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xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 Class Reference

Class used to describe composite objects in the HLT. More...

#include <TrigComposite_v1.h>

Inheritance diagram for xAOD::TrigComposite_v1:
Collaboration diagram for xAOD::TrigComposite_v1:

Public Types

using sgkey_t = SG::sgkey_t
using TypelessConstAccessor = ConstAuxElement::TypelessConstAccessor
template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
using ConstAccessor = SG::ConstAccessor< T, ALLOC >
template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
using Accessor = SG::Accessor< T, ALLOC >
template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
using Decorator = SG::Decorator< T, ALLOC >

Public Member Functions

 TrigComposite_v1 ()
 Default constructor. More...
 TrigComposite_v1 (const TrigComposite_v1 &parent)
 Copy constructor. More...
TrigComposite_v1operator= (const TrigComposite_v1 &rhs)
 Assignment operator. More...
const SG::AuxVectorDatacontainer () const
 Return the container holding this element. More...
SG::AuxVectorDatacontainer ()
 Return the container holding this element. More...
template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
Accessor< T, ALLOC >::reference_type auxdata (const std::string &name)
 Fetch an aux data variable, as a non-const reference. More...
template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
Accessor< T, ALLOC >::reference_type auxdata (const std::string &name, const std::string &clsname)
 Fetch an aux data variable, as a non-const reference. More...
template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
Accessor< T, ALLOC >::const_reference_type auxdata (const std::string &name) const
 Fetch an aux data variable, as a const reference. More...
template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
Accessor< T, ALLOC >::const_reference_type auxdata (const std::string &name, const std::string &clsname) const
 Fetch an aux data variable, as a const reference. More...
template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
Accessor< T, ALLOC >::const_reference_type auxdataConst (const std::string &name) const
 Fetch an aux data variable, as a const reference. More...
template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
Accessor< T, ALLOC >::const_reference_type auxdataConst (const std::string &name, const std::string &clsname) const
 Fetch an aux data variable, as a const reference. More...
template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
bool isAvailable (const std::string &name, const std::string &clsname="") const
 Check if an aux variable is available for reading. More...
template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
bool isAvailableWritable (const std::string &name, const std::string &clsname="")
 Check if an aux variable is available for writing. More...
template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
bool isAvailableWritableAsDecoration (const std::string &name, const std::string &clsname="") const
 Check if an aux variable is available for writing as a decoration. More...
template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
Decorator< T, ALLOC >::reference_type auxdecor (const std::string &name) const
 Fetch an aux decoration, as a non-const reference. More...
template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
Decorator< T, ALLOC >::reference_type auxdecor (const std::string &name, const std::string &clsname) const
 Fetch an aux decoration, as a non-const reference. More...
void makePrivateStore ()
 Create a new (empty) private store for this object. More...
template<class U1 >
void makePrivateStore (const U1 &other)
 Create a new private store for this object and copy aux data. More...
template<class U1 >
void makePrivateStore (const U1 *other)
 Create a new private store for this object and copy aux data. More...
void releasePrivateStore ()
 Release and free any private store associated with this object. More...
void setStore (const SG::IConstAuxStore *store)
 Set the store associated with this object. More...
void setStore (SG::IAuxStore *store)
 Set the store associated with this object. More...
void setStore (const DataLink< SG::IConstAuxStore > &store)
 Set the store associated with this object. More...
void setConstStore (const SG::IConstAuxStore *store)
 Synonym for setStore with IConstAuxStore. More...
void setNonConstStore (SG::IAuxStore *store)
 Synonym for setStore with IAuxStore. More...
bool usingPrivateStore () const
 Test to see if this object is currently using a private store. More...
bool usingStandaloneStore () const
 Test to see if this object is currently using a standalone store. More...
const SG::IConstAuxStoregetConstStore () const
 Return the current store, as a const interface. More...
SG::IAuxStoregetStore () const
 Return the current store, as a non-const interface. More...
void clearCache ()
 Clear the cached aux data pointers. More...
const SG::auxid_set_tgetAuxIDs () const
 Return a set of identifiers for existing data items for this object. More...
bool hasStore () const
 Return true if this object has an associated store. More...
bool hasNonConstStore () const
 Return true if this object has an associated non-const store. More...
bool clearDecorations () const
 Clear all decorations. More...
bool trackIndices () const
 Return true if index tracking is enabled for this object. More...
size_t index () const
 Return the index of this element within its container. More...
size_t index () const
 Return the index of this element within its container. More...
Basic properties
const std::string & name () const
 Get a human-readable name for the object. More...
void setName (const std::string &name)
 Set a human-readable name for the object. More...
const std::vector< TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionID > & decisions () const
 Get positive HLT chain decisions associated with this TrigComposite. Navigation use. More...
void setDecisions (const std::vector< TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionID > &decisions)
 Set positive HLT chain decisions associated with this TrigComposite. Navigation use. More...
Functions for accessing basic properties on the object
template<typename TYPE >
bool hasDetail (const std::string &name) const
 Check if a given type of detail is available. More...
template<typename TYPE >
bool setDetail (const std::string &name, const TYPE &value)
 Set an TYPE detail on the object. More...
template<typename TYPE >
bool getDetail (const std::string &name, TYPE &value) const
 Get an TYPE detail from the object. More...
template<typename TYPE >
TYPE getDetail (const std::string &name) const
 Get a detail by name, missing detail will result on std::runtime_error exception. More...
Functions for accessing links to component objects and object collections
template<class CONTAINER >
bool setObjectLink (const std::string &name, const ElementLink< CONTAINER > &link)
 Set the link to an object. More...
bool hasObjectLink (const std::string &name, const CLID clid=CLID_NULL) const
 Check if a link to an object with a given name and type exists. CLID_NULL to not check type. More...
template<class CONTAINER >
ElementLink< CONTAINER > objectLink (const std::string &name) const
 Get the link with the requested name. More...
template<class OBJECT >
const OBJECT * object (const std::string &name) const
 Get a bare pointer with the requested name. More...
template<class CONTAINER >
bool addObjectCollectionLink (const std::string &collectionName, const ElementLink< CONTAINER > &link)
 Add a link to a single object within a collection. Performs de-duplication. More...
template<class CONTAINER >
bool addObjectCollectionLinks (const std::string &collectionName, const std::vector< ElementLink< CONTAINER >> &links)
 Add links to multiple objects within a collection. Performs de-duplication. More...
bool hasObjectCollectionLinks (const std::string &collectionName, const CLID clid=CLID_NULL) const
 Check if links exist to a collection of objects with given name and type. CLID_NULL to not check type. More...
template<class CONTAINER >
std::vector< ElementLink< CONTAINER > > objectCollectionLinks (const std::string &collectionName) const
 Get a vector of all element links from the collection. More...
void typelessSetObjectLink (const std::string &name, const sgkey_t key, const uint32_t clid, const uint16_t beginIndex, const uint16_t endIndex=0)
 Add a link without type. More...
bool typelessGetObjectLink (const std::string &name, sgkey_t &key, uint32_t &clid, uint16_t &index) const
 Fetches a single link without type. More...
bool typelessGetObjectCollectionLinks (const std::string &name, std::vector< sgkey_t > &keyVec, std::vector< uint32_t > &clidVec, std::vector< uint16_t > &indexVec) const
 Fetches a collection of links without type. More...
template<class CONTAINER >
std::vector< std::string > getObjectNames () const
 Look up all links stored to objects of (container) type CONTAINER. More...
template<class CONTAINER >
std::vector< std::string > getObjectCollectionNames () const
 Look up all links stored to collections objects from (container) type CONTAINER. More...
bool removeObjectLink (const std::string &name)
 Delete any stored element link with the given name. More...
bool removeObjectCollectionLinks (const std::string &name)
 Delete any stored collection of element links with the given name. More...
Functions for copying links between objects
bool copyLinkFrom (const xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 &other, const std::string &name, std::string newName="")
 Copy one named link from another object. More...
bool copyLinkFrom (const xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 *other, const std::string &name, std::string newName="")
bool copyLinkCollectionFrom (const xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 &other, const std::string &name, std::string newName="")
 Copy one named link collection from another object. More...
bool copyLinkCollectionFrom (const xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 *other, const std::string &name, std::string newName="")
bool copyAllLinksFrom (const xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 &other)
 Copy all single links and collections of links from another object. More...
bool copyAllLinksFrom (const xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 *other)
Functions for accessing raw data used to construct ElementLinks
const std::vector< std::string > & linkColNames () const
 Raw access to the persistent link names. More...
const std::vector< sgkey_t > & linkColKeys () const
 Raw access to the persistent link labels. More...
const std::vector< uint16_t > & linkColIndices () const
 Raw access to the persistent link indices. More...
const std::vector< uint32_t > & linkColClids () const
 Raw access to the persistent link CLIDs. More...
bool isRemapped () const
 Information on if linkColKeys() and linkColIndices() are able to access remapped link data Remapping happens at the end of HLT execution when EDM objects are copied out of their per-EventView containers and into the global Trigger EDM containers. More...
const std::vector< sgkey_t > & linkColKeysRemap () const
 Raw access to the persistent link labels. Will attempt to access remapped link data. More...
const std::vector< uint16_t > & linkColIndicesRemap () const
 Raw access to the persistent link indices. Will attempt to access remapped link data. More...

Static Public Attributes

static bool s_throwOnCopyError ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE
 For use in validation, when copying element links from one object to another. More...
static const std::string s_initialRoIString {"initialRoI"}
 Constant used to identify an initial ROI from L1. More...
static const std::string s_initialRecRoIString {"initialRecRoI"}
 Constant used to identify an initial HLT ROI derived from L1. More...
static const std::string s_roiString {"roi"}
 Constant used to identify an (explicitly) updated HLT ROI. More...
static const std::string s_viewString {"view"}
 Constant used to identify a view. More...
static const std::string s_featureString {"feature"}
 Constant used to identify a feature. More...
static const std::string s_seedString {"seed"}
 Constant used to identify a seed (parent) More...
static const std::string s_hltSeedingNodeNameString {"L1"}
 Constant used to identify a navigation graph node as being from the HLTSeeding. More...
static const std::string s_filterNodeNameString {"F"}
 Constant used to identify a navigation graph node as being from a Filter. More...
static const std::string s_inputMakerNodeNameString {"IM"}
 Constant used to identify a navigation graph node as being from a Input Maker. More...
static const std::string s_hypoAlgNodeNameString {"H"}
 Constant used to identify a navigation graph node as being from a Hypo Alg. More...
static const std::string s_comboHypoAlgNodeNameString {"CH"}
 Constant used to identify a navigation graph node as being from a Combo Hypo Alg. More...
static const std::string s_summaryFilterNodeNameString {"SF"}
 Constant used to identify a navigation graph node as being from a final Filter created by the DecisionSummaryMaker algorithm. More...
static const std::string s_summaryPassNodeNameString {"HLTPassRaw"}
 Constant used to identify the single terminus graph node the end point of all chains which accept the event. More...
static const std::string s_summaryPassExpressNodeNameString {"HLTPassExpress"}
 Constant used to identify the single express-accept graph node. More...
static const std::string s_summaryPrescaledNodeNameString {"HLTPrescaled"}
 Constant used to identify the single prescaled graph node. More...
static constexpr bool supportsThinning = true
 Mark that this type supports thinning operations. More...

Protected Member Functions

bool noPrivateData () const
 True if this element has no private data. More...
bool havePrivateData () const
 True if this element currently has private data. More...
bool hadPrivateData () const
 True if this element had private data before it was added to its current container. More...

Private Types

enum  PrivateStoreState : uint8_t { PrivateStoreState::NO_PRIVATE = 0, PrivateStoreState::HAVE_PRIVATE = 1, PrivateStoreState::HAD_PRIVATE = 2 }
 The current private data state. More...

Private Member Functions

std::vector< std::string > & linkColNamesNC ()
 Raw access to the persistent link names (non-const) More...
std::vector< sgkey_t > & linkColKeysNC ()
 Raw access to the persistent link labels (non-const) More...
std::vector< uint16_t > & linkColIndicesNC ()
 Raw access to the persistent link indices (non-const) More...
std::vector< uint32_t > & linkColClidsNC ()
 Raw access to the persistent link CLIDs (non-const) More...
bool hasObjectLinkExact (const std::string &name, const sgkey_t key, const uint16_t index, const uint32_t clid) const
void copyLinkInternal (const xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 &other, const size_t index, const std::string &newName)
 Helper function, copy one link into this object. More...
bool derivesFromIParticle (const CLID clid) const
 Helper function. Check if the requested type can be down cast to an IParticle transient interface. More...
template<class CONTAINER >
void checkTypes (const CLID storedCLID, const std::string &name) const
 Helper function. Contains type logic check for use during actual link retrieval. Throws on error. More...
void releasePrivateStoreForDtor ()
 Out-of-line portion of destructor. More...
void setIndex (size_t index, SG::AuxVectorData *container)
 Set the index/container for this element. More...
bool setIndexPrivate (size_t index, SG::AuxVectorData *container)
 Set the index/container for this element. More...
void makePrivateStore1 (const void *)
 Create a new private store for this object and copy aux data. More...
void makePrivateStore1 (const AuxElement *other)
 Create a new private store for this object and copy aux data. More...
AuxElementStandaloneData * setStore1 (const SG::IConstAuxStore *store)
 Set the store associated with this object. More...
void clearAux ()
 Clear all aux data associated with this element. More...
void copyAux (const ConstAuxElement &other)
 Copy aux data from another object. More...
void setNoPrivateData ()
 Record that this element does not have private data. More...
void setHavePrivateData ()
 Record that this element currently has private data. More...
void setHadPrivateData ()
 Record that this element used to have private data. More...

Private Attributes

const SG::AuxVectorDatam_container
 The container of which this object is an element. More...
size_t m_index
 The index of this element within its container. More...
PrivateStoreState m_privateStoreState

Static Private Attributes

static const std::string s_collectionSuffix {"__COLL"}

Detailed Description

Class used to describe composite objects in the HLT.

This is a generic class for describing the output of high-level HLT algorithms that combine lower-level objects into one.

Tomasz Bold Tomas.nosp@m.z.Bo.nosp@m.ld@ce.nosp@m.rn.c.nosp@m.h
Camille Belanger-Champagne
Attila Krasznahorkay Attil.nosp@m.a.Kr.nosp@m.aszna.nosp@m.hork.nosp@m.ay@ce.nosp@m.rn.c.nosp@m.h
2016-11-15 18:08:58 +0100 (Tue, 15 Nov 2016)

Definition at line 52 of file TrigComposite_v1.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Accessor

template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
using SG::AuxElement::Accessor = SG::Accessor<T, ALLOC>

Definition at line 522 of file AuxElement.h.

◆ ConstAccessor

template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
using SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor = SG::ConstAccessor<T, ALLOC>

Definition at line 519 of file AuxElement.h.

◆ Decorator

template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
using SG::AuxElement::Decorator = SG::Decorator<T, ALLOC>

Definition at line 525 of file AuxElement.h.

◆ sgkey_t

Definition at line 55 of file TrigComposite_v1.h.

◆ TypelessConstAccessor

using SG::AuxElement::TypelessConstAccessor = ConstAuxElement::TypelessConstAccessor

Definition at line 516 of file AuxElement.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ PrivateStoreState

enum SG::IAuxElement::PrivateStoreState : uint8_t

The current private data state.


Definition at line 131 of file IAuxElement.h.

132  {
133  NO_PRIVATE = 0,
134  HAVE_PRIVATE = 1,
135  HAD_PRIVATE = 2,
136  };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TrigComposite_v1() [1/2]

xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::TrigComposite_v1 ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 54 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

54  {
55  }

◆ TrigComposite_v1() [2/2]

xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::TrigComposite_v1 ( const TrigComposite_v1 parent)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 57 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

58  this->makePrivateStore( parent );
59  }

Member Function Documentation

◆ addObjectCollectionLink()

template<class CONTAINER >
bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::addObjectCollectionLink ( const std::string &  collectionName,
const ElementLink< CONTAINER > &  link 

Add a link to a single object within a collection. Performs de-duplication.

◆ addObjectCollectionLinks()

template<class CONTAINER >
bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::addObjectCollectionLinks ( const std::string &  collectionName,
const std::vector< ElementLink< CONTAINER >> &  links 

Add links to multiple objects within a collection. Performs de-duplication.

◆ auxdata() [1/4]

template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
Accessor<T, ALLOC>::reference_type SG::AuxElement::auxdata ( const std::string &  name)

Fetch an aux data variable, as a non-const reference.

nameName of the aux variable.

This method has to translate from the aux data name to the internal representation each time it is called. Using this method inside of loops is discouraged; instead use the Accessor class.

◆ auxdata() [2/4]

template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
Accessor<T, ALLOC>::const_reference_type SG::AuxElement::auxdata ( const std::string &  name) const

Fetch an aux data variable, as a const reference.

nameName of the aux variable.

This method has to translate from the aux data name to the internal representation each time it is called. Using this method inside of loops is discouraged; instead use the Accessor or ConstAccessor classes.

◆ auxdata() [3/4]

template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
Accessor<T, ALLOC>::reference_type SG::AuxElement::auxdata ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  clsname 

Fetch an aux data variable, as a non-const reference.

nameName of the aux variable.
clsnameThe name of the associated class. May be blank.

This method has to translate from the aux data name to the internal representation each time it is called. Using this method inside of loops is discouraged; instead use the Accessor class.

◆ auxdata() [4/4]

template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
Accessor<T, ALLOC>::const_reference_type SG::AuxElement::auxdata ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  clsname 
) const

Fetch an aux data variable, as a const reference.

nameName of the aux variable.
clsnameThe name of the associated class. May be blank.

This method has to translate from the aux data name to the internal representation each time it is called. Using this method inside of loops is discouraged; instead use the Accessor or ConstAccessor classes.

◆ auxdataConst() [1/2]

template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
Accessor<T, ALLOC>::const_reference_type SG::AuxElement::auxdataConst ( const std::string &  name) const

Fetch an aux data variable, as a const reference.

nameName of the aux variable.

This method has to translate from the aux data name to the internal representation each time it is called. Using this method inside of loops is discouraged; instead use the ConstAccessor class.

◆ auxdataConst() [2/2]

template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
Accessor<T, ALLOC>::const_reference_type SG::AuxElement::auxdataConst ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  clsname 
) const

Fetch an aux data variable, as a const reference.

nameName of the aux variable.
clsnameThe name of the associated class. May be blank.

This method has to translate from the aux data name to the internal representation each time it is called. Using this method inside of loops is discouraged; instead use the ConstAccessor class.

◆ auxdecor() [1/2]

template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
Decorator<T, ALLOC>::reference_type SG::AuxElement::auxdecor ( const std::string &  name) const

Fetch an aux decoration, as a non-const reference.

nameName of the aux variable.

This method has to translate from the aux data name to the internal representation each time it is called. Using this method inside of loops is discouraged; instead use the Accessor class.

If the container is locked, this will allow fetching only variables that do not yet exist (in which case they will be marked as decorations) or variables already marked as decorations.

◆ auxdecor() [2/2]

template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
Decorator<T, ALLOC>::reference_type SG::AuxElement::auxdecor ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  clsname 
) const

Fetch an aux decoration, as a non-const reference.

nameName of the aux variable.
clsnameThe name of the associated class. May be blank.

This method has to translate from the aux data name to the internal representation each time it is called. Using this method inside of loops is discouraged; instead use the Accessor class.

If the container is locked, this will allow fetching only variables that do not yet exist (in which case they will be marked as decorations) or variables already marked as decorations.

◆ checkTypes()

template<class CONTAINER >
void xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::checkTypes ( const CLID  storedCLID,
const std::string &  name 
) const

Helper function. Contains type logic check for use during actual link retrieval. Throws on error.

◆ clearAux()

void SG::AuxElement::clearAux ( )

Clear all aux data associated with this element.

If this object has no associated store, this does nothing. If the associated aux data is const, this throws ExcConstAuxData.

Definition at line 535 of file AuxElement.cxx.

536 {
537  if (!m_container) return;
538  if (!m_container->hasStore()) return;
540  throw SG::ExcConstAuxData ("clearAux", SG::null_auxid);
543  for (SG::auxid_t auxid : m_container->getWritableAuxIDs()) {
544  r.clear (auxid, *container(), index(), 1);
545  }
546 }

◆ clearCache()

void SG::AuxElement::clearCache ( )

Clear the cached aux data pointers.

You should call this any time something changes in the aux store that could invalidate the vector pointers.

Definition at line 319 of file AuxElement.cxx.

320 {
321  if (container())
322  container()->clearCache();
323 }

◆ clearDecorations()

bool SG::AuxElement::clearDecorations ( ) const

Clear all decorations.

Erase all decorations from an associated store, restoring the state to when lock was called.

Returns true if there were any decorations that were cleared, false if the store did not contain any decorations.

Definition at line 385 of file AuxElement.cxx.

386 {
387  if (havePrivateData())
388  return m_container->clearDecorations();
389  return false;
390 }

◆ container() [1/2]

SG::AuxVectorData* SG::AuxElement::container ( )

Return the container holding this element.

◆ container() [2/2]

const SG::AuxVectorData* SG::AuxElement::container ( ) const

Return the container holding this element.

◆ copyAllLinksFrom() [1/2]

bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::copyAllLinksFrom ( const xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 other)

Copy all single links and collections of links from another object.

Will not overwrite existing links, or link collections, or append to existing link collections.

otherTrigComposite object to copy all links and link collections from, which do not already exist.
True on successful copy of at least one link

Definition at line 157 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

157  {
158  bool didCopy = false;
159  for (const std::string& name : other.linkColNames()) {
160  // Check we don't have one (or more) entries with this raw name (raw = might be mangled).
161  if (this->hasObjectLink(name)) continue;
162  // Check if the link is for a single object or collection of objects by looking for the mangled suffix
163  const bool isCollection = (name.size() > s_collectionSuffix.size() &&
164  std::equal(s_collectionSuffix.rbegin(), s_collectionSuffix.rend(), name.rbegin()));
165  if (isCollection) {
166  // The copyLinkCollectionFrom call needs the un-mangled name as it is a public fn. It will re-mangle.
167  const std::string unmangledName = name.substr(0, name.size() - s_collectionSuffix.size());
168  copyLinkCollectionFrom(other, unmangledName);
169  } else { // !isCollection
171  }
172  didCopy = true;
173  }
174  return didCopy;
175  }

◆ copyAllLinksFrom() [2/2]

bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::copyAllLinksFrom ( const xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 other)

Definition at line 177 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

177  {
178  return copyAllLinksFrom(*other);
179  }

◆ copyAux()

void SG::AuxElement::copyAux ( const ConstAuxElement other)

Copy aux data from another object.

otherThe object from which to copy.

If this object has no associated store, this does nothing. If the associated aux data is const, this throws ExcConstAuxData.

All aux data items from other are copied to this object. Any aux data items associated with this object that are not present in other are cleared. (If other has no aux data, then all aux data items for this object are cleared.)

Definition at line 561 of file AuxElement.cxx.

562 {
563  if (!m_container) return;
564  if (!m_container->hasStore()) return;
566  throw SG::ExcConstAuxData ("copyAux");
568  const SG::AuxVectorData* ocont = other.container();
570  if (!ocont || !ocont->hasStore()) {
571  this->clearAux();
572  return;
573  }
575  size_t oindex = other.index();
576  SG::auxid_set_t other_ids = ocont->getAuxIDs();
580  SG::AuxVectorData& cont = *container();
581  for (SG::auxid_t auxid : other_ids) {
582  r.copy (auxid, cont, index(), *ocont, oindex, 1);
583  }
585  for (SG::auxid_t auxid : m_container->getWritableAuxIDs()) {
586  if (!other_ids.test (auxid)) {
587  r.clear (auxid, cont, index(), 1);
588  }
589  }
590 }

◆ copyLinkCollectionFrom() [1/2]

bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::copyLinkCollectionFrom ( const xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 other,
const std::string &  name,
std::string  newName = "" 

Copy one named link collection from another object.

Will not overwrite or append to an existing collection of links

otherTrigComposite object to copy the link collection from
nameName of link collection
newNameOptional parameter to rename the link collection during the copy
True on successful copy

Definition at line 128 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

128  {
129  bool didCopy = false;
130  // Check for the existence of a collection.
131  if (newName.empty()) {
132  newName = name;
133  }
134  const std::string mangledName = name + s_collectionSuffix;
135  const std::string mangledNewName = newName + s_collectionSuffix;
136  if (other.hasObjectLink(mangledName)) {
137  if (this->hasObjectLink(mangledNewName)) {
138  if (s_throwOnCopyError) throw std::runtime_error("Already have link collection with name " + newName);
139  } else {
140  // Copy all links in the collection. Just iterating through the source vector
141  for (size_t index = 0; index < other.linkColNames().size(); ++index) {
142  if (other.linkColNames().at(index) == mangledName) {
143  copyLinkInternal(other, index, mangledNewName);
144  }
145  }
146  didCopy = true;
147  }
148  }
149  if (!didCopy && s_throwOnCopyError) throw std::runtime_error("Could not find link with name " + name);
150  return didCopy;
151  }

◆ copyLinkCollectionFrom() [2/2]

bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::copyLinkCollectionFrom ( const xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 other,
const std::string &  name,
std::string  newName = "" 

Definition at line 153 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

153  {
154  return copyLinkCollectionFrom(*other, name, std::move(newName));
155  }

◆ copyLinkFrom() [1/2]

bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::copyLinkFrom ( const xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 other,
const std::string &  name,
std::string  newName = "" 

Copy one named link from another object.

Will not overwrite an existing link

otherTrigComposite object to copy the link from
nameName of link to copy
newNameOptional parameter to rename the link during the copy
True on successful copy

Definition at line 103 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

103  {
104  if (newName.empty()) {
105  newName = name;
106  }
107  bool didCopy = false;
108  // Check for the existence of single link
109  std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator locationIt;
110  locationIt = std::find(other.linkColNames().begin(), other.linkColNames().end(), name);
111  if (locationIt != other.linkColNames().end()) {
112  size_t index = std::distance(other.linkColNames().begin(), locationIt);
113  if (this->hasObjectLink(newName)) {
114  if (s_throwOnCopyError) throw std::runtime_error("Already have link with name " + newName);
115  } else {
117  didCopy = true;
118  }
119  }
120  if (!didCopy && s_throwOnCopyError) throw std::runtime_error("Could not find link with name " + name);
121  return didCopy;
122  }

◆ copyLinkFrom() [2/2]

bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::copyLinkFrom ( const xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 other,
const std::string &  name,
std::string  newName = "" 

Definition at line 124 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

124  {
125  return copyLinkFrom(*other, name, std::move(newName));
126  }

◆ copyLinkInternal()

setDecisions void xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::copyLinkInternal ( const xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 other,
const size_t  index,
const std::string &  newName 

Helper function, copy one link into this object.

Definition at line 91 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

91  {
92  this->linkColNamesNC().push_back( newName );
93  this->linkColClidsNC().push_back( other.linkColClids().at(index) );
94  if (other.isRemapped()) {
95  this->linkColKeysNC().push_back( other.linkColKeysRemap().at(index) );
96  this->linkColIndicesNC().push_back( other.linkColIndicesRemap().at(index) );
97  } else {
98  this->linkColKeysNC().push_back( other.linkColKeys().at(index) );
99  this->linkColIndicesNC().push_back( other.linkColIndices().at(index) );
100  }
101  }

◆ decisions()

const std::vector<TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionID>& xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::decisions ( ) const

Get positive HLT chain decisions associated with this TrigComposite. Navigation use.

◆ derivesFromIParticle()

bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::derivesFromIParticle ( const CLID  clid) const

Helper function. Check if the requested type can be down cast to an IParticle transient interface.

Definition at line 274 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

274  {
276  const SG::BaseInfoBase* bib = SG::BaseInfoBase::find (clid);
277  if (bib) {
279  }
280  // No base info available means we never called any of the macros declaring bases so it's
281  // likely that the clid doesn't inherit from IParticle...
282  return false;
283 #endif
284  return true;
285  }

◆ getAuxIDs()

const SG::auxid_set_t & SG::AuxElement::getAuxIDs ( ) const

Return a set of identifiers for existing data items for this object.

If this object has a private or standalone store, then information from that will be returned. Otherwise, if this element is part of a container, then information for the container will be returned. Otherwise, return an empty set.

Definition at line 335 of file AuxElement.cxx.

336 {
338  if (havePrivateData())
339  return m_container->getConstStore()->getAuxIDs();
340  if (container())
341  return container()->getAuxIDs();
342  static const SG::auxid_set_t null_set;
343  return null_set;
344 #else
346 #endif
347 }

◆ getConstStore()

const SG::IConstAuxStore * SG::AuxElement::getConstStore ( ) const

Return the current store, as a const interface.

This will be non-zero if either a const or non-const store is associated with this object. This will fetch either a private or standalone store.

Definition at line 284 of file AuxElement.cxx.

285 {
286  if (havePrivateData()) {
287  return m_container->getConstStore();
288  }
289  return 0;
290 }

◆ getDetail() [1/2]

template<typename TYPE >
TYPE xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::getDetail ( const std::string &  name) const

Get a detail by name, missing detail will result on std::runtime_error exception.

◆ getDetail() [2/2]

template<typename TYPE >
bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::getDetail ( const std::string &  name,
TYPE value 
) const

Get an TYPE detail from the object.

◆ getObjectCollectionNames()

template<class CONTAINER >
std::vector<std::string> xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::getObjectCollectionNames ( ) const

Look up all links stored to collections objects from (container) type CONTAINER.

Vector of names to all collections of links to objects

◆ getObjectNames()

template<class CONTAINER >
std::vector<std::string> xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::getObjectNames ( ) const

Look up all links stored to objects of (container) type CONTAINER.

Vector of names to all links to objects

◆ getStore()

SG::IAuxStore * SG::AuxElement::getStore ( ) const

Return the current store, as a non-const interface.

This will be non-zero if a non-const store is associated with this object. This will fetch either a private or standalone store.

Definition at line 299 of file AuxElement.cxx.

300 {
301  if (havePrivateData()) {
304 #else
305  SG::AuxVectorData* container_nc ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE = const_cast<SG::AuxVectorData*>(container());
306 #endif
307  return container_nc->getStore();
308  }
309  return 0;
310 }

◆ hadPrivateData()

bool SG::IAuxElement::hadPrivateData ( ) const

True if this element had private data before it was added to its current container.

◆ hasDetail()

template<typename TYPE >
bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::hasDetail ( const std::string &  name) const

Check if a given type of detail is available.

◆ hasNonConstStore()

bool SG::AuxElement::hasNonConstStore ( ) const

Return true if this object has an associated non-const store.

This will be true for either a private or standalone store.

Definition at line 368 of file AuxElement.cxx.

369 {
370  if (havePrivateData())
371  return m_container->hasNonConstStore();
372  return false;
373 }

◆ hasObjectCollectionLinks()

bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::hasObjectCollectionLinks ( const std::string &  collectionName,
const CLID  clid = CLID_NULL 
) const

Check if links exist to a collection of objects with given name and type. CLID_NULL to not check type.

Definition at line 257 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

257  {
258  const std::string mangledName = collectionName + s_collectionSuffix;
259  return hasObjectLink( mangledName, clid );
260  }

◆ hasObjectLink()

bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::hasObjectLink ( const std::string &  name,
const CLID  clid = CLID_NULL 
) const

Check if a link to an object with a given name and type exists. CLID_NULL to not check type.

Definition at line 226 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

226  {
228  // Since this function shouldn't throw exceptions too easily,
229  // let's be super careful here...
230  static const ConstAccessor< std::vector< std::string > > accNames( "linkColNames" );
231  static const ConstAccessor< std::vector< uint32_t > > accCLIDs( "linkColClids" );
232  if( ! (accNames.isAvailable( *this ) || accCLIDs.isAvailable( *this) ) ) {
233  return false;
234  }
236  // The check itself is pretty simple:
237  const std::vector< std::string >& names = accNames( *this );
238  const std::vector< uint32_t >& clids = accCLIDs( *this );
240  std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator vecIt = std::find( names.begin(), names.end(), name );
241  if (vecIt == names.end()) {
242  return false; // Could not find name
243  }
245  if (clid != CLID_NULL) { // Also check against clid
246  const uint32_t storedCLID = std::distance( names.begin(), vecIt ) );
248  return derivesFromIParticle(storedCLID);
249  } else if (storedCLID != clid) { // Otherwise we require the ID to match
250  return false; // Type missmatch
251  }
252  }
254  return true; // Satisfied
255  }

◆ hasObjectLinkExact()

bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::hasObjectLinkExact ( const std::string &  name,
const sgkey_t  key,
const uint16_t  index,
const uint32_t  clid 
) const

Definition at line 263 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

263  {
264  for (size_t i = 0; i < this->linkColNames().size(); ++i) {
265  if (this->linkColNames().at(i) != name) continue;
266  if (!SG::sgkeyEqual (this->linkColKeys().at(i), key)) continue;
267  if (this->linkColIndices().at(i) != index) continue;
268  if (this->linkColClids().at(i) != clid) continue;
269  return true;
270  }
271  return false;
272  }

◆ hasStore()

bool SG::AuxElement::hasStore ( ) const

Return true if this object has an associated store.

This will be true for either a private or standalone store.

Definition at line 355 of file AuxElement.cxx.

356 {
357  if (havePrivateData())
358  return m_container->hasStore();
359  return false;
360 }

◆ havePrivateData()

bool SG::IAuxElement::havePrivateData ( ) const

True if this element currently has private data.

◆ index() [1/2]

size_t SG::IAuxElement::index ( ) const

Return the index of this element within its container.

◆ index() [2/2]

size_t SG::IAuxElement::index

Return the index of this element within its container.

Inherited from IAuxElement.

◆ isAvailable()

template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
bool SG::AuxElement::isAvailable ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  clsname = "" 
) const

Check if an aux variable is available for reading.

nameName of the aux variable.
clsnameThe name of the associated class. May be blank.

This method has to translate from the aux data name to the internal representation each time it is called. Using this method inside of loops is discouraged; instead use the Accessor class.

◆ isAvailableWritable()

template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
bool SG::AuxElement::isAvailableWritable ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  clsname = "" 

Check if an aux variable is available for writing.

nameName of the aux variable.
clsnameThe name of the associated class. May be blank.

This method has to translate from the aux data name to the internal representation each time it is called. Using this method inside of loops is discouraged; instead use the Accessor class.

◆ isAvailableWritableAsDecoration()

template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>>
bool SG::AuxElement::isAvailableWritableAsDecoration ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  clsname = "" 
) const

Check if an aux variable is available for writing as a decoration.

nameName of the aux variable.
clsnameThe name of the associated class. May be blank.

This method has to translate from the aux data name to the internal representation each time it is called. Using this method inside of loops is discouraged; instead use the Accessor class.

◆ isRemapped()

bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::isRemapped ( ) const

Information on if linkColKeys() and linkColIndices() are able to access remapped link data Remapping happens at the end of HLT execution when EDM objects are copied out of their per-EventView containers and into the global Trigger EDM containers.

Definition at line 450 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

450  {
451  static const Accessor< std::vector< sgkey_t > > key_remap( "remap_linkColKeys" );
452  static const Accessor< std::vector< uint16_t > > index_remap( "remap_linkColIndices" );
453  size_t nDecorations = 0;
454  if (key_remap.isAvailable( *this )) ++nDecorations;
455  if (index_remap.isAvailable( *this )) ++nDecorations;
456  if (nDecorations == 1) {
457  throw std::runtime_error("TrigComposite_v1::isRemapped Only one of the 'remap_linkColKeys' and 'remap_linkColIndices' "
458  "decorations were found on this object. This should never happen, a remapped element link must have both of these collections.");
459  }
460  return static_cast<bool>(nDecorations); //0=False, 2=True
461  }

◆ linkColClids()

const std::vector< uint32_t >& xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::linkColClids ( ) const

Raw access to the persistent link CLIDs.

◆ linkColClidsNC()

std::vector< uint32_t > & xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::linkColClidsNC ( )

Raw access to the persistent link CLIDs (non-const)

Definition at line 332 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

332  {
334  static const Accessor< std::vector< uint32_t > > acc( "linkColClids" );
335  return acc( *this );
336  }

◆ linkColIndices()

const std::vector< uint16_t > & xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::linkColIndices ( ) const

Raw access to the persistent link indices.

Definition at line 297 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

297  {
298  static const Accessor< std::vector< uint16_t > > acc_builtin( "linkColIndices" );
299  return acc_builtin( *this );
300  }

◆ linkColIndicesNC()

std::vector< uint16_t > & xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::linkColIndicesNC ( )

Raw access to the persistent link indices (non-const)

Definition at line 326 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

326  {
328  static const Accessor< std::vector< uint16_t > > acc( "linkColIndices" );
329  return acc( *this );
330  }

◆ linkColIndicesRemap()

const std::vector< uint16_t > & xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::linkColIndicesRemap ( ) const

Raw access to the persistent link indices. Will attempt to access remapped link data.

Definition at line 307 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

307  {
308  static const Accessor< std::vector< uint16_t > > acc( "remap_linkColIndices" );
309  return acc( *this );
310  }

◆ linkColKeys()

linkColClids const std::vector< SG::sgkey_t > & xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::linkColKeys ( ) const

Raw access to the persistent link labels.

Definition at line 292 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

292  {
293  static const Accessor< std::vector< sgkey_t > > acc_builtin( "linkColKeys" );
294  return acc_builtin( *this );
295  }

◆ linkColKeysNC()

std::vector< SG::sgkey_t > & xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::linkColKeysNC ( )

Raw access to the persistent link labels (non-const)

Definition at line 320 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

320  {
322  static const Accessor< std::vector< sgkey_t > > acc( "linkColKeys" );
323  return acc( *this );
324  }

◆ linkColKeysRemap()

const std::vector< SG::sgkey_t > & xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::linkColKeysRemap ( ) const

Raw access to the persistent link labels. Will attempt to access remapped link data.

Definition at line 302 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

302  {
303  static const Accessor< std::vector< sgkey_t > > acc( "remap_linkColKeys" );
304  return acc( *this );
305  }

◆ linkColNames()

const std::vector< std::string >& xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::linkColNames ( ) const

Raw access to the persistent link names.

◆ linkColNamesNC()

std::vector< std::string > & xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::linkColNamesNC ( )

Raw access to the persistent link names (non-const)

Definition at line 314 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

314  {
316  static const Accessor< std::vector< std::string > > acc( "linkColNames" );
317  return acc( *this );
318  }

◆ makePrivateStore() [1/3]

void SG::AuxElement::makePrivateStore ( )

Create a new (empty) private store for this object.

ExcBadPrivateStore will be thrown if this object is already associated with a store.

Definition at line 172 of file AuxElement.cxx.

173 {
174  if (m_container) {
175  throw SG::ExcBadPrivateStore ("store already exists");
176  }
181 }

◆ makePrivateStore() [2/3]

template<class U1 >
void SG::AuxElement::makePrivateStore ( const U1 &  other)

Create a new private store for this object and copy aux data.

otherThe object from which aux data should be copied.

ExcBadPrivateStore will be thrown if this object is already associated with a store.

If other is an object that has aux data, then those data will be copied; otherwise, nothing will be done.

◆ makePrivateStore() [3/3]

template<class U1 >
void SG::AuxElement::makePrivateStore ( const U1 *  other)

Create a new private store for this object and copy aux data.

otherThe object from which aux data should be copied.

ExcBadPrivateStore will be thrown if this object is already associated with a store.

If other is an object that has aux data, then those data will be copied; otherwise, nothing will be done.

◆ makePrivateStore1() [1/2]

void SG::AuxElement::makePrivateStore1 ( const AuxElement other)

Create a new private store for this object and copy aux data.

otherThe object from which aux data should be copied.

ExcBadPrivateStore will be thrown if this object is already associated with a store.

This overload handles the case where other does have aux data.

Definition at line 521 of file AuxElement.cxx.

522 {
524  if (other)
525  this->copyAux (*other);
526 }

◆ makePrivateStore1() [2/2]

void SG::AuxElement::makePrivateStore1 ( const void *  )

Create a new private store for this object and copy aux data.

otherThe object from which aux data should be copied.

ExcBadPrivateStore will be thrown if this object is already associated with a store.

This overload handles the case where other does not have aux data.

◆ name()

const std::string& xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::name ( ) const

Get a human-readable name for the object.

◆ noPrivateData()

bool SG::IAuxElement::noPrivateData ( ) const

True if this element has no private data.

◆ object()

template<class OBJECT >
const OBJECT* xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::object ( const std::string &  name) const

Get a bare pointer with the requested name.

◆ objectCollectionLinks()

template<class CONTAINER >
std::vector<ElementLink< CONTAINER > > xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::objectCollectionLinks ( const std::string &  collectionName) const

Get a vector of all element links from the collection.

◆ objectLink()

template<class CONTAINER >
ElementLink< CONTAINER > xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::objectLink ( const std::string &  name) const

Get the link with the requested name.

◆ operator=()

TrigComposite_v1 & xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::operator= ( const TrigComposite_v1 rhs)

Assignment operator.

Definition at line 61 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

61  {
62  if(this == &rhs) return *this;
63  if( ( ! hasStore() ) && ( ! container() ) ) this->makePrivateStore();
65  // Copy the auxiliary variables:
68  // Return this object:
69  return *this;
70  }

◆ releasePrivateStore()

void SG::AuxElement::releasePrivateStore ( )

Release and free any private store associated with this object.

ExcBadPrivateStore will be thrown if this object does not have a private store.

Definition at line 190 of file AuxElement.cxx.

191 {
192  if (hadPrivateData()) {
193  // We had a private store, but it was released because this object
194  // was added to a container. Just forget about it.
196  return;
197  }
199  if (!havePrivateData() ||
200  !m_container ||
201  typeid(*m_container) != typeid(AuxElementPrivateData))
202  {
203  throw SG::ExcBadPrivateStore ("no private store exists");
204  }
208  delete m_container;
209  m_container = 0;
210 }

◆ releasePrivateStoreForDtor()

void SG::AuxElement::releasePrivateStoreForDtor ( )

Out-of-line portion of destructor.

Delete a private store if we have one.

Definition at line 398 of file AuxElement.cxx.

399 {
401  if (havePrivateData()) {
402  delete m_container;
403  }
404 #else
406 #endif
407 }

◆ removeObjectCollectionLinks()

bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::removeObjectCollectionLinks ( const std::string &  name)

Delete any stored collection of element links with the given name.

[in]nameName of the stored link collection
True if a collection of links of the given name was found and deleted

Definition at line 207 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

207  {
208  bool removed = false;
209  const std::vector< std::string >& names = linkColNames();
210  const std::string mangledName = name + s_collectionSuffix;
211  for( size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); /*noop*/ ) {
212  if( == mangledName ) {
213  // Remove
214  linkColNamesNC().erase( linkColNamesNC().begin() + i );
215  linkColKeysNC().erase( linkColKeysNC().begin() + i );
216  linkColIndicesNC().erase( linkColIndicesNC().begin() + i );
217  linkColClidsNC().erase( linkColClidsNC().begin() + i );
218  removed = true;
219  } else {
220  ++i;
221  }
222  }
223  return removed;
224  }

◆ removeObjectLink()

bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::removeObjectLink ( const std::string &  name)

Delete any stored element link with the given name.

[in]nameName of the stored link
True if a link of the given name was found and deleted

Definition at line 190 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

190  {
191  bool removed = false;
192  const std::vector< std::string >& names = linkColNames();
193  for( size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i ) {
194  if( != name ) continue;
195  // Remove
196  linkColNamesNC().erase( linkColNamesNC().begin() + i );
197  linkColKeysNC().erase( linkColKeysNC().begin() + i );
198  linkColIndicesNC().erase( linkColIndicesNC().begin() + i );
199  linkColClidsNC().erase( linkColClidsNC().begin() + i );
200  removed = true;
201  break;
202  }
203  return removed;
204  }

◆ setConstStore()

void SG::AuxElement::setConstStore ( const SG::IConstAuxStore store)

Synonym for setStore with IConstAuxStore.

storeThe new store.

◆ setDecisions()

void xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::setDecisions ( const std::vector< TrigCompositeUtils::DecisionID > &  decisions)

Set positive HLT chain decisions associated with this TrigComposite. Navigation use.

◆ setDetail()

template<typename TYPE >
bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::setDetail ( const std::string &  name,
const TYPE value 

Set an TYPE detail on the object.

◆ setHadPrivateData()

void SG::IAuxElement::setHadPrivateData ( )

Record that this element used to have private data.

◆ setHavePrivateData()

void SG::IAuxElement::setHavePrivateData ( )

Record that this element currently has private data.

◆ setIndex()

void SG::AuxElement::setIndex ( size_t  index,
SG::AuxVectorData container 

Set the index/container for this element.

indexThe index of this object within the container.
containerThe container holding this object. May be null if this object is being removed from a container.

Usually this simply sets the index and container members of this object. However, in the case where this object has an associated private store, then we need to deal with releasing the store if the object is being added to a container, or making a new store if the object is being removed from a container.

◆ setIndexPrivate()

bool SG::AuxElement::setIndexPrivate ( size_t  index,
SG::AuxVectorData container 

Set the index/container for this element.

indexThe index of this object within the container.
containerThe container holding this object. May be null if this object is being removed from a container.

This is called from setIndex when we have a private store to deal with.

Definition at line 462 of file AuxElement.cxx.

463 {
465  if (hadPrivateData()) {
466  // We had a private store, but it was released because we were added
467  // to a container.
469  if (container == 0) {
470  // We're being moved out of the container. Make a new private
471  // store, copy the data, and switch to it.
472  auto privateData = new SG::AuxElementPrivateData;
473  AuxElement to (privateData, 0);
474  to.copyAux (*this);
477  m_container = privateData;
478  return true;
479  }
480  }
481  else if (havePrivateData() &&
482  typeid(*m_container) == typeid(AuxElementPrivateData))
483  {
484  // We currently have a private store.
486  if (container != 0 && container != m_container) {
487  // We're being added to a container.
488  // Aux data has already been copied.
489  // Release private store.
492  delete m_container;
494  return false;
495  }
496  }
497  else {
498  // We have a standalone store.
499  throw SG::ExcBadPrivateStore ("Attempt to add/remove a standalone object "
500  "from a container.");
501  }
505  return false;
506 #else
508 #endif
509 }

◆ setName()

void xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::setName ( const std::string &  name)

Set a human-readable name for the object.

◆ setNonConstStore()

void SG::AuxElement::setNonConstStore ( SG::IAuxStore store)

Synonym for setStore with IAuxStore.

storeThe new store.

◆ setNoPrivateData()

void SG::IAuxElement::setNoPrivateData ( )

Record that this element does not have private data.

◆ setObjectLink()

template<class CONTAINER >
bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::setObjectLink ( const std::string &  name,
const ElementLink< CONTAINER > &  link 

Set the link to an object.

◆ setStore() [1/3]

void SG::AuxElement::setStore ( const DataLink< SG::IConstAuxStore > &  store)

Set the store associated with this object.

storeThe new store.

If store is nonzero, this adds a standalone store to the object. The object must not be in a container and must not have a private store. If store is zero, this removes a standalone store.

storeLink to the new store.

Definition at line 249 of file AuxElement.cxx.

250 {
251  AuxElementStandaloneData* data = setStore1 (store);
252  if (store)
253  data->setStore (store);
254 }

◆ setStore() [2/3]

void SG::AuxElement::setStore ( const SG::IConstAuxStore store)

Set the store associated with this object.

storeThe new store.

If store is nonzero, this adds a standalone store to the object. The object must not be in a container and must not have a private store. If store is zero, this removes a standalone store.

Definition at line 221 of file AuxElement.cxx.

222 {
223  AuxElementStandaloneData* data = setStore1 (store);
224  if (store)
225  data->setStore (store);
226 }

◆ setStore() [3/3]

void SG::AuxElement::setStore ( SG::IAuxStore store)

Set the store associated with this object.

storeThe new store.

If store is nonzero, this adds a standalone store to the object. The object must not be in a container and must not have a private store. If store is zero, this removes a standalone store.

Definition at line 237 of file AuxElement.cxx.

238 {
239  AuxElementStandaloneData* data = setStore1 (store);
240  if (store)
241  data->setStore (store);
242 }

◆ setStore1()

AuxElementStandaloneData * SG::AuxElement::setStore1 ( const SG::IConstAuxStore store)

Set the store associated with this object.

storeThe new store.

Helper for setStore. Creates the AuxElementStandaloneData object if needed and returns it.

storeThe new store.

Helper for setStore. Creates the @x AuxElementStandaloneData object if needed and returns it.

Definition at line 418 of file AuxElement.cxx.

419 {
420  if (store) {
421  // Want this object be standalone.
422  if (!m_container) {
423  // Not in a container (and no private store). Make a new object.
424  AuxElementStandaloneData* data = new AuxElementStandaloneData;
426  m_container = data;
427  return data;
428  }
429  if (usingStandaloneStore()) {
430  // Standalone --- return existing object.
431  return static_cast<AuxElementStandaloneData*> (container());
432  }
433  // Otherwise, it's an error.
434  throw ExcBadPrivateStore ("Attempt to attach a standalone store to an "
435  "object in a container or with a private store.");
436  }
438  else {
439  // Getting rid of a standalone store.
440  if (usingStandaloneStore()) {
442  delete m_container;
443  m_container = 0;
444  }
445  else if (m_container != 0)
446  throw ExcBadPrivateStore ("Attempt to remove a standalone store from an "
447  "object in a container or with a private store.");
448  return 0;
449  }
450 }

◆ trackIndices()

bool SG::AuxElement::trackIndices ( ) const

Return true if index tracking is enabled for this object.

Always returns true. Included here to be consistent with AuxVectorBase when standalone objects may be used as template parameters.

◆ typelessGetObjectCollectionLinks()

bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::typelessGetObjectCollectionLinks ( const std::string &  name,
std::vector< sgkey_t > &  keyVec,
std::vector< uint32_t > &  clidVec,
std::vector< uint16_t > &  indexVec 
) const

Fetches a collection of links without type.

[in]nameName of the stored link
[out]keyVecStoregte key of the link-objects will be pushed on to this vector
[out]clidVecType of the objects will be pushed on to this vector
[out]indexVecIndex of the objects within their collections will be pushed on to this vector
True if at least one link was found

Definition at line 426 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

428  {
429  bool found = false;
430  const std::string mangledName = name + s_collectionSuffix;
431  for (size_t i = 0; i < this->linkColNames().size(); ++i) {
432  if (linkColNames().at(i) != mangledName) {
433  continue;
434  }
435  if (isRemapped()) {
436  keyVec.push_back( linkColKeysRemap().at(i) );
437  clidVec.push_back( linkColClids().at(i) );
438  indexVec.push_back( linkColIndicesRemap().at(i) );
439  } else {
440  keyVec.push_back( linkColKeys().at(i) );
441  clidVec.push_back( linkColClids().at(i) );
442  indexVec.push_back( linkColIndices().at(i) );
443  }
444  found = true;
445  }
446  return found;
447  }

◆ typelessGetObjectLink()

bool xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::typelessGetObjectLink ( const std::string &  name,
sgkey_t key,
uint32_t clid,
uint16_t index 
) const

Fetches a single link without type.

Note: Will not work for collections of links, use typelessGetObjectCollectionLinks

[in]nameName of the stored link
[out]keyStoregate key of the link-object's collection
[out]clidType of the object's collection
[out]indexIndex within the collection of the link-object
True if a link was found

Definition at line 407 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

407  {
408  std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = std::find(linkColNames().begin(), linkColNames().end(), name);
409  if (it == linkColNames().end()) {
410  return false;
411  }
412  const size_t location = std::distance(linkColNames().begin(), it);
413  if (isRemapped()) {
414  key = linkColKeysRemap().at(location);
415  clid = linkColClids().at(location);
417  } else {
418  key = linkColKeys().at(location);
419  clid = linkColClids().at(location);
420  index = linkColIndices().at(location);
421  }
422  return true;
423  }

◆ typelessSetObjectLink()

void xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::typelessSetObjectLink ( const std::string &  name,
const sgkey_t  key,
const uint32_t  clid,
const uint16_t  beginIndex,
const uint16_t  endIndex = 0 

Add a link without type.

Definition at line 338 of file TrigComposite_v1.cxx.

338  {
340  // Loop over collections
341  if ( endIndex - beginIndex > 1 ) { // Adding a *collection* of links
343  // Check uniqueness
344  const std::string mangledName = name + s_collectionSuffix;
345  const std::vector< std::string >& names = linkColNames();
346  int oldStart = -1;
347  int oldEnd = -1;
348  for( size_t nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < names.size(); ++nameIndex ) {
350  // Look for an existing collection with the same name
351  if( names[ nameIndex ] == mangledName ) {
352  oldEnd = nameIndex + 1;
353  if ( oldStart == -1 ) oldStart = nameIndex;
354  }
355  else if ( oldStart != -1 ) {
356  // If the start has been found, we must now be past the ned
357  break;
358  }
359  }
361  // Erase the old collection, if there was one
362  if ( oldStart != -1 ) {
364  this->linkColNamesNC().erase( this->linkColNamesNC().begin() + oldStart, this->linkColNamesNC().begin() + oldEnd );
365  this->linkColKeysNC().erase( this->linkColKeysNC().begin() + oldStart, this->linkColKeysNC().begin() + oldEnd );
366  this->linkColIndicesNC().erase( this->linkColIndicesNC().begin() + oldStart, this->linkColIndicesNC().begin() + oldEnd );
367  this->linkColClidsNC().erase( this->linkColClidsNC().begin() + oldStart, this->linkColClidsNC().begin() + oldEnd );
368  }
370  // Append the new collection
371  for ( unsigned int index = beginIndex; index < endIndex; ++index ) {
373  this->linkColNamesNC().push_back( mangledName );
374  this->linkColKeysNC().push_back( key );
375  this->linkColIndicesNC().push_back( index );
376  this->linkColClidsNC().push_back( clid );
377  }
378  }
379  else { // Adding a *single* link
381  // Check uniqueness
384  this->linkColNamesNC().push_back( name );
385  this->linkColKeysNC().push_back( key );
386  this->linkColIndicesNC().push_back( beginIndex );
387  this->linkColClidsNC().push_back( clid );
388  }
389  else {
391  // Over-write an existing object
392  const std::vector< std::string >& names = linkColNames();
393  for( size_t nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < names.size(); ++nameIndex ) {
395  if( names[ nameIndex ] == name ) {
397  this->linkColKeysNC()[ nameIndex ] = key;
398  this->linkColIndicesNC()[ nameIndex ] = beginIndex;
399  this->linkColClidsNC()[ nameIndex ] = clid;
400  break; // Names are unique, so stop once found
401  }
402  }
403  }
404  }
405  }

◆ usingPrivateStore()

bool SG::AuxElement::usingPrivateStore ( ) const

Test to see if this object is currently using a private store.

Definition at line 260 of file AuxElement.cxx.

261 {
262  return havePrivateData() &&
263  typeid(*m_container) == typeid(AuxElementPrivateData);
264 }

◆ usingStandaloneStore()

bool SG::AuxElement::usingStandaloneStore ( ) const

Test to see if this object is currently using a standalone store.

Test to see if this object is currently using a private store.

Definition at line 270 of file AuxElement.cxx.

271 {
272  return havePrivateData() &&
273  typeid(*m_container) == typeid(AuxElementStandaloneData);
274 }

Member Data Documentation


bool s_throwOnCopyError xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE

For use in validation, when copying element links from one object to another.

Definition at line 242 of file TrigComposite_v1.h.

◆ m_container

const SG::AuxVectorData* SG::ConstAuxElement::m_container

The container of which this object is an element.

Should be null if this object is not within a container, except that it may also point at a private store.

Definition at line 298 of file AuxElement.h.

◆ m_index

size_t SG::IAuxElement::m_index

The index of this element within its container.

Should be 0 if this object is not within a container.

Definition at line 128 of file IAuxElement.h.

◆ m_privateStoreState

PrivateStoreState SG::IAuxElement::m_privateStoreState

Definition at line 137 of file IAuxElement.h.

◆ s_collectionSuffix

const std::string xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::s_collectionSuffix {"__COLL"}

Definition at line 304 of file TrigComposite_v1.h.

◆ s_comboHypoAlgNodeNameString

const std::string xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::s_comboHypoAlgNodeNameString {"CH"}

Constant used to identify a navigation graph node as being from a Combo Hypo Alg.

Definition at line 266 of file TrigComposite_v1.h.

◆ s_featureString

const std::string xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::s_featureString {"feature"}

Constant used to identify a feature.

Definition at line 253 of file TrigComposite_v1.h.

◆ s_filterNodeNameString

const std::string xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::s_filterNodeNameString {"F"}

Constant used to identify a navigation graph node as being from a Filter.

Definition at line 260 of file TrigComposite_v1.h.

◆ s_hltSeedingNodeNameString

const std::string xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::s_hltSeedingNodeNameString {"L1"}

Constant used to identify a navigation graph node as being from the HLTSeeding.

Definition at line 258 of file TrigComposite_v1.h.

◆ s_hypoAlgNodeNameString

const std::string xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::s_hypoAlgNodeNameString {"H"}

Constant used to identify a navigation graph node as being from a Hypo Alg.

Definition at line 264 of file TrigComposite_v1.h.

◆ s_initialRecRoIString

const std::string xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::s_initialRecRoIString {"initialRecRoI"}

Constant used to identify an initial HLT ROI derived from L1.

Definition at line 247 of file TrigComposite_v1.h.

◆ s_initialRoIString

const std::string xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::s_initialRoIString {"initialRoI"}

Constant used to identify an initial ROI from L1.

Definition at line 245 of file TrigComposite_v1.h.

◆ s_inputMakerNodeNameString

const std::string xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::s_inputMakerNodeNameString {"IM"}

Constant used to identify a navigation graph node as being from a Input Maker.

Definition at line 262 of file TrigComposite_v1.h.

◆ s_roiString

const std::string xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::s_roiString {"roi"}

Constant used to identify an (explicitly) updated HLT ROI.

Definition at line 249 of file TrigComposite_v1.h.

◆ s_seedString

const std::string xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::s_seedString {"seed"}

Constant used to identify a seed (parent)

Definition at line 255 of file TrigComposite_v1.h.

◆ s_summaryFilterNodeNameString

const std::string xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::s_summaryFilterNodeNameString {"SF"}

Constant used to identify a navigation graph node as being from a final Filter created by the DecisionSummaryMaker algorithm.

Definition at line 269 of file TrigComposite_v1.h.

◆ s_summaryPassExpressNodeNameString

const std::string xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::s_summaryPassExpressNodeNameString {"HLTPassExpress"}

Constant used to identify the single express-accept graph node.

A record of all chains which triggered express streaming.

Definition at line 275 of file TrigComposite_v1.h.

◆ s_summaryPassNodeNameString

const std::string xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::s_summaryPassNodeNameString {"HLTPassRaw"}

Constant used to identify the single terminus graph node the end point of all chains which accept the event.

Definition at line 272 of file TrigComposite_v1.h.

◆ s_summaryPrescaledNodeNameString

const std::string xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::s_summaryPrescaledNodeNameString {"HLTPrescaled"}

Constant used to identify the single prescaled graph node.

A record of all chains which did not execute due to HLT prescale.

Definition at line 278 of file TrigComposite_v1.h.

◆ s_viewString

const std::string xAOD::TrigComposite_v1::s_viewString {"view"}

Constant used to identify a view.

Definition at line 251 of file TrigComposite_v1.h.

◆ supportsThinning

constexpr bool SG::AuxElement::supportsThinning = true

Mark that this type supports thinning operations.

See AthContainers/supportsThinning.h and AthenaPoolCnvSvc/T_AthenaPoolCnv.h. Helps guide which pool converter template will be used. If false, the default pool converter will be used rather than the aux store-specific one. Ordinary xAOD type should not touch this, but may be overridden in a derived class to handle certain special cases.

Definition at line 883 of file AuxElement.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
const std::vector< sgkey_t > & linkColKeysRemap() const
Raw access to the persistent link labels. Will attempt to access remapped link data.
Definition: TrigComposite_v1.cxx:302
const SG::IConstAuxStore * getConstStore() const
Return the current store, as a const interface.
def r
StoreGateSvc * store
Definition: fbtTestBasics.cxx:69
const SG::auxid_set_t & getAuxIDs() const
Return a set of identifiers for existing data items for this object.
Definition: AuxElement.cxx:152
char data[hepevt_bytes_allocation_ATLAS]
Definition: HepEvt.cxx:11
static const std::string s_collectionSuffix
Definition: TrigComposite_v1.h:304
std::string find(const std::string &s)
return a remapped string
Definition: hcg.cxx:135
static AuxTypeRegistry & instance()
Return the singleton registry instance.
Definition: AuxTypeRegistry.cxx:49
setEventNumber uint32_t
Definition: EventInfo_v1.cxx:127
const SG::auxid_set_t & getWritableAuxIDs() const
Return a set of identifiers for writable data items in this store.
Definition: AuxVectorData.cxx:217
Base class for elements of a container that can have aux data.
Definition: AuxElement.h:446
void copyAux(const ConstAuxElement &other)
Copy aux data from another object.
Definition: AuxElement.cxx:561
const SG::AuxVectorData * m_container
The container of which this object is an element.
Definition: AuxElement.h:298
bool hasObjectLink(const std::string &name, const CLID clid=CLID_NULL) const
Check if a link to an object with a given name and type exists. CLID_NULL to not check type.
Definition: TrigComposite_v1.cxx:226
bool hasNonConstStore() const
Return true if this object has an associated non-const store.
@ other
Definition: TrackingPrimitives.h:509
bool usingStandaloneStore() const
Test to see if this object is currently using a standalone store.
Definition: AuxElement.cxx:270
bool setIndexPrivate(size_t index, const SG::AuxVectorData *container)
Set the index/container for this element.
Definition: AuxElement.cxx:96
Exception — Non-const operation performed on const aux data.
Definition: Control/AthContainers/AthContainers/exceptions.h:77
void setNoPrivateData()
Record that this element does not have private data.
std::vector< std::string > & linkColNamesNC()
Raw access to the persistent link names (non-const)
Definition: TrigComposite_v1.cxx:314
const std::vector< uint16_t > & linkColIndicesRemap() const
Raw access to the persistent link indices. Will attempt to access remapped link data.
Definition: TrigComposite_v1.cxx:307
const std::vector< uint32_t > & linkColClids() const
Raw access to the persistent link CLIDs.
const SG::auxid_set_t & getAuxIDs() const
Return a set of identifiers for existing data items in store associated with this object.
Definition: AuxVectorData.cxx:201
bool equal(double a, double b)
Compare two FP numbers, working around x87 precision issues.
Definition: fpcompare.h:114
Handle mappings between names and auxid_t.
Definition: AuxTypeRegistry.h:62
size_t index() const
Return the index of this element within its container.
int size
void setHadPrivateData()
Record that this element used to have private data.
size_t auxid_t
Identifier for a particular aux data item.
Definition: AuxTypes.h:27
bool copyLinkCollectionFrom(const xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 &other, const std::string &name, std::string newName="")
Copy one named link collection from another object.
Definition: TrigComposite_v1.cxx:128
int i
void clearAux()
Clear all aux data associated with this element.
Definition: AuxElement.cxx:535
Default constructor.
string location
bool copyLinkFrom(const xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 &other, const std::string &name, std::string newName="")
Copy one named link from another object.
Definition: TrigComposite_v1.cxx:103
bool havePrivateData() const
True if this element currently has private data.
bool copyAllLinksFrom(const xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 &other)
Copy all single links and collections of links from another object.
Definition: TrigComposite_v1.cxx:157
std::vector< sgkey_t > & linkColKeysNC()
Raw access to the persistent link labels (non-const)
Definition: TrigComposite_v1.cxx:320
Default, invalid implementation of ClassID_traits.
Definition: Control/AthenaKernel/AthenaKernel/ClassID_traits.h:40
SG::IAuxStore * getStore()
Return the current store, as a non-const interface.
std::vector< uint16_t > & linkColIndicesNC()
Raw access to the persistent link indices (non-const)
Definition: TrigComposite_v1.cxx:326
Internal data container for private store.
Definition: AuxElement.cxx:45
bool hasStore() const
Return true if this object has an associated store.
void setHavePrivateData()
Record that this element currently has private data.
static const BaseInfoBase * find(CLID clid)
Find the BaseInfoBase instance for clid.
Definition: BaseInfo.cxx:569
void clearCache()
Clear the cached aux data pointers.
dictionary newName
Definition: ICHEP2016/
void copyLinkInternal(const xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 &other, const size_t index, const std::string &newName)
Helper function, copy one link into this object.
Definition: TrigComposite_v1.cxx:91
void makePrivateStore()
Create a new (empty) private store for this object.
Definition: AuxElement.cxx:172
AuxElement & operator=(const AuxElement &other)
const std::vector< std::string > & linkColNames() const
Raw access to the persistent link names.
const std::string & name() const
Get a human-readable name for the object.
bool hasStore() const
Return true if this object has an associated store.
Definition: AuxElement.cxx:355
void setIndex(size_t index)
Set the index of this element within its container.
const std::vector< sgkey_t > & linkColKeys() const
Raw access to the persistent link labels.
Definition: TrigComposite_v1.cxx:292
@ other
Definition: InDetDD_Defs.h:16
bool clearDecorations() const
Clear all decorations.
Definition: AuxVectorData.cxx:593
int found
bool isRemapped() const
Information on if linkColKeys() and linkColIndices() are able to access remapped link data Remapping ...
Definition: TrigComposite_v1.cxx:450
Exception — Bad use of private store.
Definition: Control/AthContainers/AthContainers/exceptions.h:113
The non-template portion of the BaseInfo implementation.
Definition: Control/AthenaKernel/AthenaKernel/BaseInfo.h:451
A set of aux data identifiers.
Definition: AuxTypes.h:47
Manage lookup of vectors of auxiliary data.
Definition: AuxVectorData.h:167
Definition: checker_macros.h:211
void releasePrivateStoreForDtor()
Out-of-line portion of destructor.
Definition: AuxElement.cxx:79
const SG::AuxVectorData * container() const
Return the container holding this element.
float distance(const Amg::Vector3D &p1, const Amg::Vector3D &p2)
calculates the distance between two point in 3D space
Definition: GeoPrimitivesHelpers.h:54
const std::vector< uint16_t > & linkColIndices() const
Raw access to the persistent link indices.
Definition: TrigComposite_v1.cxx:297
bool hadPrivateData() const
True if this element had private data before it was added to its current container.
constexpr bool sgkeyEqual(const sgkey_t a, const sgkey_t b)
Compare two sgkeys for equality.
Definition: CxxUtils/CxxUtils/sgkey_t.h:39
virtual const SG::auxid_set_t & getAuxIDs() const =0
Return a set of identifiers for existing data items in this store.
AuxElementStandaloneData * setStore1(const SG::IConstAuxStore *store)
Set the store associated with this object.
Definition: AuxElement.cxx:418
bool derivesFromIParticle(const CLID clid) const
Helper function. Check if the requested type can be down cast to an IParticle transient interface.
Definition: TrigComposite_v1.cxx:274
std::vector< uint32_t > & linkColClidsNC()
Raw access to the persistent link CLIDs (non-const)
Definition: TrigComposite_v1.cxx:332
Definition: TElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool.cxx:37
bool is_base(CLID clid) const
Return true if clid is the ID of a class that is known to be a base of T.
Definition: BaseInfo.cxx:344