![]() |
ATLAS Offline Software
#include <SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h>
Classes | |
class | Counter_t |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual StatusCode | sysInitialize () override |
Override sysInitialize. More... | |
virtual unsigned int | cardinality () const override |
Cardinality (Maximum number of clones that can exist) special value 0 means that algorithm is reentrant. More... | |
virtual StatusCode | sysExecute (const EventContext &ctx) override |
Execute an algorithm. More... | |
virtual const DataObjIDColl & | extraOutputDeps () const override |
Return the list of extra output dependencies. More... | |
virtual bool | filterPassed (const EventContext &ctx) const |
virtual void | setFilterPassed (bool state, const EventContext &ctx) const |
ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > & | evtStore () |
The standard StoreGateSvc (event store) Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc . More... | |
const ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > & | evtStore () const |
The standard StoreGateSvc (event store) Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc . More... | |
const ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > & | detStore () const |
The standard StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc . More... | |
virtual StatusCode | sysStart () override |
Handle START transition. More... | |
virtual std::vector< Gaudi::DataHandle * > | inputHandles () const override |
Return this algorithm's input handles. More... | |
virtual std::vector< Gaudi::DataHandle * > | outputHandles () const override |
Return this algorithm's output handles. More... | |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & | declareProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &t) |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareProperty (const std::string &name, SG::VarHandleKey &hndl, const std::string &doc, const SG::VarHandleKeyType &) |
Declare a new Gaudi property. More... | |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareProperty (const std::string &name, SG::VarHandleBase &hndl, const std::string &doc, const SG::VarHandleType &) |
Declare a new Gaudi property. More... | |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareProperty (const std::string &name, SG::VarHandleKeyArray &hndArr, const std::string &doc, const SG::VarHandleKeyArrayType &) |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareProperty (const std::string &name, T &property, const std::string &doc, const SG::NotHandleType &) |
Declare a new Gaudi property. More... | |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareProperty (const std::string &name, T &property, const std::string &doc="none") |
Declare a new Gaudi property. More... | |
void | updateVHKA (Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &) |
MsgStream & | msg () const |
MsgStream & | msg (const MSG::Level lvl) const |
bool | msgLvl (const MSG::Level lvl) const |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | renounceArray (SG::VarHandleKeyArray &handlesArray) |
remove all handles from I/O resolution More... | |
std::enable_if_t< std::is_void_v< std::result_of_t< decltype(&T::renounce)(T)> > &&!std::is_base_of_v< SG::VarHandleKeyArray, T > &&std::is_base_of_v< Gaudi::DataHandle, T >, void > | renounce (T &h) |
void | extraDeps_update_handler (Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &ExtraDeps) |
Add StoreName to extra input/output deps as needed. More... | |
Print internal tool parameters and status | |
MsgStream & | dump (MSG::Level lvl, const SiSPSeededTrackFinder::Counter_t *) const |
MsgStream & | dumptools (MsgStream &out) const |
MsgStream & | dumpevent (MsgStream &out, const SiSPSeededTrackFinder::Counter_t &counter) const |
bool | isGoodEvent (const EventContext &ctx) const |
EventContext is used to specify which event. More... | |
void | filterSharedTracks (std::multimap< double, Trk::Track * > &scoredTracks) const |
cleans up the collection of quality filtered tracks. More... | |
void | filterSharedTracksFast (std::multimap< double, Trk::Track * > &scoredTracks) const |
void | fillZHistogram (const Trk::Track *Tr, const Trk::PerigeeSurface &beamlinePerigee, std::vector< int > &numberWeightedhistogram, std::vector< double > &zWeightedHistogram, std::vector< double > &ptWeightedHistogram) const |
fills three z0 histograms (non-weighted, weighted by z, and weighted by pt) with the track z at the beam line estimated using the innermost measurement. More... | |
void | findZvertex (std::list< Trk::Vertex > &vertexList, std::pair< double, double > &zBoundaries, const std::vector< int > &numberWeightedhistogram, const std::vector< double > &zWeightedHistogram, const std::vector< double > &ptWeightedHistogram) const |
estimates a set of vertex positions and a z interval for the second track finding pass using the input histograms populated using fillZHistogram. More... | |
StatusCode | oldStrategy (const EventContext &ctx) const |
this method performs the track finding using the old strategy More... | |
StatusCode | newStrategy (const EventContext &ctx) const |
this method performs the track finding using the new strategy More... | |
StatusCode | itkFastTrackingStrategy (const EventContext &ctx) const |
EventContext is used to specify which event. More... | |
StatusCode | itkConvStrategy (const EventContext &ctx) const |
EventContext is used to specify which event. More... | |
void | magneticFieldInit () |
bool | passEtaDepCuts (const Trk::Track *track, int nClusters, int nFreeClusters, int nPixels) const |
Protected Attributes | |
Flags to configure SiSPSeededTrackFinder | |
BooleanProperty | m_useZvertexTool {this, "useZvertexTool", true} |
BooleanProperty | m_writeHolesFromPattern {this, "writeHolesFromPattern", false,"Flag to activate writing hole info from the pattern recognition"} |
BooleanProperty | m_useMBTS {this, "useMBTSTimeDiff", false} |
BooleanProperty | m_useNewStrategy {this, "useNewStrategy", false} |
BooleanProperty | m_useZBoundaryFinding {this, "useZBoundFinding", false} |
BooleanProperty | m_ITKGeometry {this, "ITKGeometry", false, "Flag to specify if it is ITK geometry"} |
BooleanProperty | m_useITkConvSeeded {this, "useITkConvSeeded", false, "ITk EM-seeded conversion reco"} |
BooleanProperty | m_doFastTracking {this, "doFastTracking", false, "ITk fast tracking reco"} |
IntegerProperty | m_maxNumberSeeds {this, "maxNumberSeeds", 3000000, "Max. number used seeds"} |
BooleanProperty | m_alwaysProtectAgainstBusyEvent {this, "alwaysProtectAgainstBusyEvents", false, "Flag that enables checking always maxNumberPIXsp and maxNumberSCTsp"} |
IntegerProperty | m_maxPIXsp {this, "maxNumberPIXsp", 150000, "Max. number pixels space points"} |
IntegerProperty | m_maxSCTsp {this, "maxNumberSCTsp", 500000, "Max. number sct space points"} |
IntegerProperty | m_nfreeCut {this, "FreeClustersCut", 1, "Min number free clusters"} |
IntegerProperty | m_histsize {this, "HistSize", 1400} |
IntegerProperty | m_nvertex {this, "maxVertices", 4} |
DoubleProperty | m_zcut {this, "Zcut", 350.} |
DoubleProperty | m_deltaEta {this, "dEtaCaloRoI", .1} |
DoubleProperty | m_deltaPhi {this, "dPhiCaloRoI", .25} |
DoubleProperty | m_deltaZ {this, "dZCaloRoI", 300.} |
StringProperty | m_fieldmode {this, "MagneticFieldMode", "MapSolenoid"} |
Data members for new strategy reconstruction | |
double | m_pTcut {500} |
double | m_imcut {2.} |
double | m_zstep {0.} |
Data handles for StoreGate access in AthenaMT | |
SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::EventInfo > | m_evtKey {this, "EventInfoKey", "EventInfo"} |
SG::ReadHandleKey< SpacePointContainer > | m_SpacePointsSCTKey {this, "SpacePointsSCTName", "SCT_SpacePoints"} |
SG::ReadHandleKey< SpacePointContainer > | m_SpacePointsPixelKey {this, "SpacePointsPixelName", "PixelSpacePoints"} |
SG::ReadHandleKey< Trk::PRDtoTrackMap > | m_prdToTrackMap {this,"PRDtoTrackMap",""} |
SG::ReadHandleKey< ROIPhiRZContainer > | m_caloClusterROIKey {this, "EMROIPhiRZContainer", "InDetCaloClusterROIPhiRZ15GeVUnordered", "Name of the calo cluster ROIs in Phi,R,Z parameterization"} |
SG::ReadCondHandleKey< InDet::BeamSpotData > | m_beamSpotKey {this, "BeamSpotKey", "BeamSpotData", "SG key for beam spot"} |
SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< xAOD::EventInfo > | m_mbtsKey {this, "MBTSKey", "EventInfo.MBTSBackground"} |
SG::WriteHandleKey< TrackCollection > | m_outputTracksKey {this, "TracksLocation", "SiSPSeededTracks"} |
Tool handles | |
ToolHandle< ISiSpacePointsSeedMaker > | m_seedsmaker {this, "SeedsTool", "InDet::SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ATLxk/InDetSpSeedsMaker", "Space poins seed maker"} |
ToolHandle< ISiZvertexMaker > | m_zvertexmaker {this, "ZvertexTool", "InDet::SiZvertexMaker_xk/InDetSiZvertexMaker", "Space poins z-vertex maker"} |
ToolHandle< ISiTrackMaker > | m_trackmaker {this, "TrackTool", "InDet::SiTrackMaker_xk/InDetSiTrackMaker", "Track maker"} |
PublicToolHandle< Trk::IPatternParametersPropagator > | m_proptool {this, "PropagatorTool", "Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPropagator"} |
ToolHandle< Trk::IExtendedTrackSummaryTool > | m_trackSummaryTool {this, "TrackSummaryTool", "InDetTrackSummaryToolNoHoleSearch"} |
ToolHandle< IRegSelTool > | m_regsel_strip { this, "RegSelTool_Strip", "RegSelTool/RegSelTool_SCT" } |
Magnetic field properties | |
Trk::MagneticFieldProperties | m_fieldprop |
Service handles | |
ServiceHandle< IInDetEtaDependentCutsSvc > | m_etaDependentCutsSvc {this, "InDetEtaDependentCutsSvc", "InDetEtaDependentCutsSvc"} |
service to get cut values depending on different variable More... | |
Counters | |
Counter_t m_counterTotal | ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE {} |
std::atomic_int | m_neventsTotal {0} |
Number events. More... | |
std::atomic_int | m_neventsTotalV {0} |
Number events. More... | |
std::atomic_int | m_problemsTotal {0} |
Number events with number seeds > maxNumber. More... | |
std::atomic_int | m_problemsTotalV {0} |
Number events with number seeds > maxNumber. More... | |
Private Types | |
typedef ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > | StoreGateSvc_t |
Private Member Functions | |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & | declareGaudiProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &hndl, const SG::VarHandleKeyType &) |
specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKey> More... | |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & | declareGaudiProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &hndl, const SG::VarHandleKeyArrayType &) |
specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKeyArray> More... | |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & | declareGaudiProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &hndl, const SG::VarHandleType &) |
specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleBase> More... | |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & | declareGaudiProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &t, const SG::NotHandleType &) |
specialization for handling everything that's not a Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKey> or a <SG::VarHandleKeyArray> More... | |
Private Attributes | |
DataObjIDColl | m_extendedExtraObjects |
Extra output dependency collection, extended by AthAlgorithmDHUpdate to add symlinks. More... | |
StoreGateSvc_t | m_evtStore |
Pointer to StoreGate (event store by default) More... | |
StoreGateSvc_t | m_detStore |
Pointer to StoreGate (detector store by default) More... | |
std::vector< SG::VarHandleKeyArray * > | m_vhka |
bool | m_varHandleArraysDeclared |
Standard Algotithm methods | |
enum | ECounter { kNSeeds, kNTracks, kNCounter } |
enums for Counter_t More... | |
SiSPSeededTrackFinder (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator) | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~SiSPSeededTrackFinder ()=default |
virtual StatusCode | initialize () override |
Initialisation. More... | |
virtual StatusCode | execute (const EventContext &ctx) const override |
Execute. More... | |
virtual StatusCode | finalize () override |
virtual bool | isClonable () const override |
Make this algorithm clonable. More... | |
Class-algorithm for track finding in Pixels and SCT initiated by space points seeds
Definition at line 48 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
privateinherited |
Definition at line 388 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
protected |
InDet::SiSPSeededTrackFinder::SiSPSeededTrackFinder | ( | const std::string & | name, |
ISvcLocator * | pSvcLocator | ||
) |
Definition at line 64 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.cxx.
virtualdefault |
overridevirtualinherited |
Cardinality (Maximum number of clones that can exist) special value 0 means that algorithm is reentrant.
Override this to return 0 for reentrant algorithms.
Override this to return 0 for reentrant algorithms.
Definition at line 55 of file AthReentrantAlgorithm.cxx.
inlineprivateinherited |
specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKeyArray>
Definition at line 170 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineprivateinherited |
specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKey>
Definition at line 156 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineprivateinherited |
specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleBase>
Definition at line 184 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineprivateinherited |
specialization for handling everything that's not a Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKey> or a <SG::VarHandleKeyArray>
Definition at line 199 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineinherited |
Declare a new Gaudi property.
name | Name of the property. |
hndl | Object holding the property value. |
doc | Documentation string for the property. |
This is the version for types that derive from SG::VarHandleBase
. The property value object is put on the input and output lists as appropriate; then we forward to the base class.
Definition at line 245 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineinherited |
Declare a new Gaudi property.
name | Name of the property. |
hndl | Object holding the property value. |
doc | Documentation string for the property. |
This is the version for types that derive from SG::VarHandleKey
. The property value object is put on the input and output lists as appropriate; then we forward to the base class.
Definition at line 221 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineinherited |
Definition at line 259 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineinherited |
Declare a new Gaudi property.
name | Name of the property. |
property | Object holding the property value. |
doc | Documentation string for the property. |
This is the generic version, for types that do not derive from SG::VarHandleKey
. It just forwards to the base class version of declareProperty
Definition at line 333 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineinherited |
Declare a new Gaudi property.
name | Name of the property. |
property | Object holding the property value. |
doc | Documentation string for the property. |
This dispatches to either the generic declareProperty
or the one for VarHandle/Key/KeyArray.
Definition at line 352 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineinherited |
Definition at line 145 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineinherited |
The standard StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore
Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc
Definition at line 95 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
protected |
protected |
Definition at line 778 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.cxx.
protected |
Definition at line 738 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.cxx.
inlineinherited |
The standard StoreGateSvc
(event store) Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc
Definition at line 85 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineinherited |
The standard StoreGateSvc
(event store) Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc
Definition at line 90 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
overridevirtual |
Note that !m_useNewStrategy alone is NOT sufficient to trigger the oldStrategy call here! For example, run-3 central offline Si tracking has m_useNewStrategy=false, but m_useZBoundaryFinding true --> newStrategy
Definition at line 141 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.cxx.
protectedinherited |
Add StoreName to extra input/output deps as needed.
use the logic of the VarHandleKey to parse the DataObjID keys supplied via the ExtraInputs and ExtraOuputs Properties to add the StoreName if it's not explicitly given
overridevirtualinherited |
Return the list of extra output dependencies.
This list is extended to include symlinks implied by inheritance relations.
Definition at line 79 of file AthReentrantAlgorithm.cxx.
protected |
fills three z0 histograms (non-weighted, weighted by z, and weighted by pt) with the track z at the beam line estimated using the innermost measurement.
the first two parameters are input, the other three output.
[in] | Tr | Track candidate to fill |
[in] | beamlinePerigee | Perigee surface corresponding to the beam spot |
[out] | numberWeightedhistogram | vector representing a histogram in z, counting the tracks per bin |
[out] | zWeightedHistogram | vector representing a histogram in z, counting the tracks per bin weighted by their z values |
[out] | ptWeightedHistogram | vector representing a histogram in z, counting the tracks per bin weighted by their pt values |
only take into accounts tracks with a hit inside r < 60mm
propagate from innermost hit to beam spot
determine bin number - m_zstep is the inverse bin width, where the histo axis extends from -m_zcut to +m_zcut
fill histograms if we are not in the over/underflow
simple z histogram, counting tracks per z
z weighted histogram binned in z - used for vertex z calculation
pt weighted histogram binned in z - used for vertex sumpt calculation
Definition at line 973 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.cxx.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Definition at line 135 of file AthReentrantAlgorithm.h.
protected |
cleans up the collection of quality filtered tracks.
Candidates which share most of their hits (steered by m_freeCut) with higher quality candidates are erased from the multimap
[in,out] | scoredTracks | Track candidates, sorted by by score, best scored first (implemented by assigning negative sign to scores) |
loop over all track candidates, sorted by quality
loop over measurements on the track candidate
get the PRD from the measurement
increase cluster count
and check if the cluster was already used in a previous ( = higher quality) track
if not, record as a free (not prevously used) cluster
check if the track has the minimum number of free clusters or if it has no shared clusters
if this is fulfilled, we keep the candidate add the free clusters to our cluster set
if we do not keep the track, clean up candidate
Definition at line 865 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.cxx.
protected |
loop over all track candidates, sorted by quality
loop over track states on surface of the track candidate
get the PRD from the measurement
increase cluster count
and check if the cluster was already used in a previous ( = higher quality) track
if not, record as a free (not prevously used) cluster
add the free clusters to our cluster set
if this is fulfilled, we keep the candidate
if we do not keep the track, clean up candidate
Definition at line 913 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.cxx.
overridevirtual |
Definition at line 712 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.cxx.
protected |
estimates a set of vertex positions and a z interval for the second track finding pass using the input histograms populated using fillZHistogram.
the first two arguments serve as output, while the three histograms are input.
[out] | vertexList | - will be populated with vertex candidates if m_useNewStrategy is set |
[out] | zBoundaries | - will be populated with edges of a z interval corresponding to the estimated vertex locations |
[in] | numberWeightedhistogram | vector representing a histogram in z, counting the tracks per bin |
[in] | zWeightedHistogram | vector representing a histogram in z, counting the tracks per bin weighted by their z values |
[in] | ptWeightedHistogram | vector representing a histogram in z, counting the tracks per bin weighted by their pt values |
loop over the bins in z. Start with the second, end with the second to last, as we investigate triplets of bins
total entries in the three neighbouring bins
if we have at least 3 tracks in this z0 interval with the peak of the local triplet in the central bin, add a vertex candidate
vertex z estimate as the mean z0 of the tracks in the three bins
if this vertex is to the left of the lower edge or the right of the upper edge, broaden the z interval accordingly to include this vertex.
also get the sum(pt) of the vertex candidate
stop when we have collected the requested number of leading vertices
insert one vertex from the ntracks-sorted list and one from the pt-sorted list. If both are the same, only one insertion is performed
if we did not find any PV candidates, assume a very wide interval
otherwise, add a reasonable bit of space on each side of the first / last vertex candidate
Definition at line 1021 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.cxx.
overridevirtual |
optional PRD to track association map
Get tool for space points seed maker
Get track-finding tool
Get RungeKutta propagator tool
Setup for magnetic field
Setup for Z-histograms
Get output print level
Definition at line 73 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.cxx.
overridevirtualinherited |
Return this algorithm's input handles.
We override this to include handle instances from key arrays if they have not yet been declared. See comments on updateVHKA.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Make this algorithm clonable.
Reimplemented from AthReentrantAlgorithm.
Definition at line 68 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
EventContext is used to specify which event.
Definition at line 814 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.cxx.
protected |
EventContext is used to specify which event.
For HI events we can use MBTS information from calorimeter
set up the seed maker for first pass
and run seeding - starting with an empty list of vertices for the first pass
set up the track maker
prepare a collection for the quality-sorted track canddiates
Get the value of the seed maker validation ntuple writing switch
Loop through all seeds from the first pass and attempt to form track candidates
copy all the tracks into trackList
record track candidates found, using combinatorial track finding, from the given seed
Call the ntuple writing method
Remove shared tracks with worse quality
Save good tracks in track collection
Note that for run-3 the tool here is configured to not perform a hole search, regardless of the 'false' argument below
Check if we have a hole search result for this guy
If yes: Write this information into the track summary.
Definition at line 562 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.cxx.
protected |
EventContext is used to specify which event.
set up the track maker
We run a single passe of seeding & track finding with PPP seeds
Set up the first pass (pixel seeds), and prepare to obtain a vertex Z estimate from the candidates we find
set up the seed maker for first pass
and run seeding - starting with an empty list of vertices for the first pass
prepare a collection for the quality-sorted track canddiates
Get the value of the seed maker validation ntuple writing switch
Loop through all seeds from the first pass and attempt to form track candidates
copy all the tracks into trackList
record track candidates found, using combinatorial track finding, from the given seed
Call the ntuple writing method
Remove shared tracks with worse quality
Save good tracks in track collection
Check if we have a hole search result for this guy
If yes: Write this information into the track summary.
Definition at line 446 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.cxx.
protected |
Definition at line 1095 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.cxx.
inlineinherited |
Definition at line 24 of file AthCommonMsg.h.
inlineinherited |
Definition at line 27 of file AthCommonMsg.h.
inlineinherited |
Definition at line 30 of file AthCommonMsg.h.
protected |
this method performs the track finding using the new strategy
EventContext is used to specify which event
For HI events we can use MBTS information from calorimeter
Get beam information and preparation for z -histogramming
We run two passes of seeding & track finding.
First, we use strip seeds, perform finding with them and obtain an estimate of the beam spot region from the found tracks.
Then, we run PPP-seeded tracking within the resulting z interval.
Set up the first pass (strip seeds), and prepare to obtain a vertex Z estimate from the candidates we find
set up the seed maker for first pass
and run seeding - starting with an empty list of vertices for the first pass
set up the track maker
initialize empty histograms for the vertex estimate
prepare a collection for the quality-sorted track canddiates
Get the value of the seed maker validation ntuple writing switch
Loop through all seeds from the first pass and attempt to form track candidates
we only want to fill the Z histo with the first candidate for each seed.
copy all the tracks into trackList
record track candidates found, using combinatorial track finding, from the given seed
For the first (highest quality) track from each seed, populate the vertex finding histograms
Call the ntuple writing method
Now set up the second seeding pass, using pixel seeds The seed maker will internally reconfigure itself based on the "1" argument for the "iteration" argument in this call.
perform vertex Z estimation and run second seeding pass
Estimate a Z vertex interval and, if running the new strategy, also a list of the HS candidates
pass the Z boundary pair c-array-style to satisfy existing interfaces of the seeds maker family. Trigger second seed finding pass (PPP)
Again, loop over the newly found seeds and attempt to form track candidates
Remove shared tracks with worse quality
Save good tracks in track collection
Note that for run-3 the tool here is configured to not perform a hole search, regardless of the 'false' argument below
Check if we have a hole search result for this guy
If yes: Write this information into the track summary.
Definition at line 260 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.cxx.
protected |
this method performs the track finding using the old strategy
EventContext is used to specify which event
For HI events we can use MBTS information from calorimeter
Definition at line 175 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.cxx.
overridevirtualinherited |
Return this algorithm's output handles.
We override this to include handle instances from key arrays if they have not yet been declared. See comments on updateVHKA.
protected |
Definition at line 1111 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.cxx.
inlineprotectedinherited |
Definition at line 380 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineprotectedinherited |
remove all handles from I/O resolution
Definition at line 364 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Definition at line 139 of file AthReentrantAlgorithm.h.
overridevirtualinherited |
Execute an algorithm.
We override this in order to work around an issue with the Algorithm base class storing the event context in a member variable that can cause crashes in MT jobs.
Definition at line 67 of file AthReentrantAlgorithm.cxx.
overridevirtualinherited |
Override sysInitialize.
Override sysInitialize from the base class.
Loop through all output handles, and if they're WriteCondHandles, automatically register them and this Algorithm with the CondSvc
Scan through all outputHandles, and if they're WriteCondHandles, register them with the CondSvc
Reimplemented from AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< Gaudi::Algorithm > >.
Reimplemented in InputMakerBase, and HypoBase.
Definition at line 96 of file AthReentrantAlgorithm.cxx.
overridevirtualinherited |
Handle START transition.
We override this in order to make sure that conditions handle keys can cache a pointer to the conditions container.
inlineinherited |
Definition at line 308 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
mutableprotected |
Definition at line 162 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 104 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 132 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 130 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 111 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 112 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 113 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
privateinherited |
Pointer to StoreGate (detector store by default)
Definition at line 393 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
protected |
Definition at line 102 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
service to get cut values depending on different variable
Definition at line 157 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 126 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
privateinherited |
Pointer to StoreGate (event store by default)
Definition at line 390 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
privateinherited |
Extra output dependency collection, extended by AthAlgorithmDHUpdate to add symlinks.
Empty if no symlinks were found.
Definition at line 153 of file AthReentrantAlgorithm.h.
protected |
Definition at line 114 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 151 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 108 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 120 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 100 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 103 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 105 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 106 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 134 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
mutableprotected |
Number events.
Definition at line 164 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
mutableprotected |
Number events.
Definition at line 165 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 107 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 109 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 136 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 129 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
mutableprotected |
Number events with number seeds > maxNumber.
Definition at line 166 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
mutableprotected |
Number events with number seeds > maxNumber.
Definition at line 167 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 144 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 119 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 146 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 141 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 128 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 127 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 143 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 145 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 101 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 97 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 98 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 99 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 95 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
privateinherited |
Definition at line 399 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
privateinherited |
Definition at line 398 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
protected |
Definition at line 96 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 110 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 121 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.
protected |
Definition at line 142 of file SiSPSeededTrackFinder.h.