ATLAS Offline Software
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs
xAODMaker Namespace Reference




class  AssociationHelper
class  AssociationHelper< Rec::TrackParticleContainer >
class  AssociationHelper< TrackCollection >
class  AuxStoreWrapper
 Algorithm preparing auxiliary store objects for slimming. More...
class  BTaggingCnvAlg
 Algorithm creating xAOD::BTagging objects from AOD collection. More...
class  BunchConfCnvAlg
 Algorithm for writing bunch configuration metadata. More...
class  CaloClusterCnvTool
 Implementation of the ICaloClusterCnvTool interface. More...
class  CMMCPHitsCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::CMMCPHits from an ESD. More...
class  CMMCPHitsCnvTool
 Implementation for the ICMMCPHitsCnvTool interface. More...
class  CMMEtSumsCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::CMMEtSums from an ESD. More...
class  CMMEtSumsCnvTool
 Implementation for the ICMMEtSumsCnvTool interface. More...
class  CMMJetHitsCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::CMMJetHits from an ESD. More...
class  CMMJetHitsCnvTool
 Implementation for the ICMMJetHitsCnvTool interface. More...
class  CMMRoICnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::CMMRoI from an ESD. More...
class  CMMRoICnvTool
 Implementation for the ICMMRoICnvTool interface. More...
class  CombinedMuonFeatureCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::L2CombinedMuonContainer from an AOD. More...
class  CombinedMuonFeatureCnvTool
 Implementation for the ICombinedMuonFeatureCnvTool interface. More...
class  CombinedMuonFeatureContainerCnvTool
 Implementation for the ICombinedMuonFeatureContainerCnvTool interface. More...
class  CPMHitsCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::CPMHits from an ESD. More...
class  CPMHitsCnvTool
 Implementation for the ICPMHitsCnvTool interface. More...
class  CPMRoICnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::CPMRoI from an ESD. More...
class  CPMRoICnvTool
 Implementation for the ICPMRoICnvTool interface. More...
class  CPMTowerCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::CPMTower from an ESD. More...
class  CPMTowerCnvTool
 Implementation for the ICPMTowerCnvTool interface. More...
class  DynVarFixerAlg
 Algorithm for fixing dynamic variable corruption on xAOD containers. More...
class  ElectronCnvAlg
 Algorithm creating xAOD::Electrons from Analysis::Electrons. More...
class  ElectronCnvTool
 Implementation for the tool creating ElectronContainer from an AOD. More...
class  ElementLinkResetAlg
 Algorithm reseting ElementLink objects to their default state. More...
class  EmTauRoICnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::EmTauRoIContainer from an AOD. More...
class  EmTauRoICnvTool
 Implementation for the IEmTauRoICnvTool interface. More...
class  EnergySumRoICnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::EnergySumRoI from an AOD. More...
class  EnergySumRoICnvTool
 Implementation for the IEnergySumRoICnvTool interface. More...
class  EventFormatMetaDataTool
 Tool taking care of copying the event format object from file to file. More...
class  EventFormatStreamHelperTool
 Tool creating and maintaining xAOD::EventFormat at the end-of-events. More...
class  EventInfoBeamSpotDecoratorAlg
 Algorithm for filling the beam position variables on xAOD::EventInfo. More...
class  EventInfoCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::EventInfo objects for the xAOD. More...
class  EventInfoCnvTool
 Implementation for the IEventInfoCnvTool interface. More...
class  EventInfoOverlay
class  EventInfoSelectorTool
class  EventInfoUpdateFromContextAlg
class  FileMetaDataCreatorTool
 Tool creating xAOD::FileMetaData information. More...
class  FileMetaDataTool
 Tool propagating xAOD::FileMetaData from input to output. More...
class  ForwardEventInfoCnvAlg
 Algorithm creating xAOD::ForwardEventInfos from MBTSCollisionTime object. More...
class  ForwardEventInfoCnvTool
 Implementation for the tool creating ForwardEventInfoContainer from an AOD. More...
class  GSFTrackParticleMapCnvAlg
 Algorithm creating xAOD::Electrons from Analysis::Electrons. More...
class  ICaloClusterCnvTool
 Interface for the tool doing AOD->xAOD conversion for clusters. More...
class  ICMMCPHitsCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating CMMCPHitsContainer from an ESD. More...
class  ICMMEtSumsCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating CMMEtSumsContainer from an ESD. More...
class  ICMMJetHitsCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating CMMJetHitsContainer from an ESD. More...
class  ICMMRoICnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating CMMRoI from an ESD. More...
class  ICombinedMuonFeatureCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating CombinedMuonFeature from an AOD. More...
class  ICombinedMuonFeatureContainerCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating CombinedMuonFeatureContainer from an AOD. More...
class  ICPMHitsCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating CPMHitsContainer from an ESD. More...
class  ICPMRoICnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating CPMRoIContainer from an ESD. More...
class  ICPMTowerCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating CPMTowerContainer from an ESD. More...
class  IElectronCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating ElectronContainer from an AOD. More...
class  IEmTauRoICnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating EmTauRoIContainer from an AOD. More...
class  IEnergySumRoICnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating EnergySumRoI from an AOD. More...
class  IEventInfoCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating xAOD::EventInfo from an AOD. More...
class  IForwardEventInfoCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating ForwardEventInfoContainer from an AOD. More...
class  IIsoMuonFeatureCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating IsoMuonFeature from an AOD. More...
class  IIsoMuonFeatureContainerCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating IsoMuonFeatureContainer from an AOD. More...
class  IJEMEtSumsCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating JEMEtSumsContainer from an ESD. More...
class  IJEMHitsCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating JEMHitsContainer from an ESD. More...
class  IJEMRoICnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating JEMRoIContainer from an ESD. More...
class  IJetCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating JetContainer from an AOD. More...
class  IJetElementCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating JetElementContainer from an ESD. More...
class  IJetEtRoICnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating JetEtRoI from an AOD. More...
class  IJetRoICnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating JetRoIContainer from an AOD. More...
class  IMBTSModuleCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating MBTSModuleContainer from an AOD. More...
class  IMissingETCnvTool
 Interface for the tool translating AOD MET objects to xAOD ones. More...
class  IMuonRoICnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating MuonRoIContainer from an AOD. More...
class  IMuonSegmentConverterTool
 Interface for tools calculating hit count summaries for track. More...
class  IPhotonCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating PhotonContainer from an AOD. More...
class  IRecTrackParticleContainerCnvTool
class  IRODHeaderCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating RODHeaderContainer from an ESD. More...
class  IROOTHeaderLoaderSvc
 Interface to a helper service used for force-loading headers into ROOT. More...
class  IsoMuonFeatureCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::L2IsoMuonContainer from an AOD. More...
class  IsoMuonFeatureCnvTool
 Implementation for the IIsoMuonFeatureCnvTool interface. More...
class  IsoMuonFeatureContainerCnvTool
 Implementation for the IIsoMuonFeatureContainerCnvTool interface. More...
class  ITauJetCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating TauJetContainer from an AOD. More...
class  ITrackCollectionCnvTool
class  ITrackParticleCompressorTool
 Interface for the tool(s) compressing xAOD::TrackParticle objects. More...
class  ITrigBjetCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating TrigBjetContainer from an AOD. More...
class  ITrigCaloClusterCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating TrigCaloCluster from an AOD. More...
class  ITrigDecisionCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating xAOD::TrigDecision from an AOD. More...
class  ITrigEFBphysCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating TrigBphysContainer from an AOD. More...
class  ITrigEFBphysContainerCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating TrigBphysContainer from an AOD. More...
class  ITrigEMClusterCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating TrigEMCluster from an AOD. More...
class  ITriggerTowerCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating TriggerTowerContainer from an ESD. More...
class  ITrigHisto2DCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating TrigHisto2DContainer from an AOD. More...
class  ITrigL2BphysCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating TrigBphysContainer from an AOD. More...
class  ITrigL2BphysContainerCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating TrigBphysContainer from an AOD. More...
class  ITrigMissingETCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating TrigMissingETContainer from an AOD. More...
class  ITrigNavigationCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating xAOD::TrigNavigation from an AOD. More...
class  ITrigPassBitsCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating TrigPassBitsContainer from an AOD. More...
class  ITrigSpacePointCountsCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating TrigSpacePointCountsContainer from an AOD. More...
class  ITrigT2MbtsBitsCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating TrigT2MbtsBitsContainer from an AOD. More...
class  ITrigT2ZdcSignalsCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating TrigT2ZdcSignalsContainer from an AOD. More...
class  ITrigTrackCountsCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating TrigTrackCountsContainer from an AOD. More...
class  ITrigVertexCountsCnvTool
 Interface for the tool creating TrigVertexCountsContainer from an AOD. More...
class  JEMEtSumsCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::JEMEtSums from an ESD. More...
class  JEMEtSumsCnvTool
 Implementation for the IJEMEtSumsCnvTool interface. More...
class  JEMHitsCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::JEMHits from an ESD. More...
class  JEMHitsCnvTool
 Implementation for the IJEMHitsCnvTool interface. More...
class  JEMRoICnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::JEMRoI from an ESD. More...
class  JEMRoICnvTool
 Implementation for the IJEMRoICnvTool interface. More...
class  JetCnvAlg
class  JetCnvTool
 Implementation for the IJetCnvTool interface. More...
class  JetElementCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::JetElement from an ESD. More...
class  JetElementCnvTool
 Implementation for the IJetElementCnvTool interface. More...
class  JetEtRoICnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::JetEtRoI from an AOD. More...
class  JetEtRoICnvTool
 Implementation for the IJetEtRoICnvTool interface. More...
class  JetRoICnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::JetRoIContainer from an AOD. More...
class  JetRoICnvTool
 Implementation for the IJetRoICnvTool interface. More...
class  MBTSModuleCnvAlg
 Algorithm creating xAOD::MBTSModules from TileCellContainer. More...
class  MBTSModuleCnvTool
 Implementation for the tool creating MBTSModuleContainer from an AOD. More...
class  MissingETCnvAlg
 Algorithm translating AOD-style MET to xAOD style. More...
class  MissingETCnvTool
 Implementation of the IMissingETCnvTool interface. More...
class  MuonCnvAlg
 Algorithm creating xAOD::Muons from Muons. More...
class  MuonFeatureCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::L2StandAloneMuonContainer from an AOD. More...
class  MuonRoICnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::MuonRoIContainer from an AOD. More...
class  MuonRoICnvTool
 Implementation for the IMuonRoICnvTool interface. More...
class  MuonSegmentCnvAlg
 Algorithm creating xAOD::MuonSegments from MuonSegments. More...
class  PhotonCnvAlg
 Algorithm creating xAOD::Photons from Analysis::Photons. More...
class  PhotonCnvTool
 Implementation for the tool creating PhotonContainer from an AOD. More...
class  RecTrackParticleContainerCnvTool
class  RedoTruthLinksAlg
 Algorithm creating xAOD truth from HepMC. More...
class  RODHeaderCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::RODHeader from an ESD. More...
class  RODHeaderCnvTool
 Implementation for the IRODHeaderCnvTool interface. More...
class  ROOTHeaderLoaderSvc
 Service implementing xAODMaker::IROOTHeaderLoaderSvc. More...
class  TauJetCnvAlg
class  TauJetCnvTool
class  TauJetReaderAlg
 Simple algorithm testing the reading of xAOD::TauJetContainer. More...
class  TrackCollectionCnvTool
class  TrackParticleCnvAlg
 Algorithm creating xAOD::TrackParticles from TrackParticles. More...
class  TrackParticleCompressorTool
 Implementation of the tool compressing track particles. More...
class  TrigBjetCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::BjetContainer from an AOD. More...
class  TrigBjetCnvTool
 Implementation for the ITrigBjetCnvTool interface. More...
class  TrigCaloClusterCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigCaloCluster from an AOD. More...
class  TrigCaloClusterCnvTool
 Implementation for the ITrigCaloClusterCnvTool interface. More...
class  TrigDecisionCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigDecision objects. More...
class  TrigDecisionCnvTool
 Implementation of the ITrigDecisionCnvTool interface. More...
class  TrigEFBphysCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigEFBphysContainer from an AOD. More...
class  TrigEFBphysCnvTool
 Implementation for the ITrigEFBphysCnvTool interface. More...
class  TrigEFBphysContainerCnvTool
 Implementation for the ITrigEFBphysContainerCnvTool interface. More...
class  TrigEMClusterCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigEMCluster from an AOD. More...
class  TrigEMClusterCnvTool
 Implementation for the ITrigEMClusterCnvTool interface. More...
class  TriggerMenuMetaDataTool
 Tool taking care of copying the trigger configuration from file to file. More...
class  TriggerTowerCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::TriggerTower from an ESD. More...
class  TriggerTowerCnvTool
 Implementation for the ITriggerTowerCnvTool interface. More...
class  TrigL2BphysCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigBphysContainer from an AOD. More...
class  TrigL2BphysCnvTool
 Implementation for the ITrigL2BphysCnvTool interface. More...
class  TrigL2BphysContainerCnvTool
 Implementation for the ITrigL2BphysContainerCnvTool interface. More...
class  TrigMissingETCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigMissingETContainer from an AOD. More...
class  TrigMissingETCnvTool
 Implementation for the ITrigMissingETCnvTool interface. More...
class  TrigMuonEFInfoToMuonCnvAlg
 Algorithm creating xAOD::Muons from EF Muons (class TrigMuonEFInfo) More...
class  TrigNavigationCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigNavigation objects. More...
class  TrigNavigationCnvTool
 Implementation of the ITrigNavigationCnvTool interface. More...
class  TrigPassBitsCnvTool
 Implementation for the ITrigPassBitsCnvTool interface. More...
class  TrigSpacePointCountsCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigSpacePointCountsContainer from an AOD. More...
class  TrigSpacePointCountsCnvTool
 Implementation for the ITrigSpacePointCountsCnvTool interface. More...
class  TrigT2MbtsBitsCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigT2MbtsBitsContainer from an AOD. More...
class  TrigT2MbtsBitsCnvTool
 Implementation for the ITrigT2MbtsBitsCnvTool interface. More...
class  TrigT2ZdcSignalsCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigT2ZdcSignalsContainer from an AOD. More...
class  TrigT2ZdcSignalsCnvTool
 Implementation for the ITrigT2ZdcSignalsCnvTool interface. More...
class  TrigTrackCountsCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigTrackCountsContainer from an AOD. More...
class  TrigTrackCountsCnvTool
 Implementation for the ITrigTrackCountsCnvTool interface. More...
class  TrigVertexCountsCnvAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigVertexCountsContainer from an AOD. More...
class  TrigVertexCountsCnvTool
 Implementation for the ITrigVertexCountsCnvTool interface. More...
class  TrigxAODBphysReaderAlg
 Algorithm for creating xAOD::TrigxAODBphysReaderAlg from an AOD. More...
class  TruthMetaDataTool
 Tool taking care of copying the truth metadata from file to file. More...
class  VertexCnvAlg
 Algorithm creating xAOD::Vertex from Vertex. More...
class  xAODTruthCnvAlg
 Algorithm creating xAOD truth from HepMC. More...


using Cont_t = xAOD::TruthMetaDataContainer

Detailed Description

Tadej Novak
Michael Duehrssen

Typedef Documentation

◆ Cont_t

Definition at line 17 of file TruthMetaDataTool.cxx.