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python.trfUtils Namespace Reference


class  analytic
 Analytics service class. More...
class  Fit
 Low-level fitting class. More...
class  Job
 Job: a set of pieces of information relevant to a given work function. More...
class  JobGroup
 JobGroup: a set of Job objects and pieces of information relevant to a given set of Job objects. More...
class  math
 some mathematical tools More...
class  memFileToTable
 Extract a table of data from a txt file. More...
class  ParallelJobProcessor
 ParallelJobProcessor: a multiple-process processor of Job objects. More...


def findFile (pathvar, fname)
 Find a named file along a colon separated PATH type variable. More...
def getAncestry (listMyOrphans=False)
 List all processes and parents and form a dictionary where the parent key lists all child PIDs. More...
def listChildren (psTree=None, parent=os.getpid(), listOrphans=False)
 Find all the children of a particular PID (calls itself recursively to descend into each leaf) More...
def infanticide (childPIDs=None, sleepTime=3, message=True, listOrphans=False)
 Kill all PIDs. More...
def call (args, bufsize=0, executable=None, stdin=None, preexec_fn=None, close_fds=False, shell=False, cwd=None, env=None, universal_newlines=False, startupinfo=None, creationflags=0, message="", logger=msg, loglevel=None, timeout=None, retry=2, timefactor=1.5, sleeptime=10)
def asetupReport ()
 Return a string with a report of the current athena setup. More...
def releaseIsOlderThan (major, minor=None)
 Test (to the best of our knowledge) if the current release is older than a major, minor version number. More...
def asetupReleaseIsOlderThan (asetup_string, major, minor=None)
 Test (to the best of our knowledge) if the asetup release is older than a major, minor version number. More...
def shQuoteStrings (strArray=sys.argv)
 Quote a string array so that it can be echoed back on the command line in a cut 'n' paste safe way. More...
def lineByLine (filename, strip=True, removeTimestamp=True, substepName=None)
 Generator to return lines and line count from a file. More...
def prettyXML (element, indent=' ', poolFileCatalogFormat=False)
 XML pretty print an ElementTree.ELement object. More...
def isodate ()
 Return isoformated 'now' string. More...
def forceToAlphaNum (string)
 Strip a string down to alpha-numeric characters only. More...
def cmpMetadata (metadata1, metadata2, guidCheck='valid')
 Compare metadata for files, but taking into account that GUID can vary. More...
def unpackTarFile (filename, directory=".")
 Unpack a given tarfile. More...
def unpackDBRelease (tarball, dbversion=None)
 Ensure that the DBRelease tarball has been unpacked. More...
def setupDBRelease (setup)
 Run a DBRelease setup. More...
def cvmfsDBReleaseCheck (dbrelease)
 Validate a DBRelease exists on cvmfs and return the path to the setup script. More...
def pickledDump (argdict)
 Dump a list of arguments to the pickle file given in the 'dumpPickle' argument. More...
def JSONDump (argdict)
 Dump a list of arguments to the JSON file given in the 'dumpJSON' argument. More...
def convertToStr (in_string)
 Recursively convert unicode to str, useful when we have just loaded something from json (TODO: make the transforms happy with unicode as well as plain str!) More...
def cliToKey (option)
 Convert a command line option to the dictionary key that will be used by argparse. More...
def printHR (the_object)
 print in a human-readable way the items of a given object More...
def uniqueIdentifier ()
 return a URL-safe, base 64-encoded pseudorandom UUID More...
def units (quantity=None, unitSingular="unit", unitPlural="units")
 return either singular or plural units as appropriate for a given quantity More...
def isInteractiveEnv ()
def initialise_processes ()
 initisation procedure for processes of process pool More...
def ValgrindCommand (defaultOptions=True, extraOptionsList=None, AthenaSerialisedConfigurationFile="athenaConf.pkl", returnFormat="string")
def VTuneCommand (defaultOptions=True, extraOptionsList=None, AthenaSerialisedConfigurationFile="athenaConf.pkl", returnFormat="string")
 return VTune command @detail This function returns a VTune command for use with Athena. More...
def calcCpuTime (start, stop)
def calcWallTime (start, stop)
def bind_port (host, port)
def reportEventsPassedSimFilter (log)
 summarize events passed the ISF_SimEventFilter @detail this function sums up all events passed the ISF_SimEventFilter out of all total events. More...



Function Documentation

◆ asetupReleaseIsOlderThan()

def python.trfUtils.asetupReleaseIsOlderThan (   asetup_string,
  minor = None 

Test (to the best of our knowledge) if the asetup release is older than a major, minor version number.

asetup_stringasetup string
majorMajor release number
minorMinor release number (if not specified, will not be matched against)
Boolean if current release is found to be older

Definition at line 303 of file trfUtils.py.

303 def asetupReleaseIsOlderThan(asetup_string, major, minor=None):
304  try:
305  relmajor = None
306  relminor = None
308  # First split the asetup_string by comma
309  split_string = asetup_string.split(',')
310  # master is always the newest
311  if 'master' in split_string:
312  return False
314  # First try major.minor.bugfix
315  reg_exp = re.compile(r'(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)\.(?P<other>.*)')
316  for part in split_string:
317  part = part.strip()
318  match = re.match(reg_exp, part)
319  if match:
320  relmajor = int(match.group('major'))
321  relminor = int(match.group('minor'))
322  msg.info('Detected asetup release {0}.{1}(.{2})'.format(relmajor, relminor, match.group('other')))
323  break
325  # Then try major.minor
326  if relmajor is None:
327  reg_exp = re.compile(r'(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)')
328  for part in split_string:
329  part = part.strip()
330  match = re.match(reg_exp, part)
331  if match:
332  relmajor = int(match.group('major'))
333  relminor = int(match.group('minor'))
334  msg.info('Detected asetup release {0}.{1}'.format(relmajor, relminor))
335  break
337  # Bail out
338  if relmajor is None:
339  raise RuntimeError('asetup version could not be parsed')
341  # Major beats minor, so test this first
342  if relmajor < major:
343  return True
344  if relmajor > major:
345  return False
347  # First case is major equality and don't care about minor
348  if minor is None or relminor >= minor:
349  return False
350  return True
352  except Exception as e:
353  msg.warning('Exception thrown when attempting to detect asetup athena version ({0}) from {1}. No release check possible'.format(e, asetup_string))
354  return False

◆ asetupReport()

def python.trfUtils.asetupReport ( )

Return a string with a report of the current athena setup.

Definition at line 223 of file trfUtils.py.

223 def asetupReport():
224  setupMsg = str()
225  eVars = ['AtlasBaseDir', 'AtlasProject', 'AtlasVersion', 'AtlasPatch', 'AtlasPatchVersion', 'CMTCONFIG', 'TestArea']
226  if "AtlasProject" in os.environ:
227  CMake_Platform = "{0}_PLATFORM".format(os.environ["AtlasProject"])
228  if CMake_Platform in os.environ:
229  eVars.remove("CMTCONFIG")
230  eVars.append(CMake_Platform)
231  for eVar in eVars:
232  if eVar in os.environ:
233  setupMsg += '\t%s=%s\n' % (eVar, os.environ[eVar])
234  # Look for patches so that the job can be rerun
235  if 'WorkDir_DIR' in os.environ and os.access(os.environ['WorkDir_DIR'], os.R_OK):
236  pass
237  # lstags is obsolete with git releases.
238  # setupMsg += "\n\tPatch packages are:\n"
239  # try:
240  # cmd = ['lstags']
241  # lstagsOut = Popen(cmd, shell = False, stdout = PIPE, stderr = STDOUT, bufsize = 1).communicate()[0]
242  # setupMsg += "\n".join([ "\t\t{0}".format(pkg) for pkg in lstagsOut.decode().split("\n") ])
243  # except (CalledProcessError, OSError) as e:
244  # setupMsg += 'Execution of lstags failed: {0}'.format(e)
245  else:
246  setupMsg+= "No readable patch area found"
248  return setupMsg.rstrip()

◆ bind_port()

def python.trfUtils.bind_port (   host,

Definition at line 1698 of file trfUtils.py.

1698 def bind_port(host, port):
1699  ret = 0
1700  s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
1701  try:
1702  s.bind((host, port))
1703  except socket.error as e:
1704  if e.errno == 98:
1705  print("Port %s is already in use" %port)
1706  else:
1707  # something else raised the socket.error exception
1708  print(e)
1709  ret=1
1710  s.close()
1711  return ret

◆ calcCpuTime()

def python.trfUtils.calcCpuTime (   start,

Definition at line 1683 of file trfUtils.py.

1683 def calcCpuTime(start, stop):
1684  cpuTime = None
1685  if start and stop:
1686  cpuTime = reduce(lambda x1, x2: x1+x2, list(map(lambda x1, x2: x2-x1, start[2:4], stop[2:4])))
1688  return cpuTime
1690 # calculate wallTime from os.times() times tuple

◆ calcWallTime()

def python.trfUtils.calcWallTime (   start,

Definition at line 1691 of file trfUtils.py.

1691 def calcWallTime(start, stop):
1692  wallTime = None
1693  if start and stop:
1694  wallTime = stop[4] - start[4]
1696  return wallTime

◆ call()

def python.trfUtils.call (   args,
  bufsize = 0,
  executable = None,
  stdin = None,
  preexec_fn = None,
  close_fds = False,
  shell = False,
  cwd = None,
  env = None,
  universal_newlines = False,
  startupinfo = None,
  creationflags = 0,
  message = "",
  logger = msg,
  loglevel = None,
  timeout = None,
  retry = 2,
  timefactor = 1.5,
  sleeptime = 10 

Definition at line 155 of file trfUtils.py.

155 def call(args, bufsize=0, executable=None, stdin=None, preexec_fn=None, close_fds=False, shell=False, cwd=None, env=None, universal_newlines=False, startupinfo=None, creationflags=0, message="", logger=msg, loglevel=None, timeout=None, retry=2, timefactor=1.5, sleeptime=10):
157  def logProc(p):
158  line=p.stdout.readline()
159  if line:
160  line="%s%s" % (message, line.rstrip())
161  if logger is None:
162  print(line)
163  else:
164  logger.log(loglevel, line)
166  def flushProc(p):
167  line=p.stdout.readline()
168  while line:
169  line="%s%s" % (message, line.strip())
170  if logger is None:
171  print(line)
172  else:
173  logger.log(loglevel, line)
174  line=p.stdout.readline()
176  if loglevel is None:
177  loglevel=logging.DEBUG
179  if timeout is None or timeout<=0: # no timeout set
180  msg.info('Executing %s...', args)
181  starttime = time.time()
182  p=Popen(args=args, bufsize=bufsize, executable=executable, stdin=stdin, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, preexec_fn=preexec_fn, close_fds=close_fds, shell=shell, cwd=cwd, env=env, universal_newlines=universal_newlines, startupinfo=startupinfo, creationflags=creationflags)
183  while p.poll() is None:
184  logProc(p)
185  flushProc(p)
186  if timeout is not None:
187  msg.info('Executed call within %d s.', time.time()-starttime)
188  return p.returncode
190  else: #timeout set
191  n=0
192  while n<=retry:
193  msg.info('Try %i out of %i (time limit %ss) to call %s.', n+1, retry+1, timeout, args)
194  starttime = time.time()
195  endtime=starttime+timeout
196  p=Popen(args=args, bufsize=bufsize, executable=executable, stdin=stdin, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, preexec_fn=preexec_fn, close_fds=close_fds, shell=shell, cwd=cwd, env=env, universal_newlines=universal_newlines, startupinfo=startupinfo, creationflags=creationflags)
197  while p.poll() is None and time.time()<endtime:
198  logProc(p)
199  if p.poll() is None:
200  msg.warning('Timeout limit of %d s reached. Kill subprocess and its children.', timeout)
201  parent=p.pid
202  pids=[parent]
203  pids.extend(listChildren(parent=parent))
204  infanticide(pids)
205  msg.info('Checking if something is left in buffer.')
206  flushProc(p)
207  if n!=retry:
208  msg.info('Going to sleep for %d s.', sleeptime)
209  time.sleep(sleeptime)
210  n+=1
211  timeout*=timefactor
212  sleeptime*=timefactor
213  else:
214  flushProc(p)
215  msg.info('Executed call within %d s.', time.time()-starttime)
216  return p.returncode
218  msg.warning('All %i tries failed!', n)
219  raise Exception

◆ cliToKey()

def python.trfUtils.cliToKey (   option)

Convert a command line option to the dictionary key that will be used by argparse.

Definition at line 652 of file trfUtils.py.

652 def cliToKey(option):
653  return option.lstrip('-').replace('-', '_')

◆ cmpMetadata()

def python.trfUtils.cmpMetadata (   metadata1,
  guidCheck = 'valid' 

Compare metadata for files, but taking into account that GUID can vary.

Compare metadata dictionaries, but allowing for differences in the file_guid property as this is generated randomly for file types without an intrinsic GUID

metadata1Filel metadata dictionary
metadata2File2 metadata dictionary
giudCheckHow to compare GUIDs. Valid values are:
  • equal GUIDs must be the same
  • valid GUIDs must be valid, but don't have to be the same
  • ignore The file_guid key is ignored
True if metadata is the same, otherwise False

Definition at line 464 of file trfUtils.py.

464 def cmpMetadata(metadata1, metadata2, guidCheck = 'valid'):
465  # First check we have the same files
466  allFiles = set(metadata1) | set(metadata2)
467  if len(allFiles) > len(metadata1) or len(allFiles) > len(metadata2):
468  msg.warning('In metadata comparison file lists are not equal - fails ({0} != {1}'.format(metadata1, metadata2))
469  return False
470  for fname in allFiles:
471  allKeys = set(metadata1[fname]) | set(metadata2[fname])
472  if len(allKeys) > len(metadata1[fname]) or len(allFiles) > len(metadata2[fname]):
473  msg.warning('In metadata comparison key lists are not equal - fails')
474  return False
475  for key in allKeys:
476  if key == 'file_guid':
477  if guidCheck == 'ignore':
478  continue
479  elif guidCheck == 'equal':
480  if metadata1[fname]['file_guid'].upper() == metadata2[fname]['file_guid'].upper():
481  continue
482  else:
483  msg.warning('In metadata comparison strict GUID comparison failed.')
484  return False
485  elif guidCheck == 'valid':
486  try:
487  uuid.UUID(metadata1[fname]['file_guid'])
488  uuid.UUID(metadata2[fname]['file_guid'])
489  continue
490  except ValueError:
491  msg.warning('In metadata comparison found invalid GUID strings.')
492  return False
493  if metadata1[fname][key] != metadata2[fname][key]:
494  msg.warning('In metadata comparison found different key values: {0!s} != {1!s}'.format(metadata1[fname][key], metadata2[fname][key]))
495  return True

◆ convertToStr()

def python.trfUtils.convertToStr (   in_string)

Recursively convert unicode to str, useful when we have just loaded something from json (TODO: make the transforms happy with unicode as well as plain str!)

Definition at line 636 of file trfUtils.py.

636 def convertToStr(in_string):
637  if isinstance(in_string, dict):
638  return dict([(convertToStr(key), convertToStr(value)) for key, value in in_string.items()])
639  elif isinstance(in_string, list):
640  return [convertToStr(element) for element in in_string]
641  # Unicode is always str in Python3, but bytes are not
642  # TODO: remove unicode comparison after Python 3 migration
643  elif in_string.__class__.__name__ == 'unicode':
644  return in_string.encode('utf-8')
645  elif in_string.__class__.__name__ == 'bytes':
646  return in_string.decode('utf-8')
647  else:
648  return in_string

◆ cvmfsDBReleaseCheck()

def python.trfUtils.cvmfsDBReleaseCheck (   dbrelease)

Validate a DBRelease exists on cvmfs and return the path to the setup script.

dbreleaseThe DBRelease number (X.Y.Z[.A]) or "current"
trfExceptions.TransformSetupExceptionIf the DBRelease setup is unreadable or the dbrelease parameter is not understood
Path to setup.py script for this DBRelease

Definition at line 569 of file trfUtils.py.

569 def cvmfsDBReleaseCheck(dbrelease):
570  dbsetup = None
571  dbdMatch = re.match(r'([\d\.]+|current)$', dbrelease)
572  msg.debug('Attempting to setup DBRelease {0} from cvmfs'.format(dbrelease))
573  if dbdMatch:
574  if 'VO_ATLAS_SW_DIR' in os.environ:
575  msg.debug('Found site defined path to ATLAS software: {0}'.format(os.environ['VO_ATLAS_SW_DIR']))
576  dbsetup = path.join(os.environ['VO_ATLAS_SW_DIR'], 'database', 'DBRelease', dbrelease, 'setup.py')
577  if os.access(dbsetup, os.R_OK):
578  return dbsetup
579  msg.warning('Site defined path to ATLAS software seems invalid (failed to access {0}). Will also try standard cvmfs path.'.format(dbsetup))
580  else:
581  msg.debug('Using standard CVMFS path to ATLAS software')
583  dbsetup = path.join('/cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/sw/database/DBRelease', dbrelease, 'setup.py')
584  if not os.access(dbsetup, os.R_OK):
585  raise trfExceptions.TransformSetupException(trfExit.nameToCode('TRF_DBRELEASE_PROBLEM'),
586  'CVMFS DBRelease setup file {0} was not readable'.format(dbsetup))
587  msg.debug('Using cvmfs based dbrelease: {0}'.format(path.dirname(dbsetup)))
588  else:
589  raise trfExceptions.TransformSetupException(trfExit.nameToCode('TRF_DBRELEASE_PROBLEM'),
590  'Unable to interpret DBRelease "{0}" as either a tarball or a CVMFS release directory'.format(dbrelease))
591  return dbsetup

◆ findFile()

def python.trfUtils.findFile (   pathvar,

Find a named file along a colon separated PATH type variable.

Note will also work for finding directories

Full path to file or None is file is not found

Definition at line 37 of file trfUtils.py.

37 def findFile(pathvar, fname):
38  # First see if the file already includes a path.
39  msg.debug('Finding full path for {fileName} in path {path}'.format(
40  fileName = fname,
41  path = pathvar
42  ))
43  if fname.startswith('/'):
44  return(fname)
46  # Split the path.
47  pathElements = pathvar.split(':')
48  for pathElement in pathElements:
49  if path.exists(path.join(pathElement, fname)):
50  return(path.join(pathElement, fname))
52  return(None)

◆ forceToAlphaNum()

def python.trfUtils.forceToAlphaNum (   string)

Strip a string down to alpha-numeric characters only.

This is used to force executor names and substep aliases to a form that the substep argument parser will recognise. None is still allowed as this is the default for "unset" in some cases.

Definition at line 443 of file trfUtils.py.

443 def forceToAlphaNum(string):
444  if string is None or string.isalnum():
445  return string
446  newstring = ''
447  for piece in string:
448  if piece.isalnum():
449  newstring += piece
450  msg.warning("String {0} was stripped to alphanumeric characters only: {1}".format(string, newstring))
451  return newstring

◆ getAncestry()

def python.trfUtils.getAncestry (   listMyOrphans = False)

List all processes and parents and form a dictionary where the parent key lists all child PIDs.

listMyOrphansIf this is True, then processes which share the same pgid as this process and have parent PID=1 (i.e., init) get added to this process's children, which allows these orphans to be added to the kill list. N.B. this means that orphans have two entries - as child of init and a child of this process

Definition at line 62 of file trfUtils.py.

62 def getAncestry(listMyOrphans = False):
63  psCmd = ['ps', 'ax', '-o', 'pid,ppid,pgid,args', '-m']
65  try:
66  msg.debug('Executing %s', psCmd)
67  p = Popen(psCmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
68  stdout = p.communicate()[0]
69  psPID = p.pid
70  except OSError as e:
71  msg.error('Failed to execute "ps" to get process ancestry: %s', repr(e))
72  raise
74  childDict = {}
75  myPgid = os.getpgrp()
76  myPid = os.getpid()
77  for line in stdout.decode().split('\n'):
78  try:
79  (pid, ppid, pgid, cmd) = line.split(None, 3)
80  pid = int(pid)
81  ppid = int(ppid)
82  pgid = int(pgid)
83  # Ignore the ps process
84  if pid == psPID:
85  continue
86  if ppid in childDict:
87  childDict[ppid].append(pid)
88  else:
89  childDict[ppid] = [pid]
90  if listMyOrphans and ppid == 1 and pgid == myPgid:
91  msg.info("Adding PID {0} to list of my children as it seems to be orphaned: {1}".format(pid, cmd))
92  if myPid in childDict:
93  childDict[myPid].append(pid)
94  else:
95  childDict[myPid] = [pid]
97  except ValueError:
98  # Not a nice line
99  pass
100  return childDict

◆ infanticide()

def python.trfUtils.infanticide (   childPIDs = None,
  sleepTime = 3,
  message = True,
  listOrphans = False 

Kill all PIDs.

Even if this function is used, subprocess objects need to join() with the child to prevent it becoming a zombie
childPIDsExplicit list of PIDs to kill; if absent then listChildren() is called
sleepTimeTime between SIGTERM and SIGKILL
messageBoolean if messages should be printed
listOrphansParameter value to pass to getAncestry(), if necessary (beware, killing orphans is dangerous, you may kill "upstream" processes; Caveat Emptor)

Definition at line 132 of file trfUtils.py.

132 def infanticide(childPIDs = None, sleepTime = 3, message = True, listOrphans = False):
133  if childPIDs is None:
134  childPIDs = listChildren(listOrphans = listOrphans)
136  if len(childPIDs) > 0 and message:
137  msg.info('Killing these child processes: {0}...'.format(childPIDs))
139  for pid in childPIDs:
140  try:
141  os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
142  except OSError:
143  pass
145  time.sleep(sleepTime)
147  for pid in childPIDs:
148  try:
149  os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
150  except OSError:
151  # OSError happens when the process no longer exists - harmless
152  pass

◆ initialise_processes()

def python.trfUtils.initialise_processes ( )

initisation procedure for processes of process pool

Definition at line 855 of file trfUtils.py.

856  # Multiprocessing uses signals to communicate with subprocesses, so the
857  # following two lines prevent the transforms signal handlers from
858  # interfering:
859  from PyJobTransforms.trfSignal import resetTrfSignalHandlers
861  signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)

◆ isInteractiveEnv()

def python.trfUtils.isInteractiveEnv ( )

Definition at line 703 of file trfUtils.py.

703 def isInteractiveEnv():
704  isInteractiveEnv = False
705  # PS1 is for sh, bash; prompt is for tcsh and zsh
706  if 'PS1' in os.environ or 'prompt' in os.environ:
707  isInteractiveEnv = True
708  elif os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()) or os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()):
709  isInteractiveEnv = True
711  return isInteractiveEnv

◆ isodate()

def python.trfUtils.isodate ( )

Return isoformated 'now' string.

Uses datetime.isoformat method, but suppressing microseconds

Definition at line 434 of file trfUtils.py.

434 def isodate():
435  return datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()

◆ JSONDump()

def python.trfUtils.JSONDump (   argdict)

Dump a list of arguments to the JSON file given in the 'dumpJSON' argument.

Definition at line 617 of file trfUtils.py.

617 def JSONDump(argdict):
618  if 'dumpJSON' not in argdict:
619  return
621  from PyJobTransforms.trfArgClasses import argument
622  theArgumentDictionary = {}
623  for k, v in argdict.items():
624  if k == 'dumpJSON':
625  continue
626  if isinstance(v, argument):
627  theArgumentDictionary[k] = getattr(v, "dumpvalue", v.value)
628  else:
629  theArgumentDictionary[k] = v
630  with open(argdict['dumpJSON'], 'w') as JSONFile:
631  import json
632  json.dump(theArgumentDictionary, JSONFile, sort_keys=True, indent=2)

◆ lineByLine()

def python.trfUtils.lineByLine (   filename,
  strip = True,
  removeTimestamp = True,
  substepName = None 

Generator to return lines and line count from a file.

filenameFilename to open and deliver lines from
stripIf lines get stripped before being returned (default True)
removeTimestampRemoves timestamp from left.(default True) Since strings are removed only from left, this option requires explicit removal of substepName.
substepNameRemoves substepName from left, if it's value is provided. (default None)
This is useful so that multiple parts of code can co-operatively take lines from the file

Definition at line 372 of file trfUtils.py.

372 def lineByLine(filename, strip=True, removeTimestamp=True, substepName=None):
373  linecounter = 0
374  encargs = {'encoding' : 'utf8'}
375  f = open(filename, 'r', **encargs)
376  for line in f:
377  linecounter += 1
378  if substepName and isinstance(substepName, str): # Remove substepName only if caller provides that string.
379  line = line.lstrip(substepName)
380  if removeTimestamp:
381  line = line.lstrip('0123456789:-, ') # Remove timestamps in both serial and MP mode.
382  if strip:
383  line = line.strip()
384  yield line, linecounter
385  f.close()

◆ listChildren()

def python.trfUtils.listChildren (   psTree = None,
  parent = os.getpid(),
  listOrphans = False 

Find all the children of a particular PID (calls itself recursively to descend into each leaf)

The list of child PIDs is reversed, so the grandchildren are listed before the children, etc. so signaling left to right is correct
psTreeThe process tree returned by trfUtils.listChildren(); if None then trfUtils.listChildren() is called internally.
parentThe parent process for which to return all the child PIDs
listOrphansParameter value to pass to getAncestry() if necessary
children List of child PIDs
Take a psTree dictionary and list all children

Definition at line 109 of file trfUtils.py.

109 def listChildren(psTree = None, parent = os.getpid(), listOrphans = False): # noqa: B008 (PID is constant)
110  '''Take a psTree dictionary and list all children'''
111  if psTree is None:
112  psTree = getAncestry(listMyOrphans = listOrphans)
114  msg.debug("List children of %d (%s)", parent, psTree.get(parent, []))
115  children = []
116  if parent in psTree:
117  children.extend(psTree[parent])
118  for child in psTree[parent]:
119  children.extend(listChildren(psTree, child))
120  children.reverse()
121  return children

◆ pickledDump()

def python.trfUtils.pickledDump (   argdict)

Dump a list of arguments to the pickle file given in the 'dumpPickle' argument.

This is a copy of the JSONDump function, but should in fact be deprecated soon so no point in merging the common parts! TODO: Deprecate me!

Definition at line 598 of file trfUtils.py.

598 def pickledDump(argdict):
599  if 'dumpPickle' not in argdict:
600  return
602  from PyJobTransforms.trfArgClasses import argument
603  theArgumentDictionary = {}
604  for k, v in argdict.items():
605  if k == 'dumpPickle':
606  continue
607  if isinstance(v, argument):
608  theArgumentDictionary[k] = getattr(v, "dumpvalue", v.value)
609  else:
610  theArgumentDictionary[k] = v
611  with open(argdict['dumpPickle'], 'wb') as pickleFile:
612  import pickle as pickle
613  pickle.dump(theArgumentDictionary, pickleFile)

◆ prettyXML()

def python.trfUtils.prettyXML (   element,
  indent = ' ',
  poolFileCatalogFormat = False 

XML pretty print an ElementTree.ELement object.

elementElementTree.ELement object to print
indentIndent parameter for minidom toprettyxml method
poolFileCatalogFormatWhether to reformat the XML as a classic POOLFILECATALOG document
String with the pretty printed XML version
This is rather a convoluted way to get the correct DOCTYPE set and there's probably a better way to do it, but as this is a deprecated way of delivering metadata upstream it's not worth improving at this stage.

Definition at line 397 of file trfUtils.py.

397 def prettyXML(element, indent = ' ', poolFileCatalogFormat = False):
398  # Use minidom for pretty printing
399  # See http://broadcast.oreilly.com/2010/03/pymotw-creating-xml-documents.html
400  xmlstring = ElementTree.tostring(element, 'utf-8')
401  try:
402  metadataDoc = minidom.parseString(xmlstring)
403  except ExpatError:
404  # Getting weird \x00 NULLs on the end of some GUIDs, which minidom.parsestring does not like (is this APR?)
405  msg.warning('Error parsing ElementTree string - will try removing hex literals ({0!r})'.format(xmlstring))
406  xmlstring = xmlstring.replace('\x00', '')
407  metadataDoc = minidom.parseString(xmlstring)
410  if poolFileCatalogFormat is False:
411  return metadataDoc.toprettyxml(indent=indent, encoding='UTF-8')
413  # Now create a new document with the correct doctype for classic POOLFILECATALOG
414  # See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2337285/set-a-dtd-using-minidom-in-python
415  imp = minidom.DOMImplementation()
416  doctype = imp.createDocumentType(qualifiedName='POOLFILECATALOG', publicId='', systemId='InMemory')
417  doc = imp.createDocument(None, 'POOLFILECATALOG', doctype)
419  # Cut and paste the parsed document into the new one
420  # See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1980380/how-to-render-a-doctype-with-pythons-xml-dom-minidom
421  refel = doc.documentElement
422  for child in metadataDoc.childNodes:
423  if child.nodeType==child.ELEMENT_NODE:
424  doc.replaceChild(doc.importNode(child, True), doc.documentElement)
425  refel= None
426  elif child.nodeType!=child.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
427  doc.insertBefore(doc.importNode(child, True), refel)
429  return doc.toprettyxml(indent=indent, encoding='UTF-8')

◆ printHR()

def python.trfUtils.printHR (   the_object)

print in a human-readable way the items of a given object

This function prints in a human-readable way the items of a given object.

objectto print

Definition at line 660 of file trfUtils.py.

660 def printHR(the_object):
661  # dictionary
662  if isinstance(the_object, dict):
663  for key, value in sorted(the_object.items()):
664  print(u'{key}: {value}'.format(key = key, value = value))
665  # list or tuple
666  elif isinstance(the_object, list) or isinstance(the_object, tuple):
667  for element in the_object:
668  print(element)
669  # other
670  else:
671  print(the_object)

◆ releaseIsOlderThan()

def python.trfUtils.releaseIsOlderThan (   major,
  minor = None 

Test (to the best of our knowledge) if the current release is older than a major, minor version number.

There's no unambiguous reference to the release that encompasses all of the development builds (dev, devval, migs), but almost everything can be determined from AtlasVersion and AtlasBaseDir. If neither of those contain version information then we assume a development build that is new by definition (so we return False)

majorMajor release number
minorMinor release number (if not specified, will not be matched against)
Boolean if current release is found to be older

Definition at line 261 of file trfUtils.py.

261 def releaseIsOlderThan(major, minor=None):
262  if 'AtlasVersion' not in os.environ or 'AtlasBaseDir' not in os.environ:
263  msg.warning("Could not find 'AtlasVersion' and 'AtlasBaseDir' in the environment - no release match possible")
264  return False
265  try:
266  # First try AtlasVersion, which is clean
267  relRegExp = re.compile(r'(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)\.(?P<other>.*)')
268  relMatch = re.match(relRegExp, os.environ['AtlasVersion'])
269  if not relMatch:
270  # Now try the final part of AtlasBaseDir
271  leafDir = path.basename(os.environ['AtlasBaseDir'])
272  relMatch = re.match(relRegExp, leafDir)
273  if not relMatch:
274  msg.info('No identifiable numbered release found from AtlasVersion or AtlasBaseDir - assuming dev/devval/mig')
275  return False
277  relmajor = int(relMatch.group('major'))
278  relminor = int(relMatch.group('minor'))
279  msg.info('Detected release major {0}, minor {1} (.{2}) from environment'.format(relmajor, relminor, relMatch.group('other')))
281  # Major beats minor, so test this first
282  if relmajor < major:
283  return True
284  if relmajor > major:
285  return False
287  # First case is major equality and don't care about minor
288  if minor is None or relminor >= minor:
289  return False
290  return True
292  except Exception as e:
293  msg.warning('Exception thrown when attempting to detect athena version ({0}). No release check possible'.format(e))
294  return False

◆ reportEventsPassedSimFilter()

def python.trfUtils.reportEventsPassedSimFilter (   log)

summarize events passed the ISF_SimEventFilter @detail this function sums up all events passed the ISF_SimEventFilter out of all total events.

All this inforamation is extracted from log.ReSim

Definition at line 1716 of file trfUtils.py.

1718  # Currently the pattern which contains the information for passed events is for example like:
1719  # ISF_SimEventFilter INFO accepted 1 out of 10 events for filter ISF_SimEventFilter (SimEventFilter)
1720  # In case the filter name truncated by ... due to long timestamps, the pattern could still match
1721  # e.g. ISF_SimEventFi... or ISF_SimEventFil...
1722  regExp = re.compile(r'ISF_SimEventFi[lter|...]+\s.*INFO.*accepted\s*(?P<events>[0-9]*)\s*out of\s*(?P<total>[0-9]*).*')
1723  try:
1724  myGen = lineByLine(log)
1725  except IOError as e:
1726  msg.warning('Failed to open transform logfile {0}: {1:s}'.format(log, e))
1728  resimevents = None
1729  passed_events = 0
1730  total_events = 0
1731  for line, lineCounter in myGen:
1732  m = regExp.match(line)
1733  if m:
1734  passed_events += int(m.group('events'))
1735  total_events += int(m.group('total'))
1736  resimevents = passed_events
1738  if resimevents is not None:
1739  msg.info("Summary of events passed the ISF_SimEventFilter: {0} events of total {1}".format(passed_events, total_events) )
1740  else:
1741  msg.warning("Returning null value for the resimevents. No line matched with the regExp for extracting events passed the ISF_SimEventFilter")
1743  return resimevents

◆ setupDBRelease()

def python.trfUtils.setupDBRelease (   setup)

Run a DBRelease setup.

setupDMRelease setup script location (absolute or relative path)
: None

Definition at line 543 of file trfUtils.py.

543 def setupDBRelease(setup):
544  try:
545  dbdir=path.abspath(path.dirname(setup))
546  msg.debug('Will add {0} to sys.path to load DBRelease setup module'.format(dbdir))
547  # N.B. We cannot use __import__ because the X.Y.Z directory name is illegal for a python module path
548  opath = sys.path
549  sys.path.insert(0, dbdir)
550  from setup import Setup
551  # Instansiate the Setup module, which activates the customisation
552  Setup(dbdir)
553  sys.path = opath
554  msg.debug('DBRelease setup module was initialised successfully')
555  except ImportError as e:
556  errMsg = 'Import error while trying to load DB Setup module: {0}'.format(e)
557  msg.error(errMsg)
558  raise trfExceptions.TransformSetupException(trfExit.nameToCode('TRF_DBRELEASE_PROBLEM'), errMsg)
559  except Exception as e:
560  errMsg = 'Unexpected error while trying to load DB Setup module: {0}'.format(e)
561  msg.error(errMsg)
562  raise trfExceptions.TransformSetupException(trfExit.nameToCode('TRF_DBRELEASE_PROBLEM'), errMsg)

◆ shQuoteStrings()

def python.trfUtils.shQuoteStrings (   strArray = sys.argv)

Quote a string array so that it can be echoed back on the command line in a cut 'n' paste safe way.

strArrayArray of strings to quote

Technique is to first quote any pre-existing single quotes, then single quote all of the array elements so that the shell sees them as a single argument

Definition at line 361 of file trfUtils.py.

361 def shQuoteStrings(strArray = sys.argv):
362  return [ "'" + qstring.replace("'", "\\'") + "'" for qstring in strArray ]

◆ uniqueIdentifier()

def python.trfUtils.uniqueIdentifier ( )

return a URL-safe, base 64-encoded pseudorandom UUID

This function returns a URL-safe, base 64-encoded pseudorandom Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID).

string of URL-safe, base 64-encoded pseudorandom UUID

Definition at line 678 of file trfUtils.py.

678 def uniqueIdentifier():
679  return str(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(uuid.uuid4().bytes).strip("="))

◆ units()

def python.trfUtils.units (   quantity = None,
  unitSingular = "unit",
  unitPlural = "units" 

return either singular or plural units as appropriate for a given quantity

This function returns either singular or plural units as appropriate for a given quantity. So, a quantity of 1 would cause the return of singular units and a quantity of 2 would cause the return of plural units.

quantitythe numerical quantity
unitSingularthe string for singular units
unitSingularthe string for plural units
string of singular or plural units

Definition at line 691 of file trfUtils.py.

691 def units(
692  quantity = None,
693  unitSingular = "unit",
694  unitPlural = "units"
695  ):
696  if quantity == 1:
697  return unitSingular
698  else:
699  return unitPlural
702 # @brief returns if the current job is running in interactive environment.

◆ unpackDBRelease()

def python.trfUtils.unpackDBRelease (   tarball,
  dbversion = None 

Ensure that the DBRelease tarball has been unpacked.

Extract the dbversion number and look for an unpacked directory. If found then this release is already setup. If not then try to unpack the tarball.

tarballThe tarball file
dbversionThe version number (if not given the look at the tarball name to get it)
trfExceptions.TransformSetupExceptionIf the DBRelease tarball is unreadable or the version is not understood
Two element tuple: (True if release was unpacked or False if release was already unpacked, dbsetup path)

Definition at line 520 of file trfUtils.py.

520 def unpackDBRelease(tarball, dbversion=None):
521  if dbversion is None:
522  dbdMatch = re.match(r'DBRelease-([\d\.]+)\.tar\.gz', path.basename(tarball))
523  if dbdMatch is None:
524  raise trfExceptions.TransformSetupException(trfExit.nameToCode('TRF_DBRELEASE_PROBLEM'),
525  'Could not find a valid version in the DBRelease tarball: {0}'.format(tarball))
526  dbversion = dbdMatch.group(1)
527  dbsetup = path.abspath(path.join("DBRelease", dbversion, "setup.py"))
528  if os.access(dbsetup, os.R_OK):
529  msg.debug('DBRelease {0} is already unpacked, found {1}'.format(tarball, dbsetup))
530  return False, dbsetup
531  else:
532  msg.debug('Will attempt to unpack DBRelease {0}'.format(tarball))
533  unpackTarFile(tarball)
534  msg.info('DBRelease {0} was unpacked'.format(tarball))
535  if not os.access(dbsetup, os.R_OK):
536  raise trfExceptions.TransformSetupException(trfExit.nameToCode('TRF_DBRELEASE_PROBLEM'),
537  'DBRelease setup file {0} was not readable, even after unpacking {1}'.format(dbsetup, tarball))
538  return True, dbsetup

◆ unpackTarFile()

def python.trfUtils.unpackTarFile (   filename,
  directory = "." 

Unpack a given tarfile.

filenameTar file to unpck
directoryDirectory target for the unpacking

Definition at line 501 of file trfUtils.py.

501 def unpackTarFile(filename, directory="."):
502  try:
503  tar = tarfile.open(filename)
504  tar.extractall(path=directory)
505  tar.close()
506  except Exception as e:
507  errMsg = 'Error encountered while unpacking {0} to {1}: {2}'.format(filename, directory, e)
508  msg.error(errMsg)
509  raise trfExceptions.TransformSetupException(trfExit.nameToCode('TRF_SETUP'), errMsg)

◆ ValgrindCommand()

def python.trfUtils.ValgrindCommand (   defaultOptions = True,
  extraOptionsList = None,
  AthenaSerialisedConfigurationFile = "athenaConf.pkl",
  returnFormat = "string" 

Definition at line 1576 of file trfUtils.py.

1576 def ValgrindCommand(
1577  defaultOptions = True,
1578  extraOptionsList = None,
1579  AthenaSerialisedConfigurationFile = "athenaConf.pkl",
1580  returnFormat = "string"
1581  ):
1583  # Access Valgrind suppressions files by finding the paths from
1584  # environment variables. Append the files to the Valgrind suppressions
1585  # options.
1586  suppressionFilesAndCorrespondingPathEnvironmentVariables = {
1587  "etc/valgrind-root.supp": "ROOTSYS",
1588  "Gaudi.supp": "DATAPATH",
1589  "oracleDB.supp": "DATAPATH",
1590  "valgrindRTT.supp": "DATAPATH",
1591  "root.supp": "DATAPATH"
1592  }
1593  optionsList = ["valgrind"]
1594  # If default options are not suppressed, use them.
1595  if defaultOptions:
1596  optionsList.append("--num-callers=30")
1597  optionsList.append("--tool=memcheck")
1598  optionsList.append("--leak-check=full")
1599  optionsList.append("--smc-check=all")
1600  # If extra options are specified, append them to the existing options.
1601  if extraOptionsList:
1602  for option in extraOptionsList:
1603  optionsList.append(option)
1604  # Add suppression files and athena commands
1605  for suppressionFile, pathEnvironmentVariable in suppressionFilesAndCorrespondingPathEnvironmentVariables.items():
1606  suppFile = findFile(os.environ[pathEnvironmentVariable], suppressionFile)
1607  if suppFile:
1608  optionsList.append("--suppressions=" + suppFile)
1609  else:
1610  msg.warning("Bad path to suppression file: {sfile}, {path} not defined".format(
1611  sfile = suppressionFile, path = pathEnvironmentVariable)
1612  )
1613  optionsList.append("$(which python)")
1614  optionsList.append("$(which athena.py)")
1615  optionsList.append(AthenaSerialisedConfigurationFile)
1616  # Return the command in the requested format, string (by default) or list.
1617  if returnFormat is None or returnFormat == "string":
1618  return(" ".join(optionsList))
1619  elif returnFormat == "list":
1620  return(optionsList)
1621  else:
1622  print(
1623  "error: invalid Valgrind command format request (requested " +
1624  "format: {format}; valid formats: string, list)".format(
1625  format = returnFormat
1626  ))
1627  raise(Exception)

◆ VTuneCommand()

def python.trfUtils.VTuneCommand (   defaultOptions = True,
  extraOptionsList = None,
  AthenaSerialisedConfigurationFile = "athenaConf.pkl",
  returnFormat = "string" 

return VTune command @detail This function returns a VTune command for use with Athena.

The command is returned as a string (by default) or a list, as requested using the argument returnFormat. The function will return a default VTune command specification, unless the user suppress them through an option. To append additional options to the command specification the argument extraOptionsList is used. This causes the list of extra specified command options to be appended to the command specification, which will contain the default options unless these are suppressed. The Athena serialised configuration file is specified using the argument AthenaSerialisedConfigurationFile.

command as string

Definition at line 1642 of file trfUtils.py.

1642 def VTuneCommand(
1643  defaultOptions = True,
1644  extraOptionsList = None,
1645  AthenaSerialisedConfigurationFile = "athenaConf.pkl",
1646  returnFormat = "string"
1647  ):
1649  # Access VTune suppressions files by finding the paths from
1650  # environment variables. Append the files to the VTune suppressions
1651  # options.
1652  optionsList = ["vtune"]
1653  # If default options are not suppressed, use them.
1654  if defaultOptions:
1655  optionsList.append("-run-pass-thru=--no-altstack")
1656  optionsList.append("-mrte-mode=native")
1657  # If extra options are specified, append them to the existing options.
1658  isCollectSpecified=False
1659  if extraOptionsList:
1660  for option in extraOptionsList:
1661  optionsList.append(option)
1662  if option.startswith("-collect="):
1663  isCollectSpecified=True
1664  if not isCollectSpecified:
1665  optionsList.append("-collect=hotspots")
1666  optionsList.append("-- $(which python)")
1667  optionsList.append("$(which athena.py)")
1668  optionsList.append(AthenaSerialisedConfigurationFile)
1669  # Return the command in the requested format, string (by default) or list.
1670  if returnFormat is None or returnFormat == "string":
1671  return(" ".join(optionsList))
1672  elif returnFormat == "list":
1673  return(optionsList)
1674  else:
1675  print(
1676  "error: invalid VTune command format request (requested " +
1677  "format: {format}; valid formats: string, list)".format(
1678  format = returnFormat
1679  ))
1680  raise(Exception)
1682 # calculate cpuTime from os.times() times tuple

Variable Documentation

◆ msg


Definition at line 31 of file trfUtils.py.

Signal handling utilities for ATLAS job transforms.
def isInteractiveEnv()
Definition: trfUtils.py:703
std::string replace(std::string s, const std::string &s2, const std::string &s3)
Definition: hcg.cxx:307
def bind_port(host, port)
Definition: trfUtils.py:1698
def printHR(the_object)
print in a human-readable way the items of a given object
Definition: trfUtils.py:660
def pickledDump(argdict)
Dump a list of arguments to the pickle file given in the 'dumpPickle' argument.
Definition: trfUtils.py:598
Definition: vtune_athena.py:14
def lineByLine(filename, strip=True, removeTimestamp=True, substepName=None)
Generator to return lines and line count from a file.
Definition: trfUtils.py:372
def getAncestry(listMyOrphans=False)
List all processes and parents and form a dictionary where the parent key lists all child PIDs.
Definition: trfUtils.py:62
def resetTrfSignalHandlers()
Restore signal handlers to the default ones.
Definition: trfSignal.py:40
def prettyXML(element, indent=' ', poolFileCatalogFormat=False)
XML pretty print an ElementTree.ELement object.
Definition: trfUtils.py:397
def calcCpuTime(start, stop)
Definition: trfUtils.py:1683
def VTuneCommand(defaultOptions=True, extraOptionsList=None, AthenaSerialisedConfigurationFile="athenaConf.pkl", returnFormat="string")
return VTune command @detail This function returns a VTune command for use with Athena.
Definition: trfUtils.py:1642
def cmpMetadata(metadata1, metadata2, guidCheck='valid')
Compare metadata for files, but taking into account that GUID can vary.
Definition: trfUtils.py:464
def ValgrindCommand(defaultOptions=True, extraOptionsList=None, AthenaSerialisedConfigurationFile="athenaConf.pkl", returnFormat="string")
Definition: trfUtils.py:1576
int upper(int c)
Definition: LArBadChannelParser.cxx:49
Transform argument class definitions.
bool append
Definition: dumpHVPathFromNtuple.py:91
def reportEventsPassedSimFilter(log)
summarize events passed the ISF_SimEventFilter @detail this function sums up all events passed the IS...
Definition: trfUtils.py:1716
void reduce(HepMC::GenEvent *ge, std::vector< HepMC::GenParticlePtr > toremove)
Remove unwanted particles from the event, collapsing the graph structure consistently.
Definition: FixHepMC.cxx:83
def isodate()
Return isoformated 'now' string.
Definition: trfUtils.py:434
def cliToKey(option)
Convert a command line option to the dictionary key that will be used by argparse.
Definition: trfUtils.py:652
def call(args, bufsize=0, executable=None, stdin=None, preexec_fn=None, close_fds=False, shell=False, cwd=None, env=None, universal_newlines=False, startupinfo=None, creationflags=0, message="", logger=msg, loglevel=None, timeout=None, retry=2, timefactor=1.5, sleeptime=10)
Definition: trfUtils.py:155
def setupDBRelease(setup)
Run a DBRelease setup.
Definition: trfUtils.py:543
def asetupReleaseIsOlderThan(asetup_string, major, minor=None)
Test (to the best of our knowledge) if the asetup release is older than a major, minor version number...
Definition: trfUtils.py:303
Definition: LArMinBiasAlgConfig.py:59
def units(quantity=None, unitSingular="unit", unitPlural="units")
return either singular or plural units as appropriate for a given quantity
Definition: trfUtils.py:691
std::string repr(PyObject *o)
returns the string representation of a python object equivalent of calling repr(o) in python
Definition: PyAthenaUtils.cxx:106
def convertToStr(in_string)
Recursively convert unicode to str, useful when we have just loaded something from json (TODO: make t...
Definition: trfUtils.py:636
def list(name, path='/')
Definition: histSizes.py:38
def uniqueIdentifier()
return a URL-safe, base 64-encoded pseudorandom UUID
Definition: trfUtils.py:678
std::vector< typename T::value_type > sorted(T begin, T end)
Helper function to create a sorted vector from an unsorted one.
constexpr std::enable_if_t< is_bitmask_v< E >, E & > set(E &lhs, E rhs)
Convenience function to set bits in a class enum bitmask.
Definition: bitmask.h:232
void print(char *figname, TCanvas *c1)
Definition: TRTCalib_StrawStatusPlots.cxx:25
std::string join(const std::vector< std::string > &v, const char c=',')
Definition: Trigger/TrigT1/L1Topo/L1TopoCommon/Root/StringUtils.cxx:10
def releaseIsOlderThan(major, minor=None)
Test (to the best of our knowledge) if the current release is older than a major, minor version numbe...
Definition: trfUtils.py:261
def initialise_processes()
initisation procedure for processes of process pool
Definition: trfUtils.py:855
def calcWallTime(start, stop)
Definition: trfUtils.py:1691
def findFile(pathvar, fname)
Find a named file along a colon separated PATH type variable.
Definition: trfUtils.py:37
def cvmfsDBReleaseCheck(dbrelease)
Validate a DBRelease exists on cvmfs and return the path to the setup script.
Definition: trfUtils.py:569
@ open
Definition: BinningType.h:40
def JSONDump(argdict)
Dump a list of arguments to the JSON file given in the 'dumpJSON' argument.
Definition: trfUtils.py:617
Definition: BTagTrackIpAccessor.cxx:11
def shQuoteStrings(strArray=sys.argv)
Quote a string array so that it can be echoed back on the command line in a cut 'n' paste safe way.
Definition: trfUtils.py:361
def forceToAlphaNum(string)
Strip a string down to alpha-numeric characters only.
Definition: trfUtils.py:443
@ split
Definition: LayerMaterialProperties.h:38
def unpackDBRelease(tarball, dbversion=None)
Ensure that the DBRelease tarball has been unpacked.
Definition: trfUtils.py:520
def asetupReport()
Return a string with a report of the current athena setup.
Definition: trfUtils.py:223
def listChildren(psTree=None, parent=os.getpid(), listOrphans=False)
Find all the children of a particular PID (calls itself recursively to descend into each leaf)
Definition: trfUtils.py:109
def unpackTarFile(filename, directory=".")
Unpack a given tarfile.
Definition: trfUtils.py:501
def infanticide(childPIDs=None, sleepTime=3, message=True, listOrphans=False)
Kill all PIDs.
Definition: trfUtils.py:132