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ATLAS Offline Software
Principal data class for CaloCell clusters. More...
#include <CaloCluster.h>
Classes | |
class | MomentStoreIter |
Internal cell iterator. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
CaloCluster (double eta0=0, double phi0=0, unsigned int varTypePattern=0x00000000, unsigned int clusterSize=CaloCluster::SW_55ele) | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~CaloCluster () |
Destructor. More... | |
CaloCluster (const CaloCluster *pCluster) | |
Copy constructor. More... | |
CaloCluster (const CaloCluster &rCluster) | |
double | getVariable (const variable_type &varType, const sampling_type &samType, bool useLink=true) const |
General sampling variable access. More... | |
bool | getVariable (const variable_type &varType, std::vector< double > &varList, bool useLink=true) const |
General access to variables of a given type in all samplings. More... | |
bool | setVariable (const variable_type &varType, const sampling_type &samType, const double &varData, bool useLink=false) |
General sampling variable setter. More... | |
bool | setVariable (const variable_type &varType, const std::vector< double > &varList, bool useLink=false) |
Set variables of a given type in all samplings at once. More... | |
bool | lockVariable (const variable_type &varType) |
Lock variable (protect against future updates) More... | |
bool | unlockVariable (const variable_type &varType) |
Unlock variable (remove lock) More... | |
bool | isLocked (const variable_type &varType) const |
Check lock status of variable. More... | |
bool | isLocked (const unsigned int &bitPattern) const |
bool | allLocked () const |
Check if all variables are locked. More... | |
virtual CLHEP::HepLorentzVector | hlv () const |
redefine hlv() here to avoid ambiguities More... | |
virtual CLHEP::HepLorentzVector | hlv (signalstate_t s) const |
retrieve the 4-momentum at a given signal state More... | |
virtual double | e () const |
Retrieve energy independent of signal state. More... | |
virtual double | eta () const |
Retrieve eta independent of signal state. More... | |
virtual double | phi () const |
Retrieve phi independent of signal state. More... | |
virtual double | m () const |
Retrieve mass independent of signal state. More... | |
double | e (signalstate_t s) const |
Retrieve energy for a specific signal state. More... | |
double | eta (signalstate_t s) const |
Retrieve eta for a specific signal state. More... | |
double | phi (signalstate_t s) const |
Retrieve phi for a specific signal state. More... | |
double | m (signalstate_t s) const |
Retrieve mass for a specific signal state. More... | |
virtual void | setE (double e) |
Set energy. More... | |
virtual void | setEta (double eta) |
Set eta. More... | |
virtual void | setPhi (double phi) |
Set phi. More... | |
virtual void | setM (double m) |
Set mass. More... | |
virtual void | set4Mom (const I4Momentum *const pMom) |
Set kinematics from four-vector. More... | |
virtual void | set4Mom (const I4Momentum &rMom) |
Set kinematics directly from four-vector. More... | |
virtual void | set4Mom (const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &rVec) |
Set kinematics directly from HLV. More... | |
unsigned int | nSamples () const |
Retrieve number of samplings in this cluster. More... | |
double | eSample (sampling_type sampling) const |
Retrieve energy in a given sampling. More... | |
double | etaSample (sampling_type sampling) const |
Retrieve barycenter \eta in a given sample. More... | |
double | phiSample (sampling_type sampling) const |
Retrieve barycenter \varphi in a given sample. More... | |
void | getEInSamples (std::vector< double > &theEnergies) const |
Retrieve energy for all samplings into a vector. More... | |
void | getEtaInSamples (std::vector< double > &theEtas) const |
Retrieve \eta for all samplings into a vector. More... | |
void | getPhiInSamples (std::vector< double > &thePhis) const |
Retrieve \varphi for all samplings into a vector. More... | |
void | setEInSamples (const std::vector< double > &theEnergies) |
Set energy in all samplings from a vector. More... | |
void | setEtaInSamples (const std::vector< double > &theEtas) |
Set \eta in all samplings from a vector. More... | |
void | setPhiInSamples (const std::vector< double > &thePhis) |
Set \varphi in all samplings from a vector. More... | |
virtual double | getBasicEnergy () const |
Access basic energy scale signal. More... | |
virtual void | setBasicEnergy (double theEnergy) |
Set basic energy scale signal. More... | |
double | getTime () const |
Access cluster time. More... | |
void | setTime (double theTime) |
Set cluster time. More... | |
void | setClusterSize (unsigned int theClusterSize) |
Set cluster size. More... | |
unsigned int | getClusterSize () const |
Get cluster size. More... | |
unsigned int | getClusterEtaSize () const |
unsigned int | getClusterPhiSize () const |
void | setenergy (sampling_type sampling, double e) |
Set energy for a given sampling. More... | |
void | seteta (sampling_type sampling, double eta) |
Set \eta in a given sampling. More... | |
void | setphi (sampling_type sampling, double phi) |
Set \varphi in a given sampling. More... | |
void | insertMoment (const moment_type &momType, const moment_value &momValue, bool useLink=true) |
Set individual moment. More... | |
moment_iterator | beginMoment (bool useLink=true) const |
First iterator on moment store. More... | |
moment_iterator | endMoment (bool useLink=true) const |
Last iterator on moment store. More... | |
bool | retrieveMoment (const moment_type &momType, moment_value &momValue, bool useLink=true) const |
Retrieve individual moment. More... | |
bool | retrieveMoment (const moment_type &momType, double &momData, bool useLink=true) const |
moment_value | getMoment (const moment_type &momType, bool useLink=true) const |
Get individual moment. More... | |
moment_value | getMoment (const moment_iterator &momIter) const |
Get individual moment. More... | |
double | getMomentValue (const moment_type &momType, bool useLink=true) const |
Get moment value. More... | |
double | getMomentValue (const moment_iterator &momIter) const |
moment_type | getMomentType (const moment_iterator &momIter) const |
Get moment type. More... | |
bool | is_valid_sampling (const sampling_type &sampling) const |
Checks if cells from a given sampling in EMB or EMEC (!) are in cluster. More... | |
bool | isEMSampling (const sampling_type &theSampling) const |
Checks if cells from a given sampling in EMB and EMEC are in the cluster. More... | |
bool | hasSampling (const sampling_type &theSampling) const |
Checks if certain sampling contributes to cluster. More... | |
unsigned int | samplingPattern () const |
Get sampling bitmask. More... | |
double | eta0 () const |
Returns raw \eta of cluster seed. More... | |
double | phi0 () const |
Returns raw \phi of cluster seed. More... | |
double | etasize (sampling_type sampling) const |
Returns cluster size in \eta for a given sampling. More... | |
double | phisize (sampling_type sampling) const |
Returns cluster size in \varphi for a given sampling. More... | |
void | setetasize (sampling_type sampling, double size) |
Set the cluster size in \eta for a given sampling. More... | |
void | setphisize (sampling_type sampling, double size) |
Set the cluster size in \varphi for a given sampling. More... | |
double | energy_max (sampling_type sampling) const |
Retrieve maximum cell energy in given sampling. More... | |
double | etamax (sampling_type sampling) const |
Retrieve \eta of cell with maximum energy in given sampling. More... | |
double | phimax (sampling_type sampling) const |
Retrieve \varphi of cell with maximum energy in given sampling. More... | |
void | setenergymax (sampling_type sampling, double m) |
Set the maximum energy in a given sampling. More... | |
void | setetamax (sampling_type sampling, double m) |
Set the \eta of cell with maximum energy in a given sampling. More... | |
void | setphimax (sampling_type sampling, double m) |
Set the \varphi of cell with maximum energy in a given sampling. More... | |
double | etaBE (int sampling) const |
EMB/EMEC combined barycenter \eta . More... | |
double | phiBE (int sampling) const |
EMB/EMEC combined barycenter \varphi . More... | |
double | energyBE (int sampling) const |
EMB/EMEC combined signal. More... | |
bool | inBarrel () const |
Returns true if at least one clustered cell in EMB. More... | |
bool | inEndcap () const |
Returns true if at least one clustered cell in EMEC. More... | |
void | setBarrel (bool barrel) |
Sets EMB indicator. More... | |
void | setEndcap (bool endcap) |
Sets EMEC indicator. More... | |
void | addBadChannel (const CaloClusterBadChannelData &badChannel) |
Add Bad channel information. More... | |
void | resetBadChannel () |
Reset Bad channel list. More... | |
const badChannelList * | getBadChannel () const |
bool | containsBadCells () const |
Check if cluster has any bad channel in it. More... | |
void | calculateKine (const bool useweight=true, const bool updateLayers=true) |
Calculate cluster kinematics from contained cells. More... | |
signalstate_t | signalState () const |
Retrieve signal state. More... | |
signalstate_t | defaultSignalState () const |
Retrieve default signal state. More... | |
virtual bool | hasSignalState (signalstate_t s) const |
check if signal state exists for current implementation More... | |
virtual bool | isAtSignalState (signalstate_t s) const |
check if we are at the passed state More... | |
data_link_type | getMomentStoreLink () const |
virtual double | energy () const |
Return energy. More... | |
double | energy_nonvirt () const |
Return energy (nonvirtual version) More... | |
void | setRecoStatus (const CaloRecoStatus &recStatus) |
Set the reconstruction status. More... | |
void | setRecoStatus (const CaloRecoStatus::StatusIndicator &recIndic) |
Set the reconstruction status indicator (recommended) More... | |
bool | checkRecoStatus (const CaloRecoStatus::StatusIndicator &recIndic) const |
Check if a given indicator is set. More... | |
void | removeRecoStatus (const CaloRecoStatus::StatusIndicator &recIndic) |
Remove a given indicator. More... | |
void | removeRecoStatus () |
Remove all indicators. More... | |
const CaloRecoStatus & | getRecoStatus () const |
Retrieve the reconstruction status. More... | |
virtual const I4MomentumError * | errors () const |
Access to errors, if available; returns 0 if no errors. More... | |
virtual double | px () const |
x component of momentum More... | |
virtual double | py () const |
y component of momentum More... | |
virtual double | pz () const |
z component of momentum More... | |
virtual double | et () const |
transverse energy defined to be e*sin(theta) More... | |
virtual double | p () const |
magnitude of 3-momentum. More... | |
virtual double | p2 () const |
square of momentum magnitude More... | |
virtual double | m2 () const |
mass squared More... | |
virtual double | pt () const |
transverse momentum More... | |
virtual double | iPt () const |
inverse of transverse momentum More... | |
virtual double | rapidity () const |
rapidity More... | |
virtual double | cosPhi () const |
cosinus phi More... | |
virtual double | sinPhi () const |
sinus phi More... | |
virtual double | cotTh () const |
cottan theta More... | |
virtual double | cosTh () const |
cosinus theta More... | |
virtual double | sinTh () const |
sinus theta More... | |
virtual double | tanTh () const |
tan theta More... | |
I4Momentum::Kind | kind () const |
tells what kind of P4XYZT this is More... | |
virtual std::ostream & | dump (std::ostream &out=std::cout) const |
Print I4Momentum content. More... | |
void | addCell (const CaloCellContainer *pContainer, const CaloCell *pCell, double weight, size_t iCell=static_cast< size_t >(-1)) |
Add a cell with global kinematic update (slow) More... | |
void | addCell (const CaloCellContainer *pContainer, size_t &iCell, double weight) |
Add a cell with global kinematic update (fast) More... | |
void | addUniqueCell (const CaloCellContainer *theContainer, size_t theIndex, double weight, size_t size_hint=0) |
Add a cell with global kinematic update (fast) More... | |
void | addUniqueCellNoKine (const CaloCellContainer *theContainer, size_t theIndex, double weight, size_t size_hint=0) |
Add a cell with no kinematic update (fast) More... | |
void | reweightCell (const CaloCell *pCell, double weight) |
Reweight a cell with kinematic update. More... | |
void | reweightCell (const CaloCellContainer *pContainer, size_t &iCell, double weight) |
Reweight a cell with kinematic update. More... | |
void | reweightCell (cell_iterator &iterCell, double weight) |
Reweight a cell with kinematic update. More... | |
void | removeCell (const CaloCell *pCell) |
Remove a cell with kinematic update. More... | |
void | removeCell (const CaloCellContainer *pContainer, size_t &iCell) |
Remove a cell with kinematic update. More... | |
void | removeCells () |
Remove all cells without kinematic update. More... | |
double | getCellWeight (const CaloCell *pCell) const |
Retrieve the kinematic weight of a given cell. More... | |
double | getCellWeight (const CaloCellContainer *pContainer, size_t &iCell) const |
Retrieve the kinematic weight of a given cell. More... | |
double | getCellWeight (cell_iterator &iterCell) const |
Retrieve the kinematic weight of a given cell. More... | |
const CaloCellContainer * | getCellContainer (const CaloCell *pCell) const |
Retrieve the pointer to the original cell container for a given cell. More... | |
const CaloCellContainer * | getCellContainer (cell_iterator &iterCell) const |
Retrieve the pointer to the original cell container for a given cell. More... | |
bool | getCellIndex (const CaloCell *pCell, size_t &iCell) const |
Retrieve the index of a given cell in the cell container. More... | |
bool | getCellIndex (cell_iterator &iterCell, size_t &iCell) const |
Retrieve the index of a given cell in the cell container. More... | |
cell_iterator | cell_begin () const |
Retrieve a STL-type begin() iterator for the cell store. More... | |
cell_iterator | cell_end () const |
Retrieve a STL-type end() iterator for the cell store. More... | |
unsigned int | getNumberOfCells () const |
Return the number of cells in the store. More... | |
void | putElement (const CaloCellContainer *pContainer, const CaloCell *pCell, const double &weight=double(1.)) |
add element to the Navigable: use pointer More... | |
void | putElement (const CaloCellContainer *pContainer, size_t &iCell, const double &weight=double(1.)) |
add element to the Navigable: use element index (direct access!) More... | |
void | insertElement (const CaloCellContainer *pContainer, const CaloCell *pCell, const double &weight=double(1.)) |
insert element without checking if already in store: use element pointer More... | |
void | insertElement (const CaloCellContainer *pContainer, size_t &iCell, const double &weight=double(1.)) |
insert element without checking if already in store: use index More... | |
void | insertElement (const CaloCellContainer *pContainer, size_t iCell, const double weight, size_t size_hint) |
same, with a size hint. More... | |
void | insertElement (const ElementLink< CaloCellContainer > &el, const double weight, size_t size_hint=0) |
Insert element via ElementLink. More... | |
void | reweight (const CaloCell *pCell, const double &weight=double(1.)) |
re-weight (overwrite old weight) More... | |
void | reweight (const CaloCellContainer *pContainer, size_t &iCell, const double &weight=double(1.)) |
re-weight (overwrite old weight) More... | |
void | reweight (object_iter &cellIter, const double &weight=double(1.)) |
re-weight (overwrite old weight) More... | |
bool | remove (const CaloCell *pCell) |
remove object from the Navigable More... | |
bool | remove (const CaloCellContainer *pContainer, size_t &iCell) |
remove object from the Navigable More... | |
bool | removeAll () |
remove all objects from the Navigable More... | |
bool | contains (const CaloCell *pCell) const |
check if constituent is already there More... | |
bool | contains (const CaloCellContainer *pContainer, size_t &iCell) const |
check if constituent is already there More... | |
virtual object_iter | begin () const |
begin iterator for public object access More... | |
virtual object_iter | end () const |
end iterator for public object access More... | |
virtual unsigned int | nCells () const |
size of object access More... | |
double | getParameter (const CaloCell *pCell) const |
public container access: relational parameter retrieval More... | |
double | getParameter (const CaloCellContainer *pContainer, size_t &iCell) const |
public container access: relational parameter retrieval More... | |
double | getParameter (object_iter &cellIter) const |
public container access: relational parameter retrieval More... | |
const CaloCellContainer * | getContainer (const CaloCell *pCell) const |
public container access: retrieve Container for given object pointer More... | |
const CaloCellContainer * | getContainer (object_iter cellIter) const |
public container access: retrieve Container for given object iterator More... | |
bool | getIndex (const CaloCell *pCell, size_t &iCell) const |
get index of child in original container, given a pointer More... | |
bool | getIndex (object_iter cellIter, size_t &iCell) const |
get index of child in original container, given an iterator More... | |
virtual void | fillToken (INavigationToken &iToken) const |
fill token for navigation More... | |
virtual void | fillToken (INavigationToken &iToken, const std::any &rPar) const |
fill token for navigation More... | |
virtual bool | isCellLinkValid () const |
const cell_link_type & | cellLink () const |
Access to underlying link. More... | |
void | resetCellLink (const cell_link_type &cellLink) |
virtual AthenaBarCode_t | getAthenaBarCode () const |
virtual void | setAthenaBarCode (AthenaBarCode_t) |
virtual bool | hasSameAthenaBarCode (const IAthenaBarCode &) const |
virtual bool | hasSameAthenaBarCodeExceptVersion (const IAthenaBarCode &) const |
virtual AthenaBarCodeVersion_t | getVersion () const |
virtual void | newVersion () |
virtual void | setVersion (AthenaBarCodeVersion_t) |
virtual AthenaBarCode_t | getAthenaBarCode () const |
virtual void | setAthenaBarCode (AthenaBarCode_t id) |
virtual bool | hasSameAthenaBarCode (const IAthenaBarCode &obj) const |
virtual bool | hasSameAthenaBarCodeExceptVersion (const IAthenaBarCode &obj) const |
virtual AthenaBarCodeVersion_t | getVersion () const |
virtual void | newVersion () |
virtual void | setVersion (AthenaBarCodeVersion_t newversion) |
std::ostream & | dump (std::ostream &out) const |
bool | createdInCurrentJob () const |
AthenaBarCode_t | getReserveBits () const |
void | setReserveBits (AthenaBarCode_t id) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | setDefaultHash (const char *jobid) |
Static Public Attributes | |
static const AthenaBarCode_t | UNDEFINEDBARCODE = (AthenaBarCode_t)(-1) |
static const unsigned short | TotalBits = 64 |
static const unsigned short | UUIDBits = 32 |
static const unsigned short | CounterBits = 26 |
static const unsigned short | VersionBits = 4 |
static const unsigned short | ReserveBits = 2 |
static const unsigned short | SUUIDBits = 0 |
static const unsigned short | SCounterBits = UUIDBits |
static const unsigned short | SVersionBits = UUIDBits+CounterBits |
static const unsigned short | SReserveBits = UUIDBits+CounterBits+VersionBits |
Protected Types | |
typedef CaloClusterLinkTemplate< CaloShowerContainer >::link_type | data_link_type |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | updateKine (const CaloCell *theCell, double weight) |
Updates cluster kinematics when cell is added. More... | |
double | variableBE (const variable_type &theVariable, const int &samplingIndex) const |
Rewrite e_{0} \varphi_{0} + e_{1} \varphi_{1} as \left( e_{0} + e_{1} \right) \varphi_{0} + e_{1} \left( \varphi_{1} - \varphi_{0} \right) for \varphi calculation. More... | |
CaloSamplingData * | getDataStore (const variable_type &theVariable, bool useLink=true) |
const CaloSamplingData * | getDataStore (const variable_type &theVariable, bool useLink=false) const |
CaloClusterMomentStore * | getMomentStore (bool useLink=true) |
const CaloClusterMomentStore * | getMomentStore (bool useLink=false) const |
const CaloClusterMomentStore * | getMomentStore (const moment_type &theMoment, bool useLink=false) const |
CaloClusterMomentStore * | getMomentStore (const moment_type &theMoment, bool useLink=true) |
bool | getMomentStorePtrs (const CaloClusterMomentStore *&pFirstStore, const CaloClusterMomentStore *&pSecndStore, bool useLink) const |
bool | setDataLink (CaloShowerContainer *pDataLink) |
Set element link for shower data. More... | |
bool | setStores (CaloShower *pData, CaloCellLink *pLink, bool ownStores=true) |
Setup internal store. More... | |
bool | setDataStore (CaloShower *pData, bool ownStores=true) |
Setup data store. More... | |
virtual bool | setSignalState (signalstate_t s) |
Sets signal state. More... | |
virtual void | resetSignalState () |
reset the signal state More... | |
bool | setDefaultSignalState (signalstate_t s) |
Sets default signal state. More... | |
CaloCellLink * | getCellLink () |
const CaloCellLink * | getCellLink () const |
bool | setCellLink (CaloCellLinkContainer *pLink) |
bool | setLinkStore (CaloCellLink *pLink, bool ownStores=true) |
CaloCellLink * | getCellLinkPtr () |
const CaloCellLink * | getCellLinkPtr () const |
void | setBits (unsigned short startbit, unsigned short nbits, AthenaBarCode_t id, AthenaBarCode_t &bc) const |
AthenaBarCode_t | getBits (unsigned short startbit, unsigned short nbits) const |
void | initABC () const |
Protected Attributes | |
CaloSamplingData | m_dataStore |
{\ brief Cached Stores More... | |
CaloClusterMomentStore | m_momentStore |
cluster moments More... | |
bool | m_ownDataStore |
} More... | |
data_link_type | m_dataLink |
{ More... | |
CaloShower * | m_shower |
} More... | |
double | m_basicSignal |
Stores basic energy signal. More... | |
double | m_time |
Cluster timing. More... | |
unsigned int | m_samplingPattern |
Sampling pattern. More... | |
CaloRecoStatus | m_status |
Calorimeter reconstruction status. More... | |
double | m_e |
double | m_eta |
double | m_phi |
double | m_m |
bool | m_ownLinkStore |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static const double | m_errorValue = -999. |
Internal error return for real numbers. More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
template<class InputIterator > | |
void | maybeSetVariable (variable_type varType, InputIterator beg, InputIterator end) |
Set variables of a given type in all samplings at once, taking locking into account. More... | |
double | getRawE () const |
Access to raw energy. More... | |
double | getRawEta () const |
Access to raw eta. More... | |
double | getRawPhi () const |
Access to raw phi. More... | |
double | getRawM () const |
Access to raw mass. More... | |
double | getCalE () const |
Access to calibrated (LC) energy. More... | |
double | getCalEta () const |
Access to calibrated (LC) eta. More... | |
double | getCalPhi () const |
Access to calibrated (LC) phi. More... | |
double | getCalM () const |
Access to calibrated (LC) m. More... | |
double | getAltE () const |
Access to calibrated (cell weight) energy. More... | |
double | getAltEta () const |
Access to calibrated (cell weight) eta. More... | |
double | getAltPhi () const |
Access to calibrated (cell weight) phi. More... | |
double | getAltM () const |
Access to calibrated (cell weight) m. More... | |
void | setRawE (double e) |
Set raw energy. More... | |
void | setRawEta (double eta) |
Set raw eta. More... | |
void | setRawPhi (double phi) |
Set raw phi. More... | |
void | setRawM (double m) |
Set raw m. More... | |
void | setCalE (double e) |
Set calibrated (LC) energy. More... | |
void | setCalEta (double eta) |
Set calibrated (LC) eta. More... | |
void | setCalPhi (double phi) |
Set calibrated (LC) phi. More... | |
void | setCalM (double m) |
Set calibrated (LC) m. More... | |
void | setAltE (double e) |
Set calibrated (cell weight) energy. More... | |
void | setAltEta (double eta) |
Set calibrated (cell weight) eta. More... | |
void | setAltPhi (double phi) |
Set calibrated (cell weight) phi. More... | |
void | setAltM (double m) |
Set calibrated (cell weight) m. More... | |
bool | setStateRaw () |
Helper to switch to raw state. More... | |
bool | setStateCal () |
Helper to switch to calibrated (LC) state. More... | |
bool | setStateAlt () |
Helper to switch to calibrated (cell weight) state. More... | |
CaloCluster & | operator= (const CaloCluster &) |
Disallow (avoid coverity warning). More... | |
AthenaBarCode_t | combineWithUUIDHash (const AthenaBarCode_t &) const |
void | setUUIDHash (AthenaBarCode_t uuidhash) |
AthenaBarCode_t | hasUUIDHash () const |
AthenaBarCode_t | getUUIDHash () const |
Static Private Member Functions | |
static AthenaBarCode_t | hashUUID (const char *) |
static AthenaBarCode_t | getDefaultHash (const char *jobid=nullptr) |
static AthenaBarCode_t | makeDefaultHash (const char *jobid) |
Private Attributes | |
bool | m_barrel |
Flag is true if at least one cell in EMB. More... | |
bool | m_endcap |
Flag is true if at least one cell in EMB. More... | |
unsigned int | m_clusterSize |
Cluster size (e.g. More... | |
double | m_eta0 |
Cluster seed \eta More... | |
double | m_phi0 |
Cluster seed \varphi More... | |
double | m_timeNorm |
Stores the normalization for time calculation e.g. More... | |
double | m_posNorm |
Stores the normalization e.g. More... | |
std::vector< double > | m_posSamNorm |
Stores the normalization e.g. More... | |
int | m_nBarrel |
Counter for number of barrel cells with non-zero weight and energy. More... | |
int | m_nEndcap |
Counter for number of endcap cells with non-zero weight and energy. More... | |
unsigned int | m_lockPattern |
Variable lock pattern. More... | |
badChannelList | m_badChannelData |
GET_VALUE | m_getE {} |
Pointer to getter functions. More... | |
GET_VALUE | m_getEta {} |
Pointer to getter functions. More... | |
GET_VALUE | m_getPhi {} |
Pointer to getter functions. More... | |
GET_VALUE | m_getM {} |
Pointer to getter functions. More... | |
SET_VALUE | m_setE {} |
Pointer to setter functions. More... | |
SET_VALUE | m_setEta {} |
Pointer to setter functions. More... | |
SET_VALUE | m_setPhi {} |
Pointer to setter functions. More... | |
SET_VALUE | m_setM {} |
Pointer to setter functions. More... | |
signalstate_t | m_signalState |
Stores actual signal state. More... | |
signalstate_t | m_defSigState |
Stores default signal state. More... | |
double | m_rawE |
Stores raw signal. More... | |
double | m_rawEta |
Stores raw signal. More... | |
double | m_rawPhi |
Stores raw signal. More... | |
double | m_rawM |
Stores raw signal. More... | |
double | m_altE |
Stores calibrated (cell weight) signal. More... | |
double | m_altEta |
Stores calibrated (cell weight) signal. More... | |
double | m_altPhi |
Stores calibrated (cell weight) signal. More... | |
double | m_altM |
Stores calibrated (cell weight) signal. More... | |
cell_link_type | m_cellLink |
Local pointer to cell store. More... | |
std::atomic< AthenaBarCode_t > | m_barcode |
Static Private Attributes | |
static std::atomic< AthenaBarCode_t > | m_barcodeCounter = 0 |
Friends | |
class | CaloClusterStoreHelper |
struct | CaloClusterSignalState |
class | CaloClusterContainerCnv_p1 |
class | CaloClusterContainerCnv_p2 |
class | CaloClusterContainerCnv_p3 |
class | CaloClusterContainerCnv_p4 |
class | CaloClusterContainerCnv_p5 |
class | CaloClusterContainerCnv_p6 |
class | CaloClusterContainerCnv_p7 |
class | CaloClusterContainerCnvTest_p6 |
class | CaloClusterContainerCnvTest_p7 |
Principal data class for CaloCell clusters.
Data class for CaloCell clusters
CaloCluster stores a list of CaloCell s with some correlated signal. In all generality this object describes an energy blob inside the calorimeter, with its location completely defined by the cell content. In particular, there is no assumption on any detector view (regular binning in a given coordinate system or similar) needed or used for the cluster description (unlike for CaloTower , for example). In general CaloCluster behaves like a navigable object with the default 4-momentum representation.
Definition at line 74 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
typedef std::vector<CaloClusterBadChannelData> CaloCluster::badChannelList |
Get Bad Channel information.
Definition at line 458 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
Iterator on CaloCell s.
Definition at line 115 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inherited |
Definition at line 146 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
protected |
Definition at line 473 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
typedef double(CaloCluster::* CaloCluster::GET_VALUE) () const |
Definition at line 143 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
Moment iterator type for CaloCluster clients.
Definition at line 205 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
Cluster moment store iterator type.
Definition at line 138 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
Store type for cluster moments.
Definition at line 128 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
Cluster moment indicator type.
Definition at line 130 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
Cluster moment value type.
Definition at line 132 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
typedef moment_type CaloCluster::MomentType |
Definition at line 141 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inherited |
external cell iterator type
Definition at line 51 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
Sampling indicator.
Definition at line 118 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
typedef void(CaloCluster::* CaloCluster::SET_VALUE) (double v) |
Definition at line 144 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
Definition at line 147 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
Definition at line 146 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
typedef double CaloCluster::value_type |
Variable value type.
Definition at line 124 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
Data type indicator.
Definition at line 121 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
enums to identify different cluster size
Enumerator | |
SW_55ele | |
SW_35ele | |
SW_37ele | |
SW_55gam | |
SW_35gam | |
SW_37gam | |
SW_55Econv | |
SW_35Econv | |
SW_37Econv | |
SW_softe | |
Topo_420 | |
Topo_633 | |
SW_7_11 | |
Unknown |
Definition at line 85 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inherited |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 33 of file I4Momentum.h.
CaloCluster::CaloCluster | ( | double | eta0 = 0 , |
double | phi0 = 0 , |
unsigned int | varTypePattern = 0x00000000 , |
unsigned int | clusterSize = CaloCluster::SW_55ele |
) |
virtual |
The cluster destructs the associated external data objects CaloCellLink and CaloShower as long as it owns them.
Ownership is lost once these objects have been pushed into their corresponding storable collection. This is checked by the cluster on destruction.
Definition at line 248 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
CaloCluster::CaloCluster | ( | const CaloCluster * | pCluster | ) |
Copy constructor.
pCluster | pointer to non-modifiable cluster (origin) |
The copy constructor for CaloCluster creates explicit copies of all data members, with the exception of the links to the external data objects. These are only partly copied, meaning the data object itself is copied (new instance), but the container information is NOT copied. The new cluster therefore owns the new external data objects until those are explictely pushed into a container. Then the owenership is transferred to the container.
Definition at line 120 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
CaloCluster::CaloCluster | ( | const CaloCluster & | rCluster | ) |
Definition at line 175 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
void CaloCluster::addBadChannel | ( | const CaloClusterBadChannelData & | badChannel | ) |
Add Bad channel information.
Definition at line 1424 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
inherited |
Add a cell with global kinematic update (slow)
pContainer | input pointer to a CaloCellContainer (unchanged) |
pCell | input pointer to a CaloCell (unchanged) |
weight | signal weight asociated with this cell |
iCell | input index of the CaloCell in the CaloCellContainer. This may be omitted, but if supplied, a potentially slow search of the CaloCellContainer for the CaloCell may be avoided. |
Adding a cell usually changes the global kinematics. The concrete implementation is left to the updateKine method, which needs to be implemented by derived classes.
Adding cells without updating the global kinematics is also possible by using the corresponding putElement method in the Navigable<CaloCellContainer,double> base class.
inherited |
Add a cell with global kinematic update (fast)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
pContainer | input pointer to a CaloCellContainer (unchanged) |
iCell | input index of CaloCell in CaloCellConatiner (unchanged) |
weight | signal weight asociated with this cell |
Faster as index is already available, but has to rely on client to provide the correct (and valid) index.
inherited |
Add a cell with global kinematic update (fast)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
theContainer | input pointer to a CaloCellContainer (unchanged) |
theIndex | input index of CaloCell in CaloCellConatiner (unchanged) |
weight | signal weight asociated with this cell |
size_hint | if non-zero, a hint about many cells are likely to be in the cluster. |
Faster as index is already available, but has to rely on client to provide the correct (and valid) index.
The caller also guarantees that the cell is not already in the cluster.
inherited |
Add a cell with no kinematic update (fast)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
theContainer | input pointer to a CaloCellContainer (unchanged) |
theIndex | input index of CaloCell in CaloCellConatiner (unchanged) |
weight | signal weight asociated with this cell |
size_hint | if non-zero, a hint about many cells are likely to be in the cluster. |
Faster as index is already available, but has to rely on client to provide the correct (and valid) index.
The caller also guarantees that the cell is not already in the cluster.
inline |
Check if all variables are locked.
Definition at line 1289 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inlinevirtualinherited |
begin iterator for public object access
Definition at line 303 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
CaloCluster::moment_iterator CaloCluster::beginMoment | ( | bool | useLink = true | ) | const |
inherited |
Retrieve a STL-type begin() iterator for the cell store.
inherited |
Retrieve a STL-type end() iterator for the cell store.
inlineinherited |
inlineinherited |
inlineprivateinherited |
Definition at line 119 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.h.
check if constituent is already there
Definition at line 290 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inlineinherited |
check if constituent is already there
Definition at line 296 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inline |
Check if cluster has any bad channel in it.
Definition at line 1300 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
virtualinherited |
cosinus phi
Implements I4Momentum.
Reimplemented in CaloCell, and CaloVertexedCell.
Definition at line 54 of file P4EEtaPhiMBase.cxx.
virtualinherited |
cosinus theta
Implements I4Momentum.
Reimplemented in CaloCell, and CaloVertexedCell.
Definition at line 82 of file P4EEtaPhiMBase.cxx.
virtualinherited |
cottan theta
Implements I4Momentum.
Reimplemented in CaloCell.
Definition at line 77 of file P4EEtaPhiMBase.cxx.
inherited |
Definition at line 181 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.cxx.
inline |
Retrieve default signal state.
Definition at line 862 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inherited |
Definition at line 172 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.cxx.
virtualinherited |
inlinevirtual |
Retrieve energy independent of signal state.
Implements I4Momentum.
Definition at line 753 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Retrieve energy for a specific signal state.
Definition at line 777 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inlinevirtualinherited |
end iterator for public object access
Definition at line 309 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
CaloCluster::moment_iterator CaloCluster::endMoment | ( | bool | useLink = true | ) | const |
inlinevirtualinherited |
inline |
Retrieve maximum cell energy in given sampling.
sampling | sampling indicator |
Returns energy of cell with maximum signal in sampling.
Definition at line 1096 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inlineinherited |
inline |
EMB/EMEC combined signal.
sam | sampling counter |
Definition at line 1219 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
virtualinherited |
Access to errors, if available; returns 0 if no errors.
Reimplemented from P4EEtaPhiMBase.
Definition at line 15 of file P4EEtaPhiM.cxx.
inline |
Retrieve energy in a given sampling.
theSampling | sampling indicator |
Returns the energy in a given sampling.
Definition at line 975 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
virtualinherited |
transverse energy defined to be e*sin(theta)
Implements I4Momentum.
Reimplemented in CaloCell.
Definition at line 106 of file P4EEtaPhiMBase.cxx.
inlinevirtual |
Retrieve eta independent of signal state.
Implements I4Momentum.
Definition at line 755 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Retrieve eta for a specific signal state.
Definition at line 793 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Returns raw \eta of cluster seed.
Returns seed \eta for cluster.
Definition at line 1180 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
EMB/EMEC combined barycenter \eta .
sam | sampling counter |
Definition at line 1199 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Retrieve \eta of cell with maximum energy in given sampling.
sampling | sampling indicator |
Returns \eta of cell with maximum signal in sampling.
Definition at line 1112 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Retrieve barycenter \eta in a given sample.
theSampling | sampling indicator |
Returns \eta in sampling.
Definition at line 991 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Returns cluster size in \eta for a given sampling.
sampling | sampling indicator |
Returns eta size \Delta\eta of cluster in sampling.
Definition at line 1148 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inlinevirtualinherited |
fill token for navigation
Implements INavigable.
Definition at line 390 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inlinevirtualinherited |
fill token for navigation
Implements INavigable.
Definition at line 397 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
private |
private |
private |
private |
virtualinherited |
Reimplemented from IAthenaBarCode.
Definition at line 22 of file AthenaBarCodeBase.cxx.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Reimplemented in Rec::TrackParticle, Analysis::ParticleShallowClone, ParticleSigStateImpl< INavigable_t, I4Momentum_t, IParticle_t >, ParticleImpl< INavigable_t, I4Momentum_t, IParticle_t >, and AthenaBarCodeBase.
Definition at line 67 of file AthenaKernel/AthenaKernel/IAthenaBarCode.h.
const CaloCluster::badChannelList * CaloCluster::getBadChannel | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1434 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
inlinevirtual |
Access basic energy scale signal.
Implements CaloCompositeKineBase.
Definition at line 876 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 249 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.cxx.
private |
private |
private |
private |
inherited |
Retrieve the pointer to the original cell container for a given cell.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
iterCell | iterator to the cell (unchanged) |
Returns 0 if cell not in store.
inherited |
Retrieve the pointer to the original cell container for a given cell.
pCell | pointer to the cell (unchanged) |
Returns 0 if cell not in store.
inherited |
Retrieve the index of a given cell in the cell container.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
iterCell | iterator to the cell (unchanged) |
iCell | reference to a modifiable index variable |
Returns true
and a valid index if cell is found in store. If cell is not found, the value of the index is unchanged (typically 0 if initialized properly by client).
Note that the index refers to the index of the cell in the cell container, not the index of the cell in the local store.
inherited |
Retrieve the index of a given cell in the cell container.
pCell | pointer to the cell (unchanged) |
iCell | reference to a modifiable index variable |
Returns true
and a valid index if cell is found in store. If cell is not found, the value of the index is unchanged (typically 0 if initialized properly by client).
Note that the index refers to the index of the cell in the cell container, not the index of the cell in the local store.
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 39 of file CaloClusterNavigable.cxx.
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 68 of file CaloClusterNavigable.cxx.
inlineprotectedinherited |
Definition at line 426 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inlineprotectedinherited |
Definition at line 438 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inherited |
Retrieve the kinematic weight of a given cell.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
iterCell | iterator pointing to a cell |
inherited |
Retrieve the kinematic weight of a given cell.
pCell | pointer to the cell (unchanged) |
Returns 0. if cell not in store.
inherited |
Retrieve the kinematic weight of a given cell.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
pContainer | pointer to cell container (unchanged) |
iCell | index to cell in container (unchanged) |
unsigned int CaloCluster::getClusterEtaSize | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1439 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
unsigned int CaloCluster::getClusterPhiSize | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1461 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
inline |
inlineinherited |
public container access: retrieve Container for given object pointer
Definition at line 347 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inlineinherited |
public container access: retrieve Container for given object iterator
Definition at line 354 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
protected |
varType | reference to non-modifiable variable type indicator |
traceLink | flag allows tracing external storelinks if set true |
Dynamically allocates the correct store (local cache or external) depending on availability and indicator. The store is non-modifiable.
Definition at line 1056 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
protected |
varType | reference to non-modifiable variable type indicator |
traceLink | if true return pointer to external store |
Dynamically allocates the correct store (local cache or external) depending on availability and indicator. The store is modifiable, i.e. write access is granted.
Definition at line 1093 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
staticprivateinherited |
Definition at line 304 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.cxx.
inline |
Retrieve energy for all samplings into a vector.
theEnergies | reference to a modifiable vector |
Definition at line 983 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Retrieve \eta for all samplings into a vector.
theEtas | reference to a modifiable vector |
Definition at line 999 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inlineinherited |
get index of child in original container, given a pointer
Definition at line 360 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inlineinherited |
get index of child in original container, given an iterator
Definition at line 366 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inline |
Get individual moment.
Definition at line 1236 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Get individual moment.
Definition at line 1227 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1160 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
protected |
Definition at line 1172 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
protected |
Definition at line 1202 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
protected |
Definition at line 1192 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
inline |
Definition at line 725 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1216 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
inline |
Get moment type.
Definition at line 1254 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1250 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
inherited |
Return the number of cells in the store.
public container access: relational parameter retrieval
Definition at line 327 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inlineinherited |
public container access: relational parameter retrieval
Definition at line 333 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inlineinherited |
public container access: relational parameter retrieval
Definition at line 340 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inline |
Retrieve \varphi for all samplings into a vector.
thePhis | reference to a modifiable vector |
Definition at line 1015 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
private |
private |
private |
inlineinherited |
inherited |
Definition at line 216 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.cxx.
inline |
privateinherited |
Definition at line 244 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.cxx.
double CaloCluster::getVariable | ( | const variable_type & | varType, |
const sampling_type & | samType, | ||
bool | useLink = true |
) | const |
General sampling variable access.
varType | variable type indicator |
samType | sampling type indicator |
useLink | extends checks to external data store only if true |
This method first checks if the requested data is in the CaloCluster cache. If not, it tries to retrieve the data from the linked data store if the traceLink flag is set to true
. This allows full control of the data source by the client.
Definition at line 837 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
bool CaloCluster::getVariable | ( | const variable_type & | varType, |
std::vector< double > & | varList, | ||
bool | useLink = true |
) | const |
General access to variables of a given type in all samplings.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
varType | variable type |
varList | reference to modifiable list of variable values |
useLink | extends checks to external data store if true |
Definition at line 857 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
virtualinherited |
Reimplemented from IAthenaBarCode.
Definition at line 47 of file AthenaBarCodeBase.cxx.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Reimplemented in Analysis::ParticleShallowClone, Rec::TrackParticle, ParticleSigStateImpl< INavigable_t, I4Momentum_t, IParticle_t >, ParticleImpl< INavigable_t, I4Momentum_t, IParticle_t >, and AthenaBarCodeBase.
Definition at line 85 of file AthenaKernel/AthenaKernel/IAthenaBarCode.h.
staticprivateinherited |
Definition at line 190 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.cxx.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Reimplemented in AthenaBarCodeBase, Rec::TrackParticle, Analysis::ParticleShallowClone, ParticleSigStateImpl< INavigable_t, I4Momentum_t, IParticle_t >, ParticleSigStateImpl< Navigable< INavigable4MomentumCollection, double >, P4ImplPxPyPzE >, ParticleSigStateImpl< Navigable< DataVector< INavigable4Momentum >, double, std::vector< std::pair< ElementLink< DataVector< INavigable4Momentum > >, double > > >, P4ImplPxPyPzE, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< INavigable_t, I4Momentum_t, IParticle_t >, ParticleImpl< NavigableTerminalNode, P4ImplEEtaPhiM, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< TruthParticleNavigation, TruthParticleMomentum, TruthParticleBase >, ParticleImpl< CompositeParticleNavigation, P4ImplPxPyPzE, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< NavigableTerminalNode, P4PtEtaPhiM >, ParticleImpl< ::Analysis::TauJetNavigation, ::P4ImplEEtaPhiM >, ParticleImpl< Navigable< DataVector< INavigable4Momentum >, double, std::vector< std::pair< ElementLink< DataVector< INavigable4Momentum > >, double > > >, P4ImplPxPyPzE, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< egammaNavigation, P4ImplEEtaPhiM >, ParticleImpl< ::Analysis::MuonNavigation, ::P4ImplIPtCotThPhiM >, ParticleImpl< NavigableTerminalNode, P4ImplPxPyPzE, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< NavigableTerminalNode, P4ImplIPtCotThPhiM, ParticleEvent::Base >, and ParticleImpl< NeutrinoNavigation, P4ImplPxPyPzE >.
Definition at line 77 of file AthenaKernel/AthenaKernel/IAthenaBarCode.h.
virtualinherited |
Reimplemented from IAthenaBarCode.
Definition at line 34 of file AthenaBarCodeBase.cxx.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Reimplemented in AthenaBarCodeBase, Rec::TrackParticle, Analysis::ParticleShallowClone, ParticleSigStateImpl< INavigable_t, I4Momentum_t, IParticle_t >, ParticleSigStateImpl< Navigable< INavigable4MomentumCollection, double >, P4ImplPxPyPzE >, ParticleSigStateImpl< Navigable< DataVector< INavigable4Momentum >, double, std::vector< std::pair< ElementLink< DataVector< INavigable4Momentum > >, double > > >, P4ImplPxPyPzE, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< INavigable_t, I4Momentum_t, IParticle_t >, ParticleImpl< NavigableTerminalNode, P4ImplEEtaPhiM, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< TruthParticleNavigation, TruthParticleMomentum, TruthParticleBase >, ParticleImpl< CompositeParticleNavigation, P4ImplPxPyPzE, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< NavigableTerminalNode, P4PtEtaPhiM >, ParticleImpl< ::Analysis::TauJetNavigation, ::P4ImplEEtaPhiM >, ParticleImpl< Navigable< DataVector< INavigable4Momentum >, double, std::vector< std::pair< ElementLink< DataVector< INavigable4Momentum > >, double > > >, P4ImplPxPyPzE, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< egammaNavigation, P4ImplEEtaPhiM >, ParticleImpl< ::Analysis::MuonNavigation, ::P4ImplIPtCotThPhiM >, ParticleImpl< NavigableTerminalNode, P4ImplPxPyPzE, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< NavigableTerminalNode, P4ImplIPtCotThPhiM, ParticleEvent::Base >, and ParticleImpl< NeutrinoNavigation, P4ImplPxPyPzE >.
Definition at line 81 of file AthenaKernel/AthenaKernel/IAthenaBarCode.h.
virtualinherited |
Reimplemented from IAthenaBarCode.
Definition at line 41 of file AthenaBarCodeBase.cxx.
inline |
Checks if certain sampling contributes to cluster.
Definition at line 954 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
virtual |
check if signal state exists for current implementation
Implements ISignalState.
Definition at line 1358 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
privateinherited |
Definition at line 239 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.cxx.
inlinevirtual |
redefine hlv() here to avoid ambiguities
Implements I4Momentum.
Definition at line 270 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
virtual |
retrieve the 4-momentum at a given signal state
Implements ISignalState.
Definition at line 1485 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
inline |
Returns true
if at least one clustered cell in EMB.
Returns true
if cluster has more than one cell with positive signal in barrel calorimeter.
Definition at line 926 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Returns true
if at least one clustered cell in EMEC.
Returns true
if cluster has more than one cell with positive signal in endcap calorimeter.
Definition at line 931 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 24 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.cxx.
inlineinherited |
insert element without checking if already in store: use element pointer
Definition at line 217 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inlineinherited |
insert element without checking if already in store: use index
Definition at line 225 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inlineinherited |
same, with a size hint.
Definition at line 233 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inlineinherited |
Insert element via ElementLink.
Definition at line 243 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
void CaloCluster::insertMoment | ( | const moment_type & | momType, |
const moment_value & | momData, | ||
bool | useLink = true |
) |
Set individual moment.
momType | reference to (non-modifiable) moment type indicator |
momData | reference to (non-modifiable) moment value object |
useLink | not used. |
Definition at line 1247 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
virtualinherited |
inverse of transverse momentum
Implements I4Momentum.
Definition at line 111 of file P4EEtaPhiMBase.cxx.
inline |
Checks if cells from a given sampling in EMB or EMEC (!) are in cluster.
sampling | calorimeter sampling indicator |
Definition at line 948 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
virtual |
check if we are at the passed state
Implements ISignalState.
Definition at line 1365 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Definition at line 449 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inline |
Checks if cells from a given sampling in EMB and EMEC are in the cluster.
Definition at line 951 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Definition at line 1283 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Check lock status of variable.
Definition at line 1278 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inlinevirtualinherited |
tells what kind of P4XYZT this is
Implements I4Momentum.
Definition at line 65 of file P4EEtaPhiMBase.h.
bool CaloCluster::lockVariable | ( | const variable_type & | varType | ) |
inlinevirtual |
Retrieve mass independent of signal state.
Implements I4Momentum.
Definition at line 764 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Retrieve mass for a specific signal state.
Definition at line 825 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
virtualinherited |
staticprivateinherited |
Definition at line 312 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.cxx.
private |
Set variables of a given type in all samplings at once, taking locking into account.
Definition at line 1317 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inlinevirtualinherited |
virtualinherited |
Reimplemented from IAthenaBarCode.
Definition at line 53 of file AthenaBarCodeBase.cxx.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Reimplemented in Rec::TrackParticle, ParticleSigStateImpl< INavigable_t, I4Momentum_t, IParticle_t >, ParticleSigStateImpl< Navigable< INavigable4MomentumCollection, double >, P4ImplPxPyPzE >, ParticleSigStateImpl< Navigable< DataVector< INavigable4Momentum >, double, std::vector< std::pair< ElementLink< DataVector< INavigable4Momentum > >, double > > >, P4ImplPxPyPzE, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< INavigable_t, I4Momentum_t, IParticle_t >, ParticleImpl< NavigableTerminalNode, P4ImplEEtaPhiM, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< TruthParticleNavigation, TruthParticleMomentum, TruthParticleBase >, ParticleImpl< CompositeParticleNavigation, P4ImplPxPyPzE, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< NavigableTerminalNode, P4PtEtaPhiM >, ParticleImpl< ::Analysis::TauJetNavigation, ::P4ImplEEtaPhiM >, ParticleImpl< Navigable< DataVector< INavigable4Momentum >, double, std::vector< std::pair< ElementLink< DataVector< INavigable4Momentum > >, double > > >, P4ImplPxPyPzE, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< egammaNavigation, P4ImplEEtaPhiM >, ParticleImpl< ::Analysis::MuonNavigation, ::P4ImplIPtCotThPhiM >, ParticleImpl< NavigableTerminalNode, P4ImplPxPyPzE, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< NavigableTerminalNode, P4ImplIPtCotThPhiM, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< NeutrinoNavigation, P4ImplPxPyPzE >, and AthenaBarCodeBase.
Definition at line 89 of file AthenaKernel/AthenaKernel/IAthenaBarCode.h.
inline |
Retrieve number of samplings in this cluster.
Returns the maximum possible number of samplings, not the actual number contributing to the cluster!
Definition at line 968 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Disallow (avoid coverity warning).
virtualinherited |
magnitude of 3-momentum.
Special implementation from Frank Paige : if negative energy p is negative but eta and phi still the same.
Implements I4Momentum.
Definition at line 21 of file P4EEtaPhiMBase.cxx.
virtualinherited |
square of momentum magnitude
This p2() implementaion is derived from the (somewhat unusual) Frank Paige implementation used to calculate p() above. What we do is look at what would happen if we were to square the answer returned by Frank's algorithm:
(1) The "eSign" would square to +1 and disappear, (2) The sqrt would disappear leaving theE*theE-theM*theM (3) In the event that theM==0, this theE*theE would indeed still equal theE*theE-theM*theM, so we simply return this quantity.
Implements I4Momentum.
Definition at line 39 of file P4EEtaPhiMBase.cxx.
inlinevirtual |
Retrieve phi independent of signal state.
Implements I4Momentum.
Definition at line 759 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Retrieve phi for a specific signal state.
Definition at line 809 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Returns raw \phi of cluster seed.
Returns seed \varphi for cluster.
Definition at line 1186 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
EMB/EMEC combined barycenter \varphi .
sam | sampling counter |
Definition at line 1209 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Retrieve \varphi of cell with maximum energy in given sampling.
sampling | sampling indicator |
Returns \varphi of cell with maximum signal in sampling.
Definition at line 1128 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Retrieve barycenter \varphi in a given sample.
theSampling | sampling indicator |
Returns \varphi in sampling.
Definition at line 1006 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Returns cluster size in \varphi for a given sampling.
sampling | sampling indicator |
Returns phi size \Delta\varphi of cluster in sampling.
Definition at line 1165 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
virtualinherited |
inlineinherited |
add element to the Navigable: use pointer
Definition at line 201 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inlineinherited |
add element to the Navigable: use element index (direct access!)
Definition at line 209 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
virtualinherited |
virtualinherited |
virtualinherited |
virtualinherited |
remove object from the Navigable
Definition at line 271 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inlineinherited |
remove object from the Navigable
Definition at line 277 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inlineinherited |
remove all objects from the Navigable
Definition at line 284 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inherited |
Remove a cell with kinematic update.
pCell | pointer to a CaloCell object (unchanged) |
Removes the cell pointed to by the input argument. The effect on the global kinematics is defined by the updateKine implementation in the derived classes.
The Navigable<CaloCellContainer,double> base class provides a remove method which can be used if no kinematic update is required.
inherited |
Remove a cell with kinematic update.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
pContainer | pointer to cell container (unchanged) |
iCell | index to cell in container (unchanged) |
inherited |
Remove all cells without kinematic update.
inlineinherited |
inlineinherited |
void CaloCluster::resetBadChannel | ( | ) |
Reset Bad channel list.
Definition at line 1429 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
inlineinherited |
Definition at line 151 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
protectedvirtual |
bool CaloCluster::retrieveMoment | ( | const moment_type & | momType, |
double & | momData, | ||
bool | useLink = true |
) | const |
Definition at line 1278 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
bool CaloCluster::retrieveMoment | ( | const moment_type & | momType, |
moment_value & | momData, | ||
bool | useLink = true |
) | const |
Retrieve individual moment.
momType | reference to (non-modifiable) moment type indicator |
momData | reference to (modifiable) moment value object |
useLink | extends checks to external data store if true |
Returns true
if requested moment type in cluster.
Definition at line 1266 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
inlineinherited |
re-weight (overwrite old weight)
Definition at line 251 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inlineinherited |
re-weight (overwrite old weight)
Definition at line 257 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inlineinherited |
re-weight (overwrite old weight)
Definition at line 265 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inherited |
Reweight a cell with kinematic update.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
iterCell | input iterator referring to a cell (unchanged) |
weight | input new signal weight associated with this cell |
Changes the kinematic weight of a cell in the cluster. There is no check on the validity of the iterator.
inherited |
Reweight a cell with kinematic update.
pCell | input pointer to a CaloCell object (unchanged) |
weight | input new signal weight associated with this cell |
Changes the kinematic weight of a cell in the cluster. No action if cell not in cluster. In particular, the cell is not added.
inherited |
Reweight a cell with kinematic update.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
pContainer | input pointer to a CaloCellContainer object (unchanged) |
iCell | input index of a CaloCell in CaloCellContainer (unchanged) |
weight | input new signal weight associated with this cell |
Changes the kinematic weight of a cell in the cluster. No action if not a valid pointer.
unsigned int CaloCluster::samplingPattern | ( | ) | const |
Get sampling bitmask.
Definition at line 1507 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
inlinevirtual |
Set kinematics directly from HLV.
Implements I4Momentum.
Definition at line 852 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inlinevirtual |
Set kinematics directly from four-vector.
Implements I4Momentum.
Definition at line 849 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inlinevirtual |
private |
Set calibrated (cell weight) energy.
Definition at line 1330 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
private |
Set calibrated (cell weight) eta.
Definition at line 1331 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
private |
Set calibrated (cell weight) m.
Definition at line 1333 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
private |
Set calibrated (cell weight) phi.
Definition at line 1332 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
virtualinherited |
Reimplemented from IAthenaBarCode.
Definition at line 28 of file AthenaBarCodeBase.cxx.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Reimplemented in Rec::TrackParticle, ParticleSigStateImpl< INavigable_t, I4Momentum_t, IParticle_t >, ParticleSigStateImpl< Navigable< INavigable4MomentumCollection, double >, P4ImplPxPyPzE >, ParticleSigStateImpl< Navigable< DataVector< INavigable4Momentum >, double, std::vector< std::pair< ElementLink< DataVector< INavigable4Momentum > >, double > > >, P4ImplPxPyPzE, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< INavigable_t, I4Momentum_t, IParticle_t >, ParticleImpl< NavigableTerminalNode, P4ImplEEtaPhiM, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< TruthParticleNavigation, TruthParticleMomentum, TruthParticleBase >, ParticleImpl< CompositeParticleNavigation, P4ImplPxPyPzE, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< NavigableTerminalNode, P4PtEtaPhiM >, ParticleImpl< ::Analysis::TauJetNavigation, ::P4ImplEEtaPhiM >, ParticleImpl< Navigable< DataVector< INavigable4Momentum >, double, std::vector< std::pair< ElementLink< DataVector< INavigable4Momentum > >, double > > >, P4ImplPxPyPzE, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< egammaNavigation, P4ImplEEtaPhiM >, ParticleImpl< ::Analysis::MuonNavigation, ::P4ImplIPtCotThPhiM >, ParticleImpl< NavigableTerminalNode, P4ImplPxPyPzE, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< NavigableTerminalNode, P4ImplIPtCotThPhiM, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< NeutrinoNavigation, P4ImplPxPyPzE >, and AthenaBarCodeBase.
Definition at line 71 of file AthenaKernel/AthenaKernel/IAthenaBarCode.h.
inline |
Sets EMB indicator.
barrel | input flag is true if at least one cell in EMB |
Definition at line 935 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inlinevirtual |
Set basic energy scale signal.
theEnergy | basic energy signal |
Overwrites default behaviour in CaloEnergyCluster base class
Implements CaloCompositeKineBase.
Definition at line 883 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
protectedinherited |
private |
private |
private |
private |
inlineprotectedinherited |
Definition at line 405 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inline |
inlineprotected |
Set element link for shower data.
Definition at line 1262 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inlineprotected |
staticinherited |
Definition at line 298 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.cxx.
inlineprotected |
Sets default signal state.
Definition at line 865 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inlinevirtual |
Set energy.
Reimplemented from P4EEtaPhiM.
Definition at line 767 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Set energy in all samplings from a vector.
theEnergies | reference to a vector holding the energies in samplings (input unchanged) |
Definition at line 1041 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Sets EMEC indicator.
endcap | input flag is true if at least one cell in EMEC |
Definition at line 939 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Set energy for a given sampling.
theSampling | sampling indicator |
theEnergy | energy data |
Depreciated. Sets the sampling energy without updating the global kinematics.
Definition at line 1029 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
void CaloCluster::setenergymax | ( | sampling_type | sampling, |
double | m | ||
) |
inlinevirtual |
Set eta.
Reimplemented from P4EEtaPhiM.
Definition at line 769 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Set \eta in a given sampling.
sampling | calorimeter sampling indicator |
eta | \eta value to be set |
Definition at line 1048 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Set \eta in all samplings from a vector.
theEtas | reference to a vector holding the \eta in samplings (input unchanged) |
Definition at line 1061 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
void CaloCluster::setetamax | ( | sampling_type | sampling, |
double | m | ||
) |
Set the \eta of cell with maximum energy in a given sampling.
Definition at line 914 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
void CaloCluster::setetasize | ( | sampling_type | sampling, |
double | size | ||
) |
Set the cluster size in \eta for a given sampling.
sampling | calorimeter sampling indicator |
size | input \Delta\eta cluster size |
Definition at line 930 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
inlineprotectedinherited |
Definition at line 191 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
inlinevirtual |
Set mass.
Reimplemented from P4EEtaPhiM.
Definition at line 773 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inlinevirtual |
Set phi.
Reimplemented from P4EEtaPhiM.
Definition at line 771 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Set \varphi in a given sampling.
sampling | calorimeter sampling indicator |
phi | \varphi value to be set |
Definition at line 1068 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
inline |
Set \varphi in all samplings from a vector.
thePhis | reference to a vector holding the \eta in samplings (input unchanged) |
Definition at line 1081 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
void CaloCluster::setphimax | ( | sampling_type | sampling, |
double | m | ||
) |
Set the \varphi of cell with maximum energy in a given sampling.
Definition at line 920 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
void CaloCluster::setphisize | ( | sampling_type | sampling, |
double | size | ||
) |
Set the cluster size in \varphi for a given sampling.
sampling | calorimeter sampling indicator |
size | input \Delta\varphi cluster size |
Definition at line 940 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
private |
private |
private |
private |
inlineinherited |
inlineinherited |
Set the reconstruction status indicator (recommended)
Definition at line 86 of file CaloCompositeKineBase.h.
inherited |
Definition at line 223 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.cxx.
protectedvirtual |
private |
Helper to switch to calibrated (cell weight) state.
Definition at line 1392 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
private |
private |
inlineprotected |
inline |
inlineprivateinherited |
Definition at line 114 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.h.
bool CaloCluster::setVariable | ( | const variable_type & | varType, |
const sampling_type & | samType, | ||
const double & | varData, | ||
bool | useLink = false |
) |
General sampling variable setter.
varType | variable type |
samType | sampling indicator |
varData | data value |
useLink | if true data is stored in external store |
Definition at line 872 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
bool CaloCluster::setVariable | ( | const variable_type & | varType, |
const std::vector< double > & | varList, | ||
bool | useLink = false |
) |
Set variables of a given type in all samplings at once.
Definition at line 892 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
virtualinherited |
Reimplemented from IAthenaBarCode.
Definition at line 59 of file AthenaBarCodeBase.cxx.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Reimplemented in Rec::TrackParticle, ParticleSigStateImpl< INavigable_t, I4Momentum_t, IParticle_t >, ParticleSigStateImpl< Navigable< INavigable4MomentumCollection, double >, P4ImplPxPyPzE >, ParticleSigStateImpl< Navigable< DataVector< INavigable4Momentum >, double, std::vector< std::pair< ElementLink< DataVector< INavigable4Momentum > >, double > > >, P4ImplPxPyPzE, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< INavigable_t, I4Momentum_t, IParticle_t >, ParticleImpl< NavigableTerminalNode, P4ImplEEtaPhiM, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< TruthParticleNavigation, TruthParticleMomentum, TruthParticleBase >, ParticleImpl< CompositeParticleNavigation, P4ImplPxPyPzE, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< NavigableTerminalNode, P4PtEtaPhiM >, ParticleImpl< ::Analysis::TauJetNavigation, ::P4ImplEEtaPhiM >, ParticleImpl< Navigable< DataVector< INavigable4Momentum >, double, std::vector< std::pair< ElementLink< DataVector< INavigable4Momentum > >, double > > >, P4ImplPxPyPzE, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< egammaNavigation, P4ImplEEtaPhiM >, ParticleImpl< ::Analysis::MuonNavigation, ::P4ImplIPtCotThPhiM >, ParticleImpl< NavigableTerminalNode, P4ImplPxPyPzE, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< NavigableTerminalNode, P4ImplIPtCotThPhiM, ParticleEvent::Base >, ParticleImpl< NeutrinoNavigation, P4ImplPxPyPzE >, and AthenaBarCodeBase.
Definition at line 93 of file AthenaKernel/AthenaKernel/IAthenaBarCode.h.
inlinevirtual |
Retrieve signal state.
Implements ISignalState.
Definition at line 860 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
virtualinherited |
sinus phi
Implements I4Momentum.
Reimplemented in CaloCell, and CaloVertexedCell.
Definition at line 59 of file P4EEtaPhiMBase.cxx.
virtualinherited |
sinus theta
Implements I4Momentum.
Reimplemented in CaloCell, and CaloVertexedCell.
Definition at line 87 of file P4EEtaPhiMBase.cxx.
virtualinherited |
bool CaloCluster::unlockVariable | ( | const variable_type & | varType | ) |
Updates cluster kinematics when cell is added.
theCell | pointer to a CaloCell |
weight | signal weight of cell in cluster |
Present implementation performs full four-vector update for each cell added.
Implements CaloCompositeCellBase< CaloClusterNavigable >.
Definition at line 263 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
protected |
Rewrite e_{0} \varphi_{0} + e_{1} \varphi_{1} as \left( e_{0} + e_{1} \right) \varphi_{0} + e_{1} \left( \varphi_{1} - \varphi_{0} \right) for \varphi calculation.
Definition at line 953 of file CaloCluster.cxx.
friend |
Definition at line 732 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
friend |
Definition at line 733 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
friend |
Definition at line 734 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
friend |
Definition at line 735 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
friend |
Definition at line 736 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
friend |
Definition at line 737 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
friend |
Definition at line 738 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
friend |
Definition at line 739 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
friend |
Definition at line 740 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
friend |
Definition at line 470 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
friend |
Definition at line 469 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
staticinherited |
Definition at line 44 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.h.
private |
Stores calibrated (cell weight) signal.
Definition at line 705 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Stores calibrated (cell weight) signal.
Definition at line 707 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Stores calibrated (cell weight) signal.
Definition at line 711 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Stores calibrated (cell weight) signal.
Definition at line 709 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Definition at line 583 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
mutableprivateinherited |
Definition at line 110 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.h.
staticprivateinherited |
Definition at line 109 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.h.
private |
Flag is true
if at least one cell in EMB.
Definition at line 549 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
protected |
Stores basic energy signal.
Definition at line 495 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
privateinherited |
Local pointer to cell store.
Link to cell links object
Definition at line 186 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
private |
Cluster size (e.g.
5x5, 3.7, ...)
Definition at line 554 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
protected |
Linked Stores link to data
Definition at line 488 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
protected |
{\ brief Cached Stores
sampling data
Definition at line 479 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Stores default signal state.
Definition at line 693 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 75 of file P4EEtaPhiM.h.
private |
Flag is true
if at least one cell in EMB.
Definition at line 551 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
staticprotected |
Internal error return for real numbers.
Definition at line 476 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 76 of file P4EEtaPhiM.h.
private |
Cluster seed \eta
Definition at line 558 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Pointer to getter functions.
Definition at line 672 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Pointer to getter functions.
Definition at line 674 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Pointer to getter functions.
Definition at line 678 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Pointer to getter functions.
Definition at line 676 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Variable lock pattern.
Definition at line 581 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 78 of file P4EEtaPhiM.h.
protected |
cluster moments
Definition at line 480 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Counter for number of barrel cells with non-zero weight and energy.
Definition at line 576 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Counter for number of endcap cells with non-zero weight and energy.
Definition at line 579 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
protected |
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 178 of file CaloClusterNavigable.h.
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 77 of file P4EEtaPhiM.h.
private |
Cluster seed \varphi
Definition at line 560 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Stores the normalization e.g.
sum(|E|) for the position calculations.
Definition at line 568 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Stores the normalization e.g.
sum(|E|) for the position calculations in each sampling.
Definition at line 572 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Stores raw signal.
Definition at line 696 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Stores raw signal.
Definition at line 698 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Stores raw signal.
Definition at line 702 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Stores raw signal.
Definition at line 700 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
protected |
Sampling pattern.
Definition at line 501 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Pointer to setter functions.
Definition at line 681 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Pointer to setter functions.
Definition at line 683 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Pointer to setter functions.
Definition at line 687 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Pointer to setter functions.
Definition at line 685 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
protected |
Non-const pointer to linked store.
Definition at line 492 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Stores actual signal state.
Definition at line 691 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
protectedinherited |
Calorimeter reconstruction status.
Definition at line 58 of file CaloCompositeKineBase.h.
protected |
Cluster timing.
Definition at line 498 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
private |
Stores the normalization for time calculation e.g.
sum(w * |w| * E^2)
Definition at line 564 of file Calorimeter/CaloEvent/CaloEvent/CaloCluster.h.
staticinherited |
Definition at line 46 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.h.
Definition at line 49 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.h.
staticinherited |
Definition at line 51 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.h.
staticinherited |
Definition at line 48 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.h.
staticinherited |
Definition at line 50 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.h.
staticinherited |
Definition at line 41 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.h.
staticinherited |
Definition at line 52 of file AthenaKernel/AthenaKernel/IAthenaBarCode.h.
staticinherited |
Definition at line 53 of file AthenaKernel/AthenaKernel/IAthenaBarCode.h.
staticinherited |
Definition at line 43 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.h.
staticinherited |
Definition at line 45 of file AthenaBarCodeImpl.h.