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Trk::PlaneSurface Class Reference

#include <PlaneSurface.h>

Inheritance diagram for Trk::PlaneSurface:
Collaboration diagram for Trk::PlaneSurface:

Public Types

using ChargedTrackParametersUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr< ParametersBase< 5, Trk::Charged > >
 Unique ptr types. More...
using NeutralTrackParametersUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr< ParametersBase< 5, Trk::Neutral > >

Public Member Functions

 PlaneSurface ()
 Default Constructor - needed for persistency. More...
 PlaneSurface (const PlaneSurface &psf)=default
 Copy Constructor. More...
PlaneSurfaceoperator= (const PlaneSurface &psf)=default
 Assignment operator. More...
 PlaneSurface (PlaneSurface &&psf) noexcept=default
 Move Constructor. More...
PlaneSurfaceoperator= (PlaneSurface &&psf) noexcept=default
 Move assignment operator. More...
virtual ~PlaneSurface ()=default
 Destructor. More...
 PlaneSurface (const PlaneSurface &psf, const Amg::Transform3D &transf)
 Copy Constructor with shift. More...
 PlaneSurface (const Amg::Vector3D &position, const CurvilinearUVT &curvUVT)
 Dedicated Constructor with CurvilinearUVT class. More...
 PlaneSurface (const TrkDetElementBase &detelement, const Amg::Transform3D &transf)
 Constructor from TrkDetElementBase. More...
 PlaneSurface (const TrkDetElementBase &detelement)
 Constructor from TrkDetElementBase. More...
 PlaneSurface (const TrkDetElementBase &detelement, const Identifier &id, const Amg::Transform3D &transf)
 Constructor from TrkDetElementBase and Identifier in case one element holds more surfaces. More...
 PlaneSurface (const TrkDetElementBase &detelement, const Identifier &id)
 Constructor from TrkDetElementBase and Identifier in case one element holds more surfaces. More...
 PlaneSurface (const Amg::Transform3D &htrans)
 Constructor for planar Surface without Bounds , reference. More...
 PlaneSurface (const Amg::Transform3D &htrans, double halephi, double haleta)
 Constructor for Rectangular Planes. More...
 PlaneSurface (const Amg::Transform3D &htrans, double minhalephi, double maxhalephi, double haleta)
 Constructor for Trapezoidal Planes. More...
 PlaneSurface (const Amg::Transform3D &htrans, const Trk::SurfaceBounds *rbounds)
 Constructor for Planes with provided Bounds - ownership of bounds is passed. More...
 PlaneSurface (const Amg::Transform3D &htrans, const Trk::SharedObject< const Trk::SurfaceBounds > &sbounds)
 Constructor for Planes with shared object. More...
virtual bool operator== (const Surface &sf) const override
 Equality operator. More...
bool operator== (const PlaneSurface &cf) const
virtual PlaneSurfaceclone () const override
 Virtual constructor. More...
constexpr virtual SurfaceType type () const override final
 Return the surface type. More...
virtual Surface::ChargedTrackParametersUniquePtr createUniqueTrackParameters (double l1, double l2, double phi, double theta, double qop, std::optional< AmgSymMatrix(5)> cov=std::nullopt) const override final
 Use the Surface as a ParametersBase constructor, from local parameters - charged. More...
virtual Surface::ChargedTrackParametersUniquePtr createUniqueTrackParameters (const Amg::Vector3D &position, const Amg::Vector3D &momentum, double charge, std::optional< AmgSymMatrix(5)> cov=std::nullopt) const override final
 Use the Surface as a ParametersBase constructor, from global parameters - charged. More...
virtual NeutralTrackParametersUniquePtr createUniqueNeutralParameters (double l1, double l2, double phi, double theta, double oop, std::optional< AmgSymMatrix(5)> cov=std::nullopt) const override final
 Use the Surface as a ParametersBase constructor, from local parameters - neutral. More...
virtual NeutralTrackParametersUniquePtr createUniqueNeutralParameters (const Amg::Vector3D &position, const Amg::Vector3D &momentum, double charge=0., std::optional< AmgSymMatrix(5)> cov=std::nullopt) const override final
 Use the Surface as a ParametersBase constructor, from global parameters. More...
template<int DIM, class T >
std::unique_ptr< ParametersT< DIM, T, PlaneSurface > > createUniqueParameters (double l1, double l2, double phi, double theta, double qop, std::optional< AmgSymMatrix(DIM)> cov=std::nullopt) const
 Use the Surface as a ParametersBase constructor, from local parameters. More...
template<int DIM, class T >
std::unique_ptr< ParametersT< DIM, T, PlaneSurface > > createUniqueParameters (const Amg::Vector3D &position, const Amg::Vector3D &momentum, double charge, std::optional< AmgSymMatrix(DIM)> cov=std::nullopt) const
 Use the Surface as a ParametersBase constructor, from global parameters. More...
virtual const SurfaceBoundsbounds () const override final
 This method returns the bounds by reference, static NoBounds in case of no boundaries. More...
virtual bool insideBounds (const Amg::Vector2D &locpos, double tol1=0., double tol2=0.) const override
 This method calls the inside() method of the Bounds. More...
virtual bool insideBoundsCheck (const Amg::Vector2D &locpos, const BoundaryCheck &bchk) const override final
virtual bool isOnSurface (const Amg::Vector3D &glopo, const BoundaryCheck &bchk=true, double tol1=0., double tol2=0.) const override final
 This method returns true if the GlobalPosition is on the Surface for both, within or without check of whether the local position is inside boundaries or not. More...
virtual void localToGlobal (const Amg::Vector2D &locp, const Amg::Vector3D &mom, Amg::Vector3D &glob) const override final
 Specified for PlaneSurface: LocalToGlobal method without dynamic memory allocation. More...
virtual bool globalToLocal (const Amg::Vector3D &glob, const Amg::Vector3D &mom, Amg::Vector2D &loc) const override final
 Specified for PlaneSurface: GlobalToLocal method without dynamic memory allocation - boolean checks if on surface. More...
void localToGlobalDirection (const Trk::LocalDirection &locdir, Amg::Vector3D &globdir) const
 This method transforms a local direction wrt the plane to a global direction. More...
void globalToLocalDirection (const Amg::Vector3D &glodir, Trk::LocalDirection &locdir) const
 This method transforms the global direction to a local direction wrt the plane. More...
virtual Intersection straightLineIntersection (const Amg::Vector3D &pos, const Amg::Vector3D &dir, bool forceDir, Trk::BoundaryCheck bchk) const override final
 fast straight line intersection schema - standard: provides closest intersection and (signed) path length forceDir is to provide the closest forward solution More...
virtual DistanceSolution straightLineDistanceEstimate (const Amg::Vector3D &pos, const Amg::Vector3D &dir) const override final
 fast straight line distance evaluation to Surface More...
virtual DistanceSolution straightLineDistanceEstimate (const Amg::Vector3D &pos, const Amg::Vector3D &dir, bool Bound) const override final
 fast straight line distance evaluation to Surface - with bound option More...
virtual std::string name () const override
 Return properly formatted class name for screen output. More...
bool operator!= (const Surface &sf) const
 Non-equality operator. More...
std::unique_ptr< SurfaceuniqueClone () const
 NVI method returning unique_ptr clone. More...
const Amg::Transform3DcachedTransform () const
 Return the cached transformation directly. More...
const Amg::Transform3Dtransform () const
 Returns HepGeom::Transform3D by reference. More...
const Amg::Vector3Dcenter () const
 Returns the center position of the Surface. More...
virtual const Amg::Vector3Dnormal () const
 Returns the normal vector of the Surface (i.e. More...
virtual Amg::Vector3D normal (const Amg::Vector2D &lp) const
 Returns a normal vector at a specific local position. More...
virtual const Amg::Vector3DglobalReferencePoint () const
 Returns a global reference point on the surface, for PlaneSurface, StraightLineSurface, PerigeeSurface this is equal to center(), for CylinderSurface and DiscSurface this is a new member. More...
const TrkDetElementBaseassociatedDetectorElement () const
 return associated Detector Element More...
Identifier associatedDetectorElementIdentifier () const
 return Identifier of the associated Detector Element More...
const Trk::LayerassociatedLayer () const
 return the associated Layer More...
const Trk::LayermaterialLayer () const
 return the material Layer More...
Trk::LayermaterialLayer ()
virtual const Trk::SurfacebaseSurface () const
 return the base surface (simplified for persistification) More...
std::optional< Amg::Vector2DpositionOnSurface (const Amg::Vector3D &glopo, const BoundaryCheck &bchk=true, double tol1=0., double tol2=0.) const
 positionOnSurface() returns the LocalPosition on the Surface,
If BoundaryCheck==false it just returns the value of globalToLocal (including nullptr possibility), if BoundaryCheck==true it checks whether the point is inside bounds or not (returns std::nullopt in this case). More...
template<class T >
bool onSurface (const T &parameters, const BoundaryCheck &bchk=BoundaryCheck(true)) const
 The templated Parameters OnSurface method - checks on surface pointer first. More...
Amg::Vector3D localToGlobal (const Amg::Vector2D &locpos) const
 This method returns the GlobalPosition from a LocalPosition uses the per surface localToGlobal. More...
Amg::Vector3D localToGlobal (const Amg::Vector2D &locpos, const Amg::Vector3D &glomom) const
 This method returns the GlobalPosition from a LocalPosition The LocalPosition can be outside Surface bounds - for generality with momentum. More...
Amg::Vector3D localToGlobal (const LocalParameters &locpars) const
 This method returns the GlobalPosition from LocalParameters The LocalParameters can be outside Surface bounds. More...
Amg::Vector3D localToGlobal (const LocalParameters &locpars, const Amg::Vector3D &glomom) const
 This method returns the GlobalPosition from LocalParameters The LocalParameters can be outside Surface bounds - for generality with momentum. More...
std::optional< Amg::Vector2DglobalToLocal (const Amg::Vector3D &glopos, double tol=0.) const
 This method returns the LocalPosition from a provided GlobalPosition. More...
std::optional< Amg::Vector2DglobalToLocal (const Amg::Vector3D &glopos, const Amg::Vector3D &glomom) const
 This method returns the LocalPosition from a provided GlobalPosition. More...
virtual Amg::Vector2D localParametersToPosition (const LocalParameters &locpars) const
 Optionally specified by each surface type : LocalParameters to Vector2D. More...
virtual double pathCorrection (const Amg::Vector3D &pos, const Amg::Vector3D &mom) const
 the pathCorrection for derived classes with thickness - it reflects if the direction projection is positive or negative More...
virtual Amg::RotationMatrix3D measurementFrame (const Amg::Vector3D &glopos, const Amg::Vector3D &glomom) const
 Return the measurement frame - this is needed for alignment, in particular for StraightLine and Perigee Surface. More...
template<class T >
Intersection straightLineIntersection (const T &pars, bool forceDir=false, const Trk::BoundaryCheck &bchk=false) const
 fst straight line intersection schema - templated for charged and neutral parameters More...
bool isFree () const
 Returns 'true' if this surface is 'free', i.e. More...
bool isActive () const
 Return 'true' if this surface is owned by the detector element. More...
void setTransform (const Amg::Transform3D &trans)
 Set the transform updates center and normal. More...
void setOwner (SurfaceOwner x)
 set Ownership More...
SurfaceOwner owner () const
 return ownership More...
void setMaterialLayer (std::shared_ptr< Layer > mlay)
 set material layer More...
virtual MsgStream & dump (MsgStream &sl) const
 Output Method for MsgStream, to be overloaded by child classes. More...
virtual std::ostream & dump (std::ostream &sl) const
 Output Method for std::ostream, to be overloaded by child classes. More...
void associateLayer (const Layer &lay)
 method to associate the associated Trk::Layer which is alreay owned More...

Static Public Member Functions

static std::size_t numberOfInstantiations ()

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr SurfaceType staticType = SurfaceType::Plane
 The surface type static constexpr. More...
static std::atomic_size_t s_numberOfInstantiations

Protected Member Functions

Amg::Transform3D inverseTransformHelper () const
 Helper method to factorize in one place common operations calculate inverse transofrm and multiply with position. More...
Amg::Vector3D inverseTransformMultHelper (const Amg::Vector3D &glopos) const

Protected Attributes

SharedObject< const SurfaceBoundsm_bounds
 bounds (shared) More...
std::unique_ptr< Transformsm_transforms {}
const TrkDetElementBasem_associatedDetElement {}
 Not owning Pointer to the TrkDetElementBase. More...
Identifier m_associatedDetElementId {}
 Identifier for the TrkDetElementBase. More...
const Layerm_associatedLayer {}
 The associated layer Trk::Layer. More...
std::shared_ptr< Layerm_materialLayer {}
 Possibility to attach a material descrption. More...
SurfaceOwner m_owner {SurfaceOwner::noOwn}
 enum for surface owner : 0 free surface More...

Static Protected Attributes

static const NoBounds s_boundless
static constexpr double s_onSurfaceTolerance = 10e-5
 Tolerance for being on Surface. More...


template<class SURFACE , class BOUNDS_CNV >
class ::BoundSurfaceCnv_p1
 < data members More...
template<class SURFACE , class BOUNDS_CNV >
class ::BoundSurfaceCnv_p2

Detailed Description

Class for a planaer rectangular or trapezoidal surface in the ATLAS detector. It inherits from Surface.

The Trk::PlaneSurface extends the Surface class with the possibility to convert in addition to local to global positions, also local to global direction (vice versa). The definition with of a local direciton with respect to a plane can be found in the dedicated Trk::LocalDirection class of the TrkEventPrimitives package.

Christos Anastopoulos (Thread safety and interface cleanup)
Shaun Roe (interface cleanup)

Definition at line 63 of file PlaneSurface.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ChargedTrackParametersUniquePtr

Unique ptr types.

Definition at line 124 of file Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces/TrkSurfaces/Surface.h.

◆ NeutralTrackParametersUniquePtr

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PlaneSurface() [1/14]

Trk::PlaneSurface::PlaneSurface ( )

Default Constructor - needed for persistency.

Definition at line 36 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

37  : Trk::Surface()
38  , m_bounds(nullptr)
39 {}

◆ PlaneSurface() [2/14]

Trk::PlaneSurface::PlaneSurface ( const PlaneSurface psf)

Copy Constructor.

◆ PlaneSurface() [3/14]

Trk::PlaneSurface::PlaneSurface ( PlaneSurface &&  psf)

Move Constructor.

◆ ~PlaneSurface()

virtual Trk::PlaneSurface::~PlaneSurface ( )


◆ PlaneSurface() [4/14]

Trk::PlaneSurface::PlaneSurface ( const PlaneSurface psf,
const Amg::Transform3D transf 

Copy Constructor with shift.

Definition at line 43 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

44  : Trk::Surface(psf, transf)
45  , m_bounds(psf.m_bounds)
46 {}

◆ PlaneSurface() [5/14]

ATH_FLATTEN Trk::PlaneSurface::PlaneSurface ( const Amg::Vector3D position,
const CurvilinearUVT curvUVT 

Dedicated Constructor with CurvilinearUVT class.

Definition at line 55 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

56  : Trk::Surface()
57  , m_bounds(nullptr) // curvilinear surfaces are boundless
58 {
59  Amg::Translation3D curvilinearTranslation(position.x(), position.y(), position.z());
60  // create the rotation
61  Amg::RotationMatrix3D curvilinearRotation;
62  curvilinearRotation.col(0) = curvUVT.curvU();
63  curvilinearRotation.col(1) = curvUVT.curvV();
64  curvilinearRotation.col(2) = curvUVT.curvT();
66  transform = curvilinearRotation;
67  transform.pretranslate(position);
68  Trk::Surface::m_transforms = std::make_unique<Transforms>(transform);
69 }

◆ PlaneSurface() [6/14]

Trk::PlaneSurface::PlaneSurface ( const TrkDetElementBase detelement,
const Amg::Transform3D transf 

Constructor from TrkDetElementBase.

Definition at line 72 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

73  : Trk::Surface(detelement)
74  , m_bounds(nullptr)
75 {
76  Trk::Surface::m_transforms = std::make_unique<Transforms>(transf);
77 }

◆ PlaneSurface() [7/14]

Trk::PlaneSurface::PlaneSurface ( const TrkDetElementBase detelement)

Constructor from TrkDetElementBase.

Definition at line 80 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

81  : Trk::Surface(detelement)
82  , m_bounds(nullptr)
83 {
84  //
85 }

◆ PlaneSurface() [8/14]

Trk::PlaneSurface::PlaneSurface ( const TrkDetElementBase detelement,
const Identifier id,
const Amg::Transform3D transf 

Constructor from TrkDetElementBase and Identifier in case one element holds more surfaces.

Definition at line 88 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

91  : Trk::Surface(detelement, id)
92  , m_bounds(nullptr)
93 {
94  Trk::Surface::m_transforms = std::make_unique<Transforms>(transf);
95 }

◆ PlaneSurface() [9/14]

Trk::PlaneSurface::PlaneSurface ( const TrkDetElementBase detelement,
const Identifier id 

Constructor from TrkDetElementBase and Identifier in case one element holds more surfaces.

Definition at line 98 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

100  : Trk::Surface(detelement, id)
101  , m_bounds(nullptr)
102 {
103  //
104 }

◆ PlaneSurface() [10/14]

Trk::PlaneSurface::PlaneSurface ( const Amg::Transform3D htrans)

Constructor for planar Surface without Bounds , reference.

Definition at line 107 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

108  : Trk::Surface(htrans)
109  , m_bounds(nullptr)
110 {}

◆ PlaneSurface() [11/14]

Trk::PlaneSurface::PlaneSurface ( const Amg::Transform3D htrans,
double  halephi,
double  haleta 

Constructor for Rectangular Planes.

Definition at line 113 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

114  : Trk::Surface(htrans)
115  , m_bounds(std::make_shared<Trk::RectangleBounds>(halephi, haleta))
116 {}

◆ PlaneSurface() [12/14]

Trk::PlaneSurface::PlaneSurface ( const Amg::Transform3D htrans,
double  minhalephi,
double  maxhalephi,
double  haleta 

Constructor for Trapezoidal Planes.

Definition at line 119 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

120  : Trk::Surface(htrans)
121  , m_bounds(std::make_shared<Trk::TrapezoidBounds>(minhalephi, maxhalephi, haleta))
122 {}

◆ PlaneSurface() [13/14]

Trk::PlaneSurface::PlaneSurface ( const Amg::Transform3D htrans,
const Trk::SurfaceBounds rbounds 

Constructor for Planes with provided Bounds - ownership of bounds is passed.

Definition at line 125 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

126  : Trk::Surface(htrans)
127  , m_bounds(tbounds)
128 {}

◆ PlaneSurface() [14/14]

Trk::PlaneSurface::PlaneSurface ( const Amg::Transform3D htrans,
const Trk::SharedObject< const Trk::SurfaceBounds > &  sbounds 

Constructor for Planes with shared object.

Definition at line 131 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

134  : Trk::Surface(htrans), m_bounds(tbounds) {}

Member Function Documentation

◆ associatedDetectorElement()

const TrkDetElementBase* Trk::Surface::associatedDetectorElement ( ) const

return associated Detector Element

◆ associatedDetectorElementIdentifier()

Identifier Trk::Surface::associatedDetectorElementIdentifier ( ) const

return Identifier of the associated Detector Element

◆ associatedLayer()

const Trk::Layer* Trk::Surface::associatedLayer ( ) const

return the associated Layer

◆ associateLayer()

void Trk::Surface::associateLayer ( const Layer lay)

method to associate the associated Trk::Layer which is alreay owned

  • only allowed by LayerBuilder
  • only done if no Layer is set already

◆ baseSurface()

virtual const Trk::Surface* Trk::Surface::baseSurface ( ) const

return the base surface (simplified for persistification)

◆ bounds()

virtual const SurfaceBounds& Trk::PlaneSurface::bounds ( ) const

This method returns the bounds by reference, static NoBounds in case of no boundaries.

Implements Trk::Surface.

◆ cachedTransform()

const Amg::Transform3D* Trk::Surface::cachedTransform ( ) const

Return the cached transformation directly.

Don't try to make a new transform if it's not here.

◆ center()

const Amg::Vector3D& Trk::Surface::center ( ) const

Returns the center position of the Surface.

◆ clone()

virtual PlaneSurface* Trk::PlaneSurface::clone ( ) const

Virtual constructor.

Implements Trk::Surface.

◆ createUniqueNeutralParameters() [1/2]

Trk::Surface::NeutralTrackParametersUniquePtr Trk::PlaneSurface::createUniqueNeutralParameters ( const Amg::Vector3D position,
const Amg::Vector3D momentum,
double  charge = 0.,
std::optional< AmgSymMatrix(5)>  cov = std::nullopt 
) const

Use the Surface as a ParametersBase constructor, from global parameters.

Use the Surface as a ParametersBase constructor, from global parameters - neutral.

  • neutral

Implements Trk::Surface.

Definition at line 191 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

196 {
197  return std::make_unique<ParametersT<5, Neutral, PlaneSurface>>(
198  position, momentum, charge, *this, std::move(cov));
199 }

◆ createUniqueNeutralParameters() [2/2]

Trk::Surface::NeutralTrackParametersUniquePtr Trk::PlaneSurface::createUniqueNeutralParameters ( double  l1,
double  l2,
double  phi,
double  theta,
double  oop,
std::optional< AmgSymMatrix(5)>  cov = std::nullopt 
) const

Use the Surface as a ParametersBase constructor, from local parameters - neutral.

Implements Trk::Surface.

Definition at line 176 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

183 {
184  return std::make_unique<ParametersT<5, Neutral, PlaneSurface>>(
185  l1, l2, phi, theta, oop, *this, std::move(cov));
186 }

◆ createUniqueParameters() [1/2]

template<int DIM, class T >
std::unique_ptr<ParametersT<DIM, T, PlaneSurface> > Trk::PlaneSurface::createUniqueParameters ( const Amg::Vector3D position,
const Amg::Vector3D momentum,
double  charge,
std::optional< AmgSymMatrix(DIM)>  cov = std::nullopt 
) const

Use the Surface as a ParametersBase constructor, from global parameters.

◆ createUniqueParameters() [2/2]

template<int DIM, class T >
std::unique_ptr<ParametersT<DIM, T, PlaneSurface> > Trk::PlaneSurface::createUniqueParameters ( double  l1,
double  l2,
double  phi,
double  theta,
double  qop,
std::optional< AmgSymMatrix(DIM)>  cov = std::nullopt 
) const

Use the Surface as a ParametersBase constructor, from local parameters.

◆ createUniqueTrackParameters() [1/2]

Trk::Surface::ChargedTrackParametersUniquePtr Trk::PlaneSurface::createUniqueTrackParameters ( const Amg::Vector3D position,
const Amg::Vector3D momentum,
double  charge,
std::optional< AmgSymMatrix(5)>  cov = std::nullopt 
) const

Use the Surface as a ParametersBase constructor, from global parameters - charged.

Implements Trk::Surface.

Definition at line 163 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

168 {
169  return std::make_unique<ParametersT<5, Charged, PlaneSurface>>(
170  position, momentum, charge, *this, std::move(cov));
171 }

◆ createUniqueTrackParameters() [2/2]

Trk::Surface::ChargedTrackParametersUniquePtr Trk::PlaneSurface::createUniqueTrackParameters ( double  l1,
double  l2,
double  phi,
double  theta,
double  qop,
std::optional< AmgSymMatrix(5)>  cov = std::nullopt 
) const

Use the Surface as a ParametersBase constructor, from local parameters - charged.

Implements Trk::Surface.

Definition at line 149 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

156 {
157  return std::make_unique<ParametersT<5, Charged, PlaneSurface>>(
158  l1, l2, phi, theta, qop, *this, std::move(cov));
159 }

◆ dump() [1/2]

MsgStream & Surface::dump ( MsgStream &  sl) const

Output Method for MsgStream, to be overloaded by child classes.

Reimplemented in Trk::PerigeeSurface, and Trk::DetElementSurface.

Definition at line 157 of file Surface.cxx.

158 {
159  sl << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
160  sl << std::setprecision(4);
161  sl << name() << std::endl;
162  if (associatedDetectorElement()!=nullptr){
163  sl<<" Detector Type = "<<associatedDetectorElement()->detectorTypeString()<<std::endl;
164  }
165  sl << " Center position (x, y, z) = (" << center().x() << ", " << center().y() << ", " << center().z() << ")"
166  << std::endl;
168  Amg::Vector3D rotX(rot.col(0));
169  Amg::Vector3D rotY(rot.col(1));
170  Amg::Vector3D rotZ(rot.col(2));
171  sl << std::setprecision(6);
172  sl << " Rotation: colX = (" << rotX(0) << ", " << rotX(1) << ", " << rotX(2) << ")" << std::endl;
173  sl << " colY = (" << rotY(0) << ", " << rotY(1) << ", " << rotY(2) << ")" << std::endl;
174  sl << " colZ = (" << rotZ(0) << ", " << rotZ(1) << ", " << rotZ(2) << ")" << std::endl;
175  sl << " Bounds : " << bounds();
176  if (!checkTransform(*this)) {
177  sl << std::endl << " NOT a strict rotation matrix." << std::endl;
178  }
179  sl << std::setprecision(-1);
180  return sl;
181 }

◆ dump() [2/2]

std::ostream & Surface::dump ( std::ostream &  sl) const

Output Method for std::ostream, to be overloaded by child classes.

Reimplemented in Trk::PerigeeSurface, and Trk::DetElementSurface.

Definition at line 185 of file Surface.cxx.

186 {
187  sl << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
188  sl << std::setprecision(4);
189  sl << name() << std::endl;
190  if (associatedDetectorElement()!=nullptr){
191  sl<<" Detector Type = "<<associatedDetectorElement()->detectorTypeString()<<std::endl;
192  }
193  sl << " Center position (x, y, z) = (" << center().x() << ", " << center().y() << ", " << center().z() << ")"
194  << std::endl;
196  Amg::Vector3D rotX(rot.col(0));
197  Amg::Vector3D rotY(rot.col(1));
198  Amg::Vector3D rotZ(rot.col(2));
199  sl << std::setprecision(6);
200  sl << " Rotation: colX = (" << rotX(0) << ", " << rotX(1) << ", " << rotX(2) << ")" << std::endl;
201  sl << " colY = (" << rotY(0) << ", " << rotY(1) << ", " << rotY(2) << ")" << std::endl;
202  sl << " colZ = (" << rotZ(0) << ", " << rotZ(1) << ", " << rotZ(2) << ")" << std::endl;
203  sl << " Bounds : " << bounds();
204  if (!checkTransform(*this)) {
205  sl << std::endl << " NOT a strict rotation matrix." << std::endl;
206  }
207  sl << std::setprecision(-1);
208  return sl;
209 }

◆ globalReferencePoint()

virtual const Amg::Vector3D& Trk::Surface::globalReferencePoint ( ) const

Returns a global reference point on the surface, for PlaneSurface, StraightLineSurface, PerigeeSurface this is equal to center(), for CylinderSurface and DiscSurface this is a new member.

Reimplemented in Trk::DiscSurface, Trk::CylinderSurface, and Trk::ConeSurface.

◆ globalToLocal() [1/3]

ATH_FLATTEN bool Trk::PlaneSurface::globalToLocal ( const Amg::Vector3D glob,
const Amg::Vector3D mom,
Amg::Vector2D loc 
) const

Specified for PlaneSurface: GlobalToLocal method without dynamic memory allocation - boolean checks if on surface.

Implements Trk::Surface.

Definition at line 215 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

217  {
218  Amg::Vector3D loc3Dframe = inverseTransformMultHelper(glopos);
219  locpos = Amg::Vector2D(loc3Dframe.x(), loc3Dframe.y());
220  return (loc3Dframe.z() * loc3Dframe.z() <=
222 }

◆ globalToLocal() [2/3]

std::optional<Amg::Vector2D> Trk::Surface::globalToLocal ( const Amg::Vector3D glopos,
const Amg::Vector3D glomom 
) const

This method returns the LocalPosition from a provided GlobalPosition.

If the GlobalPosition is not on the Surface, it returns a nullopt This method does not check if the calculated LocalPosition is inside surface bounds. If this check is needed, use positionOnSurface - for generality with momentum

◆ globalToLocal() [3/3]

std::optional<Amg::Vector2D> Trk::Surface::globalToLocal ( const Amg::Vector3D glopos,
double  tol = 0. 
) const

This method returns the LocalPosition from a provided GlobalPosition.

If the GlobalPosition is not on the Surface, it returns nullopt This method does not check if the calculated LocalPosition is inside surface bounds. If this check is needed, use positionOnSurface - only for planar, cylinder surface fully defined

◆ globalToLocalDirection()

void Trk::PlaneSurface::globalToLocalDirection ( const Amg::Vector3D glodir,
Trk::LocalDirection locdir 
) const

This method transforms the global direction to a local direction wrt the plane.

Definition at line 262 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

263 {
264  // bring the global direction into the surface frame
266  ldir = Trk::LocalDirection(std::atan2(d.z(), d.x()), std::atan2(d.z(), d.y()));
267 }

◆ insideBounds()

virtual bool Trk::PlaneSurface::insideBounds ( const Amg::Vector2D locpos,
double  tol1 = 0.,
double  tol2 = 0. 
) const

This method calls the inside() method of the Bounds.

Implements Trk::Surface.

Reimplemented in Trk::SubtractedPlaneSurface.

◆ insideBoundsCheck()

virtual bool Trk::PlaneSurface::insideBoundsCheck ( const Amg::Vector2D locpos,
const BoundaryCheck bchk 
) const

Implements Trk::Surface.

◆ inverseTransformHelper()

Amg::Transform3D Trk::Surface::inverseTransformHelper ( ) const

Helper method to factorize in one place common operations calculate inverse transofrm and multiply with position.

◆ inverseTransformMultHelper()

Amg::Vector3D Trk::Surface::inverseTransformMultHelper ( const Amg::Vector3D glopos) const

◆ isActive()

bool Trk::Surface::isActive ( ) const

Return 'true' if this surface is owned by the detector element.

◆ isFree()

bool Trk::Surface::isFree ( ) const

Returns 'true' if this surface is 'free', i.e.

it does not belong to a detector element (and returns false otherwise

◆ isOnSurface()

ATH_FLATTEN bool Trk::PlaneSurface::isOnSurface ( const Amg::Vector3D glopo,
const BoundaryCheck bchk = true,
double  tol1 = 0.,
double  tol2 = 0. 
) const

This method returns true if the GlobalPosition is on the Surface for both, within or without check of whether the local position is inside boundaries or not.

Reimplemented from Trk::Surface.

Definition at line 271 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

274 {
275  Amg::Vector3D loc3Dframe = inverseTransformMultHelper(glopo);
276  if (std::abs(loc3Dframe(2)) > (s_onSurfaceTolerance + tol1)){
277  return false;
278  }
279  return (bchk ? bounds().inside(Amg::Vector2D(loc3Dframe(0), loc3Dframe(1)), tol1, tol2) : true);
280 }

◆ localParametersToPosition()

virtual Amg::Vector2D Trk::Surface::localParametersToPosition ( const LocalParameters locpars) const

Optionally specified by each surface type : LocalParameters to Vector2D.

Reimplemented in Trk::DiscSurface, Trk::CylinderSurface, and Trk::ConeSurface.

◆ localToGlobal() [1/5]

ATH_FLATTEN void Trk::PlaneSurface::localToGlobal ( const Amg::Vector2D locp,
const Amg::Vector3D mom,
Amg::Vector3D glob 
) const

Specified for PlaneSurface: LocalToGlobal method without dynamic memory allocation.

Implements Trk::Surface.

Definition at line 204 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

207 {
208  Amg::Vector3D loc3Dframe(locpos[Trk::locX], locpos[Trk::locY], 0.);
209  glopos = transform() * loc3Dframe;
210 }

◆ localToGlobal() [2/5]

Amg::Vector3D Trk::Surface::localToGlobal ( const Amg::Vector2D locpos) const

This method returns the GlobalPosition from a LocalPosition uses the per surface localToGlobal.

◆ localToGlobal() [3/5]

Amg::Vector3D Trk::Surface::localToGlobal ( const Amg::Vector2D locpos,
const Amg::Vector3D glomom 
) const

This method returns the GlobalPosition from a LocalPosition The LocalPosition can be outside Surface bounds - for generality with momentum.

◆ localToGlobal() [4/5]

Amg::Vector3D Trk::Surface::localToGlobal ( const LocalParameters locpars) const

This method returns the GlobalPosition from LocalParameters The LocalParameters can be outside Surface bounds.

◆ localToGlobal() [5/5]

Amg::Vector3D Trk::Surface::localToGlobal ( const LocalParameters locpars,
const Amg::Vector3D glomom 
) const

This method returns the GlobalPosition from LocalParameters The LocalParameters can be outside Surface bounds - for generality with momentum.

◆ localToGlobalDirection()

void Trk::PlaneSurface::localToGlobalDirection ( const Trk::LocalDirection locdir,
Amg::Vector3D globdir 
) const

This method transforms a local direction wrt the plane to a global direction.

Definition at line 244 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

245 {
247  CxxUtils::sincos scXZ(locdir.angleXZ());
248  CxxUtils::sincos scYZ(locdir.angleYZ());
250  double norm = 1. / std::sqrt(scYZ.cs * scYZ.cs * * + *;
252  // decide on the sign
253  double sign = ( < 0.) ? -1. : 1.;
255  // now calculate the GlobalDirection in the global frame
256  globdir =
257  transform().linear() *
258  Amg::Vector3D(sign * scXZ.cs * * norm, sign * * scYZ.cs * norm, sign * * * norm);
259 }

◆ materialLayer() [1/2]

Trk::Layer* Trk::Surface::materialLayer ( )

◆ materialLayer() [2/2]

const Trk::Layer* Trk::Surface::materialLayer ( ) const

return the material Layer

◆ measurementFrame()

Amg::RotationMatrix3D Surface::measurementFrame ( const Amg::Vector3D glopos,
const Amg::Vector3D glomom 
) const

Return the measurement frame - this is needed for alignment, in particular for StraightLine and Perigee Surface.

  • the default implementation is the the RotationMatrix3D of the transform

Reimplemented in Trk::CylinderSurface, Trk::ConeSurface, Trk::StraightLineSurface, and Trk::PerigeeSurface.

Definition at line 135 of file Surface.cxx.

136 {
137  return transform().linear();
138 }

◆ name()

virtual std::string Trk::PlaneSurface::name ( ) const

Return properly formatted class name for screen output.

Implements Trk::Surface.

Reimplemented in Trk::SubtractedPlaneSurface.

◆ normal() [1/2]

virtual const Amg::Vector3D& Trk::Surface::normal ( ) const

Returns the normal vector of the Surface (i.e.

in generall z-axis of rotation)

Reimplemented in Trk::PerigeeSurface.

◆ normal() [2/2]

virtual Amg::Vector3D Trk::Surface::normal ( const Amg::Vector2D lp) const

Returns a normal vector at a specific local position.

Reimplemented in Trk::PerigeeSurface, Trk::CylinderSurface, and Trk::ConeSurface.

◆ numberOfInstantiations()

static std::size_t Trk::ObjectCounter< Trk::Surface >::numberOfInstantiations ( )

Definition at line 25 of file TrkObjectCounter.h.

26  {
27 #ifndef NDEBUG
28  return s_numberOfInstantiations.load();
29 #endif
30  return 0;
31  }

◆ onSurface()

template<class T >
bool Trk::Surface::onSurface ( const T &  parameters,
const BoundaryCheck bchk = BoundaryCheck(true) 
) const

The templated Parameters OnSurface method - checks on surface pointer first.

◆ operator!=()

bool Trk::Surface::operator!= ( const Surface sf) const

Non-equality operator.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

PlaneSurface& Trk::PlaneSurface::operator= ( const PlaneSurface psf)

Assignment operator.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

PlaneSurface& Trk::PlaneSurface::operator= ( PlaneSurface &&  psf)

Move assignment operator.

◆ operator==() [1/2]

bool Trk::PlaneSurface::operator== ( const PlaneSurface cf) const

◆ operator==() [2/2]

bool Trk::PlaneSurface::operator== ( const Surface sf) const

Equality operator.

Implements Trk::Surface.

Reimplemented in Trk::SubtractedPlaneSurface.

Definition at line 137 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

138 {
139  // first check the type not to compare apples with oranges
140  if (sf.type()!=Trk::SurfaceType::Plane){
141  return false;
142  }
143  return (*this) == static_cast<const Trk::PlaneSurface&>(sf);
144 }

◆ owner()

SurfaceOwner Trk::Surface::owner ( ) const

return ownership

◆ pathCorrection()

virtual double Trk::Surface::pathCorrection ( const Amg::Vector3D pos,
const Amg::Vector3D mom 
) const

the pathCorrection for derived classes with thickness - it reflects if the direction projection is positive or negative

Reimplemented in Trk::CylinderSurface, Trk::StraightLineSurface, Trk::PerigeeSurface, and Trk::ConeSurface.

◆ positionOnSurface()

std::optional< Amg::Vector2D > Surface::positionOnSurface ( const Amg::Vector3D glopo,
const BoundaryCheck bchk = true,
double  tol1 = 0.,
double  tol2 = 0. 
) const

positionOnSurface() returns the LocalPosition on the Surface,
If BoundaryCheck==false it just returns the value of globalToLocal (including nullptr possibility), if BoundaryCheck==true it checks whether the point is inside bounds or not (returns std::nullopt in this case).

Definition at line 106 of file Surface.cxx.

110 {
111  std::optional<Amg::Vector2D> posOnSurface = globalToLocal(glopo, tol1);
112  if (!bchk){
113  return posOnSurface;
114  }
115  if (posOnSurface && insideBounds(*posOnSurface, tol1, tol2)){
116  return posOnSurface;
117  }
118  return std::nullopt;
119 }

◆ setMaterialLayer()

void Trk::Surface::setMaterialLayer ( std::shared_ptr< Layer mlay)

set material layer

◆ setOwner()

void Trk::Surface::setOwner ( SurfaceOwner  x)

set Ownership

◆ setTransform()

void Trk::Surface::setTransform ( const Amg::Transform3D trans)

Set the transform updates center and normal.

◆ straightLineDistanceEstimate() [1/2]

Trk::DistanceSolution Trk::PlaneSurface::straightLineDistanceEstimate ( const Amg::Vector3D pos,
const Amg::Vector3D dir 
) const

fast straight line distance evaluation to Surface

distance to surface

Implements Trk::Surface.

Definition at line 284 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

285 {
286  static const double tol = 0.001;
288  const Amg::Vector3D& N = normal();
290  const double d = (pos - center()).dot(N);
292  const double A =; // ignore sign
293  if (A == 0.) { // direction parallel to surface
294  if (std::abs(d) < tol) {
295  return {1, 0., true, 0.};
296  }
297  return {0, d, true, 0.};
299  }
301  return {1, d, true, -d / A};
302 }

◆ straightLineDistanceEstimate() [2/2]

Trk::DistanceSolution Trk::PlaneSurface::straightLineDistanceEstimate ( const Amg::Vector3D pos,
const Amg::Vector3D dir,
bool  Bound 
) const

fast straight line distance evaluation to Surface - with bound option

Implements Trk::Surface.

Definition at line 305 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

306 {
307  const Amg::Transform3D& T = transform();
308  double Az[3] = { T(0, 2), T(1, 2), T(2, 2) };
310  // Transformation to plane system coordinates
311  //
312  double dx = pos[0] - T(0, 3);
313  double dy = pos[1] - T(1, 3);
314  double dz = pos[2] - T(2, 3);
315  double z = dx * Az[0] + dy * Az[1] + dz * Az[2];
316  double az = dir[0] * Az[0] + dir[1] * Az[1] + dir[2] * Az[2];
318  // Step to surface
319  //
320  int ns = 0;
321  double s = 0.;
322  if (az != 0.) {
323  s = -z / az;
324  ns = 1;
325  }
326  double dist = std::abs(z);
327  if (!bound)
328  return {ns, std::abs(z), true, s};
330  // Min distance to surface
331  //
332  double x = dx * T(0, 0) + dy * T(1, 0) + dz * T(2, 0);
333  double y = dx * T(0, 1) + dy * T(1, 1) + dz * T(2, 1);
335  Amg::Vector2D lp(x, y);
337  double d = bounds().minDistance(lp);
338  if (d > 0.)
339  dist = std::sqrt(dist * dist + d * d);
341  return {ns, dist, true, s};
342 }

◆ straightLineIntersection() [1/2]

Trk::Intersection Trk::PlaneSurface::straightLineIntersection ( const Amg::Vector3D pos,
const Amg::Vector3D dir,
bool  forceDir,
Trk::BoundaryCheck  bchk 
) const

fast straight line intersection schema - standard: provides closest intersection and (signed) path length forceDir is to provide the closest forward solution

mathematical motivation:

the equation of the plane is given by:
\( \vec n \cdot \vec x = \vec n \cdot \vec p,\)
where \( \vec n = (n_{x}, n_{y}, n_{z})\) denotes the normal vector of the plane, \( \vec p = (p_{x}, p_{y}, p_{z})\) one specific point on the plane and \( \vec x = (x,y,z) \) all possible points on the plane.
Given a line with:
\( \vec l(u) = \vec l_{1} + u \cdot \vec v \),
the solution for \( u \) can be written: \( u = \frac{\vec n (\vec p - \vec l_{1})}{\vec n \vec v}\)
If the denominator is 0 then the line lies:

  • either in the plane
  • perpenticular to the normal of the plane

Implements Trk::Surface.

Definition at line 225 of file PlaneSurface.cxx.

228  {
229  double denom =;
230  if (denom) {
231  double u = (normal().dot((center() - pos))) / (denom);
232  Amg::Vector3D intersectPoint(pos + u * dir);
233  // evaluate the intersection in terms of direction
234  bool isValid = forceDir ? (u > 0.) : true;
235  // evaluate (if necessary in terms of boundaries)
236  isValid = bchk ? (isValid && isOnSurface(intersectPoint)) : isValid;
237  // return the result
238  return Trk::Intersection(intersectPoint, u, isValid);
239  }
240  return Trk::Intersection(pos, 0., false);
241 }

◆ straightLineIntersection() [2/2]

template<class T >
Intersection Trk::Surface::straightLineIntersection ( const T &  pars,
bool  forceDir = false,
const Trk::BoundaryCheck bchk = false 
) const

fst straight line intersection schema - templated for charged and neutral parameters

Definition at line 351 of file Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces/TrkSurfaces/Surface.h.

355  {
357  pars.position(), pars.momentum().unit(), forceDir, bchk);
358  }

◆ transform()

const Amg::Transform3D& Trk::Surface::transform ( ) const

Returns HepGeom::Transform3D by reference.

◆ type()

constexpr virtual SurfaceType Trk::PlaneSurface::type ( ) const

Return the surface type.

Implements Trk::Surface.

◆ uniqueClone()

std::unique_ptr<Surface> Trk::Surface::uniqueClone ( ) const

NVI method returning unique_ptr clone.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ ::BoundSurfaceCnv_p1

template<class SURFACE , class BOUNDS_CNV >
friend class ::BoundSurfaceCnv_p1

< data members

Definition at line 283 of file PlaneSurface.h.

◆ ::BoundSurfaceCnv_p2

template<class SURFACE , class BOUNDS_CNV >
friend class ::BoundSurfaceCnv_p2

Definition at line 285 of file PlaneSurface.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_associatedDetElement

const TrkDetElementBase* Trk::Surface::m_associatedDetElement {}

Not owning Pointer to the TrkDetElementBase.

Definition at line 439 of file Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces/TrkSurfaces/Surface.h.

◆ m_associatedDetElementId

Identifier Trk::Surface::m_associatedDetElementId {}

◆ m_associatedLayer

const Layer* Trk::Surface::m_associatedLayer {}

The associated layer Trk::Layer.

  • layer in which the Surface is embedded (not owning pointed)

Definition at line 448 of file Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces/TrkSurfaces/Surface.h.

◆ m_bounds

SharedObject<const SurfaceBounds> Trk::PlaneSurface::m_bounds

bounds (shared)

NoBounds as return object when no bounds are declared

Definition at line 287 of file PlaneSurface.h.

◆ m_materialLayer

std::shared_ptr<Layer> Trk::Surface::m_materialLayer {}

Possibility to attach a material descrption.

  • potentially given as the associated material layer (not owning pointer)

Definition at line 453 of file Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces/TrkSurfaces/Surface.h.

◆ m_owner

SurfaceOwner Trk::Surface::m_owner {SurfaceOwner::noOwn}

enum for surface owner : 0 free surface

Definition at line 455 of file Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces/TrkSurfaces/Surface.h.

◆ m_transforms

std::unique_ptr<Transforms> Trk::Surface::m_transforms {}

◆ s_boundless

const Trk::NoBounds Trk::PlaneSurface::s_boundless

Definition at line 289 of file PlaneSurface.h.

◆ s_numberOfInstantiations

std::atomic_size_t Trk::ObjectCounter< Trk::Surface >::s_numberOfInstantiations

Definition at line 22 of file TrkObjectCounter.h.

◆ s_onSurfaceTolerance

constexpr double Trk::Surface::s_onSurfaceTolerance = 10e-5

Tolerance for being on Surface.

Definition at line 458 of file Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces/TrkSurfaces/Surface.h.

◆ staticType

constexpr SurfaceType Trk::PlaneSurface::staticType = SurfaceType::Plane

The surface type static constexpr.

Definition at line 67 of file PlaneSurface.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
@ y
Definition: ParamDefs.h:56
int s
Definition: Intersection.h:24
const TrkDetElementBase * associatedDetectorElement() const
return associated Detector Element
virtual std::string name() const =0
Return properly formatted class name.
@ z
global position (cartesian)
Definition: ParamDefs.h:57
@ locX
Definition: ParamDefs.h:37
@ locY
local cartesian
Definition: ParamDefs.h:38
Intersection straightLineIntersection(const T &pars, bool forceDir=false, const Trk::BoundaryCheck &bchk=false) const
fst straight line intersection schema - templated for charged and neutral parameters
Definition: Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces/TrkSurfaces/Surface.h:351
Eigen::Matrix< double, 2, 1 > Vector2D
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:48
@ N
Definition: TiledEtaPhiMap.h:44
bool isValid(const T &p)
Av: we implement here an ATLAS-sepcific convention: all particles which are 99xxxxx are fine.
Definition: AtlasPID.h:778
const Amg::Vector3D & center() const
Returns the center position of the Surface.
@ u
Enums for curvilinear frames.
Definition: ParamDefs.h:77
virtual double minDistance(const Amg::Vector2D &pos) const =0
Minimal distance to boundary ( > 0 if outside and <=0 if inside)
double angleYZ() const
access method for angle of local YZ projection
Definition: LocalDirection.h:106
Amg::Vector3D inverseTransformMultHelper(const Amg::Vector3D &glopos) const
std::string detectorTypeString() const
Returns a string of the Detector element type.
Definition: TrkDetElementBase.cxx:10
SharedObject< const SurfaceBounds > m_bounds
bounds (shared)
Definition: PlaneSurface.h:287
std::unique_ptr< Transforms > m_transforms
Definition: Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces/TrkSurfaces/Surface.h:436
static constexpr double s_onSurfaceTolerance
Tolerance for being on Surface.
Definition: Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces/TrkSurfaces/Surface.h:458
@ theta
Definition: ParamDefs.h:66
Eigen::Affine3d Transform3D
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:46
def linear
int sign(int a)
Definition: TRT_StrawNeighbourSvc.h:107
virtual const Amg::Vector3D & normal() const
Returns the normal vector of the Surface (i.e.
represents the three-dimensional global direction with respect to a planar surface frame.
Definition: LocalDirection.h:81
def dot(G, fn, nodesToHighlight=[])
Amg::Transform3D inverseTransformHelper() const
Helper method to factorize in one place common operations calculate inverse transofrm and multiply wi...
string dir
virtual bool isOnSurface(const Amg::Vector3D &glopo, const BoundaryCheck &bchk=true, double tol1=0., double tol2=0.) const override final
This method returns true if the GlobalPosition is on the Surface for both, within or without check of...
Definition: PlaneSurface.cxx:271
virtual const SurfaceBounds & bounds() const =0
Surface Bounds method.
double charge(const T &p)
Definition: AtlasPID.h:897
virtual bool insideBounds(const Amg::Vector2D &locpos, double tol1=0., double tol2=0.) const =0
virtual methods to be overwritten by the inherited surfaces
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > Vector3D
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:47
@ inside
Definition: PropDirection.h:29
tuple dy
Trk::ObjectCounter< Trk::Surface >::s_numberOfInstantiations
static std::atomic_size_t s_numberOfInstantiations
Definition: TrkObjectCounter.h:22
virtual bool globalToLocal(const Amg::Vector3D &glob, const Amg::Vector3D &mom, Amg::Vector2D &loc) const =0
Specified by each surface type: GlobalToLocal method without dynamic memory allocation - boolean chec...
@ sf
Definition: TElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool.cxx:38
Definition: PlaneSurface.h:64
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 3 > RotationMatrix3D
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:49
virtual const SurfaceBounds & bounds() const override final
This method returns the bounds by reference, static NoBounds in case of no boundaries.
tuple dx
Eigen::Translation< double, 3 > Translation3D
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:44
Helper to simultaneously calculate sin and cos of the same angle.
Definition: sincos.h:39
int ns
@ Plane
@ phi
Definition: ParamDefs.h:75
double angleXZ() const
access method for angle of local XZ projection
Definition: LocalDirection.h:103
@ x
Definition: ParamDefs.h:55
Definition: Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces/TrkSurfaces/Surface.h:75
const Amg::Transform3D & transform() const
Returns HepGeom::Transform3D by reference.
unsigned long long T
Definition: L1TopoDataTypes.h:35