ATLAS Offline Software
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Trk Namespace Reference

Ensure that the ATLAS eigen extensions are properly loaded. More...


 Helper struct representing a cache of the Multicomponent state under assembly.
 Helpers to transform combinations of tracking input (for example, existing tracks plus additional measurements) into a digestable fitter input: either tracks, measurement-sets or proto-state vectors.


class  AbstractVolume
class  AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter
class  AdaptiveMultiVertexFitterTestAlg
class  AdaptiveVertexFitter
class  AdaptiveVertexFitterTestAlg
class  AlignableTrackingVolume
class  AlignAlg
class  AlignmentDeviation
 An object decorating a track and holding degrees of freedom reflecting alignment accuracy. More...
class  AlignmentEffectsOnTrack
 Class to represent misalignments or 'discontinuities' on tracks These have a surface where the z axis is aligned with the direction of the translation, and the angle of the rotation is with respect to this. More...
class  AlignModule
class  AlignModuleTool
class  AlignPar
class  AlignResidualCalculator
class  AlignTrack
class  AlignTrackCollSplitter
class  AlignTrackCreator
class  AlignTrackDresser
class  AlignTrackPreProcessor
class  AlignTSOS
class  AlignVertex
class  AlMat
class  AlSpaMat
class  AlSymMat
class  AlSymMatBase
class  AlVec
class  AmbiguityProcessorBase
class  AnalyticalDerivCalcTool
class  AnnulusBounds
class  AnnulusBoundsPC
 Class that implements the asymmetric shape of the ITk strip endcap modules. More...
class  ApproachDescriptor
class  ApproachSurfaces
class  AreaExcluder
class  AssociatedMaterial
class  AtaSurface_p1
class  baseMagFld
class  basePropagator
class  BasicTruthCollectionFilter
 BasicTruthCollectionFilter accepts all valid map entries, as determined by the isValid() call on the HepMcParticleLink. More...
class  BasicValTrkParticleNtupleTool
 This validation tool writes basic information about Trk::TrackParticleBase into an ntuple;. More...
class  BeamspotVertexPreProcessor
struct  BevelledBoundaryIntersector
class  BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors
class  BevelledCylinderVolumeBounds
class  BinnedArray
class  BinnedArray1D
class  BinnedArray1D1D
class  BinnedArray1D1D1D
class  BinnedArray2D
class  BinnedArrayArray
class  BinnedLayerMaterial
class  BinnedLayerMaterial_p1
class  BinnedLayerMaterialCreator
class  BinnedMaterial
class  BinningData
class  BinUtility
class  BinUtility_p1
class  BinUtilityTest
class  BitField
 A class managing bits belonging to a range of bits. More...
class  BoundaryCheck
class  BoundaryCylinderSurface
class  BoundaryDiscSurface
class  BoundaryPlaneSurface
class  BoundarySubtractedCylinderSurface
class  BoundarySubtractedPlaneSurface
class  BoundarySurface
struct  BoundaryTrackParameters
class  BoundSurface_p1
class  BoundSurface_p2
class  BremPositionNtupleHelper
 Helper tool as module for the Trk::BasicValidationNtupleTool, writing information about track state with brem-like material effects. More...
struct  Cache
class  CaloCellSelectorLayerdR
class  CaloCellSelectorMinPerp
class  CaloCellSelectorNearestdR
class  CaloCellSelectorRoughdR
class  CaloCluster_OnTrack
class  CaloExtension
 Tracking class to hold the extrapolation from a particle from the ID to the muon system (or the other way around) Both the caloEntryLayerIntersection and the muonEntryLayerIntersection can return NULL if the particle failed to reach the layer. More...
class  CaloExtensionBuilderAlg
 This algorithm creates a calo extension collection and stores it in a Gaudi Gate named "ParticleCaloExtension" to be read by other algorithms. More...
class  CascadeEvent
struct  cascadeV
class  CETmaterial
class  Charged
class  Chi2TrackCompatibilityEstimator
struct  ClusterSplitProbability_p1
class  ClusterSplitProbabilityContainer
 Container to associate Cluster with cluster splitting probabilities. More...
class  ClusterSplitProbabilityContainer_p1
class  ClusterSplitProbabilityContainerCnv_p1
class  CollinearityConstraint
class  CombinedExtrapolatorTest
class  CombinedVolumeBounds
class  CommonTruthMatchWeights
class  CompactBinnedArray
class  CompactBinnedArray1D
class  CompactBinnedArray2D
class  CompareTwoTracks
class  ComparisonFunction
class  CompetingRIOsOnTrack
 Base class for all CompetingRIOsOnTack implementations, extends the common MeasurementBase. More...
class  CompetingRIOsOnTrack_p1
struct  ComponentParameters
class  CompoundLayer
 A class to represent complex geometries requiring a description using multiple surfaces. More...
class  CompoundLayerMaterial
class  CompoundLayerMaterial_p1
class  CompoundLayerMaterialCreator
class  CompressedLayerMaterial
class  CompressedLayerMaterial_p1
class  CompressedLayerMaterialCreator
class  ConeBounds
class  ConeBounds_p1
class  ConeLayer
class  ConeSurface
class  ConstrainedTrackProvider
class  ConstSharedPtrSpan
struct  CovarianceMatrix
class  CrossDistancesSeedFinder
class  CuboidVolumeBounds
class  CurvilinearParametersT
class  CurvilinearUVT
class  CylinderBounds
class  CylinderBounds_p1
struct  CylinderIntersector
class  CylinderLayer
class  CylinderLayerAttemptsCalculator
class  CylinderLayerSorterR
class  CylinderSurface
class  CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors
class  CylinderVolumeBounds
class  CylinderVolumeCreator
class  DAF_ValidationNtupleHelper
class  DecayInFlyTruthTrajectoryBuilder
class  DefParamPullPlots
class  DenseEnvironmentsAmbiguityProcessorTool
class  DenseEnvironmentsAmbiguityScoreProcessorTool
struct  DestBound
class  DetachedTrackingVolume
class  DetailedHitInfo
class  DetailedMuonPatternTruthBuilder
struct  DetailedTrackTruth_p0
class  DetailedTrackTruth_p1
class  DetailedTrackTruth_p2
class  DetailedTrackTruth_p3
class  DetailedTrackTruth_p4
class  DetailedTrackTruthBuilder
class  DetailedTrackTruthCollection_p0
class  DetailedTrackTruthCollection_p1
class  DetailedTrackTruthCollection_p2
class  DetailedTrackTruthCollection_p3
class  DetailedTrackTruthCollection_p4
class  DetAnnealingMaker
class  DetElementSurface
class  DetElementSurface_p1
class  DiamondBounds
class  DiamondBounds_p1
class  DigitizationModule
struct  DigitizationStep
class  DirectTrackNtupleWriterTool
 This validation tool writes basic information about Trk::Track into an ntuple; it is also the steering tool for all Trk::IValidationNtupleTool. More...
class  DiscBounds
class  DiscBounds_p1
class  DiscLayer
class  DiscLayerAttemptsCalculator
class  DiscLayerSorterZ
class  DiscSurface
class  DiscTrapezoidalBounds
class  DistanceSolution
class  DistributedKalmanFilter
class  DoubleTrapezoidVolumeBounds
class  DummyAnnealingMaker
class  DummySeedFinder
class  DummyVertexSelectionTool
class  DummyVertexSmoother
struct  EdgeCross
class  EfficiencyPlots
class  ElasticTruthTrajectoryBuilder
class  ElectronCombinedMaterialEffects
class  ElectronMaterialMixtureConvolution
class  ElementFraction
class  ElementTable
class  ElementTable_p1
class  EllipseBounds
class  EllipseBounds_p1
 Persistent representation of the transient Trk::EllipseBounds_p1 class. More...
class  EnergyLoss
 This class describes energy loss material effects in the ATLAS tracking EDM. More...
class  EnergyLoss_p1
 Persistent representation of class EnergyLoss.h. More...
class  EnergyLossExtrapolationValidation
class  EnergyLossMonitor
class  EnergyLossUpdator
class  ErrorMatrix
class  EstimatedBremOnTrack
 class holding information about momentum reduction and an additional noise term due to significant energy loss (bremsstrahlung) More...
class  EstimatedBremOnTrack_p1
 persistent representation of EstimatedBremOnTrack More...
class  EventCnvSuperTool
 Tool to handle TP conversions for Tracking EDM. More...
class  EventDataBase
 Base for a helper class to pass mutable storage to tools. More...
class  EventDataModelMonitor
class  EventPropertyNtupleTool
class  EventToTrackLinkNtupleTool
class  ExtendedVxCandidate
class  ExtendedVxCandidate_p1
class  ExtrapolationCache
class  ExtrapolationCell
class  ExtrapolationCode
class  ExtrapolationConfig
class  ExtrapolationEngine
class  ExtrapolationEngineTest
class  ExtrapolationMode
 enumeration to decode - for Extrapolation steering More...
class  ExtrapolationStep
class  ExtrapolationValidation
class  Extrapolator
 Extrapolation of track parameters and their associated covariances to destination surfaces. More...
class  ExtrapolatorComparisonTest
class  ExtrapolatorTest
class  ExtrLayerPlots
class  ExtrRegionPlots
class  FastVertexFitter
 This class implements a fast vertex fitting algorithm as proposed by P. More...
class  FitMatrices
struct  fitMatrix
class  FitMeasurement
class  FitParameters
class  FitProcedure
class  FitProcedureQuality
class  FitQuality
 Class to represent and store fit qualities from track reconstruction in terms of \(\chi^2\) and number of degrees of freedom. More...
class  FitQuality_p1
class  FitQualityImpl
 simple/trivial Implemenation class for fit the fit quality. It holds the same payload as FitQuality_p1. More...
class  FitQualityOnSurface
class  FitterStatusCode
 Status codes for track fitters. More...
struct  ForCFT
struct  ForVrtClose
class  FsmwMode1dFinder
class  FullIntersection
 Class extension to return the object, a represenation & the result. More...
class  FullLinearizedTrackFactory
class  FullVertexFitter
 This class implements a full vertex fitting algorithm as proposed by P. More...
class  GaussianDensityTestAlg
class  GaussianSumFitter
class  GaussianTrackDensity
class  GeantFollowerHelper
class  GeantFollowerMSHelper
class  GenParticleJet
 short class to organise MC generated particles as a jet. More...
class  GenParticleJetFinder
 Durham jet clustering algorithm for MC-truth tracks. More...
class  GeoMaterialConverter
class  GeometryAsciiDumper
class  GeometryBuilder
class  GeometryBuilderCond
class  GeometryJsonDumper
class  GeometryTTreeDumper
class  GeoShapeConverter
class  GlobalChi2AlignTool
class  GlobalChi2Fitter
class  GlueVolumesDescriptor
class  GMTreeBrowser
class  GsfExtrapolator
class  GXFMaterialEffects
 class that is similar to MaterialEffectsOnTrack, but has 'set' methods for more flexibility during track fitting More...
class  GXFTrackState
class  GXFTrajectory
 Internal representation of the track, used in the track fit. More...
class  HepSymMatrix_p1
struct  HitInfo
class  HitPositionNtupleHelper
class  HitResidualPlots
class  HitTypePlots
class  HomogeneousLayerMaterial
class  HomogeneousLayerMaterial_p1
class  IAlignableSurfaceProvider
class  IAlignModuleTool
class  IAlignResidualCalculator
class  IAlignTool
class  IAlignTrackCreator
class  IAlignTrackDresser
class  IAlignTrackPreProcessor
class  IAmbiTrackSelectionTool
 Interface for building new tracks using information about shared and already associated hits. More...
class  IApproachDescriptor
class  IBoundaryCheckTool
class  ICaloCellSelector
 abstract class that judge if a calo cell is to be included in a collection More...
class  ICaloTrackingVolumeBuilder
struct  IdentifiedIntersection
class  IdentifierExtractor
 Small utility to get hit Identifiers out of MeasurementBase (either in a vector or single). More...
class  IDerivCalcTool
class  IDetachedTrackingVolumeBuilder
class  IDetachedTrackingVolumeBuilderCond
class  IDetailedMuonPatternTruthBuilder
 Provides interface for tool to return a "detailed" track truth map. More...
class  IDetailedTrackTruthBuilder
 Provides interface for tool to return a "detailed" track truth map. More...
class  IDetailedTrackTruthSimilarity
 Interface for track-truth match quality estimator tools. More...
class  IDHitPlots
class  IDirectTrackNtupleWriter
 Interface to set up and write a TrkValidation ntuple so that it can be called for validation action 'inside' any tracking tool. More...
class  IDynamicLayerCreator
class  IEnergyLossMonitor
class  IEnergyLossUpdator
class  IEventCnvSuperTool
class  IEventPropertyNtupleTool
class  IExtendedTrackSummaryHelperTool
class  IExtendedTrackSummaryTool
 Interface for condensing Trk::Track properties and associated hits to a (non-fittable) foot print, the Trk::TrackSummary object. More...
class  IExtrapolationEngine
class  IExtrapolator
class  IFillNtupleTool
class  IGeantFollowerHelper
class  IGeantFollowerMSHelper
class  IGenParticleJetFinder
 provides the interface for determining truth jets (inside Tracking validation framework) More...
class  IGenParticleSelector
 provides the interface for tools to select generated particles More...
class  IGeometryBuilder
class  IGeometryBuilderCond
class  IGeometryManagerTool
class  IGeometryProcessor
class  IGlobalTrackFitter
class  IImpactPoint3dEstimator
class  IIntersector
class  IIsoTrackSelectorTool
 The abstract interface base class for track selector tools targeted at isoloation. More...
class  IJacobianManagerTool
class  IJetTruthNtupleTool
class  IKinematicConstraint
class  ILayerArrayCreator
class  ILayerBuilder
class  ILayerBuilderCond
class  ILayerMaterialAnalyser
class  ILayerMaterialCreator
class  ILayerMaterialManipulator
class  ILayerProvider
class  ILayerProviderCond
class  IMaterialAllocator
class  IMaterialEffectsEngine
class  IMaterialEffectsOnTrackProvider
class  IMaterialEffectsUpdator
class  IMaterialMapper
class  IMaterialMixtureConvolution
class  IMatrixTool
class  IMode1dFinder
class  IMode3dFinder
class  IMode3dInfo
 Auxillary interface for getting back additional data. More...
class  IModuleStepper
struct  ImpactParametersAndSigma
class  ImpactPlots
class  ImpactPoint3dEstimator
class  IMultipleScatteringUpdator
class  IMultiStateExtrapolator
class  INavigationEngine
class  INavigator
class  InDetHaloSelector
class  InDetPrimaryConversionSelector
 Modular concept to select truth particles for the truth tree filling and efficiency calculation, this one selects detectable tracks in the ID. More...
class  InDetReconstructableSelector
 Modular concept to select truth particles for the truth tree filling and efficiency calculation, this one selects detectable tracks in the ID. More...
class  InDetTrackSummary_p1
class  IndexedCrossDistancesSeedFinder
struct  IndexedMaterial
class  INeutralParticleParameterCalculator
class  InputLayerMaterialProvider
struct  Intersection
class  IntersectorWrapper
class  IntVec
class  InvalidBounds
class  InverseMultiMap
class  IParticleCaloExtensionTool
 Interface for extending Particles with calo intersections. More...
class  iPatFitter
 Main Fitter tool providing the implementation for the different fitting, extension and refitting use cases. More...
class  iPatGlobalFitter
 GlobalTrackFitter tool providing methods used during alignment. More...
class  IPatternParametersPropagator
 interface for track parameter propagation through the magnetic field, using the Trk::PatternTrackParameters data model for fast, internal use. More...
class  IPatternParametersUpdator
 Interface for updating Trk::PatternTrackParameters, the fast internal representation of track parameters in the (inner detector) pattern recognition tools, with a measurement. More...
class  IPCMat
class  IPCMatrixTool
class  IPixelToTPIDTool
 abstract interface for identification of particles based on More...
class  IPositionMomentumWriter
class  IPRD_AssociationTool
 Interface for handling the mapping between Trk::Track and Trk::PrepRawData. More...
class  IPRD_Provider
 Simple interface that takes an identifier and find the associated PRD from an Identifyable container. More...
class  IPRD_TruthTrajectoryBuilder
 The interface for the truth PRD trajectory finder. More...
class  IPRD_TruthTrajectoryManipulator
 The interface for the truth PRD trajectory manipulator. More...
class  IPRD_TruthTrajectorySelector
 The interface for the truth PRD trajectory selector. More...
class  IPRDtoTrackMapTool
 Interface for handling the mapping between Trk::Track and Trk::PrepRawData. More...
class  IPropagationEngine
class  IPropagator
class  IPVTrackCompatibilityEstimator
class  IResidualPullCalculator
 provides the interface for tools which calculate residuals and pulls. More...
class  IRIO_OnTrackCreator
 Interface class for transforming Trk::PrepRawData to Trk::RIO_OnTrack using a local track hypothesis. More...
class  ISegmentConverterTool
 Interface for tool to convert a Trk::Segment object into a Trk::Track. More...
class  ISurfaceBuilder
class  ITimedExtrapolator
class  ITimedMatEffUpdator
class  ITrackAmbiguityProcessorTool
 Interface for resolving hit assoication ambiguities in a given track collection. More...
class  ITrackAmbiguityScoreProcessorTool
 Interface for resolving hit association ambiguities in a given track collection. More...
class  ITrackCollectionProvider
class  ITrackDiff
class  ITrackFitter
class  ITrackHoleSearchTool
 interface for searching, counting and adding holes on tracks anywhere in ATLAS. More...
class  ITrackingGeometrySvc
class  ITrackingVolumeArrayCreator
class  ITrackingVolumeBuilder
class  ITrackingVolumeCreator
class  ITrackingVolumeHelper
class  ITrackingVolumesSvc
class  ITrackLink
class  ITrackMatchingTool
 The abstract interface base class for Track matching tools. More...
class  ITrackParticleCreatorTool
 Interface for constructing TrackParticles from complete tracks. More...
class  ITrackScoringTool
 Interface for tool to return a score from a given track. More...
class  ITrackSelectorTool
 The abstract interface base class for track selector tools. More...
class  ITrackSlimmingTool
 Interface for constructing 'slimmed' Tracks from complete tracks. More...
class  ITrackSummaryHelperTool
 Interface for structuring the summary creation into sub-detector specific tools. More...
class  ITrackSummaryTool
 Interface for condensing Trk::Track properties and associated hits to a (non-fittable) foot print, the Trk::TrackSummary object. More...
class  ITrackTimingTool
 Interface for providing time information for a track or track particle. More...
class  ITrackToVertexIPEstimator
class  ITrackTruthClassifier
 provides the interface for tools which classify gen particles More...
class  ITrackValidationNtupleTool
class  ITrkAlignDBTool
class  ITrkAlignmentDeviationTool
 Interface for tool to add alignmenties to a global chi2 fit. More...
class  ITrkDistanceFinder
class  ITrkEventCnvTool
class  ITrkMaterialProviderTool
 Interface for tool to add alignmenties to a global chi2 fit. More...
class  ITrkObserverTool
class  ITrkVKalVrtFitter
class  ITRT_ElectronPidTool
 abstract interface for identification of electrons based on information from the inner detector track (mainly TRT) More...
class  ITruthNtupleTool
class  ITruthToTrack
 ITruthToTrack is an interface to create Trk::TrackParameters from a HepMC::GenParticle. More...
class  ITruthTrackBuilder
 The interface for the truth track finder. More...
class  ITruthTrajectoryBuilder
class  IUpdator
 Set of interfaces for methods operating on track states, mainly for Kalman filtering. More...
class  IValidationNtupleHelperTool
 provides the interface for validation helper tools which write special information about generated tracks. More...
class  IValidationNtupleTool
class  IVertexAnalyticSeedFinder
class  IVertexAnnealingMaker
class  IVertexCascadeFitter
class  IVertexCollectionSortingTool
 Interface class for vertex Container Sorting. More...
class  IVertexFitter
class  IVertexLinearizedTrackFactory
class  IVertexMapper
class  IVertexMergingTool
 Interface class for merging compatible vertices in a single collection. More...
class  IVertexSeedFinder
class  IVertexSelectionTool
 Interface class for vertex Container Sorting. More...
class  IVertexSmoother
class  IVertexTrackCompatibilityEstimator
class  IVertexTrackDensityEstimator
class  IVertexTrackUpdator
class  IVertexUpdator
class  IVertexWeightCalculator
class  IVKalState
class  JacobianCartesianToPerigee
 Jacobian from cartesian parameters \( (p_x, p_y, p_z, E, x, y, z) \) to perigee parameters \( (d_0, z_0, \phi_0, \theta, q/p) \). More...
class  JacobianCartesianToPolar
class  JacobianCotThetaPtToThetaP
class  JacobianCurvilinearToLocal
class  JacobianLocalAnglesPhiTheta
class  JacobianLocalToCurvilinear
class  JacobianPerigeeToCartesian
 Jacobian for transforming perigee track parameters \((d_0, z_0, \phi_0, \theta, q/p)\) to the cartesian frame \((p_x,p_y,p_z,E,x,y,z)\). More...
class  JacobianPhiThetaLocalAngles
class  JacobianPhiThetaQoverPToPxyz
class  JacobianPolarToCartesian
class  JacobianPxyzToPhiThetaQoverPcartesian
 Jacobian in cartesian coordinates for the transformation of momentum in Cartesian coordinates \( (px,py,pz,charge)\) to momentum in polar cordinates \((\phi,\theta,QoverP)\). More...
class  JacobianPxyzToPhiThetaQoverPspherical
 Jacobian in spherical coordinates for the transformation of momentum in Cartesian coordinates \( (px,py,pz,charge)\) to momentum in spherical cordinates \((\phi,\theta,QoverP)\). More...
class  JacobianThetaPToCotThetaPt
class  JetFitterHelper
 Februar 2007 (c) Atlas Detector Reconstruction Software. More...
class  JetFitterInitializationHelper
 Februar 2007 (c) Atlas Detector Reconstruction Software. More...
class  JetFitterRoutines
 Februar 2007 (c) Atlas Detector Reconstruction Software. More...
class  JetRestrictedSumPtVertexWeightCalculator
class  JetTruthNtupleTool
 Tool to fill basic information about truth jets, establishing track-to-jet association indices with the truth ntuple tree. More...
struct  JetVtxParamDefsAccessor
struct  JetVtxParamDefsStrings
class  KalmanUpdator
 Implementation of Trk::IUpdator based on gain formalism and Eigen. More...
class  KalmanUpdator_xk
class  KalmanUpdatorSMatrix
 Implementation of Trk::IUpdator based on gain formalism and SMatrix mathlib. More...
class  KalmanVertexOnJetAxisSmoother
 ATLAS Reconstruction Software - (C) 2005 - 2007. More...
class  KalmanVertexOnJetAxisUpdator
 ATLAS Reconstruction Software - (C) 2005 - 2007. More...
class  KalmanVertexTrackUpdator
class  KalmanVertexUpdator
struct  KDOP
class  Layer
class  LayerArrayCreator
class  LayerAttemptsCalculator
class  LayerIndex
class  LayerMaterialAnalyser
class  LayerMaterialConverter
class  LayerMaterialInspector
class  LayerMaterialMap
class  LayerMaterialMap_p1
class  LayerMaterialMap_tlp1
class  LayerMaterialProperties
class  LayerMaterialProvider
class  LayerMaterialRecord
class  LayerProvider
class  LayerProviderCond
class  LayerProviderImpl
struct  LayerTreeObject
class  LinearizedTrack
struct  LineIntersection2D
class  LineSaggingDescriptor
class  LinkToTrack
 AUTO - An Undocumented Tracking Object. More...
class  LinkToTrackParticleBase
class  LinkToXAODNeutralParticle
 Element link to XAOD NeutralParticle. More...
class  LinkToXAODTrackParticle
 Element link to XAOD TrackParticle. More...
class  LocalDirection
 represents the three-dimensional global direction with respect to a planar surface frame. More...
class  LocalDirection_p1
class  LocalParameters
class  LocalParameters_p1
class  LocalPosition_p1
class  MagneticFieldProperties
struct  MappedVertex
class  MappingTest
class  MassConstraint
 Concrete implementation of Trk::IKinematicConstraint to formulate a mass constraint in kinematic vertex fits. More...
struct  MatchCompareByProbability
 This functor, used with TruthInverters, selects rec->mc truth map matches with higher associated probabilities. More...
class  Material
class  Material_p1
class  MaterialAllocator
 Main Fitter tool providing the implementation for the different fitting, extension and refitting use cases. More...
struct  MaterialComposition
class  MaterialEffectsBase
 base class to integrate material effects on Trk::Track in a flexible way. More...
class  MaterialEffectsBase_p1
class  MaterialEffectsEngine
class  MaterialEffectsOnTrack
 represents the full description of deflection and e-loss of a track in material. More...
class  MaterialEffectsOnTrack_p1
class  MaterialEffectsOnTrack_p2
 persistent representation v2 of MaterialEffectsOnTrack More...
class  MaterialEffectsUpdator
class  MaterialInteraction
class  MaterialLayer
class  MaterialManipulation
class  MaterialMapper
class  MaterialMapping
class  MaterialOnTrackValidation
class  MaterialProperties
class  MaterialProperties_p1
class  MaterialStep
class  MaterialStep_p1
class  MaterialStepCollection_p1
class  MaterialValidation
struct  MatrixNtupleBranch
 This class provides a simple interface to write Matricis to a root tree The size of the Matrix cannot exceed COLMAX x ROWMAX. More...
class  MatrixTool
class  MCTrueSeedFinder
class  MeasuredAtaSurface_p1
class  MeasuredPerigee_p1
class  MeasurementBase
class  MeasurementBaseComparisonFunction
 Class implementing a comparison function for sorting MeasurementBase objects. More...
class  MeasurementProcessor
class  MeasurementTypeID
 classifies a MeasurementBase into one of the known inherited flavours or one of the detector types for ROT/CompROT. More...
class  MeasurementVectorNtupleTool
 This validation tool writes basic information about Trk::Track into an ntuple; it is also the steering tool for all Trk::IValidationNtupleHelperTool. More...
class  MemoryLogger
class  Mode3dFromFsmw1dFinder
class  Mode3dTo1dFinder
class  MSConstraintTracksProvider
class  MSHitDiffPlots
class  MSHitPlots
class  MultiComponentStateOnSurface
class  MultipleScatteringUpdator
class  MuonTrackSummary
 Detailed track summary for the muon system Give access to hit counts per chamber. More...
class  MuonTrackSummary_p1
class  MuonTrackSummary_p2
class  MvfFitInfo
class  MVFVxCandidate
class  MVFVxCandidate_p1
class  MVFVxContainer_p1
class  MVFVxContainer_tlp1
class  MVFVxTrackAtVertex
class  MVFVxTrackAtVertex_p1
class  NavBinnedArray1D
struct  NavigationCell
 useful struct for a single navigation cell More...
class  NavigationLayer
class  Navigator
class  NeuralNetworkToHistoTool
class  Neutral
class  NeutralParticleParameterCalculator
class  NeutralTrack
class  NewtonTrkDistanceFinder
class  NIMatEffUpdator
class  NoBounds
class  NoiseOnSurface
class  ObjectAccessor
class  ObjectCounter
 Helper to enable counting number of instantiations in debug builds. More...
class  ObjectIntersection
 class extensions to return also the object More...
class  OverlapDescriptor
class  PairOfVxVertexOnJetAxis
struct  ParamDefsAccessor
class  ParametersBase
class  ParametersCommon
struct  ParametersNextVolume
class  ParametersT
 Dummy class used to allow special convertors to be called for surfaces owned by a detector element. More...
class  ParamPlots
struct  ParamsNextVolume
struct  PartialMassConstraint
class  ParticleCaloExtensionTool
struct  PathLimit
class  PatternTrackParameters
class  PCutTruthCollectionFilter
 This functor accepts valid entries that have associated probability>=probabilityCut. More...
class  PdgToParticleHypothesis
class  Perigee_p1
class  Perigee_p2
class  PerigeeParametersNtupleTool
 Explain... More...
class  PerigeeSurface
class  PGraph
class  PlanarModuleStepper
class  PlaneLayer
class  PlaneLayerSorterX
class  PlaneLayerSorterY
class  PlaneLayerSorterZ
class  PlaneSurface
class  PointOnTrack
struct  PolygonCache
class  PositionMomentumWriter
class  PRD_AssociationTool
 Concrete Implementation of the IPRD_AssociationTool interface. More...
class  PRD_MultiTruthCollection_p1
class  PRD_MultiTruthCollection_p2
class  PRD_MultiTruthCollection_p3
class  PRD_MultiTruthCollection_p4
class  PRD_TruthTrajectory
class  PRD_TruthTrajectoryBuilder
class  PRDtoTrackMap
class  PRDtoTrackMapTool
 Concrete Implementation of the IPRD_AssociationTool interface. More...
class  PrepRawData
class  PrepRawData_p1
class  PrepRawDataCollection
class  PrepRawDataCollectionCopyConstructorCalled
class  PrepRawDataComparisonFunction
 Class providing comparison function, or relational definition, for PrepRawData. More...
class  PrepRawDataContainer
class  PrepRawDataUndefinedVariable
 class thrown in the event of an variable not being defined. More...
class  PreselCaloExtensionBuilderAlg
 Build the calo extensions for a preselected collection of tracks. More...
class  PrimaryTruthClassifier
 modular concept to define certain categories of truth particles, this one labels primary, secondary and truncated tracks. More...
class  PrismVolumeBounds
class  ProjectionMatricesSet
 the matrices to access the variably-dimensioned local parameters and map them to the defined five track parameters. More...
class  PropagationEngine
class  PropResultRootWriterSvc
class  PseudoMeasurementOnTrack
 Class to handle pseudo-measurements in fitters and on track objects. More...
class  PseudoMeasurementOnTrack_p1
class  PseudoMeasurementOnTrack_p2
class  RandomSurfaceBuilder
struct  RealLinearEquation
struct  RealQuadraticEquation
class  RecMomentumQualityValidation
class  RecoInfoPlots
class  RectangleBounds
class  RectangleBounds_p1
class  RectangularSegmentation
class  RecursiveGeometryProcessor
class  RecVertex
 Trk::RecVertex inherits from Trk::Vertex. More...
class  RecVertex_p1
class  RecVertex_p2
class  RecVertexPositions
class  ReFitTrack
 Algorithm using an instance of a ITrackFitter to refit the tracks of a given track collection. More...
class  ReFitTrackWithTruth
 Algorithm using an instance of a ITrackFitter to refit the tracks of a given pseudotrack collection after changing the cluster position to the truth particle position. More...
class  Residual
class  ResidualPull
 This class containes residual and pull information. More...
class  ResidualPullCalculator
 AlgTool to calculate the residual and pull of a measurement and the related track state independently of the detector type. More...
class  ResidualValidationNtupleHelper
class  ResolutionPlots
class  RiddersAlgorithm
class  RIO_OnTrack
class  RIO_OnTrack_p1
class  RIO_OnTrack_p2
class  RIO_OnTrackCreator
 general tool to converts clusters or driftcircles (Trk::PrepRawData) to fully calibrated hits (Trk::RIO_OnTrack) further use in track fits. More...
class  RoT_Extractor
 Small utility to cast MeasurementBase (either in a vector or single) into RIO_OnTrack. More...
class  RotatedDiamondBounds
class  RotatedDiamondBounds_p1
class  RotatedTrapezoidBounds
class  RotatedTrapezoidBounds_p1
class  RungeKuttaIntersector
class  RungeKuttaPropagator
class  SaggedLineSurface
class  ScatteringAngleOnTrack_p1
class  ScatteringAngles
 represents a deflection of the track caused through multiple scattering in material. More...
class  SecVertexMergingTool
class  SeedNewtonTrkDistanceFinder
class  Segment
class  Segment_p1
class  Segmentation
class  SegmentCollection_p1
class  SegmentCollection_tlp1
class  SegmentCollection_tlp2
class  SegmentCollection_tlp3
class  SegmentCollection_tlp4
class  SelectedTracksInJet
class  SelectEventNumber
class  SequentialVertexFitter
class  SequentialVertexSmoother
class  ShiftingDerivCalcTool
class  SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool
class  SimplePolygonBrepVolumeBounds
struct  sincosCache
class  SingleTrackDiffAlg
class  SlidingCylinderSurface
class  SlidingDiscSurface
class  SolenoidalIntersector
class  SolenoidParametrization
class  SolenoidParametrizationCondAlg
class  SpacePoint
class  SpaceTimePoint
 SpaceTimePoint. More...
class  SpaceTimePointBase
 SpaceTimePointBase. More...
class  StaticEngine
class  StaticNavigationEngine
class  StatTruthCollectionFilter
 Works like PCutTruthCollectionFilter, but also gathers some stats about the collections. More...
class  STEP_Propagator
class  StepEngine
class  StraightLineIntersector
class  StraightLineSurface
class  SubDetHitStatistics_p0
class  SubtractedCylinderLayer
class  SubtractedCylinderSurface
class  SubtractedDiscSurface
class  SubtractedPlaneLayer
class  SubtractedPlaneSurface
class  SubtractedVolumeBounds
class  SumPtVertexWeightCalculator
class  Surface
class  Surface_p1
class  Surface_p2
class  SurfaceBounds
class  SurfaceDeleter
class  SurfaceIntersectionTest
struct  SurfaceNtupleBranch
 This class provides a simple interface to write Surfaces to a root tree. More...
class  SurfacePtrHolderImpl
class  SurfacePtrHolderImplBase
class  SurfacePtrHolderImplDetEl
struct  SurfaceTreeObject
class  SurfaceUniqHolderImpl
struct  TargetSurface
 target surface info ( navigation ) More...
class  TargetSurfaces
class  temp
class  TimedExtrapolator
struct  TimeLimit
class  Track
 The ATLAS Track class. More...
class  Track_p1
class  Track_p12
class  Track_p2
class  Track_p4
class  TrackCollection_p1
class  TrackCollection_tlp1
class  TrackCollection_tlp2
class  TrackCollection_tlp3
class  TrackCollection_tlp4
class  TrackCollection_tlp5
class  TrackCollection_tlp6
class  TrackCollection_tlp7
class  TrackCollectionMerger
 Class-algorithm for track collection merging and removalof potential duplicate tracks. More...
class  TrackCollectionProvider
class  TrackDensitySeedFinder
class  TrackDiff
class  TrackError
 class returned (by exception) in case of an error in Track More...
class  TrackInfo
 Contains information about the 'fitter' of this track. More...
class  TrackInfo_p1
class  TrackInformationNtupleTool
class  TrackingGeometry
class  TrackingGeometryCondAlg
class  TrackingGeometryCondAlgTest
class  TrackingGeometrySvc
class  TrackingGeometryTest
class  TrackingVolume
class  TrackingVolumeArrayCreator
class  TrackingVolumeDisplayer
class  TrackingVolumeHelper
class  TrackingVolumeManipulator
class  TrackingVolumesSvc
class  TrackJet
 short class to organise reconstructed Trk::Track objects as a jet. More...
struct  TrackMatchingProperties
class  TrackParameters_p1
class  TrackParameters_p2
class  TrackParametersIdentificationHelper
 helper class to get the TrackParametersIdentifier from a TrackParameters More...
class  TrackParametersIdHelper
 helper class to encode and decode a TrackParametersIdentifier More...
class  TrackParticleBase
class  TrackParticleBase_p1
class  TrackParticleCreatorTool
class  TrackPositionNtupleHelper
 This validation tool writes information about track positions. More...
class  TrackPtr
class  TrackRoad
 Encapsulates the information required by the find() method of the muon segment makers. More...
class  TrackSegment
class  TrackSegment_p1
class  TrackSelectionProcessorTool
class  TrackSlimmer
class  TrackSlimmingTool
class  TrackStateData
class  TrackStateOnSurface
 represents the track state (measurement, material, fit parameters and quality) at a surface. More...
class  TrackStateOnSurface_p1
class  TrackStateOnSurface_p2
class  TrackStateOnSurface_p3
class  TrackStateOnSurfaceComparisonFunction
 Class providing comparison function, or relational definition, for sorting MeasurementBase objects. More...
class  TrackSummary
 A summary of the information contained by a track. More...
class  TrackSummary_p1
class  TrackSummary_p2
class  TrackSummaryTool
class  TrackSurfaceIntersection
class  TrackToVertexIPEstimator
 A class estimating the transverse impact parameter d0 and its error of a given track wrt to the reconstructed vertex. More...
class  TrackToVtxLink
class  TrackTruthCollection_p1
class  TrackTruthCollection_p2
class  TrackTruthCollection_p3
class  TrackTruthKey
struct  TrackTruthKey_p0
class  TrackValidationNtupleWriter
struct  TransformNtupleBranch
 This class provides a simple interface to write Transforms to a root tree. More...
class  TransportJacobian
class  TrapezoidBounds
class  TrapezoidBounds_p1
class  TrapezoidSegmentation
class  TrapezoidVolumeBounds
class  TriangleBounds
class  TriangleBounds_p1
 Persisent representation of the transient TriangleBounds class. More...
class  Trk2DDistanceFinder
class  Trk2dDistanceSeeder
class  TrkAlignDBTool
class  TrkAmbiguityScore
class  TrkAmbiguitySolver
 Algorithm does ambiguity processing This algorithm uses the TrkAmbiguityProcessorTool AlgTool to resolve ambiguities in the passed tracks. More...
class  TrkBaseNode
class  TrkClusterNode
class  TrkCollectionAliasAlg
class  TrkDetDescrTPCnvTest
class  TrkDetDescrUnitTestBase
class  TrkDetElementBase
class  TrkDistanceFinderNeutralCharged
class  TrkDistanceFinderNeutralNeutral
class  TrkEndCapClusterNode
class  TrkExUnitTestBase
class  TrkFilteringNode1D
class  TrkFilteringNode2D
class  TrkMaterialProviderTool
class  TrkObserverTool
class  TrkPixelNode
class  TrkPlanarSurface
class  TrkPriVxPurity
class  TrkPriVxPurityTool
class  TrkTrackDict_Dummy
class  TrkTrackState
class  TrkTrtNode
class  TrkV0VertexFitter
 This class implements a vertex fitting algorithm optimised for V0 finding. More...
class  TrkVKalVrtFitter
class  TrkVKalVrtFitterTestAlg
class  TrueVertexDistanceWeightCalculator
class  TruthInfoPlots
class  TruthMatchRatio
class  TruthMatchTanimoto
class  TruthNtupleTool
 Tool to fill basic information about the truth record. More...
class  TruthToTrack
class  TruthTrackBuilder
class  TruthTrackCreation
 Algorithm to convert PRD multi truth maps into a track collection. More...
class  TruthTrackRecordToTrack
struct  TruthTrajectory_p0
class  TruthTrajectory_p1
class  TruthTrajectory_p2
class  TruthTrajectory_p3
class  TruthTrkExtrapolationPlots
class  TruthVertexSelectionTool
class  TwoTracks
class  TwoTrackVerticesInJet
class  TWRK
class  V0Candidate
class  V0Candidate_p1
class  V0Container_p1
class  V0Container_tlp1
class  V0Container_tlp2
class  V0Hypothesis
class  V0Hypothesis_p1
class  V0Tools
class  ValidationTrackTruthData
struct  ValueStore
struct  Vect3DF
struct  VectMOM
struct  VectorNtupleBranch
 This class provides a simple interface to write Vectors to a root tree The size of the vectors cannot exceed ROWMAX. More...
class  Vertex
class  Vertex_p1
class  VertexCollectionSortingTool
class  VertexMapper
class  VertexMergingTool
class  VertexOnTrack
class  VertexOnTrack_p1
class  VertexPositions
 VertexPositions class to represent and store a vertex. More...
class  VertexSeedFinderTestAlg
class  VKalAtlasMagFld
class  VKalExtPropagator
class  vkalMagFld
class  vkalPropagator
class  VKalVrtControl
class  VKalVrtControlBase
class  VKConstraintBase
class  VKMassConstraint
class  VKPhiConstraint
class  VKPlaneConstraint
class  VKPointConstraint
class  VKThetaConstraint
class  VKTrack
class  VKVertex
class  Volume
class  VolumeBounds
class  VolumeConverter
class  VolumeExcluder
struct  VolumeExit
class  VolumeIntersection
class  VolumeLink
struct  VolumePart
struct  VolumeSpan
struct  VolumeTreeObject
class  VxCandidate
class  VxCandidate_p1
class  VxCascadeInfo
class  VxClusteringTable
class  VxContainer_p1
class  VxContainer_tlp1
class  VxContainer_tlp2
class  VxJetCandidate
class  VxJetFitterDebugInfo
class  VxJetFitterVertexInfo
class  VxSecVertexInfo
class  VxSecVKalVertexInfo
class  VxTrackAtVertex
 The VxTrackAtVertex is a common class for all present TrkVertexFitters The VxTrackAtVertex is designed to store the information about the trajectory fitted to the VxCandidate. More...
class  VxTrackAtVertex_p1
class  VxTrackAtVertex_p2
class  VxVertexOnJetAxis
 VxVertexOnJetAxis inherits from Vertex. More...
class  WeightMatrix_p1
class  Z0PVTrackCompatibilityEstimator
 Z0PVTrackCompatibilityEstimator.h. More...
class  ZScanSeedFinder


typedef std::pair< SharedObject< Surface >, Amg::Vector3DSurfaceOrderPosition
using TrackingVolumeOrderPosition = std::pair< std::shared_ptr< TrackingVolume >, Amg::Vector3D >
typedef std::pair< long int, long int > indices
typedef std::map< indices, double > datamap
typedef datamap::iterator mapiterator
typedef datamap::const_iterator const_mapiterator
typedef std::vector< AlignModule * > AlignModuleList
typedef boost::multi_array< AlignPar *, 2 > AlignParList
typedef boost::array< boost::multi_array_types::index, 2 > AlignParListDims
typedef DataVector< AlignTSOSAlignTSOSCollection
typedef DataVector< AlignTSOS >::const_iterator AlignTSOSIt
typedef std::pair< AlignModule *, std::vector< Amg::VectorX > > AlignModuleDerivatives
typedef std::vector< AlignTrack ** > AlignTrackCollection
typedef std::vector< AlignTrack ** >::const_iterator AlignTrackIt
typedef std::pair< const AlignModule *, std::vector< Amg::VectorX > > AlignModuleVertexDerivatives
typedef std::pair< Amg::Vector3D, const Trk::TrackingVolume * > PositionAtBoundary
using MaterialComponent = std::pair< Material, double >
using VolumePartVec = std::vector< VolumePart >
typedef BinnedArray< LayerLayerArray
typedef std::vector< std::vector< const MaterialProperties * > > MaterialPropertiesMatrix
using TrackingVolumeArray = BinnedArray< TrackingVolume >
typedef std::pair< SharedObject< const Layer >, Amg::Vector3DLayerOrderPosition
template<class T >
using BinnedArraySpan = std::span< T >
typedef std::map< Trk::LayerIndex, int > LayerIndexSampleMap
using ThreeObjectsAccessor = std::array< ObjectAccessor::value_type, 3 >
using FourObjectsAccessor = std::pair< std::array< ObjectAccessor::value_type, 4 >, bool >
using FiveObjectsAccessor = std::array< ObjectAccessor::value_type, 5 >
using SixObjectsAccessor = std::array< ObjectAccessor::value_type, 6 >
using EightObjectsAccessor = std::array< ObjectAccessor::value_type, 8 >
template<class T >
using SharedObject = std::shared_ptr< T >
typedef std::pair< const Material *, int > IdentifiedMaterial
typedef std::vector< unsigned char > ValueVector
typedef std::vector< ValueVectorValueMatrix
template<class T >
using ArraySpan = std::span< T >
typedef std::map< BoundarySurfaceFace, std::vector< TrackingVolume * > >::iterator GlueVolumeIterator
typedef std::map< BoundarySurfaceFace, std::vector< TrackingVolume * > >::const_iterator GlueVolumeConstIterator
typedef ObjectIntersection< SurfaceSurfaceIntersection
typedef BinnedArray< SurfaceSurfaceArray
typedef DataVector< Trk::LayerMaterialPropertiesLayerMaterialCollection
typedef std::vector< const MaterialProperties * > MaterialPropertiesVector
 Useful typedefs. More...
typedef DataVector< Trk::MaterialStepMaterialStepCollection
template<class T >
using LayerIntersection = FullIntersection< Layer, Surface, T >
template<class T >
using BoundaryIntersection = FullIntersection< BoundarySurface< TrackingVolume >, Surface, T >
typedef SurfaceUniquePtrT< Trk::SurfaceSurfaceUniquePtr
typedef SurfaceUniquePtrT< const Trk::SurfaceConstSurfaceUniquePtr
using ConeSurfacePtrHolder = SurfacePtrHolderImpl< ConeSurface >
using CylinderSurfacePtrHolder = SurfacePtrHolderImpl< CylinderSurface >
using DiscSurfacePtrHolder = SurfacePtrHolderImpl< DiscSurface >
using PerigeeSurfacePtrHolder = SurfacePtrHolderImpl< PerigeeSurface >
using PlaneSurfacePtrHolder = SurfacePtrHolderImpl< PlaneSurface >
using StraightLineSurfacePtrHolder = SurfacePtrHolderImpl< StraightLineSurface >
using SurfacePtrHolder = SurfacePtrHolderImpl< Surface >
using ConeSurfaceUniqHolder = SurfaceUniqHolderImpl< ConeSurface >
using CylinderSurfaceUniqHolder = SurfaceUniqHolderImpl< CylinderSurface >
using DiscSurfaceUniqHolder = SurfaceUniqHolderImpl< DiscSurface >
using PerigeeSurfaceUniqHolder = SurfaceUniqHolderImpl< PerigeeSurface >
using PlaneSurfaceUniqHolder = SurfaceUniqHolderImpl< PlaneSurface >
using StraightLineSurfaceUniqHolder = SurfaceUniqHolderImpl< StraightLineSurface >
using SurfaceUniqHolder = SurfaceUniqHolderImpl< Surface >
using SurfacePtrHolderDetEl = Trk::SurfacePtrHolderImplDetEl< Surface >
typedef std::pair< size_t, size_t > DigitizationCell
typedef std::pair< double, ParamDefsDefinedParameter
template<class S >
using SurfaceUniquePtrT = std::unique_ptr< S, SurfaceDeleter< S > >
typedef float TrackScore
typedef std::multimap< const Trk::Track *, std::pair< const Trk::Track *, Trk::TrackMatchingProperties > > TrackMatchMultiMap
typedef ComparisonFunction< TrackParametersTrkParametersComparisonFunction
using NeutralParameters = ParametersBase< NeutralParametersDim, Neutral >
using NeutralCurvilinearParameters = CurvilinearParametersT< NeutralParametersDim, Neutral, PlaneSurface >
using NeutralAtaCone = ParametersT< NeutralParametersDim, Neutral, ConeSurface >
using NeutralAtaCylinder = ParametersT< NeutralParametersDim, Neutral, CylinderSurface >
using NeutralAtaDisc = ParametersT< NeutralParametersDim, Neutral, DiscSurface >
using NeutralPerigee = ParametersT< NeutralParametersDim, Neutral, PerigeeSurface >
using NeutralAtaPlane = ParametersT< NeutralParametersDim, Neutral, PlaneSurface >
using NeutralAtaStraightLine = ParametersT< NeutralParametersDim, Neutral, StraightLineSurface >
using MultiComponentState = std::vector< ComponentParameters >
using BaseParameters = ParametersCommon< TrackParametersDim, Charged >
using TrackParameters = ParametersBase< TrackParametersDim, Charged >
using CurvilinearParameters = CurvilinearParametersT< TrackParametersDim, Charged, PlaneSurface >
using AtaCone = ParametersT< TrackParametersDim, Charged, ConeSurface >
using AtaCylinder = ParametersT< TrackParametersDim, Charged, CylinderSurface >
using AtaDisc = ParametersT< TrackParametersDim, Charged, DiscSurface >
using Perigee = ParametersT< TrackParametersDim, Charged, PerigeeSurface >
using AtaPlane = ParametersT< TrackParametersDim, Charged, PlaneSurface >
using AtaStraightLine = ParametersT< TrackParametersDim, Charged, StraightLineSurface >
typedef VertexType TrackParticleOrigin
typedef DataVector< TrackParticleBaseTrackParticleBaseCollection
typedef std::multimap< Trk::PrepRawData *, RIO_OnTrack * > RIOtoROT_Multimap
typedef DataVector< Trk::TrackRoadTrackRoadCollection
typedef DataVector< Trk::SegmentSegmentCollection
using TrackStates = DataVector< const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface >
typedef std::multimap< const Trk::Track *, int > TrackSeedMap
typedef DataVector< Trk::VxSecVertexInfoVxSecVertexInfoContainer
typedef FitQuality_p1 FitQualityOnSurface_p1
using MeasuredPerigee = Perigee
typedef Surface_p1 PerigeeSurface_p1
typedef TrackTruthVector TrackTruthCollection_p0
typedef ExtrapolationCell< TrackParametersExCellCharged
typedef ExtrapolationCell< NeutralParametersExCellNeutral
typedef std::pair< int, const NavigationCell * > IdNavigationCell
typedef std::pair< const TrackParameters *, double > TrackParametersWithPath
 typedef for return type TrackParameters, pathlength More...
typedef std::pair< const Surface *, BoundaryCheckDestSurf
 typedef for input surfaces, boundary check More...
typedef std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Trk::TrackParameters > > TrackParametersUVector
using TrackParmContainer = ObjContainer< Trk::TrackParameters >
using TrackParmPtr = ObjRef
using ManagedTrackParmPtr = ObjPtr< Trk::TrackParameters >
typedef std::pair< const NavigationCell *, const NavigationCell * > NavigationPair
typedef std::vector< const Trk::TrackParameters * > TrackParametersVector
typedef std::vector< TargetSurfaceTargetSurfaceVector
typedef bool RunOutlierRemoval
 switch to toggle quality processing after fit More...
using PrepRawDataSet = std::vector< const PrepRawData * >
 vector of clusters and drift circles More...
using MeasurementSet = std::vector< const MeasurementBase * >
 vector of fittable measurements More...
using RIO_OnTrackSet = std::vector< const RIO_OnTrack * >
 vector of detector hits on a track More...
using SpacePointSet = std::vector< const SpacePoint * >
 vector of space points More...
typedef bool SortInputFlag
 switch to toggle sorting More...
typedef DataVector< const TrackStateOnSurface >::const_iterator TS_iterator
typedef std::vector< std::pair< const Trk::MeasurementBase *, int > > MB_IndexVector
typedef std::vector< std::pair< const Track *, float > > TracksScores
typedef Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, Eigen::Dynamic > AmgMatrix3X
typedef std::pair< Amg::Vector3D, double > PositionAndWeight
typedef std::pair< double, double > DoubleAndWeight
typedef std::pair< PointOnTrack, PointOnTrackTwoPointOnTrack
typedef std::pair< Amg::Vector3D, Amg::Vector3DTwoPoints
typedef void(* addrPropagator) (long int, long int, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *)
template<class T >
using noinit_vector = std::vector< T, boost::noinit_adaptor< std::allocator< T > > >
 A variant on std::vector which leaves its contents uninitialized by default. More...
typedef void(* addrMagHandler) (double, double, double, double &, double &, double &)
typedef int VertexID
typedef std::vector< double > dvect


enum  ExtraLocalPosParam { distDepth = 2 }
enum  AlignModuleListType {
  L0 =0, L1, L2, L3,
  L1_5, L2_5, ModulesOnTrack
 Type of AlignModuleList (see description above). More...
enum  AlignResidualType { HitOnly, Unbiased }
enum  AlignMesType { Measurement, Scatterer, EnergyDeposit }
enum  LayerOrder { previous = -1, next = 1 }
enum  BinningType { equidistant, biequidistant, arbitrary }
enum  BinningOption { open, closed }
 enum BinValue More...
enum  BinningValue {
  binX, binY, binZ, binR,
  binPhi, binRPhi, binH, binEta
 how to take the global / local position More...
enum  GeometrySignature {
  Global = 0, ID = 1, BeamPipe = 2, Calo = 3,
  MS = 4, Cavern = 5, HGTD = 6, NumberOfSignatures = 7,
  Unsigned = 99
enum  GeometryType {
  Static = 0, Dense = 1, DenseWithLayers = 1, Detached = 2,
  Master = 3, NumberOfGeometryTypes = 3
enum  MaterialAssociationType { EffectiveNumSteps = 0, EffectiveNumAtoms = 1, RadiationLength = 2, StepLength = 4 }
enum  DetectorElemType {
  DetectorElemType::SolidState = 0, DetectorElemType::Silicon = 1, DetectorElemType::TRT = 2, DetectorElemType::Csc = 3,
  DetectorElemType::Mdt = 4, DetectorElemType::Rpc = 5, DetectorElemType::Tgc = 6, DetectorElemType::sTgc = 7,
  DetectorElemType::MM = 8
enum  LayerType { passive = 0, active = 1 }
enum  MaterialConcentration { alongPre = 1, split = 0, oppositePre = -1 }
enum  MagneticFieldMode { NoField = 0, ConstantField = 1, FastField = 2, FullField = 3 }
enum  NavigationLevel { noNavigation = 0, globalSearch = 1, association = 2 }
enum  RQESolutionType {
  none = 0, one = 1, two = 2, none = 0,
  one = 1, two = 2
enum  SurfaceOwner { noOwn = 0, TGOwn = 1, DetElOwn = 2, userOwn = 3 }
enum  BevelledCylinderAccessorType { BevelledCylinderZincrease = 0, BevelledCylinderZdecrease = 1, BevelledCylinderPositiveFace = 2, BevelledCylinderNegativeFace = 3 }
enum  BevelledTubeAccessorType {
  BevelledTubeRincreaseZincrease = 0, BevelledTubeRincreaseZdecrease = 1, BevelledTubeZincreaseRincrease = 2, BevelledTubeZdecreaseRincrease = 3,
  BevelledTubeRdecreaseZincrease = 4, BevelledTubeRdecreaseZdecrease = 5, BevelledTubeZincreaseRdecrease = 6, BevelledTubeZdecreaseRdecrease = 7,
  BevelledTubeOutsideRminRdecrease = 8, BevelledTubeOutsideRmaxRincrease = 9, BevelledTubeOutsideZminZdecrease = 10, BevelledTubeOutsideZmaxZincrease = 11
enum  SectoralBevelledCylinderAccessorType { StandardSectoralBevelledCylinder = 0 }
enum  SectoralBevelledTubeAccessorType { StandardSectoralBevelledTube = 0 }
enum  BoundarySurfaceFace {
  negativeFaceXY = 0, positiveFaceXY = 1, negativeFaceYZ = 2, positiveFaceYZ = 3,
  negativeFaceZX = 4, positiveFaceZX = 5, cylinderCover = 2, tubeInnerCover = 3,
  tubeOuterCover = 2, tubeSectorNegativePhi = 4, tubeSectorPositivePhi = 5, tubeSectorInnerCover = 3,
  tubeSectorOuterCover = 2, trapezoidFaceAlpha = 2, trapezoidFaceBeta = 3, index0 = 0,
  index1 = 1, index2 = 2, index3 = 3, index4 = 4,
  index5 = 5, index6 = 6, index7 = 7, index8 = 8,
  index9 = 9, index10 = 10, index11 = 11, undefinedFace = 99
enum  CylinderAccessorType { CylinderZincrease = 0, CylinderZdecrease = 1, CylinderPositiveFace = 2, CylinderNegativeFace = 3 }
enum  TubeAccessorType {
  TubeRincreaseZincrease = 0, TubeRincreaseZdecrease = 1, TubeZincreaseRincrease = 2, TubeZdecreaseRincrease = 3,
  TubeRdecreaseZincrease = 4, TubeRdecreaseZdecrease = 5, TubeZincreaseRdecrease = 6, TubeZdecreaseRdecrease = 7,
  TubeOutsideRminRdecrease = 8, TubeOutsideRmaxRincrease = 9, TubeOutsideZminZdecrease = 10, TubeOutsideZmaxZincrease = 11
enum  SectoralCylinderAccessorType { StandardSectoralCylinder = 0 }
enum  SectoralTubeAccessorType { StandardSectoralTube = 0 }
enum  DriftCircleSide { NONE, LEFT, RIGHT }
 Enumerates the 'side' of the wire on which the tracks passed (i.e. More...
 Enumerates the 'status' of the wire on which the tracks passed (based on the TRT_Side enum, from InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack, which this should eventually replace) More...
enum  ParamDefs {
  loc1 = 0, loc2 = 1, locX = 0, locY = 1,
  locRPhi = 0, locPhiR = 0, locZ = 1, locR = 0,
  locPhi = 1, iPhi = 0, iEta = 1, distPhi = 0,
  distEta = 1, driftRadius = 0, x = 0, y = 1,
  z = 2, px = 0, py = 1, pz = 2,
  d0 = 0, z0 = 1, phi0 = 2, theta = 3,
  qOverP = 4, phi = 2, u = 0, v = 1,
  trkMass = 5
enum  ParticleHypothesis {
  nonInteracting = 0, geantino = 0, electron = 1, muon = 2,
  pion = 3, kaon = 4, proton = 5, photon = 6,
  neutron = 7, pi0 = 8, k0 = 9, nonInteractingMuon = 10,
  noHypothesis = 99, undefined = 99
enum  PropDirection { alongMomentum = 1, oppositeMomentum =-1, anyDirection = 0, mappingMode = 2 }
enum  SearchDirection { outside =1, inside =-1, bothway =0, undefinedDirection =0 }
enum  MaterialUpdateStage { preUpdate = -1, fullUpdate = 0, postUpdate = 1 }
 This is a steering enum to tell which material update stage: More...
enum  SurfaceType {
  SurfaceType::Cone = 0, SurfaceType::Cylinder = 1, SurfaceType::Disc = 2, SurfaceType::Perigee = 3,
  SurfaceType::Plane = 4, SurfaceType::Line = 5, Curvilinear = 6, SurfaceType::Other = 7
enum  VertexType {
  NoVtx = 0, PriVtx = 1, SecVtx = 2, PileUp = 3,
  ConvVtx = 4, V0Vtx = 5, KinkVtx = 6, V0Lambda = 7,
  V0LambdaBar = 8, V0KShort = 9, NotSpecified = -99
enum  ParametersType { AtaSurface = 0, Curvilinear = 1, Curvilinear = 6, Pattern = 2 }
enum  PrepRawDataType {
  PrepRawDataType::SiCluster, PrepRawDataType::PixelCluster, PrepRawDataType::SCT_Cluster, PrepRawDataType::TRT_DriftCircle,
  PrepRawDataType::HGTD_Cluster, PrepRawDataType::PlanarCluster, PrepRawDataType::MdtPrepData, PrepRawDataType::CscStripPrepData,
  PrepRawDataType::CscPrepData, PrepRawDataType::MMPrepData, PrepRawDataType::RpcPrepData, PrepRawDataType::TgcPrepData,
enum  SummaryType {
  numberOfContribPixelLayers = 29, numberOfBLayerHits = 0, numberOfInnermostPixelLayerHits = 53, numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerHits = 58,
  numberOfPixelHits = 2, numberOfPixelHoles = 1, numberOfGangedPixels = 14, numberOfGangedFlaggedFakes = 32,
  numberOfPixelDeadSensors = 33, numberOfPixelSpoiltHits = 35, numberOfDBMHits = 63, numberOfSCTHits = 3,
  numberOfSCTHoles = 4, numberOfSCTDoubleHoles = 28, numberOfSCTDeadSensors = 34, numberOfSCTSpoiltHits = 36,
  numberOfTRTHits = 5, numberOfTRTOutliers = 19, numberOfTRTHoles = 40, numberOfTRTHighThresholdHits = 6,
  numberOfTRTHighThresholdHitsTotal = 64, numberOfTRTHitsUsedFordEdx = 65, numberOfTRTHighThresholdOutliers = 20, numberOfTRTDeadStraws = 37,
  numberOfTRTTubeHits = 38, numberOfTRTXenonHits = 46, numberOfMdtHits = 7, numberOfTgcPhiHits = 8,
  numberOfTgcEtaHits = 9, numberOfCscPhiHits = 10, numberOfCscEtaHits = 11, numberOfRpcPhiHits = 12,
  numberOfRpcEtaHits = 13, numberOfCscEtaHoles = 21, numberOfCscPhiHoles = 22, numberOfRpcEtaHoles = 23,
  numberOfRpcPhiHoles = 24, numberOfMdtHoles = 25, numberOfTgcEtaHoles = 26, numberOfTgcPhiHoles = 27,
  numberOfStgcEtaHits = 67, numberOfStgcPhiHits = 68, numberOfMmHits = 69, numberOfStgcEtaHoles = 70,
  numberOfStgcPhiHoles = 71, numberOfMmHoles = 72, numberOfCscUnspoiltEtaHits = 45, numberOfGoodMdtHits = 66,
  numberOfOutliersOnTrack = 15, standardDeviationOfChi2OS = 30, legacy_eProbabilityComb_res = 47, legacy_eProbabilityHT_res = 48,
  legacy_eProbabilityToT_res = 49, legacy_eProbabilityBrem_res = 50, legacy_pixeldEdx_res = 51, legacy_eProbabilityNN_res = 73,
  legacy_TRTTrackOccupancy_res = 74, legacy_TRTdEdx_res = 75, legacy_expectBLayerHit = 42, legacy_expectInnermostPixelLayerHit = 52,
  legacy_expectNextToInnermostPixelLayerHit = 57, legacy_numberOfBLayerSharedHits = 16, legacy_numberOfPixelSharedHits = 17, legacy_numberOfSCTSharedHits = 18,
  legacy_numberOfBLayerSplitHits = 43, legacy_numberOfPixelSplitHits = 44, legacy_numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSharedHits = 55, legacy_numberOfInnermostLayerSplitHits = 56,
  legacy_numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerSharedHits = 60, legacy_numberOfNextToInnermostLayerSplitHits = 61, legacy_numberOfTRTSharedHits = 62, legacy_numberOfBLayerOutliers = 31,
  legacy_numberOfInnermostPixelLayerOutliers = 54, legacy_numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerOutliers = 59, legacy_numberOfPixelOutliers = 41, legacy_numberOfSCTOutliers = 39,
  numberOfTrackSummaryTypes = 76
 enumerates the different types of information stored in Summary. More...
enum  eProbabilityType {
  eProbabilityComb, eProbabilityHT, eProbabilityToT, eProbabilityBrem = 3,
  eProbabilityNN = 4, TRTTrackOccupancy = 5, TRTdEdx = 6, eProbabilityNumberOfTRTHitsUsedFordEdx,
  numberOfeProbabilityTypes = 8
enum  DetectorType {
  pixelBarrel0 = 0, pixelBarrel1 = 1, pixelBarrel2 = 2, pixelBarrel3 = 3,
  pixelEndCap0 = 4, pixelEndCap1 = 5, pixelEndCap2 = 6, sctBarrel0 = 7,
  sctBarrel1 = 8, sctBarrel2 = 9, sctBarrel3 = 10, sctEndCap0 = 11,
  sctEndCap1 = 12, sctEndCap2 = 13, sctEndCap3 = 14, sctEndCap4 = 15,
  sctEndCap5 = 16, sctEndCap6 = 17, sctEndCap7 = 18, sctEndCap8 = 19,
  trtBarrel = 20, trtEndCap = 21, DBM0 = 22, DBM1 = 23,
  DBM2 = 24, numberOfDetectorTypes = 25
 enumerates the various detector types currently accessible from the isHit() method. More...
enum  JetVtxParamDefs {
  jet_xv =0, jet_yv =1, jet_zv =2, jet_phi =3,
  jet_theta =4, jet_dist =5
enum  MaterialUpdateMode { addNoise = 1, removeNoise = -1 }
 This is a steering enum to force the material update it can be: (1) addNoise (-1) removeNoise Second is mainly for vertex reconstruction, but potentially dangeraous. More...
enum  RQESolutionType {
  none = 0, one = 1, two = 2, none = 0,
  one = 1, two = 2
enum  SurfNavigType {
  Target = 0, BoundaryFrame = 1, BoundaryDetached = 2, SensitiveLayer = 3,
  MaterialLayer = 4
 typedef for surface and volume navigation types More...
enum  TVNavigType { Unknown = 0, Frame = 1, AlignableVolume = 2, DenseVolume = 3 }
enum  ExtrapolationType {
  FittedTrajectory, DeltaD0, DeltaZ0, DeltaPhi0,
  DeltaTheta0, DeltaQOverP0, DeltaQOverP1, ExtrapolationTypes
enum  MeasurementType {
  perigeeParameters, transverseVertex, vertex, pixelCluster,
  stripCluster, trapezoidCluster, driftCircle, pseudoMeasurement,
  barrelScatterer, endcapScatterer, calorimeterScatterer, barrelInert,
  endcapInert, energyDeposit, alignment, discontinuity,
  bremPoint, hole, materialDelimiter
enum  ParameterType {
  D0, Z0, Phi0, Theta0,
  QOverP0, QOverP1, ParameterTypes
enum  RangeCheckDef { absoluteCheck = 0, differentialCheck = 1 }
enum  DetectorRegion {
  pixelBarrelFlat = 0, pixelBarrelInclined = 1, pixelEndcap = 2, stripBarrel = 3,
  stripEndcap = 4
enum  BoundaryCheckResult {
  BoundaryCheckResult::Candidate, BoundaryCheckResult::OnEdge, BoundaryCheckResult::Insensitive, BoundaryCheckResult::Outside,
  BoundaryCheckResult::DeadElement, BoundaryCheckResult::Error
enum  TRT_ElectronPidProbability { Combined = 0, HighThreshold = 1, TimeOverThreshold = 2, Bremsstrahlung = 3 }
enum  VKContraintType {
  VKContraintType::Mass, VKContraintType::Phi, VKContraintType::Theta, VKContraintType::Point,
enum  { NTrMaxVFit =200 }


void decomposeTransform (const Amg::Transform3D &transform, double *values)
std::string detTypeStr (AlignModule::DetectorType detType)
 returns the detector type More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const AlignModule &alignModule)
 overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const AlignPar &alignPar)
 overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &log, Trk::AlignMesType type)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &log, Trk::AlignResidualType type)
ResidualPull::ResidualType ResidualPullType (AlignResidualType type)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const AlignTrack::AlignTrackType type)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const AlignTrack::AlignTrackType type)
std::string dumpAlignTrackType (const AlignTrack::AlignTrackType type)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const AlignTSOS &atsos)
 Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &log, AlignResidualType type)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, AlignModuleTool &alignModTool)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const BinUtility &bgen)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const BinUtility &bgen)
bool operator< (const LayerIndex &one, const LayerIndex &two)
 Overload of operator< | <= | > | >= for the usage in a map. More...
bool operator<= (const LayerIndex &one, const LayerIndex &two)
bool operator> (const LayerIndex &one, const LayerIndex &two)
bool operator>= (const LayerIndex &one, const LayerIndex &two)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const LayerIndex &layx)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const LayerIndex &layx)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const MemoryLogger &oac)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const MemoryLogger &oac)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const ObjectAccessor &oac)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const ObjectAccessor &oac)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const AssociatedMaterial &mstep)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const AssociatedMaterial &mstep)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const ElementTable &etab)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const ElementTable &etab)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, GlueVolumesDescriptor &mprop)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, GlueVolumesDescriptor &mprop)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const LayerMaterialProperties &mprop)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const LayerMaterialProperties &mprop)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const MagneticFieldProperties &mprop)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const MagneticFieldProperties &mprop)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const MaterialProperties &mprop)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const MaterialProperties &mprop)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const MaterialStep &mstep)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const MaterialStep &mstep)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const Surface &sf)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const Surface &sf)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const SurfaceBounds &sb)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const SurfaceBounds &sb)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const Volume &vol)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const Volume &vol)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const VolumeBounds &vb)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const VolumeBounds &vb)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const Trk::LocalParameters &lp)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const Trk::LocalParameters &lp)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const CurvilinearUVT &uvt)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const CurvilinearUVT &uvt)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const FitQualityImpl &fq)
 Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const FitQualityImpl &fq)
 Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const JacobianCurvilinearToLocal &jac)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const JacobianCurvilinearToLocal &jac)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const JacobianLocalToCurvilinear &jac)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const JacobianLocalToCurvilinear &jac)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const LocalDirection &lomo)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const LocalDirection &lomo)
template<typename U >
bool consistentSurfaces (U)
template<typename U , typename ... T>
bool consistentSurfaces (U a, T...b)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const TransportJacobian &jac)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const TransportJacobian &jac)
template<typename T >
std::unique_ptr< T > unique_clone (const T *v)
template<typename T >
std::unique_ptr< T > unique_clone (const std::unique_ptr< T > &v)
template<class OrigMap , class CmpT >
void addToInverseMultiMap (InverseMultiMap< OrigMap, CmpT > *result, const OrigMap &rec2truth)
template<class OStream , class TruthCollection >
OStream & operator<< (OStream &os, const BasicTruthCollectionFilter< TruthCollection > &f)
template<class OStream , class TruthCollection >
OStream & operator<< (OStream &os, const PCutTruthCollectionFilter< TruthCollection > &f)
template<class OStream , class TruthCollection >
OStream & operator<< (OStream &os, const StatTruthCollectionFilter< TruthCollection > &f)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const EnergyLoss &eloss)
 Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const EnergyLoss &eloss)
 Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug outputstd::ostream&. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const MaterialEffectsBase &meb)
 Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const MaterialEffectsBase &meb)
 Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const Trk::ScatteringAngles &saos)
 Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const Trk::ScatteringAngles &saos)
 Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const Trk::MeasurementBase &mbase)
 Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const Trk::MeasurementBase &mbase)
 Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output. More...
template<int DIM, class T >
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const Trk::ParametersBase< DIM, T > &tp)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
template<int DIM, class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const Trk::ParametersBase< DIM, T > &tp)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const TrackParticleBase &trackParticleBase)
 Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const TrackParticleBase &trackParticleBase)
 Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const NoiseOnSurface &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const NoiseOnSurface &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const PatternTrackParameters &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const PatternTrackParameters &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &stream, const PrepRawData &prd)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const PrepRawData &prd)
template<typename T_res , typename T_src >
const T_res * ErrorScalingCast (const T_src *src)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &stream, const TrackRoad &tr)
 Dump the road into a message stream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const TrackRoad &tr)
 Dump the road into a standard output stream. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const Trk::SpacePoint &spacePoint)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const SpacePoint &spacePoint)
 Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const TrackStateOnSurface &tsos)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const TrackStateOnSurface &tsos)
 Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const AlignmentEffectsOnTrack &tsos)
 Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const AlignmentEffectsOnTrack &tsos)
 Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output. More...
 AmgSymMatrix (5) &GXFTrackState
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &, const MultiComponentStateOnSurface &)
 Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const MultiComponentStateOnSurface &)
 Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const Track &track)
 Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const Track &track)
 Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const TrackInfo &track)
 Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const TrackInfo &track)
 Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &out, const MuonTrackSummary &trackSum)
 output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const MuonTrackSummary &trackSum)
 output. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &out, const TrackSummary &trackSum)
 output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const TrackSummary &trackSum)
 output. More...
bool operator< (const TrackTruthKey &a, const TrackTruthKey &b)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const VertexPositions &sf)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const VertexPositions &sf)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const VxClusteringTable &sf)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const VxClusteringTable &sf)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const LinearizedTrack &sf)
const AmgSymMatrix (3) &RecVertex
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const Vertex &sf)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const Vertex &sf)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const VxCandidate &sf)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output; only needed in base class? More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const VxCandidate &sf)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const VxTrackAtVertex &sf)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output; only needed in base class? More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const VxTrackAtVertex &sf)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const LinearizedTrack &sf)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
bool operator< (const TrackTruthKey_p0 &a, const TrackTruthKey_p0 &b)
ATH_ALWAYS_INLINE void propJacobian (double *ATH_RESTRICT P, const double *ATH_RESTRICT H0, const double *ATH_RESTRICT H1, const double *ATH_RESTRICT H2, const double *ATH_RESTRICT A, const double *ATH_RESTRICT A0, const double *ATH_RESTRICT A3, const double *ATH_RESTRICT A4, const double *ATH_RESTRICT A6, const double S3)
 This provides an inline helper function for updating the jacobian during Runge-Kutta propagation. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &sl, const TrackSurfaceIntersection &tsfi)
 Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &sl, const TrackSurfaceIntersection &tsfi)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &log, ExtrapolationType type)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &log, MeasurementType type)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &log, ParameterType type)
 AmgMatrix (3, 3) NeutralParticleParameterCalculator
int makeCascade (VKalVrtControl &FitCONTROL, long int NTRK, const long int *ich, double *wm, double *inp_Trk5, double *inp_CovTrk5, const std::vector< std::vector< int > > &vertexDefinition, const std::vector< std::vector< int > > &cascadeDefinition, double definedCnstAccuracy)
int setCascadeMassConstraint (CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_, long int IV, double Mass)
int setCascadeMassConstraint (CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_, long int IV, std::vector< int > &trkInVrt, std::vector< int > &pseudoInVrt, double Mass)
int fixPseudoTrackPt (long int NPar, double *fullMtx, double *LSide, CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_)
VKTrackgetCombinedVTrack (VKVertex *vk)
int getCascadeNPar (CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_, int Type)
void setFittedParameters (const double *result, std::vector< int > &matrixPnt, CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_)
void setFittedMatrices (const double *COVFIT, long int MATRIXSIZE, std::vector< int > &matrixPnt, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &covarCascade, CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_)
std::vector< double > transformCovar (int NPar, double **Deriv, const std::vector< double > &covarI)
void addCrossVertexDeriv (CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_, double *ader, long int MATRIXSIZE, const std::vector< int > &matrixPnt)
void copyFullMtx (const double *Input, long int IPar, long int IDIM, double *Target, long int TStart, long int TDIM)
void getNewCov (const double *OldCov, const double *Der, double *Cov, long int DIM) noexcept
void cferpr (const long int ich, double *par, double *ref, const double s0, double *errold, double *errnew)
void cfimp (long int TrkID, long int ich, int IFL, double *par, const double *err, double *vrt, double *vcov, double *rimp, double *rcov, double *sign, VKalVrtControlBase *FitCONTROL)
void cfimpc (long int TrkID, long int ich, int IFL, double *par, const double *err, double *vrt, double *vcov, double *rimp, double *rcov, double *sign, VKalVrtControlBase *FitCONTROL)
int CFit (VKalVrtControl *FitCONTROL, int ifCovV0, int NTRK, long int *ich, double xyz0[3], double(*par0)[3], double(*inp_Trk5)[5], double(*inp_CovTrk5)[15], double xyzfit[3], double(*parfs)[3], double ptot[4], double covf[21], double &chi2, double *chi2tr)
int setVTrackMass (VKVertex *vk)
long int getVertexCharge (VKVertex *vk)
double cascadeCnstRemnants (CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_)
int fitVertexCascade (VKVertex *vk, int Pointing)
int processCascade (CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_)
int processCascadePV (CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_, const double *primVrt, const double *primVrtCov)
int processCascade (CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_, const double *primVrt, const double *primVrtCov)
int processCascade (CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_, double *primVrt)
int translateToFittedPos (CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_, double Step)
int restorePreviousPos (CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_, std::vector< VKVertex > &SV)
void getFittedCascade (CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_, std::vector< Vect3DF > &cVertices, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &covVertices, std::vector< std::vector< VectMOM > > &fittedParticles, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &cascadeCovar, std::vector< double > &particleChi2, std::vector< double > &fullCovar)
void rescaleVrtErrForPointing (double Div, CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_)
int fitVertexCascadeScale (VKVertex *vk, double &distToVertex)
int processCascadeScale (CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_)
void cfmasserr (VKVertex *vk, const int *list, double BMAG, double *MASS, double *sigM)
void cfmasserrold_ (const long int ntrk, long int *list, double *parfs, double *ams, double *deriv, double BMAG, double *dm, double *sigm)
void vkPerigeeToP (const double *perig3, double *pp, double BMAG)
std::array< double, 4 > getFitParticleMom (const VKTrack *trk, const VKVertex *vk)
std::array< double, 4 > getFitParticleMom (const VKTrack *trk, double BMAG)
std::array< double, 4 > getIniParticleMom (const VKTrack *trk, const VKVertex *vk)
std::array< double, 4 > getIniParticleMom (const VKTrack *trk, double BMAG)
std::array< double, 4 > getCnstParticleMom (const VKTrack *trk, const VKVertex *vk)
std::array< double, 4 > getCnstParticleMom (const VKTrack *trk, double BMAG)
void cfnewp (const long int ich, double *parold, double *ref, double *s, double *parnew, double *per)
void cfnewpm (double *par, const double *xyzStart, double *xyzEnd, const double ustep, double *parn, double *closePoint, VKalVrtControlBase *CONTROL)
void cfpest (int ntrk, double *xyz, long int *ich, double(*parst)[5], double(*parf)[3])
int afterFit (VKVertex *vk, double *ader, double *dcv, double *ptot, double *VrtMomCov, const VKalVrtControlBase *CONTROL)
int afterFitWithIniPar (VKVertex *vk, double *ader, double *dcv, double *ptot, double *VrtMomCov, const VKalVrtControlBase *CONTROL)
double cfVrtDstSig (VKVertex *vk, bool UseTrkErr)
void calcMassConstraint (VKMassConstraint *cnst)
void calcPointConstraint (VKPointConstraint *cnst)
void calcPhiConstraint (VKPhiConstraint *cnst)
void calcThetaConstraint (VKThetaConstraint *cnst)
void calcPlaneConstraint (VKPlaneConstraint *cnst)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const VKConstraintBase &cnst)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const VKMassConstraint &cnst)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const VKPhiConstraint &cnst)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const VKThetaConstraint &cnst)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const VKPointConstraint &cnst)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const VKPlaneConstraint &cnst)
void FullMTXfill (VKVertex *vk, double *ader)
int FullMCNSTfill (VKVertex *vk, double *ader, double *LSide)
double cfSmallEigenvalue (double *cov, long int n)
int cfInv5 (double *cov, double *wgt)
int cfdinv (double *cov, double *wgt, long int NI)
void dsinv (long int n, double *a, long int DIM, long int *ifail) noexcept
int vkMSolve (double *a, double *b, long int n, double *ainv)
void vkSVDCmp (double **a, int m, int n, double w[], double **v)
void vkGetEigVal (const double ci[], double d[], int n)
void vkGetEigVect (const double ci[], double d[], double vect[], int n)
void robtest (VKVertex *vk, int ifl, int nIteration)
void applyConstraints (VKVertex *vk)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const VKTrack &track)
double cfchi2 (double *xyzt, const long int ich, double *part, const double *par0, double *wgt, double *rmnd)
double cfchi2 (const double *vrtt, const double *part, VKTrack *trk)
double finter (double y0, double y1, double y2, double x0, double x1, double x2)
void tdasatVK (const double *Der, const double *CovI, double *CovF, long int M, long int N)
void cfsetdiag (long int n, double *matr, double value) noexcept
void abcCoef (double g1, double g2, double g3, double &a, double &b, double &c)
void efdCoef (double Ga0, double Gamb, double Gab, double Gw0, double Gwb, double alf, double bet, double w, double &d, double &e, double &f)
void ParaMin (double b, double c, double d, double e, double f, double &xmin, double &ymin)
void cfTrkCovarCorr (double *cov)
void vkgrkuta_ (const double charge, const double step, double *vect, double *vout, VKalVrtControlBase *CONTROL)
double vkvFastV (double *p1, double *p2, const double *vRef, double dbmag, double *out)
int vtcfit (VKVertex *vk)
int vtcfitc (VKVertex *vk)
double getCnstValues2 (VKVertex *vk) noexcept
int getFullVrtCov (VKVertex *vk, double *ader, const double *dcv, double verr[6][6])
void vpderiv (bool UseTrackErr, long int Charge, const double *pari0, double *covi, double *vrtref, double *covvrtref, double *drdpar, double *dwgt, double *rv0, VKalVrtControl *FitCONTROL)
void xyztrp (const long int ich, double *vrt0, double *pv0, double *covi, double BMAG, double *paro, double *errt)
void combinedTrack (long int ICH, double *pv0, double *covi, double BMAG, double *par, double *covo)
void cfdcopy (double *source, double *target, int n)
double cfddist3D (double *V1, double *V2)
double d_sign (double value, double sign)
int SymIndex (int it, int i, int j)


constexpr int MAXNCHAMBERS =50
constexpr int MAXNINDICES =50*6
template<typename T >
const auto do_not_delete = [](T*) {}
constexpr size_t NeutralParametersDim = 5
constexpr size_t TrackParametersDim = 5

Detailed Description

Ensure that the ATLAS eigen extensions are properly loaded.

Author: V.Kostyukhin.

An abstract base class for algorithms estimating the transverse impact parameter d0 and its error of a given track wrt to the reconstructed vertex.


A first concrete implementation of the IV0VertexFitter for the purposes of V0 fitting.

A track-truth match quality estimator tool.

Code that is common to several track-truth matching tools.

These headers, as well as other headers in the TrkGlobalChi2Fitter package use modern C++11 memory ownership semantics expressed through smart pointers.

Cache for the extrapolator to keep track of the total X0 traversed and the total extended energy loss (Eloss (error) ,Ionization (error), Radiation (error))

Persistent representation of class VxVertex/VxTrackAtVertex.

Persistent representation of the VxVertex/Vertex class.

Persistent representation of the VxVertex/RecVertex class.

Persistent representation of the VxVertex/ExtendedVxCandidate class.

Persistent representation of class VxMultiVertex/MVFVxTrackAtVertex.

Persistent representation of class VxMultiVertex/MVFVxCandidate.

Persistent representation of the TrkV0Vertex/V0Hypothesis class.

Persistent representation of the TrkV0Vertex/V0Candidate class.

The standard namespace for VxVertexPositions.

< include headers from the base class

multimap to be used for TrackAmbiguity/Seed validation

This typedef represents a multimap that holds the matching chi2 of two tracks from different track collections together with a boolean that indicatges if the matching was succesful.

Convenience Helper classes SurfacePtrHolder SurfaceUniqHolder also see SurfaceUniquePtrT.h.

standard namespace for Tracking


Define statics for Geometry in Tracking.


Tool used to create a collection of AlignTracks from Tracks while the tracks are being refitted with a vertex/beam-spot constraint.

forward declarations


Name : Neutrino.h Package : offline/PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/ParticleEvent Author : Ketevi A.

An example algorithm that reads and writes objects from the event store using handles.

A tool to be used for track preselection in conversion vertex finding.

Forward declarations.

The InDetV0FinderTool reads in the TrackParticle container from StoreGate, if useorigin = True only tracks not associated to a primary vertex are used.

There are options to use silicon tracks only (default) or include Si+TRT and TRT+TRT.

Pairs of tracks passing pre-selection (using InDetTrackSelectorTool) are fitted to a common vertex using TrkV0Fitter or TrkVKalVrtFitter (useV0Fitter = False).

InDetV0FinderTool can take as input a vertex (or a collection of vertices) w.r.t which the V0s can be selected to minimise combinatorics.

The unconstrained vertex fit is attempted if the radius of the starting point is < maxsxy (= 1000 mm) and at least one invariant mass at the starting point is in the allowed range: uksmin < m(pipi) < uksmax or ulamin < m(ppi) < ulamax or ulamin < m(pip) < ulamax

V0s are kept if the cumulative chi2 probability of the unconstrained fit is > minVertProb (= 0.0001)

If doSimpleV0 = True all vertices that pass these cuts are stored in V0UnconstrVertices.

If doSimpleV0 = False (default) mass constrained fits are attempted if

Mass constrainedV0s are kept if the cumulative chi2 probability of the fit is > minVertProb (= 0.0001)

For successful mass constrained fits a conversion fit is also attempted and if successful, the corresponding unconstrained V0 is decorated with the invariant mass, its error and the vertex probability of the conversion fit.

The links between the unconstrained V0 and the successful mass constrained V0s are stored.

Thomas Koffas June 2008

Assamagan Created : August 2004

DESCRIPTION: neutrino class for t -> bW -> b l nu construction the neutrino after solving the for the neutrino pz using the W mass constraint. There is a quadratic ambiguity leading to up to 2 solutions This class inherits from IParticle, I4Momentum and NavigableTerminalNode.


namespace for general tracking tools and interfaces

The AlignTracks are filled into a collection of Tracks. The default control flow is like this: firstly do vertex constraint, if can't, then do beamspot again; if can't again, then do normal refit. if want to do vertex constraint only, set: doVertexConstraint = True and doBeamspotConstraint = False if want to do beamspot constraint only, set: doVertexConstraint = False and doBeamspotConstraint = True

Jike Wang
Daniel Kollar -> updated 2015 Matthias Danninger

Will provide a track coolection with momentum conatraint applied. A 2d histogram read and corrections (delta) are extracted as function of eta and phi. The momentum is scaled as corrected QoverP = original QoverP * (1.+ charge *pt *delta );

The strength of eth constraint can be varied as well.

instead of the CaloCell_ID (enum) a simple int is taken, so, implicit conversion is needed.

pos/neg endcap are distinguished by +/-

In the case of surfaces we do not want to take onwership when they are owned by the Tracking Geometry or a detector element.

In the other hand we want to take ownership if they are free.

As a result when we have classes with a m_associatedSurface member we need to repeat some boiler plate code.

These helpers try to make writing such code a bit easier and more uniform.

In reality one should prefer the code based on SurfaceUniquePtr But : We get this kind of warning when creating dictionaries: Error in <CloseStreamerInfoROOTFile>: I/O is supported only for unique_ptrs with a default deleter. Trk::SurfaceUniqHolder::m_associatedSurface appears to have a custom one Which can be problematic for some cases. So we provide also the plain ptr one

Under TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces :

The test : SurfaceHolder_test has a mock code on how we could use these for classes where we want to hold a ptr to a const Surface and manage it, based on if its free or owned.

The header : SurfaceHolder.h provides typedefs for most commom cases used by client code so as to hide some details of the implementation

A namespace to enclose the Tracking classes.

A namespace to enclose the new Track class, and related tools.

Kirill Prokofiev Kiril.nosp@m.l.Pr.nosp@m.okofi.nosp@m.ev@c.nosp@m.ern.c.nosp@m.h

March 2007

Kirill Prokofiev Kiril.nosp@m.l.Pr.nosp@m.okofi.nosp@m.ev@c.nosp@m.ern.c.nosp@m.h

January 2006 Modified for the TP split version 2

Kirill Prokofiev Kiril.nosp@m.l.Pr.nosp@m.okofi.nosp@m.ev@c.nosp@m.ern.c.nosp@m.h

July 2006 January 2007 corrected for the new TP split schema

Kirill Prokofiev Kiril.nosp@m.l.Pr.nosp@m.okofi.nosp@m.ev@c.nosp@m.ern.c.nosp@m.h

July 2006

Kirill Prokofiev Kiril.nosp@m.l.Pr.nosp@m.okofi.nosp@m.ev@c.nosp@m.ern.c.nosp@m.h

July 2006 January 2006 Modified for the TP split version 2

See GlobalChi2Fitter.h for more information.

Andrei Gaponenko
: E. Bouhova-Thacker, R. Henderson
: 14 December 2006

A namespace for all vertexing packages and related stuff.

Abstract interface for tools estimating whether a given track originated from the primary vertex. Kiril.nosp@m.l.Pr.nosp@m.okofi.nosp@m.ev@c.nosp@m.ern.c.nosp@m.h

June 2009


David Shope (2016-04-19)

EDM Migration to xAOD - Replace Trk::VxContainer with xAOD::VertexContainer

K.Prokofiev, C.Ruwiedel, June 2009.

Changes: G. Piacquadio, July 2009, add lifetime signs for b-tagging

David Shope (2016-04-19) EDM Migration to xAOD - Remove methods involving Trk::VxCandidate and Trk::RecVertex

Typedef Documentation

◆ addrMagHandler

typedef void(* Trk::addrMagHandler) (double, double, double, double &, double &, double &)

Definition at line 22 of file VKalVrtBMag.h.

◆ addrPropagator

typedef void(* Trk::addrPropagator) (long int, long int, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *)

Definition at line 23 of file Propagator.h.

◆ AlignModuleDerivatives

typedef std::pair<AlignModule*, std::vector<Amg::VectorX> > Trk::AlignModuleDerivatives

Definition at line 39 of file AlignTrack.h.

◆ AlignModuleList

typedef std::vector<AlignModule*> Trk::AlignModuleList

Definition at line 37 of file AlignModuleList.h.

◆ AlignModuleVertexDerivatives

Definition at line 37 of file AlignVertex.h.

◆ AlignParList

typedef boost::multi_array<AlignPar*,2> Trk::AlignParList

Definition at line 12 of file AlignParList.h.

◆ AlignParListDims

typedef boost::array<boost::multi_array_types::index, 2> Trk::AlignParListDims

Definition at line 13 of file AlignParList.h.

◆ AlignTrackCollection

typedef std::vector<AlignTrack**> Trk::AlignTrackCollection

Definition at line 35 of file AlignVertex.h.

◆ AlignTrackIt

typedef std::vector<AlignTrack**>::const_iterator Trk::AlignTrackIt

Definition at line 36 of file AlignVertex.h.

◆ AlignTSOSCollection

Definition at line 37 of file AlignTrack.h.

◆ AlignTSOSIt

typedef DataVector<AlignTSOS>::const_iterator Trk::AlignTSOSIt

Definition at line 38 of file AlignTrack.h.

◆ AmgMatrix3X

typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, Eigen::Dynamic> Trk::AmgMatrix3X

Definition at line 49 of file KalmanVertexOnJetAxisUpdator.h.

◆ ArraySpan

template<class T >
using Trk::ArraySpan = typedef std::span<T>

Definition at line 34 of file DetachedTrackingVolume.h.

◆ AtaCone

◆ AtaCylinder

◆ AtaDisc

◆ AtaPlane

◆ AtaStraightLine

◆ BaseParameters

◆ BinnedArraySpan

template<class T >
using Trk::BinnedArraySpan = typedef std::span<T>

Definition at line 34 of file BinnedArray.h.

◆ BoundaryIntersection

Definition at line 86 of file TrackingVolume.h.

◆ ConeSurfacePtrHolder

Definition at line 19 of file SurfaceHolders.h.

◆ ConeSurfaceUniqHolder

Definition at line 27 of file SurfaceHolders.h.

◆ const_mapiterator

typedef datamap::const_iterator Trk::const_mapiterator

Definition at line 30 of file AlSymMatBase.h.

◆ ConstSurfaceUniquePtr

◆ CurvilinearParameters

◆ CylinderSurfacePtrHolder

Definition at line 20 of file SurfaceHolders.h.

◆ CylinderSurfaceUniqHolder

Definition at line 28 of file SurfaceHolders.h.

◆ datamap

typedef std::map<indices, double> Trk::datamap

Definition at line 28 of file AlSymMatBase.h.

◆ DefinedParameter

Typedef to of a std::pair<double, ParamDefs> to identify a passed-through double as a specific type of parameter


Definition at line 27 of file DefinedParameter.h.

◆ DestSurf

typedef std::pair< const Surface *, BoundaryCheck > Trk::DestSurf

typedef for input surfaces, boundary check

Definition at line 45 of file IPropagator.h.

◆ DigitizationCell

typedef std::pair<size_t,size_t> Trk::DigitizationCell

Definition at line 18 of file DigitizationCell.h.

◆ DiscSurfacePtrHolder

Definition at line 21 of file SurfaceHolders.h.

◆ DiscSurfaceUniqHolder

Definition at line 29 of file SurfaceHolders.h.

◆ DoubleAndWeight

typedef std::pair<double,double> Trk::DoubleAndWeight

Definition at line 18 of file SeedFinderParamDefs.h.

◆ dvect

typedef std::vector<double> Trk::dvect

Definition at line 36 of file TrkVKalVrtFitter.h.

◆ EightObjectsAccessor

using Trk::EightObjectsAccessor = typedef std::array<ObjectAccessor::value_type, 8>

Definition at line 18 of file ObjectsAccessor.h.

◆ ExCellCharged

Definition at line 24 of file IExtrapolationEngine.h.

◆ ExCellNeutral

Definition at line 25 of file IExtrapolationEngine.h.

◆ FitQualityOnSurface_p1

Definition at line 19 of file FitQualityOnSurface_p1.h.

◆ FiveObjectsAccessor

using Trk::FiveObjectsAccessor = typedef std::array<ObjectAccessor::value_type, 5>

Definition at line 16 of file ObjectsAccessor.h.

◆ FourObjectsAccessor

using Trk::FourObjectsAccessor = typedef std::pair<std::array<ObjectAccessor::value_type, 4>, bool>

Definition at line 14 of file ObjectsAccessor.h.

◆ GlueVolumeConstIterator

typedef std::map<BoundarySurfaceFace, std::vector<TrackingVolume*> >::const_iterator Trk::GlueVolumeConstIterator

Definition at line 30 of file GlueVolumesDescriptor.h.

◆ GlueVolumeIterator

typedef std::map<BoundarySurfaceFace, std::vector<TrackingVolume*> >::iterator Trk::GlueVolumeIterator

Definition at line 27 of file GlueVolumesDescriptor.h.

◆ IdentifiedMaterial

typedef std::pair<const Material*, int> Trk::IdentifiedMaterial

Definition at line 28 of file BinnedMaterial.h.

◆ IdNavigationCell

typedef std::pair<int, const NavigationCell*> Trk::IdNavigationCell

Definition at line 54 of file INavigator.h.

◆ indices

typedef std::pair<long int, long int> Trk::indices

Definition at line 27 of file AlSymMatBase.h.

◆ LayerArray

simply for the eye

Definition at line 30 of file ILayerArrayCreator.h.

◆ LayerIndexSampleMap

typedef std::map<Trk::LayerIndex, int> Trk::LayerIndexSampleMap

Definition at line 29 of file LayerIndexSampleMap.h.

◆ LayerIntersection

template<class T >
using Trk::LayerIntersection = typedef FullIntersection<Layer, Surface, T>

Definition at line 84 of file TrackingVolume.h.

◆ LayerMaterialCollection

Definition at line 19 of file LayerMaterialCollection.h.

◆ LayerOrderPosition

Definition at line 37 of file LayerArrayCreator.h.

◆ ManagedTrackParmPtr

Definition at line 66 of file Extrapolator.h.

◆ mapiterator

typedef datamap::iterator Trk::mapiterator

Definition at line 29 of file AlSymMatBase.h.

◆ MaterialComponent

using Trk::MaterialComponent = typedef std::pair<Material, double>

Definition at line 31 of file VolumeConverter.h.

◆ MaterialPropertiesMatrix

Definition at line 25 of file ILayerMaterialAnalyser.h.

◆ MaterialPropertiesVector

Useful typedefs.

Definition at line 133 of file MaterialProperties.h.

◆ MaterialStepCollection

Definition at line 17 of file MaterialStepCollection.h.

◆ MB_IndexVector

typedef std::vector<std::pair<const Trk::MeasurementBase *, int> > Trk::MB_IndexVector

Definition at line 24 of file TrackFitInputPreparator.h.

◆ MeasuredPerigee

Definition at line 23 of file MeasuredPerigeeCnv_p1.h.

◆ MeasurementSet

using Trk::MeasurementSet = typedef std::vector<const MeasurementBase*>

vector of fittable measurements

Definition at line 30 of file FitterTypes.h.

◆ MultiComponentState

using Trk::MultiComponentState = typedef std::vector<ComponentParameters>

Definition at line 27 of file ComponentParameters.h.

◆ NavigationPair

Definition at line 36 of file Navigator.h.

◆ NeutralAtaCone

Definition at line 28 of file NeutralParameters.h.

◆ NeutralAtaCylinder

Definition at line 29 of file NeutralParameters.h.

◆ NeutralAtaDisc

Definition at line 30 of file NeutralParameters.h.

◆ NeutralAtaPlane

Definition at line 32 of file NeutralParameters.h.

◆ NeutralAtaStraightLine

Definition at line 33 of file NeutralParameters.h.

◆ NeutralCurvilinearParameters

Definition at line 27 of file NeutralParameters.h.

◆ NeutralParameters

Definition at line 26 of file NeutralParameters.h.

◆ NeutralPerigee

Definition at line 31 of file NeutralParameters.h.

◆ noinit_vector

template<class T >
using Trk::noinit_vector = typedef std::vector<T, boost::noinit_adaptor<std::allocator<T> > >

A variant on std::vector which leaves its contents uninitialized by default.

Definition at line 50 of file TrkVKalUtils.h.

◆ Perigee

◆ PerigeeSurface_p1

Definition at line 22 of file PerigeeSurfaceCnv_p1.h.

◆ PerigeeSurfacePtrHolder

Definition at line 22 of file SurfaceHolders.h.

◆ PerigeeSurfaceUniqHolder

Definition at line 30 of file SurfaceHolders.h.

◆ PlaneSurfacePtrHolder

Definition at line 23 of file SurfaceHolders.h.

◆ PlaneSurfaceUniqHolder

Definition at line 31 of file SurfaceHolders.h.

◆ PositionAndWeight

typedef std::pair< Amg::Vector3D , double > Trk::PositionAndWeight

Definition at line 17 of file SeedFinderParamDefs.h.

◆ PositionAtBoundary

Definition at line 28 of file MaterialValidation.h.

◆ PrepRawDataSet

using Trk::PrepRawDataSet = typedef std::vector<const PrepRawData*>

vector of clusters and drift circles

Definition at line 26 of file FitterTypes.h.

◆ RIO_OnTrackSet

using Trk::RIO_OnTrackSet = typedef std::vector<const RIO_OnTrack*>

vector of detector hits on a track

Definition at line 34 of file FitterTypes.h.

◆ RIOtoROT_Multimap

Definition at line 19 of file RIO_OnTrackMap.h.

◆ RunOutlierRemoval

typedef bool Trk::RunOutlierRemoval

switch to toggle quality processing after fit

Definition at line 22 of file FitterTypes.h.

◆ SegmentCollection

Definition at line 13 of file SegmentCollection.h.

◆ SharedObject

template<class T >
using Trk::SharedObject = typedef std::shared_ptr<T>

Definition at line 24 of file SharedObject.h.

◆ SixObjectsAccessor

using Trk::SixObjectsAccessor = typedef std::array<ObjectAccessor::value_type, 6>

Definition at line 17 of file ObjectsAccessor.h.

◆ SortInputFlag

typedef bool Trk::SortInputFlag

switch to toggle sorting

Definition at line 21 of file TrackFitInputPreparator.h.

◆ SpacePointSet

using Trk::SpacePointSet = typedef std::vector<const SpacePoint*>

vector of space points

Definition at line 38 of file FitterTypes.h.

◆ StraightLineSurfacePtrHolder

Definition at line 24 of file SurfaceHolders.h.

◆ StraightLineSurfaceUniqHolder

Definition at line 32 of file SurfaceHolders.h.

◆ SurfaceArray

Definition at line 41 of file Layer.h.

◆ SurfaceIntersection

Definition at line 40 of file Layer.h.

◆ SurfaceOrderPosition

Definition at line 37 of file HGTD_LayerBuilderCond.h.

◆ SurfacePtrHolder

Definition at line 25 of file SurfaceHolders.h.

◆ SurfacePtrHolderDetEl

Definition at line 36 of file SurfaceHolders.h.

◆ SurfaceUniqHolder

Definition at line 34 of file SurfaceHolders.h.

◆ SurfaceUniquePtr

◆ SurfaceUniquePtrT

template<class S >
using Trk::SurfaceUniquePtrT = typedef std::unique_ptr<S, SurfaceDeleter<S> >

Definition at line 32 of file SurfaceUniquePtrT.h.

◆ TargetSurfaceVector

Definition at line 121 of file TargetSurfaces.h.

◆ ThreeObjectsAccessor

using Trk::ThreeObjectsAccessor = typedef std::array<ObjectAccessor::value_type, 3>

Definition at line 13 of file ObjectsAccessor.h.

◆ TrackingVolumeArray

simply for the eye

Definition at line 29 of file ITrackingVolumeArrayCreator.h.

◆ TrackingVolumeOrderPosition

using Trk::TrackingVolumeOrderPosition = typedef std::pair<std::shared_ptr<TrackingVolume>, Amg::Vector3D>

Definition at line 34 of file MuonTrackingGeometryBuilderImpl.h.

◆ TrackMatchMultiMap

Definition at line 25 of file TrackMatchingMultiMap.h.

◆ TrackParameters

◆ TrackParametersUVector

typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Trk::TrackParameters> > Trk::TrackParametersUVector

Definition at line 61 of file Extrapolator.h.

◆ TrackParametersVector

Definition at line 55 of file TimedExtrapolator.h.

◆ TrackParametersWithPath

typedef std::pair<const TrackParameters*, double> Trk::TrackParametersWithPath

typedef for return type TrackParameters, pathlength

Definition at line 42 of file IPropagator.h.

◆ TrackParmContainer

Definition at line 64 of file Extrapolator.h.

◆ TrackParmPtr

using Trk::TrackParmPtr = typedef ObjRef

Definition at line 65 of file Extrapolator.h.

◆ TrackParticleBaseCollection

Definition at line 14 of file TrackParticleBaseCollection.h.

◆ TrackParticleOrigin

Definition at line 34 of file TrackParticleBase.h.

◆ TrackRoadCollection

Definition at line 14 of file TrackRoadCollection.h.

◆ TrackScore

typedef float Trk::TrackScore

Definition at line 10 of file TrackScore.h.

◆ TrackSeedMap

typedef std::multimap<const Trk::Track* , int> Trk::TrackSeedMap

Definition at line 14 of file TrackSeedMap.h.

◆ TracksScores

typedef std::vector<std::pair<const Track*, float> > Trk::TracksScores

Definition at line 20 of file ITrackAmbiguityProcessorTool.h.

◆ TrackStates

Definition at line 30 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrack/TrkTrack/Track.h.

◆ TrackTruthCollection_p0

Definition at line 22 of file TrackTruthCollectionCnv_p0.h.

◆ TrkParametersComparisonFunction

Definition at line 26 of file TrkParametersComparisonFunction.h.

◆ TS_iterator

Definition at line 22 of file TrackFitInputPreparator.h.

◆ TwoPointOnTrack

Definition at line 19 of file SeedFinderParamDefs.h.

◆ TwoPoints

Definition at line 20 of file SeedFinderParamDefs.h.

◆ ValueMatrix

typedef std::vector<ValueVector> Trk::ValueMatrix

Definition at line 30 of file CompoundLayerMaterial.h.

◆ ValueVector

typedef std::vector<unsigned char> Trk::ValueVector

Definition at line 29 of file CompoundLayerMaterial.h.

◆ VertexID

typedef int Trk::VertexID

Definition at line 25 of file IVertexCascadeFitter.h.

◆ VolumePartVec

using Trk::VolumePartVec = typedef std::vector<VolumePart>

Definition at line 50 of file VolumeConverter.h.

◆ VxSecVertexInfoContainer

Definition at line 97 of file VxSecVertexInfo.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 35 of file TrkVKalVrtFitter.h.

35 { NTrMaxVFit=200 };

◆ AlignMesType


Definition at line 32 of file AlignResidualType.h.

32  {
34  Scatterer,
36  };

◆ AlignModuleListType

Type of AlignModuleList (see description above).


Definition at line 32 of file AlignModuleList.h.

32  { L0=0,L1,L2,L3,
33  L1_5,L2_5,
35  };

◆ AlignResidualType


Definition at line 26 of file AlignResidualType.h.

26  {
27  HitOnly,
28  Unbiased
29 // DCA
30  };

◆ BevelledCylinderAccessorType


Cylinder hit, then pos.

Z face


Cylinder hit, the neg.

Z face



Z face, Cylinder, neg. Z face



Z face, Cylinder, pos. Z face

Definition at line 18 of file BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h.

◆ BevelledTubeAccessorType


Accessor type [ 2,1,0,3 ].


Accessor type [ 2,0,1,3 ].


Accessor type [ 1,2,0,3 ].


Accessor type [ 0,2,1,3 ].


Accessor type [ 3,1,0,2 ].


Accessor type [ 3,0,1,2 ].


Accessor type [ 1,3,0,2 ].


Accessor type [ 0,3,1,2 ].


Accessor type [ 3,1,0,2] - inverse case.


Accessor type [ 2,1,0,3 ] - inverse case.


Accessor type [ 0,3,2,1 ] - inverse case.


Accessor type [ 1,3,2,0 ] - inverse case.

Definition at line 27 of file BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h.

◆ BinningOption

enum BinValue


Definition at line 38 of file BinningType.h.

39 {
40  open,
41  closed
42 };

◆ BinningType

, BinningOption & BinningAccess


Definition at line 30 of file BinningType.h.

31 {
34  arbitrary
35 };

◆ BinningValue

how to take the global / local position


Definition at line 45 of file BinningType.h.

46 {
47  binX,
48  binY,
49  binZ,
50  binR,
51  binPhi,
52  binRPhi,
53  binH,
54  binEta
55 };

◆ BoundaryCheckResult


within the sensitive area of an active element


close to the edge of an active element


with the insensitive area of an active element


outside the element


within the nominally active area of a dead element


Definition at line 14 of file IBoundaryCheckTool.h.

14  {
15  Candidate,
16  OnEdge,
17  Insensitive,
18  Outside,
19  DeadElement,
20  Error
21  };

◆ BoundarySurfaceFace

Enum to describe the position of the BoundarySurface respectively to the frame orientatin of the volume, this is mainly ment for code readability.

The different numeration sequences can be found in the documentation of the actual VolumeBounds implementations.

The order of faces is chosen to follow - as much as possible - a cycular structure.


Definition at line 31 of file BoundarySurfaceFace.h.

31  {
32  negativeFaceXY = 0,
33  positiveFaceXY = 1,
34  negativeFaceYZ = 2,
35  positiveFaceYZ = 3,
36  negativeFaceZX = 4,
37  positiveFaceZX = 5,
38  cylinderCover = 2,
39  tubeInnerCover = 3,
40  tubeOuterCover = 2,
47  index0 = 0,
48  index1 = 1,
49  index2 = 2,
50  index3 = 3,
51  index4 = 4,
52  index5 = 5,
53  index6 = 6,
54  index7 = 7,
55  index8 = 8,
56  index9 = 9,
57  index10 = 10,
58  index11 = 11,
59  undefinedFace = 99
61 };

◆ CylinderAccessorType


Cylinder hit, then pos.

Z face


Cylinder hit, the neg.

Z face



Z face, Cylinder, neg. Z face



Z face, Cylinder, pos. Z face

Definition at line 17 of file CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h.

17  {
18  CylinderZincrease = 0,
19  CylinderZdecrease = 1,
23 };

◆ DetectorElemType

enum Trk::DetectorElemType

Definition at line 38 of file TrkDetElementBase.h.

39 {
40  SolidState = 0,
41  Silicon = 1,
42  TRT = 2,
43  Csc = 3,
44  Mdt = 4,
45  Rpc = 5,
46  Tgc = 6,
47  sTgc = 7,
48  MM = 8
49 };

◆ DetectorRegion


Definition at line 13 of file DetailedHitInfo.h.

13  {
14  pixelBarrelFlat = 0,
16  pixelEndcap = 2,
17  stripBarrel = 3,
18  stripEndcap = 4
19  };

◆ DetectorType

enumerates the various detector types currently accessible from the isHit() method.

work out how to add muons to this

there are three or four pixel barrel layers (R1/R2)


three pixel discs (on each side)


four sct barrel layers


and 9 sct discs (on each side)


Definition at line 230 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h.

231 {
232  pixelBarrel0 = 0,
233  pixelBarrel1 = 1,
234  pixelBarrel2 = 2,
235  pixelBarrel3 = 3,
237  pixelEndCap0 = 4,
238  pixelEndCap1 = 5,
239  pixelEndCap2 = 6,
241  sctBarrel0 = 7,
242  sctBarrel1 = 8,
243  sctBarrel2 = 9,
244  sctBarrel3 = 10,
246  sctEndCap0 = 11,
247  sctEndCap1 = 12,
248  sctEndCap2 = 13,
249  sctEndCap3 = 14,
250  sctEndCap4 = 15,
251  sctEndCap5 = 16,
252  sctEndCap6 = 17,
253  sctEndCap7 = 18,
254  sctEndCap8 = 19,
256  trtBarrel = 20,
257  trtEndCap = 21,
259  DBM0 = 22,
260  DBM1 = 23,
261  DBM2 = 24,
265 }; // not complete yet

◆ DriftCircleSide

Enumerates the 'side' of the wire on which the tracks passed (i.e.

resolves the amibiguity) (based on the TRT_Side enum, from InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack, which this should eventually replace)


it was not possible to determine the which side of the straw the track passed;


the drift radius is negative (see Trk::AtaStraightLine)


the drift radius is positive (see Trk::AtaStraightLine)

Definition at line 15 of file DriftCircleSide.h.

16  {
18  NONE,
20  LEFT,
23  };

◆ DriftCircleStatus

Enumerates the 'status' of the wire on which the tracks passed (based on the TRT_Side enum, from InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack, which this should eventually replace)


sign of drift radius has been determined


sign of drift radius has not been determined


the measurement is corrupt, but for some reason has been left on a track.


drift time was not used - drift radius is 0.

Definition at line 15 of file DriftCircleStatus.h.

16  {
25  };

◆ eProbabilityType


Electron probability from combining the below probabilities.


Electron probability from High Threshold (HT) information.


Electron probability from Time-Over-Threshold (ToT) information.


Electron probability from Brem fitting (DNA).


Electron probability from NN.


TRT track occupancy.


dEdx from TRT ToT measurement.


Number of TRT hits used for dEdx measurement.


Definition at line 208 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h.

209 {
211  0,
213  1,
215  2,
216  eProbabilityBrem = 3,
217  eProbabilityNN = 4,
218  TRTTrackOccupancy = 5,
219  TRTdEdx = 6,
221  7,
223 };

◆ ExtraLocalPosParam


Definition at line 19 of file SiLocalPosition.h.

19 {distDepth = 2}; // These will be defined in Trk soon.

◆ ExtrapolationType


Definition at line 18 of file ExtrapolationType.h.

18  {
20  DeltaD0,
21  DeltaZ0,
22  DeltaPhi0,
27 };

◆ GeometrySignature


Definition at line 23 of file GeometrySignature.h.

24 {
25  Global = 0,
26  ID = 1,
27  BeamPipe = 2,
28  Calo = 3,
29  MS = 4,
30  Cavern = 5,
31  HGTD = 6,
33  Unsigned = 99
34 };

◆ GeometryType


Definition at line 36 of file GeometrySignature.h.

37 {
38  Static = 0,
39  Dense = 1,
40  DenseWithLayers = 1,
41  Detached = 2,
42  Master = 3,
44 };

◆ JetVtxParamDefs


position x,y,z of primary vertex


Definition at line 25 of file JetVtxParamDefs.h.

25  {
26  // Enums for vertex position on the jet axis starting from the primary vertex
27  jet_xv=0, jet_yv=1, jet_zv=2,
28  jet_phi=3,jet_theta=4, //direction of the jet axis (flight direction of B hadron),
29  jet_dist=5 //distance of vertex on jet axis from primary vertex
30  };

◆ LayerOrder

This enum is used to declare Layers as previous/next in respect of a 1-dimensional binned array


Definition at line 30 of file BinningData.h.

31 {
32  previous = -1,
33  next = 1
34 };

◆ LayerType

For readability


Definition at line 48 of file Layer.h.

48 { passive = 0, active = 1 };

◆ MagneticFieldMode

MagneticFieldMode describing the field setup within a volume


Field is set to 0., 0., 0.,.


Field is set to be constant.


call the fast field access method of the FieldSvc


Field is set to be realistic, but within a given Volume.

Definition at line 17 of file MagneticFieldMode.h.

17  {
18  NoField = 0,
19  ConstantField = 1,
20  FastField = 2,
21  FullField = 3
22 };

◆ MaterialAssociationType


Definition at line 12 of file MaterialAssociationType.h.

13 {
14  EffectiveNumSteps = 0, // cout the number of steps per layer
15  EffectiveNumAtoms = 1, // compute the effective number of atoms
16  RadiationLength = 2, // weight by radiation length
17  StepLength = 4
18 };

◆ MaterialConcentration

Simple enum to identify when a material update on a non-structured layer should be done, options are alongPre and oppositePre.


Definition at line 38 of file LayerMaterialProperties.h.

38 { alongPre = 1, split = 0, oppositePre = -1 };

◆ MaterialUpdateMode

This is a steering enum to force the material update it can be: (1) addNoise (-1) removeNoise Second is mainly for vertex reconstruction, but potentially dangeraous.


Definition at line 17 of file MaterialUpdateMode.h.

18 {
19  addNoise = 1,
20  removeNoise = -1
21 };

◆ MaterialUpdateStage

This is a steering enum to tell which material update stage:

  • preUpdate : when reaching a layer before layer is resolved
  • fullUpdate : just pass through the layer
  • postUpdate : when leaving the layer

Definition at line 39 of file PropDirection.h.

40  {
42  preUpdate = -1,
43  fullUpdate = 0,
44  postUpdate = 1
45  };

◆ MeasurementType


Definition at line 18 of file MeasurementType.h.

◆ NavigationLevel

destinguishes an association TrackingGeometry with one for global search


Definition at line 42 of file TrackingGeometry.h.

43 {
44  noNavigation = 0,
45  globalSearch = 1,
46  association = 2
47 };

◆ ParamDefs


generic first and second local coordinate


local cartesian


local cylindrical


local polar


(old readout) will be skipped


readout for silicon


trt, straws

global position (cartesian)


global momentum (cartesian)




Enums for curvilinear frames.


Extended perigee: mass.

Definition at line 32 of file ParamDefs.h.

32  {
33  // Enums for LocalParameters - LocalPosition/
34  loc1 = 0,
35  loc2 = 1,
37  locX = 0,
38  locY = 1,
40  locRPhi = 0,
41  locPhiR = 0,
42  locZ = 1,
44  locR = 0,
45  locPhi = 1,
47  iPhi = 0,
48  iEta = 1,
50  distPhi = 0,
51  distEta = 1,
53  driftRadius = 0,
54  // Enums for const Amg::Vector3D & GlobalMomentum /
55  x = 0,
56  y = 1,
57  z = 2,
59  px = 0,
60  py = 1,
61  pz = 2,
62  // Enums for PerigParamDefsee //
63  d0 = 0,
64  z0 = 1,
65  phi0 = 2,
66  theta = 3,
67  qOverP = 4,
68  /* Enums for TrackState on Surfaces
69  The first two enums in the TrackParameters refer to the local Frame, i.e.
70  - LocalCartesian for AtanArbitraryPlane
71  - LocalCylindrical for AtaCylinder (includes line)
72  - LocalPolar for AtaDisc
73  The other three enums are standard \f$(\phi, \eta, \frac{q}{p_{T}})\f$
74  */
75  phi = 2,
77  u = 0,
78  v = 1,
81  trkMass = 5
82 };

◆ ParametersType

Enum to avoid dynamic cast for different parameter types.


Definition at line 29 of file ParametersCommon.h.

29 { AtaSurface = 0, Curvilinear = 1, Pattern = 2 };

◆ ParameterType


Definition at line 18 of file ParameterType.h.

◆ ParticleHypothesis


Definition at line 25 of file ParticleHypothesis.h.

25  { nonInteracting = 0,
26  geantino = 0,
27  electron = 1,
28  muon = 2,
29  pion = 3,
30  kaon = 4,
31  proton = 5,
32  photon = 6, // for Fatras usage
33  neutron = 7, // for Fatras usage
34  pi0 = 8, // for Fatras usage
35  k0 = 9, // for Fatras usage
36  nonInteractingMuon = 10, // For material collection
37  noHypothesis = 99,
38  undefined = 99};

◆ PrepRawDataType

enum Trk::PrepRawDataType

Definition at line 38 of file PrepRawData.h.

39 {
40  SiCluster,
49  MMPrepData,
53 };

◆ PropDirection

PropDirection, enum for direction of the propagation.


Definition at line 19 of file PropDirection.h.

19  {
20  alongMomentum = 1,
21  oppositeMomentum =-1,
22  anyDirection = 0,
23  mappingMode = 2
24  };

◆ RangeCheckDef


Definition at line 55 of file KalmanUpdatorSMatrix.h.

56 {
57  absoluteCheck = 0,
59 };

◆ RQESolutionType [1/2]


Definition at line 19 of file TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces/TrkSurfaces/RealQuadraticEquation.h.

20 {
21  none = 0,
22  one = 1,
23  two = 2
24 };

◆ RQESolutionType [2/2]


Definition at line 19 of file TrkExtrapolation/TrkExUtils/TrkExUtils/RealQuadraticEquation.h.

20 {
21  none = 0,
22  one = 1,
23  two = 2
24 };

◆ SearchDirection


Definition at line 29 of file PropDirection.h.

29  { outside=1, inside=-1,

◆ SectoralBevelledCylinderAccessorType

implement correcly when needed

Definition at line 47 of file BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h.

47  {
49  };

◆ SectoralBevelledTubeAccessorType


Definition at line 54 of file BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h.

54  {
56  };

◆ SectoralCylinderAccessorType

implement correcly when needed

Definition at line 46 of file CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h.

◆ SectoralTubeAccessorType

implement correcly when needed
implement correcly when needed

Definition at line 51 of file CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h.

51 { StandardSectoralTube = 0 };

◆ SummaryType

enumerates the different types of information stored in Summary.

Use in get(const SummaryType type), for for example, summary.get(numOfPixelHits) When adding a new transient information type, please make sure to increase numberOfTrackSummaryTypes.


number of contributing layers of the pixel detector

these are the hits in the first pixel layer, i.e. b-layer


these are the hits in the 0th pixel layer?


these are the hits in the 1st pixel layer


these are the pixel hits, including the b-layer


number of pixel layers on track with absence of hits


number of pixels which have a ganged ambiguity.


number of Ganged Pixels flagged as fakes


number of dead pixel sensors crossed


number of pixel hits with broad errors (width/sqrt(12))


number of DBM Hits


number of hits in SCT


number of SCT holes


number of Holes in both sides of a SCT module


number of TRT hits


number of TRT outliers


number of TRT holes


number of TRT hits which pass the high threshold (only xenon counted) total number of TRT hits which pass the high threshold


total number of TRT hits which pass the high threshold


number of TRT hits used for dE/dx computation


number of TRT high threshold outliers (only xenon counted)


number of dead TRT straws crossed


number of TRT tube hits


number of TRT hits on track in straws with xenon


number of mdt hits

tgc, rpc and csc measure both phi and eta coordinate


number of CSC Eta measurements missing from the track


number of CSC Phi measurements missing from the track


number of RPC Eta measurements missing from the track


number of RPC Phi measurements missing from the track


number of MDT measurements missing from the track


number of TGC Eta measurements missing from the track


number of TGC Phi measurements missing from the track


number of TGC Eta measurements missing from the track


number of TGC Phi measurements missing from the track


number of TGC Eta measurements missing from the track


number of TGC Eta measurements missing from the track


number of TGC Phi measurements missing from the track


number of TGC Eta measurements missing from the track


number of unspoilt CSC eta measurements (all CSC phi measurements are by definition spoilt).

See Muon::CscClusterStatus for definitions of 'spoiled' hits.


number of non-deweighted MDT hits.

Only here as a placeholder, will be filled only on xAOD::Muon number of measurements flaged as outliers in TSOS


100 times the standard deviation of the chi2 from the surfaces


Definition at line 44 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h.

45 {
46  // --- Inner Detector
69  numberOfDBMHits = 63,
71  numberOfSCTHits = 3,
73  numberOfSCTHoles = 4,
79  numberOfTRTHits = 5,
83  numberOfTRTHoles = 40,
101  // --- Muon Spectrometer
103  numberOfMdtHits = 7,
105  numberOfTgcPhiHits = 8,
106  numberOfTgcEtaHits = 9,
107  numberOfCscPhiHits = 10,
108  numberOfCscEtaHits = 11,
109  numberOfRpcPhiHits = 12,
110  numberOfRpcEtaHits = 13,
112  numberOfCscEtaHoles = 21,
114  numberOfCscPhiHoles = 22,
116  numberOfRpcEtaHoles = 23,
118  numberOfRpcPhiHoles = 24,
120  numberOfMdtHoles = 25,
122  numberOfTgcEtaHoles = 26,
124  numberOfTgcPhiHoles = 27,
126  // New Small Wheel
128  numberOfStgcEtaHits = 67,
130  numberOfStgcPhiHits = 68,
132  numberOfMmHits = 69,
138  numberOfMmHoles = 72,
145  // --- all
146  numberOfGoodMdtHits = 66,
152  // reserved: added to keep synchronisation with xAOD::TrackSummary in
153  // anticipation of the two being merged
154  // in the past used to store pixel and TRT PID information:
162  legacy_TRTdEdx_res = 75,
164  // in the past used to store expected inner layer hits
169  // in the past used to store shared hits
181  // in the past used to store pixel and SCT outliers
188  // -- numbers...
190 };

◆ SurfaceOwner


Definition at line 52 of file Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces/TrkSurfaces/Surface.h.

53 {
54  noOwn = 0,
55  TGOwn = 1,
56  DetElOwn = 2,
57  userOwn = 3
58 };

◆ SurfaceType

enum Trk::SurfaceType

Definition at line 16 of file SurfaceTypes.h.

17 {
18  Cone = 0,
19  Cylinder = 1,
20  Disc = 2,
21  Perigee = 3,
22  Plane = 4,
23  Line = 5,
24  Curvilinear = 6,
25  Other = 7
26 };

◆ SurfNavigType

typedef for surface and volume navigation types


Definition at line 38 of file TargetSurfaces.h.

39 {
40  Target = 0,
41  BoundaryFrame = 1,
42  BoundaryDetached = 2,
43  SensitiveLayer = 3, // sensitive layer
44  MaterialLayer = 4 // material layer
45 };

◆ TRT_ElectronPidProbability


Definition at line 30 of file TrackSummaryTool.h.

31 {
32  Combined = 0,
33  HighThreshold = 1,
35  Bremsstrahlung = 3
36 };

◆ TubeAccessorType


Accessor type [ 2,1,0,3 ].


Accessor type [ 2,0,1,3 ].


Accessor type [ 1,2,0,3 ].


Accessor type [ 0,2,1,3 ].


Accessor type [ 3,1,0,2 ].


Accessor type [ 3,0,1,2 ].


Accessor type [ 1,3,0,2 ].


Accessor type [ 0,3,1,2 ].


Accessor type [ 3,1,0,2] - inverse case.


Accessor type [ 2,1,0,3 ] - inverse case.


Accessor type [ 0,3,2,1 ] - inverse case.


Accessor type [ 1,3,2,0 ] - inverse case.

Definition at line 26 of file CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h.

◆ TVNavigType


Definition at line 46 of file TargetSurfaces.h.

47 {
48  Unknown = 0,
49  Frame = 1, // static volume
50  AlignableVolume = 2, // alignable volume
51  DenseVolume = 3 // dense alignable volume
52 };

◆ VertexType


Dummy vertex, TrackParticle was not used in vertex fit.


Primary Vertex.


Secondary Vertex.


Pile Up Vertex.


Converstion Vertex.


Vertex from V0 Decay.


Kink Vertex.


Temporary addition for V0 Lambda.


Temporary addition for V0 LambdaBar.


Temporary addition for KShort.


this is the default

Definition at line 24 of file VertexType.h.

25 {
26  NoVtx = 0,
27  PriVtx = 1,
28  SecVtx = 2,
29  PileUp = 3,
30  ConvVtx = 4,
31  V0Vtx = 5,
32  KinkVtx = 6,
33  V0Lambda = 7,
34  V0LambdaBar = 8,
35  V0KShort = 9,
36  NotSpecified = -99
37 };

◆ VKContraintType

enum Trk::VKContraintType

Definition at line 23 of file Derivt.h.

23 { Mass, Phi, Theta, Point, Plane };

Function Documentation

◆ abcCoef()

void Trk::abcCoef ( double  g1,
double  g2,
double  g3,
double &  a,
double &  b,
double &  c 

Definition at line 260 of file Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Utilities.cxx.

263 {
264  a=g1;
265  c=2.*(g3-g1) - 4.*(g2-g1);
266  b=(g3-g1) - c;
267 }

◆ addCrossVertexDeriv()

void Trk::addCrossVertexDeriv ( CascadeEvent cascadeEvent_,
double *  ader,
long int  MATRIXSIZE,
const std::vector< int > &  matrixPnt 

Definition at line 207 of file CascadeUtils.cxx.

208 {
209  int iv,ivn;
210  //for( iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++)std::cout<<matrixPnt[iv]<<", ";std::cout<<'\n';
212  for( iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
213  VKVertex *vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
214  if(!vk->nextCascadeVrt)continue; //no pointing
215  for( ivn=iv; ivn<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; ivn++){
216  if(vk->nextCascadeVrt == cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[ivn].get()) break; //vertex found
217  }
218  if( ivn == cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV ) continue; // no found vertex
219 //
220 // Now we have vertex pair "from"(iv) "to"(ivn)
221  int From=matrixPnt[iv]; // start of "from" information
222  int Next=matrixPnt[iv+1]; // start of "next vertex" information. Pnt.constraints are 2 prevous param.!!!
223  int Into=matrixPnt[ivn]; // start of "to" information
224 //
225 // The same constraints, but derivatives are with respect to other ("to") vertex
226  ader[(0+Into) + (Next-1)*MATRIXSIZE] = - ader[(0+From) + (Next-1)*MATRIXSIZE];
227  ader[(1+Into) + (Next-1)*MATRIXSIZE] = - ader[(1+From) + (Next-1)*MATRIXSIZE];
228  ader[(2+Into) + (Next-1)*MATRIXSIZE] = - ader[(2+From) + (Next-1)*MATRIXSIZE];
229  ader[(0+Into) + (Next-2)*MATRIXSIZE] = - ader[(0+From) + (Next-2)*MATRIXSIZE];
230  ader[(1+Into) + (Next-2)*MATRIXSIZE] = - ader[(1+From) + (Next-2)*MATRIXSIZE];
231  ader[(2+Into) + (Next-2)*MATRIXSIZE] = - ader[(2+From) + (Next-2)*MATRIXSIZE];
232  ader[(0+Into)*MATRIXSIZE + (Next-1)] = - ader[(0+From) + (Next-1)*MATRIXSIZE];
233  ader[(1+Into)*MATRIXSIZE + (Next-1)] = - ader[(1+From) + (Next-1)*MATRIXSIZE];
234  ader[(2+Into)*MATRIXSIZE + (Next-1)] = - ader[(2+From) + (Next-1)*MATRIXSIZE];
235  ader[(0+Into)*MATRIXSIZE + (Next-2)] = - ader[(0+From) + (Next-2)*MATRIXSIZE];
236  ader[(1+Into)*MATRIXSIZE + (Next-2)] = - ader[(1+From) + (Next-2)*MATRIXSIZE];
237  ader[(2+Into)*MATRIXSIZE + (Next-2)] = - ader[(2+From) + (Next-2)*MATRIXSIZE];
238  }
239 }

◆ addToInverseMultiMap()

template<class OrigMap , class CmpT >
void Trk::addToInverseMultiMap ( InverseMultiMap< OrigMap, CmpT > *  result,
const OrigMap &  rec2truth 

Definition at line 50 of file InverseMultiMap.h.

51  {
52  for (const auto& p : rec2truth) {
53  result->insert(std::make_pair(p.second, p.first));
54  }
55 }

◆ afterFit()

int Trk::afterFit ( VKVertex vk,
double *  ader,
double *  dcv,
double *  ptot,
double *  VrtMomCov,
const VKalVrtControlBase CONTROL 

Definition at line 26 of file cfTotCov.cxx.

27 {
28  int i,j;
29  double px,py,pz,pt,invR,cth;
30  double verr[6][6]={{0.}}; //for (i=0; i<6*6; i++) verr[i]=0;
32  int NTRK = vk->TrackList.size();
33  int NVar = NTRK*3+3;
34  for (i=1; i<=6; ++i) {
35  for (j=1; j<=NVar ; ++j) dcv[i + j*6 - 7] = 0.;
36  }
37  cfsetdiag( 6, VrtMomCov, 100.);
38  ptot[0] = 0.;
39  ptot[1] = 0.;
40  ptot[2] = 0.;
41  double constBF = Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld(vk->refIterV,CONTROL) * Trk::vkalMagFld::getCnvCst() ;
43  for (i = 1; i <= NTRK; ++i) {
44  VKTrack *trk=vk->TrackList[i-1].get();
45  invR = trk->fitP[2];
46  cth = 1. / tan(trk->fitP[0]);
47  pt = constBF / std::abs(invR);
48  px = pt * cos(trk->fitP[1]);
49  py = pt * sin(trk->fitP[1]);
50  pz = pt * cth;
51  ptot[0] += px;
52  ptot[1] += py;
53  ptot[2] += pz;
54  dcv[ (i*3 + 0)*6 + 5] = -pt * (cth * cth + 1); /* dPz/d(theta) */
55  dcv[ (i*3 + 1)*6 + 3] = -py; /* dPx/d(phi) */
56  dcv[ (i*3 + 1)*6 + 4] = px; /* dPy/d(phi) */
57  dcv[ (i*3 + 2)*6 + 3] = -px / invR; /* dPx/d(rho) */
58  dcv[ (i*3 + 2)*6 + 4] = -py / invR; /* dPy/d(rho) */
59  dcv[ (i*3 + 2)*6 + 5] = -pz / invR; /* dPz/d(rho) */
60  }
61  dcv[0] = 1.;
62  dcv[7] = 1.;
63  dcv[14] = 1.;
64  if(!ader)return 0;
65  int IERR=getFullVrtCov(vk, ader, dcv, verr); if (IERR) return IERR;
66  int ijk = 0;
67  for ( i=0; i<6; ++i) {
68  for (j=0; j<=i; ++j) {
69  VrtMomCov[ijk++] = verr[i][j];
70  }
71  }
72  return 0;
73 }

◆ afterFitWithIniPar()

int Trk::afterFitWithIniPar ( VKVertex vk,
double *  ader,
double *  dcv,
double *  ptot,
double *  VrtMomCov,
const VKalVrtControlBase CONTROL 

Definition at line 80 of file cfTotCov.cxx.

81 {
82  int i,j;
83  double px,py,pz,pt,invR,cth;
84  double verr[6][6]={{0.}};
87  int NTRK = vk->TrackList.size();
88  int NVar = NTRK*3+3;
89  for (i=1; i<=6; ++i) {
90  for (j=1; j<=NVar ; ++j) dcv[i + j*6 - 7] = 0.;
91  }
92  cfsetdiag( 6, VrtMomCov, 10.);
93  ptot[0] = 0.;
94  ptot[1] = 0.;
95  ptot[2] = 0.;
96  double constBF = Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld(vk->refIterV,CONTROL) * Trk::vkalMagFld::getCnvCst() ;
98  for (i = 1; i <= NTRK; ++i) {
99  VKTrack *trk=vk->TrackList[i-1].get();
100  invR = trk->iniP[2];
101  cth = 1. / tan(trk->iniP[0]);
102  pt = constBF / std::abs(invR);
103  px = pt * cos(trk->iniP[1]);
104  py = pt * sin(trk->iniP[1]);
105  pz = pt * cth;
106  ptot[0] += px;
107  ptot[1] += py;
108  ptot[2] += pz;
109  dcv[ (i*3 + 0)*6 + 5] = -pt * (cth * cth + 1); /* dPz/d(theta) */
110  dcv[ (i*3 + 1)*6 + 3] = -py; /* dPx/d(phi) */
111  dcv[ (i*3 + 1)*6 + 4] = px; /* dPy/d(phi) */
112  dcv[ (i*3 + 2)*6 + 3] = -px / invR; /* dPx/d(rho) */
113  dcv[ (i*3 + 2)*6 + 4] = -py / invR; /* dPy/d(rho) */
114  dcv[ (i*3 + 2)*6 + 5] = -pz / invR; /* dPz/d(rho) */
115  }
116  dcv[0] = 1.;
117  dcv[7] = 1.;
118  dcv[14] = 1.;
119  if(!ader)return 0;
120  int IERR=getFullVrtCov(vk, ader, dcv, verr); if (IERR) return IERR;
121  int ijk = 0;
122  for ( i=0; i<6; ++i) {
123  for (j=0; j<=i; ++j) {
124  VrtMomCov[ijk++] = verr[i][j];
125  }
126  }
127  return 0;
128 }

◆ AmgMatrix()

Trk::AmgMatrix ( ,

Definition at line 233 of file NeutralParticleParameterCalculator.cxx.

◆ AmgSymMatrix() [1/2]

const Trk::AmgSymMatrix ( ) &

Definition at line 77 of file RecVertex.cxx.

◆ AmgSymMatrix() [2/2]

const Trk::AmgSymMatrix ( ) &

Definition at line 156 of file GXFTrackState.h.

156  {
157  return m_covariancematrix;
158  }

◆ applyConstraints()

void Trk::applyConstraints ( VKVertex vk)

Definition at line 22 of file stCnst.cxx.

22  {
23  int NCEntries = vk->ConstraintList.size();
24  int NTRK = vk->TrackList.size();
25  for (int ic = 0; ic < NCEntries; ic++) {
26  vk->ConstraintList[ic]->applyConstraint();
27  }
28  //
29  // Effect of symmetrization
30  //
31  for (int ii = 0; ii < (int)vk->ConstraintList.size(); ii++) {
32  for (int ic = 0; ic < (int)vk->ConstraintList[ii]->NCDim; ic++) {
33  vk->ConstraintList[ii]->h0t[ic].X *= 0.5;
34  vk->ConstraintList[ii]->h0t[ic].Y *= 0.5;
35  vk->ConstraintList[ii]->h0t[ic].Z *= 0.5;
36  for (int it = 0; it < NTRK; it++) {
37  vk->ConstraintList[ii]->[ic].X *= 0.5;
38  vk->ConstraintList[ii]->f0t[it][ic].Y *= 0.5;
39  vk->ConstraintList[ii]->f0t[it][ic].Z *= 0.5;
40  }
41  }
42  }
43 }

◆ calcMassConstraint()

void Trk::calcMassConstraint ( VKMassConstraint cnst)

Definition at line 24 of file Derclc1.cxx.

25 {
26  int it,itc;
27  double ptot[4]={0.,0.,0.,0.};
28  double cth, invR, pp2, pt;
29  VKConstraintBase * base_cnst = (VKConstraintBase*) cnst;
30  const VKVertex * vk=cnst->getOriginVertex();
31  const std::vector<int> &usedParticles=cnst->getUsedParticles();
32  int usedNTRK = usedParticles.size();
33  VKTrack * trk;
34  noinit_vector< std::array<double, 4> > pp(usedNTRK);
35  for( itc=0; itc<usedNTRK; itc++){
36  it = usedParticles[itc];
37  trk = vk->;
38  pp[itc]=getCnstParticleMom( trk , vk);
39  ptot[0] += pp[itc][0];
40  ptot[1] += pp[itc][1];
41  ptot[2] += pp[itc][2];
42  ptot[3] += pp[itc][3];
43  }
45  double temp = 1.e-10;
46  int ip=0; if( std::abs(ptot[1]) > std::abs(ptot[ip]) )ip=1; if( std::abs(ptot[2]) > std::abs(ptot[ip]) )ip=2;
47  int im=0; if( std::abs(ptot[1]) < std::abs(ptot[im]) )im=1; if( std::abs(ptot[2]) < std::abs(ptot[im]) )im=2;
48  int id=4; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) if(i!=ip && i!=im)id=i;
49  if(id==4){
50  std::cout<<"ERROR in mass constraint!!!"<<'\n';
51  temp=ptot[3]*ptot[3]-ptot[0]*ptot[0]-ptot[1]*ptot[1]-ptot[2]*ptot[2];
52  } else {
53  temp = sqrt( (ptot[3]-ptot[ip])*(ptot[3]+ptot[ip]) );
54  temp = sqrt( ( temp -ptot[id])*( temp +ptot[id]) );
55  temp = ( temp -ptot[im])*( temp +ptot[im]);
56  }
57  if(temp<1.e-10)temp=1.e-10; //protection
58  temp=sqrt(temp); //system mass
59 //
60 //
61  int numCNST=0; //constraint number. Single constraint in this case
62 //
63 //Difference
64  base_cnst->aa[numCNST] = ( temp - cnst->getTargetMass() ) * ( temp + cnst->getTargetMass() );
65 //
66 //Derivatives Here pp[][3] - particle energy, pp[][4] - squared particle mom
67  for( itc=0; itc<usedNTRK; itc++){
68  it = usedParticles[itc];
69  trk = vk->;
70  invR = trk->cnstP[2];
71  cth = 1. / tan( trk->cnstP[0] );
72  pt = sqrt(pp[itc][0]*pp[itc][0] + pp[itc][1]*pp[itc][1]);
73  pp2 = pp[itc][0]*pp[itc][0] + pp[itc][1]*pp[itc][1] + pp[itc][2]*pp[itc][2];
74  base_cnst->f0t[it][numCNST].X = ptot[3] * (-pp2* cth / pp[itc][3])
75  - ptot[2] * (-pt * (cth*cth + 1.));
76  base_cnst->f0t[it][numCNST].Y = -ptot[0] * (-pp[itc][1])
77  - ptot[1] * pp[itc][0];
78  base_cnst->f0t[it][numCNST].Z = ptot[3] * (-pp2/ (invR * pp[itc][3]))
79  - ptot[0] * (-pp[itc][0] / invR)
80  - ptot[1] * (-pp[itc][1] / invR)
81  - ptot[2] * (-pp[itc][2] / invR);
83  }
84  base_cnst->h0t[numCNST].X = 0.;
85  base_cnst->h0t[numCNST].Y = 0.;
86  base_cnst->h0t[numCNST].Z = 0.;
87 /* -- Relative normalisation. Now it is target mass (squared?) to make performance uniform */
88  double Scale=0.025/(2.*cnst->getTargetMass()+1.); //28.03.2011 wrong idea for cascade. VK 06.05.2011 actually correct!
89  //Scale=0.01;
90  for (it = 0; it < (int)vk->TrackList.size(); ++it) {
91  base_cnst->f0t[it][numCNST].X *= Scale * 2;
92  base_cnst->f0t[it][numCNST].Y *= Scale * 2;
93  base_cnst->f0t[it][numCNST].Z *= Scale * 2;
94  }
95  base_cnst->aa[numCNST] *= Scale;
96 //std::cout.precision(11);
97 //std::cout<<" mass="<<temp<<", "<<cnst->getTargetMass()<<", "<<base_cnst->aa[numCNST]<<'\n';
98 //std::cout<<base_cnst->f0t[0][numCNST].X<<", "<<base_cnst->f0t[0][numCNST].Y<<", "
99 // <<base_cnst->f0t[0][numCNST].Z<<'\n';
100 //std::cout<<base_cnst->f0t[1][numCNST].X<<", "<<base_cnst->f0t[1][numCNST].Y<<", "
101 // <<base_cnst->f0t[1][numCNST].Z<<'\n';
102 }

◆ calcPhiConstraint()

void Trk::calcPhiConstraint ( VKPhiConstraint cnst)

Definition at line 22 of file DerclcAng.cxx.

23 {
24  VKConstraintBase * base_cnst = (VKConstraintBase*) cnst;
25  const VKVertex * vk=cnst->getOriginVertex();
26  int NTRK = vk->TrackList.size();
27  int i,j;
28  double Scale=1.; // Scaling for better precision VK 28.03.2011 Wrong for error matrix!!! Should always be 1.!!!
30  double diff=0., aa=0;
31  std::vector<double> deriv(NTRK,0);
32  for(i=0; i<NTRK-1; i++){
33  for(j=i+1; j<NTRK; j++){
34  diff = vk->TrackList[i]->cnstP[1] - vk->TrackList[j]->cnstP[1];
35  while(diff > M_PI) diff -= 2.*M_PI;
36  while(diff < -M_PI) diff += 2.*M_PI;
37  aa += diff*Scale;
38  deriv[i] += Scale;
39  deriv[j] -= Scale;
40  }
41  }
43  int numCNST=0; //constraint number. Single constraint in this case
44  base_cnst->h0t[numCNST].X = 0.;
45  base_cnst->h0t[numCNST].Y = 0.;
46  base_cnst->h0t[numCNST].Z = 0.;
47  for(i=0; i<NTRK; i++){
48  base_cnst->f0t[i][numCNST].X = 0.;
49  base_cnst->f0t[i][numCNST].Y = deriv[i];
50  base_cnst->f0t[i][numCNST].Z = 0.;
51  }
52  base_cnst->aa[numCNST]=aa;
53 //std::cout.precision(11);
54 //std::cout<<" new delta Phi="<<base_cnst->aa[numCNST]<<'\n';
55 //std::cout<<base_cnst->f0t[0][numCNST].X<<", "<<base_cnst->f0t[0][numCNST].Y<<", "
56 // <<base_cnst->f0t[0][numCNST].Z<<'\n';
57 //std::cout<<base_cnst->f0t[1][numCNST].X<<", "<<base_cnst->f0t[1][numCNST].Y<<", "
58 // <<base_cnst->f0t[1][numCNST].Z<<'\n';
59 }

◆ calcPlaneConstraint()

void Trk::calcPlaneConstraint ( VKPlaneConstraint cnst)

Definition at line 99 of file DerclcAng.cxx.

100 {
101  VKConstraintBase * base_cnst = (VKConstraintBase*) cnst;
102  const VKVertex * vk=cnst->getOriginVertex();
103  int NTRK = vk->TrackList.size();
104  double curV[3] = {vk->refIterV[0]+vk->cnstV[0], vk->refIterV[1]+vk->cnstV[1],vk->refIterV[2]+vk->cnstV[2]};
107  int numCNST=0; //constraint number. Single constraint in this case
108  base_cnst->h0t[numCNST].X = cnst->getA();
109  base_cnst->h0t[numCNST].Y = cnst->getB();
110  base_cnst->h0t[numCNST].Z = cnst->getC();
111  for(int i=0; i<NTRK; i++){
112  base_cnst->f0t[i][numCNST].X = 0.;
113  base_cnst->f0t[i][numCNST].Y = 0.;
114  base_cnst->f0t[i][numCNST].Z = 0.;
115  }
116  base_cnst->aa[numCNST]=cnst->getA()*curV[0]+cnst->getB()*curV[1]+cnst->getC()*curV[2] - cnst->getD() ;
117 //std::cout.precision(11);
118 //std::cout<<" new plane="<<base_cnst->aa[numCNST]<<'\n';
119 }

◆ calcPointConstraint()

void Trk::calcPointConstraint ( VKPointConstraint cnst)

Definition at line 20 of file Derclc2.cxx.

21 {
22  VKConstraintBase * base_cnst = (VKConstraintBase*) cnst;
23  const VKVertex * vk=cnst->getOriginVertex();
24  // Magnetic field in fitted vertex position
25  double cnstPos[3];
26  cnstPos[0]=vk->refIterV[0]+vk->cnstV[0];
27  cnstPos[1]=vk->refIterV[1]+vk->cnstV[1];
28  cnstPos[2]=vk->refIterV[2]+vk->cnstV[2];
29  double localField = Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld(cnstPos,(vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
30  double magConst = localField * vkalMagCnvCst;
31  //
32  int it,Charge=0;
33  double ptot[4]={0.,0.,0.,0.};
34  int NTRK = vk->TrackList.size();
36  std::vector< std::array<double, 4> > pp(NTRK);
37  for( it=0; it<NTRK; it++){
38  VKTrack * trk = vk->TrackList[it].get();
39  pp[it]=getCnstParticleMom( trk, localField );
40  ptot[0] += pp[it][0];
41  ptot[1] += pp[it][1];
42  ptot[2] += pp[it][2];
43  ptot[3] += pp[it][3];
44  Charge += trk->Charge;
45  }
46  //Summary particle at fitted vertex
47  double Pt= sqrt(ptot[0]*ptot[0] + ptot[1]*ptot[1]) ;
48  double mom= sqrt(ptot[2]*ptot[2] + Pt*Pt) ;
49  double phi=atan2(ptot[1],ptot[0]);
50  double theta=acos( ptot[2]/mom );
51  if(theta<1.e-5) theta=1.e-5;
52  if(theta>M_PI-1.e-5) theta=M_PI-1.e-5;
53  double invR = magConst / Pt; if(Charge) invR *= Charge;
54  //
55  // Fitted vertex position in global reference frame
56  double curV[3] = {vk->refIterV[0]+vk->cnstV[0], vk->refIterV[1]+vk->cnstV[1],vk->refIterV[2]+vk->cnstV[2]};
57  double Px=ptot[0];
58  double Py=ptot[1];
59  double Pz=ptot[2];
60  double sinp = sin(phi);
61  double cosp = cos(phi);
62  double cott = 1./tan(theta);
63  //
64  //Derivatives
65  double dPhiDpx = -Py/Pt/Pt; //dPhi/dPx
66  double dPhiDpy = Px/Pt/Pt; //dPhi/dPy
67  //double dPhiDpz = 0; //dPhi/dPz
68  double dThetaDpx = Px*Pz/(Pt*mom*mom); //dTheta/dPx
69  double dThetaDpy = Py*Pz/(Pt*mom*mom); //dTheta/dPy
70  double dThetaDpz = -Pt/(mom*mom); //dTheta/dPz
71  double dRDpx = Px/(Pt*magConst); //dR/dPx
72  double dRDpy = Py/(Pt*magConst); //dR/dPy
73  //double dRDpz = 0; //dR/dPz
74  if(Charge){dRDpx /=Charge; dRDpy /=Charge;}
76 // Main part
78  double a0,t,z0;
79  double dA0dPhi,dZdPhi,dZdTheta,dA0dR;
80  if( Charge==0 ) {
81  a0 =-sinp * (cnst->getTargetVertex()[0] - curV[0]) + //Perigee with respect to targetVertex
82  cosp * (cnst->getTargetVertex()[1] - curV[1]);
83  t = cosp * (cnst->getTargetVertex()[0] - curV[0]) +
84  sinp * (cnst->getTargetVertex()[1] - curV[1]);
85  z0 = curV[2] + t*cott - cnst->getTargetVertex()[2];
86 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
87 // First constraint a0=0
88 //
89  dA0dPhi = -t;
90  for( it=0; it<NTRK; it++){
91  double invRi = vk->TrackList[it]->cnstP[2];
92  base_cnst->f0t[it][0].X = 0.; // dPx/dTheta==0, dPy/dTheta==0
93  base_cnst->f0t[it][0].Y = dA0dPhi * (dPhiDpx*(-pp[it][1]) + dPhiDpy*( pp[it][0])) ;
94  base_cnst->f0t[it][0].Z = dA0dPhi * (dPhiDpx*(-pp[it][0]) + dPhiDpy*(-pp[it][1]))/invRi ;
95  }
96  base_cnst->h0t[0].X = sinp; // dA0/dFitVertex==dA0/dCurV
97  base_cnst->h0t[0].Y = -cosp;
98  base_cnst->h0t[0].Z = 0.;
99 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
100 // Second constraint z=0
101 //
102  dZdPhi = a0*cott;
103  dZdTheta = -t/(sin(theta)*sin(theta));
104  for( it=0; it<NTRK; it++){
105  double invRi = vk->TrackList[it]->cnstP[2];
106  double p2i = pp[it][0]*pp[it][0]+pp[it][1]*pp[it][1]+pp[it][2]*pp[it][2];
107  double pti = sqrt(pp[it][0]*pp[it][0]+pp[it][1]*pp[it][1]);
108  base_cnst->f0t[it][1].X = 0.; // dPx/dTheta==0, dPy/dTheta==0 // ../dTheta_i
109  base_cnst->f0t[it][1].Y = dZdPhi * (dPhiDpx*(-pp[it][1]) + dPhiDpy*( pp[it][0])) ; // ../dPhi_i
110  base_cnst->f0t[it][1].Z = dZdPhi * (dPhiDpx*(-pp[it][0]) + dPhiDpy*(-pp[it][1]))/invRi; // ../dInvR_i
111  base_cnst->f0t[it][1].X += dZdTheta * ( dThetaDpz*(-p2i/pti)); // ../dTheta_i
112  base_cnst->f0t[it][1].Y += dZdTheta * (dThetaDpx*(-pp[it][1]) + dThetaDpy*( pp[it][0]) + 0.); // ../dPhi_; dPz/dPhi_i=0
113  base_cnst->f0t[it][1].Z += dZdTheta * (dThetaDpx*(-pp[it][0]) + dThetaDpy*(-pp[it][1]) + dThetaDpz*(-pp[it][2]))/invRi;// ../dInvR_i
114  }
115  base_cnst->h0t[1].X = -cosp*cott; // dZ/dCurV
116  base_cnst->h0t[1].Y = -sinp*cott;
117  base_cnst->h0t[1].Z = 1.;
118 //std::cout<<" test0="<<Charge<<", "<<a0<<", "<<z0<<", "<<t<<", "<<Px<<", "<<Py<<", "<<Pz<<'\n';
119 //
120 // The same for charged particle
121 //
123  }else{
124  int Sign = 1; if(Charge<0)Sign=-1;
125  double R = 1./invR;
126  double xc = -R*sinp + curV[0]; // centre of circle
127  double yc = R*cosp + curV[1];
128  double diffx = cnst->getTargetVertex()[0] - xc;
129  double diffy = cnst->getTargetVertex()[1] - yc;
130  double diff = sqrt( diffx*diffx + diffy*diffy );
131  double sindphi = (curV[0]-xc)*diffy - (curV[1]-yc)*diffx;
132  sindphi = sindphi/std::abs(R)/diff;
133  double dphi = asin( sindphi );
134  double cosdphi=sqrt(std::abs(1.-sindphi*sindphi)); if(cosdphi<1.e-10)cosdphi=1.e-10;
135  a0 = R*(1.-diff/std::abs(R));
136  t = dphi*R;
137  z0 = curV[2] + t*cott - cnst->getTargetVertex()[2];
138  double dTdXcur = std::abs(R)/cosdphi * (cosp/diff-diffx*sindphi/(diff*diff)) * (-1.);
139  double dTdYcur = std::abs(R)/cosdphi * (sinp/diff-diffy*sindphi/(diff*diff)) * (-1.);
140 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
141 // First constraint a0=0
142 //
143  dA0dPhi = - (diffx*cosp + diffy*sinp)/diff*std::abs(R);
144  dA0dR = 1. - (diffx*sinp - diffy*cosp)/diff*R/std::abs(R);
145  for( it=0; it<NTRK; it++){
146  double invRi = vk->TrackList[it]->cnstP[2];
147  base_cnst->f0t[it][0].X = 0.; // dPx/dTheta==0, dPy/dTheta==0
148  base_cnst->f0t[it][0].Y = dA0dPhi * (dPhiDpx*(-pp[it][1]) + dPhiDpy*( pp[it][0])) ;
149  base_cnst->f0t[it][0].Z = dA0dPhi * (dPhiDpx*(-pp[it][0]) + dPhiDpy*(-pp[it][1]))/invRi ;
150  base_cnst->f0t[it][0].X += 0.;
151  base_cnst->f0t[it][0].Y += dA0dR * (dRDpx*(-pp[it][1]) + dRDpy*( pp[it][0]));
152  base_cnst->f0t[it][0].Z += dA0dR * (dRDpx*(-pp[it][0]) + dRDpy*(-pp[it][1]))/invRi ;
153  }
154  base_cnst->h0t[0].X = Sign*diffx/diff; // dA0/dFitVertex==dA0/dCurV
155  base_cnst->h0t[0].Y = Sign*diffy/diff;
156  base_cnst->h0t[0].Z = 0.;
157 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
158 // Second constraint z=0
159 //
160  dZdPhi = -a0*cott;
161  dZdTheta = -t/sin(theta)/sin(theta);
162  for( it=0; it<NTRK; it++){
163  double invRi = vk->TrackList[it]->cnstP[2];
164  double p2i = pp[it][0]*pp[it][0]+pp[it][1]*pp[it][1]+pp[it][2]*pp[it][2];
165  double pti = sqrt(pp[it][0]*pp[it][0]+pp[it][1]*pp[it][1]);
166  base_cnst->f0t[it][1].X = 0.; // dPx/dTheta==0, dPy/dTheta==0 // ../dTheta_i
167  base_cnst->f0t[it][1].Y = dZdPhi * (dPhiDpx*(-pp[it][1]) + dPhiDpy*( pp[it][0])) ; // ../dPhi_i
168  base_cnst->f0t[it][1].Z = dZdPhi * (dPhiDpx*(-pp[it][0]) + dPhiDpy*(-pp[it][1]))/invRi; // ../dInvR_i
169  base_cnst->f0t[it][1].X += dZdTheta * ( dThetaDpz*(-p2i/pti)); // ../dTheta_i
170  base_cnst->f0t[it][1].Y += dZdTheta * (dThetaDpx*(-pp[it][1]) + dThetaDpy*( pp[it][0]) + 0.); // ../dPhi_; dPz/dPhi_i=0
171  base_cnst->f0t[it][1].Z += dZdTheta * (dThetaDpx*(-pp[it][0]) + dThetaDpy*(-pp[it][1]) + dThetaDpz*(-pp[it][2]))/invRi;// ../dInvR_i
172  }
173  base_cnst->h0t[1].X = dTdXcur*cott; // dZ/dCurV
174  base_cnst->h0t[1].Y = dTdYcur*cott;
175  base_cnst->h0t[1].Z = 1.;
176 //std::cout<<" test1="<<Charge<<", "<<a0<<", "<<z0<<" dst="<<t<<" NTRK="<<NTRK<<'\n';
177  }
178  base_cnst->aa[0]=a0;
179  base_cnst->aa[1]=z0;
182 // -----------------------Check of propagation
183 // double paro[5],parn[5],s,ref[3],pere[3]; long int ichg=0;
184 // paro[0]=0.; paro[1]=0.; paro[2]=theta; paro[3]=phi; paro[4]=invR;
185 // ref[0]=cnst->getTargetVertex()[0]-curV[0]; ref[1]=cnst->getTargetVertex()[1]-curV[1]; ref[2]=cnst->getTargetVertex()[2]-curV[2];
186 // cfnewp(&ichg, paro, ref, &s, parn, pere);
187 // std::cout<<" testp="<<Charge<<", "<<parn[0]<<", "<<parn[1]<<", "<<s<<'\n';
188 // -----------------------Derivatives
189 //std::cout<<base_cnst->f0t[0][0].X<<", "<<base_cnst->f0t[0][0].Y<<", "<<base_cnst->f0t[0][0].Z<<'\n';
190 //std::cout<<base_cnst->f0t[0][1].X<<", "<<base_cnst->f0t[0][1].Y<<", "<<base_cnst->f0t[0][1].Z<<'\n';
191 //std::cout<<base_cnst->f0t[1][0].X<<", "<<base_cnst->f0t[1][0].Y<<", "<<base_cnst->f0t[1][0].Z<<'\n';
192 //std::cout<<base_cnst->f0t[1][1].X<<", "<<base_cnst->f0t[1][1].Y<<", "<<base_cnst->f0t[1][1].Z<<'\n';
193 //std::cout<<base_cnst->h0t[0].X<<", "<<base_cnst->h0t[0].Y<<", "<<base_cnst->h0t[0].Z<<'\n';
194 //std::cout<<base_cnst->h0t[1].X<<", "<<base_cnst->h0t[1].Y<<", "<<base_cnst->h0t[1].Z<<'\n';
195 //std::cout<<"-------"<<'\n';
196 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
197  if( cnst->onlyZ() ) { //Z only constraint <= all Rphi ralated stuff is 0
198  for( it=0; it<NTRK; it++){
199  base_cnst->f0t[it][0].X = 0.001;
200  base_cnst->f0t[it][0].Y = 0.001;
201  base_cnst->f0t[it][0].Z = 0.001;
202  }
203  base_cnst->h0t[0].X=0.; base_cnst->h0t[0].Y=0.; base_cnst->h0t[0].Z=0.;
204  base_cnst->aa[0]=0.;
205  }
206 }

◆ calcThetaConstraint()

void Trk::calcThetaConstraint ( VKThetaConstraint cnst)

Definition at line 61 of file DerclcAng.cxx.

62 {
63  VKConstraintBase * base_cnst = (VKConstraintBase*) cnst;
64  const VKVertex * vk=cnst->getOriginVertex();
65  int NTRK = vk->TrackList.size();
66  int i,j;
67  double Scale=1.; // Scaling for better precision VK 28.03.2011 Wrong for error matrix!!! Should always be 1.!!!
69  double diff=0., der=0., aa=0;
70  std::vector<double> deriv(NTRK,0);
71  for(i=0; i<NTRK-1; i++){
72  for(j=i+1; j<NTRK; j++){
73  diff = sin(vk->TrackList[i]->cnstP[0] - vk->TrackList[j]->cnstP[0])*Scale;
74  der = Scale;
75  aa += diff;
76  deriv[i] += der;
77  deriv[j] -= der;
78  }
79  }
81  int numCNST=0; //constraint number. Single constraint in this case
82  base_cnst->h0t[numCNST].X = 0.;
83  base_cnst->h0t[numCNST].Y = 0.;
84  base_cnst->h0t[numCNST].Z = 0.;
85  for(i=0; i<NTRK; i++){
86  base_cnst->f0t[i][numCNST].X = deriv[i];
87  base_cnst->f0t[i][numCNST].Y = 0.;
88  base_cnst->f0t[i][numCNST].Z = 0.;
89  }
90  base_cnst->aa[numCNST]=aa;
91 //std::cout.precision(11);
92 //std::cout<<" new delta Theta="<<base_cnst->aa[numCNST]<<'\n';
93 //std::cout<<base_cnst->f0t[0][numCNST].X<<", "<<base_cnst->f0t[0][numCNST].Y<<", "
94 // <<base_cnst->f0t[0][numCNST].Z<<'\n';
95 //std::cout<<base_cnst->f0t[1][numCNST].X<<", "<<base_cnst->f0t[1][numCNST].Y<<", "
96 // <<base_cnst->f0t[1][numCNST].Z<<'\n';
97 }

◆ cascadeCnstRemnants()

double Trk::cascadeCnstRemnants ( CascadeEvent cascadeEvent_)

Definition at line 77 of file CFitCascade.cxx.

77  {
78  double cnstRemnants=0.;
79  for(int iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
80  VKVertex * vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
81  for(int ii=0; ii<(int)vk->ConstraintList.size();ii++){
82  for(int ic=0; ic<(int)vk->ConstraintList[ii]->NCDim; ic++){
83  cnstRemnants += std::abs( vk->ConstraintList[ii]->aa[ic] );
84  } }
85  }
86  return cnstRemnants;
87 }

◆ cfchi2() [1/2]

double Trk::cfchi2 ( const double *  vrtt,
const double *  part,
VKTrack trk 

Definition at line 80 of file Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Utilities.cxx.

81 {
83  double d1, d2, d3, d4, d5;
84  double theta_f = part[0];
85  double phi_f = part[1];
86  double invR_f = part[2];
87  double uu = vrtt[0] * cos(phi_f) + vrtt[1] * sin(phi_f );
88  double vv = vrtt[1] * cos(phi_f) - vrtt[0] * sin(phi_f);
89  double sr = invR_f * abs(trk->Charge); // Zero in case of zero charge
90  double epsf = -vv - (uu * uu + vv * vv) * sr / 2.;
91  double zpf = vrtt[2] - uu * (1. - vv * sr) / tan(theta_f);
92  double phif = phi_f - uu * sr;
93  d1 = epsf - trk->Perig[0];
94  d2 = zpf - trk->Perig[1];
95  d3 = theta_f - trk->Perig[2];
96  d4 = phif - trk->Perig[3];
97  d5 = invR_f - trk->Perig[4];
98  if(d4 > M_PI)d4-=2.*M_PI;
99  if(d4 < -M_PI)d4+=2.*M_PI;
100  double res = trk->WgtM[0] * (d1*d1)
101  + trk->WgtM[2] * (d2*d2)
102  + trk->WgtM[5] * (d3*d3)
103  + trk->WgtM[9] * (d4*d4)
104  + trk->WgtM[14]* (d5*d5)
105  +(d2 * d1*trk->WgtM[1]
106  + d3 * (d1*trk->WgtM[3] + d2*trk->WgtM[4])
107  + d4 * (d1*trk->WgtM[6] + d2*trk->WgtM[7] + d3*trk->WgtM[8])
108  + d5 * (d1*trk->WgtM[10] + d2*trk->WgtM[11] + d3*trk->WgtM[12] + d4*trk->WgtM[13])) * 2;
109  trk->rmnd[0] = d1;
110  trk->rmnd[1] = d2;
111  trk->rmnd[2] = d3;
112  trk->rmnd[3] = d4;
113  trk->rmnd[4] = d5;
114 //std::cout<<__func__<<":"<<d1<<", "<<d2<<", "<<d3<<", "<<d4<<", "<<d5<<'\n';
115 //std::cout<<trk->Perig[0]<<", "<<trk->Perig[1]<<", "<<trk->Perig[2]<<", "<<trk->Perig[3]<<", "<<trk->Perig[4]<<'\n';
116 //std::cout<<theta_f<<", "<<phi_f<<", "<<invR_f<<'\n';
117 //std::cout<<trk->WgtM[0]<<", "<<trk->WgtM[2]<<", "<<trk->WgtM[5]<<", "<<trk->WgtM[9]<<", "<<trk->WgtM[14]<<'\n';
118  return (std::abs(res) < 1.e12 ? std::abs(res) : 1.e12);
119 }

◆ cfchi2() [2/2]

double Trk::cfchi2 ( double *  xyzt,
const long int  ich,
double *  part,
const double *  par0,
double *  wgt,
double *  rmnd 

Definition at line 27 of file Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Utilities.cxx.

29 {
30  double phif, epsf, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, sr, uu, vv, res, zpf;
32  /* Parameter adjustments */
33  --wgt;
34  --part;
35  --xyzt;
37  uu = xyzt[1] * cos(part[2]) + xyzt[2] * sin(part[2]);
38  vv = xyzt[2] * cos(part[2]) - xyzt[1] * sin(part[2]);
39  sr = part[3] * std::abs(ich);
40  epsf = -vv - (uu * uu + vv * vv) * sr / 2.;
41  zpf = xyzt[3] - uu * (1. - vv * sr) / tan(part[1]);
42  phif = part[2] - uu * sr;
43  d1 = par0[0] - epsf;
44  d2 = par0[1] - zpf;
45  d3 = par0[2] - part[1];
46  d4 = par0[3] - phif;
47  d5 = par0[4] - part[3];
48  while(d4 > M_PI)d4-=2.*M_PI;
49  while(d4 < -M_PI)d4+=2.*M_PI;
50 // -----------------------Check of propagation
51 // double paro[5],parn[5],s,ref[3],peri[3];
52 // paro[0]=0.; paro[1]=0.; paro[2]=part[1]; paro[3]=part[2]; paro[4]=part[3];
53 // ref[0]=-xyzt[1]; ref[1]=-xyzt[2]; ref[2]=-xyzt[3];
54 // cfnewp(ich, paro, ref, &s, parn, peri);
55 // d1 = par0[0] - parn[0]; d2 = par0[1] - parn[1]; d3 = par0[2] - parn[2];
56 // d4 = par0[3] - parn[3]; d5 = par0[4] - parn[4];
57 // std::cout<<" testp0="<<parn[0]<<", "<<parn[1]<<", "<<parn[3]<<", "<<s<<'\n';
58 // std::cout<<" testp1="<<(*ich)<<", "<<epsf<<", "<<zpf<<", "<<phif<<", "<<res<<'\n';
59 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
60  res = wgt[1] * (d1 * d1) + wgt[3] * (d2 * d2) + wgt[6] * (d3 * d3)
61  + wgt[10] * (d4 * d4) + wgt[15] * (d5 * d5) + (d2 *
62  d1 * wgt[2] + d3 * (d1 * wgt[4] + d2 * wgt[5]) + d4 * (d1 * wgt[7]
63  + d2 * wgt[8] + d3 * wgt[9]) + d5 * (d1 * wgt[11] + d2 * wgt[12]
64  + d3 * wgt[13] + d4 * wgt[14])) * 2;
65  rmnd[0] = d1;
66  rmnd[1] = d2;
67  rmnd[2] = d3;
68  rmnd[3] = d4;
69  rmnd[4] = d5;
70  return (std::abs(res) < 1.e12 ? std::abs(res) : 1.e12);
71 }

◆ cfdcopy()

void Trk::cfdcopy ( double *  source,
double *  target,
int  n 

Definition at line 23 of file TrkVKalUtils.h.

24  { std::copy(source, source + n, target); }

◆ cfddist3D()

double Trk::cfddist3D ( double *  V1,
double *  V2 

Definition at line 26 of file TrkVKalUtils.h.

27  { return sqrt( (V2[0]-V1[0])*(V2[0]-V1[0]) + (V2[1]-V1[1])*(V2[1]-V1[1]) + (V2[2]-V1[2])*(V2[2]-V1[2]) ); }

◆ cfdinv()

int Trk::cfdinv ( double *  cov,
double *  wgt,
long int  NI 

Definition at line 497 of file Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Matrix.cxx.

498 {
499  long int n = std::abs(NI);
500  if (n <= 1) return -1;
501  long int jerr=0;;
503 //---Robust inversion if COV is suspected ill-defined
504  if (NI>0) {
505  jerr=vkSInvSVD(cov,NI,wgt, 1.e-18);
506  //--Check if inverted matrix is at approximately correct
507  if(!jerr){ if(checkMatrixInversion(cov, wgt, n)>0.1) jerr=-2; }
508  return jerr;
509  }
510 //---If COV is believed good
511  jerr=vkcholInv(cov, wgt, n);
512  if(!jerr){ if(checkMatrixInversion(cov, wgt, n)>0.1) jerr=-2; }
513  return jerr;
514 }

◆ cferpr()

void Trk::cferpr ( const long int  ich,
double *  par,
double *  ref,
const double  s0,
double *  errold,
double *  errnew 

Definition at line 12 of file cfErPr.cxx.

13 {
16  double r__, dsphi, dseps, dsrho, cs, sn, xp, yp;
17  double derivm[25]; /* was [5][5] */
18  double ctg, dsq, dyp, d__3;
19 /* ------------------------------------------ */
20 /* This routine propagates the trajectory error matrix */
21 /* originally evaluated at s=0 to the curved abcissa S */
22 /* assuming that the track travels into VACUUM */
23 /* INPUT: ICH Charge of track */
24 /* PAR(5) Track parameters */
25 /* REF(3) New reference point */
26 /* ERROLD error matrix at (0,0,0) */
27 /* S0 curved abcissa of propagation */
28 /* OUTPUT: ERRNEW New error matrix */
29 /* ------ */
30 /* derivm(i,j)=D(X'.j)/D(X.i) */
31 /* ----------------------------------------------------------- */
32 /* Author: V.Kostyukhin */
33 /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
34  /* Parameter adjustments */
35  --par;
36  --ref;
39  /* --------------------------------------------------- */
40  for (int ii= 0; ii< 25; ++ii) derivm[ii] = 0.;
41 /* -- */
42  cs = cos(par[4]);
43  sn = sin(par[4]);
44  xp = ref[1] * cs + ref[2] * sn; //==(*s0) for neutral particles
45  yp = ref[1] * sn - ref[2] * cs;
46  double sinp3 = sin(par[3]);
47  ctg = cos(par[3]) / sinp3;
48  derivm[6] = 1.;
49  derivm[12] = 1.;
50  derivm[24] = 1.;
51  if (ich != 0) {
52  r__ = 1. / par[5];
53  dyp = r__ - par[1] + yp;
54  dsphi = -r__ * (yp * dyp + xp * xp) / (dyp * dyp + xp * xp);
55  dseps = r__ * xp / (dyp * dyp + xp * xp);
56  dsrho = -r__ * s0 + r__ * r__ * dseps;
57  derivm[5] = dseps * ctg;
58  derivm[7] = -s0 / (sinp3 * sinp3);
59  derivm[8] = dsphi * ctg;
60  derivm[9] = dsrho * ctg;
61  derivm[15] = par[5] * dseps;
62 /* Computing 2nd power */
63  d__3 = r__ - par[1];
64  dsq = sqrt(ref[1]*ref[1] + ref[2]*ref[2] + d__3*d__3 + 2.*d__3*yp);
65  derivm[4] = -(r__*r__) + d_sign(1., r__) * (r__*r__) * dyp / dsq;
66  derivm[3] = d_sign(1., r__) * (par[1] - r__) * xp / dsq;
67  derivm[19] = s0 + par[5] * dsrho;
68  derivm[0] = d_sign(1., r__) * dyp / dsq;
69  derivm[18] = par[5] * dsphi + 1.;
70  } else {
71  derivm[0] = 1.;
72  derivm[18] = 1.;
73  //derivm[3] = par[1] - xp; VK Error!!!
74  derivm[3] = - xp; //dEps/dPhi
75  derivm[7] = -xp / (sinp3 * sinp3); //dZ/dTheta
76  derivm[8] = -yp * ctg; //dZ/dPhi
77  }
78  tdasatVK(derivm, &errold[0], &errnew[0], 5, 5);
80 }

◆ cfimp()

void Trk::cfimp ( long int  TrkID,
long int  ich,
int  IFL,
double *  par,
const double *  err,
double *  vrt,
double *  vcov,
double *  rimp,
double *  rcov,
double *  sign,
VKalVrtControlBase FitCONTROL 

Definition at line 43 of file cfImp.cxx.

46 {
47  double dcov[3], errd[15], paro[5];
48  double dwgt[3], errn[15];
49  int i__, j, ij;
51  double cnv[6] /* was [2][3] */;
52 /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
53 /* Impact parameter calculation */
54 /* Input: */
55 /* ICH -charge(-1,0,1) */
56 /* IFL = 1 contribution from VRT is added */
57 /* IFL =-1 contribution from VRT is subtructed */
58 /* PAR(5),ERR(15) - peregee parameters and error matrix */
59 /* VRT(3),VCOV(6) - vertex and its error matrix */
60 /* */
63 /* */
64 /* Output: */
65 /* RIMP(1) - impact in XY */
66 /* RIMP(2) - impact in Z */
67 /* RIMP(3) - Theta at new vertex */
68 /* RIMP(4) - Phi at new vertex */
69 /* RIMP(5) - curvature at vertex */
70 /* RCOV(3) - error matrix for RIMP */
71 /* SIGN - impact significance */
72 /* Author: V.Kostyukhin */
73 /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
74  /* Parameter adjustments */
75  --vcov;
77  /* Function Body */
78  for (int ii = 0; ii < 15; ++ii) {errd[ii] = err[ii];}
81  double Ref0[3]={0.,0.,0.}; //base reference point for standard perigee
83  Trk::vkalPropagator::Propagate(TrkID, ich, par, errd, Ref0, vrt, paro, errn, FitCONTROL);
85 //std::cout <<" CFImp new par R,Z="<<paro[0]<<", "<<paro[1]<<'\n';
86 /* ---------- */
87  rimp[0] = paro[0];
88  rimp[1] = paro[1];
89  rimp[2] = paro[2];
90  rimp[3] = paro[3];
91  rimp[4] = paro[4];
92 /* X=paro(1)*sn, Y=-paro(1)*cs */
93  double sn = sin(paro[3]);
94  double cs = cos(paro[3]);
95 /* -- New error version */
96  cnv[0] = -sn;
97  cnv[2] = cs;
98  cnv[4] = 0.;
99  cnv[1] = sn / tan(paro[2]);
100  cnv[3] = cs / tan(paro[2]);
101  cnv[5] = -1.;
102  dcov[0] = 0.;
103  dcov[1] = 0.;
104  dcov[2] = 0.;
105  for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 3; ++i__) {
106  for (j = 1; j <= 3; ++j) {
107  ij = max(i__, j);
108  ij = ij * (ij - 1) / 2 + min(i__, j);
109  dcov[0] += cnv[(i__ << 1) - 2] * cnv[(j << 1) - 2] * vcov[ij];
110  dcov[2] += cnv[(i__ << 1) - 1] * cnv[(j << 1) - 1] * vcov[ij];
111  dcov[1] += cnv[(i__ << 1) - 2] * cnv[(j << 1) - 1] * vcov[ij];
112  }
113  }
114  /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
115  if (IFL == 1) {
116  rcov[0] = errn[0] + dcov[0];
117  rcov[1] = errn[1] + dcov[1];
118  rcov[2] = errn[2] + dcov[2];
119  } else if (IFL == -1) {
120  rcov[0] = errn[0] - dcov[0];
121  rcov[1] = errn[1] - dcov[1];
122  rcov[2] = errn[2] - dcov[2];
123  } else {
124  rcov[0] = errn[0];
125  rcov[1] = errn[1];
126  rcov[2] = errn[2];
127  }
128  int jerr = cfdinv(rcov, dwgt, -2);
129  if (jerr) {jerr=cfdinv(rcov, dwgt, 2); if(jerr){dwgt[0]=dwgt[2]=1.e6; dwgt[1]=0.;}}
130  (*sign) = sqrt(std::abs(dwgt[0] * rimp[0] * rimp[0] + dwgt[1] * 2. * rimp[0] * rimp[1] +
131  dwgt[2] * rimp[1] * rimp[1]));
132 }

◆ cfimpc()

void Trk::cfimpc ( long int  TrkID,
long int  ich,
int  IFL,
double *  par,
const double *  err,
double *  vrt,
double *  vcov,
double *  rimp,
double *  rcov,
double *  sign,
VKalVrtControlBase FitCONTROL 

Definition at line 135 of file cfImp.cxx.

138 {
139  double dcov[3], errd[15], paro[5];
140  double dwgt[3], errn[15], cnv[6]; /* was [2][3] */
141  int i__, j, ij;
144  double cs, sn;
145 /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
147 /* Author: V.Kostyukhin */
148 /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
149  /* Parameter adjustments */
150  --vcov;
151  for (int ii = 0; ii < 15; ++ii) {errd[ii] = err[ii];}
153  double Ref0[3]={0.,0.,0.}; //base reference point for standard perigee
154  Trk::vkalPropagator::Propagate(TrkID, ich, par, errd, Ref0, vrt, paro, errn, FitCONTROL);
156  double tmpVrt[3]={0.,0.,0.}; double ClosestPnt[3];
157  cfClstPnt( paro, tmpVrt, ClosestPnt);
158  paro[0]=sqrt(ClosestPnt[0]*ClosestPnt[0] + ClosestPnt[1]*ClosestPnt[1]);
159  paro[1]=ClosestPnt[2];
160 /* ---------- */
161  rimp[0] = paro[0];
162  rimp[1] = paro[1];
163  rimp[2] = paro[2];
164  rimp[3] = paro[3];
165  rimp[4] = paro[4];
166  sn = sin(paro[3]);
167  cs = cos(paro[3]);
168 /* -- New error version */
169  cnv[0] = -sn;
170  cnv[2] = cs;
171  cnv[4] = 0.;
172  cnv[1] = sn / tan(paro[2]);
173  cnv[3] = cs / tan(paro[2]);
174  cnv[5] = -1.;
175  dcov[0] = 0.;
176  dcov[1] = 0.;
177  dcov[2] = 0.;
178  for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 3; ++i__) {
179  for (j = 1; j <= 3; ++j) {
180  ij = max(i__, j);
181  ij = ij * (ij - 1) / 2 + min(i__, j);
182  dcov[0] += cnv[(i__ << 1) - 2] * cnv[(j << 1) - 2] * vcov[ij];
183  dcov[2] += cnv[(i__ << 1) - 1] * cnv[(j << 1) - 1] * vcov[ij];
184  dcov[1] += cnv[(i__ << 1) - 2] * cnv[(j << 1) - 1] * vcov[ij];
185  }
186  }
187  /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
188  if (IFL == 1) {
189  rcov[0] = errn[0] + dcov[0];
190  rcov[1] = errn[1] + dcov[1];
191  rcov[2] = errn[2] + dcov[2];
192  } else if (IFL == -1) {
193  rcov[0] = errn[0] - dcov[0];
194  rcov[1] = errn[1] - dcov[1];
195  rcov[2] = errn[2] - dcov[2];
196  } else {
197  rcov[0] = errn[0];
198  rcov[1] = errn[1];
199  rcov[2] = errn[2];
200  }
201  int jerr = cfdinv(rcov, dwgt, -2);
202  if (jerr) {
203  jerr = cfdinv(rcov, dwgt, 2);
204  if (jerr) {
205  dwgt[0] = dwgt[2] = 1.e6;
206  dwgt[1] = 0.;
207  }
208  }
209  (*sign) = sqrt(std::abs(dwgt[0] * rimp[0] * rimp[0] +
210  dwgt[1] * 2. * rimp[0] * rimp[1] +
211  dwgt[2] * rimp[1] * rimp[1]));
212  }

◆ cfInv5()

int Trk::cfInv5 ( double *  cov,
double *  wgt 

Definition at line 459 of file Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Matrix.cxx.

460 {
461  double dest[25];
462  long int i, j, k, N;
463 /* -----------------------------------------*/
464 /* Track covariance matrix inversion */
465 /* stable to small value of mom. error */
466 /* Author: V.Kostyukhin */
467 /* -----------------------------------------*/
469 /* -- RESTORE MATRIX 4x4 -- */
470  N = 4;
471  k = 0;
472  for (i=0; i<N; ++i) for (j=0; j<=i; ++j) {
473  dest[ i*N + j ] = dest[ j*N + i ] = cov[k]; wgt[k]=0.; k++; }
475  double X[4]={cov[10], cov[11], cov[12], cov[13]};
477  for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
478  for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) dest[i*N+j] -= X[i]*X[j]/cov[14];
479  }
480  long int jerr;
481  dsinv(N, dest, N, &jerr);
482  if(jerr) return jerr;
484  double L[4]={0.,0.,0.,0.};
485  for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
486  for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) L[i] -= dest[i*N+j]*X[j]/cov[14];
487  }
488  double W=1.; for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) W -= X[i]*L[i];
489  wgt[10]=L[0]; wgt[11]=L[1]; wgt[12]=L[2]; wgt[13]=L[3]; wgt[14] = W/cov[14];
491  k=0; for (i=0; i<N; i++) for (j=0; j<=i; j++) wgt[k++]=dest[i*N+j];
493  return 0;
494 }

◆ CFit()

int Trk::CFit ( VKalVrtControl FitCONTROL,
int  ifCovV0,
int  NTRK,
long int *  ich,
double  xyz0[3],
double(*)  par0[3],
double(*)  inp_Trk5[5],
double(*)  inp_CovTrk5[15],
double  xyzfit[3],
double(*)  parfs[3],
double  ptot[4],
double  covf[21],
double &  chi2,
double *  chi2tr 

Definition at line 429 of file CFit.cxx.

434 {
436  std::fill_n(ptot,4,0.);
437  std::fill_n(covf,21,0.);
438  cfdcopy(xyz0,xyzfit,3);
439  FitCONTROL->renewFullCovariance(nullptr);
441 //
442 // Create vertex
443 //
444  std::unique_ptr<VKVertex> MainVRT(new VKVertex(*FitCONTROL));
445  fillVertex(MainVRT.get(), NTRK, ich, xyz0, par0, inp_Trk5, inp_CovTrk5);
446 //
447 // Fit vertex
448 //
449  int IERR = fitVertex( MainVRT.get());
450  if(IERR) return IERR;
451 //
452 // if successful - save results
453 //
454  for(int i=0; i<3; i++) xyzfit[i] = MainVRT->refIterV[i]+MainVRT->fitV[i]; // fitted vertex in global frame
455  MainVRT->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.localbmag = Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld(xyzfit,(MainVRT->vk_fitterControl).get());
456  chi2 = 0.;
457  for (int tk = 0; tk < NTRK; tk++) {
458  VKTrack * trk = MainVRT->TrackList[tk].get();
459  chi2 += trk->Chi2;
460  chi2tr[tk] = trk->Chi2;
461  cfdcopy( trk->fitP, &parfs[tk][0], 3);
462  std::array<double, 4> pp = getFitParticleMom( trk, MainVRT->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.localbmag );
463  ptot[0]+=pp[0]; ptot[1]+=pp[1]; ptot[2]+=pp[2]; ptot[3]+=pp[3];
464  }
465  cfdcopy(MainVRT->fitVcov, covf , 6); //fitted vertex covariance
466  double vM2=(ptot[3]-ptot[2])*(ptot[3]+ptot[2]) - ptot[1]*ptot[1] - ptot[0]*ptot[0];
467  FitCONTROL->setVertexMass(std::sqrt(vM2>0. ? vM2 : 0. ) );
468  FitCONTROL->setVrtMassError(0.);
469 //
470 // If required - get full covariance matrix
471 //
472  if(ifCovV0){
473  double dptot[5], VrtMomCov[21];
474  IERR = afterFit(MainVRT.get(), MainVRT->ader, MainVRT->FVC.dcv, dptot, VrtMomCov, (MainVRT->vk_fitterControl).get());
475  if (IERR) return -2; /* NONINVERTIBLE COV.MATRIX */
476  if(MainVRT->existFullCov){
477  FitCONTROL->renewFullCovariance(new double[ (3*NTRK+3)*(3*NTRK+3+1)/2 ]);
478  int out=0;
479  for(int ti=0; ti<3+3*NTRK; ti++){
480  for(int tj=0; tj<=ti; tj++){
481  FitCONTROL->getFullCovariance()[out] = ARR2D_FS(MainVRT->ader, 3*vkalNTrkM+3, ti, tj);
482  out++;
483  } }
484  int activeTrk[vkalNTrkM]={0}; std::fill_n(activeTrk,NTRK,1);
485  double vrtMass=0., vrtMassError=0.;
486  cfmasserr(MainVRT.get(), activeTrk,MainVRT->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.localbmag, &vrtMass, &vrtMassError);
487  FitCONTROL->setVertexMass(vrtMass);
488  FitCONTROL->setVrtMassError(vrtMassError);
489  }
490  cfdcopy( VrtMomCov, covf, 21); //XvYvZvPxPyPz covariance
491  cfdcopy( MainVRT->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.robres, FitCONTROL->vk_forcft.robres, NTRK); //Track weights from robust fit
493  }
495  return 0;
496 }

◆ cfmasserr()

void Trk::cfmasserr ( VKVertex vk,
const int *  list,
double  BMAG,
double *  MASS,
double *  sigM 

Definition at line 16 of file cfMassErr.cxx.

17 {
18  int NTRK=vk->TrackList.size();
19  //Deliberately not using make_unique
20  std::unique_ptr < double[] > deriv(new double[3*NTRK+3]);
21  double ptot[4]={0.};
22  std::vector< std::array<double,6> > pmom(NTRK);
23  double dm2dpx, dm2dpy, dm2dpz, ee, pt, px, py, pz, cth;
25  double constBF = BMAG * vkalMagCnvCst ;
27  for(int it=0; it<NTRK; it++){
28  if (list[it]) {
29  pmom[it][4] = pt = constBF / std::abs(vk->TrackList[it]->fitP[2]);
30  pmom[it][5] = cth = 1. /tan(vk->TrackList[it]->fitP[0]);
31  pmom[it][0] = px = pt * cos(vk->TrackList[it]->fitP[1]);
32  pmom[it][1] = py = pt * sin(vk->TrackList[it]->fitP[1]);
33  pmom[it][2] = pz = pt * cth;
34  double mmm=vk->TrackList[it]->getMass();
35  pmom[it][3] = sqrt(px*px + py*py + pz*pz + mmm*mmm);
36  ptot[0] += px;
37  ptot[1] += py;
38  ptot[2] += pz;
39  ptot[3] += pmom[it][3];
40  }
41  }
43  for(int it = 0; it < NTRK; ++it) {
44  if (list[it]) {
45  pt = pmom[it][4];
46  cth= pmom[it][5];
47  px = pmom[it][0];
48  py = pmom[it][1];
49  pz = pmom[it][2];
50  ee = pmom[it][3];
51  dm2dpx = (ptot[3] / ee * px - ptot[0]) * 2.;
52  dm2dpy = (ptot[3] / ee * py - ptot[1]) * 2.;
53  dm2dpz = (ptot[3] / ee * pz - ptot[2]) * 2.;
54  deriv[it*3 + 0] = dm2dpz * ((-pt) * (cth * cth + 1.)); /* d(M2)/d(Theta) */
55  deriv[it*3 + 1] = -dm2dpx * py + dm2dpy * px; /* d(M2)/d(Phi) */
56  deriv[it*3 + 2] = (-dm2dpx * px - dm2dpy*py - dm2dpz*pz)/vk->TrackList[it]->fitP[2]; /* d(M2)/d(Rho) */
57  } else {
58  deriv[it*3 + 0] = deriv[it*3 + 1] = deriv[it*3 + 2] = 0.;
59  }
60  }
61 //----
62  double covM2=0.;
63  for(int i=0; i<NTRK*3; i++){
64  double tmp=0.;
65  for(int j=0; j<NTRK*3; j++){
66  tmp += ARR2D_FS(vk->ader, vkalNTrkM*3+3, i+3, j+3) *deriv[j];
67  }
68  tmp *= deriv[i];
69  if(std::isnan(tmp)) {tmp=0.;}
70  if(std::isinf(tmp)) {tmp=0.;}
71  covM2 += tmp;
72  }
73  std::feclearexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT);
74  if(covM2<1.e-10)covM2=1.e-10;
75 //----
76  (*MASS) = (ptot[3]-ptot[2])*(ptot[3]+ptot[2])-ptot[1]*ptot[1]-ptot[0]*ptot[0];
77  if((*MASS)<1.e-10) (*MASS) = 1.e-10;
78  (*MASS) = sqrt(*MASS);
79  (*sigM) = sqrt(covM2) / 2. / (*MASS);
80 }

◆ cfmasserrold_()

void Trk::cfmasserrold_ ( const long int  ntrk,
long int *  list,
double *  parfs,
double *  ams,
double *  deriv,
double  BMAG,
double *  dm,
double *  sigm 

Definition at line 83 of file cfMassErr.cxx.

85 {
86  int i__;
87  double ptot[4];
88  double constB, dm2dpx, dm2dpy, dm2dpz, ee, pt, px, py, pz, cth;
90  --deriv;
91  --ams;
92  parfs -= 4;
93  --list;
95  /* Function Body */
96  ptot[0] = 0.;
97  ptot[1] = 0.;
98  ptot[2] = 0.;
99  ptot[3] = 0.;
101  constB = BMAG * vkalMagCnvCst ;
103  int i3;
104  for (i__ = 1; i__ <= ntrk; ++i__) {
105  if (list[i__] == 1) {
106  i3 = i__ * 3;
107  pt = std::abs(parfs[i3 + 3]);
108  pt = constB / pt;
109  cth = 1. /tan(parfs[i3 + 1]);
110  px = pt * cos(parfs[i3 + 2]);
111  py = pt * sin(parfs[i3 + 2]);
112  pz = pt * cth;
113  ptot[0] += px;
114  ptot[1] += py;
115  ptot[2] += pz;
116  ptot[3] += sqrt(px*px + py*py + pz*pz + ams[i__]*ams[i__]);
117  }
118  }
121  for (i__ = 1; i__ <= ntrk; ++i__) {
122  i3 = i__ * 3;
123  if (list[i__] == 1) {
124  pt = std::abs(parfs[i3+3]);
125  pt = constB / pt;
126  cth = 1. / tan(parfs[i3+1]);
127  px = pt * cos(parfs[i3+2]);
128  py = pt * sin(parfs[i3+2]);
129  pz = pt * cth;
130  ee = sqrt(px*px + py*py + pz*pz + ams[i__]*ams[i__]);
131  dm2dpx = (ptot[3] / ee * px - ptot[0]) * 2.;
132  dm2dpy = (ptot[3] / ee * py - ptot[1]) * 2.;
133  dm2dpz = (ptot[3] / ee * pz - ptot[2]) * 2.;
134  deriv[i3 + 1] = dm2dpz * ((-pt) * (cth * cth + 1.)); /* d(M2)/d(Theta) */
135  deriv[i3 + 2] = -dm2dpx * py + dm2dpy * px; /* d(M2)/d(Phi) */
136  deriv[i3 + 3] = (-dm2dpx * px - dm2dpy*py - dm2dpz*pz)/ parfs[i3+3]; /* d(M2)/d(Rho) */
137 /* cc Std derivatives-------------------------------------------*/
138 /* DCV(6,I*3+1)=-PT*(1+CTH**2) ! dPz/d(theta)*/
139 /* DCV(4,I*3+2)=-PY ! dPx/d(phi) */
140 /* DCV(5,I*3+2)= PX ! dPy/d(phi) */
141 /* DCV(4,I*3+3)=-PX/PARFS(3,I) ! dPx/d(rho) */
142 /* DCV(5,I*3+3)=-PY/PARFS(3,I) ! dPy/d(rho) */
143 /* DCV(6,I*3+3)=-PZ/PARFS(3,I) ! dPz/d(rho) */
144 /* d(M2)/d(Rho) */
145  } else {
146  deriv[i3 + 1] = 0.;
147  deriv[i3 + 2] = 0.;
148  deriv[i3 + 3] = 0.;
149  }
150  }
151  deriv[1] = 0.;
152  deriv[2] = 0.;
153  deriv[3] = 0.;
154  double covarm2=ptot[3]; //To avoid compiler warning
155  //cferrany_(ntrk, &deriv[1], &covarm2);
156  (*dm) = (ptot[3]-ptot[2])*(ptot[3]+ptot[2])-ptot[1]*ptot[1]-ptot[0]*ptot[0];
157  if((*dm)<1.e-6) (*dm) = 1.e-6;
158  (*dm) = sqrt(*dm);
159  (*sigm) = sqrt(covarm2) / 2. / (*dm);
160 }

◆ cfnewp()

void Trk::cfnewp ( const long int  ich,
double *  parold,
double *  ref,
double *  s,
double *  parnew,
double *  per 

Definition at line 10 of file cfNewP.cxx.

11 {
13  double dphi, coth, hper, zper, zeps, r__, cs, xc, yc, sn, sipart, eps;
15 /* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
16 /* This routine propagates the trajectory parameters */
17 /* w.r.t to a new reference point. */
21 /* */
22 /* INPUT: ICH Charge(-1,0,1) */
23 /* PAROLD Initial parameters(EPS,H,THE,PHI,1./R) */
24 /* REF Position of new reference point */
25 /* OUTPUT: S Curved abcissa of new perigee */
26 /* PARNEW Parameters evaluated at new perigee */
27 /* PER Position of new perigee */
28 /* Author: V.Kostyukhin */
29 /* ------------------------------------------------------------*/
30  /* Parameter adjustments */
31  --per;
32  --parnew;
33  --ref;
34  --parold;
36  eps = parold[1];
37  sn = sin(parold[4]);
38  cs = cos(parold[4]);
39  coth = 1. / tan(parold[3]);
40  zeps = parold[2];
42 /* Neutral track */
43  if ( ich == 0) {
44  hper = eps - ref[1] * sn + ref[2] * cs;
45  dphi = 0.;
46  (*s) = ref[1] * cs + ref[2] * sn;
47  zper = zeps + coth * (*s) - ref[3];
48  } else {
49  r__ = 1. / parold[5];
50  sipart = 1.;
51  if (r__ < 0.) sipart = -1.;
52 /* -- Centre of the circle and perigee */
53  xc = (eps - r__) * sn - ref[1];
54  yc = -(eps - r__) * cs- ref[2];
55  hper = r__ - sipart * sqrt(xc*xc + yc*yc);
56 /* -- Phi */
57  double tmp_prec= - eps - cs*ref[2] + sn*ref[1];
58  dphi = atan2(sipart * (ref[1]*cs + ref[2]*sn),
59  sipart * (r__ + tmp_prec) );
60  (*s) = r__*dphi;
61 /* -- Z at VXOLD */
62  zper = zeps + coth * (*s) - ref[3];
63  }
64  parnew[1] = hper;
65  parnew[2] = zper;
66  parnew[3] = parold[3];
67  parnew[4] = parold[4] + dphi;
69 /* check 2*pi period in phi */
70  while (parnew[4] > 6.2831853071794) parnew[4] -= 6.2831853071794;
71  while (parnew[4] <-6.2831853071794) parnew[4] += 6.2831853071794;
75  parnew[5] = parold[5];
76  per[1] = ref[1] + sin(parold[4] + dphi) * hper;
77  per[2] = ref[2] - cos(parold[4] + dphi) * hper;
78  per[3] = ref[3] + zper;
79 }

◆ cfnewpm()

void Trk::cfnewpm ( double *  par,
const double *  xyzStart,
double *  xyzEnd,
const double  ustep,
double *  parn,
double *  closePoint,
VKalVrtControlBase CONTROL 

Definition at line 16 of file cfNewPm.cxx.

17 {
18  double d__1, d__2,dist_left;
19  double vect[7], stmg, vout[7]={0.}, dpar0[5];
20  double perig[3], dstep, xyzst[3], charge;
21  double posold, poscur, totway, dp;
22  double dX, dY, dZ;
23  long int ich;
25 /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
26 /* The same as CFNEWP but for the case on nonuniform */
27 /* magnetic field */
28 /* */
29 /* Propagation from xyzStart reference point to xyzEnd point*/
30 /* PAR - perigee parameters wrt xyzStart */
31 /* PARN - perigee parameters wrt xyzEnd */
32 /* Author: V.Kostyukhin */
33 /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
34  /* Parameter adjustments */
35  --par;
37  d__1 = tan(par[3]);
38  totway = (ustep) * sqrt(1. / (d__1 * d__1) + 1.);
40  if (fabs(ustep) < 10. && fabs(totway) < 20.) return; // Distance(mm) is small. Simplest propagation is used
42  stmg = 40.; //Propagation step in mm for nonuniform field
44  vect[0] = sin(par[4]) * par[1] +xyzStart[0];
45  vect[1] = -cos(par[4]) * par[1] +xyzStart[1];
46  vect[2] = par[2] +xyzStart[2];
48  double constB = Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld(vect,CONTROL) * Trk::vkalMagFld::getCnvCst();
50  double pt = constB / fabs(par[5]);
51  double px = pt * cos(par[4]);
52  double py = pt * sin(par[4]);
53  double pz = pt / tan(par[3]);
54  double p = sqrt(pt * pt + pz * pz);
56  vect[3] = px / p;
57  vect[4] = py / p;
58  vect[5] = pz / p;
59  vect[6] = p;
60  charge = -d_sign( 1., par[5]);
61  poscur = 0.;
62 //std::cout <<"VkGrkuta vect="<<vect[0]<<", "<<vect[1]<<", "<<vect[2]<<", "<<vect[3]<<", "
63 // <<vect[4]<<", "<<vect[5]<<", "<<vect[6]<<'\n';
64  while(fabs(poscur) < fabs(totway)) {
65  posold = poscur;
66  d__1 = fabs(poscur) + stmg;
67  d__2 = fabs(totway);
68  poscur = d__1 < d__2 ? d__1 : d__2;
69  poscur = d_sign(poscur, totway);
70  dstep = poscur - posold;
71  vkgrkuta_(charge, dstep, vect, vout, CONTROL);
72  vect[0] = vout[0];
73  vect[1] = vout[1];
74  vect[2] = vout[2];
75  vect[3] = vout[3];
76  vect[4] = vout[4];
77  vect[5] = vout[5];
78 // safety for strongly nonuniform field
79  dX = vect[0]-xyzEnd[0];
80  dY = vect[1]-xyzEnd[1];
81  dZ = vect[2]-xyzEnd[2];
82  dist_left = sqrt( dX*dX + dY*dY + dZ*dZ);
83  if(dist_left < stmg) break; // arrived
84  }
86 /* --- Now we are in the new point. Calculate track parameters */
87 /* at new point with new mag.field */
89  constB = Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld(xyzEnd,CONTROL) * Trk::vkalMagFld::getCnvCst() ;
90  if(std::abs(constB)<0.001)constB=0.001; //Protection against zero field
92  dpar0[0] = 0.;
93  dpar0[1] = 0.;
94  dpar0[2] = acos(vout[5]);
95  dpar0[3] = atan2(vout[4], vout[3]);
96 // if (dpar0[3] < 0.) dpar0[3] += 6.2831853071794;
98  px = vect[3] * vect[6];
99  py = vect[4] * vect[6];
100  dpar0[4] = d_sign( (constB/sqrt(px*px+py*py)), par[5]); /* new value of curvature */
101  ich = (long int) charge;
102  xyzst[0] = xyzEnd[0] - vout[0];
103  xyzst[1] = xyzEnd[1] - vout[1];
104  xyzst[2] = xyzEnd[2] - vout[2];
106  cfnewp(ich, dpar0, xyzst, &dp, parn, perig); // Last step of propagation
107  closePoint[0] = perig[0] + vout[0]; // with simple program
108  closePoint[1] = perig[1] + vout[1];
109  closePoint[2] = perig[2] + vout[2];
110 }

◆ cfpest()

void Trk::cfpest ( int  ntrk,
double *  xyz,
long int *  ich,
double(*)  parst[5],
double(*)  parf[3] 

Definition at line 10 of file cfPEst.cxx.

11  {
12  /* --------------------------------------------------- */
13  /* Subroutine for primary estimation of Theta,Phi */
14  /* and 1/R at point XYZ if they aren't known */
15  /* Author: V.Kostyukhin */
16  /* --------------------------------------------------- */
18  double partmp[5];
19  double Ref0[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
21  for (int i = 0; i < ntrk; ++i) {
23  long int TrkID = i;
24  Trk::vkalPropagator::Propagate(TrkID, ich[i], &parst[i][0], nullptr, Ref0,
25  xyz, partmp, nullptr);
27  parf[i][0] = partmp[2];
28  parf[i][1] = partmp[3];
29  parf[i][2] = partmp[4];
30  }
31 }

◆ cfsetdiag()

void Trk::cfsetdiag ( long int  n,
double *  matr,
double  value 

Definition at line 236 of file Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Utilities.cxx.

237 {
238  long int i, j, ij;
239  --matr;
241  ij = 0;
242  for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
243  for (j = 1; j <= i; ++j) {
244  ++ij;
245  matr[ij] = 0.;
246  if (i == j) {
247  matr[ij] = value;
248  }
249  }
250  }
251 }

◆ cfSmallEigenvalue()

double Trk::cfSmallEigenvalue ( double *  cov,
long int  n 

Definition at line 450 of file Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Matrix.cxx.

451 {
452  if (n > 100 || n <= 1) return -1;
453  double eig[100];
454  vkGetEigVal(cov, eig, n);
456  return eig[0];
457 }

◆ cfTrkCovarCorr()

void Trk::cfTrkCovarCorr ( double *  cov)

Definition at line 290 of file Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Utilities.cxx.

290  {
291 // std::cout<<cov[1]*cov[1]/cov[0]/cov[2]<<'\n';
292 // std::cout<<cov[3]*cov[3]/cov[0]/cov[5]<<", "<<cov[4]*cov[4]/cov[2]/cov[5]<<'\n';
293 // std::cout<<cov[6]*cov[6]/cov[0]/cov[9]<<", "<<cov[7]*cov[7]/cov[2]/cov[9]<<", "<<cov[8]*cov[8]/cov[5]/cov[9]<<'\n';
294 // std::cout<<cov[10]*cov[10]/cov[0]/cov[14]<<", "<<cov[11]*cov[11]/cov[2]/cov[14]<<", "<<cov[12]*cov[12]/cov[5]/cov[14]<<
295 // ", "<<cov[13]*cov[13]/cov[9]/cov[14]<<'\n';
296  double Lim=0.99; double Lim2=Lim*Lim;
297  bool i0,i1,i2,i3,i4; i0=i1=i2=i3=i4=false;
298  if( std::abs(cov[1]*cov[1])/cov[0]/cov[2] > Lim2 ){ i0=true; i1=true;}
299  if( std::abs(cov[3]*cov[3])/cov[0]/cov[5] > Lim2 ){ i0=true; i2=true;}
300  if( std::abs(cov[4]*cov[4])/cov[2]/cov[5] > Lim2 ){ i1=true; i2=true;}
301  if( std::abs(cov[6]*cov[6])/cov[0]/cov[9] > Lim2 ){ i0=true; i3=true;}
302  if( std::abs(cov[7]*cov[7])/cov[2]/cov[9] > Lim2 ){ i1=true; i3=true;}
303  if( std::abs(cov[8]*cov[8])/cov[5]/cov[9] > Lim2 ){ i2=true; i3=true;}
304  if( std::abs(cov[10]*cov[10])/cov[0]/cov[14] > Lim2 ){ i0=true; i4=true;}
305  if( std::abs(cov[11]*cov[11])/cov[2]/cov[14] > Lim2 ){ i1=true; i4=true;}
306  if( std::abs(cov[12]*cov[12])/cov[5]/cov[14] > Lim2 ){ i2=true; i4=true;}
307  if( std::abs(cov[13]*cov[13])/cov[9]/cov[14] > Lim2 ){ i3=true; i4=true;}
309  if(i0){ cov[1]*=Lim; cov[3]*=Lim; cov[6]*=Lim; cov[10]*=Lim; }
310  if(i1){ cov[1]*=Lim; cov[4]*=Lim; cov[7]*=Lim; cov[11]*=Lim; }
311  if(i2){ cov[3]*=Lim; cov[4]*=Lim; cov[8]*=Lim; cov[12]*=Lim; }
312  if(i3){ cov[6]*=Lim; cov[7]*=Lim; cov[8]*=Lim; cov[13]*=Lim; }
313  if(i4){ cov[10]*=Lim; cov[11]*=Lim; cov[12]*=Lim; cov[13]*=Lim; }
314 }

◆ cfVrtDstSig()

double Trk::cfVrtDstSig ( VKVertex vk,
bool  UseTrkErr 

Definition at line 33 of file cfVrtDst.cxx.

34 {
35  int i,j,ij,it;
36  double parV0[5], covParV0[15];
37  double Signif;
38  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
40  double ptot[3]= {0.,0.,0.};
41  int NTRK = vk->TrackList.size();
42  for ( it=0; it<NTRK; it++) {
43  std::array<double, 4> pp=getCnstParticleMom( vk->TrackList[it].get(), vk );
44  ptot[0] += pp[0];
45  ptot[1] += pp[1];
46  ptot[2] += pp[2];
47  }
48  double fittedVrt[3]={vk->refIterV[0] + vk->cnstV[0],
49  vk->refIterV[1] + vk->cnstV[1],
50  vk->refIterV[2] + vk->cnstV[2]};
51  long int Charge = 0; for ( it=0; it<NTRK; it++) Charge += vk->TrackList[it]->Charge;
52 //std::cout<<" cfVrtDst ntrk="<<NTRK<<" chg="<<Charge<<'\n';
53  double localField=Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld(fittedVrt,(vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
54  if ( UseTrkErr){
55  combinedTrack( Charge, ptot, vk->fitCovXYZMom, localField, parV0, covParV0);
56  }else{
57  double DummyErr[21] = { 1.e-20,
58  0., 1.e-20,
59  0., 0., 1.e-20,
60  0., 0., 0., 1.e-18,
61  0., 0., 0., 0., 1.e-18,
62  0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.e-18};
63  combinedTrack( Charge, ptot, DummyErr, localField, parV0, covParV0);
64  }
65 //
66 // Propagation to constraint vertex
67 //
68  double nPar[5],nCov[15];
69  long int TrkID = -999; // Abstract track propagation
70  Trk::vkalPropagator::Propagate( TrkID, Charge, parV0, covParV0, fittedVrt, vk->FVC.vrt, nPar, nCov, (vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
71 //
72 //
73  double cnv[2][3];
74  cnv[0][0] = -sin(nPar[3]);
75  cnv[0][1] = cos(nPar[3]);
76  cnv[0][2] = 0.;
77  cnv[1][0] = sin(nPar[3])/tan(nPar[2]);
78  cnv[1][1] = cos(nPar[3])/tan(nPar[2]);
79  cnv[1][2] = -1.;
80 //--
81  double covImp[3]={0.,0.,0.};
82  for( i=0; i<3; i++){
83  for( j=0; j<3; j++){
84  if(i>=j){ ij=i*(i+1)/2+j; }else{ ij=j*(j+1)/2+i;}
85  covImp[0] += cnv[0][i]*vk->FVC.covvrt[ij]*cnv[0][j];
86  covImp[1] += cnv[0][i]*vk->FVC.covvrt[ij]*cnv[1][j];
87  covImp[2] += cnv[1][i]*vk->FVC.covvrt[ij]*cnv[1][j];
88  }
89  }
90  if ( UseTrkErr){ covImp[0] += nCov[0]; covImp[1] += nCov[1]; covImp[2] += nCov[2];}
92  double dwgt[3];
93  int IERR=cfdinv(covImp, dwgt, -2); if(IERR){ IERR=cfdinv(covImp, dwgt, 2); if(IERR){dwgt[0]=dwgt[2]=1.e6; dwgt[1]=0.;}}
94  Signif = sqrt(dwgt[0] * nPar[0] * nPar[0] + 2. * dwgt[1] * nPar[0] * nPar[1] +
95  dwgt[2] * nPar[1] * nPar[1]);
97 //std::cout<<" fittedcov="<<nCov[0]<<", "<<nCov[2]<<'\n';
98 //std::cout<<" cfVrtDstSig="<<Signif<<", "<<nPar[0]<<", "<<nPar[1]<<'\n';
99  return Signif;
100 }

◆ combinedTrack()

void Trk::combinedTrack ( long int  ICH,
double *  pv0,
double *  covi,
double  BMAG,
double *  par,
double *  covo 

Definition at line 113 of file XYZtrp.cxx.

114 {
116  double cnv[36]; /* was [6][6] */
117 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
118 /* Subroutine for convertion for VKalvrtCore */
119 /* Correct magnetic field BMAG at conversion point */
120 /* is provided externally. */
121 /* (X,Y,Z,PX,PY,PZ) --> (eps,z,theta,phi,1/r) */
122 /* Input: */
123 /* ICH - charge of track ( +1,0,-1 ) */
124 /* PV0(3) - Momentum of particle */
125 /* COVI(21) - simmetric covariance matrix */
126 /* Output: */
127 /* PARO(5) - (eps,z,theta,phi,1/r) */
128 /* ERRT(15) - simmetric error matrix */
130 /* For ICH=0 PARO(5) = const/pt */
131 /* Author: V.Kostyukhin */
132 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
134  double constBF =BMAG * vkalMagCnvCst;
136  double pt = sqrt(pv0[0]*pv0[0] + pv0[1]*pv0[1]);
137  double pp = pt*pt + pv0[2]*pv0[2];
138  double cs = pv0[0] / pt;
139  double sn = pv0[1] / pt;
140  double ctg = pv0[2] / pt;
141  double rho = ICH * constBF / pt;
142  if ( ICH==0 )rho = constBF / pt;
143 /* -- Output parameters */
144  par[0] = 0.; /* (-Yv*cos + Xv*sin) */
145  par[1] = 0.; /* Zv - cotth*(Xv*cos + Yv*sin) */
146  par[2] = acos(pv0[2] / sqrt(pp));
147  if(par[2]<1.e-5)par[2]=1.e-5;
148  if(par[2]>M_PI-1.e-5) par[2]=M_PI-1.e-5;
149  par[3] = atan2(pv0[1], pv0[0]);
150  par[4] = rho;
151  if ( ICH==0 )par[4] = constBF / pt;
152 //
153  double dTheta_dPx = pv0[0]*pv0[2]/(pt*pp); //dTheta/dPx
154  double dTheta_dPy = pv0[1]*pv0[2]/(pt*pp); //dTheta/dPy
155  double dTheta_dPz = -pt/pp; //dTheta/dPz
156  double dPhi_dPx = -pv0[1]/(pt*pt); //dPhi/dPx
157  double dPhi_dPy = pv0[0]/(pt*pt); //dPhi/dPy
158  double dPhi_dPz = 0; //dPhi/dPz
159  double dRho_dPx = -pv0[0]/(pt*pt) * rho; //dInvR/dPx
160  double dRho_dPy = -pv0[1]/(pt*pt) * rho; //dInvR/dPy
161  double dRho_dPz = 0.; //dInvR/dPz
162 //---
163  cnv_ref(1, 1) = sn;
164  cnv_ref(2, 1) = -cs;
165  cnv_ref(3, 1) = 0.;
166  cnv_ref(4, 1) = 0.;
167  cnv_ref(5, 1) = 0.;
168  cnv_ref(6, 1) = 0.;
170  cnv_ref(1, 2) = -cs * ctg;
171  cnv_ref(2, 2) = -sn * ctg;
172  cnv_ref(3, 2) = 1.;
173  cnv_ref(4, 2) = 0.;
174  cnv_ref(5, 2) = 0.;
175  cnv_ref(6, 2) = 0.;
177  cnv_ref(1, 3) = 0.;
178  cnv_ref(2, 3) = 0.;
179  cnv_ref(3, 3) = 0.;
180  cnv_ref(4, 3) = dTheta_dPx;
181  cnv_ref(5, 3) = dTheta_dPy;
182  cnv_ref(6, 3) = dTheta_dPz;
184  cnv_ref(1, 4) = 0.;
185  cnv_ref(2, 4) = 0.;
186  if(ICH) cnv_ref(1, 4) = -cs * rho; //For charged tracks only
187  if(ICH) cnv_ref(2, 4) = -sn * rho; //
188  cnv_ref(3, 4) = 0.;
189  cnv_ref(4, 4) = dPhi_dPx;
190  cnv_ref(5, 4) = dPhi_dPy;
191  cnv_ref(6, 4) = dPhi_dPz;
193  cnv_ref(1, 5) = 0.;
194  cnv_ref(2, 5) = 0.;
195  cnv_ref(3, 5) = 0.;
196  cnv_ref(4, 5) = dRho_dPx;
197  cnv_ref(5, 5) = dRho_dPy;
198  cnv_ref(6, 5) = dRho_dPz;
199  tdasatVK(cnv, covi , covo, 5, 6);
200 }

◆ consistentSurfaces() [1/2]

template<typename U , typename ... T>
bool Trk::consistentSurfaces ( a,
T...  b 

Definition at line 23 of file SurfaceConsistencyCheck.h.

23  {
24  if (a==nullptr) return (consistentSurfaces(b...));
25  return (((b!=nullptr)?(a->associatedSurface() == b->associatedSurface()):true) and ...);
26  }

◆ consistentSurfaces() [2/2]

template<typename U >
bool Trk::consistentSurfaces ( )

Definition at line 17 of file SurfaceConsistencyCheck.h.

17  {
18  return true;
19  }

◆ copyFullMtx()

void Trk::copyFullMtx ( const double *  Input,
long int  IPar,
long int  IDIM,
double *  Target,
long int  TStart,
long int  TDIM 

Definition at line 246 of file CascadeUtils.cxx.

248 {
249  int i,j,it,jt;
250  for( i=0; i<IPar; i++){
251  for( j=0; j<IPar; j++){
252  it=i+TStart; jt=j+TStart;
253  Target[it*TDIM+jt] = Input[i*IDIM+j];
254  }
255  }
256 }

◆ d_sign()

double Trk::d_sign ( double  value,
double  sign 

Definition at line 33 of file TrkVKalUtils.h.

34  {
35  if( value >= 0){
36  if (sign >=0) return value;
37  if (sign < 0) return -value;
38  }
39  if( value < 0){
40  if (sign >=0) return -value;
41  if (sign < 0) return value;
42  }
43  return value;
44  }

◆ decomposeTransform()

void Trk::decomposeTransform ( const Amg::Transform3D transform,
double *  values 

Definition at line 57 of file AlignModule.cxx.

58  {
59  Amg::Vector3D translation = transform.translation();
60  values[0]=translation.x();
61  values[1]=translation.y();
62  values[2]=translation.z();
66  double sinbeta = rotation(2,0);
67  if(fabs(sinbeta) < 0.99999 ){
69 // double invcosbeta = 1./std::sqrt(1.-sinbeta*sinbeta);
70 // double sinalpha = rotation(2,1)*invcosbeta;
71 // double singamma = rotation(1,0)*invcosbeta;
72 // std::cout << "Alpha " << -std::asin(sinalpha) << " " << -std::atan2( -rotation(2,1), rotation(2,2) )<< std::endl;
73 // std::cout << "Beta " << -std::asin(sinbeta) << " " << std::acos(1./invcosbeta) << std::endl;
74 // std::cout << "Gamma " << -std::asin(singamma) << " " << -std::atan2( -rotation(1,0), rotation(0,0 )) << std::endl;
76  values[3]=-std::atan2( -rotation(2,1), rotation(2,2) );
77  values[4]=-std::asin(sinbeta);
78  values[5]=-std::atan2( -rotation(1,0), rotation(0,0) ) ;
79  if (values[3] == 0) values[3] = 0; // convert -0 to 0
80  if (values[5] == 0) values[5] = 0; // convert -0 to 0
82  } else {
83  double alphaPlusGamma = std::asin( rotation(0,1) );
84  values[3] = alphaPlusGamma;
85  values[5] = 0;
86  if( sinbeta > 0 )
87  values[4] = M_PI * 0.5;
88  else
89  values[4] = -M_PI * 0.5;
90  }
92  }

◆ detTypeStr()

std::string Trk::detTypeStr ( AlignModule::DetectorType  detType)

returns the detector type

Definition at line 177 of file AlignModule.cxx.

178  {
179  std::string typeStr;
180  switch (detType) {
182  typeStr="none"; break;
183  case AlignModule::Pixel:
184  typeStr="Pixel"; break;
185  case AlignModule::SCT:
186  typeStr="SCT"; break;
187  case AlignModule::TRT:
188  typeStr="TRT"; break;
189  case AlignModule::MDT:
190  typeStr="MDT"; break;
191  case AlignModule::CSC:
192  typeStr="CSC"; break;
193  case AlignModule::RPC:
194  typeStr="RPC"; break;
195  case AlignModule::TGC:
196  typeStr="TGC"; break;
197  case AlignModule::NDetectorTypes:
198  typeStr="NDetectorTypes"; break;
199  }
200  return typeStr;
201  }

◆ dsinv()

void Trk::dsinv ( long int  n,
double *  a,
long int  DIM,
long int *  ifail 

Definition at line 517 of file Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Matrix.cxx.

518 {
519  long int a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3;
520  long int i__, j, k, l;
521  double s1, s31, s32, s33;
522  long int jm1, jm2, jp1;
525  /* Parameter adjustments */
526  a_dim1 = DIM;
527  a_offset = a_dim1 + 1;
528  a -= a_offset;
530  /* Function Body */
531  jp1 = 0;
532  *ifail = 0;
533  i__1 = n;
534  for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
535  if (a[j + j * a_dim1] <= 0.) {
536  goto L150;
537  }
538  a[j + j * a_dim1] = 1. / a[j + j * a_dim1];
539  if (j == n) {
540  goto L199;
541  }
542  jp1 = j + 1;
543  i__2 = n;
544  for (l = jp1; l <= i__2; ++l) {
545  a[j + l * a_dim1] = a[j + j * a_dim1] * a[l + j * a_dim1];
546  s1 = -a[l + (j + 1) * a_dim1];
547  i__3 = j;
548  for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) {
549  s1 = a[l + i__ * a_dim1] * a[i__ + (j + 1) * a_dim1] + s1;
550  }
551  a[l + (j + 1) * a_dim1] = -s1;
552  }
553  }
554 L150:
555  *ifail = -1;
556  return;
557 L199:
559  if (n == 1) {
560  goto L399;
561  }
562  a[(a_dim1 << 1) + 1] = -a[(a_dim1 << 1) + 1];
563  a[a_dim1 + 2] = a[(a_dim1 << 1) + 1] * a[(a_dim1 << 1) + 2];
564  if (n == 2) {
565  goto L320;
566  }
567  i__1 = n;
568  for (j = 3; j <= i__1; ++j) {
569  jm2 = j - 2;
570  i__2 = jm2;
571  for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) {
572  s31 = a[k + j * a_dim1];
573  i__3 = jm2;
574  for (i__ = k; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) {
575  s31 = a[k + (i__ + 1) * a_dim1] * a[i__ + 1 + j * a_dim1] +
576  s31;
577  }
578  a[k + j * a_dim1] = -s31;
579  a[j + k * a_dim1] = -s31 * a[j + j * a_dim1];
580  }
581  a[j - 1 + j * a_dim1] = -a[j - 1 + j * a_dim1];
582  a[j + (j - 1) * a_dim1] = a[j - 1 + j * a_dim1] * a[j + j * a_dim1];
583  }
584 L320:
585  j = 1;
586 L323:
587  s33 = a[j + j * a_dim1];
588  if (j == n) goto L325;
589  jp1 = j + 1;
590  i__1 = n;
591  for (i__ = jp1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
592  s33 = a[j + i__ * a_dim1] * a[i__ + j * a_dim1] + s33;
593  }
594 L325:
595  a[j + j * a_dim1] = s33;
596  jm1 = j;
597  j = jp1;
598  i__1 = jm1;
599  for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
600  s32 = 0.;
601  i__2 = n;
602  for (i__ = j; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
603  s32 = a[k + i__ * a_dim1] * a[i__ + j * a_dim1] + s32;
604  }
605  a[k + j * a_dim1] = s32;
606  a[j + k * a_dim1] = s32;
607  }
608  if (j < n) goto L323;
609 L399:
610  return;
611 }

◆ dumpAlignTrackType()

std::string Trk::dumpAlignTrackType ( const AlignTrack::AlignTrackType  type)

Definition at line 410 of file AlignTrack.cxx.

411  {
412  switch(type) {
413  case AlignTrack::Unknown: return "Unknown";
414  case AlignTrack::Original: return "Original";
415  case AlignTrack::NormalRefitted: return "NormalRefitted";
416  case AlignTrack::BeamspotConstrained: return "BeamspotConstrained";
417  case AlignTrack::VertexConstrained: return "VertexConstrained";
418  default: return "UNDEFINED";
419  }
420  }

◆ efdCoef()

void Trk::efdCoef ( double  Ga0,
double  Gamb,
double  Gab,
double  Gw0,
double  Gwb,
double  alf,
double  bet,
double  w,
double &  d,
double &  e,
double &  f 

Definition at line 269 of file Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Utilities.cxx.

274 {
276  e = (Gab + Gamb - 2.*Ga0)/bet/bet/2.;
277  f = (Gwb + Gamb - 2.*e*bet*bet - Gw0 - Ga0)/bet/(w-alf);
278  d = (Gab - Ga0 - e*bet*bet - f*alf*bet)/bet;
279 }

◆ ErrorScalingCast()

template<typename T_res , typename T_src >
const T_res* Trk::ErrorScalingCast ( const T_src *  src)

Definition at line 14 of file ErrorScalingCast.h.

14  {
16  if (T_res::s_type != src->type()) {
17  std::stringstream message;
18  message << "Invalid RIO_OnTrackErrorScaling type. Expected "
19  << T_res::s_type << " But Received " << src->type();
21  throw std::runtime_error(message.str());
22  }
23  return static_cast<const T_res*>(src);
24 }

◆ finter()

double Trk::finter ( double  y0,
double  y1,
double  y2,
double  x0,
double  x1,
double  x2 

Definition at line 128 of file Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Utilities.cxx.

129 {
130  double ret_val;
131  volatile double b1,b2; // To guarantee AMD==Intel
133 /* ------------------------*/
134 /* Function interpolation */
135 /* Author: V.Kostyukhin */
136 /* ------------------------*/
137  b1 = (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0);
138  b2 = (y2 - y0 - b1 * (x2 - x0)) / (x2 - x0) / (x2 - x1);
139  if (std::abs(b2) < 1e-8) {
140  if (y2 <= y0 && y2 < y1) {
141  ret_val = x2;
142  } else if (y1 <= y0 && y1 < y2) {
143  ret_val = x1;
144  } else if (y0 < y1 && y0 < y2) {
145  ret_val = x0 + (x2 - x0) * .001;
146  } else {
147  ret_val = x2;
148  }
149  return ret_val;
150  }
151  ret_val = (x1 + x0) - ( b1 / b2 );
152 //VK 14.08.2007 Check now is after call of this subroutine
153 // double NegativeLim = x0 + (x2 - x0) * (-0.3);
154 // if (ret_val <= x0) {
155 // if (ret_val <= NegativeLim) ret_val = NegativeLim;
156 // }
157  return ret_val/2.;
158 }

◆ fitVertexCascade()

int Trk::fitVertexCascade ( VKVertex vk,
int  Pointing 

Definition at line 89 of file CFitCascade.cxx.

90 {
91 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
92 // Fits single vertex in cascade (no iterations , just a single fit!!!)
93 // creates summary track after it and fills corresponding track parameters
94 // in next vertex in cascade
95 //
96 // Procedure assumes that "included tracks"(from vertices) are already
97 // recalculated in predecessor vertices fits.
98 //
99 // Pointing=0 (false) - for combined track FITTED at vertex parameters are used
100 // ^^^^^^ better convergence
101 // Pointing=1 (true) - for combined track GUESSED(ini) at GUESSED(ini) vertex
102 // parameters are used together with afterfit error matrix.
103 // It's needed for correct treatment of pointing
104 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
105 //
106 // Fit itself. First get magnetic field at iteration reference point
107 //
108  vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.localbmag=Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld(vk->refIterV,(vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
111 //
112 //-------- Check if pointing constraint exists
113 //
114  bool existPointingCnst=false;
115  for(int ic=0; ic<(int)vk->ConstraintList.size(); ic++){
116  if(vk->ConstraintList[ic]->getType() == VKContraintType::Point) { existPointingCnst=true; break; }
117  }
118 //
119 //-------- Then fit
120 //
121  applyConstraints(vk); //apply all constraints in vertex
122  int IERR = vtcfit( vk );
123  if(IERR) return IERR;
124 //
125 //fit vertex once more with resolved constraints to prevent oscillations
126 // if(Pointing){
127 // double targVrt[3]={vk->refIterV[0] + vk->fitV[0],vk->refIterV[1] + vk->fitV[1],vk->refIterV[2] + vk->fitV[2]};
128 // vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.localbmag=myMagFld.getMagFld(vk->targVrt,(vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
129 // vk->setRefIterV(targVrt);
130 // vk->iniV[0]=vk->fitV[0]=vk->cnstV[0]=vk->iniV[1]=vk->fitV[1]=vk->cnstV[1]=vk->iniV[2]=vk->fitV[2]=vk->cnstV[2]=0.;
131 // for(int it=0; it<(int)vk->TrackList.size(); it++){
132 // VKTrack * trk = vk->TrackList[it];
133 // trk->cnstP[0] = trk->iniP[0] = trk->fitP[0]; // for constraint calculation on next step
134 // trk->cnstP[1] = trk->iniP[1] = trk->fitP[1];
135 // trk->cnstP[2] = trk->iniP[2] = trk->fitP[2];
136 // }
137 // applyConstraints(vk); //apply all constraints in vertex
138 // int IERR = vtcfit( vk );
139 // if(IERR) return IERR;
140 // }
141 //
142 // Fill fitted combined track in next vertex (if needed)
143 //
144  if(vk->nextCascadeVrt){
145  FullMTXfill(vk, vk->ader);
146  VKTrack * target_trk = getCombinedVTrack(vk); // get address of combined track
147  if( target_trk == nullptr ) return -12;
149  long int Charge=getVertexCharge(vk);
150  if(Charge!=0) Charge=std::copysign(1,Charge);
151  target_trk->Charge=Charge;
153  double dptot[4],VrtMomCov[21];
154  double parV0[5],covParV0[15],tmpCov[15],fittedVrt[3];
155  if(Pointing){
156  IERR = afterFitWithIniPar( vk, vk->ader, vk->FVC.dcv, dptot, VrtMomCov, (vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
157  fittedVrt[0]=vk->refIterV[0]+vk->iniV[0];
158  fittedVrt[1]=vk->refIterV[1]+vk->iniV[1];
159  fittedVrt[2]=vk->refIterV[2]+vk->iniV[2];
160  }
161  else{
162  IERR = afterFit( vk, vk->ader, vk->FVC.dcv, dptot, VrtMomCov, (vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
163  fittedVrt[0]=vk->refIterV[0]+vk->fitV[0];
164  fittedVrt[1]=vk->refIterV[1]+vk->fitV[1];
165  fittedVrt[2]=vk->refIterV[2]+vk->fitV[2];
166  }
167  if (IERR) return -13; /* NONINVERTIBLE COV.MATRIX */
168  cfdcopy( dptot, vk->fitMom, 3); //save Momentum
169  cfdcopy(VrtMomCov, vk->fitCovXYZMom, 21); //save XYZMom covariance
170 //
171 //-- Solution (not ideal!) of cascade covariance problem.
172 //-- Covariance of pseudo-particle must be calculated WITHOUT pointing constraint ALWAYS!.
173 //
174 // if(existPointingCnst){ // use saved matrix without pointing constraint
175 // cfdcopy( vk->savedVrtMomCov, VrtMomCov, 21);
176 // }else{ // save computed matrix for further use
177 // cfdcopy( VrtMomCov, vk->savedVrtMomCov, 21);
178 // }
179  if(existPointingCnst){ // add pointed vertex covariance to track
180  for(int km=0; km<6; km++) VrtMomCov[km] += vk->nextCascadeVrt->fitCovXYZMom[km];
181  if(vk->nextCascadeVrt->TrackList[0]->Id>0){ //There is at least one real track in this vertex
182  VrtMomCov[0] *= 1000.;
183  VrtMomCov[2] *= 1000.;
184  VrtMomCov[5] *= 1000.;
185  VrtMomCov[9] *= 1000.;
186  VrtMomCov[14] *= 1000.;
187  VrtMomCov[20] *= 1000.;
188  }
189  }
190 //
191 // Particle creation and propagation
192  double localField=Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld(fittedVrt,(vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
193  combinedTrack( Charge, dptot, VrtMomCov, localField, parV0, covParV0);
194  covParV0[0]=std::abs(covParV0[0]); covParV0[2]=std::abs(covParV0[2]); covParV0[5]=std::abs(covParV0[5]);
195  covParV0[9]=std::abs(covParV0[9]); covParV0[14]=std::abs(covParV0[14]); //VK protection against numerical problems
196  Trk::vkalPropagator::Propagate(-999, Charge, parV0, covParV0, fittedVrt,
197  vk->nextCascadeVrt->refIterV, target_trk->Perig, tmpCov, (vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
198 // IERR=cfInv5(tmpCov, target_trk->WgtM); if (IERR) IERR=cfdinv(tmpCov, target_trk->WgtM, 5);
199 // target_trk->iniP[0]=target_trk->cnstP[0]=target_trk->fitP[0]=target_trk->Perig[2]; //initial guess
200 // target_trk->iniP[1]=target_trk->cnstP[1]=target_trk->fitP[1]=target_trk->Perig[3];
201 // target_trk->iniP[2]=target_trk->cnstP[2]=target_trk->fitP[2]=target_trk->Perig[4];
202  if( target_trk->fitP[2] == 0.){
203  target_trk->iniP[0]=target_trk->cnstP[0]=target_trk->Perig[2]; //initial guess
204  target_trk->iniP[1]=target_trk->cnstP[1]=target_trk->Perig[3];
205  target_trk->iniP[2]=target_trk->cnstP[2]=target_trk->Perig[4];
206  }else if(Pointing){
207  target_trk->iniP[0]=target_trk->cnstP[0]=target_trk->fitP[0]; //initial guess
208  target_trk->iniP[1]=target_trk->cnstP[1]=target_trk->fitP[1];
209  target_trk->iniP[2]=target_trk->cnstP[2]=target_trk->fitP[2];
210  }else{
211  target_trk->iniP[0]=target_trk->cnstP[0]=(target_trk->fitP[0]+target_trk->Perig[2])/2.; //initial guess
212  target_trk->iniP[1]=target_trk->cnstP[1]=(target_trk->fitP[1]+target_trk->Perig[3])/2.;
213  target_trk->iniP[2]=target_trk->cnstP[2]=(target_trk->fitP[2]+target_trk->Perig[4])/2.;
214  }
215  if(tmpCov[0]>1.e12 || tmpCov[2]>1.e12) return -18; //Something is wrong in combined track creation
216  if(Pointing){tmpCov[0] += target_trk->Perig[0]*target_trk->Perig[0]; tmpCov[2] += target_trk->Perig[1]*target_trk->Perig[1];}
217  tmpCov[0] += 0.0001*0.0001; tmpCov[2] += 0.0002*0.0002; //numerical accuracy protection
219  IERR=cfInv5(tmpCov, target_trk->WgtM); if (IERR) IERR=cfdinv(tmpCov, target_trk->WgtM, 5);
220  if (IERR) return -15; /* NONINVERTIBLE COV.MATRIX */
221  }
222 //
223 // For passing near vertex constraint. Normally first(mother) vertex of cascade
224 // Now used also for "close to vertex" mode for cascade
225 // For last in structure (mother in cascade...) always calculate it - needed for pointing
226 //
227  CascadeEvent & cascadeEvent_ = *(vk->vk_fitterControl->getCascadeEvent());
228  if( vk->passNearVertex || vk==cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1].get()){
229  double dptot[4],VrtMomCov[21];
230  IERR = afterFit( vk, vk->ader, vk->FVC.dcv, dptot, VrtMomCov, (vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
231  if (IERR) return -13; /* NONINVERTIBLE COV.MATRIX */
232  cfdcopy( dptot, vk->fitMom, 3); //save Momentum
233  cfdcopy(VrtMomCov, vk->fitCovXYZMom, 21); //save XYZMom covariance
234  }
235  return 0;
236 }

◆ fitVertexCascadeScale()

int Trk::fitVertexCascadeScale ( VKVertex vk,
double &  distToVertex 

Definition at line 44 of file CFitCascadeScale.cxx.

45 {
46 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 // Fits single vertex in cascade (no iterations , just a single fit!!!)
48 // creates summary track after it and fills corresponding track parameters
49 // in next vertex in cascade
50 //
51 // "Near to vertex" pointing is used here with decreasing vertex errors
52 //
53 // Procedure assumes that "included tracks"(from vertices) are already
54 // recalculated in predecessor vertices fits.
55 //
56 // Fit itself. First get magnetic field at iteration reference point
57 //
58  distToVertex = 0.;
59  vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.localbmag=Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld(vk->refIterV,(vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
62 //
63 //-------- Then fit
64 //
65  applyConstraints(vk); //apply all constraints in vertex
66  int IERR = vtcfit( vk );
67  if(IERR) return IERR;
68 //
69 //
70 // Fill fitted combined track in next vertex (if needed)
71 //
72  double dptot[4],VrtMomCov[21];
73  IERR = afterFit( vk, vk->ader, vk->FVC.dcv, dptot, VrtMomCov, (vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
74  if (IERR) return -13; /* NONINVERTIBLE COV.MATRIX */
75  cfdcopy( dptot, vk->fitMom, 3); //save Momentum
76  cfdcopy(VrtMomCov, vk->fitCovXYZMom, 21); //save XYZMom covariance
77  vk->FVC.Charge=getVertexCharge(vk);
78  if(vk->FVC.Charge!=0)vk->FVC.Charge=std::copysign(1,vk->FVC.Charge);
79 //
80  if(vk->nextCascadeVrt){
81  FullMTXfill(vk, vk->ader);
82  VKTrack * target_trk = getCombinedVTrack(vk); // get address of combined track
83  if( target_trk == nullptr ) return -12;
85  long int Charge=getVertexCharge(vk);
86  if(Charge!=0)Charge=std::copysign(1,Charge);
87  target_trk->Charge=Charge;
89  double parV0[5],covParV0[15],tmpCov[15],fittedVrt[3];
90  fittedVrt[0]=vk->refIterV[0]+vk->fitV[0];
91  fittedVrt[1]=vk->refIterV[1]+vk->fitV[1];
92  fittedVrt[2]=vk->refIterV[2]+vk->fitV[2];
93 //
94 // Particle creation and propagation
95  double localField=Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld(fittedVrt,(vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
96  combinedTrack( Charge, dptot, VrtMomCov, localField, parV0, covParV0);
97  covParV0[0]=std::abs(covParV0[0]); covParV0[2]=std::abs(covParV0[2]); covParV0[5]=fabs(covParV0[5]);
98  covParV0[9]=std::abs(covParV0[9]); covParV0[14]=std::abs(covParV0[14]); //VK protection against numerical problems
99  Trk::vkalPropagator::Propagate(-999, Charge, parV0, covParV0, fittedVrt,
100  vk->nextCascadeVrt->refIterV, target_trk->Perig, tmpCov, (vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
101 //std::cout<<"testR,Z="<<target_trk->Perig[0]<<", "<<target_trk->Perig[1]<<'\n';
102  distToVertex = sqrt(target_trk->Perig[0]*target_trk->Perig[0]+target_trk->Perig[1]*target_trk->Perig[1]);
103  target_trk->iniP[0]=target_trk->cnstP[0]=target_trk->Perig[2]; //initial guess
104  target_trk->iniP[1]=target_trk->cnstP[1]=target_trk->Perig[3];
105  target_trk->iniP[2]=target_trk->cnstP[2]=target_trk->Perig[4];
106  IERR=cfInv5(tmpCov, target_trk->WgtM); if (IERR) IERR=cfdinv(tmpCov, target_trk->WgtM, 5);
107  if (IERR) return -15; /* NONINVERTIBLE COV.MATRIX */
108  for(int im=0; im<15; im++)target_trk->WgtM[im] /= vk->vk_fitterControl->getCascadeEvent()->getSCALE(); // Tighten pseudotrack errors
109  }
110 //
111 // Save refitted vertex position as target for predecessors
112  if(!vk->includedVrt.empty()){ // Save fitted vertex as target for "pass near" constraint in previous vertex
113  for(int pseu=0; pseu<(int)vk->includedVrt.size(); pseu++){
114 // vk->includedVrt[pseu]->FVC.vrt[0] = (vk->refIterV[0] + vk->fitV[0] + vk->includedVrt[pseu]->FVC.vrt[0])/2.;
115 // vk->includedVrt[pseu]->FVC.vrt[1] = (vk->refIterV[1] + vk->fitV[1] + vk->includedVrt[pseu]->FVC.vrt[1])/2.;
116 // vk->includedVrt[pseu]->FVC.vrt[2] = (vk->refIterV[2] + vk->fitV[2] + vk->includedVrt[pseu]->FVC.vrt[2])/2.;
117  vk->includedVrt[pseu]->FVC.vrt[0] = vk->refIterV[0] + vk->fitV[0];
118  vk->includedVrt[pseu]->FVC.vrt[1] = vk->refIterV[1] + vk->fitV[1];
119  vk->includedVrt[pseu]->FVC.vrt[2] = vk->refIterV[2] + vk->fitV[2];
120  }
121  }
122  return 0;
123 }

◆ fixPseudoTrackPt()

int Trk::fixPseudoTrackPt ( long int  NPar,
double *  fullMtx,
double *  LSide,
CascadeEvent cascadeEvent_ 

Definition at line 18 of file CascadeUtils.cxx.

19 {
21  int iv,it,ivnext;
22  //Deliberately not make_unique to bypass inititalization
23  std::unique_ptr<double[]> DerivC( new double[NPar] );
24  std::unique_ptr<double[]> DerivP( new double[NPar] );
25  std::unique_ptr<double[]> DerivT( new double[NPar] );
26 //
27  std::vector<double> vMagFld; double vBx,vBy,vBz;
28  for( iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
29  VKVertex * vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
30  Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld(vk->refIterV[0]+vk->iniV[0], vk->refIterV[1]+vk->iniV[1], vk->refIterV[2]+vk->iniV[2],vBx,vBy,vBz,(vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
31  vMagFld.push_back(vBz); // fill mag.fields for all vertices
32  }
33 //
34  for( iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
35  int indCombTrk=-1;
36  int iniPosTrk=0; /* Start of track part of vertex in global matrix */
37  int posCombTrk=0; /* Conbined track position in global matrix */
38  VKVertex* vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
39  if(vk->nextCascadeVrt){ //next vertex exists
40  ivnext=-1; //index of next vertex in common structure
41  for(int ivt=0;ivt<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV;ivt++)if(vk->nextCascadeVrt==cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[ivt].get())ivnext=ivt;
42  if(ivnext<0){return -1;}; //error in cascade
43 //
44  int NV=vk->nextCascadeVrt->includedVrt.size();
45  if(NV>0){
46  for(it=0; it<NV; it++)
47  if(vk->nextCascadeVrt->includedVrt[it] == vk)
48  indCombTrk=vk->nextCascadeVrt->TrackList.size() - NV + it; // index of combined track in next vertex track list
49  }
50  if(indCombTrk>=0){
51  iniPosTrk =cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt[iv]+3; /*Start of track part of vertex in global matrix */
52  posCombTrk =cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt[ivnext]+3+3*indCombTrk; /*Get position in global matrix */
53  }
54  if(posCombTrk==0 || iniPosTrk==0) {return -1;} //ERROR in cascade structure somewhere....
55 //
56 // Momentum of pseudo track in next vertex
57  for(int ivt=0; ivt<NPar; ivt++)DerivC[ivt]=DerivP[ivt]=DerivT[ivt]=0.;
58  DerivC[posCombTrk+2]=-1.;
59  DerivT[posCombTrk+0]=-1.;
60  DerivP[posCombTrk+1]=-1.;
61  std::array<double, 4> ppsum = getIniParticleMom( vk->nextCascadeVrt->TrackList[indCombTrk].get(), vMagFld[ivnext] ); // INI for pseudo
62  double csum=vk->nextCascadeVrt->TrackList[indCombTrk]->iniP[2]; // INI for pseudo
63  double ptsum=sqrt(ppsum[0]*ppsum[0] + ppsum[1]*ppsum[1]);
64  double sinth2sum=(ppsum[0]*ppsum[0] + ppsum[1]*ppsum[1])/(ppsum[0]*ppsum[0] + ppsum[1]*ppsum[1] + ppsum[2]*ppsum[2]);
66 //
67 // Momenta+Derivatives of tracks in vertex itself
68  for(it=0; it<(int)vk->TrackList.size(); it++){
69  std::array<double, 4> pp = getIniParticleMom( vk->TrackList[it].get(), vMagFld[iv]);
70  double curv=vk->TrackList[it]->iniP[2];
71  double pt=sqrt(pp[0]*pp[0] + pp[1]*pp[1]);
72  double cth=pp[2]/pt;
73  double sinth2=(pp[0]*pp[0] + pp[1]*pp[1])/(pp[0]*pp[0] + pp[1]*pp[1] + pp[2]*pp[2]);
74  DerivC[iniPosTrk+it*3+1] = csum/ptsum/ptsum*(ppsum[0]*pp[1]-ppsum[1]*pp[0]); // dC/dPhi_i
75  DerivC[iniPosTrk+it*3+2] = csum/ptsum/ptsum*(ppsum[0]*pp[0]+ppsum[1]*pp[1])/curv; // dC/dC_i
76  DerivP[iniPosTrk+it*3+1] = (ppsum[0]*pp[0]+ppsum[1]*pp[1])/ptsum/ptsum; // dPhi/dPhi_i
77  DerivP[iniPosTrk+it*3+2] = (ppsum[1]*pp[0]-ppsum[0]*pp[1])/ptsum/ptsum/curv; // dPhi/dC_i
78  DerivT[iniPosTrk+it*3+0] = (sinth2sum*pt)/(sinth2*ptsum); // dTheta/dTheta_i
79  DerivT[iniPosTrk+it*3+2] = (sinth2sum*pt*cth)/(curv*ptsum); // dTheta/dC_i
80  }
81 // double iniV0Curv=myMagFld.getCnvCst()*vMagFld[iv]/sqrt(tpx*tpx+tpy*tpy); //initial PseudoTrack Curvature
82 // if(csum<0)iniV0Curv *= -1.;
83 // iniV0Curv *= vMagFld[ivnext]/vMagFld[iv]; //magnetic field correction
84 //
85 //fill Full Matrix and left side vector
86 //
87 //---- Momentum only
88 // for(it=0; it<NPar; it++) fullMtx[ (NPar-1*(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1)+1*iv )*NPar + it] = DerivC[it];
89 // for(it=0; it<NPar; it++) fullMtx[ (NPar-1*(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1)+1*iv ) + it*NPar] = DerivC[it];
90 // LSide[ NPar-1*(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1)+1*iv] = -iniV0Curv+csum;
91 //---- Momentum+phi+theta //VK seems overshooting because direction is fixed by vertex-vertex pointing. Returns wrong error matrix
92  for(it=0; it<NPar; it++) fullMtx[ (NPar-3*(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1)+3*iv )*NPar + it] = DerivT[it];
93  for(it=0; it<NPar; it++) fullMtx[ (NPar-3*(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1)+3*iv+1)*NPar + it] = DerivP[it];
94  for(it=0; it<NPar; it++) fullMtx[ (NPar-3*(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1)+3*iv+2)*NPar + it] = DerivC[it];
95  for(it=0; it<NPar; it++) fullMtx[ (NPar-3*(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1)+3*iv ) + it*NPar] = DerivT[it];
96  for(it=0; it<NPar; it++) fullMtx[ (NPar-3*(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1)+3*iv+1) + it*NPar] = DerivP[it];
97  for(it=0; it<NPar; it++) fullMtx[ (NPar-3*(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1)+3*iv+2) + it*NPar] = DerivC[it];
98  VKTrack* cmbt=vk->nextCascadeVrt->TrackList[indCombTrk].get();
99  LSide[ NPar-3*(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1)+3*iv ] = cmbt->iniP[0]-cmbt->Perig[2];
100  LSide[ NPar-3*(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1)+3*iv+1] = cmbt->iniP[1]-cmbt->Perig[3];
101  LSide[ NPar-3*(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1)+3*iv+2] = cmbt->iniP[2]-cmbt->Perig[4];
102  }
104  } //end of vertex cycle
105  return 0; //All ok
106 }

◆ FullMCNSTfill()

int Trk::FullMCNSTfill ( VKVertex vk,
double *  ader,
double *  LSide 

Definition at line 81 of file FullMtx.cxx.

82 {
83  int i,j,k,l,ii,ic,it,jt;
85  int totNC=0; //total number of constraints
86  for(i=0; i<(int)vk->ConstraintList.size();i++)totNC += vk->ConstraintList[i]->NCDim;
88  int NTRK = vk->TrackList.size();
89  int NPar = 3*NTRK+3+totNC;
90 // int NPar=3*NTrkM+3;
92  for (i=0; i<NPar; i++) { for (j=0; j<NPar; j++) ader[i+j*NPar]=0.; }
93  std::vector<std::vector< const Vect3DF*> > tf0t; // derivative collectors
94  std::vector< const Vect3DF* > th0t; // derivative collectors
95  std::vector< double > taa; // derivative collectors
96  std::vector< const Vect3DF* > tmpVec;
97  for(ii=0; ii<(int)vk->ConstraintList.size();ii++){
98  for(ic=0; ic<(int)vk->ConstraintList[ii]->NCDim; ic++){
99  taa.push_back( vk->ConstraintList[ii]->aa[ic] );
100  th0t.push_back( &(vk->ConstraintList[ii]->h0t[ic]) );
101  tmpVec.clear();
102  tmpVec.reserve(vk->ConstraintList[ii]->f0t.size());
103  for(it=0; it<(int)vk->ConstraintList[ii]->f0t.size(); it++){
104  tmpVec.push_back( &(vk->ConstraintList[ii]->f0t[it][ic]) );
105  }
106  tf0t.push_back( std::move(tmpVec) );
107  }
108  }
109 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
110  ader[0*NPar+ 0] += vk->wa[0];
111  ader[0*NPar+ 1] += vk->wa[1];
112  ader[1*NPar+ 1] += vk->wa[2];
113  ader[0*NPar+ 2] += vk->wa[3];
114  ader[1*NPar+ 2] += vk->wa[4];
115  ader[2*NPar+ 2] += vk->wa[5];
116  ader[1*NPar+ 0] = ader[0*NPar+ 1];
117  ader[2*NPar+ 0] = ader[0*NPar+ 2];
118  ader[2*NPar+ 1] = ader[1*NPar+ 2];
121  for (it=0; it<NTRK; ++it) {
122  ader[0 + (it*3 + 3)*NPar] += vk->tmpArr[it]->wb[0];
123  ader[1 + (it*3 + 3)*NPar] += vk->tmpArr[it]->wb[1];
124  ader[2 + (it*3 + 3)*NPar] += vk->tmpArr[it]->wb[2];
125  ader[0 + (it*3 + 4)*NPar] += vk->tmpArr[it]->wb[3];
126  ader[1 + (it*3 + 4)*NPar] += vk->tmpArr[it]->wb[4];
127  ader[2 + (it*3 + 4)*NPar] += vk->tmpArr[it]->wb[5];
128  ader[0 + (it*3 + 5)*NPar] += vk->tmpArr[it]->wb[6];
129  ader[1 + (it*3 + 5)*NPar] += vk->tmpArr[it]->wb[7];
130  ader[2 + (it*3 + 5)*NPar] += vk->tmpArr[it]->wb[8];
131  }
133  for (it=0; it<NTRK; ++it) {
134  ader[(it*3 + 3) + (it*3 + 3)*NPar] += vk->tmpArr[it]->wc[0];
135  ader[(it*3 + 3) + (it*3 + 4)*NPar] += vk->tmpArr[it]->wc[1];
136  ader[(it*3 + 4) + (it*3 + 4)*NPar] += vk->tmpArr[it]->wc[2];
137  ader[(it*3 + 3) + (it*3 + 5)*NPar] += vk->tmpArr[it]->wc[3];
138  ader[(it*3 + 4) + (it*3 + 5)*NPar] += vk->tmpArr[it]->wc[4];
139  ader[(it*3 + 5) + (it*3 + 5)*NPar] += vk->tmpArr[it]->wc[5];
140  ader[(it*3 + 4) + (it*3 + 3)*NPar] += vk->tmpArr[it]->wc[1];
141  ader[(it*3 + 5) + (it*3 + 3)*NPar] += vk->tmpArr[it]->wc[3];
142  ader[(it*3 + 5) + (it*3 + 4)*NPar] += vk->tmpArr[it]->wc[4];
143  }
144 /* symmetrisation */
145  for (i=0; i<NPar-1; i++) {
146  for (j=i+1; j<NPar; ++j) {
147  ader[j + i*NPar] = ader[i + j*NPar];
148  }
149  }
150 //
151 // For "passing near" constraint
152  if (vk->passNearVertex){
153  double drdpy[2][3],dpipj[3][3];
154  for (it = 0; it < NTRK; ++it) {
155  drdpy[0][0] = vk->tmpArr[it]->drdp[0][0] * vk->FVC.ywgt[0] + vk->tmpArr[it]->drdp[1][0] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1];
156  drdpy[1][0] = vk->tmpArr[it]->drdp[0][0] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1] + vk->tmpArr[it]->drdp[1][0] * vk->FVC.ywgt[2];
157  drdpy[0][1] = vk->tmpArr[it]->drdp[0][1] * vk->FVC.ywgt[0] + vk->tmpArr[it]->drdp[1][1] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1];
158  drdpy[1][1] = vk->tmpArr[it]->drdp[0][1] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1] + vk->tmpArr[it]->drdp[1][1] * vk->FVC.ywgt[2];
159  drdpy[0][2] = vk->tmpArr[it]->drdp[0][2] * vk->FVC.ywgt[0] + vk->tmpArr[it]->drdp[1][2] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1];
160  drdpy[1][2] = vk->tmpArr[it]->drdp[0][2] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1] + vk->tmpArr[it]->drdp[1][2] * vk->FVC.ywgt[2];
161  for (jt = 0; jt < NTRK; ++jt) { /* Matrix */
162  for (k=0; k<3; ++k) {
163  for (l=0; l<3; ++l) {
164  dpipj[k][l] = 0.;
165  for (j=0; j<2; ++j) {
166  dpipj[k][l] += vk->tmpArr[jt]->drdp[j][k] * drdpy[j][l];
167  }
168  }
169  }
170  for (k=0; k<3; ++k) {
171  for (l=0; l<3; ++l) {
172  ader[(it*3+3 +k) + (jt*3+3 +l)*NPar] += dpipj[l][k];
173  }
174  }
175  } // jt cycle
176  } // it cycle
177  }
178 //
179 // Part for lagrange multipliers
180 //
181  int NTrP=NTRK*3 + 3; // track part of matrix
182  for(ic=0; ic<totNC; ic++){
183  ader[(0) + (NTrP+ic)*NPar] = -2.*th0t[ic]->X;
184  ader[(1) + (NTrP+ic)*NPar] = -2.*th0t[ic]->Y;
185  ader[(2) + (NTrP+ic)*NPar] = -2.*th0t[ic]->Z;
186  ader[(0)*NPar + (NTrP+ic) ] = -2.*th0t[ic]->X;
187  ader[(1)*NPar + (NTrP+ic) ] = -2.*th0t[ic]->Y;
188  ader[(2)*NPar + (NTrP+ic) ] = -2.*th0t[ic]->Z;
189  for (it=0; it<NTRK; ++it) {
190  ader[(it*3+3+0) + (NTrP+ic)*NPar] = - 2.*tf0t[ic][it]->X;
191  ader[(it*3+3+1) + (NTrP+ic)*NPar] = - 2.*tf0t[ic][it]->Y;
192  ader[(it*3+3+2) + (NTrP+ic)*NPar] = - 2.*tf0t[ic][it]->Z;
193  ader[(it*3+3+0)*NPar + (NTrP+ic)] = - 2.*tf0t[ic][it]->X;
194  ader[(it*3+3+1)*NPar + (NTrP+ic)] = - 2.*tf0t[ic][it]->Y;
195  ader[(it*3+3+2)*NPar + (NTrP+ic)] = - 2.*tf0t[ic][it]->Z;
196  }
197  }
198 //
199 // Left part
200 //
201 // double *LSide = new double[NPar];
202  LSide[0]=vk->T[0];
203  LSide[1]=vk->T[1];
204  LSide[2]=vk->T[2];
205  for (it=0; it<NTRK; ++it) {
206  LSide[it*3+3+0]=vk->tmpArr[it]->tt[0];
207  LSide[it*3+3+1]=vk->tmpArr[it]->tt[1];
208  LSide[it*3+3+2]=vk->tmpArr[it]->tt[2];
209  }
210  for(ic=0; ic<totNC; ic++){
211  LSide[NTRK*3+3+ic]=taa[ic];
212  }
213 //--------------------------------------------------
214  //int IERR = vkMSolve(ader, LSide, NPar);
215  //std::cout<<"global="<<NPar<<" err="<<IERR<<'\n';
216  //std::cout<<" Vrt="<<LSide[0]<<", "<<LSide[1]<<", "<<LSide[2]<<'\n';
217  //for(it=0; it<NTRK; it++)std::cout<<" trk="<<LSide[it*3+3+0]<<", "
218  // <<LSide[it*3+3+1]<<", "<<LSide[it*3+3+2]<<'\n';
219  return NPar;
220 }

◆ FullMTXfill()

void Trk::FullMTXfill ( VKVertex vk,
double *  ader 

Definition at line 19 of file FullMtx.cxx.

20 {
21  int i,j,it;
23  int NTRK = vk->TrackList.size();
24  int NPar=3*NTRK+3;
26  for (i=0; i<NPar; i++) { for (j=0; j<NPar; j++) { ader_ref(i, j)=0.;} }
28  ader_ref(0, 0) += vk->wa[0];
29  ader_ref(0, 1) += vk->wa[1];
30  ader_ref(1, 1) += vk->wa[2];
31  ader_ref(0, 2) += vk->wa[3];
32  ader_ref(1, 2) += vk->wa[4];
33  ader_ref(2, 2) += vk->wa[5];
34  ader_ref(1, 0) = ader_ref(0, 1);
35  ader_ref(2, 0) = ader_ref(0, 2);
36  ader_ref(2, 1) = ader_ref(1, 2);
39  for (it=0; it<NTRK; ++it) {
40  ader_ref(0, it*3 + 3) += vk->tmpArr[it]->wb[0];
41  ader_ref(1, it*3 + 3) += vk->tmpArr[it]->wb[1];
42  ader_ref(2, it*3 + 3) += vk->tmpArr[it]->wb[2];
43  ader_ref(0, it*3 + 4) += vk->tmpArr[it]->wb[3];
44  ader_ref(1, it*3 + 4) += vk->tmpArr[it]->wb[4];
45  ader_ref(2, it*3 + 4) += vk->tmpArr[it]->wb[5];
46  ader_ref(0, it*3 + 5) += vk->tmpArr[it]->wb[6];
47  ader_ref(1, it*3 + 5) += vk->tmpArr[it]->wb[7];
48  ader_ref(2, it*3 + 5) += vk->tmpArr[it]->wb[8];
49  }
51  for (it=0; it<NTRK; ++it) {
52  ader_ref(it*3 + 3, it*3 + 3) += vk->tmpArr[it]->wc[0];
53  ader_ref(it*3 + 3, it*3 + 4) += vk->tmpArr[it]->wc[1];
54  ader_ref(it*3 + 4, it*3 + 4) += vk->tmpArr[it]->wc[2];
55  ader_ref(it*3 + 3, it*3 + 5) += vk->tmpArr[it]->wc[3];
56  ader_ref(it*3 + 4, it*3 + 5) += vk->tmpArr[it]->wc[4];
57  ader_ref(it*3 + 5, it*3 + 5) += vk->tmpArr[it]->wc[5];
58  ader_ref(it*3 + 4, it*3 + 3) += vk->tmpArr[it]->wc[1];
59  ader_ref(it*3 + 5, it*3 + 3) += vk->tmpArr[it]->wc[3];
60  ader_ref(it*3 + 5, it*3 + 4) += vk->tmpArr[it]->wc[4];
61  }
62 /* symmetrisation */
63  for (i=0; i<NPar-1; i++) {
64  for (j=i+1; j<NPar; ++j) {
65  ader_ref(j, i) = ader_ref(i, j);
66  }
67  }
68 //std::cout<<" FULLMTX NEW="<<ader_ref(0, 0)<<", "<<ader_ref(1, 1)<<", "<<ader_ref(2, 2)<<", "
69 // <<ader_ref(3, 3)<<", "<<ader_ref(4, 4)<<", "<<ader_ref(5, 5)<<", "
70 // <<ader_ref(0, 3)<<", "<<ader_ref(1, 4)<<", "<<ader_ref(3, 5)<<'\n';
71 }

◆ getCascadeNPar()

int Trk::getCascadeNPar ( CascadeEvent cascadeEvent_,
int  Type 

Definition at line 133 of file CascadeUtils.cxx.

134 {
135  int NV=cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV;
136  int NTrk=0;
137  int NCnst=0;
138  for( int iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
139  VKVertex *vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
140  NTrk += vk->TrackList.size();
141  for(int ic=0; ic<(int)vk->ConstraintList.size();ic++) NCnst += vk->ConstraintList[ic]->NCDim;
142  }
143  if(Type==1) return 3*(NV+NTrk); // Return amount of physics parameters
144  return 3*(NV+NTrk)+NCnst + 3*(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1); //additional 3 momentum constraints
145  //return 3*(NV+NTrk)+NCnst + 1*(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1); //additional 1 momentum constraints
146 }

◆ getCnstParticleMom() [1/2]

std::array< double, 4 > Trk::getCnstParticleMom ( const VKTrack trk,
const VKVertex vk 

Definition at line 92 of file cfMomentum.cxx.

93 {
94  std::array<double, 4> p{};
95  double cnstPos[3];
96  cnstPos[0]=vk->refIterV[0]+vk->cnstV[0];
97  cnstPos[1]=vk->refIterV[1]+vk->cnstV[1];
98  cnstPos[2]=vk->refIterV[2]+vk->cnstV[2];
99  double magConst = Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld(cnstPos,(vk->vk_fitterControl).get()) * Trk::vkalMagFld::getCnvCst();
101  double cth = 1. / tan( trk->cnstP[0]);
102  double phi = trk->cnstP[1];
103  double pt = magConst/ std::abs( trk->cnstP[2] );
104  double m = trk->getMass();
105  p[0] = pt * cos(phi);
106  p[1] = pt * sin(phi);
107  p[2] = pt * cth;
108  p[3] = sqrt(p[0]*p[0]+p[1]*p[1]+p[2]*p[2] + m*m );
109  return p;
110 }

◆ getCnstParticleMom() [2/2]

std::array< double, 4 > Trk::getCnstParticleMom ( const VKTrack trk,
double  BMAG 

Definition at line 111 of file cfMomentum.cxx.

112 {
113  std::array<double, 4> p{};
114  double magConst =BMAG * vkalMagCnvCst;
116  double cth = 1. / tan( trk->cnstP[0]);
117  double phi = trk->cnstP[1];
118  double pt = magConst/ std::abs( trk->cnstP[2] );
119  double m = trk->getMass();
120  p[0] = pt * cos(phi);
121  p[1] = pt * sin(phi);
122  p[2] = pt * cth;
123  p[3] = sqrt(p[0]*p[0]+p[1]*p[1]+p[2]*p[2] + m*m );
124  return p;
125 }

◆ getCnstValues2()

double Trk::getCnstValues2 ( VKVertex vk)

Definition at line 244 of file VtCFitC.cxx.

245 {
246  if (vk->ConstraintList.empty()) return 0.;
247  double sumSQ=0.;
248  for(int ii=0; ii<(int)vk->ConstraintList.size();ii++){
249  for(int ic=0; ic<(int)vk->ConstraintList[ii]->NCDim; ic++){
250  sumSQ += (vk->ConstraintList[ii]->aa[ic])*(vk->ConstraintList[ii]->aa[ic]);
251  }
252  }
253  return sumSQ;
254 }

◆ getCombinedVTrack()

VKTrack * Trk::getCombinedVTrack ( VKVertex vk)

Definition at line 110 of file CascadeUtils.cxx.

111 {
112  if(!vk->nextCascadeVrt) return nullptr; //nonpointing vertex
113  int NV=vk->nextCascadeVrt->includedVrt.size();
114  if(NV==0) return nullptr; //Error in structure
116  int itv=-1;
117  for(int it=0; it<NV; it++) if(vk->nextCascadeVrt->includedVrt[it] == vk) {itv=it; break;};
118  if(itv<0) return nullptr; // Not found in list
120  int totNT = vk->nextCascadeVrt->TrackList.size();
121  return vk->nextCascadeVrt->TrackList[totNT - NV + itv].get(); // pointer to combined track in next vertex
122 }

◆ getFitParticleMom() [1/2]

std::array< double, 4 > Trk::getFitParticleMom ( const VKTrack trk,
const VKVertex vk 

Definition at line 25 of file cfMomentum.cxx.

26 {
27  std::array<double, 4> p{};
28  double fieldPos[3];
29  fieldPos[0]=vk->refIterV[0]+vk->fitV[0];
30  fieldPos[1]=vk->refIterV[1]+vk->fitV[1];
31  fieldPos[2]=vk->refIterV[2]+vk->fitV[2];
32  double magConst =Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld(fieldPos,(vk->vk_fitterControl).get()) * Trk::vkalMagFld::getCnvCst();
34  double cth = 1. / tan( trk->fitP[0]);
35  double phi = trk->fitP[1];
36  double pt = magConst/ std::abs( trk->fitP[2] );
37  double m = trk->getMass();
38  p[0] = pt * cos(phi);
39  p[1] = pt * sin(phi);
40  p[2] = pt * cth;
41  p[3] = sqrt(p[0]*p[0]+p[1]*p[1]+p[2]*p[2] + m*m );
42  return p;
43 }

◆ getFitParticleMom() [2/2]

std::array< double, 4 > Trk::getFitParticleMom ( const VKTrack trk,
double  BMAG 

Definition at line 44 of file cfMomentum.cxx.

45 {
46  std::array<double, 4> p{};
47  double magConst =BMAG * vkalMagCnvCst;
49  double cth = 1. / tan( trk->fitP[0]);
50  double phi = trk->fitP[1];
51  double pt = magConst/ std::abs( trk->fitP[2] );
52  double m = trk->getMass();
53  p[0] = pt * cos(phi);
54  p[1] = pt * sin(phi);
55  p[2] = pt * cth;
56  p[3] = sqrt(p[0]*p[0]+p[1]*p[1]+p[2]*p[2] + m*m );
57  return p;
58 }

◆ getFittedCascade()

void Trk::getFittedCascade ( CascadeEvent cascadeEvent_,
std::vector< Vect3DF > &  cVertices,
std::vector< std::vector< double > > &  covVertices,
std::vector< std::vector< VectMOM > > &  fittedParticles,
std::vector< std::vector< double > > &  cascadeCovar,
std::vector< double > &  particleChi2,
std::vector< double > &  fullCovar 

Definition at line 685 of file CFitCascade.cxx.

692 {
693  cVertices.clear();
694  covVertices.clear();
695  fittedParticles.clear();
696  particleChi2.clear();
697 //
698 // Split common covariance matrix into pieces
699 //
700  std::vector< std::vector<double> > cascadeCovarFit;
701  setFittedMatrices(cascadeEvent_.fullCovMatrix.get(), getCascadeNPar(cascadeEvent_), cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt, cascadeCovarFit, cascadeEvent_);
702 //
703  double vBx,vBy,vBz,pp2,pt,invR;
704  int iv,it,jt, NTRK, pnt;
705 //
706  int PDIM=getCascadeNPar(cascadeEvent_, 1); // number of physics parametrs
707  int ADIM=getCascadeNPar(cascadeEvent_, 0); // number of ALL parametrs
708  double **DPhys = new double*[PDIM]; for(it=0; it<PDIM; it++) DPhys[it] = new double[ADIM];
709  for(it=0;it<PDIM;it++) for(jt=0;jt<ADIM;jt++)DPhys[it][jt]=0.;
710 //
711 //
712  Vect3DF vrtPos;
713  VectMOM prtMom{};
714  VKVertex * vk;
715  std::vector<VectMOM> momCollector;
716  std::vector<double> tmpCov(6);
717 //
718  int pntPhys=0; // Counter for physics cascade parameters
719  for( iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
720  vk=cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
721  vrtPos.X=vk->refIterV[0] + vk->fitV[0]; // target vertex for extrapolation
722  vrtPos.Y=vk->refIterV[1] + vk->fitV[1];
723  vrtPos.Z=vk->refIterV[2] + vk->fitV[2];
724  cVertices.push_back(vrtPos);
725  NTRK = vk->TrackList.size(); // Number of tracks at vertex
726  momCollector.clear();
727  int DIM=3*(NTRK+1);
728  double **Deriv = new double*[DIM]; for(it=0; it<DIM; it++) Deriv[it] = new double[DIM];
729  for(it=0;it<DIM;it++) for(jt=0;jt<DIM;jt++)Deriv[it][jt]=0.;
730  Deriv[0][0]=1.;Deriv[1][1]=1.;Deriv[2][2]=1.;
731  DPhys[pntPhys+0][cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt[iv]+0]=1.;
732  DPhys[pntPhys+1][cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt[iv]+1]=1.;
733  DPhys[pntPhys+2][cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt[iv]+2]=1.;
734  Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld(vk->refIterV[0]+vk->fitV[0], vk->refIterV[1]+vk->fitV[1], vk->refIterV[2]+vk->fitV[2],
735  vBx,vBy,vBz,(vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
736  for(it=0; it<NTRK; it++){
737  std::array<double, 4> pp = getFitParticleMom( vk->TrackList[it].get(), vBz );
738  prtMom.Px=pp[0]; prtMom.Py=pp[1]; prtMom.Pz=pp[2]; prtMom.E=pp[3];
739  momCollector.push_back( prtMom );
740  if(vk->TrackList[it]->Id >= 0) particleChi2.push_back( vk->TrackList[it]->Chi2 ); //Only real tracks
741  pp2 = pp[0]*pp[0] + pp[1]*pp[1] +pp[2]*pp[2];
742  pt = sqrt(pp[0]*pp[0] + pp[1]*pp[1]);
743  invR = vk->TrackList[it]->fitP[2];
745  pnt = it*3+3;
746  DPhys[pntPhys+pnt+0][cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt[iv]+pnt+0]= Deriv[pnt+0][pnt+0]= 0 ; //dPx/dTheta
747  DPhys[pntPhys+pnt+0][cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt[iv]+pnt+1]= Deriv[pnt+0][pnt+1]= -pp[1]; //dPx/dPhi
748  DPhys[pntPhys+pnt+0][cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt[iv]+pnt+2]= Deriv[pnt+0][pnt+2]= -pp[0]/invR; //dPx/dinvR
750  DPhys[pntPhys+pnt+1][cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt[iv]+pnt+0]= Deriv[pnt+1][pnt+0]= 0 ; //dPy/dTheta
751  DPhys[pntPhys+pnt+1][cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt[iv]+pnt+1]= Deriv[pnt+1][pnt+1]= pp[0]; //dPy/dPhi
752  DPhys[pntPhys+pnt+1][cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt[iv]+pnt+2]= Deriv[pnt+1][pnt+2]= -pp[1]/invR; //dPy/dinvR
754  DPhys[pntPhys+pnt+2][cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt[iv]+pnt+0]= Deriv[pnt+2][pnt+0]= -pp2/pt; //dPz/dTheta
755  DPhys[pntPhys+pnt+2][cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt[iv]+pnt+1]= Deriv[pnt+2][pnt+1]= 0 ; //dPz/dPhi
756  DPhys[pntPhys+pnt+2][cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt[iv]+pnt+2]= Deriv[pnt+2][pnt+2]= -pp[2]/invR; //dPz/dinvR
757  }
758  pntPhys += DIM;
759  fittedParticles.push_back(momCollector);
760  cascadeCovar.push_back( transformCovar(DIM, Deriv, cascadeCovarFit[iv] ) ); //Transform covariance and save it
761  for(int kk=0; kk<6; kk++) tmpCov[kk]=cascadeCovar[iv][kk];
762  covVertices.push_back(tmpCov);
763  for(it=0; it<DIM; it++) delete[]Deriv[it];
764  delete[]Deriv;
765  }
766 //
767 // Get full physics covariance
768  int itn,jtn;
769  fullCovar.resize(PDIM*(PDIM+1)/2);
770  for(it=0; it<PDIM; it++){
771  for(jt=0; jt<=it; jt++){
772  double tmp=0.;
773  for(itn=0; itn<ADIM; itn++) for(jtn=0; jtn<ADIM; jtn++) tmp += DPhys[it][itn]*DPhys[jt][jtn]*cascadeEvent_.fullCovMatrix[itn*ADIM+jtn];
774  fullCovar[it*(it+1)/2+jt]=tmp; // symmetrical index formula works ONLY if it>=jt!!!
775  }
776  }
777  for(it=0; it<PDIM; it++) delete[]DPhys[it];
778  delete[]DPhys;
779 }

◆ getFullVrtCov()

int Trk::getFullVrtCov ( VKVertex vk,
double *  ader,
const double *  dcv,
double  verr[6][6] 

Definition at line 25 of file VtCFitE.cxx.

26 {
28  int i,j,ic1,ic2;
30  long int ic, jc, it, jt;
31  double cnt = 1e8;
33  TWRK * t_trk=nullptr;
34  long int NTRK = vk->TrackList.size();
35  long int IERR=0;
36  long int NVar = (NTRK + 1) * 3;
37  if(vk->passNearVertex && vk->ConstraintList.empty()) {
38  /* Fit is with "pass near" constraint and then */
39  /* matrix is already present */
40  } else if ( !vk->ConstraintList.empty() && useWeightScheme ) {
41 /* Full matrix inversion i */
42 //
43  FullMTXfill( vk, ader);
44  if ( vk->passNearVertex ) {
45  double drdpy[2][3];
46  double dpipj[3][3];
47  for (it = 1; it <= NTRK; ++it) {
48  drdpy[0][0] = vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[0][0] * vk->FVC.ywgt[0] + vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[1][0] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1];
49  drdpy[1][0] = vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[0][0] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1] + vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[1][0] * vk->FVC.ywgt[2];
50  drdpy[0][1] = vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[0][1] * vk->FVC.ywgt[0] + vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[1][1] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1];
51  drdpy[1][1] = vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[0][1] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1] + vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[1][1] * vk->FVC.ywgt[2];
52  drdpy[0][2] = vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[0][2] * vk->FVC.ywgt[0] + vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[1][2] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1];
53  drdpy[1][2] = vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[0][2] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1] + vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[1][2] * vk->FVC.ywgt[2];
54  for (jt = 1; jt <= NTRK; ++jt) { /* Matrix */
55  for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
56  for (int l = 0; l < 3; ++l) {
57  dpipj[k][l] = 0.;
58  for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
59  dpipj[k][l] += vk->tmpArr[jt-1]->drdp[j][k] * drdpy[j][l];
60  }
61  }
62  }
63  for (int k = 1; k <= 3; ++k) {
64  for (int l = 1; l <= 3; ++l) {
65  ader_ref(it * 3 + k, jt * 3 + l) += dpipj[l-1][k-1];
66  }
67  }
68  }
69  }
70  }
71  Vect3DF th0t,tf0t;
72  for(ic1=0; ic1<(int)vk->ConstraintList.size();ic1++){
73  for(ic2=0; ic2<vk->ConstraintList[ic1]->NCDim; ic2++){
74  th0t = vk->ConstraintList[ic1]->h0t[ic2];
75  ader_ref(1, 1) += cnt * th0t.X * th0t.X;
76  ader_ref(2, 1) += cnt * th0t.Y * th0t.X;
77  ader_ref(3, 1) += cnt * th0t.Z * th0t.X;
78  ader_ref(1, 2) += cnt * th0t.X * th0t.Y;
79  ader_ref(2, 2) += cnt * th0t.Y * th0t.Y;
80  ader_ref(3, 2) += cnt * th0t.Z * th0t.Y;
81  ader_ref(1, 3) += cnt * th0t.X * th0t.Z;
82  ader_ref(2, 3) += cnt * th0t.Y * th0t.Z;
83  ader_ref(3, 3) += cnt * th0t.Z * th0t.Z;
84  for (it = 1; it <= NTRK; ++it) {
85  tf0t = vk->ConstraintList[ic1]->f0t[it-1][ic2];
86  ader_ref(1, it * 3 + 1) += cnt * th0t.X * tf0t.X;
87  ader_ref(2, it * 3 + 1) += cnt * th0t.Y * tf0t.X;
88  ader_ref(3, it * 3 + 1) += cnt * th0t.Z * tf0t.X;
89  ader_ref(1, it * 3 + 2) += cnt * th0t.X * tf0t.Y;
90  ader_ref(2, it * 3 + 2) += cnt * th0t.Y * tf0t.Y;
91  ader_ref(3, it * 3 + 2) += cnt * th0t.Z * tf0t.Y;
92  ader_ref(1, it * 3 + 3) += cnt * th0t.X * tf0t.Z;
93  ader_ref(2, it * 3 + 3) += cnt * th0t.Y * tf0t.Z;
94  ader_ref(3, it * 3 + 3) += cnt * th0t.Z * tf0t.Z;
95  }
96  }
97  }
100  for(ic1=0; ic1<(int)vk->ConstraintList.size();ic1++){
101  for(ic2=0; ic2<vk->ConstraintList[ic1]->NCDim; ic2++){
102  for (it = 1; it <= NTRK; ++it) {
103  for (jt = it; jt <= NTRK; ++jt) {
104  Vect3DF tf0ti = vk->ConstraintList[ic1]->f0t[it-1][ic2];
105  Vect3DF tf0tj = vk->ConstraintList[ic1]->f0t[jt-1][ic2];
106  ader_ref(it*3 + 1, jt*3 + 1) += cnt * tf0ti.X * tf0tj.X;
107  ader_ref(it*3 + 2, jt*3 + 1) += cnt * tf0ti.Y * tf0tj.X;
108  ader_ref(it*3 + 3, jt*3 + 1) += cnt * tf0ti.Z * tf0tj.X;
109  ader_ref(it*3 + 1, jt*3 + 2) += cnt * tf0ti.X * tf0tj.Y;
110  ader_ref(it*3 + 2, jt*3 + 2) += cnt * tf0ti.Y * tf0tj.Y;
111  ader_ref(it*3 + 3, jt*3 + 2) += cnt * tf0ti.Z * tf0tj.Y;
112  ader_ref(it*3 + 1, jt*3 + 3) += cnt * tf0ti.X * tf0tj.Z;
113  ader_ref(it*3 + 2, jt*3 + 3) += cnt * tf0ti.Y * tf0tj.Z;
114  ader_ref(it*3 + 3, jt*3 + 3) += cnt * tf0ti.Z * tf0tj.Z;
115  }
116  }
117  }
118  }
119 /* symmetrisation */
120  for (i=1; i<=NVar-1; ++i) {
121  for (j = i+1; j<=NVar; ++j) {
122  ader_ref(j,i) = ader_ref(i,j);
123  }
124  }
125 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
126 /* several checks for debugging */
127 //std::cout.precision(12);
128 // for(ic1=0; ic1<(int)vk->ConstraintList.size();ic1++){
129 // for(ic2=0; ic2<vk->ConstraintList[ic1]->NCDim; ic2++){
130 // th0t = vk->ConstraintList[ic1]->h0t[ic2];
131 //std::cout<<"h0t="<<th0t.X<<", "<<th0t.Y<<", "<<th0t.Z<<'\n';
132 // for (it = 1; it <= NTRK; ++it) {
133 // tf0t = vk->ConstraintList[ic1]->f0t[it-1][ic2];
134 //std::cout<<"f0t="<<tf0t.X<<", "<<tf0t.Y<<", "<<tf0t.Z<<'\n';
135 // } } }
136 //if(NTRK==2){
137 // for(i=1; i<=NVar; i++){std::cout<<" newmtx=";
138 // for(j=1; j<=NVar; j++)std::cout<<ader_ref(j,i)<<", "; std::cout<<'\n';}
139 //}
140 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
141 // Weight matrix ready. Invert. Beware - DSINV destroys initial matrix!
142  noinit_vector<double*> ta (NVar+1);
143  noinit_vector<double> tab ((NVar+1)*(NVar+1));
144  for(i=0; i<NVar+1; i++){ ta[i] = + i*(NVar+1);}
145  for (i=1; i<=NVar; ++i) for (j = i; j<=NVar; ++j) ta[i][j] = ta[j][i] = ader_ref(i,j); //Make copy for failure treatment
146  dsinv(NVar, ader, vkalNTrkM*3+3, &IERR);
147  if ( IERR != 0) {
148  noinit_vector<double*> tv (NVar+1);
149  noinit_vector<double> tvb ((NVar+1)*(NVar+1));
150  noinit_vector<double*> tr (NVar+1);
151  noinit_vector<double> trb ((NVar+1)*(NVar+1));
152  noinit_vector<double> tw (NVar+1);
153  for(i=0; i<NVar+1; i++){ tv[i] = + i*(NVar+1); tr[i] = + i*(NVar+1);}
155  vkSVDCmp(, NVar, NVar,,;
157  double tmax=0;
158  for(i=1; i<NVar+1; i++) if(fabs(tw[i])>tmax)tmax=fabs(tw[i]);
159  for(i=1; i<NVar+1; i++) if(fabs(tw[i])/tmax < 1.e-18) tw[i]=0.;
160  for(i=1; i<=NVar; i++){ for(j=1; j<=NVar; j++){
161  tr[i][j]=0.; for(int k=1; k<=NVar; k++) if(tw[k]!=0.) tr[i][j] += ta[i][k]*tv[j][k]/tw[k];
162  }}
164  for (i=1; i<=NVar; ++i) for (j=1; j<=NVar; ++j) ader_ref(i,j)=tr[i][j];
166  IERR=0; //return IERR;
167  }
168  //------ Check matrix inversion quality
169  double maxDiff=0.;
170  for( i=1; i<=NVar; i++){ for(j=i; j<=NVar; j++){
171  double mcheck=0.; for(int k=1; k<=NVar; k++) mcheck+=ta[i][k]*ader_ref(k,j);
172  if(i!=j) maxDiff = (maxDiff > std::abs(mcheck)) ? maxDiff : std::abs(mcheck);
173  if(i==j) maxDiff = (maxDiff > std::abs(1.-mcheck)) ? maxDiff : std::abs(1.-mcheck);
174  } }
175  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
176  if(maxDiff>0.1)return -1;
177 /* ---------------------------------------- */
178  } else {
179 /* ---------------------------------------- */
180 /* Simple and fast without constraints */
181  for (i=1; i<=NVar; i++) {
182  for (j=1; j<=NVar; j++) {
183  ader_ref(i,j)=0.;
184  }
185  }
186  double vcov[6]={vk->fitVcov[0],vk->fitVcov[1],vk->fitVcov[2],vk->fitVcov[3],vk->fitVcov[4],vk->fitVcov[5]};
187  ader_ref(1,1) = vcov[0];
188  ader_ref(1,2) = vcov[1];
189  ader_ref(2,2) = vcov[2];
190  ader_ref(1,3) = vcov[3];
191  ader_ref(2,3) = vcov[4];
192  ader_ref(3,3) = vcov[5];
193  ader_ref(2,1) = ader_ref(1,2);
194  ader_ref(3,1) = ader_ref(1,3);
195  ader_ref(3,2) = ader_ref(2,3);
197  for (it=1; it<=NTRK; it++) {
198  t_trk=vk->tmpArr[it-1].get();
199  ader_ref(1, it*3 + 1) = -vcov[0] * t_trk->wbci[0]
200  - vcov[1] * t_trk->wbci[1]
201  - vcov[3] * t_trk->wbci[2];
202  ader_ref(2, it*3 + 1) = -vcov[1] * t_trk->wbci[0]
203  - vcov[2] * t_trk->wbci[1]
204  - vcov[4] * t_trk->wbci[2];
205  ader_ref(3, it*3 + 1) = -vcov[3] * t_trk->wbci[0]
206  - vcov[4] * t_trk->wbci[1]
207  - vcov[5] * t_trk->wbci[2];
208  ader_ref(1, it*3 + 2) = -vcov[0] * t_trk->wbci[3]
209  - vcov[1] * t_trk->wbci[4]
210  - vcov[3] * t_trk->wbci[5];
211  ader_ref(2, it*3 + 2) = -vcov[1] * t_trk->wbci[3]
212  - vcov[2] * t_trk->wbci[4]
213  - vcov[4] * t_trk->wbci[5];
214  ader_ref(3, it*3 + 2) = -vcov[3] * t_trk->wbci[3]
215  - vcov[4] * t_trk->wbci[4]
216  - vcov[5] * t_trk->wbci[5];
217  ader_ref(1, it*3 + 3) = -vcov[0] * t_trk->wbci[6]
218  - vcov[1] * t_trk->wbci[7]
219  - vcov[3] * t_trk->wbci[8];
220  ader_ref(2, it*3 + 3) = -vcov[1] * t_trk->wbci[6]
221  - vcov[2] * t_trk->wbci[7]
222  - vcov[4] * t_trk->wbci[8];
223  ader_ref(3, it*3 + 3) = -vcov[3] * t_trk->wbci[6]
224  - vcov[4] * t_trk->wbci[7]
225  - vcov[5] * t_trk->wbci[8];
226  ader_ref(it*3 + 1, 1) = ader_ref(1, it*3 + 1);
227  ader_ref(it*3 + 1, 2) = ader_ref(2, it*3 + 1);
228  ader_ref(it*3 + 1, 3) = ader_ref(3, it*3 + 1);
229  ader_ref(it*3 + 2, 1) = ader_ref(1, it*3 + 2);
230  ader_ref(it*3 + 2, 2) = ader_ref(2, it*3 + 2);
231  ader_ref(it*3 + 2, 3) = ader_ref(3, it*3 + 2);
232  ader_ref(it*3 + 3, 1) = ader_ref(1, it*3 + 3);
233  ader_ref(it*3 + 3, 2) = ader_ref(2, it*3 + 3);
234  ader_ref(it*3 + 3, 3) = ader_ref(3, it*3 + 3);
235  }
238  for (it = 1; it<=NTRK; ++it) {
239  t_trk=vk->tmpArr[it-1].get();
240  for (jt=1; jt<=NTRK; ++jt) {
241  int j3 = jt*3;
242  int i3 = it*3;
243  ader_ref( i3+1, j3+1) = -t_trk->wbci[0]*ader_ref(1, j3+1) - t_trk->wbci[1]*ader_ref(2, j3+1) - t_trk->wbci[2]*ader_ref(3, j3+1);
244  ader_ref( i3+2, j3+1) = -t_trk->wbci[3]*ader_ref(1, j3+1) - t_trk->wbci[4]*ader_ref(2, j3+1) - t_trk->wbci[5]*ader_ref(3, j3+1);
245  ader_ref( i3+3, j3+1) = -t_trk->wbci[6]*ader_ref(1, j3+1) - t_trk->wbci[7]*ader_ref(2, j3+1) - t_trk->wbci[8]*ader_ref(3, j3+1);
246  ader_ref( i3+1, j3+2) = -t_trk->wbci[0]*ader_ref(1, j3+2) - t_trk->wbci[1]*ader_ref(2, j3+2) - t_trk->wbci[2]*ader_ref(3, j3+2);
247  ader_ref( i3+2, j3+2) = -t_trk->wbci[3]*ader_ref(1, j3+2) - t_trk->wbci[4]*ader_ref(2, j3+2) - t_trk->wbci[5]*ader_ref(3, j3+2);
248  ader_ref( i3+3, j3+2) = -t_trk->wbci[6]*ader_ref(1, j3+2) - t_trk->wbci[7]*ader_ref(2, j3+2) - t_trk->wbci[8]*ader_ref(3, j3+2);
249  ader_ref( i3+1, j3+3) = -t_trk->wbci[0]*ader_ref(1, j3+3) - t_trk->wbci[1]*ader_ref(2, j3+3) - t_trk->wbci[2]*ader_ref(3, j3+3);
250  ader_ref( i3+2, j3+3) = -t_trk->wbci[3]*ader_ref(1, j3+3) - t_trk->wbci[4]*ader_ref(2, j3+3) - t_trk->wbci[5]*ader_ref(3, j3+3);
251  ader_ref( i3+3, j3+3) = -t_trk->wbci[6]*ader_ref(1, j3+3) - t_trk->wbci[7]*ader_ref(2, j3+3) - t_trk->wbci[8]*ader_ref(3, j3+3);
252  if (it == jt) {
253  ader_ref( i3+1, i3+1) += t_trk->wci[0];
254  ader_ref( i3+1, i3+2) += t_trk->wci[1];
255  ader_ref( i3+2, i3+1) += t_trk->wci[1];
256  ader_ref( i3+2, i3+2) += t_trk->wci[2];
257  ader_ref( i3+1, i3+3) += t_trk->wci[3];
258  ader_ref( i3+3, i3+1) += t_trk->wci[3];
259  ader_ref( i3+2, i3+3) += t_trk->wci[4];
260  ader_ref( i3+3, i3+2) += t_trk->wci[4];
261  ader_ref( i3+3, i3+3) += t_trk->wci[5];
262  }
263  }
264  }
265 //for(int ii=1; ii<=9; ii++)std::cout<<ader_ref(ii,ii)<<", "; std::cout<<__func__<<" fast full m NEW"<<'\n';
266  if( !vk->ConstraintList.empty() && !useWeightScheme ){
267 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
268 // Covariance matrix with constraints a la Avery.
269 // ader_ref() should contain nonconstraint covariance matrix
270 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
271  long int totNC=0; //total number of constraints
272  std::vector<std::vector< Vect3DF> > tf0t; // derivative collectors
273  std::vector< Vect3DF > th0t; // derivative collectors
274  std::vector< double > taa; // derivative collectors
275  std::vector< Vect3DF > tmpVec;
276  for(int ii=0; ii<(int)vk->ConstraintList.size();ii++){
277  totNC += vk->ConstraintList[ii]->NCDim;
278  for(ic=0; ic<(int)vk->ConstraintList[ii]->NCDim; ic++){
279  taa.push_back( vk->ConstraintList[ii]->aa[ic] );
280  th0t.push_back( vk->ConstraintList[ii]->h0t[ic] );
281  tmpVec.clear();
282  for(it=0; it<(int)vk->ConstraintList[ii]->f0t.size(); it++){
283  tmpVec.push_back( vk->ConstraintList[ii]->f0t[it][ic] );
284  }
285  tf0t.push_back( tmpVec );
286  }
287  }
288 // R,RC[ic][i]
289  double **R =new double*[totNC]; for(ic=0; ic<totNC; ic++) R[ic]=new double[NVar];
290  double **RC=new double*[totNC]; for(ic=0; ic<totNC; ic++)RC[ic]=new double[NVar];
291  double *RCRt=new double[totNC*totNC];
292  for(ic=0; ic<totNC; ic++){
293  R[ic][0]=th0t[ic].X;
294  R[ic][1]=th0t[ic].Y;
295  R[ic][2]=th0t[ic].Z;
296  for(it=1; it<=NTRK; it++){
297  R[ic][it*3+0]=tf0t[ic][it-1].X;
298  R[ic][it*3+1]=tf0t[ic][it-1].Y;
299  R[ic][it*3+2]=tf0t[ic][it-1].Z;
300  }
301  }
302 // R*Cov matrix
303  for(ic=0; ic<totNC; ic++){
304  for(j=0; j<NVar; j++){ RC[ic][j]=0;
305  for(i=0; i<NVar; i++) RC[ic][j] += R[ic][i]*ader_ref(i+1,j+1);
306  }
307  }
308 // R*Cov*Rt matrix - Lagrange multiplyers errors
309  for(ic=0; ic<totNC; ic++){
310  for(jc=0; jc<totNC; jc++){ RCRt[ic*totNC + jc] =0.;
311  for(i=0; i<NVar; i++) RCRt[ic*totNC + jc] += RC[ic][i]*R[jc][i];
312  }
313  }
314  dsinv(totNC, RCRt, totNC, &IERR);
315  if ( IERR != 0) return IERR;
316 // Correction matrix
317  for(i=0; i<NVar; i++){
318  for(j=0; j<NVar; j++){ double COR=0.;
319  for(ic=0; ic<totNC; ic++){
320  for(jc=0; jc<totNC; jc++){
321  COR += RC[ic][i]*RC[jc][j]*RCRt[ic*totNC +jc];
322  }
323  }
324  ader_ref(i+1, j+1) -= COR;
325  }
326  }
327 // Delete temporary matrices
328  for(ic=0; ic<totNC; ic++) delete[] R[ic];
329  delete[] R;
330  for(ic=0; ic<totNC; ic++) delete[] RC[ic];
331  delete[] RC;
332  delete[] RCRt;
333 //for(int ii=1; ii<=9; ii++)std::cout<<ader_ref(ii,ii)<<", "; std::cout<<__func__<<" avery full m NEW"<<'\n';
334  } //end of Avery matrix
338  } // End of global IF() for matrix type selection
340 //if(NTRK==2){
341 // for(i=1; i<=NVar; i++){std::cout<<__func__" new covfull=";
342 // for(j=1; j<=NVar; j++)std::cout<<ader_ref(j,i)<<", "; std::cout<<'\n';}
343 //}
345 /* --Conversion to (X,Y,Z,Px,Py,Pz) form */
346  for (i = 1; i <= 6; ++i) {
347  for (j = 1; j <= 6; ++j) {
348  verr[i-1][j-1] = 0.;
349  for (ic=1; ic<=NVar; ++ic) {
350  if(dcv_ref(i, ic)==0.) continue;
351  for (jc=1; jc<=NVar; ++jc) {
352  if(dcv_ref(j, jc)==0.) continue;
353  verr[i-1][j-1] += dcv_ref(i, ic) * ader_ref(ic, jc) * dcv_ref(j, jc);
354  }
355  }
356  }
357  }
358 //for(int ii=1; ii<=6; ii++)std::cout<<verr[ii-1][ii-1]<<", "; std::cout<<" final m NEW"<<'\n';
359  vk->existFullCov = 1;
360  return 0;
361 }

◆ getIniParticleMom() [1/2]

std::array< double, 4 > Trk::getIniParticleMom ( const VKTrack trk,
const VKVertex vk 

Definition at line 60 of file cfMomentum.cxx.

61 {
62  std::array<double, 4> p{};
63  double magConst = Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld(vk->refIterV,(vk->vk_fitterControl).get()) * Trk::vkalMagFld::getCnvCst();
65  double cth = 1. / tan( trk->iniP[0]);
66  double phi = trk->iniP[1];
67  double pt = magConst/ std::abs( trk->iniP[2] );
68  double m = trk->getMass();
69  p[0] = pt * cos(phi);
70  p[1] = pt * sin(phi);
71  p[2] = pt * cth;
72  p[3] = sqrt(p[0]*p[0]+p[1]*p[1]+p[2]*p[2] + m*m );
73  return p;
74 }

◆ getIniParticleMom() [2/2]

std::array< double, 4 > Trk::getIniParticleMom ( const VKTrack trk,
double  BMAG 

Definition at line 75 of file cfMomentum.cxx.

76 {
77  std::array<double, 4> p{};
78  double magConst =BMAG * vkalMagCnvCst;
80  double cth = 1. / tan( trk->iniP[0]);
81  double phi = trk->iniP[1];
82  double pt = magConst/ std::abs( trk->iniP[2] );
83  double m = trk->getMass();
84  p[0] = pt * cos(phi);
85  p[1] = pt * sin(phi);
86  p[2] = pt * cth;
87  p[3] = sqrt(p[0]*p[0]+p[1]*p[1]+p[2]*p[2] + m*m );
88  return p;
89 }

◆ getNewCov()

void Trk::getNewCov ( const double *  OldCov,
const double *  Der,
double *  Cov,
long int  DIM 

Definition at line 261 of file CascadeUtils.cxx.

262 {
263  int i,j,it,jt;
264  for( i=0; i<DIM; i++){
265  for( j=0; j<DIM; j++){
266  Cov[i*DIM+j]=0.;
267  for( it=0; it<DIM; it++){
268  for( jt=0; jt<DIM; jt++){
269  Cov[i*DIM+j] += Der[i*DIM+it]*OldCov[it*DIM+jt]*Der[j*DIM+jt];
270  }
271  }
272  }
273  }
274 }

◆ getVertexCharge()

long int Trk::getVertexCharge ( VKVertex vk)

Definition at line 71 of file CFitCascade.cxx.

71  {
72  long int tCharge=0;
73  for(int it=0; it<(int)vk->TrackList.size(); it++) tCharge += vk->TrackList[it]->Charge;
74  return tCharge;
75 }

◆ makeCascade()

int Trk::makeCascade ( VKalVrtControl FitCONTROL,
long int  NTRK,
const long int *  ich,
double *  wm,
double *  inp_Trk5,
double *  inp_CovTrk5,
const std::vector< std::vector< int > > &  vertexDefinition,
const std::vector< std::vector< int > > &  cascadeDefinition,
double  definedCnstAccuracy 

Definition at line 116 of file CascadeDefinition.cxx.

120  {
121  long int tk;
122  int iv, it;
123  if (vertexDefinition.size() != cascadeDefinition.size()) {
124  std::cout << " WRONG INPUT!!!" << '\n';
125  return -1;
126  }
128  long int IERR;
129  int NV = vertexDefinition.size();
130  double xyz[3] = {0.};
131  double tmp[15] = {0.};
132  double tmpWgt[15], out[3];
133  double vBx, vBy, vBz;
134  VKTrack *trk;
135  int vEstimDone = 0;
137  for (iv = 0; iv < NV; iv++) {
138  auto VRT = std::make_unique<VKVertex>(FitCONTROL);
139  VRT->setRefV(xyz); // ref point
140  VRT->setRefIterV(xyz); // iteration ref. point
141  VRT->setIniV(xyz);
142  VRT->setCnstV(xyz); // initial guess. 0 of course.
143  auto arr = std::make_unique<double[]>(vertexDefinition[iv].size() * 5);
144  int NTv = vertexDefinition[iv].size();
145  for (it = 0; it < NTv; it++) {
146  tk = vertexDefinition[iv][it];
147  if (tk >= NTRK) {
148  return -1;
149  }
150  VRT->TrackList.emplace_back(new VKTrack(
151  tk, &inp_Trk5[tk * 5], &inp_CovTrk5[tk * 15], VRT.get(), wm[tk]));
152  VRT->tmpArr.emplace_back(new TWRK());
153  trk = VRT->TrackList[it].get();
154  trk->Charge = ich[tk];
155  trk->iniP[0] = trk->cnstP[0] = trk->fitP[0] =
156  inp_Trk5[tk * 5 + 2]; // initial guess
157  trk->iniP[1] = trk->cnstP[1] = trk->fitP[1] = inp_Trk5[tk * 5 + 3];
158  trk->iniP[2] = trk->cnstP[2] = trk->fitP[2] = inp_Trk5[tk * 5 + 4];
159  IERR = cfInv5(&inp_CovTrk5[tk * 15], tmpWgt);
160  if (IERR)
161  IERR = cfdinv(&inp_CovTrk5[tk * 15], tmpWgt, 5);
162  if (IERR) {
163  return -1;
164  }
165  trk->setCurrent(&inp_Trk5[tk * 5], tmpWgt);
166  arr[it * 5] = inp_Trk5[tk * 5];
167  arr[it * 5 + 1] = inp_Trk5[tk * 5 + 1];
168  arr[it * 5 + 2] = inp_Trk5[tk * 5 + 2];
169  arr[it * 5 + 3] = inp_Trk5[tk * 5 + 3];
170  arr[it * 5 + 4] = inp_Trk5[tk * 5 + 4];
171  }
172  if (NTv > 1) { // First estimation of vertex position if vertex has more
173  // than 2 tracks
174  vEstimDone = 1;
175  Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld(VRT->refIterV[0], VRT->refIterV[1],
176  VRT->refIterV[2], vBx, vBy, vBz,
177  (VRT->vk_fitterControl).get());
178  double aVrt[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
179  for (int i = 0; i < NTv - 1; i++)
180  for (int j = i + 1; j < NTv; j++) {
181  vkvFastV(&arr[i * 5], &arr[j * 5], xyz, vBz, out);
182  aVrt[0] += out[0];
183  aVrt[1] += out[1];
184  aVrt[2] += out[2];
185  }
186  aVrt[0] /= (NTv * (NTv - 1) / 2);
187  aVrt[1] /= (NTv * (NTv - 1) / 2);
188  aVrt[2] /= (NTv * (NTv - 1) / 2);
189  VRT->setRefIterV(aVrt); // iteration ref. point
190  }
191  if (iv == 0) { // start cascade creation
192  startCascade(std::move(VRT));
193  continue;
194  }
195  int includeNV = cascadeDefinition[iv].size();
196  if (!includeNV) { // no predecessors
197  addCascadeEntry(std::move(VRT));
198  } else {
199  auto *vrttemp = addCascadeEntry(std::move(VRT), cascadeDefinition[iv]);
200  for (it = 0; it < includeNV;
201  it++) { // tracks created out of predecessing vertices
202  vrttemp->TrackList.emplace_back(
203  new VKTrack(-999, tmp, tmp, vrttemp, 0.));
204  vrttemp->tmpArr.emplace_back(new TWRK());
205  }
206  }
207  }
208  //
209  // ---------------- If some vertex positions are different from (0,0,0) -
210  // move tracks there
211  if (vEstimDone) {
212  IERR = translateToFittedPos(*(FitCONTROL.getCascadeEvent()), 1.);
213  if (IERR)
214  return IERR;
215  for (iv = 0; iv < FitCONTROL.getCascadeEvent()->cascadeNV; iv++) {
216  auto *VRT = FitCONTROL.getCascadeEvent()->cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
217  int NTv = VRT->TrackList.size(); // Number of tracks at vertex
218  for (it = 0; it < NTv; it++) {
219  trk = VRT->TrackList[it].get();
220  if (trk->Id < 0)
221  continue; // pseudo-track from cascade vertex
222  trk->cnstP[0] = trk->iniP[0] = trk->fitP[0] = trk->Perig[2];
223  trk->cnstP[1] = trk->iniP[1] = trk->fitP[1] = trk->Perig[3];
224  trk->cnstP[2] = trk->iniP[2] = trk->fitP[2] = trk->Perig[4];
225  }
226  }
227  }
228  // ---------------- Init engine
230  IERR = initCascadeEngine(*FitCONTROL.getCascadeEvent());
231  FitCONTROL.getCascadeEvent()->setAccuracyConstraint(definedCnstAccuracy);
233  return IERR;
234 }

◆ operator<() [1/3]

bool Trk::operator< ( const LayerIndex one,
const LayerIndex two 

Overload of operator< | <= | > | >= for the usage in a map.

Definition at line 11 of file LayerIndex.cxx.

13 {
14  return (one.value() < two.value());
15 }

◆ operator<() [2/3]

bool Trk::operator< ( const TrackTruthKey a,
const TrackTruthKey b 

Definition at line 45 of file TrackTruthKey.h.

45  {
46  return a.index() < b.index();
47  }

◆ operator<() [3/3]

bool Trk::operator< ( const TrackTruthKey_p0 a,
const TrackTruthKey_p0 b 

Definition at line 29 of file TrackTruthKey_p0.h.

29  {
30  return a.m_index < b.m_index;
31  }

◆ operator<<() [1/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  log,
const MultiComponentStateOnSurface  

Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output.

Definition at line 85 of file MultiComponentStateOnSurface.cxx.

87 {
88  return log;
89 }

◆ operator<<() [2/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const NoiseOnSurface se 

Definition at line 24 of file NoiseOnSurface.cxx.

26 {
27  return se.dump(sl);
28 }

◆ operator<<() [3/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const PatternTrackParameters se 

Definition at line 94 of file PatternTrackParameters.cxx.

96 {
97  return se.dump(sl);
98 }

◆ operator<<() [4/113]

MsgStream& Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  log,
AlignResidualType  type 

◆ operator<<() [5/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  log,
ExtrapolationType  type 

Definition at line 16 of file ExtrapolationType.cxx.

16  :
17  return log << " FittedTrajectory";
18  case DeltaD0:
19  return log << " DeltaD0 ";
20  case DeltaZ0:
21  return log << " DeltaZ0 ";
22  case DeltaPhi0:
23  return log << " DeltaPhi0 ";
24  case DeltaTheta0:
25  return log << " DeltaTheta0 ";
26  case DeltaQOverP0:
27  return log << " DeltaQOverP0 ";
28  case DeltaQOverP1:
29  return log << " DeltaQOverP1 ";
30  case ExtrapolationTypes:
31  return log << static_cast<int>(ExtrapolationTypes);
32  default:
33  return log << " unknown type ";
34  }
35 }
36 } // namespace Trk

◆ operator<<() [6/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  log,
MeasurementType  type 

Definition at line 16 of file MeasurementType.cxx.

16  :
17  return log << " perigeeParameters";
18  case transverseVertex:
19  return log << " transverseVertex ";
20  case vertex:
21  return log << " vertex ";
22  case pixelCluster:
23  return log << " pixelCluster ";
24  case stripCluster:
25  return log << " stripCluster ";
26  case trapezoidCluster:
27  return log << " trapezoidCluster ";
28  case driftCircle:
29  return log << " driftCircle ";
30  case pseudoMeasurement:
31  return log << " pseudoMeas ";
32  case barrelScatterer:
33  return log << " barrelScatterer ";
34  case endcapScatterer:
35  return log << " endcapScatterer ";
37  return log << " calorimeterScat ";
38  case barrelInert:
39  return log << " barrelInert ";
40  case endcapInert:
41  return log << " endcapInert ";
42  case energyDeposit:
43  return log << " energyDeposit ";
44  case alignment:
45  return log << " alignment ";
46  case discontinuity:
47  return log << " discontinuity ";
48  case bremPoint:
49  return log << " bremPoint ";
50  case hole:
51  return log << " hole ";
52  case materialDelimiter:
53  return log << " materialDelimiter";
55  default:
56  return log << " unknown type ";
57  }
58 }
59 } // namespace Trk

◆ operator<<() [7/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  log,
ParameterType  type 

Definition at line 16 of file ParameterType.cxx.

16  :
17  return log << " D0 ";
18  case Z0:
19  return log << " Z0 ";
20  case Phi0:
21  return log << " Phi0 ";
22  case Theta0:
23  return log << " Theta0 ";
24  case QOverP0:
25  return log << " QOverP0 ";
26  case QOverP1:
27  return log << " QOverP1 ";
28  case ParameterTypes:
29  return log << static_cast<int>(ParameterTypes);
30  default:
31  return log << " unknown type ";
32  }
33 }
34 } // namespace Trk

◆ operator<<() [8/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  log,
Trk::AlignMesType  type 

Definition at line 11 of file AlignResidualType.cxx.

12  {
13  switch (type)
14  {
15  case Measurement:
16  return log << " measurement ";
17  case Scatterer:
18  return log << " scatterer ";
19  case EnergyDeposit:
20  return log << " energy deposit ";
21  default:
22  return log << " unknown mes type ";
23  }
24  }

◆ operator<<() [9/113]

MsgStream& Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  log,
Trk::AlignResidualType  type 

Definition at line 26 of file AlignResidualType.cxx.

27  {
28  switch (type)
29  {
30  case HitOnly:
31  return log << " HitOnly ";
32  case Unbiased:
33  return log << " Unbiased ";
34 // case DCA:
35 // return log << " DCA ";
36  default:
37  return log << " unknown ";
38  }
39  }

◆ operator<<() [10/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  out,
const MuonTrackSummary trackSum 


This dumps the values of each of the possible summary enums

Definition at line 112 of file MuonTrackSummary.cxx.

114 {
115  out << "MuonTrackSummary: Hits: eta " << trackSum.netaHits() << " phi "
116  << trackSum.nphiHits() << " holes " << trackSum.nholes() << " outliers "
117  << trackSum.noutliers() << " close hits " << trackSum.ncloseHits()
118  << endmsg;
119  if (out.level() <= MSG::VERBOSE) {
120  std::vector<MuonTrackSummary::ChamberHitSummary>::const_iterator it =
121  trackSum.chamberHitSummary().begin();
122  std::vector<MuonTrackSummary::ChamberHitSummary>::const_iterator it_end =
123  trackSum.chamberHitSummary().end();
124  for (; it != it_end; ++it) {
125  const MuonTrackSummary::ChamberHitSummary& chSum = *it;
126  const MuonTrackSummary::ChamberHitSummary::Projection& etaP =
127  chSum.etaProjection();
128  const MuonTrackSummary::ChamberHitSummary::Projection& phiP =
129  chSum.phiProjection();
130  out << " Chamber " << chSum.chamberId() << " isMdt " << chSum.isMdt()
131  << std::endl
132  << " First projection: Hits " << etaP.nhits << " holes "
133  << etaP.nholes << " outlier " << etaP.noutliers << " deltas "
134  << etaP.ndeltas << " close Hits " << etaP.ncloseHits << std::endl
135  << " Second projection: Hits " << phiP.nhits << " holes "
136  << phiP.nholes << " outlier " << phiP.noutliers << " deltas "
137  << phiP.ndeltas << " close Hits " << phiP.ncloseHits << std::endl;
138  }
139  }
140  return out;
141 }

◆ operator<<() [11/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  out,
const TrackSummary trackSum 


This dumps the values of each of the possible summary enums

Definition at line 208 of file TrackSummary.cxx.

210 {
211  return dumpTrackSummary(out, trackSum);
212 }

◆ operator<<() [12/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
AlignModuleTool alignModTool 

Definition at line 323 of file AlignModuleTool.cxx.

324  {
325  const AlignModuleList* modules=alignModTool.alignModules1D();
326  for (int imod=0;imod<(int)modules->size(); imod++) {
327  sl << "AML: "<<*((*modules)[imod]);
328  }
330  DataVector<AlignPar>* alignParList=alignModTool.alignParList1D();
331  for (int iap=0;iap<(int)alignParList->size();iap++) {
332  sl << *((*alignParList)[iap]);
333  }
334  return sl;
335  }

◆ operator<<() [13/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const AlignmentEffectsOnTrack tsos 

Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output.

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 26 of file AlignmentEffectsOnTrack.cxx.

28 {
29  if (sl.level() < MSG::INFO) {
30  sl << "AlignmentEffectsOnTrack:" << endmsg;
31  sl << "deltaTranslation = " << aeot.deltaTranslation() << endmsg;
32  sl << "sigmaDeltaTranslation = " << aeot.deltaTranslation() << endmsg;
33  sl << "deltaAngle = " << aeot.deltaAngle() << endmsg;
34  sl << "sigmaDeltaAngle = " << aeot.sigmaDeltaAngle() << endmsg;
35  sl << "surface = " << aeot.associatedSurface() << endmsg;
36  }
37  return sl;
38 }

◆ operator<<() [14/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const AlignModule alignModule 

overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output

Definition at line 204 of file AlignModule.cxx.

205  {
206  sl << "AlignModule \'"<<<<"\' ID: "<<alignModule.identify()
207  <<" IDHash: "<<alignModule.identifyHash()<< endmsg;
208  return sl;
209  }

◆ operator<<() [15/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const AlignPar ap 

overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output

Definition at line 10 of file AlignPar.cxx.

11  {
12  sl << "alignPar type : " << std::setw(10) << ap.dumpType()
13  << "(" << ap.paramType() << " ) : " << &ap << endmsg;
14  sl << " init par: " << std::setw(6) << std::showpos << std::fixed
15  << ap.initPar()<<" +/- "<<std::noshowpos << ap.initErr()
16  << resetiosflags(std::ios::floatfield) << endmsg;
17  sl << " par: "<< std::showpos << ap.par() << " +/- "
18  << std::noshowpos << ap.err() << endmsg;
19  sl << " final par: "<< std::showpos << ap.finalPar() << " +/- "
20  << std::noshowpos << ap.finalErr() << endmsg;
21  sl << " sigma: "<< ap.sigma() << endmsg;
22  sl << " soft-cut: "<< ap.softCut() << endmsg;
23  sl << " first drv: "<< std::showpos << ap.firstDeriv()
24  << std::noshowpos << endmsg;
25  sl << " secnd drv: "<< std::showpos << ap.secndDeriv()
26  << std::noshowpos << endmsg;
27  return sl;
28  }

◆ operator<<() [16/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const AlignTrack::AlignTrackType  type 

Definition at line 372 of file AlignTrack.cxx.

373  {
374  switch(type) {
375  case AlignTrack::Unknown:
376  return sl<<"Unknown ";
377  case AlignTrack::Original:
378  return sl<<"Original ";
379  case AlignTrack::NormalRefitted:
380  return sl<<"NormalRefitted ";
381  case AlignTrack::BeamspotConstrained:
382  return sl<<"BeamspotConstrained ";
383  case AlignTrack::VertexConstrained:
384  return sl<<"VertexConstrained ";
385  default:
386  return sl<<"UNDEFINED ";
387  }
388  }

◆ operator<<() [17/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const AlignTSOS atsos 

Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output.

Definition at line 164 of file AlignTSOS.cxx.

165  {
166  //sl <<"\t"<<atsos.dumpType()
167  // << std::setw(11) << std::showpos<< std::scientific
168  // <<"\tres[0]="<<atsos.residual(0)<<", err[0]="<<atsos.residualErrorSq(0)
169  // <<", dchi2="<<std::noshowpos
170  // <<atsos.residual(0)*atsos.residual(0)/atsos.residualErrorSq(0)<<endmsg;
171  sl <<"\t"<<atsos.dumpType()<<" ("<<atsos.dumpMeasType()<<", direction "<<atsos.dumpMeasDir()<<")"<<endmsg;
172  sl << " --> ";
174  int ires(0);
175  std::vector<Residual>::const_iterator itRes = atsos.firstResidual();
176  std::vector<Residual>::const_iterator itRes_end = atsos.lastResidual();
177  for( ; itRes != itRes_end ; ++itRes, ++ires) {
178  double resnorm = itRes->residualNorm();
179  if(ires){
180  std::ios_base::fmtflags f(;
181  sl << endmsg << " --> ";
182  sl << ires << ": res="
183  << std::setw(11) << std::showpos << std::scientific
184  << itRes->residual() <<" res/err="<<resnorm
185  << ", dchi2="<<std::noshowpos<<resnorm*resnorm
186  << resetiosflags(std::ios::floatfield);
187  sl.flags(f);
188  }
189  }
190  return sl;
191  }

◆ operator<<() [18/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const AssociatedMaterial mstep 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 209 of file AssociatedMaterial.cxx.

210  {
211  return mstep.dump(sl);
212 }

◆ operator<<() [19/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const BinUtility bgen 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 17 of file BinUtility.cxx.

19 {
20  return bgen.dump(sl);
21 }

◆ operator<<() [20/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const CurvilinearUVT uvt 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 15 of file CurvilinearUVT.cxx.

16 {
17  sl << "Trk::CuvilinearUVT - curvilinear frame (u,v,t)" << std::endl;
18  sl << " u = " << uvt.curvU() << std::endl;
19  sl << " v = " << uvt.curvV() << std::endl;
20  sl << " t = " << uvt.curvT() << std::endl;
22  return sl;
23 }

◆ operator<<() [21/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const ElementTable etab 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 21 of file ElementTable.cxx.

21  {
22  std::string none = "None";
23  sl << " ------------------------- Trk::ElementTable "
24  "-------------------------- "
25  << std::endl;
26  sl << " - Listing " << etab.size() << " elements " << std::endl;
27  for (unsigned int iel = 0; iel < static_cast<unsigned int>(UCHAR_MAX); ++iel)
28  sl << " - Id : " << std::setw(3) << iel << " - Properties: "
29  << (etab.element(iel) ? etab.element(iel)->toString() : none)
30  << " - Name : " << etab.elementName(iel) << std::endl;
31  sl << " ---------------------------------------------------------------------"
32  "- "
33  << endmsg;
34  return sl;
35 }

◆ operator<<() [22/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const EnergyLoss eloss 

Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output.

Definition at line 15 of file EnergyLoss.cxx.

17 {
18  return eloss.dump(sl);
19 }

◆ operator<<() [23/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const FitQualityImpl fq 

Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output.

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 15 of file FitQuality.cxx.

16 {
17  std::streamsize ss = sl.precision();
18  sl << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed)<< std::setprecision(3);
19  sl << "FitQuality: \t"
20  << "("<<fq.chiSquared()<<", \t"<<fq.numberDoF()<<")\t"
21  << "(chi^2, ndf)";
22  sl.precision (ss); sl<<std::resetiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
23  return sl;
24 }

◆ operator<<() [24/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const JacobianCurvilinearToLocal jac 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 93 of file JacobianCurvilinearToLocal.cxx.

94 {
95  sl << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
96  sl << std::setprecision(6);
97  sl << MSG::DEBUG << "Trk::JacobianCurvilinearToLocal" << std::endl;
98  sl << "______________________________________________________________________" << std::endl;
99  for (int irow = 0; irow<5; irow++){
100  for (int icol =0; icol<5; icol++){
101  sl << (jac)(irow,icol);
102  if (irow < 4 || icol < 4 ) { sl << " "; }
103  }
104  sl << std::endl;
105  }
106  sl << "______________________________________________________________________";
107  return sl;
108 }

◆ operator<<() [25/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const JacobianLocalToCurvilinear jac 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 82 of file JacobianLocalToCurvilinear.cxx.

83 {
84  sl << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
85  sl << std::setprecision(6);
86  sl << MSG::DEBUG << "Trk::JacobianLocalToCurvilinear" << std::endl;
87  sl << "______________________________________________________________________" << std::endl;
88  for (int irow = 0; irow<5; irow++){
89  for (int icol =0; icol<5; icol++){
90  sl << (jac)(irow,icol);
91  if (irow < 4 || icol < 4 ) { sl << " ";}
92  }
93  sl << std::endl;
94  }
95  sl << "______________________________________________________________________";
96  return sl;
97 }

◆ operator<<() [26/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const LayerIndex layx 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 35 of file LayerIndex.cxx.

37 {
38  sl << layx.value();
39  return sl;
40 }

◆ operator<<() [27/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const LayerMaterialProperties mprop 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 9 of file LayerMaterialProperties.cxx.

10  {
11  return lmp.dump(sl);
12 }

◆ operator<<() [28/113]

MsgStream& Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const LinearizedTrack sf 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

◆ operator<<() [29/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const LocalDirection lomo 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 15 of file LocalDirection.cxx.

16 {
17  ls << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(3);
18 // ls << "(angleXZ, angleYZ, magnitude) = ";
19  ls << "(angleXZ, angleYZ) = ";
20  ls << "(" << lom.angleXZ();
21  ls << "," << lom.angleYZ() << ")";
22  ls << std::setprecision(-1);
23  return ls;
24 }

◆ operator<<() [30/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const MagneticFieldProperties mprop 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 14 of file MagneticFieldProperties.cxx.

15  {
16  sl << "Trk::MagneticFieldProperties, configuration: "
17  << mprop.magneticFieldMode() << endmsg;
18  return sl;
19 }

◆ operator<<() [31/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const MaterialEffectsBase meb 

Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output.

Definition at line 50 of file MaterialEffectsBase.cxx.

52 {
53  return meb.dump(sl);
54 }

◆ operator<<() [32/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const MaterialProperties mprop 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 84 of file MaterialProperties.cxx.

85  {
86  sl << "Trk::MaterialProperties: " << endmsg;
87  sl << " - thickness/X0 = " << mprop.thicknessInX0()
88  << endmsg;
89  sl << " - thickness [mm] = " << mprop.thickness()
90  << endmsg;
91  sl << " - radiation length X0 [mm] = " << mprop.x0() << endmsg;
92  sl << " - nuclear interaction length L0 [mm] = " << mprop.l0() << endmsg;
93  sl << " - average material Z/A*rho [gram/mm^3] = "
94  << mprop.zOverAtimesRho() << endmsg;
95  return sl;
96 }

◆ operator<<() [33/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const MaterialStep mstep 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 70 of file MaterialStep.cxx.

70  {
71  return mstep.dump(sl);
72 }

◆ operator<<() [34/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const MemoryLogger oac 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 49 of file MemoryLogger.cxx.

51 {
52  sl << "[ memory usage ] in kB ( VmSize | VmRSS ) : " << mlg.vmSize() << '\t' << mlg.vmRss();
53  return sl;
54 }

◆ operator<<() [35/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const ObjectAccessor oac 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 15 of file ObjectAccessor.cxx.

17 {
18  for (const ObjectAccessor::value_type& elm : oac) {
19  sl << (oac.end() - oac.begin()) << "-ObjectAccessor: | " << elm << " | ";
20  }
21  return sl;
22 }

◆ operator<<() [36/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const Surface sf 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 212 of file Surface.cxx.

214 {
215  return sf.dump(sl);
216 }

◆ operator<<() [37/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const SurfaceBounds sb 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 13 of file SurfaceBounds.cxx.

15 {
16  return sb.dump(sl);
17 }

◆ operator<<() [38/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const Track track 

Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output.

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 235 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrack/src/Track.cxx.

235  {
236  std::string name("Track ");
237  sl << name << "Author = " << << endmsg;
238  if (track.fitQuality() != nullptr) {
239  sl << *(track.fitQuality()) << endmsg;
240  }
241  if (track.trackSummary() != nullptr) {
242  sl << *(track.trackSummary()) << endmsg;
243  } else {
244  sl << "No TrackSummary available in this track." << endmsg;
245  }
246  if (track.trackStateOnSurfaces() != nullptr) {
247  sl << name << "has " << (track.trackStateOnSurfaces()->size())
248  << " trackStateOnSurface(s)" << endmsg;
250  // level() shows the output level, currentLevel()
251  // shows what the stream is set to
252  if (sl.level() < MSG::INFO) {
253  // loop over TrackStateOnSurfaces if verbose turned on
255  track.trackStateOnSurfaces()->cbegin();
256  int num = 0;
257  for (; it != track.trackStateOnSurfaces()->cend(); ++it) {
258  sl << " --------- Start of TrackStateOnSurface \t" << num << "\t-------"
259  << endmsg;
260  sl << (**it);
261  sl << " --------- End of TrackStateOnSurface \t" << num++
262  << "\t-------" << endmsg;
263  }
264  }
265  }
266  return sl;
267 }

◆ operator<<() [39/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const TrackInfo track 

Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output.

Definition at line 232 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrack/src/TrackInfo.cxx.

234 {
235  sl << info.dumpInfo() << endmsg;
236  return sl;
237 }

◆ operator<<() [40/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const TrackParticleBase trackParticleBase 

Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output.

Definition at line 247 of file TrackParticleBase.cxx.

248  {
249  trackParticleBase.dump(sl);
250  return sl;
251  }

◆ operator<<() [41/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const TrackStateOnSurface tsos 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output.

Definition at line 249 of file TrackStateOnSurface.cxx.

251 {
252  std::string name("TrackStateOnSurface: ");
253  sl << name << "\t of type : " << tsos.dumpType() << endmsg;
255  if (sl.level() < MSG::INFO) {
256  sl << name << "Detailed dump of contained objects follows:" << endmsg;
257  sl << (tsos.fitQualityOnSurface()) << "\n (end of FitQualityOnSurface dump)"
258  << endmsg;
260  if (tsos.trackParameters() != nullptr) {
261  sl << *(tsos.trackParameters()) << "\n (end of TrackParameters dump)"
262  << endmsg;
263  }
265  if (tsos.measurementOnTrack() != nullptr) {
266  sl << *(tsos.measurementOnTrack()) << "\n (end of MeasurementBase dump"
267  << endmsg;
268  }
270  if (tsos.materialEffectsOnTrack() != nullptr) {
271  sl << *(tsos.materialEffectsOnTrack())
272  << "\n (end of MaterialEffectsBase dump)" << endmsg;
273  }
275  if (tsos.alignmentEffectsOnTrack() != nullptr) {
276  sl << *(tsos.alignmentEffectsOnTrack())
277  << "\n (end of AlignmentEffectsOnTrack dump)" << endmsg;
278  }
279  }
280  return sl;
281 }

◆ operator<<() [42/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const TrackSurfaceIntersection tsfi 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 60 of file TrackSurfaceIntersection.cxx.

62 {
63  const std::streamsize ss = sl.precision();
64  sl << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
65  sl << std::setprecision(7);
66  sl << MSG::DEBUG << "Trk::TrackSurfaceIntersection " << std::endl;
67  sl << " position [mm] = (" << tsfi.position().x() << ", "
68  << tsfi.position().y() << ", " << tsfi.position().z() << ")" << std::endl;
69  sl << " direction [mm] = (" << tsfi.direction().x() << ", "
70  << tsfi.direction().y() << ", " << tsfi.direction().z() << ")"
71  << std::endl;
72  sl << " delta pathlength = " << tsfi.pathlength() << std::endl;
73  sl.precision(ss);
74  return sl;
75 }

◆ operator<<() [43/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const TransportJacobian jac 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 62 of file TransportJacobian.cxx.

64 {
65  sl << "|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------"
66  "|-------------|"
67  << std::endl;
68  sl << "| Jacobian(A) | Old /dL1 | /dL2 | /dPhi | /dThe "
69  "| /dCM |"
70  << std::endl;
71  sl << "|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------"
72  "|-------------|"
73  << std::endl;
75  sl << "| New dL1 / |" << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(0, 0)
76  << " |" << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(0, 1) << " |"
77  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(0, 2) << " |"
78  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(0, 3) << " |"
79  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(0, 4) << " |" << std::endl;
80  sl << "| dL2 / |" << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(1, 0)
81  << " |" << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(1, 1) << " |"
82  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(1, 2) << " |"
83  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(1, 3) << " |"
84  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(1, 4) << " |" << std::endl;
85  sl << "| dPhi/ |" << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(2, 0)
86  << " |" << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(2, 1) << " |"
87  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(2, 2) << " |"
88  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(2, 3) << " |"
89  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(2, 4) << " |" << std::endl;
90  sl << "| dThe/ |" << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(3, 0)
91  << " |" << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(3, 1) << " |"
92  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(3, 2) << " |"
93  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(3, 3) << " |"
94  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(3, 4) << " |" << std::endl;
95  sl << "| dCM / |"
97  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(4, 0) << " |"
98  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(4, 1) << " |"
99  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(4, 2) << " |"
100  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(4, 3) << " |"
101  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(4, 4) << " |" << std::endl;
102  sl << "|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------"
103  "|-------------|"
104  << std::endl;
105  return sl;
106 }

◆ operator<<() [44/113]

MsgStream& Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const Trk::LocalParameters lp 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 98 of file LocalParameters.cxx.

99 {
100  std::streamsize ss = sl.precision();
101  sl << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed)<< std::setprecision(3);
102  sl << "Trk::LocalParameters " <<": (";
103  for (int ipar=0; ipar<lp.dimension(); ++ipar)
104  { sl << lp(ipar);
105  if (ipar+1 < lp.dimension()) { sl << ", ";
106  } else { sl << ") - key: "<< lp.m_parameterkey << "(";}
107  }
109  for (int itag = 0, ipos=1; itag<5; ++itag, ipos*=2)
110  { bool bit = (lp.m_parameterkey & ipos);
111  if (bit) { sl << "1";
112  } else { sl << "0";}
113  }
114  sl << ")";
115  sl.precision (ss); sl<<std::resetiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
117  return sl;
118 }

◆ operator<<() [45/113]

MsgStream& Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const Trk::MeasurementBase mbase 

Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output.

Definition at line 116 of file MeasurementBase.h.

118 {
119  return mbase.dump(sl);
120 }

◆ operator<<() [46/113]

template<int DIM, class T >
MsgStream& Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const Trk::ParametersBase< DIM, T > &  tp 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

◆ operator<<() [47/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const Trk::ScatteringAngles saos 

Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output.

Definition at line 11 of file ScatteringAngles.cxx.

13 {
14  std::string name("ScatteringAngles: ");
15  sl << name << "deltaPhi : " << saos.deltaPhi() << endmsg;
16  sl << name << "deltaTheta : " << saos.deltaTheta() << endmsg;
17  sl << name << "sigmaDeltaPhi : " << saos.sigmaDeltaPhi() << endmsg;
18  sl << name << "sigmaDeltaTheta : " << saos.sigmaDeltaTheta() << endmsg;
19  return sl;
20 }

◆ operator<<() [48/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const Trk::SpacePoint spacePoint 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output.

Definition at line 43 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkSpacePoint/src/SpacePoint.cxx.

44  {
45  return spacePoint.dump(sl);
46  }

◆ operator<<() [49/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const Vertex sf 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 59 of file Vertex.cxx.

64 {

◆ operator<<() [50/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const VertexPositions sf 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 82 of file VertexPositions.cxx.

87 {

◆ operator<<() [51/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const Volume vol 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 115 of file Volume.cxx.

117 {
118  sl << "Trk::Volume with VolumeBounds :" << vol.volumeBounds() << endmsg;
119  return sl;
120 }

◆ operator<<() [52/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const VolumeBounds vb 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 14 of file VolumeBounds.cxx.

16 {
17  return vb.dump(sl);
18 }

◆ operator<<() [53/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const VxCandidate sf 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output; only needed in base class?

Definition at line 129 of file VxCandidate.cxx.

130 {
131  return sf.dump(sl);
132 }

◆ operator<<() [54/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const VxClusteringTable sf 

Definition at line 70 of file VxClusteringTable.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [55/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
const VxTrackAtVertex sf 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output; only needed in base class?

Definition at line 503 of file VxTrackAtVertex.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [56/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  sl,
Trk::GlueVolumesDescriptor gvd 

Overload of << operator for both, MsgStream and std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 49 of file GlueVolumesDescriptor.cxx.

50  {
51  sl << "Trk::GlueVolumesDescriptor: " << std::endl;
52  const std::vector<Trk::BoundarySurfaceFace>& glueFaceVector = gvd.glueFaces();
53  sl << " has Tracking Volumes registered for : " << glueFaceVector.size()
54  << " Volume faces." << std::endl;
55  std::vector<Trk::BoundarySurfaceFace>::const_iterator glueFaceIter =
56  glueFaceVector.begin();
57  std::vector<Trk::BoundarySurfaceFace>::const_iterator glueFaceIterEnd =
58  glueFaceVector.end();
59  // loop over the faces
60  for (; glueFaceIter != glueFaceIterEnd; ++glueFaceIter) {
61  const std::vector<Trk::TrackingVolume*>& glueVolumesVector =
62  gvd.glueVolumes(*glueFaceIter);
63  auto glueVolumeIter = glueVolumesVector.begin();
64  auto glueVolumeIterEnd = glueVolumesVector.end();
65  // loop over the TrackingVolumes
66  sl << " -----> Processing Face: " << int(*glueFaceIter) << " - has ";
67  sl << glueVolumesVector.size()
68  << " TrackingVolumes marked as 'GlueVolumes' " << std::endl;
69  for (; glueVolumeIter != glueVolumeIterEnd; ++glueVolumeIter)
70  sl << " - TrackingVolume: " << (*glueVolumeIter)->volumeName()
71  << std::endl;
72  }
73  return sl;
74 }

◆ operator<<() [57/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  stream,
const PrepRawData prd 

Definition at line 130 of file PrepRawData.cxx.

132 {
133  return prd.dump(stream);
134 }

◆ operator<<() [58/113]

MsgStream & Trk::operator<< ( MsgStream &  stream,
const TrackRoad tr 

Dump the road into a message stream.

Definition at line 41 of file TrackRoad.cxx.

43 {
44  return tr.dump(stream);
45 }

◆ operator<<() [59/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  log,
const MultiComponentStateOnSurface  

Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 91 of file MultiComponentStateOnSurface.cxx.

93 {
94  return log;
95 }

◆ operator<<() [60/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const NoiseOnSurface se 

Definition at line 18 of file NoiseOnSurface.cxx.

20 {
21  return se.dump(sl);
22 }

◆ operator<<() [61/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const PatternTrackParameters se 

Definition at line 88 of file PatternTrackParameters.cxx.

90 {
91  return se.dump(sl);
92 }

◆ operator<<() [62/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const MuonTrackSummary trackSum 


This dumps the values of each of the possible summary enums

Definition at line 83 of file MuonTrackSummary.cxx.

85 {
86  out << "MuonTrackSummary: npseudo " << trackSum.npseudoMeasurements()
87  << " nscat " << trackSum.nscatterers() << " number of chambers "
88  << trackSum.chamberHitSummary().size() << std::endl;
89  std::vector<MuonTrackSummary::ChamberHitSummary>::const_iterator it =
90  trackSum.chamberHitSummary().begin();
91  std::vector<MuonTrackSummary::ChamberHitSummary>::const_iterator it_end =
92  trackSum.chamberHitSummary().end();
94  for (; it != it_end; ++it) {
95  const MuonTrackSummary::ChamberHitSummary& chSum = *it;
96  const MuonTrackSummary::ChamberHitSummary::Projection& etaP =
97  chSum.etaProjection();
98  const MuonTrackSummary::ChamberHitSummary::Projection& phiP =
99  chSum.phiProjection();
100  out << " Chamber " << chSum.chamberId() << " isMdt " << chSum.isMdt()
101  << std::endl
102  << " First projection: Hits " << etaP.nhits << " holes " << etaP.nholes
103  << " outlier " << etaP.noutliers << " deltas " << etaP.ndeltas
104  << " close Hits " << etaP.ncloseHits << std::endl
105  << " Second projection: Hits " << phiP.nhits << " holes " << phiP.nholes
106  << " outlier " << phiP.noutliers << " deltas " << phiP.ndeltas
107  << " close Hits " << phiP.ncloseHits << std::endl;
108  }
109  return out;
110 }

◆ operator<<() [63/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const TrackSummary trackSum 


This dumps the values of each of the possible summary enums

Definition at line 202 of file TrackSummary.cxx.

204 {
205  return dumpTrackSummary(out, trackSum);
206 }

◆ operator<<() [64/113]

std::ostream& Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const VKConstraintBase cnst 

Definition at line 9 of file Derivt.cxx.

9  {
10  int NTRK = cnst.f0t.size();
11  // out.setf( std::ios::scientific); out.precision(7); out << std::endl;
12  out.precision(7);
13  out << std::defaultfloat;
14  out << " Base constraint derivatives for NTRK=" << NTRK
15  << " CNST dim=" << cnst.NCDim << std::endl;
16  out << " Momentum derivatives " << std::endl;
17  for (int ic = 0; ic < cnst.NCDim; ic++) {
18  out << " d(...)/dTheta d(...)/dPhi d(...)/dInvR NC=" << ic
19  << std::endl;
20  for (int i = 0; i < NTRK; i++) {
21  out << cnst.f0t[i][ic].X << ", " << cnst.f0t[i][ic].Y << ", "
22  << cnst.f0t[i][ic].Z << std::endl;
23  }
24  out << " d(...)/dXv d(...)/dYy d(...)/Zv" << std::endl;
25  out << cnst.h0t[ic].X << ", " << cnst.h0t[ic].Y << ", " << cnst.h0t[ic].Z
26  << std::endl;
27  out << " aa=" << cnst.aa[ic] << std::endl;
28  }
29  out.precision(6); // restore default
30  return out;
31 }

◆ operator<<() [65/113]

std::ostream& Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const VKMassConstraint cnst 

Definition at line 33 of file Derivt.cxx.

33  {
34  const VKVertex* vk = cnst.getOriginVertex();
35  int NP = cnst.m_usedParticles.size();
36  // out.setf( std::ios::scientific); out.precision(7); out << std::endl;
37  out.precision(7);
38  out << std::defaultfloat;
39  out << " Mass constraint (total NTRK=" << vk->TrackList.size() << ")"
40  << std::endl;
41  out << " * target mass: " << cnst.getTargetMass() << std::endl;
42  out << " * particle indexes: ";
43  for (int i = 0; i < NP; i++) {
44  out << cnst.m_usedParticles[i] << ", ";
45  }
46  out << std::endl;
47  out << " * particle masses: ";
48  for (int i = 0; i < NP; i++) {
49  out << vk->TrackList[cnst.m_usedParticles[i]]->getMass() << ", ";
50  }
51  out << std::endl;
52  out << (VKConstraintBase&)cnst << '\n';
53  out.precision(6); // restore default
54  return out;
55 }

◆ operator<<() [66/113]

std::ostream& Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const VKPhiConstraint cnst 

Definition at line 56 of file Derivt.cxx.

56  {
57  const VKVertex* vk = cnst.getOriginVertex();
58  // out.setf( std::ios::scientific); out.precision(7); out << std::endl;
59  out.precision(7);
60  out << std::defaultfloat;
61  out << " Phi constraint (total NTRK=" << vk->TrackList.size() << ")"
62  << std::endl;
63  out << (VKConstraintBase&)cnst << '\n';
64  out.precision(6); // restore default
65  return out;
66 }

◆ operator<<() [67/113]

std::ostream& Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const VKPlaneConstraint cnst 

Definition at line 100 of file Derivt.cxx.

100  {
101  const VKVertex* vk = cnst.getOriginVertex();
102  // out.setf( std::ios::scientific); out.precision(7); out << std::endl;
103  out.precision(7);
104  out << std::defaultfloat;
105  out << " Vertex in plane constraint (total NTRK=" << vk->TrackList.size()
106  << ")" << std::endl;
107  out << " Plane(A,B,C,D):" << cnst.getA() << ", " << cnst.getB() << ", "
108  << cnst.getC() << ", " << cnst.getD() << std::endl;
109  out << (VKConstraintBase&)cnst << '\n';
110  out.precision(6); // restore default
111  return out;
112 }

◆ operator<<() [68/113]

std::ostream& Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const VKPointConstraint cnst 

Definition at line 80 of file Derivt.cxx.

80  {
81  const VKVertex* vk = cnst.getOriginVertex();
82  // out.setf( std::ios::scientific); out.precision(7); out << std::endl;
83  out.precision(7);
84  out << std::defaultfloat;
85  if (!cnst.onlyZ()) {
86  out << " Point constraint (total NTRK=" << vk->TrackList.size() << ")"
87  << std::endl;
88  } else {
89  out << " Z point constraint (total NTRK=" << vk->TrackList.size() << ")"
90  << std::endl;
91  }
92  out << " target vertex=" << cnst.getTargetVertex()[0] << ", "
93  << cnst.getTargetVertex()[1] << ", " << cnst.getTargetVertex()[2]
94  << std::endl;
95  out << (VKConstraintBase&)cnst << '\n';
96  out.precision(6); // restore default
97  return out;
98 }

◆ operator<<() [69/113]

std::ostream& Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const VKThetaConstraint cnst 

Definition at line 68 of file Derivt.cxx.

68  {
69  const VKVertex* vk = cnst.getOriginVertex();
70  // out.setf( std::ios::scientific); out.precision(7); out << std::endl;
71  out.precision(7);
72  out << std::defaultfloat;
73  out << " Theta constraint (total NTRK=" << vk->TrackList.size() << ")"
74  << std::endl;
75  out << (VKConstraintBase&)cnst << '\n';
76  out.precision(6); // restore default
77  return out;
78 }

◆ operator<<() [70/113]

std::ostream& Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const VKTrack track 

Definition at line 94 of file TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.cxx.

95  {
96  //out.setf( std::ios::defaultfloat ); out.precision(5); out << std::endl;
97  out.precision(5); out << std::defaultfloat;
98  out << " Track par: Iteration <-> Ref" << std::endl;
99  out << " * a_0 : "<< track.a0() <<" "<< track.r_a0() << std::endl;
100  out << " * z_0 : "<< track.z() <<" "<< track.r_z() << std::endl;
101  out << " * theta : "<< track.theta()<<" "<< track.r_theta()<< std::endl;
102  out << " * phi : "<< track.phi() <<" "<< track.r_phi() << std::endl;
103  out << " * q/R : "<< track.invR() <<" "<< track.r_invR() << std::endl;
104  out << " * Charge: "<< track.Charge <<" Mass: "<<track.m_mass<< std::endl;
105  out << "-> with ref ErrorMatrix: " << std::endl;out.precision(5);
106  out << track.refCovar[0] <<std::endl;
107  out << track.refCovar[1] <<", "<<track.refCovar[2] <<std::endl;
108  out << track.refCovar[3] <<", "<<track.refCovar[4] <<", "<<track.refCovar[5] <<std::endl;
109  out << track.refCovar[6] <<", "<<track.refCovar[7] <<", "<<track.refCovar[8] <<", "
110  << track.refCovar[9]<<std::endl;
111  out << track.refCovar[10]<<", "<<track.refCovar[11]<<", "<<track.refCovar[12]<<", "
112  << track.refCovar[13]<<", "<<track.refCovar[14]<<std::endl;
113  out << "-> and iteration WeightMatrix: " << std::endl;
114  out << track.WgtM[0] <<std::endl;
115  out << track.WgtM[1] <<", "<<track.WgtM[2] <<std::endl;
116  out << track.WgtM[3] <<", "<<track.WgtM[4] <<", "<<track.WgtM[5] <<std::endl;
117  out << track.WgtM[6] <<", "<<track.WgtM[7] <<", "<<track.WgtM[8] <<", "
118  << track.WgtM[9]<<std::endl;
119  out << track.WgtM[10]<<", "<<track.WgtM[11]<<", "<<track.WgtM[12]<<", "
120  << track.WgtM[13]<<", "<<track.WgtM[14]<<std::endl;
121  return out;
122  }

◆ operator<<() [71/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const AlignmentEffectsOnTrack tsos 

Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 40 of file AlignmentEffectsOnTrack.cxx.

42 {
43  sl << "AlignmentEffectsOnTrack:" << std::endl;
44  sl << "deltaTranslation = " << aeot.deltaTranslation() << std::endl;
45  sl << "sigmaDeltaTranslation = " << aeot.deltaTranslation() << std::endl;
46  sl << "deltaAngle = " << aeot.deltaAngle() << std::endl;
47  sl << "sigmaDeltaAngle = " << aeot.sigmaDeltaAngle() << std::endl;
48  sl << "surface = " << aeot.associatedSurface() << std::endl;
49  return sl;
50 }

◆ operator<<() [72/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const AlignTrack::AlignTrackType  type 

Definition at line 391 of file AlignTrack.cxx.

392  {
393  switch(type) {
394  case AlignTrack::Unknown:
395  return sl<<"Unknown ";
396  case AlignTrack::Original:
397  return sl<<"Original ";
398  case AlignTrack::NormalRefitted:
399  return sl<<"NormalRefitted ";
400  case AlignTrack::BeamspotConstrained:
401  return sl<<"BeamspotConstrained ";
402  case AlignTrack::VertexConstrained:
403  return sl<<"VertexConstrained ";
404  default:
405  return sl<<"UNDEFINED ";
406  }
407  }

◆ operator<<() [73/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const AssociatedMaterial mstep 

Definition at line 214 of file AssociatedMaterial.cxx.

215  {
216  return mstep.dump(sl);
217 }

◆ operator<<() [74/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const BinUtility bgen 

Definition at line 23 of file BinUtility.cxx.

25 {
26  return bgen.dump(sl);
27 }

◆ operator<<() [75/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const CurvilinearUVT uvt 

Definition at line 25 of file CurvilinearUVT.cxx.

26 {
27  sl << "Trk::CuvilinearUVT - curvilinear frame (u,v,t)" << std::endl;
28  sl << " u = " << uvt.curvU() << std::endl;
29  sl << " v = " << uvt.curvV() << std::endl;
30  sl << " t = " << uvt.curvT() << std::endl;
32  return sl;
33 }

◆ operator<<() [76/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const ElementTable etab 

Definition at line 37 of file ElementTable.cxx.

37  {
38  std::string none = "None";
39  sl << " ------------------------- Trk::ElementTable "
40  "-------------------------- "
41  << std::endl;
42  sl << " - Listing " << etab.size() << " elements " << std::endl;
43  for (unsigned int iel = 0; iel < static_cast<unsigned int>(UCHAR_MAX); ++iel)
44  sl << " - Id : " << std::setw(3) << iel << " - Properties: "
45  << (etab.element(iel) ? etab.element(iel)->toString() : none)
46  << " - Name : " << etab.elementName(iel) << std::endl;
47  sl << " ---------------------------------------------------------------------"
48  "- "
49  << std::endl;
50  return sl;
51 }

◆ operator<<() [77/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const EnergyLoss eloss 

Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug outputstd::ostream&.

Definition at line 22 of file EnergyLoss.cxx.

24 {
25  return eloss.dump(sl);
26 }

◆ operator<<() [78/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const FitQualityImpl fq 

Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 26 of file FitQuality.cxx.

27 {
28  std::streamsize ss = sl.precision();
29  sl << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed)<< std::setprecision(3);
30  sl <<"FitQuality: \t"
31  << "("<<fq.chiSquared()<<", \t"<<fq.numberDoF()<<")\t"
32  << "(chi^2, ndf)";
33  sl.precision (ss); sl<<std::resetiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
34  return sl;
35 }

◆ operator<<() [79/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const JacobianCurvilinearToLocal jac 

Definition at line 110 of file JacobianCurvilinearToLocal.cxx.

111 {
112  sl << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
113  sl << std::setprecision(7);
114  sl << "Trk::JacobianCurvilinearToLocal " << std::endl;
115  sl << "______________________________________________________________________" << std::endl;
116  for (int irow = 0; irow<5; irow++){
117  for (int icol =0; icol<5; icol++){
118  sl << (jac)(irow,icol);
119  if (irow < 4 || icol < 4 ) { sl << " ";}
120  }
121  sl << std::endl;
122  }
123  sl << "______________________________________________________________________";
124  return sl;
125 }

◆ operator<<() [80/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const JacobianLocalToCurvilinear jac 

Definition at line 99 of file JacobianLocalToCurvilinear.cxx.

100 {
101  sl << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
102  sl << std::setprecision(7);
103  sl << "Trk::JacobianLocalToCurvilinear " << std::endl;
104  sl << "______________________________________________________________________" << std::endl;
105  for (int irow = 0; irow<5; irow++){
106  for (int icol =0; icol<5; icol++){
107  sl << (jac)(irow,icol);
108  if (irow < 4 || icol < 4 ) { sl << " "; }
109  }
110  sl << std::endl;
111  }
112  sl << "______________________________________________________________________";
113  return sl;
114 }

◆ operator<<() [81/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const LayerIndex layx 

Definition at line 42 of file LayerIndex.cxx.

44 {
45  sl << layx.value();
46  return sl;
47 }

◆ operator<<() [82/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const LayerMaterialProperties mprop 

Definition at line 14 of file LayerMaterialProperties.cxx.

15  {
16  return lmp.dump(sl);
17 }

◆ operator<<() [83/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const LinearizedTrack sf 

Definition at line 119 of file LinearizedTrack.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [84/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const LocalDirection lomo 

Definition at line 26 of file LocalDirection.cxx.

27 {
28  ls << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(3);
29 // ls << "(angleXZ, angleYZ, magnitude) = ";
30  ls << "(angleXZ, angleYZ) = ";
31  ls << "(" << lom.angleXZ();
32  ls << "," << lom.angleYZ() << ")";
33  ls << std::setprecision(-1);
34  return ls;
35 }

◆ operator<<() [85/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const MagneticFieldProperties mprop 

Definition at line 21 of file MagneticFieldProperties.cxx.

22  {
23  sl << "Trk::MagneticFieldProperties, configuration: "
24  << mprop.magneticFieldMode() << std::endl;
25  return sl;
26 }

◆ operator<<() [86/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const MaterialEffectsBase meb 

Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 57 of file MaterialEffectsBase.cxx.

59 {
60  return meb.dump(sl);
61 }

◆ operator<<() [87/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const MaterialProperties mprop 

Definition at line 98 of file MaterialProperties.cxx.

99  {
100  sl << "Trk::MaterialProperties: " << std::endl;
101  sl << " - thickness/X0 = " << mprop.thicknessInX0()
102  << std::endl;
103  sl << " - thickness [mm] = " << mprop.thickness()
104  << std::endl;
105  sl << " - radiation length X0 [mm] = " << mprop.x0()
106  << std::endl;
107  sl << " - nuclear interaction length L0 [mm] = " << mprop.l0()
108  << std::endl;
109  sl << " - average material Z/A*rho [gram/mm^3] = "
110  << mprop.zOverAtimesRho() << std::endl;
111  return sl;
112 }

◆ operator<<() [88/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const MaterialStep mstep 

Definition at line 74 of file MaterialStep.cxx.

75  {
76  return mstep.dump(sl);
77 }

◆ operator<<() [89/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const MemoryLogger oac 

Definition at line 56 of file MemoryLogger.cxx.

58 {
59  sl << "[ memory usage ] in kB ( VmSize | VmRSS ) : " << mlg.vmSize() << '\t' << mlg.vmRss();
60  return sl;
61 }

◆ operator<<() [90/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const ObjectAccessor oac 

Definition at line 24 of file ObjectAccessor.cxx.

26 {
27  for (const ObjectAccessor::value_type& elm : oac) {
28  sl << (oac.end() - oac.begin()) << "-ObjectAccessor: | " << elm << " | ";
29  }
30  return sl;
31 }

◆ operator<<() [91/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const Trk::SpacePoint spacePoint 

Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 50 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkSpacePoint/src/SpacePoint.cxx.

51  {
52  return spacePoint.dump(sl);
53  }

◆ operator<<() [92/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const Surface sf 

Definition at line 218 of file Surface.cxx.

220 {
221  return sf.dump(sl);
222 }

◆ operator<<() [93/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const SurfaceBounds sb 

Definition at line 19 of file SurfaceBounds.cxx.

21 {
22  return sb.dump(sl);
23 }

◆ operator<<() [94/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const Track track 

Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 269 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrack/src/Track.cxx.

269  {
270  std::string name("Track ");
271  sl << name << "Author = " << << std::endl;
272  if (track.fitQuality() != nullptr) {
273  sl << *(track.fitQuality()) << std::endl;
274  }
275  if (track.trackSummary() != nullptr) {
276  sl << *(track.trackSummary()) << std::endl;
277  } else {
278  sl << "No TrackSummary available in this track." << std::endl;
279  }
281  if (track.trackStateOnSurfaces() != nullptr) {
282  sl << name << "has " << (track.trackStateOnSurfaces()->size())
283  << " trackStateOnSurface(s)" << std::endl;
285  track.trackStateOnSurfaces()->cbegin();
286  int num = 0;
287  for (; it != track.trackStateOnSurfaces()->cend(); ++it) {
288  sl << " --------- Start of TrackStateOnSurface \t" << num << "\t-------"
289  << std::endl;
290  sl << (**it);
291  sl << " --------- End of TrackStateOnSurface \t" << num++ << "\t-------"
292  << std::endl;
293  }
294  }
295  return sl;
296 }

◆ operator<<() [95/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const TrackInfo track 

Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 225 of file Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrack/src/TrackInfo.cxx.

227 {
228  sl << info.dumpInfo() << std::endl;
229  return sl;
230 }

◆ operator<<() [96/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const TrackParticleBase trackParticleBase 

Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 253 of file TrackParticleBase.cxx.

254  {
255  trackParticleBase.dump(sl);
256  return sl;
257  }

◆ operator<<() [97/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const TrackStateOnSurface tsos 

Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output.

return sl; don't return here, the next code becomes dead

Definition at line 283 of file TrackStateOnSurface.cxx.

285 {
286  std::string name("TrackStateOnSurface: ");
287  sl << name << "\t of type : " << tsos.dumpType() << std::endl;
289  sl << "\t FitQualityOnSurface(s)." << std::endl;
290  sl << "\t \t" << (tsos.fitQualityOnSurface()) << std::endl;
292  if (tsos.trackParameters() != nullptr) {
293  sl << "\t HAS TrackParameter(s)." << std::endl;
294  sl << "\t \t" << *(tsos.trackParameters()) << std::endl;
295  } else {
296  sl << "\t NO TrackParameters." << std::endl;
297  }
299  if (tsos.measurementOnTrack() != nullptr) {
300  sl << "\t HAS MeasurementBase(s)." << std::endl;
301  sl << "\t \t" << *(tsos.measurementOnTrack()) << std::endl;
302  } else {
303  sl << "\t NO MeasurementBase." << std::endl;
304  }
306  if (tsos.materialEffectsOnTrack() != nullptr) {
307  sl << "\t HAS MaterialEffectsBase." << std::endl;
308  sl << "\t \t" << *(tsos.materialEffectsOnTrack()) << std::endl;
309  } else {
310  sl << "\t NO MaterialEffects." << std::endl;
311  }
313  if (tsos.alignmentEffectsOnTrack() != nullptr) {
314  sl << "\t HAS AlignmentEffectsOnTrack." << std::endl;
315  sl << "\t \t" << *(tsos.alignmentEffectsOnTrack()) << std::endl;
316  } else {
317  sl << "\t NO AlignmentEffectsOnTrack." << std::endl;
318  }
319  return sl;
320 }

◆ operator<<() [98/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const TrackSurfaceIntersection tsfi 

Definition at line 77 of file TrackSurfaceIntersection.cxx.

79 {
80  const std::streamsize ss = sl.precision();
81  sl << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
82  sl << std::setprecision(7);
83  sl << "Trk::TrackSurfaceIntersection " << std::endl;
84  sl << " position [mm] = (" << tsfi.position().x() << ", "
85  << tsfi.position().y() << ", " << tsfi.position().z() << ")" << std::endl;
86  sl << " direction [mm] = (" << tsfi.direction().x() << ", "
87  << tsfi.direction().y() << ", " << tsfi.direction().z() << ")"
88  << std::endl;
89  sl << " delta pathlength = " << tsfi.pathlength() << std::endl;
90  sl.precision(ss);
91  return sl;
92 }

◆ operator<<() [99/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const TransportJacobian jac 

Definition at line 112 of file TransportJacobian.cxx.

114 {
115  sl << "|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------"
116  "|-------------|"
117  << std::endl;
118  sl << "| Jacobian(A) | Old /dL1 | /dL2 | /dPhi | /dThe "
119  "| /dCM |"
120  << std::endl;
121  sl << "|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------"
122  "|-------------|"
123  << std::endl;
125  sl << "| New dL1 / |" << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(0, 0)
126  << " |" << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(0, 1) << " |"
127  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(0, 2) << " |"
128  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(0, 3) << " |"
129  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(0, 4) << " |" << std::endl;
130  sl << "| dL2 / |" << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(1, 0)
131  << " |" << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(1, 1) << " |"
132  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(1, 2) << " |"
133  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(1, 3) << " |"
134  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(1, 4) << " |" << std::endl;
135  sl << "| dPhi/ |" << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(2, 0)
136  << " |" << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(2, 1) << " |"
137  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(2, 2) << " |"
138  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(2, 3) << " |"
139  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(2, 4) << " |" << std::endl;
140  sl << "| dThe/ |" << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(3, 0)
141  << " |" << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(3, 1) << " |"
142  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(3, 2) << " |"
143  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(3, 3) << " |"
144  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(3, 4) << " |" << std::endl;
145  sl << "| dCM / |"
147  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(4, 0) << " |"
148  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(4, 1) << " |"
149  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(4, 2) << " |"
150  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(4, 3) << " |"
151  << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(5) << J(4, 4) << " |" << std::endl;
152  sl << "|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------"
153  "|-------------|"
154  << std::endl;
155  return sl;
156 }

◆ operator<<() [100/113]

std::ostream& Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const Trk::LocalParameters lp 

Definition at line 120 of file LocalParameters.cxx.

121 {
122  std::streamsize ss = sl.precision();
123  sl << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed)<< std::setprecision(3);
124  sl << "Trk::LocalParameters " <<": (";
125  for (int ipar=0; ipar<lp.dimension(); ++ipar)
126  { sl << lp(ipar);
127  if (ipar+1 < lp.dimension()) { sl << ", ";
128  } else { sl << ") - key: "<< lp.m_parameterkey << "(";}
129  }
131  for (int itag = 0, ipos=1; itag<5; ++itag, ipos*=2)
132  { bool bit = (lp.m_parameterkey & ipos);
133  if (bit) { sl << "1";
134  } else { sl << "0";
135  }
136  }
137  sl << ")";
138  sl.precision (ss); sl<<std::resetiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
141  return sl;
142 }

◆ operator<<() [101/113]

std::ostream& Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const Trk::MeasurementBase mbase 

Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 123 of file MeasurementBase.h.

125 {
126  return mbase.dump(sl);
127 }

◆ operator<<() [102/113]

template<int DIM, class T >
std::ostream& Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const Trk::ParametersBase< DIM, T > &  tp 

◆ operator<<() [103/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const Trk::ScatteringAngles saos 

Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output.

Definition at line 22 of file ScatteringAngles.cxx.

24 {
25  sl << "ScatteringAngles: " << std::endl;
26  sl << "\t deltaPhi : " << saos.deltaPhi() << std::endl;
27  sl << "\t deltaTheta : " << saos.deltaTheta() << std::endl;
28  sl << "\t sigmaDeltaPhi : " << saos.sigmaDeltaPhi() << std::endl;
29  sl << "\t sigmaDeltaTheta : " << saos.sigmaDeltaTheta() << std::endl;
30  return sl;
31 }

◆ operator<<() [104/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const Vertex sf 

Definition at line 65 of file Vertex.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [105/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const VertexPositions sf 

Definition at line 88 of file VertexPositions.cxx.

91  : VertexPositions is not able to return a valid position "
92  << " as a const object: need to go from Update to Use mode. "

◆ operator<<() [106/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const Volume vol 

Definition at line 122 of file Volume.cxx.

124 {
125  sl << "Trk::Volume with VolumeBounds :" << vol.volumeBounds() << std::endl;
126  return sl;
127 }

◆ operator<<() [107/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const VolumeBounds vb 

Definition at line 20 of file VolumeBounds.cxx.

22 {
23  return vb.dump(sl);
24 }

◆ operator<<() [108/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const VxCandidate sf 

Definition at line 135 of file VxCandidate.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [109/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const VxClusteringTable sf 

Definition at line 73 of file VxClusteringTable.cxx.

73  {

◆ operator<<() [110/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
const VxTrackAtVertex sf 

Definition at line 509 of file VxTrackAtVertex.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [111/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  sl,
GlueVolumesDescriptor mprop 

Definition at line 76 of file GlueVolumesDescriptor.cxx.

77  {
78  sl << "Trk::GlueVolumesDescriptor: " << std::endl;
79  const std::vector<Trk::BoundarySurfaceFace>& glueFaceVector = gvd.glueFaces();
80  sl << " has Tracking Volumes registered for : " << glueFaceVector.size()
81  << " Volume faces." << std::endl;
82  std::vector<Trk::BoundarySurfaceFace>::const_iterator glueFaceIter =
83  glueFaceVector.begin();
84  std::vector<Trk::BoundarySurfaceFace>::const_iterator glueFaceIterEnd =
85  glueFaceVector.end();
86  // loop over the faces
87  for (; glueFaceIter != glueFaceIterEnd; ++glueFaceIter) {
88  const std::vector<Trk::TrackingVolume*>& glueVolumesVector =
89  gvd.glueVolumes(*glueFaceIter);
90  auto glueVolumeIter = glueVolumesVector.begin();
91  auto glueVolumeIterEnd = glueVolumesVector.end();
92  // loop over the TrackingVolumes
93  sl << " -----> Processing Face: " << int(*glueFaceIter) << " - has ";
94  sl << glueVolumesVector.size()
95  << " TrackingVolumes marked as 'GlueVolumes' " << std::endl;
96  for (; glueVolumeIter != glueVolumeIterEnd; ++glueVolumeIter)
97  sl << " - TrackingVolume: " << (*glueVolumeIter)->volumeName()
98  << std::endl;
99  }
100  return sl;
101 }

◆ operator<<() [112/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const PrepRawData prd 

Definition at line 136 of file PrepRawData.cxx.

138 {
139  return prd.dump(stream);
140 }

◆ operator<<() [113/113]

std::ostream & Trk::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const TrackRoad tr 

Dump the road into a standard output stream.

Definition at line 47 of file TrackRoad.cxx.

49 {
50  return tr.dump(stream);
51 }

◆ operator<=()

bool Trk::operator<= ( const LayerIndex one,
const LayerIndex two 

Definition at line 17 of file LayerIndex.cxx.

19 {
20  return (one.value() <= two.value());
21 }

◆ operator>()

bool Trk::operator> ( const LayerIndex one,
const LayerIndex two 

Definition at line 24 of file LayerIndex.cxx.

25 {
26  return (one.value() > two.value());
27 }

◆ operator>=()

bool Trk::operator>= ( const LayerIndex one,
const LayerIndex two 

Definition at line 30 of file LayerIndex.cxx.

31 {
32  return (one.value() >= two.value());
33 }

◆ ParaMin()

void Trk::ParaMin ( double  b,
double  c,
double  d,
double  e,
double  f,
double &  xmin,
double &  ymin 

Definition at line 282 of file Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Utilities.cxx.

284 {
285  ymin = (f*b-2.*c*d)/(4.*c*e - f*f);
286  if( std::abs(f) > std::abs(c) ) { xmin = - (2.*e*ymin + d)/f;}
287  else { xmin = - (f*ymin+b)/(2.*c);}
288  }

◆ processCascade() [1/3]

int Trk::processCascade ( CascadeEvent cascadeEvent_)

Definition at line 244 of file CFitCascade.cxx.

245 {
246  int translateToFittedPos(CascadeEvent &, double Step=1.);
247  int restorePreviousPos(CascadeEvent &, std::vector<VKVertex> & );
249  VKVertex * vk;
250  long int Iter, IERR, iv, i;
251 //============================================================================================
252 //
253 // First without pointing to get initial estimations and resolve mass constraints
254 // This initial step is needed to get initial estimation for "passing near constraint
255 //
256  for(iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
257  vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
258  IERR = fitVertexCascade( vk, 0); if(IERR)return IERR; //fit
259  IERR = setVTrackMass(vk); if(IERR)return IERR; //mass of combined particle
260  }
261  IERR = translateToFittedPos(cascadeEvent_); if(IERR)return IERR;
262 //
263 // Now standard fit without pointing in cascade but WITH pointing to PV if present
264 //
266  double Chi2Old=0.,Chi2Cur=0.;
267  for(Iter=0; Iter<100; Iter++){
268  Chi2Cur=0.;
269  for(iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
270  vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
271 //
272 //Calculate derivatives for "passing near" cnst. Initial vertex position is used for derivatives.
273 //Results are saved in ForVRTClose structure
274  if(cascadeEvent_.nearPrmVertex && iv==(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1)){ //only last vertex in cascade may have it
275  double dparst[6]={vk->refIterV[0]+vk->iniV[0], vk->refIterV[1]+vk->iniV[1], vk->refIterV[2]+vk->iniV[2],
276  vk->fitMom[0], vk->fitMom[1], vk->fitMom[2] };
277  vk->FVC.Charge=getVertexCharge(vk);
278  if(vk->FVC.Charge!=0)vk->FVC.Charge=std::copysign(1,vk->FVC.Charge);
279  vpderiv(true, vk->FVC.Charge, dparst, vk->fitCovXYZMom, vk->FVC.vrt, vk->FVC.covvrt,
280  vk->FVC.cvder, vk->FVC.ywgt, vk->FVC.rv0, (vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
281  }
282  IERR = fitVertexCascade( vk, 0); if(IERR)return IERR; //fit
283  IERR = setVTrackMass(vk); if(IERR)return IERR; //mass of combined particle
284  Chi2Cur += vk->Chi2;
285 //std::cout<<iv<<"---Chi2="<<vk->Chi2<<", "<<vk->refIterV[0]+vk->fitV[0]<<", "<<vk->refIterV[1]+vk->fitV[1]<<", "<<vk->refIterV[2]+vk->fitV[2]<<'\n';
286  }
287  if( Chi2Cur-Chi2Old > 1. && Iter){ IERR = translateToFittedPos(cascadeEvent_,0.8);} //step limitation is case of divergence
288  else { IERR = translateToFittedPos(cascadeEvent_,1.0);} if(IERR)return IERR;
290 //std::cout<<" free iter="<<Iter<<", "<<Chi2Cur<<", "<<Chi2Old-Chi2Cur<<"; "<<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV<<'\n';
291  if(std::abs(Chi2Cur-Chi2Old)<0.01)break; //stable cascade position
292  if(Iter>10 && (Chi2Cur-Chi2Old)>0.)break; //oscillations. Stop preliminary fit
293  Chi2Old=Chi2Cur;
294  if(Chi2Cur>1.e6 && Iter>0) return -1; //Too bad iteration. Drop fit
295  }
296 // if(Chi2Cur>3000.) return -1; // Initial solution is too bad!!!
297 //-------------------------------- Check constraints status
298  double cnstRemnants=cascadeCnstRemnants(cascadeEvent_);
299  if( cnstRemnants > 10000.e0) return -2; /* Constraints are not resolved. Stop fit */
300  if(cnstRemnants==0. && Chi2Cur>3000. ) return -1; // Initial solution is too bad!!!
301  if( Chi2Cur>50000.) return -1; // Initial solution is too bad!!!
302 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
303 // Attach pointing constraint to affected vertices and create working arrays
304 // of correct size
305 //
306  for(iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
307  vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
308  if(vk->nextCascadeVrt){
309  long int NTRK = vk->TrackList.size();
310  vk->ConstraintList.emplace_back(new VKPointConstraint( NTRK, vk->nextCascadeVrt->refIterV , vk, false));
311  }
312  }
313  long int fullNPar = getCascadeNPar(cascadeEvent_);
314  double * fullMatrix = new double[fullNPar*fullNPar];
315  double * iniCovMatrix = new double[fullNPar*fullNPar];for(int ss=0; ss<fullNPar*fullNPar; ss++) iniCovMatrix[ss]=0.;
316  double * fullLSide = new double[fullNPar];
317  double * tmpLSide = new double[fullNPar];
318  //std::unique_ptr<double[]> tmpLSide = std::unique_ptr<double[]>(new double[fullNPar])
319  std::vector<VKVertex> listVCopy(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV);
320 //-------------------------------------------------------
321 // Now fit with pointing constraint
322 //
323  cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt.resize(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV);
324  long int NParCur, NStart;
325  int getBack=0; // counter of oscillations
326  int fullSTOP=0; // immediate stop iteration flag
327  double Chi2Diff=0.;
329  int NFitIterationMax=100; // Maximal amount of iterations
330  int badStepCountMax=5; // Maximal amount of bad steps
332  cnstRemnants=100000.; double cnstProgr=1.; double minCnstRemnants=100000.;
333  int badStepCount=0;
335  for(Iter=0; Iter<=NFitIterationMax; Iter++){
336  Chi2Cur=0.;
337  NStart=0;
338  for( iv=0; iv<fullNPar*fullNPar; iv++)fullMatrix[iv]=0.; // zero full matrix
339  for( iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
340  vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
341 //
342 //Calculate derivatives for "passing near" cnst. Initial vertex position is used for derivatives.
343 //Results are saved in ForVRTClose structure
344  if(cascadeEvent_.nearPrmVertex && iv==(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1)){ //only last vertex in cascade may have it
345  double dparst[6]={vk->refIterV[0]+vk->iniV[0], vk->refIterV[1]+vk->iniV[1], vk->refIterV[2]+vk->iniV[2],
346  vk->fitMom[0], vk->fitMom[1], vk->fitMom[2] };
347  vk->FVC.Charge=getVertexCharge(vk);
348  if(vk->FVC.Charge!=0)vk->FVC.Charge=std::copysign(1,vk->FVC.Charge);
349  vpderiv(vk->passWithTrkCov, vk->FVC.Charge, dparst, vk->fitCovXYZMom,
350  vk->FVC.vrt, vk->FVC.covvrt, vk->FVC.cvder, vk->FVC.ywgt, vk->FVC.rv0, (vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
351  }
352  if (vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.irob != 0) {robtest(vk, 0, Iter);} // ROBUSTIFICATION new data structure
353  if (vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.irob != 0) {robtest(vk, 1, Iter);} // ROBUSTIFICATION new data structure
354  IERR = fitVertexCascade( vk, 1 ); if(IERR) break; //with passNear for last vertex in cascade if needed
355  IERR = setVTrackMass(vk); if(IERR) break; //mass of combined particle
356 //
357 //Get full constraint matrix and left side for vertex
358  cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt[iv]=NStart;
359  NParCur = FullMCNSTfill( vk, vk->ader, tmpLSide);
360 //
361 //Move them to cascade full matrix and left side
362  copyFullMtx( vk->ader, NParCur, NParCur, fullMatrix, NStart, fullNPar);
363 //
364 //Copy error matrix for left side vector (measured part T,U1,..,Un - see Billoir)
365 // to correct place in iniCovMatrix matrix. Only at last step and without constraint part!!! CHECK IT!!!
366  if(Iter==NFitIterationMax || fullSTOP || badStepCount>=badStepCountMax)
367  copyFullMtx( vk->ader, 3+3*vk->TrackList.size(), NParCur, iniCovMatrix, NStart, fullNPar);
368 //
369 // Fill left part of the system
370  for(i=0; i<NParCur; i++) fullLSide[i+NStart] = tmpLSide[i];
371  NStart += NParCur;
372  Chi2Cur += vk->Chi2;
373 //std::cout<<iv<<"--------Chi2="<<vk->Chi2<<", "<<cascadeEvent_.nearPrmVertex<<" nstart="<<NStart<<'\n';
374  }
375  if( (Chi2Cur>1.e8 && Iter>0) || IERR){
376  delete[] fullMatrix; delete[] fullLSide; delete[] tmpLSide; delete[] iniCovMatrix;
377  if(Chi2Cur>1.e8) return -1;
378  return IERR;
379  }
380 //
381 //--- Attempt to dump oscillations by returning to good position
382  cnstProgr=cascadeCnstRemnants(cascadeEvent_)/cnstRemnants;
383  if( Iter>3 && cnstProgr>4. && getBack<5 && fullSTOP==0 ) { //------ Bad previous step discovered.
384  //std::cout<<" oscillation discovered="<<Iter<<" progr="<<cnstProgr<<'\n';
385  IERR=restorePreviousPos(cascadeEvent_, listVCopy );
386  if(IERR){ delete[] fullMatrix; delete[] fullLSide; delete[] tmpLSide; delete[] iniCovMatrix; return IERR;}
387  cnstRemnants=100000.; Chi2Old+=10000; // to skip restoring on next iteration
388  if(Iter==NFitIterationMax )Iter-=2; // to give time to converge after this operation
389  if(Iter==NFitIterationMax-1)Iter-=1; // to give time to converge after this operation
390  getBack++; badStepCount=0;
391  continue;
392  } //--------- Make some copy of vertices for safety
393  cnstRemnants*=cnstProgr; cnstRemnants += 1.e-6*cascadeEvent_.getAccuracyConstraint(); //VK Protection against 0
394  if(cnstRemnants<minCnstRemnants)minCnstRemnants=cnstRemnants;
395  if(minCnstRemnants==cnstRemnants){ //--------- Make copy of vertices for safety at best point
396  for( iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
397*(cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv]); // vertex list copy
398  }
399  }
400 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
401 //for( iv=0; iv<fullNPar; iv++)std::cout<<fullLSide[iv]<<", ";std::cout<<'\n';
402 // std::cout<<fullLSide[3+3*2]<<", "<<fullLSide[3+3*2+1]<<", "<<
403 // fullLSide[20]<<", "<<fullLSide[21]<<", "<<fullLSide[22]<<'\n';
404 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
405 //
406 // Add cross vertices derivatives
407  addCrossVertexDeriv(cascadeEvent_, fullMatrix, fullNPar, cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt);
408 //
409 // Add pseudotrack momentum fix
410 //
411  int tstRet=fixPseudoTrackPt(fullNPar, fullMatrix, fullLSide, cascadeEvent_ );
412  if( tstRet ){ delete[] fullMatrix; delete[] fullLSide; delete[] tmpLSide; delete[] iniCovMatrix; return -1; }
413 //
414 // Resolve full cascade with constraints system
415 //
416  if( Iter<NFitIterationMax && fullSTOP==0 && badStepCount<badStepCountMax){ //Normal step. Solution of system only
417  IERR = vkMSolve(fullMatrix, fullLSide, fullNPar);
418  if(IERR){ delete[] fullMatrix; delete[] fullLSide; delete[] tmpLSide; delete[] iniCovMatrix;return IERR;}
419  }else{ //Last step. Solution+full error matrix
420  cascadeEvent_.fullCovMatrix.reset( new double[fullNPar*fullNPar] ); //Create fresh matrix
421  IERR = vkMSolve(fullMatrix, fullLSide, fullNPar, cascadeEvent_.fullCovMatrix.get());
422  if(IERR){ delete[] fullMatrix; delete[] fullLSide; delete[] tmpLSide; delete[] iniCovMatrix;
423  cascadeEvent_.fullCovMatrix.reset(); return IERR;}
424 //std::cout<<"fulcov="; for(int tt=0; tt<fullNPar; tt++)std::cout<<cascadeEvent_.fullCovMatrix[tt*fullNPar+tt]<<", "; std::cout<<'\n';
425  std::unique_ptr<double[]> newCov(new double[fullNPar*fullNPar]); //Check via error transfer from left side (measured values). Gives exactly the same errors - correct!!!
426  getNewCov(iniCovMatrix, cascadeEvent_.fullCovMatrix.get(), newCov.get(), fullNPar);
427  cascadeEvent_.fullCovMatrix=std::move(newCov); //Unique_ptr will handle deletion automatically
428  }
429 //
430 // Set fitted parameters
431 //
432  setFittedParameters( fullLSide, cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt, cascadeEvent_ );
433 //
434 // Update pointing constraints and calculate real cascade Chi2
435 //
436  double Chi2Full=0.;
437  for(iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
438  vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
439  for(int it=0; it<(int)vk->TrackList.size(); it++){
440  VKTrack * trk=vk->TrackList[it].get(); if(trk->Id >= 0)Chi2Full+=trk->Chi2; // real track in cascade
441  }
442  if(cascadeEvent_.nearPrmVertex && iv==(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1)){ //only last vertex in cascade may have it
443  double signift = cfVrtDstSig( vk, vk->passWithTrkCov);
444  Chi2Full += signift*signift;
445  }
446  }
447  Chi2Diff=Chi2Old-Chi2Full;
448  if(Chi2Diff<0. && cnstProgr>0.99) badStepCount++;
449  if(cnstRemnants==minCnstRemnants || cnstProgr<0.9) badStepCount=0;
450 //std::cout.precision(5); std::cout<<" iter="<<Iter<<" separ="<<Chi2Cur<<" full="<<Chi2Full<<" iter diff="<<Chi2Full/Chi2Cur<<
451 //" cnstrem="<<cnstRemnants<<" progr="<<cnstProgr<<" lim="<<cnstRemnants/minCnstRemnants<<" bstep="<<badStepCount<<'\n';
452  bool badFullStep=false;
453  if( Iter>5 && Chi2Full/Chi2Cur>1.2) badFullStep=true; //VK 16.04.2013 New strategy
454  if( Iter==NFitIterationMax || fullSTOP ) badFullStep=false; //VK 16.04.2013 No step limitation on last iteration
455 //
456 // Prepare next iteration
457 //
458  if(badFullStep) IERR = translateToFittedPos(cascadeEvent_,0.3);
459  else IERR = translateToFittedPos(cascadeEvent_);
460  if(IERR){ delete[] fullMatrix; delete[] fullLSide; delete[] tmpLSide; delete[] iniCovMatrix; return IERR;}
462  for(iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
463  vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
464  if(vk->nextCascadeVrt){
465  int pntCnst = vk->ConstraintList.size() - 1; // pointing constraint is always last in the list
466  VKPointConstraint * pcnst = dynamic_cast<VKPointConstraint*>(vk->ConstraintList[pntCnst].get());
467  pcnst->setTargetVertex(vk->nextCascadeVrt->refIterV);
468  }
469  }
470 //
472  if(fullSTOP) break;
473  if(cnstRemnants>1.e4&&Iter>10) //no way to fulfil constraints
474  { delete[] fullMatrix; delete[] fullLSide; delete[] tmpLSide; delete[] iniCovMatrix; return -2;}
475 //
476  if( Iter<NFitIterationMax && Iter>2){
477  if(std::abs(Chi2Diff)<0.001 && cnstRemnants/minCnstRemnants<10.){ //stable cascade position before end of cycling
478  NFitIterationMax=Iter+1; //then makes additional iteration to get the full error matrix
479  }
480  if(cnstRemnants<cascadeEvent_.getAccuracyConstraint()) fullSTOP++; //Good constraint accuracy is reached
481  }
482  if ( Iter>NFitIterationMax+50 ) break; //Protection - too many iterations due to whatever reason.
483  if(badStepCount>badStepCountMax)break; //Divergence discovered (in both cases the full error matrix is ready!!!)
485  Chi2Old=Chi2Full;
486  }
488  //if(tmpc0)std::cout<<(*tmpc0)<<'\n';
489  //if(tmpc1)std::cout<<(*tmpc1)<<'\n';
491  delete[] fullMatrix; delete[] fullLSide; delete[] tmpLSide; delete[] iniCovMatrix;
492 //-------------------------------- Check constraints status
493  cnstRemnants=cascadeCnstRemnants(cascadeEvent_);
494 //std::cout<<"fullcnst="<<cnstRemnants<<" lim="<<cnstRemnants/minCnstRemnants<<'\n';
495  if( cnstRemnants > 1.e0) return -2; /* Constraints are not resolved. Stop fit */
496  return 0;
497 }

◆ processCascade() [2/3]

int Trk::processCascade ( CascadeEvent cascadeEvent_,
const double *  primVrt,
const double *  primVrtCov 

Definition at line 531 of file CFitCascade.cxx.

532 {
533  cascadeEvent_.nearPrmVertex=1; //setting up additional Chi2 term
534  VKVertex * vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1].get(); //Main vertex
535  vk->passNearVertex =true; // For fitting machinery
536  vk->passWithTrkCov =true; // For fitting machinery
537  std::copy(primVrt, primVrt+3, vk->FVC.vrt);
538  std::copy(primVrtCov, primVrtCov+6, vk->FVC.covvrt);
539  return processCascade(cascadeEvent_);
540 }

◆ processCascade() [3/3]

int Trk::processCascade ( CascadeEvent cascadeEvent_,
double *  primVrt 

Definition at line 545 of file CFitCascade.cxx.

546 {
547  VKVertex * vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1].get(); //Main vertex
548  long int NTRK = vk->TrackList.size();
549  vk->ConstraintList.emplace_back(new VKPointConstraint( NTRK, primVrt, vk, false));
550  cascadeEvent_.nearPrmVertex=0; //explicitly turn off additional Chi2 term
551  return processCascade(cascadeEvent_);
552 }

◆ processCascadePV()

int Trk::processCascadePV ( CascadeEvent cascadeEvent_,
const double *  primVrt,
const double *  primVrtCov 

Definition at line 503 of file CFitCascade.cxx.

504 {
505  double aermd[6],tmpd[6]; // temporary arrays
506  VKVertex * vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1].get(); //Main vertex
508  vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.vrt[0] = primVrt[0];
509  vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.vrt[1] = primVrt[1];
510  vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.vrt[2] = primVrt[2];
511  vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.covvrt[0] = primVrtCov[0];
512  vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.covvrt[1] = primVrtCov[1];
513  vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.covvrt[2] = primVrtCov[2];
514  vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.covvrt[3] = primVrtCov[3];
515  vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.covvrt[4] = primVrtCov[4];
516  vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.covvrt[5] = primVrtCov[5];
518  vk->useApriorVertex = 1;
519  cfdcopy(vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.covvrt, tmpd, 6);
520  int IERR=cfdinv(tmpd, aermd, -3); if (IERR) { IERR = -4; return IERR; }
521  cfdcopy(vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.vrt, vk->apriorV, 3);
522  cfdcopy( aermd, vk->apriorVWGT,6);
524  return processCascade(cascadeEvent_);
525 }

◆ processCascadeScale()

int Trk::processCascadeScale ( CascadeEvent cascadeEvent_)

Definition at line 129 of file CFitCascadeScale.cxx.

130 {
131  VKVertex * vk=nullptr;
132  long int Iter, IERR, iv;
133  cascadeEvent_.setSCALE(1.); // Safety
134 //============================================================================================
135 //
136 // First without pointing to get initial estimations and resolve mass constraints
137 // This initial step is needed to get initial estimation for "passing near" constraints
138 //
139  double iv_dstToVrt=0., sum_dstToVrt=0., old_dstToVrt;
140  for(iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
141  vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
142  vk->passNearVertex=false;
143  vk->passWithTrkCov=false;
144  IERR = fitVertexCascadeScale( vk, iv_dstToVrt ); if(IERR)return IERR; //fit
145  IERR = setVTrackMass(vk); if(IERR)return IERR; //mass of combined particle
146  }
147  IERR = translateToFittedPos(cascadeEvent_); if(IERR)return IERR;
149 //
150 // Now fit "close to vertex" pointing and cooling
151 //
152  for(iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1; iv++) cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv]->passNearVertex=true;
153  if(cascadeEvent_.nearPrmVertex){ // Primary vertex if needed
154  cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1]->passNearVertex=true;
155  cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1]->passWithTrkCov=true;
156  }
157 //
158  double Chi2Old=0.,Chi2Cur=0;
159  double Scale=2.;
160  double limDstToVrt=0.001;
161  old_dstToVrt=100000.;
162  for(Iter=0; Iter<20; Iter++){
164  //*******************************************************************************
165  for(int Stabil=0; Stabil<2; Stabil++){ // Stabilization cycling for given SCALE
166  Chi2Cur=0.;
167  sum_dstToVrt=0.;
168  for(iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
169  vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
170 //
171 //Calculate derivatives for "passing near" cnst. Initial vertex position is used for derivatives.
172  if(vk->passNearVertex){
173  double dparst[6]={vk->refIterV[0]+vk->iniV[0], vk->refIterV[1]+vk->iniV[1], vk->refIterV[2]+vk->iniV[2],
174  vk->fitMom[0], vk->fitMom[1], vk->fitMom[2] };
175  vpderiv(vk->passWithTrkCov, vk->FVC.Charge, dparst, vk->fitCovXYZMom, vk->FVC.vrt, vk->FVC.covvrt,
176  vk->FVC.cvder, vk->FVC.ywgt, vk->FVC.rv0, (vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
177  }
178  IERR = fitVertexCascadeScale( vk, iv_dstToVrt); if(IERR)return IERR; //fit
179  IERR = setVTrackMass(vk); if(IERR)return IERR; //mass of combined particle
180  Chi2Cur += vk->Chi2;
181  sum_dstToVrt += iv_dstToVrt;
182  }
183  IERR = translateToFittedPos(cascadeEvent_,1.0); if(IERR)return IERR;
184  //if(Stabil>0 && sum_dstToVrt<old_dstToVrt) break;
185  }
186  //********************************************************************************
187  if(Iter>5 && Chi2Cur>1.e4) return -1; //Too bad iteration. Drop fit
188  if(cascadeEvent_.getSCALE() < 1.e-6)Scale=1.; //Enough tightening
189  if(sum_dstToVrt<old_dstToVrt){
190  rescaleVrtErrForPointing( Scale, cascadeEvent_ ); // Tighten pointing accuracy
191  if(old_dstToVrt/3. < sum_dstToVrt) { old_dstToVrt=sum_dstToVrt;} else {old_dstToVrt/=3.;}
192  }
193 //std::cout<<"Cool iter="<<Iter<<" Scale="<<cascadeEvent_.getSCALE()<<", "<<Chi2Cur<<" NV="<<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV<<
194 // " dst="<<sum_dstToVrt<<'\n';
195  if(std::abs(Chi2Cur-Chi2Old)<0.01 && Iter>5 && sum_dstToVrt<limDstToVrt*(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1) )break; //stable cascade position
196  Chi2Old=Chi2Cur;
197  }
198  double cnstRemnants=0. ;
199  for(iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
200  vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
201  for(int ii=0; ii<(int)vk->ConstraintList.size();ii++){
202  for(int ic=0; ic<(int)vk->ConstraintList[ii]->NCDim; ic++){
203  cnstRemnants += std::abs( vk->ConstraintList[ii]->aa[ic] );
204  } }
205  }
206  if( cnstRemnants > 1.e0) return -2; /* Constraints are not resolved. Stop fit */
207 std::cout<<"================================================="<<sum_dstToVrt<<'\n';
208 // if(sum_dstToVrt>limDstToVrt*(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1) )return -2; //Pointing is not resolved
210  long int fullNPar = getCascadeNPar(cascadeEvent_);
211  cascadeEvent_.fullCovMatrix.reset( new double[fullNPar*fullNPar] );
212  for(int im=0; im<fullNPar*fullNPar; im++)cascadeEvent_.fullCovMatrix[im]=0.;
213  for(int im=0; im<fullNPar; im++)cascadeEvent_.fullCovMatrix[im*fullNPar + im]=1.;
214  int NStart=0;
215  cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt.resize(cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV);
216  auto tmpLSide = std::make_unique<double[]>(fullNPar);
217  for( iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
218  cascadeEvent_.matrixPnt[iv]=NStart;
219  NStart += FullMCNSTfill( vk, vk->ader, tmpLSide.get());
220  }
222  return 0;
223 }

◆ propJacobian()

ATH_ALWAYS_INLINE void Trk::propJacobian ( double *ATH_RESTRICT  P,
const double *ATH_RESTRICT  H0,
const double *ATH_RESTRICT  H1,
const double *ATH_RESTRICT  H2,
const double *ATH_RESTRICT  A,
const double *ATH_RESTRICT  A0,
const double *ATH_RESTRICT  A3,
const double *ATH_RESTRICT  A4,
const double *ATH_RESTRICT  A6,
const double  S3 

This provides an inline helper function for updating the jacobian during Runge-Kutta propagation.

Used in several clients, put in here to avoid code duplication Based on the existing implementation, but using vectorisation to improve speed by approximately 30%.

The mathematics behind this procedure are documented in JINST 4 (2009) P04016 also found as /

In this implementation, we preserve the conventions of client code, hence the use of array pointers rather than std constructs. P is a 42-element array containing global coordinates, direction, inverse momentum and Jacobian of transformation. Its elements are updated in-place by this method. H0, H1, and H3 represent the field at the three points eachj is a 3-element array A represents the direction vector before propagation It is a 3-vector A0, A3, A4, and A6 represent cross products of the direction with the field across the 3 points. Each is a 3-vector. S3 is a step length

now update the parameter array in the slots representing the Jacobian

Definition at line 41 of file JacobianHelper.h.

51 {
52  using namespace CxxUtils;
55  vec2 d23A_0{ P[24], P[31] };
56  vec2 d23A_1{ P[25], P[32] };
57  vec2 d23A_2{ P[26], P[33] };
58  const double d4A_0 = P[38];
59  const double d4A_1 = P[39];
60  const double d4A_2 = P[40];
61  // H
62  const double H0_0 = H0[0];
63  const double H0_1 = H0[1];
64  const double H0_2 = H0[2];
65  const double H1_0 = H1[0];
66  const double H1_1 = H1[1];
67  const double H1_2 = H1[2];
68  const double H2_0 = H2[0];
69  const double H2_1 = H2[1];
70  const double H2_2 = H2[2];
71  //
72  vec2 d23A0 = H0_2 * d23A_1 - H0_1 * d23A_2;
73  vec2 d23B0 = H0_0 * d23A_2 - H0_2 * d23A_0;
74  vec2 d23C0 = H0_1 * d23A_0 - H0_0 * d23A_1;
75  const double d4A0 = (A0[0] + H0_2 * d4A_1) - H0_1 * d4A_2;
76  const double d4B0 = (A0[1] + H0_0 * d4A_2) - H0_2 * d4A_0;
77  const double d4C0 = (A0[2] + H0_1 * d4A_0) - H0_0 * d4A_1;
78  //
79  vec2 d23A2 = d23A0 + d23A_0;
80  vec2 d23B2 = d23B0 + d23A_1;
81  vec2 d23C2 = d23C0 + d23A_2;
82  const double d4A2 = d4A0 + d4A_0;
83  const double d4B2 = d4B0 + d4A_1;
84  const double d4C2 = d4C0 + d4A_2;
85  const double d0 = d4A_0 - A[0];
86  const double d1 = d4A_1 - A[1];
87  const double d2 = d4A_2 - A[2];
88  //
89  vec2 d23A3 = (d23A_0 + d23B2 * H1_2) - d23C2 * H1_1;
90  vec2 d23B3 = (d23A_1 + d23C2 * H1_0) - d23A2 * H1_2;
91  vec2 d23C3 = (d23A_2 + d23A2 * H1_1) - d23B2 * H1_0;
92  const double d4A3 = ((A3[0] + d0) + d4B2 * H1_2) - d4C2 * H1_1;
93  const double d4B3 = ((A3[1] + d1) + d4C2 * H1_0) - d4A2 * H1_2;
94  const double d4C3 = ((A3[2] + d2) + d4A2 * H1_1) - d4B2 * H1_0;
95  //
96  vec2 d23A4 = (d23A_0 + d23B3 * H1_2) - d23C3 * H1_1;
97  vec2 d23B4 = (d23A_1 + d23C3 * H1_0) - d23A3 * H1_2;
98  vec2 d23C4 = (d23A_2 + d23A3 * H1_1) - d23B3 * H1_0;
99  const double d4A4 = ((A4[0] + d0) + d4B3 * H1_2) - d4C3 * H1_1;
100  const double d4B4 = ((A4[1] + d1) + d4C3 * H1_0) - d4A3 * H1_2;
101  const double d4C4 = ((A4[2] + d2) + d4A3 * H1_1) - d4B3 * H1_0;
102  //
103  vec2 d23A5 = 2. * d23A4 - d23A_0;
104  vec2 d23B5 = 2. * d23B4 - d23A_1;
105  vec2 d23C5 = 2. * d23C4 - d23A_2;
106  const double d4A5 = 2. * d4A4 - d4A_0;
107  const double d4B5 = 2. * d4B4 - d4A_1;
108  const double d4C5 = 2. * d4C4 - d4A_2;
109  //
110  vec2 d23A6 = d23B5 * H2_2 - d23C5 * H2_1;
111  vec2 d23B6 = d23C5 * H2_0 - d23A5 * H2_2;
112  vec2 d23C6 = d23A5 * H2_1 - d23B5 * H2_0;
113  double d4A6 = d4B5 * H2_2 - d4C5 * H2_1;
114  double d4B6 = d4C5 * H2_0 - d4A5 * H2_2;
115  double d4C6 = d4A5 * H2_1 - d4B5 * H2_0;
117  vec2 dR23_A = (d23A2 + d23A3 + d23A4) * S3;
118  vec2 dR23_B = (d23B2 + d23B3 + d23B4) * S3;
119  vec2 dR23_C = (d23C2 + d23C3 + d23C4) * S3;
121  vec2 res23_0 = ((d23A0 + 2. * d23A3) + (d23A5 + d23A6)) * (1. / 3.);
122  vec2 res23_1 = ((d23B0 + 2. * d23B3) + (d23B5 + d23B6)) * (1. / 3.);
123  vec2 res23_2 = ((d23C0 + 2. * d23C3) + (d23C5 + d23C6)) * (1. / 3.);
126  P[21] += dR23_A[0];
127  P[22] += dR23_B[0];
128  P[23] += dR23_C[0];
129  P[24] = res23_0[0];
130  P[25] = res23_1[0];
131  P[26] = res23_2[0];
133  P[28] += dR23_A[1];
134  P[29] += dR23_B[1];
135  P[30] += dR23_C[1];
136  P[31] = res23_0[1];
137  P[32] = res23_1[1];
138  P[33] = res23_2[1];
140  P[35] += (d4A2 + d4A3 + d4A4) * S3;
141  P[36] += (d4B2 + d4B3 + d4B4) * S3;
142  P[37] += (d4C2 + d4C3 + d4C4) * S3;
143  P[38] = ((d4A0 + 2. * d4A3) + (d4A5 + d4A6 + A6[0])) * (1. / 3.);
144  P[39] = ((d4B0 + 2. * d4B3) + (d4B5 + d4B6 + A6[1])) * (1. / 3.);
145  P[40] = ((d4C0 + 2. * d4C3) + (d4C5 + d4C6 + A6[2])) * (1. / 3.);
146 }

◆ rescaleVrtErrForPointing()

void Trk::rescaleVrtErrForPointing ( double  Div,
CascadeEvent cascadeEvent_ 

Definition at line 32 of file CFitCascadeScale.cxx.

33 {
34  if(Div<1.)Div=1.;
35  cascadeEvent_.setSCALE(cascadeEvent_.getSCALE()/Div);
36  for(int iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV-1; iv++){ // Last vertex must not be touched
37  VKVertex *vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
38  for(int i=0; i<6; i++) vk->FVC.covvrt[i] /=Div;
39  }
40 }

◆ ResidualPullType()

ResidualPull::ResidualType Trk::ResidualPullType ( AlignResidualType  type)

Definition at line 41 of file AlignResidualType.cxx.

42  {
43  // defines mapping between residual types for the alignment and those
44  // used in the ResidualPullCalculator
45  switch(type)
46  {
47  case HitOnly:
48  return ResidualPull::HitOnly;
49  case Unbiased:
50 // case DCA:
52  default:
53  return ResidualPull::HitOnly;
54  }
55  }

◆ restorePreviousPos()

int Trk::restorePreviousPos ( CascadeEvent cascadeEvent_,
std::vector< VKVertex > &  SV 

Definition at line 639 of file CFitCascade.cxx.

640 {
641  int iv,it;
642  long int NTRK;
643  VKTrack * trk; VKTrack * trks; VKVertex * vk; VKVertex * vks;
645  for( iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
646  vk=cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
647  vks=&SV[iv];
648  NTRK = vk->TrackList.size(); // Number of tracks at vertex
649  vk->refIterV[0]=vks->refIterV[0];
650  vk->refIterV[1]=vks->refIterV[1];
651  vk->refIterV[2]=vks->refIterV[2];
652  vk->iniV[0] = vk->fitV[0] = vk->cnstV[0]=0.;
653  vk->iniV[1] = vk->fitV[1] = vk->cnstV[1]=0.;
654  vk->iniV[2] = vk->fitV[2] = vk->cnstV[2]=0.;
655  cfdcopy(vks->fitMom, vk->fitMom, 3); //saved Momentum
656  cfdcopy(vks->fitCovXYZMom, vk->fitCovXYZMom, 21); //saved XYZMom covariance
657  for(it=0; it<NTRK; it++){
658  trk =vk ->TrackList[it].get(); // working track
659  trks=vks->TrackList[it].get(); // track from saved copy
660  if(trk->Id < 0) { // pseudo-track from cascade vertex
661  //trk->fitP[2]=0.; // reset the pseudo-track parameters
662  trk->fitP[0] =(trks->iniP[0]+trks->fitP[0])/2.;
663  trk->fitP[1] = trks->iniP[1];
664  trk->fitP[2] =(trks->iniP[2]+trks->fitP[2])/2.;
665  continue;
666  }
667  cfdcopy(trks->Perig, trk->Perig, 5);
668  cfdcopy(trks->WgtM, trk->WgtM, 15);
669  cfdcopy(trks->fitP, trk->fitP, 3);
670  cfdcopy(trks->iniP, trk->iniP, 3);
671  cfdcopy(trks->cnstP, trk->cnstP, 3);
672  }
673  }
674  for(iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
675  vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
676  if(vk->nextCascadeVrt){
677  int pntCnst = vk->ConstraintList.size() - 1; // pointing constraint is always last in the list
678  if(vk->ConstraintList[pntCnst]->getType() != VKContraintType::Point) return -1;
679  static_cast< VKPointConstraint* >(vk->ConstraintList[pntCnst].get())->setTargetVertex(vk->nextCascadeVrt->refIterV);
680  }
681  }
682  return 0;
683 }

◆ robtest()

void Trk::robtest ( VKVertex vk,
int  ifl,
int  nIteration 

Definition at line 14 of file RobTest.cxx.

15 {
16  long int i, j, k, kk, it;
17  double rob, res, c[5], darg, absX, roba[5];
19 /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
20 /* Robustification procedure for weight matrix */
21 /* IROB = 0 - Standard chi^2 */
22 /* = 1 - Geman-McClure function */
23 /* = 2 - Welch function */
24 /* = 3 - Cauchy function */
25 /* = 4 - L1-L2 function */
26 /* = 5 - Fair function */
27 /* = 6 - Huber function */
28 /* = 7 - Modified Huber function */
29 /* (1,2,3) - Zero outliers */
30 /* (4,5,6,7) - Downweight outliers */
31 /* Author: V.Kostyukhin */
32 /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
34  int NTRK = vk->TrackList.size();
36  long int irob = vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.irob;
37  double Scl = vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.RobustScale; //Tuning constant
38  double C; // Breakdown constant
40  if(!vk->vk_fitterControl->m_frozenVersionForBTagging)Scl *= (1.+exp(3.-nIteration)); //Annealing
42  if ( ifl == 0) { /* FILLING OF EIGENVALUES AND VECTORS */
43  for (it = 0; it < NTRK ; ++it) { /* RESTORE MATRIX */
44  VKTrack *trk=vk->TrackList[it].get();
45  if(trk->Id < 0) continue; // Not a real track
46  vkGetEigVect(trk->WgtM, trk->e ,&(trk->v[0][0]), 5);
47  }
48  return;
49  }
50 /* -- */
51  double halfPi=M_PI/2.;
52  for (it = 0; it < NTRK; ++it) {
53  VKTrack *trk=vk->TrackList[it].get();
54  if(trk->Id < 0) continue; // Not a real track
55  c[0]=c[1]=c[2]=c[3]=c[4]=0.;
56  for( k = 0; k < 5; k++){
57  c[0] += trk->rmnd[k] * trk->v[0][k];
58  c[1] += trk->rmnd[k] * trk->v[1][k];
59  c[2] += trk->rmnd[k] * trk->v[2][k];
60  c[3] += trk->rmnd[k] * trk->v[3][k];
61  c[4] += trk->rmnd[k] * trk->v[4][k];
62  }
63  for (k = 0; k < 5; ++k) {
64  darg = c[k]*c[k]*trk->e[k];
65  if(darg < 1.e-10) darg = 1.e-10;
66  absX = sqrt(darg); /* Abs(X) == sqrt(X)*/
67  rob = 1.; C=1;
68  if(irob == 1)C = 1.58*Scl; /* Geman-McClure Standard =1 but c^2=2.5 is better(Gem.McC) */
69  if(irob == 2)C = 2.9846*Scl; /* Welch def c^2=2.9846^2 */
70  if(irob == 3)C = 2.3849*Scl; /* Cauchy def 2.385^2=5.7 */
71  if(irob == 4)C = 1.; /* L1-L2 no tuning*/
72  if(irob == 5)C = 1.3998*Scl; /* Fair (def=1.3998)*/
73  if(irob == 6)C = 1.345 *Scl; /* Huber (def=1.345)*/
74  if(irob == 7)C = 1.2107 *Scl; /* Modified Huber (def=1.2107)*/
75 /* Functionals here are divided by (X^2/2)!!!*/
76  double C2=C*C;
77  if(irob == 1)rob = 1. / (darg/C2 + 1.); /* Geman-McClure */
78  if(irob == 2)rob = C2*(1. - exp(-darg/C2) )/darg; /* Welch */
79  if(irob == 3)rob = C2*log(darg/C2 + 1.)/darg; /* Cauchy */
80  if(irob == 4)rob = 4.*(sqrt(darg / 2. + 1.) - 1.)/darg; /* L1-L2 */
81  if(irob == 5)rob = 2.*C2*(absX/C - log(absX/C + 1.))/darg; /* Fair */
82  if(irob == 6)rob = C>absX ? 1. : (2*C/absX - C*C/darg) ; /* Huber */
83  if(irob == 7)rob = halfPi>(absX/C) ? 2*C*C*(1-cos(absX/C))/darg :
84  2*(C*absX+C*C*(1.-halfPi))/darg; /* Modified Huber */
85  roba[k] = rob;
86  if(rob>0.99)roba[k] = 1.; //To improve precision
87  }
88  for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) if(roba[i]<1.e-3)roba[i]=1.e-3;
89  kk = 0;
90  for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
91  for (j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
92  res = 0.;
93  for (k = 0; k < 5; ++k) {
94  res += trk->v[k][i] * trk->e[k] * trk->v[k][j]*roba[k];
95  }
96  trk->WgtM[kk]=res;
97  kk++;
98  }
99  }
100  vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.robres[it] = roba[0] * roba[1] * roba[2] * roba[3] * roba[4];
101  if(vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.robres[it]>1.)vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_forcft.robres[it]=1.;
102  }
103 }

◆ setCascadeMassConstraint() [1/2]

int Trk::setCascadeMassConstraint ( CascadeEvent cascadeEvent_,
long int  IV,
double  Mass 

Definition at line 241 of file CascadeDefinition.cxx.

242  {
243  if (IV > cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV - 1) {
244  return -1; // error in format
245  }
246  if (IV < 0) {
247  return -1;
248  }
249  VKVertex *vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[IV].get(); // target vertex
250  int NTRK = vk->TrackList.size();
251  vk->ConstraintList.emplace_back(new VKMassConstraint(NTRK, Mass, vk));
252  return 0;
253 }

◆ setCascadeMassConstraint() [2/2]

int Trk::setCascadeMassConstraint ( CascadeEvent cascadeEvent_,
long int  IV,
std::vector< int > &  trkInVrt,
std::vector< int > &  pseudoInVrt,
double  Mass 

Definition at line 260 of file CascadeDefinition.cxx.

262  {
263  std::vector<int> tmpIndex;
264  int it;
265  if (IV > cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV - 1)
266  return -1; // error in format
267  if (IV < 0)
268  return -1;
269  VKVertex *vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[IV].get(); // target vertex
270  int NTRK = vk->TrackList.size(); // tracks+pseudotracks
271  int nRealTrk = 0; // number of real tracks
272  for (it = 0; it < (int)trkInVrt.size(); it++) {
273  if (vk->TrackList[it]->Id >= 0) {
274  nRealTrk++;
275  }
276  }
277  //
278  //-- Real tracks
279  //
280  if ((int)trkInVrt.size() > NTRK) {
281  return -1; // checks...
282  }
283  for (it = 0; it < (int)trkInVrt.size(); it++) {
284  if (trkInVrt[it] < 0) {
285  return -1;
286  }
287  if (trkInVrt[it] >= NTRK) {
288  return -1;
289  }
290  tmpIndex.push_back(trkInVrt[it]);
291  }
292  //
293  //-- Pseudo tracks
294  //
295  if ((int)pseudoInVrt.size() > NTRK) {
296  return -1; // checks...
297  }
298  for (int it = 0; it < (int)pseudoInVrt.size(); it++) {
299  if (pseudoInVrt[it] < 0) {
300  return -1;
301  }
302  if (pseudoInVrt[it] >= NTRK) {
303  return -1;
304  }
305  tmpIndex.push_back(pseudoInVrt[it] + nRealTrk);
306  }
308  vk->ConstraintList.emplace_back(
309  new VKMassConstraint(NTRK, Mass, std::move(tmpIndex), vk));
310  return 0;
311 }

◆ setFittedMatrices()

void Trk::setFittedMatrices ( const double *  COVFIT,
long int  MATRIXSIZE,
std::vector< int > &  matrixPnt,
std::vector< std::vector< double > > &  covarCascade,
CascadeEvent cascadeEvent_ 

Definition at line 168 of file CascadeUtils.cxx.

172 {
173  int iv, Pnt, ic, ir, vrtMtxSize, count;
174  for( iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
175  VKVertex *vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
176  Pnt=matrixPnt[iv]; // start of vertex parameters
177  vrtMtxSize=3+vk->TrackList.size()*3; //size of matrix for given vertex
178  std::vector<double> Res(vrtMtxSize*(vrtMtxSize+1)/2);
179  count=0;
180  for (int col=0; col<vrtMtxSize; col++){
181  for (int row=0; row<=col; row++){
182  ic=Pnt+col; ir=Pnt+row;
183  Res[count]=COVFIT[ic*MATRIXSIZE + ir]; count++;
184  }
185  }
186  covarCascade.emplace_back(std::move(Res));
187  }
188 }

◆ setFittedParameters()

void Trk::setFittedParameters ( const double *  result,
std::vector< int > &  matrixPnt,
CascadeEvent cascadeEvent_ 

Definition at line 151 of file CascadeUtils.cxx.

152 {
153  int iv,it,Pnt;
154  for( iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
155  VKVertex *vk = cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
156  Pnt=matrixPnt[iv]; // start of vertex parameters
157  vk->fitV[0]=result[Pnt]; vk->fitV[1]=result[Pnt+1]; vk->fitV[2]=result[Pnt+2];
158  for( it=0; it<(int)vk->TrackList.size(); it++){
159  VKTrack * trk=vk->TrackList[it].get();
160  trk->fitP[0]=trk->iniP[0]+result[Pnt+3+it*3 + 0];
161  trk->fitP[1]=trk->iniP[1]+result[Pnt+3+it*3 + 1];
162  trk->fitP[2]=trk->iniP[2]+result[Pnt+3+it*3 + 2];
163  trk->Chi2 = cfchi2(vk->fitV, trk->fitP, trk );
164  }
165  }
166 }

◆ setVTrackMass()

int Trk::setVTrackMass ( VKVertex vk)

Definition at line 34 of file CFitCascade.cxx.

35 {
36  double vBx,vBy,vBz;
37  int it, NTRK;
38  VectMOM totP{};
40  if(!vk->nextCascadeVrt)return 0; // nonpointing vertex
42  Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld(vk->refIterV[0]+vk->fitV[0], vk->refIterV[1]+vk->fitV[1], vk->refIterV[2]+vk->fitV[2],
43  vBx,vBy,vBz,(vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
45  NTRK = vk->TrackList.size(); // Number of tracks at vertex
46  totP.Px=0.;totP.Py=0.;totP.Pz=0.;totP.E=0.;
47  for(it=0; it<NTRK; it++){
48  std::array<double, 4> pp = getFitParticleMom( vk->TrackList[it].get(), vBz );
49  totP.Px += pp[0];
50  totP.Py += pp[1];
51  totP.Pz += pp[2];
52  totP.E += pp[3];
53  }
54  VKTrack * target_trk = getCombinedVTrack(vk);
55  if( target_trk == nullptr ) {
56  std::cout<<" ERROR in CASCADE STRUCTURE"<<'\n';
57  return -1;
58  }
59  double Pt=sqrt(totP.Px*totP.Px + totP.Py*totP.Py);
60  double Mass;
61  if(Pt > std::abs(totP.Pz)){
62  Mass = sqrt( (totP.E-Pt)*(totP.E+Pt) - totP.Pz*totP.Pz);
63  }else{
64  Mass = sqrt( (totP.E-totP.Pz)*(totP.E+totP.Pz) - Pt*Pt);
65  }
66  target_trk->setMass(Mass);
68  return 0;
69 }

◆ SymIndex()

int Trk::SymIndex ( int  it,
int  i,
int  j 

Definition at line 271 of file TrkCascadeFitter.cxx.

271 { return (3*it+3+i)*(3*it+3+i+1)/2 + (3*it+3+j);}

◆ tdasatVK()

void Trk::tdasatVK ( const double *  Der,
const double *  CovI,
double *  CovF,
long int  M,
long int  N 

Definition at line 218 of file Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Utilities.cxx.

219 {
220  int i,j,k,f;
221  for( k=0; k<M; k++) { // sycle on output index
222  for( f=0; f<=k; f++ ) { //
223  double sum=0.;
224  for( i=0; i<N; i++){
225  double tmp=0.;
226  for( j=0; j<N; j++) tmp += CovI[sIndexVK(i,j)]*Der[j+f*N];
227  sum += Der[i+k*N]*tmp;
228  }
229  CovF[sIndexVK(k,f)]=sum;
230  }
231  }
232 }

◆ transformCovar()

std::vector< double > Trk::transformCovar ( int  NPar,
double **  Deriv,
const std::vector< double > &  covarI 

Definition at line 191 of file CascadeUtils.cxx.

192 {
193  std::vector<double> covarO(NPar*(NPar+1)/2, 0.);
194  int ii,ij,oi,oj, indexO, indexI;
195  for(oi=0; oi<NPar; oi++){
196  for(oj=0; oj<=oi; oj++){
197  indexO = oi*(oi+1)/2+oj;
198  for(ii=0; ii<NPar; ii++){
199  for(ij=0; ij<NPar; ij++){
200  indexI = ii>=ij ? ii*(ii+1)/2+ij : ij*(ij+1)/2+ii;
201  covarO[indexO] += Deriv[oi][ii]*covarI[indexI]*Deriv[oj][ij];
202  } } } }
203  return covarO;
204 }

◆ translateToFittedPos()

int Trk::translateToFittedPos ( CascadeEvent cascadeEvent_,
double  Step 

Definition at line 559 of file CFitCascade.cxx.

560 {
561  int iv,it;
562  long int IERR,NTRK;
563  double vShift, tmpPer[5], tmpWgt[15], tmpCov[15], targetVertex[3];
564  VKTrack * trk; VKVertex * vk;
565  if(Step>1.)Step=1.;
567  for( iv=0; iv<cascadeEvent_.cascadeNV; iv++){
568  vk=cascadeEvent_.cascadeVertexList[iv].get();
569  NTRK = vk->TrackList.size(); // Number of tracks at vertex
570  targetVertex[0]=vk->refIterV[0] + vk->fitV[0]*Step; // target vertex for extrapolation
571  targetVertex[1]=vk->refIterV[1] + vk->fitV[1]*Step;
572  targetVertex[2]=vk->refIterV[2] + vk->fitV[2]*Step;
573  vShift = sqrt( (vk->refV[0]-targetVertex[0])*(vk->refV[0]-targetVertex[0])
574  +(vk->refV[1]-targetVertex[1])*(vk->refV[1]-targetVertex[1])
575  +(vk->refV[2]-targetVertex[2])*(vk->refV[2]-targetVertex[2]) );
576  for(auto *pvx : vk->includedVrt){ //Check space position of internal vertex
577  double dirMom=(pvx->refIterV[0]-targetVertex[0])*pvx->fitMom[0]+
578  (pvx->refIterV[1]-targetVertex[1])*pvx->fitMom[1]+
579  (pvx->refIterV[2]-targetVertex[2])*pvx->fitMom[2];
580  if(dirMom<0.)cfdcopy(pvx->refIterV,targetVertex,3);
581  }
582  bool insideGoodVolume=false;
583  if(vk->vk_fitterControl && vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_objProp)
584  { insideGoodVolume = vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_objProp->checkTarget(targetVertex, *vk->vk_fitterControl->vk_istate);}
585  else { insideGoodVolume = Trk::vkalPropagator::checkTarget(targetVertex); }
586  if(!insideGoodVolume) { return -16; } //Vertex is definitely outside working volume
587  for(it=0; it<NTRK; it++){
588  trk=vk->TrackList[it].get();
589  if(trk->Id < 0){ // pseudo-track from cascade vertex
590  trk->fitP[0] =trk->iniP[0]+ Step*(trk->fitP[0]-trk->iniP[0]);
591  trk->fitP[1] =trk->iniP[1]+ Step*(trk->fitP[1]-trk->iniP[1]);
592  trk->fitP[2] =trk->iniP[2]+ Step*(trk->fitP[2]-trk->iniP[2]);
593  continue;
594  }
595  Trk::vkalPropagator::Propagate(trk, vk->refV, targetVertex, tmpPer, tmpCov, (vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
596  //Check!!!And protection if needed.
597  double eig5=cfSmallEigenvalue(tmpCov,5 );
598  if(eig5<1.e-15 || tmpCov[0]>1.e7) { //Bad propagation with material. Try without it.
599  Trk::vkalPropagator::Propagate(-999, trk->Charge,trk->refPerig,trk->refCovar, vk->refV, targetVertex, tmpPer, tmpCov, (vk->vk_fitterControl).get());
600  if(cfSmallEigenvalue(tmpCov,5 )<1.e-15){ //Final protection
601  tmpCov[1]=0.;tmpCov[3]=0.;tmpCov[6]=0.;tmpCov[10]=0.;
602  tmpCov[4]=0.;tmpCov[7]=0.;tmpCov[11]=0.;
603  tmpCov[8]=0.;tmpCov[12]=0.;
604  tmpCov[13]=0.;
605  tmpCov[0]=std::abs(tmpCov[0]); tmpCov[2]=std::abs(tmpCov[2]);tmpCov[5]=std::abs(tmpCov[5]);
606  tmpCov[9]=std::abs(tmpCov[9]); tmpCov[14]=std::abs(tmpCov[14]);
607  }
608  }
609  if(tmpCov[0]>1.e7){ IERR=-7; return IERR; } //extremely big A0 error !!!
610  IERR=cfInv5(tmpCov, tmpWgt); if (IERR) IERR=cfdinv(tmpCov, tmpWgt, 5); if(IERR)return -8;
611  trk->setCurrent(tmpPer,tmpWgt);
612  if ( vShift > 100. ) trk->setReference( tmpPer, tmpCov ); //Change reference for big shift
613  }
614  vk->setRefIterV(targetVertex);
615  if ( vShift > 100. )vk->setRefV(targetVertex); // Change reference vertex for big shift
616  vk->iniV[0] = vk->fitV[0] = vk->cnstV[0]=0.;
617  vk->iniV[1] = vk->fitV[1] = vk->cnstV[1]=0.;
618  vk->iniV[2] = vk->fitV[2] = vk->cnstV[2]=0.;
619  for(it=0; it<NTRK; it++){
620  trk=vk->TrackList[it].get();
621  if(Step<1.){ // Step limitation for constraint calculation on next step
622  trk->cnstP[0] = trk->iniP[0] =trk->iniP[0]+ Step*(trk->fitP[0]-trk->iniP[0]);
623  trk->cnstP[1] = trk->iniP[1] =trk->iniP[1]+ Step*(trk->fitP[1]-trk->iniP[1]);
624  trk->cnstP[2] = trk->iniP[2] =trk->iniP[2]+ Step*(trk->fitP[2]-trk->iniP[2]);
625  }else{
626  trk->cnstP[0] = trk->iniP[0] = trk->fitP[0]; // for constraint calculation on next step
627  trk->cnstP[1] = trk->iniP[1] = trk->fitP[1];
628  trk->cnstP[2] = trk->iniP[2] = trk->fitP[2];
629  }
630  }
631  }
632  return 0;
633 }

◆ unique_clone() [1/2]

template<typename T >
std::unique_ptr<T> Trk::unique_clone ( const std::unique_ptr< T > &  v)

Definition at line 18 of file unique_clone.h.

18  {
19  if (v != nullptr) {
20  return std::unique_ptr<T>(v->clone());
21  } else {
22  return nullptr;
23  }
24  }

◆ unique_clone() [2/2]

template<typename T >
std::unique_ptr<T> Trk::unique_clone ( const T *  v)

Definition at line 8 of file unique_clone.h.

8  {
9  if (v != nullptr) {
10  return std::unique_ptr<T>(v->clone());
11  } else {
12  return nullptr;
13  }
14  }

◆ vkGetEigVal()

void Trk::vkGetEigVal ( const double  ci[],
double  d[],
int  n 

Definition at line 828 of file Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Matrix.cxx.

829 {
830  int i,j,k; d--;
832  noinit_vector<double> ab ((n+1)*(n+1));
833  for(i=0; i<n+1; i++) a[i] = + i*(n+1);
835  for( i=1; i<=n; i++) {
836  for( j=i; j<=n; j++) { k=(j-1)*j/2 + i; a[i][j]=a[j][i]=ci[k-1];}
837  }
839  vkjacobi(,n,d,nullptr);
841  for (i=1;i<n;i++) {
842  double p=d[k=i]; for (j=i+1;j<=n;j++) if (d[j] < p) p=d[k=j];
843  if (k != i) { d[k]=d[i]; d[i]=p; }
844  }
845 }

◆ vkGetEigVect()

void Trk::vkGetEigVect ( const double  ci[],
double  d[],
double  vect[],
int  n 

Definition at line 847 of file Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Matrix.cxx.

848 {
849  int i,j,k; d--;
851  noinit_vector<double> ab ((n+1)*(n+1));
853  noinit_vector<double> vb ((n+1)*(n+1));
854  for(i=0; i<n+1; i++) a[i] = + i*(n+1);
855  for(i=0; i<n+1; i++) v[i] = + i*(n+1);
857  for( i=1; i<=n; i++) {
858  for( j=i; j<=n; j++) { k=(j-1)*j/2 + i; a[i][j]=a[j][i]=ci[k-1];}
859  }
861  vkjacobi(,n,d,;
863  for (i=1;i<n;i++) {
864  double p=d[k=i]; for (j=i+1;j<=n;j++) if (d[j] < p) p=d[k=j];
865  if (k != i) { d[k]=d[i]; d[i]=p;
866  for (j=1;j<=n;j++) { p=v[j][i]; v[j][i]=v[j][k]; v[j][k]=p;}
867  }
868  }
870  k=0; for (i=1;i<=n;i++) for(j=1;j<=n;j++) vect[k++]=v[j][i];
871 }

◆ vkgrkuta_()

void Trk::vkgrkuta_ ( const double  charge,
const double  step,
double *  vect,
double *  vout,
VKalVrtControlBase CONTROL 

Definition at line 14 of file VKgrkuta.cxx.

15 {
16  double equiv_2[3], equiv_5[3];
17  long int iter, ncut, j;
18  double cost, pinv, rest, sint, a, b, c, f[4], hst;
19  double hnorm, secxs[4], secys[4], seczs[4], f1, f2, h2, f3, h4, f4;
20  double g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, at, bt, ct, ph, hp, fx, fy, fz, tl;
21  double ph2, cba, rho, est, tet, hxp[3], dxt, dyt, dzt, ang2, rho1;
25 #define xyz (equiv_2)
26 #define x (equiv_2)
27 #define y (equiv_2 + 1)
28 #define z (equiv_2 + 2)
29 #define xyzt (equiv_5)
30 #define xt (equiv_5)
31 #define yt (equiv_5 + 1)
32 #define zt (equiv_5 + 2)
35 /* *******************************************************************/
36 /* */
37 /* Runge-Kutta method for tracking a particle through a magnetic */
38 /* . field. Uses Nystroem algorithm (See Handbook Nat. Bur. of */
39 /* . Standards, procedure 25.5.20) */
40 /* . */
41 /* . Input parameters */
42 /* . CHARGE Particle charge */
43 /* . STEP Step size */
44 /* . VECT Initial co-ords,direction cosines,momentum */
45 /* . Output parameters */
46 /* . VOUT Output co-ords,direction cosines,momentum */
47 /* . User routine called */
48 /* CALL GUFLD(X,F) */
49 /* Authors R.Brun, M.Hansroul ********* */
50 /* V.Perevoztchikov (CUT STEP implementation) */
51 /* Taken from GEANT3.21 */
52 /* Modified for VKalVrt V.Kostyukhin */
53 /*********************************************************************/
54 /* This constant is for units CM,GEV/C and KGAUSS */
56  /* Parameter adjustments */
57  --vout;
58  --vect;
60  iter = 0;
61  ncut = 0;
62  for (j = 1; j <= 7; ++j) {vout[j] = vect[j];}
63  pinv = (charge) * 2.9979251e-2 / vect[7]; // New for MM, MEV/C and KGAUSS
64  tl = 0.;
65  hst = step;
67 //std::cout <<" Now in grkuta="<<vect[1]<<", "<<vect[2]<<", "<<vect[3]<<'\n';
69 L20:
70  rest = step - tl;
71  if (std::abs(hst) > std::abs(rest)) hst = rest;
72 /* ***** CALL GUFLD(VOUT,F) */
73  Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld( vout[1], vout[2], vout[3], fx, fy, fz, CONTROL);
74  f[0] = fx*10.; //VK Convert returned field in Tesla into kGauss for old code
75  f[1] = fy*10.;
76  f[2] = fz*10.;
78 /* Start of integration */
80  *x = vout[1];
81  *y = vout[2];
82  *z = vout[3];
83  a = vout[4];
84  b = vout[5];
85  c = vout[6];
87  h2 = hst * .5;
88  h4 = h2 * .5;
89  ph = pinv * hst;
90  ph2 = ph * .5;
91  secxs[0] = (b * f[2] - c * f[1]) * ph2;
92  secys[0] = (c * f[0] - a * f[2]) * ph2;
93  seczs[0] = (a * f[1] - b * f[0]) * ph2;
94  ang2 = secxs[0]*secxs[0] + secys[0]*secys[0] + seczs[0]*seczs[0];
95  if (ang2 > 9.86960440109) goto L40;
96  dxt = h2 * a + h4 * secxs[0];
97  dyt = h2 * b + h4 * secys[0];
98  dzt = h2 * c + h4 * seczs[0];
99  *xt = *x + dxt;
100  *yt = *y + dyt;
101  *zt = *z + dzt;
103 /* Second intermediate point */
105  est = std::abs(dxt) + std::abs(dyt) + std::abs(dzt);
106  if (est > hst) goto L30;
109 /* ***** CALL GUFLD(XYZT,F) */
110  Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld( xyzt[0], xyzt[1], xyzt[2], fx, fy, fz, CONTROL);
111  f[0] = fx*10.; //VK Convert returned field in Tesla into kGauss for old code
112  f[1] = fy*10.;
113  f[2] = fz*10.;
114  at = a + secxs[0];
115  bt = b + secys[0];
116  ct = c + seczs[0];
118  secxs[1] = (bt * f[2] - ct * f[1]) * ph2;
119  secys[1] = (ct * f[0] - at * f[2]) * ph2;
120  seczs[1] = (at * f[1] - bt * f[0]) * ph2;
121  at = a + secxs[1];
122  bt = b + secys[1];
123  ct = c + seczs[1];
124  secxs[2] = (bt * f[2] - ct * f[1]) * ph2;
125  secys[2] = (ct * f[0] - at * f[2]) * ph2;
126  seczs[2] = (at * f[1] - bt * f[0]) * ph2;
127  dxt = hst * (a + secxs[2]);
128  dyt = hst * (b + secys[2]);
129  dzt = hst * (c + seczs[2]);
130  *xt = *x + dxt;
131  *yt = *y + dyt;
132  *zt = *z + dzt;
133  at = a + secxs[2] * 2.;
134  bt = b + secys[2] * 2.;
135  ct = c + seczs[2] * 2.;
137  est = std::abs(dxt) + std::abs(dyt) + std::abs(dzt);
138  if (est > std::abs(hst) * 2.) goto L30;
139 /* ***** CALL GUFLD(XYZT,F) */
140  Trk::vkalMagFld::getMagFld( xyzt[0], xyzt[1], xyzt[2], fx, fy, fz, CONTROL);
141  f[0] = fx*10.; //VK Convert returned field in Tesla into kGauss for old code
142  f[1] = fy*10.;
143  f[2] = fz*10.;
145  *z += (c + (seczs[0] + seczs[1] + seczs[2]) /3.) * hst;
146  *y += (b + (secys[0] + secys[1] + secys[2]) /3.) * hst;
147  *x += (a + (secxs[0] + secxs[1] + secxs[2]) /3.) * hst;
149  secxs[3] = (bt * f[2] - ct * f[1]) * ph2;
150  secys[3] = (ct * f[0] - at * f[2]) * ph2;
151  seczs[3] = (at * f[1] - bt * f[0]) * ph2;
152  a += (secxs[0] + secxs[3] + (secxs[1] + secxs[2]) * 2.) /3.;
153  b += (secys[0] + secys[3] + (secys[1] + secys[2]) * 2.) /3.;
154  c += (seczs[0] + seczs[3] + (seczs[1] + seczs[2]) * 2.) /3.;
156  est = std::abs(secxs[0] + secxs[3] - (secxs[1] + secxs[2]))
157  + std::abs(secys[0] + secys[3] - (secys[1] + secys[2]))
158  + std::abs(seczs[0] + seczs[3] - (seczs[1] + seczs[2]));
160  if (est > 1e-4 && std::abs(hst) > 1e-4) goto L30;
161  ++iter;
162  ncut = 0;
165 /* If too many iterations, go to HELIX */
166  if (iter > 1992) goto L40;
168  tl += hst;
169  if (est < 3.125e-6)
170  hst *= 2.;
171  cba = 1. / sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c);
172  vout[1] = *x;
173  vout[2] = *y;
174  vout[3] = *z;
175  vout[4] = cba * a;
176  vout[5] = cba * b;
177  vout[6] = cba * c;
178  rest = step - tl;
179  if (step < 0.) rest = -rest;
180  if (rest > std::abs(step) * 1e-5) goto L20;
182  return;
184 /* * CUT STEP */
185 L30:
186  ++ncut;
187 /* If too many cuts , go to HELIX */
188  if (ncut > 11) {
189  goto L40;
190  }
191  hst *= .5;
192  goto L20;
195 L40:
196  f1 = f[0];
197  f2 = f[1];
198  f3 = f[2];
199  f4 = sqrt(f1*f1 + f2*f2 + f3*f3);
200  rho = -f4 * pinv;
201  tet = rho * step;
202  if (tet != 0.) {
203  hnorm = 1. / f4;
204  f1 *= hnorm;
205  f2 *= hnorm;
206  f3 *= hnorm;
208  hxp[0] = f2 * vect[6] - f3 * vect[5];
209  hxp[1] = f3 * vect[4] - f1 * vect[6];
210  hxp[2] = f1 * vect[5] - f2 * vect[4];
211  hp = f1 * vect[4] + f2 * vect[5] + f3 * vect[6];
213  rho1 = 1. / rho;
214  sint = sin(tet);
215  cost = sin(tet/2.) * sin(tet/2.) * 2.;
217  g1 = sint * rho1;
218  g2 = cost * rho1;
219  g3 = (tet - sint) * hp * rho1;
220  g4 = -cost;
221  g5 = sint;
222  g6 = cost * hp;
223  vout[1] = vect[1] + (g1 * vect[4] + g2 * hxp[0] + g3 * f1);
224  vout[2] = vect[2] + (g1 * vect[5] + g2 * hxp[1] + g3 * f2);
225  vout[3] = vect[3] + (g1 * vect[6] + g2 * hxp[2] + g3 * f3);
226  vout[4] = vect[4] + (g4 * vect[4] + g5 * hxp[0] + g6 * f1);
227  vout[5] = vect[5] + (g4 * vect[5] + g5 * hxp[1] + g6 * f2);
228  vout[6] = vect[6] + (g4 * vect[6] + g5 * hxp[2] + g6 * f3);
230  } else {
231  vout[1] = vect[1] + step * vect[4];
232  vout[2] = vect[2] + step * vect[5];
233  vout[3] = vect[3] + step * vect[6];
235  }
237  }

◆ vkMSolve()

int Trk::vkMSolve ( double *  a,
double *  b,
long int  n,
double *  ainv 

Definition at line 618 of file Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Matrix.cxx.

619 {
620  std::unique_ptr<int[]> indx(new int[n+1]);
621  std::unique_ptr<double[]> Scale(new double[n]);
622  scaleg(a,Scale.get(),n,n);
623  int ierr = vkLUdcmp( a, n, indx.get());
624  if( ierr )return -1;
625  for(int i=0;i<n;i++)b[i]*=Scale[i];
626  vkLUbksb(a, n, indx.get(), b);
627  for(int i=0;i<n;i++)b[i]*=Scale[i];
628  if(ainv){ //Also invert matrix on request
629  int i,j;
630  std::unique_ptr<double[]> tmp(new double[n]);
631  for(j=0; j<n; j++){
632  for(i=0;i<n;i++)tmp[i]=0.;
633  tmp[j]=1.;
634  vkLUbksb(a, n, indx.get(), tmp.get());
635  for(i=0;i<n;i++)ainv[i+j*n]=tmp[i];
636  }
637  for(i=0;i<n;i++) for(j=0;j<n;j++) ainv[i+j*n] *= Scale[i]*Scale[j];
638  }
639  return 0;
640 }

◆ vkPerigeeToP()

void Trk::vkPerigeeToP ( const double *  perig3,
double *  pp,
double  BMAG 

Definition at line 15 of file cfMomentum.cxx.

16 {
17  double constB =BMAG * vkalMagCnvCst;
18  double phiv = perig3[1];
19  double pt = constB / std::abs(perig3[2]);
20  pp[0] = pt * cos(phiv);
21  pp[1] = pt * sin(phiv);
22  pp[2] = pt / tan(perig3[0]);
23 }

◆ vkSVDCmp()

void Trk::vkSVDCmp ( double **  a,
int  m,
int  n,
double  w[],
double **  v 

Definition at line 648 of file Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Matrix.cxx.

649 {
650  int flag,i,its,j,jj,k,l=0, nm=0;
651  double anorm,c,f,g,h,s,scale,x,y,z;
653  std::vector<double> rv1(n+1,0.);
654  g=scale=anorm=0.0;
655  for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
656  l=i+1;
657  rv1[i]=scale*g;
658  g=s=scale=0.0;
659  if (i <= m) {
660  for (k=i;k<=m;k++) scale += std::abs(a[k][i]);
661  if (scale) {
662  for (k=i;k<=m;k++) {
663  a[k][i] /= scale;
664  s += a[k][i]*a[k][i];
665  }
666  f=a[i][i];
667  g = -SIGN(std::sqrt(s),f);
668  h=f*g-s;
669  a[i][i]=f-g;
670  for (j=l;j<=n;j++) {
671  for (s=0.0,k=i;k<=m;k++) s += a[k][i]*a[k][j];
672  f=s/h;
673  for (k=i;k<=m;k++) a[k][j] += f*a[k][i];
674  }
675  for (k=i;k<=m;k++) a[k][i] *= scale;
676  }
677  }
678  w[i]=scale *g;
679  g=s=scale=0.0;
680  if (i <= m && i != n) {
681  for (k=l;k<=n;k++) scale += std::abs(a[i][k]);
682  if (scale) {
683  for (k=l;k<=n;k++) {
684  a[i][k] /= scale;
685  s += a[i][k]*a[i][k];
686  }
687  f=a[i][l];
688  g = -SIGN(std::sqrt(s),f);
689  h=f*g-s;
690  a[i][l]=f-g;
691  for (k=l;k<=n;k++) rv1[k]=a[i][k]/h;
692  for (j=l;j<=m;j++) {
693  for (s=0.0,k=l;k<=n;k++) s += a[j][k]*a[i][k];
694  for (k=l;k<=n;k++) a[j][k] += s*rv1[k];
695  }
696  for (k=l;k<=n;k++) a[i][k] *= scale;
697  }
698  }
699  double nanorm=std::abs(w[i])+std::abs(rv1[i]);
700  if(anorm < nanorm) anorm = nanorm;
701  }
702  for (i=n;i>=1;i--) {
703  if (i < n) {
704  if (g) {
705  for (j=l;j<=n;j++)
706  v[j][i]=(a[i][j]/a[i][l])/g;
707  for (j=l;j<=n;j++) {
708  for (s=0.0,k=l;k<=n;k++) s += a[i][k]*v[k][j];
709  for (k=l;k<=n;k++) v[k][j] += s*v[k][i];
710  }
711  }
712  for (j=l;j<=n;j++) v[i][j]=v[j][i]=0.0;
713  }
714  v[i][i]=1.0;
715  g=rv1[i];
716  l=i;
717  }
718  for (i=(m<n?m:n);i>=1;i--) {
719  l=i+1;
720  g=w[i];
721  for (j=l;j<=n;j++) a[i][j]=0.0;
722  if (g) {
723  g=1.0/g;
724  for (j=l;j<=n;j++) {
725  for (s=0.0,k=l;k<=m;k++) s += a[k][i]*a[k][j];
726  f=(s/a[i][i])*g;
727  for (k=i;k<=m;k++) a[k][j] += f*a[k][i];
728  }
729  for (j=i;j<=m;j++) a[j][i] *= g;
730  } else for (j=i;j<=m;j++) a[j][i]=0.0;
731  ++a[i][i];
732  }
733  for (k=n;k>=1;k--) {
734  for (its=1;its<=300;its++) {
735  flag=1;
736  for (l=k;l>=1;l--) {
737  nm=l-1;
738  if ( (std::abs(rv1[l])+anorm) == anorm) {
739  flag=0;
740  break;
741  }
742  if ( (std::abs(w[nm])+anorm) == anorm) break;
743  }
744  if (flag) {
745  c=0.0;
746  s=1.0;
747  for (i=l;i<=k;i++) {
748  f=s*rv1[i];
749  rv1[i]=c*rv1[i];
750  if ( (std::abs(f)+anorm) == anorm) break;
751  g=w[i];
752  h=vkPythag(f,g);
753  w[i]=h;
754  h=1.0/h;
755  c=g*h;
756  s = -f*h;
757  for (j=1;j<=m;j++) {
758  y=a[j][nm];
759  z=a[j][i];
760  a[j][nm]=y*c+z*s;
761  a[j][i]=z*c-y*s;
762  }
763  }
764  }
765  z=w[k];
766  if (l == k) {
767  if (z < 0.0) {
768  w[k] = -z;
769  for (j=1;j<=n;j++) v[j][k] = -v[j][k];
770  }
771  break;
772  }
773  x=w[l];
774  nm=k-1;
775  y=w[nm];
776  g=rv1[nm];
777  h=rv1[k];
778  f=((y-z)*(y+z)+(g-h)*(g+h))/(2.0*h*y);
779  g=vkPythag(f,1.0);
780  f=((x-z)*(x+z)+h*((y/(f+SIGN(g,f)))-h))/x;
781  c=s=1.0;
782  for (j=l;j<=nm;j++) {
783  i=j+1;
784  g=rv1[i];
785  y=w[i];
786  h=s*g;
787  g=c*g;
788  z=vkPythag(f,h);
789  rv1[j]=z;
790  c=f/z;
791  s=h/z;
792  f=x*c+g*s;
793  g = g*c-x*s;
794  h=y*s;
795  y *= c;
796  for (jj=1;jj<=n;jj++) {
797  x=v[jj][j];
798  z=v[jj][i];
799  v[jj][j]=x*c+z*s;
800  v[jj][i]=z*c-x*s;
801  }
802  z=vkPythag(f,h);
803  w[j]=z;
804  if (z) {
805  z=1.0/z;
806  c=f*z;
807  s=h*z;
808  }
809  f=c*g+s*y;
810  x=c*y-s*g;
811  for (jj=1;jj<=m;jj++) {
812  y=a[jj][j];
813  z=a[jj][i];
814  a[jj][j]=y*c+z*s;
815  a[jj][i]=z*c-y*s;
816  }
817  }
818  rv1[l]=0.0;
819  rv1[k]=f;
820  w[k]=x;
821  }
822  }
823 }

◆ vkvFastV()

double Trk::vkvFastV ( double *  p1,
double *  p2,
const double *  vRef,
double  dbmag,
double *  out 

Definition at line 42 of file VKvFast.cxx.

43 {
44  double d__1;
45  double diff, coef, cent1[2], cent2[2], angle, cross[6];/* was [3][2] */
46  double r1, r2, z1, z2, a01[3], a02[3], dc, an[2];
47  double ar1, ar2, xd1, xd2, yd1, yd2, dz1, dz2, pt1, pt2, pz1, pz2, det;
48  double loc_bmag;
51 #define cross_ref(a_1,a_2) cross[(a_2)*3 + (a_1) - 4]
53 /* ---- */
54  /* Parameter adjustments */
55  --out;
56  --p2;
57  --p1;
59  /* Function Body */
60  loc_bmag = dbmag;
61  if (dbmag <= .1) {loc_bmag = 0.1;} // To avoid ZERO magnetic field
62 /* ---- */
63  double psum[3]={0.,0.,0.}; double ptmp[3]={0.,0.,0.};
64  vkPerigeeToP(&p1[3],ptmp,loc_bmag); psum[0]+=ptmp[0];psum[1]+=ptmp[1];psum[2]+=ptmp[2];
65  vkPerigeeToP(&p2[3],ptmp,loc_bmag); psum[0]+=ptmp[0];psum[1]+=ptmp[1];psum[2]+=ptmp[2];
66 /*------*/
67  r1 = 1. / p1[5];
68  r2 = 1. / p2[5];
69  ar1 = std::abs(r1);
70  ar2 = std::abs(r2);
71 // pt1 = ar1 * loc_bmag * .00299979; // For GeV and CM
72 // pt2 = ar2 * loc_bmag * .00299979;
73 // pt1 = ar1 * loc_bmag * .299979; // For MeV and MM
74 // pt2 = ar2 * loc_bmag * .299979;
75  pt1 = ar1 * loc_bmag * vkalMagCnvCst; // from CommonPars.h
76  pt2 = ar2 * loc_bmag * vkalMagCnvCst;
77  pz1 = pt1 / tan(p1[3]);
78  pz2 = pt2 / tan(p2[3]);
79 /* --- */
80  xd1 = cos(p1[4]);
81 /* Need for calculation of Z of crossing point */
82  xd2 = cos(p2[4]);
83  yd1 = sin(p1[4]);
84  yd2 = sin(p2[4]);
85 /* --- Point of minimal approach to the beam */
86  a01[0] = p1[1] * yd1;
87  a01[1] = -p1[1] * xd1;
88  a01[2] = p1[2];
89  a02[0] = p2[1] * yd2;
90  a02[1] = -p2[1] * xd2;
91  a02[2] = p2[2];
92 /* -- coordinates of centres of trajectories */
93  cent1[0] = a01[0] - r1 * yd1;
94  cent1[1] = a01[1] + r1 * xd1;
95  cent2[0] = a02[0] - r2 * yd2;
96  cent2[1] = a02[1] + r2 * xd2;
97 /* -- */
98  an[0] = cent2[0] - cent1[0];
99  an[1] = cent2[1] - cent1[1];
100  dc = sqrt(an[0]*an[0] + an[1]*an[1]);
101  an[0] /= dc;
102  an[1] /= dc;
103 /* -- Single point*/
104  if (dc <= std::abs(ar1 - ar2)) {
105  if (ar1 < ar2) {
106  cross_ref(1, 1) = ar1 / dc * (cent1[0] - cent2[0]) + cent1[0];
107  cross_ref(1, 2) = ar2 / dc * (cent1[0] - cent2[0]) + cent2[0];
108  cross_ref(2, 1) = ar1 / dc * (cent1[1] - cent2[1]) + cent1[1];
109  cross_ref(2, 2) = ar2 / dc * (cent1[1] - cent2[1]) + cent2[1];
110  } else {
111  cross_ref(1, 1) = ar1 / dc * (cent2[0] - cent1[0]) + cent1[0];
112  cross_ref(1, 2) = ar2 / dc * (cent2[0] - cent1[0]) + cent2[0];
113  cross_ref(2, 1) = ar1 / dc * (cent2[1] - cent1[1]) + cent1[1];
114  cross_ref(2, 2) = ar2 / dc * (cent2[1] - cent1[1]) + cent2[1];
115  }
116  angle = vkvang_(&cross_ref(1, 1), cent1, &r1, &xd1, &yd1);
117  z1 = pz1 * r1 * angle / pt1 + a01[2];
118  angle = vkvang_(&cross_ref(1, 2), cent2, &r2, &xd2, &yd2);
119  z2 = pz2 * r2 * angle / pt2 + a02[2];
120  //diffz = std::abs(z2 - z1);
121  out[1] = (cross_ref(1, 1) + cross_ref(1, 2)) / 2.;
122  out[2] = (cross_ref(2, 1) + cross_ref(2, 2)) / 2.;
123  out[3] = (z1 + z2) / 2.;
124  return std::abs(z1 - z2);
125  }
126 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
127  double bestZdiff=0.;
128  diff = dc - (ar1 + ar2);
129  if (diff < 0.) {
130 /* 2 distinct points, A1 & A2. */
131  coef = (r1*r1 + dc*dc - r2*r2) / (dc * 2);
132  if (r1*r1 - coef*coef > 0.) {
133  det = sqrt(r1 * r1 - coef * coef);
134  } else {
135  det = 0.;
136  }
137  cross_ref(1, 1) = cent1[0] + coef * an[0] + det * an[1];
138  cross_ref(2, 1) = cent1[1] + coef * an[1] - det * an[0];
139  cross_ref(3, 1) = 0.;
140  cross_ref(1, 2) = cent1[0] + coef * an[0] - det * an[1];
141  cross_ref(2, 2) = cent1[1] + coef * an[1] + det * an[0];
142  cross_ref(3, 2) = 0.;
143 /* -First cross */
144  angle = vkvang_(&cross_ref(1, 1), cent1, &r1, &xd1, &yd1);
145  z1 = pz1 * r1 * angle / pt1 + a01[2];
146  angle = vkvang_(&cross_ref(1, 1), cent2, &r2, &xd2, &yd2);
147  z2 = pz2 * r2 * angle / pt2 + a02[2];
148  dz1 = std::abs(z2 - z1);
149  cross_ref(3, 1) = (z1 + z2) / 2.;
150 /* -Second cross */
151  angle = vkvang_(&cross_ref(1, 2), cent1, &r1, &xd1, &yd1);
152  z1 = pz1 * r1 * angle / pt1 + a01[2];
153  angle = vkvang_(&cross_ref(1, 2), cent2, &r2, &xd2, &yd2);
154  z2 = pz2 * r2 * angle / pt2 + a02[2];
155  dz2 = std::abs(z2 - z1);
156  cross_ref(3, 2) = (z1 + z2) / 2.;
157 /* if reterence vertex is present -> check 2D mom direction -> must be avay from it*/
158  if(vRef && std::abs(dz1-dz2)<5.){
159  double dir1=ptmp[0]*(cross_ref(1,1)-vRef[0])+ptmp[1]*(cross_ref(2,1)-vRef[1]);
160  double dir2=ptmp[0]*(cross_ref(1,2)-vRef[0])+ptmp[1]*(cross_ref(2,2)-vRef[1]);
161  if(dir1*dir2<0){ // points are on different sides of ref. vertex
162  if(dir1<0) dz1+=1000.;
163  if(dir2<0) dz2+=1000.;
164  }
165  }
166 /* - choice of best dz */
168  if (dz1 < dz2) {
169  out[1] = cross_ref(1, 1);
170  out[2] = cross_ref(2, 1);
171  out[3] = cross_ref(3, 1);
172  bestZdiff=dz1;
173  } else {
174  out[1] = cross_ref(1, 2);
175  out[2] = cross_ref(2, 2);
176  out[3] = cross_ref(3, 2);
177  bestZdiff=dz2;
178  }
179  } else {
180  cross_ref(1, 1) = (ar1 * cent2[0] + ar2 * cent1[0]) / (ar1 + ar2);
181  cross_ref(2, 1) = (ar1 * cent2[1] + ar2 * cent1[1]) / (ar1 + ar2);
182  out[1] = cross_ref(1, 1);
183  out[2] = cross_ref(2, 1);
184  out[3] = 0.;
185  d__1 = r1 * dc / (ar1 + ar2);
186  angle = vkvang_(cross, cent1, &d__1, &xd1, &yd1);
187  z1 = pz1 * r1 * angle / pt1 + a01[2];
188  d__1 = r2 * dc / (ar1 + ar2);
189  angle = vkvang_(cross, cent2, &d__1, &xd2, &yd2);
190  z2 = pz2 * r2 * angle / pt2 + a02[2];
191  out[3] = (z1 + z2) / 2.;
192  bestZdiff = std::abs(z1 - z2);
193  }
194  return bestZdiff;
195 }

◆ vpderiv()

void Trk::vpderiv ( bool  UseTrackErr,
long int  Charge,
const double *  pari0,
double *  covi,
double *  vrtref,
double *  covvrtref,
double *  drdpar,
double *  dwgt,
double *  rv0,
VKalVrtControl FitCONTROL 

Definition at line 16 of file VtDeriv.cxx.

18 {
19  /* Initialized data */
21  double dshft[6] = { 1.e-4, 1.e-4, 1.e-4, 1.e-4, 1.e-4, 1.e-4}; //step for each parameter
22  /* Symmetric version for derivatives calculation*/
23  double DrvCoef[4] = {-2., -1., 1.,2.};
25  /* Local variables */
26  double pari[6], covd[15], dcov[3], rvec[50]; /* was [2][6*4+1] */
27  double paro[5];
28  int j, ij, ip, ipp, id=0;
29  double dwgt0[3]={0.,0.,0.};
30  //double deriv[6], dchi2[4*6+1]; //VK for debugging
31  double cs, pp, sn, pt, rho;
32  double covdtr[15], ctg, par[5], cnv[36]; /* was [6][6] */
34 #define rvec_ref(a_1,a_2) rvec[(a_2)*2 + (a_1) - 1]
35 #define drdpar_ref(a_1,a_2) drdpar[(a_2)*2 + (a_1)]
36 #define cnv_ref(a_1,a_2) cnv[(a_2)*6 + (a_1) - 7]
38 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
39 /* Subroutine for derivative calculations */
40 /* Input: */
41 /* Charge - charge of track ( +1,0,-1 ) */
42 /* PARI0(1:3) - Vertex of particle */
43 /* PARI0(4:6) - Momentum of particle */
44 /* COVI(21) - symmetric covariance matrix */
45 /* BMAG - magnetic field */
46 /* UseTrackErr =false Fitted track is assumed errorless */
47 /* only vertex error is used */
48 /* may be used for constraint */
49 /* =true Fitted track error is added */
50 /* Output: */
51 /* Deriv(6) - Chi2 derivatives for debugging */
52 /* drdpar - derivatives */
53 /* rv0[2] - track impact vs vertex */
54 /* dwgt[3] - track impact covarinance */
55 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
56  /* Parameter adjustments */
57  drdpar -= 3;
58  --covvrtref;
60  /* Function Body */
61 /* --------------------- */
62  double constB =FitCONTROL->vk_forcft.localbmag * vkalMagCnvCst ;
64  for (ip = 0; ip <= 4*6; ++ip) { // Number of points * Number of parameters
65 /* -- Input parameters */
66  pari[0] = pari0[0];
67  pari[1] = pari0[1];
68  pari[2] = pari0[2];
69  pari[3] = pari0[3];
70  pari[4] = pari0[4];
71  pari[5] = pari0[5];
72 // ipp - parameter number, id - number of step
73  ipp = ip; while(ipp>6)ipp-=6;
74  if(ip>=1 && ip<=6 ) id=0;
75  if(ip>=7 && ip<=12) id=1;
76  if(ip>=13 && ip<=18) id=2;
77  if(ip>=19 && ip<=24) id=3;
78  if (ip != 0) pari[ipp - 1] *= (dshft[ipp-1]*DrvCoef[id] + 1.);
79 /* -- */
80  pt = sqrt(pari[3]*pari[3] + pari[4]*pari[4]);
81  pp = pt*pt + pari[5]*pari[5];
82  cs = pari[3] / pt;
83  sn = pari[4] / pt;
84  ctg = pari[5] / pt;
85  rho = Charge * constB / pt; // Sign of charge coinside with sign of curvature!!!
86 /* -- Output parameters */
87  par[0] = 0.;
88  par[1] = 0.;
89  par[2] = acos(pari[5] / sqrt(pp));
90  if(par[2]<1.e-5) par[2]=1.e-5;
91  if(par[2]>M_PI-1.e-5) par[2]=M_PI-1.e-5;
92  par[3] = atan2(pari[4], pari[3]);
93  par[4] = rho;
94  if (Charge == 0) par[4] = constB / pt;
95 /* -- */
96  cnv_ref(1, 1) = sn;
97  cnv_ref(2, 1) = -cs;
98  cnv_ref(3, 1) = 0.;
99  cnv_ref(4, 1) = 0.;
100  cnv_ref(5, 1) = 0.;
101  cnv_ref(6, 1) = 0.;
102 /* -- */
103  cnv_ref(1, 2) = -cs * ctg;
104  cnv_ref(2, 2) = -sn * ctg;
105  cnv_ref(3, 2) = 1.;
106  cnv_ref(4, 2) = 0.;
107  cnv_ref(5, 2) = 0.;
108  cnv_ref(6, 2) = 0.;
109 /* -- */
110  cnv_ref(1, 3) = 0.;
111  cnv_ref(2, 3) = 0.;
112  cnv_ref(3, 3) = 0.;
113  cnv_ref(4, 3) = pari[5] * pari[3] / pp / pt;
114  cnv_ref(5, 3) = pari[5] * pari[4] / pp / pt;
115  cnv_ref(6, 3) = -pt / pp;
116 /* -- */
117  cnv_ref(1, 4) = 0.;
118  cnv_ref(2, 4) = 0.;
119  if (Charge)cnv_ref(1, 4) = -cs * rho; // For charged tracks only
120  if (Charge)cnv_ref(2, 4) = -sn * rho; //
121  cnv_ref(3, 4) = 0.;
122  cnv_ref(4, 4) = -pari[4] / (pt * pt);
123  cnv_ref(5, 4) = pari[3] / (pt * pt);
124  cnv_ref(6, 4) = 0.;
125 /* -- */
126  cnv_ref(1, 5) = 0.;
127  cnv_ref(2, 5) = 0.;
128  cnv_ref(3, 5) = 0.;
129  cnv_ref(4, 5) = -pari[3] * rho / (pt * pt);
130  cnv_ref(5, 5) = -pari[4] * rho / (pt * pt);
131  if ( Charge == 0) {cnv_ref(4, 5) = -pari[3] * constB / (pt*pt*pt);}
132  if ( Charge == 0) {cnv_ref(5, 5) = -pari[4] * constB / (pt*pt*pt);}
133  cnv_ref(6, 5) = 0.;
134 /* -- not needed really but... */
135  cnv_ref(1, 6) = cnv_ref(2, 6) = cnv_ref(3, 6) = cnv_ref(4, 6) = cnv_ref(5, 6) = cnv_ref(6, 6) = 0.;
137  tdasatVK(cnv, &covi[0], covd, 5, 6);
139 /* -- Translation to New Reference Point */
140  Trk::vkalPropagator::Propagate(-999, Charge, par, covd, pari, vrtref, paro, covdtr, FitCONTROL);
144 /* -- Now impact significance */
145 /* X=paro(1)*sn, Y=-paro(1)*cs */
146  sn = sin(paro[3]);
147  cs = cos(paro[3]);
148 /* -- New error version */
149  cnv_ref(1, 1) = -sn;
150  cnv_ref(1, 2) = cs;
151  cnv_ref(1, 3) = 0.;
152  cnv_ref(2, 1) = sn / tan(paro[2]);
153  cnv_ref(2, 2) = cs / tan(paro[2]);
154  cnv_ref(2, 3) = -1.;
155  dcov[0] = 0.;
156  dcov[1] = 0.;
157  dcov[2] = 0.;
158  for (int i = 1; i <= 3; ++i) {
159  for (j = 1; j <= 3; ++j) {
160  ij = i > j ? i : j;
161  ij = ij * (ij - 1) / 2 + ( i < j ? i : j );
162  dcov[0] += cnv_ref(1, i) * cnv_ref(1, j) * covvrtref[ij];
163  dcov[2] += cnv_ref(2, i) * cnv_ref(2, j) * covvrtref[ij];
164  dcov[1] += cnv_ref(1, i) * cnv_ref(2, j) * covvrtref[ij];
165  }
166  }
167 /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
168  if( UseTrackErr ){ // Add track error if needed
169  dcov[0] += covdtr[0];
170  dcov[1] += covdtr[1];
171  dcov[2] += covdtr[2];
172  }
173 /*---------------------------------------------------------------- */
174 // Weight matrix and chi2 for given shift
175 //
176  int jerr=cfdinv(dcov, &dwgt[0], -2); if(jerr){jerr=cfdinv(dcov, &dwgt[0], 2); if(jerr){dwgt[0]=dwgt[2]=1.e6; dwgt[1]=0.;}};
177  //dchi2[ip] = sqrt(fabs(dwgt[0]*paro[0]*paro[0] + 2.*dwgt[1]*paro[0]*paro[1] + dwgt[2]*paro[1]*paro[1]));
178  rvec_ref(1, ip) = paro[0];
179  rvec_ref(2, ip) = paro[1];
180  if (ip == 0) { //Save weight matrix for output
181  dwgt0[0] = dwgt[0];
182  dwgt0[1] = dwgt[1];
183  dwgt0[2] = dwgt[2];
184  }
185  }
186 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
187 // Now calculate derivatives themselves
188 //
189  for (int i = 1; i <= 6; ++i) {
190  //deriv[i-1] = (dchi2[i] -8.*dchi2[i+6] +8.*dchi2[i+12]-dchi2[i+18] ) / (12.*dshft[i-1]*pari0[i-1]);
191  drdpar_ref(1,i) = (rvec_ref(1,i) -8.*rvec_ref(1,i+6) +8.*rvec_ref(1,i+12) -rvec_ref(1,i+18)) / (12.*dshft[i-1]*pari0[i-1]);
192  drdpar_ref(2,i) = (rvec_ref(2,i) -8.*rvec_ref(2,i+6) +8.*rvec_ref(2,i+12) -rvec_ref(2,i+18)) / (12.*dshft[i-1]*pari0[i-1]);
193  }
194 //std::cout<<deriv[0]<<", "<<deriv[1]<<", "<<deriv[2]<<", "<<deriv[3]<<", "<<deriv[4]<<", "<<deriv[5]<<'\n';
195 //std::cout<<drdpar_ref(1, 1)<<", "<<drdpar_ref(1, 2)<<", "<<drdpar_ref(1, 3)<<", "<<drdpar_ref(1, 4)<<
196 // ", "<<drdpar_ref(1, 5)<<", "<<drdpar_ref(1, 6)<<'\n';
197 //std::cout<<drdpar_ref(2, 1)<<", "<<drdpar_ref(2, 2)<<", "<<drdpar_ref(2, 3)<<", "<<drdpar_ref(1, 4)<<
198 // ", "<<drdpar_ref(2, 5)<<", "<<drdpar_ref(2, 6)<<'\n';
199 //std::cout<<"---------------------"<<'\n';
200 //
201 // Output parameters
202 //
204  rv0[0] = rvec_ref(1, 0);
205  rv0[1] = rvec_ref(2, 0);
206  dwgt[0] = dwgt0[0];
207  dwgt[1] = dwgt0[1];
208  dwgt[2] = dwgt0[2];
210 //std::cout<<" VpDerivR,Z="<<rv0[0]<<", "<<rv0[1]<<'\n';
211 //std::cout<<" Ref="<<vrtref[0]<<", "<<vrtref[1]<<", "<<vrtref[2]<<'\n';
212 #undef cnv_ref
213 #undef drdpar_ref
214 #undef rvec_ref
215 }

◆ vtcfit()

int Trk::vtcfit ( VKVertex vk)

Definition at line 293 of file VtCFit.cxx.

293  {
295  double dxyz[3], xyzt[3], eigv[8];
296  double dpipj[3][3] /* was [3][3] */;
297  double drdpy[2][3] /* was [2][3] */;
298  double drdvy[2][3] /* was [2][3] */;
299  double pyv[3][3] /*was [3][3]*/;
300  double vyv[3][3] /*was [3][3]*/;
301  double wa[6], stv[3], wgtvrtd[6], tv[3];
303  int ic, jj, it, jt, ii, kt;
304  int j, k, l;
306 #define ader_ref(a_1,a_2) vk->ader[(a_2)*(vkalNTrkM*3+3) + (a_1) - (vkalNTrkM*3+4)]
307 #define cvder_ref(a_1,a_2) vk->FVC.cvder[(a_2)*2 + (a_1) - 3]
308 #define dcv_ref(a_1,a_2) vk->FVC.dcv[(a_2)*6 + (a_1) - 7]
310  /* ************************************************************************/
311  /* Created : 14-MAY-2008 Author : V.KOSTYUKHIN (INFN) */
312  /* ********* */
313  /* Arguments : Input : NTRK : number of tracks */
314  /* ICH(1:NTRK) : charge */
315  /* PAR(1:5,1:NTRK) : "perigee" parameters */
316  /* 1 : epsilon (impact par. in xy projection, with sign)*/
317  /* 2 : z coordinate */
318  /* 3 : theta angle */
319  /* 4 : phi angle */
320  /* 5 : 1/R (R = radius of curvature, with sign) */
321  /* 0.0029979246d0/Pt if charge=0 */
322  /* WGT(1:15,1:NTRK) : weight matrix on PAR */
323  /* :in case of zero charge WGT(15) must be */
324  /* :error of 0.0029979246d0/Pt with correlation*/
325  /* XYZ(1:3) : approximate coordinates of the vertex*/
326  /* PAR0(1:3) : approximate parameters of tracks at*/
327  /* the vertex(result of pxfvtx fit) */
328  /* Output : XYZF(1:3) : fitted coordinates of the vertex */
329  /* PARF(1:3,1:NTRK) : fitted parameters at THE vertex*/
330  /* 1 : theta */
331  /* 2 : phi */
332  /* 3 : 1/R */
333  /* CHI2 : chi2 of the fit */
335  /* TOTAL CHI2 */
337  /* Errors : IERR = 1 : too many tracks (NTRK > NTRMAX) */
338  /* IERR = 2 : covariance or weight matrix not positive */
339  /**************************************************************************/
341  /* -------------------------------------------- */
342  /* Fit results needed in other calculations */
343  /* -------------------------------------------- */
344  /* For close to vertex constraint */
345  /* For step constraint */
346  /* -- Derivatives and others for constraint */
347  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
349  long int IERR = 0;
350  int NTRK = vk->TrackList.size();
351  double xyz[3]={vk->iniV[0],vk->iniV[1],vk->iniV[2]};
352  double twb[9];
353  double twci[6];
354  double twbci[9];
355  double xyzf[3];
357  vk->truncatedStep=false;
358  if ( NTRK > vkalNTrkM ) return 1;
360  std::unique_ptr<double[]> dphi = std::unique_ptr<double[]>(new double[NTRK]);
361  std::unique_ptr<double[]> deps = std::unique_ptr<double[]>(new double[NTRK]);
362  std::unique_ptr<double[]> drho = std::unique_ptr<double[]>(new double[NTRK]);
363  std::unique_ptr<double[]> dtet = std::unique_ptr<double[]>(new double[NTRK]);
364  std::unique_ptr<double[]> dzp = std::unique_ptr<double[]>(new double[NTRK]);
366  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) { tv[i] = 0.; stv[i] = 0.;}
367  for (int i=0; i<6; ++i) { vk->wa[i] = 0.; wa[i] = 0.;}
368  for (k=0; k<2; k++) { for(j=0; j<3; j++) drdvy[k][j] = drdpy[k][j] = 0.;};
369  for (k=0; k<3; k++) { for(j=0; j<3; j++) pyv[k][j] = vyv[k][j] = 0.;};
371  /* =================================================================== */
372  /* loop over the tracks */
374  if (vk->passNearVertex) {
375  /* dR/dV*Y and dR/dV*Y*dR/dV f */
376  drdvy[0][0]= cvder_ref(1, 1)*vk->FVC.ywgt[0] + cvder_ref(2, 1)*vk->FVC.ywgt[1];
377  drdvy[1][0]= cvder_ref(1, 1)*vk->FVC.ywgt[1] + cvder_ref(2, 1)*vk->FVC.ywgt[2];
378  drdvy[0][1]= cvder_ref(1, 2)*vk->FVC.ywgt[0] + cvder_ref(2, 2)*vk->FVC.ywgt[1];
379  drdvy[1][1]= cvder_ref(1, 2)*vk->FVC.ywgt[1] + cvder_ref(2, 2)*vk->FVC.ywgt[2];
380  drdvy[0][2]= cvder_ref(1, 3)*vk->FVC.ywgt[0] + cvder_ref(2, 3)*vk->FVC.ywgt[1];
381  drdvy[1][2]= cvder_ref(1, 3)*vk->FVC.ywgt[1] + cvder_ref(2, 3)*vk->FVC.ywgt[2];
382  for (ii = 1; ii <= 3; ++ii) { /* Matrix dR/dV*Y*dR/dV */
383  for (jj = 1; jj <= 3; ++jj) {
384  vyv[ii-1][jj-1] = drdvy[0][ii-1]*cvder_ref(1, jj) + drdvy[1][ii-1]*cvder_ref(2, jj);
385  }
386  }
387  }
389  for ( kt = 0; kt < NTRK; ++kt) {
390  VKTrack* trk = vk->TrackList[kt].get();
391  double theta_ini =trk->iniP[0];
392  double phi_ini =trk->iniP[1];
393  double invR_ini =trk->iniP[2];
394  /* "perigee" parameters EPS and ZP if the trajectory goes through XYZ */
395  /* and its theta,phi,1/R at perigee are equal to the values at input*/
396  double cotth = 1. / tan( theta_ini ); /* theta at vertex */
397  double cosf = cos(phi_ini);
398  double sinf = sin(phi_ini);
399  double uu = xyz[0]*cosf + xyz[1]*sinf;
400  double vv = xyz[1]*cosf - xyz[0]*sinf;
401  double phip,zp,eps;
402  if ( trk->Charge ) {
403  eps = -vv - uu*uu * invR_ini / 2.;
404  zp = -uu * (1. - vv * invR_ini) * cotth; //xyz[2] is added later to gain precision
405  phip = -uu * invR_ini; //phi_ini is added later to gain precision
406  } else {
407  eps = -vv;
408  zp = -uu * cotth;
409  phip = 0.;
410  }
412  /* contribution of this track to chi2 with initial values */
414  deps[kt] = trk->a0() - eps;
415  dzp[kt] = trk->z() - xyz[2]; // Precision
416  dzp[kt]-= zp;
417  dtet[kt] = trk->theta() - theta_ini;
418  dphi[kt] = trk->phi() - phi_ini; // Precision
419  dphi[kt]-= phip;
420  drho[kt] = trk->invR() - invR_ini;
421  while(dphi[kt] > M_PI)dphi[kt]-=2.*M_PI;
422  while(dphi[kt] < -M_PI)dphi[kt]+=2.*M_PI;
425  /* derivatives (deriv1) of perigee param. w.r.t. X,Y,Z (vertex) uu=Q, vv=R */
426  double d11 = sinf - ( uu*cosf *invR_ini);
427  double d12 = -cosf - ( uu*sinf *invR_ini);
428  double d21 = -cosf * cotth + ( (vv*cosf-uu*sinf)*cotth *invR_ini);
429  double d22 = -sinf * cotth + ( (vv*sinf+uu*cosf)*cotth *invR_ini);
430  //double d23 = 1.; //VK for reference
431  double d41 = -cosf * invR_ini;
432  double d42 = -sinf * invR_ini;
433  if (trk->Charge == 0) {
434  d11 = sinf;
435  d12 = -cosf;
436  d21 = -cosf * cotth;
437  d22 = -sinf * cotth;
438  d41 = 0.;
439  d42 = 0.;
440  }
442  /* matrix DW = (deriv1)t * weight */
443  double dw11 = d11 * trk->WgtM[0] + d21 * trk->WgtM[1] + d41 * trk->WgtM[6];
444  double dw12 = d11 * trk->WgtM[1] + d21 * trk->WgtM[2] + d41 * trk->WgtM[7];
445  double dw13 = d11 * trk->WgtM[3] + d21 * trk->WgtM[4] + d41 * trk->WgtM[8];
446  double dw14 = d11 * trk->WgtM[6] + d21 * trk->WgtM[7] + d41 * trk->WgtM[9];
447  double dw15 = d11 * trk->WgtM[10]+ d21 * trk->WgtM[11]+ d41 * trk->WgtM[13];
450  double dw21 = d12 * trk->WgtM[0] + d22 * trk->WgtM[1] + d42 * trk->WgtM[6];
451  double dw22 = d12 * trk->WgtM[1] + d22 * trk->WgtM[2] + d42 * trk->WgtM[7];
452  double dw23 = d12 * trk->WgtM[3] + d22 * trk->WgtM[4] + d42 * trk->WgtM[8];
453  double dw24 = d12 * trk->WgtM[6] + d22 * trk->WgtM[7] + d42 * trk->WgtM[9];
454  double dw25 = d12 * trk->WgtM[10]+ d22 * trk->WgtM[11]+ d42 * trk->WgtM[13];
455  double dw31 = trk->WgtM[1];
456  double dw32 = trk->WgtM[2];
457  double dw33 = trk->WgtM[4];
458  double dw34 = trk->WgtM[7];
459  double dw35 = trk->WgtM[11];
461  /* summation of DW * DPAR to vector TV */
462  tv[0] += dw11 * deps[kt] + dw12 * dzp[kt];
463  tv[1] += dw21 * deps[kt] + dw22 * dzp[kt];
464  tv[2] += dw31 * deps[kt] + dw32 * dzp[kt];
465  tv[0] += dw13 * dtet[kt] + dw14 * dphi[kt] + dw15 * drho[kt];
466  tv[1] += dw23 * dtet[kt] + dw24 * dphi[kt] + dw25 * drho[kt];
467  tv[2] += dw33 * dtet[kt] + dw34 * dphi[kt] + dw35 * drho[kt];
469  stv[0] += dw11 * deps[kt] + dw12 * dzp[kt];
470  stv[1] += dw21 * deps[kt] + dw22 * dzp[kt];
471  stv[2] += dw31 * deps[kt] + dw32 * dzp[kt];
472  stv[0] += dw13 * dtet[kt] + dw14 * dphi[kt] + dw15*drho[kt];
473  stv[1] += dw23 * dtet[kt] + dw24 * dphi[kt] + dw25*drho[kt];
474  stv[2] += dw33 * dtet[kt] + dw34 * dphi[kt] + dw35*drho[kt];
476  /* derivatives (deriv2) of perigee param. w.r.t. theta,phi,1/R (vertex) uu=Q, vv=R */
477  double e12 = uu - invR_ini * vv * uu;
478  double e13 = -uu*uu / 2.;
479  double e21 = uu *(1. - vv*invR_ini) * (cotth*cotth + 1.);
480  double e22 = -vv*cotth + (vv*vv-uu*uu)*invR_ini*cotth;
481  double e23 = uu*vv*cotth;
482  double e43 = -uu + 2.*uu*vv*invR_ini;
483  /* if straight line, set to zero derivatives w.r.t. the curvature */
484  /* and curvature terms in derivatives */
485  if (trk->Charge == 0) {
486  e12 = uu;
487  e13 = 0.;
488  e21 = uu * (cotth*cotth + 1.);
489  e22 = -vv * cotth;
490  e23 = 0.;
491  e43 = 0.;
492  }
494  /* matrix EW = (deriv2)t * weight */
495  double ew11 = e21 * trk->WgtM[1] + trk->WgtM[3];
496  double ew12 = e21 * trk->WgtM[2] + trk->WgtM[4];
497  double ew13 = e21 * trk->WgtM[4] + trk->WgtM[5];
498  double ew14 = e21 * trk->WgtM[7] + trk->WgtM[8];
499  double ew15 = e21 * trk->WgtM[11]+ trk->WgtM[12];
500  double ew21 = e12 * trk->WgtM[0] + e22 * trk->WgtM[1] + trk->WgtM[6];
501  double ew22 = e12 * trk->WgtM[1] + e22 * trk->WgtM[2] + trk->WgtM[7];
502  double ew23 = e12 * trk->WgtM[3] + e22 * trk->WgtM[4] + trk->WgtM[8];
503  double ew24 = e12 * trk->WgtM[6] + e22 * trk->WgtM[7] + trk->WgtM[9];
504  double ew25 = e12 * trk->WgtM[10]+ e22 * trk->WgtM[11]+ trk->WgtM[13];
505  double ew31 = e13 * trk->WgtM[0] + e23 * trk->WgtM[1] + e43 * trk->WgtM[6] + trk->WgtM[10];
506  double ew32 = e13 * trk->WgtM[1] + e23 * trk->WgtM[2] + e43 * trk->WgtM[7] + trk->WgtM[11];
507  double ew33 = e13 * trk->WgtM[3] + e23 * trk->WgtM[4] + e43 * trk->WgtM[8] + trk->WgtM[12];
508  double ew34 = e13 * trk->WgtM[6] + e23 * trk->WgtM[7] + e43 * trk->WgtM[9] + trk->WgtM[13];
509  double ew35 = e13 * trk->WgtM[10]+ e23 * trk->WgtM[11]+ e43 * trk->WgtM[13]+ trk->WgtM[14];
511  /* computation of vector TT = EW * DPAR */
512  TWRK* t_trk=vk->tmpArr[kt].get();
513  t_trk->tt[0] = ew11*deps[kt] + ew12*dzp[kt];
514  t_trk->tt[1] = ew21*deps[kt] + ew22*dzp[kt];
515  t_trk->tt[2] = ew31*deps[kt] + ew32*dzp[kt];
516  t_trk->tt[0] += ew13*dtet[kt] + ew14*dphi[kt] + ew15*drho[kt];
517  t_trk->tt[1] += ew23*dtet[kt] + ew24*dphi[kt] + ew25*drho[kt];
518  t_trk->tt[2] += ew33*dtet[kt] + ew34*dphi[kt] + ew35*drho[kt];
519  if ( vk->passNearVertex ) {
520  for (j = 1; j <= 2; ++j) { /* Derivatives dR/dQi */
521  int i3=(kt+1)*3;
522  t_trk->drdp[j-1][0] = cvder_ref(j,4) * dcv_ref(4,i3 + 1) + cvder_ref(j,5) * dcv_ref(5,i3 + 1);
523  t_trk->drdp[j-1][1] = cvder_ref(j,4) * dcv_ref(4,i3 + 2) + cvder_ref(j,5) * dcv_ref(5,i3 + 2);
524  t_trk->drdp[j-1][2] = cvder_ref(j,4) * dcv_ref(4,i3 + 3) + cvder_ref(j,5) * dcv_ref(5,i3 + 3);
525  t_trk->drdp[j-1][0] += cvder_ref(j, 6) * dcv_ref(6, i3 + 1);
526  t_trk->drdp[j-1][1] += cvder_ref(j, 6) * dcv_ref(6, i3 + 2);
527  t_trk->drdp[j-1][2] += cvder_ref(j, 6) * dcv_ref(6, i3 + 3);
528  }
529  /* Matrix dR/dQ */
530  drdpy[0][0] = t_trk->drdp[0][0] * vk->FVC.ywgt[0] + t_trk->drdp[1][0] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1];
531  drdpy[1][0] = t_trk->drdp[0][0] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1] + t_trk->drdp[1][0] * vk->FVC.ywgt[2];
532  drdpy[0][1] = t_trk->drdp[0][1] * vk->FVC.ywgt[0] + t_trk->drdp[1][1] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1];
533  drdpy[1][1] = t_trk->drdp[0][1] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1] + t_trk->drdp[1][1] * vk->FVC.ywgt[2];
534  drdpy[0][2] = t_trk->drdp[0][2] * vk->FVC.ywgt[0] + t_trk->drdp[1][2] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1];
535  drdpy[1][2] = t_trk->drdp[0][2] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1] + t_trk->drdp[1][2] * vk->FVC.ywgt[2];
536  t_trk->tt[0] -= drdpy[0][0]*vk->FVC.rv0[0] + drdpy[1][0]*vk->FVC.rv0[1];
537  t_trk->tt[1] -= drdpy[0][1]*vk->FVC.rv0[0] + drdpy[1][1]*vk->FVC.rv0[1];
538  t_trk->tt[2] -= drdpy[0][2]*vk->FVC.rv0[0] + drdpy[1][2]*vk->FVC.rv0[1];
539  for (ii = 1; ii <= 3; ++ii) { /* Matrix dR/dQi*Y*dR/dV */
540  for (jj = 1; jj <= 3; ++jj) {
541  pyv[jj-1][ii-1] = drdpy[0][ii-1] * cvder_ref(1, jj) + drdpy[1][ii-1] * cvder_ref(2, jj);
542  }
543  }
544  }
546  /* summation of (deriv1)t * weight * (deriv1) to matrix WA */
547  wa[0] += dw11 * d11 + dw12 * d21 + dw14 * d41;
548  wa[1] += dw11 * d12 + dw12 * d22 + dw14 * d42;
549  wa[2] += dw21 * d12 + dw22 * d22 + dw24 * d42;
550  wa[3] += dw12;
551  wa[4] += dw22;
552  wa[5] += dw32;
553  vk->wa[0] = vk->wa[0] + dw11 * d11 + dw12 * d21 + dw14 * d41;
554  vk->wa[1] = vk->wa[1] + dw11 * d12 + dw12 * d22 + dw14 * d42;
555  vk->wa[2] = vk->wa[2] + dw21 * d12 + dw22 * d22 + dw24 * d42;
556  vk->wa[3] += dw12;
557  vk->wa[4] += dw22;
558  vk->wa[5] += dw32;
560  /* computation of matrix WB = (deriv1)t * weight * (deriv2) */
561  twb[0] = dw12 * e21 + dw13;
562  twb[1] = dw22 * e21 + dw23;
563  twb[2] = dw32 * e21 + dw33;
564  twb[3] = dw11 * e12 + dw12 * e22 + dw14;
565  twb[4] = dw21 * e12 + dw22 * e22 + dw24;
566  twb[5] = dw31 * e12 + dw32 * e22 + dw34;
567  twb[6] = dw11 * e13 + dw12 * e23 + dw14 * e43 + dw15;
568  twb[7] = dw21 * e13 + dw22 * e23 + dw24 * e43 + dw25;
569  twb[8] = dw31 * e13 + dw32 * e23 + dw34 * e43 + dw35;
570  if ( vk->passNearVertex ) {
571  twb[0] += pyv[0][0];
572  twb[1] += pyv[1][0];
573  twb[2] += pyv[2][0];
574  twb[3] += pyv[0][1];
575  twb[4] += pyv[1][1];
576  twb[5] += pyv[2][1];
577  twb[6] += pyv[0][2];
578  twb[7] += pyv[1][2];
579  twb[8] += pyv[2][2];
580  }
582  /* computation of matrix WC = (deriv2)t * weight * (deriv2) */
583  vk->tmpArr[kt]->wc[0] = ew12 * e21 + ew13;
584  vk->tmpArr[kt]->wc[1] = ew22 * e21 + ew23;
585  vk->tmpArr[kt]->wc[3] = ew32 * e21 + ew33;
586  vk->tmpArr[kt]->wc[2] = ew21 * e12 + ew22 * e22 + ew24;
587  vk->tmpArr[kt]->wc[4] = ew31 * e12 + ew32 * e22 + ew34;
588  vk->tmpArr[kt]->wc[5] = ew31 * e13 + ew32 * e23 + ew34 * e43 + ew35;
590  /* computation of matrices WCI = (WC)**(-1) and WBCI = WB * WCI */
591  IERR=cfdinv(&(vk->tmpArr[kt]->wc[0]), twci, -3);
592  if (IERR) {IERR=cfdinv(&(vk->tmpArr[kt]->wc[0]), twci, 3);}
593  if (IERR) return IERR;
596  twbci[0] = twb[0]*twci[0] + twb[3]*twci[1] + twb[6]*twci[3];
597  twbci[1] = twb[1]*twci[0] + twb[4]*twci[1] + twb[7]*twci[3];
598  twbci[2] = twb[2]*twci[0] + twb[5]*twci[1] + twb[8]*twci[3];
599  twbci[3] = twb[0]*twci[1] + twb[3]*twci[2] + twb[6]*twci[4];
600  twbci[4] = twb[1]*twci[1] + twb[4]*twci[2] + twb[7]*twci[4];
601  twbci[5] = twb[2]*twci[1] + twb[5]*twci[2] + twb[8]*twci[4];
602  twbci[6] = twb[0]*twci[3] + twb[3]*twci[4] + twb[6]*twci[5];
603  twbci[7] = twb[1]*twci[3] + twb[4]*twci[4] + twb[7]*twci[5];
604  twbci[8] = twb[2]*twci[3] + twb[5]*twci[4] + twb[8]*twci[5];
606  /* subtraction of WBCI * (WB)t from matrix WA */
607  wa[0] = wa[0] - twbci[0]*twb[0] - twbci[3]*twb[3] - twbci[6]*twb[6];
608  wa[1] = wa[1] - twbci[0]*twb[1] - twbci[3]*twb[4] - twbci[6]*twb[7];
609  wa[2] = wa[2] - twbci[1]*twb[1] - twbci[4]*twb[4] - twbci[7]*twb[7];
610  wa[3] = wa[3] - twbci[0]*twb[2] - twbci[3]*twb[5] - twbci[6]*twb[8];
611  wa[4] = wa[4] - twbci[1]*twb[2] - twbci[4]*twb[5] - twbci[7]*twb[8];
612  wa[5] = wa[5] - twbci[2]*twb[2] - twbci[5]*twb[5] - twbci[8]*twb[8];
614  /* subtraction of WBCI * TT from vector TV */
615  tv[0] = tv[0] - twbci[0] * vk->tmpArr[kt]->tt[0] - twbci[3] * vk->tmpArr[kt]->tt[1] - twbci[6] * vk->tmpArr[kt]->tt[2];
616  tv[1] = tv[1] - twbci[1] * vk->tmpArr[kt]->tt[0] - twbci[4] * vk->tmpArr[kt]->tt[1] - twbci[7] * vk->tmpArr[kt]->tt[2];
617  tv[2] = tv[2] - twbci[2] * vk->tmpArr[kt]->tt[0] - twbci[5] * vk->tmpArr[kt]->tt[1] - twbci[8] * vk->tmpArr[kt]->tt[2];
618  //Save to vertex ....
619  for( int tpn=0; tpn<9; tpn++){
620  vk->tmpArr[kt]->wb[tpn] = twb[tpn];
621  if(tpn<6)vk->tmpArr[kt]->wci[tpn] = twci[tpn];
622  vk->tmpArr[kt]->wbci[tpn] = twbci[tpn];
623  }
624  }
625  if (vk->useApriorVertex) {
626  for (ic = 0; ic < 3; ++ic) { xyzt[ic] = vk->apriorV[ic] - vk->refIterV[ic] - xyz[ic];}
627  for (ic = 0; ic < 6; ++ic) {wgtvrtd[ic] = vk->apriorVWGT[ic];}
628  wa[0] += wgtvrtd[0];
629  wa[1] += wgtvrtd[1];
630  wa[2] += wgtvrtd[2];
631  wa[3] += wgtvrtd[3];
632  wa[4] += wgtvrtd[4];
633  wa[5] += wgtvrtd[5];
634  vk->wa[0] += wgtvrtd[0];
635  vk->wa[1] += wgtvrtd[1];
636  vk->wa[2] += wgtvrtd[2];
637  vk->wa[3] += wgtvrtd[3];
638  vk->wa[4] += wgtvrtd[4];
639  vk->wa[5] += wgtvrtd[5];
640  tv[0] = tv[0] + xyzt[0] * wgtvrtd[0] + xyzt[1] * wgtvrtd[1] + xyzt[2] * wgtvrtd[3];
641  tv[1] = tv[1] + xyzt[0] * wgtvrtd[1] + xyzt[1] * wgtvrtd[2] + xyzt[2] * wgtvrtd[4];
642  tv[2] = tv[2] + xyzt[0] * wgtvrtd[3] + xyzt[1] * wgtvrtd[4] + xyzt[2] * wgtvrtd[5];
643  stv[0] = stv[0] + xyzt[0] * wgtvrtd[0] + xyzt[1] * wgtvrtd[1] + xyzt[2] * wgtvrtd[3];
644  stv[1] = stv[1] + xyzt[0] * wgtvrtd[1] + xyzt[1] * wgtvrtd[2] + xyzt[2] * wgtvrtd[4];
645  stv[2] = stv[2] + xyzt[0] * wgtvrtd[3] + xyzt[1] * wgtvrtd[4] + xyzt[2] * wgtvrtd[5];
646  }
647  //Save T vector(see Billoir...)
648  vk->T[0]=stv[0]; vk->T[1]=stv[1]; vk->T[2]=stv[2];
650  //std::cout<<" newwa="<<wa[0]<<", "<<wa[1]<<", "<<wa[2]<<", "<<wa[3]<<", "<<wa[4]<<", "<<wa[5]<<'\n';
652  /* solution of the linear system */
653  if ( !vk->passNearVertex ) { /* No correction for these constraints */
654  /* because solution is calculated with full error matrix*/
655  if( vk->ConstraintList.empty()){
656  double EigThreshold = 1.e-9;
657  vkGetEigVal(wa, eigv, 3);
658  if (eigv[0] < eigv[2] * EigThreshold) {
659  wa[0] += (eigv[2] * EigThreshold - eigv[0]);
660  wa[2] += (eigv[2] * EigThreshold - eigv[0]);
661  wa[5] += (eigv[2] * EigThreshold - eigv[0]);
662  }
663  }else{
664  vkGetEigVal(vk->wa, eigv, 3);
665  wa[0] += eigv[2] * 1.e-12; //Permanent addition works better than addition
666  wa[2] += eigv[2] * 1.e-12; // for small eigenvalues only.
667  wa[5] += eigv[2] * 1.e-12;
668  vk->wa[0] += eigv[2] * 1.e-12; //Permanent addition works better than addition
669  vk->wa[2] += eigv[2] * 1.e-12; // for small eigenvalues only.
670  vk->wa[5] += eigv[2] * 1.e-12;
671  }
672  }
674  /* covariance matrix on vertex coordinates */
675  for(ii=0; ii<6; ii++) {if(std::isnan(wa[ii])) return -2;} // Matrix inversion failed
676  if(wa[0]<0 || wa[2]<0 || wa[5]<0) return -2; // Matrix elements must be positive!
677  IERR=cfdinv(wa, &(vk->fitVcov[0]), -3);
678  if (IERR) {IERR=cfdinv(wa, &(vk->fitVcov[0]), 3);} // last safety
679  if ( !vk->passNearVertex ) { if (IERR) return IERR; } // If nothing helps - detect failure (not for passNearVertex!!!)
680  else {vk->fitVcov[0]=1.;vk->fitVcov[1]=0;vk->fitVcov[2]=1.;vk->fitVcov[3]=0;vk->fitVcov[4]=0;vk->fitVcov[5]=1;}
682  /* corrections to vertex coordinates */
683  dxyz[0] = vk->fitVcov[0]*tv[0] + vk->fitVcov[1]*tv[1] + vk->fitVcov[3]*tv[2];
684  dxyz[1] = vk->fitVcov[1]*tv[0] + vk->fitVcov[2]*tv[1] + vk->fitVcov[4]*tv[2];
685  dxyz[2] = vk->fitVcov[3]*tv[0] + vk->fitVcov[4]*tv[1] + vk->fitVcov[5]*tv[2];
686  for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
687  vk->dxyz0[j] = dxyz[j];
688  vk->fitV[j] = xyzf[j] = vk->iniV[j] + dxyz[j];
689  }
690  //std::cout<< "NVertex Old="<<vk->iniV[0]<<", "<<vk->iniV[1]<<", "<<vk->iniV[2]<<" CloseV="<<vk->passNearVertex<<'\n';
691  //std::cout<<__func__<<":NVertex shift="<<dxyz[0]<<", "<<dxyz[1]<<", "<<dxyz[2]<<'\n';
697  /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
698  /* corrections to track parameters and covariance matrices */
700  for (kt = 0; kt < NTRK; ++kt) { /* variation on PAR is WCI * TT - (WBCI)t * DXYZ */
701  for( int tpn=0; tpn<9; tpn++){
702  if(tpn<6)twci[tpn] = vk->tmpArr[kt]->wci[tpn];
703  twbci[tpn] = vk->tmpArr[kt]->wbci[tpn];
704  }
705  double tt1=vk->tmpArr[kt]->tt[0];
706  double tt2=vk->tmpArr[kt]->tt[1];
707  double tt3=vk->tmpArr[kt]->tt[2];
708  vk->tmpArr[kt]->parf0[0] = twci[0]*tt1 + twci[1]*tt2 + twci[3]*tt3 - twbci[0]*dxyz[0] - twbci[1]*dxyz[1] - twbci[2]*dxyz[2];
709  if( !std::isfinite(vk->tmpArr[kt]->parf0[0]) ) return -19; // Rare FPE presumably seen in trigger
710  vk->tmpArr[kt]->parf0[1] = twci[1]*tt1 + twci[2]*tt2 + twci[4]*tt3 - twbci[3]*dxyz[0] - twbci[4]*dxyz[1] - twbci[5]*dxyz[2];
711  if( !std::isfinite(vk->tmpArr[kt]->parf0[1]) ) return -19; // Rare FPE presumably seen in trigger
712  vk->tmpArr[kt]->parf0[2] = twci[3]*tt1 + twci[4]*tt2 + twci[5]*tt3 - twbci[6]*dxyz[0] - twbci[7]*dxyz[1] - twbci[8]*dxyz[2];
713  if( !std::isfinite(vk->tmpArr[kt]->parf0[2]) ) return -19; // Rare FPE presumably seen in trigger
714  if( (vk->TrackList[kt]->iniP[2] + vk->tmpArr[kt]->parf0[2]) * vk->TrackList[kt]->iniP[2] < 0 ){
715  vk->tmpArr[kt]->parf0[2]= - vk->TrackList[kt]->iniP[2]/4.; } // VK 15.12.2009 - Protection against change of sign
716  vk->TrackList[kt]->fitP[0] = vk->TrackList[kt]->iniP[0] + vk->tmpArr[kt]->parf0[0];
717  vk->TrackList[kt]->fitP[1] = vk->TrackList[kt]->iniP[1] + vk->tmpArr[kt]->parf0[1];
718  vk->TrackList[kt]->fitP[2] = vk->TrackList[kt]->iniP[2] + vk->tmpArr[kt]->parf0[2];
719  //std::cout<<__func__<<":NTrack shift="<<vk->tmpArr[kt]->parf0[0]<<", "<<vk->tmpArr[kt]->parf0[1]<<", "
720  // <<vk->tmpArr[kt]->parf0[2]<<'\n';
721  }
722  /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
723  /* The same solution but through full matrix */
724  /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
725  if ( vk->passNearVertex ) {
726  //std::cout <<" Std="<<vk->dxyz0[0]<<", "<<vk->dxyz0[1]<<", "<<vk->dxyz0[2]<<'\n';
727  stv[0] = stv[0] - drdvy[0][0] * vk->FVC.rv0[0] - drdvy[1][0] * vk->FVC.rv0[1];
728  stv[1] = stv[1] - drdvy[0][1] * vk->FVC.rv0[0] - drdvy[1][1] * vk->FVC.rv0[1];
729  stv[2] = stv[2] - drdvy[0][2] * vk->FVC.rv0[0] - drdvy[1][2] * vk->FVC.rv0[1];
730  //Save T vector(see Billoir...)
731  vk->T[0]=stv[0];vk->T[1]=stv[1];vk->T[2]=stv[2];
732  //
733  vk->wa[0] += vyv[0][0];
734  vk->wa[1] += vyv[1][0];
735  vk->wa[2] += vyv[1][1];
736  vk->wa[3] += vyv[2][0];
737  vk->wa[4] += vyv[2][1];
738  vk->wa[5] += vyv[2][2];
739  FullMTXfill(vk, vk->ader);
740  if ( vk->passNearVertex ) {
741  for (it = 1; it <= NTRK; ++it) {
742  drdpy[0][0] = vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[0][0] * vk->FVC.ywgt[0] + vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[1][0] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1];
743  drdpy[1][0] = vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[0][0] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1] + vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[1][0] * vk->FVC.ywgt[2];
744  drdpy[0][1] = vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[0][1] * vk->FVC.ywgt[0] + vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[1][1] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1];
745  drdpy[1][1] = vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[0][1] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1] + vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[1][1] * vk->FVC.ywgt[2];
746  drdpy[0][2] = vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[0][2] * vk->FVC.ywgt[0] + vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[1][2] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1];
747  drdpy[1][2] = vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[0][2] * vk->FVC.ywgt[1] + vk->tmpArr[it-1]->drdp[1][2] * vk->FVC.ywgt[2];
748  for (jt = 1; jt <= NTRK; ++jt) { /* Matrix */
749  for (k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
750  for (l = 0; l < 3; ++l) {
751  dpipj[k][l] = 0.;
752  for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
753  dpipj[k][l] += vk->tmpArr[jt-1]->drdp[j][k] * drdpy[j][l];
754  }
755  }
756  }
757  for (k = 1; k <= 3; ++k) {
758  for (l = 1; l <= 3; ++l) {
759  ader_ref(it * 3 + k, jt * 3 + l) += dpipj[l-1][k-1];
760  }
761  }
762  }
763  }
764  }
765  //VK 27-Sep-2006 Add eigenvalue limitation for 7,8,9,10,13,14 constraints
766  double ArrTmp[9]; int ktmp=0;
767  for (k=1; k<=3; ++k) {
768  for (l=1; l<=k; ++l) { ArrTmp[ktmp++] = ader_ref(k,l); }}
769  vkGetEigVal(ArrTmp, eigv, 3);
770  double EigAddon=0.;
771  if( eigv[0]<0 ){EigAddon=eigv[0];}
772  for (k = 1; k <=3; ++k) {
773  ader_ref(k,k) = ader_ref(k,k) - EigAddon + eigv[2] * 1.e-18 ;
774  }
775  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
776  long int NParam = NTRK*3 + 3;
777  dsinv(NParam, vk->ader, vkalNTrkM*3+3, &IERR);
778  if ( IERR) return IERR;
779  double *fortst = new double[vkalNTrkM*3+3];
780  for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
781  fortst[j] = stv[j];
782  for (ii=0; ii<NTRK; ++ii) { fortst[ii*3 +3 +j] = vk->tmpArr[ii]->tt[j];}
783  }
784  for (j=0; j<3; ++j) {
785  dxyz[j] = 0.;
786  for (ii=0; ii<NParam; ++ii) {dxyz[j] += ader_ref(j+1, ii+1) * fortst[ii];}
787  vk->dxyz0[j] = dxyz [j];
788  vk->fitV[j] = vk->iniV[j] + dxyz[j];
789  }
790  double tparf0[3]={0.};
791  for (it = 1; it <= NTRK; ++it) {
792  TWRK* t_trk=vk->tmpArr[it-1].get();
793  for (j=0; j<3; ++j) {
794  tparf0[j] = 0.;
795  for (ii = 1; ii <= NParam; ++ii) { tparf0[j] += ader_ref(it*3+j+1, ii)*fortst[ii-1];}
796  }
797  for (j=0; j<3; ++j) { t_trk->parf0[j] = tparf0[j];
798  vk->TrackList[it-1]->fitP[j] = vk->TrackList[it-1]->iniP[j] + tparf0[j];}
799  }
800  vk->fitVcov[0] = ader_ref(1, 1);
801  vk->fitVcov[1] = ader_ref(2, 1);
802  vk->fitVcov[2] = ader_ref(2, 2);
803  vk->fitVcov[3] = ader_ref(3, 1);
804  vk->fitVcov[4] = ader_ref(3, 2);
805  vk->fitVcov[5] = ader_ref(3, 3);
806  delete[] fortst;
808  //std::cout<< "NVertex Full="<<vk->fitV[0]<<", "<<vk->fitV[1]<<", "<<vk->fitV[2]<<'\n';
809  //std::cout<< "NVertex Full shft="<<dxyz[0]<<", "<<dxyz[1]<<", "<<dxyz[2]<<'\n';
810  //double *tmpA=new double[3+3*NTRK+20];
811  //IERR = FullMCNSTfill( vk, vk->ader, tmpA);
812  //delete[] tmpA;
813  }
814  /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
815  /* End of the solution with full matrix */
816  /* */
817  /* Now constraints */
818  /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
819  double dCoefNorm = 0;
820  if ( !vk->ConstraintList.empty()) {
821  IERR = vtcfitc( vk );
822  if (IERR != 0) return IERR;
828  double* tmpB=new double[3+3*NTRK]; double* tmpA=new double[3+3*NTRK];
829  for (ii=0; ii<3; ++ii) {
830  tmpA[ii] = vk->fitV[ii] - vk->iniV[ii];
831  tmpB[ii] = vk->dxyz0[ii];
832  }
833  for ( it=0; it<NTRK; ++it) {
834  tmpA[0 +3*it+3] = vk->TrackList[it]->fitP[0] - vk->TrackList[it]->iniP[0];
835  tmpA[1 +3*it+3] = vk->TrackList[it]->fitP[1] - vk->TrackList[it]->iniP[1];
836  tmpA[2 +3*it+3] = vk->TrackList[it]->fitP[2] - vk->TrackList[it]->iniP[2];
837  tmpB[0 +3*it+3] = vk->tmpArr[it]->parf0[0];
838  tmpB[1 +3*it+3] = vk->tmpArr[it]->parf0[1];
839  tmpB[2 +3*it+3] = vk->tmpArr[it]->parf0[2];
840  }
841  double scalAA=0., scalAB=0.;
842  for (ii=0; ii<3+3*NTRK; ii++) scalAA += tmpA[ii]*tmpA[ii];
843  for (ii=0; ii<3+3*NTRK; ii++) scalAB += tmpA[ii]*tmpB[ii];
844  if(scalAB != 0.) dCoefNorm = -scalAA/scalAB;
845  //double scalCC;
846  //for (ii=0; ii<3+3*NTRK; ii++) scalCC += (tmpA[ii]+dCoefNorm*tmpB[ii])*(tmpA[ii]+dCoefNorm*tmpB[ii]); // Length of perp vector
847  delete[] tmpA; delete[] tmpB;
849  //std::cout<<"VRTOLD="<<vk->fitV[0] - vk->iniV[0]<<", "<<vk->fitV[1] - vk->iniV[1]<<", "
850  // <<vk->fitV[2] - vk->iniV[2]<<'\n';
851  //for ( it=0; it<NTRK; ++it) std::cout<<"TRKOLD="<<vk->TrackList[it]->fitP[0] - vk->TrackList[it]->iniP[0]<<", "
852  // <<vk->TrackList[it]->fitP[1] - vk->TrackList[it]->iniP[1]<<", "
853  // <<vk->TrackList[it]->fitP[2] - vk->TrackList[it]->iniP[2]<<'\n';
854  //tmpA=new double[3+3*NTRK+20];
855  //IERR = FullMCNSTfill( vk, vk->ader, tmpA);
856  //delete[] tmpA;
857  }
859  /* chi2 with fitted values */
861  for (it = 0; it < NTRK; ++it) { //Check if curvature sign is changed or change in Pt is too big
862  if(vk->TrackList[it]->Id >= 0){
863  double Ratio=vk->TrackList[it]->fitP[2]/vk->TrackList[it]->Perig[4]; if(std::abs(Ratio)<1.)Ratio=1./Ratio;
864  if(Ratio<0. || Ratio > vkalAllowedPtChange ){
865  if(std::abs(vk->TrackList[it]->fitP[2])<std::abs(vk->TrackList[it]->Perig[4]) || Ratio<0 ){
866  vk->TrackList[it]->fitP[2]=vk->TrackList[it]->Perig[4]/vkalAllowedPtChange;
867  }else{
868  vk->TrackList[it]->fitP[2]=vk->TrackList[it]->Perig[4]*vkalAllowedPtChange;
869  }
870  }
871  }
872  }
873  //--Additional iterations along shift direction
874  bool improved=makePostFit( vk , wgtvrtd, dCoefNorm);
875  if(!improved)improved=makePostFit( vk , wgtvrtd, dCoefNorm); //Step truncation doesn't help. Make second pass
876  if(!improved)vk->truncatedStep=true;
878  //-- If no additional iterations (for tests)
879  //makeNoPostFit( vk , wgtvrtd, dCoefNorm);
882  return 0;
884 }

◆ vtcfitc()

int Trk::vtcfitc ( VKVertex vk)

Definition at line 16 of file VtCFitC.cxx.

17 {
19  int ii,ic,it,jc,index;
21  double tmp[3];
23 /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
24 /* Start of constraint treatment */
25 /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
26  long int IERR = 0;
27  long int totNC=0; //total number of constraints
28  long int NTRK = vk->TrackList.size();
29  if (vk->ConstraintList.empty()) {return 0;}
30 //
31  double dxyz[3]={vk->dxyz0[0],vk->dxyz0[1],vk->dxyz0[2]}; //nonconstraint vertex shift
32 //
33 // Extruction of derivatives
34 //
35  std::vector<std::vector< const Vect3DF*> > tf0t; // derivative collectors
36  std::vector< const Vect3DF* > th0t; // derivative collectors
37  std::vector< double > taa; // derivative collectors
38  th0t.reserve(vk->ConstraintList.size() * vk->ConstraintList[0]->NCDim);
39  tf0t.reserve(vk->ConstraintList.size());
41  for(ii=0; ii<(int)vk->ConstraintList.size();ii++){
42  totNC += vk->ConstraintList[ii]->NCDim;
43  for(ic=0; ic<(int)vk->ConstraintList[ii]->NCDim; ic++){
44  taa.push_back( vk->ConstraintList[ii]->aa[ic] );
45  th0t.push_back( &(vk->ConstraintList[ii]->h0t[ic]) );
46  std::vector< const Vect3DF* > tmpVec;
47  tmpVec.reserve(vk->ConstraintList[ii]->f0t.size());
48  for(it=0; it<(int)vk->ConstraintList[ii]->f0t.size(); it++){
49  tmpVec.push_back( &(vk->ConstraintList[ii]->f0t[it][ic]) );
50  }
51  tf0t.push_back( std::move(tmpVec) );
52  }
53  }
54  if(totNC==0)return 0;
55 //
56  std::vector< std::vector<double> > denom;
57  denom.reserve(totNC);
58  for(int ic=0; ic<totNC; ic++) denom.emplace_back( totNC, 0 );
59 //
60 // Start of calc
61 //
62  //This is deliberately written without make_unqiue to bypass auto intialization!!
63  std::unique_ptr< Vect3DF[] > al0( new Vect3DF[ totNC ]);
64  for(ic=0;ic<totNC; ic++){ al0[ic].X=0.; al0[ic].Y=0.; al0[ic].Z=0.;}
65  std::vector<double> anum(totNC,0.);
66  for (ic=0; ic<totNC; ++ic) {
67  for (it = 0; it<NTRK; ++it) {
69 /* summation of WBCI * F0T into vector AL0 */
70  al0[ic].X += vk->tmpArr[it]->wbci[0] * tf0t[ic][it]->X
71  + vk->tmpArr[it]->wbci[3] * tf0t[ic][it]->Y
72  + vk->tmpArr[it]->wbci[6] * tf0t[ic][it]->Z;
73  al0[ic].Y += vk->tmpArr[it]->wbci[1] * tf0t[ic][it]->X
74  + vk->tmpArr[it]->wbci[4] * tf0t[ic][it]->Y
75  + vk->tmpArr[it]->wbci[7] * tf0t[ic][it]->Z;
76  al0[ic].Z += vk->tmpArr[it]->wbci[2] * tf0t[ic][it]->X
77  + vk->tmpArr[it]->wbci[5] * tf0t[ic][it]->Y
78  + vk->tmpArr[it]->wbci[8] * tf0t[ic][it]->Z;
80  anum[ic] += vk->tmpArr[it]->parf0[0] * tf0t[ic][it]->X
81  + vk->tmpArr[it]->parf0[1] * tf0t[ic][it]->Y
82  + vk->tmpArr[it]->parf0[2] * tf0t[ic][it]->Z;
84  }
85  al0[ic].X -= th0t[ic]->X;
86  al0[ic].Y -= th0t[ic]->Y;
87  al0[ic].Z -= th0t[ic]->Z;
88  anum[ic] = 2.*anum[ic] + dxyz[0] * 2. * th0t[ic]->X
89  + dxyz[1] * 2. * th0t[ic]->Y
90  + dxyz[2] * 2. * th0t[ic]->Z
91  + taa[ic];
92  }
94 //std::cout<<" vertex="<<dxyz[0]<<", "<<dxyz[1]<<", "<<dxyz[2]<<'\n';
95 //std::cout<<" h0t="<<th0t[0].X<<", "<<th0t[0].Y<<", "<<th0t[0].Z<<'\n';
96 //std::cout<<" f0t="<<tf0t[0][0].X<<", "<<tf0t[0][0].Y<<", "<<tf0t[0][0].Z<<'\n';
97 //std::cout<<" f0t="<<tf0t[0][1].X<<", "<<tf0t[0][1].Y<<", "<<tf0t[0][1].Z<<'\n';
101 /* calculation (AL0)t * VCOV * AL0 and (F0T)t * WCI * F0T */
102  for (ic=0; ic<totNC; ++ic) {
103  for (jc=0; jc<totNC; ++jc) {
104  denom[ic][jc] = al0[ic].X * vk->fitVcov[0] * al0[jc].X
105  + al0[ic].Y * vk->fitVcov[1] * al0[jc].X
106  + al0[ic].Z * vk->fitVcov[3] * al0[jc].X
107  + al0[ic].X * vk->fitVcov[1] * al0[jc].Y
108  + al0[ic].Y * vk->fitVcov[2] * al0[jc].Y
109  + al0[ic].Z * vk->fitVcov[4] * al0[jc].Y
110  + al0[ic].X * vk->fitVcov[3] * al0[jc].Z
111  + al0[ic].Y * vk->fitVcov[4] * al0[jc].Z
112  + al0[ic].Z * vk->fitVcov[5] * al0[jc].Z
113  + al0[jc].X * vk->fitVcov[0] * al0[ic].X
114  + al0[jc].Y * vk->fitVcov[1] * al0[ic].X
115  + al0[jc].Z * vk->fitVcov[3] * al0[ic].X
116  + al0[jc].X * vk->fitVcov[1] * al0[ic].Y
117  + al0[jc].Y * vk->fitVcov[2] * al0[ic].Y
118  + al0[jc].Z * vk->fitVcov[4] * al0[ic].Y
119  + al0[jc].X * vk->fitVcov[3] * al0[ic].Z
120  + al0[jc].Y * vk->fitVcov[4] * al0[ic].Z
121  + al0[jc].Z * vk->fitVcov[5] * al0[ic].Z;
123  for (it=0; it<NTRK; ++it) {
124  TWRK * t_trk=vk->tmpArr[it].get();
125  denom[ic][jc] += tf0t[ic][it]->X * t_trk->wci[0] * tf0t[jc][it]->X
126  + tf0t[ic][it]->Y * t_trk->wci[1] * tf0t[jc][it]->X
127  + tf0t[ic][it]->Z * t_trk->wci[3] * tf0t[jc][it]->X
128  + tf0t[ic][it]->X * t_trk->wci[1] * tf0t[jc][it]->Y
129  + tf0t[ic][it]->Y * t_trk->wci[2] * tf0t[jc][it]->Y
130  + tf0t[ic][it]->Z * t_trk->wci[4] * tf0t[jc][it]->Y
131  + tf0t[ic][it]->X * t_trk->wci[3] * tf0t[jc][it]->Z
132  + tf0t[ic][it]->Y * t_trk->wci[4] * tf0t[jc][it]->Z
133  + tf0t[ic][it]->Z * t_trk->wci[5] * tf0t[jc][it]->Z
134  + tf0t[jc][it]->X * t_trk->wci[0] * tf0t[ic][it]->X
135  + tf0t[jc][it]->Y * t_trk->wci[1] * tf0t[ic][it]->X
136  + tf0t[jc][it]->Z * t_trk->wci[3] * tf0t[ic][it]->X
137  + tf0t[jc][it]->X * t_trk->wci[1] * tf0t[ic][it]->Y
138  + tf0t[jc][it]->Y * t_trk->wci[2] * tf0t[ic][it]->Y
139  + tf0t[jc][it]->Z * t_trk->wci[4] * tf0t[ic][it]->Y
140  + tf0t[jc][it]->X * t_trk->wci[3] * tf0t[ic][it]->Z
141  + tf0t[jc][it]->Y * t_trk->wci[4] * tf0t[ic][it]->Z
142  + tf0t[jc][it]->Z * t_trk->wci[5] * tf0t[ic][it]->Z;
143  }
144  }
145  }
147 /* Solving of system DENOM(i,j)*COEF(j)=ANUM(i) */
148 /* for lagrange couplings */
149 /*-------------------------------------------------*/
150  //This is deliberately written without make_unqiue to bypass auto intialization!!
151  auto coef = std::unique_ptr<double[]>(new double[totNC]);
152  if (totNC == 1) {
153  if (denom[0][0] != 0.) {
154  coef[0] = anum[0] / denom[0][0];
155  } else {
156  coef[0] = 1.e3;
157  }
158  } else {
159  //This is deliberately written without make_unqiue to bypass auto intialization!!
160  std::unique_ptr<double[]> adenom( new double[totNC*totNC] );
162  for (ic=0; ic<totNC; ic++) {
163  for (jc=0; jc<totNC; jc++) {
164  adenom[ic*totNC + jc] = denom[ic][jc];
165  }
166  }
167 /* -- INVERT */
168  dsinv(totNC, adenom.get(), totNC, &IERR);
169  if (IERR) {
170  return IERR;
171  }
172  for (ic=0; ic<totNC; ++ic) {
173  coef[ic] = 0.;
174  for (jc=0; jc<totNC; ++jc) {
175  index = ic*totNC + jc;
176  coef[ic] += adenom[index] * anum[jc];
177  }
178  }
179  }
182 /* new vertex */
183  dxyz[0] = 0.;
184  dxyz[1] = 0.;
185  dxyz[2] = 0.;
187  //This is deliberately written without make_unqiue to bypass auto intialization!!
188  auto tmpVec = std::unique_ptr<Vect3DF[]>(new Vect3DF[totNC]);
189  for (ic=0; ic<totNC; ++ic) {
190  tmpVec[ic].X = vk->fitVcov[0] * al0[ic].X
191  + vk->fitVcov[1] * al0[ic].Y
192  + vk->fitVcov[3] * al0[ic].Z;
193  tmpVec[ic].Y = vk->fitVcov[1] * al0[ic].X
194  + vk->fitVcov[2] * al0[ic].Y
195  + vk->fitVcov[4] * al0[ic].Z;
196  tmpVec[ic].Z = vk->fitVcov[3] * al0[ic].X
197  + vk->fitVcov[4] * al0[ic].Y
198  + vk->fitVcov[5] * al0[ic].Z;
199  dxyz[0] += coef[ic] * tmpVec[ic].X;
200  dxyz[1] += coef[ic] * tmpVec[ic].Y;
201  dxyz[2] += coef[ic] * tmpVec[ic].Z;
202  }
203  vk->fitV[0] = vk->iniV[0] + vk->dxyz0[0] + dxyz[0];
204  vk->fitV[1] = vk->iniV[1] + vk->dxyz0[1] + dxyz[1];
205  vk->fitV[2] = vk->iniV[2] + vk->dxyz0[2] + dxyz[2];
207 //std::cout <<"New vrt="<<vk->dxyz0[0]<<", "<<vk->dxyz0[1]<<", "<<vk->dxyz0[2]<<'\n';
208 //std::cout<<"Ncntvrt shift="<<dxyz[0]<<", "<<dxyz[1]<<", "<<dxyz[2]<<'\n';
210 /* new momenta */
211  for (it=0; it<NTRK; ++it) {
212  TWRK * t_trk=vk->tmpArr[it].get();
213  tmp[0] = 0.;
214  tmp[1] = 0.;
215  tmp[2] = 0.;
216  for (ic=0; ic<totNC; ++ic) {
217  tmp[0] += coef[ic] * ( tf0t[ic][it]->X + t_trk->wb[0]*tmpVec[ic].X
218  + t_trk->wb[1]*tmpVec[ic].Y
219  + t_trk->wb[2]*tmpVec[ic].Z);
220  tmp[1] += coef[ic] * ( tf0t[ic][it]->Y + t_trk->wb[3]*tmpVec[ic].X
221  + t_trk->wb[4]*tmpVec[ic].Y
222  + t_trk->wb[5]*tmpVec[ic].Z);
223  tmp[2] += coef[ic] * ( tf0t[ic][it]->Z + t_trk->wb[6]*tmpVec[ic].X
224  + t_trk->wb[7]*tmpVec[ic].Y
225  + t_trk->wb[8]*tmpVec[ic].Z);
226  }
228 /* calculation WCI * TMP */
229  VKTrack * trk = vk->TrackList[it].get();
230  trk->fitP[0] -= t_trk->wci[0]*tmp[0] + t_trk->wci[1]*tmp[1] + t_trk->wci[3]*tmp[2];
231  trk->fitP[1] -= t_trk->wci[1]*tmp[0] + t_trk->wci[2]*tmp[1] + t_trk->wci[4]*tmp[2];
232  double concor = t_trk->wci[3]*tmp[0] + t_trk->wci[4]*tmp[1] + t_trk->wci[5]*tmp[2];
233  if( (trk->fitP[2] - concor)*trk->fitP[2] < 0) { concor=trk->fitP[2]/4.; } // VK 15.12.2009 - Protection against change of sign
234  trk->fitP[2] -= concor;
235 //std::cout<<" Npar="<<trk->fitP[0] <<", "<<trk->fitP[1]<<", "<<trk->fitP[2]<<'\n';
236  }
237 /* =================================================================== */
238  return 0;
239 }

◆ xyztrp()

void Trk::xyztrp ( const long int  ich,
double *  vrt0,
double *  pv0,
double *  covi,
double  BMAG,
double *  paro,
double *  errt 

Definition at line 16 of file XYZtrp.cxx.

17 {
18  double covd[15],par[5], cnv[36]; /* was [6][6] */
19 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
20 /* Subroutine for convertion */
21 /* (X,Y,Z,PX,PY,PZ) --> (eps,z,theta,phi,1/r) */
22 /* Now it's used in VKalVrtFitter only */
23 /* */
24 /* Input: */
25 /* ICH - charge of track ( +1,0,-1 ) */
26 /* VRT0(3) - Vertex of particle */
27 /* PV0(3) - Momentum of particle */
28 /* COVI(21) - simmetric covariance matrix */
29 /* Output: */
30 /* PARO(5) - (eps,z,theta,phi,1/r) */
31 /* ERRT(15) - simmetric error matrix */
32 /* Reference point for output is (0,0,0) */
33 /* For ICH=0 PARO(5) = const/pt */
34 /* Propagation is done for NEW track, */
35 /* so no TrkID reference established */
36 /* Author: V.Kostyukhin */
37 /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
39  double constBF =BMAG * vkalMagCnvCst;
41  double pt = sqrt(pv0[0]*pv0[0] + pv0[1]*pv0[1]);
42  double pp = pt*pt + pv0[2]*pv0[2]; // p**2
43  double cs = pv0[0] / pt;
44  double sn = pv0[1] / pt;
45  double ctg = pv0[2] / pt;
46  double rho = ich * constBF / pt;
47  if (ich == 0)rho = constBF / pt;
48 /* -- Output parameters */
49  par[0] = 0.; /* (-Yv*cos + Xv*sin) */
50  par[1] = 0.; /* Zv - cotth*(Xv*cos + Yv*sin) */
51  par[2] = acos(pv0[2] / sqrt(pp));
52  if(par[2]<1.e-5)par[2]=1.e-5;
53  if(par[2]>M_PI-1.e-5) par[2]=M_PI-1.e-5;
54  par[3] = atan2(pv0[1], pv0[0]);
55  par[4] = rho;
56  if (ich == 0)par[4] = constBF / pt;
57 //---
58  double dTheta_dPx = pv0[0]*pv0[2]/(pt*pp); //dTheta/dPx
59  double dTheta_dPy = pv0[1]*pv0[2]/(pt*pp); //dTheta/dPy
60  double dTheta_dPz = -pt/pp; //dTheta/dPz
61  double dPhi_dPx = -pv0[1]/(pt*pt); //dPhi/dPx
62  double dPhi_dPy = pv0[0]/(pt*pt); //dPhi/dPy
63  double dPhi_dPz = 0; //dPhi/dPz
64  double dRho_dPx = -pv0[0]/(pt*pt) * rho; //dInvR/dPx
65  double dRho_dPy = -pv0[1]/(pt*pt) * rho; //dInvR/dPy
66  double dRho_dPz = 0.; //dInvR/dPz
67 //---
68  cnv_ref(1, 1) = sn;
69  cnv_ref(2, 1) = -cs;
70  cnv_ref(3, 1) = 0.;
71  cnv_ref(4, 1) = 0.;
72  cnv_ref(5, 1) = 0.;
73  cnv_ref(6, 1) = 0.;
75  cnv_ref(1, 2) = -cs * ctg;
76  cnv_ref(2, 2) = -sn * ctg;
77  cnv_ref(3, 2) = 1.;
78  cnv_ref(4, 2) = 0.;
79  cnv_ref(5, 2) = 0.;
80  cnv_ref(6, 2) = 0.;
82  cnv_ref(1, 3) = 0.;
83  cnv_ref(2, 3) = 0.;
84  cnv_ref(3, 3) = 0.;
85  cnv_ref(4, 3) = dTheta_dPx;
86  cnv_ref(5, 3) = dTheta_dPy;
87  cnv_ref(6, 3) = dTheta_dPz;
89  cnv_ref(1, 4) = 0.;
90  cnv_ref(2, 4) = 0.;
91  if(ich) cnv_ref(1, 4) = -cs * rho; // For charged tracks only
92  if(ich) cnv_ref(2, 4) = -sn * rho; //
93  cnv_ref(3, 4) = 0.;
94  cnv_ref(4, 4) = dPhi_dPx;
95  cnv_ref(5, 4) = dPhi_dPy;
96  cnv_ref(6, 4) = dPhi_dPz;
98  cnv_ref(1, 5) = 0.;
99  cnv_ref(2, 5) = 0.;
100  cnv_ref(3, 5) = 0.;
101  cnv_ref(4, 5) = dRho_dPx;
102  cnv_ref(5, 5) = dRho_dPy;
103  cnv_ref(6, 5) = dRho_dPz;
104  tdasatVK(cnv, covi , covd, 5, 6);
106 /* -- Translation to (0,0,0) (BackPropagation) --*/
107  double Ref0[3]={0.,0.,0.};
108  Trk::vkalPropagator::Propagate(-999, ich, par, covd, vrt0, Ref0, paro, errt, nullptr);
110 }

Variable Documentation

◆ do_not_delete

template<typename T >
const auto Trk::do_not_delete = [](T*) {}

Definition at line 27 of file SharedObject.h.


constexpr int Trk::MAXNCHAMBERS =50

Definition at line 38 of file GlobalChi2AlignTool.cxx.


constexpr int Trk::MAXNINDICES =50*6

Definition at line 39 of file GlobalChi2AlignTool.cxx.

◆ NeutralParametersDim

constexpr size_t Trk::NeutralParametersDim = 5

Definition at line 24 of file NeutralParameters.h.

◆ TrackParametersDim

constexpr size_t Trk::TrackParametersDim = 5
@ pixelEndCap2
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:239
Definition: sTGCenumeration.h:13
Definition: RegSelEnums.h:33
@ numberOfPixelHits
number of pixel layers on track with absence of hits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:57
@ anyDirection
Definition: PropDirection.h:22
@ noHypothesis
Definition: ParticleHypothesis.h:37
@ TubeRdecreaseZdecrease
Accessor type [ 3,0,1,2 ].
Definition: CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:33
double cnstP[3]
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:80
Definition: AsgElectronSelectorTool.cxx:37
@ numberOfContribPixelLayers
number of contributing layers of the pixel detector
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:49
@ DenseVolume
Definition: TargetSurfaces.h:51
int cost(std::vector< std::string > &files, node &n, const std::string &directory="", bool deleteref=false, bool relocate=false)
Definition: hcg.cxx:921
@ Unknown
Definition: GetLCDefs.h:21
@ trapezoidFaceAlpha
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:45
@ TubeOutsideRmaxRincrease
Accessor type [ 2,1,0,3 ] - inverse case.
Definition: CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:37
@ py
Definition: ParamDefs.h:60
@ numberOfRpcPhiHoles
number of RPC Phi measurements missing from the track
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:118
double WgtM[15]
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:87
@ alongPre
Definition: LayerMaterialProperties.h:38
int cfInv5(double *cov, double *wgt)
Definition: Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Matrix.cxx:459
@ MdtPrepData
double parf0[3]
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:56
double tt[3]
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:50
@ QOverP1
Definition: ParameterType.h:18
@ Theta
@ proton
Definition: ParticleHypothesis.h:31
double cfVrtDstSig(VKVertex *vk, bool UseTrkErr)
Definition: cfVrtDst.cxx:33
Definition: RegSelEnums.h:26
std::vector< D3PDTest::MyVec2 > vec2
Definition: D3PDMakerTestDict.h:14
double ymin
Definition: listroot.cxx:63
@ L2
Definition: AlignModuleList.h:32
Const iterator class for DataVector/DataList.
Definition: DVLIterator.h:82
@ Static
Definition: GeometrySignature.h:38
void cfdcopy(double *source, double *target, int n)
Definition: TrkVKalUtils.h:23
@ eProbabilityToT
Electron probability from Time-Over-Threshold (ToT) information.
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:214
@ numberOfTRTHighThresholdHits
total number of TRT hits which pass the high threshold
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:87
@ stripBarrel
Definition: DetailedHitInfo.h:17
int s
@ k0
Definition: ParticleHypothesis.h:35
@ numberOfMdtHoles
number of MDT measurements missing from the track
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:120
@ numberOfTRTHitsUsedFordEdx
number of TRT high threshold outliers (only xenon counted)
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:91
@ DBM2
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:261
@ legacy_numberOfSCTOutliers
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:186
@ legacy_numberOfPixelSharedHits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:171
@ bremPoint
Definition: MeasurementType.h:35
@ BevelledTubeRincreaseZincrease
Accessor type [ 2,1,0,3 ].
Definition: BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:29
Definition: CaloTrackingGeometryBuilder.h:15
@ HitOnly
Definition: AlignResidualType.h:27
void copyFullMtx(const double *Input, long int IPar, long int IDIM, double *Target, long int TStart, long int TDIM)
Definition: CascadeUtils.cxx:246
@ legacy_numberOfSCTSharedHits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:172
int m
#define yt
static bool checkTarget(double *RefEnd)
Definition: Propagator.cxx:108
const CascadeEvent * getCascadeEvent() const
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCore.h:69
#define max(a, b)
Definition: cfImp.cxx:41
@ numberOfTRTHighThresholdOutliers
number of dead TRT straws crossed
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:93
@ numberOfInnermostPixelLayerHits
these are the hits in the 1st pixel layer
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:53
@ DeadElement
outside the element
@ TgcPrepData
Scalar phi() const
phi method
Definition: AmgMatrixBasePlugin.h:67
void FullMTXfill(VKVertex *vk, double *ader)
Definition: FullMtx.cxx:19
@ eProbabilityBrem
Electron probability from Brem fitting (DNA).
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:216
@ MMPrepData
@ DeltaZ0
Definition: ExtrapolationType.h:21
@ L2_5
Definition: AlignModuleList.h:33
#define ader_ref(a_1, a_2)
@ equidistant
Definition: BinningType.h:32
@ differentialCheck
Definition: KalmanUpdatorSMatrix.h:58
std::vector< Identifier > ID
Definition: CalibHitIDCheck.h:24
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< TWRK > > tmpArr
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:168
virtual MsgStream & dump(MsgStream &out) const override=0
Interface method for output, to be overloaded by child classes*.
@ locX
Definition: ParamDefs.h:37
@ legacy_numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerSharedHits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:177
Definition: dumpNPs.cxx:34
@ CscStripPrepData
static void getMagFld(const double, const double, const double, double &, double &, double &, VKalVrtControlBase *)
Definition: VKalVrtBMag.cxx:24
@ locY
local cartesian
Definition: ParamDefs.h:38
std::vector< double > transformCovar(int NPar, double **Deriv, const std::vector< double > &covarI)
Definition: CascadeUtils.cxx:191
#define ader_ref(a_1, a_2)
Definition: FullMtx.cxx:17
@ TubeZdecreaseRdecrease
Accessor type [ 0,3,1,2 ].
Definition: CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:35
int vkMSolve(double *a, double *b, long int n, double *ainv)
Definition: Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Matrix.cxx:618
@ jet_theta
Definition: JetVtxParamDefs.h:28
std::vector< AlignModule * > AlignModuleList
Definition: AlignModuleList.h:37
@ BevelledTubeRdecreaseZincrease
Accessor type [ 3,1,0,2 ].
Definition: BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:33
@ BevelledCylinderPositiveFace
Definition: BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:21
@ noOwn
Definition: Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces/TrkSurfaces/Surface.h:54
@ sctEndCap2
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:248
@ BevelledCylinderNegativeFace
Definition: BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:22
@ Insensitive
close to the edge of an active element
@ binH
Definition: BinningType.h:53
@ numberOfCscEtaHits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:108
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:44
@ binZ
Definition: BinningType.h:49
double T[3]
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:163
@ next
Definition: BinningData.h:33
@ legacy_eProbabilityToT_res
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:157
@ oppositeMomentum
Definition: PropDirection.h:21
double Chi2
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:77
@ numberOfCscUnspoiltEtaHits
number of unspoilt CSC eta measurements (all CSC phi measurements are by definition spoilt).
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:142
@ materialDelimiter
Definition: MeasurementType.h:37
@ numberOfPixelSpoiltHits
number of DBM Hits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:67
@ W
Definition: TiledEtaPhiMap.h:44
long int getVertexCharge(VKVertex *vk)
Definition: CFitCascade.cxx:71
@ Other
@ numberOfSCTDeadSensors
number of TRT hits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:76
@ Measurement
@ pi0
Definition: ParticleHypothesis.h:34
@ distDepth
Definition: SiLocalPosition.h:19
#define dcv_ref(a_1, a_2)
Definition: VtCFitE.cxx:22
@ legacy_eProbabilityHT_res
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:156
@ QOverP0
Definition: ParameterType.h:18
P_v1 P
Definition: P.h:23
@ L1_5
Definition: AlignModuleList.h:33
@ sctEndCap0
and 9 sct discs (on each side)
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:246
@ Target
Definition: TargetSurfaces.h:40
@ Candidate
struct TBPatternUnitContext S3
@ KinkVtx
Kink Vertex.
Definition: VertexType.h:32
Scalar theta() const
theta method
Definition: AmgMatrixBasePlugin.h:75
@ negativeFaceZX
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:36
@ globalSearch
Definition: TrackingGeometry.h:45
@ locRPhi
Definition: ParamDefs.h:40
C_v1 C
Definition: C.h:26
@ numberOfCscEtaHoles
number of CSC Eta measurements missing from the track
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:112
@ index5
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:52
@ numberOfTrackSummaryTypes
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:189
@ Tgc
Resitive Plate Chambers.
@ calorimeterScatterer
Definition: MeasurementType.h:29
int useApriorVertex
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:151
Definition: Trigger/TrigAccel/TrigCudaFitter/src/SiCluster.h:9
int vtcfit(VKVertex *vk)
Definition: VtCFit.cxx:293
@ Dense
Definition: GeometrySignature.h:39
void setVrtMassError(double error)
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCore.h:76
#define M_PI
Definition: ActiveFraction.h:11
@ none
Definition: TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces/TrkSurfaces/RealQuadraticEquation.h:21
ForVrtClose FVC
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:160
@ RadiationLength
Definition: MaterialAssociationType.h:16
@ sctBarrel0
four sct barrel layers
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:241
double cfSmallEigenvalue(double *cov, long int n)
Definition: Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Matrix.cxx:450
@ one
Definition: TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces/TrkSurfaces/RealQuadraticEquation.h:22
@ legacy_numberOfInnermostLayerSplitHits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:176
@ s0
@ MM
Definition: RegSelEnums.h:38
bool consistentSurfaces(U a, T...b)
Definition: SurfaceConsistencyCheck.h:23
@ biequidistant
Definition: BinningType.h:33
@ closed
Definition: BinningType.h:41
@ z0
Definition: ParamDefs.h:64
#define xyz
@ L1
Definition: AlignModuleList.h:32
@ positiveFaceXY
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:33
@ BevelledTubeZincreaseRincrease
Accessor type [ 1,2,0,3 ].
Definition: BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:31
@ loc2
generic first and second local coordinate
Definition: ParamDefs.h:35
@ jet_xv
Definition: JetVtxParamDefs.h:27
@ BevelledTubeOutsideRminRdecrease
Accessor type [ 3,1,0,2] - inverse case.
Definition: BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:37
@ numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerHits
these are the pixel hits, including the b-layer
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:55
#define cnv_ref(a_1, a_2)
Definition: XYZtrp.cxx:14
#define useWeightScheme
Definition: VtCFitE.cxx:23
list l
Definition: Derivt.h:46
double refIterV[3]
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:146
@ numberOfOutliersOnTrack
100 times the standard deviation of the chi2 from the surfaces
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:148
@ binEta
Definition: BinningType.h:54
@ alongMomentum
Definition: PropDirection.h:20
void applyConstraints(VKVertex *vk)
Definition: stCnst.cxx:22
@ Phi
Definition: RPCdef.h:8
@ kt
Definition: ParticleJetParamDefs.h:43
@ BevelledTubeOutsideRmaxRincrease
Accessor type [ 2,1,0,3 ] - inverse case.
Definition: BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:38
@ N
Definition: TiledEtaPhiMap.h:44
void addCrossVertexDeriv(CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_, double *ader, long int MATRIXSIZE, const std::vector< int > &matrixPnt)
Definition: CascadeUtils.cxx:207
@ BevelledTubeOutsideZminZdecrease
Accessor type [ 0,3,2,1 ] - inverse case.
Definition: BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:39
int Sign(int in)
Definition: JSSTaggerUtils.cxx:24
@ numberOfTgcPhiHits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:105
long int Id
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:72
@ numberOfStgcEtaHoles
number of TGC Eta measurements missing from the track
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:134
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:64
int Charge
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:73
@ locR
Definition: ParamDefs.h:44
@ Curvilinear
Definition: ParametersCommon.h:29
double d_sign(double value, double sign)
Definition: TrkVKalUtils.h:33
double ader[(3 *vkalNTrkM+3) *(3 *vkalNTrkM+3)]
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:188
@ undefined
Definition: ParticleHypothesis.h:38
@ Unbiased
Definition: AlignResidualType.h:28
@ standardDeviationOfChi2OS
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:150
@ numberOfCscPhiHoles
number of CSC Phi measurements missing from the track
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:114
@ numberOfMmHoles
number of TGC Eta measurements missing from the track
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:138
@ legacy_eProbabilityNN_res
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:160
@ barrelScatterer
Definition: MeasurementType.h:27
@ sTgc
Micromegas (NSW)
int vtcfitc(VKVertex *vk)
Definition: VtCFitC.cxx:16
std::array< double, 4 > getCnstParticleMom(const VKTrack *trk, const VKVertex *vk)
Definition: cfMomentum.cxx:92
@ r2
@ RpcPrepData
double apriorV[3]
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:152
double z() const
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:103
@ pz
global momentum (cartesian)
Definition: ParamDefs.h:61
@ TubeOutsideZmaxZincrease
Accessor type [ 1,3,2,0 ] - inverse case.
Definition: CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:39
@ sctEndCap5
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:251
double Perig[5]
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:86
@ Z0
Definition: ParameterType.h:18
#define x
@ legacy_numberOfTRTSharedHits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:179
@ unidentified
Definition: TrackStateDefs.h:27
ChargedTracksWeightFilter::Spline::Point Point
Definition: ChargedTracksWeightFilter.cxx:11
@ numberOfSCTHoles
number of Holes in both sides of a SCT module
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:73
@ numberOfTRTHoles
number of TRT hits which pass the high threshold (only xenon counted) total number of TRT hits which ...
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:83
@ eProbabilityHT
Electron probability from High Threshold (HT) information.
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:212
void combinedTrack(long int ICH, double *pv0, double *covi, double BMAG, double *par, double *covo)
Definition: XYZtrp.cxx:113
int getCascadeNPar(CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_, int Type)
Definition: CascadeUtils.cxx:133
@ NumberOfSignatures
Definition: GeometrySignature.h:32
#define H2(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cxx:115
string stream
int cfdinv(double *cov, double *wgt, long int NI)
Definition: Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Matrix.cxx:497
@ TRTdEdx
dEdx from TRT ToT measurement.
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:219
@ u
Enums for curvilinear frames.
Definition: ParamDefs.h:77
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< VKConstraintBase > > ConstraintList
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:169
double rv0[2]
Definition: ForVrtClose.h:29
double cascadeCnstRemnants(CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_)
Definition: CFitCascade.cxx:77
double apriorVWGT[6]
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:153
@ BevelledTubeZdecreaseRincrease
Accessor type [ 0,2,1,3 ].
Definition: BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:32
tuple y1
Definition: Trigger/TrigAccel/TrigCudaFitter/src/SCT_Cluster.h:8
int icol
int fitVertexCascade(VKVertex *vk, int Pointing)
Definition: CFitCascade.cxx:89
@ numberOfMmHits
number of TGC Eta measurements missing from the track
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:132
@ sctBarrel3
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:244
@ energyDeposit
Definition: MeasurementType.h:32
@ TimeOverThreshold
Definition: TrackSummaryTool.h:34
@ BeamPipe
Definition: GeometrySignature.h:27
Definition: Control/AthenaPython/python/
@ numberOfBLayerHits
these are the hits in the 0th pixel layer?
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:51
@ eProbabilityNumberOfTRTHitsUsedFordEdx
Number of TRT hits used for dEdx measurement.
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:220
@ X
Definition: HistogramFillerUtils.h:24
void vkSVDCmp(double **a, int m, int n, double w[], double **v)
Definition: Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Matrix.cxx:648
@ TubeRincreaseZdecrease
Accessor type [ 2,0,1,3 ].
Definition: CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:29
@ index6
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:53
@ EnergyDeposit
Definition: AlignResidualType.h:35
@ stripCluster
Definition: MeasurementType.h:23
@ transverseVertex
Definition: MeasurementType.h:20
@ numberOfTRTDeadStraws
number of TRT tube hits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:95
@ StandardSectoralBevelledCylinder
Definition: BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:48
@ CscPrepData
@ noNavigation
Definition: TrackingGeometry.h:44
@ DBM1
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:260
double fitP[3]
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:76
@ legacy_numberOfPixelSplitHits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:174
sign of drift radius has not been determined
Definition: DriftCircleStatus.h:20
@ MS
Definition: GeometrySignature.h:29
@ iEta
(old readout) will be skipped
Definition: ParamDefs.h:48
@ passive
Definition: Layer.h:48
@ DBM0
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:259
@ fullUpdate
Definition: PropDirection.h:43
@ FastField
call the fast field access method of the FieldSvc
Definition: MagneticFieldMode.h:20
@ Silicon
@ arbitrary
Definition: BinningType.h:34
@ f3
fraction of energy reconstructed in 3rd sampling
Definition: EgammaEnums.h:54
@ Cone
Definition: TrackingPrimitives.h:552
int size
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< VKTrack > > TrackList
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:167
typename vecDetail::vec_typedef< T, N >::type vec
Define a nice alias for the vectorized type.
Definition: vec.h:207
@ NumberOfGeometryTypes
Definition: GeometrySignature.h:43
@ pixelEndCap0
three pixel discs (on each side)
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:237
list kk
@ binY
Definition: BinningType.h:48
@ index3
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:50
void cfnewp(const long int ich, double *parold, double *ref, double *s, double *parnew, double *per)
Definition: cfNewP.cxx:10
@ StandardSectoralCylinder
Definition: CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:46
list valid
void setVertexMass(double mass)
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCore.h:75
@ BevelledTubeRdecreaseZdecrease
Accessor type [ 3,0,1,2 ].
Definition: BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:34
@ Perigee
static void Propagate(long int TrkID, long int Charge, double *ParOld, double *CovOld, double *RefStart, double *RefEnd, double *ParNew, double *CovNew, VKalVrtControlBase *FitControl=0)
Definition: Propagator.cxx:127
const std::vector< BoundarySurfaceFace > & glueFaces() const
retrieve the available Glue Faces
Definition: GlueVolumesDescriptor.h:72
@ pixelBarrelFlat
Definition: DetailedHitInfo.h:14
@ trapezoidCluster
Definition: MeasurementType.h:24
double a0() const
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:102
@ legacy_numberOfInnermostPixelLayerOutliers
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:183
static double getCnvCst()
Definition: VKalVrtBMag.h:49
int afterFit(VKVertex *vk, double *ader, double *dcv, double *ptot, double *VrtMomCov, const VKalVrtControlBase *CONTROL)
Definition: cfTotCov.cxx:26
#define xt
double fitV[3]
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:140
int getFullVrtCov(VKVertex *vk, double *ader, const double *dcv, double verr[6][6])
Definition: VtCFitE.cxx:25
@ legacy_numberOfBLayerSplitHits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:173
@ numberOfTRTTubeHits
number of TRT hits on track in straws with xenon
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:97
int sr
@ legacy_numberOfPixelOutliers
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:185
#define ader_ref(a_1, a_2)
Definition: VtCFitE.cxx:21
void setAccuracyConstraint(double C)
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:28
@ index1
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:48
@ locZ
local cylindrical
Definition: ParamDefs.h:42
Definition: HitInfo.h:33
@ active
Definition: Layer.h:48
Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration.
Definition: Clustering.h:28
@ two
Definition: TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces/TrkSurfaces/RealQuadraticEquation.h:23
@ barrelInert
Definition: MeasurementType.h:30
@ Pixel
Definition: DetType.h:13
@ distEta
readout for silicon
Definition: ParamDefs.h:51
@ DeltaTheta0
Definition: ExtrapolationType.h:23
@ SensitiveLayer
Definition: TargetSurfaces.h:43
@ SolidState
@ pixelBarrel2
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:234
int i
double xmin
Definition: listroot.cxx:60
@ trapezoidFaceBeta
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:46
@ eProbabilityComb
Electron probability from combining the below probabilities.
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:210
#define z
the measurement is corrupt, but for some reason has been left on a track.
Definition: DriftCircleStatus.h:22
@ numberOfTRTOutliers
number of TRT holes
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:81
PixelCluster_v1 PixelCluster
Define the version of the pixel cluster class.
Definition: Event/xAOD/xAODInDetMeasurement/xAODInDetMeasurement/PixelCluster.h:13
@ L3
Definition: AlignModuleList.h:32
#define vkalMagCnvCst
Definition: CommonPars.h:23
@ V0LambdaBar
Temporary addition for V0 LambdaBar.
Definition: VertexType.h:34
@ numberOfGoodMdtHits
number of non-deweighted MDT hits.
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:146
@ endcapInert
Definition: MeasurementType.h:31
@ tubeSectorNegativePhi
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:41
void cfmasserr(VKVertex *vk, const int *list, double BMAG, double *MASS, double *sigM)
Definition: cfMassErr.cxx:16
@ NoVtx
Dummy vertex, TrackParticle was not used in vertex fit.
Definition: VertexType.h:26
@ Csc
Thin gap champers.
void dsinv(long int n, double *a, long int DIM, long int *ifail) noexcept
Definition: Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Matrix.cxx:517
@ pixelEndCap1
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:238
#define endmsg
Definition: AnalysisConfig_Ntuple.cxx:63
@ numberOfSCTHits
number of SCT holes
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:71
@ electron
Definition: ParticleHypothesis.h:27
list h
double angle(const GeoTrf::Vector2D &a, const GeoTrf::Vector2D &b)
Definition: TRTDetectorFactory_Full.cxx:73
std::array< double, 4 > getIniParticleMom(const VKTrack *trk, const VKVertex *vk)
Definition: cfMomentum.cxx:60
Definition: TrackSurface_v1.cxx:15
@ eProbabilityNN
Electron probability from NN.
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:217
@ preUpdate
Definition: PropDirection.h:42
tuple y2
@ driftRadius
trt, straws
Definition: ParamDefs.h:53
#define zt
@ NotSpecified
this is the default
Definition: VertexType.h:36
@ trtEndCap
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:257
@ numberOfPixelDeadSensors
number of pixel hits with broad errors (width/sqrt(12))
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:65
double invR() const
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:106
#define cnv_ref(a_1, a_2)
@ pion
Definition: ParticleHypothesis.h:29
bool flag
@ jet_yv
Definition: JetVtxParamDefs.h:27
Definition: aligned_vector.h:29
the drift radius is positive (see Trk::AtaStraightLine)
Definition: DriftCircleSide.h:22
@ association
Definition: TrackingGeometry.h:46
std::pair< std::vector< unsigned int >, bool > res
Definition: JetGroupProductTest.cxx:11
Amg::Vector3D transform(Amg::Vector3D &v, Amg::Transform3D &tr)
Transform a point from a Trasformation3D.
Definition: GeoPrimitivesHelpers.h:156
void setCurrent(const double[], const double[])
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.cxx:70
std::vector< T, boost::noinit_adaptor< std::allocator< T > > > noinit_vector
A variant on std::vector which leaves its contents uninitialized by default.
Definition: TrkVKalUtils.h:50
@ stripEndcap
Definition: DetailedHitInfo.h:18
@ DeltaD0
Definition: ExtrapolationType.h:20
@ geantino
Definition: ParticleHypothesis.h:26
double chi2(TH1 *h0, TH1 *h1)
Definition: comparitor.cxx:525
@ d0
Definition: InnerDetector/InDetCalibEvent/TRT_CalibData/TRT_CalibData/TrackInfo.h:62
@ px
Definition: ParamDefs.h:59
@ pz
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:40
@ pixelEndcap
Definition: DetailedHitInfo.h:16
void vkGetEigVal(const double ci[], double d[], int n)
Definition: Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Matrix.cxx:828
@ TubeZdecreaseRincrease
Accessor type [ 0,2,1,3 ].
Definition: CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:31
int sign(int a)
Definition: TRT_StrawNeighbourSvc.h:107
@ sctEndCap3
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:249
@ BevelledTubeRincreaseZdecrease
Accessor type [ 2,0,1,3 ].
Definition: BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:30
bool passNearVertex
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:156
@ HGTD_Cluster
Definition: RIO_OnTrack.h:63
@ sctEndCap8
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:254
@ jet_dist
Definition: JetVtxParamDefs.h:29
@ Disc
Definition: TrackingPrimitives.h:554
@ CylinderZdecrease
Cylinder hit, the neg.
Definition: CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:19
@ sctEndCap7
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:253
double vkvFastV(double *p1, double *p2, const double *vRef, double dbmag, double *out)
Definition: VKvFast.cxx:42
@ pixelBarrel3
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:235
@ negativeFaceXY
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:32
@ Mass
Definition: UncertaintyEnum.h:98
#define cvder_ref(a_1, a_2)
@ none
Definition: InDetDD_Defs.h:19
def list(name, path='/')
VKTrack * getCombinedVTrack(VKVertex *vk)
Definition: CascadeUtils.cxx:110
drift time was not used - drift radius is 0.
Definition: DriftCircleStatus.h:24
double R(const INavigable4Momentum *p1, const double v_eta, const double v_phi)
Definition: AnalysisMisc.h:49
double fitVcov[6]
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:141
@ eig
Definition: TElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool.cxx:40
@ Outside
with the insensitive area of an active element
constexpr size_t alignment
Definition: ArenaBlockAlignDetail.h:39
@ z0
Definition: InnerDetector/InDetCalibEvent/TRT_CalibData/TRT_CalibData/TrackInfo.h:63
void Scale(TH1 *h, double d=1)
Definition: comparitor.cxx:79
@ BevelledTubeZdecreaseRdecrease
Accessor type [ 0,3,1,2 ].
Definition: BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:36
@ binX
Definition: BinningType.h:47
double a0
Definition: globals.cxx:27
string tmp
@ muon
Definition: ParticleHypothesis.h:28
@ HighThreshold
Definition: TrackSummaryTool.h:33
@ x0
@ BevelledTubeZincreaseRdecrease
Accessor type [ 1,3,0,2 ].
Definition: BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:35
@ Theta0
Definition: ParameterType.h:18
@ neutron
Definition: ParticleHypothesis.h:33
@ DetElOwn
Definition: Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces/TrkSurfaces/Surface.h:56
@ DeltaQOverP1
Definition: ExtrapolationType.h:25
@ legacy_numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSharedHits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:175
@ legacy_expectBLayerHit
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:165
Definition: ObjectType.h:13
DataVector< AlignPar >
@ index9
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:56
void renewFullCovariance(double *)
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.cxx:311
@ TubeRdecreaseZincrease
Accessor type [ 3,1,0,2 ].
Definition: CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:32
#define SIGN(a, b)
Definition: Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Matrix.cxx:647
void tdasatVK(const double *Der, const double *CovI, double *CovF, long int M, long int N)
Definition: Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Utilities.cxx:218
@ legacy_expectNextToInnermostPixelLayerHit
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:167
@ Unsigned
Definition: GeometrySignature.h:33
@ index0
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:47
@ FullField
Field is set to be realistic, but within a given Volume.
Definition: MagneticFieldMode.h:21
@ V0KShort
Temporary addition for KShort.
Definition: VertexType.h:35
@ distPhi
Definition: ParamDefs.h:50
@ numberOfStgcEtaHits
number of TGC Eta measurements missing from the track
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:128
@ numberOfTgcEtaHits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:106
@ positiveFaceZX
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:37
virtual MsgStream & dump(MsgStream &out) const =0
Interface method for output, to be overloaded by child classes*.
@ Combined
Definition: TrackSummaryTool.h:32
sign of drift radius has been determined
Definition: DriftCircleStatus.h:18
#define min(a, b)
Definition: cfImp.cxx:40
@ BoundaryFrame
Definition: TargetSurfaces.h:41
@ numberOfPixelHoles
number of pixels which have a ganged ambiguity.
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:59
#define ARR2D_FS(name, N, i, j)
Definition: CommonPars.h:29
@ numberOfTgcPhiHoles
number of TGC Phi measurements missing from the track
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:124
@ pixelBarrelInclined
Definition: DetailedHitInfo.h:15
int ic
int fitVertexCascadeScale(VKVertex *vk, double &distToVertex)
Definition: CFitCascadeScale.cxx:44
@ CylinderNegativeFace
Definition: CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:21
@ Global
Definition: GeometrySignature.h:25
@ TRT_DriftCircle
Definition: RIO_OnTrack.h:59
void setFittedParameters(const double *result, std::vector< int > &matrixPnt, CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_)
Definition: CascadeUtils.cxx:151
@ Cavern
Definition: GeometrySignature.h:30
void vkGetEigVect(const double ci[], double d[], double vect[], int n)
Definition: Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Matrix.cxx:847
@ numberOfGangedPixels
number of Ganged Pixels flagged as fakes
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:61
@ TGOwn
Definition: Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces/TrkSurfaces/Surface.h:55
@ numberOfDBMHits
number of hits in SCT
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:69
@ Unknown
Definition: TargetSurfaces.h:48
def go(fname)
@ pixelBarrel1
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:233
@ NoField
Field is set to 0., 0., 0.,.
Definition: MagneticFieldMode.h:18
@ y0
@ numberOfTRTHits
number of TRT outliers
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:79
double drdp[2][3]
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:55
@ numberOfRpcPhiHits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:109
#define rvec_ref(a_1, a_2)
@ Mdt
@ py
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:39
const double * getFullCovariance() const
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCore.h:73
std::array< double, 4 > getFitParticleMom(const VKTrack *trk, const VKVertex *vk)
Definition: cfMomentum.cxx:25
const std::vector< TrackingVolume * > & glueVolumes(BoundarySurfaceFace)
retrieve them again
Definition: GlueVolumesDescriptor.cxx:40
@ legacy_numberOfNextToInnermostLayerSplitHits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:178
@ index2
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:49
Definition: RegSelEnums.h:32
@ BevelledCylinderZincrease
Cylinder hit, then pos.
Definition: BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:19
SG::auxid_t id
Definition: Control/AthContainers/Root/debug.cxx:227
@ sctEndCap4
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:250
std::string name
Definition: Control/AthContainers/Root/debug.cxx:228
@ d0
Definition: ParamDefs.h:63
@ Cylinder
Definition: TrackingPrimitives.h:553
@ index11
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:58
@ numberOfTgcEtaHoles
number of TGC Eta measurements missing from the track
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:122
@ perigeeParameters
Definition: MeasurementType.h:19
@ trkMass
Extended perigee: mass.
Definition: ParamDefs.h:81
@ sctEndCap1
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:247
@ numberOfSCTSpoiltHits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:78
@ legacy_numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerOutliers
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:184
@ StandardSectoralTube
Definition: CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:51
@ V0Vtx
Vertex from V0 Decay.
Definition: VertexType.h:31
@ nonInteracting
Definition: ParticleHypothesis.h:25
@ locPhi
local polar
Definition: ParamDefs.h:45
@ Curvilinear
Definition: TrackingPrimitives.h:558
@ sTgcPrepData
@ FittedTrajectory
Definition: ExtrapolationType.h:19
@ undefinedDirection
Definition: PropDirection.h:30
@ absoluteCheck
Definition: KalmanUpdatorSMatrix.h:57
double charge(const T &p)
Definition: AtlasPID.h:897
@ pseudoMeasurement
Definition: MeasurementType.h:26
#define vkalNTrkM
Definition: CommonPars.h:22
@ jet_zv
position x,y,z of primary vertex
Definition: JetVtxParamDefs.h:27
double phi() const
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:105
@ bothway
Definition: PropDirection.h:30
@ trtBarrel
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:256
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > Vector3D
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:47
@ ConstantField
Field is set to be constant.
Definition: MagneticFieldMode.h:19
@ TubeRincreaseZincrease
Accessor type [ 2,1,0,3 ].
Definition: CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:28
@ DenseWithLayers
Definition: GeometrySignature.h:40
@ kaon
Definition: ParticleHypothesis.h:30
@ tubeSectorOuterCover
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:44
@ SecVtx
Secondary Vertex.
Definition: VertexType.h:28
@ ModulesOnTrack
Definition: AlignModuleList.h:34
@ D0
Definition: ParameterType.h:18
@ sctBarrel2
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:243
void getNewCov(const double *OldCov, const double *Der, double *Cov, long int DIM) noexcept
Definition: CascadeUtils.cxx:261
CONT to(RANGE &&r)
Definition: ranges.h:39
@ numberOfStgcPhiHoles
number of TGC Phi measurements missing from the track
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:136
@ iPhi
Definition: ParamDefs.h:47
@ oppositePre
Definition: LayerMaterialProperties.h:38
int dimension() const
Dimension of this localParameters() vector.
int FullMCNSTfill(VKVertex *vk, double *ader, double *LSide)
Definition: FullMtx.cxx:81
int m_parameterkey
Definition: LocalParameters.h:179
@ open
Definition: BinningType.h:40
@ pixelCluster
Definition: MeasurementType.h:22
int ir
counter of the current depth
Definition: fastadd.cxx:49
@ inside
Definition: PropDirection.h:29
@ legacy_eProbabilityBrem_res
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:158
@ AtaSurface
Definition: ParametersCommon.h:29
@ BoundaryDetached
Definition: TargetSurfaces.h:42
@ binR
Definition: BinningType.h:50
@ DeltaPhi0
Definition: ExtrapolationType.h:22
@ vertex
Definition: MeasurementType.h:21
string index
@ AlignableVolume
Definition: TargetSurfaces.h:50
@ legacy_expectInnermostPixelLayerHit
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:166
@ Pattern
Definition: ParametersCommon.h:29
@ discontinuity
Definition: MeasurementType.h:34
#define xyzt
@ Pt
Definition: VarHolder.h:76
TList * a
Definition: liststreamerinfos.cxx:10
@ numberOfStgcPhiHits
number of TGC Phi measurements missing from the track
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:130
@ Bremsstrahlung
Definition: TrackSummaryTool.h:35
@ index4
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:51
int setVTrackMass(VKVertex *vk)
Definition: CFitCascade.cxx:34
#define cross_ref(a_1, a_2)
#define y
int cascadeNV
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:23
@ NTrMaxVFit
Definition: TrkVKalVrtFitter.h:35
@ legacy_numberOfBLayerSharedHits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:170
@ sf
Definition: TElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool.cxx:38
int restorePreviousPos(CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_, std::vector< VKVertex > &SV)
Definition: CFitCascade.cxx:639
@ locPhiR
Definition: ParamDefs.h:41
@ legacy_numberOfBLayerOutliers
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:182
@ binRPhi
Definition: BinningType.h:52
const boost::regex ref(r_ef)
list saos
int processCascade(CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_, double *primVrt)
Definition: CFitCascade.cxx:545
#define drdpar_ref(a_1, a_2)
@ userOwn
Definition: Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkSurfaces/TrkSurfaces/Surface.h:57
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 3 > RotationMatrix3D
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:49
@ EffectiveNumAtoms
Definition: MaterialAssociationType.h:15
string target
@ legacy_TRTdEdx_res
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:162
@ addNoise
Definition: MaterialUpdateMode.h:19
@ numberOfDetectorTypes
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:263
@ TubeZincreaseRdecrease
Accessor type [ 1,3,0,2 ].
Definition: CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:34
#define DEBUG
Definition: page_access.h:11
@ DeltaQOverP0
Definition: ExtrapolationType.h:24
@ ExtrapolationTypes
Definition: ExtrapolationType.h:26
@ Detached
Definition: GeometrySignature.h:41
@ qOverP
Definition: ParamDefs.h:67
@ cylinderCover
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:38
@ index7
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:54
@ Rpc
Monitored Drift Tubes.
@ BevelledTubeOutsideZmaxZincrease
Accessor type [ 1,3,2,0 ] - inverse case.
Definition: BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:40
double ywgt[3]
Definition: ForVrtClose.h:29
@ negativeFaceYZ
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:34
@ tubeSectorPositivePhi
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:42
double cfchi2(double *xyzt, const long int ich, double *part, const double *par0, double *wgt, double *rmnd)
Definition: Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Utilities.cxx:27
@ CylinderPositiveFace
Definition: CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:20
@ Frame
Definition: TargetSurfaces.h:49
@ photon
Definition: ParticleHypothesis.h:32
double wa[6]
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:164
void vkPerigeeToP(const double *perig3, double *pp, double BMAG)
Definition: cfMomentum.cxx:15
double dxyz0[3]
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:165
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:128
@ PlanarCluster
Definition: RIO_OnTrack.h:62
@ tubeOuterCover
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:40
void robtest(VKVertex *vk, int ifl, int nIteration)
Definition: RobTest.cxx:14
@ hole
Definition: MeasurementType.h:36
@ postUpdate
Definition: PropDirection.h:44
@ outside
Definition: PropDirection.h:29
@ CylinderZincrease
Cylinder hit, then pos.
Definition: CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:18
int translateToFittedPos(CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_, double Step)
Definition: CFitCascade.cxx:559
@ EffectiveNumSteps
Definition: MaterialAssociationType.h:14
string source
@ undefinedFace
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:59
the drift radius is negative (see Trk::AtaStraightLine)
Definition: DriftCircleSide.h:20
@ jet_phi
Definition: JetVtxParamDefs.h:28
The different types of error that can be flagged in the L1TopoRDO.
Definition: Error.h:16
def ls(path, longls=False)
double iniV[3]
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:142
@ numberOfGangedFlaggedFakes
number of dead pixel sensors crossed
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:63
double iniP[3]
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:83
@ TRTTrackOccupancy
TRT track occupancy.
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:218
@ PriVtx
Primary Vertex.
Definition: VertexType.h:27
@ Phi0
Definition: ParameterType.h:18
@ pixelBarrel0
there are three or four pixel barrel layers (R1/R2)
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:232
Definition: RegSelEnums.h:34
@ sctBarrel1
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:242
@ track
Definition: TrackingPrimitives.h:512
bool copy
int fixPseudoTrackPt(long int NPar, double *fullMtx, double *LSide, CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_)
Definition: CascadeUtils.cxx:18
Helper struct to be parsed to the object to derive the specific error of the cluster.
Definition: NswErrorCalibData.h:25
@ tubeInnerCover
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:39
Definition: Control/AthenaCommon/python/
@ nonInteractingMuon
Definition: ParticleHypothesis.h:36
@ numberOfRpcEtaHits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:110
double e0(const xAOD::CaloCluster &cluster)
return the uncorrected cluster energy in pre-sampler
@ ParameterTypes
Definition: ParameterType.h:18
@ numberOfTRTHighThresholdHitsTotal
number of TRT hits used for dE/dx computation
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:89
@ Scatterer
double theta() const
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:104
@ TubeOutsideRminRdecrease
Accessor type [ 3,1,0,2] - inverse case.
Definition: CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:36
def w
@ Plane
Definition: TrackingPrimitives.h:556
@ Line
@ r1
void rescaleVrtErrForPointing(double Div, CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_)
Definition: CFitCascadeScale.cxx:32
@ ConvVtx
Converstion Vertex.
Definition: VertexType.h:30
@ numberOfeProbabilityTypes
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:222
@ index8
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:55
@ loc1
Definition: ParamDefs.h:34
@ StepLength
Definition: MaterialAssociationType.h:17
@ TubeOutsideZminZdecrease
Accessor type [ 0,3,2,1 ] - inverse case.
Definition: CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:38
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< VKVertex > > cascadeVertexList
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:30
@ BevelledCylinderZdecrease
Cylinder hit, the neg.
Definition: BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:20
@ removeNoise
Definition: MaterialUpdateMode.h:20
void setFittedMatrices(const double *COVFIT, long int MATRIXSIZE, std::vector< int > &matrixPnt, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &covarCascade, CascadeEvent &cascadeEvent_)
Definition: CascadeUtils.cxx:168
@ positiveFaceYZ
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:35
@ numberOfSCTDoubleHoles
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:75
@ legacy_pixeldEdx_res
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:159
int afterFitWithIniPar(VKVertex *vk, double *ader, double *dcv, double *ptot, double *VrtMomCov, const VKalVrtControlBase *CONTROL)
Definition: cfTotCov.cxx:80
def c
@ numberOfTRTXenonHits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:99
ForCFT vk_forcft
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCore.h:91
@ mappingMode
Definition: PropDirection.h:23
size_type size() const noexcept
Returns the number of elements in the collection.
@ StandardSectoralBevelledTube
Definition: BevelledCylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:55
int km
@ numberOfCscPhiHits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:107
#define dcv_ref(a_1, a_2)
@ alignment
Definition: MeasurementType.h:33
@ legacy_eProbabilityComb_res
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:155
@ Master
Definition: GeometrySignature.h:42
@ tubeSectorInnerCover
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:43
@ split
Definition: LayerMaterialProperties.h:38
@ endcapScatterer
Definition: MeasurementType.h:28
@ driftCircle
Definition: MeasurementType.h:25
double robres[vkalNTrkM]
Definition: ForCFT.h:45
bool truncatedStep
Definition: TrkVKalVrtCoreBase.h:185
@ phi0
Definition: ParamDefs.h:65
void vkgrkuta_(const double charge, const double step, double *vect, double *vout, VKalVrtControlBase *CONTROL)
Definition: VKgrkuta.cxx:14
#define vkalAllowedPtChange
Definition: CommonPars.h:25
Definition: RegSelEnums.h:31
@ numberOfRpcEtaHoles
number of RPC Eta measurements missing from the track
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:116
@ PileUp
Pile Up Vertex.
Definition: VertexType.h:29
void vpderiv(bool UseTrackErr, long int Charge, const double *pari0, double *covi, double *vrtref, double *covvrtref, double *drdpar, double *dwgt, double *rv0, VKalVrtControl *FitCONTROL)
Definition: VtDeriv.cxx:16
@ L0
Definition: AlignModuleList.h:32
@ v
Definition: ParamDefs.h:78
@ numberOfMdtHits
number of mdt hits
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:103
@ V0Lambda
Temporary addition for V0 Lambda.
Definition: VertexType.h:33
@ OnEdge
within the sensitive area of an active element
@ sctEndCap6
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:252
@ TubeZincreaseRincrease
Accessor type [ 1,2,0,3 ].
Definition: CylinderVolumeBoundaryAccessors.h:30
@ legacy_TRTTrackOccupancy_res
Definition: Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary/TrkTrackSummary/TrackSummary.h:161
@ previous
Definition: BinningData.h:32
Definition: RegSelEnums.h:25
void cfsetdiag(long int n, double *matr, double value) noexcept
Definition: Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVKalVrtCore/src/Utilities.cxx:236
@ index10
Definition: BoundarySurfaceFace.h:57
@ binPhi
Definition: BinningType.h:51
@ MaterialLayer
Definition: TargetSurfaces.h:44