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python.parameters.registry.Registry Class Reference

Class to store information about Powheg parameters. More...

Inheritance diagram for python.parameters.registry.Registry:
Collaboration diagram for python.parameters.registry.Registry:

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self)
 Constructor: initialise the registry. More...
def add_default (self, keyword, value, name=None, hidden=False, frozen=False, description="")
 Add a group of default settings for a given keyword. More...
def get_defaults (self, keyword)
 Get default values for a particular keyword. More...
def known_keywords (self)
 Return all known keywords. More...
def __call__ (cls, *args, **kwargs)
 Retrieve the singleton instance, creating if necessary. More...

Static Private Attributes

dictionary __register = {}
dictionary _instances = {}

Detailed Description

Class to store information about Powheg parameters.

James Robinson

Definition at line 9 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

def python.parameters.registry.Registry.__init__ (   self)

Constructor: initialise the registry.

Definition at line 18 of file

18  def __init__(self):
20  """! Constructor: initialise the registry."""
21  #self.add_default("semileptonic", 0, hidden=True, description="WWj decay mode: W->lnu W->jj [1:enabled]") ## parameter with same same already exists, with different default
22  self.add_default("allrad", 0, description="turns on multiple shower scheme. Keeps hardest radiation from production and all resonances. [1:enabled]")
23  self.add_default("alpha", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
24  self.add_default("alphaem", powheg_atlas_common.EW_parameters.alphaem, description="EM coupling")
25  self.add_default("alphaem0", powheg_atlas_common.EW_parameters.alphaem_0, description="EM coupling at 0")
26  self.add_default("alphaem_inv", 1.0 / float(powheg_atlas_common.EW_parameters.alphaem), description="EM coupling reciprocal")
27  self.add_default("alphaem_z", powheg_atlas_common.EW_parameters.alphaem, description="EM coupling at the Z-boson mass")
28  self.add_default("alphaqcd", powheg_atlas_common.EW_parameters.alphaqcd, description="strong coupling")
29  self.add_default("alphas_cutoff_fact", -1, description="strong coupling IR cutoff in MINNLO ")
30  self.add_default("alphas_from_lhapdf", -1, description="get strong coupling from LHAPDF")
31  self.add_default("alphas_from_pdf", -1, description="get strong coupling from LHAPDF")
32  self.add_default("alphaspdf", powheg_atlas_common.EW_parameters.alphaqcd, description="strong coupling")
33  self.add_default("altmap", 0, description="mapping that preserves the relative kinematics of the emitter where possible. [1:enabled]")
34  self.add_default("always_quad", 1, description="compute always using quadruple precision [1:enabled]")
35  self.add_default("angcorr_damp", 0, description="using angular correlations aware damp function [1:enabled]")
36  self.add_default("arXiv:1207.5018", -1, frozen=True, description="compare to arXiv:1207.5018. [>0:enabled]")
37  self.add_default("atlas_scale", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
38  self.add_default("bcut", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
39  self.add_default("betaL3x3", 1., description="Relative coupling strength to left-handed fermions (3rd generation) in Drell-Yan Vector LeptoQuark production.")
40  self.add_default("betaR3x3", 1., description="Relative coupling strength to right-handed fermions (3rd generation) in Drell-Yan Vector LeptoQuark production.")
41  self.add_default("Bmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.b, name="mass_b", description="b-quark mass in GeV")
42  self.add_default("bmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.b, name="mass_b", description="b-quark mass in GeV")
43  self.add_default("bmass_in_minlo", 0, description="use non-zero b-mass in MiNLO. [0:disabled; 1:enabled]")
44  self.add_default("bmass_lhe", powheg_atlas_common.mass.b, name="mass_b", description="b-quark mass in GeV (for momentum reshuffling)")
45  self.add_default("bornktmin", -1, description="generation cut: minimum kt in underlying Born. [<0:default to 0]")
46  self.add_default("bornonly", 0, description="calculate only Born-level process. [1:enabled]")
47  self.add_default("bornsmartsig", 0, description="LQ-s-chan: born level smart signal. [0:disabled]")
48  self.add_default("bornsuppfact", -1, description="mass parameter for Born suppression factor. [<0:disabled]")
49  self.add_default("bornsuppfactV", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
50  self.add_default("bornsuppfactW", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
51  self.add_default("bornzerodamp", 1, description="damping of real contributions for the suppression of Born zeroes. [1:enabled]")
52  self.add_default("bornzerodampcut", -1, description="ttbb: Born zerodamp shape parameter. [-1:default]")
53  self.add_default("bottommass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.b, name="mass_b", description="b-quark mass in GeV (loops disabled if <= 0)",)
54  self.add_default("bottomthr", powheg_atlas_common.mass.b, description="minimum pT in GeV for generating emission off b-quarks. [<0:default to 5.0]")
55  self.add_default("bottomthrpdf", powheg_atlas_common.mass.b, description="threshold in GeV at which b-quark PDF becomes non-zero. [<0:default to 5.0]")
56  self.add_default("BR_t_to_Wb", powheg_atlas_common.branching_ratio.t_to_Wb, description="top branching ratio to b-quarks")
57  self.add_default("BR_t_to_Wd", powheg_atlas_common.branching_ratio.t_to_Wd, description="top branching ratio to d-quarks")
58  self.add_default("BR_t_to_Ws", powheg_atlas_common.branching_ratio.t_to_Ws, description="top branching ratio to s-quarks")
59  self.add_default("BR_W_to_hadrons", powheg_atlas_common.branching_ratio.W_to_hadrons, description="total W branching ratio to hadrons")
60  self.add_default("BR_W_to_leptons", powheg_atlas_common.branching_ratio.W_to_leptons, description="total W branching ratio to leptons")
61  self.add_default("brpar_diexp", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
62  self.add_default("brpar_dijexp", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
63  self.add_default("BrWlep", powheg_atlas_common.branching_ratio.W_to_leptons, name="BR_W_to_leptons", description="total W branching ratio to leptons")
64  self.add_default("btildeborn", -1, description="Born contributions. [0:disabled]")
65  self.add_default("btildecoll", -1, description="collinear contributions. [0:disabled]")
66  self.add_default("btildereal", -1, description="for fixed order: distinguish real terms from Born/virtual/subtraction. [0:disabled]")
67  self.add_default("btildevirt", -1, description="virtual contributions [0:disabled]")
68  self.add_default("btlscalect", -1, description="use the scales of the underlying-Born configuration for the subtraction terms. [1:enabled]")
69  self.add_default("btlscalereal", -1, description="compute scales that depend on the real kinematics. [1:enabled]")
70  self.add_default("bwcutoff", 15, description="mass window is object_mass +/- bwcutoff * object_width")
71  self.add_default("BWgen", 1, description="[1: LQ s chan]")
72  self.add_default("bwshape", 1, description="functional form of Breit-Wigner used to distribute Higgs virtuality. [1:running width; 2:hwidth]")
73  self.add_default("chainA", "''", frozen=True, description="UNUSED. weakino decay chain.")
74  self.add_default("chainB", "''", frozen=True, description="UNUSED. weakino decay chain.")
75  self.add_default("channel_type", 0, description="channels for VBF ZZ. [0:all (default), 7: all Neutral Currents, 1:ucuc-type NC, 2:usus-type NC, 3:dcdc-type NC, 4:dsds-type NC, 8: all Charged Currents, 5: usdc-type CC, 6: dcus-type CC]")
76  self.add_default("channel", -1, description="bb4l decay code")
77  self.add_default("charge", 1, description="LQ-s-chan charge of the LQ times 3. Expect 1,2,4 or 5. [1: default]")
78  self.add_default("charmmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.c, name="mass_c", description="c-quark mass in GeV (loops enabled if <= 0)")
79  self.add_default("charmthr", powheg_atlas_common.mass.c, description="minimum pT in GeV for generating emission off c-quarks. [<0:default to 1.5]")
80  self.add_default("charmthrpdf", powheg_atlas_common.mass.c, description="threshold in GeV at which c-quark PDF becomes non-zero. [<0:default to 1.5]")
81  self.add_default("check_bad_st2", -1, description="check stage 2 output and discard bad grids. [1:enabled]")
82  self.add_default("chhh", 1.0, description="ggF_HH and ggF_HH_SMEFT: Trilinear Higgs self-coupling")
83  self.add_default("ct", 1.0, description="ggF_HH and ggF_HH_SMEFT: Top-Higgs Yukawa coupling")
84  self.add_default("ctt", 0., description="ggF_HH and ggF_HH_SMEFT: Two-top-two-Higgs (tthh) coupling")
85  self.add_default("cggh", 0., description="ggF_HH and ggF_HH_SMEFT: Effective gluon-gluon-Higgs coupling")
86  self.add_default("cgghh", 0., description="ggF_HH and ggF_HH_SMEFT: Effective two-gluon-two-Higgses coupling")
87  self.add_default("CHbox", 0., description="ggF_HH_SMEFT: Kinetic term of SU(2)_L singlet (with d'Alembert operator)")
88  self.add_default("CHD", 0., description="ggF_HH_SMEFT: second Kinetic term")
89  self.add_default("CH", 0., description="ggF_HH_SMEFT: Additional term to Higgs potential")
90  self.add_default("CuH", 0., description="ggF_HH_SMEFT: Modified Yukawa term")
91  self.add_default("CHG", 0., description="ggF_HH_SMEFT: Higgs-Glue-Glue operator")
92  self.add_default("CtG", 0., description="ggF_HH_SMEFT: Wilson coefficient of chromomagnetic operator")
93  self.add_default("CQt", 0., description="ggF_HH_SMEFT: Wilson coefficient of 4-top operator C_Qt^(1)")
94  self.add_default("CQt8", 0., description="ggF_HH_SMEFT: Wilson coefficient of 4-top operator C_Qt^(8)")
95  self.add_default("CQQtt", 0., description="ggF_HH_SMEFT: sum of Wilson coefficients of 4-top operators C_QQ^(1)+C_tt")
96  self.add_default("CQQ8", 0., description="ggF_HH_SMEFT: Wilson coefficient of 4-top operator C_QQ^(8)")
97  self.add_default("GAMMA5BMHV", 0, description="ggF_HH_SMEFT: Choose gamma5 scheme: 0 NDR (default), 1 BMHV")
98  self.add_default("chklimseed", -1, description="check limit seed")
99  self.add_default("ckkwscalup", 1, description="scalup scale for subsequent shower. [0:Powheg; 1:CKKW (use the smallest kt in the final state)]")
100  self.add_default("CKM_diagonal", 0, description="Set CKM matrix diagonal. [0:False; 1:True]")
101  self.add_default("CKM_Vcb", powheg_atlas_common.CKM.Vcb, description="CKM element: Vcb")
102  self.add_default("CKM_Vcd", powheg_atlas_common.CKM.Vcd, description="CKM element: Vcd")
103  self.add_default("CKM_Vcs", powheg_atlas_common.CKM.Vcs, description="CKM element: Vcs")
104  self.add_default("CKM_Vtb", powheg_atlas_common.CKM.Vtb, description="CKM element: Vtb")
105  self.add_default("CKM_Vtd", powheg_atlas_common.CKM.Vtd, description="CKM element: Vtd")
106  self.add_default("CKM_Vts", powheg_atlas_common.CKM.Vts, description="CKM element: Vts")
107  self.add_default("CKM_Vub", powheg_atlas_common.CKM.Vub, description="CKM element: Vub")
108  self.add_default("CKM_Vud", powheg_atlas_common.CKM.Vud, description="CKM element: Vud")
109  self.add_default("CKM_Vus", powheg_atlas_common.CKM.Vus, description="CKM element: Vus")
110  self.add_default("clobberlhe", -1, frozen=True, description="allow LHE files to be overwritten. [1:enabled]")
111  self.add_default("Cmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.c, name="mass_c", description="c-quark mass in GeV")
112  self.add_default("cmass_lhe", powheg_atlas_common.mass.c, name="mass_c", description="c-quark mass in GeV (for momentum reshuffling)")
113  self.add_default("collremnsamp\"", -1, name="collremnsamp", description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
114  self.add_default("colltest", 1, description="check collinear limits. [0:disabled]")
115  self.add_default("comparison_paper", -1, frozen=True, description="compare to paper. [>0:enabled]")
116  self.add_default("complexGFermi", 1, description="use complex G_F [0:disabled]")
117  self.add_default("complexmass", -1, description="")
118  self.add_default("complexmasses", -1, description="")
119  self.add_default("complexpolescheme", 0, description="use complex pole scheme (Passarino et al.) [>0:enabled]")
120  self.add_default("compress_lhe", -1, frozen=True, description="compress LHE output.")
121  self.add_default("compress_upb", -1, frozen=True, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
122  self.add_default("compute_rwgt", 0, frozen=True, description="whether to compute a reweighting factor. [1:enabled]")
123  self.add_default("contr", "\'full\'",description="Contributions in gg4l:'full', 'only_h', 'no_h' or 'interf_h'")
124  self.add_default("corI", 1, description="particle pair to correlate - corI and corJ should be different and a number between 1 and 4.")
125  self.add_default("corJ", 2, description="particle pair to correlate - corI and corJ should be different and a number between 1 and 4.")
126  self.add_default("correlations", 1, name="correlate_top_decays", description="if 1, correlate top quark decays; otherwise treat them as uncorrelated")
127  self.add_default("cutallpairs", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
128  self.add_default("dampscfact", 1.0, description="prefactor for hdamp, i.e. hdamp -> hdamp * dampscfact")
129  self.add_default("dec1", -1, hidden=True, description="Weakino decay 1. UNUSED")
130  self.add_default("dec2", -1, hidden=True, description="Weakino decay 2. UNUSED")
131  self.add_default("dec3", -1, hidden=True, description="Weakino decay 3. UNUSED")
132  self.add_default("dec4", -1, hidden=True, description="Weakino decay 4. UNUSED")
133  self.add_default("decaymode", 0, description="Dark matter decay mode")
134  self.add_default("decay_signature", "0", description="4tops decay signature")
135  self.add_default("delg1_g", 0, description="Delta_g1(Gamma)")
136  self.add_default("delg1_z", 0, description="Delta_g1(Z)")
137  self.add_default("delk_g", 0, description="Delta_K(Gamma)")
138  self.add_default("delk_z", 0, description="Delta_K(Z)")
139  self.add_default("delta_mbbmin", 0, description="if non-zero, use generation cut on m_bb")
140  self.add_default("delta_mttmin", 0, description="if non-zero, use generation cut on m_tt")
141  self.add_default("Deltak_gam", 0, description="Delta_K(Gamma)")
142  self.add_default("deltar", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
143  self.add_default("diagCKM", 0, description="which CKM matrix to use [0:normal CKM; 1:diagonal CKM]")
144  self.add_default("dim6", 0, description="for (SM)EFT processes, whether to include dimension-6 operators [0:do not include; 1:include]")
145  self.add_default("distribute_by_ub", -1,description=" 1: distribute d3 terms according to kinematics of ub")
146  self.add_default("distribute_by_ub_AP",-1,description=" 1: distribute d3 terms according to kinematics of ub")
147  self.add_default("Dmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.d, name="mass_d", description="d-quark mass in GeV")
148  self.add_default("DMgDM", 1.0, name="gDM", description="X-Xbar-med coupling")
149  self.add_default("DMgSM", 1.0, name="gSM", description="q-q-med coupling")
150  self.add_default("DMLambda", 10, name="DM_Lambda", description="UV suppression scale in EFT")
151  self.add_default("DMmass", 10, name="DM_mass", description="DM-candidate mass")
152  self.add_default("DMphimass", 100, name="phi_mass", description="mediator mass")
153  self.add_default("DMphiwidth", 42.494, name="phi_width", description="mediator width")
154  self.add_default("DMVmass", 100, name="V_mass", description="mediator mass")
155  self.add_default("DMVwidth", 42.494, name="V_width", description="mediator width")
156  self.add_default("dontAdaptWind", 1, description="bb4l")
157  self.add_default("dorwgt", 1, description="gg4l do reweighting")
158  self.add_default("doublefsr", 1, description="reduce observable spikes by suppressing FSR emissions harder than the emitter. [>0:enabled]")
159  self.add_default("doubleresonant", 0, description="double-resonant decay")
160  self.add_default("dronly", 0, description="include only double resonant diagrams. [1:enabled]")
161  self.add_default("dummyvirtual", 1, description="run with dummy virtual. [1:enabled]")
162  self.add_default("dynamic_hdamp", 0, description="if 1, use hdamp = HT/2 (overwrites hdamp), if 0 use fixed hdamp")
163  self.add_default("dynhdamp", 0, description="ttbb: if 1, use hdamp = HT/2 (overwrites hdamp), if 0 use fixed hdamp")
164  self.add_default("dynhdampPF", -1, description="ttbb: prefactor for dynamic hdamp")
165  self.add_default("e+e-", 0, hidden=True, description="WWj decay mode [1:enabled]")
166  self.add_default("e+mu-", 0, hidden=True, description="WWj decay mode [1:enabled]")
167  self.add_default("ebeam1", 6500, name="beam_energy", frozen=True, description="energy of beam in GeV")
168  self.add_default("ebeam2", 6500, name="beam_energy", frozen=True, description="energy of beam in GeV")
169  self.add_default("elbranching", powheg_atlas_common.branching_ratio.W_to_enu, name="BR_W_to_enu", description="W branching ratio to ev")
170  self.add_default("Elmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.e, name="mass_e", description="mass of electron in GeV")
171  self.add_default("emalpharunning", -1, description="")
172  self.add_default("emalpharunnning", -1, name="emalpharunning", description="")
173  self.add_default("emvirtual", 1, description="compute soft-virtual QED terms (integrated subtractions)")
174  self.add_default("enhancedradfac", -1, description="enhance photon statistics in direct photon (yj) production. If > 0, the splitting kernel used for photon radiation is multiplied by this factor")
175  self.add_default("enhancereg", -1, description="enhance reg")
176  self.add_default("evenmaxrat", 1, description="speed up upper-bound calculation by taking maximum of identical processes. [1:enabled]")
177  self.add_default("etacutlep", 0, description="[0: LQ-s-chan eta cut on leptons]")
178  self.add_default("etacutjet", 0, description="[0: LQ-s-chan eta cut on jets]")
179  self.add_default("ew", 1, description="EW corrections. (0:disabled; 1:enabled)")
180  self.add_default("ewborn", 1, description="fourtops: (default 1) if 1 includes EW born contributions")
181  self.add_default("ew_ho", -1, description="")
182  self.add_default("ew_ho_only", -1, description="")
183  self.add_default("ew_renorm_scheme", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
184  self.add_default("ewi", 0.01, description="regulator for on-shell divergences")
185  self.add_default("ewscheme", 2, description="EW scheme. [1: MZ, MW, Gmu; 2:MZ, MW, alpha]")
186  self.add_default("expm2bb", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
187  self.add_default("facscfact", 1.0, name="mu_F", description="factorization scale factor: mu_fact = mu_ref * facscfact")
188  self.add_default("factsc2min", 2.0, description="value at which the factorization scale is frozen (needed with MiNLO)")
189  self.add_default("fakevirt", 0, description="set virtual amplitude proportional to Born amplitude when generating grids - DO NOT USE when generating events. [1:enabled]")
190  self.add_default("fakevirtuals", 0, description="generate the grid with fake virtuals. [1:enabled]")
191  self.add_default("fastbtlbound", 1, description="use fast btilde bound. [0: disabled; 1: enabled]")
192  self.add_default("fcnc", 0, description="include tree-level flavour-changing neutral currents [0:no; 1:yes]")
193  self.add_default("ffltest", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
194  self.add_default("fin1", -1, description="PDG ID for final state weakinos. [neu10 = 1000022, neu20 = 1000023, neu30 = 1000025, neu40 = 1000035, cha1+ = 1000024, cha2+ = 1000037]")
195  self.add_default("fin2", -1, description="PDG ID for final state weakinos. [neu10 = 1000022, neu20 = 1000023, neu30 = 1000025, neu40 = 1000035, cha1+ = 1000024, cha2+ = 1000037]")
196  self.add_default("fixedgrid", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
197  self.add_default("fixedscale", -1, description="use reference renormalisation and factorisation scales [>=0: enabled]")
198  self.add_default("flg_debug", 0, description="write extra information to LHEF. Breaks PYTHIA showering. [1: enabled]")
199  self.add_default("foldcsi", 1, description="number of folds on csi integration. [allowed: 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50]")
200  self.add_default("foldphi", 1, description="number of folds on phi integration. [allowed: 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50]")
201  self.add_default("foldy", 1, description="number of folds on y integration. [allowed: 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50]")
202  self.add_default("for_reweighting", 0, description="run the whole chain without virtual corrections and add these during reweighting. [1:enabled]")
203  self.add_default("fourToFiveMatch", 1, description="[1:enabled]")
204  self.add_default("fourToFiveMatchAS", 0, description="[1:enabled]")
205  self.add_default("frensc2min", 2.0, description="value at which the renormalisation scale is frozen (needed with MiNLO)")
206  self.add_default("fulloffshell", 1, name="fulloffshell", description="Enable asociated W offshellness in Wt_DR ")
207  self.add_default("fullphsp", -1, description="enable ISR/FSR phase space parametrization for process with >=2 jet in the ME. [1:enabled]")
208  self.add_default("fullrwgt", -1, description="experimental! Must ONLY be used for processes with no Born-level parton radiation. [1:enabled]")
209  self.add_default("fullrwgtmode", -1, description="[1:MiNLO style; 2:Simplified (HERWIG); 3:Simplified (Sjostrand); -1,4:Exact]")
210  self.add_default("gamcut", 60, description="gg4l: gamma cut")
211  self.add_default("g4", 0, description="SU(4) coupling strength g4 in Drell-Yan Vector LeptoQuark production.")
212  self.add_default("G_F", powheg_atlas_common.EW_parameters.G_F, description="Fermi coupling")
213  self.add_default("G_mu", powheg_atlas_common.EW_parameters.G_F, description="Fermi coupling")
214  self.add_default("gfermi", powheg_atlas_common.EW_parameters.G_F, name="G_F", description="Fermi constant")
215  self.add_default("ggproc", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
216  self.add_default("gmu", powheg_atlas_common.EW_parameters.G_F, name="G_F", description="Fermi constant")
217  self.add_default("gqbproc", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
218  self.add_default("hadronic", 0, hidden=True, description="WWj decay mode: W->jj W->jj [1:enabled]")
219  self.add_default("hbzd", 5.0, description="theta[hbdz - R/(P_ij*B)] Born zero damping")
220  self.add_default("hdamp", 258.75, description="apply damping factor (in GeV) for high-pT radiation: h**2/(pt2+h**2). [>0:enabled]")
221  self.add_default("hdecaymode", 0, frozen=True, description="UNUSED. This specifies decay mode in Powheg's PYTHIA/HERWIG which we do not use.")
222  self.add_default("hdecaywidth", 0, description="Higgs width determination. [0:use hwidth; >0:read total decay width from HDECAY sm.br2 file]")
223  self.add_default("hfact", -1, description="apply damping factor for high-pT radiation. [>0:enabled]")
224  self.add_default("higgsfixedwidth", 0, description="[0:running width; 1:fixed width in Breit-Wigner]")
225  self.add_default("Hmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.H, name="mass_H", description="Higgs boson mass in GeV")
226  self.add_default("hmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.H, name="mass_H", description="Higgs boson mass in GeV")
227  self.add_default("hnew_damp", -1, description="apply damping factor when new_damp is also enabled. [>0:enabled]")
228  self.add_default("Hwidth", powheg_atlas_common.width.H, name="width_H", description="Higgs boson width in GeV")
229  self.add_default("hwidth", powheg_atlas_common.width.H, name="width_H", description="Higgs boson width in GeV")
230  self.add_default("HWJsudakov", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
231  self.add_default("icsimax", 1, description="number of intervals (<= 10) csi grid to compute upper bounds")
232  self.add_default("idDM", 1000022, description="PDG ID of DM particles")
233  self.add_default("idvecbos", 24, description="PDG ID for vector boson to be produced")
234  self.add_default("iftopinloop", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
235  self.add_default("ih1", 1, name="beam_1_type", description="hadron content of beam 1. [(-)1:(anti)proton; (-)2:(anti)neutron; (-)3:(-)pion]")
236  self.add_default("ih2", 1, name="beam_2_type", description="hadron content of beam 2. [(-)1:(anti)proton; (-)2:(anti)neutron; (-)3:(-)pion]")
237  self.add_default("includesubleading", 0, description="ggF_HH_SMEFT: Subleading operators")
238  self.add_default("inc_delta_terms", -1, description="0: as^3 NNLO delta terms in MINNLO are not included")
239  self.add_default("incomingflavors", 5, description="number of incoming flavours")
240  self.add_default("inv_alpha", 1.0 / float(powheg_atlas_common.EW_parameters.alphaem), description="EM coupling reciprocal")
241  self.add_default("iseed", 1, name="random_seed", frozen=True, description="seed for the random number generator")
242  self.add_default("itmx1", 1, description="number of iterations for initializing the integration grid")
243  self.add_default("itmx1btl", -1, description="number of iterations for btilde during grid generation")
244  self.add_default("itmx1btlbrn", -1, description="number of iterations for Born-level btilde during grid generation")
245  self.add_default("itmx1osres", -1, description="number of iterations for initializing the integration grid of on-shell resonances (only required for DSUB_II)")
246  self.add_default("itmx1reg", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
247  self.add_default("itmx1rm", -1, description="number of iterations for initializing the integration grid for the remnant. [<0:use itmx1]")
248  self.add_default("itmx2", 1, description="number of iterations for computing the integral and finding upper bound")
249  self.add_default("itmx2btl", -1, description="number of iterations for btilde during integral/upper bound finding")
250  self.add_default("itmx2btlbrn", -1, description="number of iterations for Born-level btilde during integral/upper bound finding")
251  self.add_default("itmx2osres", -1, description="number of iterations for computing the integral of on-shell resonances (only required for DSUB_II)")
252  self.add_default("itmx2reg", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
253  self.add_default("itmx2rm", -1, description="number of iterations for computing the integral and finding upper bound for the remnant. [<0:use itmx2]")
254  self.add_default("iupperfsr", -1, description="choice of FSR upper bounding functional form. [<0:use default - usually 2]")
255  self.add_default("iupperisr", -1, description="choice of ISR upper bounding functional form. [<0:use default - usually 1]")
256  self.add_default("iymax", 1, description="number of intervals (<= 10) in y grid to compute upper bounds")
257  self.add_default("jacsing", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
258  self.add_default("kappaQ", 0.5, description="ttj_MiNNLO: factor of scale Q inside the (modified) logarithm: Q = Qref * kappaQ (Qref=invariant mass of the system)")
259  self.add_default("kappa_ghb", 1.0, description="multiplicative kappa-factor of the Higgs-bottom coupling. ONLY USED FOR REWEIGHTING.")
260  self.add_default("kappa_ght", 1.0, description="multiplicative kappa-factor of the Higgs-top coupling. ONLY USED FOR REWEIGHTING.")
261  self.add_default("kappa_ghw", 1.0, description="multiplicative kappa-factor of the Higgs-W coupling. ONLY USED FOR REWEIGHTING.")
262  self.add_default("kappa_ghz", 1.0, description="multiplicative kappa-factor of the Higgs-Z coupling. ONLY USED FOR REWEIGHTING.")
263  self.add_default("kt2minqed", 0.8, description="kt2_rad_min for photon radiation from leptons. [<0: use 0.8]")
264  self.add_default("ktmerging", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
265  self.add_default("Lambda", 1.0, description="ggF_HH_SMEFT: EFT counting mass Scale (in TeV)")
266  self.add_default("lambda_g", 0, description="Lambda(gamma)")
267  self.add_default("Lambda_gam", 0, description="Lambda(gamma)")
268  self.add_default("lambda_z", 0, description="Lambda(Z)")
269  self.add_default("lambdaHHH", 1, description="coupling modifier for trilinear Higgs coupling. [SM: 1]")
270  self.add_default("LambdaNP", 1000.0, description="new-physics scale in (SM)EFT in GeV")
271  self.add_default("largecorrfact", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
272  self.add_default("largeptscales", 0, description="[ Default 0: ttj_MiNNLO dynamical scale used at large pT in fixed-order part \n ! 0 - m_tt (invariant mass of top-quark pair) \n ! 1 - pT_tt (transverse momentum of top-quark pair) \n ! 2 - H_T^tt (sum of transverse masses of the top quarks)")
273  self.add_default("lepaslight", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
274  self.add_default("leptonic", 0, hidden=True, description="WWj decay mode: W->lnu W->lnu [1:enabled]")
275  self.add_default("leptonic_notau", 0, hidden=True, description="WWj decay mode: W->lnu W->lnu (no tau) [1:enabled]")
276  self.add_default("lhans1", 260000, name="PDF", description="PDF set for hadron 1. [LHAPDF numbering]")
277  self.add_default("lhans2", 260000, name="PDF", description="PDF set for hadron 2. [LHAPDF numbering]")
278  self.add_default("lhapdf6maxsets", 200, description="Maximum number of PDF sets to keep in memory. [<0:default to 10]")
279  self.add_default("lhefuborn", 0, description="semileptonic bb4l")
280  self.add_default("lhfm/bmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.b, name="mass_b", description="b-quark mass in GeV")
281  self.add_default("lhfm/cmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.c, name="mass_c", description="c-quark mass in GeV")
282  self.add_default("lhfm/emass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.e, name="mass_e", description="mass of electron in GeV")
283  self.add_default("lhfm/mumass",, name="mass_mu", description="mass of muon in GeV")
284  self.add_default("lhfm/taumass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.tau, name="mass_tau", description="mass of tau in GeV")
285  self.add_default("lhfm/dmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.d, name="mass_d", description="d-quark mass in GeV")
286  self.add_default("lhfm/smass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.s, name="mass_s", description="s-quark mass in GeV")
287  self.add_default("lhfm/umass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.u, name="mass_u", description="u-quark mass in GeV")
288  self.add_default("lhrwgt_descr", "nominal", frozen=True, description="weight description.")
289  self.add_default("lhrwgt_group_combine", "none", frozen=True, description="reweighting combination method.")
290  self.add_default("lhrwgt_group_name", "nominal", frozen=True, description="group description.")
291  self.add_default("lhrwgt_id", 0, frozen=True, description="weight ID.")
292  self.add_default("LOevents", 0, description="produce LOPS events (scalup=ptj); in this case bornonly should also be enabled. [0:disabled; 1:enabled]")
293  self.add_default("LQ", 0, description="Include basic LQ contributions in Drell-Yan LeptoQuark production. [0:disabled; 1:enabled]")
294  self.add_default("LQ-EW", 0, name="LQ_EW", description="Include LQ corrections to photon/Z couplings in Drell-Yan LeptoQuark production. [0:disabled; 1:enabled]")
295  self.add_default("LQ-Int", 0, name="LQ_Int", description="Include the interference between the SM and the LQ contributions in Drell-Yan LeptoQuark production. [0:disabled; 1:enabled]")
296  self.add_default("LQmasslow", 0, description="Lepto Quarks low mass")
297  self.add_default("LQmasshigh", 0, description="Lepto Quarks high mass")
298  self.add_default("m2bb", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
299  self.add_default("MadSpin_decays", [], description="decays allowed by MadSpin")
300  self.add_default("MadSpin_enabled", True, description="use MadSpin for top decays (only if decays are disabled in Powheg). [False:disabled; True:enabled]")
301  self.add_default("MadSpin_mode", "full", description="which spin mode to use in MadSpin. ['full'; 'bridge'; 'none']")
302  self.add_default("MadSpin_model", "loop_sm-ckm", description="which model to import in MadSpin.")
303  self.add_default("MadSpin_nFlavours", "4", description="which flavour scheme to use. [4; 5]")
304  self.add_default("MadSpin_process", "", description="process that MadSpin is operating on")
305  self.add_default("MadSpin_taus_are_leptons", True, description="whether lepton definitions should include taus. [False: do not include taus, True: include taus]")
306  self.add_default("MadSpin_max_weight_ps_point", -1, description="max_weight_ps_point parameter for MadSpin card to improve madspin integration. [-1: would use MadSpin default; any positive value: include it in the MadSpin run card]")
307  self.add_default("MadSpin_Nevents_for_max_weight", -1, description="Nevents_for_max_weight parameter for MadSpin card to improve madspin integration. [-1: would use MadSpin default; any positive value: include it in the MadSpin run card]")
308  self.add_default("MadSpin_paramcard", "", description="If not an empty string, use the specified paramcard in the runDir to mimic the MadGraph output by Powheg.")
309  self.add_default("m4lmax", 100)
310  self.add_default("m4lmin", 1)
311  self.add_default("m4l_sampling", 2, description="gg4l: 0: flat 1: exponential 2:Breit-Wigner")
312  self.add_default("m4lwindow", 4)
313  self.add_default("manyseeds", 0, description="read multiple seeds for the random number generator from pwgseeds.dat. [1:enabled]")
314  self.add_default("mass_rwg_frac", 0., description="gg4l treatment of heavy-flavour (see Eur. Phys. J. C 81 (2021) 687). 0 (or <0): 1/mt expansion, 1: 1-loop reweighting, other value: interpolating 1/mt expansion and 1-loop reweighting")
315  self.add_default("mass_b", powheg_atlas_common.mass.b, description="b-quark mass in GeV")
316  self.add_default("mass_c", powheg_atlas_common.mass.c, name="mass_c", description="c-quark mass in GeV")
317  self.add_default("mass_d", powheg_atlas_common.mass.d, description="d-quark mass in GeV")
318  self.add_default("mass_e", powheg_atlas_common.mass.e, description="mass of electron in GeV")
319  self.add_default("mass_H", powheg_atlas_common.mass.H, description="Higgs boson mass in GeV")
320  self.add_default("mass_high", -1, description="If set then require M_object < mass_high; otherwise allow internal Powheg computation. [-1:use Powheg default]")
321  self.add_default("mass_low", -1, description="If set then require M_object > mass_low; otherwise allow internal Powheg computation. [-1:use Powheg default]")
322  self.add_default("mass_mu",, description="mass of muon in GeV")
323  self.add_default("mass_s", powheg_atlas_common.mass.s, description="s-quark mass in GeV")
324  self.add_default("mass_t", powheg_atlas_common.mass.t, description="top quark mass in GeV")
325  self.add_default("mass_tau", powheg_atlas_common.mass.tau, description="mass of tau in GeV")
326  self.add_default("mass_u", powheg_atlas_common.mass.u, description="u-quark mass in GeV")
327  self.add_default("mass_W", powheg_atlas_common.mass.W, description="W boson mass in GeV")
328  self.add_default("mass_Z", powheg_atlas_common.mass.Z, description="Z boson mass in GeV")
329  self.add_default("massivebottom", 1, name="use_massive_b", description="enable bottom quark loops. [0:disabled; 1:enabled]")
330  self.add_default("massiveloops", 0, description="gg4l: use mass in loops")
331  self.add_default("massivetop", 1, name="use_massive_t", description="enable top quark loops. [0:disabled; 1:enabled]")
332  self.add_default("massren", 0, description="[0:OS; 1:MSBAR; 2:DRBAR]")
333  self.add_default("masswindow", 10.0, description="number of widths around hmass in the BW for an off-shell Higgs boson")
334  self.add_default("masswindow_high", -1, description="DEPRECATED: use mass_high instead")
335  self.add_default("masswindow_low", -1, description="DEPRECATED: use mass_low instead")
336  self.add_default("max_h_mass", 14000.0, name="mass_H_high", description="Require Higgs boson mass < mass high")
337  self.add_default("max_io_bufsize", -1, description="size of I/O buffer. [<0:default to 100000]")
338  self.add_default("max_W_mass", 14000.0, name="mass_W_high", description="Require W boson mass < mass high")
339  self.add_default("max_w_mass", 14000.0, name="mass_W_high", description="Require W boson mass < mass high")
340  self.add_default("max_z_mass", 14000.0, name="mass_Z_high", description="Require Z boson mass < mass high")
341  self.add_default("max_Z_mass", 14000.0, name="mass_Z_high", description="Require Z boson mass < mass high")
342  self.add_default("maxseeds", -1, frozen=True, description="maximum number of seeds to use. [<0:default to 200]")
343  self.add_default("mglowidth", -1, description="MG5 LO width")
344  self.add_default("min_h_mass", 10., name="mass_H_low", description="Require Higgs boson mass > mass low")
345  self.add_default("min_w_mass", 1.0, name="mass_W_low", description="Require W boson mass > mass low")
346  self.add_default("min_W_mass", 1.0, name="mass_W_low", description="Require W boson mass > mass low")
347  self.add_default("min_Z_mass", 1.0, name="mass_Z_low", description="Require Z boson mass > mass low")
348  self.add_default("min_z_mass", 1.0, name="mass_Z_low", description="Require Z boson mass > mass low")
349  self.add_default("minlo", 0, description="use MiNLO (if minlo is set for unsupported processes, Powheg will crash with an 'st_bornorder' error) [1:enabled]")
350  self.add_default("minlo_nnll", 1, description="enable MiNLO NNLL. [0:disabled; 1:enabled]")
351  self.add_default("minloscfac", 1, description="MiNLO scaling factor: q2merge=q2merge * (minloscfac)**2")
352  self.add_default("minnlo", 0, description="use MiNNLO (if minlo is set for unsupported processes, Powheg will crash with an 'st_bornorder' error) [1:enabled]")
353  self.add_default("mint_density_map", -1, description="keep track of the distribution of integrand values while doing the integration (for debugging).")
354  self.add_default("mintupbratlim", -1, description="while computing btilde upper bound, disregard points with btilde/born ratio greater than mintupbratlim")
355  self.add_default("mintupbxless", -1, description="mint upbx less")
356  self.add_default("mjjminsuppfact", -1, description="parameter for alternative born suppression factor for W+2jets, as in 1204.5433 [-1:disabled]")
357  self.add_default("mll_gencut", -1, description="cut on the invariant dilepton mass in GeV (minimum 15). Needed to avoid singularities from virtual photon decays to two massless leptons")
358  self.add_default("mllmax", 13000, description="minimum invariant mass in GeV of lepton pairs from decay.")
359  self.add_default("mllmin", 4, description="minimum invariant mass in GeV of lepton pairs from decay.")
360  self.add_default("mLQ", 2000, description="[2000: LQ-s-chan - mass of the lepto-quark]")
361  self.add_default("mLQcuthi", 0, description="[0: LQ-s-chan m lepto-quark high cut]")
362  self.add_default("mLQcutlo", 0, description="[0: LQ-s-chan m lepto-quark low cut]")
363  self.add_default("mockoffshelltop", 0, description="mock off-shell tops")
364  self.add_default("model", 0, description="[0 = SM]")
365  self.add_default("modept2gamlep", 0, description="pt_rel definition in setlocalscales")
366  self.add_default("modlog_p", -1, description="activate MINNLO modified logs and set the exponent")
367  self.add_default("msbar", 1, description="1 MSbar renormalization; 0 On-Shell renormalization" )
368  self.add_default("MSbarscheme", 1, description="use five-flavour-scheme unless specified otherwise. [0:four-flavour-scheme]")
369  self.add_default("mt", powheg_atlas_common.mass.t, name="mass_t", description="(running) top-quark mass in GeV")
370  self.add_default("mtdep", 0, description="ggHH production: [0:Higgs effective field theory (HEFT); 1:Born improved HEFT; 2:approximated full theory (FTapprox); 3:full theory]")
371  self.add_default("mt_expansion", 1, description="")
372  self.add_default("MU1", 1e4, description="Mass of vector leptoquark U1 in Drell-Yan Vector LeptoQuark production.")
373  self.add_default("MGp", 1e4, description="Mass of the coloron Gp in Drell-Yan Vector LeptoQuark production.")
374  self.add_default("MSD", 1e4, description="Mass of the down-type leptoquark in Drell-Yan Scalar LeptoQuark production.")
375  self.add_default("MSU", 1e4, description="Mass of the up-type leptoquark in Drell-Yan Scalar LeptoQuark production.")
376  self.add_default("mu+e-", 0, hidden=True, description="WWj decay mode [1:enabled]")
377  self.add_default("mu+mu-", 0, hidden=True, description="WWj decay mode [1:enabled]")
378  self.add_default("multiple-insertion", 1, description="ggF_HH_SMEFT: Truncation options")
379  self.add_default("Mumass",, name="mass_mu", description="mass of muon in GeV")
380  self.add_default("ncall1", 10000, description="number of calls for initializing the integration grid")
381  self.add_default("ncall1btl", -1, description="number of calls btilde (itr1)")
382  self.add_default("ncall1btlbrn", -1, description="number of calls btilde born-level (itr1)")
383  self.add_default("ncall1osres", -1, description="number of calls for initializing the integration grid of on-shell resonances (only required for DSUB_II)")
384  self.add_default("ncall1reg", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
385  self.add_default("ncall1rm", -1, description="number of calls for initializing the integration grid for the remant. [<0:use ncall1]")
386  self.add_default("ncall2", 10000, description="number of calls for computing the integral and finding upper bound")
387  self.add_default("ncall2btl", -1, description="number of calls btilde (itr2)")
388  self.add_default("ncall2btlbrn", -1, description="Number of calls btilde born-level (itr2)")
389  self.add_default("ncall2osres", -1, description="number of calls for computing the integral of on-shell resonances (only required for DSUB_II)")
390  self.add_default("ncall2reg", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
391  self.add_default("ncall2rm", -1, description="number of calls for computing the integral and finding upper bound for the remnant. [<0:use ncall2]")
392  self.add_default("ncallfrominput", 1, frozen=True, description="read ncall parameters from run card. [1:enabled]")
393  self.add_default("new_damp", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
394  self.add_default("nloformfact", 0, description="include Higgs-specific corrections into GGS and GGP form factor. [1:enabled]")
395  self.add_default("nlotestonly", 0, description="do NLO analysis only, using smooth isolation cut. [1:enabled]")
396  self.add_default("nlowhich", 0, description="default is 0; set to 1 for no NLO corrections in decay")
397  self.add_default("nnlo", -1, description="enable NNLO rescaling. [-1:use Powheg default]")
398  self.add_default("NNLO_output_weights", collections.OrderedDict(), description="dictionary of weight ID string => weight calculation in NNLOPS format")
399  self.add_default("NNLO_reweighting_inputs", collections.OrderedDict(), description="dictionary of labels => (pre-existing) HNNLO output")
400  self.add_default("nnlops", -1, frozen=True, description="should enable NNLOPS but does not seem to be used at present.")
401  self.add_default("no_ew", 0, description="NLO EW corrections. [0:with; 1:without]")
402  self.add_default("no_photon_radiation", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
403  self.add_default("no_strong", 0, description="NLO QCD corrections. [0:with; 1:without]")
404  self.add_default("noevents", -1, description="do not generate events. [1:enabled]")
405  self.add_default("nohad", 0, frozen=True, description="UNUSED. This specifies hadronization in Powheg's PYTHIA/HERWIG which we do not use.")
406  self.add_default("nores", 0, description="disable the resonance treatment. [1: disabled]")
407  self.add_default("nospincorr", 0, description="wash out spin correlations. [1:enabled]")
408  self.add_default("novirtual", -1, description="ignore virtual contributions. [1:enabled]")
409  self.add_default("nubound", 10000, description="number of calls to setup upper bounds for radiation")
410  self.add_default("numevts", 5500, name="nEvents", description="number of events to be generated")
411  self.add_default("numwidth_W", -1, name="numwidth_W", description="number of widths for W offshellness")
412  self.add_default("nwidthcutoff", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
413  self.add_default("offshellscales", -1, description="off-shell scales")
414  self.add_default("offshelltop", 1, description="default is now 1; set to zero to do simple on-shell computation")
415  self.add_default("olddij", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
416  self.add_default("olpreset", -1, description="OpenLoops preset")
417  self.add_default("olverbose", 0, description="OpenLoops verbosity")
418  self.add_default("ol_nf", 6, description="gg4l: OpenLoops number of massless flavours")
419  self.add_default("ol_notri", 0, description="gg4l: OpenLoops notri")
420  self.add_default("ol_preset", 3,description="gg4l: OpenLoops preset")
421  self.add_default("ol_stability_kill", 0.01,description="gg4l: stability kill")
422  self.add_default("ol_verbose", 1,description="gg4l: OpenLoops verbose")
423  self.add_default("onshellhiggs", 1, frozen=True, description="force the Higgs to be on-shell (i.e. gamma_H=0). Required for HV/HVJ. [1:enabled]")
424  self.add_default("openloops-stability", 1, name="openloops_stability", description="write OpenLoops stability information to log file.")
425  self.add_default("openloopsreal", 1, description="OpenLoops real diagrams [0:disabled]")
426  self.add_default("openloopsvirtual", 1, description="OpenLoops virtual diagrams [0:disabled]")
427  self.add_default("par_2gsupp", -1, description="[<0:use 1.0]")
428  self.add_default("par_diexp", -1, description="ISR singularity exponent (p1). [<0:default to 1.0]")
429  self.add_default("par_dijexp", -1, description="FSR singularity exponent (p2). [<0:default to 1.0]")
430  self.add_default("par_fsrtinycsi", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
431  self.add_default("par_fsrtinyy", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
432  self.add_default("par_isrtinycsi", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
433  self.add_default("par_isrtinyy", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
434  self.add_default("parallelstage", -1, description="which stage to perform in parallel. [1...4:specify stage; -1:disabled]")
435  self.add_default("pdf_cutoff_fact",-1,description="PDF IR cutoff in MiNNLO")
436  self.add_default("pdfreweight", 1, frozen=True, description="store PDF information. Deprecated for processes with XML-reweighting. [1:enabled]") # "old-style reweighting"
437  self.add_default("Phasespace", 1, name="phasespace", description="phasespace to use. [1:standard; 2:use separate unweighted events from as input]")
438  self.add_default("photoninduced", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
439  self.add_default("PHOTOS_enabled", True, description="use PHOTOS for photon radiation. [False:disabled; True:enabled]")
440  self.add_default("phsp_Wm", powheg_atlas_common.mass.W, name="mass_W", description="W boson mass in GeV")
441  self.add_default("phsp_Ww", powheg_atlas_common.width.W, name="width_W", description="W boson width in GeV")
442  self.add_default("phsp_Zm", powheg_atlas_common.mass.Z, name="mass_Z", description="Z boson mass in GeV")
443  self.add_default("phsp_Zw", powheg_atlas_common.width.Z, name="width_Z", description="Z boson width in GeV")
444  self.add_default("phspseparation", 0.5, description="weight for phase space dual-channel sampling")
445  self.add_default("polecheck", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
446  self.add_default("powheg-c-lo", -1, name="powheg_c_lo", description="competition-at-LO scheme. [0:competition; 1:non-competition]")
447  self.add_default("powheg-nc", -1, name="powheg_nc", description="competition-at-NLO scheme. [0:competition; 1:non-competition]")
448  self.add_default("powheg_top_decays_enabled", True, hidden=True, description="Have the input tops been decayed by Powheg. [False:undecayed, True:decayed]")
449  self.add_default("powhegv2opt", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
450  self.add_default("proc","\'WW\'" ,description="Process in gg4l ZZ or WW")
451  self.add_default("psgen", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
452  self.add_default("ptborncut", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
453  self.add_default("ptcutlep", 0, description="[0: LQ-s-chan pT cut on leptons]")
454  self.add_default("ptcutjet", 0, description="[0: LQ-s-chan pT cut on jets]")
455  self.add_default("ptHHcut", 0.001, description="")
456  self.add_default("ptHHcut_CT", 0.001, description="")
457  self.add_default("ptj_gencut", 20, description="generation cut on the jets pT in the phase space generator. Should be used when bornsuppfact is set to 0")
458  self.add_default("ptllmin", 0.1, description="gg4l this is hard-coded for virtual corrections with massive loops")
459  self.add_default("ptmin_jet", 25, description="jet min pt in GeV for use in analysis code (not relevant here)")
460  self.add_default("ptsqmin", -1, description="minimum pT in GeV for generating gluon emission off light quarks. [<0:default to 0.8]")
461  self.add_default("ptsqmin_em", 1e-6, description="minimum squared transverse momentum for photon radiation. Do NOT use it!")
462  self.add_default("ptsupp", -1, frozen=True, description="DEPRECATED: only included because PowhegBox checks for it")
463  self.add_default("ptsuppfact", -1, description="Born pT suppression factor. [-1:use Powheg default]")
464  self.add_default("ptVhigh", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
465  self.add_default("ptVlow", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
466  self.add_default("ptVVcut_CT", 0.1, description="gg4l: amplitude option")
467  self.add_default("ptVVcut", 0.1, description="gg4l: amplitude option")
468  self.add_default("pyMEC", 1, description="try this flag to generate the corrections in decays (the default setting)")
469  self.add_default("Q0", -1, description="Q0 value used in profiled scales (see 2006.04133 for more details)")
470  self.add_default("q2mergefac", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
471  self.add_default("QED-only", -1, description="")
472  self.add_default("qed_qcd", 2, description="toggle QCD/QED corrections. [0: QCD only; 1: QED only; 2: QED+QCD]")
473  self.add_default("qgproc", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
474  self.add_default("qmass", -1, description="mass of heavy quark in GeV")
475  self.add_default("qqbproc", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
476  self.add_default("qqpproc", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
477  self.add_default("qqproc", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
478  self.add_default("quadrupleprec", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
479  self.add_default("quarkmasseffects", 1, description="quark mass effects. [0: disabled; 1: enabled]")
480  self.add_default("R_jet", 0.4, description="jet radius for use in internal Powheg analysis code (not relevant here)")
481  self.add_default("radregion", -1, description="only generate radiation in the selected singular region (otherwise all regions). [>=0:which region to use]")
482  self.add_default("raisingscales", -1, description="force CKKW scale to be increasing. [1: enabled]")
483  self.add_default("rand1", 0, frozen=True, description="user-initiated random seed. [<0: defaults to 0]")
484  self.add_default("rand2", 0, frozen=True, description="user-initiated random seed. [<0: defaults to 0]")
485  self.add_default("rapsuppfact", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
486  self.add_default("recombination", 1, description=":LQ-s-chan: recombenation")
487  self.add_default("regridfix", -1, description="regularization grid is fixed")
488  self.add_default("renscfact", 1.0, name="mu_R", description="renormalization scale factor: mu_ren = mu_ref * renscfact")
489  self.add_default("resc_em_alpha", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
490  self.add_default("rescue_reals", -1, description="")
491  self.add_default("RHWithSingleTops", 1, description="")
492  self.add_default("RHStrategy", 1, description="")
493  self.add_default("running_width", 0, description="use running width in propagator. (0:disabled; 1:enabled)")
494  self.add_default("runningscale", 1, description="choice for mu_R and mu_F in Bbar integration.")
495  self.add_default("runningscales", 0, description="[0:use fixed factorisation/renormalisation scale; 1:use running scale]")
496  self.add_default("runningwidth", 0, description="use running width in propagator. [1:enabled]")
497  self.add_default("rwl_add", 0, frozen=True, description="rerun adding additional weights. [1:enabled]")
498  self.add_default("rwl_file", "", frozen=True, description="XML file used for reweighting")
499  self.add_default("rwl_format_rwgt", 1, frozen=True, description="Use LHE standard for weights instead of Powheg standard. [1:enabled]")
500  self.add_default("rwl_group_events", 10000, description="Number of events to group together when running reweighting. [<0:defaults to 10000]") # too small a number here may lead to slow reweighting
501  self.add_default("s2eff", -1, description="value of the effective leptonic weak mixing angle")
502  self.add_default("samesignleptons", 0, hidden=True, description="produce two same-sign leptons in ttW decay [1:enabled]")
503  self.add_default("scalechoice", 0, description="renormalisation/factorisation scale choice for ttW processes; see documentation for possible values")
504  self.add_default("scheme", 1, description="choice for EW NLO scheme. [0:Alpha(0); 1:Alpha(M_Z); 2:G_mu; 3:Alpha(q^2)]")
505  self.add_default("select_EW_virt", 2, description="EW virtual corrections. [0: none; 1: full; 2: Sudakov approx; 3: full - Sudakov approx]")
506  self.add_default("select_real", 0, description="gg4l: do gg qg qq channels")
507  self.add_default("semileptonic", -1, description="only accept semileptonic decay]. [-1:use Powheg default]")
508  self.add_default("semileptonic_notau", 0, hidden=True, description="WWj decay mode: W->lnu W->jj (no tau) [1:enabled]")
509  self.add_default("shortlist", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
510  self.add_default("shortlist_onlyb", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
511  self.add_default("SI_inputfile", "'pwgevents.lhe'", frozen=True, name="PHOTOS_input_LHE", description="Input LHE file.")
512  self.add_default("SI_kt2minqed", -1, name="PHOTOS_k2minqed", description="Set value of photos low energy cut off. [<0:10^-6]")
513  self.add_default("SI_maxshowerevents", -1, name="PHOTOS_maxshowerevents", description="Number of events to read from the input file. [<0:all]")
514  self.add_default("SI_no_tworadevents", -1, name="PHOTOS_no_tworadevents", description="Use scalup as shower starting scale (only use when scalup-isr and scalup-fsr are not present). [1:enabled]")
515  self.add_default("sin2cabibbo", powheg_atlas_common.EW_parameters.sin2cabibbo, name="sin2cabibbo", description="sin(theta_Cabibbo)^2")
516  self.add_default("skipbtlgrid", 0, hidden=True, description="skip calculation of btlgrid. [1:enabled]")
517  self.add_default("skipextratests", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
518  self.add_default("skiprmngrid", 0, hidden=True, description="skip calculation of rmngrid. [1:enabled]")
519  self.add_default("SLHA", "'input_parameters.slha'", frozen=True, description="name of the SLHA input-file")
520  self.add_default("SM", 1, description="Include SM contribution in Drell-Yan LeptoQuark production. [0:disabled; 1:enabled]")
521  self.add_default("smartsig", 1, description="remember equal amplitudes. [0:disabled]")
522  self.add_default("smear", 0, frozen=True, description="LQ-s-chan smearing [0:disabled]")
523  self.add_default("Smass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.s, description="s-quark mass in GeV")
524  self.add_default("smincuts", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
525  self.add_default("softmismch", 1, frozen=True, description="do soft step. [0:disabled]")
526  self.add_default("softonly", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
527  self.add_default("softtest", 1, description="check soft limits. [0:disabled]")
528  self.add_default("stage2init", -1, description="[1:enabled]")
529  self.add_default("sthw2", powheg_atlas_common.EW_parameters.sin2thetaW, description="sin(theta_W)^2")
530  self.add_default("storeinfo_rwgt", 0, frozen=True, description="write out PDF information for reweighting. [0:disabled; 1:enabled]")
531  self.add_default("storemintupb", 1, description="cache cross sections (stage2 btilde calls) to speed up construction of upper bounding envelope. [1:enabled]")
532  self.add_default("st_nlight_default", 5, description="")
533  self.add_default("st_nlight_as", 5, description="")
534  self.add_default("st_nlight_ssv", 4, description="")
535  self.add_default("sudakovbb", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
536  self.add_default("sudmw2mb", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
537  self.add_default("sudscalevar", 1, description="also apply scale variation to Sudakov form factors in MiNLO. [0:disabled; 1:enabled]")
538  self.add_default("tau+tau-", 0, hidden=True, description="WWj decay mode [1:enabled]")
539  self.add_default("Taumass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.tau, name="mass_tau", description="mass of tau in GeV")
540  self.add_default("tbardec", 13, description="anti-top quark decay. [11:e-; 13:mu-; 15:tau-; 1:u~ d; 3:c~ s]")
541  self.add_default("tdec/bmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.b, name="mass_b", description="b-quark mass in GeV")
542  self.add_default("tdec/cmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.c, name="mass_c", description="c-quark mass in GeV")
543  self.add_default("tdec/dmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.d, name="mass_d", description="d-quark mass in GeV")
544  self.add_default("tdec/elbranching", powheg_atlas_common.branching_ratio.W_to_enu, name="BR_W_to_enu", description="W branching ratio to ev")
545  self.add_default("tdec/emass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.e, name="mass_e", description="mass of electron in GeV")
546  self.add_default("tdec/mumass",, name="mass_mu", description="mass of muon in GeV")
547  self.add_default("tdec/sin2cabibbo", powheg_atlas_common.EW_parameters.sin2cabibbo, name="sin2cabibbo", description="sin(theta_Cabibbo)^2")
548  self.add_default("tdec/smass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.s, name="mass_s", description="s-quark mass in GeV")
549  self.add_default("tdec/taumass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.tau, name="mass_tau", description="mass of tau in GeV")
550  self.add_default("tdec/twidth", powheg_atlas_common.width.t, name="width_t", description="top quark width in GeV")
551  self.add_default("tdec/umass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.u, name="mass_u", description="u-quark mass in GeV")
552  self.add_default("tdec/wmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.W, name="mass_W", description="W boson mass in GeV")
553  self.add_default("tdec/wwidth", powheg_atlas_common.width.W, name="width_W", description="W boson width in GeV")
554  self.add_default("testplots", 0, frozen=True, description="plot NLO and PWHG distributions. [1:enabled]")
555  self.add_default("testsuda", 0, frozen=True, description="test Sudakov form factor by numerical integration. [1:enabled]")
556  self.add_default("tevscale", -1, description="W form-factor scale, in TeV . [-1:use Powheg default]")
557  self.add_default("theta_damp", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
558  self.add_default("Tmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.t, name="mass_t", description="top quark mass in GeV")
559  self.add_default("tmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.t, name="mass_t", description="top quark mass in GeV")
560  self.add_default("tmass_phsp", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
561  self.add_default("topdec", 11, description="top quark decay. [11:e+; 13:mu+; 15:tau+; 1:u d~; 3:c s~]")
562  self.add_default("topdecaymode", 0, description="top quark decay. 5 digits indicating the maximum number of (e,mu,tau,u,c) allowed in decays")
563  self.add_default("toploop", 1, description="1 include top loop effects; 0 disregard top loop effects" )
564  self.add_default("topmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.t, name="mass_t", description="top quark mass in GeV")
565  self.add_default("topwidth", powheg_atlas_common.width.t, name="width_t", description="top quark width in GeV")
566  self.add_default("ttype", 1, description="specify top or anti-top. [1:t; -1:tbar]")
567  self.add_default("twidth", powheg_atlas_common.width.t, name="width_t", description="top quark width in GeV")
568  self.add_default("twidth_phsp", powheg_atlas_common.width.t, description="top width for phase-space generation, should be the same as twidth [-1:use Powheg default]")
569  self.add_default("ubexcess_correct", 1, description="whether to correct for upper bound violations in btilde/remnant generation. [1:enabled]")
570  self.add_default("ubsigmadetails", 1, description="output calculated cross-sections. [1:enabled]")
571  self.add_default("Umass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.u, description="u-quark mass in GeV")
572  self.add_default("useoldphsp", 0, description="gg4l: use the old phase space parametrization from ggZZ")
573  self.add_default("use-old-grid", 1, frozen=True, description="use old integration grid if available. [0:disabled]")
574  self.add_default("use-old-ubound", 1, frozen=True, description="read norm of upper bounding function from pwgubound.dat, if present. [1:enabled]")
575  self.add_default("use_OLP_Interface", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
576  self.add_default("use-s2effin", -1, description="use s2eff instead of M_W as input to the EW scheme")
577  self.add_default("user_reshists_sep", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
578  self.add_default("usesmeft", 1, description="ggF_HH_SMEFT: Choose EFT parametrization [0: HEFT w/o truncation, 1: SMEFT W/ truncation, 2: HEFT w/ truncation]")
579  self.add_default("vdecaymode", None, description="vector boson decay mode")
580  self.add_default("vdecaymodeV1", 0,description="gg4l: decay mode of first vector boson")
581  self.add_default("vdecaymodeV2", 0, description="gg4l: decay mode of second vector boson")
582  self.add_default("vdecaymodeW", None, description="W-boson decay mode.")
583  self.add_default("vdecaymodeW1", None, description="first W decay mode.")
584  self.add_default("vdecaymodew1", None, description="first W decay mode.")
585  self.add_default("vdecaymodew2", None, description="second W decay mode.")
586  self.add_default("vdecaymodeW2", None, description="second W decay mode.")
587  self.add_default("vdecaymodeWm", None, description="W- decay mode.")
588  self.add_default("vdecaymodeWp", None, description="W+ decay mode.")
589  self.add_default("vdecaymodeZ", None, description="Z-boson decay mode.")
590  self.add_default("vdecaymodeZ1", None, description="first Z decay mode.")
591  self.add_default("vdecaymodeZ2", None, description="second Z decay mode.")
592  self.add_default("verytinypars", 0, description="set all ISR/FSR grid parameters to 1e-12. [1:enabled]")
593  self.add_default("virtonly", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
594  self.add_default("Vstep", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
595  self.add_default("wdecaymode", None, description="W-boson decay mode: 5 digits indicating the maximum number of (e,mu,tau,u,c) allowed in decays")
596  self.add_default("weak-only", -1, description="")
597  self.add_default("whichpwhgevent", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
598  self.add_default("whichscale", 4, description="ttj_MiNNLO: set scale of overall two powers of alphas if fixedscale=0 [0:H_T^tt/2, 1:m_tt/2, 2:m_tt, 3:H_T^tt+jets/2, 4:H_T^tt/4, 5:H_T^tt+jets/4]")
599  self.add_default("which_as",2, description="gg4l: running of alpha: 1 PWHG, 2 PDF")
600  self.add_default("whichW", -1, description="bb4l: redecay one of the W bosons, thereby converting it into an hadronically decaying W boson, 1 or -1")
601  self.add_default("width_correction", 5, description="")
602  self.add_default("width_H", powheg_atlas_common.width.H, description="Higgs boson width in GeV")
603  self.add_default("width_t", powheg_atlas_common.width.t, description="top quark width in GeV")
604  self.add_default("width_W", powheg_atlas_common.width.W, name="width_W", description="W boson width in GeV")
605  self.add_default("width_Z", powheg_atlas_common.width.Z, description="Z boson width in GeV")
606  self.add_default("widthLQ", 0., description="LQ-s-chan [0: no width]")
607  self.add_default("withbtilde", 1, frozen=True, description="do btilde step. [0:disabled]")
608  self.add_default("withdamp", -1, description="enable hdamp and bornzerodamp. [1:enabled]")
609  self.add_default("withfluxfactor", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
610  self.add_default("withinterference", 1, description="(0:disabled; 1:enabled) include interference for like flavour charged leptons")
611  self.add_default("withnegweights", 1, description="allow negative weights. [1:enabled]")
612  self.add_default("withregular", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
613  self.add_default("withremnants", 1, frozen=True, description="do remnant step. [0:disabled]")
614  self.add_default("withsubtr", 1, frozen=True, description="subtract real counterterms. [0:disabled]")
615  self.add_default("withthetacut", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
616  self.add_default("Wolfenstein_lambda", powheg_atlas_common.WS_parameters.lam, name="Wolfenstein_lambda", description="Wolfenstein lambda parameter")
617  self.add_default("Wolfenstein_A", powheg_atlas_common.WS_parameters.A, name="Wolfenstein_A", description="Wolfenstein A parameter")
618  self.add_default("Wolfenstein_rho", powheg_atlas_common.WS_parameters.rho, name="Wolfenstein_rho", description="Wolfenstein rho parameter")
619  self.add_default("Wolfenstein_eta", powheg_atlas_common.WS_parameters.eta, name="Wolfenstein_eta", description="Wolfenstein eta parameter")
620  self.add_default("Wmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.W, name="mass_W", description="W boson mass in GeV")
621  self.add_default("wmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.W, name="mass_W", description="W boson mass in GeV")
622  self.add_default("WmZevee", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->e(+)e(-) W->e(-)nu. [1:enabled]")
623  self.add_default("WmZevmumu", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->mu(+)mu(-) W->e(-)nu. [1:enabled]")
624  self.add_default("WmZevtautau", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->tau(+)tau(-) W->e(-)nu. [1:enabled]")
625  self.add_default("WmZmuvee", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->e(+)e(-) W->mu(-)nu. [1:enabled]")
626  self.add_default("WmZmuvmumu", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->mu(+)mu(-) W->mu(-)nu. [1:enabled]")
627  self.add_default("WmZmuvtautau", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->tau(+)tau(-) W->mu(-)nu. [1:enabled]")
628  self.add_default("WmZtauvee", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->e(+)e(-) W->tau(-)nu. [1:enabled]")
629  self.add_default("WmZtauvmumu", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->mu(+)mu(-) W->tau(-)nu. [1:enabled]")
630  self.add_default("WmZtauvtautau", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->tau(+)tau(-) W->tau(-)nu. [1:enabled]")
631  self.add_default("WpWmevev", 0, hidden=True, description="WW decay mode: W->e(+)nu W->e(-)nu. [1:enabled]")
632  self.add_default("WpWmevmuv", 0, hidden=True, description="WW decay mode: W->e(+)nu W->mu(-)nu. [1:enabled]")
633  self.add_default("WpWmevtauv", 0, hidden=True, description="WW decay mode: W->e(+)nu W->tau(-)nu. [1:enabled]")
634  self.add_default("WpWmmuvev", 0, hidden=True, description="WW decay mode: W->mu(+)nu W->e(-)nu. [1:enabled]")
635  self.add_default("WpWmmuvmuv", 0, hidden=True, description="WW decay mode: W->mu(+)nu W->mu(-)nu. [1:enabled]")
636  self.add_default("WpWmmuvtauv", 0, hidden=True, description="WW decay mode: W->mu(+)nu W->tau(-)nu. [1:enabled]")
637  self.add_default("WpWmtauvev", 0, hidden=True, description="WW decay mode: W->tau(+)nu W->e(-)nu. [1:enabled]")
638  self.add_default("WpWmtauvmuv", 0, hidden=True, description="WW decay mode: W->tau(+)nu W->mu(-)nu. [1:enabled]")
639  self.add_default("WpWmtauvtauv", 0, hidden=True, description="WW decay mode: W->tau(+)nu W->tau(-)nu. [1:enabled]")
640  self.add_default("WpZevee", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->e(+)e(-) W->e(+)nu. [1:enabled]")
641  self.add_default("WpZevmumu", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->mu(+)mu(-) W->e(+)nu. [1:enabled]")
642  self.add_default("WpZevtautau", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->tau(-)tau(-) W->e(+)nu. [1:enabled]")
643  self.add_default("WpZmuvee", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->e(+)e(-) W->mu(+)nu. [1:enabled]")
644  self.add_default("WpZmuvmumu", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->mu(+)mu(-) W->mu(+)nu. [1:enabled]")
645  self.add_default("WpZmuvtautau", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->tau(-)tau(-) W->mu(+)nu. [1:enabled]")
646  self.add_default("WpZtauvee", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->e(-)e(-) W->tau(+)nu. [1:enabled]")
647  self.add_default("WpZtauvmumu", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->mu(-)mu(-) W->tau(+)nu. [1:enabled]")
648  self.add_default("WpZtauvtautau", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->tau(+)tau(-) W->tau(+)nu. [1:enabled]")
649  self.add_default("ww_res_type", 0, description="Control over Higgs -> W+W- resonance. [0:resonant AND non-resonant production (only recommended for a heavy Higgs with mass > 200 GeV); 1:non-resonant W+W- continuum production only; 2:resonant Higgs->W+W- production only]")
650  self.add_default("WWevmuv", 0, hidden=True, description="WW decay mode: W->enu W->munu. [1:enabled]")
651  self.add_default("WWevtauv", 0, hidden=True, description="WW decay mode: W->enu W->taunu. [1:enabled]")
652  self.add_default("Wwidth", powheg_atlas_common.width.W, name="width_W", description="W boson width in GeV")
653  self.add_default("wwidth", powheg_atlas_common.width.W, name="width_W", description="W boson width in GeV")
654  self.add_default("WWlvlv", 0, hidden=True, description="WW decay mode: W->lnu W->lnu. [1:enabled]")
655  self.add_default("WWlvqq", 0, hidden=True, description="WW decay mode: W->lnu W->qq. [1:enabled]")
656  self.add_default("WWmuvtauv", 0, hidden=True, description="WW decay mode: W->munu W->taunu. [1:enabled]")
657  self.add_default("WWqqqq", 0, hidden=True, description="WW decay mode: W->qq W->qq. [1:enabled]")
658  self.add_default("WZevee", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->e(+)e(-) W->e(+/-)nu. [1:enabled]")
659  self.add_default("WZevmumu", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->mu(+)mu(-) W->e(+/-)nu. [1:enabled]")
660  self.add_default("WZevtautau", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->tau(+)tau(-) W->e(+/-)nu. [1:enabled]")
661  self.add_default("WZlvll", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->ll W->lnu. [1:enabled]")
662  self.add_default("WZlvqq", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->qq W->lnu. [1:enabled]")
663  self.add_default("WZlvvv", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->vv W->lnu. [1:enabled]")
664  self.add_default("WZmuvee", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->e(+)e(-) W->mu(+/-)nu. [1:enabled]")
665  self.add_default("WZmuvmumu", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->mu(+)mu(-) W->mu(+/-). [1:enabled]")
666  self.add_default("WZmuvtautau", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->tau(+)tau(-) W->mu(+/-)nu. [1:enabled]")
667  self.add_default("WZqqll", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->ll W->qq. [1:enabled]")
668  self.add_default("WZqqqq", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->qq W->qq. [1:enabled]")
669  self.add_default("WZqqvv", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->vv W->qq. [1:enabled]")
670  self.add_default("WZtauvee", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->e(+)e(-) W->tau(+/-)nu. [1:enabled]")
671  self.add_default("WZtauvmumu", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->mu(+)mu(-) W->tau(+/-)nu. [1:enabled]")
672  self.add_default("WZtauvtautau", 0, hidden=True, description="WZ decay mode: Z->tau(+)tau(-) W->tau(+/-). [1:enabled]")
673  self.add_default("xgriditeration", 1, frozen=True, description="iteration level for the calculation of the importance sampling grid (only relevant when parallelstage=1).")
674  self.add_default("xupbound", 1, description="increase upper bound for radiation generation by this factor")
675  self.add_default("YSD1x1", 0., description="Yukawa coupling of the down-type leptoquark in Drell-Yan Scalar LeptoQuark production.")
676  self.add_default("YSD1x2", 0., description="Yukawa coupling of the down-type leptoquark in Drell-Yan Scalar LeptoQuark production.")
677  self.add_default("YSD1x3", 0., description="Yukawa coupling of the down-type leptoquark in Drell-Yan Scalar LeptoQuark production.")
678  self.add_default("YSD2x1", 0., description="Yukawa coupling of the down-type leptoquark in Drell-Yan Scalar LeptoQuark production.")
679  self.add_default("YSD2x2", 0., description="Yukawa coupling of the down-type leptoquark in Drell-Yan Scalar LeptoQuark production.")
680  self.add_default("YSD2x3", 0., description="Yukawa coupling of the down-type leptoquark in Drell-Yan Scalar LeptoQuark production.")
681  self.add_default("YSD3x1", 0., description="Yukawa coupling of the down-type leptoquark in Drell-Yan Scalar LeptoQuark production.")
682  self.add_default("YSD3x2", 0., description="Yukawa coupling of the down-type leptoquark in Drell-Yan Scalar LeptoQuark production.")
683  self.add_default("YSD3x3", 0., description="Yukawa coupling of the down-type leptoquark in Drell-Yan Scalar LeptoQuark production.")
684  self.add_default("YSU1x1", 0., description="Yukawa coupling of the up-type leptoquark in Drell-Yan Scalar LeptoQuark production.")
685  self.add_default("YSU1x2", 0., description="Yukawa coupling of the up-type leptoquark in Drell-Yan Scalar LeptoQuark production.")
686  self.add_default("YSU1x3", 0., description="Yukawa coupling of the up-type leptoquark in Drell-Yan Scalar LeptoQuark production.")
687  self.add_default("YSU2x1", 0., description="Yukawa coupling of the up-type leptoquark in Drell-Yan Scalar LeptoQuark production.")
688  self.add_default("YSU2x2", 0., description="Yukawa coupling of the up-type leptoquark in Drell-Yan Scalar LeptoQuark production.")
689  self.add_default("YSU2x3", 0., description="Yukawa coupling of the up-type leptoquark in Drell-Yan Scalar LeptoQuark production.")
690  self.add_default("YSU3x1", 0., description="Yukawa coupling of the up-type leptoquark in Drell-Yan Scalar LeptoQuark production.")
691  self.add_default("YSU3x2", 0., description="Yukawa coupling of the up-type leptoquark in Drell-Yan Scalar LeptoQuark production.")
692  self.add_default("YSU3x3", 0., description="Yukawa coupling of the up-type leptoquark in Drell-Yan Scalar LeptoQuark production.")
693  self.add_default("y_1e", 0, description="LQ-s-chan: coupling of the lepto-quark.")
694  self.add_default("y_2e", 0, description="LQ-s-chan: coupling of the lepto-quark.")
695  self.add_default("y_3e", 0, description="LQ-s-chan: coupling of the lepto-quark.")
696  self.add_default("y_1m", 0, description="LQ-s-chan: coupling of the lepto-quark.")
697  self.add_default("y_2m", 0, description="LQ-s-chan: coupling of the lepto-quark.")
698  self.add_default("y_3m", 0, description="LQ-s-chan: coupling of the lepto-quark.")
699  self.add_default("y_1t", 0, description="LQ-s-chan: coupling of the lepto-quark.")
700  self.add_default("y_2t", 0, description="LQ-s-chan: coupling of the lepto-quark.")
701  self.add_default("y_3t", 0, description="LQ-s-chan: coupling of the lepto-quark.")
702  self.add_default("ZbbNLO", 1, description="correct for non-zero b-mass in Z->bb decays. [0:disabled]")
703  self.add_default("zerowidth", 0, description="use on-shell quarks/bosons only. [1:enabled]")
704  self.add_default("zfixedwidth", -1, description="[-1:use Powheg default]")
705  self.add_default("zmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.Z, description="Z boson mass in GeV")
706  self.add_default("Zmass", powheg_atlas_common.mass.Z, name="mass_Z", description="Z boson mass in GeV")
707  self.add_default("zwidth", powheg_atlas_common.width.Z, name="width_Z", description="Z boson width in GeV")
708  self.add_default("Zwidth", powheg_atlas_common.width.Z, name="width_Z", description="Z boson width in GeV")
709  self.add_default("zz_res_type", 0, description="Control over Higgs -> ZZ resonance. [0:resonant AND non-resonant production (only recommended for a heavy Higgs with mass > 200 GeV); 1:non-resonant ZZ continuum production only; 2:resonant Higgs->ZZ production only]")
710  self.add_default("ZZeeee", 0, hidden=True, description="ZZ decay mode: Z->ee Z->ee. [1:enabled]")
711  self.add_default("ZZeetautau", 0, hidden=True, description="ZZ decay mode: Z->tautau Z->ee. [1:enabled]")
712  self.add_default("ZZllll", 0, hidden=True, description="ZZ decay mode: Z->ll Z->ll. [1:enabled]")
713  self.add_default("ZZmumuee", 0, hidden=True, description="ZZ decay mode: Z->ee Z->mumu. [1:enabled]")
714  self.add_default("ZZmumumumu", 0, hidden=True, description="ZZ decay mode: Z->mumu Z->mumu. [1:enabled]")
715  self.add_default("ZZqqll", 0, hidden=True, description="ZZ decay mode: Z->ll Z->qq. [1:enabled]")
716  self.add_default("ZZqqqq", 0, hidden=True, description="ZZ decay mode: Z->qq Z->qq. [1:enabled]")
717  self.add_default("ZZtautaumumu", 0, hidden=True, description="ZZ decay mode: Z->mumu Z->tautau. [1:enabled]")
718  self.add_default("ZZtautautautau", 0, hidden=True, description="ZZ decay mode: Z->tautau Z->tautau. [1:enabled]")
719  self.add_default("ZZvvee", 0, hidden=True, description="ZZ decay mode: Z->ee Z->nunu. [1:enabled]")
720  self.add_default("ZZvvll", 0, hidden=True, description="ZZ decay mode: Z->ll Z->nunu. [1:enabled]")
721  self.add_default("ZZvvmumu", 0, hidden=True, description="ZZ decay mode: Z->mumu Z->nunu. [1:enabled]")
722  self.add_default("ZZvvqq", 0, hidden=True, description="ZZ decay mode: Z->qq Z->nunu. [1:enabled]")
723  self.add_default("ZZvvtautau", 0, hidden=True, description="ZZ decay mode: Z->tautau Z->nunu. [1:enabled]")
724  self.add_default("ZZvvvv", 0, hidden=True, description="ZZ decay mode: Z->nunu Z->nunu. [1:enabled]")
726  # SMEFT operator coefficients, all set to zero by default
727  for coefficient_name in ["ReGEw", "ImGEw", "ReGEe", "ImGEe"]:
728  self.add_default(coefficient_name, 0.0, description="SMEFT coefficient: {c}".format(c=coefficient_name))
729  for coefficient in ["ReGUw_{flavours}", "ImGUw_{flavours}", "ReGUe_{flavours}", "ImGUe_{flavours}", "ReLeQu3_{flavours}", "ImLeQu3_{flavours}", "ReLeQu_{flavours}", "ImLeQu_{flavours}"]:
730  for flavours in ["{}{}".format(*x) for x in itertools.product(["u", "c", "t"], repeat=2)]:
731  coefficient_name = coefficient.format(flavours=flavours)
732  self.add_default(coefficient_name, 0.0, description="SMEFT coefficient: {c}".format(c=coefficient_name))
733  for coefficient in ["ReGDw_{flavours}", "ImGDw_{flavours}", "ReGDe_{flavours}", "ImGDe_{flavours}", "ReLedQ_{flavours}", "ImLedQ_{flavours}"]:
734  for flavours in ["{}{}".format(*x) for x in itertools.product(["d", "s", "b"], repeat=2)]:
735  coefficient_name = coefficient.format(flavours=flavours)
736  self.add_default(coefficient_name, 0.0, description="SMEFT coefficient: {c}".format(c=coefficient_name))
737  for coefficient in ["QphiU_{flavours}", "Uphi_{flavours}", "QLu_{flavours}", "Ceu_{flavours}", "CLu_{flavours}"]:
738  for flavours in ["uu", "uc", "ut", "cc", "ct", "tt"]:
739  coefficient_name = coefficient.format(flavours=flavours)
740  self.add_default(coefficient_name, 0.0, description="SMEFT coefficient: {c}".format(c=coefficient_name))
741  for coefficient in ["QphiD_{flavours}", "Dphi_{flavours}", "QLd_{flavours}", "Ced_{flavours}", "CLd_{flavours}", "Qe_{flavours}"]:
742  for flavours in ["dd", "ds", "db", "ss", "sb", "bb"]:
743  coefficient_name = coefficient.format(flavours=flavours)
744  self.add_default(coefficient_name, 0.0, description="SMEFT coefficient: {c}".format(c=coefficient_name))
745  for coefficient in ["ReXi_{flavours}", "ImXi_{flavours}"]:
746  for flavours in ["{}{}".format(*x) for x in itertools.product(["u", "c", "t"], ["d", "s", "b"])]:
747  coefficient_name = coefficient.format(flavours=flavours)
748  self.add_default(coefficient_name, 0.0, description="SMEFT coefficient: {c}".format(c=coefficient_name))

Member Function Documentation

◆ __call__()

def python.decorators.singleton.Singleton.__call__ (   cls,
**  kwargs 

Retrieve the singleton instance, creating if necessary.

Definition at line 11 of file

11  def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
12  """! Retrieve the singleton instance, creating if necessary."""
13  if cls not in cls._instances:
14  cls._instances[cls] = super(Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
15  return cls._instances[cls]

◆ add_default()

def python.parameters.registry.Registry.add_default (   self,
  name = None,
  hidden = False,
  frozen = False,
  description = "" 

Add a group of default settings for a given keyword.

keywordPowheg keyword.
valueDefault value.
nameUser-visible name.
hiddenTrue if this parameter should be hidden from the user.
frozenTrue if this parameter cannot be changed.
descriptionHuman-readable description string.

Definition at line 752 of file

752  def add_default(self, keyword, value, name=None, hidden=False, frozen=False, description=""):
753  """! Add a group of default settings for a given keyword.
755  @param keyword Powheg keyword.
756  @param value Default value.
757  @param name User-visible name.
758  @param hidden True if this parameter should be hidden from the user.
759  @param frozen True if this parameter cannot be changed.
760  @param description Human-readable description string.
761  """
762  if keyword in self.known_keywords:
763  raise AssertionError("Parameter {0} has already been defined!".format(keyword))
764  self.__register[keyword] = {"name": [name, keyword][name is None], "value": value, "hidden": hidden, "frozen": frozen, "description": description}

◆ get_defaults()

def python.parameters.registry.Registry.get_defaults (   self,

Get default values for a particular keyword.

keywordPowheg keyword to return defaults for.

Definition at line 766 of file

766  def get_defaults(self, keyword):
767  """! Get default values for a particular keyword.
769  @param keyword Powheg keyword to return defaults for.
770  """
771  if keyword not in self.known_keywords:
772  raise AssertionError("Parameter {0} is not known!".format(keyword))
773  return self.__register[keyword]

◆ known_keywords()

def python.parameters.registry.Registry.known_keywords (   self)

Return all known keywords.

Definition at line 776 of file

776  def known_keywords(self):
777  """! Return all known keywords."""
778  return self.__register.keys()

Member Data Documentation

◆ __register

dictionary python.parameters.registry.Registry.__register = {}

Definition at line 16 of file

◆ _instances

dictionary python.decorators.singleton.Singleton._instances = {}

Definition at line 9 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
def __init__(self, base_directory, **kwargs)
Constructor: all process options are set here.
Definition: Control/AthenaPython/python/