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MuonCalib Namespace Reference

CscCalcPed - algorithm that finds the Cathode Strip Chamber pedestals from an RDO. More...




class  AdaptiveResidualSmoothing
class  ADCMTHistos
class  BaseFunction
class  BaseFunctionFitter
class  BFieldCorFunc
class  CalibDbConnection
class  CalibFunc
 generic interface for a calibration function. More...
class  CalibHeadOperations
struct  CalibParamSorter
 Helper struct to group Mdt calibration constants which are equivalent within the target precision. More...
class  CalibrationDbIOTool
class  CalibrationFileIOTool
class  CalibrationOracleFileIOTool
class  CalibrationTeeIOTool
class  CalibRtDbOperations
class  CalibT0DbOperations
class  ChebyshevPolynomial
class  Combination
class  ConstantContentBinMaker
class  CoolInserter
class  CscCalcPed
 does calibration of the CSC chambers More...
class  CscCalcSlope
 does calibration of the CSC chambers More...
class  CscCalibHitBase
class  CscCondData
class  CscCondDataCollection
class  CscCondDataCollectionBase
class  CscCondDataContainer
class  CscCondParType
class  CurvedCandidateFinder
class  CurvedLine
class  CurvedPatRec
class  DataBin
class  DataPoint
class  DCSLFitter
class  EventHandler
class  FixedIdDecoder
class  GlobalTimeFitter
class  HistogramId
class  ICalibPatternSelector
class  ICalibrationIOTool
class  ICalibSegmentPreparationTool
class  IConditionsStorage
class  IdToFixedIdTool
class  IIdToFixedIdTool
class  IMdtBackgroundCorFunc
 generic interface for cavern background correction functions More...
class  IMdtBFieldCorFunc
 generic interface for b-field correction functions More...
class  IMdtCalibration
class  IMdtCalibrationOutput
class  IMdtPatRecFitter
class  IMdtSegmentFitter
class  IMdtSegmentSelector
class  IMdtSlewCorFunc
 generic interface for slewing correction functions More...
class  IMdtTempCorFunc
 generic interface for temperature correction functions More...
class  IMooPatternForCalibrationTool
class  IMuonCalibConditionsSource
class  IMuonCalibTool
class  IndexSet
class  INtupleCalibrationTool
class  IRegionSelectorTool
class  IRtRelation
 generic interface for a rt-relation More...
class  IRtResolution
 Generic interface to retrieve the resolution on the drift radius as a function of the drift time. More...
class  IShiftMapTools
class  ITrRelation
class  LegendrePolynomial
class  LocalSegmentResolver
class  LocalToPrecision
 Provides transformation between local and presicion reference frames. More...
class  MdtCalibDataContainer
class  MdtCalibEventLoop
class  MdtCalibHitBase
class  MdtCorFuncSet
 Class which holds all correction functions for a given region. More...
struct  MdtFullCalibData
 class which holds the full set of calibration constants for a given tube More...
class  MdtRelativeTubeT0
class  MdtRtRelation
 class which holds calibration constants per rt-region More...
class  MdtSlewCorFuncHardcoded
 An implementation of a time slew correction function for AMT digitization chip. More...
class  MdtStationT0Container
class  MdtTubeCalibContainer
 Holds single-tube calibration constants of one chamber. More...
class  MdtTubeFitContainer
 Holds single-tube full calibration information of one chamber. More...
class  MdtTubeFullInfoContainer
 Holds single-tube full calibration information of one chamber. More...
class  MeanRMS
class  MTStraightLine
class  MTT0PatternRecognition
class  MTTmaxPatternRecognition
class  MuCCaFitter
class  MuCCaFitterImplementation
struct  MultilayerId
 Holds the station, eta, phi and multilayer Ids for a given multilayer. More...
class  MultilayerRtDifference
class  MultilayerRtDifference_Histograms
class  MuonCalibCaloHit
 Simplified class designed to store information of a MBTS hit. More...
class  MuonCalibCscTruthHit
class  MuonCalibCylinder
class  MuonCalibDbCalibrationSource
class  MuonCalibDefaultCalibrationSource
class  MuonCalibDisk
class  MuonCalibEvent
class  MuonCalibEvent_E
class  MuonCalibEventInfo
class  MuonCalibExtendedRawHits
class  MuonCalibExtendedSegment
class  MuonCalibExtendedTrack
struct  MuonCalibExtendedTrackOverlap
class  MuonCalibHit_E
class  MuonCalibHole_E
class  MuonCalibMdtTruthHit
class  MuonCalibMUCTPI
 Simplified class designed to store information from MuCTPi processor. More...
class  MuonCalibPattern
class  MuonCalibRawCscHit
class  MuonCalibRawHitAssociationMap
class  MuonCalibRawHitCollection
class  MuonCalibRawMdtHit
class  MuonCalibRawRpcCoin
class  MuonCalibRawRpcHit
class  MuonCalibRawRpcTriggerHit
class  MuonCalibRawTgcCoin
class  MuonCalibRawTgcHit
class  MuonCalibRawTriggerHitCollection
class  MuonCalibRpcSectorLogic
 Simplified class designed to store information from RpcSectorLogic. More...
class  MuonCalibRpcTruthHit
class  MuonCalibSegment
class  MuonCalibSelector
class  MuonCalibSimpleGeometry
class  MuonCalibSimpleHoleSearch
class  MuonCalibSLPropagator
 straight line propagator More...
class  MuonCalibSurface
class  MuonCalibTgcTruthHit
class  MuonCalibTrack_E
class  MuonCalibTrackSummary
class  MuonCalibTriggerInfo
 Simplified class designed to store information of a trigger. More...
class  MuonCalibTriggerTimeInfo
class  MuonCalibTriggerTypeHelper
 helper class to for MuonCalibTriggerType which provides a mapping to the actual bit number More...
class  MuonCalibTruth
class  MuonCalibTruthCollection
class  MuonFixedId
class  MuonFixedIdManipulator
class  MuonFixedIdPrinter
class  MuonFixedLongId
class  MuonSegmentReader
class  MuonSegmentToCalibSegment
class  NtupleStationId
class  PolygonBase
class  QuasianalyticLineReconstruction
class  RadiusResolutionChebyshev
 RadiusResolutionChebyshev parametrizes the uncertainty on the drift-radius as a function of the drift radius itself and not of the drift time. More...
class  RegionDataFromFile
 Manages the I/O of the list of multilayers belonging to a calibration region. More...
class  RegionElement
class  RegionLogicalOperation
class  RegionSelectorBase
class  RpcCalibData
 holds all conditions data for rpc strip. More...
class  RpcCalibDataContainer
class  RpcCalibDBEntry
 representation of a db entry in rpc cond db. More...
class  RpcCalibHitBase
class  RpcCondParType
class  RpcOnlineDBEntry
 representation of an online db entry (masked chans) in rpc cond db. More...
class  RtCalibrationAnalytic
class  RtCalibrationCurved
class  RtCalibrationIntegration
class  RtCalibrationOutput
class  RtChebyshev
class  RtData_t_r_reso
 Represents an Rt relation in the form of a set of (time,radius,resolution) points. More...
class  RtDataFromFile
 Manages the I/O of the Rt realtions from/to file. More...
class  RtFromPoints
class  RtFullInfo
 addiitonal information used in validation of a rt-relation More...
class  RtLegendre
class  RtParabolicExtrapolation
class  RtRelationLookUp
 Equidistant look up table for rt-relations with the time as key. More...
class  RtResolutionChebyshev
class  RtResolutionFromPoints
class  RtResolutionLookUp
 Equidistant look up table for resolution tables with the time as key. More...
class  RtSimplePolynomial
class  RtSpline
class  SamplePoint
class  SimpleMdtSegmentSelector
class  SimplePatternSelector
class  SimplePolynomial
class  StraightPatRec
class  T0CalibrationClassic
class  T0CalibrationMT
class  T0CalibrationOutput
class  T0ClassicHistos
class  T0ClassicSettings
class  T0MTHistos
class  T0MTSettings
class  T0MTSettingsT0
class  T0MTSettingsTMax
class  T0Refinement
class  TgcCalibHitBase
class  TrChebyshev
class  TrLegendre
class  TrRelationLookUp
class  TrSimplePolynomial
class  TubeDataFromFile
class  typeNamer
class  typeNamer< bool >
class  typeNamer< double >
class  typeNamer< float >
class  typeNamer< int >
class  typeNamer< std::string >
class  typeNamer< uint16_t >
class  typeNamer< uint32_t >
class  typeNamer< uint8_t >
class  UpdateCalibHit
class  VariableBinwidthHistogram
class  VariableBinwidthHistogramBin
class  VBHBinPtrSrt


using IRtRelationPtr = GeoModel::TransientConstSharedPtr< IRtRelation >
using IRtResolutionPtr = GeoModel::TransientConstSharedPtr< IRtResolution >
using ITrRelationPtr = GeoModel::TransientConstSharedPtr< ITrRelation >
using SingleTubeFit = MdtTubeFitContainer::SingleTubeFit
using SingleTubeFullInfo = MdtTubeFullInfoContainer::SingleTubeFullInfo
using CalibHitE_Ptr = std::shared_ptr< const MuonCalibHit_E >
 hit information per station layer index More...
using StationIndexHitsMap = std::map< MuonFixedIdManipulator::StationIndex, std::vector< CalibHitE_Ptr > >
using IdHitsMap = std::map< MuonFixedId, std::vector< CalibHitE_Ptr > >
 hit information per station More...
using IdHitMap = std::map< MuonFixedId, CalibHitE_Ptr >
 hit information per identifier More...
using StationIntersectedLayerMap = std::map< MuonFixedId, MuonCalibSimpleHoleSearch::Result >
 intersected layers in the simplified geometry per station More...
using StationIndexSet = std::set< MuonFixedIdManipulator::StationIndex >
 set with station layer index More...
using IdSet = std::set< MuonFixedId >
 set of identifiers More...
typedef Identifier MdtBasicRegionId
 define type MdtBasicRegionId for the smallest possible MDT calibration region More...
typedef IdentifierHash MdtBasicRegionHash
 define type MdtBasicRegionHash for the smallest possible MDT calibration region More...
typedef IdentifierHash MdtRegionHash
 define type MdtRegionHash More...


enum  MuonCalibTriggerType {
  L1_EM3 = 0, L1_TAU5, L1_J5, L1_XE20,
 enum for all trigger type More...


std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, RtFullInfo &data)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RtFullInfo &data)
float RtScalePolynomial (const float r)
float RtScaleFunction (const float t, const bool ml2, const IRtRelation &rtrelation)
std::vector< SamplePointfetchDataPoints (const IRtRelation &rtRel, const double relUnc)
 Constructs a list of sample points from the rt-relation. More...
std::vector< SamplePointfetchDataPoints (const IRtRelation &rtRel, const IRtResolution &resoFunc)
 Constructs a list of sample points from the rt-relation. More...
std::vector< SamplePointswapCoordinates (const std::vector< SamplePoint > &points, const IRtRelation &rtRel)
 Creates a new vector of samples points with x1 exchanged by x2 and vice-versa. More...
std::vector< SamplePointresoFromRadius (const std::vector< SamplePoint > &points, const double uncert)
 Creates a new vector of sample points where the x2 coordinate becomes the x1 coordinate and the resolution becomes x2. More...
std::vector< SamplePointfetchResolution (const std::vector< SamplePoint > &points, const double uncert)
 Creates a new vector of sample points where the x2 is assigned to the uncertainty and the uncertainty is replaced by a constant value. More...
std::vector< SamplePointnormalizeDomain (const std::vector< SamplePoint > &dataPoints)
 Normalizes the domain of the samples points to the interval -1 to 1. More...
double calculateChi2 (const std::vector< SamplePoint > &dataPoints, const IRtRelation &rtRel)
 Returns the chi2 of the rt-relation w.r.t. More...
double calculateChi2 (const std::vector< SamplePoint > &dataPoints, const ITrRelation &trRel)
double calculateChi2 (const std::vector< SamplePoint > &dataPoints, const IRtResolution &rtReso)
std::pair< double, double > minMax (const std::vector< SamplePoint > &points)
 Returns the minimum & maximum values covered by the sample points. More...
std::pair< double, double > interval (const std::vector< SamplePoint > &points)
 Returns the interval covered by the sample points. More...
Double_t MultilayerRtDifference_ScaleFunction (Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
template<typename T >
void clearall (T &container)
Double_t adcfitf_skewnormal (Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
 skew normal ADC fitting More...
unsigned int get_group_id (const MuonFixedId &id, const MdtRelativeTubeT0::TubeGroup &grp)
Double_t myexp (Double_t *x, Double_t *p)
Double_t TimeSpectrum_func (Double_t *xx, Double_t *par)
TRandom3 * getTLSRandomGen ()
Double_t mt_t0_fermi (Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
 The fermi function to be fitted at the rising edge of the spectrum. More...
Double_t mt_tmax_fermi (Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
 The fermi function to be fitted at the trailing slope of the spectrum. More...
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, RtData_t_r_reso &data)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RtData_t_r_reso &data)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const CscCalibHitBase &hit)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const RpcCalibHitBase &hit)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const TgcCalibHitBase &hit)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MuonCalib::MuonFixedId &id)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MuonCalib::MuonFixedLongId &id)
MuonFixedId OnlineToOffline (const std::string &online_id)
constexpr double chebyshevPoly1st (const unsigned int order, const double x)
 Returns the n-th Chebyshev polynomial of first kind evaluated at x (c.f. More...
constexpr double chebyshevPoly2nd (const unsigned int order, const double x)
 Returns the n-th Chebyshev polynomial of second kind evaluated at x (c.f. More...
constexpr double chebyshevPoly1stPrime (const unsigned int order, const double x)
 Returns the first derivative of the n-th Chebycheb polynomial of the first kind. More...
constexpr double chebyshevPoly2ndPrime (const unsigned int order, const double x)
 Returns the first derivative of the n-th Chebycheb polynomial of the first second kind. More...
constexpr double chebyshevPoly1st2Prime (const unsigned int order, const double x)
 Returns the second derivative of the n-th Chebycheb polynomial of the first kind. More...
constexpr double chebyshevPoly2nd2Prime (const unsigned int order, const double x)
 Returns the second derivative of the n-th Chebycheb polynomial of the first second kind. More...
constexpr unsigned long factorial (const int n)
 Evaluated the n-th factorial at compile time. More...
constexpr unsigned long binomial (const unsigned n, const unsigned k)
 Calculates the binomial coefficient at compile time. More...
template<int k>
constexpr double pow (const double x)
 Calculate the power of a variable x at compile time. More...
constexpr double pow (double x, int power)
 Calculate the power of a variable at run time. More...
constexpr double legendrePoly (const unsigned l, const double x)
 Calculates the legendre polynomial of rank l at x. More...
constexpr double legendreDeriv (const unsigned l, const unsigned d, const double x)
 Evaluates the n-th derivative of the l-th Legendre polynomial. More...
double mapToUnitInterval (const double x, const double lowerEdge, const double upperEdge)
 Maps the number x which is in [lowEdge;upperEdge] to the interval [-1;1]. More...
double unitIntervalPrime (const double lowerEdge, const double upperEdge)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const CscCondParType &type)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const RpcCondParType &type)

Detailed Description

CscCalcPed - algorithm that finds the Cathode Strip Chamber pedestals from an RDO.

namespace to identify classes related only to muon calibration

   @class CscCondData

   @author lampen@physics.arizona.edu

   @brief Containes information for a single index value for a CSC COOL data object. 

Every value from the CSC COOL database is kept in a CscCondData object.

Typedef Documentation

◆ CalibHitE_Ptr

using MuonCalib::CalibHitE_Ptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<const MuonCalibHit_E>

hit information per station layer index

Definition at line 20 of file MuonCalibLayerMapping.h.

◆ IdHitMap

using MuonCalib::IdHitMap = typedef std::map<MuonFixedId, CalibHitE_Ptr>

hit information per identifier

Definition at line 27 of file MuonCalibLayerMapping.h.

◆ IdHitsMap

using MuonCalib::IdHitsMap = typedef std::map<MuonFixedId, std::vector<CalibHitE_Ptr> >

hit information per station

Definition at line 24 of file MuonCalibLayerMapping.h.

◆ IdSet

using MuonCalib::IdSet = typedef std::set<MuonFixedId>

set of identifiers

Definition at line 36 of file MuonCalibLayerMapping.h.

◆ IRtRelationPtr

Definition at line 17 of file IRtRelation.h.

◆ IRtResolutionPtr

Definition at line 13 of file IRtResolution.h.

◆ ITrRelationPtr

Definition at line 16 of file ITrRelation.h.

◆ MdtBasicRegionHash

define type MdtBasicRegionHash for the smallest possible MDT calibration region

Definition at line 26 of file NtupleStationId.h.

◆ MdtBasicRegionId

define type MdtBasicRegionId for the smallest possible MDT calibration region

Definition at line 24 of file NtupleStationId.h.

◆ MdtRegionHash

define type MdtRegionHash

Definition at line 28 of file NtupleStationId.h.

◆ SingleTubeFit

Definition at line 7 of file MdtTubeFitContainer.cxx.

◆ SingleTubeFullInfo

Definition at line 7 of file MdtTubeFullInfoContainer.cxx.

◆ StationIndexHitsMap

Definition at line 21 of file MuonCalibLayerMapping.h.

◆ StationIndexSet

set with station layer index

Definition at line 33 of file MuonCalibLayerMapping.h.

◆ StationIntersectedLayerMap

intersected layers in the simplified geometry per station

Definition at line 30 of file MuonCalibLayerMapping.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ MdtCalibCreationFlags


Definition at line 10 of file MdtCalibCreationFlags.h.

◆ MuonCalibTriggerType

enum for all trigger type


Definition at line 16 of file MuonCalibTriggerInfo.h.

16  {
17  L1_EM3 = 0,
18  L1_TAU5,
19  L1_J5,
20  L1_XE20,
24  L1_MU6_RPC,
27  L1_MU0_TGC,
28  L1_MU6_TGC,
31  };

Function Documentation

◆ adcfitf_skewnormal()

Double_t MuonCalib::adcfitf_skewnormal ( Double_t *  x,
Double_t *  par 

skew normal ADC fitting

Definition at line 17 of file ADCMTHistos.cxx.

17  {
18  // par[0] = skew gauss norm
19  // par[1] = skew gauss mean (i.e. mu)
20  // par[2] = skew gauss sigma (i.e sigma)
21  // par[3] = skew factor (i.e. alpha)
22  // Numeric constants
23  Double_t invsq2pi = 1.0 / (std::sqrt(2 * M_PI));
24  Double_t twoPi = 2 * M_PI;
26  Double_t delta_value = par[3] / (std::sqrt(1. + par[3] * par[3]));
27  Double_t omega_square = (par[2] * par[2]) / (1. - 4. * delta_value * delta_value / (twoPi));
28  Double_t omega_value = std::sqrt(omega_square);
29  Double_t xi_value = par[1] - delta_value * omega_value * 2. * invsq2pi;
30  Double_t Gauss_part =
31  (invsq2pi / omega_value) * std::exp(-((x[0] - xi_value) * (x[0] - xi_value)) / (2.0 * omega_square)); // phi(x)
33  Double_t Erf_part = 0.5 * (1 + std::erf(par[3] * (x[0] - xi_value) / (omega_value)));
35  Double_t SkewNormal_Value = par[0] * 2. * Gauss_part * Erf_part;
37  Double_t MyGaussFuncValue = SkewNormal_Value;
39  return (MyGaussFuncValue);
40  }

◆ binomial()

constexpr unsigned long MuonCalib::binomial ( const unsigned  n,
const unsigned  k 

Calculates the binomial coefficient at compile time.

Definition at line 60 of file LegendrePoly.h.

60  {
61  unsigned long b = factorial(n) / (factorial(k) * factorial(n-k));
62  return b;
63  }

◆ calculateChi2() [1/3]

double MuonCalib::calculateChi2 ( const std::vector< SamplePoint > &  dataPoints,
const IRtRelation rtRel 

Returns the chi2 of the rt-relation w.r.t.

the data points

Definition at line 100 of file SamplePointUtils.cxx.

101  {
102  double chi2{0.};
103  for (const SamplePoint& point: dataPoints){
104  chi2+=std::pow((point.x2() - rtRel.radius(point.x1())) / point.error(), 2);
105  }
106  return chi2;
107  }

◆ calculateChi2() [2/3]

double MuonCalib::calculateChi2 ( const std::vector< SamplePoint > &  dataPoints,
const IRtResolution rtReso 

Definition at line 116 of file SamplePointUtils.cxx.

117  {
118  double chi2{0.};
119  for (const SamplePoint& point: dataPoints){
120  chi2+=std::pow((point.x2() - rtReso.resolution(point.x1())) / point.error(), 2);
121  }
122  return chi2;
123  }

◆ calculateChi2() [3/3]

double MuonCalib::calculateChi2 ( const std::vector< SamplePoint > &  dataPoints,
const ITrRelation trRel 

Definition at line 108 of file SamplePointUtils.cxx.

109  {
110  double chi2{0.};
111  for (const SamplePoint& point: dataPoints){
112  chi2+=std::pow((point.x2() - trRel.driftTime(point.x1()).value_or(2.*trRel.maxRadius()) ) / point.error(), 2);
113  }
114  return chi2;
115  }

◆ chebyshevPoly1st()

constexpr double MuonCalib::chebyshevPoly1st ( const unsigned int  order,
const double  x 

Returns the n-th Chebyshev polynomial of first kind evaluated at x (c.f.


orderof the polynomial to evalue
xPlace at which the polynomial is evaluated

Definition at line 13 of file ChebychevPoly.h.

13  {
14  double value{0.};
15  switch(order) {
16  case 0:
17  value=1.;
18  break;
19  case 1:
20  value = x;
21  break;
22  default:
24  break;
25  }
26  return value;
27  }

◆ chebyshevPoly1st2Prime()

constexpr double MuonCalib::chebyshevPoly1st2Prime ( const unsigned int  order,
const double  x 

Returns the second derivative of the n-th Chebycheb polynomial of the first kind.

orderof the polynomial to evalue
xPlace at which the polynomial is evaluated

Definition at line 81 of file ChebychevPoly.h.

81  {
82  double value{0.};
83  switch (order) {
84  case 0:
85  case 1:
86  break;
87  default:
89  }
90  return value;
91  }

◆ chebyshevPoly1stPrime()

constexpr double MuonCalib::chebyshevPoly1stPrime ( const unsigned int  order,
const double  x 

Returns the first derivative of the n-th Chebycheb polynomial of the first kind.

orderof the polynomial to evalue
xPlace at which the polynomial is evaluated

Definition at line 49 of file ChebychevPoly.h.

49  {
50  double value{0.};
51  switch (order) {
52  case 0:
53  break;
54  case 1:
55  value = 1.;
56  break;
57  default:
59  }
60  return value;
61  }

◆ chebyshevPoly2nd()

constexpr double MuonCalib::chebyshevPoly2nd ( const unsigned int  order,
const double  x 

Returns the n-th Chebyshev polynomial of second kind evaluated at x (c.f.


orderof the polynomial to evalue
xPlace at which the polynomial is evaluated

Definition at line 32 of file ChebychevPoly.h.

32  {
33  double value{0.};
34  switch (order) {
35  case 0:
36  value = 1.;
37  break;
38  case 1:
39  value = 2.*x;
40  break;
41  default:
43  }
44  return value;
45  }

◆ chebyshevPoly2nd2Prime()

constexpr double MuonCalib::chebyshevPoly2nd2Prime ( const unsigned int  order,
const double  x 

Returns the second derivative of the n-th Chebycheb polynomial of the first second kind.

orderof the polynomial to evalue
xPlace at which the polynomial is evaluated

Definition at line 95 of file ChebychevPoly.h.

95  {
96  double value{0.};
97  switch (order) {
98  case 0:
99  case 1:
100  break;
101  default:
103  }
104  return value;
105  }

◆ chebyshevPoly2ndPrime()

constexpr double MuonCalib::chebyshevPoly2ndPrime ( const unsigned int  order,
const double  x 

Returns the first derivative of the n-th Chebycheb polynomial of the first second kind.

orderof the polynomial to evalue
xPlace at which the polynomial is evaluated

Definition at line 65 of file ChebychevPoly.h.

65  {
66  double value{0.};
67  switch (order) {
68  case 0:
69  break;
70  case 1:
71  value = 2.;
72  break;
73  default:
75  }
76  return value;
77  }

◆ clearall()

template<typename T >
void MuonCalib::clearall ( T &  container)

Definition at line 83 of file MultilayerRtDifference.cxx.

83  {
84  typename T::iterator it = container.begin();
85  for (; it != container.end(); ++it) {
86  delete *it;
87  *it = NULL;
88  }
89  }

◆ factorial()

constexpr unsigned long MuonCalib::factorial ( const int  n)

Evaluated the n-th factorial at compile time.

Definition at line 51 of file LegendrePoly.h.

51  {
52  if (n > 1) {
53  unsigned long f = n*factorial(n-1);
54  return f;
55  } else {
56  return 1;
57  }
58  }

◆ fetchDataPoints() [1/2]

std::vector< SamplePoint > MuonCalib::fetchDataPoints ( const IRtRelation rtRel,
const double  relUnc 

Constructs a list of sample points from the rt-relation.

The step-wdith between two points is taken from the rtRel bin width method and each point has the same uncertainty of 1 assigned

rtRelReference of the rtRelation to transform to points.

Definition at line 17 of file SamplePointUtils.cxx.

17  {
18  assert(relUnc >0);
19  std::vector<SamplePoint> points{};
20  const double stepWidth = rtRel.tBinWidth();
21  double time = rtRel.tLower();
22  while (time <= rtRel.tUpper()){
23  const double r = rtRel.radius(time);
24  points.emplace_back(time, r, relUnc);
25  time+=stepWidth;
26  }
27  return points;
28  }

◆ fetchDataPoints() [2/2]

std::vector< SamplePoint > MuonCalib::fetchDataPoints ( const IRtRelation rtRel,
const IRtResolution resoFunc 

Constructs a list of sample points from the rt-relation.

The step-wdith between two points is taken from the rtRel bin width method and each point is weighted with the relative resolution

rtRelReference of the rtRelation to transform to points.
reoReference to the r-t resolution function

Definition at line 29 of file SamplePointUtils.cxx.

29  {
30  std::vector<SamplePoint> points{};
31  const double stepWidth = rtRel.tBinWidth();
32  double time = rtRel.tLower();
33  while (time <= rtRel.tUpper()){
34  points.emplace_back(time,rtRel.radius(time), reso.resolution(time));
35  time+=stepWidth;
36  }
37  return points;
38  }

◆ fetchResolution()

std::vector< SamplePoint > MuonCalib::fetchResolution ( const std::vector< SamplePoint > &  points,
const double  uncert 

Creates a new vector of sample points where the x2 is assigned to the uncertainty and the uncertainty is replaced by a constant value.

points: List of data points to transform
uncertUncertainty to assign instead

Definition at line 48 of file SamplePointUtils.cxx.

49  {
50  std::vector<SamplePoint> outPoints{};
51  outPoints.reserve(points.size());
52  for (const SamplePoint& point: points) {
53  outPoints.emplace_back(point.x1(),point.error(), uncert);
54  }
55  return outPoints;
56  }

◆ get_group_id()

unsigned int MuonCalib::get_group_id ( const MuonFixedId id,
const MdtRelativeTubeT0::TubeGroup grp 

Definition at line 63 of file MdtRelativeTubeT0.cxx.

63  {
64  switch (grp) {
65  case MdtRelativeTubeT0::CHAMBER: return id.mdtChamberId().getIdInt(); break;
66  case MdtRelativeTubeT0::MULTILAYER: return id.mdtMultilayerId().getIdInt(); break;
67  case MdtRelativeTubeT0::LAYER: return 4 * (id.mdtMultilayer() - 1) + (id.mdtTubeLayer() - 1); break;
68  case MdtRelativeTubeT0::MEZZ_CARD: return id.mdtMezzanine(); break;
69  case MdtRelativeTubeT0::UNKNOWN: return 0;
70  }
71  return 0;
72  }

◆ getTLSRandomGen()

TRandom3* MuonCalib::getTLSRandomGen ( )

Definition at line 22 of file T0MTHistos.cxx.

23  {
24  static boost::thread_specific_ptr<TRandom3> rnd ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE;
25  TRandom3* random = rnd.get();
26  if (!random) {
27  random = new TRandom3();
28  rnd.reset(random);
29  }
30  return random;
31  }

◆ interval()

std::pair< double, double > MuonCalib::interval ( const std::vector< SamplePoint > &  points)

Returns the interval covered by the sample points.

Definition at line 92 of file SamplePointUtils.cxx.

92  {
94  for (const SamplePoint& point: points) {
95  min = std::min(min, point.x1());
96  max = std::max(max, point.x1());
97  }
98  return std::make_pair(min, max);
99  }

◆ legendreDeriv()

constexpr double MuonCalib::legendreDeriv ( const unsigned  l,
const unsigned  d,
const double  x 

Evaluates the n-th derivative of the l-th Legendre polynomial.

xPoint of evaluation [-1;1]
lOrder of the Legendre polynomial
dOrder of the derivative

Definition at line 198 of file LegendrePoly.h.

198  {
199  switch (d) {
200  case 0:
201  return legendrePoly(l,x);
202  break;
208  default:
209  return Legendre::derivativeSum(l, d, x);
210  }
211  return 0.;
212  }

◆ legendrePoly()

constexpr double MuonCalib::legendrePoly ( const unsigned  l,
const double  x 

Calculates the legendre polynomial of rank l at x.

lOrder of the legendre polynomial
xPoint of evaluation [-1;1]

Definition at line 171 of file LegendrePoly.h.

171  {
172  switch (l) {
173  POLYSWITCH( 0, x);
174  POLYSWITCH( 1, x);
175  POLYSWITCH( 2, x);
176  POLYSWITCH( 3, x);
177  POLYSWITCH( 4, x);
178  POLYSWITCH( 5, x);
179  POLYSWITCH( 6, x);
180  POLYSWITCH( 7, x);
181  POLYSWITCH( 8, x);
182  POLYSWITCH( 9, x);
183  POLYSWITCH(10, x);
184  POLYSWITCH(11, x);
185  POLYSWITCH(12, x);
186  POLYSWITCH(13, x);
187  POLYSWITCH(14, x);
188  POLYSWITCH(15, x);
189  POLYSWITCH(16, x);
190  default:
191  return Legendre::polySum(l, x);
192  }
193  }

◆ mapToUnitInterval()

double MuonCalib::mapToUnitInterval ( const double  x,
const double  lowerEdge,
const double  upperEdge 

Maps the number x which is in [lowEdge;upperEdge] to the interval [-1;1].

lowerEdgeLower edge of the

Definition at line 12 of file UtilFunc.h.

12  {
13  return 2. * (x - 0.5 * (upperEdge + lowerEdge)) / (upperEdge - lowerEdge);
14  }

◆ minMax()

std::pair< double, double > MuonCalib::minMax ( const std::vector< SamplePoint > &  points)

Returns the minimum & maximum values covered by the sample points.

Definition at line 84 of file SamplePointUtils.cxx.

84  {
86  for (const SamplePoint& point: points) {
87  min = std::min(min, point.x2());
88  max = std::max(max, point.x2());
89  }
90  return std::make_pair(min,max);
91  }

◆ mt_t0_fermi()

Double_t MuonCalib::mt_t0_fermi ( Double_t *  x,
Double_t *  par 

The fermi function to be fitted at the rising edge of the spectrum.

Definition at line 34 of file T0MTHistos.cxx.

34  {
35  // more convenient parameters
36  const Double_t &t(x[0]);
37  const Double_t &t_0(par[T0MTHistos::T0_PAR_NR_T0]), &T(par[T0MTHistos::T0_PAR_NR_T]), &back(par[T0MTHistos::T0_PAR_NR_BACK]),
38  &A(par[T0MTHistos::T0_PAR_NR_A]);
39  // the formula
40  return (back + A / (1 + std::exp(-(t - t_0) / T)));
41  }

◆ mt_tmax_fermi()

Double_t MuonCalib::mt_tmax_fermi ( Double_t *  x,
Double_t *  par 

The fermi function to be fitted at the trailing slope of the spectrum.

Definition at line 44 of file T0MTHistos.cxx.

44  {
45  // more convenient parameters
46  Double_t &t(x[0]);
47  Double_t &t_max(par[T0MTHistos::TMAX_PAR_NR_TMAX]), &T(par[T0MTHistos::TMAX_PAR_NR_T]), &back(par[T0MTHistos::TMAX_PAR_NR_BACK]),
48  &a(par[T0MTHistos::TMAX_PAR_NR_A]), &b(par[T0MTHistos::TMAX_PAR_NR_B]), &t_0(par[T0MTHistos::TMAX_PAR_NR_T0]);
49  // the formula
50  return (back + (std::exp(a + b * (t - t_0))) / (1 + std::exp((t - t_max) / T)));
51  }

◆ MultilayerRtDifference_ScaleFunction()

Double_t MuonCalib::MultilayerRtDifference_ScaleFunction ( Double_t *  x,
Double_t *  par 

Definition at line 35 of file MultilayerRtDifference.cxx.

35 { return par[0] * RtScalePolynomial(x[0]); }

◆ myexp()

Double_t MuonCalib::myexp ( Double_t *  x,
Double_t *  p 

Definition at line 18 of file MTTmaxPatternRecognition.cxx.

18 { return std::exp(p[0] + p[1] * (x[0] - p[3])) + p[2]; }

◆ normalizeDomain()

std::vector< SamplePoint > MuonCalib::normalizeDomain ( const std::vector< SamplePoint > &  dataPoints)

Normalizes the domain of the samples points to the interval -1 to 1.

Definition at line 76 of file SamplePointUtils.cxx.

76  {
77  const auto [minX, maxX] = interval(dataPoints);
78  std::vector<SamplePoint> normedPoints{dataPoints};
79  for (unsigned k = 0; k < dataPoints.size(); ++k) {
80  normedPoints[k].set_x1(mapToUnitInterval(normedPoints[k].x1(), minX, maxX));
81  }
82  return normedPoints;
83  }

◆ OnlineToOffline()

MuonFixedId MuonCalib::OnlineToOffline ( const std::string &  online_id)

Definition at line 13 of file OfflineOnlineIdConversion.cxx.

14  {
15  MuonFixedId ret(0), invalid;
16  ret.set_mdt();
17 //minimum size of idenifier is 7
18  if (online_id.size()!=7 && online_id.size()!=9)
19  {
20  MsgStream log(Athena::getMessageSvc(),"OnlineToOffline");
21  log<<MSG::WARNING<<"Wrong length for online_id="<<online_id<<endmsg;
22  return invalid;
23  }
24 //check for A/C side
25  bool c_side(false);
26  if(online_id[4]!='A' && online_id[4]!='C' && online_id[4]!='B')
27  {
28  MsgStream log(Athena::getMessageSvc(),"OnlineToOffline");
29  log<<MSG::WARNING<<"Invalid side for online_id="<<online_id<<endmsg;
30  return invalid;
31  }
32  if(online_id[4]=='C')
33  {
34  c_side=true;
35  }
36 //set station name
37  std::string station_nm_string(online_id, 0, 3);
38  int station_mm = MuonFixedId::stationStringToFixedStationNumber(station_nm_string);
39  if (station_mm<0)
40  {
41  MsgStream log(Athena::getMessageSvc(),"OnlineToOffline");
42  log<<MSG::WARNING<<"Invalid station name for online_id="<<online_id<<endmsg;
43  return invalid;
44  }
45 //set eta
46  ret.setStationName(station_mm);
47  char eta_str[2];
48  char *endptr;
49  eta_str[0]=online_id[3];
50  eta_str[1]='\0';
51  long int eta=strtol(eta_str, &endptr, 10);
52  if(endptr!=&(eta_str[1]))
53  {
54  MsgStream log(Athena::getMessageSvc(),"OnlineToOffline");
55  log<<MSG::WARNING<<"eta is not a number for online_id="<<online_id<<endmsg;
56  return invalid;
57  }
58 //set phi
59  char phi_str[3];
60  phi_str[0]=online_id[5];
61  phi_str[1]=online_id[6];
62  phi_str[2]='\0';
63  long int phi=strtol(phi_str, &endptr, 10);
64  if(endptr!=&(phi_str[2]))
65  {
66  MsgStream log(Athena::getMessageSvc(),"OnlineToOffline");
67  log<<MSG::WARNING<<"phi is not a number for online_id="<<online_id<<endmsg;
68  return invalid;
69  }
70 //treat special cases
71  if(phi==13 && eta>3 && station_nm_string=="BML")
72  {
73  eta--;
74  }
75  if(station_nm_string=="BOF")
76  eta=(eta+1)/2;
77  else if(station_nm_string=="BOG")
78  eta/=2;
79  else
80  {
81  if((phi==1 || phi==9) && station_nm_string=="EIL")
82  {
83  if(eta==5) eta=4;
84  else if(eta==4) eta=5;
85  }
86  if(phi==5 && station_nm_string=="EEL") eta=1;
87  }
88 //convert online to offline phi
89  if(station_nm_string[2]=='L' || station_nm_string[2]=='M' || station_nm_string[2]=='R')
90  {
91  phi++;
92  }
93  phi/=2;
94  ret.setStationEta(c_side?(eta*-1):eta);
95  ret.setStationPhi(phi);
96 //set multilayer id if present
97  if(online_id.size()==9)
98  {
99  switch(online_id[8])
100  {
101  case '1':
102  ret.setMdtMultilayer(1);
103  break;
104  case '2':
105  ret.setMdtMultilayer(2);
106  break;
107  default:
108  MsgStream log(Athena::getMessageSvc(),"OnlineToOffline");
109  log<<MSG::WARNING<<"Multilayer is neither 1 or 2 for online_id="<<online_id<<endmsg;
110  return invalid;
111  }
112  return ret.mdtMultilayerId();
113  }
114  return ret.mdtChamberId();
115  }

◆ operator<<() [1/9]

std::ostream& MuonCalib::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const MuonCalib::MuonFixedId id 

Definition at line 1200 of file MuonFixedId.h.

1200  {
1201  return id.dump( os );
1202 }

◆ operator<<() [2/9]

std::ostream& MuonCalib::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const MuonCalib::MuonFixedLongId id 

Definition at line 1577 of file MuonFixedLongId.h.

1577  {
1578  return id.dump( os );
1579 }

◆ operator<<() [3/9]

std::ostream & MuonCalib::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const RtData_t_r_reso data 

Definition at line 99 of file RtData_t_r_reso.cxx.

99 { return data.write(os); }

◆ operator<<() [4/9]

std::ostream & MuonCalib::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const RtFullInfo data 

Definition at line 13 of file RtFullInfo.cxx.

13 { return data.write(os); }

◆ operator<<() [5/9]

std::ostream& MuonCalib::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const CscCondParType type 

Definition at line 71 of file CscCondParType.h.

71  {
72  switch(type) {
74  case CscCondParType::GAIN :
75  return s << "GAIN";
76  case CscCondParType::PULSE_SLOPE :
77  return s << "PULSE_SLOPE";
78  case CscCondParType::RUN_SLOPE :
79  return s << "RUN_SLOPE";
80  case CscCondParType::PED :
81  return s << "PED";
82  case CscCondParType::NOISE :
83  return s << "NOISE";
84  case CscCondParType::THOLD :
85  return s << "THOLD";
86  case CscCondParType::PEAKT :
87  return s << "PEAKT";
88  case CscCondParType::WIDTH :
89  return s << "WIDTH";
90  case CscCondParType::SAT1 :
91  return s << "SAT1";
92  case CscCondParType::SAT2 :
93  return s << "SAT2";
94  case CscCondParType::PEAKC :
95  return s << "PEAKC";
96  case CscCondParType::SAMPLE_TIME_RATIO :
97  return s << "SAMPLE_TIME_RATIO";
98  case CscCondParType::OCCUPANCY :
99  return s << "OCCUPANCY";
100  case CscCondParType::STAT :
101  return s << "STAT";
102  case CscCondParType::HOT_STAT :
103  return s << "HOT_STAT";
104  case CscCondParType::DEAD_STAT :
105  return s << "DEAD_STAT";
106  case CscCondParType::PULSE_STAT :
107  return s << "PULSE_STAT";
108  case CscCondParType::SAT_STAT :
109  return s << "SAT_STAT";
110  default:
111  return s << "UNKNOWN";
112  };
113  }

◆ operator<<() [6/9]

std::ostream& MuonCalib::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const RpcCondParType type 

Definition at line 60 of file RpcCondParType.h.

60  {
61  switch(type) {
63  case RpcCondParType::EFF :
64  return s << "EFF";
65  case RpcCondParType::ERREFF :
66  return s << "ERREFF";
67  case RpcCondParType::RES1 :
68  return s << "RES1";
69  case RpcCondParType::RES2 :
70  return s << "RES2";
71  case RpcCondParType::RESX :
72  return s << "RESX";
73  case RpcCondParType::ERRRES1 :
74  return s << "ERRRES1";
75  case RpcCondParType::ERRRES2 :
76  return s << "ERRRES2";
77  case RpcCondParType::ERRRESX :
78  return s << "ERRRESX";
80  return s << "TIME";
81  case RpcCondParType::ERRTIME :
82  return s << "ERRTIME";
83  case RpcCondParType::NOISE :
84  return s << "NOISE";
85  case RpcCondParType::NOISEC :
86  return s << "NOISEC";
87  case RpcCondParType::ERRNOISE :
88  return s << "ERRNOISE";
89  case RpcCondParType::ERRNOISEC :
90  return s << "ERRNOISEC";
91  default:
92  return s << "UNKNOWN";
93  };
94  }

◆ operator<<() [7/9]

std::ostream& MuonCalib::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const CscCalibHitBase hit 

Definition at line 26 of file CscCalibHitBase.cxx.

26 { return hit.dump(stream); }

◆ operator<<() [8/9]

std::ostream& MuonCalib::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const RpcCalibHitBase hit 

Definition at line 61 of file RpcCalibHitBase.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [9/9]

std::ostream& MuonCalib::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const TgcCalibHitBase hit 

Definition at line 70 of file TgcCalibHitBase.cxx.

◆ operator>>() [1/2]

std::istream & MuonCalib::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
RtData_t_r_reso data 

Definition at line 97 of file RtData_t_r_reso.cxx.

97 { return data.read(is); }

◆ operator>>() [2/2]

std::istream & MuonCalib::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
RtFullInfo data 

Definition at line 11 of file RtFullInfo.cxx.

11 { return data.read(is); }

◆ pow() [1/2]

template<int k>
constexpr double MuonCalib::pow ( const double  x)

Calculate the power of a variable x at compile time.

Definition at line 65 of file LegendrePoly.h.

65  {
66  if constexpr (k < 0) {
67  return pow<-k>(1./x);
68  } else if constexpr(k > 0) {
69  return x*pow<k-1>(x);
70  } else {
71  return 1.;
72  }
73  }

◆ pow() [2/2]

constexpr double MuonCalib::pow ( double  x,
int  power 

Calculate the power of a variable at run time.

Definition at line 75 of file LegendrePoly.h.

75  {
76  double res{1.};
77  if (power < 0) {
78  x = 1./x;
79  power = - power;
80  }
81  for (int iter = 1; iter<=power; ++iter) {
82  res*=x;
83  }
84  return res;
85  }

◆ resoFromRadius()

std::vector< SamplePoint > MuonCalib::resoFromRadius ( const std::vector< SamplePoint > &  points,
const double  uncert 

Creates a new vector of sample points where the x2 coordinate becomes the x1 coordinate and the resolution becomes x2.

Each point has the same uncertainty assigned

pointsList of rt- sample points of interest
uncertUncertainty oon each point

Definition at line 39 of file SamplePointUtils.cxx.

40  {
41  std::vector<SamplePoint> outPoints{};
42  outPoints.reserve(points.size());
43  for (const SamplePoint& point: points) {
44  outPoints.emplace_back(point.x2(),point.error(), uncert);
45  }
46  return outPoints;
47  }

◆ RtScaleFunction()

float MuonCalib::RtScaleFunction ( const float  t,
const bool  ml2,
const IRtRelation rtrelation 

Definition at line 20 of file RtScaleFunction.cxx.

20  {
21  if (t < rt.tLower() || !rt.hasTmaxDiff()) return 0.0;
22  // apply linear scale and calculate r as input to the polinomial
23  float rt_length = rt.tUpper() - rt.tLower();
24  float corr_val = (t / rt_length) * rt.GetTmaxDiff() * (ml2 ? -0.5 : +0.5);
25  float newt = t - corr_val;
26  // keep linear scale for t>t_max
27  if (newt > rt.tUpper()) return corr_val;
29  // calculate polynomial
30  float p = 0;
31  float r = rt.radius(newt);
32  for (int i = 5; i >= 0; i--) { p = RtScaleFunction_p[i] + r * p; }
33  return p * rt.GetTmaxDiff() * (ml2 ? -0.5 : +0.5);
34  }

◆ RtScalePolynomial()

float MuonCalib::RtScalePolynomial ( const float  r)

Definition at line 13 of file RtScaleFunction.cxx.

13  {
14  // calculate polynomial
15  float p = 0;
16  for (int i = 5; i >= 0; i--) { p = RtScaleFunction_p[i] + r * p; }
17  return p;
18  }

◆ swapCoordinates()

std::vector< SamplePoint > MuonCalib::swapCoordinates ( const std::vector< SamplePoint > &  points,
const IRtRelation rtRel 

Creates a new vector of samples points with x1 exchanged by x2 and vice-versa.

Each point has the same uncertainty assigned.

pointsList of rt- sample points of interest
rtRelReference to the rt-relation to calculate each point's uncertainty.

Definition at line 59 of file SamplePointUtils.cxx.

60  {
62  std::vector<SamplePoint> outPoints{};
63  outPoints.reserve(inPoints.size());
64  /*
65  * Let's suppose that dY = f^{\prime} dX
66  */
67  for (const SamplePoint& in : inPoints) {
68  const double fPrime = std::abs(rtRel.driftVelocity(in.x1()));
69  outPoints.emplace_back(in.x2(), in.x1(), in.error() / (fPrime > 0 ? fPrime : 1.));
70  }
71  std::ranges::sort(outPoints, [](const SamplePoint& a, const SamplePoint& b) {
72  return a.x1() < b.x1();
73  });
74  return outPoints;
75  }

◆ TimeSpectrum_func()

Double_t MuonCalib::TimeSpectrum_func ( Double_t *  xx,
Double_t *  par 

Definition at line 24 of file T0CalibrationClassic.cxx.

24  {
25  Double_t &x(xx[0]);
26  return par[0] + (par[1] * (1 + par[2] * std::exp(-(x - par[4]) / par[3]))) /
27  ((1 + std::exp((-x + par[4]) / par[6])) * (1 + std::exp((x - par[5]) / par[7])));
28  }

◆ unitIntervalPrime()

double MuonCalib::unitIntervalPrime ( const double  lowerEdge,
const double  upperEdge 

Definition at line 15 of file UtilFunc.h.

15  {
16  return 2. / (upperEdge - lowerEdge);
17  }
JetConstituentVector::iterator iterator
Definition: JetConstituentVector.cxx:68
Definition: createDCubeDigitHistograms.py:111
Definition: MuonCalibTriggerInfo.h:25
Definition: StoreID.py:16
def r
Definition: beamspotman.py:676
Definition: plotBeamSpotCompare.py:216
char data[hepevt_bytes_allocation_ATLAS]
Definition: HepEvt.cxx:11
constexpr unsigned long factorial(const int n)
Evaluated the n-th factorial at compile time.
Definition: LegendrePoly.h:51
int s
Definition: SystemOfUnits.py:131
Scalar phi() const
phi method
Definition: AmgMatrixBasePlugin.h:67
Scalar eta() const
pseudorapidity method
Definition: AmgMatrixBasePlugin.h:83
Definition: hist_file_dump.py:143
constexpr double max()
Definition: ap_fixedTest.cxx:33
@ L1_XE20
Definition: MuonCalibTriggerInfo.h:20
constexpr double min()
Definition: ap_fixedTest.cxx:26
@ L1_MU6_TGC
Definition: MuonCalibTriggerInfo.h:28
#define TIME(name)
Definition: FPGATrackSimDataPrepAlg.cxx:36
Definition: skel.GENtoEVGEN.py:401
#define M_PI
Definition: ActiveFraction.h:11
Definition: athena.py:124
float RtScalePolynomial(const float r)
Definition: RtScaleFunction.cxx:13
list l
Definition: UploadAMITag.larcaf.py:158
constexpr double polySum(const unsigned l, const double x)
Assembles the legendre polynomial at run-time.
Definition: LegendrePoly.h:145
Definition: read_hist_ntuple.py:5
constexpr double chebyshevPoly2nd2Prime(const unsigned int order, const double x)
Returns the second derivative of the n-th Chebycheb polynomial of the first second kind.
Definition: ChebychevPoly.h:95
Definition: drawFromPickle.py:36
#define x
string stream
Definition: AthenaPoolTestWrite.py:12
Definition: CaloAddPedShiftConfig.py:42
IMessageSvc * getMessageSvc(bool quiet=false)
Definition: getMessageSvc.cxx:20
constexpr double chebyshevPoly1st2Prime(const unsigned int order, const double x)
Returns the second derivative of the n-th Chebycheb polynomial of the first kind.
Definition: ChebychevPoly.h:81
Definition: dqt_zlumi_alleff_HIST.py:110
Definition: MuonCalibTriggerInfo.h:30
Definition: MuonCalibTriggerInfo.h:22
Definition: AtlRunQueryDQUtils.py:210
int i
Definition: lumiFormat.py:85
@ L1_J5
Definition: MuonCalibTriggerInfo.h:19
Definition: beamspotman.py:731
#define endmsg
Definition: AnalysisConfig_Ntuple.cxx:63
Configure Herwig7.
Definition: mc.Herwig7_Dijet.py:12
Definition: getLatestRuns.py:24
std::pair< std::vector< unsigned int >, bool > res
Definition: JetGroupProductTest.cxx:11
double chi2(TH1 *h0, TH1 *h1)
Definition: comparitor.cxx:525
constexpr double chebyshevPoly2ndPrime(const unsigned int order, const double x)
Returns the first derivative of the n-th Chebycheb polynomial of the first second kind.
Definition: ChebychevPoly.h:65
Definition: hist_file_dump.py:141
@ L1_EM3
Definition: MuonCalibTriggerInfo.h:17
Definition: MdtCalibCreationFlags.h:10
Definition: ReadFromCoolCompare.py:231
#define DERIVORDERSWITCH(l, d, x)
Definition: LegendrePoly.h:21
Definition: MuonCalibTriggerInfo.h:26
constexpr double chebyshevPoly1st(const unsigned int order, const double x)
Returns the n-th Chebyshev polynomial of first kind evaluated at x (c.f.
Definition: ChebychevPoly.h:13
Definition: MdtCalibCreationFlags.h:10
constexpr double legendrePoly(const unsigned l, const double x)
Calculates the legendre polynomial of rank l at x.
Definition: LegendrePoly.h:171
Definition: createCoolChannelIdFile.py:29
Definition: plotBeamSpotMon.py:77
#define POLYSWITCH(order, x)
Definition: LegendrePoly.h:9
TList * a
Definition: liststreamerinfos.cxx:10
@ L1_TAU5
Definition: MuonCalibTriggerInfo.h:18
def time(flags, cells_name, *args, **kw)
Definition: CaloSwCorrections.py:242
Definition: MuonCalibTriggerInfo.h:21
Definition: MuonCalibTriggerInfo.h:23
Definition: CaloCondTools.py:20
Definition: MuonCalibTriggerInfo.h:29
double mapToUnitInterval(const double x, const double lowerEdge, const double upperEdge)
Maps the number x which is in [lowEdge;upperEdge] to the interval [-1;1].
Definition: UtilFunc.h:12
constexpr double chebyshevPoly2nd(const unsigned int order, const double x)
Returns the n-th Chebyshev polynomial of second kind evaluated at x (c.f.
Definition: ChebychevPoly.h:32
Definition: checker_macros.h:211
constexpr double derivativeSum(const unsigned l, const unsigned d, const double x)
Assembles the n-th derivative of a legendre polynomial at run time.
Definition: LegendrePoly.h:136
Definition: PhysicsAnalysis/TauID/TauAnalysisTools/TauAnalysisTools/Enums.h:90
constexpr double chebyshevPoly1stPrime(const unsigned int order, const double x)
Returns the first derivative of the n-th Chebycheb polynomial of the first kind.
Definition: ChebychevPoly.h:49
constexpr int pow(int base, int exp) noexcept
Definition: ap_fixedTest.cxx:15
@ L1_MU6_RPC
Definition: MuonCalibTriggerInfo.h:24
@ L1_MU0_TGC
Definition: MuonCalibTriggerInfo.h:27
Definition: jobOptions.GenevaPy8_Zmumu.py:97
unsigned long long T
Definition: L1TopoDataTypes.h:35
Definition: fitman.py:528