ATLAS Offline Software
#include <L2MuonSAMon.h>
enum | Environment_t {
Environment_t::user = 0,
} |
| Specifies the processing environment. More...
enum | DataType_t {
DataType_t::userDefined = 0,
} |
| Specifies what type of input data is being monitored. More...
| L2MuonSAMon (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator) |
virtual StatusCode | initialize () override |
| initialize More...
virtual StatusCode | fillHistograms (const EventContext &ctx) const override |
| Function that steers anlayses. More...
virtual StatusCode | execute (const EventContext &ctx) const override |
| Applies filters and trigger requirements. More...
void | fill (const ToolHandle< GenericMonitoringTool > &groupHandle, std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Monitored::IMonitoredVariable >> &&variables) const |
| Fills a vector of variables to a group by reference. More...
void | fill (const ToolHandle< GenericMonitoringTool > &groupHandle, const std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Monitored::IMonitoredVariable >> &variables) const |
| Fills a vector of variables to a group by reference. More...
template<typename... T> |
void | fill (const ToolHandle< GenericMonitoringTool > &groupHandle, T &&... variables) const |
| Fills a variadic list of variables to a group by reference. More...
void | fill (const std::string &groupName, std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Monitored::IMonitoredVariable >> &&variables) const |
| Fills a vector of variables to a group by name. More...
void | fill (const std::string &groupName, const std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Monitored::IMonitoredVariable >> &variables) const |
| Fills a vector of variables to a group by name. More...
template<typename... T> |
void | fill (const std::string &groupName, T &&... variables) const |
| Fills a variadic list of variables to a group by name. More...
Environment_t | environment () const |
| Accessor functions for the environment. More...
Environment_t | envStringToEnum (const std::string &str) const |
| Convert the environment string from the python configuration to an enum object. More...
DataType_t | dataType () const |
| Accessor functions for the data type. More...
DataType_t | dataTypeStringToEnum (const std::string &str) const |
| Convert the data type string from the python configuration to an enum object. More...
const ToolHandle< GenericMonitoringTool > & | getGroup (const std::string &name) const |
| Get a specific monitoring tool from the tool handle array. More...
const ToolHandle< Trig::TrigDecisionTool > & | getTrigDecisionTool () const |
| Get the trigger decision tool member. More...
bool | trigChainsArePassed (const std::vector< std::string > &vTrigNames) const |
| Check whether triggers are passed. More...
SG::ReadHandle< xAOD::EventInfo > | GetEventInfo (const EventContext &) const |
| Return a ReadHandle for an EventInfo object (get run/event numbers, etc.) More...
virtual float | lbAverageInteractionsPerCrossing (const EventContext &ctx=Gaudi::Hive::currentContext()) const |
| Calculate the average mu, i.e. More...
virtual float | lbInteractionsPerCrossing (const EventContext &ctx=Gaudi::Hive::currentContext()) const |
| Calculate instantaneous number of interactions, i.e. More...
virtual float | lbAverageLuminosity (const EventContext &ctx=Gaudi::Hive::currentContext()) const |
| Calculate average luminosity (in ub-1 s-1 => 10^30 cm-2 s-1). More...
virtual float | lbLuminosityPerBCID (const EventContext &ctx=Gaudi::Hive::currentContext()) const |
| Calculate the instantaneous luminosity per bunch crossing. More...
virtual double | lbDuration (const EventContext &ctx=Gaudi::Hive::currentContext()) const |
| Calculate the duration of the luminosity block (in seconds) More...
virtual float | lbAverageLivefraction (const EventContext &ctx=Gaudi::Hive::currentContext()) const |
| Calculate the average luminosity livefraction. More...
virtual float | livefractionPerBCID (const EventContext &ctx=Gaudi::Hive::currentContext()) const |
| Calculate the live fraction per bunch crossing ID. More...
virtual double | lbLumiWeight (const EventContext &ctx=Gaudi::Hive::currentContext()) const |
| Calculate the average integrated luminosity multiplied by the live fraction. More...
virtual StatusCode | parseList (const std::string &line, std::vector< std::string > &result) const |
| Parse a string into a vector. More...
virtual StatusCode | sysInitialize () override |
| Override sysInitialize. More...
virtual bool | isClonable () const override |
| Specify if the algorithm is clonable. More...
virtual unsigned int | cardinality () const override |
| Cardinality (Maximum number of clones that can exist) special value 0 means that algorithm is reentrant. More...
virtual StatusCode | sysExecute (const EventContext &ctx) override |
| Execute an algorithm. More...
virtual const DataObjIDColl & | extraOutputDeps () const override |
| Return the list of extra output dependencies. More...
virtual bool | filterPassed (const EventContext &ctx) const |
virtual void | setFilterPassed (bool state, const EventContext &ctx) const |
ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > & | evtStore () |
| The standard StoreGateSvc (event store) Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc . More...
const ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > & | evtStore () const |
| The standard StoreGateSvc (event store) Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc . More...
const ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > & | detStore () const |
| The standard StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc . More...
virtual StatusCode | sysStart () override |
| Handle START transition. More...
virtual std::vector< Gaudi::DataHandle * > | inputHandles () const override |
| Return this algorithm's input handles. More...
virtual std::vector< Gaudi::DataHandle * > | outputHandles () const override |
| Return this algorithm's output handles. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & | declareProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &t) |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareProperty (const std::string &name, SG::VarHandleKey &hndl, const std::string &doc, const SG::VarHandleKeyType &) |
| Declare a new Gaudi property. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareProperty (const std::string &name, SG::VarHandleBase &hndl, const std::string &doc, const SG::VarHandleType &) |
| Declare a new Gaudi property. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareProperty (const std::string &name, SG::VarHandleKeyArray &hndArr, const std::string &doc, const SG::VarHandleKeyArrayType &) |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareProperty (const std::string &name, T &property, const std::string &doc, const SG::NotHandleType &) |
| Declare a new Gaudi property. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareProperty (const std::string &name, T &property, const std::string &doc="none") |
| Declare a new Gaudi property. More...
void | updateVHKA (Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &) |
MsgStream & | msg () const |
MsgStream & | msg (const MSG::Level lvl) const |
bool | msgLvl (const MSG::Level lvl) const |
virtual StatusCode | fillVariablesPerChain (const EventContext &ctx, const std::string &chain) const override |
| Function that fills variables of trigger objects associated to specified trigger chains. More...
virtual StatusCode | fillVariablesPerOfflineMuonPerChain (const EventContext &ctx, const xAOD::Muon *mu, const std::string &chain) const override |
| Function that fills variables of trigger objects associated to specified trigger chains comparing offline muons. More...
virtual StatusCode | fillVariables (const EventContext &ctx) const override |
| Function that fills variables by just retrieving containers of trigger objects. More...
virtual StatusCode | fillVariablesPerOfflineMuon (const EventContext &ctx, const xAOD::Muon *mu) const override |
| Function that fills variables that are compared to offline muons but the trigger chains are not specified. More...
virtual bool | selectEvents () const |
| Function that defines the event selection for anlayses User should reimlement in a subclass if needed. More...
virtual StatusCode | selectMuons (SG::ReadHandle< xAOD::MuonContainer > &muons, std::vector< const xAOD::Muon * > &probes) const |
| Function that defines the event selection for anlayses Users should reimlement in a subclass if needed. More...
template<class T , class FUNCT > |
StatusCode | fillVariablesRatioPlots (const EventContext &ctx, const xAOD::Muon *mu, std::string &&trigstep, xAOD::Muon::TrackParticleType type, FUNCT matchFunc) const |
| Function that fills variables of ratio plots. More...
template<class T > |
StatusCode | fillVariableEtaPhi (const EventContext &ctx, SG::ReadHandleKey< DataVector< T > > ReadHandleKey, std::string &&trigstep, std::tuple< bool, double, double >(*PosFunc)(const T *)=&TrigMuonMonitorAlgorithm::defaultPosFunc< T >) const |
| Function that fills variables of etaphi2D plots. More...
void | renounceArray (SG::VarHandleKeyArray &handlesArray) |
| remove all handles from I/O resolution More...
std::enable_if_t< std::is_void_v< std::result_of_t< decltype(&T::renounce)(T)> > &&!std::is_base_of_v< SG::VarHandleKeyArray, T > &&std::is_base_of_v< Gaudi::DataHandle, T >, void > | renounce (T &h) |
void | extraDeps_update_handler (Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &ExtraDeps) |
| Add StoreName to extra input/output deps as needed. More...
ToolHandle< MuonMatchingTool > | m_matchTool {this, "MuonMatchingTool", "MuonMatchingTool", "Tool for matching offline and online objects"} |
ToolHandle< CP::IMuonSelectionTool > | m_muonSelectionTool {this,"MuonSelectionTool","CP::MuonSelectionTool/MuonSelectionTool","MuonSelectionTool"} |
SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::MuonContainer > | m_MuonContainerKey {this, "MuonContainerName", "Muons", "Offline muon container"} |
Gaudi::Property< std::vector< std::string > > | m_monitored_chains {this, "MonitoredChains", {}, "Trigger chains that are monitored"} |
| List of trigger chains that are monitored in fillVariablesPerChain and fillVariablesPerOfflineMuonPerChain . More...
Gaudi::Property< int > | m_muontype {this, "MuonType", xAOD::Muon::MuonType::Combined, "MuonType used for monitoring"} |
| Requirement for the offline muon type considered in analyses. More...
Gaudi::Property< std::string > | m_group {this, "Group", "", "Histogram group"} |
| Name of monitored group. More...
const float | m_ratio_measurement_threshold = 4 |
| Threshold for ratio measurement. More...
ToolHandleArray< GenericMonitoringTool > | m_tools {this,"GMTools",{}} |
| Array of Generic Monitoring Tools. More...
PublicToolHandle< Trig::TrigDecisionTool > | m_trigDecTool {this, "TrigDecisionTool",""} |
| Tool to tell whether a specific trigger is passed. More...
ToolHandleArray< IDQFilterTool > | m_DQFilterTools {this,"FilterTools",{}} |
| Array of Data Quality filter tools. More...
SG::ReadCondHandleKey< LuminosityCondData > | m_lumiDataKey {this,"LuminosityCondDataKey","LuminosityCondData","SG Key of LuminosityCondData object"} |
SG::ReadCondHandleKey< LBDurationCondData > | m_lbDurationDataKey {this,"LBDurationCondDataKey","LBDurationCondData","SG Key of LBDurationCondData object"} |
SG::ReadCondHandleKey< TrigLiveFractionCondData > | m_trigLiveFractionDataKey {this,"TrigLiveFractionCondDataKey","TrigLiveFractionCondData", "SG Key of TrigLiveFractionCondData object"} |
AthMonitorAlgorithm::Environment_t | m_environment |
| Instance of the Environment_t enum. More...
AthMonitorAlgorithm::DataType_t | m_dataType |
| Instance of the DataType_t enum. More...
Gaudi::Property< std::string > | m_environmentStr {this,"Environment","user"} |
| Environment string pulled from the job option and converted to enum. More...
Gaudi::Property< std::string > | m_dataTypeStr {this,"DataType","userDefined"} |
| DataType string pulled from the job option and converted to enum. More...
Gaudi::Property< std::string > | m_triggerChainString {this,"TriggerChain",""} |
| Trigger chain string pulled from the job option and parsed into a vector. More...
std::vector< std::string > | m_vTrigChainNames |
| Vector of trigger chain names parsed from trigger chain string. More...
Gaudi::Property< std::string > | m_fileKey {this,"FileKey",""} |
| Internal Athena name for file. More...
Gaudi::Property< bool > | m_useLumi {this,"EnableLumi",false} |
| Allows use of various luminosity functions. More...
Gaudi::Property< float > | m_defaultLBDuration {this,"DefaultLBDuration",60.} |
| Default duration of one lumi block. More...
Gaudi::Property< int > | m_detailLevel {this,"DetailLevel",0} |
| Sets the level of detail used in the monitoring. More...
SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::EventInfo > | m_EventInfoKey {this,"EventInfoKey","EventInfo"} |
| Key for retrieving EventInfo from StoreGate. More...
Definition at line 14 of file L2MuonSAMon.h.
◆ MonVarVec_t
◆ StoreGateSvc_t
◆ DataType_t
Specifies what type of input data is being monitored.
An enumeration of the different types of data the monitoring application may be running over. This can be used to select which histograms to produce, e.g. to prevent the production of colliding-beam histograms when running on cosmic-ray data. Strings of the same names may be given as jobOptions.
Enumerator |
userDefined | |
monteCarlo | |
collisions | |
cosmics | |
heavyIonCollisions | |
Definition at line 191 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
◆ Environment_t
Specifies the processing environment.
The running environment may be used to select which histograms are produced, and where they are located in the output. For example, the output paths of the histograms are different for the "user", "online" and the various offline flags. Strings of the same names may be given as jobOptions.
Enumerator |
user | |
online | |
tier0 | |
tier0Raw | |
tier0ESD | |
AOD | |
altprod | |
Definition at line 172 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
◆ L2MuonSAMon()
L2MuonSAMon::L2MuonSAMon |
( |
const std::string & |
name, |
ISvcLocator * |
pSvcLocator |
) |
| |
◆ cardinality()
unsigned int AthReentrantAlgorithm::cardinality |
( |
| ) |
const |
overridevirtualinherited |
Cardinality (Maximum number of clones that can exist) special value 0 means that algorithm is reentrant.
Override this to return 0 for reentrant algorithms.
Override this to return 0 for reentrant algorithms.
Definition at line 55 of file AthReentrantAlgorithm.cxx.
◆ dataType()
DataType_t AthMonitorAlgorithm::dataType |
( |
| ) |
const |
inlineinherited |
Accessor functions for the data type.
- Returns
- the current value of the class's DataType_t instance.
Definition at line 221 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
◆ dataTypeStringToEnum()
Convert the data type string from the python configuration to an enum object.
- Returns
- a value in the DataType_t enumeration which matches the input string.
Definition at line 140 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.cxx.
142 std::string lowerCaseStr =
146 if( lowerCaseStr ==
"userdefined" ) {
148 }
else if( lowerCaseStr ==
"montecarlo" ) {
150 }
else if( lowerCaseStr ==
"collisions" ) {
152 }
else if( lowerCaseStr ==
"cosmics" ) {
154 }
else if( lowerCaseStr ==
"heavyioncollisions" ) {
"AthMonitorAlgorithm::dataTypeStringToEnum(): Unknown data type "
158 <<
", returning userDefined.");
◆ declareGaudiProperty() [1/4]
specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKeyArray>
Definition at line 170 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
175 hndl.documentation());
◆ declareGaudiProperty() [2/4]
specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKey>
Definition at line 156 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
161 hndl.documentation());
◆ declareGaudiProperty() [3/4]
specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleBase>
Definition at line 184 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
189 hndl.documentation());
◆ declareGaudiProperty() [4/4]
◆ declareProperty() [1/6]
Declare a new Gaudi property.
- Parameters
name | Name of the property. |
hndl | Object holding the property value. |
doc | Documentation string for the property. |
This is the version for types that derive from SG::VarHandleBase
. The property value object is put on the input and output lists as appropriate; then we forward to the base class.
Definition at line 245 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
250 this->declare(hndl.
251 hndl.
◆ declareProperty() [2/6]
Declare a new Gaudi property.
- Parameters
name | Name of the property. |
hndl | Object holding the property value. |
doc | Documentation string for the property. |
This is the version for types that derive from SG::VarHandleKey
. The property value object is put on the input and output lists as appropriate; then we forward to the base class.
Definition at line 221 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
◆ declareProperty() [3/6]
◆ declareProperty() [4/6]
Declare a new Gaudi property.
- Parameters
name | Name of the property. |
property | Object holding the property value. |
doc | Documentation string for the property. |
This is the generic version, for types that do not derive from SG::VarHandleKey
. It just forwards to the base class version of declareProperty
Definition at line 333 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
◆ declareProperty() [5/6]
Declare a new Gaudi property.
- Parameters
name | Name of the property. |
property | Object holding the property value. |
doc | Documentation string for the property. |
This dispatches to either the generic declareProperty
or the one for VarHandle/Key/KeyArray.
Definition at line 352 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
◆ declareProperty() [6/6]
◆ defaultPosFunc()
template<class T >
static std::tuple<bool, double, double> TrigMuonMonitorAlgorithm::defaultPosFunc |
( |
const T * |
trig | ) |
inlinestaticprotectedinherited |
◆ detStore()
◆ environment()
Accessor functions for the environment.
- Returns
- the current value of the class's Environment_t instance.
Definition at line 205 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
◆ envStringToEnum()
Convert the environment string from the python configuration to an enum object.
- Returns
- a value in the Environment_t enumeration which matches the input string.
Definition at line 112 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.cxx.
114 std::string lowerCaseStr =
118 if( lowerCaseStr ==
"user" ) {
120 }
else if( lowerCaseStr ==
"online" ) {
122 }
else if( lowerCaseStr ==
"tier0" ) {
124 }
else if( lowerCaseStr ==
"tier0raw" ) {
126 }
else if( lowerCaseStr ==
"tier0esd" ) {
128 }
else if( lowerCaseStr ==
"aod" ) {
130 }
else if( lowerCaseStr ==
"altprod" ) {
"AthMonitorAlgorithm::envStringToEnum(): Unknown environment "
134 <<
", returning user.");
◆ evtStore() [1/2]
◆ evtStore() [2/2]
◆ execute()
StatusCode AthMonitorAlgorithm::execute |
( |
const EventContext & |
ctx | ) |
const |
overridevirtualinherited |
Applies filters and trigger requirements.
Then, calls fillHistograms().
- Parameters
ctx | event context for reentrant Athena call |
- Returns
- StatusCode
Definition at line 73 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.cxx.
78 if (!filterItr->accept()) {
80 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
87 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
◆ extraDeps_update_handler()
Add StoreName to extra input/output deps as needed.
use the logic of the VarHandleKey to parse the DataObjID keys supplied via the ExtraInputs and ExtraOuputs Properties to add the StoreName if it's not explicitly given
◆ extraOutputDeps()
const DataObjIDColl & AthReentrantAlgorithm::extraOutputDeps |
( |
| ) |
const |
overridevirtualinherited |
Return the list of extra output dependencies.
This list is extended to include symlinks implied by inheritance relations.
Definition at line 79 of file AthReentrantAlgorithm.cxx.
86 return Algorithm::extraOutputDeps();
◆ fillHistograms()
StatusCode TrigMuonMonitorAlgorithm::fillHistograms |
( |
const EventContext & |
ctx | ) |
const |
overridevirtualinherited |
◆ fillVariableEtaPhi()
Function that fills variables of etaphi2D plots.
- See also
for the implementation
- Parameters
ctx | EventContext provided by athenaMT |
ReadHandleKey | SG::ReadHandleKey of online muon. |
trigstep | trigger step |
PosFunc | Function pointer that implements cuts for the online muon candidates. |
◆ fillVariables()
StatusCode L2MuonSAMon::fillVariables |
( |
const EventContext & |
ctx | ) |
const |
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Function that fills variables by just retrieving containers of trigger objects.
Users should reimlement in a subclass if needed.
- See also
- Parameters
ctx | EventContext provided by athenaMT |
Reimplemented from TrigMuonMonitorAlgorithm.
Definition at line 378 of file L2MuonSAMon.cxx.
384 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
◆ fillVariablesPerChain()
StatusCode L2MuonSAMon::fillVariablesPerChain |
( |
const EventContext & |
ctx, |
const std::string & |
chain |
) |
| const |
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Function that fills variables of trigger objects associated to specified trigger chains.
This is called in the for loop of trigger chains in fillHistograms
. Users should reimlement in a subclass if needed.
- See also
- Parameters
ctx | EventContext provided by athenaMT |
chain | Trigger chain provided in @cfillHistograms |
Reimplemented from TrigMuonMonitorAlgorithm.
Definition at line 22 of file L2MuonSAMon.cxx.
47 saEta = (*muEL)->eta();
48 saPhi = (*muEL)->phi();
49 saddr = (*muEL)->sAddress();
50 roiEta = (*muEL)->roiEta();
51 roiPhi = (*muEL)->roiPhi();
"saPt = " << saPt <<
", saEta =" << saEta <<
", saPhi = " << saPhi <<
", saddr = " << saddr);
54 if(std::abs(saPt) <
ZERO_LIMIT) mf_failure =
57 if( mf_failure )
63 if(saddr == -1) isEndcap =
70 std::vector<int> proc_flow;
73 bool isL1hitThere =
74 bool isL1emuOkForTriggerPlane =
75 bool isMDThitThereForTriggerPlane =
76 bool isMDTFitOkForTriggerPlane =
77 bool isMDTFitOkFor2Plane =
88 nRPC = (*muEL)->rpcHitLayer().size();
89 TGCMidRhoChi2 = (*muEL)->tgcMidRhoChi2();
90 TGCMidPhiChi2 = (*muEL)->tgcMidPhiChi2();
91 nTGCMidRho = (*muEL)->tgcMidRhoN();
92 nTGCMidPhi = (*muEL)->tgcMidPhiN();
99 if( nRPC > 0 ) isL1hitThere =
100 float rpcFitMidSlope = (*muEL)->rpcFitMidSlope();
101 if( std::abs(rpcFitMidSlope) >
ZERO_LIMIT ) isL1emuOkForTriggerPlane =
104 if( nTGCMidRho > 0 && nTGCMidPhi > 0 ) isL1hitThere =
105 float TGCMid1Z = (*muEL)->tgcMid1Z();
106 if( std::abs(TGCMid1Z) >
ZERO_LIMIT ) isL1emuOkForTriggerPlane =
126 if( saPhi < 0 )
sign = -1;
130 std::vector<float> sp_r, sp_z;
135 if( std::abs((*muEL)->superPointR(inner)) >
136 sp_r.push_back(
sign * (*muEL)->superPointR(inner) );
137 sp_z.push_back( (*muEL)->superPointZ(inner) );
139 if( std::abs((*muEL)->superPointR(middle)) >
140 sp_r.push_back(
sign * (*muEL)->superPointR(middle) );
141 sp_z.push_back( (*muEL)->superPointZ(middle) );
143 if( std::abs((*muEL)->superPointR(outer)) >
144 sp_r.push_back(
sign * (*muEL)->superPointR(outer) );
145 sp_z.push_back( (*muEL)->superPointZ(outer) );
160 MDTInnChi2 = (*muEL)->superPointChi2(inner);
161 MDTMidChi2 = (*muEL)->superPointChi2(middle);
162 MDTOutChi2 = (*muEL)->superPointChi2(outer);
165 std::vector<float> res_inn, res_mid, res_out;
172 n_mdt_hits = (*muEL)->nMdtHits();
174 for (
int i_tube=0; i_tube<n_mdt_hits; i_tube++) {
175 float res = (*muEL)->mdtHitResidual(i_tube) / 10 ;
176 int imr = (*muEL)->mdtHitChamber(i_tube);
180 res_inn.push_back(
182 else if (imr == middle) {
184 res_mid.push_back(
186 else if (imr == outer) {
188 res_out.push_back(
192 fill(
chain, MDTInnChi2, MDTMidChi2, MDTOutChi2, n_mdt_hits, n_mdt_hits_inner, n_mdt_hits_middle, n_mdt_hits_outer, mon_res_inn, mon_res_mid, mon_res_out,
isBarrel, isEndcap);
196 float MDTInnR = (*muEL)->superPointR(inner);
197 float MDTMidR = (*muEL)->superPointR(middle);
198 float MDTOutR = (*muEL)->superPointR(outer);
200 if( n_mdt_hits_middle > 0 ) isMDThitThereForTriggerPlane =
201 if( MDTMidR >
ZERO_LIMIT ) isMDTFitOkForTriggerPlane =
202 if( isMDTFitOkForTriggerPlane && (MDTInnR >
ZERO_LIMIT) ) isMDTFitOkFor2Plane =
204 proc_flow.push_back(1);
205 if( isL1hitThere ) proc_flow.push_back(2);
206 if( isL1emuOkForTriggerPlane ) proc_flow.push_back(3);
207 if( isMDThitThereForTriggerPlane ) proc_flow.push_back(4);
208 if( isMDTFitOkForTriggerPlane ) proc_flow.push_back(5);
209 if( isMDTFitOkFor2Plane ) proc_flow.push_back(6);
216 if(RecMuonCB ==
218 std::vector<float> res_inn_OffMatch = res_inn;
219 std::vector<float> res_mid_OffMatch = res_mid;
220 std::vector<float> res_out_OffMatch = res_out;
230 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
◆ fillVariablesPerOfflineMuon()
StatusCode L2MuonSAMon::fillVariablesPerOfflineMuon |
( |
const EventContext & |
ctx, |
const xAOD::Muon * |
mu |
) |
| const |
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Function that fills variables that are compared to offline muons but the trigger chains are not specified.
This is called in the for loop of offline muons in fillHistograms
. Users should reimlement in a subclass if needed.
- See also
- Parameters
ctx | EventContext provided by athenaMT |
mu | Pointer to an offline muon provided in fillHistograms |
Reimplemented from TrigMuonMonitorAlgorithm.
Definition at line 390 of file L2MuonSAMon.cxx.
392 ATH_CHECK( fillVariablesRatioPlots<xAOD::L2StandAloneMuon>(ctx,
"L2SA", xAOD::Muon::TrackParticleType::ExtrapolatedMuonSpectrometerTrackParticle,
396 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
◆ fillVariablesPerOfflineMuonPerChain()
StatusCode L2MuonSAMon::fillVariablesPerOfflineMuonPerChain |
( |
const EventContext & |
ctx, |
const xAOD::Muon * |
mu, |
const std::string & |
chain |
) |
| const |
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Function that fills variables of trigger objects associated to specified trigger chains comparing offline muons.
This is called in the for loop of trigger chains and offline muons in fillHistograms
. Users should reimlement in a subclass if needed.
- See also
- Parameters
ctx | EventContext provided by athenaMT |
mu | Pointer to an offline muon provided in fillHistograms |
chain | Trigger chain provided in fillHistograms |
Reimplemented from TrigMuonMonitorAlgorithm.
Definition at line 235 of file L2MuonSAMon.cxx.
247 float offPt =
248 float offPhi =
249 float offCharge =
250 offPt_signed = offPt * offCharge;
255 if ( !muLinkInfo.
isValid() )
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
264 if( !
m_matchTool->isMatchedL2SA( *muEL,
mu) )
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
268 float saPt = (*muEL)->pt();
269 float roiEta = (*muEL)->roiEta();
270 float roiPhi = (*muEL)->roiPhi();
276 roidEta =
roiEta - offEta;
278 roidR = sqrt(roidEta*roidEta + roidPhi*roidPhi);
287 ptresol = std::abs(saPt)/std::abs(offPt) - 1.;
288 invptresol = (1./(offPt * offCharge) - 1./saPt) / (1./(offPt * offCharge));
293 std::vector<float> invptresol_pos, invptresol_neg;
298 if( offCharge > 0. ) invptresol_pos.push_back(invptresol);
299 else invptresol_neg.push_back(invptresol);
303 const float ETA_OF_BARREL = 1.05;
304 const float ETA_OF_ENDCAP1 = 1.5;
305 const float ETA_OF_ENDCAP2 = 2.0;
306 const float ETA_OF_ENDCAP3 = 2.5;
330 if( std::abs(offEta) < ETA_OF_BARREL ) {
331 if( offEta > 0. ) isBarrelA =
332 else isBarrelC =
335 if( offEta > 0. ) isEndcapA =
336 else isEndcapC =
340 if( std::abs(offEta) < ETA_OF_BARREL ){
342 if( offEta > 0. ) isBarrelA =
343 else isBarrelC =
345 else if ( std::abs(offEta) < ETA_OF_ENDCAP1 ){
347 if( offEta > 0. ) isEndcap1A =
348 else isEndcap1C =
350 else if ( std::abs(offEta) < ETA_OF_ENDCAP2 ){
352 if( offEta > 0. ) isEndcap2A =
353 else isEndcap2C =
355 else if ( std::abs(offEta) < ETA_OF_ENDCAP3 ){
357 if( offEta > 0. ) isEndcap3A =
358 else isEndcap3C =
362 if( std::abs(offPt) > 4 ){
363 if( std::abs(offPt) < 6 ) pt4to6 =
364 else if( std::abs(offPt) < 8 ) pt6to8 =
369 fill(
chain, ptresol, offPt_signed, offEta,
isBarrel, isEndcap1, isEndcap2, isEndcap3, isBarrelA, isBarrelC, isEndcapA, isEndcapC, pt4to6, pt6to8, ptover8);
370 fill(
chain, mon_invptresol_pos, mon_invptresol_neg, isBarrelA, isBarrelC, isEndcap1A, isEndcap2A, isEndcap3A, isEndcap1C, isEndcap2C, isEndcap3C);
373 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
◆ fillVariablesRatioPlots()
template<class T , class FUNCT >
StatusCode TrigMuonMonitorAlgorithm::fillVariablesRatioPlots |
( |
const EventContext & |
ctx, |
const xAOD::Muon * |
mu, |
std::string && |
trigstep, |
xAOD::Muon::TrackParticleType |
type, |
matchFunc |
) |
| const |
protectedinherited |
Function that fills variables of ratio plots.
- See also
for the implementation
- Parameters
ctx | EventContext provided by athenaMT |
mu | Pointer to an offline muon provided in fillHistograms |
trigstep | trigger step |
type | xAOD::Muon::TrackParticleType of offline muon |
matchFunc | Function pointer that implements cuts for the online muon candidates gotten by ReadHandle. |
◆ filterPassed()
virtual bool AthReentrantAlgorithm::filterPassed |
( |
const EventContext & |
ctx | ) |
const |
inlinevirtualinherited |
◆ GetEventInfo()
Return a ReadHandle for an EventInfo object (get run/event numbers, etc.)
- Parameters
ctx | EventContext for the event |
- Returns
- a SG::ReadHandle<xAOD::EventInfo>
Definition at line 107 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.cxx.
◆ getGroup()
Get a specific monitoring tool from the tool handle array.
Finds a specific GenericMonitoringTool instance from the list of monitoring tools (a ToolHandleArray). Throws a FATAL warning if the object found is empty.
- Parameters
name | string name of the desired tool |
- Returns
- reference to the desired monitoring tool
Definition at line 164 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.cxx.
171 if (!isInitialized()) {
173 "It seems that the AthMonitorAlgorithm::initialize was not called "
174 "in derived class initialize method");
178 [](
const std::string&
auto h) { return s +
"," + h.first; });
"The tool " <<
name <<
" could not be found in the tool array of the "
180 <<
"monitoring algorithm " <<
m_name <<
". This probably reflects a discrepancy between "
181 <<
"your python configuration and c++ filling code. Note: your available groups are {"
182 << available <<
◆ getTrigDecisionTool()
Get the trigger decision tool member.
The trigger decision tool is used to check whether a specific trigger is passed by an event.
- Returns
- m_trigDecTool
Definition at line 189 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.cxx.
◆ initialize()
StatusCode L2MuonSAMon::initialize |
( |
| ) |
overridevirtual |
◆ inputHandles()
Return this algorithm's input handles.
We override this to include handle instances from key arrays if they have not yet been declared. See comments on updateVHKA.
◆ isClonable()
bool AthReentrantAlgorithm::isClonable |
( |
| ) |
const |
overridevirtualinherited |
Specify if the algorithm is clonable.
Reentrant algorithms are clonable.
Reimplemented in Simulation::BeamEffectsAlg, InDet::SiTrackerSpacePointFinder, InDet::SCT_Clusterization, InDet::SiSPSeededTrackFinder, SCTRawDataProvider, InDet::GNNSeedingTrackMaker, SCT_PrepDataToxAOD, RoIBResultToxAOD, InDet::SiSPGNNTrackMaker, SCT_CablingCondAlgFromCoraCool, SCT_ReadCalibDataTestAlg, SCT_CablingCondAlgFromText, SCT_ReadCalibChipDataTestAlg, SCT_TestCablingAlg, SCT_ConfigurationConditionsTestAlg, ITkPixelCablingAlg, ITkStripCablingAlg, SCTEventFlagWriter, SCT_ConditionsSummaryTestAlg, SCT_ModuleVetoTestAlg, SCT_MonitorConditionsTestAlg, SCT_LinkMaskingTestAlg, SCT_MajorityConditionsTestAlg, SCT_RODVetoTestAlg, SCT_SensorsTestAlg, SCT_TdaqEnabledTestAlg, SCT_SiliconConditionsTestAlg, SCTSiLorentzAngleTestAlg, SCT_ByteStreamErrorsTestAlg, SCT_ConditionsParameterTestAlg, SCT_FlaggedConditionTestAlg, SCT_StripVetoTestAlg, SCT_RawDataToxAOD, and SCTSiPropertiesTestAlg.
Definition at line 44 of file AthReentrantAlgorithm.cxx.
◆ msg() [1/2]
◆ msg() [2/2]
◆ msgLvl()
◆ outputHandles()
Return this algorithm's output handles.
We override this to include handle instances from key arrays if they have not yet been declared. See comments on updateVHKA.
◆ parseList()
StatusCode AthMonitorAlgorithm::parseList |
( |
const std::string & |
line, |
std::vector< std::string > & |
result |
) |
| const |
virtualinherited |
Parse a string into a vector.
The input string is a single long string of all of the trigger names. It parses this string and turns it into a vector, where each element is one trigger or trigger category.
- Parameters
line | The input string. |
result | The parsed output vector of strings. |
- Returns
- StatusCode
Definition at line 336 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.cxx.
338 std::stringstream
342 while ( std::getline(
',') ) {
343 std::stringstream iss(
348 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
◆ renounce()
◆ renounceArray()
◆ selectEvents()
bool TrigMuonMonitorAlgorithm::selectEvents |
( |
| ) |
const |
protectedvirtualinherited |
◆ selectMuons()
protectedvirtualinherited |
Function that defines the event selection for anlayses Users should reimlement in a subclass if needed.
- Parameters
muons | Offline muons in the MuonContainer |
probes | List of offline muons that are used in analyses |
Reimplemented in TrigMuonEfficiencyMon.
Definition at line 70 of file TrigMuonMonitorAlgorithm.cxx.
78 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
◆ setFilterPassed()
virtual void AthReentrantAlgorithm::setFilterPassed |
( |
bool |
state, |
const EventContext & |
ctx |
) |
| const |
inlinevirtualinherited |
◆ sysExecute()
StatusCode AthReentrantAlgorithm::sysExecute |
( |
const EventContext & |
ctx | ) |
overridevirtualinherited |
Execute an algorithm.
We override this in order to work around an issue with the Algorithm base class storing the event context in a member variable that can cause crashes in MT jobs.
Definition at line 67 of file AthReentrantAlgorithm.cxx.
69 return Gaudi::Algorithm::sysExecute (ctx);
◆ sysInitialize()
StatusCode AthReentrantAlgorithm::sysInitialize |
( |
| ) |
overridevirtualinherited |
Override sysInitialize.
Override sysInitialize from the base class.
Loop through all output handles, and if they're WriteCondHandles, automatically register them and this Algorithm with the CondSvc
Scan through all outputHandles, and if they're WriteCondHandles, register them with the CondSvc
Reimplemented from AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< Gaudi::Algorithm > >.
Reimplemented in InputMakerBase, and HypoBase.
Definition at line 96 of file AthReentrantAlgorithm.cxx.
107 if ( cs.retrieve().isFailure() ) {
109 return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
111 if (cs->regHandle(
h).isFailure()) {
112 sc = StatusCode::FAILURE;
"unable to register WriteCondHandle " <<
◆ sysStart()
Handle START transition.
We override this in order to make sure that conditions handle keys can cache a pointer to the conditions container.
◆ trigChainsArePassed()
bool AthMonitorAlgorithm::trigChainsArePassed |
( |
const std::vector< std::string > & |
vTrigNames | ) |
const |
inherited |
Check whether triggers are passed.
For the event, use the trigger decision tool to check that at least one of the triggers listed in the supplied vector is passed.
- Parameters
vTrigNames | List of trigger names. |
- Returns
- If empty input, default to true. If at least one trigger is specified, returns whether at least one trigger was passed.
Definition at line 194 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.cxx.
198 if (vTrigNames.empty())
return true;
210 bool expressPass = passedBits & TrigDefs::Express_passed;
217 return group->isPassed();
◆ updateVHKA()
◆ m_dataType
◆ m_dataTypeStr
Gaudi::Property<std::string> AthMonitorAlgorithm::m_dataTypeStr {this,"DataType","userDefined"} |
protectedinherited |
◆ m_defaultLBDuration
Gaudi::Property<float> AthMonitorAlgorithm::m_defaultLBDuration {this,"DefaultLBDuration",60.} |
protectedinherited |
◆ m_detailLevel
Gaudi::Property<int> AthMonitorAlgorithm::m_detailLevel {this,"DetailLevel",0} |
protectedinherited |
◆ m_detStore
◆ m_DQFilterTools
ToolHandleArray<IDQFilterTool> AthMonitorAlgorithm::m_DQFilterTools {this,"FilterTools",{}} |
protectedinherited |
◆ m_dummy
◆ m_enforceExpressTriggers
Gaudi::Property<bool> AthMonitorAlgorithm::m_enforceExpressTriggers |
privateinherited |
Initial value:{this,
"EnforceExpressTriggers", false,
"Requires that matched triggers made the event enter the express stream"}
Definition at line 372 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
◆ m_environment
◆ m_environmentStr
Gaudi::Property<std::string> AthMonitorAlgorithm::m_environmentStr {this,"Environment","user"} |
protectedinherited |
Environment string pulled from the job option and converted to enum.
Definition at line 352 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
◆ m_EventInfoKey
◆ m_evtStore
◆ m_extendedExtraObjects
DataObjIDColl AthReentrantAlgorithm::m_extendedExtraObjects |
privateinherited |
Extra output dependency collection, extended by AthAlgorithmDHUpdate to add symlinks.
Empty if no symlinks were found.
Definition at line 153 of file AthReentrantAlgorithm.h.
◆ m_fileKey
Gaudi::Property<std::string> AthMonitorAlgorithm::m_fileKey {this,"FileKey",""} |
protectedinherited |
◆ m_group
Gaudi::Property<std::string> TrigMuonMonitorAlgorithm::m_group {this, "Group", "", "Histogram group"} |
protectedinherited |
◆ m_L2MuonSAContainerKey
◆ m_lbDurationDataKey
◆ m_lumiDataKey
◆ m_matchTool
◆ m_monitored_chains
Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string> > TrigMuonMonitorAlgorithm::m_monitored_chains {this, "MonitoredChains", {}, "Trigger chains that are monitored"} |
protectedinherited |
List of trigger chains that are monitored in fillVariablesPerChain
and fillVariablesPerOfflineMuonPerChain
Definition at line 137 of file TrigMuonMonitorAlgorithm.h.
◆ m_MuonContainerKey
◆ m_muonSelectionTool
◆ m_muontype
Gaudi::Property<int> TrigMuonMonitorAlgorithm::m_muontype {this, "MuonType", xAOD::Muon::MuonType::Combined, "MuonType used for monitoring"} |
protectedinherited |
◆ m_name
std::string AthMonitorAlgorithm::m_name |
privateinherited |
◆ m_ratio_measurement_threshold
const float TrigMuonMonitorAlgorithm::m_ratio_measurement_threshold = 4 |
protectedinherited |
◆ m_toolLookupMap
std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> AthMonitorAlgorithm::m_toolLookupMap |
privateinherited |
◆ m_tools
◆ m_trigDecTool
◆ m_triggerChainString
Gaudi::Property<std::string> AthMonitorAlgorithm::m_triggerChainString {this,"TriggerChain",""} |
protectedinherited |
Trigger chain string pulled from the job option and parsed into a vector.
Definition at line 355 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
◆ m_trigLiveFractionDataKey
◆ m_useLumi
Gaudi::Property<bool> AthMonitorAlgorithm::m_useLumi {this,"EnableLumi",false} |
protectedinherited |
◆ m_varHandleArraysDeclared
◆ m_vhka
◆ m_vTrigChainNames
std::vector<std::string> AthMonitorAlgorithm::m_vTrigChainNames |
protectedinherited |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
virtual bool selectEvents() const
Function that defines the event selection for anlayses User should reimlement in a subclass if needed...
SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::MuonContainer > m_MuonContainerKey
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_group
Name of monitored group.
constexpr float roiPhi(const AnyRoIPointer &roi)
ElementLink< T > link
Link to the feature.
PublicToolHandle< Trig::TrigDecisionTool > m_trigDecTool
Tool to tell whether a specific trigger is passed.
ToolHandle< MuonMatchingTool > m_matchTool
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & declareProperty(Gaudi::Property< T > &t)
bool accumulate(AccumulateMap &map, std::vector< module_t > const &modules, FPGATrackSimMatrixAccumulator const &acc)
Accumulates an accumulator (e.g.
std::vector< std::string > m_vTrigChainNames
Vector of trigger chain names parsed from trigger chain string.
std::enable_if_t< std::is_void_v< std::result_of_t< decltype(&T::renounce)(T)> > &&!std::is_base_of_v< SG::VarHandleKeyArray, T > &&std::is_base_of_v< Gaudi::DataHandle, T >, void > renounce(T &h)
SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::EventInfo > m_EventInfoKey
Key for retrieving EventInfo from StoreGate.
const ToolHandle< Trig::TrigDecisionTool > & getTrigDecisionTool() const
Get the trigger decision tool member.
StoreGateSvc_t m_evtStore
Pointer to StoreGate (event store by default)
@ BarrelInner
Inner station in the barrel spectrometer.
std::vector< SG::VarHandleKeyArray * > m_vhka
std::unordered_map< std::string, size_t > m_toolLookupMap
double deltaPhi(double phiA, double phiB)
delta Phi in range [-pi,pi[
AthMonitorAlgorithm::Environment_t m_environment
Instance of the Environment_t enum.
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId setRoiSubsystem setRoiNumber roiEta
bool trigChainsArePassed(const std::vector< std::string > &vTrigNames) const
Check whether triggers are passed.
ValuesCollection< T > Collection(std::string name, const T &collection)
Declare a monitored (double-convertible) collection.
virtual void setOwner(IDataHandleHolder *o)=0
const ToolHandle< GenericMonitoringTool > m_dummy
TrigMuonMonitorAlgorithm(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
ToolHandleArray< IDQFilterTool > m_DQFilterTools
Array of Data Quality filter tools.
virtual std::vector< Gaudi::DataHandle * > outputHandles() const override
Return this algorithm's output handles.
double deltaR(double rapidity1, double phi1, double rapidity2, double phi2)
from bare bare rapidity,phi
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
void tolower(std::string &s)
virtual StatusCode fillHistograms(const EventContext &ctx) const =0
adds event to the monitoring histograms
std::pair< std::vector< unsigned int >, bool > res
Amg::Vector3D transform(Amg::Vector3D &v, Amg::Transform3D &tr)
Transform a point from a Trasformation3D.
StoreGateSvc_t m_detStore
Pointer to StoreGate (detector store by default)
void fill(const ToolHandle< GenericMonitoringTool > &groupHandle, std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Monitored::IMonitoredVariable >> &&variables) const
Fills a vector of variables to a group by reference.
SG::ReadHandle< xAOD::EventInfo > GetEventInfo(const EventContext &) const
Return a ReadHandle for an EventInfo object (get run/event numbers, etc.)
virtual StatusCode fillVariables(const EventContext &ctx) const
Function that fills variables by just retrieving containers of trigger objects.
Gaudi::Property< std::vector< std::string > > m_monitored_chains
List of trigger chains that are monitored in fillVariablesPerChain and fillVariablesPerOfflineMuonPer...
AthMonitorAlgorithm::DataType_t m_dataType
Instance of the DataType_t enum.
DataObjIDColl m_extendedExtraObjects
Extra output dependency collection, extended by AthAlgorithmDHUpdate to add symlinks.
virtual void renounce()=0
std::conditional< std::is_base_of< SG::VarHandleKeyArray, T >::value, VarHandleKeyArrayType, type2 >::type type
ElementLink implementation for ROOT usage.
ToolHandleArray< GenericMonitoringTool > m_tools
Array of Generic Monitoring Tools.
@ EndcapMiddle
Middle station in the endcap spectrometer.
virtual StatusCode sysInitialize() override
Override sysInitialize.
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_enforceExpressTriggers
virtual StatusCode selectMuons(SG::ReadHandle< xAOD::MuonContainer > &muons, std::vector< const xAOD::Muon * > &probes) const
Function that defines the event selection for anlayses Users should reimlement in a subclass if neede...
Gaudi::Property< int > m_muontype
Requirement for the offline muon type considered in analyses.
Helper to keep a Decision object, ElementLink and ActiveState (with respect to some requested ChainGr...
SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::L2StandAloneMuonContainer > m_L2MuonSAContainerKey
#define ATH_MSG_WARNING(x)
@ EndcapInner
Inner station in the endcap spectrometer.
@ BarrelOuter
Outer station in the barrel spectrometer.
virtual StatusCode initialize() override
SG::VarHandleKey & vhKey()
Return a non-const reference to the HandleKey.
virtual StatusCode fillVariablesPerOfflineMuonPerChain(const EventContext &ctx, const xAOD::Muon *mu, const std::string &chain) const
Function that fills variables of trigger objects associated to specified trigger chains comparing off...
Tracks produced by STACO.
Declare a monitored scalar variable.
virtual StatusCode fillVariablesPerOfflineMuon(const EventContext &ctx, const xAOD::Muon *mu) const
Function that fills variables that are compared to offline muons but the trigger chains are not speci...
ToolHandle< CP::IMuonSelectionTool > m_muonSelectionTool
virtual StatusCode fillVariablesPerChain(const EventContext &ctx, const std::string &chain) const
Function that fills variables of trigger objects associated to specified trigger chains.
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & declareGaudiProperty(Gaudi::Property< T > &hndl, const SG::VarHandleKeyType &)
specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKey>
@ BarrelMiddle
Middle station in the barrel spectrometer.
@ EndcapOuter
Outer station in the endcap spectrometer.