ATLAS Offline Software
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PhysicsListSvc Class Reference

#include <PhysicsListSvc.h>

Inheritance diagram for PhysicsListSvc:
Collaboration diagram for PhysicsListSvc:

Public Member Functions

 PhysicsListSvc (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
virtual ~PhysicsListSvc ()=default
virtual StatusCode initialize () override
virtual void CreatePhysicsList () override
virtual G4VUserPhysicsList * GetPhysicsList () override
virtual void SetPhysicsList () override
virtual void SetPhysicsOptions () override

Private Member Functions

void CommandLog (int returnCode, const std::string &commandString) const
 This command prints a message about a G4Command depending on its returnCode. More...

Private Attributes

ToolHandleArray< IPhysicsOptionToolm_phys_option {this, "PhysOption", {}, "Tool handle array of physics options" }
ToolHandleArray< IPhysicsOptionToolm_phys_decay {this, "PhysicsDecay", {}, "Tool handle array of physics decays"}
G4VModularPhysicsList * m_physicsList {}
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_physicsListName {this, "PhysicsList", "FTFP_BERT", "Name for physics list"}
 !< Handle on the physics list More...
Gaudi::Property< double > m_neutronTimeCut {this, "NeutronTimeCut", 0, "Time cut for neutron killer"}
 !< Name for the physics list (property to be set in the tool) More...
Gaudi::Property< double > m_neutronEnergyCut {this, "NeutronEnergyCut", 0, "Energy cut for neutron killer"}
 !< Time cut for neutrons (in the neutron killer process) More...
Gaudi::Property< double > m_generalCut {this, "GeneralCut", 0, "General cut"}
 !< Energy cut for neutrons (in the neutron killer process) More...
Gaudi::Property< double > m_emMaxEnergy {this, "EMMaxEnergy", -1., "Maximum energy for EM tables"}
 !< A general cut - this isn't normally used in our simulation More...
Gaudi::Property< double > m_emMinEnergy {this, "EMMinEnergy", -1., "Minimum energy for EM tables"}
 !< Maximum energy of the pre-calculated EM cross-section tables More...
Gaudi::Property< int > m_emNumberOfBinsPerDecade {this, "EMNumberOfBinsPerDecade", -1, "Number of bins per Energy decade. Used for both DeDx and for the Lambda binning."}
 !< Minimum energy of the pre-calculated EM cross-section tables More...
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_applyEMCuts {this, "ApplyEMCuts", true, "Apply cuts EM flag in Geant4"}
 !< Number of bins per Energy decade. Used for both DeDx and for the Lambda binning. More...
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_unstableAntiNeutrons {this, "UnstableAntiNeutrons",false,"Bugfix for ATLASSIM-6634 until we switch to using Geant4 11"}
 !< Switch for the G4 "apply cuts" EM physics flag More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 23 of file PhysicsListSvc.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PhysicsListSvc()

PhysicsListSvc::PhysicsListSvc ( const std::string &  name,
ISvcLocator *  pSvcLocator 

Definition at line 21 of file PhysicsListSvc.cxx.

22  : base_class(name,pSvcLocator)
23 {
24 }

◆ ~PhysicsListSvc()

virtual PhysicsListSvc::~PhysicsListSvc ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ CommandLog()

void PhysicsListSvc::CommandLog ( int  returnCode,
const std::string &  commandString 
) const

This command prints a message about a G4Command depending on its returnCode.

Definition at line 205 of file PhysicsListSvc.cxx.

206 {
207  switch(returnCode) {
208  case 0: { ATH_MSG_DEBUG("G4 Command: " << commandString << " - Command Succeeded"); } break;
209  case 100: { ATH_MSG_ERROR("G4 Command: " << commandString << " - Command Not Found!"); } break;
210  case 200: {
211  auto* stateManager = G4StateManager::GetStateManager();
212  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("G4 Command: " << commandString << " - Illegal Application State (" <<
213  stateManager->GetStateString(stateManager->GetCurrentState()) << ")!");
214  } break;
215  case 300: { ATH_MSG_ERROR("G4 Command: " << commandString << " - Parameter Out of Range!"); } break;
216  case 400: { ATH_MSG_ERROR("G4 Command: " << commandString << " - Parameter Unreadable!"); } break;
217  case 500: { ATH_MSG_ERROR("G4 Command: " << commandString << " - Parameter Out of Candidates!"); } break;
218  case 600: { ATH_MSG_ERROR("G4 Command: " << commandString << " - Alias Not Found!"); } break;
219  default: { ATH_MSG_ERROR("G4 Command: " << commandString << " - Unknown Status!"); } break;
220  }
222 }

◆ CreatePhysicsList()

void PhysicsListSvc::CreatePhysicsList ( )

Definition at line 46 of file PhysicsListSvc.cxx.

47 {
48  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("PhysicsListSvc::CreatePhysicsList()");
49  if (m_physicsListName.value() != ""){
50  G4PhysListFactory factory;
51  AtlasPhysListFactory Atlasfactory;
52  if (factory.IsReferencePhysList(m_physicsListName.value()))
53  {
54  ATH_MSG_INFO("Creating Geant4 PhysicsList: " << m_physicsListName.value());
55  m_physicsList = factory.GetReferencePhysList(m_physicsListName.value());
56  }
57  else if (Atlasfactory.IsReferencePhysList(m_physicsListName.value()))
58  {
59  ATH_MSG_INFO("Creating ATLAS PhysicsList: " << m_physicsListName.value());
61  }
62  }
64  if (!m_physicsList)
65  {
66  ATH_MSG_ERROR("Unable to initialize physics List: " << m_physicsList);
67  throw "PhysicsListInitializationError";
68  }
69  // Call these as functions. As this could be used as a base class, having
70  // these as separate functions lets someone who is inheriting from this use
71  // them...
73  // sort m_phys_option list
74  std::vector<IPhysicsOptionTool*> sortedPhysicsOptions;
75  sortedPhysicsOptions.reserve(m_phys_option.size());
76  // Manually sorting ToolHandleArray
77  {
78  // BSM Physics
79  for (auto& physOptTool: m_phys_option) {
80  if (physOptTool->GetOptionType() == G4AtlasPhysicsOption::Type::BSMPhysics) {
81  sortedPhysicsOptions.push_back(&*physOptTool);
82  }
83  }
85  // Add particles from the PDG Table not currently known to Geant4
86  for (auto& physOptTool: m_phys_option) {
87  if (physOptTool->GetOptionType() == G4AtlasPhysicsOption::Type::QS_ExtraParticles) {
88  sortedPhysicsOptions.push_back(&*physOptTool);
89  }
90  }
92  // Add MSC and Ionisation processes for specific particles (possibly merge with the next one?)
93  for (auto& physOptTool: m_phys_option) {
94  if (physOptTool->GetOptionType() == G4AtlasPhysicsOption::Type::QS_ExtraProc) {
95  sortedPhysicsOptions.push_back(&*physOptTool);
96  }
97  }
99  // G4StepLimitation, LUCID Op Process, TRT XTR process
100  for (auto& physOptTool: m_phys_option) {
101  if (physOptTool->GetOptionType() == G4AtlasPhysicsOption::Type::GlobalProcesses) {
102  sortedPhysicsOptions.push_back(&*physOptTool);
103  }
104  }
106  // Unknown
107  for (auto& physOptTool: m_phys_option) {
108  if (physOptTool->GetOptionType() == G4AtlasPhysicsOption::Type::UnknownType) {
109  ATH_MSG_ERROR(physOptTool->name() << "set as UnknownType. This tool will not be used to modify the physics list of this job.");
110  }
111  }
112  }
114  //Register physics options to the G4VModularPhysicsList
115  for (auto& physOptTool: sortedPhysicsOptions)
116  {
117  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Registering " << physOptTool->name());
118  m_physicsList->RegisterPhysics(physOptTool->GetPhysicsOption());
119  }
120  //Register decays to the G4VModularPhysicsList
121  for (auto& physDecayTool: m_phys_decay)
122  {
123  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Registering " << physDecayTool->name());
124  m_physicsList->RegisterPhysics(physDecayTool->GetPhysicsOption());
125  }
127  //ConstructProcess();
128  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("end of PhysicsListSvc::CreatePhysicsList()");
129 }

◆ GetPhysicsList()

G4VUserPhysicsList * PhysicsListSvc::GetPhysicsList ( )

Definition at line 132 of file PhysicsListSvc.cxx.

133 {
134  if (!m_physicsList) {
135  this->CreatePhysicsList();
136  }
137  return m_physicsList;
138 }

◆ initialize()

StatusCode PhysicsListSvc::initialize ( )

Definition at line 27 of file PhysicsListSvc.cxx.

28 {
29  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("PhysicsListSvc::initialize()");
30  if (m_phys_option.size())
31  {
32  ATH_MSG_INFO( "Initializing list of " << m_phys_option.size() << " physics options" );
33  CHECK( m_phys_option.retrieve() );
34  }
36  if (m_phys_decay.size())
37  {
38  ATH_MSG_INFO( "Initializing list of " << m_phys_decay.size() << " Decays " );
39  CHECK( m_phys_decay.retrieve() );
40  }
42  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
43 }

◆ SetPhysicsList()

void PhysicsListSvc::SetPhysicsList ( )

Definition at line 141 of file PhysicsListSvc.cxx.

142 {
143  if(!m_physicsList) {
144  this->CreatePhysicsList();
145  }
146  G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->SetUserInitialization(m_physicsList);
147 }

◆ SetPhysicsOptions()

void PhysicsListSvc::SetPhysicsOptions ( )

Definition at line 150 of file PhysicsListSvc.cxx.

151 {
152  if (!m_physicsList)
153  {
154  ATH_MSG_WARNING("Physics list not initialized before calling ConstructProcess()");
155  return;
156  }
158  if(m_generalCut.value() > 0. && std::abs(m_generalCut.value())>std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
159  {
160  m_physicsList->SetDefaultCutValue(m_generalCut.value());
161  }
163  std::vector<std::string> g4commands;
164  if (m_neutronTimeCut.value() > 0. && std::abs(m_neutronTimeCut.value())>std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
165  {
166  std::ostringstream oss;
167  oss<<"/physics_engine/neutron/timeLimit "<<m_neutronTimeCut.value()<<" ns";
168  g4commands.push_back(oss.str());
169  }
171  if (m_neutronEnergyCut.value() > 0. && std::abs(m_neutronEnergyCut.value())>std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
172  {
173  std::ostringstream oss;
174  oss<<"/physics_engine/neutron/energyLimit "<<m_neutronEnergyCut.value()<<" MeV";
175  g4commands.push_back(oss.str());
176  }
178  if(!g4commands.empty()) {
179  // Send UI commands
180  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("G4 Command: Trying in SetPhysicsOptions()");
181  G4UImanager* ui = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer();
182  for (const auto& g4command : g4commands) {
183  int returnCode = ui->ApplyCommand( g4command );
184  CommandLog(returnCode, g4command);
185  }
186  }
188  G4EmParameters* emp = G4EmParameters::Instance();
189  if (m_emMaxEnergy.value()>=0) emp->SetMaxEnergy(m_emMaxEnergy.value());
190  if (m_emNumberOfBinsPerDecade.value()>=0) emp->SetNumberOfBinsPerDecade(m_emNumberOfBinsPerDecade.value());
191  if (m_emMinEnergy.value()>=0) emp->SetMinEnergy(m_emMinEnergy.value());
192  if (m_applyEMCuts.value())
193  {
194  emp->SetApplyCuts(true);
195  }
198  G4AntiNeutron::Definition()->SetPDGStable(false);
199  }
201  return;
202 }

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_applyEMCuts

Gaudi::Property<bool> PhysicsListSvc::m_applyEMCuts {this, "ApplyEMCuts", true, "Apply cuts EM flag in Geant4"}

!< Number of bins per Energy decade. Used for both DeDx and for the Lambda binning.

Definition at line 59 of file PhysicsListSvc.h.

◆ m_emMaxEnergy

Gaudi::Property<double> PhysicsListSvc::m_emMaxEnergy {this, "EMMaxEnergy", -1., "Maximum energy for EM tables"}

!< A general cut - this isn't normally used in our simulation

Definition at line 50 of file PhysicsListSvc.h.

◆ m_emMinEnergy

Gaudi::Property<double> PhysicsListSvc::m_emMinEnergy {this, "EMMinEnergy", -1., "Minimum energy for EM tables"}

!< Maximum energy of the pre-calculated EM cross-section tables

Definition at line 51 of file PhysicsListSvc.h.

◆ m_emNumberOfBinsPerDecade

Gaudi::Property<int> PhysicsListSvc::m_emNumberOfBinsPerDecade {this, "EMNumberOfBinsPerDecade", -1, "Number of bins per Energy decade. Used for both DeDx and for the Lambda binning."}

!< Minimum energy of the pre-calculated EM cross-section tables

Definition at line 58 of file PhysicsListSvc.h.

◆ m_generalCut

Gaudi::Property<double> PhysicsListSvc::m_generalCut {this, "GeneralCut", 0, "General cut"}

!< Energy cut for neutrons (in the neutron killer process)

Definition at line 49 of file PhysicsListSvc.h.

◆ m_neutronEnergyCut

Gaudi::Property<double> PhysicsListSvc::m_neutronEnergyCut {this, "NeutronEnergyCut", 0, "Energy cut for neutron killer"}

!< Time cut for neutrons (in the neutron killer process)

Definition at line 48 of file PhysicsListSvc.h.

◆ m_neutronTimeCut

Gaudi::Property<double> PhysicsListSvc::m_neutronTimeCut {this, "NeutronTimeCut", 0, "Time cut for neutron killer"}

!< Name for the physics list (property to be set in the tool)

Definition at line 47 of file PhysicsListSvc.h.

◆ m_phys_decay

ToolHandleArray<IPhysicsOptionTool> PhysicsListSvc::m_phys_decay {this, "PhysicsDecay", {}, "Tool handle array of physics decays"}

Definition at line 44 of file PhysicsListSvc.h.

◆ m_phys_option

ToolHandleArray<IPhysicsOptionTool> PhysicsListSvc::m_phys_option {this, "PhysOption", {}, "Tool handle array of physics options" }

Definition at line 43 of file PhysicsListSvc.h.

◆ m_physicsList

G4VModularPhysicsList* PhysicsListSvc::m_physicsList {}

Definition at line 45 of file PhysicsListSvc.h.

◆ m_physicsListName

Gaudi::Property<std::string> PhysicsListSvc::m_physicsListName {this, "PhysicsList", "FTFP_BERT", "Name for physics list"}

!< Handle on the physics list

Definition at line 46 of file PhysicsListSvc.h.

◆ m_unstableAntiNeutrons

Gaudi::Property<bool> PhysicsListSvc::m_unstableAntiNeutrons {this, "UnstableAntiNeutrons",false,"Bugfix for ATLASSIM-6634 until we switch to using Geant4 11"}

!< Switch for the G4 "apply cuts" EM physics flag

Definition at line 61 of file PhysicsListSvc.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
@ QS_ExtraProc
Definition: IPhysicsOptionTool.h:24
Gaudi::Property< double > m_generalCut
!< Energy cut for neutrons (in the neutron killer process)
Definition: PhysicsListSvc.h:49
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_unstableAntiNeutrons
!< Switch for the G4 "apply cuts" EM physics flag
Definition: PhysicsListSvc.h:61
virtual void CreatePhysicsList() override
Definition: PhysicsListSvc.cxx:46
#define ATH_MSG_INFO(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:31
G4bool IsReferencePhysList(const G4String &)
Definition: AtlasPhysListFactory.h:12
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_physicsListName
!< Handle on the physics list
Definition: PhysicsListSvc.h:46
Gaudi::Property< double > m_emMaxEnergy
!< A general cut - this isn't normally used in our simulation
Definition: PhysicsListSvc.h:50
ToolHandleArray< IPhysicsOptionTool > m_phys_option
Definition: PhysicsListSvc.h:43
Gaudi::Property< double > m_emMinEnergy
!< Maximum energy of the pre-calculated EM cross-section tables
Definition: PhysicsListSvc.h:51
ToolHandleArray< IPhysicsOptionTool > m_phys_decay
Definition: PhysicsListSvc.h:44
void CommandLog(int returnCode, const std::string &commandString) const
This command prints a message about a G4Command depending on its returnCode.
Definition: PhysicsListSvc.cxx:205
Gaudi::Property< double > m_neutronTimeCut
!< Name for the physics list (property to be set in the tool)
Definition: PhysicsListSvc.h:47
#define ATH_MSG_ERROR(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:33
#define ATH_MSG_DEBUG(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:29
#define CHECK(...)
Evaluate an expression and check for errors.
Definition: Control/AthenaKernel/AthenaKernel/errorcheck.h:422
Gaudi::Property< double > m_neutronEnergyCut
!< Time cut for neutrons (in the neutron killer process)
Definition: PhysicsListSvc.h:48
Gaudi::Property< int > m_emNumberOfBinsPerDecade
!< Minimum energy of the pre-calculated EM cross-section tables
Definition: PhysicsListSvc.h:58
std::string name
Definition: Control/AthContainers/Root/debug.cxx:195
G4VModularPhysicsList * m_physicsList
Definition: PhysicsListSvc.h:45
@ GlobalProcesses
Definition: IPhysicsOptionTool.h:25
@ UnknownType
Definition: IPhysicsOptionTool.h:26
G4VModularPhysicsList * GetReferencePhysList(const G4String &)
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_applyEMCuts
!< Number of bins per Energy decade. Used for both DeDx and for the Lambda binning.
Definition: PhysicsListSvc.h:59
@ QS_ExtraParticles
Definition: IPhysicsOptionTool.h:23
#define ATH_MSG_WARNING(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:32
@ BSMPhysics
Definition: IPhysicsOptionTool.h:22