ATLAS Offline Software
AssociationObjectIterator Class Reference

object iterator for association maps (internal use only!) More...

#include <AssociationObjectIterator.h>

Collaboration diagram for AssociationObjectIterator:

Detailed Description

object iterator for association maps (internal use only!)

The AssociationObjectIterator protects the AssociationMap class from specifics of the internal look-up map.
This is not a stand-alone class. It can only be compiled within the AssociationMap class, or similar classes providing the required type definitions!

Peter Loch
June 2, 2004 - first implementation

fn AssociationObjectIterator begin() brief begin object iterator

fn AssociationObjectIterator end() brief end object iterator

fn AssociationObjectIterator next() brief advances iterator forward

fn AssociationObjectIterator prev() brief steps iterator back

fn AssociationObjectIterator operator++() brief same as next()

fn AssociationObjectIterator operator++(int) brief same as next()

fn AssociationObjectIterator operator--() brief same as prev()

fn AssociationObjectIterator operator--(int) brief same as prev()

fn bool operator==(const AssociationObjectIterator&) brief equality comparator

fn bool operator!=(const AssociationObjectIterator&) brief inequality comparator

fn AssociationObjectIterator operator*() brief iterator value access operator

var const object_type* first brief public variable holding object pointer

var asso_iterator second brief public variable holding iterator to associations

fn AssociationObjectIterator find(const object_type*) brief returns iterator for a given object

fn const object_type* getObject() brief get pointer to object (same as first )

fn const object_link& getObjectLink() brief get link to object

fn asso_iterator getFirstAssociation() brief get iterator to first association (same as second.begin() )

fn asso_iterator getLastAssocation() brief get end iterator for associations (same as second.end() )

fn asso_iterator findAssociation(const asso_type*) brief returns iterator for specific associated object

fn bool containsAssociation(const asso_type*) brief checks if given object is associated with current object

fn size_t size() brief number of associations for current object

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: