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MuonGM::CscReadoutElement Class Reference

#include <CscReadoutElement.h>

Inheritance diagram for MuonGM::CscReadoutElement:
Collaboration diagram for MuonGM::CscReadoutElement:

Public Member Functions

 CscReadoutElement (GeoVFullPhysVol *pv, const std::string &stName, MuonDetectorManager *mgr)
virtual ~CscReadoutElement ()
virtual double distanceToReadout (const Amg::Vector2D &pos, const Identifier &id) const override final
 distance to readout. More...
virtual int stripNumber (const Amg::Vector2D &pos, const Identifier &id) const override final
 strip number corresponding to local position. More...
virtual bool stripPosition (const Identifier &id, Amg::Vector2D &pos) const override final
 strip position If the strip number is outside the range of valid strips, the function will return false More...
virtual int layerHash (const Identifier &id) const override final
 returns the hash function to be used to look up the center and the normal of the tracking surface for a given identifier More...
virtual int surfaceHash (const Identifier &id) const override final
 returns the hash function to be used to look up the surface and surface transform for a given identifier More...
virtual int boundaryHash (const Identifier &id) const override final
 returns the hash function to be used to look up the surface boundary for a given identifier More...
virtual bool measuresPhi (const Identifier &id) const override final
 returns whether the given identifier measures phi or not More...
virtual int numberOfLayers (bool) const override final
 number of layers in phi/eta projection More...
virtual int numberOfStrips (const Identifier &layerId) const override final
 number of strips per layer More...
virtual int numberOfStrips (int layer, bool) const override final
virtual bool spacePointPosition (const Identifier &phiId, const Identifier &etaId, Amg::Vector2D &pos) const override
 space point position for a given pair of phi and eta identifiers The LocalPosition is expressed in the reference frame of the phi projection. More...
virtual bool spacePointPosition (const Identifier &phiId, const Identifier &etaId, Amg::Vector3D &pos) const override
 Global space point position for a given pair of phi and eta identifiers If one of the identifiers is outside the valid range, the function will return false. More...
void spacePointPosition (const Amg::Vector2D &phiPos, const Amg::Vector2D &etaPos, Amg::Vector2D &pos) const
 space point position for a pair of phi and eta local positions and a layer identifier The LocalPosition is expressed in the reference frame of the phi projection. More...
int ChamberLayer () const
void setChamberLayer (int cl)
int Ngasgaps () const
int NphiStripLayers () const
int NetaStripLayers () const
int NphiStrips (int gasgaplayer) const
int NetaStrips (int gasgaplayer) const
double StripWidth (int chlayer, int measphi) const
double StripPitch (int chlayer, int measphi) const
double cathodeReadoutPitch (int chLayer, int measuresPhi) const
double StripWidth (int measphi) const
double StripPitch (int measphi) const
double cathodeReadoutPitch (int measuresPhi) const
double shortWidth () const
double length () const
double longWidth () const
int maxNumberOfStrips (int measuresPhi) const
int maxNumberOfStrips (int measuresPhi, double width) const
double activeWidth (int measuresPhi) const
double z0 () const
double roxacellWidth () const
double lengthUpToMaxWidth () const
double excent () const
Amg::Vector3D stripLayerPos (const Identifier &id) const
Amg::Vector3D stripLayerPos (const IdentifierHash &id) const
Amg::Vector3D stripLayerPos (int chamberLayer, int wireLayer, int measPhi, int channel) const
Amg::Vector3D localStripLayerPos (const Identifier &id) const
Amg::Vector3D localStripLayerPos (const IdentifierHash &id) const
Amg::Vector3D localStripLayerPos (int chamberLayer, int wireLayer, int measPhi, int channel) const
Amg::Vector3D localWireLayerPos (const Identifier &id) const
Amg::Vector3D localWireLayerPos (int gg) const
Amg::Vector3D wireLayerPos (const Identifier &id) const
Amg::Vector3D wireLayerPos (int gg) const
Amg::Vector3D nominalStripPos (const Identifier &id) const
 ignores internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally incorrect answer More...
Amg::Vector3D nominalStripPos (int eta, int chamberLayer, int wireLayer, int measPhi, int channel) const
 ignores internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally incorrect answer More...
Amg::Vector3D stripPos (const Identifier &id) const
 takes into account internal alignment parameters, hence gives accurate answer More...
Amg::Vector3D stripPos (int eta, int chamberLayer, int wireLayer, int measPhi, int channel) const
 takes into account internal alignment parameters, hence gives accurate answer More...
Amg::Vector3D nominalGlobalPos (const Amg::Vector3D &localP) const
 ignores internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally incorrect answer More...
Amg::Vector3D globalPos (const Amg::Vector3D &localP) const
 station-level method: does not depend on the strip view/layer, hence it cannot account for internal alignment parameters More...
Amg::Vector3D localPos (const Amg::Vector3D &globalP) const
 station-level method: does not depend on the strip view/layer, hence it cannot account for internal alignment parameters
Amg::Vector3D nominalLocalStripPos (const Identifier &id) const
 ignores internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally incorrect answer (local here is the station frame, coherent with the gas gas frames) More...
Amg::Vector3D nominalLocalStripPos (int eta, int chamberLayer, int wireLayer, int measPhi, int channel) const
 ignores internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally incorrect answer (local here is the station frame, coherent with the gas gas frames) More...
Amg::Vector3D nominalLocalClusterPos (int eta, int wireLayer, int measPhi, double x0) const
 ignores internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally incorrect answer (local here is the station frame, coherent with the gas gas frames) More...
Amg::Vector3D localStripPos (const Identifier &id) const
 takes into account internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally accurate answer (local here is the station frame, coherent with the gas gas frames) - digitization should use this method to emulate internal alignment parameters More...
Amg::Vector3D localStripPos (int eta, int chamberLayer, int wireLayer, int measPhi, int channel) const
 takes into account internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally accurate answer (local here is the station frame, coherent with the gas gas frames) - digitization should use this method to emulate internal alignment parameters More...
Amg::Vector3D localClusterPos (int eta, int wireLayer, int measPhi, double x0) const
 takes into account internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally answer (local here is the station frame, coherent with the gas gas frames) More...
Amg::Vector3D stripPosOnTrackingSurface (const Identifier &id) const
 nominal strip pos in the tracking local frame of the measurement surface More...
Amg::Vector3D stripPosOnTrackingSurface (int eta, int chamberLayer, int wireLayer, int measPhi, int channel) const
 nominal strip pos in the tracking local frame of the measurement surface More...
Amg::Transform3D nominalTransform (const Identifier &id) const
 like tracking Transform but nominal - returns a transform not a reference to it More...
Amg::Transform3D nominalTransform (int gasGap, int measPhi) const
 like tracking Transform but nominal - returns a transform not a reference to it More...
Amg::Vector3D nominalCenter (int gasGap) const
 like tracking center but nominal - returns a Amg::Vector3D not a reference to it More...
Amg::Vector3D originForInternalALines (int gasGap) const
 like tracking center but nominal - returns a Amg::Vector3D not a reference to it More...
double stripLength (int chamberLayer, int measuresPhi, int stripNumber, double &epsilon) const
double stripLength (const Identifier &id) const
double lengthCorrection (int measuresPhi, double stripPos) const
double anodeCathodeDistance () const
Amg::Vector3D localToGlobalCoords (const Amg::Vector3D &x, const Identifier &id) const
 localToGlobalCoords and Transf connect the Gas Gap Frame (defined as a Sensitive Detector) to the Global Frame; Notice that internal CSC alignment affects the strip plane orientation and position in the CSC station frame, but does not impact on the gas gap geometry within the station; therefore the following methods do not depen on internal alignment parameters. More...
Amg::Transform3D localToGlobalTransf (const Identifier &id) const
Amg::Transform3D localToGlobalTransf (int gasGap) const
Amg::Vector3D globalToLocalCoords (const Amg::Vector3D &x, const Identifier &id) const
Amg::Transform3D globalToLocalTransf (const Identifier &id) const
void set_ngasgaps (int)
void set_nstriplayers (int)
void set_nwirelayers (int)
void set_nstripsperlayer (int)
void set_nwiresperlayer (int)
void set_stripwidth (double)
void set_strippitch (double)
void set_wirepitch (double)
void set_first_strip_localcoo (double)
void set_first_wire_localcoo (double)
void setCscInternalAlignmentPar (const ALinePar &)
double getGasGapIntAlign_s (int gasGap) const
double getGasGapIntAlign_z (int gasGap) const
double getGasGapIntAlign_t (int gasGap) const
double getGasGapIntAlign_rots (int gasGap) const
double getGasGapIntAlign_rotz (int gasGap) const
double getGasGapIntAlign_rott (int gasGap) const
virtual bool containsId (const Identifier &id) const override
double sinStereo (const Identifier &stripId) const
virtual void fillCache () override
double xCoordinateInTrackingFrame (const Identifier &id) const
virtual void clearCache () override final
 clear the cache of the readout elememt More...
virtual const Trk::PlaneSurfacesurface () const override
 access to chamber surface (phi orientation), uses the first gas gap More...
virtual const Trk::PlaneSurfacesurface (const Identifier &id) const override
 access to layer surfaces More...
const Trk::PlaneSurfacesurface (int surfHash) const
 access to layer surfaces More...
virtual const Trk::SurfaceBoundsbounds () const override
 Return the boundaries of the element. More...
virtual const Trk::SurfaceBoundsbounds (const Identifier &id) const override
 Return the boundaries of the surface associated with this identifier. More...
const Trk::SurfaceBoundsbounds (int boundHash) const
virtual const Amg::Vector3Dcenter () const override
 Return the center of the element. More...
virtual const Amg::Vector3Dcenter (const Identifier &id) const override
 Return the center of the surface associated with this identifier In the case of silicon it returns the same as center() More...
const Amg::Vector3Dcenter (int layHash) const
virtual const Amg::Vector3Dnormal () const override
 Return the normal of the element. More...
virtual const Amg::Vector3Dnormal (const Identifier &id) const override
 Return the normal of the surface associated with this identifier In the case of silicon it returns the same as normal() More...
const Amg::Vector3Dnormal (int layHash) const
virtual const Amg::Transform3Dtransform () const override
 Return local to global transform. More...
virtual const Amg::Transform3Dtransform (const Identifier &id) const override
 Return local to global transform associated with this identifier. More...
const Amg::Transform3Dtransform (int surfHash) const
virtual std::vector< const Trk::Surface * > surfaces () const
 returns all the surfaces contained in this detector element More...
Identifier identify () const override final
 Returns the ATLAS Identifier of the MuonReadOutElement. More...
IdentifierHash identifyHash () const override final
 Returns the IdentifierHash of the MuonStation, i.e. More...
IdentifierHash detectorElementHash () const
 Returns the IdentifierHash of the detector element. More...
void setIdentifier (const Identifier &id)
 Sets the Identifier, hashes & station names. More...
int getStationIndex () const
int getStationEta () const
int getStationPhi () const
const Amg::Vector3D globalPosition () const
const Amg::Transform3DabsTransform () const
const Amg::Transform3DdefTransform () const
virtual Amg::Vector3D AmdbLRSToGlobalCoords (const Amg::Vector3D &x) const
virtual Amg::Transform3D AmdbLRSToGlobalTransform () const
virtual Amg::Vector3D GlobalToAmdbLRSCoords (const Amg::Vector3D &x) const
virtual Amg::Transform3D GlobalToAmdbLRSTransform () const
std::string getTechnologyType () const
const std::string & getTechnologyName () const
void setTechnologyName (const std::string &str)
std::string getStationType () const
const std::string & getStationName () const
void setStationName (const std::string &)
double getSsize () const
double getRsize () const
double getZsize () const
double getLongSsize () const
double getLongRsize () const
double getLongZsize () const
double getStationS () const
 Seems to be exclusively used by the MDTs --> Move it to MdtReadoutElement. More...
void setStationS (double)
void setLongSsize (double)
void setLongRsize (double)
void setLongZsize (double)
void setSsize (double)
void setRsize (double)
void setZsize (double)
bool largeSector () const
bool smallSector () const
bool sideA () const
bool sideC () const
void setParentStationPV (const PVConstLink &)
void setParentStationPV ()
PVConstLink parentStationPV () const
const MuonStationparentMuonStation () const
void setParentMuonStation (const MuonStation *)
Amg::Transform3D toParentStation () const
Amg::Vector3D parentMuonStationPos () const
int getIndexOfREinMuonStation () const
bool hasCutouts () const
void setHasCutouts (bool flag)
void refreshCache ()
const Muon::IMuonIdHelperSvcidHelperSvc () const
Trk::DetectorElemType detectorType () const override final
 Return the Detector element type. More...
std::string detectorTypeString () const
 Returns a string of the Detector element type. More...
bool msgLvl (const MSG::Level lvl) const
 Test the output level. More...
MsgStream & msg () const
 The standard message stream. More...
MsgStream & msg (const MSG::Level lvl) const
 The standard message stream. More...
void setLevel (MSG::Level lvl)
 Change the current logging level. More...

Protected Member Functions

const MuonDetectorManagermanager () const

Protected Attributes

std::unique_ptr< SurfaceDatam_surfaceData {}
double m_Ssize {-9999.}
double m_Rsize {-9999.}
double m_Zsize {-9999.}
double m_LongSsize {-9999.}
double m_LongRsize {-9999.}
double m_LongZsize {-9999.}
 size in the specified direction More...
std::string m_techname {"TTT0"}
 MDT or RPC or TGC or CSC plus a two digits subtype; example RPC17. More...
std::string m_statname {"XXX0"}
 examples are BMS5, CSS1, EML1 More...
int m_caching {-1}
 0 if we want to avoid caching geometry info for tracking interface More...
bool m_hasCutouts {false}
 true is there are cutouts in the readdout-element More...

Private Member Functions

void doTests ()
void setIndexOfREinMuonStation ()
void initMessaging () const
 Initialize our message level and MessageSvc. More...

Private Attributes

double m_excent {-9999.}
double m_roxacellwidth {-9999.}
double m_RlengthUpToMaxWidth {-9999.}
double m_anodecathode_distance {-9999.}
int m_chamberlayer {-1}
int m_ngasgaps {-1}
int m_nstriplayers {-1}
int m_nwirelayers {-1}
int m_nPhistripsperlayer {-1}
int m_nEtastripsperlayer {-1}
int m_nwiresperlayer {-1}
double m_Phistripwidth {-9999.}
double m_Phistrippitch {-9999.}
double m_Etastripwidth {-9999.}
double m_Etastrippitch {-9999.}
double m_wirepitch {-9999.}
double m_first_strip_localcoo {-9999.}
double m_first_wire_localcoo {-9999.}
std::array< double, maxwlaym_wireplanez {make_array<double, maxwlay>(-9999.)}
double m_cscIntTransl [4][3] {}
double m_cscIntRot [4][3] {}
ServiceHandle< Muon::IMuonIdHelperSvcm_idHelperSvc {"Muon::MuonIdHelperSvc/MuonIdHelperSvc", "MuonDetectorManager"}
Trk::DetectorElemType m_type {Trk::DetectorElemType::SolidState}
Identifier m_id {0}
 extended data-collection identifier More...
IdentifierHash m_idhash {0}
 data-collection hash identifier More...
IdentifierHash m_detectorElIdhash {0}
 detector element hash identifier More...
int m_indexOfREinMuonStation {-999}
 index of this RE in the mother MuonStation More...
double m_stationS {0.}
int m_stIdx {-1}
 Identifier field of the station index. More...
int m_eta {-1}
 Identifier field of the station eta. More...
int m_phi {-1}
 Identifier field of the station phi. More...
PVConstLink m_parentStationPV {nullptr}
const MuonStationm_parentMuonStation {nullptr}
MuonDetectorManagerm_muon_mgr {nullptr}
std::string m_nm
 Message source name. More...
boost::thread_specific_ptr< MsgStream > m_msg_tls
 MsgStream instance (a std::cout like with print-out levels) More...
std::atomic< IMessageSvc * > m_imsg { nullptr }
 MessageSvc pointer. More...
std::atomic< MSG::Level > m_lvl { MSG::NIL }
 Current logging level. More...
std::atomic_flag m_initialized ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT
 Messaging initialized (initMessaging) More...


class Muon::CscAlignModule
class Muon::CombinedMuonAlignModule
class MuonChamber
class MuonChamberLite

Detailed Description

Definition at line 56 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CscReadoutElement()

MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::CscReadoutElement ( GeoVFullPhysVol *  pv,
const std::string &  stName,
MuonDetectorManager mgr 

Definition at line 39 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

39  :
41  // Set a few parameters here. The rest are set in MuonChamber::setCscReadoutGeometry
44  // st name
45  setStationName(stName);
46  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) m_wireplanez[i] = 0.;
48  if (mgr->MinimalGeoFlag() == 0) {
49  if (GeoFullPhysVol* pvc = dynamic_cast<GeoFullPhysVol*>(pv)) {
50  unsigned int nchildvol = pvc->getNChildVols();
51  int lgg = 0;
52  std::string::size_type npos;
53  for (unsigned ich = 0; ich < nchildvol; ich++) {
54  PVConstLink pc = pvc->getChildVol(ich);
55  std::string childname = (pc->getLogVol())->getName();
56  int nch1 = pc->getNChildVols();
57  lgg = 3;
58  for (int ngv = 0; ngv < nch1; ngv++) {
59  PVConstLink pcgv = pc->getChildVol(ngv);
60  std::string childname1 = (pcgv->getLogVol())->getName();
62  if ((npos = childname1.find("CscArCO2")) != std::string::npos) {
63  const GeoTrf::Vector3D trans = (pvc->getXToChildVol(ich) * pc->getXToChildVol(ngv)).translation();
64  m_wireplanez[lgg] = trans.x();
65  lgg--;
66  }
67  }
68  }
69  } else {
70  std::stringstream error_str{};
71  error_str<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" - Cannot performa dynamic cast!";
72  throw std::runtime_error(error_str.str());
73  }
74  } else {
75  // hard wire for the moment
76  double pitch = 25.69;
77  m_wireplanez[0] = -38.51;
78  for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) { m_wireplanez[i] = m_wireplanez[i - 1] + pitch; }
79  }
81  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
82  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
83  m_cscIntTransl[i][j] = 0.; // first index is wireLayer, second = 0,1,2 for s,z,t
84  }
85  }
86  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
87  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
88  m_cscIntRot[i][j] = 0.; // first index is wireLayer, second = 0,1,2 for rots,z,t
89  }
90  }
92  // doTests();
93  }

◆ ~CscReadoutElement()

MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::~CscReadoutElement ( )

Definition at line 95 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

95 { clearCache(); }

Member Function Documentation

◆ absTransform()

const Amg::Transform3D & MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::absTransform ( ) const

Definition at line 210 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

210 { return getMaterialGeom()->getAbsoluteTransform(); }

◆ activeWidth()

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::activeWidth ( int  measuresPhi) const

Definition at line 169 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

169  {
170  double midWidth = 0;
171  // we need to know the geometry version
172  // if P or earlier, we have pointing phi strips
173  // if Q or later, we have parallel phi strips
174  // R-strips are alwas parallel in all the geometry layouts
176  if (0 == measuresPhi) {
177  midWidth = length() - 2. * roxacellWidth();
178  } else {
179  double beta = std::atan((longWidth() - shortWidth()) / (2. * lengthUpToMaxWidth()));
180  double lWidth = longWidth() - 2 * roxacellWidth() * (1 + std::sin(beta)) / std::cos(beta);
181  midWidth = lWidth;
182  }
184  return midWidth;
185  }

◆ AmdbLRSToGlobalCoords()

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::AmdbLRSToGlobalCoords ( const Amg::Vector3D x) const

Reimplemented in MuonGM::sTgcReadoutElement, and MuonGM::MMReadoutElement.

Definition at line 141 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/src/MuonReadoutElement.cxx.

141  {
142  return AmdbLRSToGlobalTransform() * x;
143  }

◆ AmdbLRSToGlobalTransform()

Amg::Transform3D MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::AmdbLRSToGlobalTransform ( ) const

◆ anodeCathodeDistance()

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::anodeCathodeDistance ( ) const

Definition at line 306 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

306 { return m_anodecathode_distance; }

◆ boundaryHash()

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::boundaryHash ( const Identifier id) const

returns the hash function to be used to look up the surface boundary for a given identifier

Implements MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement.

Definition at line 324 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

324 { return (measuresPhi(id) ? 0 : 1); }

◆ bounds() [1/3]

const Trk::SurfaceBounds & MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement::bounds ( ) const

Return the boundaries of the element.

Implements Trk::TrkDetElementBase.

Definition at line 127 of file MuonClusterReadoutElement.h.

127 { return bounds(0); }

◆ bounds() [2/3]

const Trk::SurfaceBounds & MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement::bounds ( const Identifier id) const

Return the boundaries of the surface associated with this identifier.

For TRT this will be a straw, while for silicon it returns the same as bounds()

Implements Trk::TrkDetElementBase.

Definition at line 133 of file MuonClusterReadoutElement.h.

133 { return bounds(boundaryHash(id)); }

◆ bounds() [3/3]

const Trk::SurfaceBounds & MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement::bounds ( int  boundHash) const

Definition at line 185 of file MuonClusterReadoutElement.h.

185  {
186  if (!m_surfaceData) {
187  ATH_MSG_FATAL(__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" "<<__func__<<" Requesting bounds but cache is empty");
188  throw std::runtime_error("Empty bounds cache");
189  }
190  if (hash == -1 || hash >= (int)m_surfaceData->m_surfBounds.size()) {
191  ATH_MSG_WARNING("normal hash out of range: " << hash << " elements " << m_surfaceData->m_surfBounds.size());
192  return *m_surfaceData->m_surfBounds.front();
193  }
194  return *m_surfaceData->m_surfBounds[hash];
195  }

◆ cathodeReadoutPitch() [1/2]

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::cathodeReadoutPitch ( int  chLayer,
int  measuresPhi 
) const

Definition at line 147 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

147  {
148  if (measuresPhi == 0)
149  return m_Etastrippitch;
150  else
151  return m_Phistrippitch;
152  }

◆ cathodeReadoutPitch() [2/2]

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::cathodeReadoutPitch ( int  measuresPhi) const

Definition at line 153 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

153  {
154  if (measuresPhi == 0)
155  return m_Etastrippitch;
156  else
157  return m_Phistrippitch;
158  }

◆ center() [1/3]

const Amg::Vector3D & MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement::center ( ) const

Return the center of the element.

Implements Trk::TrkDetElementBase.

Definition at line 125 of file MuonClusterReadoutElement.h.

125 { return center(0); }

◆ center() [2/3]

const Amg::Vector3D & MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement::center ( const Identifier id) const

Return the center of the surface associated with this identifier In the case of silicon it returns the same as center()

Implements Trk::TrkDetElementBase.

Definition at line 131 of file MuonClusterReadoutElement.h.

131 { return center(layerHash(id)); }

◆ center() [3/3]

const Amg::Vector3D & MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement::center ( int  layHash) const

Definition at line 161 of file MuonClusterReadoutElement.h.

161  {
162  if (!m_surfaceData) {
163  ATH_MSG_FATAL(__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" "<<__func__<<" Requesting center but cache is empty");
164  throw std::runtime_error("Empty center cache");
165  }
166  if (hash == -1 || hash >= (int)m_surfaceData->m_layerCenters.size()) {
167  ATH_MSG_WARNING("center hash out of range: " << hash << " elements " << m_surfaceData->m_layerCenters.size());
168  return m_surfaceData->m_layerCenters.front();
169  }
170  return m_surfaceData->m_layerCenters[hash];
171  }

◆ ChamberLayer()

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::ChamberLayer ( ) const

Definition at line 290 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

290 { return m_chamberlayer; }

◆ clearCache()

void MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement::clearCache ( )

clear the cache of the readout elememt

Implements MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement.

Definition at line 13 of file MuonClusterReadoutElement.cxx.

13 { m_surfaceData.reset(); }

◆ containsId()

bool MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::containsId ( const Identifier id) const

Implements MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement.

Definition at line 718 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

718  {
719  const CscIdHelper* idh = manager()->cscIdHelper();
721  int chamberLayer = idh->chamberLayer(id);
722  if (chamberLayer != ChamberLayer()) return false;
724  int wireLayer = idh->wireLayer(id);
725  if (wireLayer < 1 || wireLayer > Ngasgaps()) return false;
727  int measPhi = idh->measuresPhi(id);
728  int channel = idh->strip(id);
729  if (measPhi == 0) {
730  if (channel < 1 || channel > NetaStrips(wireLayer)) return false;
731  } else if (measPhi == 1) {
732  if (channel < 1 || channel > NphiStrips(wireLayer)) return false;
733  } else
734  return false;
736  return true;
737  }

◆ defTransform()

const Amg::Transform3D & MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::defTransform ( ) const

Definition at line 212 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

212 { return getMaterialGeom()->getDefAbsoluteTransform(); }

◆ detectorElementHash()

IdentifierHash MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::detectorElementHash ( ) const

Returns the IdentifierHash of the detector element.

Unlike the identifyHash, this hash is unique for each readout element

Definition at line 186 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

186 { return m_detectorElIdhash; }

◆ detectorType()

Trk::DetectorElemType MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::detectorType ( ) const

Return the Detector element type.

Implements Trk::TrkDetElementBase.

Definition at line 138 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

138 { return m_type; }

◆ detectorTypeString()

std::string Trk::TrkDetElementBase::detectorTypeString ( ) const

Returns a string of the Detector element type.

Definition at line 10 of file TrkDetElementBase.cxx.

10  {
11  auto type = detectorType();
13  return "SolidState";
15  return "Silicon";
16  else if (type == Trk::DetectorElemType::TRT)
17  return "TRT";
18  else if (type == Trk::DetectorElemType::Csc)
19  return "Csc";
20  else if (type == Trk::DetectorElemType::Mdt)
21  return "Mdt";
22  else if (type == Trk::DetectorElemType::Rpc)
23  return "Rpc";
24  else if (type == Trk::DetectorElemType::Tgc)
25  return "Tgc";
27  return "sTgc";
28  else if (type == Trk::DetectorElemType::MM)
29  return "Mm";
30  return "Unknown";
31 }

◆ distanceToReadout()

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::distanceToReadout ( const Amg::Vector2D pos,
const Identifier id 
) const

distance to readout.

If the local position is outside the active volume, the function first shift the position back into the active volume

Implements MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement.

Definition at line 739 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

739  {
740  MsgStream log(Athena::getMessageSvc(), "CscReadoutElement");
741  if (log.level() <= MSG::WARNING) log << MSG::WARNING << " distanceToReadout::dummy routine " << endmsg;
742  return 0.;
743  }

◆ doTests()

void MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::doTests ( )

Definition at line 521 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

521  {
522 #ifndef NDEBUG
523  MsgStream log(Athena::getMessageSvc(), "CscReadoutElement");
524  if (log.level() <= MSG::VERBOSE) {
525  constexpr std::array<int, 2> eta{1, -1};
526  constexpr std::array<int, 2> maxStrips{192, 48};
527  int chamberLayer = 1;
528  int wireLayer = 4;
529  for (int measPhi = 0; measPhi < 2; ++measPhi) {
530  for (int ieta = 0; ieta < 2; ++ieta) {
531  for (int ilayer = 1; ilayer <= wireLayer; ++ilayer) {
532  int strips[3] = {1, maxStrips[measPhi] / 2, maxStrips[measPhi]};
533  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
534  int istrip = strips[i];
535  Amg::Vector3D npos = nominalLocalStripPos(eta[ieta], chamberLayer, ilayer, measPhi, istrip);
536  Amg::Vector3D pos = localStripPos(eta[ieta], chamberLayer, ilayer, measPhi, istrip);
537  log << MSG::VERBOSE << "the nominal positions = " << npos.x() << " " << npos.y() << " " << npos.z() << endmsg;
538  log << MSG::VERBOSE << "the positions = " << pos.x() << " " << pos.y() << " " << pos.z() << endmsg;
539  }
540  }
541  }
542  }
543  }
544 #endif
545  }

◆ excent()

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::excent ( ) const

Definition at line 304 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

304 { return m_excent; }

◆ fillCache()

void MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::fillCache ( )

Implements MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement.

Definition at line 659 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

659  {
660  if (!m_surfaceData)
661  m_surfaceData = std::make_unique<SurfaceData>();
662  else {
663  MsgStream log(Athena::getMessageSvc(), "CscReadoutElement");
664  if (log.level() <= MSG::WARNING) log << MSG::WARNING << "calling fillCache on an already filled cache" << endmsg;
665  return;
666  }
667  const CscIdHelper* idh = manager()->cscIdHelper();
668  Identifier parentID = idh->parentID(identify());
670  // loop over all gas gaps
671  for (int gp = 1; gp <= m_ngasgaps; ++gp) {
672  // loop over phi/eta projections
673  for (int mp = 1; mp >= 0; --mp) {
674  Identifier id = idh->channelID(parentID, ChamberLayer(), gp, mp, 1);
676  const Amg::Vector3D gasgapP = localWireLayerPos(gp);
677  const Amg::Translation3D xfp(gasgapP.x(), gasgapP.y(), gasgapP.z());
678  Amg::Transform3D trans3D = absTransform() * xfp;
679  Amg::RotationMatrix3D muonTRotation(trans3D.rotation());
680  Amg::RotationMatrix3D surfaceTRotation;
681  surfaceTRotation.col(0) = muonTRotation.col(1);
682  surfaceTRotation.col(1) = muonTRotation.col(2);
683  surfaceTRotation.col(2) = muonTRotation.col(0);
684  if (mp == 0) surfaceTRotation = surfaceTRotation * Amg::AngleAxis3D(M_PI / 2., Amg::Vector3D::UnitZ());
686  Amg::Transform3D transfPtr_orig(surfaceTRotation);
687  transfPtr_orig.pretranslate(trans3D.translation());
688  Amg::Transform3D transfPtr_internalgeo{Amg::Transform3D::Identity()};
689  if (mp == 1) {
690  transfPtr_internalgeo *=
691  Amg::Translation3D(m_cscIntTransl[gp - 1][0], m_cscIntTransl[gp - 1][1], m_cscIntTransl[gp - 1][2]);
692  transfPtr_internalgeo *= Amg::AngleAxis3D(m_cscIntRot[gp - 1][0], Amg::Vector3D::UnitX());
693  transfPtr_internalgeo *= Amg::AngleAxis3D(m_cscIntRot[gp - 1][1], Amg::Vector3D::UnitY());
694  transfPtr_internalgeo *= Amg::AngleAxis3D(m_cscIntRot[gp - 1][2], Amg::Vector3D::UnitZ());
695  } else {
696  transfPtr_internalgeo *=
697  Amg::Translation3D(m_cscIntTransl[gp - 1][1], -m_cscIntTransl[gp - 1][0], m_cscIntTransl[gp - 1][2]);
698  transfPtr_internalgeo *= Amg::AngleAxis3D(-m_cscIntRot[gp - 1][0], Amg::Vector3D::UnitY());
699  transfPtr_internalgeo *= Amg::AngleAxis3D(m_cscIntRot[gp - 1][1], Amg::Vector3D::UnitX());
700  transfPtr_internalgeo *= Amg::AngleAxis3D(m_cscIntRot[gp - 1][2], Amg::Vector3D::UnitZ());
701  }
703  m_surfaceData->m_layerTransforms.push_back(Amg::Transform3D(transfPtr_orig * transfPtr_internalgeo));
704  m_surfaceData->m_layerSurfaces.emplace_back(std::make_unique<Trk::PlaneSurface>(*this, id));
705  if (mp == 1) {
706  m_surfaceData->m_layerCenters.push_back(m_surfaceData->m_layerTransforms.back() * Amg::Vector3D(0., 0., 0.));
707  m_surfaceData->m_layerNormals.emplace_back(m_surfaceData->m_layerTransforms.back().linear() * Amg::Vector3D::UnitZ());
708  }
709  }
710  }
712  m_surfaceData->m_surfBounds.emplace_back(
713  std::make_unique<Trk::TrapezoidBounds>(m_Ssize / 2., m_LongSsize / 2., m_Rsize / 2.)); // phi measurement
714  m_surfaceData->m_surfBounds.emplace_back(
715  std::make_unique<Trk::RotatedTrapezoidBounds>(m_Rsize / 2., m_Ssize / 2., m_LongSsize / 2.)); // eta measurement
716  }

◆ getGasGapIntAlign_rots()

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::getGasGapIntAlign_rots ( int  gasGap) const

Definition at line 608 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

608 { return m_cscIntRot[gasGap - 1][0]; }

◆ getGasGapIntAlign_rott()

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::getGasGapIntAlign_rott ( int  gasGap) const

Definition at line 612 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

612 { return m_cscIntRot[gasGap - 1][2]; }

◆ getGasGapIntAlign_rotz()

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::getGasGapIntAlign_rotz ( int  gasGap) const

Definition at line 610 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

610 { return m_cscIntRot[gasGap - 1][1]; }

◆ getGasGapIntAlign_s()

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::getGasGapIntAlign_s ( int  gasGap) const

Definition at line 602 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

602 { return m_cscIntTransl[gasGap - 1][0]; }

◆ getGasGapIntAlign_t()

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::getGasGapIntAlign_t ( int  gasGap) const

Definition at line 606 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

606 { return m_cscIntTransl[gasGap - 1][2]; }

◆ getGasGapIntAlign_z()

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::getGasGapIntAlign_z ( int  gasGap) const

Definition at line 604 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

604 { return m_cscIntTransl[gasGap - 1][1]; }

◆ getIndexOfREinMuonStation()

int MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::getIndexOfREinMuonStation ( ) const

◆ getLongRsize()

double MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::getLongRsize ( ) const

◆ getLongSsize()

double MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::getLongSsize ( ) const

◆ getLongZsize()

double MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::getLongZsize ( ) const

◆ getRsize()

double MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::getRsize ( ) const

◆ getSsize()

double MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::getSsize ( ) const

◆ getStationEta()

int MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::getStationEta ( ) const

◆ getStationIndex()

int MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::getStationIndex ( ) const

◆ getStationName()

const std::string & MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::getStationName ( ) const

◆ getStationPhi()

int MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::getStationPhi ( ) const

◆ getStationS()

double MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::getStationS ( ) const

Seems to be exclusively used by the MDTs --> Move it to MdtReadoutElement.

Definition at line 202 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

202 { return m_stationS; }

◆ getStationType()

std::string MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::getStationType ( ) const

Definition at line 189 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

189 { return m_statname.substr(0,3); }

◆ getTechnologyName()

const std::string & MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::getTechnologyName ( ) const

◆ getTechnologyType()

std::string MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::getTechnologyType ( ) const

Definition at line 187 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

187 { return m_techname.substr(0, 3); }

◆ getZsize()

double MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::getZsize ( ) const

◆ globalPos()

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::globalPos ( const Amg::Vector3D localP) const

station-level method: does not depend on the strip view/layer, hence it cannot account for internal alignment parameters

Definition at line 460 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

460 { return nominalGlobalPos(localP); }

◆ globalPosition()

const Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::globalPosition ( ) const

Definition at line 47 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/src/MuonReadoutElement.cxx.

47 { return absTransform().translation(); }

◆ GlobalToAmdbLRSCoords()

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::GlobalToAmdbLRSCoords ( const Amg::Vector3D x) const

Reimplemented in MuonGM::sTgcReadoutElement, and MuonGM::MMReadoutElement.

Definition at line 149 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/src/MuonReadoutElement.cxx.

149  {
150  return GlobalToAmdbLRSTransform() * x;
151  }

◆ GlobalToAmdbLRSTransform()

Amg::Transform3D MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::GlobalToAmdbLRSTransform ( ) const

◆ globalToLocalCoords()

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::globalToLocalCoords ( const Amg::Vector3D x,
const Identifier id 
) const

Definition at line 114 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

114  {
115  return localToGlobalTransf(id).inverse() * x;
116  }

◆ globalToLocalTransf()

Amg::Transform3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::globalToLocalTransf ( const Identifier id) const

Definition at line 118 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

118 { return localToGlobalTransf(id).inverse(); }

◆ hasCutouts()

bool MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::hasCutouts ( ) const

◆ identify()

Identifier MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::identify ( ) const

Returns the ATLAS Identifier of the MuonReadOutElement.

Usually the Identifier corresponds to the first channel covered by the Element

Implements Trk::TrkDetElementBase.

Definition at line 184 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

184 { return m_id; }

◆ identifyHash()

IdentifierHash MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::identifyHash ( ) const

Returns the IdentifierHash of the MuonStation, i.e.

2 readoutelements with same sationIndex, stationEta, stationPhi have the same identifiyHash

Implements Trk::TrkDetElementBase.

Definition at line 185 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

185 { return m_idhash; }

◆ idHelperSvc()

const Muon::IMuonIdHelperSvc* MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::idHelperSvc ( ) const

◆ initMessaging()

void AthMessaging::initMessaging ( ) const

Initialize our message level and MessageSvc.

This method should only be called once.

Definition at line 39 of file AthMessaging.cxx.

40 {
42  m_lvl = m_imsg ?
43  static_cast<MSG::Level>( m_imsg.load()->outputLevel(m_nm) ) :
44  MSG::INFO;
45 }

◆ largeSector()

bool MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::largeSector ( ) const

Definition at line 49 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/src/MuonReadoutElement.cxx.

49  {
50  // this doesn't apply to TGC
51  if(m_statname.size() >= 3){
52  char c = m_statname[2];
53  if (c == 'L')
54  return true;
55  else if (c == 'S')
56  return false;
57  else {
58  if (c == 'E' || c == 'F' || c == 'G') return false;
59  if (c == 'M' || c == 'R') return true;
60  }
61  }
62  ATH_MSG_FATAL(__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" largeSector() - is this station a larger sector answer is no for readout element "<<m_idHelperSvc->toStringDetEl(identify()));
63  throw std::runtime_error("Unknown sector");
64  return false;
65  }

◆ layerHash()

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::layerHash ( const Identifier id) const

returns the hash function to be used to look up the center and the normal of the tracking surface for a given identifier

Implements MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement.

Definition at line 318 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

318 { return manager()->cscIdHelper()->wireLayer(id) - 1; }

◆ length()

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::length ( ) const

Definition at line 296 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

296 { return getRsize(); }

◆ lengthCorrection()

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::lengthCorrection ( int  measuresPhi,
double  stripPos 
) const

Definition at line 333 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

333  {
334  if (lengthUpToMaxWidth() == length()) return 0.0; // CSS
336  double epsilon = 0.0;
337  double alpha = std::atan((excent() - lengthUpToMaxWidth()) / (longWidth() / 2.));
338  double beta = std::atan((longWidth() - shortWidth()) / (2. * lengthUpToMaxWidth()));
340  double bigLength = length() - 2 * roxacellWidth();
341  double shortLongWidth = longWidth() * (excent() - length()) / (excent() - lengthUpToMaxWidth());
342  double gslWidth = shortLongWidth - 2 * roxacellWidth() * (1 - std::cos(alpha)) / std::sin(alpha);
343  double smallWidth = shortWidth() - 2 * roxacellWidth() * (1 - std::sin(beta)) / std::cos(beta);
344  double bigWidth = 2 * (bigLength + 0.5 * smallWidth / std::tan(beta) + 0.5 * gslWidth * std::tan(alpha)) /
345  (std::tan(alpha) + 1.0 / std::tan(beta));
346  double shortLength = bigLength - (bigWidth - gslWidth) * std::tan(alpha) / 2.;
348  if (measuresPhi == 1) {
349  if (std::abs(stripPos) > (gslWidth / 2.)) epsilon = (std::abs(stripPos) - gslWidth / 2.) * std::tan(alpha);
350  } else {
351  double z0 = shortLength - bigLength / 2;
352  if (stripPos > z0) {
353  double diff = stripPos - z0;
354  double corr1 = diff / std::tan(alpha);
355  double corr2 = diff * std::tan(beta);
356  epsilon = 2.0 * (corr1 + corr2);
357  }
358  }
359  if (epsilon < 0.0) epsilon = 0.0;
360  return epsilon;
361  }

◆ lengthUpToMaxWidth()

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::lengthUpToMaxWidth ( ) const

Definition at line 302 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

302 { return m_RlengthUpToMaxWidth; }

◆ localClusterPos()

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::localClusterPos ( int  eta,
int  wireLayer,
int  measPhi,
double  x0 
) const

takes into account internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally answer (local here is the station frame, coherent with the gas gas frames)

Definition at line 432 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

432  {
433  Amg::Vector3D nominalLCP = nominalLocalClusterPos(eta, wireLayer, measPhi, p);
435  Amg::Transform3D transfPtr_internalgeo = Amg::Transform3D::Identity();
436  transfPtr_internalgeo *=
437  Amg::Translation3D(m_cscIntTransl[wireLayer - 1][2], m_cscIntTransl[wireLayer - 1][0], m_cscIntTransl[wireLayer - 1][1]);
438  transfPtr_internalgeo *= Amg::AngleAxis3D(m_cscIntRot[wireLayer - 1][0], Amg::Vector3D::UnitY());
439  transfPtr_internalgeo *= Amg::AngleAxis3D(m_cscIntRot[wireLayer - 1][1], Amg::Vector3D::UnitZ());
440  transfPtr_internalgeo *= Amg::AngleAxis3D(m_cscIntRot[wireLayer - 1][2], Amg::Vector3D::UnitX());
442  return transfPtr_internalgeo * nominalLCP;
443  }

◆ localPos()

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::localPos ( const Amg::Vector3D globalP) const

station-level method: does not depend on the strip view/layer, hence it cannot account for internal alignment parameters

Definition at line 446 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

446  {
447  // localP is a local position
448  const Amg::Transform3D cscTrans = absTransform();
449  return cscTrans.inverse() * globalP;
450  }

◆ localStripLayerPos() [1/3]

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::localStripLayerPos ( const Identifier id) const

◆ localStripLayerPos() [2/3]

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::localStripLayerPos ( const IdentifierHash id) const

◆ localStripLayerPos() [3/3]

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::localStripLayerPos ( int  chamberLayer,
int  wireLayer,
int  measPhi,
int  channel 
) const

Definition at line 477 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

477  {
478  if (measPhi != 0 && measPhi != 1) throw std::runtime_error ("CscReadoutElement::localStripLayerPos bad measPhi");
479  Amg::Vector3D wireLayerPosition = localWireLayerPos(wireLayer);
480  double anodeCathodeDis = anodeCathodeDistance();
481  double x = wireLayerPosition.x();
482  double y = wireLayerPosition.y();
483  double z = wireLayerPosition.z();
485  if (wireLayer == 1 || wireLayer == 3) {
486  if (measPhi == 0)
487  x = wireLayerPosition.x() + anodeCathodeDis;
488  else
489  x = wireLayerPosition.x() - anodeCathodeDis;
490  } else {
491  if (measPhi == 0)
492  x = wireLayerPosition.x() - anodeCathodeDis;
493  else
494  x = wireLayerPosition.x() + anodeCathodeDis;
495  }
497  return Amg::Vector3D(x, y, z);
498  }

◆ localStripPos() [1/2]

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::localStripPos ( const Identifier id) const

takes into account internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally accurate answer (local here is the station frame, coherent with the gas gas frames) - digitization should use this method to emulate internal alignment parameters

Definition at line 206 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

206  {
207  // uses localStripPos(int chamberLayer, int wireLayer, int measPhi, int channel) const;
208  const CscIdHelper* idh = manager()->cscIdHelper();
209  int eta = idh->stationEta(id);
210  int chamberLayer = idh->chamberLayer(id);
211  int wireLayer = idh->wireLayer(id);
212  int measPhi = idh->measuresPhi(id);
213  int channel = idh->strip(id);
214  return localStripPos(eta, chamberLayer, wireLayer, measPhi, channel);
215  }

◆ localStripPos() [2/2]

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::localStripPos ( int  eta,
int  chamberLayer,
int  wireLayer,
int  measPhi,
int  channel 
) const

takes into account internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally accurate answer (local here is the station frame, coherent with the gas gas frames) - digitization should use this method to emulate internal alignment parameters

Definition at line 364 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

364  {
365  Amg::Vector3D nominalLP = nominalLocalStripPos(eta, chamberLayer, wireLayer, measPhi, strip);
366  // const Amg::Transform3D cscTrans = absTransform();
367  Amg::Transform3D transfPtr_internalgeo(
368  Amg::Translation3D(m_cscIntTransl[wireLayer - 1][2], m_cscIntTransl[wireLayer - 1][0], m_cscIntTransl[wireLayer - 1][1]) *
369  Amg::AngleAxis3D(m_cscIntRot[wireLayer - 1][0], Amg::Vector3D::UnitY()) *
370  Amg::AngleAxis3D(m_cscIntRot[wireLayer - 1][1], Amg::Vector3D::UnitZ()) *
371  Amg::AngleAxis3D(m_cscIntRot[wireLayer - 1][2], Amg::Vector3D::UnitX()));
372  return transfPtr_internalgeo * nominalLP;
373  }

◆ localToGlobalCoords()

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::localToGlobalCoords ( const Amg::Vector3D x,
const Identifier id 
) const

localToGlobalCoords and Transf connect the Gas Gap Frame (defined as a Sensitive Detector) to the Global Frame; Notice that internal CSC alignment affects the strip plane orientation and position in the CSC station frame, but does not impact on the gas gap geometry within the station; therefore the following methods do not depen on internal alignment parameters.

Otherwise stated, the internal alignment parameters in MC can be emulated at the digitization stage.

[out]localToGlobalCoordsthe coordinates in the Global Atlas Frame of point at x in the local frame
[in]idCSC gas gap identifier - view and strip field must be 0
[in]xlocal coordinates of the point in the gas gap = sensitive volume

Definition at line 97 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

97  {
98  const Amg::Vector3D gasgapP = localWireLayerPos(id);
99  const Amg::Translation3D xfp(gasgapP.x(), gasgapP.y(), gasgapP.z());
100  return absTransform() * xfp * x;
101  }

◆ localToGlobalTransf() [1/2]

Amg::Transform3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::localToGlobalTransf ( const Identifier id) const

Definition at line 108 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

108  {
109  const Amg::Vector3D gasgapP = localWireLayerPos(id);
110  const Amg::Translation3D xfp(gasgapP.x(), gasgapP.y(), gasgapP.z());
111  return absTransform() * xfp;
112  }

◆ localToGlobalTransf() [2/2]

Amg::Transform3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::localToGlobalTransf ( int  gasGap) const

Definition at line 103 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

103  {
104  const Amg::Vector3D gasgapP = localWireLayerPos(gasGap);
105  const Amg::Translation3D xfp(gasgapP.x(), gasgapP.y(), gasgapP.z());
106  return absTransform() * xfp;
107  }

◆ localWireLayerPos() [1/2]

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::localWireLayerPos ( const Identifier id) const

Definition at line 120 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

120  {
121  const CscIdHelper* idh = manager()->cscIdHelper();
122  int gasgap = idh->wireLayer(id);
123  return localWireLayerPos(gasgap);
124  }

◆ localWireLayerPos() [2/2]

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::localWireLayerPos ( int  gg) const

Definition at line 126 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

126  {
127  Amg::Vector3D localP(m_wireplanez[gg - 1], 0., 0.);
128  return localP;
129  }

◆ longWidth()

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::longWidth ( ) const

Definition at line 298 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

298 { return getLongSsize(); }

◆ manager()

const MuonDetectorManager * MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::manager ( ) const

◆ maxNumberOfStrips() [1/2]

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::maxNumberOfStrips ( int  measuresPhi) const

Definition at line 162 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

162  {
163  if (measuresPhi == 0)
164  return m_nEtastripsperlayer;
165  else
166  return m_nPhistripsperlayer;
167  }

◆ maxNumberOfStrips() [2/2]

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::maxNumberOfStrips ( int  measuresPhi,
double  width 
) const

Definition at line 160 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

160 { return maxNumberOfStrips(measuresPhi); }

◆ measuresPhi()

bool MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::measuresPhi ( const Identifier id) const

returns whether the given identifier measures phi or not

Implements MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement.

Definition at line 326 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

326 { return manager()->cscIdHelper()->measuresPhi(id); }

◆ msg() [1/2]

MsgStream & AthMessaging::msg ( ) const

The standard message stream.

Returns a reference to the default message stream May not be invoked before sysInitialize() has been invoked.

Definition at line 164 of file AthMessaging.h.

165 {
166  MsgStream* ms = m_msg_tls.get();
167  if (!ms) {
168  if (!m_initialized.test_and_set()) initMessaging();
169  ms = new MsgStream(m_imsg,m_nm);
170  m_msg_tls.reset( ms );
171  }
173  ms->setLevel (m_lvl);
174  return *ms;
175 }

◆ msg() [2/2]

MsgStream & AthMessaging::msg ( const MSG::Level  lvl) const

The standard message stream.

Returns a reference to the default message stream May not be invoked before sysInitialize() has been invoked.

Definition at line 179 of file AthMessaging.h.

180 { return msg() << lvl; }

◆ msgLvl()

bool AthMessaging::msgLvl ( const MSG::Level  lvl) const

Test the output level.

lvlThe message level to test against
boolean Indicating if messages at given level will be printed
Return values
trueMessages at level "lvl" will be printed

Definition at line 151 of file AthMessaging.h.

152 {
153  if (!m_initialized.test_and_set()) initMessaging();
154  if (m_lvl <= lvl) {
155  msg() << lvl;
156  return true;
157  } else {
158  return false;
159  }
160 }

◆ NetaStripLayers()

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::NetaStripLayers ( ) const

Definition at line 312 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

312 { return m_ngasgaps; }

◆ NetaStrips()

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::NetaStrips ( int  gasgaplayer) const

Definition at line 316 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

316 { return m_nEtastripsperlayer; }

◆ Ngasgaps()

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::Ngasgaps ( ) const

Definition at line 308 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

308 { return m_ngasgaps; }

◆ nominalCenter()

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::nominalCenter ( int  gasGap) const

like tracking center but nominal - returns a Amg::Vector3D not a reference to it

Definition at line 656 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

656 { return nominalTransform(gasGap, 1) * Amg::Vector3D(0., 0., 0.); }

◆ nominalGlobalPos()

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::nominalGlobalPos ( const Amg::Vector3D localP) const

ignores internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally incorrect answer

Definition at line 453 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

453  {
454  // globalP is a global position
455  const Amg::Transform3D cscTrans = absTransform();
456  return cscTrans * localP;
457  }

◆ nominalLocalClusterPos()

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::nominalLocalClusterPos ( int  eta,
int  wireLayer,
int  measPhi,
double  x0 
) const

ignores internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally incorrect answer (local here is the station frame, coherent with the gas gas frames)

Definition at line 410 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

410  {
411  // get the coordinates of the wire plane
412  Amg::Vector3D wireLayerPosition = localWireLayerPos(wireLayer);
414  // some initializations
415  double x = wireLayerPosition.x();
416  double y = wireLayerPosition.y();
417  double z = wireLayerPosition.z();
419  // local position of cluster
420  if (0 == measPhi)
421  z = p;
422  else {
423  if (eta < 0)
424  y = p;
425  else
426  y = -p;
427  }
428  return Amg::Vector3D(x, y, z);
429  }

◆ nominalLocalStripPos() [1/2]

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::nominalLocalStripPos ( const Identifier id) const

ignores internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally incorrect answer (local here is the station frame, coherent with the gas gas frames)

Definition at line 216 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

216  {
217  // uses localStripPos(int chamberLayer, int wireLayer, int measPhi, int channel) const;
218  const CscIdHelper* idh = manager()->cscIdHelper();
219  int eta = idh->stationEta(id);
220  int chamberLayer = idh->chamberLayer(id);
221  int wireLayer = idh->wireLayer(id);
222  int measPhi = idh->measuresPhi(id);
223  int channel = idh->strip(id);
224  return nominalLocalStripPos(eta, chamberLayer, wireLayer, measPhi, channel);
225  }

◆ nominalLocalStripPos() [2/2]

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::nominalLocalStripPos ( int  eta,
int  chamberLayer,
int  wireLayer,
int  measPhi,
int  channel 
) const

ignores internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally incorrect answer (local here is the station frame, coherent with the gas gas frames)

Definition at line 375 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

375  {
376  // get the coordinate of the strip plane
377  Amg::Vector3D stripPlane = localStripLayerPos(chamberLayer, wireLayer, measPhi, strip);
379  // some initializations
380  double x = stripPlane.x();
381  double y = stripPlane.y();
382  double z = stripPlane.z();
384  // we need to know the geometry version
385  // if P or earlier, we have pointing phi strips
386  // if Q or later, we have parallel phi strips
387  // R-strips are alwas parallel in all the geometry layouts
389  double epsilon = 0.0;
390  double lengthOfStrip = stripLength(chamberLayer, measPhi, strip, epsilon);
392  // get some necessary parameters
393  double stripWidth = cathodeReadoutPitch(chamberLayer, measPhi);
394  int nStrips = maxNumberOfStrips(measPhi, stripWidth);
396  if (0 == measPhi) {
397  z = stripWidth * (strip - 0.5 - nStrips / 2.0);
398  } else {
399  z = (length() - 2 * roxacellWidth() - lengthOfStrip) / 2.0 - epsilon;
400  if (eta < 0)
401  y = stripWidth * (strip - 0.5 - nStrips / 2.0);
402  else
403  y = -stripWidth * (strip - 0.5 - nStrips / 2.0);
404  }
406  return Amg::Vector3D(x, y, z);
407  }

◆ nominalStripPos() [1/2]

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::nominalStripPos ( const Identifier id) const

ignores internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally incorrect answer

Definition at line 236 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

236  {
237  const CscIdHelper* idh = manager()->cscIdHelper();
238  int eta = idh->stationEta(id);
239  int chamberLayer = idh->chamberLayer(id);
240  int wireLayer = idh->wireLayer(id);
241  int measPhi = idh->measuresPhi(id);
242  int channel = idh->strip(id);
243  return nominalStripPos(eta, chamberLayer, wireLayer, measPhi, channel);
244  }

◆ nominalStripPos() [2/2]

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::nominalStripPos ( int  eta,
int  chamberLayer,
int  wireLayer,
int  measPhi,
int  channel 
) const

ignores internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally incorrect answer

Definition at line 254 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

254  {
255  const Amg::Vector3D localP = nominalLocalStripPos(eta, chamberLayer, wireLayer, measPhi, channel);
256  const Amg::Transform3D cscTrans = absTransform();
257  return cscTrans * localP;
258  }

◆ nominalTransform() [1/2]

Amg::Transform3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::nominalTransform ( const Identifier id) const

like tracking Transform but nominal - returns a transform not a reference to it

Definition at line 614 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

614  {
615  const CscIdHelper* idh = manager()->cscIdHelper();
616  return nominalTransform(idh->wireLayer(id), idh->measuresPhi(id));
617  }

◆ nominalTransform() [2/2]

Amg::Transform3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::nominalTransform ( int  gasGap,
int  measPhi 
) const

like tracking Transform but nominal - returns a transform not a reference to it

Definition at line 618 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

618  {
620  Amg::RotationMatrix3D surfaceTRotation;
621  surfaceTRotation.col(0) = muonTRotation.col(1);
622  surfaceTRotation.col(1) = muonTRotation.col(2);
623  surfaceTRotation.col(2) = muonTRotation.col(0);
624  if (measPhi == 0) surfaceTRotation = surfaceTRotation * Amg::AngleAxis3D(M_PI / 2., Amg::Vector3D::UnitZ());
626  Amg::Transform3D transfPtr_orig(surfaceTRotation);
627  transfPtr_orig *= Amg::Translation3D(localToGlobalTransf(gasGap).translation());
628 #ifndef NDEBUG
629  MsgStream log(Athena::getMessageSvc(), "CscReadoutElement");
630  if (log.level() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
631  log << MSG::DEBUG << "nominalTransform+++++++++++Original Tranformation ++++++++++++++++++++++" << endmsg;
632  log << MSG::DEBUG << (transfPtr_orig)(0, 0) << " " << (transfPtr_orig)(0, 1) << " " << (transfPtr_orig)(0, 2) << " "
633  << (transfPtr_orig)(0, 3) << endmsg;
634  log << MSG::DEBUG << (transfPtr_orig)(1, 0) << " " << (transfPtr_orig)(1, 1) << " " << (transfPtr_orig)(1, 2) << " "
635  << (transfPtr_orig)(1, 3) << endmsg;
636  log << MSG::DEBUG << (transfPtr_orig)(2, 0) << " " << (transfPtr_orig)(2, 1) << " " << (transfPtr_orig)(2, 2) << " "
637  << (transfPtr_orig)(2, 3) << endmsg;
638  log << MSG::DEBUG << "+++++ transf ends " << endmsg;
639  }
640 #endif
641  return transfPtr_orig;
642  }

◆ normal() [1/3]

const Amg::Vector3D & MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement::normal ( ) const

Return the normal of the element.

Implements Trk::TrkDetElementBase.

Definition at line 126 of file MuonClusterReadoutElement.h.

126 { return normal(0); }

◆ normal() [2/3]

const Amg::Vector3D & MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement::normal ( const Identifier id) const

Return the normal of the surface associated with this identifier In the case of silicon it returns the same as normal()

Implements Trk::TrkDetElementBase.

Definition at line 132 of file MuonClusterReadoutElement.h.

132 { return normal(layerHash(id)); }

◆ normal() [3/3]

const Amg::Vector3D & MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement::normal ( int  layHash) const

Definition at line 173 of file MuonClusterReadoutElement.h.

173  {
174  if (!m_surfaceData) {
175  ATH_MSG_FATAL(__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" "<<__func__<<" Requesting normal but cache is empty");
176  throw std::runtime_error("Empty normal cache");
177  }
178  if (hash == -1 || hash >= (int)m_surfaceData->m_layerNormals.size()) {
179  ATH_MSG_WARNING("normal hash out of range: " << hash << " elements " << m_surfaceData->m_layerNormals.size());
180  return m_surfaceData->m_layerNormals.front();
181  }
182  return m_surfaceData->m_layerNormals[hash];
183  }

◆ NphiStripLayers()

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::NphiStripLayers ( ) const

Definition at line 310 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

310 { return m_ngasgaps; }

◆ NphiStrips()

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::NphiStrips ( int  gasgaplayer) const

Definition at line 314 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

314 { return m_nPhistripsperlayer; }

◆ numberOfLayers()

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::numberOfLayers ( bool  ) const

number of layers in phi/eta projection

Implements MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement.

Definition at line 328 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

328 { return Ngasgaps(); }

◆ numberOfStrips() [1/2]

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::numberOfStrips ( const Identifier layerId) const

number of strips per layer

Implements MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement.

Definition at line 329 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

329 { return NphiStrips(1); }

◆ numberOfStrips() [2/2]

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::numberOfStrips ( int  layer,
) const

Implements MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement.

Definition at line 330 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

330 { return NphiStrips(1); }

◆ originForInternalALines()

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::originForInternalALines ( int  gasGap) const

like tracking center but nominal - returns a Amg::Vector3D not a reference to it

Definition at line 657 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

657 { return nominalCenter(gasGap); }

◆ parentMuonStation()

const MuonStation * MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::parentMuonStation ( ) const

◆ parentMuonStationPos()

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::parentMuonStationPos ( ) const

Definition at line 137 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/src/MuonReadoutElement.cxx.

137  {
138  return parentMuonStation()->getTransform().translation();
139  }

◆ parentStationPV()

PVConstLink MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::parentStationPV ( ) const

◆ refreshCache()

void MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::refreshCache ( )

Definition at line 177 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/src/MuonReadoutElement.cxx.

177  {
178  clearCache();
179  fillCache();
180  }

◆ roxacellWidth()

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::roxacellWidth ( ) const

Definition at line 300 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

300 { return m_roxacellwidth; }

◆ set_first_strip_localcoo()

void MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::set_first_strip_localcoo ( double  )

◆ set_first_wire_localcoo()

void MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::set_first_wire_localcoo ( double  )

◆ set_ngasgaps()

void MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::set_ngasgaps ( int  )

◆ set_nstriplayers()

void MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::set_nstriplayers ( int  )

◆ set_nstripsperlayer()

void MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::set_nstripsperlayer ( int  )

◆ set_nwirelayers()

void MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::set_nwirelayers ( int  )

◆ set_nwiresperlayer()

void MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::set_nwiresperlayer ( int  )

◆ set_strippitch()

void MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::set_strippitch ( double  )

◆ set_stripwidth()

void MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::set_stripwidth ( double  )

◆ set_wirepitch()

void MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::set_wirepitch ( double  )

◆ setChamberLayer()

void MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::setChamberLayer ( int  cl)

Definition at line 292 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

292 { m_chamberlayer = cl; }

◆ setCscInternalAlignmentPar()

void MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::setCscInternalAlignmentPar ( const ALinePar x)

Definition at line 572 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

572  {
573  // get id helper
574  const CscIdHelper& idh{idHelperSvc()->cscIdHelper()};
575  const int wlayer = idh.wireLayer(x.identify());
576  const bool notAllowedLayer = (wlayer > 4 || wlayer <1);
579  if (idh.elementID(x.identify()) != idh.elementID(identify()) || notAllowedLayer) {
580  ATH_MSG_WARNING("Trying to set the following CSC internal A-line " << x << " for Csc readout Element " << idHelperSvc()->toString(identify())
581  << "Inconsistent CSC int. Aline assignment - Internal alignment will not be applied ");
582  return;
583  }
584  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Set internal alignment parameter "<<x);
585  using Parameter = ALinePar::Parameter;
586  m_cscIntTransl[wlayer - 1][0] = x.getParameter(Parameter::transS);
587  m_cscIntTransl[wlayer - 1][1] = x.getParameter(Parameter::transZ);
588  m_cscIntTransl[wlayer - 1][2] = x.getParameter(Parameter::transT);
589  m_cscIntRot[wlayer - 1][0] =x.getParameter(Parameter::rotS);
590  m_cscIntRot[wlayer - 1][1] =x.getParameter(Parameter::rotZ);
591  m_cscIntRot[wlayer - 1][2] =x.getParameter(Parameter::rotT);
593  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
594  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("<CscReadoutElement::setCscInternalAlignmentPar()>: m_cscIntTransl[" << (wlayer - 1) << "][" << j
595  << "]: " << m_cscIntTransl[(wlayer - 1)][j]);
596  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("<CscReadoutElement::setCscInternalAlignmentPar()>: m_cscIntRot[" << (wlayer - 1) << "][" << j
597  << "]: " << m_cscIntRot[(wlayer - 1)][j]);
598  }
599  }

◆ setHasCutouts()

void MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::setHasCutouts ( bool  flag)

◆ setIdentifier()

void MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::setIdentifier ( const Identifier id)

Sets the Identifier, hashes & station names.

Definition at line 156 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/src/MuonReadoutElement.cxx.

156  {
157  m_id = id;
158  if (!m_idHelperSvc->isMuon(id)) {
159  ATH_MSG_FATAL("The Identifier "<<m_idHelperSvc->toString(id)<<" is not a muon one.");
160  throw std::runtime_error("Invalid Identifier set");
161  }
162  m_stIdx = m_idHelperSvc->stationName(id);
163  m_eta = m_idHelperSvc->stationEta(id);
164  m_phi = m_idHelperSvc->stationPhi(id);
165  m_idhash = m_idHelperSvc->moduleHash(id);
166  m_detectorElIdhash = m_idHelperSvc->detElementHash(id);
167  }

◆ setIndexOfREinMuonStation()

void MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::setIndexOfREinMuonStation ( )

Definition at line 104 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/src/MuonReadoutElement.cxx.

104  {
105  PVConstLink par = parentStationPV();
106  if (par == PVConstLink(nullptr)) {
107  ATH_MSG_FATAL(__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" No parent station found for "<<m_idHelperSvc->toStringDetEl(identify()));
108  throw std::runtime_error("Parent station is a nullptr");
109  }
110  Query<unsigned int> c = par->indexOf(getMaterialGeom());
111  if (c.isValid()) {
113  } else
115  }

◆ setLevel()

void AthMessaging::setLevel ( MSG::Level  lvl)

Change the current logging level.

Use this rather than msg().setLevel() for proper operation with MT.

Definition at line 28 of file AthMessaging.cxx.

29 {
30  m_lvl = lvl;
31 }

◆ setLongRsize()

void MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::setLongRsize ( double  v)

◆ setLongSsize()

void MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::setLongSsize ( double  v)

◆ setLongZsize()

void MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::setLongZsize ( double  v)

◆ setParentMuonStation()

void MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::setParentMuonStation ( const MuonStation mstat)

Definition at line 128 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/src/MuonReadoutElement.cxx.

128  {
129  m_parentMuonStation = mstat;
130  if (mstat->getPhysVol()) {
131  setParentStationPV(mstat->getPhysVol());
132  }
133  }

◆ setParentStationPV() [1/2]

void MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::setParentStationPV ( )

Definition at line 77 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/src/MuonReadoutElement.cxx.

77  {
78  if (m_parentStationPV) return;
80  std::string::size_type npos;
81  PVConstLink pStat = PVConstLink(nullptr);
82  PVConstLink myphysvol(getMaterialGeom());
84  std::string name = (myphysvol->getLogVol())->getName();
85  if ((npos = name.find("Station")) != std::string::npos) {
86  pStat = myphysvol;
87  } else {
88  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
89  pStat = myphysvol->getParent();
90  if (pStat == PVConstLink(nullptr)) break;
91  name = (pStat->getLogVol())->getName();
92  if ((npos = name.find("Station")) != std::string::npos) { break; }
93  myphysvol = pStat;
94  }
95  }
96  m_parentStationPV = pStat;
98  }

◆ setParentStationPV() [2/2]

void MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::setParentStationPV ( const PVConstLink &  x)

◆ setRsize()

void MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::setRsize ( double  v)

◆ setSsize()

void MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::setSsize ( double  v)

◆ setStationName()

void MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::setStationName ( const std::string &  str)

◆ setStationS()

void MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::setStationS ( double  v)

◆ setTechnologyName()

void MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::setTechnologyName ( const std::string &  str)

◆ setZsize()

void MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::setZsize ( double  v)

◆ shortWidth()

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::shortWidth ( ) const

Definition at line 294 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

294 { return getSsize(); }

◆ sideA()

bool MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::sideA ( ) const

◆ sideC()

bool MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::sideC ( ) const

◆ sinStereo()

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::sinStereo ( const Identifier stripId) const

Definition at line 501 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

501  {
502  // sin stero for R-strips
503  Amg::Vector3D posStrip = stripPos(id);
504  const CscIdHelper* idh = manager()->cscIdHelper();
505  int measPhi = idh->measuresPhi(id);
506  if (measPhi == 0) return 1.0;
508  // return zero for phi strips in layout P
509  // std::string gVersion = manager()->geometryVersion();
511  // sin stero for phi strips in layout Q and above
512  int eta = idh->stationEta(id);
513  int chamberLayer = idh->chamberLayer(id);
514  int wireLayer = idh->wireLayer(id);
515  int strip = maxNumberOfStrips(measPhi) / 2;
516  Amg::Vector3D etaAxis = stripPos(eta, chamberLayer, wireLayer, measPhi, strip);
517  double sinstero = (posStrip.y() * etaAxis.x() - posStrip.x() * etaAxis.y()) / (posStrip.perp() * etaAxis.perp());
518  return sinstero;
519  }

◆ smallSector()

bool MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::smallSector ( ) const

Definition at line 67 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/src/MuonReadoutElement.cxx.

67  {
68  // this doesn't apply to TGC
69  return (!largeSector());
70  }

◆ spacePointPosition() [1/3]

void MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::spacePointPosition ( const Amg::Vector2D phiPos,
const Amg::Vector2D etaPos,
Amg::Vector2D pos 
) const

space point position for a pair of phi and eta local positions and a layer identifier The LocalPosition is expressed in the reference frame of the phi projection.

Definition at line 339 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

339  {
340  pos[0] = phiPos.x();
341  pos[1] = etaPos.x();
342  }

◆ spacePointPosition() [2/3]

bool MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::spacePointPosition ( const Identifier phiId,
const Identifier etaId,
Amg::Vector2D pos 
) const

space point position for a given pair of phi and eta identifiers The LocalPosition is expressed in the reference frame of the phi projection.

If one of the identifiers is outside the valid range, the function will return false

Implements MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement.

Definition at line 763 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

763  {
764  Amg::Vector2D phiPos;
765  Amg::Vector2D etaPos;
766  if (!stripPosition(phiId, phiPos) || !stripPosition(etaId, etaPos)) return false;
767  spacePointPosition(phiPos, etaPos, pos);
768  return true;
769  }

◆ spacePointPosition() [3/3]

bool MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::spacePointPosition ( const Identifier phiId,
const Identifier etaId,
Amg::Vector3D pos 
) const

Global space point position for a given pair of phi and eta identifiers If one of the identifiers is outside the valid range, the function will return false.

Implements MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement.

Definition at line 332 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

332  {
333  Amg::Vector2D lpos;
334  spacePointPosition(phiId, etaId, lpos);
335  surface(phiId).localToGlobal(lpos, pos, pos);
336  return true;
337  }

◆ stripLayerPos() [1/3]

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::stripLayerPos ( const Identifier id) const

Definition at line 547 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

547  {
548  const CscIdHelper* idh = manager()->cscIdHelper();
549  int chamberLayer = idh->chamberLayer(id);
550  int wireLayer = idh->wireLayer(id);
551  int measuresPhi = idh->measuresPhi(id);
552  int strip = idh->strip(id);
553  return stripLayerPos(chamberLayer, wireLayer, measuresPhi, strip);
554  }

◆ stripLayerPos() [2/3]

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::stripLayerPos ( const IdentifierHash id) const

Definition at line 556 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

556  {
557  Identifier id;
558  const CscIdHelper* idh = manager()->cscIdHelper();
559  IdContext context = idh->channel_context();
560  if (!idh->get_id(hash, id, &context))
561  return stripLayerPos(id);
562  else
563  return Amg::Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
564  }

◆ stripLayerPos() [3/3]

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::stripLayerPos ( int  chamberLayer,
int  wireLayer,
int  measPhi,
int  channel 
) const

Definition at line 566 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

566  {
567  Amg::Vector3D localP = localStripLayerPos(chamberLayer, wireLayer, measPhi, channel);
568  const Amg::Transform3D cscTrans = absTransform();
569  return cscTrans * localP;
570  }

◆ stripLength() [1/2]

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::stripLength ( const Identifier id) const

Definition at line 282 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

282  {
283  const CscIdHelper* idh = manager()->cscIdHelper();
284  int chamberLayer = idh->chamberLayer(id);
285  int measPhi = idh->measuresPhi(id);
286  int channel = idh->strip(id);
287  double epsilon;
288  return stripLength(chamberLayer, measPhi, channel, epsilon);
289  }

◆ stripLength() [2/2]

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::stripLength ( int  chamberLayer,
int  measuresPhi,
int  stripNumber,
double &  epsilon 
) const

Definition at line 292 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

292  {
293  double stripWidth = cathodeReadoutPitch(chamberLayer, measuresPhi);
294  int numberOfStrips = maxNumberOfStrips(measuresPhi, stripWidth);
296  double chamberLength = length() - 2 * roxacellWidth();
297  double beta = std::atan((longWidth() - shortWidth()) / (2. * lengthUpToMaxWidth()));
299  double smallWidth = shortWidth() - 2 * roxacellWidth() * (1.0 - std::sin(beta)) / std::cos(beta);
300  double bigWidth = longWidth() - 2 * roxacellWidth() * (1.0 + std::sin(beta)) / std::cos(beta);
301  double gslWidth{0.}, sLength{0.};
303  double alpha = std::atan((excent() - lengthUpToMaxWidth()) / (longWidth() / 2.));
304  if (length() != lengthUpToMaxWidth()) {
305  double shortLongWidth = longWidth() * (excent() - length()) / (excent() - lengthUpToMaxWidth());
306  gslWidth = shortLongWidth - 2 * roxacellWidth() * (1 - std::cos(alpha)) / std::sin(alpha);
307  bigWidth = 2 * (chamberLength + 0.5 * smallWidth / std::tan(beta) + 0.5 * gslWidth * std::tan(alpha)) /
308  (std::tan(alpha) + 1.0 / std::tan(beta));
309  }
311  double pos = stripWidth * (stripNumber - 0.5 - numberOfStrips / 2.0);
312  epsilon = lengthCorrection(measuresPhi, pos);
313  double stripPos = std::abs(pos);
315  if (measuresPhi == 0) {
316  double effectiveLength = stripWidth * numberOfStrips;
317  sLength = 2.0 * (effectiveLength / 2.0 + pos) * std::tan(beta) + smallWidth;
318  } else {
319  if (stripPos <= (smallWidth / 2.0))
320  sLength = chamberLength;
321  else {
322  double diff = stripPos - smallWidth / 2.0;
323  if (length() != lengthUpToMaxWidth()) {
324  double shortLength = chamberLength - (bigWidth - gslWidth) * std::tan(alpha) / 2.;
325  sLength = chamberLength - 2.0 * diff * shortLength / (bigWidth - smallWidth);
326  } else
327  sLength = chamberLength * (1.0 - 2.0 * diff / (bigWidth - smallWidth));
328  }
329  }
330  return (sLength - epsilon);
331  }

◆ stripNumber()

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::stripNumber ( const Amg::Vector2D pos,
const Identifier id 
) const

strip number corresponding to local position.

If the local position is outside the active volume, the function first shift the position back into the active volume

Implements MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement.

Definition at line 745 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

745  {
746  MsgStream log(Athena::getMessageSvc(), "CscReadoutElement");
747  if (log.level() <= MSG::WARNING) log << MSG::WARNING << " stripNumber::dummy routine " << endmsg;
748  return 1;
749  }

◆ StripPitch() [1/2]

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::StripPitch ( int  chlayer,
int  measphi 
) const

Definition at line 265 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

265  {
266  // assume StripWidth = StripPitch
267  double width = cathodeReadoutPitch(chlayer, measphi);
268  return width;
269  }

◆ StripPitch() [2/2]

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::StripPitch ( int  measphi) const

Definition at line 275 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

275  {
276  // assume StripWidth = StripPitch
277  double width = cathodeReadoutPitch(measphi);
278  return width;
279  }

◆ stripPos() [1/2]

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::stripPos ( const Identifier id) const

takes into account internal alignment parameters, hence gives accurate answer

Definition at line 227 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

227  {
228  const CscIdHelper* idh = manager()->cscIdHelper();
229  int eta = idh->stationEta(id);
230  int chamberLayer = idh->chamberLayer(id);
231  int wireLayer = idh->wireLayer(id);
232  int measPhi = idh->measuresPhi(id);
233  int channel = idh->strip(id);
234  return stripPos(eta, chamberLayer, wireLayer, measPhi, channel);
235  }

◆ stripPos() [2/2]

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::stripPos ( int  eta,
int  chamberLayer,
int  wireLayer,
int  measPhi,
int  channel 
) const

takes into account internal alignment parameters, hence gives accurate answer

Definition at line 246 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

246  {
247  // const Amg::Vector3D localP = nominalLocalStripPos(eta, chamberLayer, wireLayer,
248  // measPhi, channel);
249  const Amg::Vector3D localP = localStripPos(eta, chamberLayer, wireLayer, measPhi, channel);
250  const Amg::Transform3D cscTrans = absTransform();
251  return cscTrans * localP;
252  }

◆ stripPosition()

bool MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::stripPosition ( const Identifier id,
Amg::Vector2D pos 
) const

strip position If the strip number is outside the range of valid strips, the function will return false

please don't copy the inefficient code below!! Look at the RpcReadoutElement for a proper implementation

Implements MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement.

Definition at line 751 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

751  {
753  Amg::Vector3D gpos = stripPos(id);
754  if (!surface(id).globalToLocal(gpos, gpos, pos)) {
755  MsgStream log(Athena::getMessageSvc(), "CscReadoutElement");
756  if (log.level() <= MSG::WARNING)
757  log << MSG::WARNING << " stripPosition:: globalToLocal failed " << surface(id).transform().inverse() * gpos << endmsg;
758  return false;
759  }
760  return true;
761  }

◆ stripPosOnTrackingSurface() [1/2]

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::stripPosOnTrackingSurface ( const Identifier id) const

nominal strip pos in the tracking local frame of the measurement surface

Definition at line 643 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

643  {
644  const CscIdHelper* idh = manager()->cscIdHelper();
645  return stripPosOnTrackingSurface(idh->stationEta(id), idh->chamberLayer(id), idh->wireLayer(id), idh->measuresPhi(id),
646  idh->strip(id));
647  }

◆ stripPosOnTrackingSurface() [2/2]

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::stripPosOnTrackingSurface ( int  eta,
int  chamberLayer,
int  wireLayer,
int  measPhi,
int  channel 
) const

nominal strip pos in the tracking local frame of the measurement surface

Definition at line 648 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

648  {
649  Amg::Vector3D nP = nominalLocalStripPos(eta, chamberLayer, wireLayer, measPhi, channel);
651  if (measPhi == 1)
652  return Amg::Vector3D(nP.y(), 0., 0.);
653  else
654  return Amg::Vector3D(nP.z(), 0., 0.);
655  }

◆ StripWidth() [1/2]

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::StripWidth ( int  chlayer,
int  measphi 
) const

Definition at line 260 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

260  {
261  // assume StripWidth = StripPitch
262  double width = cathodeReadoutPitch(chlayer, measphi);
263  return width;
264  }

◆ StripWidth() [2/2]

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::StripWidth ( int  measphi) const

Definition at line 270 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

270  {
271  // assume StripWidth = StripPitch
272  double width = cathodeReadoutPitch(measphi);
273  return width;
274  }

◆ surface() [1/3]

const Trk::PlaneSurface & MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement::surface ( ) const

access to chamber surface (phi orientation), uses the first gas gap

Implements Trk::TrkDetElementBase.

Definition at line 123 of file MuonClusterReadoutElement.h.

123 { return surface(0); }

◆ surface() [2/3]

const Trk::PlaneSurface & MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement::surface ( const Identifier id) const

access to layer surfaces

Implements Trk::TrkDetElementBase.

Definition at line 129 of file MuonClusterReadoutElement.h.

129 { return surface(surfaceHash(id)); }

◆ surface() [3/3]

const Trk::PlaneSurface & MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement::surface ( int  surfHash) const

access to layer surfaces

Definition at line 135 of file MuonClusterReadoutElement.h.

135  {
136  if (!m_surfaceData) {
137  ATH_MSG_FATAL(__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" "<<__func__<<" Requesting surface but cache is empty");
138  throw std::runtime_error("Empty surface cache");
139  }
140  if (hash == -1 || hash >= (int)m_surfaceData->m_layerSurfaces.size()) {
141  ATH_MSG_WARNING(" surface hash out of range: " << hash << " elements "
142  << m_surfaceData->m_layerSurfaces.size());
143  return *m_surfaceData->m_layerSurfaces.front();
144  }
145  return *m_surfaceData->m_layerSurfaces[hash];
146  }

◆ surfaceHash()

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::surfaceHash ( const Identifier id) const

returns the hash function to be used to look up the surface and surface transform for a given identifier

Implements MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement.

Definition at line 320 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

320  {
321  return 2 * (manager()->cscIdHelper()->wireLayer(id) - 1) + (manager()->cscIdHelper()->measuresPhi(id) ? 0 : 1);
322  }

◆ surfaces()

std::vector< const Trk::Surface * > MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement::surfaces ( ) const

returns all the surfaces contained in this detector element

Definition at line 197 of file MuonClusterReadoutElement.h.

197  {
198  std::vector<const Trk::Surface*> elementSurfaces;
200  // create when first time requested and when possible
201  if (m_surfaceData) {
202  elementSurfaces.reserve(m_surfaceData->m_layerSurfaces.size());
203  for (const std::unique_ptr<Trk::PlaneSurface>& ptr : m_surfaceData->m_layerSurfaces) {
204  elementSurfaces.emplace_back(ptr.get());
205  }
206  }
207  // return the element surfaces
208  return elementSurfaces;
209  }

◆ toParentStation()

Amg::Transform3D MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::toParentStation ( ) const

Definition at line 117 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/src/MuonReadoutElement.cxx.

117  {
118  PVConstLink par = parentStationPV();
119  if (par == PVConstLink(nullptr)) {
120  ATH_MSG_FATAL(__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" No parent station found for "<<m_idHelperSvc->toStringDetEl(identify()));
121  throw std::runtime_error("Parent station is a nullptr");
122  }
124  if (m_indexOfREinMuonStation >= 0) return par->getXToChildVol((unsigned int)m_indexOfREinMuonStation);
125  return GeoTrf::Transform3D::Identity();
126  }

◆ transform() [1/3]

const Amg::Transform3D & MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement::transform ( ) const

Return local to global transform.

Implements Trk::TrkDetElementBase.

Definition at line 124 of file MuonClusterReadoutElement.h.

124 { return transform(0); }

◆ transform() [2/3]

const Amg::Transform3D & MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement::transform ( const Identifier id) const

Return local to global transform associated with this identifier.

Implements Trk::TrkDetElementBase.

Definition at line 130 of file MuonClusterReadoutElement.h.

130 { return transform(surfaceHash(id)); }

◆ transform() [3/3]

const Amg::Transform3D & MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement::transform ( int  surfHash) const

Definition at line 148 of file MuonClusterReadoutElement.h.

148  {
149  if (!m_surfaceData) {
150  ATH_MSG_FATAL(__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" "<<__func__<<" Requesting transform but cache is empty");
151  throw std::runtime_error("Empty transform cache");
152  }
153  if (hash == -1 || hash >= (int)m_surfaceData->m_layerTransforms.size()) {
154  ATH_MSG_WARNING("transform hash out of range: " << hash << " elements "
155  << m_surfaceData->m_layerTransforms.size());
156  return m_surfaceData->m_layerTransforms.front();
157  }
158  return m_surfaceData->m_layerTransforms[hash];
159  }

◆ wireLayerPos() [1/2]

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::wireLayerPos ( const Identifier id) const

Definition at line 131 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

131  {
132  const CscIdHelper* idh = manager()->cscIdHelper();
133  int gasgap = idh->wireLayer(id);
134  return wireLayerPos(gasgap);
135  }

◆ wireLayerPos() [2/2]

Amg::Vector3D MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::wireLayerPos ( int  gg) const

Definition at line 137 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

137  {
138  const Amg::Vector3D localP = localWireLayerPos(gg);
139  const Amg::Transform3D cscTrans = absTransform();
140 #ifndef NDEBUG
141  MsgStream log(Athena::getMessageSvc(), "CscReadoutElement");
142  if (log.level() <= MSG::VERBOSE) log << "CscReadoutElement::wireLayerPos got localWireLayerPos " << localP << endmsg;
143 #endif
144  return cscTrans * localP;
145  }

◆ xCoordinateInTrackingFrame()

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::xCoordinateInTrackingFrame ( const Identifier id) const

Definition at line 462 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

462  {
463  const CscIdHelper* idh = manager()->cscIdHelper();
464  int eta = idh->stationEta(id);
465  int chamberLayer = idh->chamberLayer(id);
466  bool measPhi = idh->measuresPhi(id);
467  int strip = idh->strip(id);
468  // get some necessary parameters
469  double stripWidth = cathodeReadoutPitch(chamberLayer, measPhi);
470  int nStrips = maxNumberOfStrips(measPhi, stripWidth);
471  double pos = stripWidth * (strip - 0.5 - nStrips / 2.0);
472  if (eta > 0 && measPhi) pos *= -1;
473  return pos;
474  }

◆ z0()

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::z0 ( ) const

Definition at line 187 of file CscReadoutElement.cxx.

187  {
188  double beta = std::atan((longWidth() - shortWidth()) / (2. * lengthUpToMaxWidth()));
189  double sWidth = shortWidth() - 2 * roxacellWidth() * (1 - std::sin(beta)) / std::cos(beta);
190  double lWidth = longWidth() - 2 * roxacellWidth() * (1 + std::sin(beta)) / std::cos(beta);
191  if (lengthUpToMaxWidth() == length()) {
192  double realLength = lengthUpToMaxWidth() - 2 * roxacellWidth();
193  return (realLength * sWidth / (lWidth - sWidth));
194  } else {
195  double bigLength = length() - 2 * roxacellWidth();
196  double alpha = std::atan((excent() - lengthUpToMaxWidth()) / (longWidth() / 2.));
197  double shortLongWidth = longWidth() * (excent() - length()) / (excent() - lengthUpToMaxWidth());
198  double gslWidth = shortLongWidth - 2 * roxacellWidth() * (1 - std::cos(alpha)) / std::sin(alpha);
199  lWidth = 2 * (bigLength + 0.5 * sWidth / std::tan(beta) + 0.5 * gslWidth * std::tan(alpha)) /
200  (std::tan(alpha) + 1.0 / std::tan(beta));
201  double shortLength = bigLength - (lWidth - gslWidth) * std::tan(alpha) / 2.;
202  return (shortLength * sWidth / (lWidth - sWidth));
203  }
204  }

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ Muon::CombinedMuonAlignModule

friend class Muon::CombinedMuonAlignModule

Definition at line 58 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ Muon::CscAlignModule

friend class Muon::CscAlignModule

Definition at line 57 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ MuonChamber

friend class MuonChamber

Definition at line 59 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ MuonChamberLite

friend class MuonChamberLite

Definition at line 60 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

Member Data Documentation


std::atomic_flag m_initialized AthMessaging::ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT

Messaging initialized (initMessaging)

Definition at line 141 of file AthMessaging.h.

◆ m_anodecathode_distance

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_anodecathode_distance {-9999.}

Definition at line 268 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_caching

int MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_caching {-1}

0 if we want to avoid caching geometry info for tracking interface

Definition at line 156 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_chamberlayer

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_chamberlayer {-1}

Definition at line 269 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_cscIntRot

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_cscIntRot[4][3] {}

Definition at line 287 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_cscIntTransl

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_cscIntTransl[4][3] {}

Definition at line 286 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_detectorElIdhash

IdentifierHash MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_detectorElIdhash {0}

detector element hash identifier

Definition at line 167 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_eta

int MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_eta {-1}

Identifier field of the station eta.

Definition at line 175 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_Etastrippitch

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_Etastrippitch {-9999.}

Definition at line 279 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_Etastripwidth

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_Etastripwidth {-9999.}

Definition at line 278 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_excent

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_excent {-9999.}

Definition at line 265 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_first_strip_localcoo

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_first_strip_localcoo {-9999.}

Definition at line 281 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_first_wire_localcoo

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_first_wire_localcoo {-9999.}

Definition at line 282 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_hasCutouts

bool MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_hasCutouts {false}

true is there are cutouts in the readdout-element

Definition at line 158 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_id

Identifier MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_id {0}

extended data-collection identifier

Definition at line 165 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_idhash

IdentifierHash MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_idhash {0}

data-collection hash identifier

Definition at line 166 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_idHelperSvc

ServiceHandle<Muon::IMuonIdHelperSvc> MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_idHelperSvc {"Muon::MuonIdHelperSvc/MuonIdHelperSvc", "MuonDetectorManager"}

◆ m_imsg

std::atomic<IMessageSvc*> AthMessaging::m_imsg { nullptr }

MessageSvc pointer.

Definition at line 135 of file AthMessaging.h.

◆ m_indexOfREinMuonStation

int MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_indexOfREinMuonStation {-999}

index of this RE in the mother MuonStation

Definition at line 169 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_LongRsize

double MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_LongRsize {-9999.}

◆ m_LongSsize

double MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_LongSsize {-9999.}

◆ m_LongZsize

double MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_LongZsize {-9999.}

size in the specified direction

Definition at line 148 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_lvl

std::atomic<MSG::Level> AthMessaging::m_lvl { MSG::NIL }

Current logging level.

Definition at line 138 of file AthMessaging.h.

◆ m_msg_tls

boost::thread_specific_ptr<MsgStream> AthMessaging::m_msg_tls

MsgStream instance (a std::cout like with print-out levels)

Definition at line 132 of file AthMessaging.h.

◆ m_muon_mgr

MuonDetectorManager* MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_muon_mgr {nullptr}

◆ m_nEtastripsperlayer

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_nEtastripsperlayer {-1}

Definition at line 274 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_ngasgaps

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_ngasgaps {-1}

Definition at line 270 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_nm

std::string AthMessaging::m_nm

Message source name.

Definition at line 129 of file AthMessaging.h.

◆ m_nPhistripsperlayer

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_nPhistripsperlayer {-1}

Definition at line 273 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_nstriplayers

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_nstriplayers {-1}

Definition at line 271 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_nwirelayers

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_nwirelayers {-1}

Definition at line 272 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_nwiresperlayer

int MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_nwiresperlayer {-1}

Definition at line 275 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_parentMuonStation

const MuonStation* MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_parentMuonStation {nullptr}

◆ m_parentStationPV

PVConstLink MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_parentStationPV {nullptr}

◆ m_phi

int MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_phi {-1}

Identifier field of the station phi.

Definition at line 177 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_Phistrippitch

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_Phistrippitch {-9999.}

Definition at line 277 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_Phistripwidth

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_Phistripwidth {-9999.}

Definition at line 276 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_RlengthUpToMaxWidth

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_RlengthUpToMaxWidth {-9999.}

Definition at line 267 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_roxacellwidth

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_roxacellwidth {-9999.}

Definition at line 266 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_Rsize

double MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_Rsize {-9999.}

◆ m_Ssize

double MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_Ssize {-9999.}

◆ m_stationS

double MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_stationS {0.}

◆ m_statname

std::string MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_statname {"XXX0"}

examples are BMS5, CSS1, EML1

Definition at line 154 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_stIdx

int MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_stIdx {-1}

Identifier field of the station index.

Definition at line 173 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_surfaceData

std::unique_ptr<SurfaceData> MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement::m_surfaceData {}

Definition at line 120 of file MuonClusterReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_techname

std::string MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_techname {"TTT0"}

MDT or RPC or TGC or CSC plus a two digits subtype; example RPC17.

Definition at line 152 of file MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_type

Trk::DetectorElemType MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_type {Trk::DetectorElemType::SolidState}

◆ m_wirepitch

double MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_wirepitch {-9999.}

Definition at line 280 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_wireplanez

std::array<double, maxwlay> MuonGM::CscReadoutElement::m_wireplanez {make_array<double, maxwlay>(-9999.)}

Definition at line 283 of file CscReadoutElement.h.

◆ m_Zsize

double MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement::m_Zsize {-9999.}

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
std::atomic< MSG::Level > m_lvl
Current logging level.
Definition: AthMessaging.h:138
virtual const Amg::Transform3D & transform() const override
Return local to global transform.
Definition: MuonClusterReadoutElement.h:124
list gasGap
virtual Amg::Transform3D AmdbLRSToGlobalTransform() const
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/src/MuonReadoutElement.cxx:145
#define ATH_MSG_FATAL(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:34
Amg::Vector3D wireLayerPos(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:131
std::string m_statname
examples are BMS5, CSS1, EML1
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:154
double anodeCathodeDistance() const
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:306
const Amg::Transform3D & absTransform() const
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:210
double m_anodecathode_distance
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:268
std::array< double, maxwlay > m_wireplanez
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:283
def p
Identifier m_id
extended data-collection identifier
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:165
std::string m_techname
MDT or RPC or TGC or CSC plus a two digits subtype; example RPC17.
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:152
double m_Zsize
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:145
MuonClusterReadoutElement(GeoVFullPhysVol *pv, MuonDetectorManager *mgr, Trk::DetectorElemType detType)
Definition: MuonClusterReadoutElement.cxx:8
virtual const Amg::Vector3D & normal() const override
Return the normal of the element.
Definition: MuonClusterReadoutElement.h:126
virtual int get_id(const IdentifierHash &hash_id, Identifier &id, const IdContext *context=0) const override
Create compact id from hash id (return == 0 for OK)
Definition: MuonIdHelper.cxx:69
double m_LongRsize
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:147
int m_eta
Identifier field of the station eta.
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:175
IdentifierHash m_detectorElIdhash
detector element hash identifier
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:167
double excent() const
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:304
virtual const Amg::Vector3D & center() const override
Return the center of the element.
Definition: MuonClusterReadoutElement.h:125
double m_cscIntTransl[4][3]
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:286
virtual void fillCache()=0
double m_RlengthUpToMaxWidth
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:267
IdContext channel_context() const
id for channel
Definition: MuonIdHelper.cxx:745
Amg::Vector3D localWireLayerPos(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:120
@ Tgc
Scalar eta() const
pseudorapidity method
Definition: AmgMatrixBasePlugin.h:79
double lengthUpToMaxWidth() const
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:302
Eigen::Matrix< double, 2, 1 > Vector2D
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:48
Amg::Vector3D nominalLocalClusterPos(int eta, int wireLayer, int measPhi, double x0) const
ignores internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally incorrect answer (local here is the stat...
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:410
int m_ngasgaps
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:270
bool largeSector() const
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/src/MuonReadoutElement.cxx:49
virtual Amg::Transform3D GlobalToAmdbLRSTransform() const
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/src/MuonReadoutElement.cxx:153
int ChamberLayer() const
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:290
Amg::Transform3D getTransform() const
Definition: MuonStation.h:169
double m_Ssize
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:143
virtual void clearCache() override final
clear the cache of the readout elememt
Definition: MuonClusterReadoutElement.cxx:13
Amg::Vector3D nominalLocalStripPos(const Identifier &id) const
ignores internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally incorrect answer (local here is the stat...
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:216
#define M_PI
Definition: ActiveFraction.h:11
void setParentStationPV()
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/src/MuonReadoutElement.cxx:77
Amg::Vector3D stripLayerPos(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:547
const MuonStation * m_parentMuonStation
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:180
Trk::DetectorElemType m_type
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:164
virtual bool spacePointPosition(const Identifier &phiId, const Identifier &etaId, Amg::Vector2D &pos) const override
space point position for a given pair of phi and eta identifiers The LocalPosition is expressed in th...
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:763
double m_stationS
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:171
double getLongSsize() const
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:199
double length() const
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:296
std::atomic< IMessageSvc * > m_imsg
MessageSvc pointer.
Definition: AthMessaging.h:135
#define x
virtual int boundaryHash(const Identifier &id) const =0
returns the hash function to be used to look up the surface boundary for a given identifier
int ms
virtual const Trk::PlaneSurface & surface() const override
access to chamber surface (phi orientation), uses the first gas gap
Definition: MuonClusterReadoutElement.h:123
void setIndexOfREinMuonStation()
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/src/MuonReadoutElement.cxx:104
IMessageSvc * getMessageSvc(bool quiet=false)
Definition: getMessageSvc.cxx:20
double stripLength(int chamberLayer, int measuresPhi, int stripNumber, double &epsilon) const
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:292
double m_excent
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:265
@ Csc
double z0() const
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:187
Amg::Vector3D stripPosOnTrackingSurface(const Identifier &id) const
nominal strip pos in the tracking local frame of the measurement surface
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:643
virtual DetectorElemType detectorType() const =0
Return the Detector element type.
int m_nPhistripsperlayer
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:273
int m_phi
Identifier field of the station phi.
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:177
const Muon::IMuonIdHelperSvc * idHelperSvc() const
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:136
double getSsize() const
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:196
double shortWidth() const
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:294
int wireLayer(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: CscIdHelper.cxx:772
@ Silicon
int Ngasgaps() const
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:308
double m_Phistrippitch
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:277
double m_roxacellwidth
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:266
std::unique_ptr< SurfaceData > m_surfaceData
Definition: MuonClusterReadoutElement.h:120
int NetaStrips(int gasgaplayer) const
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:316
virtual void clearCache()=0
int maxNumberOfStrips(int measuresPhi) const
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:162
std::string toString(const Translation3D &translation, int precision=4)
Definition: GeoPrimitivesToStringConverter.h:40
Definition: Trigger/TrigConfiguration/TrigConfBase/TrigConfBase/MsgStream.h:21
Identifier parentID(const Identifier &id) const
get parent id from channel id
Definition: CscIdHelper.cxx:758
Amg::Vector3D nominalStripPos(const Identifier &id) const
ignores internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally incorrect answer
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:236
double lengthCorrection(int measuresPhi, double stripPos) const
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:333
@ SolidState
int i
#define z
double m_Rsize
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:144
Amg::Vector3D nominalCenter(int gasGap) const
like tracking center but nominal - returns a Amg::Vector3D not a reference to it
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:656
Amg::Vector3D localStripPos(const Identifier &id) const
takes into account internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally accurate answer (local here i...
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:206
Definition: DetectorDescription/Identifier/Identifier/Identifier.h:32
virtual bool stripPosition(const Identifier &id, Amg::Vector2D &pos) const override final
strip position If the strip number is outside the range of valid strips, the function will return fal...
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:751
#define endmsg
Definition: AnalysisConfig_Ntuple.cxx:63
#define ATH_MSG_DEBUG(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:29
Definition: TrackSurface_v1.cxx:15
Amg::Transform3D localToGlobalTransf(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:108
const MuonStation * parentMuonStation() const
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/src/MuonReadoutElement.cxx:135
bool flag
Eigen::Affine3d Transform3D
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:46
PVConstLink m_parentStationPV
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:179
const Amg::Transform3D & getNativeToAmdbLRS() const
Definition: MuonStation.h:182
const MuonDetectorManager * manager() const
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:204
bool m_hasCutouts
true is there are cutouts in the readdout-element
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:158
MsgStream & msg() const
The standard message stream.
Definition: AthMessaging.h:164
int m_nEtastripsperlayer
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:274
double roxacellWidth() const
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:300
void setStationName(const std::string &)
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/src/MuonReadoutElement.cxx:169
double longWidth() const
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:298
double m_Etastrippitch
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:279
double m_LongSsize
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:146
int nStrips(const MuonGM::TgcReadoutElement &readoutEle, int layer)
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonGeoModelTest/src/GeoModelTgcTest.cxx:46
@ sTgc
virtual int layerHash(const Identifier &id) const =0
returns the hash function to be used to look up the center and the normal of the tracking surface for...
Identifier channelID(int stationName, int stationEta, int stationPhi, int chamberLayer, int wireLayer, int measuresPhi, int strip) const
Definition: CscIdHelper.cxx:706
SG::auxid_t id
Definition: Control/AthContainers/Root/debug.cxx:191
std::string name
Definition: Control/AthContainers/Root/debug.cxx:192
IdentifierHash m_idhash
data-collection hash identifier
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:166
int stationEta(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: MuonIdHelper.cxx:809
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > Vector3D
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:47
double m_LongZsize
size in the specified direction
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:148
Amg::Vector3D localStripLayerPos(const Identifier &id) const
virtual const CscIdHelper & cscIdHelper() const =0
access to CscIdHelper
MuonDetectorManager * m_muon_mgr
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:181
@ MM
#define y
double getRsize() const
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:197
Definition: Sherpa_i/share/common/
@ Rpc
dictionary hash
Definition: CscIdHelper.h:52
#define ATH_MSG_WARNING(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:32
ServiceHandle< Muon::IMuonIdHelperSvc > m_idHelperSvc
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:163
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 3 > RotationMatrix3D
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:49
int strip(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: CscIdHelper.cxx:776
std::string m_nm
Message source name.
Definition: AthMessaging.h:129
#define DEBUG
Definition: page_access.h:11
Eigen::Translation< double, 3 > Translation3D
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:44
Identifier identify() const override final
Returns the ATLAS Identifier of the MuonReadOutElement.
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:184
Amg::Vector3D nominalGlobalPos(const Amg::Vector3D &localP) const
ignores internal alignment parameters, hence gives generally incorrect answer
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:453
Eigen::AngleAxisd AngleAxis3D
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:45
virtual bool measuresPhi(const Identifier &id) const override final
returns whether the given identifier measures phi or not
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:326
int m_indexOfREinMuonStation
index of this RE in the mother MuonStation
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:169
int m_stIdx
Identifier field of the station index.
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:173
Amg::Vector3D stripPos(const Identifier &id) const
takes into account internal alignment parameters, hence gives accurate answer
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:227
bool measuresPhi(const Identifier &id) const override
Definition: CscIdHelper.cxx:774
const CscIdHelper * cscIdHelper() const
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonDetectorManager.h:224
Definition: Control/AthenaCommon/python/
double m_cscIntRot[4][3]
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:287
void initMessaging() const
Initialize our message level and MessageSvc.
Definition: AthMessaging.cxx:39
virtual void localToGlobal(const Amg::Vector2D &locp, const Amg::Vector3D &mom, Amg::Vector3D &glob) const override final
Specified for PlaneSurface: LocalToGlobal method without dynamic memory allocation.
Definition: PlaneSurface.cxx:204
virtual int stripNumber(const Amg::Vector2D &pos, const Identifier &id) const override final
strip number corresponding to local position.
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:745
@ beta
Definition: MuonParamDefs.h:144
boost::thread_specific_ptr< MsgStream > m_msg_tls
MsgStream instance (a std::cout like with print-out levels)
Definition: AthMessaging.h:132
virtual const Trk::SurfaceBounds & bounds() const override
Return the boundaries of the element.
Definition: MuonClusterReadoutElement.h:127
Amg::Transform3D nominalTransform(const Identifier &id) const
like tracking Transform but nominal - returns a transform not a reference to it
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:614
const Amg::Transform3D & transform() const
Returns HepGeom::Transform3D by reference.
class IdContext
Definition: IdContext.h:34
Polygon globalToLocal(const Polygon &pol, float z, const Trk::PlaneSurface &surf)
Definition: GeoUtils.cxx:103
def c
print [x.__class__ for x in toList(dqregion.getSubRegions()) ]
int NphiStrips(int gasgaplayer) const
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:314
PVConstLink parentStationPV() const
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/src/MuonReadoutElement.cxx:100
virtual int surfaceHash(const Identifier &id) const =0
returns the hash function to be used to look up the surface and surface transform for a given identif...
float pc
int chamberLayer(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: CscIdHelper.cxx:770
int getStationEta() const
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutElement.h:193
@ Mdt
int m_chamberlayer
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:269
amdb frame (s, z, t) = chamber frame (y, z, x)
Definition: ALinePar.h:23
virtual int numberOfStrips(const Identifier &layerId) const override final
number of strips per layer
Definition: CscReadoutElement.h:329
double cathodeReadoutPitch(int chLayer, int measuresPhi) const
Definition: CscReadoutElement.cxx:147