ATLAS Offline Software
h Class Reference

#include <V0Candidate.h>

Collaboration diagram for h:

Detailed Description

std::vector<Trk::V0Hypothesis *> : contains the Unconstrained V0 hypothesis plus one or more mass constrained hypotheses.
begin : 20-07-2005
changes : 20-03-2007 Kirill Prokofiev Kiril.nosp@m.l.Pr.nosp@m.okofi.nosp@m.ev@c.nosp@m.ern.c.nosp@m.h Changing private datamembers to pointers, adding clone method, equality operator etc.

changes : 01-04-2007
Kirill Prokofiev Kiril.nosp@m.l.Pr.nosp@m.okofi.nosp@m.ev@c.nosp@m.ern.c.nosp@m.h Adding unconst access to the vector of hypothesys. Required by finder.

Evelina Bouhova-Thacker (Lancaster University), Rob Henderson (Lancater University),

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