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ATLAS Offline Software
DEPRECATED DO NOT USE - MIGRATE TO TauCommonDetails Basic details class containing information produced by tau1P3P algorithm, goes to both AOD and ESD. More...
#include <Tau1P3PDetails.h>
Public Member Functions | |
Tau1P3PDetails () | |
Default Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~Tau1P3PDetails () |
Destructor. More... | |
Tau1P3PDetails (const Tau1P3PDetails &rhs) | |
Constructor. More... | |
Tau1P3PDetails & | operator= (const Tau1P3PDetails &rhs) |
Assignment Operator. More... | |
virtual const std::string & | className () const |
virtual double | parameter (TauJetParameters ::Detail detail) const |
Generic parameter accessors - for old AOD compatibility. More... | |
virtual bool | hasParameter (TauJetParameters ::Detail detail) const |
check if parameter exists More... | |
const CaloCluster * | cellEM012Cluster () const |
cells used for candidate building, only EM calorimeter, without 3rd sampling More... | |
void | setCellEM012Cluster (const CaloClusterContainer *cont, const CaloCluster *clust) |
const ElementLink< CaloClusterContainer > | cellEM012ClusterLink () const |
ElementLinks to CaloClusters More... | |
ElementLink< CaloClusterContainer > & | cellEM012ClusterLink () |
void | setCellEM012ClusterLink (const ElementLink< CaloClusterContainer > &x) |
double | emRadius () const |
Uncalibrated transverse energy weighted radius in the Presampler + EM1 + EM2 within dR < 0.2. More... | |
void | setEMRadius (double EMRadius) |
const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector & | sumEM () const |
EM part of the energy. More... | |
void | setSumEM (const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &sumEM) |
double | isolationFraction () const |
Ratio of the uncalibrated transverse energy within dR < 0.1 and dR < 0.2. More... | |
void | setIsolationFraction (double isolationFraction) |
double | stripWidth2 () const |
Uncalibrated transverse energy weighted width in the strip layer within dR < 0.2. More... | |
void | setStripWidth2 (double stripWidth2) |
int | numStripCells () const |
Number of Strip cells within dR < 0.2, with E > m_stripEthr. More... | |
void | setNumStripCells (int numStripCells) |
double | etChrgHAD () const |
Charged transverse energy in narrow window around track(s) in HAD calo. More... | |
void | setETChrgHAD (double etChrgHAD) |
double | etIsolEM () const |
Transverse energy in EM calo (at EM Scale) in 0.2 < dR < 0.4. More... | |
void | setETIsolEM (double etIsolEM) |
double | etIsolHAD () const |
Transverse energy in HAD calo (at EM Scale) in 0.2 < dR < 0.4. More... | |
void | setETIsolHAD (double etIsolHad) |
int | nAssocTracksCore () const |
Associated, "not good" quality tracks in core region. More... | |
void | setNAssocTracksCore (int nAssocTracksCore) |
int | nAssocTracksIsol () const |
Associated tracks in isolation region. More... | |
void | setNAssocTracksIsol (int nAssocTracksIsol) |
double | massTrk3P () const |
Invariant mass of the tracks system. More... | |
void | setMassTrk3P (double massTrk3P) |
double | rWidth2Trk3P () const |
Width of tracks momenta. More... | |
void | setRWidth2Trk3P (double rWidth2Trk3P) |
double | signD0Trk3P () const |
signed transverse impact parameter More... | |
void | setSignD0Trk3P (double signD0Trk3P) |
double | z0SinThetaSig () const |
Significance of z0SinTheta. More... | |
void | setZ0SinThetaSig (double z0SinThetaSig) |
double | etChrgHADoverPttot () const |
charged hadronic transverse energy over sum of transverse momenta of all tracks More... | |
void | setEtChrgHADoverPttot (double etChrgHADoverPttot) |
double | etIsolFrac () const |
Ratio of Transverse Energy in 0.2 < dr < 0.4 to total transverse energy at EM scale. More... | |
void | setEtIsolFrac (double etIsolFrac) |
double | etEflow () const |
ET from energy flow. More... | |
void | setETeflow (double etEflow) |
double | etHadAtEMScale () const |
Had energy at the EM scale. More... | |
void | setETHadAtEMScale (double etHadAtEMScale) |
double | etEMAtEMScale () const |
EM energy at the EM scale. More... | |
void | setETEMAtEMScale (double etEMAtEMScale) |
double | etEMCL () const |
Transverse energy of cells classified as "pure electromagnetic" seeded by egamma or topo cluster (steered from jobOptions), More... | |
void | setETEMCL (double etEMCL) |
double | etChrgEM () const |
Transverse energy of EM cells (at EM scale) classified as "charged electromagnetic" collected in narrow window around qualified track More... | |
void | setETChrgEM (double etChrgEM) |
double | etNeuEM () const |
Transverse energy of EM cells (at EM scale), within "core" cone around tau1P3P axis after subtraction of EMCL and Chrg cells. More... | |
void | setETNeuEM (double etNeuEM) |
double | etResNeuEM () const |
Correction term for eflow calculations. More... | |
void | setETResNeuEM (double etResNeuEM) |
double | etChrgEM01Trk (unsigned tr) const |
Transverse energy in narrow window around the track(s), EM layers 0 1 only. More... | |
void | setETChrgEM01Trk (unsigned tr, double etChrgEM01Trk) |
void | resizeETChrgEM01Trk (size_t sz) |
void | addETChrgEM01Trk (double etChrgEM01Trk) |
add transverse energy of track for EM layers 0 1 only More... | |
double | etResChrgEMTrk (unsigned tr) const |
Correction term for eflow calculations (evaluated for each track separately) More... | |
void | setETResChrgEMTrk (unsigned tr, double etResChrgEMTrk) |
void | resizeETResChrgEMTrk (size_t sz) |
void | addETResChrgEMTrk (double etResChrgEMTrk) |
add transverse energy of track (for eflow correction) to vector More... | |
void | setSecVertex (const Trk ::RecVertex *secVertex) |
Secondary vertex reconstructed with Vtx::FastFit tool for taus with at least 2 associated tracks. More... | |
const Trk ::RecVertex * | secVertex () const |
unsigned | numPi0 () const |
number of pi0 clusters More... | |
const CaloCluster * | pi0 (unsigned num) const |
access pi0 clusters More... | |
void | addPi0 (const CaloCluster *pi0, const CaloClusterContainer *pi0a) |
add pi0 cluster to the cluster container More... | |
ElementLinkVector< CaloClusterContainer > & | pi0LinkVector () |
Get Pi0 Link. More... | |
double | trFlightPathSig () const |
Transverse flight path significance for taus with at least 2 associated tracks. More... | |
void | setTrFlightPathSig (double trFlightPathSig) |
double | sumEtCellsLArOverLeadTrackPt () const |
Ratio of sum Et of LAr Cells to the pT of leading track. More... | |
void | setSumEtCellsLArOverLeadTrackPt (double SumEtCellsLArOverLeadTrackPt) |
double | hadronicLeak () const |
hadronic leakage in Et summed over cells More... | |
void | setHadronicLeak (double HadronicLeak) |
double | secondaryMax () const |
secondary maximum More... | |
void | setSecondaryMax (double SecondaryMax) |
std::string | toString () const |
Uses printOn to make a string of the TauDetails. More... | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static const float | DEFAULT = -1111. |
static const int | DEFAULT_INT = INT_MIN |
Protected Member Functions | |
template<class stream > | |
void | printOn (stream &o) const |
Printing function. More... | |
Private Attributes | |
int | m_numStripCells |
double | m_stripWidth2 |
double | m_emRadius |
double | m_ET12Frac |
double | m_etIsolHAD |
double | m_etIsolEM |
double | m_etChrgHAD |
int | m_nAssocTracksCore |
int | m_nAssocTracksIsol |
double | m_signD0Trk3P |
double | m_massTrk3P |
double | m_rWidth2Trk3P |
double | m_z0SinThetaSig |
double | m_etChrgHADoverPttot |
double | m_etIsolFrac |
ElementLink< CaloClusterContainer > | m_cellEM012Cluster |
double | m_etHadAtEMScale |
double | m_etEMAtEMScale |
double | m_etEMCL |
double | m_etChrgEM |
double | m_etNeuEM |
double | m_etResNeuEM |
double | m_trFlightPathSig |
std ::vector< double > | m_etChrgEM01Trk |
std ::vector< double > | m_etResChrgEMTrk |
CLHEP::HepLorentzVector | m_sumEM |
Trk ::RecVertex * | m_secVertex |
ElementLinkVector< CaloClusterContainer > | m_pi0 |
double | m_etEflow |
double | m_sumEtCellsLArOverLeadTrackPt |
double | m_hadronicLeak |
double | m_secondaryMax |
Static Private Attributes | |
static const std::string | s_className |
Friends | |
class | TauJet |
Definition of the current "tau version". More... | |
class | Tau1P3PDetailsCnv_p1 |
DEPRECATED DO NOT USE - MIGRATE TO TauCommonDetails Basic details class containing information produced by tau1P3P algorithm, goes to both AOD and ESD.
Definition at line 40 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
Analysis::Tau1P3PDetails::Tau1P3PDetails | ( | ) |
virtual |
Analysis::Tau1P3PDetails::Tau1P3PDetails | ( | const Tau1P3PDetails & | rhs | ) |
inline |
add transverse energy of track for EM layers 0 1 only
Definition at line 614 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
add transverse energy of track (for eflow correction) to vector
Definition at line 637 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
inline |
cells used for candidate building, only EM calorimeter, without 3rd sampling
Definition at line 686 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 704 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
to CaloClusters
Definition at line 699 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
virtual |
Implements Analysis::TauDetails.
Definition at line 204 of file Tau1P3PDetails.cxx.
inline |
Uncalibrated transverse energy weighted radius in the Presampler + EM1 + EM2 within dR < 0.2.
Definition at line 364 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Transverse energy of EM cells (at EM scale) classified as "charged electromagnetic" collected in narrow window around qualified track
Definition at line 564 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Transverse energy in narrow window around the track(s), EM layers 0 1 only.
Definition at line 594 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Charged transverse energy in narrow window around track(s) in HAD calo.
Definition at line 414 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
charged hadronic transverse energy over sum of transverse momenta of all tracks
Definition at line 504 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
ET from energy flow.
Definition at line 524 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
EM energy at the EM scale.
Definition at line 544 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Transverse energy of cells classified as "pure electromagnetic" seeded by egamma or topo cluster (steered from jobOptions),
Definition at line 554 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Had energy at the EM scale.
Definition at line 534 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Transverse energy in EM calo (at EM Scale) in 0.2 < dR < 0.4.
Definition at line 424 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Ratio of Transverse Energy in 0.2 < dr < 0.4 to total transverse energy at EM scale.
Definition at line 514 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Transverse energy in HAD calo (at EM Scale) in 0.2 < dR < 0.4.
Definition at line 434 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Transverse energy of EM cells (at EM scale), within "core" cone around tau1P3P axis after subtraction of EMCL and Chrg cells.
Definition at line 574 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Correction term for eflow calculations (evaluated for each track separately)
Definition at line 619 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Correction term for eflow calculations.
Definition at line 584 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
hadronic leakage in Et summed over cells
Definition at line 743 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
virtual |
check if parameter exists
Reimplemented from Analysis::TauDetails.
Definition at line 178 of file Tau1P3PDetails.cxx.
virtualinherited |
inline |
Ratio of the uncalibrated transverse energy within dR < 0.1 and dR < 0.2.
Definition at line 374 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Invariant mass of the tracks system.
Definition at line 464 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Associated, "not good" quality tracks in core region.
Definition at line 444 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Associated tracks in isolation region.
Definition at line 454 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
number of pi0 clusters
Definition at line 656 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Number of Strip cells within dR < 0.2, with E > m_stripEthr.
Definition at line 404 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
Tau1P3PDetails & Analysis::Tau1P3PDetails::operator= | ( | const Tau1P3PDetails & | rhs | ) |
virtual |
Generic parameter accessors - for old AOD compatibility.
Reimplemented from Analysis::TauDetails.
Definition at line 140 of file Tau1P3PDetails.cxx.
inline |
access pi0 clusters
Definition at line 661 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
protectedinherited |
inline |
Definition at line 609 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 632 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Width of tracks momenta.
Definition at line 474 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
secondary maximum
Definition at line 753 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 642 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 691 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 709 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 369 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 569 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 603 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 419 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 509 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 529 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 549 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 559 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 539 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 429 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 519 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 439 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 579 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 626 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 589 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 738 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
virtualinherited |
inline |
Definition at line 379 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 469 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 449 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 459 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 409 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
virtualinherited |
inline |
Definition at line 479 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 748 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Secondary vertex reconstructed with Vtx::FastFit tool for taus with at least 2 associated tracks.
Definition at line 647 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 489 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 399 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 389 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 728 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 722 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Definition at line 499 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
signed transverse impact parameter
Definition at line 484 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Uncalibrated transverse energy weighted width in the strip layer within dR < 0.2.
Definition at line 394 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
EM part of the energy.
Definition at line 384 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Ratio of sum Et of LAr Cells to the pT of leading track.
Definition at line 733 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inherited |
Uses printOn to make a string of the TauDetails.
Definition at line 34 of file TauDetails.cxx.
inline |
Transverse flight path significance for taus with at least 2 associated tracks.
Definition at line 717 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
inline |
Significance of z0SinTheta.
Definition at line 494 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
friend |
Definition at line 43 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
friend |
Definition of the current "tau version".
Definition at line 42 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
staticinherited |
Definition at line 34 of file TauDetails.h.
staticinherited |
Definition at line 35 of file TauDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 322 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 309 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 310 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 331 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 337 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 313 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 320 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 351 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 328 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 330 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 327 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 312 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 321 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 311 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 332 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 338 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 333 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 354 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 317 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 314 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 315 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 307 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 349 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 318 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 355 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 344 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 316 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 308 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 339 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 353 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 335 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
private |
Definition at line 319 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.
staticprivate |
Definition at line 306 of file Tau1P3PDetails.h.