ATLAS Offline Software
Classes | Functions
HLT::MET::PufitUtils Namespace Reference


struct  CovarianceSum
 Helper struct to hold the sum over pileup objects and its covariance. More...


void trimmedMeanAndVariance (const std::vector< double > &sorted, double trimFraction, double &mean, double &variance)
 Calculate the trimmed mean and variance for a vector of tower sumEts. More...
void trimmedMeanAndVariance (const PufitGrid &grid, double trimFraction, double &mean, double &variance)
 Calculate the trimmed mean and variance for a vector of tower sumEts. More...
void unmaskedMeanAndVariance (const PufitGrid &grid, double &mean, double &variance)
 Calculate the mean and variance of unmasked towers. More...
GridDisplacement selectGrid (const PufitGridSet &grids)
 Select the grid with the highest masked sumEt. More...
Eigen::VectorXd pufit (const Eigen::Vector2d &pileupSum, const Eigen::Matrix2d &pileupCovariance, const Eigen::VectorXd &towerExpectations, const Eigen::VectorXd &towerVariances, const Eigen::VectorXd &correctionDirections, double constraintImportance=1)
 Perform the pile-up fit. More...
Eigen::VectorXd pufit (const Eigen::Vector2d &pileupSum, const Eigen::Matrix2d &pileupCovariance, double towerMean, double towerVariance, const Eigen::VectorXd &correctionDirections, double constraintImportance=1)
 Perform the pile-up fit. More...
Eigen::VectorXd pufit (const Eigen::Vector2d &pileupSum, const Eigen::Matrix2d &pileupCovariance, const Eigen::VectorXd &towerExpectations, const Eigen::VectorXd &towerVariances, const Eigen::Matrix< double, 2, Eigen::Dynamic > &cosSin, double constraintImportance=1)
 Perform the pile-up fit. More...
Eigen::VectorXd pufit (const Eigen::Vector2d &pileupSum, const Eigen::Matrix2d &pileupCovariance, double towerMean, double towerVariance, const Eigen::Matrix< double, 2, Eigen::Dynamic > &cosSin, double constraintImportance=1)
 Perform the pile-up fit. More...
std::vector< SignedKinematicspufit (const Eigen::Vector2d &pileupSum, const Eigen::Matrix2d &pileupCovariance, const std::vector< double > &towerExpectations, const std::vector< double > &towerVariances, const std::vector< SignedKinematics > &toCorrect, double constraintImportance=1)
 Perform the pile-up fit. More...
std::vector< SignedKinematicspufit (const Eigen::Vector2d &pileupSum, const Eigen::Matrix2d &pileupCovariance, double towerMean, double towerVariance, const std::vector< SignedKinematics > &toCorrect, double constraintImportance=1)
 Perform the pile-up fit. More...
template<std::size_t N>
void trimmedMeanAndVariance (const PufitMultiGrid< N > &grid, std::size_t type, double trimFraction, double &mean, double &variance)
 Calculate the trimmed mean and variance for a vector of tower sumEts. More...
template<std::size_t N>
void unmaskedMeanAndVariance (const PufitMultiGrid< N > &grid, int type, double &mean, double &variance)
 Calculate the mean and variance of unmasked towers. More...
template<typename Grid >
GridDisplacement selectGrid (const PufitMultiGridSet< Grid > &grids, std::size_t type)
 Select the grid with the highest masked sumEt. More...

Function Documentation

◆ pufit() [1/6]

Eigen::VectorXd HLT::MET::PufitUtils::pufit ( const Eigen::Vector2d &  pileupSum,
const Eigen::Matrix2d &  pileupCovariance,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  towerExpectations,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  towerVariances,
const Eigen::Matrix< double, 2, Eigen::Dynamic > &  cosSin,
double  constraintImportance = 1 

Perform the pile-up fit.

pileupSum2-vector sum over the pileup contributions
pileupCovarianceCovariance matrix of the pileup sum
towerExpectationsExpected values for each tower based on the pileup energy density
towerVariancesExpected values for the variances of each tower based on variances of background towers
cosSinThe cosines and sines of the objects to correct
Therelative importance of the constraints.
A vector containing the magnitudes of the corrections

This variant directly provides the cos-sin matrix for the correction, potentially allowing many cos/sin calls to be avoided. This variant provides individual estimates of the expected energy in each tower and the corresponding variances - these are for cases where the areas of each object are different.

Definition at line 158 of file PufitUtils.cxx.

165  {
166  // Keep track of the number of corrections to derive
167  std::size_t nCorr = cosSin.cols();
168  if (nCorr == 0)
169  // No need to do anything to derive corrections to nothing
170  return {};
171  // Eigen internally uses somewhat complicated 'expression templates' to hold
172  // the mathematics of a matrix calculation without actually doing the loop.
173  // This allows it to avoid doing more loops than it actually needs to. It
174  // will do this by default unless you force it to evaluate an expression by
175  // binding it to a vector matrix type. Therefore we use 'auto' to store the
176  // individual expression pieces, rather than forcing an early evaluation.
177  if (pileupCovariance.determinant() == 0)
178  {
179  // In very rare circumstances the pileup covariance can be 0. This essentially means that
180  // there is nothing interpreted as pileup. The calculation will fail in this case so we
181  // cannot run the fit. Just return the expectations
182  return towerExpectations;
183  }
184  auto constants =
185  // Constant part derived from the uniformity constraint
186  towerExpectations.cwiseQuotient(towerVariances) -
187  // Constant part derived from the pileup balance constraint
188  constraintImportance * cosSin.transpose() * pileupCovariance.inverse() * pileupSum;
189  Eigen::MatrixXd diagonal = towerVariances.cwiseInverse().asDiagonal();
190  auto coeffMatrix =
191  // Matrix part derived from the uniformity constraint
192  diagonal +
193  // Matrix part derived from the pileup balance constraint
194  constraintImportance * (cosSin.transpose() * pileupCovariance.inverse() * cosSin);
195  // Now return the actual corrections
196  return coeffMatrix.inverse() * constants;
197  }

◆ pufit() [2/6]

Eigen::VectorXd HLT::MET::PufitUtils::pufit ( const Eigen::Vector2d &  pileupSum,
const Eigen::Matrix2d &  pileupCovariance,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  towerExpectations,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  towerVariances,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  correctionDirections,
double  constraintImportance = 1 

Perform the pile-up fit.

pileupSum2-vector sum over the pileup contributions
pileupCovarianceCovariance matrix of the pileup sum
towerExpectationsExpected values for each tower based on the pileup energy density
towerVariancesExpected values for the variances of each tower based on variances of background towers
correctionDirectionsThe directions of the objects to correct
Therelative importance of the constraints.
A vector containing the magnitudes of the corrections

This variant provides individual estimates of the expected energy in each tower and the corresponding variances - these are for cases where the areas of each object are different.

Definition at line 114 of file PufitUtils.cxx.

121  {
122  // Keep track of the number of corrections to derive
123  std::size_t nCorr = correctionDirections.size();
124  if (nCorr == 0)
125  // No need to do anything to derive corrections to nothing
126  return {};
127  // Turn the directions into cos/sin pairs
128  Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, Eigen::Dynamic> cosSin(2, nCorr);
129  cosSin.row(0) = correctionDirections.array().cos();
130  cosSin.row(1) = correctionDirections.array().sin();
131  return pufit(
132  pileupSum,
133  pileupCovariance,
134  towerExpectations,
135  towerVariances,
136  cosSin,
137  constraintImportance);
138  }

◆ pufit() [3/6]

std::vector< SignedKinematics > HLT::MET::PufitUtils::pufit ( const Eigen::Vector2d &  pileupSum,
const Eigen::Matrix2d &  pileupCovariance,
const std::vector< double > &  towerExpectations,
const std::vector< double > &  towerVariances,
const std::vector< SignedKinematics > &  toCorrect,
double  constraintImportance = 1 

Perform the pile-up fit.

pileupSum2-vector sum over the pileup contributions
pileupCovarianceCovariance matrix of the pileup sum
towerExpectationsExpected values for each tower based on the pileup energy density
towerVariancesExpected values for the variances of each tower based on variances of background towers
toCorrectKinematics of the objects to correct
Therelative importance of the constraints.
The corrections to apply

Note that this version still returns the corrections that should be applied, not the corrected objects. The corrections are returned using the negatives of the value calculated by the fit - i.e. you should add the returned objects and let them act as negative energy objects (unless the sign of the correction was negative in which case it will act as a positive energy object). This variant provides individual estimates of the expected energy in each tower and the corresponding variances - these are for cases where the areas of each object are different.

Definition at line 217 of file PufitUtils.cxx.

224  {
225  // Keep track of the number of corrections to derive
226  std::size_t nCorr = toCorrect.size();
227  if (nCorr == 0)
228  // No need to do anything to derive corrections to nothing
229  return {};
231  // Get the cos-sin matrix
232  Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, Eigen::Dynamic> cosSin(2, nCorr);
233  Eigen::VectorXd vecTowerExpectations(nCorr);
234  Eigen::VectorXd vecTowerVariances(nCorr);
235  for (std::size_t ii = 0; ii < nCorr; ++ii)
236  {
237  cosSin(0, ii) =;
238  cosSin(1, ii) =;
239  vecTowerExpectations(ii) =;
240  vecTowerVariances(ii) =;
241  }
242  Eigen::VectorXd corrections = pufit(
243  pileupSum,
244  pileupCovariance,
245  vecTowerExpectations,
246  vecTowerVariances,
247  cosSin,
248  constraintImportance);
249  // Now convert these into kinematics
250  std::vector<SignedKinematics> kinCorrections;
251  kinCorrections.reserve(nCorr);
252  for (std::size_t ii = 0; ii < nCorr; ++ii)
253  kinCorrections.push_back(SignedKinematics::fromEtEtaPhi(
254  -corrections.coeff(ii),
257  return kinCorrections;
258  }

◆ pufit() [4/6]

Eigen::VectorXd HLT::MET::PufitUtils::pufit ( const Eigen::Vector2d &  pileupSum,
const Eigen::Matrix2d &  pileupCovariance,
double  towerMean,
double  towerVariance,
const Eigen::Matrix< double, 2, Eigen::Dynamic > &  cosSin,
double  constraintImportance = 1 

Perform the pile-up fit.

pileupSum2-vector sum over the pileup contributions
pileupCovarianceCovariance matrix of the pileup sum
towerMeanEstimate of the mean pileup tower transverse energy
towerVarianceEstimate of the variance of pileup tower transverse energies
cosSinThe cosines and sines of the objects to correct
Therelative importance of the constraints.
A vector containing the magnitudes of the corrections

This variant directly provides the cos-sin matrix for the correction, potentially allowing many cos/sin calls to be avoided.

Definition at line 199 of file PufitUtils.cxx.

206  {
207  std::size_t nCorr = cosSin.cols();
208  return pufit(
209  pileupSum,
210  pileupCovariance,
211  Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(nCorr, towerMean),
212  Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(nCorr, towerVariance),
213  cosSin,
214  constraintImportance);
215  }

◆ pufit() [5/6]

Eigen::VectorXd HLT::MET::PufitUtils::pufit ( const Eigen::Vector2d &  pileupSum,
const Eigen::Matrix2d &  pileupCovariance,
double  towerMean,
double  towerVariance,
const Eigen::VectorXd &  correctionDirections,
double  constraintImportance = 1 

Perform the pile-up fit.

pileupSum2-vector sum over the pileup contributions
pileupCovarianceCovariance matrix of the pileup sum
towerMeanEstimate of the mean pileup tower transverse energy
towerVarianceEstimate of the variance of pileup tower transverse energies
correctionDirectionsThe directions of the objects to correct
Therelative importance of the constraints.
A vector containing the magnitudes of the corrections

Definition at line 140 of file PufitUtils.cxx.

147  {
148  std::size_t nCorr = correctionDirections.size();
149  return pufit(
150  pileupSum,
151  pileupCovariance,
152  Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(nCorr, towerMean),
153  Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(nCorr, towerVariance),
154  correctionDirections,
155  constraintImportance);
156  }

◆ pufit() [6/6]

std::vector< SignedKinematics > HLT::MET::PufitUtils::pufit ( const Eigen::Vector2d &  pileupSum,
const Eigen::Matrix2d &  pileupCovariance,
double  towerMean,
double  towerVariance,
const std::vector< SignedKinematics > &  toCorrect,
double  constraintImportance = 1 

Perform the pile-up fit.

pileupSum2-vector sum over the pileup contributions
pileupCovarianceCovariance matrix of the pileup sum
towerMeanEstimate of the mean pileup tower transverse energy
towerVarianceEstimate of the variance of pileup tower transverse energies
toCorrectKinematics of the objects to correct
Therelative importance of the constraints.
The corrections to apply

Note that this version still returns the corrections that should be applied, not the corrected objects. The corrections are returned using the negatives of the value calculated by the fit - i.e. you should add the returned objects and let them act as negative energy objects (unless the sign of the correction was negative in which case it will act as a positive energy object).

Definition at line 259 of file PufitUtils.cxx.

266  {
267  // Keep track of the number of corrections to derive
268  std::size_t nCorr = toCorrect.size();
269  if (nCorr == 0)
270  // No need to do anything to derive corrections to nothing
271  return {};
273  return pufit(
274  pileupSum,
275  pileupCovariance,
276  std::vector<double>(nCorr, towerMean),
277  std::vector<double>(nCorr, towerVariance),
278  toCorrect,
279  constraintImportance);
280  }

◆ selectGrid() [1/2]

GridDisplacement HLT::MET::PufitUtils::selectGrid ( const PufitGridSet grids)

Select the grid with the highest masked sumEt.

Definition at line 95 of file PufitUtils.cxx.

96  {
98  double maxSum = 0;
99  for (std::size_t d = 0; d < 4; ++d)
100  {
101  double sum = 0;
102  for (const PufitGrid::Tower &tower : grids[GridDisplacement(d)])
103  if (tower.masked())
104  sum += tower.sumEt();
105  if (sum > maxSum)
106  {
107  maximum = GridDisplacement(d);
108  maxSum = sum;
109  }
110  }
111  return maximum;
112  }

◆ selectGrid() [2/2]

template<typename Grid >
GridDisplacement HLT::MET::PufitUtils::selectGrid ( const PufitMultiGridSet< Grid > &  grids,
std::size_t  type 

Select the grid with the highest masked sumEt.

◆ trimmedMeanAndVariance() [1/3]

void HLT::MET::PufitUtils::trimmedMeanAndVariance ( const PufitGrid grid,
double  trimFraction,
double &  mean,
double &  variance 

Calculate the trimmed mean and variance for a vector of tower sumEts.

gridThe grid to calculate
trimFractionThe fraction of towers to use in the calculation
[out]meanThe calculated mean
[out]varianceThe calculated variance

Definition at line 57 of file PufitUtils.cxx.

62  {
63  std::vector<double> sorted;
64  sorted.reserve(grid.nTowers());
65  for (const PufitGrid::Tower &tower : grid)
66  sorted.insert(
67  std::lower_bound(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), tower.sumEt()),
68  tower.sumEt());
69  trimmedMeanAndVariance(sorted, trimFraction, mean, variance);
70  }

◆ trimmedMeanAndVariance() [2/3]

template<std::size_t N>
void HLT::MET::PufitUtils::trimmedMeanAndVariance ( const PufitMultiGrid< N > &  grid,
std::size_t  type,
double  trimFraction,
double &  mean,
double &  variance 

Calculate the trimmed mean and variance for a vector of tower sumEts.

gridThe grid to calculate
typeThe int mask of subgrid types
trimFractionThe fraction of twoers to use in the calculation
[out]meanThe calculated mean
[out]varianceThe calculated variance

◆ trimmedMeanAndVariance() [3/3]

void HLT::MET::PufitUtils::trimmedMeanAndVariance ( const std::vector< double > &  sorted,
double  trimFraction,
double &  mean,
double &  variance 

Calculate the trimmed mean and variance for a vector of tower sumEts.

sortedThe sumEts for all towers, sorted in ascending order
trimFractionThe fraction of towers to use in the calculation
[out]meanThe calculated mean
[out]varianceThe calculated variance

Definition at line 35 of file PufitUtils.cxx.

40  {
41  // The number to trim from each side
42  std::size_t nTrim = sorted.size() * (1 - trimFraction) / 2;
44  mean = std::accumulate(sorted.begin() + nTrim, sorted.end() - nTrim, 0.);
45  mean /= (sorted.size() - 2 * nTrim);
47  // Now get the variance
48  variance = 0;
49  for (std::size_t ii = 0; ii < sorted.size() - nTrim; ++ii)
50  {
51  double val = - mean;
52  variance += val * val * (ii < nTrim ? 2 : 1);
53  }
54  variance /= sorted.size();
55  }

◆ unmaskedMeanAndVariance() [1/2]

void HLT::MET::PufitUtils::unmaskedMeanAndVariance ( const PufitGrid grid,
double &  mean,
double &  variance 

Calculate the mean and variance of unmasked towers.

gridThe grid to calculate
[out]meanThe calculated mean
[out]varianceThe calculated variance

Definition at line 72 of file PufitUtils.cxx.

76  {
77  double sum = 0;
78  double squaredSum = 0;
79  std::size_t n = 0;
80  for (const PufitGrid::Tower &tower : grid)
81  {
82  if (tower.masked())
83  continue;
84  ++n;
85  sum += tower.sumEt();
86  squaredSum += tower.sumEt() * tower.sumEt();
87  }
88  mean = sum / n;
89  // Note that this could result in catastrophic cancellation in some cases.
90  // However the amount of precision present in a double is around 10^15 so we
91  // can afford to lose some significant figures
92  variance = squaredSum / n - mean * mean;
93  }

◆ unmaskedMeanAndVariance() [2/2]

template<std::size_t N>
void HLT::MET::PufitUtils::unmaskedMeanAndVariance ( const PufitMultiGrid< N > &  grid,
int  type,
double &  mean,
double &  variance 

Calculate the mean and variance of unmasked towers.

gridThe grid to calculate
typeThe int mask of subgrid types
[out]meanThe calculated mean
[out]varianceThe calculated variance
void mean(std::vector< double > &bins, std::vector< double > &values, const std::vector< std::string > &files, const std::string &histname, const std::string &tplotname, const std::string &label="")
Definition: dependence.cxx:254
bool accumulate(AccumulateMap &map, std::vector< module_t > const &modules, FPGATrackSimMatrixAccumulator const &acc)
Accumulates an accumulator (e.g.
Definition: FPGATrackSimMatrixAccumulator.cxx:22
std::vector< SignedKinematics > pufit(const Eigen::Vector2d &pileupSum, const Eigen::Matrix2d &pileupCovariance, double towerMean, double towerVariance, const std::vector< SignedKinematics > &toCorrect, double constraintImportance)
Perform the pile-up fit.
Definition: PufitUtils.cxx:259
@ NoDisplacement
The grid is not shifted.
Definition: PeriodicGridBase.h:25
Enum to describe the positioning of the grid.
Definition: PeriodicGridBase.h:23
void trimmedMeanAndVariance(const PufitGrid &grid, double trimFraction, double &mean, double &variance)
Calculate the trimmed mean and variance for a vector of tower sumEts.
Definition: PufitUtils.cxx:57
std::vector< typename T::value_type > sorted(T begin, T end)
Helper function to create a sorted vector from an unsorted one.
Definition: Calorimeter/CaloClusterCorrection/python/
@ Tower
Definition: JetContainerInfo.h:58