ATLAS Offline Software
Namespaces | Classes | Functions
MC Namespace Reference




class  Loops


template<class T >
bool isInteracting (const T &p)
 Identify if the particle with given PDG ID would not interact with the detector, i.e. not a neutrino or WIMP. More...
template<class T >
bool isChargedNonShowering (const T &p)
 Identify if the particle with given PDG ID would produce ID tracks but not shower in the detector if stable. More...
template<class T >
bool isBeam (const T &p)
 Identify if the particle is beam particle. More...
template<class T >
bool isDecayed (const T &p)
 Identify if the particle decayed. More...
template<class T >
bool isStable (const T &p)
 Identify if the particle is stable, i.e. has not decayed. More...
template<class T >
bool isFinalState (const T &p)
 Identify if the particle is final state particle. More...
template<class T >
bool isPhysical (const T &p)
 Identify if the particle is physical, i.e. is stable or decayed. More...
template<class T >
bool isGenStable (const T &p)
 Determine if the particle is stable at the generator (not det-sim) level,. More...
template<class T >
bool isSimStable (const T &p)
 Identify if the particle is considered stable at the post-detector-sim stage. More...
template<class T >
bool isSimInteracting (const T &p)
 Identify if the particle could interact with the detector during the simulation, e.g. not a neutrino or WIMP. More...
template<class T >
bool isStableOrSimDecayed (const T &p)
 Identify if particle is satble or decayed in simulation. More...
template<class T >
bool isZeroEnergyPhoton (const T &p)
 Identify a photon with zero energy. Probably a workaround for a generator bug. More...
template<class T >
bool isSingleParticle (const T &p)
 Identify a particlegun particle. More...
template<class T >
bool isSpecialNonInteracting (const T &p)
 Identify a special non-interacting particles. More...
template<class T >
findMother (T thePart)
 Function to get a mother of particle. MCTruthClassifier legacy. More...
template<class C , class T >
findMatching (C TruthContainer, T p)
 Function to find a particle in container. More...
template<class T >
void findParticleAncestors (T thePart, std::set< T > &allancestors)
 Function to find all ancestors of the particle. More...
template<class T >
void findParticleStableDescendants (T thePart, std::set< T > &allstabledescendants)
 Function to get the particle stable MC daughters. More...
template<class T >
bool isHardScatteringVertex (T pVert)
 Function to classify the vertex as hard scattering vertex. More...
template<class T >
bool isFromHadron (T p, T hadron, bool &fromTau, bool &fromBSM)
 Function to classify the particle. More...
template<class T >
auto findSimulatedEndVertex (T thePart) -> decltype(thePart->end_vertex())
 Function to find the end vertex of a particle. More...
template<class V >
auto findFinalStateParticles (V theVert) -> decltype(theVert->particles_out())
 Function to find the stable particle descendants of the given vertex.. More...

Function Documentation

◆ findFinalStateParticles()

template<class V >
auto MC::findFinalStateParticles ( theVert) -> decltype(theVert->particles_out())

Function to find the stable particle descendants of the given vertex..

This can be used for HepMC3::GenVertexPtr, HepMC3::ConstGenVertexPtr or xAOD::TruthVertex* and particle counterparts

Definition at line 247 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

247  {
248  if (!theVert) return {};
249  decltype(theVert->particles_out()) finalStatePart;
250  auto outgoing = theVert->particles_out();
251  for (const auto& thePart: outgoing) {
252  if (!thePart) continue;
253  finalStatePart.push_back(thePart);
254  if (isStable(thePart)) continue;
255  V pVert = findSimulatedEndVertex(thePart);
256  if (pVert == theVert) break; // to prevent Sherpa loop
257  if (pVert != nullptr) {
258  auto vecPart = findFinalStateParticles<V>(pVert);
259  finalStatePart.insert(finalStatePart.end(),vecPart.begin(),vecPart.end());
260  }
261  }
262  return finalStatePart;
263  }

◆ findMatching()

template<class C , class T >
T MC::findMatching ( TruthContainer,

Function to find a particle in container.

This can be used for HepMC3::GenVertexPtr, HepMC3::ConstGenVertexPtr or xAOD::TruthVertex*

Definition at line 127 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

127  {
128  T ptrPart = nullptr;
129  if (!p) return ptrPart;
130  for (T truthParticle : *TruthContainer) {
131  if (HepMC::is_sim_descendant(p,truthParticle)) {
132  ptrPart = truthParticle;
133  break;
134  }
135  }
136  return ptrPart;
137  }

◆ findMother()

template<class T >
T MC::findMother ( thePart)

Function to get a mother of particle. MCTruthClassifier legacy.

This can be used for HepMC3::GenVertexPtr, HepMC3::ConstGenVertexPtr or xAOD::TruthVertex*

Definition at line 94 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

94  {
95  auto partOriVert = thePart->production_vertex();
96  if (!partOriVert) return nullptr;
98  long partPDG = thePart->pdg_id();
99  long MotherPDG(0);
101  auto MothOriVert = partOriVert;
102  MothOriVert = nullptr;
103  T theMoth(nullptr);
105  size_t itr = 0;
106  do {
107  if (itr != 0) partOriVert = MothOriVert;
108  auto incoming = partOriVert->particles_in();
109  for ( auto p: incoming) {
110  theMoth = p;
111  if (!theMoth) continue;
112  MotherPDG = theMoth->pdg_id();
113  MothOriVert = theMoth->production_vertex();
114  if (MotherPDG == partPDG) break;
115  }
116  itr++;
117  if (itr > 100) {
118  break;
119  }
120  } while (MothOriVert != nullptr && MotherPDG == partPDG && !HepMC::is_simulation_particle(thePart) &&
121  MothOriVert != partOriVert);
122  return theMoth;
123  }

◆ findParticleAncestors()

template<class T >
void MC::findParticleAncestors ( thePart,
std::set< T > &  allancestors 

Function to find all ancestors of the particle.

This can be used for HepMC3::GenParticlePtr, HepMC3::ConstGenParticlePtr or xAOD::TruthParticle*

Definition at line 140 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

140  {
141  auto prodVtx = thePart->production_vertex();
142  if (!prodVtx) return;
143  for (auto theMother: prodVtx->particles_in()) {
144  if (!theMother) continue;
145  allancestors.insert(theMother);
146  findParticleAncestors(theMother, allancestors);
147  }
148  }

◆ findParticleStableDescendants()

template<class T >
void MC::findParticleStableDescendants ( thePart,
std::set< T > &  allstabledescendants 

Function to get the particle stable MC daughters.

This can be used for HepMC3::GenParticlePtr, HepMC3::ConstGenParticlePtr or xAOD::TruthParticle*

Definition at line 152 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

152  {
153  auto endVtx = thePart->end_vertex();
154  if (!endVtx) return;
155  for (auto theDaughter: endVtx->particles_out()) {
156  if (!theDaughter) continue;
157  if (isStable(theDaughter) && !HepMC::is_simulation_particle(theDaughter)) {
158  allstabledescendants.insert(theDaughter);
159  }
160  findParticleStableDescendants(theDaughter, allstabledescendants);
161  }
162  }

◆ findSimulatedEndVertex()

template<class T >
auto MC::findSimulatedEndVertex ( thePart) -> decltype(thePart->end_vertex())

Function to find the end vertex of a particle.

This algorithm allows for 1->1 decays.
This can be used for HepMC3::GenVertexPtr, HepMC3::ConstGenVertexPtr or xAOD::TruthVertex* and particle counterparts

Definition at line 219 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

219  {
220  decltype(thePart->end_vertex()) EndVert = thePart->end_vertex();
221  decltype(thePart->end_vertex()) pVert(nullptr);
222  if (EndVert != nullptr) {
223  do {
224  bool samePart = false;
225  pVert = nullptr;
226  auto outgoing = EndVert->particles_out();
227  auto incoming = EndVert->particles_in();
228  for (const auto& itrDaug: outgoing) {
229  if (!itrDaug) continue;
230  if ((( HepMC::is_same_generator_particle(itrDaug,thePart)) ||
231  // brem on generator level for tau
232  (outgoing.size() == 1 && incoming.size() == 1 &&
234  itrDaug->pdg_id() == thePart->pdg_id()) {
235  samePart = true;
236  pVert = itrDaug->end_vertex();
237  }
238  }
239  if (samePart) EndVert = pVert;
240  } while (pVert != nullptr && pVert != EndVert); // pVert!=EndVert to prevent Sherpa loop
241  }
242  return EndVert;
243  }

◆ isBeam()

template<class T >
bool MC::isBeam ( const T &  p)

Identify if the particle is beam particle.

Definition at line 39 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

◆ isChargedNonShowering()

template<class T >
bool MC::isChargedNonShowering ( const T &  p)

Identify if the particle with given PDG ID would produce ID tracks but not shower in the detector if stable.

Definition at line 36 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

36 { return (isMuon<T>(p) || isSUSY<T>(p)); }

◆ isDecayed()

template<class T >
bool MC::isDecayed ( const T &  p)

Identify if the particle decayed.

Definition at line 42 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

◆ isFinalState()

template<class T >
bool MC::isFinalState ( const T &  p)

Identify if the particle is final state particle.

Definition at line 48 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

48 { return HepMC::status(p)%HepMC::SIM_STATUS_THRESHOLD == 1 && !p->end_vertex();}

◆ isFromHadron()

template<class T >
bool MC::isFromHadron ( p,
bool &  fromTau,
bool &  fromBSM 

Function to classify the particle.

AV: This is MCtruthClassifier legacy. The function should be improved in the future. This can be used for HepMC3::GenVertexPtr, HepMC3::ConstGenVertexPtr or xAOD::TruthVertex*

Definition at line 194 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

194  {
195  if (isHadron(p)&&!isBeam(p)) return true; // trivial case
196  auto vtx = p->production_vertex();
197  if (!vtx) return false;
198  bool fromHad = false;
199  auto incoming = vtx->particles_in();
200  for (auto parent: incoming) {
201  if (!parent) continue;
202  // should this really go into parton-level territory?
203  // probably depends where BSM particles are being decayed
204  fromBSM |= isBSM(parent);
205  if (!isPhysical(parent)) return false;
206  fromTau |= isTau(parent);
207  if (isHadron(parent)&&!isBeam(parent)) {
208  if (!hadron) hadron = parent; // assumes linear hadron parentage
209  return true;
210  }
211  fromHad |= isFromHadron(parent, hadron, fromTau, fromBSM);
212  }
213  return fromHad;
214  }

◆ isGenStable()

template<class T >
bool MC::isGenStable ( const T &  p)

Determine if the particle is stable at the generator (not det-sim) level,.

Definition at line 54 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

54 { return isStable<T>(p) && !HepMC::is_simulation_particle<T>(p);}

◆ isHardScatteringVertex()

template<class T >
bool MC::isHardScatteringVertex ( pVert)

Function to classify the vertex as hard scattering vertex.

AV: This is MCtruthClassifier legacy. Note that this function willnot capture some cases of the HardScattering vertices. The function should be improved in the future. This can be used for HepMC3::GenVertexPtr, HepMC3::ConstGenVertexPtr or xAOD::TruthVertex*

Definition at line 168 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

168  {
169  if (pVert == nullptr) return false;
170  T pV = pVert;
171  int numOfPartIn(0);
172  int pdg(0);
174  do {
175  pVert = pV;
176  auto incoming = pVert->particles_in();
177  numOfPartIn = incoming.size();
178  pdg = numOfPartIn && incoming.front() != nullptr ? incoming.front()->pdg_id() : 0;
179  pV = numOfPartIn && incoming.front() != nullptr ? incoming.front()->production_vertex() : nullptr;
181  } while (numOfPartIn == 1 && (std::abs(pdg) < 81 || std::abs(pdg) > 100) && pV != nullptr);
183  if (numOfPartIn == 2) {
184  auto incoming = pVert->particles_in();
185  if ( && && (std::abs(>pdg_id()) < 7 ||>pdg_id() == 21) && (std::abs(>pdg_id()) < 7 ||>pdg_id() == 21)) return true;
186  }
187  return false;
188 }

◆ isInteracting()

template<class T >
bool MC::isInteracting ( const T &  p)

Identify if the particle with given PDG ID would not interact with the detector, i.e. not a neutrino or WIMP.

Definition at line 33 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

33 { return isStrongInteracting<T>(p) || isEMInteracting<T>(p) || isGeantino<T>(p); }

◆ isPhysical()

template<class T >
bool MC::isPhysical ( const T &  p)

Identify if the particle is physical, i.e. is stable or decayed.

Definition at line 51 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

51 { return isStable<T>(p) || isDecayed<T>(p); }

◆ isSimInteracting()

template<class T >
bool MC::isSimInteracting ( const T &  p)

Identify if the particle could interact with the detector during the simulation, e.g. not a neutrino or WIMP.

Definition at line 60 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

60 { return isGenStable<T>(p) && isInteracting<T>(p);}

◆ isSimStable()

template<class T >
bool MC::isSimStable ( const T &  p)

Identify if the particle is considered stable at the post-detector-sim stage.

Definition at line 57 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

57 { return isStable<T>(p) && !p->end_vertex() && HepMC::is_simulation_particle<T>(p);}

◆ isSingleParticle()

template<class T >
bool MC::isSingleParticle ( const T &  p)

Identify a particlegun particle.

Definition at line 74 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

74  {
75 #if defined(HEPMC3)
76  return HepMC::barcode(p) == 3 || HepMC::barcode(p) == 10001;
77 #else
78  return HepMC::barcode(p) == 10001;
79 #endif
80  }

◆ isSpecialNonInteracting()

template<class T >
bool MC::isSpecialNonInteracting ( const T &  p)

Identify a special non-interacting particles.

Definition at line 83 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

83  {
84  const int apid = std::abs(p->pdg_id());
85  if (apid == NU_E || apid == NU_MU || apid == NU_TAU) return true; //< neutrinos
86  if (apid == 1000022 || apid == 1000024 || apid == 5100022) return true; // SUSY & KK photon and Z partners
87  if (apid == GRAVITON || apid == 1000039 || apid == 5000039) return true; //< gravitons: standard, SUSY and KK
88  if (apid == 9000001 || apid == 9000002 || apid == 9000003 || apid == 9000004 || apid == 9000005 || apid == 9000006) return true; //< exotic particles from monotop model
89  return false;
90  }

◆ isStable()

template<class T >
bool MC::isStable ( const T &  p)

Identify if the particle is stable, i.e. has not decayed.

Definition at line 45 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

◆ isStableOrSimDecayed()

template<class T >
bool MC::isStableOrSimDecayed ( const T &  p)

Identify if particle is satble or decayed in simulation.

  • a pathological case of decayed particle w/o end vertex. The decayed particles w/o end vertex might occur in case of simulation of long lived particles in Geant stripped off the decay products. I.e. those particles should be re-decayed later.

Definition at line 65 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

65  {
66  const auto vertex = p->end_vertex();
67  return ( isStable<T>(p) || (isDecayed<T>(p) && (!vertex || HepMC::is_simulation_vertex(vertex))));
68  }

◆ isZeroEnergyPhoton()

template<class T >
bool MC::isZeroEnergyPhoton ( const T &  p)

Identify a photon with zero energy. Probably a workaround for a generator bug.

Definition at line 71 of file HepMCHelpers.h.

71 { return isPhoton<T>(p) && p->e() == 0;}
bool isFromHadron(T p, T hadron, bool &fromTau, bool &fromBSM)
Function to classify the particle.
Definition: HepMCHelpers.h:194
@ hadron
Definition: TruthClassifiers.h:148
void findParticleAncestors(T thePart, std::set< T > &allancestors)
Function to find all ancestors of the particle.
Definition: HepMCHelpers.h:140
bool isBSM(const T &p)
APID: graviton and all Higgs extensions are BSM.
Definition: AtlasPID.h:591
bool const RAWDATA *ch2 const
Definition: LArRodBlockPhysicsV0.cxx:560
bool isPhysical(const T &p)
Identify if the particle is physical, i.e. is stable or decayed.
Definition: HepMCHelpers.h:51
bool is_same_generator_particle(const T1 &p1, const T2 &p2)
Method to establish if two particles in the GenEvent actually represent the same generated particle.
Definition: MagicNumbers.h:364
bool is_simulation_particle(const T &p)
Method to establish if a particle (or barcode) was created during the simulation (TODO update to be s...
Definition: MagicNumbers.h:355
int barcode(const T *p)
Definition: Barcode.h:16
void findParticleStableDescendants(T thePart, std::set< T > &allstabledescendants)
Function to get the particle stable MC daughters.
Definition: HepMCHelpers.h:152
bool is_simulation_vertex(const T &v)
Method to establish if the vertex was created during simulation (TODO migrate to be based on status).
Definition: MagicNumbers.h:361
bool isTau(const T &p)
Definition: AtlasPID.h:173
Constant definiting the status threshold for simulated particles, eg. can be used to separate generat...
Definition: MagicNumbers.h:46
bool isHadron(const T &p)
Definition: AtlasPID.h:300
@ vertex
Definition: MeasurementType.h:21
bool isStable(const T &p)
Identify if the particle is stable, i.e. has not decayed.
Definition: HepMCHelpers.h:45
bool isBeam(const T &p)
Identify if the particle is beam particle.
Definition: HepMCHelpers.h:39
Definition: LArRodBlockPhysicsV0.cxx:567
bool is_sim_descendant(const T1 &p1, const T2 &p2)
Method to check if the first particle is a descendant of the second in the simulation,...
Definition: MagicNumbers.h:373
int status(const T &p)
Definition: MagicNumbers.h:138
unsigned long long T
Definition: L1TopoDataTypes.h:35
auto findSimulatedEndVertex(T thePart) -> decltype(thePart->end_vertex())
Function to find the end vertex of a particle.
Definition: HepMCHelpers.h:219