ATLAS Offline Software
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GL2PScontext Struct Reference
Collaboration diagram for GL2PScontext:

Public Attributes

GLint format
GLint sort
GLint options
GLint colorsize
GLint colormode
GLint buffersize
char * title
char * producer
char * filename
GLboolean boundary
GLboolean blending
GLfloat * feedback
GLfloat offset [2]
GLfloat lastlinewidth
GLint viewport [4]
GLint blendfunc [2]
GLint lastfactor
GL2PSrgba lastrgba
GL2PSrgba threshold
GL2PSrgba bgcolor
GLushort lastpattern
GL2PSvertex lastvertex
FILE * stream
GLboolean header
GLint maxbestroot
GLboolean zerosurfacearea
int streamlength
int * xreflist
int objects_stack
int extgs_stack
int font_stack
int im_stack
int trgroupobjects_stack
int shader_stack
int mshader_stack

Detailed Description

Definition at line 212 of file gl2ps.cxx.

Member Data Documentation

◆ auxprimitives

GL2PSlist * GL2PScontext::auxprimitives

Definition at line 222 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ bgcolor

GL2PSrgba GL2PScontext::bgcolor

Definition at line 219 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ blendfunc

GLint GL2PScontext::blendfunc[2]

Definition at line 218 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ blending

GLboolean GL2PScontext::blending

Definition at line 216 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ boundary

GLboolean GL2PScontext::boundary

Definition at line 216 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ buffersize

GLint GL2PScontext::buffersize

Definition at line 214 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ colormap

GL2PSrgba* GL2PScontext::colormap

Definition at line 219 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ colormode

GLint GL2PScontext::colormode

Definition at line 214 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ colorsize

GLint GL2PScontext::colorsize

Definition at line 214 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ compress

GL2PScompress* GL2PScontext::compress

Definition at line 224 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ extgs_stack

int GL2PScontext::extgs_stack

Definition at line 240 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ feedback

GLfloat* GL2PScontext::feedback

Definition at line 217 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ filename

char * GL2PScontext::filename

Definition at line 215 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ font_stack

int GL2PScontext::font_stack

Definition at line 241 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ format

GLint GL2PScontext::format

Definition at line 214 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ header

GLboolean GL2PScontext::header

Definition at line 225 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ im_stack

int GL2PScontext::im_stack

Definition at line 242 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ imagemap_head

GL2PSimagemap* GL2PScontext::imagemap_head

Definition at line 248 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ imagemap_tail

GL2PSimagemap* GL2PScontext::imagemap_tail

Definition at line 249 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ imagetree

GL2PSbsptree2d* GL2PScontext::imagetree

Definition at line 232 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ lastfactor

GLint GL2PScontext::lastfactor

Definition at line 218 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ lastlinewidth

GLfloat GL2PScontext::lastlinewidth

Definition at line 217 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ lastpattern

GLushort GL2PScontext::lastpattern

Definition at line 220 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ lastrgba

GL2PSrgba GL2PScontext::lastrgba

Definition at line 219 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ lastvertex

GL2PSvertex GL2PScontext::lastvertex

Definition at line 221 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ maxbestroot

GLint GL2PScontext::maxbestroot

Definition at line 228 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ mshader_stack

int GL2PScontext::mshader_stack

Definition at line 245 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ objects_stack

int GL2PScontext::objects_stack

Definition at line 239 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ offset

GLfloat GL2PScontext::offset[2]

Definition at line 217 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ options

GLint GL2PScontext::options

Definition at line 214 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ pdfgrouplist

GL2PSlist * GL2PScontext::pdfgrouplist

Definition at line 237 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ pdfprimlist

GL2PSlist* GL2PScontext::pdfprimlist

Definition at line 237 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ primitives

GL2PSlist* GL2PScontext::primitives

Definition at line 222 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ primitivetoadd

GL2PSprimitive* GL2PScontext::primitivetoadd

Definition at line 233 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ producer

char * GL2PScontext::producer

Definition at line 215 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ shader_stack

int GL2PScontext::shader_stack

Definition at line 244 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ sort

GLint GL2PScontext::sort

Definition at line 214 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ stream

FILE* GL2PScontext::stream

Definition at line 223 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ streamlength

int GL2PScontext::streamlength

Definition at line 236 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ threshold

GL2PSrgba GL2PScontext::threshold

Definition at line 219 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ title

char* GL2PScontext::title

Definition at line 215 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ trgroupobjects_stack

int GL2PScontext::trgroupobjects_stack

Definition at line 243 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ viewport

GLint GL2PScontext::viewport[4]

Definition at line 218 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ xreflist

int* GL2PScontext::xreflist

Definition at line 238 of file gl2ps.cxx.

◆ zerosurfacearea

GLboolean GL2PScontext::zerosurfacearea

Definition at line 231 of file gl2ps.cxx.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: