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MuonMDT_CablingMap Class Reference

#include <MuonMDT_CablingMap.h>

Collaboration diagram for MuonMDT_CablingMap:


struct  MdtOffChModule
 Helper struct to group the Mezzanine cards mounted on each multilayer The object provides the following information 1) List of all mezzanine cards associated with the particular multilayer 2) The BME / BIS78 chambers are split into 2 CSM modules due to their. More...
struct  MdtTdcModule
 The online -> offline conversion needs to treat two cases tdcId && channelId == 0xFF: ** Decode the station name using the first module in the set with tdcZero() == 0 ** Ordinary channel decoding Helper struct below is collection of all the modules & the first module used to decode the stationName. More...

Public Types

enum  DataSource { DataSource::JSON, DataSource::LegacyCOOL }
using MezzanineTypes = std::map< uint8_t, std::unique_ptr< MdtMezzanineType > >
 typedef to implement the list of mezzanine types More...
using TdcOffSet = std::set< MdtTdcOffSorter, std::less<> >
using TdcOnlSet = std::vector< MdtTdcOnlSorter >
using OffToOnlMap = std::map< MdtCablingOffData, MdtOffChModule >
using OnlToOffMap = std::map< MdtCablingOnData, MdtTdcModule >
using ChamberToROBMap = std::map< IdentifierHash, uint32_t >
 typedef to implement the csm mapping to ROB More...
using ROBToChamberMap = std::map< uint32_t, std::vector< IdentifierHash > >
using ListOfROB = std::vector< uint32_t >
using CablingData = MdtCablingData
using MezzCardPtr = MdtMezzanineCard::MezzCardPtr

Public Member Functions

 MuonMDT_CablingMap ()
 ~MuonMDT_CablingMap ()
bool addMezzanineLine (const int type, const int layer, const int sequence, MsgStream &log)
 Add a new line describing a mezzanine type. More...
bool addMezanineLayout (std::unique_ptr< MdtMezzanineCard > card, MsgStream &log)
 Adds a new mezzanine card mapping. More...
bool addMezzanine (CablingData cabling_data, DataSource source, MsgStream &log)
 Add a new fully configured mezzanine card. More...
bool getOfflineId (CablingData &cabling_data, MsgStream &log) const
 return the offline id given the online id More...
bool getOnlineId (CablingData &cabling_data, MsgStream &log) const
 return the online id given the offline id More...
bool convert (const CablingData &cabling_data, Identifier &id, bool check_valid=true) const
 converts the cabling data into an identifier. More...
bool convert (const Identifier &id, CablingData &cabling_data) const
 converts the identifier into a cabling data object. More...
uint32_t getROBId (const IdentifierHash &stationCode, MsgStream &log) const
 return the ROD id of a given chamber, given the hash id More...
ListOfROB getROBId (const std::vector< IdentifierHash > &mdtHashVector, MsgStream &log) const
 get the robs corresponding to a vector of hashIds, copied from Svc before the readCdo migration More...
std::vector< IdentifierHashgetMultiLayerHashVec (const std::vector< uint32_t > &ROBId_list, MsgStream &log) const
 return a vector of HashId lists for a given list of ROD's More...
const std::vector< IdentifierHash > & getMultiLayerHashVec (const uint32_t ROBI, MsgStream &log) const
 return a HashId list for a given ROD More...
const ListOfROBgetAllROBId () const
 return the ROD id of a given chamber More...
const OnlToOffMapgetOnlineConvMap () const
 Returns the map to convert the online -> offline identifiers. More...
const OffToOnlMapgetOfflineConvMap () const
 Returns hte map to convert the offline -> online identifiers. More...
bool finalize_init (MsgStream &log)
bool getStationCode (const CablingData &map_data, IdentifierHash &mdtHashId, MsgStream &log) const
 Transforms the identifier to an IdentifierHash corresponding to the module. More...
bool getMultiLayerCode (const CablingData &map_data, Identifier &multiLayer, IdentifierHash &mdtHashId, MsgStream &log) const
 Transforms the identifier to an IdentifierHash corresponding to the multilayer In this case, the multi layer represents the CSM chip. More...
unsigned int csmNumOnChamber (const CablingData &map_data, MsgStream &log) const
 Returns whether the channel belongs to the first or second mounted CSM card. More...
bool has2CsmML () const
 Returns if the cabling map has found multilayers connected to 2 CSM cards. More...
MezzCardPtr getHedgeHogMapping (uint8_t mezzCardId) const

Private Types

using MezzCardList = std::vector< MezzCardPtr >
 List of mezzanine cards. More...

Private Member Functions

bool addChamberToROBMap (const CablingData &cabling_data, MsgStream &log)
 private function to add a chamber to the ROD map More...
MuonMDT_CablingMapoperator= (const MuonMDT_CablingMap &right)=delete
 assignment and copy constructor operator (hidden) More...
 MuonMDT_CablingMap (const MuonMDT_CablingMap &)=delete
MezzCardPtr legacyHedgehogCard (CablingData &cabling, MsgStream &msg) const
 In the legacy data format several transformations on the hedgehog layout were applied during the final TdcMap build. More...

Private Attributes

const MdtIdHelperm_mdtIdHelper {nullptr}
 Pointer to the MdtIdHelper. More...
OffToOnlMap m_toOnlineConv {}
OnlToOffMap m_toOfflineConv {}
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< MdtTdcMap > > m_tdcs {}
ROBToChamberMap m_ROBToMultiLayer {}
 map returning a detector element hashes associated with a given ROD More...
ListOfROB m_listOfROB {}
 full list of ROBs More...
ChamberToROBMap m_chamberToROB {}
 map returning the RODid for a given chamber ID More...
ChamberToROBMap m_multilayerToROB {}
 map raturning the RODid for a given multi layer ID More...
bool m_2CSM_cham {false}
 Switch to check whether the layout has chambers with 2 CSM chips. More...
MezzCardList m_mezzCards {}

Detailed Description

Definition at line 24 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ CablingData

Definition at line 75 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

◆ ChamberToROBMap

typedef to implement the csm mapping to ROB

Definition at line 72 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

◆ ListOfROB

using MuonMDT_CablingMap::ListOfROB = std::vector<uint32_t>

Definition at line 74 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

◆ MezzanineTypes

using MuonMDT_CablingMap::MezzanineTypes = std::map<uint8_t, std::unique_ptr<MdtMezzanineType> >

typedef to implement the list of mezzanine types

Definition at line 27 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

◆ MezzCardList

using MuonMDT_CablingMap::MezzCardList = std::vector<MezzCardPtr>

List of mezzanine cards.

Definition at line 182 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

◆ MezzCardPtr

Definition at line 150 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

◆ OffToOnlMap

Definition at line 50 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

◆ OnlToOffMap

Definition at line 68 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

◆ ROBToChamberMap

using MuonMDT_CablingMap::ROBToChamberMap = std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<IdentifierHash> >

Definition at line 73 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

◆ TdcOffSet

using MuonMDT_CablingMap::TdcOffSet = std::set<MdtTdcOffSorter, std::less<> >

Definition at line 28 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

◆ TdcOnlSet

Definition at line 29 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ DataSource


Definition at line 87 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

87 { JSON, LegacyCOOL };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MuonMDT_CablingMap() [1/2]

MuonMDT_CablingMap::MuonMDT_CablingMap ( )

Definition at line 23 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

23  {
24  // initialize the message service
26  // retrieve the MdtIdHelper
27  ISvcLocator* svcLocator = Gaudi::svcLocator();
28  StoreGateSvc* detStore = nullptr;
29  StatusCode sc = svcLocator->service("DetectorStore", detStore);
30  if (sc != StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
31  throw std::runtime_error("Could not find the detctor store");
32  }
33  sc = detStore->retrieve(m_mdtIdHelper, "MDTIDHELPER");
34  if (sc != StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
35  throw std::runtime_error("Could not retrieve the MdtIdHelper");
36  }
38 }

◆ ~MuonMDT_CablingMap()

MuonMDT_CablingMap::~MuonMDT_CablingMap ( )

◆ MuonMDT_CablingMap() [2/2]

MuonMDT_CablingMap::MuonMDT_CablingMap ( const MuonMDT_CablingMap )

Member Function Documentation

◆ addChamberToROBMap()

bool MuonMDT_CablingMap::addChamberToROBMap ( const CablingData cabling_data,
MsgStream &  log 

private function to add a chamber to the ROD map

Definition at line 344 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

345  {
346  bool debug = (log.level() <= MSG::VERBOSE);
347  IdentifierHash chamberId, multiLayerId{0};
348  Identifier ml{0};
349  if (!getStationCode(map_data, chamberId, log)) {
350  log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not found hashId for station: " << map_data
351  << endmsg;
352  return false;
353  }
354  if (!getMultiLayerCode(map_data, ml, multiLayerId, log)) {
355  log << MSG::ERROR
356  << "Could not found hashId for multi layer: " << map_data << endmsg;
357  return false;
358  }
359  int sub = map_data.subdetectorId;
360  int rod = map_data.mrod;
362  uint32_t hardId = (sub << 16) | rod;
363  if (debug) {
364  log << MSG::VERBOSE << "Adding the chamber with Id: " << chamberId
365  << " and subdetector+rod ID: " << hardId << endmsg;
366  }
368  // check if the chamber has already been put into the map
369  ChamberToROBMap::const_iterator it = m_multilayerToROB.find(multiLayerId);
370  if (it != m_multilayerToROB.end()) {
371  return false;
372  }
373  m_multilayerToROB.insert(std::make_pair(multiLayerId, hardId));
374  m_chamberToROB.insert(std::make_pair(chamberId, hardId));
375  // new function to do the opposite of the above
376  m_ROBToMultiLayer[hardId].push_back(multiLayerId);
377  // now check if the ROB is already in the list of ROB vector
378  const bool robInitialized =
379  std::find(m_listOfROB.begin(), m_listOfROB.end(), hardId) !=
380  m_listOfROB.end();
381  if (!robInitialized) {
382  if (debug) {
383  log << MSG::VERBOSE << "Adding the ROB " << hardId << " to the list"
384  << endmsg;
385  }
386  m_listOfROB.push_back(hardId);
387  }
388  return true;
389 }

◆ addMezanineLayout()

bool MuonMDT_CablingMap::addMezanineLayout ( std::unique_ptr< MdtMezzanineCard card,
MsgStream &  log 

Adds a new mezzanine card mapping.

Definition at line 576 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

577  {
578  if (!card->checkConsistency(log))
579  return false;
580  MezzCardList::const_iterator itr =
581  std::find_if(m_mezzCards.begin(), m_mezzCards.end(),
582  [&card](const MezzCardPtr& existing) {
583  return existing->id() == card->id();
584  });
585  if (itr != m_mezzCards.end()) {
586  log << MSG::ERROR << "Mezzanine card " << std::endl
587  << (*card) << " has already been added " << std::endl
588  << (**itr) << std::endl
589  << " please check. " << endmsg;
590  return false;
591  }
592  m_mezzCards.push_back(std::move(card));
593  return true;
594 }

◆ addMezzanine()

bool MuonMDT_CablingMap::addMezzanine ( CablingData  cabling_data,
DataSource  source,
MsgStream &  log 

Add a new fully configured mezzanine card.

Add a new mezzanine to the map.

the indexes multilayer, layer, tube refer to the tube connected to the channelZero

Definition at line 184 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

185  {
186  bool debug = (log.level() <= MSG::VERBOSE);
188  MezzCardPtr mezzaType = source == DataSource::LegacyCOOL
189  ? legacyHedgehogCard(map_data, log)
190  : getHedgeHogMapping(map_data.mezzanine_type);
191  if (!mezzaType) {
192  log << MSG::ERROR
193  << "Mezzanine Type: " << static_cast<int>(map_data.mezzanine_type)
194  << " not found in the list !" << endmsg;
195  return false;
196  } else if (source == DataSource::LegacyCOOL &&
197  !mezzaType->checkConsistency(log))
198  return false;
200  std::unique_ptr<MdtTdcMap> newTdc =
201  std::make_unique<MdtTdcMap>(mezzaType, map_data);
202  if (debug) {
203  log << MSG::VERBOSE << " Added new readout channel " << map_data
204  << endmsg;
205  }
206  MdtOffChModule& offModule = m_toOnlineConv[map_data];
208  if (!offModule.csm[0])
209  offModule.csm[0] = map_data;
210  else if (offModule.csm[0] != map_data) {
211  if (!offModule.csm[1]) {
212  offModule.csm[1] = map_data;
213  if (debug) {
214  log << MSG::VERBOSE << " Add second CSM for " << map_data
215  << endmsg;
216  }
217  } else if (offModule.csm[1] != map_data) {
218  log << MSG::ERROR << "The mulit layer " << map_data
219  << " has already associated the CSMs " << std::endl
220  << " *** " << offModule.csm[0] << std::endl
221  << " *** " << offModule.csm[1] << std::endl
222  << ", while this one is a third one and not supported"
223  << endmsg;
224  return false;
225  }
226  }
227  TdcOnlSet& attachedTdcs = m_toOfflineConv[map_data].all_modules;
228  if (attachedTdcs.size() <= map_data.tdcId)
229  attachedTdcs.resize(map_data.tdcId + 1);
230  attachedTdcs[map_data.tdcId] = MdtTdcOnlSorter{newTdc.get()};
231  m_tdcs.push_back(std::move(newTdc));
233  if (!addChamberToROBMap(map_data, log) && debug) {
234  log << MSG::VERBOSE << "Station already in the map !" << endmsg;
235  }
237  return true;
238 }

◆ addMezzanineLine()

bool MuonMDT_CablingMap::addMezzanineLine ( const int  type,
const int  layer,
const int  sequence,
MsgStream &  log 

Add a new line describing a mezzanine type.

add a new line from the database, describing a mezzanine type

Overwrite the old mezzanine card pointer

Definition at line 69 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

70  {
71  const bool debug = (log.level() <= MSG::VERBOSE);
72  if (special_cards.count(type)) {
73  if (debug)
74  log << MSG::VERBOSE << "Mezzanine type " << type
75  << " breaks the legacy database format. No need to add the "
76  "card if it's hardcoded in C++"
77  << endmsg;
78  return true;
79  }
81  int nOfLayers{0}, ntubes{0}, number{sequence};
82  std::array<int, 8> newseq{};
83  // now decode the sequence, up to 8 tubes per sequence
84  int tube = number % 10;
86  while (tube != 0) {
87  // add the tube to the tube sequence
88  if (ntubes > 7) {
89  log << MSG::ERROR << "More than 8 tubes in a layer, not possible !"
90  << endmsg;
91  return false;
92  }
93  if (debug) {
94  log << MSG::VERBOSE << "Adding tube number: " << tube
95  << " to the layer " << layer << " of mezzanine type " << type
96  << endmsg;
97  }
99  newseq[ntubes] = tube;
101  ++ntubes;
102  number = (number - tube) / 10;
103  tube = number % 10;
104  }
106  if (ntubes != 8 && ntubes != 6) {
107  log << MSG::ERROR << "in type " << type
108  << ": number of tubes per mezzanine layer can be only 6 or 8 ! "
109  "what are you doing ???"
110  << endmsg;
111  return false;
112  }
113  nOfLayers = 24 / ntubes;
114  if (layer > nOfLayers) {
115  log << MSG::ERROR
116  << "The maximum number of layers for this mezzanine is: "
117  << nOfLayers << " so you can't initialize layer: " << layer
118  << endmsg;
119  return false;
120  }
122  if (debug) {
123  log << MSG::VERBOSE << "Found " << ntubes << " tubes in layer " << layer
124  << endmsg;
125  log << MSG::VERBOSE << "This is a " << nOfLayers
126  << " layers mezzanine - OK, OK..." << endmsg;
127  }
129  // now swap the sequence to have it as in the DB and create the real layers
130  std::array<uint8_t, 8> newLayer{};
131  for (int i = 0; i < ntubes; ++i) {
132  newLayer[i] = newseq[ntubes - i - 1];
133  }
134  MezzCardList::iterator itr = std::find_if(
135  m_mezzCards.begin(), m_mezzCards.end(),
136  [type](const MezzCardPtr& card) { return type == card->id(); });
138  using MezzMapping = MdtMezzanineCard::Mapping;
139  MezzMapping new_map =
140  itr != m_mezzCards.end()
141  ? (**itr).tdcToTubeMap()
142  : make_array<uint8_t, 24>(MdtMezzanineCard::NOTSET);
144  MdtMezzanineCard dummy_card(new_map, nOfLayers, 0);
146  for (int i = 0; i < ntubes; ++i) {
147  if (layer) {
148  const int chStart = ntubes * (layer - 1);
149  new_map[chStart + i] = dummy_card.tubeNumber(layer, newLayer[i]);
150  } else {
151  for (int lay = 1; lay <= nOfLayers; ++lay) {
152  const int chStart = ntubes * (lay - 1);
153  new_map[chStart + i] = dummy_card.tubeNumber(lay, newLayer[i]);
154  }
155  }
156  }
158  if (itr != m_mezzCards.end()) {
159  if (!layer) {
160  log << MSG::ERROR << "The mezzanine type " << type
161  << "has been already initialized" << endmsg;
162  return false;
163  }
164  (*itr) = std::make_unique<MdtMezzanineCard>(new_map, nOfLayers, type);
165  if (debug)
166  log << MSG::VERBOSE << "Updated mezzanine " << (**itr) << endmsg;
167  } else {
168  m_mezzCards.emplace_back(
169  std::make_unique<MdtMezzanineCard>(new_map, nOfLayers, type));
170  if (debug)
171  log << MSG::VERBOSE << " Added new mezzanine "
172  << (*m_mezzCards.back()) << endmsg;
173  }
174  return true;
175 }

◆ convert() [1/2]

bool MuonMDT_CablingMap::convert ( const CablingData cabling_data,
Identifier id,
bool  check_valid = true 
) const

converts the cabling data into an identifier.

The check valid argument optionally enables the check that the returned identifier is actually well defined within the ranges but is also slow

Definition at line 42 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

43  {
44  bool valid{!check_valid};
45  id = check_valid ? m_mdtIdHelper->channelID(
46  cabling_data.stationIndex, cabling_data.eta,
47  cabling_data.phi, cabling_data.multilayer,
48  cabling_data.layer,, valid)
50  cabling_data.stationIndex, cabling_data.eta,
51  cabling_data.phi, cabling_data.multilayer,
52  cabling_data.layer,;
53  return valid;
54 }

◆ convert() [2/2]

bool MuonMDT_CablingMap::convert ( const Identifier id,
CablingData cabling_data 
) const

converts the identifier into a cabling data object.

Returns false if the Identifier is not Mdt

Definition at line 55 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

56  {
57  if (!m_mdtIdHelper->is_mdt(module_id))
58  return false;
59  cabling_data.stationIndex = m_mdtIdHelper->stationName(module_id);
60  cabling_data.eta = m_mdtIdHelper->stationEta(module_id);
61  cabling_data.phi = m_mdtIdHelper->stationPhi(module_id);
62 = m_mdtIdHelper->tube(module_id);
63  cabling_data.multilayer = m_mdtIdHelper->multilayer(module_id);
64  cabling_data.layer = m_mdtIdHelper->tubeLayer(module_id);
65  return true;
66 }

◆ csmNumOnChamber()

unsigned int MuonMDT_CablingMap::csmNumOnChamber ( const CablingData map_data,
MsgStream &  log 
) const

Returns whether the channel belongs to the first or second mounted CSM card.

Look up whether the station corresponds to the first or the second CSM

Definition at line 390 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

391  {
393  OffToOnlMap::const_iterator off_itr = m_toOnlineConv.find(map_data);
394  if (off_itr == m_toOnlineConv.end()) {
395  log << MSG::ERROR << "csmNumOnChamber() -- Nothing is saved under "
396  << map_data << endmsg;
397  return 0;
398  }
399  return (1 * (off_itr->second.csm[0] == map_data)) +
400  (2 * (off_itr->second.csm[1] == map_data));
401 }

◆ finalize_init()

bool MuonMDT_CablingMap::finalize_init ( MsgStream &  log)

Definition at line 523 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

523  {
524  if (m_tdcs.empty()) {
525  log << MSG::ERROR << "No tdc maps were loaded " << endmsg;
526  return false;
527  }
528  for (const MezzCardPtr& card : m_mezzCards) {
529  if (!card->checkConsistency(log))
530  return false;
531  }
533  const unsigned int offToOnlChan =
535  [](unsigned int N, const auto& map) {
536  return N +;
537  });
538  const unsigned int onlToOffChan = std::accumulate(
539  m_toOfflineConv.begin(), m_toOfflineConv.end(), 0,
540  [](unsigned int N, const auto& map) {
541  return N + std::accumulate(map.second.begin(), map.second.end(), 0,
542  [](unsigned int M, const auto& tdc) {
543  return M + tdc;
544  });
545  });
547  if (offToOnlChan != onlToOffChan || onlToOffChan != m_tdcs.size()) {
548  log << MSG::ERROR
549  << "Offline <-> online conversion channels were lost. Expect "
550  << m_tdcs.size()
551  << " cabling channels. Counted Offline -> online channels "
552  << offToOnlChan << ". Conted Online -> offline channels "
553  << onlToOffChan << endmsg;
554  return false;
555  }
556  for (auto& toOff : m_toOfflineConv) {
557  MdtTdcModule& mod = toOff.second;
558  TdcOnlSet::const_iterator itr = std::find_if(
559  mod.begin(), mod.end(), [](const MdtTdcOnlSorter& sorter) {
560  return sorter && sorter->tdcZero() == 0;
561  });
562  if (itr == mod.end()) {
563  log << MSG::ERROR << "There is no tdc with channel 0 in "
564  << toOff.first
565  << ". That is important to decode the station names later"
566  << endmsg;
567  return false;
568  }
569  mod.zero_module = (*itr);
570  }
571  m_mezzCards.clear();
572  log << MSG::INFO << "MdtCabling successfully loaded. Found in total "
573  << m_tdcs.size() << " channels." << endmsg;
574  return true;
575 }

◆ getAllROBId()

const MuonMDT_CablingMap::ListOfROB & MuonMDT_CablingMap::getAllROBId ( ) const

return the ROD id of a given chamber

Definition at line 519 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

519  {
520  return m_listOfROB;
521 }

◆ getHedgeHogMapping()

MezzCardPtr MuonMDT_CablingMap::getHedgeHogMapping ( uint8_t  mezzCardId) const

Definition at line 176 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

176  {
177  MezzCardPtr mezzaType{nullptr};
178  MezzCardList::const_iterator it = std::find_if(
179  m_mezzCards.begin(), m_mezzCards.end(),
180  [&](const MezzCardPtr& card) { return card->id() == mezzCardId; });
181  return it != m_mezzCards.end() ? (*it) : nullptr;
182 }

◆ getMultiLayerCode()

bool MuonMDT_CablingMap::getMultiLayerCode ( const CablingData map_data,
Identifier multiLayer,
IdentifierHash mdtHashId,
MsgStream &  log 
) const

Transforms the identifier to an IdentifierHash corresponding to the multilayer In this case, the multi layer represents the CSM chip.

create the station identifier

Layouts with BMEs use the detector element hashes to cover the chambers with 2 mounted CSMs

In Run1, all chambers had only one CSM. To maintain backward compbability use the module hash

Definition at line 419 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

422  {
423  const unsigned int ml = m_2CSM_cham ? csmNumOnChamber(map_data, log) : 1;
424  if (!ml) {
425  log << MSG::ERROR
426  << "getMultiLayerCode() -- Could not determine the detector layer "
427  << map_data << endmsg;
428  return false;
429  }
431  elementId = m_mdtIdHelper->channelID(map_data.stationIndex, map_data.eta,
432  map_data.phi, ml, 1, 1);
435  if (m_2CSM_cham &&
436  m_mdtIdHelper->get_detectorElement_hash(elementId, mdtHashId)) {
437  log << MSG::ERROR
438  << "getMultiLayerCode() -- Could not find HashId for module: "
439  << map_data << endmsg;
441  return false;
442  }
445  else if (!m_2CSM_cham &&
446  m_mdtIdHelper->get_module_hash(elementId, mdtHashId)) {
447  log << MSG::ERROR
448  << "getMultiLayerCode() -- Could not find HashId for module: "
449  << map_data << endmsg;
451  return false;
452  }
453  return true;
454 }

◆ getMultiLayerHashVec() [1/2]

std::vector< IdentifierHash > MuonMDT_CablingMap::getMultiLayerHashVec ( const std::vector< uint32_t > &  ROBId_list,
MsgStream &  log 
) const

return a vector of HashId lists for a given list of ROD's

Definition at line 501 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

502  {
503  std::vector<IdentifierHash> HashVec;
504  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ROBId_list.size(); ++i) {
505  ROBToChamberMap::const_iterator Rob_it =
506  m_ROBToMultiLayer.find(ROBId_list[i]);
507  if (Rob_it == m_ROBToMultiLayer.end()) {
508  log << MSG::WARNING << "Rod ID " << ROBId_list[i]
509  << " not found, continuing with the rest of the ROBId"
510  << endmsg;
511  continue;
512  }
513  HashVec.insert(HashVec.end(), Rob_it->second.begin(),
514  Rob_it->second.end());
515  }
516  return HashVec;
517 }

◆ getMultiLayerHashVec() [2/2]

const std::vector< IdentifierHash > & MuonMDT_CablingMap::getMultiLayerHashVec ( const uint32_t  ROBI,
MsgStream &  log 
) const

return a HashId list for a given ROD

Definition at line 489 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

490  {
491  ROBToChamberMap::const_iterator Rob_it = m_ROBToMultiLayer.find(ROBId);
492  if (Rob_it != m_ROBToMultiLayer.end()) {
493  return Rob_it->second;
494  }
496  log << MSG::WARNING << "Rod ID not found !" << endmsg;
497  static const std::vector<IdentifierHash> emptyIdHashVec{};
498  return emptyIdHashVec;
499 }

◆ getOfflineConvMap()

const MuonMDT_CablingMap::OffToOnlMap & MuonMDT_CablingMap::getOfflineConvMap ( ) const

Returns hte map to convert the offline -> online identifiers.

Definition at line 339 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

340  {
341  return m_toOnlineConv;
342 }

◆ getOfflineId()

bool MuonMDT_CablingMap::getOfflineId ( CablingData cabling_data,
MsgStream &  log 
) const

return the offline id given the online id

if it's the dummy TDC (i.e. the 0xff used to convert the full station)

Definition at line 239 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

240  {
241  OnlToOffMap::const_iterator module_itr = m_toOfflineConv.find(cabling_map);
242  if (module_itr == m_toOfflineConv.end()) {
243  log << MSG::WARNING
244  << "Could not find a cabling module to recieve offline Id for "
245  << cabling_map << endmsg;
246  return false;
247  }
249  if (cabling_map.tdcId == 0xff && cabling_map.channelId == 0xff) {
250  cabling_map.channelId = 0;
251  if (!module_itr->second.zero_module) {
252  log << MSG::WARNING << " No tdc with channel zero found for "
253  << module_itr->first << endmsg;
254  return false;
255  }
256  if (!module_itr->second.zero_module->offlineId(cabling_map, log)) {
257  log << MSG::WARNING << "MdtTdMap::getOfflineId() -- Channel: "
258  << static_cast<unsigned>(cabling_map.channelId)
259  << " Tdc: " << static_cast<unsigned>(cabling_map.tdcId)
260  << " not found in "
261  << static_cast<const MdtCablingOnData&>(cabling_map) << endmsg;
262  return false;
263  }
264  } else {
265  const TdcOnlSet& attachedTdcs = module_itr->second.all_modules;
266  if (attachedTdcs.size() < cabling_map.tdcId) {
267  log << MSG::WARNING << "getOfflineId() -- Tdc: "
268  << static_cast<unsigned>(cabling_map.tdcId)
269  << " is not part of " << module_itr->first << ". Maximally "
270  << attachedTdcs.size() << " Tdcs were attached. " << endmsg;
271  return false;
272  }
273  const MdtTdcOnlSorter& TdcItr =;
274  if (!TdcItr) {
275  log << MSG::WARNING << "getOfflineId() -- Tdc: "
276  << static_cast<unsigned>(cabling_map.tdcId) << " not found in "
277  << static_cast<const MdtCablingOnData&>(cabling_map) << endmsg;
278  return false;
279  }
280  if (!TdcItr->offlineId(cabling_map, log)) {
281  log << MSG::WARNING << "MdtTdMap::getOfflineId() -- channel: "
282  << static_cast<unsigned>(cabling_map.channelId)
283  << " Tdc: " << static_cast<unsigned>(cabling_map.tdcId)
284  << " not found in "
285  << static_cast<const MdtCablingOnData&>(cabling_map) << endmsg;
286  return false;
287  }
288  }
289  if (log.level() <= MSG::VERBOSE) {
290  log << MSG::VERBOSE
291  << "Channel: " << static_cast<unsigned>(cabling_map.channelId)
292  << " Tdc: " << static_cast<unsigned>(cabling_map.tdcId) << " "
293  << static_cast<const MdtCablingOnData&>(cabling_map) << endmsg;
295  log << MSG::VERBOSE << "Mapped to "
296  << static_cast<const MdtCablingOffData&>(cabling_map)
297  << " layer: " << cabling_map.layer << " tube: " <<
298  << endmsg;
299  }
300  return true;
301 }

◆ getOnlineConvMap()

const MuonMDT_CablingMap::OnlToOffMap & MuonMDT_CablingMap::getOnlineConvMap ( ) const

Returns the map to convert the online -> offline identifiers.

Definition at line 335 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

336  {
337  return m_toOfflineConv;
338 }

◆ getOnlineId()

bool MuonMDT_CablingMap::getOnlineId ( CablingData cabling_data,
MsgStream &  log 
) const

return the online id given the offline id

get the online id from the offline id

May be we missed it?

Definition at line 304 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

305  {
306  OffToOnlMap::const_iterator module_itr = m_toOnlineConv.find(cabling_map);
307  if (module_itr == m_toOnlineConv.end()) {
308  log << MSG::WARNING
309  << "getOnlineId() --- Could not find a cabling CSM set recieve "
310  "online Id for "
311  << static_cast<MdtCablingOffData&>(cabling_map) << endmsg;
312  return false;
313  }
314  const TdcOffSet& attachedTdcs = module_itr->;
315  TdcOffSet::const_iterator tdc_itr = attachedTdcs.find(cabling_map);
316  if (tdc_itr == attachedTdcs.end()) {
317  log << MSG::WARNING << "No matching Tdc channel was found for "
318  << cabling_map << endmsg;
319  } else if ((*tdc_itr)->onlineId(cabling_map, log))
320  return true;
322  TdcOffSet::const_iterator control_itr =
323  std::find_if(attachedTdcs.begin(), attachedTdcs.end(),
324  [&cabling_map, &log](const MdtTdcOffSorter& tdc) {
325  return tdc->onlineId(cabling_map, log);
326  });
327  if (control_itr == attachedTdcs.end()) {
328  log << MSG::WARNING
329  << "Second trial to find a valid cabling channel for "
330  << cabling_map << " failed as well. " << endmsg;
331  return false;
332  }
333  return true;
334 }

◆ getROBId() [1/2]

uint32_t MuonMDT_CablingMap::getROBId ( const IdentifierHash stationCode,
MsgStream &  log 
) const

return the ROD id of a given chamber, given the hash id

Definition at line 455 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

456  {
457  ChamberToROBMap::const_iterator it = m_chamberToROB.find(stationCode);
458  if (it != m_chamberToROB.end()) {
459  return it->second;
460  }
461  log << MSG::WARNING << "ROB ID " << stationCode << " not found !" << endmsg;
462  return 0;
463 }

◆ getROBId() [2/2]

std::vector< uint32_t > MuonMDT_CablingMap::getROBId ( const std::vector< IdentifierHash > &  mdtHashVector,
MsgStream &  log 
) const

get the robs corresponding to a vector of hashIds, copied from Svc before the readCdo migration

Definition at line 466 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

467  {
468  std::vector<uint32_t> robVector;
469  bool debug = (log.level() <= MSG::VERBOSE);
470  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mdtHashVector.size(); ++i) {
471  int robId = getROBId(mdtHashVector[i], log);
472  if (!robId) {
473  log << MSG::ERROR
474  << "ROB id not found for Hash Id: " << mdtHashVector[i]
475  << endmsg;
476  } else if (debug) {
477  log << MSG::VERBOSE << "Found ROB id " << robId << " for hashId "
478  << mdtHashVector[i] << endmsg;
479  }
480  robVector.push_back(robId);
481  }
482  if (debug) {
483  log << MSG::VERBOSE << "Size of ROB vector is: " << robVector.size()
484  << endmsg;
485  }
486  return robVector;
487 }

◆ getStationCode()

bool MuonMDT_CablingMap::getStationCode ( const CablingData map_data,
IdentifierHash mdtHashId,
MsgStream &  log 
) const

Transforms the identifier to an IdentifierHash corresponding to the module.

Definition at line 402 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

404  {
405  const Identifier elementId = m_mdtIdHelper->elementID(
406  map_data.stationIndex, map_data.eta, map_data.phi);
407  if (m_mdtIdHelper->get_module_hash(elementId, mdtHashId)) {
408  log << MSG::ERROR
409  << "getstationCode() -- Could not find HashId for module: "
410  << map_data << endmsg;
412  return false;
413  }
414  return true;
415 }

◆ has2CsmML()

bool MuonMDT_CablingMap::has2CsmML ( ) const

Returns if the cabling map has found multilayers connected to 2 CSM cards.

Definition at line 416 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

416  {
417  return m_2CSM_cham;
418 }

◆ legacyHedgehogCard()

MezzCardPtr MuonMDT_CablingMap::legacyHedgehogCard ( CablingData cabling,
MsgStream &  msg 
) const

In the legacy data format several transformations on the hedgehog layout were applied during the final TdcMap build.

Octoberfest chambers need a mirror in the tube channel numbering

Tube numbering is from bottom to top

Legacy tube mapping

Definition at line 595 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx.

596  {
597  using MezzMapping = MdtMezzanineCard::Mapping;
598  MezzMapping chMap{make_array<uint8_t, 24>(MdtMezzanineCard::NOTSET)};
600  const int mezzType = cabling.mezzanine_type;
601  const int chanZero = cabling.channelId;
602  const int layerZero = cabling.layer;
603  const int tubeZero =;
606  const bool debug = msg.level() <= MSG::VERBOSE;
608  if (special_cards.count(mezzType)) {
609  const MdtMezzanineCard dummy_card(chMap, 4, mezzType);
610  if (debug)
611  msg << MSG::VERBOSE
612  << "legacyHedgehogCard() -- Special layout given " << mezzType
613  << endmsg;
614  for (size_t chan = 0; chan < chMap.size(); ++chan) {
615  uint8_t tube_chan = ((chan - chan % 4) / 4);
618  if (mezzType == 71) {
619  tube_chan = 5 - tube_chan;
620  }
621  int layer{0}, tube{0};
622  // special case of the BME of end 2013 and BMG 2017
623  /*
624  * cases 50 and 60 follow the same rules. hedgehog card 50 is the
625  * mirror image of card 60, but the rules concerning how to decode
626  * the tube mapping are the same. channel 0 of a mezzanine card for
627  * case 50 is either top right or bottom left, while for case 60 it
628  * is top left or bottom right. Another thing to keep in mind for
629  * BMG is, that tube counting in some cases is along |z|, while in
630  * some other cases it is opposite.
631  *
632  * E.g: Numbering from top to bottom -> Tube counting along z
633  *
634  * Layer | Tube number
635  * 4 | 0 4 8 12 16 20
636  * 3 | 1 5 9 13 17 21
637  * 2 | 2 6 10 14 18 22
638  * 1 | 3 7 11 15 19 23
639  */
640  if (mezzType == 50 || mezzType == 60 || mezzType == 61) {
642  if (layerZero == 1) {
643  layer = chan % 4 + 1;
644  }
645  // Tube numbering is from top to bottom
646  else {
647  layer = 4 - chan % 4;
648  }
649  if ((tubeZero - 1) % 6 == 0) {
650  tube = tubeZero + tube_chan;
651  } else {
652  tube = tubeZero - tube_chan;
653  }
654  }
655  /* Few mezzanine cards in the BIS78 chambers are collateral vicitms
656  * of the famous regional customs happening in the Bavarian autumun.
657  * The tube staggering is kind of discontinous where the upper two
658  * layers are swapped with the bottom two 1 5 9 13 17
659  * 21 0 4 8 12 16 20 3 7 11 15 19
660  * 23 2 6 10 14 18 22
661  */
662  else if (mezzType == 71) {
663  layer = (chan % 4);
664  layer += 2 * (layer > 1 ? -1 : +1) + 1;
665  tube = tubeZero - tube_chan;
666  }
667 = std::min(, tube);
668  chMap[chan] = dummy_card.tubeNumber(layer, tube);
669  if (debug)
670  msg << MSG::VERBOSE << "legacyHedgehogCard() -- Channel "
671  << chan << " mapped to " << layer << ", " << tube << endmsg;
672  }
673  return std::make_unique<MdtMezzanineCard>(chMap, 4, mezzType);
674  }
676  MezzCardPtr card = getHedgeHogMapping(mezzType);
677  if (!card)
678  return nullptr;
679  if (debug)
680  msg << MSG::VERBOSE << "Assign local tube mapping from " << (*card)
681  << std::endl
682  << "to connect " << cabling << " tubeZero: " << tubeZero << endmsg;
683  const int stationName = cabling.stationIndex;
684  const int stationEta = std::abs(cabling.eta);
686  for (size_t chan = 0; chan < chMap.size(); ++chan) {
687  // calculate the layer
688  int layer{0}, tube{0};
689  if (layerZero == 1) {
690  layer = chan / (card->numTubesPerLayer()) + 1;
691  } else {
692  layer = layerZero - chan / (card->numTubesPerLayer());
693  }
695  // calculate the tube in layer
696  uint8_t localchan = chan % (card->numTubesPerLayer());
698  // special case of the BIR with 3 tubes overlapping to another mezzanine
699  if ((chanZero == 5 && stationName == 7 && stationEta == 3) &&
700  ((card->id() > 40 && localchan % 2 == 0) ||
701  (card->id() < 40 && localchan < 3)))
702  continue;
704  using OfflineCh = MdtMezzanineCard::OfflineCh;
705  OfflineCh locTubeLay = card->offlineTube(
706  localchan + (layer - 1) * card->numTubesPerLayer(), msg);
707  OfflineCh zeroTubeLay = card->offlineTube(
708  chanZero + (layer - 1) * card->numTubesPerLayer(), msg);
709  if (!locTubeLay.isValid || !zeroTubeLay.isValid)
710  continue;
712  tube = (static_cast<int>( -
713  static_cast<int>( + tubeZero);
715  if (debug)
716  msg << MSG::VERBOSE << "legacyHedgehogCard() -- Channel " << chan
717  << " mapped to " << layer << ", " << tube
718  << " locTube: " << static_cast<int>(
719  << " zeroTubeLay: " << static_cast<int>(
720  << endmsg;
722  if (tube < 1 || tube >= MdtIdHelper::maxNTubesPerLayer)
723  continue;
724 = std::min(, tube);
725  chMap[chan] = card->tubeNumber(layer, tube);
726  }
727  std::unique_ptr<MdtMezzanineCard> to_ret =
728  std::make_unique<MdtMezzanineCard>(chMap, card->numTubeLayers(),
729  mezzType);
730  const uint8_t tubeZeroOff = ( - 1) % to_ret->numTubesPerLayer();
731  if (!tubeZeroOff)
732  return to_ret;
733  chMap = make_array<uint8_t, 24>(MdtMezzanineCard::NOTSET);
734  for (size_t chan = 0; chan < chMap.size(); ++chan) {
735  using OfflineCh = MdtMezzanineCard::OfflineCh;
736  OfflineCh tube_lay = to_ret->offlineTube(chan, msg);
737  if (!tube_lay.isValid)
738  continue;
739  uint8_t tubeNumber = + tubeZeroOff + 1;
740  chMap[chan] = card->tubeNumber(tube_lay.layer, tubeNumber);
741  }
742  if (debug)
743  msg << MSG::VERBOSE << "Final mapping " << cabling << endmsg;
745  return std::make_unique<MdtMezzanineCard>(chMap, card->numTubeLayers(),
746  mezzType);
747 }

◆ operator=()

MuonMDT_CablingMap& MuonMDT_CablingMap::operator= ( const MuonMDT_CablingMap right)

assignment and copy constructor operator (hidden)

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_2CSM_cham

bool MuonMDT_CablingMap::m_2CSM_cham {false}

Switch to check whether the layout has chambers with 2 CSM chips.

Definition at line 179 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

◆ m_chamberToROB

ChamberToROBMap MuonMDT_CablingMap::m_chamberToROB {}

map returning the RODid for a given chamber ID

Definition at line 175 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

◆ m_listOfROB

ListOfROB MuonMDT_CablingMap::m_listOfROB {}

full list of ROBs

Definition at line 172 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

◆ m_mdtIdHelper

const MdtIdHelper* MuonMDT_CablingMap::m_mdtIdHelper {nullptr}

Pointer to the MdtIdHelper.

Definition at line 158 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

◆ m_mezzCards

MezzCardList MuonMDT_CablingMap::m_mezzCards {}

Definition at line 183 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

◆ m_multilayerToROB

ChamberToROBMap MuonMDT_CablingMap::m_multilayerToROB {}

map raturning the RODid for a given multi layer ID

Definition at line 177 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

◆ m_ROBToMultiLayer

ROBToChamberMap MuonMDT_CablingMap::m_ROBToMultiLayer {}

map returning a detector element hashes associated with a given ROD

Definition at line 169 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

◆ m_tdcs

std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MdtTdcMap> > MuonMDT_CablingMap::m_tdcs {}

Definition at line 166 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

◆ m_toOfflineConv

OnlToOffMap MuonMDT_CablingMap::m_toOfflineConv {}

Definition at line 165 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

◆ m_toOnlineConv

OffToOnlMap MuonMDT_CablingMap::m_toOnlineConv {}

Definition at line 164 of file MuonMDT_CablingMap.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
JetConstituentVector::iterator iterator
Definition: JetConstituentVector.cxx:68
int multilayer(const Identifier &id) const
Access to components of the ID.
Definition: MdtIdHelper.cxx:722
int stationNameIndex(const std::string &name) const
Definition: MuonIdHelper.cxx:846
ROBToChamberMap m_ROBToMultiLayer
map returning a detector element hashes associated with a given ROD
Definition: MuonMDT_CablingMap.h:169
bool getStationCode(const CablingData &map_data, IdentifierHash &mdtHashId, MsgStream &log) const
Transforms the identifier to an IdentifierHash corresponding to the module.
Definition: MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx:402
Helper struct to search through the std::set if a conversion from offline -> online is needed.
Definition: MdtTdcMap.h:88
MezzCardPtr legacyHedgehogCard(CablingData &cabling, MsgStream &msg) const
In the legacy data format several transformations on the hedgehog layout were applied during the fina...
Definition: MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx:595
bool offlineId(MdtCablingData &cabling_data, MsgStream &log) const
retrieve the full information
Definition: MdtTdcMap.cxx:24
Definition: Muon_v1.cxx:575
std::string find(const std::string &s)
return a remapped string
Definition: hcg.cxx:135
bool checkConsistency(MsgStream &msg) const
checks whether the tdc mapping is complete.
Definition: MdtMezzanineCard.cxx:52
Definition: MdtCablingData.h:50
uint8_t numTubesPerLayer() const
returns the number of tubes per layer;
Definition: MdtMezzanineCard.h:68
bool addChamberToROBMap(const CablingData &cabling_data, MsgStream &log)
private function to add a chamber to the ROD map
Definition: MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx:344
dictionary stationName
setEventNumber uint32_t
Definition: EventInfo_v1.cxx:127
bool is_mdt(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: MuonIdHelper.cxx:786
std::array< uint8_t, 24 > Mapping
Definition: MdtMezzanineCard.h:39
bool accumulate(AccumulateMap &map, std::vector< module_t > const &modules, FPGATrackSimMatrixAccumulator const &acc)
Accumulates an accumulator (e.g.
Definition: FPGATrackSimMatrixAccumulator.cxx:22
OfflineCh offlineTube(uint8_t tdc, MsgStream &msg) const
Definition: MdtMezzanineCard.cxx:126
OnlToOffMap m_toOfflineConv
Definition: MuonMDT_CablingMap.h:165
int tubeLayer(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: MdtIdHelper.cxx:724
dictionary cabling_data
MezzCardList m_mezzCards
Definition: MuonMDT_CablingMap.h:183
@ N
Definition: TiledEtaPhiMap.h:44
int stationName(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: MuonIdHelper.cxx:804
Helper struct to search through the std::set if a conversion from online -> offline is needed.
Definition: MdtTdcMap.h:100
static constexpr uint8_t NOTSET
Definition: MdtMezzanineCard.h:36
unsigned int csmNumOnChamber(const CablingData &map_data, MsgStream &log) const
Returns whether the channel belongs to the first or second mounted CSM card.
Definition: MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx:390
MdtMezzanineCard - Helper struct to represent the structure of a mezzanine card in a consistent way E...
Definition: MdtMezzanineCard.h:34
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< MdtTdcMap > > m_tdcs
Definition: MuonMDT_CablingMap.h:166
MezzCardPtr getHedgeHogMapping(uint8_t mezzCardId) const
Definition: MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx:176
list valid
The Athena Transient Store API.
Definition: StoreGateSvc.h:128
ChamberToROBMap m_chamberToROB
map returning the RODid for a given chamber ID
Definition: MuonMDT_CablingMap.h:175
Split the offline part of the cabling apart to use it later for sorting.
Definition: MdtCablingData.h:16
Helper struct to pipe the result from the tdc -> offline channel translation.
Definition: MdtMezzanineCard.h:72
int i
Definition: DetectorDescription/Identifier/Identifier/Identifier.h:32
#define endmsg
Definition: AnalysisConfig_Ntuple.cxx:63
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
Definition: PhysicsAnalysis/D3PDTools/EventLoop/EventLoop/StatusCode.h:22
@ layer
Definition: HitInfo.h:79
Definition: FolderTypes.h:34
int tube(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: MdtIdHelper.cxx:726
void show() const
Print out in hex form.
Definition: Identifier.cxx:36
OffToOnlMap m_toOnlineConv
Definition: MuonMDT_CablingMap.h:164
#define min(a, b)
Definition: cfImp.cxx:40
int stationPhi(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: MuonIdHelper.cxx:814
const bool debug
Definition: MakeUncertaintyPlots.cxx:53
Identifier channelID(int stationName, int stationEta, int stationPhi, int multilayer, int tubeLayer, int tube) const
Definition: MdtIdHelper.cxx:659
bool m_2CSM_cham
Switch to check whether the layout has chambers with 2 CSM chips.
Definition: MuonMDT_CablingMap.h:179
int stationEta(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: MuonIdHelper.cxx:809
uint32_t getROBId(const IdentifierHash &stationCode, MsgStream &log) const
return the ROD id of a given chamber, given the hash id
Definition: MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx:455
bool getMultiLayerCode(const CablingData &map_data, Identifier &multiLayer, IdentifierHash &mdtHashId, MsgStream &log) const
Transforms the identifier to an IdentifierHash corresponding to the multilayer In this case,...
Definition: MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx:419
@ LegacyCOOL
std::vector< MdtTdcOnlSorter > TdcOnlSet
Definition: MuonMDT_CablingMap.h:29
Identifier elementID(int stationName, int stationEta, int stationPhi) const
Definition: MdtIdHelper.cxx:630
ChamberToROBMap m_multilayerToROB
map raturning the RODid for a given multi layer ID
Definition: MuonMDT_CablingMap.h:177
virtual int get_detectorElement_hash(const Identifier &id, IdentifierHash &hash_id) const override
Definition: MdtIdHelper.cxx:325
Definition: Control/AthenaCommon/python/
virtual int get_module_hash(const Identifier &id, IdentifierHash &hash_id) const override
Definition: MdtIdHelper.cxx:318
constexpr uint8_t stationEta
1 to 3
Definition: NSWSTGTPDecodeBitmaps.h:127
Definition: IdentifierHash.h:38
static constexpr int maxNTubesPerLayer
The maxNTubesPerLayer represents the absolute maximum of tubes which are built into a single multilay...
Definition: MdtIdHelper.h:68
const MdtIdHelper * m_mdtIdHelper
Pointer to the MdtIdHelper.
Definition: MuonMDT_CablingMap.h:158
ListOfROB m_listOfROB
full list of ROBs
Definition: MuonMDT_CablingMap.h:172
std::set< MdtTdcOffSorter, std::less<> > TdcOffSet
Definition: MuonMDT_CablingMap.h:28
MuonMDT_CablingMap::MezzCardPtr MezzCardPtr
Definition: MuonMDT_CablingMap.cxx:21