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Trig::StaticBunchCrossingTool Class Referenceabstract

Stand-alone bunch group tool knowing some static configurations. More...

#include <StaticBunchCrossingTool.h>

Inheritance diagram for Trig::StaticBunchCrossingTool:
Collaboration diagram for Trig::StaticBunchCrossingTool:

Public Types

enum  BeamType { Beam1 = 0, Beam2 = 1, Crossing = 2 }
 Types of the return values of the bcIntensity function. More...
enum  BunchCrossingType {
  Empty = 0, FirstEmpty = 1, MiddleEmpty = 2, Single = 100,
  Front = 200, Middle = 201, Tail = 202, Unpaired = 300
 Simplified type for a given bunch crossing. More...
enum  BunchDistanceType { NanoSec, BunchCrossings, FilledBunches }
 Enumeration specifying the units in which to expect the bunch distance type. More...
enum  BunchFillType {
  CollidingBunch = 0, UnpairedBunch = 1, EmptyBunch = 2, UnpairedBeam1 = 3,
  UnpairedBeam2 = 4
 Enumeration specifying what kind of bunch to use in the gap functions. More...
typedef unsigned int bcid_type
 Declare the interface that this class provides. More...

Public Member Functions

 StaticBunchCrossingTool (const std::string &name="StaticBunchCrossingTool")
 Create a proper constructor for Athena. More...
virtual StatusCode initialize ()
 Function initialising the tool. More...
StatusCode loadConfig (int bgkey)
 Load a hard-coded bunch group key. More...
StatusCode loadConfig (const std::vector< int > &filledBunches, const std::vector< float > &filledIntensities=std::vector< float >(), const std::vector< int > &unpairedBunches=std::vector< int >(), const std::vector< float > &unpairedIntensities=std::vector< float >())
 Load a configuration specified by the user. More...
StatusCode loadConfig (const std::vector< float > &bunches)
 Load the configuration specified by the user. More...
virtual void print () const =0
 Print the state of the tool. More...
virtual void print () const
 Print the state of the tool. More...
virtual StatusCode sysInitialize ()
 Function initialising the tool in the correct way in Athena. More...
ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > & evtStore ()
 The standard StoreGateSvc (event store) Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc. More...
const ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > & evtStore () const
 The standard StoreGateSvc (event store) Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc. More...
const ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > & detStore () const
 The standard StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc. More...
virtual StatusCode sysStart () override
 Handle START transition. More...
virtual std::vector< Gaudi::DataHandle * > inputHandles () const override
 Return this algorithm's input handles. More...
virtual std::vector< Gaudi::DataHandle * > outputHandles () const override
 Return this algorithm's output handles. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & declareProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &t)
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * declareProperty (const std::string &name, SG::VarHandleKey &hndl, const std::string &doc, const SG::VarHandleKeyType &)
 Declare a new Gaudi property. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * declareProperty (const std::string &name, SG::VarHandleBase &hndl, const std::string &doc, const SG::VarHandleType &)
 Declare a new Gaudi property. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * declareProperty (const std::string &name, SG::VarHandleKeyArray &hndArr, const std::string &doc, const SG::VarHandleKeyArrayType &)
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * declareProperty (const std::string &name, T &property, const std::string &doc, const SG::NotHandleType &)
 Declare a new Gaudi property. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * declareProperty (const std::string &name, T &property, const std::string &doc="none")
 Declare a new Gaudi property. More...
void updateVHKA (Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &)
MsgStream & msg () const
MsgStream & msg (const MSG::Level lvl) const
bool msgLvl (const MSG::Level lvl) const

Protected Member Functions

StatusCode loadSingleBunches (const std::vector< int > &bunches, const std::vector< float > &bunch_int1=std::vector< float >(), const std::vector< float > &bunch_int2=std::vector< float >())
 Interpret the configuration for single bunches. More...
StatusCode loadBunchTrains (const std::vector< int > &bunches, const std::vector< float > &bunch_int1=std::vector< float >(), const std::vector< float > &bunch_int2=std::vector< float >())
 Interpret the configuration for bunch trains. More...
StatusCode loadUnpairedBunches (const std::vector< int > &beam1, const std::vector< int > &beam2, const std::vector< float > &bunch_int1=std::vector< float >(), const std::vector< float > &bunch_int2=std::vector< float >())
 Interpret the configuration for unpaired bunches. More...
void printConfig () const
 Function printing the configuration of the tool. More...
void renounceArray (SG::VarHandleKeyArray &handlesArray)
 remove all handles from I/O resolution More...
std::enable_if_t< std::is_void_v< std::result_of_t< decltype(&T::renounce)(T)> > &&!std::is_base_of_v< SG::VarHandleKeyArray, T > &&std::is_base_of_v< Gaudi::DataHandle, T >, void > renounce (T &h)
void extraDeps_update_handler (Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &ExtraDeps)
 Add StoreName to extra input/output deps as needed. More...

Private Types

typedef ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvcStoreGateSvc_t

Private Member Functions

int bunchSpacing (const std::vector< int > &bunches) const
 Get the apparent bunch spacing in the current configuration. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & declareGaudiProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &hndl, const SG::VarHandleKeyType &)
 specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKey> More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & declareGaudiProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &hndl, const SG::VarHandleKeyArrayType &)
 specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKeyArray> More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & declareGaudiProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &hndl, const SG::VarHandleType &)
 specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleBase> More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & declareGaudiProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &t, const SG::NotHandleType &)
 specialization for handling everything that's not a Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKey> or a <SG::VarHandleKeyArray> More...

Private Attributes

int m_bgkey
 Default key to be loaded. More...
std::map< int, std::vector< int > > m_knownBGKeys
 All the hard-coded configs. More...
MetaStore_t m_inputMetaStore
 Object accessing the input metadata store. More...
MetaStore_t m_outputMetaStore
 Object accessing the output metadata store. More...
bool m_beginInputFileCalled
 Flag helping to discover when the tool misses the opening of the first input file. More...
bool m_useIncidents
StoreGateSvc_t m_evtStore
 Pointer to StoreGate (event store by default) More...
StoreGateSvc_t m_detStore
 Pointer to StoreGate (detector store by default) More...
std::vector< SG::VarHandleKeyArray * > m_vhka
bool m_varHandleArraysDeclared

Callback functions helping in metadata reading/writing

void setUseIncidents (const bool flag)
virtual void handle (const Incident &inc)
 Function receiving incidents from IncidentSvc/TEvent. More...
virtual StatusCode beginInputFile ()
 Function called when a new input file is opened. More...
virtual StatusCode endInputFile ()
 Function called when the currently open input file got completely processed. More...
virtual StatusCode beginEvent ()
 Function called when a new events is loaded. More...
virtual StatusCode metaDataStop ()
 Function called when the tool should write out its metadata. More...

Detailed Description

Stand-alone bunch group tool knowing some static configurations.

   This tool can be used out of the box to get information about some
   of the bunch layouts which were used to take data. It takes its
   knowledge from the "StaticConfigs.h" file.

   It can be used in a standalone analysis code to analyse ntuples
   for instance.
Attila Krasznahorkay Attil.nosp@m.a.Kr.nosp@m.aszna.nosp@m.hork.nosp@m.ay@ce.nosp@m.rn.c.nosp@m.h
2016-05-24 11:30:51 +0200 (Tue, 24 May 2016)

Definition at line 35 of file StaticBunchCrossingTool.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ bcid_type

typedef unsigned int Trig::IBunchCrossingTool::bcid_type

Declare the interface that this class provides.

Convenience type definition

Definition at line 47 of file IBunchCrossingTool.h.

◆ MetaStore_t

Type of the metadata store object in Athena.

Definition at line 66 of file AsgMetadataTool.h.

◆ MetaStorePtr_t

Type of the metadata store pointer in standalone mode.

Definition at line 68 of file AsgMetadataTool.h.

◆ StoreGateSvc_t

typedef ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc> AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::StoreGateSvc_t

Definition at line 388 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ BeamType

Types of the return values of the bcIntensity function.

The different information sources provide the "bunch intensity" information in quite different ways, and the information can mean different things actually. This enumeration is used to specify what exact type of information the user is looking for.


The returned intensity should be for "beam 1".


The returned intensity should be for "beam 2".


The returned intensity should describe the BC.

Definition at line 118 of file IBunchCrossingTool.h.

118  {
119  Beam1 = 0,
120  Beam2 = 1,
121  Crossing = 2
122  };

◆ BunchCrossingType

Simplified type for a given bunch crossing.

This enumeration can specify what kind of bunch crossing one BCID belongs to. The types could easily be extended later on.


An empty bunch far away from filled bunches.


The first empty bunch after a train.


An empty BCID in the middle of a train.


This is a filled, single bunch (not in a train)


The BCID belongs to the first few bunches in a train.


The BCID belongs to the middle bunches in a train.


The BCID belongs to the last few bunces in a train.


This is an unpaired bunch (either beam1 or beam2)

Definition at line 145 of file IBunchCrossingTool.h.

145  {
146  Empty = 0,
147  FirstEmpty = 1,
148  MiddleEmpty = 2,
149  Single = 100,
150  Front = 200,
151  Middle = 201,
152  Tail = 202,
153  Unpaired = 300
154  };

◆ BunchDistanceType

Enumeration specifying the units in which to expect the bunch distance type.

To make it clear for the following functions what units to interpret their return values in, it is possible to request their return values in different units.


Distance in nanoseconds.


Distance in units of 25 nanoseconds.


Distance in units of filled bunches (depends on filling scheme)

Definition at line 174 of file IBunchCrossingTool.h.

174  {
175  NanoSec,
179  };

◆ BunchFillType

Enumeration specifying what kind of bunch to use in the gap functions.

The following functions can be used to calculate the gap before and after a specific BCID to some other bunch type. The gap can actually be wrt. two different types of bunches. The user may be interested between the space of two filled bunches, the space between an unpaired bunch and the previous filled bunch, the space between two unpaired bunches, or the space between a filled bunch and the previous unpaired bunch.

The empty type is just put here for completeness. Maybe once we'll be using 25 ns spacing in the bunch trains, this will be a useful parameter as well.

This enumeration helps in answeing all of these questions.


The gap should be calculated wrt. the closest colling bunch.


The gap should be calculated wrt. the closest unpaired bunch.


The gap should be calculated wrt. the closest empty bunch.


The gap should be calculated wrt.

the closest unpaired bunch from beam 1


The gap should be calculated wrt.

the closest unpaired bunch from beam 2

Definition at line 274 of file IBunchCrossingTool.h.

274  {
276  CollidingBunch = 0,
278  UnpairedBunch = 1,
280  EmptyBunch = 2,
283  UnpairedBeam1 = 3,
286  UnpairedBeam2 = 4
287  };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ StaticBunchCrossingTool()

Trig::StaticBunchCrossingTool::StaticBunchCrossingTool ( const std::string &  name = "StaticBunchCrossingTool")

Create a proper constructor for Athena.

The constructor reads all the configurations out of "StaticConfigs.h" and sets up the tool using those.

Default constructor

Definition at line 17 of file StaticBunchCrossingTool.cxx.

19  m_knownBGKeys() {
21  // Declare the property of the tool:
22  declareProperty( "BGKey", m_bgkey = 0 );
24  //
25  // Learn the static bunch group configurations:
26  //
27  for( int i = 0; i < BGK_CONF_N; ++i ) {
28  for( int j = 0; j < BGK_CONF_NUM[ i ]; ++j ) {
29  m_knownBGKeys[ BGK_CONF_KEY[ i ] ].push_back( BGK_CONF[ i ][ j ] );
30  }
31  }
32  }

Member Function Documentation

◆ bcIntensity()

float Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::bcIntensity ( bcid_type  bcid,
BeamType  type = Crossing 
) const

Function returning the "intensity" of a given bunch crossing.

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 106 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

107  {
109  // Check if this is a colliding bunch:
110  std::set< BunchCrossing >::const_iterator itr;
111  if( ( itr = m_filledBunches.find( bcid ) ) != m_filledBunches.end() ) {
112  switch( type ) {
113  case Crossing:
114  if( itr->intensityBeam2() > 0.001 ) {
115  ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Crossing intensity not available, ask for "
116  << "separate beam intensities instead" );
117  return 0.0;
118  } else {
119  return itr->intensityBeam1();
120  }
121  case Beam1:
122  if( std::abs( itr->intensityBeam2() ) < 0.001 ) {
123  ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Separate beam intensities not available, ask "
124  << "for the crossing intensity instead" );
125  return 0.0;
126  } else {
127  return itr->intensityBeam1();
128  }
129  break;
130  case Beam2:
131  return itr->intensityBeam2();
132  break;
133  default:
134  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Unknown intensity type requested (" << type
135  << ")" );
136  return -1.0;
137  }
138  }
140  // Check if this is an unpaired bunch:
141  if( ( itr = m_unpairedBunches.find( bcid ) ) !=
142  m_unpairedBunches.end() ) {
143  switch( type ) {
144  case Beam1:
145  return itr->intensityBeam1();
146  break;
147  case Beam2:
148  return itr->intensityBeam2();
149  break;
150  case Crossing:
151  ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Crossing intensity requested for unpaired bunch ("
152  << "bcid=" << bcid << ")" );
153  return 0.0;
154  default:
155  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Unknown intensity type requested (" << type
156  << ")" );
157  return -1.0;
158  }
159  }
161  // If neither, then its intensity is 0.0 by definition:
162  return 0.0;
163  }

◆ bcType()

IBunchCrossingTool::BunchCrossingType Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::bcType ( bcid_type  bcid) const

Get the type of the specific bunch crossing.

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 166 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

166  {
168  // First the obvious check:
169  if( ! isFilled( bcid ) ) {
170  // Check if it's an unpaired bunch:
171  if( isUnpaired( bcid ) ) {
172  return Unpaired;
173  }
174  // If the previous bunch crossing is the tail of a bunch train:
175  if( ! distanceFromTail( bcid - 1, BunchCrossings ) ) {
176  return FirstEmpty;
177  }
178  // Check if it's in the middle of a bunch train:
179  std::set< BunchTrain >::const_iterator itr = m_bunchTrains.begin();
180  std::set< BunchTrain >::const_iterator end = m_bunchTrains.end();
181  for( ; itr != end; ++itr ) {
182  if( itr->isInside( bcid ) ) {
183  return MiddleEmpty;
184  }
185  }
186  // If none of the above are true, it has to be a "simple" empty bunch:
187  return Empty;
188  }
190  // Now we know that the bunch has to be a filled one...
192  // If it's not in a train, it has to be a single filled bunch:
193  if( ! isInTrain( bcid ) ) return Single;
195  // Let's check if it is close to the front of a bunch train:
197  if( ( distance >= 0 ) && ( distance <= m_frontLength ) ) {
198  return Front;
199  }
200  // Now let's check if it's close to the tail of a bunch train:
202  if( ( distance >= 0 ) && ( distance <= m_tailLength ) ) {
203  return Tail;
204  }
206  // If none of the above are true, it has to be in the middle of a train:
207  return Middle;
208  }

◆ beginEvent()

StatusCode asg::AsgMetadataTool::beginEvent ( )

Function called when a new events is loaded.

Dummy implementation that can be overridden by the derived tool.

Reimplemented in AsgElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool, TrigConf::xAODConfigTool, TauAnalysisTools::TauSelectionTool, TauAnalysisTools::DiTauSelectionTool, TauAnalysisTools::CommonSmearingTool, TauAnalysisTools::DiTauEfficiencyCorrectionsTool, Trig::TrigDecisionTool, TauAnalysisTools::TauEfficiencyCorrectionsTool, Trig::TrigConfBunchCrossingTool, xAODMaker::TriggerMenuMetaDataTool, and Trig::xAODBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 196 of file AsgMetadataTool.cxx.

196  {
198  // Return gracefully:
199  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
200  }

◆ beginInputFile()

StatusCode asg::AsgMetadataTool::beginInputFile ( )

Function called when a new input file is opened.

Dummy implementation that can be overridden by the derived tool.

Reimplemented in AsgElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool, TrigConf::xAODConfigTool, PMGTools::PMGTruthWeightTool, BookkeeperTool, HFORSelectionTool, xAODMaker::FileMetaDataTool, BookkeeperDumperTool, Trig::TrigDecisionTool, xAODMaker::TriggerMenuMetaDataTool, xAODMaker::TruthMetaDataTool, Trig::xAODBunchCrossingTool, TauAnalysisTools::TauEfficiencyCorrectionsTool, and TauAnalysisTools::TauSmearingTool.

Definition at line 180 of file AsgMetadataTool.cxx.

180  {
182  // Return gracefully:
183  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
184  }

◆ bunchesAfter()

std::vector< bool > Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::bunchesAfter ( bcid_type  bcid = 0,
int  bunches = 10 
) const

Function returning whether the following bunches were filled, and how.

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 734 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

735  {
737  // The only thing we have to be careful about is the bunches near the
738  // "turnover" region of the BCIDs. That's why I use the BunchCrossing
739  // class here:
740  std::vector< bool > result;
741  for( int i = 0; i < bunches; ++i ) {
742  result.push_back( isFilled( BunchCrossing( bcid ) +
743  BunchCrossing( i ) ) );
744  }
746  return result;
747  }

◆ bunchesInFront()

std::vector< bool > Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::bunchesInFront ( bcid_type  bcid,
int  bunches = 10 
) const

Function returning whether the previous bunches were filled, and how.

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 718 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

719  {
721  // The only thing we have to be careful about is the bunches near the
722  // "turnover" region of the BCIDs. That's why I use the BunchCrossing
723  // class here:
724  std::vector< bool > result;
725  for( int i = 0; i < bunches; ++i ) {
726  result.push_back( isFilled( BunchCrossing( bcid ) -
727  BunchCrossing( i ) ) );
728  }
730  return result;
731  }

◆ bunchIntAfter()

std::vector< float > Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::bunchIntAfter ( bcid_type  bcid,
int  bunches = 10,
BeamType  type = Crossing 
) const

Function returning the intensities of the bunch crossings after the reference.

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 781 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

783  {
785  std::vector< float > result;
786  for( int i = 0; i < bunches; ++i ) {
787  std::set< BunchCrossing >::const_iterator itr =
788  m_filledBunches.find( BunchCrossing( bcid ) + BunchCrossing( i ) );
789  if( itr != m_filledBunches.end() ) {
790  switch( type ) {
791  case Beam1:
792  case Crossing:
793  result.push_back( itr->intensityBeam1() );
794  break;
795  case Beam2:
796  result.push_back( itr->intensityBeam2() );
797  break;
798  default:
799  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Unknown intensity type requested ("
800  << type << ")" );
801  return result;
802  }
803  } else {
804  result.push_back( 0.0 );
805  }
806  }
808  return result;
809  }

◆ bunchIntInFront()

std::vector< float > Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::bunchIntInFront ( bcid_type  bcid,
int  bunches = 10,
BeamType  type = Crossing 
) const

Function returning the intensities of the bunch crossings before the reference.

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 750 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

752  {
754  std::vector< float > result;
755  for( int i = 0; i < bunches; ++i ) {
756  std::set< BunchCrossing >::const_iterator itr =
757  m_filledBunches.find( BunchCrossing( bcid ) - BunchCrossing( i ) );
758  if( itr != m_filledBunches.end() ) {
759  switch( type ) {
760  case Beam1:
761  case Crossing:
762  result.push_back( itr->intensityBeam1() );
763  break;
764  case Beam2:
765  result.push_back( itr->intensityBeam2() );
766  break;
767  default:
768  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Unknown intensity type requested ("
769  << type << ")" );
770  return result;
771  }
772  } else {
773  result.push_back( 0.0 );
774  }
775  }
777  return result;
778  }

◆ bunchSpacing()

int Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::bunchSpacing ( const std::vector< int > &  bunches) const

Get the apparent bunch spacing in the current configuration.

This function tries to figure out what's the right bunch spacing for the current configuration, before the code would try to properly interpret the configuration.

This allows us to set a "MaxBunchSpacing" property of a relatively large number, but still be able to interpret configurations with very small gaps between bunch trains. (Like the 8b4e 2017 configurations.)

bunchesThe filled bunches in the current configuration
The apparent bunch spacing of the configuration in bunch crossings

Definition at line 1225 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

1226  {
1228  // The maximum BC spacing to start from.
1229  const int maxSpacing = m_maxBunchSpacing / BunchCrossing::BUNCH_SPACING;
1231  // Iterate downwards from the maximum spacing, searching for the minimum
1232  // spacing with which bunches exist.
1233  int result = maxSpacing;
1234  for( ; result > 0; --result ) {
1236  // Test how many bunches have neighbors inside of the current window.
1237  const int nbunches =
1238  std::count_if( bunches.begin(), bunches.end(),
1239  count_bunch_neighbors( bunches, result ) );
1240  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "Number of bunches with " << result
1241  << " BC neighbors: " << nbunches );
1243  // If none of them do, then we're finished.
1244  if( ! nbunches ) {
1245  // If we're not at the max spacing anymore, then it means that in
1246  // the previous step there were still bunches with neighbors in this
1247  // window. That's the spacing we need then.
1248  //
1249  // But if we're still at the maximum spacing, then let's just keep
1250  // that as the final answer.
1251  if( result != maxSpacing ) {
1252  ++result;
1253  }
1254  break;
1255  }
1256  }
1257  // If we went down to 0, then the right answer is 1. This is just how this
1258  // algorithm works...
1259  if( result == 0 ) {
1260  result = 1;
1261  }
1262  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Bunch spacing: " << result << " BCs" );
1264  // Return the smallest spacing found:
1265  return result;
1266  }

◆ bunchTrainSpacing()

int Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::bunchTrainSpacing ( BunchDistanceType  type = NanoSec) const

Get the bunch spacing in the trains.

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 827 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

827  {
829  // Check if there are bunch trains in the current configurations:
830  if( m_bunchTrains.size() ) {
831  switch( type ) {
832  case NanoSec:
833  return m_bunchTrains.begin()->spacing();
834  break;
835  case BunchCrossings:
836  return ( m_bunchTrains.begin()->spacing() /
838  break;
839  case FilledBunches:
840  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Function should not be called with argument: "
841  "FilledBunches" );
842  return -1;
843  break;
844  default:
845  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Function called with unknown argument: " << type );
846  return -1;
847  }
848  } else {
849  // Return -1 if there are no bunch trains in the configuration:
850  return -1;
851  }
853  ATH_MSG_FATAL( "The code should never reach this line. Check the code!" );
854  return -1;
855  }

◆ declareGaudiProperty() [1/4]

Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase& AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareGaudiProperty ( Gaudi::Property< T > &  hndl,
const SG::VarHandleKeyArrayType  

specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKeyArray>

Definition at line 170 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

172  {
173  return *AthCommonDataStore<PBASE>::declareProperty(,
174  hndl.value(),
175  hndl.documentation());
177  }

◆ declareGaudiProperty() [2/4]

Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase& AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareGaudiProperty ( Gaudi::Property< T > &  hndl,
const SG::VarHandleKeyType  

specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKey>

Definition at line 156 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

158  {
159  return *AthCommonDataStore<PBASE>::declareProperty(,
160  hndl.value(),
161  hndl.documentation());
163  }

◆ declareGaudiProperty() [3/4]

Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase& AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareGaudiProperty ( Gaudi::Property< T > &  hndl,
const SG::VarHandleType  

specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleBase>

Definition at line 184 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

186  {
187  return *AthCommonDataStore<PBASE>::declareProperty(,
188  hndl.value(),
189  hndl.documentation());
190  }

◆ declareGaudiProperty() [4/4]

Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase& AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareGaudiProperty ( Gaudi::Property< T > &  t,
const SG::NotHandleType  

specialization for handling everything that's not a Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKey> or a <SG::VarHandleKeyArray>

Definition at line 199 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

200  {
201  return PBASE::declareProperty(t);
202  }

◆ declareProperty() [1/6]

Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase* AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareProperty ( const std::string &  name,
SG::VarHandleBase hndl,
const std::string &  doc,
const SG::VarHandleType  

Declare a new Gaudi property.

nameName of the property.
hndlObject holding the property value.
docDocumentation string for the property.

This is the version for types that derive from SG::VarHandleBase. The property value object is put on the input and output lists as appropriate; then we forward to the base class.

Definition at line 245 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

249  {
250  this->declare(hndl.vhKey());
251  hndl.vhKey().setOwner(this);
253  return PBASE::declareProperty(name,hndl,doc);
254  }

◆ declareProperty() [2/6]

Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase* AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareProperty ( const std::string &  name,
SG::VarHandleKey hndl,
const std::string &  doc,
const SG::VarHandleKeyType  

Declare a new Gaudi property.

nameName of the property.
hndlObject holding the property value.
docDocumentation string for the property.

This is the version for types that derive from SG::VarHandleKey. The property value object is put on the input and output lists as appropriate; then we forward to the base class.

Definition at line 221 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

225  {
226  this->declare(hndl);
227  hndl.setOwner(this);
229  return PBASE::declareProperty(name,hndl,doc);
230  }

◆ declareProperty() [3/6]

Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase* AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareProperty ( const std::string &  name,
SG::VarHandleKeyArray hndArr,
const std::string &  doc,
const SG::VarHandleKeyArrayType  

Definition at line 259 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

263  {
265  // std::ostringstream ost;
266  // ost << Algorithm::name() << " VHKA declareProp: " << name
267  // << " size: " << hndArr.keys().size()
268  // << " mode: " << hndArr.mode()
269  // << " vhka size: " << m_vhka.size()
270  // << "\n";
271  // debug() << ost.str() << endmsg;
273  hndArr.setOwner(this);
274  m_vhka.push_back(&hndArr);
276  Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase* p = PBASE::declareProperty(name, hndArr, doc);
277  if (p != 0) {
278  p->declareUpdateHandler(&AthCommonDataStore<PBASE>::updateVHKA, this);
279  } else {
280  ATH_MSG_ERROR("unable to call declareProperty on VarHandleKeyArray "
281  << name);
282  }
284  return p;
286  }

◆ declareProperty() [4/6]

Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase* AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareProperty ( const std::string &  name,
T &  property,
const std::string &  doc,
const SG::NotHandleType  

Declare a new Gaudi property.

nameName of the property.
propertyObject holding the property value.
docDocumentation string for the property.

This is the generic version, for types that do not derive from SG::VarHandleKey. It just forwards to the base class version of declareProperty.

Definition at line 333 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

337  {
338  return PBASE::declareProperty(name, property, doc);
339  }

◆ declareProperty() [5/6]

Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase* AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareProperty ( const std::string &  name,
T &  property,
const std::string &  doc = "none" 

Declare a new Gaudi property.

nameName of the property.
propertyObject holding the property value.
docDocumentation string for the property.

This dispatches to either the generic declareProperty or the one for VarHandle/Key/KeyArray.

Definition at line 352 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

355  {
356  typedef typename SG::HandleClassifier<T>::type htype;
357  return declareProperty (name, property, doc, htype());
358  }

◆ declareProperty() [6/6]

Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase& AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareProperty ( Gaudi::Property< T > &  t)

Definition at line 145 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

145  {
146  typedef typename SG::HandleClassifier<T>::type htype;
148  }

◆ detStore()

const ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc>& AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::detStore ( ) const

The standard StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc.

Definition at line 95 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

95 { return m_detStore; }

◆ distanceFromFront()

int Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::distanceFromFront ( bcid_type  bcid,
BunchDistanceType  type = NanoSec 
) const

The distance of the specific bunch crossing from the front of the train.

This is one of the most tricky functions of this class.

When the user wants to ask the distance of a bunch crossing from the front of its train in units of nano seconds or bunch crossings, the main part of the logic is propagated to the algebra defined for the BunchCrossing class.

But when the user wants to know the distance in terms of filled bunches, the code has to treat 3 different bunch train configurations:

  • First is when the bunch train doesn't spread across the "BCID turnover". The code in this case just has to see how many steps it is from bunchtrain->begin().
  • If the bunch train spreads across the "BCID turnover", and the bcid is after BCID==0, the code has to count the filled bunches from bunchtrain->train_front() to bunchtrain->end(), plus the filled bunches from bunchtrain->begin() to the bcid in question.
  • If the bunch train spreads across the "BCID turnover", and the bcid is "before" BCID==0, the code has to count the filled bunches from bunchtrain->train_front() to the bcid in question.
bcidThe bcid that should be checked
typeThe type of the requested return value
The distance of the bcid in question from the front of its bunch train

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 239 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

240  {
242  // Look for this BCID in the list of bunch trains:
243  std::set< BunchTrain >::const_iterator itr = m_bunchTrains.begin();
244  std::set< BunchTrain >::const_iterator end = m_bunchTrains.end();
245  for( ; itr != end; ++itr ) {
246  BunchTrain::const_iterator element;
247  if( ( element = itr->find( bcid ) ) != itr->end() ) {
248  switch( type ) {
250  case NanoSec:
251  return BunchCrossing::BUNCH_SPACING * ( BunchCrossing( bcid ) -
252  *( itr->train_front() ) );
253  break;
254  case BunchCrossings:
255  return ( BunchCrossing( bcid ) - *( itr->train_front() ) );
256  break;
257  case FilledBunches:
258  if( *( itr->train_front() ) > *( itr->train_back() ) ) {
259  if( BunchCrossing( bcid ) <= *( itr->train_back() ) ) {
260  return ( std::count_if( itr->begin(), element,
261  std::bind( std::not_equal_to< BunchCrossing >(),
262  *element, std::placeholders::_1 ) ) +
263  std::count_if( itr->train_front(), itr->end(),
264  std::bind( std::not_equal_to< BunchCrossing >(),
265  *element, std::placeholders::_1 ) ) );
266  } else {
267  return std::count_if( itr->train_front(), element,
268  std::bind( std::not_equal_to< BunchCrossing >(),
269  *element, std::placeholders::_1 ) );
270  }
271  } else {
272  return std::count_if( itr->begin(), element,
273  std::bind( std::not_equal_to< BunchCrossing >(),
274  *element, std::placeholders::_1 ) );
275  }
276  break;
277  default:
278  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "BunchDistanceType not understood!" );
279  return -1;
280  }
281  }
282  }
284  // If the bunch crossing is not part of a train:
285  return -1;
286  }

◆ distanceFromTail()

int Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::distanceFromTail ( bcid_type  bcid,
BunchDistanceType  type = NanoSec 
) const

The distance of the specific bunch crossing from the tail of the train.

This is one of the most tricky functions of this class.

When the user wants to ask the distance of a bunch crossing from the tail of its train in units of nano seconds or bunch crossings, the main part of the logic is propagated to the algebra defined for the BunchCrossing class.

But when the user wants to know the distance in terms of filled bunches, the code has to treat 3 different bunch train configurations:

  • First is when the bunch train doesn't spread across the "BCID turnover". The code in this case just has to see how many steps it is from bunchtrain->end().
  • If the bunch train spreads across the "BCID turnover", and the bcid is "before" BCID==0, the code has to count the filled bunches from the bcid in question to bunchtrain->end(), plus the filled bunches from bunchtrain->begin() to bunchtrain->train_back().
  • If the bunch train spreads across the "BCID turnover", and the bcid is after BCID==0, the code has to count the filled bunches from the bcid in question to bunchtrain->train_back().
bcidThe bcid that should be checked
typeThe type of the requested return value
The distance of the bcid in question from the tail of its bunch train

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 316 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

317  {
319  // Look for this BCID in the list of bunch trains:
320  std::set< BunchTrain >::const_iterator itr = m_bunchTrains.begin();
321  std::set< BunchTrain >::const_iterator end = m_bunchTrains.end();
322  for( ; itr != end; ++itr ) {
323  BunchTrain::const_iterator element;
324  if( ( element = itr->find( bcid ) ) != itr->end() ) {
325  switch( type ) {
327  case NanoSec:
328  return BunchCrossing::BUNCH_SPACING * ( *( itr->train_back() ) -
329  BunchCrossing( bcid ) );
330  break;
331  case BunchCrossings:
332  return ( *( itr->train_back() ) - BunchCrossing( bcid ) );
333  break;
334  case FilledBunches:
335  if( *( itr->train_front() ) > *( itr->train_back() ) ) {
336  if( BunchCrossing( bcid ) > *( itr->train_back() ) ) {
337  return ( std::count_if( element, itr->end(),
338  std::bind( std::not_equal_to< BunchCrossing >(),
339  *element, std::placeholders::_1 ) ) +
340  std::count_if( itr->begin(), ++( itr->train_back() ),
341  std::bind( std::not_equal_to< BunchCrossing >(),
342  *element, std::placeholders::_1 ) ) );
343  } else {
344  return std::count_if( element, ++( itr->train_back() ),
345  std::bind( std::not_equal_to< BunchCrossing >(),
346  *element, std::placeholders::_1 ) );
347  }
348  } else {
349  return std::count_if( element, itr->end(),
350  std::bind( std::not_equal_to< BunchCrossing >(),
351  *element, std::placeholders::_1 ) );
352  }
353  break;
354  default:
355  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "BunchDistanceType not understood!" );
356  return -1;
357  }
358  }
359  }
361  // If the bunch crossing is not part of a train:
362  return -1;
363  }

◆ endInputFile()

StatusCode asg::AsgMetadataTool::endInputFile ( )

Function called when the currently open input file got completely processed.

Dummy implementation that can be overridden by the derived tool.

Reimplemented in BookkeeperTool, HFORSelectionTool, xAODMaker::FileMetaDataTool, BookkeeperDumperTool, xAODMaker::TriggerMenuMetaDataTool, and xAODMaker::TruthMetaDataTool.

Definition at line 188 of file AsgMetadataTool.cxx.

188  {
190  // Return gracefully:
191  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
192  }

◆ evtStore() [1/2]

ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc>& AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::evtStore ( )

The standard StoreGateSvc (event store) Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc.

Definition at line 85 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

85 { return m_evtStore; }

◆ evtStore() [2/2]

const ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc>& AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::evtStore ( ) const

The standard StoreGateSvc (event store) Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc.

Definition at line 90 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

90 { return m_evtStore; }

◆ extraDeps_update_handler()

void AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::extraDeps_update_handler ( Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &  ExtraDeps)

Add StoreName to extra input/output deps as needed.

use the logic of the VarHandleKey to parse the DataObjID keys supplied via the ExtraInputs and ExtraOuputs Properties to add the StoreName if it's not explicitly given

◆ gapAfterBunch()

int Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::gapAfterBunch ( bcid_type  bcid,
BunchDistanceType  dtype = NanoSec,
BunchFillType  ftype = CollidingBunch 
) const

Gap after a particular bunch.

The function creates a smart BunchCrossing out of the BCID provided, then it goes looking for the next bunch crossing of the specified type.

Finally it just calculates the distance between the two bunch crossings in the requested units. It can return the size of the gap either in nanoseconds or in BCIDs (25 ns steps).

bcidThe bcid that should be investigated
dtypeThe type of the requested return value
ftypeThe type of the previous bunch to consider
The gap after the specified bcid

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 608 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

610  {
612  // Construct this "smart" BCID:
613  const BunchCrossing bunch( bcid );
615  // Search for the first next bunch that fulfills the requirement:
616  BunchCrossing next_bunch( bunch );
617  ++next_bunch;
618  int loop_counter = 0;
619  switch( ftype ) {
621  case CollidingBunch:
622  // There should always be filled bunches in the configuration, but
623  // let's make sure that we don't get into an endless loop:
624  while( ( ! isFilled( next_bunch ) ) &&
625  ( loop_counter < BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID ) ) {
626  ++next_bunch;
627  ++loop_counter;
628  }
629  if( loop_counter == BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID ) {
630  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Failed to calculate gap after BCID "
631  << bcid << " to a filled bunch! This shouldn't have "
632  << "happened!" );
633  return -1;
634  }
635  break;
636  case UnpairedBunch:
637  // There are no unpaired bunches in every configuration, so make sure
638  // we don't get into an endless loop:
639  while( ( ! isUnpaired( next_bunch ) ) &&
640  ( loop_counter < BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID ) ) {
641  ++next_bunch;
642  ++loop_counter;
643  }
644  // Return "-1" if there are no unpaired bunches in the configuration:
645  if( loop_counter == BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID ) {
646  return -1;
647  }
648  break;
649  case UnpairedBeam1:
650  // There are no unpaired bunches from beam 1 in every configuration, so
651  // make sure we don't get into an endless loop:
652  while( ( ! ( isUnpaired( next_bunch ) && isBeam1( next_bunch ) ) ) &&
653  ( loop_counter < BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID ) ) {
654  ++next_bunch;
655  ++loop_counter;
656  }
657  // Return "-1" if there are no unpaired bunches from beam 1 in the
658  // configuration:
659  if( loop_counter == BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID ) {
660  return -1;
661  }
662  break;
663  case UnpairedBeam2:
664  // There are no unpaired bunches from beam 2 in every configuration, so
665  // make sure we don't get into an endless loop:
666  while( ( ! ( isUnpaired( next_bunch ) && isBeam2( next_bunch ) ) ) &&
667  ( loop_counter < BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID ) ) {
668  ++next_bunch;
669  ++loop_counter;
670  }
671  // Return "-1" if there are no unpaired bunches from beam 2 in the
672  // configuration:
673  if( loop_counter == BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID ) {
674  return -1;
675  }
676  break;
677  case EmptyBunch:
678  // There should always be empty bunches in the configuration, but let's
679  // make sure that we don't get into an endless loop:
680  while( ( isFilled( next_bunch ) || isUnpaired( next_bunch ) ) &&
681  ( loop_counter < BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID ) ) {
682  ++next_bunch;
683  ++loop_counter;
684  }
685  if( loop_counter == BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID ) {
686  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Failed to calculate gap after BCID "
687  << bcid << " to an empty bunch! This shouldn't have "
688  << "happened!" );
689  return -1;
690  }
691  break;
692  default:
693  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Unknown bunch fill type specified: "
694  << ftype );
695  return -1;
696  }
698  // Now return the results:
699  switch( dtype ) {
701  case NanoSec:
702  return BunchCrossing::BUNCH_SPACING * bunch.gapTo( next_bunch );
703  break;
704  case BunchCrossings:
705  return bunch.gapTo( next_bunch );
706  break;
707  default:
708  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "You can only use NanoSec or BunchCrossings for type "
709  "for gapBeforeBunch" );
710  return -1;
711  }
713  // This should actually never be reached:
714  return -1;
715  }

◆ gapAfterTrain()

int Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::gapAfterTrain ( bcid_type  bcid,
BunchDistanceType  type = NanoSec 
) const

Gap after the train this BCID is in.

The function first finds the train that the specified BCID is in.

Then it calculates the size of the gap after this train. It can return the size of the gap either in nanoseconds or in BCIDs (25 ns steps).

bcidThe bcid whose train should be investigated
typeThe type of the requested return value
The gap after the train of the specified bcid

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 429 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

430  {
432  // Find this BCID in the list of bunch trains:
433  std::set< BunchTrain >::const_iterator itr = m_bunchTrains.begin();
434  std::set< BunchTrain >::const_iterator end = m_bunchTrains.end();
435  std::set< BunchTrain >::const_iterator train = m_bunchTrains.end();
436  for( ; itr != end; ++itr ) {
437  if( itr->find( bcid ) != itr->end() ) {
438  train = itr;
439  break;
440  }
441  }
443  // If we didn't find this BCID in a train, let's return right away:
444  if( train == end ) {
445  return -1;
446  }
448  // Search for the first filled bunch before the front of this train:
449  BunchCrossing train_front = *( train->train_back() );
450  ++train_front;
451  while( ! isFilled( train_front ) ) {
452  ++train_front;
453  }
455  // Now return the results:
456  switch( type ) {
458  case NanoSec:
460  train_front.distance( *( train->train_back() ) );
461  break;
462  case BunchCrossings:
463  return train_front.distance( *( train->train_back() ) );
464  break;
465  default:
466  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "You can only use NanoSec or BunchCrossings for type "
467  "for gapAfterTrain" );
468  return -1;
469  }
471  // This should actually never be reached:
472  return -1;
473  }

◆ gapBeforeBunch()

int Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::gapBeforeBunch ( bcid_type  bcid,
BunchDistanceType  dtype = NanoSec,
BunchFillType  ftype = CollidingBunch 
) const

Gap before a particular bunch.

The function creates a smart BunchCrossing out of the BCID provided, then it goes looking for the previous bunch crossing of the specified type.

Finally it just calculates the distance between the two bunch crossings in the requested units. It can return the size of the gap either in nanoseconds or in BCIDs (25 ns steps).

bcidThe bcid that should be investigated
dtypeThe type of the requested return value
ftypeThe type of the previous bunch to consider
The gap before the specified bcid

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 487 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

489  {
491  // Construct this "smart" BCID:
492  const BunchCrossing bunch( bcid );
494  // Search for the first previous bunch that fulfills the requirement:
495  BunchCrossing prev_bunch( bunch );
496  --prev_bunch;
497  int loop_counter = 0;
498  switch( ftype ) {
500  case CollidingBunch:
501  // There should always be filled bunches in the configuration, but
502  // let's make sure that we don't get into an endless loop:
503  while( ( ! isFilled( prev_bunch ) ) &&
504  ( loop_counter < BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID ) ) {
505  --prev_bunch;
506  ++loop_counter;
507  }
508  if( loop_counter == BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID ) {
509  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Failed to calculate gap before BCID "
510  << bcid << " to a filled bunch! This shouldn't have "
511  << "happened!" );
512  return -1;
513  }
514  break;
515  case UnpairedBunch:
516  // There are no unpaired bunches in every configuration, so make sure
517  // we don't get into an endless loop:
518  while( ( ! isUnpaired( prev_bunch ) ) &&
519  ( loop_counter < BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID ) ) {
520  --prev_bunch;
521  ++loop_counter;
522  }
523  // Return "-1" if there are no unpaired bunches in the configuration:
524  if( loop_counter == BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID ) {
525  return -1;
526  }
527  break;
528  case UnpairedBeam1:
529  // There are no unpaired bunches from beam 1 in every configuration, so
530  // make sure we don't get into an endless loop:
531  while( ( ! ( isUnpaired( prev_bunch ) && isBeam1( prev_bunch ) ) ) &&
532  ( loop_counter < BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID ) ) {
533  --prev_bunch;
534  ++loop_counter;
535  }
536  // Return "-1" if there are no unpaired bunches from beam 1 in the
537  // configuration:
538  if( loop_counter == BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID ) {
539  return -1;
540  }
541  break;
542  case UnpairedBeam2:
543  // There are no unpaired bunches from beam 2 in every configuration, so
544  // make sure we don't get into an endless loop:
545  while( ( ! ( isUnpaired( prev_bunch ) && isBeam2( prev_bunch ) ) ) &&
546  ( loop_counter < BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID ) ) {
547  --prev_bunch;
548  ++loop_counter;
549  }
550  // Return "-1" if there are no unpaired bunches from beam 2 in the
551  // configuration:
552  if( loop_counter == BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID ) {
553  return -1;
554  }
555  break;
556  case EmptyBunch:
557  // There should always be empty bunches in the configuration, but let's
558  // make sure that we don't get into an endless loop:
559  while( ( isFilled( prev_bunch ) || isUnpaired( prev_bunch ) ) &&
560  ( loop_counter < BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID ) ) {
561  --prev_bunch;
562  ++loop_counter;
563  }
564  if( loop_counter == BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID ) {
565  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Failed to calculate gap before BCID "
566  << bcid << " to an empty bunch! This shouldn't have "
567  << "happened!" );
568  return -1;
569  }
570  break;
571  default:
572  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Unknown bunch fill type specified: "
573  << ftype );
574  return -1;
575  }
577  // Now return the results:
578  switch( dtype ) {
580  case NanoSec:
581  return BunchCrossing::BUNCH_SPACING * bunch.gapFrom( prev_bunch );
582  break;
583  case BunchCrossings:
584  return bunch.gapFrom( prev_bunch );
585  break;
586  default:
587  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "You can only use NanoSec or BunchCrossings for type "
588  "for gapBeforeBunch" );
589  return -1;
590  }
592  // This should actually never be reached:
593  return -1;
594  }

◆ gapBeforeTrain()

int Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::gapBeforeTrain ( bcid_type  bcid,
BunchDistanceType  type = NanoSec 
) const

Gap before the train this BCID is in.

The function first finds the train that the specified BCID is in.

Then it calculates the size of the gap before this train. It can return the size of the gap either in nanoseconds or in BCIDs (25 ns steps).

bcidThe bcid whose train should be investigated
typeThe type of the requested return value
The gap before the train of the specified bcid

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 374 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

375  {
377  // Find this BCID in the list of bunch trains:
378  std::set< BunchTrain >::const_iterator itr = m_bunchTrains.begin();
379  std::set< BunchTrain >::const_iterator end = m_bunchTrains.end();
380  std::set< BunchTrain >::const_iterator train = m_bunchTrains.end();
381  for( ; itr != end; ++itr ) {
382  if( itr->find( bcid ) != itr->end() ) {
383  train = itr;
384  break;
385  }
386  }
388  // If we didn't find this BCID in a train, let's return right away:
389  if( train == end ) {
390  return -1;
391  }
393  // Search for the first filled bunch before the front of this train:
394  BunchCrossing train_tail = *( train->train_front() );
395  --train_tail;
396  while( ! isFilled( train_tail ) ) {
397  --train_tail;
398  }
400  // Now return the results:
401  switch( type ) {
403  case NanoSec:
405  train->train_front()->distance( train_tail );
406  break;
407  case BunchCrossings:
408  return train->train_front()->distance( train_tail );
409  break;
410  default:
411  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "You can only use NanoSec or BunchCrossings for type "
412  "for gapBeforeTrain" );
413  return -1;
414  }
416  // This should actually never be reached:
417  return -1;
418  }

◆ getKey()

SG::sgkey_t asg::AsgTool::getKey ( const void *  ptr) const

Get the (hashed) key of an object that is in the event store.

This is a bit of a special one. StoreGateSvc and xAOD::TEvent both provide ways for getting the SG::sgkey_t key for an object that is in the store, based on a bare pointer. But they provide different interfaces for doing so.

In order to allow tools to efficiently perform this operation, they can use this helper function.

See also
ptrThe bare pointer to the object that the event store should know about
The hashed key of the object in the store. If not found, an invalid (zero) key.

Definition at line 119 of file AsgTool.cxx.

119  {
122  // In case we use @c xAOD::TEvent, we have a direct function call
123  // for this.
124  return evtStore()->event()->getKey( ptr );
125 #else
126  const SG::DataProxy* proxy = evtStore()->proxy( ptr );
127  return ( proxy == nullptr ? 0 : proxy->sgkey() );
128 #endif // XAOD_STANDALONE
129  }

◆ getName()

const std::string & asg::AsgTool::getName ( const void *  ptr) const

Get the name of an object that is / should be in the event store.

This is a bit of a special one. StoreGateSvc and xAOD::TEvent both provide ways for getting the std::string name for an object that is in the store, based on a bare pointer. But they provide different interfaces for doing so.

In order to allow tools to efficiently perform this operation, they can use this helper function.

See also
ptrThe bare pointer to the object that the event store should know about
The string name of the object in the store. If not found, an empty string.

Definition at line 106 of file AsgTool.cxx.

106  {
109  // In case we use @c xAOD::TEvent, we have a direct function call
110  // for this.
111  return evtStore()->event()->getName( ptr );
112 #else
113  const SG::DataProxy* proxy = evtStore()->proxy( ptr );
114  static const std::string dummy = "";
115  return ( proxy == nullptr ? dummy : proxy->name() );
116 #endif // XAOD_STANDALONE
117  }

◆ getProperty()

template<class T >
const T* asg::AsgTool::getProperty ( const std::string &  name) const

Get one of the tool's properties.

◆ handle()

void asg::AsgMetadataTool::handle ( const Incident &  inc)

Function receiving incidents from IncidentSvc/TEvent.

Reimplemented in Trig::TrigDecisionTool.

Definition at line 130 of file AsgMetadataTool.cxx.

130  {
132  // Tell the user what's happening:
133  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "Callback received with incident: " << inc.type() );
135  // Call the appropriate member function:
136  if( inc.type() == IncidentType::BeginInputFile ) {
137  m_beginInputFileCalled = true;
138  if( beginInputFile().isFailure() ) {
139  ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Failed to call beginInputFile()" );
140  throw std::runtime_error( "Couldn't call beginInputFile()" );
141  }
142  } else if( inc.type() == IncidentType::EndInputFile ) {
143  if( endInputFile().isFailure() ) {
144  ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Failed to call endInputFile()" );
145  throw std::runtime_error( "Couldn't call endInputFile()" );
146  }
147  } else if( inc.type() == IncidentType::BeginEvent ) {
148  // If the tool didn't catch the begin input file incident for the
149  // first input file of the job, then call the appropriate function
150  // now.
151  if( ! m_beginInputFileCalled ) {
152  m_beginInputFileCalled = true;
153  if( beginInputFile().isFailure() ) {
154  ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Failed to call beginInputFile()" );
155  throw std::runtime_error( "Couldn't call beginInputFile()" );
156  }
157  }
158  if( beginEvent().isFailure() ) {
159  ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Failed to call beginEvent()" );
160  throw std::runtime_error( "Couldn't call beginEvent()" );
161  }
164  } else if( inc.type() == IncidentType::MetaDataStop ) {
165  if( metaDataStop().isFailure() ) {
166  ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Failed to call metaDataStop()" );
167  throw std::runtime_error( "Couldn't call metaDataStop()" );
168  }
170  #endif // XAOD_STANDALONE
171  } else {
172  ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Unknown incident type received in AsgMetaDataTool: " << inc.type() );
173  }
175  return;
176  }

◆ initialize()

StatusCode Trig::StaticBunchCrossingTool::initialize ( )

Function initialising the tool.

Reimplemented from asg::AsgTool.

Definition at line 34 of file StaticBunchCrossingTool.cxx.

34  {
36  // Let the user know what's happening:
37  ATH_MSG_INFO( "Initialising tool" );
38  ATH_MSG_INFO( " Bunch group config : " << m_bgkey );
40  // Load the configuration specified by the tool's property:
43  // Return gracefully:
44  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
45  }

◆ inputHandles()

virtual std::vector<Gaudi::DataHandle*> AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::inputHandles ( ) const

Return this algorithm's input handles.

We override this to include handle instances from key arrays if they have not yet been declared. See comments on updateVHKA.

◆ inputMetaStore()

AsgMetadataTool::MetaStorePtr_t asg::AsgMetadataTool::inputMetaStore ( ) const

Accessor for the input metadata store.

Definition at line 88 of file AsgMetadataTool.cxx.

88  {
91  return &m_inputMetaStore;
93  return m_inputMetaStore;
94 #endif // XAOD_STANDALONE
95  }

◆ isBeam1()

bool Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::isBeam1 ( bcid_type  bcid) const

Function deciding if there was a bunch from "beam 1" in this bunch crossing.

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 66 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

66  {
68  // Check if this is a filled bunch:
69  std::set< BunchCrossing >::const_iterator itr_fill =
70  m_filledBunches.find( bcid );
71  if( itr_fill != m_filledBunches.end() ) {
72  return true;
73  }
75  // Check if this is an unpaired bunch with the bunch in beam 1:
76  std::set< BunchCrossing >::const_iterator itr_unp =
77  m_unpairedBunches.find( bcid );
78  if( ( itr_unp != m_unpairedBunches.end() ) &&
79  ( itr_unp->intensityBeam1() > 0.001 ) ) {
80  return true;
81  } else {
82  return false;
83  }
84  }

◆ isBeam2()

bool Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::isBeam2 ( bcid_type  bcid) const

Function deciding if there was a bunch from "beam 2" in this bunch crossing.

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 86 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

86  {
88  // Check if this is a filled bunch:
89  std::set< BunchCrossing >::const_iterator itr_fill =
90  m_filledBunches.find( bcid );
91  if( itr_fill != m_filledBunches.end() ) {
92  return true;
93  }
95  // Check if this is an unpaired bunch with the bunch in beam 1:
96  std::set< BunchCrossing >::const_iterator itr_unp =
97  m_unpairedBunches.find( bcid );
98  if( ( itr_unp != m_unpairedBunches.end() ) &&
99  ( itr_unp->intensityBeam2() > 0.001 ) ) {
100  return true;
101  } else {
102  return false;
103  }
104  }

◆ isFilled()

bool Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::isFilled ( bcid_type  bcid) const

The simplest query: Is the bunch crossing filled or not?

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 32 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

32  {
34  // Check if this is a filled bunch crossing:
35  if( m_filledBunches.find( bcid ) != m_filledBunches.end() ) {
36  return true;
37  } else {
38  return false;
39  }
40  }

◆ isInTrain()

bool Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::isInTrain ( bcid_type  bcid) const

Function deciding if a given bunch crossing is in a filled train.

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 42 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

42  {
44  // Look for this BCID in the list of bunch trains:
45  std::set< BunchTrain >::const_iterator itr = m_bunchTrains.begin();
46  std::set< BunchTrain >::const_iterator end = m_bunchTrains.end();
47  for( ; itr != end; ++itr ) {
48  if( itr->find( bcid ) != itr->end() ) {
49  return true;
50  }
51  }
53  return false;
54  }

◆ isUnpaired()

bool Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::isUnpaired ( bcid_type  bcid) const

Function deciding if a given bunch crossing has an unpaired bunch.

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 56 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

56  {
58  // Check if this is an unpaired bunch crossing:
59  if( m_unpairedBunches.find( bcid ) != m_unpairedBunches.end() ) {
60  return true;
61  } else {
62  return false;
63  }
64  }

◆ loadBunchTrains()

StatusCode Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::loadBunchTrains ( const std::vector< int > &  bunches,
const std::vector< float > &  bunch_int1 = std::vector< float >(),
const std::vector< float > &  bunch_int2 = std::vector< float >() 

Interpret the configuration for bunch trains.

This function takes care of identifying the bunch trains in the configuration.

The algorithm is quite simple. It starts off with all the filled bunches that have not been identified as single bunches by the loadSingleBunches(...) function. It takes the first available bunch crossing, then loops over the rest of them. When it finds a BC that's "close enough" to the current bunch train, then the bunch train is extended. From there on the algorithm continues with this extended bunch train. When the loop reaches the end of the available bunches, the created bunch train is added to the cache, and the algorithms starts again with the first still available bunch crossing.

The bunch intensity parameter is optional. If it's not specified, the code will assign an intensity of "1.0" to all the bunch crossings.

bunchesThe filled bunch crossings
bunch_intThe "intensities" of the paired bunches
StatusCode::SUCCESS if the interpretation was successful, StatusCode::FAILURE otherwise

Definition at line 986 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

989  {
991  // Do a small sanity check:
992  if( ( ( bunches.size() != bunch_int1.size() ) && bunch_int1.size() ) ||
993  ( ( bunches.size() != bunch_int2.size() ) && bunch_int2.size() ) ) {
994  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Received vectors of different sizes for the bunch "
995  "IDs and bunch intensities\n"
996  "Function can not work like this..." );
997  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
998  }
999  if( ! bunch_int1.size() ) {
1000  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Not using bunch intensity for the calculation" );
1001  }
1002  if( ( ! bunch_int2.size() ) && bunch_int1.size() ) {
1003  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Using 'bunch crossing intensity' for the "
1004  "calculation" );
1005  }
1007  //
1008  // Calculate the allowed maximum BCID separation between single bunches:
1009  //
1010  const int maxBCSpacing = bunchSpacing( bunches );
1012  // Reset the cache:
1013  m_bunchTrains.clear();
1015  //
1016  // Create a cache of the bunches which have not been identified as a
1017  // single bunch:
1018  //
1019  std::set< BunchCrossing > cache;
1020  std::vector< int >::const_iterator b_itr = bunches.begin();
1021  std::vector< int >::const_iterator b_end = bunches.end();
1022  std::vector< float >::const_iterator i1_itr = bunch_int1.begin();
1023  std::vector< float >::const_iterator i2_itr = bunch_int2.begin();
1024  for( ; b_itr != b_end; ++b_itr ) {
1025  if( std::find( m_singleBunches.begin(), m_singleBunches.end(),
1026  BunchCrossing( *b_itr ) ) == m_singleBunches.end() ) {
1027  cache.insert( BunchCrossing( *b_itr,
1028  ( float )( bunch_int1.size() ? *i1_itr :
1029  1.0 ),
1030  ( float )( bunch_int2.size() ? *i2_itr :
1031  0.0 ) ) );
1032  }
1033  if( bunch_int1.size() ) ++i1_itr;
1034  if( bunch_int2.size() ) ++i2_itr;
1035  }
1037  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "Bunches considered for trains: " << cache );
1039  //
1040  // Continue the loop until we have unassigned bunches:
1041  //
1042  while( cache.size() ) {
1044  // Create a new bunch train object:
1045  BunchTrain bt;
1046  bt.insert( *cache.begin() );
1048  // Try finding attachable bunches until no other attachable bunch can
1049  // be found:
1050  size_t prev_size = 0;
1051  while( prev_size != cache.size() ) {
1053  // Let's remember the size of the cache:
1054  prev_size = cache.size();
1056  // Find all the bunches that should be a part of this train:
1057  std::set< BunchCrossing >::const_iterator c_itr = cache.begin();
1058  std::set< BunchCrossing >::const_iterator c_end = cache.end();
1059  for( ; c_itr != c_end; ++c_itr ) {
1060  if( bt.distance( *c_itr ) <= maxBCSpacing ) {
1061  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "Adding BunchCrossing " << *c_itr
1062  << " to Bunch Train " << bt );
1063  bt.insert( *c_itr );
1064  }
1065  }
1067  // Now remove the selected bunches from the cache:
1068  BunchTrain::const_iterator itr = bt.begin();
1069  BunchTrain::const_iterator end = bt.end();
1070  for( ; itr != end; ++itr ) {
1071  cache.erase( *itr );
1072  }
1073  }
1075  // Finally, remember this train:
1076  if( ! bt.validate() ) {
1077  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Found a strange bunch train: " << bt );
1078  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Keeping in it the list of trains!" );
1079  }
1080  m_bunchTrains.insert( bt );
1081  }
1083  //
1084  // Check if the spacing in the bunch trains is the same. (It should be for
1085  // all real configurations.)
1086  //
1087  std::set< BunchTrain >::const_iterator train_itr = m_bunchTrains.begin();
1088  std::set< BunchTrain >::const_iterator train_end = m_bunchTrains.end();
1089  int spacing = -1;
1090  for( ; train_itr != train_end; ++train_itr ) {
1091  if( spacing < 0 ) {
1092  spacing = train_itr->spacing();
1093  continue;
1094  }
1095  if( train_itr->spacing() != spacing ) {
1096  ATH_MSG_WARNING( "The spacing seems to be different between the "
1097  "trains" );
1098  ATH_MSG_WARNING( "This should probably not happen" );
1099  }
1100  }
1102  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Bunch trains found: " << m_bunchTrains );
1104  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
1105  }

◆ loadConfig() [1/3]

StatusCode Trig::StaticBunchCrossingTool::loadConfig ( const std::vector< float > &  bunches)

Load the configuration specified by the user.

This helper function is here to make it possible to extract the bunch configuration from an MC file in an Athena environment, and then use that as a hardcoded configuration to initialise this tool.

In this case the argument is the intensities of the bunches. From which the code uses the same logic as MCBunchCrossingTool to find the filled bunches.

bunchesThe intensities of the BCIDs. Starting with BCID 0.
StatusCode::SUCCESS if loading the configuration was successful, StatusCode::FAILURE otherwise

Definition at line 128 of file StaticBunchCrossingTool.cxx.

129  {
131  // Check that the user specified something useful:
132  if( ! bunches.size() ) {
133  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Empty container received" );
134  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
135  }
137  // Translate it into vectors of filled bunches and intensities:
138  std::vector< int > filled_bunches;
139  std::vector< float > filled_intensities;
141  // Minimum bunch intensity to consider a bunch filled:
142  static const float MIN_BUNCH_INTENSITY = 0.1;
144  // Check if the pattern "fits into" the LHC:
145  if( BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID % bunches.size() ) {
147  ATH_MSG_INFO( "Bunch pattern doesn't \"fit into\" "
149  // The loop doesn't go all the way up to MAX_BCID/2 in order not
150  // to produce "weird" patterns half way. This should be pretty safe
151  // to do, because the MC BCIDs will only be in the range defined by
152  // the pattern from the metadata.
153  for( int i = 0; i < ( BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID / 2 - 20 ); ++i ) {
154  const int pos1 = i % bunches.size();
155  const int pos2 = bunches.size() - 1 - ( i % bunches.size() );
156  if( bunches[ pos1 ] > MIN_BUNCH_INTENSITY ) {
157  filled_bunches.push_back( i );
158  filled_intensities.push_back( bunches[ pos1 ] );
159  }
160  if( bunches[ pos2 ] > MIN_BUNCH_INTENSITY ) {
161  filled_bunches.push_back( BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID - 1 - i );
162  filled_intensities.push_back( bunches[ pos2 ] );
163  }
164  }
166  } else {
168  // If the sample size fits into the number of available bunches,
169  // the algorithm is pretty simple:
170  ATH_MSG_INFO( "Bunch pattern \"fits into\" "
172  for( int i = 0; i < BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID; ++i ) {
173  const int pos = i % bunches.size();
174  if( bunches[ pos ] > MIN_BUNCH_INTENSITY ) {
175  filled_bunches.push_back( i );
176  filled_intensities.push_back( bunches[ pos ] );
177  }
178  }
180  }
182  //
183  // Now let the base class interpret the information:
184  //
185  ATH_CHECK( loadSingleBunches( filled_bunches, filled_intensities ) );
186  ATH_CHECK( loadBunchTrains( filled_bunches, filled_intensities ) );
187  ATH_CHECK( loadUnpairedBunches( std::vector< int >(),
188  std::vector< int >() ) );
190  // Print the configuration to give some feedback to the user:
191  printConfig();
193  // Return gracefully:
194  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
195  }

◆ loadConfig() [2/3]

StatusCode Trig::StaticBunchCrossingTool::loadConfig ( const std::vector< int > &  filledBunches,
const std::vector< float > &  filledIntensities = std::vector< float >(),
const std::vector< int > &  unpairedBunches = std::vector< int >(),
const std::vector< float > &  unpairedIntensities = std::vector< float >() 

Load a configuration specified by the user.

To make it possible to quickly try out new configurations, this public function configures the underlying tool from a list of bunches (and optionally bunch intensities) given by the user.

Only used for testing at the moment.

bunchesThe filled bunches which should be interpreted
intensitiesThe intensities of these filled bunches (optional)
StatusCode::SUCCESS if loading the configuration was successful, StatusCode::FAILURE otherwise

Definition at line 94 of file StaticBunchCrossingTool.cxx.

98  {
100  //
101  // Let the base class interpret the configuration:
102  //
103  ATH_CHECK( loadSingleBunches( filledBunches, filledIntensities ) );
104  ATH_CHECK( loadBunchTrains( filledBunches, filledIntensities ) );
105  ATH_CHECK( loadUnpairedBunches( unpairedBunches, unpairedBunches,
106  unpairedIntensities,
107  unpairedIntensities ) );
109  // Print the configuration to give some feedback to the user:
110  printConfig();
112  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
113  }

◆ loadConfig() [3/3]

StatusCode Trig::StaticBunchCrossingTool::loadConfig ( int  bgkey)

Load a hard-coded bunch group key.

This function tries to load one of the pre-defined configurations.

The code knows about all the bunch-group settings up to BGKey=105 at the moment.

bgkeyBunch group key of the requested configuration
StatusCode::SUCCESS if loading the configuration was successful, StatusCode::FAILURE otherwise

Definition at line 56 of file StaticBunchCrossingTool.cxx.

56  {
58  //
59  // Check if we have this configuration:
60  //
61  std::map< int, std::vector< int > >::const_iterator bgset;
62  if( ( bgset = m_knownBGKeys.find( bgkey ) ) == m_knownBGKeys.end() ) {
63  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Couldn't find configuration for bunch group key: "
64  << bgkey );
65  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
66  }
68  //
69  // Now let the base class interpret the configuration:
70  //
71  ATH_CHECK( loadSingleBunches( bgset->second ) );
72  ATH_CHECK( loadBunchTrains( bgset->second ) );
73  ATH_CHECK( loadUnpairedBunches( std::vector< int >(),
74  std::vector< int >() ) );
76  // Print the configuration to give some feedback to the user:
77  printConfig();
79  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
80  }

◆ loadSingleBunches()

StatusCode Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::loadSingleBunches ( const std::vector< int > &  bunches,
const std::vector< float > &  bunch_int1 = std::vector< float >(),
const std::vector< float > &  bunch_int2 = std::vector< float >() 

Interpret the configuration for single bunches.

This function takes care of selecting the single bunches from the paired bunches.

These will then not be taken into account in the train finding algorithm.

The bunch intensity parameter is optional. If it's not specified, the code will assign an intensity of "1.0" to all the bunch crossings.

bunchesThe paired bunches
bunch_intThe "intensities" of the paired bunches
StatusCode::SUCCESS if the interpretation was successful, StatusCode::FAILURE otherwise

Definition at line 870 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

873  {
875  // Do a small sanity check:
876  if( ( ( bunches.size() != bunch_int1.size() ) && bunch_int1.size() ) ||
877  ( ( bunches.size() != bunch_int2.size() ) && bunch_int2.size() ) ) {
878  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Received vectors of different sizes for the bunch "
879  "IDs and bunch intensities\n"
880  "Function can not work like this..." );
881  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
882  }
883  if( ! bunch_int1.size() ) {
884  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Not using bunch intensity for the calculation" );
885  }
886  if( ( ! bunch_int2.size() ) && bunch_int1.size() ) {
887  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Using 'bunch crossing intensity' for the "
888  "calculation" );
889  }
891  //
892  // Calculate the allowed maximum BCID separation between single bunches:
893  //
894  const int maxBCSpacing = bunchSpacing( bunches );
896  // Reset the cache:
897  m_filledBunches.clear();
898  m_singleBunches.clear();
900  //
901  // Loop over the paired bunch crossings:
902  //
903  std::vector< int >::const_iterator b_itr = bunches.begin();
904  std::vector< int >::const_iterator b_end = bunches.end();
905  std::vector< float >::const_iterator i1_itr = bunch_int1.begin();
906  std::vector< float >::const_iterator i2_itr = bunch_int2.begin();
907  for( ; b_itr != b_end; ++b_itr ) {
909  // Evaluate the intensity of this paired bunch:
910  const float intensity1 = bunch_int1.size() ? *i1_itr : 1.0;
911  const float intensity2 = bunch_int2.size() ? *i2_itr : 0.0;
913  // It's definitely a filled bunch, so let's remember it as such:
914  m_filledBunches.insert( BunchCrossing( *b_itr, intensity1,
915  intensity2 ) );
917  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "Evaluating bunch crossing: " << *b_itr );
919  //
920  // This expression counts how many of the paired bunches fulfill:
921  //
922  // distance( ref_bcid, bcid ) <= maxBCSpacing
923  //
924  // Since the calculation takes the reference bcid into account as well,
925  // the count is always >= 1. I have to use the specialised
926  // distance(...) function, because a regular
927  //
928  // bcid - maxBCSpacing <= ref_bcid <= bcid + maxBCSpacing
929  //
930  // expression wouldn't give the correct answer at the "turnover" of the
931  // bcid numbering. (When evaluating bcid 1 and
932  // BunchCrossing::MAX_BCID.)
933  //
934  const int neighbours =
935  std::count_if( bunches.begin(), bunches.end(),
936  [ maxBCSpacing, &b_itr ]( int bunch ) {
937  return ( Trig::distance( bunch, *b_itr ) <=
938  maxBCSpacing );
939  } );
941  //
942  // Now decide if we want to consider this bunch crossing as a single
943  // bunch or not:
944  //
945  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( " Bunch neighbours: " << neighbours );
946  if( neighbours == 1 ) {
947  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( " Bunch crossing " << *b_itr
948  << " seems to be a single bunch" );
949  m_singleBunches.insert( BunchCrossing( *b_itr, intensity1,
950  intensity2 ) );
951  }
953  // Only step through the intensity vector(s) if it has some elements:
954  if( bunch_int1.size() ) ++i1_itr;
955  if( bunch_int2.size() ) ++i2_itr;
956  }
958  //
959  // Finally some debugging message for the end:
960  //
961  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Single bunches found: " << m_singleBunches );
963  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
964  }

◆ loadUnpairedBunches()

StatusCode Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::loadUnpairedBunches ( const std::vector< int > &  beam1,
const std::vector< int > &  beam2,
const std::vector< float > &  bunch_int1 = std::vector< float >(),
const std::vector< float > &  bunch_int2 = std::vector< float >() 

Interpret the configuration for unpaired bunches.

This function just caches the unpaired bunches internally.

It doesn't have to do anything as fancy as the other two load functions, it just takes the BCIDs as they are.

bunchesThe unpaired bunch crossings
bunch_intThe "intensities" of the unpaired bunches
StatusCode::SUCCESS if the caching was successful, StatusCode::FAILURE otherwise

Definition at line 1117 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

1121  {
1123  // Do a small sanity check:
1124  if( ( ( beam1.size() != bunch_int1.size() ) && bunch_int1.size() ) ||
1125  ( ( beam2.size() != bunch_int2.size() ) && bunch_int2.size() ) ) {
1126  ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Received vectors of different sizes for the bunch "
1127  "IDs and bunch intensities\n"
1128  "Function can not work like this..." );
1129  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
1130  }
1131  if( ( ! bunch_int1.size() ) && ( ! bunch_int2.size() ) ) {
1132  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Not using bunch intensity for the calculation" );
1133  }
1135  // Reset the cache:
1136  m_unpairedBunches.clear();
1138  //
1139  // Add the unpaired bunches from beam 1:
1140  //
1141  std::vector< int >::const_iterator b_itr = beam1.begin();
1142  std::vector< int >::const_iterator b_end = beam1.end();
1143  std::vector< float >::const_iterator i_itr = bunch_int1.begin();
1144  for( ; b_itr != b_end; ++b_itr ) {
1146  // Evaluate the intensity of this unpaired bunch:
1147  const float intensity = bunch_int1.size() ? *i_itr : 1.0;
1149  // Nothing fancy to do, just put it in the cache:
1150  m_unpairedBunches.insert( BunchCrossing( *b_itr, intensity, 0.0 ) );
1152  // Only step through the intensity vector if it has some elements:
1153  if( bunch_int1.size() ) ++i_itr;
1154  }
1156  //
1157  // Add the unpaired bunches from beam 2:
1158  //
1159  b_itr = beam2.begin();
1160  b_end = beam2.end();
1161  i_itr = bunch_int2.begin();
1162  for( ; b_itr != b_end; ++b_itr ) {
1164  // Evaluate the intensity of this unpaired bunch:
1165  const float intensity = bunch_int2.size() ? *i_itr : 1.0;
1167  // Check if this BCID is already known as an unpaired BCID:
1169  m_unpairedBunches.find( *b_itr );
1170  if( itr != m_unpairedBunches.end() ) {
1171  // Modify the BCID not to correspond to a particular beam. Most
1172  // implementations don't treat beam 1 and beam 2 separately.
1173  BunchCrossing bc( *itr );
1174  bc.setIntensityBeam2( intensity );
1175  m_unpairedBunches.erase( itr );
1176  m_unpairedBunches.insert( bc );
1177  } else {
1178  // Nothing fancy to do, just put it in the cache:
1179  m_unpairedBunches.insert( BunchCrossing( *b_itr, 0.0, intensity ) );
1180  }
1182  // Only step through the intensity vector if it has some elements:
1183  if( bunch_int2.size() ) ++i_itr;
1184  }
1186  //
1187  // Finally some debugging message for the end:
1188  //
1189  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Unpaired bunches found: " << m_unpairedBunches );
1191  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
1192  }

◆ metaDataStop()

StatusCode asg::AsgMetadataTool::metaDataStop ( )

Function called when the tool should write out its metadata.

Dummy implementation that can be overridden by the derived tool.

Reimplemented in xAODMaker::FileMetaDataTool, BookkeeperTool, BookkeeperDumperTool, xAODMaker::TriggerMenuMetaDataTool, and xAODMaker::TruthMetaDataTool.

Definition at line 204 of file AsgMetadataTool.cxx.

204  {
206  // Return gracefully:
207  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
208  }

◆ msg() [1/2]

MsgStream& AthCommonMsg< AlgTool >::msg ( ) const

Definition at line 24 of file AthCommonMsg.h.

24  {
25  return this->msgStream();
26  }

◆ msg() [2/2]

MsgStream& AthCommonMsg< AlgTool >::msg ( const MSG::Level  lvl) const

Definition at line 27 of file AthCommonMsg.h.

27  {
28  return this->msgStream(lvl);
29  }

◆ msg_level_name()

const std::string & asg::AsgTool::msg_level_name ( ) const

A deprecated function for getting the message level's name.

Instead of using this, weirdly named function, user code should get the string name of the current minimum message level (in case they really need it...), with:

MSG::name( msg().level() )

This function's name doesn't follow the ATLAS coding rules, and as such will be removed in the not too distant future.

The string name of the current minimum message level that's printed

Definition at line 101 of file AsgTool.cxx.

101  {
103  return MSG::name( msg().level() );
104  }

◆ msgLvl()

bool AthCommonMsg< AlgTool >::msgLvl ( const MSG::Level  lvl) const

Definition at line 30 of file AthCommonMsg.h.

30  {
31  return this->msgLevel(lvl);
32  }

◆ numberOfBunchTrains()

unsigned int Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::numberOfBunchTrains ( ) const

Get the number of the bunch trains in the current configuration.

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 821 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

821  {
823  return m_bunchTrains.size();
824  }

◆ numberOfFilledBunches()

unsigned int Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::numberOfFilledBunches ( ) const

Get the number of filled bunches in the current configuration.

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 811 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

811  {
813  return m_filledBunches.size();
814  }

◆ numberOfUnpairedBunches()

unsigned int Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::numberOfUnpairedBunches ( ) const

Get the number of unpaired bunches in the current configuration.

Implements Trig::IBunchCrossingTool.

Definition at line 816 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

816  {
818  return m_unpairedBunches.size();
819  }

◆ outputHandles()

virtual std::vector<Gaudi::DataHandle*> AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::outputHandles ( ) const

Return this algorithm's output handles.

We override this to include handle instances from key arrays if they have not yet been declared. See comments on updateVHKA.

◆ outputMetaStore()

AsgMetadataTool::MetaStorePtr_t asg::AsgMetadataTool::outputMetaStore ( ) const

Accessor for the output metadata store.

Definition at line 97 of file AsgMetadataTool.cxx.

97  {
100  return &m_outputMetaStore;
101 #else // XAOD_STANDALONE
102  return m_outputMetaStore;
103 #endif // XAOD_STANDALONE
104  }

◆ print() [1/2]

void asg::AsgTool::print ( ) const

◆ print() [2/2]

virtual void asg::IAsgTool::print ( ) const
pure virtualinherited

◆ printConfig()

void Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::printConfig ( ) const

Function printing the configuration of the tool.

This function is used to print the overall configuration in a format very similar to how started showing this information recently.

Definition at line 1199 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx.

1199  {
1201  ATH_MSG_INFO( "No. of coll. bunches : " << m_filledBunches.size() );
1202  ATH_MSG_INFO( "No. of unpaired bunches: " << m_unpairedBunches.size() );
1203  ATH_MSG_INFO( "No. of bunch trains : " << m_bunchTrains.size() );
1204  if( m_bunchTrains.size() ) {
1205  ATH_MSG_INFO( "Bunch spacing in trains: "
1206  << m_bunchTrains.begin()->spacing()
1207  << " ns" );
1208  }
1210  return;
1211  }

◆ renounce()

std::enable_if_t<std::is_void_v<std::result_of_t<decltype(&T::renounce)(T)> > && !std::is_base_of_v<SG::VarHandleKeyArray, T> && std::is_base_of_v<Gaudi::DataHandle, T>, void> AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::renounce ( T &  h)

Definition at line 380 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

381  {
382  h.renounce();
383  PBASE::renounce (h);
384  }

◆ renounceArray()

void AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::renounceArray ( SG::VarHandleKeyArray handlesArray)

remove all handles from I/O resolution

Definition at line 364 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

364  {
365  handlesArray.renounce();
366  }

◆ setUseIncidents()

void asg::AsgMetadataTool::setUseIncidents ( const bool  flag)

Definition at line 132 of file AsgMetadataTool.h.

133  {
135  }

◆ sysInitialize()

StatusCode asg::AsgMetadataTool::sysInitialize ( )

Function initialising the tool in the correct way in Athena.

This function is used to set up the callbacks from IncidentSvc in Athena at the right time during initialisation, without the user having to do anything special in his/her code.

Reimplemented from AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >.

Definition at line 110 of file AsgMetadataTool.cxx.

110  {
113  if (m_useIncidents) {
114  // Connect to the IncidentSvc:
115  ServiceHandle< IIncidentSvc > incSvc( "IncidentSvc", name() );
116  ATH_CHECK( incSvc.retrieve() );
118  // Set up the right callbacks: don't rethrow exceptions, any failure and we should end
119  incSvc->addListener( this, IncidentType::BeginEvent, 0, false );
120  }
121  // Let the base class do its thing:
122  ATH_CHECK( AlgTool::sysInitialize() );
124 #endif // not XAOD_STANDALONE
126  // Return gracefully:
127  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
128  }

◆ sysStart()

virtual StatusCode AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::sysStart ( )

Handle START transition.

We override this in order to make sure that conditions handle keys can cache a pointer to the conditions container.

◆ updateVHKA()

void AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::updateVHKA ( Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &  )

Definition at line 308 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

308  {
309  // debug() << "updateVHKA for property " << << " " << p.toString()
310  // << " size: " << m_vhka.size() << endmsg;
311  for (auto &a : m_vhka) {
312  std::vector<SG::VarHandleKey*> keys = a->keys();
313  for (auto k : keys) {
314  k->setOwner(this);
315  }
316  }
317  }

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_beginInputFileCalled

bool asg::AsgMetadataTool::m_beginInputFileCalled

Flag helping to discover when the tool misses the opening of the first input file.

Definition at line 126 of file AsgMetadataTool.h.

◆ m_bgkey

int Trig::StaticBunchCrossingTool::m_bgkey

Default key to be loaded.

Definition at line 63 of file StaticBunchCrossingTool.h.

◆ m_bunchTrains

std::set< Trig::BunchTrain > Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::m_bunchTrains

Internal list of bunch trains.

Definition at line 156 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.h.

◆ m_detStore

StoreGateSvc_t AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::m_detStore

Pointer to StoreGate (detector store by default)

Definition at line 393 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

◆ m_evtStore

StoreGateSvc_t AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::m_evtStore

Pointer to StoreGate (event store by default)

Definition at line 390 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

◆ m_filledBunches

std::set< Trig::BunchCrossing > Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::m_filledBunches

List of colliding bunches.

Definition at line 150 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.h.

◆ m_frontLength

int Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::m_frontLength

Length of the "front" of a bunch train.

Definition at line 166 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.h.

◆ m_inputMetaStore

MetaStore_t asg::AsgMetadataTool::m_inputMetaStore

Object accessing the input metadata store.

Definition at line 119 of file AsgMetadataTool.h.

◆ m_knownBGKeys

std::map< int, std::vector< int > > Trig::StaticBunchCrossingTool::m_knownBGKeys

All the hard-coded configs.

Definition at line 66 of file StaticBunchCrossingTool.h.

◆ m_maxBunchSpacing

int Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::m_maxBunchSpacing

The maximum bunch spacing that the tool should consider.

Definition at line 164 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.h.

◆ m_outputMetaStore

MetaStore_t asg::AsgMetadataTool::m_outputMetaStore

Object accessing the output metadata store.

Definition at line 121 of file AsgMetadataTool.h.

◆ m_singleBunches

std::set< Trig::BunchCrossing > Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::m_singleBunches

Internal list of single bunches.

Definition at line 152 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.h.

◆ m_tailLength

int Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::m_tailLength

Length of the "tail" of a bunch train.

Definition at line 168 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.h.

◆ m_unpairedBunches

std::set< Trig::BunchCrossing > Trig::BunchCrossingToolBase::m_unpairedBunches

Internal list of unpaired bunches.

Definition at line 154 of file BunchCrossingToolBase.h.

◆ m_useIncidents

bool asg::AsgMetadataTool::m_useIncidents

Definition at line 128 of file AsgMetadataTool.h.

◆ m_varHandleArraysDeclared

bool AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::m_varHandleArraysDeclared

Definition at line 399 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

◆ m_vhka

std::vector<SG::VarHandleKeyArray*> AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::m_vhka

Definition at line 398 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
JetConstituentVector::iterator iterator
Definition: JetConstituentVector.cxx:68
#define ATH_MSG_FATAL(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:34
@ beam1
Definition: ForwardTrackerConstants.h:13
virtual StatusCode beginEvent()
Function called when a new events is loaded.
Definition: AsgMetadataTool.cxx:196
def p
@ beam2
Definition: ForwardTrackerConstants.h:13
#define ATH_MSG_INFO(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:31
std::string find(const std::string &s)
return a remapped string
Definition: hcg.cxx:135
BunchCrossingToolBase(const std::string &name="BunchCrossingToolBase")
Default constructor.
Definition: BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx:21
static const int MAX_BCID
The maximum number of bunches that can be in the LHC.
Definition: BunchCrossing.h:50
std::set< Trig::BunchCrossing > m_singleBunches
Internal list of single bunches.
Definition: BunchCrossingToolBase.h:152
AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareProperty
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & declareProperty(Gaudi::Property< T > &t)
Definition: AthCommonDataStore.h:145
virtual bool isInTrain(bcid_type bcid) const
Function deciding if a given bunch crossing is in a filled train.
Definition: BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx:42
int distance(const BunchCrossing bc1, const BunchCrossing bc2)
I need this function only for technical reasons.
Definition: BunchCrossing.cxx:402
AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::m_evtStore
StoreGateSvc_t m_evtStore
Pointer to StoreGate (event store by default)
Definition: AthCommonDataStore.h:390
AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::m_vhka
std::vector< SG::VarHandleKeyArray * > m_vhka
Definition: AthCommonDataStore.h:398
@ Tail
The BCID belongs to the last few bunces in a train.
Definition: IBunchCrossingTool.h:152
int bunchSpacing(const std::vector< int > &bunches) const
Get the apparent bunch spacing in the current configuration.
Definition: BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx:1226
@ Empty
An empty bunch far away from filled bunches.
Definition: IBunchCrossingTool.h:146
bool m_beginInputFileCalled
Flag helping to discover when the tool misses the opening of the first input file.
Definition: AsgMetadataTool.h:126
virtual StatusCode endInputFile()
Function called when the currently open input file got completely processed.
Definition: AsgMetadataTool.cxx:188
MetaStore_t m_outputMetaStore
Object accessing the output metadata store.
Definition: AsgMetadataTool.h:121
@ Single
This is a filled, single bunch (not in a train)
Definition: IBunchCrossingTool.h:149
@ FilledBunches
Distance in units of filled bunches (depends on filling scheme)
Definition: IBunchCrossingTool.h:178
#define ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:28
virtual bool isBeam1(bcid_type bcid) const
Function deciding if there was a bunch from "beam 1" in this bunch crossing.
Definition: BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx:66
@ Unpaired
This is an unpaired bunch (either beam1 or beam2)
Definition: IBunchCrossingTool.h:153
std::set< Trig::BunchCrossing > m_filledBunches
List of colliding bunches.
Definition: BunchCrossingToolBase.h:150
int m_tailLength
Length of the "tail" of a bunch train.
Definition: BunchCrossingToolBase.h:168
@ UnpairedBunch
The gap should be calculated wrt. the closest unpaired bunch.
Definition: IBunchCrossingTool.h:278
@ Crossing
The returned intensity should describe the BC.
Definition: IBunchCrossingTool.h:121
Definition: DataQuality/DataQualityUtils/scripts/
static const int BUNCH_SPACING
Minimum spacing between the bunches, in nanoseconds.
Definition: BunchCrossing.h:48
virtual void setOwner(IDataHandleHolder *o)=0
@ UnpairedBeam2
The gap should be calculated wrt.
Definition: IBunchCrossingTool.h:286
std::set< Trig::BunchTrain > m_bunchTrains
Internal list of bunch trains.
Definition: BunchCrossingToolBase.h:156
std::set< Trig::BunchCrossing > m_unpairedBunches
Internal list of unpaired bunches.
Definition: BunchCrossingToolBase.h:154
@ Beam2
The returned intensity should be for "beam 2".
Definition: IBunchCrossingTool.h:120
AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::evtStore
ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > & evtStore()
The standard StoreGateSvc (event store) Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc.
Definition: AthCommonDataStore.h:85
@ UnpairedBeam1
The gap should be calculated wrt.
Definition: IBunchCrossingTool.h:283
Definition: AthCommonDataStore.h:52
#define ATH_MSG_ERROR(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:33
void printConfig() const
Function printing the configuration of the tool.
Definition: BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx:1199
int i
#define ATH_MSG_DEBUG(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:29
@ FirstEmpty
The first empty bunch after a train.
Definition: IBunchCrossingTool.h:147
virtual StatusCode beginInputFile()
Function called when a new input file is opened.
Definition: AsgMetadataTool.cxx:180
bool flag
virtual StatusCode metaDataStop()
Function called when the tool should write out its metadata.
Definition: AsgMetadataTool.cxx:204
#define ATH_CHECK
Definition: AthCheckMacros.h:40
@ CollidingBunch
The gap should be calculated wrt. the closest colling bunch.
Definition: IBunchCrossingTool.h:276
const std::string & name(Level lvl)
Convenience function for translating message levels to strings.
Definition: MsgLevel.cxx:19
@ BunchCrossings
Distance in units of 25 nanoseconds.
Definition: IBunchCrossingTool.h:176
AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::m_detStore
StoreGateSvc_t m_detStore
Pointer to StoreGate (detector store by default)
Definition: AthCommonDataStore.h:393
@ Front
The BCID belongs to the first few bunches in a train.
Definition: IBunchCrossingTool.h:150
virtual int distanceFromTail(bcid_type bcid, BunchDistanceType type=NanoSec) const
The distance of the specific bunch crossing from the tail of the train.
Definition: BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx:316
virtual void renounce()=0
std::conditional< std::is_base_of< SG::VarHandleKeyArray, T >::value, VarHandleKeyArrayType, type2 >::type type
Definition: HandleClassifier.h:54
@ NanoSec
Distance in nanoseconds.
Definition: IBunchCrossingTool.h:175
virtual int distanceFromFront(bcid_type bcid, BunchDistanceType type=NanoSec) const
The distance of the specific bunch crossing from the front of the train.
Definition: BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx:239
std::map< int, std::vector< int > > m_knownBGKeys
All the hard-coded configs.
Definition: StaticBunchCrossingTool.h:66
@ EmptyBunch
The gap should be calculated wrt. the closest empty bunch.
Definition: IBunchCrossingTool.h:280
string doc
MetaStore_t m_inputMetaStore
Object accessing the input metadata store.
Definition: AsgMetadataTool.h:119
std::string name
Definition: Control/AthContainers/Root/debug.cxx:192
virtual bool isFilled(bcid_type bcid) const
The simplest query: Is the bunch crossing filled or not?
Definition: BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx:32
setEventNumber setTimeStamp bcid
Definition: EventInfo_v1.cxx:133
int m_bgkey
Default key to be loaded.
Definition: StaticBunchCrossingTool.h:63
int m_maxBunchSpacing
The maximum bunch spacing that the tool should consider.
Definition: BunchCrossingToolBase.h:164
StatusCode loadUnpairedBunches(const std::vector< int > &beam1, const std::vector< int > &beam2, const std::vector< float > &bunch_int1=std::vector< float >(), const std::vector< float > &bunch_int2=std::vector< float >())
Interpret the configuration for unpaired bunches.
Definition: BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx:1118
TList * a
Definition: liststreamerinfos.cxx:10
StatusCode loadSingleBunches(const std::vector< int > &bunches, const std::vector< float > &bunch_int1=std::vector< float >(), const std::vector< float > &bunch_int2=std::vector< float >())
Interpret the configuration for single bunches.
Definition: BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx:871
#define ATH_MSG_WARNING(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:32
AthCommonMsg< AlgTool >::msg
MsgStream & msg() const
Definition: AthCommonMsg.h:24
SG::VarHandleKey & vhKey()
Return a non-const reference to the HandleKey.
Definition: StoreGate/src/VarHandleBase.cxx:616
virtual bool isUnpaired(bcid_type bcid) const
Function deciding if a given bunch crossing has an unpaired bunch.
Definition: BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx:56
@ Beam1
The returned intensity should be for "beam 1".
Definition: IBunchCrossingTool.h:119
#define declareProperty(n, p, h)
Definition: BaseFakeBkgTool.cxx:15
@ MiddleEmpty
An empty BCID in the middle of a train.
Definition: IBunchCrossingTool.h:148
Definition: Control/AthenaPython/python/
@ Middle
The BCID belongs to the middle bunches in a train.
Definition: IBunchCrossingTool.h:151
Definition: DataProxy.h:44
StatusCode loadBunchTrains(const std::vector< int > &bunches, const std::vector< float > &bunch_int1=std::vector< float >(), const std::vector< float > &bunch_int2=std::vector< float >())
Interpret the configuration for bunch trains.
Definition: BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx:987
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & declareGaudiProperty(Gaudi::Property< T > &hndl, const SG::VarHandleKeyType &)
specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKey>
Definition: AthCommonDataStore.h:156
int m_frontLength
Length of the "front" of a bunch train.
Definition: BunchCrossingToolBase.h:166
StatusCode loadConfig(int bgkey)
Load a hard-coded bunch group key.
Definition: StaticBunchCrossingTool.cxx:56
virtual bool isBeam2(bcid_type bcid) const
Function deciding if there was a bunch from "beam 2" in this bunch crossing.
Definition: BunchCrossingToolBase.cxx:86
ServiceHandle< IIncidentSvc >
bool m_useIncidents
Definition: AsgMetadataTool.h:128