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ATLAS Offline Software
eFexTowerBuilder creates xAOD::eFexTowerContainer from supercells (LATOME) and triggerTowers (TREX) inputs. More...
Namespaces | |
gFEX | |
gFEXPos | |
jFEXBits | |
jFEXCoolDBDefaults | |
MuCTPIBits | |
MURoIThresholdsToolParams | |
Classes | |
class | BcmCTP |
BCM input class to the CTP simulation. More... | |
class | BinAndCoord |
Used to pass data between the methods of the Key Classes: Returns the Eta and Phi bins, and the centre of the bins. More... | |
class | BptxCTP |
BPTX input class to the CTP simulation. More... | |
class | ChannelCoordinate |
Holds eta/phi coordinates corresponding to a crate/module channel. More... | |
class | ClusterProcessorModuleKey |
The ClusterProcessorModuleKey object provides the key for each trigger tower depending on its eta-phi coords. More... | |
class | CMMCPHits |
Summary of CP (EM/tau) hits received by the merger modules. More... | |
class | CMMEtSums |
CMMEtSums object stores Et sums from the Energy CMMs. More... | |
class | CMMJetHits |
CMMJetHits class stores Jet hit multiplicities received by and read out from the Jet CMMs. More... | |
class | CMMRoI |
CMM RoI data. More... | |
class | CMXCPHits |
Summary of CP (EM/tau) hits produced by the merger modules. More... | |
class | CMXCPTob |
TOB data received by the merger modules. More... | |
class | CMXEtSums |
CMXEtSums object stores Et sums from the Energy CMXs. More... | |
class | CMXJetHits |
Summary of JEP (Jet) hits produced by the merger modules. More... | |
class | CMXJetTob |
TOB data received by the merger modules. More... | |
class | CMXRoI |
CMX RoI data. More... | |
class | ControlHistSvc |
class | Coordinate |
Coordinate class declaration. More... | |
class | CoordinateRange |
CoordinateRange class declaration. More... | |
class | CoordToHardware |
returns the trigger hardware components associated with a given Coordinate More... | |
class | CPBSCollection |
Cluster Processor container for writing bytestream. More... | |
class | CPBSCollectionV1 |
Cluster Processor container for writing bytestream. More... | |
class | CPBSCollectionV2 |
Cluster Processor container for writing bytestream. More... | |
class | CPCMX |
The algorithm responsible for simulating the Em/tau calo trigger. More... | |
class | CPCMXTopoData |
class | CPMCMXData |
The CPMCMXData object contains the data transferred from the CPM to one of the CMXes (EM or Tau) in the crate. More... | |
class | CPMHits |
The CPMHits object contains the hit data produced by a given Cluster Processor Module, i.e. More... | |
class | CpmMappingTool |
CPM crate/module/channel to eta/phi/layer mappings. More... | |
class | CPMRoI |
CPM RoI data. More... | |
class | CPMSim |
The algorithm responsible for simulating the Em/tau calo trigger. More... | |
class | CPMTobAlgorithm |
This is an internal class, used in the EM/Tau trigger. More... | |
class | CPMTobRoI |
CPM RoI data. More... | |
class | CPMTower |
The CPMTower class contains the TriggerTower information received by the Cluster Processor Modules. More... | |
class | CPRoIDecoder |
A level 1 calorimeter trigger conversion service: returns the Coordinate represented by a RoI word. More... | |
class | CPTopoTOB |
CP TOB data for L1Topo. More... | |
class | CrateEnergy |
CrateEnergy class declaration Simulates behaviour of the Crate-CMM System CMM logic is done in EnergyTrigger. More... | |
class | DataError |
Error data. More... | |
class | eFakeTower |
Load Et of the test vector. More... | |
class | eFEXCompression |
LAr supercell data are received by the eFEX in a 10-bit multi-linear encoded form. More... | |
class | eFEXDriver |
class | eFEXegAlgo |
The eFEXegAlgo class calculates the egamma TOB variables: Reta, Rhad and Wstot. More... | |
class | eFEXegTOB |
class | EFexEMAlgorithm |
class | EFexEMClusterTool |
class | EFexEMEnergyWeightedClusterTool |
class | eFEXFillEDM |
The eFEXFillEDM class defines how to fill eFEX EDM. More... | |
class | eFEXFormTOBs |
The eFEXFormTOBs class provides functions for creating TOBs for eFEX objects. More... | |
class | eFEXFPGA |
The eFEXFPGA class defines the structure of a single eFEX FPGA Its purpose is: More... | |
class | eFEXFPGATowerIdProvider |
Provide tower-FPGA mapping Load information stored in a .csv file and provide the IDs of all towers in an FPGA or an eFEX module. More... | |
class | eFexInputProvider |
class | eFEXNtupleWriter |
class | eFEXOutputCollection |
class | eFEXSim |
The eFEXSim class defines the structure of a single eFEX Its purpose is: More... | |
class | eFEXSuperCellTowerIdProvider |
Provide Supercell-tower mapping Load information stored in a .csv file and provide information needed to connect the SuperCells to its corresponding tower. More... | |
class | eFEXSysSim |
The eFEXSysSim class defines the structure of the eFEX system Its purpose is: More... | |
class | eFEXtauAlgo |
The eFEXtauAlgo class calculates the tau TOB variables. More... | |
class | eFEXtauAlgoBase |
The eFEXtauBDTAlgo class calculates the tau BDT TOB variables. More... | |
class | EFexTauAlgorithm |
class | eFEXtauBDT |
The eFEXtauBDT class calculates the tau TOB variables. More... | |
class | eFEXtauBDTAlgo |
The eFEXtauBDTAlgo class calculates the tau BDT TOB variables. More... | |
class | eFEXtauTOB |
class | eFexTOBDecorator |
class | eFEXTOBEtTool |
The eFEXTOBEtTool class is a utility for recalculating the jet discriminant ("isolation") quantities that are not read out as part of the (x)TOB data Its purpose is: More... | |
class | eFexTOBSuperCellDecorator |
class | eFexTowerBuilder |
class | EmTauCTP |
Em/Tau input class to the CTP simulation. More... | |
class | EMTauInputProvider |
class | EmTauROI |
This class defines the em/tau hadron ROI which are generated by the LVL1 Calo Trigger. More... | |
class | EnergyCMX |
This class simulates the missing ET and total ET triggers. More... | |
class | EnergyCMXData |
The EnergyCMXData object contains the data transferred from the JEM to the EnergySum CMX in the crate. More... | |
class | EnergyCTP |
"Energy" input class to the CTP simulation More... | |
class | EnergyInputProvider |
class | EnergyRoI |
This class defines the Energy ROI which is generated by the Energy Trigger. More... | |
class | EnergyTopoData |
This class defines the Ex/Ey/ET data transferred from the EnergySum CMX to the L1Topo processors. More... | |
class | eSuperCellTowerMapper |
class | eTower |
The eTower class is an interface object for eFEX trigger algorithms The purposes are twofold: More... | |
class | eTowerBuilder |
class | eTowerContainer |
class | eTowerMakerFromEfexTowers |
class | eTowerMakerFromSuperCells |
class | FEXAlgoSpaceDefs |
The FEXAlgoSpaceDefs class defines the size of a single jFEX algorithm window, for use in jFEXFPGA. More... | |
class | FrontPanelCTP |
Front panel input class to the CTP simulation. More... | |
class | GBlockBuilder |
class | gFEXaltMetAlgo |
class | gFEXCompression |
LAr supercell data are received by the gFEX in a 10-bit multi-linear encoded form. More... | |
class | gFEXCondAlgo |
class | gFEXDBCondData |
class | gFEXDriver |
class | gFEXFPGA |
class | gFexInputProvider |
class | gFEXJetAlgo |
class | gFEXJetTOB |
The gFEXJetTOB.h class stores the energy, the eta, phi coordinate, the status and the type (gRho, gBlock, gJet) of the gFEX Jet TOBs. More... | |
class | gFEXJwoJAlgo |
class | gFEXJwoJTOB |
class | gFEXNtupleWriter |
class | gFEXOutputCollection |
class | gFEXSim |
The gFEXSim class defines the structure of the gFEX Its purpose is: More... | |
class | gFEXSysSim |
The gFEXSysSim class defines the structure of the gFEX system Its purpose is: More... | |
class | gFexTower2SCellDecorator |
class | gSuperCellTowerMapper |
class | gTower |
The gTower class is an interface object for gFEX trigger algorithms The purposes are twofold: More... | |
class | gTowerBuilder |
class | gTowerContainer |
class | gTowerMakerFromGfexTowers |
class | GTowerMappingDataCondAlg |
class | GTowerRhoSubtractionAlg |
class | GTowersFromGCaloTowers |
class | IControlHistSvc |
class | ICoordinate |
Used by Key Classes, returns and integer coorginate for the bin Eta-Phi. More... | |
class | IeFakeTower |
class | IeFEXegAlgo |
class | IeFEXFillEDM |
class | IeFEXFormTOBs |
class | IeFEXFPGA |
class | IeFEXFPGATowerIdProvider |
class | IeFEXSim |
class | IeFEXSuperCellTowerIdProvider |
class | IeFEXSysSim |
class | IeFEXtauAlgo |
class | IeFEXTOBEtTool |
class | IeSuperCellTowerMapper |
class | IeTowerBuilder |
class | IgFEXaltMetAlgo |
class | IgFEXFPGA |
class | IgFEXJetAlgo |
class | IgFEXJwoJAlgo |
class | IgFEXSim |
class | IgFEXSysSim |
class | IgSuperCellTowerMapper |
class | IgTowerBuilder |
class | IInputTOBConverter |
Interface for tools to convert any input to TOBs for topo steering. More... | |
class | IjFEXFormTOBs |
class | IjFEXForwardElecAlgo |
class | IjFEXForwardJetsAlgo |
class | IjFEXFPGA |
class | IjFEXLargeRJetAlgo |
class | IjFEXmetAlgo |
class | IjFEXPileupAndNoise |
class | IjFEXSim |
class | IjFEXSmallRJetAlgo |
class | IjFEXsumETAlgo |
class | IjFEXSysSim |
class | IjFEXtauAlgo |
class | IjSuperCellTowerMapper |
class | IjTowerBuilder |
class | IL1CaloCells2TriggerTowers |
class | IL1CaloFcal23Cells2RxMappingTool |
class | IL1CaloLArTowerEnergy |
class | IL1CaloMappingTool |
class | IL1CaloMatchCell2Tower |
class | IL1CaloMonitoringCaloTool |
class | IL1CaloOfflineTriggerTowerTools |
class | IL1CaloTTIdTools |
class | IL1CaloxAODOfflineTriggerTowerTools |
class | IL1CPCMXTools |
class | IL1CPHitsTools |
class | IL1CPMTools |
class | IL1CPMTowerTools |
class | IL1DatabaseOverrideTool |
class | IL1DynamicPedestalProvider |
class | IL1EnergyCMXTools |
class | IL1EtTools |
class | IL1JEMJetTools |
class | IL1JEPEtSumsTools |
class | IL1JetCMXTools |
class | IL1JetElementTools |
class | IL1TriggerTowerTool |
class | IL1TriggerTowerToolRun3 |
class | InternalTriggerTower |
A version of the TriggerTower that contains information that would not be availiable during datataking. More... | |
class | ITrigT1CaloMonErrorTool |
Interface definition for TrigT1CaloMonErrorTool. More... | |
class | ITrigT1MuonRecRoiTool |
class | ITrigThresholdDecisionTool |
class | JEMEnergySim |
This class simulates the missing ET and total ET triggers. More... | |
class | JEMEtSums |
class | JEMHits |
class | JEMJetAlgorithm |
This is an internal class, used in the jet trigger. More... | |
class | JEMJetSim |
The algorithm responsible for simulating the Jet trigger. More... | |
class | JemMappingTool |
JEM crate/module/channel to eta/phi/layer mappings. More... | |
class | JEMRoI |
JEM RoI data. More... | |
class | JEMTobRoI |
JEM RoI data. More... | |
class | JEPBSCollection |
Jet/Energy Processor container for writing bytestream. More... | |
class | JEPBSCollectionV1 |
Jet/Energy Processor container for writing bytestream pre-LS1. More... | |
class | JEPBSCollectionV2 |
Jet/Energy Processor container for writing bytestream post-LS1. More... | |
class | JEPRoIBSCollection |
Jet/Energy Processor RoI container for writing bytestream. More... | |
class | JEPRoIBSCollectionV1 |
Jet/Energy Processor RoI container for writing bytestream pre-LS1. More... | |
class | JEPRoIBSCollectionV2 |
Jet/Energy Processor RoI container for writing bytestream post-LS1. More... | |
class | JEPRoIDecoder |
A level 1 calorimeter trigger conversion service: returns the Coordinate represented by a RoI word. More... | |
class | JetCMX |
The algorithm responsible for simulating the Em/tau calo trigger. More... | |
class | JetCMXData |
The JetCMXData object contains the data transferred from the CPM to one of the Jet CMX in the crate. More... | |
class | JetCMXTopoData |
class | JetCTP |
This class defines the em/tau hadron ROI which are generated by the LVL1 Calo Trigger. More... | |
class | JetElement |
Jet elements are the inputs to the Jet, ETmiss and ETsum triggers. More... | |
class | JetElementKey |
The JetElementKey object provides the key for each JetElement depending on its eta,phi coords (JetElementKey differs from JetInputKey in that ElementKey has 0.4 FCAL granularity, while InputKey has 0.2 FCAL granularity). More... | |
class | JetElementKeyBase |
The JetElementKeyBase object provides the key for each JetElement or JetInput depending on its eta,phi coords. More... | |
class | JetEnergyModuleKey |
The JetEnergyModuleKey object provides the key for each trigger tower depending on its eta-phi coords. More... | |
class | JetEtRoI |
This class defines the ROI which is generated by the Jet ET sum Trigger. More... | |
class | JetEtRoIDecoder |
A level 1 calorimeter trigger conversion service: returns the Coordinate represented by a RoI word. More... | |
class | JetInput |
A minimal version of JetElement, containing only eta, phi, ET and a JetInputKey, ie the bare information needed to execute the Jet trigger algorithm. More... | |
class | JetInputKey |
The JetInputKey object provides the key for each JetElement depending on its eta,phi coords (JetElementKey differs from JetInputKey in that ElementKey has 0.4 FCAL granularity, while InputKey has 0.2 FCAL granularity). More... | |
class | JetInputProvider |
class | JetROI |
This class defines the Jet ROIs which are generated by the LVL1 Calo Trigger. More... | |
class | JetTopoTOB |
Jet TOB data for L1Topo. More... | |
class | jFEXCompression |
LAr supercell data are received by the jFEX in a 10-bit multi-linear encoded form. More... | |
class | jFEXCondAlgo |
class | jFEXDBCondData |
class | jFEXDriver |
class | jFexEmulatedTowers |
class | jFEXFormTOBs |
class | jFEXForwardElecAlgo |
class | jFEXForwardElecInfo |
class | jFEXForwardElecTOB |
class | jFEXForwardJetsAlgo |
class | jFEXForwardJetsInfo |
class | jFEXFPGA |
The jFEXFPGA class defines the structure of a single jFEX FPGA Its purpose is: More... | |
class | jFexInputProvider |
class | jFEXLargeRJetAlgo |
class | jFEXmetAlgo |
class | jFEXNtupleWriter |
class | jFEXOutputCollection |
class | jFEXPileupAndNoise |
class | jFEXSim |
The jFEXSim class defines the structure of a single jFEX Its purpose is: More... | |
class | jFEXSmallRJetAlgo |
class | jFEXsumETAlgo |
class | jFEXSysSim |
The jFEXSysSim class defines the structure of the jFEX system Its purpose is: More... | |
class | jFEXtauAlgo |
class | jFEXTOB |
class | jFexTower2SCellDecorator |
class | JGTowerBuilder |
class | JGTowerHelper |
class | JGTowerMappingDataCondAlgBase |
class | JGTowerNoiseAlg |
class | jSuperCellTowerMapper |
class | jTower |
The jTower class is an interface object for jFEX trigger algorithms The purposes are twofold: More... | |
class | jTowerBuilder |
class | jTowerContainer |
class | jTowerMakerFromJfexTowers |
class | jTowerMakerFromSuperCells |
class | JTowerMappingDataCondAlg |
class | JTowerRhoSubtractionAlg |
class | KeyUtilities |
The KeyUtilities object provides the key for each trigger tower depending on its eta,phi coords. More... | |
class | L1CaloCells2TriggerTowers |
class | L1CaloFcal23Cells2RxMappingTool |
class | L1CaloLArTowerEnergy |
class | L1CaloMatchCell2Tower |
class | L1CaloMonitoringCaloTool |
class | L1CaloOfflineTriggerTowerTools |
class | L1CaloTriggerTowerDecoratorAlg |
class | L1CaloTTIdTools |
class | L1CaloxAODOfflineTriggerTowerTools |
class | L1CPCMXTools |
class | L1CPHitsTools |
class | L1CPMTools |
class | L1CPMTowerTools |
class | L1DatabaseOverrideForDataTool |
class | L1DynamicPedestalProviderRoot |
Tool to retrieve dynamic pedestal values from externally provided ROOT files. More... | |
class | L1DynamicPedestalProviderTxt |
Tool to retrieve dynamic pedestal values from a text file. More... | |
class | L1EnergyCMXTools |
class | L1EtTools |
class | L1JEMJetTools |
class | L1JEPEtSumsTools |
class | L1JetCMXTools |
class | L1JetElementTools |
class | L1METvalue |
L1METvalue encoding is used for transmission of ET/Ex/Ey sums from JEM to CMM. More... | |
class | L1NonlinearLutDatabaseOverrideTool |
class | L1TopoDataMaker |
class | L1TopoSimulation |
class | L1TriggerTowerTool |
class | L1TriggerTowerToolRun3 |
class | LArTTL1Overlay |
class | MbtsCTP |
MBTS input class to the CTP simulation. More... | |
class | METJWoJPerfFex |
class | METNoiseCutPerfFex |
class | METPerfFexBase |
class | ModuleEnergy |
This is an internal class, used in the Energy trigger. More... | |
class | MuCTPICTP |
MuCTPI input class to the CTP simulation. More... | |
class | MuCTPIL1Topo |
MuCTPI input class to the L1Topo simulation. More... | |
class | MuCTPIL1TopoCandidate |
MuCTPI input class to the L1Topo simulation. More... | |
class | MuonInputProvider |
class | NimCTP |
This class defines the NIM items. More... | |
class | ParamFuncExp |
class | ParamFuncPol2 |
class | ParseException |
class | PeriodicScaler |
class | PeriodicScalerTake1st |
class | PhiRange |
Range class declaration. More... | |
class | PpmCoolMappingTool |
PPM crate/module/channel to eta/phi/layer mappings. More... | |
class | PpmMappingTool |
PPM crate/module/channel to eta/phi/layer mappings. More... | |
class | QuadLinear |
QuadLinear encoding is used for transmission of ET/Ex/Ey sums from JEM to CMM. More... | |
class | Range |
Range class declaration. More... | |
class | RecEmTauRoI |
This class defines the reconstructed em/tau hadron ROI. More... | |
class | RecEnergyRoI |
This class defines the reconstructed EnergySum ROI. More... | |
class | RecJetEtRoI |
This class defines the reconstructed jetEt ROI. More... | |
class | RecJetRoI |
This class defines the reconstructed em/tau hadron ROI. More... | |
class | RecMuonRoI |
This class defines the reconstructed Muon ROI. More... | |
class | RecRoI |
this is the base class for "reconstructed" or "recreated RoIs" formed from slink words out by Lvl1 More... | |
class | RODHeader |
ROD Header data and status words. More... | |
class | RoiB2TopoInputDataCnv |
class | RoIDecoder |
A level 1 calorimeter trigger conversion service: returns the Coordinate represented by a RoI word. More... | |
class | RoIFormatUpdater |
Tool for changing the format of RoI words. More... | |
class | RoIROD |
The RoIROD Athena Algorithm takes the output from the LVL1 Calo Trigger simulations and produces the words, as would be produced by the hardware ReadOut Drivers (RODs); i.e. More... | |
class | Run2CPMTowerMaker |
The Run2CPMTowerMaker class takes Trigger Towers from the TES and forms CPMTowers, which it then places back into the TES. More... | |
class | Run2JetElementMaker |
The Run2JetElementMaker class takes Trigger Towers from the TES and forms JetElements, which it then places back into the TES. More... | |
class | Run2TriggerTowerMaker |
class | SCEmulation |
class | SystemEnergy |
SystemEnergy class declaration Simulates behaviour of the Crate-CMM System CMM logic is done in EnergyTrigger. More... | |
class | TileTTL1Overlay |
class | TriggerTower |
Trigger towers are the inputs to all other parts of the calorimeter trigger. More... | |
class | TriggerTowerKey |
The TriggerTowerKey object provides the key for each trigger tower depending on its eta-phi coords. More... | |
class | TrigT1CaloDefs |
class | TrigT1CaloMonErrorTool |
Tool to retrieve ROB status and ROD unpacking errors from StoreGate. More... | |
class | TrigT1CaloMonErrorToolV1 |
Tool to retrieve ROB status and ROD unpacking errors from StoreGate. More... | |
class | TrigT1MBTS |
class | TrigT1MuonRecRoiData |
class | TrigT1RPCRecRoiTool |
class | TrigT1Run3ZDC |
level 1 ZDC trigger simulation More... | |
class | TrigT1TGCRecRoiTool |
class | TrigT1TRT |
level 1 TRT trigger simulation More... | |
class | TrigT1ZDC |
level 1 ZDC trigger simulation More... | |
class | TrigThresholdDecisionTool |
class | TrtCTP |
TRT input class to the CTP simulation. More... | |
class | ZdcCTP |
ZDC input class to the CTP simulation. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef std::array< std::array< int, 6 >, 32 > | gTowersJetEngine |
typedef std::array< std::array< int, 4 >, 32 > | gTowersPartialSums |
typedef std::array< std::array< int, 12 >, 32 > | gTowersCentral |
typedef std::array< std::array< int, 8 >, 32 > | gTowersForward |
typedef std::array< std::array< int, 12 >, 32 > | gTowersType |
typedef std::array< std::array< int, 40 >, 32 > | gTowersIDs |
using | JGTowerMappingData = std::vector< JGTowerHelper > |
typedef LVL1::L1CaloFcal23Cells2RxMappingTool::mapType | MT |
typedef std::map< int, const CMMCPHits * > | CMMCPHitsMap_t |
typedef std::map< int, const CPMHits * > | CPMHitsMap_t |
typedef std::map< int, const CPMRoI * > | CPMRoIMap_t |
typedef std::map< int, const CPMTower * > | CPMTowerMap_t |
typedef std::map< int, const JetElement * > | JetElementMap_t |
typedef std::map< int, const TriggerTower * > | TriggerTowerMap_t |
typedef std::vector< TriggerTowerMap_t::mapped_type > | TriggerTowerVector_t |
typedef std::vector< xAOD::TriggerTowerMap_t::mapped_type > | xAODTriggerTowerVector_t |
Enumerations | |
enum | BitMask { FirsCandMask = 0x00400000, SectorAddressMask = 0x003fc000, SysIDMask = 0x000000c0, SubSysIDMask = 0x00000001, SectNumBarrelMask = 0x0000003e, SectNumEndcapMask = 0x0000007e, SectNumForwardMask = 0x0000003e, ThresNumMask = 0x00003800, RoIOvlMask = 0x000007fc, BarrelRoIMask = 0x0000001f, BarrelOvlMask = 0x00000180, EndcapRoIMask = 0x000000ff, EndcapOvlMask = 0x00000100, ForwardRoIMask = 0x0000003f, PadOflMask = 0x00000002, SectOflMask = 0x00000001, TGCCandidateSignMask = 0x08000000, CandidateVetoMask = 0x10000000 } |
Bit masks used to decipher the 32 bit words of a muon candidate. More... | |
Functions | |
template<typename T > | |
void | matchTOBs (T &TOBs, T &xTOBs) |
template<typename T > | |
void | compareTOBs (T &dataTOBs, T &simTOBs, std::set< uint32_t > &simEqDataWord0s) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &theStream, const Coordinate &theCoord) |
overload << operator so coordinate can be easily displayed... More... | |
MsgStream & | operator<< (MsgStream &theStream, const Coordinate &theCoord) |
overload << operator so coordinate can be easily displayed... More... | |
Variables | |
const size_t | s_nLayers = 5 |
const int | s_cells [s_nLayers] = {1,4,4,1,4} |
const int | s_offsets [s_nLayers] = {0,1,5,9,10} |
const int | s_eFEXOverflow = 0xffff |
const int | mappingTable [][3] |
eFexTowerBuilder creates xAOD::eFexTowerContainer from supercells (LATOME) and triggerTowers (TREX) inputs.
Return saturation override flag for given channel & et range.
Truncate FIR results for LUT input.
Identify BCID decision range.
Evaluate BCID decision based on BCID word, ET range and channel ID.
Evaluate BCID decision range.
-*- C++ -*-
LVL1 namespace.
AlgTool to retreive the trigger tower energy in the LArg readout Author Antoine Marzin antoi Author John Morris ne.m arzin @cer n.chjohn. morr is@ce rn.c h
AlgTool that implement several methods used to produced the On/Off and On/Attr trigger tower Id maps.
Copyright (C) 2002-2021 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration.
Name : EFexTauAlgorithm.h PACKAGE : Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1CaloFexPerf AUTHOR : Denis Oliveira Damazio PURPOSE : emulate the eFex tau algorithm for phase 1 L1Calo.
Name : EFexEMEnergyWeightedClusterTool.h PACKAGE : Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1CaloFexPerf AUTHOR : Denis Oliveira Damazio PURPOSE : emulate the eFex EM algorithm for phase 1 L1Calo (energy weighted clustering)
Name : EFexEMClusterTool.h PACKAGE : Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1CaloFexPerf AUTHOR : Denis Oliveira Damazio PURPOSE : emulate the eFex EM algorithm for phase 1 L1Calo (default clustering)
Name : EFexEMAlgorithm.h PACKAGE : Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1CaloFexPerf AUTHOR : Denis Oliveira Damazio PURPOSE : emulate the eFex EM algorithm for phase 1 L1Calo.
All the created towers have module=-1 and fpga=-1 and there's only one tower for each eta/phi location.
This belongs to the TrigT1Calo simulation.
This belongs to the TrigT1Calo atrig simulation.
Most of the LVL1 interface classes are put into this namespace, showing that they're general LVL1 classes.
typedef std::map<int, const CMMCPHits*> LVL1::CMMCPHitsMap_t |
Definition at line 80 of file Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1CaloEvent/TrigT1CaloEvent/CMMCPHits.h.
typedef std::map<int, const CPMHits*> LVL1::CPMHitsMap_t |
Definition at line 72 of file Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1CaloEvent/TrigT1CaloEvent/CPMHits.h.
typedef std::map<int, const CPMRoI*> LVL1::CPMRoIMap_t |
Definition at line 127 of file Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1CaloEvent/TrigT1CaloEvent/CPMRoI.h.
typedef std::map<int, const CPMTower*> LVL1::CPMTowerMap_t |
Definition at line 102 of file Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1CaloEvent/TrigT1CaloEvent/CPMTower.h.
typedef std::array< std::array< int, 12 >, 32 > LVL1::gTowersCentral |
Definition at line 19 of file IgFEXaltMetAlgo.h.
typedef std::array< std::array< int, 8 >, 32 > LVL1::gTowersForward |
Definition at line 20 of file IgFEXaltMetAlgo.h.
typedef std::array<std::array<int, 40>, 32> LVL1::gTowersIDs |
Definition at line 20 of file IgFEXSim.h.
typedef std::array<std::array<int, 6>, 32> LVL1::gTowersJetEngine |
Definition at line 28 of file gFEXJetAlgo.h.
typedef std::array<std::array<int, 4>, 32> LVL1::gTowersPartialSums |
Definition at line 29 of file gFEXJetAlgo.h.
typedef std::array< std::array< int, 12 >, 32 > LVL1::gTowersType |
Definition at line 25 of file IgFEXFPGA.h.
typedef std::map<int, const JetElement*> LVL1::JetElementMap_t |
Definition at line 117 of file Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1CaloEvent/TrigT1CaloEvent/JetElement.h.
using LVL1::JGTowerMappingData = typedef std::vector<JGTowerHelper> |
Definition at line 13 of file JGTowerMappingData.h.
Definition at line 14 of file L1CaloFcal23Cells2RxMappingTool.cxx.
typedef std::map<int, const TriggerTower*> LVL1::TriggerTowerMap_t |
Definition at line 147 of file Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1CaloEvent/TrigT1CaloEvent/TriggerTower.h.
typedef std::vector< TriggerTowerMap_t::mapped_type > LVL1::TriggerTowerVector_t |
Definition at line 16 of file L1CPMTowerTools.cxx.
typedef std::vector<xAOD::TriggerTowerMap_t::mapped_type> LVL1::xAODTriggerTowerVector_t |
Definition at line 17 of file L1CPMTowerTools.cxx.
enum LVL1::BitMask |
Bit masks used to decipher the 32 bit words of a muon candidate.
Definition at line 36 of file RecMuonRoI.h.
void LVL1::compareTOBs | ( | T & | dataTOBs, |
T & | simTOBs, | ||
std::set< uint32_t > & | simEqDataWord0s | ||
) |
Definition at line 19 of file eFEXTOBSimDataCompare.h.
void LVL1::matchTOBs | ( | T & | TOBs, |
T & | xTOBs | ||
) |
Definition at line 18 of file eFEXTOBxTOBMatching.h.
MsgStream & LVL1::operator<< | ( | MsgStream & | theStream, |
const Coordinate & | theCoord | ||
) |
overload << operator so coordinate can be easily displayed...
i.e. std::cout << coord
Definition at line 67 of file Coordinate.cxx.
std::ostream & LVL1::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | theStream, |
const Coordinate & | theCoord | ||
) |
overload << operator so coordinate can be easily displayed...
i.e. cout << coord
i.e. std::cout << coord
Definition at line 61 of file Coordinate.cxx.
const int LVL1::mappingTable[][3] |
Definition at line 16 of file L1CaloFcal23Cells2RxMappingTool.cxx.
const int LVL1::s_cells = {1,4,4,1,4} |
Definition at line 20 of file eTower.cxx.
const int LVL1::s_eFEXOverflow = 0xffff |
Definition at line 22 of file eTower.cxx.
const int LVL1::s_nLayers = 5 |
Definition at line 19 of file eTower.cxx.
const int LVL1::s_offsets = {0,1,5,9,10} |
Definition at line 21 of file eTower.cxx.