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InDet Namespace Reference

Primary Vertex Finder. More...




class  BaseTRTPIDCalculator
class  BeamPipeBuilder
class  BeamPipeBuilderCond
class  BeamPipeBuilderImpl
class  BeamSpotData
class  BeamSpotStatusCode
 Class to hold the definition and accessor methods for the beamspot status-word. More...
class  CacheCreator
class  CaloClusterROIPhiRZContainerMaker
 Algorithm to create a eta ordered ROIs in the eta phi plane. More...
struct  clique_visitor
class  ClusterMakerTool
struct  compare_SiCluster
class  compDetElements_A
class  compDetElements_Azimuthal
class  compDetElements_RAZ
class  compDetElements_ZRA
class  compDetElementWays
class  CompetingPixelClustersOnTrack
class  CompetingPixelClustersOnTrack_p1
 Version 1 of the persistent class representing the transient class InDet::CompetingPixelClustersOnTrack. More...
class  CompetingSCT_ClustersOnTrack
class  CompetingSCT_ClustersOnTrack_p1
 Version 1 of the persistent class representing the transient class InDet::CompetingSCT_ClustersOnTrack. More...
class  CompetingTRT_DriftCirclesOnTrack
 Class for competing TRT_DriftCircles, it extends the Trk::CompetingRIOsOnTrack base class. More...
class  CompetingTRT_DriftCirclesOnTrack_p1
 Version 1 of the persistent class representing the transient class InDet::CompetingTRT_DriftCirclesOnTrack. More...
class  compTRTDetElements_A
class  compTRTDetElements_AZ
class  ConversionFinder
class  ConversionFinderUtils
class  ConversionPostSelector
struct  cuts
class  D0minCut
class  DefectsEmulatorAlg
 Algorithm template to selectivly copy RDOs from an InDetRawDataCollection. More...
class  DefectsEmulatorBase
 Common base class for the specializations of the DefectsEmulatorAlg template. More...
class  DefectsEmulatorCondAlgBase
 Conditions algorithms for emulating ITK pixel defects. More...
class  DefectsEmulatorCondAlgImpl
 Conditions algorithms for emulating ITK pixel or strip defects. More...
struct  DefectsEmulatorTraits
struct  DefectsEmulatorTraits< PixelRDO_Container >
struct  DefectsEmulatorTraits< SCT_RDO_Container >
class  DetailedIDNtupleTool
class  DiscOverlapDescriptor
class  DumpObjects
class  EmulatedDefects
 Data structure do mark e.g. More...
class  EmulatedDefectsToDetectorElementStatusCondAlg
class  EmulatedDefectsToDetectorElementStatusCondAlgBase
struct  EventStat_t
class  ExtendedSiCombinatorialTrackFinderData_xk
class  ExtendedSiTrackMakerEventData_xk
class  FileRoISeedTool
class  FloatInt
class  FuncSummaryValueCut
class  GNNSeedingTrackMaker
 InDet::GNNSeedingTrackMaker is an algorithm that uses the GNN-based track finding tool to reconstruct tracks and the use track fitter to obtain track parameters. It turns a collection of Trk::Tracks. More...
class  GNNTrackReaderTool
 InDet::GNNTrackReaderTool is a tool that reads track candidates of each event from a CSV file named as "track_runNumber_eventNumber.csv" or with a customized pre-fix. The directory, inputTracksDir, contains CSV files for all events. 1) If the inputTracksDir is not specified, the tool will read the CSV files from the current directory. 2) If the corresponding CSV file does not exist for a given event (runNumber, eventNumber), the tool will print an error message and return an empty list. More...
class  HitsToxAODCopier
class  HoleSearchValidation
class  IAdaptiveMultiSecVertexFinder
interface  IGNNTrackFinder
 Find track candidates from a list of spacepoints. More...
interface  IGNNTrackReaderTool
 Read GNN Track candidates from a CSV file. More...
class  IInclusiveTrackFilterTool
class  IInDetBeamSpotTool
class  IInDetBeamSpotWriterTool
 Abstract class to control the outputing of beamspot information. More...
class  IInDetCosmicsEventPhaseTool
class  IInDetEtaDependentCutsSvc
class  IInDetHardScatterSelectionTool
class  IInDetTestPixelLayerTool
class  IInDetTrackBiasingTool
class  IInDetTrackSelectionTool
 Interface for track selection tool. More...
class  IInDetTrackSmearingTool
 Simple interface for calibrating/correcting tracks (inner-detector particles) More...
class  IInDetTrackSplitterTool
class  IInDetTrackTruthFilterTool
class  IInDetTrackTruthOriginTool
class  IInDetTrkInJetType
class  IInDetUsedInFitTrackDecoratorTool
class  IJetTrackFilterTool
class  InclusiveTrackFilterTool
class  InDetAdaptiveMultiSecVtxFinderTool
class  InDetAlignModuleTool
class  InDetAmbiScoringTool
 Concrete implementation of the ITrackScoringTool pABC. More...
class  InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool
class  InDetBeamSpotFinder
class  InDetBeamSpotReader
 An example class of how to read beamspot position. More...
class  InDetBeamSpotRooFit
 A concrete implementation of IInDetBeamSpotTool, using primary vertex information to determine the position of the beamspot using a chi2 and/or log-likelihood method. More...
class  InDetBeamSpotVertex
 A concrete implementation of IInDetBeamSpotTool, using primary vertex information to determine the position of the beamspot using a chi2 and/or log-likelihood method. More...
class  InDetBoundaryCheckTool
class  InDetConversionFinderTools
class  InDetConversionTrackSelectorTool
class  InDetCosmicScoringTool
 Concrete implementation of the ITrackScoringTool pABC. More...
class  InDetCosmicsEventPhase
class  InDetCosmicsEventPhaseTool
class  InDetCosmicTrackSelectorTool
class  InDetDenseEnvAmbiTrackSelectionTool
class  InDetDetailedTrackSelectorTool
class  InDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker
 This algorithm produces track truth data using InDet PRD truth collections. More...
class  InDetEtaDependentCutsSvc
class  InDetEventCnvTool
 Helper tool uses to convert InDet objects in generic tracking custom convertor TrkEventAthenaPool. More...
class  InDetEventSplitter
class  InDetExtensionProcessor
 Algorithm to process a TrackExtensionMap, refit the extended tracks and decide if the old track is to be replaced by the extended one. More...
class  InDetFixedWindowTrackTimeTool
class  InDetGeometryManagerTool
class  InDetHardScatterSelectionTool
 Implementation of the hardscatter selection tool. More...
class  InDetImprovedJetFitterVxFinder
class  InDetIsoTrackSelectorTool
class  InDetIterativePriVxFinderTool
class  InDetIterativeSecVtxFinderTool
class  InDetJetFitterUtils
class  InDetJetFitterVxFinder
class  InDetLowBetaCandidate
class  InDetLowBetaContainer
class  InDetMaterialVeto
class  InDetNNScoringTool
 Concrete implementation of the ITrackScoringTool pABC. More...
class  InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels
 Concrete Implementation of the IPRD_AssociationTool interface. More...
class  InDetPRD_Collection_p1
class  InDetPRD_Collection_p2
class  InDetPRD_Container_p1
class  InDetPRD_Provider
class  InDetPRDtoTrackMapToolGangedPixels
 Concrete Implementation of the IPRD_AssociationTool interface. More...
struct  InDetPrepRawDataDict_Dummy
class  InDetPriVxFinder
class  InDetPriVxResorter
class  InDetRecStatisticsAlg
class  InDetSecVtxFinder
class  InDetSecVtxTrackSelectionTool
 Implementation of the track selector tool. More...
class  InDetSlidingWindowTrackTimeTool
class  InDetSplittedTracksCreator
class  InDetTestPixelLayerTool
class  InDetToXAODClusterConversion
class  InDetToXAODSpacePointConversion
class  InDetTrackBiasingTool
class  InDetTrackHoleSearchTool
class  InDetTrackPRD_Association
class  InDetTrackSelectionTool
 Implementation of the track selector tool. More...
class  InDetTrackSelectorTool
class  InDetTrackSmearingTool
class  InDetTrackSmearingToolTester
 Simple algorithm for testing the tools in Athena. More...
class  InDetTrackSplitterTool
class  InDetTrackSummaryHelperTool
class  InDetTrackSystematicsTool
class  InDetTrackTruthFilterTool
class  InDetTrackTruthOriginTool
class  InDetTrkAlignDBTool
class  InDetTrkInJetType
class  InDetTrtDriftCircleCutTool
class  InDetTrtTrackScoringTool
 Concrete implementation of the ITrackScoringTool pABC. More...
class  InDetUsedInFitTrackDecoratorTool
 Implementation of the hardscatter selection tool. More...
class  InDetUsedInVertexFitTrackDecorator
class  InDetV0Finder
class  InDetV0FinderTool
class  InDetVertexSplitter
class  InDetVertexSplitterHist
class  InDetVKalVxInJetTool
class  IPixelClusteringTool
class  IPixelClusterSplitProbTool
class  IPixelClusterSplitter
class  IPRD_MultiTruthBuilder
class  ISCT_ClusteringTool
 Interface for SCT clustering algorithms, taking input from RDOs. More...
class  ISecVertexFinder
class  ISecVertexInJetFinder
interface  ISeedFitter
class  ISeedToTrackConversionTool
class  ISiCombinatorialTrackFinder
class  ISiDetElementsRoadMaker
class  ISiSpacePointsSeedMaker
class  ISiTrackMaker
class  ISiZvertexMaker
class  ISpacepointFeatureTool
class  ITRT_DetElementsRoadMaker
class  ITRT_DriftCircleTool
class  ITRT_LocalOccupancy
class  ITRT_SeededSpacePointFinder
class  ITRT_SeededTrackFinder
class  ITRT_SegmentToTrackTool
class  ITRT_TrackExtensionTool
class  ITRT_TrackSegmentsMaker
class  ITRT_TrackTimingTool
 Interface for tools that calculate the track time - only a wrapper such that it can be accessed in the same way as calo and Muon timing information for muons. More...
class  ITrtDriftCircleCutTool
 The abstract interface base class for the trt segment selector tools. More...
class  IVertexFinder
class  IZWindowRoISeedTool
class  JetFitterMultiStageFit
class  JetFitterTrackSelectorTool
class  JetFitterTwoTrackVtxFinderTool
class  JetFitterV0FinderTool
class  JetTrackFilterTool
struct  LayerSetup
class  LeadTracksRoISeedTool
class  LWTNNCondAlg
class  MergedPixelsTool
struct  ModuleKeyHelper
 Helper class to create keys for defects described by chip, column and row indices, and a mask. More...
class  MyNewDataSortPredicate
 Sorting function according to space point radial position. More...
class  MyPRDtoTrackMap
struct  network
class  NnClusterizationFactory
struct  NNinput
class  NnPixelClusterSplitProbTool
class  NnPixelClusterSplitter
class  PartPropCache
struct  PatternHoleSearchOutcome
 Helper struct for hole search results from the pattern recognition. More...
class  PixelCluster
class  PixelCluster_p1
class  PixelCluster_p2
class  PixelCluster_p3
class  PixelClusterContainer_p2
class  PixelClusterContainer_p3
class  PixelClusterContainer_tlp1
class  PixelClusterContainerCnv_p1
class  PixelClusterization
 Top Algorithm to clusterize the pixel RDOs (InDetRawDataCollection<PixelRDORawData> -> RecInputCollection) The clustering algorithm is actually a private Tool in the SiClusterizationTool package. More...
class  PixelClusterOnTrack
class  PixelClusterOnTrack_p1
class  PixelClusterOnTrack_p2
class  PixelClusterOnTrackTool
class  PixelClusterParts
class  PixelClusterSplitProb
class  PixelDefectsEmulatorAlg
 Algorithm which selectively copies hits from an input PixelRDO_Container. More...
class  PixelDefectsEmulatorCondAlg
 Conditions algorithms for emulating ITK pixel defects. More...
class  PixelDetectorElementStatus
 Event data to hold the status information for Pixel modules. More...
class  PixelEmulatedDefects
 Specialization of emulated defects conditions data for ITk pixels Defect conditions data for defects which use addresses created by the PixelModuleHelper. More...
class  PixelEmulatedDefectsToDetectorElementStatusCondAlg
class  PixelGangedAmbiguitiesFinder
class  PixelGangedClusterAmbiguities_p1
class  PixelGeometryManagerTool
class  PixelIDLayerComp
class  PixelModuleHelper
 Helper class to convert between offline column, row and hardware chip, column, row coordinates. More...
class  PixelOverlapDescriptor
class  PixelRDOTool
class  PixelSpacePoint
class  PixelToTPIDTool
class  PRD_MultiTruthBuilder
class  PRD_MultiTruthMaker
class  PRD_TruthTrajectoryManipulatorID
class  PRD_TruthTrajectorySelectorID
class  PRD_TruthTrajectorySorterID
class  RandomRoISeedTool
class  RobustTrackingGeometryBuilder
class  RobustTrackingGeometryBuilderCond
class  RobustTrackingGeometryBuilderImpl
class  samiStruct
class  SCT_Cluster
class  SCT_Cluster_p1
class  SCT_Cluster_p2
class  SCT_Cluster_p3
class  SCT_ClusterContainer_p2
class  SCT_ClusterContainer_p3
class  SCT_ClusterContainer_tlp1
class  SCT_ClusterContainerCnv_p1
class  SCT_ClusteringTool
 AlgTool for SCT_Clusterization. Input is from RDOs, assumed to be sorted. They are then scanned in order and neighbouring RDOs are grouped together. More...
class  SCT_Clusterization
 Form clusters from SCT Raw Data Objects. The class loops over an RDO grouping strips and creating collections of clusters, subsequently recorded in StoreGate using WriteHandle(Key). Uses SCT_ConditionsTools to determine which strips to include. More...
class  SCT_ClusterOnTrack
class  SCT_ClusterOnTrack_p1
class  SCT_ClusterOnTrack_p2
class  SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool
 creates SCT_ClusterOnTrack objects allowing to calibrate cluster position and error using a given track hypothesis. More...
class  SCT_ClusterValidationNtupleWriter
class  SCT_DetectorElementStatus
 Event data to hold the status information for SCT modules. More...
class  SCT_OverlapDescriptor
class  SCT_ResidualPullCalculator
 The InDet::SCT_ResidualPullCalculator is an AlgTool to calculate the residual and pull of a measurement and the related track state for the SCT. More...
class  SCT_SpacePoint
struct  SCTClusteringCache
class  SCTGeometryManagerTool
class  SCTinformation
class  SecVtxTrackAccessor
class  SecVtxTrackCut
class  SeedFitterTool
 Estimate the initial track parameters for a list of spacepoints/measurements (i.e. Track candidates), which latter can be used as input for the track fitter. The method is based on a simple linear conformal mapping. More...
class  SeedToTrackConversionData
class  SeedToTrackConversionTool
class  SegmentDriftCircleAssValidation
class  SiCluster
class  SiCluster_p1
class  SiClusterLink_xk
class  SiClusterOnTrack
class  SiClusterOnTrack_p1
class  SiCombinatorialTrackFinder_xk
class  SiCombinatorialTrackFinderData_xk
class  SiDetectorElementStatus
class  SiDetectorElementStatusAlg
class  SiDetectorElementStatusCondAlg
class  SiDetElementBoundaryLink_xk
class  SiDetElementBoundaryLinksCondAlg_xk
class  SiDetElementLink_xk
class  SiDetElementRoadMakerData_xk
class  SiDetElementsLayer_xk
class  SiDetElementsRoadCondAlg_xk
class  SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk
class  SiElementProperties
class  SiElementPropertiesTable
class  SiElementPropertiesTableCondAlg
class  SiGeometryManagerTool
class  SiGNNTrackFinderTool
 InDet::SiGNNTrackFinderTool is a tool that produces track candidates with graph neural networks-based pipeline using 3D space points as inputs. More...
class  SiLayerBuilder
class  SiLayerBuilderCond
class  SiLayerBuilderImpl
class  SiliconProperties
class  SiliconPropertiesVector
class  SimpleIDNtupleTool
class  SimpleTRT_SeededSpacePointFinder_ATL
class  SingleTrackConversionTool
class  SiNoise_bt
class  SiSpacePointForSeed
class  SiSpacePointMakerTool
class  SiSpacePointsComparison_Phi
class  SiSpacePointsComparison_R
class  SiSpacePointsComparison_X
class  SiSpacePointsComparison_Y
class  SiSpacePointsComparison_Z
class  SiSpacePointsProSeed
class  SiSpacePointsSeed
class  SiSpacePointsSeedComparison_Z
class  SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ATLxk
class  SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_BeamGas
class  SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_Cosmic
class  SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_HeavyIon
class  SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_LowMomentum
class  SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_Trigger
class  SiSpacePointsSeedMakerEventData
class  SiSPGNNTrackMaker
 InDet::SiSPGNNTrackMaker is an algorithm that uses the GNN-based track finding tool to reconstruct tracks and the use track fitter to obtain track parameters. It turns a collection of Trk::Tracks. More...
class  SiSPSeededTrackFinder
class  SiSPSeededTrackFinderRoI
class  SiTools_xk
class  SiTrackerSpacePointFinder
class  SiTrackMaker_xk
class  SiTrackMakerEventData_xk
class  SiTrajectory_xk
class  SiTrajectoryElement_xk
class  SiTrkAlignDBTool
class  SiWidth
class  SiWidth_p1
class  SiWidth_p2
class  SiWidthCnv_p2
class  SiZvertexMaker_xk
class  SpacepointFeatureTool
 InDet::SpacepointFeatureTool is a tool that calculates spacepoint features for GNNTrackFinder. More...
class  SpacePointReader
class  StagedTrackingGeometryBuilder
class  StagedTrackingGeometryBuilderCond
class  StagedTrackingGeometryBuilderImpl
class  strip_less_than
class  StripDefectsEmulatorAlg
 Algorithm which selectively copies hits from an input SCT_RDO_Container. More...
class  StripDefectsEmulatorCondAlg
 Conditions algorithms for emulating ITK strip defects. More...
class  StripEmulatedDefects
 Specialization of emulated defects conditions data for ITk strips Defect conditions data for defects which use addresses created by the StripModuleHelper. More...
class  StripEmulatedDefectsToDetectorElementStatusCondAlg
class  StripModuleHelper
 Helper class to convert between offline column, row and hardware chip, column, row coordinates. More...
class  SummaryAccessor
class  svParamAccessor
class  ToolTester
 Simple algorithm for using the tools in Athena. More...
class  TotPixelClusterSplitter
class  tp_sort_cosmics
struct  Track_pair
class  Track_tlp1
class  Track_tlp2
class  TrackClusterAssValidation
struct  TrackCollectionStat_t
class  TrackPairsSelector
struct  TrackParticle_pair
class  TrackQualityCuts
class  TrackStateOnPixelLayerInfo
class  TrackStatHelper
class  TrackSystematicsAlg
class  TRT_DetElementLink_xk
class  TRT_DetElementsLayer_xk
class  TRT_DetElementsRoadCondAlg_xk
class  TRT_DetElementsRoadData_xk
class  TRT_DetElementsRoadMaker_xk
class  TRT_DriftCircle
class  TRT_DriftCircle_p1
class  TRT_DriftCircle_p2
class  TRT_DriftCircleContainer_p2
class  TRT_DriftCircleContainer_tlp1
class  TRT_DriftCircleContainerCnv_p1
class  TRT_DriftCircleLinkN_xk
class  TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack
class  TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack_p1
class  TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack_p2
class  TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackNoDriftTimeTool
class  TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackRecalibrateTool
class  TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool
class  TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackUniversalTool
class  TRT_DriftCirclesSeed
class  TRT_DriftCircleTool
class  TRT_DriftCircleToolCosmics
class  TRT_ElectronPidToolRun2
class  TRT_ExtensionDriftCircleLink_xk
class  TRT_LayerBuilder
class  TRT_LayerBuilderCond
class  TRT_LayerBuilderImpl
class  TRT_LocalOccupancy
class  TRT_OverlapDescriptor
class  TRT_RIO_Maker
 TRT_DriftCircleContainer production algorithm Top Algorithm for InDetRawDataContainer<TRT_RDORawData> conversion to TRT_DriftCircleContainer. More...
class  TRT_SeededSpacePointFinder_ATL
class  TRT_SeededTrackFinder
class  TRT_SeededTrackFinder_ATL
class  TRT_SegmentsToTrack
class  TRT_SegmentToTrackTool
class  TRT_StandaloneTrackFinder
class  TRT_StrawStatus
class  TRT_TrackExtensionAlg
class  TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk
class  TRT_TrackExtensionToolCosmics
class  TRT_TrackSegmentsFinder
class  TRT_TrackSegmentsMaker_ATLxk
class  TRT_TrackSegmentsMaker_BarrelCosmics
class  TRT_TrackSegmentsMaker_ECcosmics
class  TRT_TrackSegmentsMakerCondAlg_ATLxk
struct  TRT_TrackSegmentsToolCondData_xk
class  TRT_TrackSegmentsUtils_xk
class  TRT_TrackTimingTool
class  TRT_Trajectory_xk
class  TRT_TrajectoryElement_xk
class  TRTGeometryManagerTool
class  TRTTrkAlignDBTool
class  TruthClusterizationFactory
class  TruthHSRoISeedTool
class  TruthPixelClusterSplitProbTool
class  TruthPixelClusterSplitter
class  TTrainedNetworkCondAlg
class  UnpackedPixelRDO
class  V0MainDecorator
class  VertexPointEstimator
struct  workVectorArrxAOD
class  XAODToInDetClusterConversion


int compute_overlap_SP_flag (const int &eta_module_cl1, const int &phi_module_cl1, const int &eta_module_cl2, const int &phi_module_cl2)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const GNNTrackReaderTool &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const GNNTrackReaderTool &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const IGNNTrackReaderTool &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const IGNNTrackReaderTool &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const SiGNNTrackFinderTool &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const SiGNNTrackFinderTool &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const SiSPGNNTrackMaker &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const SiSPGNNTrackMaker &)
unsigned int getBSErrorWord (const InDet::SiDetectorElementStatus &elementStatus, const IDCInDetBSErrContainer &bsErrorContainer, const IdentifierHash &moduleIdHash, unsigned int index, unsigned int readOutTechnologyMask=(Pixel::makeReadoutTechnologyBit(InDetDD::PixelReadoutTechnology::FEI4)|(Pixel::makeReadoutTechnologyBit(InDetDD::PixelReadoutTechnology::FEI3))))
 Retrieve the bytestream error word for the given module if the readout technology of the module is contained in in the mask. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const InDet::TRT_StandaloneTrackFinder::Counter_t &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const InDetLowBetaCandidate &sf)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &stream, const PixelCluster &prd)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const PixelCluster &prd)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const PixelClusterCollection &coll)
 Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const PixelClusterCollection &coll)
 Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &stream, const SCT_Cluster &prd)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const SCT_Cluster &prd)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const SCT_ClusterCollection &coll)
 Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const SCT_ClusterCollection &coll)
 Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &stream, const SiCluster &prd)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const SiCluster &prd)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const SiClusterCollection &coll)
 Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const SiClusterCollection &coll)
 Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &stream, const SiWidth &prd)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const SiWidth &prd)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &stream, const TRT_DriftCircle &prd)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const TRT_DriftCircle &prd)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const TRT_DriftCircleCollection &coll)
 Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const TRT_DriftCircleCollection &coll)
 Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const SiSpacePointsSeed &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const SiSpacePointsSeed &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const SiTrajectory_xk &)
double internal_acos (double x)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const IGNNTrackFinder &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const IGNNTrackFinder &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const ISeedFitter &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const ISeedFitter &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const ISiDetElementsRoadMaker &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const ISiDetElementsRoadMaker &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const ITRT_DetElementsRoadMaker &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const ITRT_DetElementsRoadMaker &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const ITRT_SeededSpacePointFinder &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const ITRT_SeededSpacePointFinder &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const ITRT_SeededTrackFinder &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const ITRT_SeededTrackFinder &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const ITRT_TrackExtensionTool &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const ITRT_TrackExtensionTool &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const ITRT_TrackSegmentsMaker &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const ITRT_TrackSegmentsMaker &)
float median (std::vector< float > &Vec)
float getVrtScore (int i, int j, std::vector< std::vector< float >> &trkScore)
bool adjacent (unsigned int strip1, unsigned int strip2)
bool adjacent (const unsigned int strip1, const int row1, const unsigned int strip2, const int row2)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const SimpleTRT_SeededSpacePointFinder_ATL &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const SimpleTRT_SeededSpacePointFinder_ATL &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const ITRT_SegmentToTrackTool &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const ITRT_SegmentToTrackTool &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const TRT_TrackExtensionToolCosmics &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const TRT_TrackExtensionToolCosmics &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const TRT_Trajectory_xk &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const TRT_DriftCirclesSeed &se)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const TRT_DriftCirclesSeed &se)
bool CompareDCz (const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle *x, const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle *y)
bool CompareDCy (const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle *x, const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle *y)
bool CompareDCzreverse (const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle *x, const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle *y)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const SegmentDriftCircleAssValidation &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const SegmentDriftCircleAssValidation &)

Detailed Description

Primary Vertex Finder.

============================================================ Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigT2BeamSpot/T2VertexBeamSpot


Definition of track truth origin types.

Name : InDetVertexSplitterHist.h Package : offline/PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/AnalysisExamples Author : Peter V.

Name : InDetVertexSplitter.h Package : offline/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/InDetBeamSpotFinder Author : Peter V.

Name : InDetEventSplitter.h Package : offline/InnerDetector/InDetCalibAlgs/InDetBeamSpotFinder Author : Peter V.

Needed for the TRT track segments.

SiDetElementsLayerVectors_xk is a vector of SiDetElementsLayer_xk.

Name : TruthPixelClusterSplitProbTool.cxx Package : SiClusterizationTool Author : Roland Jansky & Felix Cormier Created : April 2016.

Name : TruthClusterizationFactory.cxx Package : SiClusterizationTool Author : Roland Jansky & Felix Cormier Created : April 2016.

Name : NnPixelClusterSplitProbTool.cxx Package : SiClusterizationTool Author : Giacinto Piacquadio (PH-ADE-ID) Created : January 2011.

A tool to be used for trt segment pre-selection.

Vertex Finder Tool.

This InDet::SiDetElementBoundaryLinks_xk class is the vector of InDet::SiDetElementBoundaryLink_xk.

standard namespace for the Inner Detector

Track Collection to store the tracks.

Execute with old strategy.

Base class.

InDetPriVxFinder uses the InDetPrimaryVertexFinderTool in the package InnerDetector/InDetRecTools/InDetPriVxFinderTool. It only gives the trackcollection from storegate to it and records the returned VxContainer.

Athena includes Gaudi includes STL includes

Needed for the TRT track segments

The object of this class is prepared by InDet::SiDetElementBoundaryLinksCondAlg_xk and is used by InDet::SiCombinatorialTrackFinder_xk.

Abstract class which provides the possibility to implement more than one vertex finder tool (every vertex finder tool inherits from this class).

It was implemented to create a new primary vertex finding algorithm, different from the one already used by InDetPriVxFinderTool (by AW and FK), the InDetAdaptivePriVxFinderTool...

Thomas Koffas Thoma.nosp@m.s.Ko.nosp@m.ffas@.nosp@m.cern.nosp@m..ch April 2009

getVrtSec returns the vector results with the following 1) Vertex mass 2) Vertex/jet energy fraction 3) Number of initially selected 2tr vertices 4) Number of selected for vertexing tracks in jet 5) Number of track in secondary vertex 6) 3D SV-PV significance with sign 7) Jet energy used in (2) calculation 8) Minimal distance between vertex and any material layer 9) Transverse vertex/jet energy fraction. Jet pT independent. 10) "Product" variable 11) "Boost" variable

Author: Vadim Kostyukhin (vadim.kostyukhin@cern.ch)

getVrtSecMulti resurns the vector results with the following information: 1) Vertex mass 2) Vertex/jet energy fraction 3) Number of initially selected 2tr vertices 4) Number of selected for vertexing tracks in jet 5) Number of track in secondary vertex 6) 0. 7) Jet energy used in (2) calculation

Author: Vadim Kostyukhin (vadim.kostyukhin@cern.ch)

DESCRIPTION: Compute cluster splitting probabilities (for splitting a cluster into 2 .... N subclusters)

DESCRIPTION: Emulates NN evaluation from truth (for ITK studies)

SiDetElementsLayerVectors_xk is prepared by SiDetElementsRoadCondAlg_xk, stored in condition store and is used by SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk.

Loscutoff Created : February 2009


This class will create track collections from the the input list of vertices. One set of track collections will contain all the tracks that contributed to a vertex. The other sets of track collections (odd and even) will each contain half the tracks.

Peter V.Loscutoff, February 2009

Loscutoff Created : February 2009


This class is used to plot intersting quantities from a vertex that has been split in two

Peter V. Loscutoff, Februarry 2009

Online beam spot measurement and monitoring using L2 recontructed primary vertices. Implementation class lifted from T2VertexBeamSpot.h

Authors : David W. Miller, Rainer Bartoldus,

Su Dong

Function Documentation

◆ adjacent() [1/2]

bool InDet::adjacent ( const unsigned int  strip1,
const int  row1,
const unsigned int  strip2,
const int  row2 

Definition at line 50 of file SCT_ClusteringTool.cxx.

50  {
51  return ((row1==row2) and ((1 == (strip2-strip1)) or (1 == (strip1-strip2))));
52  }

◆ adjacent() [2/2]

bool InDet::adjacent ( unsigned int  strip1,
unsigned int  strip2 

Definition at line 45 of file SCT_ClusteringTool.cxx.

45  {
46  return ((1 == (strip2-strip1)) or (1 == (strip1-strip2)));
47  }

◆ CompareDCy()

bool InDet::CompareDCy ( const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle x,
const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle y 

Definition at line 271 of file TRT_TrackSegmentsMaker_ECcosmics.cxx.

272  {
273  const Amg::Vector3D& sc = x->detectorElement()->center();
274  double y1=sc.y();
277  const Amg::Vector3D& sc2 = y->detectorElement()->center();
278  double y2=sc2.y();
280  return y1>y2;
281  }

◆ CompareDCz()

bool InDet::CompareDCz ( const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle x,
const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle y 

Definition at line 259 of file TRT_TrackSegmentsMaker_ECcosmics.cxx.

260  {
261  const Amg::Vector3D& sc = x->detectorElement()->center();
262  double z1=sc.z();
265  const Amg::Vector3D& sc2 = y->detectorElement()->center();
266  double z2=sc2.z();
268  return z1<z2;
269  }

◆ CompareDCzreverse()

bool InDet::CompareDCzreverse ( const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle x,
const InDet::TRT_DriftCircle y 

Definition at line 283 of file TRT_TrackSegmentsMaker_ECcosmics.cxx.

284  {
285  const Amg::Vector3D& sc = x->detectorElement()->center();
286  double z1=sc.z();
289  const Amg::Vector3D& sc2 = y->detectorElement()->center();
290  double z2=sc2.z();
292  return z1>z2;
293  }

◆ compute_overlap_SP_flag()

int InDet::compute_overlap_SP_flag ( const int &  eta_module_cl1,
const int &  phi_module_cl1,
const int &  eta_module_cl2,
const int &  phi_module_cl2 

◆ getBSErrorWord()

unsigned int InDet::getBSErrorWord ( const InDet::SiDetectorElementStatus elementStatus,
const IDCInDetBSErrContainer bsErrorContainer,
const IdentifierHash moduleIdHash,
unsigned int  index,
unsigned int  readOutTechnologyMask = (    Pixel::makeReadoutTechnologyBit(InDetDD::PixelReadoutTechnology::FEI4)                                                                            | ( Pixel::makeReadoutTechnologyBit(InDetDD::PixelReadoutTechnology::FEI3) ) ) 

Retrieve the bytestream error word for the given module if the readout technology of the module is contained in in the mask.

elementStatusthe detector element status information.
bsErrorContainerthe container with bytestream error words.
thehash of the module in question.
theindex of the error word where the index of the module error is equal to the hash.
readOutTechnologyMaska mask which contains a bit for each readout technology.

Definition at line 16 of file PixelBSUtils.h.

22  {
23  if ( Pixel::matchingReadoutTechnology(elementStatus, moduleIdHash, readOutTechnologyMask )) {
24  constexpr uint64_t missingErrorInfo{std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()-3000000000};
25  uint64_t word = static_cast<uint64_t>(bsErrorContainer.retrieve(index));
26  return word < missingErrorInfo ? word : 0;
27  }
28  else {
29  return 0;
30  }
31  }

◆ getVrtScore()

float InDet::getVrtScore ( int  i,
int  j,
std::vector< std::vector< float >> &  trkScore 

Definition at line 58 of file BTagVrtSec.cxx.

58  {
59  if(i==j)return 0.;
60  float res = trkScore.at(i)[0] * trkScore.at(j)[0];
61  res *= (1.-trkScore[i][1])*(1.-trkScore[j][1]);
62  res *= (1.-trkScore[i][2])*(1.-trkScore[j][2]);
63  return res;
64  }

◆ internal_acos()

double InDet::internal_acos ( double  x)

Definition at line 364 of file VertexPointEstimator.cxx.

365  {
366  if (x < -1.) return M_PI;
367  if (x > 1.) return 0;
368  return std::acos(x);
369  }

◆ median()

float InDet::median ( std::vector< float > &  Vec)

Definition at line 35 of file BTagVrtSec.cxx.

35  {
36  int N = Vec.size();
37  if(N==1) return Vec[0];
38  if(N==2) return (Vec[0]+Vec[1])/2.;
39  if(N==3) return Vec[1];
40  if(N>3){
41  std::vector<float> tmp(Vec);
42  int N05m = (N-1)/2, N05p = N/2;
43  //can use nth_element instead of completely sorting, it's quicker
44  if(N05m==N05p){
45  std::nth_element(tmp.begin(),tmp.begin()+N05m,tmp.end());
46  return tmp[N05m];
47  } else {
48  std::nth_element(tmp.begin(),tmp.begin()+N05m,tmp.end());
49  std::nth_element(tmp.begin(),tmp.begin()+N05p,tmp.end());
50  return (tmp[N05m]+tmp[N05p])/2.;
51  }
52  }
53  return 0.;
54  }

◆ operator<<() [1/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  ,
const GNNTrackReaderTool  

◆ operator<<() [2/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const IGNNTrackFinder se 

Definition at line 65 of file IGNNTrackFinder.h.

65  {
66  return se.dump(sl);
67  }

◆ operator<<() [3/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const IGNNTrackReaderTool se 

Definition at line 68 of file IGNNTrackReaderTool.h.

68  {
69  return se.dump(sl);
70  }

◆ operator<<() [4/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  ,
const InDet::TRT_StandaloneTrackFinder::Counter_t  

◆ operator<<() [5/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const ISeedFitter se 

Definition at line 61 of file ISeedFitter.h.

61  {
62  return se.dump(sl);
63  }

◆ operator<<() [6/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const ISiDetElementsRoadMaker se 

Definition at line 119 of file ISiDetElementsRoadMaker.h.

121  {
122  return se.dump(sl);
123  }

◆ operator<<() [7/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const ITRT_DetElementsRoadMaker se 

Definition at line 97 of file ITRT_DetElementsRoadMaker.h.

99  {
100  return se.dump(sl);
101  }

◆ operator<<() [8/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const ITRT_SeededSpacePointFinder se 

Definition at line 117 of file ITRT_SeededSpacePointFinder.h.

119  {
120  return se.dump(sl);
121  }

◆ operator<<() [9/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const ITRT_SeededTrackFinder se 

Definition at line 100 of file ITRT_SeededTrackFinder.h.

102  {
103  return se.dump(sl);
104  }

◆ operator<<() [10/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const ITRT_SegmentToTrackTool se 

Definition at line 155 of file TRT_SegmentToTrackTool.h.

156  {
157  return se.dump(sl);
158  }

◆ operator<<() [11/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const ITRT_TrackExtensionTool se 

Definition at line 125 of file ITRT_TrackExtensionTool.h.

127  {
128  return se.dump(sl);
129  }

◆ operator<<() [12/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const ITRT_TrackSegmentsMaker se 

Definition at line 119 of file ITRT_TrackSegmentsMaker.h.

121  {
122  return se.dump(sl);
123  }

◆ operator<<() [13/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  ,
const SegmentDriftCircleAssValidation  

◆ operator<<() [14/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  ,
const SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk  

◆ operator<<() [15/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  ,
const SiGNNTrackFinderTool  

◆ operator<<() [16/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  ,
const SimpleTRT_SeededSpacePointFinder_ATL  

◆ operator<<() [17/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const SiSpacePointsSeed se 

Definition at line 142 of file SiSpacePointsSeed.cxx.

143  {
144  return se.dump(sl);
145  }

◆ operator<<() [18/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  ,
const SiSPGNNTrackMaker  

◆ operator<<() [19/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  ,
const TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk  

◆ operator<<() [20/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  ,
const TRT_TrackExtensionToolCosmics  

◆ operator<<() [21/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const InDetLowBetaCandidate sf 

Definition at line 75 of file InDetLowBetaCandidate.cxx.

76  { return sf.dump(sl); }

◆ operator<<() [22/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const PixelClusterCollection coll 

Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output.

Definition at line 11 of file PixelClusterCollection.cxx.

12  {
13  sl << "PixelClusterCollection: "
14  << "identify()="<< coll.identify()
15  // << ", identifyHash()="<< coll.identifyHash()
16  << ", PRD=[";
17  PixelClusterCollection::const_iterator it = coll.begin();
18  PixelClusterCollection::const_iterator itEnd = coll.end();
19  for (;it!=itEnd;++it) sl<< (**it)<<", ";
20  sl <<" ]"<<std::endl;
21  return sl;
22  }

◆ operator<<() [23/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const SCT_ClusterCollection coll 

Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output.

Definition at line 11 of file SCT_ClusterCollection.cxx.

12  {
13  sl << "SCT_ClusterCollection: "
14  << "identify()="<< coll.identify()
15  // << ", identifyHash()="<< coll.identifyHash()
16  << ", PRD=[";
17  SCT_ClusterCollection::const_iterator it = coll.begin();
18  SCT_ClusterCollection::const_iterator itEnd = coll.end();
19  for (;it!=itEnd;++it) sl<< (**it)<<", ";
20  sl <<" ]"<<std::endl;
21  return sl;
22  }

◆ operator<<() [24/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const SiClusterCollection coll 

Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output.

Definition at line 11 of file SiClusterCollection.cxx.

12  {
13  sl << "SiClusterCollection: "
14  << "identify()="<< coll.identify()
15  // << ", identifyHash()="<< coll.identifyHash()
16  << ", PRD=[";
17  SiClusterCollection::const_iterator it = coll.begin();
18  SiClusterCollection::const_iterator itEnd = coll.end();
19  for (;it!=itEnd;++it) sl<< (**it)<<", ";
20  sl <<" ]"<<std::endl;
21  return sl;
22  }

◆ operator<<() [25/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const TRT_DriftCircleCollection coll 

Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output.

Definition at line 13 of file TRT_DriftCircleCollection.cxx.

14  {
15  std::ostringstream out;
16  out<<coll;
17  sl<<out.str();
18  return sl;
19  }

◆ operator<<() [26/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const TRT_DriftCirclesSeed se 

Definition at line 58 of file TRT_DriftCirclesSeed.cxx.

59  {
60  return se.dump(sl);
61  }

◆ operator<<() [27/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  stream,
const PixelCluster prd 

Definition at line 238 of file PixelCluster.cxx.

238  {
239  return prd.dump(stream);
240 }

◆ operator<<() [28/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  stream,
const SCT_Cluster prd 

Definition at line 42 of file SCT_Cluster.cxx.

43 {
44  return prd.dump(stream);
45 }

◆ operator<<() [29/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  stream,
const SiCluster prd 

Definition at line 121 of file SiCluster.cxx.

123 {
124  return prd.dump(stream);
125 }

◆ operator<<() [30/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  stream,
const SiWidth prd 

◆ operator<<() [31/62]

MsgStream& InDet::operator<< ( MsgStream &  stream,
const TRT_DriftCircle prd 

Definition at line 82 of file TRT_DriftCircle.cxx.

84 {
85  return prd.dump(stream);
86 }

◆ operator<<() [32/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const GNNTrackReaderTool  

◆ operator<<() [33/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const IGNNTrackFinder se 

Definition at line 72 of file IGNNTrackFinder.h.

72  {
73  return se.dump(sl);
74  }

◆ operator<<() [34/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const IGNNTrackReaderTool se 

Definition at line 75 of file IGNNTrackReaderTool.h.

75  {
76  return se.dump(sl);
77  }

◆ operator<<() [35/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const ISeedFitter se 

Definition at line 68 of file ISeedFitter.h.

68  {
69  return se.dump(sl);
70  }

◆ operator<<() [36/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const ISiDetElementsRoadMaker se 

Definition at line 128 of file ISiDetElementsRoadMaker.h.

130  {
131  return se.dump(sl);
132  }

◆ operator<<() [37/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const ITRT_DetElementsRoadMaker se 

Definition at line 106 of file ITRT_DetElementsRoadMaker.h.

108  {
109  return se.dump(sl);
110  }

◆ operator<<() [38/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const ITRT_SeededSpacePointFinder se 

Definition at line 126 of file ITRT_SeededSpacePointFinder.h.

128  {
129  return se.dump(sl);
130  }

◆ operator<<() [39/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const ITRT_SeededTrackFinder se 

Definition at line 109 of file ITRT_SeededTrackFinder.h.

111  {
112  return se.dump(sl);
113  }

◆ operator<<() [40/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const ITRT_SegmentToTrackTool se 

Definition at line 163 of file TRT_SegmentToTrackTool.h.

164  {
165  return se.dump(sl);
166  }

◆ operator<<() [41/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const ITRT_TrackExtensionTool se 

Definition at line 135 of file ITRT_TrackExtensionTool.h.

137  {
138  return se.dump(sl);
139  }

◆ operator<<() [42/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const ITRT_TrackSegmentsMaker se 

Definition at line 129 of file ITRT_TrackSegmentsMaker.h.

131  {
132  return se.dump(sl);
133  }

◆ operator<<() [43/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const SegmentDriftCircleAssValidation  

◆ operator<<() [44/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk  

◆ operator<<() [45/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const SiGNNTrackFinderTool  

◆ operator<<() [46/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const SimpleTRT_SeededSpacePointFinder_ATL  

◆ operator<<() [47/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const SiSpacePointsSeed se 

Definition at line 150 of file SiSpacePointsSeed.cxx.

151  {
152  return se.dump(sl);
153  }

◆ operator<<() [48/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const SiSPGNNTrackMaker  

◆ operator<<() [49/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const SiTrajectory_xk  

◆ operator<<() [50/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk  

◆ operator<<() [51/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const TRT_TrackExtensionToolCosmics  

◆ operator<<() [52/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const TRT_Trajectory_xk  

◆ operator<<() [53/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const PixelClusterCollection coll 

Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 24 of file PixelClusterCollection.cxx.

25  {
26  sl << "PixelClusterCollection: "
27  << "identify()="<< coll.identify()
28  // << ", identifyHash()="<< coll.identifyHash()
29  << ", PRD=[";
30  PixelClusterCollection::const_iterator it = coll.begin();
31  PixelClusterCollection::const_iterator itEnd = coll.end();
32  for (;it!=itEnd;++it) sl<< (**it)<<", ";
33  sl <<" ]"<<std::endl;
34  return sl;
35  }

◆ operator<<() [54/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const SCT_ClusterCollection coll 

Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 24 of file SCT_ClusterCollection.cxx.

25  {
26  sl << "SCT_ClusterCollection: "
27  << "identify()="<< coll.identify()
28  // << ", identifyHash()="<< coll.identifyHash()
29  << ", PRD=[";
30  SCT_ClusterCollection::const_iterator it = coll.begin();
31  SCT_ClusterCollection::const_iterator itEnd = coll.end();
32  for (;it!=itEnd;++it) sl<< (**it)<<", ";
33  sl <<" ]"<<std::endl;
34  return sl;
35  }

◆ operator<<() [55/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const SiClusterCollection coll 

Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 24 of file SiClusterCollection.cxx.

25  {
26  sl << "SiClusterCollection: "
27  << "identify()="<< coll.identify()
28  // << ", identifyHash()="<< coll.identifyHash()
29  << ", PRD=[";
30  SiClusterCollection::const_iterator it = coll.begin();
31  SiClusterCollection::const_iterator itEnd = coll.end();
32  for (;it!=itEnd;++it) sl<< (**it)<<", ";
33  sl <<" ]"<<std::endl;
34  return sl;
35  }

◆ operator<<() [56/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const TRT_DriftCircleCollection coll 

Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 21 of file TRT_DriftCircleCollection.cxx.

22  {
23  sl << "TRT_DriftCircleCollection: "
24  << "identify()="<< coll.identify()
25  << ", PRD=[";
26  TRT_DriftCircleCollection::const_iterator it = coll.begin();
27  TRT_DriftCircleCollection::const_iterator itEnd = coll.end();
28  for (;it!=itEnd;++it) sl<< (**it)<<", ";
29  sl <<" ]"<<std::endl;
30  return sl;
31  }

◆ operator<<() [57/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const TRT_DriftCirclesSeed se 

Definition at line 66 of file TRT_DriftCirclesSeed.cxx.

67  {
68  return se.dump(sl);
69  }

◆ operator<<() [58/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const PixelCluster prd 

Definition at line 242 of file PixelCluster.cxx.

242  {
243  return prd.dump(stream);
244 }

◆ operator<<() [59/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const SCT_Cluster prd 

Definition at line 47 of file SCT_Cluster.cxx.

48 {
49  return prd.dump(stream);
50 }

◆ operator<<() [60/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const SiCluster prd 

Definition at line 127 of file SiCluster.cxx.

129 {
130  return prd.dump(stream);
131 }

◆ operator<<() [61/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const SiWidth prd 

◆ operator<<() [62/62]

std::ostream& InDet::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const TRT_DriftCircle prd 

Definition at line 88 of file TRT_DriftCircle.cxx.

90 {
91  return prd.dump(stream);
92 }
bool matchingReadoutTechnology(const InDet::SiDetectorElementStatus &elementStatus, const IdentifierHash &moduleIdHash, unsigned int readOutTechnologyMask=(Pixel::makeReadoutTechnologyBit(InDetDD::PixelReadoutTechnology::FEI4)|(Pixel::makeReadoutTechnologyBit(InDetDD::PixelReadoutTechnology::FEI3))))
Check whether the readout technology of the specified module is contained in the given readout techno...
Definition: PixelFEUtils.h:70
Definition: index.py:1
constexpr double max()
Definition: ap_fixedTest.cxx:33
Definition: skel.GENtoEVGEN.py:407
Definition: AthDsoLogger.py:71
#define M_PI
Definition: ActiveFraction.h:11
@ N
Definition: TiledEtaPhiMap.h:44
Definition: keylayer_zslicemap.py:194
#define x
string stream
Definition: AthenaPoolTestWrite.py:12
tuple y1
Definition: makeTRTBarrelCans.py:15
Definition: AthenaPoolTestRead.py:27
int i
Definition: lumiFormat.py:85
tuple y2
Definition: makeTRTBarrelCans.py:18
std::pair< std::vector< unsigned int >, bool > res
Definition: JetGroupProductTest.cxx:11
Definition: EventInfo_v1.cxx:123
string tmp
Definition: DeMoUpdate.py:1167
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > Vector3D
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:47
T retrieve(size_t i) const
Retrieve the value of the hash, if accessible according to the mask.
Definition: IdentifiableValueContainer.h:104
#define y
@ sf
Definition: TElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool.cxx:38