ATLAS Offline Software
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NActsTrkThe AlignStoreProviderAlg loads the rigid alignment corrections and pipes them through the readout geometry to cache the final transformations of the sensor surfaces associated to one particular detector technology (Pixel, Sct, etc.)
 NAFPHeader file for interface of SiGlobAlignDBTool used to read global alignment for database
 NAmgDefinition of ATLAS Math & Geometry primitives (Amg)
 NAnalysisThe namespace of all packages in PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging
 NAnalysisUtilsUtility class to select combination of elements in a collection
 NAthenaSome weak symbol referencing magic..
 NAthena_testFunctions & macros to test the difference between floats
 NAthOnnxNamespace holding all of the Onnx Runtime example code
 NBStoXAODHelperTool used by TrigBSExtraction to convert to xAOD
 NCaloPrefetchThis software was developed for the ATLAS project
 NCaloRecNamespace for helper functions
 NCoreDumpSvcHandlerSignal handler for CoreDumpSvc
 NCPSelect isolated Photons, Electrons and Muons
 ND3PDBlock filler tool for noisy FEB information
 NDerivationFrameworkTHE reconstruction tool
 NDiTauRecToolsImplementation of boosted di-tau ID
 NegammaMVAFunctionsThese functions are for calculating variables used by the MVA calibration
 NELThis module defines the arguments passed from the BATCH driver to the BATCH worker
 NExpressionParsingNamespace holding all the expression evaluation code
 NFastJetInterfaceCollection of types for the internal dictionary
 NFlavorTagDiscriminantsThis file contains "getter" functions used for accessing tagger inputs from the EDM
 NFTFHeader for factorised IRoiDescriptor interface
 NG4StepHelperHelper functions to avoid having to play with the G4Step to retrieve relevant quantities
 NGetLCDefsNamespace for enums releavant in the extraction of LC constants
 NGlobalSimAlgTool to obtain a selection of eFex RoIs read in from the event store
 NGSFConstantsCollect constants we use in GSF and their meaning in one place
 NGsfMaterialCollect Structs we use for material effects in GSF and their meaning in one place
 NGSFUtilsDynamic array fullfilling alignment requirements
 NH5HDF5 Traits
 NH5UtilsHDF5 Tuple Writer
 NHandlerAthROOTErrorHandlerSvc: Replaces ROOT's standard error handler in order to detect Problematic ROOT issues such as stale file handles and read failures
 NHGTDCopyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 NHLTIt used to be useful piece of code for replacing actual SG with other store of similar functionality In fact it used to be more like interface adapter for ARA objects access, nevertheless since the ARA project is gone it is only an unnecessary extra layer
 NHTXSHiggs Template Cross Section namespace
 NIDPVMClass to retrieve associated truth from a track, implementing a cached response
 NIDTPMAthena include(s)
 NInDetPrimary Vertex Finder
 NInDetDDMessage Stream Member
 NISFTestingCore Athena algorithm for the Integrated Simulation Framework
 NJetGeomA collection of routines for geometric tasks in 2D and on a cylinder
 NJetHelperClass IJetCalibStep
 NJetToolsImplementation of the Forward Folding (FF) Jet smearing tool interface
 NJetVoronoiDiagramHelpersJakub Cuth
May 2015
 NJiveXMLThis header is shared inbetween the C-style server thread and the C++ Athena ServerSvc
 NL1MUINTDedicated namespace for the MuCTPI output class(es)
 NLArBadChanImplA helper class that provides iterators over elements in two separate ordered containers as if the elements were merged in a single container and sorted, but without any CPU overhead
 NLArParamsPropertiesThis include file contains inline functions describing LAr Parameters properties used in LArReadParamsFromFile and LArParams2Ntuple
 NLVL1EFexTowerBuilder creates xAOD::eFexTowerContainer from supercells (LATOME) and triggerTowers (TREX) inputs
 NLVL1MUCTPINamespace of the LVL1 MuCTPI simulation
 NLVL1MUONIFNamespace for the LVL1 muon interface classes
 NMagFieldLocal cache for magnetic field (based on MagFieldServices/AtlasFieldSvcTLS.h)
 NMcParticleEventTPCnv_dictFile: McParticleEventTPCnv/McParticleEventTPCnvDict.h Dictionary file for persistent representation(s) of McParticleEvent classes Author: Sebastien Binet Date: July 2007
 NMDThis module provides a lot of global definitions, forward declarations and includes that are used by all modules
 NMissingETBaseGeneral namespace for MET EDM software
 NMonitoredGeneric monitoring tool for athena components
 NMuonNRpcCablingAlg reads raw condition data and writes derived condition data to the condition store
 NMuonCalibCscCalcPed - algorithm that finds the Cathode Strip Chamber pedestals from an RDO
 NMuonCalibR4MdtCalibDbAlgR4 reads raw condition data and writes derived condition data to the condition store
 NMuonCombinedThe MuonTagToSegMap is an auxillary construct that links the MuonSegments associated with a combined TagMap to a second segment collection that can be dumped to the output root file
 NMuonG4R4Include the common definitions from the MuonReadoutGeometry
 NMuonGMEnsure that the Athena extensions are properly loaded
 NMuonGMR4The ReadoutGeomCnvAlg converts the Run4 Readout geometry build from the GeoModelXML into the legacy MuonReadoutGeometry
 NMuonR4This header ties the generic definitions in this package
 NMuonValClass to store array like branches into the n-tuples
 NMuonValR4Lightweight algorithm to read xAOD MDT sim hits and (fast-digitised) drift circles from SG and fill a validation NTuple with identifier and drift circle info
 NNSWL1A trigger trigger candidate for a stgc sector
 NOverlayHelpers for overlaying Identifiable Containers
 NP4HelpersP4Helpers provides static helper functions for kinematic calculation on objects deriving from I4Momentum
 NParticleDataTypeInformation about type of data used to fill particle
 NParticleEventTPCnvDict_tmpFile: ParticleEventTPCnv/ParticleEventTPCnvDict.h Dictionary file for persistent representation(s) of AOD containers Author: Sebastien Binet Date: December 2006
 NPATCoreInformation about type of data used to fill particle
 NPayloadHelpersCollection of helper functions for raw pointer operations on the bytestream payload
 NPerfMonTestPerfMonTestPolyVectorAlg.h Example for the memory optimization tutorial
 NPESALocal tools
 NPMGToolsTool providing sample cross-sections and k-factors etc
 NpoolPool namespace
 NPseudoJetGetterImplementations of concrete input-to-PseudoJet conversions Separated from PseudoJetAlgorithm for readability
 NPythia8Author: James Monk (
 NPythia8_UserHooksSome common functions for determining pTs and navigating event records for the PoWHEG + Pythia user hooks
 NRCUThis module defines a variety of assert style macros
 NRecName: MuonSpContainer.h Package : offline/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/muonEvent
 NRingerNamespace dedicated for Ringer utilities
 NROIBNamespace of the LVL1 RoIB simulation
 NROOTSelection rules: declare transient members
 NRootAuxDynIOSpecialization of RootAuxDynStore for reading Aux Dynamic attributes from RNTuple
 NRun1USAGE: openCoraCool.exe "COOLONL_SCT/COMP200"
 NSCT_ConditionsAlgorithmsSCT_SimpleHisto.h C++ projects
 NSCT_ParametersEnums for chip type
 NSGForward declaration
 NSHThis module provides a lot of global definitions, forward declarations and includes that are used by all modules
 NShowerLibNamespace for the ShowerLib related classes
 NSignEnumConversion key for comparison operators for Event Selection Algorithms
 NstdSTL namespace
 NtauRecToolsImplementation of a TrackClassifier based on an RNN
 NTauShotVariableHelpersImplementation of photon shot variable calculation
 NTCCHelpers\bried Internal helper class for TCC & UFO building
 NTIDATest for xAOD
 NTrigThe common trigger namespace for trigger analysis tools
 NTrigConfForward iterator to traverse the main components of the trigger configuration
 NTriggerEDMAuxAccessorsInstantiate SG::AuxElementAccessor for all decorations in Trigger EDM before they are used in output writing
 NTrigGlobEffCorrTemplate specializations below must be enclosed in this namespace
 NTrigMatchHelper namespace for calculating deltaR for unknown object types
 NTrkEnsure that the ATLAS eigen extensions are properly loaded
 NTrkDriftCircleMathFunction object to check whether two Segments are sub/super sets or different
 NTRT_PAI_gasdataInput data to PAI process:
 NTRT_PAI_physicsConstantsPhysics constants
 NVHKASupportFunctions in this namespace are to reduce a boiler plate code from the Ath* base classes
 NxAODICaloAffectedTool is abstract interface for tools checking if 4 mom is in calo affected region
 Nxxh3Wrapper namespace for our xxhash (xxh3) wrapper function