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python.LumiResultsGetter.coolLumiResultsGetter Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for python.LumiResultsGetter.coolLumiResultsGetter:
Collaboration diagram for python.LumiResultsGetter.coolLumiResultsGetter:

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self, cooldbconn, **kw)
def getLumiMuCache (self, since, until)
def calcFromList (self, triggername, lblist)

Public Attributes


Detailed Description

Queries the DB to determine the RunDependentMC configuration for each luminosity block.

Definition at line 14 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

def python.LumiResultsGetter.coolLumiResultsGetter.__init__ (   self,
**  kw 
Initialize the tool.
cooldbconn = main database connection (to /TRIGGER/...) so should be COOLONL.
kw =  argument list. Clients should stay up-to-date with CoolLumiCalc when they supply optional arguments. For more information, try
child arguments: coolfolderlumi, useprescale

Definition at line 16 of file

16  def __init__(self, cooldbconn, **kw):
17  """Initialize the tool.
18  cooldbconn = main database connection (to /TRIGGER/...) so should be COOLONL.
19  kw = argument list. Clients should stay up-to-date with CoolLumiCalc when they supply optional arguments. For more information, try
20  help(LumiBlockComps.LumiCalculator.coolLumiCalc)
21  child arguments: coolfolderlumi, useprescale
22  """
23  self.lumidbname=kw.pop('lumidb','COOLOFL_TRIGGER/COMP200')
24  self.lumifoldername=kw.pop('coolfolderlumi','/TRIGGER/OFLLUMI/LBLESTOFL')
25  self.lumitag = kw.pop('coolfoldertag','OflLumi-7TeV-002')
26  self.lumimethod = kw.pop('lumimethod','ATLAS_PREFERRED')
27  self.useprescale=kw.pop('useprescale',False)
29  kwkeep = kw.copy()
30  kw.update({'readoracle':False,'loglevel':1,'detStatus':"",'detStatusTag':""})#supply defaults
31  kw.update(kwkeep) #restore user choices
32  print ("Trying to open", cooldbconn)
33  coolLumiCalc.__init__(self, cooldbconn, **kw)
34  #also need the online database
35  try:
36  print ("Now trying to open", self.lumidbname)
37  self.cooldblumi=indirectOpen(self.lumidbname,debug=kw.get('loglevel',1)>1)
38  except Exception as e:
39  print (e)
40  sys.exit(-1)
41  pass

Member Function Documentation

◆ calcFromList()

def python.LumiResultsGetter.coolLumiResultsGetter.calcFromList (   self,
Calculate the integrated luminosity for a list of LBs, returning
a list of (run,lb,lumiResult,evts) object tuples
(note, this is the only difference in functionality between coolLumiCalc and coolLumiResultsGetter)

Definition at line 68 of file

68  def calcFromList(self,triggername,lblist):
69  """ Calculate the integrated luminosity for a list of LBs, returning
70  a list of (run,lb,lumiResult,evts) object tuples
71  (note, this is the only difference in functionality between coolLumiCalc and coolLumiResultsGetter)
72  """
73  lumiResults = []
74  # setup the triggerlevel
75  triggerlevel=self.triggerLevel(triggername)
76  if triggerlevel != 1:
77  raise Exception("Please use a L1 trigger for this tool.")
78  totalL=0
79  totaltime=0.
80  totalacc=3*[0]
81  totalgoodblock=0
82  totalbadblock=0
83  # get counters, prescales LB timest folders
84  folderLBCOUNTL1=self.cooldb.getFolder('/TRIGGER/LUMI/LVL1COUNTERS')
85  folderL1PRESCALE=self.cooldb.getFolder('/TRIGGER/LVL1/Prescales')
86  folderL1LB=self.cooldb.getFolder('/TRIGGER/LUMI/LBLB')
87  # loop over LBList
88  for lbinfo in lblist:
89  # get the trigger configuration for this run
90  runstat,chainnums,hltprescale=self._getChains(,triggername,triggerlevel)
91  if (self.loglevel>1):
92  print ("L1 chain number", chainnums[0])
93  if (runstat):
94  since,until=lbinfo.IOVRange()
95  # check for detector status requirements
96  if (self.detstatus!=""):
97  if (self.loglevel>0):
98  print (lbinfo, ": Applying detector status cuts: %s" % self.detstatus)
99  gooddetstatus=statusCutsToRange(self.detstatusdb,'/GLOBAL/DETSTATUS/LBSUMM',since,until,self.detstatustag,self.detstatus)
100  else:
101  gooddetstatus=RangeList(since,until)
103  if (self.loglevel>1):
104  print ("LumiB L1-Acc L1-pre LiveTime MeanInts IntL/ub-1")
105  # get and cache the LVL1 prescales for this run; note these can have >1 LB intervals
106  l1precache=IOVCache()
107  itr=folderL1PRESCALE.browseObjects(since,until-1,cool.ChannelSelection(chainnums[0]))
108  while (itr.goToNext()):
109  obj=itr.currentRef()
110  l1precache.add(obj.since(),obj.until(),obj.payload()['Lvl1Prescale'])
111  itr.close()
112  # get and cache the lumiosity estimates for this run; note these can have >1 LB intervals
113  lumicache=self.getLumiMuCache(since,until)
114  # loop through the LBs for this range
115  # looping is driven by the LVL1COUNTERS folder which has 1 LB IOVs.
116  # Should be matched by LBLB which is also 1 LB IOVs.
117  l1countitr=folderLBCOUNTL1.browseObjects(since,until-1,cool.ChannelSelection(chainnums[0]))
118  l1lbiter=folderL1LB.browseObjects(since,until-1,cool.ChannelSelection(0)) #just one channel in this folder.
119  while l1countitr.goToNext():
120  # access LVL1 information
121  l1countobj=l1countitr.currentRef()
122  lb=l1countobj.since() & 0xFFFFFFFF
123  l1lbiter.goToNext()
124  lblbobj=l1lbiter.currentRef()
125  if (lblbobj.since()!=l1countobj.since()):
126  raise Exception("L1 counter/lumiblock synchronisation error. Cannot get length of Lumiblocks!")
127  l1payload=l1countobj.payload()
128  lblbpayload =lblbobj.payload()
129  l1acc=l1payload['L1Accept']
130  l1dt=(lblbpayload['EndTime']-lblbpayload['StartTime'])*1.0e-09
131  l1tstart=lblbpayload['StartTime']
132  # calculate livefraction from LVL1 (events accepted after mask and busy veto)/(events accepted by prescale)
133  # this will be a poor estimate when prescales are large.
134  if (l1payload['AfterPrescale']>0):
135  livefrac=float(l1payload['L1Accept'])/float(l1payload['AfterPrescale'])
136  else:
137  livefrac=1.
138  pass
139  if (len(gooddetstatus.getAllowedRanges(l1countobj.since(),l1countobj.until()))>0):
140  # calculate intL for block
141  # lumi is being given in units of 10^33 cm^-2s^-1
142  # equivalent to 1 nb^-1s^-1
143  # instantaneous and time increment lumi
144  try:
145  (lumi,evtsbx)=lumicache.find(l1countobj.since())
146  except TypeError:
147  if (self.lumimethod != 'EXTERNAL'):
148  print ("WARNING: No payload in", self.lumifoldername, "for run",, "[", lb, "]!")
149  lumi=0
150  evtsbx=0
151  pass
152  l1prescale=l1precache.find(l1countobj.since())
153  if (lumi is not None and l1prescale is not None):
154  # multiply by livetime in seconds to get
155  # intL in nb^-1
156  # intlumi = nlumi * L1acc / (L1accAP * P )
157  livetime=livefrac*l1dt
158  if self.useprescale:
159  intlumi=(lumi*livetime)/(1.0 * l1prescale)
160  if not (intlumi >= 0):
161  print ("WARNING:",,"[",lb,"]: bad lumi, prescale or livetime found:(IL,LV):", lumi,livetime)
162  else:
163  intlumi=(lumi*livetime)
164  if not (intlumi >= 0):
165  print ("WARNING:",,"[",lb,"]: bad lumi or livetime found:(IL,LV)", lumi,livetime)
167  if (self.loglevel>1):
168  print ("%5i %7i %8i %8.2f %8.7f %10.1f" % (lb,l1acc,l1prescale,livetime,evtsbx,intlumi))
169  elif (lumi is not None):
170  intlumi=(lumi*livetime)
171  if (self.loglevel>1):
172  print ("%5i %7i %8i %8s %8.7f %10.if <missing prescale>" %(lb,l1acc,"??",livetime,evtsbx,intlumi))
173  if not (intlumi >= 0):
174  print ("WARNING:",,"[",lb,"]: bad lumi or livetime found:(IL,LV)", lumi,livetime)
175  else:
176  intlumi=0
177  if (self.loglevel>1):
178  print ("%5i %7i %8i %8s %8s %10s <missing prescale>" %(lb,l1acc,"??",livetime,"??","??"))
179  lumiResults.append( (, int(lb), lumiResult(intlumi,l1acc,0,0,livetime,1,0), evtsbx, l1tstart ) )
180  # accumulate statistics
181  totalacc[0]+=l1acc
182  totaltime+=livetime
183  totalL+=intlumi
184  totalgoodblock+=1
185  else: #this was a bad run detstatus
186  totalbadblock+=1
187  pass
188  pass
189  l1countitr.close()
190  else:
191  print ("WARNING: Trigger not defined for run",
192  pass
193  if (self.loglevel>0):
194  print ("Running total after %24s:" % lbinfo, " %7i events; %8.2f seconds; %10.1f (nb^-1)" % (totalacc[0],totaltime,totalL))
195  pass #end of loop over iovs
196  return lumiResults

◆ getLumiMuCache()

def python.LumiResultsGetter.coolLumiResultsGetter.getLumiMuCache (   self,

Definition at line 43 of file

43  def getLumiMuCache(self,since,until):
44  "Return a lumicache (pairs of inst lumi, eventsbx) for given range"
45  lumicache=IOVCache()
46  folderLUMI=self.cooldblumi.getFolder(self.lumifoldername)
47  if (not folderLUMI.existsChannel(self.lumimethod)):
48  if self.lumimethod != 'EXTERNAL': raise RuntimeError('This luminosity method is not supported by %s' % self.lumifoldername)
49  chid=cool.ChannelSelection(998)
50  else:
51  chid = cool.ChannelSelection(folderLUMI.channelId(self.lumimethod))
52  itr=folderLUMI.browseObjects(since,until-1,chid,self.lumitag)
53  while (itr.goToNext()):
54  obj=itr.currentRef()
55  # OnlineLumiDel is the integrated luminosity in the block
56  # in units of ub^-1/s (1e30 cm-2 s-1)
57  payload=obj.payload()
58  instlumi=payload['LBAvInstLumi']
59  if (instlumi>0):
60  evtsbx=payload['LBAvEvtsPerBX']
61  else:
62  evtsbx=0
63  pass
64  lumicache.add(obj.since(),obj.until(),(instlumi,evtsbx))
65  pass
66  itr.close()
67  return lumicache

Member Data Documentation

◆ cooldblumi


Definition at line 37 of file

◆ lumidbname


Definition at line 23 of file

◆ lumifoldername


Definition at line 24 of file

◆ lumimethod


Definition at line 26 of file

◆ lumitag


Definition at line 25 of file

◆ useprescale


Definition at line 27 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
def statusCutsToRange(dbconn, foldername, since, until, tag, statusreq)
def __init__(self, base_directory, **kwargs)
Constructor: all process options are set here.
def indirectOpen(coolstr, readOnly=True, debug=False)