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ATLAS Offline Software
Contains information about the 'fitter' of this track. More...
#include <TrackInfo.h>
Public Member Functions | |
TrackInfo (const TrackFitter fitter, const ParticleHypothesis partHyp) | |
Non default Constructors. More... | |
TrackInfo (const TrackFitter fitter, const ParticleHypothesis partHyp, const std::bitset< NumberOfTrackProperties > &properties, const std::bitset< NumberOfTrackRecoInfo > &patternRecognition) | |
TrackInfo ()=default | |
Rule of 6 : default ctor, copy/move ctor copy/move assignment. More... | |
TrackInfo (const TrackInfo &)=default | |
TrackInfo (TrackInfo &&)=default | |
TrackInfo & | operator= (const TrackInfo &)=default |
TrackInfo & | operator= (TrackInfo &&)=default |
~TrackInfo ()=default | |
TrackInfo * | clone () const |
void | setTrackProperties (const TrackProperties &properties) |
Methods setting the properties of track. More... | |
void | setPatternRecognitionInfo (const TrackPatternRecoInfo &patternReco) |
Method setting the pattern recognition algorithm. More... | |
void | setTrackFitter (const TrackFitter &fitter) |
Method for re-setting a track fitter. More... | |
void | setParticleHypothesis (const ParticleHypothesis &hypothesis) |
Method re-setting the ParticleHypothesis. More... | |
const TrackFitter & | trackFitter () const |
Access methods for track fitter. More... | |
bool | trackProperties (const TrackProperties &property) const |
Access methods for track properties. More... | |
bool | patternRecoInfo (const TrackPatternRecoInfo &pattern) const |
Access method for pattern recognition algorithm. More... | |
void | addPatternRecoAndProperties (const TrackInfo &) |
Method merging pattern recognition and track properties information from different Track infos. More... | |
void | addPatternReco (const TrackInfo &) |
A method adding just pattern recognition info without adding the actual properties. More... | |
std::string | dumpInfo () const |
Returns a string with the name of the fitter of this track (i.e. More... | |
std::string | dumpBitsProperties () const |
std::string | dumpBitsPatternRecoInfo () const |
ParticleHypothesis | particleHypothesis () const |
Returns the particle hypothesis used for Track fitting. More... | |
const std::bitset< NumberOfTrackProperties > & | properties () const |
const std::bitset< NumberOfTrackRecoInfo > & | patternRecognition () const |
Private Attributes | |
TrackFitter | m_fitter = Unknown |
This is an enum, which stores the identity of where the track was created. More... | |
ParticleHypothesis | m_particleHypo = undefined |
This is an enum, which stores the particle hypothesis (if any) used for the track fitting. More... | |
std::bitset< NumberOfTrackProperties > | m_properties |
A bitset providing information on the properties of the track. More... | |
std::bitset< NumberOfTrackRecoInfo > | m_patternRecognition |
A bitset providing information on the actual pattern recognition algotithm. More... | |
Friends | |
class | ::TrackCnv_p4 |
class | ::TrackParticleBaseCnv_p1 |
Contains information about the 'fitter' of this track.
Additionally there is some information about how the e.g. fit was configured. Also the information on the properties of the track fit is stored.
Definition at line 31 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrack/TrkTrack/TrackInfo.h.
enums to identify who created this track and what propertis does it have.
N.B If you update this, don't forget to update the dump method!
Enumerator | |
Unknown | Track fitter not defined. |
iPatTrackFitter | tracks produced by iPat |
xKalman | tracks produced by xKalman |
KalmanFitter | tracks produced by the Kalman Fitter |
GaussianSumFilter | Tracks from Gaussian Sum Filter. |
GlobalChi2Fitter | Track's from Thijs' global chi^2 fitter. |
DistributedKalmanFilter | Fast Kalman filter from HLT with simplified material effects. |
DeterministicAnnealingFilter | Adpative track fitter with fuzzy hit assignment. |
KalmanDNAFitter | Kalman DNA Fitter. |
MuonboyFitter | Track produced with Muonboy's internal fitter. |
NumberOfTrackFitters | maximum number of enums |
Definition at line 38 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrack/TrkTrack/TrackInfo.h.
Enumerator | |
SiSPSeededFinder | Tracks from SiSPSeedFinder. |
SiCTBTracking | Tracks from SiCTBTracking. |
InDetAmbiguitySolver | Tracks with InDetAmbiguitySolver used. |
InDetExtensionProcessor | Tracks with InDetExtensionProcessor used. |
TRTSeededTrackFinder | |
Muonboy | Tracks from MuonBoy. |
MuGirlUnrefitted | Tracks from MuGirl not refitted with iPat. |
STACO | Tracks produced by STACO. |
StacoLowPt | Tracks produced by StacoLowpt. |
MuTag | Tracks produced by MuTag. |
MooreToTrackTool | Tracks produced by Moore. |
TrigIDSCAN | TrigInDetTracks produced by TrigIDSCAN, running at trigger LVL2. |
TrigSiTrack | TrigInDetTracks produced by TrigSiTrack, running at trigger LVL2. |
TrigTRTxK | TrigInDetTracks produced by TrigTRTxK, running at trigger LVL2. |
TrigTRTLUT | TrigInDetTracks produced by TrigTRTLUT, running at trigger LVL2. |
Fatras | Track from FATRAS. |
iPatLegacyCnv | Added because of compilation problems. |
xKalmanLegacyCnv | Added because of compilation problems. |
SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool | Added because of compilation problems. |
InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool | Added because of compilation problems. |
TRTStandalone | TRT Standalone. |
MuidStandAlone | MuidStandalone. |
TRTSeededSingleSpTrackFinder | TRTSeededSingleSpTrackFinder. |
MooreLegacyCnv | Back compatibility with old type of ESD. |
MuidComb | Back compatibility with older ESD versions. |
Moore | Moore (MoMu) |
MuidCombined | MuidCombined. |
MuidVertexAssociator | MuidVertexAssociator. |
MuGirl | MuGirl. |
iPatRec | iPatRec |
MuGirlLowBeta | MuGirlLowBeta. |
FatrasSimulation | Fatras Simulation. |
ReverseOrderedTrack | Track which has its hits behind it, e.g. a downward moving cosmic track which through the upper hemisphere of ATLAS will have a beamline perigee pointing down, but many/all of its hits will be above. A downward moving cosmic track which is reconstructed across all of ATLAS could also have this flag set (i.e. it does not mean that hits are ONLY behind the perigee.
MuonNotHittingTileVolume | Track which (physically) does not intersect the ID or Calo. i.e. not a partially reconstructed IP track, but a cosmic or beam halo track.
SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_Cosmic | Entries allowing to distinguish different seed makers. |
SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_HeavyIon | |
SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_LowMomentum | |
SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_BeamGas | |
SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_VeryLowMomentum | |
MuidMuonRecoveryTool | Muons found by the ID seeded muon recovery. |
MuidStandaloneRefit | Standalone muon that was obtained by refitting a combined muon using the calorimeter information of the combined and the muon measurements. |
TrackInCaloROI | A track in a CaloROI. |
SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ForwardTracks | Entries allowing to distinguish different seed makers. |
strategyA | L2Star strategies. |
strategyB | |
strategyC | |
FTK | for tracks from FTK |
FastTrackFinderSeed | for tracks seeded by the FastTrackFinder |
SiSPSeededFinderSimple | for tracks processed by the trigger version of the SiSPSeededFinder |
SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_LargeD0 | Large d0 for displaced vertex searches. |
SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ITkConversionTracks | ITkConversion Track flag. |
Pseudotracking | Pseudo-tracking flag. |
NumberOfTrackRecoInfo | Maximum number of enums. |
Definition at line 99 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrack/TrkTrack/TrackInfo.h.
Enumerator | |
BremFit | A brem fit was performed on this track. |
BremFitSuccessful | A brem fit was performed on this track and this fit was successful. |
StraightTrack | A straight track. |
SlimmedTrack | A slimmed track. |
HardScatterOrKink | A track with a kink or a hard scatter. |
LowPtTrack | A LowPt track. |
NumberOfTrackProperties | maximum number of enums |
Definition at line 74 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrack/TrkTrack/TrackInfo.h.
Trk::TrackInfo::TrackInfo | ( | const TrackFitter | fitter, |
const ParticleHypothesis | partHyp | ||
) |
Non default Constructors.
Definition at line 38 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrack/src/TrackInfo.cxx.
Trk::TrackInfo::TrackInfo | ( | const TrackFitter | fitter, |
const ParticleHypothesis | partHyp, | ||
const std::bitset< NumberOfTrackProperties > & | properties, | ||
const std::bitset< NumberOfTrackRecoInfo > & | patternRecognition | ||
) |
Definition at line 10 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrack/src/TrackInfo.cxx.
default |
Rule of 6 : default ctor, copy/move ctor copy/move assignment.
default |
default |
A method adding just pattern recognition info without adding the actual properties.
Method merging pattern recognition and track properties information from different Track infos.
TrackInfo* Trk::TrackInfo::clone | ( | ) | const |
std::string Trk::TrackInfo::dumpBitsPatternRecoInfo | ( | ) | const |
std::string Trk::TrackInfo::dumpBitsProperties | ( | ) | const |
std::string Trk::TrackInfo::dumpInfo | ( | ) | const |
Returns a string with the name of the fitter of this track (i.e.
corresponding to the enum reurned by fitter() )
Definition at line 45 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrack/src/TrackInfo.cxx.
ParticleHypothesis Trk::TrackInfo::particleHypothesis | ( | ) | const |
Returns the particle hypothesis used for Track fitting.
const std::bitset<NumberOfTrackRecoInfo>& Trk::TrackInfo::patternRecognition | ( | ) | const |
bool Trk::TrackInfo::patternRecoInfo | ( | const TrackPatternRecoInfo & | pattern | ) | const |
Access method for pattern recognition algorithm.
const std::bitset<NumberOfTrackProperties>& Trk::TrackInfo::properties | ( | ) | const |
void Trk::TrackInfo::setParticleHypothesis | ( | const ParticleHypothesis & | hypothesis | ) |
Method re-setting the ParticleHypothesis.
void Trk::TrackInfo::setPatternRecognitionInfo | ( | const TrackPatternRecoInfo & | patternReco | ) |
Method setting the pattern recognition algorithm.
void Trk::TrackInfo::setTrackFitter | ( | const TrackFitter & | fitter | ) |
Method for re-setting a track fitter.
void Trk::TrackInfo::setTrackProperties | ( | const TrackProperties & | properties | ) |
Methods setting the properties of track.
const TrackFitter& Trk::TrackInfo::trackFitter | ( | ) | const |
Access methods for track fitter.
bool Trk::TrackInfo::trackProperties | ( | const TrackProperties & | property | ) | const |
Access methods for track properties.
friend |
Definition at line 360 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrack/TrkTrack/TrackInfo.h.
friend |
Definition at line 361 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrack/TrkTrack/TrackInfo.h.
private |
This is an enum, which stores the identity of where the track was created.
Definition at line 366 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrack/TrkTrack/TrackInfo.h.
private |
This is an enum, which stores the particle hypothesis (if any) used for the track fitting.
Definition at line 372 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrack/TrkTrack/TrackInfo.h.
private |
A bitset providing information on the actual pattern recognition algotithm.
Definition at line 384 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrack/TrkTrack/TrackInfo.h.
private |
A bitset providing information on the properties of the track.
Definition at line 378 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrack/TrkTrack/TrackInfo.h.