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ATLAS Offline Software
enum | TauID {
EleMatchLikelihoodScore = 1,
Likelihood = 2,
BDTJetScore = 15,
BDTEleScore = 16,
SafeLikelihood = 17,
BDTJetScoreSigTrans = 18,
PanTauScore = 20,
RNNJetScore = 21,
RNNJetScoreSigTrans = 22,
RNNEleScore = 23,
RNNEleScoreSigTrans = 24
} |
| Enum for discriminants. More...
enum | VetoFlags { ElectronFlag = 0,
EgammaFlag = 1,
MuonFlag = 2
} |
| Enum for Veto flags. More...
enum | IsTauFlag {
PassEleOLR = 0,
MuonVeto = 4,
EleRNNLoose = 15,
EleRNNMedium = 16,
EleRNNTight = 17,
JetBDTSigVeryLoose = 18,
JetBDTSigLoose = 19,
JetBDTSigMedium = 20,
JetBDTSigTight = 21,
EleBDTLoose = 22,
EleBDTMedium = 23,
EleBDTTight = 24,
JetBDTBkgLoose = 25,
JetBDTBkgMedium = 26,
JetBDTBkgTight = 27,
JetRNNSigVeryLoose = 28,
JetRNNSigLoose = 29,
JetRNNSigMedium = 30,
JetRNNSigTight = 31
} |
| Enum for IsTau flags. More...
enum | Detail {
ipZ0SinThetaSigLeadTrk =0,
etOverPtLeadTrk =1,
leadTrkPt =2,
ipSigLeadTrk =3,
massTrkSys =4,
trkWidth2 =5,
trFlightPathSig =6,
numCells =12,
numTopoClusters =13,
numEffTopoClusters =14,
topoInvMass =15,
effTopoInvMass =16,
topoMeanDeltaR =17,
effTopoMeanDeltaR =18,
EMRadius =19,
hadRadius =20,
etEMAtEMScale =21,
etHadAtEMScale =22,
isolFrac =23,
centFrac =24,
stripWidth2 =25,
nStrip =26,
trkAvgDist =31,
trkRmsDist =32,
lead2ClusterEOverAllClusterE =33,
lead3ClusterEOverAllClusterE =34,
caloIso =35,
caloIsoCorrected =36,
dRmax =37,
secMaxStripEt =38,
sumEMCellEtOverLeadTrkPt =39,
hadLeakEt =40,
cellBasedEnergyRing1 =43,
cellBasedEnergyRing2 =44,
cellBasedEnergyRing3 =45,
cellBasedEnergyRing4 =46,
cellBasedEnergyRing5 =47,
cellBasedEnergyRing6 =48,
cellBasedEnergyRing7 =49,
TauJetVtxFraction =51,
nCharged =53,
PSSFraction =60,
ChPiEMEOverCaloEME =61,
EMPOverTrkSysP =62,
TESOffset =63,
TESCalibConstant =64,
centFracCorrected =65,
etOverPtLeadTrkCorrected =66,
innerTrkAvgDist =67,
innerTrkAvgDistCorrected =68,
SumPtTrkFrac =69,
SumPtTrkFracCorrected =70,
mEflowApprox =71,
ptRatioEflowApprox =72,
ipSigLeadTrkCorrected =73,
trFlightPathSigCorrected =74,
massTrkSysCorrected =75,
dRmaxCorrected =76,
ChPiEMEOverCaloEMECorrected =77,
EMPOverTrkSysPCorrected =78,
ptRatioEflowApproxCorrected =79,
mEflowApproxCorrected =80,
ClustersMeanCenterLambda =100,
ClustersMeanEMProbability =101,
ClustersMeanFirstEngDens =102,
ClustersMeanSecondLambda =103,
ClustersMeanPresamplerFrac =104,
GhostMuonSegmentCount =105,
PFOEngRelDiff =106,
LC_pantau_interpolPt =107,
electronLink =108,
nChargedTracks =109,
nIsolatedTracks =110,
nModifiedIsolationTracks =111,
nAllTracks =112,
nLargeRadiusTracks =113
} |
| Enum for tau parameters - used mainly for backward compatibility with the analysis code. More...
enum | TauCalibType {
JetSeed =0,
DetectorAxis =1,
IntermediateAxis =2,
TauEnergyScale =3,
TauEtaCalib =4,
PanTauCellBasedProto =7,
PanTauCellBased =8,
TrigCaloOnly =9,
FinalCalib =10
} |
| Enum for tau calib type. More...
enum | PanTauDetails {
PanTau_isPanTauCandidate =0,
PanTau_DecayModeProto =1,
PanTau_DecayMode =2,
PanTau_BDTValue_1p0n_vs_1p1n =3,
PanTau_BDTValue_1p1n_vs_1pXn =4,
PanTau_BDTValue_3p0n_vs_3pXn =5,
PanTau_BDTVar_Basic_NNeutralConsts =6,
PanTau_BDTVar_Charged_JetMoment_EtDRxTotalEt =7,
PanTau_BDTVar_Charged_StdDev_Et_WrtEtAllConsts =8,
PanTau_BDTVar_Neutral_HLV_SumM =9,
PanTau_BDTVar_Neutral_PID_BDTValues_BDTSort_1 =10,
PanTau_BDTVar_Neutral_PID_BDTValues_BDTSort_2 =11,
PanTau_BDTVar_Neutral_Ratio_1stBDTEtOverEtAllConsts =12,
PanTau_BDTVar_Neutral_Ratio_EtOverEtAllConsts =13,
PanTau_BDTVar_Neutral_Shots_NPhotonsInSeed =14,
PanTau_BDTVar_Combined_DeltaR1stNeutralTo1stCharged =15,
PanTau_DecayModeExtended =16,
PanTau_BDTVar_Charged_HLV_SumM =32
} |
| Enum for tau details (scalar) calculated by pantau. More...
enum | DecayMode {
Mode_1p0n =0,
Mode_1p1n =1,
Mode_1pXn =2,
Mode_3p0n =3,
Mode_3pXn =4,
Mode_Other =5,
Mode_NotSet =6,
Mode_Error =7
} |
enum | TauTrackFlag {
isConversionOld = 0,
failTrackFilter = 1,
coreTrack = 2,
wideTrack = 3,
passTrkSelector = 4,
classifiedCharged = 5,
classifiedIsolation = 6,
classifiedConversion = 7,
classifiedFake = 8,
unclassified = 9,
passTrkSelectionTight = 10,
modifiedIsolationTrack = 11,
LargeRadiusTrack = 12
} |
| Enum for tau track flags. More...
enum | TrackDetail { CaloSamplingEtaEM = 0,
CaloSamplingEtaHad = 1,
CaloSamplingPhiEM = 2,
CaloSamplingPhiHad = 3
} |
◆ DecayMode
Enumerator |
Mode_1p0n | |
Mode_1p1n | |
Mode_1pXn | |
Mode_3p0n | |
Mode_3pXn | |
Mode_Other | |
Mode_NotSet | |
Mode_Error | |
Definition at line 384 of file TauDefs.h.
◆ Detail
Enum for tau parameters - used mainly for backward compatibility with the analysis code.
Enumerator |
ipZ0SinThetaSigLeadTrk | |
etOverPtLeadTrk | |
leadTrkPt | |
ipSigLeadTrk | |
massTrkSys | |
trkWidth2 | |
trFlightPathSig | |
numCells | |
numTopoClusters | get number of topocluster constituents of jet associated to tau candidate
numEffTopoClusters | get number of effective topocluster constituents of jet associated to tau candidate !!! is a std::vector< float >
topoInvMass | get invariant mass from topoclusters of jet associated to tau candidate
effTopoInvMass | get invariant mass from effective topoclusters of jet associated to tau candidate
topoMeanDeltaR | get mean distance to leading topocluster for topoclusters of jet associated to tau candidate
effTopoMeanDeltaR | get mean distance to leading topocluster for effective topoclusters of jet associated to tau candidate
EMRadius | Get E_T radius.
hadRadius | Get hadron calorimeter radius.
etEMAtEMScale | Get EM energy at EM scale.
etHadAtEMScale | Get Hadronic energy at EM scale.
isolFrac | Get isolation fraction.
centFrac | Get centrality fraction.
stripWidth2 | Get strip width ^2.
nStrip | Get number of strips.
trkAvgDist | Get calibrated EM transverse energy (DEPRECATED since r19)
Get calibrated hadronic transverse energy (DEPRECATED since r19) Get eta of TauJet calculated from calorimeter Get phi of TauJet calculated from calorimeter Get the average track distance to calorimeter seed
trkRmsDist | Get the RMS of track distance to calorimeter seed.
lead2ClusterEOverAllClusterE | Get sum of 2 leading cluster energy over all cluster energy.
lead3ClusterEOverAllClusterE | Get sum of 3 leading cluster energy over all cluster energy.
caloIso | Get sum of transvers energy of clusters around jet seed within 0.2 < dR < 0.4
caloIsoCorrected | Get sum of transvers energy of clusters around jet seed within 0.2 < dR < 0.4 (pile up corrected)
dRmax | Get maximal dR of tracks associated to calo-seeded tau.
secMaxStripEt | migrate only seedTrk_ variables which are used in reco and ID and without prefix
sumEMCellEtOverLeadTrkPt | |
hadLeakEt | |
cellBasedEnergyRing1 | EM+TES final scale.
LC+TES precalibration Ring 1: 0.00 < R < 0.05
cellBasedEnergyRing2 | Ring 2: 0.05 < R < 0.075.
cellBasedEnergyRing3 | Ring 3: 0.075 < R < 0.10.
cellBasedEnergyRing4 | Ring 4: 0.10 < R < 0.125.
cellBasedEnergyRing5 | Ring 5: 0.125 < R < 0.15.
cellBasedEnergyRing6 | Ring 6: 0.15 < R < 0.2.
cellBasedEnergyRing7 | Ring 7: 0.2 < R < 0.4.
TRT_NHT_OVER_NLT | TRT hits high threshold over low threshold.
TauJetVtxFraction | @Tau Jet Vertex Fraction
nCharged | |
PSSFraction | |
ChPiEMEOverCaloEME | |
EMPOverTrkSysP | |
TESOffset | |
TESCalibConstant | |
centFracCorrected | |
etOverPtLeadTrkCorrected | |
innerTrkAvgDist | |
innerTrkAvgDistCorrected | |
SumPtTrkFrac | |
SumPtTrkFracCorrected | |
mEflowApprox | |
ptRatioEflowApprox | |
ipSigLeadTrkCorrected | pileup-corrected ID variables
trFlightPathSigCorrected | |
massTrkSysCorrected | |
dRmaxCorrected | |
ChPiEMEOverCaloEMECorrected | |
EMPOverTrkSysPCorrected | |
ptRatioEflowApproxCorrected | |
mEflowApproxCorrected | |
ClustersMeanCenterLambda | |
ClustersMeanEMProbability | |
ClustersMeanFirstEngDens | |
ClustersMeanSecondLambda | |
ClustersMeanPresamplerFrac | |
GhostMuonSegmentCount | |
PFOEngRelDiff | |
LC_pantau_interpolPt | |
electronLink | |
nChargedTracks | |
nIsolatedTracks | |
nModifiedIsolationTracks | |
nAllTracks | |
nLargeRadiusTracks | |
Definition at line 155 of file TauDefs.h.
◆ IsTauFlag
Enum for IsTau flags.
Enumerator |
PassEleOLR | |
MuonVeto | |
EleRNNLoose | |
EleRNNMedium | |
EleRNNTight | |
JetBDTSigVeryLoose | |
JetBDTSigLoose | |
JetBDTSigMedium | |
JetBDTSigTight | |
EleBDTLoose | |
EleBDTMedium | |
EleBDTTight | |
JetBDTBkgLoose | |
JetBDTBkgMedium | |
JetBDTBkgTight | |
JetRNNSigVeryLoose | |
JetRNNSigLoose | |
JetRNNSigMedium | |
JetRNNSigTight | |
Definition at line 115 of file TauDefs.h.
◆ PanTauDetails
Enum for tau details (scalar) calculated by pantau.
Enumerator |
PanTau_isPanTauCandidate | |
PanTau_DecayModeProto | |
PanTau_DecayMode | |
PanTau_BDTValue_1p0n_vs_1p1n | |
PanTau_BDTValue_1p1n_vs_1pXn | |
PanTau_BDTValue_3p0n_vs_3pXn | |
PanTau_BDTVar_Basic_NNeutralConsts | |
PanTau_BDTVar_Charged_JetMoment_EtDRxTotalEt | |
PanTau_BDTVar_Charged_StdDev_Et_WrtEtAllConsts | |
PanTau_BDTVar_Neutral_HLV_SumM | |
PanTau_BDTVar_Neutral_PID_BDTValues_BDTSort_1 | |
PanTau_BDTVar_Neutral_PID_BDTValues_BDTSort_2 | |
PanTau_BDTVar_Neutral_Ratio_1stBDTEtOverEtAllConsts | |
PanTau_BDTVar_Neutral_Ratio_EtOverEtAllConsts | |
PanTau_BDTVar_Neutral_Shots_NPhotonsInSeed | |
PanTau_BDTVar_Combined_DeltaR1stNeutralTo1stCharged | |
PanTau_DecayModeExtended | |
PanTau_BDTVar_Charged_HLV_SumM | |
Definition at line 354 of file TauDefs.h.
◆ TauCalibType
Enum for tau calib type.
Enumerator |
JetSeed | |
DetectorAxis | |
IntermediateAxis | |
TauEnergyScale | |
TauEtaCalib | |
PanTauCellBasedProto | |
PanTauCellBased | |
TrigCaloOnly | |
FinalCalib | |
Definition at line 334 of file TauDefs.h.
◆ TauID
Enum for discriminants.
Enumerator |
EleMatchLikelihoodScore | Likelihood of matched electron (PassEleOLR)
Likelihood | needed by TauJet_v1/2
BDTJetScore | Boosted Decision Tree socre for Jet rejection (not transformed)
BDTEleScore | Boosted Decision Tree score for electron rejection.
SafeLikelihood | needed by TauJet_v1/2
BDTJetScoreSigTrans | BDT score which is signal transformed/flattened.
PanTauScore | needed by TauJet_v1/2
RNNJetScore | RNN score for Jet rejection (not transformed)
RNNJetScoreSigTrans | RNN score which is signal transformed/flattened.
RNNEleScore | RNN score for Ele rejection (not transformed)
RNNEleScoreSigTrans | RNN score which is signal transformed/flattened.
Definition at line 45 of file TauDefs.h.
◆ TauTrackFlag
Enum for tau track flags.
Enumerator |
isConversionOld | |
failTrackFilter | |
coreTrack | |
wideTrack | |
passTrkSelector | |
classifiedCharged | |
classifiedIsolation | |
classifiedConversion | |
classifiedFake | |
unclassified | |
passTrkSelectionTight | |
modifiedIsolationTrack | |
LargeRadiusTrack | |
Definition at line 399 of file TauDefs.h.
◆ TrackDetail
Enumerator |
CaloSamplingEtaEM | |
CaloSamplingEtaHad | |
CaloSamplingPhiEM | |
CaloSamplingPhiHad | |
Definition at line 418 of file TauDefs.h.
◆ VetoFlags
Enum for Veto flags.
Enumerator |
ElectronFlag | electron veto flag based on cuts (used by tau1p3p)
EgammaFlag | electron veto flag based on egamma information (used by tau1p3p)
MuonFlag | muon veto flag based on ETCalo cut (used by tau1p3p)
Definition at line 102 of file TauDefs.h.
@ cellBasedEnergyRing4
Ring 4: 0.10 < R < 0.125.
@ trkRmsDist
Get the RMS of track distance to calorimeter seed.
@ MuonFlag
muon veto flag based on ETCalo cut (used by tau1p3p)
@ PanTau_BDTVar_Neutral_Ratio_1stBDTEtOverEtAllConsts
@ RNNJetScoreSigTrans
RNN score which is signal transformed/flattened.
@ trFlightPathSigCorrected
@ PanTau_BDTVar_Combined_DeltaR1stNeutralTo1stCharged
@ RNNEleScoreSigTrans
RNN score which is signal transformed/flattened.
@ topoInvMass
get invariant mass from topoclusters of jet associated to tau candidate
@ cellBasedEnergyRing7
Ring 7: 0.2 < R < 0.4.
@ ipSigLeadTrkCorrected
pileup-corrected ID variables
@ lead2ClusterEOverAllClusterE
Get sum of 2 leading cluster energy over all cluster energy.
@ ClustersMeanSecondLambda
@ PanTau_BDTValue_3p0n_vs_3pXn
@ nModifiedIsolationTracks
@ ClustersMeanPresamplerFrac
@ secMaxStripEt
migrate only seedTrk_ variables which are used in reco and ID and without prefix
@ lead3ClusterEOverAllClusterE
Get sum of 3 leading cluster energy over all cluster energy.
@ cellBasedEnergyRing1
EM+TES final scale.
@ PanTauScore
needed by TauJet_v1/2
@ cellBasedEnergyRing6
Ring 6: 0.15 < R < 0.2.
@ hadRadius
Get hadron calorimeter radius.
@ PanTau_BDTVar_Neutral_HLV_SumM
@ EgammaFlag
electron veto flag based on egamma information (used by tau1p3p)
@ stripWidth2
Get strip width ^2.
@ SafeLikelihood
needed by TauJet_v1/2
@ centFrac
Get centrality fraction.
@ dRmax
Get maximal dR of tracks associated to calo-seeded tau.
@ etHadAtEMScale
Get Hadronic energy at EM scale.
@ PanTau_BDTValue_1p1n_vs_1pXn
@ topoMeanDeltaR
get mean distance to leading topocluster for topoclusters of jet associated to tau candidate
@ effTopoMeanDeltaR
get mean distance to leading topocluster for effective topoclusters of jet associated to tau candidat...
@ caloIso
Get sum of transvers energy of clusters around jet seed within 0.2 < dR < 0.4
@ cellBasedEnergyRing2
Ring 2: 0.05 < R < 0.075.
@ trkAvgDist
Get calibrated EM transverse energy (DEPRECATED since r19)
@ ElectronFlag
electron veto flag based on cuts (used by tau1p3p)
@ caloIsoCorrected
Get sum of transvers energy of clusters around jet seed within 0.2 < dR < 0.4 (pile up corrected)
@ PanTau_BDTValue_1p0n_vs_1p1n
@ etOverPtLeadTrkCorrected
@ numTopoClusters
get number of topocluster constituents of jet associated to tau candidate
@ cellBasedEnergyRing5
Ring 5: 0.125 < R < 0.15.
@ PanTau_DecayModeExtended
@ PanTau_BDTVar_Neutral_PID_BDTValues_BDTSort_2
@ ClustersMeanEMProbability
@ EleMatchLikelihoodScore
Likelihood of matched electron (PassEleOLR)
@ ClustersMeanCenterLambda
@ BDTJetScore
Boosted Decision Tree socre for Jet rejection (not transformed)
@ TauJetVtxFraction
@Tau Jet Vertex Fraction
@ nStrip
Get number of strips.
@ ptRatioEflowApproxCorrected
TRT hits high threshold over low threshold.
@ cellBasedEnergyRing3
Ring 3: 0.075 < R < 0.10.
@ RNNJetScore
RNN score for Jet rejection (not transformed)
@ numEffTopoClusters
get number of effective topocluster constituents of jet associated to tau candidate !...
@ ChPiEMEOverCaloEMECorrected
@ BDTEleScore
Boosted Decision Tree score for electron rejection.
@ PanTau_BDTVar_Charged_StdDev_Et_WrtEtAllConsts
@ Likelihood
needed by TauJet_v1/2
@ sumEMCellEtOverLeadTrkPt
@ effTopoInvMass
get invariant mass from effective topoclusters of jet associated to tau candidate
@ ClustersMeanFirstEngDens
@ innerTrkAvgDistCorrected
@ isolFrac
Get isolation fraction.
@ RNNEleScore
RNN score for Ele rejection (not transformed)
@ PanTau_isPanTauCandidate
@ PanTau_BDTVar_Basic_NNeutralConsts
@ PanTau_BDTVar_Neutral_Shots_NPhotonsInSeed
@ PanTau_BDTVar_Charged_HLV_SumM
@ BDTJetScoreSigTrans
BDT score which is signal transformed/flattened.
@ EMPOverTrkSysPCorrected
@ EMRadius
Get E_T radius.
@ PanTau_BDTVar_Charged_JetMoment_EtDRxTotalEt
@ PanTau_BDTVar_Neutral_Ratio_EtOverEtAllConsts
@ etEMAtEMScale
Get EM energy at EM scale.
@ PanTau_BDTVar_Neutral_PID_BDTValues_BDTSort_1