ATLAS Offline Software
Classes | Functions
python.PhotonAnalysisConfig Namespace Reference


class  PhotonCalibrationConfig
class  PhotonWorkingPointConfig


def makePhotonCalibrationConfig (seq, containerName, postfix=None, crackVeto=None, enableCleaning=None, cleaningAllowLate=None, recomputeIsEM=None, forceFullSimConfig=None)
def makePhotonWorkingPointConfig (seq, containerName, workingPoint, selectionName, recomputeIsEM=None, noEffSF=None, forceFullSimConfig=None)

Function Documentation

◆ makePhotonCalibrationConfig()

def python.PhotonAnalysisConfig.makePhotonCalibrationConfig (   seq,
  postfix = None,
  crackVeto = None,
  enableCleaning = None,
  cleaningAllowLate = None,
  recomputeIsEM = None,
  forceFullSimConfig = None 
Create photon calibration analysis algorithms

This makes all the algorithms that need to be run first befor
all working point specific algorithms and that can be shared
between the working points.

Keywrod arguments:
  postfix -- a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm
             names.  this is mostly used/needed when using this
             sequence with multiple working points to ensure all
             names are unique.
  crackVeto -- Whether or not to perform eta crack veto
  enableCleaning -- Enable photon cleaning
  cleaningAllowLate -- Whether to ignore timing information in cleaning.
  recomputeIsEM -- Whether to rerun the cut-based selection. If not, use derivation flags
  forceFullSimConfig -- imposes full-sim config for FastSim for testing

Definition at line 421 of file

421 def makePhotonCalibrationConfig( seq, containerName,
422  postfix = None,
423  crackVeto = None,
424  enableCleaning = None,
425  cleaningAllowLate = None,
426  recomputeIsEM = None,
427  forceFullSimConfig = None):
428  """Create photon calibration analysis algorithms
430  This makes all the algorithms that need to be run first befor
431  all working point specific algorithms and that can be shared
432  between the working points.
434  Keywrod arguments:
435  postfix -- a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm
436  names. this is mostly used/needed when using this
437  sequence with multiple working points to ensure all
438  names are unique.
439  crackVeto -- Whether or not to perform eta crack veto
440  enableCleaning -- Enable photon cleaning
441  cleaningAllowLate -- Whether to ignore timing information in cleaning.
442  recomputeIsEM -- Whether to rerun the cut-based selection. If not, use derivation flags
443  forceFullSimConfig -- imposes full-sim config for FastSim for testing
444  """
446  config = PhotonCalibrationConfig (containerName)
447  config.setOptionValue ('postfix', postfix)
448  config.setOptionValue ('crackVeto', crackVeto)
449  config.setOptionValue ('enableCleaning', enableCleaning)
450  config.setOptionValue ('cleaningAllowLate', cleaningAllowLate)
451  config.setOptionValue ('recomputeIsEM', recomputeIsEM)
452  config.setOptionValue ('forceFullSimConfig', forceFullSimConfig)
453  seq.append (config)

◆ makePhotonWorkingPointConfig()

def python.PhotonAnalysisConfig.makePhotonWorkingPointConfig (   seq,
  recomputeIsEM = None,
  noEffSF = None,
  forceFullSimConfig = None 
Create photon analysis algorithms for a single working point

Keywrod arguments:
  workingPoint -- The working point to use
  selectionName -- a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm
             names.  this is mostly used/needed when using this
             sequence with multiple working points to ensure all
             names are unique.
  recomputeIsEM -- Whether to rerun the cut-based selection. If not, use derivation flags
  noEffSF -- Disables the calculation of efficiencies and scale factors
  forceFullSimConfig -- imposes full-sim config for FastSim for testing

Definition at line 457 of file

457 def makePhotonWorkingPointConfig( seq, containerName, workingPoint, selectionName,
458  recomputeIsEM = None,
459  noEffSF = None,
460  forceFullSimConfig = None):
461  """Create photon analysis algorithms for a single working point
463  Keywrod arguments:
464  workingPoint -- The working point to use
465  selectionName -- a postfix to apply to decorations and algorithm
466  names. this is mostly used/needed when using this
467  sequence with multiple working points to ensure all
468  names are unique.
469  recomputeIsEM -- Whether to rerun the cut-based selection. If not, use derivation flags
470  noEffSF -- Disables the calculation of efficiencies and scale factors
471  forceFullSimConfig -- imposes full-sim config for FastSim for testing
472  """
474  config = PhotonWorkingPointConfig (containerName, selectionName)
475  if workingPoint is not None :
476  splitWP = workingPoint.split ('.')
477  if len (splitWP) != 2 :
478  raise ValueError ('working point should be of format "quality.isolation", not ' + workingPoint)
479  config.setOptionValue ('qualityWP', splitWP[0])
480  config.setOptionValue ('isolationWP', splitWP[1])
481  config.setOptionValue ('recomputeIsEM', recomputeIsEM)
482  config.setOptionValue ('noEffSF', noEffSF)
483  config.setOptionValue ('forceFullSimConfig', forceFullSimConfig)
484  seq.append (config)
def makePhotonCalibrationConfig(seq, containerName, postfix=None, crackVeto=None, enableCleaning=None, cleaningAllowLate=None, recomputeIsEM=None, forceFullSimConfig=None)
def makePhotonWorkingPointConfig(seq, containerName, workingPoint, selectionName, recomputeIsEM=None, noEffSF=None, forceFullSimConfig=None)