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dqutils::MonitoringFile Class Reference

#include <MonitoringFile.h>

Inheritance diagram for dqutils::MonitoringFile:
Collaboration diagram for dqutils::MonitoringFile:


class  CopyHistogram
class  GatherNames
class  GatherStatistics
class  HistogramOperation
struct  MetaData
class  OutputMetadata
class  PostProcessorFileWrapper

Public Types

typedef std::map< std::string, TDirectory * > DirMap_t

Public Member Functions

 MonitoringFile ()
 MonitoringFile (const std::string &fileName)
virtual ~MonitoringFile ()
void mergeDirectory (TDirectory *outputDir, const std::vector< TFile * > &inputFiles, bool has_multiple_runs=false, std::map< TFile *, std::string > *prefixes=0)
void mergeFiles (const std::string &outFileName, const std::vector< std::string > &files)
void mergeFiles (const std::string &outFileName, const std::string &listFileName)
virtual bool setFile (const std::string &fileName)
 Clears all previous data and opens the file with the given name for analysis, returning a boolean indicating whether the file was opened successfully or not. More...
virtual void printDirectories ()
virtual void printStatistics ()
virtual bool copyHistograms (const std::string &outFileName, const std::string &dirName="all")
 Copy the indicated set of histograms to an output file. More...
virtual void printHanConfig ()
virtual std::string FindCommon (const std::string &name1, const std::string &name2) const
bool setHistogramRegEx (const std::string &re)
bool setDirectoryRegEx (const std::string &re)

Static Public Member Functions

static void getAllDirs (DirMap_t &dirmap, TDirectory *dir, const std::string &dirName)
static TDirectory * createDir (DirMap_t &dirmap, TDirectory *dir, const std::string &parent, const std::string &path)
static TKey * getObjKey (TDirectory *dir, const std::string &path)
static void fillMetaDataMap (std::map< std::string, dqutils::MonitoringFile::MetaData > &mdMap, TDirectory *dir)
static void merge_effAsPerCent (TH2 &a, const TH2 &b)
static void merge_perBinEffPerCent (TH1 &a, const TH1 &b)
static void merge_effAsPerCentAlt (TH1 &a, const TH1 &b)
static void merge_weightedAverage (TH1 &a, const TH1 &b)
static void merge_weightedAverage2D (TH2 &a, const TH2 &b)
static void merge_weightedEff (TH1 &a, const TH1 &b)
static void merge_Rebinned (TH1 &a, TH1 &b)
static void merge_eventSample (TH2 &a, const TH2 &b)
static void merge_RMS (TH1 &a, const TH1 &b)
static void merge_RMSpercentDeviation (TH1 &a, const TH1 &b)
static void merge_lowerLB (TH1 &a, const TH1 &b)
static void merge_identical (TH1 &a, const TH1 &b)
static void fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonManager (const std::string &inFileName, bool isIncremental=false)
 Methods for creating ID Alignment summary plots on merged files. More...
static void fitMergedFile_DiMuMonManager (const std::string &inFileName, bool isIncremental=false)
static void fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonManager (const std::string &inFileName, bool isIncremental=false)
static bool CheckHistogram (TFile *f, const char *HistoName)
static void fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonResiduals (TFile *f, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &TriggerName)
static void fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonTrackSegments (TFile *file, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &tracksName)
static void fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonGenericTracks (TFile *file, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &tracksName)
static void fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonPVbiases (TFile *file, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &tracksName)
static void fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonKshort (TFile *f, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &TriggerName)
static void fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonJpsi (TFile *f, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &TriggerName)
static void fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonUpsilon (TFile *f, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &TriggerName)
static void fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonZee (TFile *f, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &TriggerName)
static void fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonWenu (TFile *f, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &TriggerName)
static void fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonZMM (TFile *f, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &TriggerName)
static void fitJpsiHistograms (TH1F *hmass, TH1F *hwidth, TH1F *h1[], int n)
static void fitUpsilonHistograms (TH1F *hmass, TH1F *hwidth, TH1F *h1[], int n)
static void fitZmumuMassPlot (TH1F *hmass)
static std::pair< RooRealVar, RooRealVar > fitZmumuMass (TH1F *hmass)
static void fitZmumuHistograms (TH1F *hmass, TH1F *hwidth, std::vector< TH1F * > hvec)
static void processModule (TFile *f, const std::string &run_dir, TKey *key_module, const std::string &moduleName)
static void fitMergedFile_DiMuMonAll (TFile *f, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &resonName, const std::string &triggerName)
static void fitHistos (TH2F *hin, const std::vector< TH1F * > &hout, int mode, const std::string &triggerName, const std::string &resonName, TH1F *m_chi2)
static void fillGaussianMeanOrWidth (TH2F *h2d, TH1F *h, float fitMin, float fitMax, int iopt)
static void fillMeanOrWidth (TH2F *h2d, TH1F *h, int iopt)
static void fillDetPaperMeanRMS (TH2F *h2d, TH1F *h, int iopt)
static void meanRMSProjections2D (TH2F *h2d, TH1F *h, int iopt)
static void meanRMSProjections3D (TH3F *h3d, TH2F *h, int iopt)
static void meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot (TH3F *h3d, TH1F *h, int iopt)
static void meanRMSProjections3D_XY (TH3F *h3d, TH1F *h, int iXY, int iopt)
static TH1FcombineHistos (const char *name, const char *title, TObjArray *plots, int gap)
static void setMinWindow (TH1 *h1, float min, float max)
static float getMedian (TH1 *h1)
static void ProcessAsymHistograms (TH1F *m_neg, TH1F *m_pos, TH1F *m_asym)
static void Make1DProfile (TH1 *output, TH2 *histo)
static void MakeMap (TH2 *outputhist, TH3 *hist)
static int IterativeGaussFit (TH1 *hist, double &mu, double &mu_err, double &sigma, double &sigma_err)
static void MuonTrackPostProcess (const std::string &inFileName, bool isIncremental=false)
static void MuonTrack_Main (const std::string &inFileName, TString dirname)
static void RPCPostProcess (const std::string &inFilename, bool isIncremental=false)
static bool RPCCheckHistogram (TFile *f, const char *HistoName)
static void TGCPostProcess (const std::string &inFilename, bool isIncremental=false)
static void TGCChannelOccupancy (const std::string &inFilename, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > &p)
static void TGCChamberOccupancy (const std::string &inFilename, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > &phigh, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > &plow)
static void TGCChamberEfficiency (const std::string &inFilename, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > &p)
static void TGCChamberTiming (const std::string &inFilename, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > &pro, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > &ptrg)
static void TGCsubsectbin2stationeta (int subsect, int bin, int &station, int &eta)
static void TGCsubsect2sectorphi (int subsect, int &sector, int &phi4)
static void TGCRawHistogramDivision (const std::string &inFilename)
static void TGCLV1HistogramDivision (const std::string &inFilename)
static int nTGCWireStripMap (int ws, int etac, int phi48)
static int getTGCNumberOfWires (const int istationName, const int layer, const int istationEta, const int istationPhi)
static void TGCResetContents (TH1 *h)
static void MDTvsTGCPostProcess (const std::string &inFilename, bool isIncremental=false)
static void MDTvsTGCEfficiency (const std::string &inFilename)
static void MDTvsTGCResetContents (TH1 *h)
static bool TGCCheckHistogram (TFile *f, TString &hname)
static void TGCSetMetaData (TDirectory *targetDir, TH1 *h1, TH1 *h2=0, TH1 *h3=0)
static void HLTMuonPostProcess (const std::string &inFilename, bool isIncremental=false)
static void HLTMuonHistogramDivision (const std::string &inFilename, TString &run_dir)
static void HLTMuonTriggerOverlapMatrix (const std::string &inFilename, TString &run_dir)
static bool HLTMuonCheckHistogram (TFile *f, TString &hname)
static void HLTMuonHDiv (PostProcessorFileWrapper &mf, TString sdir, TString snum, TString sden, TString seff, TString seffg)
static void HLTEgammaPostProcess (const std::string &inFilename, bool isIncremental=false)
static void HLTEgammaEfficiencyOff (TFile *f, TDirectory *trig_dir, TDirectory *off_dir, const TString &pathNum, const TString &pathEff, const std::vector< TString > &varName)
static void HLTEgammaEfficiencyRel (TFile *f, TDirectory *trig_dir, const TString &pathPre, const TString &pathRej, const std::vector< TString > &objStage, const std::vector< TString > &varName)
static void HLTTauPostProcess (const std::string &inFilename, bool isIncremental=false)
static void HLTTauPostProcess (TFile *f, TDirectory *dir, TString pathApp, TString pathAppEff, const std::vector< TString > &lvlN, const std::vector< TString > &varN, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &ratioIndex, int nameStyle, TString nameApp="")
static std::string getPath (TDirectory *dir)
static void HLTMETPostProcess (const std::string &inFileName, bool isIncremental=false)
static void HLTMETAveragePhivsEtaMaps (TFile *f, TString &run_dir)
static size_t HLTMETGetDQLBNRange (TDirectory *&run_dir, std::vector< TString > &lbnDirs)
static int HLTMETGetStatusPerBin (TH1I *&hist, int ymin, int ymax, int rmin, int rmax)
static void HLTMETDQFlagSummary (TFile *f, TString &run_dir)
static void HLTCaloPostProcess (const std::string &inFileName, bool isIncremental=false)
static void HLTCaloAveragePtPhiEtaMaps (TFile *f, TString &run_dir)
static void HLTJetPostProcess (const std::string &inFileName, bool isIncremental=false)
static void HLTJetCalcEfficiencyAndRate (TFile *f, TString &run_dir)
static void BJetTaggingPostProcess (const std::string &inFileName, bool isIncremental=false)
static void BJetTaggingAdjustRanges (TFile *f)
static void BJetTaggingNormalise (TFile *f)
static void HLTMinBiasMonPostProcess (const std::string &inFileName, bool isIncremental=false)
static void HLTMinBiasMonGetTargetHistos (TDirectory *source, std::vector< std::pair< TString, TString > > &targetNames)
static void pv_PrimaryVertexMonitoring_calcResoAndEfficiency (const std::string &inFilename, bool isIncremental=false)
static void VxMon_move (const std::string &inFilename, bool isIncremental=false)
static void L1CaloPostProcess (const std::string &inFileName, bool isIncremental=false)
static void L1CaloStabilityRMS (TFile *f, const TString &nameDir, const TString &nameTag)
static void L1CaloFillWithError (TFile *f, const TString &nameDir, const TString &nameData, const TString &nameError)
static void L1CaloResetEfficiencies (TFile *f, const TString &effDir, const TString &nameDen, const TString &nameEff, int items, double threshold, int binSkip)
static void PixelPostProcess (const std::string &inFilename, bool isIncremental=false)
static int ComputeUPXBinErrors (TH1F *hnum, TH1F *hden, std::vector< float > &errors)
static std::string getHanResults (const std::string &hanResultsDir, const std::string &input, const std::string &hcfg, const std::string &hcfg_min10, const std::string &hcfg_min30)
static int mergeLBintervals (const std::string &, const std::string &debugLevel="none")
static int getDebugLevel ()
static void setDebugLevel (int level)
static int getCompressionLevel ()
static void setCompressionLevel (int level)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void clearData ()

Static Protected Member Functions

static std::string getIndentation (const std::string &pathName, const std::string &leadingSpace="")
static bool dirHasHistogramsInMetadata (TDirectory *dir)
static void loopOnHistograms (HistogramOperation &fcn, TDirectory *dir)
static bool loopOnHistogramsInMetadata (HistogramOperation &fcn, TDirectory *dir)
static bool setListFromFile (std::vector< std::string > &filelist, const std::string &listFileName)

Protected Attributes

TFile * m_file {}

Private Types

enum  debugLevel_t { none = 0, DEBUG, VERBOSE }
typedef std::map< TDirectory *, std::vector< TDirectory * > > map_dir_vdir

Static Private Member Functions

static void mergeObjsMultiCycles (const std::string &, const std::vector< int > &, TDirectory *, const std::string &, std::unique_ptr< TObject > &)
static int mergeObjs (TObject *, TObject *, const std::string &, debugLevel_t debugLevel=none)
static int mergeLB_createListOfHistos (TDirectory *, TDirectory *, std::vector< std::string > &, debugLevel_t &)
static int mergeLB_recursiveDirCopy (TDirectory *, TDirectory *, TDirectory *, std::vector< std::string > &, debugLevel_t &)
static int mergeLB_processLBinterval (std::vector< TDirectory * > &, TDirectory *, debugLevel_t &)
static void buildLBToIntervalMap (std::vector< TDirectory * > &, std::vector< TDirectory * > &, map_dir_vdir &, debugLevel_t &)
static int mergeLB_processLB (std::vector< TDirectory * > &, std::vector< TDirectory * > &, debugLevel_t &)
static int mergeLB_processRun (TDirectory *, debugLevel_t &)
static Int_t getNumBins (const TH1 &hist)

Private Attributes

std::regex * m_mergeMatchHistoRE {}
std::regex * m_mergeMatchDirRE {}
std::string m_mergeMatchHistoREString
std::string m_mergeMatchDirREString
bool m_useRE {}

Static Private Attributes

static std::atomic< int > m_debugLevel
static std::atomic< int > m_fileCompressionLevel

Detailed Description

Definition at line 54 of file MonitoringFile.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ DirMap_t

typedef std::map< std::string, TDirectory* > dqutils::MonitoringFile::DirMap_t

Definition at line 88 of file MonitoringFile.h.

◆ map_dir_vdir

typedef std::map<TDirectory*, std::vector<TDirectory*> > dqutils::MonitoringFile::map_dir_vdir

Definition at line 427 of file MonitoringFile.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ debugLevel_t


Definition at line 424 of file MonitoringFile.h.

424  {
425  none = 0, DEBUG, VERBOSE
426  };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MonitoringFile() [1/2]

dqutils::MonitoringFile::MonitoringFile ( )

◆ MonitoringFile() [2/2]

dqutils::MonitoringFile::MonitoringFile ( const std::string &  fileName)

◆ ~MonitoringFile()

virtual dqutils::MonitoringFile::~MonitoringFile ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ BJetTaggingAdjustRanges()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::BJetTaggingAdjustRanges ( TFile *  f)

Definition at line 27 of file MonitoringFile_BJetTaggingAdjustRanges.cxx.

27  {
30  if (debugLevel > 1) {
31  std::cout << "--> BJetTaggingAdjustRanges: Adjusting ranges of d0, z0 and d0Sig, z0Sig"
32  << std::endl;
33  }
34  f->cd("/");
35  // get run directory name
36  TIter nextcd0(gDirectory->GetListOfKeys());
37  TKey* key0 = (TKey*) nextcd0();
38  TDirectory* dir0 = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*> (key0->ReadObj());
40  if (dir0 != 0) {
41  dir0->cd();
43  TIter next_run(f->GetListOfKeys());
44  TKey* key_run(0);
46  // loop through runs in the file
47  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*> (next_run())) != 0) {
48  if (debugLevel > 1) {
49  std::cout << "--> BJetTaggingAdjustRanges: Getting run " << key_run << std::endl;
50  }
51  TObject* obj_run = key_run->ReadObj();
52  TDirectory* tdir_run = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*> (obj_run);
54  // Some checks of the run number
55  if (tdir_run != 0) {
56  //if (debugLevel > 0) {
57  // std::cerr << "--> BJetTaggingAdjustRanges: directory " << tdir_run
58  // << " not found." << std::endl;
59  //}
60  //continue;
61  //delete obj_run;
63  TString run_dir = tdir_run->GetName();
64  if (!run_dir.Contains("run")) {
65  std::cerr << "--> BJetTaggingAdjustRanges: no run found" << std::endl;
66  return;
67  //delete obj_run;
68  }
70  if (debugLevel > 1) {
71  std::cout << "--> BJetTaggingAdjustRanges: Getting run no. " << run_dir
72  << std::endl;
73  }
75  // Setting the branch for the impact parameters
76  TString jetmon_dir = run_dir + "/JetTagging";
78  TDirectory* dir(0);
79  //std::cout << "--> BJetTaggingAdjustRanges: directory " << diag_dir
80  // << std::endl;
82  if (!(dir = f->GetDirectory(jetmon_dir))) {
83  if (debugLevel > 0) std::cerr << "--> BJetTaggingAdjustRanges: directory " << jetmon_dir
84  << " not found." << std::endl;
85  return;
86  }
87  // std::cout << "--> BJetTaggingAdjustRanges: Setting d0,z0,d0Sig,z0Sig vectors" << std::endl;
88  std::vector < TString > impactParameters;
89  impactParameters.push_back("d0Sig");
90  impactParameters.push_back("z0Sig");
92  impactParameters.push_back("d0");
93  impactParameters.push_back("z0");
95  std::vector < TString > etaAndPtRanges;
96  etaAndPtRanges.push_back("_EtaRange_0_PtRange_0");
97  etaAndPtRanges.push_back("_EtaRange_0_PtRange_1");
98  etaAndPtRanges.push_back("_EtaRange_0_PtRange_2");
99  etaAndPtRanges.push_back("_EtaRange_1_PtRange_0");
100  etaAndPtRanges.push_back("_EtaRange_1_PtRange_1");
101  etaAndPtRanges.push_back("_EtaRange_1_PtRange_2");
102  etaAndPtRanges.push_back("_EtaRange_2_PtRange_0");
103  etaAndPtRanges.push_back("_EtaRange_2_PtRange_1");
104  etaAndPtRanges.push_back("_EtaRange_2_PtRange_2");
105  etaAndPtRanges.push_back("_EtaRange_3_PtRange_0");
106  etaAndPtRanges.push_back("_EtaRange_3_PtRange_1");
107  etaAndPtRanges.push_back("_EtaRange_3_PtRange_2");
108  etaAndPtRanges.push_back("_EtaRange_4_PtRange_0");
109  etaAndPtRanges.push_back("_EtaRange_4_PtRange_1");
110  etaAndPtRanges.push_back("_EtaRange_4_PtRange_2");
112  TH1F* workingHistogram(0);
114  TString impactParameterHistos, workingHistogramName;
116  for (std::vector<TString>::iterator itT = impactParameters.begin(); itT
117  != impactParameters.end(); ++itT) {
118  for (std::vector<TString>::iterator itO = etaAndPtRanges.begin(); itO
119  != etaAndPtRanges.end(); ++itO) {
120  workingHistogramName = (*itT) + (*itO);
121  impactParameterHistos = jetmon_dir + "/" + workingHistogramName;
123  workingHistogram = dynamic_cast<TH1F*> (f->Get(impactParameterHistos));
124  if (workingHistogram != 0) {
125  if (debugLevel > 1) {
126  //std::cout << "--> BJetTaggingAdjustRanges: Really doing this stuff" <<
127  // workingHistogramName<<std::endl;
128  }
130  /*
131  * Here the bins are initialised and the upper and lower end from the histogram data
132  * are used as new borders of the updated histogram.
133  * */
135  int minimalBin = 0;
136  int maximalBin = 0;
138  minimalBin = workingHistogram->FindFirstBinAbove(0.0, 1);
139  maximalBin = workingHistogram->FindLastBinAbove(0.0, 1);
141  workingHistogram->SetAxisRange(TMath::Max(1, (minimalBin - 5)),
142  (maximalBin + 5), "X");
144  dir->cd();
145  workingHistogram->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
146  } else {
147  if (debugLevel > 0) {
148  std::cerr << "Histogram " << impactParameterHistos << " not found."
149  << std::endl;
150  }
151  }
152  } // for eta/Pt range
153  } // for TrigItems
154  if (debugLevel > 1) {
155  std::cout << "--> BJetTaggingAdjustRanges: Finished" << std::endl;
156  }
157  }
158  } // if tdir_run!=0
159  }//while
160  }//MonitoringFile::BJetTaggingAdjustRanges

◆ BJetTaggingNormalise()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::BJetTaggingNormalise ( TFile *  f)

Definition at line 25 of file MonitoringFile_BJetTaggingNormalise.cxx.

25  {
28  if (debugLevel > 1) {
29  std::cout << "--> BJetTaggingNormalise: Adjusting ranges of d0, z0 and d0Sig, z0Sig"
30  << std::endl;
31  }
33  f->cd("/");
34  // get run directory name
35  TIter nextcd0(gDirectory->GetListOfKeys());
36  TKey* key0 = (TKey*) nextcd0();
38  TDirectory* dir0 = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*> (key0->ReadObj());
39  if (dir0 != 0) {
40  dir0->cd();
42  TIter next_run(f->GetListOfKeys());
43  TKey* key_run(0);
45  // loop through the runs
46  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*> (next_run())) != 0) {
47  if (debugLevel > 1) {
48  std::cout << "--> BJetTaggingNormalise: Getting run " << key_run << std::endl;
49  }
50  TObject* obj_run = key_run->ReadObj();
51  TDirectory* tdir_run = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*> (obj_run);
53  // Some checks of the run number
54  if (tdir_run != 0) {
55  //std::cerr << "--> BJetTaggingNormalise: directory " << tdir_run << " not found."
56  // << std::endl;
57  //return;
58  //}
60  TString run_dir = tdir_run->GetName();
61  if (!run_dir.Contains("run")) {
62  std::cerr << "--> BJetTaggingNormalise: no run found" << std::endl;
63  return;
64  }
65  if (debugLevel > 1) {
66  std::cout << "--> BJetTaggingNormalise: Getting run no. " << run_dir << std::endl;
67  }
69  // Setting the branch for JetTagging
70  TString diag_dir = run_dir + "/JetTagging";
72  TDirectory* dir(0);
73  if (debugLevel > 1) {
74  std::cout << "--> BJetTaggingNormalise: directory " << diag_dir << std::endl;
75  }
76  if (!(dir = f->GetDirectory(diag_dir))) {
77  std::cerr << "--> BJetTaggingNormalise: directory " << diag_dir << " not found."
78  << std::endl;
79  return;
80  }
81  if (debugLevel > 1) {
82  std::cout << "--> BJetTaggingNormalise: Setting the to process histgrams"
83  << std::endl;
84  }
86  // 2D histograms
88  std::vector < TString > nomHistosNames;
89  std::vector < TString > denHistosNames;
91  nomHistosNames.push_back("track_selector_eff");
92  nomHistosNames.push_back("track_selector_eff_LS"); // added by SARA
93  //nomHistosNames.push_back("jet_2D_kinematic"); // removed by SARA
94  nomHistosNames.push_back("ip3d_tag_def_rate_2D");
95  //nomHistosNames.push_back("ip2d_tag_pos_rate_2D");
96  nomHistosNames.push_back("ip3d_tag_neg_rate_2D");
97  nomHistosNames.push_back("ip3d_tag_pos_rate_2D");
98  //nomHistosNames.push_back("sv1_tag_neg_rate_2D");
99  //nomHistosNames.push_back("sv1_tag_pos_rate_2D");
100  //nomHistosNames.push_back("sv2_tag_neg_rate_2D");
101  //nomHistosNames.push_back("sv2_tag_pos_rate_2D");
102  nomHistosNames.push_back("tracks_pTMin_2D");
103  nomHistosNames.push_back("tracks_d0Max_2D");
104  nomHistosNames.push_back("tracks_z0Max_2D");
105  nomHistosNames.push_back("tracks_sigd0Max_2D");
106  nomHistosNames.push_back("tracks_sigz0Max_2D");
107  nomHistosNames.push_back("tracks_etaMax_2D");
108  nomHistosNames.push_back("tracks_nHitBLayer_2D");
109  nomHistosNames.push_back("tracks_deadBLayer_2D");
110  nomHistosNames.push_back("tracks_nHitPix_2D");
111  nomHistosNames.push_back("tracks_nHitSct_2D");
112  nomHistosNames.push_back("tracks_nHitSi_2D");
113  nomHistosNames.push_back("tracks_nHitTrt_2D");
114  nomHistosNames.push_back("tracks_nHitTrtHighE_2D");
115  nomHistosNames.push_back("tracks_fitChi2_2D");
116  nomHistosNames.push_back("tracks_fitProb_2D");
117  nomHistosNames.push_back("tracks_fitChi2OnNdfMax_2D");
119  denHistosNames.push_back("track_selector_all");
120  denHistosNames.push_back("track_selector_all_LS"); // added by SARA
121  //denHistosNames.push_back("jet_2D_all"); // removed by SARA
122  denHistosNames.push_back("jet_2D_all");
123  denHistosNames.push_back("jet_2D_all");
124  denHistosNames.push_back("jet_2D_all");
125  //denHistosNames.push_back("track_selector_all");
126  //denHistosNames.push_back("track_selector_all");
127  //denHistosNames.push_back("track_selector_all");
128  //denHistosNames.push_back("track_selector_all");
129  //denHistosNames.push_back("track_selector_all");
130  //denHistosNames.push_back("track_selector_all");
131  //denHistosNames.push_back("track_selector_all");
132  //denHistosNames.push_back("track_selector_all");
133  denHistosNames.push_back("tracks_all_2D");
134  denHistosNames.push_back("tracks_all_2D");
135  denHistosNames.push_back("tracks_all_2D");
136  denHistosNames.push_back("tracks_all_2D");
137  denHistosNames.push_back("tracks_all_2D");
138  denHistosNames.push_back("tracks_all_2D");
139  denHistosNames.push_back("tracks_all_2D");
140  denHistosNames.push_back("tracks_all_2D");
141  denHistosNames.push_back("tracks_all_2D");
142  denHistosNames.push_back("tracks_all_2D");
143  denHistosNames.push_back("tracks_all_2D");
144  denHistosNames.push_back("tracks_all_2D");
145  denHistosNames.push_back("tracks_all_2D");
146  denHistosNames.push_back("tracks_all_2D");
147  denHistosNames.push_back("tracks_all_2D");
148  denHistosNames.push_back("tracks_all_2D");
149  //denHistosNames.push_back("tracks_all_2D"); // removed by SARA (was orphen)
151  TH2F* workingHistogramNom(0);
152  TH2F* workingHistogramDen(0);
154  TString nomHistos, workingHistogramNameNom;
155  TString denHistos, workingHistogramNameDen;
157  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nomHistosNames.size(); i++) {
158  workingHistogramNameNom = (nomHistosNames[i]);
159  workingHistogramNameDen = (denHistosNames[i]);
160  nomHistos = diag_dir + "/" + workingHistogramNameNom;
161  denHistos = diag_dir + "/" + workingHistogramNameDen;
162  //std::cout << "--> BJetTaggingNormalise: histogram " << nomHistos << std::endl;
165  // std::cout << "--> BJetTaggingNormalise: Doing the normalisation" << std::endl;
166  if (!f->Get(nomHistos)) {
167  if (debugLevel > 0) {
168  std::cerr << "--> BBJetTaggingNormalise: no such histogram " << nomHistos
169  << std::endl;
170  }
171  continue;
172  }
173  if (!f->Get(denHistos)) {
174  if (debugLevel > 0) {
175  std::cerr << "--> BJetTaggingNormalise: no such histogram " << denHistos
176  << std::endl;
177  }
178  continue;
179  }
181  workingHistogramNom = dynamic_cast<TH2F*> (f->Get(nomHistos));
182  workingHistogramDen = dynamic_cast<TH2F*> (f->Get(denHistos));
184  if (workingHistogramNom == 0 || workingHistogramDen == 0) {
185  continue;
186  }
188  /*
189  * Here the bins are initialised and the upper and lower end from the histogram data
190  * are used as new borders of the updated histogram.
191  * */
193  {
194  if (debugLevel > 1) {
195  std::cout << nomHistos << "/" << denHistos << " integral before "
196  << workingHistogramNom->Integral() << std::endl;
197  }
198  workingHistogramNom->Divide(workingHistogramDen);
200  if (debugLevel > 1) {
201  std::cout << "integral after " << workingHistogramNom->Integral() << std::endl;
202  }
203  }
204  dir->cd();
205  workingHistogramNom->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
207  // for eta/Pt range
208  } // end loop over 2D histograms
210  // 1D histograms
212  std::vector < TString > nom1DHistosNames; // added by SARA
213  std::vector < TString > den1DHistosNames; // added by SARA
214  std::vector < TString > eff1DHistosNames; // added by SARA
216  nom1DHistosNames.push_back("jet_top_tagged"); // added by SARA
217  nom1DHistosNames.push_back("jet_pt_top_tagged"); // added by SARA
218  nom1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_phi_sum60OP"); // added by SARA
219  nom1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_phi_sum70OP"); // added by SARA
220  nom1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_phi_sum77OP"); // added by SARA
221  nom1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_phi_sum85OP"); // added by SARA
222  nom1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_eta_sum60OP"); // added by SARA
223  nom1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_eta_sum70OP"); // added by SARA
224  nom1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_eta_sum77OP"); // added by SARA
225  nom1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_eta_sum85OP"); // added by SARA
226  nom1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_phi_sum60OP"); // added by SARA
227  nom1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_phi_sum70OP"); // added by SARA
228  nom1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_phi_sum77OP"); // added by SARA
229  nom1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_phi_sum85OP"); // added by SARA
230  nom1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_eta_sum60OP"); // added by SARA
231  nom1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_eta_sum70OP"); // added by SARA
232  nom1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_eta_sum77OP"); // added by SARA
233  nom1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_eta_sum85OP"); // added by SARA
235  den1DHistosNames.push_back("jet_top"); // added by SARA
236  den1DHistosNames.push_back("jet_pt_top"); // added by SARA
237  den1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_phi_sumAll"); // added by SARA
238  den1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_phi_sumAll"); // added by SARA
239  den1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_phi_sumAll"); // added by SARA
240  den1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_phi_sumAll"); // added by SARA
241  den1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_eta_sumAll"); // added by SARA
242  den1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_eta_sumAll"); // added by SARA
243  den1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_eta_sumAll"); // added by SARA
244  den1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_eta_sumAll"); // added by SARA
245  den1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_phi_sumAll"); // added by SARA
246  den1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_phi_sumAll"); // added by SARA
247  den1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_phi_sumAll"); // added by SARA
248  den1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_phi_sumAll"); // added by SARA
249  den1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_eta_sumAll"); // added by SARA
250  den1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_eta_sumAll"); // added by SARA
251  den1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_eta_sumAll"); // added by SARA
252  den1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_eta_sumAll"); // added by SARA
254  eff1DHistosNames.push_back("jet_top_eff"); // added by SARA
255  eff1DHistosNames.push_back("jet_pt_top_eff"); // added by SARA
256  eff1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_phi_frac60OP"); // added by SARA
257  eff1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_phi_frac70OP"); // added by SARA
258  eff1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_phi_frac77OP"); // added by SARA
259  eff1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_phi_frac85OP"); // added by SARA
260  eff1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_eta_frac60OP"); // added by SARA
261  eff1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_eta_frac70OP"); // added by SARA
262  eff1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_eta_frac77OP"); // added by SARA
263  eff1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_eta_frac85OP"); // added by SARA
264  eff1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_phi_frac60OP"); // added by SARA
265  eff1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_phi_frac70OP"); // added by SARA
266  eff1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_phi_frac77OP"); // added by SARA
267  eff1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_phi_frac85OP"); // added by SARA
268  eff1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_eta_frac60OP"); // added by SARA
269  eff1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_eta_frac70OP"); // added by SARA
270  eff1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_eta_frac77OP"); // added by SARA
271  eff1DHistosNames.push_back("tag_MV_w_sj_eta_frac85OP"); // added by SARA
273  TH1F* working1DHistogramNom(0);
274  TH1F* working1DHistogramDen(0);
275  TH1F* working1DHistogramEff(0);
277  TString nom1DHistos, working1DHistogramNameNom;
278  TString den1DHistos, working1DHistogramNameDen;
279  TString eff1DHistos, working1DHistogramNameEff;
281  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nom1DHistosNames.size(); i++) {
282  working1DHistogramNameNom = (nom1DHistosNames[i]);
283  working1DHistogramNameDen = (den1DHistosNames[i]);
284  working1DHistogramNameEff = (eff1DHistosNames[i]);
285  nom1DHistos = diag_dir + "/" + working1DHistogramNameNom;
286  den1DHistos = diag_dir + "/" + working1DHistogramNameDen;
287  eff1DHistos = diag_dir + "/" + working1DHistogramNameEff;
288  //std::cout << "--> BJetTaggingNormalise: 1D histogram " << nom1DHistos << std::endl;
291  // std::cout << "--> BJetTaggingNormalise: Doing the 1D normalisation" << std::endl;
292  if (!f->Get(nom1DHistos)) {
293  if (debugLevel > 0) {
294  std::cerr << "--> BBJetTaggingNormalise: no such 1D histogram " << nom1DHistos
295  << std::endl;
296  }
297  continue;
298  }
299  if (!f->Get(den1DHistos)) {
300  if (debugLevel > 0) {
301  std::cerr << "--> BJetTaggingNormalise: no such 1D histogram " << den1DHistos
302  << std::endl;
303  }
304  continue;
305  }
306  if (!f->Get(eff1DHistos)) {
307  if (debugLevel > 0) {
308  std::cerr << "--> BJetTaggingNormalise: no such 1D histogram " << eff1DHistos
309  << std::endl;
310  }
311  continue;
312  }
314  working1DHistogramNom = dynamic_cast<TH1F*> (f->Get(nom1DHistos));
315  working1DHistogramDen = dynamic_cast<TH1F*> (f->Get(den1DHistos));
316  working1DHistogramEff = dynamic_cast<TH1F*> (f->Get(eff1DHistos));
317  //if xomething goes wrong, do nothing and loop around
318  if (!working1DHistogramNom or !working1DHistogramDen or !working1DHistogramEff) {
319  continue;
320  }
322  /*
323  * Here the bins are initialised and the upper and lower end from the histogram data
324  * are used as new borders of the updated histogram.
325  * */
327  {
328  if (debugLevel > 1) {
329  std::cout << nom1DHistos << "/" << den1DHistos << " integral before "
330  << working1DHistogramNom->Integral() << std::endl;
331  }
332  working1DHistogramEff->Divide(working1DHistogramNom, working1DHistogramDen, 1., 1., "B");
334  if (debugLevel > 1) {
335  std::cout << "integral after " << working1DHistogramEff->Integral() << std::endl;
336  }
337  }
338  dir->cd();
339  working1DHistogramEff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
341  // for eta/Pt range
342  } // end loop over 1D histograms
344  if (debugLevel > 1) {
345  std::cout << "--> BJetTaggingNormalise: Finished" << std::endl;
346  }
347  }//tdir_run != 0
348  }//while
349  }//MonitoringFile::BJetTaggingNormalise
350  }

◆ BJetTaggingPostProcess()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::BJetTaggingPostProcess ( const std::string &  inFileName,
bool  isIncremental = false 

Definition at line 39 of file MonitoringFile_BJetTaggingPostProcess.cxx.

39  {
40  if (isIncremental == true) {
41  return;
42  }
45  if (debugLevel > 1) {
46  std::cout << "--> JetTaggingPostProcess: Begin JetTagging post-processing" << std::endl;
47  }
48  //open root file
49  TFile* f = TFile::Open(inFilename.c_str(), "UPDATE");
51  //check files are loaded.
52  if (f == 0 || !f->IsOpen()) {
53  std::cerr << "--> BJetTaggingPostProcess: Input file not opened" << std::endl;
54  return;
55  }
57  if (f->IsZombie()) {
58  std::cerr << "--> BJetTaggingPostProcess: Input file " << inFilename
59  << " cannot be opened. " << std::endl;
60  return;
61  }
63  //check file size is not too small.
64  if (f->GetSize() < 1000.) {
65  std::cerr << "--> BJetTaggingPostProcess: Input file empty" << std::endl;
66  f->Close();
67  return;
68  }
70  //start postprocessing
72  //here impact parameter histograms get a range in which they are actually filled
75  //this will normalise some 2D histograms to the track/jet number
78  //close root file
79  f->Close();
80  //delete f;
82  if (debugLevel > 1) {
83  std::cout << "--> BJetTaggingPostProcess: End JetTagging post-processing " << std::endl;
84  }
85  return;
86  }

◆ buildLBToIntervalMap()

static void dqutils::MonitoringFile::buildLBToIntervalMap ( std::vector< TDirectory * > &  ,
std::vector< TDirectory * > &  ,
map_dir_vdir ,

◆ CheckHistogram()

static bool dqutils::MonitoringFile::CheckHistogram ( TFile *  f,
const char *  HistoName 

◆ clearData()

virtual void dqutils::MonitoringFile::clearData ( )

◆ combineHistos()

TH1F * dqutils::MonitoringFile::combineHistos ( const char *  name,
const char *  title,
TObjArray *  plots,
int  gap 

Definition at line 3616 of file MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx.

3617  {
3618  //makes one histogram out of all the histograms in the TObjArray
3619  //this histogram is built such that the histograms are placed side-by-side
3620  //on the same x-axis
3622  int n_plots = (plots->GetLast()) + 1;//add one since begins at zero
3624  //std::cout << "nplots = " << n_plots << std::endl;
3626  //count total bins
3627  int totalBins = 0;
3629  for (int i = 0; i != n_plots; ++i) {
3630  int nbins = ((TH1F*) (plots->At(i)))->GetNbinsX();
3631  totalBins = totalBins + nbins;
3632  }
3633  //take account of the gap we want to leave between plots
3634  totalBins = totalBins + ((n_plots - 1) * gap);
3636  TH1F* hnew = new TH1F(name, title, totalBins, 0, totalBins);
3638  int bCount = 1;
3639  //loop over the plots and fill the new one
3640  for (int i = 0; i != n_plots; ++i) {
3641  TH1F* h = (TH1F*) (plots->At(i));
3643  int nbins_h = h->GetNbinsX();
3644  //fill the bins with the content of h
3645  for (int j = 1; j != nbins_h + 1; ++j) {
3646  hnew->SetBinContent(bCount, h->GetBinContent(j));
3647  hnew->SetBinError(bCount, h->GetBinError(j));
3648  bCount++;
3649  }
3651  //skip the next bins to produce a gap
3652  //only if this isn't the last plot
3653  //(don't want a gap at the end)
3654  if (i < (n_plots - 1)) bCount = bCount + gap;
3655  }
3657  return hnew;
3658  }

◆ ComputeUPXBinErrors()

int dqutils::MonitoringFile::ComputeUPXBinErrors ( TH1F hnum,
TH1F hden,
std::vector< float > &  errors 

Definition at line 206 of file MonitoringFile_HLTJetCalcEfficiencyAndRate.cxx.

206  {
207  if (hnum == 0 || hden == 0) return -1;
209  Int_t nbins_num = hnum->GetNbinsX();
210  Int_t nbins_den = hden->GetNbinsX();
212  if (nbins_num != nbins_den) return -2;
214  if (hden->GetEntries() == 0) return -3;
216  errors.clear();
217  for (Int_t i = -1; i <= nbins_num; ++i) { // NB: loop includes under- & overflow
218  float n = hden->GetBinContent(i);
219  if (n == 0) continue;
220  float k = hnum->GetBinContent(i);
221  if (k < 0 || n < 0) {
222  if (MonitoringFile::getDebugLevel() > 0) std::cerr << "--> ComputeUPXBinErrors : ERROR: found negative entries in bin " << i
223  << " for histograms " << hnum->GetName() << " , " << hden->GetName() << std::endl;
224  break;
225  }
226  float num1 = (k + 1) * (k + 2);
227  float den1 = (n + 2) * (n + 3);
228  float num2 = (k + 1) * (k + 1);
229  float den2 = (n + 2) * (n + 2);
230  float variance = num1 / den1 - num2 / den2;
231  float err = sqrt(variance);
232  errors.push_back(err);
233  }
234  Int_t num_err = (Int_t) errors.size();
235  int retval = 1;
236  if (num_err != nbins_num) retval = -4;
237  return retval;
238  }

◆ copyHistograms()

virtual bool dqutils::MonitoringFile::copyHistograms ( const std::string &  outFileName,
const std::string &  dirName = "all" 

Copy the indicated set of histograms to an output file.

◆ createDir()

static TDirectory* dqutils::MonitoringFile::createDir ( DirMap_t dirmap,
TDirectory *  dir,
const std::string &  parent,
const std::string &  path 

◆ dirHasHistogramsInMetadata()

static bool dqutils::MonitoringFile::dirHasHistogramsInMetadata ( TDirectory *  dir)

◆ fillDetPaperMeanRMS()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fillDetPaperMeanRMS ( TH2F h2d,
TH1F h,
int  iopt 

Definition at line 3873 of file MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx.

3874  {
3875  //this finds the statistical mean/rms using the detector paper definition
3876  //i.e. the mean and RMS defined using bins which contain 99.7% of entries (symmetrically) around the mean bin
3877  // iopt=0; Mean
3878  // iopt=1; RMS (resolution)
3879  //Note that this method is not reliable if there is large underflow/overflow in the histogram.
3881  //calling this means that the histogram bin content is flagged
3882  //as being an average and so adding histos from different jobs
3883  //will produce weighted mean
3884  h->SetBit(TH1::kIsAverage);
3886  int nbins_2d = h2d->GetNbinsX();
3888  // Removed by Alex
3889  //int nbins_h = h->GetNbinsX();
3890  //if(nbins_2d!=nbins_h) std::cout << "Mean/Width Histograms not set up correctly - nbins mismatch for " <<
3891  // h->GetName() << std::endl;
3893  for (int i = 1; i != nbins_2d + 1; i++) {
3894  //std::cout << "fillDetPaperMeanRMS: processing bin " << i << std::endl;
3896  TH1F* hproj = (TH1F*) h2d->ProjectionY("proj", i, i, "e");
3898  //std::cout << "fillDetPaperMeanRMS: made projection for bin " << i << std::endl;
3900  //do not fill if there are few entries in the bin
3901  if (hproj->GetEntries() <= 30 || hproj->Integral() <= 30) {
3902  delete hproj;
3903  continue;
3904  }
3906  float hmean = hproj->GetMean();
3907  // float hRMS = hproj->GetRMS();
3908  float hFullIntegral = hproj->Integral(1, hproj->GetNbinsX());
3910  //std::cout << "fillDetPaperMeanRMS: Original Mean, RMS = " << hmean << ", " << hRMS << std::endl;
3912  float hTargetIntegral = 0.997 * hFullIntegral;
3913  int hMeanBin = hproj->FindBin(hmean);
3915  //std::cout << "fillDetPaperMeanRMS: NEntries = " << hproj->GetEntries() << ", fullIntegral = " << hFullIntegral
3916  // << std::endl;
3918  int lowBin = hMeanBin;
3919  int highBin = hMeanBin;
3920  float hIntegral = 0.0;
3922  while (hIntegral < hTargetIntegral) {
3923  // find the bin which contains the mean
3924  // then integrate symmetrically around this bin, increasing the range
3925  // until the integral is larger than the target
3926  // this defines your upper and lower bounds for mean/rms.
3928  lowBin = lowBin - 1;
3929  highBin = highBin + 1;
3930  hIntegral = hproj->Integral(lowBin, highBin);
3931  }
3933  //std::cout << "fillDetPaperMeanRMS: NBins = " << hproj->GetNbinsX() << " minBin = " << lowBin << " highBin = "
3934  // << highBin << std::endl;
3936  TH1F* hclone = (TH1F*) hproj->Clone("clone");
3938  hclone->GetXaxis()->SetRange(lowBin, highBin);
3939  float hNewMean = hclone->GetMean();
3940  float hNewMeanErr = hclone->GetMeanError();
3941  float hNewRMS = hclone->GetRMS();
3942  float hNewRMSErr = hclone->GetRMSError();
3944  //std::cout << "fillDetPaperMeanRMS: New Mean, RMS = " << hNewMean << ", " << hNewRMS << std::endl;
3946  if (iopt == 0) {
3947  h->SetBinContent(i, hNewMean);
3948  h->SetBinError(i, hNewMeanErr);
3949  } else if (iopt == 1) {
3950  h->SetBinContent(i, hNewRMS);
3951  h->SetBinError(i, hNewRMSErr);
3952  }
3953  //else std::cout << "Incorrect switch in fillDetPaperMeanRMS" << std::endl;
3955  delete hproj;
3956  delete hclone;
3957  }
3959  return;
3960  }

◆ fillGaussianMeanOrWidth()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fillGaussianMeanOrWidth ( TH2F h2d,
TH1F h,
float  fitMin,
float  fitMax,
int  iopt 

Definition at line 3749 of file MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx.

3750  {
3751  //Makes a Gaussian fit to each bin of a TH2F and fills a TH1F with
3752  //the either the mean or width of this Gaussian
3753  // iopt=0; Mean
3754  // iopt=1; Width
3756  //std::cout << "In fillGaussianMeanOrWidth for " << h->GetName() << std::endl;
3758  //calling this means that the histogram bin content is flagged
3759  //as being an average and so adding histos from different jobs
3760  //will produce weighted mean
3761  h->SetBit(TH1::kIsAverage);
3763  int nbins_2d = h2d->GetNbinsX();
3765  // Removed by Alex
3766  //int nbins_h = h->GetNbinsX();
3767  //if(nbins_2d!=nbins_h) std::cout << "Mean/Width Histograms not set up correctly - nbins mismatch for " <<
3768  // h->GetName() << std::endl;
3770  for (int i = 1; i != nbins_2d + 1; i++) {
3771  //std::cout << "Gaussian: processing bin " << i << std::endl;
3773  TH1F* hproj = (TH1F*) h2d->ProjectionY("proj", i, i, "e");
3775  //std::cout << "Gaussian: made projection for bin " << i << std::endl;
3777  //do not fill if there are few entries in the bin
3778  if (hproj->GetEntries() <= 30 || hproj->Integral() <= 30) {
3779  delete hproj;
3780  continue;
3781  }
3783  TF1* fit = new TF1("fit", "gaus", fitMin, fitMax);
3785  hproj->Fit("fit", "RQN");
3786  float mean = fit->GetParameter(1);
3787  float meanErr = fit->GetParError(1);
3788  float width = fit->GetParameter(2);
3789  float widthErr = fit->GetParError(2);
3791  //std::cout << "Gaussian: fitted bin " << i << std::endl;
3793  if (iopt == 0) {
3794  h->SetBinContent(i, mean);
3795  h->SetBinError(i, meanErr);
3796  } else if (iopt == 1) {
3797  h->SetBinContent(i, width);
3798  h->SetBinError(i, widthErr);
3799  }
3800  //else std::cout << "Incorrect switch in fillGaussianMeanOrWidth" << std::endl;
3802  delete hproj;
3803  delete fit;
3804  }
3806  //std::cout << "leaving fillGaussianMeanOrWidth for " << h->GetName() << std::endl;
3808  return;
3809  }

◆ fillMeanOrWidth()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fillMeanOrWidth ( TH2F h2d,
TH1F h,
int  iopt 

Definition at line 3702 of file MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx.

3703  {
3704  //fills a 1-D histogram with either the mean or RMS of the 2d histogram in each bin.
3705  //binning of 1d and 2d histograms must match
3706  // iopt=0; Mean
3707  // iopt=1; Width
3709  //std::cout << "In fillMeanOrWidth" << std::endl;
3711  int nbins_2d = h2d->GetNbinsX();
3712  int nbins_h = h->GetNbinsX();
3714  if (nbins_2d != nbins_h) //std::cout << "Mean/RMS Histograms not set up correctly - nbins mismatch for " <<
3715  // h->GetName() << std::endl;
3717  for (int i = 1; i != nbins_2d + 1; i++) {
3718  //std::cout << "Processing bin " << i << std::endl;
3720  TH1F* hproj = (TH1F*) h2d->ProjectionY("proj", i, i, "e");
3722  //std::cout << "Made projection for bin " << i << std::endl;
3724  //do not fill if there are no entries in the bin
3725  if (hproj->GetEntries() <= 0) {
3726  delete hproj;
3727  continue;
3728  }
3730  if (iopt == 0) {
3731  h->SetBinContent(i, hproj->GetMean());
3732  h->SetBinError(i, hproj->GetMeanError());
3733  //std::cout << "Filled mean results for bin " << i << std::endl;
3734  } else if (iopt == 1) {
3735  h->SetBinContent(i, hproj->GetRMS());
3736  h->SetBinError(i, hproj->GetRMSError());
3737  }
3738  //else std::cout << "Incorrect switch in MeanRMSProjectionsBarrel()" << std::endl;
3740  delete hproj;
3741  }
3743  //std::cout << "Finished fillMeanOrWidth" << std::endl;
3745  return;
3746  }

◆ fillMetaDataMap()

static void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fillMetaDataMap ( std::map< std::string, dqutils::MonitoringFile::MetaData > &  mdMap,
TDirectory *  dir 

◆ FindCommon()

virtual std::string dqutils::MonitoringFile::FindCommon ( const std::string &  name1,
const std::string &  name2 
) const

◆ fitHistos()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fitHistos ( TH2F hin,
const std::vector< TH1F * > &  hout,
int  mode,
const std::string &  triggerName,
const std::string &  resonName,
TH1F m_chi2 

Definition at line 229 of file MonitoringFile_DiMuPostProcess.cxx.

230  {
231  bool saveHistos = false;
233  // a canvas may be needed when implmenting this into the post-processing file
234  //std::cout<<"The fitHistos method is called"<<endl;
235  std::string hname = hin->GetName();
236  TCanvas* ctemp;
237  char num2str[50];
238  int nbins = hin->GetNbinsX();
239  for (int i = 0; i < nbins; i++) {
240  snprintf(num2str, 50, "%s_%i", (hname).c_str(), i);
241  TH1F* htemp = (TH1F*) (hin->ProjectionY(num2str, i + 1, i + 1));
242  //htemp->SetTitle(projName);
243  htemp->Sumw2();
244  if (htemp->GetEntries() > 50) {
245  double mean = 999., meanErr = 999., sigma = 999., sigmaErr = 999., chi2 = 0.;
246  if (resonName == "Jpsi" || resonName == "Upsi") {
247  mean = htemp->GetMean();
248  sigma = htemp->GetRMS();
249  TF1* fn = new TF1("fn", "gaus", mean - 2 * sigma, mean + 2 * sigma);
250  fn->SetParameters(htemp->GetEntries() / 4, mean, sigma);
251  htemp->Fit("fn", "RQMN");
252  mean = fn->GetParameter(1);
253  sigma = fn->GetParameter(2);
254  fn->SetRange(mean - 1.2 * sigma, mean + 1.2 * sigma);
256  if (saveHistos == false) {
257  htemp->Fit("fn", "RQMN");
258  } else {
259  ctemp = new TCanvas("ctemp", "ctemp", 500, 500);
260  TString psName = num2str + triggerName + ".ps";
261  htemp->Fit("fn", "RQM");
262  ctemp->Print(psName);
263  delete ctemp;
264  }
265  double frange = 2.4 * sigma;
266  double hrange = htemp->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() - htemp->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
267  double ndf = frange / hrange * (htemp->GetNbinsX()) - 3;//subtract number of fit parameters
268  //fill results ;
269  mean = fn->GetParameter(1);
270  meanErr = fn->GetParError(1);
271  sigma = fn->GetParameter(2);
272  sigmaErr = fn->GetParError(2);
273  chi2 = (fn->GetChisquare()) / ndf;
274  delete fn;
275  } else {
276  //fit Z peak with a convolution of BreitWigner and Crystal Ball fns, fit by Louise, implementation by Jike
277  // taken from IDPerfMon
278  RooMsgService::instance().setGlobalKillBelow(RooFit::FATAL);
279  RooAbsPdf::verboseEval(-100); //sami in order to make roofit quiet
280  RooRealVar m("mass", "dimuon invariable mass", 91.2, 71., 111., "GeV");
281  RooDataHist* data = 0;
282  data = new RooDataHist("data", "data", m, htemp);
283  RooRealVar bwm0("bw_#mu", "bw_#mu", 91.2, 85.2, 97.2);
284  RooRealVar bwsg("bw_#sigma", "bw_#sigma", 2.4952);
285  RooBreitWigner bw("bw", "bw", m, bwm0, bwsg);
287  RooRealVar cbm0("cb_#mu", "cb_#mu", 0);
288  RooRealVar cbsg("cb_#sigma", "cb_#sigma", 3., 1., 10.);
289  RooRealVar cbal("cb_#alpha", "cb_#alpha", 2.0);
290  RooRealVar cbn("cb_n", "cb_n", 1., 0.05, 3.);
291  RooCBShape cb("cb", "cb", m, cbm0, cbsg, cbal, cbn);
293  m.setBins(5000);
294  RooFFTConvPdf bxc("bxc", "BW (X) CB", m, bw, cb);
295  bxc.fitTo(*data, RooFit::PrintLevel(-1), RooFit::PrintEvalErrors(-1), RooFit::Warnings(kFALSE));
296  RooPlot* frame;
297  if (saveHistos == true) {
298  frame = m.frame();
299  data->plotOn(frame, RooFit::MarkerSize(0.9));
300  bxc.paramOn(frame, RooFit::Format("NELU", RooFit::AutoPrecision(2)), RooFit::Layout(0.1, 0.4, 0.9));
301  bxc.plotOn(frame, RooFit::LineColor(kBlue));
302  delete frame;
303  }
304  mean = bwm0.getVal();
305  meanErr = bwm0.getError();
306  sigma = cbsg.getVal();
307  sigmaErr = cbsg.getError();
308  delete data;
309  }
310  //fill results
311  if (mode == 0) {//plot both invmass and width vs variable
312>SetBinContent(i + 1, mean);
313>SetBinError(i + 1, meanErr);
314>SetBinContent(i + 1, sigma);
315>SetBinError(i + 1, sigmaErr);
316  } else if (mode == 1) {//plot only invmass vs variable
317>SetBinContent(i + 1, mean);
318>SetBinError(i + 1, meanErr);
319  } else if (mode == 2) {//plot only width vs variable
320>SetBinContent(i + 1, sigma);
321>SetBinError(i + 1, sigmaErr);
322  }
323  h_chi2->Fill(chi2);
324  }// more than 50 events
326  delete htemp;
327  }
328  }

◆ fitJpsiHistograms()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fitJpsiHistograms ( TH1F hmass,
TH1F hwidth,
TH1F h1[],
int  n 

Definition at line 2095 of file MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx.

2096  {
2097  double jpsiPDGmass = 3.097;
2098  double mass = 0.;
2099  double mass_error = 0;
2100  double width = 0;
2101  double width_error = 0;
2102  double maxmass = 0.;
2103  double maxwidth = 0.;
2104  double minwidth = 999;
2106  hmass->SetMarkerStyle(21);
2107  hwidth->SetMarkerStyle(21);
2108 // TF1 *fitjpsi = new TF1("fitjpsi","gaus",2.9,3.3);
2109 // fitjpsi->SetParNames("Constant","Mean","Width");
2110  TF1* fitjpsi = new TF1("fitjpsi", "gaus", 2.6, 3.6);
2111  // fitjpsi->SetParNames("Constant","Mean","Sigma","Constant","Slope");
2112  fitjpsi->SetLineColor(2);
2113  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
2114  int h1entries = h1[i]->GetEntries();
2115  if (h1entries > 50) {
2116  double mean = h1[i]->GetMean();
2117  double spread = 2 * (h1[i]->GetRMS());
2118  double constantGuess = double(h1entries) / 10.;
2119  fitjpsi->SetParameters(constantGuess, jpsiPDGmass, 0.05);
2120  fitjpsi->SetRange(mean - spread, mean + spread);
2121  h1[i]->Fit("fitjpsi", "RQM");
2122  mean = fitjpsi->GetParameter(1);
2123  spread = 1.2 * (fitjpsi->GetParameter(2));
2124  fitjpsi->SetRange(mean - spread, mean + spread);
2125  h1[i]->Fit("fitjpsi", "RQM");
2126  h1[i]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
2127  mass = fitjpsi->GetParameter(1) - jpsiPDGmass;
2128  mass_error = fitjpsi->GetParError(1);
2129  width = fitjpsi->GetParameter(2);
2130  width_error = fitjpsi->GetParError(2);
2131  hmass->SetBinContent(i + 1, mass);
2132  hmass->SetBinError(i + 1, mass_error);
2133  hwidth->SetBinContent(i + 1, width);
2134  hwidth->SetBinError(i + 1, width_error);
2135  if ((fabs(mass) + mass_error) > maxmass) maxmass = fabs(mass) + mass_error;
2136  if ((fabs(width) + width_error) > maxwidth) maxwidth = fabs(width) + width_error;
2137  if ((fabs(width) - width_error) < minwidth) minwidth = fabs(width) - width_error;
2138  }
2139  }
2140  if (maxmass > 0.1) maxmass = 0.1;
2141  if (maxwidth > 0.2) maxwidth = 0.2;
2142  if (minwidth < 0.) minwidth = 0.;
2143  hmass->SetAxisRange(-maxmass * 1.05, maxmass * 1.05, "Y");
2144 // hwidth->SetAxisRange(0.,maxwidth*1.05,"Y");
2145  if (minwidth < maxwidth) hwidth->SetAxisRange(minwidth * 0.9, maxwidth * 1.05, "Y");
2147  delete fitjpsi;
2148  }

◆ fitMergedFile_DiMuMonAll()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_DiMuMonAll ( TFile *  f,
const std::string &  run_dir,
const std::string &  resonName,
const std::string &  triggerName 

Definition at line 133 of file MonitoringFile_DiMuPostProcess.cxx.

134  {
135  //std::cout<<"fitMergedFile_DiMuMon has been called"<<endl;
136  std::string path;
137  path = run_dir + "DiMuMon/" + resonName + "/" + triggerName;
139  if (f->cd(path.c_str()) == 0) {
140  return;
141  }
142  std::vector<std::string> regions;
143  regions.push_back("All");
144  regions.push_back("BB");
145  regions.push_back("EAEA");
146  regions.push_back("ECEC");
147  std::vector<std::string> vars;
148  vars.push_back("eta");
149  vars.push_back("etaAll");
150  vars.push_back("etaPos");
151  vars.push_back("etaNeg");
152  vars.push_back("phi");
153  vars.push_back("phiAll");
154  vars.push_back("phiPos");
155  vars.push_back("phiNeg");
156  vars.push_back("pt");
157  vars.push_back("ptAll");
158  vars.push_back("ptPos");
159  vars.push_back("ptNeg");
160  vars.push_back("etaDiff");
161  vars.push_back("etaSumm");
162  vars.push_back("phiDiff");
163  vars.push_back("phiSumm");
164  vars.push_back("crtDiff");
166  std::map< std::string, TH1F* > h_invmass;
167  std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, TH2F*> > h_2DinvmassVSx;
168  std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, TH1F*> > h_invmassVSx;
169  std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, TH1F*> > h_widthVSx;
170  TH1F* h_chi2;
172  //loop over all possible 2D histos
173  //check if 2D histo has been filled
174  //if found the 2D histo, then see whether the mean or width or both 1D histos were also made.-->Decide what to refit
175  // `
176  if (CheckHistogram(f, (path + "_detail/chi2").c_str())) {
177  h_chi2 = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "_detail/chi2").c_str())->Clone());
178  std::vector<std::string> ::iterator ivar = vars.begin();
179  std::vector<std::string> ::iterator ireg = regions.begin();
180  for (ireg = regions.begin(); ireg != regions.end(); ++ireg) {
181  for (ivar = vars.begin(); ivar != vars.end(); ++ivar) {
182  std::string hname2D = resonName + "_2DinvmassVS" + *ivar + "_" + *ireg;
183  if (CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/" + hname2D).c_str())) {
184  h_2DinvmassVSx[*ireg][*ivar] = (TH2F*) (f->Get((path + "/" + hname2D).c_str())->Clone());
185  std::string hnameMean = resonName + "_invmassVS" + *ivar + "_" + *ireg;
186  std::string hnameWidth = resonName + "_widthVS" + *ivar + "_" + *ireg;
187  std::vector<TH1F*> hfitted;
188  if (CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/" + hnameMean).c_str())) {
189  h_invmassVSx[*ireg][*ivar] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/" + hnameMean).c_str())->Clone());
190  hfitted.push_back(h_invmassVSx[*ireg][*ivar]);
191  if (CheckHistogram(f, (path + "_detail/" + hnameWidth).c_str())) {
192  h_widthVSx[*ireg][*ivar] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "_detail/" + hnameWidth).c_str())->Clone());
193  hfitted.push_back(h_widthVSx[*ireg][*ivar]);
194  fitHistos(h_2DinvmassVSx[*ireg][*ivar], hfitted, 0, triggerName, resonName, h_chi2);// 0 means to fill
195  // both mean and
196  // width results
197  // from the fit
198  f->cd((path + "/").c_str());
199  h_invmassVSx[*ireg][*ivar]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
200  f->cd((path + "_detail/").c_str());
201  h_widthVSx[*ireg][*ivar]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
202  } else {
203  fitHistos(h_2DinvmassVSx[*ireg][*ivar], hfitted, 1, triggerName, resonName, h_chi2);// 1 means to fill
204  // only mean results
205  // from the fit
206  f->cd((path + "/").c_str());
207  h_invmassVSx[*ireg][*ivar]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
208  }
209  } else {
210  if (CheckHistogram(f, (path + "_detail/" + hnameWidth).c_str())) {
211  h_widthVSx[*ireg][*ivar] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "_detail/" + hnameWidth).c_str())->Clone());
212  hfitted.push_back(h_widthVSx[*ireg][*ivar]);
213  fitHistos(h_2DinvmassVSx[*ireg][*ivar], hfitted, 2, triggerName, resonName, h_chi2);// 2 means to fill
214  // only width
215  // results from the
216  // fit
217  f->cd((path + "_detail/").c_str());
218  h_widthVSx[*ireg][*ivar]->Write((path + "_detail/" + hnameWidth).c_str(), TObject::kOverwrite);
219  }
220  }
221  }
222  }
223  }
224  h_chi2->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
225  }
226  f->Write();
227  }

◆ fitMergedFile_DiMuMonManager()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_DiMuMonManager ( const std::string &  inFileName,
bool  isIncremental = false 

Definition at line 34 of file MonitoringFile_DiMuPostProcess.cxx.

35  { //adapted from
36  // MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx
37  if (isIncremental == true) return;
39  TFile* f = TFile::Open(inFilename.c_str(), "UPDATE");
40  if (f == 0 || !f->IsOpen()) {
41  //std::cout<<"Failed to load or open file!"<<endl;
42  delete f;
43  return;
44  }
45  if (f->GetSize() < 1000.) {
46  //std::cout<<"File is empty!"<<endl;
47  delete f;
48  return;
49  }
50  std::string run_dir;
51  TIter next_run(f->GetListOfKeys());
52  TKey* key_run(0);
53  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_run())) != 0) {
54  TObject* obj_run = key_run->ReadObj();
55  TDirectory* tdir_run = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_run);
56  if (tdir_run != 0) {
57  std::string tdir_run_name(tdir_run->GetName());
58  if (tdir_run_name.find("run") != std::string::npos) {
59  run_dir = tdir_run_name;
60  TIter next_perf(tdir_run->GetListOfKeys());
61  TKey* key_perf(0);
62  while ((key_perf = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_perf())) != 0) {
63  std::string perf_name(key_perf->GetName());
64  if (perf_name.find("DiMuMon") != std::string::npos) {
65  TObject* obj_perf = key_perf->ReadObj();
66  TDirectory* tdir_perf = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_perf);
67  if (tdir_perf != 0) {
68  run_dir = run_dir + '/';
69  TIter next_module(tdir_perf->GetListOfKeys());
70  TKey* key_module(0);
71  while ((key_module = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_module())) != 0) {
72  std::string module_name(key_module->GetName());
73  if (module_name.find("Jpsi") != std::string::npos) {
74  processModule(f, run_dir, key_module, "Jpsi");
75  } else if (module_name.find("Zmumu") != std::string::npos) {
76  processModule(f, run_dir, key_module, "Zmumu");
77  }
78  }
79  } else {
80  delete obj_perf;
81  }
82  }
83  }
84  }
85  // if without top run_directory
86  else if (tdir_run_name.find("DiMuMon") != std::string::npos) {
87  TObject* obj_perf = key_run->ReadObj();
88  TDirectory* tdir_perf = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_perf);
89  if (tdir_perf != 0) {
90  run_dir = '/';
91  TIter next_module(tdir_perf->GetListOfKeys());
92  TKey* key_module(0);
93  while ((key_module = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_module())) != 0) {
94  std::string module_name(key_module->GetName());
95  if (module_name.find("Jpsi") != std::string::npos) {
96  processModule(f, run_dir, key_module, "Jpsi");
97  } else if (module_name.find("Zmumu") != std::string::npos) {
98  processModule(f, run_dir, key_module, "Zmumu");
99  }
100  }
101  } else {
102  delete obj_perf;
103  }
104  }
105  } else {
106  delete obj_run;
107  }
108  }
110  f->Close();
111  delete f;
112  // if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "DiMuPostProcessing done!" <<endmsg;
113  }

◆ fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonGenericTracks()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonGenericTracks ( TFile *  file,
const std::string &  run_dir,
const std::string &  tracksName 

Definition at line 2307 of file MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx.

2308  {
2309  std::string path;
2310  path = run_dir + "IDAlignMon/" + tracksName + "/GenericTracks";
2311  if (file->cd(path.c_str()) == 0) {
2312  //std::cerr << "MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonGenericTracks(): "
2313  // << "No such directory \"" << path << "\"\n";
2314  return;
2315  }
2316  //charge Asym vs pt
2317  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2318  (path + "/trk_pT_asym_barrel").c_str()) &&
2320  (path + "/trk_pT_neg_barrel").c_str()) &&
2321  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_pT_pos_barrel").c_str())) {
2322  TH1F* trk_pT_neg_barrel = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_pT_neg_barrel").c_str())->Clone());
2323  TH1F* trk_pT_pos_barrel = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_pT_pos_barrel").c_str())->Clone());
2324  TH1F* trk_pT_asym_barrel = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_pT_asym_barrel").c_str())->Clone());
2325  ProcessAsymHistograms(trk_pT_neg_barrel, trk_pT_pos_barrel, trk_pT_asym_barrel);
2326  trk_pT_asym_barrel->SetXTitle("p_{T} [GeV]");
2327  trk_pT_asym_barrel->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2328  }
2329  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2330  (path + "/trk_pT_asym_ecc").c_str()) &&
2332  (path + "/trk_pT_neg_ecc").c_str()) &&
2333  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_pT_pos_ecc").c_str())) {
2334  TH1F* trk_pT_neg_ecc = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_pT_neg_ecc").c_str())->Clone());
2335  TH1F* trk_pT_pos_ecc = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_pT_pos_ecc").c_str())->Clone());
2336  TH1F* trk_pT_asym_ecc = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_pT_asym_ecc").c_str())->Clone());
2337  ProcessAsymHistograms(trk_pT_neg_ecc, trk_pT_pos_ecc, trk_pT_asym_ecc);
2338  trk_pT_asym_ecc->SetXTitle("p_{T} [GeV]");
2339  trk_pT_asym_ecc->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2340  }
2341  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2342  (path + "/trk_pT_asym_eca").c_str()) &&
2344  (path + "/trk_pT_neg_eca").c_str()) &&
2345  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_pT_pos_eca").c_str())) {
2346  TH1F* trk_pT_neg_eca = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_pT_neg_eca").c_str())->Clone());
2347  TH1F* trk_pT_pos_eca = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_pT_pos_eca").c_str())->Clone());
2348  TH1F* trk_pT_asym_eca = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_pT_asym_eca").c_str())->Clone());
2349  ProcessAsymHistograms(trk_pT_neg_eca, trk_pT_pos_eca, trk_pT_asym_eca);
2350  trk_pT_asym_eca->SetXTitle("p_{T} [GeV]");
2351  trk_pT_asym_eca->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2352  }
2353  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2354  (path + "/trk_pT_asym").c_str()) &&
2355  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/pT_n").c_str()) && CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/pT_p").c_str())) {
2356  TH1F* trk_pT_neg = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/pT_n").c_str())->Clone());
2357  TH1F* trk_pT_pos = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/pT_p").c_str())->Clone());
2358  TH1F* trk_pT_asym = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_pT_asym").c_str())->Clone());
2359  ProcessAsymHistograms(trk_pT_neg, trk_pT_pos, trk_pT_asym);
2360  trk_pT_asym->SetXTitle("p_{T} [GeV]");
2361  trk_pT_asym->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2362  }
2364  //charge Asym vs phi
2365  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2366  (path + "/trk_phi0_asym_barrel").c_str()) &&
2368  (path + "/trk_phi0_neg_barrel").c_str()) &&
2369  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_phi0_pos_barrel").c_str())) {
2370  TH1F* trk_phi0_neg_barrel = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_phi0_neg_barrel").c_str())->Clone());
2371  TH1F* trk_phi0_pos_barrel = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_phi0_pos_barrel").c_str())->Clone());
2372  TH1F* trk_phi0_asym_barrel = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_phi0_asym_barrel").c_str())->Clone());
2373  ProcessAsymHistograms(trk_phi0_neg_barrel, trk_phi0_pos_barrel, trk_phi0_asym_barrel);
2374  trk_phi0_asym_barrel->SetXTitle("track #phi [rad]");
2375  trk_phi0_asym_barrel->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2376  }
2377  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2378  (path + "/trk_phi0_asym_ecc").c_str()) &&
2380  (path + "/trk_phi0_neg_ecc").c_str()) &&
2381  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_phi0_pos_ecc").c_str())) {
2382  TH1F* trk_phi0_neg_ecc = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_phi0_neg_ecc").c_str())->Clone());
2383  TH1F* trk_phi0_pos_ecc = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_phi0_pos_ecc").c_str())->Clone());
2384  TH1F* trk_phi0_asym_ecc = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_phi0_asym_ecc").c_str())->Clone());
2385  ProcessAsymHistograms(trk_phi0_neg_ecc, trk_phi0_pos_ecc, trk_phi0_asym_ecc);
2386  trk_phi0_asym_ecc->SetXTitle("track #phi [rad]");
2387  trk_phi0_asym_ecc->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2388  }
2389  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2390  (path + "/trk_phi0_asym_eca").c_str()) &&
2392  (path + "/trk_phi0_neg_eca").c_str()) &&
2393  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_phi0_pos_eca").c_str())) {
2394  TH1F* trk_phi0_neg_eca = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_phi0_neg_eca").c_str())->Clone());
2395  TH1F* trk_phi0_pos_eca = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_phi0_pos_eca").c_str())->Clone());
2396  TH1F* trk_phi0_asym_eca = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_phi0_asym_eca").c_str())->Clone());
2397  ProcessAsymHistograms(trk_phi0_neg_eca, trk_phi0_pos_eca, trk_phi0_asym_eca);
2398  trk_phi0_asym_eca->SetXTitle("track #phi [rad]");
2399  trk_phi0_asym_eca->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2400  }
2402  //charge Asym vs eta
2403  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2404  (path + "/eta_asym").c_str()) &&
2405  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/eta_neg").c_str()) && CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/eta_pos").c_str())) {
2406  TH1F* eta_neg = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/eta_neg").c_str())->Clone());
2407  TH1F* eta_pos = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/eta_pos").c_str())->Clone());
2408  TH1F* eta_asym = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/eta_asym").c_str())->Clone());
2409  ProcessAsymHistograms(eta_neg, eta_pos, eta_asym);
2410  eta_asym->SetXTitle("track #eta");
2411  eta_asym->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2412  }
2414  //charge Asym vs d0 (corrected for vertex)
2415  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2416  (path + "/trk_d0c_asym_barrel").c_str()) &&
2418  (path + "/trk_d0c_neg_barrel").c_str()) &&
2419  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0c_pos_barrel").c_str())) {
2420  TH1F* trk_d0c_neg_barrel = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0c_neg_barrel").c_str())->Clone());
2421  TH1F* trk_d0c_pos_barrel = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0c_pos_barrel").c_str())->Clone());
2422  TH1F* trk_d0c_asym_barrel = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0c_asym_barrel").c_str())->Clone());
2423  ProcessAsymHistograms(trk_d0c_neg_barrel, trk_d0c_pos_barrel, trk_d0c_asym_barrel);
2424  trk_d0c_asym_barrel->SetXTitle("track d_{0} [mm]");
2425  trk_d0c_asym_barrel->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2426  }
2427  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2428  (path + "/trk_d0c_asym_ecc").c_str()) &&
2430  (path + "/trk_d0c_neg_ecc").c_str()) &&
2431  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0c_pos_ecc").c_str())) {
2432  TH1F* trk_d0c_neg_ecc = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0c_neg_ecc").c_str())->Clone());
2433  TH1F* trk_d0c_pos_ecc = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0c_pos_ecc").c_str())->Clone());
2434  TH1F* trk_d0c_asym_ecc = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0c_asym_ecc").c_str())->Clone());
2435  ProcessAsymHistograms(trk_d0c_neg_ecc, trk_d0c_pos_ecc, trk_d0c_asym_ecc);
2436  trk_d0c_asym_ecc->SetXTitle("track d_{0} [mm]");
2437  trk_d0c_asym_ecc->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2438  }
2439  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2440  (path + "/trk_d0c_asym_eca").c_str()) &&
2442  (path + "/trk_d0c_neg_eca").c_str()) &&
2443  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0c_pos_eca").c_str())) {
2444  TH1F* trk_d0c_neg_eca = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0c_neg_eca").c_str())->Clone());
2445  TH1F* trk_d0c_pos_eca = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0c_pos_eca").c_str())->Clone());
2446  TH1F* trk_d0c_asym_eca = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0c_asym_eca").c_str())->Clone());
2447  ProcessAsymHistograms(trk_d0c_neg_eca, trk_d0c_pos_eca, trk_d0c_asym_eca);
2448  trk_d0c_asym_eca->SetXTitle("track d_{0} [mm]");
2449  trk_d0c_asym_eca->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2450  }
2451  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2452  (path + "/trk_d0c_asym").c_str()) &&
2454  (path + "/trk_d0c_neg").c_str()) && CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0c_pos").c_str())) {
2455  TH1F* trk_d0c_neg = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0c_neg").c_str())->Clone());
2456  TH1F* trk_d0c_pos = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0c_pos").c_str())->Clone());
2457  TH1F* trk_d0c_asym = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0c_asym").c_str())->Clone());
2458  ProcessAsymHistograms(trk_d0c_neg, trk_d0c_pos, trk_d0c_asym);
2459  trk_d0c_asym->SetXTitle("track d_{0} [mm]");
2460  trk_d0c_asym->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2461  }
2462  //charge Asym vs z0 (corrected for vertex)
2463  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2464  (path + "/trk_z0c_asym_barrel").c_str()) &&
2466  (path + "/trk_z0c_neg_barrel").c_str()) &&
2467  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_z0c_pos_barrel").c_str())) {
2468  TH1F* trk_z0c_neg_barrel = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_z0c_neg_barrel").c_str())->Clone());
2469  TH1F* trk_z0c_pos_barrel = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_z0c_pos_barrel").c_str())->Clone());
2470  TH1F* trk_z0c_asym_barrel = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_z0c_asym_barrel").c_str())->Clone());
2471  ProcessAsymHistograms(trk_z0c_neg_barrel, trk_z0c_pos_barrel, trk_z0c_asym_barrel);
2472  trk_z0c_asym_barrel->SetXTitle("track z_{0} [mm]");
2473  trk_z0c_asym_barrel->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2474  }
2475  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2476  (path + "/trk_z0c_asym_ecc").c_str()) &&
2478  (path + "/trk_z0c_neg_ecc").c_str()) &&
2479  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_z0c_pos_ecc").c_str())) {
2480  TH1F* trk_z0c_neg_ecc = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_z0c_neg_ecc").c_str())->Clone());
2481  TH1F* trk_z0c_pos_ecc = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_z0c_pos_ecc").c_str())->Clone());
2482  TH1F* trk_z0c_asym_ecc = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_z0c_asym_ecc").c_str())->Clone());
2483  ProcessAsymHistograms(trk_z0c_neg_ecc, trk_z0c_pos_ecc, trk_z0c_asym_ecc);
2484  trk_z0c_asym_ecc->SetXTitle("track z_{0} [mm]");
2485  trk_z0c_asym_ecc->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2486  }
2487  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2488  (path + "/trk_z0c_asym_eca").c_str()) &&
2490  (path + "/trk_z0c_neg_eca").c_str()) &&
2491  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_z0c_pos_eca").c_str())) {
2492  TH1F* trk_z0c_neg_eca = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_z0c_neg_eca").c_str())->Clone());
2493  TH1F* trk_z0c_pos_eca = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_z0c_pos_eca").c_str())->Clone());
2494  TH1F* trk_z0c_asym_eca = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_z0c_asym_eca").c_str())->Clone());
2495  ProcessAsymHistograms(trk_z0c_neg_eca, trk_z0c_pos_eca, trk_z0c_asym_eca);
2496  trk_z0c_asym_eca->SetXTitle("track z_{0} [mm]");
2497  trk_z0c_asym_eca->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2498  }
2499  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2500  (path + "/trk_z0c_asym").c_str()) &&
2502  (path + "/trk_z0c_neg").c_str()) && CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_z0c_pos").c_str())) {
2503  TH1F* trk_z0c_neg = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_z0c_neg").c_str())->Clone());
2504  TH1F* trk_z0c_pos = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_z0c_pos").c_str())->Clone());
2505  TH1F* trk_z0c_asym = (TH1F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_z0c_asym").c_str())->Clone());
2506  ProcessAsymHistograms(trk_z0c_neg, trk_z0c_pos, trk_z0c_asym);
2507  trk_z0c_asym->SetXTitle("track z_{0} [mm]");
2508  trk_z0c_asym->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2509  }
2510  file->Write();
2511  }

◆ fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonManager()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonManager ( const std::string &  inFileName,
bool  isIncremental = false 

Definition at line 30 of file MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx.

31  {
32  /* std::cout << "\n";
33  std::cout << "Running Inner-Detector alignment-monitoring analysis\n";
34  std::cout << "\nWarning messages from fitting and histogram updating follow:\n\n"; */
36  TFile* f = TFile::Open(inFilename.c_str(), "UPDATE");
38  if (f == 0 || !f->IsOpen()) {
39  //std::cerr << "MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonManager(): "
40  //<< "Input file not opened\n";
41  delete f;
42  return;
43  }
44  if (f->GetSize() < 1000.) {
45  //std::cerr << "MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonManager(): "
46 // << "MonitoringFile empty\n";
47  delete f;
48  return;
49  }
51  std::string run_dir;
52  TIter next_run(f->GetListOfKeys());
53  TKey* key_run(0);
54  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_run())) != 0) {
55  TObject* obj_run = key_run->ReadObj();
56  TDirectory* tdir_run = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_run);
57  if (tdir_run != 0) {
58  std::string tdir_run_name(tdir_run->GetName());
59  if (tdir_run_name.find("run") != std::string::npos) {
60  run_dir = tdir_run_name;
61  // std::cout<<"Run_directory: "<<run_dir<<std::endl;
62  TIter next_perf(tdir_run->GetListOfKeys());
63  TKey* key_perf(0);
64  while ((key_perf = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_perf())) != 0) {
65  std::string perf_name(key_perf->GetName());
66  // for hist file with run_directory
67  if (perf_name.find("IDAlignMon") != std::string::npos) {
68  TObject* obj_perf = key_perf->ReadObj();
69  TDirectory* tdir_perf = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_perf);
70  if (tdir_perf != 0) {
71  run_dir = run_dir + '/';
72  TIter next_tracks(tdir_perf->GetListOfKeys());
73  TKey* key_tracks(0);
75  while ((key_tracks = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_tracks())) != 0) {
76  std::string tracks_name(key_tracks->GetName());
77  //std::cout<<"looking at tracks dir: "<<tracks_name<<std::endl;
78  if (tracks_name.find("Track") != std::string::npos) {
79  //std::cout<<"Found tracks name: "<<tracks_name<<std::endl;
80  TObject* obj = key_tracks->ReadObj();
81  TDirectory* tdir = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj);
82  if (tdir != 0) {
83  TIter next_module(tdir->GetListOfKeys());
84  TKey* key_module(0);
85  while ((key_module = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_module())) != 0) {
86  std::string module_name = key_module->GetName();
87  //std::cout<<"looking at module: "<<module_name<<std::endl;
88  if (module_name.find("Residuals") != std::string::npos) {
89  //std::cout<<"Find Module: "<<module_name<<std::endl;
90  fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonResiduals(f, run_dir, tracks_name);
91  }
93  if (module_name.find("TrackSegments") != std::string::npos) {
94  //std::cout<<"Find Module: "<<module_name<<std::endl;
95  fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonTrackSegments(f, run_dir, tracks_name);
96  }
97  if (module_name.find("GenericTracks") != std::string::npos) {
98  fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonPVbiases(f, run_dir, tracks_name);
99  }
100  //This is not needed. The plots are already in the monitoring file
101  //if (module_name.find("GenericTracks")!=std::string::npos) {
102  //std::cout<<"Find Module: "<<module_name<<std::endl;
103  //fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonGenericTracks( f,run_dir,tracks_name );
104  //}
105  }
106  } else { // This was not a TDirectory, delete it!
107  delete obj;
108  }
109  }
110  }
111  } else { // This was not a TDirectory, delete it!
112  delete obj_perf;
113  }
114  }
115  }
116  }
117  // if without top run_directory
118  else if (tdir_run_name.find("IDAlignMon") != std::string::npos) {
119  //std::cout<<"without run_directory"<<std::endl;
120  TObject* obj_perf = key_run->ReadObj();
121  TDirectory* tdir_perf = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_perf);
122  if (tdir_perf != 0) {
123  run_dir = '/';
124  TIter next_tracks(tdir_perf->GetListOfKeys());
125  TKey* key_tracks(0);
127  while ((key_tracks = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_tracks())) != 0) {
128  std::string tracks_name(key_tracks->GetName());
129  //std::cout<<"looking at tracks dir: "<<tracks_name<<std::endl;
130  if (tracks_name.find("Tracks") != std::string::npos) {
131  //std::cout<<"Found tracks name: "<<tracks_name<<std::endl;
132  TObject* obj = key_tracks->ReadObj();
133  TDirectory* tdir = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj);
134  if (tdir != 0) {
135  TIter next_module(tdir->GetListOfKeys());
136  TKey* key_module(0);
137  while ((key_module = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_module())) != 0) {
138  std::string module_name = key_module->GetName();
139  //std::cout<<"looking at module: "<<module_name<<std::endl;
140  if (module_name.find("Residuals") != std::string::npos) {
141  //std::cout<<"Find Module: "<<module_name<<std::endl;
142  fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonResiduals(f, run_dir, tracks_name);
143  }
145  if (module_name.find("TrackSegments") != std::string::npos) {
146  //std::cout<<"Find Module: "<<module_name<<std::endl;
147  fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonTrackSegments(f, run_dir, tracks_name);
148  }
149  //This is not needed. The plots are already in the monitoring file
150  //if (module_name.find("GenericTracks")!=std::string::npos) {
151  //std::cout<<"Find Module: "<<module_name<<std::endl;
152  // fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonGenericTracks( f,run_dir,tracks_name );
153  // }
154  }
155  } else {
156  delete obj;
157  }
158  }
159  }
160  } else {
161  delete obj_perf;
162  }
163  }
164  //else
165  //std::cerr<<"directory IDAlignMon doesn't exist !"<<std::endl;
166  } else {
167  delete obj_run;
168  }
169  }
171  f->Close();
172  delete f;
173  //std::cout << "\n";
174  //std::cout << "Finish Inner-Detector alignment-monitoring analysis"<<std::endl;
175  }

◆ fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonPVbiases()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonPVbiases ( TFile *  file,
const std::string &  run_dir,
const std::string &  tracksName 

Definition at line 2514 of file MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx.

2515  {
2516  std::string path;
2517  path = run_dir + "IDAlignMon/" + tracksName + "/GenericTracks/PVbiases";
2518  //path= run_dir + "IDAlignMon/InDetTrackParticles_all/GenericTracks";
2519  if (file->cd(path.c_str()) == 0) {
2520  //std::cerr << "MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonGenericTracks(): "
2521  // << "No such directory \"" << path << "\"\n";
2522  return;
2523  }
2526  //Maps vs phi_vs_eta vs eta
2527  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2528  (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_positive").c_str()) &&
2529  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_negative").c_str())) {
2530  TH3F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_positive =
2531  (TH3F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_positive").c_str())->Clone());
2532  TH3F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_negative =
2533  (TH3F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_negative").c_str())->Clone());
2535  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_positive = new TH2F(
2536  "trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_positive",
2537  "map d0 vs phi_vs_eta 400MeV-600MeV positive; #phi; #eta", 20, -3.1, 3.1, 20, -2.5, 2.5);
2538  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_negative = new TH2F(
2539  "trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_negative",
2540  "map d0 vs phi_vs_eta 400MeV-600MeV negative; #phi; #eta", 20, -3.1, 3.1, 20, -2.5, 2.5);
2542  MakeMap(trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_positive, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_positive);
2543  MakeMap(trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_negative, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_negative);
2545  trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_positive->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2546  trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_negative->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2547  }
2549  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2550  (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_positive").c_str()) &&
2551  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_negative").c_str())) {
2552  TH3F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_positive =
2553  (TH3F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_positive").c_str())->Clone());
2554  TH3F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_negative =
2555  (TH3F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_negative").c_str())->Clone());
2557  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_positive = new TH2F(
2558  "trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_positive", "map d0 vs phi_vs_eta 600MeV-1GeV positive; #phi; #eta",
2559  20, -3.1, 3.1, 20, -2.5, 2.5);
2560  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_negative = new TH2F(
2561  "trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_negative", "map d0 vs phi_vs_eta 600MeV-1GeV negative; #phi; #eta",
2562  20, -3.1, 3.1, 20, -2.5, 2.5);
2564  MakeMap(trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_positive, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_positive);
2565  MakeMap(trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_negative, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_negative);
2567  trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_positive->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2568  trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_negative->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2569  }
2571  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2572  (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_positive").c_str()) &&
2573  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_negative").c_str())) {
2574  TH3F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_positive =
2575  (TH3F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_positive").c_str())->Clone());
2576  TH3F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_negative =
2577  (TH3F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_negative").c_str())->Clone());
2579  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_positive = new TH2F(
2580  "trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_positive", "map d0 vs phi_vs_eta 1GeV-2GeV positive; #phi; #eta", 20,
2581  -3.1, 3.1, 20, -2.5, 2.5);
2582  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_negative = new TH2F(
2583  "trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_negative", "map d0 vs phi_vs_eta 1GeV-2GeV negative; #phi; #eta", 20,
2584  -3.1, 3.1, 20, -2.5, 2.5);
2586  MakeMap(trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_positive, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_positive);
2587  MakeMap(trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_negative, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_negative);
2589  trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_positive->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2590  trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_negative->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2591  }
2593  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2594  (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_positive").c_str()) &&
2595  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_negative").c_str())) {
2596  TH3F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_positive =
2597  (TH3F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_positive").c_str())->Clone());
2598  TH3F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_negative =
2599  (TH3F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_negative").c_str())->Clone());
2601  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_positive = new TH2F(
2602  "trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_positive", "map d0 vs phi_vs_eta 2GeV-5GeV positive; #phi; #eta", 20,
2603  -3.1, 3.1, 20, -2.5, 2.5);
2604  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_negative = new TH2F(
2605  "trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_negative", "map d0 vs phi_vs_eta 2GeV-5GeV negative; #phi; #eta", 20,
2606  -3.1, 3.1, 20, -2.5, 2.5);
2608  MakeMap(trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_positive, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_positive);
2609  MakeMap(trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_negative, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_negative);
2611  trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_positive->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2612  trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_negative->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2613  }
2615  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2616  (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_positive").c_str()) &&
2617  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_negative").c_str())) {
2618  TH3F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_positive =
2619  (TH3F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_positive").c_str())->Clone());
2620  TH3F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_negative =
2621  (TH3F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_negative").c_str())->Clone());
2623  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_positive = new TH2F(
2624  "trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_positive", "map d0 vs phi_vs_eta 5GeV-10GeV positive; #phi; #eta",
2625  20, -3.1, 3.1, 20, -2.5, 2.5);
2626  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_negative = new TH2F(
2627  "trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_negative", "map d0 vs phi_vs_eta 5GeV-10GeV negative; #phi; #eta",
2628  20, -3.1, 3.1, 20, -2.5, 2.5);
2630  MakeMap(trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_positive, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_positive);
2631  MakeMap(trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_negative, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_negative);
2633  trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_positive->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2634  trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_negative->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2635  }
2637  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2638  (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_10GeV_positive").c_str()) &&
2639  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_10GeV_negative").c_str())) {
2640  TH3F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_10GeV_positive =
2641  (TH3F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_10GeV_positive").c_str())->Clone());
2642  TH3F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_10GeV_negative =
2643  (TH3F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_10GeV_negative").c_str())->Clone());
2645  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_10GeV_positive = new TH2F("trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_10GeV_positive",
2646  "map d0 vs phi_vs_eta >10GeV positive; #phi; #eta",
2647  20, -3.1, 3.1, 20, -2.5, 2.5);
2648  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_10GeV_negative = new TH2F("trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_10GeV_negative",
2649  "map d0 vs phi_vs_eta >10GeV negative; #phi; #eta",
2650  20, -3.1, 3.1, 20, -2.5, 2.5);
2652  MakeMap(trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_10GeV_positive, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_10GeV_positive);
2653  MakeMap(trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_10GeV_negative, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_10GeV_negative);
2655  trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_10GeV_positive->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2656  trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_10GeV_negative->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2657  }
2659  if (CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV").c_str())) {
2660  TH3F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV =
2661  (TH3F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV").c_str())->Clone());
2663  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV = new TH2F("trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV",
2664  "map d0 vs phi_vs_eta >2GeV; #phi; #eta", 20, -3.1, 3.1, 20,
2665  -2.5, 2.5);
2667  MakeMap(trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV);
2669  trk_d0_wrtPV_map_vs_phi_vs_eta_2GeV->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2670  }
2673  //Profiles vs phi
2674  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2675  (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_400MeV_600MeV_positive").c_str()) &&
2676  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_400MeV_600MeV_negative").c_str())) {
2677  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_400MeV_600MeV_positive =
2678  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_400MeV_600MeV_positive").c_str())->Clone());
2679  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_400MeV_600MeV_negative =
2680  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_400MeV_600MeV_negative").c_str())->Clone());
2682  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_400MeV_600MeV_positive = new TH1F(
2683  "trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_400MeV_600MeV_positive", "profile d0 vs phi 400MeV-600MeV positive; #phi; d0 [mm]",
2684  50, -3.1, 3.1);
2685  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_400MeV_600MeV_negative = new TH1F(
2686  "trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_400MeV_600MeV_negative", "profile d0 vs phi 400MeV-600MeV negative; #phi; d0 [mm]",
2687  50, -3.1, 3.1);
2689  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_400MeV_600MeV_positive, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_400MeV_600MeV_positive);
2690  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_400MeV_600MeV_negative, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_400MeV_600MeV_negative);
2692  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_400MeV_600MeV_positive->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2693  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_400MeV_600MeV_negative->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2694  }
2696  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2697  (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_600MeV_1GeV_positive").c_str()) &&
2698  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_600MeV_1GeV_negative").c_str())) {
2699  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_600MeV_1GeV_positive =
2700  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_600MeV_1GeV_positive").c_str())->Clone());
2701  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_600MeV_1GeV_negative =
2702  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_600MeV_1GeV_negative").c_str())->Clone());
2704  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_600MeV_1GeV_positive = new TH1F(
2705  "trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_600MeV_1GeV_positive", "profile d0 vs phi 600MeV-1GeV positive; #phi; d0 [mm]", 50,
2706  -3.1, 3.1);
2707  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_600MeV_1GeV_negative = new TH1F(
2708  "trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_600MeV_1GeV_negative", "profile d0 vs phi 600MeV-1GeV negative; #phi; d0 [mm]", 50,
2709  -3.1, 3.1);
2711  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_600MeV_1GeV_positive, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_600MeV_1GeV_positive);
2712  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_600MeV_1GeV_negative, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_600MeV_1GeV_negative);
2714  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_600MeV_1GeV_positive->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2715  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_600MeV_1GeV_negative->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2716  }
2718  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2719  (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_1GeV_2GeV_positive").c_str()) &&
2720  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_1GeV_2GeV_negative").c_str())) {
2721  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_1GeV_2GeV_positive =
2722  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_1GeV_2GeV_positive").c_str())->Clone());
2723  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_1GeV_2GeV_negative =
2724  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_1GeV_2GeV_negative").c_str())->Clone());
2726  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_1GeV_2GeV_positive = new TH1F("trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_1GeV_2GeV_positive",
2727  "profile d0 vs phi 1GeV-2GeV positive; #phi; d0 [mm]", 50, -3.1,
2728  3.1);
2729  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_1GeV_2GeV_negative = new TH1F("trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_1GeV_2GeV_negative",
2730  "profile d0 vs phi 1GeV-2GeV negative; #phi; d0 [mm]", 50, -3.1,
2731  3.1);
2733  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_1GeV_2GeV_positive, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_1GeV_2GeV_positive);
2734  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_1GeV_2GeV_negative, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_1GeV_2GeV_negative);
2736  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_1GeV_2GeV_positive->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2737  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_1GeV_2GeV_negative->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2738  }
2740  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2741  (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_2GeV_5GeV_positive").c_str()) &&
2742  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_2GeV_5GeV_negative").c_str())) {
2743  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_2GeV_5GeV_positive =
2744  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_2GeV_5GeV_positive").c_str())->Clone());
2745  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_2GeV_5GeV_negative =
2746  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_2GeV_5GeV_negative").c_str())->Clone());
2748  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_2GeV_5GeV_positive = new TH1F("trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_2GeV_5GeV_positive",
2749  "profile d0 vs phi 2GeV-5GeV positive; #phi; d0 [mm]", 50, -3.1,
2750  3.1);
2751  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_2GeV_5GeV_negative = new TH1F("trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_2GeV_5GeV_negative",
2752  "profile d0 vs phi 2GeV-5GeV negative; #phi; d0 [mm]", 50, -3.1,
2753  3.1);
2755  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_2GeV_5GeV_positive, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_2GeV_5GeV_positive);
2756  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_2GeV_5GeV_negative, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_2GeV_5GeV_negative);
2758  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_2GeV_5GeV_positive->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2759  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_2GeV_5GeV_negative->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2760  }
2762  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2763  (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_5GeV_10GeV_positive").c_str()) &&
2764  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_5GeV_10GeV_negative").c_str())) {
2765  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_5GeV_10GeV_positive =
2766  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_5GeV_10GeV_positive").c_str())->Clone());
2767  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_5GeV_10GeV_negative =
2768  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_5GeV_10GeV_negative").c_str())->Clone());
2770  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_5GeV_10GeV_positive = new TH1F(
2771  "trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_5GeV_10GeV_positive", "profile d0 vs phi 5GeV-10GeV positive; #phi; d0 [mm]", 50,
2772  -3.1, 3.1);
2773  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_5GeV_10GeV_negative = new TH1F(
2774  "trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_5GeV_10GeV_negative", "profile d0 vs phi 5GeV-10GeV negative; #phi; d0 [mm]", 50,
2775  -3.1, 3.1);
2777  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_5GeV_10GeV_positive, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_5GeV_10GeV_positive);
2778  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_5GeV_10GeV_negative, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_5GeV_10GeV_negative);
2780  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_5GeV_10GeV_positive->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2781  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_5GeV_10GeV_negative->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2782  }
2784  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2785  (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_10GeV_positive").c_str()) &&
2786  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_10GeV_negative").c_str())) {
2787  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_10GeV_positive =
2788  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_10GeV_positive").c_str())->Clone());
2789  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_10GeV_negative =
2790  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_10GeV_negative").c_str())->Clone());
2792  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_10GeV_positive = new TH1F("trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_10GeV_positive",
2793  "profile d0 vs phi >10GeV positive; #phi; d0 [mm]",
2794  50, -3.1, 3.1);
2795  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_10GeV_negative = new TH1F("trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_10GeV_negative",
2796  "profile d0 vs phi >10GeV negative; #phi; d0 [mm]",
2797  50, -3.1, 3.1);
2799  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_10GeV_positive, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_10GeV_positive);
2800  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_10GeV_negative, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_phi_10GeV_negative);
2802  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_10GeV_positive->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2803  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_phi_10GeV_negative->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2804  }
2806  //Profiles vs eta
2807  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2808  (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_positive").c_str()) &&
2809  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_negative").c_str())) {
2810  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_positive =
2811  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_positive").c_str())->Clone());
2812  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_negative =
2813  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_negative").c_str())->Clone());
2815  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_positive = new TH1F(
2816  "trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_positive", "profile d0 vs eta 400MeV-600MeV positive; #eta; d0 [mm]",
2817  50, -2.5, 2.5);
2818  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_negative = new TH1F(
2819  "trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_negative", "profile d0 vs eta 400MeV-600MeV negative; #eta; d0 [mm]",
2820  50, -2.5, 2.5);
2822  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_positive, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_positive);
2823  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_negative, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_negative);
2825  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_positive->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2826  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_400MeV_600MeV_negative->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2827  }
2829  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2830  (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_positive").c_str()) &&
2831  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_negative").c_str())) {
2832  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_positive =
2833  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_positive").c_str())->Clone());
2834  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_negative =
2835  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_negative").c_str())->Clone());
2837  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_positive = new TH1F(
2838  "trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_positive", "profile d0 vs eta 600MeV-1GeV positive; #eta; d0 [mm]", 50,
2839  -2.5, 2.5);
2840  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_negative = new TH1F(
2841  "trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_negative", "profile d0 vs eta 600MeV-1GeV negative; #eta; d0 [mm]", 50,
2842  -2.5, 2.5);
2844  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_positive, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_positive);
2845  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_negative, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_negative);
2847  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_positive->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2848  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_600MeV_1GeV_negative->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2849  }
2851  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2852  (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_positive").c_str()) &&
2853  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_negative").c_str())) {
2854  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_positive =
2855  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_positive").c_str())->Clone());
2856  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_negative =
2857  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_negative").c_str())->Clone());
2859  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_positive = new TH1F("trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_positive",
2860  "profile d0 vs eta 1GeV-2GeV positive; #eta; d0 [mm]", 50, -2.5,
2861  2.5);
2862  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_negative = new TH1F("trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_negative",
2863  "profile d0 vs eta 1GeV-2GeV negative; #eta; d0 [mm]", 50, -2.5,
2864  2.5);
2866  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_positive, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_positive);
2867  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_negative, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_negative);
2869  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_positive->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2870  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_1GeV_2GeV_negative->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2871  }
2873  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2874  (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_positive").c_str()) &&
2875  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_negative").c_str())) {
2876  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_positive =
2877  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_positive").c_str())->Clone());
2878  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_negative =
2879  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_negative").c_str())->Clone());
2881  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_positive = new TH1F("trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_positive",
2882  "profile d0 vs eta 2GeV-5GeV positive; #eta; d0 [mm]", 50, -2.5,
2883  2.5);
2884  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_negative = new TH1F("trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_negative",
2885  "profile d0 vs eta 2GeV-5GeV negative; #eta; d0 [mm]", 50, -2.5,
2886  2.5);
2888  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_positive, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_positive);
2889  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_negative, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_negative);
2891  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_positive->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2892  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_2GeV_5GeV_negative->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2893  }
2895  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2896  (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_positive").c_str()) &&
2897  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_negative").c_str())) {
2898  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_positive =
2899  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_positive").c_str())->Clone());
2900  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_negative =
2901  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_negative").c_str())->Clone());
2903  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_positive = new TH1F(
2904  "trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_positive", "profile d0 vs eta 5GeV-10GeV positive; #eta; d0 [mm]", 50,
2905  -2.5, 2.5);
2906  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_negative = new TH1F(
2907  "trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_negative", "profile d0 vs eta 5GeV-10GeV negative; #eta; d0 [mm]", 50,
2908  -2.5, 2.5);
2910  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_positive, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_positive);
2911  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_negative, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_negative);
2913  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_positive->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2914  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_5GeV_10GeV_negative->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2915  }
2917  if (CheckHistogram(file,
2918  (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_10GeV_positive").c_str()) &&
2919  CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_10GeV_negative").c_str())) {
2920  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_10GeV_positive =
2921  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_10GeV_positive").c_str())->Clone());
2922  TH2F* trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_10GeV_negative =
2923  (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_10GeV_negative").c_str())->Clone());
2925  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_10GeV_positive = new TH1F("trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_10GeV_positive",
2926  "profile d0 vs eta >10GeV positive; #eta; d0 [mm]",
2927  50, -2.5, 2.5);
2928  TH1F* trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_10GeV_negative = new TH1F("trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_10GeV_negative",
2929  "profile d0 vs eta >10GeV negative; #eta; d0 [mm]",
2930  50, -2.5, 2.5);
2932  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_10GeV_positive, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_10GeV_positive);
2933  Make1DProfile(trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_10GeV_negative, trk_d0_wrtPV_vs_eta_10GeV_negative);
2935  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_10GeV_positive->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2936  trk_d0_wrtPV_profile_vs_eta_10GeV_negative->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2937  }
2939  file->Write();
2940  }

◆ fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonResiduals()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonResiduals ( TFile *  f,
const std::string &  run_dir,
const std::string &  TriggerName 

Definition at line 472 of file MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx.

473  {
474  const float minSiResMeanWindow = -0.1;
475  const float maxSiResMeanWindow = 0.1;
476  const float minSiResWidthWindow = 0.0;
477  const float maxSiResWidthWindow = 0.3;
478  const float minSiPullWidthWindow = 0.0;
479  const float maxSiPullWidthWindow = 2.0;
481  bool doOverlapResiduals = false;
483  std::string path;
484  path = run_dir + "IDAlignMon/" + tracksName + "/Residuals";
485  if (f->cd(path.c_str()) == 0) {
486  //std::cerr << "MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonResiduals(): "
487  // << "No such directory \"" << path << "\"\n";
488  return;
489  }
491  TObjArray* plots = new TObjArray[10];//used for performing operations on histos
493  //2d histograms from which the fits/means will be taken - checking they exist
494  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/si_barrel_pullX").c_str())) return;
496  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/si_eca_pullX").c_str())) return;
498  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/si_ecc_pullX").c_str())) return;
500  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/si_barrel_pullY").c_str())) return;
502  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/si_eca_pullY").c_str())) return;
504  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/si_ecc_pullY").c_str())) return;
506  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/si_barrel_resX").c_str())) return;
508  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/si_eca_resX").c_str())) return;
510  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/si_ecc_resX").c_str())) return;
512  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/si_barrel_resY").c_str())) return;
514  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/si_eca_resY").c_str())) return;
516  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/si_ecc_resY").c_str())) return;
518  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_eca_xresvsmodphi_2d").c_str())) return;
520  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_eca_yresvsmodphi_2d").c_str())) return;
522  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_ecc_xresvsmodphi_2d").c_str())) return;
524  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_ecc_yresvsmodphi_2d").c_str())) return;
526  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/sct_eca_xresvsmodphi_2d").c_str())) return;
528  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/sct_ecc_xresvsmodphi_2d").c_str())) return;
530  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
532  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
534  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
536  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
538  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
540  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
542  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
544  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
546  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
548  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
550  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
552  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
554  if (CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b0_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) {
555  doOverlapResiduals = true;
556  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b0_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
558  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b1_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
560  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b2_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
562  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b3_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
564  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b0_Oxresyvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
566  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b1_Oxresyvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
568  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b2_Oxresyvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
570  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b3_Oxresyvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
572  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b0_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
574  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b1_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
576  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b2_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
578  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b3_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
580  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b0_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
582  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b1_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
584  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b2_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
586  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b3_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
589  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/sct_b0_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
591  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/sct_b1_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
593  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/sct_b2_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
595  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/sct_b3_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
597  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/sct_b0_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
599  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/sct_b1_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
601  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/sct_b2_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
603  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/sct_b3_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str())) return;
605  //Check if the bowing histograms exist.
607  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b0_resXvsetaLumiBlock").c_str())) return;
609  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/pix_b0_resXvsetaLumiBlock_planars").c_str())) return;
610  }
611  //else std::cout << "no overlap residual histograms found - will not process overlap residuals" << std::endl;
613  //get the 2d histograms from the file
614  TH2F* si_barrel_pullX = (TH2F*) (f->Get((path + "/si_barrel_pullX").c_str()));
615  TH2F* si_eca_pullX = (TH2F*) (f->Get((path + "/si_eca_pullX").c_str()));
616  TH2F* si_ecc_pullX = (TH2F*) (f->Get((path + "/si_ecc_pullX").c_str()));
617  TH2F* si_barrel_pullY = (TH2F*) (f->Get((path + "/si_barrel_pullY").c_str()));
618  TH2F* si_eca_pullY = (TH2F*) (f->Get((path + "/si_eca_pullY").c_str()));
619  TH2F* si_ecc_pullY = (TH2F*) (f->Get((path + "/si_ecc_pullY").c_str()));
621  TH2F* si_barrel_resX = (TH2F*) (f->Get((path + "/si_barrel_resX").c_str()));
622  TH2F* si_eca_resX = (TH2F*) (f->Get((path + "/si_eca_resX").c_str()));
623  TH2F* si_ecc_resX = (TH2F*) (f->Get((path + "/si_ecc_resX").c_str()));
624  TH2F* si_barrel_resY = (TH2F*) (f->Get((path + "/si_barrel_resY").c_str()));
625  TH2F* si_eca_resY = (TH2F*) (f->Get((path + "/si_eca_resY").c_str()));
626  TH2F* si_ecc_resY = (TH2F*) (f->Get((path + "/si_ecc_resY").c_str()));
628  TH2F* pix_eca_xresvsmodphi_2d = (TH2F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_eca_xresvsmodphi_2d").c_str()));
629  TH2F* pix_eca_yresvsmodphi_2d = (TH2F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_eca_yresvsmodphi_2d").c_str()));
630  TH2F* pix_ecc_xresvsmodphi_2d = (TH2F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_ecc_xresvsmodphi_2d").c_str()));
631  TH2F* pix_ecc_yresvsmodphi_2d = (TH2F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_ecc_yresvsmodphi_2d").c_str()));
632  TH2F* sct_eca_xresvsmodphi_2d = (TH2F*) (f->Get((path + "/sct_eca_xresvsmodphi_2d").c_str()));
633  TH2F* sct_ecc_xresvsmodphi_2d = (TH2F*) (f->Get((path + "/sct_ecc_xresvsmodphi_2d").c_str()));
635  //3-d histograms
636  TH3F* pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
637  TH3F* pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
638  TH3F* pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
639  TH3F* pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
640  TH3F* pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
641  TH3F* pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
642  TH3F* pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
643  TH3F* pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
644  TH3F* sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
645  TH3F* sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
646  TH3F* sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
647  TH3F* sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
649  // Get the 2DProfiles
651  //TProfile2D* m_pix_b0_resXvsetaLumiBlock = (TProfile2D*)
652  // (f->Get((path+"/pix_b0_resXvsetaLumiBlock").c_str()));
653  //TProfile2D* m_pix_b0_resXvsetaLumiBlock_planars = (TProfile2D*)
654  // (f->Get((path+"/pix_b0_resXvsetaLumiBlock_planars").c_str()));
656  //TH1F* m_pix_b0_mag_vs_lb = new TH1F("pix_b0_mag_vs_lb","pix_b0_mag_vs_lb",1024,0,1024);
657  //TH1F* m_pix_b0_base_vs_lb = new TH1F("pix_b0_base_vs_lb","pix_b0_base_vs_lb",1024,0,1024);
659  //MakeBowingFit(m_pix_b0_resXvsetaLumiBlock,m_pix_b0_mag_vs_lb,m_pix_b0_base_vs_lb);
661  // Ideally we would like to clone the existing histograms from the file instead of recreating them here
662  // but there seems to be no way to then persistify the cloned histograms (i.e. write them back to the file)
663  const Int_t nx = 21;
664  TString siliconLayersBarrel[12] = {
665  "Pix L0", "Pix L1", "Pix L2", "Pix L3", "SCT L0 S0", "S1", "SCT L1 S0", "S1", "SCT L2 S0", "S1", "SCT L3 S0", "S1"
666  };
667  TString siliconLayers[nx] = {
668  "Pix L0", "Pix L1", "Pix L2", "SCT L0 S0", "S1", "SCT L1 S0", "S1", "SCT L2 S0", "S1", "SCT L3 S0", "S1",
669  "SCT L4 S0", "S1", "SCT L5 S0", "S1", "SCT L6 S0", "S1", "SCT L7 S0", "S1", "SCT L8 S0", "S1"
670  };
672  //pull width for each layer in Silicon barrel and endcaps
673  TH1F* si_barrel_pullX_width = new TH1F("si_barrel_pullX_width", "Pull X Gaussian Width vs Silicon Barrel Layer", 12,
674  -0.5, 11.5);
675  for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) si_barrel_pullX_width->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayersBarrel[i - 1]);
676  si_barrel_pullX_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Pull X Gaussian Width");
677  TH1F* si_eca_pullX_width = new TH1F("si_eca_pullX_width", "Pull X Gaussian Width vs Silicon ECA Layer", 21, -0.5,
678  20.5);
679  for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++) si_eca_pullX_width->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayers[i - 1]);
680  si_eca_pullX_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Pull X Gaussian Width");
681  TH1F* si_ecc_pullX_width = new TH1F("si_ecc_pullX_width", "Pull X Gaussian Width vs Silicon ECC Layer", 21, -0.5,
682  20.5);
683  for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++) si_ecc_pullX_width->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayers[i - 1]);
684  si_ecc_pullX_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Pull X Gaussian Width");
685  TH1F* si_barrel_pullY_width = new TH1F("si_barrel_pullY_width", "Pull Y Gaussian Width vs Silicon Barrel Layer", 12,
686  -0.5, 11.5);
687  for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) si_barrel_pullY_width->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayersBarrel[i - 1]);
688  si_barrel_pullY_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Pull Y Gaussian Width");
689  TH1F* si_eca_pullY_width = new TH1F("si_eca_pullY_width", "Pull Y Gaussian Width vs Silicon ECA Layer", 21, -0.5,
690  20.5);
691  for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++) si_eca_pullY_width->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayers[i - 1]);
692  si_eca_pullY_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Pull Y Gaussian Width");
693  TH1F* si_ecc_pullY_width = new TH1F("si_ecc_pullY_width", "Pull Y Gaussian Width vs Silicon ECC Layer", 21, -0.5,
694  20.5);
695  for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++) si_ecc_pullY_width->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayers[i - 1]);
696  si_ecc_pullY_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Pull Y Gaussian Width");
697  fillGaussianMeanOrWidth(si_barrel_pullX, si_barrel_pullX_width, -6.0, 6.0, 1);
698  fillGaussianMeanOrWidth(si_barrel_pullY, si_barrel_pullY_width, -6.0, 6.0, 1);
699  fillGaussianMeanOrWidth(si_eca_pullX, si_eca_pullX_width, -6.0, 6.0, 1);
700  fillGaussianMeanOrWidth(si_eca_pullY, si_eca_pullY_width, -6.0, 6.0, 1);
701  fillGaussianMeanOrWidth(si_ecc_pullX, si_ecc_pullX_width, -6.0, 6.0, 1);
702  fillGaussianMeanOrWidth(si_ecc_pullY, si_ecc_pullY_width, -6.0, 6.0, 1);
704  //pull mean for each layer in Silicon barrel and endcaps
705  TH1F* si_barrel_pullX_mean = new TH1F("si_barrel_pullX_mean", "Pull X Gaussian Mean vs Silicon Barrel Layer", 12,
706  -0.5, 11.5);
707  for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) si_barrel_pullX_mean->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayersBarrel[i - 1]);
708  si_barrel_pullX_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Pull X Gaussian Mean");
709  TH1F* si_eca_pullX_mean =
710  new TH1F("si_eca_pullX_mean", "Pull X Gaussian Mean vs Silicon ECA Layer", 21, -0.5, 20.5);
711  for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++) si_eca_pullX_mean->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayers[i - 1]);
712  si_eca_pullX_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Pull X Gaussian Mean");
713  TH1F* si_ecc_pullX_mean =
714  new TH1F("si_ecc_pullX_mean", "Pull X Gaussian Mean vs Silicon ECC Layer", 21, -0.5, 20.5);
715  for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++) si_ecc_pullX_mean->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayers[i - 1]);
716  si_ecc_pullX_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Pull X Gaussian Mean");
717  TH1F* si_barrel_pullY_mean = new TH1F("si_barrel_pullY_mean", "Pull Y Gaussian Mean vs Silicon Barrel Layer", 12,
718  -0.5, 11.5);
719  for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) si_barrel_pullY_mean->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayersBarrel[i - 1]);
720  si_barrel_pullY_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Pull Y Gaussian Mean");
721  TH1F* si_eca_pullY_mean =
722  new TH1F("si_eca_pullY_mean", "Pull Y Gaussian Mean vs Silicon ECA Layer", 21, -0.5, 20.5);
723  for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++) si_eca_pullY_mean->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayers[i - 1]);
724  si_eca_pullY_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Pull Y Gaussian Mean");
725  TH1F* si_ecc_pullY_mean =
726  new TH1F("si_ecc_pullY_mean", "Pull Y Gaussian Mean vs Silicon ECC Layer", 21, -0.5, 20.5);
727  for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++) si_ecc_pullY_mean->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayers[i - 1]);
728  si_ecc_pullY_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Pull Y Gaussian Mean");
729  fillGaussianMeanOrWidth(si_barrel_pullX, si_barrel_pullX_mean, -6.0, 6.0, 0);
730  fillGaussianMeanOrWidth(si_barrel_pullY, si_barrel_pullY_mean, -6.0, 6.0, 0);
731  fillGaussianMeanOrWidth(si_eca_pullX, si_eca_pullX_mean, -6.0, 6.0, 0);
732  fillGaussianMeanOrWidth(si_eca_pullY, si_eca_pullY_mean, -6.0, 6.0, 0);
733  fillGaussianMeanOrWidth(si_ecc_pullX, si_ecc_pullX_mean, -6.0, 6.0, 0);
734  fillGaussianMeanOrWidth(si_ecc_pullY, si_ecc_pullY_mean, -6.0, 6.0, 0);
736  //residual mean for each layer in Silicon barrel and endcaps
737  TH1F* si_barrel_resX_mean = new TH1F("si_barrel_resX_mean", "Residual X Mean vs Silicon Barrel Layer", 12, -0.5,
738  11.5);
739  for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) si_barrel_resX_mean->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayersBarrel[i - 1]);
740  si_barrel_resX_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Residual X Mean [mm]");
741  TH1F* si_eca_resX_mean = new TH1F("si_eca_resX_mean", "Residual X Mean vs Silicon ECA Layer", 21, -0.5, 20.5);
742  for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++) si_eca_resX_mean->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayers[i - 1]);
743  si_eca_resX_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Residual X Mean [mm]");
744  TH1F* si_ecc_resX_mean = new TH1F("si_ecc_resX_mean", "Residual X Mean vs Silicon ECC Layer", 21, -0.5, 20.5);
745  for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++) si_ecc_resX_mean->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayers[i - 1]);
746  si_ecc_resX_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Residual X Mean [mm]");
747  TH1F* si_barrel_resY_mean = new TH1F("si_barrel_resY_mean", "Residual Y Mean vs Silicon Barrel Layer", 12, -0.5,
748  11.5);
749  for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) si_barrel_resY_mean->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayersBarrel[i - 1]);
750  si_barrel_resY_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Y Mean [mm]");
751  TH1F* si_eca_resY_mean = new TH1F("si_eca_resY_mean", "Residual Y Mean vs Silicon ECA Layer", 21, -0.5, 20.5);
752  for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++) si_eca_resY_mean->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayers[i - 1]);
753  si_eca_resY_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Y Mean [mm]");
754  TH1F* si_ecc_resY_mean = new TH1F("si_ecc_resY_mean", "Residual Y Mean vs Silicon ECC Layer", 21, -0.5, 20.5);
755  for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++) si_ecc_resY_mean->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayers[i - 1]);
756  si_ecc_resY_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Y Mean [mm]");
757  meanRMSProjections2D(si_barrel_resX, si_barrel_resX_mean, 2);
758  meanRMSProjections2D(si_barrel_resY, si_barrel_resY_mean, 2);
759  meanRMSProjections2D(si_eca_resX, si_eca_resX_mean, 2);
760  meanRMSProjections2D(si_eca_resY, si_eca_resY_mean, 2);
761  meanRMSProjections2D(si_ecc_resX, si_ecc_resX_mean, 2);
762  meanRMSProjections2D(si_ecc_resY, si_ecc_resY_mean, 2);
764  //residual width for each layer in Silicon barrel and endcaps
765  TH1F* si_barrel_resX_rms =
766  new TH1F("si_barrel_resX_rms", "Residual X Width vs Silicon Barrel Layer", 12, -0.5, 11.5);
767  for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) si_barrel_resX_rms->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayersBarrel[i - 1]);
768  si_barrel_resX_rms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Residual X Width [mm]");
769  TH1F* si_eca_resX_rms = new TH1F("si_eca_resX_rms", "Residual X Width vs Silicon ECA Layer", 21, -0.5, 20.5);
770  for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++) si_eca_resX_rms->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayers[i - 1]);
771  si_eca_resX_rms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Residual X Width [mm]");
772  TH1F* si_ecc_resX_rms = new TH1F("si_ecc_resX_rms", "Residual X Width vs Silicon ECC Layer", 21, -0.5, 20.5);
773  for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++) si_ecc_resX_rms->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayers[i - 1]);
774  si_ecc_resX_rms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Residual X Width [mm]");
775  TH1F* si_barrel_resY_rms =
776  new TH1F("si_barrel_resY_rms", "Residual Y Width vs Silicon Barrel Layer", 12, -0.5, 11.5);
777  for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) si_barrel_resY_rms->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayersBarrel[i - 1]);
778  si_barrel_resY_rms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Y Width [mm]");
779  TH1F* si_eca_resY_rms = new TH1F("si_eca_resY_rms", "Residual Y Width vs Silicon ECA Layer", 21, -0.5, 20.5);
780  for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++) si_eca_resY_rms->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayers[i - 1]);
781  si_eca_resY_rms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Y Width [mm]");
782  TH1F* si_ecc_resY_rms = new TH1F("si_ecc_resY_rms", "Residual Y Width vs Silicon ECC Layer", 21, -0.5, 20.5);
783  for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++) si_ecc_resY_rms->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, siliconLayers[i - 1]);
784  si_ecc_resY_rms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Y Width [mm]");
785  meanRMSProjections2D(si_barrel_resX, si_barrel_resX_rms, 3);
786  meanRMSProjections2D(si_barrel_resY, si_barrel_resY_rms, 3);
787  meanRMSProjections2D(si_eca_resX, si_eca_resX_rms, 3);
788  meanRMSProjections2D(si_eca_resY, si_eca_resY_rms, 3);
789  meanRMSProjections2D(si_ecc_resX, si_ecc_resX_rms, 3);
790  meanRMSProjections2D(si_ecc_resY, si_ecc_resY_rms, 3);
792  //x residual mean as a function of ring in the Pixel barrel
794  TH1F* pix_b0_xresvsmodeta = new TH1F("pix_b0_xresvsmodeta", "X Residual Mean vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 20, -10.5,
795  9.5);
796  pix_b0_xresvsmodeta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
797  pix_b0_xresvsmodeta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
798  TH1F* pix_b1_xresvsmodeta = new TH1F("pix_b1_xresvsmodeta", "X Residual Mean vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L1", 13, -6.5,
799  6.5);
800  pix_b1_xresvsmodeta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
801  pix_b1_xresvsmodeta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
802  TH1F* pix_b2_xresvsmodeta = new TH1F("pix_b2_xresvsmodeta", "X Residual Mean vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 13, -6.5,
803  6.5);
804  pix_b2_xresvsmodeta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
805  pix_b2_xresvsmodeta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
806  TH1F* pix_b3_xresvsmodeta = new TH1F("pix_b3_xresvsmodeta", "X Residual Mean vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L3", 13, -6.5,
807  6.5);
808  pix_b3_xresvsmodeta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
809  pix_b3_xresvsmodeta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
811  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_xresvsmodeta, 0, 2);
812  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_xresvsmodeta, 0, 2);
813  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_xresvsmodeta, 0, 2);
814  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_xresvsmodeta, 0, 2);
815  plots->Add(pix_b0_xresvsmodeta);
816  plots->Add(pix_b1_xresvsmodeta);
817  plots->Add(pix_b2_xresvsmodeta);
818  plots->Add(pix_b3_xresvsmodeta);
819  TH1F* pix_b_xresvsmodeta = combineHistos("pix_b_xresvsmodeta", "X Residual Mean vs (Modified) Eta-ID Pixel Barrel",
820  plots, 10);
821  pix_b_xresvsmodeta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
822  pix_b_xresvsmodeta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Eta-ID");
823  plots->Clear();
825  //x residual width as a function of ring in the Pixel barrel
826  TH1F* pix_b0_xresvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("pix_b0_xresvsmodeta_width",
827  "X Residual Width vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 20, -10.5, 9.5);
828  pix_b0_xresvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual X [mm]");
829  pix_b0_xresvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
830  TH1F* pix_b1_xresvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("pix_b1_xresvsmodeta_width",
831  "X Residual Width vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L1", 13, -6.5, 6.5);
832  pix_b1_xresvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual X [mm]");
833  pix_b1_xresvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
834  TH1F* pix_b2_xresvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("pix_b2_xresvsmodeta_width",
835  "X Residual Width vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 13, -6.5, 6.5);
836  pix_b2_xresvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual X [mm]");
837  pix_b2_xresvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
838  TH1F* pix_b3_xresvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("pix_b3_xresvsmodeta_width",
839  "X Residual Width vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L3", 13, -6.5, 6.5);
840  pix_b3_xresvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual X [mm]");
841  pix_b3_xresvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
842  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_xresvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
843  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_xresvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
844  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_xresvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
845  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_xresvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
846  plots->Add(pix_b0_xresvsmodeta_width);
847  plots->Add(pix_b1_xresvsmodeta_width);
848  plots->Add(pix_b2_xresvsmodeta_width);
849  plots->Add(pix_b3_xresvsmodeta_width);
850  TH1F* pix_b_xresvsmodeta_width = combineHistos("pix_b_xresvsmodeta_width",
851  "X Residual Width vs (Modified) Eta-ID Pixel Barrel", plots, 10);
852  pix_b_xresvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual X [mm]");
853  pix_b_xresvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Eta-ID");
854  plots->Clear();
856  //y residual mean as a function of ring in the Pixel barrel
857  TH1F* pix_b0_yresvsmodeta = new TH1F("pix_b0_yresvsmodeta", "Y Residual Mean vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 20, -10.5,
858  9.5);
859  pix_b0_yresvsmodeta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual Y [mm]");
860  pix_b0_yresvsmodeta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
861  TH1F* pix_b1_yresvsmodeta = new TH1F("pix_b1_yresvsmodeta", "Y Residual Mean vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L1", 13, -6.5,
862  6.5);
863  pix_b1_yresvsmodeta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual Y [mm]");
864  pix_b1_yresvsmodeta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
865  TH1F* pix_b2_yresvsmodeta = new TH1F("pix_b2_yresvsmodeta", "Y Residual Mean vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 13, -6.5,
866  6.5);
867  pix_b2_yresvsmodeta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual Y [mm]");
868  pix_b2_yresvsmodeta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
869  TH1F* pix_b3_yresvsmodeta = new TH1F("pix_b3_yresvsmodeta", "Y Residual Mean vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 13, -6.5,
870  6.5);
871  pix_b3_yresvsmodeta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual Y [mm]");
872  pix_b3_yresvsmodeta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
873  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_yresvsmodeta, 0, 2);
874  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_yresvsmodeta, 0, 2);
875  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_yresvsmodeta, 0, 2);
876  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_yresvsmodeta, 0, 2);
877  plots->Add(pix_b0_yresvsmodeta);
878  plots->Add(pix_b1_yresvsmodeta);
879  plots->Add(pix_b2_yresvsmodeta);
880  plots->Add(pix_b3_yresvsmodeta);
881  TH1F* pix_b_yresvsmodeta = combineHistos("pix_b_yresvsmodeta", "Y Residual Mean vs (Modified) Eta-ID Pixel Barrel",
882  plots, 10);
883  pix_b_yresvsmodeta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual Y [mm]");
884  pix_b_yresvsmodeta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Eta-ID");
885  plots->Clear();
887  //y residual width as a function of ring in the Pixel barrel
888  TH1F* pix_b0_yresvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("pix_b0_yresvsmodeta_width",
889  "Y Residual Width vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 20, -10.5, 9.5);
890  pix_b0_yresvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual Y [mm]");
891  pix_b0_yresvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
892  TH1F* pix_b1_yresvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("pix_b1_yresvsmodeta_width",
893  "Y Residual Width vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L1", 13, -6.5, 6.5);
894  pix_b1_yresvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual Y [mm]");
895  pix_b1_yresvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
896  TH1F* pix_b2_yresvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("pix_b2_yresvsmodeta_width",
897  "Y Residual Width vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 13, -6.5, 6.5);
898  pix_b2_yresvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual Y [mm]");
899  pix_b2_yresvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
900  TH1F* pix_b3_yresvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("pix_b3_yresvsmodeta_width",
901  "Y Residual Width vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 13, -6.5, 6.5);
902  pix_b3_yresvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual Y [mm]");
903  pix_b3_yresvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
905  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_yresvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
906  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_yresvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
907  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_yresvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
908  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_yresvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
909  plots->Add(pix_b0_yresvsmodeta_width);
910  plots->Add(pix_b1_yresvsmodeta_width);
911  plots->Add(pix_b2_yresvsmodeta_width);
912  plots->Add(pix_b3_yresvsmodeta_width);
914  TH1F* pix_b_yresvsmodeta_width = combineHistos("pix_b_yresvsmodeta_width",
915  "Y Residual Width vs (Modified) Eta-ID Pixel Barrel", plots, 10);
916  pix_b_yresvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual Y [mm]");
917  pix_b_yresvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Eta-ID");
918  plots->Clear();
920  //x residual mean as a function of stave in the Pixel barrel
922  TH1F* pix_b0_xresvsmodphi = new TH1F("pix_b0_xresvsmodphi", "X Residual Mean vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 14, 0, 14);
923  pix_b0_xresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
924  pix_b0_xresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
925  TH1F* pix_b1_xresvsmodphi =
926  new TH1F("pix_b1_xresvsmodphi", "X Residual Mean vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 22, -0, 22);
927  pix_b1_xresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
928  pix_b1_xresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
929  TH1F* pix_b2_xresvsmodphi = new TH1F("pix_b2_xresvsmodphi", "X Residual Mean vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L1", 38, 0, 38);
930  pix_b2_xresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
931  pix_b2_xresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
932  TH1F* pix_b3_xresvsmodphi = new TH1F("pix_b3_xresvsmodphi", "X Residual Mean vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 52, 0, 52);
933  pix_b3_xresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
934  pix_b3_xresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
937  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_xresvsmodphi, 1, 2);
938  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_xresvsmodphi, 1, 2);
939  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_xresvsmodphi, 1, 2);
940  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_xresvsmodphi, 1, 2);
942  plots->Add(pix_b0_xresvsmodphi);
943  plots->Add(pix_b1_xresvsmodphi);
944  plots->Add(pix_b2_xresvsmodphi);
945  plots->Add(pix_b3_xresvsmodphi);
946  TH1F* pix_b_xresvsmodphi = combineHistos("pix_b_xresvsmodphi", "X Residual Mean vs (Modified) Phi-ID Pixel Barrel",
947  plots, 10);
948  pix_b_xresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
949  pix_b_xresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Phi-ID");
950  plots->Clear();
952  //x residual width as a function of stave in the Pixel barrel
953  TH1F* pix_b0_xresvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("pix_b0_xresvsmodphi_width",
954  "X Residual Width vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 14, 0, 14);
955  pix_b0_xresvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual X [mm]");
956  pix_b0_xresvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
957  TH1F* pix_b1_xresvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("pix_b1_xresvsmodphi_width",
958  "X Residual Width vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 22, 0., 22);
959  pix_b1_xresvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual X [mm]");
960  pix_b1_xresvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
961  TH1F* pix_b2_xresvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("pix_b2_xresvsmodphi_width",
962  "X Residual Width vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L1", 38, 0, 38);
963  pix_b2_xresvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual X [mm]");
964  pix_b2_xresvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
965  TH1F* pix_b3_xresvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("pix_b3_xresvsmodphi_width",
966  "X Residual Width vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 52, 0, 52);
967  pix_b3_xresvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual X [mm]");
968  pix_b3_xresvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
969  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_xresvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
970  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_xresvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
971  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_xresvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
972  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_xresvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
973  plots->Add(pix_b0_xresvsmodphi_width);
974  plots->Add(pix_b1_xresvsmodphi_width);
975  plots->Add(pix_b2_xresvsmodphi_width);
976  plots->Add(pix_b3_xresvsmodphi_width);
977  TH1F* pix_b_xresvsmodphi_width = combineHistos("pix_b_xresvsmodphi_width",
978  "X Residual Width vs (Modified) Phi-ID Pixel Barrel", plots, 10);
979  pix_b_xresvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual X [mm]");
980  pix_b_xresvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Phi-ID");
981  plots->Clear();
983  //y residual mean as a function of stave in the Pixel barrel
984  TH1F* pix_b0_yresvsmodphi = new TH1F("pix_b0_yresvsmodphi", "Y Residual Mean vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 14, 0, 14);
985  pix_b0_yresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual Y [mm]");
986  pix_b0_yresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
987  TH1F* pix_b1_yresvsmodphi = new TH1F("pix_b1_yresvsmodphi", "Y Residual Mean vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 22, 0, 22);
988  pix_b1_yresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual Y [mm]");
989  pix_b1_yresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
990  TH1F* pix_b2_yresvsmodphi = new TH1F("pix_b2_yresvsmodphi", "Y Residual Mean vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L1", 38, 0, 38);
991  pix_b2_yresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual Y [mm]");
992  pix_b2_yresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
993  TH1F* pix_b3_yresvsmodphi = new TH1F("pix_b3_yresvsmodphi", "Y Residual Mean vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 52, 0, 52);
994  pix_b3_yresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual Y [mm]");
995  pix_b3_yresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
996  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_yresvsmodphi, 1, 2);
997  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_yresvsmodphi, 1, 2);
998  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_yresvsmodphi, 1, 2);
999  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_yresvsmodphi, 1, 2);
1000  plots->Add(pix_b0_yresvsmodphi);
1001  plots->Add(pix_b1_yresvsmodphi);
1002  plots->Add(pix_b2_yresvsmodphi);
1003  plots->Add(pix_b3_yresvsmodphi);
1005  TH1F* pix_b_yresvsmodphi = combineHistos("pix_b_yresvsmodphi", "Y Residual Mean vs (Modified) Phi-ID Pixel Barrel",
1006  plots, 10);
1007  pix_b_yresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual Y [mm]");
1008  pix_b_yresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Phi-ID");
1009  plots->Clear();
1011  //y residual width as a function of stave in the Pixel barrel
1012  TH1F* pix_b0_yresvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("pix_b0_yresvsmodphi_width",
1013  "Y Residual Width vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 14, 0, 14);
1014  pix_b0_yresvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual Y [mm]");
1015  pix_b0_yresvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1016  TH1F* pix_b1_yresvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("pix_b1_yresvsmodphi_width",
1017  "Y Residual Width vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 22, -0, 22);
1018  pix_b1_yresvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual Y [mm]");
1019  pix_b1_yresvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1020  TH1F* pix_b2_yresvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("pix_b2_yresvsmodphi_width",
1021  "Y Residual Width vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L1", 38, 0, 38);
1022  pix_b2_yresvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual Y [mm]");
1023  pix_b2_yresvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1024  TH1F* pix_b3_yresvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("pix_b3_yresvsmodphi_width",
1025  "Y Residual Width vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 52, 0, 52);
1026  pix_b3_yresvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual Y [mm]");
1027  pix_b3_yresvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1028  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_yresvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
1029  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_yresvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
1030  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_yresvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
1031  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_yresvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
1032  plots->Add(pix_b0_yresvsmodphi_width);
1033  plots->Add(pix_b1_yresvsmodphi_width);
1034  plots->Add(pix_b2_yresvsmodphi_width);
1035  plots->Add(pix_b3_yresvsmodphi_width);
1036  TH1F* pix_b_yresvsmodphi_width = combineHistos("pix_b_yresvsmodphi_width",
1037  "Y Residual Width vs (Modified) Phi-ID Pixel Barrel", plots, 10);
1038  pix_b_yresvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual Y [mm]");
1039  pix_b_yresvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Phi-ID");
1040  plots->Clear();
1042  //x residual mean as a function of ring in the SCT barrel
1043  TH1F* sct_b0_xresvsmodeta = new TH1F("sct_b0_xresvsmodeta", "X Residual Mean vs Eta-ID SCT Barrel L0", 13, -0.5,
1044  12.5);
1045  pix_b0_xresvsmodeta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
1046  pix_b0_xresvsmodeta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1047  TH1F* sct_b1_xresvsmodeta = new TH1F("sct_b1_xresvsmodeta", "X Residual Mean vs Eta-ID SCT Barrel L1", 13, -0.5,
1048  12.5);
1049  sct_b1_xresvsmodeta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
1050  sct_b1_xresvsmodeta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1051  TH1F* sct_b2_xresvsmodeta = new TH1F("sct_b2_xresvsmodeta", "X Residual Mean vs Eta-ID SCT Barrel L2", 13, -0.5,
1052  12.5);
1053  sct_b2_xresvsmodeta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
1054  sct_b2_xresvsmodeta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1055  TH1F* sct_b3_xresvsmodeta = new TH1F("sct_b3_xresvsmodeta", "X Residual Mean vs Eta-ID SCT Barrel L3", 13, -0.5,
1056  12.5);
1057  sct_b3_xresvsmodeta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
1058  sct_b3_xresvsmodeta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1059  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b0_xresvsmodeta, 0, 2);
1060  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b1_xresvsmodeta, 0, 2);
1061  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b2_xresvsmodeta, 0, 2);
1062  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b3_xresvsmodeta, 0, 2);
1063  plots->Add(sct_b0_xresvsmodeta);
1064  plots->Add(sct_b1_xresvsmodeta);
1065  plots->Add(sct_b2_xresvsmodeta);
1066  plots->Add(sct_b3_xresvsmodeta);
1067  TH1F* sct_b_xresvsmodeta = combineHistos("sct_b_xresvsmodeta", "X Residual Mean vs (Modified) Eta-ID SCT Barrel",
1068  plots, 10);
1069  sct_b_xresvsmodeta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
1070  sct_b_xresvsmodeta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Eta-ID");
1071  plots->Clear();
1073  //x residual width as a function of ring in the SCT barrel
1074  TH1F* sct_b0_xresvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("sct_b0_xresvsmodeta_width", "X Residual Width vs Eta-ID SCT Barrel L0",
1075  13, -0.5, 12.5);
1076  pix_b0_xresvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual X [mm]");
1077  pix_b0_xresvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1078  TH1F* sct_b1_xresvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("sct_b1_xresvsmodeta_width", "X Residual Width vs Eta-ID SCT Barrel L1",
1079  13, -0.5, 12.5);
1080  sct_b1_xresvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual X [mm]");
1081  sct_b1_xresvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1082  TH1F* sct_b2_xresvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("sct_b2_xresvsmodeta_width", "X Residual Width vs Eta-ID SCT Barrel L2",
1083  13, -0.5, 12.5);
1084  sct_b2_xresvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual X [mm]");
1085  sct_b2_xresvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1086  TH1F* sct_b3_xresvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("sct_b3_xresvsmodeta_width", "X Residual Width vs Eta-ID SCT Barrel L3",
1087  13, -0.5, 12.5);
1088  sct_b3_xresvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual X [mm]");
1089  sct_b3_xresvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1090  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b0_xresvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
1091  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b1_xresvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
1092  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b2_xresvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
1093  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b3_xresvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
1094  plots->Add(sct_b0_xresvsmodeta_width);
1095  plots->Add(sct_b1_xresvsmodeta_width);
1096  plots->Add(sct_b2_xresvsmodeta_width);
1097  plots->Add(sct_b3_xresvsmodeta_width);
1098  TH1F* sct_b_xresvsmodeta_width = combineHistos("sct_b_xresvsmodeta_width",
1099  "X Residual Width vs (Modified) Eta-ID SCT Barrel", plots, 10);
1100  sct_b_xresvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual X [mm]");
1101  sct_b_xresvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Eta-ID");
1102  plots->Clear();
1104  //x residual mean as a function of stave in the SCT barrel
1105  TH1F* sct_b0_xresvsmodphi = new TH1F("sct_b0_xresvsmodphi", "X Residual Mean vs Phi-ID SCT Barrel L0", 32, -0.5,
1106  31.5);
1107  pix_b0_xresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
1108  pix_b0_xresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1109  TH1F* sct_b1_xresvsmodphi = new TH1F("sct_b1_xresvsmodphi", "X Residual Mean vs Phi-ID SCT Barrel L1", 40, -0.5,
1110  39.5);
1111  sct_b1_xresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
1112  sct_b1_xresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1113  TH1F* sct_b2_xresvsmodphi = new TH1F("sct_b2_xresvsmodphi", "X Residual Mean vs Phi-ID SCT Barrel L2", 48, -0.5,
1114  47.5);
1115  sct_b2_xresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
1116  sct_b2_xresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1117  TH1F* sct_b3_xresvsmodphi = new TH1F("sct_b3_xresvsmodphi", "X Residual Mean vs Phi-ID SCT Barrel L3", 56, -0.5,
1118  55.5);
1119  sct_b3_xresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
1120  sct_b3_xresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1121  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b0_xresvsmodphi, 1, 2);
1122  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b1_xresvsmodphi, 1, 2);
1123  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b2_xresvsmodphi, 1, 2);
1124  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b3_xresvsmodphi, 1, 2);
1125  plots->Add(sct_b0_xresvsmodphi);
1126  plots->Add(sct_b1_xresvsmodphi);
1127  plots->Add(sct_b2_xresvsmodphi);
1128  plots->Add(sct_b3_xresvsmodphi);
1129  TH1F* sct_b_xresvsmodphi = combineHistos("sct_b_xresvsmodphi", "X Residual Mean vs (Modified) Phi-ID SCT Barrel",
1130  plots, 10);
1131  sct_b_xresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
1132  sct_b_xresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Phi-ID");
1133  plots->Clear();
1135  //x residual width as a function of stave in the SCT barrel
1136  TH1F* sct_b0_xresvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("sct_b0_xresvsmodphi_width", "X Residual Width vs Phi-ID SCT Barrel L0",
1137  32, -0.5, 31.5);
1138  pix_b0_xresvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual X [mm]");
1139  pix_b0_xresvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1140  TH1F* sct_b1_xresvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("sct_b1_xresvsmodphi_width", "X Residual Width vs Phi-ID SCT Barrel L1",
1141  40, -0.5, 39.5);
1142  sct_b1_xresvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual X [mm]");
1143  sct_b1_xresvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1144  TH1F* sct_b2_xresvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("sct_b2_xresvsmodphi_width", "X Residual Width vs Phi-ID SCT Barrel L2",
1145  48, -0.5, 47.5);
1146  sct_b2_xresvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual X [mm]");
1147  sct_b2_xresvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1148  TH1F* sct_b3_xresvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("sct_b3_xresvsmodphi_width", "X Residual Width vs Phi-ID SCT Barrel L3",
1149  56, -0.5, 55.5);
1150  sct_b3_xresvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual X [mm]");
1151  sct_b3_xresvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1152  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b0_xresvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
1153  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b1_xresvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
1154  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b2_xresvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
1155  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b3_xresvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
1156  plots->Add(sct_b0_xresvsmodphi_width);
1157  plots->Add(sct_b1_xresvsmodphi_width);
1158  plots->Add(sct_b2_xresvsmodphi_width);
1159  plots->Add(sct_b3_xresvsmodphi_width);
1160  TH1F* sct_b_xresvsmodphi_width = combineHistos("sct_b_xresvsmodphi_width",
1161  "X Residual Width vs (Modified) Phi-ID SCT Barrel", plots, 10);
1162  sct_b_xresvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Width Residual X [mm]");
1163  sct_b_xresvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Phi-ID");
1164  plots->Clear();
1166  //residual mean as function of module eta/phi in Silicon endcaps
1167  TH1F* pix_eca_xresvsmodphi = new TH1F("pix_eca_xresvsmodphi",
1168  "X Residual Mean vs (Modified) Module Phi Pixel Endcap A", 165, 0, 165);
1169  pix_eca_xresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
1170  pix_eca_xresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Module Phi-ID");
1171  meanRMSProjections2D(pix_eca_xresvsmodphi_2d, pix_eca_xresvsmodphi, 2);
1172  TH1F* pix_eca_yresvsmodphi = new TH1F("pix_eca_yresvsmodphi",
1173  "Y Residual Mean vs (Modified) Module Phi Pixel Endcap A", 165, 0, 165);
1174  pix_eca_yresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual Y [mm]");
1175  pix_eca_yresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Module Phi-ID");
1176  meanRMSProjections2D(pix_eca_yresvsmodphi_2d, pix_eca_yresvsmodphi, 2);
1177  TH1F* pix_ecc_xresvsmodphi = new TH1F("pix_ecc_xresvsmodphi",
1178  "X Residual Mean vs (Modified) Module Phi Pixel Endcap C", 165, 0, 165);
1179  pix_ecc_xresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
1180  pix_ecc_xresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Module Phi-ID");
1181  meanRMSProjections2D(pix_ecc_xresvsmodphi_2d, pix_ecc_xresvsmodphi, 2);
1182  TH1F* pix_ecc_yresvsmodphi = new TH1F("pix_ecc_yresvsmodphi",
1183  "Y Residual Mean vs (Modified) Module Phi Pixel Endcap C", 165, 0, 165);
1184  pix_ecc_yresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual Y [mm]");
1185  pix_ecc_yresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Module Phi-ID");
1186  meanRMSProjections2D(pix_ecc_yresvsmodphi_2d, pix_ecc_yresvsmodphi, 2);
1187  TH1F* sct_eca_xresvsmodphi = new TH1F("sct_eca_xresvsmodphi",
1188  "X Residual Mean vs (Modified) Module Phi SCT Endcap A", 558, 0, 558);
1189  sct_eca_xresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
1190  sct_eca_xresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Module Phi-ID");
1191  meanRMSProjections2D(sct_eca_xresvsmodphi_2d, sct_eca_xresvsmodphi, 2);
1192  TH1F* sct_ecc_xresvsmodphi = new TH1F("sct_ecc_xresvsmodphi",
1193  "X Residual Mean vs (Modified) Module Phi SCT Endcap C", 558, 0, 558);
1194  sct_ecc_xresvsmodphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mean Residual X [mm]");
1195  sct_ecc_xresvsmodphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Module Phi-ID");
1196  meanRMSProjections2D(sct_ecc_xresvsmodphi_2d, sct_ecc_xresvsmodphi, 2);
1199  //2-d residual map histograms - pixel barrel residual mean
1200  TH2F* pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_mean = new TH2F("pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_mean",
1201  "X Residual Mean vs Module Eta-Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 20, -10.5, 9.5,
1202  14, 0, 14);
1203  pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1204  pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1205  TH2F* pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_mean = new TH2F("pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_mean",
1206  "X Residual Mean vs Module Eta-Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L1", 13, -6.5, 6.5,
1207  22, -0.5, 21.5);
1208  pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1209  pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1210  TH2F* pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_mean = new TH2F("pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_mean",
1211  "X Residual Mean vs Module Eta-Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 13, -6.5, 6.5,
1212  38, -0.5, 37.5);
1213  pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1214  pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1215  TH2F* pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_mean = new TH2F("pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_mean",
1216  "X Residual Mean vs Module Eta-Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L3", 13, -6.5, 6.5,
1217  52, -0.5, 51.5);
1218  pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1219  pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1223  TH2F* pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_mean = new TH2F("pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_mean",
1224  "Y Residual Mean vs Module Eta-Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 20, -10.5, 9.5,
1225  14, 0, 14);
1226  pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1227  pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1228  TH2F* pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_mean = new TH2F("pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_mean",
1229  "Y Residual Mean vs Module Eta-Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L1", 13, -6.5, 6.5,
1230  22, -0.5, 21.5);
1231  pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1232  pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1233  TH2F* pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_mean = new TH2F("pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_mean",
1234  "Y Residual Mean vs Module Eta-Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 13, -6.5, 6.5,
1235  38, -0.5, 37.5);
1236  pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1237  pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1238  TH2F* pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_mean = new TH2F("pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_mean",
1239  "Y Residual Mean vs Module Eta-Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L3", 13, -6.5, 6.5,
1240  52, -0.5, 51.5);
1241  pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1242  pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1243  meanRMSProjections3D(pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_mean, 2);
1244  meanRMSProjections3D(pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_mean, 2);
1245  meanRMSProjections3D(pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_mean, 2);
1246  meanRMSProjections3D(pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_mean, 2);
1247  meanRMSProjections3D(pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_mean, 2);
1248  meanRMSProjections3D(pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_mean, 2);
1249  meanRMSProjections3D(pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_mean, 2);
1250  meanRMSProjections3D(pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_mean, 2);
1252  //2-d residual map histograms - pixel barrel residual width
1253  TH2F* pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_rms = new TH2F("pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_rms",
1254  "X Residual Width vs Module Eta-Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 20, -10.5, 9.5,
1255  14, 0, 14);
1256  pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1257  pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1258  TH2F* pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_rms = new TH2F("pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_rms",
1259  "X Residual Width vs Module Eta-Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L1", 13, -6.5, 6.5,
1260  22, -0.5, 21.5);
1261  pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1262  pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1263  TH2F* pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_rms = new TH2F("pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_rms",
1264  "X Residual Width vs Module Eta-Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 13, -6.5, 6.5,
1265  38, -0.5, 37.5);
1266  pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1267  pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1268  TH2F* pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_rms = new TH2F("pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_rms",
1269  "X Residual Width vs Module Eta-Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L3", 13, -6.5, 6.5,
1270  52, -0.5, 51.5);
1271  pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1272  pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1273  TH2F* pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_rms = new TH2F("pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_rms",
1274  "Y Residual Width vs Module Eta-Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 20, -10.5, 9.5,
1275  14, 0, 14);
1276  pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1277  pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1278  TH2F* pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_rms = new TH2F("pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_rms",
1279  "Y Residual Width vs Module Eta-Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L1", 13, -6.5, 6.5,
1280  22, -0.5, 21.5);
1281  pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1282  pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1283  TH2F* pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_rms = new TH2F("pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_rms",
1284  "Y Residual Width vs Module Eta-Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 13, -6.5, 6.5,
1285  38, -0.5, 37.5);
1286  pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1287  pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1288  TH2F* pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_rms = new TH2F("pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_rms",
1289  "Y Residual Width vs Module Eta-Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L3", 13, -6.5, 6.5,
1290  52, -0.5, 51.5);
1291  pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1292  pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1293  meanRMSProjections3D(pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_rms, 3);
1294  meanRMSProjections3D(pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_rms, 3);
1295  meanRMSProjections3D(pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_rms, 3);
1296  meanRMSProjections3D(pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_rms, 3);
1297  meanRMSProjections3D(pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_rms, 3);
1298  meanRMSProjections3D(pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_rms, 3);
1299  meanRMSProjections3D(pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_rms, 3);
1300  meanRMSProjections3D(pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_rms, 3);
1302  //2-d residual map histograms - SCT barrel residual means
1303  TH2F* sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_mean = new TH2F("sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_mean",
1304  "X Residual Mean vs Module Eta-Phi-ID SCT Barrel L0", 13, -6.5, 6.5,
1305  32, -0.5, 31.5);
1306  sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1307  sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1308  TH2F* sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_mean = new TH2F("sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_mean",
1309  "X Residual Mean vs Module Eta-Phi-ID SCT Barrel L1", 13, -6.5, 6.5,
1310  40, -0.5, 39.5);
1311  sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1312  sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1313  TH2F* sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_mean = new TH2F("sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_mean",
1314  "X Residual Mean vs Module Eta-Phi-ID SCT Barrel L2", 13, -6.5, 6.5,
1315  48, -0.5, 47.5);
1316  sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1317  sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1318  TH2F* sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_mean = new TH2F("sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_mean",
1319  "X Residual Mean vs Module Eta-Phi-ID SCT Barrel L3", 13, -6.5, 6.5,
1320  56, -0.5, 55.5);
1321  sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1322  sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1323  meanRMSProjections3D(sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_mean, 2);
1324  meanRMSProjections3D(sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_mean, 2);
1325  meanRMSProjections3D(sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_mean, 2);
1326  meanRMSProjections3D(sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_mean, 2);
1328  //2-d residual map histograms - SCT barrel residual widths
1329  TH2F* sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_rms = new TH2F("sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_rms",
1330  "X Residual Width vs Module Eta-Phi-ID SCT Barrel L0", 13, -6.5, 6.5,
1331  32, -0.5, 31.5);
1332  sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1333  sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1334  TH2F* sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_rms = new TH2F("sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_rms",
1335  "X Residual Width vs Module Eta-Phi-ID SCT Barrel L1", 13, -6.5, 6.5,
1336  40, -0.5, 39.5);
1337  sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1338  sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1339  TH2F* sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_rms = new TH2F("sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_rms",
1340  "X Residual Width vs Module Eta-Phi-ID SCT Barrel L2", 13, -6.5, 6.5,
1341  48, -0.5, 47.5);
1342  sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1343  sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1344  TH2F* sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_rms = new TH2F("sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_rms",
1345  "X Residual Width vs Module Eta-Phi-ID SCT Barrel L3", 13, -6.5, 6.5,
1346  56, -0.5, 55.5);
1347  sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1348  sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1349  meanRMSProjections3D(sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_rms, 3);
1350  meanRMSProjections3D(sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_rms, 3);
1351  meanRMSProjections3D(sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_rms, 3);
1352  meanRMSProjections3D(sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_rms, 3);
1354  //histograms showing the distribution of Gaussian fitted residual means for pixel and SCT barrel (should add
1355  // endcaps)
1356  //modules are required to have > 30 hits
1357  TH1F* pix_b0_residualmeans = new TH1F("pix_b0_residualmeans", "Pixel Barrel Layer 0 Mean of Residual Distributions",
1358  100, -0.2, 0.2);
1359  pix_b0_residualmeans->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Fitted Residual Mean [mm]");
1360  pix_b0_residualmeans->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules/4#mum");
1361  TH1F* pix_b1_residualmeans = new TH1F("pix_b1_residualmeans", "Pixel Barrel Layer 1 Mean of Residual Distributions",
1362  100, -0.2, 0.2);
1363  pix_b1_residualmeans->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Fitted Residual Mean [mm]");
1364  pix_b1_residualmeans->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules/4#mum");
1365  TH1F* pix_b2_residualmeans = new TH1F("pix_b2_residualmeans", "Pixel Barrel Layer 2 Mean of Residual Distributions",
1366  100, -0.2, 0.2);
1367  pix_b2_residualmeans->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Fitted Residual Mean [mm]");
1368  pix_b2_residualmeans->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules/4#mum");
1369  TH1F* pix_b3_residualmeans = new TH1F("pix_b3_residualmeans", "Pixel Barrel Layer 3 Mean of Residual Distributions",
1370  100, -0.2, 0.2);
1371  pix_b3_residualmeans->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Fitted Residual Mean [mm]");
1372  pix_b3_residualmeans->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules/4#mum");
1373  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_residualmeans, 2);
1374  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_residualmeans, 2);
1375  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_residualmeans, 2);
1376  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_residualmeans, 2);
1379  TH1F* pix_b_residualmeans = new TH1F("pix_b_residualmeans", "Pixel Barrel Mean of Residual Distributions", 100,
1380  -0.2, 0.2);
1381  pix_b_residualmeans->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Fitted Residual Mean [mm]");
1382  pix_b_residualmeans->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules/4#mum");
1383  pix_b_residualmeans->Add(pix_b0_residualmeans);
1384  pix_b_residualmeans->Add(pix_b1_residualmeans);
1385  pix_b_residualmeans->Add(pix_b2_residualmeans);
1386  pix_b_residualmeans->Add(pix_b3_residualmeans);
1388  TH1F* sct_b0_residualmeans = new TH1F("sct_b0_residualmeans", "SCT Barrel Layer 0 Mean of Residual Distributions",
1389  100, -0.2, 0.2);
1390  sct_b0_residualmeans->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Fitted Residual Mean [mm]");
1391  sct_b0_residualmeans->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules/4#mum");
1392  TH1F* sct_b1_residualmeans = new TH1F("sct_b1_residualmeans", "SCT Barrel Layer 1 Mean of Residual Distributions",
1393  100, -0.2, 0.2);
1394  sct_b1_residualmeans->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Fitted Residual Mean [mm]");
1395  sct_b1_residualmeans->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules/4#mum");
1396  TH1F* sct_b2_residualmeans = new TH1F("sct_b2_residualmeans", "SCT Barrel Layer 2 Mean of Residual Distributions",
1397  100, -0.2, 0.2);
1398  sct_b2_residualmeans->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Fitted Residual Mean [mm]");
1399  sct_b2_residualmeans->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules/4#mum");
1400  TH1F* sct_b3_residualmeans = new TH1F("sct_b3_residualmeans", "SCT Barrel Layer 3 Mean of Residual Distributions",
1401  100, -0.2, 0.2);
1402  sct_b3_residualmeans->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Fitted Residual Mean [mm]");
1403  sct_b3_residualmeans->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules/4#mum");
1404  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b0_residualmeans, 2);
1405  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b1_residualmeans, 2);
1406  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b2_residualmeans, 2);
1407  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b3_residualmeans, 2);
1409  TH1F* sct_b_residualmeans = new TH1F("sct_b_residualmeans", "SCT Barrel Mean of Residual Distributions", 100, -0.2,
1410  0.2);
1411  sct_b_residualmeans->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Fitted Residual Mean [mm]");
1412  sct_b_residualmeans->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules/4#mum");
1413  sct_b_residualmeans->Add(sct_b0_residualmeans);
1414  sct_b_residualmeans->Add(sct_b1_residualmeans);
1415  sct_b_residualmeans->Add(sct_b2_residualmeans);
1416  sct_b_residualmeans->Add(sct_b3_residualmeans);
1419  //histograms showing the distribution of the errors on the Gaussian-fitted residual means for Pixel and SCT
1420  //i.e. the error on the residual mean entries for the plots above - this should not be larger than the bin size!
1421  //modules are required to have > 30 hits
1422  TH1F* pix_b0_residualfiterrors = new TH1F("pix_b0_residualfiterrors",
1423  "Pixel Barrel Layer 0 Residual Gaussian Fit Error", 200, 0.0, 0.02);
1424  pix_b0_residualfiterrors->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Gaus. Fit Error [mm]");
1425  pix_b0_residualfiterrors->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules");
1426  TH1F* pix_b1_residualfiterrors = new TH1F("pix_b1_residualfiterrors",
1427  "Pixel Barrel Layer 1 Residual Gaussian Fit Error", 200, 0.0, 0.02);
1428  pix_b1_residualfiterrors->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Gaus. Fit Error [mm]");
1429  pix_b1_residualfiterrors->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules");
1430  TH1F* pix_b2_residualfiterrors = new TH1F("pix_b2_residualfiterrors",
1431  "Pixel Barrel Layer 2 Residual Gaussian Fit Error", 200, 0.0, 0.02);
1432  pix_b2_residualfiterrors->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Gaus. Fit Error [mm]");
1433  pix_b2_residualfiterrors->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules");
1434  TH1F* pix_b3_residualfiterrors = new TH1F("pix_b3_residualfiterrors",
1435  "Pixel Barrel Layer 3 Residual Gaussian Fit Error", 200, 0.0, 0.02);
1436  pix_b3_residualfiterrors->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Gaus. Fit Error [mm]");
1437  pix_b3_residualfiterrors->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules");
1438  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_residualfiterrors, 5);
1439  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_residualfiterrors, 5);
1440  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_residualfiterrors, 5);
1441  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_residualfiterrors, 5);
1443  TH1F* pix_b_residualfiterrors = new TH1F("pix_b_residualfiterrors", "Pixel Barrel Residual Gaussian Fit Error", 200,
1444  -0.0, 0.02);
1445  pix_b_residualfiterrors->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Gaus. Fit Error [mm]");
1446  pix_b_residualfiterrors->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules");
1447  pix_b_residualfiterrors->Add(pix_b0_residualfiterrors);
1448  pix_b_residualfiterrors->Add(pix_b1_residualfiterrors);
1449  pix_b_residualfiterrors->Add(pix_b2_residualfiterrors);
1450  pix_b_residualfiterrors->Add(pix_b3_residualfiterrors);
1454  TH1F* sct_b0_residualfiterrors = new TH1F("sct_b0_residualfiterrors",
1455  "SCT Barrel Layer 0 Residual Gaussian Fit Error", 200, 0.0, 0.02);
1456  sct_b0_residualfiterrors->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Gaus. Fit Error [mm]");
1457  sct_b0_residualfiterrors->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules");
1458  TH1F* sct_b1_residualfiterrors = new TH1F("sct_b1_residualfiterrors",
1459  "SCT Barrel Layer 1 Residual Gaussian Fit Error", 200, 0.0, 0.02);
1460  sct_b1_residualfiterrors->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Gaus. Fit Error [mm]");
1461  sct_b1_residualfiterrors->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules");
1462  TH1F* sct_b2_residualfiterrors = new TH1F("sct_b2_residualfiterrors",
1463  "SCT Barrel Layer 2 Residual Gaussian Fit Error", 200, 0.0, 0.02);
1464  sct_b2_residualfiterrors->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Gaus. Fit Error [mm]");
1465  sct_b2_residualfiterrors->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules");
1466  TH1F* sct_b3_residualfiterrors = new TH1F("sct_b3_residualfiterrors",
1467  "SCT Barrel Layer 3 Residual Gaussian Fit Error", 200, 0.0, 0.02);
1468  sct_b3_residualfiterrors->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Gaus. Fit Error [mm]");
1469  sct_b3_residualfiterrors->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules");
1470  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b0_residualfiterrors, 5);
1471  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b1_residualfiterrors, 5);
1472  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b2_residualfiterrors, 5);
1473  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b3_residualfiterrors, 5);
1475  TH1F* sct_b_residualfiterrors = new TH1F("sct_b_residualfiterrors", "SCT Barrel Residual Gaussian Fit Error", 200,
1476  -0.0, 0.02);
1477  sct_b_residualfiterrors->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Gaus. Fit Error [mm]");
1478  sct_b_residualfiterrors->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules");
1479  sct_b_residualfiterrors->Add(sct_b0_residualfiterrors);
1480  sct_b_residualfiterrors->Add(sct_b1_residualfiterrors);
1481  sct_b_residualfiterrors->Add(sct_b2_residualfiterrors);
1482  sct_b_residualfiterrors->Add(sct_b3_residualfiterrors);
1485  // median suffers from 10micron bin size in residual distributions - means that it can only take discreet values at
1486  // 5 micron intervals
1487  TH1F* pix_b0_residualmedians = new TH1F("pix_b0_residualmedians",
1488  "Pixel Barrel Layer 0 Median of Residual Distributions", 20, -0.1, 0.1);
1489  pix_b0_residualmedians->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Median [mm]");
1490  pix_b0_residualmedians->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules/10#mum");
1491  TH1F* pix_b1_residualmedians = new TH1F("pix_b1_residualmedians",
1492  "Pixel Barrel Layer 1 Median of Residual Distributions", 20, -0.1, 0.1);
1493  pix_b1_residualmedians->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Median [mm]");
1494  pix_b1_residualmedians->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules/10#mum");
1495  TH1F* pix_b2_residualmedians = new TH1F("pix_b2_residualmedians",
1496  "Pixel Barrel Layer 2 Median of Residual Distributions", 20, -0.1, 0.1);
1497  pix_b2_residualmedians->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Median [mm]");
1498  pix_b2_residualmedians->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules/10#mum");
1499  TH1F* pix_b3_residualmedians = new TH1F("pix_b3_residualmedians",
1500  "Pixel Barrel Layer 3 Median of Residual Distributions", 20, -0.1, 0.1);
1501  pix_b3_residualmedians->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Median [mm]");
1502  pix_b3_residualmedians->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules/10#mum");
1503  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_residualmedians, 6);
1504  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_residualmedians, 6);
1505  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_residualmedians, 6);
1506  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_residualmedians, 6);
1508  TH1F* pix_b_residualmedians = new TH1F("pix_b_residualmedians", "Pixel Barrel Median of Residual Distributions", 20,
1509  -0.1, 0.1);
1510  pix_b_residualmedians->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Median [mm]");
1511  pix_b_residualmedians->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules/10#mum");
1512  pix_b_residualmedians->Add(pix_b0_residualmedians);
1513  pix_b_residualmedians->Add(pix_b1_residualmedians);
1514  pix_b_residualmedians->Add(pix_b2_residualmedians);
1515  pix_b_residualmedians->Add(pix_b3_residualmedians);
1519  TH1F* sct_b0_residualmedians = new TH1F("sct_b0_residualmedians",
1520  "SCT Barrel Layer 0 Median of Residual Distributions", 20, -0.1, 0.1);
1521  sct_b0_residualmedians->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Median [mm]");
1522  sct_b0_residualmedians->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules/10#mum");
1523  TH1F* sct_b1_residualmedians = new TH1F("sct_b1_residualmedians",
1524  "SCT Barrel Layer 1 Median of Residual Distributions", 20, -0.1, 0.1);
1525  sct_b1_residualmedians->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Median [mm]");
1526  sct_b1_residualmedians->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules/10#mum");
1527  TH1F* sct_b2_residualmedians = new TH1F("sct_b2_residualmedians",
1528  "SCT Barrel Layer 2 Median of Residual Distributions", 20, -0.1, 0.1);
1529  sct_b2_residualmedians->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Median [mm]");
1530  sct_b2_residualmedians->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules/10#mum");
1531  TH1F* sct_b3_residualmedians = new TH1F("sct_b3_residualmedians",
1532  "SCT Barrel Layer 3 Median of Residual Distributions", 20, -0.1, 0.1);
1533  sct_b3_residualmedians->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Median [mm]");
1534  sct_b3_residualmedians->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules/10#mum");
1535  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b0_residualmedians, 6);
1536  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b1_residualmedians, 6);
1537  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b2_residualmedians, 6);
1538  meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b3_residualmedians, 6);
1540  TH1F* sct_b_residualmedians = new TH1F("sct_b_residualmedians", "SCT Barrel Median of Residual Distributions", 20,
1541  -0.1, 0.1);
1542  sct_b_residualmedians->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Residual Median [mm]");
1543  sct_b_residualmedians->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Modules/10#mum");
1544  sct_b_residualmedians->Add(sct_b0_residualmedians);
1545  sct_b_residualmedians->Add(sct_b1_residualmedians);
1546  sct_b_residualmedians->Add(sct_b2_residualmedians);
1547  sct_b_residualmedians->Add(sct_b3_residualmedians);
1550  //TH2F* pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_chi2 = new TH2F("pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_chi2","X Residual Fit Chi2/DOF vs Module
1551  // Eta-Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L0",13,-6.5,6.5,22,-0.5,21.5);
1552  //pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_chi2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1553  //pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_chi2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
1554  //meanRMSProjections3D(pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_3d,pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_chi2,4);
1557  //set y-axis minimum range
1558  setMinWindow(si_barrel_pullX_width, minSiPullWidthWindow, maxSiPullWidthWindow);
1559  setMinWindow(si_barrel_pullY_width, minSiPullWidthWindow, maxSiPullWidthWindow);
1560  setMinWindow(si_eca_pullX_width, minSiPullWidthWindow, maxSiPullWidthWindow);
1561  setMinWindow(si_eca_pullY_width, minSiPullWidthWindow, maxSiPullWidthWindow);
1562  setMinWindow(si_ecc_pullX_width, minSiPullWidthWindow, maxSiPullWidthWindow);
1563  setMinWindow(si_ecc_pullY_width, minSiPullWidthWindow, maxSiPullWidthWindow);
1565  setMinWindow(si_barrel_pullX_mean, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1566  setMinWindow(si_barrel_pullY_mean, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1567  setMinWindow(si_eca_pullX_mean, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1568  setMinWindow(si_eca_pullY_mean, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1569  setMinWindow(si_ecc_pullX_mean, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1570  setMinWindow(si_ecc_pullY_mean, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1572  setMinWindow(si_barrel_resX_mean, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1573  setMinWindow(si_barrel_resY_mean, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1574  setMinWindow(si_eca_resX_mean, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1575  setMinWindow(si_eca_resY_mean, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1576  setMinWindow(si_ecc_resX_mean, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1577  setMinWindow(si_ecc_resY_mean, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1579  setMinWindow(si_barrel_resX_rms, minSiResWidthWindow, maxSiResWidthWindow);
1580  setMinWindow(si_barrel_resY_rms, minSiResWidthWindow, maxSiResWidthWindow);
1581  setMinWindow(si_eca_resX_rms, minSiResWidthWindow, maxSiResWidthWindow);
1582  setMinWindow(si_eca_resY_rms, minSiResWidthWindow, maxSiResWidthWindow);
1583  setMinWindow(si_ecc_resX_rms, minSiResWidthWindow, maxSiResWidthWindow);
1584  setMinWindow(si_ecc_resY_rms, minSiResWidthWindow, maxSiResWidthWindow);
1586  setMinWindow(pix_b_xresvsmodeta, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1587  setMinWindow(pix_b_yresvsmodeta, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1588  setMinWindow(pix_b_xresvsmodphi, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1589  setMinWindow(pix_b_yresvsmodphi, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1590  setMinWindow(sct_b_xresvsmodeta, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1591  setMinWindow(sct_b_xresvsmodphi, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1593  setMinWindow(pix_b_xresvsmodeta_width, minSiResWidthWindow, maxSiResWidthWindow);
1594  setMinWindow(pix_b_yresvsmodeta_width, minSiResWidthWindow, maxSiResWidthWindow);
1595  setMinWindow(pix_b_xresvsmodphi_width, minSiResWidthWindow, maxSiResWidthWindow);
1596  setMinWindow(pix_b_yresvsmodphi_width, minSiResWidthWindow, maxSiResWidthWindow);
1597  setMinWindow(sct_b_xresvsmodeta_width, minSiResWidthWindow, maxSiResWidthWindow);
1598  setMinWindow(sct_b_xresvsmodphi_width, minSiResWidthWindow, maxSiResWidthWindow);
1600  setMinWindow(pix_eca_xresvsmodphi, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1601  setMinWindow(pix_eca_yresvsmodphi, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1602  setMinWindow(pix_ecc_xresvsmodphi, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1603  setMinWindow(pix_ecc_yresvsmodphi, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1604  setMinWindow(sct_eca_xresvsmodphi, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1605  setMinWindow(sct_ecc_xresvsmodphi, minSiResMeanWindow, maxSiResMeanWindow);
1608  if (f->cd(path.c_str()) == 0) {
1609  //std::cerr << "MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonResiduals(): "
1610  // << "No such directory \"" << path << "\"\n";
1611  return;
1612  }
1614  //delete the histograms already in the file with these keys so that
1615  //they can be overwritten - we shouldn't have to do this, but seems to
1616  //be necessary
1617  f->Delete("si_barrel_pullX_width;1");
1619  f->Delete("si_eca_pullX_width;1");
1620  f->Delete("si_ecc_pullX_width;1");
1621  f->Delete("si_barrel_pullY_width;1");
1622  f->Delete("si_eca_pullY_width;1");
1623  f->Delete("si_ecc_pullY_width;1");
1625  f->Delete("si_barrel_pullX_mean;1");
1626  f->Delete("si_eca_pullX_mean;1");
1627  f->Delete("si_ecc_pullX_mean;1");
1628  f->Delete("si_barrel_pullY_mean;1");
1629  f->Delete("si_eca_pullY_mean;1");
1630  f->Delete("si_ecc_pullY_mean;1");
1632  f->Delete("si_barrel_resX_mean;1");
1633  f->Delete("si_eca_resX_mean;1");
1634  f->Delete("si_ecc_resX_mean;1");
1635  f->Delete("si_barrel_resY_mean;1");
1636  f->Delete("si_eca_resY_mean;1");
1637  f->Delete("si_ecc_resY_mean;1");
1639  f->Delete("si_barrel_resX_rms;1");
1640  f->Delete("si_eca_resX_rms;1");
1641  f->Delete("si_ecc_resX_rms;1");
1642  f->Delete("si_barrel_resY_rms;1");
1643  f->Delete("si_eca_resY_rms;1");
1644  f->Delete("si_ecc_resY_rms;1");
1646  f->Delete("pix_b_xresvsmodeta;1");
1647  f->Delete("pix_b_xresvsmodphi;1");
1648  f->Delete("pix_b_yresvsmodeta;1");
1649  f->Delete("pix_b_yresvsmodphi;1");
1650  f->Delete("pix_eca_xresvsmodphi;1");
1651  f->Delete("pix_ecc_xresvsmodphi;1");
1652  f->Delete("pix_eca_yresvsmodphi;1");
1653  f->Delete("pix_ecc_yresvsmodphi;1");
1655  f->Delete("pix_b_xresvsmodeta_width;1");
1656  f->Delete("pix_b_yresvsmodeta_width;1");
1657  f->Delete("pix_b_xresvsmodphi_width;1");
1658  f->Delete("pix_b_yresvsmodphi_width;1");
1659  f->Delete("sct_b_xresvsmodeta_width;1");
1660  f->Delete("sct_b_xresvsmodphi_width;1");
1662  f->Delete("sct_b_xresvsmodeta;1");
1663  f->Delete("sct_b_xresvsmodphi;1");
1664  f->Delete("sct_eca_xresvsmodphi;1");
1665  f->Delete("sct_ecc_xresvsmodphi;1");
1667  f->Delete("pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_mean;1");
1668  f->Delete("pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_mean;1");
1669  f->Delete("pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_mean;1");
1670  f->Delete("pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_mean;1");
1671  f->Delete("pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_mean;1");
1672  f->Delete("pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_mean;1");
1673  f->Delete("pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_mean;1");
1674  f->Delete("pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_mean;1");
1676  f->Delete("pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_rms;1");
1677  f->Delete("pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_rms;1");
1678  f->Delete("pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_rms;1");
1679  f->Delete("pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_rms;1");
1680  f->Delete("pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_rms;1");
1681  f->Delete("pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_rms;1");
1682  f->Delete("pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_rms;1");
1683  f->Delete("pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_rms;1");
1685  f->Delete("sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_mean;1");
1686  f->Delete("sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_mean;1");
1687  f->Delete("sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_mean;1");
1688  f->Delete("sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_mean;1");
1690  f->Delete("sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_rms;1");
1691  f->Delete("sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_rms;1");
1692  f->Delete("sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_rms;1");
1693  f->Delete("sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_rms;1");
1695  //writing the histograms to the file
1696  si_barrel_pullX_width->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1697  si_eca_pullX_width->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1698  si_ecc_pullX_width->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1699  si_barrel_pullY_width->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1700  si_eca_pullY_width->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1701  si_ecc_pullY_width->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1703  si_barrel_pullX_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1704  si_eca_pullX_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1705  si_ecc_pullX_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1706  si_barrel_pullY_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1707  si_eca_pullY_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1708  si_ecc_pullY_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1710  f->Write();
1712  si_barrel_resX_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1713  si_eca_resX_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1714  si_ecc_resX_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1715  si_barrel_resY_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1716  si_eca_resY_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1717  si_ecc_resY_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1719  si_barrel_resX_rms->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1720  si_eca_resX_rms->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1721  si_ecc_resX_rms->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1722  si_barrel_resY_rms->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1723  si_eca_resY_rms->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1724  si_ecc_resY_rms->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1726  // Q: why do we need to call f->Write() more than once?
1727  // A: Because root is a pile of horse s**t.
1728  f->Write();
1730  pix_b_xresvsmodeta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1731  pix_b_xresvsmodphi->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1732  pix_b_yresvsmodeta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1733  pix_b_yresvsmodphi->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1734  pix_eca_xresvsmodphi->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1735  pix_ecc_xresvsmodphi->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1736  pix_eca_yresvsmodphi->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1737  pix_ecc_yresvsmodphi->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1739  f->Write();
1741  sct_b_xresvsmodeta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1742  sct_b_xresvsmodphi->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1743  sct_eca_xresvsmodphi->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1744  sct_ecc_xresvsmodphi->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1746  pix_b_xresvsmodeta_width->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1747  pix_b_yresvsmodeta_width->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1748  pix_b_xresvsmodphi_width->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1749  pix_b_yresvsmodphi_width->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1750  sct_b_xresvsmodeta_width->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1751  sct_b_xresvsmodphi_width->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1753  f->Write();
1755  pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1756  pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1757  pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1758  pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1759  pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1760  pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1761  pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1762  pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1764  f->Write();
1766  pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1767  pix_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1768  pix_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1769  pix_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1770  pix_b0_yresvsmodetaphi_rms->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1771  pix_b1_yresvsmodetaphi_rms->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1772  pix_b2_yresvsmodetaphi_rms->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1773  pix_b3_yresvsmodetaphi_rms->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1775  //m_pix_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_chi2->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite);
1777  f->Write();
1779  sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1780  sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1781  sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1782  sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1784  sct_b0_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1785  sct_b1_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1786  sct_b2_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1787  sct_b3_xresvsmodetaphi_rms->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1789  f->Write();
1791  pix_b0_residualmeans->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1792  pix_b1_residualmeans->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1793  pix_b2_residualmeans->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1794  pix_b3_residualmeans->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1795  sct_b0_residualmeans->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1796  sct_b1_residualmeans->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1797  sct_b2_residualmeans->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1798  sct_b3_residualmeans->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1799  pix_b_residualmeans->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1800  sct_b_residualmeans->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1801  pix_b_residualmedians->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1802  sct_b_residualmedians->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1804  f->Write();
1806  pix_b0_residualfiterrors->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1807  pix_b1_residualfiterrors->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1808  pix_b2_residualfiterrors->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1809  pix_b3_residualfiterrors->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1810  sct_b0_residualfiterrors->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1811  sct_b1_residualfiterrors->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1812  sct_b2_residualfiterrors->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1813  sct_b3_residualfiterrors->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1814  pix_b_residualfiterrors->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1815  sct_b_residualfiterrors->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1817  f->Write();
1819  //pix_b0_mag_vs_lb->Write();
1820  //pix_b0_base_vs_lb->Write();
1822  //f->Write();
1828  if (doOverlapResiduals) {
1829  TH3F* pix_b0_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b0_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1830  TH3F* pix_b1_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b1_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1831  TH3F* pix_b2_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b2_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1832  TH3F* pix_b3_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b3_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1834  TH3F* pix_b0_Oxresyvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b0_Oxresyvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1835  TH3F* pix_b1_Oxresyvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b1_Oxresyvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1836  TH3F* pix_b2_Oxresyvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b2_Oxresyvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1837  TH3F* pix_b3_Oxresyvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b3_Oxresyvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1839  TH3F* pix_b0_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b0_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1840  TH3F* pix_b1_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b1_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1841  TH3F* pix_b2_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b2_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1842  TH3F* pix_b3_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b3_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1844  TH3F* pix_b0_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b0_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1845  TH3F* pix_b1_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b1_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1846  TH3F* pix_b2_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b2_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1847  TH3F* pix_b3_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/pix_b3_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1849  TH3F* sct_b0_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/sct_b0_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1850  TH3F* sct_b1_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/sct_b1_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1851  TH3F* sct_b2_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/sct_b2_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1852  TH3F* sct_b3_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/sct_b3_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1854  TH3F* sct_b0_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/sct_b0_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1855  TH3F* sct_b1_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/sct_b1_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1856  TH3F* sct_b2_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/sct_b2_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1857  TH3F* sct_b3_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d = (TH3F*) (f->Get((path + "/sct_b3_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d").c_str()));
1860  //XOverlap residual X mean as a function of ring in the pixel barrel (sensitive to ring-expansion,contraction
1861  // distortions)
1862  TH1F* pix_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean = new TH1F("pix_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean",
1863  "X-Overlap X Residual Mean vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel IBL", 20, -10.5,
1864  9.5);
1865  TH1F* pix_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean = new TH1F("pix_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean",
1866  "X-Overlap X Residual Mean vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 13, -6.5, 6.5);
1867  TH1F* pix_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean = new TH1F("pix_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean",
1868  "X-Overlap X Residual Mean vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L1", 13, -6.5, 6.5);
1869  TH1F* pix_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean = new TH1F("pix_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean",
1870  "X-Overlap X Residual Mean vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 13, -6.5, 6.5);
1871  pix_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Mean Residual X");
1872  pix_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Mean Residual X");
1873  pix_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Mean Residual X");
1874  pix_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Mean Residual X");
1875  pix_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1876  pix_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1877  pix_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1878  pix_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1879  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b0_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean, 0, 2);
1880  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b1_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean, 0, 2);
1881  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b2_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean, 0, 2);
1882  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b3_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean, 0, 2);
1883  plots->Add(pix_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean);
1884  plots->Add(pix_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean);
1885  plots->Add(pix_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean);
1886  plots->Add(pix_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean);
1887  TH1F* pix_b_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean = combineHistos("pix_b_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean",
1888  "X-Overlap X Residual Mean vs (Modified) Eta-ID Pixel Barrel",
1889  plots, 10);
1890  pix_b_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Mean Residual X");
1891  pix_b_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Module Eta-ID");
1892  plots->Clear();
1894  //XOverlap residual X width as a function of ring in the pixel barrel (sensitive to ring-expansion,contraction
1895  // distortions)
1896  TH1F* pix_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("pix_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_width",
1897  "X-Overlap X Residual Width vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel IBL", 20, -10.5,
1898  9.5);
1899  TH1F* pix_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("pix_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_width",
1900  "X-Overlap X Residual Width vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 13, -6.5,
1901  6.5);
1902  TH1F* pix_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("pix_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_width",
1903  "X-Overlap X Residual Width vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L1", 13, -6.5,
1904  6.5);
1905  TH1F* pix_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("pix_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_width",
1906  "X-Overlap X Residual Width vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 13, -6.5,
1907  6.5);
1908  pix_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Width Residual X");
1909  pix_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Width Residual X");
1910  pix_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Width Residual X");
1911  pix_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Width Residual X");
1912  pix_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1913  pix_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1914  pix_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1915  pix_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1916  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b0_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
1917  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b1_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
1918  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b2_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
1919  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b3_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
1920  plots->Add(pix_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_width);
1921  plots->Add(pix_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_width);
1922  plots->Add(pix_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_width);
1923  plots->Add(pix_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_width);
1924  TH1F* pix_b_Oxresxvsmodeta_width = combineHistos("pix_b_Oxresxvsmodeta_width",
1925  "X-Overlap X Residual Width vs (Modified) Eta-ID Pixel Barrel",
1926  plots, 10);
1927  pix_b_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Width Residual X");
1928  pix_b_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Module Eta-ID");
1929  plots->Clear();
1931  //XOverlap residual Y mean as a function of ring in the pixel barrel (sensitive to ring shear distortions)
1932  TH1F* pix_b0_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean = new TH1F("pix_b0_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean",
1933  "X-Overlap Y Residual Mean vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel IBL", 20, -10.5,
1934  9.5);
1935  TH1F* pix_b1_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean = new TH1F("pix_b1_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean",
1936  "X-Overlap Y Residual Mean vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 13, -6.5, 6.5);
1937  TH1F* pix_b2_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean = new TH1F("pix_b2_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean",
1938  "X-Overlap Y Residual Mean vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L1", 13, -6.5, 6.5);
1939  TH1F* pix_b3_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean = new TH1F("pix_b3_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean",
1940  "X-Overlap Y Residual Mean vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 13, -6.5, 6.5);
1941  pix_b0_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Mean Residual Y");
1942  pix_b1_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Mean Residual Y");
1943  pix_b2_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Mean Residual Y");
1944  pix_b3_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Mean Residual Y");
1945  pix_b0_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1946  pix_b1_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1947  pix_b2_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1948  pix_b3_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1949  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b0_Oxresyvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean, 0, 2);
1950  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b1_Oxresyvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean, 0, 2);
1951  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b2_Oxresyvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean, 0, 2);
1952  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b3_Oxresyvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean, 0, 2);
1953  plots->Add(pix_b0_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean);
1954  plots->Add(pix_b1_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean);
1955  plots->Add(pix_b2_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean);
1956  plots->Add(pix_b3_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean);
1958  TH1F* pix_b_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean = combineHistos("pix_b_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean",
1959  "X-Overlap Y Residual Mean vs (Modified) Eta-ID Pixel Barrel",
1960  plots, 10);
1961  pix_b_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Mean Residual Y");
1962  pix_b_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Module Eta-ID");
1963  plots->Clear();
1965  //XOverlap residual X width as a function of ring in the pixel barrel (sensitive to ring shear distortions)
1966  TH1F* pix_b0_Oxresyvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("pix_b0_Oxresyvsmodeta_width",
1967  "X-Overlap Y Residual Width vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel IBL", 20, -10.5,
1968  9.5);
1969  TH1F* pix_b1_Oxresyvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("pix_b1_Oxresyvsmodeta_width",
1970  "X-Overlap Y Residual Width vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 13, -6.5,
1971  6.5);
1972  TH1F* pix_b2_Oxresyvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("pix_b2_Oxresyvsmodeta_width",
1973  "X-Overlap Y Residual Width vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L1", 13, -6.5,
1974  6.5);
1975  TH1F* pix_b3_Oxresyvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("pix_b3_Oxresyvsmodeta_width",
1976  "X-Overlap Y Residual Width vs Eta-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 13, -6.5,
1977  6.5);
1978  pix_b0_Oxresyvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Width Residual Y");
1979  pix_b1_Oxresyvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Width Residual Y");
1980  pix_b2_Oxresyvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Width Residual Y");
1981  pix_b3_Oxresyvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Width Residual Y");
1982  pix_b0_Oxresyvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1983  pix_b1_Oxresyvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1984  pix_b2_Oxresyvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1985  pix_b3_Oxresyvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
1986  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b0_Oxresyvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_Oxresyvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
1987  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b1_Oxresyvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_Oxresyvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
1988  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b2_Oxresyvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_Oxresyvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
1989  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b3_Oxresyvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_Oxresyvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
1990  plots->Add(pix_b0_Oxresyvsmodeta_width);
1991  plots->Add(pix_b1_Oxresyvsmodeta_width);
1992  plots->Add(pix_b2_Oxresyvsmodeta_width);
1993  plots->Add(pix_b3_Oxresyvsmodeta_width);
1994  TH1F* pix_b_Oxresyvsmodeta_width = combineHistos("pix_b_Oxresyvsmodeta_width",
1995  "X-Overlap Y Residual Width vs (Modified) Eta-ID Pixel Barrel",
1996  plots, 10);
1997  pix_b_Oxresyvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Width Residual Y");
1998  pix_b_Oxresyvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Module Eta-ID");
1999  plots->Clear();
2001  //YOverlap residual Y mean as a function of stave in the pixel barrel (sensitive to stave-stretch distortions)
2002  TH1F* pix_b0_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean = new TH1F("pix_b0_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean",
2003  "Y-Overlap Y Residual Mean vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel IBL", 14, -0.5,
2004  13.5);
2005  TH1F* pix_b1_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean = new TH1F("pix_b1_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean",
2006  "Y-Overlap Y Residual Mean vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 22, -0.5,
2007  21.5);
2008  TH1F* pix_b2_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean = new TH1F("pix_b2_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean",
2009  "Y-Overlap Y Residual Mean vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L1", 38, -0.5,
2010  37.5);
2011  TH1F* pix_b3_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean = new TH1F("pix_b3_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean",
2012  "Y-Overlap Y Residual Mean vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 52, -0.5,
2013  51.5);
2014  pix_b0_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Mean Residual Y");
2015  pix_b1_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Mean Residual Y");
2016  pix_b2_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Mean Residual Y");
2017  pix_b3_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Mean Residual Y");
2018  pix_b0_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2019  pix_b1_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2020  pix_b2_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2021  pix_b3_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2022  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b0_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean, 1, 2);
2023  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b1_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean, 1, 2);
2024  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b2_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean, 1, 2);
2025  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b3_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean, 1, 2);
2026  plots->Add(pix_b0_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean);
2027  plots->Add(pix_b1_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean);
2028  plots->Add(pix_b2_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean);
2029  plots->Add(pix_b3_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean);
2030  TH1F* pix_b_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean = combineHistos("pix_b_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean",
2031  "Y-Overlap Y Residual Mean vs (Modified) Eta-ID Pixel Barrel",
2032  plots, 10);
2033  pix_b_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Mean Residual Y");
2034  pix_b_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Module Phi-ID");
2035  plots->Clear();
2037  //YOverlap residual Y width as a function of stave in the pixel barrel (sensitive to stave-stretch distortions)
2038  TH1F* pix_b0_Oyresyvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("pix_b0_Oyresyvsmodphi_width",
2039  "Y-Overlap Y Residual Width vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel IBL", 14, -0.5,
2040  13.5);
2041  TH1F* pix_b1_Oyresyvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("pix_b1_Oyresyvsmodphi_width",
2042  "Y-Overlap Y Residual Width vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 22, -0.5,
2043  21.5);
2044  TH1F* pix_b2_Oyresyvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("pix_b2_Oyresyvsmodphi_width",
2045  "Y-Overlap Y Residual Width vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L1", 38, -0.5,
2046  37.5);
2047  TH1F* pix_b3_Oyresyvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("pix_b3_Oyresyvsmodphi_width",
2048  "Y-Overlap Y Residual Width vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 52, -0.5,
2049  51.5);
2050  pix_b0_Oyresyvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Width Residual Y");
2051  pix_b1_Oyresyvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Width Residual Y");
2052  pix_b2_Oyresyvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Width Residual Y");
2053  pix_b3_Oyresyvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Width Residual Y");
2054  pix_b0_Oyresyvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2055  pix_b1_Oyresyvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2056  pix_b2_Oyresyvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2057  pix_b3_Oyresyvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2058  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b0_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_Oyresyvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
2059  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b1_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_Oyresyvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
2060  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b2_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_Oyresyvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
2061  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b3_Oyresyvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_Oyresyvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
2062  plots->Add(pix_b0_Oyresyvsmodphi_width);
2063  plots->Add(pix_b1_Oyresyvsmodphi_width);
2064  plots->Add(pix_b2_Oyresyvsmodphi_width);
2065  plots->Add(pix_b3_Oyresyvsmodphi_width);
2066  TH1F* pix_b_Oyresyvsmodphi_width = combineHistos("pix_b_Oyresyvsmodphi_width",
2067  "Y-Overlap Y Residual Width vs (Modified) Eta-ID Pixel Barrel",
2068  plots, 10);
2069  pix_b_Oyresyvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Width Residual Y");
2070  pix_b_Oyresyvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Module Phi-ID");
2071  plots->Clear();
2073  //YOverlap residual X mean as a function of stave in the pixel barrel (sensitive to stave-shear distortions)
2074  TH1F* pix_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean = new TH1F("pix_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean",
2075  "Y-Overlap X Residual Mean vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel IBL", 14, -0.5,
2076  13.5);
2077  TH1F* pix_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean = new TH1F("pix_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean",
2078  "Y-Overlap X Residual Mean vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 22, -0.5,
2079  21.5);
2080  TH1F* pix_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean = new TH1F("pix_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean",
2081  "Y-Overlap X Residual Mean vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L1", 38, -0.5,
2082  37.5);
2083  TH1F* pix_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean = new TH1F("pix_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean",
2084  "Y-Overlap X Residual Mean vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 52, -0.5,
2085  51.5);
2086  pix_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Mean Residual X");
2087  pix_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Mean Residual X");
2088  pix_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Mean Residual X");
2089  pix_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Mean Residual X");
2090  pix_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2091  pix_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2092  pix_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2093  pix_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2094  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b0_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean, 1, 2);
2095  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b1_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean, 1, 2);
2096  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b2_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean, 1, 2);
2097  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b3_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean, 1, 2);
2098  plots->Add(pix_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean);
2099  plots->Add(pix_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean);
2100  plots->Add(pix_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean);
2101  plots->Add(pix_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean);
2102  TH1F* pix_b_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean = combineHistos("pix_b_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean",
2103  "Y-Overlap X Residual Mean vs (Modified) Eta-ID Pixel Barrel",
2104  plots, 10);
2105  pix_b_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Mean Residual X");
2106  pix_b_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Module Phi-ID");
2107  plots->Clear();
2109  //YOverlap residual X width as a function of stave in the pixel barrel (sensitive to stave-shear distortions)
2111  TH1F* pix_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("pix_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_width",
2112  "Y-Overlap X Residual Width vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel IBL", 14, -0.5,
2113  13.5);
2114  TH1F* pix_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("pix_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_width",
2115  "Y-Overlap X Residual Width vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L0", 22, -0.5,
2116  21.5);
2117  TH1F* pix_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("pix_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_width",
2118  "Y-Overlap X Residual Width vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L1", 38, -0.5,
2119  37.5);
2120  TH1F* pix_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("pix_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_width",
2121  "Y-Overlap X Residual Width vs Phi-ID Pixel Barrel L2", 52, -0.5,
2122  51.5);
2123  pix_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Width Residual X");
2124  pix_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Width Residual X");
2125  pix_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Width Residual X");
2126  pix_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Width Residual X");
2127  pix_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2128  pix_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2129  pix_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2130  pix_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2131  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b0_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
2132  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b1_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
2133  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b2_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
2134  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(pix_b3_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d, pix_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
2135  plots->Add(pix_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_width);
2136  plots->Add(pix_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_width);
2137  plots->Add(pix_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_width);
2138  plots->Add(pix_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_width);
2139  TH1F* pix_b_Oyresxvsmodphi_width = combineHistos("pix_b_Oyresxvsmodphi_width",
2140  "Y-Overlap X Residual Width vs (Modified) Eta-ID Pixel Barrel",
2141  plots, 10);
2142  pix_b_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Width Residual X");
2143  pix_b_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Module Phi-ID");
2144  plots->Clear();
2146  //XOverlap residual X mean as a function of ring in the SCT barrel (sensitive to ring-expansion,contraction
2147  // distortions)
2148  TH1F* sct_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean = new TH1F("sct_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean",
2149  "X-Overlap X Residual Mean vs Eta-ID SCT Barrel L0", 13, -6.5, 6.5);
2150  TH1F* sct_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean = new TH1F("sct_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean",
2151  "X-Overlap X Residual Mean vs Eta-ID SCT Barrel L1", 13, -6.5, 6.5);
2152  TH1F* sct_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean = new TH1F("sct_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean",
2153  "X-Overlap X Residual Mean vs Eta-ID SCT Barrel L2", 13, -6.5, 6.5);
2154  TH1F* sct_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean = new TH1F("sct_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean",
2155  "X-Overlap X Residual Mean vs Eta-ID SCT Barrel L3", 13, -6.5, 6.5);
2156  sct_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Mean Residual X");
2157  sct_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Mean Residual X");
2158  sct_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Mean Residual X");
2159  sct_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Mean Residual X");
2160  sct_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
2161  sct_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
2162  sct_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
2163  sct_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
2164  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b0_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean, 0, 2);
2165  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b1_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean, 0, 2);
2166  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b2_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean, 0, 2);
2167  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b3_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean, 0, 2);
2168  plots->Add(sct_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean);
2169  plots->Add(sct_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean);
2170  plots->Add(sct_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean);
2171  plots->Add(sct_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean);
2172  TH1F* sct_b_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean = combineHistos("sct_b_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean",
2173  "X-Overlap X Residual Mean vs (Modified) Eta-ID SCT Barrel",
2174  plots, 10);
2175  sct_b_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Mean Residual X");
2176  sct_b_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Module Eta-ID");
2177  plots->Clear();
2180  //XOverlap residual X width as a function of ring in the SCT barrel (sensitive to ring-expansion,contraction
2181  // distortions)
2182  TH1F* sct_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("sct_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_width",
2183  "X-Overlap X Residual Width vs Eta-ID SCT Barrel L0", 13, -6.5, 6.5);
2184  TH1F* sct_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("sct_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_width",
2185  "X-Overlap X Residual Width vs Eta-ID SCT Barrel L1", 13, -6.5, 6.5);
2186  TH1F* sct_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("sct_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_width",
2187  "X-Overlap X Residual Width vs Eta-ID SCT Barrel L2", 13, -6.5, 6.5);
2188  TH1F* sct_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_width = new TH1F("sct_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_width",
2189  "X-Overlap X Residual Width vs Eta-ID SCT Barrel L3", 13, -6.5, 6.5);
2190  sct_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Width Residual X");
2191  sct_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Width Residual X");
2192  sct_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Width Residual X");
2193  sct_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Width Residual X");
2194  sct_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
2195  sct_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
2196  sct_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
2197  sct_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Eta-ID");
2198  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b0_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
2199  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b1_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
2200  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b2_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
2201  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b3_Oxresxvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_width, 0, 3);
2202  plots->Add(sct_b0_Oxresxvsmodeta_width);
2203  plots->Add(sct_b1_Oxresxvsmodeta_width);
2204  plots->Add(sct_b2_Oxresxvsmodeta_width);
2205  plots->Add(sct_b3_Oxresxvsmodeta_width);
2206  TH1F* sct_b_Oxresxvsmodeta_width = combineHistos("sct_b_Oxresxvsmodeta_width",
2207  "X-Overlap X Residual Width vs (Modified) Eta-ID SCT Barrel",
2208  plots, 10);
2209  sct_b_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("X-Overlap Width Residual X");
2210  sct_b_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Module Eta-ID");
2211  plots->Clear();
2214  //YOverlap residual X mean as a function of stave in the SCT barrel (sensitive to stave shear distortions)
2215  TH1F* sct_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean = new TH1F("sct_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean",
2216  "Y-Overlap X Residual Mean vs Phi-ID SCT Barrel L0", 32, -0.5, 31.5);
2217  TH1F* sct_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean = new TH1F("sct_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean",
2218  "Y-Overlap X Residual Mean vs Phi-ID SCT Barrel L1", 40, -0.5, 39.5);
2219  TH1F* sct_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean = new TH1F("sct_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean",
2220  "Y-Overlap X Residual Mean vs Phi-ID SCT Barrel L2", 48, -0.5, 47.5);
2221  TH1F* sct_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean = new TH1F("sct_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean",
2222  "Y-Overlap X Residual Mean vs Phi-ID SCT Barrel L3", 56, -0.5, 55.5);
2223  sct_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Mean Residual X");
2224  sct_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Mean Residual X");
2225  sct_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Mean Residual X");
2226  sct_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Mean Residual X");
2227  sct_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2228  sct_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2229  sct_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2230  sct_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2231  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b0_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean, 1, 2);
2232  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b1_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean, 1, 2);
2233  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b2_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean, 1, 2);
2234  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b3_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean, 1, 2);
2235  plots->Add(sct_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean);
2236  plots->Add(sct_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean);
2237  plots->Add(sct_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean);
2238  plots->Add(sct_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean);
2239  TH1F* sct_b_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean = combineHistos("sct_b_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean",
2240  "Y-Overlap X Residual Mean vs (Modified) Phi-ID SCT Barrel",
2241  plots, 10);
2242  sct_b_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Mean Residual X");
2243  sct_b_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Module Phi-ID");
2244  plots->Clear();
2246  //YOverlap residual X width as a function of stave in the SCT barrel (sensitive to stave shear distortions)
2247  TH1F* sct_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("sct_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_width",
2248  "Y-Overlap X Residual Width vs Phi-ID SCT Barrel L0", 32, -0.5,
2249  31.5);
2250  TH1F* sct_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("sct_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_width",
2251  "Y-Overlap X Residual Width vs Phi-ID SCT Barrel L1", 40, -0.5,
2252  39.5);
2253  TH1F* sct_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("sct_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_width",
2254  "Y-Overlap X Residual Width vs Phi-ID SCT Barrel L2", 48, -0.5,
2255  47.5);
2256  TH1F* sct_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_width = new TH1F("sct_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_width",
2257  "Y-Overlap X Residual Width vs Phi-ID SCT Barrel L3", 56, -0.5,
2258  55.5);
2259  sct_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Width Residual X");
2260  sct_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Width Residual X");
2261  sct_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Width Residual X");
2262  sct_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Width Residual X");
2263  sct_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2264  sct_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2265  sct_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2266  sct_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Module Phi-ID");
2267  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b0_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
2268  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b1_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
2269  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b2_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
2270  meanRMSProjections3D_XY(sct_b3_Oyresxvsmodetaphi_3d, sct_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_width, 1, 3);
2271  plots->Add(sct_b0_Oyresxvsmodphi_width);
2272  plots->Add(sct_b1_Oyresxvsmodphi_width);
2273  plots->Add(sct_b2_Oyresxvsmodphi_width);
2274  plots->Add(sct_b3_Oyresxvsmodphi_width);
2275  TH1F* sct_b_Oyresxvsmodphi_width = combineHistos("sct_b_Oyresxvsmodphi_width",
2276  "Y-Overlap X Residual Width vs (Modified) Phi-ID SCT Barrel",
2277  plots, 10);
2278  sct_b_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y-Overlap Width Residual X");
2279  sct_b_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Modified) Module Phi-ID");
2280  plots->Clear();
2283  //write the overlap histograms to file
2284  pix_b_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2285  pix_b_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2286  pix_b_Oxresyvsmodeta_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2287  pix_b_Oxresyvsmodeta_width->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2288  pix_b_Oyresyvsmodphi_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2289  pix_b_Oyresyvsmodphi_width->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2291  f->Write();
2293  pix_b_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2294  pix_b_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2295  sct_b_Oxresxvsmodeta_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2296  sct_b_Oxresxvsmodeta_width->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2297  sct_b_Oyresxvsmodphi_mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2298  sct_b_Oyresxvsmodphi_width->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2300  f->Write();
2301  }
2303  return;
2304  }

◆ fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonTrackSegments()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonTrackSegments ( TFile *  file,
const std::string &  run_dir,
const std::string &  tracksName 

Definition at line 178 of file MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx.

179  {
180  //std::cout << "in fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonTrackSegments " << std::endl;
182  std::string path;
183  path = run_dir + "IDAlignMon/" + tracksName + "/TrackSegments";
184  if (file->cd(path.c_str()) == 0) {
185  //std::cerr << "MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonTrackSegments(): "
186  // << "No such directory \"" << path << "\"\n";
187  return;
188  }
190  //The Charge Mis-Indentification Histograms
191  //===========================================
193  unsigned int nChargeHistograms = 4;
195  //The input/source files
196  TH2F* oldChargeHists[4];
198  //The output/destination files
199  TH1F* newChargeHists[4];
200  newChargeHists[0] = NULL;
201  newChargeHists[1] = NULL;
202  newChargeHists[2] = NULL;
203  newChargeHists[3] = NULL;
205  //The names of the input files
206  std::string chargeHistNames[4];
207  chargeHistNames[0] = "delta_chargeVsPtLow";
208  chargeHistNames[1] = "delta_chargeVsPtUp";
209  chargeHistNames[2] = "delta_chargeVsD0";
210  chargeHistNames[3] = "delta_chargeVsZ0";
212  std::string chargeHistTitle[4];
213  chargeHistTitle[0] = "Mis-Id ratio vs pT (Low)";
214  chargeHistTitle[1] = "Mis-Id ratio vs pT (Up)";
215  chargeHistTitle[2] = "Mis-Id ratio vs d_{0}";
216  chargeHistTitle[3] = "Mis-Id ratio vs Z0";
218  std::string chargeHistXAxisTitles[4];
219  chargeHistXAxisTitles[0] = "p_{T} Low (GeV)";
220  chargeHistXAxisTitles[1] = "p_{T} Up (GeV)";
221  chargeHistXAxisTitles[2] = "d_{0} (mm)";
222  chargeHistXAxisTitles[3] = "z_{0} (mm)";
224  //loop over the number of histograms to be created
225  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nChargeHistograms; ++j) {
226  //We write the hist only if the input exist.
227  if (!CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/" + chargeHistNames[j]).c_str())) continue;
229  //get them
230  oldChargeHists[j] = (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/" + chargeHistNames[j]).c_str()));
232  //get binning
233  unsigned int nbinsX = oldChargeHists[j]->GetNbinsX();
234  float LE = oldChargeHists[j]->GetBinLowEdge(1);
235  float UE = oldChargeHists[j]->GetBinLowEdge(nbinsX + 1);
237  //create the new files
238  newChargeHists[j] = new TH1F(("ratio_" + chargeHistNames[j]).c_str(), "", nbinsX, LE, UE);
240  //Fill the new files
241  for (unsigned int xBin = 1; xBin != nbinsX + 1; xBin++) {
242  float ChargeMinus2 = oldChargeHists[j]->GetBinContent(xBin, 2);
243  float ChargePlus2 = oldChargeHists[j]->GetBinContent(xBin, 6);
244  float ChargeCorrect = oldChargeHists[j]->GetBinContent(xBin, 4);
245  float ChargeWrong = ChargeMinus2 + ChargePlus2;
246  if (ChargeCorrect > 0) {
247  newChargeHists[j]->SetBinContent(xBin, (ChargeWrong) / (ChargeCorrect + ChargeWrong));
248  newChargeHists[j]->SetBinError(xBin,
249  1.0 / ChargeCorrect *
250  pow(ChargeWrong * (1.0 + ChargeWrong / ChargeCorrect), 0.5));
251  } else {
252  if (ChargeWrong > 0) newChargeHists[j]->SetBinContent(xBin, 1);
253  else newChargeHists[j]->SetBinContent(xBin, 0);
254  newChargeHists[j]->SetBinError(xBin, 0);
255  }
256  }//Fill the new histograms
258  newChargeHists[j]->SetTitle((chargeHistTitle[j]).c_str());
259  newChargeHists[j]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle((chargeHistXAxisTitles[j]).c_str());
260  }//over charged hists
263  //Write out the charge mis-id histograms
264  file->Write();
265  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nChargeHistograms; ++j) {
266  //If the original hist dosn't exist, we didnt make a new one,
267  // so we dont write the new one
268  if (!CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/" + chargeHistNames[j]).c_str())) continue;
270  if (newChargeHists[j]) newChargeHists[j]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
271  }
274  //Delta Track Parameter Vs Track Parameter Profiles
275  //==================================================
277  //The input histograms
278  TH2F* oldHists[30 * 3] = {};
280  //The output histograms
281  TH1F* newHists[30 * 3 * 2] = {};
283  //The names of the input files
284  std::string histNames[30];
285  histNames[0] = "delta_d0VsD0";
286  histNames[1] = "delta_d0VsZ0";
287  histNames[2] = "delta_d0VsPhi0";
288  histNames[3] = "delta_d0VsPt";
289  histNames[4] = "delta_d0VsEta";
291  histNames[5] = "delta_eta0VsD0";
292  histNames[6] = "delta_eta0VsZ0";
293  histNames[7] = "delta_eta0VsPhi0";
294  histNames[8] = "delta_eta0VsPt";
295  histNames[9] = "delta_eta0VsEta";
297  histNames[10] = "delta_phi0VsD0";
298  histNames[11] = "delta_phi0VsZ0";
299  histNames[12] = "delta_phi0VsPhi0";
300  histNames[13] = "delta_phi0VsPt";
301  histNames[14] = "delta_phi0VsEta";
303  histNames[15] = "delta_qOverPtVsD0";
304  histNames[16] = "delta_qOverPtVsZ0";
305  histNames[17] = "delta_qOverPtVsPhi0";
306  histNames[18] = "delta_qOverPtVsPt";
307  histNames[19] = "delta_qOverPtVsEta";
309  histNames[20] = "delta_z0VsD0";
310  histNames[21] = "delta_z0VsZ0";
311  histNames[22] = "delta_z0VsPhi0";
312  histNames[23] = "delta_z0VsPt";
313  histNames[24] = "delta_z0VsEta";
315  histNames[25] = "delta_nHitsVsD0";
316  histNames[26] = "delta_nHitsVsZ0";
317  histNames[27] = "delta_nHitsVsPhi0";
318  histNames[28] = "delta_nHitsVsPt";
319  histNames[29] = "delta_nHitsVsEta";
321  std::string histTitles[30];
322  std::string titlePrefix[2] = {
323  "average_", "sigma_"
324  };
325  std::string titlePostfix[3] = {
326  "", "(Positive Tracks)", "(Negative Tracks)"
327  };
329  histTitles[0] = "#Delta d_{0} vs d_{0}^{Upper} ";
330  histTitles[1] = "#Delta d_{0} vs z_{0}^{Upper} ";
331  histTitles[2] = "#Delta d_{0} vs #phi_{0}^{Upper} ";
332  histTitles[3] = "#Delta d_{0} vs p_{T}^{Upper} ";
333  histTitles[4] = "#Delta d_{0} vs #eta^{Upper} ";
335  histTitles[5] = "#Delta #eta vs d_{0}^{Upper} ";
336  histTitles[6] = "#Delta #eta vs z_{0}^{Upper} ";
337  histTitles[7] = "#Delta #eta vs #phi_{0}^{Upper} ";
338  histTitles[8] = "#Delta #eta vs p_{T}^{Upper} ";
339  histTitles[9] = "#Delta #eta vs #eta^{Upper} ";
341  histTitles[10] = "#Delta phi vs d_{0}^{Upper} ";
342  histTitles[11] = "#Delta phi vs z_{0}^{Upper} ";
343  histTitles[12] = "#Delta phi vs phi0^{Upper} ";
344  histTitles[13] = "#Delta phi vs p_{T}^{Upper} ";
345  histTitles[14] = "#Delta phi vs #eta^{Upper} ";
347  histTitles[15] = "#Delta q/p_{T} vs d_{0}^{Upper} ";
348  histTitles[16] = "#Delta q/p_{T} vs z_{0}^{Upper} ";
349  histTitles[17] = "#Delta q/p_{T} vs #phi_{0}^{Upper} ";
350  histTitles[18] = "#Delta q/p_{T} vs p_{T}^{Upper} ";
351  histTitles[19] = "#Delta q/p_{T} vs #eta^{Upper} ";
353  histTitles[20] = "#Delta z_{0} vs d_{0}^{Upper} ";
354  histTitles[21] = "#Delta z_{0} vs z_{0}^{Upper} ";
355  histTitles[22] = "#Delta z_{0} vs #phi_{0}^{Upper} ";
356  histTitles[23] = "#Delta z_{0} vs p_{T}^{Upper} ";
357  histTitles[24] = "#Delta z_{0} vs #eta^{Upper} ";
359  histTitles[25] = "#Delta nHits vs d_{0}^{Upper} ";
360  histTitles[26] = "#Delta nHits vs z_{0}^{Upper} ";
361  histTitles[27] = "#Delta nHits vs #phi_{0}^{Upper} ";
362  histTitles[28] = "#Delta nHits vs p_{T}^{Upper} ";
363  histTitles[29] = "#Delta nHits vs #eta^{Upper} ";
365  std::string histXAxisTitles[5];
366  histXAxisTitles[0] = "d_{0}^{Upper} (mm)";
367  histXAxisTitles[1] = "z_{0}^{Upper} (mm)";
368  histXAxisTitles[2] = "#phi_{0}^{Upper} (rad)";
369  histXAxisTitles[3] = "p_{T}^{Upper} (GeV)";
370  histXAxisTitles[4] = "#eta^{Upper}";
372  std::string histYAxisTitles[6];
373  histYAxisTitles[0] = "#Delta d_{0} (mm)";
374  histYAxisTitles[1] = "#Delta #eta";
375  histYAxisTitles[2] = "#Delta #phi (rad)";
376  histYAxisTitles[3] = "#Delta q/p_{T} (1.0/GeV)";
377  histYAxisTitles[4] = "#Delta z_{0} (mm)";
378  histYAxisTitles[5] = "#Delta nHits";
380  //loop over combined/positive/negative
381  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
382  //loop over the number of profiles to be created
383  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 30; ++j) {
384  std::string histName;
386  //Charged or Combo?
387  if (i == 0) histName += histNames[j];
389  if (i == 1) histName += histNames[j] + "_p";
391  if (i == 2) histName += histNames[j] + "_n";
393  //We write the hist only if the input exist.
394  if (!CheckHistogram(file, (path + "/" + histName).c_str())) {
395  oldHists[30 * i + j] = 0;
396  continue;
397  }
399  //get them
400  oldHists[30 * i + j] = (TH2F*) (file->Get((path + "/" + histName).c_str()));
402  //get binning
403  unsigned int nbinsX = oldHists[30 * i + j]->GetNbinsX();
404  unsigned int nbinsY = oldHists[30 * i + j]->GetNbinsY();
405  float xLE = oldHists[30 * i + j]->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1);
406  float xUE = oldHists[30 * i + j]->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(nbinsX + 1);
407  float yLE = oldHists[30 * i + j]->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1);
408  float yUE = oldHists[30 * i + j]->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(nbinsY + 1);
410  //std::cout << "i = " << i << std::endl;
411  //std::cout << "j = " << j << std::endl;
412  //loop over Average/Sigma
413  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
414  //std::cout << "k = " << k << std::endl;
416  //create the new files
417  newHists[2 * (30 * i + j) + k] = new TH1F((titlePrefix[k] + histName).c_str(), "", nbinsX, xLE, xUE);
419  //Fill the new histograms
420  fillGaussianMeanOrWidth(oldHists[30 * i + j], newHists[2 * (30 * i + j) + k], yLE, yUE, k);
422  newHists[2 * (30 * i + j) + k]->SetTitle((titlePrefix[k] + histName + titlePostfix[i]).c_str());
423  newHists[2 * (30 * i + j) + k]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle((histXAxisTitles[j % 5]).c_str());
424  if (j < 5) newHists[2 * (30 * i + j) + k]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle((histYAxisTitles[0]).c_str());
425  else if (j < 10) newHists[2 * (30 * i + j) + k]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle((histYAxisTitles[1]).c_str());
426  else if (j < 15) newHists[2 * (30 * i + j) + k]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle((histYAxisTitles[2]).c_str());
427  else if (j < 20) newHists[2 * (30 * i + j) + k]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle((histYAxisTitles[3]).c_str());
428  else if (j < 25) newHists[2 * (30 * i + j) + k]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle((histYAxisTitles[4]).c_str());
429  else if (j < 30) newHists[2 * (30 * i + j) + k]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle((histYAxisTitles[5]).c_str());
430  }//over the mean or the sigma
431  }//over the histgrams (j)
432  }//over the charge (i)
435  //loop over combined/positive/negative
436  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
437  //loop over the number of profiles to be created
438  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 30; ++j) {
439  //loop over average/mean
440  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
441  std::string histName;
442  if (i == 0) histName = histNames[j];
444  if (i == 1) histName = histNames[j] + "_p";
446  if (i == 2) histName = histNames[j] + "_n";
448  //If the original hist dosn't exist, we didnt make a new one,
449  // so we dont write the new one
450  // if (!CheckHistogram(file,(path+"/"+histName).c_str())){
451  // continue;
452  // }
453  if (oldHists[30 * i + j] == 0) {
454  //std::cout << histName << " not found" << std::endl;
455  continue;
456  }
458  newHists[2 * (30 * i + j) + k]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
459  }
460  }
461  }
463  //Write out the delta trackP vs trackP profiles
464  //20100217 - moved here to avoid file corruption - PUEO
465  file->Write();
466  return;
467  }

◆ fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonJpsi()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonJpsi ( TFile *  f,
const std::string &  run_dir,
const std::string &  TriggerName 

Definition at line 750 of file MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx.

751  {
752  std::string path;
753  path = run_dir + "IDPerfMon/Jpsi/" + TriggerName;
755  if (f->cd(path.c_str()) == 0) {
756  //std::cerr//<< "MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonJpsi(): "
757  //<<"No such directory \""<< path << "\"\n";
758  return;
759  }
761  TH1F* h_jpsi_invmass_vs_pt = new TH1F("Jpsi_invmass_vs_pt",
762  "Jpsi invmass-PDGmass vs. Jpsi Pt; p_{T}(J/#psi) [GeV/c]; Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, 10.,
763  20.);
764  TH1F* h_jpsi_invmass_vs_z0 = new TH1F("Jpsi_invmass_vs_z0",
765  "Jpsi invmass-PDGmass vs. muon z0; z0(#mu) [mm]; Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6,
766  -100., 100.);
767  TH1F* h_jpsi_invmass_vs_phi = new TH1F("Jpsi_invmass_vs_phi",
768  "Jpsi invmass-PDGmass vs. Jpsi phi; #phi(J/#psi) [rad]; Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -3.15,
769  3.15);
770  TH1F* h_jpsi_invmass_vs_phiplus = new TH1F("Jpsi_invmass_vs_phiplus",
771  "Jpsi invmass-PDGmass vs. Muon+ phi; #phi(#mu^{+}) [rad]; Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -3.15,
772  3.15);
773  TH1F* h_jpsi_invmass_vs_phiminus = new TH1F("Jpsi_invmass_vs_phiminus",
774  "Jpsi invmass-PDGmass vs. Muon- phi; #phi(#mu^{-}) [rad]; Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -3.15,
775  3.15);
776  TH1F* h_jpsi_invmass_vs_phidiff = new TH1F("Jpsi_invmass_vs_phidiff",
777  "Jpsi invmass-PDGmass vs. |phi(+)-phi(-)|; |#phi(#mu^{+})-#phi(#mu^{-})| [rad]; Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, 0.,
778  0.4);
779  TH1F* h_jpsi_invmass_vs_phisum = new TH1F("Jpsi_invmass_vs_phisum",
780  "Jpsi invmass-PDGmass vs. phi(+)+phi(-);#phi(#mu^{+})+#phi(#mu^{-}) [rad];Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -3.15,
781  3.15);
782  TH1F* h_jpsi_invmass_vs_eta = new TH1F("Jpsi_invmass_vs_eta",
783  "Jpsi invmass-PDGmass vs. Jpsi eta; #eta(J/#psi); Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6,
784  -2.4, 2.4);
785  TH1F* h_jpsi_invmass_vs_eta_barrel = new TH1F("Jpsi_invmass_vs_eta_barrel",
786  "Jpsi invmass-PDGmass vs. Jpsi eta (barrel); #eta(J/#psi); Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 2, -0.8,
787  0.8);
788  TH1F* h_jpsi_invmass_vs_eta_ecc = new TH1F("Jpsi_invmass_vs_eta_ecc",
789  "Jpsi invmass-PDGmass vs. Jpsi eta (endcap C); #eta(J/#psi); Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 2, -2.4,
790  -0.8);
791  TH1F* h_jpsi_invmass_vs_eta_eca = new TH1F("Jpsi_invmass_vs_eta_eca",
792  "Jpsi invmass-PDGmass vs. Jpsi eta (endcap A); #eta(J/#psi); Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 2, 0.8,
793  2.4);
794  TH1F* h_jpsi_invmass_vs_etaplus = new TH1F("Jpsi_invmass_vs_etaplus",
795  "Jpsi invmass-PDGmass vs. Muon+ eta; #eta(#mu^{+}); Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -2.4,
796  2.4);
797  TH1F* h_jpsi_invmass_vs_etaminus = new TH1F("Jpsi_invmass_vs_etaminus",
798  "Jpsi invmass-PDGmass vs. Muon- eta; #eta(#mu^{-}); Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -2.4,
799  2.4);
800  TH1F* h_jpsi_invmass_vs_maxeta = new TH1F("Jpsi_invmass_vs_maxeta",
801  "Jpsi invmass-PDGmass vs. max Muon |eta|; max|#eta(#mu)|; Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -2.4,
802  2.4);
803  TH1F* h_jpsi_invmass_vs_etadiff = new TH1F("Jpsi_invmass_vs_etadiff",
804  "Jpsi invmass-PDGmass vs. eta(+)-eta(-); #eta(#mu^{+})-#eta(#mu^{-}); Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -0.5,
805  0.5);
806  TH1F* h_jpsi_invmass_vs_sumeta = new TH1F("Jpsi_invmass_vs_sumeta",
807  "Jpsi invmass-PDGmass vs. eta(+)+eta(-); #eta(#mu^{+})+#eta(#mu^{-});Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -4.8,
808  4.8);
809  TH1F* h_jpsi_invmass_vs_sumabseta = new TH1F("Jpsi_invmass_vs_sumabseta",
810  "Jpsi invmass-PDGmass vs. |eta(+)|+|eta(-)|;|#eta(#mu^{+})|+|#eta(#mu^{-})|;Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, 0.,
811  4.8);
812  TH1F* h_jpsi_invmass_vs_crt = new TH1F("Jpsi_invmass_vs_curvature",
813  "Jpsi invmass-PDGmass vs. crt(+)-|crt(-)|; 1/p_{T}(#mu^{+})-1/p_{T}(#mu^{-}) [GeV^{-1}]; Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -0.15,
814  0.15);
815  TH1F* h_jpsi_invmass_vs_invpt = new TH1F("Jpsi_invmass_vs_invpt",
816  "Jpsi invmass-PDGmass vs. muon 1/Pt; 1/p_{T}(#mu) [(GeV/c)^{-1}]; Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, 0.05,
817  0.25);
818  TH1F* h_jpsi_invmass_vs_angle_eta = new TH1F("Jpsi_invmass_vs_angle_eta",
819  "Jpsi invmass-PDGmass vs. arccos(#Delta#eta/#DeltaR);arccos(#Delta#eta/#DeltaR); Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, 0.,
820  90.);
822  TH1F* h_jpsi_width_vs_pt = new TH1F("Jpsi_width_vs_pt",
823  "Jpsi width vs. Jpsi Pt; p_{T}(J/#psi) [GeV/c]; Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, 10.,
824  20.);
825  TH1F* h_jpsi_width_vs_z0 = new TH1F("Jpsi_width_vs_z0", "Jpsi width vs. muon z0; z0(#mu) [mm]; Width [GeV/c^{2}]",
826  6, -100., 100.);
827  TH1F* h_jpsi_width_vs_phi = new TH1F("Jpsi_width_vs_phi",
828  "Jpsi width vs. Jpsi phi; #phi(J/#psi) [rad]; Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -3.15,
829  3.15);
830  TH1F* h_jpsi_width_vs_phiplus = new TH1F("Jpsi_width_vs_phiplus",
831  "Jpsi width vs. Muon+ phi; #phi(#mu^{+}) [rad]; Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6,
832  -3.15, 3.15);
833  TH1F* h_jpsi_width_vs_phiminus = new TH1F("Jpsi_width_vs_phiminus",
834  "Jpsi width vs. Muon- phi; #phi(#mu^{-}) [rad]; Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6,
835  -3.15, 3.15);
836  TH1F* h_jpsi_width_vs_phidiff = new TH1F("Jpsi_width_vs_phidiff",
837  "Jpsi width vs. |phi(+)-phi(-)|; |#phi(#mu^{+})-#phi(#mu^{-})| [rad]; Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, 0.,
838  0.4);
839  TH1F* h_jpsi_width_vs_phisum = new TH1F("Jpsi_width_vs_phisum",
840  "Jpsi width vs. phi(+)+phi(-);#phi(#mu^{+})+#phi(#mu^{-}) [rad];Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -3.15,
841  3.15);
842  TH1F* h_jpsi_width_vs_eta = new TH1F("Jpsi_width_vs_eta", "Jpsi width vs. Jpsi eta; #eta(J/#psi); Width[GeV/c^{2}]",
843  6, -2.4, 2.4);
844  TH1F* h_jpsi_width_vs_eta_barrel = new TH1F("Jpsi_width_vs_eta_barrel",
845  "Jpsi width vs. Jpsi eta (barrel); #eta(J/#psi); Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 2,
846  -0.8, 0.8);
847  TH1F* h_jpsi_width_vs_eta_ecc = new TH1F("Jpsi_width_vs_eta_ecc",
848  "Jpsi width vs. Jpsi eta (endcap C); #eta(J/#psi); Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 2,
849  -2.4, -0.8);
850  TH1F* h_jpsi_width_vs_eta_eca = new TH1F("Jpsi_width_vs_eta_eca",
851  "Jpsi width vs. Jpsi eta (endcap A); #eta(J/#psi); Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 2,
852  0.8, 2.4);
853  TH1F* h_jpsi_width_vs_etaplus = new TH1F("Jpsi_width_vs_etaplus",
854  "Jpsi width vs. Muon+ eta; #eta(#mu^{+}); Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -2.4,
855  2.4);
856  TH1F* h_jpsi_width_vs_etaminus = new TH1F("Jpsi_width_vs_etaminus",
857  "Jpsi width vs. Muon- eta; #eta(#mu^{-}); Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -2.4,
858  2.4);
859  TH1F* h_jpsi_width_vs_maxeta = new TH1F("Jpsi_width_vs_maxeta",
860  "Jpsi width vs. max Muon |eta|; max|#eta(#mu)|; Width[GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -2.4,
861  2.4);
862  TH1F* h_jpsi_width_vs_etadiff = new TH1F("Jpsi_width_vs_etadiff",
863  "Jpsi width vs. eta(+)-eta(-); #eta(#mu^{+})-#eta(#mu^{-}); Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -0.5,
864  0.5);
865  TH1F* h_jpsi_width_vs_sumeta = new TH1F("Jpsi_width_vs_sumeta",
866  "Jpsi width vs. eta(+)+eta(-); #eta(#mu^{+})+#eta(#mu^{-});Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -4.8,
867  4.8);
868  TH1F* h_jpsi_width_vs_sumabseta = new TH1F("Jpsi_width_vs_sumabseta",
869  "Jpsi width vs. |eta(+)|+|eta(-)|;|#eta(#mu^{+})|+|#eta(#mu^{-})|;Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, 0.,
870  4.8);
871  TH1F* h_jpsi_width_vs_crt = new TH1F("Jpsi_width_vs_curvature",
872  "Jpsi width vs. crt(+)-|crt(-)|; 1/p_{T}(#mu^{+})-1/p_{T}(#mu^{-}) [GeV^{-1}]; Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -0.15,
873  0.15);
874  TH1F* h_jpsi_width_vs_invpt = new TH1F("Jpsi_width_vs_invpt",
875  "Jpsi width vs. muon 1/Pt; 1/p_{T}(#mu) [(GeV/c)^{-1}]; Width [GeV/c^{2}]",
876  6, 0.05, 0.25);
877  TH1F* h_jpsi_width_vs_angle_eta = new TH1F("Jpsi_width_vs_angle_eta",
878  "Jpsi width vs. arccos(#Delta#eta/#DeltaR);arccos(#Delta#eta/#DeltaR); Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, 0.,
879  90.);
881  TH1F* h_eff_pt = new TH1F("eff_pt", "ID tracking efficiency vs p_{T} (tag-and-probe);p_{T} [GeV]", 9, 2., 20.);
882  TH1F* h_eff_eta = new TH1F("eff_eta", "ID tracking efficiency vs #eta (tag-and-probe);#eta", 10, -2.5, 2.5);
883  TH1F* h_eff_phi = new TH1F("eff_phi", "ID tracking efficiency vs #phi (tag-and-probe);#phi [rad]", 8, -3.15, 3.15);
885  TH1F* h_chargeasym_vs_pt = new TH1F("chargeAsym_vs_pt",
886  "Charge asymmetry vs. p_{T};p_{T}(#mu) [GeV];#frac{N^{-}-N^{+}}{N^{-}+N^{+}}",
887  10, 0., 20.);
889  const int nbins = 6;
890  TH1F* hpt[nbins];
891  TH1F* hz0[nbins];
892  TH1F* hphi[nbins];
893  TH1F* hphiplus[nbins];
894  TH1F* hphiminus[nbins];
895  TH1F* hphidiff[nbins];
896  TH1F* heta[nbins];
897  TH1F* heta_b[2];
898  TH1F* heta_ecc[2];
899  TH1F* heta_eca[2];
900  TH1F* hetadiff[nbins];
901  TH1F* hmaxeta[nbins];
902  TH1F* hinvpt[nbins];
903  TH1F* hcrt[nbins];
904  TH1F* hetaplus[nbins];
905  TH1F* hetaminus[nbins];
906  TH1F* hangle_eta[nbins];
907  TH1F* hsumphi[nbins];
908  TH1F* hsumeta[nbins];
909  TH1F* hsumabseta[nbins];
911  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Jpsi_invmass").c_str())) return;
913  TH1F* h_mass = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Jpsi_invmass").c_str())->Clone());
914  if (CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Nevents").c_str())) {
915  TH1F* h_Nevents = (TH1F*) f->Get((path + "/Nevents").c_str());
916  TH1F* h_rate = new TH1F("rate", "production rate", 1, 0, 1);
917  double Ntot = h_Nevents->GetEntries();
918  double yield = h_mass->Integral(h_mass->FindBin(2.95), h_mass->FindBin(3.25));
919  double rate = yield / Ntot;
920  double rate_error = sqrt(1 / yield + 1 / Ntot) * yield / Ntot;
921  h_rate->SetBinContent(1, rate);
922  h_rate->SetBinError(1, rate_error);
923  h_rate->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
924  }
925 // TH1F* h_mass_scaled = (TH1F*)(f->Get((path+"/Jpsi_invmass").c_str())->Clone("Jpsi_invmass_scaled_copy"));
926 // h_mass_scaled->SetMarkerStyle(21);
927 // TString title(h_mass_scaled->GetTitle());
928 // if (CheckHistogram(f,(path+"/Jpsi_invmass_scaled").c_str())) {
929 // if (CheckHistogram(f,(path+"/Nevents").c_str())) {
930 // TH1F* h_Nevents=(TH1F*)f->Get((path+"/Nevents").c_str());
931 // double Ntot =h_Nevents->GetEntries();
932 // if (Ntot!=0.) h_mass_scaled->Scale(1./Ntot);
933 // h_mass_scaled->SetTitle(title+" (per event)");
934 // h_mass_scaled->Write("Jpsi_invmass_scaled",TObject::kOverwrite);
935 // }
936 // }
937 // delete h_mass_scaled;
938  if (CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Jpsi_invmass").c_str())) {
939  TH1F* h_mass_rebin = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Jpsi_invmass").c_str())->Clone("Jpsi_invmass_rebin"));
940  TString title = h_mass_rebin->GetTitle();
941  h_mass_rebin->SetMarkerStyle(21);
942  h_mass_rebin->Rebin(2);
943  h_mass_rebin->SetTitle(title + " (larger binning for low Stats.)");
944  h_mass_rebin->Write("Jpsi_invmass_rebin", TObject::kOverwrite);
945  }
947  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/probe_all_pt").c_str())) return;
949  TH1F* h_probe_all_pt = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/probe_all_pt").c_str())->Clone());
950  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/probe_match_pt").c_str())) return;
952  TH1F* h_probe_match_pt = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/probe_match_pt").c_str())->Clone());
953  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/probe_all_eta").c_str())) return;
955  TH1F* h_probe_all_eta = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/probe_all_eta").c_str())->Clone());
956  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/probe_match_eta").c_str())) return;
958  TH1F* h_probe_match_eta = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/probe_match_eta").c_str())->Clone());
959  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/probe_all_phi").c_str())) return;
961  TH1F* h_probe_all_phi = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/probe_all_phi").c_str())->Clone());
962  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/probe_match_phi").c_str())) return;
964  TH1F* h_probe_match_phi = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/probe_match_phi").c_str())->Clone());
965  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Muonplus_pt").c_str())) return;
967  TH1F* h_ptplus = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Muonplus_pt").c_str())->Clone());
968  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Muonminus_pt").c_str())) return;
970  TH1F* h_ptminus = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Muonminus_pt").c_str())->Clone());
972  char cpt[100], cz0[100], cphi[100], cphidiff[100], ceta[100], cetadiff[100], cmaxeta[100], ccrt[100], cinvpt[100],
973  cphiplus[100], cphiminus[100], cetaplus[100], cetaminus[100], ceta_b[100], ceta_ecc[100], ceta_eca[100],
974  cangle_eta[100], csumeta[100], csumabseta[100], csumphi[100];
975  for (int i = 0; i < nbins; i++) {
976  sprintf(cpt, (path + "/pt_bin%d").c_str(), i);
977  sprintf(cz0, (path + "/z0_bin%d").c_str(), i);
978  sprintf(cphi, (path + "/phi_bin%d").c_str(), i);
979  sprintf(cphiplus, (path + "/phiplus_bin%d").c_str(), i);
980  sprintf(cphiminus, (path + "/phiminus_bin%d").c_str(), i);
981  sprintf(cphidiff, (path + "/phidiff_bin%d").c_str(), i);
982  sprintf(ceta, (path + "/eta_bin%d").c_str(), i);
983  sprintf(cetaplus, (path + "/etaplus_bin%d").c_str(), i);
984  sprintf(cetaminus, (path + "/etaminus_bin%d").c_str(), i);
985  sprintf(cmaxeta, (path + "/maxeta_bin%d").c_str(), i);
986  sprintf(cetadiff, (path + "/etadiff_bin%d").c_str(), i);
987  sprintf(ccrt, (path + "/crt_bin%d").c_str(), i);
988  sprintf(cinvpt, (path + "/invpt_bin%d").c_str(), i);
989  sprintf(cangle_eta, (path + "/angle_eta_bin%d").c_str(), i);
990  sprintf(csumphi, (path + "/phi_sum%d").c_str(), i);
991  sprintf(csumeta, (path + "/eta_sum%d").c_str(), i);
992  sprintf(csumabseta, (path + "/eta_AbsSum%d").c_str(), i);
994  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cpt)) return;
996  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cz0)) return;
998  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cphi)) return;
1000  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cphiplus)) return;
1002  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cphiminus)) return;
1004  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cphidiff)) return;
1006  if (!CheckHistogram(f, ceta)) return;
1008  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cetaplus)) return;
1010  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cetaminus)) return;
1012  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cmaxeta)) return;
1014  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cetadiff)) return;
1016  if (!CheckHistogram(f, ccrt)) return;
1018  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cinvpt)) return;
1020  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cangle_eta)) return;
1022  if (!CheckHistogram(f, csumphi)) return;
1024  if (!CheckHistogram(f, csumeta)) return;
1026  if (!CheckHistogram(f, csumabseta)) return;
1028  hpt[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cpt)->Clone());
1029  hz0[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cz0)->Clone());
1030  hphi[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cphi)->Clone());
1031  hphiplus[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cphiplus)->Clone());
1032  hphiminus[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cphiminus)->Clone());
1033  hphidiff[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cphidiff)->Clone());
1034  heta[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(ceta)->Clone());
1035  hetaplus[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cetaplus)->Clone());
1036  hetaminus[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cetaminus)->Clone());
1037  hetadiff[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cetadiff)->Clone());
1038  hmaxeta[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cmaxeta)->Clone());
1039  hcrt[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(ccrt)->Clone());
1040  hinvpt[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cinvpt)->Clone());
1041  hangle_eta[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cangle_eta)->Clone());
1042  hsumphi[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(csumphi)->Clone());
1043  hsumeta[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(csumeta)->Clone());
1044  hsumabseta[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(csumabseta)->Clone());
1046  if (i < 2) {
1047  sprintf(ceta_b, (path + "/eta_b_bin%d").c_str(), i);
1048  sprintf(ceta_eca, (path + "/eta_eca_bin%d").c_str(), i);
1049  sprintf(ceta_ecc, (path + "/eta_ecc_bin%d").c_str(), i);
1050  if (!CheckHistogram(f, ceta_b)) return;
1052  if (!CheckHistogram(f, ceta_eca)) return;
1054  if (!CheckHistogram(f, ceta_ecc)) return;
1056  heta_b[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(ceta_b)->Clone());
1057  heta_ecc[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(ceta_ecc)->Clone());
1058  heta_eca[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(ceta_eca)->Clone());
1059  }
1060  }
1061  h_mass->SetMarkerStyle(21);
1063  TCanvas* myCanvas = new TCanvas("MyCanvas");
1064  myCanvas->cd();
1066 // h_mass->Fit(f1,"RQMN");
1068  fitJpsiHistograms(h_jpsi_invmass_vs_pt, h_jpsi_width_vs_pt, hpt, nbins);
1069  fitJpsiHistograms(h_jpsi_invmass_vs_z0, h_jpsi_width_vs_z0, hz0, nbins);
1070  fitJpsiHistograms(h_jpsi_invmass_vs_phi, h_jpsi_width_vs_phi, hphi, nbins);
1071  fitJpsiHistograms(h_jpsi_invmass_vs_phiplus, h_jpsi_width_vs_phiplus, hphiplus, nbins);
1072  fitJpsiHistograms(h_jpsi_invmass_vs_phiminus, h_jpsi_width_vs_phiminus, hphiminus, nbins);
1073  fitJpsiHistograms(h_jpsi_invmass_vs_phidiff, h_jpsi_width_vs_phidiff, hphidiff, nbins);
1074  fitJpsiHistograms(h_jpsi_invmass_vs_eta, h_jpsi_width_vs_eta, heta, nbins);
1075  fitJpsiHistograms(h_jpsi_invmass_vs_etaplus, h_jpsi_width_vs_etaplus, hetaplus, nbins);
1076  fitJpsiHistograms(h_jpsi_invmass_vs_etaminus, h_jpsi_width_vs_etaminus, hetaminus, nbins);
1077  fitJpsiHistograms(h_jpsi_invmass_vs_maxeta, h_jpsi_width_vs_maxeta, hmaxeta, nbins);
1078  fitJpsiHistograms(h_jpsi_invmass_vs_etadiff, h_jpsi_width_vs_etadiff, hetadiff, nbins);
1079  fitJpsiHistograms(h_jpsi_invmass_vs_crt, h_jpsi_width_vs_crt, hcrt, nbins);
1080  fitJpsiHistograms(h_jpsi_invmass_vs_invpt, h_jpsi_width_vs_invpt, hinvpt, nbins);
1081  fitJpsiHistograms(h_jpsi_invmass_vs_eta_barrel, h_jpsi_width_vs_eta_barrel, heta_b, 2);
1082  fitJpsiHistograms(h_jpsi_invmass_vs_eta_eca, h_jpsi_width_vs_eta_eca, heta_eca, 2);
1083  fitJpsiHistograms(h_jpsi_invmass_vs_eta_ecc, h_jpsi_width_vs_eta_ecc, heta_ecc, 2);
1084  fitJpsiHistograms(h_jpsi_invmass_vs_angle_eta, h_jpsi_width_vs_angle_eta, hangle_eta, nbins);
1085  fitJpsiHistograms(h_jpsi_invmass_vs_phisum, h_jpsi_width_vs_phisum, hsumphi, nbins);
1086  fitJpsiHistograms(h_jpsi_invmass_vs_sumeta, h_jpsi_width_vs_sumeta, hsumeta, nbins);
1087  fitJpsiHistograms(h_jpsi_invmass_vs_sumabseta, h_jpsi_width_vs_sumabseta, hsumabseta, nbins);
1088  if (h_eff_pt->GetNbinsX() == h_probe_match_pt->GetNbinsX()) {
1089  h_eff_pt->SetMarkerStyle(21);
1090  h_eff_eta->SetMarkerStyle(21);
1091  h_eff_phi->SetMarkerStyle(21);
1092  h_eff_pt->Divide(h_probe_match_pt, h_probe_all_pt, 1, 1, "B");
1093  h_eff_eta->Divide(h_probe_match_eta, h_probe_all_eta, 1, 1, "B");
1094  h_eff_phi->Divide(h_probe_match_phi, h_probe_all_phi, 1, 1, "B");
1095  }
1096  ProcessAsymHistograms(h_ptminus, h_ptplus, h_chargeasym_vs_pt);
1097  h_chargeasym_vs_pt->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1099  // f->cd(path.c_str());
1100  if (f->cd(path.c_str()) == 0) {
1101  //std::cerr<< "MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonJpsi(): "
1102  //<<"No such directory \""<< path << "\"\n";
1103  return;
1104  }
1106  h_mass->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1107  for (int i = 0; i < nbins; i++) {
1108  hpt[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1109  hz0[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1110  hphi[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1111  hphiplus[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1112  hphiminus[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1113  hphidiff[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1114  heta[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1115  hetadiff[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1116  hmaxeta[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1117  hinvpt[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1118  hcrt[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1119  hetaplus[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1120  hetaminus[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1121  hangle_eta[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1122  hsumphi[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1123  hsumeta[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1124  hsumabseta[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1125  if (i < 2) {
1126  heta_b[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1127  heta_ecc[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1128  heta_eca[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1129  }
1130  }
1132  h_jpsi_invmass_vs_pt->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1133  h_jpsi_invmass_vs_z0->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1134  h_jpsi_invmass_vs_phi->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1135  h_jpsi_invmass_vs_phiplus->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1136  h_jpsi_invmass_vs_phiminus->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1137  h_jpsi_invmass_vs_phidiff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1138  h_jpsi_invmass_vs_eta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1139  h_jpsi_invmass_vs_eta_barrel->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1140  h_jpsi_invmass_vs_eta_ecc->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1141  h_jpsi_invmass_vs_eta_eca->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1142  h_jpsi_invmass_vs_etadiff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1143  h_jpsi_invmass_vs_etaplus->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1144  h_jpsi_invmass_vs_etaminus->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1145  h_jpsi_invmass_vs_maxeta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1146  h_jpsi_invmass_vs_crt->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1147  h_jpsi_invmass_vs_invpt->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1148  h_jpsi_invmass_vs_angle_eta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1149  h_jpsi_invmass_vs_phisum->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1150  h_jpsi_invmass_vs_sumeta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1151  h_jpsi_invmass_vs_sumabseta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1153  h_jpsi_width_vs_pt->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1154  h_jpsi_width_vs_z0->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1155  h_jpsi_width_vs_phi->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1156  h_jpsi_width_vs_phiplus->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1157  h_jpsi_width_vs_phiminus->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1158  h_jpsi_width_vs_phidiff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1159  h_jpsi_width_vs_eta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1160  h_jpsi_width_vs_eta_barrel->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1161  h_jpsi_width_vs_eta_ecc->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1162  h_jpsi_width_vs_eta_eca->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1163  h_jpsi_width_vs_etadiff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1164  h_jpsi_width_vs_etaplus->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1165  h_jpsi_width_vs_etaminus->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1166  h_jpsi_width_vs_maxeta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1167  h_jpsi_width_vs_crt->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1168  h_jpsi_width_vs_invpt->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1169  h_jpsi_width_vs_angle_eta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1170  h_jpsi_width_vs_phisum->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1171  h_jpsi_width_vs_sumeta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1172  h_jpsi_width_vs_sumabseta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1174  h_eff_pt->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1175  h_eff_eta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1176  h_eff_phi->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1180  myCanvas->Close();
1181  delete myCanvas;
1183  f->Write();
1185 // delete f1;
1186  }

◆ fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonKshort()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonKshort ( TFile *  f,
const std::string &  run_dir,
const std::string &  TriggerName 

Definition at line 300 of file MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx.

301  {
302  std::string path;
303  path = run_dir + "IDPerfMon/Kshort/" + TriggerName;
304  if (f->cd(path.c_str()) == 0) {
305  //std::cerr << "MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonKshort(): "
306  //<< "No such directory \"" << path << "\"\n";
307  return;
308  }
310  Double_t myPi = TMath::Pi();
312  TH1F* h_massVPtBinFittedHistos[5];
313  TH1F* h_massVRadiusBinFittedHistos[7];
314  TH1F* h_massVEtaBinHistos[10];
315  TH1F* h_massVPhiBinHistos[10];
316  TH1F* h_massVCurvatureDiffBinHistos[6];
318  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/ks_mass").c_str())) return;
320  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVptBinFitted0").c_str())) return;
322  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVptBinFitted1").c_str())) return;
324  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVptBinFitted2").c_str())) return;
326  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVptBinFitted3").c_str())) return;
328  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVptBinFitted4").c_str())) return;
330  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVradiusBinFitted0").c_str())) return;
332  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVradiusBinFitted1").c_str())) return;
334  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVradiusBinFitted2").c_str())) return;
336  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVradiusBinFitted3").c_str())) return;
338  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVradiusBinFitted4").c_str())) return;
340  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVradiusBinFitted5").c_str())) return;
342  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVradiusBinFitted6").c_str())) return;
344  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVEtaBin0").c_str())) return;
346  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVEtaBin1").c_str())) return;
348  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVEtaBin2").c_str())) return;
350  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVEtaBin3").c_str())) return;
352  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVEtaBin4").c_str())) return;
354  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVEtaBin5").c_str())) return;
356  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVEtaBin6").c_str())) return;
358  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVEtaBin7").c_str())) return;
360  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVEtaBin8").c_str())) return;
362  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVEtaBin9").c_str())) return;
364  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVPhiBin0").c_str())) return;
366  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVPhiBin1").c_str())) return;
368  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVPhiBin2").c_str())) return;
370  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVPhiBin3").c_str())) return;
372  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVPhiBin4").c_str())) return;
374  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVPhiBin5").c_str())) return;
376  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVPhiBin6").c_str())) return;
378  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVPhiBin7").c_str())) return;
380  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVPhiBin8").c_str())) return;
382  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVPhiBin9").c_str())) return;
384  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVCurvatureDiffBin0").c_str())) return;
386  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVCurvatureDiffBin1").c_str())) return;
388  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVCurvatureDiffBin2").c_str())) return;
390  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVCurvatureDiffBin3").c_str())) return;
392  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVCurvatureDiffBin4").c_str())) return;
394  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/MassVCurvatureDiffBin5").c_str())) return;
396  TH1F* h_mass = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/ks_mass").c_str())->Clone());
397  if (CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Nevents").c_str())) {
398  TH1F* h_Nevents = (TH1F*) f->Get((path + "/Nevents").c_str());
399  TH1F* h_rate = new TH1F("rate", "production rate", 1, 0, 1);
400  double Ntot = h_Nevents->GetEntries();
401  double yield = h_mass->Integral(h_mass->FindBin(0.487), h_mass->FindBin(0.507));
402  double rate = yield / Ntot;
403  double rate_error = sqrt(1 / yield + 1 / Ntot) * yield / Ntot;
404  h_rate->SetBinContent(1, rate);
405  h_rate->SetBinError(1, rate_error);
406  h_rate->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
407  }
408 // TH1F* h_mass_scaled = (TH1F*)(f->Get((path+"/ks_mass").c_str())->Clone("ks_mass_scaled_copy"));
409 // TString title(h_mass_scaled->GetTitle());
410 // if (CheckHistogram(f,(path+"/ks_mass_scaled").c_str())) {
411 // if (CheckHistogram(f,(path+"/Nevents").c_str())) {
412 // TH1F* h_Nevents=(TH1F*)f->Get((path+"/Nevents").c_str());
413 // double Ntot =h_Nevents->GetEntries();
414 // if (Ntot!=0.) h_mass_scaled->Scale(1./Ntot);
415 // h_mass_scaled->SetTitle(title+" (per event)");
416 // h_mass_scaled->Write("ks_mass_scaled",TObject::kOverwrite);
417 // }
418 // }
419 // delete h_mass_scaled;
421  h_massVPtBinFittedHistos[0] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVptBinFitted0").c_str())->Clone());
422  h_massVPtBinFittedHistos[1] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVptBinFitted1").c_str())->Clone());
423  h_massVPtBinFittedHistos[2] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVptBinFitted2").c_str())->Clone());
424  h_massVPtBinFittedHistos[3] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVptBinFitted3").c_str())->Clone());
425  h_massVPtBinFittedHistos[4] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVptBinFitted4").c_str())->Clone());
426  h_massVRadiusBinFittedHistos[0] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVradiusBinFitted0").c_str())->Clone());
427  h_massVRadiusBinFittedHistos[1] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVradiusBinFitted1").c_str())->Clone());
428  h_massVRadiusBinFittedHistos[2] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVradiusBinFitted2").c_str())->Clone());
429  h_massVRadiusBinFittedHistos[3] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVradiusBinFitted3").c_str())->Clone());
430  h_massVRadiusBinFittedHistos[4] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVradiusBinFitted4").c_str())->Clone());
431  h_massVRadiusBinFittedHistos[5] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVradiusBinFitted5").c_str())->Clone());
432  h_massVRadiusBinFittedHistos[6] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVradiusBinFitted6").c_str())->Clone());
433  h_massVEtaBinHistos[0] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVEtaBin0").c_str())->Clone());
434  h_massVEtaBinHistos[1] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVEtaBin1").c_str())->Clone());
435  h_massVEtaBinHistos[2] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVEtaBin2").c_str())->Clone());
436  h_massVEtaBinHistos[3] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVEtaBin3").c_str())->Clone());
437  h_massVEtaBinHistos[4] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVEtaBin4").c_str())->Clone());
438  h_massVEtaBinHistos[5] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVEtaBin5").c_str())->Clone());
439  h_massVEtaBinHistos[6] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVEtaBin6").c_str())->Clone());
440  h_massVEtaBinHistos[7] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVEtaBin7").c_str())->Clone());
441  h_massVEtaBinHistos[8] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVEtaBin8").c_str())->Clone());
442  h_massVEtaBinHistos[9] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVEtaBin9").c_str())->Clone());
443  h_massVPhiBinHistos[0] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVPhiBin0").c_str())->Clone());
444  h_massVPhiBinHistos[1] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVPhiBin1").c_str())->Clone());
445  h_massVPhiBinHistos[2] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVPhiBin2").c_str())->Clone());
446  h_massVPhiBinHistos[3] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVPhiBin3").c_str())->Clone());
447  h_massVPhiBinHistos[4] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVPhiBin4").c_str())->Clone());
448  h_massVPhiBinHistos[5] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVPhiBin5").c_str())->Clone());
449  h_massVPhiBinHistos[6] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVPhiBin6").c_str())->Clone());
450  h_massVPhiBinHistos[7] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVPhiBin7").c_str())->Clone());
451  h_massVPhiBinHistos[8] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVPhiBin8").c_str())->Clone());
452  h_massVPhiBinHistos[9] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVPhiBin9").c_str())->Clone());
453  h_massVCurvatureDiffBinHistos[0] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVCurvatureDiffBin0").c_str())->Clone());
454  h_massVCurvatureDiffBinHistos[1] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVCurvatureDiffBin1").c_str())->Clone());
455  h_massVCurvatureDiffBinHistos[2] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVCurvatureDiffBin2").c_str())->Clone());
456  h_massVCurvatureDiffBinHistos[3] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVCurvatureDiffBin3").c_str())->Clone());
457  h_massVCurvatureDiffBinHistos[4] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVCurvatureDiffBin4").c_str())->Clone());
458  h_massVCurvatureDiffBinHistos[5] = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/MassVCurvatureDiffBin5").c_str())->Clone());
460  TF1* func1 = new TF1("func1", "gaus", 0.460, 0.540);
461  TF1* func2 = new TF1("func2", "expo", 0.460, 0.540);
462  TF1* func = new TF1("func", "func1+func2", 0.460, 0.540);
464  func->SetLineColor(4);
465  func->SetParameters(10., 0.500, 0.010, 2., -.001);
466  // func->SetParLimits(0,0.,10000.);
467  func->SetParLimits(1, 0.460, 0.540);
468  func->SetParLimits(2, 0., 0.100);
469  func->SetParLimits(3, 0., 10000.);
470  func->SetParLimits(4, -1000., 0.);
471  func->SetParNames("Constant", "Mean", "Sigma", "Constant", "Slope");
473  TCanvas* myCanvas = new TCanvas("MyCanvas");
474  myCanvas->cd();
476  h_mass->Fit(func, "lmhqnr");
478  Double_t massBins[5], massErrorBins[5], widthBins[5], widthErrorBins[5];
479  const Int_t nPtBinsHisto = 5 + 1;
480  Double_t ptBins[nPtBinsHisto] = {
481  0.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.8, 3.9, 5.1
482  };
483  for (int binFill = 0; binFill < 5; binFill++) {
484  double max = h_massVPtBinFittedHistos[binFill]->GetBinContent(h_massVPtBinFittedHistos[binFill]->GetMaximumBin());
485  func->SetParLimits(0, 0, 2 * max);
486  h_massVPtBinFittedHistos[binFill]->Fit(func, "lmhqr");
487  massBins[binFill] = func->GetParameter(1);
488  massErrorBins[binFill] = func->GetParError(1);
489  widthBins[binFill] = func->GetParameter(2);
490  widthErrorBins[binFill] = func->GetParError(2);
491  }
493  const Double_t* ptBinsFinal = ptBins;
494  const Double_t* massBinsFinal = massBins;
495  const Double_t* massErrorBinsFinal = massErrorBins;
496  const Double_t* widthBinsFinal = widthBins;
497  const Double_t* widthErrorBinsFinal = widthErrorBins;
499  TH1F* h_massVersusPt = new TH1F("KsMassVersusPt_Merged", "", 5, ptBinsFinal);
500  h_massVersusPt->SetXTitle("p_{T} (Gev / c)");
501  h_massVersusPt->SetYTitle("Mass (Gev / c^{2})");
502  h_massVersusPt->SetMarkerStyle(20);
503  for (int binFill = 0; binFill < 5; binFill++) {
504  Double_t binContent = massBinsFinal[binFill];
505  Double_t binError = massErrorBinsFinal[binFill];
506  h_massVersusPt->SetBinContent(binFill + 1, binContent);
507  h_massVersusPt->SetBinError(binFill + 1, binError);
508  }
510  TH1F* h_widthVersusPt = new TH1F("KsWidthVersusPt_Merged", "", 5, ptBinsFinal);
511  h_widthVersusPt->SetXTitle("p_{T} (Gev / c)");
512  h_widthVersusPt->SetYTitle("Width (Gev / c^{2})");
513  h_widthVersusPt->SetMarkerStyle(20);
514  for (int binFill = 0; binFill < 5; binFill++) {
515  Double_t binContent = widthBinsFinal[binFill];
516  Double_t binError = widthErrorBinsFinal[binFill];
517  h_widthVersusPt->SetBinContent(binFill + 1, binContent);
518  h_widthVersusPt->SetBinError(binFill + 1, binError);
519  }
521  Double_t massVradiusBins[7], massVradiusErrorBins[7], widthVradiusBins[7], widthVradiusErrorBins[7];
522  const Int_t nRadiusBinsHisto = 7 + 1;
523  Double_t radiusBins[nRadiusBinsHisto] = {
524  0., 30., 40., 60., 80., 100., 140., 230
525  };
526  for (int binFill = 0; binFill < 7; binFill++) {
527  double max = h_massVRadiusBinFittedHistos[binFill]->GetBinContent(
528  h_massVRadiusBinFittedHistos[binFill]->GetMaximumBin());
529  func->SetParLimits(0, 0, 2 * max);
530  h_massVRadiusBinFittedHistos[binFill]->Fit(func, "lmhqr");
531  massVradiusBins[binFill] = func->GetParameter(1);
532  massVradiusErrorBins[binFill] = func->GetParError(1);
533  widthVradiusBins[binFill] = func->GetParameter(2);
534  widthVradiusErrorBins[binFill] = func->GetParError(2);
535  }
537  const Double_t* radiusBinsFinal = radiusBins;
538  const Double_t* massVradiusBinsFinal = massVradiusBins;
539  const Double_t* massVradiusErrorBinsFinal = massVradiusErrorBins;
540  const Double_t* widthVradiusBinsFinal = widthVradiusBins;
541  const Double_t* widthVradiusErrorBinsFinal = widthVradiusErrorBins;
543  TH1F* h_massVersusRadius = new TH1F("KsMassVersusRadius_Merged", "", 7, radiusBinsFinal);
544  h_massVersusRadius->SetXTitle("Decay Radius (mm)");
545  h_massVersusRadius->SetYTitle("Mass (Gev / c^{2})");
546  h_massVersusRadius->SetMarkerStyle(20);
547  for (int binFill = 0; binFill < 7; binFill++) {
548  Double_t binContent = massVradiusBinsFinal[binFill];
549  Double_t binError = massVradiusErrorBinsFinal[binFill];
550  h_massVersusRadius->SetBinContent(binFill + 1, binContent);
551  h_massVersusRadius->SetBinError(binFill + 1, binError);
552  }
553  TH1F* h_widthVersusRadius = new TH1F("KsWidthVersusRadius_Merged", "", 7, radiusBinsFinal);
554  h_widthVersusRadius->SetXTitle("Decay Radius (mm)");
555  h_widthVersusRadius->SetYTitle("Width (Gev / c^{2})");
556  h_widthVersusRadius->SetMarkerStyle(20);
557  for (int binFill = 0; binFill < 7; binFill++) {
558  Double_t binContent = widthVradiusBinsFinal[binFill];
559  Double_t binError = widthVradiusErrorBinsFinal[binFill];
560  h_widthVersusRadius->SetBinContent(binFill + 1, binContent);
561  h_widthVersusRadius->SetBinError(binFill + 1, binError);
562  }
564  Double_t etaBins[11] = {
565  -2.5, -2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5
566  };
567  Double_t massVetaBins[10], massVetaErrorBins[10], widthVetaBins[10], widthVetaErrorBins[10];
568  for (int binFill = 0; binFill < 10; binFill++) {
569  double max = h_massVEtaBinHistos[binFill]->GetBinContent(h_massVEtaBinHistos[binFill]->GetMaximumBin());
570  func->SetParLimits(0, 0, 2 * max);
571  h_massVEtaBinHistos[binFill]->Fit(func, "lmhqr");
572  massVetaBins[binFill] = func->GetParameter(1);
573  massVetaErrorBins[binFill] = func->GetParError(1);
574  widthVetaBins[binFill] = func->GetParameter(2);
575  widthVetaErrorBins[binFill] = func->GetParError(2);
576  }
577  TH1F* h_massVersusEta = new TH1F("KsMassVersusEta_Merged", "", 10, etaBins);
578  h_massVersusEta->SetXTitle("#eta");
579  h_massVersusEta->SetYTitle("Mass (Gev / c^{2})");
580  h_massVersusEta->SetMarkerStyle(20);
581  for (int binFill = 0; binFill < 10; binFill++) {
582  Double_t binContent = massVetaBins[binFill];
583  Double_t binError = massVetaErrorBins[binFill];
584  h_massVersusEta->SetBinContent(binFill + 1, binContent);
585  h_massVersusEta->SetBinError(binFill + 1, binError);
586  }
587  TH1F* h_widthVersusEta = new TH1F("KsWidthVersusEta_Merged", "", 10, etaBins);
588  h_widthVersusEta->SetXTitle("#eta");
589  h_widthVersusEta->SetYTitle("Width (Gev / c^{2})");
590  h_widthVersusEta->SetMarkerStyle(20);
591  for (int binFill = 0; binFill < 10; binFill++) {
592  Double_t binContent = widthVetaBins[binFill];
593  Double_t binError = widthVetaErrorBins[binFill];
594  h_widthVersusEta->SetBinContent(binFill + 1, binContent);
595  h_widthVersusEta->SetBinError(binFill + 1, binError);
596  }
598  Double_t phiBins[11] = {
599  (-5.0 * myPi / 5),
600  (-4.0 * myPi / 5),
601  (-3.0 * myPi / 5),
602  (-2.0 * myPi / 5),
603  (-1.0 * myPi / 5),
604  (0.0 * myPi / 5),
605  (1.0 * myPi / 5),
606  (2.0 * myPi / 5),
607  (3.0 * myPi / 5),
608  (4.0 * myPi / 5),
609  (5.0 * myPi / 5)
610  };
611  Double_t massVphiBins[10], massVphiErrorBins[10], widthVphiBins[10], widthVphiErrorBins[10];
612  for (int binFill = 0; binFill < 10; binFill++) {
613  double max = h_massVPhiBinHistos[binFill]->GetBinContent(h_massVPhiBinHistos[binFill]->GetMaximumBin());
614  func->SetParLimits(0, 0, 2 * max);
615  h_massVPhiBinHistos[binFill]->Fit(func, "lmhqr");
616  massVphiBins[binFill] = func->GetParameter(1);
617  massVphiErrorBins[binFill] = func->GetParError(1);
618  widthVphiBins[binFill] = func->GetParameter(2);
619  widthVphiErrorBins[binFill] = func->GetParError(2);
620  }
621  TH1F* h_massVersusPhi = new TH1F("KsMassVersusPhi_Merged", "", 10, phiBins);
622  h_massVersusPhi->SetXTitle("#phi");
623  h_massVersusPhi->SetYTitle("Mass (Gev / c^{2})");
624  h_massVersusPhi->SetMarkerStyle(20);
625  for (int binFill = 0; binFill < 10; binFill++) {
626  Double_t binContent = massVphiBins[binFill];
627  Double_t binError = massVphiErrorBins[binFill];
628  h_massVersusPhi->SetBinContent(binFill + 1, binContent);
629  h_massVersusPhi->SetBinError(binFill + 1, binError);
630  }
631  TH1F* h_widthVersusPhi = new TH1F("KsWidthVersusPhi_Merged", "", 10, phiBins);
632  h_widthVersusPhi->SetXTitle("#phi");
633  h_widthVersusPhi->SetYTitle("Width (Gev / c^{2})");
634  h_widthVersusPhi->SetMarkerStyle(20);
635  for (int binFill = 0; binFill < 10; binFill++) {
636  Double_t binContent = widthVphiBins[binFill];
637  Double_t binError = widthVphiErrorBins[binFill];
638  h_widthVersusPhi->SetBinContent(binFill + 1, binContent);
639  h_widthVersusPhi->SetBinError(binFill + 1, binError);
640  }
642  Double_t curvatureDiffBins[7] = {
643  -0.0012, -0.0008, -0.0004, 0.0000, 0.0004, 0.0008, 0.0012
644  };
645  Double_t massVcurvatureDiffBins[6], massVcurvatureDiffErrorBins[6], widthVcurvatureDiffBins[6],
646  widthVcurvatureDiffErrorBins[6];
647  for (int binFill = 0; binFill < 6; binFill++) {
648  double max = h_massVCurvatureDiffBinHistos[binFill]->GetBinContent(
649  h_massVCurvatureDiffBinHistos[binFill]->GetMaximumBin());
650  func->SetParLimits(0, 0, 2 * max);
651  h_massVCurvatureDiffBinHistos[binFill]->Fit(func, "lmhqr");
652  massVcurvatureDiffBins[binFill] = func->GetParameter(1);
653  massVcurvatureDiffErrorBins[binFill] = func->GetParError(1);
654  widthVcurvatureDiffBins[binFill] = func->GetParameter(2);
655  widthVcurvatureDiffErrorBins[binFill] = func->GetParError(2);
656  }
657  TH1F* h_massVersusCurvatureDiff = new TH1F("KsMassVersusCurvatureDiff_Merged", "", 6, curvatureDiffBins);
658  h_massVersusCurvatureDiff->SetXTitle("1/p_{T}(#pi^{+}) - 1/p_{T}(#pi^{-}) [GeV^{-1}]");
659  h_massVersusCurvatureDiff->SetYTitle("Mass (Gev / c^{2})");
660  h_massVersusCurvatureDiff->SetMarkerStyle(20);
661  for (int binFill = 0; binFill < 6; binFill++) {
662  Double_t binContent = massVcurvatureDiffBins[binFill];
663  Double_t binError = massVcurvatureDiffErrorBins[binFill];
664  h_massVersusCurvatureDiff->SetBinContent(binFill + 1, binContent);
665  h_massVersusCurvatureDiff->SetBinError(binFill + 1, binError);
666  }
667  TH1F* h_widthVersusCurvatureDiff = new TH1F("KsWidthVersusCurvatureDiff_Merged", "", 6, curvatureDiffBins);
668  h_widthVersusCurvatureDiff->SetXTitle("1/p_{T}(#pi^{+}) - 1/p_{T}(#pi^{-}) [GeV^{-1}]");
669  h_widthVersusCurvatureDiff->SetYTitle("Width (Gev / c^{2})");
670  h_widthVersusCurvatureDiff->SetMarkerStyle(20);
671  for (int binFill = 0; binFill < 6; binFill++) {
672  Double_t binContent = widthVcurvatureDiffBins[binFill];
673  Double_t binError = widthVcurvatureDiffErrorBins[binFill];
674  h_widthVersusCurvatureDiff->SetBinContent(binFill + 1, binContent);
675  h_widthVersusCurvatureDiff->SetBinError(binFill + 1, binError);
676  }
678  if (f->cd(path.c_str()) == 0) {
679  //std::cerr << "MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonKshort(): "
680  //<< "No such directory \"" << path << "\"\n";
681  return;
682  }
684  // f->cd(path.c_str());
686  h_mass->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
688  h_massVPtBinFittedHistos[0]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
689  h_massVPtBinFittedHistos[1]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
690  h_massVPtBinFittedHistos[2]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
691  h_massVPtBinFittedHistos[3]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
692  h_massVPtBinFittedHistos[4]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
693  h_massVRadiusBinFittedHistos[0]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
694  h_massVRadiusBinFittedHistos[1]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
695  h_massVRadiusBinFittedHistos[2]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
696  h_massVRadiusBinFittedHistos[3]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
697  h_massVRadiusBinFittedHistos[4]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
698  h_massVRadiusBinFittedHistos[5]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
699  h_massVRadiusBinFittedHistos[6]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
700  h_massVEtaBinHistos[0]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
701  h_massVEtaBinHistos[1]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
702  h_massVEtaBinHistos[2]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
703  h_massVEtaBinHistos[3]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
704  h_massVEtaBinHistos[4]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
705  h_massVEtaBinHistos[5]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
706  h_massVEtaBinHistos[6]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
707  h_massVEtaBinHistos[7]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
708  h_massVEtaBinHistos[8]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
709  h_massVEtaBinHistos[9]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
710  h_massVPhiBinHistos[0]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
711  h_massVPhiBinHistos[1]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
712  h_massVPhiBinHistos[2]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
713  h_massVPhiBinHistos[3]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
714  h_massVPhiBinHistos[4]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
715  h_massVPhiBinHistos[5]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
716  h_massVPhiBinHistos[6]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
717  h_massVPhiBinHistos[7]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
718  h_massVPhiBinHistos[8]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
719  h_massVPhiBinHistos[9]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
720  h_massVCurvatureDiffBinHistos[0]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
721  h_massVCurvatureDiffBinHistos[1]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
722  h_massVCurvatureDiffBinHistos[2]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
723  h_massVCurvatureDiffBinHistos[3]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
724  h_massVCurvatureDiffBinHistos[4]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
725  h_massVCurvatureDiffBinHistos[5]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
727  h_massVersusPt->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
728  h_widthVersusPt->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
729  h_massVersusRadius->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
730  h_widthVersusRadius->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
731  h_massVersusEta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
732  h_widthVersusEta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
733  h_massVersusPhi->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
734  h_widthVersusPhi->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
735  h_massVersusCurvatureDiff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
736  h_widthVersusCurvatureDiff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
738  myCanvas->Close();
739  delete myCanvas;
741  f->Write();
743  delete func;
744  delete func1;
745  delete func2;
746  }

◆ fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonManager()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonManager ( const std::string &  inFileName,
bool  isIncremental = false 

Methods for creating ID Alignment summary plots on merged files.

Definition at line 37 of file MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx.

38  {
39  //std::cout << "\n";
40  //std::cout << "Running Inner-Detector performance-monitoring analysis\n";
41  //std::cout << "\nWarning messages from fitting and histogram updating follow:\n\n";
43  TFile* f = TFile::Open(inFilename.c_str(), "UPDATE");
45  if (f == 0 || !f->IsOpen()) {
46  //std::cerr << "MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonManager(): "
47  //<< "Input file not opened\n";
48  delete f;
49  return;
50  }
51  if (f->GetSize() < 1000.) {
52  //std::cerr << "MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonManager(): "
53  //<< "MonitoringFile empty\n";
54  delete f;
55  return;
56  }
57  std::string run_dir;
58  TIter next_run(f->GetListOfKeys());
59  TKey* key_run(0);
60  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_run())) != 0) {
61  TObject* obj_run = key_run->ReadObj();
62  TDirectory* tdir_run = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_run);
63  if (tdir_run != 0) {
64  std::string tdir_run_name(tdir_run->GetName());
65  if (tdir_run_name.find("run") != std::string::npos) {
66  run_dir = tdir_run_name;
67  // std::cout<<"Run_directory: "<<run_dir<<std::endl;
68  TIter next_perf(tdir_run->GetListOfKeys());
69  TKey* key_perf(0);
70  while ((key_perf = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_perf())) != 0) {
71  std::string perf_name(key_perf->GetName());
72  // for hist file with run_directory
73  if (perf_name.find("IDPerfMon") != std::string::npos) {
74  TObject* obj_perf = key_perf->ReadObj();
75  TDirectory* tdir_perf = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_perf);
76  if (tdir_perf != 0) {
77  run_dir = run_dir + '/';
78  TIter next_module(tdir_perf->GetListOfKeys());
79  TKey* key_module(0);
80  while ((key_module = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_module())) != 0) {
81  std::string module_name(key_module->GetName());
82  if (module_name.find("Kshort") != std::string::npos) {
83  TObject* obj_Kshort = key_module->ReadObj();
84  TDirectory* tdir_Kshort = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_Kshort);
85  if (tdir_Kshort != 0) {
86  TIter next_trigger(tdir_Kshort->GetListOfKeys());
87  TKey* key_trigger(0);
88  while ((key_trigger = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_trigger())) != 0) {
89  std::string TriggerName = key_trigger->GetName();
90  // std::cout<<"Find Module: "<<module_name<<" Trigger: "<<TriggerName<<std::endl;
91  fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonKshort(f, run_dir, TriggerName);
92  }
93  } else {
94  delete obj_Kshort;
95  }
96  }
98  if (module_name.find("Jpsi") != std::string::npos) {
99  TObject* obj_Jpsi = key_module->ReadObj();
100  TDirectory* tdir_Jpsi = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_Jpsi);
101  if (tdir_Jpsi != 0) {
102  TIter next_trigger(tdir_Jpsi->GetListOfKeys());
103  TKey* key_trigger(0);
104  while ((key_trigger = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_trigger())) != 0) {
105  std::string TriggerName = key_trigger->GetName();
106  // std::cout<<"Find Module: "<<module_name<<" Trigger: "<<TriggerName<<std::endl;
107  fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonJpsi(f, run_dir, TriggerName);
108  }
109  } else {
110  delete obj_Jpsi;
111  }
112  }
113  if (module_name.find("Upsilon") != std::string::npos) {
114  TObject* obj_Upsilon = key_module->ReadObj();
115  TDirectory* tdir_Upsilon = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_Upsilon);
116  if (tdir_Upsilon != 0) {
117  TIter next_trigger(tdir_Upsilon->GetListOfKeys());
118  TKey* key_trigger(0);
119  while ((key_trigger = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_trigger())) != 0) {
120  std::string TriggerName = key_trigger->GetName();
121  // std::cout<<"Find Module: "<<module_name<<" Trigger: "<<TriggerName<<std::endl;
122  fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonUpsilon(f, run_dir, TriggerName);
123  }
124  } else {
125  delete obj_Upsilon;
126  }
127  }
128  if (module_name.find("Zee") != std::string::npos) {
129  TObject* obj_Zee = key_module->ReadObj();
130  TDirectory* tdir_Zee = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_Zee);
131  if (tdir_Zee != 0) {
132  TIter next_trigger(tdir_Zee->GetListOfKeys());
133  TKey* key_trigger(0);
134  while ((key_trigger = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_trigger())) != 0) {
135  std::string TriggerName = key_trigger->GetName();
136  // std::cout<<"Find Module: "<<module_name<<" Trigger: "<<TriggerName<<std::endl;
137  fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonZee(f, run_dir, TriggerName);
138  }
139  } else {
140  delete obj_Zee;
141  }
142  }
143  if (module_name.find("Wenu") != std::string::npos) {
144  TObject* obj_Wenu = key_module->ReadObj();
145  TDirectory* tdir_Wenu = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_Wenu);
146  if (tdir_Wenu != 0) {
147  TIter next_trigger(tdir_Wenu->GetListOfKeys());
148  TKey* key_trigger(0);
149  while ((key_trigger = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_trigger())) != 0) {
150  std::string TriggerName = key_trigger->GetName();
151  // std::cout<<"Find Module: "<<module_name<<" Trigger: "<<TriggerName<<std::endl;
152  fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonWenu(f, run_dir, TriggerName);
153  }
154  } else {
155  delete obj_Wenu;
156  }
157  }
158  if (module_name.find("ZMM") != std::string::npos) {
159  TObject* obj_ZMM = key_module->ReadObj();
160  TDirectory* tdir_ZMM = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_ZMM);
161  if (tdir_ZMM != 0) {
162  TIter next_trigger(tdir_ZMM->GetListOfKeys());
163  TKey* key_trigger(0);
164  while ((key_trigger = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_trigger())) != 0) {
165  std::string TriggerName = key_trigger->GetName();
166  // std::cout<<"Find Module: "<<module_name<<" Trigger: "<<TriggerName<<std::endl;
167  fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonZMM(f, run_dir, TriggerName);
168  }
169  } else {
170  delete obj_ZMM;
171  }
172  }
173  }
174  } else {
175  delete obj_perf;
176  }
177  }
178  }
179  }
180  // if without top run_directory
181  else if (tdir_run_name.find("IDPerfMon") != std::string::npos) {
182  //std::cout<<"without run_directory"<<std::endl;
183  TObject* obj_perf = key_run->ReadObj();
184  TDirectory* tdir_perf = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_perf);
185  if (tdir_perf != 0) {
186  run_dir = '/';
187  TIter next_module(tdir_perf->GetListOfKeys());
188  TKey* key_module(0);
189  while ((key_module = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_module())) != 0) {
190  std::string module_name(key_module->GetName());
191  if (module_name.find("Kshort") != std::string::npos) {
192  TObject* obj_Kshort = key_module->ReadObj();
193  TDirectory* tdir_Kshort = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_Kshort);
194  if (tdir_Kshort != 0) {
195  TIter next_trigger(tdir_Kshort->GetListOfKeys());
196  TKey* key_trigger(0);
197  while ((key_trigger = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_trigger())) != 0) {
198  std::string TriggerName = key_trigger->GetName();
199  // std::cout<<"Find Module: "<<module_name<<" Trigger: "<<TriggerName<<std::endl;
200  fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonKshort(f, run_dir, TriggerName);
201  }
202  } else {
203  delete obj_Kshort;
204  }
205  }
206  if (module_name.find("Jpsi") != std::string::npos) {
207  TObject* obj_Jpsi = key_module->ReadObj();
208  TDirectory* tdir_Jpsi = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_Jpsi);
209  if (tdir_Jpsi != 0) {
210  TIter next_trigger(tdir_Jpsi->GetListOfKeys());
211  TKey* key_trigger(0);
212  while ((key_trigger = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_trigger())) != 0) {
213  std::string TriggerName = key_trigger->GetName();
214  // std::cout<<"Find Module: "<<module_name<<" Trigger: "<<TriggerName<<std::endl;
215  fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonJpsi(f, run_dir, TriggerName);
216  }
217  } else {
218  delete obj_Jpsi;
219  }
220  }
221  if (module_name.find("Upsilon") != std::string::npos) {
222  TObject* obj_Upsilon = key_module->ReadObj();
223  TDirectory* tdir_Upsilon = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_Upsilon);
224  if (tdir_Upsilon != 0) {
225  TIter next_trigger(tdir_Upsilon->GetListOfKeys());
226  TKey* key_trigger(0);
227  while ((key_trigger = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_trigger())) != 0) {
228  std::string TriggerName = key_trigger->GetName();
229  // std::cout<<"Find Module: "<<module_name<<" Trigger: "<<TriggerName<<std::endl;
230  fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonUpsilon(f, run_dir, TriggerName);
231  }
232  } else {
233  delete obj_Upsilon;
234  }
235  }
236  if (module_name.find("Zee") != std::string::npos) {
237  TObject* obj_Zee = key_module->ReadObj();
238  TDirectory* tdir_Zee = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_Zee);
239  if (tdir_Zee != 0) {
240  TIter next_trigger(tdir_Zee->GetListOfKeys());
241  TKey* key_trigger(0);
242  while ((key_trigger = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_trigger())) != 0) {
243  std::string TriggerName = key_trigger->GetName();
244  // std::cout<<"Find Module: "<<module_name<<" Trigger: "<<TriggerName<<std::endl;
245  fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonZee(f, run_dir, TriggerName);
246  }
247  } else {
248  delete obj_Zee;
249  }
250  }
251  if (module_name.find("Wenu") != std::string::npos) {
252  TObject* obj_Wenu = key_module->ReadObj();
253  TDirectory* tdir_Wenu = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_Wenu);
254  if (tdir_Wenu != 0) {
255  TIter next_trigger(tdir_Wenu->GetListOfKeys());
256  TKey* key_trigger(0);
257  while ((key_trigger = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_trigger())) != 0) {
258  std::string TriggerName = key_trigger->GetName();
259  // std::cout<<"Find Module: "<<module_name<<" Trigger: "<<TriggerName<<std::endl;
260  fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonWenu(f, run_dir, TriggerName);
261  }
262  } else {
263  delete obj_Wenu;
264  }
265  }
266  if (module_name.find("ZMM") != std::string::npos) {
267  TObject* obj_ZMM = key_module->ReadObj();
268  TDirectory* tdir_ZMM = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_ZMM);
269  if (tdir_ZMM != 0) {
270  TIter next_trigger(tdir_ZMM->GetListOfKeys());
271  TKey* key_trigger(0);
272  while ((key_trigger = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_trigger())) != 0) {
273  std::string TriggerName = key_trigger->GetName();
274  // std::cout<<"Find Module: "<<module_name<<" Trigger: "<<TriggerName<<std::endl;
275  fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonZMM(f, run_dir, TriggerName);
276  }
277  } else {
278  delete obj_ZMM;
279  }
280  }
281  }
282  } else {
283  delete obj_perf;
284  }
285  }
286  // else
287  //std::cerr<<"directory IDPerfMon doesn't exist !"<<std::endl;
288  } else {
289  delete obj_run;
290  }
291  }
293  f->Close();
294  delete f;
295  // std::cout << "\n";
296  //std::cout << "Finish Inner-Detector performance-monitoring analysis"<<std::endl;
297  }

◆ fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonUpsilon()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonUpsilon ( TFile *  f,
const std::string &  run_dir,
const std::string &  TriggerName 

Definition at line 1190 of file MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx.

1191  {
1192  std::string path;
1193  path = run_dir + "IDPerfMon/Upsilon/" + TriggerName;
1195  if (f->cd(path.c_str()) == 0) {
1196  //std::cerr<< "MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonUpsilon(): "
1197  //<<"No such directory \""<< path << "\"\n";
1198  return;
1199  }
1201  TH1F* h_upsilon_invmass_vs_pt = new TH1F("Upsilon_invmass_vs_pt",
1202  "Upsilon invmass-PDGmass vs. Upsilon Pt; p_{T}(#Upsilon) [GeV/c]; Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, 4.,
1203  20.);
1204  TH1F* h_upsilon_invmass_vs_z0 = new TH1F("Upsilon_invmass_vs_z0",
1205  "Upsilon invmass-PDGmass vs. muon z0; z0(#mu) [mm]; Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -100.,
1206  100.);
1207  TH1F* h_upsilon_invmass_vs_phi = new TH1F("Upsilon_invmass_vs_phi",
1208  "Upsilon invmass-PDGmass vs. Upsilon phi; #phi(#Upsilon) [rad]; Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -3.15,
1209  3.15);
1210  TH1F* h_upsilon_invmass_vs_phiplus = new TH1F("Upsilon_invmass_vs_phiplus",
1211  "Upsilon invmass-PDGmass vs. Muon+ phi; #phi(#mu^{+}) [rad]; Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -3.15,
1212  3.15);
1213  TH1F* h_upsilon_invmass_vs_phiminus = new TH1F("Upsilon_invmass_vs_phiminus",
1214  "Upsilon invmass-PDGmass vs. Muon- phi; #phi(#mu^{-}) [rad]; Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -3.15,
1215  3.15);
1216  TH1F* h_upsilon_invmass_vs_phidiff = new TH1F("Upsilon_invmass_vs_phidiff",
1217  "Upsilon invmass-PDGmass vs. |phi(+)-phi(-)|; |#phi(#mu^{+})-#phi(#mu^{-})| [rad]; Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, 0.,
1218  2.5);
1219  TH1F* h_upsilon_invmass_vs_eta = new TH1F("Upsilon_invmass_vs_eta",
1220  "Upsilon invmass-PDGmass vs. Upsilon eta; #eta(#Upsilon); Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 8, -3.2,
1221  3.2);
1222  TH1F* h_upsilon_invmass_vs_eta_barrel = new TH1F("Upsilon_invmass_vs_eta_barrel",
1223  "Upsilon invmass-PDGmass vs. Upsilon eta (barrel); #eta(#Upsilon); Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 2, -0.8,
1224  0.8);
1225  TH1F* h_upsilon_invmass_vs_eta_eca = new TH1F("Upsilon_invmass_vs_eta_eca",
1226  "Upsilon invmass-PDGmass vs. Upsilon eta (endcap A); #eta(#Upsilon); Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 3, 0.8,
1227  3.2);
1228  TH1F* h_upsilon_invmass_vs_eta_ecc = new TH1F("Upsilon_invmass_vs_eta_ecc",
1229  "Upsilon invmass-PDGmass vs. Upsilon eta (endcap C); #eta(#Upsilon); Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 3, -3.2,
1230  -0.8);
1231  TH1F* h_upsilon_invmass_vs_etaplus = new TH1F("Upsilon_invmass_vs_etaplus",
1232  "Upsilon invmass-PDGmass vs. Muon+ eta; #eta(#mu^{+}); Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -2.4,
1233  2.4);
1234  TH1F* h_upsilon_invmass_vs_etaminus = new TH1F("Upsilon_invmass_vs_etaminus",
1235  "Upsilon invmass-PDGmass vs. Muon- eta; #eta(#mu^{-}); Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -2.4,
1236  2.4);
1237  TH1F* h_upsilon_invmass_vs_maxeta = new TH1F("Upsilon_invmass_vs_maxeta",
1238  "Upsilon invmass-PDGmass vs. max Muon |eta|; max|#eta(#mu)|; Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -2.4,
1239  2.4);
1240  TH1F* h_upsilon_invmass_vs_etadiff = new TH1F("Upsilon_invmass_vs_etadiff",
1241  "Upsilon invmass-PDGmass vs. eta(+)-eta(-); #eta(#mu^{+})-#eta(#mu^{-}); Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -1.5,
1242  1.5);
1243  TH1F* h_upsilon_invmass_vs_crt = new TH1F("Upsilon_invmass_vs_curvature",
1244  "Upsilon invmass-PDGmass vs. crt(+)-|crt(-)|; 1/p_{T}(#mu^{+})-1/p_{T}(#mu^{-}) [GeV^{-1}]; Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -0.15,
1245  0.15);
1246  TH1F* h_upsilon_invmass_vs_invpt = new TH1F("Upsilon_invmass_vs_invpt",
1247  "Upsilon invmass-PDGmass vs. muon 1/Pt; 1/p_{T}(#mu) [(GeV/c)^{-1}]; Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, 0.05,
1248  0.25);
1249  TH1F* h_upsilon_invmass_vs_angle_eta = new TH1F("Upsilon_invmass_vs_angle_eta",
1250  "Upsilon invmass-PDGmass vs. arccos(#Delta#eta/#DeltaR);arccos(#Delta#eta/#DeltaR); Mass Shift [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, 0.,
1251  90.);
1253  TH1F* h_upsilon_width_vs_pt = new TH1F("Upsilon_width_vs_pt",
1254  "Upsilon width vs. Upsilon Pt; p_{T}(#Upsilon) [GeV/c]; Width [GeV/c^{2}]",
1255  6, 4., 20.);
1256  TH1F* h_upsilon_width_vs_z0 = new TH1F("Upsilon_width_vs_z0",
1257  "Upsilon width vs. muon z0; z0(#mu) [mm]; Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -100.,
1258  100.);
1259  TH1F* h_upsilon_width_vs_phi = new TH1F("Upsilon_width_vs_phi",
1260  "Upsilon width vs. Upsilon phi; #phi(#Upsilon) [rad]; Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6,
1261  -3.15, 3.15);
1262  TH1F* h_upsilon_width_vs_phiplus = new TH1F("Upsilon_width_vs_phiplus",
1263  "Upsilon width vs. Muon+ phi; #phi(#mu^{+}) [rad]; Width [GeV/c^{2}]",
1264  6, -3.15, 3.15);
1265  TH1F* h_upsilon_width_vs_phiminus = new TH1F("Upsilon_width_vs_phiminus",
1266  "Upsilon width vs. Muon- phi; #phi(#mu^{-}) [rad]; Width [GeV/c^{2}]",
1267  6, -3.15, 3.15);
1268  TH1F* h_upsilon_width_vs_phidiff = new TH1F("Upsilon_width_vs_phidiff",
1269  "Upsilon width vs. |phi(+)-phi(-)|; |#phi(#mu^{+})-#phi(#mu^{-})| [rad]; Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, 0.,
1270  2.5);
1271  TH1F* h_upsilon_width_vs_eta = new TH1F("Upsilon_width_vs_eta",
1272  "Upsilon width vs. Upsilon eta; #eta(#Upsilon); Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 8, -3.2,
1273  3.2);
1274  TH1F* h_upsilon_width_vs_eta_barrel = new TH1F("Upsilon_width_vs_eta_barrel",
1275  "Upsilon width vs. Upsilon eta (barrel); #eta(#Upsilon); Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 2, -0.8,
1276  0.8);
1277  TH1F* h_upsilon_width_vs_eta_eca = new TH1F("Upsilon_width_vs_eta_eca",
1278  "Upsilon width vs. Upsilon eta (endcap A); #eta(#Upsilon); Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 3, 0.8,
1279  3.2);
1280  TH1F* h_upsilon_width_vs_eta_ecc = new TH1F("Upsilon_width_vs_eta_ecc",
1281  "Upsilon width vs. Upsilon eta (endcap C); #eta(#Upsilon); Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 3, -3.2,
1282  -0.8);
1283  TH1F* h_upsilon_width_vs_etaplus = new TH1F("Upsilon_width_vs_etaplus",
1284  "Upsilon width vs. Muon+ eta; #eta(#mu^{+}); Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6,
1285  -2.4, 2.4);
1286  TH1F* h_upsilon_width_vs_etaminus = new TH1F("Upsilon_width_vs_etaminus",
1287  "Upsilon width vs. Muon- eta; #eta(#mu^{-}); Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6,
1288  -2.4, 2.4);
1289  TH1F* h_upsilon_width_vs_maxeta = new TH1F("Upsilon_width_vs_maxeta",
1290  "Upsilon width vs. max Muon |eta|; max|#eta(#mu)|; Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6,
1291  -2.4, 2.4);
1292  TH1F* h_upsilon_width_vs_etadiff = new TH1F("Upsilon_width_vs_etadiff",
1293  "Upsilon width vs. eta(+)-eta(-); #eta(#mu^{+})-#eta(#mu^{-}); Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -1.5,
1294  1.5);
1295  TH1F* h_upsilon_width_vs_crt = new TH1F("Upsilon_width_vs_curvature",
1296  "Upsilon width vs. crt(+)-|crt(-)|; 1/p_{T}(#mu^{+})-1/p_{T}(#mu^{-}) [GeV^{-1}]; Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, -0.15,
1297  0.15);
1298  TH1F* h_upsilon_width_vs_invpt = new TH1F("Upsilon_width_vs_invpt",
1299  "Upsilon width vs. muon 1/Pt; 1/p_{T}(#mu) [(GeV/c)^{-1}]; Width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, 0.05,
1300  0.25);
1301  TH1F* h_upsilon_width_vs_angle_eta = new TH1F("Upsilon_width_vs_angle_eta",
1302  "Upsilon width vs. arccos(#Delta#eta/#DeltaR);arccos(#Delta#eta/#DeltaR); width [GeV/c^{2}]", 6, 0.,
1303  90.);
1305  const int nbins = 6;
1306  TH1F* hpt[nbins];
1307  TH1F* hz0[nbins];
1308  TH1F* hphi[nbins];
1309  TH1F* hphiplus[nbins];
1310  TH1F* hphiminus[nbins];
1311  TH1F* hphidiff[nbins];
1312  TH1F* heta[8];
1313  TH1F* heta_b[2];
1314  TH1F* heta_ecc[3];
1315  TH1F* heta_eca[3];
1316  TH1F* hetadiff[nbins];
1317  TH1F* hmaxeta[nbins];
1318  TH1F* hinvpt[nbins];
1319  TH1F* hcrt[nbins];
1320  TH1F* hetaplus[nbins];
1321  TH1F* hetaminus[nbins];
1322  TH1F* hangle_eta[nbins];
1324  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Upsilon_invmass").c_str())) return;
1326  TH1F* h_mass = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Upsilon_invmass").c_str())->Clone());
1327  if (CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Nevents").c_str())) {
1328  TH1F* h_Nevents = (TH1F*) f->Get((path + "/Nevents").c_str());
1329  TH1F* h_rate = new TH1F("rate", "production rate", 1, 0, 1);
1330  double Ntot = h_Nevents->GetEntries();
1331  double yield = h_mass->Integral(h_mass->FindBin(9.1), h_mass->FindBin(9.8));
1332  double rate = yield / Ntot;
1333  double rate_error = sqrt(1 / yield + 1 / Ntot) * yield / Ntot;
1334  h_rate->SetBinContent(1, rate);
1335  h_rate->SetBinError(1, rate_error);
1336  h_rate->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1337  }
1338 // TH1F* h_mass_scaled = (TH1F*)(f->Get((path+"/Upsilon_invmass").c_str())->Clone("Upsilon_invmass_scaled_copy"));
1339 // h_mass_scaled->SetMarkerStyle(21);
1340 // TString title(h_mass_scaled->GetTitle());
1341 // if (CheckHistogram(f,(path+"/Upsilon_invmass_scaled").c_str())) {
1342 // if (CheckHistogram(f,(path+"/Nevents").c_str())) {
1343 // TH1F* h_Nevents=(TH1F*)f->Get((path+"/Nevents").c_str());
1344 // double Ntot =h_Nevents->GetEntries();
1345 // if (Ntot!=0.) h_mass_scaled->Scale(1./Ntot);
1346 // h_mass_scaled->SetTitle(title+" (per event)");
1347 // h_mass_scaled->Write("Upsilon_invmass_scaled",TObject::kOverwrite);
1348 // }
1349 // }
1350 // delete h_mass_scaled;
1351  if (CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Upsilon_invmass").c_str())) {
1352  TH1F* h_mass_rebin = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Upsilon_invmass").c_str())->Clone("Upsilon_invmass_rebin"));
1353  TString title = h_mass_rebin->GetTitle();
1354  h_mass_rebin->SetMarkerStyle(21);
1355  h_mass_rebin->Rebin(8);
1356  h_mass_rebin->SetTitle(title + " (larger binning for low Stats.)");
1357  h_mass_rebin->Write("Upsilon_invmass_rebin", TObject::kOverwrite);
1358  }
1360  char cpt[100], cz0[100], cphi[100], cphidiff[100], ceta[100], cetadiff[100], cmaxeta[100], ccrt[100], cinvpt[100],
1361  cphiplus[100], cphiminus[100], cetaplus[100], cetaminus[100], ceta_b[100], ceta_ecc[100], ceta_eca[100],
1362  cangle_eta[100];
1364  for (int i = 0; i < nbins; i++) {
1365  sprintf(cpt, (path + "/pt_bin%d").c_str(), i);
1366  sprintf(cz0, (path + "/z0_bin%d").c_str(), i);
1367  sprintf(cphi, (path + "/phi_bin%d").c_str(), i);
1368  sprintf(cphiplus, (path + "/phiplus_bin%d").c_str(), i);
1369  sprintf(cphiminus, (path + "/phiminus_bin%d").c_str(), i);
1370  sprintf(cphidiff, (path + "/phidiff_bin%d").c_str(), i);
1371  sprintf(cetaplus, (path + "/etaplus_bin%d").c_str(), i);
1372  sprintf(cetaminus, (path + "/etaminus_bin%d").c_str(), i);
1373  sprintf(cmaxeta, (path + "/maxeta_bin%d").c_str(), i);
1374  sprintf(cetadiff, (path + "/etadiff_bin%d").c_str(), i);
1375  sprintf(ccrt, (path + "/crt_bin%d").c_str(), i);
1376  sprintf(cinvpt, (path + "/invpt_bin%d").c_str(), i);
1377  sprintf(cangle_eta, (path + "/angle_eta_bin%d").c_str(), i);
1379  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cpt)) return;
1381  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cz0)) return;
1383  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cphi)) return;
1385  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cphiplus)) return;
1387  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cphiminus)) return;
1389  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cphidiff)) return;
1391  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cetaplus)) return;
1393  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cetaminus)) return;
1395  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cmaxeta)) return;
1397  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cetadiff)) return;
1399  if (!CheckHistogram(f, ccrt)) return;
1401  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cinvpt)) return;
1403  if (!CheckHistogram(f, cangle_eta)) return;
1405  hpt[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cpt)->Clone());
1406  hz0[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cz0)->Clone());
1407  hphi[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cphi)->Clone());
1408  hphiplus[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cphiplus)->Clone());
1409  hphiminus[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cphiminus)->Clone());
1410  hphidiff[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cphidiff)->Clone());
1411  hetaplus[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cetaplus)->Clone());
1412  hetaminus[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cetaminus)->Clone());
1413  hetadiff[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cetadiff)->Clone());
1414  hmaxeta[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cmaxeta)->Clone());
1415  hcrt[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(ccrt)->Clone());
1416  hinvpt[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cinvpt)->Clone());
1417  hangle_eta[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(cangle_eta)->Clone());
1419  if (i < 2) {
1420  sprintf(ceta_b, (path + "/eta_b_bin%d").c_str(), i);
1421  if (!CheckHistogram(f, ceta_b)) return;
1423  heta_b[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(ceta_b)->Clone());
1424  }
1425  if (i < 3) {
1426  sprintf(ceta_ecc, (path + "/eta_ecc_bin%d").c_str(), i);
1427  sprintf(ceta_eca, (path + "/eta_eca_bin%d").c_str(), i);
1428  if (!CheckHistogram(f, ceta_ecc)) return;
1430  if (!CheckHistogram(f, ceta_eca)) return;
1432  heta_ecc[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(ceta_ecc)->Clone());
1433  heta_eca[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(ceta_eca)->Clone());
1434  }
1435  }
1436  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
1437  sprintf(ceta, (path + "/eta_bin%d").c_str(), i);
1438  if (!CheckHistogram(f, ceta)) return;
1440  heta[i] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(ceta)->Clone());
1441  }
1443 // TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","gaus",9.,10.);
1444 // f1->SetParameter(1,9.046);
1445 // f1->SetParameter(2,0.15);
1446 // f1->SetLineColor(2);
1447 // f1->SetParNames("Constant","Mean","Width");
1448  h_mass->SetMarkerStyle(21);
1450  TCanvas* myCanvas = new TCanvas("MyCanvas");
1451  myCanvas->cd();
1453 // h_mass->Fit(f1,"RQMN");
1456  fitUpsilonHistograms(h_upsilon_invmass_vs_pt, h_upsilon_width_vs_pt, hpt, nbins);
1457  fitUpsilonHistograms(h_upsilon_invmass_vs_z0, h_upsilon_width_vs_z0, hz0, nbins);
1458  fitUpsilonHistograms(h_upsilon_invmass_vs_phi, h_upsilon_width_vs_phi, hphi, nbins);
1459  fitUpsilonHistograms(h_upsilon_invmass_vs_phiplus, h_upsilon_width_vs_phiplus, hphiplus, nbins);
1460  fitUpsilonHistograms(h_upsilon_invmass_vs_phiminus, h_upsilon_width_vs_phiminus, hphiminus, nbins);
1461  fitUpsilonHistograms(h_upsilon_invmass_vs_phidiff, h_upsilon_width_vs_phidiff, hphidiff, nbins);
1462  fitUpsilonHistograms(h_upsilon_invmass_vs_eta, h_upsilon_width_vs_eta, heta, 8);
1463  fitUpsilonHistograms(h_upsilon_invmass_vs_eta_barrel, h_upsilon_width_vs_eta_barrel, heta_b, 2);
1464  fitUpsilonHistograms(h_upsilon_invmass_vs_eta_eca, h_upsilon_width_vs_eta_eca, heta_eca, 3);
1465  fitUpsilonHistograms(h_upsilon_invmass_vs_eta_ecc, h_upsilon_width_vs_eta_ecc, heta_ecc, 3);
1466  fitUpsilonHistograms(h_upsilon_invmass_vs_etaplus, h_upsilon_width_vs_etaplus, hetaplus, nbins);
1467  fitUpsilonHistograms(h_upsilon_invmass_vs_etaminus, h_upsilon_width_vs_etaminus, hetaminus, nbins);
1468  fitUpsilonHistograms(h_upsilon_invmass_vs_maxeta, h_upsilon_width_vs_maxeta, hmaxeta, nbins);
1469  fitUpsilonHistograms(h_upsilon_invmass_vs_etadiff, h_upsilon_width_vs_etadiff, hetadiff, nbins);
1470  fitUpsilonHistograms(h_upsilon_invmass_vs_crt, h_upsilon_width_vs_crt, hcrt, nbins);
1471  fitUpsilonHistograms(h_upsilon_invmass_vs_invpt, h_upsilon_width_vs_invpt, hinvpt, nbins);
1472  fitUpsilonHistograms(h_upsilon_invmass_vs_angle_eta, h_upsilon_width_vs_angle_eta, hangle_eta, nbins);
1475  // f->cd(path.c_str());
1476  if (f->cd(path.c_str()) == 0) {
1477  //std::cerr<< "MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonUpsilon(): "
1478  //<<"No such directory \""<< path << "\"\n";
1479  return;
1480  }
1482  h_mass->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1483  for (int i = 0; i < nbins; i++) {
1484  hpt[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1485  hz0[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1486  hphi[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1487  hphiplus[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1488  hphiminus[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1489  hphidiff[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1490  hetadiff[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1491  hmaxeta[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1492  hinvpt[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1493  hcrt[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1494  hetaplus[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1495  hetaminus[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1496  hangle_eta[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1497  if (i < 2) {
1498  heta_b[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1499  }
1500  if (i < 3) {
1501  heta_ecc[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1502  heta_eca[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1503  }
1504  }
1505  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
1506  heta[i]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1507  }
1508  h_upsilon_invmass_vs_pt->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1509  h_upsilon_invmass_vs_z0->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1510  h_upsilon_invmass_vs_phi->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1511  h_upsilon_invmass_vs_phiplus->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1512  h_upsilon_invmass_vs_phiminus->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1513  h_upsilon_invmass_vs_phidiff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1514  h_upsilon_invmass_vs_eta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1515  h_upsilon_invmass_vs_eta_barrel->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1516  h_upsilon_invmass_vs_eta_ecc->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1517  h_upsilon_invmass_vs_eta_eca->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1518  h_upsilon_invmass_vs_etadiff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1519  h_upsilon_invmass_vs_etaplus->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1520  h_upsilon_invmass_vs_etaminus->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1521  h_upsilon_invmass_vs_maxeta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1522  h_upsilon_invmass_vs_crt->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1523  h_upsilon_invmass_vs_invpt->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1524  h_upsilon_invmass_vs_angle_eta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1526  h_upsilon_width_vs_pt->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1527  h_upsilon_width_vs_z0->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1528  h_upsilon_width_vs_phi->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1529  h_upsilon_width_vs_phiplus->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1530  h_upsilon_width_vs_phiminus->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1531  h_upsilon_width_vs_phidiff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1532  h_upsilon_width_vs_eta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1533  h_upsilon_width_vs_eta_barrel->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1534  h_upsilon_width_vs_eta_ecc->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1535  h_upsilon_width_vs_eta_eca->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1536  h_upsilon_width_vs_etadiff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1537  h_upsilon_width_vs_etaplus->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1538  h_upsilon_width_vs_etaminus->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1539  h_upsilon_width_vs_maxeta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1540  h_upsilon_width_vs_crt->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1541  h_upsilon_width_vs_invpt->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1542  h_upsilon_width_vs_angle_eta->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1544  myCanvas->Close();
1545  delete myCanvas;
1547  f->Write();
1549 // delete f1;
1550  }

◆ fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonWenu()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonWenu ( TFile *  f,
const std::string &  run_dir,
const std::string &  TriggerName 

Definition at line 1753 of file MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx.

1754  {
1755  std::string path;
1756  path = run_dir + "IDPerfMon/Wenu/" + TriggerName;
1757  if (f->cd(path.c_str()) == 0) {
1758  //std::cerr << "MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonWenu(): "
1759  //<< "No such directory \"" << path << "\"\n";
1760  return;
1761  }
1763  f->cd(path.c_str());
1765  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Wenu_trk_transmass_sel").c_str())) return;
1767  TH1F* h_mass = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Wenu_trk_transmass_sel").c_str())->Clone());
1768  if (CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Nevents").c_str())) {
1769  TH1F* h_Nevents = (TH1F*) f->Get((path + "/Nevents").c_str());
1770  TH1F* h_rate = new TH1F("rate", "production rate", 1, 0, 1);
1771  double Ntot = h_Nevents->GetEntries();
1772  double yield = h_mass->Integral(h_mass->FindBin(50), h_mass->FindBin(80));
1773  double rate = yield / Ntot;
1774  double rate_error = sqrt(1 / yield + 1 / Ntot) * yield / Ntot;
1775  h_rate->SetBinContent(1, rate);
1776  h_rate->SetBinError(1, rate_error);
1777  h_rate->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1778  }
1779 // TH1F* h_mass_scaled =
1780 // (TH1F*)(f->Get((path+"/Wenu_trk_transmass_sel").c_str())->Clone("Wenu_trk_transmass_sel_scaled_copy"));
1781 // TString title(h_mass_scaled->GetTitle());
1782 // if (CheckHistogram(f,(path+"/Wenu_trk_transmass_sel_scaled").c_str())) {
1783 // if (CheckHistogram(f,(path+"/Nevents").c_str())) {
1784 // TH1F* h_Nevents=(TH1F*)f->Get((path+"/Nevents").c_str());
1785 // double Ntot =h_Nevents->GetEntries();
1786 // if (Ntot!=0.) h_mass_scaled->Scale(1./Ntot);
1787 // h_mass_scaled->SetTitle(title+" (per event)");
1788 // h_mass_scaled->Write("Wenu_trk_transmass_sel_scaled",TObject::kOverwrite);
1789 // }
1790 // }
1791 // delete h_mass_scaled;
1793  enum eta_region {
1794  incl, barrel, eca, ecc, Nregions
1795  };
1796  std::vector<std::string> region_strings;
1797  region_strings.push_back("incl");
1798  region_strings.push_back("barrel");
1799  region_strings.push_back("eca");
1800  region_strings.push_back("ecc");
1802  std::vector<TH1F*> h_Wenu_Eopdiff;
1803  std::vector<TH1F*> h_Wenu_Eop_plus;
1804  std::vector<TH1F*> h_Wenu_Eop_minus;
1806  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_p;
1807  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_p_plus;
1808  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_p_minus;
1810  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_invp;
1811  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_invp_plus;
1812  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_invp_minus;
1814  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_E;
1815  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_E_plus;
1816  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_E_minus;
1818  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_phi;
1819  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_phi_plus;
1820  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_phi_minus;
1822  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_eta;
1823  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_eta_plus;
1824  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_eta_minus;
1826  std::string str;
1828  for (int region = 0; region != Nregions; ++region) {
1829  str = path + "/Wenu_Eop_plus_" + region_strings[region];
1830  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1832  h_Wenu_Eop_plus.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1833  h_Wenu_Eop_plus[region]->SetTitle(h_Wenu_Eop_plus[region]->GetTitle());
1834  str = path + "/Wenu_Eop_minus_" + region_strings[region];
1835  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1837  h_Wenu_Eop_minus.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1838  h_Wenu_Eop_minus[region]->SetTitle(h_Wenu_Eop_minus[region]->GetTitle());
1839  str = path + "/Wenu_Eopdiff_" + region_strings[region];
1840  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1842  h_Wenu_Eopdiff.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1843  h_Wenu_Eopdiff[region]->SetTitle(h_Wenu_Eopdiff[region]->GetTitle());
1845  h_Wenu_Eopdiff[region]->Add(h_Wenu_Eop_plus[region], h_Wenu_Eop_minus[region], 1., -1);
1847  if (region == incl) {
1848  str = path + "/Wenu_meanEop_vs_p_plus";
1849  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1851  h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_p_plus.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1852  h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_p_plus[region]->SetTitle(h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_p_plus[region]->GetTitle());
1853  str = path + "/Wenu_meanEop_vs_p_minus";
1854  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1856  h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_p_minus.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1857  h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_p_minus[region]->SetTitle(h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_p_minus[region]->GetTitle());
1858  str = path + "/Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_p";
1859  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1861  h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_p.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1862  h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_p[region]->SetTitle(h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_p[region]->GetTitle());
1864  str = path + "/Wenu_meanEop_vs_invp_plus";
1865  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1867  h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_invp_plus.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1868  h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_invp_plus[region]->SetTitle(h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_invp_plus[region]->GetTitle());
1869  str = path + "/Wenu_meanEop_vs_invp_minus";
1870  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1872  h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_invp_minus.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1873  h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_invp_minus[region]->SetTitle(h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_invp_minus[region]->GetTitle());
1874  str = path + "/Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_invp";
1875  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1877  h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_invp.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1878  h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_invp[region]->SetTitle(h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_invp[region]->GetTitle());
1880  str = path + "/Wenu_meanEop_vs_E_plus";
1881  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1883  h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_E_plus.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1884  h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_E_plus[region]->SetTitle(h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_E_plus[region]->GetTitle());
1885  str = path + "/Wenu_meanEop_vs_E_minus";
1886  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1888  h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_E_minus.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1889  h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_E_minus[region]->SetTitle(h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_E_minus[region]->GetTitle());
1890  str = path + "/Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_E";
1891  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1893  h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_E.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1894  h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_E[region]->SetTitle(h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_E[region]->GetTitle());
1896  str = path + "/Wenu_meanEop_vs_phi_plus";
1897  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1899  h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_phi_plus.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1900  h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_phi_plus[region]->SetTitle(h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_phi_plus[region]->GetTitle());
1901  str = path + "/Wenu_meanEop_vs_phi_minus";
1902  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1904  h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_phi_minus.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1905  h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_phi_minus[region]->SetTitle(h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_phi_minus[region]->GetTitle());
1906  str = path + "/Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_phi";
1907  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1909  h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_phi.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1910  h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_phi[region]->SetTitle(h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_phi[region]->GetTitle());
1912  str = path + "/Wenu_meanEop_vs_eta_plus";
1913  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1915  h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_eta_plus.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1916  h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_eta_plus[region]->SetTitle(h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_eta_plus[region]->GetTitle());
1917  str = path + "/Wenu_meanEop_vs_eta_minus";
1918  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1920  h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_eta_minus.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1921  h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_eta_minus[region]->SetTitle(h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_eta_minus[region]->GetTitle());
1922  str = path + "/Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_eta";
1923  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1925  h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_eta.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1926  h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_eta[region]->SetTitle(h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_eta[region]->GetTitle());
1928  h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_p[region]->Add(h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_p_plus[region], h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_p_minus[region], 1., -1);
1929  h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_invp[region]->Add(h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_invp_plus[region], h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_invp_minus[region],
1930  1., -1);
1931  h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_E[region]->Add(h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_E_plus[region], h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_E_minus[region], 1., -1);
1932  h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_phi[region]->Add(h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_phi_plus[region], h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_phi_minus[region], 1.,
1933  -1);
1934  h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_eta[region]->Add(h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_eta_plus[region], h_Wenu_meanEop_vs_eta_minus[region], 1.,
1935  -1);
1936  }
1937  }
1939  for (int region = 0; region != Nregions; ++region) {
1940  h_Wenu_Eopdiff[region]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1941  if (region == incl) {
1942  h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_p[region]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1943  h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_invp[region]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1944  h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_E[region]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1945  h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_phi[region]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1946  h_Wenu_Eopdiff_vs_eta[region]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1947  }
1948  }
1950  f->Write();
1951  }

◆ fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonZee()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonZee ( TFile *  f,
const std::string &  run_dir,
const std::string &  TriggerName 

Definition at line 1553 of file MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx.

1554  {
1555  std::string path;
1556  path = run_dir + "IDPerfMon/Zee/" + TriggerName;
1557  if (f->cd(path.c_str()) == 0) {
1558  //std::cerr << "MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonZee(): "
1559  //<< "No such directory \"" << path << "\"\n";
1560  return;
1561  }
1563  f->cd(path.c_str());
1565  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Zee_invmass").c_str())) return;
1567  TH1F* h_mass = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Zee_invmass").c_str())->Clone());
1568  if (CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Nevents").c_str())) {
1569  TH1F* h_Nevents = (TH1F*) f->Get((path + "/Nevents").c_str());
1570  TH1F* h_rate = new TH1F("rate", "production rate", 1, 0, 1);
1571  double Ntot = h_Nevents->GetEntries();
1572  double yield = h_mass->Integral(h_mass->FindBin(80), h_mass->FindBin(105));
1573  double rate = yield / Ntot;
1574  double rate_error = sqrt(1 / yield + 1 / Ntot) * yield / Ntot;
1575  h_rate->SetBinContent(1, rate);
1576  h_rate->SetBinError(1, rate_error);
1577  h_rate->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1578  }
1579 // TH1F* h_mass_scaled = (TH1F*)(f->Get((path+"/Zee_trk_invmass").c_str())->Clone("Zee_trk_invmass_scaled_copy"));
1580 // TString title(h_mass_scaled->GetTitle());
1581 // if (CheckHistogram(f,(path+"/Zee_trk_invmass_scaled").c_str())) {
1582 // if (CheckHistogram(f,(path+"/Nevents").c_str())) {
1583 // TH1F* h_Nevents=(TH1F*)f->Get((path+"/Nevents").c_str());
1584 // double Ntot =h_Nevents->GetEntries();
1585 // if (Ntot!=0.) h_mass_scaled->Scale(1./Ntot);
1586 // h_mass_scaled->SetTitle(title+" (per event)");
1587 // h_mass_scaled->Write("Zee_trk_invmass_scaled",TObject::kOverwrite);
1588 // }
1589 // }
1590 // delete h_mass_scaled;
1592  enum eta_region {
1593  incl, barrel, eca, ecc, Nregions
1594  };
1595  std::vector<std::string> region_strings;
1596  region_strings.push_back("incl");
1597  region_strings.push_back("barrel");
1598  region_strings.push_back("eca");
1599  region_strings.push_back("ecc");
1601  std::vector<TH1F*> h_Zee_Eopdiff;
1602  std::vector<TH1F*> h_Zee_Eop_plus;
1603  std::vector<TH1F*> h_Zee_Eop_minus;
1605  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_p;
1606  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Zee_meanEop_vs_p_plus;
1607  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Zee_meanEop_vs_p_minus;
1609  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_invp;
1610  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Zee_meanEop_vs_invp_plus;
1611  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Zee_meanEop_vs_invp_minus;
1613  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_E;
1614  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Zee_meanEop_vs_E_plus;
1615  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Zee_meanEop_vs_E_minus;
1617  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_phi;
1618  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Zee_meanEop_vs_phi_plus;
1619  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Zee_meanEop_vs_phi_minus;
1621  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_eta;
1622  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Zee_meanEop_vs_eta_plus;
1623  std::vector<TProfile*> h_Zee_meanEop_vs_eta_minus;
1625  std::string str;
1627  for (int region = 0; region != Nregions; ++region) {
1628  str = path + "/Zee_Eop_plus_" + region_strings[region];
1629  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1631  h_Zee_Eop_plus.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1632  h_Zee_Eop_plus[region]->SetTitle(h_Zee_Eop_plus[region]->GetTitle());
1633  str = path + "/Zee_Eop_minus_" + region_strings[region];
1634  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1636  h_Zee_Eop_minus.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1637  h_Zee_Eop_minus[region]->SetTitle(h_Zee_Eop_minus[region]->GetTitle());
1638  str = path + "/Zee_Eopdiff_" + region_strings[region];
1639  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1641  h_Zee_Eopdiff.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1642  h_Zee_Eopdiff[region]->SetTitle(h_Zee_Eopdiff[region]->GetTitle());
1644  h_Zee_Eopdiff[region]->Add(h_Zee_Eop_plus[region], h_Zee_Eop_minus[region], 1., -1);
1646  if (region == incl) {
1647  str = path + "/Zee_meanEop_vs_p_plus";
1648  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1650  h_Zee_meanEop_vs_p_plus.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1651  h_Zee_meanEop_vs_p_plus[region]->SetTitle(h_Zee_meanEop_vs_p_plus[region]->GetTitle());
1652  str = path + "/Zee_meanEop_vs_p_minus";
1653  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1655  h_Zee_meanEop_vs_p_minus.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1656  h_Zee_meanEop_vs_p_minus[region]->SetTitle(h_Zee_meanEop_vs_p_minus[region]->GetTitle());
1657  str = path + "/Zee_Eopdiff_vs_p";
1658  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1660  h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_p.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1661  h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_p[region]->SetTitle(h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_p[region]->GetTitle());
1663  str = path + "/Zee_meanEop_vs_invp_plus";
1664  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1666  h_Zee_meanEop_vs_invp_plus.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1667  h_Zee_meanEop_vs_invp_plus[region]->SetTitle(h_Zee_meanEop_vs_invp_plus[region]->GetTitle());
1668  str = path + "/Zee_meanEop_vs_invp_minus";
1669  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1671  h_Zee_meanEop_vs_invp_minus.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1672  h_Zee_meanEop_vs_invp_minus[region]->SetTitle(h_Zee_meanEop_vs_invp_minus[region]->GetTitle());
1673  str = path + "/Zee_Eopdiff_vs_invp";
1674  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1676  h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_invp.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1677  h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_invp[region]->SetTitle(h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_invp[region]->GetTitle());
1679  str = path + "/Zee_meanEop_vs_E_plus";
1680  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1682  h_Zee_meanEop_vs_E_plus.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1683  h_Zee_meanEop_vs_E_plus[region]->SetTitle(h_Zee_meanEop_vs_E_plus[region]->GetTitle());
1684  str = path + "/Zee_meanEop_vs_E_minus";
1685  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1687  h_Zee_meanEop_vs_E_minus.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1688  h_Zee_meanEop_vs_E_minus[region]->SetTitle(h_Zee_meanEop_vs_E_minus[region]->GetTitle());
1689  str = path + "/Zee_Eopdiff_vs_E";
1690  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1692  h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_E.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1693  h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_E[region]->SetTitle(h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_E[region]->GetTitle());
1695  str = path + "/Zee_meanEop_vs_phi_plus";
1696  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1698  h_Zee_meanEop_vs_phi_plus.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1699  h_Zee_meanEop_vs_phi_plus[region]->SetTitle(h_Zee_meanEop_vs_phi_plus[region]->GetTitle());
1700  str = path + "/Zee_meanEop_vs_phi_minus";
1701  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1703  h_Zee_meanEop_vs_phi_minus.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1704  h_Zee_meanEop_vs_phi_minus[region]->SetTitle(h_Zee_meanEop_vs_phi_minus[region]->GetTitle());
1705  str = path + "/Zee_Eopdiff_vs_phi";
1706  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1708  h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_phi.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1709  h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_phi[region]->SetTitle(h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_phi[region]->GetTitle());
1711  str = path + "/Zee_meanEop_vs_eta_plus";
1712  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1714  h_Zee_meanEop_vs_eta_plus.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1715  h_Zee_meanEop_vs_eta_plus[region]->SetTitle(h_Zee_meanEop_vs_eta_plus[region]->GetTitle());
1716  str = path + "/Zee_meanEop_vs_eta_minus";
1717  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1719  h_Zee_meanEop_vs_eta_minus.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1720  h_Zee_meanEop_vs_eta_minus[region]->SetTitle(h_Zee_meanEop_vs_eta_minus[region]->GetTitle());
1721  str = path + "/Zee_Eopdiff_vs_eta";
1722  if (!CheckHistogram(f, str.c_str())) return;
1724  h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_eta.push_back((TProfile*) (f->Get(str.c_str())));
1725  h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_eta[region]->SetTitle(h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_eta[region]->GetTitle());
1727  h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_p[region]->Add(h_Zee_meanEop_vs_p_plus[region], h_Zee_meanEop_vs_p_minus[region], 1., -1);
1728  h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_invp[region]->Add(h_Zee_meanEop_vs_invp_plus[region], h_Zee_meanEop_vs_invp_minus[region], 1.,
1729  -1);
1730  h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_E[region]->Add(h_Zee_meanEop_vs_E_plus[region], h_Zee_meanEop_vs_E_minus[region], 1., -1);
1731  h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_phi[region]->Add(h_Zee_meanEop_vs_phi_plus[region], h_Zee_meanEop_vs_phi_minus[region], 1.,
1732  -1);
1733  h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_eta[region]->Add(h_Zee_meanEop_vs_eta_plus[region], h_Zee_meanEop_vs_eta_minus[region], 1.,
1734  -1);
1735  }
1736  }
1738  for (int region = 0; region != Nregions; ++region) {
1739  h_Zee_Eopdiff[region]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1740  if (region == incl) {
1741  h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_p[region]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1742  h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_invp[region]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1743  h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_E[region]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1744  h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_phi[region]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1745  h_Zee_Eopdiff_vs_eta[region]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1746  }
1747  }
1749  f->Write();
1750  }

◆ fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonZMM()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonZMM ( TFile *  f,
const std::string &  run_dir,
const std::string &  TriggerName 

Definition at line 1954 of file MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx.

1955  {
1956  std::string path;
1957  std::vector<TH1F*> hvec;
1958  gROOT->SetStyle("Plain");
1960  path = run_dir + "IDPerfMon/ZMM/" + TriggerName;
1961  //std::cout <<" ZMM path: "<< path << std::endl;
1962  if (f->cd(path.c_str()) == 0) {
1963  //std::cerr << "MonitoringFile::fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonZMM(): "
1964  //<< "No such directory \"" << path << "\"\n";
1965  return;
1966  }
1967  f->cd(path.c_str());
1971  // CB ---------
1972  TH1F* h_ZMass_CB_Shift_vs_Regions = new TH1F("Z_Mass_CB_Shift_vs_Regions", "Z_Mass_CB Shift vs. Regions", 4, 0.5,
1973  4.5);
1974  TH1F* h_ZMass_CB_Width_vs_Regions = new TH1F("Z_Mass_CB_Width_vs_Regions", "Z_Mass_CB Width vs. Regions", 4, 0.5,
1975  4.5);
1977  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Z_Mass_CB_All").c_str()) ||
1978  !CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Z_Mass_CB_BB").c_str()) ||
1979  !CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Z_Mass_CB_BE").c_str()) ||
1980  !CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Z_Mass_CB_EE").c_str())) return;
1982  hvec.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Z_Mass_CB_All").c_str())->Clone()));
1983  hvec.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Z_Mass_CB_BB").c_str())->Clone()));
1984  hvec.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Z_Mass_CB_BE").c_str())->Clone()));
1985  hvec.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Z_Mass_CB_EE").c_str())->Clone()));
1986  fitZmumuHistograms(h_ZMass_CB_Shift_vs_Regions, h_ZMass_CB_Width_vs_Regions, hvec);
1987  hvec.clear();
1988  h_ZMass_CB_Shift_vs_Regions->SetStats(0);
1989  h_ZMass_CB_Width_vs_Regions->SetStats(0);
1990  h_ZMass_CB_Shift_vs_Regions->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1991  h_ZMass_CB_Width_vs_Regions->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1993  // ID ----------
1994  TH1F* h_ZMass_ID_Shift_vs_Regions = new TH1F("Z_Mass_ID_Shift_vs_Regions", "Z_Mass_ID Shift vs. Regions", 4, 0.5,
1995  4.5);
1996  TH1F* h_ZMass_ID_Width_vs_Regions = new TH1F("Z_Mass_ID_Width_vs_Regions", "Z_Mass_ID Width vs. Regions", 4, 0.5,
1997  4.5);
1999  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Z_Mass_ID_All").c_str()) ||
2000  !CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Z_Mass_ID_BB").c_str()) ||
2001  !CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Z_Mass_ID_BE").c_str()) ||
2002  !CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Z_Mass_ID_EE").c_str())) return;
2004  hvec.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Z_Mass_ID_All").c_str())->Clone()));
2005  hvec.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Z_Mass_ID_BB").c_str())->Clone()));
2006  hvec.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Z_Mass_ID_BE").c_str())->Clone()));
2007  hvec.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Z_Mass_ID_EE").c_str())->Clone()));
2008  fitZmumuHistograms(h_ZMass_ID_Shift_vs_Regions, h_ZMass_ID_Width_vs_Regions, hvec);
2009  hvec.clear();
2010  h_ZMass_ID_Shift_vs_Regions->SetStats(0);
2011  h_ZMass_ID_Width_vs_Regions->SetStats(0);
2012  h_ZMass_ID_Shift_vs_Regions->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2013  h_ZMass_ID_Width_vs_Regions->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2015  // ME -----------
2016  TH1F* h_ZMass_ME_Shift_vs_Regions = new TH1F("Z_Mass_ME_Shift_vs_Regions", "Z_Mass_ME Shift vs. Regions", 4, 0.5,
2017  4.5);
2018  TH1F* h_ZMass_ME_Width_vs_Regions = new TH1F("Z_Mass_ME_Width_vs_Regions", "Z_Mass_ME Width vs. Regions", 4, 0.5,
2019  4.5);
2021  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Z_Mass_ME_All").c_str()) ||
2022  !CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Z_Mass_ME_BB").c_str()) ||
2023  !CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Z_Mass_ME_BE").c_str()) ||
2024  !CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Z_Mass_ME_EE").c_str())) return;
2026  hvec.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Z_Mass_ME_All").c_str())->Clone()));
2027  hvec.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Z_Mass_ME_BB").c_str())->Clone()));
2028  hvec.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Z_Mass_ME_BE").c_str())->Clone()));
2029  hvec.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Z_Mass_ME_EE").c_str())->Clone()));
2030  fitZmumuHistograms(h_ZMass_ME_Shift_vs_Regions, h_ZMass_ME_Width_vs_Regions, hvec);
2031  hvec.clear();
2032  h_ZMass_ME_Shift_vs_Regions->SetStats(0);
2033  h_ZMass_ME_Width_vs_Regions->SetStats(0);
2034  h_ZMass_ME_Shift_vs_Regions->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2035  h_ZMass_ME_Width_vs_Regions->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2037  // MS -----------
2038  TH1F* h_ZMass_MS_Shift_vs_Regions = new TH1F("Z_Mass_MS_Shift_vs_Regions", "Z_Mass_MS Shift vs. Regions", 4, 0.5,
2039  4.5);
2040  TH1F* h_ZMass_MS_Width_vs_Regions = new TH1F("Z_Mass_MS_Width_vs_Regions", "Z_Mass_MS Width vs. Regions", 4, 0.5,
2041  4.5);
2044  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Z_Mass_MS_All").c_str()) ||
2045  !CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Z_Mass_MS_BB").c_str()) ||
2046  !CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Z_Mass_MS_BE").c_str()) ||
2047  !CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Z_Mass_MS_EE").c_str())) return;
2049  hvec.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Z_Mass_MS_All").c_str())->Clone()));
2050  hvec.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Z_Mass_MS_BB").c_str())->Clone()));
2051  hvec.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Z_Mass_MS_BE").c_str())->Clone()));
2052  hvec.push_back((TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/Z_Mass_MS_EE").c_str())->Clone()));
2053  fitZmumuHistograms(h_ZMass_MS_Shift_vs_Regions, h_ZMass_MS_Width_vs_Regions, hvec);
2054  hvec.clear();
2055  h_ZMass_MS_Shift_vs_Regions->SetStats(0);
2056  h_ZMass_MS_Width_vs_Regions->SetStats(0);
2057  h_ZMass_MS_Shift_vs_Regions->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2058  h_ZMass_MS_Width_vs_Regions->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
2062  // OLD naming style plots
2063  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/z-mass_trks").c_str())) return;
2065  TH1F* h_ZMass_ID = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/z-mass_trks").c_str())->Clone());
2066  h_ZMass_ID->SetTitle("Z Mass ID Tracks");
2067  //fitZmumuMassPlot(h_ZMass_ID);
2068  //h_ZMass_ID->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite);
2070  if (!CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/z-mass_comb").c_str())) return;
2072  TH1F* h_ZMass_CB = (TH1F*) (f->Get((path + "/z-mass_comb").c_str())->Clone());
2073  h_ZMass_CB->SetTitle("Z Mass CB Tracks");
2074  //fitZmumuMassPlot(h_ZMass_CB);
2075  //h_ZMass_CB->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite);
2078  if (CheckHistogram(f, (path + "/Nevents").c_str())) {
2079  TH1F* h_Nevents = (TH1F*) f->Get((path + "/Nevents").c_str());
2080  TH1F* h_rate = new TH1F("rate", "production rate", 1, 0, 1);
2081  double Ntot = h_Nevents->GetEntries();
2082  double yield = h_ZMass_ID->Integral(h_ZMass_ID->FindBin(80), h_ZMass_ID->FindBin(105));
2083  double rate = yield / Ntot;
2084  double rate_error = sqrt(1 / yield + 1 / Ntot) * yield / Ntot;
2085  //std::cout <<" rate: "<< rate <<" rate_error: "<< rate_error <<std::endl;
2086  h_rate->SetBinContent(1, rate);
2087  h_rate->SetBinError(1, rate_error);
2088  h_rate->Write("rate", TObject::kOverwrite);
2089  }
2091  f->Write();
2092  }

◆ fitUpsilonHistograms()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fitUpsilonHistograms ( TH1F hmass,
TH1F hwidth,
TH1F h1[],
int  n 

Definition at line 2151 of file MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx.

2152  {
2153  double upsilonPDGmass = 9.46;
2154  double mass = 0;
2155  double mass_error = 0;
2156  double width = 0;
2157  double width_error = 0;
2158  double maxmass = 0.;
2159  double maxwidth = 0.;
2160  double minwidth = 999;
2162  hmass->SetMarkerStyle(21);
2163  hwidth->SetMarkerStyle(21);
2164 // TF1 *fitupsi = new TF1("fitupsi","gaus",9.,10.);
2165 // fitupsi->SetParNames("Constant","Mean","Width");
2166  TF1* fitupsi = new TF1("fitupsi", "gaus(0)+pol1(3)", 8.5, 10.5);
2167  fitupsi->SetParNames("Constant", "Mean", "Sigma", "Constant", "Slope");
2168  fitupsi->SetLineColor(2);
2169  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
2170  if (h1[i]->GetEntries() > 20) {
2171  double max = h1[i]->GetBinContent(h1[i]->GetMaximumBin());
2172  fitupsi->SetParameter(1, 9.46);
2173  fitupsi->SetParameter(2, 0.15);
2174  fitupsi->SetParLimits(1, 8., 11.);
2175  fitupsi->SetParLimits(2, 0., 0.5);
2176  fitupsi->SetParameter(0, max);
2177  h1[i]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
2178  h1[i]->Fit("fitupsi", "RQM");
2179  mass = fitupsi->GetParameter(1) - upsilonPDGmass;
2180  mass_error = fitupsi->GetParError(1);
2181  width = fitupsi->GetParameter(2);
2182  width_error = fitupsi->GetParError(2);
2183  hmass->SetBinContent(i + 1, mass);
2184  hmass->SetBinError(i + 1, mass_error);
2185  hwidth->SetBinContent(i + 1, width);
2186  hwidth->SetBinError(i + 1, width_error);
2187  if ((fabs(mass) + mass_error) > maxmass) maxmass = fabs(mass) + mass_error;
2188  if ((fabs(width) + width_error) > maxwidth) maxwidth = fabs(width) + width_error;
2189  if ((fabs(width) - width_error) < minwidth) minwidth = fabs(width) - width_error;
2190  }
2191  }
2192  if (maxmass > 0.1) maxmass = 0.1;
2193  if (maxwidth > 0.4) maxwidth = 0.4;
2194  if (minwidth < 0.) minwidth = 0.;
2195  hmass->SetAxisRange(-maxmass * 1.05, maxmass * 1.05, "Y");
2196  if (minwidth < maxwidth) hwidth->SetAxisRange(minwidth * 0.9, maxwidth * 1.05, "Y");
2198  delete fitupsi;
2199  }

◆ fitZmumuHistograms()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fitZmumuHistograms ( TH1F hmass,
TH1F hwidth,
std::vector< TH1F * >  hvec 

Definition at line 2201 of file MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx.

2201  {
2202  const double ZPDGmass = 91.1876;
2203  const int size = (int) hvec.size();
2205  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
2206  double mass = fitZmumuMass(hvec[i]).first.getVal() - ZPDGmass;
2207  double mass_err = fitZmumuMass(hvec[i]).first.getError();
2208  double width = fitZmumuMass(hvec[i]).second.getVal();
2209  double width_err = fitZmumuMass(hvec[i]).second.getError();
2211  hmass->SetBinContent(i + 1, mass);
2212  hmass->SetBinError(i + 1, mass_err);
2213  hmass->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, hvec[i]->GetName());
2214  hmass->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Different Detector Regions");
2215  hmass->SetAxisRange(-3.0, 3.0, "Y");
2217  hwidth->SetBinContent(i + 1, width);
2218  hwidth->SetBinError(i + 1, width_err);
2219  hwidth->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, hvec[i]->GetName());
2220  hwidth->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Different Detector Regions");
2221  hwidth->SetAxisRange(0, 8, "Y");
2222  }
2223  }

◆ fitZmumuMass()

std::pair< RooRealVar, RooRealVar > dqutils::MonitoringFile::fitZmumuMass ( TH1F hmass)

Definition at line 2225 of file MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx.

2225  {
2226  // gROOT->ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel=1001;");
2227  RooAbsPdf::verboseEval(-100); //sami in order to make roofit quiet
2228  RooRealVar m("mass", "dimuon invariable mass", 91.2, 60., 120., "GeV");
2229  RooDataHist* data = 0;
2230  data = new RooDataHist("data", "data", m, hmass);
2231  RooRealVar bwm0("bw_#mu", "bw_#mu", 91.2, 85., 95.);
2232  RooRealVar bwsg("bw_#sigma", "bw_#sigma", 2.4952);
2233  RooBreitWigner bw("bw", "bw", m, bwm0, bwsg);
2235  RooRealVar cbm0("cb_#mu", "cb_#mu", 0);
2236  RooRealVar cbsg("cb_#sigma", "cb_#sigma", 5., 0.1, 10.);
2237  RooRealVar cbal("cb_#alpha", "cb_#alpha", 1.5, 0.1, 10.);
2238  RooRealVar cbn("cb_n", "cb_n", 1.5, 0.01, 10.);
2239  RooCBShape cb("cb", "cb", m, cbm0, cbsg, cbal, cbn);
2241  m.setBins(5000);
2242  RooFFTConvPdf bxc("bxc", "BW (X) CB", m, bw, cb);
2243  bxc.fitTo(*data, RooFit::PrintLevel(-1), RooFit::PrintEvalErrors(-1), RooFit::Warnings(kFALSE));
2245  RooArgSet* params = bxc.getVariables();
2246  //params->Print("v");
2247  RooRealVar* fit_bwm0 = (RooRealVar*) params->find("bw_#mu");
2248  RooRealVar* fit_cbsg = (RooRealVar*) params->find("cb_#sigma");
2249  //double vfit_bwm0 = fit_bwm0->getVal();
2250  //double vfit_cbsg = fit_cbsg->getVal();
2251  //std::cout <<" vfit_bwm0: "<< vfit_bwm0 << " vfit_cbsg: " << vfit_cbsg << std::endl;
2252  delete data;
2253  return std::make_pair(*fit_bwm0, *fit_cbsg);
2254  }

◆ fitZmumuMassPlot()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::fitZmumuMassPlot ( TH1F hmass)

Definition at line 2257 of file MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx.

2257  {
2258  // gROOT->ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel=1001;");
2259  RooAbsPdf::verboseEval(-100); //sami in order to make roofit quiet
2260  RooRealVar m("mass", "dimuon invariable mass", 91.2, 60., 120., "GeV");
2261  RooDataHist* data = 0;
2262  data = new RooDataHist("data", "data", m, hmass);
2263  RooRealVar bwm0("bw_#mu", "bw_#mu", 91.2, 85., 95.);
2264  RooRealVar bwsg("bw_#sigma", "bw_#sigma", 2.4952);
2265  RooBreitWigner bw("bw", "bw", m, bwm0, bwsg);
2267  RooRealVar cbm0("cb_#mu", "cb_#mu", 0);
2268  RooRealVar cbsg("cb_#sigma", "cb_#sigma", 5., 0.1, 10.);
2269  RooRealVar cbal("cb_#alpha", "cb_#alpha", 1.5, 0.1, 10.);
2270  RooRealVar cbn("cb_n", "cb_n", 1.5, 0.01, 10.);
2271  RooCBShape cb("cb", "cb", m, cbm0, cbsg, cbal, cbn);
2273  m.setBins(5000);
2274  RooFFTConvPdf bxc("bxc", "BW (X) CB", m, bw, cb);
2275  bxc.fitTo(*data, RooFit::PrintLevel(-1), RooFit::PrintEvalErrors(-1), RooFit::Warnings(kFALSE));
2276  RooPlot* frame = m.frame();
2277  data->plotOn(frame, RooFit::MarkerSize(0.9));
2278  bxc.paramOn(frame, RooFit::Format("NELU", RooFit::AutoPrecision(2)), RooFit::Layout(0.1, 0.4, 0.9));
2279  bxc.plotOn(frame, RooFit::LineColor(kYellow));
2280  cb.plotOn(frame, RooFit::LineColor(kRed));
2281  bw.plotOn(frame, RooFit::LineStyle(kDashed));
2282  delete data;
2283  }

◆ getAllDirs()

static void dqutils::MonitoringFile::getAllDirs ( DirMap_t dirmap,
TDirectory *  dir,
const std::string &  dirName 

◆ getCompressionLevel()

static int dqutils::MonitoringFile::getCompressionLevel ( )

Definition at line 455 of file MonitoringFile.h.

455 {return m_fileCompressionLevel;}

◆ getDebugLevel()

static int dqutils::MonitoringFile::getDebugLevel ( )

◆ getHanResults()

static std::string dqutils::MonitoringFile::getHanResults ( const std::string &  hanResultsDir,
const std::string &  input,
const std::string &  hcfg,
const std::string &  hcfg_min10,
const std::string &  hcfg_min30 

◆ getIndentation()

static std::string dqutils::MonitoringFile::getIndentation ( const std::string &  pathName,
const std::string &  leadingSpace = "" 

◆ getMedian()

float dqutils::MonitoringFile::getMedian ( TH1 h1)

Definition at line 3678 of file MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx.

3679  {
3680  //calculates median for a TH1
3682  int nBins = h1->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
3684  //double x[nBins]; double y[nBins];
3685  std::vector<double> x;
3686  std::vector<double> y;
3687  // double x[10000]; double y[10000];
3688  for (int i = 1; i != nBins + 1; i++) {
3689  //x[i] = h1->GetBinCenter(i);
3690  //y[i] = h1->GetBinContent(i);
3691  x.push_back(h1->GetBinCenter(i));
3692  y.push_back(h1->GetBinContent(i));
3693  }
3695  //float median = TMath::Median(nBins,x,y);
3696  float median = TMath::Median(nBins, &x[0], &y[0]);
3698  return median;
3699  }

◆ getNumBins()

Int_t dqutils::MonitoringFile::getNumBins ( const TH1 hist)

Definition at line 47 of file MonitoringFile_MergeAlgs.cxx.

47  {
48  // Return number of histogram bins in ROOT 1-dim projection scheme
49  // Allow loops on multi-dim histograms without regard for dimensionality
50  Int_t dim = hist.GetDimension();
52  if (dim == 1) {
53  return(hist.GetNbinsX() + 2);
54  }
55  if (dim == 2) {
56  return (hist.GetNbinsX() + 2) * (hist.GetNbinsY() + 2);
57  }
58  if (dim == 3) {
59  return (hist.GetNbinsX() + 2) * (hist.GetNbinsY() + 2) * (hist.GetNbinsZ() + 2);
60  }
61  return -1;
62  }

◆ getObjKey()

static TKey* dqutils::MonitoringFile::getObjKey ( TDirectory *  dir,
const std::string &  path 

◆ getPath()

static std::string dqutils::MonitoringFile::getPath ( TDirectory *  dir)

◆ getTGCNumberOfWires()

int dqutils::MonitoringFile::getTGCNumberOfWires ( const int  istationName,
const int  layer,
const int  istationEta,
const int  istationPhi 

Definition at line 1036 of file MonitoringFile_TGCPostProcess.cxx.

1037  {
1038  int nWire = 0;
1040  if (istationName == 42) { //TGC1 Endcap //41:T1F 42:T1E 43:T2F 44:T2E 45:T3F 46:T3E 47:T3F 48:T4E (T4 means inner
1041  // small wheel TGCs, EI/FI)
1042  if (layer == 0) {
1043  if (istationEta == 1) { // T3 (E4) wire 1ch-91ch (total 91ch)
1044  nWire = 92;
1045  } else if (istationEta == 2) { //T6 (E3) 91ch-152ch (62ch)
1046  nWire = 61;
1047  } else if (istationEta == 3) { //T7 (E2) 152ch-174ch (23ch)
1048  nWire = 23;
1049  } else if (istationEta == 4) { //T8 (E1) 173ch-196ch(24ch)
1050  nWire = 24;
1051  }
1052  } else if (layer == 1 || layer == 2) {
1053  if (istationEta == 1) { // T3 (E4) wire 1ch-91ch (total 91ch)
1054  nWire = 91;
1055  } else if (istationEta == 2) { //T6 (E3) 91ch-152ch (62ch)
1056  nWire = 62;
1057  } else if (istationEta == 3) { //T7 (E2) 152ch-174ch (23ch)
1058  nWire = 23;
1059  } else if (istationEta == 4) { //T8 (E1) 173ch-196ch(24ch)
1060  nWire = 24;
1061  }
1062  }
1063  } else if (istationName == 41) { // TGC1 Forward
1064  if (layer == 0 || layer == 2) nWire = 105;
1065  else if (layer == 1) nWire = 104;
1066  } else if (istationName == 44) { // TGC2 Endcap
1067  if (istationEta == 1) { // T4 (E5) wire 1ch-91ch (total 91ch)
1068  nWire = 110;
1069  } else if (istationEta == 2) { //T6 (E4) 109ch-211ch (103ch)
1070  nWire = 103;
1071  } else if (istationEta == 3) { //T7 (E3) 211ch-242ch (23ch)
1072  nWire = 32;
1073  } else if (istationEta == 4) { //T8 (E2) 241ch-272ch (32ch)
1074  nWire = 32;
1075  } else if (istationEta == 5) { //T9 (E1) 271ch-302ch(32ch)
1076  nWire = 32;
1077  }
1078  } else if (istationName == 43) { // TGC2 Forward
1079  nWire = 125;
1080  } else if (istationName == 46) { // TGC3 Endcap
1081  if (istationEta == 1) { // T5 (E5) wire 1ch-110ch (total 110ch)
1082  nWire = 96;
1083  } else if (istationEta == 2) { //T6 (E4) 95ch-200ch (106ch)
1084  nWire = 106;
1085  } else if (istationEta == 3) { //T7 (E3) 200ch-231ch (32ch)
1086  nWire = 32;
1087  } else if (istationEta == 4) { //T8 (E2) 231ch-2
1088  nWire = 30;
1089  } else if (istationEta == 5) { //T9 (E1) 260ch-290ch(31ch)
1090  nWire = 31;
1091  }
1092  } else if (istationName == 45) { // TGC3 Forward
1093  nWire = 122;
1094  } else if (istationName == 48) { // EI
1095  //stationPhi 1-8 -> 1-8
1096  // 9-15 -> 10-16
1097  // 16-18 -> 18-20
1098  // 19-21 -> 22-24
1099  if (istationPhi == 2 || istationPhi == 11 || istationPhi == 13 || istationPhi == 14 || istationPhi == 15 ||
1100  istationPhi == 16 || istationPhi == 20 || istationPhi == 21) {
1101  //short 16
1102  nWire = 16;
1103  } else {
1104  //long 24
1105  nWire = 24;
1106  }
1107  } else if (istationName == 47) { // FI
1108  if (istationPhi == 2 || istationPhi == 5 || istationPhi == 8 || istationPhi == 11 || istationPhi == 14 ||
1109  istationPhi == 17 || istationPhi == 20 || istationPhi == 23) {
1110  //short 30
1111  nWire = 30;
1112  } else {
1113  //long 32
1114  nWire = 32;
1115  }
1116  }
1117  return nWire;
1118  }

◆ HLTCaloAveragePtPhiEtaMaps()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTCaloAveragePtPhiEtaMaps ( TFile *  f,
TString &  run_dir 

Definition at line 24 of file MonitoringFile_HLTCaloAveragePtPhiEtaMaps.cxx.

24  {
27  if (debugLevel > 1) std::cout << "--> HLTCaloAveragePtPhiEtaMaps: <Quantity(eta,phi)> = Quantity(eta,phi)/N(eta,phi) " << std::endl;
29  f->cd("/");
30  TIter next_run(f->GetListOfKeys());
31  TKey* key_run(0);
32  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*> (next_run())) != 0) {
33  if (!key_run->IsFolder()) continue;
34  run_dir = key_run->GetName();
35  if (!run_dir.Contains("run")) {
36  continue;
37  }
39  std::string run_dir2 = run_dir.Data();
41  // all merged root files have the structure "rootfile.root:/run_NNNNNNN"
42  // use that to extract run number
43  //int run_number = atoi( (run_dir2.substr(4, run_dir2.size()-4 )).c_str() );
44  //run_number=run_number;
46  // begin HLTMET
47  // note 1: prefix all dirs and hists with '/'
48  // note 2: missing dir => return
49  // note 3: missing hist => continue
50  TString hlt_top = run_dir + "/HLT"; // toplevel
52  std::vector<TString> calo_fold;
53  std::vector<std::pair<TString, TString> > hist_numr;
55  // The folders that we want to get the hists from
56  calo_fold.push_back("/CaloMon");
57  calo_fold.push_back("/CaloMonL2");
59  // check if the folders are in hlt
60  for (std::vector<TString>::iterator it = calo_fold.begin(); it != calo_fold.end(); ++it) {
61  TString theHistDir = hlt_top + *it;
62  TDirectory* dir = f->GetDirectory(theHistDir);
63  if (!dir) {
64  if (debugLevel > 0) std::cerr << "--> HLTCaloAveragePtPhiEtaMaps: directory " << theHistDir << " not found" << std::endl;
65  return;
66  }
67  }
69  // pairs of Num and Dem
70  hist_numr.push_back(std::make_pair<TString, TString>("/EnergyAccetaphiLAr", "/HitAccetaphiLAr"));
71  hist_numr.push_back(std::make_pair<TString, TString>("/EnergyAccetaphiTile", "/HitAccetaphiTile"));
74  // we have all dirs, get the component histograms
75  for (std::vector<TString>::iterator itFex = calo_fold.begin(); itFex != calo_fold.end(); ++itFex) {
76  for (std::vector<std::pair<TString, TString> >::iterator itNum = hist_numr.begin(); itNum != hist_numr.end(); ++itNum) {
77  TH2F* hnum(0), *hden(0);
79  // prepend histogram name with path and append with suffix [_00 .., _24 for each component]
80  TString thePath = hlt_top + (*itFex);
81  TString numPath = thePath + (*itNum).first;
82  TString denPath = thePath + (*itNum).second;
84  // get histograms
85  hnum = (TH2F*) (f->Get(numPath));
86  hden = (TH2F*) (f->Get(denPath));
87  // test if histograms are present
88  if (!hnum) {
89  if (debugLevel > 0) std::cerr << "--> HLTCaloAveragePtPhiEtaMaps: no histogram " << numPath << std::endl;
90  continue;
91  }
92  if (!hden) {
93  if (debugLevel > 0) std::cerr << "--> HLTCaloAveragePtPhiEtaMaps: no histogram " << denPath << std::endl;
94  continue;
95  }
98  // get directory of histograms
99  TDirectory* dir = f->GetDirectory(thePath);
101  // these are disabled, because we have to worry about updating metadata
102  // clone numerator histogram in the same directory; prepend with "avg_"
103  // use numerator to do the job
105  // divide num by den to get average quantity.
106  hnum->Divide(hnum, hden);
108  // fix histogram titles
109  TString title = hnum->GetTitle();
110  hnum->SetTitle("Average Transverse Energy per eta/phi bin");
112  dir->cd();
113  hnum->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
114  } // done looping over quantities
115  } // done looping over directories
116  } // end while loop over all keys
117  } // end method MonitoringFile::HLTCaloAveragePtPhiEtaMaps

◆ HLTCaloPostProcess()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTCaloPostProcess ( const std::string &  inFileName,
bool  isIncremental = false 

Definition at line 16 of file MonitoringFile_HLTCaloPostProcess.cxx.

16  {
17  if (isIncremental == true) {
18  return;
19  }
22  if (debugLevel > 1) {
23  std::cout << "--> HLTCaloPostProcess: Begin HLTCalo post-processing" << std::endl;
24  }
26  //open root file
27  TFile* f = TFile::Open(inFilename.c_str(), "UPDATE");
29  //check files are loaded.
30  if (f == 0 || !f->IsOpen()) {
31  std::cerr << "--> HLTCaloPostProcess: Input file not opened" << std::endl;
32  return;
33  }
35  if (f->IsZombie()) {
36  std::cerr << "--> HLTCaloPostProcess: Input file " << inFilename << " cannot be opened. " << std::endl;
37  return;
38  }
40  //check file size is not too small.
41  if (f->GetSize() < 1000.) {
42  std::cerr << "--> HLTCaloPostProcess: Input file empty" << std::endl;
43  f->Close();
44  return;
45  }
47  //start postprocessing
48  TString run_dir;
49  HLTCaloAveragePtPhiEtaMaps(f, run_dir);
50  //close root file
51  f->Close();
52  delete f;
54  if (debugLevel > 1) {
55  std::cout << "--> HLTCaloPostProcess: End HLTCalo post-processing " << std::endl;
56  }
58  return;
59  }

◆ HLTEgammaEfficiencyOff()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTEgammaEfficiencyOff ( TFile *  f,
TDirectory *  trig_dir,
TDirectory *  off_dir,
const TString &  pathNum,
const TString &  pathEff,
const std::vector< TString > &  varName 

Definition at line 28 of file MonitoringFile_HLTEgammaEfficiency.cxx.

30  {
31  //get the relevant paths
32  std::string chain_path = getPath(trig_dir);
33  std::string offline_path = getPath(off_dir);
35  //establish base path (to save typing "/PassedChain/" over and over)
36  TString basePath = chain_path + "/PassedChain/";
37  if (f->cd(basePath.Data()) == 0) {
38  std::cerr << "----> HLTEgammaPostProcess: basePath not found in "
39  << chain_path << ", skipping now!\n";
40  return;
41  }
43  //create histogram matrix with pointers to our histograms in question
44  // 3x3 matrix, rows are variables (Et, Eta, Phi), colums the different
45  // histograms (numerator - matched offline, denominator - offline, eff)
46  TH1F* histo_matrix[3][3];
48  //check variables to avoid segfaults!
49  if (varName.size() > 3) {
50  std::cerr << "----> HLTEgammaPostProcess: Too many variables "
51  << "used in " << chain_path + "/PassedChain/" + pathEff
52  << " for bootstrap efficiencies, skipping now!\n";
53  return;
54  }
58  for (uint iVar = 0; iVar < varName.size(); ++iVar) {
59  //form names for all variables
60  TString numName = basePath + pathNum + "eg" + varName[iVar];
61  TString denName = offline_path + "/" + "eg" + varName[iVar];
62  TString effName = basePath + pathEff + "eg" + varName[iVar];
64  //check histogram existence
65  if (!CheckHistogram(f, numName.Data())) {
66  std::cerr << "----> HLTEgammaPostProcess: Histogram "
67  << numName << " does not exist in file "
68  << f->GetName() << " - skipping!\n";
69  return;
70  }
71  if (!CheckHistogram(f, denName.Data())) {
72  std::cerr << "----> HLTEgammaPostProcess: Histogram "
73  << denName << " does not exist in file "
74  << f->GetName() << " - skipping!\n";
75  return;
76  }
77  if (!CheckHistogram(f, effName.Data())) {
78  std::cerr << "----> HLTEgammaPostProcess: Histogram "
79  << effName << " does not exist in file "
80  << f->GetName() << " - skipping!\n";
81  return;
82  }
84  //debug outs
85  //std::cout << "---->HLTEgammaPostProcess: Taking " << numName << " and divide by "
86  // << denName << " to get " << effName << std::endl;
88  //now get histograms
89  histo_matrix[iVar][0] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(numName.Data()));
90  histo_matrix[iVar][1] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(denName.Data()));
91  histo_matrix[iVar][2] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(effName.Data()));
93  //hop into efficiency path
94  TString writePath = basePath + pathEff;
95  f->cd(writePath.Data());
97  //create efficiency histogram by division
98  histo_matrix[iVar][2]->Divide(histo_matrix[iVar][0], histo_matrix[iVar][1],
99  1.0, 1.0, "B");
100  histo_matrix[iVar][2]->Scale(100.);
101  if (histo_matrix[iVar][2]->Write("",
102  TObject::kOverwrite) ==
103  0) std::cerr << "----> HLTEgammaPostProcess: Efficiency histogram "
104  << effName <<
105  " not written! Histogram will be buggy!\n";
106  }
108  //save results now
109  f->Write();
110  }

◆ HLTEgammaEfficiencyRel()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTEgammaEfficiencyRel ( TFile *  f,
TDirectory *  trig_dir,
const TString &  pathPre,
const TString &  pathRej,
const std::vector< TString > &  objStage,
const std::vector< TString > &  varName 

Definition at line 116 of file MonitoringFile_HLTEgammaEfficiency.cxx.

119  {
120  std::string chain_path = getPath(trig_dir);
122  // std::cout << "----> HLTEgammaPostProcess in " << chain_path
123  // << ", pathPre=" << chain_path + "/PassedChain/" + pathPre
124  // << ", pathRej=" << chain_path + "/PassedChain/" + pathRej
126  //establish base path (to save typing)
127  TString basePath = chain_path + "/PassedChain/";
128  if (f->cd(basePath.Data()) == 0) {
129  std::cerr << "----> HLTEgammaPostProcess: basePath not found in "
130  << chain_path << ", skipping now!\n";
131  return;
132  }
134  //create histogram matrix with pointers to our histograms in question
135  // 5x3x3 tensor, 1st index is the stage 2nd index are variables
136  // (Et, Eta, Phi), 3rd index the different histograms
137  // (numerator - n-1 stage, denominator - n stage)
138  TH1F* histo_tensor[5][3][3];
140  //now check size of our stages and variables to avoid segfaults!
141  if (objStage.size() > 5) {
142  std::cerr << "----> HLTEgammaPostProcess: Too many chain stages "
143  << "found in " << chain_path << " for relative efficiencies, bailing it!\n";
144  return;
145  }
146  if (varName.size() > 3) {
147  std::cerr << "----> HLTEgammaPostProcess: Too many variables "
148  << "used in " << chain_path << " for relative efficiencies, bailing out!\n";
149  return;
150  }
152  //iterate through variables (start at 1, as there is no we can't
153  //calculate rejection efficiency w.r.t n-1 with n = 0 -> segfault!)
154  for (uint iVar = 0; iVar < varName.size(); ++iVar) {
155  //iterate through stages
156  for (uint iStg = 1; iStg < objStage.size(); ++iStg) {
157  //form names for all variables
158  TString preName = basePath + pathPre + objStage[iStg - 1] + varName[iVar];
159  TString rejName = basePath + pathPre + objStage[iStg] + varName[iVar];
160  TString effName = basePath + pathRej + objStage[iStg] + varName[iVar];
161  //check histogram existence
162  if (!CheckHistogram(f, rejName.Data())) {
163  std::cerr << "----> HLTEgammaPostProcess: Histogram "
164  << rejName << " does not exist in file "
165  << f->GetName() << " - skipping it!\n";
166  return;
167  }
168  if (!CheckHistogram(f, preName.Data())) {
169  std::cerr << "----> HLTEgammaPostProcess: Histogram "
170  << preName << " does not exist in file "
171  << f->GetName() << " - skipping it!\n";
172  return;
173  }
174  if (!CheckHistogram(f, effName.Data())) {
175  std::cerr << "----> HLTEgammaPostProcess: Histogram "
176  << effName << " does not exist in file "
177  << f->GetName() << " - skipping it!\n";
178  return;
179  }
181  //debug outs
182  //std::cout << "---->HLTEgammaPostProcess: Taking " << rejName << " and divide by "
183  // << preName << " to get " << effName << std::endl;
185  //now get our histograms
186  histo_tensor[iStg][iVar][0] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(rejName.Data()));
187  histo_tensor[iStg][iVar][1] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(preName.Data()));
188  histo_tensor[iStg][iVar][2] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(effName.Data()));
190  //hop into rejection path
191  TString writePath = basePath + pathRej;
192  f->cd(writePath.Data());
194  //create rejection efficiency histograms by division
195  histo_tensor[iStg][iVar][2]->Divide(histo_tensor[iStg][iVar][0], histo_tensor[iStg][iVar][1],
196  1.0, 1.0, "B");
197  histo_tensor[iStg][iVar][2]->Scale(100.);
198  if (histo_tensor[iStg][iVar][2]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite) == 0) std::cerr
199  << "---->HLTEgammaPostProcess: Relative efficiency histogram "
200  << effName << " not written! Histograms will be buggy!\n";
201  }
202  }
204  //save results now
205  f->Write();
206  }

◆ HLTEgammaPostProcess()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTEgammaPostProcess ( const std::string &  inFilename,
bool  isIncremental = false 

Definition at line 29 of file MonitoringFile_HLTEgammaPostProcess.cxx.

29  {
30  // std::cout << "--> HLTEgammaPostProcess: Begin HLT Egamma post-processing" << std::endl;
32  // ----- getting file -----
34  //open root file
35  TFile* f = TFile::Open(inFilename.c_str(), "UPDATE");
37  //check files are loaded.
38  if (f == 0 || !f->IsOpen()) {
39  std::cerr << "--> HLTEgammaPostProcess: Input file not opened" << std::endl;
40  delete f;
41  return;
42  }
44  //zombie files?
45  if (f->IsZombie()) {
46  std::cerr << "--> HLTEgammaPostProcess: Input file " << inFilename << " cannot be opened. " << std::endl;
47  delete f;
48  return;
49  }
51  //check file size is not too small.
52  if (f->GetSize() < 1000.) {
53  std::cerr << "--> HLTEgammaPostProcess: Input file empty" << std::endl;
54  f->Close();
55  delete f;
56  return;
57  }
59  //build iterator
60  TIter next_run(f->GetListOfKeys());
61  TKey* key_run(0);
63  //loop over keys in root directory
64  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_run())) != 0) {
65  TObject* obj_run = key_run->ReadObj();
66  TDirectory* tdir_run = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_run);
68  //check we have a valid pointer
69  if (tdir_run == 0) {
70  delete obj_run;
71  continue;
72  }
74  //check name
75  std::string runDirName(tdir_run->GetName());
76  //std::cout<<"Run_directory: "<<runDirName<<std::endl;
78  // check run directory
79  //(comment this out for local testing with the TrigEgammaMonitoring recipe)
80  if (runDirName.find("run") == std::string::npos) {
81  delete obj_run;
82  continue;
83  }
85  // ----- find egamma monitoring directory (EgammaSigTE) ------
86  TString egammamonDirName = runDirName + "/HLT/EgammaSigTE";
87  TDirectory* egammamonDir(0);
88  if (!(egammamonDir = f->GetDirectory(egammamonDirName))) {
89  std::cout << "--> HLTEgammaPostProcess: directory " << egammamonDirName << " not found." << std::endl;
90  delete obj_run;
91  return;
92  }
94  // ----- get handles for offline egamma object directories -----
95  TString offgammaDirName = egammamonDirName + "/OfflinePhoton";
96  TString offeleDirName = egammamonDirName + "/OfflineElectron";
97  TDirectory* offgammaDir(0);
98  TDirectory* offeleDir(0);
99  if (!(offgammaDir = f->GetDirectory(offgammaDirName))) {
100  std::cout << "--> HLTEgammaPostProcess: offline directory " << offgammaDirName << " not found, will abort.\n";
101  delete obj_run;
102  return;
103  }
104  if (!(offeleDir = f->GetDirectory(offeleDirName))) {
105  std::cout << "--> HLTEgammaPostProcess: offline directory " << offeleDirName << " not found, will abort.\n";
106  delete obj_run;
107  return;
108  }
110  // ----- list the histograms for offline efficiencies -----
111  // word of warning: hardcoded maximum of 3 in the efficiency functions
112  // if you add stages, increase the size of histo_matrix
113  // or histo_tensor respectively!
114  // note: offline effs use "egEt", "egEta" etc., this is hardcoded in the
115  // variable name formation in the offl. eff function.
116  // finally: use std::vector<TString> varname = {"Et", "Eta", "Phi"}
117  // if we're ever going to use C++11 around this place...
119  std::vector<TString> varName;
120  varName.push_back("Et");
121  varName.push_back("Eta");
122  varName.push_back("Phi");
124  // ----- chain stages for relative effs -----
125  // word of warning: hardcoded maximum of 5 in the efficiency functions
126  // if you add stages, increase the size of histo_matrix
127  // or histo_tensor respectively!
128  // finally: use std::vector<TString> phoStage = {"L1", "L2Calo", "EFCalo"}
129  // and std::vector<TString> phoStage = {"L1", "L2Calo", "L2ID", "EFCalo", "EFID"}
130  // if we're ever going to use C++11 around this place...
132  //photons
133  std::vector<TString> phoStage;
134  phoStage.push_back("L1");
135  phoStage.push_back("L2Calo");
136  phoStage.push_back("EFCalo");
138  //electrons
139  std::vector<TString> eleStage;
140  eleStage.push_back("L1");
141  eleStage.push_back("L2Calo");
142  eleStage.push_back("L2ID");
143  eleStage.push_back("EFCalo");
144  eleStage.push_back("EFID");
146  // ----- loop over directories (i.e. trigger chains) ------
147  TIter next_trig(egammamonDir->GetListOfKeys());
148  TKey* key_trig(0);
149  while ((key_trig = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_trig())) != 0) {
150  //store chain specific info (and resets them)
151  bool photon_chain(false);
152  bool electron_chain(false);
153  TObject* obj_trig = key_trig->ReadObj();
154  TDirectory* dir_trig = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_trig);
156  //check we have a valid pointer
157  if (dir_trig == 0) {
158  delete obj_trig;
159  continue;
160  }
162  //get name of the current trigger chain
163  TString trigger_name = dir_trig->GetName();
165  //bow out of offline containers here (we don't monitor them, they're for bootstrapping)
166  if (trigger_name.Contains("Offline")) {
167  delete obj_trig;
168  continue;
169  }
171  //detect photon/electron chains (checks chain name, skips unrecognised chains)
172  if (trigger_name.BeginsWith("g") || trigger_name.BeginsWith("2g")) photon_chain = true;
173  else if (trigger_name.BeginsWith("e") || trigger_name.BeginsWith("2e")) electron_chain = true;
174  else {
175  std::cout << "--> HLTEgammaPostProcess: Non-electron/photon chain detected, will be skipped!\n";
176  delete obj_trig;
177  continue;
178  }
180  //call photon post processing routine (no track directories, only Calo)
181  if (photon_chain) {
182  //std::cout<<"--> HLTEgammaPostProcess: calling photon functions for "<<egammamonDirName<<" and trigger
183  // item="<<dir_trig->GetName()<<" in directory: "<<getPath(dir_trig)<<endl;
185  //calling boostrap efficiency calcs
186  HLTEgammaEfficiencyOff(f, dir_trig, offgammaDir, "L1/MatchedOffPho/", "L1/EffPho/", varName);
187  HLTEgammaEfficiencyOff(f, dir_trig, offgammaDir, "L2Calo/MatchedOffPho/", "L2Calo/EffPho/", varName);
188  HLTEgammaEfficiencyOff(f, dir_trig, offgammaDir, "EFCalo/MatchedOffPho/", "EFCalo/EffPho/", varName);
189  HLTEgammaEfficiencyOff(f, dir_trig, offgammaDir, "EFeg/MatchedOffPho/", "EFeg/EffPho/", varName);
191  //calling relative efficiency calcs
192  HLTEgammaEfficiencyRel(f, dir_trig, "PreRejection/", "Rejection/", phoStage, varName);
193  }
195  //call electron post processing (the full thing)
196  if (electron_chain) {
197  //std::cout<<"--> HLTEgammaPostProcess: calling electron functions for "<<egammamonDirName<<" and trigger
198  // item="<<dir_trig->GetName()<<" in directory: "<<getPath(dir_trig)<<endl;
200  //calling bootstrap efficiency calcs
201  HLTEgammaEfficiencyOff(f, dir_trig, offeleDir, "L1/MatchedOffEle/", "L1/EffEle/", varName);
202  HLTEgammaEfficiencyOff(f, dir_trig, offeleDir, "L2Calo/MatchedOffEle/", "L2Calo/EffEle/", varName);
203  HLTEgammaEfficiencyOff(f, dir_trig, offeleDir, "L2ID/MatchedOffEle/", "L2ID/EffEle/", varName);
204  HLTEgammaEfficiencyOff(f, dir_trig, offeleDir, "EFCalo/MatchedOffEle/", "EFCalo/EffEle/", varName);
205  HLTEgammaEfficiencyOff(f, dir_trig, offeleDir, "EFID/MatchedOffEle/", "EFID/EffEle/", varName);
206  HLTEgammaEfficiencyOff(f, dir_trig, offeleDir, "EFeg/MatchedOffEle/", "EFeg/EffEle/", varName);
208  //calling relative efficiency calcs
209  HLTEgammaEfficiencyRel(f, dir_trig, "PreRejection/", "Rejection/", eleStage, varName);
210  }
211  }
212  }
214  //clean up after ourselves...
215  f->Close();
216  delete f;
217  //std::cout << "--> HLTEgammaPostProcess: finished HLT Egamma post-processing"<<std::endl;
218  }

◆ HLTJetCalcEfficiencyAndRate()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTJetCalcEfficiencyAndRate ( TFile *  f,
TString &  run_dir 

Definition at line 36 of file MonitoringFile_HLTJetCalcEfficiencyAndRate.cxx.

36  {
37  bool dbgLevel = false;
39  if (dbgLevel) std::cout << "--> HLTJetCalcEfficiencyAndRate: Calculate jet trigger efficiency and rate" << std::endl;
41  f->cd("/");
42  TIter next_run(f->GetListOfKeys());
43  TKey* key_run(0);
44  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*> (next_run())) != 0) {
45  if (!key_run->IsFolder()) continue;
46  run_dir = key_run->GetName();
47  if (!run_dir.Contains("run")) {
48  continue;
49  }
52  std::string run_dir2 = run_dir.Data();
53  //int run_number = atoi( (run_dir2.substr(4, run_dir2.size()-4 )).c_str() );
54  //run_number=run_number;
57  TString jetmon_dir = run_dir + "/HLT/JetMon";
59  //===HLTJet efficiency histograms
60  TString akt4topo_dir = jetmon_dir + "/AntiKt4TopoJets/TrigEff";
61  //TString akt6topo_dir = jetmon_dir + "/AntiKt6TopoJets/TrigEff";
63  TDirectory* dir(0);
65  if (!(dir = f->GetDirectory(akt4topo_dir))) {
66  std::cerr << "--> HLTJetCalcEfficiencyAndRate: directory " << akt4topo_dir << " not found." << std::endl;
67  return;
68  }
70  TH1F* hnum(0);
71  TH1F* hden(0);
74  //==Efficiency
75  std::vector<TString> effobs;
76  effobs.push_back("_Eff_vs_pt");
77  effobs.push_back("_Eff_vs_eta");
78  effobs.push_back("_Eff_vs_phi");
80  std::vector<TString> TrigItems;
82  // EF_fj30(_a4_EFFS) <-- L2_fj25 <-- L1_FJ10
83  // EF_j30(_a4_EFFS) <-- L2_j25 <-- L1_J10
84  // EF_j240(_a4_EFFS) <-- L2_j95 <-- L1_J75
86  TrigItems.push_back("EF_fj30");
87  TrigItems.push_back("EF_j30");
88  TrigItems.push_back("EF_j240");
89  //TrigItems.push_back("EF_fj50");
90  //TrigItems.push_back("EF_fj75");
92  //TrigItems.push_back("EF_j50");
93  //TrigItems.push_back("EF_j75");
94  //TrigItems.push_back("EF_j95");
96  TrigItems.push_back("L1_FJ10");
97  TrigItems.push_back("L1_J10");
98  TrigItems.push_back("L1_J75");
99  //TrigItems.push_back("L1_FJ55");
100  //TrigItems.push_back("L1_FJ95");
102  //TrigItems.push_back("L1_J30");
103  //TrigItems.push_back("L1_J55");
104  //TrigItems.push_back("L1_J75");
106  //TrigItems.push_back("L2_fj45");
107  //TrigItems.push_back("L2_fj70");
109  TrigItems.push_back("L2_fj25");
110  TrigItems.push_back("L2_j25");
111  TrigItems.push_back("L2_j95");
112  //TrigItems.push_back("L2_j30");
113  //TrigItems.push_back("L2_j45");
114  //TrigItems.push_back("L2_j70");
115  //TrigItems.push_back("L2_j90");
117  TString snum, sden, hnumname;
118  for (std::vector<TString>::iterator itT = TrigItems.begin(); itT != TrigItems.end(); ++itT) {
119  for (std::vector<TString>::iterator itO = effobs.begin(); itO != effobs.end(); ++itO) {
120  hnumname = (*itT) + (*itO) + "_num";
121  snum = akt4topo_dir + "/" + hnumname;
122  sden = akt4topo_dir + "/" + (*itT) + (*itO) + "_den";
124  if (!f->Get(snum)) {
125  if (dbgLevel) std::cerr << "--> HLTJetPostProcess: no such histogram " << snum << std::endl;
126  }
127  if (!f->Get(sden)) {
128  if (dbgLevel) std::cerr << "--> HLTJetPostProcess: no such histogram " << sden << std::endl;
129  }
131  if (f->Get(snum) && f->Get(sden)) {
132  hnum = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(f->Get(snum));
133  hnum->Sumw2();
134  hden = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(f->Get(sden));
135  hden->Sumw2();
137  Int_t nbins_num = hnum->GetNbinsX();
138  Int_t nbins_den = hden->GetNbinsX();
139  if (nbins_num != nbins_den) {
140  if (dbgLevel) std::cerr << "--> HLTJetPostProcess: cannot divide histogram " << hnum->GetName()
141  << " by " << hden->GetName() << ". Different number of bins." << std::endl;
142  }
144  // divide num, den with binomial errors
145  // note: replacing the numerator by quotient
146  hnum->Divide(hnum, hden, 1., 1., "B");
148  dir->cd();
149  hnum->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
150  }
151  } // for effobs
152  } // for TrigItems
154  /*
155  if( !(dir = f->GetDirectory(akt6topo_dir)) ) {
156  std::cerr << "--> HLTJetCalcEfficiencyAndRate: directory " << akt6topo_dir << " not found." << std::endl;
157  return;
158  }
160  for( std::vector<TString>::iterator itT = TrigItems.begin(); itT != TrigItems.end(); ++itT ) {
161  for( std::vector<TString>::iterator itO = effobs.begin(); itO != effobs.end(); ++itO ) {
162  hnumname = (*itT) + (*itO) + "_num";
163  snum = akt6topo_dir + "/" + hnumname;
164  sden = akt6topo_dir + "/" + (*itT) + (*itO) + "_den";
166  if( ! f->Get(snum) ){std::cerr <<"--> HLTJetPostProcess: no such histogram "<< snum << std::endl; }
167  if( ! f->Get(sden) ){std::cerr <<"--> HLTJetPostProcess: no such histogram "<< sden << std::endl; }
169  if( f->Get(snum) && f->Get(sden) ){
170  hnum = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>( f->Get(snum) );
171  hnum->Sumw2();
172  hden = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>( f->Get(sden) );
173  hden->Sumw2();
175  Int_t nbins_num = hnum->GetNbinsX();
176  Int_t nbins_den = hden->GetNbinsX();
177  if(nbins_num != nbins_den) {
178  std::cerr <<"--> HLTJetPostProcess: cannot divide histogram "<< hnum->GetName()
179  << " by " << hden->GetName() << ". Different number of bins." << std::endl;
180  }
181  // note: replacing the numerator by quotient
182  hnum->Divide(hnum, hden, 1., 1., "B");
183  dir->cd();
184  hnum->Write("",TObject::kOverwrite);
185  }
186  } // for effobs
187  } // for TrigItems
188  */
189  }//while
190  }//MonitoringFile::HLTJetCalcEfficiencyAndRate

◆ HLTJetPostProcess()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTJetPostProcess ( const std::string &  inFileName,
bool  isIncremental = false 

Definition at line 39 of file MonitoringFile_HLTJetPostProcess.cxx.

39  {
40  bool dbgLevel = false;
42  if (dbgLevel) std::cout << "--> HLTJetPostProcess: Begin HLTJet post-processing" << std::endl;
44  //open root file
45  TFile* f = TFile::Open(inFilename.c_str(), "UPDATE");
47  //check files are loaded.
49  if (f == 0 || !f->IsOpen()) {
50  std::cerr << "--> HLTJetPostProcess: Input file not opened" << std::endl;
51  return;
52  }
54  if (f->IsZombie()) {
55  std::cerr << "--> HLTJetPostProcess: Input file " << inFilename << " cannot be opened. " << std::endl;
56  return;
57  }
59  //check file size is not too small.
60  if (f->GetSize() < 1000.) {
61  std::cerr << "--> HLTJetPostProcess: Input file empty" << std::endl;
62  f->Close();
63  return;
64  }
66  //start postprocessing
67  TString run_dir;
69  //close root file
70  f->Close();
71  delete f;
73  if (dbgLevel) std::cout << "--> HLTJetPostProcess: End HLTJet post-processing " << std::endl;
75  return;
76  }

◆ HLTMETAveragePhivsEtaMaps()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTMETAveragePhivsEtaMaps ( TFile *  f,
TString &  run_dir 

Definition at line 38 of file MonitoringFile_HLTMETAveragePhivsEtaMaps.cxx.

38  {
39  bool dbgLevel = false;
41  if (dbgLevel) std::cout << "--> HLTMETAveragePhivsEtaMaps: <Quantity(eta,phi)> = Quantity(eta,phi)/N(eta,phi) " << std::endl;
43  f->cd("/");
44  TIter next_run(f->GetListOfKeys());
45  TKey* key_run(0);
46  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*> (next_run())) != 0) {
47  if (!key_run->IsFolder()) continue;
48  run_dir = key_run->GetName();
49  if (!run_dir.Contains("run")) {
50  continue;
51  }
54  std::string run_dir2 = run_dir.Data();
56  // all merged root files have the structure "rootfile.root:/run_NNNNNNN"
57  // use that to extract run number
58  //int run_number = atoi( (run_dir2.substr(4, run_dir2.size()-4 )).c_str() );
59  //run_number=run_number;
61  // begin HLTMET
62  // note 1: prefix all dirs and hists with '/'
63  // note 2: missing dir => return
64  // note 3: missing hist => continue
65  TString hlt_top = run_dir + "/HLT"; // toplevel
66  TString met_efdir = "/EFMissingET_Fex"; // EF dir
68  std::vector<TString> met_fexs, hist_numr;
70  // expect the following fex dirs
71  met_fexs.push_back("/METMon");
72  //met_fexs.push_back("/METMon_FEB");
73  //met_fexs.push_back("/METMon_allCells");
75  // check if fex dirs are in hlt
76  for (std::vector<TString>::iterator it = met_fexs.begin(); it != met_fexs.end(); ++it) {
77  TString theHistDir = hlt_top + *it;
78  TDirectory* dir = f->GetDirectory(theHistDir);
79  if (!dir) {
80  std::cerr << "--> HLTMETAveragePhivsEtaMaps: directory " << theHistDir << " not found" << std::endl;
81  return;
82  }
83  // expect the EF dir inside each fex dir
84  theHistDir += met_efdir;
85  dir = f->GetDirectory(theHistDir);
86  if (!dir) {
87  std::cerr << "--> HLTMETAveragePhivsEtaMaps: directory " << theHistDir << " not found" << std::endl;
88  return;
89  }
90  }
92  // MEt, SumEt, SumE of components (numerator)
93  // compSumEt_lin_EtaPhi_00 etc..
94  hist_numr.push_back("/compEt_lin_");
95  hist_numr.push_back("/compSumEt_lin_");
96  hist_numr.push_back("/compSumE_lin_"); // need to plot SumE on linear scale (todo)
98  // components N (denominator)
99  TString hist_denr = "/compN_";
101  // type (eta,phi map)
102  TString hist_suffix = "EtaPhi_"; // phi vs. eta map
104  // each component a 2d hist. get all components
105  unsigned int comp_num = 25; // 25 components
107  // we have all dirs, get the component histograms
108  for (std::vector<TString>::iterator itFex = met_fexs.begin(); itFex != met_fexs.end(); ++itFex) {
109  for (std::vector<TString>::iterator itNum = hist_numr.begin(); itNum != hist_numr.end(); ++itNum) {
110  for (unsigned int icomp = 0; icomp < comp_num; icomp++) {
111  TH2F* hnum(0), *hden(0);
113  // prepend histogram name with path and append with suffix [_00 .., _24 for each component]
114  TString thePath = hlt_top + (*itFex) + met_efdir;
115  TString numHist = (*itNum) + hist_suffix + TString(Form("%02u", icomp));
116  TString denHist = hist_denr + hist_suffix + TString(Form("%02u", icomp));
117  TString numPath = thePath + numHist;
118  TString denPath = thePath + denHist;
120  // test if histograms are present
121  if (!f->Get(numPath)) {
122  if (dbgLevel) std::cerr << "--> HLTMETAveragePhivsEtaMaps: no histogram " << numPath << std::endl;
123  continue;
124  }
125  if (!f->Get(denPath)) {
126  if (dbgLevel) std::cerr << "--> HLTMETAveragePhivsEtaMaps: no histogram " << denPath << std::endl;
127  continue;
128  }
130  // get histograms
131  hnum = (TH2F*) (f->Get(numPath));
132  hden = (TH2F*) (f->Get(denPath));
134  // get directory of histograms
135  TDirectory* dir = f->GetDirectory(thePath);
137  // these are disabled, because we have to worry about updating metadata
138  // clone numerator histogram in the same directory; prepend with "avg_"
139  // use numerator to do the job
140  //TString avgHist = TString("avg_") + (*itNum) + hist_suffix + TString(Form("%02u",icomp));
141  //havg = (TH2F *) (hnum->Clone(avgHist));
142  //havg->SetDirectory(dir);
144  // divide num by den to get average quantity.
145  hnum->Divide(hnum, hden);
147  // fix histogram titles
148  TString title = hnum->GetTitle();
149  title.ReplaceAll(": ", ": #LT");
150  title.ReplaceAll("(#eta", "#GT(#eta");
151  hnum->SetTitle(title);
153  //title = hden->GetTitle();
155  //title.ReplaceAll(" #phi VS #eta",": N(#eta, #phi)");
156  //hden->SetTitle(title);
158  //std::cout << numHist << " div " << denHist << std::endl;
159  //std::cout << hnum->GetZaxis()->GetTitle() << "\t";
160  //std::cout << hden->GetZaxis()->GetTitle() << std::endl;
161  //std::cout << hnum->GetTitle() << "\t";
162  //std::cout << hden->GetTitle() << std::endl;
163  //std::cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
164  //getchar();
165  // cd() into that directory and save the avg histogram in file
166  dir->cd();
167  hnum->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
168  } // done looping over components
169  } // done looping over quantities
170  } // done looping over directories
171  } // end while loop over all keys
172  } // end method MonitoringFile::HLTMETAveragePhivsEtaMaps

◆ HLTMETDQFlagSummary()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTMETDQFlagSummary ( TFile *  f,
TString &  run_dir 

Definition at line 42 of file MonitoringFile_HLTMETDQFlagSummary.cxx.

42  {
43  bool dbgLevel = false;
45  if (dbgLevel) std::cout << "--> HLTMETDQFlagSummary: Updating histograms in HLT/METMon*/DQPlots " << std::endl;
47  f->cd("/");
48  TIter next_run(f->GetListOfKeys());
49  TKey* key_run(0);
50  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*> (next_run())) != 0) {
51  if (!key_run->IsFolder()) continue;
52  run_dir = key_run->GetName();
53  if (!run_dir.Contains("run")) {
54  continue;
55  }
57  TDirectory* tdir_run = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(key_run);
59  std::string run_dir2 = run_dir.Data();
61  // all merged root files have the structure "rootfile.root:/run_NNNNNNN"
62  // use that to extract run number
63  //int run_number = atoi( (run_dir2.substr(4, run_dir2.size()-4 )).c_str() );
64  //run_number=run_number;
66  // begin HLTMET
67  // note 1: prefix all dirs and hists with '/'
68  // note 2: missing dir => return
69  // note 3: missing hist => continue
70  TString hlt_top = run_dir + "/HLT"; // toplevel
71  TString met_efdir = "/EFMissingET_Fex"; // EF dir
72  TString met_l2dir = "/L2MissingET_Fex"; // L2 dir
73  TString dqflag_dir = "/DQFlags"; // DQ flags dir
75  std::vector<TString> met_fexs, met_l2hists, met_efhists;
76  // expect the following fex dirs
77  met_fexs.push_back("/METMon");
78  //met_fexs.push_back("/METMon_FEB");
79  //met_fexs.push_back("/METMon_allCells");
81  // expect the following histograms
82  met_l2hists.push_back("/L2_MET_status");
83  met_l2hists.push_back("/L2_MEx_log");
84  met_l2hists.push_back("/L2_MEy_log");
85  met_l2hists.push_back("/L2_MET_log");
86  met_l2hists.push_back("/L2_SumEt_log");
88  met_efhists.push_back("/EF_MET_status");
89  met_efhists.push_back("/EF_MET_lin");
90  met_efhists.push_back("/EF_MET_lin1");
91  met_efhists.push_back("/EF_SumEt_lin");
92  met_efhists.push_back("/EF_MET_phi");
93  met_efhists.push_back("/EF_MET_phi1");
94  met_efhists.push_back("/EF_MEx_log");
95  met_efhists.push_back("/EF_MEy_log");
96  met_efhists.push_back("/compN_compSumEt_lin");
97  met_efhists.push_back("/compN_EF_MET_status");
99  std::vector<TString> lbnDirs;
100  TString lbn_dqhist = "/trmet_lbn_flag";
101  size_t lbn_range = HLTMETGetDQLBNRange(tdir_run, lbnDirs);
103  //std::cout << "lbn_range = " << lbn_range << std::endl;
105  // Get EF/L2 status histograms for default Fex
106  for (std::vector<TString>::iterator itFex = met_fexs.begin(); itFex != met_fexs.end(); ++itFex) {
107  TString theL2Path = hlt_top + (*itFex) + met_l2dir;
108  TString theEFPath = hlt_top + (*itFex) + met_efdir;
109  TString theDQPath = hlt_top + (*itFex) + dqflag_dir;
111  TDirectory* dirl2 = f->GetDirectory(theL2Path);
112  if (!dirl2) {
113  std::cerr << "--> HLTMETDQFlagSummary: directory " << theL2Path << " not found" << std::endl;
114  return;
115  }
116  TDirectory* diref = f->GetDirectory(theEFPath);
117  if (!diref) {
118  std::cerr << "--> HLTMETDQFlagSummary: directory " << theEFPath << " not found" << std::endl;
119  return;
120  }
121  TDirectory* dirdq = f->GetDirectory(theDQPath);
122  if (!dirdq) {
123  std::cerr << "--> HLTMETDQFlagSummary: directory " << theDQPath << " not found" << std::endl;
124  return;
125  }
126  // loop over L2 hists and copy to DQFlags
127  for (std::vector<TString>::iterator itHist = met_l2hists.begin(); itHist != met_l2hists.end(); ++itHist) {
128  TString histL2 = (theL2Path + *itHist);
129  TString histL2C = (theDQPath + *itHist);
130  TH1* hl2(0), *hl2c(0);
131  if (!f->Get(histL2)) {
132  if (dbgLevel) std::cerr << "--> HLTMETDQFlagSummary: no histogram " << histL2 << std::endl;
133  continue;
134  }
135  if (!f->Get(histL2C)) {
136  if (dbgLevel) std::cerr << "--> HLTMETDQFlagSummary: no histogram " << histL2C << std::endl;
137  continue;
138  }
139  hl2 = (TH1*) (f->Get(histL2));
140  // check if MET_status histogram is emtpy
141  bool save_status_hist = false;
142  if (*itHist == "/L2_MET_status") {
143  if (hl2->GetMaximum() < 1.e-3) {
144  save_status_hist = true;
145  for (int ibin = 1; ibin <= hl2->GetNbinsX(); ibin++) {
146  hl2->SetBinContent(ibin, 0.05);
147  }
148  }
149  }
150  hl2c = (TH1*) (f->Get(histL2C));
151  hl2c->Reset();
152  hl2c->Add(hl2);
153  //hl2c->Sumw2();
154  //std::cout << "--> HLTMETDQFlagSummary: added histograms " << histL2 << "\t and " << histL2C << std::endl;
155  dirdq->cd();
156  hl2c->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
157  if (save_status_hist) {
158  if (f->cd(theL2Path)) hl2->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
159  }
160  } // end loop over l2 hists
162  // loop over EF hists and copy to DQFlags
163  for (std::vector<TString>::iterator itHist = met_efhists.begin(); itHist != met_efhists.end(); ++itHist) {
164  TString histEF = (theEFPath + *itHist);
165  TString histEFC = (theDQPath + *itHist);
166  TH1* hef(0), *hefc(0);
167  if (!f->Get(histEF)) {
168  if (dbgLevel) std::cerr << "--> HLTMETDQFlagSummary: no histogram " << histEF << std::endl;
169  continue;
170  }
171  if (!f->Get(histEFC)) {
172  if (dbgLevel) std::cerr << "--> HLTMETDQFlagSummary: no histogram " << histEFC << std::endl;
173  continue;
174  }
175  hef = (TH1*) (f->Get(histEF));
176  bool save_status_hist = false;
177  if (*itHist == "/EF_MET_status") {
178  if (hef->GetMaximum() < 1.e-3) {
179  save_status_hist = true;
180  for (int ibin = 1; ibin <= hef->GetNbinsX(); ibin++) {
181  hef->SetBinContent(ibin, 0.05);
182  }
183  }
184  }
185  hefc = (TH1*) (f->Get(histEFC));
186  hefc->Reset();
187  hefc->Add(hef);
188  //hefc->Sumw2();
189  dirdq->cd();
190  if (save_status_hist) {
191  if (f->cd(theEFPath)) hef->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
192  }
193  hefc->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
194  } // end loop over ef hists
196  // resize lbn based histogram
197  if (lbn_range > 0) {
198  TString histLBN = theDQPath + lbn_dqhist;
199  TH1* hlb(0);
200  if (!f->Get(histLBN)) {
201  if (dbgLevel) std::cerr << "--> HLTMETDQFlagSummary: no histogram " << histLBN << std::endl;
202  continue;
203  }
204  hlb = (TH1*) (f->Get(histLBN));
205  unsigned int nbinx = (unsigned int) hlb->GetNbinsX(), nbiny = (unsigned int) hlb->GetNbinsY(), k = 1;
206  if (nbinx != nbiny) continue;
208  if (lbn_range < nbinx) {
209  hlb->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, Double_t(lbn_range));
210  hlb->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, Double_t(lbn_range));
211  }
212  TH1I* hlbstat(0);
213  for (std::vector<TString>::iterator it = lbnDirs.begin(); it != lbnDirs.end(); ++it, ++k) {
214  if (k > nbinx) continue;
215  TString histLBstat = run_dir + TString("/") + *it + TString("/HLT") + (*itFex) + "/lbnstatus/EF_MET_status";
216  if (!f->Get(histLBstat)) {
217  if (dbgLevel) std::cerr << "--> HLTMETDQFlagSummary: no histogram " << histLBstat << std::endl;
218  continue;
219  }
220  hlbstat = (TH1I*) (f->Get(histLBstat));
221  int flag = HLTMETGetStatusPerBin(hlbstat, 17, 29, 32, 32);
222  //std::cout << "--> HLTMETDQFlagSummary: " << *it << "\t: flag = " << flag << std::endl;
223  TString label = *it;
224  label.ReplaceAll("lowStat_", "");
225  hlb->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(k, label.Data());
226  hlb->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(k, label.Data());
227  hlb->SetBinContent(k, k, flag);
228  } // end for
229  hlb->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
230  } else {
231  std::cerr << "--> HLTMETDQFlagSummary: lowStat_* directories: found none " << std::endl;
232  }
233  } // end loop over fexs
234  } // end while loop over all keys
235  } // end method MonitoringFile::HLTMETDQFlagSummary


size_t dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTMETGetDQLBNRange ( TDirectory *&  run_dir,
std::vector< TString > &  lbnDirs 

Definition at line 240 of file MonitoringFile_HLTMETDQFlagSummary.cxx.

240  {
241  if (!run_dir) return 0;
243  lbnDirs.clear();
245  bool dbgLevel = false;
246  if (dbgLevel) std::cout << "--> HLTMETGetDQLBNRange: lowStat_* directories: ";
247  run_dir->cd();
249  TIter next_lbn(run_dir->GetListOfKeys());
250  TKey* key_lbn(0);
251  TString lbn_dir = "";
252  // loop over all objects
253  while ((key_lbn = dynamic_cast<TKey*> (next_lbn())) != 0) {
254  if (!key_lbn->IsFolder()) continue;
255  lbn_dir = key_lbn->GetName();
256  if (!lbn_dir.Contains("lowStat_")) {
257  continue;
258  }
259  lbnDirs.push_back(lbn_dir);
260  //std::cout << "dir = " << lbn_dir << "\tuuid = " << uuid.AsString() << "\ttime = " << dtme.GetTime() <<
261  // std::endl;
262  }
263  unsigned int nLBNDirs = lbnDirs.size();
264  if (dbgLevel) std::cout << "found " << nLBNDirs << std::endl;
265  return nLBNDirs;
266  } // end method MonitoringFile::HLTMETGetDQLBNRange

◆ HLTMETGetStatusPerBin()

int dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTMETGetStatusPerBin ( TH1I *&  hist,
int  ymin,
int  ymax,
int  rmin,
int  rmax 

Definition at line 271 of file MonitoringFile_HLTMETDQFlagSummary.cxx.

271  {
272  if (!hist) return 0;
274  TString hname = hist->GetName();
275  int flag = 10; // 1 == GREEN, 2 == YELLOW, 3 == RED
276  float epsilon = 1.e-3;
277  int nbins = (int) hist->GetNbinsX();
278  yellmin = (yellmin > 0 && yellmin <= nbins) ? yellmin : 1;
279  yellmax = (yellmax > 0 && yellmax <= nbins) ? yellmax : nbins;
280  redmin = (redmin > 0 && redmin <= nbins) ? redmin : 1;
281  redmax = (redmax > 0 && redmax <= nbins) ? redmax : nbins;
282  for (int k = 1; k <= nbins; k++) {
283  float theVal = hist->GetBinContent(k);
284  // at least one bin > 0
285  if (theVal > epsilon) {
286  if (k >= yellmin && k <= yellmax) flag = 100;
287  if (k >= redmin && k <= redmax) flag = 1000;
288  } // end if
289  } // end for
290  return flag;
291  } // end method MonitoringFile::HLTMETGetStatusPerBin

◆ HLTMETPostProcess()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTMETPostProcess ( const std::string &  inFileName,
bool  isIncremental = false 

Definition at line 39 of file MonitoringFile_HLTMETPostProcess.cxx.

39  {
40  bool dbgLevel = false;
42  if (dbgLevel) std::cout << "--> HLTMETPostProcess: Begin HLTMET post-processing" << std::endl;
44  //open root file
45  TFile* f = TFile::Open(inFilename.c_str(), "UPDATE");
47  //check files are loaded.
49  if (f == 0 || !f->IsOpen()) {
50  std::cerr << "--> HLTMETPostProcess: Input file not opened" << std::endl;
51  return;
52  }
54  if (f->IsZombie()) {
55  std::cerr << "--> HLTMETPostProcess: Input file " << inFilename << " cannot be opened. " << std::endl;
56  return;
57  }
59  //check file size is not too small.
60  if (f->GetSize() < 1000.) {
61  std::cerr << "--> HLTMETPostProcess: Input file empty" << std::endl;
62  f->Close();
63  return;
64  }
66  //start postprocessing
67  TString run_dir;
68  HLTMETAveragePhivsEtaMaps(f, run_dir);
69  HLTMETDQFlagSummary(f, run_dir);
70  //close root file
71  f->Close();
72  delete f;
74  if (dbgLevel) std::cout << "--> HLTMETPostProcess: End HLTMET post-processing " << std::endl;
76  return;
77  }

◆ HLTMinBiasMonGetTargetHistos()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTMinBiasMonGetTargetHistos ( TDirectory *  source,
std::vector< std::pair< TString, TString > > &  targetNames 

Definition at line 143 of file MonitoringFile_HLTMinBiasMonPostProcess.cxx.

145  {
146  TKey* key;
147  TIter nextkey(source->GetListOfKeys());
149  while ((key = (TKey*) nextkey())) {
150  const char* classname = key->GetClassName();
151  TClass* cl = gROOT->GetClass(classname);
152  if (!cl) continue;
153  if (cl->InheritsFrom(TDirectory::Class())) {
154  TString kname = key->GetName();
156  source->cd(key->GetName());
157  TDirectory* nextdir = gDirectory;
158  HLTMinBiasMonGetTargetHistos(nextdir, targetNames);
159  }
160  if (cl->InheritsFrom(TH1F::Class())) {
161  TString cRatio = TString(key->GetName());
162  if (cRatio == "Efficiency" ||
163  cRatio == "Purity" ||
164  cRatio == "EfficienciesTrigger" ||
165  cRatio == "EfficiencyTracks" ||
166  cRatio ==
167  "TriggerPurities") targetNames.push_back(std::pair<TString, TString>(TString(gDirectory->GetPath()),
168  TString(key->GetName())));
169  }
170  }
171  }

◆ HLTMinBiasMonPostProcess()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTMinBiasMonPostProcess ( const std::string &  inFileName,
bool  isIncremental = false 

Definition at line 28 of file MonitoringFile_HLTMinBiasMonPostProcess.cxx.

28  {
29  // std::cout << "--> HLTMinBiasMonPostProcess: Begin HLT MinBias post-processing" << std::endl;
31  //open root file
32  TFile* f = TFile::Open(inFilename.c_str(), "READ");
34  //check files are loaded.
35  if (f == 0 || !f->IsOpen()) {
36  // std::cerr << "--> HLTMinBiasMonPostProcess: Input file not opened" << std::endl;
37  delete f;
38  return;
39  }
41  //zombie files?
42  if (f->IsZombie()) {
43  // std::cerr << "--> HLTMinBiasMonPostProcess: Input file " << inFilename << " cannot be opened. " <<
44  // std::endl;
45  delete f;
46  return;
47  }
49  //check file size is not too small.
50  if (f->GetSize() < 1000.) {
51  // std::cerr << "--> HLTMinBiasMonPostProcess: Input file empty" << std::endl;
52  f->Close();
53  delete f;
54  return;
55  }
56  //build iterator
57  TIter next_run(f->GetListOfKeys());
58  TKey* key_run(0);
59  TString minbiasmonDirName;
61  std::vector< std::pair<TString, TString> >* v_targetNames = new std::vector< std::pair<TString, TString> >(0);
64  //loop over keys in root directory
65  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_run())) != 0) {
66  TObject* obj_run = key_run->ReadObj();
67  TDirectory* tdir_run = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_run);
69  //check we have a valid pointer
70  if (tdir_run == 0) {
71  delete obj_run;
72  continue;
73  }
75  //check name
76  std::string runDirName(tdir_run->GetName());
77  // std::cout<<"Run_directory: "<<runDirName<<std::endl;
79  if (runDirName.find("run") == std::string::npos) {
80  delete obj_run;
81  continue;
82  }
84  //find MinBiasMon dir
85  minbiasmonDirName = runDirName + "/HLT/MinBiasMon";
86  TDirectory* minbiasmonDir(0);
87  if (!(minbiasmonDir = f->GetDirectory(minbiasmonDirName))) {
88 // std::cerr << "--> HLTMinBiasMonPostProcess: directory " << minbiasmonDirName << " not found." << std::endl;
89  delete v_targetNames;
90  return;
91  }
93  }
95  f->Close();
96  f = 0;
98  f = TFile::Open(inFilename.c_str(), "UPDATE");
100  const TString repPath = TString(f->GetPath());
102  //first update global efficiency
103  f->cd(minbiasmonDirName);
105  TH1F* h_triggEffic = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(gDirectory->Get("TriggerEfficiencies"));
106  TH1F* h_triggEfficPass = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(gDirectory->Get("TriggerEfficienciesPassed"));
107  TH1F* h_triggEfficAll = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(gDirectory->Get("TriggerEfficienciesAll"));
108  if (!h_triggEffic or !h_triggEfficPass or !h_triggEfficAll) {
109  std::cerr << "Dynamic cast failed in MonitoringFile::HLTMinBiasMonPostProcess\n";
110  f->Close();
111  delete f;
112  delete v_targetNames;
113  return;
114  }
116  h_triggEffic->Divide(h_triggEfficPass, h_triggEfficAll, 1., 1., "B");
117  h_triggEffic->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0., 1.2);
118  h_triggEffic->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
120  for (uint k = 0; k < v_targetNames->size(); k++) {
121  v_targetNames->at(k).first.ReplaceAll(repPath, "");
123  f->cd(v_targetNames->at(k).first);
125  TH1F* h_target = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(gDirectory->Get(v_targetNames->at(k).second));
126  TH1F* h_num = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(gDirectory->Get(v_targetNames->at(k).second + "Passed"));
127  TH1F* h_den = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(gDirectory->Get(v_targetNames->at(k).second + "All"));
129  if (h_target != 0 && h_num != 0 && h_den != 0) {
130  h_target->Divide(h_num, h_den, 1., 1., "B");
131  h_target->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0., 1.2);
132  h_target->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
133  }
134  }
135  v_targetNames->clear();
136  delete v_targetNames;
137  v_targetNames = 0;
139  f->Close();
140  delete f;
141  }

◆ HLTMuonCheckHistogram()

bool dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTMuonCheckHistogram ( TFile *  f,
TString &  hname 

Definition at line 58 of file MonitoringFile_HLTMuonPostProcess.cxx.

58  {
59  if (!(f->Get(hname))) {
60  if (fpdbg) {
61  std::cerr << "HLTMuon PostProcessing: no such histogram!! : " << hname << std::endl;
62  gDirectory->pwd();
63  gDirectory->ls();
64  }
65  return false;
66  }
67  return true;
68  }//MonitoringFile::HLTMuonCheckHistogram

◆ HLTMuonHDiv()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTMuonHDiv ( PostProcessorFileWrapper mf,
TString  sdir,
TString  snum,
TString  sden,
TString  seff,
TString  seffg 

Definition at line 1722 of file MonitoringFile_HLTMuonHistogramDivision.cxx.

1723  {
1724  auto getHPointer ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE = [&mf] ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE(const TString &hname)->TH1F * {
1725  TH1F* pH {};
1726  mf.get(hname, pH);
1727  if (!pH and fdbg) {
1728  std::cerr << "HLTMuon PostProcessing: no such histogram!! " << hname << std::endl;
1729  }
1730  return pH;
1731  };
1732  TH1F* h1tmpf(0);
1733  TH1F* h1num(0);
1734  TH1F* h1den(0);
1735  TGraphAsymmErrors* h1tmpfg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
1737  ;
1738  TString stmp = seff + seffg;
1740  h1num = getHPointer(sdir + "NumDenom/" + snum);
1741  if (!h1num) return;
1743  h1den = getHPointer(sdir + "NumDenom/" + sden);
1744  if (!h1den) return;
1746  TDirectory* dir = mf.GetDirectory(sdir);
1748  h1tmpf = (TH1F*) h1den->Clone();
1749  h1tmpf->SetName(stmp);
1750  h1tmpf->SetTitle(stmp);
1751  h1tmpf->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1752  h1tmpf->Reset();
1753  h1tmpf->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
1754  h1tmpf->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
1755  h1tmpf->SetMinimum(0.0);
1756  h1tmpfg->SetMaximum(1.05);
1757  h1tmpf->SetName(stmp);
1758  dir->cd();
1759  h1tmpf->Write();
1760  h1tmpfg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1761  h1tmpfg->SetMinimum(0.0);
1762  h1tmpfg->SetMaximum(1.05);
1763  h1tmpfg->BayesDivide(h1num, h1den);
1764  h1tmpfg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1765  h1tmpfg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
1766  dir->cd();
1767  h1tmpfg->SetName(stmp);
1768  h1tmpfg->Write();
1769  delete h1tmpfg;
1770  }

◆ HLTMuonHistogramDivision()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTMuonHistogramDivision ( const std::string &  inFilename,
TString &  run_dir 

Definition at line 43 of file MonitoringFile_HLTMuonHistogramDivision.cxx.

43  {
44  bool HI_pp_key = false;//true::HI false::pp
46  if (fdbg) std::cout << " Start to Divide HLTMuon Histograms for Efficiency and Rate Ratio" << std::endl;
47  PostProcessorFileWrapper mf(inFilename, "HLT Histogram Division");
48  if (!mf.IsOpen()) {
49  std::cerr << "HLTMuonPostProcess(): "
50  << "Input file not opened \n";
51  return;
52  }
53  if (mf.GetSize() < 1000.) {
54  std::cerr << "HLTMuonPostProcess(): "
55  << "Input file empty \n";
56  return;
57  }
58  // get run directory name
59  //Seemingly unnecessary lines are necessary
60  TIter nextcd0(gDirectory->GetListOfKeys());
61  TKey* key0 = (TKey*) nextcd0();
62  if (key0 == 0) return;
64  TDirectory* dir0 = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*> (key0->ReadObj());
65  if (dir0 == 0) return;
67  dir0->cd();
69  auto getHPointer ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE = [&mf] ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE(const TString &hname)->TH1F * {
70  TH1F* pH {};
71  mf.get(hname, pH);
72  if (!pH and fdbg) {
73  std::cerr << "HLTMuon PostProcessing: no such histogram!! " << hname << std::endl;
74  }
75  return pH;
76  };
77  auto getHistogramPair = [&getHPointer] (const TString &numeratorName, const TString &denominatorName)->std::pair<TH1F *, TH1F *> {
78  TH1F* pH2 {};
79  TH1F* pH1 = getHPointer(numeratorName);
80  if (pH1){
81  pH2 = getHPointer(denominatorName);
82  }
83  return std::pair{pH1, pH2};
84  };
86  auto getH2Pointer ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE = [&mf] ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE(const TString &hname)->TH2F * {
87  TH2F* pH {};
88  mf.get(hname, pH);
89  if (!pH and fdbg) {
90  std::cerr << "HLTMuon PostProcessing: no such histogram!! " << hname << std::endl;
91  }
92  return pH;
93  };
98  // 110728: removing the iteration of searching run directory according to the new MDT code
99  // 150621: reenable ...
100  TIter next_run(mf.GetListOfKeys());
101  TKey* key_run(0);
102  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*> (next_run())) != 0) { //== the while commented out at the end
103  if (!key_run->IsFolder()) continue;
104  run_dir = key_run->GetName();
105  if (!run_dir.Contains("run")) {
106  continue;
107  }
108  break;
109  }
110  if (!run_dir.Contains("run")) {
111  std::cerr << "HLTMuon: unable to find run directory ..." << std::endl;
112  return;
113  }
114  {
115  if (fdbg) {
116  std::cout << "HLTMuon: run directory is " << run_dir << std::endl;
117  }
118  std::string run_dir2 = run_dir.Data();
120  //===HLTMuon
122  TH1F* hHI_PP_Flag(0);
123  TString hi_pp_flag = run_dir + "/HLT/MuonMon/Common/HI_PP_Flag";
124  hHI_PP_Flag = getHPointer(hi_pp_flag);
125  if (hHI_PP_Flag) {
126  HI_pp_key = hHI_PP_Flag->GetBinContent(1) > 0;
127  }
129  TString muon_dir = run_dir + "/HLT/MuonMon/";
131  TString cm_dir = muon_dir + "Common/";
132  TString mf_dir = muon_dir + "L2MuonSA/";
133  TString mc_dir = muon_dir + "muComb/";
134  TString mi_dir = muon_dir + "muIso/";
135  TString tm_dir = muon_dir + "TileMu/";
136  TString ef_dir = muon_dir + "MuonEF/";
137  // YY added
138  TString ztp_dir = muon_dir + "MuZTP/";
140  TString eff_dir = muon_dir + "Efficiency/";
141  TString nd_dir = muon_dir + "Efficiency/NumDenom/";
142  TString rate_dir = muon_dir + "Rate/";
143  TString rr_dir = muon_dir + "Rate/Ratio/";
145  TString seff;
146  TString seffg; // YY added
147  TString snum;
148  TString sden;
149  TString stmp;
150  TString stmpg;
152  TH1F* h1tmp(0);
153  TH1F* h1eff(0);
154  TH1F* h1sumeff(0); // new YY
155  TH1F* h1effsum(nullptr);
156  TGraphAsymmErrors* h1tmpg;
158  //==Efficiency
159  // L2MuonSA efficiency
160  TDirectory* dir = mf.GetDirectory(eff_dir);
161  if (!dir) {
162  std::cerr << "HLTMuonHistogramDivision: directory " << eff_dir << " not found" << std::endl;
163  return;
164  }
166  std::vector<TString> effnames;
167  effnames.push_back("L2MuonSA_effi_toRecMuonCB_pt");
168  effnames.push_back("L2MuonSA_effi_toRecMuonCB_pt_barrel");
169  effnames.push_back("L2MuonSA_effi_toRecMuonCB_pt_endcap");
170  effnames.push_back("L2MuonSA_effi_toRecMuonCB_eta");
171  effnames.push_back("L2MuonSA_effi_toRecMuonCB_phi");
173  for (std::vector<TString>::iterator it = effnames.begin(); it != effnames.end(); ++it) {
174  seff = eff_dir + (*it);
175  snum = mf_dir + (*it) + "_numer";
176  sden = mf_dir + (*it) + "_denom";
177  stmp = (*it);
178  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
179  if (not h1num) continue;
180  //
181  h1tmp = (TH1F*) h1den->Clone();
182  h1tmp->SetName(stmp);
183  std::string stcar = h1tmp->GetTitle();
184  stcar.replace(stcar.end() - 5, stcar.end(), "");
185  h1tmp->SetTitle(stcar.c_str());
186  h1tmp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
187  h1tmp->Reset();
188  h1tmp->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
189  dir->cd();
190  h1tmp->Write();
191  }//effnames
192  mf.Write();
194  // muComb efficiency
195  effnames.clear();
196  effnames.push_back("muComb_effi_toOffl_pt");
197  effnames.push_back("muComb_effi_toOffl_pt_barrel");
198  effnames.push_back("muComb_effi_toOffl_pt_endcap");
199  effnames.push_back("muComb_effi_toOffl_eta");
200  effnames.push_back("muComb_effi_toOffl_phi");
202  for (std::vector<TString>::iterator it = effnames.begin(); it != effnames.end(); ++it) {
203  seff = eff_dir + (*it);
204  snum = mc_dir + (*it) + "_numer";
205  sden = mc_dir + (*it) + "_denom";
206  stmp = (*it);
207  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
208  if (!h1num) continue;
209  //
210  h1tmp = (TH1F*) h1den->Clone();
211  h1tmp->SetName(stmp);
212  std::string stcar = h1tmp->GetTitle();
213  stcar.replace(stcar.end() - 5, stcar.end(), "");
214  h1tmp->SetTitle(stcar.c_str());
215  h1tmp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
216  h1tmp->Reset();
217  h1tmp->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
218  dir->cd();
219  h1tmp->Write();
220  }//effnames
221  mf.Write();
223  // muIso efficiency
224  effnames.clear();
225  effnames.push_back("muIso_effi_toOffl_pt");
227  for (std::vector<TString>::iterator it = effnames.begin(); it != effnames.end(); ++it) {
228  seff = eff_dir + (*it);
229  snum = mi_dir + (*it) + "_numer";
230  sden = mi_dir + (*it) + "_denom";
231  stmp = (*it);
232  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
233  if (!h1num) continue;
234  //
235  h1tmp = (TH1F*) h1den->Clone();
236  h1tmp->SetName(stmp);
237  std::string stcar = h1tmp->GetTitle();
238  stcar.replace(stcar.end() - 5, stcar.end(), "");
239  h1tmp->SetTitle(stcar.c_str());
240  h1tmp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
241  h1tmp->Reset();
242  h1tmp->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
243  dir->cd();
244  h1tmp->Write();
245  }//effnames
246  mf.Write();
248  // TileMu efficiency
249  effnames.clear();
250  std::vector<TString> numnames;
251  std::vector<TString> dennames;
252  effnames.push_back("TileMu_RecCBMuon_EffEta");
253  numnames.push_back("Rec_Eta_Num");
254  dennames.push_back("Rec_Eta");
255  effnames.push_back("TileMu_RecCBMuon_EffPhi");
256  numnames.push_back("Rec_Phi_Num");
257  dennames.push_back("Rec_Phi");
258  effnames.push_back("TileTrackMu_RecCBMuon_EffEta");
259  numnames.push_back("TileTrackMu_Eta");
260  dennames.push_back("Rec_Eta");
261  effnames.push_back("TileTrackMu_RecCBMuon_EffPhi");
262  numnames.push_back("TileTrackMu_Phi");
263  dennames.push_back("Rec_Phi");
264  effnames.push_back("TileTrackMu_RecCBMuon_EffPt");
265  numnames.push_back("TileTrackMu_Pt");
266  dennames.push_back("Rec_Pt");
268  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < effnames.size(); i++) {
269  seff = eff_dir +;
270  snum = tm_dir +;
271  sden = tm_dir +;
272  stmp =;
273  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
274  if (!h1num) continue;
276  h1tmp = (TH1F*) h1den->Clone();
277  h1tmp->SetName(stmp);
278  std::istringstream iss(stmp.Data());
279  std::string token;
280  int ili = 0;
281  while (std::getline(iss, token, '_')) {
282  stmp = token + "Feature wrt Offline)";
283  ili++;
284  if (ili > 0) break;
285  }
287  std::string stcar = h1tmp->GetTitle();
288  if (stcar.find("Pt") != std::string::npos) {
289  stmp = "Efficiency on p_{T} (" + stmp;
290  h1tmp->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T}");
291  }
292  if (stcar.find("Eta") != std::string::npos) stmp = "Efficiency on #eta (" + stmp;
293  if (stcar.find("Phi") != std::string::npos) stmp = "Efficiency on #phi (" + stmp;
294  h1tmp->SetTitle(stmp);
295  h1tmp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
296  h1tmp->Reset();
297  h1tmp->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
298  dir->cd();
299  h1tmp->Write();
300  }//effnames
301  mf.Write();
303  // MuonEF efficiency
304  effnames.clear();
305  numnames.clear();
306  dennames.clear();
307  effnames.push_back("EFMS_effi_toOffl_pt");
308  effnames.push_back("EFMS_effi_toOffl_eta");
309  effnames.push_back("EFMS_effi_toOffl_phi");
310  effnames.push_back("EFSA_effi_toOffl_pt");
311  effnames.push_back("EFCB_effi_toOffl_pt");
313  for (std::vector<TString>::iterator it = effnames.begin(); it != effnames.end(); ++it) {
314  seff = eff_dir + (*it);
315  snum = ef_dir + (*it) + "_numer";
316  sden = ef_dir + (*it) + "_denom";
317  stmp = (*it);
318  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
319  if (!h1num) continue;
321  h1tmp = (TH1F*) h1den->Clone();
322  h1tmp->SetName(stmp);
323  std::string stcar = h1tmp->GetTitle();
324  stcar.replace(stcar.end() - 5, stcar.end(), "");
325  h1tmp->SetTitle(stcar.c_str());
326  h1tmp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
327  h1tmp->Reset();
328  h1tmp->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
329  dir->cd();
330  h1tmp->Write();
331  }//effnames
332  mf.Write();
334  //==Turn on
335  std::vector<TString> chainsMSonly;
336  std::vector<TString> chainsStandard;
337  std::vector<TString> chainsMG;
338  std::vector<TString> chainsMI;
339  std::vector<TString> chainsGeneric;
340  std::vector<TString> chainsEFiso;
341  std::vector<TString> chainsEFFS;
343  // Generic (EFsuper etc.)
345  chainsGeneric.push_back("muChain1"); // MAM
346  chainsGeneric.push_back("muChain2"); // MAM
348  // Generic (Isolated muons)
349  chainsEFiso.push_back("muChainEFiso1"); // MAM
350  chainsEFiso.push_back("muChainEFiso2"); // MAM
352  // MSonly
354  chainsMSonly.push_back("muChainMSonly1"); // MAM
355  chainsMSonly.push_back("muChainMSonly2"); // MAM
357  // EFFS triggers (L. Yuan)
358  chainsEFFS.push_back("muChainEFFS"); // MAM
360  enum indexINDEP {
362  };
363  TString trigger[INDMBIAS + 1];
365  trigger[INDORTH] = "Orthog";//EGamma + Tau + Jet + MET
366  trigger[INDEGAMMA] = "EGamma";
367  trigger[INDMET] = "MET";
368  trigger[INDJET] = "Jet";
370  int maxindep = 0; // YY 20.01.2012
372  // YY added:
373  TString ESchainName = "_ES";
375  TString bestr[2] = {
376  "_Barrel", "_Endcap"
377  };
379  // made it as enum: 20.1.2012
380  std::string triggerES[7] = {
381  "_ESstd", "_EStag", "_ESid", "_ESindep", "_ESHIL1", "_ESHIid", "_ESHIindep"
382  };
383  enum indexES {
385  };
387  int maxESbr = ESINDEP;
389  bool CB_mon_ESbr[ESHIINDEP + 1];
390  bool MS_mon_ESbr[ESHIINDEP + 1];
392  CB_mon_ESbr[ESSTD] = 0;
393  CB_mon_ESbr[ESTAG] = 0;
394  CB_mon_ESbr[ESID] = 1;
395  CB_mon_ESbr[ESINDEP] = 0;
396  CB_mon_ESbr[ESHIL1] = 0;
397  CB_mon_ESbr[ESHIID] = 0;
398  CB_mon_ESbr[ESHIINDEP] = 0;
400  MS_mon_ESbr[ESSTD] = 0;
401  MS_mon_ESbr[ESTAG] = 1;
402  MS_mon_ESbr[ESID] = 0;
403  MS_mon_ESbr[ESINDEP] = 0;
404  MS_mon_ESbr[ESHIL1] = 0;
405  MS_mon_ESbr[ESHIID] = 0;
406  MS_mon_ESbr[ESHIINDEP] = 0;
408  std::vector<std::string> vectkwd;
410  vectkwd.push_back(triggerES[ESTAG]);
411  vectkwd.push_back(triggerES[ESID]);
412  vectkwd.push_back("_Jet");
413  vectkwd.push_back("_all");
415  TString hptName = "_hpt";
416  TString MSchainName = "_MSb";
418  // YY: pt range.
419  int iSTDL;
420  int iSTDH;
421  if (HI_pp_key) {
422  iSTDL = 45; // 12 GeV
423  //iSTDL = 54; // 15 GeV
424  iSTDH = 75; // 25 GeV
425  } else {
426  iSTDL = 105; // 60 GeV
427  //iSTDL = 91; // 40 GeV
428  iSTDH = 120; // 100 GeV
429  //iSTDH = 120; // 100 GeV
430  }
431  int iMSL = 105; // 60 GeV
432  int iMSH = 120; // 100 GeV
434  if (HI_pp_key) {
435  iMSL = 54;//15GeV
436  iMSH = 75;//25GeV
437  }
438  // YY added:
439  enum ieffAlgo {
440  iL2MuonSA = 0, // StdAlgo
441  iMuComb = 1, // StdAlgo
442  iEFCB = 2, // StdAlgo
443  iMuGirl = 3, // StdAlgo
445  iEFSA = 1 // MSAlgo
446  };
448  // Standard Chains
449  //TString alg[5] = {"_L2MuonSA", "_MuComb", "_MuonEFMS", "_MuonEFSA", "_MuonEFCB"};
450  //TString wrtalg[5] = {"_L1", "_L2MuonSA", "_MuComb", "_MuComb", "_MuComb"};
452  // ******************************************************//
453  // start the code add by Yuan //
454  //TString FS_pre_trigger = "mu18it_tight";
455  TString FS_pre_trigger = "EFFSpre";
456  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chainsEFFS.size(); i++) {
457  TString chainName =;
459  TString hists_str[9] = {
460  chainName + "_tagEFFSpre" + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_probe_MuidCB",
461  chainName + "_tagEFFSpre" + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_probe_MuidCB_Barrel",
462  chainName + "_tagEFFSpre" + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_probe_MuidCB_Endcap",
463  chainName + "_tagEFFSpre_mu0_15" + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_probe_MuidCB",
464  chainName + "_tagEFFSpre_mu15_20" + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_probe_MuidCB",
465  chainName + "_tagEFFSpre_mu20" + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_probe_MuidCB",
466  chainName + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_subleading_MuidCB",
467  FS_pre_trigger + "_dimuonTP" + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_probe_MuidCB",
468  FS_pre_trigger + "_dimuonTP" + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_L1_probe_MuidCB",
469  };
471  bool for_mydebug = false;
472  auto getHPointerQuietly ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE =
473  [&mf, for_mydebug] ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE(const TString &hname)->TH1F * {
474  TH1F* pH {};
475  mf.get(hname, pH);
476  if (!pH and for_mydebug) {
477  std::cerr << "HLTMuon PostProcessing: no such histogram!! " << hname << std::endl;
478  }
479  return pH;
480  };
481  auto getHistogramPairQuietly = [&getHPointerQuietly] (const TString &numeratorName, const TString &denominatorName)->std::pair<TH1F *, TH1F *> {
482  TH1F* pH2 {};
483  TH1F* pH1 = getHPointerQuietly(numeratorName);
484  if (pH1){
485  pH2 = getHPointerQuietly(denominatorName);
486  }
487  return std::pair{pH1, pH2};
488  };
491  for (int iROI = 0; iROI < 9; iROI++) {
492  sden = nd_dir + hists_str[iROI] + "_Denominator";
493  snum = nd_dir + hists_str[iROI] + "_Numerator";
494  seff = eff_dir + hists_str[iROI];
495  seffg = seff + "_Fit";
497  stmp = hists_str[iROI];
498  stmpg = hists_str[iROI] + "_Fit";
499  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPairQuietly(snum, sden);
500  if (!h1num) continue;
502  h1tmp = (TH1F*) h1den->Clone();
503  h1tmp->SetName(stmp);
504  h1tmp->SetTitle(stmp);
505  h1tmp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
506  h1tmp->Reset();
507  h1tmp->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
508  dir->cd();
509  h1tmp->Write();
510  h1tmpg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
511  h1tmpg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
512  h1tmpg->SetMinimum(0.0);
513  h1tmpg->SetMaximum(1.05);
514  h1tmpg->BayesDivide(h1num, h1den);
515  h1tmpg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
516  h1tmpg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
517  h1tmpg->SetName(stmpg);
518  h1tmpg->Write();
519  delete h1tmpg;
520  } // end the loop on individual turn-on curves
522  TString L1_TP_str = FS_pre_trigger + "_dimuonTP_L1" + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_probe_MuidCB";
523  sden = nd_dir + FS_pre_trigger + "_dimuonTP" + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_probe_MuidCB" + "_Denominator";
524  snum = nd_dir + FS_pre_trigger + "_dimuonTP" + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_L1_probe_MuidCB" + "_Denominator";
525  seff = eff_dir + L1_TP_str;
526  seffg = seff + "_Fit";
527  stmp = L1_TP_str;
528  stmpg = L1_TP_str + "_Fit";
529  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPairQuietly(snum, sden);
530  if (!h1num) continue;
532  h1tmp = (TH1F*) h1den->Clone();
533  h1tmp->SetName(stmp);
534  h1tmp->SetTitle(stmp);
535  h1tmp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
536  h1tmp->Reset();
537  h1tmp->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
538  dir->cd();
539  h1tmp->Write();
540  h1tmpg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
541  h1tmpg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
542  h1tmpg->SetMinimum(0.0);
543  h1tmpg->SetMaximum(1.05);
544  h1tmpg->BayesDivide(h1num, h1den);
545  h1tmpg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
546  h1tmpg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
547  dir->cd();
548  h1tmpg->SetName(stmpg);
549  h1tmpg->Write();
550  delete h1tmpg;
552  //**** summargy plot **********//
554  TString histNumB = nd_dir + chainName + "_tagEFFSpre_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_probe_MuidCB_Barrel_Numerator";
555  TString histDenB = nd_dir + chainName + "_tagEFFSpre_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_probe_MuidCB_Barrel_Denominator";
556  TString histNumE = nd_dir + chainName + "_tagEFFSpre_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_probe_MuidCB_Endcap_Numerator";
557  TString histDenE = nd_dir + chainName + "_tagEFFSpre_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_probe_MuidCB_Endcap_Denominator";
558  TString histL1sum = eff_dir + chainName + "_EFplateau_wrtOffline";
559  const auto & [h1numb, h1denb] = getHistogramPairQuietly(histNumB, histDenB);
560  if (!h1numb) continue;
562  const auto & [h1nume, h1dene] = getHistogramPairQuietly(histNumE, histDenE);
563  if (!h1nume) continue;
565  TH1F* h1sumL = getHPointerQuietly(histL1sum);
566  if (!h1sumL) continue;
567  //
568  int iSTDL = 75;//25GeV
569  int iSTDH = 120;
570  if (HI_pp_key) {//HI run 4-25GeV
571  iSTDL = 17;
572  iSTDH = 75;
573  }
574  double sumeff {}, sumerr {};
575  double sumn = h1numb->Integral(iSTDL, iSTDH); // 60-100 GeV
576  double sumd = h1denb->Integral(iSTDL, iSTDH);
577  if (sumd != 0.) {
578  sumeff = (double) sumn / (double) sumd;
579  sumerr = sqrt((double) sumn * (1. - sumeff)) / (double) sumd;
580  }
582  h1sumL->SetBinContent(1, sumeff);
583  h1sumL->SetBinError(1, sumerr);
585  sumn = h1nume->Integral(iSTDL, iSTDH);
586  sumd = h1dene->Integral(iSTDL, iSTDH);
587  if (sumd == 0.) {
588  sumeff = 0.;
589  sumerr = 0.;
590  } else {
591  sumeff = (double) sumn / (double) sumd;
592  sumerr = sqrt((double) sumn * (1. - sumeff)) / (double) sumd;
593  }
594  h1sumL->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
595  h1sumL->SetBinContent(2, sumeff);
596  h1sumL->SetBinError(2, sumerr);
597  h1sumL->SetMinimum(0.0);
598  h1sumL->SetMaximum(1.05);
600  dir->cd();
601  h1sumL->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
603  TString histNum_mu0_15 = nd_dir + chainName + "_tagEFFSpre_mu0_15_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_probe_MuidCB_Numerator";
604  TString histDen_mu0_15 = nd_dir + chainName + "_tagEFFSpre_mu0_15_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_probe_MuidCB_Denominator";
605  TString histNum_mu15_20 = nd_dir + chainName + "_tagEFFSpre_mu15_20_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_probe_MuidCB_Numerator";
606  TString histDen_mu15_20 = nd_dir + chainName + "_tagEFFSpre_mu15_20_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_probe_MuidCB_Denominator";
607  TString histNum_mu20 = nd_dir + chainName + "_tagEFFSpre_mu20_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_probe_MuidCB_Numerator";
608  TString histDen_mu20 = nd_dir + chainName + "_tagEFFSpre_mu20_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_probe_MuidCB_Denominator";
609  TString histEFsum_mu = eff_dir + chainName + "_EFplateau_wrtOffline_mu_dependence";
611  TH1F* h1num_mu0_15 = getHPointerQuietly(histNum_mu0_15);
612  if (!h1num_mu0_15) continue;
614  TH1F* h1num_mu15_20 = getHPointerQuietly(histNum_mu15_20);
615  if (!h1num_mu15_20) continue;
617  TH1F* h1num_mu20 = getHPointerQuietly(histNum_mu20);
618  if (!h1num_mu20) continue;
620  TH1F* h1den_mu0_15 = getHPointerQuietly(histDen_mu0_15);
621  if (!h1den_mu0_15) continue;
623  TH1F* h1den_mu15_20 = getHPointerQuietly(histDen_mu15_20);
624  if (!h1den_mu15_20) continue;
626  TH1F* h1den_mu20 = getHPointerQuietly(histDen_mu20);
627  if (!h1den_mu20) continue;
629  TH1F* h1sum_mu = getHPointerQuietly(histEFsum_mu);
630  if (!h1sum_mu) continue;
632  sumn = h1num_mu0_15->Integral(iSTDL, iSTDH); // 25-100 GeV
633  sumd = h1den_mu0_15->Integral(iSTDL, iSTDH);
634  if (sumd == 0.) {
635  sumeff = 0.;
636  sumerr = 0.;
637  } else {
638  sumeff = (double) sumn / (double) sumd;
639  sumerr = sqrt((double) sumn * (1. - sumeff)) / (double) sumd;
640  }
642  h1sum_mu->SetBinContent(1, sumeff);
643  h1sum_mu->SetBinError(1, sumerr);
645  sumn = h1num_mu15_20->Integral(iSTDL, iSTDH);
646  sumd = h1den_mu15_20->Integral(iSTDL, iSTDH);
647  if (sumd == 0.) {
648  sumeff = 0.;
649  sumerr = 0.;
650  } else {
651  sumeff = (double) sumn / (double) sumd;
652  sumerr = sqrt((double) sumn * (1. - sumeff)) / (double) sumd;
653  }
654  h1sum_mu->SetBinContent(2, sumeff);
655  h1sum_mu->SetBinError(2, sumerr);
657  sumn = h1num_mu20->Integral(iSTDL, iSTDH);
658  sumd = h1den_mu20->Integral(iSTDL, iSTDH);
659  if (sumd == 0.) {
660  sumeff = 0.;
661  sumerr = 0.;
662  } else {
663  sumeff = (double) sumn / (double) sumd;
664  sumerr = sqrt((double) sumn * (1. - sumeff)) / (double) sumd;
665  }
666  h1sum_mu->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
667  h1sum_mu->SetBinContent(3, sumeff);
668  h1sum_mu->SetBinError(3, sumerr);
669  h1sum_mu->SetMaximum(1.05);
670  h1sum_mu->SetMinimum(0.0);
671  dir->cd();
672  h1sum_mu->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
673  mf.Write();
674  }
675  // end of the code add by Yuan //
676  // ******************************************************//
677  TString alg2[3] = {
678  "_L2MuonSA", "_MuonEFMS", "_MuonEFSA"
679  };
680  TString wrtalg2[3] = {
681  "_L1", "_L2MuonSA", "_L2MuonSA"
682  };
684  // ******************************************************//
685  // ****************** MSonly Chains ********************//
686  // ******************************************************//
687  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chainsMSonly.size(); i++) {
688  TString chainName =;
690  for (int trg = 0; trg < maxindep; trg++) {
691  sden = nd_dir + chainName + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA" + trigger[trg] + "_Triggered_Denominator";
693  for (int alg = 0; alg < 3; alg++) {
694  snum = nd_dir + chainName + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA" + trigger[trg] + "_Triggered_Numerator";
695  seff = eff_dir + chainName + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA" + trigger[trg] + "_Triggered";
696  seffg = seff + "_Fit"; // YY added 20.04.10
697  stmp = chainName + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA" + trigger[trg] + "_Triggered";
698  stmpg = chainName + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA" + trigger[trg] + "_Triggered" + "_Fit";
699  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
700  if (!h1num) continue;
702  h1tmp = (TH1F*) h1den->Clone();
703  h1tmp->SetName(stmp);
704  h1tmp->SetTitle(stmp);
705  h1tmp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
706  h1tmp->Reset();
707  h1tmp->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
708  dir->cd();
709  h1tmp->Write();
710  h1tmpg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
711  h1tmpg->SetName(stmpg);
712  h1tmpg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
713  h1tmpg->SetMinimum(0.0);
714  h1tmpg->SetMaximum(1.05);
715  h1tmpg->BayesDivide(h1num, h1den);
716  h1tmpg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
717  h1tmpg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
718  dir->cd();
719  h1tmpg->Write();
720  delete h1tmpg;
722  // summary for jet trigger
723  if (0 == alg || 2 == alg) {
724  if (3 == trg) { // jet
725  double sumeff {}, sumerr {};
726  double sumn = h1num->Integral(iMSL, iMSH);
727  double sumd = h1den->Integral(iMSL, iMSH);
728  if (sumd != 0.) {
729  sumeff = (double) sumn / (double) sumd;
730  sumerr = sqrt((double) sumn * (1. - sumeff)) / (double) sumd;
731  }
732  int iholx = -1;
733  if (0 == alg) {
734  iholx = static_cast<int>(iL2MuonSA);
735  } else if (2 == alg) {
736  iholx = static_cast<int>(iEFSA);
737  }
739  if (iholx >= 0) {
740  TString s = eff_dir + chainName + "_highpt_effsummary_by" +;
741  h1sumeff = getHPointer(s);
742  if (!h1sumeff) continue;
744  h1sumeff->SetBinContent(iholx + 1, sumeff);
745  h1sumeff->SetBinError(iholx + 1, sumerr);
746  h1sumeff->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
747  h1sumeff->SetMinimum(0.0);
748  h1sumeff->SetMaximum(1.05);
749  // saving
750  dir->cd();
751  h1sumeff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
752  }
753  }
754  }
755  }//alg
756  }//trg
757  mf.Write();
759  for (int alg = 0; alg < 3; alg++) {
760  //wrt MuidSA
761  sden = nd_dir + chainName + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA_Denominator";
762  snum = nd_dir + chainName + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_Numerator";
763  seff = eff_dir + chainName + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA";
764  seffg = seff + "_Fit"; // YY added 20.04.10
765  stmp = chainName + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA";
766  stmpg = chainName + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA" + "_Fit";
767  const auto & [pNum, pDen] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
768  if (!pNum) continue;
770  h1tmp = (TH1F*) pDen->Clone();
771  h1tmp->SetName(stmp);
772  h1tmp->SetTitle(stmp);
773  h1tmp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
774  h1tmp->Reset();
775  h1tmp->Divide(pNum, pDen, 1., 1., "B");
776  dir->cd();
777  h1tmp->Write();
778  h1tmpg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
779  h1tmpg->SetName(stmpg);
780  h1tmpg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
781  h1tmpg->SetMinimum(0.0);
782  h1tmpg->SetMaximum(1.05);
783  h1tmpg->BayesDivide(pNum, pDen);
784  h1tmpg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
785  h1tmpg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(pDen->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
786  dir->cd();
787  h1tmpg->Write();
788  delete h1tmpg;
790  if (0 == alg || 2 == alg) { // no condition on ES bits = all events
791  double sumeff {}, sumerr {};
792  double sumn = pNum->Integral(iMSL, iMSH);
793  double sumd = pDen->Integral(iMSL, iMSH);
794  if (sumd != 0.) {
795  sumeff = (double) sumn / (double) sumd;
796  sumerr = sqrt((double) sumn * (1. - sumeff)) / (double) sumd;
797  }
798  int iholx = -1;
799  if (0 == alg) {
800  iholx = static_cast<int>(iL2MuonSA);
801  } else if (2 == alg) {
802  iholx = static_cast<int>(iEFSA);
803  }
805  if (iholx >= 0) {
806  TString s = eff_dir + chainName + "_highpt_effsummary_by" +;
807  h1sumeff = getHPointer(s);
808  if (!h1sumeff) continue;
809  h1sumeff->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
810  h1sumeff->SetBinContent(iholx + 1, sumeff);
811  h1sumeff->SetBinError(iholx + 1, sumerr);
812  h1sumeff->SetMinimum(0.0);
813  h1sumeff->SetMaximum(1.05);
814  // saving
815  dir->cd();
816  h1sumeff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
817  }
818  }
819  //wrt MuidSA
821  // for ES ----------------------------------------------------------------
822  for (int ies = 0; ies <= maxESbr; ies++) {
823  if (!MS_mon_ESbr[ies]) continue;
824  // for ES, L1 ------------------------------------------------------------
825  if (0 == alg) {
826  sden = nd_dir + chainName + triggerES[ies] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA_Denominator";
827  snum = nd_dir + chainName + triggerES[ies] + "_L2MuonSA" + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + "_L1" + "_Denominator";
828  seff = eff_dir + chainName + triggerES[ies] + "_L1" + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA";
829  seffg = seff + "_Fit";
830  stmp = chainName + triggerES[alg] + "_L1" + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA";
831  stmpg = chainName + triggerES[alg] + "_L1" + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA" + "_Fit";
832  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
833  if (!h1num) continue;
835  h1tmp = (TH1F*) h1den->Clone();
836  h1tmp->SetName(stmp);
837  h1tmp->SetTitle(stmp);
838  h1tmp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
839  h1tmp->Reset();
840  h1tmp->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
841  dir->cd();
842  h1tmp->Write();
843  h1tmpg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
844  h1tmpg->SetName(stmpg);
845  h1tmpg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
846  h1tmpg->SetMinimum(0.0);
847  h1tmpg->SetMaximum(1.05);
848  h1tmpg->BayesDivide(h1num, h1den);
849  h1tmpg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
850  h1tmpg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
851  dir->cd();
852  h1tmpg->Write();
853  delete h1tmpg;
856  for (int be = 0; be < 2; be++) {
857  sden = nd_dir + chainName + triggerES[ies] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA" + bestr[be] + "_Denominator";
858  snum = nd_dir + chainName + triggerES[ies] + "_L2MuonSA" + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + "_L1" + bestr[be] +
859  "_Denominator";
860  seff = eff_dir + chainName + triggerES[ies] + "_L1" + bestr[be] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA";
861  seffg = seff + "_Fit";
862  stmp = chainName + triggerES[ies] + "_L1" + bestr[be] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA";
863  stmpg = chainName + triggerES[ies] + "_L1" + bestr[be] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA" + "_Fit";
864  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
865  if (!h1num) continue;
867  h1tmp = (TH1F*) h1den->Clone();
868  h1tmp->SetName(stmp);
869  h1tmp->SetTitle(stmp);
870  h1tmp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
871  h1tmp->Reset();
872  h1tmp->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
873  dir->cd();
874  h1tmp->Write();
875  h1tmpg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
876  h1tmpg->SetName(stmpg);
877  h1tmpg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
878  h1tmpg->SetMinimum(0.0);
879  h1tmpg->SetMaximum(1.05);
880  h1tmpg->BayesDivide(h1num, h1den);
881  h1tmpg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
882  h1tmpg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
883  dir->cd();
884  h1tmpg->Write();
885  delete h1tmpg;
886  }
887  }
889  // for ES, L1 end ------------------------------------------------------------
890  sden = nd_dir + chainName + triggerES[ies] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA_Denominator";
891  snum = nd_dir + chainName + triggerES[ies] + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_Numerator";
892  seff = eff_dir + chainName + triggerES[ies] + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA";
893  seffg = seff + "_Fit"; // YY added 20.04.10
894  stmp = chainName + triggerES[ies] + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA";
895  stmpg = chainName + triggerES[ies] + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA" + "_Fit";
896  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
897  if (!h1num) continue;
899  h1tmp = (TH1F*) h1den->Clone();
900  h1tmp->SetName(stmp);
901  h1tmp->SetTitle(stmp);
902  h1tmp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
903  h1tmp->Reset();
904  h1tmp->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
905  dir->cd();
906  h1tmp->Write();
907  h1tmpg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
908  h1tmpg->SetName(stmpg);
909  h1tmpg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
910  h1tmpg->SetMinimum(0.0);
911  h1tmpg->SetMaximum(1.05);
912  h1tmpg->BayesDivide(h1num, h1den);
913  h1tmpg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
914  h1tmpg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
915  dir->cd();
916  h1tmpg->Write();
917  delete h1tmpg;
919  if (0 == alg || 2 == alg) {
920  if (ESTAG == ies || ESINDEP == ies) {
921  double sumeff, sumerr;
922  double sumn = h1num->Integral(iMSL, iMSH);
923  double sumd = h1den->Integral(iMSL, iMSH);
924  if (sumd == 0.) {
925  sumeff = 0.;
926  sumerr = 0.;
927  } else {
928  sumeff = (double) sumn / (double) sumd;
929  sumerr = sqrt((double) sumn * (1. - sumeff)) / (double) sumd;
930  }
931  int iholx = -1;
932  if (0 == alg) {
933  iholx = static_cast<int>(iL2MuonSA);
934  } else if (2 == alg) {
935  iholx = static_cast<int>(iEFSA);
936  }
938  if (iholx >= 0) {
939  TString s = eff_dir + chainName + "_highpt_effsummary_by" + triggerES[ies];
940  h1sumeff = getHPointer(s);
941  if (!h1sumeff) continue;
942  h1sumeff->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
943  h1sumeff->SetBinContent(iholx + 1, sumeff);
944  h1sumeff->SetBinError(iholx + 1, sumerr);
945  h1sumeff->SetMinimum(0.0);
946  h1sumeff->SetMaximum(1.05);
947  // saving
948  dir->cd();
949  h1sumeff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
950  }
951  }
952  }
953  }
954  // for ES: end ----------------------------------------------------------------
956  if (0 == alg || 2 == alg) {
957  for (int be = 0; be < 2; be++) {
958  //wrt MuidSA
959  sden = nd_dir + chainName + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA" + bestr[be] + "_Denominator";
960  snum = nd_dir + chainName + alg2[alg] + bestr[be] + "_Turn_On_Curve_Numerator";
961  seff = eff_dir + chainName + alg2[alg] + bestr[be] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA";
962  seffg = seff + "_Fit"; // YY added 20.04.10
963  stmp = chainName + alg2[alg] + bestr[be] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA";
964  stmpg = chainName + alg2[alg] + bestr[be] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidSA" + "_Fit";
965  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
966  if (!h1num) continue;
968  h1tmp = (TH1F*) h1den->Clone();
969  h1tmp->SetName(stmp);
970  h1tmp->SetTitle(stmp);
971  h1tmp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
972  h1tmp->Reset();
973  h1tmp->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
974  dir->cd();
975  h1tmp->Write();
976  h1tmpg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
977  h1tmpg->SetName(stmpg);
978  h1tmpg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
979  h1tmpg->SetMinimum(0.0);
980  h1tmpg->SetMaximum(1.05);
981  h1tmpg->BayesDivide(h1num, h1den);
982  h1tmpg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
983  h1tmpg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
984  dir->cd();
985  h1tmpg->Write();
986  delete h1tmpg;
987  }
988  }
990  //wrt upstream
991  sden = nd_dir + chainName + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg2[alg] + "_Denominator";
992  snum = nd_dir + chainName + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_Numerator";
993  seff = eff_dir + chainName + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg2[alg];
994  seffg = seff + "_Fit"; // YY added 20.04.10
995  stmp = chainName + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg2[alg];
996  stmpg = chainName + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg2[alg] + "_Fit";
997  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
998  if (!h1num) continue;
1000  h1tmp = (TH1F*) h1den->Clone();
1001  h1tmp->SetName(stmp);
1002  h1tmp->SetTitle(stmp);
1003  h1tmp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1004  h1tmp->Reset();
1005  h1tmp->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
1006  dir->cd();
1007  h1tmp->Write();
1008  h1tmpg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
1009  h1tmpg->SetName(stmpg);
1010  h1tmpg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1011  h1tmpg->SetMinimum(0.0);
1012  h1tmpg->SetMaximum(1.05);
1013  h1tmpg->BayesDivide(h1num, h1den);
1014  h1tmpg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1015  h1tmpg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
1016  dir->cd();
1017  h1tmpg->Write();
1018  delete h1tmpg;
1021  //wrt upstream
1022  // for ES --------------------------------------------------------------------
1023  for (int ies = 0; ies <= maxESbr; ies++) {
1024  if (!MS_mon_ESbr[ies]) continue;
1025  sden = nd_dir + chainName + triggerES[ies] + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg2[alg] +
1026  "_Denominator";
1027  snum = nd_dir + chainName + triggerES[ies] + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_Numerator";
1028  seff = eff_dir + chainName + triggerES[ies] + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg2[alg];
1029  seffg = seff + "_Fit"; // YY added 20.04.10
1030  stmp = chainName + triggerES[ies] + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg2[alg];
1031  stmpg = chainName + triggerES[ies] + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg2[alg] + "_Fit";
1032  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
1033  if (!h1num) continue;
1035  h1tmp = (TH1F*) h1den->Clone();
1036  h1tmp->SetName(stmp);
1037  h1tmp->SetTitle(stmp);
1038  h1tmp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1039  h1tmp->Reset();
1040  h1tmp->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
1041  dir->cd();
1042  h1tmp->Write();
1043  h1tmpg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
1044  h1tmpg->SetName(stmpg);
1045  h1tmpg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1046  h1tmpg->SetMinimum(0.0);
1047  h1tmpg->SetMaximum(1.05);
1048  h1tmpg->BayesDivide(h1num, h1den);
1049  h1tmpg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1050  h1tmpg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
1051  dir->cd();
1052  h1tmpg->Write();
1053  delete h1tmpg;
1054  }
1055  // for ES: end --------------------------------------------------------------------
1057  if (0 == alg || 2 == alg) {
1058  for (int be = 0; be < 2; be++) {
1059  //wrt upstream
1060  sden = nd_dir + chainName + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg2[alg] + bestr[be] + "_Denominator";
1061  snum = nd_dir + chainName + alg2[alg] + bestr[be] + "_Turn_On_Curve_Numerator";
1062  seff = eff_dir + chainName + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg2[alg] + bestr[be];
1063  seffg = seff + "_Fit"; // YY added 20.04.10
1064  stmp = chainName + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg2[alg] + bestr[be];
1065  stmpg = chainName + alg2[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg2[alg] + bestr[be] + "_Fit";
1066  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
1067  if (!h1num) continue;
1069  h1tmp = (TH1F*) h1den->Clone();
1070  h1tmp->SetName(stmp);
1071  h1tmp->SetTitle(stmp);
1072  h1tmp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1073  h1tmp->Reset();
1074  h1tmp->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
1075  dir->cd();
1076  h1tmp->Write();
1077  h1tmpg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
1078  h1tmpg->SetName(stmpg);
1079  h1tmpg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1080  h1tmpg->SetMinimum(0.0);
1081  h1tmpg->SetMaximum(1.05);
1082  h1tmpg->BayesDivide(h1num, h1den);
1083  h1tmpg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1084  h1tmpg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
1085  dir->cd();
1086  h1tmpg->Write();
1087  delete h1tmpg;
1088  }
1089  }
1090  }//alg
1091  mf.Write();
1092  }//i
1094  //==Rate
1095  dir = mf.GetDirectory(rr_dir);
1096  if (!dir) {
1097  if (fdbg) {
1098  std::cerr << "HLTMuonHistogramDivision: directory " << rr_dir << " not found" << std::endl;
1099  }
1100  return;
1101  }
1103  // EF rate / offline rate
1104  std::string type[3] = {
1105  "MS_", "SA_", "CB_"
1106  };
1107  std::string off[3] = {
1108  "Moore_MS_", "Moore_SA_", "Muid_"
1109  };
1110  std::string cut[2] = {
1111  "4", "10"
1112  };
1114  for (int itype = 0; itype < 3; itype++) {
1115  for (int icut = 0; icut < 2; icut++) {
1116  seff = rr_dir + "EF_" + type[itype] + "Over_" + off[itype] + cut[icut] + "GeV_Cut";
1117  snum = rate_dir + "Number_Of_EF_" + type[itype] + "Muons_" + cut[icut] + "GeV_Cut";
1118  sden = rate_dir + "Number_Of_" + off[itype] + "Muons_" + cut[icut] + "GeV_Cut";
1119  stmp = "EF_" + type[itype] + "Over_" + off[itype] + cut[icut] + "GeV_Cut";
1120  stmpg = "EF_" + type[itype] + "Over_" + off[itype] + cut[icut] + "GeV_Cut" + "_Fit";
1121  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
1122  if (!h1num) continue;
1124  h1tmp = (TH1F*) h1den->Clone();
1125  h1tmp->SetName(stmp);
1126  h1tmp->SetTitle(stmp);
1127  h1tmp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1128  h1tmp->Reset();
1129  h1tmp->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
1130  dir->cd();
1131  h1tmp->Write();
1132  }//icut
1133  }//itype
1134  mf.Write();
1136  // Triggers / Event
1137  std::vector<TString> chains;
1138  std::vector<TString> chains2;
1140  {
1141  std::map<std::string, std::string> ztpmap;
1143  ztpmap["muChain1"] = "L1_MU15";
1144  ztpmap["muChain2"] = "L1_MU15";
1145  ztpmap["muChainEFiso1"] = "L1_MU15";
1146  ztpmap["muChainEFiso2"] = "L1_MU15";
1147  ztpmap["muChainMSonly1"] = "L1_MU15";
1148  ztpmap["muChainMSonly2"] = "L1_MU15";
1150  std::map<std::string, int> ztp_isomap;
1151  ztp_isomap["muChain1"] = 0;
1152  ztp_isomap["muChain2"] = 0;
1153  ztp_isomap["muChainEFiso1"] = 1;
1154  ztp_isomap["muChainEFiso2"] = 1;
1155  ztp_isomap["muChainMSonly1"] = 0;
1156  ztp_isomap["muChainMSonly2"] = 0;
1158  for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator itmap = ztpmap.begin(); itmap != ztpmap.end(); ++itmap) {
1159  TString histdirmuztp = run_dir + "/HLT/MuonMon/MuZTP/" + itmap->first;
1160  TDirectory* ztpdir = mf.GetDirectory(histdirmuztp);
1161  bool isefisochain = ztp_isomap[itmap->first] > 0;
1163  //efficiency histograms
1164  std::vector<std::string> var;
1165  var.push_back("_Pt_");
1166  var.push_back("_Pt_EC_");
1167  var.push_back("_Pt_B_");
1168  var.push_back("_Pt_4bins_");
1169  var.push_back("_Pt_B_4bins_");
1170  var.push_back("_Eta_");
1171  var.push_back("_Phi_");
1172  var.push_back("_Phi_EC_");
1173  var.push_back("_Phi_B_");
1174  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < var.size(); k++) {
1175  std::vector<std::string> level;
1176  level.push_back("L1");
1177  level.push_back("L2");
1178  level.push_back("EF");
1179  if (isefisochain) level.push_back("EFIso");
1180  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < level.size(); j++) {
1181  //ABSOLUTE
1182  seffg = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP_eff_" + level[j] + var[k] + itmap->first;
1183  snum = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP" + var[k] + level[j] + "fired_" + itmap->first;
1184  sden = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP" + var[k] + itmap->first;
1185  stmp = "muZTP_eff_" + level[j] + var[k] + itmap->first;
1186  stmpg = "muZTP_eff_" + level[j] + var[k] + itmap->first;
1187  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
1188  if (!h1num) continue;
1190  h1tmpg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
1191  h1tmpg->SetName(stmpg);
1192  h1tmpg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1193  h1tmpg->SetMinimum(0.0);
1194  h1tmpg->SetMaximum(1.05);
1195  h1tmpg->BayesDivide(h1num, h1den);
1196  h1tmpg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1197  h1tmpg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
1198  ztpdir->cd();
1199  h1tmpg->Write();
1200  delete h1tmpg;
1201  mf.Write();
1203  seffg = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP_eff_" + level[j] + "_Eta_1bin_" + itmap->first;
1204  snum = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP_Eta_1bin_" + level[j] + "fired_" + itmap->first;
1205  sden = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP_Eta_1bin_" + itmap->first;
1206  stmpg = "muZTP_eff_" + level[j] + "_Eta_1bin_" + itmap->first;
1207  const auto & [h1num2, h1den2] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
1208  if (!h1num2) continue;
1210  h1tmpg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
1211  h1tmpg->SetName(stmpg);
1212  h1tmpg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1213  h1tmpg->SetMinimum(0.0);
1214  h1tmpg->SetMaximum(1.05);
1215  h1tmpg->BayesDivide(h1num2, h1den2);
1216  h1tmpg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1217  h1tmpg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den2->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
1218  ztpdir->cd();
1219  h1tmpg->Write();
1220  delete h1tmpg;
1221  mf.Write();
1223  seffg = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP_eff_" + level[j] + "_Eta_2bins_" + itmap->first;
1224  snum = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP_Eta_2bins_" + level[j] + "fired_" + itmap->first;
1225  sden = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP_Eta_2bins_" + itmap->first;
1226  stmpg = "muZTP_eff_" + level[j] + "_Eta_2bins_" + itmap->first;
1227  const auto & [h1num3, h1den3] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
1229  //h1num = getHPointer(snum);
1230  if (!h1num3) continue;
1231  //h1den = getHPointer(sden);
1232  //if (!h1den) continue;
1234  h1tmpg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
1235  h1tmpg->SetName(stmp);
1236  h1tmpg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1237  h1tmpg->SetMinimum(0.0);
1238  h1tmpg->SetMaximum(1.05);
1239  h1tmpg->BayesDivide(h1num3, h1den3);
1240  h1tmpg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1241  h1tmpg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den3->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
1242  ztpdir->cd();
1243  h1tmpg->Write();
1244  delete h1tmpg;
1245  mf.Write();
1247  seffg = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP_eff_" + level[j] + "_Eta_1bin_cut_" + itmap->first;
1248  snum = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP_Eta_1bin_cut_" + level[j] + "fired_" + itmap->first;
1249  sden = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP_Eta_1bin_cut_" + itmap->first;
1250  stmpg = "muZTP_eff_" + level[j] + "_Eta_1bin_cut_" + itmap->first;
1251  const auto & [h1num4, h1den4] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
1252  if (!h1num4) continue;
1254  h1tmpg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
1255  h1tmpg->SetName(stmpg);
1256  h1tmpg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1257  h1tmpg->SetMinimum(0.0);
1258  h1tmpg->SetMaximum(1.05);
1259  h1tmpg->BayesDivide(h1num4, h1den4);
1260  h1tmpg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1261  h1tmpg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den4->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
1262  ztpdir->cd();
1263  h1tmpg->Write();
1264  delete h1tmpg;
1265  mf.Write();
1267  seffg = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP_eff_" + level[j] + "_Eta_2bins_cut_" + itmap->first;
1268  snum = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP_Eta_2bins_cut_" + level[j] + "fired_" + itmap->first;
1269  sden = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP_Eta_2bins_cut_" + itmap->first;
1270  stmpg = "muZTP_eff_" + level[j] + "_Eta_2bins_cut_" + itmap->first;
1271  const auto & [h1num5, h1den5] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
1272  if (!h1num5) continue;
1274  h1tmpg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
1275  h1tmpg->SetName(stmpg);
1276  h1tmpg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1277  h1tmpg->SetMinimum(0.0);
1278  h1tmpg->SetMaximum(1.05);
1279  h1tmpg->BayesDivide(h1num5, h1den5);
1280  h1tmpg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1281  h1tmpg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den5->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
1282  ztpdir->cd();
1283  h1tmpg->Write();
1284  delete h1tmpg;
1285  mf.Write();
1287  //2D ETA_PHI
1288  seff = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP_eff_EtaPhi_" + level[j] + "_" + itmap->first;
1289  snum = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP_EtaPhi_" + level[j] + "_" + itmap->first;
1290  sden = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP_EtaPhi_all_" + itmap->first;
1291  stmp = "muZTP_eff_EtaPhi_" + level[j] + "_" + itmap->first;
1293  TH2F* h2num(0);
1294  TH2F* h2den(0);
1295  TH2F* h2tmp(0);
1297  h2num = getH2Pointer(snum);
1298  if (!h2num) continue;
1299  h2den = getH2Pointer(sden);
1300  if (!h2den) continue;
1302  h2tmp = (TH2F*) h1den->Clone();
1303  h2tmp->SetName(stmp);
1304  h2tmp->SetTitle(stmp);
1305  h2tmp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1306  h2tmp->Reset();
1307  h2tmp->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
1308  dir->cd();
1309  h2tmp->Write();
1310  mf.Write();
1311  }//level
1313  //RELATIVE
1314  seffg = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP_eff_EFwrtL2" + var[k] + itmap->first;
1315  snum = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP" + var[k] + "EFL2fired_" + itmap->first;
1316  sden = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP" + var[k] + "L2fired_" + itmap->first;
1317  stmpg = "muZTP_eff_EFwrtL2" + var[k] + itmap->first;
1318  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
1319  if (!h1num) continue;
1321  h1tmpg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
1322  h1tmpg->SetName(stmpg);
1323  h1tmpg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1324  h1tmpg->SetMinimum(0.0);
1325  h1tmpg->SetMaximum(1.05);
1326  h1tmpg->BayesDivide(h1num, h1den);
1327  h1tmpg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1328  h1tmpg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
1329  ztpdir->cd();
1330  h1tmpg->Write();
1331  delete h1tmpg;
1332  mf.Write();
1334  seffg = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP_eff_EFwrtL1" + var[k] + itmap->first;
1335  snum = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP" + var[k] + "EFfired_" + itmap->first;
1336  sden = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP" + var[k] + "L1fired_" + itmap->first;
1337  stmpg = "muZTP_eff_EFwrtL1" + var[k] + itmap->first;
1338  const auto & [h1num2, h1den2] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
1339  if (!h1num2) continue;
1341  h1tmpg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
1342  h1tmpg->SetName(stmpg);
1343  h1tmpg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1344  h1tmpg->SetMinimum(0.0);
1345  h1tmpg->SetMaximum(1.05);
1346  h1tmpg->BayesDivide(h1num2, h1den2);
1347  h1tmpg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1348  h1tmpg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den2->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
1349  ztpdir->cd();
1350  h1tmpg->Write();
1351  delete h1tmpg;
1352  mf.Write();
1354  seffg = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP_eff_L2wrtL1" + var[k] + itmap->first;
1355  snum = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP" + var[k] + "L2fired_" + itmap->first;
1356  sden = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP" + var[k] + "L1fired_" + itmap->first;
1357  stmpg = "muZTP_eff_L2wrtL1" + var[k] + itmap->first;
1358  const auto & [h1num3, h1den3] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
1359  if (!h1num3) continue;
1361  h1tmpg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
1362  h1tmpg->SetName(stmpg);
1363  h1tmpg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1364  h1tmpg->SetMinimum(0.0);
1365  h1tmpg->SetMaximum(1.05);
1366  h1tmpg->BayesDivide(h1num3, h1den3);
1367  h1tmpg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1368  h1tmpg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den3->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
1369  ztpdir->cd();
1370  h1tmpg->Write();
1371  delete h1tmpg;
1372  mf.Write();
1374  if (isefisochain) {
1375  seffg = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP_eff_EFIsowrtEF" + var[k] + itmap->first;
1376  snum = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP" + var[k] + "EFIsofired_" + itmap->first;
1377  sden = histdirmuztp + "/muZTP" + var[k] + "EFfired_" + itmap->first;
1378  stmpg = "muZTP_eff_EFIsowrtEF" + var[k] + itmap->first;
1379  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPair(snum, sden);
1380  if (!h1num) continue;
1382  h1tmpg = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
1383  h1tmpg->SetName(stmpg);
1384  h1tmpg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1385  h1tmpg->SetMinimum(0.0);
1386  h1tmpg->SetMaximum(1.05);
1387  h1tmpg->BayesDivide(h1num, h1den);
1388  h1tmpg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1389  h1tmpg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h1den->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
1390  ztpdir->cd();
1391  h1tmpg->Write();
1392  delete h1tmpg;
1393  mf.Write();
1394  }
1395  }//var
1396  }
1397  // mf.Write();
1398  } // procMuZTP
1401  {
1402  TDirectory* efdir = mf.GetDirectory(eff_dir);
1403  if (!efdir) {
1404  if (fdbg) {
1405  std::cerr << "HLTMuonHistogramDivision: directory " << eff_dir << " not found" << std::endl;
1406  }
1407  return;
1408  }
1410  // MAM
1411  const int MAXARR = 6;
1412  std::string charr[MAXARR] = {
1413  "muChain1", "muChain2", "muChainEFiso1", "muChainEFiso2", "muChainMSonly1", "muChainMSonly2"
1414  };
1415  std::string monarr[MAXARR] = {
1416  "_EFmuon", "_EFmuon", "_EFmuon", "_EFmuon", "_MuonEFSA", "_MuonEFSA"
1417  };
1418  std::string monL2arr[MAXARR] = {
1419  "_L2MuonSA", "_L2MuonSA", "_L2MuonSA", "_L2MuonSA", "_L2MuonSA", "_L2MuonSA"
1420  };
1421  bool isBarrelMon[MAXARR] = {
1422  false, false, false, false, true, true
1423  }; // enable MSonly
1424  bool isMSbMon[MAXARR] = {
1425  true, true, false, false, false, false
1426  }; // Skip isol and MSonly
1427  bool monL1[MAXARR] = {
1428  true, true, true, true, false, false
1429  }; // Skip MSonly
1430  bool isefIsolation[MAXARR] = {
1431  false, false, true, true, false, false
1432  }; // EF isolation add by Yuan
1434  // I need to prepare maps ... mu20_MG -> MuGirlEF etc.
1435  for (int ialg = 0; ialg < MAXARR; ialg++) {
1436  std::string chainName = charr[ialg];
1437  std::string MoniAlg = monarr[ialg];
1438  std::string MoniL2Alg = monL2arr[ialg];
1440  /* 1. Picking up ztp graph */
1441  TString hdirztp = muon_dir + "MuZTP/" + chainName + "/";
1442  TString histZtpNum, histZtpDen;
1443  if (!isBarrelMon[ialg]) {
1444  histZtpNum = hdirztp + "muZTP_Pt_4bins_EFfired_" + chainName;
1445  histZtpDen = hdirztp + "muZTP_Pt_4bins_L1fired_" + chainName;
1446  } else {
1447  histZtpNum = hdirztp + "muZTP_Pt_B_4bins_EFfired_" + chainName;
1448  histZtpDen = hdirztp + "muZTP_Pt_B_4bins_L1fired_" + chainName;
1449  }
1450  if (isefIsolation[ialg]) histZtpNum = hdirztp + "muZTP_Pt_4bins_EFIsofired_" + chainName; // add by Yuan
1451  TString histZtpEff = eff_dir + chainName + "_highpt3bins_effwrtL1";
1452  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPair(histZtpNum, histZtpDen);
1453  if (!h1num) continue;
1454  h1eff = getHPointer(histZtpEff);
1455  if (!h1eff) continue;
1457  /* 2. Filling summary histogram from ZTP values */
1458  for (int ibin = 2; ibin <= 3; ibin++) {
1459  // at the moment it is not correct if we run the algorithm # 4: mu40_MSonly_barrel .
1460  double sumeff {}, sumerr {};
1461  double sumn = h1num->Integral(ibin, ibin);
1462  if (isBarrelMon[ialg] || isMSbMon[ialg]) sumn = h1num->Integral(ibin + 1, ibin + 1);
1463  double sumd = h1den->Integral(ibin, ibin);
1464  if (isBarrelMon[ialg] || isMSbMon[ialg]) sumd = h1den->Integral(ibin + 1, ibin + 1);
1465  if (sumd != 0.) {
1466  sumeff = (double) sumn / (double) sumd;
1467  sumerr = sqrt((double) sumn * (1. - sumeff)) / (double) sumd;
1468  }
1469  h1eff->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1470  h1eff->SetBinContent(ibin - 1, sumeff);
1471  h1eff->SetBinError(ibin - 1, sumerr);
1472  h1eff->SetMinimum(0.0);
1473  h1eff->SetMaximum(1.05);
1474  }
1478  efdir->cd();
1479  h1eff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1481  if (monL1[ialg]) { // MUST skip muGirl, muIso and MSonly as histograms are not defined!!!
1482  TString hdirztp = muon_dir + "MuZTP/" + chainName + "/";
1483  TString histZtpNumB = hdirztp + "muZTP_Pt_B_L1fired_" + chainName;
1484  TString histZtpDenB = hdirztp + "muZTP_Pt_B_" + chainName;
1485  TString histZtpNumE = hdirztp + "muZTP_Pt_EC_L1fired_" + chainName;
1486  TString histZtpDenE = hdirztp + "muZTP_Pt_EC_" + chainName;
1487  TString histZtpL1sum = eff_dir + chainName + "_highptL1plateau_wrtOffline";
1489  TH1F* h1numb = getHPointer(histZtpNumB);
1490  if (!h1numb) continue;
1491  TH1F* h1nume = getHPointer(histZtpNumE);
1492  if (!h1nume) continue;
1493  TH1F* h1denb = getHPointer(histZtpDenB);
1494  if (!h1denb) continue;
1495  TH1F* h1dene = getHPointer(histZtpDenE);
1496  if (!h1dene) continue;
1497  TH1F* h1sumL = getHPointer(histZtpL1sum);
1498  if (!h1sumL) continue;
1500  double sumeff, sumerr;
1501  double sumn = h1numb->Integral(13, 25); // 12-25 GeV
1502  if (HI_pp_key) sumn = h1numb->Integral(13, 20); // 60-100 GeV
1503  double sumd = h1denb->Integral(13, 25);
1504  if (HI_pp_key) sumd = h1denb->Integral(13, 20);
1505  if (sumd == 0.) {
1506  sumeff = 0.;
1507  sumerr = 0.;
1508  } else {
1509  sumeff = (double) sumn / (double) sumd;
1510  sumerr = sqrt((double) sumn * (1. - sumeff)) / (double) sumd;
1511  }
1512  h1sumL->SetBinContent(1, sumeff);
1513  h1sumL->SetBinError(1, sumerr);
1515  sumn = h1nume->Integral(13, 25);
1516  if (HI_pp_key) sumn = h1numb->Integral(13, 20); // 60-100 GeV
1517  sumd = h1dene->Integral(13, 25);
1518  if (HI_pp_key) sumd = h1denb->Integral(13, 20);
1519  if (sumd == 0.) {
1520  sumeff = 0.;
1521  sumerr = 0.;
1522  } else {
1523  sumeff = (double) sumn / (double) sumd;
1524  sumerr = sqrt((double) sumn * (1. - sumeff)) / (double) sumd;
1525  }
1526  h1sumL->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency");
1527  h1sumL->SetBinContent(2, sumeff);
1528  h1sumL->SetBinError(2, sumerr);
1529  h1sumL->SetMinimum(0.0);
1530  h1sumL->SetMaximum(1.05);
1531  efdir->cd();
1532  h1sumL->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1533  }
1534  }
1535  mf.Write();
1536  } //procChainDQA_HighPt
1537  //===End HLTMuonw
1539  // ******************************************************//
1540  // ********************* generic ***********************//
1541  // ******************************************************//
1542  TString monalg[3] = {
1543  "_L2MuonSA", "_MuComb", "_EFmuon"
1544  };
1545  TString wrtalg[3] = {
1546  "_L1", "_L2MuonSA", "_MuComb"
1547  };
1548  TString numer, denom, effi;
1549  TString histdireff = eff_dir;
1551  TDirectory* efdir = mf.GetDirectory(eff_dir);
1552  if (!efdir) {
1553  if (fdbg) {
1554  std::cerr << "HLTMuonHistogramDivision: directory " << eff_dir << " not found" << std::endl;
1555  }
1556  return;
1557  }
1559  // processing Iso histograms in the same manner
1560  chainsGeneric.insert(chainsGeneric.end(), chainsEFiso.begin(), chainsEFiso.end());
1562  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chainsGeneric.size(); i++) {
1563  TString chainName =;
1564  if (fdbg) {
1565  std::cout << "proc generic " << chainName << std::endl;
1566  }
1568  //wrt CB muon && Upstream trigger
1569  for (int alg = 0; alg < 3; alg++) {
1570  denom = chainName + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidCB_Denominator";
1571  numer = chainName + monalg[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_Numerator";
1572  effi = chainName + monalg[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidCB";
1573  HLTMuonHDiv(mf, histdireff, numer, denom, effi, "_Fit");
1575  denom = chainName + MSchainName + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidCB_Denominator";
1576  numer = chainName + MSchainName + monalg[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_Numerator";
1577  effi = chainName + MSchainName + monalg[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidCB";
1578  HLTMuonHDiv(mf, histdireff, numer, denom, effi, "_Fit");
1580  // Summary all - removed
1582  denom = chainName + monalg[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg[alg] + "_Denominator";
1583  numer = chainName + monalg[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_Numerator";
1584  effi = chainName + monalg[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg[alg];
1585  HLTMuonHDiv(mf, histdireff, numer, denom, effi, "_Fit");
1588  denom = chainName + MSchainName + monalg[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg[alg] + "_Denominator";
1589  numer = chainName + MSchainName + monalg[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_Numerator";
1590  effi = chainName + MSchainName + monalg[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg[alg];
1591  HLTMuonHDiv(mf, histdireff, numer, denom, effi, "_Fit");
1593  // for ES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1594  for (int i = 0; i <= maxESbr; i++) {
1595  if (!CB_mon_ESbr[i]) continue;
1596  if (0 == alg) {
1597  // L1 efficiency: new for 2011 HI runs and afterward
1598  // only division once since it is "the zero-th" algorithm
1599  denom = chainName + triggerES[i] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidCB_Denominator";
1600  numer = chainName + triggerES[i] + "_L2MuonSA" + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + "_L1" + "_Denominator";
1601  effi = chainName + triggerES[i] + "_L1" + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidCB";
1602  HLTMuonHDiv(mf, histdireff, numer, denom, effi, "_Fit");
1604  // Need to implement barrel and endcap ...
1605  for (int be = 0; be < 2; be++) {
1606  denom = chainName + triggerES[i] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidCB" + bestr[be] + "_Denominator";
1607  numer = chainName + triggerES[i] + "_L2MuonSA" + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + "_L1" + bestr[be] +
1608  "_Denominator";
1609  effi = chainName + triggerES[i] + "_L1" + bestr[be] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidCB";
1610  HLTMuonHDiv(mf, histdireff, numer, denom, effi, "_Fit");
1611  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPair(nd_dir + numer, nd_dir + denom);
1612  if (!h1num) continue;
1614  if (ESINDEP == i) {
1615  // integrating over and fill in a summary histogram
1616  double sumeff {}, sumerr {};
1617  double sumn = h1num->Integral(iSTDL, iSTDH); // 60-100 GeV
1618  double sumd = h1den->Integral(iSTDL, iSTDH);
1620  if (sumd != 0.) {
1621  sumeff = (double) sumn / (double) sumd;
1622  sumerr = sqrt((double) sumn * (1. - sumeff)) / (double) sumd;
1623  }
1625  TString s = histdireff + chainName + "_L1plateau_wrtOffline_by_ESindep";
1626  TH1F* h1effL1 = getHPointer(s);
1627  if (!h1effL1) continue;
1628  h1effL1->SetBinContent(be + 1, sumeff);
1629  h1effL1->SetBinError(be + 1, sumerr);
1630  h1eff->SetMinimum(0.0);
1631  h1eff->SetMaximum(1.05);
1632  efdir->cd();
1633  h1effL1->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1634  }
1635  }
1636  }
1638  denom = chainName + triggerES[i] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidCB_Denominator";
1639  numer = chainName + triggerES[i] + monalg[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_Numerator";
1640  effi = chainName + triggerES[i] + monalg[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidCB";
1641  HLTMuonHDiv(mf, histdireff, numer, denom, effi, "_Fit");
1642  const auto & [h1num, h1den] = getHistogramPair(nd_dir + numer, nd_dir + denom);
1644  // Summary ESid and ESindep
1646  if (!h1num) continue;
1647  if (0 == alg || 1 == alg || 2 == alg) {
1648  double sumd {}, sumn {}, sumeff {}, sumerr {};
1649  sumn = h1num->Integral(iSTDL, iSTDH);
1650  sumd = h1den->Integral(iSTDL, iSTDH);
1652  if (sumd != 0.) {
1653  sumeff = (double) sumn / (double) sumd;
1654  sumerr = std::sqrt((double) sumn * (1. - sumeff)) / (double) sumd;
1655  }
1656  int iholx = -1;
1657  if (0 == alg) {
1658  iholx = static_cast<int>(iL2MuonSA);
1659  } else if (1 == alg) {
1660  iholx = static_cast<int>(iMuComb);
1661  } else if (2 == alg) {
1662  iholx = static_cast<int>(iEFCB);
1663  }
1665  TString s = histdireff + chainName + "_highpt_effsummary_by" + triggerES[i];
1666  h1effsum = getHPointer(s);
1667  if (!h1effsum) continue;
1668  //
1669  h1effsum->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
1670  h1effsum->SetBinContent(iholx + 1, sumeff);
1671  h1effsum->SetBinError(iholx + 1, sumerr);
1672  h1effsum->SetMinimum(0.0);
1673  h1effsum->SetMaximum(1.05);
1674  efdir->cd();
1675  h1effsum->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1676  }
1678  denom = chainName + triggerES[i] + monalg[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg[alg] + "_Denominator";
1679  numer = chainName + triggerES[i] + monalg[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_Numerator";
1680  effi = chainName + triggerES[i] + monalg[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg[alg];
1681  HLTMuonHDiv(mf, histdireff, numer, denom, effi, "_Fit");
1682  }
1683  // for ES : END ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1685  // Barrel/Endcap
1686  if (0 == alg || 1 == alg || 2 == alg) {
1687  for (int be = 0; be < 2; be++) {
1688  denom = chainName + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidCB" + bestr[be] + "_Denominator";
1689  numer = chainName + monalg[alg] + bestr[be] + "_Turn_On_Curve_Numerator";
1690  effi = chainName + monalg[alg] + bestr[be] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidCB";
1691  HLTMuonHDiv(mf, histdireff, numer, denom, effi, "_Fit");
1692  }
1694  for (int be = 0; be < 2; be++) {
1695  denom = chainName + MSchainName + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidCB" + bestr[be] + "_Denominator";
1696  numer = chainName + MSchainName + monalg[alg] + bestr[be] + "_Turn_On_Curve_Numerator";
1697  effi = chainName + MSchainName + monalg[alg] + bestr[be] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt_MuidCB";
1698  HLTMuonHDiv(mf, histdireff, numer, denom, effi, "_Fit");
1699  }
1701  for (int be = 0; be < 2; be++) {
1702  denom = chainName + monalg[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg[alg] + bestr[be] + "_Denominator";
1703  numer = chainName + monalg[alg] + bestr[be] + "_Turn_On_Curve_Numerator";
1704  effi = chainName + monalg[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg[alg] + bestr[be];
1705  HLTMuonHDiv(mf, histdireff, numer, denom, effi, "_Fit");
1706  }
1709  for (int be = 0; be < 2; be++) {
1710  denom = chainName + MSchainName + monalg[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg[alg] + bestr[be] +
1711  "_Denominator";
1712  numer = chainName + MSchainName + monalg[alg] + bestr[be] + "_Turn_On_Curve_Numerator";
1713  effi = chainName + MSchainName + monalg[alg] + "_Turn_On_Curve_wrt" + wrtalg[alg] + bestr[be];
1714  HLTMuonHDiv(mf, histdireff, numer, denom, effi, "_Fit");
1715  }
1716  }
1717  }
1718  }
1719  }//while (now just open bracket: 110728
1720  }//MonitoringFile::HLTMuonHistogramDivision

◆ HLTMuonPostProcess()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTMuonPostProcess ( const std::string &  inFilename,
bool  isIncremental = false 

Definition at line 42 of file MonitoringFile_HLTMuonPostProcess.cxx.

42  {
43  if (fpdbg) std::cout << "Start HLTMuon post-processing" << std::endl;
45  //start postprocessing
46  TString run_dir;
47  HLTMuonHistogramDivision(inFilename, run_dir);
49  //trigger overlap matrix
50  HLTMuonTriggerOverlapMatrix(inFilename, run_dir);
52  if (fpdbg) std::cout << "Finish HLTMuon post-processing" << std::endl;
54  return;
55  }//MonitoringFile::HLTMuonPostProcess

◆ HLTMuonTriggerOverlapMatrix()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTMuonTriggerOverlapMatrix ( const std::string &  inFilename,
TString &  run_dir 

Definition at line 71 of file MonitoringFile_HLTMuonPostProcess.cxx.

71  {
72  if (fpdbg) std::cout << " Start to fill HLTMuon Trigger Overlap Matrix" << std::endl;
74  PostProcessorFileWrapper mf(inFilename, "HLT Trigger Overlap Matrix");
75  if (!mf.IsOpen()) {
76  std::cerr << "HLTMuonPostProcess(): "
77  << "Input file not opened \n";
78  return;
79  }
80  if (mf.GetSize() < 1000.) {
81  std::cerr << "HLTMuonPostProcess(): "
82  << "Input file empty \n";
83  return;
84  }
85  // get run directory name
86  //Seemingly unnecessary lines are necessary
87  TIter nextcd0(gDirectory->GetListOfKeys());
88  TKey* key0 = (TKey*) nextcd0();
89  TDirectory* dir0 = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*> (key0->ReadObj());
90  if (not dir0) {
91  std::cerr << "nullptr for dynamic cast in HLTMuonTriggerOverlapMatrix" << std::endl;
92  return;
93  }
94  dir0->cd();
97  TIter next_run(mf.GetListOfKeys());
98  TKey* key_run(0);
99  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*> (next_run())) != 0) { //== the while commented out at$
100  if (!key_run->IsFolder()) continue;
101  run_dir = key_run->GetName();
102  if (!run_dir.Contains("run")) {
103  continue;
104  }
105  break;
106  }
107  if (!run_dir.Contains("run")) {
108  std::cerr << "HLTMuon: unable to find run directory ..." << std::endl;
109  return;
110  }
111  int times = 1;
112  while (times--) { // just once
113  //run_dir = dir0->GetName();
114  if (fpdbg) {
115  std::cout << "HLTMuon: run directory is " << run_dir << std::endl;
116  }
118  std::string run_dir2 = run_dir.Data();
119  //int run_number = atoi( (run_dir2.substr(4, run_dir2.size()-4 )).c_str() );
120  //run_number=run_number;
122  //===HLTMuon
123  // TString muon_dir = run_dir + "/HLT/MuonMon/";
124  TString muon_dir = "/" + run_dir + "/HLT/MuonMon/";
126  TString cm_dir = muon_dir + "Common/";
128  TString sol = cm_dir + "Trigger_Overlap";
129  TString solpt = cm_dir + "Trigger_Overlap_Including_Passthrough";
130  TString solf = cm_dir + "Trigger_Overlap_Fraction";
131  TString solfpt = cm_dir + "Trigger_Overlap_Fraction_Including_Passthrough";
133  TH2F* hol(0);
134  TH2F* holpt(0);
135  TH2F* holf(0);
136  TH2F* holfpt(0);
138  //Matrix
139  TDirectory* dir = mf.GetDirectory(cm_dir);
140  // if (fpdbg) { std::cerr << "matrix directory: " << cm_dir << std::endl; }
141  if (!dir) {
142  if (fpdbg) {
143  std::cerr << "HLTMuonTriggerOverlapMatrix: directory " << cm_dir << " not found" << std::endl;
144  }
145  return;
146  }
148  mf.get(sol, hol);
149  // if (fpdbg) { std::cerr << "matrix file: " << sol << std::endl; }
150  if (!hol) {
151  if (fpdbg) {
152  std::cerr << "HLTMuon PostProcessing: no such histogram!! " << sol << std::endl;
153  }
154  continue;
155  }
156  mf.get(solpt, holpt);
157  if (!holpt) {
158  if (fpdbg) {
159  std::cerr << "HLTMuon PostProcessing: no such histogram!! " << solpt << std::endl;
160  }
161  continue;
162  }
163  mf.get(solf, holf);
164  if (!holf) {
165  if (fpdbg) {
166  std::cerr << "HLTMuon PostProcessing: no such histogram!! " << solf << std::endl;
167  }
168  continue;
169  }
170  mf.get(solfpt, holfpt);
171  if (!holfpt) {
172  if (fpdbg) {
173  std::cerr << "HLTMuon PostProcessing: no such histogram!! " << solfpt << std::endl;
174  }
175  continue;
176  }
178  if (hol && holpt && holf && holfpt) {
179  holf->Reset();
180  holfpt->Reset();
182  for (int i = 0; i < hol->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); i++) {
183  Float_t diag = hol->GetBinContent(i + 1, i + 1);
184  Float_t diagpt = holpt->GetBinContent(i + 1, i + 1);
186  for (int j = 0; j < hol->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); j++) {
187  Float_t offdiag = hol->GetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1);
188  Float_t offdiagpt = holpt->GetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1);
190  Float_t frac = 0.;
191  Float_t efrac = 0.;
193  if (diag != 0.) {
194  frac = offdiag / diag;
195  efrac = sqrt(frac * (1. - frac) / diag);
196  }
198  Float_t fracpt = 0.;
199  Float_t efracpt = 0.;
201  if (diagpt != 0.) {
202  fracpt = offdiagpt / diagpt;
203  efracpt = sqrt(fracpt * (1. - fracpt) / diagpt);
204  }
206  holf->SetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1, frac);
207  holf->SetBinError(i + 1, j + 1, efrac);
209  holfpt->SetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1, fracpt);
210  holfpt->SetBinError(i + 1, j + 1, efracpt);
211  }//j
212  }//i
214  dir->cd();
215  holf->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
216  holfpt->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
217  }//if
218  mf.Write();
219  }//while
220  }//HLTMuonTriggerOverlapMatrix

◆ HLTTauPostProcess() [1/2]

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTTauPostProcess ( const std::string &  inFilename,
bool  isIncremental = false 

Definition at line 28 of file MonitoringFile_HLTTauPostProcess.cxx.

28  {
29  //std::cout << "--> HLTTauPostProcess: Begin HLT Tau post-processing" << std::endl;
31  //open root file
32  TFile* f = TFile::Open(inFilename.c_str(), "UPDATE");
34  //check files are loaded.
35  if (f == 0 || !f->IsOpen()) {
36  //std::cerr << "--> HLTTauPostProcess: Input file not opened" << std::endl;
37  delete f;
38  return;
39  }
41  //zombie files?
42  if (f->IsZombie()) {
43  //std::cerr << "--> HLTTauPostProcess: Input file " << inFilename << " cannot be opened. " << std::endl;
44  delete f;
45  return;
46  }
48  //check file size is not too small.
49  if (f->GetSize() < 1000.) {
50  //std::cerr << "--> HLTTauPostProcess: Input file empty" << std::endl;
51  f->Close();
52  delete f;
53  return;
54  }
57  //making sure we are in the right directory
58  // f->cd("/");
59  // f->pwd();
60  // f->ls();
62  //build iterator
63  TIter next_run(f->GetListOfKeys());
64  TKey* key_run(0);
66  //loop over keys in root directory
67  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_run())) != 0) {
68  TObject* obj_run = key_run->ReadObj();
69  TDirectory* tdir_run = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_run);
71  //check we have a valid pointer
72  if (tdir_run == 0) {
73  delete obj_run;
74  continue;
75  }
77  //check name
78  std::string runDirName(tdir_run->GetName());
79  //std::cout<<"Run_directory: "<<runDirName<<std::endl;
81  if (runDirName.find("run") == std::string::npos) {
82  delete obj_run;
83  continue;
84  }
86  //find tauMon dir
87  TString taumonDirName = runDirName + "/HLT/TauMon";
88  TDirectory* taumonDir(0);
89  if (!(taumonDir = f->GetDirectory(taumonDirName))) {
90  //std::cerr << "--> HLTTauPostProcess: directory " << taumonDirName << " not found." << std::endl;
91  return;
92  }
95  std::vector<TString> varName;
96  varName.push_back("Et");
97  varName.push_back("Eta");
98  varName.push_back("Phi");
100  std::vector<TString> lvlName;
101  lvlName.push_back("L1");
102  lvlName.push_back("L2");
103  lvlName.push_back("EF");
105  std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > ratioIndex;
106  ratioIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(2, 0)); // EF vs L1
107  ratioIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(1, 0)); // L2 vs L1
108  ratioIndex.push_back(std::make_pair(2, 1)); // EF vs L2
112  std::vector<TString> varName0;
113  varName0.push_back("Pt");
114  varName0.push_back("Eta");
115  varName0.push_back("Phi");
116  varName0.push_back("Nvtx");
118  std::vector<TString> lvlNameO;
119  lvlNameO.push_back("L1");
120  lvlNameO.push_back("L2");
121  lvlNameO.push_back("EF");
122  lvlNameO.push_back("");//offline
124  std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > ratioIndexO;
125  ratioIndexO.push_back(std::make_pair(0, 3)); // L1 vs off
126  ratioIndexO.push_back(std::make_pair(1, 3)); // L2 vs off
127  ratioIndexO.push_back(std::make_pair(2, 3)); // EF vs off
130  //loop over directories
131  TIter next_trig(taumonDir->GetListOfKeys());
132  TKey* key_trig(0);
133  while ((key_trig = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_trig())) != 0) {
134  TObject* obj_trig = key_trig->ReadObj();
135  TDirectory* dir_trig = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_trig);
136  if (!dir_trig) continue;
137  //std::cout<<"--> HLTTauPostProcess: calling functions for " << dir_trig->GetName() << endl;
138  // "<<runDirName<<" and trigger item="<<dir_trig->GetName()<<endl;
140  HLTTauPostProcess(f, dir_trig, "/RelativeEfficiency", "/RelativeEfficiency/Efficiency",
141  lvlName, varName, ratioIndex, 1);//name style : 1 (relative eff)
142  HLTTauPostProcess(f, dir_trig, "/OfflineRatio", "/OfflineRatio/Ratio",
143  lvlNameO, varName0, ratioIndexO, 2);//name style : 2 (offline eff)
144  HLTTauPostProcess(f, dir_trig, "/OfflineRatio/BDTMedium", "/OfflineRatio/Ratio/BDTMedium",
145  lvlNameO, varName0, ratioIndexO, 2, "BDTMedium");//name style : 2 (offline eff)
146  }
147  }
149  f->Close();
150  delete f;
151  //std::cout << "--> HLTTauPostProcess: finished HLT Tau post-processing"<<std::endl;
152  }

◆ HLTTauPostProcess() [2/2]

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::HLTTauPostProcess ( TFile *  f,
TDirectory *  dir,
TString  pathApp,
TString  pathAppEff,
const std::vector< TString > &  lvlN,
const std::vector< TString > &  varN,
const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &  ratioIndex,
int  nameStyle,
TString  nameApp = "" 

Definition at line 154 of file MonitoringFile_HLTTauPostProcess.cxx.

158  {
159  std::string path = getPath(dir);
161  //cout<<"HLTTauPostProcess in "<< path
162 // <<" pathApp="<<pathApp
163 // <<" pathAppEff="<<pathAppEff
164 // <<" nameStyle="<<nameStyle<<endl;
166  TString basePath = path + pathApp + "/";
167  if (f->cd(basePath.Data()) == 0) {
168  //cout<<"basePath isn't there!"<<endl;
169  return;
170  }
172  //TH1F* hRoI[lvlN.size()][varN.size()];
173  TH1F* hRoI[100][100];
174  for (unsigned int iLvl = 0; iLvl < lvlN.size(); iLvl++) {
175  for (unsigned int iVar = 0; iVar < varN.size(); iVar++) {
176  TString hName;
177  if (nameStyle == 1) hName = basePath + "h" + lvlN[iLvl] + "RoI" + varN[iVar] + (iLvl == 0 ? "Denom" : "Num") + nameApp;
178  if (nameStyle == 2) hName = basePath + "hTau" + varN[iVar] + lvlN[iLvl] + nameApp;
179  if (!CheckHistogram(f, hName.Data())) {
180  //cout<<" histo "<<hName<<" is not in f "<<f->GetName()<<endl;
181  return;
182  }
183  hRoI[iLvl][iVar] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(hName.Data()))->Clone();
184  }
185  }
188  basePath += path + pathAppEff + "/";
189  f->cd(basePath.Data());
190  TH1F* hEff[100][100];
191  for (unsigned int iVar = 0; iVar < varN.size(); iVar++) {
192  for (unsigned int iRatio = 0; iRatio < ratioIndex.size(); iRatio++) {
193  TString hName;
194  if (nameStyle == 1)
195  hName = basePath + "h" +
196  lvlN[ ratioIndex[ iRatio ].first ] + "vs" + lvlN[ ratioIndex[ iRatio ].second ] +
197  varN[iVar] + "Efficiency" + nameApp;
199  if (nameStyle == 2)
200  hName = basePath + "h" +
201  lvlN[ ratioIndex[ iRatio ].first ] + "OfflineRatio" +
202  varN[iVar] + nameApp;
204  if (!CheckHistogram(f, hName.Data())) return;
206  hEff[iRatio][iVar] = (TH1F*) (f->Get(hName.Data()));
207  hEff[iRatio][iVar]->Divide(hRoI[ ratioIndex[ iRatio ].first ][iVar],
208  hRoI[ ratioIndex[ iRatio ].second ][iVar],
209  1.0, 1.0, "b");
211  hEff[iRatio][iVar]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
212  }
213  }
215  f->Write();
216  }

◆ IterativeGaussFit()

int dqutils::MonitoringFile::IterativeGaussFit ( TH1 hist,
double &  mu,
double &  mu_err,
double &  sigma,
double &  sigma_err 

Definition at line 2997 of file MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx.

2998  {
2999  //constants for fitting algorithm
3000  const int iteration_limit = 20;
3001  const float percent_limit = 0.01;
3002  const float fit_range_multiplier = 1.5;
3003  const int fDebug = 0;
3005  double last_mu;
3006  double last_sigma;
3007  double current_mu;
3008  double current_sigma;
3009  double mu_percent_diff;
3010  double sigma_percent_diff;
3012  if (!hist) {
3013  if (fDebug) std::cout << "Error in Anp::IterativeGaussFit(): Histogram to be fit is missing" << std::endl;
3014  return 1;
3015  }
3017  TF1* fit_func = new TF1("fit_func", "gaus");
3019  int bad_fit = hist->Fit(fit_func, "QN");
3021  if (fDebug && bad_fit) std::cout << "BAD INITIAL FIT: " << hist->GetTitle() << std::endl;
3023  last_mu = fit_func->GetParameter(1);
3024  last_sigma = fit_func->GetParameter(2);
3026  if (bad_fit) last_mu = hist->GetMean();
3028  // check as well that the last_mu is reasonable
3029  if (fabs(last_mu - hist->GetMean()) > 5 * hist->GetBinWidth(1)) last_mu = hist->GetMean();
3031  fit_func->SetRange(last_mu - fit_range_multiplier * last_sigma, last_mu + fit_range_multiplier * last_sigma);
3033  int iteration = 0;
3035  while (iteration < iteration_limit) {
3036  iteration++;
3038  double FitRangeLower = last_mu - fit_range_multiplier * last_sigma;
3039  double FitRangeUpper = last_mu + fit_range_multiplier * last_sigma;
3041  // if range is to narrow --> broaden it
3042  if ((FitRangeUpper - FitRangeLower) / hist->GetBinWidth(1) < 4) {
3043  FitRangeLower -= hist->GetBinWidth(1);
3044  FitRangeUpper += hist->GetBinWidth(1);
3045  }
3047  fit_func->SetRange(FitRangeLower, FitRangeUpper);
3049  bad_fit = hist->Fit(fit_func, "RQN");
3051  if (fDebug &&
3052  bad_fit) std::cout << " ** BAD FIT ** : bin " << hist->GetTitle() << " iteration " << iteration << std::endl;
3055  current_mu = fit_func->GetParameter(1);
3056  current_sigma = fit_func->GetParameter(2);
3058  float average_mu = (last_mu + current_mu) / 2;
3059  float average_sigma = (last_sigma + current_sigma) / 2;
3061  if (average_mu == 0) {
3062  if (fDebug) std::cout << " Average mu = 0 in bin " << hist->GetTitle() << std::endl;
3063  average_mu = current_mu;
3064  }
3066  if (average_sigma == 0) {
3067  if (fDebug) std::cout << "Average sigma = 0; Fit Problem in " << hist->GetTitle() << ". " << last_sigma <<
3068  " " << current_sigma << std::endl;
3069  average_sigma = current_sigma;
3070  }
3072  mu_percent_diff = fabs((last_mu - current_mu) / average_mu);
3073  sigma_percent_diff = fabs((last_sigma - current_sigma) / average_sigma);
3075  if (mu_percent_diff < percent_limit && sigma_percent_diff < percent_limit) break;
3077  if (iteration != iteration_limit) { //necessary?
3078  last_mu = current_mu;
3079  last_sigma = current_sigma;
3080  }
3081  // check as well that the last_mu is reasonable
3082  if (fabs(last_mu - hist->GetMean()) > 5 * hist->GetBinWidth(1)) {
3083  last_mu = hist->GetMean();
3084  }
3085  }
3087  if (iteration == iteration_limit) {
3088  if (fDebug) std::cout << "WARNING: Fit did not converge to < " << percent_limit * 100 << "% in " <<
3089  hist->GetTitle() << " in " << iteration_limit << " iterations. Percent Diffs: " << mu_percent_diff * 100 <<
3090  "% (Mu)," << " " << sigma_percent_diff * 100 << "% (Sigma)" << std::endl;
3091  //possibly return a value other than 0 to indicate not converged?
3092  }
3094  mu = current_mu;
3095  mu_err = fit_func->GetParError(1);
3096  sigma = current_sigma;
3097  sigma_err = fit_func->GetParError(2);
3098  fit_func->SetLineColor(kRed);
3100  hist->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(fit_func);
3102  return 0;
3103  }

◆ L1CaloFillWithError()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::L1CaloFillWithError ( TFile *  f,
const TString &  nameDir,
const TString &  nameData,
const TString &  nameError 

Definition at line 141 of file MonitoringFile_L1CaloPostProcess.cxx.

142  {
143  const bool debug = L1CALOPOSTPROCESSDEBUG;
145  // Check directory
146  if (!(f->GetDirectory(nameDir))) {
147  if (debug) std::cout << "--> L1CaloPostProcess: directory "
148  << nameDir << " not found." << std::endl;
149  return;
150  }
151  if (f->cd(nameDir.Data()) == 0) {
152  if (debug) std::cout << "dir " << nameDir << " isn't there!" << std::endl;
153  return;
154  }
156  // Data histogram
157  TString p1 = nameDir + "/" + nameData;
158  if (!CheckHistogram(f, p1.Data())) {
159  if (debug) std::cout << " histo " << p1.Data() << " is not in file "
160  << f->GetName() << std::endl;
161  return;
162  }
163  TH1* h1 = (TH1*) (f->Get(p1.Data()));
165  // Error histogram
166  TString p2 = nameDir + "/" + nameError;
167  if (!CheckHistogram(f, p2.Data())) {
168  if (debug) std::cout << " histo " << p2.Data() << " is not in file "
169  << f->GetName() << std::endl;
170  return;
171  }
172  TH1* h2 = (TH1*) (f->Get(p2.Data()));
174  // Consistency checks
175  const int dim = h1->GetDimension();
176  if (dim != h2->GetDimension()) {
177  if (debug) std::cout << "Histograms have different dimension" << std::endl;
178  return;
179  }
180  if (h1->GetNbinsX() != h2->GetNbinsX() ||
181  ((dim == 2) && (h1->GetNbinsY() != h2->GetNbinsY()))) {
182  if (debug) std::cout << "Histograms have different number of bins" << std::endl;
183  return;
184  }
186  // Fill error histogram
187  h2->Reset();
188  int nbins = h1->GetNbinsX() + 2;
189  if (dim == 2) nbins *= (h1->GetNbinsY() + 2);
190  for (int bin = 0; bin < nbins; ++bin) {
191  double error = h1->GetBinError(bin);
192  if (error != 0.) h2->SetBinContent(bin, error);
193  }
195  // And save
196  h2->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
197  f->Write();
198  }

◆ L1CaloPostProcess()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::L1CaloPostProcess ( const std::string &  inFileName,
bool  isIncremental = false 

Definition at line 29 of file MonitoringFile_L1CaloPostProcess.cxx.

29  {
32  if (debug) std::cout << "--> L1CaloPostProcess: Begin L1Calo post-processing" << std::endl;
34  //open root file
35  TFile* f = TFile::Open(inFilename.c_str(), "UPDATE");
37  //check files are loaded.
38  if (f == 0 || !f->IsOpen()) {
39  std::cerr << "--> L1CaloPostProcess: Input file not opened" << std::endl;
40  delete f;
41  return;
42  }
44  //zombie files?
45  if (f->IsZombie()) {
46  std::cerr << "--> L1CaloPostProcess: Input file " << inFilename << " cannot be opened. " << std::endl;
47  delete f;
48  return;
49  }
51  //check file size is not too small.
52  if (f->GetSize() < 1000.) {
53  std::cerr << "--> L1CaloPostProcess: Input file empty" << std::endl;
54  f->Close();
55  delete f;
56  return;
57  }
59  //build iterator
60  TIter next_run(f->GetListOfKeys());
61  TKey* key_run(0);
63  //loop over keys in root directory
64  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_run())) != 0) {
65  TObject* obj_run = key_run->ReadObj();
66  TDirectory* tdir_run = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_run);
68  //check we have a valid pointer
69  if (tdir_run == 0) {
70  delete obj_run;
71  continue;
72  }
74  //check name
75  std::string runDirName(tdir_run->GetName());
76  if (debug) std::cout << "Run_directory: " << runDirName << std::endl;
78  if (runDirName.find("run") == std::string::npos) {
79  delete obj_run;
80  continue;
81  }
83  // Stability RMS histograms
84  TString stabilityDirName = runDirName + "/L1Calo/PPM/Stability";
85  L1CaloStabilityRMS(f, stabilityDirName + "/FineTime", "fineTime");
86  L1CaloStabilityRMS(f, stabilityDirName + "/Pedestal", "pedestal");
87  L1CaloStabilityRMS(f, stabilityDirName + "/EtCorrelation", "etCorrelation");
89  // Trigger efficiency eta-phi histograms
90  int items = 16;
91  int binSkip = 8;
92  double threshold[6] = {
93  3., 3., 3., 6., 4., 2.
94  };
95  TString energies[6] = {
96  "10", "20", "30", "50", "100", "200"
97  };
98  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
99  TString effDir = runDirName + "/L1Calo/Reco/EmEfficiencies/ClusterRaw_"
100  + energies[i] + "GeV_EtaVsPhi";
101  TString nameDen = "ClusterRaw_" + energies[i] + "GeV_Eta_vs_Phi";
102  TString nameEff = nameDen + "_trig_Eff";
103  L1CaloResetEfficiencies(f, effDir, nameDen, nameEff, items, threshold[i], binSkip);
104  }
105  items = 8;
106  binSkip = 6;
107  int itemsF = 4;
108  int binSkipF = 0;
109  for (int i = 3; i < 6; ++i) {
110  TString effDir = runDirName + "/L1Calo/Reco/JetEfficiencies/JetEmScale_"
111  + energies[i] + "GeV_EtaVsPhi";
112  TString nameDen = "JetEmScale_" + energies[i] + "GeV_Eta_vs_Phi";
113  TString nameEff = nameDen + "_J_Eff_item";
114  TString nameEffF = nameDen + "_FJ_J_Eff_item";
115  L1CaloResetEfficiencies(f, effDir, nameDen, nameEff, items, threshold[i], binSkip);
116  L1CaloResetEfficiencies(f, effDir, nameDen, nameEffF, itemsF, threshold[i], binSkipF);
117  }
118  }
120  f->Close();
121  delete f;
122  if (debug) std::cout << "--> L1CaloPostProcess: finished L1Calo post-processing"
123  << std::endl;
124  }

◆ L1CaloResetEfficiencies()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::L1CaloResetEfficiencies ( TFile *  f,
const TString &  effDir,
const TString &  nameDen,
const TString &  nameEff,
int  items,
double  threshold,
int  binSkip 

Definition at line 202 of file MonitoringFile_L1CaloPostProcess.cxx.

204  {
205  const bool debug = L1CALOPOSTPROCESSDEBUG;
207  // Check directory
208  if (!(f->GetDirectory(effDir))) {
209  if (debug) std::cout << "--> L1CaloPostProcess: directory "
210  << effDir << " not found." << std::endl;
211  return;
212  }
213  if (f->cd(effDir.Data()) == 0) {
214  if (debug) std::cout << "dir " << effDir << " isn't there!" << std::endl;
215  return;
216  }
218  // Denominator histogram
219  TString denPath = effDir + "/denominator/" + nameDen;
220  TH1* h1 = (TH1*) (f->Get(denPath.Data()));
221  if (!h1) {
222  if (debug) std::cout << " histo " << denPath << " is not in file "
223  << f->GetName() << std::endl;
224  return;
225  }
226  if (h1->GetDimension() != 2) {
227  if (debug) std::cout << " histo " << denPath << " has unexpected dimension"
228  << std::endl;
229  return;
230  }
232  // Efficiency histograms
233  int xbins = h1->GetNbinsX();
234  int ybins = h1->GetNbinsY();
235  std::vector<TH1*> effVec;
236  TString str;
237  TString effBase = effDir + "/" + nameEff;
238  for (int i = 0; i < items; ++i) {
239  str.Form("_%i", i);
240  TString effPath = effBase + str;
241  TH1* h2 = (TH1*) (f->Get(effPath.Data()));
242  if (!h2) {
243  if (debug) std::cout << " histo " << effPath << " is not in file "
244  << f->GetName() << std::endl;
245  continue;
246  }
247  if (h2->GetDimension() != 2) {
248  if (debug) std::cout << " histo " << effPath << " has unexpected dimension"
249  << std::endl;
250  continue;
251  }
252  if (xbins != h2->GetNbinsX() || ybins != h2->GetNbinsY()) {
253  if (debug) std::cout << " histos " << denPath << " and " << effPath
254  << " have different number of bins" << std::endl;
255  continue;
256  }
257  effVec.push_back(h2);
258  }
259  if (effVec.empty()) {
260  if (debug) std::cout << "No valid histograms in " << effDir << std::endl;
261  return;
262  }
264  std::vector<TH1*>::iterator iterEnd = effVec.end();
266  // Loop over bins in denominator looking for entries below threshold
267  for (int x = 1 + binSkip; x <= xbins - binSkip; ++x) {
268  for (int y = 1; y <= ybins; ++y) {
269  if (h1->GetBinContent(x, y) < threshold) {
270  // Loop over efficiency histograms and set bin to 100% efficiency
271  for (iter = effVec.begin(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
272  (*iter)->SetBinContent(x, y, 100.0);
273  }
274  }
275  }
276  }
278  // Save the updated histograms
279  for (iter = effVec.begin(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
280  (*iter)->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
281  }
282  f->Write();
283  }

◆ L1CaloStabilityRMS()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::L1CaloStabilityRMS ( TFile *  f,
const TString &  nameDir,
const TString &  nameTag 

Definition at line 128 of file MonitoringFile_L1CaloPostProcess.cxx.

129  {
130  TString nameData("ppm_em_2d_profile_etaPhi_adc_" + nameTag);
131  TString nameError("ppm_em_2d_etaPhi_adc_" + nameTag + "RMS");
133  L1CaloFillWithError(f, nameDir, nameData, nameError);
134  nameData = "ppm_had_2d_profile_etaPhi_adc_" + nameTag;
135  nameError = "ppm_had_2d_etaPhi_adc_" + nameTag + "RMS";
136  L1CaloFillWithError(f, nameDir, nameData, nameError);
137  }

◆ loopOnHistograms()

static void dqutils::MonitoringFile::loopOnHistograms ( HistogramOperation fcn,
TDirectory *  dir 

◆ loopOnHistogramsInMetadata()

static bool dqutils::MonitoringFile::loopOnHistogramsInMetadata ( HistogramOperation fcn,
TDirectory *  dir 

◆ Make1DProfile()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::Make1DProfile ( TH1 output,
TH2 histo 

Definition at line 2943 of file MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx.

2944  {
2945  int nXbins = histo->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); //NEED TO CHANGE THIS
2947  for (int i = 0; i < nXbins; i++) {
2948  double current_mu;
2949  double current_err_mu;
2950  double current_sigma;
2951  double current_err_sigma;
2953  TH1D* projection = histo->ProjectionY("projection", i + 1, i + 1);
2954  IterativeGaussFit(projection, current_mu, current_err_mu, current_sigma, current_err_sigma);
2956  output->SetBinContent(i, current_mu);
2957  output->SetBinError(i, current_err_mu);
2958  }
2959  }

◆ MakeMap()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::MakeMap ( TH2 outputhist,
TH3 hist 

Definition at line 2962 of file MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx.

2963  {
2964  int num_bins = 1; //WHAT IS THIS AGAIN
2966  int num_bins_x = hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
2967  int num_bins_y = hist->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();
2969  TH1D* current_proj;
2971  for (int i = 1; i < num_bins_x + (num_bins == 1); i += num_bins) {
2972  for (int j = 1; j < num_bins_y + (num_bins == 1); j += num_bins) {
2973  int index = i / num_bins;
2974  int index_y = j / num_bins;
2976  current_proj = hist->ProjectionZ(Form("%s_GaussProjection_%i_%i",
2977  hist->GetName(), index, index_y), i, i + num_bins - 1, j,
2978  j + num_bins - 1);
2979  current_proj->SetTitle(Form("%s - Bin %i x %i", hist->GetName(), index, index_y));
2981  //Fit the gauss
2982  double current_mu, current_err_mu, current_sigma, current_err_sigma;
2983  IterativeGaussFit(current_proj, current_mu, current_err_mu, current_sigma, current_err_sigma);
2985  //Fill the maps
2986  float x_coord = (hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(i) + hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(i + num_bins - 1)) / 2;
2987  float y_coord = (hist->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(j) + hist->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(j + num_bins - 1)) / 2;
2989  outputhist->Fill(x_coord, y_coord, current_mu);
2991  delete current_proj;
2992  } //end loop on j (y)
2993  } //end loop on i (x)
2994  }

◆ MDTvsTGCEfficiency()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::MDTvsTGCEfficiency ( const std::string &  inFilename)

Definition at line 43 of file MonitoringFile_MDTvsTGCPostProcess.cxx.

43  {
44  PostProcessorFileWrapper mf(inFilename, "MDTvsTGC Efficiency");
46  if (!mf.IsOpen()) {
47  //std::cerr << "MDTvsTGCEfficiency(): "
48  // << "Input file not opened \n";
49  return;
50  }
51  if (mf.GetSize() < 1000.) {
52  //std::cerr << "MDTvsTGCEfficiency(): "
53  // << "Input file empty \n";
54  return;
55  }
57  std::stringstream ss;
58  TString sac[2] = {
59  "A", "C"
60  };
61  TString sws[2] = {
62  "Wire", "Strip"
63  };
64  TString smethod[3] = {
65  "SegmTrack", "MidOnly", ""
66  };
68  TIter next_run(mf.GetListOfKeys());
69  TKey* key_run(0);
70  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*> (next_run())) != 0) {
71  if (!key_run->IsFolder()) continue;
72  TString run_dir = key_run->GetName();
73  if (!run_dir.Contains("run")) continue;
75  TString seff;
76  TString snum;
77  TString sden;
78  TString serr;
80  TH2F* h2eff(0);
81  TH2F* h2num(0);
82  TH2F* h2den(0);
83  TH2F* h2err(0);
85  TString mdtvstgc_dir = run_dir + "/Muon/MuonRawDataMonitoring/MDTvsTGC/";
87  TString mdtvstgc_sub_dir[2] = {
88  mdtvstgc_dir + "TGCEA/", mdtvstgc_dir + "TGCEC/"
89  };
91  if (;
92  else {
93  //std::cerr << "No MDTvsTGC Directory! " << std::endl; mf.error();
94  return;
95  }
97  for (int ac = 0; ac < 2; ac++) {
98  TString eff_dir = mdtvstgc_sub_dir[ac];
99  TDirectory* dir = mf.GetDirectory(eff_dir);
100  if (!dir) {
101  //std::cerr<< "TGCHistogramDivision: directory "<<eff_dir<<" not found"<<std::endl;
102  return;
103  }
105  for (int ws = 0; ws < 2; ws++) {
106  // Merge SegmTrack and Midstation-only method results together to make total histograms
107  bool oktomerge = true;
109  TList* nummergelist = new TList();
110  for (int imethod = 0; imethod < 2; imethod++) {
111  ss << sws[ws] << "_EfficiencyAgainstMDT_Map" << smethod[imethod] << "num_" << sac[ac];
112  snum = ss.str();
113  ss.str("");
114  h2num = 0;
115  mf.get(snum, h2num, dir);
116  if (!h2num) {
117  //std::cerr <<"MDTvsTGC PostProcessing: no such histogram!! "<< snum << std::endl;
118  oktomerge = false;
119  }
120  nummergelist->Add(h2num);
121  }
122  ss << sws[ws] << "_EfficiencyAgainstMDT_Map" << smethod[2] << "num_" << sac[ac];
123  snum = ss.str();
124  ss.str("");
125  h2num = 0;
126  mf.get(snum, h2num, dir);
127  if (!h2num) {
128  //std::cerr <<"MDTvsTGC PostProcessing: no such histogram!! "<< snum << std::endl;
129  oktomerge = false;
130  }
132  TList* denmergelist = new TList();
133  for (int imethod = 0; imethod < 2; imethod++) {
134  ss << sws[ws] << "_EfficiencyAgainstMDT_Map" << smethod[imethod] << "denom_" << sac[ac];
135  sden = ss.str();
136  ss.str("");
137  h2den = 0;
138  mf.get(sden, h2den, dir);
139  if (!h2den) {
140  //std::cerr <<"MDTvsTGC PostProcessing: no such histogram!! "<< sden << std::endl;
141  oktomerge = false;
142  }
143  denmergelist->Add(h2den);
144  }
145  ss << sws[ws] << "_EfficiencyAgainstMDT_Map" << smethod[2] << "denom_" << sac[ac];
146  sden = ss.str();
147  ss.str("");
148  h2den = 0;
149  mf.get(sden, h2den, dir);
150  if (!h2den) {
151  //std::cerr <<"MDTvsTGC PostProcessing: no such histogram!! "<< sden << std::endl;
152  oktomerge = false;
153  }
155  if (oktomerge) {
156  MDTvsTGCResetContents(h2num);
157  MDTvsTGCResetContents(h2den);
158  h2num->Merge(nummergelist);
159  h2den->Merge(denmergelist);
161  dir->cd();
162  h2num->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
163  h2den->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
164  }
166  // Postprocess all methods
167  for (int imethod = 0; imethod < 3; imethod++) {
168  ss.str("");
169  ss << sws[ws] << "_EfficiencyAgainstMDT_Map" << smethod[imethod] << "_" << sac[ac];
170  seff = ss.str();
171  ss.str("");
172  ss << sws[ws] << "_EfficiencyAgainstMDT_Map" << smethod[imethod] << "num_" << sac[ac];
173  snum = ss.str();
174  ss.str("");
175  ss << sws[ws] << "_EfficiencyAgainstMDT_Map" << smethod[imethod] << "denom_" << sac[ac];
176  sden = ss.str();
177  ss.str("");
178  ss << sws[ws] << "_EfficiencyAgainstMDT_Map" << smethod[imethod] << "error_" << sac[ac];
179  serr = ss.str();
180  ss.str("");
182  h2eff = 0;
183  mf.get(seff, h2eff, dir);
184  h2num = 0;
185  mf.get(snum, h2num, dir);
186  h2den = 0;
187  mf.get(sden, h2den, dir);
188  h2err = 0;
189  mf.get(serr, h2err, dir);
191  if (h2eff && h2num && h2den) {
192  MDTvsTGCResetContents(h2eff);
193  h2eff->Divide(h2num, h2den, 1., 1., "B");
195  // Make Error Histograms
196  int nX = h2eff->GetNbinsX();
197  int nY = h2eff->GetNbinsY();
198  int beff, bdenom, berror;
199  float feff, fdenom, ferror;
200  for (int x = 1; x <= nX; x++) {
201  for (int y = 1; y <= nY; y++) {
202  beff = h2eff->GetBin(x, y);
203  bdenom = h2den->GetBin(x, y);
204  feff = h2eff->GetBinContent(beff);
205  fdenom = h2den->GetBinContent(bdenom);
206  ferror = sqrt(feff * (1 - feff) / fdenom);
208  if (h2err) {
209  berror = h2err->GetBin(x, y);
210  h2err->SetBinContent(berror, ferror);
211  }
212  h2eff->SetBinError(beff, ferror);
213  }
214  }
215  } else {
216  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram (or num/denom)!! "<< seff << std::endl;
217  continue;
218  }
219  // save histograms
220  dir->cd();
221  h2eff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
222  if (h2err) h2err->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
223  }// method
224  }// wirestrip
225  mf.Write();
226  }// ac
227  }// run_dir
228  mf.Write();
229  }

◆ MDTvsTGCPostProcess()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::MDTvsTGCPostProcess ( const std::string &  inFilename,
bool  isIncremental = false 

Definition at line 37 of file MonitoringFile_MDTvsTGCPostProcess.cxx.

37  {
38  //start postprocessing
39  MDTvsTGCEfficiency(inFilename);
40  }

◆ MDTvsTGCResetContents()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::MDTvsTGCResetContents ( TH1 h)

Definition at line 232 of file MonitoringFile_MDTvsTGCPostProcess.cxx.

232  {
233  // copy all functions of histogram before resetting
234  TList* h_funcs;
236  h_funcs = dynamic_cast<TList*> (h->GetListOfFunctions()->Clone());
237  h->Reset();
238  //now insert these functions back into the hist
239  TIter iterE(h_funcs);
240  while ((iterE())) {
241  h->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(*iterE);
242  }
243  delete h_funcs;
244  // are the functions still valid after list deletion?
245  // should be!
246  // TIter iterTest(EffBCap->GetListOfFunctions());
247  // while( iterTest() ) std::cout << (*iterTest)->GetName() << std::endl;
248  }

◆ meanRMSProjections2D()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::meanRMSProjections2D ( TH2F h2d,
TH1F h,
int  iopt 

Definition at line 3128 of file MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx.

3129  {
3130  //fills a 1-D histogram with mean or width of the distribution for each bin in a 2D histogram
3131  //the way in which the mean or width is determined is specified by the iopt option
3132  //can be from a gaussian fit for example
3133  // iopt = 0; fills with statistical mean
3134  // iopt = 1; fills with statistical RMS
3135  // iopt = 2; fills with mean of a two-stage Gaussian fit
3136  // iopt = 3; fills with width of a two-stage Gaussian fit
3137  // iopt = 4; fills with Chi2/DOF of a two-stage Gaussian fit
3138  // iopt = 5; fills with nentries in the bin
3141  //std::cout << "In fillGaussianMeanOrWidth for " << h->GetName() << std::endl;
3143  //calling this means that the histogram bin content is flagged
3144  //as being an average and so adding histos from different jobs
3145  //will produce weighted mean
3146  h->SetBit(TH1::kIsAverage);
3148  int nbins_2d = h2d->GetNbinsX();
3149  int nbins_y = h2d->GetNbinsY();
3150  // Removed by Alex
3151  //int nbins_h = h->GetNbinsX();
3152  //if(nbins_2d!=nbins_h) std::cout << "Mean/Width Histograms not set up correctly - nbins mismatch for " <<
3153  // h->GetName() << std::endl;
3155  // Check if nbins_y is less than 1 and skip if true
3156  if (nbins_y <= 1) {
3157  return;
3158  }
3160  for (int i = 1; i != nbins_2d + 1; i++) {
3161  //std::cout << "Gaussian: processing bin " << i << std::endl;
3163  TH1F* hproj = (TH1F*) h2d->ProjectionY("proj", i, i, "e");
3165  //std::cout << "Gaussian: made projection for bin " << i << std::endl;
3167  //do not fill if there are few entries in the bin
3168  if (iopt < 5 && (hproj->GetEntries() <= 30 || hproj->Integral() <= 30)) {
3169  delete hproj;
3170  //h->SetBinContent(i,j,0);
3171  //h->SetBinError(i,j,0);
3172  continue;
3173  }
3175  if (iopt == 0) {
3176  h->SetBinContent(i, hproj->GetMean());
3177  h->SetBinError(i, hproj->GetMeanError());
3178  } else if (iopt == 1) {
3179  h->SetBinContent(i, hproj->GetRMS());
3180  h->SetBinError(i, hproj->GetRMSError());
3181  } else if (iopt >= 2 && iopt < 5) {
3182  //we make a 2-stage Gaussian fit
3183  //first fit is in the range [MEAN + 2*RMS, MEAN - 2*RMS]
3184  //(restricting the range of the first fit has little effect)
3185  //second fit is in the range [mean + 2*width, mean - 2*width]
3186  //using the mean and width of the first fit
3188  //first fit
3189  float mean = hproj->GetMean();
3190  float rms = hproj->GetRMS();
3191  float min = mean - 2 * rms;
3192  float max = mean + 2 * rms;
3193  TF1* fW = new TF1("fW", "gaus", min, max);
3194  hproj->Fit("fW", "RQN");
3196  //second fit
3197  mean = fW->GetParameter(1);
3198  rms = fW->GetParameter(2);
3199  min = mean - 2 * rms;
3200  max = mean + 2 * rms;
3201  //if bins are large relative to distribution then
3202  //the above determined range could only be two bins
3203  //or even just fractions of bins
3204  //in this case a gauus fit is meaningless, and can have strange
3205  //chi2 behaviour and large errors on the mean
3206  //therefore make sure we are including full bins in fit and
3207  //have a minimum of 3 bins
3208  int minBin = hproj->FindBin(min);
3209  int maxBin = hproj->FindBin(max);
3210  if (maxBin - minBin < 2) {
3211  //require at least 3 bins for a meaningful gauss fit
3212  //std::cout << "WARNING core had too few bins for fit - expanding core for " << h->GetName() << std::endl;
3213  maxBin = maxBin + 1;
3214  minBin = minBin - 1;
3215  }
3216  min = hproj->GetBinLowEdge(minBin);
3217  max = (hproj->GetBinLowEdge(maxBin)) + (hproj->GetBinWidth(maxBin));
3219  TF1* fW2 = new TF1("fW2", "gaus", min, max);
3220  hproj->Fit("fW2", "RQN");
3221  if (iopt == 2) {
3222  h->SetBinContent(i, fW2->GetParameter(1));
3223  h->SetBinError(i, fW2->GetParError(1));
3224  } else if (iopt == 3) {
3225  h->SetBinContent(i, fW2->GetParameter(2));
3226  h->SetBinError(i, fW2->GetParError(2));
3227  } else if (iopt == 4) {
3228  float chi2 = fW2->GetChisquare();
3229  int ndf = fW2->GetNDF();
3230  if (ndf) h->SetBinContent(i, chi2 / ndf);
3231  else h->SetBinContent(i, 0);
3232  }
3233  delete fW;
3234  delete fW2;
3235  } else if (iopt == 5) {
3236  h->SetBinContent(i, hproj->GetEntries());
3237  }
3238  //else std::cerr << "Incorrect iopt switch in meanRMSProjections2D()" << std::endl;
3240  delete hproj;
3241  }
3244  return;
3245  }

◆ meanRMSProjections3D()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::meanRMSProjections3D ( TH3F h3d,
TH2F h,
int  iopt 

Definition at line 3247 of file MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx.

3248  {
3249  //fills a 2-D histogram with mean or width of the distribution for each bin in a 3D histogram
3250  //the way in which the mean or width is determined is specified by the iopt option
3251  //can be from a gaussian fit for example
3252  // iopt = 0; fills with statistical mean
3253  // iopt = 1; fills with statistical RMS
3254  // iopt = 2; fills with mean of a two-stage Gaussian fit
3255  // iopt = 3; fills with width of a two-stage Gaussian fit
3256  // iopt = 4; fills with Chi2/DOF of a two-stage Gaussian fit
3257  // iopt = 5; fills with nentries in the bin
3259  int nbins_3dX = h3d->GetNbinsX();
3260  int nbins_3dY = h3d->GetNbinsY();
3261  int nbins_hX = h->GetNbinsX();
3262  int nbins_hY = h->GetNbinsY();
3264  // Check if nbins_3dZ is less than 1 and skip if true
3265  if (h3d->GetZaxis()->GetNbins() <= 1) {
3266  return;
3267  }
3269  if (nbins_3dX != nbins_hX) {
3270  std::cout << "meanRMSProjections3D: Mean/RMS Histograms not set up correctly - nbins mismatch for " <<
3271  h->GetName() << std::endl;
3272  return;
3273  }
3274  if (nbins_3dY != nbins_hY) {
3275  std::cout << "meanRMSProjections3D: Mean/RMS Histograms not set up correctly - nbins mismatch for " <<
3276  h->GetName() << std::endl;
3277  return;
3278  }
3280  for (int i = 1; i != nbins_3dX + 1; i++) {
3281  for (int j = 1; j != nbins_3dY + 1; j++) {
3282  TH1F* hproj = (TH1F*) h3d->ProjectionZ("proj", i, i, j, j, "e");
3284  //You can use this piece of code as snippet in order to produce fancy single modules residuals.
3285  //TCanvas Canvas;
3286  //std::string eta_mod="",phi_mod="";
3287  //std::string histoName = h3d->GetName();
3288  //if (histoName.find("pix_b0") == std::string::npos)
3289  //continue;
3290  //std::ostringstream convert_eta,convert_phi; // stream used for the conversion
3291  //convert_eta << i;
3292  //convert_phi << j;
3293  //eta_mod = convert_eta.str();
3294  //phi_mod = convert_phi.str();
3295  //;
3296  //hproj->DrawClone();
3298  //Canvas.SaveAs((histoName+"_"+eta_mod+"_"+phi_mod+".pdf").c_str());
3300  //do not fill if there are 30 or less entries in the bin
3301  if (iopt < 5 && (hproj->GetEntries() <= 30 || hproj->Integral() <= 30)) {
3302  delete hproj;
3303  //h->SetBinContent(i,j,0);
3304  //h->SetBinError(i,j,0);
3305  continue;
3306  }
3307  if (iopt == 0) {
3308  h->SetBinContent(i, j, hproj->GetMean());
3309  h->SetBinError(i, j, hproj->GetMeanError());
3310  } else if (iopt == 1) {
3311  h->SetBinContent(i, j, hproj->GetRMS());
3312  h->SetBinError(i, j, hproj->GetRMSError());
3313  } else if (iopt >= 2 && iopt < 5) {
3314  //we make a 2-stage Gaussian fit
3315  //first fit is in the range [MEAN + 2*RMS, MEAN - 2*RMS]
3316  //(restricting the range of the first fit has little effect)
3317  //second fit is in the range [mean + 2*width, mean - 2*width]
3318  //using the mean and width of the first fit
3320  //first fit
3321  float mean = hproj->GetMean();
3322  float rms = hproj->GetRMS();
3323  float min = mean - 2 * rms;
3324  float max = mean + 2 * rms;
3325  TF1* fW = new TF1("fW", "gaus", min, max);
3326  hproj->Fit("fW", "RQN");
3328  //second fit
3329  mean = fW->GetParameter(1);
3330  rms = fW->GetParameter(2);
3331  min = mean - 2 * rms;
3332  max = mean + 2 * rms;
3333  //if bins are large relative to distribution then
3334  //the above determined range could only be two bins
3335  //or even just fractions of bins
3336  //in this case a gauus fit is meaningless, and can have strange
3337  //chi2 behaviour and large errors on the mean
3338  //therefore make sure we are including full bins in fit and
3339  //have a minimum of 3 bins
3340  int minBin = hproj->FindBin(min);
3341  int maxBin = hproj->FindBin(max);
3342  if (maxBin - minBin < 2) {
3343  //require at least 3 bins for a meaningful gauss fit
3344  //std::cout << "WARNING core had too few bins for fit - expanding core for " << h->GetName() << std::endl;
3345  maxBin = maxBin + 1;
3346  minBin = minBin - 1;
3347  }
3348  min = hproj->GetBinLowEdge(minBin);
3349  max = (hproj->GetBinLowEdge(maxBin)) + (hproj->GetBinWidth(maxBin));
3351  TF1* fW2 = new TF1("fW2", "gaus", min, max);
3352  hproj->Fit("fW2", "RQN");
3353  if (iopt == 2) {
3354  h->SetBinContent(i, j, fW2->GetParameter(1));
3355  h->SetBinError(i, j, fW2->GetParError(1));
3356  } else if (iopt == 3) {
3357  h->SetBinContent(i, j, fW2->GetParameter(2));
3358  h->SetBinError(i, j, fW2->GetParError(2));
3359  } else if (iopt == 4) {
3360  float chi2 = fW2->GetChisquare();
3361  int ndf = fW2->GetNDF();
3362  if (ndf) h->SetBinContent(i, j, chi2 / ndf);
3363  else h->SetBinContent(i, j, 0);
3364  }
3366  delete fW;
3367  delete fW2;
3368  } else if (iopt == 5) {
3369  h->SetBinContent(i, j, hproj->GetEntries());
3370  }
3371  //else std::cerr << "Incorrect iopt switch in meanRMSProjections3D()" << std::endl;
3372  delete hproj;
3373  }
3374  }
3376  return;
3377  }

◆ meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot ( TH3F h3d,
TH1F h,
int  iopt 

Definition at line 3379 of file MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx.

3380  {
3381  //fills a 1-D histogram with the mean or width of the distribution for each bin in a 3D histogram
3382  //the way in which the mean or width is determined is specified by the iopt option
3383  //can be from a gaussian fit for example
3384  // iopt = 0; fills with statistical mean
3385  // iopt = 1; fills with statistical RMS
3386  // iopt = 2; fills with mean of a two-stage Gaussian fit
3387  // iopt = 3; fills with width of a two-stage Gaussian fit
3388  // iopt = 4; fills with Chi2/DOF of a two-stage Gaussian fit
3389  // iopt = 5; fills with the error on the fitted mean
3390  // iopt = 6; fills with statistical median
3391  // iopt = 7; fills with nentries in the bin
3393  int nbins_3dX = h3d->GetNbinsX();
3394  int nbins_3dY = h3d->GetNbinsY();
3396  // Check if nbins_3dZ is less than 1 and skip if true
3397  if (h3d->GetZaxis()->GetNbins() <= 1) {
3398  return;
3399  }
3401  for (int i = 1; i != nbins_3dX + 1; i++) {
3402  for (int j = 1; j != nbins_3dY + 1; j++) {
3403  TH1F* hproj = (TH1F*) h3d->ProjectionZ("proj", i, i, j, j, "e");
3405  //do not fill if there are 30 or less entries in the bin
3406  if (iopt < 7 && (hproj->GetEntries() <= 30 || hproj->Integral() <= 30)) {
3407  delete hproj;
3408  continue;
3409  }
3410  if (iopt == 0) {
3411  h->Fill(hproj->GetMean());
3412  } else if (iopt == 1) {
3413  h->Fill(hproj->GetRMS());
3414  } else if (iopt >= 2 && iopt < 6) {
3415  //we make a 2-stage Gaussian fit
3416  //first fit is in the range [MEAN + 2*RMS, MEAN - 2*RMS]
3417  //(restricting the range of the first fit has little effect)
3418  //second fit is in the range [mean + 2*width, mean - 2*width]
3419  //using the mean and width of the first fit
3421  //first fit
3422  float mean = hproj->GetMean();
3423  float rms = hproj->GetRMS();
3424  float min = mean - 2 * rms;
3425  float max = mean + 2 * rms;
3426  TF1* fW = new TF1("fW", "gaus", min, max);
3427  hproj->Fit("fW", "RQN");
3429  //second fit
3430  mean = fW->GetParameter(1);
3431  rms = fW->GetParameter(2);
3432  min = mean - 2 * rms;
3433  max = mean + 2 * rms;
3434  //if bins are large relative to distribution then
3435  //the above determined range could only be two bins
3436  //or even just fractions of bins
3437  //in this case a gauus fit is meaningless, and can have strange
3438  //chi2 behaviour and large errors on the mean
3439  //therefore make sure we are including full bins in fit and
3440  //have a minimum of 3 bins
3441  int minBin = hproj->FindBin(min);
3442  int maxBin = hproj->FindBin(max);
3443  if (maxBin - minBin < 2) {
3444  //require at least 3 bins for a meaningful gauss fit
3445  //std::cout << "WARNING core had too few bins for fit - expanding core for " << h->GetName() << std::endl;
3446  maxBin = maxBin + 1;
3447  minBin = minBin - 1;
3448  }
3449  min = hproj->GetBinLowEdge(minBin);
3450  max = (hproj->GetBinLowEdge(maxBin)) + (hproj->GetBinWidth(maxBin));
3452  TF1* fW2 = new TF1("fW2", "gaus", min, max);
3453  hproj->Fit("fW2", "RQN");
3454  if (iopt == 2) {
3455  h->Fill(fW2->GetParameter(1));
3456  } else if (iopt == 3) {
3457  h->Fill(fW2->GetParameter(2));
3458  } else if (iopt == 4) {
3459  float chi2 = fW2->GetChisquare();
3460  int ndf = fW2->GetNDF();
3461  if (ndf) h->Fill(chi2 / ndf);
3462  else h->Fill(0.0);
3463  } else if (iopt == 5) {
3464  h->Fill(fW2->GetParError(1));
3465  }
3467  delete fW;
3468  delete fW2;
3469  } else if (iopt == 6) {
3470  h->Fill(getMedian(hproj));
3471  } else if (iopt == 7) {
3472  h->Fill(hproj->GetEntries());
3473  }
3474  //else std::cerr << "Incorrect iopt switch in meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot()" << std::endl;
3475  delete hproj;
3476  }
3477  }
3479  return;
3480  }

◆ meanRMSProjections3D_XY()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::meanRMSProjections3D_XY ( TH3F h3d,
TH1F h,
int  iXY,
int  iopt 

Definition at line 3482 of file MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx.

3483  {
3484  //fills a 1-D histogram with mean or width of the projected rows/columns of a 3-D histogram
3485  // iXY = 0; project columns (i.e. for each x of the 3D histogram form the distribution of all y-bins)
3486  // iXY = 1; project rows (i.e. for each y of the 3D histogram form the distribution of all x-bins)
3487  //the way in which the mean or width is determined is specified by the iopt option
3488  //can be from a gaussian fit for example
3489  // iopt = 0; fills with statistical mean
3490  // iopt = 1; fills with statistical RMS
3491  // iopt = 2; fills with mean of a two-stage Gaussian fit
3492  // iopt = 3; fills with width of a two-stage Gaussian fit
3493  // iopt = 4; fills with Chi2/DOF of a two-stage Gaussian fit
3494  // iopt = 5; fills with nentries in the bin
3496  int nbins_3dX = h3d->GetNbinsX();
3497  int nbins_3dY = h3d->GetNbinsY();
3498  int nbins_h = h->GetNbinsX();
3499  int nbins_3d = 0;//will be overridden
3501  // Check if nbins_3dZ is less than 1 and skip if true
3502  if (h3d->GetZaxis()->GetNbins()<= 1) {
3503  return;
3504  }
3506  if (iXY == 0) {
3507  if (nbins_3dX != nbins_h) {
3508  std::cerr << "meanRMSProjections3D_XY: Mean/RMS Histograms not set up correctly - nbins mismatch for " <<
3509  h->GetName() << std::endl;
3510  return;
3511  }
3512  nbins_3d = nbins_3dX;
3513  } else if (iXY == 1) {
3514  if (nbins_3dY != nbins_h) {
3515  std::cerr << "meanRMSProjections3D_XY: Mean/RMS Histograms not set up correctly - nbins mismatch for" <<
3516  h->GetName() << std::endl;
3517  std::cout << "nbins_3dY = " << nbins_3dY << ", nbins_h = " << nbins_h << std::endl;
3518  return;
3519  }
3520  nbins_3d = nbins_3dY;
3521  } else {
3522  //std::cerr << "meanRMSProjections3D_XY: iXY != 1 or 0 exiting" << std::endl;
3523  return;
3524  }
3526  for (int i = 1; i != nbins_3d + 1; i++) {
3527  TH1F* hproj;
3528  if (iXY == 0) {
3529  h3d->GetXaxis()->SetRange(i, i);
3530  h3d->GetYaxis()->SetRange(1, nbins_3dY);
3531  hproj = (TH1F*) h3d->Project3D("ze");
3532  } else { // (iXY == 1), as checked above
3533  h3d->GetYaxis()->SetRange(i, i);
3534  h3d->GetXaxis()->SetRange(1, nbins_3dX);
3535  hproj = (TH1F*) h3d->Project3D("ze");
3536  }
3538  //do not fill if there are 30 or less entries in the bin
3539  if (iopt < 5 && (hproj->GetEntries() <= 30 || hproj->Integral() <= 30)) {
3540  delete hproj;
3541  //h->SetBinContent(i,0);
3542  //h->SetBinError(i,0);
3543  continue;
3544  }
3545  if (iopt == 0) {
3546  h->SetBinContent(i, hproj->GetMean());
3547  h->SetBinError(i, hproj->GetMeanError());
3548  } else if (iopt == 1) {
3549  h->SetBinContent(i, hproj->GetRMS());
3550  h->SetBinError(i, hproj->GetRMSError());
3551  } else if (iopt >= 2 && iopt < 5) {
3552  //we make a 2-stage Gaussian fit
3553  //first fit is in the range [MEAN + 2*RMS, MEAN - 2*RMS]
3554  //(restricting the range of the first fit has little effect)
3555  //second fit is in the range [mean + 2*width, mean - 2*width]
3556  //using the mean and width of the first fit
3558  //first fit
3559  float mean = hproj->GetMean();
3560  float rms = hproj->GetRMS();
3561  float min = mean - 2 * rms;
3562  float max = mean + 2 * rms;
3563  TF1* fW = new TF1("fW", "gaus", min, max);
3564  hproj->Fit("fW", "RQN");
3566  //second fit
3567  mean = fW->GetParameter(1);
3568  rms = fW->GetParameter(2);
3569  min = mean - 2 * rms;
3570  max = mean + 2 * rms;
3571  //if bins are large relative to distribution then
3572  //the above determined range could only be two bins
3573  //or even just fractions of bins
3574  //in this case a gauus fit is meaningless, and can have strange
3575  //chi2 behaviour and large errors on the mean
3576  //therefore make sure we are including full bins in fit and
3577  //have a minimum of 3 bins
3578  int minBin = hproj->FindBin(min);
3579  int maxBin = hproj->FindBin(max);
3580  if (maxBin - minBin < 2) {
3581  //require at least 3 bins for a meaningful gauss fit
3582  //std::cout << "WARNING core had too few bins for fit - expanding core for " << h->GetName() << std::endl;
3583  maxBin = maxBin + 1;
3584  minBin = minBin - 1;
3585  }
3586  min = hproj->GetBinLowEdge(minBin);
3587  max = (hproj->GetBinLowEdge(maxBin)) + (hproj->GetBinWidth(maxBin));
3589  TF1* fW2 = new TF1("fW2", "gaus", min, max);
3590  hproj->Fit("fW2", "RQN");
3591  if (iopt == 2) {
3592  h->SetBinContent(i, fW2->GetParameter(1));
3593  h->SetBinError(i, fW2->GetParError(1));
3594  } else if (iopt == 3) {
3595  h->SetBinContent(i, fW2->GetParameter(2));
3596  h->SetBinError(i, fW2->GetParError(2));
3597  } else if (iopt == 4) {
3598  float chi2 = fW2->GetChisquare();
3599  int ndf = fW2->GetNDF();
3600  if (ndf) h->SetBinContent(i, chi2 / ndf);
3601  else h->SetBinContent(i, 0);
3602  }
3603  delete fW;
3604  delete fW2;
3605  } else if (iopt == 5) {
3606  h->SetBinContent(i, hproj->GetEntries());
3607  }
3608  //else std::cerr << "Incorrect iopt switch in meanRMSProjections3D_XY()" << std::endl;
3609  delete hproj;
3610  }
3613  return;
3614  }

◆ merge_effAsPerCent()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::merge_effAsPerCent ( TH2 a,
const TH2 b 

Definition at line 64 of file MonitoringFile_MergeAlgs.cxx.

64  {
65  // Auther: Benjamin Trocme
66  // a and b are efficiency histogramming with percentage stored
67  // den/num are a number of events
68  // BinContent = n/d*100
69  // BinError = (1/d2) * sqrt( d*n*(d-n) )
71  // First extract the denominator
72  // It is supposed to be the same for all bins
73  // Have to do this in two steps to avoid problem
74  // of empty bins in which the nb of events can not be extracted
75  float denA = 0.;
76  float denB = 0.;
78  for (int ix = 1; ix <= a.GetNbinsX(); ix++) {
79  for (int iy = 1; iy <= a.GetNbinsY(); iy++) {
80  // Extract ratio and associated errors
81  // Warning : these are percentages!
82  float efficiencyA = a.GetBinContent(ix, iy) / 100.;
83  float efficiencyB = b.GetBinContent(ix, iy) / 100.;
84  float efficiencyErrA = a.GetBinError(ix, iy) / 100.;
85  float efficiencyErrB = b.GetBinError(ix, iy) / 100.;
87  // Compute denominator ("nb of events")
88  if (efficiencyErrA != 0 && efficiencyA != 0 &&
89  denA == 0) denA = efficiencyA * (1 - efficiencyA) / efficiencyErrA / efficiencyErrA;
90  if (efficiencyErrB != 0 && efficiencyB != 0 &&
91  denB == 0) denB = efficiencyB * (1 - efficiencyB) / efficiencyErrB / efficiencyErrB;
92  }
93  }
95  float denTot = denA + denB;
96  const double nEntries = a.GetEntries() + b.GetEntries();
98  for (int ix = 1; ix <= a.GetNbinsX(); ix++) {
99  for (int iy = 1; iy <= a.GetNbinsY(); iy++) {
100  // Extract ratio and associated errors
101  // Warning : these are percentages!
102  float efficiencyA = a.GetBinContent(ix, iy) / 100.;
103  float efficiencyB = b.GetBinContent(ix, iy) / 100.;
104  //float efficiencyErrA = a.GetBinError(ix,iy)/100.;
105  //float efficiencyErrB = b.GetBinError(ix,iy)/100.;
107  // Compute numerator ("nb of good events") for each histo
108  float numA = denA * efficiencyA;
109  float numB = denB * efficiencyB;
111  // Deduce the merged ratio and the associated error
112  float numTot = numA + numB;
113  float efficiencyTot = 0.;
114  float efficiencyErrTot = 0.;
116  if (denTot != 0.) efficiencyTot = numTot / denTot * 100.;
117  if (denTot != 0.) efficiencyErrTot = sqrt(numTot * denTot * (denTot - numTot)) / denTot / denTot * 100.;
119  a.SetBinContent(ix, iy, efficiencyTot);
120  a.SetBinError(ix, iy, efficiencyErrTot);
121  }
122  }
123  a.SetEntries(nEntries);
124  }

◆ merge_effAsPerCentAlt()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::merge_effAsPerCentAlt ( TH1 a,
const TH1 b 

Definition at line 212 of file MonitoringFile_MergeAlgs.cxx.

212  {
213  // Author: Peter Onyisi, d'apres Benjamin Trocme
214  // Variation of merge_effAsPerCent
215  // a and b are efficiency histogramming with percentage stored
216  // den/num are a number of events
217  // BinContent = n/d*100
218  // BinError = (1/d2) * sqrt( d*n*(d-n) )
220  // Verify histogram compatibility
221  if (a.GetDimension() != b.GetDimension()) {
222  std::cerr << "merge_effAsPerCentAlt \"" << a.GetName() <<
223  "\": attempt to merge histograms of different dimensionality\n";
224  return;
225  }
227  Int_t ncells = getNumBins(a);
229  if (ncells != getNumBins(b)) {
230  std::cerr << "merge_effAsPerCentAlt \"" << a.GetName() <<
231  "\": attempt to merge histograms of different bin counts\n";
232  return;
233  }
235  // do not attempt to automatically extend!
236  a.SetCanExtend(TH1::kNoAxis);
238  // First extract the denominator
239  // It is supposed to be the same for all bins
240  // Have to do this in two steps to avoid problem
241  // of empty bins in which the nb of events can not be extracted
243  float denA = 0.;
244  float denB = 0.;
245  for (int bin = 0; bin < ncells; bin++) {
246  if (IsBinUnderflow(a, bin) || IsBinOverflow(a, bin)) continue;
247  // Extract ratio and associated errors
248  // Warning : these are percentages!
249  float efficiencyA = a.GetBinContent(bin) / 100.;
250  float efficiencyB = b.GetBinContent(bin) / 100.;
251  float efficiencyErrA = a.GetBinError(bin) / 100.;
252  float efficiencyErrB = b.GetBinError(bin) / 100.;
254  // Compute denominator ("nb of events")
255  if (efficiencyErrA != 0 && efficiencyA != 0 &&
256  denA == 0) denA = efficiencyA * (1 - efficiencyA) / efficiencyErrA / efficiencyErrA;
257  if (efficiencyErrB != 0 && efficiencyB != 0 && denB == 0) denB = efficiencyB * (1 - efficiencyB) / efficiencyErrB / efficiencyErrB;
258  }
260  float denTot = denA + denB;
261  const double nEntries = a.GetEntries() + b.GetEntries();
263  for (int bin = 0; bin < ncells; bin++) {
264  if (IsBinUnderflow(a, bin) || IsBinOverflow(a, bin)) continue;
265  // Extract ratio and associated errors
266  // Warning : these are percentages!
267  float efficiencyA = a.GetBinContent(bin) / 100.;
268  float efficiencyB = b.GetBinContent(bin) / 100.;
269  //float efficiencyErrA = a.GetBinError(bin)/100.;
270  //float efficiencyErrB = b.GetBinError(bin)/100.;
272  // Compute numerator ("nb of good events") for each histo
273  float numA = denA * efficiencyA;
274  float numB = denB * efficiencyB;
276  // Deduce the merged ratio and the associated error
277  float numTot = numA + numB;
278  float efficiencyTot = 0.;
279  float efficiencyErrTot = 0.;
281  if (denTot != 0.) efficiencyTot = numTot / denTot * 100.;
282  if (denTot != 0.) efficiencyErrTot = sqrt(numTot * denTot * (denTot - numTot)) / denTot / denTot * 100.;
284  a.SetBinContent(bin, efficiencyTot);
285  a.SetBinError(bin, efficiencyErrTot);
286  }
287  a.SetEntries(nEntries);
288  }

◆ merge_eventSample()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::merge_eventSample ( TH2 a,
const TH2 b 

Definition at line 497 of file MonitoringFile_MergeAlgs.cxx.

497  {
498  // Author: Peter Faulkner
499  // Merge histograms containing, for example, event numbers of events
500  // with particular types of errors. Data is inserted/appended row-wise.
501  int nbinsx = a.GetNbinsX();
502  int nbinsy = a.GetNbinsY();
504  if (b.GetNbinsX() != nbinsx || b.GetNbinsY() != nbinsy) return;
506  double entries = a.GetEntries();
507  for (int biny = 1; biny <= nbinsy; biny++) {
508  for (int binx = 1; binx <= nbinsx; binx++) {
509  double bVal = b.GetBinContent(binx, biny);
510  if (bVal == 0) break;
511  for (int binxa = 1; binxa <= nbinsx; binxa++) {
512  double aVal = a.GetBinContent(binxa, biny);
513  if (aVal == 0) {
514  a.SetBinContent(binxa, biny, bVal);
515  entries++;
516  break;
517  } else if (bVal < aVal) {
518  for (int bx = nbinsx; bx > binxa; bx--) {
519  double v1 = a.GetBinContent(bx - 1, biny);
520  if (v1 == 0) continue;
521  double v2 = a.GetBinContent(bx, biny);
522  if (v2 == 0) entries++;
523  a.SetBinContent(bx, biny, v1);
524  }
525  a.SetBinContent(binxa, biny, bVal);
526  break;
527  } else if (aVal == bVal) break;
528  }
529  }
530  }
531  a.SetEntries(entries);
532  }

◆ merge_identical()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::merge_identical ( TH1 a,
const TH1 b 

Definition at line 694 of file MonitoringFile_MergeAlgs.cxx.

694  {
695  // Merge "status" histograms, i.e filled at start of run/LB.
696  // The histogram title should contain the LB for which the histo was filled
697  // such that strcmp can extract the histo of lower LB
698  // Be careful to not format your title with %d but rather %4d. Otherwise,
699  // strcmp will return : 2>10
700  // Example in : LArCalorimeter/LArMonTools/src/LArCoverage.cxx
701  // Author: B.Trocme
702  //
704  if (a.GetDimension() != b.GetDimension()) {
705  std::cerr << "merge_identical \"" << a.GetName() << "\": attempt to merge histograms of different dimensionality\n";
706  return;
707  }
709  Int_t ncells = getNumBins(a);
711  if (ncells != getNumBins(b)) {
712  std::cerr << "merge_identical \"" << a.GetName() << "\": attempt to merge histograms of different sizes\n";
713  return;
714  }
716  // check that all bins contentsl are identical
717  for (Int_t icell = 0; icell < ncells; ++icell) {
718  if ((a.GetBinContent(icell) != b.GetBinContent(icell))
719  || (a.GetBinError(icell) != b.GetBinError(icell))) {
720  std::cerr << "merge_identical \"" << a.GetName() << "\" and \"" << b.GetName() << "\" have different content";
721  return;
722  }
723  }
725  return;
726  }

◆ merge_lowerLB()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::merge_lowerLB ( TH1 a,
const TH1 b 

Definition at line 647 of file MonitoringFile_MergeAlgs.cxx.

647  {
648  // Merge "status" histograms, i.e filled at start of run/LB.
649  // The histogram title should contain the LB for which the histo was filled
650  // such that strcmp can extract the histo of lower LB
651  // Be careful to not format your title with %d but rather %4d. Otherwise,
652  // strcmp will return : 2>10
653  // Example in : LArCalorimeter/LArMonTools/src/LArCoverage.cxx
654  // Author: B.Trocme
655  //
657  if (a.GetDimension() != b.GetDimension()) {
658  std::cerr << "merge_lowerLB \"" << a.GetName() << "\": attempt to merge histograms of different dimensionality\n";
659  return;
660  }
662  Int_t ncells = getNumBins(a);
664  if (ncells != getNumBins(b)) {
665  std::cerr << "merge_lowerLB \"" << a.GetName() << "\": attempt to merge histograms of different sizes\n";
666  return;
667  }
669  // do not attempt to automatically extend!
670  a.SetCanExtend(TH1::kNoAxis);
672  if (strcmp(a.GetTitle(), b.GetTitle()) > 0) {
673  // The LB of histo a is greater than the LB of histo b
674  // a is overwritten by b - Otherwise do nothing
675  a.SetTitle(b.GetTitle());
676  /*
677  for( int bin = 0; bin < ncells; bin++ ) {
678  a.SetBinContent(bin,b.GetBinContent(bin));
679  a.SetBinError(bin,b.GetBinError(bin));
680  }
681  */
682  a.Add(&a, &b, 0, 1);
683  // If the original histo did not contain sumw2, delete the sumw2 array created
684  // by SetBinError. This may look dirty but this is the recommandation by R.Brun:
685  //
686  /*
687  if ((b.GetSumw2N()) == 0) (a.GetSumw2())->Set(0);
689  a.SetEntries(b.GetEntries()); */
690  }
691  return;
692  }

◆ merge_perBinEffPerCent()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::merge_perBinEffPerCent ( TH1 a,
const TH1 b 

Definition at line 126 of file MonitoringFile_MergeAlgs.cxx.

126  {
127  // This code assume that the histogram content is the efficiency of a
128  // given cut or selection in each bin (e.g. the ratio of a distribution
129  // after cut to the distribution before cut, bin by bin) and that these
130  // are efficiencies in percent.
131  //
132  // It also assumes that the error we calculated in a specific way:
133  // dEff = sqrt( eff*(1.-eff)/N ) [Eff= efficiency N = number of event in bin before cuts]
134  // dEff = 1-0.159^(1/N) if Eff = 0
135  // dEff = 1-0.159^(1/N) if Eff = 1
136  // dEff = 0 means no entries, the bin is ignored
137  //
139  constexpr double OneSigOneSided = 0.159; // 0.5*(1-0.681) where 0.681 means 68%CL
141  // Verify histogram compatibility
142  if (a.GetDimension() != b.GetDimension()) {
143  std::cerr << "merge_perBinEffPerCent \"" << a.GetName() <<
144  "\": attempt to merge histograms of different dimensionality" << std::endl;
145  return;
146  }
148  Int_t ncells = getNumBins(a);
150  if (ncells != getNumBins(b)) {
151  std::cerr << "merge_perBinEffPerCent \"" << a.GetName() << "\": attempt to merge histograms of different sizes\n";
152  return;
153  }
155  // do not attempt to automatically extend!
156  a.SetCanExtend(TH1::kNoAxis);
158  const double nEntries = a.GetEntries() + b.GetEntries();
160  for (int bin = 0; bin < ncells; bin++) {
161  if (IsBinUnderflow(a, bin) || IsBinOverflow(a, bin)) continue;
162  float efficiencyA = a.GetBinContent(bin) / 100.;
163  float efficiencyB = b.GetBinContent(bin) / 100.;
164  float efficiencyErrA = a.GetBinError(bin) / 100.;
165  float efficiencyErrB = b.GetBinError(bin) / 100.;
167  float efficiencyTot = 0.;
168  float efficiencyErrTot = 0.;
169  if (efficiencyErrA == 0.) {
170  efficiencyTot = efficiencyB;
171  efficiencyErrTot = efficiencyErrB;
172  } else {
173  if (efficiencyErrB == 0.) {
174  efficiencyTot = efficiencyA;
175  efficiencyErrTot = efficiencyErrA;
176  } else {
177  float denomA = 0.;
178  if (efficiencyA == 0.) {
179  denomA = std::log(OneSigOneSided) / std::log(1. - efficiencyErrA);
180  } else {
181  if (efficiencyA > 0.99) {
182  denomA = std::log(OneSigOneSided) / std::log(1. - efficiencyErrA);
183  } else {
184  denomA = efficiencyA * (1. - efficiencyA) / (efficiencyErrA * efficiencyErrA);
185  }
186  }
188  float denomB = 0.;
189  if (efficiencyB == 0.) {
190  denomB = std::log(OneSigOneSided) / std::log(1. - efficiencyErrB);
191  } else {
192  if (efficiencyB > 0.99) {
193  denomB = std::log(OneSigOneSided) / std::log(1. - efficiencyErrB);
194  } else {
195  denomB = efficiencyB * (1. - efficiencyB) / (efficiencyErrB * efficiencyErrB);
196  }
197  }
199  float denom = denomA + denomB;
200  efficiencyTot = (denomA * efficiencyA + denomB * efficiencyB) / denom;
201  efficiencyErrTot = std::sqrt(efficiencyTot * (1. - efficiencyTot) / denom);
202  if (efficiencyTot == 0.) efficiencyErrTot = 1.0 - std::pow(OneSigOneSided, 1.0 / denom);
203  if (efficiencyTot > 0.99) efficiencyErrTot = 1.0 - std::pow(OneSigOneSided, 1.0 / denom);
204  }
205  }
206  a.SetBinContent(bin, efficiencyTot * 100.);
207  a.SetBinError(bin, efficiencyErrTot * 100.);
208  }
209  a.SetEntries(nEntries);
210  }

◆ merge_Rebinned()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::merge_Rebinned ( TH1 a,
TH1 b 

Definition at line 478 of file MonitoringFile_MergeAlgs.cxx.

478  {
479  // Author: Luca Fiorini
480  // This method provide a correct summation for histograms that have different binning
481  // e.g. the histograms with TH1::kCanRebin set to true
482  // The method uses TH1::Merge as explained here:
483  //
484  // The axis x may have different number
485  // of bins and different limits, BUT the largest bin width must be
486  // a multiple of the smallest bin width and the upper limit must also
487  // be a multiple of the bin width.
489  TList* list = new TList;
491  list->Add(&b);
492  a.Merge(list);
494  delete list;
495  }

◆ merge_RMS()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::merge_RMS ( TH1 a,
const TH1 b 

Definition at line 534 of file MonitoringFile_MergeAlgs.cxx.

534  {
535  //Merge histograms where bins are filled with RMS type data:
536  // Add in quadrature, weighted by the number of events as
537  // reconstructed from the errors.
539  // Author: Evan Wulf
541  if (a.GetDimension() != b.GetDimension()) {
542  std::cerr << "merge_RMS \"" << a.GetName() << "\": attempt to merge histograms of different dimensionality\n";
543  return;
544  }
546  Int_t ncells = getNumBins(a);
548  if (ncells != getNumBins(b)) {
549  std::cerr << "merge_RMS \"" << a.GetName() << "\": attempt to merge histograms of different sizes\n";
550  return;
551  }
553  // do not attempt to automatically extend!
554  a.SetCanExtend(TH1::kNoAxis);
556  double nEntries = a.GetEntries();
557  nEntries += b.GetEntries();
559  for (int bin = 0; bin < ncells; bin++) {
560  double rms1 = a.GetBinContent(bin);
561  double rms2 = b.GetBinContent(bin);
562  double e1 = a.GetBinError(bin);
563  double e2 = b.GetBinError(bin);
565  double n1 = 0;
566  double n2 = 0;
568  if (e1 != 0) {
569  n1 = pow(rms1 / e1, 2) / 2;
570  }
571  if (e2 != 0) {
572  n2 = pow(rms2 / e2, 2) / 2;
573  }
575  double ntot = n1 + n2;
576  if (ntot <= 0) {
577  a.SetBinContent(bin, sqrt((rms1 * rms1) + (rms2 * rms2)));
578  a.SetBinError(bin, sqrt((e1 * e1) + (e2 * e2)));
579  } else {
580  double rmstot = sqrt(((pow(n1 * rms1, 2) / (n1 - 1)) + (pow(n2 * rms2, 2) / (n2 - 1))) * (ntot - 1) / pow(ntot, 2));
581  a.SetBinContent(bin, rmstot);
582  a.SetBinError(bin, rmstot / sqrt(2 * ntot));
583  }
584  }
586  a.SetEntries(nEntries);
587  }

◆ merge_RMSpercentDeviation()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::merge_RMSpercentDeviation ( TH1 a,
const TH1 b 

Definition at line 589 of file MonitoringFile_MergeAlgs.cxx.

589  {
590  //Merge histograms where bins are filled with RMS type data which has
591  // been normalized to a percent deviation by use of a reference, using
592  // content = 100 * (RMS - reference) / reference = (RMS * 100 / reference) - 100
593  // error = RMSerror * 100 / reference.
595  // Once constant term (100) is added back in, treatment is the same as with merge_RMS above:
597  // Add in quadrature, weighted by the number of events as
598  // reconstructed from the errors.
600  // Author: Evan Wulf
602  if (a.GetDimension() != b.GetDimension()) {
603  std::cerr << "merge_RMSpercentDeviation \"" << a.GetName() << "\": attempt to merge histograms of different dimensionality\n";
604  return;
605  }
607  Int_t ncells = getNumBins(a);
609  if (ncells != getNumBins(b)) {
610  std::cerr << "merge_RMSpercentDeviation \"" << a.GetName() << "\": attempt to merge histograms of different sizes\n";
611  return;
612  }
614  double nEntries = a.GetEntries();
615  nEntries += b.GetEntries();
617  for (int bin = 0; bin < ncells; bin++) {
618  double y1 = a.GetBinContent(bin) + 100;
619  double y2 = b.GetBinContent(bin) + 100;
620  double e1 = a.GetBinError(bin);
621  double e2 = b.GetBinError(bin);
623  double n1 = 0;
624  double n2 = 0;
626  if (e1 != 0) {
627  n1 = pow(y1 / e1, 2) / 2;
628  }
629  if (e2 != 0) {
630  n2 = pow(y2 / e2, 2) / 2;
631  }
633  double ntot = n1 + n2;
634  if (ntot <= 0) {
635  a.SetBinContent(bin, sqrt((y1 * y1) + (y2 * y2)) - 100);
636  a.SetBinError(bin, sqrt((e1 * e1) + (e2 * e2)));
637  } else {
638  double ytot = sqrt(((pow(n1 * y1, 2) / (n1 - 1)) + (pow(n2 * y2, 2) / (n2 - 1))) * (ntot - 1) / pow(ntot, 2));
639  a.SetBinContent(bin, ytot - 100);
640  a.SetBinError(bin, ytot / sqrt(2 * ntot));
641  }
642  }
644  a.SetEntries(nEntries);
645  }

◆ merge_weightedAverage()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::merge_weightedAverage ( TH1 a,
const TH1 b 

Definition at line 290 of file MonitoringFile_MergeAlgs.cxx.

290  {
291  // Author: Tobias Golling
293  if (a.GetDimension() != b.GetDimension()) {
294  std::cerr << "merge_weightedAverage \"" << a.GetName() << "\": attempt to merge histograms of different dimensionality\n";
295  return;
296  }
298  Int_t ncells = getNumBins(a);
300  if (ncells != getNumBins(b)) {
301  std::cerr << "merge_weightedAverage \"" << a.GetName() << "\": attempt to merge histograms of different sizes\n";
302  return;
303  }
305  // do not attempt to automatically extend!
306  a.SetCanExtend(TH1::kNoAxis);
308  double nEntries = a.GetEntries();
309  nEntries += b.GetEntries();
311  // if ( !a.InheritsFrom("TH2") ) {
312  for (int bin = 0; bin < ncells; bin++) {
313  double y1 = a.GetBinContent(bin);
314  double y2 = b.GetBinContent(bin);
315  double e1 = a.GetBinError(bin);
316  double e2 = b.GetBinError(bin);
317  double w1 = 1., w2 = 1.;
318  if (e1 > 0) w1 = 1. / (e1 * e1);
319  if (e2 > 0) w2 = 1. / (e2 * e2);
321  // case 1:
322  if (e1 > 0 && e2 > 0) {
323  a.SetBinContent(bin, (w1 * y1 + w2 * y2) / (w1 + w2));
324  a.SetBinError(bin, 1. / sqrt(w1 + w2));
325  }
326  // case 2:
327  else if (e2 > 0) {
328  a.SetBinContent(bin, y2);
329  a.SetBinError(bin, e2);
330  }
331  // case 3:
332  else if (e1 > 0) {
333  a.SetBinContent(bin, y1);
334  a.SetBinError(bin, e1);
335  }
336  // case 4:
337  else {
338  a.SetBinContent(bin, (y1 + y2) / 2.);
339  a.SetBinError(bin, 0.);
340  }
341  }
343  a.SetEntries(nEntries);
345  /*
346  } else if ( a.InheritsFrom("TH2") ) {
348  try {
350  merge_weightedAverage2D( dynamic_cast<TH2&>(a), dynamic_cast<const TH2&>(b) );
352  } catch ( const std::bad_cast& err ) {
353  // protect against dynamic cast failing
355  return;
357  }
359  }
360  */
361  }

◆ merge_weightedAverage2D()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::merge_weightedAverage2D ( TH2 a,
const TH2 b 

Definition at line 363 of file MonitoringFile_MergeAlgs.cxx.

363  {
364  // Author: Frank Berghaus
365  for (int binx = 0; binx <= a.GetNbinsX() + 1; binx++) {
366  for (int biny = 0; biny <= a.GetNbinsY() + 1; biny++) {
367  int bin = a.GetBin(binx, biny);
369  double y1 = a.GetBinContent(bin);
370  double y2 = b.GetBinContent(bin);
371  double e1 = a.GetBinError(bin);
372  double e2 = b.GetBinError(bin);
373  double w1 = 1., w2 = 1.;
374  if (e1 > 0) w1 = 1. / (e1 * e1);
375  if (e2 > 0) w2 = 1. / (e2 * e2);
377  // case 1:
378  if (e1 > 0 && e2 > 0) {
379  a.SetBinContent(bin, (w1 * y1 + w2 * y2) / (w1 + w2));
380  a.SetBinError(bin, 1. / sqrt(w1 + w2));
381  }
382  // case 2:
383  else if (e2 > 0) {
384  a.SetBinContent(bin, y2);
385  a.SetBinError(bin, e2);
386  }
387  // case 3:
388  else if (e1 > 0) {
389  a.SetBinContent(bin, y1);
390  a.SetBinError(bin, e1);
391  }
392  // case 4:
393  else {
394  a.SetBinContent(bin, (y1 + y2) / 2.);
395  a.SetBinError(bin, 0.);
396  }
397  }
398  }
399  }

◆ merge_weightedEff()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::merge_weightedEff ( TH1 a,
const TH1 b 

Definition at line 401 of file MonitoringFile_MergeAlgs.cxx.

401  {
402  // Author: Arely Cortes Gonzalez
403  // This function adds two 1D efficiency histograms
404  // weighting them by the number of entries.
405  // The histograms need to have same binning.
406  // Also, it can be used to add two normalized histograms,
407  // keeping the properly weighted normalization.
408  // The number of entries for the merged histogram
409  // will be equal to the NumberEntries of 'a' + NumberEntries of 'b'
412  // Getting weights based on number of entries.
413  double entries_a = a.GetEntries();
414  double entries_b = b.GetEntries();
416  double weight_a = 0.0;
417  double weight_b = 0.0;
419  if (a.GetDimension() != b.GetDimension()) {
420  std::cerr << "merge_weightedEff \"" << a.GetName() << "\": attempt to merge histograms of different dimensionality\n";
421  return;
422  }
424  // Check whether the sumw2 are present - Added by B.Trocme
425  bool sumw2 = (a.GetSumw2N() != 0) && (b.GetSumw2N() != 0);
427  Int_t ncells = getNumBins(a);
429  if (ncells != getNumBins(b)) {
430  std::cerr << "merge_weightedEff \"" << a.GetName() << "\": attempt to merge histograms of different sizes\n";
431  return;
432  }
434  if (entries_b == 0) {
435  // nothing to merge with, return
436  return;
437  }
438  if (entries_a == 0) {
439  // replace my contents with b
440  a.Add(&b);
441  return;
442  }
444  // do not attempt to automatically extend!
445  a.SetCanExtend(TH1::kNoAxis);
447  if (entries_a + entries_b > 0) {
448  weight_a = entries_a / (entries_a + entries_b);
449  weight_b = entries_b / (entries_a + entries_b);
451  for (int bin = 0; bin < ncells; bin++) {
452  double binContent_a = a.GetBinContent(bin);
453  double binContent_b = b.GetBinContent(bin);
455  //Error treatment added by Evan Wulf:
456  //Note that the errors are not used in the calculation!
457  double binError_a = a.GetBinError(bin);
458  double binError_b = b.GetBinError(bin);
460  //Filling the histogram with the new weighted values
461  float weightedEff = binContent_a * weight_a + binContent_b * weight_b;
462  a.SetBinContent(bin, weightedEff);
464  //Set Errors:
465  float weightedError = sqrt(pow(binError_a * weight_a, 2) + pow(binError_b * weight_b, 2));
466  a.SetBinError(bin, weightedError);
467  }
468  }
469  // If the original histos did not contain sumw2, delete the sumw2 array created
470  // by SetBinError. This may look dirty but this is the recommandation by R.Brun:
471  //
472  // Added by B.Trocme
473  if (!sumw2) (a.GetSumw2())->Set(0);
474  //Resets number of entries of a:
475  a.SetEntries(entries_a + entries_b);
476  }

◆ mergeDirectory()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::mergeDirectory ( TDirectory *  outputDir,
const std::vector< TFile * > &  inputFiles,
bool  has_multiple_runs = false,
std::map< TFile *, std::string > *  prefixes = 0 

◆ mergeFiles() [1/2]

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::mergeFiles ( const std::string &  outFileName,
const std::string &  listFileName 

◆ mergeFiles() [2/2]

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::mergeFiles ( const std::string &  outFileName,
const std::vector< std::string > &  files 

◆ mergeLB_createListOfHistos()

static int dqutils::MonitoringFile::mergeLB_createListOfHistos ( TDirectory *  ,
TDirectory *  ,
std::vector< std::string > &  ,

◆ mergeLB_processLB()

static int dqutils::MonitoringFile::mergeLB_processLB ( std::vector< TDirectory * > &  ,
std::vector< TDirectory * > &  ,

◆ mergeLB_processLBinterval()

static int dqutils::MonitoringFile::mergeLB_processLBinterval ( std::vector< TDirectory * > &  ,
TDirectory *  ,

◆ mergeLB_processRun()

static int dqutils::MonitoringFile::mergeLB_processRun ( TDirectory *  ,

◆ mergeLB_recursiveDirCopy()

static int dqutils::MonitoringFile::mergeLB_recursiveDirCopy ( TDirectory *  ,
TDirectory *  ,
TDirectory *  ,
std::vector< std::string > &  ,

◆ mergeLBintervals()

static int dqutils::MonitoringFile::mergeLBintervals ( const std::string &  ,
const std::string &  debugLevel = "none" 

◆ mergeObjs()

static int dqutils::MonitoringFile::mergeObjs ( TObject *  ,
TObject *  ,
const std::string &  ,
debugLevel_t  debugLevel = none 

◆ mergeObjsMultiCycles()

static void dqutils::MonitoringFile::mergeObjsMultiCycles ( const std::string &  ,
const std::vector< int > &  ,
TDirectory *  ,
const std::string &  ,
std::unique_ptr< TObject > &   

◆ MuonTrack_Main()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::MuonTrack_Main ( const std::string &  inFileName,
TString  dirname 

finish getting basci information

Definition at line 217 of file MonitoringFile_MuonTrackPostProcess.cxx.

217  {
218  TString plotdirname = dirname;//set the plottting dir anme
220  plotdirname.ReplaceAll("/", "_");//name clean
221  dirname = "MuonPhysics/" + dirname;//give it the full path
222  TFile* f = TFile::Open(inFilename.c_str(), "UPDATE");
224  if (f == 0) {
225  std::cerr << "MuonTrackMonitoring(): " << "Input file not opened \n";
226  return;
227  }
228  if (f->GetSize() < 1000.) {
229  std::cerr << "MuonTrackMonitoring(): " << "Input file empty \n";
230  return;
231  }
232  // get run directory name
233  //Seemingly unnecessary lines are necessary
234  TIter nextcd0(gDirectory->GetListOfKeys());
235  TKey* key0 = (TKey*) nextcd0();
236  if (key0 == 0) return;
238  TDirectory* dir0 = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*> (key0->ReadObj());
239  if (dir0 == 0) return;
241  dir0->cd();
242  TString runNumber = dir0->GetName();
243  TString motherDir = runNumber + "/" + dirname;
246  //Do the segment part
247  TString mDir = motherDir + "Segments/";
248  if (!f->cd(mDir)) return;
250  TIter nextcd1(gDirectory->GetListOfKeys());
251  while (TKey* key1 = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(nextcd1())) {
252  //While in the segments
253  TString recalg_path = key1->GetName();
254  TString recalg_fullStr = mDir + key1->GetName();
255  TDirectory* dir1 = f->GetDirectory(recalg_fullStr);
256  if (!dir1) continue;
257  dir1->cd();
259  // Divide the efficiency histograms
260  TH2F* h_EffNumerator =
261  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sSegments_%s_eff_chamberIndex_perSector_numerator", plotdirname.Data(),
262  recalg_path.Data()));
263  TH2F* h_EffDenominator =
264  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sSegments_%s_eff_chamberIndex_perSector_denominator", plotdirname.Data(),
265  recalg_path.Data()));
266  TH2F* h_Efficiency =
267  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sSegments_%s_eff_chamberIndex_perSector", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
269  TwoDto2D_Eff(h_EffNumerator, h_EffDenominator, h_Efficiency);
271  //add the efficiency for precision
272  for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
273  TH2F* seg_prec_EffNumerator =
274  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sSegments_%s_%s_etastation_nPrechit", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data(),
275  SegStationName[i]));
276  TH2F* seg_prec_EffDenominator =
277  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sSegments_%s_eff_%s_etastation_nPrechit", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data(),
278  SegStationName[i]));
279  TH2F* seg_prec_Efficiency =
280  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sSegments_%s_eff_%s_etastation_nPrechit", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data(),
281  SegStationName[i]));
283  TwoDto2D_Eff(seg_prec_EffNumerator, seg_prec_EffDenominator, seg_prec_Efficiency);
285  TH2F* seg_trig_EffNumerator =
286  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sSegments_%s_%s_etastation_nTrighit", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data(),
287  SegStationName[i]));
288  TH2F* seg_trig_EffDenominator =
289  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sSegments_%s_eff_%s_etastation_nTrighit", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data(),
290  SegStationName[i]));
291  TH2F* seg_trig_Efficiency =
292  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sSegments_%s_eff_%s_etastation_nTrighit", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data(),
293  SegStationName[i]));
295  TwoDto2D_Eff(seg_trig_EffNumerator, seg_trig_EffDenominator, seg_trig_Efficiency);
296  }
297  }//ends different subfolder for segment efficiency
299  //Do the muon part
300  TString mDir_muons = motherDir + "Muons/";
301  if (!f->cd(mDir_muons)) return;
303  TIter nextcd_muons(gDirectory->GetListOfKeys());
304  while (TKey* key1 = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(nextcd_muons())) {
305  //While in the segments
306  TString recalg_path = key1->GetName();
307  TString recalg_fullStr = mDir_muons + key1->GetName();
308  TDirectory* dir1 = f->GetDirectory(recalg_fullStr);
309  if (!dir1) continue;
310  dir1->cd();
312  TString muonqualstr[4] = {
313  "Tight", "Medium", "Loose", "Veryloose"
314  };
315  // Divide the efficiency histograms
316  TH2F* h_EffDenominator =
317  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_Origin_eta_phi", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
318  //m_EffDenominator->Rebin2D();//here change the default binnning of eta-phi! disabled once we are in 64 bins
319  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
320  TH2F* h_EffNumerator =
321  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_%s_eta_phi", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data(),
322  muonqualstr[i].Data()));
323  TH2F* h_Efficiency =
324  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_%s_eff", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data(), muonqualstr[i].Data()));
325  TwoDto2D_Eff(h_EffNumerator, h_EffDenominator, h_Efficiency);//here change the default binnning of eta-phi
326  }
328  TH2F* eff_nPrec = (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_eff_nPrec", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
329  TH2F* eff_nPhi = (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_eff_nPhi", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
330  TH2F* eff_nTrigEta = (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_eff_nTrigEta", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
331  TH2F* eff_ndof = (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_eff_ndof", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
332  TH2F* eff_chi2 = (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_eff_chi2", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
333  TH2F* ID_eff_ndof = (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_ID_eff_ndof", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
334  TH2F* ID_eff_chi2 = (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_ID_eff_chi2", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
335  TH2F* MS_eff_ndof = (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_MS_eff_ndof", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
336  TH2F* MS_eff_chi2 = (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_MS_eff_chi2", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
338  TH2F* avg_hits_precision_inner =
339  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_avg_hits_precision_inner", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
340  TH2F* avg_hits_precision_middle =
341  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_avg_hits_precision_middle", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
342  TH2F* avg_hits_precision_outer =
343  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_avg_hits_precision_outer", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
344  TH2F* avg_hits_precision_extended =
345  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_avg_hits_precision_extended", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
347  TH2F* avg_hits_trigger_layer1 =
348  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_avg_hits_trigger_layer1", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
349  TH2F* avg_hits_trigger_layer2 =
350  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_avg_hits_trigger_layer2", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
351  TH2F* avg_hits_trigger_layer3 =
352  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_avg_hits_trigger_layer3", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
353  TH2F* avg_hits_trigger_layer4 =
354  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_avg_hits_trigger_layer4", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
356  TH2F* avg_hits_ibl = (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_avg_hits_ibl", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
357  TH2F* avg_hits_pix = (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_avg_hits_pix", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
358  TH2F* avg_hits_sct = (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_avg_hits_sct", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
359  TH2F* avg_hits_trt = (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_avg_hits_trt", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
361  TH2F* avg_ddpt_idme = (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_avg_ddpt_idme", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
362  TH2F* avg_dptsignif = (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sMuons_%s_avg_dptsignif", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data()));
364  TwoDto2D_Eff(eff_nPrec, h_EffDenominator, eff_nPrec);
365  TwoDto2D_Eff(eff_nPhi, h_EffDenominator, eff_nPhi);
366  TwoDto2D_Eff(eff_nTrigEta, h_EffDenominator, eff_nTrigEta);
367  TwoDto2D_Eff(eff_ndof, h_EffDenominator, eff_ndof);
368  TwoDto2D_Eff(eff_chi2, h_EffDenominator, eff_chi2);
369  TwoDto2D_Eff(ID_eff_ndof, h_EffDenominator, ID_eff_ndof);
370  TwoDto2D_Eff(ID_eff_chi2, h_EffDenominator, ID_eff_chi2);
371  TwoDto2D_Eff(MS_eff_ndof, h_EffDenominator, MS_eff_ndof);
372  TwoDto2D_Eff(MS_eff_chi2, h_EffDenominator, MS_eff_chi2);
374  TwoDto2D_Eff(avg_hits_precision_inner, h_EffDenominator, avg_hits_precision_inner);
375  TwoDto2D_Eff(avg_hits_precision_middle, h_EffDenominator, avg_hits_precision_middle);
376  TwoDto2D_Eff(avg_hits_precision_outer, h_EffDenominator, avg_hits_precision_outer);
377  TwoDto2D_Eff(avg_hits_precision_extended, h_EffDenominator, avg_hits_precision_extended);
379  TwoDto2D_Eff(avg_hits_trigger_layer1, h_EffDenominator, avg_hits_trigger_layer1);
380  TwoDto2D_Eff(avg_hits_trigger_layer2, h_EffDenominator, avg_hits_trigger_layer2);
381  TwoDto2D_Eff(avg_hits_trigger_layer3, h_EffDenominator, avg_hits_trigger_layer3);
382  TwoDto2D_Eff(avg_hits_trigger_layer4, h_EffDenominator, avg_hits_trigger_layer4);
384  TwoDto2D_Eff(avg_hits_ibl, h_EffDenominator, avg_hits_ibl);
385  TwoDto2D_Eff(avg_hits_pix, h_EffDenominator, avg_hits_pix);
386  TwoDto2D_Eff(avg_hits_sct, h_EffDenominator, avg_hits_sct);
387  TwoDto2D_Eff(avg_hits_trt, h_EffDenominator, avg_hits_trt);
389  TwoDto2D_Eff(avg_ddpt_idme, h_EffDenominator, avg_ddpt_idme);
390  TwoDto2D_Eff(avg_dptsignif, h_EffDenominator, avg_dptsignif);
391  }//ends different subfolder for muon efficiency
394  //Do the luminoisty part
395  TString mDir_lb = motherDir + "Overview/";
396  if (!f->cd(mDir_lb)) return;
398  TIter nextcd_lb(gDirectory->GetListOfKeys());
399  while (TKey* key1 = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(nextcd_lb())) {
400  //While in the segments
401  TString recalg_path = key1->GetName();
402  TString recalg_fullStr = mDir_lb + key1->GetName();
403  TDirectory* dir1 = f->GetDirectory(recalg_fullStr);
404  if (!dir1) continue;
405  dir1->cd();
407  TString montype[3] = {
408  "Segment", "MuonTrack", "Muon"
409  };
410  // Divide the efficiency histograms
411  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
412  TH2F* h_parent_lb =
413  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sOverview_%s_n%s_LB_2D", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data(), montype[i].Data()));
414  TH1F* h_child_lb =
415  (TH1F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sOverview_%s_n%s_LB", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data(), montype[i].Data()));
416  //TH2F* h_parent_inst = (TH2F*)dir1->Get(Form("%sOverview_%s_n%s_Inst_2D", plotdirname.Data(),
417  // recalg_path.Data(), montype[i].Data()));
418  //TH1F* h_child_inst = (TH1F*)dir1->Get(Form("%sOverview_%s_n%s_Inst", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data(),
419  // montype[i].Data()));
420  //TH2F* h_parent_intlumi = (TH2F*)dir1->Get(Form("%sOverview_%s_n%s_IntLumi_2D", plotdirname.Data(),
421  // recalg_path.Data(), montype[i].Data()));
422  //TH1F* h_child_intlumi = (TH1F*)dir1->Get(Form("%sOverview_%s_n%s_IntLumi", plotdirname.Data(),
423  // recalg_path.Data(), montype[i].Data()));
424  TwoDto1D_Mean(h_parent_lb, h_child_lb);
425  //TwoDto1D_Mean(h_parent_inst, h_child_inst);
426  //TwoDto1D_Mean(h_parent_intlumi, h_child_intlumi);
427  }
428  TString resonance[2] = {
429  "Z", "Jpsi"
430  };
431  // Divide the efficiency histograms
432  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
433  TH2F* h_parent_lb =
434  (TH2F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sOverview_%s_n%s_LB_2D", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data(),
435  resonance[i].Data()));
436  TH1F* h_child_lb =
437  (TH1F*) dir1->Get(Form("%sOverview_%s_n%s_LB", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data(), resonance[i].Data()));
438  //TH2F* h_parent_inst = (TH2F*)dir1->Get(Form("%sOverview_%s_n%s_Inst_2D", plotdirname.Data(),
439  // recalg_path.Data(), resonance[i].Data()));
440  //TH1F* h_child_inst = (TH1F*)dir1->Get(Form("%sOverview_%s_n%s_Inst", plotdirname.Data(), recalg_path.Data(),
441  // resonance[i].Data()));
442  //TH2F* h_parent_intlumi = (TH2F*)dir1->Get(Form("%sOverview_%s_n%s_IntLumi_2D", plotdirname.Data(),
443  // recalg_path.Data(), resonance[i].Data()));
444  //TH1F* h_child_intlumi = (TH1F*)dir1->Get(Form("%sOverview_%s_n%s_IntLumi", plotdirname.Data(),
445  // recalg_path.Data(), resonance[i].Data()));
446  TwoDto1D_Sum(h_parent_lb, h_child_lb);
447  //TwoDto1D_Sum(h_parent_inst, h_child_inst);
448  //TwoDto1D_Sum(h_parent_intlumi, h_child_intlumi);
449  }
450  }//ends different subfolder for luminosity
453  //Do the muon part; only for the main directory!
454  if (!dirname.Contains("NoTrig")) {
455  //std::cout << "get to trackphys " << std::endl;
456  TString mDir_phys = motherDir + "MuonTrkPhys/";
457  if (!f->cd(mDir_phys)) return;
459  TIter nextcd_phys(gDirectory->GetListOfKeys());
460  while (TKey* key1 = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(nextcd_phys())) {
461  //While in the segments
462  TString recalg_path = key1->GetName();
463  TString recalg_fullStr = mDir_phys + key1->GetName();
464  TDirectory* dir1 = f->GetDirectory(recalg_fullStr);
465  if (!dir1) continue;
466  dir1->cd();
468  TH1* h_Mass_Mean = (TH1F*) dir1->Get(Form("m_%s_M_Mean", recalg_path.Data()));
469  TH1* h_Mass_Sigma = (TH1F*) dir1->Get(Form("m_%s_M_Sigma", recalg_path.Data()));
470  // Get each of the mass histograms
471  TString det_region[4] = {
472  "EC", "BC", "BA", "EA"
473  };
474  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
475  for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
476  TH1* h_Mass_region = (TH1F*) dir1->Get(Form("m_%s_M_%s_%s", recalg_path.Data(),
477  det_region[i].Data(), det_region[j].Data()));
478  //std::cout << " bin " << i * 4 + (j + 1) << " content " << det_region[i] << " " << det_region[j] <<
479  // std::endl;
480  SetMassInfo(i * 4 + (j + 1), h_Mass_region, h_Mass_Mean, h_Mass_Sigma, recalg_path);
481  if (h_Mass_region != NULL) h_Mass_region->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
482  }
483  }
484  if (h_Mass_Mean != NULL) h_Mass_Mean->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
485  if (h_Mass_Sigma != NULL) h_Mass_Sigma->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
486  }
487  }//ends different subfolder for muon efficiency
489  f->Close();
490  delete f;
491  return;
492  } //ends function

◆ MuonTrackPostProcess()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::MuonTrackPostProcess ( const std::string &  inFileName,
bool  isIncremental = false 

Definition at line 207 of file MonitoringFile_MuonTrackPostProcess.cxx.

207  {
208  if (isIncremental) {
209  return;
210  }
211  MonitoringFile::MuonTrack_Main(inFilename, "");
212  MonitoringFile::MuonTrack_Main(inFilename, "NoTrig/");
213  return;
214  }

◆ nTGCWireStripMap()

int dqutils::MonitoringFile::nTGCWireStripMap ( int  ws,
int  etac,
int  phi48 

Definition at line 960 of file MonitoringFile_TGCPostProcess.cxx.

960  {//[0:1][0:42][1:48]
961  int layer = 0;
962  int eta = etac;
963  int st = 0;
964 // if ( etac <= 4 ){ layer = 0; eta = 4 - etac; st = 42;}
965 // else if ( etac <= 9 ){ layer = 1; eta = 9 - etac; st = 42;}
966 // else if ( etac <= 14 ){ layer = 2; eta = 14 - etac; st = 42;}
967 // else if ( etac <= 20 ){ layer = 3; eta = 20 - etac; st = 44;}
968 // else if ( etac <= 26 ){ layer = 4; eta = 26 - etac; st = 44;}
969 // else if ( etac <= 32 ){ layer = 5; eta = 32 - etac; st = 46;}
970 // else if ( etac <= 38 ){ layer = 6; eta = 38 - etac; st = 46;}
971 // else if ( etac <= 40 ){ layer = 7; eta = 40 - etac; st = 48;}
972 // else if ( etac <= 42 ){ layer = 8; eta = 42 - etac; st = 48;}
974  int binx = etac + 1;
976  if (binx % 7 >= 1 && binx % 7 <= 3 && binx <= 28) {
977  layer = (binx - 1) % 7;
978  eta = 4 - (binx - 1) / 7;
979  st = 42;
980  } else if (binx % 7 >= 4 && binx % 7 <= 5 && binx <= 28) {
981  layer = (binx - 1) % 7;
982  eta = 5 - (binx - 1) / 7;
983  st = 44;
984  } else if ((binx - 1) % 7 >= 5 && binx <= 28) {
985  layer = (binx - 1) % 7;
986  eta = 5 - (binx - 1) / 7;
987  st = 46;
988  } else if (binx > 28 && binx <= 30) {
989  layer = binx - 28 + 3 - 1;
990  eta = 1;
991  st = 44;
992  } else if (binx > 30 && binx <= 32) {
993  layer = binx - 28 + 3 - 1;
994  eta = 1;
995  st = 46;
996  } else if (binx > 32 && binx <= 35) {
997  layer = binx - 32 - 1;
998  eta = 0;
999  st = 42;
1000  } else if (binx > 35 && binx <= 37) {
1001  layer = binx - 32 - 1;
1002  eta = 0;
1003  st = 44;
1004  } else if (binx > 37 && binx <= 39) {
1005  layer = binx - 32 - 1;
1006  eta = 0;
1007  st = 46;
1008  } else if (binx > 39 && binx <= 41) {
1009  layer = binx - 32 - 1;
1010  eta = 1;
1011  st = 48;
1012  } else if (binx > 41 && binx <= 43) {
1013  layer = binx - 34 - 1;
1014  eta = 0;
1015  st = 48;
1016  }
1019  if (eta == 0) st -= 1;
1022  int nwire = getTGCNumberOfWires(st, layer, eta, phi48);
1025  //number of strips is always 32 except no chamber region which should be nwire==0.
1026  if (ws == 1) {
1027  if (nwire == 0) return 0;
1029  return 32;
1030  }
1032  return nwire;
1033  }

◆ PixelPostProcess()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::PixelPostProcess ( const std::string &  inFilename,
bool  isIncremental = false 


for hit occupancy

get histo



for cluster occupancy

get histo


for error map


get histo



for disabled + sync errors module


Definition at line 41 of file MonitoringFile_PixelPostProcess.cxx.

41  {
42  if (rno_debug) std::cout << "Start Pixel post-processing" << std::endl;
44  TFile* infile = TFile::Open(inFilename.c_str(), "UPDATE");
45  if (infile == 0 || !infile->IsOpen()) {
46  std::cerr << "--> PixelPostProcess: Input file not opened" << std::endl;
47  return;
48  }
49  if (infile->IsZombie()) {
50  std::cerr << "--> PixelPostProcess: Input file " << inFilename << " cannot be opened" << std::endl;
51  return;
52  }
53  if (infile->GetSize() < 1000) {
54  std::cerr << "--> PixelPostProcess: Input file empty " << std::endl;
55  return;
56  }
58  //start postprocessing
60  TIter next_run(infile->GetListOfKeys());
61  TKey* key_run(0);
62  key_run = (TKey*) next_run();
63  TDirectory* dir0 = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*> (key_run->ReadObj());
64  if (!dir0) return; // should never fail
66  dir0->cd();
68  TString run_dir;
69  int times = 1;
70  while (times--) { // just once
71  run_dir = dir0->GetName();
73  TString rno_dir = run_dir + "/Pixel/Hits/";
74  TDirectory* dir = infile->GetDirectory(rno_dir);
75  if (!dir) {
76  std::cerr << "--> PixelPostProcess: directory " << rno_dir << " not found " << std::endl;
77  return;
78  }
80  TString clus_dir = run_dir + "/Pixel/Clusters/";
81  TDirectory* clusdir = infile->GetDirectory(clus_dir);
82  if (!clusdir) {
83  std::cerr << "--> PixelPostProcess: directory " << clus_dir << " not found " << std::endl;
84  return;
85  }
87  TString err_dir = run_dir + "/Pixel/Errors/";
88  TDirectory* errdir = infile->GetDirectory(err_dir);
89  if (!errdir) {
90  std::cerr << "--> PixelPostProcess: directory " << err_dir << " not found " << std::endl;
91  return;
92  }
94  TString status_dir = run_dir + "/Pixel/Status/";
95  TDirectory* statusdir = infile->GetDirectory(status_dir);
96  if (!statusdir) {
97  std::cerr << "--> PixelPostProcess: directory " << status_dir << " not found " << std::endl;
98  return;
99  }
101  TString norm_histName = rno_dir + "num_hits";
102  TH1F* h_norm = (TH1F*) infile->Get(norm_histName);
103  if (!h_norm) {
104  std::cerr << "--> PixelPostProcess: could not find normalisation histogram " << norm_histName << std::endl;
105  return;
106  }
108  const static int nlayer = 8;
109  float nevents = h_norm->Integral(0, h_norm->GetNbinsX() + 1);
110  TString layerName[nlayer] = {
111  "IBL", "B0", "B1", "B2", "ECA", "ECC", "IBL2D", "IBL3D"
112  };
113  float npixel[nlayer] = {
114  26880, 46080, 46080, 46080, 46080, 46080, 26880, 26880
115  };
116  float nmodule[nlayer] = {
117  280., 286., 494., 676., 144., 144., 168., 112.
118  };
120  const static int nerror = 5;
121  //TString errorName[nerror] = {"OpticalErrors_", "SEUErrors_", "SyncErrors_", "TimeoutErrors_", "TruncErrors_"};
122  TString errorName[nerror] = {
123  "OpticalErrors_", "SEUErrors_", "SyncErrors_", "TimeoutErrors_", "TruncErrors_"
124  };
126  TH2F* h_occ[nlayer];
127  TH2F* h_occ_new[nlayer];
128  TH2F* h_clus[nlayer];
129  TH2F* h_clus_new[nlayer];
130  TH2F* h_err[nlayer][nerror];
131  TH2F* h_err_new[nlayer][nerror];
132  TH1F* h_disabled_per_lumi[nlayer];
133  TH1F* h_syncerr_per_lumi[nlayer];
134  TH1F* h_disabled_syncerr_per_lumi[nlayer];
136  for (int i = 0; i < nlayer; i++) {
138  h_occ[i] = 0;
139  h_occ_new[i] = 0;
140  h_clus[i] = 0;
141  h_clus_new[i] = 0;
142  h_disabled_per_lumi[i] = 0;
143  h_syncerr_per_lumi[i] = 0;
144  h_disabled_syncerr_per_lumi[i] = 0;
149  TString keyname = "Occupancy_";
150  TString histName = rno_dir + keyname + layerName[i];
151  h_occ[i] = (TH2F*) infile->Get(histName);
153  if (h_occ[i]) {
154  TString tmpname = keyname + layerName[i] + "_byPostProcess";
155  h_occ_new[i] = (TH2F*) h_occ[i]->Clone(tmpname);
156  h_occ_new[i]->Scale(1.0 / (nevents * npixel[i]));
157  }
159  dir->cd();
160  if (h_occ_new[i]) h_occ_new[i]->Write();
165  keyname = "Cluster_Occupancy_";
166  histName = clus_dir + keyname + layerName[i];
167  h_clus[i] = (TH2F*) infile->Get(histName);
169  if (h_clus[i]) {
170  TString tmpname = keyname + layerName[i] + "_byPostProcess";
171  h_clus_new[i] = (TH2F*) h_clus[i]->Clone(tmpname);
172  h_clus_new[i]->Scale(1.0 / nevents);
173  }
174  clusdir->cd();
175  if (h_clus_new[i]) h_clus_new[i]->Write();
179  for (int j = 0; j < nerror; j++) {
181  h_err[i][j] = 0;
182  h_err_new[i][j] = 0;
184  keyname = errorName[j];
185  histName = err_dir + keyname + layerName[i];
186  h_err[i][j] = (TH2F*) infile->Get(histName);
188  if (h_err[i][j]) {
189  TString tmpname = keyname + layerName[i] + "_byPostProcess";
190  h_err_new[i][j] = (TH2F*) h_err[i][j]->Clone(tmpname);
191  h_err_new[i][j]->Scale(1.0 / nevents);
192  }
194  errdir->cd();
195  if (h_err_new[i][j]) h_err_new[i][j]->Write();
196  }
199  keyname = "SyncErrorsFrac_per_event_";
200  histName = err_dir + keyname + layerName[i];
201  h_syncerr_per_lumi[i] = (TH1F*) infile->Get(histName);
202  keyname = "DisabledModules_per_lumi_";
203  histName = status_dir + keyname + layerName[i];
204  h_disabled_per_lumi[i] = (TH1F*) infile->Get(histName);
206  if (h_disabled_per_lumi[i] && h_syncerr_per_lumi[i]) {
207  keyname = "DisabledAndSyncErrorsModules_per_lumi_";
208  TString tmpname = keyname + layerName[i] + "_byPostProcess";
209  h_disabled_syncerr_per_lumi[i] = new TH1F(tmpname,
210  "Disable and Sync error per module per event;Lumi block;Avg. fraction per event", 2500, 0,
211  2500);
212  //h_disabled_syncerr_per_lumi[i]->Scale( 1.0/nmodule[i] );
213  for (int ibin = 0; ibin < 2500 + 1; ibin++) {
214  Double_t cont1 = h_disabled_per_lumi[i]->GetBinContent(ibin) / nmodule[i];
215  Double_t err1 = h_disabled_per_lumi[i]->GetBinError(ibin) / nmodule[i];
216  Double_t cont2 = h_syncerr_per_lumi[i]->GetBinContent(ibin);
217  Double_t err2 = h_syncerr_per_lumi[i]->GetBinError(ibin);
218  h_disabled_syncerr_per_lumi[i]->SetBinContent(ibin, cont1 + cont2);
219  h_disabled_syncerr_per_lumi[i]->SetBinError(ibin, err1 + err2);
220  }
221  }
222  errdir->cd();
223  if (h_disabled_syncerr_per_lumi[i]) h_disabled_syncerr_per_lumi[i]->Write();
224  }
227  infile->Write();
228  }//while
229  }

◆ printDirectories()

virtual void dqutils::MonitoringFile::printDirectories ( )

◆ printHanConfig()

virtual void dqutils::MonitoringFile::printHanConfig ( )

◆ printStatistics()

virtual void dqutils::MonitoringFile::printStatistics ( )

◆ ProcessAsymHistograms()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::ProcessAsymHistograms ( TH1F m_neg,
TH1F m_pos,
TH1F m_asym 

Definition at line 3106 of file MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx.

3107  {
3108  if (h_neg->GetNbinsX() != h_pos->GetNbinsX() || h_neg->GetNbinsX() != h_asym->GetNbinsX()) return;
3110  for (int i = 1; i <= h_neg->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
3111  float asym = 0;
3112  float err = 0;
3113  float a = h_neg->GetBinContent(i);
3114  float b = h_pos->GetBinContent(i);
3115  float e1 = h_neg->GetBinError(i);
3116  float e2 = h_pos->GetBinError(i);
3117  if ((a + b) > 0) {
3118  asym = (a - b) / (a + b);
3119  //error propagation
3120  err = sqrt((4 * b * b * e1 * e1 + 4 * a * a * e2 * e2) / pow(a + b, 4));
3121  }
3122  h_asym->SetBinContent(i, asym);
3123  h_asym->SetBinError(i, err);
3124  }
3125  }

◆ processModule()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::processModule ( TFile *  f,
const std::string &  run_dir,
TKey *  key_module,
const std::string &  moduleName 

Definition at line 115 of file MonitoringFile_DiMuPostProcess.cxx.

116  {
117  TObject* obj_mod = key_module->ReadObj();
118  TDirectory* tdir_mod = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_mod);
120  if (tdir_mod != 0) {
121  TIter next_trigger(tdir_mod->GetListOfKeys());
122  TKey* key_trigger(0);
123  while ((key_trigger = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_trigger())) != 0) {
124  std::string triggerName = key_trigger->GetName();
125  fitMergedFile_DiMuMonAll(f, run_dir, moduleName, triggerName);
126  }
127  } else {
128  delete obj_mod;
129  }
130  }

◆ pv_PrimaryVertexMonitoring_calcResoAndEfficiency()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::pv_PrimaryVertexMonitoring_calcResoAndEfficiency ( const std::string &  inFilename,
bool  isIncremental = false 

Definition at line 35 of file MonitoringFile_IDEnhancedPrimaryVertex.cxx.

36  {
37 // std::cout << "\n";
38 // std::cout << "Running Inner-Detector primary vertexing monitoring analysis\n";
39 // std::cout << "\nWarning messages from fitting and histogram updating follow:\n\n";
41  TFile* f = TFile::Open(inFilename.c_str(), "UPDATE");
43  if (f == 0 || !f->IsOpen()) {
44  //std::cerr << "MonitoringFile::PrimaryVertexMonitoring_calcResoAndEfficiency(): "
45 // << "Input file not opened\n";
46  delete f;
47  return;
48  }
49  if (f->GetSize() < 1000.) {
50 // std::cerr << "MonitoringFile::PrimaryVertexMonitoring_calcResoAndEfficiency(): "
51 // << "MonitoringFile empty\n";
52  delete f;
53  return;
54  }
56  bool dirExists = false;
57  TString run_dir;
58  TIter next_run(f->GetListOfKeys());
59  TKey* key_run(0);
60  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_run())) != 0) {
61  TObject* obj_run = key_run->ReadObj();
62  TDirectory* tdir_run = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_run);
63  if (tdir_run != 0) {
64  std::string tdir_run_name(tdir_run->GetName());
65  if (tdir_run_name.find("run") != std::string::npos) {
66  run_dir = tdir_run_name;
68  dirExists = f->GetDirectory(run_dir + "/InDetGlobal/PrimaryVertex");
69  if (dirExists) {
70 // std::cout << run_dir << "/InDetGlobal/PrimaryVertex exists. Creating and saving plots:" << std::endl;
71  f->cd(run_dir + "/InDetGlobal/PrimaryVertex");
72  }
73  }
74  } else {
75  delete obj_run;
76  }
77  }
79  if (!dirExists) {
80  //std::cerr << "Either enhanced vertex info is not there or monitoring file was produced outside T0 context.
81  // Trying dir: InDetGlobal/PrimaryVertex\n";
82  dirExists = f->GetDirectory("InDetGlobal/PrimaryVertex");
83  if (dirExists) f->cd("InDetGlobal/PrimaryVertex");
84  }
86  if (dirExists) {
87  // create histos
88  plotResolution("X", "Ntrk");
89  plotResolution("Y", "Ntrk");
90  plotResolution("Z", "Ntrk");
92  plotResolution("X", "SumPt2");
93  plotResolution("Y", "SumPt2");
94  plotResolution("Z", "SumPt2");
97  }
99  f->Close();
100  delete f;
101 // std::cout << "\n";
102 // std::cout << "Finish Inner-Detector primary vertex monitoring analysis"<<std::endl;
103  return;
104  }

◆ RPCCheckHistogram()

bool dqutils::MonitoringFile::RPCCheckHistogram ( TFile *  f,
const char *  HistoName 

Definition at line 1778 of file MonitoringFile_RPCPostProcess.cxx.

1779  {
1780  if (!(f->Get(HistoName))) {
1781  return false;
1782  } else return true;
1783  }

◆ RPCPostProcess()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::RPCPostProcess ( const std::string &  inFilename,
bool  isIncremental = false 

create and insert entries in SQLite DB

Definition at line 59 of file MonitoringFile_RPCPostProcess.cxx.

59  {
60  // std::cout << "Running RPC post processing \n" ;
62  bool applyEffThreshold = true;
63  bool EffThreshold = false;
64  bool printout = true;
65  float Minimum_efficiency = 0.5;
69  TFile* f = TFile::Open(inFilename.c_str(), "UPDATE");
71  if (f == 0) {
72  std::cerr << "MonitoringFile::RPCPostProcess(): "
73  << "Input file not opened \n";
74  return;
75  }
76  if (f->GetSize() < 1000.) {
77  std::cerr << "MonitoringFile::RPCPostProcess(): "
78  << "Input file empty \n";
79  return;
80  }
81  CoolRpc coolrpc;
83  // get run directory name
84  std::string run_dir;
85  TIter next_run(f->GetListOfKeys());
86  TKey* key_run(0);
87  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next_run())) != 0) {
88  TObject* obj_run = key_run->ReadObj();
89  TDirectory* tdir_run = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_run);
90  if (tdir_run != 0) {
91  std::string tdir_run_name(tdir_run->GetName());
92  if (tdir_run_name.find("run") != std::string::npos) {
93  run_dir = std::move(tdir_run_name);
95  int run_number;
96  run_number = atoi((run_dir.substr(4, run_dir.size() - 4)).c_str());
97  std::cout << "run_number rpc monitoring " << run_number << std::endl;
99  std::string pathRawMon = run_dir + "/Muon/MuonRawDataMonitoring/RPC/";
100  //std::string pathTrackMon = run_dir + "/Muon/MuonTrackMonitoring/NoTrigger/RPCStandAloneTrackMon/" ;
101  std::string pathTrackMon = run_dir + "/Muon/MuonRawDataMonitoring/RPCStandAloneTrackMon/";
103  std::string dir_ov_raw = pathRawMon + "Overview/";
104  std::string dir_sum_raw = pathRawMon + "Summary/";
105  std::string dir_dqmf_raw = pathRawMon + "Dqmf/";
107  std::string dir_sideA_track = pathTrackMon + "RPCBA/";
108  std::string dir_sideC_track = pathTrackMon + "RPCBC/";
109  std::string dir_glob_track = pathTrackMon + "GLOBAL/";
110  std::string dir_sum_track = pathTrackMon + "Summary/";
111  std::string dir_dqmf_track = pathTrackMon + "Dqmf/";
112  std::string dir_trigger_track = pathTrackMon + "TriggerEfficiency/";
114  double n_hit_f, n_tr_p, panel_eff, panel_err_eff;
115  double nEta, nPhi, nEtaPhi, gapEff = 0.0, gapErrEff = 0.0;
116  double res_mean, res2_mean, res_RMS;
117  double panel_occ;
118  double panelCS, panelCS2, panelCS_entries, panelCS_mean, panelCS2_mean, panelCS_RMS;
119  double Time_mean, Time2_mean, Time_RMS;
120  double noiseCorr, noiseCorrErr;
121  double noiseTot, noiseTotErr;
122  double noiseErrNorm;
124  // trigger efficiency
125  std::string METracks_name = dir_trigger_track + "hMEtracks";
126  std::string MuctpiThr0_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCMuctpiThr0";
127  std::string MuctpiThr1_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCMuctpiThr1";
128  std::string MuctpiThr2_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCMuctpiThr2";
129  std::string MuctpiThr3_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCMuctpiThr3";
130  std::string MuctpiThr4_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCMuctpiThr4";
131  std::string MuctpiThr5_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCMuctpiThr5";
132  std::string PadThr0_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPadThr0";
133  std::string PadThr1_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPadThr1";
134  std::string PadThr2_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPadThr2";
135  std::string PadThr3_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPadThr3";
136  std::string PadThr4_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPadThr4";
137  std::string PadThr5_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPadThr5";
138  std::string PhiEtaCoinThr0_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPhiEtaCoinThr0";
139  std::string PhiEtaCoinThr1_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPhiEtaCoinThr1";
140  std::string PhiEtaCoinThr2_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPhiEtaCoinThr2";
141  std::string PhiEtaCoinThr3_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPhiEtaCoinThr3";
142  std::string PhiEtaCoinThr4_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPhiEtaCoinThr4";
143  std::string PhiEtaCoinThr5_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPhiEtaCoinThr5";
145  std::string MuctpiThr_eff0_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCMuctpiThr_eff0";
146  std::string MuctpiThr_eff1_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCMuctpiThr_eff1";
147  std::string MuctpiThr_eff2_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCMuctpiThr_eff2";
148  std::string MuctpiThr_eff3_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCMuctpiThr_eff3";
149  std::string MuctpiThr_eff4_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCMuctpiThr_eff4";
150  std::string MuctpiThr_eff5_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCMuctpiThr_eff5";
151  std::string PadThr_eff0_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPadThr_eff0";
152  std::string PadThr_eff1_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPadThr_eff1";
153  std::string PadThr_eff2_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPadThr_eff2";
154  std::string PadThr_eff3_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPadThr_eff3";
155  std::string PadThr_eff4_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPadThr_eff4";
156  std::string PadThr_eff5_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPadThr_eff5";
157  std::string PhiEtaCoinThr_eff0_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPhiEtaCoinThr_eff0";
158  std::string PhiEtaCoinThr_eff1_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPhiEtaCoinThr_eff1";
159  std::string PhiEtaCoinThr_eff2_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPhiEtaCoinThr_eff2";
160  std::string PhiEtaCoinThr_eff3_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPhiEtaCoinThr_eff3";
161  std::string PhiEtaCoinThr_eff4_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPhiEtaCoinThr_eff4";
162  std::string PhiEtaCoinThr_eff5_name = dir_trigger_track + "hRPCPhiEtaCoinThr_eff5";
165  if (RPCCheckHistogram(f,
166  METracks_name.c_str()) &&
167  RPCCheckHistogram(f, MuctpiThr0_name.c_str()) && RPCCheckHistogram(f, MuctpiThr_eff0_name.c_str())) {
168  TH1I* hist_METracks = (TH1I*) (f->Get(METracks_name.c_str()));
169  TH1I* hist_MuctpiThr0 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(MuctpiThr0_name.c_str()));
170  TH1I* hist_MuctpiThr1 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(MuctpiThr1_name.c_str()));
171  TH1I* hist_MuctpiThr2 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(MuctpiThr2_name.c_str()));
172  TH1I* hist_MuctpiThr3 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(MuctpiThr3_name.c_str()));
173  TH1I* hist_MuctpiThr4 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(MuctpiThr4_name.c_str()));
174  TH1I* hist_MuctpiThr5 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(MuctpiThr5_name.c_str()));
175  TH1I* hist_PadThr0 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PadThr0_name.c_str()));
176  TH1I* hist_PadThr1 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PadThr1_name.c_str()));
177  TH1I* hist_PadThr2 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PadThr2_name.c_str()));
178  TH1I* hist_PadThr3 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PadThr3_name.c_str()));
179  TH1I* hist_PadThr4 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PadThr4_name.c_str()));
180  TH1I* hist_PadThr5 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PadThr5_name.c_str()));
181  TH1I* hist_PhiEtaCoinThr0 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PhiEtaCoinThr0_name.c_str()));
182  TH1I* hist_PhiEtaCoinThr1 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PhiEtaCoinThr1_name.c_str()));
183  TH1I* hist_PhiEtaCoinThr2 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PhiEtaCoinThr2_name.c_str()));
184  TH1I* hist_PhiEtaCoinThr3 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PhiEtaCoinThr3_name.c_str()));
185  TH1I* hist_PhiEtaCoinThr4 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PhiEtaCoinThr4_name.c_str()));
186  TH1I* hist_PhiEtaCoinThr5 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PhiEtaCoinThr5_name.c_str()));
187  TH1I* hist_MuctpiThr_eff0 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(MuctpiThr_eff0_name.c_str()));
188  TH1I* hist_MuctpiThr_eff1 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(MuctpiThr_eff1_name.c_str()));
189  TH1I* hist_MuctpiThr_eff2 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(MuctpiThr_eff2_name.c_str()));
190  TH1I* hist_MuctpiThr_eff3 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(MuctpiThr_eff3_name.c_str()));
191  TH1I* hist_MuctpiThr_eff4 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(MuctpiThr_eff4_name.c_str()));
192  TH1I* hist_MuctpiThr_eff5 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(MuctpiThr_eff5_name.c_str()));
193  TH1I* hist_PadThr_eff0 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PadThr_eff0_name.c_str()));
194  TH1I* hist_PadThr_eff1 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PadThr_eff1_name.c_str()));
195  TH1I* hist_PadThr_eff2 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PadThr_eff2_name.c_str()));
196  TH1I* hist_PadThr_eff3 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PadThr_eff3_name.c_str()));
197  TH1I* hist_PadThr_eff4 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PadThr_eff4_name.c_str()));
198  TH1I* hist_PadThr_eff5 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PadThr_eff5_name.c_str()));
199  TH1I* hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff0 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PhiEtaCoinThr_eff0_name.c_str()));
200  TH1I* hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff1 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PhiEtaCoinThr_eff1_name.c_str()));
201  TH1I* hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff2 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PhiEtaCoinThr_eff2_name.c_str()));
202  TH1I* hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff3 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PhiEtaCoinThr_eff3_name.c_str()));
203  TH1I* hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff4 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PhiEtaCoinThr_eff4_name.c_str()));
204  TH1I* hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff5 = (TH1I*) (f->Get(PhiEtaCoinThr_eff5_name.c_str()));
206  int nb = hist_METracks->GetNbinsX();
207  double Ly_eff, Ly_effErr;
208  auto calculateErr = [](float hitOn, float trPrj) -> double {
209  return std::sqrt(std::abs(hitOn) / trPrj) *
210  std::sqrt(1. - std::abs(hitOn) / trPrj) /
211  std::sqrt(trPrj);
212  };
213  for (int ib = 0; ib != nb; ib++) {
214  float n_Ly_hitOn = hist_MuctpiThr0->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
215  float n_Ly_TrPrj = hist_METracks->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
218  if (n_Ly_TrPrj > 0) {
219  //MuctpiThr0
220  Ly_eff = float(n_Ly_hitOn) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj);
222  Ly_effErr = calculateErr(n_Ly_hitOn, n_Ly_TrPrj);
223  hist_MuctpiThr_eff0->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff);
224  hist_MuctpiThr_eff0->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr);
226  //MuctpiThr1
227  n_Ly_hitOn = hist_MuctpiThr1->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
228  Ly_eff = float(n_Ly_hitOn) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj);
229  Ly_effErr = calculateErr(n_Ly_hitOn, n_Ly_TrPrj);
230  hist_MuctpiThr_eff1->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff);
231  hist_MuctpiThr_eff1->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr);
232  //MuctpiThr2
233  n_Ly_hitOn = hist_MuctpiThr2->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
234  Ly_eff = float(n_Ly_hitOn) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj);
236  Ly_effErr = calculateErr(n_Ly_hitOn, n_Ly_TrPrj);
237  hist_MuctpiThr_eff2->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff);
238  hist_MuctpiThr_eff2->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr);
239  //MuctpiThr3
240  n_Ly_hitOn = hist_MuctpiThr3->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
241  Ly_eff = float(n_Ly_hitOn) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj);
243  Ly_effErr = calculateErr(n_Ly_hitOn, n_Ly_TrPrj);
244  hist_MuctpiThr_eff3->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff);
245  hist_MuctpiThr_eff3->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr);
246  //MuctpiThr4
247  n_Ly_hitOn = hist_MuctpiThr4->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
248  Ly_eff = float(n_Ly_hitOn) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj);
250  Ly_effErr = calculateErr(n_Ly_hitOn, n_Ly_TrPrj);
251  hist_MuctpiThr_eff4->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff);
252  hist_MuctpiThr_eff4->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr);
253  //MuctpiThr5
254  n_Ly_hitOn = hist_MuctpiThr5->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
255  Ly_eff = float(n_Ly_hitOn) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj);
257  Ly_effErr = calculateErr(n_Ly_hitOn, n_Ly_TrPrj);
258  hist_MuctpiThr_eff5->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff);
259  hist_MuctpiThr_eff5->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr);
260  //PadThr0
261  n_Ly_hitOn = hist_PadThr0->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
262  Ly_eff = float(n_Ly_hitOn) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj);
264  Ly_effErr = calculateErr(n_Ly_hitOn, n_Ly_TrPrj);
265  hist_PadThr_eff0->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff);
266  hist_PadThr_eff0->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr);
267  //PadThr1
268  n_Ly_hitOn = hist_PadThr1->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
269  Ly_eff = float(n_Ly_hitOn) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj);
271  Ly_effErr = calculateErr(n_Ly_hitOn, n_Ly_TrPrj);
272  hist_PadThr_eff1->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff);
273  hist_PadThr_eff1->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr);
274  //PadThr2
275  n_Ly_hitOn = hist_PadThr2->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
276  Ly_eff = float(n_Ly_hitOn) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj);
278  Ly_effErr = calculateErr(n_Ly_hitOn, n_Ly_TrPrj);
279  hist_PadThr_eff2->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff);
280  hist_PadThr_eff2->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr);
281  //PadThr3
282  n_Ly_hitOn = hist_PadThr3->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
283  Ly_eff = float(n_Ly_hitOn) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj);
285  Ly_effErr = calculateErr(n_Ly_hitOn, n_Ly_TrPrj);
286  hist_PadThr_eff3->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff);
287  hist_PadThr_eff3->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr);
288  //PadThr4
289  n_Ly_hitOn = hist_PadThr4->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
290  Ly_eff = float(n_Ly_hitOn) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj);
292  Ly_effErr = calculateErr(n_Ly_hitOn, n_Ly_TrPrj);
293  hist_PadThr_eff4->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff);
294  hist_PadThr_eff4->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr);
295  //PadThr5
296  n_Ly_hitOn = hist_PadThr5->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
297  Ly_eff = float(n_Ly_hitOn) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj);
299  Ly_effErr = calculateErr(n_Ly_hitOn, n_Ly_TrPrj);
300  hist_PadThr_eff5->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff);
301  hist_PadThr_eff5->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr);
302  //PhiEtaCoinThr0
303  n_Ly_hitOn = hist_PhiEtaCoinThr0->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
304  Ly_eff = float(n_Ly_hitOn) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj);
306  Ly_effErr = calculateErr(n_Ly_hitOn, n_Ly_TrPrj);
307  hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff0->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff);
308  hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff0->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr);
309  //PhiEtaCoinThr1
310  n_Ly_hitOn = hist_PhiEtaCoinThr1->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
311  Ly_eff = float(n_Ly_hitOn) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj);
313  Ly_effErr = calculateErr(n_Ly_hitOn, n_Ly_TrPrj);
314  hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff1->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff);
315  hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff1->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr);
316  //PhiEtaCoinThr2
317  n_Ly_hitOn = hist_PhiEtaCoinThr2->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
318  Ly_eff = float(n_Ly_hitOn) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj);
320  Ly_effErr = calculateErr(n_Ly_hitOn, n_Ly_TrPrj);
321  hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff2->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff);
322  hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff2->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr);
323  //PhiEtaCoinThr3
324  n_Ly_hitOn = hist_PhiEtaCoinThr3->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
325  Ly_eff = float(n_Ly_hitOn) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj);
327  Ly_effErr = calculateErr(n_Ly_hitOn, n_Ly_TrPrj);
328  hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff3->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff);
329  hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff3->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr);
330  //PhiEtaCoinThr4
331  n_Ly_hitOn = hist_PhiEtaCoinThr4->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
332  Ly_eff = float(n_Ly_hitOn) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj);
334  Ly_effErr = calculateErr(n_Ly_hitOn, n_Ly_TrPrj);
335  hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff4->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff);
336  hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff4->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr);
337  //PhiEtaCoinThr5
338  n_Ly_hitOn = hist_PhiEtaCoinThr5->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
339  Ly_eff = float(n_Ly_hitOn) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj);
341  Ly_effErr = calculateErr(n_Ly_hitOn, n_Ly_TrPrj);
342  hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff5->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff);
343  hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff5->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr);
344  }
345  }
347  // write out histogram
348  TDirectory* dir = f->GetDirectory(dir_trigger_track.c_str());
349  if (dir != 0) {
350  dir->cd();
351  hist_MuctpiThr_eff0->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
352  hist_MuctpiThr_eff1->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
353  hist_MuctpiThr_eff2->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
354  hist_MuctpiThr_eff3->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
355  hist_MuctpiThr_eff4->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
356  hist_MuctpiThr_eff5->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
357  hist_PadThr_eff0->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
358  hist_PadThr_eff1->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
359  hist_PadThr_eff2->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
360  hist_PadThr_eff3->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
361  hist_PadThr_eff4->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
362  hist_PadThr_eff5->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
363  hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff0->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
364  hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff1->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
365  hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff2->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
366  hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff3->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
367  hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff4->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
368  hist_PhiEtaCoinThr_eff5->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
369  }
370  }
373  // layer efficiency
374  std::string LyHit_name, LyPrj_name, LyEff_name;
375  LyHit_name = dir_glob_track + "Hit_on_Track_Layer";
376  LyPrj_name = dir_glob_track + "Track_Projected_on_Layer";
377  LyEff_name = dir_glob_track + "Layer_Efficiency";
379  if (RPCCheckHistogram(f,
380  LyHit_name.c_str()) &&
381  RPCCheckHistogram(f, LyPrj_name.c_str()) && RPCCheckHistogram(f, LyEff_name.c_str())) {
382  TH1I* hist_LyHit = (TH1I*) (f->Get(LyHit_name.c_str()));
383  TH1I* hist_LyPrj = (TH1I*) (f->Get(LyPrj_name.c_str()));
384  TH1F* hist_LyEff = (TH1F*) (f->Get(LyEff_name.c_str()));
386  int nb = hist_LyEff->GetNbinsX();
387  double Ly_eff, Ly_effErr;
388  for (int ib = 0; ib != nb; ib++) {
389  float n_Ly_hitOn = hist_LyHit->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
390  float n_Ly_TrPrj = hist_LyPrj->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
392  if (n_Ly_TrPrj > 0) {
393  Ly_eff = float(n_Ly_hitOn) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj);
395  Ly_effErr = sqrt(fabs(n_Ly_hitOn) / n_Ly_TrPrj) *
396  sqrt(1. - fabs(n_Ly_hitOn) / n_Ly_TrPrj) /
397  sqrt(n_Ly_TrPrj);
398  hist_LyEff->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff);
399  hist_LyEff->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr);
400  }
401  }
403  // write out histogram
404  TDirectory* dir = f->GetDirectory(dir_glob_track.c_str());
405  if (dir != 0) {
406  dir->cd();
407  //hist_LyEff->Write();
408  hist_LyEff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
409  }
410  }
413  // layer efficiency Side A
414  std::string LyHit_SideA_name, LyPrj_SideA_name, LyEff_SideA_name;
415  LyHit_SideA_name = dir_sideA_track + "Layer_HitOnTrack_sideA";
416  LyPrj_SideA_name = dir_sideA_track + "Layer_TrackProj_sideA";
417  LyEff_SideA_name = dir_sideA_track + "Layer_Efficiency_sideA";
419  if (RPCCheckHistogram(f,
420  LyHit_SideA_name.c_str()) &&
421  RPCCheckHistogram(f, LyPrj_SideA_name.c_str()) && RPCCheckHistogram(f, LyEff_SideA_name.c_str())) {
422  TH1I* hist_LyHit_SideA = (TH1I*) (f->Get(LyHit_SideA_name.c_str()));
423  TH1I* hist_LyPrj_SideA = (TH1I*) (f->Get(LyPrj_SideA_name.c_str()));
424  TH1F* hist_LyEff_SideA = (TH1F*) (f->Get(LyEff_SideA_name.c_str()));
426  int nb = hist_LyEff_SideA->GetNbinsX();
427  double Ly_eff_SideA, Ly_effErr_SideA;
428  for (int ib = 0; ib != nb; ib++) {
429  float n_Ly_hitOn_SideA = hist_LyHit_SideA->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
430  float n_Ly_TrPrj_SideA = hist_LyPrj_SideA->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
432  if (n_Ly_TrPrj_SideA > 0) {
433  Ly_eff_SideA = float(n_Ly_hitOn_SideA) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj_SideA);
435  Ly_effErr_SideA = sqrt(fabs(n_Ly_hitOn_SideA) / n_Ly_TrPrj_SideA) *
436  sqrt(1. - fabs(n_Ly_hitOn_SideA) / n_Ly_TrPrj_SideA) /
437  sqrt(n_Ly_TrPrj_SideA);
438  hist_LyEff_SideA->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff_SideA);
439  hist_LyEff_SideA->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr_SideA);
440  }
441  }
443  // write out histogram
444  TDirectory* dir = f->GetDirectory(dir_sideA_track.c_str());
445  if (dir != 0) {
446  dir->cd();
447  //hist_LyEff->Write();
448  hist_LyEff_SideA->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
449  }
450  }
452  // layer efficiency Side C
453  std::string LyHit_SideC_name, LyPrj_SideC_name, LyEff_SideC_name;
454  LyHit_SideC_name = dir_sideC_track + "Layer_HitOnTrack_sideC";
455  LyPrj_SideC_name = dir_sideC_track + "Layer_TrackProj_sideC";
456  LyEff_SideC_name = dir_sideC_track + "Layer_Efficiency_sideC";
458  if (RPCCheckHistogram(f,
459  LyHit_SideC_name.c_str()) &&
460  RPCCheckHistogram(f, LyPrj_SideC_name.c_str()) && RPCCheckHistogram(f, LyEff_SideC_name.c_str())) {
461  TH1I* hist_LyHit_SideC = (TH1I*) (f->Get(LyHit_SideC_name.c_str()));
462  TH1I* hist_LyPrj_SideC = (TH1I*) (f->Get(LyPrj_SideC_name.c_str()));
463  TH1F* hist_LyEff_SideC = (TH1F*) (f->Get(LyEff_SideC_name.c_str()));
465  int nb = hist_LyEff_SideC->GetNbinsX();
466  double Ly_eff_SideC, Ly_effErr_SideC;
467  for (int ib = 0; ib != nb; ib++) {
468  float n_Ly_hitOn_SideC = hist_LyHit_SideC->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
469  float n_Ly_TrPrj_SideC = hist_LyPrj_SideC->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
471  if (n_Ly_TrPrj_SideC > 0) {
472  Ly_eff_SideC = float(n_Ly_hitOn_SideC) / float(n_Ly_TrPrj_SideC);
474  Ly_effErr_SideC = sqrt(fabs(n_Ly_hitOn_SideC) / n_Ly_TrPrj_SideC) *
475  sqrt(1. - fabs(n_Ly_hitOn_SideC) / n_Ly_TrPrj_SideC) /
476  sqrt(n_Ly_TrPrj_SideC);
477  hist_LyEff_SideC->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Ly_eff_SideC);
478  hist_LyEff_SideC->SetBinError(ib + 1, Ly_effErr_SideC);
479  }
480  }
481  // write out histogram
482  TDirectory* dir = f->GetDirectory(dir_sideC_track.c_str());
483  if (dir != 0) {
484  dir->cd();
485  //hist_LyEff->Write();
486  hist_LyEff_SideC->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
487  }
488  }
492  int rpc_eventstotal = 0;
493  if (RPCCheckHistogram(f, (dir_ov_raw + "Number_of_RPC_hits_per_event").c_str())) {
494  TH1I* rpc_hits = (TH1I*) (f->Get((dir_ov_raw + "Number_of_RPC_hits_per_event").c_str()));
495  rpc_eventstotal = int(rpc_hits->GetEntries());
496  }
499  // distribution plot all atlas
500  std::string AverageEff_C_name = dir_sideC_track + "Efficiency_Distribution_sideC";
501  std::string AverageEff_A_name = dir_sideA_track + "Efficiency_Distribution_sideA";
502  std::string AverageGapEff_C_name = dir_sideC_track + "GapEfficiency_Distribution_sideC";
503  std::string AverageGapEff_A_name = dir_sideA_track + "GapEfficiency_Distribution_sideA";
504  std::string AverageNoiseCorr_C_name = dir_sideC_track + "NoiseCorr_Distribution_sideC";
505  std::string AverageNoiseCorr_A_name = dir_sideA_track + "NoiseCorr_Distribution_sideA";
506  std::string AverageNoiseTot_C_name = dir_sideC_track + "NoiseTot_Distribution_sideC";
507  std::string AverageNoiseTot_A_name = dir_sideA_track + "NoiseTot_Distribution_sideA";
508  std::string AverageCS_C_name = dir_sideC_track + "CS_Distribution_sideC";
509  std::string AverageCS_A_name = dir_sideA_track + "CS_Distribution_sideA";
510  std::string AverageRes_CS1_C_name = dir_sideC_track + "Res_CS1_Distribution_sideC";
511  std::string AverageRes_CS1_A_name = dir_sideA_track + "Res_CS1_Distribution_sideA";
512  std::string AverageRes_CS2_C_name = dir_sideC_track + "Res_CS2_Distribution_sideC";
513  std::string AverageRes_CS2_A_name = dir_sideA_track + "Res_CS2_Distribution_sideA";
514  std::string AverageRes_CSmore2_C_name = dir_sideC_track + "Res_CSmore2_Distribution_sideC";
515  std::string AverageRes_CSmore2_A_name = dir_sideA_track + "Res_CSmore2_Distribution_sideA";
516  std::string AverageRes_CS1rms_C_name = dir_sideC_track + "Res_CS1rms_Distribution_sideC";
517  std::string AverageRes_CS1rms_A_name = dir_sideA_track + "Res_CS1rms_Distribution_sideA";
518  std::string AverageRes_CS2rms_C_name = dir_sideC_track + "Res_CS2rms_Distribution_sideC";
519  std::string AverageRes_CS2rms_A_name = dir_sideA_track + "Res_CS2rms_Distribution_sideA";
520  std::string AverageRes_CSmore2rms_C_name = dir_sideC_track + "Res_CSmore2rms_Distribution_sideC";
521  std::string AverageRes_CSmore2rms_A_name = dir_sideA_track + "Res_CSmore2rms_Distribution_sideA";
522  std::string AverageOccupancy_C_name = dir_sideC_track + "Occupancy_Distribution_sideC";
523  std::string AverageOccupancy_A_name = dir_sideA_track + "Occupancy_Distribution_sideA";
524  std::string AverageTime_C_name = dir_sideC_track + "Time_Distribution_sideC";
525  std::string AverageTime_A_name = dir_sideA_track + "Time_Distribution_sideA";
528  auto initialiseHisto = [f](const std::string& name) -> TH1F* {
529  TH1F* result = (TH1F*) (f->Get(name.c_str()));
531  return result;
532  };
534  TH1F* h_AverageEff_C = initialiseHisto(AverageEff_C_name);
535  TH1F* h_AverageEff_A = initialiseHisto(AverageEff_A_name);
536  TH1F* h_AverageGapEff_C = initialiseHisto(AverageGapEff_C_name);
537  TH1F* h_AverageGapEff_A = initialiseHisto(AverageGapEff_A_name);
538  TH1F* h_AverageNoiseCorr_C = initialiseHisto(AverageNoiseCorr_C_name);
539  TH1F* h_AverageNoiseCorr_A = initialiseHisto(AverageNoiseCorr_A_name);
540  TH1F* h_AverageNoiseTot_C = initialiseHisto(AverageNoiseTot_C_name);
541  TH1F* h_AverageNoiseTot_A = initialiseHisto(AverageNoiseTot_A_name);
542  TH1F* h_AverageCS_C = initialiseHisto(AverageCS_C_name);
543  TH1F* h_AverageCS_A = initialiseHisto(AverageCS_A_name);
544  TH1F* h_AverageRes_CS1_C = initialiseHisto(AverageRes_CS1_C_name);
545  TH1F* h_AverageRes_CS1_A = initialiseHisto(AverageRes_CS1_A_name);
546  TH1F* h_AverageRes_CS2_C = initialiseHisto(AverageRes_CS2_C_name);
547  TH1F* h_AverageRes_CS2_A = initialiseHisto(AverageRes_CS2_A_name);
548  TH1F* h_AverageRes_CSmore2_C = initialiseHisto(AverageRes_CSmore2_C_name);
549  TH1F* h_AverageRes_CSmore2_A = initialiseHisto(AverageRes_CSmore2_A_name);
550  TH1F* h_AverageRes_CS1rms_C = initialiseHisto(AverageRes_CS1rms_C_name);
551  TH1F* h_AverageRes_CS1rms_A = initialiseHisto(AverageRes_CS1rms_A_name);
552  TH1F* h_AverageRes_CS2rms_C = initialiseHisto(AverageRes_CS2rms_C_name);
553  TH1F* h_AverageRes_CS2rms_A = initialiseHisto(AverageRes_CS2rms_A_name);
554  TH1F* h_AverageRes_CSmore2rms_C = initialiseHisto(AverageRes_CSmore2rms_C_name);
555  TH1F* h_AverageRes_CSmore2rms_A = initialiseHisto(AverageRes_CSmore2rms_A_name);
556  TH1F* h_AverageOccupancy_C = initialiseHisto(AverageOccupancy_C_name);
557  TH1F* h_AverageOccupancy_A = initialiseHisto(AverageOccupancy_A_name);
558  TH1F* h_AverageTime_C = initialiseHisto(AverageTime_C_name);
559  TH1F* h_AverageTime_A = initialiseHisto(AverageTime_A_name);
561  auto resetIfValid = [](TH1F* pH) -> void {
562  if (pH) pH->Reset();
563  return;
564  };
568  resetIfValid(h_AverageEff_C);
569  resetIfValid(h_AverageEff_A);
570  resetIfValid(h_AverageGapEff_C);
571  resetIfValid(h_AverageGapEff_A);
572  resetIfValid(h_AverageNoiseCorr_C);
573  resetIfValid(h_AverageNoiseCorr_A);
574  resetIfValid(h_AverageNoiseTot_C);
575  resetIfValid(h_AverageNoiseTot_A);
576  resetIfValid(h_AverageCS_C);
577  resetIfValid(h_AverageCS_A);
578  resetIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS1_C);
579  resetIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS1_A);
580  resetIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS2_C);
581  resetIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS2_A);
582  resetIfValid(h_AverageRes_CSmore2_C);
583  resetIfValid(h_AverageRes_CSmore2_A);
584  resetIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS1rms_C);
585  resetIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS1rms_A);
586  resetIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS2rms_C);
587  resetIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS2rms_A);
588  resetIfValid(h_AverageRes_CSmore2rms_C);
589  resetIfValid(h_AverageRes_CSmore2rms_A);
590  resetIfValid(h_AverageOccupancy_C);
591  resetIfValid(h_AverageOccupancy_A);
592  resetIfValid(h_AverageTime_C);
593  resetIfValid(h_AverageTime_A);
595  // summary plots
596  int countpanelindb = 0;
597  int countpaneleff0 = 0;
598  int countpaneltrack0 = 0;
599  for (int i_sec = 0; i_sec != 15 * 1 + 1; i_sec++) {
600  char sector_char[100];
601  std::string sector_name;
602  sprintf(sector_char, "_Sector%.2d", i_sec + 1); // sector number with 2 digits
603  sector_name = sector_char;
604  std::cout << " RPC sector_name processing " << sector_name << std::endl;
606  std::string TrackProj_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryTrackProj" + sector_name;
607  std::string HitOnTrack_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryHitOnTrack" + sector_name;
608  std::string HitOnTrackCross_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryHitOnTrack_withCrossStrip" + sector_name;
609  std::string Eff_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryEfficiency" + sector_name;
610  std::string GapEff_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryGapEfficiency" + sector_name;
611  std::string NoiseCorr_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryNoiseCorr" + sector_name;
612  std::string NoiseCorr_s_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryNoiseCorr_NotNorm" + sector_name;
613  std::string NoiseTot_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryNoiseTot" + sector_name;
614  std::string NoiseTot_s_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryNoiseTot_NotNorm" + sector_name;
615  std::string Res_CS1_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryRes_CS1" + sector_name;
616  std::string Res_CS1_s_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryRes_CS1_NotNorm" + sector_name;
617  std::string Res_CS1_square_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryRes_CS1_square" + sector_name;
618  std::string Res_CS1_entries_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryRes_CS1_entries" + sector_name;
619  std::string Res_CS2_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryRes_CS2" + sector_name;
620  std::string Res_CS2_s_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryRes_CS2_NotNorm" + sector_name;
621  std::string Res_CS2_square_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryRes_CS2_square" + sector_name;
622  std::string Res_CS2_entries_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryRes_CS2_entries" + sector_name;
623  std::string Res_CSmore2_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryRes_CSmore2" + sector_name;
624  std::string Res_CSmore2_s_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryRes_CSmore2_NotNorm" + sector_name;
625  std::string Res_CSmore2_square_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryRes_CSmore2_square" + sector_name;
626  std::string Res_CSmore2_entries_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryRes_CSmore2_entries" + sector_name;
627  std::string CS_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryCS" + sector_name;
628  std::string CS_s_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryCS_NotNorm" + sector_name;
629  std::string CS_square_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryCS_square" + sector_name;
630  std::string CS_entries_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryCS_entries" + sector_name;
631  std::string CS1_entries_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryCS1_entries" + sector_name;
632  std::string CS2_entries_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryCS2_entries" + sector_name;
633  std::string Time_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryTime" + sector_name;
634  std::string Time_s_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryTime_NotNorm" + sector_name;
635  std::string Time_square_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryTime_square" + sector_name;
636  std::string Occupancy_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryOccupancy" + sector_name;
637  std::string Occupancy_s_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryOccupancy_NotNorm" + sector_name;
638  std::string PanelId_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryPanelID" + sector_name;
640  // distribution plot per sector
641  std::string EffSecDist_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryEffDistriPerSector" + sector_name;
642  std::string GapEffSecDist_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryGapEffDistriPerSector" + sector_name;
643  std::string NoiseCorrSecDist_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryNoiseCorrDistriPerSector" + sector_name;
644  std::string NoiseTotSecDist_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryNoiseTotDistriPerSector" + sector_name;
645  std::string CSSecDist_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryCSDistriPerSector" + sector_name;
646  std::string Res_CS1SecDist_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryRes_CS1DistriPerSector" + sector_name;
647  std::string Res_CS2SecDist_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryRes_CS2DistriPerSector" + sector_name;
648  std::string Res_CSmore2SecDist_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryRes_CSmore2DistriPerSector" + sector_name;
649  std::string Res_CS1_rmsSecDist_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryRes_CS1rmsDistriPerSector" + sector_name;
650  std::string Res_CS2_rmsSecDist_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryRes_CS2rmsDistriPerSector" + sector_name;
651  std::string Res_CSmore2_rmsSecDist_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryRes_CSmore2rmsDistriPerSector" +
652  sector_name;
653  std::string TimeSecDist_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryTimeDistriPerSector" + sector_name;
654  std::string OccupancySecDist_name = dir_sum_track + "SummaryOccupancyDistriPerSector" + sector_name;
655  //
656  auto initialiseHisto = [f](const std::string& name) -> TH1F* {
657  TH1F* result = (TH1F*) (f->Get(name.c_str()));
659  return result;
660  };
661  TH1F* h_TrackProj = initialiseHisto(TrackProj_name);
662  TH1F* h_HitOnTrack = initialiseHisto(HitOnTrack_name);
663  TH1F* h_HitOnTrackCross = initialiseHisto(HitOnTrackCross_name);
664  TH1F* h_Eff = initialiseHisto(Eff_name);
665  TH1F* h_GapEff = initialiseHisto(GapEff_name);
666  TH1F* h_NoiseCorr = initialiseHisto(NoiseCorr_name);
667  TH1F* h_NoiseCorr_s = initialiseHisto(NoiseCorr_s_name);
668  TH1F* h_NoiseTot = initialiseHisto(NoiseTot_name);
669  TH1F* h_NoiseTot_s = initialiseHisto(NoiseTot_s_name);
670  TH1F* h_Res_CS1 = initialiseHisto(Res_CS1_name);
671  TH1F* h_Res_CS1_s = initialiseHisto(Res_CS1_s_name);
672  TH1F* h_Res_CS1_square = initialiseHisto(Res_CS1_square_name);
673  TH1F* h_Res_CS1_entries = initialiseHisto(Res_CS1_entries_name);
674  TH1F* h_Res_CS2 = initialiseHisto(Res_CS2_name);
675  TH1F* h_Res_CS2_s = initialiseHisto(Res_CS2_s_name);
676  TH1F* h_Res_CS2_square = initialiseHisto(Res_CS2_square_name);
677  TH1F* h_Res_CS2_entries = initialiseHisto(Res_CS2_entries_name);
678  TH1F* h_Res_CSmore2 = initialiseHisto(Res_CSmore2_name);
679  TH1F* h_Res_CSmore2_s = initialiseHisto(Res_CSmore2_s_name);
680  TH1F* h_Res_CSmore2_square = initialiseHisto(Res_CSmore2_square_name);
681  TH1F* h_Res_CSmore2_entries = initialiseHisto(Res_CSmore2_entries_name);
682  TH1F* h_CS = initialiseHisto(CS_name);
683  TH1F* h_CS_s = initialiseHisto(CS_s_name);
684  TH1F* h_CS_square = initialiseHisto(CS_square_name);
685  TH1F* h_CS_entries = initialiseHisto(CS_square_name);
686  TH1F* h_CS1_entries = initialiseHisto(CS1_entries_name);
687  TH1F* h_CS2_entries = initialiseHisto(CS2_entries_name);
688  TH1F* h_Time = initialiseHisto(Time_name);
689  TH1F* h_Time_s = initialiseHisto(Time_s_name);
690  TH1F* h_Time_square = initialiseHisto(Time_square_name);
691  TH1F* h_Occupancy = initialiseHisto(Occupancy_name);
692  TH1F* h_Occupancy_s = initialiseHisto(Occupancy_s_name);
693  TH1F* h_PanelId = initialiseHisto(PanelId_name);
695  TH1F* h_EffSecDist = initialiseHisto(EffSecDist_name);
696  TH1F* h_GapEffSecDist = initialiseHisto(GapEffSecDist_name);
697  TH1F* h_NoiseCorrSecDist = initialiseHisto(NoiseCorrSecDist_name);
698  TH1F* h_NoiseTotSecDist = initialiseHisto(NoiseTotSecDist_name);
699  TH1F* h_CSSecDist = initialiseHisto(CSSecDist_name);
700  TH1F* h_Res_CS1SecDist = initialiseHisto(Res_CS1SecDist_name);
701  TH1F* h_Res_CS2SecDist = initialiseHisto(Res_CS2SecDist_name);
702  TH1F* h_Res_CSmore2SecDist = initialiseHisto(Res_CSmore2SecDist_name);
703  TH1F* h_Res_CS1_rmsSecDist = initialiseHisto(Res_CS1_rmsSecDist_name);
704  TH1F* h_Res_CS2_rmsSecDist = initialiseHisto(Res_CS2_rmsSecDist_name);
705  TH1F* h_Res_CSmore2_rmsSecDist = initialiseHisto(Res_CSmore2_rmsSecDist_name);
706  TH1F* h_TimeSecDist = initialiseHisto(TimeSecDist_name);
707  TH1F* h_OccupancySecDist = initialiseHisto(OccupancySecDist_name);
709  auto resetIfValid = [](TH1F* pH) -> void {
710  if (pH) pH->Reset();
711  return;
712  };
713  resetIfValid(h_EffSecDist);
714  resetIfValid(h_GapEffSecDist);
715  resetIfValid(h_NoiseCorrSecDist);
716  resetIfValid(h_NoiseTotSecDist);
717  resetIfValid(h_CSSecDist);
718  resetIfValid(h_Res_CS1SecDist);
719  resetIfValid(h_Res_CS2SecDist);
720  resetIfValid(h_Res_CSmore2SecDist);
721  resetIfValid(h_Res_CS1_rmsSecDist);
722  resetIfValid(h_Res_CS2_rmsSecDist);
723  resetIfValid(h_Res_CSmore2_rmsSecDist);
724  resetIfValid(h_TimeSecDist);
725  resetIfValid(h_OccupancySecDist);
726  resetIfValid(h_Eff);
728  // efficiency
729  if (h_TrackProj && h_HitOnTrack && h_Eff) {
730  for (int ib = 0; ib != h_TrackProj->GetNbinsX(); ib++) {
731  if (h_PanelId) {
732  if ((h_PanelId->GetBinContent(ib + 1)) == 0) {
733  continue;
734  }
735  }
737  n_hit_f = h_HitOnTrack->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
738  n_tr_p = h_TrackProj->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
740  //if ( n_tr_p>50 ) {
741  if (n_tr_p != 0) {
742  panel_eff = n_hit_f / n_tr_p;
743  } else {
744  panel_eff = 0.;
745  }
746  if (n_tr_p != 0) {
747  panel_err_eff = sqrt(fabs(n_hit_f) / n_tr_p) *
748  sqrt(1. - fabs(n_hit_f) / n_tr_p) /
749  sqrt(n_tr_p);
750  } else {
751  panel_err_eff = 0.;
752  }
753  h_Eff->SetBinContent(ib + 1, panel_eff);
754  h_Eff->SetBinError(ib + 1, panel_err_eff);
755  if (h_EffSecDist) h_EffSecDist->Fill(panel_eff);
756  if (ib > (h_TrackProj->GetNbinsX() / 2)) {
757  fillIfValid(h_AverageEff_A, panel_eff);
758  } else {
759  fillIfValid(h_AverageEff_C, panel_eff);
760  }
761  //}
762  }
763  // write out histogram
764  TDirectory* dir = f->GetDirectory(dir_sum_track.c_str());
765  if (dir != 0) {
766  dir->cd();
767  h_Eff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
768  writeIfValid(h_EffSecDist);
769  }
770  }
772  // gap efficiency
773  if (h_TrackProj && h_HitOnTrack && h_HitOnTrackCross && h_GapEff) {
774  h_GapEff->Reset();
775  nEta = 0;
776  nPhi = 0;
777  nEtaPhi = 0;
778  int sign = 1;
779  int bmin = 0;
780  bmin = int( h_GapEff->GetXaxis()->GetXmin());
781  for (int ib = 0; ib != h_TrackProj->GetNbinsX(); ib++) {
782  if (h_PanelId) {
783  if ((h_PanelId->GetBinContent(ib + 1)) == 0) {
784  continue;
785  }
786  }
787  if ((bmin + ib) % 2 != 0) continue; // Phi panel
788  sign = std::copysign(1, (bmin + ib));
790  nEta = h_HitOnTrack->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
791  nPhi = h_HitOnTrack->GetBinContent(ib + 1 + sign);
792  nEtaPhi = h_HitOnTrackCross->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
793  n_tr_p = h_TrackProj->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
795  if (n_tr_p > 0) {
796  gapEff = (nEta + nPhi - nEtaPhi) / n_tr_p;
797  gapErrEff = sqrt(fabs(nEta + nPhi - nEtaPhi) / n_tr_p) *
798  sqrt(1. - fabs(nEta + nPhi - nEtaPhi) / n_tr_p) /
799  sqrt(n_tr_p);
800  } else {
801  gapEff = 0.;
802  gapErrEff = 0.;
803  }
804  h_GapEff->SetBinContent(ib + 1, gapEff);
805  h_GapEff->SetBinError(ib + 1, gapErrEff);
806  fillIfValid(h_GapEffSecDist, gapEff);
807  if (ib > (h_TrackProj->GetNbinsX() / 2)) {
808  fillIfValid(h_AverageGapEff_A, gapEff);
809  } else {
810  fillIfValid(h_AverageGapEff_C, gapEff);
811  }
812  }
813  TDirectory* dir = f->GetDirectory(dir_sum_track.c_str());
814  if (dir != 0) {
815  dir->cd();
816  h_GapEff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
817  if (h_GapEffSecDist) h_GapEffSecDist->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
818  }
819  }
822  //residuals CS = 1
823  res_mean = 0;
824  res2_mean = 0;
825  res_RMS = 0;
827  if (h_Res_CS1 && h_Res_CS1_s && h_Res_CS1_square && h_Res_CS1_entries) {
828  for (int ib = 0; ib != h_Res_CS1->GetNbinsX(); ib++) {
829  if (h_PanelId) {
830  if ((h_PanelId->GetBinContent(ib + 1)) == 0) {
831  continue;
832  }
833  }
834  if ((h_Res_CS1_entries->GetBinContent(ib + 1)) != 0) {
835  res_mean = (h_Res_CS1_s->GetBinContent(ib + 1)) / (h_Res_CS1_entries->GetBinContent(ib + 1));
836  res2_mean = (h_Res_CS1_square->GetBinContent(ib + 1)) / (h_Res_CS1_entries->GetBinContent(ib + 1));
837  res_RMS = sqrt((fabs(res2_mean - res_mean * res_mean)) / (h_Res_CS1_entries->GetBinContent(ib + 1)));
839  h_Res_CS1->SetBinContent(ib + 1, res_mean);
840  h_Res_CS1->SetBinError(ib + 1, res_RMS);
841  fillIfValid(h_Res_CS1SecDist, res_mean);
842  fillIfValid(h_Res_CS1_rmsSecDist, res_RMS);
843  if (ib > (h_Res_CS1->GetNbinsX() / 2)) {
844  fillIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS1_A, res_mean);
845  fillIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS1rms_A, res_RMS);
846  } else {
847  fillIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS1_C, res_mean);
848  fillIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS1rms_C, res_RMS);
849  }
850  }
851  } // end for bins
852  TDirectory* dirRes1 = f->GetDirectory(dir_sum_track.c_str());
853  if (dirRes1 != 0) {
854  dirRes1->cd();
855  h_Res_CS1->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
856  writeIfValid(h_Res_CS1SecDist);
857  writeIfValid(h_Res_CS1_rmsSecDist);
858  }
859  }
861  //residuals CS = 2
862  res_mean = 0;
863  res2_mean = 0;
864  res_RMS = 0;
865  if (h_Res_CS2 && h_Res_CS2_s && h_Res_CS2_square && h_Res_CS2_entries) {
866  for (int ib = 0; ib != h_Res_CS2->GetNbinsX(); ib++) {
867  if (h_PanelId) {
868  if ((h_PanelId->GetBinContent(ib + 1)) == 0) {
869  continue;
870  }
871  }
872  if ((h_Res_CS2_entries->GetBinContent(ib + 1)) != 0) {
873  res_mean = (h_Res_CS2_s->GetBinContent(ib + 1)) / (h_Res_CS2_entries->GetBinContent(ib + 1));
874  res2_mean = (h_Res_CS2_square->GetBinContent(ib + 1)) / (h_Res_CS2_entries->GetBinContent(ib + 1));
875  res_RMS = sqrt(fabs((res2_mean - res_mean * res_mean) / (h_Res_CS2_entries->GetBinContent(ib + 1))));
877  h_Res_CS2->SetBinContent(ib + 1, res_mean);
878  h_Res_CS2->SetBinError(ib + 1, res_RMS);
879  fillIfValid(h_Res_CS2SecDist, res_mean);
880  fillIfValid(h_Res_CS2_rmsSecDist, res_RMS);
881  if (ib > (h_Res_CS2->GetNbinsX() / 2)) {
882  fillIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS2_A, res_mean);
883  fillIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS2rms_A, res_RMS);
884  } else {
885  fillIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS2_C, res_mean);
886  fillIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS2rms_C, res_RMS);
887  }
888  }
889  }
890  TDirectory* dirRes2 = f->GetDirectory(dir_sum_track.c_str());
891  if (dirRes2 != 0) {
892  dirRes2->cd();
893  h_Res_CS2->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
894  writeIfValid(h_Res_CS2SecDist);
895  writeIfValid(h_Res_CS2_rmsSecDist);
896  }
897  }
899  //residuals CS > 2
900  res_mean = 0;
901  res2_mean = 0;
902  res_RMS = 0;
903  if (h_Res_CSmore2 && h_Res_CSmore2_s && h_Res_CSmore2_square && h_Res_CSmore2_entries) {
904  for (int ib = 0; ib != h_Res_CSmore2->GetNbinsX(); ib++) {
905  if (h_PanelId) {
906  if ((h_PanelId->GetBinContent(ib + 1)) == 0) {
907  continue;
908  }
909  }
910  if ((h_Res_CSmore2_entries->GetBinContent(ib + 1)) != 0) {
911  res_mean = (h_Res_CSmore2_s->GetBinContent(ib + 1)) / (h_Res_CSmore2_entries->GetBinContent(ib + 1));
912  res2_mean = (h_Res_CSmore2_square->GetBinContent(ib + 1)) /
913  (h_Res_CSmore2_entries->GetBinContent(ib + 1));
914  res_RMS = sqrt(fabs((res2_mean - res_mean * res_mean) / (h_Res_CSmore2_entries->GetBinContent(
915  ib + 1))));
917  h_Res_CSmore2->SetBinContent(ib + 1, res_mean);
918  h_Res_CSmore2->SetBinError(ib + 1, res_RMS);
919  fillIfValid(h_Res_CSmore2SecDist, res_mean);
920  fillIfValid(h_Res_CSmore2_rmsSecDist, res_RMS);
921  if (ib > (h_Res_CSmore2->GetNbinsX() / 2)) {
922  fillIfValid(h_AverageRes_CSmore2_A, res_mean);
923  fillIfValid(h_AverageRes_CSmore2rms_A, res_RMS);
924  } else {
925  fillIfValid(h_AverageRes_CSmore2_C, res_mean);
926  fillIfValid(h_AverageRes_CSmore2rms_C, res_RMS);
927  }
928  }
929  }
930  TDirectory* dirResp2 = f->GetDirectory(dir_sum_track.c_str());
931  if (dirResp2 != 0) {
932  dirResp2->cd();
933  h_Res_CSmore2->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
934  writeIfValid(h_Res_CSmore2SecDist);
935  writeIfValid(h_Res_CSmore2_rmsSecDist);
936  }
937  }
939  // occupancy
940  if ((rpc_eventstotal > 0) && h_Occupancy && h_Occupancy_s) {
941  for (int ib = 0; ib != h_Occupancy->GetNbinsX(); ib++) {
942  if (h_PanelId) {
943  if ((h_PanelId->GetBinContent(ib + 1)) == 0) {
944  continue;
945  }
946  }
947  panel_occ = h_Occupancy_s->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
948  panel_occ = panel_occ / float(rpc_eventstotal);
950  h_Occupancy->SetBinContent(ib + 1, panel_occ);
951  h_Occupancy->SetBinError(ib + 1, sqrt(panel_occ));
953  if (panel_occ > 0) {
954  panel_occ = log10(panel_occ);
955  } else {
956  panel_occ = -10;
957  }
958  fillIfValid(h_OccupancySecDist, panel_occ);
959  if (h_PanelId and(ib > (h_PanelId->GetNbinsX() / 2))) {
960  fillIfValid(h_AverageOccupancy_A, panel_occ);
961  } else {
962  fillIfValid(h_AverageOccupancy_C, panel_occ);
963  }
964  }
965  // write occupancy histograms
966  TDirectory* dirOcc = f->GetDirectory(dir_sum_track.c_str());
967  if (dirOcc != 0) {
968  dirOcc->cd();
969  h_Occupancy->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
970  h_OccupancySecDist->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
971  }
972  }
975  // CS
976  if (h_CS && h_CS_s && h_CS_square && h_CS_entries) {
977  for (int ib = 0; ib != h_CS->GetNbinsX(); ib++) {
978  if (h_PanelId) {
979  if ((h_PanelId->GetBinContent(ib + 1)) == 0) {
980  continue;
981  }
982  }
983  panelCS_entries = h_CS_entries->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
984  panelCS = h_CS_s->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
985  panelCS2 = h_CS_square->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
986  if (panelCS_entries != 0) {
987  panelCS_mean = panelCS / panelCS_entries;
988  panelCS2_mean = panelCS2 / panelCS_entries;
989  panelCS_RMS = sqrt(fabs((panelCS2_mean - panelCS_mean * panelCS_mean) / panelCS_entries));
991  h_CS->SetBinContent(ib + 1, panelCS_mean);
992  h_CS->SetBinError(ib + 1, panelCS_RMS);
994  fillIfValid(h_CSSecDist, panelCS_mean);
995  if (ib > (h_CS->GetNbinsX() / 2)) {
996  fillIfValid(h_AverageCS_A, panelCS_mean);
997  } else {
998  fillIfValid(h_AverageCS_C, panelCS_mean);
999  }
1000  }
1001  }
1002  // write CS histograms
1003  TDirectory* dirCS = f->GetDirectory(dir_sum_track.c_str());
1004  if (dirCS != 0) {
1005  dirCS->cd();
1006  h_CS->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1007  writeIfValid(h_CSSecDist);
1008  }
1009  }
1011  // time
1012  if (h_Time && h_Time_s && h_Time_square && h_CS_entries) {
1013  for (int ib = 0; ib != h_Time->GetNbinsX(); ib++) {
1014  if (h_PanelId) {
1015  if ((h_PanelId->GetBinContent(ib + 1)) == 0) {
1016  continue;
1017  }
1018  }
1019  if (h_CS_entries->GetBinContent(ib + 1) != 0) {
1020  Time_mean = (h_Time_s->GetBinContent(ib + 1)) / (h_CS_entries->GetBinContent(ib + 1));
1021  Time2_mean = (h_Time_square->GetBinContent(ib + 1)) / (h_CS_entries->GetBinContent(ib + 1));
1022  Time_RMS = sqrt(fabs((Time2_mean - Time_mean * Time_mean) / (h_CS_entries->GetBinContent(ib + 1))));
1024  h_Time->SetBinContent(ib + 1, Time_mean);
1025  h_Time->SetBinError(ib + 1, Time_RMS);
1027  fillIfValid(h_TimeSecDist, Time_mean);
1028  if (ib > (h_Time->GetNbinsX() / 2)) {
1029  fillIfValid(h_AverageTime_A, Time_mean);
1030  } else {
1031  fillIfValid(h_AverageTime_C, Time_mean);
1032  }
1033  }
1034  }
1035  // write time histograms
1036  TDirectory* dirTime = f->GetDirectory(dir_sum_track.c_str());
1037  if (dirTime != 0) {
1038  dirTime->cd();
1039  h_Time->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1040  writeIfValid(h_TimeSecDist);
1041  }
1042  }
1043  // noise
1044  noiseErrNorm = 18257.42;
1045  if ((rpc_eventstotal > 0) && h_NoiseCorr && h_NoiseCorr_s && h_NoiseTot && h_NoiseTot_s && h_CS_entries) {
1046  //std::cout << " Taglio Eventi " << std::endl;
1047  for (int ib = 0; ib != h_NoiseCorr->GetNbinsX(); ib++) {
1048  if (h_PanelId) {
1049  if ((h_PanelId->GetBinContent(ib + 1)) == 0) {
1050  continue;
1051  }
1052  }
1053  if (h_CS_entries->GetBinContent(ib + 1) == 0) continue;
1054  noiseCorr = h_NoiseCorr_s->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
1055  noiseCorrErr = sqrt(noiseCorr) * noiseErrNorm / float(rpc_eventstotal);
1056  noiseCorr = (noiseCorr * 1000000) / float(rpc_eventstotal);
1057  h_NoiseCorr->SetBinContent(ib + 1, noiseCorr);
1058  h_NoiseCorr->SetBinError(ib + 1, noiseCorrErr);
1059  fillIfValid(h_NoiseCorrSecDist, noiseCorr);
1061  noiseTot = h_NoiseTot_s->GetBinContent(ib + 1);
1062  noiseTotErr = sqrt(noiseTot) * noiseErrNorm / float(rpc_eventstotal);
1063  noiseTot = (noiseTot * 1000000) / float(rpc_eventstotal);
1064  h_NoiseTot->SetBinContent(ib + 1, noiseTot);
1065  h_NoiseTot->SetBinError(ib + 1, noiseTotErr);
1067  fillIfValid(h_NoiseTotSecDist, noiseTot);
1069  if (ib > (h_NoiseCorr->GetNbinsX() / 2)) {
1070  fillIfValid(h_AverageNoiseTot_A, noiseTot);
1071  fillIfValid(h_AverageNoiseCorr_A, noiseCorr);
1072  } else {
1073  fillIfValid(h_AverageNoiseTot_C, noiseTot);
1074  fillIfValid(h_AverageNoiseCorr_C, noiseCorr);
1075  }
1076  }
1077  TDirectory* dirNoise = f->GetDirectory(dir_sum_track.c_str());
1078  if (dirNoise != 0) {
1079  dirNoise->cd();
1080  h_NoiseCorr->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1081  h_NoiseTot->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
1083  writeIfValid(h_NoiseCorrSecDist);
1084  writeIfValid(h_NoiseTotSecDist);
1085  }
1086  }
1090  // bool do_asciiCoolFile1 = true;
1091  float effeta = -9999;
1092  float effphi = -9999;
1093  char arr_effeta [14] = {};
1094  char arr_effphi [14] = {};
1095  float erreffeta = -1;
1096  float erreffphi = -1;
1097  char arr_erreffeta [14] = {};
1098  char arr_erreffphi [14] = {};
1099  float reseta_cs1 = -9999;
1100  float resphi_cs1 = -9999;
1101  char arr_reseta_cs1 [14] = {};
1102  char arr_resphi_cs1 [14] = {};
1103  float errreseta_cs1 = -1;
1104  float errresphi_cs1 = -1;
1105  char arr_errreseta_cs1 [14] = {};
1106  char arr_errresphi_cs1 [14] = {};
1107  float reseta_cs2 = -9999;
1108  float resphi_cs2 = -9999;
1109  char arr_reseta_cs2 [14] = {};
1110  char arr_resphi_cs2 [14] = {};
1111  float errreseta_cs2 = -1;
1112  float errresphi_cs2 = -1;
1113  char arr_errreseta_cs2 [14] = {};
1114  char arr_errresphi_cs2 [14] = {};
1115  float reseta_csother = -9999;
1116  float resphi_csother = -9999;
1117  char arr_reseta_csother [14] = {};
1118  char arr_resphi_csother [14] = {};
1119  float errreseta_csother = -1;
1120  float errresphi_csother = -1;
1121  char arr_errreseta_csother [14] = {};
1122  char arr_errresphi_csother [14] = {};
1123  float timeeta = -9999;
1124  float timephi = -9999;
1125  char arr_timeeta [14] = {};
1126  char arr_timephi [14] = {};
1127  float errtimeeta = -1;
1128  float errtimephi = -1;
1129  char arr_errtimeeta [14] = {};
1130  char arr_errtimephi [14] = {};
1131  float noiseeta = -9999;
1132  float noisephi = -9999;
1133  char arr_noiseeta [14] = {};
1134  char arr_noisephi [14] = {};
1135  float errnoiseeta = -1;
1136  float errnoisephi = -1;
1137  char arr_errnoiseeta [14] = {};
1138  char arr_errnoisephi [14] = {};
1139  float noiseeta_cor = -9999;
1140  float noisephi_cor = -9999;
1141  char arr_noiseeta_cor [14] = {};
1142  char arr_noisephi_cor [14] = {};
1143  float errnoiseeta_cor = -1;
1144  float errnoisephi_cor = -1;
1145  char arr_errnoiseeta_cor [14] = {};
1146  char arr_errnoisephi_cor [14] = {};
1147  float cl_sizeeta = -9999;
1148  float cl_sizephi = -9999;
1149  char arr_cl_sizeeta [14] = {};
1150  char arr_cl_sizephi [14] = {};
1151  float errcl_sizeeta = -1;
1152  float errcl_sizephi = -1;
1153  char arr_errcl_sizeeta [14] = {};
1154  char arr_errcl_sizephi [14] = {};
1156  float eta_effphi = 0;
1157  float phi_effeta = 0;
1159  int PanelCode = 0;
1160  int Binposition = 0;
1161  int TableVersion = 1; //Version of Cool Table Formatting according with Andrea Di Simone Table
1162  int n_tr_peta = 0; //Number of eta tracks reconstructed on a gas volume
1163  int n_tr_pphi = 0; //Number of phi tracks reconstructed on a gas volume
1164  int NumberOfInfo = 1; //Number of information for each variable 1= only pannel, >1 depending on tipy of
1165  // monitoring setting and strip pannel geometry
1166  int StripCluster = 0; //Number of strip that realize de reduction bin and the strip pannel geometry 0=no
1167  // strip info,if panel has 24 strip: 24=strip info, 3 = cluster of 8 strip, 6 =
1168  // cluster of 4 strip and so on
1172  coolrpc.coolDbFolder("sqlite://;schema=RPCDQMFOFFLINE.db;dbname=RPC_DQA", "/OFFLINE/OFFLINE_DQMF");
1173  int nbin = 0;
1174  if (h_Eff) nbin = h_Eff->GetNbinsX();
1175  auto writeToCString = [](float val, char* array0) -> void {
1176  //following two lines reproduce original behaviour
1177  sprintf(array0, "%f ", val); //unsafe!
1178  array0[5] = 0; //ugh!
1179  };
1181  for (int ibin = 1; ibin != nbin + 1; ibin++) {
1182  if (h_PanelId) PanelCode = (int) h_PanelId->GetBinContent(ibin);
1183  if (PanelCode == 0) continue;
1184  if (ibin % 2 == 0) {
1185  if (h_TrackProj) n_tr_pphi = (int) h_TrackProj->GetBinContent(ibin);
1186  if (n_tr_pphi < 1000) continue;
1188  effphi = getBinContentIfValid(h_Eff, ibin);
1189  writeToCString(effphi, arr_effphi);
1190  erreffphi = getBinErrorIfValid(h_Eff, ibin);
1191  writeToCString(erreffphi, arr_erreffphi);
1193  resphi_cs1 = getBinContentIfValid(h_Res_CS1, ibin);
1194  writeToCString(resphi_cs1, arr_resphi_cs1);
1195  errresphi_cs1 = getBinErrorIfValid(h_Res_CS1, ibin);
1196  writeToCString(errresphi_cs1, arr_errresphi_cs1);
1198  resphi_cs2 = getBinContentIfValid(h_Res_CS2, ibin);
1199  writeToCString(resphi_cs2, arr_resphi_cs2);
1200  errresphi_cs2 = getBinErrorIfValid(h_Res_CS2, ibin);
1201  writeToCString(errresphi_cs2, arr_errresphi_cs2);
1203  resphi_csother = getBinContentIfValid(h_Res_CSmore2, ibin);
1204  writeToCString(resphi_csother, arr_resphi_csother);
1205  errresphi_csother = getBinErrorIfValid(h_Res_CSmore2, ibin);
1206  writeToCString(errresphi_csother, arr_errresphi_csother);
1208  timephi = getBinContentIfValid(h_Time, ibin);
1209  writeToCString(timephi, arr_timephi);
1210  errtimephi = getBinErrorIfValid(h_Time, ibin);
1211  writeToCString(errtimephi, arr_errtimephi);
1213  noisephi = getBinContentIfValid(h_NoiseTot, ibin);
1214  writeToCString(noisephi, arr_noisephi);
1215  errnoisephi = getBinErrorIfValid(h_NoiseTot, ibin);
1216  writeToCString(errnoisephi, arr_errnoisephi);
1218  noisephi_cor = getBinContentIfValid(h_NoiseCorr, ibin);
1219  writeToCString(noisephi_cor, arr_noisephi_cor);
1220  errnoisephi_cor = getBinErrorIfValid(h_NoiseCorr, ibin);
1221  writeToCString(errnoisephi_cor, arr_errnoisephi_cor);
1223  cl_sizephi = getBinContentIfValid(h_CS, ibin);
1224  writeToCString(cl_sizephi, arr_cl_sizephi);
1225  errcl_sizephi = getBinErrorIfValid(h_CS, ibin);
1226  writeToCString(errcl_sizephi, arr_errcl_sizephi);
1227  } else {
1228  if (h_TrackProj) {
1229  n_tr_peta = (int) h_TrackProj->GetBinContent(ibin);
1230  }
1231  if (n_tr_peta < 1000) continue;
1233  effeta = getBinContentIfValid(h_Eff, ibin);
1234  writeToCString(effeta, arr_effeta);
1235  erreffeta = getBinErrorIfValid(h_Eff, ibin);
1236  writeToCString(erreffeta, arr_erreffeta);
1238  reseta_cs1 = getBinContentIfValid(h_Res_CS1, ibin);
1239  writeToCString(reseta_cs1, arr_reseta_cs1);
1240  errreseta_cs1 = getBinErrorIfValid(h_Res_CS1, ibin);
1241  writeToCString(errreseta_cs1, arr_errreseta_cs1);
1243  reseta_cs2 = getBinContentIfValid(h_Res_CS2, ibin);
1244  writeToCString(reseta_cs2, arr_reseta_cs2);
1245  errreseta_cs2 = getBinErrorIfValid(h_Res_CS2, ibin);
1246  writeToCString(errreseta_cs2, arr_errreseta_cs2);
1248  reseta_csother = getBinContentIfValid(h_Res_CSmore2, ibin);
1249  writeToCString(reseta_csother, arr_reseta_csother);
1250  errreseta_csother = getBinErrorIfValid(h_Res_CSmore2, ibin);
1251  writeToCString(errreseta_csother, arr_errreseta_csother);
1253  timeeta = getBinContentIfValid(h_Time, ibin);
1254  writeToCString(timeeta, arr_timeeta);
1255  errtimeeta = getBinErrorIfValid(h_Time, ibin);
1256  writeToCString(errtimeeta, arr_errtimeeta);
1258  noiseeta = getBinContentIfValid(h_NoiseTot, ibin);
1259  writeToCString(noiseeta, arr_noiseeta);
1260  errnoiseeta = getBinErrorIfValid(h_NoiseTot, ibin);
1261  writeToCString(errnoiseeta, arr_errnoiseeta);
1263  noiseeta_cor = getBinContentIfValid(h_NoiseCorr, ibin);
1264  writeToCString(noiseeta_cor, arr_noiseeta_cor);
1265  errnoiseeta_cor = getBinErrorIfValid(h_NoiseCorr, ibin);
1266  writeToCString(errnoiseeta_cor, arr_errnoiseeta_cor);
1268  cl_sizeeta = getBinContentIfValid(h_CS, ibin);
1269  writeToCString(cl_sizeeta, arr_cl_sizeeta);
1270  errcl_sizeeta = getBinErrorIfValid(h_CS, ibin);
1271  writeToCString(errcl_sizeeta, arr_errcl_sizeeta);
1274  //std::cout<<"PanelCode "<<PanelCode<<" etaprimo "<<"\n";
1276  char recEta [4000]; //eff_eta, res_cs1, res_cs2, res_csother, time, mean and rms
1277  char detEta [4000]; //noise, noise_corr, cs, mean and rms
1278  char recPhi1 [4000]; //eff_phi, res_cs1, res_cs2, res_csother, time, only mean
1279  char recPhi2 [4000]; //eff_phi, res_cs1, res_cs2, res_csother, time, only rms
1280  char detPhi1 [4000]; //noise, noise_corr, cs, mean and rms
1281  char detPhi2 [4000];
1282  sprintf(recEta, "%5d %5d %5d %5d %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s ", TableVersion,
1283  n_tr_peta, NumberOfInfo, StripCluster, arr_effeta, arr_erreffeta, arr_reseta_cs1,
1284  arr_errreseta_cs1, arr_reseta_cs2, arr_errreseta_cs2, arr_reseta_csother,
1285  arr_errreseta_csother, arr_timeeta, arr_errtimeeta);
1286  sprintf(detEta, "%s %s %s %s %s %s ", arr_noiseeta, arr_errnoiseeta,
1287  arr_noiseeta_cor, arr_errnoiseeta_cor, arr_cl_sizeeta, arr_errcl_sizeeta);
1288  sprintf(recPhi1, "%5d %5d %5d %s %s %s %s %s ", n_tr_pphi, NumberOfInfo,
1289  StripCluster, arr_effphi, arr_resphi_cs1, arr_resphi_cs2, arr_resphi_csother,
1290  arr_timephi);
1291  sprintf(recPhi2, "%s %s %s %s %s ", arr_erreffphi, arr_errresphi_cs1,
1292  arr_errresphi_cs2, arr_errresphi_csother, arr_errtimephi);
1293  sprintf(detPhi1, "%s %s %s %s %s %s ", arr_noisephi, arr_errnoisephi,
1294  arr_noisephi_cor, arr_errnoisephi_cor, arr_cl_sizephi, arr_errcl_sizephi);
1295  sprintf(detPhi2, "0 ");
1296  std::string cool_tag = "Reco";
1297  coolrpc.setSince(0U, 0U);
1298  coolrpc.setUntil(4294967295U, 0U);
1299  coolrpc.insert_withTag(run_number * 0 + 429496729U, PanelCode, recEta, detEta, recPhi1, recPhi2,
1300  detPhi1, detPhi2, cool_tag);
1301  }
1302  }
1307  int TableVersionCondDB = 2; //RPC conditionDB table versioning
1308  float gapeffeta = -9999;
1309  char arr_gapeffeta [10];
1310  float errgapeffeta = -1;
1311  char arr_errgapeffeta [10];
1312  float gapeffphi = -9999;
1313  char arr_gapeffphi [10];
1314  float errgapeffphi = -1;
1315  char arr_errgapeffphi [10];
1316  float gapeff = -9999;
1317  float errgapeff = -1;
1318  float entriesCSeta = -1;
1319  int entriesCS1eta = -1;
1320  int entriesCS2eta = -1;
1321  float entriesCSphi = -1;
1322  int entriesCS1phi = -1;
1323  int entriesCS2phi = -1;
1324  float rateCS1eta = -1;
1325  char arr_rateCS1eta [10];
1326  float rateCS2eta = -1;
1327  char arr_rateCS2eta [10];
1328  float rateCSmore2eta = -1;
1329  char arr_rateCSmore2eta [10];
1330  float rateCS1phi = -1;
1331  char arr_rateCS1phi [10];
1332  float rateCS2phi = -1;
1333  char arr_rateCS2phi [10];
1334  float rateCSmore2phi = -1;
1335  char arr_rateCSmore2phi [10];
1339  coolrpc.coolDbFolder("sqlite://;schema=RPCConditionDB.db;dbname=RPC_DQA", "/OFFLINE/FINAL");
1340  std::string dir_cool_raw = run_dir + "/Muon/MuonRawDataMonitoring/RPC/CoolDB/";
1341  TDirectory* coolFolder = f->GetDirectory(dir_cool_raw.c_str());
1343  if (coolFolder != 0) {
1344  std::vector<std::string> layerList;
1345  layerList.push_back("LowPt0");
1346  layerList.push_back("LowPt1");
1347  layerList.push_back("Pivot0");
1348  layerList.push_back("Pivot1");
1349  layerList.push_back("HighPt0");
1350  layerList.push_back("HighPt1");
1351  int NumberLayerStrip = 0;
1352  int PanelStripId = 0;
1353  int StripProfileContenent = 0;
1355  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter = layerList.begin(); iter != layerList.end(); ++iter) {
1356  for (int i_dblPhi = 0; i_dblPhi != 2 * 1 + 1; ++i_dblPhi) {
1357  char coolName[40];
1358  sprintf(coolName, "Sector%.2d_%s_dblPhi%d", i_sec + 1, (*iter).c_str(), i_dblPhi + 1);
1359  std::string stripId_name = dir_cool_raw + coolName + "_PanelId";
1360  std::string stripProfile_name = dir_cool_raw + coolName + "_Profile";
1361  TH1F* h_stripId = NULL;
1362  TH1F* h_stripProfile = NULL;
1364  if (RPCCheckHistogram(f, stripId_name.c_str())) {
1365  h_stripId = (TH1F*) (f->Get(stripId_name.c_str()));
1366  }
1367  if (RPCCheckHistogram(f, stripProfile_name.c_str())) {
1368  h_stripProfile = (TH1F*) (f->Get(stripProfile_name.c_str()));
1369  }
1371  if (h_stripId && h_stripProfile) {
1372  int SingleStripsValue = 0;
1373  int StripsOnPanel = 1; //number of strip on panel
1374  char SingleStripsStatus [80];
1375  char SingleStripsStatusOK[80];
1376  std::string PanelStripsStatus;
1377  std::string PanelStripsStatusOK;
1379  NumberLayerStrip = h_stripProfile->GetNbinsX();
1380  for (int Nstrips = 1; Nstrips != NumberLayerStrip + 1; Nstrips++) {
1381  PanelStripId = (int) h_stripId->GetBinContent(Nstrips);
1382  StripProfileContenent = (int) h_stripProfile->GetBinContent(Nstrips);
1383  float StripOccupancy = (float) (StripProfileContenent) / rpc_eventstotal;
1384  if (StripOccupancy == 0) SingleStripsValue = 0;
1385  if (StripOccupancy > 0 && StripOccupancy < 0.9) SingleStripsValue = 5;
1386  if (StripOccupancy > 0.9) SingleStripsValue = 9;
1388  if (h_stripId->GetBinCenter(Nstrips) > 0) {
1389  sprintf(SingleStripsStatus, "%d 000.0 0.000|", SingleStripsValue);
1390  sprintf(SingleStripsStatusOK, "5 000.0 0.000|");
1391  } else {
1392  sprintf(SingleStripsStatus, "|000.0 0.000 %d", SingleStripsValue);
1393  sprintf(SingleStripsStatusOK, "|000.0 0.000 5");
1394  }
1395  PanelStripsStatus = PanelStripsStatus + SingleStripsStatus;
1396  PanelStripsStatusOK = PanelStripsStatusOK + SingleStripsStatusOK;
1400  if ((int) h_stripId->GetBinContent(Nstrips) ==
1401  (int) h_stripId->GetBinContent(Nstrips + 1)) StripsOnPanel++;
1402  //std::cout <<Nstrips<<" "<< h_stripId-> GetBinCenter(Nstrips)<< " "<< SingleStripsStatus <<"
1403  // PanelStripsStatus " << PanelStripsStatus <<" PanelStripsId " << PanelStripId <<std::endl;
1405  if ((int) h_stripId->GetBinContent(Nstrips) != (int) h_stripId->GetBinContent(Nstrips + 1)) {
1406  //std::cout <<StripsOnPanel<<" StripsOnPanel "<< std::endl;
1408  if (h_stripId->GetBinCenter(Nstrips) < 0) {
1409  //std::cout << " PanelStripsStatus " << PanelStripsStatus <<std::endl;
1410  std::reverse(PanelStripsStatus.begin(), PanelStripsStatus.end());
1411  std::reverse(PanelStripsStatusOK.begin(), PanelStripsStatusOK.end());
1412  }
1414  for (int ibin = 1; ibin != nbin + 1; ibin++) {
1415  if (h_PanelId) PanelCode = (int) h_PanelId->GetBinContent(ibin);
1416  if (PanelCode != PanelStripId) continue;
1417  if (ibin % 2 != 0) {
1418  if (h_TrackProj) {
1419  n_tr_peta = (int) h_TrackProj->GetBinContent(ibin);
1420  }
1421  //if(n_tr_peta >0){
1422  if (h_PanelId) Binposition = (int) h_PanelId->GetBinCenter(ibin);
1423  int ibin_perp = 0;
1424  if (Binposition > 0) {
1425  ibin_perp = ibin + 1;
1426  eta_effphi = getBinContentIfValid(h_Eff, ibin + 1);
1427  } else {
1428  ibin_perp = ibin - 1;
1429  eta_effphi = getBinContentIfValid(h_Eff, ibin - 1);
1430  }
1431  gapeff = getBinContentIfValid(h_GapEff, ibin);
1432  errgapeff = getBinErrorIfValid(h_GapEff, ibin);
1433  effeta = getBinContentIfValid(h_Eff, ibin);
1434  erreffeta = getBinErrorIfValid(h_Eff, ibin);
1436  gapeffeta = gapeff;
1437  errgapeffeta = errgapeff;
1438  EffThreshold = (effeta < Minimum_efficiency) || (eta_effphi < Minimum_efficiency);
1440  reseta_cs1 = getBinContentIfValid(h_Res_CS1, ibin);
1441  errreseta_cs1 = getBinErrorIfValid(h_Res_CS1, ibin);
1443  reseta_cs2 = getBinContentIfValid(h_Res_CS2, ibin);
1444  errreseta_cs2 = getBinErrorIfValid(h_Res_CS2, ibin);
1446  reseta_csother = getBinContentIfValid(h_Res_CSmore2, ibin);
1447  errreseta_csother = getBinErrorIfValid(h_Res_CSmore2, ibin);
1449  noiseeta = getBinContentIfValid(h_NoiseTot, ibin);
1450  errnoiseeta = getBinErrorIfValid(h_NoiseTot, ibin);
1452  noiseeta_cor = getBinContentIfValid(h_NoiseCorr, ibin);
1453  errnoiseeta_cor = getBinErrorIfValid(h_NoiseCorr, ibin);
1455  cl_sizeeta = getBinContentIfValid(h_CS, ibin);
1456  errcl_sizeeta = getBinErrorIfValid(h_CS, ibin);
1458  entriesCSeta = getBinContentIfValid(h_CS_entries, ibin);
1459  entriesCS1eta = getBinContentIfValid(h_CS1_entries, ibin);
1460  entriesCS2eta = getBinContentIfValid(h_CS2_entries, ibin);
1462  if (entriesCSeta > 0) {
1463  rateCS1eta = entriesCS1eta / entriesCSeta;
1464  rateCS2eta = entriesCS2eta / entriesCSeta;
1465  rateCSmore2eta = (entriesCSeta - (entriesCS1eta + entriesCS2eta)) / entriesCSeta;
1466  }
1468  if (applyEffThreshold) {
1469  if (effeta < Minimum_efficiency && eta_effphi < Minimum_efficiency) {
1470  effeta = Minimum_efficiency;
1471  gapeffeta = Minimum_efficiency;
1472  erreffeta = 0.1;
1473  errgapeffeta = 0.1;
1474  PanelStripsStatus = PanelStripsStatusOK;
1475  cl_sizeeta = 1;
1476  errcl_sizeeta = 0.1,
1477  rateCS1eta = 1;
1478  rateCS2eta = 0;
1479  rateCSmore2eta = 0;
1480  } else if (effeta < Minimum_efficiency && eta_effphi > Minimum_efficiency) {
1481  effeta = Minimum_efficiency;
1482  gapeffeta = eta_effphi;
1483  erreffeta = 0.1;
1484  errgapeffeta = 0.1;
1485  PanelStripsStatus = PanelStripsStatusOK;
1486  cl_sizeeta = 1;
1487  errcl_sizeeta = 0.1,
1488  rateCS1eta = 1;
1489  rateCS2eta = 0;
1490  rateCSmore2eta = 0;
1491  } else if (effeta > Minimum_efficiency && eta_effphi < Minimum_efficiency) {
1492  gapeffeta = effeta;
1493  errgapeffeta = 0.1;
1494  }
1495  }
1496  sprintf(arr_effeta, "%f ", effeta);
1497  arr_effeta [5] = 0;
1498  sprintf(arr_erreffeta, "%f ", erreffeta);
1499  arr_erreffeta [5] = 0;
1500  sprintf(arr_gapeffeta, "%f ", gapeffeta);
1501  arr_gapeffeta [5] = 0;
1502  sprintf(arr_errgapeffeta, "%f ", errgapeffeta);
1503  arr_errgapeffeta [5] = 0;
1504  sprintf(arr_reseta_cs1, "%f ", reseta_cs1);
1505  arr_reseta_cs1 [5] = 0;
1506  sprintf(arr_errreseta_cs1, "%f ", errreseta_cs1);
1507  arr_errreseta_cs1 [5] = 0;
1508  sprintf(arr_reseta_cs2, "%f ", reseta_cs2);
1509  arr_reseta_cs2 [5] = 0;
1510  sprintf(arr_errreseta_cs2, "%f ", errreseta_cs2);
1511  arr_errreseta_cs2 [5] = 0;
1512  sprintf(arr_reseta_csother, "%f ", reseta_csother);
1513  arr_reseta_csother [5] = 0;
1514  sprintf(arr_errreseta_csother, "%f ", errreseta_csother);
1515  arr_errreseta_csother[5] = 0;
1516  sprintf(arr_noiseeta, "%f ", noiseeta);
1517  arr_noiseeta [5] = 0;
1518  sprintf(arr_errnoiseeta, "%f ", errnoiseeta);
1519  arr_errnoiseeta [5] = 0;
1520  sprintf(arr_noiseeta_cor, "%f ", noiseeta_cor);
1521  arr_noiseeta_cor [5] = 0;
1522  sprintf(arr_errnoiseeta_cor, "%f ", errnoiseeta_cor);
1523  arr_errnoiseeta_cor [5] = 0;
1524  sprintf(arr_cl_sizeeta, "%f ", cl_sizeeta);
1525  arr_cl_sizeeta [5] = 0;
1526  sprintf(arr_errcl_sizeeta, "%f ", errcl_sizeeta);
1527  arr_errcl_sizeeta [5] = 0;
1528  sprintf(arr_rateCS1eta, "%f ", rateCS1eta);
1529  arr_rateCS1eta [5] = 0;
1530  sprintf(arr_rateCS2eta, "%f ", rateCS2eta);
1531  arr_rateCS2eta [5] = 0;
1532  sprintf(arr_rateCSmore2eta, "%f ", rateCSmore2eta);
1533  arr_rateCSmore2eta [5] = 0;
1535  char PanelRes [255]; //eff_eta, res_cs1, res_cs2, res_csother, time, mean and rms
1536  char StripStatus [4096]; //strips status 0 to 9 for dead noisy strips
1538  sprintf(PanelRes, "%d %d %d %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s",
1539  TableVersionCondDB, n_tr_peta, StripsOnPanel, arr_effeta, arr_erreffeta,
1540  arr_gapeffeta, arr_errgapeffeta, arr_reseta_cs1, arr_errreseta_cs1, arr_reseta_cs2,
1541  arr_errreseta_cs2, arr_reseta_csother, arr_errreseta_csother, arr_noiseeta,
1542  arr_errnoiseeta, arr_noiseeta_cor, arr_errnoiseeta_cor, arr_cl_sizeeta,
1543  arr_errcl_sizeeta, arr_rateCS1eta, arr_rateCS2eta, arr_rateCSmore2eta);
1544  sprintf(StripStatus, "%s", PanelStripsStatus.c_str());
1545  std::string cool_tagCondDB = "RecoCondDB";
1546  coolrpc.setSince(0U, 0U);
1547  coolrpc.setUntil(4294967295U, 0U);
1548  coolrpc.insertCondDB_withTag(run_number * 0 + 429496729U, PanelCode, PanelRes, StripStatus,
1549  cool_tagCondDB);
1550  if (printout and EffThreshold and h_GapEff) std::cout << stripProfile_name <<
1551  " under THR " << EffThreshold << " " << PanelCode << " ibin " << ibin << " h_EffEta " <<
1552  h_Eff->GetBinContent(ibin) << " h_EffPhi " << h_Eff->GetBinContent(ibin_perp) <<
1553  " h_GapEffEta " << h_GapEff->GetBinContent(ibin) << " h_GapEffPhi " <<
1554  h_GapEff->GetBinContent(ibin_perp) << " cool_EtaEff " << effeta << " cool_GapEffEta " <<
1555  gapeffeta << " --- Eta Summary " << PanelRes << " --- StripStatus " << StripStatus <<
1556  std::endl;
1557  if (printout &&
1558  EffThreshold) std::cout << "inCOOL_ETA_id_ntrk_panelEff_gapEff " << PanelCode << " " <<
1559  n_tr_peta << " " << (int) (n_tr_peta * effeta) << " " << (int) (n_tr_peta * gapeffeta) <<
1560  std::endl;
1561  countpanelindb++;
1562  if (effeta == 0.0) countpaneleff0++;
1563  if (n_tr_peta == 0) countpaneltrack0++;
1564  } else {
1565  if (h_TrackProj) n_tr_pphi = (int) h_TrackProj->GetBinContent(ibin);
1566  //if(n_tr_pphi >0){
1568  if (h_PanelId) Binposition = (int) h_PanelId->GetBinCenter(ibin);
1569  int ibin_perp = 0;
1570  if (Binposition > 0) {
1571  ibin_perp = ibin - 1;
1572  gapeff = getBinContentIfValid(h_GapEff, ibin - 1);
1573  errgapeff = getBinErrorIfValid(h_GapEff, ibin - 1);
1574  phi_effeta = getBinContentIfValid(h_Eff, ibin - 1);
1575  } else {
1576  ibin_perp = ibin + 1;
1577  gapeff = getBinContentIfValid(h_GapEff, ibin + 1);
1578  errgapeff = getBinErrorIfValid(h_GapEff, ibin + 1);
1579  phi_effeta = getBinContentIfValid(h_Eff, ibin + 1);
1580  }
1581  effphi = getBinContentIfValid(h_Eff, ibin);
1582  erreffphi = getBinErrorIfValid(h_Eff, ibin);
1583  gapeffphi = gapeff;
1584  errgapeffphi = errgapeff;
1585  EffThreshold = (effphi < Minimum_efficiency) || (phi_effeta < Minimum_efficiency);
1588  resphi_cs1 = getBinContentIfValid(h_Res_CS1, ibin);
1589  errresphi_cs1 = getBinErrorIfValid(h_Res_CS1, ibin);
1591  resphi_cs2 = getBinContentIfValid(h_Res_CS2, ibin);
1592  errresphi_cs2 = getBinErrorIfValid(h_Res_CS2, ibin);
1594  resphi_csother = getBinContentIfValid(h_Res_CSmore2, ibin);
1595  errresphi_csother = getBinErrorIfValid(h_Res_CSmore2, ibin);
1597  noisephi = getBinContentIfValid(h_NoiseTot, ibin);
1598  errnoisephi = getBinErrorIfValid(h_NoiseTot, ibin);
1600  noisephi_cor = getBinContentIfValid(h_NoiseCorr, ibin);
1601  errnoisephi_cor = getBinErrorIfValid(h_NoiseCorr, ibin);
1603  cl_sizephi = getBinContentIfValid(h_CS, ibin);
1604  errcl_sizephi = getBinErrorIfValid(h_CS, ibin);
1606  entriesCSphi = getBinContentIfValid(h_CS_entries, ibin);
1607  entriesCS1phi = getBinContentIfValid(h_CS1_entries, ibin);
1608  entriesCS2phi = getBinContentIfValid(h_CS2_entries, ibin);
1609  if (entriesCSphi > 0) {
1610  rateCS1phi = entriesCS1phi / entriesCSphi;
1611  rateCS2phi = entriesCS2phi / entriesCSphi;
1612  rateCSmore2phi = (entriesCSphi - (entriesCS1phi + entriesCS2phi)) / entriesCSphi;
1613  }
1616  if (applyEffThreshold) {
1617  if (effphi < Minimum_efficiency && phi_effeta < Minimum_efficiency) {
1618  effphi = Minimum_efficiency;
1619  gapeffphi = Minimum_efficiency;
1620  erreffphi = 0.1;
1621  errgapeffphi = 0.1;
1622  PanelStripsStatus = PanelStripsStatusOK;
1623  cl_sizephi = 1;
1624  errcl_sizephi = 0.1,
1625  rateCS1phi = 1;
1626  rateCS2phi = 0;
1627  rateCSmore2phi = 0;
1628  } else if (effphi < Minimum_efficiency && phi_effeta > Minimum_efficiency) {
1629  effphi = Minimum_efficiency;
1630  gapeffphi = phi_effeta;
1631  erreffphi = 0.1;
1632  errgapeffphi = 0.1;
1633  PanelStripsStatus = PanelStripsStatusOK;
1634  cl_sizephi = 1;
1635  errcl_sizephi = 0.1,
1636  rateCS1phi = 1;
1637  rateCS2phi = 0;
1638  rateCSmore2phi = 0;
1639  } else if (effphi > Minimum_efficiency && phi_effeta < Minimum_efficiency) {
1640  gapeffphi = effphi;
1641  errgapeffphi = 0.1;
1642  PanelStripsStatus = PanelStripsStatusOK;
1643  }
1644  }
1646  sprintf(arr_effphi, "%f ", effphi);
1647  arr_effphi [5] = 0;
1648  sprintf(arr_erreffphi, "%f ", erreffphi);
1649  arr_erreffphi [5] = 0;
1650  sprintf(arr_gapeffphi, "%f ", gapeffphi);
1651  arr_gapeffphi [5] = 0;
1652  sprintf(arr_errgapeffphi, "%f ", errgapeffphi);
1653  arr_errgapeffphi [5] = 0;
1654  sprintf(arr_resphi_cs1, "%f ", resphi_cs1);
1655  arr_resphi_cs1 [5] = 0;
1656  sprintf(arr_errresphi_cs1, "%f ", errresphi_cs1);
1657  arr_errresphi_cs1 [5] = 0;
1658  sprintf(arr_resphi_cs2, "%f ", resphi_cs2);
1659  arr_resphi_cs2 [5] = 0;
1660  sprintf(arr_errresphi_cs2, "%f ", errresphi_cs2);
1661  arr_errresphi_cs2 [5] = 0;
1662  sprintf(arr_resphi_csother, "%f ", resphi_csother);
1663  arr_resphi_csother [5] = 0;
1664  sprintf(arr_errresphi_csother, "%f ", errresphi_csother);
1665  arr_errresphi_csother[5] = 0;
1666  sprintf(arr_noisephi, "%f ", noisephi);
1667  arr_noisephi [5] = 0;
1668  sprintf(arr_errnoisephi, "%f ", errnoisephi);
1669  arr_errnoisephi [5] = 0;
1670  sprintf(arr_noisephi_cor, "%f ", noisephi_cor);
1671  arr_noisephi_cor [5] = 0;
1672  sprintf(arr_errnoisephi_cor, "%f ", errnoisephi_cor);
1673  arr_errnoisephi_cor [5] = 0;
1674  sprintf(arr_cl_sizephi, "%f ", cl_sizephi);
1675  arr_cl_sizephi [5] = 0;
1676  sprintf(arr_errcl_sizephi, "%f ", errcl_sizephi);
1677  arr_errcl_sizephi [5] = 0;
1678  sprintf(arr_rateCS1phi, "%f ", rateCS1phi);
1679  arr_rateCS1phi [5] = 0;
1680  sprintf(arr_rateCS2phi, "%f ", rateCS2phi);
1681  arr_rateCS2phi [5] = 0;
1682  sprintf(arr_rateCSmore2phi, "%f ", rateCSmore2phi);
1683  arr_rateCSmore2phi [5] = 0;
1685  char PanelRes [255]; //eff_eta, res_cs1, res_cs2, res_csother, time, mean and rms
1686  char StripStatus [4096]; //strips status 0 to 9 for dead noisy strips
1687  sprintf(PanelRes, "%d %d %d %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s",
1688  TableVersionCondDB, n_tr_pphi,
1689  StripsOnPanel, arr_effphi, arr_erreffphi, arr_gapeffphi, arr_errgapeffphi,
1690  arr_resphi_cs1, arr_errresphi_cs1, arr_resphi_cs2,
1691  arr_errresphi_cs2, arr_resphi_csother, arr_errresphi_csother, arr_noisephi,
1692  arr_errnoisephi, arr_noisephi_cor, arr_errnoisephi_cor,
1693  arr_cl_sizephi, arr_errcl_sizephi, arr_rateCS1phi, arr_rateCS2phi,
1694  arr_rateCSmore2phi);
1695  sprintf(StripStatus, "%s", PanelStripsStatus.c_str());
1696  std::string cool_tag = "RecoCondDB";
1697  coolrpc.setSince(0U, 0U);
1698  coolrpc.setUntil(4294967295U, 0U);
1699  coolrpc.insertCondDB_withTag(run_number * 0 + 429496729U, PanelCode, PanelRes, StripStatus,
1700  cool_tag);
1702  if (printout &&
1703  EffThreshold) std::cout << stripProfile_name << " under THR " << EffThreshold << " " <<
1704  PanelCode << " ibin " << ibin << " h_EffPhi " << h_Eff->GetBinContent(ibin)
1705  << " h_EffEta " <<
1706  h_Eff->GetBinContent(ibin_perp) << " h_GapEffPhi " << h_GapEff->GetBinContent(ibin) <<
1707  " h_GapEffEta " << h_GapEff->GetBinContent(ibin_perp) << " cool_PhiEff "
1708  << effphi << " cool_GapEffPhi " << gapeffphi <<
1709  " --- Phi Summary " << PanelRes << " --- StripStatus " << StripStatus << std::endl;
1711  if (printout && EffThreshold) std::cout << "inCOOL_PHI_id_ntrk_panelEff_gapEff " << PanelCode << " " << n_tr_pphi << " " << (int) (n_tr_pphi * effphi) << " " << (int) (n_tr_pphi * gapeffphi) << std::endl;
1712  countpanelindb++;
1713  if (effphi == 0.0) countpaneleff0++;
1714  if (n_tr_pphi == 0) countpaneltrack0++;
1715  }
1716  StripsOnPanel = 1;
1717  PanelStripsStatus.clear();
1718  PanelStripsStatusOK.clear();
1719  }
1720  StripsOnPanel = 1;
1721  PanelStripsStatus.clear();
1722  PanelStripsStatusOK.clear();
1723  }
1724  }
1725  }
1726  } // end loop on DoubletPhi
1727  } // end loop on layers
1728  }// end Cool Folder
1729  std::cout << "Count RC panels in DB " << countpanelindb << " Count RPCpanels in DB with zero efficiency " << countpaneleff0 << " Count RPCpanels in DB with zero track " << countpaneltrack0 << std::endl;
1730  } // end for sectors
1731  std::cout << "Count RC panels in DB " << countpanelindb << " Count RPCpanels in DB with zero efficiency " << countpaneleff0 << " Count RPCpanels in DB with zero track " << countpaneltrack0 << std::endl;
1732  // write distribution plots all ATLAS
1733  TDirectory* dirA = f->GetDirectory(dir_sideA_track.c_str());
1735  if (dirA != 0) {
1736  dirA->cd();
1737  writeIfValid(h_AverageEff_A);
1738  writeIfValid(h_AverageGapEff_A);
1739  writeIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS1_A);
1740  writeIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS1rms_A);
1741  writeIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS2_A);
1742  writeIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS2rms_A);
1743  writeIfValid(h_AverageRes_CSmore2_A);
1744  writeIfValid(h_AverageRes_CSmore2rms_A);
1745  writeIfValid(h_AverageOccupancy_A);
1746  writeIfValid(h_AverageCS_A);
1747  writeIfValid(h_AverageTime_A);
1748  writeIfValid(h_AverageNoiseCorr_A);
1749  writeIfValid(h_AverageNoiseTot_A);
1750  }
1751  TDirectory* dirC = f->GetDirectory(dir_sideC_track.c_str());
1752  if (dirC != 0) {
1753  dirC->cd();
1754  writeIfValid(h_AverageEff_C);
1755  writeIfValid(h_AverageGapEff_C);
1756  writeIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS1_C);
1757  writeIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS1rms_C);
1758  writeIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS2_C);
1759  writeIfValid(h_AverageRes_CS2rms_C);
1760  writeIfValid(h_AverageRes_CSmore2_C);
1761  writeIfValid(h_AverageRes_CSmore2rms_C);
1762  writeIfValid(h_AverageOccupancy_C);
1763  writeIfValid(h_AverageCS_C);
1764  writeIfValid(h_AverageTime_C);
1765  writeIfValid(h_AverageNoiseCorr_C);
1766  writeIfValid(h_AverageNoiseTot_C);
1767  }
1768  }
1769  } else {
1770  delete obj_run;
1771  } // end if tdir_run !=0
1772  }
1773  f->Close();
1774  delete f;
1775  }

◆ setCompressionLevel()

static void dqutils::MonitoringFile::setCompressionLevel ( int  level)

Definition at line 456 of file MonitoringFile.h.

◆ setDebugLevel()

static void dqutils::MonitoringFile::setDebugLevel ( int  level)

◆ setDirectoryRegEx()

bool dqutils::MonitoringFile::setDirectoryRegEx ( const std::string &  re)

◆ setFile()

virtual bool dqutils::MonitoringFile::setFile ( const std::string &  fileName)

Clears all previous data and opens the file with the given name for analysis, returning a boolean indicating whether the file was opened successfully or not.

◆ setHistogramRegEx()

bool dqutils::MonitoringFile::setHistogramRegEx ( const std::string &  re)

◆ setListFromFile()

static bool dqutils::MonitoringFile::setListFromFile ( std::vector< std::string > &  filelist,
const std::string &  listFileName 

◆ setMinWindow()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::setMinWindow ( TH1 h1,
float  min,
float  max 

Definition at line 3661 of file MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx.

3662  {
3663  //establishes a minimum window size for TH1 histogram
3665  float min = h1->GetMinimum();
3666  float max = h1->GetMaximum();
3667  float margin = 0.05 * (max - min);
3669  if (min > windowMin) min = windowMin - margin;
3670  if (max < windowMax) max = windowMax + margin;
3671  h1->SetMinimum(min);
3672  h1->SetMaximum(max);
3674  return;
3675  }

◆ TGCChamberEfficiency()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::TGCChamberEfficiency ( const std::string &  inFilename,
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > &  p 

Definition at line 367 of file MonitoringFile_TGCPostProcess.cxx.

369  {
370  PostProcessorFileWrapper mf(inFilename, "TGC ChamberEff Calculations");
372  if (!mf.IsOpen()) {
373  //std::cerr << "TGCPostProcess(): "
374  // << "Input file not opened \n";
375  return;
376  }
377  if (mf.GetSize() < 1000.) {
378  //std::cerr << "TGCPostProcess(): "
379  // << "Input file empty \n";
380  return;
381  }
382  /*
383  // get run directory name
384  //Seemingly unnecessary lines are necessary
385  TIter nextcd0(gDirectory->GetListOfKeys());
386  TKey *key0 = (TKey*)nextcd0();
387  TDirectory *dir0= dynamic_cast<TDirectory*> (key0->ReadObj());
388  dir0->cd();
390  */
391  TIter next_run(mf.GetListOfKeys());
392  TKey* key_run(0);
393  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*> (next_run())) != 0) {
394  if (!key_run->IsFolder()) continue;
395  TString run_dir = key_run->GetName();
396  if (!run_dir.Contains("run")) continue;
398  std::string run_dir2 = run_dir.Data();
399  //int run_number = atoi( (run_dir2.substr(4, run_dir2.size()-4 )).c_str() );
400  //run_number=run_number;
402  TString tgc_dir = run_dir + "/Muon/MuonRawDataMonitoring/TGC/";
404  TString tgc_sub_dir[2] = {
405  tgc_dir + "TGCEA/", tgc_dir + "TGCEC/"
406  };
408  TString sac[2] = {
409  "_A", "_C"
410  };
411  TString sws[2] = {
412  "Wire_", "Strip_"
413  };
415  std::stringstream ss;
417  //Summary histograms
418  TString schambertypesummary[2][3][6];//[ws][station][eta]
419  TH1F* chambertypesummary[2][3][6];//
421  TString schambersummary[2][2];//[ac][ws]
422  TH1F* chambersummary[2][2];//
424  std::string type[17] = {
425  "_F_T1", "_E4_T3", "_E3_T6", "_E2_T7", "_E1_T8",
426  "_F_T2", "_E5_T4", "_E4_T6", "_E3_T7", "_E2_T8", "_E1_T9",
427  "_F_T2", "_E5_T5", "_E4_T6", "_E3_T7", "_E2_T8", "_E1_T9"
428  };
430  //get summary histograms
431  for (int ws = 0; ws < 2; ws++) {
432  int ntype = 0;
433  for (int station = 0; station < 3; station++) {
434  for (int eta = 0; eta < 6; eta++) {
435  if (eta == 5 && station == 0) continue;
436  if (eta < 2 && station == 3) continue;
438  ss.str("");
439  ss << "Station" << station + 1 << type[ntype];
440  schambertypesummary[ws][station][eta] = tgc_dir + "Global/Summary/"
441  + "Summary_Of_" + sws[ws] + "Efficiency_Per_Chamber_Type_" +
442  ss.str();
443  if (tgc_debug) std::cout << schambertypesummary[ws][station][eta] << std::endl;
445  chambertypesummary[ws][station][eta] = 0;
446  mf.get(schambertypesummary[ws][station][eta], chambertypesummary[ws][station][eta]);
447  if (!chambertypesummary[ws][station][eta]) {
448  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram!! "<< schambertypesummary[ws][station][eta] <<
449  // std::endl;
450  continue;
451  }
452  TGCResetContents(chambertypesummary[ws][station][eta]);
454  ntype++;
455  }//eta
456  }//station
458  for (int ac = 0; ac < 2; ac++) {
459  schambersummary[ac][ws] = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + "Summary/"
460  + "Summary_Of_" + sws[ws] + "Efficiency_Per_GasGap" + sac[ac];
461  if (tgc_debug) std::cout << schambersummary[ac][ws] << std::endl;
463  chambersummary[ac][ws] = 0;
464  mf.get(schambersummary[ac][ws], chambersummary[ac][ws]);
465  if (!chambersummary[ac][ws]) {
466  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram!! "<< schambersummary[ac][ws] << std::endl;
467  continue;
468  }
469  TGCResetContents(chambersummary[ac][ws]);
470  }//ac
471  }//ws
473  for (int ac = 0; ac < 2; ac++) {
474  for (int ws = 0; ws < 2; ws++) {
475  TString seff = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + "Efficiency/" + sws[ws] + "Efficiency_Map" + sac[ac];
476  TString sden = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + "Efficiency/NumDenom/" + sws[ws] + "Efficiency_Map" + sac[ac] +
477  "_Denominator";
479  TH2F* heff = 0;
480  mf.get(seff, heff);
481  if (!heff) {
482  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram!! "<< seff << std::endl;
483  continue;
484  }
486  TH2F* hden = 0;
487  mf.get(sden, hden);
488  if (!hden) {
489  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram!! "<< sden << std::endl;
490  }
492  int nbinx = heff->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
493  int nbiny = heff->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();
495  for (int binx = 1; binx <= nbinx; binx++) {
496  for (int biny = 1; biny <= nbiny; biny++) {
497  //if( ( binx==5 || binx==10 || binx==15 ||
498  // binx==21 || binx==27 || binx==33 || binx>=39 ) &&
499  // biny%2 == 0 )continue;// skip phi1,3 for forward region
500  //if( ( binx ==40 || binx==42 ) &&
501  // ( biny ==18 || biny==34 || biny==42 ) ) continue;//skip phi9,17,21 for EI
502  if ((binx >= 33 && binx <= 43) &&
503  biny % 2 == 0) continue; // skip phi1,3 for forward region
504  if ((binx == 40 || binx == 41) &&
505  (biny == 19 || biny == 35 || biny == 43)) continue; //skip phi9,17,21 for EI
508  double eff = heff->GetBinContent(binx, biny);
509  double denom = 1;
510  if (hden) {
511  denom = hden->GetBinContent(binx, biny);
512  }
514  if (chambersummary[ac][ws])
515  if (denom > 0) chambersummary[ac][ws]->Fill(eff);
517  int station = 0;
518  int eta = -1;
519  if (binx < 16) {
520  station = 0;
521  eta = (binx - 1) % 5;
522  } else if (binx < 28) {
523  station = 1;
524  eta = (binx - 16) % 6;
525  } else if (binx < 40) {
526  station = 2;
527  eta = (binx - 28) % 6;
528  } else {
529  station = 3;
530  eta = (binx - 40) % 2;
531  }
532  if (station < 3 && eta >= 0)
533  if (chambertypesummary[ws][station][eta])
534  if (denom > 0) chambertypesummary[ws][station][eta]->Fill(eff);
536  //low efficiency chambers
537  if (eff < TGCChamberEfficiencyCut) {
538  ss.str("");
539  TString schamber = heff->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(binx);
540  int sector = (biny - 1) / 4 + 1;
541  int phi = (biny - 1) % 4;
542  ss << sac[ac];
543  if (sector < 10) ss << "0";
544  ss << sector << "phi" << phi;
546  if (tgc_debug) std::cout << "TGC low efficiency chamber : " << ss.str() << " " << eff << std::endl;
548  std::pair<std::string, float> p(ss.str(), eff);
549  loweffchambers.push_back(p);
550  }
551  }//biny
552  }//binx
554  TString eff_dir = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + "Efficiency/";
555  TDirectory* dir = mf.GetDirectory(eff_dir);
557  if (dir) {
558  dir->cd();
559  heff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
560  } else {
561  //std::cerr<<"TGCChamberEfficiency: directory "<<eff_dir<<" not found"<<std::endl;
562  }
563  }//ws
564  }//ac
566  mf.Write();
567  // if directory is found, save the summary histogram
568  TString sum_dir = tgc_dir + "Global/Summary";
569  TDirectory* dir = mf.GetDirectory(sum_dir);
572  if (dir) {
573  dir->cd();
574  for (int ws = 0; ws < 2; ws++) {
575  for (int station = 0; station < 3; station++) {
576  for (int eta = 0; eta < 6; eta++) {
577  if (eta == 5 && station == 0) continue;
578  if (eta < 2 && station == 3) continue;
579  if (chambertypesummary[ws][station][eta]) chambertypesummary[ws][station][eta]->Write("",
580  TObject::kOverwrite);
582  }//eta
583  }//station
584  }//ws
585  } else {
586  //std::cerr<<"TGCChamberEfficiency: directory "<<sum_dir<<" not found"<<std::endl;
587  }//if
588  mf.Write();
590  for (int ac = 0; ac < 2; ac++) {
591  // if directory is found, save the summary histogram
592  sum_dir = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + "Summary/";
593  dir = mf.GetDirectory(sum_dir);
594  if (dir) {
595  dir->cd();
596  for (int ws = 0; ws < 2; ws++) {
597  if (chambersummary[ac][ws]) chambersummary[ac][ws]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
598  }//ws
599  } else {
600  //std::cerr<<"TGCChamberEfficiency: directory "<<sum_dir<<" not found"<<std::endl;
601  }//if
602  }//ac
603  mf.Write();
604  }//while
605  mf.Write();
606  }//MonitoringFile::TGCChamberEfficiency

◆ TGCChamberOccupancy()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::TGCChamberOccupancy ( const std::string &  inFilename,
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > &  phigh,
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > &  plow 

Definition at line 82 of file MonitoringFile_TGCPostProcess.cxx.

84  {
85  PostProcessorFileWrapper mf(inFilename, "TGC ChamberOcc Calculations");
87  if (!mf.IsOpen()) {
88  //std::cerr << "TGCPostProcess(): "
89  // << "Input file not opened \n";
90  return;
91  }
92  if (mf.GetSize() < 1000.) {
93  //std::cerr << "TGCPostProcess(): "
94  // << "Input file empty \n";
95  return;
96  }
97  /*
98  // get run directory name
99  //Seemingly unnecessary lines are necessary
100  TIter nextcd0(gDirectory->GetListOfKeys());
101  TKey *key0 = (TKey*)nextcd0();
102  TDirectory *dir0= dynamic_cast<TDirectory*> (key0->ReadObj());
103  dir0->cd();
105  */
106  TIter next_run(mf.GetListOfKeys());
107  TKey* key_run(0);
108  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*> (next_run())) != 0) {
109  if (!key_run->IsFolder()) continue;
110  TString run_dir = key_run->GetName();
111  if (!run_dir.Contains("run")) continue;
113  std::string run_dir2 = run_dir.Data();
114  //int run_number = atoi( (run_dir2.substr(4, run_dir2.size()-4 )).c_str() );
115  //run_number=run_number;
117  TString tgc_dir = run_dir + "/Muon/MuonRawDataMonitoring/TGC/";
119  TString tgc_global_dir = tgc_dir + "Global/";
121  TString tgc_sub_dir[2] = {
122  tgc_dir + "TGCEA/", tgc_dir + "TGCEC/"
123  };
125  TString sac[2] = {
126  "_A", "_C"
127  };
128  TString side[2] = {
129  "A", "C"
130  };
131  TString sws[2] = {
132  "Wire_", "Strip_"
133  };
135  std::stringstream ss;
137  //Summary histograms
138  TString schambertypesummary[2][4][6];//[ws][station][eta]
139  TH1F* chambertypesummary[2][4][6];//
141  TString schambersummary[2][2];//[ac][ws]
142  TH1F* chambersummary[2][2];//
144  std::string type[17] = {
145  "_F_T1", "_E4_T3", "_E3_T6", "_E2_T7", "_E1_T8",
146  "_F_T2", "_E5_T4", "_E4_T6", "_E3_T7", "_E2_T8", "_E1_T9",
147  "_F_T2", "_E5_T5", "_E4_T6", "_E3_T7", "_E2_T8", "_E1_T9"
148  };
150  //get summary histograms
151  for (int ws = 0; ws < 2; ws++) {
152  int ntype = 0;
153  for (int station = 0; station < 3; station++) {
154  for (int eta = 0; eta < 6; eta++) {
155  if (eta == 5 && station == 0) continue;
156  if (eta < 2 && station == 3) continue;
158  ss.str("");
159  ss << "Station" << station + 1 << type[ntype];
160  schambertypesummary[ws][station][eta] = tgc_dir + "Global/Summary/"
161  + "Summary_Of_Log10_" + sws[ws] + "Occupancy_Per_Chamber_Type_" +
162  ss.str();
163  if (tgc_debug) std::cout << schambertypesummary[ws][station][eta] << std::endl;
165  chambertypesummary[ws][station][eta] = 0;
166  mf.get(schambertypesummary[ws][station][eta], chambertypesummary[ws][station][eta]);
167  if (!chambertypesummary[ws][station][eta]) {
168  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram!! "<< schambertypesummary[ws][station][eta] <<
169  // std::endl;
170  continue;
171  }
172  TGCResetContents(chambertypesummary[ws][station][eta]);
174  ntype++;
175  }//eta
176  }//station
178  for (int ac = 0; ac < 2; ac++) {
179  schambersummary[ac][ws] = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + "Summary/"
180  + "Summary_Of_Log10_" + sws[ws] + "Occupancy_Per_GasGap" + sac[ac];
181  if (tgc_debug) std::cout << schambersummary[ac][ws] << std::endl;
183  chambersummary[ac][ws] = 0;
184  mf.get(schambersummary[ac][ws], chambersummary[ac][ws]);
185  if (!chambersummary[ac][ws]) {
186  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram!! "<< schambersummary[ac][ws] << std::endl;
187  continue;
188  }
189  TGCResetContents(chambersummary[ac][ws]);
190  }// ac
191  }// ws
193  //get number of events processed
194  TString sentries = tgc_global_dir + "Event_Counter";
196  TH1F* hentries = 0;
197  mf.get(sentries, hentries);
198  if (!hentries) {
199  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram!! "<< sentries << std::endl;
200  continue;
201  }
203  double nentries = hentries->GetEntries();
205  //calculate occupancies
206  for (int ac = 0; ac < 2; ac++) {
207  for (int ws = 0; ws < 2; ws++) {
208  double min = 1.;
209  double max = 0.;
211  TString sprof = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + "Profile/" + sws[ws] + "Profile_Map" + sac[ac];
212  TString soccu = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + "Occupancy/" + sws[ws] + "Occupancy_Map" + sac[ac];
214  TH2F* hprof = 0;
215  mf.get(sprof, hprof);
216  if (!hprof) {
217  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram!! "<< sprof << std::endl;
218  continue;
219  }
221  TH2F* hoccu = 0;
222  mf.get(soccu, hoccu);
223  if (!hoccu) {
224  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram!! "<< soccu << std::endl;
225  continue;
226  }
227  TGCResetContents(hoccu);
229  int nbinx = hprof->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
230  int nbiny = hprof->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();
232  for (int binx = 1; binx <= nbinx; binx++) {
233  for (int biny = 1; biny <= nbiny; biny++) {
234  if (ws == 1 && (binx == 2 || binx == 9 || binx == 16 || binx == 23 || binx == 34)) continue; //skip strip
235  // for layer2
236  if ((binx >= 33 && binx <= 43) &&
237  biny % 2 == 0) continue; // skip phi1,3 for forward region
238  if ((binx == 40 || binx == 41) &&
239  (biny == 19 || biny == 35 || biny == 43)) continue; //skip phi9,17,21 for EI
241  double num = hprof->GetBinContent(binx, biny);
242  double den = nentries * nTGCWireStripMap(ws, binx - 1, biny);
243  double occu = 0.;
244  double eoccu = 0.;
245  if (num > 0 && nentries > 0) {
246  occu = (double) num / den;
247  eoccu = sqrt(occu * (1. - occu) / den);
248  }
249  hoccu->SetBinContent(binx, biny, occu);
250  hoccu->SetBinError(binx, biny, eoccu);
252  // to set minimum and maximum
253  if (occu < min && occu > 1e-8) min = occu;
254  if (occu > max) max = occu;
256  if (occu < 1.e-8) {
257  occu = 1.e-8;
258  eoccu = 1.e-8;
259  }
260  if (chambersummary[ac][ws]) chambersummary[ac][ws]->Fill(log10(occu));
262  int station = 0;
263  int eta = -1;
264  if (binx < 16) {
265  station = 0;
266  eta = (binx - 1) % 5;
267  } else if (binx < 28) {
268  station = 1;
269  eta = (binx - 16) % 6;
270  } else if (binx < 40) {
271  station = 2;
272  eta = (binx - 28) % 6;
273  } else {
274  station = 3;
275  eta = (binx - 40) % 2;
276  }
277  if (station < 3 && eta >= 0)
278  if (chambertypesummary[ws][station][eta]) chambertypesummary[ws][station][eta]->Fill(log10(occu));
280  //high occupancy chamber
281  if (occu > TGCChamberHighOccupancyCut) {
282  ss.str("");
283  TString schamber = hprof->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(binx);
284  int sector = (biny - 1) / 4 + 1;
285  int phi = (biny - 1) % 4;
286  ss << side[ac];
287  if (sector < 10) ss << "0";
288  ss << sector << "phi" << phi;
289  if (tgc_debug) std::cout << "TGC noisy channel : " << ss.str() << " " << occu << std::endl;
291  std::pair<std::string, float> p(ss.str(), occu);
292  noisychambers.push_back(p);
293  } else if (occu < TGCChamberLowOccupancyCut) {//too low occupancy
294  ss.str("");
295  TString schamber = hprof->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(binx);
296  int sector = (biny - 1) / 4 + 1;
297  int phi = (biny - 1) % 4;
298  ss << side[ac];
299  if (sector < 10) ss << "0";
300  ss << sector << "phi" << phi;
301  if (tgc_debug) std::cout << "TGC low occupancy chamber : " << ss.str() << " " << occu << std::endl;
303  std::pair<std::string, float> p(ss.str(), occu);
304  deadchambers.push_back(p);
305  }
306  }//biny
307  }//binx
309  hoccu->SetMinimum(min * 0.95);
310  hoccu->SetMaximum(max * 1.05);
312  TString occu_dir = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + "Occupancy/";
313  TDirectory* dir = mf.GetDirectory(occu_dir);
315  if (dir) {
316  dir->cd();
317  hoccu->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
318  } else {
319  //std::cerr<<"TGCChamberOccupancy: directory "<<occu_dir<<" not found"<<std::endl;
320  }
321  }//ws
322  }//ac
323  mf.Write();
325  // if directory is found, save the summary histogram
326  TString sum_dir = tgc_dir + "Global/Summary";
327  TDirectory* dir = mf.GetDirectory(sum_dir);
329  if (dir) {
330  dir->cd();
331  for (int ws = 0; ws < 2; ws++) {
332  for (int station = 0; station < 3; station++) {
333  for (int eta = 0; eta < 6; eta++) {
334  if (eta == 5 && station == 0) continue;
335  if (eta < 2 && station == 3) continue;
336  if (chambertypesummary[ws][station][eta]) chambertypesummary[ws][station][eta]->Write("",
337  TObject::kOverwrite);
339  }//eta
340  }//station
341  }//ws
342  } else {
343  //std::cerr<<"TGCChamberOccupancy: directory "<<sum_dir<<" not found"<<std::endl;
344  }//if
345  mf.Write();
347  for (int ac = 0; ac < 2; ac++) {
348  // if directory is found, save the summary histogram
349  sum_dir = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + "Summary/";
350  dir = mf.GetDirectory(sum_dir);
351  if (dir) {
352  dir->cd();
353  for (int ws = 0; ws < 2; ws++) {
354  if (chambersummary[ac][ws]) chambersummary[ac][ws]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
355  }//ws
356  } else {
357  //std::cerr<<"TGCChamberOccupancy: directory "<<sum_dir<<" not found"<<std::endl;
358  }//if
359  }//ac
360  mf.Write();
361  }//while
363  mf.Write();
364  }//MonitoringFile::TGCChamberOccupancy

◆ TGCChamberTiming()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::TGCChamberTiming ( const std::string &  inFilename,
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > &  pro,
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > &  ptrg 

Definition at line 609 of file MonitoringFile_TGCPostProcess.cxx.

611  {
612  PostProcessorFileWrapper mf(inFilename, "TGC Chamber Timing Calculations");
614  if (!mf.IsOpen()) {
615  //std::cerr << "TGCPostProcess(): "
616  // << "Input file not opened \n";
617  return;
618  }
619  if (mf.GetSize() < 1000.) {
620  //std::cerr << "TGCPostProcess(): "
621  // << "Input file empty \n";
622  return;
623  }
624  /*
625  // get run directory name
626  //Seemingly unnecessary lines are necessary
627  TIter nextcd0(gDirectory->GetListOfKeys());
628  TKey *key0 = (TKey*)nextcd0();
629  TDirectory *dir0= dynamic_cast<TDirectory*> (key0->ReadObj());
630  dir0->cd();
632  */
633  TIter next_run(mf.GetListOfKeys());
634  TKey* key_run(0);
635  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*> (next_run())) != 0) {
636  if (!key_run->IsFolder()) continue;
637  TString run_dir = key_run->GetName();
638  if (!run_dir.Contains("run")) continue;
640  std::string run_dir2 = run_dir.Data();
641  //int run_number = atoi( (run_dir2.substr(4, run_dir2.size()-4 )).c_str() );
642  //run_number=run_number;
644  TString tgc_dir = run_dir + "/Muon/MuonRawDataMonitoring/TGCLV1/";
646  TString tgc_sub_dir[2] = {
647  tgc_dir + "TGCEA/", tgc_dir + "TGCEC/"
648  };
650  TString sac[2] = {
651  "_A", "_C"
652  };
654  TString ssllpt[2] = {
655  "SL_Timing", "Low_Pt_Timing"
656  };
658  std::stringstream ss;
659  //Summary histograms
660  TString schambertypesummary[6];//[station][eta]
661  TH1F* chambertypesummary[6];//
663  std::string type[6] = {
664  "_F_T2", "_E5_T5", "_E4_T6", "_E3_T7", "_E2_T8", "_E1_T9"
665  };
667  for (int sllpt = 0; sllpt < 2; sllpt++) {//loop over SL/LPT
668  for (int eta = 0; eta < 6; eta++) {
669  //get summary histograms
670  ss.str("");
671  ss << type[eta];
672  schambertypesummary[eta] = tgc_dir + "Global/Summary/"
673  + "Summary_Of_" + ssllpt[sllpt] + "_Per_Chamber_Type" + ss.str();
675  chambertypesummary[eta] = 0;
676  mf.get(schambertypesummary[eta], chambertypesummary[eta]);
677  if (!chambertypesummary[eta]) {
678  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram!! "<< schambertypesummary[eta] << std::endl;
679  continue;
680  }
681  TGCResetContents(chambertypesummary[eta]);
682  }//eta
684  for (int ac = 0; ac < 2; ac++) {
685  //get summary histogram
686  TString ssum = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + "Summary/Summary_Of_" + ssllpt[sllpt] + sac[ac];
687  TString stmap = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + ssllpt[sllpt] + "_Map" + sac[ac];
688  TString stfrac = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + ssllpt[sllpt] + "_Fraction_Map" + sac[ac];
690  TH1F* hsum = 0;
691  mf.get(ssum, hsum);
692  if (!hsum) {
693  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram!! "<< ssum << std::endl;
694  continue;
695  }
697  TH2F* htmap = 0;
698  mf.get(stmap, htmap);
699  if (!htmap) {
700  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram!! "<< stmap << std::endl;
701  continue;
702  }
704  TH2F* htfrac = 0;
705  mf.get(stfrac, htfrac);
706  if (!htfrac) {
707  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram!! "<< stfrac << std::endl;
708  continue;
709  }
712  TGCResetContents(htfrac);
714  int nbinx = htmap->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
715  int nbiny = htmap->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();
717  if (nbinx != 18 || nbiny != 48) continue;
719  for (int eta = 0; eta < 6; eta++) {
720  for (int phi48 = 0; phi48 < 48; phi48++) {
721  if (eta == 5 && phi48 % 2 == 1) continue; //Forward
723  float p = htmap->GetBinContent(eta + 1, phi48 + 1);
724  float c = htmap->GetBinContent(eta + 7, phi48 + 1);
725  float n = htmap->GetBinContent(eta + 13, phi48 + 1);
726  float tot = p + n + c;
728  float fp = 0;
729  float fc = 0;
730  float fn = 0;
732  float efp = 0;
733  float efc = 0;
734  float efn = 0;
736  if (tot != 0) {
737  fp = p / tot;
738  efp = sqrt(fp * (1. - fp) / tot);
739  fc = c / tot;
740  efc = sqrt(fc * (1. - fc) / tot);
741  fn = n / tot;
742  efn = sqrt(fn * (1. - fn) / tot);
743  }
745  htfrac->SetBinContent(eta + 1, phi48 + 1, fp);
746  htfrac->SetBinContent(eta + 7, phi48 + 1, fc);
747  htfrac->SetBinContent(eta + 13, phi48 + 1, fn);
748  htfrac->SetBinError(eta + 1, phi48 + 1, efp);
749  htfrac->SetBinError(eta + 7, phi48 + 1, efc);
750  htfrac->SetBinError(eta + 13, phi48 + 1, efn);
752  if (chambertypesummary[eta]) chambertypesummary[eta]->Fill(fc);
753  hsum->Fill(fc);
755  //low current fraction chambers
756  if (fc < TGCChamberTimingCut) {
757  ss.str("");
758  //std::string chamber = htiming->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(bin);
759  ss << sac[ac] << "phi" << phi48 + 1 << "Eta" << eta;
761  if (tgc_debug) std::cout << "TGC " << ssllpt[sllpt] << " low current BCID fraction chamber : " <<
762  ss.str() << " " << fc << std::endl;
764  std::pair<std::string, float> p(ss.str(), fc);
765  if (sllpt == 0) {
766  badtrgtimingchambers.push_back(p);
767  } else {
768  badrotimingchambers.push_back(p);
769  }
770  }
771  }//phi48
772  }//eta
774  //write timing fraction
775  TString timing_dir = tgc_sub_dir[ac];
776  TDirectory* dir = mf.GetDirectory(timing_dir);
778  if (dir) {
779  dir->cd();
780  htfrac->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
781  } else {
782  //std::cerr<<"TGCChamberTiming : directory "<<timing_dir<<" not found"<<std::endl;
783  }
785  //write summary of timing for each side
786  TString sum_dir = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + "Summary/";
787  dir = mf.GetDirectory(sum_dir);
789  if (dir) {
790  dir->cd();
791  hsum->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
792  } else {
793  //std::cerr<<"TGCChamberTiming : directory "<<sum_dir<<" not found"<<std::endl;
794  }
795  }//ac
796  mf.Write();
798  //write summary of timing for each eta
799  TString sum_dir = tgc_dir + "Global/Summary/";
800  TDirectory* dir = mf.GetDirectory(sum_dir);
802  if (dir) {
803  dir->cd();
804  for (int eta = 0; eta < 6; eta++) {
805  if (chambertypesummary[eta]) chambertypesummary[eta]->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
806  }
807  } else {
808  //std::cerr<<"TGCChamberTiming : directory "<<sum_dir<<" not found"<<std::endl;
809  }
810  mf.Write();
811  }//sllpt
812  }//while
813  mf.Write();
814  }//MonitoringFile::TGCChamberTiming

◆ TGCChannelOccupancy()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::TGCChannelOccupancy ( const std::string &  inFilename,
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > &  p 

Definition at line 817 of file MonitoringFile_TGCPostProcess.cxx.

819  {
820  PostProcessorFileWrapper mf(inFilename, "TGC ChannelOcc Calculations");
822  if (!mf.IsOpen()) {
823  //std::cerr << "TGCPostProcess(): "
824  // << "Input file not opened \n";
825  return;
826  }
827  if (mf.GetSize() < 1000.) {
828  //std::cerr << "TGCPostProcess(): "
829  // << "Input file empty \n";
830  return;
831  }
832  /*
833  // get run directory name
834  //Seemingly unnecessary lines are necessary
835  TIter nextcd0(gDirectory->GetListOfKeys());
836  TKey *key0 = (TKey*)nextcd0();
837  TDirectory *dir0= dynamic_cast<TDirectory*> (key0->ReadObj());
838  dir0->cd();
840  */
841  TIter next_run(mf.GetListOfKeys());
842  TKey* key_run(0);
843  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*> (next_run())) != 0) {
844  if (!key_run->IsFolder()) continue;
845  TString run_dir = key_run->GetName();
846  if (!run_dir.Contains("run")) continue;
848  std::string run_dir2 = run_dir.Data();
849  //int run_number = atoi( (run_dir2.substr(4, run_dir2.size()-4 )).c_str() );
850  //run_number=run_number;
852  TString tgc_dir = run_dir + "/Muon/MuonRawDataMonitoring/TGC/";
854  TString tgc_global_dir = tgc_dir + "Global/";
855  TString tgc_sub_dir[2] = {
856  tgc_dir + "TGCEA/", tgc_dir + "TGCEC/"
857  };
859  TString sac[2] = {
860  "_A", "_C"
861  };
862  TString sws[2] = {
863  "Wire_", "Strip_"
864  };
865  TString slay[7] = {
866  "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
867  };
868  std::stringstream ss;
870  //get number of events processed
871  TString sentries = tgc_global_dir + "Event_Counter";
873  TH1F* hentries = 0;
874  mf.get(sentries, hentries);
875  if (!hentries) {
876  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram!! "<< sentries << std::endl;
877  continue;
878  }
880  double nentries = hentries->GetEntries();
882  for (int ac = 0; ac < 2; ac++) {
883  for (int ws = 0; ws < 2; ws++) {
884  for (int lay = 0; lay < 7; lay++) {
885  if (ws == 1 && lay == 1) continue;
886  for (int subsect = 1; subsect <= 48; subsect++) {
887  //get each subsector histogram
888  int sector, phi4;
889  TGCsubsect2sectorphi(subsect, sector, phi4);
891  ss.str("");
892  if (sector < 10) ss << "0";
893  ss << sector << "_Layer" << slay[lay] << "_Phi" << phi4;
894  TString sprof = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + "Profile/" + sws[ws] + "Hit_Profile" + sac[ac] + ss.str();
896  TH1F* hprof = 0;
897  mf.get(sprof, hprof);
898  if (!hprof) {
899  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram!! "<< sprof << std::endl;
900  continue;
901  }
903  int nbin = hprof->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
905  for (int bin = 1; bin <= nbin; bin++) {
906  double num = hprof->GetBinContent(bin);
907  float occu = 0.;
908  if (nentries > 0) occu = (float) num / nentries;
909  if (occu > TGCChannelOccupancyCut) {
910  ss.str("");
911  ss << hprof->GetName() << " " << bin;
912  if (tgc_debug) std::cout << "TGC noisy channel : " << ss.str() << " " << occu << std::endl;
914  std::pair<std::string, float> p(ss.str(), occu);
915  noisychannels.push_back(p);
916  }
917  }//bin
918  }//subsect
919  }//lay
920  }//loop over ws
921  }//loop over ac
922  }//while
923  }//MonitoringFile::TGCChannelOccupancy

◆ TGCCheckHistogram()

bool dqutils::MonitoringFile::TGCCheckHistogram ( TFile *  f,
TString &  hname 

Definition at line 71 of file MonitoringFile_TGCPostProcess.cxx.

71  {
72  if (!(f->Get(hname))) {
73  //std::cerr << "TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram!! : "<< hname << std::endl;
74  gDirectory->pwd();
75  gDirectory->ls();
76  return false;
77  }
78  return true;
79  }//MonitoringFile::TGCCheckHistogram

◆ TGCLV1HistogramDivision()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::TGCLV1HistogramDivision ( const std::string &  inFilename)

Definition at line 202 of file MonitoringFile_TgcHistogramDivision.cxx.

202  {
203  PostProcessorFileWrapper mf(inFilename, "TGC LV1 Histogram Division");
205  if (!mf.IsOpen()) {
206  //std::cerr << "TGCPostProcess(): "
207  // << "Input file not opened \n";
208  return;
209  }
210  if (mf.GetSize() < 1000.) {
211  //std::cerr << "TGCPostProcess(): "
212  // << "Input file empty \n";
213  return;
214  }
215  /*
216  // get run directory name
217  //Seemingly unnecessary lines are necessary
218  TIter nextcd0(gDirectory->GetListOfKeys());
219  TKey *key0 = (TKey*)nextcd0();
220  TDirectory *dir0= dynamic_cast<TDirectory*> (key0->ReadObj());
221  dir0->cd();
223  */
224  std::stringstream ss;
225  TString sac[2] = {
226  "_A", "_C"
227  };
228  //TString sws[2]={"Wire_","Strip_"};
230  TIter next_run(mf.GetListOfKeys());
231  TKey* key_run(0);
232  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*> (next_run())) != 0) {
233  if (!key_run->IsFolder()) continue;
234  TString run_dir = key_run->GetName();
235  if (!run_dir.Contains("run")) continue;
237  std::string run_dir2 = run_dir.Data();
238  //int run_number = atoi( (run_dir2.substr(4, run_dir2.size()-4 )).c_str() );
240  TString seff;
241  TString snum;
242  TString sden;
243  TString seffg;
245  TH1F* h1eff(0);
246  TH1F* h1num(0);
247  TH1F* h1den(0);
248  TH2F* h2eff(0);
249  TH2F* h2num(0);
250  TH2F* h2den(0);
251  TGraphAsymmErrors* geff(0);
253  //===TGCLV1
254  TString tgc_dir = run_dir + "/Muon/MuonRawDataMonitoring/TGCLV1/";
256  TString tgc_global_dir = tgc_dir + "Global/";
257  TString tgc_sub_dir[2] = {
258  tgc_dir + "TGCEA/", tgc_dir + "TGCEC/"
259  };
261  std::string smuid[2] = {
262  "_Muid", "_Staco"
263  };
264  std::string spna[3] = {
265  "_Posi", "_Nega", ""
266  };
268  std::string sbc[3] = {
269  "_Previous", "", "_Next"
270  };
272  for (int ac = 0; ac < 2; ac++) {
273  TString eff_dir = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + "Eff/";
274  TDirectory* dir = mf.GetDirectory(eff_dir);
275  if (!dir) {
276  //std::cerr<< "TGCHistogramDivision: directory "<<eff_dir<<" not found"<<std::endl;
277  return;
278  }
280  for (int pt = 1; pt <= 6; pt++) {
281  for (int pna = 0; pna < 3; pna++) {
282  for (int muid = 0; muid < 2; muid++) {
283  for (int pcn = 0; pcn < 3; pcn++) {
284  std::string tempeff, tempnum, tempden;
285  //Efficiency
286  ss.str("");
287  ss << "Trigger_Efficiency" << spna[pna] << sbc[pcn] << "_PT" << pt << smuid[muid] << sac[ac];
288  seff = eff_dir + ss.str();
289  tempeff = ss.str();
290  ss.str("");
291  ss << "Trigger_Efficiency" << spna[pna] << sbc[pcn] << "_PT" << pt << smuid[muid] << sac[ac] <<
292  "_Numerator";
293  snum = eff_dir + "NumDenom/" + ss.str();
294  tempnum = ss.str();
295  ss.str("");
296  ss << "Trigger_Efficiency" << spna[pna] << "_PT" << pt << smuid[muid] << sac[ac] << "_Denominator";
297  sden = eff_dir + "NumDenom/" + ss.str();
298  tempden = ss.str();
300  h2eff = 0;
301  mf.get(seff, h2eff);
302  h2num = 0;
303  mf.get(snum, h2num);
304  h2den = 0;
305  mf.get(sden, h2den);
306  if (h2eff && h2num && h2den) {
307  TGCResetContents(h2eff);
308  h2eff->Divide(h2num, h2den, 1., 1., "B");
310  // save the summary histogram
311  dir = mf.GetDirectory(eff_dir);
312  dir->cd();
313  h2eff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
314  } else {
315  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram (or num/denom)!! "<< seff << std::endl;
316  continue;
317  }
318  mf.Write();
319  }//pcn
321  //Turn on
322  ss.str("");
323  ss << "Trigger_Turn_On_Curve" << spna[pna] << "_PT" << pt << smuid[muid] << sac[ac];
324  seff = eff_dir + ss.str();
325  ss << "_Fit";
326  seffg = eff_dir + ss.str();
327  ss.str("");
328  ss << "Trigger_Turn_On_Curve" << spna[pna] << "_PT" << pt << smuid[muid] << sac[ac] << "_Numerator";
329  snum = eff_dir + "NumDenom/" + ss.str();
330  ss.str("");
331  ss << "Trigger_Turn_On_Curve" << spna[pna] << "_PT" << pt << smuid[muid] << sac[ac] << "_Denominator";
332  sden = eff_dir + "NumDenom/" + ss.str();
334  h1eff = 0;
335  mf.get(seff, h1eff);
336  h1num = 0;
337  mf.get(snum, h1num);
338  h1den = 0;
339  mf.get(sden, h1den);
340  geff = 0;
341  mf.get(seffg, geff);
343  if (h1eff && h1num && h1den) {
344  TGCResetContents(h1eff);
345  h1eff->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
347  // save the summary histogram
348  dir = mf.GetDirectory(eff_dir);
349  dir->cd();
350  h1eff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
352  if (geff) {
353  geff->BayesDivide(h1num, h1den);
355  // save the summary histogram
356  dir = mf.GetDirectory(eff_dir);
357  dir->cd();
358  geff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
359  }
360  } else {
361  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram (or num/denom)!! "<< seff << std::endl;
362  continue;
363  }
364  mf.Write();
365  }//muid
366  }//pna
367  mf.Write();
369  //Rate Ratio
370  TString grate_dir = tgc_global_dir + "Rate/";
371  TString rate_dir = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + "Rate/";
372  TString rr_dir = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + "Rate/Ratio/";
373  dir = mf.GetDirectory(rr_dir);
374  if (!dir) {
375  //std::cerr<< "TGCHistogramDivision: directory "<<rr_dir<<" not found"<<std::endl;
376  return;
377  }
379  // trigger/10BCID
380  ss.str("");
381  ss << "Number_Of_PT" << pt << "_Triggers_Per_Event_Vs_10BCID" << sac[ac];
382  seff = rr_dir + ss.str();
383  ss.str("");
384  ss << "Number_Of_PT" << pt << "_Triggers_In_10BCID" << sac[ac];
385  snum = rate_dir + ss.str();
386  ss.str("");
387  ss << "Number_Of_Events_In_10BCID";
388  sden = grate_dir + ss.str();
390  h1eff = 0;
391  mf.get(seff, h1eff);
392  h1num = 0;
393  mf.get(snum, h1num);
394  h1den = 0;
395  mf.get(sden, h1den);
397  if (h1eff && h1num && h1den) {
398  TGCResetContents(h1eff);
399  h1eff->Divide(h1num, h1den);
401  // save the summary histogram
402  dir->cd();
403  h1eff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
404  } else {
405  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram (or num/denom)!! "<< seff << std::endl;
406  continue;
407  }
409  //trigger/2LB
410  ss.str("");
411  ss << "Number_Of_PT" << pt << "_Triggers_Per_Event_Vs_2LB" << sac[ac];
412  seff = rr_dir + ss.str();
413  ss.str("");
414  ss << "Number_Of_PT" << pt << "_Triggers_In_2LB" << sac[ac];
415  snum = rate_dir + ss.str();
416  ss.str("");
417  ss << "Number_Of_Events_In_2LB";
418  sden = grate_dir + ss.str();
420  h1eff = 0;
421  mf.get(seff, h1eff);
422  h1num = 0;
423  mf.get(snum, h1num);
424  h1den = 0;
425  mf.get(sden, h1den);
427  if (h1eff && h1num && h1den) {
428  TGCResetContents(h1eff);
429  h1eff->Divide(h1num, h1den);
431  // save the summary histogram
432  dir->cd();
433  h1eff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
434  } else {
435  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram (or num/denom)!! "<< seff << std::endl;
436  continue;
437  }
438  mf.Write();
439  }//pt
441  //Rate Ratio
442  TString grate_dir = tgc_global_dir + "Rate/";
443  TString rate_dir = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + "Rate/";
444  TString rr_dir = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + "Rate/Ratio/";
446  // trigger/10BCID
447  ss.str("");
448  ss << "Number_Of_SL_Triggers_Per_Event_Vs_10BCID" << sac[ac];
449  seff = rr_dir + ss.str();
450  ss.str("");
451  ss << "Number_Of_SL_Triggers_In_10BCID" << sac[ac];
452  snum = rate_dir + ss.str();
453  ss.str("");
454  ss << "Number_Of_Events_In_10BCID";
455  sden = grate_dir + ss.str();
457  h1eff = 0;
458  mf.get(seff, h1eff);
459  h1num = 0;
460  mf.get(snum, h1num);
461  h1den = 0;
462  mf.get(sden, h1den);
464  if (h1eff && h1num && h1den) {
465  TGCResetContents(h1eff);
466  h1eff->Divide(h1num, h1den);
468  // save the summary histogram
469  dir = mf.GetDirectory(rr_dir);
470  dir->cd();
471  h1eff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
472  } else {
473  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram (or num/denom)!! "<< seff << std::endl;
474  continue;
475  }
477  //trigger/2LB
478  ss.str("");
479  ss << "Number_Of_SL_Triggers_Per_Event_Vs_2LB" << sac[ac];
480  seff = rr_dir + ss.str();
481  ss.str("");
482  ss << "Number_Of_SL_Triggers_In_2LB" << sac[ac];
483  snum = rate_dir + ss.str();
484  ss.str("");
485  ss << "Number_Of_Events_In_2LB";
486  sden = grate_dir + ss.str();
488  h1eff = 0;
489  mf.get(seff, h1eff);
490  h1num = 0;
491  mf.get(snum, h1num);
492  h1den = 0;
493  mf.get(sden, h1den);
495  if (h1eff && h1num && h1den) {
496  TGCResetContents(h1eff);
497  h1eff->Divide(h1num, h1den);
499  // save the summary histogram
500  dir->cd();
501  h1eff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
502  } else {
503  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram (or num/denom)!! "<< seff << std::endl;
504  continue;
505  }
506  mf.Write();
507  }//ac
508  //====End TGCLV1
509  }
511  mf.Write();
512  }

◆ TGCPostProcess()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::TGCPostProcess ( const std::string &  inFilename,
bool  isIncremental = false 

Definition at line 46 of file MonitoringFile_TGCPostProcess.cxx.

46  {
47  //start postprocessing
48  std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > NoisyChambers;
49  std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > DeadChambers;
51  std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > NoisyChannels;
53  std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > LowEfficiencyChambers;
55  std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > ReadoutTimingChambers;
56  std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > TriggerTimingChambers;
58  TGCLV1HistogramDivision(inFilename);
59  TGCRawHistogramDivision(inFilename);
60  TGCChamberOccupancy(inFilename, NoisyChambers, DeadChambers);
61  // TGCChannelOccupancy( inFilename, run_dir, NoisyChannels );
63  TGCChamberEfficiency(inFilename, LowEfficiencyChambers);
64  TGCChamberTiming(inFilename, ReadoutTimingChambers, TriggerTimingChambers);
65  //DQA results to COOL
67  return;
68  }//MonitoringFile::TGCPostProcess

◆ TGCRawHistogramDivision()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::TGCRawHistogramDivision ( const std::string &  inFilename)

Definition at line 39 of file MonitoringFile_TgcHistogramDivision.cxx.

39  {
40  PostProcessorFileWrapper mf(inFilename, "TGC Raw Histogram Division");
42  if (!mf.IsOpen()) {
43  //std::cerr << "TGCPostProcess(): "
44  // << "Input file not opened \n";
45  return;
46  }
47  if (mf.GetSize() < 1000.) {
48  //std::cerr << "TGCPostProcess(): "
49  // << "Input file empty \n";
50  return;
51  }
53  std::stringstream ss;
54  TString sac[2] = {
55  "_A", "_C"
56  };
57  TString sws[2] = {
58  "Wire_", "Strip_"
59  };
61  TIter next_run(mf.GetListOfKeys());
62  TKey* key_run(0);
64  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*> (next_run())) != 0) {
65  if (!key_run->IsFolder()) continue;
66  TString run_dir = key_run->GetName();
67  if (!run_dir.Contains("run")) continue;
69  std::string run_dir2 = run_dir.Data();
70  //int run_number = atoi( (run_dir2.substr(4, run_dir2.size()-4 )).c_str() );
72  TString seff;
73  TString snum;
74  TString sden;
76  TH1F* h1eff(0);
77  TH1F* h1num(0);
78  TH1F* h1den(0);
79  TH2F* h2eff(0);
80  TH2F* h2num(0);
81  TH2F* h2den(0);
83  //===TGCRaw
84  TString tgc_dir = run_dir + "/Muon/MuonRawDataMonitoring/TGC/";
86  TString tgc_global_dir = tgc_dir + "Global/";
87  TString tgc_sub_dir[2] = {
88  tgc_dir + "TGCEA/", tgc_dir + "TGCEC/"
89  };
91  for (int ac = 0; ac < 2; ac++) {
92  TString eff_dir = tgc_sub_dir[ac] + "Efficiency/";
93  TDirectory* dir = mf.GetDirectory(eff_dir);
94  if (!dir) {
95  //std::cerr<< "TGCHistogramDivision: directory "<<eff_dir<<" not found"<<std::endl;
96  return;
97  }
99  ss.str("");
100  ss << "Efficiency" << sac[ac];
101  seff = eff_dir + ss.str();
102  ss.str("");
103  ss << "Efficiency" << sac[ac] << "_Numerator";
104  snum = eff_dir + "NumDenom/" + ss.str();
105  ss.str("");
106  ss << "Efficiency" << sac[ac] << "_Denominator";
107  sden = eff_dir + "NumDenom/" + ss.str();
109  h1eff = 0;
110  mf.get(seff, h1eff);
111  h1num = 0;
112  mf.get(snum, h1num);
113  h1den = 0;
114  mf.get(sden, h1den);
116  if (h1eff && h1num && h1den) {
117  TGCResetContents(h1eff);
118  h1eff->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
120  // save the summary histogram
121  dir->cd();
122  h1eff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
123  } else {
124  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram (or num/denom)!! "<< seff << std::endl;
125  continue;
126  }
128  for (int ws = 0; ws < 2; ws++) {
129  ss.str("");
130  ss << sws[ws] << "Efficiency" << sac[ac];
131  seff = eff_dir + ss.str();
132  ss.str("");
133  ss << sws[ws] << "Efficiency" << sac[ac] << "_Numerator";
134  snum = eff_dir + "NumDenom/" + ss.str();
135  ss.str("");
136  ss << sws[ws] << "Efficiency" << sac[ac] << "_Denominator";
137  sden = eff_dir + "NumDenom/" + ss.str();
139  h1eff = 0;
140  mf.get(seff, h1eff);
141  h1num = 0;
142  mf.get(snum, h1num);
143  h1den = 0;
144  mf.get(sden, h1den);
146  if (h1eff && h1num && h1den) {
147  TGCResetContents(h1eff);
148  h1eff->Divide(h1num, h1den, 1., 1., "B");
150  // save the summary histogram
151  dir->cd();
152  h1eff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
153  } else {
154  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram (or num/denom)!! "<< seff << std::endl;
155  continue;
156  }
157  mf.Write();
159  //efficiency map for current, previous and next.
160  std::string sbc[3] = {
161  "_Previous", "", "_Next"
162  };
163  for (int bc = 0; bc < 3; bc++) {
164  ss.str("");
165  ss << sws[ws] << "Efficiency_Map" << sbc[bc] << sac[ac];
166  seff = eff_dir + ss.str();
167  ss.str("");
168  ss << sws[ws] << "Efficiency_Map" << sbc[bc] << sac[ac] << "_Numerator";
169  snum = eff_dir + "NumDenom/" + ss.str();
170  ss.str("");
171  ss << sws[ws] << "Efficiency_Map" << sac[ac] << "_Denominator";
172  sden = eff_dir + "NumDenom/" + ss.str();
174  h2eff = 0;
175  mf.get(seff, h2eff);
176  h2num = 0;
177  mf.get(snum, h2num);
178  h2den = 0;
179  mf.get(sden, h2den);
181  if (h2eff && h2num && h2den) {
182  TGCResetContents(h2eff);
183  h2eff->Divide(h2num, h2den, 1., 1., "B");
185  // save the summary histogram
186  dir->cd();
187  h2eff->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
188  } else {
189  //std::cerr <<"TGC PostProcessing: no such histogram (or num/denom)!! "<< seff << std::endl;
190  continue;
191  }
192  }//bc
193  }//ws
194  }//ac
195  //===End TGCRaw
196  }// run_dir loop
198  mf.Write();
199  }

◆ TGCResetContents()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::TGCResetContents ( TH1 h)

Definition at line 1121 of file MonitoringFile_TGCPostProcess.cxx.

1121  {
1122  // copy all functions of histogram before resetting
1123  TList* h_funcs;
1125  h_funcs = dynamic_cast<TList*> (h->GetListOfFunctions()->Clone());
1126  h->Reset();
1127  //now insert these functions back into the hist
1128  TIter iterE(h_funcs);
1129  while ((iterE())) {
1130  h->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(*iterE);
1131  }
1132  delete h_funcs;
1133  // are the functions still valid after list deletion?
1134  // should be!
1135  // TIter iterTest(EffBCap->GetListOfFunctions());
1136  // while( iterTest() ) std::cout << (*iterTest)->GetName() << std::endl;
1137  }

◆ TGCSetMetaData()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::TGCSetMetaData ( TDirectory *  targetDir,
TH1 h1,
TH1 h2 = 0,
TH1 h3 = 0 

Definition at line 131 of file MonitoringFile_PPFileWrapper.cxx.

131  {
132  TTree* metadata_overview_tr = 0;
134  if (!targetDir || !h1) return;
136  targetDir->GetObject("metadata", metadata_overview_tr);
137  //Fill Metadata for new objs.
138  std::string name_;
139  std::string intervalData_ = "run";
140  std::string chainData_ = "<none>";
141  std::string mergeData_ = "<default>";
142  if (metadata_overview_tr) {
143  OutputMetadata metadata_overview(metadata_overview_tr);
144  char name[99];
145  char intervalData[99];
146  char chainData[99];
147  char mergeData[99];
148  TBranch* b_name;
149  TBranch* b_intervalData;
150  TBranch* b_chainData;
151  TBranch* b_mergeData;
152  TTree* tClone = (TTree*) metadata_overview_tr->Clone();
153  metadata_overview_tr->SetDirectory(0);
154  tClone->SetBranchAddress("Name", name, &b_name);
155  tClone->SetBranchAddress("Interval", intervalData, &b_intervalData);
156  tClone->SetBranchAddress("TriggerChain", chainData, &b_chainData);
157  tClone->SetBranchAddress("MergeMethod", mergeData, &b_mergeData);
158  //Check if Metadata Already Exists
159  bool isMeta = false;
160  for (int i = 0; i != tClone->GetEntries(); ++i) {
161  tClone->GetEntry(i);
162  intervalData_ = intervalData;
163  chainData_ = chainData;
164  mergeData_ = mergeData;
165  name_ = name;
166  if (name_ == (std::string) h1->GetName()) isMeta = true;
167  }
169  delete tClone;
170  if (isMeta) {
171  metadata_overview_tr->SetDirectory(0);
172  delete metadata_overview_tr;
173  return;
174  }
175  metadata_overview.fill(h1->GetName(), intervalData_, chainData_, mergeData_);
176  if (h2) metadata_overview.fill(h2->GetName(), intervalData_, chainData_, mergeData_);
177  if (h3) metadata_overview.fill(h3->GetName(), intervalData_, chainData_, mergeData_);
178  //set new hists to 0 dir
179  TDirectory* tempDir = gDirectory;
180  targetDir->cd();
181  metadata_overview_tr->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
182  tempDir->cd();
183  } else {
184  TTree* metadata_overview_tr = new TTree("metadata", "Monitoring Metadata");
185  OutputMetadata metadata_overview(metadata_overview_tr);
186  if (h1) metadata_overview.fill(h1->GetName(), intervalData_, chainData_, mergeData_);
187  TDirectory* tempDir = gDirectory;
188  targetDir->cd();
189  h1->SetDirectory(0);
190  metadata_overview_tr->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
191  metadata_overview_tr->SetDirectory(0);//make this safe to delete
192  delete metadata_overview_tr;
193  tempDir->cd();
194  }
195  }

◆ TGCsubsect2sectorphi()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::TGCsubsect2sectorphi ( int  subsect,
int &  sector,
int &  phi4 

Definition at line 953 of file MonitoringFile_TGCPostProcess.cxx.

953  {
954  sector = (subsect + 1) / 4 + 1;
955  if (sector > 12) sector = 1;
956  phi4 = (subsect + 1) % 4;
957  }//MonitoringFile::TGCsubsect2sectorphi

◆ TGCsubsectbin2stationeta()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::TGCsubsectbin2stationeta ( int  subsect,
int  bin,
int &  station,
int &  eta 

Definition at line 926 of file MonitoringFile_TGCPostProcess.cxx.

926  {
927  if (subsect % 2 == 1) {//including forward chamber
928  if (bin <= 15) {
929  station = 1;
930  eta = (bin - 1) % 5;
931  } else if (bin <= 27) {
932  station = 2;
933  eta = (bin - 16) % 6;
934  } else {
935  station = 3;
936  eta = (bin - 28) % 6;
937  }
938  } else {
939  if (bin <= 12) {
940  station = 1;
941  eta = (bin - 1) % 4 + 1;
942  } else if (bin <= 22) {
943  station = 2;
944  eta = (bin - 13) % 5 + 1;
945  } else {
946  station = 3;
947  eta = (bin - 23) % 5 + 1;
948  }
949  }
950  }//MonitoringFile::TGCsubsectbin2stationeta

◆ VxMon_move()

void dqutils::MonitoringFile::VxMon_move ( const std::string &  inFilename,
bool  isIncremental = false 

Definition at line 33 of file MonitoringFile_MoveVertexMonitoring.cxx.

33  {
34  std::string stream_ref = "physics_MinBias";
35  int stream_check = -1;
36  stream_check = inFilename.find(stream_ref);
38  if (!isIncremental && stream_check >= 0) {
39  TFile* f = TFile::Open(inFilename.c_str(), "UPDATE");
40  if (f == 0 || !f->IsOpen()) {
41  delete f;
42  return;
43  }
44  if (f->GetSize() < 1000.) {
45  delete f;
46  return;
47  }
49  bool dirExists = false;
50  TString run_dir;
51  TString lb_dir;
52  int writeEOS = 0;
53  int writeLOCAL = -1;
54  bool IsFirstTime = true;
55  std::string AthenaTAG;
57  const char* AtlasVersion = getenv("AtlasVersion");
58  if (!AtlasVersion) {
59  delete f;
60  return;
61  }
62  AthenaTAG = AtlasVersion;
63  std::string out_inStem;
64  std::string out_EOS;
65  std::string out_LOCAL;
66  std::string out_outStem;
68  TIter run_keys(f->GetListOfKeys());
69  TIter lb_keys(f->GetListOfKeys());
70  TKey* key_run(0);
71  TKey* key_lb(0);
72  while ((key_run = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(run_keys())) != 0) {
73  TObject* obj_run = key_run->ReadObj();
74  TDirectory* tdir_run = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_run);
75  if (tdir_run != 0) {
76  std::string tdir_run_name(tdir_run->GetName());
77  if (tdir_run_name.find("run") != std::string::npos) {
78  run_dir = tdir_run_name;
79  out_EOS = "root://" +
80  run_dir + "_" + AthenaTAG + ".root";
81  out_LOCAL = "VxMon_" + run_dir + "_" + AthenaTAG + ".root";
83  lb_keys = tdir_run->GetListOfKeys();
84  while ((key_lb = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(lb_keys())) != 0) {
85  TObject* obj_lb = key_lb->ReadObj();
86  TDirectory* tdir_lb = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(obj_lb);
87  //cout << "tdir_lb " << tdir_lb << endl;
88  if (tdir_lb != 0) {
89  std::string tdir_lb_name(tdir_lb->GetName());
90  //cout << "tdir_lb_name " << tdir_lb_name << endl;
91  if (tdir_lb_name.find("lb") != std::string::npos) {
92  lb_dir = tdir_lb_name;
94  dirExists = f->GetDirectory(run_dir + "/" + lb_dir + "/InDetGlobal/PrimaryVertexMultiplicity");
95  if (dirExists) {
96  out_inStem = run_dir + "/" + lb_dir + "/InDetGlobal/PrimaryVertexMultiplicity/nVx";
97  out_outStem = "nVx_" + lb_dir;
98  if (writeEOS == 0) {
99  writeEOS = updateHists(inFilename, out_inStem, out_EOS, out_outStem);
100  if (writeEOS != 0 && IsFirstTime) writeLOCAL = updateHists(inFilename, out_inStem, out_LOCAL,
101  out_outStem);
102  } else {
103  writeLOCAL = updateHists(inFilename, out_inStem, out_LOCAL, out_outStem);
104  }
106  if (writeEOS != 0 && !IsFirstTime && writeLOCAL != 0) {
107  delete f;
108  return;
109  }
110  ;
111  if (writeEOS != 0 && writeLOCAL != 0) {
112  delete f;
113  return;
114  }
115  ;
116  IsFirstTime = false;
117  }
118  }
119  } else {
120  delete obj_lb;
121  }
122  }
124  if (writeEOS != 0 && writeLOCAL == 0) {
125  int return_code = system(
126  "xrdcp VxMon_" + run_dir + "_" + AthenaTAG + ".root root://" + run_dir + "_" + AthenaTAG +
127  ".root");
128  if (return_code == 0) std::ignore = remove(out_LOCAL.c_str()); //returns zero on success
129  else {
130  delete f;
131  return;
132  }
133  }
134  }
135  } else {
136  delete obj_run;
137  }
138  }
140  f->Close();
141  delete f;
142  }
143  return;
144  }

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_debugLevel

std::atomic<int> dqutils::MonitoringFile::m_debugLevel

Definition at line 449 of file MonitoringFile.h.

◆ m_file

TFile* dqutils::MonitoringFile::m_file {}

Definition at line 419 of file MonitoringFile.h.

◆ m_fileCompressionLevel

std::atomic<int> dqutils::MonitoringFile::m_fileCompressionLevel

Definition at line 450 of file MonitoringFile.h.

◆ m_mergeMatchDirRE

std::regex* dqutils::MonitoringFile::m_mergeMatchDirRE {}

Definition at line 445 of file MonitoringFile.h.

◆ m_mergeMatchDirREString

std::string dqutils::MonitoringFile::m_mergeMatchDirREString

Definition at line 447 of file MonitoringFile.h.

◆ m_mergeMatchHistoRE

std::regex* dqutils::MonitoringFile::m_mergeMatchHistoRE {}

Definition at line 444 of file MonitoringFile.h.

◆ m_mergeMatchHistoREString

std::string dqutils::MonitoringFile::m_mergeMatchHistoREString

Definition at line 446 of file MonitoringFile.h.

◆ m_useRE

bool dqutils::MonitoringFile::m_useRE {}

Definition at line 448 of file MonitoringFile.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
JetConstituentVector::iterator iterator
Definition: JetConstituentVector.cxx:68
void getImageBuffer ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE(TImage **img, TCanvas *myC, char **x, int *y)
Definition: HanOutputFile.cxx:1130
int Fill(double, double)
Definition: rootspy.cxx:382
static int nTGCWireStripMap(int ws, int etac, int phi48)
Definition: MonitoringFile_TGCPostProcess.cxx:960
int second
static void processModule(TFile *f, const std::string &run_dir, TKey *key_module, const std::string &moduleName)
Definition: MonitoringFile_DiMuPostProcess.cxx:115
Definition: bin/
const char *const SegStationName[17]
Definition: MonitoringFile_MuonTrackPostProcess.cxx:39
char data[hepevt_bytes_allocation_ATLAS]
Definition: HepEvt.cxx:11
Definition: MonitoringFile.h:425
int updateHists(const std::string &inFileName, const std::string &inStem, const std::string &outFileName="", const std::string &outStem="")
Definition: MonitoringFile_MoveVertexMonitoring.cxx:149
int s
double GetBinContent(int) const
Definition: rootspy.cxx:326
void mean(std::vector< double > &bins, std::vector< double > &values, const std::vector< std::string > &files, const std::string &histname, const std::string &tplotname, const std::string &label="")
Definition: dependence.cxx:254
int m
def p
python interpreter configuration --------------------------------------—
#define max(a, b)
Definition: cfImp.cxx:41
string infile
static void fitHistos(TH2F *hin, const std::vector< TH1F * > &hout, int mode, const std::string &triggerName, const std::string &resonName, TH1F *m_chi2)
Definition: MonitoringFile_DiMuPostProcess.cxx:229
static void HLTMuonHistogramDivision(const std::string &inFilename, TString &run_dir)
Definition: MonitoringFile_HLTMuonHistogramDivision.cxx:43
string histName
Scalar phi() const
phi method
Definition: AmgMatrixBasePlugin.h:64
Definition: Control/AthenaCommon/python/
static void meanRMSProjections3D_XY(TH3F *h3d, TH1F *h, int iXY, int iopt)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx:3483
static bool CheckHistogram(TFile *f, const char *HistoName)
static void TGCChamberEfficiency(const std::string &inFilename, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > &p)
Definition: MonitoringFile_TGCPostProcess.cxx:367
Definition: rootspy.cxx:332
Definition: rootspy.cxx:420
double e1(const xAOD::CaloCluster &cluster)
return the uncorrected cluster energy in 1st sampling
string hname
Scalar eta() const
pseudorapidity method
Definition: AmgMatrixBasePlugin.h:79
list etaBins
constexpr int pow(int x)
Definition: conifer.h:20
double hsum(TH1 *h)
sum the bin contents including the over and underflow bins
Definition: chains.cxx:101
static void MDTvsTGCEfficiency(const std::string &inFilename)
Definition: MonitoringFile_MDTvsTGCPostProcess.cxx:43
std::string dirname(std::string name)
Definition: utils.cxx:200
Definition: rootspy.cxx:342
Definition: BinsDiffFromStripMedian.h:43
static void TGCsubsect2sectorphi(int subsect, int &sector, int &phi4)
Definition: MonitoringFile_TGCPostProcess.cxx:953
static int getDebugLevel()
static void fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonJpsi(TFile *f, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &TriggerName)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx:751
float median(std::vector< float > &Vec)
Definition: BTagVrtSec.cxx:35
static void HLTCaloAveragePtPhiEtaMaps(TFile *f, TString &run_dir)
Definition: MonitoringFile_HLTCaloAveragePtPhiEtaMaps.cxx:24
def TH2F(name, title, nxbins, bins_par2, bins_par3, bins_par4, bins_par5=None, bins_par6=None, path='', **kwargs)
#define x
def gap(flags, cells_name, *args, **kw)
double hmean(TH1 *h)
Definition: computils.cxx:433
constexpr int nPhi
Default bin number of phi for vertex map.
Definition: Trigger/TrigTools/TrigVrtSecInclusive/TrigVrtSecInclusive/Constants.h:27
void TwoDto1D_Mean(TH2 *h_parent, TH1 *h_child, int rebinning=1)
Definition: MonitoringFile_MuonTrackPostProcess.cxx:116
static void TGCChamberTiming(const std::string &inFilename, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > &pro, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > &ptrg)
Definition: MonitoringFile_TGCPostProcess.cxx:609
static void Make1DProfile(TH1 *output, TH2 *histo)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx:2944
static void setMinWindow(TH1 *h1, float min, float max)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx:3662
tuple y1
static void meanRMSProjections3D(TH3F *h3d, TH2F *h, int iopt)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx:3248
static void HLTEgammaEfficiencyOff(TFile *f, TDirectory *trig_dir, TDirectory *off_dir, const TString &pathNum, const TString &pathEff, const std::vector< TString > &varName)
Definition: MonitoringFile_HLTEgammaEfficiency.cxx:28
static void MakeMap(TH2 *outputhist, TH3 *hist)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx:2963
static void MuonTrack_Main(const std::string &inFileName, TString dirname)
Definition: MonitoringFile_MuonTrackPostProcess.cxx:217
static void TGCChamberOccupancy(const std::string &inFilename, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > &phigh, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > &plow)
Definition: MonitoringFile_TGCPostProcess.cxx:82
@ side
Definition: HitInfo.h:83
def retval
static void meanRMSProjections2D(TH2F *h2d, TH1F *h, int iopt)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx:3129
static void fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonZee(TFile *f, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &TriggerName)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx:1554
@ nbins
Definition: SCT_CalibNumbers.h:10
std::map< std::string, double > instance
Definition: Run_To_Get_Tags.h:8
string remove
static void fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonZMM(TFile *f, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &TriggerName)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx:1955
list effi
int size
void ignore(T &&)
Definition: PhysicsAnalysis/TauID/DiTauMassTools/DiTauMassTools/HelperFunctions.h:54
unsigned int uint
Definition: LArOFPhaseFill.cxx:20
StripCluster_v1 StripCluster
Define the version of the strip cluster class.
Definition: StripCluster.h:13
static void TGCRawHistogramDivision(const std::string &inFilename)
Definition: MonitoringFile_TgcHistogramDivision.cxx:39
static int IterativeGaussFit(TH1 *hist, double &mu, double &mu_err, double &sigma, double &sigma_err)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx:2998
static void fitMergedFile_DiMuMonAll(TFile *f, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &resonName, const std::string &triggerName)
Definition: MonitoringFile_DiMuPostProcess.cxx:133
static std::pair< RooRealVar, RooRealVar > fitZmumuMass(TH1F *hmass)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx:2225
static void fitZmumuHistograms(TH1F *hmass, TH1F *hwidth, std::vector< TH1F * > hvec)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx:2201
void SetBinContent(int, double)
Definition: rootspy.cxx:301
Definition: Final2012/
int i
static void fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonPVbiases(TFile *file, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &tracksName)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx:2515
void plotResolution(const TString &coordinate, const TString &versus)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDEnhancedPrimaryVertex.cxx:107
string varName
end cluster ToT and charge
Definition: Tools/PyUtils/bin/
@ layer
Definition: HitInfo.h:79
static void fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonResiduals(TFile *f, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &TriggerName)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx:473
tuple y2
bool flag
@ LE
Definition: SignEnums.h:21
int ivar
static TH1F * combineHistos(const char *name, const char *title, TObjArray *plots, int gap)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx:3617
double chi2(TH1 *h0, TH1 *h1)
Definition: comparitor.cxx:522
This script demonstrates how to call a C++ class from Python Also how to use PyROOT is shown.
static void HLTEgammaEfficiencyRel(TFile *f, TDirectory *trig_dir, const TString &pathPre, const TString &pathRej, const std::vector< TString > &objStage, const std::vector< TString > &varName)
Definition: MonitoringFile_HLTEgammaEfficiency.cxx:116
TFile * file
Definition: tile_monitor.h:29
int sign(int a)
Definition: TRT_StrawNeighbourSvc.h:127
static void L1CaloStabilityRMS(TFile *f, const TString &nameDir, const TString &nameTag)
Definition: MonitoringFile_L1CaloPostProcess.cxx:128
static std::string getPath(TDirectory *dir)
static void TGCResetContents(TH1 *h)
Definition: MonitoringFile_TGCPostProcess.cxx:1121
list newHists
def list(name, path='/')
static void fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonUpsilon(TFile *f, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &TriggerName)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx:1191
static void meanRMSProjections3D_DMRPlot(TH3F *h3d, TH1F *h, int iopt)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx:3380
void SetBinContent(int, double)
Definition: rootspy.cxx:327
Definition: CompositeParticle_v1.cxx:159
void SetMassInfo(int iBin, TH1 *InputHist, TH1 *OutMean, TH1 *OutSigma, TString recalg_path)
Definition: MonitoringFile_MuonTrackPostProcess.cxx:168
static void MDTvsTGCResetContents(TH1 *h)
Definition: MonitoringFile_MDTvsTGCPostProcess.cxx:232
double GetBinContent(int) const
Definition: rootspy.cxx:425
@ none
Definition: MonitoringFile.h:425
static void fillGaussianMeanOrWidth(TH2F *h2d, TH1F *h, float fitMin, float fitMax, int iopt)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx:3750
def fit(h, emin, emax)
static void HLTTauPostProcess(const std::string &inFilename, bool isIncremental=false)
Definition: MonitoringFile_HLTTauPostProcess.cxx:28
static int HLTMETGetStatusPerBin(TH1I *&hist, int ymin, int ymax, int rmin, int rmax)
Definition: MonitoringFile_HLTMETDQFlagSummary.cxx:271
string dir
#define min(a, b)
Definition: cfImp.cxx:40
struct _Set Set
Represents a set of values.
Definition: set.h:59
void SetBinContent(int, double)
Definition: rootspy.cxx:426
list errors
Definition: DataQuality/DataQualityUtils/scripts/
static void TGCLV1HistogramDivision(const std::string &inFilename)
Definition: MonitoringFile_TgcHistogramDivision.cxx:202
list nBins
static bool RPCCheckHistogram(TFile *f, const char *HistoName)
Definition: MonitoringFile_RPCPostProcess.cxx:1779
std::string name
Definition: Control/AthContainers/Root/debug.cxx:195
const bool debug
Definition: MakeUncertaintyPlots.cxx:53
static void HLTJetCalcEfficiencyAndRate(TFile *f, TString &run_dir)
Definition: MonitoringFile_HLTJetCalcEfficiencyAndRate.cxx:36
static void ProcessAsymHistograms(TH1F *m_neg, TH1F *m_pos, TH1F *m_asym)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx:3107
int bin
Definition: chainparser.cxx:74
Definition: rootspy.cxx:495
static void L1CaloResetEfficiencies(TFile *f, const TString &effDir, const TString &nameDen, const TString &nameEff, int items, double threshold, int binSkip)
Definition: MonitoringFile_L1CaloPostProcess.cxx:202
Definition: rootspy.cxx:515
static void HLTMuonHDiv(PostProcessorFileWrapper &mf, TString sdir, TString snum, TString sden, TString seff, TString seffg)
Definition: MonitoringFile_HLTMuonHistogramDivision.cxx:1722
static void L1CaloFillWithError(TFile *f, const TString &nameDir, const TString &nameData, const TString &nameError)
Definition: MonitoringFile_L1CaloPostProcess.cxx:141
Definition: MonitoringFile_L1CaloPostProcess.cxx:22
int xbins
string runNumber
string index
Definition: MonitoringFile.h:425
Definition: PhysicsAnalysis/TauID/DiTauMassTools/DiTauMassTools/HelperFunctions.h:26
TList * a
Definition: liststreamerinfos.cxx:10
std::string getenv(const std::string &variableName)
get an environment variable
Definition: SCT_ConditionsUtilities.cxx:17
#define y
Definition: rootspy.cxx:320
Definition: Sherpa_i/share/common/
void SetBinContent(int, double)
Definition: rootspy.cxx:338
double e2(const xAOD::CaloCluster &cluster)
return the uncorrected cluster energy in 2nd sampling
static void HLTMETDQFlagSummary(TFile *f, TString &run_dir)
Definition: MonitoringFile_HLTMETDQFlagSummary.cxx:42
void TwoDto2D_Eff(TH2 *Numerator, TH2 *Denominator, TH2 *Efficiency, bool rebin2d=false)
Definition: MonitoringFile_MuonTrackPostProcess.cxx:84
static std::atomic< int > m_fileCompressionLevel
Definition: MonitoringFile.h:450
static void BJetTaggingAdjustRanges(TFile *f)
Definition: MonitoringFile_BJetTaggingAdjustRanges.cxx:27
Definition: rootspy.cxx:268
static void fitUpsilonHistograms(TH1F *hmass, TH1F *hwidth, TH1F *h1[], int n)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx:2152
bool first
double GetEntries(TH1D *h, int ilow, int ihi)
Definition: rmsFrac.cxx:20
static void HLTMinBiasMonGetTargetHistos(TDirectory *source, std::vector< std::pair< TString, TString > > &targetNames)
Definition: MonitoringFile_HLTMinBiasMonPostProcess.cxx:143
@ barrel
static size_t HLTMETGetDQLBNRange(TDirectory *&run_dir, std::vector< TString > &lbnDirs)
Definition: MonitoringFile_HLTMETDQFlagSummary.cxx:240
void plotEfficiency()
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDEnhancedPrimaryVertex.cxx:375
Definition: bin/
double entries
Definition: listroot.cxx:49
static void fitJpsiHistograms(TH1F *hmass, TH1F *hwidth, TH1F *h1[], int n)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx:2096
string nameDir
int atoi(std::string_view str)
Helper functions to unpack numbers decoded in string into integers and doubles The strings are requir...
Definition: Control/CxxUtils/Root/StringUtils.cxx:85
int eff
Definition: BTagTrackIpAccessor.cxx:11
double GetBinContent(int) const
Definition: rootspy.cxx:337
def TH1F(name, title, nxbins, bins_par2, bins_par3=None, path='', **kwargs)
def saveHistos(histos, part, mod, gain, runnumber, outdir)
Definition: checker_macros.h:211
static void HLTMETAveragePhivsEtaMaps(TFile *f, TString &run_dir)
Definition: MonitoringFile_HLTMETAveragePhivsEtaMaps.cxx:38
static void fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonKshort(TFile *f, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &TriggerName)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx:301
static void fitMergedFile_IDPerfMonWenu(TFile *f, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &TriggerName)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDPerfPostProcess.cxx:1754
static int getTGCNumberOfWires(const int istationName, const int layer, const int istationEta, const int istationPhi)
Definition: MonitoringFile_TGCPostProcess.cxx:1036
constexpr int nEta
Default bin number of eta for vertex map.
Definition: Trigger/TrigTools/TrigVrtSecInclusive/TrigVrtSecInclusive/Constants.h:26
int nEntries
Definition: IImpactPoint3dEstimator.h:70
static Int_t getNumBins(const TH1 &hist)
Definition: MonitoringFile_MergeAlgs.cxx:47
def c
print [x.__class__ for x in toList(dqregion.getSubRegions()) ]
int muid
static void HLTMuonTriggerOverlapMatrix(const std::string &inFilename, TString &run_dir)
Definition: MonitoringFile_HLTMuonPostProcess.cxx:71
list threshold
def times(fn)
static float getMedian(TH1 *h1)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx:3679
static void BJetTaggingNormalise(TFile *f)
Definition: MonitoringFile_BJetTaggingNormalise.cxx:25
static void fitMergedFile_IDAlignMonTrackSegments(TFile *file, const std::string &run_dir, const std::string &tracksName)
Definition: MonitoringFile_IDAlignPostProcess.cxx:179
void TwoDto1D_Sum(TH2 *h_parent, TH1 *h_child, int rebinning=2)
Definition: MonitoringFile_MuonTrackPostProcess.cxx:144
Definition: TElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool.cxx:37