter for ARA objects access, nevertheless since the ARA project is gone it is only an unnecessary extra layer |
►NMET | |
►NPufitUtils | |
CCovarianceSum | Helper struct to hold the sum over pileup objects and its covariance |
CCellFex | |
CCVFAlg | |
CCVFPrepAlg | |
CFexBase | |
CFlowElementPrepAlg | |
CGridParameters | Parameters describing a grid |
CMETComponent | Helper struct to build up MET values before moving them into the EDM |
CMHTFex | |
CMHTPufitFex | |
CMonGroupBuilder | |
►CPeriodicGridBase | Base class for grids used in some of the pufit algorithms |
CTower | Base class for towers belonging to the grids |
CPFOPrepAlg | |
CPFSumFex | |
►CPufitGrid | Bins energy deposits into a grid |
CTower | Describes a single element of the grid |
CPufitGridSet | Helper struct to contain a full set of grids |
►CPufitMultiGrid | Multiple grids combined into one |
CTower | Tower in the multi-grid |
►CPufitMultiGridSet | Helper struct to forward the SignedKinematics operators nicely |
CElement | Helper struct to forward the SignedKinematics operators nicely |
CPUSplitGrid | |
CPUSplitPufitFex | |
CSignedKinematics | Class to describe the kinematics of an object that can have negative energies |
CTCFex | |
CTCPufitFex | |
CTrkMHTFex | |
►NTrigNavTools | |
CSlimmingHelper | |
►NTypeInformation | |
C_at | |
C_at< list, 0 > | |
Cat | |
Cdo_add | |
Cdo_add< new_element, thelist, false > | |
Cdo_add< new_element, thelist, true > | |
Cdo_my_add | |
Cdo_my_add< type_info< O, F, C, A >, thelist, index > | |
Cdo_my_add< type_info< O, F, C, A >, thelist,-1 > | |
Cdo_range | |
Cdo_range< thelist, begin, end, true > | |
Cdo_search | |
Cdo_search< element, list, 0 > | |
Cdo_update | |
Cdo_update< a_list, new_element, i, false > | |
Cdo_update< a_list, new_element, i, true > | |
Cfind | |
Cfind< element, list, by, 0, fall_back > | |
Cfor_each_type | |
Cfor_each_type< list, functor, 0 > | |
Cfor_each_type_c | |
Cfor_each_type_c< list, functor, result, arg, 0, isLast > | |
Cget_aux | |
Cget_cont | |
Cget_element | |
Cget_feat | |
Cget_objt | |
Cjoin_lists | |
Cjoin_lists< first, second, 0 > | |
►Clist | |
Cadd | |
CaddWithChecking | |
CaddWithChecking< type_info< O, F, C, A > > | |
Cget | |
Chas | |
Cjoin | |
Crange | |
Cset | |
Cmap_search | |
Cmap_search< element, list, by,-1 > | |
►Cnewlist | |
Cadd | |
CaddWithChecking | |
Cnil | |
Cno_aux | |
Cnx | |
Cprinter | |
Creplace_if | |
Creplace_if< new_element, old_element, false > | |
Creplace_if< new_element, old_element, true > | |
Csimple_printer | |
Ctest | |
Ctest< false, index, value > | |
Ctest< true, index, value > | |
Ctype_info | |
CAction | |
CAuxInit | |
CBaseHolder | |
CChain | |
CCombinationGenerator | |
CCombinationIterator | |
CComboIterator | Iterator used to loop over multi-particle combinations |
CComboIteratorBase | Base class for iterator used to loop over multi-particle combinations |
CComboIteratorTopo | |
CConfigJetEThreshold | |
CConfigThreshold | |
CEMTauRoI | |
CErrorCode | The definition of error codes in HLT. This is a class (note; before was simple enum) to enable safer operations. Each ErrorCode is composed out of 3 parts: |
CFeatureContainerInit | |
CFullHolderFactory | |
CHLTExtraData | Class representing the HLT extra payload stored in HLT::HLTResult::getExtras() |
CHLTResult | HLT::HLTResult is sumarising result of trigger decision evaluation (online/offline) It contains basically 3 parts: |
CHLTResult_p1 | |
CHLTResultByteStreamCnv | Gaudi bytestream Converter for the HLTResult class |
CHLTResultByteStreamTool | |
CHLTResultCnv_p1 | |
CHLTResultMT | A container class for data required to build online output from HLT |
►CHLTResultMTByteStreamCnv | ByteStream converter for HLTResultMT |
CCache | Cache tracking memory allocation for serialised stream tag data and ROBFragment objects |
CHLTSrcIdMap | This class provides conversion between Lower level Source ID to higher level source ID for HLT ByteStream fragments |
CIdentifier | |
CILvl1ResultAccessTool | |
CITrigHolderFactory | |
CJetEnergyRoI | |
CLoopThread | Helper class to manage a long-running thread (duration of event loop) |
CLvl1ResultAccessTool | |
CMuonRoI | |
CNavigation | The Navigation class, organizes TriggerElements into the tree structure |
►CNavigationCore | The NavigationCore class, adds on top of the TrigNavStructure the EDM read-only handling |
CCSPair | |
CNestedUniqueCombinationGenerator | An ensemble of UniqueCombinationGenerator API description |
CReason | |
CRegisterAuxType | |
CRegisterFeatureContainerTypes | |
CRobRequestInfo | |
CStandaloneNavigation | |
CSteeringInternalReason | |
►CTriggerElement | TriggerElement is the basic ingreedient of the interface between HLT algorithms and the navigation It holds navigation links by itself but they are not exposed |
CFeatureAccessHelper | FeatureAccessHelper is a class used to keep track of features attached to this TE |
CObjectIndex | Helper class for conversion from/to int stored in TE and pair of ints used in Navigation Object pointer in Navigation is pair of ints |
CTriggerElementFactory | The factory of TriggerElements Creation in controlled way |
CTrigHolderStructure | |
CTrigNavStructure | |
CTypedHolder | Doubly templated class interfacing access to feature containers in StoreGate |
CTypedHolder< TrigRoiDescriptor, TrigRoiDescriptorCollection > | |
CTypelessHolder | |
CTypeMaps | Type registration of holder, proxies and name/CLID mappings |
CUniqueCombinationGenerator | Generator of unique combinations (no indices are repeated) API description |
►NHLTCFComponents | |
CCFGroup | |
CCFSequence | CFSequence class |
CPassFilterNode | |
CRoRSequenceFilterNode | |
CSequenceFilterNode | |
►NHLTCFTools | |
CNoHypoToolCreated | |
►NHLTMenuConfig | |
CHLTMenuConfig | |
►NHLTNavDetails | |
CFillSize | |
CHolder | |
►CHolderImp | This is an implementation class for all Holders It is templated with 2 arguments STORED which is type of stored objects Another type is CONTAINER for that type |
CMemoryMgr | |
CIHolder | |
CITypeProxy | Interface to the TypeProxy<...> objects created at runtime |
Cset_link | Helper struct to determine if persistable type is a DataLink<CONTAINER> (in case STORED and CONTAINER are the same) of rather an ElementLink<CONTAINER> in case STORED is the element type of CONTAINER |
Cset_link< STORED, CONTAINER, false > | |
Cset_link< STORED, CONTAINER, true > | |
CTrigAuxStore | Aux store instance used to hold dynamic variables deserialized from the bytestream |
CTypelessAuxProxy | |
CTypeProxy | Type specific implementation of ITypeProxy |
►Nhltonl | |
►NException | |
CBadCTPFragment | Thrown if the CTP ROBFragment for a new event has non-zero status word or other errors |
CEventSourceCorrupted | Thrown if event source throws an exception when new event is requested |
CMissingCTPFragment | Thrown if the CTP ROBFragment cannot be retrieved for a new event |
CNoEventsTemporarily | Thrown if the event source cannot provide new events temporarily, e.g. when trigger is on hold |
CNoMoreEvents | Thrown if all events are already read from the input and another one is requested |
►NHLTSeedingRoIToolDefs | |
►NHLTTest | |
CITestHypoTool | |
CTestHypoAlg | Invokes HypoTools and stores the result of the decision |
CTestHypoTool | Tool taking the decision for inclusive selection (one decision per object) |
CTestInputMaker | Used at the start of a sequence: retrieves filtered collection via menu decision from previous step and writes it out directly so it can be used as input by the reco alg that follows in sequence. This test version creates TC collection output for emulation tests |
CTestRecoAlg | Pseudo reco alg, reads input file formatted as follows: prop1:value, prop2:value; prop1:value, prop2:value; ... and created TrigComposites with prop1 & prop2 details set to corresponding values. one line is one event |
►NHTXS | Higgs Template Cross Section namespace |
►NHypoJet | |
CIJet | |
CJetBase | |
CxAODJetAsIJet | |
►NIdDictParserNS | |
CAltRegionsFactory | |
CDebugger | |
CDictionaryFactory | |
CDictionaryRefFactory | |
CFieldFactory | |
CIdDictBaseFactory | |
CIdDictMgrFactory | |
CLabelFactory | |
CRangeFactory | |
CReferenceFactory | |
CRegionEntryFactory | |
CRegionFactory | |
CSubRegionFactory | |
►NIDPVM | Class to retrieve associated truth from a track, implementing a cached response |
CCachedGetAssocTruth | |
►CResolutionHelper | |
CresolutionResultInBin | Package the output of a single bin resolution measurement |
CTrackTruthLookup | Class for providing fast lookup of linked tracks and truth particles |
►NIDTPM | Athena include(s) |
CDeltaRMatchingTool_trk | |
CDeltaRMatchingTool_trkTruth | |
CDeltaRMatchingTool_truthTrk | |
CDeltaRMatchingToolBase | |
CDuplicateRatePlots | |
CEfficiencyPlots | |
CEFTrackMatchingTool | |
CexitPoint_t | |
CFakeRatePlots | |
CHitsOnTracksPlots | |
CIPlotsDefReadTool | |
CITrackMatchingLookup | |
CITrackMatchingTool | |
CITrackSelectionTool | |
CIVertexSelectionTool | |
CJsonPlotsDefReadTool | |
CNtracksPlots | |
COfflineElectronDecoratorAlg | |
COfflineElectronPlots | |
COfflineMuonDecoratorAlg | |
COfflineTauDecoratorAlg | |
COfflineTrackQualitySelectionTool | Uses InDetTrackSelection tool and working points defined there for tracks quality selection In future it is possible that the selection cuts & logic will be moved here |
CPlotMgr | |
CResolutionPlots | |
CRoiSelectionTool | |
CSinglePlotDefinition | |
CTrackAnalysisCollections | |
CTrackAnalysisInfoWriteTool | |
CTrackAnalysisPlotsMgr | |
CTrackMatchingLookup_trk | |
CTrackMatchingLookup_trkTruth | |
CTrackMatchingLookup_truthTrk | |
CTrackMatchingLookupBase | |
CTrackObjectSelectionTool | |
CTrackParametersPlots | |
CTrackQualitySelectionTool | |
CTrackRoiSelectionTool | |
CTrackTruthMatchingTool | |
CTruthDecoratorAlg | |
CTruthQualitySelectionTool | |
CTruthTrackMatchingTool | |
CVertexParametersPlots | |
CVertexQualitySelectionTool | |
CVertexRoiSelectionTool | |
►NiFatras | |
CG4HadIntProcessor | |
CG4ParticleDecayHelper | |
CHadIntProcessorParametric | |
CHitCreatorSilicon | |
CHitCreatorTRT | |
CIEnergyLossSampler | |
CIHadronicInteractionProcessor | |
CIHitCreator | |
CIParticleDecayHelper | |
CIParticlePropertyTool | |
CIPhotonConversionTool | |
CIPhysicsValidationTool | |
CIProcessSamplingTool | |
CISimHitCreator | |
CMcEnergyLossUpdator | |
CMcMaterialEffectsUpdator | |
CMcMaterialEffectsUpdatorException | Exception to be thrown when TrackingGeometry not found |
CPDGToG4Particle | |
CPhotonConversionTool | |
CPhysicsValidationTool | |
CProcessSamplingTool | |
CSimHitCreatorID | |
CSimHitCreatorMS | |
CTransportTool | |
►NiGeant4 | |
►CG4LegacyTransportTool | |
CSlot | |
CG4RunManagerHelper | |
CG4TransportTool | |
CGeant4SimSvc | |
CGeant4TruthIncident | |
CISFG4GeoHelper | |
CISFG4Helper | |
CISFTrajectory | |
►Nimpl | |
Cclass_can_be_tuple | |
Csimple_tuple_conversion | |
Cstruct_tuple_conversion | |
►NInDet | Primary Vertex Finder |
►NTRT_ElectronPidTool | |
CToTcalculator | |
CBaseTRTPIDCalculator | |
CBeamPipeBuilder | |
CBeamPipeBuilderCond | |
CBeamPipeBuilderImpl | |
CBeamSpotData | |
CBeamSpotStatusCode | Class to hold the definition and accessor methods for the beamspot status-word |
CCacheCreator | |
CCaloClusterROIPhiRZContainerMaker | Algorithm to create a eta ordered ROIs in the eta phi plane |
Cclique_visitor | |
CClusterMakerTool | |
Ccompare_SiCluster | |
CcompDetElements_A | |
CcompDetElements_Azimuthal | |
CcompDetElements_RAZ | |
CcompDetElements_ZRA | |
CcompDetElementWays | |
CCompetingPixelClustersOnTrack | |
CCompetingPixelClustersOnTrack_p1 | Version 1 of the persistent class representing the transient class InDet::CompetingPixelClustersOnTrack |
CCompetingSCT_ClustersOnTrack | |
CCompetingSCT_ClustersOnTrack_p1 | Version 1 of the persistent class representing the transient class InDet::CompetingSCT_ClustersOnTrack |
CCompetingTRT_DriftCirclesOnTrack | Class for competing TRT_DriftCircles, it extends the Trk::CompetingRIOsOnTrack base class |
CCompetingTRT_DriftCirclesOnTrack_p1 | Version 1 of the persistent class representing the transient class InDet::CompetingTRT_DriftCirclesOnTrack |
CcompTRTDetElements_A | |
CcompTRTDetElements_AZ | |
CConversionFinder | |
CConversionFinderUtils | |
CConversionPostSelector | |
Ccuts | |
CD0minCut | |
CDefectsEmulatorAlg | Algorithm template to selectivly copy RDOs from an InDetRawDataCollection |
CDefectsEmulatorBase | Common base class for the specializations of the DefectsEmulatorAlg template |
CDefectsEmulatorTraits | |
CDefectsEmulatorTraits< PixelRDO_Container > | |
CDetailedIDNtupleTool | |
CDiscOverlapDescriptor | |
CDumpObjects | |
►CEmulatedDefects | Data structure do mark e.g |
Cgreater | Special greater operator which ignores the column group flag in the comparison |
CEventStat_t | |
CExtendedSiCombinatorialTrackFinderData_xk | |
CExtendedSiTrackMakerEventData_xk | |
CFileRoISeedTool | |
CFloatInt | |
CFuncSummaryValueCut | |
CGNNSeedingTrackMaker | InDet::GNNSeedingTrackMaker is an algorithm that uses the GNN-based track finding tool to reconstruct tracks and the use track fitter to obtain track parameters. It turns a collection of Trk::Tracks |
CGNNTrackReaderTool | InDet::GNNTrackReaderTool is a tool that reads track candidates of each event from a CSV file named as "track_runNumber_eventNumber.csv" or with a customized pre-fix. The directory, inputTracksDir, contains CSV files for all events. 1) If the inputTracksDir is not specified, the tool will read the CSV files from the current directory. 2) If the corresponding CSV file does not exist for a given event (runNumber, eventNumber), the tool will print an error message and return an empty list |
CHitsToxAODCopier | |
►CHoleSearchValidation | |
CParts | |
CIAdaptiveMultiSecVertexFinder | |
CIGNNTrackFinder | Find track candidates from a list of spacepoints |
CIGNNTrackReaderTool | Read GNN Track candidates from a CSV file |
CIInclusiveTrackFilterTool | |
CIInDetBeamSpotTool | |
CIInDetBeamSpotWriterTool | Abstract class to control the outputing of beamspot information |
CIInDetCosmicsEventPhaseTool | |
CIInDetEtaDependentCutsSvc | |
CIInDetHardScatterSelectionTool | |
CIInDetTestPixelLayerTool | |
CIInDetTrackBiasingTool | |
CIInDetTrackSelectionTool | Interface for track selection tool |
CIInDetTrackSmearingTool | Simple interface for calibrating/correcting tracks (inner-detector particles) |
CIInDetTrackSplitterTool | |
CIInDetTrackTruthFilterTool | |
CIInDetTrackTruthOriginTool | |
CIInDetTrkInJetType | |
CIInDetUsedInFitTrackDecoratorTool | |
CIJetTrackFilterTool | |
CInclusiveTrackFilterTool | |
CInDetAdaptiveMultiSecVtxFinderTool | |
CInDetAlignModuleTool | |
CInDetAmbiScoringTool | Concrete implementation of the ITrackScoringTool pABC |
CInDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool | |
►CInDetBeamSpotFinder | |
CbeamSpotNtuple_struct | |
CvertexNtuple_struct | |
CInDetBeamSpotReader | An example class of how to read beamspot position |
CInDetBeamSpotRooFit | A concrete implementation of IInDetBeamSpotTool, using primary vertex information to determine the position of the beamspot using a chi2 and/or log-likelihood method |
CInDetBeamSpotVertex | A concrete implementation of IInDetBeamSpotTool, using primary vertex information to determine the position of the beamspot using a chi2 and/or log-likelihood method |
CInDetBoundaryCheckTool | |
CInDetConversionFinderTools | |
CInDetConversionTrackSelectorTool | |
CInDetCosmicScoringTool | Concrete implementation of the ITrackScoringTool pABC |
CInDetCosmicsEventPhase | |
CInDetCosmicsEventPhaseTool | |
CInDetCosmicTrackSelectorTool | |
►CInDetDenseEnvAmbiTrackSelectionTool | |
CCacheEntry | |
ClessTrkTrack | |
CTrackHitDetails | |
CTSoS_Details | |
CInDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool | |
CInDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker | This algorithm produces track truth data using InDet PRD truth collections |
CInDetEtaDependentCutsSvc | |
CInDetEventCnvTool | Helper tool uses to convert InDet objects in generic tracking custom convertor TrkEventAthenaPool |
CInDetEventSplitter | |
CInDetExtensionProcessor | Algorithm to process a TrackExtensionMap, refit the extended tracks and decide if the old track is to be replaced by the extended one |
CInDetFixedWindowTrackTimeTool | |
CInDetGeometryManagerTool | |
►CInDetHardScatterSelectionTool | Implementation of the hardscatter selection tool |
CSum | |
CInDetImprovedJetFitterVxFinder | |
CInDetIsoTrackSelectorTool | |
CInDetIterativePriVxFinderTool | |
CInDetIterativeSecVtxFinderTool | |
CInDetJetFitterUtils | |
CInDetJetFitterVxFinder | |
CInDetLowBetaCandidate | |
CInDetLowBetaContainer | |
CInDetMaterialVeto | |
CInDetNNScoringTool | Concrete implementation of the ITrackScoringTool pABC |
CInDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels | Concrete Implementation of the IPRD_AssociationTool interface |
CInDetPRD_Collection_p1 | |
CInDetPRD_Collection_p2 | |
CInDetPRD_Container_p1 | |
CInDetPRD_Provider | |
►CInDetPRDtoTrackMapToolGangedPixels | Concrete Implementation of the IPRD_AssociationTool interface |
CPRDtoTrackMap | |
CInDetPrepRawDataDict_Dummy | |
CInDetPriVxFinder | |
CInDetPriVxResorter | |
►CInDetRecStatisticsAlg | |
CCounter | |
CInDetSecVtxFinder | |
CInDetSecVtxTrackSelectionTool | Implementation of the track selector tool |
CInDetSlidingWindowTrackTimeTool | |
CInDetSplittedTracksCreator | |
CInDetTestPixelLayerTool | |
CInDetToXAODClusterConversion | |
CInDetToXAODSpacePointConversion | |
CInDetTrackBiasingTool | |
CInDetTrackHoleSearchTool | |
CInDetTrackPRD_Association | |
CInDetTrackSelectionTool | Implementation of the track selector tool |
CInDetTrackSelectorTool | |
CInDetTrackSmearingTool | |
CInDetTrackSmearingToolTester | Simple algorithm for testing the tools in Athena |
CInDetTrackSplitterTool | |
CInDetTrackSummaryHelperTool | |
CInDetTrackSystematicsTool | |
CInDetTrackTruthFilterTool | |
CInDetTrackTruthOriginTool | |
CInDetTrkAlignDBTool | |
CInDetTrkInJetType | |
CInDetTrtDriftCircleCutTool | |
CInDetTrtTrackScoringTool | Concrete implementation of the ITrackScoringTool pABC |
CInDetUsedInFitTrackDecoratorTool | Implementation of the hardscatter selection tool |
CInDetUsedInVertexFitTrackDecorator | |
CInDetV0Finder | |
CInDetV0FinderTool | |
CInDetVertexSplitter | |
►CInDetVertexSplitterHist | |
CmetaData | |
CvertexBranch | |
►CInDetVKalVxInJetTool | |
CDevTuple | |
CHists | |
CVrt2Tr | |
CWrkVrt | |
CIPixelClusteringTool | |
CIPixelClusterSplitProbTool | |
CIPixelClusterSplitter | |
CIPRD_MultiTruthBuilder | |
CISCT_ClusteringTool | Interface for SCT clustering algorithms, taking input from RDOs |
CISecVertexFinder | |
CISecVertexInJetFinder | |
CISeedFitter | |
CISeedToTrackConversionTool | |
CISiCombinatorialTrackFinder | |
CISiDetElementsRoadMaker | |
CISiSpacePointsSeedMaker | |
CISiTrackMaker | |
CISiZvertexMaker | |
CISpacepointFeatureTool | |
CITRT_DetElementsRoadMaker | |
CITRT_DriftCircleTool | |
CITRT_LocalOccupancy | |
►CITRT_SeededSpacePointFinder | |
CIEventData | |
►CITRT_SeededTrackFinder | |
CIEventData | |
►CITRT_SegmentToTrackTool | |
CEventData | |
►CITRT_TrackExtensionTool | |
CIEventData | |
►CITRT_TrackSegmentsMaker | |
CIEventData | |
CITRT_TrackTimingTool | Interface for tools that calculate the track time - only a wrapper such that it can be accessed in the same way as calo and Muon timing information for muons |
CITrtDriftCircleCutTool | The abstract interface base class for the trt segment selector tools |
CIVertexFinder | |
►CIZWindowRoISeedTool | |
CZWindow | |
CJetFitterMultiStageFit | |
CJetFitterTrackSelectorTool | |
CJetFitterTwoTrackVtxFinderTool | |
CJetFitterV0FinderTool | |
CJetTrackFilterTool | |
CLayerSetup | |
CLeadTracksRoISeedTool | |
CLWTNNCondAlg | |
CMergedPixelsTool | |
CMyNewDataSortPredicate | Sorting function according to space point radial position |
CMyPRDtoTrackMap | |
Cnetwork | |
CNnClusterizationFactory | |
CNNinput | |
CNnPixelClusterSplitProbTool | |
CNnPixelClusterSplitter | |
CPartPropCache | |
CPatternHoleSearchOutcome | Helper struct for hole search results from the pattern recognition |
CPixelCluster | |
CPixelCluster_p1 | |
CPixelCluster_p2 | |
CPixelCluster_p3 | |
CPixelClusterContainer_p2 | |
CPixelClusterContainer_p3 | |
CPixelClusterContainer_tlp1 | |
CPixelClusterContainerCnv_p1 | |
CPixelClusterization | Top Algorithm to clusterize the pixel RDOs (InDetRawDataCollection<PixelRDORawData> -> RecInputCollection) The clustering algorithm is actually a private Tool in the SiClusterizationTool package |
CPixelClusterOnTrack | |
CPixelClusterOnTrack_p1 | |
CPixelClusterOnTrack_p2 | |
CPixelClusterOnTrackTool | |
CPixelClusterParts | |
CPixelClusterSplitProb | |
CPixelDefectsEmulatorAlg | Algorithm which selectively copies hits from an input PixelRDO_Container |
CPixelDefectsEmulatorCondAlg | Conditions algorithms for emulating ITK pixel defects |
CPixelDetectorElementStatus | Event data to hold the status information for Pixel modules |
CPixelEmulatedDefects | Specialization of emulated defects conditions data for ITk pixels Defect conditions data for defects which use addresses created by the PixelModuleHelper |
CPixelGangedAmbiguitiesFinder | |
CPixelGangedClusterAmbiguities_p1 | |
CPixelGeometryManagerTool | |
CPixelIDLayerComp | |
CPixelModuleHelper | Helper class to convert between offline column, row and hardware chip, column, row coordinates |
CPixelOverlapDescriptor | |
CPixelRDOTool | |
CPixelSpacePoint | |
CPixelToTPIDTool | |
CPRD_MultiTruthBuilder | |
CPRD_MultiTruthMaker | |
CPRD_TruthTrajectoryManipulatorID | |
CPRD_TruthTrajectorySelectorID | |
CPRD_TruthTrajectorySorterID | |
CRandomRoISeedTool | |
CRobustTrackingGeometryBuilder | |
CRobustTrackingGeometryBuilderCond | |
CRobustTrackingGeometryBuilderImpl | |
CsamiStruct | |
CSCT_Cluster | |
CSCT_Cluster_p1 | |
CSCT_Cluster_p2 | |
CSCT_Cluster_p3 | |
CSCT_ClusterContainer_p2 | |
CSCT_ClusterContainer_p3 | |
CSCT_ClusterContainer_tlp1 | |
CSCT_ClusterContainerCnv_p1 | |
►CSCT_ClusteringTool | AlgTool for SCT_Clusterization. Input is from RDOs, assumed to be sorted. They are then scanned in order and neighbouring RDOs are grouped together |
CDimensionAndPosition | In-class struct to store the centre and width of a cluster |
CSCT_Clusterization | Form clusters from SCT Raw Data Objects. The class loops over an RDO grouping strips and creating collections of clusters, subsequently recorded in StoreGate using WriteHandle(Key). Uses SCT_ConditionsTools to determine which strips to include |
CSCT_ClusterOnTrack | |
CSCT_ClusterOnTrack_p1 | |
CSCT_ClusterOnTrack_p2 | |
CSCT_ClusterOnTrackTool | Creates SCT_ClusterOnTrack objects allowing to calibrate cluster position and error using a given track hypothesis |
CSCT_ClusterValidationNtupleWriter | |
CSCT_DetectorElementStatus | Event data to hold the status information for SCT modules |
CSCT_OverlapDescriptor | |
CSCT_ResidualPullCalculator | The InDet::SCT_ResidualPullCalculator is an AlgTool to calculate the residual and pull of a measurement and the related track state for the SCT |
CSCT_SpacePoint | |
CSCTClusteringCache | |
CSCTGeometryManagerTool | |
CSCTinformation | |
CSecVtxTrackAccessor | |
CSecVtxTrackCut | |
CSeedFitterTool | Estimate the initial track parameters for a list of spacepoints/measurements (i.e. Track candidates), which latter can be used as input for the track fitter. The method is based on a simple linear conformal mapping |
CSeedToTrackConversionData | |
CSeedToTrackConversionTool | |
CSegmentDriftCircleAssValidation | |
CSiCluster | |
CSiCluster_p1 | |
CSiClusterLink_xk | |
CSiClusterOnTrack | |
CSiClusterOnTrack_p1 | |
CSiCombinatorialTrackFinder_xk | |
CSiCombinatorialTrackFinderData_xk | |
CSiDetectorElementStatus | |
CSiDetectorElementStatusAlg | |
CSiDetectorElementStatusCondAlg | |
CSiDetElementBoundaryLink_xk | |
CSiDetElementBoundaryLinksCondAlg_xk | |
►CSiDetElementLink_xk | |
CElementWay | |
CSiDetElementRoadMakerData_xk | |
CSiDetElementsLayer_xk | |
CSiDetElementsRoadCondAlg_xk | |
CSiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk | |
CSiElementProperties | |
CSiElementPropertiesTable | |
CSiElementPropertiesTableCondAlg | |
CSiGeometryManagerTool | |
CSiGNNTrackFinderTool | InDet::SiGNNTrackFinderTool is a tool that produces track candidates with graph neural networks-based pipeline using 3D space points as inputs |
CSiLayerBuilder | |
CSiLayerBuilderCond | |
CSiLayerBuilderImpl | |
CSiliconProperties | |
CSiliconPropertiesVector | |
CSimpleIDNtupleTool | |
CSimpleTRT_SeededSpacePointFinder_ATL | |
CSingleTrackConversionTool | |
CSiNoise_bt | |
CSiSpacePointForSeed | |
CSiSpacePointMakerTool | |
CSiSpacePointsComparison_Phi | |
CSiSpacePointsComparison_R | |
CSiSpacePointsComparison_X | |
CSiSpacePointsComparison_Y | |
CSiSpacePointsComparison_Z | |
CSiSpacePointsProSeed | |
CSiSpacePointsSeed | |
CSiSpacePointsSeedComparison_Z | |
CSiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ATLxk | |
CSiSpacePointsSeedMaker_BeamGas | |
CSiSpacePointsSeedMaker_Cosmic | |
CSiSpacePointsSeedMaker_HeavyIon | |
CSiSpacePointsSeedMaker_LowMomentum | |
CSiSpacePointsSeedMaker_Trigger | |
CSiSpacePointsSeedMakerEventData | |
CSiSPGNNTrackMaker | InDet::SiSPGNNTrackMaker is an algorithm that uses the GNN-based track finding tool to reconstruct tracks and the use track fitter to obtain track parameters. It turns a collection of Trk::Tracks |
►CSiSPSeededTrackFinder | |
CCounter_t | |
►CSiSPSeededTrackFinderRoI | |
CCounter_t | |
CSiTools_xk | |
►CSiTrackerSpacePointFinder | |
CSPFCache | This is a temporary object to aid reentrant coding |
CSiTrackMaker_xk | |
►CSiTrackMakerEventData_xk | |
CExtendedSiCombinatorialTrackFinderData_xk | |
CSiTrajectory_xk | |
CSiTrajectoryElement_xk | |
CSiTrkAlignDBTool | |
CSiWidth | |
CSiWidth_p1 | |
CSiWidth_p2 | |
CSiWidthCnv_p2 | |
CSiZvertexMaker_xk | |
CSpacepointFeatureTool | InDet::SpacepointFeatureTool is a tool that calculates spacepoint features for GNNTrackFinder |
CSpacePointReader | |
CStagedTrackingGeometryBuilder | |
CStagedTrackingGeometryBuilderCond | |
CStagedTrackingGeometryBuilderImpl | |
Cstrip_less_than | |
CSummaryAccessor | |
CsvParamAccessor | |
CToolTester | Simple algorithm for using the tools in Athena |
CTotPixelClusterSplitter | |
Ctp_sort_cosmics | |
CTrack_pair | |
CTrack_tlp1 | |
CTrack_tlp2 | |
►CTrackClusterAssValidation | |
CEventData_t | |
CTrackCollectionStat_t | |
►CTrackPairsSelector | |
CCache | |
CTrackParticle_pair | |
CTrackQualityCuts | |
CTrackStateOnPixelLayerInfo | |
►CTrackStatHelper | |
CCounter | |
CCounter4D | |
CTrackSystematicsAlg | |
►CTRT_DetElementLink_xk | |
CUsed_t | |
CTRT_DetElementsLayer_xk | |
CTRT_DetElementsRoadCondAlg_xk | |
CTRT_DetElementsRoadData_xk | |
CTRT_DetElementsRoadMaker_xk | |
CTRT_DriftCircle | |
CTRT_DriftCircle_p1 | |
CTRT_DriftCircle_p2 | |
CTRT_DriftCircleContainer_p2 | |
CTRT_DriftCircleContainer_tlp1 | |
CTRT_DriftCircleContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTRT_DriftCircleLinkN_xk | |
CTRT_DriftCircleOnTrack | |
CTRT_DriftCircleOnTrack_p1 | |
CTRT_DriftCircleOnTrack_p2 | |
CTRT_DriftCircleOnTrackNoDriftTimeTool | |
CTRT_DriftCircleOnTrackRecalibrateTool | |
CTRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool | |
CTRT_DriftCircleOnTrackUniversalTool | |
CTRT_DriftCirclesSeed | |
CTRT_DriftCircleTool | |
CTRT_DriftCircleToolCosmics | |
CTRT_ElectronPidToolRun2 | |
CTRT_ExtensionDriftCircleLink_xk | |
CTRT_LayerBuilder | |
CTRT_LayerBuilderCond | |
CTRT_LayerBuilderImpl | |
►CTRT_LocalOccupancy | |
COccupancyData | |
CTRT_OverlapDescriptor | |
CTRT_RIO_Maker | TRT_DriftCircleContainer production algorithm Top Algorithm for InDetRawDataContainer<TRT_RDORawData> conversion to TRT_DriftCircleContainer |
►CTRT_SeededSpacePointFinder_ATL | |
Cbypass_struct | |
CEventData | |
Cinvar_bypass_struct | |
►CTRT_SeededTrackFinder | |
CStat_t | Global Counters for final algorithm statistics |
►CTRT_SeededTrackFinder_ATL | |
CEventData | |
CTRT_SegmentsToTrack | |
CTRT_SegmentToTrackTool | |
CTRT_StandaloneTrackFinder | |
CTRT_StrawStatus | |
►CTRT_TrackExtensionAlg | |
CCounter_t | |
►CTRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk | |
CEventData | |
►CTRT_TrackExtensionToolCosmics | |
CEventData | |
CTRT_TrackSegmentsFinder | |
►CTRT_TrackSegmentsMaker_ATLxk | |
CEventData | |
►CTRT_TrackSegmentsMaker_BarrelCosmics | |
CEventData | |
►CTRT_TrackSegmentsMaker_ECcosmics | |
CEventData | |
CTRT_TrackSegmentsMakerCondAlg_ATLxk | |
CTRT_TrackSegmentsToolCondData_xk | |
CTRT_TrackSegmentsUtils_xk | |
CTRT_TrackTimingTool | |
CTRT_Trajectory_xk | |
CTRT_TrajectoryElement_xk | |
CTRTGeometryManagerTool | |
CTRTTrkAlignDBTool | |
CTruthClusterizationFactory | |
CTruthHSRoISeedTool | |
CTruthPixelClusterSplitProbTool | |
CTruthPixelClusterSplitter | |
CTTrainedNetworkCondAlg | |
CUnpackedPixelRDO | |
CV0MainDecorator | |
CVertexPointEstimator | |
CworkVectorArrxAOD | |
CXAODToInDetClusterConversion | |
►NInDetAccessor | |
CTrackParticleHelper | |
CTrkTrackHelper | |
►NInDetAlignment | |
CCreateMisalignAlg | |
CICollectionProcessor | |
CRefitSiOnlyTool | |
►NInDetDD | Message Stream Member |
►NITk | |
CPixelGmxInterface | |
CPixelReadoutManager | |
CStripGmxInterface | |
CAthenaComps | Class to hold various Athena components |
CBCM_Builder | |
CBCMPrimeDetectorManager | |
CBCMPrimeGmxInterface | |
CBLM_Builder | |
CDetectorDesign | |
CDetectorFactoryBase | |
CDistortedMaterialManager | |
CExtendedAlignableTransform | |
CExtraMaterial | |
CGenericTubeMaker | |
CHGTD_DetectorElement | |
CHGTD_DetectorElementCollection | |
CHGTD_ModuleDesign | |
►CInDetDetectorManager | |
CAlignInfo | |
CLevelInfo | |
CInDetServMatManager | |
CIPixelReadoutManager | |
CPairIndexMap | Class to store map between pair of two ints and an int |
CPconZone | |
CPixelDetectorManager | |
CPixelDiodeMap | |
CPixelDiodeMatrix | |
CPixelModuleDesign | |
CPixelMultipleConnection1D | |
CPixelReadoutManager | |
CPixelReadoutScheme | |
CPLRGmxInterface | |
CPoint | |
CRay | |
CSCT_BarrelModuleSideDesign | |
CSCT_DetectorManager | |
CSCT_ForwardFrameTransformation | |
CSCT_ForwardModuleSideDesign | |
CSCT_ForwardModuleSideGeometry | |
CSCT_ForwardPolarPosition | |
CSCT_ModuleSideDesign | |
CSCT_ReadoutScheme | |
CSegment | |
CSegmentList | |
CSegmentSplitter | |
CServiceVolume | |
CServiceVolumeMaker | |
CServiceVolumeMakerMgr | |
CServiceVolumeSchema | |
CSiCellId | |
CSiCommonItems | |
CSiDetectorDesign | |
CSiDetectorElement | |
CSiDetectorElementCollection | |
CSiDetectorManager | |
CSiDiodesParameters | |
CSiIntersect | |
CSiLocalPosition | |
CSiNumerology | |
CSiReadoutCellId | |
►CSolidStateDetectorElementBase | |
CAxisDir | |
CCachedVals | |
CStripAnnulusDesign | |
CStripBoxDesign | |
CStripStereoAnnulusDesign | |
CSubDetectorFactoryBase | |
CSurfaceCache | |
CSurfaceCacheBase | |
CTRT_BarrelCode | |
CTRT_BarrelDescriptor | |
CTRT_BarrelElement | |
CTRT_BaseElement | |
CTRT_Conditions | |
CTRT_DetectorManager | The Detector Manager for all TRT Detector elements, it acts as the interface to the detector elements which can be retrieved from the TRT_DetectorManager either via numerology or Identifier access |
CTRT_DetElementCollection | Class to hold collection of TRT detector elements |
CTRT_DetElementContainer | Class to hold different TRT detector elements structures |
CTRT_EndcapCode | |
CTRT_EndcapDescriptor | Class TRT_EndcapDescriptor |
CTRT_EndcapElement | |
CTRT_Numerology | |
CTubeVolData | Helper class to read in generic TUBE, TUBS, CONS or PCON type volumes |
CTubeZone | |
CUnboundedZone | |
CVersion | |
CVolumeBuilder | |
CVolumeSplitter | |
CZone | |
►NInDetEventTPCnvDict | |
Ctmp | |
►NInDetGNNHardScatterSelection | |
►Ngetter_utils | Utils to produce Constituent -> vector<double> functions |
CCustomSequenceGetter | Template class to extract features from sequence of constituents |
►Ninternal | |
CVertexVarGetter | |
CVertexVarGetterNoDefault | |
CConstituentsInputConfig | |
CElectronsLoader | |
►CGNN | |
CDecorators | |
CGNNTool | |
CHSGNNInputConfig | |
CIConstituentsLoader | |
CInputVariableConfig | |
CIParticlesLoader | |
CJetsLoader | |
CMuonsLoader | |
CPhotonsLoader | |
CTracksLoader | |
CVertexDecoratorAlg | |
►NInfileMetaDataConfig | |
CMetaDataHelperLists | |
►Ninternal_poltrig | |
CBTreeNode | |
CLinebase | |
CPointbase | |
CSplayTree | |
►NIOVDbDataModelDict | |
Ctmp | |
►NIOVDbNamespace | |
CBasicFolder | |
CCool2Json | |
CCrestFunctions | |
CFMDReadLock | |
CIovStore | |
CJson2Cool | Produces cool objects from their JSON representation, storing them in a 'BasicFolder' |
CReadFromFileMetaData | |
CSafeReadFromFileMetaData | |
►NisDSinFAX | |
CCommand | |
Csite | |
►NISF | ISFParticleOrderedQueue |
►CActsFatrasSimTool | |
CHitSurfaceSelector | Simple struct to select surfaces where hits should be generated |
CSingleParticleSimulation | Single particle simulation with fixed propagator, interactions, and decay |
CATLFAST_EnvelopeDefSvc | |
CBaseSimulationSelector | |
CBaseSimulationSvc | |
CBaseSimulatorTool | |
CCollectionMerger | Athena Algorithm that merges a given set of StoreGate collections in one final collection |
CCosmicEventFilterTool | |
CCylinderVolumeTruthStrategy | |
CDefaultSimSelector | |
CDNNCaloSimSvc | |
CEnergyParticleOrderingTool | |
CEntryLayerFilter | |
CEntryLayerTool | |
CEntryLayerToolMT | |
CFastCaloSimV2ParamSvc | |
CFastCaloSimV2Tool | |
CFatrasSimTool | |
CG4PolyconeGeoIDSvc | |
CGenericParticleOrderingTool | |
CGenericTruthStrategy | |
CGenParticleFinalStateFilter | |
CGenParticleGenericFilter | Core Athena algorithm for the Integrated Simulation Framework |
CGenParticleInteractingFilter | |
CGenParticleLifetimeFilter | |
CGenParticlePositionFilter | |
CGenParticleSimAcceptList | |
CGenParticleSimQuasiStableFilter | |
CGeoIDSvc | |
CHepMCHelper | |
CIEntryLayerTool | |
CIEventFilterTool | |
CIFastCaloSimParamSvc | |
CIFlavorSvcFilter | |
CIG4RunManagerHelper | |
CIGenEventFilter | |
CIGenParticleFilter | |
CIGeoIDSvc | |
CIInputConverter | |
CIMonitoringTool | @ class IMonitoringTool |
CInputConverter | |
CIParticleBroker | @ class IParticleBroker |
CIParticleFilter | |
CIParticleHelper | |
CIParticleOrderingTool | |
CIParticleProcessor | |
CIPunchThroughClassifier | |
CIPunchThroughTool | |
CISFBenchmarkHelper | |
CISFEnvelopeDefSvc | |
CISFParticle | |
CISFParticleOrdering | Sort function according to particle order |
CISFTruthIncident | |
CISimulationSelector | |
CISimulationSvc | @ class ISimulationSvc |
CISimulatorTool | |
CIStaticFlavorSvcFilter | |
CITrkExtrapolator | |
CITruthIncident | |
CITruthStrategy | |
CITruthSvc | @ class ITruthSvc |
CKeepChildrenTruthStrategy | |
CKinematicParticleCuts | |
CKinematicParticleFilter | |
CKinematicSimSelector | |
CLegacySimSvc | |
CLLPTruthStrategy | |
CMaterialPathInfo | |
CMemoryMonitoringTool | |
CParticleBrokerDynamicOnReadIn | |
CParticleClipboard | |
CParticleHelper | |
CParticleKillerSimTool | |
CParticleUserInformation | |
CPDFcreator | |
CPunchThroughClassifier | |
CPunchThroughParticle | |
CPunchThroughTool | |
CRenameHitCollectionsAlg | Athena Algorithm that makes copies of existing collections in StoreGate and stores them under new keys |
CSimEventFilter | |
CSimHitTreeCreator | |
CSimKernel | |
CSimKernelMT | Core Athena algorithm for the Integrated Simulation Framework |
CSortByRadius | |
CTrkExtrapolator | |
CTruthBinding | |
CTruthPreselectionTool | |
CTruthSvc | |
CValidationTruthStrategy | |
CMLogging | Cut down AthMessaging |
►NISF_FCS_Parametrization | |
CFCS_StepInfo | |
CFCS_StepInfoCollection | Class for collection of StepInfo class (G4 hits) copied and modified version to ISF |
►Nitem | |
Cvalue_equals | |
►NITk | |
CcomCurvature | |
CDigitizeNonHitElementsDebugPrinter | |
CPixelClusterErrorData | |
CPixelClusterOnTrackTool | |
CPixelDetectorTool | |
CPixelOfflineCalibCondAlg | |
CPixelOfflineCalibData | |
CPixelRDOAnalysis | |
CServiceExtensionManager | |
CServiceExtensionTool | |
CSiSpacePointForSeed | |
CSiSpacePointsComparison_R | |
CSiSpacePointsProSeed | |
CSiSpacePointsSeedMaker | |
CStripClusterOnTrackTool | Creates SCT_ClusterOnTrack objects allowing to calibrate cluster position and error using a given track hypothesis |
CStripDetectorTool | |
CStripDigitization | Top algorithm class for Strip digitization |
CStripDigitizationTool | |
CStripRDOAnalysis | |
►CStripSurfaceChargesGenerator | |
CHists | |
►CTrackClusterAssValidation | |
CEventData_t | |
►NITkStripCabling | |
COnlineIdGenerator | |
►NJCT | |
CHotCell | |
►Njet | |
►NJetIsolation | |
CIsolationAreaBase | |
►CIsolationCalculator | IsolationCalculator : base class for isolation calculations Implementations of this class encapsulate all the needed calculations inside the calcIsolationVariables(jet, constituents) function, where 'constituents' is expected to be a vector a consituent NOT containing the jet's constitents |
CIsolationResult | Holds the 4-vector of all constituents contributing to isolation |
CIsolationCalculatorT | |
CAccessorAndHisto | |
CAccessorAndHisto2 | |
CAttFiller | |
CAttTypes | |
CAttvsAttFiller | |
CAttvsVecAttIndexFiller | |
CBaseIndexedConstituentUserInfo | |
CCaloCellFastMap | |
►CCellPosition | |
CDR2 | |
CClosebyUncertaintyComponent | |
CCombinedMassUncertaintyComponent | |
CComponentHelper | |
CConfigHelper | |
CCorrelationMatrix | |
CELogMassEtaUncertaintyComponent | |
CELogMassUncertaintyComponent | |
CFlavourUncertaintyComponent | |
CGroupHelper | |
CHistoFiller | |
CIConstituentUserInfo | |
CIndexedConstituentUserInfo | |
CIndexedTConstituentUserInfo | |
CInfoHelper | |
CInfoHelpereLOGmOe | |
CInfoHelpereLOGmOeAbsEta | |
CInfoHelpereLOGmOeEta | |
CInfoHelperPt | |
CInfoHelperPtAbsEta | |
CInfoHelperPtAbsMass | |
CInfoHelperPtAbsMassAbsEta | |
CInfoHelperPtAbsMassEta | |
CInfoHelperPtEta | |
CInfoHelperPtMass | |
CInfoHelperPtMassAbsEta | |
CInfoHelperPtMassEta | |
CJetCalcAverageLArQualityF | |
CJetCalcBadCellsFrac | Fraction of Bad energy in jet. From cluster moment ENG_BAD_CELLS |
CJetCalcCentroid | |
CJetCalcNegativeEnergy | |
CJetCalcnLeadingCells | |
CJetCalcOutOfTimeEnergyFraction | |
CJetCalcQuality | |
CJetCalcQualityHEC | |
CJetCalcTimeCells | |
CJetCaloCalculations | Holds a list of JetCalculators |
CJetCaloCalculator | |
CJetCaloCellCalculations | Collection of JetCaloCellCalculator |
CJetCaloCellCalculator | Base class (inheriting JetCaloCalculator) for calculations accessing CaloCell directly |
CJetCaloQualityUtils | |
►CJetCellAccessor | |
Cconst_iterator | |
CJetConstituentFiller | |
CJetFourMomAccessor | JetFourMomAccessor is an extension of JetAttributeAccessor::AccessorWrapper<xAOD::JetFourMom_t> AccessorWrapper<xAOD::JetFourMom_t> purpose is to provide a direct and simple access to JetFourMom_t attributes (which are internally saved as 4 floats inside jets) |
CLabelIndex | |
CLargeRTopologyUncertaintyComponent | |
COptionHelper | |
CPerJetFlavourUncertaintyComponent | |
CPileupUncertaintyComponent | |
CPtAbsMassEtaUncertaintyComponent | |
CPtAbsMassUncertaintyComponent | |
CPtEtaUncertaintyComponent | |
CPtLogPtMassForTagSFUncertaintyComponent | |
CPtMassEtaUncertaintyComponent | |
CPtMassUncertaintyComponent | |
CPtUncertaintyComponent | |
CPunchthroughUncertaintyComponent | |
CResolutionHelper | |
CSimpleConstituentUserInfo | |
CTrackVertexAssociation | Class to hold N-to-one aassociations between tracks and vertices |
CUncertaintyComponent | |
CUncertaintyGroup | |
CUncertaintyHistogram | |
CUncertaintySet | |
CValidityHistogram | |
CVecAttFiller | |
CVecAttIndexFiller | |
CVertexIndexedConstituentUserInfo | |
►NJetAttributeHistoManager | |
CAttributeHistoManager | |
►NJetConverterTypes | |
Cmomentum | |
►NJetGeom | A collection of routines for geometric tasks in 2D and on a cylinder |
Cline_t | |
Cpoint_set_t | |
Cpoint_t | Very basic point objects |
Cpoint_vect_t | |
►NJetGrooming | |
CBottomUpSoftDrop | |
CJetGroomer | |
CJetTrimming | |
CRecSoftDrop | |
CSoftDrop | |
►NJetHelper | Class IJetCalibStep |
CHistoInput1D | Class HistoInput1D User interface to read 1D histograms
CHistoInput2D | Class HistoInput2D User interface to read 2D histrograms |
CHistoInputBase | Class HistoInputBase This class implement common function used by HistoInput1D and HistoInput2D
CIInputVariable | |
CInputVariable | Class InputVariable This is design to read any kind of xAOD::Jet or JetContext variable e.g pt, eta, phi, m ..etc The user need to initialize the class with the name of the variable and the scale |
CInputVariableAttribute | Template to read xAOD::Jet variables
CInputVariableJetContext | Template to read JetContext |
CIVarTool | |
CJetContext | Class JetContext Designed to read AOD information related to the event, N vertices, Ntracks, mu etc .. |
CMCJESInputBase | Class MCJESInputBase This class implement common function used by Text file input
CTextInputMCJES | Class TextInputMCJES User interface to read text files containing MCJES calibration factors |
CVarTool | Class VarTool This class is design to help the user by specializing the InputVariable InputVariable is fix in the initialization, and can be retrieve with getvar() |
►NJetHistoManager | |
CJetHistoManager | |
►NJetMonitoringConfig | |
CConfigDict | |
CEventHistoSpec | |
CHistoSpec | |
CJetMonAlgSpec | |
CJetMonSpecException | |
CSelectSpec | |
CToolSpec | |
CVarSpec | |
►NJetPileupTag | |
CJetVertexNNTagger | |
CNNJvtBinning | Helper struct to hold the bin edges for the NN Jvt cut maps |
CNNJvtCutMap | The NNJvt cut maps |
►NJetSubStructureUtils | |
CAngularity | |
CBoostedXbbTag | |
CCharge | |
CDipolarity | |
CEnergyCorrelator | |
CEnergyCorrelatorGeneralized | |
CFoxWolfram | |
Cjet_distance | |
CJetDistanceCompare | |
CKtDeltaR | |
CKtMassDrop | |
CKtSplittingScale | |
CMultiplicities | |
CNsubjettiness | |
CPlanarFlow | |
CPull | |
CQjets | |
CQjetsPlugin | |
CQw | |
CSoftDropObservables | |
CSphericityTensor | |
CSubjetFinder | |
CSubstructureCalculator | |
CThrust | |
CVolatility | |
CZCut | |
►NJetTagDQA | |
CBTaggingValidationPlots | |
CPhysValBTag | |
►NJetTagInfoDict | |
Ctemp | |
►NJetTiledMap | |
CTile | Class Tile |
CTiledEtaPhiMap | |
Cutils | |
►NJetVar | |
CAbsEtaVar | |
CEM3FracVar | |
CEtVar | |
CEVar | |
CFChargedVar | |
CNconstitVar | |
CPzVar | |
CRapidity | |
CTile0FracVar | |
CVariable | |
CVariableAtt | |
►CVariableAtt< std::vector< T > > | Specialization of VariableAtt for the vector<> type |
CVectorWrapperT | |
►CVectorValue | VectorValue is a helper class to access any jet variable of type vector<X> It is implemented this way, so it is cheap to copy and can be returned from a const method |
CVectorWrapper | |
►NJetVoronoiDiagramHelpers | Jakub Cuth
May 2015 |
CDiagram | |
CPoint | |
CPolygon | |
CSegment | |
CSegmentList | |
►NJiveXML | This header is shared inbetween the C-style server thread and the C++ Athena ServerSvc |
CAlgoJiveXML | Converts Reconstructed Event Data objects into XML files which can be read by, for example, the Atlantis graphics package |
CAODCaloClusterRetriever | Retrieves all Calo Cluster objects |
CAODJetRetriever | Retrieves all Jet objects (JetEvent/Jet) |
CBadLArRetriever | Retrieves all Calo Cluster objects |
CBadTileRetriever | Retrieves all Tile Calo Cell objects |
CBeamSpotRetriever | Retrieve the BeamSpot information (official ID s/w result) |
CBJetRetriever | Retrieves Jet objects , filter from weight for BJet (JetEvent/Jet) |
CCaloClusterRetriever | Retrieves all Calo Cluster objects |
CCaloFCalRetriever | Retrieves all Calo Cluster objects |
CCaloHECRetriever | Retrieves all Calo Cluster objects |
CCaloLArRetriever | Retrieves all Calo Cluster objects |
CCaloMBTSRetriever | Retrieves all Calo Cluster objects |
CCaloTileRetriever | Retrieves all Tile Calo Cell objects |
CCompositeParticleRetriever | Retrieves all CompositeParticle objects (AllObjects) |
CCSCClusterRetriever | |
CCscPrepDataRetriever | |
CCTPDecisionRetriever | |
CDataType | Templated class to convert any object that is streamable in a ostringstream in a string |
CDispatchThreadArguments_t | |
CElectronRetriever | Retrieves all Electron objects (ElectronAODCollection etc.) |
CEmTauROIRetriever | |
CEvent_t | |
CEventRequest_t | |
CEventStreamID | For the client-server communication, each event is uniquely identified by the run number, the event number and a string determining which stream it belongs to |
CExternalONCRPCServerSvc | This athena service will provide a link to an external ONCRPC server, e.g running as standalone application or in another athena application |
CGeometryWriter | Writes the inner detector and calorimeter geometry to an XML file for use with Atlantis |
CIDataRetriever | Interface for all DataRetriever classes, that extract event data from StoreGate and pass them on to a IFormatTool The interface will only hold the methods that have to be implemented by all DataRetrievers |
CIEventReceiver | Pure abstract interface for all event serving classes that provide events, streams and status information to the serving threads |
CIEventServer | Pure abstract interface for all event serving classes that provide events, streams and status information to the serving threads |
CIFormatTool | Abstract interface to event data formatting classes |
CIGeometryWriter | |
CIInDetGeoModelTool | Interface for the InDetGeoModelTool |
CIMessage | Pure abstract interface to provide some athena-indepandant messaging Note that only MSG::Level enum is used from IMessageSvc |
CInDetGeoModelTool | Provides easy access to the geometry model managers and identifier helpers for all JiveXML::IDataRetriever implemenations in InDetJiveXML |
CIServer | Pure abstract interface for all full server implementations |
CIServerSvc | Athena interface for all ServerSvc implementations |
CIStreamTool | Abstract interface to JiveXML event streaming classes |
CJetROIRetriever | Retrieves ROI objects, default mode uses HLT/Offline object LVL1_ROI::jets_type |
CJiveXMLServer | |
CLArDigitRetriever | Retrieves all Tile Calo Cell objects |
CLVL1JetElementRetriever | |
CLVL1ResultRetriever | |
CLVL1TrigTowerRetriever | |
CMdtPrepDataRetriever | |
CMMPrepDataRetriever | |
CMuonGeometryWriter | Writes the GeoModel muon geometry to an XML file for use with Atlantis |
CMuonRetriever | Retrieves all Muon objects (StacoMuonCollection etc.) |
CMuonROIRetriever | Retrieves ROI objects, default mode uses HLT/Offline object LVL1_ROI::emtaus_type |
CONCRPCServerSvc | This athena service will create an ONC/RPC (aka SunRPC) server, that can provide the athena status as well as data strings from events |
CPhotonRetriever | Retrieves all Photon objects (PhotonAODCollection) |
CPixelClusterRetriever | Retrieves all InDet::SiCluster objects |
CPixelRDORetriever | Retrieve all PixelRDORawData information (pixel raw hits) |
CRpcPrepDataRetriever | |
CSCTRDORetriever | Retrieve all SCT_RDORawData information (SCT raw hits) |
CSegmentRetriever | Retrieves all Trk::SegmentCollection objects |
CServerThreadArguments_t | |
CSiClusterRetriever | Retrieves all InDet::SiCluster objects |
CSiSpacePointRetriever | Retrieves all InDet::SpacePoint data for Pixel and SCT |
CsTgcPrepDataRetriever | |
CStreams_t | |
CStreamToFileTool | Stream JiveXML event information into a file |
CStreamToServerTool | Stream event to an IServerSvc, which typically is a network server run from and controlled by the Athena application |
CTauJetRetriever | Retrieves all TauJet objects |
CTgcPrepDataRetriever | |
CThreadCollection | This class handles a collection of threads |
CTrackParticleRetriever | Retrieves all TrackParticle (AOD) Collection objects This is a chopped version of the full (RDO/ESD) Trk::Track retriever TrigJiveXML/TrackRetriever |
CTrackRetriever | Retrieves all Trk::TrackCollection objects |
CTrigEMClusterRetriever | |
CTriggerInfoRetriever | |
CTrigMuonROIRetriever | |
CTrigRpcDataRetriever | |
CTrigSiSpacePointRetriever | |
CTRTRetriever | Retrieves all InDet::TRT_DriftCircle objects |
CTruthMuonTrackRetriever | Retrieves the muons information from the TrackRecordCollection |
CTruthParticleRetriever | |
CTruthTrackRetriever | Retrieves the McEventCollection or the TrackRecordCollection in simulated cosmics |
CVertexRetriever | Retrieves all Trk::VxCandidate objects |
CxAODCaloClusterRetriever | Retrieves all Calo Cluster objects |
CxAODElectronRetriever | Retrieves all Electron objects (ElectronAODCollection etc.) |
CxAODEmTauROIRetriever | |
CxAODJetRetriever | Retrieves all Jet objects (JetAODCollection etc.) |
CxAODJetROIRetriever | |
CxAODMissingETRetriever | Retrieves all MissingET objects (MissingETAODCollection etc.) |
CxAODMuonRetriever | Retrieves all Muon objects (MuonAODCollection etc.) |
CxAODMuonROIRetriever | |
CxAODPhotonRetriever | Retrieves all Photon objects (PhotonAODCollection etc.) |
CxAODTauRetriever | Retrieves all Tau objects (TauAODCollection etc.) |
CxAODTrackParticleRetriever | Retrieves all TrackParticle objects (TrackParticleAODCollection etc.) |
CxAODTrigDecisionRetriever | |
CxAODTriggerTowerRetriever | Retrieves TriggerTower xAOD objects |
CxAODVertexRetriever | Retrieves all Vertex objects (VertexAODCollection etc.) |
CXMLFormatTool | Writes data stored in a DataMap into an XML stream in the format required by the Atlantis event display |
►NJobBrowser | |
CJobBrowser | |
►NJobDetails | |
CJobDetails | |
►NJobOptCfg | |
CVTuneProfilerService | |
►NjobOption | |
CMyParticleSampler | |
CPtEtaHistParticleSampler | |
►NJTC | |
CHole | |
CRegion | |
►NL0Muon | |
CL0MuonSmearingAlg | |
CL0MuonTrack | |
CTruthTrackSmearer | |
►NL1CaloDumpRampDataAlgorithm | |
CL1CaloDumpRampDataAlgorithm | |
►NL1JetMonitoringConfig | |
CL1JetMonAlg | |
►Nl1MenuGraph | |
CAlgData | |
►NL1MUINT | Dedicated namespace for the MuCTPI output class(es) |
CMuCTPIToRoIBSLink | MuCTPI input class to the RoIB simulation |
►NL1Topo | |
CFibre | Represents the L1Topo fibre word of the L1Topo DAQ header, with decoder and encoder |
CHeader | Represents the L1Topo header word of the L1Topo DAQ data, with decoder and encoder |
CL1TopoFPGA | |
CL1TopoResult | |
CL1TopoROD | |
CL1TopoTOB | Represents the L1Topo TOB word of the L1Topo ROI data, with decode and encoder |
CModuleID | Represents the L1Topo module ID, with decoder and encoder |
CStatus | Represents the L1Topo status word of the L1Topo DAQ header, with decoder and encoder |
►NLAr | |
CLArVolumeBuilder | |
►NLArBadChanImpl | A helper class that provides iterators over elements in two separate ordered containers as if the elements were merged in a single container and sorted, but without any CPU overhead |
Ccombined_ordered_container | |
Ccombined_ordered_iterator | |
CDummyMerger | |
►NLArCellBinning | |
CLArCellBinningScheme | |
►NLArCellBinning_test | |
CCreateDataAlg | |
►NLArCellNtuple | |
CCellE | |
►NLArG4 | |
►NBarrel | |
CCalcData | |
CCalibrationCalculator | |
CGeometry | |
►NBarrelCryostat | |
CCalibrationCalculator | |
CCalibrationLArCalculator | |
CCalibrationMixedCalculator | |
CCopyNumberInfo_t | |
CIdentifierInfo_t | |
CRegionInfo_t | |
CVolumeInfo_t | |
►NBarrelPresampler | |
CCalcData | |
CCalibrationCalculator | |
CGeometry | |
►Ndetail | |
CSDWrapper | A template class which wraps multiple sensitive detectors |
►NDM | |
CCalibrationCalculator | |
►NEC | |
CCalibrationCalculator | |
►CEnergyCalculator | |
CFold_Efield_Map | |
CFoldArea | |
Cgeometry_t | |
CWheel_Efield_Map | |
CWheelGeometry | |
CHVHelper | |
CHVHelperV00 | |
CHVHelperV02 | |
CPresamplerCalibrationCalculator | |
CPresamplerGeometry | |
►NEndcapCryostat | |
CCalibrationCalculator | |
CCalibrationLArCalculator | |
CCalibrationMixedCalculator | |
►NFCAL | |
CLArFCALCalibCalculatorBase | |
►NHEC | |
CHECGeometry | |
CIHECGeometry | |
CILocalGeometry | |
CLArHECCalibrationWheelCalculator | |
CLocalCalibrationCalculator | |
CLocalGeometry | |
CActiveSDTool | Sensitive detector tool which manages activate-area LAr calib SDs |
CCalibrationDefaultCalculator | |
CCalibrationHit | |
►CCalibrationHitMerger | Athena Algorithm that merges a given set of CaloCalibrationHitContainers into a single CaloCalibrationHitContainers - based on CollectionMerger by Elmar Ritsch |
CLessHit | |
CCalibSDTool | A base class for tools that manage LArG4CalibSDs |
CDeadSDTool | |
CEMBSDTool | SD tool which manages EM barrel sensitive detectors |
CEMECSDTool | SD tool which manages EM endcap sensitive detectors |
CEMECSupportCalibrationCalculator | |
CFCALSDTool | SD tool which manages the LAr forward calo sensitive detectors |
CH62004ActiveSDTool | Tool for constructing H62004 calib SDs for active material |
CH62004CalibSDTool | Tool base class for LAr H6 2004 calibration SD tools |
CH62004DeadSDTool | Tool for constructing H62004 calib SDs for dead material |
CH62004EMECSDTool | Tool for constructing H62004 SDs for EMEC |
CH62004FCALSDTool | Tool for constructing H62004 SDs for FCAL |
CH62004HECSDTool | Tool for constructing H62004 SDs for HEC |
CH62004InactiveSDTool | Tool for constructing H62004 calib SDs for inactive material |
CH62004SimpleSDTool | Tool base class for LAr H6 2004 simple SD tools |
CHECSDTool | SD tool which manages the LAr hadronic endcap sensitive detectors |
CIECPresamplerGeometry | |
CInactiveSDTool | Sensitive detector tool which manages inactive-area LAr calib SDs |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook | |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook_WheelCalc | |
CSimpleSDTool | A base class for tools that manage LArG4SimpleSDs |
►NLArG4PlottingScript | |
CPlotEntry | |
CRestrictEntry | |
CRootFile | |
►NLArG4ShowerLibFunctions | |
CEtaEnergyShowerLib | |
CFCALDistEtaShowerLib | |
CFCALDistShowerLib | |
CFourVector | |
CStoredEnergyShower | |
CStoredTestShower | |
CTestShowerLib | |
►NLArGeo | |
CBarrelConstruction | |
CBarrelCryostatConstruction | Builds GeoModel description of the LAr Electromagnetic Barrel. Descriptions of the presampler and dead material in the crack region are implemented in separate classes |
CBarrelPresamplerConstruction | GeoModel description of the LAr Barrel Presampler |
CCryostatConstructionTBEC | |
►CEMECAccordionConstruction | Class for construction of EMEC internal structure |
CCutPlane | |
CEMECConstruction | GeoModel description of the LAr EMEC envelope and the active part (custom shapes) |
CEMECModuleConstruction | |
CEMECSupportConstruction | GeoModel description of the EMEC Support Structures |
CEndcapCryostatConstruction | Description of the LAr End Cap cryostat, including MBTS description |
CEndcapDMConstruction | |
CFCALConstruction | |
CHEC2WheelConstruction | GeoModel description of LAr HEC |
CHECClampConstruction | |
CHECModuleConstruction | GeoModel description of LAr HECModule |
CHECWheelConstruction | |
CLArDetectorConstructionTBEC | |
CLArDetectorFactory | LArDetectorFactory builds GeoModel description of LAr calorimeter by calling relevant 'Construction' classes (Barrel, Endcap). It also builds readout geometry description using LArReadoutGeometry objects |
CLArDetectorFactoryLite | LArDetectorFactoryLite is invoked by the LArDetectorTool when the GeoModel description of LAr calorimeter is built from the SQLite database relevant 'Construction' classes (Barrel, Endcap). It also builds readout geometry |
CLArDetectorFactoryTBEC | |
CRAL | |
►CRALEmb | |
CClockwork | |
►CRALEmec | |
CClockwork | |
►CRALExperimentalHall | |
CClockwork | |
►CRALHec | |
CClockwork | |
CTBBarrelCryostatConstruction | |
CVDetectorParameters | |
►NLArHVGainsPredictor | |
CGainPredictor | |
COracleGainReader | |
►NLArHVMapDbFiller | |
CLArHVMapDbFiller | |
CLArHVMapDbFillerError | |
►NLArSamples | |
CAbsLArCells | A base class for accessing ntuple data |
CAbsShape | |
CAbsShapeErrorGetter | |
CAccessor | A base class for accessing ntuple data |
CAverager | Storage of the time histories of all the cells |
CCellInfo | |
CChannelSpec | |
CChi2Calc | |
CClassCounts | |
CCombinedShapeErrorGetter | |
CD3PDConverter | Storage of the time histories of all the cells |
CData | |
CDataContainer | |
CDataFunc | |
CDataFuncArgs | |
CDataFuncSet | |
CDataStore | Storage of the time histories of all the cells |
CDataTweaker | |
CDefinitions | |
CDigitMonitor | Storage of the time histories of all the cells |
CEventData | |
CFilterList | |
CFilterParams | |
CFitMonitor | Storage of the time histories of all the cells |
CFuncCut | |
CGeo | |
CGraphPoint | |
CGraphShape | |
CHistory | |
CHistoryContainer | |
CHistoryIterator | Storage of the time histories of all the cells |
CId | |
CIndexRange | Storage of the time histories of all the cells |
CInterface | |
CLArCellsEmptyMonitoring | |
CMonitorBase | |
CMultiTreeAccessor | |
COccupancyMonitor | Storage of the time histories of all the cells |
COFC | |
CPersistentAccessor | |
CResidual | Storage of a pulse shape residual set |
CResidualCalculator | |
CResidualCompare | |
CResiduals | |
CRoIPosition | |
CRunData | |
CScaledErrorData | |
CScaledShiftedShape | |
CShapeDrawer | |
CShapeErrorData | |
CShapeFitter | |
CShapeInfo | |
CSimpleShape | |
CSplitter | Tools so split an ntuple into smaller bits |
CTimingClass | |
CTimingMonitor | Storage of the time histories of all the cells |
CTreeAccessor | |
CTreeShapeErrorGetter | |
CUniformShapeErrorGetter | |
►NLArSimEvent | |
Ctmp | |
►NLArWheelCalculator_Impl | |
CDistanceCalculatorFactory | |
CDistanceCalculatorSaggingOff | Implements details of distance calculation to parts of the LAr endcap without sagging corrections |
CDistanceCalculatorSaggingOn | Implements details of distance calculation to parts of the LAr endcap with sagging taken into account |
CDistanceToTheNeutralFibre_OfFan | |
CDistanceToTheNeutralFibre_OfFan< SaggingOff_t > | |
CDistanceToTheNeutralFibre_OfFan< SaggingOn_t > | |
CDoSearch | |
CDoSearch< BACKWARD > | |
CDoSearch< FORWARD > | |
CFanCalculatorFactory | A factory for FanCalculators |
CIDistanceCalculator | |
CIFanCalculator | |
CModuleFanCalculator | This is an interface of distance calculation to parts of the LAr endcap |
CSaggingOff_t | |
CSaggingOn_t | |
CStepFan | |
CStepFan< SaggingOff_t, dir > | |
CStepFan< SaggingOn_t, BACKWARD > | |
CStepFan< SaggingOn_t, FORWARD > | |
CWheelFanCalculator | LAr wheel fan calculator, templated for sagging settings |
►NLHEFilter | |
CBaseLHEFilter | |
CLHEFilters | |
►NLHEFilter_LeadingTopPt | |
CLHEFilter_LeadingTopPt | |
►NLHEFilter_MET | |
CLHEFilter_MET | |
►NLHEFilter_NFinalQuarks | |
CLHEFilter_NFinalQuarks | |
►NLHEFilter_NLeptons | |
CLHEFilter_NLeptons | |
►NLHETools | |
CEvent | |
CEventInfo | |
CParticle | |
CRecord | |
►NLikeEnum | |
CLHAcceptVars_t | |
CLHCalcVars_t | |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook | |
►NLikeEnumForward | |
CLHAcceptVars_t | |
CLHCalcVars_t | |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook | |
►NLogicalExpressionFilter | |
CLogicalExpressionFilter | |
►NlogParser | |
Cbcolors | |
►NLumiBlockTPCnvDict | |
Ctmp | |
►NLVL1 | EFexTowerBuilder creates xAOD::eFexTowerContainer from supercells (LATOME) and triggerTowers (TREX) inputs |
►NMuCTPIBits | |
CCandidate | |
CMultiplicity | |
CSlice | |
CTimesliceHeader | |
CTopoTOB | |
CBcmCTP | BCM input class to the CTP simulation |
CBinAndCoord | Used to pass data between the methods of the Key Classes: Returns the Eta and Phi bins, and the centre of the bins |
CBptxCTP | BPTX input class to the CTP simulation |
CChannelCoordinate | Holds eta/phi coordinates corresponding to a crate/module channel |
CClusterProcessorModuleKey | The ClusterProcessorModuleKey object provides the key for each trigger tower depending on its eta-phi coords |
CCMMCPHits | Summary of CP (EM/tau) hits received by the merger modules |
CCMMEtSums | CMMEtSums object stores Et sums from the Energy CMMs |
CCMMJetHits | CMMJetHits class stores Jet hit multiplicities received by and read out from the Jet CMMs |
CCMMRoI | CMM RoI data |
CCMXCPHits | Summary of CP (EM/tau) hits produced by the merger modules |
CCMXCPTob | TOB data received by the merger modules |
CCMXEtSums | CMXEtSums object stores Et sums from the Energy CMXs |
CCMXJetHits | Summary of JEP (Jet) hits produced by the merger modules |
CCMXJetTob | TOB data received by the merger modules |
CCMXRoI | CMX RoI data |
CControlHistSvc | |
CCoordinate | Coordinate class declaration |
CCoordinateRange | CoordinateRange class declaration |
CCoordToHardware | Returns the trigger hardware components associated with a given Coordinate |
CCPBSCollection | Cluster Processor container for writing bytestream |
CCPBSCollectionV1 | Cluster Processor container for writing bytestream |
CCPBSCollectionV2 | Cluster Processor container for writing bytestream |
CCPCMX | The algorithm responsible for simulating the Em/tau calo trigger |
CCPCMXTopoData | |
CCPMCMXData | The CPMCMXData object contains the data transferred from the CPM to one of the CMXes (EM or Tau) in the crate |
CCPMHits | The CPMHits object contains the hit data produced by a given Cluster Processor Module, i.e |
CCpmMappingTool | CPM crate/module/channel to eta/phi/layer mappings |
CCPMRoI | CPM RoI data |
CCPMSim | The algorithm responsible for simulating the Em/tau calo trigger |
CCPMTobAlgorithm | This is an internal class, used in the EM/Tau trigger |
CCPMTobRoI | CPM RoI data |
CCPMTower | TriggerTower information received by the Cluster Processor Modules |
CCPRoIDecoder | A level 1 calorimeter trigger conversion service: returns the Coordinate represented by a RoI word |
CCPTopoTOB | CP TOB data for L1Topo |
CCrateEnergy | CrateEnergy class declaration Simulates behaviour of the Crate-CMM System CMM logic is done in EnergyTrigger |
CDataError | Error data |
CeFakeTower | Load Et of the test vector |
CeFEXCompression | LAr supercell data are received by the eFEX in a 10-bit multi-linear encoded form |
CeFEXDriver | |
CeFEXegAlgo | Calculates the egamma TOB variables: Reta, Rhad and Wstot |
CeFEXegTOB | |
CEFexEMAlgorithm | |
►CEFexEMClusterTool | |
CAlgResult | |
CEFexEMEnergyWeightedClusterTool | |
CeFEXFillEDM | Defines how to fill eFEX EDM |
CeFEXFormTOBs | Functions for creating TOBs for eFEX objects |
CeFEXFPGA | Defines the structure of a single eFEX FPGA Its purpose is: |
►CeFEXFPGATowerIdProvider | Provide tower-FPGA mapping Load information stored in a .csv file and provide the IDs of all towers in an FPGA or an eFEX module |
Ctowerinfo | Sturcture defines the id, eta and phi position of a tower |
CeFexInputProvider | |
CeFEXNtupleWriter | |
CeFEXOutputCollection | |
CeFEXSim | Defines the structure of a single eFEX Its purpose is: |
►CeFEXSuperCellTowerIdProvider | Provide Supercell-tower mapping Load information stored in a .csv file and provide information needed to connect the SuperCells to its corresponding tower |
Ctowerinfo | Sturcture stores mapping information of a SuperCell |
CeFEXSysSim | Defines the structure of the eFEX system Its purpose is: |
CeFEXtauAlgo | Calculates the tau TOB variables |
CeFEXtauAlgoBase | The eFEXtauBDTAlgo class calculates the tau BDT TOB variables |
CEFexTauAlgorithm | |
CeFEXtauBDT | Calculates the tau TOB variables |
CeFEXtauBDTAlgo | Calculates the tau BDT TOB variables |
CeFEXtauTOB | |
CeFexTOBDecorator | |
CeFEXTOBEtTool | Utility for recalculating the jet discriminant ("isolation") quantities that are not read out as part of the (x)TOB data Its purpose is: |
CeFexTOBSuperCellDecorator | |
CeFexTowerBuilder | |
CEmTauCTP | Em/Tau input class to the CTP simulation |
CEMTauInputProvider | |
CEmTauROI | This class defines the em/tau hadron ROI which are generated by the LVL1 Calo Trigger |
CEnergyCMX | This class simulates the missing ET and total ET triggers |
CEnergyCMXData | The EnergyCMXData object contains the data transferred from the JEM to the EnergySum CMX in the crate |
CEnergyCTP | "Energy" input class to the CTP simulation |
CEnergyInputProvider | |
CEnergyRoI | This class defines the Energy ROI which is generated by the Energy Trigger |
CEnergyTopoData | This class defines the Ex/Ey/ET data transferred from the EnergySum CMX to the L1Topo processors |
CeSuperCellTowerMapper | |
CeTower | Interface object for eFEX trigger algorithms The purposes are twofold: |
CeTowerBuilder | |
CeTowerContainer | |
CeTowerMakerFromEfexTowers | |
CeTowerMakerFromSuperCells | |
CFEXAlgoSpaceDefs | Defines the size of a single jFEX algorithm window, for use in jFEXFPGA |
CFrontPanelCTP | Front panel input class to the CTP simulation |
CGBlockBuilder | |
CgFEXaltMetAlgo | |
CgFEXCompression | LAr supercell data are received by the gFEX in a 10-bit multi-linear encoded form |
CgFEXCondAlgo | |
CgFEXDBCondData | |
CgFEXDriver | |
CgFexInputProvider | |
CgFEXJetAlgo | |
CgFEXJetTOB | The gFEXJetTOB.h class stores the energy, the eta, phi coordinate, the status and the type (gRho, gBlock, gJet) of the gFEX Jet TOBs |
CgFEXJwoJAlgo | |
CgFEXNtupleWriter | |
CgFEXOutputCollection | |
CgFEXSim | Defines the structure of the gFEX Its purpose is: |
CgFEXSysSim | Defines the structure of the gFEX system Its purpose is: |
CgFexTower2SCellDecorator | |
CgSuperCellTowerMapper | |
CgTower | Interface object for gFEX trigger algorithms The purposes are twofold: |
CgTowerBuilder | |
CgTowerContainer | |
CgTowerMakerFromGfexTowers | |
CGTowerMappingDataCondAlg | |
CGTowerRhoSubtractionAlg | |
CGTowersFromGCaloTowers | |
CIControlHistSvc | |
CICoordinate | Used by Key Classes, returns and integer coorginate for the bin Eta-Phi |
CIeFakeTower | |
CIeFEXegAlgo | |
CIeFEXFormTOBs | |
CIeFEXFPGATowerIdProvider | |
CIeFEXSim | |
CIeFEXSuperCellTowerIdProvider | |
CIeFEXSysSim | |
CIeFEXtauAlgo | |
CIeSuperCellTowerMapper | |
CIeTowerBuilder | |
CIgFEXaltMetAlgo | |
CIgFEXJetAlgo | |
CIgFEXJwoJAlgo | |
CIgFEXSim | |
CIgFEXSysSim | |
CIgSuperCellTowerMapper | |
CIgTowerBuilder | |
CIInputTOBConverter | Interface for tools to convert any input to TOBs for topo steering |
CIjFEXFormTOBs | |
CIjFEXForwardElecAlgo | |
CIjFEXForwardJetsAlgo | |
CIjFEXLargeRJetAlgo | |
CIjFEXmetAlgo | |
CIjFEXPileupAndNoise | |
CIjFEXSim | |
CIjFEXSmallRJetAlgo | |
CIjFEXsumETAlgo | |
CIjFEXSysSim | |
CIjFEXtauAlgo | |
CIjSuperCellTowerMapper | |
CIjTowerBuilder | |
CIL1CaloCells2TriggerTowers | |
CIL1CaloFcal23Cells2RxMappingTool | |
CIL1CaloLArTowerEnergy | |
CIL1CaloMappingTool | |
CIL1CaloMatchCell2Tower | |
CIL1CaloMonitoringCaloTool | |
CIL1CaloOfflineTriggerTowerTools | |
CIL1CaloTTIdTools | |
CIL1CaloxAODOfflineTriggerTowerTools | |
CIL1CPCMXTools | |
CIL1CPHitsTools | |
CIL1CPMTools | |
CIL1CPMTowerTools | |
CIL1DatabaseOverrideTool | |
CIL1DynamicPedestalProvider | |
CIL1EnergyCMXTools | |
CIL1EtTools | |
CIL1JEMJetTools | |
CIL1JEPEtSumsTools | |
CIL1JetCMXTools | |
CIL1JetElementTools | |
CIL1TriggerTowerTool | |
CIL1TriggerTowerToolRun3 | |
CInternalTriggerTower | A version of the TriggerTower that contains information that would not be availiable during datataking |
CITrigT1CaloMonErrorTool | Interface definition for TrigT1CaloMonErrorTool |
CITrigT1MuonRecRoiTool | |
CITrigThresholdDecisionTool | |
CJEMEnergySim | This class simulates the missing ET and total ET triggers |
CJEMEtSums | |
CJEMHits | |
CJEMJetAlgorithm | This is an internal class, used in the jet trigger |
CJEMJetSim | The algorithm responsible for simulating the Jet trigger |
CJemMappingTool | JEM crate/module/channel to eta/phi/layer mappings |
CJEMRoI | JEM RoI data |
CJEMTobRoI | JEM RoI data |
CJEPBSCollection | Jet/Energy Processor container for writing bytestream |
CJEPBSCollectionV1 | Jet/Energy Processor container for writing bytestream pre-LS1 |
CJEPBSCollectionV2 | Jet/Energy Processor container for writing bytestream post-LS1 |
CJEPRoIBSCollection | Jet/Energy Processor RoI container for writing bytestream |
CJEPRoIBSCollectionV1 | Jet/Energy Processor RoI container for writing bytestream pre-LS1 |
CJEPRoIBSCollectionV2 | Jet/Energy Processor RoI container for writing bytestream post-LS1 |
CJEPRoIDecoder | A level 1 calorimeter trigger conversion service: returns the Coordinate represented by a RoI word |
CJetCMX | The algorithm responsible for simulating the Em/tau calo trigger |
CJetCMXData | The JetCMXData object contains the data transferred from the CPM to one of the Jet CMX in the crate |
CJetCMXTopoData | |
CJetCTP | This class defines the em/tau hadron ROI which are generated by the LVL1 Calo Trigger |
CJetElement | Jet elements are the inputs to the Jet, ETmiss and ETsum triggers |
CJetElementKey | The JetElementKey object provides the key for each JetElement depending on its eta,phi coords (JetElementKey differs from JetInputKey in that ElementKey has 0.4 FCAL granularity, while InputKey has 0.2 FCAL granularity) |
CJetElementKeyBase | The JetElementKeyBase object provides the key for each JetElement or JetInput depending on its eta,phi coords |
CJetEnergyModuleKey | The JetEnergyModuleKey object provides the key for each trigger tower depending on its eta-phi coords |
CJetEtRoI | This class defines the ROI which is generated by the Jet ET sum Trigger |
CJetEtRoIDecoder | A level 1 calorimeter trigger conversion service: returns the Coordinate represented by a RoI word |
CJetInput | A minimal version of JetElement, containing only eta, phi, ET and a JetInputKey, ie the bare information needed to execute the Jet trigger algorithm |
CJetInputKey | The JetInputKey object provides the key for each JetElement depending on its eta,phi coords (JetElementKey differs from JetInputKey in that ElementKey has 0.4 FCAL granularity, while InputKey has 0.2 FCAL granularity) |
CJetInputProvider | |
CJetROI | This class defines the Jet ROIs which are generated by the LVL1 Calo Trigger |
CJetTopoTOB | Jet TOB data for L1Topo |
CjFEXCompression | LAr supercell data are received by the jFEX in a 10-bit multi-linear encoded form |
CjFEXCondAlgo | |
CjFEXDBCondData | |
CjFEXDriver | |
CjFexEmulatedTowers | |
CjFEXFormTOBs | |
CjFEXForwardElecAlgo | |
CjFEXForwardElecInfo | |
CjFEXForwardElecTOB | |
CjFEXForwardJetsAlgo | |
CjFEXForwardJetsInfo | |
CjFEXFPGA | Defines the structure of a single jFEX FPGA Its purpose is: |
CjFexInputProvider | |
CjFEXLargeRJetAlgo | |
CjFEXmetAlgo | |
CjFEXNtupleWriter | |
CjFEXOutputCollection | |
CjFEXPileupAndNoise | |
CjFEXSim | Defines the structure of a single jFEX Its purpose is: |
CjFEXSmallRJetAlgo | |
CjFEXsumETAlgo | |
CjFEXSysSim | Defines the structure of the jFEX system Its purpose is: |
►CjFEXtauAlgo | |
Ccolor | |
CjFexTower2SCellDecorator | |
CJGTowerBuilder | |
CJGTowerHelper | |
CJGTowerMappingDataCondAlgBase | |
CJGTowerNoiseAlg | |
CjSuperCellTowerMapper | |
CjTower | Interface object for jFEX trigger algorithms The purposes are twofold: |
CjTowerBuilder | |
CjTowerContainer | |
CjTowerMakerFromJfexTowers | |
CjTowerMakerFromSuperCells | |
CJTowerMappingDataCondAlg | |
►CJTowerRhoSubtractionAlg | |
CJFEXBins | |
CKeyUtilities | The KeyUtilities object provides the key for each trigger tower depending on its eta,phi coords |
CL1CaloCells2TriggerTowers | |
CL1CaloFcal23Cells2RxMappingTool | |
CL1CaloLArTowerEnergy | |
CL1CaloMatchCell2Tower | |
CL1CaloMonitoringCaloTool | |
CL1CaloOfflineTriggerTowerTools | |
CL1CaloTriggerTowerDecoratorAlg | |
CL1CaloTTIdTools | |
CL1CaloxAODOfflineTriggerTowerTools | |
CL1CPCMXTools | |
CL1CPHitsTools | |
CL1CPMTools | |
CL1CPMTowerTools | |
CL1DatabaseOverrideForDataTool | |
CL1DynamicPedestalProviderRoot | Tool to retrieve dynamic pedestal values from externally provided ROOT files |
►CL1DynamicPedestalProviderTxt | Tool to retrieve dynamic pedestal values from a text file |
CParamFunc | |
CL1EnergyCMXTools | |
CL1EtTools | |
CL1JEMJetTools | |
CL1JEPEtSumsTools | |
CL1JetCMXTools | |
CL1JetElementTools | |
CL1METvalue | L1METvalue encoding is used for transmission of ET/Ex/Ey sums from JEM to CMM |
CL1NonlinearLutDatabaseOverrideTool | |
CL1TopoDataMaker | |
CL1TopoSimulation | |
CL1TriggerTowerTool | |
CL1TriggerTowerToolRun3 | |
CLArTTL1Overlay | |
CMbtsCTP | MBTS input class to the CTP simulation |
CMETJWoJPerfFex | |
CMETNoiseCutPerfFex | |
CMETPerfFexBase | |
CModuleEnergy | This is an internal class, used in the Energy trigger |
CMuCTPICTP | MuCTPI input class to the CTP simulation |
CMuCTPIL1Topo | MuCTPI input class to the L1Topo simulation |
CMuCTPIL1TopoCandidate | MuCTPI input class to the L1Topo simulation |
CMuonInputProvider | |
CNimCTP | This class defines the NIM items |
CParamFuncExp | |
CParamFuncPol2 | |
CParseException | |
CPeriodicScaler | |
CPeriodicScalerTake1st | |
CPhiRange | Range class declaration |
CPpmCoolMappingTool | PPM crate/module/channel to eta/phi/layer mappings |
CPpmMappingTool | PPM crate/module/channel to eta/phi/layer mappings |
CQuadLinear | QuadLinear encoding is used for transmission of ET/Ex/Ey sums from JEM to CMM |
CRange | Range class declaration |
CRecEmTauRoI | This class defines the reconstructed em/tau hadron ROI |
CRecEnergyRoI | This class defines the reconstructed EnergySum ROI |
CRecJetEtRoI | This class defines the reconstructed jetEt ROI |
CRecJetRoI | This class defines the reconstructed em/tau hadron ROI |
CRecMuonRoI | This class defines the reconstructed Muon ROI |
CRecRoI | This is the base class for "reconstructed" or "recreated RoIs" formed from slink words out by Lvl1 |
CRODHeader | ROD Header data and status words |
CRoiB2TopoInputDataCnv | |
CRoIDecoder | A level 1 calorimeter trigger conversion service: returns the Coordinate represented by a RoI word |
CRoIFormatUpdater | Tool for changing the format of RoI words |
CRoIROD | The RoIROD Athena Algorithm takes the output from the LVL1 Calo Trigger simulations and produces the words, as would be produced by the hardware ReadOut Drivers (RODs); i.e |
CRun2CPMTowerMaker | Takes Trigger Towers from the TES and forms CPMTowers, which it then places back into the TES |
CRun2JetElementMaker | Takes Trigger Towers from the TES and forms JetElements, which it then places back into the TES |
CRun2TriggerTowerMaker | |
CSCEmulation | |
CSystemEnergy | SystemEnergy class declaration Simulates behaviour of the Crate-CMM System CMM logic is done in EnergyTrigger |
CTileTTL1Overlay | |
CTriggerTower | Trigger towers are the inputs to all other parts of the calorimeter trigger |
CTriggerTowerKey | The TriggerTowerKey object provides the key for each trigger tower depending on its eta-phi coords |
CTrigT1CaloDefs | |
CTrigT1CaloMonErrorTool | Tool to retrieve ROB status and ROD unpacking errors from StoreGate |
CTrigT1CaloMonErrorToolV1 | Tool to retrieve ROB status and ROD unpacking errors from StoreGate |
CTrigT1MBTS | |
CTrigT1MuonRecRoiData | |
CTrigT1RPCRecRoiTool | |
CTrigT1Run3ZDC | Level 1 ZDC trigger simulation |
CTrigT1TGCRecRoiTool | |
CTrigT1TRT | Level 1 TRT trigger simulation |
CTrigT1ZDC | Level 1 ZDC trigger simulation |
►CTrigThresholdDecisionTool | |
CRPCFlagDecision | |
CTGCFlagDecision | |
CTrtCTP | TRT input class to the CTP simulation |
CZdcCTP | ZDC input class to the CTP simulation |
►NLVL1BS | |
CBitField | |
CCaloUserHeader | L1Calo User Header class |
CCmmCpSubBlock | Sub-Block class for CMM-CP data |
CCmmEnergySubBlock | Sub-Block class for CMM-Energy data |
CCmmJetSubBlock | Sub-Block class for CMM-Jet data |
CCmmSubBlock | Sub-Block class for CMM data |
CCmxCpHitsByteStreamAuxCnv | ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers |
CCmxCpHitsByteStreamxAODCnv | ByteStream converter for CmxTob |
CCmxCpSubBlock | Sub-Block class for CMX-CP data post LS1 |
CCmxCpTobByteStreamAuxCnv | ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers |
CCmxCpTobByteStreamxAODCnv | ByteStream converter for CmxTob |
CCmxEnergySubBlock | Sub-Block class for CMX-Energy data post LS1 |
CCmxEtSumsByteStreamAuxCnv | ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers |
CCmxEtSumsByteStreamxAODCnv | ByteStream converter for CmxTob |
CCmxJetHitsByteStreamAuxCnv | ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers |
CCmxJetHitsByteStreamxAODCnv | ByteStream converter for CmxTob |
CCmxJetSubBlock | Sub-Block class for CMX-Jet data post LS1 |
CCmxJetTobByteStreamAuxCnv | ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers |
CCmxJetTobByteStreamxAODCnv | ByteStream converter for CmxTob |
CCmxRoIByteStreamAuxCnv | ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers |
CCmxRoIByteStreamxAODCnv | ByteStream converter for CmxTob |
CCmxSubBlock | Sub-Block class for CMX data post LS1 |
CCpByteStreamCnv | ByteStream converter for CP container |
►CCpByteStreamTool | Tool to perform ROB fragments to CPM towers, CPM hits and CMM-CP hits, and CP container to raw data conversions |
CCmmHitsData | |
CCpByteStreamToolData | |
CCpmHitsData | |
CCpmTowerData | |
CLocalData | |
CCpByteStreamV1Cnv | ByteStream converter for CP container |
►CCpByteStreamV1Tool | Tool to perform ROB fragments to CPM towers, CPM hits and CMM-CP hits, and CP container to raw data conversions |
CCmmHitsData | |
CCpByteStreamToolData | |
CCpmHitsData | |
CCpmTowerData | |
CLocalData | |
CCpByteStreamV2Cnv | ByteStream converter for CP container post LS1 |
►CCpByteStreamV2Tool | Tool to perform ROB fragments to CPM towers, CMX-CP TOBs and CMX-CP hits, and CP container to raw data conversions |
CCmxCpHitsData | |
CCmxCpTobData | |
CCpByteStreamToolData | |
CCpmTowerData | |
CLocalData | |
CCpmRoiByteStreamCnv | ByteStream converter for Cluster Processor Module RoIs |
CCpmRoiByteStreamTool | Tool to perform ROB fragments to CPM RoI and CPM RoI to raw data conversions |
CCpmRoiByteStreamV1Cnv | ByteStream converter for Cluster Processor Module RoIs |
CCpmRoiByteStreamV1Tool | Tool to perform ROB fragments to CPM RoI and CPM RoI to raw data conversions |
CCpmRoiByteStreamV2Cnv | ByteStream converter for Cluster Processor Module RoIs post LS1 |
CCpmRoiByteStreamV2Tool | Tool to perform ROB fragments to CPM TOB RoI and CPM TOB RoI to raw data conversions |
CCpmRoiSubBlock | Sub-Block class for CPM RoI data (neutral format) |
CCpmRoiSubBlockV1 | Sub-Block class for CPM RoI data (neutral format) |
CCpmRoiSubBlockV2 | Sub-Block class for CPM RoI data (neutral format) post LS1 |
CCpmSubBlock | Sub-Block class for CPM data |
CCpmSubBlockV1 | Sub-Block class for CPM data |
CCpmSubBlockV2 | Sub-Block class for CPM data post LS1 |
CCpmTobRoiByteStreamAuxCnv | ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers |
CCpmTobRoiByteStreamxAODCnv | ByteStream converter for CmxTob |
CCpmTowerByteStreamAuxCnv | ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers |
CCpmTowerByteStreamxAODCnv | ByteStream converter for CpmTowers |
CCpReadByteStreamV1Cnv | ByteStream converter for CP component containers |
CCpReadByteStreamV1V2Cnv | ByteStream converter for Cluster Processor Module Towers allowing for data containing pre-LS1 or post-LS1 format sub-blocks |
CCpReadByteStreamV2Cnv | ByteStream converter for CP component containers post LS1 |
CITrigT1CaloDataAccess | |
CITrigT1CaloDataAccessV2 | |
CJemEtSumsByteStreamAuxCnv | ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers |
CJemEtSumsByteStreamxAODCnv | ByteStream converter for CmxTob |
CJemJetElement | JEM jet element dataword class |
CJemRoiSubBlock | Sub-Block class for JEM RoI data (neutral format) |
CJemRoiSubBlockV1 | Sub-Block class for JEM RoI data (neutral format) pre-LS1 |
CJemRoiSubBlockV2 | Sub-Block class for JEM RoI data (neutral format) post-LS1 |
CJemSubBlock | Sub-Block class for JEM data |
CJemSubBlockV1 | Sub-Block class for JEM data pre-LS1 |
CJemSubBlockV2 | Sub-Block class for JEM data post LS1 |
CJemTobRoiByteStreamAuxCnv | ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers |
CJemTobRoiByteStreamxAODCnv | ByteStream converter for CmxTob |
CJepByteStreamCnv | ByteStream converter for JEP container |
►CJepByteStreamTool | Tool to perform ROB fragments to jet elements, jet hits and energy sums, and JEP container to raw data conversions |
CCmmHitsData | |
CCmmSumsData | |
CEnergySumsData | |
CJepByteStreamToolData | |
CJetElementData | |
CJetHitsData | |
CLocalData | |
CJepByteStreamV1Cnv | ByteStream converter for JEP container |
►CJepByteStreamV1Tool | Tool to perform ROB fragments to jet elements, jet hits and energy sums, and JEP container to raw data conversions |
CCmmHitsData | |
CCmmSumsData | |
CEnergySumsData | |
CJepByteStreamToolData | |
CJetElementData | |
CJetHitsData | |
CLocalData | |
CJepByteStreamV2Cnv | ByteStream converter for JEP container post LS1 |
►CJepByteStreamV2Tool | Tool to perform ROB fragments to jet elements, jet hits and energy sums, and JEP container to raw data conversions |
CCmxHitsData | |
CCmxSumsData | |
CCmxTobData | |
CEnergySumsData | |
CJepByteStreamToolData | |
CJetElementData | |
CLocalData | |
CJepReadByteStreamV1Cnv | ByteStream converter for JEP component containers |
CJepReadByteStreamV1V2Cnv | ByteStream converter for JEP component containers which are unchanged post-LS1 |
CJepReadByteStreamV2Cnv | ByteStream converter for JEP component containers post LS1 |
CJepRoiByteStreamCnv | ByteStream converter for JEP RoI container |
CJepRoiByteStreamTool | Tool to perform ROB fragments to JEM RoI and CMM RoI, and JEP RoI container to raw data conversions |
CJepRoiByteStreamV1Cnv | ByteStream converter for JEP RoI container |
CJepRoiByteStreamV1Tool | Tool to perform ROB fragments to JEM RoI and CMM RoI, and JEP RoI container to raw data conversions |
CJepRoiByteStreamV2Cnv | ByteStream converter for JEP RoI container post LS1 |
CJepRoiByteStreamV2Tool | Tool to perform ROB fragments to JEM RoI and CMX RoI, and JEP RoI container to raw data conversions |
CJepRoiReadByteStreamV1Cnv | ByteStream converter for JEP component containers |
CJepRoiReadByteStreamV2Cnv | ByteStream converter for JEP component containers post LS1 |
CJetElementByteStreamAuxCnv | ByteStream converter for JetElement |
CJetElementByteStreamxAODCnv | ByteStream converter for JetElement |
CL1CaloByteStreamAuxCnv | ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers |
CL1CaloErrorByteStreamCnv | Returns vector of errors detected during data unpacking |
►CL1CaloErrorByteStreamTool | Tool to accumulate ROB/ROD unpacking errors |
CErrorMaps | |
CL1CaloSrcIdMap | This class provides conversion between Lower level Source ID to higher level source ID for L1Calo ByteStream fragments |
CL1CaloSubBlock | L1Calo Sub-Block base class |
CL1CaloUserHeader | L1Calo User Header class |
CL1TopoByteStreamAuxCnv | ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers |
CL1TopoByteStreamxAODCnv | ByteStream converter for CmxTob |
CModifySlices | Utility to modify the number of slices |
CPpmByteStreamAuxCnv | ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers |
►CPpmByteStreamReadV1V2Tool | Tool to perform ROB fragments to trigger towers and trigger towers to raw data conversions |
CBitReader | |
CState | |
CPpmByteStreamV1Cnv | ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers |
►CPpmByteStreamV1Tool | Tool to perform ROB fragments to trigger towers and trigger towers to raw data conversions |
CSlotData | |
CPpmByteStreamxAODCnv | ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers |
CPpmCompressionV1 | PPM Compressed Format Version 1.04 packing and unpacking utilities |
CPpmSubBlockV1 | Sub-Block class for PPM data |
CRodHeaderByteStreamAuxCnv | ByteStream converter for RodHeader |
CRodHeaderByteStreamCnv | ByteStream converter for L1Calo ROD header info |
CRodHeaderByteStreamTool | Tool to perform ROB fragments to ROD Header conversions |
CRodHeaderByteStreamxAODCnv | ByteStream converter for RodHeader |
CSubBlockHeader | L1Calo User Header class |
CSubBlockStatus | L1Calo User Header class |
CTrigT1CaloDataAccessV2 | Tool to retrieve all TriggerTowers from bytestream |
CWordDecoder | |
CZdcModifySlices | Utility to modify the number of slices |
►NLVL1CaloMonitoringConfig | |
CL1CaloMonitorCfgHelper | |
CBunchGroupTrigger | Class for simulating the internal bunch group trigger |
CCTPSimulation | |
CCTPSLink | CTP RoI output |
CCTPTriggerItem | Class storing information helping to make the CTP decision |
CCTPTriggerThreshold | Helper class holding trigger threshold multiplicity |
CCTPUtil | Class grouping useful functions together |
CISpecialTrigger | |
CItemMap | Map associating item name to CTPTriggerItem objects |
CLvl1Item | |
CLvl1Result | |
CLvl1Result_p1 | |
CLvl1Result_p2 | |
CLvl1ResultCnv_p1 | |
CLvl1ResultCnv_p2 | |
CRandomTrigger | |
CResultBuilder | Class used to create the CTP output (RDO, SLink and TriggerInfo) |
CSlinkWord | Simple wrapper around a 32-bit integer |
CThresholdMap | Access to TrigConf::CTPTriggerThreshold by name |
CTrigT1CTPDefs | Class holding common constants for the CTP simulation |
CConfiguration | Header files holding configuration items for the MUCTPI |
CDAQData | |
CL1TopoCoordinates | |
►CL1TopoLUT | |
CL1TopoLUTKey | |
CL1TopoLUTKeyHasher | |
CMUCTPI_AthAlg | |
CMUCTPI_AthTool | |
CMUCTPIResults | |
CMuonSectorProcessor | |
COverlapHelper | |
CSectorNumberConverter | |
CSimController | |
CTriggerProcessor | |
►NLVL1MUONIF | Namespace for the LVL1 muon interface classes |
CLvl1MuBarrelSectorLogicData | Class representing data from a barrel SL board |
CLvl1MuBarrelSectorLogicDataPhase1 | Class representing data from a barrel SL board |
CLvl1MuCTPIInput | Class representing (part of) the input data to the MuCTPI |
CLvl1MuCTPIInputPhase1 | Class representing (part of) the input data to the MuCTPI for Phase 1 |
CLvl1MuEndcapSectorLogicData | Class representing data from an endcap SL board |
CLvl1MuEndcapSectorLogicDataPhase1 | Class representing data from an endcap SL board |
CLvl1MuForwardSectorLogicData | Class representing data from a forward SL board |
CLvl1MuForwardSectorLogicDataPhase1 | Class representing data from an forward SL board |
CLvl1MuSectorLogicData | Base class for the data coming from one SL board |
CLvl1MuSectorLogicDataPhase1 | Base class for the data coming from one SL board |
CBigWheelCoincidenceLUT | |
CBIS78TrigOut | |
CNSWTrigOut | |
CTGCBIS78CoincidenceMap | |
CTGCEIFICoincidenceMap | |
CTGCGoodMF | |
CTGCTileMuCoincidenceLUT | This class stores the LUT for Tile-Muon coincidence of the Run-3 L1Muon Endcap trigger |
►NLVL1TGCTrigger | |
CLVL1TGCTrigger | |
CTGCArguments | |
CTGCBoardConnection | |
CTGCConnectionASDToPP | |
CTGCConnectionHPBToSL | |
CTGCConnectionInPP | |
CTGCConnectionPPToSB | |
CTGCConnectionPPToSL | |
CTGCConnectionSBToHPB | |
CTGCDatabaseManager | |
CTGCDoubletSB | |
CTGCElectronicsSystem | |
CTGCEvent | |
CTGCHighPtBoard | |
CTGCHighPtBoardOut | |
CTGCHighPtChipOut | |
CTGCHitPattern | |
CTGCInnerSB | |
CTGCInnerTrackletSlot | |
CTGCInnerTrackletSlotHolder | |
CTGCNSWCoincidenceMap | |
CTGCOutputModifier | |
CTGCPatchPanel | |
CTGCPatchPanelOut | |
CTGCReadoutIndex | |
CTGCRPhiCoincidenceMatrix | |
CTGCRPhiCoincidenceOut | |
CTGCSector | |
CTGCSectorLogic | |
CTGCSlaveBoard | |
CTGCSlaveBoardOut | |
CTGCSSCController | |
CTGCSSCControllerOut | |
CTGCStripDoubletSB | |
CTGCStripHighPtBoard | |
CTGCStripTripletSB | |
CTGCTimingManager | |
CTGCTrackSelector | |
CTGCTrackSelectorOut | |
CTGCWireDoubletSB | |
CTGCWireHighPtBoard | |
CTGCWireTripletSB | |
►Nlwt | |
►Natlas | Ensure that the extensions for the Vector3D are properly loaded |
CFastGraph | |
CFastInputPreprocessor | |
CFastInputVectorPreprocessor | |
CInputOrder | |
CSourceIndices | |
►NlwtDev | |
CActivationConfig | |
CBiasLayer | |
CBidirectionalLayer | Bidirectional unit /// |
CConcatenateNode | |
CDenseComponents | |
CDummyLayer | |
CDummySource | |
CELU | |
CEmbeddingConfig | |
CEmbeddingLayer | |
CFeedForwardNode | |
CGraph | |
CGraphConfig | |
CGRULayer | |
CGRUState | |
CHighwayLayer | |
CILayer | |
CINode | |
CInput | |
CInputNode | |
CInputNodeConfig | |
CInputPreprocessor | |
CInputSequenceNode | |
CInputVectorPreprocessor | |
CIRecurrentLayer | |
CISequenceNode | |
CISource | |
CJSONConfig | |
CLayerConfig | |
CLeakyReLU | |
CLightweightGraph | |
CLightweightNNException | |
CLSTMLayer | |
CLSTMState | |
CMatrixLayer | |
CMaxoutLayer | |
CNNConfigurationException | |
CNNEvaluationException | |
CNodeConfig | |
CNormalizationLayer | Normalization layer /// https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.03167 /// |
COutputNodeConfig | |
COutputRankException | |
CRecurrentStack | |
CReductionStack | |
CSequenceNode | |
CSoftmaxLayer | |
CStack | |
CSumNode | |
CSwish | |
CTimeDistributedNode | |
CUnaryActivationLayer | |
CVectorSource | |
►NMagField | Local cache for magnetic field (based on MagFieldServices/AtlasFieldSvcTLS.h) |
CAtlasFieldCache | Local cache for magnetic field (based on MagFieldServices/AtlasFieldSvcTLS.h) |
►CAtlasFieldCacheCondAlg | |
CCache | |
CAtlasFieldMap | Map for magnetic field |
►CAtlasFieldMapCondAlg | |
CCache | |
CCondReader | Testing algorithm to read magnetic field |
CForwardRegionFieldSvc | |
CIMagFieldSvc | @ class IMagFieldSvc |
CSolenoidTest | |
►NmakeDTCalibBlob_pickPhase | |
Ccfile | |
ClogFile | |
►NMakeHierTags | |
CMakeHierTags | |
CParser | |
►NmakeHists | |
CgeometryHists | |
►NmakeStrongReductionTests | |
CJESGroup | |
►NMaterialValidation | |
CUsage | |
►NMC | |
CLoops | |
►Nmc | |
CSample | |
►NMCP | |
CCalibContainer | |
CMuonObj | |
CTrackCalibObj | Basic object to cache all relevant information from the track |
►NMcParticleEventDict | |
Ctemp | |
►NMcParticleEventTPCnv_dict | File: McParticleEventTPCnv/McParticleEventTPCnvDict.h Dictionary file for persistent representation(s) of McParticleEvent classes Author: Sebastien Binet binet.nosp@m.@cer.nosp@m.n.ch Date: July 2007 |
Ctmp | |
►NMCTruthClassifierEnumsDict | |
Ctmp | |
►NMCTruthPartClassifier | |
CInfo | |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook | |
►NMD | This module provides a lot of global definitions, forward declarations and includes that are used by all modules |
CAlgCFlow | |
CAlgHist | |
CFormula | |
CFormulaSvc | |
►NMdtDataPreparator_test | |
CTestAlg | |
►Nmenu_config_tests | |
CConsecutiveChainCounters | |
CMenuVerification | |
CPartialEventBuildingChecks | |
CRestrictedCTPIDs | |
CStructuredChainNames | |
CTriggerLevel | |
CUniqueChainNames | |
►NMenuAlignmentTools | |
CMenuAlignment | |
►NMenuComponents | |
CAlgNode | |
CChain | |
CChainStep | |
CComboHypoNode | |
CEmptyMenuSequence | |
CHypoAlgNode | |
CHypoToolConf | |
CInEventRecoCA | |
CInputMakerNode | |
CInViewRecoCA | |
CMenuSequence | |
CNode | |
CSelectionCA | |
►NMenuComponentsNaming | |
CCFNaming | |
►NmergeEnergyRamps | |
CGainsFromOracle | |
CGainsFromSqlite | |
CL1CaloGeometryConvertor | |
►Nmet | |
CMETAssociationTool | |
►CMETAssociator | |
CConstitHolder | |
CMETAssocTestAlg | |
CMETBuilderTool | |
CMETCaloRegionsTool | |
CMETEgammaAssociator | |
CMETElectronAssociator | |
CMETJetAssocTool | |
CMETJetTool | |
CMETMaker | |
CMETMakerAlg | |
CMETMuonAssociator | |
CMETPhotonAssociator | |
CMETReaderAlg | |
CMETRecoAlg | |
CMETRecoTool | |
CMETRefinerTool | |
CMETRegionsTool | |
CMETSignificance | |
CMETSoftAssociator | |
CMETSoftTermsTool | |
CMETSystematicsTool | |
CMETTauAssociator | |
CMETTrackFilterTool | |
CMETTruthAssociator | |
CMETTruthTool | |
CmissingEt | |
►NMetaDataMT | |
CStoreMetaData | |
►NMETAssocCfg | |
CAssocConfig | Configuration of builders |
CMETAssocConfig | Top level MET configuration |
►NMETRecoCfg | |
CBuildConfig | Configuration of builders |
CMETConfig | Top level MET configuration |
CRefConfig | Configuration of refiners |
►NMissingETBase | General namespace for MET EDM software |
CNumerical | Numerical constants and operations |
CSource | MET source indicators |
►CStatus | Namespace for status word tags |
CTags | |
CStrings | String constants, tags, and handling |
►NMissingEtDQA | |
CPhysValMET | |
►NMissingETHandlers | |
CWeight | |
►NMMCTest | |
CTrackInfo | |
►NmonAlg | |
CTubeTraversedBySegment | |
CTubeTraversedBySegment_cmp | |
►NMonitored | Generic monitoring tool for athena components |
►Ndetail | |
Cget_value_type | Get element type for containers |
Cget_value_type< ActsTrk::TrackContainer > | |
Cget_value_type< std::reference_wrapper< T > > | Specializations for reference_wrappers which are hopefully never chosen |
Cget_value_type< std::reference_wrapper< T[N]> > | |
Cget_value_type< T[N]> | Get element type for arrays |
Cmake_pointer_const | |
Cmake_pointer_const< T * > | |
CCumulativeHistogramFiller1D | Filler for 1D histograms filled in cummulative mode |
CGroup | Group of local monitoring quantities and retain correlation when filling histograms |
CHistogramDef | Internal class used to keep parsed Filler properties |
CHistogramException | Represents error occurred during accessing histograms objects |
CHistogramFactory | Bridge between ROOT framework and monitoring code |
►CHistogramFiller | Base class for all histogram fillers |
CVariablesPack | Helper class to pass variables to fillers |
CHistogramFiller1D | Filler for plain 1D histograms |
CHistogramFiller2DGeneric | Generic filler for 2D histogram |
CHistogramFiller2DProfile | Filler for profile 2D histogram |
CHistogramFillerEfficiency | Filler for TEfficiency graphs |
CHistogramFillerFactory | Factory of the histogram fillers |
CHistogramFillerRebinableAxis | Mixin class for rebinning of histogram axis |
CHistogramFillerTree | Filler for TTrees |
CIHistogramProvider | Interface of the source of ROOT objects for HistogramFillers |
CIMonitoredVariable | |
CLiveHistogramProvider | Provides latest-N-lumiblock histograms to be filled |
CLumiblockHistogramProvider | Implementation of IHistogramProvider for lumi block based histograms |
CObjectsCollection | Monitoring of object collections (internal) |
CObjectsRefCollection | Monitoring of object collection references (internal) |
►COfflineHistogramProvider | Implementation of IHistogramProvider for offline histograms |
Cobjcache | |
CScalar | Declare a monitored scalar variable |
CScopedTimer | Helper class to create a scoped timer |
CStaticHistogramProvider | Default implementation of IHistogramProvider interface |
CTimer | A monitored timer |
CValuesCollection | Internal class not to be used by end user |
CValuesRefCollection | Internal class not to be used by end user |
CVecHistogramFiller1D | |
►NMooRTT_dynamic_pagemaker | |
CfakePaths | |
CfakeRttDescriptor | |
CMooRTT_dynamic_pagemaker | |
►NMooRTT_makePage | |
CMooRTT_makePage | |
►NMSG | |
CDummyStruct | This struct is here only to make the dictionary generation for types in the MSG namespace successful |
►NMSVtxValidationAlgUtils | |
CVtxIso | |
►NMTCalibPebConfig | |
CMTCalibPebHypoOptions | |
►NMuGirlNS | |
CStauExtras | |
CStauHit | |
►NMuon | NRpcCablingAlg reads raw condition data and writes derived condition data to the condition store |
►Nnsw | |
►Nhelper | |
CNSWOfflineHelper | |
CNSWOfflineRobId | |
►NSTGTPSegments | |
CMapperMMG | |
CMapperSTG | |
CMMARTPacket | |
CMMTrigPacket | |
CNSWCommonDecoder | |
CNSWElink | |
►CNSWPadTriggerL1a | |
CDecodedData | |
COneBCOfData | |
CNSWResourceId | |
CNSWTriggerCommonDecoder | |
CNSWTriggerElink | |
CNSWTriggerException | |
CNSWTriggerMML1AElink | |
CNSWTriggerMMMonElink | |
►CNSWTriggerSTGL1AElink | |
CDataHeader | Helper struct to hold information of the header for each data chunk |
►CSTGTPMMPacket | |
CMMSegmentData | |
CSTGTPPadPacket | |
►CSTGTPSegmentPacket | |
CSegmentData | |
CVMMChannel | |
CBetaFitPlots | Beta fit result |
CBetaFitRegionPlots | |
CBetaPlots | |
CCandidatePlots | Candidate based plots |
CCaruanaSTgcClusterBuilderTool | |
CChamberResPlots | Residual plots per chamber index |
CChamberT0s | Stores links between chambers and the reconstructed T0 |
CChamberT0s_p1 | |
CChargeDepParamPlots | |
CClusterTimeProjectionMMClusterBuilderTool | |
CCompareMuonSegmentKeys | |
CCompetingMuonClustersOnTrack | |
CCompetingMuonClustersOnTrack_p1 | Version 1 of the persistent class representing the transient class Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack |
CCSC_RawDataProviderToolCore | |
CCSC_RawDataProviderToolMT | |
CCscByteStreamErrorContainer | |
CCscClusterOnTrack | Class to represent the calibrated clusters created from CSC strips |
CCscClusterOnTrack_p1 | Version 1 of the persistent class representing the transient class Muon::CscClusterOnTrack |
CCscClusterOnTrack_p2 | Version 1 of the persistent class representing the transient class Muon::CscClusterOnTrack |
CCscClusterOnTrackCreator | Interface for the reconstruction to calibration and alignment corrections. It should be used by reconstruction and pattern recognition to create Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack objects (s) |
CCscMcData_p1 | |
CCscPrepData | Class representing clusters from the CSC |
CCscPrepData_p1 | |
CCscPrepData_p2 | We don't write out (from Trk::PrepRawData) m_indexAndHash (can be recomputed), m_clusId (can be recomputed - well, it's basically stored in Muon::MdtPRD_Container_p2) |
CCscPrepDataContainer_tlp1 | |
CCscPrepDataContainerCnv_p1 | |
CCscPrepDataContainerCnv_p2 | Class to handle the conversion of the transient CscPrepDataContainer into its persistent representation (defined in MuonPRD_Container_p2) |
CCscRawDataProvider | |
CCscRDO_Decoder | |
CCscRdoContByteStreamTool | |
CCscRdoToCscPrepDataToolMT | This class is only used in a single-thread mode as CscRdoToCscPrepDataToolMT has the equivalent functions defined for a thread-safe setup |
CCscROD_Decoder | This class provides conversion from ROD data to CSC RDO Author: Ketevi A |
CCscSimData_p1 | |
CCscSimData_p2 | |
CCscSimData_p3 | |
CCscSimDataCollection_p1 | |
CCscSimDataCollection_p2 | |
CCscSimDataCollection_p3 | |
CCSCSimHitCollection_p1 | |
CCSCSimHitCollection_p2 | |
CCSCSimHitCollection_p3 | |
CCSCSimHitCollection_p4 | |
CCscStripPrepData | Class representing the raw data of one CSC strip (for clusters look at Muon::CscPrepData) |
CCscStripPrepData_p1 | |
CCscStripPrepDataContainer_tlp1 | |
CCscStripPrepDataContainerCnv_p1 | |
►CDCMathSegmentMaker | |
CCluster2D | |
CHitInXZ | |
CsegmentCreationInfo | |
CTubeEnds | |
CDigitEffiData | |
CDistanceAlongParameters | |
CDistanceToPars | |
►CFit2D | A 2D linear regression calculator |
CLinStats | A structure to hold linear fit statistics |
CPoint | A 2D point used in statistics and fit |
CSimpleStats | |
CGenericMuonSimHitCollection_p1 | |
CGenericMuonSimHitCollection_p2 | |
CGenericMuonSimHitCollection_p3 | |
►CHedgehogBoard | Helper struct to represent the High-voltage pins and a possible connection between them |
CTubeLayer | Helper struct to return a tube & tube layer pair |
CHitFracTypePlots | |
CHitPlots | Hit plots |
CHoughDataPerSec | |
CHoughDataPerSectorVec | |
CHoughPlots | Hough plots |
CICSC_RDO_Decoder | This class provides conversion from RDO data to CSC RDO Author: Ketevi A |
CICSC_RDOtoByteStreamTool | |
CICSC_ROD_Decoder | This class provides conversion from ROD data to CSC RDO Author: Ketevi A |
CICscClusterOnTrackCreator | Interface for tools calibrating CSCCluster, turning them into Muon::ICscClusterOnTrack object |
►CIDCSLFitProvider | Interface for tools resolving ambigueties and remove outliers in Muon::MuonSegment objects |
CUnowned | Helper struct to overload the destructors of smart pointers |
CIdDataVec | |
CIdentifierByDetElSorter | |
CIDHitSummaryPlots | |
CIMDT_RDO_Decoder | |
CIMDT_RDOtoByteStreamTool | An AlgTool class to provide conversion from LArRawChannelContainer to ByteStream, and fill it in RawEvent created: Sept 25, 2002, by Hong Ma requirements: typedef for CONTAINER class method statusCode convert(CONTAINER* cont, RawEvent* re, MsgStream& log ); |
CIMdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator | Interface for tools calibrating MdtPrepData, turning them into Muon::MdtDriftCircleOnTrack object |
CIMdtSegmentFinder | |
CIMM_RDO_Decoder | |
CIMM_ROD_Decoder | |
CIMMClusterBuilderTool | |
CIMSVertexRecoTool | The IMSVertexRecoTool is a pure virtual interface |
CIMSVertexTrackletTool | The IMSVertexTrackletTool is a pure virtual interface |
CIMuonAlignmentUncertTool | |
CIMuonCandidateTrackBuilderTool | Interface for a tool to build tracks out of a MuonCandidate
CIMuonClusterOnTrackCreator | Interface for tools calibrating MuonCluster, turning them into Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack object |
►CIMuonCombinePatternTool | Interface for tools combining Muon::MuonPattern objects |
CIdentifierPrdLess | Comparison functor for Trk::PrepRawData* (on identfier) used for sorting set<Trk::PrepRawData*> , else these sets are sorted by memory address (introduces random behaviour) |
CIMuonCompetingClustersOnTrackCreator | Interface for tools creating CompetingMuonClustersOnTrack objects |
CIMuonEDMHelperSvc | Helper tool containing functionality needed by multiple tools |
CIMuonErrorOptimisationTool | The IMuonSegmentMaker is a pure virtual interface for tools to find tracks starting from MuonSegmentCombinations
CIMuonHitSelector | |
►CIMuonHitSummaryTool | Interface for tools calculating hit count summaries for track |
CCompactSummary | |
CHitSummary | |
►CIMuonHitTimingTool | Tool to calculate the timing wrt to the current BC Depending to the implementation the tool can handle different types of technologies BUT hits for different technolgies should NEVER be passes into a single call to the tool |
CTimingResult | Simple struct holding the result of the tool |
CIMuonHoleRecoveryTool | The IMuonHoleRecoveryTool is a pure virtual interface for tools that recover hole on a track |
CIMuonHoughPatternFinderTool | The IMuonSegmentMaker is a pure virtual interface for tools to find tracks starting from MuonSegmentCombinations
CIMuonIdHelperSvc | Interface for Helper service that creates muon Identifiers and can be used to print Identifiers |
CIMuonLayerAmbiguitySolverTool | Interface for tools calculating hit count summaries for track |
CIMuonLayerSegmentFinderTool | Interface for tools calculating hit count summaries for track |
CIMuonLayerSegmentMatchingTool | Interface for tools calculating hit count summaries for track |
►CIMuonNSWSegmentFinderTool | |
CSegmentMakingCache | Helper struct to parse the data around |
►CIMuonPatternCalibration | The IMuonCalibration is a pure virtual interface for tools to calibrate PRD hits
CROTRegion | |
CIMuonPatternFinder | Interface class for tools producing Muon::MuonPattern objects from Trk::PrepRawData objects |
CIMuonPatternSegmentAssociationTool | |
CIMuonPRDSelectionTool | Interface for tools calculating hit count summaries for track |
CIMuonRawDataProviderTool | Interface defining the tools used to convert Muon BS to MuonRDOs |
CIMuonRdoToPrepDataTool | Interface defining the tools used to convert Muon RDOs to MuonPrepRawData |
CIMuonRecoValidationTool | |
►CIMuonRefitTool | The IMuonSegmentMaker is a pure virtual interface for tools to find tracks starting from MuonSegmentCombinations
CSettings | |
CIMuonSeededSegmentFinder | The IMuonSegmentMaker is a pure virtual interface for tools to find tracks starting from MuonSegmentCombinations
CIMuonSegmentCleaner | Interface for tools resolving ambigueties and remove outliers in Muon::MuonSegment objects |
CIMuonSegmentCombinationCleanerTool | The IMuonSegmentMaker is a pure virtual interface for tools to find tracks starting from MuonSegmentCombinations
CIMuonSegmentFittingTool | The IMuonSegmentMaker is a pure virtual interface for tools to find tracks starting from MuonSegmentCombinations
►CIMuonSegmentHitSummaryTool | Interface for tools providing segment hit summary information |
CEtaPhiHitCount | |
CHitCounts | |
CMdtLayerIntersect | |
CIMuonSegmentInfoExtender | The IMuonSegmentInfoExtender is a pure virtual interface for tools extending muon segments with additional information |
►CIMuonSegmentInOverlapResolvingTool | Tool to match segments |
CSegmentGeometrySummary | |
CSegmentMatchResult | |
CSegmentPhiMatchResult | |
CSegmentPositionMatchResult | |
CIMuonSegmentMaker | The IMuonSegmentFinder is a pure virtual interface for tools to find segments in the muon spectrometer |
CIMuonSegmentMatchingTool | Tool to match segments |
CIMuonSegmentMomentumEstimator | |
CIMuonSegmentOverlapRemovalTool | Abstract interface for tools removing duplicates from segment collections and segment combinations |
►CIMuonSegmentPairMatchingTool | Tool to match segments |
CSegmentMatchResult | |
CIMuonSegmentSelectionTool | Tool to select segments |
CIMuonSegmentSelector | Interface for tools resolving ambigueties and remove outliers in Muon::MuonSegment objects |
CIMuonSegmentTrackBuilder | The IMuonSegmentMaker is a pure virtual interface for tools to find tracks starting from MuonSegmentCombinations
►CIMuonSystemExtensionTool | |
CSystemExtensionCache | Helper struct to pipe all data needed by the tool to equip the Id track with a MuonSystemExtension |
CIMuonTGMeasTool | |
CIMuonTofTool | |
CIMuonTrackBuilder | The IMuonTrackBuilder is a pure virtual interface for tools extending muon track candidates with segments in a given chamber |
CIMuonTrackCleaner | The IMuonSegmentMaker is a pure virtual interface for tools to find tracks starting from MuonSegmentCombinations
CIMuonTrackExtrapolationTool | Interface class for tools extrapolating muon tracks to a location in the atlas detector |
CIMuonTrackFinder | The IMuonTrackFinder is a pure virtual interface for tools to find track in the muon system starting from a vector of segments |
CIMuonTrackRefiner | The IMuonTrackRefiner is a pure virtual interface for tools which refine the hit content of a given track |
CIMuonTrackSegmentMatchingTool | The IMuonSegmentMaker is a pure virtual interface for tools to find tracks starting from MuonSegmentCombinations
CIMuonTrackToSegmentTool | The IMuonSegmentMaker is a pure virtual interface for tools to find tracks starting from MuonSegmentCombinations
►CIMuonTrackTruthTool | The IMuonTrackTruthTool is a pure virtual interface for tools that recover hole on a track |
CTruthTreeEntry | |
CIMuonTruthSummaryTool | Interface for tools calculating hit count summaries for track |
CInnerDetProbeCollectorTool | |
CInsituTrackTools | |
CINSWCalibSmearingTool | |
CINSWCalibTool | |
CINSWTP_ROD_Decoder | |
CIPadTrig_ROD_Decoder | |
CIPRDHitsInConeTool | This is the abstract for the interface for the PRDHitsInConeTools tool |
CIRPC_RDO_Decoder | This class provides conversion from RDO data to RPC RDO |
CIRPC_RDOtoByteStreamTool | An AlgTool class to provide conversion from LArRawChannelContainer to ByteStream, and fill it in RawEvent created: Sept 25, 2002, by Hong Ma requirements: typedef for CONTAINER class method statusCode convert(CONTAINER* cont, RawEvent* re, MsgStream& log ); |
CIRpcROD_Decoder | |
CIsoCorrPlots | |
CIsoPlots | |
CISTGC_RDO_Decoder | |
CISTGC_ROD_Decoder | |
CISTgcClusterBuilderTool | |
CITGC_RDO_Decoder | |
CITGC_RDOtoByteStreamTool | An AlgTool class to provide conversion from LArRawChannelContainer to ByteStream, and fill it in RawEvent created: Sept 25, 2002, by Hong Ma requirements: typedef for CONTAINER class method statusCode convert(CONTAINER* cont, RawEvent* re, MsgStream& log ); |
CITGC_RodDecoder | |
CITgcPrepDataReplicationTool | |
CMDT_RawDataProviderToolMT | |
CMdtByteStreamErrorContainer | |
CMdtCsmContByteStreamTool | An AlgTool class to provide conversion from LArRawChannelContainer to ByteStream, and fill it in RawEvent created: Sept 25, 2002, by Hong Ma |
CMdtDriftCircleOnTrack | This class represents the corrected MDT measurements, where the corrections include the effects of wire sag etc |
CMdtDriftCircleOnTrack_p1 | Version 1 of the persistent class representing the transient class Muon::MdtDriftCircleOnTrack |
CMdtDriftCircleOnTrack_p2 | Version 2 of the persistent class representing the transient class Muon::MdtDriftCircleOnTrack |
►CMdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator | Interface for the reconstruction to MDT calibration and alignment corrections |
CCalibrationOutput | Struct to hold output of calibration |
CMdtIntersectGeometry | |
CMdtMathSegmentFinder | |
CMdtPrepData | Class to represent measurements from the Monitored Drift Tubes |
CMdtPrepData_p1 | |
CMdtPrepData_p2 | Persistent representation of the transient Muon::MdtPrepData class |
CMdtPrepDataContainer_tlp1 | |
CMdtPrepDataContainerCnv_p1 | |
CMdtPrepDataContainerCnv_p2 | Class to handle the conversion of the transient MdtPrepDataContainer into its persistent representation (defined in MuonPRD_Container_p2) |
CMdtRawDataProvider | |
CMdtRDO_Decoder | |
►CMdtRdoToPrepDataToolMT | |
CConvCache | Helper struct to parse the event data around the tool |
CMDTSimHitCollection_p1 | |
CMDTSimHitCollection_p2 | |
CMDTSimHitCollection_p3 | |
CMDTSimHitCollection_p4 | |
CMdtTwinPrepData | Class to represent measurements from the Monitored Drift Tubes |
CMdtTwinPrepData_p1 | Persistent representation of the transient Muon::MdtPrepData class |
CMdtTwinTubeTestAlg | |
CMM_ClusterOnTrack_p1 | Version 1 of the persistent class representing the transient class Muon::MM_ClusterOnTrack |
CMM_RawData | Temporary class to hold the MM RDO |
CMM_RawData_p1 | |
CMM_RawData_p2 | |
CMM_RawData_p3 | |
CMM_RawDataCnv_p1 | |
CMM_RawDataCnv_p2 | |
CMM_RawDataCnv_p3 | |
CMM_RawDataCollection | |
CMM_RawDataCollection_p1 | |
CMM_RawDataCollection_p2 | |
CMM_RawDataCollection_p3 | |
CMM_RawDataContainer | |
CMM_RawDataContainer_p1 | |
CMM_RawDataContainer_p2 | |
CMM_RawDataContainer_p3 | |
CMM_RawDataContainerCnv_p1 | |
CMM_RawDataContainerCnv_p2 | |
CMM_RawDataContainerCnv_p3 | |
CMM_RawDataProvider | |
CMM_RawDataProviderToolCore | |
CMM_RawDataProviderToolMT | |
CMM_RDO_Decoder | |
CMM_ROD_Decoder | |
CMMClusterOnTrack | Class to represent calibrated clusters formed from TGC strips |
CMMPrepData | Class to represent MM measurements |
CMMPrepData_p1 | We don't write out (from Trk::PrepRawData) m_indexAndHash (can be recomputed), m_clusId (can be recomputed - well, it's basically stored in Muon::MdtPRD_Container_p1) |
CMMPrepData_p2 | We don't write out (from Trk::PrepRawData) m_indexAndHash (can be recomputed), m_clusId (can be recomputed - well, it's basically stored in Muon::MdtPRD_Container_p2) |
CMMPrepDataContainerCnv_p1 | Class to handle the conversion of the transient MMPrepDataContainer into its persistent representation (defined in MuonPRD_Container_p1) |
CMMPrepDataContainerCnv_p2 | Class to handle the conversion of the transient MMPrepDataContainer into its persistent representation (defined in MuonPRD_Container_p2) |
CMmRdoToPrepDataToolMT | |
CMMSimHitCollection_p1 | |
CMMSimHitCollection_p2 | |
CMMSimHitCollection_p3 | |
CMomentumPullPlots | |
CMomentumTruthPullPlots | |
►CMooCandidateMatchingTool | Class to manipulate MuPatCandidateBase objects |
CMooTrackSegmentMatchResult | Class with matching return information |
CMooTrackBuilder | |
►CMooTrackFitter | Tool to fit a trajectory using a set of two segments or a track and a segment as input |
CFitterData | |
CStationPhiData | |
►CMSVertexRecoTool | |
CTrkCluster | |
CMSVertexTrackletTool | |
CMuonAlignmentUncertTool | |
CMuonAmbiTrackSelectionTool | |
CMuonBetaCalculationUtils | |
CMuonCandidate | |
CMuonCandidateTrackBuilderTool | |
►CMuonChamberHoleRecoveryTool | Tool to select tracks |
CRecoveryState | |
CMuonChamberLayerDescription | Class managing geometry of the chamber layers |
CMuonChamberLayerDescriptor | Struct containing all information to build a Hough transform for a given chamber index |
CMuonCluster | Class representing clusters in the muon system |
CMuonClusterOnTrack | Base class for Muon cluster RIO_OnTracks |
CMuonClusterOnTrack_p1 | Version 1 of the persistent class representing the transient class Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack |
CMuonClusterOnTrackCreator | |
CMuonCoinDataCollection | |
CMuonCoinDataCollection_p1 | |
CMuonCoinDataContainer | |
CMuonCoinDataContainer_p1 | |
CMuonCompetingClustersOnTrackCreator | Tool to create MuonCompetingClustersOnTrack objects |
CMuonDecayTruthTrajectoryBuilder | |
CMuonDeleteObject | |
CMuonDQAFitFunc | Tool to fit histograms |
CMuonDriftCircleErrorStrategy | |
CMuonEDMHelperSvc | Helper tool containing functionality needed by multiple tools |
CMuonEDMPrinterTool | Helper tool to print EDM objects to string in a fix format |
CMuonErrorOptimisationTool | |
CMuonEventCnvTool | Tool used in the persisency convertors to help rebuild EDM objects |
CMuonGetClosestParameters | |
CMuonHitDiffSummaryPlots | |
CMuonHitResidualPlots | |
CMuonHitSummaryPlots | |
CMuonHitSummaryTool | Helper tool to extract simple counts from a Trk::Track, Trk::TrackSummary or Trk::MuonTrackSummary |
CMuonHitTimingTool | |
►CMuonHoughPatternFinderTool | |
CHists | Pointer to the CSC segment combination collection |
►CMuonIdHelperSvc | Helper service that creates muon Identifiers and can be used to print Identifiers |
CStationNameData | |
CMuonInertMaterialBuilder | |
CMuonInertMaterialBuilderCond | |
CMuonInertMaterialBuilderImpl | |
CMuonInsideOutAnalysis | |
CMuonInsideOutAnalysisPlots | |
CMuonInsideOutValidationNtuple | |
CMuonIntersectGeoData | |
CMuonIntersectGeometry | |
CMuonIsolationPlots | |
CMuonLayerAmbiguitySolverTool | |
►CMuonLayerHashProviderTool | |
CRegionHashesPerSector | |
►CMuonLayerHoughTool | |
CCollectionsPerSector | |
CRoad | |
CState | |
CMuonLayerIntersection | |
CMuonLayerPrepRawData | Struct to hold all PrepRawData collections in a given layer |
CMuonLayerRecoData | |
CMuonLayerROTs | Struct holding RIO_OnTracks for a given layer |
CMuonLayerSegmentFinderTool | |
CMuonLayerSegmentMatchingTool | |
CMuonLayerSurface | Types |
CMuonMCData_p1 | |
CMuonNSWSegmentFinderTool | |
CMuonParamElossPlots | |
CMuonParamPlots | |
CMuonPattern | Basic class for patterns in the muon spectrometer consistig out of a list of Trk::PrepRawData objects |
►CMuonPatternCalibration | |
CEtaPhiHits | |
CRegion | |
CMuonPatternChamberIntersect | This class holds information needed for the Moore and MoMu pattern recognition for a muon chamber |
CMuonPatternCombination | Means to store the output of the initial global pattern recognition in the muon spectrometer |
CMuonPRD_Collection_p1 | |
CMuonPRD_Collection_p2 | Class to hold the persistent representation of MuonPRD_Collection |
CMuonPRD_Container_p1 | |
CMuonPRD_Container_p2 | Class to contain the Muon Prep Raw Data |
CMuonPrdPattern | Class to store a pattern in the muon system containing PrepRawData pointers |
CMuonPRDSelectionTool | |
CMuonPrepDataCollection | Template to hold collections of MuonPrepRawData objects |
CMuonPrepDataContainer | Template for Muon PRD containers (which are basically collections of MuonPrepDataCollections) |
CMuonRecoValidationTool | |
►CMuonRefitTool | |
CState | |
CMuonResolutionPlots | |
CMuonSectorMapping | |
CMuonSeededSegmentFinder | Seeded segment finder that gets its data directly from storegate for a give set of Identifiers or IdentifierHashes |
CMuonSegment | |
CMuonSegment_p1 | |
CMuonSegmentCombination | |
CMuonSegmentCombinationCleanerTool | |
CMuonSegmentCombiOverlapSummary | |
CMuonSegmentCombiSummary | |
CMuonSegmentConverterTool | |
CMuonSegmentFittingTool | |
CMuonSegmentHitSummaryTool | Tool to calculate muon segment hit summary |
CMuonSegmentInOverlapResolvingTool | Tool to match segments |
CMuonSegmentKey | Class to cache the identifiers on a segment in sets that can later be used to perform an overlap removel between two segments |
CMuonSegmentMatchingTool | Tool to match segments using a curved trajectory |
CMuonSegmentOverlapRemovalTool | Tool to remove overlaps between segments |
CMuonSegmentPairMatchingTool | Tool to match segments |
CMuonSegmentPlots | |
CMuonSegmentQuality | |
CMuonSegmentQuality_p1 | |
►CMuonSegmentRegionRecoveryTool | Implementation of an IMuonHoleRecoveryTool |
CMuonData | |
CMuonSegmentSelectionTool | Tool to select MDT segments, all CSC segments will be kept Quality levels: Level 0 = remove segments with more mdt holes than mdt hits that have no phi hits remove segments with less than 3 mdt hits Level 1 = remove segments with more than 50% mdt holes and no phi hits with phi hits and more mdt holes than mdt hits Level 2 = remove segments with mdt hits in only one multilayer Level 3 = remove segments with mdt holes or no phi hits in chambers where one would expect phi hits |
CMuonSegmentSlimPlots | |
CMuonSegmentTruth | |
CMuonSegmentTruthAssociationAlg | |
CMuonSegmentTruthRelatedPlots | |
CMuonSegPatAssMap | Class stores associations between a MuonPatternCombination and a MuonSegmentCombination |
CMuonSimData_p1 | |
CMuonSimData_p2 | |
CMuonSimData_p3 | |
CMuonSimDataCollection_p1 | |
CMuonSimDataCollection_p2 | |
CMuonSimDataCollection_p3 | |
CMuonSpectrometerProbeCollectorTool | |
CMuonStationBuilder | |
CMuonStationBuilderCond | |
CMuonStationBuilderImpl | |
CMuonStationIndex | |
CMuonStationIntersect | |
CMuonStationNtupleHelperTool | |
►CMuonStationTypeBuilder | |
CCache | |
►CMuonSystemExtension | Tracking class to hold the extrapolation from a particle from the calo entry to the end of muon system |
CIntersection | Data per intersection |
CMuonSystemExtensionTool | |
CMuonTechnologyTruth | |
CMuonTGMeasurementTool | |
►CMuonTrackCleaner | |
CChamberLayerStatistics | |
CChamberPullInfo | |
CChamberRemovalOutput | Struct to store return values of chamber removal, contains the new track plus a list the removed hits |
CCleaningState | |
CEtaPhiHits | |
CMCTBCleaningInfo | |
CSortByAvePull | |
CSortChamberRemovalResultByChi2Ndof | |
CMuonTrackExtrapolationTool | Tool to select tracks |
CMuonTrackingGeometryBuilder | |
CMuonTrackingGeometryBuilderCond | |
►CMuonTrackingGeometryBuilderImpl | |
CLocalVariablesContainer | Private struct to contain local variables we dont want to be global in this class |
CMuonTrackScoringTool | Concrete implementation of the ITrackScoringTool pABC |
►CMuonTrackSelectorTool | Tool to select tracks |
CStationData | Internal data structure |
►CMuonTrackSteering | Implementation of an IMuonTrackFinder |
CGarbageContainer | |
CMuonTrackSteeringStrategy | |
CMuonTrackSummaryHelperTool | |
CMuonTrackToSegmentTool | |
CMuonTrackTruth | |
►CMuonTrackTruthTool | Tool to calculate track truth |
CSortResultByMatchedHits | |
CMuonTree | |
CMuonTruthDecorationAlg | |
CMuonTruthHitPlots | |
►CMuonTruthSummaryTool | Interface for tools calculating hit count summaries for track |
CIdentifierHash | |
CMuonTSOSHelper | |
CMuonTubeIntersect | |
CMuonValidationBlockBase | Base class for ntuple block The class can handle float and integer block and supports sub blocks |
CMuonValidationCandidateBlock | |
CMuonValidationHitBlock | |
CMuonValidationHoughBlock | Block with hough maxima information |
CMuonValidationIdBlock | Block with identifier information |
CMuonValidationResidualBlock | Block with residual and pull information |
CMuonValidationSegmentBlock | Block with segment information |
CMuonValidationTimeBlock | Block with timing information |
CMuonValidationTrackBlock | Block with the track index |
CMuonValidationTrackParticleBlock | Block with information on the incoming track particle |
CMuonValidationTruthBlock | Block with truth information |
CMuPatCandidateBase | Track candidate entry object |
CMuPatCandidateTool | Class to manipulate MuPatCandidateBase objects |
►CMuPatHit | |
CInfo | |
CMuPatHitTool | |
CMuPatSegment | Segment candidate object |
CMuPatTrack | Track candidate object |
CNRPC_RawDataProviderTool | |
CNRpcCablingAlg | |
CNrpcDigitToNrpcRDO | |
CNrpcRawDataProvider | |
CNSW_MMTP_RawDataCollection | |
CNSW_MMTP_RawDataContainer | |
CNSW_MMTP_RawDataHit | |
CNSW_MMTP_RawDataSegment | |
CNSW_PadTriggerData | |
CNSW_PadTriggerData_p1 | |
CNSW_PadTriggerDataContainer | |
CNSW_PadTriggerDataContainer_p1 | |
CNSW_PadTriggerDataContainerCnv_p1 | |
CNSW_PadTriggerSegment | |
CNSW_PadTriggerSegment_p1 | |
CNSW_PadTriggerSegmentCnv_p1 | |
CNSW_TrigRawData | |
CNSW_TrigRawData_p1 | |
CNSW_TrigRawDataContainer | |
CNSW_TrigRawDataContainer_p1 | |
CNSW_TrigRawDataContainerCnv_p1 | |
CNSW_TrigRawDataSegment | |
CNSW_TrigRawDataSegment_p1 | |
CNSW_TrigRawDataSegmentCnv_p1 | |
CNSWCalibSmearingTool | |
CNSWCalibTool | |
CNSWMMTP_RawDataProviderToolMT | |
CNSWMMTP_ROD_Decoder | |
►CNSWSeed | |
CSeedMeasurement | Struct caching the MuonClusterOnTrack and providing the orientation of the strip in addtion |
CNSWTP_RawDataProviderToolMT | |
CNSWTP_ROD_Decoder | |
CPadTrig_RawDataProviderTool | |
CPadTrig_RawDataProviderToolMT | |
CPadTrig_ROD_Decoder | |
CPRDxAODConvertorAlg | Algorithm which converts PrepRawData to xAOD::PrepRawData Not really Muon specific, but InDet already has separate convertors |
CRecoInfoPlots | |
CRecoMuonPlotOrganizer | |
CRecoMuonTrackPlotOrganizer | |
CResPlots | Residual plots |
CResPlotsPt | Residual plots vs pt |
CRPC_RawDataProviderToolCore | Base class for tools to decode RPC raw data |
CRPC_RawDataProviderToolMT | Tool to do decoding of RPC RAW data |
CRPC_ResidualPullCalculator | RPC-specific tool to calculate hit residual and pull from a RIO_OnTrack/TrackParameter pair |
CRPC_TimingTool | |
CRpcBis78_TrigRawData | |
CRpcBis78_TrigRawDataContainer | |
CRpcBis78_TrigRawDataSegment | |
CRpcByteStreamErrorContainer | |
CRpcByteStreamErrorContainer_p1 | |
CRpcCablingData | Helper struct that is parsed to the cabling map to translate between the offline & online Identifiers |
►CRpcCablingMap | |
CCoolDBEntry | Helper struct to ship all information from the Database
CGasGapToTdcAssociation | Helper struct to associate all strips in an eta/phi gasGap to the corresponding Tdc |
CTdcToGasGapAssociation | Helper struct to associate all Tdcs to their corresponding strips in the gasGap |
CRpcCablingOfflineID | Struct to represent the offline identifier of the Rpc measurement decomposed into the particular fields of the layer Identifier: |
CRpcCablingOnlineID | In an analogous way to the RpcCablingOfflineID , the RpcCablingOnlineID , holds all information needed to navigate to a particular RPC gasGap from the readout-side |
CRpcCablingTestAlg | |
CRpcClusterObj | |
CRpcClusterOnTrack | Class to represent calibrated clusters formed from RPC strips |
CRpcClusterOnTrack_p1 | Version 1 of the persistent class representing the transient class Muon::RpcClusterOnTrack |
CRpcClusterOnTrack_p2 | Version 1 of the persistent class representing the transient class Muon::RpcClusterOnTrack |
CRpcClusterOnTrack_p3 | Version 1 of the persistent class representing the transient class Muon::RpcClusterOnTrack |
CRpcCoinData | |
CRpcCoinData_p1 | Persistent representation of the transient Muon::RpcCoinData class |
CRpcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1 | |
CRpcFlatCableTranslator | |
►CRpcHitClusteringObj | |
CDoublet | |
CId | |
CRpcPadContByteStreamTool | An AlgTool class to provide conversion from LArRawChannelContainer to ByteStream, and fill it in RawEvent created: Sept 25, 2002, by Hong Ma requirements: typedef for CONTAINER class method statusCode convert(CONTAINER* cont, RawEvent* re, MsgStream& log ); |
CRpcPrepData | Class to represent RPC measurements |
CRpcPrepData_p1 | |
CRpcPrepData_p2 | |
CRpcPrepData_p3 | We don't write out (from Trk::PrepRawData) m_indexAndHash (can be recomputed), m_clusId (can be recomputed - well, it's basically stored in Muon::MdtPRD_Container_p3) |
CRpcPrepDataContainer_tlp1 | |
CRpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1 | |
CRpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2 | |
CRpcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3 | Class to handle the conversion of the transient RpcPrepDataContainer into its persistent representation (defined in MuonPRD_Container_p3) |
CRpcRawDataProvider | |
CRpcRDO_Decoder | |
►CRpcRdoToPrepDataToolMT | |
CState | |
CRpcRdoToRpcDigit | |
CRpcROD_Decoder | |
CRPCSimHitCollection_p1 | |
CRPCSimHitCollection_p2 | |
CRPCSimHitCollection_p3 | |
CRPCSimHitCollection_p4 | |
CRpcToyCablingJsonDumpAlg | |
CSegmentData | |
CSegmentPlots | Segment plots |
CSimpleMMClusterBuilderTool | |
CSimpleSTgcClusterBuilderTool | |
CSlowMuonParamPlots | |
CSortByDirectionMuPatHits | Default for both collision and cosmic parameter sorting |
CSortByDistanceToSegment | Function object to sort pairs containing a double and a pointer to a MuonClusterOnTrack |
CSortByIPMuPatHits | |
CSortClByPull | |
CSortClustersById | Function object to sort MuonClusterOnTrack pointers by Identier |
CSortHoughDataPerSector | |
CSortIdDataVec | |
CSortMeas | |
CSortMeasurementsByPosition | |
CSortMuonPrepData | |
CSortMuPatTrackByQuality | |
CSortRpcClusterObjs | |
CSortSegInfoByQuality | |
CSortSegInfoByR | |
CSortSegInfoByZ | |
CSortSegmentsByNumberOfHits | |
CSortTracksByChi2Ndof | |
CSortTracksByHitNumber | |
CSortTSOSByDistanceToPars | |
CSortTSOSs | |
CSortTSOSsByPos | |
CStageSummaryPlots | |
CSTGC_ClusterOnTrack_p1 | Version 1 of the persistent class representing the transient class Muon::STGC_ClusterOnTrack |
CSTGC_RawData | |
CSTGC_RawData_p1 | |
CSTGC_RawData_p2 | |
CSTGC_RawData_p3 | |
CSTGC_RawDataCnv_p1 | |
CSTGC_RawDataCnv_p2 | |
CSTGC_RawDataCnv_p3 | |
CSTGC_RawDataCollection | |
CSTGC_RawDataCollection_p1 | |
CSTGC_RawDataCollection_p2 | |
CSTGC_RawDataCollection_p3 | |
CSTGC_RawDataContainer | |
CSTGC_RawDataContainer_p1 | |
CSTGC_RawDataContainer_p2 | |
CSTGC_RawDataContainer_p3 | |
CSTGC_RawDataContainerCnv_p1 | |
CSTGC_RawDataContainerCnv_p2 | |
CSTGC_RawDataContainerCnv_p3 | |
CSTGC_RawDataProviderTool | |
CSTGC_RawDataProviderToolCore | |
CSTGC_RawDataProviderToolMT | |
CSTGC_RDO_Decoder | |
CSTGC_ROD_Decoder | |
CSTgcClusterBuilderCommon | |
CsTgcClusterOnTrack | Class to represent calibrated clusters formed from TGC strips |
CSTgcClusterPosition | |
CsTgcPadTriggerRawDataProvider | |
CsTgcPrepData | Class to represent sTgc measurements |
CsTgcPrepData_p1 | We don't write out (from Trk::PrepRawData) m_indexAndHash (can be recomputed), |
CsTgcPrepData_p2 | |
CsTgcPrepData_p3 | |
CsTgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1 | Class to handle the conversion of the transient sTgcPrepDataContainer into its persistent representation (defined in MuonPRD_Container_p1) |
CsTgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2 | Class to handle the conversion of the transient sTgcPrepDataContainer into its persistent representation |
CsTgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3 | Class to handle the conversion of the transient sTgcPrepDataContainer into its persistent representation |
CsTgcRawDataProvider | |
►CsTgcRdoToPrepDataToolMT | |
CoutputCache | |
CsTGCSimHitCollection_p1 | |
CsTGCSimHitCollection_p2 | |
CsTGCSimHitCollection_p3 | |
CsTGCSimHitCollection_p4 | |
CTGC_Hid2RESrcID | |
CTGC_RawDataProviderTool | |
CTGC_RawDataProviderToolCore | |
CTGC_RawDataProviderToolMT | |
CTGC_ResidualPullCalculator | TGC-specific tool to calculate hit residual and pull from a RIO_OnTrack/TrackParameter pair |
CTGC_RodDecoderRawdata | |
CTGC_RodDecoderReadout | |
CTgcByteStream | |
CTgcByteStreamErrorContainer | |
CTgcClusterObj3D | |
CTgcClusterOnTrack | Class to represent calibrated clusters formed from TGC strips |
CTgcClusterOnTrack_p1 | Version 1 of the persistent class representing the transient class Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack |
CTgcClusterOnTrack_p2 | Version 2 of the persistent class representing the transient class Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack |
CTgcCoinData | |
CTgcCoinData_p1 | |
CTgcCoinData_p2 | |
CTgcCoinData_p3 | |
CTgcCoinDataContainer_tlp1 | |
CTgcCoinDataContainer_tlp2 | |
CTgcCoinDataContainer_tlp3 | |
CTgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p2 | |
CTgcCoinDataContainerCnv_p3 | |
CTgcHitClusteringObj | |
CTgcPrepData | Class to represent TGC measurements |
CTgcPrepData_p1 | |
CTgcPrepData_p2 | We don't write out (from Trk::PrepRawData) m_indexAndHash (can be recomputed), m_clusId (can be recomputed - well, it's basically stored in Muon::MdtPRD_Container_p2) |
CTgcPrepData_p3 | We don't write out (from Trk::PrepRawData) m_indexAndHash (can be recomputed), m_clusId (can be recomputed - well, it's basically stored in Muon::MdtPRD_Container_p3) |
CTgcPrepDataContainer_tlp1 | |
CTgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p2 | Class to handle the conversion of the transient TgcPrepDataContainer into its persistent representation (defined in MuonPRD_Container_p2) |
CTgcPrepDataContainerCnv_p3 | Class to handle the conversion of the transient TgcPrepDataContainer into its persistent representation (defined in MuonPRD_Container_p3) |
CTgcPrepDataReplicationAlg | |
CTgcPrepDataReplicationTool3BCtoAllBC | |
CTgcPrepDataReplicationToolAllBCto3BC | |
CTgcRawDataProvider | |
CTgcRDO_Decoder | |
CTgcRdoContByteStreamTool | |
►CTgcRdoToPrepDataToolMT | |
CCablingInfo | |
CState | |
CTgcROD_Encoder | |
CTgcRODReadOut | |
CTGCSimHitCollection_p1 | |
CTGCSimHitCollection_p2 | |
CTGCSimHitCollection_p3 | |
CTGCSimHitCollection_p4 | |
CTGCSimHitCollection_p5 | |
CTgcSlbData | |
CTgcSlbDataHelper | |
CTimePlots | Time plots |
►CTimePointBetaFitter | |
CFitResult | Simple struct holding the fit result |
CHit | Simple struct holding the input to the fit |
CTrackPlots | Track based plots |
CTrackSegmentMatchCuts | |
CTrackSegmentMatchResult | Class with matching return information |
CTriggerChamberClusterOnTrackCreator | Tool to cluster several trigger measurements in different gas-gaps of the same detector module |
CTruthMuonPlotOrganizer | |
CTruthRelatedMuonPlotOrganizer | |
►CTwinTubeMap | |
CHedgehogTray | |
CTwinTubeMappingCondAlg | |
CUTPCMMClusterBuilderTool | |
►NMuonAlign | |
CAlignmentErrorTestAlg | |
►CAlignmentErrorTool | |
CdeviationSummary_t | |
CAlignmentRotationDeviation | |
CAlignmentTranslationDeviation | |
►NMuonByteStreamErrorsDict | |
Ctmp | |
►NMuonCalib | CscCalcPed - algorithm that finds the Cathode Strip Chamber pedestals from an RDO |
CAdaptiveResidualSmoothing | |
CADCMTHistos | |
CBaseFunction | |
CBaseFunctionFitter | |
CBFieldCorFunc | |
CCalibDbConnection | |
CCalibFunc | Generic interface for a calibration function |
CCalibHeadOperations | |
CCalibrationDbIOTool | |
CCalibrationFileIOTool | |
CCalibrationOracleFileIOTool | |
CCalibrationTeeIOTool | |
CCalibRtDbOperations | |
CCalibT0DbOperations | |
CChebyshevPolynomial | |
CCombination | |
CConstantContentBinMaker | |
CCoolInserter | |
CCscCalcPed | Does calibration of the CSC chambers |
CCscCalcSlope | Does calibration of the CSC chambers |
CCscCalibHitBase | |
CCscCondData | |
CCscCondDataCollection | |
CCscCondDataCollectionBase | |
CCscCondDataContainer | |
CCscCondParType | |
CCurvedCandidateFinder | |
CCurvedLine | |
CCurvedPatRec | |
CDataBin | |
CDataPoint | |
CDCSLFitter | |
►CEventHandler | |
CAuthorIndices | |
CFixedIdDecoder | |
CGlobalTimeFitter | |
CHistogramId | |
CICalibPatternSelector | |
CICalibrationIOTool | |
CICalibSegmentPreparationTool | |
►CIConditionsStorage | |
CTubeId | |
CIdToFixedIdTool | |
CIIdToFixedIdTool | |
CIMdtBackgroundCorFunc | Generic interface for cavern background correction functions |
CIMdtBFieldCorFunc | Generic interface for b-field correction functions |
CIMdtCalibration | |
CIMdtCalibrationOutput | |
CIMdtPatRecFitter | |
CIMdtSegmentFitter | |
CIMdtSegmentSelector | |
CIMdtSlewCorFunc | Generic interface for slewing correction functions |
CIMdtTempCorFunc | Generic interface for temperature correction functions |
CIMooPatternForCalibrationTool | |
CIMuonCalibConditionsSource | |
CIMuonCalibTool | |
CIndexSet | |
CINtupleCalibrationTool | |
CIRegionSelectorTool | |
CIRtRelation | Generic interface for a rt-relation |
CIRtResolution | Generic interface for a resolution function |
CIShiftMapTools | |
CITrRelation | |
CLegendrePolynomial | |
CLocalSegmentResolver | |
CLocalToPrecision | Provides transformation between local and presicion reference frames |
CMdtCalibDataContainer | |
CMdtCalibEventLoop | |
►CMdtCalibHitBase | |
CdefineParams | |
CMdtCorFuncSet | Class which holds all correction functions for a given region |
CMdtFullCalibData | Class which holds the full set of calibration constants for a given tube |
CMdtRelativeTubeT0 | |
CMdtRtRelation | Class which holds calibration constants per rt-region |
CMdtSlewCorFuncHardcoded | An implementation of a time slew correction function for AMT digitization chip |
CMdtStationT0Container | |
►CMdtTubeCalibContainer | Holds single-tube calibration constants of one chamber |
CSingleTubeCalib | |
►CMdtTubeFitContainer | Holds single-tube full calibration information of one chamber |
CSingleTubeFit | |
►CMdtTubeFullInfoContainer | Holds single-tube full calibration information of one chamber |
CSingleTubeFullInfo | |
CMeanRMS | |
CMTStraightLine | |
CMTT0PatternRecognition | |
CMTTmaxPatternRecognition | |
CMuCCaFitter | |
CMuCCaFitterImplementation | |
CMultilayerId | Holds the station, eta, phi and multilayer Ids for a given multilayer |
CMultilayerRtDifference | |
CMultilayerRtDifference_Histograms | |
CMuonCalibCaloHit | Simplified class designed to store information of a MBTS hit |
CMuonCalibCscTruthHit | |
CMuonCalibCylinder | |
CMuonCalibDbCalibrationSource | |
CMuonCalibDefaultCalibrationSource | |
CMuonCalibDisk | |
CMuonCalibEvent | |
CMuonCalibEvent_E | |
CMuonCalibEventInfo | |
►CMuonCalibExtendedRawHits | |
CExtendedChannelInfo | |
CExtendedInfo | |
CMdtRegionInfo | |
CMuonCalibExtendedSegment | |
CMuonCalibExtendedTrack | |
►CMuonCalibExtendedTrackOverlap | |
CTechnologyOverlap | |
►CMuonCalibHit_E | |
CdefinePars | |
CMuonCalibHole_E | |
CMuonCalibMdtTruthHit | |
►CMuonCalibMUCTPI | Simplified class designed to store information from MuCTPi processor |
CdefineParams | |
►CMuonCalibPattern | |
CdefineParams | |
CMuonCalibRawCscHit | |
CMuonCalibRawHitAssociationMap | |
CMuonCalibRawHitCollection | |
CMuonCalibRawMdtHit | |
►CMuonCalibRawRpcCoin | |
CcoinPars | |
CdefPars | |
►CMuonCalibRawRpcHit | |
CdefineParams | |
►CMuonCalibRawRpcTriggerHit | |
CdefineParams | |
CMuonCalibRawTgcCoin | |
►CMuonCalibRawTgcHit | |
CdefineParams | |
CMuonCalibRawTriggerHitCollection | |
►CMuonCalibRpcSectorLogic | Simplified class designed to store information from RpcSectorLogic |
CdefineParams | |
CMuonCalibRpcTruthHit | |
CMuonCalibSegment | |
►CMuonCalibSelector | |
CSegmentSelection | |
CSelection | |
CTrackSelection | |
CMuonCalibSimpleGeometry | |
►CMuonCalibSimpleHoleSearch | |
CResult | |
CMuonCalibSLPropagator | Straight line propagator |
CMuonCalibSurface | |
CMuonCalibTgcTruthHit | |
►CMuonCalibTrack_E | |
CdefineParams | Constructor setting all trackparameters and position |
►CMuonCalibTrackSummary | |
►CChamberHitSummary | |
CProjection | |
CMuonCalibTriggerInfo | Simplified class designed to store information of a trigger |
CMuonCalibTriggerTimeInfo | |
CMuonCalibTriggerTypeHelper | Helper class to for MuonCalibTriggerType which provides a mapping to the actual bit number |
CMuonCalibTruth | |
CMuonCalibTruthCollection | |
CMuonFixedId | |
CMuonFixedIdManipulator | |
CMuonFixedIdPrinter | |
CMuonFixedLongId | |
CMuonSegmentReader | |
CMuonSegmentToCalibSegment | |
CNtupleStationId | |
CPolygonBase | |
CQuasianalyticLineReconstruction | |
CRegionDataFromFile | Manages the I/O of the list of multilayers belonging to a calibration region |
CRegionElement | |
CRegionLogicalOperation | |
CRegionSelectorBase | |
CRpcCalibData | Holds all conditions data for rpc strip |
CRpcCalibDataContainer | |
CRpcCalibDBEntry | Representation of a db entry in rpc cond db |
CRpcCalibHitBase | |
CRpcCondParType | |
CRpcOnlineDBEntry | Representation of an online db entry (masked chans) in rpc cond db |
CRtCalibrationAnalytic | |
CRtCalibrationCurved | |
CRtCalibrationIntegration | |
CRtCalibrationOutput | |
CRtChebyshev | |
CRtData_t_r_reso | Represents an Rt relation in the form of a set of (time,radius,resolution) points |
CRtDataFromFile | Manages the I/O of the Rt realtions from/to file |
CRtFromPoints | |
CRtFullInfo | Addiitonal information used in validation of a rt-relation |
CRtLegendre | |
CRtParabolicExtrapolation | |
CRtRelationLookUp | Equidistant look up table for rt-relations with the time as key |
CRtResolutionChebyshev | |
CRtResolutionFromPoints | |
CRtResolutionLookUp | Equidistant look up table for resolution tables with the time as key |
CRtSpline | |
CSamplePoint | |
CSimpleMdtSegmentSelector | |
CSimplePatternSelector | |
CSimplePolynomial | |
CStraightPatRec | |
CT0CalibrationClassic | |
CT0CalibrationMT | |
CT0CalibrationOutput | |
CT0ClassicHistos | |
CT0ClassicSettings | |
►CT0MTHistos | |
CSlice | |
CT0MTSettings | |
CT0MTSettingsT0 | |
CT0MTSettingsTMax | |
CT0Refinement | |
CTgcCalibHitBase | |
CTrChebyshev | |
CTrRelation | |
CTrRelationLookUp | |
CTubeDataFromFile | |
CtypeNamer | |
CtypeNamer< bool > | |
CtypeNamer< double > | |
CtypeNamer< float > | |
CtypeNamer< int > | |
CtypeNamer< std::string > | |
CtypeNamer< uint16_t > | |
CtypeNamer< uint32_t > | |
CtypeNamer< uint8_t > | |
CUpdateCalibHit | |
CVariableBinwidthHistogram | |
CVariableBinwidthHistogramBin | |
CVBHBinPtrSrt | |
►NMuonCalibR4 | MdtCalibDbAlgR4 reads raw condition data and writes derived condition data to the condition store |
►CMdtCalibDbAlg | |
CRtPayload | |
CRtTubePayload | |
CRtResolutionSqrt | |
CTrSqrt | |
►NMuonCombined | The MuonTagToSegMap is an auxillary construct that links the MuonSegments associated with a combined TagMap to a second segment collection that can be dumped to the output root file |
CCaloTag | TagBase implementation for a calo tag |
CCombinedFitTag | TagBase implementation for a combined fit |
CIMuonCandidateTool | Interface for tools building MuonCandidateCollection from a TrackParticleCollection of spectrometer tracks |
►CIMuonCombinedInDetExtensionTool | Interface for tools buildingmuons from ID candidates |
CMuonPrdData | |
CIMuonCombinedTagTool | Interface for tools building combined muons from a MuonCandidate and a set of ID tracks |
CIMuonCombinedTool | Interface for tools building combined muons from ID and Muon candidates |
CIMuonCombinedTrigCaloTagExtensionTool | Interface for tools buildingmuons from ID candidates |
►CIMuonCreatorTool | Interface for tools building combined muons from ID and Muon candidates |
COutputData | |
CIMuonSegmentTagTool | Interface for tools building muons from ID and MuonSegments |
CIMuonTrackTagTool | |
CIMuonTrackToSegmentAssociationTool | Interface to associate the Muon segments to the muon track |
CInDetCandidate | |
CInDetCandidateToTagMap | |
CMuGirlLowBetaTag | TagBase implementation for a combined fit |
CMuGirlTag | TagBase implementation for a combined fit |
CMuonCaloTagTool | |
CMuonCandidate | |
CMuonCandidateTool | |
CMuonCombinedDebuggerTool | |
CMuonCombinedFitTagTool | |
CMuonCombinedStacoTagTool | |
CMuonCombinedTool | |
CMuonCreatorTool | |
CMuonDressingTool | |
CMuonInsideOutRecoTool | |
CMuonSegmentInfo | |
CMuonSegmentTagSurfaces | |
CMuonSegmentTagTool | |
►CMuonStauRecoTool | ID seeded Stau reconstruction |
CAssociatedData | |
CBetaSeed | |
CCandidate | |
CLayerData | |
CMaximumData | |
CRpcTimeMeasurement | |
CTruthInfo | |
►CMuonTagToSegMap | |
CSegmentLink | Helper struct to cache the mapping between the segment in the store gate, that's associated with the TagBase & the one that will be written on disk The index parameters decodes the position of the persistent segment in its correpsonding container |
CMuonTrackTagTestTool | |
CSegmentTag | TagBase implementation for a segment tagger |
CSortInDetCandidates | |
CSortTagBasePtr | |
CStacoTag | TagBase implementation for a combined fit |
CTagBase | Base-class for combined reconstruction output Provides access to MuonType and Author |
CTrackSegmentAssociationTool | |
►NMuonCond | |
CDcsConstants | Helper struct to cache all dcs constants in a common place of the memory |
►NMuonFixedIdUnpack | |
CMdtIdError | |
CMuonFixedIdUnpack | |
►NMuonG4R4 | Include the common definitions from the MuonReadoutGeometry |
CMdtSensitiveDetector | |
CMdtSensitiveDetectorTool | |
CMmSensitiveDetector | |
CMmSensitiveDetectorTool | |
CRpcSensitiveDetector | |
CRpcSensitiveDetectorTool | |
CsTgcSensitiveDetector | |
CsTgcSensitiveDetectorTool | |
CTgcSensitiveDetector | |
CTgcSensitiveDetectorTool | |
►NMuonGM | Ensure that the Athena extensions are properly loaded |
CAlignPos | |
CCbmComponent | |
CChamberGrp | |
CCHV | |
CCMI | |
CComponent | |
CCRO | |
CCsc | |
CCSC | |
CCscComponent | |
CCscMultiLayer | |
CCscReadoutElement | |
CCutout | |
►CDblQ00Acut | |
►CDblQ00Alin | |
►CDblQ00Almn | |
►CDblQ00Aptp | |
►CDblQ00Asmp | |
►CDblQ00Aszt | |
►CDblQ00Atln | |
►CDblQ00Atyp | |
►CDblQ00Awln | |
►CDblQ00Dbam | |
►CDblQ00IAcsc | |
►CDblQ00Wchv | |
►CDblQ00Wcmi | |
►CDblQ00Wcro | |
►CDblQ00Wcsc | |
►CDblQ00Wded | |
►CDblQ00Wlbi | |
►CDblQ00Wmdt | |
►CDblQ00Wrpc | |
►CDblQ00Wspa | |
►CDblQ00Wsup | |
►CDblQ00Wtgc | |
►CDblQ00Xtomo | |
CDBReader | |
CDED | |
CDed | |
CDetectorElement | |
CDriftTube | |
CGeoModelCscTest | |
CGeoModelMdtTest | |
CGeoModelMmTest | |
CGeoModelRpcTest | |
CGeoModelsTgcTest | |
CGeoModelTgcTest | |
CLBI | |
CLbiComponent | |
CMdt | |
CMDT | |
CMdtComponent | |
►CMdtReadoutElement | |
CGeoInfo | |
CMicromegas | |
CMicromegasComponent | |
CMM_Technology | |
CMMReadoutElement | An MMReadoutElement corresponds to a single STGC module; therefore typicaly a barrel muon station contains: |
CMMSpacer | |
CMMSpacer_Technology | |
CMMSpacerComponent | |
CMultiLayer | |
CMuonChamber | |
CMuonChamberLite | |
CMuonChannelDesign | |
►CMuonClusterReadoutElement | |
CSurfaceData | Struct to hold information needed for TrkDetElementBase, takes owership of all pointers |
CMuonDetectorFactory001 | |
CMuonDetectorFactoryLite | |
CMuonDetectorManager | The MuonDetectorManager stores the transient representation of the Muon Spectrometer geometry and provides access to all main blocks of information needed by generic clients of the geometry: XxxReadoutElements, MuonStations, MuonIdHelpers, geometryVersion, etc |
CMuonPadDesign | Parameters defining the design of the readout sTGC pads |
CMuonReadoutElement | Base class for the XxxReadoutElement, with Xxx = Mdt, Rpc, Tgc, Csc |
CMuonStation | |
CMuonStripDesign | |
CMuonSystemDescription | |
CPosition | |
CRDBReaderAtlas | |
CRPC | |
CRpc | |
CRpcComponent | |
CRpcLayer | |
CRpcReadoutElement | An RpcReadoutElement corresponds to a single RPC module; therefore typicaly a barrel muon station contains: |
CSimpleVolAction | |
CSPA | |
CSpacer | |
CSpacerBeam | |
CSpaComponent | |
CStandardComponent | |
CStation | |
CStationSelector | |
CsTGC | |
CsTGC_Technology | |
CsTGCComponent | |
CsTgcReadoutElement | An sTgcReadoutElement corresponds to a single STGC module; therefore typicaly a barrel muon station contains: |
CSUP | |
CSupComponent | |
CTechnology | |
CTGC | |
CTgc | |
CTgcChamberLayout | |
CTgcComponent | |
CTgcReadoutElement | A TgcReadoutElement corresponds to a single TGC chamber; therefore typically a TGC station contains several TgcReadoutElements |
CTgcReadoutParams | |
►NMuonGMR4 | The ReadoutGeomCnvAlg converts the Run4 Readout geometry build from the GeoModelXML into the legacy MuonReadoutGeometry |
►CChamber | |
CdefineArgs | |
CChamberAssembleTool | |
CCutOutArea | Helper struct to parse the information from the AMDB cutout tables |
CgapVolume | Helper struct to attribute the Identifier fields with the gas gap volumes |
CGeoModelMdtTest | |
CGeoModelMmTest | |
CGeoModelRpcTest | |
CGeoModelsTgcTest | |
CGeoModelTgcTest | |
CIMuonGeoUtilityTool | |
CIMuonReadoutGeomTool | |
►CMdtReadoutElement | |
CdefineArgs | |
CparameterBook | Set of parameters to describe a MDT chamber |
►CMdtReadoutGeomTool | |
CFactoryCache | |
►CMdtTubeLayer | Helper struct to retrieve the tube lengths and the tube centers directly from the GeoModel tree |
CCutTubes | Constructor taking the GeoModel parent node of the tube nodes |
CTubePositioner | Helper struct to avoid browsing with the serial transformer |
CMdtTubeLayerSorter | Helper struct to sort equivalent MdtTubeLayers into a std::set |
►CMmReadoutElement | |
CdefineArgs | |
CparameterBook | Set of parameters to describe a RPC chamber |
►CMmReadoutGeomTool | |
CFactoryCache | |
CwMMTable | Struct to cache the relevant parameters of from the WRPC tables |
CMuonChamberToolTest | |
►CMuonDetectorManager | |
CMSEnvelopeSorter | Helper struct to ensure that the spectrometer sectors & chambers are sorted |
CMuonDetectorTool | |
CMuonGeoUtilityTool | |
►CMuonReadoutElement | The MuonReadoutElement is an abstract class representing the geometry representing the muon detector |
CdefineArgs | Helper struct to ship the defining arguments of the detector element around |
CNswGeoPlottingAlg | |
CPadDesign | |
CPadDesignSorter | |
CRadialDesignSorter | |
►CRadialStripDesign | |
CstripEdges | Helper struct to cache the mounting points of the strips with the bottom & top edge of the Tgc panel |
►CReadoutGeomCnvAlg | |
CConstructionCache | |
►CRpcReadoutElement | |
CdefineArgs | |
CparameterBook | Set of parameters to describe a RPC chamber |
►CRpcReadoutGeomTool | |
CFactoryCache | |
CwRPCTable | Struct to cache the relevant parameters of from the WRPC tables |
►CSpectrometerSector | A spectrometer sector forms the envelope of all chambers that are placed in the same MS sector & layer E.g |
CchamberLocation | : Helper struct for fast approximate navigation |
CdefineArgs | |
►CsTgcReadoutElement | |
CdefineArgs | |
CparameterBook | Set of parameters to describe an sTGC chamber |
►CsTgcReadoutGeomTool | |
CFactoryCache | |
CsTgcShape | Helper struct to translate the GeoModelShape into the parameters used to construct the readout element dimensions |
CwSTGCTable | Struct to cache the relevant parameters of from the WSTGC tables |
CStripDesign | |
CStripDesignSorter | |
CStripLayer | |
CStripLayerSorter | Helper struct to share strip layer instances across the readout elements |
►CTgcReadoutElement | |
CdefineArgs | |
CparameterBook | Set of parameters to describe a Tgc chamber |
►CTgcReadoutGeomTool | |
CFactoryCache | |
CwTgcTable | Helper struct to cache the essential readout parameters from the WTGC tables |
CWireDesignSorter | |
►CWireGroupDesign | |
CwireGroup | Helper construct to cache the number of wires in each group as well as the accumulated number of wires from the previous groups |
►NMuonHough | |
CHit | Struct containing all hit information needed for the Hough transform |
CHitDebugInfo | Struct containing additional debug information on the hits that is not needed for the actual alg but very useful for debugging |
CMuonDebugInfo | Struct containing truth or track information |
CMuonDetectorDescription | Class managing geometry of the Hough spaces |
CMuonDetectorHough | Class managing all Hough transforms in the detector |
►CMuonLayerHough | |
CMaximum | Struct representing the maximum in the hough space |
CMuonLayerHoughSelector | |
►CMuonPhiLayerHough | |
CMaximum | |
CMuonSectorHough | Class managing all precision Hough transforms in a sector |
CPhiHit | Struct containing all hit information needed for the Hough transform |
CRegionDescriptor | Struct containing all information to build a Hough transform for a given chamber index |
CSegDebugInfo | Struct containing truth or segment information |
CSortHitsPerLayer | Struct to sort the hits |
►NMuonParameters | |
CAuthorNames | Simple struct to access the strings of the author definitions for output reasons |
►NMuonPhysValMonitoring | |
CMuonPhysValMonitoringTool | |
►NMuonPRDTest | |
CCscDigitVariables | |
CCSCPRDVariables | |
CCSCRDOVariables | |
CCscSDOVariables | |
CCSCSimHitVariables | |
CMdtDigitVariables | |
CMdtSDOVariables | |
CMDTSimHitVariables | |
CMMDigitVariables | |
CMMPRDVariables | |
CMMRDOVariables | |
CMMSDOVariables | |
CMMSimHitVariables | |
CMuEntryVariables | |
CParticleVariables | Module to blindly dump a particle container to the Tree |
CPrdTesterModule | |
CRpcDigitVariables | |
CRpcSDOVariables | |
CRPCSimHitVariables | |
CSegmentVariables | |
CsTgcDigitVariables | |
CsTGCPRDVariables | |
CsTGCRDOVariables | |
CsTgcSDOVariables | |
CsTGCSimHitVariables | |
CTgcDigitVariables | |
CTGCPRDVariables | |
CTGCRDOVariables | |
CTgcSDOVariables | |
CTGCSimHitVariables | |
CTruthVariables | |
►NMuonPrepRawData_dict | |
Ctmp | |
►NMuonR4 | This header ties the generic definitions in this package |
►NHoughHelpers | |
CBucketDumperAlg | |
CCalibratedSpacePoint | The calibrated Space point is created during the calibration process |
CEtaHoughTransformAlg | Algorithm to handle the eta hough transform |
►CHoughEventData_impl | Templated event data class for the phase-2 muon hough transform |
CHoughSetupForBucket | Hough transform configuration for one bucket of the search space |
CHoughMaximum | Data class to represent an eta maximum in hough space |
CISpacePointCalibrator | Interface class to refine the space point calibration with an external seed |
CMdtDigitizationTool | |
CMdtMeasViewAlg | |
►CMdtSegmentFitter | |
CConfig | |
CLineWithPartials | Store the partial derivative of the line w.r.t |
CResidualWithPartials | Helper struct carrying the residual with its derivatives |
►CMdtSegmentSeedGenerator | Helper class to generate valid seeds for the segment fit |
CConfig | Configuration switches of the module
CDriftCircleSeed | Helper struct from a generated Mdt seed |
CSeedFitAuxilliaries | Auxillary struct to calculate fit constants |
CSeedFitAuxWithT0 | |
CSeedSolution | Cache of all solutions seen thus far |
CMeasurementMarkerAlg | |
CMM_DigitizationTool | |
CMmFastDigiTool | |
CMuonDigitizationTool | Barebone implementation of the I/O infrastructure for all MuonDigitizationTools |
CPatternCnvAlg | The MuonPatternCnvAlg converts the SegmentSeeds produced by the R4 pattern recognition chain into the segment seeds that can be consumed by the legacy muon segment maker |
CPhiHoughTransformAlg | Algorithm to handle the phi hough transform |
CPrdMultiTruthMaker | |
CPrepDataToSimHitAssocAlg | The PrepDataToSimHitAssocAlg matches the uncalibrated measurements to the MuonSimHits or to the MuonSDO objects |
CRpcClusteringAlg | |
CRpcFastDigiTool | |
CRpcMeasViewAlg | |
CRpcRdoToRpcPrepDataTool | |
CSegment | Placeholder for what will later be the muon segment EDM representation |
►CSegmentAmbiSolver | |
CConfig | |
CSegmentCnvAlg | The SegmentCnvAlg converts the SegmentSeeds produced by the R4 pattern recognition chain into the segment seeds that can be consumed by the legacy muon segment maker |
CSegmentFitParDecorAlg | Algorithm to decorate the segment fit parameters in the chamber's frame onto the xAOD::MuonSegment Additionally, the ElementLinks to the associated measurements are decorated |
CSegmentFitResult | |
CSegmentFittingAlg | Algorithm to handle segment fits
CSegmentMarkerAlg | |
CSegmentSeed | Representation of a segment seed (a fully processed hough maximum) produced by the hough transform |
CSegmentViewAlg | |
CSimHitCsvDumperAlg | |
CSpacePoint | The muon space point is the combination of two uncalibrated measurements one of them measures the eta and the other the phi coordinate |
CSpacePointBucket | : The muon space point bucket represents a collection of points that will bre processed together in the pattern seeding |
CSpacePointCalibrator | |
CSpacePointCsvDumperAlg | |
►CSpacePointMakerAlg | |
CSpacePointsPerChamber | : Helper struct to collect the space point per muon chamber, which are later sorted into the space point buckets |
►CSpacePointStatistics | Helper class to keep track of how many eta+phi, eta and phi only space points are built in various detector regions |
CFieldKey | Helper struct to define the counting categories |
CStatField | Helper struct to count the space-points in each detector category |
CSpacePointPerLayerSorter | The SpacePointPerLayerSorter groups the space points by their layer Identifier |
CsTgcFastDigiTool | |
CsTgcMeasViewAlg | |
CTgcFastDigiTool | |
CTruthMeasMarkerAlg | |
CTruthOverlay | |
CTruthSegmentCsvDumperAlg | |
CTruthSegmentMaker | |
CxRpcMeasToRpcTrkPrdCnvAlg | Conversion algorithm to turn xAOD::RpcMeasurements into Trk::RpcPrepData |
►NMuonRecRTT_dynamic_pagemaker | |
CfakePaths | |
CfakeRttDescriptor | |
CMuonRecRTT_dynamic_pagemaker | |
►NMuonTGC_Cabling | |
CTGCCable | |
CTGCCableInASD | |
CTGCCableInPP | |
CTGCCableInSLB | |
CTGCCabling | |
CTGCChannelASDIn | |
CTGCChannelASDOut | |
CTGCChannelHPBIn | |
CTGCChannelId | |
CTGCChannelPPIn | |
CTGCChannelPPOut | |
CTGCChannelSLBIn | |
CTGCChannelSLBOut | |
CTGCDatabase | |
CTGCDatabaseASDToPP | |
CTGCDatabaseInPP | |
CTGCDatabasePPToSL | |
CTGCDatabaseSLBToROD | |
CTGCId | |
CTGCModuleHPB | |
CTGCModuleId | |
CTGCModuleMap | |
CTGCModulePP | |
CTGCModuleROD | |
CTGCModuleSL | |
CTGCModuleSLB | |
CTGCModuleSROD | |
CTGCModuleSSW | |
►NMuonVal | Class to store array like branches into the n-tuples |
►NMuonTester | |
CTreeTestAlg | |
CArrayBranch | |
CAuxElementBranch | |
CCartesFourVecBranch | Helper class to store the four-momentum in a TTree using the X,Y,Z,T or Px,Py,Pz,E representation |
CCoordSystemsBranch | Helper class to dump the Amg::Transformations into 4 three vector branches |
CCoordTransformBranch | Helper class to dump the Amg::Transformations into a single three vector branch The first entry is the translation, the second one the first column, etc |
CCscIdentifierBranch | Branch to store all information of the CscIdentifier |
CEventHashBranch | |
CEventInfoBranch | |
CIAuxElementDecorationBranch | |
CIMuonTesterBranch | Most basic interface class used by the MuonTester tree |
CIParticleDecorationBranch | |
CIParticleFourMomBranch | Helper class to easily to add xAOD::IParticles and associated decorator variables to the MuonTesterTree |
CMatrixBranch | |
CMdtIdentifierBranch | Branch to store all information of the MDT identifier |
CMmIdentifierBranch | Branch to store all information of the MmIdentifier |
CMuonIdentifierBranch | Class to dump the basic properties of an Identifier into an n-tuple StationName -> BIS, BIL, etc |
CMuonTesterBranch | |
CMuonTesterTree | |
►CMuonTPMetaDataAlg | |
CRunMetaData | Helper structs to cache the meta-data for simulation and recorded data |
CSimMetaData | |
CParticleVariableBranch | |
CParticleVariableBranchGeV | |
CPtEtaPhiEBranch | Helper class to store the four-momentum in a TTree using the Pt, Eta, Phi, E representation |
CRpcIdentifierBranch | |
CScalarBranch | |
CSetBranch | |
CsTgcIdentifierBranch | Branch to store all information of the sTgcIdentifier |
CTgcIdentifierBranch | Branch to store all information of the TgcIdentifier |
CThreeVectorBranch | |
CTrackChi2Branch | Dump the chi2 / nDof of a muon or a track particle |
CTwoVectorBranch | |
CVectorBranch | |
►NMuonValR4 | Lightweight algorithm to read xAOD MDT sim hits and (fast-digitised) drift circles from SG and fill a validation NTuple with identifier and drift circle info |
CIPatternVisualizationTool | Helper tool to visualize a pattern recogntion incident or a certain stage of the segment fit |
CMdtCalibDbAlgTest | |
CMdtDriftCircleVariables | |
CMdtTwinDriftCircleVariables | |
CMmClusterVariables | |
CMuonHitTesterAlg | |
CMuonHoughTransformTester | |
CMuonPatternRecognitionTestTree | |
CMuonRecoChainTester | |
CObjectMatching | Helper struct to associate truth to reco segments and hough seeds
CPatternVisualizationTool | |
CRpcMeasurementVariables | |
CSimHitTester | |
CSpacePointTesterModule | |
CTesterModuleBase | |
CTgcStripVariables | |
►NMVAUtils | |
CBDT | Simplified Boosted Regression Tree, support TMVA, lgbm, and xgboost |
CForest | Generic Forest base class |
CForestLGBM | Implement LGBM with nan support |
CForestLGBMBase | |
CForestLGBMSimple | Implement LGBM Forest without nan support |
CForestTMVA | |
CForestWeighted | Implement a Forest with weighted nodes This a general Forest class which implement the strategy used by TMVA in some cases |
CForestXGBoost | Implement XGBoost with nan support |
CForestXGBoostBase | |
CIForest | Compute the response from the binary trees in the forest |
CNodeLGBM | Node for LGBM with nan implementation |
CNodeLGBMSimple | Node for LGBM without nan implementation |
CNodeTMVA | Node for TMVA implementation |
CNodeXGBoost | Node for XGBoost with nan implementation |
►NMyPlots | |
CMyPlots | |
►NmyXerces | |
CLib | |
►NNavFourMomDict | |
Ctemp | |
►Nnavigation2dot | |
CTE | |
►NNavigationDefaults | |
CDefaultChildColl | |
CDefaultChildColl< CONT, DefaultWeight > | |
CDefaultChildColl< DefaultContainer, DefaultWeight > | |
CDefaultContainer | |
CDefaultType | |
CDefaultWeight | |
►NNewVrtSecInclusive | |
CAllBVertexFinderAlg | |
CDVFinderTool | |
CHighPtBFinderTool | |
CInclusiveBFinderTool | |
CMaterialSVFinderTool | |
CSoftBFinderTool | |
CV2TCalibrationTool | |
►NNswAsBuilt | |
►CCathodeBoardElement | Helper class saving all the needed information to compute strips for a particular cathode board |
CstgcStrip_t | The return type of the getStrip method: three points along the strip, in quadruplet coordinate |
CstgcStripConfiguration_t | |
CstgcStripPoint_t | |
CElement | Element: a node in a hierarchy of alignment frames |
►CElementModel | Pure abstract class representing the deformation model of an Element |
CParameterVector | |
CElementModelRigid | An element model without deformations, i.e |
CElementModelScaleSag | An element model implementing the deformations used for the NSW MM as-built parameters |
CElementModelSTGC | An element model implementing the deformations used for the NSW sTGC as-built parameters |
►CPcbElement | Helper class saving all the needed information to compute strips for a particular PCB |
Cstrip_t | |
CstripConfiguration_t | |
CstripPoint_t | |
CpcbIdentifier_t | The indices of a MM PCB |
CquadrupletIdentifier_t | Athena indices for a MM quadruplet: |
►CStgcStripCalculator | The main interface of the NswAsBuilt package: determines strip positions in the frame of the quadruplet |
Cjson_t | |
Cposition_t | The return object for querying strip positions with the method getPositionAlongStrip: a single point on strip is returned, in the coordinate system of the quadruplet |
CstgcStrip_t | The return object for querying strip positions: three points along the strip are provided, in the coordinate system of the quadruplet |
►CStripCalculator | |
Cjson_t | |
Cposition_t | |
Cstrip_t | |
CstripIdentifier_t | Athena indices of a MM strip |
►NNSWCalib | |
CCalibratedStrip | |
CMicroMegaGas | |
►NNSWL1 | A trigger trigger candidate for a stgc sector |
ChashPattern | |
CIMMTriggerTool | |
CIPadTdsTool | Interface for the PadTDS tools |
CIPadTriggerLogicTool | Interface for the PadTriggerLogic tools |
CIPadTriggerLookupTool | |
CIStripClusterTool | Interface for the Strip Cluster Tools |
CIStripSegmentTool | Interface for the Strip Cluster Tools |
CIStripTdsTool | Interface for the StripTDS tools |
CL1TdrStgcTriggerLogic | Initial version of the stgc pad trigger logic |
CMMTriggerTool | |
CNSWL1Simulation | NSW L1 simulation algorithm |
CPadData | Abstract class to interface the data hit fragment output from the Pad TDS |
CPadHits | |
CPadOfflineData | Class modeling the pad hit fragment for the NSW L1 offline simulation |
CPadTdsOfflineTool | |
CPadTdsValidationTree | |
CPadTrigger | Holder of the pad trigger information |
CPadTriggerLogicOfflineTool | |
CPadTriggerLookupTool | |
CPadTriggerValidationTree | Make TTree to validate the PadTriggerLogicOfflineTool |
CSectorTriggerCandidate | |
►CSingleWedgePadTrigger | |
CEtaPhi | |
CEtaPhiHalf | |
CStripClusterData | Abstract class to interface the data hit fragment output from the Strip TDS |
CStripClusterOfflineData | Class modeling the strip hit fragment for the NSW L1 offline simulation |
CStripClusterTool | Interface for the StripTDS tools |
CStripData | Abstract class to interface the data hit fragment output from the Strip TDS |
CStripHits | |
CStripOfflineData | Class modeling the strip hit fragment for the NSW L1 offline simulation |
CStripSegmentTool | Interface for the StripTDS tools |
CStripTdsOfflineTool | |
CTriggerProcessorTool | |
CTrigIsSubsetOf | Whether all pad indices of one trigger are a subset of another one A functor used to remove redundancies 3/4 from 4/4 |
►NObjHelper | |
CVtnCounter | This is the counter struct for keeping track of the vertices |
►Noffline_eformat | |
►Nv40 | |
CFullEventFragment | Describes how to access the contents of an event fragment, as prescribed by the event format note |
CHeader | Contains the information on the Header of a fragment as described by the original note |
CROBFragment | Describes how to access the contents of a subdetector fragment, as prescribed by the event format note |
►Nv40_write | |
CFullEventFragment | Defines a helper class to aid the creation of FullEvent fragments |
CROBFragment | Defines a helper class to aid the creation of ROB fragments |
►Noffline_EventStorage_v5 | |
Cdata_separator_record | |
►CDataBuffer | |
Cimplementation | |
CDataWriter | |
Cfile_end_record | |
Cfile_name_strings | |
Cfile_start_record | |
Cinternal_run_parameters_record | |
Ciovec_const | |
Cold_internal_run_parameters_record | |
Crun_parameters_record | |
►Noffline_poolCopy_v5 | |
CGuid | |
►NORUtils | |
CAltMuJetOverlapTool | Implements mu-jet OR optimized for high-pt muons in boosted and highly radiative (jetty) topologies |
CBaseOverlapTool | Common base class tool for overlap tools |
CBJetHelper | Helper class for b-jet decorations |
CDeltaRMatcher | Encapsulates the delta-R matching strategy |
CDeltaROverlapTool | A simple overlap finder that uses a dR match |
CEleEleOverlapTool | A tool implementing the recommended ele-ele overlap removal |
CEleJetOverlapTool | A tool implementing the recommended ele-jet overlap removal |
CEleMuSharedTrkOverlapTool | Tool for removing overlaps between electrons and muons that share a track or are DR matched |
CIOverlapRemovalTool | Interface for the overlap removal tool |
CIOverlapTool | Interface class for overlap removal tools |
CIParticleAssociator | Interface for a class which checks for a match between IParticles |
CMuJetGhostDRMatcher | Matches a muon to a jet via ghost association or a delta-R |
CMuJetOverlapTool | A tool implementing the recommended mu-jet overlap removal |
CObjLinkOverlapTool | A generic tool which finds overlaps using ElementLinks |
CORFlags | A struct of global config options used to simplify the config helper interface |
COverlapDecorationHelper | Encapsulates the code needed to access and set overlap-related decorations |
COverlapLinkHelper | Helper class for setting links between overlapping objects |
COverlapRemovalTool | Top-level tool for performing overlap removal |
CSlidingDeltaRMatcher | DR matching strategy where cone decreases with pt |
CTauAntiTauJetOverlapTool | A tool implementing a specialized tau-jet overlap removal |
CTauJetOverlapTool | A tool implementing the recommended tau-jet overlap removal |
CTauLooseEleOverlapTool | A tool implementing the recommended tau-electron overlap removal |
CTauLooseMuOverlapTool | A tool implementing the recommended tau-muon overlap removal |
CToolBox | A container and helper class for overlap removal tools |
►NOutputStreamAthenaRoot | |
CAthenaRootNtupleOutputStreamProtect | Backward compat AthenaRootOutputStream = createOutputStream AthenaRootOutputConditionStream = createOutputConditionStream |
►NP4Sorters | |
►NAscending | |
CAbsEta | |
CCosTh | |
CCotTh | |
CEne | |
CEt | |
CEta | |
CInvPt | |
CMass | |
CMassSquared | |
CMomentum | |
CMomentumSquared | |
CPt | |
CPx | |
CPy | |
CPz | |
CSinTh | |
►NDescending | |
CAbsEta | |
CCosTh | |
CCotTh | |
CEne | |
CEt | |
CEta | |
CInvPt | |
CMass | |
CMassSquared | |
CMomentum | |
CMomentumSquared | |
CPt | |
CPx | |
CPy | |
CPz | |
CSinTh | |
►NPanTau | XAOD EDM |
CHelperFunctions | |
CITool_DetailsArranger | Interface for PID from tau seeds |
CITool_InformationStore | Interface for Tool_InformationStore |
CITool_InputConverter | Interface for Tool_InputConverter |
CITool_ModeDiscriminator | Interface for PID from tau seeds |
CITool_PanTauTools | Interface for PID from tau seeds |
CITool_TauConstituentGetter | Interface for Tool_TauConstituentGetter |
CITool_TauConstituentSelector | Interface for Tool_TauConstituentSelector |
CPanTauProcessor | |
CPanTauSeed | |
CTauConstituent | |
CTauFeature | |
CTool_DecayModeDeterminator | |
CTool_DetailsArranger | |
CTool_FeatureExtractor | |
CTool_InformationStore | |
CTool_InputConverter | |
CTool_ModeDiscriminator | |
CTool_TauConstituentGetter | |
CTool_TauConstituentSelector | |
►NParticleDict | |
Ctemp | |
►NParticleEvent | |
CBase | |
►NParticleEventDict | |
Ctemp | |
►NParticleEventTPCnvDict_tmp | File: ParticleEventTPCnv/ParticleEventTPCnvDict.h Dictionary file for persistent representation(s) of AOD containers Author: Sebastien Binet binet.nosp@m.@cer.nosp@m.n.ch Date: December 2006 |
Ctemp | |
►NParticleGun_egammaET | |
CegammaETSampler | |
►NParticleGun_EoverP_Config | |
CPEtaSampler | |
►NParticleGun_FastCalo_ChargeFlip_Config | |
CMyParticleSampler | |
►NParticleGun_FastCalo_Config | |
CMyParticleSampler | |
►NParticleGun_FastCalo_Config_Erange | |
CMyParticleSampler | |
►NParticleGun_FastCalo_NoChargeFlip_Config | |
CMyParticleSampler | |
►NParticleGun_SamplingFraction | |
CMyParticleSampler | |
►NParticleJetTools | |
CIParticleLinker | |
CLabelDecorators | |
CLabelNames | |
CParticles | |
►NParticleLevelElectronsConfig | |
CParticleLevelElectronsBlock | |
►NParticleLevelJetsConfig | |
CParticleLevelJetsBlock | |
►NParticleLevelMissingETConfig | |
CParticleLevelMissingETBlock | |
►NParticleLevelMuonsConfig | |
CParticleLevelMuonsBlock | |
►NParticleLevelNeutrinosConfig | |
CParticleLevelNeutrinosBlock | |
►NParticleLevelOverlapRemovalConfig | |
CParticleLevelOverlapRemovalBlock | |
►NParticleLevelPhotonsConfig | |
CParticleLevelPhotonsBlock | |
►NParticleLevelTausConfig | |
CParticleLevelTausBlock | |
►NParticleTruthDict | |
Ctemp | |
►NPATCore | Information about type of data used to fill particle |
►NPDGHelpers | |
CExtraParticle | |
CPDGParser | |
►NPerfMon | |
CLinFitSglPass | |
►NPerfMonTest | PerfMonTestPolyVectorAlg.h Example for the memory optimization tutorial |
CCpuCruncherAlg | |
CDHit | |
CErroneousAlg | |
CFHit | |
CIHit | |
►CLeakyAlg | |
CLeak | |
CMallocAlg | |
CManyLeaksAlg | |
CNoopAlg | |
CPolyVectorAlg | |
CPolyVectorAlgWithArenas | |
CPolyVectorAlgWithMemSvc | |
CVectorAlg | |
►NperiodInfo | |
CAMIWrapper | |
►NPersistentDataModelDict | |
Ctmp | |
►NPESA | Local tools |
CT2BeamSpot | |
►CT2BSTrackFilterTool | |
CTrackData | Class which holds track parameters |
CTrackStatAccumulator | |
CT2SimpleVertex | |
CT2SplitVertex | |
CT2Track | |
CT2TrackBeamSpotTool | |
CT2TrackBSLLPoly | Class that knows details of LogLikelihood approximation with a polynomial |
CT2TrackClusterer | |
CT2TrackManager | |
CT2Vertex | |
CT2VertexBeamSpot | |
CT2VertexBeamSpotTool | This class uses primary vertex reconstruction to measure and monitor the LHC beam as seen by the ATLAS detector |
CTrkSumOf | |
CTrkTrackPt | |
CTrkTrackPt2 | |
►Npflow | |
CpuJets | |
►NPFMatch | |
CAllLayersEtaPhi | |
CClusterGeometricalCenterProvider | |
CClusterPlainEtaPhiProvider | |
CClusterPositionFactory | |
CClusterPositionProvider | |
CDistanceCalculator | |
CDistanceFactory | Factory to create IDistanceProvider of the type requested |
CDistanceProvider | |
CEtaPhi | |
CEtaPhiSqDistanceCalculator | Calculates distance between two EtaPhi objects |
CEtaPhiSqSignificanceCalculator | Calculates distance between EtaPhi and EtaPhiWithVariance object |
CEtaPhiWithVariance | |
CICluster | |
CIDistanceProvider | |
CIPosition | |
CIPositionProvider | |
CITrack | |
CPositionProvider | |
CTrackClusterMatcher | Checks if a cluster should be matched to a track or not, and has methods to return list of best matches |
CTrackEtaPhiInFixedLayersProvider | |
CTrackPositionFactory | |
CTrackPositionProvider | |
►NPFO | |
CClusterMomentPlots | |
CClusterPlots | |
CFlowElement_LinkerPlots | |
CLeptonFELinkerPlots | |
CPFOAlgPropertyPlots | |
CPFOAttributePlots | |
CPFOCalibHitClusterMomentPlots | |
CPFOClusterMomentPlots | |
CPFOPlots | |
CPFOPVMatchedPlots | |
►NPhotonChainConfiguration | |
CPhotonChainConfiguration | |
►NphotonWrtPoint | |
CPtEtaPhi | Egamma clusters kinematics are always wrt the ATLAS frame (0,0,0) |
►NPhysVal | |
CBTagPlots | |
CEventInfoPlots | |
CKinematicsPlots | |
CMETPlots | |
CPhysValExample | |
CTrkAndVtxPlots | |
►Npicosha2 | |
Chash256_one_by_one | |
►Npix | |
CPixelMapping | |
►NPixelCalib | |
CPixelChargeInterpolationCalibration | |
CPixelChargeInterpolationHistograms | |
CPixelChargeInterpolationParameters | |
CPixelChargeInterpolationPlot | |
CPixelChargeInterpolationValidation | |
CPixelClusterErrorData | |
CPixelClusterOnTrackErrorData | |
CPixelOfflineCalibData | |
CPixelResidualHistograms | |
►NPixelChargeCalib | |
CChargeCalibrationBundle | Bundles of parameters used together in the PixelChargeCalibCondAlg |
CIChargeCalibrationParser | |
CLegacyFitParameters | |
CLinearFitParameters | |
CLUTChargeCalibParser | |
CResolutions | |
CRun2ChargeCalibParser | |
CRun3ChargeCalibParser | |
CThresholds | |
►NPixelConvert | |
CMap | |
►NPixelGeoDC2 | |
CGeoPixelBarrel | |
CGeoPixelCable | |
CGeoPixelChip | |
CGeoPixelDisk | |
CGeoPixelDiskSupports | |
CGeoPixelECCable | |
CGeoPixelEndCap | |
CGeoPixelEnvelope | |
CGeoPixelHybrid | |
CGeoPixelLadder | |
CGeoPixelLadderStruct | |
CGeoPixelLayer | |
CGeoPixelModule | |
CGeoPixelServices | |
CGeoPixelSiCrystal | |
CGeoPixelSubDisk | |
CGeoPixelTubeCables | |
CGeoVPixelFactory | |
COraclePixGeoManager | |
CPixelGeometryManager | |
►Nplot | |
CLayerPlotter | |
CTqdmLoggingHandler | |
►Nplot_material | |
CHistManager | |
►NplotBeamSpotVert | |
CPlots | |
►NPlotCalibrationGains | |
CEmPartitionPlots | |
CGainReader | |
CHadPartitionPlots | |
CL1CaloGeometryConvertor | |
CL1CaloMap | |
►NPlotCalibrationHV | |
CL1CaloHVReader | |
►NPlotServer | |
CPlotServer | |
►NPlotSFuncertainty | |
CSystDependency | |
►Nplotting | |
►NPlotUtils | |
CDiagnosticHisto | |
CPlotUtils | |
►NPMGTools | Tool providing sample cross-sections and k-factors etc |
CAllSampleInfo | |
CIPMGCrossSectionTool | |
CIPMGSherpaVjetsSysTool | |
CIPMGTruthWeightTool | Interface for xAOD Truth Weight Tool which retrieves Meta Data from a truth record to interface the event weights |
CPMGCrossSectionTool | |
CPMGDecayProductsSelectionTool | IAsgSelectionTool that select particles based on the allowed decay chain |
CPMGSherpa22VJetsWeightTool | |
CPMGSherpaVjetsSysTool | |
CPMGTruthWeightTool | Implementation for the xAOD truth meta data weight tool |
►NPMonMT | |
CComponentData | |
CComponentMeasurement | |
CEventLevelData | |
CSnapshotData | |
CSnapshotMeasurement | |
CStepComp | |
►NPMonUtils | |
CBasicStopWatch | |
►CCustomBenchmark | |
CData | |
CCustomBenchmarkGuard | |
►NPOOL | |
CTEvent | |
►Npool | Pool namespace |
►NPersistencySvc | |
CContainer | |
CDatabaseHandler | |
CDatabaseRegistry | |
CGlobalTransaction | |
CMicroSessionManager | |
CPersistencySvc | |
CTechnologyDispatcher | |
CTokenIterator | |
CUserDatabase | |
CUserSession | |
►NRootCollection | |
CRNTCollection | Collection (and CollectionProxy) implementation based on RNTuple |
CRNTCollectionCursor | |
CRNTCollectionQuery | |
CRNTCollectionSchemaEditor | |
CRootCollection | Collection (and CollectionProxy) implementation based on ROOT trees |
CRootCollectionCursor | |
CRootCollectionDataEditor | |
CRootCollectionQuery | |
CRootCollectionSchemaEditor | |
CArgQual | |
CArgs2Container | |
CCatalogInfo | |
CCmdLineArgs | |
CCmdLineArgs2 | |
CCollAppendBase | |
CCollectionColumn | |
CCollectionDescription | |
CCollectionFactory | |
CCollectionIndex | |
►CCollectionPool | |
Cflushing_iterator | Iterator that flushes and closes all collections |
CCollectionRowBuffer | |
CCollectionService | |
CCollSplitByGUIDBase | |
CCommandLine | |
CDatabaseConnection | |
CDatabaseConnectionPolicy | |
CDatabaseSpecification | |
CDbAccessObj | |
CDbArray | |
CDbBlob | |
CDbColumn | |
CDbConnection | |
CDbContainer | |
►CDbContainerImp | |
CDbAction | List of actions to execute at commit |
CDbContainerObj | |
CDbDatabase | |
CDbDatabaseObj | |
CDbDomain | |
CDbDomainObj | Db objects: DbDomainObj |
CDbHandle | |
CDbHandle< DbObject > | No void handles allowed: type must be polymorphic! |
CDbHandleBase | |
CDbHeap | Db objects: class DbHeap |
CDbIter | |
CDbIter< DbObject > | No void objects allowed on the user side! |
CDbObjectAccessor | Db objects: class DbObjectAccessor |
CDbObjectBuffer | |
CDbObjectGuard | |
CDbObjectHandle | |
CDbObjectHolder | |
CDbObjectSet | |
CDbObjectSetBase | |
►CDbOption | |
CValue | |
CDbPrint | |
CDbReflex | |
►CDbSelect | |
CPointer | |
CPtr | |
CDbSession | Db objects: class DbSession |
CDbSessionObj | Db objects: DbSessionObj |
CDbStatus | |
CDbStorageExplorer | |
CDbStorageSvc | |
CDbString | Declaration of DbString class |
CDbToken | Db objects: DbToken, DbToken.h, POOLCore/DbToken.h |
CDbTransform | |
CDbType | |
CDbTypeInfo | |
CDstInfo | |
CException | Base exception class for the POOL system |
CFileDescriptor | |
CICollection | |
CICollectionColumn | |
CICollectionCursor | |
CICollectionDataEditor | |
CICollectionDescription | |
CICollectionIndex | |
CICollectionQuery | |
CICollectionSchemaEditor | |
CICollectionService | |
CIContainer | |
CIDatabase | |
CIDbContainer | |
CIDbDatabase | |
CIDbDomain | |
CIFileCatalog | |
CImplicitCollection | An implicit collection implementation of the ICollection interface |
CImplicitCollectionIterator | |
CIOODatabase | |
CIPersistencySvc | |
CIPositionSeek | Abstract interface for seeking inside a collection |
CISession | |
CIStorageExplorer | |
CIStorageSvc | |
►CITechnologySpecificAttributes | |
CException | Exception thrown by the ITechnologySpecificAttributes class |
CITokenIterator | |
CITransaction | |
CMaxEventsInfo | |
CPersistencySvcException | Exception class thrown by the classes in the PersistencySvc package |
CProgress | |
CQueryInfo | |
CRefCounter | |
►CRNTupleContainer | |
CFieldDesc | Definition of a field info structure |
CRootCallEnv | Helper structure to access context from streamer |
CRootDatabase | |
CRootDataPtr | |
CRootDomain | |
CRootKeyContainer | |
CRootKeyIOHandler | |
CRootOODb | |
CRootOOKey | |
CRootOORNTuple | |
CRootOOTree | |
CRootOOTreeIndex | |
►CRootTreeContainer | |
CBranchDesc | Definiton of a branch descriptor |
CRootTreeIndexContainer | |
CShape | |
CSimpleUtilityBase | Common base class for POOL utilities |
CSrcInfo | |
CSystemTools | |
CTestDriver | |
►CTokenList | |
Cconst_iterator | Constant forward iterator class for navigation of TokenList objects |
Citerator | Forward iterator class for navigation of TokenList objects |
Citerator_base | Base class for forward iterators used to navigate TokenList objects |
CTransaction | |
CURIParser | |
CUtils | Shortcut for reading file GUID from python |
►Nprint_auditor_callgraph | |
CSteps | |
►NPrintHelpers | |
CVecPrintType | |
CVecPrintType< char > | |
CVecPrintType< int8_t > | |
CVecPrintType< uint8_t > | |
►NPrompt | |
CDecoratePLIT | |
CDecoratePromptLeptonImproved | |
CDecoratePromptLeptonRNN | |
CFittingInput | |
CIRNNTool | |
CIVertexFittingTool | |
CIVertexMergingTool | |
CMergeResult | |
CMergeResultNotOwner | |
CNonPromptLeptonVertexingAlg | |
CPrimaryVertexReFitter | |
CRNNTool | |
CSortByIDTrackPt | |
CSortObjectByVar | |
CSortTracksByPt | |
CSortTwoTrackVtxByDistToSeed | |
CSortTwoTrackVtxBySumTrackPt | |
CTimerScopeHelper | |
CTwoTrackVtx | |
CVarEntry | |
CVarHolder | |
CVertexFittingTool | |
CVertexIterativeFitMergingTool | |
CVertexMergingTool | |
CVtxCluster | |
►Npsc | |
►NUtils | |
CScopeTimer | Very simple timer class |
CConfig | PSC configuration object |
CPsc | Common base class for HLT Pesa Steering Controller |
►NPseudoJetGetter | Implementations of concrete input-to-PseudoJet conversions Separated from PseudoJetAlgorithm for readability |
CEMTopoRejecter | |
CIParticleRejecter | |
CPFlowRejecter | |
►NPSUtils | |
CDiodeCacheCounter | |
CHitCacheCounter | |
CMemStruct | |
►NPUCorrection | |
CPU3DCorrectionHelper | |
►NPyAlgorithmExample | |
CArgs | |
CHolder | |
CParthists | |
CParthists_Ele | |
CParthists_Muo | |
CParthists_Taujet | |
CParthists_Z | |
CPartlisthists | |
CPyAlgorithmExample | The example algorithm |
CPyCompositeParticle | |
CZ | |
►NPyAthena | |
CAlg | |
CAud | |
CPyComponentMgr | |
CSvc | |
CTool | |
►NPyDumper | |
►CPySTLAdaptor | Helper for iterating over STL map classes |
Citerator | |
►CSafeFloatAccess | |
Cieee754_float | |
CUtils | |
►NPyJobTransforms | |
►NPyPoolBrowser | |
CEDMItem | |
CMyRootObj | |
CRootItem | |
►NPyROOT | |
CCPPInstance | |
►NPythia8 | Author: James Monk (jmonk.nosp@m.@cer.nosp@m.n.ch) |
CCustomV_EW | |
CDecayToSUEP | Pythia8 UserHook to decay a given scalar particle to SUEP |
CEnhanceMPI | |
CGravFlat | |
CmergingDJRs | |
CmHatReweight | |
CPowhegBB4L | |
CPowhegBB4Ldlsl | |
CPowhegBB4Ltms | |
CPowhegV_EW | |
CPoWHEGVetoedShower | This UserHook should be used when showering QCD jets generated with PoWHEG-box |
CPTRelVetoedShower | This user hook is derived from the main31 example distributed with Pythia 8 and is for use with QCD events generated with PoWHEG |
CQCDVetoedShower | This UserHook should be used when showering QCD jets generated with PoWHEG-box |
CResonanceExcitedCI | |
CResonanceLQ | |
CSettableColourReconnectionBase | |
CSettableMBColourReconnection | |
CSettableTopColourReconnection | |
Csi_data_type | |
Csi_event_info_type | |
CSigma2qqbar2emu | Sigma1ql2LFV class |
CSigma2qqbar2eStareBar | |
CSigma2qqbar2eStareStarBar | |
CSigma2qqbar2lStarlBar | |
CSigma2qqbar2lStarlStarBar | |
CSigma2qqbar2muStarmuBar | |
CSigma2qqbar2muStarmuStarBar | |
CSigma2qqbar2nueStarnueBar | |
CSigma2qqbar2nueStarnueStarBar | |
CSigma2qqbar2numuStarnumuBar | |
CSigma2qqbar2numuStarnumuStarBar | |
CSigma2qqbar2nutauStarnutauBar | |
CSigma2qqbar2nutauStarnutauStarBar | |
CSigma2qqbar2tauStartauBar | |
CSigma2qqbar2tauStartauStarBar | |
CSingleTopWideEta | |
CSuppressMPI | |
CTopRecoilHook | |
CVetoedShower | |
CWprimeFlat | |
CWprimeWZFlat | |
CWZPolarization | Convert all resonant W/Z boson decays to the angular distribution of a pure polarisation state |
CWZVetoedShower | This UserHook should be used when showering W, Z or other colourless resonances generated with PoWHEG |
CZprimeFlatpT | |
►NPythia8_UserHooks | Some common functions for determining pTs and navigating event records for the PoWHEG + Pythia user hooks |
►CUserHooksFactory | |
CCreator | |
CICreator | |
CUserSetting | |
►NPythia8_UserProcess | |
►CUserProcessFactory | |
CCreator | |
CICreator | |
►NPythia8_UserResonance | |
►CUserResonanceFactory | |
CCreator | |
CICreator | |
►Npython | |
►NAccumulatorCache | |
CAccumulatorCachable | |
►CAccumulatorDecorator | |
CCacheStats | |
CDataHandle | |
CNotHashable | |
►Nacmdlib | |
CCommand | Classes ----------------------------------------------------------------— |
CPlugins | |
►NActsTrigSequence | |
CActsTrigSequence | |
►Nalgorithms | |
►Ngenerators | |
►Npostprocessors | |
►Npreprocessors | |
►Nscheduler | |
CScheduler | Schedule algorithms in appropriate order |
►NAlgScheduler | |
CAlgScheduler | |
►NAlgSequence | |
CAlgSequence | |
CAlgSequenceIterator | |
CAthSequencer | Sequence of Gaudi algorithms, to replace the generated configurable |
CTestAlgSequenceWithAlgs | Test case for a sequence with only algorithms in it |
CTestAlgSequenceWithAlgsAndSeqs | Test case for a sequence with algorithms and sub-sequences |
►Nall_7TeV | |
Call_7TeV | |
►NAnaAlgorithmConfig | |
CAnaAlgorithmConfig | |
CPrivateToolConfig | |
CTestAlgPrivateTool | Test case for using private tools |
CTestAlgProperties | Test case for the algorithm property handling |
CTestAlgTypeAndName | Test case for the algorithm type/name handling |
►NAnaAlgorithmMeta | |
CAnaAlgorithmMeta | |
►NAppMgr | |
►CAthAppMgr | |
CState | |
CAthServiceManager | Associator for services -----------------------------------------------— |
►NAsgAnalysisConfig | |
CCommonServicesConfig | |
CEventCutFlowBlock | |
CGeneratorAnalysisBlock | |
CIFFLeptonDecorationBlock | |
CIOStatsBlock | |
CMCTCLeptonDecorationBlock | |
CObjectCutFlowBlock | |
COutputThinningBlock | |
CPerEventSFBlock | |
CPileupReweightingBlock | |
CPtEtaSelectionBlock | |
CSelectionDecorationBlock | |
CSystematicsCategories | |
►NAsgServiceConfig | |
CAsgServiceConfig | |
CPrivateToolConfig | |
CTestServicePrivateTool | Test case for using private tools |
CTestServiceProperties | Test case for the service property handling |
CTestServiceTypeAndName | Test case for the service type/name handling |
►NAthArgumentParser | |
CAthArgumentParser | |
►NAthConfigFlags | |
CAthConfigFlags | |
CCfgFlag | |
CFlagAddress | |
►NAthDsoLogger | |
CDsoEvent | |
CDsoLogger | |
►NAthenaCommonFlags | |
CAccessMode | |
CAllowIgnoreConfigError | |
CAthenaCommonFlags | |
CEvtMax | |
CFilesInput | |
CHistOutputs | |
CisOnline | |
CSkipEvents | |
CTreeName | |
►NAthenaMPFlags | |
CAffinityCPUList | |
CAthenaMPFlags | |
CChunkSize | |
CCollectSubprocessLogs | |
CEventOrdersFile | |
CEventRangeChannel | |
CEventsBeforeFork | |
CEvtRangeScattererCaching | |
CMemSamplingInterval | |
COutputReportFile | |
CPollingInterval | |
CReadEventOrders | |
CStrategy | |
CUseParallelCompression | |
CUseSharedReader | |
CUseSharedWriter | |
CVersion | |
CWorkerTopDir | |
►NAthHLT | |
CCondDB | |
►NAthMonitorCfgHelper | |
CAthMonitorCfgHelper | |
►NAthOptionsParser | |
CAthHelpFlags | |
CAthOptionsError | |
CJobOptAction | |
CMemCheckAction | |
►Natlas_oh | |
COHInputModule | |
COHOutputModule | |
CReceiver | |
►NAtlasGeoDBInterface | |
CAtlasGeoDBInterface | |
CAtlasGeoDBInterface_SQLite | |
►NAtlasSemantics | |
CAppendListSemantics | |
CMapMergeNoReplaceSemantics | |
CPublicHandleArraySemantics | |
CPublicHandleSemantics | |
CSubAlgoSemantics | |
CToolHandleArraySemantics | |
CToolHandleSemantics | |
►CVarHandleArraySematics | |
C_ItemSemantics | |
CVarHandleKeySemantics | |
►NAtlCoolLib | |
CcoolTool | |
CRangeList | |
CTimeStampToRLB | |
►NAtlCoolSchemaLib | |
CcoolSchema | |
►NAtlCoolTool | |
CAtlCoolTool | |
CInfo | |
CInfoList | |
►NAtlCoolTriggerTool | |
CAtlCoolTriggerTool | |
►NAtlRunQueryAMI | |
►NAtlRunQueryCOMA | |
►NAtlRunQueryLib | |
CAtlRunQuery | |
►NAtlRunQueryOptions | |
CAtlRunQueryOptions | |
►NAtlRunQueryParser | |
CArgumentParser | |
►NAtlRunQueryQueryConfig | |
CQC | |
►NAtlRunQueryRun | |
CDataEntry | |
CDataEntryList | |
CRun | |
CRunData | |
►NAtlRunQuerySelectorWorker | |
►CSelectorWorker | |
CSelDescr | |
►NAuditor | |
CHephaestusAuditor | |
►NAutoConfigFlags | |
CDynamicallyLoadMetadata | |
►NBackgroundJobRunner | |
CBackgroundJobRunner | |
►NBeamSpotData | |
CBeamSpotAverage | |
CBeamSpotContainer | |
CBeamSpotCOOL | |
CBeamSpotCSV | |
CBeamSpotFinderNt | |
CBeamSpotGraph | |
CBeamSpotNt | |
CBeamSpotValue | |
►NBeamSpotPostProcessing | |
CAveBeamSpot | |
CBCIDDefaultProcessing | |
CBeamSpotGlobalNt | |
CBeamSpotNt | |
CBeamSpotNtNoAve | |
CCheckT0Status | |
CDQBeamSpot | |
CDQBeamSpotReproc | |
CJobPostProcessing | |
CLinkResults | |
CMergeNt | |
CPlotBCID | |
CPlotBeamSpot | |
CPlotBeamSpotCompareReproc | |
CPlotBeamSpotMon | |
CPlotGlobalMon | |
CPlotOnlineOfflineCompare | |
CReprocVertexDefaultProcessing | |
CT0VertexDefaultProcessing | |
CT0VertexTestProcessing | |
CTaskPostProcessing | |
CUploadBeamSpot | |
CUploadDataQuality | |
►NBeamSpotUpdate | |
CBeamSpotWriteAlg | |
CConfig | |
►NBindings | |
C_PyAthenaBindingsCatalog | |
►NBJetCalibAnalysisConfig | |
CBJetCalibAnalysisConfig | |
►NBlock | |
CBlock | |
►NBootstrapGeneratorConfig | |
CBootstrapGeneratorConfig | |
►NBuildSignatureFlags | |
CFlagValuesTest | |
►NCaloCellContainerAliasAlg_test | |
CCheckAliasAlg | |
CCreateDataAlg | |
►NCaloCondLogger | |
CCaloCondLogger | |
►NCaloCondTools | |
CCaloBlobReader | |
CCaloBlobWriter | |
►NCaloDetDescrManager_test | |
CCaloDetDescrManagerAlg | |
►NCaloEstimatedGainTool_test | |
CTestAlg | |
►NCaloThinCellsByClusterAlg_test | |
CCheckThinningAlg | |
CCreateDataAlg | |
►NCaloThinCellsBySamplingAlg_test | |
CCheckThinningAlg | |
CCreateDataAlg | |
►NCFElements | |
CTestCF | |
CTestNest | |
►NCfgMgr | |
CModuleFacade | |
►NchainString | |
CchainString | |
►NcheckMetadata | |
CValidateMetadataAlg | |
►NChecks | |
CAODContentCheck | |
CAODDigestCheck | |
CFailedOrPassedCheck | |
CFPECheck | |
CFrozenTier0PolicyCheck | |
CMetadataCheck | |
CSimpleCheck | |
CWarningsComparisonCheck | |
►NClass_FeatureHandler | |
CFeatureHandler | |
►NClass_InformationHandler_New | |
CInformationHandler | |
►NclidGenerator | |
CclidGenerator | Athena CLID Generator Class |
►NCompareJetTestFiles | |
CCompareJetTestFiles | |
►NComponentAccumulator | |
CComponentAccumulator | |
CConfigurationError | |
►NComponentFactory | |
C_compFactory | |
►NConcurrencyFlags | |
CConcurrencyFlags | |
CDebugWorkers | |
CNumConcurrentEvents | |
CNumProcs | |
CNumThreads | |
►NCondDB | |
CCondDB | |
►NConditionDefaults | |
CConditionDefaults | |
►NConditionsContainerAccess | |
CConditionsContainerAccess | |
CDescriptionDecoder | |
CInterfaceRDS | |
►NConditionsToolSetterFastReduction | |
CConditionsToolSetterFastReduction | |
►NConfigAccumulator | |
CConfigAccumulator | |
CContainerConfig | |
CDataType | |
COutputConfig | |
CSelectionConfig | |
►NConfigBlock | |
CConfigBlock | |
CConfigBlockDependency | |
CConfigBlockOption | |
►NConfigFactory | |
CConfigFactory | |
CFactoryBlock | |
►NConfigSequence | |
CConfigSequence | |
►NConfigText | |
CTextConfig | |
►NConfigurable | |
►CConfigurable | |
CDefaultCollector | |
CDefaultName | |
CConfigurableAlgorithm | |
CConfigurableAlgTool | |
CConfigurableAuditor | |
CConfigurableCABehavior | |
CConfigurablePyAlgorithm | |
CConfigurableService | |
CConfigurableUser | |
►NConfigurableDb | |
C_CfgDb | Singleton holding configurable and loadable information ---------------— |
C_Singleton | Create configurable DB, and pre-fill it, then clean-up remnants -------— |
►NConfigurableMeta | |
CConfigurableMeta | This metaclass installs PropertyProxy descriptors for Gaudi properties |
►NConfigurables | |
C_PyCompHandle | |
CCfgPyAlgorithm | Configurable base class for PyAlgorithms -------------------------------— |
CCfgPyAlgTool | |
CCfgPyAud | |
CCfgPyComponent | Configurable base class for all Py compmonents -------------------------— |
CCfgPyService | |
CPyComponents | |
►NConfigurationShelve | |
CConfigurationJar | |
CConfigurationShelve | Representation of job databases ========================================== |
►NCoolDataReader | |
CCoolDataReader | |
►NCOOLUtils | |
CCOOLQuery | |
►NCosmicsLumiConfig | |
CCosmicsLumiConfig | |
►Ncoverage | |
CCoverage | |
►NCtbPhotonESpectrum | |
CPhoton_Energy_spectrum | |
►ND3PDObject | |
CD3PDObject | |
CDeferArg | |
►Ndb | |
CDatabases | |
CDefectsDB | |
►NdbgEventInfo | |
CdbgEventInfo | |
►Ndbsqlite | |
CSQLhash | |
CSQLHashItemIterator | |
CSQLHashKeyIterator | |
CSQLHashValueIterator | |
►NDebugging | |
CDbgStage | |
►NDebuggingContext | |
CContext | |
►Ndecorators | |
►NDecoratorFromDefault | |
CDecoratorFromDefault | |
►NDecoratorFromPowheg | |
CDecoratorFromPowheg | |
►Nsingleton | |
CSingleton | Metaclass for implementing the Singleton pattern |
►NDeduplication | |
CDeduplicationFailed | |
►NDependencyHelper | |
C_dummyJetDef | |
►Ndetector_hierarchy | |
CDetectorHierarchy | |
►NDetStatusLib | |
CDetStatusNames | |
CDetStatusReq | |
CStatusList | |
CStatusObj | |
►NDiskUtils | |
CAccessError | |
CBackend | |
CEOS | |
CFileSet | |
CFilterError | |
CLocal | |
►NDiTauAnalysisConfig | |
CDiTauCalibrationConfig | |
CDiTauWorkingPointConfig | |
►NDiTauMassConfig | |
CDiTauMassBlock | |
►NDQConfigFlags | |
CDQDataType | |
►NDQPostProcessingAlg | |
CAthInputModule | |
CAthOutputModule | |
CDQPostProcessingAlg | |
►NDQUtilities | |
CDefectError | |
CIDBSDefectData | |
CIDBSDefectEncoding | |
CIDBSDefectWriter | |
►NDQWebDisplayConfig | |
CDQWebDisplayConfig | |
►NDQWebDisplayMod | |
CLockAcquisitionException | Get usable signal handlers |
►Ndraw_obj | |
C_options | |
►NDso | |
CCxxDsoDb | |
CDsoDb | |
CPyDsoDb | |
CRflxEnums | Classes ----------------------------------------------------------------— |
►NDummyFilter | |
CDummyFilter | |
►NDumperConfig | |
CDumper | |
►NDumpers | |
Cchar_accessor | |
CforceInt | |
CPyTrigInDetTrack | |
CPyTrigInDetTrackFitPar | |
Cuchar_accessor | |
►NegammaD3PDConfig | |
CMergeElectrons | |
►NEI_Lib | |
CIOV | |
►NEIPBof | |
CEIPBof | |
►NElectronAnalysisConfig | |
CElectronCalibrationConfig | |
CElectronTriggerAnalysisSFBlock | |
CElectronWorkingPointConfig | |
►NElectronFilter | |
CElectronFilter | |
►NElectronIsEMSelectorMapping | |
CelectronPIDmenu | |
►NElectronLikelihoodToolMapping | |
CelectronLHmenu | |
►NEnums | |
CBeamType | |
CBunchStructureSource | |
CFlagEnum | |
CFormat | |
CHIMode | |
CLHCPeriod | |
CMetadataCategory | |
CProductionStep | |
CProject | |
►NEventCleaningConfig | |
CEventCleaningBlock | |
►NEventSelectionConfig | |
CEventSelectionConfig | |
CEventSelectionMergerConfig | |
►NEvgenAlg | |
CEvgenAlg | |
►NEvgenAnalysisAlg | |
CEvgenAnalysisAlg | |
►NEvgenCAConfig | |
CEvgenConfig | |
►NEvgenConfig | |
CEvgenConfig | |
►NExampleConfig | |
CExampleConfig | |
►Nexceptions | |
CDefectExistsError | |
CDefectUnknownError | |
CInvalidDefectTagError | |
CInvalidLogicTagError | |
CInvalidTagError | |
►Next | |
►Nlsprofcalltree | |
CKCacheGrind | |
►NFakeBkgConfig | |
CFakeBkgBlock | |
►NFastReductionAlgToolFactory | |
CFastReductionAlgToolFactory | |
►NFilePeekerLib | |
CFilePeeker | |
CFilePeekerSvc | |
Csg_versioned_key | Classes -----------------------------------------------------------------— |
►NFilePeekerTool | |
CFilePeekerTool | |
►Nfileutil | |
CAccessType | |
CTee | |
►NFilterParams | |
CFilterParams | |
►NFilterUtils | |
CBCIDFilter | |
CLBFilter | |
CLbInfo | |
CLBPrinter | |
CLumiBlockFilter | |
CZFilter | |
►Nfolders | |
CDefectsDBFoldersMixin | |
►NForwardElectronIsEMSelectorMapping | |
CforwardelectronPIDmenu | |
►NFTagAnalysisConfig | |
CFTagConfig | |
►NFTagEventSFAnalysisConfig | |
CFTagEventSFConfig | |
►NGetCrossSectionAMITool | |
CGetCrossSectionAMI | Basic wrapper around pyAMI for getting MC dataset cross sections & maniuplating dataset name strings |
►NgetFileLists | |
CfindTCTFiles | |
CTCTChainInfo | |
►NGlobalFlags | |
CConditionsTag | |
CDatabaseInstance | |
CDataSource | |
CDetDescrVersion | |
CDetGeo | |
CGlobal | |
►CGlobalFlags | OLD code that will be completely replaced by globalflags based on JobProperties |
C_TmpC | |
CDataSource | |
CDetGeo | |
CInputFormat | |
CLuminosity | |
CInputFormat | |
CisOverlay | |
CLuminosity | |
►NGoodRunsListConfig | |
CGoodRunsListConfig | |
►Ngrl | |
CGRLGen | |
►Nhanwriter | |
CDocument | |
CHanAlgorithm | |
CHanCannotCreateConf | |
CHanCompositeAlgorithm | |
CHanDir | |
CHanHistogram | |
CHanLimit | |
CHanOutput | |
CHanReference | |
CHanThreshold | |
CHanWritingError | |
CNode | |
►NHelperConfigToolParams | |
CHelperConfigToolParams | |
►NHelpers | |
CShutUp | |
►NHGTD_ConfigFlags | |
CClusteringStrategy | |
►Nhistsampling | |
CTH1 | |
CTH2 | |
►NHLT | |
►NBjet | |
►NBjetChainConfiguration | |
CBjetChainConfiguration | |
►NBphysics | |
►NBphysicsChainConfiguration | |
CBphysicsChainConfiguration | Class/function to configure muon chains |
►NCalibCosmicMon | |
►NBeamspotChainConfiguration | |
CBeamspotChainConfiguration | |
►NCalibChainConfiguration | |
CCalibChainConfiguration | |
►NCosmicChainConfiguration | |
CCosmicChainConfiguration | |
►NEnhancedBiasChainConfiguration | |
CEnhancedBiasChainConfiguration | |
►NMonitorChainConfiguration | |
CMonitorChainConfiguration | |
►NStreamingChainConfiguration | |
CStreamingChainConfiguration | |
►NCommonSequences | |
►NCaloSequences | |
CCaloMenuDefs | |
►NCaloSequences_FWD | |
CCaloMenuDefs_FWD | |
►NEgamma | |
►NTrigEgammaKeys | |
CTrigEgammaKeys_GSF | |
CTrigEgammaKeys_LRT | |
CTrigEgammaKeys_LRTGSF | |
CTrigEgammaKeysBase | |
►NElectron | |
►NElectronChainConfiguration | |
CElectronChainConfiguration | |
►NHeavyIon | |
►NHeavyIonChainConfiguration | |
CHeavyIonChainConfig | |
►NJet | |
►NJetChainConfiguration | |
CJetChainConfiguration | |
►NJetMenuSequencesConfig | |
CJetHypoAlgType | — Menu Sequence helpers — |
►NMenu | |
►NMenuPrescaleConfig | |
CPrescaleClass | |
►NSignatureDicts | |
CChainStore | |
►NStreamInfo | |
CStreamInfo | |
►NMET | |
►NAlgConfigs | |
CCellConfig | |
CCVFPufitConfig | |
CMHTConfig | |
CMHTPufitConfig | |
CNNHLTConfig | |
CPFOPufitConfig | |
CPFSumConfig | |
CTCConfig | |
CTCPufitConfig | |
CTrkMHTConfig | |
►NConfigHelpers | |
CAlgConfig | |
►NMETChainConfiguration | |
CMETChainConfiguration | |
►NStepOutput | |
CStepOutput | |
►NMinBias | |
►NMinBiasChainConfiguration | |
CMinBiasChainConfig | |
►NMuon | |
►NMuonChainConfiguration | |
CMuonChainConfiguration | Class/function to configure muon chains |
►NMuonRecoSequences | |
CmuonNames | |
►NTau | |
►NTauChainConfiguration | |
CTauChainConfiguration | Class to configure tau chains |
►NTest | |
►NTestChainConfiguration | |
CTestChainConfiguration | |
►NhltResult | |
ChltResult | |
►NhltResultMT | |
CEDMCollection | |
►NHLTTriggerConfigAccess | |
CHLTJobOptionsAccess | |
CHLTMenuAccess | |
CHLTMonitoringAccess | |
CHLTPrescalesSetAccess | |
►NHTCondorJobRunner | |
CHTCondorJobRunner | |
►Nhtml | |
►NAtlRunQueryDQSummary | |
CDQSummary | |
►NAtlRunQueryHTML | |
CResultPageMaker | |
►NAtlRunQueryPageMaker | |
CPageMaker | |
►NHto4lConfig | |
CHto4lConfig | Base class for configurable objects in the jobOptions |
►NHto4lPowhegDefault | |
CHto4lPowhegDefault | |
►NHto4lPowhegMerge | |
CHto4lPowhegMerge | Base class for configurable objects in the jobOptions |
►NHypoToolAnalyser | |
CHypoToolAnalyser | |
►NhypoToolTests | |
CHypoToolStructure | |
►NiconfTool | |
►Ngui | |
►Nmodals | |
CDoubleHelpModal | |
CHelpModal | |
CModal | |
CSearchModal | |
CSingleHelpModal | |
►Npad | |
CPad | |
►Nwrappers | |
CDoublePad | |
CGuiLoader | |
►Nmodels | |
►Nelement | |
CElement | |
CGroupingElement | |
CSingleElement | |
CValueElement | |
►Nloaders | |
CComponentsDiffFileLoader | |
CComponentsFileLoader | |
►Nstructure | |
CComponentsStructure | |
CComponentsStructureFilter | |
CStructure | |
►Nutils | |
►Nids | |
CDefectID | |
CDefectIDBitfield | |
CDefectsDBIDsNamesMixin | |
►NInclude | |
CInclude | |
CIncludeError | |
►NInDetTrigCollectionKeys | |
CIDTrigPixelKeys | |
CIDTrigSCTKeys | |
CIDTrigTRTKeys | |
►NInDetTrigSequence | |
CInDetTrigSequence | |
►NInnerTrackerTrigSequence | |
CInnerTrackerTrigSequence | |
►NInnerTrackingTrigSequence | |
CInnerTrackingTrigSequence | |
►NInteractive | |
CShellEscapes | LazyPython based hook for shell commands ==================================== |
►NItemListSemantics | |
COutputStreamItemListSemantics | |
►NITkTrigSequence | |
CITkTrigSequence | |
►NJetAnalysisCommon | |
CComponentAccumulatorMockUp | |
CConfArray | |
CConfigured | |
CConfNameSpace | |
►NJetAnalysisConfig | |
CLargeRJetAnalysisConfig | |
CPreJetAnalysisConfig | |
CRScanJetAnalysisConfig | |
CSmallRJetAnalysisConfig | |
►NJetDefinition | |
CJetConstitModifier | |
CJetDefinition | |
CJetInputConstit | |
CJetInputConstitSeq | |
CJetInputExternal | |
CJetInputType | |
CJetModifier | |
►Njetetmiss_7TeV | |
Cjetetmiss_7TeV | |
►Njetetmiss_jetmetok_windet_900GeV | |
Cjetetmiss_jetmetok_windet_900GeV | |
►Njetetmiss_jetmetok_woindet_2TeV | |
Cjetetmiss_jetmetok_woindet_2TeV | |
►Njetetmiss_jetmetok_woindet_900GeV | |
Cjetetmiss_jetmetok_woindet_900GeV | |
►Njetetmiss_windet_900GeV | |
Cjetetmiss_windet_900GeV | |
►Njetetmiss_woindet_2TeV | |
Cjetetmiss_woindet_2TeV | |
►Njetetmiss_woindet_900GeV | |
Cjetetmiss_woindet_900GeV | |
►NJetGrooming | |
CGroomingDefinition | |
CJetSoftDrop | |
CJetTrimming | |
►NJetJvtAnalysisConfig | |
CJetJvtAnalysisConfig | |
►NJetReclusteringConfig | |
CJetReclusteringBlock | |
►NJobProperties | |
C_JobPropertyMeta | |
CJobProperties | |
CJobProperty | |
CJobPropertyContainer | |
►NJobRunner | |
CJobRunner | |
CJobRunnerError | |
CJobRunnerParameter | |
►NL1 | |
►NBase | |
►NBoards | |
CBoard | |
CBoardType | |
CMenuBoardsCollection | |
►NBunchGroupSet | |
►CBunchGroupSet | |
CBunchGroup | |
►NConnectors | |
CCFormat | |
CConnector | |
CCtpinConnector | |
CCType | |
CElectricalConnector | |
CEmptyTriggerLine | |
CMenuConnectorsCollection | |
COpticalConnector | |
CTriggerLine | |
►NCTP | |
CCTP | |
CRandom | |
►NCTPCondition | |
CInternalTrigger | |
CThrCondition | |
►NItems | |
CMenuItem | |
CMenuItemsCollection | |
Cmeta_d | |
CPrescaleHandler | |
►NL1Menu | |
CL1Menu | |
►NL1Menu2JSON | |
CL1MenuJSONConverter | |
►NL1MenuFlags | |
CFlagWrapper | |
►CL1MenuFlagsCont | |
CFlagArgs | |
►NLimits | |
CAccess | |
CCaloLimits | |
CLimits | |
►NLogic | |
CLogic | |
CLogicType | |
►NMenuConfObj | |
CTopoMenuDef | |
►NMenuUtils | |
Cidgen | |
►NMonCounters | |
CCtpinCounter | |
CCtpmonCounter | |
CMenuMonCountersCollection | |
CMonCounter | |
►NThresholds | |
CcTauThreshold | |
CeEMThreshold | |
CeEMVarThreshold | |
CeTauThreshold | |
CgJetThreshold | |
CgLJetThreshold | |
CjEMThreshold | |
CjJetThreshold | |
CjLJetThreshold | |
CjTauThreshold | |
CLArSaturationThreshold | |
CLegacyThreshold | |
CMBTSSIThreshold | |
CMBTSThreshold | |
CMenuThresholdsCollection | |
CMuonThreshold | |
CNimThreshold | |
CNSWMonThreshold | |
CTEThreshold | |
CThreshold | |
CThresholdValue | |
CTopoThreshold | |
CXEThreshold | |
CZeroBiasThreshold | |
CZeroBiasThresholdTopo | |
►NThresholdType | |
CThrType | |
►NTopoAlgorithms | |
CAlgCategory | |
CAlgType | |
CMenuTopoAlgorithmsCollection | |
►NTopoAlgos | |
CDecisionAlgo | |
CEMMultiplicityAlgo | |
CGeneric | |
CJetMultiplicityAlgo | |
CLArSaturationAlgo | |
CMultiplicityAlgo | |
CMuMultiplicityAlgo | |
CSortingAlgo | |
CTauMultiplicityAlgo | |
CTopoAlgo | These classes are base classes for the auto-generated algorithm python representations |
CVariable | |
CXEMultiplicityAlgo | |
CZeroBiasAlgo | |
►NConfig | |
►NCTPInputConfig | |
CCTPInputConfig | |
►NItemDef | |
CItemDef | |
►NItemDef_run4 | |
CItemDef_run4 | |
►NMonitorDef | |
CMonitorDef | |
►NThresholdDef | |
CThresholdDef | |
►NThresholdDefLegacy | |
CThresholdDefLegacy | |
►NTopoAlgoDef | |
CTopoAlgoDef | |
►NTopoAlgoDefLegacy | |
CTopoAlgoDefLegacy | |
►NTopoAlgoDefMuctpi | |
CTopoAlgoDefMuctpi | |
►NTopoAlgoDefMultiplicity | |
CTopoAlgoDefMultiplicity | |
►NTriggerTypeDef | |
CTT | |
►NTypeWideThresholdConfig | |
►CL1Config_cTAU | |
CL1Config_eTAU | |
CL1Config_jTAU | |
CValueWithEtaDependence | |
►NL1MenuConfig | |
CL1MenuConfig | |
►NMenu | |
►NL1TriggerConfigAccess | |
CBunchGroupSetAccess | |
CL1MenuAccess | |
CL1PrescalesSetAccess | |
►NLArBadChannelBrowserLib | |
CLArBadChannelBrowserAlg | |
►NLArBlobMergeAlg | |
CLArBlobMergeAlg | |
►NLArCellConditionsAlg | |
CLArCellConditionsAlg | |
►NLArCondContChannels | |
CLArCondContChannels | |
►NLArCondDataDumper | |
CLArCondDataDumper | |
►NLArConditionsContainer | |
CLArConditionsContainer | |
►NLArConfigFlags | |
CRawChannelSource | |
►NLArDBFolderBrowser_BadChan | |
CLArDBFolderBrowser_BadChan | |
►NLArDBFolderBrowser_MissingFEBs | |
CLArDBFolderBrowser_MissingFEBs | |
►NLArExtendedFTGrouping | |
CLArExtendedFTGrouping | |
►NLArExtendedSubDetGrouping | |
CLArExtendedSubDetGrouping | |
►NLArIdHelperStandalone | |
CLArIdHelper | |
►NLArRunFormat | |
CLArDTRunInfo | |
CLArRunInfo | |
►NLeptonSFCalculatorConfig | |
CLeptonSFCalculatorBlock | |
►NLheConverterUpc | |
CLheConverterUpc | |
►NLib | |
CPyClidsTestWriter | |
CPyReadFatObject | |
CPyReadNonThinnedData | |
CPySgStressConsumer | |
CPySgStressProducer | |
CPyWriteThinnedData | |
►Nlogger | |
CColoredFormatter | |
CExtendedLogger | |
►NLogging | |
CAnaLogger | Specialized logger to allow setting with Gaudi-like message levels ===== |
CAthenaLogger | Specialized logger to allow setting with Gaudi message levels ============ |
►NLogicalFilterCombiner | |
CLogicalFilterCombiner | |
►NLSFJobRunner | |
CLSFJobRunner | |
►Nlumi | |
CUnknownTrigger | |
►NLumiCalcHtml | |
CLumiCalc | |
►NLumiCalculator | |
CcoolLumiCalc | |
CIOVCache | |
ClumiResult | |
CRLBRange | |
►NLumiCalcWorking | |
CLumiWorking | |
►NLumiCalibrator | |
CLumiCalibrator | |
►NLumiChannelDefs | |
CLumiChannelDefs | |
►NLumiChannelDefsRun1 | |
CLumiChannelDefs | |
►NLumiDBCache | |
CLumiDBCache | |
►NLumiDBHandler | |
CLumiDBHandler | |
►NLumiDeadtimeHandler | |
CLumiDeadtimeHandler | |
►NLumiGRLParser | |
CLumiGRLParser | |
►NLumiQuery | |
CPyRunLumiP1 | |
►NLumiResultsGetter | |
CcoolLumiResultsGetter | |
►NMadGraphTopUpAlg | |
CMadGraphTopUpAlg | |
►NMagFieldUtils | |
CMagFieldDCSInfo | |
►NMakerAlgConfig | |
CMakerAlg | |
►NMenuXML2JSONConverter | |
CXML2JsonConverter | |
►Nmessaging_listen | |
CATLASDQMListener | |
►NMetAnalysisConfig | |
CMetAnalysisConfig | |
►Nminbias_2TeV | |
Cminbias_2TeV | |
►Nminbias_7TeV | |
Cminbias_7TeV | |
►Nminbias_900GeV | |
Cminbias_900GeV | |
►Nminbias_solon_2TeV | |
Cminbias_solon_2TeV | |
►Nminbias_solon_900GeV | |
Cminbias_solon_900GeV | |
►Nminbias_solon_windet_900GeV | |
Cminbias_solon_windet_900GeV | |
►Nminbias_stable_900GeV | |
Cminbias_stable_900GeV | |
►Nminbias_windet_900GeV | |
Cminbias_windet_900GeV | |
►NMissingEtFilter | |
CMissingEtFilter | |
►NMpUtils | |
CSubProcessIterator | |
►NMTJobOptCfg | |
CPerfMonMTSvc | |
►NMultiReaderAlg | |
CMultiReaderAlg | A class very similar to D3PDMakerCoreComps.MakerAlg, but it creates a configured version of the D3PD::MultiReaderAlg |
►Nmuon_7TeV | |
Cmuon_7TeV | |
►NMuonAnalysisConfig | |
CMuonCalibrationConfig | |
CMuonTriggerAnalysisSFBlock | |
CMuonWorkingPointConfig | |
►NMuonBytestreamDecodeConfig | |
CMuonCacheNames | Small class to hold the names for cache containers, should help to avoid copy / paste errors |
►NMuonConfigFlags | |
CMMClusterBuilderEnum | |
►NMuonRdoDecodeConfig | |
CMuonPrdCacheNames | Small class to hold the names for cache containers, should help to avoid copy / paste errors |
►NMuonsExtraTriggerConfig | |
CMuonExtraTriggerHelper | |
►NOfficialGRLs | |
COfficialGRLs | Official collection of GRL maintained and produced by DQ group |
►NOnnxRuntimeFlags | |
COnnxRuntimeType | |
►Noutput | |
►NAtlRunQueryXML | |
CTextElement | |
►NOutputAnalysisConfig | |
COutputAnalysisConfig | |
►NOverlapAnalysisConfig | |
COverlapAnalysisConfig | |
►NPandaJobRunner | |
CPandaJobRunner | |
►NParameterDbFiller | |
CParameterDbFiller | |
CParameterDbFillerError | |
►Nparameters | |
►Nparameter | |
CParameter | Class to store information about a single Powheg parameter |
►Npowheg_atlas_common | |
Cbranching_ratio | Particle branching ratios |
CCKM | CKM matrix |
CEW_parameters | EW parameters |
Cmass | Particle masses |
Cwidth | Particle widths |
CWS_parameters | Wolfenstein parameters |
►Nregistry | |
CRegistry | Class to store information about Powheg parameters |
►NPDSFJobRunner | |
CPDSFJobRunner | |
►NPerfMonFlags | |
CdoFastMonMT | |
CdoFullMonMT | |
CdoMonitoringMT | |
COutputJSON | |
CPerfMonFlags | |
►NPhotonAnalysisConfig | |
CPhotonCalibrationConfig | |
CPhotonWorkingPointConfig | |
►NPhotonExtraVariablesConfig | |
CPhotonExtraVariablesBlock | |
►NPhotonIsEMSelectorMapping | |
CphotonPIDmenu | |
►NPileUpMTConfig | |
CPUBkgKind | |
►NPOOL2EI_Lib | |
►NPoolFile | |
CCounter | |
CDiffFiles | |
CPoolFile | |
CPoolFileCatalog | |
►CPoolOpts | |
CRNTupleNames | |
CTTreeNames | |
►CPoolRecord | |
CSorter | |
CUnits | — data ---------------------------------------------------------------— |
►NPostProcessing | |
CPostponeProcessing | |
CPostProcessingError | |
CPostProcessingStep | |
►Npowheg_control | |
CPowhegControl | Provides PowhegConfig objects which are user-configurable in the jobOptions |
►Nprocesses | |
►Nconfigurable | |
CConfigurable | Class for any process which can be configured |
►Nexternal | |
►Nexternal_base | |
CExternalBase | Base class for external processes |
►Nexternal_madspin | |
CExternalMadSpin | Class for running external MadSpin process |
►Nexternal_nnlo_reweighter | |
CExternalNNLOReweighter | Class for running external NNLO reweighting process |
►Nexternal_photos | |
CExternalPHOTOS | Class for running external PHOTOS process |
►Nexternal_vbf_nlo | |
CExternalVBFNLO | Class for running external VBFNLO process |
►Npowheg | |
►Nbb | |
Cbb | Default Powheg configuration for b-quark pair production |
►NbbH | |
CbbH | Default Powheg configuration for Higgs boson production in association with top quarks |
►Nbblvlv | |
Cbblvlv | Default Powheg configuration for top pair and Wt production including non-resonant and interference effects |
►Nbblvlv_Beta | |
Cbblvlv_Beta | Default Powheg configuration for top pair and Wt production including non-resonant and interference effects |
►Nbblvlv_Beta_modified | |
Cbblvlv_Beta_modified | Default Powheg configuration for top pair and Wt production including non-resonant and interference effects |
►Nbblvlv_modified | |
Cbblvlv_modified | Default Powheg configuration for top pair and Wt production including non-resonant and interference effects |
►Nchi0chi0 | |
Cchi0chi0 | Default Powheg configuration for neutralino pair production |
►Nchi0chi1 | |
Cchi0chi1 | Default Powheg configuration for neutralino plus chargino production |
►Nchi1chi1 | |
Cchi1chi1 | Default Powheg configuration for chargino pair production |
►NDMGG | |
CDMGG | Default Powheg configuration for dark matter plus monojet production (GG-mediated) |
►NDMS_tloop | |
CDMS_tloop | Default Powheg configuration for dark matter plus monojet production (through a top loop) |
►NDMV | |
CDMV | Default Powheg configuration for dark matter plus monojet production (with a vector mediator) |
►NDY_SLQ | |
CDY_SLQ | Default Powheg configuration for Vector LeptoQuark production |
►NDY_VLQ | |
CDY_VLQ | Default Powheg configuration for Vector LeptoQuark production |
►Nfourtops | |
Cfourtops | Default Powheg configuration for 4 tops production |
►Ngg4l | |
Cgg4l | Default Powheg configuration for NLO QCD corrections to 4 lepton production in gluon fusion, including the Higgs-mediated contribution, the diboson background and their interference |
►NggF_H | |
CggF_H | Default Powheg configuration for gluon-fusion Higgs boson production with quark mass and EW effects |
►NggF_HH | |
CggF_HH | Default Powheg configuration for gluon-fusion Higgs boson production with quark mass and EW effects |
►NggF_HH_quartic | |
CggF_HH_quartic | Default Powheg configuration for gluon-fusion Higgs boson production with quark mass and EW effects |
►NggF_HH_SMEFT | |
CggF_HH_SMEFT | Default Powheg configuration for gluon-fusion Higgs boson production with quark mass and EW effects |
►NggF_HZ | |
CggF_HZ | Default Powheg configuration for gluon-fusion Higgs boson plus Z-boson production with quark mass effects |
►NHj | |
CHj | Default Powheg configuration for Higgs boson production plus one jet |
►NHj_MiNNLO | |
CHj_MiNNLO | Default Powheg configuration for Higgs boson production plus one jet using MiNNLOPS |
►NHjj | |
CHjj | Default Powheg configuration for Higgs boson production plus two jets |
►NHWj | |
CHWj | Default Powheg configuration for associated Higgs boson and W-boson production plus one jet, with quark mass effects |
►NHWj_EW | |
CHWj_EW | Default Powheg configuration for associated Higgs boson and W-boson production plus one jet, with electroweak and quark mass effects |
►NHZj | |
CHZj | Default Powheg configuration for associated Higgs boson and Z-boson production plus one jet, with quark mass effects |
►NHZj_EW | |
CHZj_EW | Default Powheg configuration for associated Higgs boson and Z-boson production plus one jet, with electroweak and quark mass effects |
►Njj | |
Cjj | Default Powheg configuration for jet pair production |
►Njjj | |
Cjjj | Default Powheg configuration for three jet production |
►NLQ_s_chan | |
CLQ_s_chan | Default Powheg configuration for LeptoQuarks s-channel production |
►NssWWjj | |
CssWWjj | Default Powheg configuration for same-sign W-boson pair plus jet pair production |
►Nt_sch | |
Ct_sch | Default Powheg configuration for single-top production in the s-channel |
►Nt_tch_4FS | |
Ct_tch_4FS | Default Powheg configuration for single-top production in the t-channel in the four-flavour scheme |
►Ntt | |
Ctt | Default Powheg configuration for top-pair production |
►Ntt_NLOdecays | |
Ctt_NLOdecays | Default Powheg configuration for top pair production, with NLO corrections to the decays |
►Nttbb | |
Cttbb | |
►NttH | |
CttH | Default Powheg configuration for Higgs boson production in association with top quarks |
►Nttj | |
Cttj | Default Powheg configuration for top pair production plus one jet |
►Nttj_MiNNLO | |
Cttj_MiNNLO | Default Powheg configuration for top pair production plus one jet with MiNNLO |
►Nttll | |
Cttll | |
►NttWm_EW | |
CttWm_EW | |
►NttWm_QCD | |
CttWm_QCD | |
►NttWp_EW | |
CttWp_EW | |
►NttWp_QCD | |
CttWp_QCD | |
►NttZ | |
CttZ | |
►NVBF_H | |
CVBF_H | Default Powheg configuration for Higgs boson production through vector boson fusion |
►NVBF_osWW | |
CVBF_osWW | |
►NVBF_ssWW | |
CVBF_ssWW | Default Powheg configuration for same-sign W-boson pair plus jet pair production through vector boson fusion |
►NVBF_W | |
CVBF_W | Default Powheg configuration for W-boson production through vector boson fusion |
►NVBF_Z | |
CVBF_Z | Default Powheg configuration for Z-boson production through vector boson fusion |
►NVBF_ZZ | |
►NW | |
CW | Default Powheg configuration for single W-boson production |
►NW_EW | |
CW_EW | Default Powheg configuration for single W-boson production with electroweak corrections |
CW_SMEFT | Powheg configuration for W boson production in Standard Model Effective Field Theory |
►NWbb | |
CWbb | Default Powheg configuration for W-boson plus b-quark pair production |
►NWbbj | |
CWbbj | Default Powheg configuration for W-boson plus b-quark pair production with an associated jet |
►NWj | |
CWj | Default Powheg configuration for single W-boson production plus one jet |
►NWj_MiNNLO | |
CWj_MiNNLO | Default Powheg configuration for single W-boson production plus one jet using MINNLOPS |
►NWjj | |
CWjj | Default Powheg configuration for single W-boson production plus two jets |
►NWt_DR | |
CWt_DR | Default Powheg configuration for single top production with an associated W-boson through the t-channel (diagram removal) |
►NWt_DR_modified | |
CWt_DR_modified | Default Powheg configuration for single top production with an associated W-boson through the t-channel (diagram removal) |
►NWt_DS | |
CWt_DS | Default Powheg configuration for single top production with an associated W-boson through the t-channel (diagram subtraction) |
►NWW | |
CWW | Default Powheg configuration for W-boson pair production including interference for identical leptons |
►NWWj | |
CWWj | Default Powheg configuration for W-boson pair production plus one jet |
►NWy | |
CWy | Default Powheg configuration for W-boson production with an associated photon |
►NWZ | |
CWZ | Default Powheg configuration for W-boson and Z-boson production including interference for identical leptons |
►Nyj | |
Cyj | |
►NZ | |
CZ | Default Powheg configuration for single Z-boson production |
►NZ_EW | |
CZ_EW | Default Powheg configuration for single Z-boson production with electroweak corrections |
CZ_SMEFT | Powheg configuration for Z boson production in Standard Model Effective Field Theory |
►NZj | |
CZj | Default Powheg configuration for single Z-boson production plus one jet |
►NZj_MiNNLO | |
CZj_MiNNLO | Default Powheg configuration for single Z-boson production plus one jet using MiNNLOPS |
►NZjj | |
CZjj | Default Powheg configuration for single Z-boson production plus two jets |
►NZZ | |
CZZ | Default Powheg configuration for Z-boson pair production including interference for identical leptons |
►Npowheg_base | |
CPowhegBase | Base class for PowhegBox processes |
►Npowheg_Beta | |
CPowhegBeta | Base class for PowhegBox RES processes |
►Npowheg_RES | |
CPowhegRES | Base class for PowhegBox RES processes |
►Npowheg_V1 | |
CPowhegV1 | Base class for PowhegBox V1 processes |
►Npowheg_V2 | |
CPowhegV2 | Base class for PowhegBox V2 processes |
►NProgressBar | |
CprogressBar | |
►NPropertyProxy | |
CDataHandlePropertyProxy | |
CGaudiHandleArrayPropertyProxy | |
CGaudiHandlePropertyProxy | |
CGaudiHandlePropertyProxyBase | |
CPropertyProxy | |
►NProphecyConfig | |
CProphecyConfig | Base class for configurable objects in the jobOptions |
►NProphecyPowhegDefault | |
CProphecyPowhegDefault | |
►NProphecyPowhegMerge | |
CProphecyPowhegMerge | Base class for configurable objects in the jobOptions |
►NPropSetterProxy | |
CPropSetterProxy | |
►NPublicStreamFilter | |
CPublicStreamFilter | |
►NPyAthena | |
CModuleFacade | |
►NPyAthenaComps | |
CAlg | |
CAlgTool | |
CAthFilterAlgorithm | |
CAud | |
CStatusCode | PyAthena.StatusCode ----------------------------------------------------— |
CSvc | |
CWeakRefHolder | |
►NPyAthenaEventLoopMgr | |
CPyAthenaEventLoopMgr | |
►NPyComps | |
CDataProxyLoader | |
CMpEvtLoopMgr | |
CPyEvtFilter | |
CPyReader | |
CPySgDumper | |
CPyWriter | |
►NPyCompsExt | |
CPyEvtFilterFromFile | |
►Npydraw | |
C_Bins | |
C_Loopvar | |
CAthenaLoopWrapper | |
CDraw_Cmd | |
CTreeLoopWrapper | |
►NPyKernel | |
C_DummyClass | |
C_SetEventCounter | |
►NPythia8Util | |
CPythia8Util | |
►NPythonConfig | |
CPrivateToolConfig | |
CPythonConfig | |
CTestAlgPrivateTool | Test case for using private tools |
CTestAlgProperties | Test case for the algorithm property handling |
CTestAlgTypeAndName | Test case for the algorithm type/name handling |
►NRatesTrigger | |
CRatesBins | |
CRatesTrigger | |
►NReaderAlg | |
CReaderAlg | A class very similar to D3PDMakerCoreComps.MakerAlg, but it creates a configured version of the D3PD::ReaderAlg |
►NrecoTransforms | |
CskimRawExecutor | Executor for skimming RAW events according to a list of run and event numbers |
►NReOrderMcEventCollection | |
CFixMcEventCollection | |
►NRepeatedConditionParams | |
CRepeatedConditionParams | |
►Nrfio | |
CRFIOError | |
CStatResult | |
►NRingerConstants | |
CDETIDClass | |
CLayerClass | |
►Nroot_pickle | |
CPickler | |
CRead_Wrapper | |
CRoot_Proxy | |
CSaver | |
CUnpickler | |
CWrite_Wrapper | |
►NRootUtils | |
CRootFileDumper | |
►NROOTUtils | |
CMyCanvas | |
CPlotLibrary | |
CStyleFactory | |
►Nrunargs | |
CRunArguments | |
►NRunDependentMCTaskIterator | |
CtaskIterator | |
►NRunLister | |
CcoolRunLister | |
CLBParams | |
CRunParams | |
CTrigLBParams | |
►Nsamplers | |
CConstSampler | |
CContinuousSampler | Continuous distribution samplers |
CCyclicSeqSampler | |
CDiscreteSampler | Discrete sequence samplers |
CDisjointUniformSampler | |
CEEtaMPhiSampler | |
CERapMPhiSampler | |
CEThetaMPhiSampler | |
CGaussianSampler | |
CInvSampler | |
CLogSampler | |
CModUniformSampler | |
CMomSampler | Momentum sampling |
CMXYZSampler | |
CNullMomSampler | |
CParticleSampler | |
CPosSampler | Beam-spot (origin vertex) sampling |
CPtEtaMPhiSampler | |
CPtRapMPhiSampler | |
CPtThetaMPhiSampler | |
CRandomSeqSampler | |
CSampledParticle | |
CSampler | |
CTH1Sampler | |
CUniformSampler | |
►NScanNtupleHandler | |
CScanNtupleHandler | |
►Nscripts | |
►Ncmake_depends | |
CAthGraph | |
►Ncmake_newanalysisalg | |
CTemplates | |
►Ngen_klass | |
CGenTypes | |
CTemplates | |
►NSCTCondAlgCardinality | |
CSCTCondAlgCardinality | |
►Nselector | |
►NAtlRunQuerySelectorBase | |
CCondition | |
CDataKey | |
CRunLBBasedCondition | |
CSelector | |
CTimeBasedCondition | |
►NAtlRunQuerySelectorDQ | |
CDQCondition | |
CDQDefectCondition | |
CDQSelector | |
►NAtlRunQuerySelectorEvents | |
CAllEventsSelector | |
CEventSelector | |
CL1EventsSelector | |
►NAtlRunQuerySelectorLhcOlc | |
CBeamspotSelector | |
CLHCCondition | |
CLHCSelector | |
CLuminositySelector | |
COLCFillParamsCondition | |
COLCLBDataCondition | |
COLCLumiCondition | |
COLCLumiSelector | |
►NAtlRunQuerySelectorMisc | |
CBFieldCondition | |
CBFieldSelector | |
CBPMSelector | |
CDatasetsSelector | |
CDetectorSelector | |
CDurationSelector | |
CFilenameSelector | |
CLArcondSelector | |
CPartitionSelector | |
CReadyForPhysicsSelector | |
►NAtlRunQuerySelectorRuntime | |
CRunTimeSelector | |
CTimeRunSelector | |
►NAtlRunQuerySelectorStreams | |
CStreamSelector | |
►NAtlRunQuerySelectorTrigger | |
CBGSKeySelector | |
CHLTTrigKeySelector | |
CL1TrigKeySelector | |
CRatesSelector | |
CTriggerSelector | |
CTrigKeySelector | |
►NsendEI_SPB_Lib | |
CMSG | |
CMyListener | |
►NSequences | |
CEvgenSequence | |
►NShellJobRunner | |
CShellJobRunner | |
►NSimBeamSpotShapeFilter | |
CSimBeamSpotShapeFilter | |
►NSimEnums | |
CBeamPipeSimMode | |
CCalibrationRun | |
CCavernBackground | |
CLArParameterization | |
CPixelRadiationDamageSimulationType | |
CSimulationFlavour | |
CTruthStrategy | |
CVertexSource | |
►NSingleAppInstance | |
►CSingleAppInstance | |
CFileLockAcquisitionError | |
CFileLockReleaseError | |
►NSortedCollectionCreator | |
CSortedCollectionCreator | |
►Nspbfile | |
CRunEvtRanges | |
CSpbFile | |
►NStackedDict | |
CStackedDict | |
►NStandardTests | |
CDataOverlayPreparationTest | |
CDataOverlayTest | |
CDerivationTest | |
CGenerationTest | |
COverlayTest | |
CPileUpTest | |
CQTest | |
CSimulationTest | |
►Nsubdetector | |
CDCSC_DefectTranslate_Subdetector | |
CDCSC_Subdetector | |
CDCSC_Subdetector_DefectsOnly | |
►Nsubdetectors | |
►Nafp | |
CAFP | |
CDCSC_Merged_Variable | |
CDCSC_Multi_Channel_Variable | |
CDCSC_Variable_With_Mapping | |
CTDAQC_Array_Variable | |
CTDAQC_Bit_Flag_Variable | |
CTDAQC_Multi_Channel_Variable | |
CTDAQC_Variable | |
►Nglobal_system | |
CGlobal | |
CLUMI_EmittanceScan | |
CTDAQ_Busy | |
CTDAQ_Ready | |
►Nlar | |
CLAr | |
►Nlucid | |
CLucid | |
CLucid_Magnets | |
CLucid_Voltage | |
►Nmagnets | |
CMagnet_Currents | |
CMagnets | |
►Nmdt | |
CMDT | |
►Nmmg | |
CMMG | |
►Nrpc | |
CRPC | |
►Nsct | |
CDCSC_Variable_SCT_Config | |
CSCT | |
►Nstg | |
CSTG | |
►Ntdq | |
CTDQ | |
►Ntgc | |
CTGC | |
►Ntile | |
CTile | |
CTile_NoHighVoltage | |
►Ntrig | |
COnline_Beamspot_Status | |
CTrigger | |
►Ntrt | |
CDCSC_Variable_TRT_HV | |
CTRT | |
►Nsugar | |
►Niovset | |
CIOVSet | |
►Niovtype | |
CIOVType | |
►Nrunlumi | |
CIovKey | |
CRunLumiType | |
CTimestampType | |
►Nsusy_7TeV | |
Csusy_7TeV | |
►NSystObjectLinkConfig | |
CSystObjectLinkBlock | |
►NTableConstructorBase | |
CColumn | |
CTableConstructorBase | |
►Ntags | |
CDefectsDBTagsMixin | |
►NTaskManager | |
CDbParam | |
CJobAnalyzer | |
CTaskAnalyzer | |
CTaskManager | |
CTaskManagerCheckError | |
CTaskManagerDatabaseError | |
►NTauAnalysisConfig | |
CEXPERIMENTAL_TauCombineMuonRemovalConfig | |
CTauCalibrationConfig | |
CTauTriggerAnalysisSFBlock | |
CTauWorkingPointConfig | |
►NTest | |
CTestSetup | |
CWorkflowCheck | |
CWorkflowRun | |
CWorkflowTest | |
CWorkflowType | |
►NTestCases | |
CDQCTestCase | |
CDQUTestCase | |
►NTestDefaults | |
CdefaultConditionsTags | |
CdefaultGeometryTags | |
CdefaultTestFiles | |
►Ntests | |
►NPyTestsLib | |
CMyAlg | |
CMyNameAud | |
CMySvc | |
CMyTool | |
►NPyTHistTestsLib | |
CPyHistReader | |
CPyHistWriter | |
►Ntest_CA | |
CTest | |
Ctest_McAodBuilder | |
Ctest_McAodFilter | |
Ctest_McAodValidation | |
Cxcode | |
►NTileBchTools | |
CTileBchMgr | |
►NTileCalibDefaultWriter | |
CTileCalibDefaultWriter | |
►NTileCalibLogger | |
CTileCalibLogger | |
►NTileCalibTools | |
CTileASCIIParser | |
CTileASCIIParser2 | |
CTileASCIIParser3 | |
CTileBlobReader | |
CTileBlobWriter | |
►NTileCellTools | |
CTileCellHashMgr | |
►NTileConfigFlags | |
CTileRunType | |
►NTileDCSDataGrabber | |
CFolderVarSet | |
CIOVDict | |
CTileDCSDataGrabber | |
►NTileDCSDataInfo | |
CTileDCSDataInfo | |
►NTileFolders | |
CTestTileFolders | |
CTileFolders | |
►NTopMixConfig | |
CTopMixConfig | |
►NTPyEvent | |
CTPyEvent | A Python wrapper around xAOD::TPyEvent |
►NTPyStore | |
CTPyStore | A Python wrapper around xAOD::TPyStore |
►NTrackingPassFlags | |
CRoIStrategy | |
►Ntransform | |
Ctransform | Core transform class |
►NTransformConfig | |
CAllowedExpression | |
CBoolean | |
CDescriptor | |
CFloat | |
CInteger | |
CJobConfig | |
CJobConfigMetaClass | |
CListOfStrings | |
CString | |
CTransformConfig | |
CUniqueList | |
►NTreereader | |
CTreereader | |
►NtrfAMI | |
CTagInfo | Stores the information about a given tag |
CTrfConfig | Stores the configuration of a transform |
►NtrfArgClasses | |
CargAction | |
CargActionFactory | Factory class used to generate argparse actions, actions should be used when arguments are used without value, like boolean flags |
CargAthenaFile | Athena file class |
CargBool | Boolean type argument |
CargBSFile | ByteStream file class |
CargBZ2File | TarBZ filetype |
CargEVNT_TRFile | |
CargEVNTFile | |
CargFactory | Factory class used to generate argument class instances for argparse |
CargFile | File argument class |
CargFloat | Float type argument |
CargFTKIPFile | Class which defines a special input file format used in FTK simulation
CargHepEvtAsciiFile | HEP ASCII file |
CargHISTFile | Data quality histogram file class |
CargHITSFile | |
CargInt | Int type argument |
CargIntList | List of int arguments |
CargKeyFloatValueList | |
CargLHEFile | LHE ASCII file |
CargList | List of string arguments |
CargNTUPFile | NTUP (plain ROOT) file class |
CargPOOLFile | POOL file class |
CargRDOFile | |
CargString | String type argument |
CargSubstep | Base class for substep arguments |
CargSubstepBool | Boolean substep argument |
CargSubstepConditions | Substep class for conditionsTag |
CargSubstepFloat | Float substep argument |
CargSubstepInt | Int substep argument |
CargSubstepList | Argument class for substep lists, suitable for preExec/postExec |
CargSubstepSteering | Special argument class to hold steering information |
CargSubstepString | String substep argument |
Cargument | Basic argument class holding a value which can be get and set |
CargYODAFile | |
CtrfArgParser | |
►NtrfArgs | |
CdpdType | Simple class to store information about extra DPD filetypes |
►NtrfEnv | |
CenvironmentUpdate | Class holding the update to an environment that will be passed on to an executor |
CpathVar | Helper class for environment variables using colon separated paths |
►Ntrferr | |
CJobOptionsNotFoundError | |
CTransformConfigError | |
CTransformError | |
►NtrfExceptions | |
CTransformAMIException | Exception used by configuration via AMI tags |
CTransformArgException | Group of argument based exceptions |
CTransformException | Base class for transform exceptions |
CTransformExecutionException | Base class for execution exceptions |
CTransformGraphException | Exception for problems finding the path through the graph |
CTransformInternalException | Transform internal errors |
CTransformLogfileErrorException | Exception class for validation failures detected by parsing logfiles |
CTransformLogfileException | Logfile exceptions |
CTransformMergeException | Base class for file merging exceptions |
CTransformMetadataException | Exception used by metadata functions |
CTransformNeedCheckException | Exception used when the job wants to signal that it should get manual intervention at Tier-0 |
CTransformReportException | Group of validation exceptions |
CTransformSetupException | Setup exceptions |
CTransformTimeoutException | Exception used by time limited executions |
CTransformValidationException | Group of validation exceptions |
►NtrfExe | |
CarchiveExecutor | Archive transform |
CathenaExecutor | |
CbsMergeExecutor | Specalise the script executor to deal with the BS merge oddity of excluding empty DRAWs |
CDQMergeExecutor | Specialist execution class for merging DQ histograms |
CDQMPostProcessExecutor | Specialist execution class for DQM post-processing of histograms |
CdummyExecutor | |
CechoExecutor | |
CexecutorConfig | |
ClogscanExecutor | Special executor that will enable a logfile scan as part of its validation |
CNTUPMergeExecutor | Specialist execution class for merging NTUPLE files |
CoptionalAthenaExecutor | Athena executor where failure is not consisered fatal |
CPOOLMergeExecutor | |
CreductionFrameworkExecutor | Specialist executor to manage the handling of multiple implicit input and output files within the derivation framework |
CscriptExecutor | |
CtransformExecutor | Executors always only even execute a single step, as seen by the transform |
►NtrfExitCodes | |
CtrfExitCode | Little class to hold the three attributes of a transform error |
CtrfExitCodes | |
►NtrfGraph | |
CexecutorGraph | Simple graph object describing the links between executors |
CexecutorNode | Initialise a graph node from an executor |
CgraphNode | Vanilla graph node |
CgraphPath | Path object holding a list of nodes and data types which trace a single path through the graph |
►NtrfJobOptions | |
CJobOptionsTemplate | Class that generates the job options (AKA runargs) python file for an athena executor |
CRunArguments | Hold run arguments as name-value pairs |
►NtrfReports | |
CmachineReport | Report on the machine where we ran |
CtrfExecutorReport | Class to contain metadata for an executor |
CtrfFileReport | Class to contain metadata for file types |
CtrfJobReport | Class holding a transform job report |
CtrfReport | Base (almost virtual) report from which all real transform reports derive |
►NtrfUtils | |
Canalytic | Analytics service class |
CFit | Low-level fitting class |
CJob | Job: a set of pieces of information relevant to a given work function |
CJobGroup | JobGroup: a set of Job objects and pieces of information relevant to a given set of Job objects |
Cmath | Some mathematical tools |
CmemFileToTable | Extract a table of data from a txt file |
CParallelJobProcessor | ParallelJobProcessor: a multiple-process processor of Job objects |
►NTrfUtils | |
CJobRunnerTransform | |
►NtrfValidation | |
CathenaLogFileReport | Logfile suitable for scanning logfiles with an athena flavour, i.e., lines of the form "SERVICE LOGLEVEL MESSAGE" |
CeventMatch | Small class used for vailiadating event counts between input and output files |
CignorePatterns | Class of patterns that can be ignored from athena logfiles |
ClogFileReport | A class holding report information from scanning a logfile This is pretty much a virtual class, fill in the specific methods when you know what type of logfile you are dealing with |
CscriptLogFileReport | |
►NTrigAnalysisSteps | |
CCheckFileTrigSizeStep | |
CTrigDecChecker | Additional exec steps |
CTrigEDMChecker | |
►Ntrigbs_modifyEvent | |
CConfig | |
CStore | |
►NTrigConfFrontier | |
CFrontierCursor | |
►NTrigConfigSvcCfg | |
CTests | |
►NtrigCostExe | |
CtrigCostExecutor | |
►NTrigEgammaFastCaloHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaFastCaloHypoToolConfig | |
►NTrigEgammaFastCutDefs | |
CTrigFastCaloElectronCutMaps | |
CTrigFastPhotonCutMaps | |
►NTrigEgammaFastElectronHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaFastElectronHypoToolConfig | |
►NTrigEgammaFastPhotonHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaFastPhotonHypoToolConfig | |
►NTrigEgammaMonitorHelper | |
CTHWrapper | |
►NTrigEgammaMonitoringConfig | |
CTrigEgammaMonAlgBuilder | |
►NTrigEGammaPIDdefs | |
CBitDefElectron | |
CBitDefPhoton | |
CCutDefElectron | |
CCutDefPhoton | |
CSelectionDefElectron | |
CSelectionDefPhoton | |
CTrigEgammaIDQuality | |
►NTrigEgammaPrecisionElectronHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaPrecisionElectronHypoToolConfig | |
►NTrigEgammaPrecisionPhotonCaloIsoHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaPrecisionPhotonCaloIsoHypoToolConfig | |
►NTrigEgammaPrecisionPhotonHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaPrecisionPhotonHypoToolConfig | |
►NTriggerAnalysisConfig | |
CTriggerAnalysisBlock | |
►NTriggerAnalysisSFConfig | |
CTriggerAnalysisSFBlock | |
►NTriggerAPI | |
►NSerializeAPI | |
CTriggerAPIEncoder | |
►NTriggerAPI | |
CTriggerAPI | |
►NTriggerAPISession | |
CFormatter | |
CTriggerAPISession | |
►NTriggerEnums | |
CLBexceptions | |
CTriggerPeriod | |
CTriggerRenaming | |
CTriggerType | |
►NTriggerInfo | |
CTriggerChain | |
CTriggerInfo | |
CTriggerLeg | |
►NTriggerPeriodData | |
CTriggerPeriodData | |
►NTriggerConfigAccessBase | |
CConfigCrestLoader | |
CConfigDBLoader | |
CConfigDirectLoader | |
CConfigFileLoader | |
CConfigLoader | |
CConfigType | |
CTriggerConfigAccess | |
►NTriggerConfigFlags | |
CROBPrefetching | |
CTests | |
►NTriggerCoolUtil | |
CTriggerCoolUtil | |
►NTriggerEDMDefs | |
CAlias | |
CInViews | |
►NTriggerFilter | |
CTriggerFilter | |
►NTriggerHandler | |
CTriggerHandler | |
CTriggerL1Data | |
►NTriggerListsHelper | |
CTriggerListsHelper | |
►NTrigInDetArtSteps | |
CTrigBSExtr | |
CTrigCostStep | |
CTrigInDetAna | Additional exec (athena) steps - AOD to TrkNtuple |
CTrigInDetCompStep | |
CTrigInDetCpuCostStep | |
CTrigInDetRdictStep | |
CTrigInDetReco | Exec (athena) steps for Reco_tf |
CTrigInDetRecoData | |
CTrigTZReco | |
►NTrigJetHypoToolConfig | |
CTestStringMethods | |
►NTrigNtupleHandler | |
CTrigNtupleHandler | |
►NTrigP1TestSteps | |
CExtractExpertMonitoring | |
CTrigBSDumpGrepStep | |
►NTrigPyHelper | |
CTrigApp | |
►NtrigRateExe | |
CtrigRateExecutor | |
►NtrigRecoExe | |
CtrigRecoExecutor | |
►NTrigTauMonitoringConfig | |
CTrigTauMonAlgBuilder | |
►NTrigTrackingPassFlags | |
CFlagsCopiedTest | |
►NTrigValSteering | |
►NCheckSteps | |
CChainCompStep | |
CChainDumpStep | |
CCheckFileStep | |
CCheckLogStep | |
CDownloadRefStep | |
CHistCountStep | |
CInputDependentStep | |
CLogMergeStep | |
CMessageCountStep | |
CPerfMonStep | |
CRefComparisonStep | |
CRegTestStep | |
CRootCompStep | |
CRootMergeStep | |
CTailStep | |
CTrigTestJsonStep | |
CZeroCountsStep | |
CZipStep | |
►NExecStep | |
CExecStep | |
►NInput | |
CTrigValInput | |
►NPyStep | |
CPyStep | |
►NStep | |
►CStep | |
COutputStream | |
►NTest | |
CTest | |
►NTrkConfigFlags | |
CITkPrimaryPassConfig | |
CKalmanUpdatorType | |
CPixelClusterSplittingType | |
CPrimaryPassConfig | |
CTrackFitterType | |
CTrackingComponent | |
►Ntruth | |
C_Truthtmp | |
►NTurnDataReader | |
CTurnDataReader | |
►NUnbinnedHist | |
CUnbinnedHist | |
►Nupdate_ci_reference_files | |
CCITest | |
►NUtilities | |
Cldict | |
Clproperty | |
►Nutility | |
►Nfile_parser | |
CFileParser | Utility class to perform simple operations on files |
►Nnon_blocking_stream_reader | |
CNonBlockingStreamReader | Read an output stream without blocking |
►Nprocess_handling | |
CProcessManager | Wrapper to handle multiple Powheg subprocesses |
CSingleProcessThread | Single executable running in a subprocess (usually PowhegBox) |
►Nrepeating_timer | |
CHeartbeatTimer | Recurring heartbeat that emits a message to console and to file |
CRepeatingTimer | Helper class to run repeating timing output in an additional thread |
►Nutils | |
►NAtlRunQueryCache | |
CCache | |
►NAtlRunQueryIOV | |
CIOVRange | |
CIOVTime | |
►NAtlRunQueryTimer | |
CTimeCount | |
CTimerStats | |
►NAtlRunQueryTriggerUtils | |
CTriggerChain | |
►NAtlRunQueryUtils | |
CDBConnectionController | |
CEnumerate | |
CMatrix | |
CRunPeriods | |
►CXMLReader | |
CXMLElement | |
CFolderTagResolver | |
CTreeDict | |
►NUtils | |
CCampaign | |
►Nvariable | |
CDCSC_Defect_Global_Variable | |
CDCSC_Global_Variable | |
CDCSC_Variable | |
CDCSC_Variable_With_Mapping | |
►NVertexFindingFlags | |
CVertexSetup | |
CVertexSortingSetup | |
►NVGammaORConfig | |
CVGammaORBlock | |
►Nvirtual_logic | |
CDefectLogic | |
►Nvirtual_mixin | |
CDefectsDBVirtualDefectsMixin | |
►NWZcommon | |
CWZcommon | |
►Nxmldict | |
CXmlDictObject | Module implementation ---------------------------------------------------— |
►NXMLReader | |
CMioctGeometryXMLReader | |
CTrigXMLDocumentReader | |
CTrigXMLElement | |
►NZeechannel_fwd | |
CZeechannel_fwd | |
CNullHandler | |
CParticleGun | |
CTriggerMenuMTFormatter | |
►Nquick_retrieve_dict | |
Cdict | |
►NRatesAnalysisOnlineProcessing | |
CRateEntry | |
►NRCU | This module defines a variety of assert style macros |
►NCheck | |
CTestInvariant | |
CExceptionMsg | |
CMessage | |
CUnitTestDir | |
►NreadDataHeader | |
CReadDataHeaderAlg | |
►NReadRPCRun2DataFile | |
CDecodes | |
CMioct | |
CMuonGeometry | |
CROI | |
CSector | |
CTopoCell | |
►NRec | Name: MuonSpContainer.h Package : offline/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/muonEvent |
CCaloCellCollector | |
CCaloLayer | |
CCaloMeas | |
Cclique_visitor | |
CCombinedMuonTrackBuilder | |
CCombinedMuonTrackFitter | |
CCrossedCaloCellHelper | |
CFieldIntegral | |
CGNNVertexFitterAlg | |
►CGNNVertexFitterTool | |
CWrkVrt | |
CICombinedMuonTrackBuilder | Interface ID for ICombinedMuonTrackBuilder |
CICombinedMuonTrackFitter | Interface ID for ICombinedMuonTrackFitter |
CIGNNVertexFitterInterface | |
CIMuidBackTracker | |
CIMuidCaloEnergy | |
CIMuidCaloEnergyMeas | |
CIMuidCaloEnergyParam | |
CIMuidCaloMaterialParam | |
CIMuidCaloTrackStateOnSurface | |
CIMuidMatchMaker | |
CIMuidMuonRecovery | Interface ID for IMuidMuonRecovery |
CIMuidTrackIsolation | |
CIMuidVertexCombiner | |
CIMuonCaloEnergyTool | Interface for extending Particles with calo cells |
CIMuonCombinedTimingTool | Interface providing a vector of time-space points from the various detector measurements crossed by a muon |
CIMuonIdentificationHelper | |
CIMuonMatchQuality | |
CIMuonMeanMDTdADCFiller | Interface providing mean Number of ADC counts for MDT tubes on the track |
CIMuonMomentumBalanceSignificance | Interface providing a significance value for the balance between the separate ID and MS momentum measurements |
CIMuonPrintingTool | Interface for tool that creates a dump output of different detail to strings or files |
CIMuonScatteringAngleSignificance | Interface providing a the scattering angle significance |
CIMuonTrackQuery | |
CIndetMatchCandidate | |
CIParticleCaloCellAssociationTool | Interface for extending Particles with calo cells |
CIParticleCaloClusterAssociationTool | Interface for extending Particles with calo cells |
CIVrtInclusive | |
CMuidCaloEnergyMeas | |
►CMuidCaloEnergyParam | |
CBinsWeights | |
CMuidCaloEnergyTool | |
CMuidCaloMaterialParam | |
CMuidCaloTrackStateOnSurface | |
CMuidMaterialEffectsOnTrackProvider | |
CMuidMuonRecovery | |
CMuidTrackIsolation | |
CMuonCaloEnergyTool | |
CMuonCombinedTimingTool | |
CMuonMatch | |
►CMuonMatchQuality | |
CCacheAll | |
CMuonMeanMDTdADCFillerTool | Return mean Number of ADC counts for MDT tubes on the track |
CMuonMomentumBalanceSignificanceTool | Tool to calculate the momentum balance significance from the detailed information (parameters, scattering angles) of a track fit |
CMuonOverlapDescriptor | A class describing ID, MS and hit overlaps, mind this class is TRANSIENT ONLY |
CMuonPrintingTool | Tool to visualise muon structure, authors and content in logfile or extra dump text file, combining code from Staco/Mutag and the muon builder |
CMuonScatteringAngleSignificanceTool | Tool to calculate the scattering angle significance from the detailed information (parameters, scattering angles) of a track fit |
CMuonSpShower | |
CMuonSpShowerContainer | |
CMuonTrackQuery | |
CNewVrtSecInclusiveAlg | |
►CNewVrtSecInclusiveTool | |
CDevTuple | |
CHists | |
CVrt2Tr | |
CWrkVrt | |
CParticleCaloAssociation | Class storing calorimeter cell/cluster association with IParticle objects |
CParticleCaloCellAssociationTool | |
CParticleCellAssociation | Class storing calorimeter cell association with IParticle objects |
CParticleCellIntersection | Class storing information on the intersection of a track with a cell |
CParticleClusterAssociation | Class storing calorimeter cell association with IParticle objects |
CScatteringAngleSignificance | |
CTrackParticle | |
CTrackParticle_p1 | |
CTrackParticle_p2 | |
CTrackParticle_p3 | |
CTrackParticleContainer | |
CTrackParticleContainer_p1 | |
CTrackParticleContainer_p2 | |
CTrackParticleContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrackParticleContainer_tlp2 | |
CTrackParticleContainer_tlp3 | |
►CTrackParticleTruthCollection_p1 | |
CEntry | |
►CTrackParticleTruthCollection_p2 | |
CEntry | |
►CTrackParticleTruthCollection_p3 | |
CEntry | |
CTrackParticleTruthKey | |
CworkVectorArrxAOD | |
►NReco | |
CITrackToVertex | |
CTrackToVertex | |
►Nrhadd | |
ChaddJob | |
ChaddStep | |
►NRinger | Namespace dedicated for Ringer utilities |
►NDiscrimination | Namespace dedicated for Ringer Discrimination utilities |
CIDiscriminator | Discriminator interface to be inherited by discrimination procedures |
CIDiscriminatorVarDep | Discriminator interface to be used by Ringer Wrapper |
CIThreshold | Threshold interface to be inherited by thresholding procedures |
CIThresholdVarDep | Threshold interface to be used by Ringer Wrapper |
►Nonnx | |
CModel | |
CRingerSelector | |
CThreshold | |
►NPreProcessing | Namespace dedicated for Ringer pre-processing utilities |
►NNorm | Namespace dedicated for Ringer normalization utilities |
CConstantValue | |
CConstantValueVarDep | Use constant value as rings normalization factor |
CExtraPatternsNorm | Special case for the extra patterns normalization |
CExtraPatternsNormVarDep | Normalize data to be bounded within [-1,1] range |
CMevToGevVarDep | Scale rings energy to GeV |
CMinMax | |
CMinMaxVarDep | Normalize data to be bounded within [-1,1] range |
CNorm1 | Normalization base classes: |
CNorm1VarDep | @ Usable normalizations: |
CNorm2 | |
CNorm2VarDep | Use norm-2 as rings normalization factor |
CSequential | |
CSequentialVarDep | Use sequential normalization |
CSpherization | |
CSpherizationVarDep | Normalize data to have zero mean and unitary standard deviation |
CSqrt | |
CSqrtVarDep | Use SqrtVarDep of norm-1 as rings normalization factor |
CIPreProcessor | PreProcessing interface to be inherited by PreProcessing procedures |
CIPreProcessorVarDep | PreProcessor interface to be used by Ringer Wrapper |
CAsgRingerSelectorTool | |
CBitdefElectron_v1 | Define electron bits (v1) |
CBuildCaloRingsFctor | |
CBuildCaloRingsFctorBase | Interface for CaloRings builder functor |
CCaloAsymRingsBuilder | |
CCaloRingerAlgorithm | Algorithm responsable for CaloRinger execution |
CCaloRingerElectronsReader | |
CCaloRingerInputReader | |
CCaloRingerPhotonsReader | |
CCaloRingsBuilder | |
CCaloStripsRingsBuilder | |
CDepVarStruct | |
CElectronTAccept_v1 | Get electron defined TAccept and its masks |
CGetParticleProp | Template to get particle_t name and if it has cluster access |
CIAsgRingerSelectorTool | |
CICaloRingerElectronsReader | |
CICaloRingerInputReader | |
CICaloRingerPhotonsReader | |
CICaloRingsBuilder | |
CIRingerProcedure | The base interface for all Ringer procedures |
CIRingerProcedureWrapper | Specialization for Discriminator procedure |
CIRingerProcedureWrapper< Discrimination::IDiscriminator > | |
CIRingerProcedureWrapper< PreProcessing::IPreProcessor > | |
CIRingerProcedureWrapperBase | Used as base for all IRingerProcedureWrapper template specializations |
CRingerCommonSelector | |
CRingerIOVarDepObj | Objects that can be recorded/read into/from configuration files |
CRingerProcedureType | Check Ringer Procedure type |
CRingerProcedureType< procedure_t * > | RingerProcedureType specialization to ensure that procedure_t is not a pointer |
CRingerProcedureWrapper | Specialization for Discriminator procedure |
CRingerProcedureWrapper< procedure_t, etaDependency, etDependency, segType, false, true, false > | |
CRingerProcedureWrapper< procedure_t, etaDependency, etDependency, segType, true, false, false > | |
CVariableDependency | Interface for possible Eta and Et variable dependency |
CxAODRingSetConfWriter | Algorithm used to write the RingSets configuration |
►NRivet | |
CHiggsTemplateCrossSections | Rivet routine for classifying MC events according to the Higgs template cross section categories |
►Nrobmonitor | |
CROBDataMonitorStruct | The structure which is used to monitor the ROB data request in L2 It is created for every addROBData call |
CROBDataStruct | A structure with data about ROB properties |
►NROIB | Namespace of the LVL1 RoIB simulation |
CCTPResult | Class holding the LVL1 CTP result used by the RoIBuilder |
CCTPRoI | ROIB::CTPRoI contains a RoI delivered by the CTP |
CEMTauResult | |
CEMTauRoI | |
CHeader | Header models the LVL1 ROD Header |
CJetEnergyResult | |
CJetEnergyRoI | |
CL1TopoResult | L1TopoResult is the L1Topo part of the RoIBResult |
CMuCTPIResult | Class holding the RoIs from the MuCTPI collected by the RoIB |
CMuCTPIRoI | Class for storing the 32-bit muon RoI word |
CRoIBResult | Class holding the LVL1 RoIB result build by the RoIBuilder |
CRoIBuilder | RoIBuilder simulation algorithm |
CTrailer | ROIB::Trailer models the LVL1 ROD Trailer |
►NRoiUtil | |
Crange_error | |
►NRoot | |
►NEGSelectors | |
CSafeTH1 | |
CRegularFormula | |
►CTElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool | |
CHistEdge | |
CResult | |
CTElectronIsEMSelector | |
CTElectronLikelihoodTool | |
CTForwardElectronIsEMSelector | |
CTForwardElectronLikelihoodTool | |
►CTGoodRun | |
CSorterL2H | |
CTGoodRunsList | |
CTGoodRunsListReader | |
CTGoodRunsListWriter | |
CTGRLCollection | |
CTLumiBlockRange | |
CTMsgLogger | |
CTPhotonIsEMSelector | |
CTTileTripReader | |
►NROOT | Selection rules: declare transient members |
►NMeta | |
►NSelection | |
►NDataModel_detail | |
CElementProxy | |
►NSG | |
CGenericElementLinkBase | |
CDataLink | |
CDataVector | |
CElementLink | |
CElementLinkVector | |
►NMinuit2 | |
CTileMuonTrackDistance | Auxiliary to TileMuonFitter. Chi-square function for Minuit |
►NROOT8367Workaround | |
CTBufferFileWorkaround | |
►NRootAuxDynIO | Specialization of RootAuxDynStore for reading Aux Dynamic attributes from RNTuple |
CAuxInfo | |
CIRNTupleAuxDynWriter | Interface for a RNTuple-based Writer that handles AuxDyn attributes Works in conjuction with the generic writer |
CIRootAuxDynReader | |
CIRootAuxDynWriter | Interface for an AuxDyn Writer - TTree based |
►CRNTupleAuxDynReader | |
CFieldInfo | |
CRNTupleAuxDynWriter | |
CTBranchAuxDynWriter | |
►NRootConversions | |
CVectorConverter | Converter for vector<T> to vector |
CVectorConverters | Register standard vector converters |
►NRootStorageSvc | |
CRNTupleWriterHelper | |
►NROOTUtils | |
CMyCanvas | |
CPlotLibrary | |
CStyleFactory | |
►NRootUtils | |
CILogger | Very simple interface for writing log messages |
CInitHist | Initialize Root's getline history |
CPyBytes | |
CPyGILStateEnsure | |
CPyLogger | A concrete implementation of ILogger that calls back to Python |
CPyROOTInspector | |
CPyROOTIteratorFuncs | Provide functions for iterator comparisons |
CPyROOTPickle | |
CPyROOTTTreePatch | |
CPyROOTTypePatch | Work around pyroot problem with __pair_base |
►CScatterH2 | A 2-D histogram that can draw a proper scatter plot |
CPair | One point. Avoid std::pair so that we don't have duplicate dicts |
CTRandomTLS | Thread-local TRandom generator |
CTreeNotifier | Tree notification handler |
CTSMethodCall | Helper for making a thread-safe function call |
►CType | Wrapper for ROOT types |
CDeleter | Deleter object, compatible with std::unique_ptr |
CWithRootErrorHandler | Run a MT piece of code with an alternate root error handler |
►NRootUtilsTest | |
CTreeTest | |
►Nros-hitstats-to-json | |
CLastUpdatedOrderedDict | |
CLookUpDict | |
►NROS_HLT_TableConstructor | |
CROS_HLT_TableConstructor | |
►NRPC_CondCabling | |
CCMAcablingdata | |
CCMApivotdata | |
CEtaCMA | |
CEvenPhiCMA | |
COddPhiCMA | |
►CRPCchamber | |
CchamberDefineParams | Helper struct containing the minimum number of parameters on top of the CablingObject in order to create an RPC chamber object |
CchamberParameters | |
CRPCchamberdata | |
CSectorLogicSetup | |
►CWiredOR | |
CdefineParams | |
CparseParams | |
CWiredORdata | |
►NRPCRawDataMonUtils | |
CPanel | |
►NRPDUtils | |
COptionalToolProperty | |
►NRun1 | USAGE: openCoraCool.exe "COOLONL_SCT/COMP200" |
►CIDScanZFinderInternal | |
Cvertex | |
►NRun2 | |
►NRunLumiTime | |
CRunLumiTime | |
►NRunTileCalibRec | |
CTileMonPostProcessingAlg | |
►NRunTileMonitoring | |
CTileMonPostProcessingAlg | |
►NSCT_ByteStreamErrors | |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook | Ensure that the enums are available from ROOT |
►NSCT_Cabling | |
►Nsct_calib_tf | |
CSCTCalibExecutor | |
►NSCT_CalibAlgs | |
CIElementStreamer | |
CXmlHeader | |
CXmlStreamer | |
►NSCT_ConditionsAlgorithms | SCT_SimpleHisto.h C++ projects |
►NSCT_Monitoring | |
CLayerSideFormatter | Format an element index (e.g |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook | |
►NSequence_HLT_TableConstructor | |
CSequence_HLT_TableConstructor | |
►NSFGenUtils | |
CSFGenConfig | |
►NSG | Forward declaration |
►NArenaBlockAlignDetail | |
CpadForAlign | |
►NCondHandleDefault | |
CKey | |
►Ndetail | |
CAuxDataConstSpan | Auxiliary variable span wrapper (const) |
CAuxDataSpan | Auxiliary variable span wrapper |
CDataVectorAllocDummy | |
CELProxyConverter | Extend PackedLinkConverter with a (non-const) conversion from PackedLink to a proxy object |
CELProxyRefBase | Base class for ELProxyT , with the converter held by reference |
CELProxyT | Proxy for ElementLink |
CELProxyValBase | Base class for ELProxyT , with the converter held by value |
CELSpanConverter | Converter from a vector of PackedLink to a range of ElementLink proxies |
CELSpanProxy | Proxy for a span of ElementLinks |
CIteratorBase | |
CJaggedVecConstConverter | Helper: Make a span from a jagged vector element |
CJaggedVecConverter | Helper: Make a span — either read-only or writable — from a jagged vector element |
CJaggedVecProxyBase | Base class for jagged vector proxies |
CJaggedVecProxyRefBase | Adapter for holding the proxy base information by reference |
►CJaggedVecProxyT | Proxy for jagged vectors |
Cnonnull_iterator | Helper for passing iterators |
CJaggedVecProxyValBase | Adapter for holding the proxy base information by value |
CLinkedVarAccessorBase | Base class usable for accessors for variables with linked variables |
CPackedLinkConstConverter | Helper: Convert a PackedLink to an ElementLink |
CPackedLinkConverter | Helper: Convert a PackedLink to an ElementLink and vice-versa |
CPackedLinkVectorConstConverter | Helper: Convert a vector of PackedLink to a span over ElementLinks |
CPackedLinkVectorHelper | Helper functions for managing PackedLink variables |
►CPackedLinkVectorHelperBase | Helper functions for managing PackedLink variables |
CLinkedVector | Helper to access the IAuxTypeVector for an aux variable |
CWDHScan | Helper to scan a tree of components to search for another handle key potentially conflicting with the container key part of a WriteDecorHandleKey |
CAccessor | Helper class to provide type-safe access to aux data |
CAccessor< JaggedVecElt< PAYLOAD_T >, ALLOC > | Helper class to provide type-safe access to aux data, specialized for JaggedVecElt |
CAccessor< PackedLink< CONT >, ALLOC > | Helper class to provide constant type-safe access to aux data, specialized for PackedLink |
CAccessor< std::vector< PackedLink< CONT >, VALLOC >, ALLOC > | Helper class to provide constant type-safe access to aux data, specialized for a vector of PackedLink |
►CArena | Collection of memory allocators with a common lifetime, |
CPush | Helper class for making Arena instances current in a stack-like manner |
►CArenaAllocatorBase | Common base class for arena allocator classes |
CinitParams | Helper to initialize a parameters structure |
CParams | Allocator parameters |
►CStats | Statistics for an allocator |
CStat | A single statistic |
CArenaAllocatorCreator | Provide an interface for creating an arena Allocator |
CArenaAllocatorRegistry | Registry of allocator factories |
CArenaAllocatorRegistryImpl | ArenaAllocatorRegistry implementation class |
►CArenaBase | Part of Arena dealing with the list of allocators |
CAllocEntry | Our allocator vector |
CArenaBlock | A large memory block that gets carved into smaller uniform elements |
CArenaBlockAllocatorBase | Common functionality for block-oriented allocators |
CArenaCachingHandle | User interface for allocating memory that caches constructed objects |
CArenaHandle | User interface for allocating memory |
CArenaHandleBase | Base class for all Handle classes, containing parts that do not depend on the referenced type |
►CArenaHandleBaseAllocT | Base class for Handle classes, containing parts that depend only on the Allocator |
CCreator | Concrete ArenaAllocatorCreator class used to create the Allocator for this handle |
►CArenaHandleBaseT | Base class for Handle classes, containing parts that are independent of how the Allocator gets created |
Cconst_iterator | Const iterator |
Citerator | Non-const iterator |
CArenaHeader | Proxy for a group of Arenas |
►CArenaHeapAllocator | Heap-based allocator |
CinitParams | Helper to initialize a parameters structure |
►CArenaHeapSTLAllocator | STL-style allocator wrapper for ArenaHeapAllocator |
Crebind | Standard STL allocator rebinder |
►CArenaHeapSTLAllocator< T, T > | STL-style allocator wrapper for ArenaHeapAllocator |
Crebind | Standard STL allocator rebinder |
CArenaHeapSTLAllocator_initParams | Initializer for pool allocator parameters |
CArenaNonConstHeapSTLAllocator | Forward declaration |
CArenaNonConstPoolSTLAllocator | Forward declaration |
►CArenaPoolAllocator | Pool-based allocator |
Cconst_iterator | Const iterator for the pool |
Citerator | Non-const iterator for the pool |
►CArenaPoolSTLAllocator | STL-style allocator wrapper for ArenaPoolAllocator |
Crebind | Standard STL allocator rebinder |
►CArenaPoolSTLAllocator< T *, VETO > | STL-style allocator wrapper for ArenaPoolAllocator |
Crebind | Standard STL allocator rebinder |
►CArenaPoolSTLAllocator< T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer_v< T >, T >::type > | STL-style allocator wrapper for ArenaPoolAllocator |
Crebind | Standard STL allocator rebinder |
CArenaPoolSTLAllocator_initParams | Initializer for pool allocator parameters |
►CArenaSharedHeapSTLAllocator | Forward declaration |
Crebind | Standard STL allocator rebinder |
CArenaSharedHeapSTLHeader | Common header class for ArenaSharedHeapSTLAllocator |
CAtomicConstAccessor | Access an auxiliary variable atomically |
CAtomicDecorator | Access an auxiliary variable atomically |
CAuxDataOption | Hold information about an option setting request |
CAuxDataSpanBase | Minimal span-like object describing the range of an auxiliary variable |
CAuxDataTraits | Allow customizing how aux data types are treated |
CAuxDataTraits< bool, ALLOC > | Allow customizing how aux data types are treated |
CAuxElement | Base class for elements of a container that can have aux data |
CAuxElementComplete | Wrapper to automatically create a private store for an element |
CAuxElementData | Internal data container |
CAuxElementPrivateData | Internal data container for private store |
CAuxElementStandaloneData | Internal data container for standalone store |
Cauxid_set_t | A set of aux data identifiers |
CAuxStore_traits | Associate AuxStore classes with EDM container classes (default implementation) |
CAuxStore_traits1 | Helper for the case where DOBJ::base_value_type does not derive from SG::IAuxElement |
CAuxStore_traits1< DOBJ, typename std::is_base_of< IAuxElement, typename DOBJ::base_value_type >::type > | Helper for the case where DOBJ::base_value_type does derive from SG::IAuxElement |
CAuxStore_traits< DOBJ * > | Associate AuxStore classes with EDM container classes |
CAuxStore_traits_AuxDefault | Default traits values for aux data case |
CAuxStore_traits_NoAuxDefault | Default traits values for no-aux data case |
CAuxStoreConstMem | IConstAuxStore implementation referencing external buffers |
CAuxStoreInternal | An auxiliary data store that holds data internally |
CAuxStoreStandalone | Auxiliary data store for standalone objects |
CAuxTypePlaceholder | Used as type_info when we read an aux data item but it doesn't exist in the registry |
CAuxTypeRegistry | Handle mappings between names and auxid_t |
►CAuxTypeRegistryImpl | @Brief Implementation class for AuxTypeRegistry |
Ctypeinfo_t | Hold information about one aux data item |
CAuxTypeVectorFactory | Factory object that creates vectors using AuxTypeVector |
CAuxTypeVectorFactory< JaggedVecElt< T >, ALLOC > | Factory object that creates vectors using AuxTypeVector |
CAuxTypeVectorFactory< PackedLink< CONT >, ALLOC > | Factory object that creates vectors for packed links |
CAuxTypeVectorFactory< std::vector< PackedLink< CONT >, VALLOC >, ALLOC > | Factory object that creates vectors of vectors of packed links |
CAuxTypeVectorFactoryImpl | Factory object that creates vectors using AuxTypeVector |
CAuxTypeVectorHolder | Implementation of IAuxTypeVector for specific types |
CAuxTypeVectorT | Implementation of IAuxTypeVector holding a vector instance |
►CAuxVectorBase | Manage index tracking and synchronization of auxiliary data |
CResortAuxHelper | Helper to factor out template-independent part of resortAux |
►CAuxVectorData | Manage lookup of vectors of auxiliary data |
CCache | Manage cache of pointers to aux element vectors |
CAuxVectorInterface | Make an AuxVectorData object from either a raw array or an aux store |
CBaseInfo | Provide an interface for finding inheritance information at run time |
CBaseInfo< CaloConstCellContainer > | |
CBaseInfo< ConstDataVector< DV > > | Let the BaseInfo for ConstDataVector forward to that of the base DataVector |
CBaseInfo< DataVectorWithAlloc< DV, ALLOC > > | Let the BaseInfo for DataVectorWithAlloc forward to that of the base DataVector |
CBaseInfoBase | The non-template portion of the BaseInfo implementation |
►CBaseInfoBaseImpl | |
CDeleter | |
Cinfo | Structure to hold information about one base |
CBaseInfoImpl | |
CBaseList | Represent a list of base classes |
CBaseList< BASE, REST... > | Represent a non-empty list of base classes |
CBases | Traits class to hold derivation information |
CBases< CondCont< T > > | |
CBases< CondContMixed< T > > | |
CBases< DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase > > | Declare DataVector base class |
CBases< TileContainer< T > > | |
CBases< ViewVector< DV > > | Specialize to declare that ViewVector<DV> derives from DV |
CBaseType | Helper metafunction to get base class types |
CBaseType< Virtual< T > > | |
CCondHandleKey | |
CConstAccessor | Helper class to provide constant type-safe access to aux data |
CConstAccessor< SG::JaggedVecElt< PAYLOAD_T >, ALLOC > | Helper class to provide constant type-safe access to aux data, specialized for JaggedVecElt |
CConstAccessor< SG::PackedLink< CONT >, ALLOC > | Helper class to provide constant type-safe access to aux data, specialized for PackedLink |
CConstAccessor< std::vector< SG::PackedLink< CONT >, VALLOC >, ALLOC > | Helper class to provide constant type-safe access to aux data, specialized for a vector of PackedLink |
CConstAuxElement | Const part of AuxElement |
CConstIterator | |
CCopyConversion | Base class for copy conversions, templated on source and destination classes |
CCopyConversionBase | Base class for copy conversions |
►CCurrentEventStore | Hold a pointer to the current event store |
CPush | Temporarily change the current store |
CDataBucket | |
CDataBucketTrait | Metafunction to find the proper DataBucket class for T |
CDataBucketTrait< CaloConstCellContainer, U > | |
CDataBucketTrait< ConstDataVector< DV >, U > | Metafunction to find the proper DataBucket class for the first template argument |
CDataBucketTrait< DataVector< T >, U > | Metafunction to find the proper DataBucket class for T |
CDataBucketTrait< DataVectorWithAlloc< DV, ALLOC >, U > | Metafunction to find the proper DataBucket class for the first template argument |
CDataBucketTrait< MetaCont< T >, U > | Metafunction to find the proper DataBucket class for T |
CDataObjectSharedPtr | Smart pointer to manage DataObject reference counts |
CDataPoolNullClear | Null cleanup functional — does no actual cleanup |
CDataProxy | |
CDataProxyHolder | Manage DataProxy reference in ElementLink/DataLink |
CDataStore | Hold DataProxy instances associated with a store |
CDecorator | Helper class to provide type-safe access to aux data |
CDecorator< JaggedVecElt< PAYLOAD_T >, ALLOC > | Helper class to provide type-safe access to aux data, specialized for JaggedVecElt |
CDecorator< PackedLink< CONT >, ALLOC > | Helper class to provide type-safe access to aux data, specialized for PackedLink |
CDecorator< std::vector< PackedLink< CONT >, VALLOC >, ALLOC > | Helper class to provide constant type-safe access to aux data, specialized for a vector of PackedLink |
CDVLConstDataVectorBucket | DataBucket class for ConstDataVector |
CDVLDataBucket | A DataBucket specialized for DataVector/DataList |
CDVLDataVectorWithAllocBucket | DataBucket class for DataVectorWithAlloc |
CElementLinkTraits | ElementLinkTraits class to specialize |
CElementLinkTraits1 | ElementLink classes for the generic case |
CElementLinkTraits1< STORABLE, BASE_VALUE_TYPE *, true > | ElementLink classes for the case of a vector-like container of pointers |
CELVRef | Short ref to an ElementLink into an ElementLinkVector. Used to be an internal class of ElementLinkVector. Had to pull out because of brain-damaged pool converters |
CExcAllocOwnership | Exception — Bad allocation ownership |
CExcAuxTypeMismatch | Exception — Type mismatch for aux variable |
CExcBadAuxVar | Exception — Attempt to retrieve nonexistent aux data item |
CExcBadContext | Exception — Bad EventContext extension while building ReadCondHandle |
CExcBadDataProxyCast | Exception — Bad cast of DataProxy with CLID |
CExcBadDecorElement | Exception — DecorHandle given an element not in the requested container |
CExcBadForwardLink | Exception — ForwardIndexingPolicy: internal link state is invalid |
CExcBadHandleKey | Exception — Bad key format for VarHandleKey |
CExcBadInitializedReadHandleKey | Exception — Initialization of InitializedReadHandleKey failed |
CExcBadIterSwap | Exception — Bad iter_swap |
CExcBadPrivateStore | Exception — Bad use of private store |
CExcBadReadCondHandleInit | Exception — ReadCondHandle didn't initialize in getRange() |
CExcBadThinning | Exception – Bad thinning request |
CExcBadToTransient | Exception — bad toTransient |
CExcBadVarName | Exception — Bad name for auxiliary variable |
CExcCLIDMismatch | Exception — Attempt to set DataLink / ElementLink with CLID <clid> to object with CLID <clid> |
CExcConstAuxData | Exception — Non-const operation performed on const aux data |
CExcConstObject | Exception — Tried to retrieve non-const pointer to const object |
CExcConstStorable | Exception – Tried to retrieve const storable as a non-const pointer |
CExcDifferentArenas | Exception — Attempt to assign between ArenaSharedHeapSTLAllocators for different arenas |
CExcDVToELV | Exception — Can't convert DataVector to vector of ElementLinks |
CExcElementNotFound | Exception — element not found |
CExcFlagMismatch | Exception — Flag mismatch for aux variable |
CExcForbiddenMethod | Exception — Forbidden method called |
CExcHandleInitError | Exception — Error initializing VarHandle from VarHandleKey |
CExcIncomparableEL | Exception — incomparable ElementLink |
CExcIndexNotFound | Exception — index not found |
CExcInsertionInBaseClass | Exception — Attempted to do OP on a BASE base class of COMPLETE; can only be done on the most-derived class |
CExcInsertMoveOwnershipMismatch | Exception — Ownership mismatch for insertMove |
CExcInvalidIndex | Exception — invalid index |
CExcInvalidIterator | Exception — Deference invalid SG::Iterator |
CExcInvalidLink | Exception — Attempt to dereference invalid DataLink / ElementLink " |
CExcInvalidThinningTarget | Exception — ThinningHandle target does not exist |
CExcJaggedVecOverlappingCopy | Exception — Overlapping copies not implemented for jagged vectors |
CExcLinkMismatch | Exception — Linked variable mismatch |
CExcMissingBaseInfo | Exception — Missing BaseInfo |
CExcMissingViewVectorCLID | Exception — Missing CLID for ViewVector |
CExcNoAuxStore | Exception — Aux data requested from object with no store |
CExcNoCondCont | Exception — Can't retrieve CondCont from ReadCondHandle |
CExcNoLinkedVar | Exception — Linked variable not found |
CExcNonConstHandleKey | Exception — Attempt to get non-const VarHandleKey from non-owning VarHandle |
CExcNonowningContainer | Exception — Attempted to insert a unique_ptr to a non-owning container |
CExcNoRange | Exception — Range not set in ReadCondHandle::getRange() |
CExcNullHandleKey | Exception — Attempt to dereference a Read/Write/UpdateHandle with a null key |
CExcNullReadHandle | Exception — Deference of read handle failed |
CExcNullUpdateHandle | Exception — Deference of update handle failed |
CExcNullWriteHandle | Exception — Attempt to dereference write handle before record |
CExcOutOfRange | Exception — Range reference out of bounds |
CExcPointerNotInSG | Exception — The object referenced by a DataLink / ElementLink is not registered in SG |
CExcProtected | Exception — Attempt to change protected arena |
CExcProtection | Exception — Attempt to change memory protection failed |
CExcProxyCollision | Exception — Proxy collision for clid/key |
CExcSgkeyCollision | Exception — sgkey hash collision |
CExcStoreLocked | Exception — Attempted to modify auxiliary data in a locked store |
CExcUninitKey | Exception — Tried to create a handle from an uninitialized key |
CExcUnknownAuxItem | Exception — Unknown aux data item |
CExcUntrackedSetStore | Exception — Attempt to set aux data store on container that doesn't track indices, or disable index tracking for a container with aux data |
CExcViewVectorNotView | Exception — ViewVector not in view mode |
CFolder | Run-time configurable list of data objects |
CFolderItem | Folder item (data object) is identified by the clid/key pair |
CForwardIndexingPolicy | Indexing policy for a vector-like container |
CGenerateIndexingPolicy | |
CGenericElementLinkBase | Generic base class for ElementLinks |
CHandleClassifier | Helper to classify the type of a handle property |
CHandleKeyArray | |
CHiveEventSlot | |
CHiveMgrSvc | |
CIAuxElement | Flag that a class may have auxiliary data associated with it |
CIAuxSetOption | Abstract interface for setting a option on a aux data container |
CIAuxStore | Interface for non-const operations on an auxiliary store |
CIAuxStoreHolder | Interface for objects taking part in direct ROOT I/O |
CIAuxStoreIO | Interface providing I/O for a generic auxiliary store |
CIAuxTypeVector | Abstract interface for manipulating vectors of arbitrary types |
CIAuxTypeVectorFactory | Interface for factory objects that create vectors |
CIConstAuxStore | Interface for const operations on an auxiliary store |
CIdentContIndexingPolicy | Indexing policy for an IdentifiableContainer |
CIFolder | Run-time configurable list of data objects |
CIndexHolder | Store an ElementLink index for non-vector containers |
CInitializedReadHandleKey | ReadHandleKey that initializes during construction |
CInstallPackedContainerStreamer | |
CInstallViewVectorBaseStreamer | |
CIRegisterTransient | Interface for registering a transient object in t2p map |
CIsMostDerivedFlag | Holder for the is-most-derived flag |
CIsSTLSequence | |
CIsThreadSafeForUH | |
CIsThreadSafeForUH< int, std::true_type > | |
CIsThreadSafeForUH< T, typename T::thread_safe > | |
CIterator | |
CJaggedVecElt | Describe one element of a jagged vector |
►CJaggedVecEltBase | Describe one element of a jagged vector (base class) |
CShift | Helper to shift indices |
CJaggedVecVectorFactory | Factory objects that creates vectors for packed links |
CJaggedVecVectorHolder | Implementation of IAuxTypeVector for JaggedVec types |
CJaggedVecVectorT | Implementation of IAuxTypeVector holding a vector of JaggedVec |
CLockedAllocator | A pointer type that holds a lock on an allocator object |
CMapIndexingPolicy | Indexing policy for a map-like container |
CMetaContDataBucket | Allow converting MetaCont<T> to T |
CMetaHandleKey | |
CNoAuxStore | Mark that there's no associated AuxStore class |
CNoBase | Marker to indicate a nonexistent base class |
CNotHandleType | |
CObjectWithVersion | Associate a data object with its VersionedKey The object is held by a ReadHandle to delay its retrieval in case the user is interested only in the versionedKey |
CPackedContainer | Container to hold aux data to be stored in a packed form |
CPackedContainerStreamer | Streamer for reading/writing SG::PackedContainer instances |
CPackedConverter | Helper for packing/unpacking a PackedContainer to/from a stream |
CPackedLinkBase | A packed version of ElementLink |
CPackedLinkVectorFactory | Factory object that creates vectors for packed links |
CPackedLinkVectorHolder | Implementation of IAuxTypeVector for PackedLink types |
CPackedLinkVectorT | Implementation of IAuxTypeVector holding a vector of PackedLink |
CPackedLinkVVectorFactory | Factory object that creates vectors of vectors of packed links |
CPackedLinkVVectorHolder | Implementation of IAuxTypeVector for a vector of PackedLink |
CPackedParameters | Describe how the contents of a PackedContainer are to be saved |
Cptrhash | Improved hash function for pointers |
CPyDataBucket | Concrete DataBucket that holds the object via a void* and uses the Root dictionary to do conversions |
CPyProxyDict | Python front-end to the IProxyDict interface PyProxyDict encapsulates getting python objects from the raw C++ ones ones gets from the C++ store |
CPyProxyMgr | A helper class to manage accesses to PyProxies |
CReadCondHandle | |
CReadCondHandleKey | |
CReadDecorHandle | Handle class for reading a decoration on an object |
CReadDecorHandleKey | Property holding a SG store/key/clid/attr name from which a ReadDecorHandle is made |
CReadHandle | |
CReadHandleKey | Property holding a SG store/key/clid from which a ReadHandle is made |
CReadMetaHandle | |
CReadMetaHandleKey | |
CRegisterAddBaseInit | |
CRegisterAddCopyConversionInit | |
►CRemapImpl | |
Cremap_t | |
CRootAuxVector | Dynamic implementation of IAuxTypeVector , relying on root vector proxy |
CRootAuxVectorFactory | Dynamic implementation of IAuxVectorFactory , relying on root's vector proxy |
CSetIndexingPolicy | Indexing policy for a set-like container |
CSGKeyEqual | Comparison functional for sgkey_t |
CSGKeyHash | Hash functional for sgkey_t |
CShallowCopyDecorDeps | Helper to propagate decoration dependencies to a shallow copy |
CSlotSpecificObj | Maintain a set of objects, one per slot |
CStringPool | |
CStringPoolImpl | |
CSymlinkDataObject | Helper for symLink_impl |
CT2pMap | |
CTestSequenceTag | |
CTestSequenceTag< CONTAINER, typename CONTAINER::isSequence > | |
CThinningCache | Cache thinning decisions for converters |
CThinningDecision | Hold thinning decisions for one container |
CThinningDecisionBase | Hold thinning decisions for one container |
CThinningHandle | Handle for requesting thinning for a data object |
CThinningHandleBase | Handle for requesting thinning: factor out type-independent code |
CThinningHandleKey | HandleKey object for adding thinning to an object |
CThinningInfo | Hold thinning/slimming information for a given object |
CTopBase | Calculate topmost base accessible via SG_BASES |
CTopBase< DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase > > | |
CTopBase< SG::NoBase > | |
CTransientAddress | |
CTypelessConstAccessor | Helper class to provide const generic access to aux data |
CTypelessWriteHandle | Handle allowing writes to the event store with a configurable type |
CTypelessWriteHandleKey | Property holding a write key for which the type can be configured |
CUpdateHandle | |
CUpdateHandleKey | Property holding a SG store/key/clid from which an UpdateHandle is made |
CVarHandleBase | Base class for VarHandle types |
CVarHandleKey | A property holding a SG store/key/clid from which a VarHandle is made |
CVarHandleKeyArray | |
CVarHandleKeyArrayCommon | |
CVarHandleKeyArrayProperty | |
CVarHandleKeyArrayType | |
CVarHandleKeyProperty | VarHandleKeyProperty is the class which wraps a SG::VarHandleKey |
CVarHandleKeyType | |
CVarHandleType | |
CVersionedKey | StoreGateSvc key with a version number. Notice that StoreGate does not order multiple instances of an object with a given key by version number. A generic retrieve will always return the first version recorded. For example, if object ("MyKey",1) is recorded _before__ ("MyKey", 2) a sg.retrieve(pObj,"MyKey") will return ("MyKey",1). StoreGateSvc provides retrieveAllVersions and retrieveHighestVersion, which offer a better-defined behaviour |
CView | |
CViewVectorBase | Hold the persistent representation for a ViewVector |
CVirtual | Wrapper to indicate virtual derivation |
CWriteCondHandle | |
CWriteCondHandleKey | |
CWriteDecorHandle | Handle class for adding a decoration to an object |
CWriteDecorHandleKey | Property holding a SG store/key/clid/attr name from which a WriteDecorHandle is made |
CWriteHandle | |
CWriteHandleKey | Property holding a SG store/key/clid from which a WriteHandle is made |
CZero | Helper to specialize how to make an initialized instance of T |
►NSGTest | |
CTestStore | |
CTestStoreRemap | |
CTestStoreRemapHash | |
►NSgTests | |
CPayLoad | |
CPayLoadDv | |
►NSGToolsDict | |
C_tmp | |
►NSGTutorial | |
CLinkObj | |
CMyDataObj | |
CMyElement | |
►NSH | This module provides a lot of global definitions, forward declarations and includes that are used by all modules |
CDiskList | Interface for listing directory contents, locally or on a file server |
CDiskListEOS | DiskList implementation for EOS |
CDiskListLocal | DiskList implementation for local directories |
CDiskListSRM | DiskList implementation for the SRM protocol |
CDiskListXRD | DiskList implementation for the XRD protocol |
CDiskOutput | Class/interface representing an output location for files |
CDiskOutputLocal | Implementation of DiskOutput for local disks |
CDiskOutputXRD | Implementation of DiskOutput using the XRD protocol |
CDiskWriter | Interface that manages writing a single output file |
CDiskWriterLocal | Implementation of DiskWriter for local files |
CDiskWriterXRD | Implementation of DiskWriter for the XRD protocol |
CMeta | A base class for classes that implement arbitrary meta-data |
CMetaData | A class implementing a templatized version of the meta-data |
CMetaDataQuery | Object containing the result of an AMI meta-data query |
CMetaDataSample | All the meta-data fields that we may try to read from AMI |
CMetaFields | This class contains the known meta-data names |
CMetaNames | Names of common meta-data |
CMetaObject | A class that manages meta-data to be associated with an object |
CMetaVector | This class defines a templatized version of the meta-data in vector form |
CRucioDownloadResult | Result from rucio_download |
CRucioListDidsEntry | One entry from the rucio-list-dids command |
CRucioListFileReplicasEntry | One entry from the rucio-list-file-replicas command |
CSample | Base class that manages a set of files belonging to a particular data set and the associated meta-data |
CSampleComposite | This module defines an implementation of Sample that contains composite samples |
CSampleGrid | This class implements a Sample located on the grid |
CSampleHandler | A class that manages a list of Sample objects |
CSampleHist | A sample that represents a single histogram file |
CSampleLocal | A Sample based on a simple file list |
CSampleMeta | A Sample that consists only of Meta-Information |
CSamplePtr | A smart pointer class that holds a single Sample object |
CScanDir | Class used for scanning local directories and file servers for samples |
CTagList | A class that manages a list of tags for identifying samples |
►NsherpaTarCreator | |
►NbatchJobBase | |
CbatchJobBase | |
►Nhtcondor_lxplus | |
CbatchJob | |
►Nhtcondor_naf | |
CbatchJob | |
►Nreadjo | |
Cdotdict | |
►Nsge_grace | |
CbatchJob | |
►Nslurm_barnard | |
CbatchJob | |
►Nslurm_sdf | |
CbatchJob | |
►Nslurm_taurus | |
CbatchJob | |
►NShowerLib | Namespace for the ShowerLib related classes |
CEtaEnergyShowerLib | Class for shower library shower lib |
CFCALDistEnergyShowerLib | Class for shower library shower lib |
CFCALDistEtaEnergyShowerLib | Class for shower library shower lib |
CIShowerLib | Class for shower library shower lib interface |
CShower | Class for shower library shower |
CShowerEnergySpot | |
CShowerLibStatistics | |
CStepInfo | Class to collect information about G4 steps |
CStepInfoCollection | Class for collection of StepInfo class (G4 hits) |
►CTestShowerLib | Class for shower library shower lib |
CgenInfo | |
►NShowerShapeRegression | |
CShowerShapeRegressor | |
►Nsim_check_batch | |
CDataBase | |
►NSimulation | |
CBeamEffectsAlg | |
CBeamSpotFixerAlg | |
CBeamSpotReweightingAlg | |
CCrabKissingVertexPositioner | |
CGenEventBeamEffectBooster | |
CGenEventRotator | |
CGenEventValidityChecker | |
CGenEventVertexPositioner | |
CIGenEventManipulator | |
CILorentzVectorGenerator | |
CIZeroLifetimePatcher | |
CLongBeamspotVertexPositioner | |
CMatchingBkgVertexPositioner | |
CVertexBeamCondPositioner | |
CZeroLifetimePositioner | |
►NSlimmingHelper | |
Clockable_list | |
CSlimmingHelper | |
►NSortHelper | |
CPJcomp | |
Cpt_sort | |
►NST | |
►NWeights | |
CISUSYObjDef_xAODTool | |
CSUSYObjDef_xAOD | |
CSystInfo | |
►NStandaloneBunchgroupHandler | |
CBunchgroupHandler | |
CBunchgroupRunData | |
►NStandardCellWeightCalib | |
CH1Calibration | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Cdefault_delete< CxxUtils::CRCTable > | |
Chash< CP::SystematicSet > | Specialization of std::hash for std::unordered_map |
Chash< FlavorTagDiscriminants::GNNOptions > | |
Chash< HWIdentifier > | |
Chash< Identifier > | |
Chash< IdentifierHash > | |
Chash< NswAsBuilt::pcbIdentifier_t > | |
Chash< NswAsBuilt::quadrupletIdentifier_t > | |
Chash< NswAsBuilt::stripIdentifier_t > | |
Chash< Trig::Combination > | Hash function to support associative containers |
Citerator_traits< TrigConf::ConstIter< V, T > > | |
Cpair< ElementLink< CONT >, T2 > | Specialization for a pair containing an ElementLink , allowing for faster initialization |
Cremove_pointer< TimedHitPtr< const xAOD::MuonSimHit > > | |
Cremove_pointer< TimedHitPtr< xAOD::MuonSimHit > > | |
►NStdEvgenSetup | |
CEvgenConfig | Provide a bit of compatibility with Generate_trf JOs via dummy evgenConfig and StreamEVGEN objects |
►NStreamerInfoGenerator | |
CStreamerInfoGenerator | |
►NSubDetectorEnvelopesConfig | |
CVolume | |
►NSuperChicUtils | |
CSuperChicConfig | |
►NSUSY | |
►CCrossSectionDB | |
CKey | |
CProcess | |
CCrossSectionDBPMG | |
►NSysStreamTest | |
CStreamTestWrapper | Wrapper class for testing the streaming of Systematic objects |
►NT2VertexBeamSpotMonitoring | |
CBaseMonitoringTool | |
CT2BSTrackFilterToolMonitoring | |
CT2TrackBeamSpotToolMonitoring | |
CT2VertexBeamSpotMonitoring | |
CT2VertexBeamSpotToolMonitoring | |
►NTableUtils | |
CMultiColumnTable | |
►CRange | |
Cconst_iterator | |
►CRange2D | |
Cconst_iterator | |
CStatTable | |
►NTAGrowing | |
CTACOptionsHolder | |
CTACTag | |
►CTopoAutomatonGrowingTemporaries | |
CPairsArr | |
CTopoAutomatonOptions | |
►NTASplitting | |
CTASOptionsHolder | |
CTASTag | |
CTopoAutomatonSplittingOptions | |
►CTopoAutomatonSplittingTemporaries | |
CPairsArr | |
►NTau | |
CEfficiencyPtPlots | |
CEVetoPlots | |
CGeneralTauPlots | |
CHad1ProngPlots | |
CHad3ProngPlots | |
CMigration | |
CNewCorePlots | |
CParamPlots | |
CRecoTauPlots | |
►NTauAnalysisTools | |
►CBuildTruthTaus | |
CTauTruthInfo | |
CCommonDiTauEfficiencyTool | |
CCommonDiTauSmearingTool | |
CCommonEfficiencyTool | |
CCommonSmearingTool | |
CDiTauEfficiencyCorrectionsTool | |
CDiTauSelectionCut | |
CDiTauSelectionCutAbsEta | |
CDiTauSelectionCutNSubjets | |
CDiTauSelectionCutPt | |
CDiTauSelectionTool | |
CDiTauSmearingTool | |
CDiTauTruthMatchingTool | |
►CIBuildTruthTaus | |
CITruthTausEvent | Declare the interface that the class provides |
CIDiTauEfficiencyCorrectionsTool | |
CIDiTauSelectionTool | Interface for tau selector tool |
CIDiTauSmearingTool | |
CIDiTauTruthMatchingTool | |
CITauEfficiencyCorrectionsTool | |
CITauHFVetoTool | |
CITauSelectionTool | Interface for tau selector tool |
CITauSmearingTool | |
CITauTruthMatchingTool | |
CITauTruthTrackMatchingTool | |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook | |
CTauAnalysisToolsExampleAthena | |
CTauEfficiencyCorrectionsTool | |
CTauEfficiencyTriggerTool | |
CTauHFVetoTool | |
CTauSelectionCut | |
CTauSelectionCutAbsCharge | |
CTauSelectionCutAbsEta | |
CTauSelectionCutEleIDWP | |
CTauSelectionCutGNTauScoreSigTrans | |
CTauSelectionCutJetIDWP | |
CTauSelectionCutMuonOLR | |
CTauSelectionCutNTracks | |
CTauSelectionCutPt | |
CTauSelectionCutRNNEleScore | |
CTauSelectionCutRNNJetScoreSigTrans | |
CTauSelectionTool | |
CTauSmearingTool | |
CTauTruthMatchingTool | |
CTauTruthTrackMatchingTool | |
►NTauConfigFlags | |
CTestTauRecConfigFlags | |
►NtauEventDict | |
CEnumDictLoader | |
Ctemp | |
►NTauGNNUtils | |
►NVariables | |
CGNNVarCalc | Tool to calculate input variables for the GNN-based tau identification |
►NTauJetRNNUtils | |
►NVariables | |
CVarCalc | Tool to calculate input variables for the RNN-based tau identification |
►NtauRecTools | Implementation of a TrackClassifier based on an RNN |
CBDTHelper | |
CTauDecayModeNNHelper | A closely related class that provides helper functions |
CTauDecayModeNNVariable | A closely related class that calculates the input variables |
CTauTrackRNNClassifier | |
CTrackRNN | |
►NTCCHelpers | \bried Internal helper class for TCC & UFO building |
CCombinedUFOLoop | Implements a loop over tracks and pflow object to build UFOs |
CUFOBuilder | Implement a concrete CombinedUFOLoop dedicated to building UFO see TCCHelpers.h in TrackCaloClusterRecTools/ |
CWeightsCollector | Implement a concrete CombinedUFOLoop dedicated to collection of energy sharing weights for UFO see TCCHelpers.h in TrackCaloClusterRecTools/ |
►NTCS | |
CAlgFactory | |
CBaseTOB | |
CClusterAbbreviated | |
CClusterNoSort | |
CClusterSelect | |
CClusterSort | |
CClusterSortingAlg | |
CClusterTOB | |
CClusterTOBArray | |
CCompositeTOB | |
►CConfigurableAlg | |
CConfigurableAlgImpl | The implementation class |
CConnector | |
CCount | |
CCountingAlg | |
CCountingConnector | |
CcTauMultiplicity | |
CcTauTOB | |
CcTauTOBArray | |
CDataArray | Base class for TOB arrays |
CDataArrayImpl | |
CDecision | |
CDecisionAlg | |
CDecisionConnector | |
CDeltaEtaIncl1 | |
CDeltaEtaIncl2 | |
CDeltaEtaPhiIncl1 | |
CDeltaEtaPhiIncl2 | |
CDeltaPhiIncl1 | |
CDeltaPhiIncl2 | |
CDeltaPhiLeading | |
CDeltaRApproxBoxCutIncl1 | |
CDeltaRApproxBoxCutIncl2 | |
CDeltaRSqrIncl1 | |
CDeltaRSqrIncl1Charge | |
CDeltaRSqrIncl2 | |
CDeltaRSqrIncl2Charge | |
CDisambiguationDetaDPhiIncl3 | |
CDisambiguationDRIncl2 | |
CDisambiguationDRIncl3 | |
CDisambiguationIncl2 | |
CDisambiguationIncl3 | |
CDisambiguationInvmIncl2 | |
CeEmMultiplicity | |
CeEmNoSort | |
CeEmSelect | |
CeEmSort | |
CeEmTOB | |
CeEmTOBArray | |
CEnergyThreshold | |
CEtaPhiWindow | Select TOBs that fall in a given eta/phi region |
CeTauMultiplicity | |
CeTauNoSort | |
CeTauSelect | |
CeTauSort | |
CeTauTOB | |
CeTauTOBArray | |
CEtCut | |
CException | |
CExclusiveJets | |
CGenericArrayCreator | |
CGenericListGenerator | |
CGenericTOB | |
CgJetMultiplicity | |
CgJetNoSort | |
CgJetSelect | |
CgJetSort | |
CgJetTOB | |
CgJetTOBArray | |
CgLJetMultiplicity | |
CgLJetNoSort | |
CgLJetSelect | |
CgLJetSort | |
CgLJetTOB | |
CgLJetTOBArray | |
CGlobalDecision | |
CGlobalOutput | |
CgTETOBArray | |
CgXETOBArray | |
CHardwareParam | |
►CHeap | |
CHeapStructure | |
CInputConnector | |
CInputTOBArray | |
CInvariantMassDeltaPhiInclusive2 | |
CInvariantMassDeltaPhiInclusive2Charge | |
CInvariantMassInclusive1 | |
CInvariantMassInclusive2 | |
CInvariantMassInclusiveDeltaRSqrIncl1 | |
CInvariantMassInclusiveDeltaRSqrIncl1Charge | |
CInvariantMassInclusiveDeltaRSqrIncl2 | |
CInvariantMassInclusiveDeltaRSqrIncl2Charge | |
CInvariantMassThreeTOBsIncl1 | |
CInvariantMassThreeTOBsIncl1Charge | |
CjEmMultiplicity | |
CjEmNoSort | |
CjEmSelect | |
CjEmSort | |
CjEmTOB | |
CjEmTOBArray | |
CJetAbbreviated | |
CJetHT | |
CJetMatch | |
CJetNoSort | |
CJetNoSortMatch | |
CJetSelect | |
CJetSort | |
CJetSortingAlg | |
CJetSortingAlgSize1 | |
CJetSortingAlgSize2 | |
CJetTOB | |
CJetTOBArray | |
CjJetMultiplicity | |
CjJetNoSort | |
CjJetSelect | |
CjJetSort | |
CjJetTOB | |
CjJetTOBArray | |
CjLJetMultiplicity | |
CjLJetNoSort | |
CjLJetSelect | |
CjLJetSort | |
CjLJetTOB | |
CjLJetTOBArray | |
CjTauMultiplicity | |
CjTauNoSort | |
CjTauSelect | |
CjTauSort | |
CjTauTOB | |
CjTauTOBArray | |
CjTETOBArray | |
CjXENoSort | |
CjXESort | |
CjXETOBArray | |
CKalmanMETCorrection | |
CL1TopoHWParameters | |
CLAr | |
CLArSaturation | |
CLateMuonTOB | |
CLateMuonTOBArray | |
CLayoutConstraints | |
CMETCut | |
CMETNoSort | |
CMetSort | |
CMETSortingAlg | |
CMetTOB | |
CMetTOBArray | |
CMinDeltaPhiIncl2 | |
CMultiplicity | |
CMultiplicityCustom | |
CMuonAbbreviated | |
CMuonNextBCTOB | |
CMuonNextBCTOBArray | |
CMuonNoSort | |
CMuonSelect | |
CMuonSort | |
CMuonSort_1BC | |
CMuonTOB | |
CMuonTOBArray | |
CNotMatch | |
CParameter | |
CParameterSpace | |
CRatio | |
CRatio2 | |
CRatioMatch | |
CRatioSum | |
CSimpleCone | |
CSortingAlg | |
CSortingConnector | |
CStatusCode | |
CSum | |
CTauMatching | |
CTOBArray | |
CTopoASCIIReader | |
CTopoCoreSimResult | |
CTopoInputEvent | |
CTopoSteering | |
CTopoSteeringStructure | |
CTransverseMassInclusive1 | |
CZeroBias | |
►Ntest_athena_evtstore_root | |
CMyAlg | |
►Ntest_athena_root | |
CMyAlg | |
►Ntest_athena_variable_shape_ntuple | |
CMyAlg | |
►Ntest_interactive_athena | |
CTestAlg | |
►NTestMuonSF | |
CMuonEffiBranch | |
CMuonReplicaBranches | |
►CMuonSFBranches | |
CSFSet | Helper struct to store scale factor, data efficiency + mc efficiency for each systematic variation |
CTriggerSFBranches | |
►NTestUtils | |
CmakeChainStep | |
►NTGC | |
CTgcChamber | |
CTgcHit | |
►NThePEG | |
CBB4LPowhegLesHouchesFileReader | BB4LPowhegLesHouchesFileReader is an base class to be used for objects which reads event files from matrix element generators |
CHepMCTraits< HepMC::GenEvent > | |
CpowhegAnalysis | |
CpowhegLesHouchesFileReader | PowhegLesHouchesFileReader is an base class to be used for objects which reads event files from matrix element generators |
►NThread_Occupancy_HLT_TableConstructor | |
CThread_Occupancy_HLT_TableConstructor | |
►Nthread_utils | |
CThreadLocalHolder | A thread-local storage wrapper |
CThreadLocalOwner | A ThreadLocalHolder which owns its objects |
►NTIDA | Test for xAOD |
CAssociator | |
CChain | |
CEvent | |
CFeature | Actual template of the Feature wrapper - stores a pointer to an object and inherits from FeatureBase |
CFeatureBase | Very basic Feature base class just so that we can store derived classes onto the store
CFeatureStore | |
CHistogram | |
CReference | |
CReferenceMap | |
CRoi | |
CTrack | |
CVertex | |
►NTile | |
CTileVolumeBuilder | |
►NTileCal | |
CITrackTools | |
CTrackTools | |
►NTileCalib | |
CException | TileCalib Exception base class |
CIndexOutOfRange | Thrown if an index is out of range |
CInvalidBchProblem | Thrown by TileBchBits if unkown problem is detected |
CInvalidBitPattern | Thrown by TileBchBits if invalid bit pattern is detected |
CInvalidBlob | Thrown if coral::Blob does not conform with expected structure |
CInvalidCaloGain | Signals invalid use of gain |
CInvalidRawChanUnit | Signals invalid use of TileRawChannelUnit |
CInvalidValue | Thrown to prevent invalid results, eg |
CNoSuchPhase | Thrown by TileCalibDrawerOfc if requesting samples for invalid phase |
CSizeConflict | Thrown if BLOB size is not correct |
CTypeConflict | Thrown if object type in BLOB does not agree with class type |
CVersionConflict | Thrown if object version in BLOB does not agree with class |
►NTileCellBuilderFromHitTestConfig | |
CTestAlg | |
CTileFragHash | |
►NTileCellBuilderTestConfig | |
CPrepareDataAlg | |
CTestAlg | |
CTileFragHash | |
►NTileDCSDataPlotter | |
CTileDCSDataPlotter | |
►NTileDQstatusAlgTestConfig | |
CCheckAlg | |
CRecordAlg | |
CTileFragHash | |
►NTileDQstatusToolTestConfig | |
CTestAlg | |
CTileFragHash | |
►NTileRawChannelBuilderTestConfig | |
CPrepareDataAlg | |
CTestAlg | |
CTileFragHash | |
►NTileRawDataReadTestConfig | |
CFinalizer | |
►NTileROD_Helper | |
CContainerForCollection | |
CContainerForCollection< TileBeamElemCollection > | |
CContainerForCollection< TileDigitsCollection > | |
CContainerForCollection< TileRawChannelCollection > | |
►NtmpMuonTrigCoinData | |
Ctmp | |
►NToolHandleHistoHelper | |
CHistoRetriever | |
►Ntools | |
►NTPCnv | |
CMuonCaloEnergies | 'Dummy' class to produce convertor for MuonCaloEnergy_tlp
CMuonMeasurements | 'Dummy' class to produce convertor for MuonMeasurements_tlp |
CMuonMeasurements_tlp1 | This object contains the muon "extensions" for e.g |
CMuonMeasurements_tlp2 | This object contains the muon "extensions" for e.g |
►NTrackOverlayDecisionAlg | |
CTrackOverlayDecisionAlg | |
►NTrackParticleTPCnvDict | |
Ctmp | |
►NTrig | The common trigger namespace for trigger analysis tools |
►NFeatureAccessImpl | This is the implementation of the Feature collection for Athena |
Cfalse_type | |
Cget_links | |
Cget_type | |
Cget_type< false > | |
Cget_type< true > | |
CgetFlagsHelper | |
CgetFlagsHelper< T, STORED, false > | |
CgetFlagsHelper< T, STORED, true > | |
Cinsert_and_flatten | |
Cinsert_and_flatten< T, CONT, true, LINK > | |
Cinsert_and_flatten< T, STORED, false, LINK > | |
►CisDataVector | |
Cfalse_type | |
Cprint_features | |
Cprint_features< LINK, false > | |
Cprint_features< LINK, true > | |
Ctrue_type | |
CBunchConfig | Structure describing a bunch configuration |
CBunchCrossing | A smart integer class representing bunch crossings |
CBunchCrossingConfProviderBase | Common implementation of the IBunchCrossingConfProvider interface |
CBunchCrossingToolBase | Base class for all BunchCrossingTool implementations |
CBunchTrain | A smart set of BunchCrossing objects |
►CCacheGlobalMemory | |
►CAnyTypeDeleter | |
Cholder | |
Cholder_comp | |
Ciholder | |
CChainGroup | |
CChainGroupFunctions | |
CCombination | |
CConfigurationAccess | |
Ccount_bunch_neighbors | Functor counting how many neighbors a given bunch crossing has |
CDecisionAccess | |
CDecisionUnpackerAthena | |
CDecisionUnpackerEventInfo | |
CDecisionUnpackerStandalone | Helper class for unpacking the xAOD trigger decision/navigation |
CDRScoringTool | Score pairs of particles based on their deltaR |
CEgammaDRScoringTool | Score pairs of particles based on their deltaR |
CElementLink_is_not_available_for_non_storable_types | |
►CEmulContext | |
CHolderT | |
CIHolder | |
CExpertMethods | |
CFeature | |
►CFeatureContainer | |
Cordering_by_objects_attached | Helper class to support ordered set of features |
CFeatureRequestDescriptor | |
CIBunchCrossingConfProvider | Inteface for providing the bunch structure information |
CIBunchCrossingTool | Interface for all the bunch crossing tools |
CIDecisionUnpacker | |
CIIParticleRetrievalTool | |
CIMatchingTool | |
CIMatchScoringTool | Interface class for scoring pairs of particles for matching |
CIParticleRetrievalTool | |
Cis_storable_type | |
CITrigBtagEmulationTool | |
CITrigDecisionTool | Basic interface for the TrigDecisionTool |
CITrigEgammaEmulationBaseHypoTool | |
CITrigEgammaEmulationChain | |
CITrigEgammaMatchingTool | |
CITrigMuonMatching | |
CJetManagerTool | |
Clink_or_not | |
Clink_or_not< T, false > | |
Clink_or_not< T, true > | |
CLogger | Logging adaptor to provide interfaces required for ATH_MSG macros |
CMatchFromCompositeTool | Tool to perform matching to selected offline particles using the list of candidates created by the DerivationFramework::TriggerMatchingTool |
CMatchingImplementation | |
CMatchingTool | |
CNavigationTesterAlg | |
CR3IParticleRetrievalTool | |
CR3MatchingTool | |
CStaticBunchCrossingTool | Stand-alone bunch group tool knowing some static configurations |
CTrigBtagEmulationChain | |
CTrigBtagEmulationJet | |
CTrigBtagEmulationTool | |
CTrigBtagValidationTest | |
CTrigConfBunchCrossingTool | The trigger config implementation of IBunchCrossingTool |
CTrigData | |
CTrigDecisionTool | |
CTrigDecisionToolCore | |
CTrigEgammaEmulationBaseHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaEmulationChain | |
CTrigEgammaEmulationFastCaloHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaEmulationFastElectronHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaEmulationFastPhotonHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaEmulationL1CaloHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaEmulationPrecisionCaloHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaEmulationPrecisionElectronHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaEmulationPrecisionPhotonHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaEmulationPrecisionTrackingHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaEmulationToolMT | |
CTrigEgammaMatchingTool | |
CTrigEgammaMatchingToolTest | |
►CTrigMatchTestAlg | |
CMatchData | |
►CTrigMuonMatching | |
CEFmuon | |
CTrigMuonMatching_example | |
CTypedScoringTool | Score particles of different types in different ways |
CTypelessFeature | Feature class, holding information on Feature attached to navigation |
CxAODBunchCrossingTool | Bunch crossing tool to use with xAOD input files |
►Ntrig-test-json | |
CLastUpdatedOrderedDict | |
►NTrigAccel | |
►NITk | |
CDetectorModel | |
COutputSeedStorage | |
CSeedFinderSettings | |
CSeedMakingJob | |
CSiliconLayer | |
CSpacePointLayerRange | |
CSpacePointStorage | |
CDataExportBuffer | |
CDetectorModel | |
CModule | |
COffloadBuffer | |
COutputSeedStorage | |
CSeedFinderSettings | |
CSeedMakingJob | |
CSiliconLayer | |
CSpacePointLayerRange | |
CSpacePointStorage | |
CWork | |
CWorkFactory | |
►NTrigAnalysisTest | |
CBasicTriggerFired | |
CITest | |
CRun1BStoxAODTrigger | |
►NTrigBphysMonitoringConfig | |
CTrigBphysMonAlgBuilder | |
►Ntrigbs_findevent | |
CStoreTime | |
►NTrigCompositeUtils | |
►CAlgToChainTool | Provide the reverse mapping: algorithm name to set of chain names |
CChainInfo | |
CCombinations | |
CHasObject | Prerequisite object usable with |
CHasObjectCollection | Prerequisite object usable with |
CIPartCombItr | |
CKFromNItr | Iterates over all combinations of k values chosen from a range n |
CLinkInfo | Helper to keep a Decision object, ElementLink and ActiveState (with respect to some requested ChainGroup) linked together (for convenience) |
CNavGraph | Structure to hold a transient Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) structure. NavGraph is populated from, and forms a sub-graph over the full Run 3 trigger navigation graph in a single event. Requirements on specific chains, and the specification of allowable graph entry-points are considered in the construction of the NavGraph sub-graph. Once one of these sub-graphs is fully populated to a given specification, it is searched by the feature-retrieval code to find features |
CNavGraphNode | Transient utility class to represent a node in a graph (m_decisionObject), and a vector of edges (m_filteredSeeds) to other nodes which are parents of this node |
CProductItr | Iterates over all combinations of the provided input iterators |
►NTrigConf | Forward iterator to traverse the main components of the trigger configuration |
CAutoDBOpen | |
CBunchGroup | |
CBunchGroupCondAlg | |
CBunchGroupLoader | |
CBunchGroupSet | |
CBunchGroupSetLoader | |
CCaloInfo | |
CCaloInfoLoader | TriggerDB loader of the LVL1 calorimeter trigger configuration |
CCaloJetInput | |
CCaloJetInputLoader | TriggerDB loader of the LVL1 calorimeter jet trigger configuration |
CCaloSinCos | |
CCaloSinCosLoader | TriggerDB loader of the LVL1 calorimeter sin and cos configuration |
CChain | HLT chain configuration |
CClusterThresholdValue | |
CConstIter | Forward iterator over an iterable of type V returning an object of type T |
Ccounter | |
CCTPConfig | |
CCTPConfigLoader | |
CCTPFiles | |
CCTPFilesLoader | TriggerDB loader of the LVL1 LUT and CAM tables |
CDataStructure | Base class for Trigger configuration data and wrapper around underlying representation |
CDBLoader | Base class for loaders of configurations from the TriggerDB |
CDeadTime | |
CDeadTimeLoader | TriggerDB loader of the LVL1 deadtime configuration |
►CDiffStruct | |
CAttDiff | |
CEtThresholdValue | |
CFolderDefinition | |
CHashMap | Two concurrent maps to store name->hash and hash->name mappings |
CHashStore | Store for hash maps per category |
CHLTChain | HLT chain configuration information |
CHLTChainList | List of all HLT chains in a trigger menu |
CHLTChainLoader | TriggerDB loader of the HLT signatures |
CHLTConfigSvc | Service storing the HLT menu in the DetectorStore |
CHLTFrame | The HLT trigger menu, |
CHLTFrameLoader | TriggerDB loader of the HLT menu |
CHLTMenu | HLT menu configuration |
CHLTMonitoring | HLT monitoring configuration |
CHLTPrescale | |
CHLTPrescaleCondAlg | Condition algorithm to provide the L1 trigger menu |
CHLTPrescaleSet | HLT chain configuration information |
►CHLTPrescaleSetCollection | HLT chain configuration information |
Ccont | |
CHLTPrescaleSetCollectionLoader | |
CHLTPrescaleSetLoader | |
►CHLTPrescalesSet | HLT menu configuration |
CHLTPrescale | |
CHLTSequence | HLT sequence configuration information |
CHLTSequenceList | List of HLT sequences |
CHLTSequenceLoader | TriggerDB loader of the HLT signatures |
CHLTSignature | HLT signature configuration information |
CHLTStreamTag | HLT stream configuration information |
CHLTTEUtils | HLTUtils is renamed in r22 to HLTTEUtils |
CHLTTriggerElement | HLT trigger element configuration information |
CHLTTriggerType | HLT trigger type configuration information |
CHLTUtils | |
CIBunchGroupLoader | |
CIBunchGroupSetLoader | |
CICaloInfoLoader | |
CICaloJetInputLoader | |
CICaloSinCosLoader | |
CICTPConfigLoader | |
CICTPFilesLoader | |
CIDeadTimeLoader | |
CIHLTConfigSvc | Athena interface for all services that provide HLT menu configuration information |
CIHLTFrameLoader | |
CIHLTPrescaleSetCollectionLoader | |
CIHLTPrescaleSetLoader | |
CIIHLTConfigSvc | Interface for all services/tools that provide HLT menu configuration information |
CIILVL1ConfigSvc | Interface for all services/tools that provide LVL1 menu configuration information |
CIJobOptionsSvc | Trigger-specific JobOptionsSvc interface |
CIJobOptionTableLoader | |
CIKeyWriterTool | |
CIL1TopoMenuLoader | |
CILoader | Interface class for loaders |
CILutCamLoader | |
CILVL1ConfigSvc | Athena interface for all services that provide LVL1 menu configuration information |
CIMasterTableLoader | Interface for loaders of the LVL1 trigger configuration |
CIMenuLoader | |
CIMuctpiLoader | |
CIMuonThresholdSetLoader | |
CIOException | |
CIPrescaledClockLoader | |
CIPrescaleSetLoader | |
CIPrioritySetLoader | |
CIRandomLoader | |
CISequenceContentTableLoader | Interface for loaders of the HLT sequences |
CISignatureContentTableLoader | Interface for loaders of the HLT signatures |
CIsolationLegacy | |
CIsolationParam | |
CIStorageMgr | Interface for the StorageMgr (TriggerDB) and XMLStorageMgr (XML) classes |
CIThresholdConfigLoader | |
CIThresholdMonitorLoader | |
CITrigConfigSvc | Athena interface for all service that provide L1Topo, LVL1, and HLT menu configuration information |
CITrigConfigTool | Interface for dual-use tools that provide trigger configuration information |
CITriggerThresholdLoader | |
CITriggerThresholdValueLoader | |
CITriggerTypeLoader | |
CJetThresholdValue | |
CJobOption | Hold a single job option (parameter and value) |
CJobOptionsSvc | JobOptionsSvc for the HLT |
CJobOptionTable | Table to hold the complete list of JobOption entries for a single configuration, from which the JobOptionsCatalogue is built |
►CJobOptionTableLoader | TriggerDB loader of the HLT job options |
CSplitParam | |
CJsonFileLoader | Loader of trigger configurations from Json files |
CJsonFileWriterHLT | Loader of trigger configurations from Json files |
CJsonFileWriterL1 | Loader of trigger configurations from Json files |
CKeyWriterTool | |
CL1Board | TriggerLine entry describes the location of a threshold multiplicity on a cable (connector) |
CL1BunchGroup | Bunchgroup and BunchgroupSet representation |
CL1BunchGroupSet | L1 board configuration |
CL1Connector | L1 connectors configuration |
CL1CTP | TriggerLine entry describes the location of a threshold multiplicity on a cable (connector) |
►CL1CTPFiles | L1 menu configuration |
CCTPCoreCTPXInput | |
CCTPCoreInput | |
CCTPInCounter | |
CCTPMonCounter | |
CL1DataBaseclass | |
►CL1DataDef | |
CTriggerTypeConfig | |
CL1Item | L1 threshold configuration |
CL1Menu | L1 menu configuration |
CL1PrescaleCondAlg | Condition algorithm to provide the L1 trigger menu |
►CL1PrescalesSet | L1 menu configuration |
CL1Prescale | |
CL1PSNumber | |
CL1Threshold | Standard L1 threshold configuration |
CL1Threshold_Calo | |
CL1Threshold_cTAU | |
CL1Threshold_eEM | |
CL1Threshold_EM | |
CL1Threshold_eTAU | |
CL1Threshold_gJ | |
CL1Threshold_gLJ | |
CL1Threshold_gTE | |
CL1Threshold_gXE | |
CL1Threshold_internal | |
CL1Threshold_jEM | |
CL1Threshold_JET | |
CL1Threshold_jJ | |
CL1Threshold_jLJ | |
CL1Threshold_jTAU | |
CL1Threshold_jTE | |
CL1Threshold_jXE | |
CL1Threshold_MU | |
CL1Threshold_NIM | |
CL1Threshold_TAU | |
CL1Threshold_TE | |
CL1Threshold_XE | |
CL1Threshold_XS | |
CL1Threshold_ZB | |
CL1Threshold_ZBTopo | |
CL1ThrExtraInfo | |
►CL1ThrExtraInfo_cTAU | |
CWorkingPoints_cTAU | |
►CL1ThrExtraInfo_eEM | |
CWorkingPoints_eEM | |
CL1ThrExtraInfo_EMTAULegacy | |
►CL1ThrExtraInfo_eTAU | |
CWorkingPoints_eTAU | |
CL1ThrExtraInfo_gJ | |
CL1ThrExtraInfo_gLJ | |
CL1ThrExtraInfo_gTE | |
CL1ThrExtraInfo_gXE | |
►CL1ThrExtraInfo_jEM | |
CWorkingPoints_jEM | |
CL1ThrExtraInfo_JETLegacy | |
CL1ThrExtraInfo_jJ | |
CL1ThrExtraInfo_jLJ | |
►CL1ThrExtraInfo_jTAU | |
CWorkingPoints_jTAU | |
CL1ThrExtraInfo_jTE | |
CL1ThrExtraInfo_jXE | |
CL1ThrExtraInfo_MU | |
CL1ThrExtraInfo_XSLegacy | |
CL1ThrExtraInfoBase | L1 extra information for certain threshold types |
►CL1TopoAlgorithm | L1Topo algorithm configuration |
CVariableParameter | |
CL1TopoMenuLoader | TriggerDB loader of the HLT menu |
CL1TopoOutput | L1Topo output line configuration |
CLogic | Class to hold the logic structure representing a logical expression and evaluate it for a given state |
CLogicAND | |
CLogicExpression | |
CLogicLeaf | |
CLogicOPS | |
CLogicOR | |
CLogicParsingException | |
CLutCam | |
CLutCamLoader | |
CLVL1Config | |
CLVL1ConfigSvc | Service storing the LVL1 menu in the DetectorStore |
CMasterTableLoader | TriggerDB loader of the LVL1 trigger configuration |
CMCKLoader | |
CMenu | |
►CMenuLoader | TriggerDB loader of the LVL1 trigger menu configuration |
CThrInfo | |
CMenuPtrWrapper | Small utility class to wrap a pointer to a const xAOD::TriggerMenu |
CMETSigParam | |
CMinTOBPt | |
CMsgStreamTC | MsgStreamTC class to be used in TrigConf equivalent to Gaudi's MsgStream |
CMuctpi | |
CMuctpiLoader | |
CMuonThresholdSet | |
CMuonThresholdSetLoader | TriggerDB loader of the LVL1 muon h/w configuration for online use |
CMuonThresholdValue | |
Cname | |
Cname_hash | |
CNimThresholdValue | |
CNoBGSKException | |
CNoHLTPSKException | |
CNoL1PSKException | |
CNoQueryException | |
CNoSMKException | |
CParsingException | |
CPIT | |
CPrescaledClock | |
CPrescaledClockLoader | |
CPrescaleSet | |
CPrescaleSetLoader | |
CPrioritySet | |
CPrioritySetLoader | |
CQueryDefinition | |
CQueryException | |
CRandom | |
CRandomLoader | |
CReplicaSorter | |
CSelection | |
Cseq_hash_id | |
Cseq_name_hash | |
CSessionMgr | Manager of the database session |
CStorageMgr | Database Storage Manager, controls the database session and the different loader classes for DB access |
CStorageMgrBase | |
Ctag_ctpid | |
Ctag_name_hash | |
CThresholdConfig | |
CThresholdConfigLoader | TriggerDB loader of the LVL1 trigger threshold configuration |
CThresholdMonitor | |
CThresholdMonitorLoader | |
CTIP | |
CTrigConfCoolFolderSpec | Definition of the COOL folder structure for the trigger configuration data |
CTrigConfCoolWriter | Reading/Writing of trigger configuration data from/to COOL |
CTrigConfData | |
CTrigConfMessaging | Class to provide easy access to TrigConf::MsgStream for TrigConf classes |
CTrigDBConnectionConfig | |
CTrigDBCTPFilesLoader | Loader of trigger configurations from Json files |
CTrigDBHLTPrescalesSetLoader | Loader of trigger configurations from Json files |
CTrigDBJobOptionsLoader | Loader of trigger configurations from Json files |
CTrigDBL1BunchGroupSetLoader | Loader of trigger configurations from Json files |
CTrigDBL1PrescalesSetLoader | Loader of trigger configurations from Json files |
CTrigDBLoader | Loader of trigger configurations from Json files |
CTrigDBMenuLoader | Loader of trigger menu configurations from the database |
CTrigDBMonitoringLoader | Loader of trigger menu configurations from the database |
CTriggerItem | |
CTriggerItemNode | |
CTriggerLine | TriggerLine entry describes the location of a threshold multiplicity on a cable (connector) |
CTriggerMenuJsonPtrWrapper | Small utility class to wrap a pointer to a const xAOD::TriggerMenuJson |
CTriggerThreshold | |
CTriggerThresholdLoader | TriggerDB loader of the LVL1 trigger thresholds |
CTriggerThresholdValue | |
CTriggerThresholdValueLoader | |
CValidityRange | |
►CValueWithEtaDependence | Class to implement a L1 threshold cut that varies with eta |
CRangeValue | |
CxAODConfigSvc | Trigger configuration service used when reading an xAOD file |
►CxAODConfigTool | Trigger configuration metadata tool for xAOD analysis |
CImpl | |
CxAODMenuReader | Algorithm for testing the xAOD menu reading in Athena |
CxAODMenuWriter | Algorithm used to write the light-weight xAOD configuration in the Run3 JSON format |
CXEFlavour | |
CXsThresholdValue | |
►NTrigDec | |
CAncestorAttached | |
CClassTraits | |
CDirectAttached | |
CTrigDecision | The TrigDecision is an object which merges trigger informations from various levels |
CTrigDecision_p1 | |
CTrigDecision_p2 | |
CTrigDecision_p3 | |
CTrigDecision_p4 | |
CTrigDecision_p5 | |
CTrigDecisionCnv_p1 | |
CTrigDecisionCnv_p2 | |
CTrigDecisionCnv_p3 | |
CTrigDecisionCnv_p4 | |
CTrigDecisionCnv_p5 | |
CTrigDecisionMaker | |
CTrigDecisionMakerMT | |
CTrigDecisionMakerValidator | |
►NTrigEgammaEmulationToolConfigMT | |
CTrigEgammaEmulationToolConfig | |
►NTrigEgammaForwardFastCaloHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaForwardFastCaloHypoToolConfig | |
►NTriggerMenuDB2JSONConverter | |
CSilence | |
►NTriggerPhotonIsEMSelectorMapping | |
CtriggerPhotonPIDmenu | |
►NTrigGlobEffCorr | Template specializations below must be enclosed in this namespace |
►NTrigGlobEffCorr | |
►NCalculator | |
►NHelper | |
CBindPackedParam | |
CBindPackedParam< Calculator::Helper::Optional< T > > | |
CBindPackedParam< flat_set< T > > | |
►CCalculator | |
►CHelper | |
CBindPackedParam | To decorate the parameters of the findAndBind() function(s) |
CNoSuchTrigger | |
COptional | |
CPeriod | |
CCheckConfig | |
CEfficiencies | |
►CImportData | |
CTrigDef | |
CLepton | |
►CTrigger | |
COptional | |
►CTriggerClass | |
CT_1_1 | Mixed-flavour dilepton trigger (e17_lhloose_nod0_mu14, e7_lhmedium_mu24, ...): |
CT_1_2asym | Mixed-flavour trilepton trigger type x_y_y |
CT_1_2sym | Mixed-flavour trilepton trigger type x_2y (e12_lhloose_2mu10, ...) |
CT_2asym_1 | Mixed-flavour trilepton trigger type x_x_y |
CT_2sym_1 | Mixed-flavour trilepton trigger type 2x_y (2e12_lhloose_mu10, ...) |
►CTriggerClass< object_flag, TT_UNKNOWN > | |
CT_1 | Single-lepton trigger (e24_lhmedium_L1EM20VH, mu24_imedium_OR_mu40...) |
CT_2asym | Asymmetric dilepton trigger (mu18_mu8noL1, g35_loose_g25_loose, ...): |
CT_2sym | Symmetric dilepton trigger (2e17_lhvloose_nod0, 2mu14...) |
CT_3halfsym | Half-symmetric trilepton trigger (e17_lhloose_2e9_lhloose, mu6_2mu4, ...): |
CT_3sym | Symmetric trilepton trigger (3mu6, ...): |
CT_4sym | Symmetric tetralepton trigger (4mu4, ...): |
CTriggerProperties | |
CUnusedArg | |
►NTrigL2MuonSA | |
CAlignmentBarrelLUT | |
CAlignmentBarrelLUTSvc | |
CAlphaBetaEstimate | |
CBarrelRoadData | |
CCircexception | |
CClusterPatFinder | |
CClusterPattern | |
CClusterRoadDefiner | |
CCscDataPreparator | |
CCscHitData | |
►CCscRegDict | |
CCscRegion | |
CCscSegment | |
►CCscSegmentMaker | |
Clocal2dSegment | |
ClocalCscHit | |
CFtfRoadDefiner | |
CMdtDataPreparator | |
CMdtDataPreparatorOptions | |
CMdtHitData | |
CMdtLayerHits | |
CMdtRegion | |
CMdtRegionDefiner | |
CMmDataPreparator | |
CMmHitData | |
CMuCalCircClient | |
CMuCalStreamerTool | |
CMuFastDataPreparator | |
CMuFastDataPreparatorOptions | |
CMuFastPatternFinder | |
CMuFastStationFitter | |
CMuFastTrackExtrapolator | |
CMuFastTrackFitter | |
CMuonRoad | |
CNswPatternFinder | |
CNswStationFitter | |
CPBFitResult | |
►CPtBarrelLUT | |
CLUT | |
CLUTsp | |
CPtBarrelLUTSvc | |
►CPtEndcapLUT | |
CKeyType | |
CTableType | |
CPtEndcapLUTSvc | |
CPtFromAlphaBeta | |
CPtFromRadius | |
CRecMuonRoIUtils | |
CReturnCode | |
CRpcClusterPreparator | |
CRpcDataPreparator | |
CRpcFitResult | |
CRpcHitData | |
CRpcLayerClusters | |
CRpcLayerHits | |
CRpcPatFinder | |
CRpcRoadDefiner | |
CSagittaRadiusEstimate | |
CStgcDataPreparator | |
CStgcHitData | |
CSuperPoint | |
►CTgcDataPreparator | |
CtgcRawData | |
CTgcDataPreparatorOptions | |
CTgcDataPreparatorRoadParameters | |
►CTgcFit | |
CLinStats | |
CPoint | |
CSimpleStats | A structure to hold simple statisitcs |
CTgcFitResult | |
CTgcHitData | |
CTgcRoadDefiner | |
CTrackPattern | |
CUtilTools | |
►NTrigMatch | Helper namespace for calculating deltaR for unknown object types |
CAncestorAttached | |
CClassTraits | |
CclusterTraits | |
CclusterTraits< EmTau_ROI > | |
CclusterTraits< TrigElectron > | |
CDirectAttached | |
CMetricTraits | |
CMetricTraits< egamma, egamma > | |
►NTrigMuonEff | |
CConfiguration | Structure to hold variables to configure behaviour of the tool |
►NTrigMuonHypoConfig | |
CTrigmuCombHypoConfig | |
CTrigMufastHypoToolConfig | |
►NTrigNavTest | |
CTestAuxB | |
CTestB | |
CTestBContainer | |
CTestBContainerView | |
►NTrigSteeringEvent | |
CStringSerializer | Utility class (not a tool or so) to serialize strings into stream of 32bit integers |
►NTrigT1CTMonitoring | |
CBSMonitoringAlgorithm | |
►NTrigTauHypoTool | |
CTauCuts | |
►NTrigVSI | |
►NCoordinate | Namespace for Coordinate policy used in TrigVSI::VtxMap |
CCartesian | Cordinate policy for x, y, z |
Cis_coord | =========================================================================== |
CPseudo | Cordinate policy for perp, eta, phi |
CCluster | Base class for clusters |
CDBScan | Class for operating DBSCAN clustering |
CIWrkVrt | Interface for vertex classes processed in VtxMap |
CKDPoint | Class for k-dimensional point |
►CKDTree | KDTree |
CNode | Node class for KDTree |
CPairHash | |
►CTrigVrtSecInclusive | |
►CWrkVrt | |
CAlgCuts | |
CAlgParam | |
►CVtxMap | The vertex map class to be used to find multi-track vertices |
CCell | The class of a cell in 3D histogram |
CCellCluster | Stores the result of vertex clustering performed in VtxMap |
CVtxPack | Base class of local vertex container in VtxMap |
►NTrigVtx | |
CTrigParticleMasses | |
►NTrk | Ensure that the ATLAS eigen extensions are properly loaded |
►NError | |
CNewtonProblem | |
►NMultiComponentStateAssembler | Helper struct representing a cache of the Multicomponent state under assembly |
CCache | |
►NTruthClassification | |
CHeavyFlavourClassifierStrings | Simple struct to access the names of the hf classifiers |
CPrimaryClassifierStrings | Simple struct to access the names of the track classifiers |
CTauTruthClassifierStrings | Simple struct to access the names of the classifiers |
CAbstractVolume | |
CAdaptiveMultiVertexFitter | |
CAdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTestAlg | |
CAdaptiveVertexFitter | |
CAdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg | |
CAlignableTrackingVolume | |
CAlignAlg | |
CAlignmentDeviation | An object decorating a track and holding degrees of freedom reflecting alignment accuracy |
CAlignmentEffectsOnTrack | Class to represent misalignments or 'discontinuities' on tracks These have a surface where the z axis is aligned with the direction of the translation, and the angle of the rotation is with respect to this |
CAlignModule | |
CAlignModuleTool | |
CAlignPar | |
CAlignResidualCalculator | |
CAlignTrack | |
CAlignTrackCollSplitter | |
CAlignTrackCreator | |
CAlignTrackDresser | |
CAlignTrackPreProcessor | |
CAlignTSOS | |
CAlignVertex | |
►CAlMat | |
CAlMat_row | |
CAlMat_row_const | |
CAlSpaMat | |
CAlSymMat | |
►CAlSymMatBase | |
CAlSymMatBase_row | |
CAlSymMatBase_row_const | |
CAlVec | |
CAmbiguityProcessorBase | |
CAnalyticalDerivCalcTool | |
CAnnulusBounds | |
CAnnulusBoundsPC | Class that implements the asymmetric shape of the ITk strip endcap modules |
CApproachDescriptor | |
CApproachSurfaces | |
CAreaExcluder | |
CAssociatedMaterial | |
CAtaSurface_p1 | |
CbaseMagFld | |
CbasePropagator | |
CBasicTruthCollectionFilter | BasicTruthCollectionFilter accepts all valid map entries, as determined by the isValid() call on the HepMcParticleLink |
CBasicValTrkParticleNtupleTool | This validation tool writes basic information about Trk::TrackParticleBase into an ntuple; |
CBeamspotVertexPreProcessor | |
CBevelledBoundaryIntersector | |
CBevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors | |
CBevelledCylinderVolumeBounds | |
CBinnedArray | |
CBinnedArray1D | |
CBinnedArray1D1D | |
CBinnedArray1D1D1D | |
CBinnedArray2D | |
CBinnedArrayArray | |
CBinnedLayerMaterial | |
CBinnedLayerMaterial_p1 | |
CBinnedLayerMaterialCreator | |
CBinnedMaterial | |
CBinningData | |
CBinUtility | |
CBinUtility_p1 | |
CBinUtilityTest | |
CBitField | A class managing bits belonging to a range of bits |
CBoundaryCheck | |
CBoundaryCylinderSurface | |
CBoundaryDiscSurface | |
CBoundaryPlaneSurface | |
CBoundarySubtractedCylinderSurface | |
CBoundarySubtractedPlaneSurface | |
CBoundarySurface | |
CBoundaryTrackParameters | |
CBoundSurface_p1 | |
CBoundSurface_p2 | |
CBremPositionNtupleHelper | Helper tool as module for the Trk::BasicValidationNtupleTool, writing information about track state with brem-like material effects |
CCache | |
CCaloCellSelectorLayerdR | |
CCaloCellSelectorMinPerp | |
CCaloCellSelectorNearestdR | |
CCaloCellSelectorRoughdR | |
CCaloCluster_OnTrack | |
CCaloExtension | Tracking class to hold the extrapolation from a particle from the ID to the muon system (or the other way around) Both the caloEntryLayerIntersection and the muonEntryLayerIntersection can return NULL if the particle failed to reach the layer |
CCaloExtensionBuilderAlg | This algorithm creates a calo extension collection and stores it in a Gaudi Gate named "ParticleCaloExtension" to be read by other algorithms |
CCascadeEvent | |
CcascadeV | |
CCETmaterial | |
CCharged | |
CChi2TrackCompatibilityEstimator | |
CClusterSplitProbability_p1 | |
►CClusterSplitProbabilityContainer | Container to associate Cluster with cluster splitting probabilities |
CProbabilityInfo | |
CClusterSplitProbabilityContainer_p1 | |
CClusterSplitProbabilityContainerCnv_p1 | |
CCollinearityConstraint | |
CCombinedExtrapolatorTest | |
CCombinedVolumeBounds | |
CCommonTruthMatchWeights | |
CCompactBinnedArray | |
CCompactBinnedArray1D | |
CCompactBinnedArray2D | |
CCompareTwoTracks | |
CComparisonFunction | |
CCompetingRIOsOnTrack | Base class for all CompetingRIOsOnTack implementations, extends the common MeasurementBase |
CCompetingRIOsOnTrack_p1 | |
CComponentParameters | |
CCompoundLayer | A class to represent complex geometries requiring a description using multiple surfaces |
CCompoundLayerMaterial | |
CCompoundLayerMaterial_p1 | |
CCompoundLayerMaterialCreator | |
CCompressedLayerMaterial | |
CCompressedLayerMaterial_p1 | |
CCompressedLayerMaterialCreator | |
CConeBounds | |
CConeBounds_p1 | |
CConeLayer | |
CConeSurface | |
CConstrainedTrackProvider | |
CConstSharedPtrSpan | |
CCovarianceMatrix | |
CCrossDistancesSeedFinder | |
CCuboidVolumeBounds | |
CCurvilinearParametersT | |
CCurvilinearUVT | |
CCylinderBounds | |
CCylinderBounds_p1 | |
CCylinderIntersector | |
CCylinderLayer | |
CCylinderLayerAttemptsCalculator | |
CCylinderLayerSorterR | |
CCylinderSurface | |
CCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors | |
CCylinderVolumeBounds | |
CCylinderVolumeCreator | |
CDAF_ValidationNtupleHelper | |
CDecayInFlyTruthTrajectoryBuilder | |
CDefParamPullPlots | |
CDenseEnvironmentsAmbiguityProcessorTool | |
CDenseEnvironmentsAmbiguityScoreProcessorTool | |
CDestBound | |
CDetachedTrackingVolume | |
CDetailedHitInfo | |
CDetailedMuonPatternTruthBuilder | |
CDetailedTrackTruth_p0 | |
CDetailedTrackTruth_p1 | |
CDetailedTrackTruth_p2 | |
CDetailedTrackTruth_p3 | |
CDetailedTrackTruth_p4 | |
CDetailedTrackTruthBuilder | |
CDetailedTrackTruthCollection_p0 | |
►CDetailedTrackTruthCollection_p1 | |
CEntry | |
►CDetailedTrackTruthCollection_p2 | |
CEntry | |
►CDetailedTrackTruthCollection_p3 | |
CEntry | |
►CDetailedTrackTruthCollection_p4 | |
CEntry | |
CDetAnnealingMaker | |
CDetElementSurface | |
CDetElementSurface_p1 | |
CDiamondBounds | |
CDiamondBounds_p1 | |
CDigitizationModule | |
CDigitizationStep | |
CDirectTrackNtupleWriterTool | This validation tool writes basic information about Trk::Track into an ntuple; it is also the steering tool for all Trk::IValidationNtupleTool |
CDiscBounds | |
CDiscBounds_p1 | |
CDiscLayer | |
CDiscLayerAttemptsCalculator | |
CDiscLayerSorterZ | |
CDiscSurface | |
CDiscTrapezoidalBounds | |
CDistanceSolution | |
CDistortedSurface | |
CDistortionDescriptor | |
CDistributedKalmanFilter | |
CDoubleTrapezoidVolumeBounds | |
CDummyAnnealingMaker | |
CDummySeedFinder | |
CDummyVertexSelectionTool | |
CDummyVertexSmoother | |
CEdgeCross | |
CEfficiencyPlots | |
CElasticTruthTrajectoryBuilder | |
►CElectronCombinedMaterialEffects | |
CComponentValues | Helper Struct for multiple Gaussian components |
CElectronMaterialMixtureConvolution | |
CElementFraction | |
CElementTable | |
CElementTable_p1 | |
CEllipseBounds | |
CEllipseBounds_p1 | Persistent representation of the transient Trk::EllipseBounds_p1 class |
CEnergyLoss | This class describes energy loss material effects in the ATLAS tracking EDM |
CEnergyLoss_p1 | Persistent representation of class EnergyLoss.h |
CEnergyLossExtrapolationValidation | |
CEnergyLossMonitor | |
CEnergyLossUpdator | |
CErrorMatrix | |
CEstimatedBremOnTrack | Class holding information about momentum reduction and an additional noise term due to significant energy loss (bremsstrahlung) |
CEstimatedBremOnTrack_p1 | Persistent representation of EstimatedBremOnTrack |
CEventCnvSuperTool | Tool to handle TP conversions for Tracking EDM |
CEventDataBase | Base for a helper class to pass mutable storage to tools |
CEventDataModelMonitor | |
CEventPropertyNtupleTool | |
CEventToTrackLinkNtupleTool | |
CExtendedVxCandidate | |
CExtendedVxCandidate_p1 | |
CExtrapolationCache | |
CExtrapolationCell | |
CExtrapolationCode | |
CExtrapolationConfig | |
CExtrapolationEngine | |
CExtrapolationEngineTest | |
CExtrapolationMode | Enumeration to decode - for Extrapolation steering |
CExtrapolationStep | |
CExtrapolationValidation | |
CExtrapolator | Extrapolation of track parameters and their associated covariances to destination surfaces |
►CExtrapolatorComparisonTest | |
CActsTrackWrapper | |
CExtrapolatorTest | |
CExtrLayerPlots | |
CExtrRegionPlots | |
CFastVertexFitter | This class implements a fast vertex fitting algorithm as proposed by P |
CFitMatrices | |
CfitMatrix | |
CFitMeasurement | |
CFitParameters | |
►CFitProcedure | |
CCache | |
CFitProcedureQuality | |
CFitQuality | Class to represent and store fit qualities from track reconstruction in terms of \(\chi^2\) and number of degrees of freedom |
CFitQuality_p1 | |
CFitQualityImpl | Simple/trivial Implemenation class for fit the fit quality. It holds the same payload as FitQuality_p1 |
CFitQualityOnSurface | |
CFitterStatusCode | Status codes for track fitters |
CForCFT | |
CForVrtClose | |
►CFsmwMode1dFinder | |
CCompareTheTwoDoubleAndWeights | |
CCompareTheTwoDoubles | |
CFullIntersection | Class extension to return the object, a represenation & the result |
CFullLinearizedTrackFactory | |
CFullVertexFitter | This class implements a full vertex fitting algorithm as proposed by P |
CGaussianDensityTestAlg | |
CGaussianSumFitter | |
►CGaussianTrackDensity | |
►CTrackDensity | |
Cpred_entry_by_max | |
Cpred_perigee | |
CTrackDensityEval | |
CTrackEntry | |
►CGeantFollowerHelper | |
CTreeData | Ntuple variables : initial parameters Split this out into a separate, dynamically-allocated block |
►CGeantFollowerMSHelper | |
CTreeData | Ntuple variables : initial parameters Split this out into a separate, dynamically-allocated block |
CGenParticleJet | Short class to organise MC generated particles as a jet |
CGenParticleJetFinder | Durham jet clustering algorithm for MC-truth tracks |
CGeoMaterialConverter | |
CGeometryAsciiDumper | |
CGeometryBuilder | |
CGeometryBuilderCond | |
CGeometryJsonDumper | |
CGeometryTTreeDumper | |
CGeoShapeConverter | |
CGlobalChi2AlignTool | |
►CGlobalChi2Fitter | |
CCache | |
CPropagationResult | |
CTrackHoleCount | |
CGlueVolumesDescriptor | |
CGMTreeBrowser | |
CGsfExtrapolator | |
CGXFMaterialEffects | Class that is similar to MaterialEffectsOnTrack, but has 'set' methods for more flexibility during track fitting |
CGXFTrackState | |
CGXFTrajectory | Internal representation of the track, used in the track fit |
CHepSymMatrix_p1 | |
CHitInfo | |
CHitPositionNtupleHelper | |
CHitResidualPlots | |
CHitTypePlots | |
CHomogeneousLayerMaterial | |
CHomogeneousLayerMaterial_p1 | |
CIAlignableSurfaceProvider | |
CIAlignModuleTool | |
CIAlignResidualCalculator | |
CIAlignTool | |
CIAlignTrackCreator | |
CIAlignTrackDresser | |
CIAlignTrackPreProcessor | |
CIAmbiTrackSelectionTool | Interface for building new tracks using information about shared and already associated hits |
CIApproachDescriptor | |
CIBoundaryCheckTool | |
CICaloCellSelector | Abstract class that judge if a calo cell is to be included in a collection |
CICaloTrackingVolumeBuilder | |
CIdentifiedIntersection | |
CIdentifierExtractor | Small utility to get hit Identifiers out of MeasurementBase (either in a vector or single) |
CIDerivCalcTool | |
CIDetachedTrackingVolumeBuilder | |
CIDetachedTrackingVolumeBuilderCond | |
CIDetailedMuonPatternTruthBuilder | Provides interface for tool to return a "detailed" track truth map |
CIDetailedTrackTruthBuilder | Provides interface for tool to return a "detailed" track truth map |
CIDetailedTrackTruthSimilarity | Interface for track-truth match quality estimator tools |
CIDHitPlots | |
CIDirectTrackNtupleWriter | Interface to set up and write a TrkValidation ntuple so that it can be called for validation action 'inside' any tracking tool |
CIDynamicLayerCreator | |
CIEnergyLossMonitor | |
CIEnergyLossUpdator | |
CIEventCnvSuperTool | |
CIEventPropertyNtupleTool | |
CIExtendedTrackSummaryHelperTool | |
CIExtendedTrackSummaryTool | Interface for condensing Trk::Track properties and associated hits to a (non-fittable) foot print, the Trk::TrackSummary object |
CIExtrapolationEngine | |
CIExtrapolator | |
CIFillNtupleTool | |
CIGeantFollowerHelper | |
CIGeantFollowerMSHelper | |
CIGenParticleJetFinder | Interface for determining truth jets (inside Tracking validation framework) |
CIGenParticleSelector | Interface for tools to select generated particles |
CIGeometryBuilder | |
CIGeometryBuilderCond | |
CIGeometryManagerTool | |
CIGeometryProcessor | |
►CIGlobalTrackFitter | |
CAlignmentCache | |
CIImpactPoint3dEstimator | |
CIIntersector | |
CIIsoTrackSelectorTool | The abstract interface base class for track selector tools targeted at isoloation |
CIJacobianManagerTool | |
CIJetTruthNtupleTool | |
CIKinematicConstraint | |
CILayerArrayCreator | |
CILayerBuilder | |
CILayerBuilderCond | |
CILayerMaterialAnalyser | |
CILayerMaterialCreator | |
CILayerMaterialManipulator | |
CILayerProvider | |
CILayerProviderCond | |
CIMaterialAllocator | |
CIMaterialEffectsEngine | |
CIMaterialEffectsOnTrackProvider | |
►CIMaterialEffectsUpdator | |
CICache | Cache class to allow passing information to/between calls |
CIMaterialMapper | |
CIMaterialMixtureConvolution | |
CIMatrixTool | |
CIMode1dFinder | |
CIMode3dFinder | |
CIMode3dInfo | Auxillary interface for getting back additional data |
CIModuleStepper | |
CImpactParametersAndSigma | |
CImpactPlots | |
CImpactPoint3dEstimator | |
CIMultipleScatteringUpdator | |
►CIMultiStateExtrapolator | |
CCache | MultiStateExtrapolator cache class |
CINavigationEngine | |
CINavigator | |
CInDetHaloSelector | |
CInDetPrimaryConversionSelector | Modular concept to select truth particles for the truth tree filling and efficiency calculation, this one selects detectable tracks in the ID |
CInDetReconstructableSelector | Modular concept to select truth particles for the truth tree filling and efficiency calculation, this one selects detectable tracks in the ID |
CInDetTrackSummary_p1 | |
CIndexedCrossDistancesSeedFinder | |
CIndexedMaterial | |
CINeutralParticleParameterCalculator | |
CInputLayerMaterialProvider | |
CIntersection | |
►CIntersectorWrapper | |
CCache | |
CIntVec | |
CInvalidBounds | |
CInverseMultiMap | |
CIParticleCaloExtensionTool | Interface for extending Particles with calo intersections |
►CiPatFitter | Main Fitter tool providing the implementation for the different fitting, extension and refitting use cases |
CFitState | |
CiPatGlobalFitter | GlobalTrackFitter tool providing methods used during alignment |
CIPatternParametersPropagator | Interface for track parameter propagation through the magnetic field, using the Trk::PatternTrackParameters data model for fast, internal use |
CIPatternParametersUpdator | Interface for updating Trk::PatternTrackParameters, the fast internal representation of track parameters in the (inner detector) pattern recognition tools, with a measurement |
►CIPCMat | |
CMsgBuf | |
CIPCMatrixTool | |
CIPixelToTPIDTool | Abstract interface for identification of particles based on |
CIPositionMomentumWriter | |
►CIPRD_AssociationTool | Interface for handling the mapping between Trk::Track and Trk::PrepRawData |
CMaps | The mutable state of the tool |
CIPRD_Provider | Simple interface that takes an identifier and find the associated PRD from an Identifyable container |
CIPRD_TruthTrajectoryBuilder | The interface for the truth PRD trajectory finder |
CIPRD_TruthTrajectoryManipulator | The interface for the truth PRD trajectory manipulator |
CIPRD_TruthTrajectorySelector | The interface for the truth PRD trajectory selector |
CIPRDtoTrackMapTool | Interface for handling the mapping between Trk::Track and Trk::PrepRawData |
CIPropagationEngine | |
CIPropagator | |
CIPVTrackCompatibilityEstimator | |
CIResidualPullCalculator | Interface for tools which calculate residuals and pulls |
CIRIO_OnTrackCreator | Interface class for transforming Trk::PrepRawData to Trk::RIO_OnTrack using a local track hypothesis |
CISegmentConverterTool | Interface for tool to convert a Trk::Segment object into a Trk::Track |
CISurfaceBuilder | |
CITimedExtrapolator | |
CITimedMatEffUpdator | |
CITrackAmbiguityProcessorTool | Interface for resolving hit assoication ambiguities in a given track collection |
CITrackAmbiguityScoreProcessorTool | Interface for resolving hit association ambiguities in a given track collection |
CITrackCollectionProvider | |
CITrackDiff | |
CITrackFitter | |
CITrackHoleSearchTool | Interface for searching, counting and adding holes on tracks anywhere in ATLAS |
CITrackingGeometrySvc | |
CITrackingVolumeArrayCreator | |
CITrackingVolumeBuilder | |
CITrackingVolumeCreator | |
CITrackingVolumeHelper | |
CITrackingVolumesSvc | |
CITrackLink | |
CITrackMatchingTool | The abstract interface base class for Track matching tools |
CITrackParticleCreatorTool | Interface for constructing TrackParticles from complete tracks |
CITrackScoringTool | Interface for tool to return a score from a given track |
CITrackSelectorTool | The abstract interface base class for track selector tools |
CITrackSlimmingTool | Interface for constructing 'slimmed' Tracks from complete tracks |
CITrackSummaryHelperTool | Interface for structuring the summary creation into sub-detector specific tools |
CITrackSummaryTool | Interface for condensing Trk::Track properties and associated hits to a (non-fittable) foot print, the Trk::TrackSummary object |
CITrackTimingTool | Interface for providing time information for a track or track particle |
CITrackToVertexIPEstimator | |
CITrackTruthClassifier | Interface for tools which classify gen particles |
CITrackValidationNtupleTool | |
CITrkAlignDBTool | |
CITrkAlignmentDeviationTool | Interface for tool to add alignmenties to a global chi2 fit |
CITrkDistanceFinder | |
CITrkEventCnvTool | |
CITrkMaterialProviderTool | Interface for tool to add alignmenties to a global chi2 fit |
CITrkObserverTool | |
CITrkVKalVrtFitter | |
CITRT_ElectronPidTool | Abstract interface for identification of electrons based on information from the inner detector track (mainly TRT) |
CITruthNtupleTool | |
CITruthToTrack | ITruthToTrack is an interface to create Trk::TrackParameters from a HepMC::GenParticle |
CITruthTrackBuilder | The interface for the truth track finder |
CITruthTrajectoryBuilder | |
CIUpdator | Set of interfaces for methods operating on track states, mainly for Kalman filtering |
CIValidationNtupleHelperTool | Interface for validation helper tools which write special information about generated tracks |
CIValidationNtupleTool | |
CIVertexAnalyticSeedFinder | |
CIVertexAnnealingMaker | |
CIVertexCascadeFitter | |
CIVertexCollectionSortingTool | Interface class for vertex Container Sorting |
CIVertexFitter | |
CIVertexLinearizedTrackFactory | |
CIVertexMapper | |
CIVertexMergingTool | Interface class for merging compatible vertices in a single collection |
CIVertexSeedFinder | |
CIVertexSelectionTool | Interface class for vertex Container Sorting |
CIVertexSmoother | |
CIVertexTrackCompatibilityEstimator | |
►CIVertexTrackDensityEstimator | |
CITrackDensity | Helper to hold density results |
CIVertexTrackUpdator | |
►CIVertexUpdator | |
CpositionUpdateOutcome | |
CIVertexWeightCalculator | |
CIVKalState | |
CJacobianCartesianToPerigee | Jacobian from cartesian parameters \( (p_x, p_y, p_z, E, x, y, z) \) to perigee parameters \( (d_0, z_0, \phi_0, \theta, q/p) \) |
CJacobianCartesianToPolar | |
CJacobianCotThetaPtToThetaP | |
CJacobianCurvilinearToLocal | |
CJacobianLocalAnglesPhiTheta | |
CJacobianLocalToCurvilinear | |
CJacobianPerigeeToCartesian | Jacobian for transforming perigee track parameters \((d_0, z_0, \phi_0, \theta, q/p)\) to the cartesian frame \((p_x,p_y,p_z,E,x,y,z)\) |
CJacobianPhiThetaLocalAngles | |
CJacobianPhiThetaQoverPToPxyz | |
CJacobianPolarToCartesian | |
CJacobianPxyzToPhiThetaQoverPcartesian | Jacobian in cartesian coordinates for the transformation of momentum in Cartesian coordinates \( (px,py,pz,charge)\) to momentum in polar cordinates \((\phi,\theta,QoverP)\) |
CJacobianPxyzToPhiThetaQoverPspherical | Jacobian in spherical coordinates for the transformation of momentum in Cartesian coordinates \( (px,py,pz,charge)\) to momentum in spherical cordinates \((\phi,\theta,QoverP)\) |
CJacobianThetaPToCotThetaPt | |
CJetFitterHelper | Februar 2007 (c) Atlas Detector Reconstruction Software |
CJetFitterInitializationHelper | Februar 2007 (c) Atlas Detector Reconstruction Software |
CJetFitterRoutines | Februar 2007 (c) Atlas Detector Reconstruction Software |
CJetRestrictedSumPtVertexWeightCalculator | |
CJetTruthNtupleTool | Tool to fill basic information about truth jets, establishing track-to-jet association indices with the truth ntuple tree |
CJetVtxParamDefsAccessor | |
CJetVtxParamDefsStrings | |
CKalmanUpdator | Implementation of Trk::IUpdator based on gain formalism and Eigen |
CKalmanUpdator_xk | |
CKalmanUpdatorSMatrix | Implementation of Trk::IUpdator based on gain formalism and SMatrix mathlib |
CKalmanVertexOnJetAxisSmoother | ATLAS Reconstruction Software - (C) 2005 - 2007 |
CKalmanVertexOnJetAxisUpdator | ATLAS Reconstruction Software - (C) 2005 - 2007 |
CKalmanVertexTrackUpdator | |
CKalmanVertexUpdator | |
CLayer | |
CLayerArrayCreator | |
CLayerAttemptsCalculator | |
CLayerIndex | |
CLayerMaterialAnalyser | |
CLayerMaterialConverter | |
CLayerMaterialInspector | |
CLayerMaterialMap | |
CLayerMaterialMap_p1 | |
CLayerMaterialMap_tlp1 | |
CLayerMaterialProperties | |
CLayerMaterialProvider | |
CLayerMaterialRecord | |
CLayerProvider | |
CLayerProviderCond | |
CLayerProviderImpl | |
CLayerTreeObject | |
CLinearizedTrack | |
CLineIntersection2D | |
CLineSaggingDescriptor | |
CLinkToTrack | AUTO - An Undocumented Tracking Object |
CLinkToTrackParticleBase | |
CLinkToXAODNeutralParticle | Element link to XAOD NeutralParticle |
CLinkToXAODTrackParticle | Element link to XAOD TrackParticle |
CLocalDirection | Three-dimensional global direction with respect to a planar surface frame |
CLocalDirection_p1 | |
CLocalParameters | |
CLocalParameters_p1 | |
CLocalPosition_p1 | |
CMagneticFieldProperties | |
CMappedVertex | |
CMappingTest | |
CMassConstraint | Concrete implementation of Trk::IKinematicConstraint to formulate a mass constraint in kinematic vertex fits |
CMatchCompareByProbability | This functor, used with TruthInverters, selects rec->mc truth map matches with higher associated probabilities |
CMaterial | |
CMaterial_p1 | |
►CMaterialAllocator | Main Fitter tool providing the implementation for the different fitting, extension and refitting use cases |
CcompareByDistance | |
CMaterialComposition | |
CMaterialEffectsBase | Base class to integrate material effects on Trk::Track in a flexible way |
CMaterialEffectsBase_p1 | |
CMaterialEffectsEngine | |
CMaterialEffectsOnTrack | Full description of deflection and e-loss of a track in material |
CMaterialEffectsOnTrack_p1 | |
CMaterialEffectsOnTrack_p2 | Persistent representation v2 of MaterialEffectsOnTrack |
CMaterialEffectsUpdator | |
CMaterialInteraction | |
CMaterialLayer | |
CMaterialManipulation | |
CMaterialMapper | |
CMaterialMapping | |
CMaterialOnTrackValidation | |
CMaterialProperties | |
CMaterialProperties_p1 | |
CMaterialStep | |
CMaterialStep_p1 | |
CMaterialStepCollection_p1 | |
CMaterialValidation | |
CMatrixNtupleBranch | This class provides a simple interface to write Matricis to a root tree The size of the Matrix cannot exceed COLMAX x ROWMAX |
CMatrixTool | |
CMCTrueSeedFinder | |
CMeasuredAtaSurface_p1 | |
CMeasuredPerigee_p1 | |
CMeasurementBase | |
CMeasurementBaseComparisonFunction | Class implementing a comparison function for sorting MeasurementBase objects |
CMeasurementProcessor | |
CMeasurementTypeID | Classifies a MeasurementBase into one of the known inherited flavours or one of the detector types for ROT/CompROT |
CMeasurementVectorNtupleTool | This validation tool writes basic information about Trk::Track into an ntuple; it is also the steering tool for all Trk::IValidationNtupleHelperTool |
CMemoryLogger | |
►CMode3dFromFsmw1dFinder | |
CCompare1dPosition | |
CCompareWeight | |
CMode3dFromFsmw1dInfo | |
CVecIndicesCompare | |
CMode3dTo1dFinder | |
CMSConstraintTracksProvider | |
CMSHitDiffPlots | |
CMSHitPlots | |
CMultiComponentStateOnSurface | |
CMultipleScatteringUpdator | |
►CMuonTrackSummary | Detailed track summary for the muon system Give access to hit counts per chamber |
►CChamberHitSummary | Structure to hold information per chamber in the muon system |
CProjection | Structure to hold the information for the eta/phi projection of RPC, TGC and CSC chambers and per multilayer for MDT chambers |
CMuonTrackSummary_p1 | |
CMuonTrackSummary_p2 | |
CMvfFitInfo | |
CMVFVxCandidate | |
CMVFVxCandidate_p1 | |
CMVFVxContainer_p1 | |
CMVFVxContainer_tlp1 | |
CMVFVxTrackAtVertex | |
CMVFVxTrackAtVertex_p1 | |
CNavBinnedArray1D | |
CNavigationCell | Useful struct for a single navigation cell |
CNavigationLayer | |
CNavigator | |
CNeuralNetworkToHistoTool | |
CNeutral | |
CNeutralParticleParameterCalculator | |
CNeutralTrack | |
CNewtonTrkDistanceFinder | |
CNIMatEffUpdator | |
CNoBounds | |
CNoiseOnSurface | |
CObjectAccessor | |
CObjectCounter | Helper to enable counting number of instantiations in debug builds |
CObjectIntersection | Class extensions to return also the object |
COverlapDescriptor | |
CPairOfVxVertexOnJetAxis | |
CParamDefsAccessor | |
CParametersBase | |
CParametersCommon | |
CParametersNextVolume | |
CParametersT | Dummy class used to allow special convertors to be called for surfaces owned by a detector element |
CParamPlots | |
CParamsNextVolume | |
CPartialMassConstraint | |
CParticleCaloExtensionTool | |
CPathLimit | |
CPatternTrackParameters | |
CPCutTruthCollectionFilter | This functor accepts valid entries that have associated probability>=probabilityCut |
CPdgToParticleHypothesis | |
CPerigee_p1 | |
CPerigee_p2 | |
CPerigeeParametersNtupleTool | Explain.. |
CPerigeeSurface | |
CPGraph | |
CPlanarModuleStepper | |
CPlaneLayer | |
CPlaneLayerSorterX | |
CPlaneLayerSorterY | |
CPlaneLayerSorterZ | |
CPlaneSurface | |
CPointOnTrack | |
CPolygonCache | |
CPositionMomentumWriter | |
CPRD_AssociationTool | Concrete Implementation of the IPRD_AssociationTool interface |
►CPRD_MultiTruthCollection_p1 | |
CEntry | |
►CPRD_MultiTruthCollection_p2 | |
CEntry | |
►CPRD_MultiTruthCollection_p3 | |
CEntry | |
►CPRD_MultiTruthCollection_p4 | |
CEntry | |
CPRD_TruthTrajectory | |
CPRD_TruthTrajectoryBuilder | |
CPRDtoTrackMap | |
►CPRDtoTrackMapTool | Concrete Implementation of the IPRD_AssociationTool interface |
CPRDtoTrackMap | |
CPrepRawData | |
CPrepRawData_p1 | |
CPrepRawDataCollection | |
CPrepRawDataCollectionCopyConstructorCalled | |
CPrepRawDataComparisonFunction | Class providing comparison function, or relational definition, for PrepRawData |
CPrepRawDataContainer | |
CPrepRawDataUndefinedVariable | Class thrown in the event of an variable not being defined |
CPreselCaloExtensionBuilderAlg | Build the calo extensions for a preselected collection of tracks |
CPrimaryTruthClassifier | Modular concept to define certain categories of truth particles, this one labels primary, secondary and truncated tracks |
CPrismVolumeBounds | |
CProjectionMatricesSet | Matrices to access the variably-dimensioned local parameters and map them to the defined five track parameters |
CPropagationEngine | |
CPropResultRootWriterSvc | |
CPseudoMeasurementOnTrack | Class to handle pseudo-measurements in fitters and on track objects |
CPseudoMeasurementOnTrack_p1 | |
CPseudoMeasurementOnTrack_p2 | |
CRandomSurfaceBuilder | |
CRealLinearEquation | |
CRealQuadraticEquation | |
CRecMomentumQualityValidation | |
CRecoInfoPlots | |
CRectangleBounds | |
CRectangleBounds_p1 | |
CRectangularSegmentation | |
CRecursiveGeometryProcessor | |
CRecVertex | Trk::RecVertex inherits from Trk::Vertex |
CRecVertex_p1 | |
CRecVertex_p2 | |
CRecVertexPositions | |
CReFitTrack | Algorithm using an instance of a ITrackFitter to refit the tracks of a given track collection |
CReFitTrackWithTruth | Algorithm using an instance of a ITrackFitter to refit the tracks of a given pseudotrack collection after changing the cluster position to the truth particle position |
CResidual | |
CResidualPull | This class containes residual and pull information |
CResidualPullCalculator | AlgTool to calculate the residual and pull of a measurement and the related track state independently of the detector type |
CResidualValidationNtupleHelper | |
CResolutionPlots | |
CRiddersAlgorithm | |
CRIO_OnTrack | |
CRIO_OnTrack_p1 | |
CRIO_OnTrack_p2 | |
CRIO_OnTrackCreator | General tool to converts clusters or driftcircles (Trk::PrepRawData) to fully calibrated hits (Trk::RIO_OnTrack) further use in track fits |
CRoT_Extractor | Small utility to cast MeasurementBase (either in a vector or single) into RIO_OnTrack |
CRotatedDiamondBounds | |
CRotatedDiamondBounds_p1 | |
CRotatedTrapezoidBounds | |
CRotatedTrapezoidBounds_p1 | |
CRungeKuttaIntersector | |
►CRungeKuttaPropagator | |
CCache | |
CSaggedLineSurface | |
CScatteringAngleOnTrack_p1 | |
CScatteringAngles | Deflection of the track caused through multiple scattering in material |
CSecVertexMergingTool | |
CSeedNewtonTrkDistanceFinder | |
CSegment | |
CSegment_p1 | |
CSegmentation | |
CSegmentCollection_p1 | |
CSegmentCollection_tlp1 | |
CSegmentCollection_tlp2 | |
CSegmentCollection_tlp3 | |
CSegmentCollection_tlp4 | |
CSelectedTracksInJet | |
CSelectEventNumber | |
CSequentialVertexFitter | |
CSequentialVertexSmoother | |
CShiftingDerivCalcTool | |
CSimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool | |
CSimplePolygonBrepVolumeBounds | |
CsincosCache | |
CSingleTrackDiffAlg | |
CSlidingCylinderSurface | |
CSlidingDiscSurface | |
►CSolenoidalIntersector | |
CConstants | Constants of motion and other cached values |
►CSolenoidParametrization | |
CBinParameters | |
CParameters | |
CSolenoidParametrizationCondAlg | |
CSpacePoint | |
CSpaceTimePoint | SpaceTimePoint |
CSpaceTimePointBase | SpaceTimePointBase |
CStaticEngine | |
CStaticNavigationEngine | |
CStatTruthCollectionFilter | Works like PCutTruthCollectionFilter, but also gathers some stats about the collections |
►CSTEP_Propagator | |
CCache | Stuct to pass information to the heavy lifting calculation internal methods |
CStepEngine | |
CStraightLineIntersector | |
CStraightLineSurface | |
CSubDetHitStatistics_p0 | |
CSubtractedCylinderLayer | |
CSubtractedCylinderSurface | |
CSubtractedDiscSurface | |
CSubtractedPlaneLayer | |
CSubtractedPlaneSurface | |
CSubtractedVolumeBounds | |
CSumPtVertexWeightCalculator | |
►CSurface | |
CTransforms | |
CSurface_p1 | |
CSurface_p2 | |
CSurfaceBounds | |
CSurfaceDeleter | |
CSurfaceIntersectionTest | |
CSurfaceNtupleBranch | This class provides a simple interface to write Surfaces to a root tree |
CSurfacePtrHolderImpl | |
CSurfacePtrHolderImplBase | |
CSurfacePtrHolderImplDetEl | |
CSurfaceTreeObject | |
CSurfaceUniqHolderImpl | |
CTargetSurface | Target surface info ( navigation ) |
CTargetSurfaces | |
Ctemp | |
►CTimedExtrapolator | |
CCache | |
CTimeLimit | |
CTrack | The ATLAS Track class |
CTrack_p1 | |
CTrack_p12 | |
CTrack_p2 | |
CTrack_p4 | |
CTrackCollection_p1 | |
CTrackCollection_tlp1 | |
CTrackCollection_tlp2 | |
CTrackCollection_tlp3 | |
CTrackCollection_tlp4 | |
CTrackCollection_tlp5 | |
CTrackCollection_tlp6 | |
CTrackCollection_tlp7 | |
CTrackCollectionMerger | Class-algorithm for track collection merging and removalof potential duplicate tracks |
CTrackCollectionProvider | |
CTrackDensitySeedFinder | |
CTrackDiff | |
CTrackError | Class returned (by exception) in case of an error in Track |
CTrackInfo | Contains information about the 'fitter' of this track |
CTrackInfo_p1 | |
CTrackInformationNtupleTool | |
►CTrackingGeometry | |
CconstTransformLayerMap | |
CTrackingGeometryCondAlg | |
CTrackingGeometryCondAlgTest | |
CTrackingGeometrySvc | |
CTrackingGeometryTest | |
CTrackingVolume | |
CTrackingVolumeArrayCreator | |
CTrackingVolumeDisplayer | |
CTrackingVolumeHelper | |
CTrackingVolumeManipulator | |
CTrackingVolumesSvc | |
CTrackJet | Short class to organise reconstructed Trk::Track objects as a jet |
CTrackMatchingProperties | |
CTrackParameters_p1 | |
CTrackParameters_p2 | |
CTrackParametersIdentificationHelper | Helper class to get the TrackParametersIdentifier from a TrackParameters |
CTrackParametersIdHelper | Helper class to encode and decode a TrackParametersIdentifier |
CTrackParticleBase | |
CTrackParticleBase_p1 | |
CTrackParticleCreatorTool | |
CTrackPositionNtupleHelper | This validation tool writes information about track positions |
CTrackPtr | |
CTrackRoad | Encapsulates the information required by the find() method of the muon segment makers |
CTrackSegment | |
CTrackSegment_p1 | |
CTrackSelectionProcessorTool | |
CTrackSlimmer | |
CTrackSlimmingTool | |
CTrackStateData | |
CTrackStateOnSurface | Track state (measurement, material, fit parameters and quality) at a surface |
CTrackStateOnSurface_p1 | |
CTrackStateOnSurface_p2 | |
CTrackStateOnSurface_p3 | |
CTrackStateOnSurfaceComparisonFunction | Class providing comparison function, or relational definition, for sorting MeasurementBase objects |
CTrackSummary | A summary of the information contained by a track |
CTrackSummary_p1 | |
CTrackSummary_p2 | |
CTrackSummaryTool | |
►CTrackSurfaceIntersection | |
CIIntersectionCache | Base class for cache block |
CTrackToVertexIPEstimator | A class estimating the transverse impact parameter d0 and its error of a given track wrt to the reconstructed vertex |
CTrackToVtxLink | |
►CTrackTruthCollection_p1 | |
CEntry | |
►CTrackTruthCollection_p2 | |
CEntry | |
►CTrackTruthCollection_p3 | |
CEntry | |
CTrackTruthKey | |
CTrackTruthKey_p0 | |
CTrackValidationNtupleWriter | |
CTransformNtupleBranch | This class provides a simple interface to write Transforms to a root tree |
CTransportJacobian | |
CTrapezoidBounds | |
CTrapezoidBounds_p1 | |
CTrapezoidSegmentation | |
CTrapezoidVolumeBounds | |
CTriangleBounds | |
CTriangleBounds_p1 | Persisent representation of the transient TriangleBounds class |
CTrk2DDistanceFinder | |
CTrk2dDistanceSeeder | |
CTrkAlignDBTool | |
CTrkAmbiguityScore | |
CTrkAmbiguitySolver | Algorithm does ambiguity processing This algorithm uses the TrkAmbiguityProcessorTool AlgTool to resolve ambiguities in the passed tracks |
CTrkBaseNode | |
CTrkClusterNode | |
CTrkCollectionAliasAlg | |
CTrkDetDescrTPCnvTest | |
CTrkDetDescrUnitTestBase | |
CTrkDetElementBase | |
CTrkDistanceFinderNeutralCharged | |
CTrkDistanceFinderNeutralNeutral | |
CTrkEndCapClusterNode | |
CTrkExUnitTestBase | |
CTrkFilteringNode1D | |
CTrkFilteringNode2D | |
CTrkMaterialProviderTool | |
►CTrkObserverTool | |
CCacheEntry | |
CTrkPixelNode | |
CTrkPlanarSurface | |
CTrkPriVxPurity | |
CTrkPriVxPurityTool | |
CTrkTrackDict_Dummy | |
CTrkTrackState | |
CTrkTrtNode | |
CTrkV0VertexFitter | This class implements a vertex fitting algorithm optimised for V0 finding |
►CTrkVKalVrtFitter | |
CCascadeState | |
CState | |
CTrkMatControl | |
CTrkVKalVrtFitterTestAlg | |
CTrueVertexDistanceWeightCalculator | |
CTruthInfoPlots | |
CTruthMatchRatio | |
CTruthMatchTanimoto | |
CTruthNtupleTool | Tool to fill basic information about the truth record |
CTruthToTrack | |
CTruthTrackBuilder | |
CTruthTrackCreation | Algorithm to convert PRD multi truth maps into a track collection |
CTruthTrackRecordToTrack | |
CTruthTrajectory_p0 | |
CTruthTrajectory_p1 | |
CTruthTrajectory_p2 | |
CTruthTrajectory_p3 | |
CTruthTrkExtrapolationPlots | |
CTruthVertexSelectionTool | |
CTwoTracks | |
CTwoTrackVerticesInJet | |
CV0Candidate | |
CV0Candidate_p1 | |
CV0Container_p1 | |
CV0Container_tlp1 | |
CV0Container_tlp2 | |
CV0Hypothesis | |
CV0Hypothesis_p1 | |
CV0Tools | |
CValidationTrackTruthData | |
CValueStore | |
CVect3DF | |
CVectMOM | |
CVectorNtupleBranch | This class provides a simple interface to write Vectors to a root tree The size of the vectors cannot exceed ROWMAX |
CVertex | |
CVertex_p1 | |
CVertexCollectionSortingTool | |
CVertexMapper | |
CVertexMergingTool | |
CVertexOnTrack | |
CVertexOnTrack_p1 | |
CVertexPositions | VertexPositions class to represent and store a vertex |
CVertexSeedFinderTestAlg | |
CVKalAtlasMagFld | |
CVKalExtPropagator | |
CvkalMagFld | |
CvkalPropagator | |
CVKalVrtControl | |
CVKalVrtControlBase | |
CVKConstraintBase | |
CVKMassConstraint | |
CVKPhiConstraint | |
CVKPlaneConstraint | |
CVKPointConstraint | |
CVKThetaConstraint | |
CVKTrack | |
CVKVertex | |
CVolume | |
CVolumeBounds | |
CVolumeConverter | |
CVolumeExcluder | |
CVolumeExit | |
CVolumeIntersection | |
CVolumeLink | |
CVolumePart | |
CVolumeSpan | |
CVolumeTreeObject | |
CVxCandidate | |
CVxCandidate_p1 | |
CVxCascadeInfo | |
CVxClusteringTable | |
CVxContainer_p1 | |
CVxContainer_tlp1 | |
CVxContainer_tlp2 | |
CVxJetCandidate | |
CVxJetFitterDebugInfo | |
CVxJetFitterVertexInfo | |
CVxSecVertexInfo | |
CVxSecVKalVertexInfo | |
CVxTrackAtVertex | The VxTrackAtVertex is a common class for all present TrkVertexFitters The VxTrackAtVertex is designed to store the information about the trajectory fitted to the VxCandidate |
CVxTrackAtVertex_p1 | |
CVxTrackAtVertex_p2 | |
CVxVertexOnJetAxis | VxVertexOnJetAxis inherits from Vertex |
CWeightMatrix_p1 | |
CZ0PVTrackCompatibilityEstimator | Z0PVTrackCompatibilityEstimator.h |
►CZScanSeedFinder | |
►CCache | |
Chash_perigee | |
Cpred_perigee | |
►NTrkDriftCircleMath | Function object to check whether two Segments are sub/super sets or different |
CChamberGeometry | |
CCluster | Class representing a cluster meaurement |
CClusterId | |
CCurvedSegmentFinder | |
CDCOnTrack | Class representing a drift circle meaurement on segment |
►CDCSLFitter | |
CFitData | |
CDCSLHitSelector | |
CDCStatistics | This class offers no functionality, but to define a standard device for the maker to transfer to the finder objects which are neither road, hits or geometry, i.e |
CDriftCircle | This class represents a drift time measurement |
CIsSubsetSegment | |
CLine | |
CLocVec2D | Implementation of 2 dimensional vector class |
CMatchCrossedTubes | |
CMatchDCWithLine | |
CMdtChamberGeometry | |
CMdtId | |
CMdtMultiChamberGeometry | |
CMdtSegmentT0Fitter | |
CNeighbourTube | |
CResidualWithLine | |
CResidualWithSegment | Class to calculate residual of a hit with a segment and calculate the local track errors |
CResolvedCollection | |
CRoad | TrkDriftCircleMath::Road - encodes the road given to the segment finder in station coordinates |
CRotPhi | |
CSameTube | |
CSegCandVec | |
CSegment | |
CSegmentCandidate | |
CSegmentFinder | |
CSharedHitsSegments | Counts the number of hits shared by the two segments |
CSortDcsByY | |
CSortSegByNumberOfHitsAndChi2 | |
CSortSegByNumberOfMDTHitsAndChi2 | |
CTangentToCircles | |
CTransformToLine | |
►NTRT | |
CHitInfo | |
CTrackInfo | |
►NTRTAlign | |
CHistoChisqProjection | |
►NTRTCalib_Extractor | |
Cstoreinfo | |
►NTRTCond | |
CActiveFraction | |
CAliveStraws | |
CAverageT0 | |
CBasicRtRelation | |
CBinnedRtRelation | |
CDeadStrawTrait | Trait class to deal with StrawStatus in NestedContainers |
CDinesRtRelation | |
CExpandedIdentifier | Identifier for TRT detector elements in the conditions code |
CHWMap | |
CLinearPacker | |
CMultChanContainer | |
CNestedContainer | |
CNestedContainer< ExpandedIdentifier::STRAWLAYER, T, Trait > | Template specialization for the lowest level ('STRAWLAYER') to truncate the nesting loop |
CNestedContainerBase | |
CNestedContainerDaughterAccessor | |
CNestedContainerDaughterAccessor< T, T, Trait > | NestedContainerDaugtherAccessor
specialization if the daughter is not a container, but an atomic object ('STRAW' level) |
CNestedContainerPointerTrait | |
CRtRelation | |
CRtRelationContainer | |
CRtRelationFactory | |
CRtRelationMultChanContainer | |
CStrawDx | |
CStrawDxContainer | |
CStrawDxContainerTemplate | |
CStrawDxMultChanContainer | |
CStrawDxTrait | |
CStrawStatus | |
CStrawStatusContainer | |
CStrawStatusContainerTemplate | |
CStrawStatusData | |
CStrawStatusMultChanContainer | |
CStrawStatusSummary | |
CStrawT0 | |
CStrawT0Container | |
CStrawT0ContainerTemplate | Class for storing/accessing trt t0 data |
CStrawT0MultChanContainer | |
CStrawT0Trait | |
►NTruthHelper | |
CGenAccessIO | |
►NTSU | |
CExpo | |
CHyperbolic | |
CKinematics | |
CL1TopoDataTypes | |
CTrigo | |
►NTTN | |
CBuffer_t | Reference to one of the halves provided by the DoubleBuffer_t |
CBufferBase_t | Helper class which adds a range check to an array access if NDEBUG is not defined |
CConstBuffer_t | Read only reference to one of the halves provided by the DoubleBuffer_t |
CDoubleBuffer_t | The temporary buffer for internal computations which is split into two halves |
►NTTreeHelper | |
CTTreeSelector | |
►NTXC | |
CFixedParameter | |
CInputElement | |
CL1TopoConfigAlg | |
CL1TopoConfigGlobal | |
CL1TopoConfigOutputList | |
CL1TopoMenu | |
COutputElement | |
COutputListElement | |
CRegisterParameter | |
CTopoConfigElement | |
CTriggerLine | |
►Ntype_tools | |
CCopy | Algorithm to define a suitable "copy type": by default use copy-by-value |
CCopy< T * > | When T is pointer we "copy" into a const T* |
CInt2Type | Assign a type to an integer value |
CParameter | Algorithm to provide an efficient way to pass a parameter: by value for scalars (arithmetic types and pointers), by reference for compound objects.Derived from Loki library |
►NTypeTools | |
CCopy | Trait class defining how ElementLink should handle a container |
CCopy< T * > | Specialisation for containers storing pointers |
►NUnconventionalTrackingChainConfiguration | |
CUnconventionalTrackingChainConfiguration | |
►NUpdateHVReference | |
CHVRefUpdator | |
►NuploadTools | |
►CUT | |
Cbcolors | |
►Nurldecode | |
Cdecoder_state_s | |
►Nutil | |
►NconvertLGBMToRootTree | |
CLGBMTextNode | |
►NconvertXGBoostToRootTree | |
CXBGoostTextNode | |
►Nvalidator | |
CValidator | |
►NViewHelper | |
CViewMerger | |
►NVKalVrtAthena | |
CBaseHolder | |
CIntersectionPos | |
CIntersectionPos_barrel | |
CIntersectionPos_endcap | |
CNtupleVars | |
CvarHolder | |
►CVrtSecInclusive | |
CJobProperties | |
Ctrack_summary_properties | |
CWrkVrt | |
►NVKalVrtFitter | |
CInDetVKalVrtFitter | |
CVKalFitterForAnalysis | |
CVKalFitterForAnalysisWithField | |
►NVP1Trig | |
CLogger | |
CVP1TriggerHandleEF | |
CVP1TriggerHandleL1 | |
CVP1TriggerHandleL2 | |
CVP1TriggerProcessor | |
CVP1TriggerSystem | |
CVP1TriggerTool | |
►NVxMultiVertexDict | |
Ctemp | |
►NVxVertexDict | |
Ctemp | |
►NWebPage | |
CGlobalConfiguration | |
CHelloWorld | |
ChtmlTable | |
CWebPage | |
CWebPageConfigurationError | |
►NWebPlots | |
CWebPlots | |
►Nwidthestimators | |
►NxAOD | ICaloAffectedTool is abstract interface for tools checking if 4 mom is in calo affected region |
►NEgammaParameters | |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook | |
►NHelpers | |
C_importHelper | |
►NInternal | |
CTHolderCache | Singleton, thread-safe THolder cache |
►NIso | Namespace holding the IsolationType enumeration |
CIsolationCaloCorrectionBitsetHelper | Helper to encode and decode the isolation corrections |
CIsolationTrackCorrectionBitsetHelper | Helper to encode and decode the isolation corrections |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook | Struct helping with auto-loading this dictionary |
►NJetAttributeAccessor | |
CAccessorMap_v1 | Define a template struct |
CAccessorWrapper | |
CAccessorWrapper< double > | Double accessor specialization : internally stored as float |
CAccessorWrapper< Dummy > | |
CAccessorWrapper< IParticle::FourMom_t > | Specialiazed accessor for FourMom_t : internally stores the FourMom_t as 4 floats in the Aux Store |
CAccessorWrapper< JetFourMom_t > | Specialiazed accessor for JetFourMom_t : internally stores the JetFourMom_t as 4 floats in the Aux Store |
CAccessorWrapper< std::vector< double > > | Specialization : internally stored as float |
CFourMomAccessor | A base class holding accessors for 4 floats of a 4-vector |
CNamed | |
CObjectAccessorMap_v1 | |
CObjectAccessorWrapper | |
CObjectAccessorWrapper< Dummy > | |
CObjectAccessorWrapper< std::vector< const TYPE * > > | Accessor wrapper for vector< AuxElement> objects |
►NTauJetParameters | |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook | |
►NxAODInDetMeasurement | |
►CAddDVProxy | Set up collection proxy for a DataVector class |
CHelper | Helper structure implementing the resize(...) function |
CAFPClusterAlgID | Helper class to store ID numbers of pixel clustering algorithm |
CAFPData_v1 | Class containing AFP information |
CAFPDataAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for xAOD::AFPDataContainer_v1 |
CAFPPixelLayerID | Helper class to store ID numbers of silicon layers (tracking) in an AFP station |
CAFPProton_v1 | Class representing a proton reconstructed in AFP |
CAFPProtonAuxContainer_v1 | |
CAFPProtonRecoAlgID | Helper class to store ID numbers of AFP proton reconstruction algorithms |
CAFPSiHit_v1 | Class representing a hit in silicon detector |
CAFPSiHit_v2 | Class representing a hit in silicon detector |
CAFPSiHitAuxContainer_v1 | Class storing information of xAOD::AFPSiHit_v1 objects |
CAFPSiHitAuxContainer_v2 | Class storing information of xAOD::AFPSiHit_v2 objects |
CAFPSiHitsCluster_v1 | Class representing a cluster of AFP pixel hits |
CAFPSiHitsClusterAuxContainer_v1 | Class storing information of xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster objects |
CAFPStationID | Helper class to store ID numbers of AFP stations |
CAFPToFHit_v1 | Class representing a hit in ToF detector |
CAFPToFHitAuxContainer_v1 | Class storing information of xAOD::AFPToFHit_v1 objects |
CAFPToFTrack_v1 | Class representing a track reconstructed in AFP ToF |
CAFPToFTrackAuxContainer_v1 | Class storing information accessed by xAOD::AFPToFTrack_v1 |
CAFPToFTrackRecoAlgID | Helper class to store ID numbers of track reconstruction algorithms |
CAFPTrack_v1 | Class representing a track reconstructed in AFP |
CAFPTrack_v2 | Class representing a track reconstructed in AFP |
CAFPTrackAuxContainer_v1 | Class storing information accessed by xAOD::AFPTrack_v1 |
CAFPTrackAuxContainer_v2 | Class storing information accessed by xAOD::AFPTrack_v2 |
CAFPTrackRecoAlgID | Helper class to store ID numbers of track reconstruction algorithms |
CAFPVertex_v1 | Class representing a vertex reconstructed in AFP |
CAFPVertexAuxContainer_v1 | Class storing information accessed by xAOD::AFPVertex_v1 |
CALFAData_v1 | Class containing ALFA information |
CALFADataAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for xAOD::ALFADataContainer_v1 |
CArrayFloat3 | A struct mimicking std::array<float ,3> this structure is a temporary solution for our dynamic variables |
CAuxCompression | |
CAuxContainerBase | Common base class for the auxiliary containers |
CAuxInfoBase | Common base class for auxiliary info objects |
CAuxPersInfo | Class managing concrete persistent variables |
CAuxPersVector | Class managing concrete vector variables |
CAuxPersVector< SG::JaggedVecElt< T >, VEC > | |
CAuxPersVector< SG::PackedLink< TARG >, VEC > | Specialization of AuxPersVector for PackedLink types |
CAuxPersVector< std::vector< SG::PackedLink< TARG >, VALLOC >, VEC > | Specialization of AuxPersVector for std::vector<PackedLink> types |
CAuxSelection | Class helping in dealing with dynamic branch selection |
CBCMRawData_v1 | Class describing the BCM raw data |
CBCMRawDataAuxContainer_v1 | Class holding the payload of xAOD::BCMRawDataContainer |
CBPhysBlindingTool | |
CBPhysHelper | |
CBPhysHypoHelper | |
CBPhysMetaDataHelper | Helper class providing easy access to FileMetaData object holding file-level metadata about an xAOD file specific to B-physics derivations |
CBPhysTrackVertexMapTool | Dual-use tool createing a track-to-vertex map from the vertex-to-track information |
CBranchStats | Class describing the access statistics of one (sub-)branch |
CBTagging_v1 | |
CBTaggingAuxContainer_v1 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CBTaggingAuxContainer_v2 | |
CBTaggingTrigAuxContainer_v1 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CBTagVertex_v1 | |
CBTagVertexAuxContainer_v1 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CBunchConf_v1 | Class holding one particular bunch configuration |
CBunchConfAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for BunchConfContainer_v1 |
CBunchConfKey_v1 | Class identifying the bunch configuration of a given event |
CByteStreamAuxContainer_v1 | Base class for dynamic auxiliary stores saved into ByteStream |
CCaloCluster_v1 | Description of a calorimeter cluster |
CCaloClusterAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary container for calorimeter cluster containers |
CCaloClusterAuxContainer_v2 | Auxiliary container for calorimeter cluster containers |
CCaloClusterBadChannelData_v1 | Description of problematic cell in a cluster |
CCaloClustersInConeTool | |
CCaloClusterTrigAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary container for calorimeter cluster containers |
CCaloCorrection | |
CCaloIsolation | |
CCaloIsolationTool | |
CCaloRings_v1 | Class summarizing the particle interaction throughout the Calorimeter (its shower shape) |
CCaloRingsAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for xAOD::CaloRingsContainer |
CCaloTower_v1 | ! |
CCaloTowerAuxContainer_v1 | Payload container for xAOD::CaloTowerContainer_v1 |
CCaloTowerContainer_v1 | Basic container storing all information need for xAOD::CaloTower_v1 objects |
CCaloVertexedClusterBase | Evaluate cluster kinematics with a different vertex / signal state |
CCaloVertexedTopoCluster | Evaluate cluster kinematics with a different vertex / signal state |
►CChamberViewer | |
Cref_trait | Type trait to find the proper refernce type for the lambda function access |
CCMMCPHits_v1 | Description of CMMCPHits_v1 |
CCMMCPHitsAuxContainer_v1 | AuxContainer for CMMCPHits_v1 |
CCMMEtSums_v1 | Description of CMMEtSums_v1 |
CCMMEtSumsAuxContainer_v1 | AuxContainer for CMMEtSums_v1 |
CCMMJetHits_v1 | Description of CMMJetHits_v1 |
CCMMJetHitsAuxContainer_v1 | AuxContainer for CMMJetHits_v1 |
CCMMRoI_v1 | Description of CMMRoI_v1 |
CCMMRoIAuxInfo_v1 | AuxInfo for CMMRoI_v1 |
CCMXCPHits_v1 | Description of CMXCPHits_v1 |
CCMXCPHitsAuxContainer_v1 | Description of CMXCPHitsAuxContainer_v1 |
CCMXCPTob_v1 | Description of CMXCPTob_v1 |
CCMXCPTobAuxContainer_v1 | Description of CMXCPTobAuxContainer_v1 |
CCMXEtSums_v1 | Description of CMXEtSums_v1 |
CCMXEtSumsAuxContainer_v1 | Description of CMXEtSumsAuxContainer_v1 |
CCMXJetHits_v1 | Description of CMXJetHits_v1 |
CCMXJetHitsAuxContainer_v1 | Description of CMXJetHitsAuxContainer_v1 |
CCMXJetTob_v1 | Description of CMXJetTob_v1 |
CCMXJetTobAuxContainer_v1 | Description of CMXJetTobAuxContainer_v1 |
CCMXRoI_v1 | Description of CMXRoI_v1 |
CCMXRoIAuxContainer_v1 | AuxInfo for CMXRoI_v1 |
►CCompositeParticle_v1 | Description of a composite particle, i.e |
CMT | Define the enumeration of calculation methods for the transverse mass |
CCompositeParticleAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary container for composite particle containers |
CCPMHits_v1 | Description of CPMHits_v1 |
CCPMHitsAuxContainer_v1 | AuxContainer for CPMHits_v1 |
CCPMRoI_v1 | Description of CPMRoI_v1 |
CCPMRoIAuxContainer_v1 | AuxContainer for CPMRoI_v1 |
CCPMTobRoI_v1 | Description of CPMTobRoI_v1 |
CCPMTobRoIAuxContainer_v1 | Description of CPMTobRoIAuxContainer_v1 |
CCPMTower_v1 | Description of CPMTower_v1 |
CCPMTower_v2 | Description of CPMTower_v2 |
CCPMTowerAuxContainer_v1 | AuxContainer for CPMTower_v1 |
CCPMTowerAuxContainer_v2 | AuxContainer for CPMTower_v2 |
►CCutBookkeeper_v1 | Description of the class that is used to keep track of event counts |
CPayload | Add struct for payload and implement operator *,/....*=,.. |
CCutBookkeeperAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary container for CutBookkeeper containers |
CCutBookkeeperContainer_v1 | Container that holds the Container of all CutBookkeepers |
CDiTauJet_v1 | |
CDiTauJetAuxContainer_v1 | |
CeFexEMRoI_v1 | Class describing a LVL1 eFEX EM region of interest |
CeFexEMRoIAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for the LVL1 eFEX EM TOB/RoI container |
CeFexTauRoI_v1 | Class describing a LVL1 eFEX tau region of interest |
CeFexTauRoIAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for the LVL1 eFEX tau TOB/RoI container |
CeFexTower_v1 | Class describing input data of a LVL1 eFEX |
CeFexTowerAuxContainer_v1 | AuxContainer for eFexTower_v1 |
CEgamma_v1 | |
CEgammaAuxContainer_v1 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CElectron_v1 | |
CElectronAuxContainer_v1 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CElectronAuxContainer_v2 | Container holding the payload of the electron container |
CElectronAuxContainer_v3 | Container holding the payload of the electron container |
CElectronTrigAuxContainer_v1 | Container holding the payload of the electron container |
CEmTauRoI_v1 | Class describing a LVL1 em/tau region of interest |
CEmTauRoI_v2 | Class describing a LVL1 em/tau region of interest |
CEmTauRoIAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for the LVL1 em/tau RoI container |
CEmTauRoIAuxContainer_v2 | Auxiliary store for the LVL1 em/tau RoI container |
CEnergySumRoI_v1 | Class describing a LVL1 energy-sum "RoI" |
CEnergySumRoI_v2 | Class describing a LVL1 energy-sum "RoI" |
CEnergySumRoIAuxInfo_v1 | Auxiliary store for an EnergySum RoI object |
CEnergySumRoIAuxInfo_v2 | Auxiliary store for an EnergySum RoI object |
CEventAuxInfo_v1 | Auxiliary information about the event |
CEventAuxInfo_v2 | Auxiliary information about the event |
CEventAuxInfo_v3 | Auxiliary information about the event |
CEventFormat_v1 | Event format metadata for xAOD files |
CEventFormatElement | Class describing one branch of the ROOT file |
►CEventInfo_v1 | Class describing the basic event information |
CPileUpMixtureID | Unique pile-up mixture identifier definition |
CStreamTag | Class describing a stream tag on the event |
CSubEvent | Class describing the properties of one pileup sub-event |
CEventInfoAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary information about the pileup events |
CEventShape_v1 | Data class for event shapes |
CEventShapeAuxInfo_v1 | Auxiliary information about the event shapes |
CExampleElectron_v1 | |
CExampleElectronAuxContainer_v1 | |
CExcNotIParticleContainer | |
CFastJetLink | |
CFastJetLinkBase | |
CFileMetaData_v1 | Class holding file-level metadata about an xAOD file |
CFileMetaDataAuxInfo_v1 | Auxiliary store for xAOD::FileMetaData_v1 |
CFlowElement_v1 | A detector object made of other lower level object(s) |
CFlowElementAuxContainer_v1 | |
CFlowElementsInConeTool | |
CForwardEventInfo_v1 | Add description |
CForwardEventInfoAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for xAOD::ForwardEventInfoContainer_v1 |
CGBlock_v1 | |
CGBlockAuxContainer_v1 | |
CgFexGlobalRoI_v1 | Class describing properties of a LVL1 gFEX global Trigger Object (TOB) in the xAOD format |
CgFexGlobalRoIAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for the LVL1 GFEX TOB container |
CgFexJetRoI_v1 | Class describing properties of a LVL1 gFEX jet Trigger Object (TOB) in the xAOD format |
CgFexJetRoIAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for the LVL1 GFEX TOB container |
CgFexTower_v1 | Class describing input data of a LVL1 eFEX |
CgFexTowerAuxContainer_v1 | AuxContainer for gFexTower_v1 |
CHGTDCluster_v1 | |
CHGTDClusterAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for HGTD clusters |
CHIEventShape_v1 | |
CHIEventShape_v2 | Interface class for the HI reconstruction EDM |
CHIEventShapeAuxContainer_v1 | |
CHIEventShapeAuxContainer_v2 | Auxiliary store for xAOD::HIEventShape_v2 |
CIBPhysBlindingTool | Interface for dual-use tool for blinding and unblinding certain float values provided as variables in a container |
CIBPhysTrackVertexMapTool | Interface for dual-use tool createing a track-to-vertex map from the vertex-to-track information |
CICaloCellIsolationTool | Interface for tools calculating track isolation |
CICaloClustersInConeTool | Interface for collecting truth particles inside a cone |
CICaloTopoClusterIsolationTool | Interface for tools calculating topo cluster isolation |
CIFlowElementsInConeTool | Interface for collecting pflow objects inside a cone |
CIMuonDressingTool | Interface for tools calculating hit count summaries for track |
CINeutralEFlowIsolationTool | Interface for tools calculating neutral eflow isolation |
CIOStats | Singleton object holding on to the process's I/O statistics |
CIParticle | Class providing the definition of the 4-vector interface |
CIParticlesLookUpTable | 2D look up table for iParticles |
CIPFlowObjectsInConeTool | Interface for collecting pflow objects inside a cone |
CITrackIsolationTool | Interface for tools calculating track isolation |
CITrackParticlesInConeTool | Interface for collecting tracks inside a code |
CITruthParticlesInConeTool | Interface for collecting truth particles inside a cone |
CJEMEtSums_v1 | Description of JEMEtSums_v1 |
CJEMEtSums_v2 | Description of JEMEtSums_v2 |
CJEMEtSumsAuxContainer_v1 | AuxContainer for JEMEtSums_v1 |
CJEMEtSumsAuxContainer_v2 | AuxContainer for JEMEtSums_v2 |
CJEMHits_v1 | Description of JEMHits_v1 |
CJEMHitsAuxContainer_v1 | AuxContainer for JEMHits_v1 |
CJEMRoI_v1 | Description of JEMRoI_v1 |
CJEMRoIAuxContainer_v1 | AuxContainer for JEMRoI_v1 |
CJEMTobRoI_v1 | Description of JEMTobRoI_v1 |
CJEMTobRoIAuxContainer_v1 | Description of JEMTobRoIAuxContainer_v1 |
CJet_v1 | Class describing a jet |
CJetAttribute | |
CJetAuxContainer_v1 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CJetConstituent | 4-vector of jet constituent at the scale used during jet finding |
►CJetConstituentVector | A vector of jet constituents at the scale used during jet finding |
Citerator | |
CJetElement_v1 | Description of JetElement_v1 |
CJetElement_v2 | Description of JetElement_v2 |
CJetElementAuxContainer_v1 | AuxContainer for JetElement_v1 |
CJetElementAuxContainer_v2 | AuxContainer for JetElement_v2 |
CJetEtRoI_v1 | Class describing a LVL1 jet-ET "RoI" |
CJetEtRoIAuxInfo_v1 | Auxiliary store for a Jet-ET RoI object |
CJetRoI_v1 | Class describing a LVL1 jet region of interest |
CJetRoI_v2 | Class describing a LVL1 jet region of interest |
CJetRoIAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for the LVL1 jet RoI container |
CJetRoIAuxContainer_v2 | Auxiliary store for the LVL1 jet RoI container |
CJetTrigAuxContainer_v1 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CJetTrigAuxContainer_v2 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CjFexFwdElRoI_v1 | Class describing properties of a LVL1 jFEX global Trigger Object (TOB) in the xAOD format |
CjFexFwdElRoIAuxContainer_v1 | |
CjFexLRJetRoI_v1 | Class describing properties of a LVL1 jFEX global Trigger Object (TOB) in the xAOD format |
CjFexLRJetRoIAuxContainer_v1 | |
CjFexMETRoI_v1 | Class describing properties of a LVL1 jFEX global Trigger Object (TOB) in the xAOD format |
CjFexMETRoIAuxContainer_v1 | |
CjFexSRJetRoI_v1 | Class describing properties of a LVL1 jFEX global Trigger Object (TOB) in the xAOD format |
CjFexSRJetRoIAuxContainer_v1 | |
CjFexSumETRoI_v1 | Class describing properties of a LVL1 jFEX global Trigger Object (TOB) in the xAOD format |
CjFexSumETRoIAuxContainer_v1 | |
CjFexTauRoI_v1 | Class describing properties of a LVL1 jFEX global Trigger Object (TOB) in the xAOD format |
CjFexTauRoIAuxContainer_v1 | |
CjFexTower_v1 | Class describing input data of a LVL1 jFEX |
CjFexTowerAuxContainer_v1 | AuxContainer for jFexTower_v1 |
CJGTower_v1 | Description of JGTower_v1 |
CJGTowerAuxContainer_v1 | AuxContainer for JGTower_v1 |
CL1TopoRawData_v1 | Description of L1TopoRawData_v1 |
CL1TopoRawDataAuxContainer_v1 | AuxContainer for L1TopoRawData_v1 |
CL1TopoSimResults_v1 | |
CL1TopoSimResultsAuxContainer_v1 | |
CL2CombinedMuon_v1 | Class describing combined muon reconstructed in the LVL2 trigger |
CL2CombinedMuonAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary container for CB muon containers |
CL2IsoMuon_v1 | Class describing isolation info for muons reconstructed in the LVL2 trigger |
CL2IsoMuonAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary container for muon iso containers |
CL2StandAloneMuon_v1 | Class describing standalone muons reconstructed in the LVL2 trigger |
CL2StandAloneMuon_v2 | Class describing standalone muons reconstructed in the LVL2 trigger |
CL2StandAloneMuonAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary container for muon SA containers |
CL2StandAloneMuonAuxContainer_v2 | Auxiliary container for muon SA containers |
CLumiBlockRange_v1 | Class describing a luminosity block range |
CLumiBlockRangeAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary container for xAOD::LumiBlockRangeContainer_v1 |
CMBTSModule_v1 | Add description |
CMBTSModuleAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for xAOD::MBTSModuleContainer_v1 |
CMdtDriftCircle_v1 | Https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/blob/master/MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonRecEvent/MuonPrepRawData/MuonPrepRawData/MdtPrepData.h |
CMdtDriftCircleAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for Mdt drift circles |
CMdtTwinDriftCircle_v1 | |
CMdtTwinDriftCircleAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for Mdt drift circles |
CMissingET_v1 | Principal data object for Missing ET |
►CMissingETAssociation_v1 | MET association descriptor contains object links and corresponding parameters |
CConstVec | Vector sum of constituents for subtractive overlap removal |
CMissingETAssociationHelper | |
CMissingETAssociationMap_v1 | |
CMissingETAuxAssociationMap_v1 | Auxiliary data store for xAOD::MissingETAssociationMap_v1 |
CMissingETAuxAssociationMap_v2 | Auxiliary data store for xAOD::MissingETAssociationMap_v2 |
CMissingETAuxComponentMap_v1 | Auxiliary data store for xAOD::MissingETComponentMap_v1 |
CMissingETAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary data store for xAOD::MissingETContainer |
►CMissingETComponent_v1 | MET component descriptor contains object links and corresponding parameters |
CWeight | Kinematic weight descriptor |
CMissingETComponentMap_v1 | |
CMissingETComposition | Collection of functions managing the MET composition map and association map |
CMissingETContainer_v1 | Container for xAOD::MissingET_v1 objects |
CMMCluster_v1 | |
CMMClusterAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for Mdt drift circles |
CMuon_v1 | Class describing a Muon |
CMuonAODFixAlg | Algorithm to fix AOD muons |
CMuonAuxContainer_v1 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CMuonAuxContainer_v2 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CMuonAuxContainer_v3 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CMuonAuxContainer_v4 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CMuonAuxContainer_v5 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CMuonRoI_v1 | Class describing a LVL1 muon region of interest |
CMuonRoIAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for the LVL1 muon RoI container |
CMuonSegment_v1 | Class describing a MuonSegment |
CMuonSegmentAuxContainer_v1 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CMuonSimHit_v1 | |
CMuonSimHitAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for Mdt drift circles |
CNeutralParticle_v1 | Class describing a NeutralParticle |
CNeutralParticleAuxContainer_v1 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CNRPCRDOAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for pixel clusters |
CNSWMMTPRDOAuxContainer_v1 | |
CNSWTPRDOAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for pixel clusters |
CParticle_v1 | Description of a generic particle |
CParticleAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary container for particle containers |
CParticleCaloExtension | Class storing calorimeter information associated with track based objects |
CPerfStats | Class for collecting information about the xAOD file access pattern |
CPFlowObjectsInConeTool | |
CPFO_v1 | Class describing a particle flow object |
CPFOAttributesAccessor_v1 | |
CPFOAuxContainer_v1 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CPFOParticleTypeMapper_temp | |
CPFOParticleTypeMapper_v1 | |
CPhoton_v1 | |
CPhotonAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for offline photons |
CPhotonAuxContainer_v2 | Auxiliary store for offline photons |
CPhotonAuxContainer_v3 | Auxiliary store for offline photons |
CPhotonTrigAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for offline photons |
CPixelCluster_v1 | |
CPixelClusterAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for pixel clusters |
CRAuxManager | Manager for RAuxStore objects |
►CRAuxStore | |
CRFieldInfo | |
CRDataSource | Data source for xAOD input files |
►CRDataSourceEvent | Extension to xAOD::TEvent , used by xAOD::RDataSource |
Ckey_hash | Custom hash functor for use with Key_t |
CReadStats | Class describing the access statistics of a collection of branches |
CRingSet_v1 | Class holding a set of rings |
CRingSetAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for xAOD::RingSetContainer |
►CRingSetConf_v1 | Class holding the RingSet configuration used for the Reconstruction |
CRawConf | |
CRingSetConfAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for xAOD::RingSetConfContainer |
CRODHeader_v1 | Description of RODHeader_v1 |
CRODHeader_v2 | Description of RODHeader_v2 |
CRODHeaderAuxContainer_v1 | AuxContainer for RODHeader_v1 |
CRODHeaderAuxContainer_v2 | AuxContainer for RODHeader_v2 |
CRoiDescriptorStore_v1 | |
CRoiDescriptorStoreAuxInfo_v1 | |
CROOT6_xAODDataSource_WorkAround_Dummy | Dummy struct for auto-loading the library |
CRpcMeasurement_v1 | RpcMeasurement_v1: Class storing the geneic |
CRpcStrip2D_v1 | |
CRpcStrip2DAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for Mdt drift circles |
CRpcStrip_v1 | |
CRpcStripAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for Mdt drift circles |
CSCTRawHitValidation_v1 | Class describing an SCT Raw Data Object (RDO) |
CSCTRawHitValidationAuxContainer_v1 | |
CShallowAuxContainer | Class creating a shallow copy of an existing auxiliary container |
CShallowAuxInfo | Shallow copy for the auxiliary store of standalone objects |
CSimpleEncrypter | Provide simple asymmetric encryption for blinding of float values |
CSlowMuon_v1 | Class describing a SlowMuon |
CSlowMuonAuxContainer_v1 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CSortLumiBlockRangeByStart | Helper functor used to sort xAOD::LumiBlockRangeContainer-s |
CSpacePoint_v1 | |
CSpacePointAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for space point |
CsTgcMeasurement_v1 | |
CsTgcPadAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for Mdt drift circles |
CsTgcPadHit_v1 | |
CsTgcStripAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for Mdt drift circles |
CsTgcStripCluster_v1 | |
CsTgcWireAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for Mdt drift circles |
CsTgcWireHit_v1 | |
CStripCluster_v1 | |
CStripClusterAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for strip clusters |
CTActiveEvent | Helper class for finding the active TVirtualEvent object |
CTActiveStore | Helper class for finding the active TStore object |
CTauJet_v1 | Class describing a tau jet |
CTauJet_v2 | Class describing a tau jet |
CTauJet_v3 | Class describing a tau jet |
CTauJetAuxContainer_v1 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CTauJetAuxContainer_v2 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CTauJetAuxContainer_v3 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CTauJetCalibTypeMapper_v1 | |
CTauJetCalibTypeMapper_v3 | |
CTauTrack_v1 | |
CTauTrackAuxContainer_v1 | |
CTAuxBranchManager | Manager for auxiliary branches created dynamically |
CTAuxManager | Manager for TAuxStore objects |
►CTAuxStore | "ROOT implementation" of IAuxStore |
CTBranchHandle | Class used internally to implement just-in-time reading |
CTAuxVector | Auxiliary vector type for types known to ROOT |
CTAuxVectorFactory | Auxiliary vector factory based on a ROOT dictionary |
CTCDVHolderT | Class managing ConstDataVector objects in transient memory |
CTChainStateTracker | Class helping with tracking the state of TChain objects |
CTDestructor | Implementation of the destructor base class for a given type |
CTDestructorRegistry | Application-wide registry of destructor objects |
CTDirectoryReset | Helper class for making sure the current directory is preserved |
►CTDVCollectionFuncs | Helper functions for accessing the container data via the proxy |
CTEnvBuff | Proxy environment buffer |
CTDVCollectionProxy | A Root collection proxy for DataVector containers |
CTDVCollectionProxyDummy | Dummy class to use as the DataVector template argument for the class we give to the Root proxy |
►CTEvent | Tool for accessing xAOD files outside of Athena |
CBranchInfo | Helper struct used by the IProxyDict code |
CTEventFormatRegistry | Helper class for managing the event format for output files |
►CTFileAccessTracer | Helper class keeping track of the files that got accessed |
CAccessedFile | Helper class storing information about the accessed files |
CTFileChecker | Tool for running sanity checks on xAOD files |
CTFileMerger | Helper class for merging xAOD files |
CTgcStrip_v1 | |
CTgcStripAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for Mdt drift circles |
CTHolder | This class takes care of holding EDM objects in memory |
CTIncident | Class describing a certain "incident" that is communicated to user code |
CTObjectManager | Manager for EDM objects created by ROOT |
CTPrimitiveAuxBranchManager | Manager for primitive auxiliary branches created dynamically |
CTPyEvent | Python interface to xAOD::TEvent |
CTPyStore | Python interface to xAOD::TStore |
CTrackCaloCluster_v1 | Class describing a TrackCaloCluster |
CTrackCaloClusterAuxContainer_v1 | This class is meant to implement the TrackCaloCluster EDM |
CTrackCorrection | |
CTrackIsolation | |
►CTrackIsolationTool | |
CTrackIsolationInput | |
CTrackJacobian_v1 | Storage for track Propagation Jacobian for Acts MultiTrajectory |
CTrackJacobianAuxContainer_v1 | |
CTrackMeasurement_v1 | Track Measurements for Acts MultiTrajectory |
CTrackMeasurementAuxContainer_v1 | |
CTrackMeasurementValidation_v1 | Class describing a TrackMeasurementValidation |
CTrackMeasurementValidationAuxContainer_v1 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CTrackParameters_v1 | Track Parameters for Acts MultiTrajectory |
CTrackParametersAuxContainer_v1 | |
CTrackParticle_v1 | Class describing a TrackParticle |
CTrackParticleAuxContainer_v1 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CTrackParticleAuxContainer_v2 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CTrackParticleAuxContainer_v3 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CTrackParticleAuxContainer_v4 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CTrackParticleAuxContainer_v5 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CTrackParticleClusterAssociation_v1 | Class describing a TrackParticleClusterAssociation |
CTrackParticleClusterAssociationAuxContainer_v1 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CTrackParticlesInConeTool | |
CTrackState_v1 | Class describing TrackState - backend of navigation object of Acts::MultiTrajectory |
CTrackStateAuxContainer_v1 | |
CTrackStateValidation_v1 | Class describing a TrackStateValidation |
CTrackStateValidationAuxContainer_v1 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CTrackSummary_v1 | Track Summary for Acts MultiTrajectory |
CTrackSummaryAuxContainer_v1 | |
CTrackSurface_v1 | TrackSurface for Acts MultiTrajectory and TrackSummary |
CTrackSurfaceAuxContainer_v1 | |
CTrigBphys_v1 | Class describing a Bphysics online composite object |
CTrigBphysAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for the TrigBphys composite container |
CTrigCaloCluster_v1 | Description of a trigger calorimeter cluster |
CTrigCaloClusterAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary container for trigger calorimeter cluster containers |
CTrigComposite_v1 | Class used to describe composite objects in the HLT |
CTrigCompositeAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for TrigComposite_v1 containers |
CTrigCompositeAuxContainer_v2 | Auxiliary store for TrigComposite containers |
CTrigConfKeys_v1 | Class describing the configuration used in a given event |
CTrigDecision_v1 | Interface to the raw trigger decision information of the event |
CTrigDecisionAuxInfo_v1 | Class holding the data handled by TrigDecision_v1 |
CTrigElectron_v1 | Class describing an electron reconstructed in the HLT |
CTrigElectronAuxContainer_v1 | Class holding the payload of xAOD::TrigElectronContainer_v1 |
CTrigEMCluster_v1 | Description of a trigger EM cluster |
CTrigEMClusterAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary container for trigger EM cluster containers |
CTrigEMClusterAuxContainer_v2 | Auxiliary container for trigger EM cluster containers |
CTriggerMenu_v1 | Class holding one particular trigger configuration |
CTriggerMenuAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store object for TriggerMenuContainer_v1 |
CTriggerMenuJson_v1 | Raw JSON data for a given type of menu file |
CTriggerMenuJsonAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store object for TriggerMenuJsonContainer_v1 |
CTriggerTower_v1 | Description of TriggerTower_v1 |
CTriggerTower_v2 | Description of TriggerTower_v2 |
CTriggerTowerAuxContainer_v1 | AuxContainer for TriggerTower_v1 |
CTriggerTowerAuxContainer_v2 | AuxContainer for TriggerTower_v2 |
CTrigHisto2D_v1 | |
CTrigHisto2DAuxContainer_v1 | |
CTrigMissingET_v1 | Class holding the Missing ET trigger fex results |
CTrigMissingETAuxContainer_v1 | AuxContainer for TrigMissingET classes |
CTrigNavigation_v1 | Interface to the raw trigger navigation information of the event |
CTrigNavigationAuxInfo_v1 | Class holding the data handled by TrigNavigation_v1 (bsaed on the TrigDecision_v1) This is the auxiliary class holding the trigger navigation information in xAOD files |
CTrigPassBits_v1 | Type describing which elements in a container passed a trigger chain |
CTrigPassBitsAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary container for TrigPassBitsContainer_v1 |
CTrigPhoton_v1 | Class describing a photon reconstructed in the HLT |
CTrigPhotonAuxContainer_v1 | Class holding the payload of xAOD::TrigPhotonContainer_v1 |
CTrigRingerRings_v1 | |
CTrigRingerRings_v2 | |
CTrigRingerRingsAuxContainer_v1 | This is a fixed implementation of the trigger TrigRingerRings auxiliary store |
CTrigRingerRingsAuxContainer_v2 | This is a fixed implementation of the trigger TrigRingerRings auxiliary store |
CTrigRNNOutput_v1 | |
CTrigRNNOutput_v2 | |
CTrigRNNOutputAuxContainer_v1 | This is a fixed implementation of the trigger TrigRNNOutput auxiliary store |
CTrigRNNOutputAuxContainer_v2 | This is a fixed implementation of the trigger TrigRNNOutput auxiliary store |
CTrigSpacePointCounts_v1 | |
CTrigSpacePointCountsAuxContainer_v1 | |
CTrigT2MbtsBits_v1 | |
CTrigT2MbtsBitsAuxContainer_v1 | |
CTrigT2ZdcSignals_v1 | |
CTrigT2ZdcSignalsAuxContainer_v1 | |
CTrigTrackCounts_v1 | |
CTrigTrackCountsAuxContainer_v1 | |
CTrigVertexCounts_v1 | |
CTrigVertexCountsAuxContainer_v1 | |
►CTruthEvent_v1 | Class describing a signal truth event in the MC record |
CPdfInfo | Helper struct holding a full set of PDF info values |
CTruthEventAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for the truth vertices |
CTruthEventBase_v1 | Base class describing a pile-up or signal truth event in the MC record |
CTruthMetaData_v1 | Class describing meta data for truth records |
CTruthMetaDataAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for the truth meta data |
►CTruthParticle_v1 | Class describing a truth particle in the MC record |
CPolarization | Single container for full polarization information |
CTruthParticleAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for the truth vertices |
CTruthParticlesInConeTool | |
CTruthPileupEvent_v1 | Class describing a pile-up truth event in the MC record |
CTruthPileupEventAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for the truth pile-up events |
CTruthVertex_v1 | Class describing a truth vertex in the MC record |
CTruthVertexAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for the truth vertices |
CTSocket | Very simple wrapper around POSIX sockets |
CTStore | A relatively simple transient store for objects created in analysis |
CTTransTrees | A simple helper class holding both event and metadata transient trees |
CTTreeMgr | Class creating (a) transient tree(s) from xAOD files |
CTVirtualDestructor | Base class for the templated destructor types |
CTVirtualEvent | Base interface for getting objects out of the input file |
CTVirtualIncidentListener | Class providing an interface for classes listening to xAOD incidents |
CTVirtualManager | Interface class for the "manager classes" |
CUncalibratedMeasurement_v1 | |
CVertex_v1 | Class describing a Vertex |
CVertexAuxContainer_v1 | Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal |
CxAODDiTAU_return_type | |
CxAODDiTAU_return_type< float > | |
CxAODDiTAU_return_type< int > | |
CxAODTAU_return_type | |
CxAODTAU_return_type< float > | |
CxAODTAU_return_type< int > | |
CxAODTEvent | |
CZdcModule_v1 | Class containing ZDC Module information |
CZdcModuleAuxContainer_v1 | Auxiliary store for xAOD::ZdcModuleContainer_v1 |
CZdcModuleAuxContainer_v2 | Auxiliary store for xAOD::ZdcModuleContainer_v2 |
►NxAODEventSelectorConfig | |
CxAODAccessMode | |
►NxAODMaker | |
CAssociationHelper | |
CAssociationHelper< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > | |
CAssociationHelper< TrackCollection > | |
CAuxStoreWrapper | Algorithm preparing auxiliary store objects for slimming |
CBTaggingCnvAlg | Algorithm creating xAOD::BTagging objects from AOD collection |
CBunchConfCnvAlg | Algorithm for writing bunch configuration metadata |
CCaloClusterCnvTool | Implementation of the ICaloClusterCnvTool interface |
CCMMCPHitsCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::CMMCPHits from an ESD |
CCMMCPHitsCnvTool | Implementation for the ICMMCPHitsCnvTool interface |
CCMMEtSumsCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::CMMEtSums from an ESD |
CCMMEtSumsCnvTool | Implementation for the ICMMEtSumsCnvTool interface |
CCMMJetHitsCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::CMMJetHits from an ESD |
CCMMJetHitsCnvTool | Implementation for the ICMMJetHitsCnvTool interface |
CCMMRoICnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::CMMRoI from an ESD |
CCMMRoICnvTool | Implementation for the ICMMRoICnvTool interface |
CCombinedMuonFeatureCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::L2CombinedMuonContainer from an AOD |
CCombinedMuonFeatureCnvTool | Implementation for the ICombinedMuonFeatureCnvTool interface |
CCombinedMuonFeatureContainerCnvTool | Implementation for the ICombinedMuonFeatureContainerCnvTool interface |
CCPMHitsCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::CPMHits from an ESD |
CCPMHitsCnvTool | Implementation for the ICPMHitsCnvTool interface |
CCPMRoICnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::CPMRoI from an ESD |
CCPMRoICnvTool | Implementation for the ICPMRoICnvTool interface |
CCPMTowerCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::CPMTower from an ESD |
CCPMTowerCnvTool | Implementation for the ICPMTowerCnvTool interface |
CDynVarFixerAlg | Algorithm for fixing dynamic variable corruption on xAOD containers |
CElectronCnvAlg | Algorithm creating xAOD::Electrons from Analysis::Electrons |
CElectronCnvTool | Implementation for the tool creating ElectronContainer from an AOD |
►CElementLinkResetAlg | Algorithm reseting ElementLink objects to their default state |
CAuxIDType | Helper class for caching auxiliary ID types |
CEmTauRoICnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::EmTauRoIContainer from an AOD |
CEmTauRoICnvTool | Implementation for the IEmTauRoICnvTool interface |
CEnergySumRoICnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::EnergySumRoI from an AOD |
CEnergySumRoICnvTool | Implementation for the IEnergySumRoICnvTool interface |
CEventFormatMetaDataTool | Tool taking care of copying the event format object from file to file |
CEventFormatStreamHelperTool | Tool creating and maintaining xAOD::EventFormat at the end-of-events |
CEventInfoBeamSpotDecoratorAlg | Algorithm for filling the beam position variables on xAOD::EventInfo |
CEventInfoCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::EventInfo objects for the xAOD |
CEventInfoCnvTool | Implementation for the IEventInfoCnvTool interface |
CEventInfoOverlay | |
CEventInfoUpdateFromContextAlg | |
CFileMetaDataCreatorTool | Tool creating xAOD::FileMetaData information |
CFileMetaDataTool | Tool propagating xAOD::FileMetaData from input to output |
CForwardEventInfoCnvAlg | Algorithm creating xAOD::ForwardEventInfos from MBTSCollisionTime object |
CForwardEventInfoCnvTool | Implementation for the tool creating ForwardEventInfoContainer from an AOD |
CGSFTrackParticleMapCnvAlg | Algorithm creating xAOD::Electrons from Analysis::Electrons |
CICaloClusterCnvTool | Interface for the tool doing AOD->xAOD conversion for clusters |
CICMMCPHitsCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating CMMCPHitsContainer from an ESD |
CICMMEtSumsCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating CMMEtSumsContainer from an ESD |
CICMMJetHitsCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating CMMJetHitsContainer from an ESD |
CICMMRoICnvTool | Interface for the tool creating CMMRoI from an ESD |
CICombinedMuonFeatureCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating CombinedMuonFeature from an AOD |
CICombinedMuonFeatureContainerCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating CombinedMuonFeatureContainer from an AOD |
CICPMHitsCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating CPMHitsContainer from an ESD |
CICPMRoICnvTool | Interface for the tool creating CPMRoIContainer from an ESD |
CICPMTowerCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating CPMTowerContainer from an ESD |
CIElectronCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating ElectronContainer from an AOD |
CIEmTauRoICnvTool | Interface for the tool creating EmTauRoIContainer from an AOD |
CIEnergySumRoICnvTool | Interface for the tool creating EnergySumRoI from an AOD |
CIEventInfoCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating xAOD::EventInfo from an AOD |
CIForwardEventInfoCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating ForwardEventInfoContainer from an AOD |
CIIsoMuonFeatureCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating IsoMuonFeature from an AOD |
CIIsoMuonFeatureContainerCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating IsoMuonFeatureContainer from an AOD |
CIJEMEtSumsCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating JEMEtSumsContainer from an ESD |
CIJEMHitsCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating JEMHitsContainer from an ESD |
CIJEMRoICnvTool | Interface for the tool creating JEMRoIContainer from an ESD |
CIJetCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating JetContainer from an AOD |
CIJetElementCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating JetElementContainer from an ESD |
CIJetEtRoICnvTool | Interface for the tool creating JetEtRoI from an AOD |
CIJetRoICnvTool | Interface for the tool creating JetRoIContainer from an AOD |
CIMBTSModuleCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating MBTSModuleContainer from an AOD |
CIMissingETCnvTool | Interface for the tool translating AOD MET objects to xAOD ones |
CIMuonRoICnvTool | Interface for the tool creating MuonRoIContainer from an AOD |
CIMuonSegmentConverterTool | Interface for tools calculating hit count summaries for track |
CIPhotonCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating PhotonContainer from an AOD |
CIRecTrackParticleContainerCnvTool | |
CIRODHeaderCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating RODHeaderContainer from an ESD |
CIROOTHeaderLoaderSvc | Interface to a helper service used for force-loading headers into ROOT |
CIsoMuonFeatureCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::L2IsoMuonContainer from an AOD |
CIsoMuonFeatureCnvTool | Implementation for the IIsoMuonFeatureCnvTool interface |
CIsoMuonFeatureContainerCnvTool | Implementation for the IIsoMuonFeatureContainerCnvTool interface |
CITauJetCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating TauJetContainer from an AOD |
CITrackCollectionCnvTool | |
CITrackParticleCompressorTool | Interface for the tool(s) compressing xAOD::TrackParticle objects |
CITrigBjetCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating TrigBjetContainer from an AOD |
CITrigCaloClusterCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating TrigCaloCluster from an AOD |
CITrigDecisionCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating xAOD::TrigDecision from an AOD |
CITrigEFBphysCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating TrigBphysContainer from an AOD |
CITrigEFBphysContainerCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating TrigBphysContainer from an AOD |
CITrigEMClusterCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating TrigEMCluster from an AOD |
CITriggerTowerCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating TriggerTowerContainer from an ESD |
CITrigHisto2DCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating TrigHisto2DContainer from an AOD |
CITrigL2BphysCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating TrigBphysContainer from an AOD |
CITrigL2BphysContainerCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating TrigBphysContainer from an AOD |
CITrigMissingETCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating TrigMissingETContainer from an AOD |
CITrigNavigationCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating xAOD::TrigNavigation from an AOD |
CITrigPassBitsCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating TrigPassBitsContainer from an AOD |
CITrigSpacePointCountsCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating TrigSpacePointCountsContainer from an AOD |
CITrigT2MbtsBitsCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating TrigT2MbtsBitsContainer from an AOD |
CITrigT2ZdcSignalsCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating TrigT2ZdcSignalsContainer from an AOD |
CITrigTrackCountsCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating TrigTrackCountsContainer from an AOD |
CITrigVertexCountsCnvTool | Interface for the tool creating TrigVertexCountsContainer from an AOD |
CJEMEtSumsCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::JEMEtSums from an ESD |
CJEMEtSumsCnvTool | Implementation for the IJEMEtSumsCnvTool interface |
CJEMHitsCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::JEMHits from an ESD |
CJEMHitsCnvTool | Implementation for the IJEMHitsCnvTool interface |
CJEMRoICnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::JEMRoI from an ESD |
CJEMRoICnvTool | Implementation for the IJEMRoICnvTool interface |
CJetCnvAlg | |
CJetCnvTool | Implementation for the IJetCnvTool interface |
CJetElementCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::JetElement from an ESD |
CJetElementCnvTool | Implementation for the IJetElementCnvTool interface |
CJetEtRoICnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::JetEtRoI from an AOD |
CJetEtRoICnvTool | Implementation for the IJetEtRoICnvTool interface |
CJetRoICnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::JetRoIContainer from an AOD |
CJetRoICnvTool | Implementation for the IJetRoICnvTool interface |
CMBTSModuleCnvAlg | Algorithm creating xAOD::MBTSModules from TileCellContainer |
CMBTSModuleCnvTool | Implementation for the tool creating MBTSModuleContainer from an AOD |
CMissingETCnvAlg | Algorithm translating AOD-style MET to xAOD style |
CMissingETCnvTool | Implementation of the IMissingETCnvTool interface |
CMuonCnvAlg | Algorithm creating xAOD::Muons from Muons |
CMuonFeatureCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::L2StandAloneMuonContainer from an AOD |
CMuonRoICnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::MuonRoIContainer from an AOD |
CMuonRoICnvTool | Implementation for the IMuonRoICnvTool interface |
CMuonSegmentCnvAlg | Algorithm creating xAOD::MuonSegments from MuonSegments |
CPhotonCnvAlg | Algorithm creating xAOD::Photons from Analysis::Photons |
CPhotonCnvTool | Implementation for the tool creating PhotonContainer from an AOD |
CRecTrackParticleContainerCnvTool | |
CRedoTruthLinksAlg | Algorithm creating xAOD truth from HepMC |
CRODHeaderCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::RODHeader from an ESD |
CRODHeaderCnvTool | Implementation for the IRODHeaderCnvTool interface |
CROOTHeaderLoaderSvc | Service implementing xAODMaker::IROOTHeaderLoaderSvc |
CTauJetCnvAlg | |
CTauJetCnvTool | |
CTauJetReaderAlg | Simple algorithm testing the reading of xAOD::TauJetContainer |
CTrackCollectionCnvTool | |
CTrackParticleCnvAlg | Algorithm creating xAOD::TrackParticles from TrackParticles |
CTrackParticleCompressorTool | Implementation of the tool compressing track particles |
CTrigBjetCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::BjetContainer from an AOD |
CTrigBjetCnvTool | Implementation for the ITrigBjetCnvTool interface |
CTrigCaloClusterCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigCaloCluster from an AOD |
CTrigCaloClusterCnvTool | Implementation for the ITrigCaloClusterCnvTool interface |
CTrigDecisionCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigDecision objects |
CTrigDecisionCnvTool | Implementation of the ITrigDecisionCnvTool interface |
CTrigEFBphysCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigEFBphysContainer from an AOD |
CTrigEFBphysCnvTool | Implementation for the ITrigEFBphysCnvTool interface |
CTrigEFBphysContainerCnvTool | Implementation for the ITrigEFBphysContainerCnvTool interface |
CTrigEMClusterCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigEMCluster from an AOD |
CTrigEMClusterCnvTool | Implementation for the ITrigEMClusterCnvTool interface |
CTriggerMenuMetaDataTool | Tool taking care of copying the trigger configuration from file to file |
CTriggerTowerCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::TriggerTower from an ESD |
CTriggerTowerCnvTool | Implementation for the ITriggerTowerCnvTool interface |
CTrigL2BphysCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigBphysContainer from an AOD |
CTrigL2BphysCnvTool | Implementation for the ITrigL2BphysCnvTool interface |
CTrigL2BphysContainerCnvTool | Implementation for the ITrigL2BphysContainerCnvTool interface |
CTrigMissingETCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigMissingETContainer from an AOD |
CTrigMissingETCnvTool | Implementation for the ITrigMissingETCnvTool interface |
CTrigMuonEFInfoToMuonCnvAlg | Algorithm creating xAOD::Muons from EF Muons (class TrigMuonEFInfo) |
CTrigNavigationCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigNavigation objects |
CTrigNavigationCnvTool | Implementation of the ITrigNavigationCnvTool interface |
CTrigPassBitsCnvTool | Implementation for the ITrigPassBitsCnvTool interface |
CTrigSpacePointCountsCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigSpacePointCountsContainer from an AOD |
CTrigSpacePointCountsCnvTool | Implementation for the ITrigSpacePointCountsCnvTool interface |
CTrigT2MbtsBitsCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigT2MbtsBitsContainer from an AOD |
CTrigT2MbtsBitsCnvTool | Implementation for the ITrigT2MbtsBitsCnvTool interface |
CTrigT2ZdcSignalsCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigT2ZdcSignalsContainer from an AOD |
CTrigT2ZdcSignalsCnvTool | Implementation for the ITrigT2ZdcSignalsCnvTool interface |
CTrigTrackCountsCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigTrackCountsContainer from an AOD |
CTrigTrackCountsCnvTool | Implementation for the ITrigTrackCountsCnvTool interface |
CTrigVertexCountsCnvAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigVertexCountsContainer from an AOD |
CTrigVertexCountsCnvTool | Implementation for the ITrigVertexCountsCnvTool interface |
CTrigxAODBphysReaderAlg | Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigxAODBphysReaderAlg from an AOD |
CTruthMetaDataTool | Tool taking care of copying the truth metadata from file to file |
CVertexCnvAlg | Algorithm creating xAOD::Vertex from Vertex |
►CxAODTruthCnvAlg | Algorithm creating xAOD truth from HepMC |
CMetadataFields | |
CMetaDataWriter | Factor out the pieces dealing with writing to meta data |
CVertexParticles | Type for tracking particles connected to a single vertex |
►NxAODMuonEnums | |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook | |
►NxAODPrivate | |
CTHolderBucket | Helper object for holding something through a THolder |
CTLoader | |
►NxAODReader | |
CBTaggingReader | Algorithm reading xAOD::BTagging |
CEventDuplicateFinderAlg | Algorithm for finding event duplicates in xAOD files |
CEventInfoReaderAlg | Simple algorithm for testing the xAOD::EventInfo reading |
CxAODTruthReader | Algorithm demonstrating reading of xAOD truth, and printing to screen |
►NxAODRootTest | |
CAllocTestRead | |
CAnalysis | |
CxAODTestClearDecor | |
CxAODTestCopy | |
CxAODTestDecor | |
CxAODTestPDecor | |
CxAODTestRead | |
►NxAODType | |
CROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook | |
►NZDC | |
CBySideTypeMod | |
CIZdcAnalysisTool | |
CIZdcRecTool | |
CIZdcTrigValidTool | |
CRPDAnalysisTool | |
CRPDConfig | |
CRPDDataAnalyzer | |
►CRpdSubtractCentroidTool | |
CRPDChannelData | |
CZdcAnalysisTool | |
CZdcLEDAnalysisTool | |
CZDCLEDModuleResults | |
CZdcRecTool | |
CZdcTrigValidTool | |
►NZeeValidation | |
CFWDZeePlots | |
CReconElectronsPlots | |
CTrueElectronsPlots | |
CTrueFwdElectronsPlots | |
CZeePlots | |
CZeeValidationMonitoringTool | |
►NZMassConstraint | |
CConstraintFit | |
CConstraintFitInput | |
CConstraintFitOutput | |
CIConstraintFit | |
C__gtttimer | |
C_ArrayList | Definition of an ArrayList |
C_GL2PSbsptree | |
C_GL2PSbsptree2d | |
C_GL2PSimagemap | |
C_HashTableIterator | Definition of a HashTableIterator |
C_ListIterator | Definition of a ListIterator |
C_PyAthenaEventLoopMgrClass | Python facade of PyAthenaEventLoopMgr |
C_SetIterator | Definition of a SetIterator |
C_SListIterator | Definition of a SListIterator |
C_triginfo | |
CA | |
Ca_class_that_calls_default_ctor | |
Ca_default_ctor | |
CAAH | |
CAANTTreeMap | |
CAANTupleStream | |
CABBAMapping | |
CAbsShapeErrorGetter | Liquid Argon base class for shape information |
CAbstractErrorCode | AbstractErrorCode abstract base class for L1Calo error codes |
CAbstractL1CaloPersistentCondition | AbstractL1CaloConditionContainer abstract base class for L1Calo persistent conditions container objects |
CAccept | Templated class containing a cut, name of cut and description of cut(optional) Typically, the class will be templated on <xAOD::TruthParticle> or <xAOD::TrackParticle> |
CAcceptAllCondition | |
CAcceptData | Object to encode the result of several cuts |
CAcceptInfo | Object to describe a series of cuts |
CAccMap | |
CActiveStoreSvc | A service that caches a pointer to the currently active store. It also implements the IProxyDict store interface |
CActsAthenaFilterPolicy | |
CActsAthenaPrintPolicy | |
CActsCaloTrackingVolumeBuilder | |
CActsDetectorElement | |
CActsElementVector | Helper to hold elements for deletion |
CActsExCellWriterSvc | |
CActsExtrapolationAlg | |
CActsExtrapolationTool | |
CActsFatrasWriteHandler | |
CActsGeantFollower | |
►CActsGeantFollowerHelper | |
CTreeData | Ntuple variables : initial parameters Split this out into a separate, dynamically-allocated block |
CActsGeantFollowerTool | Tool which manages the ActsGeantFollower action |
CActsGeometryContext | Include the GeoPrimitives which need to be put first |
►CActsHGTDLayerBuilder | |
CConfig | |
►CActsLayerBuilder | |
CConfig | |
CActsMaterialJsonWriterTool | |
CActsMaterialMapping | |
CActsMaterialStepConverterTool | |
CActsMaterialTrackWriterSvc | |
CActsMuonAlignCondAlg | |
CActsObjWriterTool | |
CActsPropStepRootWriterSvc | |
►CActsStrawLayerBuilder | |
CConfig | |
CActsSurfaceMappingTool | |
CActsTrackingGeometrySvc | |
CActsTrackingGeometryTool | |
CActsTrkStripSpacePointFormationTool | |
CActsVolumeMappingTool | |
CActsWriteTrackingGeometry | |
CActsWriteTrackingGeometryTransforms | |
CAdaptiveResidualSmoothing | |
CADCData | Data accumulated for one ADC @TODO: different histo range for HI/LOW gain |
CAddFlowByShifting | |
CaddmaterialHandler | |
CAddPhysicsDecayTool | |
CAddressRemappingSvc | This class provides the interface to the LCG POOL persistency software |
CAddTRTMomConstr | |
CAddValidData | Functor to add Valid data |
CAdvancedTab | |
CAFP_ByteStream2RawCnv | |
CAFP_DeadPixelTool | |
CAFP_DigiTop | |
CAFP_Geometry | |
CAFP_GeometryTool | |
CAFP_GeoModelFactory | |
CAFP_GeoModelManager | |
CAFP_GeoModelTool | |
CAFP_GlobReco | |
CAFP_GlobRecoTool | Algorithm reconstructing protons from tracks |
CAFP_LinkNumTranslator | |
CAFP_NoisyPixelTool | |
CAFP_PileUpTool | |
CAFP_PixelHistoFiller | |
CAFP_PixelIdentifier | |
CAFP_ProtonRecoAnalytical | Tool for proton reconstruction by directly using transport parameterisation |
►CAFP_ProtonRecoBase | Base class for all proton reconstruction tools |
CMeasurement | Local class for storing tracks positions |
CAFP_Raw2Digi | |
CAFP_Raw2DigiTool | |
CAFP_RawCollection | Class representing collection of silicon detector data |
CAFP_RawCollectionHead | Class represnting header record in bytestream |
CAFP_RawContainer | |
CAFP_RawDataCommonHead | Base class representing first 8 bits in a record in bytestream |
CAFP_RawDataProvider | |
CAFP_RawDataProviderTool | |
CAFP_ROBID | This class contains static members encoding A and C side robs |
CAFP_SensitiveDetector | |
CAFP_SensitiveDetectorTool | |
CAFP_SiDigi | |
CAFP_SiDigi_p1 | |
CAFP_SiDigiCnv_p1 | |
CAFP_SiDigiCollection_p1 | |
CAFP_SiDigiCollectionCnv | |
CAFP_SIDLocReco | |
CAFP_SIDLocRecoEvCollection | |
CAFP_SIDLocRecoEvCollection_p1 | |
CAFP_SIDLocRecoEvCollectionCnv | |
CAFP_SIDLocRecoEvCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CAFP_SIDLocRecoEvent | |
CAFP_SIDLocRecoEvent_p1 | |
CAFP_SIDLocRecoEventCnv_p1 | |
CAFP_SIDLocRecoTool | Algorithm reconstructing tracks from hits clusters |
CAFP_SiDSensitiveDetector | |
CAFP_SiDSensitiveDetectorTool | |
CAFP_SIDSimHit | |
CAFP_SIDSimHit_p1 | |
CAFP_SIDSimHitCnv_p1 | |
CAFP_SIDSimHitCollection_p1 | |
CAFP_SIDSimHitCollectionCnv | |
CAFP_SiRawData | Class representing data record for silicon detectors |
CAFP_TDDigi | |
CAFP_TDDigi_p1 | |
CAFP_TDDigiCnv_p1 | |
CAFP_TDDigiCollection_p1 | |
CAFP_TDDigiCollectionCnv | |
CAFP_TDLocReco | Algorithm reconstructing tracks from hits clusters |
CAFP_TDLocRecoEvCollection | |
CAFP_TDLocRecoEvCollection_p1 | |
CAFP_TDLocRecoEvCollectionCnv | |
CAFP_TDLocRecoEvCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CAFP_TDLocRecoEvent | |
CAFP_TDLocRecoEvent_p1 | |
CAFP_TDLocRecoEventCnv_p1 | |
CAFP_TDLocRecoTool | Algorithm reconstructing tracks from hits |
CAFP_TDSensitiveDetector | |
CAFP_TDSensitiveDetectorTool | |
CAFP_TDSimHit | |
CAFP_TDSimHit_p1 | |
CAFP_TDSimHitCnv_p1 | |
CAFP_TDSimHitCollection_p1 | |
CAFP_TDSimHitCollectionCnv | |
CAFP_TDZVertex | |
CAFP_ToFRawData_v1 | Class representing data record for time-of-flight detectors |
CAFP_ToFRawData_v2 | Class representing data record for time-of-flight detectors |
CAFP_VertexReco | |
CAFP_VertexRecoBasic | Tool for vertex reconstruction by basic algorithm |
CAFP_VertexRecoTool | Algorithm reconstructing vertices from protons |
CAFP_WordReadOut | Class capable spliting word into parts, used to fill raw containers |
CAFPDBTester | |
CAFPHitAnalysis | |
CAFPLocRecoStationBasicObj | Helper class representing an AFP station used in track reconstruction |
CAFPProtonTransportParam | Class for the parameterization used by the proton transport tool |
CAFPProtonTransportPolynomial | |
CAFPProtonTransportTool | Class for the tool that parameterizes proton transport |
CAFPSiCluster | |
CAFPSiClusterAllNeighbours | |
CAFPSiClusterBasicNearestNeighbour | |
CAFPSiClusterBasicObj | Class representing basic silicon pixels cluster, designed to be used for creating the clusters |
CAFPSiClusterLayerBasicObj | Class representing basic silicon layer with pixels and their clusters to be used for creating the clusters |
CAFPSiClusterSingleHitTool | |
CAFPSiClusterTool | This class reconstructs clusters of pixels |
CAFPSiDBasicKalmanTool | Class reconstructing tracks using basic Kalman filter |
CAFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack | Class representing a reconstructed track with Kalman filter |
CAFPSiDLinRegTool | Tool for reconstructing AFPTrack parameters from track candidates |
CAFPSiLayerAlgorithm | |
CAFPSiRowColToLocalCSTool | Translates pixels rows and columns to position in standard ATLAS coordinates system |
CAFPTDBasicTool | Class reconstructing tracks using basic Kalman filter |
CAFPTDBasicToolTrack | Class representing a reconstructed basic ToF track |
CAFPToFAlgorithm | |
CAFPToFSiTAlgorithm | AFP monitoring algorithm combining data from Si-layer and ToF |
CAGDD2GeoModelBuilder | |
CAGDDBolt | |
CAGDDBox | |
CAGDDBuilder | |
CAGDDColor | |
CAGDDColorStore | |
CAGDDComposition | |
CAGDDCons | |
CAGDDController | |
CAGDDDetector | |
CAGDDDetectorPositioner | |
CAGDDDetectorStore | |
CAGDDElcyl | |
CAGDDElement | |
CAGDDGvxy | |
CAGDDHandler | |
CAGDDIbeam | |
CAGDDIntersection | |
CAGDDMaterial | |
CAGDDMaterialStore | |
CAGDDMicromegas | |
CAGDDMixture | |
CAGDDMMSpacer | |
CAGDDMolecule | |
CAGDDMuonStation | |
CAGDDParameterBag | |
CAGDDParameterBagMM | |
CAGDDParameterBagMMTech | |
CAGDDParameterBagsTGC | |
CAGDDParameterBagsTGCTech | |
CAGDDParameterStore | |
CAGDDPcon | |
CAGDDPgon | |
CAGDDPositioner | |
CAGDDPositionerStore | |
CAGDDSection | |
CAGDDSectionStore | |
CAGDDSimpleMaterial | |
CAGDDSnake | |
CAGDDSubtraction | |
CAGDDTechnology | |
CAGDDtoGeoSvc | |
CAGDDTokenizer | |
CAGDDToolBase | |
CAGDDTrd | |
CAGDDTubs | |
CAGDDUbeam | |
CAGDDUnion | |
CAGDDVolume | |
CAGDDVolumeStore | |
CaiStruct | |
CALFA_BeamTrack | |
CALFA_BeamTransport | |
CALFA_CenterGravity | |
CALFA_CLinkAlg | |
CALFA_CLinkEvent | |
CALFA_CLinkEvent_p1 | |
CALFA_CLinkEventCnv | |
CALFA_CLinkEventCnv_p1 | |
CALFA_ConfigParams | |
CALFA_Decoder | |
CALFA_Decoder_charge | |
CALFA_DetectorFactory | |
CALFA_DetectorManager | |
CALFA_DetectorTool | |
CALFA_DigiAlg | |
CALFA_Digit | |
CALFA_Digit_p1 | |
CALFA_DigitCnv_p1 | |
CALFA_DigitCollection | |
CALFA_DigitCollection_p1 | |
CALFA_DigitCollectionCnv | |
CALFA_DigitCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CALFA_EdgeMethod | |
CALFA_GeometryReader | |
CALFA_GloRec | |
CALFA_GloRecEvCollection | |
CALFA_GloRecEvCollection_p1 | |
CALFA_GloRecEvCollectionCnv | |
CALFA_GloRecEvCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CALFA_GloRecEvent | |
CALFA_GloRecEvent_p1 | |
CALFA_GloRecEventCnv_p1 | |
CALFA_GloRecODEvCollection | |
CALFA_GloRecODEvent | |
CALFA_HalfReco | |
CALFA_Hit | |
CALFA_Hit_p1 | |
CALFA_HitCnv_p1 | |
CALFA_HitCollection_p1 | |
CALFA_HitCollectionCnv | |
CALFA_LocRec | |
CALFA_LocRecCorr | |
CALFA_LocRecCorrEvCollection | |
CALFA_LocRecCorrEvCollection_p1 | |
CALFA_LocRecCorrEvCollectionCnv | |
CALFA_LocRecCorrEvCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CALFA_LocRecCorrEvent | |
CALFA_LocRecCorrEvent_p1 | |
CALFA_LocRecCorrEventCnv_p1 | |
CALFA_LocRecCorrODEvCollection | |
CALFA_LocRecCorrODEvCollection_p1 | |
CALFA_LocRecCorrODEvCollectionCnv | |
CALFA_LocRecCorrODEvCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CALFA_LocRecCorrODEvent | |
CALFA_LocRecCorrODEvent_p1 | |
CALFA_LocRecCorrODEventCnv_p1 | |
CALFA_LocRecEvCollection | |
CALFA_LocRecEvCollection_p1 | |
CALFA_LocRecEvCollectionCnv | |
CALFA_LocRecEvCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CALFA_LocRecEvent | |
CALFA_LocRecEvent_p1 | |
CALFA_LocRecEventCnv_p1 | |
CALFA_LocRecODEvCollection | |
CALFA_LocRecODEvCollection_p1 | |
CALFA_LocRecODEvCollectionCnv | |
CALFA_LocRecODEvCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CALFA_LocRecODEvent | |
CALFA_LocRecODEvent_p1 | |
CALFA_LocRecODEventCnv_p1 | |
CALFA_MDMultiple | |
CALFA_MDOverlap | |
CALFA_MDTracking | |
CALFA_ODDigit | |
CALFA_ODDigit_p1 | |
CALFA_ODDigitCnv_p1 | |
CALFA_ODDigitCollection | |
CALFA_ODDigitCollection_p1 | |
CALFA_ODDigitCollectionCnv | |
CALFA_ODDigitCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CALFA_ODHit_p1 | |
CALFA_ODHitCnv_p1 | |
CALFA_ODHitCollection_p1 | |
CALFA_ODHitCollectionCnv | |
CALFA_ODTracking | |
CALFA_PileUpTool | |
CALFA_Raw2Digit | |
CALFA_RawData | |
CALFA_RawData_charge | |
CALFA_RawData_charge_p1 | |
CALFA_RawData_p1 | |
CALFA_RawDataCnv_charge_p1 | |
CALFA_RawDataCnv_p1 | |
CALFA_RawDataCollection | RDOs : Chamber Service Module, collection of RawData |
CALFA_RawDataCollection_charge | RDOs : Chamber Service Module, collection of RawData |
CALFA_RawDataCollection_charge_p1 | |
CALFA_RawDataCollection_p1 | |
CALFA_RawDataCollectionCnv_charge_p1 | |
CALFA_RawDataCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CALFA_RawDataCollectionReadOut | |
CALFA_RawDataContainer | This container provides acces to the PMF RDOs |
CALFA_RawDataContainer_charge | This container provides acces to the PMF RDOs |
CALFA_RawDataContainer_charge_p1 | |
CALFA_RawDataContainer_p1 | |
CALFA_RawDataContainerCnv | |
CALFA_RawDataContainerCnv_charge | |
CALFA_RawDataContainerCnv_charge_p1 | |
CALFA_RawDataContainerCnv_p1 | |
CALFA_RawDataContainerReadOut | |
CALFA_RawDataProvider | |
CALFA_RawDataProvider_charge | |
CALFA_RawDataProviderTool | |
CALFA_RawDataProviderTool_charge | |
CALFA_RawDataReadOut | |
CALFA_RawDataReadOut_charge | |
CALFA_RDBAccess | |
CALFA_ReadOut | |
CALFA_SensitiveDetector | |
CALFA_SensitiveDetectorTool | |
CALFA_SimHitsTestTool | |
CALFAHitAnalysis | |
CAlfaLocalHit | |
CAlfaLocalHits | |
CAlfaTrackCand | |
CAlgA | |
CAlgB | |
CAlgC | |
CAlgD | |
CAlgE | |
CAlgFactory | |
CAlgorithmIdentifier | Small structure to hold an algorithm's name and store, plus some details on its EventView. The AI also keeps a pointer to the EventContext and MsgService, this is for convenience such that methods which use the AI don't need to be additionally passed these |
CAlgorithmIdentifierHashCompare | Static hash and equal members as required by tbb::concurrent_hash_map |
CAlgorithmIdentifierMaker | Simple factory class to construct an AlgorithmIdentifier from an algorithm name and context |
CAlgorithmPayload | Small structure wrap the various values stored for an algorithm just before it starts to execute |
CAlgT | |
CaliasHandler | |
CAliasStore | |
►CAlignableTransform | |
CAlignTransMember | |
CAlignableTransform__AlignTransMember_dict | |
CAlignableTransform_p1 | |
CAlignableTransformCnv_p1 | |
CAlignableTransformContainerCnv | |
CAlignAlg | This class is the main algorithm for the alignment with tracks. The algorithm is used to align the modules of the Inner Detector, the Muon Spectrometer, or both |
CAlignModule | AlignModule is a grouping of TrkDetElementBase objects, grouped according to the type of alignment, groupings being specific to detector type.
For example, for MDT alignment: 1) L1 alignment uses an AlignModule for each endcap and one for the barrel for a total of 3 AlignModule elements in the AlignModuleList. 2) L3 alignment uses a single MDT chamber for each AlignModule. 3) L2 and other types not yet implemented for MDT alignment. See detector-specific implementation of IGeometryManagerTool::createAlignModuleList() to see how implemented |
CAlignModuleTool | Tool for managing list of AlignModules, detector elements in AlignModules, and AlignPar for both. Can be used as is or inherited by subdetector. (dual_use library exists for this class.) |
CAlignPar | AlignPar contains all the information related to an alignment parameter of a particular align module or detector element, including a pointer to the align module/detector element, the value of the alignment parameter with its error, the initial value and error |
CAlignResidualCalculator | Tool for calculating residuals for measurements and scattering centers and storing on AlignTSOS |
CAlignResidualType | AlignResidualType is an enum describing the type of residual AlignMesType is an enum describing the type of TSOS for the residual |
CAlignSiHit | |
CAlignSiModule | |
CAlignSiModuleList | |
CAlignTrack | AlignTrack is a generalization of a Trk::Track, used as the basic object to contain track information and other quantities useful for alignment. Created by an implementation of IAlignTrackCreator, and other quantities added for a particular alignment method using an implementation of IAlignTrackDresser |
CAlignTrackCollSplitter | Algorithm to split the "AlignTracks" track collection into several smaller track collections corresponding to different types of AlignTracks |
CAlignTrackCreator | Tool used to create an AlignTrack containing all TSOS on a track, including scatterers |
CAlignTrackDresser | Tool used to dress AlignTrack with residuals and other information needed for alignment |
CAlignTrackPreProcessor | Tool used to create AlignTracks from an input collection of tracks. At a minimum, the track is refit and the full covariance matrix and derivative matrix are stored on the AlignTrack. The AlignTracks are filled into a collection of Tracks |
CAlignTrk | |
CAlignTrkContainer | |
CAlignTRTHit | |
CAlignTSOS | AlignTSOS is a TSOS with extra variables useful for alignment. It is created using an implementation of IAlignTrackCreator and stored on an AlignTrack |
CAlignVertex | AlignVertex is a simple structure to store objects belonging to a vertex. Contains a pointer to the original vertex, the matrix and the vector to be solved for the vertex, vertex position, its covariance matrix and a collection of AlignTrack's belonging to it |
CALineInjectTestAlg | The ALineInjectTestAlg creates a complete arbitrary set of Alignment constants |
CALinePar | |
CAllExecutedEventsCounterAlg | |
CAllJetsGrouper | |
CAlwaysSameHelperTool | |
CAmbiCounter | |
CAmplifier | |
CAnalysis_Distribution | |
CAnalysis_Efficiency | |
CAnalysis_Fake | |
CAnalysis_Missed | |
CAnalysis_Resolution | |
CAnalysis_ResolutionCosmics | |
CAnalysis_Tier0 | |
CAnalysisConfig_Ntuple | |
CAnalysisConfigMT_Ntuple | |
CAnalysisR3_Tier0 | |
CAnalyticalDerivCalcTool | This class is the tool used with global chi2 aligment to calculate analytical derivatives based on the track covariance matrix |
CAngularityTool | |
►CAnimationSequence | |
CFrame | |
►CAnimationSequencer | |
CClockwork | |
►CAODCollHandleBase | Base class for all AOD object collections This class primarily handles setting up the interface, and some of the loops updating objects (where it calls child methods to initiate the loops, since handles aren't stored locally) The only data stored here are the name of the collection, and the pointer to the object browser |
CImp | |
►CAODCollWidget | |
CImp | |
CAodCountsConfig | |
►CAODHandleBase | |
CImp | |
CAODReader | |
►CAODSysCommonData | |
CImp | |
►CAODSystemController | |
CImp | |
CAPEvtWeight | |
CApproximateTrackToLayerTool | |
CAppStopAlg | |
CAPReweight | |
CAPReweight2D | |
CAPReweight3D | |
CAPReweightBase | |
CAPReweightND | |
CAPRTreeFormula | |
CAPWeightEntry | |
CAPWeightHist | |
CAPWeightSum | |
CAPWeightSumEnsemble | |
CArgs | |
CArgStrToDouble | |
CArgStrToSizeT | |
CArrayBM | |
CarrayHandler | |
CArrayStore | |
CASCIICondDbSvc | |
CAsciiInput | A class to provide read access to an ASCII input file |
CAscObj_TrackState | |
►CAscObj_TruthPoint | |
CImp | |
CAscObj_TSOS | |
►CAscObjSelectionManager | |
CImp | |
CAsgDeadHVCellRemovalTool | |
CAsgElectronChargeIDSelectorTool | Electron selector tool to select objects in Asgena using an underlying pure ROOT tool |
►CAsgElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool | |
CSystConf | |
CAsgElectronIsEMSelector | Tool to select objects |
CAsgElectronLikelihoodTool | Electron selector tool to select objects in Athena using an underlying pure ROOT tool |
CAsgElectronSelectorTool | Electron selector tool to select signal electrons using the ElectronDNNCalculator retrieve a score based on a DNN. This includes preprocessing/transformations of the input variables and the actual calculation of the score using lwtnn |
CAsgExampleAlgorithm | |
CAsgForwardElectronIsEMSelector | Electron isEM selector |
CAsgForwardElectronLikelihoodTool | Electron selector tool to select objects in Asgena using an underlying pure ROOT tool |
CAsgFudgeMCTool | Tool to fudge photon MC shower shapes |
CAsgHelloTool | |
CAsgPhotonEfficiencyCorrectionTool | |
CAsgPhotonIsEMSelector | Photon isEM selector |
CAskForROBs | |
CAskForRoI | The test calls for RoI data access for each RoI returned bunch of quantiries are checked, RoI et, actual RoI span, and cells count |
Cass | Make the histogram assessment part of the config |
CAssocFilter | |
►CAssociatedObjectHandleBase | |
CImp | |
CAssociatedPrimitive | |
CAssociationMap | Templated base class for a look-up map for associations |
CAssociationObjectIterator | Object iterator for association maps (internal use only!) |
CAssociator_BestDeltaPhiMatcher | |
CAssociator_BestDeltaRMatcher | |
CAssociator_BestDeltaRZMatcher | |
CAssociator_BestDeltaRZSinThetaMatcher | |
CAssociator_BestSigmaMatcher | |
CAssociator_DeltaEtaPhi | Fixme: needs to be replaced by something inheriting from BestMatcher |
CAssociator_DeltaRCosmics | |
CAssociator_DeltaRMatcher | |
CAssociator_SecondBestpTMatcher | |
CAssociator_TruthMatcher | |
►CAssocObjAttachmentHandle | |
CImp | |
CAtaCylinderCnv_p1 | |
CAtaDiscCnv_p1 | |
CAtaPlaneCnv_p1 | |
CAtaStraightLineCnv_p1 | |
CAtaSurfaceCnv_p1 | |
CAtDSFMTGenSvc | A random number engine manager, based on dSFMT |
Cath_dso_event | -*- C -*- AthDsoCbk.h
Header file for the dso callbacks api Author: S.Binetbinet.nosp@m.@cer.nosp@m.n.ch |
CAthAlgorithm | |
CAthAlgStartVisitor | Call start() on all ReadCondHandle's of an algorithm |
CAthAlgTool | |
CAthAnalysisAlgorithm | |
CAthAnalysisHelper | |
CAthAsgExUnittestAlg | |
CAthAsgExUnittestTool | |
CAthCheckedComponent | Mixin class to perform additional checks on a component |
►CAthCnvSvc | |
CWorkerEntry | |
CAthCommonDataStore | |
CAthCommonMsg | |
CAthConstConverter | Gaudi converter base class with const interfaces |
CAthDictLoaderSvc | |
CAthElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool | Calculate the egamma scale factors in Athena |
Cathena_statm | |
CAthenaAttributeList | An AttributeList represents a logical row of attributes in a metadata table. The name and type of each attribute is given in an AttributeListSpecification. AthenaAttributeList is an AttributeList which is also a DataObject and thus can be saved in an Athena data store, e.g. the Event Store |
CAthenaAttributeListCnv | This class provides the converter for the AthenaAttributeList class |
►CAthenaAttributeListSpecification | |
Cconst_iterator | The iterator class |
CAthenaAttributeSpecification | |
CAthenaAttributeType | |
CAthenaAttrListAddress | This class provides the an IOpaqueAddress/GenericAddress which can hold a pointer to an AthenaAttributeList object |
CAthenaBarCode_p1 | |
CAthenaBarCodeBase | |
CAthenaBarCodeCnv_p1 | |
CAthenaBarCodeImpl | |
CAthenaConditionStream | This class is OBSOLETE. Use AthenaOutputStream with writeOnExecute=false and writeOnFinalize=true instead. out stream specialized for condition data. Write data at finalize only |
CAthenaConverterTLPExtension | This class is used to add functionality to a standard AthenaConverter |
CAthenaEventLoopMgr | The default ATLAS batch event loop manager |
CAthenaHDFStreamTool | This class provides the IPCTool for HDF Stream objects |
►CAthenaHitsVector | |
Cmake_const | |
CAthenaHiveEventLoopMgr | The default ATLAS batch event loop manager |
►CAthenaL1TopoHistSvc | |
CAthenaL1TopoHistSvcImpl | |
CAthenaMon | |
►CAthenaMonManager | An Algorithm that manages a set of modules, each inheriting from ManagedMonitorToolBase, by setting common configuration variables and organizing the output data |
►CImp | |
CHistLeakChecker | |
CToolBench | |
CAthenaMPToolBase | |
►CAthenaMtesEventLoopMgr | |
CRangeStruct | |
CAthenaOutputStream | Algorithm that marks for write data objects in SG |
CAthenaOutputStreamTool | This is the implementation of IAthenaOutputStreamTool |
CAthenaPoolAddressProviderSvc | This class is the EventSelector and AddressProvider for event data |
CAthenaPoolAuxStore | |
CAthenaPoolCnvSvc | This class provides the interface between Athena and PoolSvc |
CAthenaPoolCnvTPExtension | |
CAthenaPoolConverter | This class provides the abstract converter to translate an object to/from its persistent POOL representation |
CAthenaPoolTestA | Simple class with two int's for testing pool i/o from Athena |
CAthenaPoolTestAttrReader | Test Algorithm for reading an AttributeList from the transient store |
CAthenaPoolTestAttrWriter | Test Algorithm for testing creation of explicit collections, writes an AttributeList to the transient store each event |
CAthenaPoolTestB | Simple class with int,int,float,double for testing pool i/o from Athena |
CAthenaPoolTestC | Simple class with four int's divided among protected/private for testing pool i/o from Athena |
CAthenaPoolTestD | Simple class with HepGeom::Point3D<double> for testing pool i/o from Athena |
CAthenaPoolTestDataReader | |
CAthenaPoolTestDataWriter | Test Algorithm POOL I/O tests, writes AthenaPoolData objects to the transient store |
CAthenaPoolTestMap | |
CAthenaPoolTestMapData | |
►CAthenaPoolTestMapDataLink | |
CExtendedBarCode | |
CAthenaPoolTestMatrix | Simple class with various CLHEP classes for testing pool i/o from Athena |
CAthenaRootConverterHandle | |
CAthenaRootSerializeSvc | This class provides the AthenaSerializeSvc using ROOT |
CAthenaRootSharedWriterSvc | This class provides an example for writing event data objects to Pool |
CAthenaRootStreamer | This class enhances ROOT custom streamer base TClassStreamer and can choose a converter function based on the streamerinfo checksum |
CAthenaRootStreamerSvc | This class provides the manager for ROOT custom streamers |
CAthenaSharedMemoryTool | This class provides the IPCTool for SharedMemory objects |
CAthenaSharedWriter | This class provides an example for writing event data objects to Pool |
CAthenaSummarySvc | |
CAthEventCounter | |
CAthExAlgWithFPE | |
CAthExDecay | |
CAthExDecay_p1 | |
CAthExDecayCnv | |
CAthExDecayCnv_p1 | |
CAthExElephantino | |
CAthExElephantino_p1 | |
CAthExElephantinoCnv | |
CAthExElephantinoCnv_p1 | |
CAthExFatObject | |
CAthExFatObject_p1 | |
CAthExFatObjectCnv | |
CAthExFatObjectCnv_p1 | |
CAthExIParticle | |
CAthExIParticles | |
CAthExParticle | |
CAthExParticle_p1 | |
CAthExParticles | |
CAthExParticles_p1 | |
CAthExParticlesCnv_p1 | |
CAthExUnittestAlg | |
CAthExUnittestTool | |
CAthFilterAlgorithm | |
CAthHistogramAlgorithm | |
CAthHistogramming | |
CAthIncFirerAlg | |
CAthJetReclusteringAlgo | |
CAthLegacySequence | Alias for backward compatibility |
CAthMemoryAuditor | |
CAthMessaging | Class to provide easy MsgStream access and capabilities |
CAthMonBench | |
CAthMonitorAlgorithm | Base class for Athena Monitoring Algorithms |
CAthMpEvtLoopMgr | |
CAthPhotonEfficiencyCorrectionTool | Calculate the egamma scale factors in Athena |
CAthPrescaler | |
CAthProperties | Pimpl-style holder for component properties |
CAthReadAlg | Generic algorithm wrapping an input conversion |
CAthReentrantAlgorithm | An algorithm that can be simultaneously executed in multiple threads |
CAthRNGSvc | A service to manage multiple RNG streams in thread-safe way |
CAthROOTErrorHandlerSvc | |
CAthSequencer | ClassName: AthSequencer |
CAthService | |
CAthTileTripReader | |
CAthTPCnvSvc | |
CAthTruthSelectionTool | Class to apply selection to xAOD::TruthParticles,required by validation |
CAtlas_RNG | |
CAtlasDetectorID | This class provides an interface to generate or decode an identifier for the upper levels of the detector element hierarchy, i.e. Atlas, the detector systems and detector subsystems. As well general "print out" methods are provide for all detector systems. All id helper classes derive from this class. This class also provides access to the version tags of the id dictionaries used by the helper |
CAtlasDetectorIDHelper | |
CAtlasField | G4 wrapper around the main ATLAS magnetic field cache or field svc for forward field |
CAtlasFieldCacheCondAlg | Create a MagField object for tracking clients Purpose: for each event, create a MagField object for tracking clients and store in conditions Store |
CAtlasFieldCacheCondObj | |
CAtlasFieldMapCondAlg | Create a MagField object for tracking clients |
CAtlasFieldMapCondObj | |
CAtlasG4EventUserInfo | This class is attached to G4Event objects as UserInformation. It holds a pointer to the HepMC::GenEvent which was used to create the G4Event. NB As with VTrackInformation, the GenParticlePtr held by the AtlasG4EventUserInfo object can change during simulation (i.e. each time the track undergoes a non-destructive interaction) |
CAtlasGeoPoint | |
CAtlasGeoPoint | Declare a point holder for Atlas usual geometry |
CAtlasHitsVector | |
CAtlasIDDetDescrCnv | This class is a converter for the AtlasID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store |
►CATLASMagneticFieldWrapper | |
CCache | |
►CAtlasMeasurementSelector | ATALS specific Implementation of the member functions needed by the measurement selector |
CCalibratedMeasurementTraits | |
CEmpty | |
CAtlasMeasurementSelectorCuts | |
CAtlasPhysListFactory | |
CAtlasTrajectory | Class to store G4 trajectory information |
CAtlCoolCopy | |
Catomic_output | |
CAtRanluxGenSvc | The default ATLAS random number engine manager, based on Ranlux64 |
CAtRndmGenSvc | A random number engine manager, based on Ranecu. Its usage is deprecated, at least when high quality sequences of randoms are required (Ranecu period has been shown to be too short, and sensitive to the quality of initial seeds) |
CAttributeListLayout | |
CAttrListIndexes | Indexes to attribute name, type name and object value for the persistent storage of an attribute list. The attribute and type names are stored in individual vectors, but the object value is stored in one of serveral type-specific vectors |
CAttrStruct | This is a StoreGate object holding the TT online-attribute map |
CAuxDiscoverySvc | This class provides the interface between AthenaPoolCnvSvc and AuxStore classes |
CAxisInfo | Class to store information about axes, limits, whether it is log or linear scale etc |
CBackgroundWordFiller | |
CBackgroundWordTest | |
CBadChanContainerHashed | |
Cbands | |
CBar | |
CBareDataBucket | Allows to insert void* returned from serialisation into the store |
CBarrelEndcap | |
CBase | |
CBaseClass | |
CBaseIndexedConstituentUserInfo | |
CBaseObject | |
CBasicConstantGPUDataExporter | Standard tool to export calorimeter geometry and cell noise to GPU |
CBasicEventDataGPUExporter | Standard tool to export cell energy and gain to the GPU |
CBasicGPUClusterInfoCalculator | Standard tool to calculate cluster info (energy, transverse energy, pseudo-rapidity and azimuthal angle) and apply E/ET cuts on clusters if desired |
CBasicGPUToAthenaImporter | Standard tool to convert the GPU data representation back to CPU |
CBasicRandom | |
CBasicTrackGradeFactory | |
CBasicValidationNtupleTool | This validation tool writes basic information about Trk::Track into an ntuple; it is also the steering tool for all Trk::IValidationNtupleHelperTool |
CBatchedMinbiasSvc | |
CBCIDFilterTool | |
CBcidOffsetCorrection | |
CBCM_Digitization | Top algorithm class for BCM digitization |
CBCM_DigitizationTool | Pileup tool for BCM digitization |
CBCM_GeometryManager | |
CBCM_Module | |
CBCM_ModuleParameters | |
CBCM_Pulse | |
CBCM_RawContByteStreamCnv | |
CBCM_RawContByteStreamTool | |
CBCM_RawData | |
CBCM_RawData_p0 | |
CBCM_RawDataCnv_p0 | |
CBCM_RawDataProvider | |
CBCM_RawDataProviderTool | |
CBCM_RDO_Collection | |
CBCM_RDO_Collection_p0 | |
CBCM_RDO_CollectionCnv_p0 | |
CBCM_RDO_Container | |
CBCM_RDO_Container_p0 | |
CBCM_RDO_ContainerCnv | |
CBCM_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0 | |
CBCM_RDOAnalysis | |
CBCM_RodDecoder | |
CBCM_RodEncoder | |
CBCM_Wall | |
CBCM_ZeroSuppression | |
CBCMBuilder | Beam Condition Monitor Builder |
CBcmCollisionTime | Holds information about bkg and collisions timing and multiplicity from BCM stations |
CBcmCollisionTimeAlg | |
CBCMExtra | |
CBCMOverlay | |
CBCMPrimeDetectorManager | |
CBCMPrimeDetectorTool | |
CBCMSensorSD | |
CBCMSensorSDTool | |
CBDTVariable | |
CBDTVertexWeightCalculator | A tool to select the primary vertex associated to the hard-scatter using a BDT |
CBeamBackgroundData | Class holding the results of the Beam Background Identification Method |
►CBeamBackgroundFiller | Implementation of the Beam Background Identification Method |
CCache | |
CBeamHaloGenerator | An abstract base class to provide generic beam halo generator functionality |
CBeamHaloGeneratorAlg | A GenModule algorithm to produce beam halo HepMC records from input ASCII files produced with MARS or FLUKA beam background simulations |
CBeamHaloGeneratorLimits | |
CBeamHaloGeneratorSettings | A class to read a vector of strings defining particle filtering settings and provide a method for filtering particles based on type and kinematics |
CBeamHaloParticle | A class to describe a generic beam halo particle |
CBeamHaloParticleBuffer | |
►CBeamPipeDetectorFactory | |
CEnvelopeEntry | |
CEnvelopeShapes | |
CBeamPipeDetectorFactory_Lite | |
CBeamPipeDetectorManager | |
CBeamPipeDetectorTool | |
CBeamSpotCondAlg | |
CBeamSpotPdf | |
CBeamSpotStatusCode | |
►CBestMatcher | |
Cmatched_ | Internal class to store the matching paramter for a pair, and in the indices of the pair |
CBFieldCache | BFieldCache.h |
CBFieldCacheZR | |
CBFieldCond | |
CBFieldMesh | |
CBFieldMeshZR | |
CBFieldPoint | |
CBFieldSolenoid | |
CBFieldVector | |
CBFieldVectorZR | |
CBFieldZone | |
CBichselData | |
Cbin | |
Cbin2 | |
Cbin3 | |
CBinConfig | |
CBinnedInterval | |
CBinnedLayerMaterialCnv_p1 | |
CBinnedrtRelation | |
CBinUtilityCnv_p1 | |
CBipolarFit | |
CBIS78_triggerSimulation | |
CBitField | |
CBitOp | Utility class for integer bit operations |
CBJetCorrectionTool | |
►CBJetThreeValueCheck | |
CAccessors | |
►CBJetTwoValueCheck | |
CAccessors | |
CBkgStreamsCache | In-memory cache for pileup events |
CBLinePar | |
CBLM_GeometryManager | |
CBLM_Module | Beam Loss Monitor module builder |
CBLM_ModuleParameters | |
CBLM_Wall | |
CBLMBuilder | Beam Loss Monitor Builder |
CBLMSensorSD | |
CBLMSensorSDTool | |
CBlob2ToolConstants | |
CBoardVariations | |
CBoardVariationsDiff | |
CBoardVariationsOldT0 | |
CBoardVariationsRes | |
CBoardVariationsTRes | |
CBoardVariationsTRes1 | |
CBoltHandler | |
CBookkeeperDumper | |
CBookkeeperDumperTool | |
CBookkeeperTool | |
CBooleanProcessor | |
CBoostedHadTopAndTopPair | Filter events based on presence of charged leptons |
CBoostedJetTaggerTool | |
CBoostedXbbTagTool | |
CBoostEvent | |
CBoundConeSurfaceCnv_p2 | |
CBoundCylinderSurfaceCnv_p2 | |
CBoundDiscSurfaceCnv_p2 | |
CBoundPlaneSurfaceCnv_p2 | |
CBoundSaggedLineSurfaceCnv_p2 | |
CBoundStraightLineSurfaceCnv_p2 | |
CBoundSurfaceCnv_p1 | |
CBoundSurfaceCnv_p1< SURFACE, ITPConverterFor< Trk::SurfaceBounds > > | |
CBoundSurfaceCnv_p2 | |
CBoundSurfaceCnv_p2< SURFACE, ITPConverterFor< Trk::SurfaceBounds > > | |
CBoxEnvelope | |
CboxHandler | |
CBPhysBlindingToll | |
CBr | |
CBranchDesc | Definiton of a branch descriptor from RootTreeContainer |
CBSFilePeeker | |
CBSignalFilter | |
CBsJpsiPhiAngles | |
CbsTree | |
CBTagging | Class for xAOD b-tagging information |
►CBTaggingEfficiencyJsonTool | |
CsysData | |
►CBTaggingEfficiencyTool | |
CSystInfo | |
CBTaggingEigenVectorRecompositionTool | |
►CBTaggingSelectionJsonTool | |
CFractionAccessor | |
►CBTaggingSelectionTool | |
Ctaggerproperties | |
CBTaggingToolUtil | |
►CBTaggingTruthTaggingTool | |
CjetVariable | |
CTagBin | Create a proper constructor for Athena |
CTRFinfo | |
CBTagJetAugmenter | |
CBTagSignedIP | |
CBTagToJetLinkerAlg | |
CBTagToolTester | |
CBTagTrackIpAccessor | |
CBTagVertex | Class for xAOD secondary vertex finding information (main client: JetFitter) that is too much overhead for the xAOD::Vertex |
CBTagVertexAugmenter | |
CBuffer | |
CBuildCaloRingsFctorWithCluster< container_t > | Template for CaloRings builder functor |
CBuildNSWReadoutGeometry | |
CBuildVertexPointingAlg | An algorithm to build a vertex from photon pointing |
CBunchCrossingAverageCondAlg | Conditions algorithm to unpack fill parameters from COOL |
CBunchCrossingAverageCondData | |
CBunchCrossingAverageCondTest | |
CBunchCrossingCondAlg | Conditions algorithm to unpack fill parameters from COOL |
►CBunchCrossingCondData | |
CbunchTrain_t | |
CBunchCrossingCondTest | |
CBunchCrossingIntensityCondAlg | Conditions algorithm to unpack fill parameters from COOL |
CBunchCrossingIntensityCondData | |
CBunchCrossingIntensityCondTest | |
CBunchDataUtil | Utility class to to decode data from FILLPARAMS COOL folder
CBunchDescription | Utility class to to decode data from FILLPARAMS COOL folder
CBunchGroupCondAlg | Conditions algorithm to unpack bunch group data from COOL |
CBunchGroupCondData | Holds data on filled bunches |
CBunchGroupUtil | Utility class to to decode data from FILLPARAMS COOL folder |
CBunchLumisCondAlg | Conditions algorithm to unpack raw luminosity data from COOL |
CBunchLumisCondData | Holds raw luminosity data, per channel |
CBunchLumisUtil | Utility class to to decode data from FILLPARAMS COOL folder
CByteStream | Transient data object, holding BS content of the event |
CByteStreamAddress | IOpaqueAddress for ByteStreamCnvSvc, with ROB ids |
CByteStreamAddressProviderSvc | A concrete IAddressProvider |
►CByteStreamCnvSvc | Gaudi Conversion Service class for ByteStream Persistency |
CSlotData | Slot-specific state |
CByteStreamCnvSvcBase | The base class for offline and HLT ByteStream conversion services |
CByteStreamDataWriter | This class defines abstract interface for data writing |
CByteStreamDataWriterV5 | Implementation of ByteStreamDataWriter for version 5 (run1) of EventStorage |
CByteStreamEmonInputSvc | Implements the interface IByteStreamInputSvc for reading events from emon |
►CByteStreamEventStorageInputSvc | This class is the ByteStreamInputSvc for reading events written by EventStorage |
CEventCache | |
►CByteStreamEventStorageOutputSvc | This class provides the services for writing FullEventFragment into file. This class implements the interface IByteStreamOutputSvc for the conversion service to write the output to a file |
CEventCache | |
CByteStreamMergeOutputSvc | This class provides the services for merging FullEventFragment with existing bytestream input. Mostly meant for adding new L2+EF results |
CByteStreamMetadata | This class is the StoreGate data object for bytestream metadata |
CByteStreamMetadata_p1 | This class is the persistent representation of ByteStreamMetadata |
CByteStreamMetadataCnv_p1 | This class provides the converter to customize the saving of ByteStreamMetadata_p1 |
CByteStreamMetadataContainer | This class is the StoreGate data object for bytestream metadata |
CByteStreamMetadataContainer_p1 | |
CByteStreamMetadataContainerCnv_p1 | |
CByteStreamMetadataPTCnv_p1 | |
CByteStreamMetadataTool | This class provides the MetaDataTool for ByteStreamMetadata objects |
CByteStreamOutputStreamCopyTool | This is a tool that implements the IAthenaOutputStreamTool for copying ByteStream from input |
►CByteStreamRDP_OutputSvc | Writing the data to ROBDataProviderSvc for transient BS |
CEventCache | |
Cc_innlodec | |
►CCablingObject | |
CcablingParameters | |
CCalculates | |
Ccaldata | A structure to contain data associated with the calibration of a certain sub-module |
CCalHist | |
►CCalib | |
CfuncDisp | |
CfuncTot | |
CCalibCscStripFitter | |
CCalibData | |
CCalibFrontEndInfo | |
CCalibHitIDCheck | |
CCalibHitToCaloCell | |
CCalibHitToCaloCellTool | |
CCalibHitValidate | Add energy in CaloCalibrationHitContainers |
Ccalibpars | |
CCalibrationIOTool | |
CCalibrationNtupleMakerTool | |
CCalibrator | A structure to contain data associated with the calibration of a certain sub-module |
►CCalibratorRegistry | |
CCalibratorType | |
CCalibSegmentPreparationTool | |
CCallBackID | |
CCallPoint | |
CCaloAddCellPedShift | |
CCaloAffectedRegionInfo | |
CCaloAffectedTool | Tool to check if object is in an affected region |
CCaloAlignCondAlg | Condition Algorithm for making CaloDetDescrManager condition object |
CCaloBadCellHelper | |
CCaloBadChannel | |
CCaloBadChanTool | |
CCaloBaselineMonAlg | |
CCaloBCIDAverage | |
CCaloBCIDAvgAlg | |
CCaloBCIDCoeffs | Luminosity-dependent pileup offset correction conditions object |
CCaloBCIDCoeffsCondAlg | Conditions algorithm to create CaloBCIDCoeffs |
CCaloBCIDLumi | Luminosity-dependent pileup offset correction conditions object |
CCaloBCIDLumiCondAlg | Conditions algorithm to create CaloBCIDLumi |
CCaloCalibClusterDecoratorAlgorithm | This algorithm decorates xAOD::CaloCluster with calibration hit truth information |
►CCaloCalibClusterMomentsMaker2 | Calculate calibration hit based moments for CaloCluster objects using Primary Particle ID |
CCalibHitIPhiIEtaRange | Class to define range of valid bins in eta x phi plane |
CMyCellInfo | Class to store cluster number and weight for calorimeter cells |
►CMyClusInfo | Class to store cluster's calibration energies |
CClusCalibEnergy | |
CCaloCalibClusterTruthAttributerTool | Concrete tool that calculates calibration hit truth energies in xAOD::CaloCluster |
CCaloCalibClusterTruthMapMakerAlgorithm | This algorithm creates several maps used for fast access to information in the calculations related to calibration hit truth energy |
CCaloCalibrationHit | Class to store calorimeter calibration hit |
CCaloCalibrationHit_p1 | Persistent CaloCalibrationHit class, version p1 |
CCaloCalibrationHit_p2 | Persistent CaloCalibrationHit class, version p2 |
CCaloCalibrationHitCnv_p1 | |
CCaloCalibrationHitCnv_p2 | |
CCaloCalibrationHitContainer | |
CCaloCalibrationHitContainer_p1 | |
CCaloCalibrationHitContainer_p2 | Persistent represenation of a CaloCalibrationContainer, |
CCaloCalibrationHitContainer_p3 | Persistent represenation of a CaloCalibrationContainer, |
CCaloCalibrationHitContainer_p4 | Persistent represenation of a CaloCalibrationContainer, |
CCaloCalibrationHitContainerCnv | |
CCaloCalibrationHitContainerCnv_p2 | |
CCaloCalibrationHitContainerCnv_p3 | |
CCaloCalibrationHitContainerCnv_p4 | |
CCaloCalibrationHitsTestTool | |
CCaloCell | Data object for each calorimeter readout cell |
CCaloCell2ClusterMap | Map of CaloCluster objects each CaloCell belongs to |
CCaloCell2ClusterMapper | Create a map of CaloCluster objects each CaloCell belongs to |
CCaloCell_Base_ID | Helper base class for offline cell identifiers |
CCaloCell_ID | Helper class for offline cell identifiers |
CCaloCell_SimpleDetectorInfo | |
CCaloCell_SuperCell_ID | Helper class for offline supercell identifiers |
►CCaloCellCalcEnergyCorr | |
CHVData | |
CCaloCellClusterWeights | Hash lookup of calibration weights for calorimeter cells |
►CCaloCellContainer | Container class for CaloCell |
CorderWithCaloHash | Functor to order cells according to caloHash |
CCaloCellContainerAliasAlg | Add an alias to a cell container |
CCaloCellContainerCheckerTool | |
CCaloCellContainerCnv_p1 | |
CCaloCellContainerCorrectorTool | |
CCaloCellContainerFCSFinalizerTool | |
CCaloCellContainerFinalizerTool | |
CCaloCellContainerSD | |
CCaloCellContainerSDTool | |
CCaloCellContainerVector | Container class for CaloCell |
CCaloCellContCopyTool | Concrete tool for coping an entire CaloCellContainer |
CCaloCellCorrection | |
CCaloCellDetPos | |
CCaloCellDumper | |
CCaloCellEnergyCorr2Ntuple | |
CCaloCellEnergyRescaler | CaloCellMakerTool to re-scale cell energies |
CCaloCellFastCopyTool | Concrete tool for coping Calo cells |
CCaloCellFilterAlg | Algorithm to filter CaloCellContainer |
CCaloCellGroup | |
CCaloCellGroup2Ntuple | |
CCaloCellGroupList | |
CCaloCellIDFcn | A functional to get the ID from a CaloCell pointer |
CCaloCellLink | Simple store for CaloCell links. This object is fully navigable |
CCaloCellLinkContainer | Container class for CaloCellLink |
CCaloCellLinkContainer_p1 | |
CCaloCellLinkContainer_p2 | |
CCaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p1 | |
CCaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2 | T/P conversions for CaloCellLinkContainerCnv_p2 |
CCaloCellList | |
CCaloCellMaker | |
CCaloCellNeighborsAverageCorr | |
►CCaloCellNoiseAlg | |
CCellInfo | |
CTreeData | |
►CCaloCellPacker_400_500 | Calo cell packer/unpacker v400/500 |
Cheader400 | Packing parameters header (v400) |
Cheader500 | Packing parameters header (v500) |
Cheader501 | Packing parameters header (v501) |
Cpars500 | Derived packing parmeters |
CCaloCellPedCorrCondAlg | |
CCaloCellPedestalCorr | |
CCaloCellPedShift | |
CCaloCellPosition2Ntuple | |
CCaloCellPrefetchIterator | |
CCaloCellRandomizer | |
CCaloCellRescaler | |
CCaloCellsCounterCPU | Outputs counts of cells, both by type and cluster presence, with each cluster being identified by its cell with the largest signal-to-noise ratio |
CCaloCellsCounterGPU | Outputs counts of cells, both by type and cluster presence, with each cluster being identified by its cell with the largest signal-to-noise ratio |
CCaloCellsHandlerTool | |
CCaloCellTimeCorrTool | Tool to shift cell time values |
CCaloCellVolume | |
CCaloCellVolume_Compare | |
CCaloCellVolumes | |
CCaloClassIteratorValueType | |
►CCaloCluster | Principal data class for CaloCell clusters |
CMomentStoreIter | Internal cell iterator |
CCaloCluster_OnTrackBuilder | |
CCaloClusterBadChannelData | |
CCaloClusterBadChannelList | |
►CCaloClusterCellLink | Bookkeeping of cells that make up a cluster Simplified replacement for CaloCellLink, CaloClusterNavigable and Navigable classes used during run 1 |
Cconst_iterator | Const_iterator to loop over cells belonging to a cluster |
Citerator | |
CCaloClusterCellLinkContainer | Container class for CaloCellLink |
CCaloClusterCellLinkContainer_p1 | |
CCaloClusterCellLinkContainerCnv_p1 | T/P conversions for CaloClusterCellLinkContainerCnv_p1 |
CCaloClusterCellWeightCalib | |
CCaloClusterChangeSignalState | Helper to temporarily change the signal state of a cluster |
CCaloClusterChangeSignalStateList | Helper to temporarily change the signal state of many clusters |
CCaloClusterCollectionProcessor | |
►CCaloClusterCollectionSettingsButton | |
CImp | |
CCaloClusterCompare | Descending order by energy |
CCaloClusterConstituentsOrigin | |
CCaloClusterContainer | Storable container for CaloCluster |
►CCaloClusterContainer_p1 | |
CCaloCluster_p | |
►CCaloClusterContainer_p2 | |
CCaloCluster_p | |
►CCaloClusterContainer_p3 | |
CCaloCluster_p | |
►CCaloClusterContainer_p4 | |
CCaloCluster_p | |
►CCaloClusterContainer_p5 | |
CCaloCluster_p | |
►CCaloClusterContainer_p6 | |
CCaloCluster_p | |
►CCaloClusterContainer_p7 | |
CCaloCluster_p | |
CCaloClusterContainerCnv_p1 | |
CCaloClusterContainerCnv_p2 | |
CCaloClusterContainerCnv_p3 | |
CCaloClusterContainerCnv_p4 | |
CCaloClusterContainerCnv_p5 | |
CCaloClusterContainerCnv_p6 | |
CCaloClusterContainerCnv_p7 | |
CCaloClusterCopier | |
CCaloClusterCorrDBWriter | |
CCaloClusterCorrDumper | |
CCaloClusterCorrection | |
►CCaloClusterCorrectionCommon | Code common to cluster corrections |
CTableBuilder | Helper, used to calculate the values of the energy interpolation table |
CCaloClusterDeleter | Deletes clusters from the CPU collection. Used for testing and debugging purposes.. |
CCaloClusterGPUProcessor | Base class for GPU-accelerated cluster processing tools to be called from CaloGPUHybridClusterProcessor |
CCaloClusterKineHelper | |
CCaloClusterLinkTemplate | Template class for CaloClusterLink
CCaloClusterLocalCalib | Cluster correction tool which applies local hadronic calibration w eights to the cells. The weight are provided by ICellWeight tools |
CCaloClusterLogPos | Cluster correction tool to compute the logarithmically weighted centroid |
CCaloClusterMaker | Top algorithm to reconstruct CaloCluster objects from CaloCell objects |
CCaloClusterMoment | Defines enums and data types for different moments of CaloCluster |
►CCaloClusterMomentContainer_p1 | |
CClusterMoment_p | |
CCaloClusterMomentContainer_p2 | |
CCaloClusterMomentContainerCnv_p1 | |
CCaloClusterMomentsMaker | Calculate moments for CaloCluster objects |
CCaloClusterMomentsMaker_DigiHSTruth | |
►CCaloClusterMomentStore | Stores CaloClusterMoment in a keyed map |
CCaloClusterMomentIterator | Internally used iterator |
►CCaloClusterMomentStore_p1 | |
CClusterMoment | |
CCaloClusterMomentStoreCnv_p1 | |
CCaloClusterNavigable | Navigable part of CaloCluster, use CaloCellLink |
CCaloClusterNavTest | |
CCaloClusterProcessor | |
CCaloClusterRemoveBad | |
CCaloClusterRemoveDuplicates | |
CCaloClusterSnapshot | |
CCaloClusterStoreHelper | |
CCaloClusterStoreRawProperties | Stores the current (calibrated) cluster energies and coordinates as raw properties |
►CCaloClusterSysController | |
CImp | |
CCaloClusterUpdate | |
CCaloClusterVariables | Provide calculations of cluster based variables using the clusters associated to the jet seed of the tau candidate |
CCaloClusterVertexFractionMaker | |
CCaloCompactCell | Holds compactified CaloCell information |
►CCaloCompactCellContainer | Container class for CaloCompactCell objects |
Ccompact_input_iterator | Simple iterator-like object for reading from the container |
Ccompact_output_iterator | Simple iterator-like object for writing to the container |
CCaloCompactCellTool | Helper to convert from CaloCellContainer to CaloCompactCellContainer and back |
CCaloCompositeCellBase | Base class for methods and store of cell links |
CCaloCompositeKineBase | Base class for kinematics of composite calo object |
CCaloComputeSWcellWeights | |
CCaloCondBlob2Ntuple | |
CCaloCondBlobBase | This class provides the core BLOB infrastructure |
CCaloCondBlobDat | Generic template class for storing a number of "T"s for each channel/gain |
CCaloCondBlobFlt | Class for storing a number of floats (Flt) and functions on those |
CCaloCondType | Class encoding CaloCondBlob types |
CCaloCondUtils | Static class providing utility functions |
CCaloConstCellContainer | CaloCellContainer that can accept const cell pointers |
CCaloConstCellMaker | Create a CaloConstCellContainer |
CCaloConstIteratorAdaptor | Tranform iterator over pointers to iterator over const pointers |
CCaloCoolIdTool | |
CCaloCPUOutput | Standard tool to output CPU cluster info to the non-standard file format that we have been using for plotting and validation purposes |
CCaloD3PDClass | |
CCaloDepthTool | Implementation of the ICaloDepthTool interface.Given a Track direction, checks if it is in the Calorimeter acceptance and provides various radii to be compared/used in the extrapolation |
CCaloDetDescrDict | These headers should not (from pure C++ pov) be necessary, but are needed for building the ROOT dictionary |
CCaloDetDescrElement | This class groups all DetDescr information related to a CaloCell. Provides a generic interface for all calo cells. Subsystem specific information is included in daughter clases defined CaloDetectorElements.h |
CCaloDetDescrElement_Gpu | |
CCaloDetDescrElementContainer | |
CCaloDetDescriptor | This is a base class for LAr and Tile Descriptors The primary goal is to speed up loops over all the calo cells and reduce the size of the CaloDetDescrElements by caching information they have in common |
CCaloDetDescrManager | This class provides the client interface for accessing the detector description information common to LAr and Tile. It is used in the Calorimeter reconstruction (from CaloCell building down to combined reconstruction) |
CCaloDetDescrManager_Base | |
CCaloDivision | |
►CCaloDM_ID | Helper class for Calo Dead Material offline identifiers |
CHashCalc | Small class holding the starting hash value, the min eta and the number of phi bins of each region |
CCaloDmDescrArea | This object is used to compute calibration energy deposits in the dead material |
CCaloDmDescrElement | |
CCaloDmDescrManager | |
CCaloDmRegion | |
CCaloDummyCorrection | |
CCaloElementPositionShift | Dx,dy,dz displacement of the calorimeter cell caused by sagging |
►CCaloEMFrac | Hold binned EM fraction data |
CEMFracData | Per-bin data |
CCaloEnergy | Class extending the basic Trk::EnergyLoss to describe the measured or parameterised muon energy loss in the ATLAS calorimeters |
CCaloEnergy_p1 | |
CCaloEnergy_p2 | |
CCaloEnergyCluster | Implementation of navigation and kinematics for CaloCluster and CaloTower |
CCaloEnergyCnv_p1 | |
CCaloEnergyCnv_p2 | |
CCaloEnergyCnv_p2_register_streamer | |
CCaloEstimatedGainTool | |
CCaloExtensionBuilderAlg | |
CCaloFillCellPositionShift | |
CCaloFillRectangularCluster | |
CCaloGeometry | |
CCaloGeometryFromCaloDDM | |
CCaloGeometryFromFile | |
CCaloGeometryLookup | |
CCaloGlobalRoIBuilder | |
►CCaloGPUClusterAndCellDataMonitor | Places (matched) cluster and cell properties in monitored variables to enable plotting with the Athena THistSvc instead of the custom solution that was being used previously. Its histograms can be configured as in a MonitoringTool |
Cpair_to_plot | |
Cper_tool_storage | |
Csample_comparisons_holder | |
CCaloGPUCUDAInitialization | Base class to provide some basic common infrastructure for initializing CUDA only at the right place to work fine with multiprocessing.. |
►CCaloGPUHybridClusterProcessor | Algorithm to reconstruct CaloCluster objects with GPU acceleration, providing interoperability for calling standard CPU algorithms before and after the GPU processing part |
Csimple_GPU_pointer_holder | A simple RAII wrapper to ensure proper allocation and deallocation of GPU memory in a void * for the temporaries |
CCaloGPUOutput | Standard tool to output the GPU data representation to the non-standard file format that we have been using for plotting and validation purposes |
CCaloGPUTimed | Base class to provide some basic common infrastructure for timing measurements.. |
►CCaloHadDMCoeff | |
CHadDMArea | |
►CCaloHadDMCoeff2 | Dead material correction coefficients |
CHadDMArea | |
CHadDMDimension | |
CCaloHadDMCoeffCheck | Runs toy reconstruction to validate dead material constants |
CCaloHadDMCoeffData | Data to read from special DeadMaterialTree |
►CCaloHadDMCoeffFit | To fill and fit TProfile histograms using special dead material tree |
CFitData | |
CPrepData | |
CCaloHadDMCoeffHelper | Helper class to read dead material correction coeffitients from ASCII file |
►CCaloHadDMCoeffMinim | |
CMinimPar | |
CMinimSample | |
CCaloHadDMCoefMinim | Runs minimisation to get correction coefficients (i.e. new sampling weights) for the energy deposited in dead material in front of FCAL |
►CCaloHadWeight | |
CHadData | |
CCaloHelpersTest | Helper to initialize ID helpers for unit tests |
CCaloHitAnalysis | |
CCaloID_Exception | Exception class for Calo Identifiers |
►CCaloIDHelper | Base class to factor out code common among Calo ID helpers |
CHashGroup | Manage a list of identifiers |
CCaloIdManager | This class initializes the Calo (LAr and Tile) offline identifiers |
CCaloIdMgrDetDescrCnv | This class is a converter for the CaloIdManager which is stored in the detector store |
►CCaloLayerCalculator | |
CHelper | Helper class for layer variable calculation |
CCaloLCClassificationTool | Classify clusters according to their probability to stem from an em object |
CCaloLCCoeffHelper | |
►CCaloLCDeadMaterialTool | Dead material correction tool for local hadronic calibration |
CArea | |
CCell | |
CCaloLCOutOfClusterTool | Calculates out-of-cluster corrections based on cluster quantities |
CCaloLCWeightTool | Calculates hadronic cell weights based on cluster and cell quantities |
►CCaloLocalHadCoeff | Hold binned correction data for local hadronic calibration procedure |
CLocalHadArea | Definition of correction area |
CLocalHadDimension | Class defines binning for user dimension |
CCaloLocalHadCoeffHelper | |
CCaloLocalHadDefs | |
CCaloLongWeights_v2 | |
►CCaloLVL1_ID | Helper class for offline TT identifiers |
CHashCalc | Small class holding the starting hash value, the min eta and the number of phi bins of each region |
CCaloMomentsDumper | Outputs cluster moments (and other assorted properties) to text files |
CCaloMonAlgBase | |
CCaloMuonLikelihoodTool | |
CCaloMuonScoreTool | |
CCaloMuonTag | |
CCaloNeighbourRegion | |
CCaloNeighbours | |
CCaloNoise | |
CCaloNoise2Ntuple | |
CCaloNoiseCondAlg | |
CCaloNoiseHashRanges | Helper to calculate hash offsets in each COOL channel |
CCaloNoiseSigmaDiffCondAlg | NAME : CaloNoiseSigmaDiffCondAlg.h PACKAGE : Calorimeter/CaloRec |
CCaloPhiParabola | |
CCaloPhiRange | This class defines the phi convention for Calorimeters |
CCaloProtoCluster | |
CCaloReadLCClassificationFile | |
CCaloReadLCJetEnergyScaleFile | |
CCaloReadLCOutOfClusterFile | |
CCaloReadLCWeightsFile | |
CCaloRecoStatus | Reconstruction status indicator |
CCaloRescaleNoise | |
CCalorimeter | |
CCaloRings | |
CCaloRings_p1 | |
CCaloRingsCnv_p1 | |
CCaloRingsContainer | |
CCaloRingsContainer_p1 | |
CCaloRingsContainerCnv | |
CCaloSampling | Calorimeter Sampling enum |
►CCaloSamplingData | Simple data object to store all variables in calorimeter samplings |
CIsValidData | Functor to check if data is valid (non-zero) |
CCaloSamplingData_p1 | |
CCaloSamplingDataCnv_p1 | |
CCaloSamplingDataContainer_p1 | |
►CCaloSamplingDataContainerCnv_p1 | |
CState | |
CCaloSamplingHelper | Algorithmic methods of the legacy CaloSampling.h class used by the legacy CaloCluster object |
CCaloScaleCluster | EM calorimeter containment correction |
CCaloShower | Data class for cluster variables associated with a CaloCluster |
CCaloShowerContainer | Container class for CaloShower |
►CCaloShowerContainer_p1 | |
CCaloShower | |
CCaloShowerContainer_p2 | |
CCaloShowerContainerCnv_p1 | |
CCaloShowerContainerCnv_p2 | |
CCaloSubdetNames | This class contains the ENUM needed to label the calorimeter pieces which be mooved independently, including the Cryostats, and mapping with the corresponding identifiers and strings when possible |
CCaloSuperCellAlignCondAlg | Condition Algorithm for making CaloSuperCellDetDescrManager condition object |
CCaloSuperCellDetDescrManager | |
CCaloSuperCellDetectorElement | Element to represent a SuperCell |
►CCaloSuperCellIDTool | |
CIDMapElt | Mapping table entry |
CCaloSurfaceBuilder | This class creates the Surfaces needed to perform track extrapolation |
CCaloSwApplyWgts_g3 | |
CCaloSwCalibHitsCalibration | |
CCaloSwClcon_g3 | |
CCaloSwClcon_v2 | EM calorimeter containment correction |
CCaloSwDeadOTX_back | |
CCaloSwDeadOTX_ps | |
CCaloSwECcrack_g3 | |
CCaloSwEta1b_g3 | |
CCaloSwEta1e_g3 | |
CCaloSwEta2b_g3 | |
CCaloSwEta2e_g3 | |
CCaloSwEtamod_g3 | |
►CCaloSwEtamod_v2 | EM calorimeter \(\eta\) modulation corrections |
CBuilder | Helper class for calculating the energy interpolation table |
CCaloSwEtaoff_v2 | EM calorimeter eta offset (S-shape) corrections |
►CCaloSwEtaoff_v3 | EM calorimeter eta offset (S-shape) corrections, version 3 |
CBuilder | Helper class for calculating the energy interpolation table |
CCaloSwGap_g3 | |
CCaloSwGap_v2 | EM calorimeter gap corrections |
CCaloSwGap_v3 | EM calorimeter gap corrections |
CCaloSwLongWeights | |
CCaloSwPhimod_g3 | |
►CCaloSwPhimod_v2 | EM calorimeter \(\phi\) modulation corrections |
CBuilder | Helper class for calculating the energy interpolation table |
►CCaloSwPhioff_v2 | EM calorimeter \(\phi\) offset corrections |
CBuilder | Helper class for calculating the energy interpolation table |
CCaloSwTime | |
CCaloSwTransitionRegionsCorr | |
CCaloTester | Helpers for creating calorimeter objects for unit tests |
CCaloThinCellsByClusterAlg | Thin calorimeter cells not associated with clusters |
CCaloThinCellsBySamplingAlg | Thin calorimeter cells by sampling |
CCaloThinCellsInAODAlg | Thin calorimeter cells, digits and raw channels not associated with clusters linked to an electron, after some cut |
CCaloTimeFilterTool | |
CCaloTopoClusterMaker | Topological cluster maker |
CCaloTopoClusterSplitter | Topological cluster splitter |
CCaloTopoClusterTowerMerger | |
CCaloTopoEMGap | |
CCaloTopoEMlayers | |
CCaloTopoEMLongWeights | |
CCaloTopoEMphimod | |
CCaloTopoEMphioff | |
CCaloTopoEMsshape | |
CCaloTopoSplitterClusterCell | |
CCaloTopoSplitterHashCluster | |
CCaloTopoTmpClusterCell | |
CCaloTopoTmpClusterCellBase | |
CCaloTopoTmpHashCell | |
CCaloTopoTmpHashCluster | |
►CCaloTopoTmpHashClusterBase | |
Citerator | |
CCaloTopoTowerAlg | ============================================================ CaloTopoTowerAlg.cxx, (c) ATLAS Detector software Calorimeter/CaloRec/CaloTopoTowerAlg |
CCaloTopoTowerAlgorithm | |
CCaloTopoTowerBuilderTool | |
CCaloTopoTowerBuilderToolBase | CaloTopoTowerBuilderToolBase is abstract base class for tower builders |
CCaloTopoTowerContainer | Storable container class for CaloTower |
CCaloTopoTowerContainer_p1 | |
CCaloTopoTowerContainerCnv | POOL Converter for CaloTopoTowerContainer |
CCaloTopoTowerContainerCnv_p1 | |
CCaloTopoTowerFromClusterCalibrator | A cluster builder tool to calibrate topo-clusters formed from (EM) calorimeter towers to the LCW scale |
CCaloTopoTowerFromClusterMaker | A cluster builder tool forming topo-clusters representing calorimeter tower signals on a regular grid in \( (\eta,\phi) \) space. By default, EM-scale topo-towers are created from cells in topo-clusters |
CCaloTopoTowerMaker | Top algorithm to reconstruct xAOD::CaloCluster objects representing topo-towers from CaloClusters |
CCaloTower | Data class for calorimeter cell towers |
CCaloTowerAlgorithm | |
CCaloTowerBuilderTool | |
CCaloTowerBuilderToolBase | |
CCaloTowerCollectionProcessor | |
►CCaloTowerContainer | Storable container class for CaloTower |
Citerator | Iterator class for which the reference type is not an lvalue |
CCaloTowerContainer_p1 | |
CCaloTowerContainerCnv | POOL Converter for CaloTowerContainer |
CCaloTowerContainerCnv_p1 | |
CCaloTowerGeometry | Tower geometry store and description provider |
CCaloTowerGeometryCondAlg | |
►CCaloTowerSeg | Data object stores CaloTower segmentation |
CSubSeg | A rectangular window within the segmentation |
CSubSegIterator | Iterator over a rectangular window of towers |
CCaloTowerSeg_p1 | |
CCaloTowerSegCnv_p1 | |
►CCaloTowerStore | |
Ccell_iterator | |
CEntry | |
CTower | |
Ctower_iterator | |
CCaloTowerStoreTestAlg | |
►CCaloTowerxAODAlgoBase | |
CcellToTower_t | |
CCaloTowerxAODFromCells | |
CCaloTowerxAODFromClusters | |
CCaloTrackingGeometryBuilderCond | |
CCaloTriggerTowerService | Tool providing the mapping of the online and offline TriggerTower identifiers as well as the TT-cells mapping |
CCaloTTDescriptor | This class holds the Calorimeter TriggerTower geometrical description
CCaloTTDescrManager | This class is used to build the CaloTTDescriptors and CaloTTDetDescrRegions carrying the geometry information of the Calorimeter Trigger Towers |
CCaloTTDescrRegion | This class provides an interface to the geometrical description of the Calorimeter Trigger Towers |
CCaloTTMgrDetDescrCnv | This class is a converter for the CaloTTDescrManager which is stored in the detector store |
►CCaloTTOnAttrId_P | This is a database object holding the TT online-attribute map |
CCaloTTOnAttrId_P_t | Structure of the map |
CCaloTTOnAttrId_t | Structure definition of the LArTTOnAttrIdMap |
CCaloTTOnAttrIdMap | |
CCaloTTOnAttrIdMapCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of MyClass |
►CCaloTTOnOffId_P | This is a database object holding the TT online-offline map |
CCaloTTOnOffId_P_t | Structure of the map |
CCaloTTOnOffId_t | Structure definition of the LArTTOnOffIdMap |
CCaloTTOnOffIdMap | This is a StoreGate object holding the TT offline-online map |
CCaloTTOnOffIdMapCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of MyClass |
►CCaloTTPpmRxId_P | This is a database object holding the TT PPM to RX channels map |
CCaloTTPpmRxId_P_t | Structure of the map |
CCaloTTPpmRxId_t | Structure definition of the CaloTTPpmRxIdMap |
CCaloTTPpmRxIdMap | This is a StoreGate object holding the TT PPM to RX channels map |
CCaloTTPpmRxIdMapCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of MyClass |
CCaloVariableType | Definition of Calorimeter Variable types in CaloCluster |
►CCaloVertexedCell | Evaluate cell kinematics with a different vertex |
CcompE | Helper to compare two of these objects by energy |
CCaloWeightInterpolator | Calculates an interpolated weight in n dimensions |
CCavernInfraDetectorFactory | |
CCavernInfraDetectorManager | |
CCavernInfraDetectorTool | |
►CCBNode | |
CnodeOrder | |
CCBNT_BeamInstrumentation | |
CCBNT_CaloH6 | |
CCBNT_TBRecBase | |
CCBNT_Timing | |
CCBNT_UpstreamMat | |
CCBNTAA_BeamInstrumentation | |
CCBNTAA_TBTPValidation | |
CCBTree | |
CCCallbackHolder | |
CCdfApproximator | |
CCell_E | |
Ccellbin | |
CCellFinder | |
CCellInfo | |
CCenterOfMassShapesTool | |
CCentralScrutinizer | |
CChain0_Args | |
CChainDetail | Structure to encompass the data stored in a prescales XML generated by the RuleBook |
CChainString | |
CchamberPositionerHandler | |
CChamberT0sCnv | |
CChamberT0sCnv_p1 | |
CChanCalibErrorCode | ChanCalibErrorCode class for L1Calo error codes Adapted from /LVL1/l1calo/coolL1Calo/coolL1Calo/ChanErrorCode.h |
CChanDeadErrorCode | ChanDeadErrorCode class for L1Calo error codes Adapted from /LVL1/l1calo/coolL1Calo/coolL1Calo/ChanDeadCode.h |
CChanFitErrorCode | ChanFitErrorCode stores information about the calibration fit quality |
CChannelSetDto | |
CCharDbArray | |
CChargedHadronSubtractionTool | |
CChargedTracksFilter | Filter events based on presence of charged tracks |
►CChargedTracksWeightFilter | Filter events based on presence of charged tracks |
►CSpline | |
CPoint | Linear spline representation of a function used to calculate weights |
CChargeFilter | ChargeFilter can filter objects upon their charge |
CCharginosPhysicsTool | |
CCheckCloningFactor | Dump MC event record |
CCheckFlow | |
CCheckFlow_New | |
CCheckFlow_New_Minbias | |
CCheckForFinalPartons | |
CCheckLArFebHeader | |
Cchip_struct | |
Cchip_struct_prob | |
CChipVariations | |
Cclass_DataModelTest | |
CClassCounts | Xx |
CClassID_traits | Default, invalid implementation of ClassID_traits |
CClassID_traits< CaloConstCellContainer > | Specialize ClassID_traits for ConstDataVector so that they will be automatically made const when recorded in StoreGate |
CClassID_traits< ConstDataVector< DV > > | Specialize ClassID_traits for ConstDataVector so that they will be automatically made const when recorded in StoreGate |
CClassID_traits< DataVectorWithAlloc< DV, ALLOC > > | Specialize ClassID_traits for DataVectorWithAlloc so that they will be automatically made const when recorded in StoreGate |
CClassID_traits< ViewVector< DV > > | ClassID_traits specialization for ViewVector |
CClassIDSvc | Service to manage and verify CLID assignments in athena |
CClassName | An interface for getting the name of a class as a string |
CClassName< DataVector< T > > | Specialization of ClassName for DataVector |
CCleanCondition | |
CClearStorePolicy | |
CCLHEPHelpers | |
CCLIDRegistry | Static registry of CLID->typeName entries. NOT for general use. Use ClassIDSvc instead |
CCLIDRegistryImpl | |
CCloseEventEater | |
Cclus_kin | |
CClusterAtEMScaleTool | |
Cclusterbin | |
CClusterCellRelinkAlg | Algorithm that rebuilds clusters using cells from a different container |
CClusterCreator | Algorithm creating xAOD::CaloClusters from CaloClusters |
CClusterDistanceFunctor | The ClusterDistanceFunctor is a templated distance functor used for matching two objects based upon their cluster rather than their eta and phi directly |
CClusterDumper | |
CClusterFilterTool | |
CClusterFinder | |
CClusterMonitorAlgorithm | |
CClusterSplitProbabilityContainerCnv | TP converter for the ClusterSplitProbabiltyContainer |
CClusterValidationPlots | |
CClusWeight | |
CCMAdata | |
►CCMAidentity | |
CdefineParams | |
►CCMAparameters | |
CdefineParams | |
CparseParams | |
CCMApatterns | |
CCMAprogram | |
CCMAreadout | |
CCMAtrigger | |
Ccmdline_parser_params | The additional parameters to pass to parser functions |
CCMMCPHits_p1 | T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CMMCPHits class |
CCMMCPHitsCnv_p1 | T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CMMCPHits class |
CCMMCPHitsCollection_p1 | |
CCMMCPHitsCollection_tlp1 | |
CCMMCPHitsCollectionCnv | |
CCMMCPHitsCollectionCnv_p1 | T/P converter for CMMCPHits and CMMCPHits_p1 |
CCMMCPHitsCollectionCnv_tlp1 | T/P converter for CMMCPHits and CMMCPHits_p1 |
CCMMEtSums_p1 | T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CMMEtSums class |
CCMMEtSumsCnv_p1 | T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CMMEtSums class |
CCMMEtSumsCollection_p1 | |
CCMMEtSumsCollection_tlp1 | |
CCMMEtSumsCollectionCnv | |
CCMMEtSumsCollectionCnv_p1 | T/P converter for CMMEtSums and CMMEtSums_p1 |
CCMMEtSumsCollectionCnv_tlp1 | T/P converter for CMMEtSums and CMMEtSums_p1 |
CCMMJetHits_p1 | T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CMMJetHits class |
CCMMJetHitsCnv_p1 | T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CMMJetHits class |
CCMMJetHitsCollection_p1 | |
CCMMJetHitsCollection_tlp1 | |
CCMMJetHitsCollectionCnv | |
CCMMJetHitsCollectionCnv_p1 | T/P converter for CMMJetHits and CMMJetHits_p1 |
CCMMJetHitsCollectionCnv_tlp1 | T/P converter for CMMJetHits and CMMJetHits_p1 |
CCMMRoI_p1 | T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CMMRoI class |
CCMMRoICnv | |
CCMMRoICnv_p1 | T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CMMRoI class |
CCMReprocessing | |
CCMROCompare | |
CCMXCPHits_p1 | T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CMXCPHits class |
CCMXCPHitsCnv_p1 | T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CMXCPHits class |
CCMXCPHitsCollection_p1 | |
CCMXCPHitsCollection_tlp1 | |
CCMXCPHitsCollectionCnv | |
CCMXCPHitsCollectionCnv_p1 | T/P converter for CMXCPHits and CMXCPHits_p1 |
CCMXCPHitsCollectionCnv_tlp1 | T/P converter for CMXCPHits and CMXCPHits_p1 |
CCMXCPTob_p1 | T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CMXCPTob class |
CCMXCPTobCnv_p1 | T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CMXCPTob class |
CCMXCPTobCollection_p1 | |
CCMXCPTobCollection_tlp1 | |
CCMXCPTobCollectionCnv | |
CCMXCPTobCollectionCnv_p1 | T/P converter for CMXCPTob and CMXCPTob_p1 |
CCMXCPTobCollectionCnv_tlp1 | T/P converter for CMXCPTob and CMXCPTob_p1 |
CCMXEtSums_p1 | T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CMXEtSums class |
CCMXEtSumsCnv_p1 | T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CMXEtSums class |
CCMXEtSumsCollection_p1 | |
CCMXEtSumsCollection_tlp1 | |
CCMXEtSumsCollectionCnv | |
CCMXEtSumsCollectionCnv_p1 | T/P converter for CMXEtSums and CMXEtSums_p1 |
CCMXEtSumsCollectionCnv_tlp1 | T/P converter for CMXEtSums and CMXEtSums_p1 |
CCMXJetHits_p1 | T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CMXJetHits class |
CCMXJetHitsCnv_p1 | T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CMXJetHits class |
CCMXJetHitsCollection_p1 | |
CCMXJetHitsCollection_tlp1 | |
CCMXJetHitsCollectionCnv | |
CCMXJetHitsCollectionCnv_p1 | T/P converter for CMXJetHits and CMXJetHits_p1 |
CCMXJetHitsCollectionCnv_tlp1 | T/P converter for CMXJetHits and CMXJetHits_p1 |
CCMXJetTob_p1 | T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CMXJetTob class |
CCMXJetTobCnv_p1 | T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CMXJetTob class |
CCMXJetTobCollection_p1 | |
CCMXJetTobCollection_tlp1 | |
CCMXJetTobCollectionCnv | |
CCMXJetTobCollectionCnv_p1 | T/P converter for CMXJetTob and CMXJetTob_p1 |
CCMXJetTobCollectionCnv_tlp1 | T/P converter for CMXJetTob and CMXJetTob_p1 |
CCMXRoI_p1 | T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CMXRoI class |
CCMXRoICnv | |
CCMXRoICnv_p1 | T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CMXRoI class |
CCnvFactory | Abstract factory to create the converter |
CCollectionByteStreamCnv | Template class for BS converter for Collections |
CCollisionFilterAlg | |
Ccolor | |
Ccolorbin | |
Ccolorcluster | |
CColorCodeConverter | |
CcolorHandler | |
CCombination | |
CCombinationsGen | |
CCombinationsGenerator | |
CCombinationsGenerator | |
CCombinationsGrouper | |
CCombinationsIterator | |
CCombinationsJetStream | |
CCombinatoricsOdometer | Helper class for particle combinatorics of several lists |
CCombinedMuonFeature | |
CCombinedMuonFeature_p1 | |
CCombinedMuonFeature_p2 | |
CCombinedMuonFeature_p3 | |
CCombinedMuonFeature_p4 | |
CCombinedMuonFeature_tlp1 | |
CCombinedMuonFeatureCnv | |
CCombinedMuonFeatureCnv_p1 | |
CCombinedMuonFeatureCnv_p2 | |
CCombinedMuonFeatureCnv_p3 | |
CCombinedMuonFeatureCnv_p4 | |
CCombinedMuonFeatureCnv_tlp1 | |
CCombinedMuonFeatureContainer | |
CCombinedMuonFeatureContainer_p1 | |
CCombinedMuonFeatureContainer_p2 | |
CCombinedMuonFeatureContainer_p3 | |
CCombinedMuonFeatureContainer_p4 | |
CCombinedMuonFeatureContainer_tlp1 | |
CCombinedMuonFeatureContainerCnv | |
CCombinedMuonFeatureContainerCnv_p1 | |
CCombinedMuonFeatureContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CCombinedShapeErrorGetter | Liquid Argon base class for shape information |
CCombo | |
CComboHypo | |
CComboHypoToolBase | Base class for tools which cut on properties of multi-object or multi-leg chains. User should derive from this class and implement the executeAlg function. This will be called once per combination of objects in the event which reach the ComboHypo alg which hosts this tool |
CcomCurvature | |
CCompareCells | |
CCompareSequenceOutput | |
CCompBHist | |
CCompCell | |
CCompetingMuonClustersOnTrackCnv_p1 | |
CCompetingMuonClustersOnTrackCnv_p2 | |
CCompetingPixelClustersOnTrackCnv_p1 | |
CCompetingRIOsOnTrackCnv_p1 | |
CCompetingSCT_ClustersOnTrackCnv_p1 | |
CCompetingTRT_DriftCirclesOnTrackCnv_p1 | |
CcompositeHandler | |
CCompositeParticle | |
CCompositeParticle_p1 | |
CCompositeParticleCnv_p1 | |
CCompositeParticleContainer | |
CCompositeParticleContainer_p1 | |
CCompositeParticleContainerCnv_p1 | |
CcompositionHandler | |
CCompoundCondition | |
CCompoundLayerMaterialCnv_p1 | |
CCompRawChannel | Small class holding a single method to compare two different TileRawChannel
CCompressedLayerMaterialCnv_p1 | |
CCompressor | |
CComputeStaveServices | |
CComTime | |
CComTimeRec | |
CCondAlgX | |
CCondAlgY | |
CCondAlgZ | |
CCondAttrListCollAddress | This class provides the an IOpaqueAddress/GenericAddress which can hold a pointer to an CondAttrListCollection object |
CCondAttrListCollCnv | This class provides the converter for the CondAttrListCollection class |
CCondAttrListCollection | This class is a collection of AttributeLists where each one is associated with a channel number. This allows R/W with COOL of multichannel conditions objects, stored in COOL itself. The collection looks like a vector of pairs of (channel num, AttributeList) where one may iterate over all of them or access each AttrList by channel number as in a map. One also maintains the IOV of each channel allow update of only invalid channels |
►CCondAttrListVec | |
CIndex | |
CCondAttrListVecAddress | This class provides the an IOpaqueAddress/GenericAddress which can hold a pointer to an AthenaAttributeList object |
CCondAttrListVecCnv | This class provides the converter for the AthenaAttributeList class |
CCondCont | Hold mapping of ranges to condition objects |
►CCondContBase | Base class for all conditions containers |
CCategory | Status code category for ContCont |
CCompare | Comparison object needed by ConcurrentRangeMap |
CRangeKey | Range object to store in ConcurrentRangeMap |
CCondContBaseInfo | Traits class to find the base for CondCont |
CCondContMixed | Conditions container for which keys are ranges in both Run+LBN and timestamp |
CCondContMixedBase | Base class for conditions containers for which keys are ranges in both Run+LBN and timestamp |
CCondContMixedBaseInfo | Traits class to find the base for CondContMixed |
CCondContSingleBase | Base class for conditions containers that are either Run+LBN or timestamp |
CCondDataObj | |
CCondDataObjY | |
CCondDataObjZ | |
CCondInputLoader | |
CConditionFilter | |
CCondMultChanCollection | A CondMultChanCollection is a template class which can hold a collection of T* objects which are intended to be written out and then registered in a COOL multichannel folder, or just read back. The T* objects are normally written/read via a conversion service, e.g. via AthenaPOOL, and their references (e.g. tokens) saved as the data payload in COOL |
CCondMultChanCollImpl | A CondMultChanCollImpl defines the non-template part of a CondMultChanCollection. It holds the vectors of: channel numbers IOVs tokens to the DataObject a pointer to the CondAttrListCollection, used to register in COOL |
CCondProxyProvider | This class is the AddressProvider for conditions data |
►CCondSvc | |
CiAlgHasher | |
CConeBoundsCnv_p1 | |
CConeSurfaceCnv_p2 | |
CConfAnalysis | |
CConfig | |
CConfigurationLoader | |
CConfVtxAnalysis | |
CconsHandler | |
CConstantContentBinMaker | |
CConstantFieldSvc | |
CConstDataVector | DataVector adapter that acts like it holds const pointers |
CConstitTimeCutTool | |
CConstituentSubtractorTool | Constituent modifier implementing the Constituent Substraction technique |
CConstMatrixMapWithInvalidDef | |
CConstRangeIterator | |
CConstSampler | |
CConstVectorMapWithInvalidDef | |
CContainer | Storage of the time histories of all the cells |
CContainer2Aux | |
CContainer2Object | |
Ccontainer_hash | |
CContainerAccessor | |
CContainerRefWithDim | |
CContour | |
CConverter | |
CConvertStaveServices | |
CConvProxy | |
CCoolLumiUtilsTestObj | |
CCoolLumiUtilsVector | |
►CCoolQuery | |
CL1CountFolderData | |
CLumiFolderData | |
CCoolTagInfo | |
CCopyBosonTopLabelTruthParticles | |
CCopyCaloCalibrationHitContainer | |
CCopyDetailedTrackTruthCollection | |
CCopyEventStreamInfo | This class provides an algorithm to make the EventStreamInfo object and update it |
CCopyEventWeight | Copy MC truth event weights into the event info store |
CCopyFlavorLabelTruthParticles | |
CCopyJetTruthInfo | |
CCopyMcEventCollection | |
CCopyPileupParticleTruthInfo | |
CCopyPixelClusterContainer | |
CCopyPRD_MultiTruthCollection | |
CCopySCT_ClusterContainer | |
CCopyTrackCollection | |
CCopyTrackRecordCollection | |
CCopyTRT_DriftCircleContainer | |
CCopyTruthJetParticles | |
CCopyTruthParticles | |
CCopyTruthPartons | |
CCoraCoolDatabase | |
CCoraCoolDatabaseSvc | |
CCoraCoolDatabaseSvcFactory | |
CCoraCoolExample | |
CCoraCoolException | |
CCoraCoolFolder | |
CCoraCoolObject | |
►CCoraCoolObjectIter | |
CQueryBuilder | |
CCoraCoolSequence | |
►CCoreDumpSvc | Service to print additional information before a crash |
CsysDumpRec | |
Ccorr_HV_EMBPS | Correction for time dependent HV effect in barrel presampler scale in 2012 |
Ccorr_HV_EMECPS | Correction for wrong HV EMEC presampler correction for 20.7 processed data (2015,2016) |
Ccorr_pileupShift | Correction for pileup induced energy shit as function of mu per layer for 2016 data |
CCorrectPFOTool | |
Ccoscut | |
Ccosevt | |
CCosmicEventParser | |
CCosmicGenerator | Cosmic generator. The output will be stored in the transient event store so it can be passed to the simulation |
CCosmicGun | |
CCosmicTriggerTimeTool | |
CCostData | Caches and propagates event data to be used by monitoring algorithms |
CCosTriggerTimeAlg | |
CCosTrigTime | |
CCostROSData | Caches and propagates event data to be used by monitoring algorithms |
CCounterAlgorithm | Concrete implimentation of Counter to monitor all properties of a given Algorithm instance |
CCounterAlgorithmClass | Concrete implimentation of Counter to monitor all properties of a given Algorithm class. The new event logic is the same as in CounterAlgorithm, only histogram definition differs |
CCounterBase | Forward declare |
CCounterChain | Concrete implimentation of Counter to monitor all properties of a given Chain instance |
CCounterGlobal | Concrete implimentation of Counter to monitor global properties of the event |
CCounterROS | Concrete implimentation of Counter to monitor the data requests for a single Read Out System request and corresponding Read Out Buffer requests |
CCounterSequence | Concrete implimentation of Counter to monitor all properties of a given Sequence instance |
CCounterThread | Concrete implimentation of Counter to monitor all algorithms executing on a single thread |
CCountHepMC | Count the number of events to pass all algorithms/filters |
CCovarianceMatrixCnv_p1 | |
CCPMHits_p1 | T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CPMHits class |
CCPMHitsCnv_p1 | T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CPMHits class |
CCPMHitsCollection_p1 | |
CCPMHitsCollection_tlp1 | |
CCPMHitsCollectionCnv | |
CCPMHitsCollectionCnv_p1 | T/P converter for CPMHits and CPMHits_p1 |
CCPMHitsCollectionCnv_tlp1 | T/P converter for CPMHits and CPMHits_p1 |
►CCpmMonitorAlgorithm | |
CMonitorCmxCpHits | |
CMonitorCmxCpTob | |
CMonitorCpmTT | |
CMonitorTobRoI | |
CMonitorTT | |
CCPMRoI_p1 | T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CPMRoI class |
CCPMRoICnv_p1 | T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CPMRoI class |
CCPMRoICollection_p1 | |
CCPMRoICollection_tlp1 | |
CCPMRoICollectionCnv | |
CCPMRoICollectionCnv_p1 | T/P converter for CPMRoI and CPMRoI_p1 |
CCPMRoICollectionCnv_tlp1 | T/P converter for CPMRoI and CPMRoI_p1 |
CCpmSimMonitorAlgorithm | |
CCPMTobRoI_p1 | T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::CPMTobRoI class |
CCPMTobRoICnv_p1 | T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo CPMTobRoI class |
CCPMTobRoICollection_p1 | |
CCPMTobRoICollection_tlp1 | |
CCPMTobRoICollectionCnv | |
CCPMTobRoICollectionCnv_p1 | T/P converter for CPMTobRoI and CPMTobRoI_p1 |
CCPMTobRoICollectionCnv_tlp1 | T/P converter for CPMTobRoI and CPMTobRoI_p1 |
CCPMTower_p1 | Persistent form of CPMTower using T/P separation |
CCPMTowerCnv_p1 | T/P converter for CPMTower and CPMTower_p1 |
CCPMTowerCollection_p1 | |
CCPMTowerCollection_tlp1 | |
CCPMTowerCollectionCnv | |
CCPMTowerCollectionCnv_p1 | T/P converter for CPMTower and CPMTower_p1 |
CCPMTowerCollectionCnv_tlp1 | T/P converter for CPMTower and CPMTower_p1 |
CCrackDMConstruction | |
CCrateDefs | |
Ccrc8 | |
CCreateLumiBlockCollectionFromFile | |
CCrestBaseResponse | |
CCSAccessCondReadHandleKey | |
CCsc2dSegmentMaker | |
CCsc4dSegmentMaker | |
CCSC_Digitizer | |
CCSC_Hid2RESrcID | |
CCSC_HitsTruthRelink | |
CCSC_IDDetDescrCnv | Converter for CscIdHelper |
CCSC_RDOAnalysis | |
CCSC_RegSelCondAlg | |
CCscAlignmentTool | |
CCscBipolarStripFitter | |
CCSCcablingSvc | |
CCscCalibData | |
CCscCalibDataCollection | |
CCscCalibDataContainer | |
►CCscCalibMonToolBase | The CscCalibMonToolBase class |
CHistCollection | Contains an array with data on a per-channel basis, as well as various histograms that give different views of the data in the array |
CProcSetupInfo | |
CCscCalibMonToolPed | Class for monitoring pedestal calibration results |
CCscCalibMonToolSlope | Class for monitoring CSC relative gain calibration results |
CCscCalibReportBase | |
CCscCalibReportContainer | |
CCscCalibReportPed | |
CCscCalibReportSlope | |
CCscCalibResult | |
CCscCalibResultCollection | |
CCscCalibResultContainer | |
CCscCalibTool | |
CCscClusterOnTrackCnv_p1 | |
CCscClusterOnTrackCnv_p2 | |
CCscClusterUtilTool | |
CCscClusterValMonAlg | |
CCscCondDataCollection | Contains all the information for a single CSC COOL parameter |
CCscCondDataCollectionBase | Base class for CscCondDataCollection. |
CCscCondDataContainer | Contains complete set of all data from cool data base |
CCscCondDbAlg | |
CCscCondDbData | |
CCSCConditionsTestAlgMT | Example class to show calling the SCT_ConditionsSummarySvc |
CCscDigit | |
CCscDigitBuilder | |
CCscDigitCollection | |
CCscDigitContainer | Use IdentifiableContainer with CscDigitCollection |
CCscDigitizationTool | |
CCscDigitToCscRDO | |
CCscDigitToCscRDOTool | |
CCSCHitAnalysis | |
CCscHitIdHelper | |
CCSCHitsTestTool | |
CCscIdHelper | |
CCscILinesCondAlg | |
CCscMcData | |
CCscMcDataCnv_p1 | |
CCscOverlay | |
CCscPeakThresholdClusterBuilderTool | |
CCscPrdValMonAlg | |
CCscPrepDataCnv_p1 | |
CCscPrepDataCnv_p2 | |
CCscPrepDataContainerCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CCscPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CCscRawData | Class to hold the electronic output for a single CSC readout channel: n sampling ADC data + the address (Identifier of strip == use hash id) |
CCscRawData_p0 | |
CCscRawData_p1 | |
CCscRawData_p2 | |
CCscRawData_p3 | |
CCscRawData_p4 | |
CCscRawDataCnv_p1 | |
CCscRawDataCnv_p2 | |
CCscRawDataCnv_p3 | Transient/Persistent converter for CscRawData class |
CCscRawDataCnv_p4 | Transient/Persistent converter for CscRawData class |
CCscRawDataCollection | Collection of CSC Raw Hits, arranged according to CSC Detector Elements Author: Ketevi A |
CCscRawDataCollection_p1 | |
CCscRawDataCollection_p2 | |
CCscRawDataCollection_p3 | Persistent represenation of the Collection of CSC Raw Hits |
CCscRawDataCollection_p4 | Persistent represenation of the Collection of CSC Raw Hits |
CCscRawDataCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CCscRawDataCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CCscRawDataCollectionCnv_p3 | Transient/Persistent converter for the Collection of CSC Raw Hits, |
CCscRawDataCollectionCnv_p4 | Transient/Persistent converter for the Collection of CSC Raw Hits, |
CCscRawDataCollectionIdHash | Hash function for CSC Raw Data Collection |
CCscRawDataContainer | This container provides access to collections of CSC RDOs and a mechanism for recording them |
CCscRawDataContainer_p1 | |
CCscRawDataContainer_p2 | |
CCscRawDataContainer_p3 | |
CCscRawDataContainer_p4 | |
CCscRawDataContainerCnv | |
CCscRawDataContainerCnv_p1 | |
CCscRawDataContainerCnv_p2 | |
CCscRawDataContainerCnv_p3 | Transient/Persistent converter for a container of collections of CSC Raw Hits, |
CCscRawDataContainerCnv_p4 | Transient/Persistent converter for a container of collections of CSC Raw Hits, |
CCscRawDataStreamer_p0 | |
CCscRdoContByteStreamCnv | |
CCscRdoToCscDigit | |
CCscRdoValMonAlg | |
CCscROD_Encoder | This class provides conversion from CSC RDO to ROD format |
CCscRODReadOut | |
CCscRODReadOutV0 | |
CCscRODReadOutV1 | |
CCscSegmentUtilTool | |
CCSCSegmValMonAlg | |
CCSCSensitiveDetector | |
CCSCSensitiveDetectorCosmics | |
CCSCSensitiveDetectorCosmicsTool | |
CCSCSensitiveDetectorTool | |
CCscSimData | |
CCscSimDataCnv_p1 | |
CCscSimDataCnv_p2 | |
CCscSimDataCnv_p3 | |
CCscSimDataCollection | |
CCscSimDataCollectionCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CCscSimDataCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CCscSimDataCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CCscSimDataCollectionCnv_p3 | |
CCscSimDataOverlay | |
CCSCSimHit | |
CCSCSimHitCollectionCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CCSCSimHitCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CCSCSimHitCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CCSCSimHitCollectionCnv_p3 | |
CCSCSimHitCollectionCnv_p4 | |
CCscSplitClusterFitter | |
CCscStripPrepDataCnv_p1 | |
CCscStripPrepDataContainerCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CCscStripPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CCscThresholdClusterBuilder | |
CCscThresholdClusterBuilderTool | |
CCSortCorrsNext | |
CCSVTablesBase | |
CCSVWrapper | |
CcTauRoIsUnpackingTool | |
CcTauRoIThresholdsTool | |
CCTP_Decision | Legacy data class representing the LVL1 CTP trigger decision |
CCTP_Decision_p1 | Persistent representation of CTP_Decision |
CCTP_Decision_p2 | Persistent representation of CTP_Decision |
CCTP_DecisionCnv | POOL converter for CTP_Decision |
CCTP_DecisionCnv_p1 | T/P converter for CTP_Decision and CTP_Decision_p1 |
CCTP_DecisionCnv_p2 | T/P converter for CTP_Decision and CTP_Decision_p2 |
CCTP_Decoder | |
CCTP_RDO_p1 | Persistent representation of CTP_RDO |
CCTP_RDO_p2 | Persistent representation of CTP_RDO |
CCTP_RDOCnv | POOL converter for CTP_RDO |
CCTP_RDOCnv_p1 | T/P converter for CTP_RDO_p1 |
CCTP_RDOCnv_p2 | T/P converter for CTP_RDO_p2 |
CCTPByteStreamCnv | ByteStream converter for the CTP_RDO object |
CCTPByteStreamTool | Tool doing the CTP_RDO <-> ByteStream conversion |
CCTPSrcIdMap | This class provides conversion between Lower level Source ID to higher level source ID for CTP ByteStream fragments |
CCTPUnpackingEmulationTool | |
CCTPUnpackingTool | |
CCTPUnpackingToolBase | Base class for CTP unpacking tools |
CCTTDecorCheckInTool | |
CCudaFitter | |
CCUDAKernelLaunchConfiguration | |
CCurrMap | |
CCurvedCandidateFinder | |
CCurvedLine | |
CCurvedPatRec | |
CCurvilinearParametersCnv_p1 | |
CCustomMonopole | |
CCustomMonopoleFactory | |
CCustomParticle | |
CCustomParticleFactory | |
CCustomPDGParser | |
CcustomRndm | |
CCutAlg | |
CCutBookkeepersLocalCache | Helper in-memory structure |
CCutFlow | |
CCutFlowSvc | This implements the methods for ICutFlowSvc |
CCutList | Templated CutList class to contain a group of cuts |
CCutTool | |
CCyclicSeqSampler | |
CCylinderBoundsCnv_p1 | |
CCylinderIntersections | |
CCylinderLayerMaterial | |
CCylinderSurfaceCnv_p1 | |
CCylinderSurfaceCnv_p2 | |
CCylindricalEnvelope | |
Cdata_mismatch | |
►CDatabaseAccessTool | |
CClockwork | |
CDataBin | |
CDataBucket | Wrapper inheriting from DataObject (via DataBucketBase) that takes ownership of a data object to be put in the DataStore |
CDataBucketBase | A non-templated base class for DataBucket, allows to access the transient object address as a void* |
Cdatabundle | A structure to contain hit data |
CDataFromPad | |
CDataHandle | Iterator over instances of a given type in StoreGateSvc. It d-casts and caches locally the pointed-at object, to speed-up subsequent accesses. It can be reset by the store for asynchronous updates (IOVSvc) |
CDataHandleBase | Iterator over instances of a given type in an IProxyDict (such as StoreGateSvc). It d-casts and caches locally the pointed-at object, to speed-up subsequent accesses. It can be reset by the store for asynchronous updates (IOVSvc) |
CDataHeader | This class provides the layout for summary information stored for data written to POOL |
CDataHeader_p3 | This class provides a persistent representation for the DataHeader class |
CDataHeader_p4 | This class provides a persistent representation for the DataHeader class |
CDataHeader_p5 | This class provides a persistent representation for the DataHeader class |
►CDataHeader_p6 | This class provides a persistent representation for the DataHeader class |
CFullElement | |
►CDataHeaderCnv | This class provides the converter to customize the saving of DataHeader |
CplacementComp | Cache for new DHForms created when writing, indexed by ref or placement |
CDataHeaderCnv_p3 | This class provides the converter to customize the saving of DataHeader_p3 |
CDataHeaderCnv_p4 | This class provides the converter to customize the saving of DataHeader_p4 |
CDataHeaderCnv_p5 | This class provides the converter to customize the saving of DataHeader_p5 |
CDataHeaderCnv_p6 | This class provides the converter to customize the saving of DataHeader_p6 |
CDataHeaderElement | This class provides a persistent form for the TransientAddress |
CDataHeaderElement_p3 | This class provides a persistent representation for the DataHeaderElement class |
CDataHeaderElement_p4 | This class provides a persistent representation for the DataHeaderElement class |
CDataHeaderElement_p5 | This class provides a persistent representation for the DataHeaderElement class |
CDataHeaderElementCnv_p3 | This class provides the converter to customize the saving of DataHeaderElement_p3 |
CDataHeaderElementCnv_p4 | This class provides the converter to customize the saving of DataHeaderElement_p4 |
CDataHeaderElementCnv_p5 | This class provides the converter to customize the saving of DataHeaderElement_p5 |
CDataHeaderForm_p5 | This class provides storage for the constant fields of the persistent DataHeader class |
►CDataHeaderForm_p6 | This class provides storage for the constant fields of the persistent DataHeader class |
CDbRecord | |
CObjRecord | |
CDataLink | Object reference supporting deferred reading from StoreGate |
CDataLink_p1 | Persistent representation of DataLink contains the StoreGate key of the container object to which the link is pointing |
CDataLink_p2 | Persistent representation of DataLink contains the StoreGate key of the container object to which the link is pointing |
CDataLinkBase | Type-independent part of DataLink ; holds the persistent state |
CDataLinkCnv_p1 | |
CDataLinkCnv_p1< DLINK > | Converter template for converters between transient DataLink and its persistent representation. Template argument DLINK is the type of the transient DataLink |
CDataLinkCnv_p2 | |
CDataLinkCnv_p2< DLINK > | Converter template for converters between transient DataLink and its persistent representation. Template argument DLINK is the type of the transient DataLink |
►CDataLinkVector | This class is a a vector of DataLink for objects of type DC It uses an internal chain to keep track of modified entries. A call to cleanup is required after processing an event or prior to process a new event. cleanup will call the clear() method of all the touched DataLink instances. The template expects the DataLink to export the DigitCollection class type (DC) and the DigitCollection identifier type |
CDataHolder | Class DataHolder is a simple class which holds a pointer to an object of type DC |
CEntry | Class Entry is a link in a chained list, used for efficient cleanup of vectors |
Citerator | Class iterator - iterator over elements in DataLinkVector which manages the Entry objects |
CDataLinkVector_p1 | Persistent representation of DataLinkVector |
CDataLinkVector_p2 | Persistent representation of DataLinkVector |
CDataLinkVectorCnv_p1 | |
CDataLinkVectorCnv_p1< DLINKVector_TYPE > | Converter template for converters between transient vectors of DataLinks and their persistent representation DataLinkVector_p1. Template argument DLINKVector_TYPE is the type of the transient DataLink vector |
CDataLinkVectorCnv_p2 | |
CDataLinkVectorCnv_p2< DLINKVector_TYPE > | Converter template for converters between transient vectors of DataLinks and their persistent representation DataLinkVector_p2. Template argument DLINKVector_TYPE is the type of the transient DataLink vector |
CDataModelCompatSvc | Service for DataVector backwards compatibility |
CDataPoint | |
CDataPointInfo | |
►CDataPool | Typed memory pool that saves time spent allocation small object. This is typically used by container such as DataVector and DataList |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
CDataPreparationPipeline | This is the class for the data preparation pipeline |
CDataProxy | DataProxy provides the registry services for StoreGate |
CDataReadErrors | |
Cdataset | |
CDataVector | Derived DataVector<T> |
►CDataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase > | Base specialization for DataVector<T> |
CDeleter | Interface to allow customizing how elements are to be deleted |
CDataVectorBase | Derivation information for DataVector |
►CDataVectorWithAlloc | DataVector using a custom allocator for the elements |
CContainerUniquePtr | Helper for unique_ptr conversions |
CHeapDeleter | Internal helper to delete vector elements |
CPtr | unique_ptr holding an element for this vector |
CUPDeleter | Internal helper to serve as a deleter for our unique_ptr class |
CDataWriterParameters | Class containing parameters needed to initiate DataWriter |
CDbConnection | |
CDBfmt | |
CDbIter< T > | |
CDBline | |
CDBM_Det | Diamond Beam Monitor detector builder |
CDBM_Module | |
CDBM_ModuleCage | The module cage is the structure forming of the three aluminium plates and rods, which support the DBM module |
CDBM_PP0 | |
CDBM_Telescope | Diamond Beam Monitor telescope builder |
CDBPixelGeoManager | |
►CDBReplicaSvc | |
CSvcFactory | |
CDCSTxtToCool | |
CDeadMaterialCorrectionTool | Local cluster correction tool for Dead Material correction in hadronic clusters |
CDeadMaterialShower | |
CDeadMaterialShowerTool | |
CDeadMaterialTool | |
CDebugComboHypoTool | Concrete implimentation of the ComboHypoToolBase used by the ComboHypoTool unit test. This class will report which physics objects were supplied to it, and it will pass any combination supplied where at least one physics object is supplied on each leg whose pT > 45 MeV |
CDebugger | |
CDebugInfoCollector | |
CDebugView | Very simple pass-through implementation of IProxyDict |
CDecayBase | A class that allows for a fast calculation of the flavours of the descendants of a vertex, particle, or a set of particles |
CDecayParser | |
CDecaysFinalStateFilter | |
CDecayTimeFilter | |
CDecisionAlg | Call through interface to FilteredAlgorithm |
CDecisionCollectorTool | |
CDecisionsSummaryMakerAlg | Executes after all chains have finished. Makes decision objects containing decision IDs per passing chain, prescaled chain, and express-prescaled chain. Writes HLTNav_Summary container |
CDecisionSummaryMakerAlg | |
CDecisionSvc | This implementes the methods for IDecisionSvc |
CDecodedPID | Implementation of classification functions according to PDG2022 |
CDecodedPixelData | |
CDecodedPixelHitInfo | |
CDecodedPixelModuleInfo | |
CDecodedSctData | |
CDecodedSctHeaderInfo | |
►CDecoderFloat_IEEE754 | |
CFloatLongIntUnion | |
Cdecodes | |
CDecodeVersionKey | This is a helper class to query the version tags from GeoModelSvc and determine the appropriate tag and node to pass to RDBAccessServer |
CDecoratePhotonPointingAlg | An algorithm to decorate photons (also electrons) with pointing variables |
CDecorateVertexScoreAlg | An algorithm to decorate vertices with a score |
CDecorHandleKeyArray< T > | Class to hold an array of DecorHandleKeys |
CDefault | |
CDefaultAGDDTool | |
CDefaultIndexingPolicy | |
CDefaultIndexingPolicy< ActsTrk::TrackContainer > | |
CDefaultIndexingPolicy< std::map< KEY, ELEM > > | Set up to automatically use this indexing policy for maps |
CDefaultIndexingPolicy< std::set< KEY > > | Set up to automatically use this indexing policy for sets |
CdefaultsHandler | |
CDefCaloClusterCompare | |
CDeltaRDistanceFunctor | |
CDeltaRRoIComboHypoTool | |
Cdeltat_data | |
CDepositInCalo | Class describing the measured energy loss associated to muons on the detector level, that is per calo layer |
CDepositInCalo_p1 | |
CDepositInCalo_p2 | |
CDepositInCaloCnv_p1 | |
CDepositInCaloCnv_p2 | |
CDepthComparison | |
CDerivedILArCalculatorSvcForTest | |
CDerivedILArCalibCalculatorSvcForTest | |
CDescendingEt | |
CDescendingPt | |
CDetailedMuonPatternTruthCollection | |
CDetailedSegmentTruth | |
CDetailedTrackGradeFactory | |
CDetailedTrackTruth | |
CDetailedTrackTruthCnv_p1 | |
CDetailedTrackTruthCnv_p2 | |
CDetailedTrackTruthCnv_p3 | |
CDetailedTrackTruthCnv_p4 | |
CDetailedTrackTruthCollection | |
CDetailedTrackTruthCollectionCnv | |
CDetailedTrackTruthCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CDetailedTrackTruthCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CDetailedTrackTruthCollectionCnv_p3 | |
CDetailedTrackTruthCollectionCnv_p4 | |
CDetCondCFloat | DetCondCFloat is a class to hold sets of Identifiers and arrays of floats for detector element specific information Richard Hawkings, started 29/1/04 formerly DetCondFloat but renamed to DetCondCFloat to allow DetCondFloat to be a parallel virtual class with no CLASS_DEF Latter is inherited by specialised TRT conditions data classes |
CDetCondCFloat_p1 | |
CDetCondCFloatCnv_p1 | |
CDetCondFloat | |
CDetCondKeyTrans | Class to hold set of HepGeom::Transform3D keyed by string value for storage in the conditions DB typically for holding top-level transforms for GeoModel/G4. This class can be persistified (converters in DetDescrCondAthenaPool) |
CDetCondKeyTrans_p1 | |
CDetCondKeyTransCnv_p1 | |
CDetDescrAddress | |
CDetDescrCnvSvc | |
CDetDescrCondIdentifier_old | |
CDetDescrCondIdentifier_old_cnv | |
CDetDescrConverter | |
CDetDescrDBEnvelopeSvc | |
CDetectorFieldManagerTool | Tool for setting up a volume-local magnetic field manager |
CDetectorGeometryBase | |
CDetectorGeometrySvc | |
CDetectorLayer | |
CDetectorPositionParameters | |
CDetectorSurfaceStruct | |
CDetElementSurfaceCnv_p1 | |
CDetStatus | |
►CDetStatusMap | |
CPairSort | |
CDetStatusMap_p1 | |
CDetStatusMapCnv_p1 | |
CDetVisAttributes | |
CDGraph | |
Cdiamond_t | |
CDiamondBoundsCnv_p1 | |
CDiBjetFilter | |
CDigi_MonValues | |
CDigitData | |
CDigitizationAlg | |
CDigitizeNonHitElementsDebugPrinter | |
CdigitWrapper | |
CDijetDEtaCondition | |
CDijetDPhiCondition | |
CDijetMassCondition | |
CDiLeptonMassFilter | Filter on dileptons within a Z mass window |
CDiMuMon | |
CDimuonChainInfo | |
CDiPhotonFilter | Filters and looks for di-photons |
CDipolarityTool | |
CDipsCondition | |
CDipzLikelihood | |
CDipzLikelihoodCmp | |
CDipzMLPLCondition | |
CDirectory | |
CDirectPhotonFilter | Filters and looks for photons from brem or hadr proc |
CDiscBoundsCnv_p1 | |
CDiscLayerMaterial | |
CDiscSurfaceCnv_p1 | |
CDiscSurfaceCnv_p2 | |
CDisjointUniformSampler | |
CDisplacedJetBeamspotInfo | |
CDisplacedJetDispHypoAlg | |
►CDisplacedJetDispHypoTool | |
CInfo | |
CDisplacedJetPromptHypoAlg | |
►CDisplacedJetPromptHypoTool | |
CInfo | |
CDisplacedJetRankComboHypoTool | |
CdisplayBarrelXY | |
CdisplayEndcapPhiZ | |
CdisplayTracks | |
CDist | |
CDistanceFunctor | |
CDiTauBuilder | |
CDiTauCandidateData | |
CDiTauToolBase | The base class for all tau tools |
CDiTauTrackFinder | |
CDkfTrack | |
CDomain | |
CDoubleArray | |
CDoubleDbArray | |
CDoubleEventSelectorAthenaPool | This class is the EventSelector for event data |
CdoubletInfo | |
CdoubletInfoITk | |
CdoubletStorage | |
CdoubletStorageITk | |
CDQAtlasReadyFilterTool | |
CDQBadLBFilterAlg | |
CDQBadLBFilterTool | |
CDQDummyFilterTool | |
CDQEventFlagFilterTool | |
CDQFilledBunchFilterTool | |
CDQTBackgroundMon | Monitor background processes in the detector |
CDQTDataFlowMonAlg | |
CDQTDetSynchMonAlg | |
CDQTGlobalWZFinderAlg | |
CDQTLumiMonAlg | |
CDrawLabel | |
►CdRMatchingTool | Tool to perform dR-based matching of tracks and truth particles |
CCacheEntry | |
CDsoRootLock | Workaround for ROOT TClassTable locking problem |
Cdummy_A | Test nested vectors - problem seen in root3/4 transition |
Cdummy_B | |
Cdummy_C | |
Cdummy_D | |
Cdummy_E | Test derived class that contains a list of parent classes |
Cdummy_TrigCaloEventTPCnvDict | |
Cdummy_TrigCombinedEventTPCnvDict | |
Cdummy_TrigEventTPCnvDict | |
Cdummy_TrigInDetEventTPCnvDict | |
Cdummy_TrigMissingEtEventTPCnvDict | |
Cdummy_TrigMuonEventTPCnvDict | |
Cdummy_TrigParticleTPCnvDict | |
Cdummy_TrigSteeringEventTPCnvDict | |
Cdummy_TrigTopoEventTPCnvDict | |
CDummyDetDescrElement | Dummy Detector Element for testing |
CDummyDetElementSurfaceCnv_p1 | |
CDummyEquation | |
CDummyFactory | |
CDummyTrackSlimmingTool | |
CDumpAllSystematics | |
CDumpCaloBadChannels | |
CDumpDecisions | |
CDumpEventDataToJsonAlg | Algorithm to dump some Event data to JSON |
CDumpFrags | Dump eformat fragments from FullEventFragment |
CDumpGeo | |
►CDumpLArDigits | |
CmySort | |
►CDumpLArRawChannels | |
CmySort | |
CDumpMC | Dump MC event record |
CDumpShape | |
CDvGraph | |
Ce1hg_Systematics | Get systematics from MG/HG layer 1 miscalibration assuming MG is correctly re-calibrated with muons |
Ce1hg_systematics | |
CEDM_object | |
►CeFexByteStreamTool | |
CMonitoredLogging | Create a class to override logging interface in underlying decoder tool |
CEfexCellMapping | |
CEfexCSVTables | |
CEfexDefs | |
CeFexEMRoIsUnpackingTool | |
CeFexEMRoIThresholdsTool | |
CEfexHardwareInfo | |
CEfexInputMonitorAlgorithm | |
CEfexLatomeFibrePacker | |
CEfexMonitorAlgorithm | |
CeFEXNtupleWriter | An Athena algorithm which creates Ntuple output of L1Calo bitwise simulation |
CeFEXOutputCollection | Class which stores the output of eFEX simulation for the use of eFEXNtupleWriter |
CeFEXRoIByteStreamTool | Implementation of a tool for L1 RoI conversion from BS to xAOD and from xAOD to BS (IL1TriggerByteStreamTool interface) |
►CEfexSimMonitorAlgorithm | |
CSortableTob | |
CeFexTauRoIsUnpackingTool | |
CeFexTauRoIThresholdsTool | |
CEfexTobPacker | |
CEfexTrexFibrePacker | |
CEffectiveRTool | Giordon Stark
Created: May 2015 |
CEfficiency1D | |
CEfficiency2D | |
CEfficiencyPurityCalculator | |
CEfficiencyResponseHistos | |
CEfficiencyScaleFactor | Utility class to manage scale factor histograms Simple container class for scale factor information Contains histograms for Efficiency, Scale Factor and Systematic errors Handles loading from files and manages the histos The user should not have to interact with this directly! |
CEfieldInterpolator | |
CeflowAbstractCellList | |
CeflowAzimuth | EflowAzimuth represents phi and has kinematic functions which correctly deal with phi wraparound etc |
CeflowCalo | This defines the eflowCalo enum, which is used to label calorimeter layers in a simplified scheme which exludes the presamplers and combines the Tile regions |
CeflowCaloCluster | |
CeflowCaloObject | An internal EDM object which stores information about systems of associated tracks and calorimeter clusters |
CeflowCaloObjectContainer | |
CeflowCaloObjectMaker | This class creates eflowCaloObjects and adds them into the eflowCaloObjectContainer |
CeflowCellEOverPTool_mc12_HLLHC | Class to store reference e/p mean and widths, as well as reference energy density radial profile fit parameters |
CeflowCellEOverPTool_Run2_mc20_JetETMiss | Class to store reference e/p mean and widths, as well as reference energy density radial profile fit parameters |
CeflowCellIntegrand | Class to represent the 2D Gaussian integrand |
CeflowCellIntegrator | Class that controls the 2D integration |
CeflowCellList | Concrete class derived class from pure virtual eflowAbstractCellList |
CeflowCellPosition | This class stores the eta,phi and layer of the calorimeter cell and defines a "<" operator which can be used to order the eflowCellPosition based on eta,phi and layer |
CeflowCellSubtractionFacilitator | This class deals with the removal of calorimeter cells from calorimeter clusters |
CeflowDatabase | Stores calorimeter cell eta and phi widths, a X0 per unit length in the EM and HAD calorimeters |
CeflowDepthCalculator | The class calculates the depth of each layer, in interaction lengths, for a given EM2 eta |
CeflowEEtaBinBase | Base class which sets up some of the infrastructure to store the e/p reference values |
CeflowEEtaBinnedParameters | Inherits from eflowEEtaBinBase |
CeflowEtaPhiPosition | |
CeflowFirstInt | This object holds the expected energy deposit of a track and the known width of that distribution |
CeflowFirstIntParameters | Extends eflowFirstInt to include parameters of the fits to radial shower profiles |
CeflowFirstIntRegions | This defines the J1STLAYER enum, which is used to label calorimeter layers in a simplified scheme which exludes the presamplers and combines the HEC layers |
CeflowISubtractionAlgTool | |
CeflowLayerIntegrator | This class calculates the LHED (Layer of Highest Energy Density) in a cluster or group of clusters |
CeflowLookupExp | Lookup-table based exponential function to save CPU time, which is used by eflowCellIntegrator |
CeflowMatchCluster | This class, which inherits from the pure virtual ICluster, stores a pointer to an eflowRecCluster |
CeflowObject | |
CeflowObject_p1 | |
CeflowObject_p2 | |
CeflowObject_p3 | |
CeflowObject_p4 | |
CeflowObject_p5 | |
CeflowObject_tlp1 | |
CeflowObject_tlp2 | |
CeflowObject_tlp3 | |
CeflowObject_tlp4 | |
CeflowObject_tlp5 | |
CeflowObjectCnv_p1 | |
CeflowObjectCnv_p2 | |
CeflowObjectCnv_p3 | |
CeflowObjectCnv_p4 | |
CeflowObjectCnv_p5 | |
CeflowObjectContainer | |
CeflowObjectContainer_p1 | |
CeflowObjectContainer_p2 | |
CeflowObjectContainer_p3 | |
CeflowObjectContainer_p4 | |
CeflowObjectContainer_p5 | |
CeflowObjectContainerCnv | |
CeflowObjectContainerCnv_p1 | |
CeflowObjectContainerCnv_p2 | |
CeflowObjectContainerCnv_p3 | |
CeflowObjectContainerCnv_p4 | |
CeflowObjectContainerCnv_p5 | |
CeflowParameters | |
CeflowRangeBase | EflowRangeBase is an object to represent a length in eta or phi, and this is used in eflowCellIntegrator as a variable in the integrations over eta and phi |
►CeflowRecCluster | This class extends the information about a xAOD::CaloCluster |
CSortDescendingPt | |
CeflowRecClusterContainer | |
CeflowRecMatchTrack | This class, which inherits from the pure virtual ITrack, stores a pointer to an eflowRecTrack and has an interface which returns an eflowEtaPhiPosition (representing the track eta, phi coordinates in the requested calorimeter layer) |
►CeflowRecTrack | This class extends the information about a xAOD::Track |
CSortDescendingPt | |
CeflowRecTrackContainer | |
CeflowRecursiveGaussLegendreIntegrator | Class to perform a generic recursive Gauss-Legendre Integration, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaussian_quadrature#Gauss.E2.80.93Legendre_quadrature Templated in the type of the integrand |
CeflowRingSubtractionManager | This stores information, a rank and ring thickness, about cell rings in an ordered way |
CeflowRingThicknesses | |
CeflowTauObject | |
CeflowTrackCaloExtensionTool | Inherits from eflowTrackExtrapolatorBaseAlgTool and AthAlgTool |
CeflowTrackCaloPoints | This class stores a map of calorimeter layers and track parameters (the result of the track extrapolation to the calorimeter layers) |
►CeflowTrackClusterLink | Stores pointers to an eflowRecTrack and an eflowRecCluster |
CCache | |
CHasher | |
CeflowTrackExtrapolatorBaseAlgTool | |
CEFMuonMon | |
CEFTrackingDataStreamLoaderAlgorithm | |
CEFTrackingDataStreamUnloaderAlgorithm | |
CEFTrackingSmearingAlg | |
CEFTrackingSmearMonAlg | |
CEFTrackingXrtAlgorithm | |
Ceg_resolution | Get resolution for electron and photons (converted / unconverted) vs E,eta |
CEgamma | Class describing an e/gamma |
Cegamma | |
Cegamma_p1 | |
Cegamma_p2 | |
Cegamma_p3 | |
Cegamma_p4 | |
Cegamma_p5 | |
CEgammaAllFex | Feature extraction Tool for LVL2 Calo |
CEGammaAmbiguityTool | Electron / photon ambiguity resolution. Dual-use version |
►CegammaBackShape | EM cluster shower shape calculations in 3rd sampling. Calculate the width in the back layer around the eta,phi of the hottest cell in the middle layer |
CInfo | |
CegammaBaseHist | |
CegammaBaseTool | |
CegammaCaloClusterSelector | A tool which specifies whether a cluster passes a selection |
►CegammaCellRecoveryTool | Tool to recover cells lost because of the topocluster timing cut |
CexistingCells | |
CegammaCheckEnergyDepositTool | |
CegammaCnv_p1 | |
CegammaCnv_p2 | |
CegammaCnv_p3 | |
CegammaCnv_p4 | |
CegammaCnv_p5 | |
CegammaContainer | |
CegammaContainer_p1 | |
CegammaContainer_p2 | |
CegammaContainer_p3 | |
CegammaContainer_p4 | |
CegammaContainer_p5 | |
CegammaContainerCnv | |
CegammaEnergyPositionAllSamples | Helpers to define the energy and position in each sampling From the original (eta,phi) position of the cluster, it finds the location (sampling, barrel/end-cap, granularity) For this we use the CaloCluster method inBarrel() and inEndcap() but also, in case close to the crack region where both boolean can be true, the energy reconstructed in the sampling |
CEgammaFactory | |
CegammaForwardBuilder | |
CEgammaGapCalibration | General Interface for calibrations at the LVL2 Egamma Calo Fex algo |
CEgammaHitsCalibration | General Interface for calibrations at the LVL2 Egamma Calo Fex algo |
CEgammaHitsShowerDepth | |
CegammaIso | {Tool to estimate the hadronic energy behind the electromagnetic cluster, the
CegammaLargeClusterMaker | |
CegammaLayerRecalibTool | |
►CegammaMiddleShape | EM cluster shower shape calculations in 2nd ECAL sampling Calculate the width in the strip layer around the eta,phi of the hottest cell in the middle layer |
CInfo | |
CegammaMonitorBaseAlgorithm | |
CegammaMonitorElectronAlgorithm | |
CEgammaMonitoring | |
CegammaMonitorPhotonAlgorithm | |
CegammaMonitorSuperClusterAlgorithm | |
CegammaMonToolBase | |
CegammaMVACalibTool | A tool used by the egammaMVASvc to help calibrate energy for one particle type |
CegammaMVASvc | |
CegammaOQFlagsBuilder | |
CegammaParamDefs | |
CegammaPIDdefs | |
►CegammaPreSamplerShape | EM cluster shower shape calculations in presampler of ECAL |
CInfo | |
Cegammaqweta1c | |
Cegammaqweta2c | |
CegammaRec | |
CegammaRecBuilder | Produces egammaRec objects starting from clusters. The algorithm produces an egammaRec for each input cluster where the matched tracks and vertices are linked. These two matchings are done depending on the flags doTrackMatching and doConversions, by default true. Additionally, if doTrackMatchedView is true a view container of the egammaRecs with matched tracks is created |
CEgammaReEmEnFex | Feature extraction Tool for LVL2 Calo |
CEgammaReHadEnFex | Feature extraction Tool for LVL2 Calo |
CEgammaReSamp1Fex | Feature extraction Tool for LVL2 Calo |
CEgammaReSamp2Fex | Feature extraction Tool for LVL2 Calo |
CegammaSelectedTrackCopy | |
CegammaShowerShape | @ |
►CEgammaSshapeCalibration | |
CBuilder | |
►CegammaStripsShape | EM cluster shower shape calculations in 1st ECAL sampling Calculate the width in the strip layer around the eta,phi of the hottest cell in the middle layer |
CInfo | |
CegammaSuperClusterBuilder | Create supercluster under egamma (no tracking) hypothesis Useful if you want to run calo reconstuction without tracking |
CegammaSuperClusterBuilderBase | Base class for electronSuperClusterBuilder photonSuperClusterBuilder egammaSuperClusterBuilder This class cannot be instantiated by itself since the execute method is not implemented |
CegammaSwTool | |
CegammaTopoClusterCopier | Select topo-clusters to be used in egamma reconstruction |
CegammaTrackRefitterTool | |
CegammaTrackThinner | |
CEgammaTransitionRegions | General Interface for calibrations at the LVL2 Egamma Calo Fex algo |
►CegammaTrkRefitterTool | |
CMeasurementsAndTrash | |
►CegammaTruthAssociationAlg | |
CMCTruthInfo_t | |
CwriteDecorHandles | Helper class to contain write decoration handles |
CEgammaValidationPlots | |
CegDetail | |
CegDetail_p1 | |
CegDetail_p2 | |
CegDetailContainer | |
CegDetailContainer_p1 | |
CegDetailContainer_p2 | |
CegDetailContainerCnv | |
CegDetailContainerCnv_p1 | |
CegDetailContainerCnv_p2 | |
CegPID | |
CEigenHelpers | |
CEigenP4JacobianEEtaPhiM2PtEtaPhiM | |
CEigenP4JacobianEEtaPhiM2PxPyPzE | |
CEigenP4JacobianPxPyPzE2EEtaPhiM | |
CEigenP4JacobianPxPyPzE2PxPyPzM | |
CEigenP4JacobianPxPyPzM2PxPyPzE | |
CEigenP5Jacobiand0z0PhiThetaqOverP2d0z0PhiEtaP | |
CEigenP5toP4JacobianPhiThetaEM2PxPyPzE | |
►CElasticDecayUtil | |
CEmpty | |
CelcylHandler | |
CElectron | Class describing an electron |
CElectron | |
CElectron_p1 | |
CElectron_p2 | |
CElectron_p3 | |
CElectron_p4 | |
CElectron_p5 | |
CElectronChargeEfficiencyCorrectionTool | Apply the correction for the difference in electron charge mis-ID rates in MC/data |
CElectronCnv_p1 | |
CElectronCnv_p2 | |
CElectronCnv_p3 | |
CElectronCnv_p4 | |
CElectronCnv_p5 | |
►CElectronCollectionSettingsButton | |
CImp | |
CElectronConstituent | |
CElectronContainer | |
CElectronContainer_p1 | |
CElectronContainer_p2 | |
CElectronContainer_p3 | |
CElectronContainer_p4 | |
CElectronContainer_p5 | |
CElectronContainerCnv | |
CElectronDNNCalculator | Used by AsgElectronSelectorTool to calculate the score of a python trained DNN using lwtnn as interface to do electron ID. Also applies a transformation to the input variables based on a QuantileTransformer |
CElectronFilter | Filters and looks for electrons |
CelectronHist | |
CelectronMonTool | |
CElectronMuonTopoInfo | ElectronMuonTopoInfo is a class for storing information about combuned electron-muon object. It stores angular distance, invariant mass, common vertex information, and opposite charge bit |
CElectronMuonTopoInfo_p1 | |
CElectronMuonTopoInfoCnv_p1 | |
CElectronMuonTopoInfoContainer | |
CElectronMuonTopoInfoContainer_p1 | |
CElectronMuonTopoInfoContainerCnv | |
CelectronPearShapeAlignmentCorrection | Return a correction for deltaEta1 to account for the pear shape distortion of the calorimeter |
CElectronPhotonVariableCorrectionBase | Class to correct electron and photon MC variables |
CElectronPhotonVariableCorrectionTool | Tool to correct electron and photon MC variables using the ElectronPhotonVariableCorrectionBase class |
CelectronRescaler | |
CElectronSelector | |
CelectronSuperClusterBuilder | Create supercluster under electron hypothesis |
CElectronValidationPlots | |
CelementHandler | |
CElementLink | ElementLink implementation for ROOT usage |
CElementLink_p1 | |
CElementLink_p1< INDEX > | Persistent representation of ElementLink - constains StoreGate key (name) of the container it is pointing to, and an index to the container element. The C++ type of index can be integer for sequences or a "key" type for sets (like std::map). (std::string is supported, define more types if necessary) |
CElementLink_p2 | |
CElementLink_p2< INDEX > | Persistent representation of ElementLink - contains an index to a StoreGate key (name) of the container it is pointing to, and an index to the container element. The name index is used to look up the actual container name, which is stored elsewhere. The C++ type of element index can be integer for sequences or a "key" type for sets (like std::map). (std::string is supported, define more types if necessary) |
CElementLink_p3 | |
CElementLink_p3< INDEX > | Persistent representation of ElementLink - constains a hash of the StoreGate key (name) of the container it is pointing to, and an index to the container element. The C++ type of index can be integer for sequences or a "key" type for sets (like std::map). (std::string is supported, define more types if necessary) |
CElementLinkBase | Base class for ElementLinks to vectors of pointers |
CElementLinkBaseT_test | |
CElementLinkCnv_p1 | |
CElementLinkCnv_p1< LINK > | Converter template for converters between transient ElementLink and its persistent representation. Template argument LINK is the type of the transient ElementLink. The type of the persistent link representation is automatically deducted - it can be integer index type, or string index type. More types can be added in ElementLink_p1.h |
►CElementLinkCnv_p2 | |
CState | |
CElementLinkCnv_p2< LINK > | Converter template for converters between transient ElementLink and its persistent representation |
CElementLinkCnv_p3 | |
CElementLinkCnv_p3< LINK > | Converter template for converters between transient ElementLink and its persistent representation. Template argument LINK is the type of the transient ElementLink. The type of the persistent link representation is automatically deducted - it can be integer index type, or string index type. More types can be added in ElementLink_p3.h |
CElementLinkContNames_p2 | |
CElementLinkContNames_p2< INDEX > | This class is used to hold the container names for element links. It can converter container names between string names and integer indices |
►CElementLinkVector | ElementLinkVector implementation for standalone ROOT |
CELVIterator | |
CShort2LongRef | Functor turning an ElemLinkRef into an ElementLink |
►CElementLinkVector_p1 | |
CElementRef | |
CElementLinkVector_p1< INDEX_TYPE > | Persistent representation of ElementLinkVector - constains a list persistent ElementLinks in a compacted form (exactly in the same way as the transient ElementLinkVector) Different StoreGate keys (container names) all stored only once, and the list of pairs<contaner name, index> is replaced by a list of pairs<container ID, index> where the ID is an index to the list of container names The C++ type of an index in a container can be integer for sequences or a "key" type for sets (like std::map). (std::string is supported, define more types if necessary) |
CElementLinkVectorBase | Base class holding the container independent part of ElementLinkVector |
CElementLinkVectorCnv_p1 | |
CElementLinkVectorCnv_p1< LINK_VECT > | Converter template for converters between transient ElementLinkVector and its persistent representation. Template argument LINK_VECT is the type of the transient ElementLinkVector. The type of the persistent link vector representation is automatically deducted (it is based on the primiteve C++ type used by IndexingPolicy) - it can be integer index type, or string index type. More types can be added in ElementLink_p1.h |
CElementTableCnv | |
CElementTableCnv_p1 | |
CEllipseBoundsCnv_p1 | |
CEllipseCollisionTest | |
CEMB1CellsFromCaloCells | |
CEMB1CellsFromCaloClusters | |
►CEMBAccordionDetails | |
CClockwork | |
CEMBBasicReadoutNumbers | This is a collection of numbers used to create the cell shapes |
►CEMBCell | A cell of the electromagnetic barrel calorimeter readout geometry This class gives dimensions and positions, and indices of an electromagnetic barrel calorimeter readout cell. Positions are in local coordinates (local to a "big piece", or in this case the EMB half barrel). Use the EMB Cells through EMB Cell Links please!!! This will free the memory used by the cell when the last link to the cell disappears |
CHVInfo | |
CEMBDescriptor | LAr EMB Descriptor |
CEMBDetDescr | Descriptor for regions of the electromagnetic barrel calorimeter |
CEMBDetectorElement | LAr EMB Detector Element |
CEMBDetectorManager | A manager class providing access to readout geometry information for the electromagnetic barrel calorimeter |
CEMBDetectorRegion | |
CEMBHitsTestTool | |
CEMBHVDescriptor | |
►CEMBHVElectrode | |
CClockwork | |
►CEMBHVManager | This class provides direct access to information on the HV electrodes within the barrels. The information may be accessed either directly or iteratively. Direct access is provided by the getHVModule() method. Iterative access is by looping over valid side, eta, phi, and sector indices to retrieve a HV module. From the high voltage modules one can obtain a list of electrodes (iteratively or directly) |
CClockwork | |
►CEMBHVData | |
CPayload | |
►CEMBHVModule | Describes one HV Module within the EMB |
CClockwork | |
CEMBHVPathologies | |
CEMBHVPayload | |
CEMBPresamplerHVDescriptor | |
►CEMBPresamplerHVManager | This class provides direct access to information on the HV electrodes within the barrels. The information may be accessed either directly or iteratively. Direct access is provided by the getHVModule() method. Iterative access is by looping over valid side, eta, phi, and sector indices to retrieve a HV module. From the high voltage modules one can obtain a list of electrodes (iteratively or directly) |
CClockwork | |
►CEMBPresamplerHVData | |
CPayload | |
►CEMBPresamplerHVModule | Describes one HV Module within the EMB Presampler |
CClockwork | |
CEMBPresamplerHVPayload | |
►CEMBremCollectionBuilder | Algorithm which creates new brem-refitted tracks |
CTrackWithIndex | Helper struct to store the Trk::Track corresponding to a TrackParticle and the index of the Track Particle in the original container |
CEMBremFit | |
CEMClusterTool | |
CEMConversionBuilder | |
CEMConvert | |
►CEMECCell | A Cell of the electromagnetic endcap calorimeter readout geometry This class represents a single EMEC Cell. These cells are specified by phi and eta boundaries, the latter which corresponds to an inner and outer radius computed from and effective focal length. Those numbers come from the database via the EMEC DetectorManager |
CHVInfo | |
CEMECCellConstLink | Smart Pointer to EMEC Cells. This reference counted link allocates on demand. It audits the total pointer count and collects the garbage when nobody's looking |
CEMECData | |
CEMECDescriptor | LAr EMEC Descriptor |
CEMECDetDescr | Descriptor for regions of the electromagnetic endcap calorimeter |
CEMECDetectorElement | LAr EMEC Detector Element |
►CEMECDetectorManager | A manager class providing access to readout geometry information for the electromagnetic endcap calorimeter |
CEMECMagicNumbers | This is a collection of numbers used to specify the construction of the electromagnetic endcap calorimeter and its cells |
CEMECDetectorRegion | |
CEMECHitsTestTool | |
CEMECHVDescriptor | |
►CEMECHVElectrode | |
CClockwork | |
►CEMECHVManager | This class provides direct access to information on the HV electrodes within the EMEC. The information may be accessed either directly or iteratively. Direct access is provided by the getHVModule() method. Iterative access is by looping over valid side, eta, phi, and sector indices to retrieve a HV module. From the high voltage modules one can obtain a list of electrodes (iteratively or directly) |
CClockwork | |
►CEMECHVData | |
CPayload | |
►CEMECHVModule | |
CClockwork | |
CEMECHVPayload | |
►CEMECPresamplerHVManager | This class provides direct access to information on the HV electrodes within the EMEC. The information may be accessed either directly or iteratively. Direct access is provided by the getHVModule() method. Iterative access is by looping over valid side, eta, phi, and sector indices to retrieve a HV module. From the high voltage modules one can obtain a list of electrodes (iteratively or directly) |
CClockwork | |
►CEMECPresamplerHVData | |
CPayload | |
►CEMECPresamplerHVModule | Describes one HV Module within the EMEc Presampler |
CClockwork | |
CEMECPresamplerHVPayload | |
CEMErrorDetail | |
CEMExtrapolationTools | |
CEMFCondition | |
CEMFourMomBuilder | |
CEMPIDBuilder | |
CEmptyCellBuilderTool | Building Cells objects from Atlfast |
CEmptyJetGroupProduct | |
CEmptyProperty | |
CEMRoIsUnpackingTool | |
CEMShower | |
CEMShowerBuilder | |
CEMShowerMinimal | |
CEMShowerMinimalContainer | |
CEmTau_ROI | Em/Tau RoI class for analysis |
CEmTau_ROI_p1 | Persistent representation of EmTau_ROI |
CEMTauROIRetriever | Retrieves ROI objects, default mode uses HLT/Offline object LVL1_ROI::emtaus_type |
CEMTauROIRetriever | Retrieves ROI objects, default mode uses HLT/Offline object LVL1_ROI::emtaus_type |
CEMTrackFit | |
CEMTrackMatch | |
►CEMTrackMatchBuilder | |
CTrackMatch | A structure for keeping track match information |
CTrackMatchSorter | Function object to sort track matches based on quality |
CEMVertexBuilder | This tool builds ID vertices from a given TrackParticleContainer |
CEndcapPresamplerConstruction | GeoModel description of the LAr Endcap Presampler geometry |
CEndOfEventFilterAlg | Filter alg passing if the chain given by the ChainName property is active (seeded and not prescaled) in a given event, and optionally if the event is accepted to at least one of the streams given by the StreamFilter property |
CEndOfEventROIConfirmerAlg | Ensure that all ReadHandles for triggers running on all HLT-accepted events at the end are available. Empty collections are stored for unavailable keys |
CEndPlateFactory | |
►CEnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedRatiosTool | |
Cmoments_t | |
►CEnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedTool | |
Cmoments_t | |
►CEnergyCorrelatorRatiosTool | |
Cmoments_t | |
►CEnergyCorrelatorTool | |
Cmoments_t | |
CEnergyDepositionTool | |
CEnergyLossCnv_p1 | T/P converter for class EnergyLoss |
CEnergyLossComparisonTree | |
CEnergyLossRecorder | |
CEnergySpot | |
CEnergySum_ROI | Energy-Sum RoI class for analysis |
CEnergySum_ROI_p1 | Persistent representation of EnergySum_ROI |
►CEnhancedBiasWeightCompAlg | Compute Enhanced Bias weights for the events |
CEBChainInfo | Store necessary information for weight computing for Enhanced Bias chain |
CEBResult | Store result of EB weight calculation |
CEnhancedBiasWeighter | Tool to calculate data-driven rates using EnhancedBias datasets |
CEnvelope | |
CEnvelope_t | |
CEpos | This code is used to get an Epos Monte Carlo event |
Cequals | |
CequalsUint | |
CERROR_you_should_use_the_CLASS_DEF_macro_to_define_CLID_and_VERSION | Helper used in order to get the clear error message for the developer |
CERROR_you_should_use_the_CLASS_DEF_macro_to_define_CLID_and_VERSION< true > | |
CErrorCategory | |
CErrorCategoryRODMOD | |
►CErrorMatrixBase | |
CErrorMatrixBase_row | |
CErrorMatrixBase_row_const | |
CErrorMatrixCnv_p1 | |
►CErrorMatrixCompressor | |
CTriplet | |
CErrorMatrixEEtaPhiM | |
CErrorMatrixPtCotThPhiM | |
CErrorMatrixPtEtaPhiM | |
CErrorMatrixPxPyPzE | |
CErrorMatrixPxPyPzM | |
CEscapedEnergyProcessing | |
CEstimatedBremOnTrackCnv_p1 | T/P converter v1 for EstimatedBremOnTrack |
Cet | Extra patterns decribing particle interation process |
CEtaConditionAbs | |
CEtaConditionSigned | |
CEtaJESCorrection | |
CEtaMassJESCalibStep | |
CEtaModule | |
CEtaPhiBase | Base class, with just the eta-phi limits and the overlap functionality
CEtaPtFilterTool | |
CEtCondition | |
CeTowerContainer | Container class for eTower |
CEvenEventsSelectorTool | This class provides an example for reading with a ISelectorTool to veto events on AttributeList |
CEvent | |
Cevent_list | |
Cevent_selector | |
CEventAnalysis | |
CEventBookkeeper | |
CEventBookkeeper_p1 | |
CEventBookkeeper_p2 | |
CEventBookkeeperCnv | |
CEventBookkeeperCnv_p1 | |
CEventBookkeeperCnv_p2 | |
CEventBookkeeperCollection | |
CEventBookkeeperCollection_p1 | |
CEventBookkeeperCollection_p2 | |
CEventBookkeeperCollectionCnv | |
CEventCleaningTestAlg | A testing algorithm for the dual-use event cleaning tool in Athena |
CEventCleaningTool | Class for selecting jets that pass cleaning cuts |
CEventContextAthenaPool | This class provides the context to access an event from POOL persistent store |
CEventContextByteStream | This class provides the Context for EventSelectorByteStream |
CEventContextMuonCalibStream | This class provides the Context for EventSelectorMuonCalibStream |
CEventData | |
CEventDecisionAlg | |
CEventDensityAthAlg | |
CEventDensityTool | |
CEventEtDensity | Data container for event Et densities |
CEventFeature | Basic container for event feature data |
CEventFeatureStore | Storable container for EventFeature objects |
CEventHistoVarTool | |
CEventID | This class provides a unique identification for each event, in terms of run/event number and/or a time stamp |
CEventID_p1 | |
CEventIDCnv_p1 | |
CEventIDCnv_p2 | |
CEventInfo | This class provides general information about an event. Event information is provided by the accessors: EventID* event_ID() const; EventType* event_type() const; TriggerInfo* trigger_info() const; |
CEventInfo_p1 | |
CEventInfo_p2 | |
CEventInfo_p3 | |
CEventInfo_p4 | |
CEventInfoAttListTool | |
CEventInfoByteStreamAuxCnv | This is the class definition of ByteStream converter for xAOD::EventInfoAux Event Info is built from RawEvent when reading. Nothing is done when writing ByteStream |
CEventInfoByteStreamxAODCnv | This is the class definition of ByteStream converter for xAOD::EventInfo Event Info is built from RawEvent when reading. Nothing is done when writing ByteStream |
CEventInfoCalibRawDataProvider | |
CEventInfoCnv | |
CEventInfoCnv_p1 | |
CEventInfoCnv_p2 | |
CEventInfoCnv_p3 | |
CEventInfoCnv_p4 | |
CEventInfoInstan | |
CEventInfoMuonCalibStreamCnv | |
CEventInfoRDOAnalysis | |
CEventInfoReader | Test Algorithm for checking TagInfoMgr and the storing of geometry and conditions tags in EventInfo |
CEventInfoTagBuilder | |
CEventInfoUnlocker | |
CEventInfoWriter | Test Algorithm for checking TagInfoMgr and the storing of geometry and conditions tags in EventInfo, writes extra tags |
CEventInfoWriterAlg | |
CEventInfoWriterConfig | |
CEventNumberFilterAlgorithm | Simple algorithm used to filter events by Event Number |
CEventPropertyNtupleTool | Ntuple helper tool to encapsulate filling of general event properties, such as event stat, timing, trigger |
CEventQualityFilterAlg | |
CEventReaderAlg | |
CEventReaderBaseAlg | |
CEventSelectorAthenaPool | This class is the EventSelector for event data |
CEventSelectorByteStream | Concrete implementation of IEvtSelector for ByteStream |
CEventSelectorMuonCalibStream | |
CEventShapeConstants | |
CEventShapeCopier | |
CEventShapes | |
CEventShapeStore | |
CEventShapeStore_p1 | |
CEventShapeStore_p2 | |
CEventShapeStoreCnv | |
CEventShapeStoreConverterBase | |
CEventShapeStoreConverterBase< EventShapeStore_p1 > | |
CEventShapeStoreConverterBase< EventShapeStore_p2 > | |
CEventStreamInfo | This class provides the summary information stored for data written as a Event Stream |
CEventStreamInfo_p1 | This class is the persistent representation of EventStreamInfo |
CEventStreamInfo_p2 | This class is the persistent representation of EventStreamInfo |
CEventStreamInfo_p3 | This class is the persistent representation of EventStreamInfo |
CEventStreamInfoCnv_p1 | This class provides the converter to customize the saving of EventStreamInfo_p1 |
CEventStreamInfoCnv_p2 | This class provides the converter to customize the saving of EventStreamInfo_p2 |
CEventStreamInfoCnv_p3 | This class provides the converter to customize the saving of EventStreamInfo_p3 |
CEventStreamInfoPTCnv_p3 | |
CEventTagBuilder | Algorithm to store event tag information in an attribute list object |
CEventToTrackLinkNtupleTool | Document! |
CEventType | This class represents the "type of event" where the type is given by one or more "characteristics" |
CEventType_p1 | |
CEventType_p3 | |
CEventTypeCnv_p1 | |
CEventTypeCnv_p2 | |
CEventTypeCnv_p3 | |
CEventTypePTCnv_p3 | |
CEventViewCreatorAlgorithm | Used at the start of a sequence to create the EventViews: retrieves filtered collections via menu decision from previous step, merges them and writes out a merged collection to be consumed by HypoAlg(s). Spawns EventViews for each unique ROI associated to each Decision object in the merged output. Links the EventView and the ROI to each Decision object in the merged output |
CEvgenOTFTopUpSvc | Service to hold some information for topping up algorithms that are running on the fly |
CevInf_entry | |
CEvtBCL | The class provides the form factors for orbitally excited semileptonic decays |
CEvtBCLFF | BCL Form Factors |
CEvtBGL | The class provides the form factors for orbitally excited semileptonic decays |
CEvtBGLFF | The class provides the form factors for semileptonic D and D* decays with full mass dependence |
CEvtHQET3 | The class provides the form factors for orbitally excited semileptonic decays |
CEvtHQET3FF | The class provides the form factors for semileptonic D & D* decays with full mass dependence |
CEvtIdModifierSvc | |
CEvtInclusiveAtRndmGen | |
CEvtInclusiveDecay | |
CEvtLLSW | The class provides the decay amplitude for orbitally excited semileptonic decays |
CEvtLLSWFF | The class provides the form factors for orbitally excited semileptonic decays |
CEvtPHSPBBMix | The class provides routine to decay vector-> particle particle with B0 mixing, coherent B0B0-like mixing if any |
CEvtPHSPBMix | The class provides routine to decay vector-> particle particle with B0 mixing, handles states with only one neutral B |
CEvtRangeProcessor | |
CEvtRangeScatterer | |
CEvtYmSToYnSpipiCLEOboost | Register Decay model EvtYmSToYnSpipiCLEOboost |
CExample3DChannel1 | |
CExample3DChannel2 | |
CExample3DChannel3 | |
CExample3DChannel4 | |
CExample3DChannel5 | |
CExample3DSystem1 | |
CExample3DSystem2 | |
CExample3DSystem3 | |
CExample3DSystem4 | |
CExample3DSystem5 | |
CExampleAlg | |
CExampleClass | This class provides an example data object for AthenaPool |
CExampleHit | This class provides a dummy hit data object for AthenaPool |
CExampleHit_p0 | This class provides a dummy hit data object for AthenaPool |
CExampleHit_p1 | This class provides a dummy hit data object for AthenaPool |
CExampleHitCnv_p1 | |
CExampleHitContainer | This class provides a data vector for ExampleHit objects in AthenaPool |
CExampleHitContainer_p1 | This class provides a persistent state for the ExampleHitContainer class |
CExampleHitStreamer_p0 | This class provides an example for a ROOT streamer |
CExampleL1TriggerByteStreamTool | Example implementation of a tool for L1 RoI conversion from BS to xAOD and from xAOD to BS (IL1TriggerByteStreamTool interface) |
CExampleMonitorAlgorithm | |
CExampleTrack | This class provides a dummy track data object for AthenaPool |
CExampleTrack_p1 | This class provides a dummy hit data object for AthenaPool |
CExampleTrackCnv_p1 | |
CExampleTrackContainer | This class provides a data vector for ExampleTrack objects in AthenaPool |
CExampleTrackContainer_p1 | This class provides a persistent state for the ExampleTrackContainer class |
CExpandedIdentifier | |
CExpatCoreParser | |
CExpatCoreParserDebugger | |
CExpressionParserUser | |
CExpressionParserUserBase | |
CExpressionParserUserWithTrigSupport | |
CExResult | |
CExtEdge | |
CExtendedTrackStateStruct | |
CExtendedTrackStateStruct2 | |
CExtendedVxCandidateCnv_p1 | |
CExtendTrackToLayerTool | Extrapolate tracks using the calo extension tool |
CExtFace | |
CExtNode | |
CExtParameterisedVolumeBuilder | |
CExtPolyhedron | |
CExtractCaloGeoConstants | |
CExtraParticlesPhysicsTool | |
CExtrapolateMuonToIPTool | Tool to extrapolate tracks in the muon system to the IP |
CExtrapolationCellWriter | |
CExtrapolationResult | |
CFaceList | |
CFakeHLTWord | Fake HLT word for streaming (deprecated) |
CFakeLArOFCs | |
CFakeLArTimeOffset | |
CFakeTrackBuilder | |
CFakeTrackSmearer | |
CFastCaloSim | |
CFastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation | |
CFastCaloSimCaloTransportation | |
CFastCaloSimGeometryHelper | |
CFastCaloSimParamAlg | Modified class for shower library generation algorithm |
CFastCaloSimTool | |
CFastHitConvertTool | |
CFastJetInterfaceTool | Wrapper for fastjet verion 2.4.4 |
CFastJetLink | |
CFastJetLinkBase | |
CFastReducer | |
CFastReductionMatcher | |
CFastReseededPRNG | |
CFastShowerConfigStruct | |
CFastSimulationBase | |
CFastSimulationMasterTool | |
CFastTrackFinderLRTHypoAlg | |
►CFastTrackFinderLRTHypoTool | |
CTrkCountsInfo | |
CFauxTriggerMap | Support class for use in AthenaPoolMultiTest event splitting.
Acts as dummy trigger information in event. FOR TESTING ONLY |
CfbtTestToyMC_config | |
►CFCAL_ChannelMap | This class contains the tube and tile maps for the FCAL
A tile is of a set of FCAL tubes |
CTilePosition | |
CTubePosition | |
CFCAL_HV_Energy_Rescale | |
CFCALConstruction | Insert the LAr FCAL into a pre-defined mother volume |
CFCALDescriptor | LAr FCAL Descriptor |
CFCALDetectorElement | LAr FCAL Detector Element |
CFCALDetectorManager | A manager class providing access to readout geometry information for the forward calorimeter |
CFCALHitsTestTool | |
►CFCALHVLine | |
CClockwork | |
►CFCALHVManager | This class provides direct access to information on the HV electrodes within the barrels. The information may be accessed either directly or iteratively. Direct access is provided by the getHVModule() method. Iterative access is by looping over valid side, eta, phi, and sector indices to retrieve a HV module. From the high voltage modules one can obtain a list of electrodes (iteratively or directly) |
CClockwork | |
►CFCALHVData | |
CPayload | |
►CFCALHVModule | Describes one HV Module within the FCAL |
CClockwork | |
CFCALHVPayload | |
CFCALModule | |
CFCALTile | A tile of the forward calorimeter readout geometry |
CFCALTube | This class represents an FCAL Tube. The tube has a position and it also has links to the High Voltage Lines |
Cfcoords | |
CFCS_cell | |
CFCS_g4hit | |
CFCS_hit | |
CFCS_matchedcell | |
CFCS_matchedcellvector | |
CFCS_StepInfoSD | Common sensitive detector class for LAr systems |
CFeatures2Container | |
CFeatures2LinkHelper | |
CFeatures2Object | |
CFEElectronHelper | |
CFEI3SimTool | |
CFEI4SimTool | |
CFEMuonHelper | |
CFexDefs | |
CFH1D | |
CFH2D | |
CFHs | |
CFibrePackerBase | |
CFileMetaData | |
CFileReader | |
CFillAlignTrkInfo | |
CFillAlignTRTHits | |
CFillFilterValues | Copy MC gen values we filter on into the event info store |
CFillParamsCondAlg | Conditions algorithm to unpack fill parameters from COOL |
CFillParamsCondData | |
CFillParamsUtil | Utility class to to decode data from FILLPARAMS COOL folder |
CFilter_AcceptAll | |
CFilter_Author | |
CFilter_Bound | |
CFilter_Combined | |
CFilter_etaPT | |
CFilter_Offline2017 | |
CFilter_pdgId | |
CFilter_pdgIdpTeta | |
CFilter_Quality | |
CFilter_RoIMatching | |
CFilter_RoiSelector | |
CFilter_Track | Sadly need to include a root dependency, but no matter - the TIDA::Track class itself inherets from TObject already, so perhaps the boat has sailed on that concern long ago |
CFilter_TrackHits | |
CFilter_TrackParameters | |
CFilter_TrackQuality | |
CFilter_True | Default simple filter which accepts all tracks |
CFilter_Vertex | |
CFilteredAlgorithm | Algorithm that marks for write data objects in SG |
CFiltering | Consumes multiple decision inputs and filters those that are labelled with the required decision IDs |
CFilterPred | |
CFilterRange | FilterRange implements the range (ie: [min, max]) the filters will use to take their filtering decisions |
CFilterReporter | Guard class for use with ref FilterReporterParams |
CFilterReporterParams | Handle for applying algorithm filter decisions |
CFilterUsingMBTS | |
CFilterUsingMBTSTiming | |
CFilterUsingSpacePoints | |
CFindDuplicatedLArDigits | This algrithm produces a column-wise NTuple out of raw data |
CFineTimeErrorCode | FineTimeErrorCode class for L1Calo error codes |
CFirstPage | |
CFitQualityCnv_p1 | |
CFitTool | |
CFixedArrayBM | |
CFixHepMC | A "fix-up" algorithm to correct weird event records |
CFixLArElecCalib | Fix electronic calibration constants for MC |
CFixLArElecSCCalib | Fix electronic calibration constants for SC |
CFixLArIdMap | |
CFlatBM | |
CFlexDigit | |
CFlexDigits | |
CFloatArrayStore | Class FloatArrayStore Access and manipulate an indexed storage of float vectors |
CFloatDbArray | |
CFloatRep | |
Cfloaty_t | |
CFlukaHaloGenerator | A class to provide conversion from a FLUKA format ASCII input record into HepMC format, with or without sampling |
CFlukaParticle | A class to describe a FLUKA particle read from an input ASCII file |
Cflxout | |
CFolder | |
CFolderInfo | Struct to hold CLID <-> folder name mapping |
CFolderSpec | |
CFolderUpdate | Folder update entry |
CFoo | |
CForceIDConditionsAlg | |
CForceLoadCondObj | |
CForDetEnvelopeFactory | |
CForDetEnvelopeManager | |
CForDetEnvelopeTool | |
CforeachHandler | |
CFortranAlgorithm | |
CforwardElectronMonTool | |
CForwardProtonFilter | Description: Filter based on kinematics of forward proton |
CForwardRegionGeoModelFactory | |
CForwardRegionGeoModelManager | |
CForwardRegionGeoModelTool | |
CForwardRegionProperties | |
CForwardScrutinizer | |
CForwardTrack | |
CForwardTransportModel | |
CForwardTransportModelTool | |
CForwardTransportSvc | |
CFourLeptonInvMassFilter | |
CFourLeptonMassFilter | Filter on two dilepton-pairs with two mass windows (by default >60GeV and >12GeV) |
CFourMomentumError | |
CFourMuonEvent | |
CFPConfig | |
CFPEAuditor | |
CFPEControlSvc | Service to enable or disable floating-point exceptions |
CFPGAActsTrkConverter | |
CFPGAClusterConverter | |
CFPGAConversionAlgorithm | |
CFPGADataFormatAlg | Testing alogrithms for RDO to FPGA data converted |
CFPGADataFormatTool | |
CFPGATrackSimBankSvc | |
CFPGATrackSimCluster | |
CFPGATrackSimClusteringOfflineTool | |
CFPGATrackSimClusteringTool | |
CFPGATrackSimClusteringToolI | |
CFPGATrackSimConstGenAlgo | |
CFPGATrackSimDataFlowInfo | |
CFPGATrackSimDataFlowTool | |
CFPGATrackSimDataPrepAlg | |
CFPGATrackSimDetectorTool | |
CFPGATrackSimDumpDetStatusAlgo | |
CFPGATrackSimDumpOutputStatAlg | |
►CFPGATrackSimEtaPatternFilterTool | |
CModuleId | |
CModulesToPattern | |
CFPGATrackSimEventInfo | |
CFPGATrackSimEventInputHeader | |
CFPGATrackSimEventSelectionSvc | |
CFPGATrackSimFitConstantBank | |
►CFPGATrackSimGenScanArray | |
CIterator | |
►CFPGATrackSimGenScanBinningBase | |
CIdxSet | |
CParSet | |
CFPGATrackSimGenScanGeomHelpers | |
CFPGATrackSimGenScanKeyLyrBinning | |
►CFPGATrackSimGenScanKeyLyrHelper | |
CKeyLyrPars | |
CrotatedConfig | |
►CFPGATrackSimGenScanMonitoring | |
CeventDispSet | |
CFPGATrackSimGenScanPhiSlicedKeyLyrBinning | |
CFPGATrackSimGenScanStdTrkBinning | |
►CFPGATrackSimGenScanTool | |
CBinEntry | |
CHitPair | |
CHitPairSet | |
CIntermediateState | |
CStoredHit | |
CFPGATrackSimHit | |
CFPGATrackSimHitFilteringTool | |
CFPGATrackSimHough1DShiftTool | |
CFPGATrackSimHoughRootOutputTool | |
CFPGATrackSimHoughTransform_d0phi0_Tool | |
CFPGATrackSimHoughTransformTool | |
CFPGATrackSimInputHeaderTool | |
CFPGATrackSimLLPDoubletHoughTransformTool | |
►CFPGATrackSimLLPRoadFilterTool | |
CHitCompare | |
CFPGATrackSimLogicalEventInputHeader | |
CFPGATrackSimLogicalEventOutputHeader | |
CFPGATrackSimLogicalHitsProcessAlg | |
►CFPGATrackSimMapMakerAlg | |
CModule | |
CFPGATrackSimMappingSvc | |
CFPGATrackSimMatchInfo | |
CFPGATrackSimMatrixAccumulator | |
CFPGATrackSimMatrixGenAlgo | |
CFPGATrackSimMatrixMergeAlgo | |
CFPGATrackSimMatrixReader | |
CFPGATrackSimMatrixReductionAlgo | |
CFPGATrackSimMatrixWriter | |
CFPGATrackSimModuleRelabel | |
►CFPGATrackSimMultiTruth | |
CAddAccumulator | |
CMaxAccumulator | |
CTruthMapWeightAcc | |
CTruthMapWeightLt | |
CFPGATrackSimNNMap | |
CFPGATrackSimNNTrackTool | |
CFPGATrackSimOfflineHit | |
CFPGATrackSimOfflineTrack | |
CFPGATrackSimOptionalEventInfo | |
CFPGATrackSimOutputHeaderTool | |
CFPGATrackSimOverlapRemovalTool | Remove (mark) duplicate tracks This tool takes FPGATrackSimTrack as input and mark their status of passing/failing the overlap removal criteria |
CFPGATrackSimPhiRoadFilterTool | |
CFPGATrackSimPlaneMap | |
CFPGATrackSimRawHitsWrapperAlg | |
CFPGATrackSimRawNtupleWrapperAlg | |
CFPGATrackSimRawToLogicalHitsTool | |
CFPGATrackSimReadRawRandomHitsTool | |
CFPGATrackSimRegionBoundaries | |
CFPGATrackSimRegionMap | |
CFPGATrackSimRegionSlices | |
CFPGATrackSimRoad | |
CFPGATrackSimRoadUnionTool | |
CFPGATrackSimSecondStageAlg | |
CFPGATrackSimSectorBank | |
CFPGATrackSimSectorMap | |
CFPGATrackSimSectorSlice | |
CFPGATrackSimSGToRawHitsTool | Extract the raw hists from info in SG |
CFPGATrackSimSpacepointRoadFilterTool | |
CFPGATrackSimSpacePointsTool | |
CFPGATrackSimSpacePointsToolI | |
CFPGATrackSimTowerInputHeader | |
CFPGATrackSimTrack | |
CFPGATrackSimTrackFitterTool | |
CFPGATrackSimTrackingToolBase | |
CFPGATrackSimTrackPars | |
CFPGATrackSimTrackParsI | |
CFPGATrackSimTrackStream | |
CFPGATrackSimTruthTrack | |
CFPGATrackSimWindowExtensionTool | |
CfractionmassHandler | |
CfReadDavix | |
CfReadXRootD | |
CFrontEndSimTool | |
CFSIDetails | |
CFSIHelper | |
CFSILocation | |
CFSmap | |
CFSRoIsUnpackingTool | |
CFullEventAssembler | Template class for assembling a full atlas raw event from subfragments |
CFullEventAssemblerBase | Base class for assembling a full atlas raw event from subfragments |
CFullMenu | |
CFwdAFPCountMonitoringAlg | |
CFwdAFPJetEffMonitoringAlg | |
CFwdAFPJetMonitoringAlg | |
CFwdZDCMonitoringAlg | |
CG4AtlasActionInitialization | Action initialization class |
CG4AtlasAlg | Primary Athena algorithm for ATLAS simulation |
CG4AtlasDetectorConstructionTool | |
CG4AtlasFluxRecorder | |
CG4AtlasRunManager | ATLAS custom singleton run manager |
CG4AtlasSvc | |
CG4CaloTransportTool | A tool which transports particles through the Geant4 geometry |
CG4DetectorConstruction | |
CG4EMProcessesPhysicsTool | |
CG4FieldManagerToolBase | |
CG4GeometryNotifierSvc | |
CG4InitTool | |
CG4InputLoader | |
CG4MagFieldSvcBase | |
CG4mplAtlasTransportation | |
CG4mplEqMagElectricFieldTool | |
CG4MyPhysicalVolume | |
CG4MyProcess | |
CG4MySensitiveDetector | |
CG4ScoringProcessTool | |
CG4ShiftedCone | |
CG4StepLimitationTool | |
CG4TestAlg | |
CG4ThreadInitTool | A tool which sets up the worker-thread-local workspace for Geant4 |
CGasGapData | |
CGauginosPhysicsTool | |
CGaussianSampler | |
CGDMLDetectorTool | |
CGeantFollower | |
CGeantFollowerMS | |
CGen_HEPEVT | C++ access to the Fortran HEPEVT common block |
CGenAnalysis | Base class for evgen-level analyses |
CGenAodValidationTool | |
CGenBase | Base class for common behaviour of MC truth algorithms |
CGeneralTab | |
CGenerateELinkIndexType_p1 | |
CGenerateELinkIndexType_p1< int > | |
CGenerateELinkIndexType_p1< std::string > | |
CGenerateELinkIndexType_p1< uint32_t > | |
CGenerateELinkIndexType_p1< uint64_t > | |
CGenerateELinkIndexType_p2 | |
CGenerateELinkIndexType_p2< int > | |
CGenerateELinkIndexType_p2< std::string > | |
CGenerateELinkIndexType_p2< uint32_t > | |
CGenerateELinkIndexType_p2< uint64_t > | |
CGenerateELinkIndexType_p3 | |
CGenerateELinkIndexType_p3< int > | |
CGenerateELinkIndexType_p3< std::string > | |
CGenerateELinkIndexType_p3< uint32_t > | |
CGenerateELinkIndexType_p3< uint64_t > | |
CGeneratePersELinkType_p1 | |
CGeneratePersELinkType_p2 | |
CGeneratePersELinkType_p3 | |
CGeneratePersELinkVectorType_p1 | |
CGeneratePersNavigableType | |
CGeneratePersNavigableType< NAV, NavigationDefaults::DefaultWeight > | |
CGeneratePersNavigableType_p2 | |
CGeneratePersNavigableType_p2< NAV, NavigationDefaults::DefaultWeight > | |
CGeneratePersNavVectorType | |
CGeneratePersNavVectorType< NAV, NavigationDefaults::DefaultWeight > | |
CGeneratePersNavVectorType_p2 | |
CGeneratePersNavVectorType_p2< NAV, NavigationDefaults::DefaultWeight > | |
CGeneratePersVectorELinkType_p1 | |
CGeneratorFilters | |
CGenerators | This code is used to get a HIJING Monte Carlo event. genInitialize() is used to read parameters callGenerator() makes the event genFinalize() writes log files etc fillEvt(GeneratorEvent* evt) passes the event to HepMC |
CGeneratorSelector | |
Cgeneric_list | Holds temporary values for multiple options |
Cgeneric_value | Generic value variable |
CGenericCrc | |
►CGenericDbTable | |
CCondDBColumn | Definition of the columns |
CCondDBColumnArrayBool | |
CCondDBColumnArrayDouble | |
CCondDBColumnArrayFloat | |
CCondDBColumnArrayInt | |
CCondDBColumnArrayLong | |
CCondDBColumnArrayString | |
CCondDBColumnBool | |
CCondDBColumnDouble | |
CCondDBColumnFloat | |
CCondDBColumnInt | |
CCondDBColumnLong | |
CCondDBColumnString | |
CGenericHitsCollectionHelper | |
CGenericMap | |
►CGenericMonitoringTool | |
CGenericMonitoringArray | |
CGenericMonitoringTool | |
CGenericMuonSensitiveDetector | |
CGenericMuonSensitiveDetectorTool | |
CGenericMuonSimHit | |
CGenericMuonSimHitCollectionCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CGenericMuonSimHitCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CGenericMuonSimHitCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CGenericMuonSimHitCollectionCnv_p3 | |
CGenericResult | Interface class for all HLT, CALIB, MONITORING results The class define the interface between PSC (PESA steering controllers) at Lvl2 and EF used to retrieve the information for processing in the Athena to be put in the (even or detector fragment) headers |
CGenEvent_p1 | |
CGenEvent_p2 | |
CGenEvent_p3 | |
CGenEvent_p4 | |
CGenEvent_p5 | |
CGenEvent_p6 | |
CGenEvent_p7 | |
CGenEventCnv_p1 | |
CGenFilter | Base class for event generator filtering modules |
CGenGauss3D | |
CGenGauss3Dclone | |
Cgengetopt_args_info | Where the command line options are stored |
CGenModule | Base class for common behaviour of generator interfaces |
Cgenpar | |
CGenParticle_p1 | |
CGenParticle_p2 | |
CGenParticle_p3 | |
CGenParticle_p4 | |
CGenParticle_p5 | |
CGenParticle_p6 | |
CGenParticle_p7 | |
CGenVertex_p1 | |
CGenVertex_p2 | |
CGenVertex_p3 | |
CGenVertex_p4 | |
CGenVertex_p5 | |
CGenVertex_p6 | |
CGenVertex_p7 | |
CGeo2G4AssemblyFactory | |
CGeo2G4AssemblyTriplet | |
CGeo2G4AssemblyVolume | |
CGeo2G4Builder | Main builder to create/position all volumes described in a GeoModel Tree |
CGeo2G4ElementFactory | |
CGeo2G4LogicalVolumeFactory | |
CGeo2G4LVFactory | |
CGeo2G4MaterialFactory | |
CGeo2G4MatPropTableFactory | |
CGeo2G4OpticalSurfaceFactory | |
CGeo2G4SolidFactory | |
CGeo2G4STParameterisation | |
CGeo2G4Svc | |
CGeo2G4SvcBase | |
Cgeo_constants | |
CGeoAlignmentStore | Ensure that the extensions for the Vector3D are properly loaded |
CGeoBorderSurface | |
CGeoBoxVolParams | |
CGeoCaloCalibHit | Adaptor for CaloCalibHits |
CGeoCSCHit | |
CGeoCylVolParams | |
CGeoDbTagSvc | |
CGeoDBUtils | Ensure that the extensions for the Vector3D are properly loaded |
CGeoDetectorTool | |
CGeoExtendedMaterial | |
CGeoGetIds | Visitor to traverse a GeoModel graph and make a callback for each identifier found |
CGeoGetIdsAction | Callback object calling a templated functional |
CGeoGpu | |
CGeoLoadGpu | |
CGeoMaterialPropertiesTable | |
CGeoMaterialPropertyVector | |
CGeoMDTHit | |
CGeometryConfigurationToolBase | |
CGeometryDBSvc | |
CGeometrySignature | |
CGeoMMHit | |
►CGeoModelExperiment | |
CLexigraphicalOrder | |
CNameEquals | |
CGeoModelSvc | |
CGeoModelTool | |
CGeoModelXmlTool | |
CGeoMPVEntry | |
CGeoMuonHitBase | |
CGeoOpticalPhysVol | Ensure that the extensions for the Vector3D are properly loaded |
CGeoOpticalSurface | Ensure that the extensions for the Vector3D are properly loaded |
CGeoPixelBarrel | |
CGeoPixelCable | |
CGeoPixelChip | |
CGeoPixelDetailedStaveSupport | |
CGeoPixelDisk | |
CGeoPixelDiskSupports | |
CGeoPixelECCable | |
CGeoPixelEndCap | |
CGeoPixelEnvelope | |
CGeoPixelFluid | |
CGeoPixelFrame | |
CGeoPixelHybrid | |
CGeoPixelIBLFwdServices | |
CGeoPixelIBLFwdSvcCADModel | |
CGeoPixelIBLFwdSvcModel1 | |
CGeoPixelIFlexServices | |
CGeoPixelLadder | |
CGeoPixelLadderServices | |
CGeoPixelLayer | |
CGeoPixelModule | |
CGeoPixelOldFrame | |
CGeoPixelPigtail | |
CGeoPixelServices | |
CGeoPixelSiCrystal | |
CGeoPixelSimpleStaveSupport | |
CGeoPixelStaveRing | |
CGeoPixelStaveRingServices | |
CGeoPixelStaveSupport | |
CGeoPixelTMT | |
CGeoPrimitivesInstan | |
CGeoRegion | |
CGeoRPCHit | |
CGeoSiHit | |
CGeosTGCHit | |
CGeoStraightAccSection | Record of All Electrode Straight Pieces |
►CGeoSysController | |
CImp | |
CGeoTGCHit | |
CGeoTRTUncompressedHit | |
CGeoVisitVolumes | Visitor to process all volumes under a GeoModel node |
CGeoVisitVolumesAction | Callback object calling a templated functional |
CGeoVisitVolumesNoXformAction | Callback object calling a templated functional |
CGeoVPixelFactory | This is the base class for all the pieces of the Pixel detector |
CGeoXPEngine | |
CGepClusteringAlg | |
CGepClusterTimingAlg | |
CGepJetAlg | |
CGepMETAlg | |
CGepMETPufitAlg | |
CGepPi0Alg | |
Cget_MaterialResolutionEffect | Get resolution systematics from material effect (mc12c setup, MVA calibration) |
Cget_result | |
Cget_result< oldresult, newresult, false > | |
Cget_result< oldresult, newresult, true > | |
Cget_strictly_feat | |
CGetAmountBase | |
CGetAmountDecoratorBase | |
CGetAmountFixed | |
CGetAmountFormula | |
CGetAmountHisto1D | |
CGetAmountHisto1DDown | |
CGetAmountHisto1DErrorDown | |
CGetAmountHisto1DErrorUp | |
CGetAmountHisto1DUp | |
CGetAmountHisto2D | |
CGetAmountHisto2DEtaCaloRunNumber | |
CGetAmountHVEMECPS207 | |
CGetAmountHVPSGuillaume | |
CGetAmountPileupE0 | |
CGetAmountPileupE1 | |
CGetAmountPileupE2 | |
CGetAmountPileupE3 | |
CgetCLID | |
CgetCLID< T, false > | |
CgetCLID< T, true > | |
CGetDetectorLocalFrames | |
CGetDetectorPositions | |
CGetLCClassification | Top algorithm to generate classification histograms for Local Hadron Calibration |
CGetLCDeadMaterial | Top algorithm to final processing of dead material tree and producing of dead material constants |
CGetLCDeadMaterialTree | |
CGetLCDeadMaterialTreeTree | Top algorithm to generate special dead material tree for Local Hadron Calibration |
CGetLCOutOfCluster | Top algorithm to generate OutOfCluster histograms for Local Hadron Calibration |
CGetLCSinglePionsPerf | Top algorithm to get local hadronic calibration performance plots for single pions |
CGetLCWeights | Top algorithm to generate Weight histograms for Local Hadron Calibration |
CgFexByteStreamTool | |
CgFexInputByteStreamTool | Implementation of a tool for L1 input data conversion from BS to xAOD and from xAOD to BS (IL1TriggerByteStreamTool interface) |
CGfexInputMonitorAlgorithm | |
CgFexLRJetRoIsUnpackingTool | |
CgFexLRJetRoIThresholdsTool | |
CGfexMonitorAlgorithm | |
CgFEXRoIByteStreamTool | Implementation of a tool for L1 RoI conversion from BS to xAOD and from xAOD to BS (IL1TriggerByteStreamTool interface) |
►CGfexSimMonitorAlgorithm | |
CSortableTob | |
CgFexSRJetRoIsUnpackingTool | |
CgFexSRJetRoIThresholdsTool | |
CGL2PSbackend | |
CGL2PScompress | |
CGL2PScontext | |
CGL2PSimage | |
CGL2PSlist | |
CGL2PSpdfgroup | |
CGL2PSprimitive | |
CGL2PSstring | |
CGL2PStriangle | |
CGL2PSvertex | |
CGlobalCableMap_t | |
CGlobalChi2AlignTool | Based on SiGlobalChi2Algs and TRT_AlignAlgs.
AlgTool used to calculate and store first- and second-derivatives for global chi2 alignment of any set of detector modules defined using AlignModule. Also provides methods for solving for the final alignment parameters |
CGlobalFieldManagerTool | Tool for setting up a detector-global magnetic field manager |
►CGlobalLargeRDNNCalibration | |
CVarRetriever | VarRetriever is a generic class to access Jet and/or JetEventInfo variables |
CGlobalNNCalibration | Tool to provide the global NN calibration for jets |
CGlobalSequentialCorrection | |
CGlobalTagDto | |
CGlobalTagMapDto | |
CGlobalTagMapSetDto | |
CGlobalTagSetDto | |
CGNN_FasTrackConnection | |
►CGNN_FasTrackConnector | |
CLayerGroup | |
CGNNTool | |
CGNTauCondition | |
CGoodRunsListSelectionTool | Tool implementing the GRL selection |
CGoodRunsListSelectorTool | This file contains the class definition for the GoodRunsListSelectorTool class |
CGPUClusterInfoAndMomentsCalculator | Standard tool to calculate cluster info (energy, transverse energy, pseudo-rapidity and azimuthal angle) |
CGPUHelpers | |
►CGPUKernelSizeOptimizerSvc | |
CKernelRecord | |
►CKernelsEntry | |
CKernelInfo | |
CgpuParameters | |
►CGPUToAthenaImporterWithMoments | Tool to convert the GPU data representation back to CPU, with selected moments too |
CMomentsOptionsArray | |
CGraphicsView | |
CGraphTest | |
Cgrl_run | |
CGRLSelectorAlg | Author: will buttinger To use this alg in your joboptions: masterseq = CfgMgr.AthSequencer("AthMasterSeq") ToolSvc += CfgMgr.GoodRunsListSelectionTool("myGRLTool",GoodRunsListVec=["my.grl.xml"]) masterseq += CfgMgr.GRLSelectorAlg(Tool=ToolSvc.myGRLTool) |
CGSCCalibStep | |
CGSFTsos | |
Cgsl_f_params | |
CGTower_ID | Helper class for jTower offline identifiers |
CGuid | This class provides a encapsulation of a GUID/UUID/CLSID/IID data structure (128 bit number) |
►CGuideSysController | |
CImp | |
Cgvxy_pointHandler | |
CgvxyHandler | |
CgvxysxHandler | |
CgvxysxyHandler | |
Ch | |
Ch | Add on demand proxies to the address registry (SG) |
Ch | |
Ch | DetCondFloat is a class to hold sets of Identifiers and arrays of floats for detector element specific information Richard Hawkings, started 29/1/04 |
Ch | =============================================================== |
Ch | |
Ch | A "zone" inside the field map Expands BFieldMesh<short> adding an id and a vector of current conductors |
Ch | |
Ch | |
Ch | |
Ch | |
Ch | |
Ch | |
Ch | |
Ch | |
Ch | |
Ch | |
CH1WeightToolCSC12Generic | |
CH5FileSvc | |
CHandleKeyArray< T > | Class to hold an array of HandleKeys |
CHashQuadruplet | |
CHasPtAboveThreshold | |
Cheader | |
CHeavyFlavorHadronFilter | |
CHECCell | A cell of the hadronic endcap calorimeter readout geometry |
CHECDescriptor | LAr HEC Descriptor |
CHECDetDescr | Descriptor for regions of the hadronic endcap calorimeter |
CHECDetectorElement | LAr HEC Detector Element |
CHECDetectorManager | A manager class providing access to readout geometry information for the hadronic endcap calorimeter |
CHECDetectorRegion | Description of a region of homogenous granularity in the hadronic endcap calorimeter |
CHECHitsTestTool | |
CHECHVDescriptor | |
►CHECHVManager | This class provides direct access to information on the HV electrodes within the barrels. The information may be accessed either directly or iteratively. Direct access is provided by the getHVModule() method. Iterative access is by looping over valid side, eta, phi, and sector indices to retrieve a HV module. From the high voltage modules one can obtain a list of electrodes (iteratively or directly) |
CClockwork | |
►CHECHVData | |
CPayload | |
►CHECHVModule | Describes one HV Module within the HEC |
CClockwork | |
CHECHVPayload | |
►CHECHVSubgap | |
CClockwork | |
CHECLongBlock | |
CHECRadialSegment | Description of a radial segment of a HEC module |
CHelloAlg | |
CHelloTool | |
Chepeup | |
CHepLorentzVector_p1 | |
CHepLorentzVectorCnv_p1 | |
CHepMC__GenParticle_dict | |
CHepMC__GenVertex_dict | |
CHepMcFloatWriterTool | |
CHepMcLinkToTruthParticleMap | |
►CHepMcParticleLink | Link optimized in size for a GenParticle in a McEventCollection |
CExtendedBarCode | Persistent representation of a link |
CHepMcParticleLink_p1 | |
CHepMcParticleLink_p2 | |
CHepMcParticleLink_p3 | |
CHepMcParticleLinkCnv_p1 | |
CHepMcParticleLinkCnv_p2 | |
CHepMcParticleLinkCnv_p3 | |
CHepMcReaderTool | |
CHepMCReadFromFile | |
CHepMCTruthReader | Algorithm demonstrating reading of HepMC truth, and printing to screen |
►CHepMcTupleWriterTool | |
CHepMcParticles | A simple representation of a HepMc particle |
►CHepMCWeightSvc | Service to read/write HepMC's WeightContainer key names from/to IOVMetaDataContainers author: will buttinger , NLAA |
CWeightInfo | Cached sets of weights |
CHepMcWriterTool | |
Cheprup | |
CHerwig7 | Interface to athena |
CHerwig7API | Interface to the Herwig7 API |
CHGTD_Cluster | |
CHGTD_Cluster_p1 | |
CHGTD_ClusterCnv_p1 | |
CHGTD_ClusterContainer_p1 | |
CHGTD_ClusterContainerCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CHGTD_ClusterContainerCnv_p1 | |
CHGTD_ClusterMakerTool | |
CHGTD_ClusterOnTrack | |
CHGTD_DetectorElementCondAlg | |
CHGTD_DetectorFactory | |
CHGTD_DetectorManager | |
CHGTD_DetectorTool | HGTD_DetectorTool is a standard GeoModel tool, which calls HGTD_DetectorFactory::create(), stores HGTD_DetectorManager to the Detector Store and also registers a callback function align() which applies misalignments on top of the 'regular' geometry |
CHGTD_Digitization | |
CHGTD_DigitizationTool | |
CHGTD_FrontEndTool | |
CHGTD_GeoModelAthenaComps | Class to hold various Athena components |
CHGTD_GMX_DetectorTool | |
CHGTD_GmxInterface | |
CHGTD_IDDetDescrCnv | This class is a converter for the HGTD_ID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store |
CHGTD_IterativeExtensionTool | |
CHGTD_LayerBuilderCond | |
CHGTD_OverlapDescriptor | |
CHGTD_Overlay | |
CHGTD_PRD_Collection_p1 | |
CHGTD_RDO_Cnv_p1 | |
CHGTD_RDO_Collection | |
CHGTD_RDO_Collection_p1 | |
CHGTD_RDO_Container | |
CHGTD_RDO_Container_p1 | |
CHGTD_RDO_ContainerCnv | |
CHGTD_RDO_ContainerCnv_p1 | |
CHGTD_RDO_p1 | |
►CHGTD_RDOAnalysis | |
CSdoInfo | |
CHGTD_SmearedDigitizationTool | |
CHGTD_SurfaceChargesGenerator | |
CHGTD_TimingResolution | |
CHGTD_TrackingGeometryBuilderCond | |
CHgtdGeoParams | |
CHGTDSensorGmxSD | |
CHGTDSensorSD | |
CHGTDSensorSDTool | |
Chhh_Cell | |
Chhh_HashTable | |
Chhh_MemoryTrace | |
CHICaloRange | |
CHIClusterMaker | Algorithm to build HI-style clusters, which are essentially towers. Cluster energy is sum of cell energies x geometric weights eta/phi are (energy x geometric weight)-averaged positions. eta0/phi0 are original tower coordinates. If cluster energy is below m_E_min_mom ent, eta=eta0, phi=phi0 |
CHIClusterSubtraction | Algorithm that applies background subtraction to clusters. The subtraction needs to be handled separately from the making. The unsubtracted clusters are inputs into the jet finding which in turn defines the background (HIEventShapeContainer) |
CHid2RESrcID | |
CHIEfficiencyResponseHistos | |
CHIEventShapeFillerTool | |
►CHIEventShapeIndex | |
Crange_index_t | |
CHIEventShapeJetIteration | |
CHIEventShapeMaker | |
CHIEventShapeMapTool | |
►CHIEventShapeSummaryTool | |
Csummary_info_t | |
CHiggsFilter | |
CHiggsTruthCategoryTool | |
CHigh2LowByGenParticleClassPt | |
CHigh2LowByJetClassPt | |
►CHijCrdn | Class definition for HijCrdn, which is used to modify the Hijing HIJCRDN common |
CHIJetCellSubtractorTool | Concrete implementation of HIJetSubtractorToolBase. Class used by HIClusterSubtraction and HIJetConstituentSubtractionTool to provide kinematics of a cluster after subtraction given an event shape. This version of the tool navigates back to the cells |
CHIJetClusterIndexAssociationTool | JetModifier that associates HIClusters w/ a jet. Necessary because you may want to know all clusters w/in DR < X rather than just the clusters that are constituents of the jet. Since HI-style clusters derive from towers they have a well-defined index For each jet, this tool associates a set of clusters from a pre-determined indexing |
CHIJetClusterSubtractorTool | Concrete implementation of HIJetSubtractorToolBase. Class used by HIClusterSubtraction and HIJetConstituentSubtractionTool to provide kinematics of a cluster after subtraction given an event shape. This version of the tool does not use the cell information and thus should be faster than HIJetCellSubtractorTool |
CHIJetConstituentModifier | |
CHIJetConstituentModifierTool | |
CHIJetConstituentSubtractionTool | JetModifier that actual does the background subtraction. This tool is the most important one applied to HI jets! |
CHIJetDiscriminatorTool | JetModifier that filters collection based on values of moments MaxConstituentET and MaxOverMean set by HIJetMaxOverMeanTool. Only jets w/ values of these moments larger than m_MaxOverMean_cut and m_ET_min_cut respectively are kept. values of these selection cuts are controlled by declareProperty w/ names MinimumETMaxCut and MaxOverMeanCut respectively |
CHIJetDRAssociationTool | JetModifier that stores links to IParticles w/in DR of a jet. In HIJetRec this association is needed to determine which clusters t.o exclude from the HIEventShape recalculation on the basis of some seed jets May not want to only use constituents of seed jets, e.g. R=0.2 jets as seeds but want to exclude DR=0.6 around jet position, track jets, etc |
CHIJetMaxOverMeanTool | JetModifier that calculates moments in HI subtraction bootstrap. The ET of each jet constituent (HI clusters) is considered The maximum ET and maximum / mean are calculated from this set of values and stored as moments MaxConstituentET and MaxOverMean, respectively |
CHIJetSignificanceTool | Modified by R.Longo on May 2020 to include new treatment for JetDecorations |
CHIJetSubtractorToolBase | Abstract base for JetModifiers applying constituent based subtraction |
CHIJetUEMonitoring | |
CHijing | |
CHijingEventParams | |
►CHijJet1 | Class definition for HijJet1, which is used to modify the Hijing HIJJET1 common |
►CHijJet2 | Class definition for HijJet2, which is used to modify the Hijing HIJJET2 common |
►CHijJet4 | Class definition for HijJet4, which is used to modify the Hijing HIJJET4 common |
►CHiMain1 | Class definition for HiMain1, which is used to modify the Hijing HIMAIN1 common |
►CHiMain2 | Class definition for HiMain2, which is used to modify the Hijing HIMAIN2 common |
►CHiParnt | Class definition for HiParnt, which is used to modify the Hijing HIPARNT common |
Chist_rec | |
►ChistCollection | |
ChistDir_t | |
ChistPerDir_t | |
CHistDetails | Details of the histogram axes etc |
CHistFamily | |
CHistHandler | Utility class to avoid having to determine the input histo at every single call to the tool Remembers the type and axis binning of a histogram and provides a common interface independent of these details |
CHistoDefinitionTool | |
CHistogramDefinitionSvc | |
ChistogramDigitVariables | |
CHistogramOperations | |
►CHistoGroupBase | |
CHistData | Simply a histo and its path in the hiearchy |
Chistoinfo | |
CHistoRetriever | |
CHistosForJetSelection | |
►CHiStrng | Class definition for HiStrng, which is used to modify the Hijing HISTRNG common |
CHISubtractedCellMakerTool | |
CHit | |
ChitData_entry | |
CHitDVSeed | |
CHitDVSpacePoint | |
CHitDVTrk | |
CHitIdHelper | |
CHitInfoStruct | |
CHitMapBuilder | HitMapBuilder.h |
CHITowerWeightTool | |
►CHitsSoNodeManager | |
CImp | |
CHitStatistics | |
CHitsToxAODCopier | Algorithm to copy RDO hits into xAOD writable format |
CHitsTruthRelinkBase | |
►CHitToSoNode | |
CImp | |
CHitTruthMatching | |
CHIUEModulatorTool | |
CHiveAlgA | |
CHiveAlgB | |
CHiveAlgBase | |
CHiveAlgC | |
CHiveAlgD | |
CHiveAlgE | |
CHiveAlgF | |
CHiveAlgG | |
CHiveAlgL1 | |
CHiveAlgL2 | |
CHiveAlgL3 | |
CHiveAlgM | |
CHiveAlgR | |
CHiveAlgV | |
CHiveDataObj | |
CHiveEventSlot | A structure created by HiveMgrSvc and used by SGHiveStoreSvc to forward the StoreGateSvc method to a thread-specific SGImplSvc |
►CHiveExSvc | |
CtDat | |
CHiveMgrSvc | A service that manages a multi-event collection of StoreGateSvc It implements the IHiveWhiteBoard interface |
CHiveTool | |
CHllgamRepeatTimeShower | Tool that will repeatedly perform time showering on the intial photons from a Higgs decay until at least one is offshell |
CHLTCalo_L2CaloEMClustersMonitor | |
CHLTCalo_TopoCaloClustersMonitor | |
CHLTCaloCellCorrector | |
CHLTCaloCellMaker | NAME: HLTCaloCellMaker.h PACKAGE: Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCommon |
CHLTCaloCellSumMaker | NAME: HLTCaloCellSumMaker.h PACKAGE: Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2CaloCommon |
►CHLTEDMCreator | Tool capable of creating collections missing (early rejection) after HLT processing. It declares output handles for all possible collections produced by the trigger |
CConstHandlesGroup | |
CHandlesGroup | |
CHLTEDMCreatorAlg | Algorithm calling the HLTEDMCreator |
CHLTEfficiencyMonitoringAlg | |
►CHltEventLoopMgr | AthenaMT event loop manager for running HLT online |
CEventLoopStatus | Flags and counters steering the main event loop execution |
CHLTHeavyIonMonAlg | Monitoring algorithms for HLT_mb_*_hi_* chains |
CHLTMBTSMonitoringAlgMT | |
CHLTMinBiasEffMonitoringAlg | |
CHLTMinBiasTrkMonAlg | |
CHLTResultCnv | |
CHLTResultMTByteStreamDecoderAlg | Algorithm creating HLTResultMT from ByteStream representation |
CHLTResultMTByteStreamDecoderTool | Tool filling an HLTResultMT from ByteStream event data |
CHLTResultMTMaker | Tool to create the HLTResultMT at the end of each event |
CHLTResultMTMakerAlg | Simply calls the result maker tool to create HLTResultMT. The algorithm is meant to be used only offline. Online, the result maker is called directly by the event loop manager |
CHLTResultMTMakerTool | Base class for AlgTools filling information in an HLTResultMT object |
CHLTriggerMuonPlots | |
►CHltROBDataProviderSvc | ROBDataProvider service for retrieving and serving ROB data in HLT online |
CEventCache | Struct which provides the event cache for each slot |
CHLTSeeding | Collects information from CTP bits and LVL1 RoIs, activates HLT chains and creates seeding RoIs |
CHLTSeedingNoCtpForTesting | Simplified version of HLTSeeding with minimal dependencies to use in testing |
CHoleSearchValidation | |
CHomogeneousLayerMaterialCnv_p1 | |
CHRoute | |
CHTcalculator | |
CHTConditionFastReduction | |
CHTFilter | |
CHVPoint3D | |
CHWIdentifier | |
CHWIdentifier32 | |
CHydjet | |
►CHyFlow | |
►CHyfPar | |
►CHyiPar | |
►CHyJets | |
►CHyjPar | |
CHyperbolaStep | |
CHyperbolaStepper | |
CHypoBase | Hypothesis algorithms take the output of reco algorithms and the decision from the preceeding InputMaker, to produce a new decision. This is a base class for HLT Hypos to reduce boilerplate and enforce the common naming scheme for decision handle keys. Derived classes will have to add specific reco data read & write keys to suit their purpose |
CHypoJetLess | |
CHypoJetPtGreater | |
CHypoJetPtLess | |
CHypoJetVectorLess | |
►CI4MomDumper | |
CDisplay | |
CI4Momentum | |
CI4MomentumError | |
CIAccumulator | |
CIActsExCellWriterSvc | |
CIActsExtrapolationTool | |
CIActsGeantFollowerHelper | |
CIActsMaterialJsonWriterTool | |
CIActsMaterialStepConverterTool | |
CIActsMaterialTrackWriterSvc | |
CIActsPropStepRootWriterSvc | |
CIActsSurfaceMappingTool | |
CIActsTrackingGeometrySvc | |
CIActsTrackingGeometryTool | |
CIActsTrackingVolumeBuilder | |
CIActsVolumeMappingTool | |
CIAddPhysicsDecayTool | |
CIAddressProvider | Interface for IOA providers |
CIAFP_GenericPixelTool | Base class for all pixel identifier tool |
CIAFP_GeometryTool | |
CIAFP_GlobRecoTool | Interface for AFP tools that reconstruct protons from tracks |
CIAFP_LinkNumTranslator | |
CIAFP_ProtonRecoTool | Interface for proton reconstruction tool |
CIAFP_Raw2DigiTool | Interface for AFP tool that translates RawData to xAOD::AFPSiHits |
CIAFP_SIDLocRecoTool | Interface for AFP tools that reconstruct tracks from silicon detector hits |
CIAFP_TimeRecoTool | Interface for proton reconstruction tool |
CIAFP_VertexRecoTool | Interface for AFP tools that reconstruct vertices from protons |
CIAFP_WordReadOut | |
CIAFPProtonTransportTool | |
CIAFPSiClusterAlgTool | Interface for tools with algorithms that clusters silicon pixel hits |
CIAFPSiClusterTool | Interface for AFP tools that create silicon pixel hits clusters |
CIAFPSiDLocRecoTrackAlgTool | Interface for AFP tools that reconstruct tracks from silicon detector hits |
CIAFPSiRowColToLocalCSTool | Interface for tools that translate pixels columns and rows to local position in station and saves output in xAOD format |
CIAFPTDLocRecoTool | Interface for AFP tools that reconstruct tracks from time of flight detector hits |
CIAFPTDLocRecoTrackAlgTool | Interface for AFP tools that reconstruct tracks from time of fight detector hits |
CIAGDDParser | |
CIAGDDtoGeoSvc | |
CIAGDDToolBase | |
CIAlignResidualCalculator | Interface for tool used to calculate residuals |
CIAlignTool | Interface for tool used to accumulate information for each track, and then to solve for the final alignment parameters |
CIAlignTrackCreator | Interface for tool used to create an AlignTrack |
CIAlignTrackDresser | Interface for tool used to dress an AlignTrack with derivatives and other quantities needed for alignment |
CIAlignTrackPreProcessor | Generic interface for alignment algtools which process a track collection and return a collection of AlignTracks (e.g. refits, with or without vertexing, track selection ...) |
CIAmplifier | |
CIASCIICondDbSvc | |
CIAsgDeadHVCellRemovalTool | |
CIAsgEGammaIsEMSelector | Interface to tool to select photons |
CIAsgElectronChargeIDSelectorTool | Interface to tool for ChargeID |
CIAsgElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool | |
CIAsgElectronIsEMSelector | Interface to tool to select electrons |
CIAsgElectronLikelihoodTool | Interface to tool to select electrons |
CIAsgForwardElectronIsEMSelector | Interface to tool to select electrons |
CIAsgHelloTool | |
CIAsgPhotonEfficiencyCorrectionTool | |
CIAsgPhotonIsEMSelector | Interface to tool to select photons |
CIAsgSelectionTool | |
CIAssocFilter | |
CIAssociationStrategy | |
CIAthAsgExUnittestTool | |
CIAthenaBarCode | |
CIAthenaEvtLoopPreSelectTool | This class provides the interface for AthenaEvtLoopPreSelectTool classes used by AthenaEventLoopMgr |
CIAthenaIPCTool | |
CIAthenaMPTool | |
CIAthenaOutputStreamTool | This is a tool that allows streaming out of DataObjects. This has been factorized out from AthenaOutputStream to allow output streaming to occur from anywhere, for example from the finalized method of an algorithm |
CIAthenaOutputTool | This class provides the interface for AthenaOutputTool classes used by AthenaOutputStream |
CIAthenaPoolCleanUp | This class provides the interface for the AthenaPoolCleanUp which is used to clean up AthenaPoolConverter |
CIAthenaPoolCleanUpSvc | This class provides the interface for the IAthenaPoolCleanUpSvc which is used to clean up AthenaPoolConverter |
CIAthenaPoolCnvSvc | This class provides the interface between Athena and PoolSvc |
CIAthenaPoolTestCollection | Interface class for AthenaPoolTest i/o tests with DataVector |
CIAthenaPoolTestData | Interface class for AthenaPoolTest i/o tests |
CIAthenaRootCnvSvc | This class provides the interface between Athena and RootSvc |
CIAthenaRootStreamerSvc | Gaudi style interface to Athena ROOT streamer service |
CIAthenaSelectorTool | This class provides the interface for AthenaSelectorTool classes used by AthenaEventSelector |
CIAthenaSerializeSvc | |
CIAthenaSharedWriterSvc | |
CIAthenaSummarySvc | Abstract produces summary of Athena stuff |
CIAthExUnittestTool | |
CIAthHistogramTool | |
CIAthMetaDataSvc | This class provides the interface for MetaDataSvc |
CIAthRNGSvc | Manage multiple RandomEngines in thread-safe way |
►CIAthSelectionTool | IAthSelectionTool is a virtual baseclass for selection methods |
CCutResult | |
CIAtRndmGenSvc | Manage multiple CLHEP random engines as named streams |
CIbeamHandler | |
CIBeamIntensity | |
CIBeamLuminosity | |
CIBJetCorrectionTool | Class IBJetCorrectionTool |
CIBJetHypoDiscriminantCheck | |
CIBkgStreamsCache | Interface to in-memory cache for pileup events |
CIBLParameterSvc | |
CIBTagConditionalDecorator | |
CIBTagDecorator | |
CIBTaggingEfficiencyJsonTool | Class IBTaggingEfficiencyJsonTool |
CIBTaggingEfficiencyTool | |
CIBTaggingEigenVectorRecompositionTool | |
CIBTaggingSelectionJsonTool | Class IBTaggingSelectionJsonTool |
CIBTaggingSelectionTool | |
CIBTaggingTruthTaggingTool | |
CIByteStreamCnvSvc | Interface for bytestream conversion services |
CIByteStreamEventAccess | Interface for accessing raw data |
CIByteStreamInputSvc | This class provides the interface to services to read bytestream data. The concrete class can provide Raw event from a file, transient store, or through network |
CIByteStreamOutputSvc | This class provides the interface to services to write bytestream data. The concrete class can provide RAW event to a file, transient store, or through network |
CICaloAffectedTool | |
CICaloBadChanTool | |
CICaloCalibClusterTruthAttributerTool | Interface class tools calculating calibration hit truth information |
CICaloCellMakerTool | |
CICaloCellNormalizedQualityTool | |
CICaloCellSelector | |
CICaloCellsProducer | |
CICaloCluster_OnTrackBuilder | |
CICaloClusterGPUConstantTransformer | Base class for tools that convert constant information to the GPU-friendly format used in CaloGPUHybridClusterProcessor |
CICaloClusterGPUInputTransformer | Base class for tools that convert event information from the Athena structures to the GPU-friendly format used in CaloGPUHybridClusterProcessor |
CICaloClusterGPUOutputTransformer | Base class for tools that convert event information from the GPU-friendly format used in CaloGPUHybridClusterProcessor to the Athena structures |
CICaloClusterGPUPlotter | Base class for tools that can be used to plot events within CaloGPUHybridClusterProcessor |
CICaloClusterMatchingTool | |
CICaloConstCellMakerTool | Operate on pointers to const CaloCell |
CICaloCoolIdTool | |
CICaloCoordinateTool | This (clean) interface is implemented in the (rather dirty) ICaloCoordinateTool class, which depends on data-bases and H8 CTB specificities |
CICaloEstimatedGainTool | Estimate gain used to read out a certain energy |
CICaloGeometry | |
CICaloMuonLikelihoodTool | |
CICaloMuonScoreTool | |
CICaloMuonTag | |
CICaloRecoMaterialTool | This (clean) interface is driven by 2 constraints : |
CICaloRecoSimpleGeomTool | |
CICaloRingerElectronsReader | Interface for tool CaloRingerElectronsReader |
CICaloRingerInputReader | Base Interface for CaloRinger particle reading |
CICaloRingerPhotonsReader | Interface for tool CaloRingerPhotonsReader |
CICaloRingsBuilder | Interface for tool CaloRingsBuilder |
CICaloSimpleGeomTool | T his (clean) interface is driven by 2 constraints : |
CICaloSuperCellIDTool | Interface for tool to map between calorimeter cells and supercells |
CICaloSurfaceBuilder | Interface to CaloSurfaceBuilder |
CICaloTimeFilterTool | |
CICaloTopoTowerBuilderToolBase | |
CICaloTowerBuilderToolBase | |
CICellWeightTool | |
CIClusterCellWeightTool | Interface class for tools weighting cells in CaloCluster objects |
CIClusterClassificationTool | Interface class for tools classifying CaloCluster objects |
CIClusterFilterTool | Interface for extending Particles with calo intersections |
CICollectionDataEditor | |
CICollectionSize | Abstract interface for finding the size of an event collection |
CIComboHypoTool | |
CICondition | |
CICondSvcSetupDone | |
CIConstituentExtractor | |
Cicoords | |
CICoreDumpSvc | Interface of a core dump service |
CICPJetCorrectionTool | Class ICPJetCorrectionTool |
CICPJetUncertaintiesTool | |
CICscAlignmentTool | |
CICscCalibTool | |
CICscClusterBuilder | |
►CICscClusterFitter | |
CResult | |
CICscClusterUtilTool | |
►CICscSegmentFinder | |
CCluster | |
CSegment | |
CsortByNunspoilAndChsq | |
CICscSegmentUtilTool | |
►CICscStripFitter | |
CResult | |
CICTPUnpackingTool | Interface for CTP unpacking tools |
CICutFlowSvc | This class provides an interface between event filtering algorithms and athena input/output streams, |
CIDAlignMonGenericTracksAlg | |
CIDAlignMonPVBiasesAlg | |
CIDAlignMonResidualsAlg | |
CIDataShare | Abstract interface for sharing data |
CIDBReplicaSvc | |
CIDC_MuonOverlayBase | |
CIDC_OverlayBase | |
CIdCablingInfo | |
CIDCalibHypoAlg | Implements Hypo selection on IDCalib stream trigger |
►CIDCalibHypoTool | Generate the decision for IDCalib stream trigger |
CIDCalibHypoInfo | |
CIDCCacheCreatorBase | |
CIDCInDetBSErrContainer | IDC like storage for BS errors, TODO, customise implementation further so that we store int rather than int* |
CIDCInDetBSErrContainerCnv | |
CIDCInDetBSErrContainerCnv_p1 | |
CIdContext | This class saves the "context" of an expanded identifier (ExpandedIdentifier) for compact or hash versions (Identifier32 or IdentifierHash). This context is composed of |
CIdDictAltRegions | |
CIdDictCnvTest | |
CIdDictDetDescrCnv | Converter for the DetDescrCnvSvc which parses the identifier xml dictionaries and creates an IdDictManager in the DetectorStore. This is used by the IdHelpers to initialize themselves |
CIdDictDictEntry | |
CIdDictDictionary | |
CIdDictDictionaryRef | |
CIdDictField | |
CIdDictFieldImplementation | IdDictFieldImplementation is used to capture the specification of a single field of an Identifier |
CIdDictGroup | |
CIdDictLabel | |
CIdDictManager | IdDictManager is the interface to identifier dictionaries |
CIdDictMgr | |
CIdDictParser | |
CIdDictRange | |
CIdDictRangeRef | |
CIdDictReference | |
CIdDictRegion | |
CIdDictRegionEntry | |
CIdDictSubRegion | |
CIDecisionCollector | Tools that collect decisions |
CIDecisionSvc | This class defines a protocol to register boolean decisions and |
CIDefaultDecorator | |
CIdentContIndex | Identifiable container index to a contained object |
CIdentifiable | This class provides an abstract interface to an Identifiable object |
►CIdentifiableContainerMT | |
Cconst_iterator | |
CIDC_WriteHandle | |
CIdentifiableValueCache | This class is to provide an event wide MT container for concurrent storing of basic types, like ints This is a version of the identifiable container optimized for basic types The cache is designed for event level storage and concurrent writing |
CIdentifiableValueContainer | |
CIdentifiableValueContainerBase | |
CIdentifiedProfileHistogram | |
►CIdentifier | |
Cget_compact_func | A get_compact functional for use in STL algorithms |
CIdentifier32 | |
CIdentifier_Gpu | |
CIdentifierField | This is the individual specification for the range of one ExpandedIdentifier IdentifierField |
CIdentifierHash | This is a "hash" representation of an Identifier. This encodes a 32 bit index which can be used to look-up "Identifiable"s stored in a simple vector. It is intended to be a continuous hash, i.e. it runs from 0 to N-1, where there are N different possible values for an Identifier(32) within a specific context. IdentifierHashes are created by default in an invalid state which can be checked with "is_valid" method. This allows some error checking |
CIdentifierHashCalc | |
CIdentifierHashCalc< T > | |
CIdentifierHashTable | |
CIdentifierHashTable< T > | |
CIdentifiers | |
►CIdentifierToHash | The IdentifierToHash table |
CRecursiveIndexCall | Helper class for IdentifierToHash to automate recursive index call |
CRecursiveIndexCall< 0, K > | |
CRecursiveIndexCall< 1, K > | |
CRecursiveRangeCheck | Helper class for one-go recursive range check on all indices |
CRecursiveRangeCheck< 0, K > | N=0 is invalid |
CRecursiveRangeCheck< 1, K > | Specialise for N=1 to end recursion |
CIdentityHelper | |
CIDependencyReporter | |
CIDerivCalcTool | Interface for tool used to select tracks, to determine detectors (ID or MS) for which to perform alignment, and to calculate first and second derivatives of track chi2 with respect to track and alignment parameters.
CIDetDescrCnvSvc | |
CIDetectorConstructionTool | |
CIDetectorElementStatusTool | |
CIDetectorGeometrySvc | |
CIDetectorGeometryTool | |
CIdField | |
CidHasher | |
CIdHashTableHelper | Helper base class for instantiation of templated class IdentifierHashTable |
CIdHelper | This is an abstract base class for helper classes that know how to convert Identifier <-> IdentifierHash objects |
CIDictLoaderSvc | |
CIDPerfMonEoverP | |
CIDPerfMonKshort | |
CIDPerfMonWenu | |
CIDPerfMonZee | |
CIDPerfMonZmumu | |
CIDPerfMuonRefitter | |
CIDQFilterTool | |
CIDScanZFinder | |
CIDVarCalculator | |
CIDynamicDataConsumer | |
CIEFlowCellEOverPTool | Pure virtual base class, from which concrete classes inherit and define reference e/p mean and widths, as well as reference energy density radial profile fit parameters |
CIEFTrackingFPGADataFormatTool | Abstrct interface class for EFTrackingFPGADataFromatTool |
CIEFTrackingFPGAIntegrationTool | |
CIEFTrackingIntegrationTool | Abstrct interface class for EFTrackingFPGAIntergration |
CIEGammaAmbiguityTool | |
CIegammaBaseTool | |
CIEgammaCalibration | General Interface for calibrations at the LVL2 Egamma Calo Fex algo |
CIegammaCaloClusterSelector | Used to select clusters for seeding |
►CIegammaCellRecoveryTool | Interface for the Reconstruction/egamma/egammaCaloTools/egammaCellRecoveryTool |
CInfo | |
CIegammaCheckEnergyDepositTool | |
►CIegammaIso | Interface for the Reconstruction/egamma/egammaCaloTools/egammaIso |
CInfo | |
CIegammaMVACalibTool | A tool used by the egammaMVASvc to help manage the MVAs |
CIegammaMVASvc | |
CIegammaOQFlagsBuilder | |
►CIegammaShowerShape | |
CInfo | Info payload |
CIegammaSwTool | |
►CIegammaTrkRefitterTool | |
CCache | Struct Holding the result to return and intermediate objects Things are owned by the EDM or the unique_ptr |
CIElectronLRTOverlapRemovalTool | Interface class. Abstract interface class. Provides the user interface for the ElectronLRTOverlapRemovalTool class |
CIElectronPhotonShowerShapeFudgeTool | |
CIEMClusterTool | |
CIEMConversionBuilder | |
CIEMExtrapolationTools | |
CIEMShowerBuilder | |
CIEMTrackMatchBuilder | |
CIEnhancedBiasWeighter | Define interface of EnhancedBias weighting class |
CIEnvelopeDefSvc | |
CIEquationOfMotionTool | |
CIEventHistoVarTool | |
CIEventSeek | Abstract interface for seeking within an event stream |
CIEventShapeTool | |
CIEventShare | Abstract interface for sharing within an event stream |
CIEvgenOTFTopUpSvc | IService to hold some information for topping up algorithms that are running on the fly |
CIEvtIdModifierSvc | |
CIEvtSelectorSeek | Abstract interface for seeking for an event selector |
►CIExtendTrackToLayerTool | |
CTrackExtension | Helper struct to hold track extrapolation information |
CIFastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation | |
CIFastCaloSimCaloTransportation | |
CIFastCaloSimGeometryHelper | |
CIFastJetInterfaceTool | General tool configuring fastjet functionality |
CIFastSimDedicatedSD | This is the interface for the fast simulation dedicated sensitive detector |
CIFastSimulation | |
CIFastSimulationMasterTool | |
CIFieldManagerTool | |
CIFillAlignTrkInfo | |
CIFillNtupleTool | Interface for tool used to fill an ntuple with useful information for debugging, etc. Implementation is detector-specific and does not have to be implemented if not needed |
CIFilter | IFilter is the main interface to the filters |
CIFilterCuts | IFilterCuts is a class which is used internally
by the filters to copy their cut properties one to another (via the IFilterCuts::setFilter(ifilter) method) |
CIFitTool | |
CIFluxRecorder | |
CIForwardParentThinningTool | Interface class for tools that thin low-level objects based on a selection on associated high-level objects |
CIForwardRegionProperties | |
CIForwardTransportSvc | |
CIFPGAActsTrkConverter | |
CIFPGAClusterConverter | |
CIFPGATrackSimBankSvc | |
CIFPGATrackSimEventInputHeaderTool | |
CIFPGATrackSimEventSelectionSvc | |
CIFPGATrackSimHitFilteringTool | |
CIFPGATrackSimInputTool | Interface of tools responsible for generation of the FPGATrackSim sim wrapper files |
CIFPGATrackSimMappingSvc | |
CIFPGATrackSimRoadFilterTool | A road filter returns a vector of roads given a vector of roads |
CIFPGATrackSimRoadFinderTool | A road finder returns a vector of roads given a vector of hits |
CIFPGATrackSimTrackExtensionTool | A track extension tool takes tracks and hits, and returns a NEW set of roads |
CIFPGATrackSimTrackingTool | |
CIFrontEnd | |
CIG4AtlasSvc | |
CIG4CaloTransportTool | |
CIG4FieldSvc | |
CIG4GeometryConfigurationTool | |
CIG4GeometryNotifierSvc | |
CIGeantFollowerHelperFollowerHelper | |
CIGeantFollowerMSHelperFollowerHelper | |
CIGeo2G4Svc | |
CIGeoDbTagSvc | |
CIGeoGetIdsAction | Ensure that the extensions for the Vector3D are properly loaded |
CIGeometryDBSvc | |
CIGeometryManagerTool | Interface for tool used to build the AlignModules to be used for alignment. The implementation is specific to a detector type |
CIGeoModelSvc | |
CIGeoModelTool | |
CIGeoSubDetTool | |
CIGeoVisitVolumesAction | Define a simple callback for each volume found |
CIGeoVisitVolumesNoXformAction | Define a simple callback for each volume found, without keeping track of geometrical transforms |
CIGoodRunsListSelectionTool | Main tools implementing this interface: GoodRunsListSelectionTool (source code: DataQuality/GoodRunsLists) |
CIGoodRunsListSelectorTool | |
CIGPUKernelSizeOptimizer | Interface for GPU kernel size optimization (allowing adjustment of kernel sizes to the properties of the available device) |
CIGPUKernelSizeOptimizerSvc | Actual Athena inteface for the IGPUKernelSizeOptimizer |
CIH5GroupSvc | |
CIHadronicCalibrationTool | |
CIHelloTool | |
CIHepMCWeightSvc | IService to read/write HepMC's WeightContainer key names from/to IOVMetaDataContainers author: will buttinger , NLAA |
CIHGTD_ClusterTruthTool | |
CIHGTD_PadClusterizationTool | |
CIHGTD_SurfaceChargesGenerator | |
CIHGTD_TOFcorrectionTool | |
CIHGTD_TrackTimeExtensionTool | |
CIHIEventShapeFiller | |
CIHIEventShapeMapTool | |
CIHIEventShapeSummaryTool | |
CIHiggsTruthCategoryTool | |
CIHistogramDefinitionSvc | Interface class to get the histogram definition for a named histogram in a given directory |
CIHISubtractorTool | Abstract interface for tools that implement constituent based subtraction |
CIHITowerWeightTool | |
CIHIUEModulatorTool | Abstract interface for tools that can provide UE modulation given an HIEventShape |
CIHiveExSvc | |
CIHiveStore | Interface that provides access to the current hive store |
CIHiveStoreMgr | Interface through which HiveWB control StoreGate instances |
CIHiveTool | |
CIHLTOutputTool | IHLTOutputTool implementations help in creation HLT output (EDM gaps filling, BS creation, Views merging, etc.) |
CIHybridProcessorHelper | Helper interface for implementing hybrid MP+MT. Used by the Hybrid Shared Event Queue Consumer MP tool |
CIHypoJetVectorFilter | |
CIHypoJetVectorGenerator | |
CIIBLParameterSvc | |
CIInDetAlignDBTool | |
CIInDetAlignFillSiCluster | |
CIInDetAlignFillTrack | |
CIInDetAlignHitQualSelTool | |
CIInDetAlignOverlapTool | |
CIInDetAlignTrackSelTool | |
CIInDetConditionsSvc | |
►CIInDetConditionsTool | |
CIDCCacheEntry | |
CIInDetHardScatterSelectionTool | |
CIInDetPhysValDecoratorTool | |
CIInDetSecVtxTruthMatchTool | Class for vertex truth matching |
CIInDetServMatBuilderTool | Tool for building services in SLHC geometry |
CIInDetUsedInFitTrackDecoratorTool | |
CIInDetVertexTruthMatchTool | Class for vertex truth matching |
CIInsituTrackTools | |
CIIOHepMcTool | |
CIIOMcAodTool | |
CIIoSvc | |
CIIOVCondDbSvc | |
CIIOVDbMetaDataTool | This is an interface to a tool used to manage the IOV Meta Data for a given object in the MetaData Store |
►CIIOVDbSvc | Abstract interface to IOVDbSvc to access IOVRange and tag information |
CKeyInfo | Filled by IIOVDbSvc::getKeyInfo |
CIIOVRegistrationSvc | This is an interface to a service used to register conditions objects in the Interval of Validity (IOV) database |
CIIOVSvc | Abstract interface for IOVSvc. This is used (usually via StoreGateSvc regFcn and regHandle methods) to setup access to time-varying data, such as calibration. See http://annwm.lbl.gov/~leggett/Atlas/IOVSvc/main.shtml for details |
CIIOVSvcTool | |
CIItemListSvc | This class defines a protocol to register boolean decisions and |
CIITkPixelRawDataProviderTool | |
CIITkPixelRodDecoder | |
CIITkStripsRawContByteStreamTool | Interface for Athena Algorithm Tool to provide conversion from ITk Strips RDO container to ByteStream |
CIITkStripsRodEncoder | Interface for Athena Algorithm Tool to convert from Strips RDO to ROD format BysteStream |
CIJacobianManagerTool | Interface for tool used to calculate Jacobian terms. Not yet implemented |
CIJetBuildTool | IJetBuildTool is a dual-use tool interface for a tool that builds a jet collection |
CIJetCalibrationTool | Class IJetCalibrationTool |
CIJetCalibStep | |
CIJetCalibTool | This interface is superseding the old version, IJetCalibrationTool |
CIJetConstituentModifier | |
CIJetConstituentsRetriever | |
CIJetConsumer | |
CIJetDecorator | Interface for adding a decoration to a jet container |
CIJetEventSelector | IJetEventSelector is a dual-use tool interface for a tool that selects a jet based on EventInfo selections (e.g |
CIJetExecuteTool | IJetExecuteTool is a dual-use tool interface for generic tools, i.e. those that behave like algorithms |
CIJetFinder | |
CIJetFromPseudojet | IJetFromPseudojet is a dual-use tool interface for a tool that constructs a new ATLAS jet from a fastjet pseudojet |
CIJetGroomer | |
CIJetGrouper | |
CIJetGroupProduct | |
CIJetHistoFiller | |
CIJetHistoVarTool | |
CIJetModifier | IJetModifier is a dual-use tool interface for a tool that modifies a jet collection |
CIJetProvider | |
CIJetPseudojetRetriever | |
CIJetSelector | IJetSelector is a dual-use tool interface for a tool that selects a jet |
CIJetsMatcher | |
CIJetStream | |
CIJetTagConditionalDecorator | |
CIJetTagDecorator | |
CIJetUncertaintiesTool | |
CIJetUpdateJvt | |
CIJobIDSvc | Interface to JobIDSvc |
CIJSSTaggerUtils | |
CIKinematicConstraint | |
CIL1CaloPersistenceCapable | |
►CIL1InfoHypoTool | |
CL1Info | |
CIL1TopoHistSvc | |
►CIL1TriggerByteStreamTool | Interface for AlgTools converting ByteStream to xAOD RoI objects and vice versa |
CCache | Cache which tracks memory allocated for ByteStream data representation in the convertToBS method |
CILArAutoCorr | This class defines the interface for accessing AutoCorrelation parameters for each channel @stereotype Interface |
CILArAutoCorrDecoderTool | |
CILArBadFebMasker | |
CILArBarrelGeometry | |
CILArBarrelPresamplerGeometry | |
CILArCableAttenuation | |
CILArCableLength | |
CILArCalculatorSvc | |
CILArCalibCalculatorSvc | |
CILArCaliPulseParams | |
CILArDetCellParams | |
CILArDigitOscillationCorrTool | |
CILArEMEC_Cphi | |
CILArEMEC_HValpha | |
CILArEMEC_HVbeta | |
CILArFEBTempTool | Interface for Tool to provide FEB TEMP DCS information |
CILArFEBTimeOffset | |
CILArfSampl | |
CILArG4FastSimSvc | |
CILArG4ShowerLibSvc | |
CILArGlobalTimeOffset | |
CILArH6Oscillation | |
CILArHVFraction | |
CILArHVMapTool | |
CILArHVPathologyDbTool | |
CILArHVPathologyDBTool | Interface for Tool which transforms LArHVPathologiesDb into AttributeLists and vice versa |
CILArHVScaleCorr | |
CILArMinBias | |
CILArMinBiasAverage | |
CILArMphysOverMcal | |
CILArNoise | |
CILArNoisyROTool | |
CILArPedestal | |
CILArPhysCaliTdiff | |
CILArRamp | |
CILArRinj | |
CILArShape | |
CILArShapeDumperTool | |
CILArTdrift | |
CILArTshaper | |
CILAruA2MeV | |
CILArWaveDerivedQuantities | |
CILockable | Interface to allow an object to lock itself when made const in SG |
CILockableTool | Provide an interface for locking and unlocking a tool externally |
►CILoggedMessageSvc | |
CLoggedMessage | |
CILumiBlockMuTool | Provides interface for LumiBlockMuTool |
CIMatrixTool | Interface for tool used to manipulate matrix and vector entries and to solve for alignment parameters |
CIMBTSTimeFilterTool | |
CIMCTruthclassifier | |
CIMCTruthClassifier | |
CIMcVtxFilterTool | |
CIMDT_DigitizationTool | |
►CIMdtCalibrationTool | |
CToolSettings | |
CIMetaDataTool | This class provides the interface for MetaDataTools |
CIMETAssocToolBase | |
CIMETMaker | |
CIMETRecoTool | |
CIMETSignificance | |
CIMETSystematicsTool | |
CIMETToolBase | |
CIMinbiasSvc | |
CIMissingMassTool | |
CIMonitorToolBase | |
CImpactInCalo | The ImpactInCalo collection is created by the TrackToCaloAlg algorithm, which loops on all Tracks of a given collection and extrapolates them to the LAr presampler (_0), strips (_1), middle (_2), back (_3) and to the Tiles |
CImpactInCaloCollection | |
CImplementation | Uses property of this tool to configure the prescaling |
CImplementations | |
CImplements | |
CimportHandler | |
CIMuonCalibStreamDataProviderSvc | |
CIMuonCalibStreamEventAccess | |
CIMuonDigitizationTool | |
CIMuonEfficiencyScaleFactors | Interface class. Abstract interface class. Provides the user interface for the MuonEfficiencyScaleFactors class |
CIMuonEFTrackIsolationTool | Interface for EF muon track isolation tools |
CIMuonFeatureCnvTool | |
CIMuonHitTimingTool | |
CIMuonHoughPatternTool | |
CIMuonIdCutTool | The IMuonIdCutTool is a virtual interface for a practice tool which will cut on an muon ID
CIMuonInJetCorrectionTool | Class IMuonInJetCorrectionTool |
CIMuonLRTOverlapRemovalTool | Interface class. Abstract interface class. Provides the user interface for the MuonLRTOverlapRemovalTool class |
CIMuonSystemExtensionTool | |
CIMuonTofTool | |
CIMuTagAmbiguitySolverTool | |
CIMuTagMatchingTool | |
CINav4MomAssocs | |
CINav4MomAssocs_p1 | |
CINav4MomAssocs_p2 | |
CINav4MomAssocs_p3 | |
CINav4MomAssocsCnv | |
CINav4MomAssocsCnv_p1 | |
CINav4MomAssocsCnv_p2 | |
CINav4MomAssocsCnv_p3 | |
CINav4MomDumper | |
CINav4MomLinkContainer | INav4MomLinkContainer.h |
CINav4MomLinkContainer_p1 | INav4MomLinkContainer_p1.h |
CINav4MomLinkContainerCnv | Definition of the athena pool converter for INav4MomLinkContainer |
CINav4MomLinkContainerCnv_p1 | INav4MomLinkContainerCnv_p1.h |
CINav4MomLinkContainerToINavigable4MomentumCollectionConverter | |
CINav4MomToTrackParticleAssocs | |
CINav4MomToTrackParticleAssocs_p1 | |
CINav4MomToTrackParticleAssocsCnv_p1 | |
CINavigable | |
CINavigable4Momentum | |
CINavigationCondition | |
CINavigationSelector | |
CINavigationToken | |
CInDet | PRD provider for the Inner detector needed, to optimize search for IdContext |
►CInDetAlignCog | |
CParams_t | |
CInDetAlignDBTool | |
CInDetAlignFillSiCluster | |
CInDetAlignFillTrack | |
CInDetAlignHitQualSelTool | The InDetAlignHitQualSelTool is to select good quality hits for alignment to build residuals with possible cuts on outlier hits, hits which are too large clusters, hits with large incidence angles, etc |
CInDetAlignModuleTool | Tool derived from AlignModuleTool which implements the method for returning a sub-TrkDetElementBase structure identifier Hash. This is only needed for TRT where the structure is a single straw |
CInDetAlignOverlapTool | The InDetAlignOverlapTool is to select good quality tracks for alignment to build residuals with possible cuts on overlap hits, overlaps in SCT and PIXELs (in Phi and Eta) |
CInDetAlignTrackSelTool | The InDetAlignTrackSelTool serves to select high quality tracks for the inner detector (Pixel+SCT) alignment algorithms. This AlgTool provides a track selection based on the following cut variables: Momentum, pt, number of shared hits, number of holes and chi2 probability. Returns 0 in case a track is not accepted, otherwise 1 |
CInDetAlignWrt | |
CInDetBasicPlot | Class holding Pt plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods |
CInDetBSErrContainer64_p1 | |
CInDetBSErrContainer_p1 | |
CInDetBSErrContainer_p2 | |
CInDetBSErrContainerCnv | |
CInDetBSErrContainerCnv_p1 | |
CInDetBSErrContainerCnv_p2 | |
CInDetConversionFinderTools | |
CInDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool | TrackSelector for general use |
CInDetGeometryManagerTool | Tool for setting up Inner Detector alignment geometry |
CInDetGlobalBeamSpotMonAlg | |
CInDetGlobalLRTMonAlg | |
CInDetGlobalPrimaryVertexMonAlg | |
CInDetGlobalTrackMonAlg | |
CInDetHardScatterSelectionTool | |
CInDetIsoTrackSelectorTool | A tool to be used for track preselection in isolation, the given AtaLine is the transported lepton to the BeamLine tracks can be checkec w.r.t to it |
CInDetLowBetaCandidate_p1 | |
CInDetLowBetaCandidate_tlp1 | |
CInDetLowBetaCandidateCnv | |
CInDetLowBetaCandidateCnv_p1 | |
CInDetLowBetaCandidateCnv_tlp1 | |
CInDetLowBetaContainer_p1 | |
CInDetLowBetaContainer_tlp1 | |
CInDetLowBetaContainerCnv | |
CInDetLowBetaContainerCnv_p1 | |
CInDetLowBetaContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CIndetMatchCandidate | |
►CInDetMaterialManager | InDetMaterialManager |
CMaterialByWeight | |
CMaterialComponent | |
CMaterialDef | Class to hold information need to create a material |
CInDetPerfNtuple | This class is a base class for the actual ntuples used when writing IDPVM ntuples |
CInDetPerfNtuple_TruthToReco | |
CInDetPerfNtupleBranch | This defines a helper class used for writing output ntuples in IDPVM |
CInDetPerfNtupleBranch< std::vector< branchType > > | |
CInDetPerfNtupleBranchBase | |
CInDetPerfPlot_Duplicate | |
CInDetPerfPlot_Efficiency | Class holding Pt plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods |
CInDetPerfPlot_FakeRate | Class holding Pt plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods |
CInDetPerfPlot_HitEfficiency | Class holding res plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods |
CInDetPerfPlot_HitResidual | Class holding res plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods |
CInDetPerfPlot_Hits | Class holding Pt plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods |
CInDetPerfPlot_nTracks | Class to hold various counters used in RTT code |
CInDetPerfPlot_Resolution | Class holding res plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods |
CInDetPerfPlot_TrackParameters | Class holding Pt plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods |
CInDetPerfPlot_TrkInJet | |
CInDetPerfPlot_TRTExtension | Class holding Pt plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods |
CInDetPerfPlot_Vertex | Class holding general plots for xAOD::Vertex |
CInDetPerfPlot_VertexTruthMatching | Class holding plots for truth matched vertices |
CInDetPerfPlot_VerticesVsMu | Class holding general plots for xAOD::Vertex |
CInDetPhysHitDecoratorAlg | |
CInDetPhysValMonitoringTool | Tool to book and fill inner detector histograms for physics validation |
CInDetPhysValTruthDecoratorAlg | |
CInDetPlotBase | Mixin class to give extra capabilities to plots such as ATH_MSG and an easier booking interface, as well as access to the HistogramDefinitionSvc which allows an external configuration file (txt or xml) to define the plot limits and titles |
CInDetProjFlags | |
►CInDetProjHelper | |
CImp | |
CInDetProjParams | |
CInDetRawData | |
CInDetRawData_p1 | |
CInDetRawData_p2 | |
CInDetRawDataCollection | |
CInDetRawDataCollection_p1 | |
CInDetRawDataContainer | |
CInDetRawDataContainer_p1 | |
CInDetRawDataContainer_p2 | |
CInDetRawDataContainer_p3 | |
CInDetRawDataFakeCreator | Class which encapsulates the creation of an InDetRawDataCollection |
CInDetRawDataFakeReader | Test Algorithm for POOL I/O, reads InDetRawData from transient store |
CInDetRawDataFakeWriter | Test Algorithm for POOL I/O, writes InDetRawData to transient store |
CInDetRecStatisticsAlg | |
CInDetRttPlotConfig | Helper struct - steer the configuration from the parent tool's side |
CInDetRttPlots | Class holding all plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods |
CInDetSDOOverlay | |
CInDetSecVtxTruthMatchTool | Class for vertex truth matching |
CInDetServMatAthenaComps | Class to hold various Athena components |
CInDetServMatFactory | |
CInDetServMatFactory_Lite | |
CInDetServMatGeometryManager | |
CInDetServMatTool | |
CInDetSimData | |
CInDetSimData_p1 | |
CInDetSimData_p2 | |
CInDetSimData_p3 | |
CInDetSimDataCnv_p1 | |
CInDetSimDataCnv_p2 | |
CInDetSimDataCnv_p3 | |
CInDetSimDataCollection | |
CInDetSimDataCollection_p1 | |
CInDetSimDataCollection_p2 | |
CInDetSimDataCollection_p3 | |
CInDetSimDataCollection_p4 | |
CInDetSimDataCollectionCnv | |
CInDetSimDataCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CInDetSimDataCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CInDetSimDataCollectionCnv_p3 | |
CInDetSimDataCollectionCnv_p4 | |
CInDetTrack | |
CInDetTrackCnv | |
CInDetTrackCnv_tlp1 | |
CInDetTrackCnv_tlp2 | |
CInDetTrackPerfMonTool | Gaudi includes |
CInDetTrackSelectorTool | A tool to be used for track preselection in primary vertex finding. One possible implementation of the track selector tool. Here all possible cuts used in the primary vertex finding will be implemented. The particular cuts will be turned on and off by user through the python jobOptions |
CInDetTrackSplitterTool | InDetTrackSplitterTool.cxx AUTHOR: John Alison johnd.nosp@m.a@he.nosp@m.p.upe.nosp@m.nn.e.nosp@m.du |
CInDetTrkAlignDBTool | Tool for writing Silicon and TRT alignment constants into oracle DB or ASCII files |
CInDetUpdateCaches | |
CInDetUsedInFitTrackDecoratorTool | |
CInDetV0Finder | |
CInDetVertexTruthMatchAlgorithm | |
CInDetVertexTruthMatchTool | Class for vertex truth matching |
CIndexedConstituentUserInfo | |
CIndexedSP | |
CIndexedTConstituentUserInfo | |
CIndexSet | |
CIndexVecComp | |
►CInducedChargeModel | |
CSCT_InducedChargeModelData | |
CINextPassFilter | Interface to a tool (typically) that decides whether the event loop mgr (typically) need to do another pass over the evts |
CInfracolorForce | |
CInnerDetProbeCollectorTool | General Classes |
Cinode | |
CInputByteStreamData | |
►CInputMakerBase | Input Makers are used at the start of a sequence: retrieve filtered collection via the input decision from the previous step and write it out directly so it can be used as input by the reconstruction algorithms that follow in sequence. This is a base class for HLT InputMakers to reduce boilerplate and enforce the common naming scheme for decision handle keys. Derived classes implement how the reconstruction is started. Current options are via WriteHandle<TrigROIDecscriptorCollection>, as used by the InputMakerForRoI specialisation. Or via the spawning of EventView instances over a given sequencer, as used by the EventViewCreatorAlgorithm specialisation |
CMatchingCache | Used to cache each incoming Decision object's ElementLink which is being used to identify the Decision object for the purposes of de-duplication merging |
CInputMakerForRoI | Used at the start of a sequence: retrieves filtered collection via menu decision from previous step and writes the RoI collection out directly so it can be used as input by the reco alg that follows in sequence |
CInputModifier | |
CInputTrackInfoStruct | |
CInsituDataCorrection | |
CInsituTrackTools | |
CIntArray | |
CIntDbArray | |
CIntegrationBase | The base class for the EFTracking FPGA integration development |
CInterface | |
CInternalRegister | |
CInternalSoA | |
►CInterp3D | |
CVetoInterp | |
CintersectionHandler | |
CIntersectionTest | |
CIObjectIterator_Guard | |
CIObservableTool | Interface for tools that want to calculate a quantity from an xAOD::IParticle |
CIOnlineEventDisplaysSvc | |
►CIoSvc | |
CFdInfos | |
CIOVAddress | |
CIOVCallbackError | |
CIOVData | |
CIOVDbConn | |
CIOVDbFolder | |
CIOVDbMetaDataTool | This is an interface to a tool used to manage the IOV Meta Data for a given object in the Meta Data Store |
CIOVDbParser | |
CIOVDbSvc | Athena service for Interval Of Validity database. The IOVDbSvc may be in one of three time states which determines from where the IOV time is coming: initialization - IOV time must be set from the EventSelector begin run - IOV time should have been set with signalBeginRun event loop - IOV time is from EventInfo |
CIOVDbTestAlg | Algorithm to test writing conditions data and reading them back |
CIOVDbTestAmdbCorrection | |
CIOVDbTestCoolDCS | |
CIOVDbTestMDTEleMap | |
CIovDto | |
►CIOVEntry | |
CIOVEntryStartCritereon | |
CIOVEntryStopCritereon | |
CIOVEntryComp | |
CIOVEntryProxyCritereon | |
►CIOVEntryT | |
CIOVEntryTStartCritereon | |
CIOVEntryTStopCritereon | |
CIOVInfiniteRange | Collection of static functions providing infinite EventIDRanges |
CIOVMetaDataContainer | This class is a container for conditions data. It is intended to be used to store conditions data from COOL as file metadata |
CIOVMetaDataContainer_p1 | This class is a container_p1 for conditions data. It is intended to be used to store conditions data from COOL as file meta data |
CIOVMetaDataContainerCnv_p1 | |
CIOVMetaDataContainerPTCnv_p1 | |
►CIOVPayloadContainer | This class is a container for the payload of conditions data. It is intended to be used to store conditions data from COOL as file meta data |
CAttrListCollSortStart | |
CAttrListCollSortStop | |
►CIOVPayloadContainer_p1 | |
CCondAttrListCollection_p1 | |
CCondAttrListEntry_p1 | |
CIOVRange_p1 | |
CIOVPayloadContainerCnv_p1 | |
CIOVPayloadContainerPTCnv_p1 | |
CIOVRange | Validity Range object. Holds two IOVTimes (start and stop) |
CIOVRegistrationSvc | |
CIovSetDto | |
CIOVSvc | |
CIOVSvcTool | |
►CIOVTime | Basic time unit for IOVSvc. Hold time as a combination of run and event numbers |
CSortByRunEvent | Predicate. Used to sort by run and event number |
CSortByTimeStamp | Predicate. Used to sort by time stamp |
CIPageAccessControlSvc | Interface to a service that monitors memory page accesses |
CIParallelWorldTool | |
CIParticle | |
CIParticleAssocFilter | |
►CIParticleCollectionSettingsButton | |
CImp | |
►CIParticleCollHandle_CaloCluster | |
CImp | |
►CIParticleCollHandle_Electron | |
CImp | |
►CIParticleCollHandle_Jet | |
CImp | |
►CIParticleCollHandle_Muon | |
CImp | |
►CIParticleCollHandle_TrackParticle | |
CImp | |
►CIParticleCollHandleBase | Base class for collections holding AOD objects of iParticle type Handles pt etc cuts Local data: |
CImp | |
CIParticleExtractor | |
CIParticleExtrapolationTool | Interface for extending Particles with calo intersections |
►CIParticleHandle_CaloCluster | |
CImp | |
►CIParticleHandle_Electron | |
CImp | |
►CIParticleHandle_Jet | |
CImp | |
►CIParticleHandle_Muon | |
CImp | |
►CIParticleHandle_TrackParticle | |
CImp | |
►CIParticleHandleBase | |
CImp | |
CIParticleLinkContainer | IParticleLinkContainer.h |
CIParticleLinkContainer_p1 | IParticleLinkContainer_p1.h |
CIParticleLinkContainerCnv | Definition of the athena pool converter for IParticleLinkContainer |
CIParticleLinkContainerCnv_p1 | IParticleLinkContainerCnv_p1.h |
CIParticleLinkContainerToIParticleContainerConverter | |
CIParticleToCaloExtensionMap | |
CIParticleWriter | |
CIParticleWriterAlg | |
CIParticleWriterConfig | |
CIPCMatrixTool | Based on SiGlobalChi2Algs.
AlgTool used with 64-big parallel processing to create IPC matrix and vector for storing first- and second-derivative terms needed to solve for alignment parameters. Also provides for methods to add terms to existing matrix entries, and to solve for alignment parameters by inverting matrix and multiplying by vector |
CIPerfMonMTSvc | STL includes |
CIPFBaseTool | |
CIPFClusterCollectionTool | |
CIPFClusterSelectorTool | |
CIPFSubtractionTool | Algorithm base class which inherits from IAlgTool and defines pure virtual execute method which takes pointers to eflowCaloObjectContainer, eflowRecTrackContainer and eflowRecClusterContainer as input |
CIPhysicsListSvc | |
CIPhysicsOptionTool | |
CIPileUpTool | |
CIPileUpXingFolder | Interface to SG::Folder with an attached bunch crossing interval |
CIPixelRawDataProviderTool | |
CIPixelRodDecoder | |
CIPlotsDefinitionSvc | |
CIPoolSvc | This class provides the interface to the LCG POOL persistency software |
CIPrescalingTool | |
CIProbeCollectorTool | |
CIProxyDict | A proxy dictionary |
CIProxyProviderSvc | |
CIProxyRegistry | Proxy registry (a read/write dictionary) |
CIPseudoJetGetter | IPseudoJetGetter is a dual-use tool interface for retrieving a vector of fastjet pseudojets |
CIPyComponent | |
CIPyComponentMgr | |
CIPythia8Custom | |
CIRandomDisabledCellGenerator | |
CIRDBAccessSvc | IRDBAccessSvc is an abstract interface to the athena service that provides the following functionalities: |
CIRDBQuery | |
CIRDBRecord | IRDBRecord is one record in the IRDBRecordset object |
CIRDBRecordset | IRDBRecordset is an abstract interface to the RDB Recordsets, which represent a snapshot of HVS-tagged data tables in the relational database |
CIReadHistoDef | |
CIReAlgToolCalo | Base Class for Tools used for Egamma and Tau Feature Extraction Algorithms |
CiRecCoordRoI | Interface for all reconstructed RoI classes |
CIRegionCreator | |
CIRegSelLUT | |
CIRegSelTool | |
CIRepeatedCondition | |
CIResetable | Resetable object (e.g. a SG DataHandle) |
CIROBDataProviderSvc | Interface class for managing ROB for both online and offline |
CIRoiDescriptor | Describes the API of the Region of Ineterest geometry |
CIRoiReader | |
CIRoIsUnpackingTool | Interface for RoI unpacking tools |
CIRoIThresholdsTool | |
CIRoiUpdaterTool | |
CIRootKeyIOHandler | |
CIRootSvc | This class provides the interface to the ROOT software |
CISchedulerMonSvc | Defines interface for interaction with a service monitoring the Scheduler status |
CISCT_ByteStreamErrorsTool | |
CISCT_CablingTool | |
CISCT_CalibEvtInfo | |
CISCT_CalibHistoTool | |
CISCT_CalibModuleListTool | |
CISCT_ChargeTrappingTool | |
CISCT_ConditionsParameterSvc | |
CISCT_ConditionsParameterTool | |
CISCT_ConditionsTool | |
CISCT_ConfigurationConditionsTool | |
CISCT_DCSConditionsTool | |
CISCT_DetectorLevelConditionsTool | |
CISCT_ElectricFieldTool | |
CISCT_FlaggedConditionTool | |
CISCT_MonitorConditionsTool | |
CISCT_RadDamageSummaryTool | |
CISCT_ReadCalibChipDataTool | |
►CISCT_ReadCalibDataTool | |
CCalibDefectType | |
CISCT_ReadoutTool | |
CISCT_RodDecoder | |
CISCT_RodEncoder | Interface for Athena Algorithm Tool to convert from SCT RDO to ROD format BysteStream |
CISCT_SensorsTool | |
CISCTCalib_EvtInfo | |
CISCTRawContByteStreamTool | Interface for Athena Algorithm Tool to provide conversion from SCT RDO container to ByteStream |
CISCTRawDataProviderTool | Interface for Athena Algorithm Tool to fill Collections of SCT RDO Containers |
CISecondaryEventSelector | Abstract interface for secondary event selectors |
CISensitiveDetector | |
CISensitiveDetectorMasterTool | |
CISetCaloCellContainerName | Allow changing the name of the CaloCellContainer used by a tool |
CISF_HitAnalysis | |
CISFFluxRecorder | |
CISGAudSvc | |
CISiChargedDiodesProcessorTool | |
CISignalState | |
CISiliconConditionsTool | |
CISiLorentzAngleTool | |
CISimTestTool | Interface for the simulation test tools |
CISiPropertiesTool | |
CISiSurfaceChargesInserter | |
►CISkipEventIdxSvc | |
CEvtId | |
CIsKnownFeature | |
►CIsolationBuilder | |
CCaloIsoHelpHandles | |
CCaloIsoHelpKey | |
CTrackIsoHelpHandles | |
CTrackIsoHelpKey | |
CIsolationTool_AthTest | |
CIsoMuonFeature | Class with isolation variables for TrigmuIso algorithm |
CIsoMuonFeature_p1 | |
CIsoMuonFeature_p2 | |
CIsoMuonFeature_p3 | |
CIsoMuonFeature_tlp1 | |
CIsoMuonFeatureCnv | |
CIsoMuonFeatureCnv_p1 | |
CIsoMuonFeatureCnv_p2 | |
CIsoMuonFeatureCnv_p3 | |
CIsoMuonFeatureCnv_tlp1 | |
CIsoMuonFeatureContainer | |
CIsoMuonFeatureContainer_p1 | |
CIsoMuonFeatureContainer_p2 | |
CIsoMuonFeatureContainer_p3 | |
CIsoMuonFeatureContainer_tlp1 | |
CIsoMuonFeatureContainerCnv | |
CIsoMuonFeatureContainerCnv_p1 | |
CIsoMuonFeatureContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CISpacepointFeatureCalculationTool | Calculate features for spacepoints to be used as inputs to the GNN-based track finder |
CIStringPool | Abstract interface for looking up strings/CLIDs in a pool |
CISubjetRecorderTool | |
CISurfaceChargesGenerator | |
CISurveyConstraint | |
CIsValidStore | Functor to check if Store is valid |
CisxAOD | |
CIT2GeometryTool | |
►CITagInfoMgr | This is a Athena service which manages detector description tag information. It maintains a TagInfo object with current tag values |
CListener | Listener interface class that client who want to be notified about TagInfo update should implement (and then register themselves calliing addListener()) |
CITauToolBase | The base class for all tau tools |
CITBCaloPosTool | Class ITBCaloPosTool |
CitemByName | |
CItemListSvc | This implementes the methods for IItemListSvc |
CItemModifier | |
CITGC_STATUSConditionsTool | |
CITGCCablingDbTool | |
CITgcRawDataMonitorTool | |
CITileBadChanTool | An abstract inteface to get Tile channel and ADC status |
CITileCalculator | |
CITileCalibTool | |
CITileCondProxy | An abstract interface to get Tile conditions data from source (file, DB) |
CITileCondToolDspThreshold | |
CITileCondToolNoise | |
CITileCondToolOfc | |
CITileCondToolTMDB | |
CITileDCSTool | An abstract interface to get Tile DCS information from DB |
CITileDQstatusTool | |
CITileRawChannelTool | |
CITileStuckBitsProbsTool | |
CITkPixChargeCalibAlg | |
CITkPixelCablingAlg | Conditions algorithm which fills the ITkPixelCablingData from plain text (a file) |
CITkPixelCablingData | |
CITkPixelEncodingAlg | |
CITkPixelEncodingTool | |
CITkPixelHitSortingTool | |
CITkPixelOnlineId | |
CITkPixelRawDataProviderTool | |
CITkPixelRodDecoder | |
CITkPixEncoder | |
CITkPixLayout | |
CITkPixV2Encoder | |
CITkStripCablingAlg | Conditions algorithm which fills the ITkStripCablingData from plain text (a file) |
CITkStripCablingData | |
CITkStripFrontEnd | Simulation of the ITk Strips front-end electronics working as a SiPreDigitsProcessor models response of ABCstar chip amplifiers to collected charges, also does cross-talk, offset variation and gain variation, in a correlated way |
CITkStripOnlineId | |
CITkStripsRawContByteStreamCnv | Converter for writing ByteStream from ITkStrips Raw Data |
CITkStripsRawContByteStreamTool | Athena Algorithm Tool to provide conversion from ITkStrips RDO container to ByteStream |
CITkStripsRodEncoder | Athena Algorithm Tool that provides conversion from ITkStrips RDO to ROD format Bytestream |
CITLorentzVectorFactory | |
CIToolWithConstants | Abstact interface for ToolWithConstants |
CITPCnvBase | |
CITPCnvSvc | |
CITPConverter | |
CITPConverterFor | |
CITrackAnalysisDefinitionSvc | Athena include(s) |
CITrackCaloClusterTool | Interface for tools creating particles using TCC methods and filling a FlowElementContainer |
CITrackClassifier | |
CITrackCollectionProvider | Interface for tool used to get a collection of tracks |
CITrackGradeFactory | |
CITrackingGeometrySvc | |
CITrackParticleMonitoring | |
CITrackTools | |
CITrigBphysState | Base class for TrigBphys state objects |
CITrigBStoxAODTool | |
CITrigCaloDataAccessSvc | |
CITrigCostSvc | Pure virtual interface to be implimented by Trig Cost service(s) |
CITrigDkfTrackMakerTool | |
►CITrigEgammaFastCaloHypoTool | |
CFastClusterInfo | |
►CITrigEgammaFastElectronHypoTool | |
CElectronInfo | |
►CITrigEgammaForwardFastCaloHypoTool | |
CFastClusterInfo | |
►CITrigEgammaForwardPrecisionCaloHypoTool | |
CClusterInfo | |
►CITrigEgammaForwardPrecisionElectronHypoTool | |
CElectronInfo | |
►CITrigEgammaPrecisionCaloHypoTool | |
CClusterInfo | |
►CITrigEgammaPrecisionElectronHypoTool | |
CElectronInfo | |
►CITrigEgammaPrecisionPhotonCaloIsoHypoTool | |
CPhotonInfo | |
►CITrigEgammaPrecisionPhotonHypoTool | |
CPhotonInfo | |
CITrigErrorMonTool | Interface of a tool which retrieves and monitors all non-success status codes returned by algorithms |
CITrigEventLoopMgr | EventLoopMgr interface implemented by the HLT event loop manager |
CITriggerBitsMakerTool | Base class for AlgTools providing a getBits interface to generate trigger bits |
CITriggerRegistryTool | |
CITriggerTime | Interface to a tool that returns the time offset of the current trigger. Used by PileUpMergeSvc |
CITriggerTranslatorTool | |
CITrigGlobalEfficiencyCorrectionTool | |
CITrigHIEventShapeHypoTool | |
CITrigHypoJetVectorFilterConfig | |
CITrigInDetAccelerationSvc | Service Interface for TrigInDetAccelerationSvc class |
CITrigInDetAccelerationTool | |
CITrigInDetRoadPredictorTool | |
CITrigInDetTrackFitter | |
CITrigInDetTrackFollowingTool | |
CITrigInDetTrackSeedingTool | |
CITrigJetConditionConfig | |
CITrigJetHypoInfoCollector | |
CITrigJetHypoToolHelper | |
CITrigJetHypoToolNoGrouperConfig | |
CITrigJetMonitorTool | |
CITrigJetRepeatedConditionConfig | |
►CITrigL2CaloLayersHypoTool | |
CCaloLayersInfo | |
CITrigL2LayerNumberTool | |
►CITrigLArNoiseBurstHypoTool | |
CFlagNoiseInfo | |
CITrigMissingETHypoTool | |
CITrigMuonBackExtrapolator | |
CITrigMuonEFInfoToMuonCnvTool | |
►CITrigMuonRoITool | |
CMuonRois | |
CITrigNavigationThinningSvc | Define interface for doing TrigNavigation thinning |
CITrigPrimaryVertexFitter | |
CITrigRun1ZFinder | |
CITrigSerConvHelper | |
CITrigSerConvHelperBase | |
CITrigSerGuidHelper | |
CITrigSerGuidHelperBase | |
CITrigSerializeConvHelper | |
CITrigSerializeGuidHelper | |
CITrigSerializer | |
CITrigSerializerToolBase | |
CITrigSpacePointConversionTool | |
►CITrigStreamerHypoTool | |
CHypoInfo | |
►CITrigTauCaloHypoTool | Base class for the TrigTauCaloHypoTool |
CToolInfo | |
►CITrigTauFastTrackHypoTool | Base class for the TrigTauFastTrackHypoTool |
CToolInfo | |
►CITrigTauPrecisionHypoTool | Base class for the Precision step hypothesis tools |
CToolInfo | |
►CITrigTauPrecTrackHypoTool | Base class for the TrigTauPrecTrackHypoTool |
CToolInfo | |
►CITrigTRTHTHhypoTool | |
CRNNOutputInfo | |
CITrigZFinder | |
CITrkAlignDBTool | Interface for tool use for managing list of AlignModules, detector elements in AlignModules, and AlignPar for both |
CITrkToLeptonPV | |
CITRT_AlignDbSvc | |
CITRT_ByteStream_ConditionsSvc | |
CITRT_CablingSvc | |
CITRT_CalDbTool | |
CITRT_ConditionsSvc | |
CITRT_ConditionsTestSvc | |
CITRT_DAQ_ConditionsSvc | |
CITRT_DCS_ConditionsSvc | Service Interface for TRT_DCS_ConditionsTool |
CITRT_DriftFunctionTool | |
CITRT_DriftTimeData | |
CITRT_ElectronToTTool | |
CITRT_HWMappingSvc | |
CITRT_LocalOccupancy | |
CITRT_RodDecoder | |
CITRT_RodEncoder | This class provides conversion from TRT RDO to ROD format |
CITRT_SimDriftTimeTool | |
CITRT_StrawAlignDbSvc | |
CITRT_StrawNeighbourSvc | |
CITRT_StrawStatusSummaryTool | |
CITRT_ToT_dEdx | |
CITRTAlignDbSvc | |
CITRTCalibrator | |
CITRTRawContByteStreamTool | |
CITRTRawDataProviderTool | |
CITruthClassificationTool | Tool interface to classify particles into multiple categories based on their truth information |
CITruthIsolationTool | |
CITruthParticleCnvTool | |
CITruthParticleFilterTool | |
CITruthParticleValidationTool | |
CITruthParticleVisitor | |
CIUnassociatedHitsGetterTool | |
CIUserDataCalcTool | This is the base class for all tools that will be used to calculate UserDate. It is of course not required, but it is meant to simplyfy life |
CIUserLimitsSvc | |
CIValgrindSvc | Abstract interface for ValgrindSvc |
CIVertexDecorator | |
CIVertexWeightCalculaculator | Interface class for signal vertex selection |
CIVGammaORTool | |
CIViewCreatorROITool | |
CIViewsMergerTool | |
►CIVP12DDetViewsChannelWidget | |
CImp | |
►CIVP12DDetViewsSystem | |
CImp | |
►CIVP12DStandardChannelWidget | |
CImp | |
►CIVP12DSystem | |
CImp | |
►CIVP12DSystemSimple | |
CImp | |
CIVP12DViewTransformation | |
►CIVP13DChannelWidget | |
CImp | |
►CIVP13DStandardChannelWidget | |
CImp | |
►CIVP13DSystem | |
CImp | |
►CIVP13DSystemSimple | |
CImp | |
►CIVP1ChannelWidget | |
CImp | |
CIVP1ChannelWidgetFactory | |
►CIVP1System | |
CImp | |
CIVrtInclusive | |
CIVTuneProfilerSvc | |
CIWeightTool | Interface for tools that want to calculate a weight from different event information |
CIxAODClusterCompressor | |
CIxAODEgammaTrackRefitterTool | |
CIxAODtoHepMCTool | |
CIZdcDataAccess | |
CIZdcDataAccessV2 | |
CJacobianStruct | |
CJEMEtSums_p1 | T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::JEMEtSums class |
CJEMEtSumsCnv_p1 | T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo JEMEtSums class |
CJEMEtSumsCollection_p1 | |
CJEMEtSumsCollection_tlp1 | |
CJEMEtSumsCollectionCnv | |
CJEMEtSumsCollectionCnv_p1 | T/P converter for JEMEtSums and JEMEtSums_p1 |
CJEMEtSumsCollectionCnv_tlp1 | T/P converter for JEMEtSums and JEMEtSums_p1 |
CJEMHits_p1 | T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::JEMHits class |
CJEMHitsCnv_p1 | T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo JEMHits class |
CJEMHitsCollection_p1 | |
CJEMHitsCollection_tlp1 | |
CJEMHitsCollectionCnv | |
CJEMHitsCollectionCnv_p1 | T/P converter for JEMHits and JEMHits_p1 |
CJEMHitsCollectionCnv_tlp1 | T/P converter for JEMHits and JEMHits_p1 |
CJEMRoI_p1 | T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::JEMRoI class |
CJEMRoICnv_p1 | T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo JEMRoI class |
CJEMRoICollection_p1 | |
CJEMRoICollection_tlp1 | |
CJEMRoICollectionCnv | |
CJEMRoICollectionCnv_p1 | T/P converter for JEMRoI and JEMRoI_p1 |
CJEMRoICollectionCnv_tlp1 | T/P converter for JEMRoI and JEMRoI_p1 |
CJEMTobRoI_p1 | T/P separation for TrigT1Calo::JEMTobRoI class |
CJEMTobRoICnv_p1 | T/P convertor for TrigT1Calo JEMTobRoI class |
CJEMTobRoICollection_p1 | |
CJEMTobRoICollection_tlp1 | |
CJEMTobRoICollectionCnv | |
CJEMTobRoICollectionCnv_p1 | T/P converter for JEMTobRoI and JEMTobRoI_p1 |
CJEMTobRoICollectionCnv_tlp1 | T/P converter for JEMTobRoI and JEMTobRoI_p1 |
CJepCmxMonitorAlgorithm | |
CJepJemMonitorAlgorithm | |
CJet | Basic data class defines behavior for all Jet objects
The Jet class is the principal data class for all reconstructed jets,
independent of the signal course. It describes a navigable composite
reconstruction objects with with a four-momentum representation consistent
with all other reconstruction objects. Its constituents are referenced as
generic INavigable4Momentum types.
CJet_p1 | |
CJet_p2 | |
CJet_p3 | |
CJet_p4 | |
CJet_p5 | |
CJet_p6 | |
CJet_ROI | Jet RoI class for analysis |
CJet_ROI_p1 | Persistent representation of Jet_ROI |
CJetAbsAttributeSelector | |
CJetAlgorithm | |
CJetAssociationBase | |
CJetAssociationBase_p1 | |
CJetAssociationBaseCnv_p1 | |
CJetAttributeHisto | A histo building tool (JetHistoBase) using attributes to fill histograms |
CJetAttributeRatioSelector | IJetSelector implementation which select according to ratio of attributes |
►CJetAttributeSelector | IJetSelector implementation which select according to an attribute |
CSelValueRetriever | |
►CJetBadChanCorrTool | JetBadChanCorrTool |
CProfileData | |
CJetBalancePFlowJvtTool | |
CJetBottomUpSoftDrop | |
CJetBTaggingAlg | |
CJetCalibrationStep | |
CJetCalibrationTool | |
CJetCalibTool | |
CJetCaloCellQualityTool | Calculates calorimeter based variables for jet quality using CaloCell contained in jet object directly |
CJetCaloEnergies | |
CJetCaloQualityTool | |
CJetCaloQualityToolFE | |
CJetCaloVariables | |
CJetCellAccessor | Utility to loop over CaloCell contained in a Jet |
CJetChargeTool | |
CJetCleaningTool | Class for selecting jets that pass cleaning cuts |
CJetClusterer | |
CJetClustererByVertex | |
CJetClusterMomentsTool | Jakub Cuth
February 2014 |
CJetCnv_p1 | |
CJetCnv_p2 | |
CJetCnv_p3 | |
CJetCnv_p4 | |
CJetCnvProperties | |
CJetCollection | Container for Jets
CJetCollection_p1 | |
CJetCollection_p2 | |
CJetCollection_p3 | |
CJetCollection_p4 | |
CJetCollection_p5 | |
CJetCollection_p6 | |
CJetCollection_tlp2 | Top level container that will store all the various jet objects that are getting stored |
CJetCollection_tlp5 | Top level container that will store all the various jet objects that are getting stored |
CJetCollection_tlp6 | Top level container that will store all the various jet objects that are getting stored |
CJetCollectionCnv | Converter reponsible for reading in the top level object (tlp1) and sending the data off to the real tlp converter that does the translation work |
CJetCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CJetCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CJetCollectionCnv_p3 | |
CJetCollectionCnv_p4 | |
CJetCollectionCnv_p5 | |
CJetCollectionCnv_p6 | |
CJetCollectionCnv_tlp2 | Top level converter for jet collections |
CJetCollectionCnv_tlp5 | Top level converter for jet collections |
CJetCollectionCnv_tlp6 | Top level converter for jet collections |
►CJetCollectionSettingsButton | |
CImp | |
CJetConstitFourMomTool | Russell Smith May 2015 |
CJetConstitRemover | |
CJetConstituentFrac | |
CJetConstituentIterator | A safe iterator on jet constituents |
CJetConstituentModifierBase | |
CJetConstituentModSequence | |
CJetConstituentsRetriever | |
CJetContainerHistoFiller | |
CJetConverterBase | |
CJetConverterBase< Jet_p5 > | |
CJetConverterBase< Jet_p6 > | |
CJetCopier | |
CJetData | |
CJetDecorationAlg | |
CJetDRTrackAssocTool | Teng Jian Khoo Oct 2021 |
CJetDumper | Tool to dump jets to the log |
CJetECPSFractionTool | David Adams
May 2015 |
CJetECS | |
CJetECSCollection | |
CJetEfficiencyMonitorAlgorithm | |
CJetElement_p1 | Persistent form of JetElement using T/P separation |
CJetElementCnv_p1 | T/P converter for JetElement and JetElement_p1 |
CJetElementCollection_p1 | |
CJetElementCollection_tlp1 | |
CJetElementCollectionCnv | |
CJetElementCollectionCnv_p1 | T/P converter for JetElement and JetElement_p1 |
CJetElementCollectionCnv_tlp1 | T/P converter for JetElement and JetElement_p1 |
CJetEMScaleMomTool | |
CJetET_ROI | Energy-Sum RoI class for analysis |
CJetET_ROI_p1 | Persistent representation of JetET_ROI |
CJetEventInfo | |
CJetEventSelector | |
►CJetFilter | Applies the generator level filter for jet candidates |
CMcObj | |
CJetFilterTool | |
CJetFinder | Tool to find jets |
CJetForwardJvtTool | |
CJetForwardJvtToolBDT | |
CJetForwardPFlowJvtTool | |
CJetFromPseudojet | |
CJetGlobalEventSetup | Perform setup actions for jet handling at each event |
CJetGroomer | |
CJetGroomMRatio | |
CJetGroupProduct | |
CJetGroupReducer | |
CJetGroupRegister | |
CJetGroupSingleClique | |
CJetGroupUnion | |
CJetHistoAttributeFiller | Function |
CJetHistoBase | |
CJetHistoEventLevelFiller | |
CJetHistoHTFiller | |
CJethistoleadingjetsrelations | |
CJetHistoLeadingJetsRelations | |
CJetHistoMatchedFiller | |
CJetHistoPtTool | |
CJetHistoResponseAndEff | |
CJetHistoSelectSort | |
CJetHistoTriggEfficiency | |
CJetHistoVarTool | |
CJetHitAssociation | |
CJetHypoExerciserAlg | |
CJetHypoExerciserCompareAlg | |
CJetINav4MomAssociation | A JetAssociation object for a generic object |
CJetInputElRemovalTool | Selec electrons and store a vector of cluster free of the electron ones |
CJetIsolationTool | |
CJetKeyConstants | |
CJetKeyDescriptor | ////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
CJetKeyDescriptor_p1 | |
CJetKeyDescriptorCnv_p1 | |
CJetKeyDescriptorCollection | |
CJetKeyDescriptorCollection_p1 | |
CJetKeyDescriptorCollection_tlp1 | Top level container that will store all the various jet objects that are getting stored |
CJetKeyDescriptorCollectionCnv_tlp1 | Top level converter for jet collections |
CJetKeyDescriptorInstance | |
CJetKinematicHistos | |
CJetLArHVMoment | JetLArHVMoment |
CJetLArHVTool | |
►CJetMapBase | |
Crecord_ptr_t | Pointer wrapper, just to make certain the default pointers in maps are NULL |
CJetMatchData | |
CJetMatcherAlg | |
CJetModiferBase | |
CJetModifiedMassDrop | |
CJetModifierBase | |
►CJetMoment | |
CMomentData | |
CJetMomentMap | |
CJetMomentMap_p1 | |
CJetMomentMap_p6 | |
CJetMomentMapCollection | |
CJetMomentMapCollection_p6 | |
CJetMomentMapConverterBase | |
CJetMomentMapConverterBase< JetMomentMap_p1 > | |
CJetMomentMapConverterBase< JetMomentMap_p6 > | |
CJetMomentMapManager | //////////////////////////////////////// |
CJetMonitoringAlg | |
CJetMonitoringTool | |
CJetOriginCorrectionTool | |
CJetParticleAssociation | |
CJetParticleCenterOfMassAssociation | |
CJetParticleShrinkingConeAssociation | |
CJetPFlowSelectionAlg | |
CJetPileupCorrection | |
CJetPileupLabelingTool | |
CJetProvider | Concrete class that implements the recording of jets & aux container to StoreGate via an externally provided WriteHandle |
CJetPruner | |
CJetPseudojetCopier | |
CJetPseudojetRetriever | |
CJetPtAssociationTool | David Adams
April 2014 |
CJetPullTool | |
CJetQGTaggerVariableTool | Properties: VertexContainer - name of the vertex container EventInfo - name of EventInfo container AssociatedTracks - name for attribute holding the list of associated tracks TVATool - tool to do track-vertex association TrkSelTool - tool to select tracks (none ==> no selection) |
CJetRecAlg | |
CJetReclusterer | |
CJetReclusteringTool | |
CJetRecTool | |
CJetRecursiveSoftDrop | |
CJetSampling | |
CJetSampling_p1 | |
CJetSampling_p2 | |
CJetSamplingCnv_p1 | |
CJetSamplingCnv_p2 | |
CJetSamplingCollection | |
CJetSamplingCollection_p1 | |
CJetSamplingCollection_p2 | |
CJetSamplingCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CJetSamplingCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CJetSeedBuilder | Class to build tau jet seed |
CJetSelectorAttribute | |
►CJetSelectorAttributeRunII | |
CSelValueRetriever | |
CJetSmearingCorrection | |
CJetSoftDrop | |
CJetSorter | |
CJetSplitter | |
CJetStreamer | |
CJetSubStructureHistos | |
CJetSubStructureMomentToolsBase | |
CJetSums | |
CJetSumsCollection | |
CJetTagCalibCondData | |
CJetTagInfo | Dummy transient object for the over all pool converter |
CJetTagInfoBase | |
CJetTagInfoBase_p1 | |
CJetTagInfoCnv | |
CJetTagMonitorAlgorithm | |
CJetToBTagLinkerAlg | |
CJetToolRunner | Top-level tool for jet reconstruction |
►CJetTrackMomentsTool | Steven Schramm
February 2014 |
CTrackMomentStruct | |
CJetTrackSelectionAlg | |
CJetTrackSumMomentsTool | James Frost
January 2015 |
CJetTrackVtxAssoAlg | Creates a jet::TrackVertexAssociation object |
CJetTrigTimer | |
CJetTrimmer | |
►CJetTruthLabelingTool | |
CDecorHandles | Upper mass cut for Z label |
CJetTruthParticleSelectorTool | |
CJetUncertaintiesTool | |
CJetUsedInFitTrackDecoratorTool | Class JetUsedInFitTrackDecoratorTool Decorates tracks with vectors of AMVF vertices and annealing weights --> Needed for Run 3 TTVA |
CJetVertexFractionTool | Steven Schramm
February 2014 |
CJetVertexNNTagger | |
CJetVertexTaggerTool | James Frost
November 2014 |
CJetViewAlg | |
CJetVoronoiMomentsTool | |
CJetWidthTool | Steven Schramm and David Adams
February 2014 |
CjFexFwdElRoIsUnpackingTool | |
CjFexFwdElRoIThresholdsTool | |
CjFexInputByteStreamTool | Implementation of a tool for L1 input data conversion from BS to xAOD and from xAOD to BS (IL1TriggerByteStreamTool interface) |
CJfexInputMonitorAlgorithm | |
CjFexLRJetRoIsUnpackingTool | |
CjFexLRJetRoIThresholdsTool | |
CJfexMonitorAlgorithm | |
CjFexRoiByteStreamTool | |
CjFEXRoIByteStreamTool | Implementation of a tool for L1 RoI conversion from BS to xAOD and from xAOD to BS (IL1TriggerByteStreamTool interface) |
►CJfexSimMonitorAlgorithm | |
CSortableTob | |
CjFexSRJetRoIsUnpackingTool | |
CjFexSRJetRoIThresholdsTool | |
CjFexTauRoIsUnpackingTool | |
CjFexTauRoIThresholdsTool | |
►CJGTowerBase_ID | |
CHashCalc | Small class holding the starting hash value, the min eta and the number of phi bins of each region |
CJiveXMLServer | Controls and handles the JiveXML server threads This class creates, handles and controls the JiveXML server threads both for incoming and outgoing data. It also provides an interface for the threads to the TDAQ services, such as error logging |
CJMSCorrection | |
CJobConfig | |
CJobIDSvc | Service to distribute unique job identifier |
CJobOptsDumperAlg | |
CJpsiAlg | |
CJpsiExample | |
CJRoIsUnpackingTool | |
CJSSTaggerBase | |
CJSSTaggerUtils | |
CJSSWTopTaggerANN | |
CJSSWTopTaggerDNN | |
CJTM_gFexJetRoIContainer | |
CJTM_JetRoIContainer | |
CJTM_jFexLRJetRoIContainer | |
CJTM_jFexSRJetRoIContainer | |
CJTower_ID | Helper class for jTower offline identifiers |
CjTowerContainer | Container class for jTower |
CJVTCondition | |
CKeyClass | |
CKeyConcept | |
CKeyConcept< char *, std::string > | |
CKeyConcept< char, std::string > | |
CKeyConcept< char[N], std::string > | |
CKeyConcept< int, std::string > | |
CKeyConcept< long long, std::string > | |
CKeyConcept< long, std::string > | |
CKeyConcept< short, std::string > | |
CKeyConcept< unsigned char, std::string > | |
CKeyConcept< unsigned int, std::string > | |
CKeyConcept< unsigned long long, std::string > | |
CKeyConcept< unsigned long, std::string > | |
CKeyConcept< unsigned short, std::string > | |
CKitManager | |
CKitManagerBase | |
Cklass | This class describe the base functionalities of a HypoTool used by the ComboAlg |
Cklass | |
Cknown | |
CKtDeltaRTool | |
CKtMassDropTool | |
CKTSplittingScaleTool | |
►CL1CaloBsDecoderRun3 | |
CLogging | Interface class for logging, can be overriden to e.g |
CL1CaloBsDecoderUtil | |
CL1CaloCondAlg | |
CL1CaloCondAlgReader | |
CL1CaloCoolChannelId | |
CL1CaloCTPMonitorAlgorithm | Monitoring of L1Calo --> CTP transmission Compares L1Calo data with CTP TIP data |
CL1CaloDerivedRunPars | Folder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V1/Conditions/DerivedRunPars |
CL1CaloDerivedRunParsContainer | |
CL1CaloDetectorRegion | |
CL1CaloDisabledTowers | Folder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V1/Conditions/DisabledTowers |
CL1CaloDisabledTowersContainer | |
CL1CaloDumpRampData | |
CL1CaloEnergyScanResults | Class that holds transient information about the calibration for trigger towers |
CL1CaloEnergyScanResultsContainer | Container of L1CaloEnergyScanResults objects, inherit from the abstract base class AbstractL1CaloConditionContainer |
CL1CaloEnergyScanRunInfoContainer | Container of L1CaloEnergyScanRunInfo metadata, inherit from the abstract base class AbstractL1CaloConditionContainer |
CL1CaloHVCorrections | Class that holds mean HV corrections for receivers |
CL1CaloHVCorrectionsContainer | Container of L1CaloHVCorrections objects, inherit from the abstract base class AbstractL1CaloConditionContainer |
CL1CaloHVCorrectionsForDB | This algorithms creates a sqlite database of current HV Corrections |
CL1CaloHVDummyContainers | This algorithms creates dummy containers so HV job will run without data |
CL1CaloL1TopoMonitorAlgorithm | Monitor legacy CMX to L1Topo transmission of TOBs and timing of the L1Topo trigger bits with respect to L1 accept |
CL1CaloLegacyEDMMonitorAlgorithm | |
CL1CaloLinearCalibration | This algorithms creates calibration constants using a linear function |
CL1CaloModuleType | |
CL1CaloPedestal | L1CaloPedestal class |
CL1CaloPedestalContainer | L1CaloPedestalContainer class |
CL1CaloPedestalCumul | Intermediate Class to store pedestal data from the L1CaloPedestalMaker algorithm |
CL1CaloPedestalGenerator | Algorithm to produce TriggerTowers filled with simulated pedestal runs |
CL1CaloPpmDeadChannels | Folder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V1/Calibration/PpmDeadChannels |
CL1CaloPpmDeadChannelsContainer | |
CL1CaloPpmFineTimeRefs | |
CL1CaloPpmFineTimeRefsContainer | |
CL1CaloPprChanCalib | Folder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V2/Calibration/Physics/PprChanCalib |
CL1CaloPprChanCalibContainer | |
CL1CaloPprChanCalibV1 | Folder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V1/Calibration/Physics/PprChanCalib |
CL1CaloPprChanCalibV1Container | |
CL1CaloPprChanDefaults | Folder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V2/Configuration/PprChanDefaults |
CL1CaloPprChanDefaultsContainer | |
CL1CaloPprChanDefaultsV1 | Folder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V1/Configuration/PprChanDefaults |
CL1CaloPprChanDefaultsV1Container | |
CL1CaloPprChanExtra | Folder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V2/Calibration/Physics/PprChanCalib |
CL1CaloPprChanExtraContainer | |
CL1CaloPprChanStrategy | Folder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V2/Configuration/PprChanStrategy |
CL1CaloPprChanStrategyContainer | |
CL1CaloPprConditions | Transient conditions class for objects defined by the online framework and retrieved from COOL |
CL1CaloPprConditionsContainer | Container of L1CaloPprConditions objects, inherit from the abstract base class AbstractL1CaloConditionContainer |
CL1CaloPprConditionsContainerRun2 | Container of L1CaloPprConditions objects, inherit from the abstract base class AbstractL1CaloConditionContainer |
CL1CaloPprConditionsRun2 | Transient conditions class for objects defined by the online framework and retrieved from COOL for the V2 database version |
CL1CaloPprDisabledChannel | Transient conditions class for objects defined by the online framework and retrieved from COOL |
CL1CaloPprDisabledChannelContainer | |
CL1CaloPprDisabledChannelContainerRun2 | Container of L1CaloPprDisabledChannelRun2 objects, inherit from the abstract base class AbstractL1CaloConditionContainer |
CL1CaloPprLut | Transient class defining the PPM lookup table objects |
CL1CaloPprLutContainer | |
►CL1CaloRampCumul | Class to store intermediate ramp data for the L1CaloRampMaker algorithm |
CRampStep | |
CL1CaloRampData | Transient class to store the RampData calculated from calibration runs |
CL1CaloRampDataContainer | Container of L1CaloRampData objects |
CL1CaloRampMaker | The L1CaloRampMaker creates a set of L1CaloRampData objects |
CL1CaloRampRunPlan | Transient class defining ramps runplan objects defined by the online framework and retrieved from COOL |
CL1CaloRampStep | Class to store the measured energy per step for either calorimeter or level-1 |
CL1CaloRdo | |
CL1CaloRdoEfexTob | |
CL1CaloRdoEfexTower | |
CL1CaloRdoFexTob | |
CL1CaloRdoRodInfo | |
CL1CaloReadoutConfig | Folder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V2/Configuration/ReadoutConfig |
CL1CaloReadoutConfigContainer | |
CL1CaloReadoutConfigContainerJSON | |
CL1CaloReadoutConfigJSON | Folder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V2/Configuration/ReadoutConfigJSON |
CL1CaloRunParameters | Folder <-> Object mapping for /TRIGGER/L1Calo/V1/Conditions/RunParameters |
CL1CaloRunParametersContainer | |
CL1CaloRxCoolChannelId | |
CL1CaloRxGain | Transient conditions class for objects defined by the online framework and retrieved from COOL |
CL1CaloRxGainContainer | |
CL1CaloRxLayers | Class that holds information about calo layers that make up receivers |
CL1CaloRxLayersContainer | Container of L1CaloRxLayers objects, inherit from the abstract base class AbstractL1CaloConditionContainer |
CL1CaloTriggerTowerSelector | This algorithm retrieves a TriggerTower container from storegate, loops through it and stores to an output container only the trigger toweres matching the slection criteria |
CL1CorrelationAlg | |
CL1DataConsistencyChecker | Checks the consistency between CTP active items and L1 RoIs (TOBs) received from RoIB/readout |
CL1IDFilterAlgorithm | |
CL1InfoHypo | |
CL1InfoHypoTool | |
CL1JetCopyAlgorithm | |
CL1MuonMon | |
►CL1MuonPtEncoding | |
Ccode | |
CL1TopoByteStreamCnv | ByteStream converter for the L1TopoRDOCollection |
CL1TopoByteStreamTool | Tool doing the L1TopoRDO <-> ByteStream conversion |
►CL1TopoOnlineMonitor | Algorithm to monitor L1Topo transmission and simulation errors for the (Run-3) L1Topo boards |
CDecisionBits | Helper structure holding decision bitsets, passed between the monitoring methods |
CL1TopoOnlineMonitorHypo | Hypo algorithm for L1Topo online monitoring chains accepting events with potential hardware, decoding or simulation issues |
CL1TopoOnlineMonitorHypoTool | Hypo tool using the xAOD::TrigComposite with information on potential L1Topo hardware, decoding or simulation issues to decide whether an event should be accepted or not |
CL1TopoPhase1ByteStreamTool | |
CL1TopoRDO | The class that represents the raw data received from an L1Topo board |
CL1TopoRDOCollection | Container of L1TopoRDOs (standard Athena boilerplate) |
CL1TopoSrcIdMap | This class provides conversion between Lower level Source ID to higher level source ID for L1Topo ByteStream fragments |
CL1TriggerByteStreamDecoderAlg | Algorithm calling tools to convert L1 ByteStream into xAOD collections |
CL1TriggerMuonPlots | |
CL1TriggerResultByteStreamCnv | ByteStream converter for L1TriggerResult |
CL1TriggerResultMaker | Algorithm creating L1TriggerResult and linking the relevant L1 xAOD collections to it |
CL2muCombMon | |
CL2MuonSAIOMon | |
CL2MuonSAMon | |
CL2OverlapRemoverMon | |
CLAr2DWaveBase | Per-channel class holding wave information in time bins |
CLArABBADecoder | |
CLArAbsShape | Liquid Argon base class for shape information |
CLArAccumulatedCalibDigit | Data class for calibration ADC samples preprocessed by the DSP |
CLArAccumulatedCalibDigitContainer | Container class for LArAccumulatedCalibDigit |
CLArAccumulatedCalibDigitContByteStreamCnv | |
CLArAccumulatedCalibDigitContSplitter | |
CLArAccumulatedDigit | Data class for ADC samples and autocorr preprocessed by the DSP |
CLArAccumulatedDigitContainer | Container class for LArAccumulatedDigit |
CLArAccumulatedDigitContByteStreamCnv | |
CLArAccumulatedDigits2Ntuple | |
►CLArADC2MeV | |
CvalidVec_t | |
CLArADC2MeV2Ntuple | |
CLArADC2MeVCondAlg | |
CLArAffectedRegionsAlg | |
CLArAlignCondAlg | Condition Algorithm for applying LAr Alignments |
CLArAlignDbAlg | Algorithm for writing LAr alignment constants to Cond DB and reading them back |
CLArAlignHelper | Helper class for applying LAr alignments either from LArDetectorToolNV or from LArAlignCondAlg |
CLArAutoCorr | |
CLArAutoCorr2Ntuple | |
CLArAutoCorrAlgToDB | |
CLArAutoCorrBlob | |
CLArAutoCorrComplete | This class implements the ILArAutoCorr interface |
CLArAutoCorrCompleteCnv | |
CLArAutoCorrCopy | |
CLArAutoCorrDecoderTool | |
CLArAutoCorrExtrapolate | |
CLArAutoCorrFromStdNtuple | |
CLArAutoCorrMaker | |
CLArAutoCorrMC | Implementation of the interface ILArAutoCorr for MC Derives from LArAutoCorrComplete, and implements the phi-z symmetry |
CLArAutoCorrMCCnv | |
CLArAutoCorrNoise | |
CLArAutoCorrNoiseCondAlg | |
CLArAutoCorrP | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLArAutoCorrP1 | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLArAutoCorrSC | |
CLArAutoCorrSubset_p1 | Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArAutoCorr data |
CLArAutoCorrSubsetCnv_p1 | |
CLArAutoCorrSym | |
CLArAutoCorrTotal | |
CLArAutoCorrTotalCondAlg | |
►CLArAutoCorrValidationAlg | |
CDataPerFEB | |
CLArAverages2Ntuple | |
CLArBadChanBitPacking | |
CLArBadChanContainerHashed | |
CLArBadChanFEBHasher | |
CLArBadChanFebState | A class that stores the bad channels of a single FEB |
►CLArBadChannel | |
CLArBadChannelEnum | |
CLArBadChannelSCEnum | |
CLArBadChannel2Ascii | |
CLArBadChannelCondAlg | |
CLArBadChannelDBAlg | |
CLArBadChannelDecoder | |
►CLArBadChannelHunter | |
CAverage | |
CCellData | |
CLArBadChannelMask | |
CLArBadChannelParser | |
►CLArBadChannelParser2 | |
CISLine | |
►CLArBadChannelState | |
CCoolChannelData | |
CLArBadChanSCBitPacking | |
CLArBadEventCatcher | |
CLArBadFeb | |
CLArBadFeb2Ascii | |
CLArBadFebBitPacking | |
CLArBadFebCondAlg | |
CLArBadFebEnum | |
CLArBadFebMasker | |
CLArBadFebMaskingTool | Mask LAr cells in Febs with decoding errors or listed in the bad feb database |
►CLArBadXCont | Conditions-Data class holding LAr Bad Channel or Bad Feb information |
CChannelLess | Comparison functor for sorting and searching |
CLArBarrelCalculator | |
CLArBarrelPresamplerCalculator | |
CLArBlockCorrections | |
CLArCableAttenuationComplete | This class implements the ILArCableAttenuation interface |
CLArCableAttenuationP | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLArCableLengthComplete | This class implements the ILArCableLength interface |
CLArCableLengthP | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLArCablingChecker | |
CLArCablingTest | |
CLArCalculatorSvcImp | |
CLArCalibCalculatorSvcImp | |
CLArCalibCopyAlg | |
CLArCalibDelayMonAlg | |
CLArCalibDigit | Base class for LArDigits taken during calibration runs |
CLArCalibDigitContainer | Container class for LArCalibDigit |
CLArCalibDigitContByteStreamCnv | |
CLArCalibDigitMaker | |
►CLArCalibDigitsAccumulator | Emulator of DSP code in accumulation calibration mode |
CLArAccumulated | Class of intermediate accumulations |
►CLArCalibDigitsAccumulatorFreeGain | |
CLArAccumulated | Class of intermediate accumulations |
CLArCalibInject_timeSh | The aim of this algorithm is the simulation of the LAr analogue Super-Cell sums |
CLArCalibLineMapping | |
CLArCalibLineMappingAlg | |
►CLArCalibParams | |
CCalibBoard | |
CLArCalibParamsCnv | |
CLArCalibPatchingAlg | |
CLArCalibPedMonAlg | |
CLArCalibShortCorrector | |
CLArCalibTriggerAccumulator | Helper class to accumulate calibration triggers |
CLArCalibValidationAlg | Algorithm to validate LAr Autocorr; |
CLArCaliPulseParamsComplete | This class implements the ILArCaliPulseParams interface |
CLArCaliPulseParamsP | |
CLArCaliWave | |
CLArCaliWaveAverage | |
CLArCaliWaveBuilder | |
CLArCaliWaveBuilderXtalk | |
CLArCaliWaveContainer | Liquid Argon Cumulative Wave Container |
CLArCaliWaveContainerCnv | |
CLArCaliWaves2Ntuple | This algrithm produces a column-wise NTuple out of a LArCaliWaveContainer or a LArPhysWaveContainer |
CLArCaliWaveSelector | |
CLArCaliWaveSubset_p1 | Persistent class container of LArCaliWave data |
CLArCaliWaveSubset_p2 | Persistent class container of LArCaliWave data |
CLArCaliWaveSubset_p3 | Persistent class container of LArCaliWave data |
CLArCaliWaveSubsetCnv_p1 | |
CLArCaliWaveSubsetCnv_p2 | |
CLArCaliWaveSubsetCnv_p3 | |
►CLArCaliWaveValidationAlg | |
CDataPerFEB | |
CLArCaliWaveVec | |
CLArCaloId | Liquid Argon class for standalone storage of cell information |
CLArCell | Data object for LAr calorimeter readout cell |
CLArCellBuilderFromLArRawChannelTool | Building LArCell objects from LArRawChannel |
CLArCellCollection | Container Class for LArCell in a ROB used by EF |
CLArCellCont | Class which contains statically allocated LArCellCollections |
CLArCellContFakeCreator | Create a CaloCellContainer with LArCells for POOL I/O tests algs |
CLArCellContFakeReader | Test Algorithm for POOL I/O uses CaloCellContainer as test data |
CLArCellContFakeWriter | Test Algorithm for POOL I/O uses CaloCellContainer for LAr as test data |
CLArCellContHVCorrTool | |
CLArCelldeadOTXTool | |
CLArCellEmMiscalib | Apply miscalibration in EM calorimeter at cell level |
CLArCellGainPathology | Apply to MC the pathology on gain corruption between cha0-63, 64-127, which affected 7 samples data April-July 2010 |
CLArCellInfo | Liquid Argon class for standalone storage of cell information |
CLArCellMaskingTool | |
CLArCellMerger | Replace cells in calo cell container with cells from alternate raw channel container |
►CLArCellMonAlg | |
Cthreshold_t | |
CLArCellNoiseMaskingTool | |
CLArCellRescaler | Tool to re-scale cell energies. Weights would be typically obtained by Z->ee intercalibration |
CLArCellTimeOffset | |
CLArClusterCellMonAlg | |
►CLArClusterCollisionTimeAlg | |
CperSide_t | |
CLArCoherentNoisefractionMonAlg | |
CLArCollisionTime | Holds information about collisions timing from end-cap LAr calorimeters |
CLArCollisionTimeAlg | |
CLArCollisionTimeMonAlg | |
CLArCompactSubsetChannelPointer | This acts as a pointer to a LArCompactSubsetChannelProxy |
CLArCompactSubsetChannelProxy | A more compact way of storing shape/ofc data — non-const portion |
►CLArCompactSubsetChannelVector | This acts like a vector of channel objects |
Cconst_iterator | Iterator for LArCompactSubsetChannelVector |
CLArCompactSubsetChannelVectorPointer | This acts as a pointer to a LArCompactSubsetChannelVector |
CLArCompactSubsetConstChannelProxy | A more compact way of storing shape/ofc data — const portion |
CLArCompactSubsetConstChannelVector | This acts like a vector of channel objects — const version |
CLArCompactSubsetConstFebPair | This acts like a FEB ID/channel vector pair |
CLArCompactSubsetFebPair | This acts like a FEB ID/channel vector pair |
►CLArCompactSubsetVector | This acts like a vector of FEB ID / channel vector pairs |
Cconst_iterator | Const_iterator class |
Citerator | Iterator class |
CLArCompleteToFlat | |
CLArCond2NtupleBase | |
CLArCond2NtupleBaseEB | |
CLArCondDataTest | Athena algorithm used for testing LAr conditions data access |
CLArCondFEBIdChanMap | This class maps FEB IDs to/from COOL channel ids |
CLArCondFlatBase | |
CLArConditionContainer | Template class for providing interface for accessing conditions data.
►CLArConditionsChannelSet | Template class for use for I/O of conditions data correction sets |
CPairSort | |
►CLArConditionsContainer | |
CSubsetSort | |
CLArConditionsContainerBase | This is a non-template implementation base class for LArConditionsContainer |
►CLArConditionsContainerDB | LArConditionsContainerDB template class Author: Walter Lampl Initial Version: April, 22nd 2005 |
CiteratorT | Declaration of const iterator |
CLArConditionsException | |
CLArConditionsMergerAlg | |
►CLArConditionsSubset | Template class for use for I/O of conditions data |
CPairSort | |
CLArConditionsSubset_p1 | Persistent class container of LAr conditions data. Holds the generic information a LArConditionsSubset, i.e. not the details for each conditions object |
CLArConditionsSubsetTraits | Traits class giving the types to use for the objects contained within the subset |
CLArConditionsSubsetTraits< LArOFCP1 > | When storing these data in a LArConditionsSubset, use LArCompactSubset |
CLArConditionsSubsetTraits< LArShapeP2 > | When storing these data in a LArConditionsSubset, use LArCompactSubset |
CLArConditionsTestAlg | Athena algorithm used for testing LAr conditions data access |
CLArCondSuperCellBase | |
CLArCosmicsMonAlg | |
CLArCoudeAbsorbers | |
CLArCoudeElectrodes | |
CLArCoudes | |
►CLArCoverageAlg | |
CLArChanHelp | |
CLArCrateTool | |
CLArDAC2uAComplete | This class implements the ILArDAC2uA interface |
CLArDAC2uACompleteCnv | |
CLArDAC2uAFlat | |
CLArDAC2uAMC | Implementation of the interface ILArDAC2uA for MC Derives from LArDAC2uAComplete, and implements the phi-z symmetry |
CLArDAC2uAP | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLArDAC2uASym | |
CLArDeltaRespPredictor | |
CLArDeltaRespTool | |
CLArDetCellParamsComplete | This class implements the ILArDetCellParams interface |
CLArDetCellParamsP | |
CLArDetectorManager | Stored in storegate. Provides access to EMB, EMEC, HEC and FCAL Detector Managers. This manager for the whole LAr can purvey not only physical volumes but also pointers to managers for the sub-calorimeters:EMB, EMEC, HEC and FCAL |
CLArDetectorToolNV | LArDetectorToolNV is a standard GeoModel tool, which calls LArDetectorFactory::create(), stores LArDetectorManager to the Detector Store and also registers a callback function align() which applies misalignments on top of the 'regular' geometry |
CLArDetectorToolTBEC | |
CLArDigit | Liquid Argon digit base class |
CLArDigitalTriggMonAlg | |
CLArDigitContainer | Container class for LArDigit |
CLArDigitContainer_p1 | |
CLArDigitContainer_p2 | |
CLArDigitContainer_p3 | |
CLArDigitContainerCnv | |
CLArDigitContainerCnv_p1 | |
CLArDigitContainerCnv_p2 | |
CLArDigitContainerCnv_p3 | |
CLArDigitContByteStreamCnv | |
CLArDigitMonAlg | |
CLArDigitOscillationCorrTool | |
CLArDigits2Ntuple | |
CLArDigits2NtupleEB | |
►CLArDigitsAccumulator | Emulator of DSP code in accumulation pedestal mode |
CLArAccumulated | Class of intermediate accumulations |
CLArDigitsThinner | Algorithm to copy a selected subset of LArDigits |
CLArDigitThinner | |
CLArDigitThinnerFromEMClust | |
CLArDSPConfig | |
CLArDSPConfig2Ntuple | |
CLArDSPConfigWrite | |
CLArDSPThresholdFillInline | |
CLArDSPThresholds2Ntuple | |
CLArDSPThresholdsComplete | |
CLArDSPThresholdsCompleteCnv | |
CLArDSPThresholdsFlat | |
CLArDSPThresholdsP | |
CLArDSPThresholdsSubset_p1 | Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArDSPThresholds data |
CLArDSPThresholdsSubsetCnv_p1 | |
CLArDumpShapes | Dump out shape information to a ROOT file |
CLArDuplicateConstants | |
CLArElectrodeID | Helper for the Liquid Argon Calorimeter cell at the electrode level |
CLArElectrodeIDDetDescrCnv | This class is a converter for the LArElectrodeID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store |
►CLArEM_Base_ID | This class factors out code common between LArEM_ID and LArEM_SuperCell_ID |
CHashCalc | Small class holding the starting hash value, the min eta and the number of phi bins of each region |
CLArEM_ID | Helper class for LArEM offline identifiers |
CLArEM_region | This class provides an interface to deal with regions in the neighbours finding
CLArEM_SuperCell_ID | Helper class for LArEM offline identifiers for supercells |
CLArEMEC_CphiComplete | This class implements the ILArEMEC_Cphi interface |
CLArEMEC_CphiP | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLArEMEC_HValphaComplete | This class implements the ILArEMEC_HValpha interface |
CLArEMEC_HValphaP | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLArEMEC_HVbetaComplete | This class implements the ILArEMEC_HVbeta interface |
CLArEMEC_HVbetaP | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLarEMSamplingFraction | |
CLArEndcapPresamplerCalculator | |
CLArFanSections | |
CLArFCAL_Base_ID | |
CLArFCAL_ID | Helper class for LArFCAL offline identifiers |
CLArFCAL_region | This class provides an interface to deal with regions in the neighbours finding |
CLArFCAL_SuperCell_ID | Helper class for LArFCAL offline identifiers for supercells |
CLArFCALCalculatorBase | |
CLArFCALH62004CalibCalculatorBase | |
CLArFCalSamplingFraction | |
CLArFCalTowerBuilderTool | Special tower builder for FCal |
CLArFCalTowerBuilderToolTestAlg | |
CLArFCalTowerStore | Intermediate store for cell/tower maps |
CLArFCS_StepInfoSD | |
CLArFebConfig | |
CLArFEBConfigCondAlg | |
CLArFebEnergy | Holds partial energy sums Ex,Ey,Ez for each Feb |
CLArFebEnergyCollection | Container class for LArFebEnergy |
CLArFebErrorSummary | Holds information from the FEB Error Summary |
CLArFebErrorSummary_p1 | Persistent class for LArFebErrorSummary, version p2 |
CLArFebErrorSummaryCnv | |
CLArFebErrorSummaryCnv_p1 | |
CLArFebErrorSummaryMaker | |
►CLArFebHeader | Holds information from the FEB Header |
CDspHeader | DSP-Header (most of it is actually in the DSP-Trailer) |
CRodHeader | ROD-Header, always present (is part of the FEB-Header) |
CLArFebHeaderContainer | Container class for LArFebHeader |
CLArFebHeaderContByteStreamCnv | |
CLArFEBMonAlg | |
CLArFebRodMapConvert | |
CLArFebRodMapping | |
CLArFebRodMappingAlg | |
CLArFEBTemp2Ntuple | This algrithm produces a column-wise NTuple out of a LArFEBTempTool |
CLArFEBTempAlg | |
CLArFEBTempData | |
CLArFEBTimeOffset | |
CLArFebTimeOffset2Ntuple | |
CLArFillDSPConfig | |
CLArFlatConditionsAlg | |
CLArFlatFromFile | |
CLArfSampl2Ntuple | |
CLArfSamplComplete | This class implements the ILArfSampl interface |
CLArfSamplMC | Implementation of the interface ILArfSampl for MC Derives from LArfSamplComplete, and implements the phi-z symmetry |
CLArfSamplP | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLArfSamplSC | |
CLArfSamplSym | Implementation of the interface ILArfSampl for MC using the z-phi symmetry |
CLArG4BirksLaw | |
►CLArG4CalibSD | A specialized SD class for saving LAr calibration hits |
CLessHit | |
CLArG4FastSimSvc | Class for fast simulation option service |
CLArG4GenShowerLib | Class for shower library generation algorithm |
CLArG4H62004CalibSD | |
CLArG4H62004DeadCalibrationCalculator | |
CLArG4H62004SD | |
CLArG4H6BeamSD | |
CLArG4H6BeamSDTool | |
CLArG4H6COLDTCMod0Calculator | |
CLArG4H6COLDTCMod0CalibCalculator | |
CLArG4H6COLDTCMod0ChannelMap | |
CLArG4H6FrontHit | |
CLArG4H6LeakHit | |
CLArG4H6WarmTCCalculator | |
CLArG4H6WarmTCHit | |
CLArG4H6WarmTCSD | |
CLArG4H6WarmTCSDTool | |
CLArG4Identifier | |
CLArG4SDTool | A base class for tools that manage LAr SDs |
CLArG4ShowerLibSvc | Class for shower library service |
CLArG4ShowerLibSvcTest | |
►CLArG4SimpleSD | Common sensitive detector class for LAr systems |
CLessHit | |
CLArG4TBECBeamChCalculator | |
CLArG4TBECBeamChHit | |
CLArG4TBECBeamChSDTool | |
CLArG4TBECBeamChSensitiveDetector | |
CLArG4TBPosOptions | |
CLArGainThresholds2Ntuple | |
CLArGeoTB2004Options | |
CLArGeoTBGeometricOptions | |
CLArGeoTBH1GeoOptions | |
CLArGeoWeightsFill | |
CLArGlobalTimeOffset | |
CLArGraphShape | Liquid Argon class for standalone storage of cell shape information |
CLArH6OscillationComplete | This class implements the ILArH6Oscillation interface |
CLArH6OscillationP | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
►CLArHEC_Base_ID | This class factors out code common between LArEM_ID and LArEM_SuperCell_ID |
CHashCalc | Small class holding the starting hash value, the min eta and the number of phi bins of each region |
CLArHEC_ID | Helper class for LArHEC offline identifiers |
CLArHEC_region | This class provides an interface to deal with regions in the neighbours finding
CLArHEC_SuperCell_ID | Helper class for LArHEC offline identifiers for supercells |
CLArHECLocalCalculator | |
CLArHECNoise | |
CLArHECWheelCalculator | |
CLArHit | Class to store hit energy and time in LAr cell from G4 simulation |
CLArHit_p1 | Persistent LArHit class, version p1 |
CLArHitCnv_p1 | |
CLArHitContainer | Hit collection |
CLArHitContainer_p1 | Persistent represenation of a LArHitContainer, |
CLArHitContainer_p2 | Persistent represenation of a LArHitContainer, |
CLArHitContainerCnv | |
CLArHitContainerCnv_p2 | |
CLArHitData | |
CLArHitEMap | |
CLArHitEMapMaker | |
CLArHitEMapToDigitAlg | |
CLArHitFilter | |
CLArHitFloat | Class to store hit energy and time in LAr cell from G4 simulation |
CLArHitFloatCnv_p1 | |
CLArHitFloatContainer | Container for LArHitFloat |
CLArHitFloatContainerCnv | |
CLArHitFloatContainerCnv_p1 | |
CLArHitFloatContainerCnv_p2 | |
CLArHitList | |
CLArHitMerger | |
CLArHitsTestTool | |
CLArHITtoCell | Make a dummy supercell LArRawChannelContainer from a CaloCallContainer |
CLArHV2Ntuple | |
CLArHVCablingSimTool | Mapping from HV lines to electrodes |
►CLArHVCondAlg | |
CDCS_t | |
CLArHVCorr | |
CLArHVCorrectionMonAlg | |
CLArHVCorrMaker | |
CLArHVCorrToSCHVCorr | |
►CLArHVData | |
CHV_t | Struct for HV, current and weight |
CLArHVFraction | |
CLArHVIdMapping | |
CLArHVIdMappingAlg | |
CLArHVIdMappingReader | Helper to read HV ID mapping data from a file or conditions |
CLArHVLineID | Helper for the Liquid Argon Calorimeter High-Voltage identifiers |
CLArHVLineIDDetDescrCnv | This class is a converter for the LArHVLineID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store |
CLArHVlineMapAlg | |
CLArHVManager | This class provides access to the High Voltage throughout the LAr. High voltage conditions can also be accessed through the readout Geometry, if appropriate |
CLArHVMapTool | |
CLArHVNMap | |
►CLArHVPathologiesDb | |
CLArHVElectPathologyDb | |
CLArHVPathology | |
CLArHVPathologyBits | |
CLArHVPathologyDbAlg | |
CLArHVPathologyDbCondAlg | |
CLArHVPathologyDbTool | |
CLArHVScaleCorr2Ntuple | |
CLArHVScaleCorrComplete | This class implements the ILArHVScaleCorr interface |
CLArHVScaleCorrCompleteCnv | |
CLArHVScaleCorrFlat | |
CLArHVScaleCorrSC | |
►CLArHVScaleCorrTool | |
CHV_t | |
CHVfix_t | |
CLArID_Exception | Exception class for LAr Identifiers |
CLArIdCablingTest | |
CLArIdMapConvert | |
CLArIdTranslatorHelper | |
CLArLATOMEBuilderAlg | |
►CLArLATOMEDecoder | |
CEventProcess | |
CLatomeAveragedRawData | |
CLatomeCalibPatterns | |
CLatomeRawData | 4th bit should be this value if the word indicate ADC value |
CLArLATOMEHeader | Holds information from the LATOME Header |
CLArLATOMEHeaderContainer | Container class for LArLATOMEHeader |
CLArLATOMEHeaderContainer_p1 | |
CLArLATOMEHeaderContainerCnv | |
CLArLATOMEHeaderContainerCnv_p1 | |
CLArLATOMEHeaderContByteStreamCnv | |
CLArLATOMEMapping | Class to provide SC mapping |
CLArLATOMEMappingAlg | Class to fill SC mapping object from conditions DB |
CLArMasterWaveBuilder | |
CLArMaterialManager | |
CLArMCSym | Helper class to handle z-phi symmetry of calibration constants in MC |
CLArMCSymCondAlg | |
CLArMinBias2Ntuple | |
►CLArMinBiasAlg | |
CCellInfo | |
CLArMinBiasAverageComplete | This class implements the ILArMinBiasAverage interface History: |
CLArMinBiasAverageMC | Implementation of the interface ILArMinBiasAverage for MC Derives from LArMinBiasAverageComplete, and implements the phi-z symmetry History: |
CLArMinBiasAverageP | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLArMinBiasAverageSC | |
CLArMinBiasAverageSym | |
CLArMinBiasComplete | This class implements the ILArMinBias interface History: |
CLArMinBiasMC | Implementation of the interface ILArMinBias for MC Derives from LArMinBiasComplete, and implements the phi-z symmetry History: |
CLArMinBiasP | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLArMinBiasSC | |
CLArMinBiasSym | |
CLArMiniFCAL_ID | Helper class for LArMiniFCAL offline identifiers |
CLArMLencoding | |
CLArMonValues | |
CLArMphysOverMcal2Ntuple | This algrithm produces a column-wise NTuple out of a LArMphysOverMcalDB |
CLArMphysOverMcalComplete | This class implements the ILArMphysOverMcal interface |
CLArMphysOverMcalCompleteCnv | |
CLArMphysOverMcalFlat | |
CLArMphysOverMcalFromTuple | |
CLArMphysOverMcalMC | Implementation of the interface ILArMphysOverMcal for MC Derives from LArMphysOverMcalComplete, and implements the phi-z symmetry |
CLArMphysOverMcalMCCnv | |
CLArMphysOverMcalP | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLArMphysOverMcalP1 | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLArMphysOverMcalSC | |
CLArMphysOverMcalSubset_p1 | Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArMphysOverMcal data |
CLArMphysOverMcalSubsetCnv_p1 | |
CLArMphysOverMcalSym | |
CLArNNRawChannelBuilder | |
CLArNoise2Ntuple | |
CLArNoiseBursts | |
CLArNoiseComplete | This class implements the ILArNoise interface |
►CLArNoiseCorrelationMonAlg | |
CperFeb_t | Internally used data structure |
CLArNoiseMC | Implementation of the interface ILArNoise for MC Derives from LArNoiseComplete, and implements the phi-z symmetry |
CLArNoiseP | |
CLArNoiseSC | |
CLArNoiseSym | |
CLArNoisyROAlg | Find list of suspicious preamplifiers and Front End Boards from cell collection |
►CLArNoisyROMonAlg | |
CCandidateMNBStruct | |
CLArNoisyROSummary | Summary information for noisy LAr preamp / FEBs |
CLArNoisyROSummary_p1 | |
CLArNoisyROSummary_p2 | |
CLArNoisyROSummary_p3 | |
CLArNoisyROSummary_p4 | |
CLArNoisyROSummary_p5 | |
CLArNoisyROSummary_p6 | |
CLArNoisyROSummaryCnv | |
CLArNoisyROSummaryCnv_p1 | |
CLArNoisyROSummaryCnv_p2 | |
CLArNoisyROSummaryCnv_p3 | |
CLArNoisyROSummaryCnv_p4 | |
CLArNoisyROSummaryCnv_p5 | |
CLArNoisyROSummaryCnv_p6 | |
►CLArNoisyROTool | |
CFEBEvtStat | |
CLArNonLinearity | Add non linearity in calorimeter for test at L2 |
CLArOFC2Ntuple | |
►CLArOFCAlg | |
CLooper | |
CperChannelData_t | |
CLArOFCBin2Ntuple | |
CLArOFCBin_PhysCaliTdiffFromStdNtuple | |
CLArOFCBinAlg | |
CLArOFCBinComplete | |
CLArOFCBinCompleteCnv | |
CLArOFCBinSubsetCnv_p1 | |
CLArOFCComplete | This class implements the ILArOFC interface |
CLArOFCCompleteCnv | |
CLArOFCCondAlg | |
CLArOFCCopy | |
CLArOFCFlat | |
CLArOFCP | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLArOFCP1 | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLArOFCSubset_p1 | Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArOFC data |
CLArOFCSubsetCnv_p1 | |
CLArOFCweightSC | |
CLArOFIterResults | |
CLArOFIterResultsContainer | |
CLArOFPeakRecoTool | |
CLArOFPhaseFill | |
CLArOFPhasePicker | |
CLArOnlID_Exception | Exception class for LAr online Identifiers |
CLArOnline_SuperCellID | |
CLArOnline_SuperCellIDDetDescrCnv | This class is a converter for the LArOnline_SuperCellID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store |
CLArOnlineID | |
►CLArOnlineID_Base | Helper for the Liquid Argon Calorimeter cell identifiers |
CHashCalc | Define the Hash identifier for channels and febs |
CHashCalcFeb | |
CLArOnlineIDDetDescrCnv | This class is a converter for the LArOnlineID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store |
CLArOnOffIdMapping | |
CLArOnOffMappingAlg | |
CLArParabolaPeakRecoTool | |
►CLArParams2Ntuple | This algorithm produces a column-wise NTuple out of several complete structures |
CDumpFlags | |
CLArParamsFromStdNtuple | |
CLArPedestal | |
CLArPedestalAutoCorrBuilder | |
CLArPedestalBlob | |
CLArPedestalComplete | This class implements the ILArPedestal interface |
CLArPedestalCompleteCnv | |
CLArPedestalCopy | |
CLArPedestalFlat | |
CLArPedestalMaker | |
CLArPedestalMC | Implementation of the interface ILArfSampl for MC: only one constant is needed for MC |
CLArPedestalMC_p1 | Persistent class container of LArConditionsMC for LArPedestal data |
CLArPedestalMCCnv | |
CLArPedestalMCCnv_p1 | |
CLArPedestalP | |
CLArPedestalP1 | |
CLArPedestals2Ntuple | This algrithm produces a column-wise NTuple out of a LArPedestalDB |
CLArPedestalSC | |
CLArPedestalSubset_p1 | Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArPedestal data |
CLArPedestalSubset_p2 | Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArPedestal data |
CLArPedestalSubsetCnv_p1 | |
CLArPedestalSubsetCnv_p2 | |
►CLArPedestalValidationAlg | |
CDataPerFEB | |
CLArPhysCaliTDiffAlg | |
CLArPhysCaliTdiffComplete | This class implements the ILArPhysCaliTdiff interface ` * |
CLArPhysCaliTdiffP | |
CLArPhysWave | |
CLArPhysWaveContainer | Liquid Argon Physics Wave Container |
CLArPhysWaveContainerCnv | |
CLArPhysWaveFromStdNtuple | |
CLArPhysWaveFromTuple | |
CLArPhysWaveHECTool | |
CLArPhysWavePredictor | |
CLArPhysWaves2Ntuple | This algrithm produces a column-wise NTuple out of a LArPhysWaveContainer |
CLArPhysWaveShifter | |
CLArPhysWaveSubset_p1 | Persistent class container of LArPhysWave data |
CLArPhysWaveSubsetCnv_p1 | |
CLArPhysWaveTool | |
►CLArPileUpTool | |
CperEventData_t | |
CLArPulseShape | |
CLArRampAdHocPatchingAlg | |
CLArRampBlob | |
CLArRampBuilder | |
CLArRampComplete | |
CLArRampCompleteBase | This class implements the ILArRamp interface |
CLArRampCompleteCnv | |
CLArRampCopy | |
CLArRampCorr | |
CLArRampFCalCorr | |
CLArRampFlat | |
CLArRampMC | Implementation of the interface ILArRamp for MC Derives from LArRampComplete, and implements the phi-z symmetry |
CLArRampMCCnv | |
CLArRampP | Persistent data for LArRamp Copied from LAr |
CLArRampP1 | Persistent data for LArRamp Copied from LAr |
CLArRampPTmp | Persistent data for LArRamp Copied from LAr |
CLArRamps2Ntuple | This algrithm produces a column-wise NTuple out of a LArRawRampContainer |
CLArRampSC | |
CLArRampSubset_p1 | Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArRamp data |
CLArRampSubsetCnv_p1 | |
CLArRampSym | |
►CLArRampValidationAlg | |
CDataPerRegion | |
CLArRawCalibDataReadingAlg | |
CLArRawChannel | Liquid Argon ROD output object base class |
CLArRawChannel_p1 | Persistent class for LArRawChannel, version p1 |
CLArRawChannel_p2 | Persistent class for LArRawChannel, version p2 |
CLArRawChannelBuilderAlg | |
CLArRawChannelBuilderIterAlg | |
CLArRawChannelBuilderSCAlg | |
CLArRawChannelCnv_p1 | |
CLArRawChannelCnv_p2 | |
CLArRawChannelCollection_p1 | Persistent LArRawChannelCollection, version p1 |
CLArRawChannelCollection_p2 | Persistent LArRawChannelCollection, version p2 |
CLArRawChannelContainer | Container for LArRawChannel (IDC using LArRawChannelCollection) |
CLArRawChannelContainer_p1 | Persistent LArRawChannelContainer, version p1 |
CLArRawChannelContainer_p2 | Persistent LArRawChannelContainer, version p2 |
CLArRawChannelContainer_p3 | Persistent LArRawChannelContainer, version p3 |
CLArRawChannelContainer_p4 | Persistent LArRawChannelContainer, version p3 |
CLArRawChannelContainerCnv_p1 | |
CLArRawChannelContainerCnv_p2 | |
CLArRawChannelContainerCnv_p3 | |
CLArRawChannelContainerCnv_p4 | |
CLArRawChannelContByteStreamCnv | |
CLArRawChannelMonAlg | |
CLArRawChannelSimpleBuilder | CTB simplified LArRawChannelBuilder using hardcoded calib. constants |
CLArRawDataContByteStreamTool | An AlgTool class to help converting LAr raw data objects to/from ByteStream |
CLArRawDataReadingAlg | |
CLArRawDetSelector | This class provide access to LArRawChannels in each sub detector Input: LAr Detector Identifier Allowed are lar_em lar_hec lar_fcal |
CLArRawEventContainerCnv | |
CLArRawOrdering | |
►CLArRawRamp | This class stores a unfittet ramp (=a vector a ADC and DAC values) |
CLArRawRampContainer | |
CLArRawSC | Liquid Argon SuperCell raw data |
CLArRawSCCalibDataReadingAlg | |
CLArRawSCContainer | Container class for LArRawSC |
CLArRawSCContainer_p1 | |
CLArRawSCContainerCnv_p1 | |
CLArRawSCDataReadingAlg | |
CLArRAWtoSuperCell | |
CLArRDOAnalysis | |
CLArReadCells | |
CLArReadHadDMCoeffFile | |
CLArReadHadDMCoeffFile2 | |
CLArReadoutModuleService | Service for creating and interpreting LAr readout modules identifiers |
CLArReadParamsFromFile | This algorithm reads an ascii file and fill a paremeters structure into the detector store |
CLArRecoMaterialTool | This class implements the CaloDetDescr/ICaloRecoMaterialTool and provides the average materials needed for the LAr part of the Calorimeter/CaloTrackingGeometry volumes |
CLArRecoSimpleGeomTool | This class implements the CaloDetDescr/ICaloRecoSimpleGeomTool and provides the simplified geometry needed for the LAr part of the Calorimeter/CaloTrackingGeometry volumes |
CLArRinj2Ntuple | |
CLArRinjComplete | This class implements the ILArRinj interface |
CLArRinjP | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLArRodBlockAccumulatedV3 | This class provides decoding/encoding from/to ROD format |
CLArRodBlockCalibrationV0 | |
CLArRodBlockCalibrationV1 | This class provides decoding/encoding from/to ROD format |
CLArRodBlockCalibrationV2 | This class provides decoding/encoding from/to ROD format |
CLArRodBlockCalibrationV3 | This class provides decoding/encoding from/to ROD format |
CLArRodBlockHeaderCalibrationV0 | This class provides decoding/encoding from/to ROD format |
CLArRodBlockHeaderTransparentV0 | This class provides decoding/encoding from/to ROD format |
CLArRodBlockPhysicsV0 | |
CLArRodBlockPhysicsV1 | |
CLArRodBlockPhysicsV2 | |
CLArRodBlockPhysicsV3 | |
CLArRodBlockPhysicsV4 | |
CLArRodBlockPhysicsV5 | |
CLArRodBlockPhysicsV6 | |
CLArRodBlockStructure | |
CLArRodBlockTransparentV0 | |
CLArRodDecoder | This class provides conversion between ROD data and LArRawChannels |
►CLArRodEncoder | This class provides conversion from LArRawChannel and LArDigit to ROD format |
CFebData_t | |
CLArRodIdHash | Class that provides LArReadoutModuleID to integer hash ID mapping |
►CLArRODMonAlg | |
Cdiff_t | |
CLArRoIMap | Mapping between calorimeter trigger id to offline/online Identifier |
CLArRoIMapCondAlg | Conditions algorithm producing LArRoIMap |
►CLArRTMParamExtractor | |
ChelperParams | |
CLooper | |
CLArSamplesData | Liquid Argon class for compact storage of samples data |
CLArSamplesDataContainer | Liquid Argon class for compact storage of samples data |
CLArSamplesDataTweaker | Storage of a collection of digits for one cell |
CLArSamplesEventData | Liquid Argon class for compact storage of samples data |
CLArSamplesFilterList | Storage of a collection of digits for one cell |
CLArSamplesFilterParams | Storage of a collection of digits for one cell |
CLArSamplesHistory | Class to calculate chi^2s |
CLArSamplesHistoryContainer | Storage of a collection of digits for one cell |
CLArSamplesOFC | Liquid Argon class for standalone storage of cell shape information |
CLArSamplesRunData | Liquid Argon class for compact storage of samples data |
CLArSC2Ntuple | |
CLArSC2NtupleEB | |
CLArSCDigit | Base class for LArDigits taken by LATOME |
CLArSCDigitContainer | Container class for LArSCDigit |
CLArSCDigitContainer_p1 | |
CLArSCDigitContainerCnv_p1 | |
CLArSCIdvsIdTest | |
CLArSCL1Maker | The aim of this algorithm is the simulation of the LAr analogue Super-Cell sums |
CLArSCSimpleMaker | Make a dummy supercell LArRawChannelContainer from a CaloCallContainer |
CLArSCvsRawChannelMonAlg | |
CLArShape2Ntuple | |
CLArShape32MC | This class implements the ILArShape interface |
CLArShape32MCCnv | |
CLArShape32Sym | |
CLArShapeBlob | |
CLArShapeComplete | This class implements the ILArShape interface |
CLArShapeCompleteCnv | |
CLArShapeCompleteMaker | |
CLArShapeCompleteMakerAlg | |
CLArShapeCopy | |
CLArShapeCorrector | |
CLArShapeDumper | |
CLArShapeDumperTool | |
CLArShapeFlat | |
CLArShapeFromStdNtuple | |
CLArShapeInfo | Liquid Argon class for standalone storage of cell shape information |
CLArShapeP | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLArShapeP1 | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLArShapeP2 | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLArShapePeakRecoTool | |
CLArShapeSC | |
CLArShapeSubset_p1 | Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArShape data |
CLArShapeSubset_p2 | Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArShape data |
CLArShapeSubsetCnv_p1 | |
CLArShapeSubsetCnv_p2 | |
CLArShapeToSCShape | |
CLArSimpleShape | Liquid Argon class for standalone storage of cell shape information |
CLArSimpleShapeDumper | |
CLArSingleFloatBlob | |
CLArSingleFloatConverter | |
CLArSingleFloatP | |
CLArSingleFloatSubset_p1 | Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArSingleFloat data |
CLArSingleFloatSubsetCnv_p1 | |
CLArSingleFloatUpdater | |
CLArSingleIntSubset_p1 | Persistent class container of LArConditionsSubset for LArSingleInt data |
CLArStraightAbsorbers | |
CLArStraightElectrodes | |
CLArStrHelper | Helper class to manipulate strings for LArOnlineID names |
►CLArStripsCrossTalkCorrector | |
Cneighbour_t | |
CLArSuperCellBCIDAlg | |
CLArSuperCellBCIDEmAlg | |
CLArSuperCellMonAlg | |
CLArSymConditionsAlg | |
CLArTBFrontHit | |
CLArTBH6BeamInfo | |
CLArTBH6TriggerTimeTool | |
CLArTBLeakHit | |
CLArTBWarmTCHit | |
CLArTdriftComplete | This class implements the ILArTdrift interface |
CLArTdriftP | |
►CLArTemperatureCorrectionTool | Correction on the energy for temperature fluctuations authors: Ruggero Turra 2015 |
CAllValues | |
CLArTimePhysPrediction | |
CLArTimeVetoAlg | |
CLArTowerBuilderTool | Concrete tool for CaloTower building in LAr |
CLArTshaperComplete | This class implements the ILArTshaper interface |
CLArTshaperP | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLArTT_Sampling | |
►CLArTT_Selector | |
Cconst_iterator | |
►CLArTTCell_P | This is a database object holding the offline TT-cell map |
CLArTTCell_P_t | Structure of the map |
CLArTTCell_t | Structure definition of the LArTTCellMap |
CLArTTCellMap | This is a StoreGate object holding the offline TT-cell map |
CLArTTCellMapCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of MyClass |
CLArTTL1 | Liquid Argon TT L1 sum class |
CLArTTL1_p1 | |
CLArTTL1Calib | This algorithm is meant to be run in standalone only for TTL1 calibration purposes |
CLArTTL1Cnv_p1 | |
CLArTTL1Container | Container class for LArTTL1 |
CLArTTL1Container_p1 | |
CLArTTL1ContainerCnv | |
CLArTTL1Maker | The aim of this algorithm is the simulation of the LAr analogue trigger tower sums |
CLAruA2MeV2Ntuple | This algrithm produces a column-wise NTuple out of a LAruA2MeVDB |
CLAruA2MeVComplete | This class implements the ILAruA2MeV interface |
CLAruA2MeVCompleteCnv | |
CLAruA2MeVFlat | |
CLAruA2MeVMC | Implementation of the interface ILAruA2MeV for MC Derives from LAruA2MeVComplete, and implements the phi-z symmetry |
CLAruA2MeVMCCnv | |
CLAruA2MeVP | C-struct reproducing the structure of the persistent data |
CLAruA2MeVSC | |
CLAruA2MeVSym | |
CLArVectorProxy | Proxy for accessing a range of float values like a vector |
CLArWave | |
CLArWaveCumul | |
CLArWaveDerivedQuantitiesComplete | This class implements the ILArWaveDerivedQuantities interface |
CLArWaveDerivedQuantitiesP | |
CLArWaveHelper | |
CLArWaves2Ntuple | |
CLArWFParams | |
CLArWFParams2Ntuple | This algorithm produces a column-wise NTuple out of a LArWFParamsContainer |
CLArWFParamsComplete | |
CLArWFParamsContainer | Liquid Argon Wave Parameters Container
►CLArWFParamTool | |
ComegaScanParams_t | |
CwaveRange_t | |
CWaveTiming_t | |
CLArWheelCalculator | |
CLArWheelSliceSolid | |
CLArWheelSolid | |
CLArWheelSolidDDProxy | |
CLArXTalkWeight | |
CLArXTalkWeightCondAlg | |
CLArXTalkWeightCondAlg_2strip | |
CLArXTalkWeightCondAlg_2strip_ec | |
CLArXTalkWeightCondAlg_middle1 | |
CLArXTalkWeightCondAlg_middle1_ec | |
CLArXTalkWeightCondAlg_middle2 | |
CLArXTalkWeightCondAlg_middle2_ec | |
CLArXTalkWeightCondAlg_middleback | |
CLArXTalkWeightCondAlg_middleback_eciw | |
CLArXTalkWeightCondAlg_middleback_ecow | |
CLArXTalkWeightCondAlg_strip | |
CLArXTalkWeightCondAlg_strip_ec | |
CLArXTalkWeightCondAlg_stripmiddle | |
CLArXTalkWeightCondAlg_stripmiddle_ec | |
CLArXTalkWeightGlobal | |
CLArXTalkWeightGlobalCondAlg | |
CLATOMEMapping | Tool to get LATOME SC and SCID mapping file and fill std::map variable with it |
CLayerDisk | |
CLayerInfo | |
CLayerMaterialMapCnv | |
CLayerMaterialMapCnv_p1 | |
CLayerMaterialMapCnv_tlp1 | |
CLayerSection | |
CLayerTestTool | |
CLayerValidationTree | |
CLB_IOVRange | |
CLBDurationCondAlg | Produce LBDurationCondData from /TRIGGER/LUMI/LBLB |
CLBDurationCondData | Hold luminosity block duration data produced from /TRIGGER/LUMI/LBLB |
►CLCE_CellList | |
CthrCounter_t | |
Clcoords | |
CLeadingJetsRelations | |
CLegend | Slightly more convenient legend class |
CLepton2gamma2 | |
CLeptonCFEValidationPlots | |
CLeptonFilter | Filter events based on presence of charged leptons |
CLeptonNFEValidationPlots | |
CLeptonPairFilter | |
CLhoodMMEvent | |
Clims | |
CLinearityADC | Parameterization of correction for ADC non linearity |
CLinearService | |
CLinearTrack | |
CLineFormatter | |
Clnk_helper | |
Clnk_helper< CONTAINER, false > | |
Clnk_helper< CONTAINER, true > | |
CLoadGpuFuncHist | |
CLoadGpuHist | |
CLocalDirectionCnv_p1 | |
CLocalEstimate | |
CLocalParametersCnv_p1 | |
CLocalPositionCnv_p1 | |
CLogFileMsgStream | |
►CLoggedMessageSvc | |
CMsgAry | Private helper class to keep the count of messages of a type (MSG::LEVEL) |
CLogSampler | |
CLongDbArray | |
CLookUpTable | |
CLPhi_Storage | |
►CLPhiSector | |
CcompareR | |
CcompareRless | |
CcompareZ | |
CgreaterThanR | |
CgreaterThanR_i | |
CgreaterThanZ | |
CsmallerThanR | |
CsmallerThanR_i | |
CsmallerThanZ | |
CLRTElectronValidationPlots | |
CltIdHash | |
CLUCID_ByteStreamRawDataCnv | |
CLUCID_DetectorFactory | |
CLUCID_DetectorManager | |
CLUCID_DetectorTool | |
CLUCID_DetElemHash | |
►CLUCID_DigiSettings | |
CparDouble | |
CparInt | |
CLUCID_Digit | |
CLUCID_Digit_p1 | |
CLUCID_Digit_p2 | |
CLUCID_DigitByteStreamCnv | |
CLUCID_DigitCnv_p1 | |
CLUCID_DigitCnv_p2 | |
CLUCID_DigitContainer | |
CLUCID_DigitContainer_p1 | |
CLUCID_DigitContainer_p2 | |
CLUCID_DigitContainerCnv | |
CLUCID_DigitContainerCnv_p1 | |
CLUCID_DigitContainerCnv_p2 | |
CLUCID_DigitizationToolBox | |
CLUCID_DigiTop | Algorithm to perform the digitization of LUCID SimHits |
CLUCID_DigitRawDataCnv | |
CLUCID_HardwareID | |
CLUCID_HitHelper | |
CLUCID_PileUpTool | |
CLUCID_RawData | |
CLUCID_RawData_p1 | |
CLUCID_RawDataCnv_p1 | |
CLUCID_RawDataContainer | |
CLUCID_RawDataContainer_p1 | |
CLUCID_RawDataContainerCnv | |
CLUCID_RawDataContainerCnv_p1 | |
CLUCID_RDBAccess | |
CLUCID_RodDecoder | |
►CLUCID_RodEncoder | |
CCache | |
CLUCID_SensitiveDetector | |
CLUCID_SensitiveDetectorTool | |
CLUCID_SimHit | |
CLUCID_SimHit_p1 | |
CLUCID_SimHit_p2 | |
CLUCID_SimHit_p3 | |
CLUCID_SimHitCnv_p1 | |
CLUCID_SimHitCnv_p2 | |
CLUCID_SimHitCnv_p3 | |
CLUCID_SimHitCollection_p1 | |
CLUCID_SimHitCollection_p2 | |
CLUCID_SimHitCollection_p3 | |
CLUCID_SimHitCollectionCnv | |
CLucidHitAnalysis | |
CLucidHitsTestTool | |
CLucidPhysicsTool | |
►CLuDatr | |
►CLuJets | |
CLumiBlobUtil | Utility class to to decode data from FILLPARAMS COOL folder
►CLumiBlockCollection | |
CSortIOVRangeByStart | |
CLumiBlockCollection_p1 | |
CLumiBlockCollection_p2 | |
CLumiBlockCollectionCnv | |
CLumiBlockCollectionConverter | |
CLumiBlockMetaDataTool | Declaration of the LumiBlockMetaDataTool class |
CLumiBlockMuTool | Tool to provide interactions per crossing (mu) from reading values stored in DB |
CLumiBlockMuWriter | Algorithm to write interactions per crossing (mu) into xAOD::EventInfo as decorations |
CLumiBlockRange_p1 | |
CLumiBlockRange_p2 | |
CLumiBlockRangeCnv_p1 | |
CLumiBlockRangeCnv_p2 | |
CLumiBlockRangeContainerConverter | |
CLumiBlockTester | Algorithm to test luminosity tools |
CLumiCalculator | |
CLumiCalibrator | Utility class to apply calibrations from /TDAQ/OLC/CALIBRATIONS folder |
ClumiList | |
CLuminosityCondAlg | Conditions algorithm for luminosity data |
CLuminosityCondData | |
ClumiParser | |
CLumiProfileSvc | |
CLVL1_ROI | Top level AOD object storing LVL1 RoIs |
CLVL1_ROI_p1 | Persistent representation of LVL1_ROI |
CLVL1_ROICnv | POOL converter for LVL1_ROI |
CLVL1_ROICnv_p1 | T/P converter for LVL1_ROI and LVL1_ROI_p1 |
CLvl1ResultCnv | |
CLvl1ResultCnv_impl | |
CLVNotifier | |
CLWTNNCollection | |
CM4MuIntervalFilter | |
CMakeEventStreamInfo | This class provides an algorithm to make the EventStreamInfo object and update it |
CMakeInputDataHeader | This class provides an algorithm to make an OutputDataHeader the InputDataHeader |
►CMakeLArCellFromRaw | Building LArCell objects from LArRawChannel |
CCellInfo | |
►CManagedMonitorToolBase | Provides functionality for users to implement and save histograms, ntuples, and summary data, while allowing a central manager to coordinate and configure many ManagedMonitorToolBase instances |
CDefaultStream | |
CGlobalDirectoryRestore | Private helper class |
CImp | |
CMgmtParams | |
CMonGroup | A container of information describing a monitoring object |
CNoOutputStream | |
COfflineStream | |
COnlineStream | |
COutputMetadata | |
CStreamNameFcn | A function-object base class allowing the specific implementation of getStreamName to be decided at runtime |
CManagedMonitorToolTest | |
CMapEta | |
CMarsBeamGasInteraction | A class to describe the beam gas interaction that produced a iven MARS particle |
CMarsHaloGenerator | A class to provide conversion from a MARS format ASCII input record into HepMC format, with or without sampling |
CMarsParticle | A class to describe a MARS particle read from an input ASCII file |
CMarsShowerPrimary | A class to describe the primary shower that produced a given MARS particle |
CMassRangeFilter | Filters on two particles' invariant mass |
Cmaster_search | |
CMatchingOptions | |
CMaterialCnv_p1 | |
CMaterialDescriptionTool | |
CMaterialEffectsBaseCnv_p1 | Converter for T/P separation of the TrkMaterialOnTrack/MaterialEffectsBase class |
CMaterialEffectsBaseCnv_p2 | Converter for T/P separation of the TrkMaterialOnTrack/MaterialEffectsBase class |
CMaterialEffectsOnTrackCnv_p1 | |
CMaterialEffectsOnTrackCnv_p2 | T/P converter v2 for MaterialEffectsOnTrack |
CmaterialHandler | |
CMaterialMapperTree | |
CMaterialPropertiesCnv_p1 | |
CmaterialsHandler | |
CMaterialStepCnv_p1 | |
CMaterialStepCollectionCnv | |
CMaterialStepCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CMaterialStepRecorder | |
►CMatrix | |
Crpcdata | |
►CMatrixReadOut | |
CCMROData | |
CMatrixReadOutStructure | |
CMatrixTool | Based on SiGlobalChi2Algs.
AlgTool used to create a large matrix and vector for storing first- and second-derivative terms needed to solve for alignment parameters. Also provides for methods to add terms to existing matrix entries, and to solve for alignment parameters by inverting matrix and multiplying by vector |
CMatVisAttributes | |
CMaxCombinationCondition | |
CMaxMultFilter | |
CMBTSCollisionTime | Holds information about collisions timing from MBTS counters |
CMbtsDetDescrManager | |
CMbtsDetectorElement | Mbts Detector Element |
CMbtsFex | |
CMbtsHypoAlg | |
►CMbtsHypoTool | |
CCounts | |
CMbtsHypoInfo | |
CMBTSInfoCopier | |
CMBTSTimeDiffEventInfoAlg | |
CMBTSTimeFilterTool | |
CMcAddress | |
CMcAodFilter | |
CMcAodTupleWriter | |
►CMcAodTupleWriterTool | |
CMcAodParticles | A simple representation of a TruthParticle |
CMcAodValidationAlg | |
CMcAodWriterTool | |
CMcBremPoint | |
CMcCnvSvc | |
CMcContext | |
CMcEtIsolVisitor | |
CMcEventCnv | |
CMcEventCollection | This defines the McEventCollection, which is really just an ObjectVector of McEvent objects |
CMcEventCollection_p1 | |
CMcEventCollection_p2 | |
CMcEventCollection_p3 | |
CMcEventCollection_p4 | |
CMcEventCollection_p5 | |
CMcEventCollection_p6 | |
CMcEventCollection_p7 | |
CMcEventCollectionCnv | |
CMcEventCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CMcEventCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CMcEventCollectionCnv_p3 | |
CMcEventCollectionCnv_p4 | |
CMcEventCollectionCnv_p5 | |
CMcEventCollectionCnv_p6 | |
CMcEventCollectionCnv_p7 | |
CMcEventCollectionFilter | |
CMcEventSelector | |
CMcEventWeight | |
CMcTrack | |
CMCTruthClassifier | |
CMcVtxFilter | McVtxFilter allows to select HepMC::GenParticle based on the decay pattern |
►CMcVtxFilterTool | |
CVtxType | |
►CMD5 | |
CContext | |
CMDT_Hid2RESrcID | |
Cmdt_hit_info | |
CMDT_HitsTruthRelink | |
CMDT_IDDetDescrCnv | Converter for MdtIdHelper |
CMDT_RDOAnalysis | |
CMDT_RegSelCondAlg | |
CMDT_Response | |
CMDT_Response_DigiTool | |
CMDT_SortedHitVector | |
►CMdtAlignmentStore | Helper struct to cache simulatenously the As-built and the BLine corrections of the Mdts for fast access within the new MdtReadout geometry |
CchamberDistortions | Helper struct to store the pointer to the Mdt distrotion parameters, namely the As-built and the BLine chamber deformations |
CMdtAmtHit | MDT RDO's : data from a single channel of an AMT Atlas Muon TDC |
CMdtAmtHit_p1 | |
CMdtAmtHitCnv_p1 | |
CMdtAmtReadOut | |
CMdtAsBuiltCondAlg | |
CMdtAsBuiltJsonDumpAlg | |
►CMdtAsBuiltPar | Container classifier the MDT as-built parameters See parameter description in http://atlas-muon-align.web.cern.ch/atlas-muon-align/endplug/asbuilt.pdf |
CAlignmentParameters | |
CMdtCablingData | |
CMdtCablingJsonDumpAlg | |
CMdtCablingOffData | Split the offline part of the cabling apart to use it later for sorting |
CMdtCablingOnData | |
CMdtCablingTestAlg | Algorithm to test the validity of the MDT cabling |
CMdtCalibDbAlg | MdtCalibDbAlg reads raw condition data and writes derived condition data to the condition store |
CMdtCalibFormatAlgTest | |
CMdtCalibHit | |
CMdtCalibInput | |
CMdtCalibInputSvc | |
CMdtCalibOutput | |
CMdtCalibOutputDbSvc | |
CMdtCalibrationShiftMapBase | |
CMdtCalibrationT0ShiftTool | |
CMdtCalibrationTMaxShiftTool | |
CMdtCalibrationTool | |
CMdtCalibRawDataProvider | |
CMdtCalibTwinOutput | |
►CMdtChamber | Helper struct to represent a full Mdt chamber |
CTubePositioning | |
CMDTChamber | |
CMdtChamberTypeInfo | Simple data class that holds the MDT chamber type information: number of multilayers, number of layers, number of tubes |
CMdtCondDbAlg | |
CMdtCondDbData | |
CMdtConditionsTestAlg | Example class to show calling the MdtConditionsTestAlg |
CMdtCondJsonDumpAlg | |
CMdtCsm | MDT RDOs : Chamber Service Module, container of AmtHits of a single Mdt chamber |
CMdtCsm_p1 | |
CMdtCsmCnv_p1 | |
CMdtCsmContainer | This container provides acces to the MDT RDOs |
CMdtCsmContainer_p1 | |
CMdtCsmContainerCnv_p1 | |
CMdtCsmContByteStreamCnv | |
CMdtCsmIdHash | Hash function for Mdt module Identifier to be used in MdtDigitContainer (IdentifiableContainer) |
CMdtCsmReadOut | |
CMdtDigit | |
CMdtDigitCollection | |
CMdtDigitContainer | Use IdentifiableContainer with MdtDigitCollection |
►CMdtDigitizationTool | |
CGeoCorOut | |
CMdtDigiToolInput | |
CMdtDigiToolOutput | |
CMdtDigitToMdtRDO | |
CMdtDriftCircleOnTrackCnv_p1 | |
CMdtDriftCircleOnTrackCnv_p2 | |
CMdtHistCoder | |
Cmdthit | |
CMDTHitAnalysis | |
CMdtHitIdHelper | |
CMDTHitsTestTool | |
CMdtHptdcReadOut | |
CMdtIdHelper | |
►CMdtMezzanineCard | MdtMezzanineCard - Helper struct to represent the structure of a mezzanine card in a consistent way Each mezzanine card reads out in total 24 tubes of a chamber covering all tube layers of a chamber |
COfflineCh | Helper struct to pipe the result from the tdc -> offline channel translation |
CMDTNoisyTubes | |
CMdtOverlay | |
CMDTOverviewHistogramStruct | |
CMdtPrepDataCnv_p1 | |
CMdtPrepDataCnv_p2 | |
CMdtPrepDataContainerCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CMdtPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CMdtRawDataMonAlg | |
CMdtRdoToMdtDigit | |
CMdtReadOut | |
CMDTRIO_OnTrackErrorScaling | |
CMDTRIO_OnTrackErrorScalingKit | |
CMdtROD_Decoder | |
CMdtROD_Encoder | |
CMdtRODReadOut | |
CMDTSegmentHistogramStruct | |
CMDTSensitiveDetector | |
CMDTSensitiveDetectorCosmics | |
CMDTSensitiveDetectorCosmicsTool | |
CMDTSensitiveDetectorTool | |
CMDTSimHit | |
CMDTSimHitCollectionCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CMDTSimHitCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CMDTSimHitCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CMDTSimHitCollectionCnv_p3 | |
CMDTSimHitCollectionCnv_p4 | |
CMdtStationT0Container | |
CMDTSummaryHistogramStruct | |
CMdtTdcMap | |
CMdtTdcOffSorter | Helper struct to search through the std::set if a conversion from offline -> online is needed |
CMdtTdcOnlSorter | Helper struct to search through the std::set if a conversion from online -> offline is needed |
CMdtToyCablingJsonDumpAlg | : Simple algorithm to generate a toy cabling map for the Mdt detectors |
CMdtToyTwinCablingDumpAlg | : Simple algorithm to generate a toy cabling map for the twin tubes |
CMdtTubeInChamberHashTable | Class for making an MDT tube hash within one chamber |
CMdtTubeInChamberHashTableType | Holds the MDT chamber type information in the form of a MdtChamberTypeInfo data member |
CMdtTubeInChamberIdFields | Helper class implementation to instantiate the templated IdentifierHashTable class |
CMdtTwinPrepDataCnv_p1 | |
CMdtVsRpcRawDataValAlg | |
CMdtVsTgcRawDataValAlg | |
CMeanAndRMS | |
CMeasuredAtaCylinderCnv_p1 | |
CMeasuredAtaDiscCnv_p1 | |
CMeasuredAtaPlaneCnv_p1 | |
CMeasuredAtaStraightLineCnv_p1 | |
CMeasuredAtaSurfaceCnv_p1 | |
CMeasuredCurvilinearParametersCnv_p1 | |
CMeasuredNeutralAtaCylinderCnv_p1 | |
CMeasuredNeutralAtaDiscCnv_p1 | |
CMeasuredNeutralAtaPlaneCnv_p1 | |
CMeasuredNeutralAtaStraightLineCnv_p1 | |
CMeasuredNeutralAtaSurfaceCnv_p1 | |
CMeasuredNeutralPerigeeCnv_p1 | |
CMeasuredPerigeeCnv_p1 | |
CMeasuredPerigeeCnv_p2 | |
CMeasurementContainerListWithDimension | |
CMeasurementContainerWithDimension | |
►CMeasurementSelectorBase | |
CMatchingMeasurement | |
CMeasurementRange | |
CProjectorBitSetMaker | |
CMeasurementSelectorBaseImpl | |
CMeasurementSelectorMatrixTraits | |
►CMeasurementSelectorTraits | |
CMeasurementContainerTraits | |
►CMeasurementSelectorTraits< AtlasMeasurementSelector< NMeasMax, traj_t, measurement_container_variant_t > > | Types to be used for the measurement selection measurement and covariance types during measurement selection and for the final calibration are different to directly use the value of the uncalibrated measurement @TODO a first assessment does not indicate any performance improvement |
CMeasurementContainerTraits | |
CMeasurementSelectorWithDispatch | |
CMemorySnooper | |
Cmenu | Make the sidebar many part of the config |
CMergeCalibHits | Algorithm to propagate CaloCalibrationHitContainers into the overlay store |
CMergeCalibHitsTool | Algorithm to copy in the overlayed store the calib hits from the signal event |
CMergedEventInfo | This class provides general information about an event. It extends MergedEventInfo with a list of sub-evts (the original and the bkg ones) |
CMergedEventInfo_p1 | |
CMergedEventInfo_p2 | |
CMergedEventInfoCnv_p1 | |
CMergedEventInfoCnv_p2 | |
CMergeEFMuonsAlg | |
CMergeGenericMuonSimHitColl | Algorithm to merge truth jet collections in the overlay store |
CMergeGenericMuonSimHitCollTool | Algorithm to merge MC track record collTool in the overlay store |
CMergeHijingPars | Algorithm to copy in the overlayed store the HijingEventParams from the signal event |
CMergeHijingParsTool | Algorithm to propagate HijingPars to the overlay store |
CMergeMcEventCollection | Algorithm to merge MC truth collection in the overlay store |
CMergeMcEventCollTool | PileUpTool to merge MC truth collection in the overlay store |
CMergeMuonInDetTracksAlg | |
CMergeTrackRecordCollection | Algorithm to propagate TrackRecordCollections into the overlay store |
CMergeTrackRecordCollTool | Algorithm to merge MC track record collTool in the overlay store |
CMergeTruthJets | Algorithm to merge truth jet collections in the overlay store |
CMergeTruthJetsTool | Algorithm to merge truth jet collections in the overlay store |
CMergeTruthParticles | Algorithm to merge truth jet collections in the overlay store |
CMergeTruthParticlesTool | Algorithm to merge truth particles collections in the overlay store |
CMergeViews | |
CMessageHelper | |
CMetaCont | |
CMetaContBase | |
►CMetaDataSvc | Manages the content of the metadata stores |
CToolLockGuard | |
CMETMonitoringAlg | |
CMETRoIsUnpackingTool | |
Cmicromegas_hit_info | |
CmicromegasHandler | |
CMicromegasHitIdHelper | |
CMicromegasSensitiveDetector | |
CMicromegasSensitiveDetectorTool | |
CMinBiasPRDAssociation | |
CMinBiasScintillatorSD | |
CMinBiasScintillatorSDTool | |
CMinBiasScintSDOptions | |
CMinimalSumAssociation | |
CminTrkPar | |
CMioctGeometry | |
CMioctROIGeometry | |
CMioctSectorGeometry | |
CMioctTopoCellGeometry | |
CMissingCellListTool | MissingCellListTool.h Header file for class MissingCellListTool Author: P.A |
CMissingET | |
CMissingET_p1 | |
CMissingET_p2 | |
CMissingET_p3 | |
CMissingEtCalo | |
CMissingEtCalo_p1 | |
CMissingEtCalo_p2 | |
CMissingEtCalo_p3 | |
CMissingEtCaloCnv | |
CMissingEtCaloCnv_p1 | |
CMissingEtCaloCnv_p2 | |
CMissingEtCaloCnv_p3 | |
CMissingETCnv | |
CMissingETCnv_p1 | |
CMissingETCnv_p2 | |
CMissingETCnv_p3 | |
►CMissingEtCollectionSettingsButton | |
CImp | |
►CMissingEtCollHandle | |
CImp | |
►CMissingETComposition | |
Cconst_iterator | |
►CMissingETComposition_p1 | |
CWeight_p1 | |
CMissingETComposition_p2 | |
CMissingETCompositionCnv | |
CMissingETCompositionConverterBase | |
CMissingETCompositionConverterBase< MissingETComposition_p1 > | |
CMissingETCompositionConverterBase< MissingETComposition_p2 > | |
CMissingETContainer | |
►CmissingEtController | |
CImp | |
CMissingETEventDict | |
CMissingEtFilter | Filters on total missing energy from nus and LSPs |
►CMissingEtHandle | |
CImp | |
CMissingEtRegions | |
CMissingEtRegions_p1 | |
CMissingEtRegions_p2 | |
CMissingEtRegions_p3 | |
CMissingEtRegionsCnv_p1 | |
CMissingEtRegionsCnv_p2 | |
CMissingEtRegionsCnv_p3 | |
CMissingETtags | |
CMissingEtTruth | |
CMissingEtTruth_p1 | |
CMissingEtTruth_p2 | |
CMissingEtTruth_p3 | |
CMissingEtTruthCnv | |
CMissingEtTruthCnv_p1 | |
CMissingEtTruthCnv_p2 | |
CMissingEtTruthCnv_p3 | |
►CMistimedStreamMonitorAlgorithm | |
CMonitorCPM | Struct to contain CPM tower info |
CMonitorJE | Struct to contain JE info |
CMonitorTT | Struct to contain PPM trigger tower info |
►CMixingEventSelector | Stream of events read from different selectors |
CContext | Dummy for now |
CTrigger | Selector with an associated frequency |
CTriggerList | List of available selectors with their frequency range |
CMM_ClusterOnTrackCnv_p1 | |
CMM_DigitizationTool | |
CMM_DigitToolInput | |
CMM_DigitToolOutput | |
CMM_DigitToRDO | |
CMM_Electron | |
►CMM_ElectronicsResponseSimulation | |
CConfigModule | |
CDataCache | |
CMM_ElectronicsToolInput | |
CMM_HitsTruthRelink | |
CMM_IDDetDescrCnv | Converter for MmIdHelper |
CMM_IonizationCluster | |
CMM_Overlay | |
CMM_RawDataContainerCnv | |
CMM_RdoToDigit | |
Cmm_readoutHandler | |
CMM_RegSelCondAlg | |
CMM_SimIdToOfflineId | |
CMM_StripResponse | |
►CMM_StripsResponseSimulation | |
CConfigModule | |
CDataCache | |
CMM_StripToolOutput | |
Cmm_TechHandler | |
CMmAlignmentStore | |
CMMCablingTestAlg | Algorithm to test the validity of the MDT cabling |
►CMmChamber | Helper struct to represent a full MicroMegas chamber |
CMmChannel | |
CMmLayer | Helper struct to assess that the layers are properly oriented |
CMMDetectorDescription | |
CMMDetectorHelper | |
CMmDigit | |
CMmDigitCollection | |
CMmDigitContainer | Use IdentifiableContainer with MmDigitCollection |
CMmDigitEffiCondAlg | Conditions algorithm to load the sTGC efficiency constants that are used in digitization |
CMMHitAnalysis | |
CMMHitsTestTool | |
CMmIdHelper | |
CMMLoadVariables | |
CMMPrepDataCnv_p1 | |
CMMPrepDataCnv_p2 | |
CMMPrepDataContainerCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CMMRawDataMonAlg | |
CMMReadoutParameters | |
CMmSensitiveDetector | |
CMMSimHit | |
CMMSimHitCollectionCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CMMSimHitCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CMMSimHitCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CMMSimHitCollectionCnv_p3 | |
CMmSortedHitVector | |
CmmSpacer_TechHandler | |
CmmSpacerHandler | |
CMMT_Diamond | |
CMMT_Hit | |
CMMT_Parameters | |
CMMT_Road | |
CMockCondition | |
CMockJet | |
CMockJetWithLorentzVector | |
CMode3dFinder | |
CModulePosition | |
CModUniformSampler | |
CMomentCondition | |
CMomentumFilter | MomentumFilter can filter objects upon their four-momentum properties |
CMomSampler | |
CMon | Tool to store LATOME mon header and footer data |
CMonitorAlgorithm | Concrete implementation of Monitor to monitor all Algorithm instances in an event |
CMonitorAlgorithmClass | Concrete implementation of Monitor to monitor all Algorithm instances in an event, grouped by their instance class |
CMonitorBase | Forward declare |
CMonitorChain | |
CMonitorChainAlgorithm | Concrete implementation of Monitor to monitor all Algorithm instances associated with chain in an event |
CMonitoredAlg | |
CMonitoredRange | Container which represents a time range and holds a collection of Monitors which monitor this range |
CMonitorElectronAlgorithm | |
CMonitorFwdElectronAlgorithm | |
CMonitorGlobal | Concrete implementation of Monitor to monitor global properties of event execution |
CMonitorPhotonAlgorithm | |
CMonitorROS | Concrete implimentation of Monitor to monitor Read Out System |
CMonitorSequence | Concrete implementation of Monitor to monitor all sequences in an event |
CMonitorThreadOccupancy | Concrete implementation of Monitor to monitor utilisation of individual threads in a MT job |
CMonitorTnPAlgorithm | |
CMonopolePhysicsTool | |
CMonValues | |
CMooHists | |
CmposPhiHandler | |
CmposWedgeHandler | |
CmsgHandler | |
CMsgStreamMember | Not terribly useful per se, since one could simply use the IMessageSvc* directly, but helps implementing |
CMSVertex | |
CMSVertexRecoAlg | |
►CMSVtxPlotComparison | |
CPlotInfo | |
►CMSVtxPlotMaker | |
CAngularVtxConstiTH1 | |
CChi2TH1 | |
CEffInputTH1 | |
CNHitsTH1 | |
CNVtxTH1 | |
CResidualTH1 | |
CVtxPosTGraph | |
CVtxPosTH | |
CMSVtxValidationAlg | |
CMTCalibPebHypoAlg | Hypo algorithm for framework testing |
►CMTCalibPebHypoTool | Base class for tools used by MTCalibPebHypoAlg |
CInput | |
CROBRequestInstruction | ROB request instruction description |
CMtStraightLine | |
CMTT0PattternRecognition | |
CMTTmaxPattternRecognition | |
CmuComb | Main LVL2 Algorithm |
CMuCTPI_DataWord_Decoder | Class helping to decode the MuCTPI data words |
CMuCTPI_MultiplicityWord_Decoder | Class helping to decode the MuCTPI multiplicity words |
CMuCTPI_Phase1_RDO | Class representing the readout data of the MuCTPI hardware and simulation |
CMuCTPI_RDO | Class representing the readout data of the MuCTPI hardware and simulation |
CMuCTPI_RDO_p1 | Persistent representation of MuCTPI_RDO |
CMuCTPI_RDOCnv | POOL converter for MuCTPI_RDO |
CMuCTPI_RDOCnv_p1 | T/P converter for MuCTPI_RDO_p1 |
CMuCTPI_RDOToRoIBResult | Algorithm fixing the muon RoI information in the data |
►CMuCTPI_RIO | Reconstruction Input Object of the MuCTPI hardware and simulation |
CMyRoI | Custom private object to hold information about the stored reconstructed RoIs |
CMuCTPIByteStreamCnv | ByteStream converter for the MuCTPI_RDO object |
CMuCTPIByteStreamTool | Tool doing the MuCTPI_RDO <-> ByteStream conversion |
CMuCTPiGeometry | |
CMuCTPIL1Topo_p1 | Persistent representation of MuCTPIL1Topo |
CMuCTPIL1TopoCandidate_p1 | Persistent representation of MuCTPIL1TopoCandidate |
CMuCTPIL1TopoCandidateCnv_p1 | T/P converter for MuCTPIL1TopoCandidate_p1 |
CMuCTPIL1TopoCnv | POOL converter for MuCTPIL1Topo |
CMuCTPIL1TopoCnv_p1 | T/P converter for MuCTPIL1Topo_p1 |
CMuCTPIPhase1ByteStreamAlgo | This is done in the original (run2) tool; trying to replace this with an include above |
CMuCTPISrcIdMap | This class provides conversion between Lower level Source ID to higher level source ID for MuCTPI ByteStream fragments |
CMuctpiXMLHelper | |
CMuctpiXMLParser | |
CMuDstarFilter | |
CMuFastSteering | |
CMuidCaloEnergyMeas | |
CMuidCaloEnergyParam | |
CMuidCaloEnergyTool | |
CMuidCaloMaterialParam | |
CMuidCaloTrackStateOnSurface | |
CMuidMaterialEffectsOnTrackProvider | |
CMuidTrack | |
CMuidTrackContainer | |
CMuidTrackIsolation | |
CMultiBjetFilter | |
CMultiCjetFilter | |
CMultiComponentStateOnSurfaceCnv_p1 | |
CMultiDimArray | Multi-dimensional array with a compile-time number of dimensions, and a run-time complete freedom over the size of the dimensions |
CMultiDimArrayTypes | General recursive subtyping trait |
CMultiDimArrayTypes< T, 0 > | General recursive subtyping trait |
CMultiDimArrayTypes< T, 1 > | General recursive subtyping trait |
CMultiElecMuTauFilter | Select multiple charged leptons taking into account electrons, muons and taus (inc |
CMultiElectronFilter | |
CMultiHisto | |
CMultiLeptonFilter | |
CMultiMuonFilter | |
CMultiParticleFilter | |
CMultiParticleGunPileup | |
CMultipleEventLoopMgr | A specialized AthenaEventLoopMgr that allows multiple passes over an event collection |
CMultiplicitiesTool | |
CMultiplicityCondition | |
CMultiPy8Pileup | |
►CMultiRange | A MultiRange combines several Ranges |
Cconst_identifier_factory | |
Cidentifier_factory | This factory is able to generate all possible identifiers, from a
fully bounded Range |
Cmunkres | |
CMuon_p1 | |
CMuon_p2 | |
CMuon_p3 | |
CMuon_p4 | |
CMuon_p5 | |
CMuon_p6 | |
CMuon_ROI | Muon RoI class for analysis |
CMuon_ROI_p1 | Persistent representation of Muon_ROI |
CMuonABLineJsonDumpAlg | |
CMuonAGDDTool | |
CMuonAGDDToolHelper | |
CMuonAlignmentCondAlg | |
►CMuonAlignmentErrorData | MuonAlignmentErrorData is condition data which is derived and recorded by MuonAlignmentErrorDbAlg |
CMuonAlignmentErrorRule | |
CMuonAlignmentErrorRuleCache | |
CMuonAlignmentErrorDbAlg | MuonAlignmentErrorDbAlg reads raw condition data and writes derived condition data (MuonAlignmentErrorData) to the condition store |
CMuonAlignmentPar | Basic class to map the MuonAlignment parameters to the different subdetectors inside the muon system |
CMuonCacheCreator | |
CMuonCalibPatternCollection | |
CMuonCalibRunLumiBlockCoolSvc | |
CMuonCalibStreamAddress | |
CMuonCalibStreamAddressProviderSvc | |
CMuonCalibStreamCnvSvc | |
CMuonCalibStreamDataProviderSvc | |
CMuonCalibStreamFileInputSvc | |
CMuonCalibStreamInputSvc | |
CMuonCalibStreamTestAlg | |
CMuonCaloEnergiesCnv | |
CMuonCaloEnergyContainer | Data object for a StoreGate container holding a vector of CaloEnergy, the detailed energy loss description associated to combined muons |
CMuonCaloEnergyContainer_p1 | |
CMuonCaloEnergyContainer_tlp1 | |
CMuonCaloEnergyContainerCnv | |
CMuonCaloEnergyContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CMuonChainFilterAlg | |
CMuonChamberIDSelector | |
►CMuonChamberProjectionHelper | |
►CImp | |
CMDTChamberInfo | |
►CMuonCluster | |
Clvl1_muclu_roi | |
CMuonClusterHypoAlg | |
►CMuonClusterHypoTool | |
CDecisionInfo | |
CMuonClusterOnTrackCnv_p1 | NO LONGER NEEDED, except for backwards compatibility |
CMuonClusterOnTrackCreator | |
CMuonCnv_p1 | |
CMuonCnv_p2 | |
CMuonCnv_p3 | |
CMuonCnv_p4 | |
CMuonCnv_p5 | |
CMuonCnv_p6 | |
►CMuonCollectionSettingsButton | |
CImp | |
CMuonCombinedAlg | |
►CMuonCombinedInDetCandidateAlg | |
CInDetCandidateCache | |
CMuonCombinedInDetExtensionAlg | |
CMuonCombinedMuonCandidateAlg | |
►CMuonCombinePatternTool | |
CChamberInfo | |
CMuonConditionsAthenaPoolDict | |
CMuonContainer_p1 | |
CMuonContainer_p2 | |
CMuonContainer_p3 | |
CMuonContainer_p4 | |
CMuonContainer_p5 | |
CMuonContainer_p6 | |
CMuonContainerCnv | |
CMuonContainerCnv_p1 | |
CMuonContainerCnv_p2 | |
CMuonCreatorAlg | |
CMuonDetailedTrackTruthMaker | This algorithm produces track truth data using Muon PRD truth collections |
CMuonDetectorCondAlg | |
CMuonDetectorTool | |
CMuonDictionary | EDM dictionary providing the muon, calo energy and SpShower classes |
CMuonDigit | |
CMuonDigitizer | |
CMuonDQAHistList | |
CMuonDQAHistMap | |
CMuonEDM_AssociationObjectsDummyDict | |
CMuonEtaPhiRIO_OnTrackErrorScaling | |
CMuonEtaPhiRIO_OnTrackErrorScalingKit | |
CMuonFeature | |
CMuonFeature_p1 | |
CMuonFeature_p2 | |
CMuonFeature_p3 | |
CMuonFeatureCnv | |
CMuonFeatureCnv_p1 | |
CMuonFeatureCnv_p2 | |
CMuonFeatureCnv_p3 | |
CMuonFeatureCnvTestAlg | |
CMuonFeatureCnvTool | |
CMuonFeatureContainer | |
CMuonFeatureContainer_p1 | |
CMuonFeatureContainer_p2 | |
CMuonFeatureContainer_p3 | |
CMuonFeatureContainer_tlp1 | |
CMuonFeatureContainer_tlp2 | |
CMuonFeatureContainerCnv | |
CMuonFeatureContainerCnv_p1 | |
CMuonFeatureContainerCnv_p2 | |
CMuonFeatureContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CMuonFeatureContainerCnv_tlp2 | |
CMuonFeatureDetails | |
CMuonFeatureDetails_p1 | |
CMuonFeatureDetails_p2 | |
CMuonFeatureDetailsCnv | |
CMuonFeatureDetailsCnv_p1 | |
CMuonFeatureDetailsCnv_p2 | |
CMuonFeatureDetailsContainer | |
CMuonFeatureDetailsContainer_p1 | |
CMuonFeatureDetailsContainer_p2 | |
CMuonFeatureDetailsContainer_tlp1 | |
CMuonFeatureDetailsContainerCnv | |
CMuonFeatureDetailsContainerCnv_p1 | |
CMuonFeatureDetailsContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CMuonFilter | Filters and looks for muons |
CMuonFilterAlg | |
CMuonFixedLonId | |
CMuonFullIDHelper | Generate the appropiate full Identifier string for the differen Muon subsystem IDs |
CMuonHitTestToolBase | |
CMuonHitTimingTool | |
CMuonHoughDataNtuple | Register all hit and truth info into a ttree |
CMuonHoughHisto2D | Histogram class, similar to Root's TH2D |
CMuonHoughHisto2DContainer | |
CMuonHoughHit | |
CMuonHoughHitContainer | |
CMuonHoughMathUtils | |
CMuonHoughPattern | |
CMuonHoughPatternTool | |
►CMuonHoughTransformer | Abstract base class, Strategy pattern |
CmaximaCompare | |
CMuonHoughTransformer_CurvedAtACylinder | |
CMuonHoughTransformer_rz | |
CMuonHoughTransformer_rzcosmics | |
CMuonHoughTransformer_xy | |
CMuonHoughTransformer_xyz | Abstract base class for hough transform with carthesian coordinates |
CMuonHoughTransformer_yz | |
CMuonHoughTransformSteering | |
CMuonIdCutTool | Implementation of an IMuonIdCutTool |
CMuonIdHelper | |
CMuonInDetExtensionMergerAlg | The MuonInDetExtensionMergerAlg merges several InDetCandidate collections and dumps them into a single container |
►CMuonInDetToMuonSystemExtensionAlg | The MuonInDetToMuonSystemExtensionAlg processes further the InDetCandidates created by the MuonCombinedInDetCandidateAlg |
CInDetCandidateCache | |
CMuidCoCache | Helper struct to cache the MuidCo track and it's associated segments while keeping the association InDetCandidate <– > muidCo Tag |
CMuonInJetCorrectionTool | |
CMuonLayerHoughAlg | |
CMuonMatch | |
CMuonMatchingTool | Class that provides functionalities for searching for online muons close to a given offline muon and judging they are matched with the specific criteria |
CMuonMCData | |
CMuonMCDataCnv_p1 | |
CMuonMDT_CablingAlg | MuonMDT_CablingAlg reads raw condition data and writes derived condition data to the condition store |
►CMuonMDT_CablingMap | |
CMdtOffChModule | Helper struct to group the Mezzanine cards mounted on each multilayer The object provides the following information 1) List of all mezzanine cards associated with the particular multilayer 2) The BME / BIS78 chambers are split into 2 CSM modules due to their |
CMdtTdcModule | The online -> offline conversion needs to treat two cases tdcId && channelId == 0xFF: ** Decode the station name using the first module in the set with tdcZero() == 0 ** Ordinary channel decoding Helper struct below is collection of all the modules & the first module used to decode the stationName |
CMuonMeasurementsCnv | |
CMuonMeasurementsCnv_tlp1 | |
CMuonMeasurementsCnv_tlp2 | |
CMuonNSW_CablingAlg | MuonNSW_CablingAlg reads raw condition data and writes derived condition data to the condition store |
CMuonPatternCombinationDetailedTrackTruthMaker | This algorithm produces track truth data using Muon PRD truth collections |
CMuonPatternDummyDict | |
CMuonPerformanceAlg | |
CMuonPhiHitSelector | |
CMuonPRD_MultiTruthMaker | |
CMuonPRDCacheCreator | |
CMuonPrdSelectorAlg | |
CMuonPrecisionLayerDecorAlg | |
CMuonQualityWord | A bitted word defining different levels of muon identification qualities (in terms of purity and efficiency), based solely on type of identification and reconstruction properties |
CMuonRdoContainerCnv | |
CMuonRdoContainerTPCnv | |
CMuonRdoToPrepDataAlg | Algorithm to decode RDO into MdtPrepData get the RDO container from Storegate loop over the RDO Decode RDO into PrepRawData loop over the PrepRawData and build the PrepRawData container store the PrepRawData container in StoreGate |
CMuonRegSelCondAlg | |
CMuonRoIByteStreamTool | Tool for converting MUCTPI ROB from BS to xAOD and from xAOD to BS (IL1TriggerByteStreamTool interface) |
CMuonRoIsUnpackingTool | |
►CMuonRpcTimingDecorAlg | |
CRpcInfo | |
CMuonSegContainerMergerAlg | The MuonSegContainerMergerAlg merges all MuonSegments assocaited with the combined muon tags into a single Trk::Segment container |
CMuonSegmentAmbiCleaner | |
CMuonSegmentCnv_p1 | |
CMuonSegmentCnv_p2 | |
CMuonSegmentDict_Dummy | |
CMuonSegmentExtractor | |
CMuonSegmentFilterAlg | The muon segment filter alg thins all segments coming from a certain detector technology, or in a certain region of the muon spectrometer, e.g |
CMuonSegmentFinderAlg | |
CMuonSegmentMomentum | |
CMuonSegmentMomentumFromField | |
CMuonSegmentPerformanceAlg | |
CMuonSegmentPseudoJetAlgorithm | A PseudoJetAlgorithm for muon segments (which are not IParticles) |
CMuonSegmentQualityCnv_p1 | |
CMuonSegmentRegionRecoveryTool | |
CMuonSegmentTagAlg | |
CMuonSegmentValidationPlots | |
CMuonSelector | |
CMuonSimData | |
CMuonSimDataCnv_p1 | |
CMuonSimDataCnv_p2 | |
CMuonSimDataCnv_p3 | |
CMuonSimDataCollection | |
CMuonSimDataCollectionCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CMuonSimDataCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CMuonSimDataCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CMuonSimDataCollectionCnv_p3 | |
CMuonSimDataOverlay | |
CMuonSimHitSortingAlg | |
CMuonSimuTrack | |
CMuonSpectrometerProbeCollectorTool | General Classes |
CMuonSpShower_p1 | Persisent representation of the transient Rec::MuonSpShower class |
CMuonSpShowerCnv_p1 | |
CMuonSpShowerContainer_p1 | Persisent representation of the transient Rec::MuonSpShowerContainer class |
CMuonSpShowerContainerCnv | |
CMuonSpShowerContainerCnv_p1 | |
CmuonStationHandler | |
CMuonStationIntersectCondAlg | |
CMuonTGC_CablingSvc | |
CMuonTrackMonitorAlgorithm | |
►CMuonTrackPerformanceAlg | |
CChamberData | |
CEventData | |
CEventSummary | |
CTrackData | |
CTrackSummary | |
CMuonTrackStatisticsAlg | |
►CMuonTrackStatisticsTool | |
CTrackCounters | |
CTruthTrackCounters | |
CMuonTrackSummaryCnv_p1 | |
CMuonTrackSummaryCnv_p2 | |
CMuonTrackValidationPlots | |
CMuonTriggerCount | |
CMuonTriggerSFTester | |
CMuonTrkAEOTDecorationAlg | |
CMuonTrkIDMSScatterDecorAlg | |
CmuonTrkTrackThinTool | |
CMuonTruthAssociationAlg | |
CMuonValidationPlots | |
CMuonVolumeHandle | |
CMuonWallSD | |
CMuonWallSDTool | |
CMuonWallTool | |
CMuPatTrackBuilder | |
CMURoIsUnpackingTool | |
CMuTagAmbiguitySolverTool | |
CMuTagMatchingTool | |
►CMvaTESEvaluator | |
CMvaInputVariables | |
CMvaTESVariableDecorator | |
CMVFVxCandidateCnv_p1 | |
CMVFVxContainer | |
CMVFVxContainerCnv | |
CMVFVxContainerCnv_p1 | |
CMVFVxContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CMVFVxTrackAtVertexCnv_p1 | |
►Cmy_arg | |
Cfunctor | |
Cmy_functor | |
Cmy_result | |
CmyBlocks_tc | |
CMyContObj | |
CMyDataObj | |
Cmyfloat2 | |
Cmyint4 | |
CMyKey | |
CMyLockableDataObj | To test SG lock functionality |
CMyMuon | |
Cmysort | |
CMyTestClass | |
Cmyushort2 | |
Cmyushort4 | |
CNameEquals | |
CnatomsHandler | |
CNav4MomWrapper | |
CNavigable | Navigable template generalization to handle navigation |
CNavigable_p1 | |
CNavigable_p1< INDEX_TYPE > | Persistent representation of Navigable - which is in fact an ElementLinkVector with additional weight parameter |
CNavigable_p1< INDEXTYPE, void > | |
CNavigable_p2 | |
CNavigable_p2< INDEX_TYPE > | Persistent representation of Navigable - as a vector of ElementLinks with an optional, additional weight parameter |
CNavigable_p2< INDEXTYPE, void > | |
CNavigableCnv_p1 | |
CNavigableCnv_p1< NAV > | Converter template for converters between transient Navigable and its persistent representation. Template argument NAV is the type of the transient Navigable |
CNavigableCnv_p1< NAV, NavigationDefaults::DefaultWeight > | |
CNavigableCnv_p2 | |
CNavigableCnv_p2< NAV > | Converter template for converters between transient Navigable and its persistent representation. Template argument NAV is the type of the transient Navigable |
CNavigableCnv_p2< NAV, NavigationDefaults::DefaultWeight > | |
CNavigableIterator | |
CNavigableTerminalNode | Dummy type needed fro specialized implementation |
CNavigableVector | |
CNavigableVector_p1 | |
CNavigableVector_p1< INDEX_TYPE > | Persistent representation of set of Navigables - which is in fact an ElementLinkVector with additional weight parameter |
CNavigableVector_p1< INDEXTYPE, void > | |
CNavigableVector_p2 | |
CNavigableVector_p2< INDEX_TYPE > | Persistent representation of set of Navigables - which is in fact an VectorElementLink with additional weight parameter |
CNavigableVector_p2< INDEXTYPE, void > | |
CNavigableVectorIterator | |
►CNavigationToken | |
CNavigationTokenIterator | |
CNavigationTokenHash | |
CNavigationTokenIteratorTag | |
CNavWrapper | Wrapper for Navigable implementation |
CNavWrapper< NavigableTerminalNode > | Specialized wrapper for singular navigable data objects |
CNestedContainerDaugtherAccessor | |
CNeutralAtaCylinderCnv_p1 | |
CNeutralAtaDiscCnv_p1 | |
CNeutralAtaPlaneCnv_p1 | |
CNeutralAtaStraightLineCnv_p1 | |
CNeutralAtaSurfaceCnv_p1 | |
CNeutralParametersCnv_p1 | |
CNeutralPerigeeCnv_p1 | |
CNeutrino | |
CNeutrino_p1 | |
CNeutrino_p2 | |
CNeutrinoCnv_p1 | |
CNeutrinoCnv_p2 | |
CNeutrinoContainer | |
CNeutrinoContainer_p1 | |
CNeutrinoContainer_p2 | |
CNeutronFastSim | |
CNeutronFastSimTool | |
Cnevcounter | |
CNewMergeMcEventCollTool | PileUpTool to merge MC truth collection in the overlay store |
CNHitStack | |
Cnode | |
CNonConst | |
CNonConst< const T > | |
CNonPointer | |
CNonPointer< T * > | |
CNoopFilterTool | |
CNoPileUpMuWriter | Algorithm to write interactions per crossing (mu) into xAOD::EventInfo as decorations |
CNoProfileSvc | |
CNP | |
CNPVBeamspotCorrection | |
►CNSubjettinessRatiosTool | |
Cmoments_t | |
►CNSubjettinessTool | |
Cmoments_t | |
CNsw_CablingMap | |
CNSW_PadTriggerDataContainerCnv | |
CNSW_TrigRawDataContainerCnv | |
CNswAsBuiltCondAlg | |
CNswAsBuiltDbData | |
CNswCalibDbAlg | |
CNswCalibDbThresholdData | |
►CNswCalibDbTimeChargeData | |
CCalibConstants | Helper struct to cache all calibration constants in a common place of the memory |
CCalibModule | |
CNswCondTestAlg | |
CNSWDataMonAlg | |
CNswDcsDbAlg | |
►CNswDcsDbData | |
CDcsModule | |
CTDaqConstants | |
CNswDcsTestAlg | |
►CNswErrorCalibData | |
CErrorConstants | Helper struct to store different error calibrations for a certain channel range & also for seperate ClusterBuilders (ROT & Prd making stage) |
CErrorIdentifier | |
CInput | Helper struct to be parsed to the object to derive the specific error of the cluster |
CNSWGeoPlottingAlg | |
CNswOccupancyAlg | |
CNswPassivationDbAlg | |
►CNswPassivationDbData | |
CPCBPassivation | Helper struct to save the four passivation values of each PCB |
CNswPassivationTestAlg | |
CNswT0Data | |
CNswUncertDbAlg | |
CNswZebraData | |
CNtupleCalibrationTool | |
CNtupleTrackSelector | |
CNucleus2gamma2 | |
CNullMomSampler | |
CNumberEquals | |
CNumJetVarTool | |
CObjContainer | Helper classes to manage shared objects in a scope |
CObjContainerBase | Object container base class |
CObject2Container | |
CObject2Features | |
►CObjectMatching | ObjectMatching is a base class that performs generic matching of objects using the distance functor framework |
CDistanceCompare | |
►CObjExCellWriter | |
CConfig | |
CObjPtr | Pointer to objects managed by ObjContainer |
CObjRef | Helper class to refer to objects in the container ObjContainer |
COccupancyMapMaker | |
COdoMeter | |
Coh_lock_histogram | Lock to be used for thread unsafe histogram operations |
Coh_lock_histogram_mutex | Helper class to set histogram mutex |
Coh_scoped_lock_histogram | Scoped lock to be used for threaded histogram operations |
COldSpclMcFilterTool | |
COnDemandMinbiasSvc | |
COnlineErrorCode | Error codes saved to ByteStream status word in case of HLT failure online |
COnlineEventDisplaysSvc | |
COnlineLumiCalibrationCondAlg | Produce lumi calibration data from COOL |
COnlineLumiCalibrationCondData | Luminosity calibration data, produced by OnlineLumiCalibrationCondAlg |
COnlineLumiCalibrator | Utility class to apply calibrations from /TDAQ/OLC/CALIBRATIONS folder |
COnnxRuntimeBase | |
COnnxUtil | |
CONNXWrapper | |
Corder_by_clid_and_index | |
COrderBySampling | |
COrderInitialRdos | |
COrderRdos | |
COriginalAodCounts | |
COrphanJetCounter | |
COrphanJetMomentMap | |
CORToolBoxTestAlg | A testing algorithm for the dual-use overlap removal tool in Athena |
Cout_t | |
COutputConditionsAlg | |
COutputFromSectorLogic | |
COutputStreamSequencerSvc | This class provides configuration properties to enable OutputStream file sequences |
COutputTrackInfoStruct | |
►COverlapRemovalGenUseAlg | Algorithm to implement basic OR procedure as a prerequisite for event cleaning |
CDataKeyHandler | |
COverlapRemovalTestAlg | A testing algorithm for the dual-use overlap removal tool in Athena |
COverlayVertexSkimmingAlg | |
COverviewMonitorAlgorithm | |
CP4BaseEEtaPhiM | |
CP4BaseIPtCotThPhiM | |
CP4BasePtEtaPhiM | |
CP4BasePxPyPzE | |
Cp4Decorator | |
CP4DummyTest | |
CP4EEtaPhiM | |
CP4EEtaPhiM_p1 | |
CP4EEtaPhiMBase | |
CP4EEtaPhiMCnv_p1 | |
CP4EEtaPhiMCnv_p2 | |
CP4EEtaPhiMFloat_p2 | |
CP4Impl | |
CP4ImplEEtaPhiM | |
CP4ImplEEtaPhiMCnv_p1 | |
CP4ImplEEtaPhiMCnv_p2 | |
CP4ImplIPtCotThPhiM | |
CP4ImplIPtCotThPhiMCnv_p1 | |
CP4ImplPtEtaPhiM | |
CP4ImplPtEtaPhiMCnv_p1 | |
CP4ImplPtEtaPhiMCnv_p2 | |
CP4ImplPxPyPzE | |
CP4ImplPxPyPzECnv_p1 | |
CP4IPtCotThPhiM | |
CP4IPtCotThPhiM_p1 | |
CP4IPtCotThPhiMBase | |
CP4IPtCotThPhiMCnv_p1 | |
CP4JacobianEEtaPhiM2PtEtaPhiM | |
CP4JacobianEEtaPhiM2PxPyPzE | |
CP4JacobianPxPyPzE2EEtaPhiM | |
CP4JacobianPxPyPzE2PxPyPzM | |
CP4JacobianPxPyPzM2PxPyPzE | |
CP4PtEtaPhiM | |
CP4PtEtaPhiM_p1 | |
CP4PtEtaPhiMBase | |
CP4PtEtaPhiMCnv_p1 | |
CP4PtEtaPhiMCnv_p2 | |
CP4PtEtaPhiMFloat_p2 | |
CP4PxPyPzE | |
CP4PxPyPzE_p1 | |
CP4PxPyPzEBase | |
CP4PxPyPzECnv_p1 | |
CP4SignalState | |
CP5Jacobiand0z0PhiThetaqOverP2d0z0PhiEtaP | |
CP5toP4JacobianPhiThetaEM2PxPyPzE | Jacobian to transfrom trk perigee parameters (d0,z0,phi,theta,E) to (px,py,pz,E) |
CPad | |
CPADdata | |
Cpadhit | |
CPADpatterns | |
CPadReadOut | |
CPADreadout | |
CPadReadOutStructure | |
►CPageAccessControl | |
CEntry | |
CPageAccessControl | FIXME Access to the underlying |
CPageAccessControl | Using the underlying |
CPageAccessControlSvc | Service to monitor access to memory pages |
CPairBuilder | Class to build pairs of XY values |
CPairMeter | |
CPanel | |
CParabolaCscClusterFitter | |
CParallelCallTest | Provides interface and helper functions to perform stress testing of the thread-safe code |
CParallelFileMerger | |
CParameterErrDecoratorAlg | |
CParameterMapping | |
CParametersAtBoundarySurface | |
CParentChildFilter | Allows the user to search for any given decay Parent -> Child + X |
CParentChildwStatusFilter | |
CParentTwoChildrenFilter | Allows the user to search for any given decay Parent -> Child1 + anti(Child1) AND Parent -> Child2 + anti(Child2).. |
CParity | Calculates the parity of a passed word |
CPartialEventBuildingInfo | |
CParticleBase | |
CParticleBase_p1 | |
CParticleBase_p2 | |
CParticleBaseCnv_p1 | |
CParticleBaseCnv_p2 | |
CParticleBaseLinksCnv | |
CParticleBaseLinksCnv_p1 | |
CParticleCandidateList | A simple wrapper for std::list<int> to model a list of particle identity candidates |
CParticleDecayer | |
CParticleDecayFilter | Class to filter events based on the decay of a parent particle into a set of children particles |
CParticleDef | |
CParticleFilter | The filter will pass only if it finds a particle with the specified properties |
CParticleImpl | |
CParticleJet_p1 | |
CParticleJetCnv_p1 | |
CParticleJetContainer_p1 | |
CParticleJetDeltaRLabelTool | |
CParticleJetGhostLabelTool | |
CParticleLinks | |
CParticleLinks_p1 | |
CParticleLinksCnv_p1 | |
CParticleMasses | |
CParticleRemoverAlg | |
CParticleSampler | |
►CParticleScaleFactorTool | |
CHists | |
CParticleSelectionAlg | |
CParticleShallowClone_p1 | |
CParticleShallowCloneCnv_p1 | |
CParticleShallowCloneContainer | |
CParticleShallowCloneContainer_p1 | |
CParticleShallowCloneContainerCnv_p1 | |
CParticleSigStateImpl | |
CParticleSortingAlg | |
CParticleSortingTool | |
CParticleSwitcher | |
CparticleType | |
CPassFilter | Filter algorithm that always pass, needed to fill gaps in HLT CF |
CPassThroughFilter | |
CPassThroughTool | |
CPathLengthUtils | |
CPathResolver | |
CPATTERNidentity | |
CPayloadDto | |
CPayloadSetDto | |
CPayloadSpecDto | |
CpconHandler | |
CPD | |
CPDFWeight | |
CPDG20 | |
CPdgIdFilter | PdgIdFilter selects particles from their pdg id code |
CPEBInfoWriterAlg | Pass-through hypo algorithm writing decisions with attached partial event building information |
►CPEBInfoWriterToolBase | Base class for tools used by PEBInfoWriterAlg |
CInput | Input to the tool's decide method |
CPEBInfo | Structure holding the list of ROBs and SubDets |
CPerfMonMTAuditor | |
CPerfMonMTSvc | |
CPerfMonServices | |
CPerfUtils | |
CPerigeeCnv_p1 | |
CPerigeeCnv_p2 | |
CperigeeParameters | |
CPerigeeSurfaceCnv_p1 | |
CPerigeeSurfaceCnv_p2 | |
CPFAlgorithm | |
CPFCalcRadialEnergyProfiles | |
CPFCellEOverPTool | Class to store reference e/p mean and widths, as well as reference energy density radial profile fit parameters |
CPFChargedFlowElementCreatorAlgorithm | |
CPFClusterCollectionTool | Inherits from IPFClusterCollectionTool and AthAlgTool |
CPFClusterFiller | |
CPFClusterSelectorTool | |
CPFClusterWidthCalculator | |
CPFClusterWidthDecorator | |
CPFData | |
CPFEGamFlowElementAssoc | This is the algorithm, which inherits from AthReentrantAlgorithm, that adds element links between particle flow objects (Flow Elements) and Egamma objects |
CPFEnergyPredictorTool | |
CPFLCCalibTool | This tool can either use a series of CaloClusterProcessor to calibrate the modified xAOD::CaloCluster (modified when we do the charged shower subtraction) using recalculated LC weights or its own internal method to use the stored LC weights in the eflowRecCluster objects |
CPFLCNeutralFlowElementCreatorAlgorithm | |
CPFLeptonSelector | |
CPFlowCalibPFODecoratorAlgorithm | This algorithm decorates xAOD::FlowElement with calibration hit truth information |
CPFMomentCalculatorTool | This tool uses a CaloClusterCollectionProcessor to calculate new moments for the modified calorimeter clusters (modified when we do the charged shower subtraction), and makes use of IPFClusterCollectionTool to generate a VIEW container of xAOD::CaloCluster to be used in the CaloClusterCollectionProcessor tool |
CPFMuonFlowElementAssoc | AthReentrantAlgorithm to associate Flow Elements (FEs) to Muons |
CPFNeutralFlowElementCreatorAlgorithm | |
CPFOChargedValidationPlots | |
CPFOMonitorAlgorithm | |
CPFONeutralValidationPlots | |
CPFSimulateTruthShowerTool | |
CPFSubtractionEnergyRatioCalculator | Class to calculate the ratio of new to old energies of CaloClusters after the particle flow charged shower subtraction has been run |
CPFSubtractionStatusSetter | This class contains a few functions to set the amount of energy removed from a xAOD::CaloCluster by a xAOD::Track in eflowRec |
CPFSubtractionTool | |
CPFTauFlowElementAssoc | This is the algorithm, which inherits from AthReentrantAlgorithm, that adds element links between FlowElements (FEs) and Tau objects |
CPFTrackClusterMatchingTool | This is the tool, which inherits from AthAlgTool, which clients can use for track-cluster matching |
CPFTrackFiller | |
CPFTrackMuonCaloTaggingAlg | Algorithm to use calorimeter information to remove potential muons |
CPFTrackMuonIsoTaggingAlg | |
CPFTrackPreselAlg | Algorithm producing a preselected set of tracks |
CPFTrackSelector | |
CpgonHandler | |
CPhiCondition | |
►CPhiEtaHash | |
Ccompare | |
►CPhiEtaHashITk | |
Ccompare | |
CPhiFilterRange | PhiFilterRange implements the range (ie: [min, max]) the filters will use to take their filtering decisions |
CPhiModule | |
►CPhiSectionWidget | |
CImp | |
►CPhiSectorManager | |
CImp | |
CPhiSlice | |
CPhoton | Class describing an photon
CPhoton | |
CPhoton_p1 | |
CPhoton_p2 | |
CPhoton_p3 | |
CPhoton_p4 | |
CPhoton_p5 | |
CPhotonCnv_p1 | |
CPhotonCnv_p2 | |
CPhotonCnv_p3 | |
CPhotonCnv_p4 | |
CPhotonCnv_p5 | |
CPhotonContainer | |
CPhotonContainer_p1 | |
CPhotonContainer_p2 | |
CPhotonContainer_p3 | |
CPhotonContainer_p4 | |
CPhotonContainer_p5 | |
CPhotonContainerCnv | |
CPhotonFilter | Filters and looks for photons |
CphotonHist | |
CphotonMonTool | |
CphotonSuperClusterBuilder | Create supercluster under photon hypothesis |
CPhotonValidationPlots | |
CPhotospp_i | |
CPhysicalVolumeAccessor | |
CPhysicsListSvc | |
CPhysValCluster | |
CPhysValFE | |
CPhysValSecVtx | |
CPhysValTau | |
CPileup1DResidualCalibStep | |
CPileupAreaCalibStep | |
CPileUpClassification | |
►CPileUpEventInfo | This class provides information about an overlaid event. It extends EventInfo with a list of sub-evts (the original and the bkg ones) |
CSubEvent | Triple allowing access to a sub-event |
►CPileUpEventInfo_p1 | |
CSubEvent | |
►CPileUpEventInfo_p2 | |
CSubEvent | |
►CPileUpEventInfo_p3 | |
CSubEvent | |
►CPileUpEventInfo_p4 | |
CSubEvent | |
►CPileUpEventInfo_p5 | |
CSubEvent | |
CPileUpEventInfoCnv_p1 | |
CPileUpEventInfoCnv_p2 | |
CPileUpEventInfoCnv_p3 | |
CPileUpEventInfoCnv_p4 | |
CPileUpEventInfoCnv_p5 | |
CPileUpEventInfoReader | Test reading of PileUpEventInfo |
CPileUpEventInfoWriter | Test reading of PileUpEventInfo |
CPileUpEventLoopMgr | The ATLAS event loop for pile-up applications |
CPileupFilterTool | |
CPileUpHashHelper | |
►CPileUpMergeSvc | Preferred mechanism to access information from the different event stores in a pileup job |
CRange | Active crossing range for a data object (CLID/key combination) |
CTimedList | Generate the types of the timed data objects |
CPileUpMTAlg | |
CPileupRemovalCondition | |
CPileUpStream | Triple selector/context/store defines a stream |
CPileUpTimeEventIndex | Struct encapsulating the identifier of a pile-up event |
CPileUpToolBase | |
CPileUpToolsAlg | |
CPileUpTruthDecoration | |
CPileupTruthParticleSlimmer | Algorithm to skim the xAOD truth particle container for pileup minbias samples |
CPileUpType | For details on how the MC particles are defined and organized see https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/PileupPerformance#MC_Truth_Task_Force_Recommendati |
CPileUpXingFolder | Specify time interval we want to study pileup for a set of data objs |
CPixel1RawData | |
CPixel1RawDataCnv_p1 | |
CPixel1RawDataCnv_p2 | |
CPixel1RawDataContainerCnv_p1 | |
CPixel1RawDataContainerCnv_p2 | |
CPixelActiveDetectorElementStatusTool | |
CPixelAlignCondAlg | |
CPixelAthClusterMonAlg | |
CPixelAthErrorMonAlg | |
CPixelAthHitMonAlg | |
►CPixelAthMonitoringBase | |
CAccumulatorArrays | |
CVecAccumulator2DMap | Helper class to accumulate points to fill a 2D plot with |
CPixelAthMVAMonAlg | |
CPixelByteStreamErrorDetectorElementStatusTool | Tool to extend pixel detector element status data by the status extracted from the bytestream error container |
CPixelCablingCondAlg | |
CPixelCablingCondData | |
CPixelChargeCalibCondAlg | |
CPixelChargeCalibCondData | |
CPixelChargeInterpolationParameters | |
CPixelChargeLUTCalibCondAlg | |
CPixelChargeToTConversion | |
CPixelCluster | |
CPixelClusterAnalysis | |
CPixelClusterCnv_p1 | |
CPixelClusterCnv_p2 | |
CPixelClusterCnv_p3 | |
CPixelClusterContainerCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CPixelClusterContainerCnv_p0 | |
CPixelClusterContainerCnv_p2 | |
CPixelClusterContainerCnv_p3 | |
CPixelClusterContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CPixelClustering | |
CPixelClusterOnTrackCnv_p1 | |
CPixelClusterOnTrackCnv_p2 | |
CPixelClusterOnTrackErrorData | |
CPixelClusterStorage | |
CPixelConditionsSummaryTool | |
CPixelConfigCondAlg | |
CPixelDCSCondHVAlg | |
CPixelDCSCondStateAlg | |
CPixelDCSCondStatusAlg | |
CPixelDCSCondTempAlg | |
CPixelDCSHVData | |
CPixelDCSStateData | |
CPixelDCSStatusData | |
CPixelDCSTempData | |
CPixelDeadMapCondAlg | |
CPixelDeadMapCondData | |
CPixeldEdxAlg | |
CPixeldEdxData | |
CPixelDetectorElementCondAlg | |
CPixelDetectorElementStatusCloneTool | Tool to extend pixel detector element status data by the status extracted from the bytestream error container |
CPixelDetectorElementStatusToolBase | |
CPixelDetectorFactory | |
CPixelDetectorFactoryDC2 | |
CPixelDetectorFactoryLite | |
CPixelDetectorFactorySR1 | |
CPixelDetectorTool | |
CPixelDigitization | |
CPixelDigitizationTool | |
CPixelDistortionAlg | |
CPixelDistortionData | |
CPixelFastDigitization | Top algorithm class for Pixel digitization |
CPixelFastDigitizationTool | |
CPixelFastRDOAnalysis | |
CPixelGangedClusterAmbiguitiesCnv | |
CPixelGangedClusterAmbiguitiesCnv_p1 | |
CPixelGeometryManager | |
CPixelGeometryManagerTool | Tool for setting up Pixel alignment geometry |
CPixelGeometryStorage | |
CPixelGeoModelAthenaComps | Class to hold various Athena components |
►CPixelHistoConverter | |
CAxis | |
CPixelHitDiscCnfgAlg | |
CPixelHitDiscCnfgData | |
CPixelID | |
CPixelIDDetDescrCnv | This class is a converter for the PixelID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store |
CPixelLegacyManager | |
►CPixelMaterialMap | |
CKey | |
CPixelModuleConfigCondAlg | |
CPixelModuleData | |
CPixelModuleGeoInfo | |
CPixelNtupleTracks | |
CPixelOfflineCalibCondAlg | |
CPixelOfflineCalibData | |
CPixelOverlay | |
CPixelPrepDataToxAOD | |
CPixelRadiationDamageFluenceMapData | |
CPixelRadSimFluenceMapAlg | |
CPixelRawContByteStreamCnv | |
CPixelRawContByteStreamTool | |
CPixelRawDataProvider | |
CPixelRawDataProviderTool | |
CPixelRDO_ContainerCnv | |
CPixelRDO_ContainerCnv_p0 | |
CPixelRDOAnalysis | |
CPixelRDOElemLinkVec | Vector containing element links to pixel RDOs |
CPixelRDOElemLinkVec_p1 | |
CPixelRDOElemLinkVecCnv_p1 | |
CPixelRDORawData | |
CPixelReadoutSpeedAlg | |
CPixelReadoutSpeedData | |
CPixelRIO_OnTrackErrorScaling | |
CPixelRIO_OnTrackErrorScalingKit | |
CPixelRIO_OnTrackErrorScalingRun1Kit | |
CPixelRodDecoder | |
CPixelRODErrorCollection | |
CPixelSensorGmxSD | |
CPixelSensorSD | |
CPixelSensorSDTool | |
CPixelServMatFactory | |
CPixelSiliconConditionsTestAlg | |
CPixelSiLorentzAngleCondAlg | |
CPixelSimHelper | |
CPixelSiPropertiesCondAlg | |
CPixelSpacePointType | |
►CPixelStaveTypes | |
CDatum | |
CKey | |
CPixelSwitches | |
CPixelTB04RawData | |
CPixelTDAQCondAlg | |
CPixelTDAQData | |
CPixLayers | |
CPlacement | This class holds all the necessary information to guide the writing of an object in a physical place |
CplainGenerator | |
CPlanarFlowTool | |
CPlaneSurfaceCnv_p1 | |
CPlaneSurfaceCnv_p2 | |
CPlotBase | |
CPlotMuons | |
CPlots | Set of generic plots |
CPlotsDefinitionSvc | Athena include(s) |
CPlotValNtuple | |
CPLR_ID | This is a Identifier helper class for the PLR subdetector. This class inherits from PixelID |
CPLR_IDDetDescrCnv | This class is a converter for the PLR_ID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store |
CPLRDetectorTool | |
CPolyconicalEnvelope | |
►CPolygonTriangulator | |
CPolygon | |
CPolyplane | |
CpolyplaneHandler | |
CPoolCollectionConverter | This class provides an interface to POOL collections |
CPoolFilePeeker | |
CPoolMapElement | |
►CPoolSvc | This class provides the interface to the LCG POOL persistency software |
CContextLock | |
CposRPhiZHandler | |
CPosSampler | |
CposXYZHandler | |
►CPPMSimBSMonitorAlgorithm | |
CMonitorTT | Struct to contain PPM trigger tower info |
►CPprMonitorAlgorithm | |
CMonitorTT | Struct to contain PPM trigger tower info |
CPRD_MultiTruthCollection | A PRD is mapped onto all contributing particles |
CPRD_MultiTruthCollectionCnv | |
CPRD_MultiTruthCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CPRD_MultiTruthCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CPRD_MultiTruthCollectionCnv_p3 | |
CPRD_MultiTruthCollectionCnv_p4 | |
►CPRDCollHandle_CSC | |
CImp | |
►CPRDCollHandle_CSC_Strip | |
CImp | |
►CPRDCollHandle_MDT | |
CImp | |
►CPRDCollHandle_MM | |
CImp | |
►CPRDCollHandle_Pixel | |
CImp | |
►CPRDCollHandle_RPC | |
CImp | |
►CPRDCollHandle_SCT | |
CImp | |
►CPRDCollHandle_SpacePoints | |
CImp | |
►CPRDCollHandle_sTGC | |
CImp | |
►CPRDCollHandle_TGC | |
CImp | |
►CPRDCollHandle_TRT | |
CImp | |
►CPRDCollHandleBase | |
CImp | |
CPRDCommonFlags | |
CPRDDetType | |
CPRDHandle_CSC | |
CPRDHandle_CSC_Strip | |
CPRDHandle_MDT | |
CPRDHandle_MM | |
CPRDHandle_Pixel | |
CPRDHandle_RPC | |
CPRDHandle_SCT | |
►CPRDHandle_SpacePoint | |
CImp | |
CPRDHandle_sTGC | |
CPRDHandle_TGC | |
CPRDHandle_TRT | |
►CPRDHandleBase | |
CImp | |
►CPRDSysCommonData | |
CImp | |
►CPRDSystemController | |
CImp | |
►CPRDTrackSegmentHelper | |
CImp | |
CTracksAndSegments | |
CPrdWrapper | Helper class to help reflex/gccxml to discover the right types |
CPrepRawDataCnv_p1 | |
CPrescalingEmulationTool | |
CPrescalingTool | |
CPrimaryDPDPrescaler | |
CPrimaryParticleInformation | This class is attached to G4PrimaryParticle objects as UserInformation. The member variable m_theParticle holds a pointer to the HepMC::GenParticle which was used to create the G4PrimaryParticle. Tthe member variable m_theISFParticle holds a pointer to the ISFParticle used to create the G4PrimaryParticle. (See ISF::InputConverter::getG4PrimaryParticle().) The behaviour is slightly different inside and outside ISF: |
CPrimitive | |
CPrintHijingPars | |
CPrintMC | Print MC event details for a range of event numbers |
CPrintSiElements | |
CProcedureHolder | Hold procedure dependent procedure vector |
►Cprocmaps | A simple API to access /proc/self/maps info |
CEntry | |
CProductGen | |
CProgressBar | |
►CProjectionSurfacesHelper | |
CImp | |
CProperty | Support class for PropertyMgr |
CProphecy4fMerger | |
CProtoTrack | |
CProtoTrackStorage | |
CProxyProviderSvc | Manages the address providers and add proxies on demand to the store |
CPseudoJetAlgorithm | PseudoJetAlgorithm retrieves and builds the pseudojet inputs used in jet finding |
►CPseudoJetContainer | |
CExtractorRange | |
CPseudoJetMerger | PseudoJetMerger collects a list of PseudoJetContainers into a single PseudoJetContainers |
CPseudoJetTranslator | |
CPseudoMeasurementOnTrackCnv_p1 | |
CPseudoMeasurementOnTrackCnv_p2 | |
CPsMap | |
CPtCondition | |
CPtDependence | |
CPtEtaMPhiSampler | |
CPtrAccessSEGVHandler | |
CPtrEq | |
CPtrLess | |
CPtrSEGVHandler | |
CPU3DCorrectionHelper | |
CPuppi | |
CPuppiUserInfo | |
CPuppiWeightTool | |
CPurityAnalysis | |
CPV0TrackSelectionAlg | |
CPVNotifier | |
CPyAthenaEventLoopMgr | Implementation of the AthenaEventLoopMgr that allows selective and specific overrides in python. The idea is to maximize code-sharing with AthenaEventLoopMgr to reduce maintainance |
CPyClassIDSvc | A wrapper for ClassIDSvc |
►CPyDat1 | |
CPyDataHeader | A wrapper for DataHeader |
CPyDumperDict | |
CPyEventStreamInfo | |
CPyEventType | |
CPyGate | |
CPyItPatch | This class provides some pathces for an iterator |
►CPyPars | |
►CPyqPar | |
CPyReverseProxy | A utility class to convert a C++ object to a PyObject |
►CPySubs | |
►CPythia8_i | |
CCommandException | |
CPythia8B_i | Authors: James Catmore and Maria Smizanska James.nosp@m..Cat.nosp@m.more@.nosp@m.cern.nosp@m..ch / Maria.nosp@m..Smi.nosp@m.zansk.nosp@m.a@ce.nosp@m.rn.ch Inherits from Pythia8_i by James Monk |
CPythia8ForDecays | |
CQCDTruthJetFilter | |
CQCDTruthMultiJetFilter | |
CQjetMassCondition | |
CQratCscClusterFitter | |
CQuasianalyticLineReconstruction | |
CQuirk | |
CQuirksPhysicsTool | |
CQuirkStackingAction | |
CQuirkTransportation | |
CQuirkWatcher | |
CQw | |
CQwTool | Dual-use tool wrapper to set the Qw substructure variable |
CRadDamageUtil | |
CRALEmb | Access the EMB parameters from the geometry database |
CRALEmec | Access the EMEC parameters from the geometry database |
CRALExperimentalHall | Access the experimental hall parameters from the geometry database |
CRALHec | Access the HEC parameters from the geometry database |
CRand4Hits | |
CRandDouble | |
CRandom | |
CRandomError | Throw an error with given probability |
CRandomErrorAlg | |
CRandomSignalHypoJetVectorGenerator | |
CRandUint | |
CRange | A Range describes the possible ranges for the field values of an ExpandedIdentifier |
CRangeFilter | |
CRangeIterator | This iterator is able to generate all possible identifiers, from a
fully bounded Range |
►CRanSeed | Class definition for RanSeed, which is used to modify the Hijing RANSEED common |
CRatesAnalysisAlg | Virtual analysis class for performing rates studies on AOD Pure virtual base class for trigger rate studies on EnhancedBias or MC AOD files |
CRatesCPS | Helper class to keep track of coherent prescales between chains in a group This class knows about its group's common prescale factor and can hence apply it coherently at the end |
CRatesEmulationExample | |
CRatesGroup | Used to calculate the rate for a group of RatesTrigger objects at L1 or the HLT |
CRatesHistoBase | Basic base class for any common functionality between RatesTrigger and RatesGroup This means that everyone has access to the same histograms |
CRatesScanTrigger | Used to calculate a rate scan as a function of some threshold value |
CRatesTrigger | Used to calculate the rate for a single trigger at L1 or the HLT |
CRawConf | Declare a configuration param struct |
CRD53SimTool | |
CRDBAccessSvc | RDBAccessSvc is the implementation of IRDBAccessSvc interface |
CRDBMaterialManager | |
CRDBParamReader | |
CRDBParamRecords | |
CRDBQuery | RDBQuery is an implementation of IRDBQuery interface |
CRDBRecord | RDBRecord is one record in the RDBRecordset object |
CRDBRecordset | RDBRecordset is an implementation of IRDBRecordset interface |
CRDBVersionAccessor | RDBVersionAccessor is a helper class navigating HVS tree and getting child node tag by the tag of one of its parents |
CRDOindex | |
CRDOReaderDoubleSelector | |
CReadCards | Get tag-value pairs from a file |
CReadData | |
CReadDataReentrant | |
CReadDecorHandleKeyArray< T > | Class to hold an array of ReadDecorHandleKeys |
CReadFromXmlDom | |
CReadHandle< T > | Smart pointer to an object of a given type in an IProxyDict (such as StoreGateSvc). It d-casts and caches locally the pointed-at object, to speed-up subsequent accesses. It can be reset by the store for asynchronous updates (IOVSvc) |
CReadHandleKeyArray< T > | Class to hold an array of ReadHandleKeys |
CReadHepEvtFromAscii | |
►CReadLArDigits | CTB: code to read digits |
CSortDigits | CTB: code to read digits |
CReadLArRaw | CTB: code to read raw channels |
CReadLumiBlock | Helper class to read in lumi block length info from COOL for a run |
CreadOutput | |
CReadSiDetectorElements | |
CReadTBLArCalibDigits | |
►CReadTBLArDigits | |
CSortDigits | |
CReadTriggerDecision | Algorithm demonstrating use of trigger decision information |
CReadTRT_DetectorElements | Algorithm to demonstrate access to TRT detector elements, printing out parameters of specific straws |
CReadxAOD | Algorithm demonstrating reading of xAOD containers |
CRealQuadradicEquation | |
CRealQuadradicEquation | |
CRecCTPByteStreamCnv | ByteStream converter for the CTP_RIO object |
CRecCTPByteStreamTool | Tool doing the ByteStream -> CTP_RIO conversion |
CRecMuCTPIByteStreamCnv | ByteStream converter for the MuCTPI_RIO object |
CRecMuCTPIByteStreamTool | Tool doing the ByteStream -> MuCTPI_RIO conversion |
CRecoLumiPlots | |
CRecoMuonIDTrackPlots | |
CRecoMuonPlots | |
CRecoMuonSegmentPlots | |
CRecoMuonTrackPlots | |
CRecoPhysPlots | |
CRecord | |
CRecordingEnvelope | Responsible for finding the G4LogicalVolume pointer for each recording envelope and for creating and filling the corresponding TrackRecordCollection |
CRecoTimingObj | |
CRecoTimingObj_p1 | |
CRecoTimingObjCnv | |
CRecoTimingObjCnv_p1 | |
CRecoVertexPlots | |
CRectangleBoundsCnv_p1 | |
CRecTrack | |
CRecVertexCnv_p1 | |
CRecVertexCnv_p2 | |
Credzone | |
Creference | |
CReferenceSurfaceTree | |
CRefitTracksAndVertex | |
CRegionCreator | |
CRegionSelectionSvc | |
CRegionSelectorLUT | |
Cregister_aux | |
Cregister_aux< HLT::TypeInformation::no_aux > | |
Cregister_feature | |
Cregistertype | |
CRegSelCondAlg_LAr | |
CRegSelCondAlg_Tile | |
CRegSelCondData | |
CRegSelectorHashMap | |
CRegSelectorMap | |
CRegSelectorMapElement | |
CRegSelEtaPhiLUT | |
►CRegSelLayer | |
CPhiCluster | |
CRegSelModule | |
CRegSelName | |
CRegSelROB | |
CRegSelROBList | |
CRegSelRoI | |
CRegSelSiLUT | |
CRegSelSubDetector | |
CRegSelTool | Emacs: this is -*- c++ -*- |
CRemoveData | Functor to remove a sampling from the Store |
CRemoveSampling | Functor to remove all sampling in a store |
CRepeatedCondition | |
CReplicaSorter | |
CResidual | Residual is a class that stores the residual, error, and type of residual |
CResidualOffsetCorrection | |
CResidualPlots | |
Cresonancevetos | |
CResoTriggerMuonPlots | |
►CResplot | |
CResException | |
CRespPage | |
CResult | |
Cresult_handler | |
Cresult_handler< queried, result, HLT::TypeInformation::nil > | |
CRevolutionSurfaceUtil | |
CRg_Sample_Index | |
CRHadronPythiaDecayer | |
CRHadronsPhysicsTool | |
CRingerCommonSelecto | |
►CRingerReFex | |
CRingSet | |
CRingerRings | This class carries the generated Rings |
CRingerRings_p1 | |
CRingerRings_p2 | |
CRingerRings_tlp1 | |
CRingerRingsCnv | |
CRingerRingsCnv_p1 | |
CRingerRingsCnv_p2 | |
CRingerRingsCnv_tlp1 | |
CRingerRingsContainer | |
CRingerRingsContainer_p1 | |
CRingerRingsContainer_p2 | |
CRingerRingsContainer_tlp1 | |
CRingerRingsContainerCnv | |
CRingerRingsContainerCnv_p1 | |
CRingerRingsContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CringHandler | |
CRingSet | |
CRIO_OnTrackCnv_p1 | |
CRIO_OnTrackCnv_p2 | |
CRIO_OnTrackErrorScaling | |
CRIO_OnTrackErrorScalingCondAlg | |
CRIO_OnTrackErrorScalingDbOverrideCondAlg | |
CRIO_OnTrackErrorScalingKit | |
CRIO_OnTrackErrorScalingSpecialisedKit | |
CRIOs | |
CRivet_i | Interface to the Rivet analysis package |
CRNTupleAuxDynStore | |
►CROBData_T | Templete data class to wrap ROB fragment for accessing ROD data |
Citerator | This class defines how to iterate over the ROBData_T, in different formats |
CROBDataProviderMTTest | |
►CROBDataProviderSvc | |
CEventCache | |
CROBPrefetchingAlg | Algorithm taking a list of decision objects, extracting RoI from each and prefetching ROBs (i.e. calling ROBDataProviderSvc::addROBData) for all these RoIs from specific detectors configured in the RegionSelectorTools property |
CRODHeader_p1 | Persistent form of RODHeader using T/P separation |
CRODHeaderCnv_p1 | T/P converter for RODHeader and RODHeader_p1 |
CRODHeaderCollection_p1 | |
CRODHeaderCollection_tlp1 | |
CRODHeaderCollectionCnv | |
CRODHeaderCollectionCnv_p1 | T/P converter for RODHeader and RODHeader_p1 |
CRODHeaderCollectionCnv_tlp1 | T/P converter for RODHeader and RODHeader_p1 |
CRodRobIdMap | This implements just the ROD->ROB conversion part of Hid2RESrcID |
CRoIBResult_p1 | Persistent representation of ROIB::RoIBResult |
CRoIBResultByteStreamCnv | ByteStream converter for the RoIBResult object |
►CRoIBResultByteStreamTool | Tool doing the RoIBResult <-> ByteStream conversion |
CDataStatus | Structure holding the status words and rob/rod error flags |
CRoIBResultCnv | POOL converter for ROIB::RoIBResult |
CRoIBResultCnv_p1 | T/P converter for RoIBResult_p1 |
CRoIBResultToxAOD | RoIB result to xAOD converter |
CRoiDescriptor | Describes the Region of Ineterest geometry It has basically 9 parameters |
CRoiFilter | |
CRoIPEBInfoWriterTool | Tool writing ROB list corresponding to an RoI in given detectors for use in PEBInfoWriterAlg |
CROIPhiRZContainer | Container for phi sorted ROIs defined by phi, r and z |
CRoiReader | RoiDescriptor collection |
►CRoIsUnpackingEmulationTool | |
CFakeRoI | |
CRoIsUnpackingToolBase | Base class for RoI unpackers |
CRoIsUnpackingToolPhase1 | |
CRoIThresholdsTool | |
CRoiUpdaterTool | |
CRoiWriter | Algorithm creating xAOD::RoiDescriptorStore objects |
CRootAuxDynStore | |
CRootcollectionCursor | |
►CRootExCellWriter | |
CConfig | |
CExtrapolationStep | |
CRootPropStepWriter | |
CRootTruthParticleCnvTool | |
CRootUtilsInit | |
CRoRSeqFilter | |
CRotatedDiamondBoundsCnv_p1 | |
CRotatedTrapezoidBoundsCnv_p1 | |
CRoute | |
CRouting2 | |
CRPC_Hid2RESrcID | |
CRPC_HitsTruthRelink | |
CRPC_IDDetDescrCnv | Converter for RpcIdHelper |
CRPC_RDOAnalysis | |
CRPC_RegSelCondAlg | |
►CRPC_SimHitToPrdCBNTAlgo | |
CClockwork | |
CRPC_TimingTool | |
CRPCbytestream | |
CRpcByteStreamDecoder | |
CRpcByteStreamEncoder | |
CRpcByteStreamErrorContainerCnv | |
CRpcByteStreamErrorContainerCnv_p1 | |
CRpcCablingCondAlg | |
CRpcCablingCondData | |
CRpcCalibRawDataProvider | |
►CRpcChamber | Helper struct to represent a full Rpc chamber |
CRpcLayer | Helper struct to assess that the layers are properly oriented |
CRpcStrip | |
CRpcClusterBuilderPRD | |
CRpcClusterOnTrackCnv_p1 | |
CRpcClusterOnTrackCnv_p2 | |
CRpcClusterOnTrackCnv_p3 | |
CRpcCoinDataCnv_p1 | |
CRpcCoinDataContainerCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CRpcCoinMatrix | |
CRpcCoinMatrix_p1 | Persistent representation of RpcCoinMatrix class |
CRpcCoinMatrixCnv_p1 | |
CRpcCondDataContainer | Holds all information of the cscRPC Conditions data |
CRpcCondDbAlg | |
CRpcCondDbData | |
CRpcConditionPar | |
CRPCdata | |
CRPCdecoder | |
CRpcDigit | |
CRPCdigit | |
CRpcDigitCollection | |
CRpcDigitContainer | Use IdentifiableContainer with RpcDigitCollection |
CRpcDigitizationTool | |
CRpcDigitToRpcRDO | |
CRpcFiredChannel | |
CRpcFiredChannel_p1 | Persistent representation of RpcFiredChannel class |
CRpcFiredChannelCnv_p1 | |
CRPCHitAnalysis | |
CRpcHitIdHelper | |
CRPCHitsTestTool | |
CRpcIdHelper | |
CRPCofflineId | |
CRpcOverlay | |
CRpcPad | |
CRpcPad_p1 | |
CRpcPadCnv_p1 | |
CRpcPadContainer | Use IdentifiableContainer with RpcPad |
CRpcPadContainer_p1 | |
CRpcPadContainer_p2 | |
CRpcPadContainerCnv_p1 | |
CRpcPadContainerCnv_p2 | |
CRpcPadContByteStreamCnv | |
CRPCPadParameters | |
CRpcPanel | |
CRPCpanelList | |
CRpcPrepDataCnv_p1 | |
CRpcPrepDataCnv_p2 | |
CRpcPrepDataCnv_p3 | |
CRpcPrepDataContainerCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CRpcPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CRPCrawData | |
CRPCrawDigit | |
CRPCReadOut | |
CRpcROD_Encoder | This class provides conversion from BS to ROD format |
CRPCRODDecode | |
CRPCRODStructure | |
CRpcSectorLogic | |
CRpcSectorLogicContainer | |
CRpcSectorLogicContainer_p1 | Class to represent |
CRpcSectorLogicContainerCnv | |
CRpcSectorLogicContainerCnv_p1 | |
CRPCSensitiveDetector | |
CRPCSensitiveDetectorCosmics | |
CRPCSensitiveDetectorCosmicsTool | |
CRPCSensitiveDetectorTool | |
CRPCSimHit | |
CRPCSimHitCollectionCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CRPCSimHitCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CRPCSimHitCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CRPCSimHitCollectionCnv_p3 | |
CRPCSimHitCollectionCnv_p4 | |
CRPCsimuData | |
CRPCsimuDigit | |
CRpcSLTriggerHit | |
CRpcTrackAnaAlg | |
CRPCtrigDataObject | |
CRresTbin | |
CRT_Relation_DB_DigiTool | |
CRtBinning | |
CRtCalibrationCurved | |
CRtColor | |
CRtGraph | A class for generating a r-t and t-r graphs by binning the 2D histograms in Calibrator::rtHists in r ot t bins |
CRtGraphs | |
CRtParabolicExtrapolation | |
CRtResolutionFromPoints | |
CRun2ToRun3TrigNavConverterV2 | |
CRunInput | |
CRunInputOperations | |
CRunningStat | |
CRunTriggerMatching | Algorithm demonstrating trigger matching in Athena User provides a trigger string (wildcards possible) and the name of an offline object container, and the algorithm counts how many offline objects are matched to that trigger |
CRXReadOutStructure | |
CSaggedLineSurfaceCnv_p2 | |
CSameParticleHardScatteringFilter | Allows the user to search for any given production Parent1 + Parent 2 -> Child1 |
CSampledParticle | |
CSampler | |
CSbFacet | |
CSbPolyhedrizeAction | |
CSbPolyhedron | |
CSbPolyhedronArbitrary | |
CSbPolyhedronBox | |
CSbPolyhedronCone | |
CSbPolyhedronCons | |
CSbPolyhedronGenericTrap | |
CSbPolyhedronPara | |
CSbPolyhedronPcon | |
CSbPolyhedronPgon | |
►CSbPolyhedronPolygonXSect | |
CInternals | |
CSbPolyhedronSphere | |
CSbPolyhedronTorus | |
CSbPolyhedronTrap | |
CSbPolyhedronTrd1 | |
CSbPolyhedronTrd2 | |
CSbPolyhedronTube | |
CSbPolyhedronTubs | |
CSC_MonValues | |
CScaledErrorData | Liquid Argon class for standalone storage of cell shape information |
CScaledShiftedShape | Liquid Argon class for standalone storage of cell shape information |
CScaleE0 | |
CScaleE1 | |
CScaleE1overE2 | |
CScaleE2 | |
CScaleE3 | |
CScaleEaccordion | |
CScaleEcalorimeter | |
CScatteringAngleOnTrackCnv_p1 | |
CSchedulerMonSvc | Service monitoring the Scheduler status and producing relevant online histograms |
CScintillatorHit | |
CScoutingInfo | |
CSCT1_RawData | |
CSCT1_RawDataCnv_p1 | |
CSCT1_RawDataCnv_p2 | |
CSCT1_RawDataContainerCnv_p1 | |
CSCT3_RawData | |
CSCT3_RawData_p1 | |
CSCT3_RawData_p2 | N.Barlow, Apr 2008 replace float[20] with vector<int> to represent strips with errors |
CSCT3_RawData_p3 | N.Barlow, Apr 2008 replace float[20] with vector<int> to represent strips with errors |
CSCT3_RawData_p4 | S.Oda, Oct 2018 replace unsigned int by unsigned short for for the presampling samples for Overlay MC |
CSCT3_RawDataCnv_p1 | |
CSCT3_RawDataCnv_p2 | |
CSCT3_RawDataCnv_p3 | |
CSCT3_RawDataCnv_p4 | |
CSCT_AlignCondAlg | |
CSCT_Amp | Header file for SCT_Amp Class
CSCT_Barrel | |
CSCT_BarrelCluster | |
CSCT_BarrelModuleParameters | |
CSCT_BarrelParameters | |
CSCT_BaseBoard | |
CSCT_Bracket | |
CSCT_ByteStreamErrorsTestAlg | |
►CSCT_ByteStreamErrorsTool | |
CIDCCacheEntry | |
CSCT_CablingCondAlgFromCoraCool | Condition algorithm which fills the SCT Cabling from the database, using CoraCool |
CSCT_CablingCondAlgFromText | Condition algorithm which fills the SCT Cabling from plain text (a file) |
CSCT_CablingData | |
CSCT_CablingTool | |
CSCT_CalibBsErrorTool | |
►CSCT_CalibDefectData | Container with a list of defects derived from calibration data and used in SCT_ReadCalibDataCondAlg and SCT_ReadCalibDataTool |
CCalibModuleDefects | |
CSCT_CalibEventInfo | |
CSCT_CalibHitmapTool | |
CSCT_CalibHvTool | |
CSCT_CalibLbTool | |
CSCT_CalibModuleListTool | |
CSCT_ChargeTrappingCondData | Data object for SCT_ChargeTrappingTool, SCT_RadDamageSummaryTool, SCT_SurfaceChargesGenerator |
CSCT_ChargeTrappingTool | |
CSCT_ChargeTrappinTool | |
CSCT_Chip | Class which stores infomration on the SCT chips: id, config, mask |
CSCT_Clamp | |
CSCT_CloseOut | |
CSCT_Cluster | |
CSCT_ClusterAnalysis | |
CSCT_ClusterCnv_p1 | |
CSCT_ClusterCnv_p2 | |
CSCT_ClusterCnv_p3 | |
CSCT_ClusterContainerCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CSCT_ClusterContainerCnv_p0 | |
CSCT_ClusterContainerCnv_p2 | |
CSCT_ClusterContainerCnv_p3 | |
CSCT_ClusterContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CSCT_ClusterOnTrackCnv_p1 | |
CSCT_ClusterOnTrackCnv_p2 | |
CSCT_ComponentFactory | |
CSCT_ConditionsParameterCondAlg | |
CSCT_ConditionsParameterTestAlg | This class acts as a test/sample client the ConditionsParameter class |
CSCT_ConditionsParameterTool | |
CSCT_ConditionsSummaryTestAlg | Example class to show calling the SCT_ConditionsSummaryTool |
CSCT_ConditionsSummaryTool | |
CSCT_CondParameterData | Data object for SCT_ConditionsParameterTool and SCT_ConditionsParameterCondAlg |
CSCT_ConfigurationCondAlg | |
CSCT_ConfigurationCondData | Class for data object used in SCT_ConfigurationCondAlg and SCT_ConfigurationConditionsTool |
CSCT_ConfigurationConditionsTestAlg | This class acts as a test/sample client for the SCT_ConfigurationSConditionsSvc class |
CSCT_ConfigurationConditionsTool | |
CSCT_CoolingBlock | |
CSCT_CoolingEnd | |
CSCT_CoolingPipe | |
CSCT_DataBase | |
CSCT_DCSConditionsHVCondAlg | |
CSCT_DCSConditionsStatCondAlg | |
CSCT_DCSConditionsTempCondAlg | |
CSCT_DCSConditionsTestAlg | This class acts as a test/sample client the DCSConditions class |
CSCT_DCSConditionsTool | Class to provide DCS information about modules from the COOL database |
CSCT_DCSFloatCondData | Class for data object used in SCT_DCSConditions{HV,Temp}CondAlg, SCT_DCSConditionsTool, SCT_SiliconConditions{HV,Temp}CondAlg, SCTSiPropertiesCondAlg, SCTSiLorentzAngleCondAlg |
CSCT_DCSStatCondData | Classs for data object used in SCT_DCSConditionsStatCondAlg, SCT_DCSConditionsTool, SCT_Silicon{HV,Temp}CondAlg |
CSCT_DetailedSurfaceChargesGenerator | Class to take calculate Charge Transport in the SCT with a detailed charge transport model |
CSCT_DetectorElementCondAlg | |
CSCT_DetectorFactory | |
CSCT_DetectorFactoryCosmic | |
CSCT_DetectorFactoryLite | |
CSCT_DetectorLevelConditionsTool | |
CSCT_DetectorTool | |
CSCT_Digitization | Top algorithm class for SCT digitization |
CSCT_DigitizationTool | |
CSCT_Dogleg | |
CSCT_ElectricFieldTool | |
CSCT_EndCapCluster | |
CSCT_FastDigitization | Top algorithm class for SCT digitization |
CSCT_FastDigitizationTool | |
CSCT_FastRDOAnalysis | |
CSCT_FlaggedCondData_p1 | |
CSCT_FlaggedCondDataCnv | |
CSCT_FlaggedCondDataCnv_p1 | |
CSCT_FlaggedConditionTestAlg | |
CSCT_FlaggedConditionTool | |
CSCT_Flange | |
CSCT_Forward | |
CSCT_ForwardModuleParameters | |
CSCT_ForwardParameters | |
CSCT_FrontEnd | |
CSCT_FrontEndData | Simulation of the SCT front-end electronics working as a SiPreDigitsProcessor models response of ABCD chip amplifiers to collected charges, also does cross-talk, offset variation and gain variation, in a correlated way |
CSCT_FSIEndJewel | |
CSCT_FSIFibreMask | |
CSCT_FSIScorpion | |
CSCT_FwdCoolingBlock | |
CSCT_FwdCoolingPipe | |
CSCT_FwdCylinderServices | |
CSCT_FwdDiscFixation | |
CSCT_FwdDiscPowerTape | |
CSCT_FwdDiscSupport | |
CSCT_FwdHybrid | |
CSCT_FwdModule | |
CSCT_FwdModuleConnector | |
CSCT_FwdOptoHarness | |
CSCT_FwdPatchPanel | |
CSCT_FwdPowerTape | |
CSCT_FwdPPConnector | |
CSCT_FwdPPCooling | |
CSCT_FwdRing | |
CSCT_FwdRingCooling | |
CSCT_FwdSensor | |
CSCT_FwdSpine | |
CSCT_FwdSubSpine | |
CSCT_FwdSupportFrame | |
CSCT_FwdThermalShieldElement | |
CSCT_FwdWheel | |
CSCT_GeneralParameters | |
CSCT_GeometryManager | |
CSCT_GeoModelAthenaComps | Class to hold various Athena components |
CSCT_Harness | |
CSCT_Hybrid | |
CSCT_IDDetDescrCnv | This class is a converter for the SCT_ID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store |
CSCT_Identifier | |
CSCT_InnerSide | |
CSCT_InterLink | |
CSCT_Layer | |
CSCT_LinkMaskingCondAlg | |
CSCT_LinkMaskingTestAlg | Example class to show calling the SCT_LinkMaskingTool |
CSCT_LinkMaskingTool | |
CSCT_MajorityCondAlg | |
CSCT_MajorityCondData | Class for data object used in SCT_MajorityCondAlg and SCT_MajorityConditionsTool |
CSCT_MajorityConditionsTestAlg | Example class to show calling the SCT_MajorityConditionsSvc |
CSCT_MajorityConditionsTool | |
CSCT_MaterialManager | |
CSCT_Module | |
CSCT_ModuleVetoCondAlg | |
CSCT_ModuleVetoCondData | Class for data object used in SCT_ModuleVetoCondAlg, SCT_LinkMaskingCondAlg, SCT_ModuleVetoTool, SCT_LinkMaskingTool |
CSCT_ModuleVetoTestAlg | Example algorithm to show calling the SCT_ModuleVetoSvc to exclude bad components |
CSCT_ModuleVetoTool | |
CSCT_MonitorCondAlg | |
CSCT_MonitorCondData | Class for data object used in SCT_MonitorCondAlg and SCT_MonitorConditionsTool |
CSCT_MonitorConditionsTestAlg | Example class to show calling the SCT_MonitorConditions |
CSCT_MonitorConditionsTool | Class for keeping track of errors caught by the monitoring |
CSCT_OnlineId | |
CSCT_Options | |
CSCT_OuterSide | |
CSCT_Pigtail | |
CSCT_PixelAttachment | |
CSCT_PortMap | Helper class to map the input/output ports of a chip |
CSCT_PowerTape | |
CSCT_PrepDataToxAOD | |
CSCT_RadDamageSummaryTool | |
CSCT_RandomDisabledCellGenerator | |
CSCT_RawDataContainer_p1 | |
CSCT_RawDataContainer_p2 | Persistent represenation of an SCT_RawDataContainer |
CSCT_RawDataContainer_p3 | Persistent represenation of an SCT_RawDataContainer |
CSCT_RawDataContainer_p4 | Persistent represenation of an SCT_RawDataContainer |
CSCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p1 | |
CSCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p2 | |
CSCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p3 | |
CSCT_RawDataContainerCnv_p4 | |
CSCT_RawDataToxAOD | Algorithm to read RDO information from SCT ntuple and write augmented xAOD |
CSCT_RDO_ContainerCnv | |
CSCT_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0 | |
CSCT_RDOAnalysis | |
CSCT_RDORawData | |
CSCT_ReadCalibChipDataTestAlg | This class acts as a test/sample client to the SCT_ReadSCalibChipDataSvc class |
CSCT_ReadCalibChipDataTool | This class contains a Tool that reads SCT calibration data and makes it available to other algorithms |
CSCT_ReadCalibChipGainCondAlg | |
CSCT_ReadCalibChipNoiseCondAlg | |
CSCT_ReadCalibDataCondAlg | |
CSCT_ReadCalibDataTestAlg | This class acts as a test/sample client to the SCT_ReadSCalibDataSvc class |
CSCT_ReadCalibDataTool | This class contains a Tool that reads SCT calibration data and makes it available to other algorithms |
CSCT_ReadoutData | |
CSCT_ReadoutTestAlg | |
CSCT_ReadoutTool | |
CSCT_ReClustering | This performs reclustering after identifying dead or noisy channels |
►CSCT_RodDecoder | Athena Algorithm Tool to decode the SCT binary format to create RDOs and inserts them to the collection |
CCacheHelper | Temp object to help with trigger caching |
►CSharedData | Struct to hold data shared in methods used in fillCollection method |
CHasher | |
CSCT_RodDecoderErrorsHelper | Allows to accumulate errors in one fillColection call |
CSCT_RodEncoder | Athena Algorithm Tool that provides conversion from SCT RDO to ROD format Bytestream |
CSCT_RODVetoCondAlg | Algorithm needs to show calling the SCT_RODVeto to exclude bad components |
CSCT_RODVetoTestAlg | Example algorithm to show calling the SCT_RODVeto to exclude bad components |
CSCT_RODVetoTool | |
CSCT_Sensor | |
CSCT_SensorCondData | Class for data object used in SCT_SensorsCondAlg and SCT_SensorsTool |
CSCT_SensorsCondAlg | |
CSCT_SensorsTestAlg | This class acts as a test/sample client the ConditionsParameter class |
CSCT_SensorsTool | |
CSCT_SerialNumber | |
CSCT_ServMatFactory | |
CSCT_SharedComponentFactory | |
CSCT_SiliconConditionsTestAlg | Example class to show calling the SCT_SiliconConditionsTool |
CSCT_SiliconConditionsTool | |
CSCT_SiliconHVCondAlg | |
CSCT_SiliconTempCondAlg | |
CSCT_SimHelper | |
CSCT_Ski | |
CSCT_SkiAux | |
CSCT_SkiPowerTape | |
CSCT_Spider | |
CSCT_StripVetoTestAlg | |
CSCT_StripVetoTool | |
CSCT_SupportCyl | |
CSCT_SurfaceChargesGenerator | |
CSCT_TB03_RawData | |
CSCT_TB04_RawData | |
CSCT_TdaqEnabledCondAlg | |
CSCT_TdaqEnabledCondData | Class for data object used in SCT_TdaqEnabledCondAlg and SCT_TdaqEnabledTool |
CSCT_TdaqEnabledTestAlg | Example algorithm to show calling the SCT_ModuleVeto to exclude bad components |
CSCT_TdaqEnabledTool | |
CSCT_TestCablingAlg | |
CSCT_UniqueComponentFactory | |
CSCTCalib | |
CSCTCalibWriteTool | Algorithm to test writing conditions data and reading them back |
CSctClusterStorage | |
►CSCTErrMonAlg | |
CCacheEntry | |
CcategoryErrorMap_t | |
CSCTEventFlagWriter | Athena reentrant Algorithm to flag an event bad if the number of errors exceed threshold |
CSCTExtensionAlg | |
CSCTGeometryManagerTool | Tool for setting up SCT alignment geometry |
CSctGeometryStorage | |
CSCTHitEffMonAlg | |
CSCTHitsNoiseMonAlg | |
CSCTLorentzMonAlg | |
CSctModuleGeoInfo | |
CSCTOverlay | |
CSCTRawContByteStreamCnv | Converter for writing ByteStream from SCT Raw Data |
CSCTRawContByteStreamTool | Athena Algorithm Tool to provide conversion from SCT RDO container to ByteStream |
CSCTRawDataProvider | Athena Algorithm to decode the SCT Byte Stream |
CSCTRawDataProviderTool | Athena Algorithm Tool to fill Collections of SCT RDO Containers |
CSCTRIO_OnTrackErrorScaling | |
CSCTRIO_OnTrackErrorScalingKit | |
CSctSensor_CTB | |
CSctSensor_CTBTool | |
CSctSensorGmxSD | |
CSctSensorSD | |
CSctSensorSDTool | |
CSCTSiLorentzAngleCondAlg | |
CSCTSiLorentzAngleTestAlg | |
CSCTSiPropertiesCondAlg | |
CSCTSiPropertiesTestAlg | |
CSctSpacePointStruct | |
CSCTTimeHists | |
CSCTTracksMonAlg | |
CsectionHandler | |
CsectorHandler | |
CSectorL | |
CSectorLogic | |
►CSectorLogicReadOut | |
CSLROData | |
CSectorLogicReadOutStructure | |
►CSectorLogicRXReadOut | |
CSectorLogicRXReadOutStructure | |
CSecVtxValidationPlots | |
CSeededOutput | |
CSeedJetBuilder | |
CSeedMakingDeviceContext | |
CSeedMakingManagedDeviceContext | |
CSeedMakingWorkCuda | |
CSeedMakingWorkCudaITk | |
CSeedMakingWorkCudaManaged | |
CSeedMakingWorkCudaManagedITk | |
CSegMemSvc | Service to access an arena caching allocator |
CSegmentCnv_p1 | |
CSegmentCollectionCnv | |
CSegmentCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CSegmentCollectionCnv_tlp1 | |
CSegmentCollectionCnv_tlp2 | |
CSegmentCollectionCnv_tlp3 | |
CSegmentCollectionCnv_tlp4 | |
CSegmTrack | |
►CSelectAllObjectMT | |
Cconst_iterator | |
CSelectedParticles | |
CSelectedParticles_p1 | |
CSelectedParticlesCnv_p1 | |
CSelectEventNumber | This class is an algorithm that can be run before track fitting to select events from an ascii file |
CSelectionCriterion | |
►CSelectObject | |
Cconst_iterator | |
CSelectorBase | |
CsemilCorr | |
CSensitiveDetectorBase | Common base class for tools that create and manage Geant4 sensitive detectors |
CSensitiveDetectorMasterTool | Public tool which manages all the sensitive detector tools |
CSensorSim3DTool | |
CSensorSimPlanarTool | |
CSensorSimTool | |
CSerializeCommon | |
CServiceHandle | |
►CServiceMaterial | |
CEntry | Structure holding one service material |
CServicesLayer | |
CServicesStave | There are several possible types of staves from services point of view: |
CServicesTracker | |
CServicesTrackerBuilder | |
CServiceVolume | |
CSettingsInfo | |
CSGAccessAlg | Algorithm that loads data objects listed in a SG::Folder |
CSGAudSvc | |
CSGCommitAuditor | |
CSGDeleteAlg | Algorithm that resets the data objects listed in a SG::Folder |
CSGImplSvc | The Athena Transient Store API |
CSGInputLoader | |
CSGRead | |
CSgStressConsumer | |
CSgStressProducer | |
CSGWrite | |
CShapeCreator | |
CShapeErrorData | Liquid Argon class for standalone storage of cell shape information |
CSharedEvtQueueConsumer | |
CSharedEvtQueueProvider | |
CSharedHitMapper | |
CSharedHitTrackAssoc | |
CSharedHiveEvtQueueConsumer | |
CSharedObject | |
CSharedWriterTool | |
CSherpa_i | |
CShiftingDerivCalcTool | Tool used to calculate total derivatives of residuals w.r.t. alignment parameters by shifting chambers in various directions, refitting tracks, and determining chi2 vs. chamber positions. This is used to calculate first derivatives |
CShortDbArray | |
CShowData | |
CShowerDeconstructionTool | |
CShowRequest | |
CSiCharge | |
CSiChargedDiode | |
CSiChargedDiodeCollection | |
CSiChargedDiodeHash | |
CSiChargedDiodeOrderedSetCompare | |
CSiCluster | |
CSiClusterCnv_p1 | |
CSiClusterizationToolNormalizationException | |
CSiClusterOnTrackCnv_p1 | |
CSide | |
CSideBand | |
CSiDetectorElementMap | |
CSiDetElementsRoadUtils_xk | |
CSiDistWriteAlg | |
CSigAnalysis | |
CSiGeometryManagerTool | Tool for setting up Silicon alignment geometry |
Csiginfo_t | |
CSignalStateCnv | |
CSignalStateConstHelper | |
CSignalStateHelper | |
CSiHelper | |
CSiHit | |
CSiHit_p1 | |
CSiHit_p2 | |
CSiHitAnalysis | |
CSiHitCnv_p1 | |
CSiHitCnv_p2 | |
CSiHitCollection_p1 | |
CSiHitCollection_p2 | |
CSiHitCollection_p3 | |
CSiHitCollection_p4 | |
CSiHitCollectionCnv | |
CSiHitCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CSiHitCollectionCnv_p3 | |
CSiHitCollectionCnv_p4 | |
CSiHitIdHelper | |
CSiHitsTestTool | |
CSiliconHitsTruthRelink | |
CSiliconID | This is an Identifier helper class for both the Pixel and SCT subdetectors. This class defines identifier hashes which span BOTH the pixels and the scts |
CSiliconIDDetDescrCnv | This class is a converter for the SiliconID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store |
CSiliconPlane | |
CSillyKey | |
CSiLorentzAngleCondData | |
CSiLorentzAngleTool | |
CSimBarCode | |
►CSimHitHandle_ForwardHit | |
CImp | |
►CSimHitHandle_SiHit | |
CImp | |
CSimHitHandle_TrackRecord | |
►CSimHitHandle_TRTHit | |
CImp | |
CSimHitHandleBase | |
CSimpleConstraintPointMinimizer | |
CSimpleCscClusterFitter | |
CSimpleElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool | |
CSimpleFastKiller | |
CSimpleFastKillerTool | |
CSimpleHypoJetVectorGenerator | |
CSimpleIDNtupleTool | Tool for writing information to ntuple for debugging |
CSimpleJetStream | |
CSimpleMergeMcEventCollTool | PileUpTool to merge MC truth collection in the overlay store |
CSimpleMuonTriggerScaleFactors | |
CSimplePhotonEfficiencyCorrectionTool | |
CSimpleScintillatorHit | |
CSimpleSingleTool | |
CSimplestToyDetectorFactory | |
CSimpleTestClass | |
CSimpleToolPair | |
CSimpleView | Very simple pass-through implementation of IProxyDict |
CSimTestHisto | Utility helper class for dealing with histograms in the sim tests |
CSimTestToolBase | |
CSimTimeEstimate | Algorithm to estimate the amount of CPU time that simulation will take |
►CSimulationHit | |
CStepPoint | |
CSimulationHit_p1 | |
CSimulationHitCnv_p1 | |
CSimulationHitCollection_p1 | |
CSimulationHitCollectionCnv | |
CSimuTrackData | |
CSinDependence | |
CSingleHistogramDefinition | Almost-a-struct for holding the single histogram definition |
CSingleJetGrouper | |
CSingleLogicalVolumeFactory | |
►CSingleTrackValidation | |
CClockwork | |
CSiPropertiesTool | |
CSiRegSelCondAlg | |
CSiSmearedDigitization | Top algorithm class for Pixel digitization |
CSiSmearedDigitizationTool | |
CSiSurfaceCharge | |
CSiTotalCharge | |
CSITrkAlignDBTool | Tool for writing Silicon alignment constants into oracle DB or an ASCII file |
CSiWidthCnv_p1 | |
CSkimDecision | |
CSkimDecision_p1 | |
CSkimDecisionCnv | |
CSkimDecisionCnv_p1 | |
CSkimDecisionCollection | |
CSkimDecisionCollection_p1 | |
CSkimDecisionCollectionCnv | |
CSkipEventIdxSvc | |
CSLdata | |
CSleptonsPhysicsTool | |
Cslope_t | |
CSlowMuonValidationPlots | |
CSLpatterns | |
CSMCCondition | |
CSmearingCalibStep | |
CSmoothedTopTagger | |
CSmoothedWZTagger | |
Csnake_pointHandler | |
CsnakeHandler | |
CSoCons | SoCons - Inventor version of the G4Cons Geant Geometry entity |
CSoCooperativeSelection | |
CSoftDropObservablesTool | |
CSoftKillerWeightTool | |
CSoftLeptonInJetFilter | |
CSoGenericBox | |
CSoGL2PSAction | SoGL2PSAction inherits Inventor/SoGLRenderAction |
CSoLAr | SoLAr - Inventor version of the G4Cons Geant Geometry entity |
CSoPcons | SoPcons - Inventor version of the G4Cons Geant Geometry entity |
►CSoPolyhedron | SoPolyhedron is an Inventor encapsulation of the HepPolyedron class written by E.Chernyaev |
CVertex | |
CSortByE | |
CSortDistToMedian | |
CSortDPptr | |
CSortTADptr | |
CSortTruthParticleLink | |
CSoshiFormat | |
CSoTessellated | |
CSoTools | |
CSoTransparency | |
CSoTubs | SoTubs - Inventor version of the G4Tubs Geant Geometry entity |
CSourceCompAlg | |
CSoVisualizeAction | |
CSpacePoint | |
CSpacePointAnalysis | |
CSpacePointCollection | |
CSpacePointCollectionCopyConstructorCalled | |
CSpacePointContainer | |
CSpacePointCopier | |
CSpacePointOverlapCollection | |
CSpacepoints | |
CSpclMcValidationTool | |
CSPCountHypoAlg | |
►CSPCountHypoTool | |
CSPCountsInfo | |
CSpecialized | |
CSpecifiedJetsCondition | |
CSPLayer | |
CSqliteReadSvc | SqliteReadSvc implementats IRDBAccessSvc interface for reading plain tables in the Geometry SQLite database |
CSqliteRecord | SqliteRecord is one record in the SqliteRecordset object |
CSqliteRecordset | SqliteRecordset implements IRDBRecordset interface. It is a container of records read from an SQLite table |
CSquirrelCageFactory | |
CSrcIdMap | This class provides default conversion between Lower level Source ID to higher level source ID |
CStackCursor_ | Cursor object used to move between nodes of the tree |
CStackHandle_ | Unique reference for a stack trace |
CStackNode_ | Node used to store trace data |
►CStandaloneDataIO | |
CConstantInformation | |
CEventInformation | |
CFolderLoad | |
CFolderLoadOptions | |
►CStandaloneL1TopoHistSvc | |
CStandaloneL1TopoHistSvcImpl | |
CStandardFieldSvc | Athena service for constructing the AtlasField object |
CStarlight_i | |
CStatDouble | |
CStateAtBoundarySurface | |
CStateRecorder | |
CStaticNavigationEntine | |
CStaticPEBInfoWriterTool | Tool writing a configurable constant list of ROBs and SubDetectors for use in PEBInfoWriterAlg |
CStatInt | |
CStatVal | Simple struct to hold a value and it's associated uncertainty |
CStaveServices | Class storing all the services of a stave (or a petal, etc...) classifying them by function and by number of items |
CStdCalibrationInputs | Name : egammaLayerRecalibTool.h Package : egammaLayerRecalibTool Author : R |
CStepArrayBM | |
CstepInfoDistCompare | |
CSTGC_ClusterOnTrackCnv_p1 | |
CSTGC_DigitToRDO | |
CsTGC_HitsTruthRelink | |
CsTGC_IDDetDescrCnv | Converter for sTgcIdHelper |
CSTGC_Overlay | |
CSTGC_RawDataContainerCnv | |
CSTGC_RawDataToPrepDataTool | |
CSTGC_RdoToDigit | |
CsTGC_readoutHandler | |
CsTGC_RegSelCondAlg | NB: this sTGC class follows the naming convention from the sTGC detector code base hence the non-standard naming convention sTGC rather than STGC etc |
CsTGC_TechHandler | |
CsTgcAlignmentStore | |
CsTGCAsBuiltCondAlg2 | Conditions algorithm to load the alternativ sTGC as built constants |
►CsTGCAsBuiltData2 | Class holding the sTGC as built conditions data and applying it. The model consists of four parameters: |
CParameters | |
►CsTgcChamber | Helper struct to represent a full sTgc chamber |
CsTgcChannel | |
CsTgcLayer | Helper struct to assess that the layers are properly oriented |
CsTgcPad | |
CsTGCDetectorDescription | |
CsTGCDetectorHelper | |
CsTgcDigit | |
CsTgcDigitCollection | |
CsTgcDigitContainer | Use IdentifiableContainer with sTgcDigitCollection |
CsTgcDigitEffiCondAlg | Conditions algorithm to load the sTGC efficiency constants that are used in digitization |
►CsTgcDigitizationTool | |
CsTgcSimDigitData | |
►CsTgcDigitMaker | |
CDigiConditions | Digitize a given hit, determining the time and charge spread on wires, pads and strips |
CGammaParameter | Parameters of a gamma probability distribution function, required for estimating wire digit's time of arrival |
CIonization | Ionization object with distance, position on the hit segment and position on the wire |
CsTGCHandler | |
CsTGCHitAnalysis | |
CsTgcHitIdHelper | |
CsTGCHitsTestTool | |
CsTgcIdHelper | |
CsTgcPadPlottingAlg | Simple algorithm to plot the sTGC pad positions |
CsTgcPrepDataCnv_p1 | |
CsTgcPrepDataCnv_p2 | |
CsTgcPrepDataCnv_p3 | |
CsTgcPrepDataContainerCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CsTgcRawDataMonAlg | |
CsTGCReadoutParameters | |
CsTGCSensitiveDetector | |
CsTgcSensitiveDetector | |
CsTGCSensitiveDetectorTool | |
CsTGCSimHit | |
CsTGCSimHitCollectionCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CsTGCSimHitCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CsTGCSimHitCollectionCnv_p2 | The _p2 converter was added to support HepMcParticleLink_p2 in 21.3 |
CsTGCSimHitCollectionCnv_p3 | |
CsTGCSimHitCollectionCnv_p4 | |
CsTgcSimIdToOfflineId | |
CStlAthenaPoolCnv | |
CStoppedParticleFastSim | |
CStoppedParticleFastSimTool | |
CStoreClearedIncident | Incident sent after a store is cleared |
CStoredAlignX | |
CStoredLArCalibHitContainers | Store pointers to the different hit collections |
CStoredMaterialManager | This class holds one or more material managers and makes them storeable, under StoreGate |
CStoredPhysVol | |
CStoreDto | |
►CStoreGateSvc | The Athena Transient Store API |
CBadListItem | |
CStoreID | Defines an enum used by address providers to decide what kind of StoreGateSvc they are providing addresses for. A hack, really.. |
CStorePIDinfo | |
CStoreSetDto | |
CStraightLineSurfaceCnv_p1 | |
CStraightLineSurfaceCnv_p2 | |
CStraightPatRec | |
Cstraw_edge_struct | |
Cstraw_shifter_struct | |
Cstraw_struct | |
Cstraw_struct_prob | |
CstrawMap | |
CStreamSelectorTool | This class provides an example for reading with a ISelectorTool to veto events on AttributeList |
CStreamTagMakerTool | Makes stream tags out of chain decisions |
CStringParse | Utility object for parsing a string into tokens and returning them as a variety of types |
CStringSerializer | Utility class (not a tool or so) to serialize strings into stream of 32bit integers |
CStringVector | |
CStripInformationHelper | |
CStripsResponse | |
►CSubDetHitStatistics | |
COverflowControlledRef | A simple class to retrofit overflow protection into the existing code |
CSubDetHitStatisticsCnv_p0 | |
CSubjetBuilder | |
CSubjetFinderTool | |
CSubjetMakerTool | |
CSubjetRecorderTool | |
CSubSysResult_p1 | Persistent class used by RoIBResult_p1 |
CsubtractionHandler | |
CSuep_shower | Auxiliary class for SUEP generation |
CSumOfWeightsAlg | |
CSuperCellVsCaloCellTestAlg | |
CSupportRailFactory | |
CSurface | |
CSurfaceCnv_p1 | |
CSurfaceCnv_p2 | |
CSurfaceToSoNode | |
CSurfaceValidationTree | |
CSurveyConstraint | |
CSurveyConstraintModule | |
CSurveyConstraintPoint | |
CSurveyConstraintTestAlg | |
CSUSYIDWeight | |
CSUSYToolsAlg | |
CSvcFactory | |
CSwitchingFieldManager | G4FieldManager that sets tight stepping for muons; disables magnetic field for other particles |
CT0CalibTypeXY | |
CT0CalTypeXY | |
CT0MTSettingsT0 | |
CT0MTSettingsTMax | |
CT0Refinement | |
CT2CaloEgammaForwardReFastAlgo | Main LVL2 Algorithm |
CT2CaloEgammaReFastAlgo | Main LVL2 Algorithm |
CT2GeometryTool | |
CT_AnalysisConfig | |
CT_AnalysisConfig_Tier0 | |
CT_AnalysisConfigMT_Tier0 | |
CT_AnalysisConfigR3_Tier0 | |
CT_AthenaHitsVectorCnv | |
CT_AthenaPoolAuxContainerCnv | Athena pool converter for aux store classes |
CT_AthenaPoolCnv | This templated class provides the converter to translate an object to/from its persistent POOL representation |
CT_AthenaPoolCnvBase | This templated class provides the converter to translate an object to/from its persistent POOL representation |
CT_AthenaPoolCoolMultChanCnv | This templated class provides the POOL converter to translate a DataVector<T> to and from a CondAttrListCollection. In this case, the elements of T are written/read and their POOL tokens are stored in CondAttrListCollection |
CT_AthenaPoolCustCnv | This templated class provides the converter to translate an object to/from its persistent POOL representation |
CT_AthenaPoolCustomCnv | Compatibility for old converter classes that don't get passed the key |
CT_AthenaPoolCustomCnvWithKey | This templated class extends T_AthenaPoolCustCnv to provide management of the persistent objects created by the converter and to correctly delete retrieved persistent objects |
CT_AthenaPoolExtendingCnv | This templated class extends T_AthenaPoolCustomCnv to provide additional/chaged functionality for AthenaPool converters for top-level TP separated persistent objects that are an extension to some other, top-level TP separated object |
CT_AthenaPoolFindBase | Class to find the proper pool converter type for an EDM object |
CT_AthenaPoolFindBase< ViewVector< DV > > | Specialize to use the proper converter for ViewVector classes |
►CT_AthenaPoolLegacyCnv | This templated class extends T_AthenaPoolCustomCnv with the ability to write odditional persistent representation (usually an old one) if the user-provided writingLegacy() method returns true |
CLegacyCnv | |
CT_AthenaPoolTPCnvCnv | Athena pool converter for a class using TP separation |
CT_AthenaPoolViewVectorCnv | Athena pool converter for a ViewVector class |
CT_AthenaPoolxAODCnv | Athena pool converter for xAOD classes |
CT_AthenaRootConverter | |
CT_AthenaRootConverterBase | |
CT_AtlasHitsVectorCnv | |
CT_AuxContainerCopyTPCnv | Convert aux container version by generic copy |
CT_Efficiency | |
CT_LArCondAthenaPoolCnv | |
CT_Muon_IDDetDescrCnv | Templated base class for Muon detector description converters |
CT_TilePoolContainerCnv | |
CT_TPCnv | |
CT_TPCnv< AFP_SIDLocRecoEvCollection, AFP_SIDLocRecoEvCollection_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< AFP_TDLocRecoEvCollection, AFP_TDLocRecoEvCollection_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< ALFA_DigitCollection, ALFA_DigitCollection_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< ALFA_GloRecEvCollection, ALFA_GloRecEvCollection_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< ALFA_LocRecCorrEvCollection, ALFA_LocRecCorrEvCollection_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< ALFA_LocRecCorrODEvCollection, ALFA_LocRecCorrODEvCollection_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< ALFA_LocRecEvCollection, ALFA_LocRecEvCollection_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< ALFA_LocRecODEvCollection, ALFA_LocRecODEvCollection_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< ALFA_ODDigitCollection, ALFA_ODDigitCollection_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< ByteStreamMetadata, ByteStreamMetadata_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< ByteStreamMetadataContainer, ByteStreamMetadataContainer_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< CTP_Decision, CTP_Decision_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< CTP_Decision, CTP_Decision_p2 > | |
CT_TPCnv< eflowObjectContainer, eflowObjectContainer_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< eflowObjectContainer, eflowObjectContainer_p2 > | |
CT_TPCnv< eflowObjectContainer, eflowObjectContainer_p3 > | |
CT_TPCnv< eflowObjectContainer, eflowObjectContainer_p4 > | |
CT_TPCnv< eflowObjectContainer, eflowObjectContainer_p5 > | |
CT_TPCnv< EventBookkeeper, EventBookkeeper_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< EventBookkeeper, EventBookkeeper_p2 > | |
CT_TPCnv< EventBookkeeperCollection, EventBookkeeperCollection_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< EventBookkeeperCollection, EventBookkeeperCollection_p2 > | |
CT_TPCnv< EventInfo, EventInfo_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< EventInfo, EventInfo_p2 > | |
CT_TPCnv< EventInfo, EventInfo_p3 > | |
CT_TPCnv< EventInfo, EventInfo_p4 > | |
CT_TPCnv< EventShapeStore, EventShapeStore_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< EventShapeStore, EventShapeStore_p2 > | |
CT_TPCnv< EventStreamInfo, EventStreamInfo_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< EventStreamInfo, EventStreamInfo_p2 > | |
CT_TPCnv< EventStreamInfo, EventStreamInfo_p3 > | |
CT_TPCnv< ExampleHitContainer, ExampleHitContainer_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< ExampleTrackContainer, ExampleTrackContainer_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< InDet::InDetLowBetaCandidate, InDetLowBetaCandidate_tlp1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< InDet::InDetLowBetaContainer, InDetLowBetaContainer_tlp1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< LB_IOVRange, LumiBlockRange_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< LB_IOVRange, LumiBlockRange_p2 > | |
CT_TPCnv< LUCID_DigitContainer, LUCID_DigitContainer_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< LUCID_DigitContainer, LUCID_DigitContainer_p2 > | |
CT_TPCnv< LUCID_RawDataContainer, LUCID_RawDataContainer_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< LumiBlockCollection, LumiBlockCollection_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< LumiBlockCollection, LumiBlockCollection_p2 > | |
CT_TPCnv< LVL1_ROI, LVL1_ROI_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< MergedEventInfo, MergedEventInfo_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< MergedEventInfo, MergedEventInfo_p2 > | |
CT_TPCnv< Muon::RpcByteStreamErrorContainer, Muon::RpcByteStreamErrorContainer_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< MVFVxContainer, Trk::MVFVxContainer_tlp1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< PileUpEventInfo, PileUpEventInfo_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< PileUpEventInfo, PileUpEventInfo_p2 > | |
CT_TPCnv< PileUpEventInfo, PileUpEventInfo_p3 > | |
CT_TPCnv< PileUpEventInfo, PileUpEventInfo_p4 > | |
CT_TPCnv< PileUpEventInfo, PileUpEventInfo_p5 > | |
CT_TPCnv< Rec::TrackParticleContainer, Rec::TrackParticleContainer_tlp1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< Rec::TrackParticleContainer, Rec::TrackParticleContainer_tlp2 > | |
CT_TPCnv< Rec::TrackParticleContainer, Rec::TrackParticleContainer_tlp3 > | |
CT_TPCnv< SkimDecision, SkimDecision_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< SkimDecisionCollection, SkimDecisionCollection_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< TrackParticleTruthCollection, Rec::TrackParticleTruthCollection_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< TrackParticleTruthCollection, Rec::TrackParticleTruthCollection_p2 > | |
CT_TPCnv< TrackParticleTruthCollection, Rec::TrackParticleTruthCollection_p3 > | |
CT_TPCnv< TrackParticleTruthCollectionContainer, TrackParticleTruthCollectionContainer_tlp1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< TrackParticleTruthCollectionContainer, TrackParticleTruthCollectionContainer_tlp2 > | |
CT_TPCnv< TrackParticleTruthCollectionContainer, TrackParticleTruthCollectionContainer_tlp3 > | |
CT_TPCnv< Trk::ClusterSplitProbabilityContainer, Trk::ClusterSplitProbabilityContainer_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< TruthParticleContainer, TruthParticleContainer_p5 > | |
CT_TPCnv< TruthParticleContainer, TruthParticleContainer_p6 > | |
CT_TPCnv< V0Container, Trk::V0Container_tlp1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< V0Container, Trk::V0Container_tlp2 > | |
CT_TPCnv< VxContainer, Trk::VxContainer_tlp1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< VxContainer, Trk::VxContainer_tlp2 > | |
CT_TPCnv< ZDC_SimFiberHit_Collection, ZDC_SimFiberHit_Collection_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< ZdcDigitsCollection, ZdcDigitsCollection_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnv< ZdcRawChannelCollection, ZdcRawChannelCollection_p1 > | |
CT_TPCnvNull | Placeholder for the case where no conversion is to be done |
CTagAthenaAttributeList | An AttributeList represents a logical row of attributes in a metadata table. The name and type of each attribute is given in an AttributeListSpecification. TagAthenaAttributeList is an AttributeList which is also a DataObject and thus can be saved in an Athena data store, e.g. the Event Store |
CTagDef | |
CTagDto | The TagDto class It contains all fields of the TagDto class from the CREST API |
CTagInfo | This class contains the list of currently valid tags for detector description - GeoModel and IOV/Conditions. Tags are given as name/value pairs |
CTagInfoDto | |
►CTagInfoMgr | This is a Athena service which manages detector description tag information. It maintains a TagInfo object in the Detector Store with current tag values |
CSvcFactory | Allow the factory class access to the constructor |
CTagMetadataKey | |
CTagMetaDto | |
CTagMetaSetDto | |
Ctagname | |
CTagNProbe | |
CTagSetDto | |
CTau1P3PDetails_p1 | DEPRECATED - Do not use except for backwards compatibility Persistent Tau1P3PDetails class |
CTau1P3PDetailsCnv_p1 | Legacy converter |
CTau1P3PExtraDetails_p1 | DEPRECATED - Do not use except for backwards compatibility Persistent Tau1P3PExtraDetails class |
CTau1P3PExtraDetailsCnv_p1 | Legacy converter |
CtauAnalysisHelperObject | DEPRECATED DO NOT USE - MIGRATE TO TauCommonDetails |
CtauAnalysisHelperObject_p1 | |
CtauAnalysisHelperObjectCnv_p1 | |
CTauAODMuonRemovalTool | Tool meant to run at AOD level, to remove the muon found inside the TauJet |
CTauAODRunnerAlg | The implementation of the TauAODRunnerAlg, which is meant to run at AOD level |
CTauAODSelector | |
CTauAxisSetter | Set Tau "Detector Axis" and "Intermediate Axis" |
CTauCalibrateLC | Implementation of tau energy scale (TES) with eta and pile-up correction |
CTauCellVariables | Calculate tau calorimeter variables from cell information |
CTauClusterFinder | Associate the clusters used in the seed jet to the tau candidate |
►CTauCombinedTES | |
CVariables | |
CTauCommonCalcVars | Calculate variables which rely on tracks and precalculated cell/cluster information |
CTauCommonDetails_p1 | Persistent class for Analysis::TauCommonDetails |
CTauCommonDetails_p2 | Persistent class dor Analysis::TauCommonDetails |
CTauCommonDetailsCnv_p1 | Transient Persistent class converter for Analysis::TauCommonDetails |
CTauCommonDetailsCnv_p2 | Transient Persistent class converter for Analysis::TauCommonDetails |
CTauCommonExtraDetails_p1 | Persistent class for Analysis::TauCommonExtraDetails |
CTauCommonExtraDetailsCnv_p1 | Transient Persistent class converter for Analysis::TauCommonExtraDetails |
CTauDecayModeNNClassifier | Tau decay mode classifier using a neural network |
CTauDetailsContainer_p1 | |
CTauDetailsContainer_tlp1 | Persistent class for Analysis::TauDetailsContainer |
CTauDetailsContainer_tlp2 | Persistent class for Analysis::TauDetailsContainer |
CTauDetailsContainer_tlp3 | Persistent class for Analysis::TauDetailsContainer |
CTauDetailsContainer_tlp4 | Persistent class for Analysis::TauDetailsContainer |
CTauDetailsContainerCnv | |
CTauDetailsContainerCnv_p1 | Transient<->persistent converter for Analysis::TauDetailsContainer |
CTauDetailsContainerCnv_tlp1 | Tau details container converter |
CTauDetailsContainerCnv_tlp2 | Tau details container converter |
CTauDetailsContainerCnv_tlp3 | Tau details container converter |
CTauDetailsContainerCnv_tlp4 | Tau details container converter |
CTauElecSubtractAlg | Algorithm that remove electron cluster and tracks from the tracks and cluster containers |
CTauElectronVetoVariables | Calculate variables sensitive on electrons |
CTauEleOverlapChecker | Select only the tau within the removal direction |
CTauEventDummy | |
CTauEventDummyCnv_px | |
CTauFilter | |
►CTauGNN | Wrapper around ONNXUtil to compute the output score of a model |
CConfig | |
CTauGNNEvaluator | Tool to calculate tau identification score from .onnx inputs |
CTauIDVarCalculator | This class implements a tool to calculate ID input variables and add them to the tau aux store |
CTauJet_p1 | |
CTauJet_p2 | |
CTauJet_p3 | |
CTauJet_p4 | |
CTauJet_p5 | |
CTauJetCnv_p1 | |
CTauJetCnv_p2 | |
CTauJetCnv_p3 | Transient<->persistent converter for Analysis::TauCommonDetails v3 |
CTauJetCnv_p4 | Transient<->persistent converter for Analysis::TauCommonDetails v3 |
CTauJetCnv_p5 | Transient<->persistent converter for Analysis::TauJet v5 |
CTauJetContainer_p1 | |
CTauJetContainer_p1_old | |
CTauJetContainer_p1_old_cnv | |
CTauJetContainer_p2 | |
CTauJetContainer_p3 | |
CTauJetContainer_p4 | |
CTauJetContainer_p5 | |
CTauJetContainerCnv | |
CTauJetContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTauJetContainerCnv_p2 | |
CTauJetContainerCnv_p3 | |
CTauJetContainerCnv_p4 | |
CTauJetContainerCnv_p5 | |
►CTauJetRNN | Wrapper around lwtnn to compute the output score of a neural network |
CConfig | |
CTauJetRNNEvaluator | Tool to calculate a tau identification score based on neural networks |
CtauMonitorAlgorithm | |
CTauolaPP | This Algorithm provides an easy interface to Tauola C++ interface |
CTauPi0Candidate_p1 | Persistent class version 1 for TauPi0Candidate |
CTauPi0CandidateCnv_p1 | Transient Persistent converter version 1 for TauPi0Candidate |
CTauPi0Cluster_p1 | Persistent class version 1 for TauPi0Candidate |
CTauPi0ClusterCnv_p1 | Transient Persistent converter version 1 for TauPi0Cluster |
CTauPi0ClusterCreator | Creates Pi0 clusters (Pi0 Finder) |
CTauPi0ClusterScaler | Scale cluster energy to take care of charged pion energy |
CTauPi0CreateROI | Find the cells used to create pi0 cluster |
CTauPi0Details_p1 | Persistent class version 1 for TauPi0Details |
CTauPi0Details_p2 | Persistent class version 1 for TauPi0Details |
CTauPi0DetailsCnv_p1 | |
CTauPi0DetailsCnv_p2 | |
CTauPi0ScoreCalculator | Selectes pi0Candidates (Pi0 Finder) |
CTauPi0Selector | Apply Et and BDT score cut to pi0s |
CTauProcessorAlg | |
CTauRecDetails_p1 | |
CTauRecDetailsCnv_p1 | Legacy TauRecDetails converter |
CTauRecExtraDetails_p1 | DEPRECATED - Do not use except for backwards compatibility Persistent TauRecExtraDetails class |
CTauRecExtraDetailsCnv_p1 | Legacy converter |
CTauRecToolBase | The base class for all tau tools |
CTAURoIsUnpackingTool | |
CTauRunnerAlg | Main class for tau candidate processing |
CTauShot_p1 | Persistent class version 1 for TauPi0Candidate |
CTauShotCnv_p1 | Transient Persistent converter version 1 for TauShot |
►CTauShotFinder | |
CptSort | |
CTauSubstructureVariables | Calculate variables from the tau substructure |
CTauThinningAlg | Thin taus below a minimum pt threshold |
CTauTrackFinder | Associate tracks to the tau candidate |
CTauValidationPlots | |
CTauVertexedClusterDecorator | Decorate CaloVertexedTopoCluster to the tau candidate |
CTauVertexFinder | Associate a vertex (origin) to the tau candidate |
CTauVertexVariables | Class for calculating vertex variables |
CTauWPDecorator | Implementation of tool to decorate flattened BDT score and working points |
CTB2DProfiler | |
CTB_tree | |
CTBADCRawCont | |
CTBADCRawCont_p1 | |
CTBADCRawContCnv | |
CTBADCRawContCnv_p1 | |
CTBAlgoSequencer | |
CTBaseAdapter | |
CTBBeamDetector | |
CTBBeamQuality | |
CTBBeamQualityDoubleHitsTool | |
CTBBeamQualityEMFractionTool | |
CTBBeamQualityMC | |
CTBBeamQualityMuonToolH6 | |
CTBBeamQualityTool | |
CTBBeamQualityTrackingTool | |
CTBBPCCont | |
CTBBPCCont_p1 | |
CTBBPCContCnv | |
CTBBPCContCnv_p1 | |
CTBBPCRaw | Raw data class for BPC measurement |
CTBBPCRawCont | |
CTBBPCRawContCnv | |
CTBByteStreamCnvTool | An AlgTool class to provide conversion ByteStream <-> TestBeam Instrumentation Data created Feb 2004 Walter Lampl |
CTBCaloCoolPosTool | Class TBCaloCoolPosTool |
CTBCaloCoordinate | This class implements the CaloDetDescr/ICaloCoordinateTool and handles the translation between : |
CTBCaloPosTool | Class TBCaloPosTool |
CTBCellContainerFillerTool | |
CTBCellNoiseCorrection | |
CTBCheckBCIDs | |
CTBClusterMaker | Simple cone cluster maker for TB data analysis |
CTBCondRunParTool | |
CTBDataCnv | |
CTBDependence | |
CTBDetDescrCnv | |
CTBDetDescrLoader | |
CTBDetDescrManager | |
CTBDMContainerSplitter | |
CTBECBackOuterBarretteTool | |
CTBECInnerModuleTool | |
CTBECLArRawChannelBuilder | |
CTBECOuterModuleTool | |
CTBElement | |
CTBElementContainer | |
CTBEMECCellEtaCorrection | |
CTBEMECXTalkToyModel | |
CTBEventInfo | |
CTBEventInfo_p1 | |
CTBEventInfoCnv | |
CTBEventInfoCnv_p1 | |
CTBEventInfoStreamerTool | |
CTBEventStreamer | |
CTBEventStreamerTool | |
CTBExtrapolTrackToCaloTool | This class takes a given TrkTrack, extrapolates it to the Calo and returns the variables needed to compare with the cluster position |
CTBH6RunHeader | |
CTBHit | |
CTBHitCont | |
CTBHitContCnv | |
CTBHitPlane | |
CTBHitPlaneCont | |
CTBHitPlaneContCnv | |
CTBIdentifiedParticle | |
CTBIdentifiedParticleCnv | |
CTBinnedRes | |
CTBLArCalibDigitContainer | Liquid Argon Calibration Digit Container
CTBLArCalibDigitContainerCnv | |
CTBLArDigitContainer | Gaudi Class ID |
CTBLArDigitContainer_p1 | |
CTBLArDigitContainerCnv | |
CTBLArDigitContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTBLArRawChannelBuilder | |
CTBMWPCCont_p1 | |
CTBMWPCContCnv | |
CTBMWPCContCnv_p1 | |
CTBMWPCRawCont | |
CTBMWPCRawContCnv | |
►CTBNoiseWrite | |
CNoiseHeader | |
CTBPartIDCherenkovMuTag | |
CTBPatternUnitContext | |
CTBPatternUnitStreamerTool | Compares pattern unit with client defined masks |
CTBPatternUnitStreamerToolH8 | Compares pattern unit with client defined masks |
CTBPhase | |
CTBPhase_p1 | |
CTBPhaseCnv | |
CTBPhaseCnv_p1 | |
CTBPhaseRec | Reconstruction of a suitable event phase |
CTBPhaseStreamerTool | Used for cutting TBPhase on guard region |
CTBPlaneTrackingAlgo | |
CTBPreScalerStreamerTool | |
CTBProfiler | |
►CTBranchAuxDynReader | |
CBranchInfo | |
CTBranchAuxDynStore | |
CTBScintillator | |
CTBScintillatorCont | |
CTBScintillatorCont_p1 | |
CTBScintillatorContCnv | |
CTBScintillatorContCnv_p1 | |
CTBScintillatorRaw | |
CTBScintillatorRawCont | |
CTBScintillatorRawContCnv | |
CTBScintillatorRec | |
CTBTailCatcher | |
CTBTailCatcher_p1 | |
CTBTailCatcherCnv | |
CTBTailCatcherCnv_p1 | |
CTBTailCatcherRaw | |
CTBTailCatcherRawCnv | |
CTBTailCatcherRec | |
CTBTDC_p1 | |
CTBTDCCnv_p1 | |
CTBTDCRawCont | |
CTBTDCRawCont_p1 | |
CTBTDCRawContCnv | |
CTBTDCRawContCnv_p1 | |
CTBTrack | |
CTBTrack_p1 | |
CTBTrackCnv | |
CTBTrackCnv_p1 | |
CTBTrackInfo | |
CTBTrackInfo_p1 | |
CTBTrackInfoCnv | |
CTBTrackInfoCnv_p1 | |
CTBTrackInfoFromTag | |
CTBTrackToCaloAlg | This Algorithm is meant to be an example of use of the TrackToCalo tools : |
CTBTree_CaloClusterH6 | |
CTBTriggerPatternUnit | |
CTBTriggerPatternUnit_p1 | |
CTBTriggerPatternUnitCnv | |
CTBTriggerPatternUnitCnv_p1 | |
CTBXCryYTableRead | |
CTBXMLCaloCellWriterTool | |
CTBXMLEventWriterTool | |
CTBXMLWriter | |
CTBXMLWriterToolBase | Base class for XML writer tools for 2004 event display |
CTCBase | |
CTCCChargedTool | |
CTCCCombinedTool | |
CTCck | |
CTCCNeutralTool | |
CTCCPlots | |
CTCCPlotsBase | |
CTCIn | |
CTCIn1 | |
CTConverterRegistry | Registry for Root converters |
CTConverterStreamer | Root streamer that calls our converter when reading in non-split mode |
CTConvertingBranchElement | A variant of TBranchElement that can call converters when reading objects in split mode |
CTConvertingStreamerInfo | Variant of TStreamerInfo to handle conversions |
CTCTDecorCheckInTool | |
CTCvec | |
CTCvec1 | |
CTCvecPtr | |
CTElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool | Calculate the egamma scale factors Implementation class for the e/gamma Efficiency Scale Factors. This code implements the underlying logic of accessing the ROOT files containing the recommendations |
CTElectronIsEMSelector | Example tool to select objects in pure ROOT |
CTElectronTestAlg | Dual use Test Alg for TElectronEfficiencyTool |
Ctemp | |
CTest | It is supposed to try out all the methods + do that from several threads to assure service robustness |
CTestAthenaConstraintFit | |
CtestAthenaEgammaCalibTool | |
CtestAthenaPhotonAlg | |
CTestCaloDataAccess | |
CTestClass | Test classes for the Serializer 2006/07 Sara..nosp@m.Magu.nosp@m.erite.nosp@m..Tra.nosp@m.ynor@.nosp@m.cern.nosp@m..ch |
CTestClass11 | |
CTestClass12 | |
CTestClass13 | |
CTestClass14 | |
CTestClass2 | |
CTestClassA | |
CTestClassB | |
CTestClassPrimitives | |
CTestClassSimpleContainers | |
CTestClassTransient | |
CTestClassVectors | |
CTestClassWithTransients | |
CTestDataObject | |
CTestDriver | |
CTestFilterReentrantAlg | |
CTestGaudiProperty | |
CTestHepMC | Filtering algorithm to sanity check HepMC event features |
CTestMatchingToolAlg | |
CTestPileUpTool | |
CTestRandomSegAlg | Trivial algorithm to test the sequence of random numbers produced by an IAtRndmGenSvc |
CTestRandomSeqAlg | |
CTestSiAlignment | |
CTestTRT_Alignment | |
CTestVectorTool | |
CTEventClass | Class used for the test |
►CTextFileDBReader | Class to read in a text file and allow easy retrieval of parameters |
CData | |
CTextPage | |
CTFCS1DFunction | |
CTFCS1DFunction_Array | |
CTFCS1DFunction_HistogramBinEdges | |
CTFCS1DFunction_HistogramCompactBinEdges | |
CTFCS1DFunction_HistogramContent | |
CTFCS1DFunction_HistogramDoubleBinEdges | |
CTFCS1DFunction_HistogramFloatBinEdges | |
CTFCS1DFunction_HistogramInt16BinEdges | |
CTFCS1DFunction_HistogramInt32BinEdges | |
CTFCS1DFunction_HistogramInt8BinEdges | |
CTFCS1DFunction_Numeric | Converter functions that does nothing for floats |
CTFCS1DFunction_Numeric< uint16_t, Tfloat > | Converter functions to store/retrive float numbers in integers |
CTFCS1DFunction_Numeric< uint32_t, Tfloat > | Converter functions to store/retrive float numbers in integers |
CTFCS1DFunction_Numeric< uint8_t, Tfloat > | Converter functions to store/retrive float numbers in integers |
CTFCS1DFunctionHistogram | |
CTFCS1DFunctionInt16Histogram | |
CTFCS1DFunctionInt16Int16Histogram | |
CTFCS1DFunctionInt16Int16InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS1DFunctionInt16Int32Histogram | |
CTFCS1DFunctionInt16Int32InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS1DFunctionInt32Histogram | |
CTFCS1DFunctionInt32Int32Histogram | |
CTFCS1DFunctionInt8Int16Histogram | |
CTFCS1DFunctionInt8Int16InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS1DFunctionInt8Int32Histogram | |
CTFCS1DFunctionInt8Int8Histogram | |
CTFCS1DFunctionInt8Int8InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS1DFunctionRegression | |
CTFCS1DFunctionRegressionTF | |
CTFCS1DFunctionSpline | |
CTFCS1DFunctionTemplateHistogram | |
CTFCS1DFunctionTemplateInterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunction | |
CTFCS2DFunctionHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int16Int16Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int16Int16InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int16Int16InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int16Int32Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int16Int32InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int16Int32InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int16Int8Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int16Int8InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int16Int8InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int32Int16Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int32Int16InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int32Int16InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int32Int32Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int32Int32InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int32Int32InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int32Int8Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int32Int8InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int32Int8InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int8Int16Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int8Int16InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int8Int16InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int8Int32Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int8Int32InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int8Int32InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int8Int8Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int8Int8InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt16Int8Int8InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int16Int16Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int16Int16InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int16Int16InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int16Int32Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int16Int32InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int16Int32InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int16Int8Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int16Int8InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int16Int8InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int32Int16Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int32Int16InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int32Int16InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int32Int32Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int32Int32InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int32Int32InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int32Int8Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int32Int8InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int32Int8InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int8Int16Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int8Int16InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int8Int16InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int8Int32Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int8Int32InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int8Int32InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int8Int8Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int8Int8InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt32Int8Int8InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int16Int16Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int16Int16InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int16Int16InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int16Int32Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int16Int32InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int16Int32InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int16Int8Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int16Int8InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int16Int8InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int32Int16Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int32Int16InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int32Int16InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int32Int32Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int32Int32InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int32Int32InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int32Int8Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int32Int8InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int32Int8InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int8Int16Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int8Int16InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int8Int16InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int8Int32Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int8Int32InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int8Int32InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int8Int8Histogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int8Int8InterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionInt8Int8Int8InterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionLateralShapeParametrization | |
CTFCS2DFunctionTemplateHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionTemplateInterpolationExpHistogram | |
CTFCS2DFunctionTemplateInterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCSCenterPositionCalculation | |
CTFCSEnergyAndHitGAN | |
CTFCSEnergyAndHitGANV2 | |
CTFCSEnergyBinParametrization | |
CTFCSEnergyInterpolationHistogram | |
CTFCSEnergyInterpolationLinear | |
CTFCSEnergyInterpolationPiecewiseLinear | |
CTFCSEnergyInterpolationSpline | |
CTFCSEnergyParametrization | |
CTFCSEnergyRenormalization | The class TFCSEnergyRenormalization ensures that the sum of cell energies in every calorimeter layer matches the output of energy simulation |
CTFCSExtrapolationState | |
CTFCSFlatLateralShapeParametrization | |
CTFCSFunction | |
CTFCSGANEtaSlice | |
CTFCSGANLWTNNHandler | Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration |
CTFCSGANXMLParameters | |
CTFCSHistoLateralShapeGausLogWeight | |
CTFCSHistoLateralShapeGausLogWeightHitAndMiss | |
CTFCSHistoLateralShapeParametrization | |
CTFCSHistoLateralShapeParametrizationFCal | |
CTFCSHistoLateralShapeWeight | |
CTFCSHistoLateralShapeWeightHitAndMiss | |
CTFCSHitCellMapping | |
CTFCSHitCellMappingFCal | |
CTFCSHitCellMappingWiggle | |
CTFCSHitCellMappingWiggleEMB | |
CTFCSInitWithEkin | |
CTFCSInvisibleParametrization | |
CTFCSLateralShapeParametrization | |
CTFCSLateralShapeParametrizationFluctChain | |
►CTFCSLateralShapeParametrizationHitBase | |
CHit | |
CTFCSLateralShapeParametrizationHitChain | |
CTFCSLateralShapeParametrizationHitNumberFromE | |
CTFCSLateralShapeTuning | |
CTFCSNetworkFactory | Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration |
CTFCSNNLateralShapeParametrization | |
CTFCSONNXHandler | Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration |
CTFCSParametrization | |
CTFCSParametrizationAbsEtaSelectChain | |
►CTFCSParametrizationBase | |
CDuplicate_t | |
CTFCSParametrizationBinnedChain | |
CTFCSParametrizationChain | |
CTFCSParametrizationEbinChain | |
CTFCSParametrizationEkinSelectChain | |
CTFCSParametrizationEtaSelectChain | |
CTFCSParametrizationFloatSelectChain | |
CTFCSParametrizationPDGIDSelectChain | |
CTFCSParametrizationPlaceholder | |
CTFCSPCAEnergyParametrization | |
CTFCSPredictExtrapWeights | |
CTFCSSimpleLateralShapeParametrization | |
CTFCSSimpleLWTNNHandler | Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration |
►CTFCSSimulationState | |
CAuxInfo_t | |
CTFCSTruthState | |
CTFCSVoxelHistoLateralCovarianceFluctuations | |
CTFileLooper | Base class to loop over all the keys in a ROOT file |
CTFileString | |
CTForwardElectronIsEMSelector | Example tool to select objects in pure ROOT |
CTGC_BYTESTREAM_ERRORS | The struct for errors in ByteStream |
CTGC_BYTESTREAM_FRAGMENTCOUNT | The struct for fragment count in ByteStream |
CTGC_BYTESTREAM_HIPT | The struct for HiPt in ByteStream |
CTGC_BYTESTREAM_HIPT_INNER | The struct for Inner trigger bits in ByteStream |
CTGC_BYTESTREAM_LOCALSTATUS | The struct for local status in ByteStream |
CTGC_BYTESTREAM_READOUTHIT | The struct for hit in ByteStream |
CTGC_BYTESTREAM_READOUTTRACKLET | The struct for tracklet in ByteStream |
CTGC_BYTESTREAM_READOUTTRIPLETSTRIP | The struct for triplet strip in ByteStream |
CTGC_BYTESTREAM_SL | The struct for SL in ByteStream |
CTGC_BYTESTREAM_SOURCEID | The struct for source ID in ByteStream |
CTGC_HitsTruthRelink | |
CTGC_IDDetDescrCnv | Converter for TgcIdHelper |
CTGC_RDOAnalysis | |
CTGC_RegSelCondAlg | |
CTGCCablingDbTool | |
CTgcCalibRawDataProvider | |
►CTgcChamber | Helper struct to represent a full Rpc chamber |
CLayerTrans | |
CRadialStrip | |
CWireGang | |
CTgcClusterOnTrackCnv_p1 | |
CTgcClusterOnTrackCnv_p2 | |
CTgcCoinDataCnv_p1 | |
CTgcCoinDataCnv_p2 | |
CTgcCoinDataCnv_p3 | |
CTgcCoinDataContainerCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CTgcCoinDataContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTgcCoinDataContainerCnv_tlp2 | |
CTgcCoinDataContainerCnv_tlp3 | |
CTgcCondDbAlg | |
CTgcCondDbData | Conditions object to mark switched-off Tgc gasGaps |
CTgcCondDbTestAlg | Example class to show calling the MdtConditionsTestAlg |
CTgcDigit | |
CTgcDigitASDposCondAlg | |
CTgcDigitASDposData | |
CTgcDigitCollection | |
CTgcDigitContainer | Use IdentifiableContainer with TgcDigitCollection |
CTgcDigitCrosstalkCondAlg | |
CTgcDigitCrosstalkData | |
CTgcDigitEnergyThreshCondAlg | |
CTgcDigitizationTool | |
CTgcDigitJitterCondAlg | |
►CTgcDigitJitterData | |
CJitterBin | |
CTgcDigitMaker | |
CTgcDigitThresholdData | Conditions object to cache |
CTgcDigitTimeOffsetCondAlg | |
CTgcDigitTimeOffsetData | |
CTgcDigitToTgcRDO | |
CTgcDigtJitterTestAlg | Example class to show calling the MdtConditionsTestAlg |
CTgcDigtThresholdTestAlg | Example class to show calling the MdtConditionsTestAlg |
Ctgchit | |
CTGCHitAnalysis | |
CTgcHitIdHelper | |
CTGCHitsTestTool | |
CTgcIdHelper | |
CTgcL1RawData | An unit object of TGC SROD output |
CTgcL1RawData_p1 | |
CTgcL1RawDataCnv_p1 | |
►CTgcL1Rdo | |
CErrors | |
CLocalStatus | |
Cm_errors | |
Cm_localStatus | |
Cm_srodStatus | |
CSRodStatus | |
CTgcL1Rdo_p1 | |
CTgcL1RdoCnv_p1 | |
CTgcL1RdoContainer | |
CTgcL1RdoContainer_p1 | |
CTgcL1RdoIdHash | |
CTgcOverlay | |
CTgcPrepDataCnv_p1 | |
CTgcPrepDataCnv_p2 | |
CTgcPrepDataCnv_p3 | |
CTgcPrepDataContainerCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CTgcPrepDataContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTgcRawData | An unit object of TGC ROD output |
CTgcRawData_p0 | |
CTgcRawData_p1 | |
CTgcRawData_p2 | |
CTgcRawData_p3 | |
CTgcRawData_p4 | |
CTgcRawDataCnv_p1 | |
CTgcRawDataCnv_p2 | |
CTgcRawDataCnv_p3 | |
CTgcRawDataCnv_p4 | |
►CTgcRawDataMonitorAlgorithm | |
CCtpDecMonObj | |
CExtPos | |
CExtTrigInfo | |
CTgcTrig | |
CTgcTrigEifi | |
CTgcTrigNsw | |
CTgcTrigRpc | |
CTgcTrigTile | |
CTimedMuon | |
CTimedMuonRoI | |
CTgcRawDataMonitorTool | |
CTgcRawDataStreamer_p0 | |
►CTgcRdo | |
CErrors | |
CLocalStatus | |
Cm_errors | |
Cm_localStatus | |
Cm_rodStatus | |
CRodStatus | |
CTgcRdo_p1 | |
CTgcRdo_p2 | |
CTgcRdo_p3 | |
CTgcRdo_p4 | |
CTgcRdoCnv_p1 | |
CTgcRdoCnv_p2 | |
CTgcRdoCnv_p3 | |
CTgcRdoCnv_p4 | |
CTgcRdoContainer | |
CTgcRdoContainer_p1 | |
CTgcRdoContainer_p2 | |
CTgcRdoContainer_p3 | |
CTgcRdoContainer_p4 | |
CTgcRdoContByteStreamCnv | |
CTgcRdoIdHash | |
CTgcRdoToTgcDigit | |
CTGCSensitiveDetector | |
CTGCSensitiveDetectorCosmics | |
CTGCSensitiveDetectorCosmicsTool | |
CTGCSensitiveDetectorTool | |
CTGCSimHit | |
CTGCSimHitCollectionCnv | Create derived converter to customize the saving of identifiable container |
CTGCSimHitCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CTGCSimHitCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CTGCSimHitCollectionCnv_p3 | |
CTGCSimHitCollectionCnv_p4 | |
CTGCSimHitCollectionCnv_p5 | |
CTGCTriggerBWCWReader | |
CTGCTriggerCondAlg | |
CTGCTriggerData | |
CTGCTriggerDbAlg | |
CTGCTriggerLUTReader | |
CTGCTriggerLUTs | |
CTGraph1 | |
CTGraphAsymmErrors1 | |
CTGraphErrors1 | |
CTH1TrkProp | |
CTH2TrkProp | |
CThinGeantTruthAlg | |
CThinInDetClusterAlg | |
CThinInDetClustersAlg | |
CThinInDetForwardTrackParticlesAlg | |
CThinNegativeEnergyCaloClustersAlg | |
CThinNegativeEnergyNeutralPFOsAlg | |
CThinningHandleKeyArray< T > | Class to hold an array of ThinningHandleKeys |
CThinTrkTrackAlg | |
CThinTRTStandaloneTrackAlg | Thin TRT standalone tracks |
CThreadInitTool | |
CThreePointCircle | |
Cthreshold | |
CTIDARoiDescriptor | Describes the Region of Ineterest geometry It has basically 8 parameters |
CTIDARoiDescriptorBuilder | |
CTIDARoiParameters | |
CTIDAVertexBuilder | |
CTIDDirectory | |
CTightMuonElseNoFieldManager | G4FieldManager that sets tight stepping for muons; disables magnetic field for other particles |
CTightMuonSteppingFieldManager | G4FieldManager that sets tight stepping for muons; caches global values for other particles |
CTile_Base_ID | This class factors out code common between TileID and Tile_SuperCell_ID |
CTile_SuperCell_ID | Helper class for Tile offline identifiers for supercells |
►CTileAANtuple | Class to produce TileCal commissioning ntuples |
CArrays | |
CTileAtlasFactory | |
CTileBadChannels | Condition object to keep Tile channel and ADC status |
CTileBadChannelsCondAlg | Condition algorithm to prepare TileBadChannels and put it into condition store |
CTileBadChanTool | The tool to get Tile channel and ADC status |
CTileBchDecoder | Class providing the association between TileCal problems and status word bits |
CTileBchPrbs | Static class providing TileCal bad channel problems |
►CTileBchStatus | Class holding bad channel problems |
CLockedPrbSet | |
CTileBchWords | |
CTileBeamElem | |
CTileBeamElem_p1 | |
CTileBeamElemCnv_p1 | |
CTileBeamElemCollection | |
CTileBeamElemCollectionVec | |
CTileBeamElemContainer | |
CTileBeamElemContainer_p1 | |
CTileBeamElemContainerCnv | |
CTileBeamElemContByteStreamCnv | This AthConstConverter class provides conversion from ByteStream to TileBeamElemContainer |
CTileBeamElemDumper | Dump a TileBeamElemContainer to a text file |
CTileBeamElemToCell | |
CTileCablingService | |
CTileCablingSvc | |
CTileCalCellMonAlg | Class for TileCal Cell based monitoring |
CTileCalibBlobObjsDict_Dummy | |
CTileCalibCondAlg | Condition algorithm to prepare TileCalibData object and put it into condition store |
CTileCalibData | Templated condition object to keep TileCalibDrawers |
CTileCalibDddbManager | |
CTileCalibDrawerBase | This class provides the core BLOB infrastructure |
CTileCalibDrawerBch | Class for storing a 32 bit status word for each ADC |
CTileCalibDrawerCmt | Class to store comments in BLOB without any data |
CTileCalibDrawerDat | Generic template class for storing a number of "T"s for each channel or ADC |
CTileCalibDrawerFlt | Generic class for storing a number of floats (Flt) for each channel or ADC |
CTileCalibDrawerInt | Class for storing a 32 bit array of words for each ADC |
CTileCalibDrawerOfc | |
CTileCalibHitCntNtup | This class creates ntuple with calibration hits container info |
CTileCalibHitNtuple | This class creates ntuple with calibration hits info |
CTileCalibMonitorAlgorithm | Base class for Tile calibration runs monitoring |
CTileCalibType | Class encoding TileCalibDrawer types |
CTileCalibUtils | Static class providing several utility functions and constants |
CTileCell | |
►CTileCellBuilder | This class creates Cells from RawChannels and stores them in a container |
CDoubleVectorIterator | |
CVecParams | |
CTileCellBuilderFromHit | This class creates Cells from RawChannels and stores them in a container |
CTileCellCollection | |
CTileCellCont | This class builds the Tile cells |
CTileCellContainerCnv | |
CTileCellDim | |
CTileCellFakeProb | Scales down the energy of cells due to simulated failure of drawers |
CTileCellIDC | |
CTileCellIDCToCell | |
CTileCellIDCToNtuple | |
CTileCellMaskingTool | |
CTileCellMonitorAlgorithm | Class for Tile Cell based monitoring |
CTileCellNoiseFilter | This tool subtracts common-mode noise from all TileCells |
CTileCellNoiseMonTool | Class for TileCal noise monitoring at cell level |
CTileCellSelector | |
CTileCellToNtuple | |
CTileCellToTTL1 | |
CTileCellVec | |
CTileCellVerify | |
CTileCisDefaultCalibTool | |
CTileClusterFilterAlg | |
CTileClusterMonitorAlgorithm | Class for Tile Tower based monitoring |
CTileCondAlg | Condition algorithm to prepare Tile conditions object and put it into conditions store |
CTileCondDCS_Data | |
CTileCondIdTransforms | |
CTileCondProxyCool | The tool to get Tile conditions data from DB |
CTileCondProxyFile | The tool to get Tile conditions data from file |
CTileCondToolAutoCr | |
CTileCondToolDspThreshold | |
CTileCondToolEmscale | Calibration of TileCal channels and access to calibration factors |
CTileCondToolIntegrator | |
CTileCondToolMuID | |
CTileCondToolNoiseRawChn | |
CTileCondToolNoiseSample | |
CTileCondToolOfc | Calculates OFCs on the fly using pulse shapes and A/C matrix from database |
CTileCondToolOfcCool | Extracts OFCs from database |
CTileCondToolPulseShape | |
CTileCondToolTiming | |
CTileCondToolTMDB | |
CTileContainer | |
CTileCorrelation | |
CTileCosmicMuon | Class containing detailed results from TileMuonFitter |
CTileCosmicMuon_p1 | |
CTileCosmicMuon_p2 | |
CTileCosmicMuonCnv_p1 | |
CTileCosmicMuonCnv_p2 | |
CTileCosmicMuonContainer_p1 | |
CTileCosmicMuonContainer_p2 | |
CTileCosmicMuonContainerCnv | |
CTileCosmicMuonFilterAlg | |
CTileCosmicsTrigger | Simulates the trigger logic in the Tile standalone board |
CTileDCSCondAlg | Condition algorithm to prepare TileDCSState object and put it into condition store |
CTileDCSState | Condition object to keep Tile DCS status from DB |
CTileDCSTool | The tool to get Tile DCS information from DB |
CTileDddbManager | This class provides access to constants in the Geometry DB |
CTileDetDescriptor | |
CTileDetDescrManager | |
CTileDetDescrRegion | |
CTileDetectorElement | Tile Detector Element |
CTileDetectorFactory | |
CTileDetectorFactoryLite | Definition of the TileDetectorFactoryLite class. The TileDetectorFactoryLite is invoked by the TileDetectorTool when the GeoModel description of Tile calorimeter is built from the SQLite database It also builds readout geometry (coming soon) |
CTileDetectorTool | |
CTileDigiNoiseCalibAlg | |
CTileDigiNoiseMonitorAlgorithm | Class for Tile digi noise based monitoring |
CTileDigits | |
CTileDigits2Bytes | This class converts TileDigits to and from bytestream in ROD format |
CTileDigits_p1 | |
CTileDigits_p2 | |
CTileDigits_p3 | |
CTileDigitsCnv_p1 | |
CTileDigitsCnv_p2 | |
CTileDigitsCnv_p3 | |
CTileDigitsCollection | |
CTileDigitsCollectionVec | |
CTileDigitsContainer | |
CTileDigitsContainer_p1 | |
CTileDigitsContainer_p2 | |
CTileDigitsContainer_p3 | |
CTileDigitsContainerCnv | |
CTileDigitsContByteStreamCnv | This AthConstConverter class provides conversion from ByteStream to TileDigitsContainer |
CTileDigitsContByteStreamTool | AlgTool class to provide conversion from TileDigitsContainer to ByteStream, and fill it in RawEvent |
CTileDigitsDumper | Dump a TileDigitsContainer to a text file |
CTileDigitsFilter | This algorithm copies TileDigits from input container to output container keeping only channels with (max-min) sample above threshold |
CTileDigitsFlxMonitorAlgorithm | |
CTileDigitsFromPulse | This algorithm creates TileDigits from pulses provided by pulse simulator |
CTileDigitsGainFilter | This algorithm copies TileDigits from input container to output container |
CTileDigitsMaker | This algorithm performs digitization in TileCal, obtaining TileDigits from TileHits |
CTileDigitsMonitorAlgorithm | Class for Tile digi noise based monitoring |
►CTileDigitsMonTool | Class for TileCal monitoring at digits level |
CData | |
CTileDigitsThresholdFilter | This algorithm copies TileDigits from input container to output container |
CTileDigitsToNtuple | |
CTileDigitsToTTL1 | |
CTileDQFragMonitorAlgorithm | Class for Tile DQFrag based monitoring |
CTileDQstatus | Class that holds Data Quality fragment information and provides functions to extract the data quality status for channels Checks for the following types of errors stored in the Data Quality fragment: |
CTileDQstatusAlg | Produce a TileDQstatus object |
CTileDQstatusTool | |
CTileDrawerEvtStatus | This class keep detailed status info about one drawer in a given event |
CTileDrawerRunStatus | This class keep detailed status info about one drawer in whole run |
CTileEMScale | Condition object to keep calibration factors of TileCal channels |
CTileEmscaleCalibOptions | Class for encoding Tile calibration options into a bit map |
CTileEMScaleCondAlg | Condition algorithm to produce TileEMScale and put it into condition store |
CTileEopFilterAlg | |
CTileEscapedEnergyProcessing | |
CTileExpertDump | Algorithn to dump out calibration constants from the TileInfoSvc |
CTileExpertToolEmscale | (For experts only) Calibration of TileCal channels and access to calibration factors |
CTileFastRawChannel | |
CTileFatherMonTool | Base class for TileCal online monitoring tools in physics runs |
CTileFCS_StepInfoSD | |
CTileFCSmStepToTileHitVec | |
CTileFilterManager | Auxiliary class for TileRawChannelMakerManyAmps |
CTileFilterResult | Auxiliary class for TileRawChannelMakerManyAmps |
CTileFilterTester | Auxiliary class for TileRawChannelMakerManyAmps |
CTileFitter | |
CTileFragHash | Hash table for Tile fragments (==drawers ==collections in StoreGate) |
CTileGeoCutBuilder | |
CTileGeoG4CalibCell | |
CTileGeoG4CalibSample | |
►CTileGeoG4CalibSD | |
CLessHit | |
CTileGeoG4CalibSDTool | |
CTileGeoG4CalibSection | |
CTileGeoG4DMLookupBuilder | |
CTileGeoG4GirderCell | |
CTileGeoG4PlateCell | |
CTileGeoG4SDTool | |
CTileGeoSectionBuilder | |
CTileHid2RESrcID | This class provides conversion between fragment ID and RESrcID |
CTileHid2RESrcIDCondAlg | Condition algorithm to prepare TileHid2RESrcID conditions object and put it into conditions store |
CTileHit | |
CTileHit_p1 | |
CTileHitCnv_p1 | |
CTileHitCollection | |
CTileHitCollectionVec | |
CTileHitContainer | |
CTileHitContainer_p1 | |
CTileHitContainerCnv | |
CTileHitData | Variables to identify Hit objects |
CTileHitNonConstContainer | This is a minimal version of a TileHitContainer in which the saved collections remain non-const |
CTileHitsTestTool | |
CTileHitToCell | This algorithm builds TileCells from TileHits. Hits from the PMTs in the cell are merged and calibration constants applied to obtained cell energy, time and quality |
CTileHitToNtuple | |
CTileHitToRawChannel | This algorithm builds TileRawChannels from TileHits. TileRawChannel amplitude, time and quality are obtianed from the TileHits. Noise is applied to the amplitude |
CTileHitToTTL1 | This algorithm builds TileTTL1 objects from TileHits |
CTileHitVecToCnt | Top algorithm class for TileHitVecToCnt |
CTileHitVecToCntTool | This AlgTool merges TileHits from different AthenaHitVectors and stores the result in a TileHitContainer |
CTileHitVecToNtuple | |
CTileHitVector_p1 | |
CTileHitVectorCnv | |
CTileHitVectorCnv_p1 | |
CTileHWID | Helper class for TileCal online (hardware) identifiers |
CTileHWIDDetDescrCnv | This class is a converter for the TileHWID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store |
CTileID | Helper class for TileCal offline identifiers |
CTileID_Exception | Exception class for Tile Identifiers |
CTileInfo | |
CTileInfoDump | Algorithm to dump out calibration constants from the TileInfoSvc |
CTileInfoLoader | |
CTileJetMonitorAlgorithm | Class for Tile Jet based monitoring |
CTileL2 | Class to store TileMuId and Et quantities computed at the TileCal ROD DSPs |
CTileL2_p1 | |
CTileL2_p2 | |
CTileL2Builder | |
CTileL2Cnv_p1 | |
CTileL2Cnv_p2 | |
CTileL2Container_p1 | |
CTileL2Container_p2 | |
CTileL2ContainerCnv | |
CTileL2ContByteStreamCnv | This AthConstConverter class provides conversion between ByteStream and TileL2Container |
CTileL2ContByteStreamTool | This AlgTool class provides conversion from TileL2Container to ByteStream and fill it in RawEvent |
CTileL2Dumper | Dump a TileL2Container to a text file |
CTileLasCalib | |
CTileLaser | |
CTileLaserCalibAlg | |
CTileLaserControl | |
CTileLaserDefaultCalibTool | |
CTileLaserDiode | |
CTileLaserLinearityCalibTool | |
CTileLaserObjByteStreamCnv | |
CTileLaserObjByteStreamTool | |
CTileLaserObject | |
CTileLaserObjectDumper | Dump a TileLaserObject to a text file |
CTileLaserPLC | |
CTileLaserPmt | |
►CTileLaserTimingTool | |
CDigitizerData | |
CDrawerData | |
CPMTData | |
CTileLogicalOrdering | Class for ordering any TileData Objects according to logical (offline) identifier To be used with sort algorithm |
CTileLookForMuAlg | |
CTileMBTSMonitorAlgorithm | Class for Tile MBTS based monitoring |
CTileMicroHit | |
CTileMonitorAlgorithm | Base class for Tile monitoring per L1 trigger type |
CTileMu | Class to store TileMuId quantities |
CTileMu_p1 | |
CTileMuCnv_p1 | |
CTileMuContainer_p1 | |
CTileMuContainerCnv | |
CTileMuFeature | |
CTileMuFeature_p1 | |
CTileMuFeature_p2 | |
CTileMuFeatureCnv | Transient persistent converter for TileMuFeatureCnv |
CTileMuFeatureCnv_p1 | |
CTileMuFeatureCnv_p2 | |
CTileMuFeatureContainer | |
CTileMuFeatureContainer_p1 | |
CTileMuFeatureContainer_p2 | |
CTileMuFeatureContainer_tlp1 | |
CTileMuFeatureContainerCnv | |
CTileMuFeatureContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTileMuFeatureContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTileMuId2DBAlg | |
CTileMuIdMonitorAlgorithm | Class for Tile MuId based monitoring |
CTileMuonFilterAlg | |
CTileMuonFitMonitorAlgorithm | Class for Tile cosmic muon based monitoring |
CTileMuonFitter | Fits straight cosmic muon track to TileCal event |
CTileMuonReceiverContainer_p1 | |
CTileMuonReceiverContainerCnv | |
CTileMuonReceiverDecision | |
CTileMuonReceiverDecisionToNtuple | |
CTileMuonReceiverDumper | Dump a TileMuonReceiverContainer to a text file |
CTileMuonReceiverObj | |
CTileMuonReceiverObj_p1 | |
CTileMuonReceiverObjCnv_p1 | |
CTileMuonReceiverReadCnt | |
CTileMuRcvContByteStreamCnv | This AthConstConverter class provides conversion between ByteStream and TileMuRcvCont |
CTileMuRcvContByteStreamTool | This AlgTool class provides conversion from TileMuonReceiverContainer to ByteStream and fill it in RawEvent |
CTileMuRODToNtuple | This class creates a directory, called TileMuRODTag, in the ntuple with the Tile ROD DSP muon tagging information |
CTileMutableBeamElemContainer | |
CTileMutableDataContainer | Helper for holding non-const raw data prior to recording in SG |
CTileMuToNtuple | |
CTileNeighbour | This class return all neighbours for given hash ID of the cell |
CTileOFC2DBAlg | |
CTileOFCorrelation | |
CTileOfcWeightsStruct | |
CTilePaterMonTool | Base class for tilecal calibration monitoring tools |
CTilePulse | Condition object to keep and provide Tile pulse shape |
CTilePulseForTileMuonReceiver | |
CTilePulseShape | |
CTilePulseShapes | |
CTilePulseShapesStruct | |
CTileRawChannel | |
CTileRawChannel2Bytes | Converts the TileRawChannel object into bytes |
CTileRawChannel2Bytes2 | Converts the TileRawChannel object into bytes as it is defined at the testbeam |
CTileRawChannel2Bytes4 | Converts the TileRawChannel object into bytes as it is defined at the commissioning 2007. Updated for M6 |
►CTileRawChannel2Bytes5 | Converts the TileRawChannel object into bytes as it |
CTileChanData | |
CTileRawChannel_p1 | |
CTileRawChannelBuilder | |
CTileRawChannelBuilderFitFilter | |
CTileRawChannelBuilderFitFilterCool | |
CTileRawChannelBuilderFlatFilter | |
CTileRawChannelBuilderManyAmps | |
CTileRawChannelBuilderMF | |
CTileRawChannelBuilderOpt2Filter | Reconstructs Tile digitized pulses (ie, computes amplitude, time and pedestal) as a linear combination of the samples |
CTileRawChannelBuilderQIEFilter | Reconstructs Tile digitized pulses (ie, computes amplitude and time) for the QIE front-end |
CTileRawChannelBuilderTest | |
CTileRawChannelBuilderWienerFilter | Reconstructs Tile digitized pulses (ie, computes amplitude, time and pedestal) as a linear combination of the samples |
CTileRawChannelCnv_p1 | |
CTileRawChannelCollection | |
CTileRawChannelCollectionVec | |
CTileRawChannelContainer | |
CTileRawChannelContainer_p1 | |
CTileRawChannelContainerCnv | |
CTileRawChannelContByteStreamCnv | Contains methods to do the conversion from bytestream format to TileRawChannel stored in a TileRawChannelContainer and vice-versa making use of the TileRawChannelContByteStreamTool |
CTileRawChannelContByteStreamTool | AlgTool class to provide conversion from TileRawChannelContainer to ByteStream, and fill it in RawEvent |
CTileRawChannelCorrectionAlg | This algorithm applies noise filter tools to input Tile raw channel container |
CTileRawChannelDumper | Dump a TileRawChannelContainer to a text file |
CTileRawChannelFlxMonitorAlgorithm | |
CTileRawChannelGainFilter | This algorithm copies TileRawChannel from input container to output container |
CTileRawChannelMaker | |
CTileRawChannelMonitorAlgorithm | Class for Tile raw channel based monitoring |
►CTileRawChannelMonTool | Class for TileCal monitoring at channel level |
CData | |
CTileRawChannelNoiseFilter | This tool subtracts common-mode noise from all TileRawChannels in one container |
CTileRawChannelNoiseMonitorAlgorithm | Class for Tile digi noise based monitoring |
CTileRawChannelOF1Corrector | This tool correct TileRawChannels amplitudes which came from OF1 DSP if pedestal changed |
CTileRawChannelTimeMonitorAlgorithm | Class for Tile raw channel time based monitoring |
CTileRawChannelToHit | |
CTileRawChannelToL2 | This class emulates the algorithms processed at the TileCal ROD DSP level to contribute to the LVL2 trigger: a low Pt muon tagging algorithm and the Et calculation per superdrawer |
CTileRawChannelToNtuple | |
CTileRawChannelToTTL1 | |
CTileRawChannelUnit | |
CTileRawChannelVerify | This class compares two sets of TileRawChannels |
CTileRawChNoiseCalibAlg | |
►CTileRawCorrelatedNoise | |
CAlphaMatrix | |
CTileRawData | |
CTileRawDataCollection | |
CTileRawDataCollectionVec | |
CTileRawDataContainer | |
CTileRawDataNonConstContainer | This is a minimal version of a TileRawDataContainer in which the saved collections remain non-const |
CTileRawDataOrdering | Class for ordering TileRawData Objects according to hardware identifier (channel number) To be used with sort algorithm |
CTileRawDataReadingAlg | Class for Tile raw data reading from BS |
►CTileRawRoISelector | |
Cconst_iterator | |
CTileRDOAnalysis | |
CTileRec_h1000 | |
CTileRecyclableL2Container | |
►CTileROD_Decoder | Decodes the different TileCal ROD subfragment types in bytestream data and fills TileDigitsContainer, TileRawChannelContainer or TileL2Container |
CD0CellsHLT | |
CTileROD_Encoder | Provides conversion from TileRawChannel, TileL2 and TMDB (digits,MF raw channel,decision) to ROD format |
CTileRodIdHash | Table to convert ROB ID to fragment hash |
CTileRODMonitorAlgorithm | Class for Tile digi noise based monitoring |
►CTileRoI_Map | TileCal RoI map to offline Identifier |
CEtaPhiRegion | |
CTileSamlingFractionCondAlg | Condition algorithm to prepare Tile sampling fraction conditions object and put it into conditions store |
CTileSampleBuffer | |
CTileSampleGenerator | |
CTileSampleNoise | Condition object to keep and provide Tile sample noise |
CTileSamplingFraction | Condition object to keep and provide Tile Calorimeter sampling fraction and number of photoelectrons |
CTileSamplingFractionCondAlg | |
CTileSDOptions | |
CTileSimHit | |
CTileSimpleStat | |
CTileSwitches | |
CTileTBAANtuple | Class to produce TileCal commissioning ntuples |
CTileTBBeamMonitorAlgorithm | Class for Tile TB Beam elements based monitoring |
CTileTBCellMonitorAlgorithm | Class for Tile TB Cell based monitoring |
►CTileTBDump | TileTBDump produces formatted dump for both RawChannels and Digits Properties (JobOption Parameters): drawerList - vector of frag IDs present in data (hex numbers as strings) drawerType - type for every frag from drawerList 1=B+, 2=B-, 3=EB+, 4=EB- these parameters are needed only for 2003 data (when 0x102 and 0x202 were ext.barrel modules) correct values for 2004 are set by default |
CT_RodDataFrag | |
CT_TileDigiChannel | |
CT_TileRawComp | |
CT_TileRecoCalib | |
CT_TileRecoChannel | |
CT_TileRecoQuality | |
CTileTBFactory | |
CTileTBHitToBeamElem | This algorithm creates TileBeamElem container from TileHitVector with hits from ancillary detectors for testbeam simulation |
CTileTBHitToNtuple | |
CTileTBID | Helper class for TileCal offline identifiers of ancillary testbeam detectors and MBTS |
CTileTBMonitorAlgorithm | Class for Tile TB based monitoring |
CTileTBOldNtupleStruct | |
CTileTBPulseMonitorAlgorithm | Class for Tile TB Pulse based monitoring |
►CTileTBStat | Class to produce run statistics. Used to fill commissioning database |
CT_RobRodFragMap | |
CT_RodDataFrag | |
CTileTimeBCOffsetFilter | This tool sets bad status for channels with 25ns or 50ns timing jump |
CTileTiming | Condition object to keep and provide Tile timing |
CTileTMDBDigitsMonitorAlgorithm | |
►CTileTMDBMonitorAlgorithm | Class for Tile TMDB based monitoring |
Ccorrmap | |
CTileTMDBRawChannelMonitorAlgorithm | |
CTileTOFTool | |
CTileTopCalibAlg | |
CTileTowerBuilderTool | Concrete tool for CaloTower building in Tile |
CTileTowerMonitorAlgorithm | Class for Tile Tower based monitoring |
CTileTrackFilterAlg | |
CTileTrackMuFeature | |
CTileTrackMuFeature_p1 | |
CTileTrackMuFeature_p2 | |
CTileTrackMuFeature_p3 | |
CTileTrackMuFeature_tlp1 | |
CTileTrackMuFeatureCnv_p1 | |
CTileTrackMuFeatureCnv_p2 | |
CTileTrackMuFeatureCnv_p3 | |
CTileTrackMuFeatureCnv_tlp1 | |
CTileTrackMuFeatureContainer | |
CTileTrackMuFeatureContainer_p1 | |
CTileTrackMuFeatureContainer_p3 | |
CTileTrackMuFeatureContainer_tlp1 | |
CTileTrackMuFeatureContainerCnv | |
CTileTrackMuFeatureContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTileTrackMuFeatureContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTileTrigger | |
CTileTriggerDefaultCalibTool | |
CTileTrigType | Definition of different trigger types (calibration and physics) |
►CTileTT_Selector | |
Cconst_iterator | |
CTileTTL1 | |
CTileTTL1_p1 | |
CTileTTL1Cell | |
CTileTTL1Cell_p1 | |
CTileTTL1CellCnv_p1 | |
CTileTTL1CellContainer_p1 | |
CTileTTL1Cnv_p1 | |
CTileTTL1Container_p1 | |
CTileTTL1ContainerCnv | |
CTileTTL1Hash | Hash table for TileTTL1 identifiers
CTileTTL1ToNtuple | |
CTileWienerFilterWeights | |
CTileWienerFilterWeightsStruct | |
CTimeBurner | Reject-all hypo algorithm sleeping for some time and doing nothing else |
►CTimedHitCollection | |
CSortedException | Thrown by insert |
CTimedHitPtr | Smart pointer to a hit that also provides access to the extended timing info of the host event. For a pu event this is taken from the event PileUpTimeEventIndex usually accessed via PileUpMergeSvc::TimedList |
►CTimedHitPtrCollection | |
CSortedException | Thrown by insert |
CTimeDivider | Helper class to divide time into intervals aligned with wall clock Once object is constructed say with arguments (6, 10, seconds) the time gets divided into 6 intervals each of 10s long |
CTimer | |
CTimeSignificanceCondition | |
CTimingCondition | |
CTimingFilterInformation | Simple helper struct used to obtain the timing information by the IMBTSTimeFilter and ICaloTimerFilterTool |
CTJetNet | |
CTLACondition | |
CTLArBadChanBitPackingBase | |
CTLorentzVectorAsIJet | |
CTLorentzVectorFactory | |
CTLorentzVectorFactoryEtaE | |
CTMatrixTSparse | |
CTMemberAdapter | |
CTMinuit_LHMM | |
CTMultiFileLooper | Base class to loop over all the keys in several ROOT files |
CTMultiGraph1 | |
CTNetworkToHistoTool | |
CTNeuralDataSet | |
►CToken | This class provides a token that identifies in a unique way objects on the persistent storage |
COID_t | |
CTokenAddress | This class provides a Generic Transient Address for POOL tokens |
Ctolerance | |
CToLower | |
CTool | |
CTool | |
CToolConstantsCondAlg | Convert from COOL inline data to ToolConstants |
CTopCollection | |
►CTopLevelPlacements | |
CPart | |
CTopLevelTPCnvBase | Base class for top-level TP converters |
CTopLevelTPCnvBaseP | |
CTopLevelTPConverter | |
CTopoAutomatonClustering | Topological cluster maker algorithm to be run on GPUs |
CTopoAutomatonSplitting | Cluster splitter algorithm to be run on GPUs, using the same cellular automaton-based approach as Topo-Automaton Clustering |
CTopoClusterMap | |
CToTDependence | |
►CTouchedMuonChamberHelper | |
CImp | |
CToyConversionSvc | Toy that implements IConversionSvc |
CToyConverter | Toy converter template that creates a default instance of DATA |
CToyDetectorFactory | |
CToyDetectorManager | |
CToyDetectorTool | |
CToyNextPassFilterAlg | Algorithm providing a toy implementation of INextPassFilter |
CToyNextPassFilterTool | Tool providing a toy implementation of INextPassFilter |
CTPAbstractPolyCnvBase | |
CTPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS_BASE, TRANS, TPIntegerVector_p1 > | |
CTPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS_BASE, TRANS, TPIntegerVector_p2 > | |
CTPAbstractPolyCnvConstBase | |
CTPCnvBase | |
CTPCnvBase< TRANS, TPIntegerVector_p1 > | |
CTPCnvBase< TRANS, TPIntegerVector_p2 > | |
CTPCnvIDCont | |
CTPCnvIDContFromIdentifier | |
CTPCnvStdVector | |
CTPCnvStdVectorConst | Const version of TPCnvStdVector |
CTPCnvToken_p1 | |
CTPCnvTokenList_p1 | |
CTPCnvVector | |
CTPCnvVectorConst | |
CTPConverterBase | |
CTPConverterConstBase | |
CTPConverterTypeMap | Class TPConverterTypeMap Converter registry template: a map from type_info to the appropriate converter |
CTPConverterWithKeyBase | |
CTPhotonIsEMSelector | This class in intented to apply a cut based identification criteria to photons |
CTPileupReweighting | Tool to get the calculated MC pileup weight. Also does custom weights and other useful stuff |
CTPIntegerVector_p1 | |
CTPIntegerVector_p2 | |
CTPIntegerVectorStorage_p1 | |
CTPIntegerVectorStorage_p2 | Storage implementation for TP converters producing TP representation as series of ints |
CtPlotter | Generic plotter class - better to have one of these - make sure it can be configured however you like, line styles, marker types, legends etc now a template so can be used for TH1D and TH2D etc |
►CTPObjRef | |
CtypeID_t | |
CTPPolyCnvBase | |
CTPPolyCnvBase< TRANS_BASE, TRANS, TPIntegerVector_p1 > | |
CTPPolyCnvBase< TRANS_BASE, TRANS, TPIntegerVector_p2 > | |
CTPPolyVectorCnv | |
CTPPolyVectorCnv< TRANS, TPIntegerVector_p2, CONV > | |
CTPPolyVectorCnvConst | |
CTPPtrVectorCnv | |
CTPPtrVectorCnv< TRANS, TPIntegerVector_p2, CONV > | |
CTPPtrVectorCnvConst | |
CTProperty | Templated wrapper around user properties |
CTPropertyListAdapter | |
CTPThinnedPtrVectorCnv | |
CTPValVectorCnv | |
CTracer | |
CTrack | Example class for monitoring |
CTrackAnalysis | |
CTrackAnalysisDefinitionSvc | Athena includes |
CTrackAnalysisSequence | |
CTrackBarcodeInfo | Minimal implementation of VTrackInformation. Instances of this class are attached as UserInformation to G4Tracks. This is used for G4Tracks with no link to the HepMC::GenEvent, but a non-zero barcode/id value. (See AthenaStackingAction::ClassifyNewTrack(...).) No GenParticlePtr is held by the TrackBarcodeInfo class. The member variables are: m_theBaseISFParticle - a pointer to the ISFParticle corresponding to the current G4Track, m_returnedToISF - a flag indicating whether the ISFParticle corresponding to the current G4Track scheduled to be returned to the ISF, m_barcode, m_uniqueID and m_status - ??? |
CTrackCaloClusterAlg | |
CTrackCaloClusterBaseTool | |
CTrackCaloClusterInfo | |
CTrackCaloClusterInfoAlg | |
CTrackCaloClusterInfoUFOAlg | |
CTrackCaloClusterRecValidationTool | Tool to book and fill inner detector histograms for physics validation |
CTrackCnv_p1 | |
CTrackCnv_p12 | |
CTrackCnv_p2 | |
CTrackCnv_p3 | |
CTrackCnv_p4 | |
CTrackCollectionCnv | |
CTrackCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CTrackCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CTrackCollectionCnv_p3 | |
CTrackCollectionCnv_p4 | |
CTrackCollectionCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrackCollectionCnv_tlp2 | |
CTrackCollectionCnv_tlp3 | |
CTrackCollectionCnv_tlp4 | |
CTrackCollectionCnv_tlp5 | |
CTrackCollectionCnv_tlp6 | |
CTrackCollectionCnv_tlp7 | |
CTrackCollectionProvider | Tool used to get track collection from StoreGate |
►CTrackCollectionSettingsButton | |
CImp | |
►CTrackCollHandle_RefittedTracks | |
CImp | |
►CTrackCollHandle_SimulationTracks | |
CImp | |
►CTrackCollHandle_TrackContainer | |
CImp | |
►CTrackCollHandle_TrackParticle | |
CImp | |
►CTrackCollHandle_TrkSegment | |
CImp | |
►CTrackCollHandle_TrkTrack | |
CImp | |
►CTrackCollHandle_TruthTracks | |
CImp | |
►CTrackCollHandle_xAODTrackParticle | |
CImp | |
►CTrackCollHandleBase | |
CImp | |
►CTrackCollWidget | |
CImp | |
CTrackCommonFlags | |
CTrackContainerReader | |
CTrackCountHypoAlg | |
►CTrackCountHypoTool | |
CTrkCountsInfo | |
CTrackData | |
Ctrackdata | |
CTrackDataNtupleTree | This class inherites from the automatically created TrkValidationNtupleOutputTrack to have independent interface to the ntuple |
►CTrackDepositInCaloTool | |
CHists | |
CLayerMaps | |
CTrackDetDescrTPCnvDict | |
CTrackDistributions | |
CTrackEfficiency | |
CTrackExtensionAlg | Alg that starts from proto tracks and runs CFK on a (sub)set of provided pixel measurements |
CTrackExtensionMap | AUTO - An Undocumented Tracking Object |
CTrackFastSimSD | |
CTrackFastSimSDTool | |
CTrackFilter | |
CTrackFinderSettings | |
CTrackFitter | |
►CTrackHandle_SimulationTrack | |
CImp | |
CTrackHandle_TrackContainer | |
►CTrackHandle_TrackParticle | |
CImp | |
CTrackHandle_TrkSegment | |
CTrackHandle_TrkTrack | |
►CTrackHandle_TruthTrack | |
CImp | |
►CTrackHandle_xAODTrackParticle | |
CImp | |
►CTrackHandleBase | |
CImp | |
CTrackHelper | |
CTrackHitAssignementAlg | |
CtrackInfo | |
CTrackInfoCnv_p1 | |
CTrackInformation | Implementation of VTrackInformation. Instances of this class are attached as UserInformation to G4Tracks |
CTrackInfoStruct | |
CTrackingSurfacesSystem | |
CTrackingVolumeSvc | |
CTrackingVolumeToSoNode | |
CTracklet | |
CTrackletSegment | New segment class for single ML segments |
►CTrackLODHandle | |
CImp | |
►CTrackLODManager | |
CImp | |
CTrackMatchDeltaR | |
CTrackMatchDeltaRCosmic | |
CTrackParametersCnv_p1 | |
CTrackParametersCnv_p2 | New convertor which handles all track parameters in one go - i.e |
CTrackParametersCovarianceCnv | |
CTrackParametersVectorCnv_p1 | |
CTrackParticleAssocs | |
CTrackParticleAssocs_p1 | |
CTrackParticleAssocsCnv_p1 | |
CTrackParticleBaseCnv_p1 | Convertor for Trk::TrackParticleBase |
CTrackParticleCellAssociationAlg | |
CTrackParticleClusterAssociationAlg | |
CTrackParticleCnv_p1 | |
CTrackParticleCnv_p2 | |
CTrackParticleCnv_p3 | |
►CTrackParticleCollectionSettingsButton | |
CImp | |
CTrackParticleContainerARACnv_tlp1 | |
CTrackParticleContainerARACnv_tlp2 | |
CTrackParticleContainerARACnv_tlp3 | |
CTrackParticleContainerCnv | |
CTrackParticleContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrackParticleContainerCnv_p2 | |
CTrackParticleContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrackParticleContainerCnv_tlp2 | |
CTrackParticleContainerCnv_tlp3 | |
CTrackParticleTruth | |
CTrackParticleTruthAlg | |
CTrackParticleTruthCollection | |
CTrackParticleTruthCollectionAccessor | |
CTrackParticleTruthCollectionCnv | |
CTrackParticleTruthCollectionCnv_p0 | |
CTrackParticleTruthCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CTrackParticleTruthCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CTrackParticleTruthCollectionCnv_p3 | |
CTrackParticleTruthCollectionContainer_p1 | |
CTrackParticleTruthCollectionContainer_p2 | |
CTrackParticleTruthCollectionContainer_p3 | |
CTrackParticleTruthCollectionContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrackParticleTruthCollectionContainer_tlp2 | |
CTrackParticleTruthCollectionContainer_tlp3 | |
CTrackParticleTruthCollectionContainerCnv | |
CTrackParticleTruthCollectionContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrackParticleTruthCollectionContainerCnv_p2 | |
CTrackParticleTruthCollectionContainerCnv_p3 | |
CTrackParticleTruthCollectionContainerCnv_tlp1 | Tau details container converter |
CTrackParticleTruthCollectionContainerCnv_tlp2 | Tau details container converter |
CTrackParticleTruthCollectionContainerCnv_tlp3 | Tau details container converter |
CTrackParticleTruthVector | |
►CTrackPropagationHelper | |
CImp | |
CTrackRecord | |
CTrackRecord_dict | |
CTrackRecord_p0 | |
CTrackRecord_p1 | |
CTrackRecord_p2 | |
CTrackRecordAnalysis | |
CTrackRecordCnv_p1 | |
CTrackRecordCnv_p2 | |
CTrackRecordCollection_p1 | |
CTrackRecordCollection_p2 | |
CTrackRecordCollection_p3 | |
CTrackRecordCollectionCnv | |
CTrackRecorderSDTool | |
CTrackRecordFilter | |
CTrackRecordGenerator | Track Record Generator. The class takes input simulation track records and uses them as generator records |
CTrackRecordStreamer_p0 | |
CTrackSeedStorage | |
CTrackSegmentAssociationTool | |
CTrackSegmentCnv_p1 | |
CTrackSelector | |
CTrackSlimmer | |
CTrackSort | Helper method to sort tracks |
CTrackStateOnSurfaceCnv_p1 | |
CTrackStateOnSurfaceCnv_p2 | |
CTrackStateOnSurfaceCnv_p3 | |
CTrackStatHelper | |
CTrackSummaryCnv_p1 | |
CTrackSummaryCnv_p2 | |
►CTrackSysCommonData | |
CImp | |
►CTrackSystemController | |
CImp | |
CTrackSystemDisplay | |
CTrackTools | |
CTrackToVertex | |
CTrackTrigObject | |
CTrackTruth | MC particle associated with a reco track + the quality of match |
CTrackTruthCollection | |
CTrackTruthCollectionAccessor | |
CTrackTruthCollectionCnv | |
CTrackTruthCollectionCnv_p0 | |
CTrackTruthCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CTrackTruthCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CTrackTruthCollectionCnv_p3 | |
CTrackTruthSelectionTool | |
CTrackTruthSelector | |
CTrackTruthSimilaritySelector | |
CTrackTruthVector | |
CTrackTupleInfo | |
CTrackType | |
CTrackVertexAssociationTool | Creates a jet::TrackVertexAssociation object |
CTrackVertexAssoTestAlg | |
CTrackVisualizationHelper | |
CTransferTree | |
CTransformMap | Generic class to outsource the cache of transformations, Vectors, etc, from the core class instance |
CTransientObject | |
CTransientStruct | |
CTrapezoidBoundsCnv_p1 | |
CtrdHandler | |
CTree | |
CTreeReader | |
CTreeShapeErrorGetter | Liquid Argon base class for shape information |
CTRegSelEtaPhiModule | Template class with payload added NB: >, <, == and != operators should be defined for the payload for the sorting when adding to an std::set could get away only with < operator, but there you go
CTReturnTypeAdapter | |
CTriangleBoundsCnv_p1 | |
CTrig3Momentum | 3 Momentum Class for Jet/MET Calculations |
CTrigAccelJointModule | |
CTrigAFPDijetComboHypoTool | |
CTrigAFPSidHypoMonitoringAlg | Monitors performance of AF SID reco and related hypo |
CTrigAFPToFHypoAlg | |
►CTrigAFPToFHypoTool | |
CAFPToFHypoToolInfo | |
CTrigBjetBtagHypoAlg | |
►CTrigBjetBtagHypoTool | |
CTrigBjetBtagHypoToolInfo | |
CTrigBjetHypoAlgBase | |
CTrigBjetMonitorAlgorithm | |
CTrigBmumuxComboHypo | EF hypothesis algorithm for B -> mu+ mu- X decays: B+ -> mu+ mu- K+ B_c+ -> J/psi(-> mu+ mu-) pi+ B_s0 -> mu+ mu- phi1020(-> K+, K-) B0 -> mu+ mu- K*0(-> K+ pi-) Lambda_b0 -> J/psi(-> mu+ mu-) p K- B_c+ -> J/psi(-> mu+ mu-) D_s+(->phi(-> K+ K-) pi+) B_c+ -> J/psi(-> mu+ mu-) D+(-> K- pi+ pi+) B_c+ -> J/psi(-> mu+ mu-) D*+(-> D0(-> K- pi+) pi+) partial (lost pion from D*+) and full reconstruction |
CTrigBmumuxComboHypoTool | ComboHypoTool for B -> mu+ mu- X (bBmumux) and B+ -> mu+ nu_mu X (bBmux) decays |
►CTrigBmumuxState | State class for TrigBmumuxComboHypo algorithm |
CMuon | |
CTrigBmuxComboHypo | EF hypothesis algorithm for B -> mu+ nu_mu X decays: B+ -> mu+ nu_mu anti-D0(-> K+ pi-) B0 -> mu+ nu_mu D*-(-> anti-D0(-> K+ pi-) pi-) B0 -> mu+ nu_mu D-(-> K+ pi- pi-) B_s0 -> mu+ nu_mu D_s-(->phi(-> K+ K-) pi-) anti-Lambda_b0 -> mu+ nu_mu anti-Lambda_c-(-> anti-p K+ pi-) |
►CTrigBmuxState | State class for TrigBmuxComboHypo algorithm |
CMuon | |
CTrigBphysMonitorAlgorithm | |
CTrigBphysStreamerHypo | Implements a streamer (no selection) for the HLT framework |
CTrigBphysStreamerHypoTool | |
CTrigBSExtraction | Top algorithms which unpacks objects from BS and places them in SG |
CTrigBStoxAODTool | |
CTrigBtagTLATool | |
CTrigByteStreamCnvSvc | A ByteStreamCnvSvc implementation for online use |
►CTrigByteStreamInputSvc | A ByteStreamInputSvc implementation for online use, reading events from hltinterface::DataCollector |
CEventCache | |
CTrigCaloCluster | Base Cluster Class |
CTrigCaloCluster_p1 | |
CTrigCaloCluster_p2 | |
CTrigCaloCluster_p3 | |
CTrigCaloClusterCalibrator | |
CTrigCaloClusterCnv_p1 | |
CTrigCaloClusterCnv_p2 | |
CTrigCaloClusterCnv_p3 | |
CTrigCaloClusterContainer | Container from TrigCaloCluster type objects |
CTrigCaloClusterContainer_p3 | |
CTrigCaloClusterContainerCnv | |
CTrigCaloClusterMaker | |
CTrigCaloClusterMonitor | |
►CTrigCaloDataAccessSvc | |
CFullDetIDs | Convenience structure to keep together all ROBs and IdentifierHashes for whole detectors |
CHLTCaloEventCache | Convience structure to keep together a collection and auxiliar full collection selectors |
CTrigCaloTowerMaker | |
CTrigCombinatorialSettings | |
►CTrigComboHypoTool | TrigComboHypoTool is a ComboHypoTool that calculates topological quantities between two particles and apply cuts on it (upper and lower cut) accepting the event if the required condition is satisfied |
CVarInfo | Organise info per var selection in a struct |
CTrigComposite | |
CTrigComposite_p1 | |
CTrigCompositeCnv | |
CTrigCompositeCnv_impl | |
CTrigCompositeCnv_p1 | |
CTrigCompositeContainer | Container from TrigComposite type objects |
CTrigCompositeContainer_p1 | |
CTrigCompositeContainerCnv | |
CTrigConfAlg | |
CTrigConfAlg_p1 | |
CTrigConfAlgCnv_p1 | |
CTrigConfChain | |
CTrigConfChain_p1 | |
CTrigConfChainCnv_p1 | |
CTrigConfSeq | |
CTrigConfSeq_p1 | |
CTrigConfSeqCnv_p1 | |
CTrigConfSig | |
CTrigConfSig_p1 | |
CTrigConfSigCnv_p1 | |
CTrigConfVar | |
CTrigCOOLUpdateHelper | Tool to perform COOL updates during the run |
CTrigCostAnalysis | Athena algorithm used to process Trigger cost monitoring data in Run 3 and above. Outputs histograms |
CTrigCostAuditor | Gaudi Auditor implementation to hook algorithm executions and notify the Trigger Cost Service |
CTrigCostDataStore | Thread safe and multi-slot hash-map to cache PAYLOAD objects/primitives during event execution |
CTrigCostFinalizeAlg | Simple class to end the Cost Monitoring at the end of acceptedEventTopSeq |
CTrigCostSupervisorAlg | Simple class to start the Cost Monitoring at the begining of HLTBeginSeq |
►CTrigCostSvc | AthenaMT service to collect trigger cost data from all threads and summarise it at the end of the event |
CThreadHashCompare | Static hash and equal members as required by tbb::concurrent_hash_map |
CTrigCountSpacePoints | |
CTrigDecisionChecker | |
CTrigDecisionCnv | |
CTrigDecisionRetriever | Retrieves ROI objects, default mode uses HLT/Offline object LVL1_ROI::emtaus_type |
CTrigdEdxTrackHypoAlg | Implements Hypo selection on triggering large dEdx tracks |
►CTrigdEdxTrackHypoTool | Generated the decision for hypo thats triggers on high pt isolated tracks |
CdEdxTrkHypoInfo | |
CTrigDiMuon | |
►CTrigDisappearingTrackHypoAlg | Implements Hypo selection on triggering disappearing tracks |
CTMVA_pix3l_sct0 | TMVA reader and associated variables for pix3l_sct0 |
CTMVA_pix3l_sct1p | TMVA reader and associated variables for pix3l_sct1p |
CTMVA_pix4l_sct0 | TMVA reader and associated variables for pix4l_sct0 |
CTMVA_pix4l_sct1p | TMVA reader and associated variables for pix4l_sct1p |
►CTrigDisappearingTrackHypoTool | Generated the decision for hypo thats triggers disappearing track |
CDisTrkHypoInfo | |
CTrigDkfTrackMakerTool | |
CTrigEDMAuxChecker | |
CTrigEDMChecker | |
CTrigEFBjet | Class representing a b-jet candidate created at EF |
CTrigEFBjet_p1 | |
CTrigEFBjet_p2 | |
CTrigEFBjetCnv_p1 | |
CTrigEFBjetCnv_p2 | |
CTrigEFBjetContainer | Container of TrigEFBjet objects to be stored in POOL |
CTrigEFBjetContainer_p1 | |
CTrigEFBjetContainer_p2 | |
CTrigEFBjetContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrigEFBjetContainer_tlp2 | |
CTrigEFBjetContainerCnv | |
CTrigEFBjetContainerCnv_impl | |
CTrigEFBjetContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrigEFBjetContainerCnv_p2 | |
CTrigEFBjetContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigEFBjetContainerCnv_tlp2 | |
CTrigEFBphys | |
CTrigEFBphys_p1 | |
CTrigEFBphys_p2 | |
CTrigEFBphys_p3 | |
CTrigEFBphysCnv_p1 | |
CTrigEFBphysCnv_p2 | |
CTrigEFBphysCnv_p3 | |
CTrigEFBphysContainer | |
CTrigEFBphysContainer_p1 | |
CTrigEFBphysContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrigEFBphysContainer_tlp2 | |
CTrigEFBphysContainerCnv | |
CTrigEFBphysContainerCnv_impl | |
CTrigEFBphysContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrigEFBphysContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigEFBphysContainerCnv_tlp2 | |
►CTrigEgammaEmulationToolTest | |
CTrigInfo | |
CTrigEgammaFastCaloHypoAlg | Implements egamma calo selection for the new HLT framework |
CTrigEgammaFastCaloHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaFastElectronHypoAlg | Implements Hypo selection on L2 electrons |
CTrigEgammaFastElectronHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaFastElectronReAlgo | TrigEgammaFastElectronReAlgo is a Trigger Fex Algorithm that retrieves the TrigEMCluster container and the TrackCollection containers and then creates a TrigElectron Container with a subset of calorimeter-ID selection variables that are calculated (eg. E/p) The algo will apply some very loose selection cuts to the TrigElectronContainer created which is of TrigParticle type TrigElectron The TrigElectron conatiner will then be retrieved by the hypothesis algorithm TrigEgammaFastElectronHypo that will perform the corresponding fast electron selection |
CTrigEgammaFastPhotonHypoAlg | Implements Hypo selection on L2 photons |
►CTrigEgammaFastPhotonHypoTool | |
CPhotonInfo | |
CTrigEgammaFastPhotonReAlgo | Convert the TrigEMCluster to TrigPhoton object |
CTrigEgammaForwardFastCaloHypoAlg | Implements egamma calo selection for the new HLT framework |
CTrigEgammaForwardFastCaloHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaForwardPrecisionCaloHypoAlg | Implements egamma calo selection for the new HLT framework |
CTrigEgammaForwardPrecisionCaloHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaForwardPrecisionElectronHypoAlg | Implements precision electron selection for the new HLT framework |
CTrigEgammaForwardPrecisionElectronHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaMatchingToolMT | |
CTrigEgammaMatchingToolMTTest | |
CTrigEgammaMonitorAnalysisAlgorithm | |
CTrigEgammaMonitorBaseAlgorithm | |
CTrigEgammaMonitorElectronAlgorithm | |
CTrigEgammaMonitorPhotonAlgorithm | |
CTrigEgammaMonitorTagAndProbeAlgorithm | |
►CTrigEgammaMonitorTopoAlgorithm | |
CLegs | |
CTrigEgammaPrecisionCaloHypoAlg | Implements egamma calo selection for the new HLT framework |
CTrigEgammaPrecisionCaloHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaPrecisionElectronHypoAlg | Implements precision electron selection for the new HLT framework |
CTrigEgammaPrecisionElectronHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaPrecisionPhotonCaloIsoHypoAlg | Implements egamma calorimeter isolation selection for precision photon triggers |
CTrigEgammaPrecisionPhotonCaloIsoHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaPrecisionPhotonHypoAlg | Implements egamma calo selection for the new HLT framework |
CTrigEgammaPrecisionPhotonHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaTLAPhotonHypoAlg | |
CTrigEgammaTLAPhotonHypoTool | |
CTrigEgammaTLAPhotonReAlgo | |
CTrigEgammaTopoHypoTool | TrigEgammaTopoHypoTool is a ComboHypoTool that calculates the inv mass and deltaPhi distance Apply inv mass cuts (upper and lower cut) or deltaPhi cuts or both to the two electrons/photons and accepts the event if condition is satisfied |
CTrigElectron | File: TrigElectron.h |
CTrigElectron_p1 | |
CTrigElectron_p2 | |
CTrigElectron_p3 | |
CTrigElectronCnv_p1 | |
CTrigElectronCnv_p2 | |
CTrigElectronCnv_p3 | |
CTrigElectronContainer | File: TrigElectronContainer.h |
CTrigElectronContainer_p1 | |
CTrigElectronContainer_p2 | |
CTrigElectronContainer_p3 | |
CTrigElectronContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrigElectronContainer_tlp2 | |
CTrigElectronContainerCnv | |
CTrigElectronContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrigElectronContainerCnv_p2 | |
CTrigElectronContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigElectronContainerCnv_tlp2 | |
CTrigEMCluster | Class with calibrated variables for egamma clustering |
CTrigEMCluster_p1 | |
CTrigEMCluster_p2 | |
CTrigEMCluster_p3 | |
CTrigEMCluster_p4 | |
CTrigEMCluster_tlp1 | |
CTrigEMCluster_tlp2 | |
CTrigEMClusterCnv | |
CTrigEMClusterCnv_impl | |
CTrigEMClusterCnv_p3 | |
CTrigEMClusterCnv_p4 | |
CTrigEMClusterCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigEMClusterCnv_tlp2 | |
CTrigEMClusterContainer | Container from TrigEMCluster type objects |
CTrigEMClusterContainer_p1 | |
CTrigEMClusterContainer_p3 | |
CTrigEMClusterContainer_p4 | |
CTrigEMClusterContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrigEMClusterContainerCnv | |
CTrigEMClusterContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrigEMClusterContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigEMClusterConverterBase | |
CTrigEMClusterConverterBase< TrigEMCluster_p1 > | |
CTrigEMClusterConverterBase< TrigEMCluster_p2 > | |
CTrigErrorMonTool | Retrieves and monitors all non-success status codes returned by algorithms |
CTrigEventInfoRecorderAlg | |
►CTrigEventSelectorByteStream | Online implementation of IEvtSelector for ByteStream |
CContext | Event Selector context for TrigEventSelectorByteStream |
CTrigExISPublishing | IS Publishing test algorithm |
CTrigFastCalibWithRings | |
►CTrigFastTrackFinder | |
COneLayerInfo_t | |
CTrigFeatureLink | |
CTrigFPGATrackSimRawHitsWrapperAlg | Steering algorithm to run IFPGATrackSimInputTool and save the output in plain ROOT tree |
CTrigFTF_ExtendedTrackState | |
CTrigFTF_GNN_DataStorage | |
►CTrigFTF_GNN_Edge | |
CCompareLevel | |
►CTrigFTF_GNN_EdgeState | |
CCompare | |
►CTrigFTF_GNN_EtaBin | |
CCompareNodesByPhi | |
CTrigFTF_GNN_Geometry | |
CTrigFTF_GNN_Layer | |
CTrigFTF_GNN_Node | |
CTrigFTF_GNN_TrackingFilter | |
CTrigFTF_HitAssignment | |
CTrigGenericHypoAlg | |
►CTrigGenericHypoTool | |
CHypoToolInfo | |
CTriggerBitsMakerTool | Obtains trigger bits from Navigation summary via getBits and (online) fills trigger bits in the HLTResultMT object |
►CTriggerEDMDeserialiserAlg | |
CWritableAuxStore | |
►CTriggerEDMSerialiserTool | Tool responsible for filling an HLT result object with serialised EDM collections |
CAddress | |
CTruncationInfo | |
CTriggerEfficiencyPlots | Class holding Pt plots for Inner Detector RTT Validation and implementing fill methods |
CTRIGGERidentity | |
►CTriggerInfo | This class contains trigger related information |
CStreamTag | |
CTriggerInfo_p1 | |
►CTriggerInfo_p2 | |
CStreamTag_p2 | |
CTriggerInfoCnv_p1 | |
CTriggerInfoCnv_p2 | |
CTriggerInfoCnv_p3 | |
CTriggerMuonValidationPlots | |
CTriggerRegistryTool | This file contains the class definition for the TriggerRegistryTool class |
CTriggerSelectionAlg | |
CTriggerSummaryAlg | In addition, a merged decisions collection is prepared. But not currently written. An algorithm reading partial decisions and print them. Use to debug at the end of a sequence |
CTriggerTower_p1 | Persistent form of TriggerTower using T/P separation |
CTriggerTowerCnv_p1 | T/P converter for TriggerTower and TriggerTower_p1 |
CTriggerTowerCollection_p1 | |
CTriggerTowerCollection_tlp1 | |
CTriggerTowerCollectionCnv | |
CTriggerTowerCollectionCnv_p1 | T/P converter for TriggerTower and TriggerTower_p1 |
CTriggerTowerCollectionCnv_tlp1 | T/P converter for TriggerTower and TriggerTower_p1 |
CTriggerTowerThinningAlg | Thinning algorithm for the L1Calo Trigger Towers |
CTriggerTranslatorToolSimple | Provides functionality for users to implement and save histograms, ntuples, and summary data, while allowing a central manager to coordinate and configure many TriggerTranslatorToolSimple instances |
►CTrigGlobalEfficiencyCorrectionTool | |
CCachedRanking | |
CHierarchy | |
CTagDecorator | |
CToolKey | |
CTrigHIEventShapeHypoAlg | Implements FCal-based forward gap selection for the HLT framework |
CTrigHIFwdGapHypoTool | |
CTrigHisto | The base class for TrigHisto1D and TrigHisto2D. This class should never be stored or used directly |
CTrigHisto1D | A very basic one dimensional histogram to provide storage of HLT distributions, allowing constraints but preventing excessive memory usage for busy events. The histogram data is compressed during persistification according to the type of template instantiated |
CTrigHisto1D_p1 | The persistent partner of TrigHisto1D class |
CTrigHisto1DCnv | |
CTrigHisto1DCnv_p1 | |
CTrigHisto1DContainer | |
CTrigHisto1DContainer_p1 | |
CTrigHisto1DContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrigHisto1DContainerCnv | |
CTrigHisto1DContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrigHisto1DContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigHisto2D | A very basic two dimensional histogram to provide storage of HLT distributions, allowing constraints but preventing excessive memory usage for busy events. The histogram data is compressed during persistification according to the type of template instantiated |
CTrigHisto2D_p1 | The persistent partner of the TrigHisto2D class |
CTrigHisto2DCnv | |
CTrigHisto2DCnv_p1 | |
CTrigHisto2DContainer | |
CTrigHisto2DContainer_p1 | |
CTrigHisto2DContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrigHisto2DContainerCnv | |
CTrigHisto2DContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrigHisto2DContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigHistoContainer | Container of TrigHisto1D classes |
►CTrigHitDVHypoAlg | Implements Hypo selection on triggering displaced vertex |
CTMVAReader | |
►CTrigHitDVHypoTool | Generated the decision for hypo thats triggers on dispalced vertex |
CHitDVHypoInfo | |
CTrigHIUCCHypoTool | Tool to select Ultra Central Collisions (applies a cut on calo energy) |
CTrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm | |
CTrigIDHitStats | |
CTrigIDHitStats_p1 | |
CTrigIDHitStatsCnv_p1 | |
►CTrigInDetAccelerationSvc | Service for creating GPU-accelerated Work items for HLT ID algorithms |
►CPhiEtaHash | |
Ccompare | |
CTrigInDetAccelerationTool | |
CTrigInDetModuleCuda | |
►CTrigInDetRoadPredictorTool | |
CDetectorElementDescription | |
CDetectorElementsCollection | |
CLayerBoundary | |
CLayerDescription | |
CSearchInterval | |
CVolumeBoundary | |
CTrigInDetSiLayer | |
CTrigInDetTrack | |
CTrigInDetTrack_p1 | |
CTrigInDetTrack_p2 | |
CTrigInDetTrack_p3 | |
CTrigInDetTrack_p4 | |
CTrigInDetTrack_p5 | |
CTrigInDetTrackCnv_p1 | |
CTrigInDetTrackCnv_p2 | |
CTrigInDetTrackCnv_p3 | |
CTrigInDetTrackCnv_p4 | |
CTrigInDetTrackCnv_p5 | |
CTrigInDetTrackCollection | |
CTrigInDetTrackCollection_p1 | |
CTrigInDetTrackCollection_tlp1 | |
CTrigInDetTrackCollection_tlp2 | |
CTrigInDetTrackCollection_tlp3 | |
CTrigInDetTrackCollection_tlp4 | |
CTrigInDetTrackCollectionCnv | |
CTrigInDetTrackCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CTrigInDetTrackCollectionCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigInDetTrackCollectionCnv_tlp2 | |
CTrigInDetTrackCollectionCnv_tlp3 | |
CTrigInDetTrackCollectionCnv_tlp4 | |
CTrigInDetTrackCollectionCnvARA_tlp3 | |
CTrigInDetTrackFitPar | |
CTrigInDetTrackFitPar_p1 | |
CTrigInDetTrackFitPar_p2 | |
CTrigInDetTrackFitPar_p3 | |
CTrigInDetTrackFitParCnv_p1 | |
CTrigInDetTrackFitParCnv_p2 | |
CTrigInDetTrackFitParCnv_p3 | |
CTrigInDetTrackFitter | |
CTrigInDetTrackFollowingTool | |
CTrigInDetTrackHelper | |
CTrigInDetTracklet | |
CTrigInDetTrackMonitoringTool | |
CTrigInDetTrackSeedingResult | |
CTrigInDetTrackSeedingTool | |
CTrigInDetTrackTruth | |
CTrigInDetTrackTruth_p1 | |
CTrigInDetTrackTruthCnv_p1 | |
CTrigInDetTrackTruthMap | |
CTrigInDetTrackTruthMap_old | |
CTrigInDetTrackTruthMap_old_cnv | |
CTrigInDetTrackTruthMap_p1 | |
CTrigInDetTrackTruthMap_tlp1 | |
CTrigInDetTrackTruthMap_tlp2 | |
CTrigInDetTrackTruthMap_tlp3 | |
CTrigInDetTrackTruthMap_tlp4 | |
CTrigInDetTrackTruthMapCnv | |
CTrigInDetTrackTruthMapCnv_p1 | |
CTrigInDetTrackTruthMapCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigInDetTrackTruthMapCnv_tlp2 | |
CTrigInDetTrackTruthMapCnv_tlp3 | |
CTrigInDetTrackTruthMapCnv_tlp4 | |
CTrigInDetTriplet | |
CTrigIsoHPtTrackTriggerHypoAlg | Implements Hypo selection on triggering high pt isolated tracks |
►CTrigIsoHPtTrackTriggerHypoTool | Generated the decision for hypo thats triggers on high pt isolated tracks |
CTrackInfo | |
CTrigITkAccelerationTool | |
CTrigITkModuleCuda | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_abs_eta | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_acceptAll | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_bdips | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_clean | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_dijet_deta | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_dijet_dphi | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_dijet_mass | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_dipzmlpl | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_emf | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_et | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_gntau | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_htdipz | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_htfr | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_jvt | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_moment | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_mult | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_phi | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_pileuprm | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_pt | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_qjet_mass | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_repeated | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_signed_eta | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_smc | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_timesig | |
CTrigJetConditionConfig_timing | |
CTrigJetCRHypoAlg | HypoAlg for low-EMF trackless jets algorithm |
►CTrigJetCRHypoTool | |
CJetInfo | |
CTrigJetCRVARHypoAlg | HypoAlg for low-EMF trackless jets algorithm |
►CTrigJetCRVARHypoTool | |
CJetInfo | |
CTrigJetEJsHypoAlg | HypoAlg for exotic jets / emerging jets algorithm |
►CTrigJetEJsHypoTool | |
CJetInfo | |
CTrigJetHypoAlg | Implements jet selection for the HLT framework |
CTrigJetHypoTool | |
CTrigJetHypoToolConfig_conditionfilter | |
CTrigJetHypoToolConfig_fastreduction | |
CTrigJetHypoToolConfig_maxmultfilter | |
CTrigJetHypoToolConfig_passthroughfilter | |
CTrigJetHypoToolConfig_rangefilter | |
CTrigJetHypoToolHelperNoGrouper | |
CTrigJetTLAHypoAlg | HypoAlg for TLA algorithm |
CTrigJetTLAHypoTool | |
CTrigJpsi | |
CTrigL1FexJetMonitorAlgorithm | |
CTrigL1FexJetMonitorTool | |
CTrigL2Bjet | Class representing a b-jet candidate created at L2 |
CTrigL2Bjet_p1 | |
CTrigL2Bjet_p2 | |
CTrigL2Bjet_p3 | |
CTrigL2BjetCnv_p1 | |
CTrigL2BjetCnv_p2 | |
CTrigL2BjetCnv_p3 | |
CTrigL2BjetContainer | Container of TrigEFBjet objects to be stored in POOL |
CTrigL2BjetContainer_p1 | |
CTrigL2BjetContainer_p2 | |
CTrigL2BjetContainer_p3 | |
CTrigL2BjetContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrigL2BjetContainer_tlp2 | |
CTrigL2BjetContainerCnv | |
CTrigL2BjetContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrigL2BjetContainerCnv_p2 | |
CTrigL2BjetContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigL2BjetContainerCnv_tlp2 | |
CTrigL2Bphys | |
CTrigL2Bphys_p1 | |
CTrigL2Bphys_p2 | |
CTrigL2Bphys_p3 | |
CTrigL2BphysCnv_p1 | |
CTrigL2BphysCnv_p2 | |
CTrigL2BphysCnv_p3 | |
CTrigL2BphysContainer | |
CTrigL2BphysContainer_p1 | |
CTrigL2BphysContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrigL2BphysContainer_tlp2 | |
CTrigL2BphysContainerCnv | |
CTrigL2BphysContainerCnv_impl | |
CTrigL2BphysContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrigL2BphysContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigL2BphysContainerCnv_tlp2 | |
CTrigL2CaloLayersAlg | Implements LAr layer by layer cut based detection for the new HLT framework |
CTrigL2CaloLayersHypoTool | |
CTrigL2HitResidual | |
CTrigL2LayerNumberTool | |
CTrigL2LayerNumberToolITk | |
CTrigL2Vertex | |
CTrigLArNoiseBurstAlg | Implements LArNoiseBurst detection for the new HLT framework |
CTrigLArNoiseBurstHypoTool | |
CTrigLArNoiseBurstRecoAlg | Implements LArNoiseBurst detection for the new HLT framework |
CTrigLiveFractionCondAlg | Conditions algorithm for trigger live fraction data |
CTrigLiveFractionCondData | Hold live fraction data produced by TrigLiveFractionCondAlg |
CTrigMatchTool | The TrigMatchTool is an athena tool used to match reconstructed objects to trigger objects and chains |
►CTrigMatchToolCore | The TrigMatchToolCore defines the core functionality of the TrigMatchTool and is used for matching trigger and reconstructed objects |
CChainNameIndex | |
CFeatureLabelHolder | |
CSlotCache | |
►CTrigFeatureCache | |
CcacheData_t | |
CTrigFeatureCacheBase | |
CTypeMap | |
►CTrigMessageSvc | MessageSvc used by the HLT applications |
CMsgAry | Private helper class to keep the count of messages of a type (MSG::LEVEL) |
CTrigMETMonitorAlgorithm | |
CTrigMissingET | Class for LVL2/EF MissingET trigger |
CTrigMissingET_p1 | |
CTrigMissingET_p2 | |
CTrigMissingET_p3 | |
CTrigMissingETCnv | |
CTrigMissingETCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMissingETCnv_p2 | |
CTrigMissingETCnv_p3 | |
CTrigMissingEtComponent | MET trigger slice components (auxiliary information for TrigMissingET) |
CTrigMissingETContainer | |
CTrigMissingETContainer_p1 | |
CTrigMissingETContainer_p3 | |
CTrigMissingETContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrigMissingETContainerCnv | |
CTrigMissingETContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMissingETContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigMissingETHypoAlg | Implements MET selection for the HLT framework |
CTrigMissingETHypoTool | |
CTrigMonAlg | Summary of single agorithm execution. Algorithm is identified by position within parent sequence. Class stores stop and start time as encoded words from TrigMonTimer class, so timers are constructed on fly and returned by value. Class can also store (uint16_t, float) pairs of variables |
CTrigMonAlg_p1 | |
CTrigMonAlgCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMonChain | Summary of chain decisions |
CTrigMonConfig | This class holds encoded ids for monitoring objects and helps to map these objects to trigger configuration |
CTrigMonConfig_p1 | |
CTrigMonConfigCnv | |
CTrigMonConfigCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMonConfigCollection | |
CTrigMonConfigCollection_p1 | Persistent copy of TrigMonConfigCollection; |
CTrigMonConfigCollection_tlp1 | |
CTrigMonConfigCollectionCnv | |
CTrigMonConfigCollectionCnv_impl | |
CTrigMonConfigCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMonConfigCollectionCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigMonEvent | |
CTrigMonEvent_p1 | |
CTrigMonEventCnv | |
CTrigMonEventCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMonEventCollection | |
CTrigMonEventCollection_p1 | Persistent copy of TrigMonEventCollection; |
CTrigMonEventCollection_tlp1 | |
CTrigMonEventCollectionCnv | |
CTrigMonEventCollectionCnv_impl | |
CTrigMonEventCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMonEventCollectionCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigMonL1Item | Encoded L1 decision for one item |
CTrigMonROB | |
CTrigMonROB_p1 | |
CTrigMonROBCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMonROBData | |
CTrigMonROBData_p1 | |
CTrigMonROBData_p2 | |
CTrigMonROBDataCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMonROBDataCnv_p2 | |
CTrigMonROBSum | |
CTrigMonRoi | |
CTrigMonRoi_p1 | |
CTrigMonRoiCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMonSeq | |
CTrigMonSeq_p1 | |
CTrigMonSeqCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMonTE | Summary of one trigger element from navigation tree |
CTrigMonTE_p1 | Persistent copy of TrigMonTE |
CTrigMonTECnv_p1 | |
►CTrigMonTHistSvc | HLT online histogram service |
CTHistID | Helper struct that bundles the histogram, name and mutex |
CTrigMonTimer | |
CTrigMonVar | |
CTrigmuCombHypoAlg | |
►CTrigmuCombHypoTool | |
CCombinedMuonInfo | |
CTrigMufastHypoAlg | |
►CTrigMufastHypoTool | |
CMuonClusterInfo | |
CTrigMultiTrkComboHypo | |
CTrigMultiTrkComboHypoTool | |
►CTrigMultiTrkState | State class for TrigMultiTrkComboHypo algorithm |
CTrigMultiTrkStateBase | |
CTrigMuonBackExtrapolator | |
CTrigMuonClusterFeature | |
CTrigMuonClusterFeature_p1 | |
CTrigMuonClusterFeature_tlp1 | |
CTrigMuonClusterFeatureCnv | |
CTrigMuonClusterFeatureCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMuonClusterFeatureCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigMuonClusterFeatureContainer | |
CTrigMuonClusterFeatureContainer_p1 | |
CTrigMuonClusterFeatureContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrigMuonClusterFeatureContainerCnv | |
CTrigMuonClusterFeatureContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMuonClusterFeatureContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigMuonEF | |
CTrigMuonEF_p1 | |
CTrigMuonEF_p2 | |
CTrigMuonEFCbTrack | |
CTrigMuonEFCbTrack_p1 | |
CTrigMuonEFCbTrack_p2 | |
CTrigMuonEFCbTrack_p3 | |
CTrigMuonEFCbTrack_p4 | |
CTrigMuonEFCbTrack_p6 | |
CTrigMuonEFCbTrack_p7 | |
CTrigMuonEFCbTrackCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMuonEFCbTrackCnv_p2 | |
CTrigMuonEFCbTrackCnv_p3 | |
CTrigMuonEFCbTrackCnv_p4 | |
CTrigMuonEFCbTrackCnv_p5 | |
CTrigMuonEFCbTrackCnv_p6 | |
CTrigMuonEFCbTrackCnv_p7 | |
CTrigMuonEFCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMuonEFCnv_p2 | |
CTrigMuonEFContainer | |
CTrigMuonEFContainer_p1 | |
CTrigMuonEFContainer_p2 | |
CTrigMuonEFContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrigMuonEFContainerCnv | |
CTrigMuonEFContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMuonEFContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigMuonEfficiencyMon | |
CTrigMuonEFHypoAlg | |
►CTrigMuonEFHypoTool | |
CMuonEFInfo | |
CTrigMuonEFIdtpHypoAlg | |
►CTrigMuonEFIdtpHypoTool | |
CMuonEFIdperfInfo | |
CTrigMuonEFIdtpInvMassHypoTool | |
CTrigMuonEFInfo | |
CTrigMuonEFInfo_p1 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfo_p2 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfo_p3 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfo_p4 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfo_p5 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoCnv_p2 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoCnv_p3 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoCnv_p4 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoCnv_p5 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoCnvTestAlg | Algorithm to test conversion of EFMuons to xAOD objects |
CTrigMuonEFInfoContainer | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoContainer_p1 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoContainer_p2 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoContainer_tlp2 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoContainerCnv | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoContainerCnv_p2 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoContainerCnv_tlp2 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoToMuonCnvTool | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoTrack | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoTrack_p1 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoTrackCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoTrackContainer | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoTrackContainer_p1 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoTrackContainer_p2 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoTrackContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMuonEFInfoTrackContainerCnv_p2 | |
CTrigMuonEFInvMassHypoTool | |
CTrigMuonEFIsolation | |
CTrigMuonEFIsolation_p1 | Persistent partner class for TrigMuonEFIsolation |
CTrigMuonEFIsolation_p2 | Persistent partner class for TrigMuonEFIsolation |
CTrigMuonEFIsolationCnv_p1 | T/P Converter for TrigMuonEFIsolation_p1 |
CTrigMuonEFIsolationCnv_p2 | T/P Converter for TrigMuonEFIsolation_p2 |
CTrigMuonEFIsolationContainer | |
CTrigMuonEFIsolationContainer_p1 | Persistent class partner for TrigMuonEFIsolationContainer |
CTrigMuonEFIsolationContainer_p2 | Persistent class partner for TrigMuonEFIsolationContainer |
CTrigMuonEFIsolationContainerCnv | Class to convert between persistent & transisent versions of TrigMuonEFIsolationContainer |
CTrigMuonEFIsolationContainerCnv_p1 | T/P Converter for TrigMuonEFIsolationContainer_p1 |
CTrigMuonEFIsolationContainerCnv_p2 | T/P Converter for TrigMuonEFIsolationContainer_p2 |
CTrigMuonEFTrack | |
CTrigMuonEFTrack_p1 | |
CTrigMuonEFTrack_p2 | |
CTrigMuonEFTrack_p3 | |
CTrigMuonEFTrack_p4 | |
CTrigMuonEFTrack_p5 | |
CTrigMuonEFTrack_p6 | |
CTrigMuonEFTrackCnv_p1 | |
CTrigMuonEFTrackCnv_p2 | |
CTrigMuonEFTrackCnv_p3 | |
CTrigMuonEFTrackCnv_p4 | |
CTrigMuonEFTrackCnv_p5 | |
CTrigMuonEFTrackCnv_p6 | |
CTrigMuonEFTrackIsolationAlg | |
CTrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypoAlg | |
►CTrigMuonEFTrackIsolationHypoTool | |
CEFIsolationMuonInfo | |
CTrigMuonEFTrackIsolationTool | EF Track Isolation tool |
CTrigMuonLateMuRoIHypoAlg | |
►CTrigMuonLateMuRoIHypoTool | |
CMuonEFInfo | |
CTrigMuonMonitorAlgorithm | Base class from which analyzers can define a derived class to do specific analysis |
CTrigMuonRoITool | |
CTrigMuonTLAHypoAlg | |
CTrigMuonTruthMon | |
CTrigmuRoI | |
►CTrigNavigationThinningSvc | The TrigNavigationThinningSvc is an athena tool used to slim the trigger Navigation structure in various ways |
CState | |
CTriggerElementFind | Used to compare pointers of TriggerElements |
CTrigNavigationThinningSvcMutex | Low-granularity protection for Run 2 data paths |
►CTrigNavSlimmingMTAlg | Consumes a set of Run 3 trigger navigation collection(s), applies slimming/thinning, writes out a single output collection |
COutputs | |
CTrigObjectMatcher | |
CTrigOperationalInfo | This class defined generic object to store operational info available during triggering online i.e |
CTrigOperationalInfo_p1 | |
CTrigOperationalInfoCnv | |
CTrigOperationalInfoCnv_p1 | |
CTrigOperationalInfoCollection | |
CTrigOperationalInfoCollection_p1 | |
CTrigOperationalInfoCollection_tlp1 | |
CTrigOperationalInfoCollectionCnv | |
CTrigOperationalInfoCollectionCnv_impl | |
CTrigOperationalInfoCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CTrigOperationalInfoCollectionCnv_tlp1 | |
►CTrigOpMonitor | |
CFolderHist | Histograms for COOL folders |
CTrigPassBits | |
CTrigPassBits_p1 | |
CTrigPassBitsCnv | |
CTrigPassBitsCnv_p1 | |
CTrigPassBitsCollection | |
CTrigPassBitsCollection_impl | |
CTrigPassBitsCollection_p1 | |
CTrigPassBitsCollectionCnv | |
CTrigPassFlags | A Flag is an ordered collection of bits (vector<bool>) that can hold additional (boolean) information about a trigger object |
CTrigPassFlags_p1 | |
CTrigPassFlagsCnv | |
CTrigPassFlagsCnv_p1 | |
CTrigPassFlagsCollection | |
CTrigPassFlagsCollection_p1 | |
CTrigPassFlagsCollectionCnv | |
CTrigPassFlagsCollectionCnv_impl | |
CTrigPath | Support class for use in AthenaPoolMultiTest event splitting.
Stores trigger path information, i.e. correlation between trigger levels |
CTrigPhoton | File: TrigPhoton.h |
CTrigPhoton_p1 | |
CTrigPhoton_p2 | |
CTrigPhoton_p3 | |
CTrigPhotonCnv_p1 | |
CTrigPhotonCnv_p2 | |
CTrigPhotonCnv_p3 | |
CTrigPhotonContainer | File: TrigPhotonContainer.h |
CTrigPhotonContainer_p1 | |
CTrigPhotonContainer_p2 | |
CTrigPhotonContainer_p3 | |
CTrigPhotonContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrigPhotonContainer_tlp2 | |
CTrigPhotonContainerCnv | |
CTrigPhotonContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrigPhotonContainerCnv_p2 | |
CTrigPhotonContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigPhotonContainerCnv_tlp2 | |
CTrigPileUpInfo | |
CTrigPileUpInfoContainer | |
CTrigPrimaryTrackSortPredicate | |
CTrigPrimaryVertexFitter | |
CTrigPrimaryVertexTrack | |
CTrigR3Mon | |
CTrigRDBManager | Helper to manage database connections |
CTrigRNNOutput | This class carries the output of the Neural Network of TrigMultiVarHypo |
CTrigRNNOutput_p1 | |
CTrigRNNOutput_p2 | |
CTrigRNNOutput_tlp1 | |
CTrigRNNOutputCnv | |
CTrigRNNOutputCnv_impl | |
CTrigRNNOutputCnv_p2 | |
CTrigRNNOutputCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigRNNOutputContainer | |
CTrigRNNOutputContainer_p1 | |
CTrigRNNOutputContainer_p2 | |
CTrigRNNOutputContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrigRNNOutputContainerCnv | |
CTrigRNNOutputContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrigRNNOutputContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigRNNOutputConverterBase | |
CTrigRNNOutputConverterBase< TrigRNNOutput_p1 > | |
CTrigRoiDescriptor | Nope - should be used for standalone also, perhaps need to protect the class def bits #ifndef XAOD_ANALYSIS if !defined(TRIGSTEERINGEVENT_TRIGROIDESCRIPTOR_H) && !defined(XAOD_STANDALONE) |
CTrigRoiDescriptor_p1 | |
CTrigRoiDescriptor_p2 | |
CTrigRoiDescriptor_p3 | |
CTrigRoiDescriptorCnv | |
CTrigRoiDescriptorCnv_p1 | |
CTrigRoiDescriptorCnv_p2 | |
CTrigRoiDescriptorCnv_p3 | |
CTrigRoiDescriptorCnv_tp | |
CTrigRoiDescriptorCollection | |
CTrigRoiDescriptorCollection_p1 | |
CTrigRoiDescriptorCollection_p2 | |
CTrigRoiDescriptorCollection_p3 | |
CTrigRoiDescriptorCollection_tlp1 | |
CTrigRoiDescriptorCollectionCnv | |
CTrigRoiDescriptorCollectionCnv_impl | |
CTrigRoiDescriptorCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CTrigRoiDescriptorCollectionCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigSctSpCountsCollection | Container class needed for EDM. Should normally only contain 1 TrigSpacePointCounts object |
CTrigSeedML_LUT | |
CTrigSerializeCnvSvc | |
CTrigSerializeConverter | |
CTrigSerializeConvHelper | |
CTrigSerializeGuidHelper | |
CTrigSerTPTool | |
►CTrigSignatureMoni | |
CRateHistogram | |
CTrigSignatureMoniMT | Algorithm implementing monitoring of the HLT decision in the MT framework |
CTrigSiSpacePoint | |
CTrigSiSpacePointBase | |
CTrigSORFromPtreeHelper | Helper class for Start Of Run (SOR) record |
CTrigSpacePointConversionTool | |
CTrigSpacePointCounts | |
CTrigSpacePointCounts_p1 | |
CTrigSpacePointCounts_p1_old | |
CTrigSpacePointCounts_p1_old_cnv | |
CTrigSpacePointCounts_p2 | |
CTrigSpacePointCounts_p3 | |
CTrigSpacePointCounts_p4 | |
CTrigSpacePointCountsCnv | |
CTrigSpacePointCountsCnv_p1 | |
CTrigSpacePointCountsCnv_p2 | |
CTrigSpacePointCountsCnv_p3 | |
CTrigSpacePointCountsCnv_p4 | |
CTrigSpacePointCountsCollection | |
CTrigSpacePointCountsCollection_p1 | |
CTrigSpacePointCountsCollection_p2 | |
CTrigSpacePointCountsCollection_p4 | |
CTrigSpacePointCountsCollection_tlp1 | |
CTrigSpacePointCountsCollectionCnv | |
CTrigSpacePointCountsCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CTrigSpacePointCountsCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CTrigSpacePointCountsCollectionCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigStreamAddress | IOpaqueAddress for TrigSerializenCnvSvc |
CTrigStreamerHypoAlg | Implements a streamer (aka no selection) for the HLT framework |
CTrigStreamerHypoTool | |
CTrigSuperRoi | Describes the Region of Ineterest geometry It has basically 9 parameters |
CTrigSuperRoiCollection | |
CTrigT1CaloCalibConditions_DUMMY_Instantiation | |
CTrigT1CaloEventDict | |
CTrigT1RPC | |
CTrigT2Jet | LVL2 Trigger Jet Class |
CTrigT2Jet_p1 | |
CTrigT2Jet_p2 | |
CTrigT2Jet_p3 | |
CTrigT2Jet_tlp1 | |
CTrigT2JetCnv | |
CTrigT2JetCnv_p1 | |
CTrigT2JetCnv_p2 | |
CTrigT2JetCnv_p3 | |
CTrigT2JetCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigT2JetContainer | Container of TrigT2Jet elements |
CTrigT2JetContainer_p1 | |
CTrigT2JetContainer_p3 | |
CTrigT2JetContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrigT2JetContainerCnv | |
CTrigT2JetContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrigT2JetContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigT2MbtsBits | |
CTrigT2MbtsBits_p1 | |
CTrigT2MbtsBits_p2 | |
CTrigT2MbtsBits_p3 | |
CTrigT2MbtsBitsCnv | |
CTrigT2MbtsBitsCnv_p1 | |
CTrigT2MbtsBitsCnv_p2 | |
CTrigT2MbtsBitsCnv_p3 | |
CTrigT2MbtsBitsContainer | |
CTrigT2MbtsBitsContainer_p1 | |
CTrigT2MbtsBitsContainer_p3 | |
CTrigT2MbtsBitsContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrigT2MbtsBitsContainerCnv | |
CTrigT2MbtsBitsContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrigT2MbtsBitsContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigT2ZdcSignals | |
CTrigT2ZdcSignals_p1 | |
CTrigT2ZdcSignalsCnv_p1 | |
CTrigT2ZdcSignalsContainer | |
CTrigT2ZdcSignalsContainer_p1 | |
CTrigTau | File: TrigTau.h |
CTrigTau_p1 | |
CTrigTau_p2 | |
CTrigTau_p3 | |
CTrigTau_tlp1 | |
CTrigTau_tlp2 | |
CTrigTauCaloHypoAlg | HLT CaloMVA step TauJet selection |
CTrigTauCaloHypoTool | HLT CaloMVA step TauJet selection hypothesis tools |
CTrigTauCaloRoiUpdater | Update the input RoI direction in (eta, phi) to the tau's axis, calculated from the RoI calo clusters |
CTrigTauCluster | Class with calibrated variables for tau clustering |
CTrigTauCluster_p1 | |
CTrigTauCluster_p2 | |
CTrigTauCluster_p3 | |
CTrigTauCluster_p4 | |
CTrigTauCluster_p5 | |
CTrigTauCluster_tlp1 | |
CTrigTauCluster_tlp2 | |
CTrigTauClusterCnv | |
CTrigTauClusterCnv_impl | |
CTrigTauClusterCnv_p1 | |
CTrigTauClusterCnv_p2 | |
CTrigTauClusterCnv_p3 | |
CTrigTauClusterCnv_p4 | |
CTrigTauClusterCnv_p5 | |
CTrigTauClusterCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigTauClusterCnv_tlp2 | |
CTrigTauClusterContainer | Container from TrigTauCluster type objects |
CTrigTauClusterContainer_p1 | |
CTrigTauClusterContainer_p2 | |
CTrigTauClusterContainer_p3 | |
CTrigTauClusterContainer_p4 | |
CTrigTauClusterContainer_p5 | |
CTrigTauClusterContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrigTauClusterContainerCnv | |
CTrigTauClusterContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrigTauClusterContainerCnv_p2 | |
CTrigTauClusterContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigTauClusterDetails | |
CTrigTauClusterDetails_p1 | |
CTrigTauClusterDetails_p2 | |
CTrigTauClusterDetails_tlp1 | |
CTrigTauClusterDetailsCnv | |
CTrigTauClusterDetailsCnv_p1 | |
CTrigTauClusterDetailsCnv_p2 | |
CTrigTauClusterDetailsCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigTauClusterDetailsContainer | Container from TrigTauClusterDetails type objects |
CTrigTauClusterDetailsContainer_p1 | |
CTrigTauClusterDetailsContainer_p2 | |
CTrigTauClusterDetailsContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrigTauClusterDetailsContainerCnv | |
CTrigTauClusterDetailsContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrigTauClusterDetailsContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigTauCnv | |
CTrigTauCnv_impl | |
CTrigTauCnv_p1 | |
CTrigTauCnv_p2 | |
CTrigTauCnv_p3 | |
CTrigTauCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigTauCnv_tlp2 | |
CTrigTauContainer | File: TrigTauContainer.h |
CTrigTauContainer_p1 | |
CTrigTauContainer_p3 | |
CTrigTauContainer_tlp1 | |
CTrigTauContainerCnv | |
CTrigTauContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTrigTauContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigTauFastTrackHypoAlg | Hypotesis algorithm for the fast tracking steps |
CTrigTauFastTrackHypoTool | Hypothesis tool for the fast tracking steps |
CTrigTauInfo | |
CTrigTauMonitorBaseAlgorithm | |
CTrigTauMonitorDiTauAlgorithm | |
CTrigTauMonitorL1Algorithm | |
CTrigTauMonitorSingleAlgorithm | |
CTrigTauMonitorTandPAlgorithm | |
CTrigTauMonitorTruthAlgorithm | |
CTrigTauPrecisionDiKaonHypoTool | Precision step hypothesis tool for applying meson kinematic cuts (meson chains) |
CTrigTauPrecisionHypoAlg | HLT Precision step TauJet selection hypothesis algorithm |
CTrigTauPrecisionIDHypoTool | Precision step hypothesis tool for applying ID cuts (standard chains) |
CTrigTauPrecTrackHypoAlg | Hypothesis algorithm for the precision tracking step |
CTrigTauPrecTrackHypoTool | |
CTrigTauRecMerged | |
CTrigTauTrackRoiUpdater | Update the input RoI direction in (eta, phi) to the leading RoI track (if any), and update the size |
CTrigTauTracksInfo | |
CTrigTauTracksInfo_p1 | |
CTrigTauTracksInfo_p2 | |
CTrigTauTracksInfo_tlp1 | |
CTrigTauTracksInfoCnv | |
CTrigTauTracksInfoCnv_p1 | |
CTrigTauTracksInfoCnv_p2 | |
CTrigTauTracksInfoCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigTauTracksInfoCollection | |
CTrigTauTracksInfoCollection_p1 | |
CTrigTauTracksInfoCollection_p2 | |
CTrigTauTracksInfoCollection_tlp1 | |
CTrigTauTracksInfoCollectionCnv | |
CTrigTauTracksInfoCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CTrigTauTracksInfoCollectionCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigTimeStamp | Utility class to measure time duration in AthenaMT The pattern when it is useful: AlgA tags the beginning of the time period AlgA::execute() { timeStampHandle.record( std::move( std::make_unique<TrigTimeStamp>() ) ); } |
CTrigTLAMonitorAlgorithm | |
CTrigTrackCounts | |
CTrigTrackCounts_p1 | |
CTrigTrackCounts_p2 | |
CTrigTrackCountsCnv | |
CTrigTrackCountsCnv_p1 | |
CTrigTrackCountsCnv_p2 | |
CTrigTrackCountsCollection | |
CTrigTrackCountsCollection_p1 | |
CTrigTrackCountsCollection_tlp1 | |
CTrigTrackCountsCollectionCnv | |
CTrigTrackCountsCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CTrigTrackCountsCollectionCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigTrackSeedGenerator | |
CTrigTrackSelector | L2 tracks |
CTrigTrtHitCounts | A class to store the distributions of time of threshold from the TRT raw data |
CTrigTrtHitCounts_p1 | |
CTrigTrtHitCounts_p2 | |
CTrigTrtHitCountsCnv | |
CTrigTrtHitCountsCnv_p1 | |
CTrigTrtHitCountsCnv_p2 | |
CTrigTrtHitCountsCollection | Container class needed for EDM. Should normally only contain 1 TrigTrtHitCounts object |
CTrigTrtHitCountsCollection_p1 | |
CTrigTrtHitCountsCollection_p2 | |
CTrigTrtHitCountsCollection_tlp1 | |
CTrigTrtHitCountsCollectionCnv | |
CTrigTrtHitCountsCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CTrigTrtHitCountsCollectionCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigTRTHTHCounter | TrigTRTHTHCounter gives back the number of TRT high-threshold hits based on the code of HIPsFilterAlg by Sergey Burdin @migrated from TrigTRTHTHCounter.h & cxx |
CTrigTRTHTHhypoAlg | TrigTRTHTHhypoAlg passes depending on the number of TRT hits found by the TrigTRTHTHCounter fex |
CTrigTRTHTHhypoTool | |
CTrigTSerializer | |
CTrigVertex | |
CTrigVertex_p1 | |
CTrigVertex_p2 | |
CTrigVertexCnv_p1 | |
CTrigVertexCnv_p2 | |
CTrigVertexCollection | |
CTrigVertexCollection_p1 | |
CTrigVertexCollection_tlp1 | |
CTrigVertexCollection_tlp2 | |
CTrigVertexCollectionCnv | |
CTrigVertexCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CTrigVertexCollectionCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigVertexCollectionCnv_tlp2 | |
CTrigVertexCounts | |
CTrigVertexCounts_p1 | |
CTrigVertexCountsCnv | |
CTrigVertexCountsCnv_p1 | |
CTrigVertexCountsCollection | |
CTrigVertexCountsCollection_p1 | |
CTrigVertexCountsCollection_tlp1 | |
CTrigVertexCountsCollectionCnv | |
CTrigVertexCountsCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CTrigVertexCountsCollectionCnv_tlp1 | |
CTrigVertexFitConstraint | |
CTrigVertexFitInputTrack | |
CTrigVertexFittingNode | This is the implementation of classes used by TrigL2VertexFitter: |
CTrigVSIHypoAlg | |
►CTrigVSIHypoTool | |
CeventVtxInfo | |
CTrigZFinder | |
CTrigZFinderAlg | |
►CTrigZFinderInternal | |
Cvertex | |
CTrigZVertexHypoAlg | Uses Verter weights found by TrigZFinderAlg/Tool to select events with high multiplicity |
►CTrigZVertexHypoTool | Applies selection on the number of tracks poting to vertex (actually on the vertex weight) |
CZVertexInfo | |
CTrimuMassRangeFilter | |
CTripRegion | |
CTrkAlignDBTool | AlgTool used to read in from alignment database and to write parameters to database |
CTrkBaseNode | |
CTrkClusterNode | |
CTrkEDMTestAlg | |
CTrkEndCapClusterNode | |
CTrkFilteringNode1D | |
CTrkFilteringNode2D | |
CTrkMaterialProviderTool | |
CTrkObjToString | |
CTrkParametersComparisonFunction | Function for parameter position comparisons, now implemented as hidden template with ComparisonFunction<TrackParameters> |
CTrkPixelNode | |
CTrkPlanarSurface | |
CTrkRoadDummyDict | |
CTrkSegmentDummyDict | |
CTrkToLeptonPVTool | |
CTrkTrackFakeReader | Test Algorithm for POOL I/O uses TrkTracks as test data |
CTrkTrackFakeWriter | Test Algorithm for POOL I/O uses TrkTracks as test data |
CTrkTrackState | |
CTrkValidationNtupleOutputTrack | |
CTrkValidationNtupleRIOs | |
CTRootCompare | Class to compare the histograms in two root files |
CTRRegionXMLHandler | |
CTrRelation | |
CTRT_AlignDbSvc | |
CTRT_BarrelDriftTimeData | |
CTRT_BSErrContainer | |
CTRT_BSErrContainer_p1 | |
CTRT_BSErrContainer_p2 | |
CTRT_BSErrContainerCnv | |
CTRT_BSErrContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTRT_BSErrContainerCnv_p2 | |
CTRT_BSIdErrContainer_p1 | |
CTRT_BSIdErrContainerCnv | |
CTRT_BSIdErrContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTRT_ByteStream_ConditionsSvc | Service for retrieving ByteStream conditions information |
►CTRT_CablingData | |
Cidpair | |
CTRT_CablingSvc | |
CTRT_CalDbTool | |
CTRT_ConditionsDataDict_Dummy | |
CTRT_ConditionsSummarySvc | |
CTRT_ConditionsTestSvc | |
CTRT_DAQ_ConditionsSvc | |
CTRT_DCS_ConditionsSvc | Service for accessing DCS conditions information |
CTRT_DetDescrDB_ParameterInterface | |
CTRT_DetectorTool | |
CTRT_DriftCircleCnv_p1 | |
CTRT_DriftCircleCnv_p2 | |
CTRT_DriftCircleContainerCnv | |
CTRT_DriftCircleContainerCnv_p0 | |
CTRT_DriftCircleContainerCnv_p2 | |
CTRT_DriftCircleContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CTRT_DriftCircleOnTrackCnv_p1 | |
CTRT_DriftCircleOnTrackCnv_p2 | |
CTRT_DriftFunctionTool | |
CTRT_FastRDOAnalysis | |
CTRT_FillCablingData_DC1 | |
CTRT_FillCablingData_DC2 | |
CTRT_FillCablingData_DC3 | |
CTRT_FillCablingData_SR1 | |
CTRT_FillCablingData_SR1_ECC | |
CTRT_FillCablingData_TB04 | |
CTRT_hit | |
CTRT_Hit_p1 | |
CTRT_Hit_p2 | |
CTRT_HitCnv_p1 | |
CTRT_HitCnv_p2 | |
CTRT_HitCollection_p1 | |
CTRT_HitCollection_p2 | |
CTRT_HitCollection_p3 | |
CTRT_HitCollection_p4 | |
CTRT_HitCollection_p5 | |
CTRT_HitCollectionCnv_p2 | |
CTRT_HitCollectionCnv_p3 | |
CTRT_HitCollectionCnv_p4 | |
CTRT_HitCollectionCnv_p5 | |
CTRT_HitsTruthRelink | |
CTRT_HWMappingSvc | AlgTool providing offline -> hardware mapping information |
►CTRT_ID | |
CHashCalc | |
CTRT_IDDetDescrCnv | This class is a converter for the TRT_ID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store |
►CTRT_LoLumRawData | |
CIsland | |
CTRT_LoLumRawDataCnv_p1 | |
CTRT_LoLumRawDataCnv_p2 | |
CTRT_LoLumRawDataContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTRT_LoLumRawDataContainerCnv_p2 | |
CTRT_LoLumRawDataContainerCnv_p3 | |
CTRT_PAI_effectiveGas | Effective gas: All quantities necessary to calculate PAI ionisation for gas mixture |
CTRT_PAI_element | Chemical element |
CTRT_PAI_gasComponent | Gas component (molecule) |
CTRT_PAI_gasMixture | Gas mixture = mixture of gas components |
CTRT_PAI_Process | The Photon Absorption Ionisation model used for the ionisation in the TRT |
CTRT_PrepDataToxAOD | |
CTRT_RDO_ContainerCnv | |
CTRT_RDO_ContainerCnv_p0 | |
CTRT_RDO_ContainerCnv_p1 | |
CTRT_RDOAnalysis | |
CTRT_RDORawData | |
CTRT_RegSelCondAlg | |
►CTRT_RodDecoder | |
Ct_CompressTable | |
CTRT_RodEncoder | This class provides conversion from TRT RDO to ROD format |
CTRT_ScaledDriftTimeData | |
CTRT_SegmentsToTrack | |
CTRT_ServMatFactory | |
CTRT_SimDriftTimeTool | |
CTRT_SimHelper | |
CTRT_StrawAlignDbSvc | |
CTRT_StrawNeighbourSvc | |
CTRT_StrawStatusSummaryTool | |
CTRT_TB04_RawData | |
CTRT_ToT_dEdx | |
CTRT_TrackTimingTool | |
CTRTActiveCondAlg | |
CTRTAlignCondAlg | |
CTRTCalibrationMgr | |
►CTRTCalibrator | The TRTCalibrator is called from TRTCalibrationMgr |
CBDboard | Dictionary class for a board |
CBDchip | Dictionary class for a chip |
CBDdetector | Dictionary class for a detector |
CBDlayer | Dictionary class for a layer |
CBDmodule | Dictionary class for a module |
CBDstraw | Dictionary class for a straw |
CBDTRT | Dictionary class for the full TRT |
CBDzero | Dummy dictionary class |
Cconf | |
Cepdata | |
CTRTCondPrint | |
CTRTCondRead | |
CTRTCondStoreText | |
CTRTCondWrite | |
CTRTDedxcorrection | |
CTRTDetectorFactory_Full | This class creates the TRT Geometry |
CTRTDetectorFactory_Lite | |
►CTRTDigCondBase | Communication with CondDB |
CStrawState | Straw state |
CTRTDigCondFakeMap | "Fake" straw map until "real" map is known |
CTRTDigit | Class for TRT digits |
CTRTDigitization | Top algorithm class for TRT digitization |
CTRTDigitizationTool | |
CTRTDigitSorter | |
►CTRTDigSettings | Class containing parameters and settings used by TRT digitization |
Cdoubleparameter | Settable parameter, double |
Cintboolparameter | Settable parameter, int and bool |
CTRTElectronicsNoise | Simulate TRT Electronics Noise
For description of metod, see Thomas Kittelmanns PhD thesis chapters 9-11 |
►CTRTElectronicsProcessing | Electronics Processing |
CDeposit | TRT energy deposit |
CTRTFastDigitization | Top algorithm class for TRT digitization |
CTRTFastDigitizationTool | |
CTRTGeometryManagerTool | Tool for setting up TRT alignment geometry |
CTRTHit | |
CTRTHitAnalysis | |
CTRTHitIdHelper | |
CTrtHitsTestTool | |
CTRTHTCondAlg | |
CTRTHWMapCondAlg | |
CTRTMonitoringAlg | Monitoring algorithms for TRT trigger chains |
CTRTMonitoringRun3ESD_Alg | |
CTRTMonitoringRun3RAW_Alg | |
CTRTNoise | Simulation of noise hits in the TRT |
CTRTOccupancyInclude | |
CTRTOverlay | |
CTRTParameterInterface | |
CTRTParametersForBarrelHits | |
CTRTParametersForEndCapHits | |
CTRTPhaseCondAlg | |
CTRTPhysicsTool | |
CTRTPlots | |
CTRTProcessingOfBarrelHits | |
CTRTProcessingOfEndCapHits | |
►CTRTProcessingOfStraw | TRT Digitization: Processing of a TRT Straws |
Ccluster | Primary ionisation cluster |
CTRTRadiatorParameters | |
CTRTRawContByteStreamCnv | |
CTRTRawContByteStreamTool | An AlgTool class to provide conversion from TRT RDO container to ByteStream, and fill it in RawEvent created: Oct 25, 2002, by Hong Ma requirements: typedef for CONTAINER class method StatusCode convert(CONTAINER* cont, RawEvent* re, MsgStream& log ); |
CTRTRawDataProvider | |
CTRTRawDataProviderTool | |
CTRTRIO_OnTrackErrorScaling | |
CTRTRIO_OnTrackErrorScalingKit | |
CTRTSensitiveDetector | |
CTRTSensitiveDetectorTool | |
CTRTStrawAlign | |
CTRTStrawCondAlg | |
CTRTStrawEfficiency | |
CTRTStrawStatusCondAlg | |
CTRTStrawStatusRead | |
CTRTStrawStatusWrite | |
CTRTTimeCorrection | Time correction |
CTRTToTCondAlg | |
CTRTTrackHoleSearchTool | |
CTRTTransitionRadiation | |
CTRTTrkAlignDBTool | Tool for writing TRT alignment constants into oracle DB or an ASCII file |
CTRTUncompressedHit | |
CTRTUncompressedHitCollectionCnv | |
Ctrue_mean | |
CTrueHitInChamb | Helper struct to map all muons in the same chamber |
CTruncationAnalysisAlg | Retrieves and prints the content of HLT result truncation debugging information object |
CTruthClassDecoratorAlg | |
CTruthClassificationTool | Tool to classify particles based on their type and origin |
CTruthClosureCheck | |
CTruthController | |
CTruthEtIsolations | |
CTruthEtIsolations_p1 | |
CTruthEtIsolationsCnv_p1 | |
CTruthEtIsolationsContainer | |
CTruthEtIsolationsContainer_p1 | |
CTruthEtIsolationsContainerCnv | |
CTruthHitAnalysis | |
CTruthIsolationTool | |
CTruthJetFilter | Truth jet filters |
CTruthParticle | |
CTruthParticleBase | |
CTruthParticleBuilder | |
CTruthParticleCnvTool | |
CTruthParticleContainer | |
CTruthParticleContainer_p5 | |
CTruthParticleContainer_p6 | |
CTruthParticleContainerCnv | |
CTruthParticleContainerCnv_p5 | |
CTruthParticleContainerCnv_p6 | |
CTruthParticleFilterBaseTool | |
CTruthParticleIndexDecoratorAlg | |
CTruthParticleMomentum | |
CTruthParticleValidationBaseTool | |
CTruthQualitySelectionTool | |
CTruthResetAlg | |
CTruthStrategyManager | Singleton class for creating truth incidents |
CTruthTestTool | |
CTruthTrajectory | |
CTruthTrajectoryCnv_p1 | |
CTruthTrajectoryCnv_p2 | |
CTruthTrajectoryCnv_p3 | |
CTScopeAdapter | |
CTTbarMassFilter | Require the invariant mass of a top + anti-top pair to be within a certain range |
CTTbarPlusHeavyFlavorFilter | |
CTTbarWithJpsimumuFilter | |
CTTbarWToLeptonFilter | Require the event to contain at least one charged lepton (from W decay, which should come from top) with pt at or above Ptcut |
►CTTOnlineID | Helper class for Calo TT online identifiers |
CHashCalc | Small class holding the starting hash value, the min eta and the number of phi bins of each region
used to CPU-optimize the conversion from an identifier to a hash index |
►CTTrainedNetwork | |
CInput | |
CTTrainedNetworkCollection | |
CtubsHandler | |
CTVirtualConverter | Base class for converters for Root schema evolution |
CTVirtualConverter_T | Easy-to-use templated class for defining converters |
CTwoPoint | |
CTypeId | |
CTypeIdBuilder | |
CTypeInfo_EDM | |
CTypeMap | |
CUbeamHandler | |
CUCharDbArrayAthena | |
CUFOTool | |
CUIntDbArray | |
CULongDbArray | |
CUniformSampler | |
CUniformShapeErrorGetter | Liquid Argon base class for shape information |
CunionHandler | |
CUpdateAfterFork | Incident to signal that a new worker was forked |
CUpdateHandle< T > | Smart pointer to an object of a given type in an IProxyDict (such as StoreGateSvc). It d-casts and caches locally the pointed-at object, to speed-up subsequent accesses. It can be reset by the store for asynchronous updates (IOVSvc) |
Cused | |
CUserLimitsSvc | |
CUserPhotonFlux | Tool to implement Pythi8 main70 functionality |
Cusertim | |
CUShortDbArray | |
CUtility | |
CV0CandidateCnv_p1 | |
CV0Container | |
CV0ContainerCnv | |
CV0ContainerCnv_p1 | |
CV0ContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CV0ContainerCnv_tlp2 | |
CV0HypothesisCnv_p1 | |
CV0Tools | |
CValgrindAuditor | Valgrind auditor |
CValgrindSvc | |
CvalidateDigitization | |
CValidator | |
CValue | Tag-value pair class |
Cvalue_type | |
CVarHandleKeyArray< T > | Untemplated base class for VarHandleKeyArrays |
CVarHandleKeyArrayCommon< T > | Mixin base class for VarHandleKeyArrays, inheriting from std::vector as well as VarHandleKeyArray to provide vector-like access |
CvarHandler | |
CVariable | Wrapper around a histogram which allows for some additional filling patterns and data manipulation |
CVBFForwardJetsFilter | Filter of the type of VBF forward jets |
CVBFHbbEtaSortingFilter | |
CVBFMjjIntervalFilter | |
Cvector | |
Cvector2D | |
Cvector3D | |
CVectorElementLink_p1< INDEX_TYPE > | Persistent representation of a vector of ElementLinks The C++ type of an index in a container can be integer for sequences or a "key" type for sets (like std::map). (std::string is supported, define more types if necessary) |
CVectorElementLink_p1_t | |
CVectorElementLinkCnv_p1 | |
CVectorElementLinkCnv_p1< LINK_VECT > | Converter template for converters between transient VectorElementLink and its persistent representation. Template argument LINK_VECT is the type of the transient VectorElementLink. The type of the persistent link vector representation is automatically deducted (it is based on the primiteve C++ type used by IndexingPolicy) - it can be integer index type, or string index type. More types can be added in ElementLink_p1.h |
CVectorOperations | |
CversionHandler | |
CVertexAnalysis | |
CVertexCnv_p1 | |
►CVertexCollectionSettingsButton | |
CImp | |
►CVertexCollHandle | |
CImp | |
CVertexCommonFlags | |
CVertexDecoratorAlg | |
CVertexFinder | |
►CVertexHandle | |
CImp | |
CVertexMatcher | |
CVertexNewMatcher | |
CVertexNode | |
CVertexOnTrackCnv_p1 | |
►CVertexSysController | |
CImp | |
CVGammaORTool | This tool can be used to identify the overlap of a V+jets and V+gamma sample or in fact between most V^n+gamma^m and V^n+gamma^(m-1) samples (e.g |
CViewContainer | |
CViewCreatorCentredOnClusterROITool | |
CViewCreatorCentredOnIParticleROITool | |
CViewCreatorCentredOnJetWithPVConstraintROITool | |
CViewCreatorDVROITool | |
CViewCreatorExtraPrefetchROITool | |
CViewCreatorFetchFromViewROITool | |
CViewCreatorFSROITool | |
CViewCreatorInitialROITool | |
CViewCreatorJetSuperROITool | |
CViewCreatorMuonSuperROITool | |
CViewCreatorNamedROITool | |
CViewCreatorPreviousROITool | |
CViewer | |
CViewVector | Identify view containers to be made persistent |
►CVisAttributes | |
CImp | |
CVisibleObjectToMaterialHelper | |
CVisibleObjectToMaterialHelper_Base | |
CVMM_Shaper | |
CVNetworkBase | Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration |
CVNetworkLWTNN | Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration |
►Cvoid_unique_ptr | |
CDeleter | |
CVoidMonitoringTool | Helper class to declare an empty monitoring ToolHandle |
CVolatilityTool | |
CVolumeBuilder | |
►CVolumeHandle | |
►CImp | |
CVolState | |
►CVolumeHandleSharedData | |
CImp | |
►CVolumeTreeModel | |
►CImp | |
CSectionInfo | |
CSubSystem | |
CVolumeTreeNavigator | |
CVolVisAttributes | |
CVoronoiWeightTool | |
CVoxelDensityTool | |
►CVP12DExaminerViewer | |
CImp | |
CVP12DViewRPhiFishEyeTransformation | |
CVP12DViewRZFishEyeTransformation | |
CVP13DCocktailChannel | |
CVP13DCocktailPlugin_VP1AutoFactory | |
CVP1Alg | |
CVP1AODChannel | |
CVP1AODPlugin_VP1AutoFactory | |
CVP1AODSelection | |
►CVP1AODSystem | |
CImp | |
CVP1AthenaPtrs | |
►CVP1Authenticator | |
CImp | |
►CVP1AvailableToolsHelper | |
CImp | |
►CVP1AvailEvents | |
►CImp | |
CEventID | |
►CVP1AvailEvtsHttp | |
CImp | |
►CVP1AvailEvtsHttps | |
CImp | |
►CVP1AvailEvtsLocalDir | |
CImp | |
CVP1BanksChannel | |
►CVP1BanksSystem | |
CImp | |
CVP1BatchOnLatestEvent | |
CVP1BatchUtilities | |
CVP1BPhysConvertor | |
►CVP1BPhysSystem | |
CClockwork | |
CVP1CaloCell | |
CVP1CaloCellChannel | |
►CVP1CaloCellController | |
CImp | |
CVP1CaloCellManager | |
►CVP1CaloCellSystem | |
CClockwork | |
►CVP1CaloClusterCollection | |
►CImp | |
CClusterHandle | |
►CVP1CaloClusterSystem | |
CImp | |
►CVP1CaloHitLegoSystem | |
CClockwork | |
►CVP1CaloLegoSystem | |
CClockwork | |
CVP1CaloPlugin_VP1AutoFactory | |
►CVP1CaloReadoutSystem | |
CClockwork | |
►CVP1CameraHelper | |
CImp | |
►CVP1CartesianGrid | |
CImp | |
CVP1CC_GlobalCuts | |
CVP1CC_LAr | |
CVP1CC_MbtsScinInfo | |
CVP1CC_Tile | |
CVP1CC_TileBarEc | |
CVP1CC_TileCrack | |
CVP1CCUi2Manager | |
►CVP1ChannelManager | |
CImp | |
►CVP1Collection | |
CImp | |
►CVP1CollectionSettingsButtonBase | |
CImp | |
►CVP1CollectionWidget | |
CImp | |
►CVP1ColorSelectButton | |
CImp | |
CVP1ColorUtils | |
►CVP1Controller | |
►CImp | |
CDialogInfo | |
CVP1ControllerHelper | |
►CVP1CoordinateAxes | |
CImp | |
►CVP1CustomStereoEditor | |
CImp | |
►CVP1CustomTourEditor | |
CImp | |
►CVP1CustomTourFrameWidget | |
CImp | |
►CVP1CylindricalGrid | |
CImp | |
►CVP1Deserialise | |
CImp | |
►CVP1DetInfo | |
CImp | |
CVP1DirStatusData | |
►CVP1DockWidget | |
►CImp | |
CFilterItem | |
►CVP1DrawOptionsWidget | |
CImp | |
CVP1ErrorUtils | |
►CVP1EtaCone | |
CImp | |
►CVP1EtaPhiCutWidget | |
CImp | |
►CVP1EventDisplayEditor | |
CImp | |
CVP1EventDisplaySceneView | |
►CVP1EventFile | |
CImp | |
CVP1EventProd | |
►CVP1EvtsOnServerInfo | |
CImp | |
►CVP1ExaminerViewer | |
►CImp | |
CStoredView | |
CVP1ExaminerViewer_SignalCatcher | |
►CVP1ExecutionScheduler | |
►CImp | |
CGlobalEventFilter | |
CVP1ExpertSettings | |
CVP1ExternalRequest | |
►CVP1ExtraInputSystem | |
CClockwork | |
►CVP1ExtraSepLayerHelper | |
CImp | |
CVP1FileUtilities | |
►CVP1Floor | |
CImp | |
CVP1GeoDBSelection | |
CVP1GeoFlags | |
CVP1GeometryChannel | |
CVP1GeometryPlugin_VP1AutoFactory | |
►CVP1GeometrySystem | |
►CImp | |
►CSubSystemInfo | |
CTreetopInfo | |
CVP1GeomUtils | |
►CVP1GeoTreeView | |
CImp | |
►CVP1GraphicsItemCollection | |
CImp | |
►CVP1GraphicsView | |
CHighLightItem | |
CImp | |
►CVP1Gui | |
CImp | |
►CVP1GuideLineSystem | |
CImp | |
CVP1HelperClassBase | |
►CVP1HEPVisUtils | |
CImp | |
►CVP1HttpGetFile | |
CImp | |
CVP1HttpGetFile_DownloadThread | |
►CVP1HVLegoSystem | |
CClockwork | |
►CVP1IncomingMessageDialog | |
CImp | |
CVP1Interval | |
►CVP1JobConfigInfo | |
CImp | |
CVP1LegoChannel | |
►CVP1Letters | |
CImp | |
CVP1LightChannel | |
CVP1LightPlugin_VP1AutoFactory | |
CVP1LightRun | |
►CVP1LinAlgUtils | |
CImp | |
►CVP1Lines | |
CImp | |
CVP1LocalEvtRetriever | |
CVP1MainWindow | |
►CVP1MaterialButton | |
CImp | |
CVP1MaterialButtonBase | |
CVP1Mbts | |
►CVP1MbtsHelper | |
CClockwork | |
CVP1MCChannel | |
►CVP1MCSystem | |
CImp | |
►CVP1MD5Sum | |
CImp | |
►CVP1MissingEtCaloHandle | |
CImp | |
CVP1MissingEtCollWidget | |
►CVP1MissingEtHandle | |
CImp | |
►CVP1MissingEtSystem | |
CImp | |
►CVP1MissingEtTruthHandle | |
CImp | |
CVP1Msg | |
►CVP1ParticleData | |
CImp | |
►CVP1PartSpectController | |
CImp | |
►CVP1PartSpectSystem | |
CImp | |
►CVP1People | |
CImp | |
►CVP1PluginDialog | |
CImp | |
►CVP1PrepRawDataSystem | |
CImp | |
►CVP1Prioritiser | |
►CImp | |
CSystemInfo | |
CVP1QtApplication | |
►CVP1QtInventorUtils | |
►CImp | |
C_ImageRec | |
CVP1QtUtils | |
►CVP1RawDataColl_BCM_RDO | |
CImp | |
►CVP1RawDataColl_LUCID | |
CImp | |
►CVP1RawDataColl_PixelRDO | |
CImp | |
►CVP1RawDataColl_SCT_RDO | |
CImp | |
►CVP1RawDataColl_TRT_RDO | |
CImp | |
►CVP1RawDataCollBase | |
CImp | |
►CVP1RawDataCommonData | |
CImp | |
CVP1RawDataFlags | |
►CVP1RawDataHandle_BCM_RDO | |
►CImp | |
CModuleInfo | |
►CVP1RawDataHandle_LUCID | |
►CImp | |
CTubeInfo | |
CVP1RawDataHandle_LUCID_Digit | |
CVP1RawDataHandle_PixelRDO | |
CVP1RawDataHandle_SCT_RDO | |
CVP1RawDataHandle_TRT_RDO | |
►CVP1RawDataHandleBase | |
CImp | |
►CVP1RawDataSysController | |
CImp | |
►CVP1RawDataSystem | |
CImp | |
CVP1SelectEvent | |
►CVP1Serialise | |
CImp | |
CVP1Settings | |
►CVP1SGAccessHelper | |
CImp | |
CVP1SGContentsHelper | |
►CVP1SimHitSystem | |
CClockwork | |
►CVP1SoMaterialMixer | |
CImp | |
►CVP1StdCollection | |
CImp | |
CVP1StreamMenuUpdater | |
CVP1String | |
CVP1SysConf | |
►CVP1TabBar | |
CPrivate | |
►CVP1TabManager | |
CImp | |
►CVP1TabWidget | |
CPrivate | |
►CVP1TcpServer | |
CImp | |
CVP1TextBrowser | |
CVP1TimeUtilities | |
CVP1ToolAccessHelper | |
CVP1TrackCaloChannel | |
CVP1TrackCaloPlugin_VP1AutoFactory | |
CVP1TrackChannel | |
►CVP1TrackingGeometrySystem | |
CImp | |
►CVP1TrackingVolumes | |
CImp | |
CVP1TrackPlugin_VP1AutoFactory | |
►CVP1TrackSanity | |
CImp | |
CVP1TrackSummary | |
►CVP1TrackSystem | |
CImp | |
CVP1TriggerDecisionChannel | |
►CVP1TriggerDecisionSystem | |
CClockwork | |
CVP1TriggerUISystem | |
CVP1TrkInitializer | |
►CVP1TruthVertexCollection | |
►CImp | |
CVertexHandle | |
►CVP1VertexCollection | |
►CImp | |
CVertexHandle | |
►CVP1VertexSystem | |
CImp | |
►CVP1WebWatcher | |
►CImp | |
CHttpThread | |
CWatchedUrl | |
CVRJetOverlapConfig | |
CVRJetOverlapDecorator | |
CVRoute | |
Cvsincos_par | Vectorized version of parametrized sincos see ATLASSIM-4753 for details |
CVTrackInformation | Instances of classes derived from this class are attached as UserInformation to G4Tracks. It extends G4VUserTrackInformation. The GenParticlePtr held by the VTrackInformation object can change during simulation (i.e. each time the track undergoes a non-destructive interaction). The member variables are m_classify: a classification of the current G4Track (Primary, Regenerated Primary, Registered Secondary, Secondary) and m_primaryGenParticle: a pointer to the GenParticle used to create the initial G4PrimaryParticle from which the current G4Track decends |
CVTuneAuditor | |
CVTuneProfilerService | |
CVTuneProfileRunner | |
CVtxAnalysis | |
CVtxR3Analysis | |
CVxCandidateCnv_p1 | |
CVxCandidateCnv_p2 | |
CVxContainer | |
CVxContainerCnv | |
CVxContainerCnv_p1 | |
CVxContainerCnv_tlp1 | |
CVxContainerCnv_tlp2 | |
CVxTrackAtVertexCnv_p1 | |
CVxTrackAtVertexCnv_p2 | |
CWafer | |
CWaferTree | |
CWeight_p1 | |
►CWeightedCoordinate | |
CComparator | |
CWeightingValuesSummary_t | Structure to hold per-event weights for distribution |
CWeightMatrixCnv_p1 | |
Cweights | |
CWeightsAgregator | |
CWeightToolBase | |
CWorkTimeStamp | |
CWorkTimeStampQueue | |
CWorkTimeStampQueueImpl | |
CWritableArray< N > | Read-write multidimensional array, specialized for N=0 |
CWritableArrayData< N > | A WriteableArray together with an Arrayrep |
CWriteData | |
CWriteDataReentrant | |
CWriteDecorHandleKeyArray< T > | Class to hold an array of WriteDecorHandleKeys |
CWriteEvent | |
CWriteHandle< T > | A smart pointer to an object of a given type in an IProxyDict (such as StoreGateSvc). It d-casts and caches locally the pointed-at object, to speed-up subsequent accesses. It can be reset by the store for asynchronous updates (IOVSvc) |
CWriteHandleKeyArray< T > | Class to hold an array of WriteHandleKeys |
CWriteHepMC | Write the MC event record to file in IO_GenEvent text format |
CwriteNtuple | |
CWrites | |
CWriteThinnedData | |
CxAODAuxContainerBaseCnv | POOL converter for the xAOD::AuxContainerBase class |
CxAODBSignalFilter | |
CxAODBTaggingAuxContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::BTaggingAuxContainer_v1 |
CxAODBTaggingTrigAuxContainerCnv | POOL converter for the xAOD::BTaggingTrigAuxContainer class |
CxAODBTagVertexAuxContainerCnv | POOL converter for the xAOD::BTaggingAuxContainer class |
CxAODCaloClusterAuxContainerCnv | POOL converter for the xAOD::CaloClusterAuxContainer class |
CxAODCaloClusterAuxContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::CaloClusterAuxContainer_v1 |
CxAODChargedTracksFilter | Filter events based on presence of charged tracks |
►CxAODChargedTracksWeightFilter | Filter events based on presence of charged tracks |
►CSpline | |
CPoint | Linear spline representation of a function used to calculate weights |
CxAODClusterCompressor | |
CxAODContainerMaker | |
CxAODDecaysFinalStateFilter | |
CxAODDecayTimeFilter | |
CxAODDiLeptonMassFilter | Filter on dileptons within a Z mass window |
CxAODDirectPhotonFilter | Filters and looks for photons from brem or hadr proc |
CxAODEgammaBuilder | |
CxAODElectronAuxContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::ElectronAuxContainer_v1 |
CxAODElectronAuxContainerCnv_v2 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::ElectronAuxContainer_v2 |
CxAODElectronFilter | Filters and looks for electrons |
CxAODEmTauRoIAuxContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::EmTauRoIAuxContainer_v1 |
CxAODEmTauRoIContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::EmTauRoIContainer_v1 |
CxAODEnergySumRoIAuxInfoCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::EnergySumRoIAuxInfo_v1 |
CxAODEnergySumRoICnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::EnergySumRoI_v1 |
CxAODEventAuxInfoCnv_v1 | Converter for reading xAOD::EventAuxInfo_v1 |
CxAODEventAuxInfoCnv_v2 | Converter for reading xAOD::EventAuxInfo_v2 |
CxAODForwardProtonFilter | Description: Filter based on kinematics of forward proton |
CxAODFourLeptonMassFilter | Filter on two dilepton-pairs with two mass windows (by default >60GeV and >12GeV) |
CxAODGenerator | |
CxAODHeavyFlavorHadronFilter | |
CxAODHIEventShapeAuxContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::HIEventShapeAuxContainer_v1 |
CxAODHIEventShapeContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::HIEventShapeContainer_v1 |
CxAODHTFilter | |
CxAODJetAsIJetFactory | |
CxAODJetAuxContainerCnv | POOL converter for the xAOD::JetAuxContainer class |
CxAODJetCollector | |
CxAODJetCollectorTest | |
►CxAODJetFilter | Applies the generator level filter for jet candidates |
CMcObj | |
CxAODJetRoIAuxContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::JetRoIAuxContainer_v1 |
CxAODJetRoIContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::JetRoIContainer_v1 |
CxAODJetTrigAuxContainerCnv | POOL converter for the xAOD::JetTrigAuxContainer class |
CxAODJetTrigAuxContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::JetTrigAuxContainer_v1 |
CxAODL2StandAloneMuonAuxContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::L2StandAloneMuonAuxContainer_v1 |
CxAODL2StandAloneMuonContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::L2StandAloneMuonContainer_v1 |
CxAODLeptonFilter | Filter events based on presence of charged leptons |
CxAODLeptonPairFilter | |
CxAODM4MuIntervalFilter | |
CxAODMETFilter | Filters on total missing energy from nus and LSPs |
CxAODMissingETAuxAssociationMapCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::MissingETAuxAssociationMap_v1 |
CxAODMuDstarFilter | |
CxAODMultiBjetFilter | |
CxAODMultiCjetFilter | |
CxAODMultiElecMuTauFilter | Select multiple charged leptons taking into account electrons, muons and taus (inc |
CxAODMultiElectronFilter | |
CxAODMultiLeptonFilter | |
CxAODMultiMuonFilter | Filters and looks for muons |
CxAODMuonAuxContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::MuonAuxContainer_v1 |
CxAODMuonAuxContainerCnv_v2 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::MuonAuxContainer_v2 |
CxAODMuonAuxContainerCnv_v3 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::MuonAuxContainer_v3 |
CxAODMuonAuxContainerCnv_v4 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::MuonAuxContainer_v4 |
CxAODMuonFilter | Filters and looks for muons |
CxAODParentChildFilter | Allows the user to search for any given decay Parent -> Child + X |
CxAODParentTwoChildrenFilter | Allows the user to search for any given decay Parent -> Child1 + anti(Child1) AND Parent -> Child2 + anti(Child2).. |
CxAODParticleDecayFilter | Class to filter events based on the decay of a parent particle into a set of children particles |
CxAODParticleFilter | The filter will pass only if it finds a particle with the specified properties |
CxAODPhotonAuxContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::PhotonAuxContainer_v1 |
CxAODPhotonAuxContainerCnv_v2 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::PhotonAuxContainer_v2 |
CxAODPhotonFilter | Filters and looks for photons |
CxAODRODHeaderAuxContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class for reading xAOD::RODHeaderAuxContainer_v1 |
CxAODRODHeaderContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class for reading xAOD::RODHeaderContainer_v1 |
CxAODSameParticleHardScatteringFilter | Allows the user to search for any given production Parent1 + Parent 2 -> Child1 |
CxAODShallowAuxContainerCnv | POOL converter for the xAOD::ShallowAuxContainer class |
CxAODSpacePointAuxContainerCnv | |
CxAODTauFilter | |
CxAODTauJetAuxContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::TauJetAuxContainer_v1 |
CxAODTauJetAuxContainerCnv_v2 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::TauJetAuxContainer_v2 |
CxAODTauJetContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::TauJetContainer_v1 |
CxAODTauJetContainerCnv_v2 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::TauJetContainer_v2 |
CxAODTEventBranch | Specialised class for browsing xAOD event interface objects in ROOT |
CxAODTEventTree | Transient TTree for interactive xAOD event data access |
CxAODTMetaBranch | Specialised class for browsing xAOD metadata interface objects in ROOT |
CxAODTMetaTree | Transient TTree for interactive xAOD metadata access |
CxAODtoHepMCTool | |
CxAODTrackCaloClusterAuxContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::TrackCaloClusterAuxContainer_v1 |
CxAODTrackParticleAuxContainerCnv | POOL converter for the xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer class |
CxAODTrackParticleAuxContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v1 |
CxAODTrackParticleAuxContainerCnv_v2 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v2 |
CxAODTrackParticleAuxContainerCnv_v3 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v3 |
CxAODTrackParticleAuxContainerCnv_v4 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v4 |
CxAODTrackStateAuxContainerCnv | |
CxAODTrigBphysAuxContainerCnv | POOL converter for the xAOD::TrigBphysAuxContainer class |
CxAODTrigCompositeAuxContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading TrigCompositeAuxContainer_v1 |
CxAODTriggerMenuAuxContainerCnv | POOL converter for the xAOD::TriggerMenuAuxContainer class |
CxAODTriggerMenuJsonAuxContainerCnv | POOL converter for the xAOD::TriggerMenuJsonAuxContainer class |
CxAODTrigNavigationAuxInfoCnv | POOL converter for the xAOD::TrigNavigationAuxInfo class |
CxAODTrigPassBitsContainerCnv | Custom converter for reading xAOD::TrigPassBitsContainer correctly |
CxAODTrigRingerRingsAuxContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::EmTauRoIAuxContainer_v1 |
CxAODTrigRingerRingsContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::TrigRingerRingsContainer_v1 |
CxAODTrigRNNOutputAuxContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::EmTauRoIAuxContainer_v1 |
CxAODTrigRNNOutputContainerCnv_v1 | Converter class used for reading xAOD::TrigRNNOutputContainer_v1 |
CxAODTruthParticleLinkVector | |
CxAODTruthParticleSlimmerElectron | Algorithm to skim the xAOD truth particle container for xAOD electron filter |
CxAODTruthParticleSlimmerGen | Algorithm to skim the xAOD truth particle container for generators filters in fact we want to remove barcode 0 particles and particles with duplicated barcodes This algorithm is used to copy and skim the particles from the xAOD TruthParticles container, The design of this class heavily mirrors the DerivationFramework::TruthCollectionMaker |
CxAODTruthParticleSlimmerLightLepton | Algorithm to skim the xAOD truth particle container for xAOD electron&muon filter |
CxAODTruthParticleSlimmerMET | Algorithm to skim the xAOD truth particle container for xAOD MET filter |
CxAODTruthParticleSlimmerMuon | Algorithm to skim the xAOD truth particle container for xAOD muons filter |
CxAODTruthParticleSlimmerPhoton | Algorithm to skim the xAOD truth particle container for xAOD photons filter |
CxAODTruthParticleSlimmerTau | Algorithm to skim the xAOD truth particle container for tau filter |
CxAODTTbarWithJpsimumuFilter | |
CxAODTTbarWToLeptonFilter | Require the event to contain at least one charged lepton (from W decay, which should come from top) with pt at or above Ptcut |
CxAODVBFForwardJetsFilter | Filter of the type of VBF forward jets |
CxAODVBFMjjIntervalFilter | |
CxAODXtoVVDecayFilterExtended | The main purpose of this EF is to specify the decay of V1/V2 in H->V1V2, V1->decay, V2->decay with VH production |
CXercesParser | |
CXIncludeErrHandler | |
CXMLCoreFactory | |
CXMLCoreNode | |
CXMLCoreParser | |
CXMLHandler | |
CXMLHandlerStore | |
CXmlVariableInfo | Utility to convert xml files from TMVA into root TTrees for this package |
CXrdPosixXrootd | |
►CXtalkCorrHisto | |
Cmaxlistitem | |
CXtoVVDecayFilterExtended | The main purpose of this EF is to specify the decay of V1/V2 in H->V1V2, V1->decay, V2->decay with VH production |
CXXH128_canonical_t | |
CXXH128_hash_t | The return value from 128-bit hashes |
CXXH32_canonical_t | Canonical (big endian) representation of XXH32_hash_t |
CXXH64_canonical_t | |
CXYMaps | |
CXYMapsEC | |
CXYPosition | |
CZappedVolumeListModel | |
Czbeam | |
CZDC_BRANModule | |
CZDC_DetFactory | |
CZDC_DetManager | |
CZDC_DetTool | |
CZDC_DigiTop | |
CZDC_EscapedEnergyProcessing | |
CZDC_FiberSD | |
CZDC_FiberSDTool | |
CZDC_G4CalibSD | |
CZDC_G4CalibSDTool | |
CZDC_ModuleBase | |
CZDC_PileUpTool | |
CZDC_RPDModule | |
CZDC_SimFiberHit | |
CZDC_SimFiberHit_Collection | |
CZDC_SimFiberHit_Collection_p1 | |
CZDC_SimFiberHit_CollectionCnv | |
CZDC_SimFiberHit_CollectionCnv_p1 | |
CZDC_SimFiberHit_p1 | |
CZDC_SimFiberHitCnv_p1 | |
CZDC_ZDCModule | |
CZdcByteStreamCnv | The converter class has the methods to create the collection objects from a file (RDO to ByteStream) and ByteStream from RDO |
CZdcByteStreamLucrodData | |
CZdcByteStreamRawData | |
CZdcByteStreamRawDataV2 | |
►CZdcByteStreamReadV1V2Tool | Tool to perform ROB fragments to trigger towers and trigger towers to raw data conversions |
CBitReader | |
CState | |
CZdcByteStreamTester | |
CZdcByteStreamTool | Tool to perform ROB fragments to ZdcDigits and from ZdcDigits to raw data conversions |
CZdcCablingService | |
CZdcCalibEvent | |
CZdcCaloUserHeader | L1Calo User Header class |
CZdcCell | |
CZdcDataAccessV2 | Tool to retrieve all TriggerTowers from bytestream |
CZDCDataAnalyzer | |
CZdcDefs | |
CZdcDigits | |
CZdcDigits_p1 | |
CZdcDigitsCnv_p1 | |
CZdcDigitsCollection | |
CZdcDigitsCollection_p1 | |
CZdcDigitsCollectionCnv | |
CZdcDigitsCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CZDCFitComplexPrePulse | |
CZDCFitExpFermiFixedTaus | |
CZDCFitExpFermiLHCfPreExp | |
CZDCFitExpFermiLHCfPrePulse | |
CZDCFitExpFermiLinearFixedTaus | |
CZDCFitExpFermiLinearPrePulse | |
CZDCFitExpFermiPreExp | |
CZDCFitExpFermiPrePulse | |
CZDCFitExpFermiVariableTaus | |
CZDCFitExpFermiVariableTausLHCf | |
CZDCFitExpFermiVariableTausRun3 | |
CZDCFitGeneralPulse | |
CZDCFitWrapper | |
CZdcGeometryDB | |
CZdcHardwareID | |
CZDCHitAnalysis | |
CZDCHitsTestTool | |
CZdcID | |
CZdcID_Exception | Exception class for Zdc Identifiers |
CZdcIDDetDescrCnv | This class is a converter for the ZdcID an IdHelper which is stored in the detector store |
►CZdcInjPulserAmpMap | |
CToken | |
►CZdcL1CaloErrorByteStreamTool | Tool to accumulate ROB/ROD unpacking errors |
CErrorMaps | |
CZdcL1CaloSubBlock | L1Calo Sub-Block base class |
CZdcL1CaloUserHeader | L1Calo User Header class |
CZdcLEDMonitorAlgorithm | |
CZdcLEDNtuple | |
CZdcLucrodChannelType | |
CZdcLucrodData | |
CZdcLucrodDataContainer | |
CZdcLucrodDecoder | |
CZdcLucrodMapRun3 | |
CZdcMCTruthAlg | |
CZdcMonitorAlgorithm | |
CZDCNLCalibration | |
CZdcNtuple | |
CZdcPpmCompression | |
CZdcPpmSubBlock | Sub-Block class for PPM data |
CZDCPreExpFitWrapper | |
CZDCPrePulseFitWrapper | |
CZDCPulseAnalyzer | |
CZdcRawChannel | |
CZdcRawChannel_p1 | |
CZdcRawChannelCnv_p1 | |
CZdcRawChannelCollection | |
CZdcRawChannelCollection_p1 | |
CZdcRawChannelCollectionCnv | |
CZdcRawChannelCollectionCnv_p1 | |
CZdcRawData | |
CZdcRdo | |
CZdcRdoCollection | A collection of ZdcRdo from the readout of all ZDC modules |
CZdcRec | |
CZdcRecChannelTool | |
CZdcRecChannelToolLucrod | |
CZdcRecChannelToolV2 | |
CZdcRecNoiseTool | |
CZdcRecRun3 | |
CZdcRecRun3Decode | |
CZdcRecV2 | |
CZdcRecV3 | |
CZdcRecV3Decode | |
CZdcSignalSinc | |
CZdcSrcIdMap | This class provides conversion between Lower level Source ID to higher level source ID for L1Calo ByteStream fragments |
CZdcSubBlock | Zdc Sub Block base class |
CZdcSubBlockHeader | L1Calo User Header class |
CZdcSubBlockStatus | L1Calo User Header class |
CZDCTreeAnalysis | |
CZDCTriggerEfficiency | |
CZDCTriggerSimAllLUTs | |
CZDCTriggerSimBase | |
CZDCTriggerSimCombLUT | |
CZDCTriggerSimData | |
CZDCTriggerSimDataBase | |
CZDCTriggerSimFADC | |
CZDCTriggerSimModuleAmpls | |
CZdcUserHeader | L1Calo User Header class |
CZDCWaveformBase | |
CZDCWaveformFermiExp | |
CZDCWaveformFermiExpTail | |
CZDCWaveformLTLinStep | |
CZDCWaveformSampler | |
CZdcWordDecoder | |
CZeeTaPMonTool | |
CZmumuEvent | |
CZmumuValidationExample | |
CZRObject | |
CZtoLeptonFilter | Filter and look for Z's decaying to leptons |