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Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack Class Reference

Class to represent calibrated clusters formed from TGC strips. More...

#include <TgcClusterOnTrack.h>

Inheritance diagram for Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack:
Collaboration diagram for Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack:

Public Member Functions

 TgcClusterOnTrack ()
 TgcClusterOnTrack (const TgcClusterOnTrack &)
TgcClusterOnTrackoperator= (const TgcClusterOnTrack &)
 TgcClusterOnTrack (const TgcPrepData *RIO, Trk::LocalParameters &&locpos, Amg::MatrixX &&locerr, double positionAlongStrip)
 Constructor with parameters : The base class owns local position, error matrix. More...
 TgcClusterOnTrack (const ElementLinkToIDC_TGC_Container &RIO, Trk::LocalParameters &&locpos, Amg::MatrixX &&locerr, const Identifier &id, const MuonGM::TgcReadoutElement *detEl, double positionAlongStrip)
virtual ~TgcClusterOnTrack ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual TgcClusterOnTrackclone () const
 Clone this ROT. More...
virtual const TgcPrepDataprepRawData () const
 Returns the TgcPrepData - is a TRT_DriftCircle in this scope. More...
const ElementLinkToIDC_TGC_ContainerprepRawDataLink () const
virtual const MuonGM::TgcReadoutElementdetectorElement () const
 Returns the detector element, assoicated with the PRD of this class. More...
virtual const Trk::SurfaceassociatedSurface () const
 Returns the surface on which this measurement was taken. More...
virtual MsgStream & dump (MsgStream &stream) const
 Dumps information about the PRD. More...
virtual std::ostream & dump (std::ostream &stream) const
 Dumps information about the PRD. More...
virtual const Amg::Vector3DglobalPosition () const override
 Returns global position. More...
virtual double positionAlongStrip () const
virtual IdentifierHash collectionHash () const
 Returns the hashID of the PRD collection. More...
virtual IdentifierHash idDE () const override
 Returns an invalid hash. More...
virtual bool rioType (Trk::RIO_OnTrackType::Type type) const override final
 Method checking the Rio On Track type. More...
std::unique_ptr< RIO_OnTrackuniqueClone () const
 NVI clone returning unique_ptr. More...
virtual bool type (MeasurementBaseType::Type type) const override final
 Extended method checking the type. More...
virtual Identifier identify () const final
 return the identifier -extends MeasurementBase More...
const LocalParameters & localParameters () const
 Interface method to get the LocalParameters. More...
const Amg::MatrixXlocalCovariance () const
 Interface method to get the localError. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static std::size_t numberOfInstantiations ()

Static Public Attributes

static std::atomic_size_t s_numberOfInstantiations

Protected Attributes

CxxUtils::CachedUniquePtr< const Amg::Vector3Dm_globalPosition
 cache global position, the global position has to be calculated in the inheriting classes More...
double m_positionAlongStrip
 The position along the strip - used to calculate the GlobalPosition. More...
Identifier m_identifier {}
 Identifier of the RIO_OnTrack (comes from the associated Trk::PrepRawData) More...
LocalParameters m_localParams
Amg::MatrixX m_localCovariance

Private Member Functions

virtual void setValues (const Trk::TrkDetElementBase *, const Trk::PrepRawData *)
 Sets the DetElement and Trk::PrepRawData pointers after reading from disk. More...

Private Attributes

ElementLinkToIDC_TGC_Container m_rio
 PrepRawData object assoicated with this measurement. More...
const MuonGM::TgcReadoutElementm_detEl
 The detector element, assoicated with this measurement. More...


class Trk::ITrkEventCnvTool
class Muon::MuonEventCnvTool

Detailed Description

Class to represent calibrated clusters formed from TGC strips.

Definition at line 45 of file TgcClusterOnTrack.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TgcClusterOnTrack() [1/4]

Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack::TgcClusterOnTrack ( )

Definition at line 22 of file TgcClusterOnTrack.cxx.

22  :
23  MuonClusterOnTrack(), // call base class ctor
24  m_rio(),
25  m_detEl(nullptr)
26 {}

◆ TgcClusterOnTrack() [2/4]

Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack::TgcClusterOnTrack ( const TgcClusterOnTrack )

◆ TgcClusterOnTrack() [3/4]

Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack::TgcClusterOnTrack ( const TgcPrepData RIO,
Trk::LocalParameters &&  locpos,
Amg::MatrixX &&  locerr,
double  positionAlongStrip 

Constructor with parameters : The base class owns local position, error matrix.

Everything else has ownership elsewhere.

[in]RIORequired (i.e. must not be NULL). Ownership is not taken.
[in]locposRequired (i.e. must not be NULL). Ownership is taken.
[in]locerrRequired (i.e. must not be NULL). Ownership is taken.
[in]positionAlongStripRequired Used to calculate global position.

Definition at line 32 of file TgcClusterOnTrack.cxx.

36  :
37  MuonClusterOnTrack(std::move(locpos), std::move(locerr), RIO->identify(), positionAlongStrip), //call base class constructor
38  m_detEl( RIO->detectorElement() )
39 {
40  //Set EL
41  // m_rio = ElementLinkToIDC_TGC_Container("TGC_Measurements", RIO->getHashAndIndex().hashAndIndex(), RIO);
42  m_rio.setElement(RIO);
43 }

◆ TgcClusterOnTrack() [4/4]

Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack::TgcClusterOnTrack ( const ElementLinkToIDC_TGC_Container RIO,
Trk::LocalParameters &&  locpos,
Amg::MatrixX &&  locerr,
const Identifier id,
const MuonGM::TgcReadoutElement detEl,
double  positionAlongStrip 

Definition at line 45 of file TgcClusterOnTrack.cxx.

51  :
52  MuonClusterOnTrack(std::move(locpos), std::move(locerr), id, positionAlongStrip), //call base class constructor
53  m_rio(RIO),
54  m_detEl( detEl )
55 {
56 }

◆ ~TgcClusterOnTrack()

Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack::~TgcClusterOnTrack ( )


Definition at line 59 of file TgcClusterOnTrack.cxx.

60 {
61  // we don't own the m_rio object (it belongs to SG), so don't delete it.
62 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ associatedSurface()

const Trk::Surface & Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack::associatedSurface ( ) const

Returns the surface on which this measurement was taken.

(i.e. a surface of a detector element)

Implements Trk::RIO_OnTrack.

Definition at line 145 of file TgcClusterOnTrack.h.

146 {
147  assert(0!=detectorElement());
148  return detectorElement()->surface(identify());
149 }

◆ clone()

TgcClusterOnTrack * Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack::clone ( ) const

Clone this ROT.

Implements Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack.

Definition at line 124 of file TgcClusterOnTrack.h.

125 {
126  return new TgcClusterOnTrack(*this);
127 }

◆ collectionHash()

IdentifierHash Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack::collectionHash ( ) const

Returns the hashID of the PRD collection.

Definition at line 111 of file MuonClusterOnTrack.h.

111  {
112  if( this->prepRawData() ) return prepRawData()->collectionHash();
113  return IdentifierHash();
114  }

◆ detectorElement()

const MuonGM::TgcReadoutElement * Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack::detectorElement ( ) const

Returns the detector element, assoicated with the PRD of this class.

Implements Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack.

Definition at line 140 of file TgcClusterOnTrack.h.

141 {
142  return m_detEl;
143 }

◆ dump() [1/2]

MsgStream & Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack::dump ( MsgStream &  stream) const

Dumps information about the PRD.

Reimplemented from Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack.

Definition at line 76 of file TgcClusterOnTrack.cxx.

77 {
78  stream << MSG::INFO<<"TgcClusterOnTrack {"<<std::endl;
82  stream<<"}"<<endmsg;
83  return stream;
84 }

◆ dump() [2/2]

std::ostream & Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack::dump ( std::ostream &  stream) const

Dumps information about the PRD.

Reimplemented from Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack.

Definition at line 86 of file TgcClusterOnTrack.cxx.

87 {
88  stream << "TgcClusterOnTrack {"<<std::endl;
92  stream<<"}"<<std::endl;
93  return stream;
94 }

◆ globalPosition()

const Amg::Vector3D & Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack::globalPosition ( ) const

Returns global position.

Implements Trk::RIO_OnTrack.

Definition at line 93 of file MuonClusterOnTrack.cxx.

93  {
94  if (detectorElement()==nullptr){
95  // Not much we can do here - no detelement, so just return 0,0,0
96  m_globalPosition.set(std::make_unique<const Amg::Vector3D>(0.0,0.0,0.0));
97  }
99  if (not m_globalPosition) {
100  // calculate global position from the position of the strip and the position along the strip
104  else
108  detectorElement()->surface( identify() ).localToGlobal(lpos, gpos, gpos);
110  m_globalPosition.set(std::make_unique<const Amg::Vector3D>(gpos));
111  }
113  return *m_globalPosition;
114 }

◆ idDE()

IdentifierHash Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack::idDE ( ) const

Returns an invalid hash.

Implements Trk::RIO_OnTrack.

Definition at line 116 of file MuonClusterOnTrack.h.

116  {
117  return IdentifierHash();
118  }

◆ identify()

Identifier Trk::RIO_OnTrack::identify ( ) const

return the identifier -extends MeasurementBase

Definition at line 155 of file RIO_OnTrack.h.

156  { return m_identifier; }

◆ localCovariance()

const Amg::MatrixX & Trk::MeasurementBase::localCovariance ( ) const

Interface method to get the localError.

Definition at line 138 of file MeasurementBase.h.

139 {
140  return m_localCovariance;
141 }

◆ localParameters()

const Trk::LocalParameters & Trk::MeasurementBase::localParameters ( ) const

Interface method to get the LocalParameters.

Definition at line 132 of file MeasurementBase.h.

133 {
134  return m_localParams;
135 }

◆ numberOfInstantiations()

static std::size_t Trk::ObjectCounter< Trk::RIO_OnTrack >::numberOfInstantiations ( )

Definition at line 25 of file TrkObjectCounter.h.

26  {
27 #ifndef NDEBUG
28  return s_numberOfInstantiations.load();
29 #endif
30  return 0;
31  }

◆ operator=()

TgcClusterOnTrack & Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack::operator= ( const TgcClusterOnTrack rot)

Definition at line 65 of file TgcClusterOnTrack.cxx.

66 {
67  if ( &rot != this)
68  {
69  MuonClusterOnTrack::operator=(rot);//base class ass. op.
70  m_rio = rot.m_rio;
71  m_detEl = rot.m_detEl;
72  }
73  return *this;
74 }

◆ positionAlongStrip()

virtual double Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack::positionAlongStrip ( ) const

Definition at line 68 of file MuonClusterOnTrack.h.

68  {
69  return m_positionAlongStrip;
70  }

◆ prepRawData()

const TgcPrepData * Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack::prepRawData ( ) const

Returns the TgcPrepData - is a TRT_DriftCircle in this scope.

Implements Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack.

Definition at line 129 of file TgcClusterOnTrack.h.

130 {
131  if (m_rio.isValid()) return m_rio.cachedElement();
132  else return 0;
133 }

◆ prepRawDataLink()

const ElementLinkToIDC_TGC_Container & Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack::prepRawDataLink ( ) const

Definition at line 135 of file TgcClusterOnTrack.h.

136 {
137  return m_rio;
138 }

◆ rioType()

virtual bool Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack::rioType ( Trk::RIO_OnTrackType::Type  type) const

Method checking the Rio On Track type.

Implements Trk::RIO_OnTrack.

Definition at line 78 of file MuonClusterOnTrack.h.

79  {
81  }

◆ setValues()

void Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack::setValues ( const Trk::TrkDetElementBase detEl,
const Trk::PrepRawData  

Sets the DetElement and Trk::PrepRawData pointers after reading from disk.

Only intended for use by persistency convertors.
Throw exception if TrkDetElementBase isn't correct concrete type

Implements Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack.

Definition at line 151 of file TgcClusterOnTrack.h.

153 {
154  // m_rio = dynamic_cast<const TgcPrepData*>(rio);
155  //assert(0!=m_rio);
156  m_detEl = dynamic_cast<const MuonGM::TgcReadoutElement*>(detEl);
157  assert(0!=m_detEl);
158 }

◆ type()

virtual bool Trk::RIO_OnTrack::type ( MeasurementBaseType::Type  type) const

Extended method checking the type.

Implements Trk::MeasurementBase.

Definition at line 110 of file RIO_OnTrack.h.

111  {
113  }

◆ uniqueClone()

std::unique_ptr<RIO_OnTrack> Trk::RIO_OnTrack::uniqueClone ( ) const

NVI clone returning unique_ptr.

Definition at line 97 of file RIO_OnTrack.h.

97  {
98  return std::unique_ptr<RIO_OnTrack>(clone());
99  };

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ Muon::MuonEventCnvTool

friend class Muon::MuonEventCnvTool

Definition at line 50 of file TgcClusterOnTrack.h.

◆ Trk::ITrkEventCnvTool

friend class Trk::ITrkEventCnvTool

Definition at line 49 of file TgcClusterOnTrack.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_detEl

const MuonGM::TgcReadoutElement* Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack::m_detEl

The detector element, assoicated with this measurement.

Definition at line 115 of file TgcClusterOnTrack.h.

◆ m_globalPosition

CxxUtils::CachedUniquePtr<const Amg::Vector3D> Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack::m_globalPosition

cache global position, the global position has to be calculated in the inheriting classes

Definition at line 94 of file MuonClusterOnTrack.h.

◆ m_identifier

Identifier Trk::RIO_OnTrack::m_identifier {}

Identifier of the RIO_OnTrack (comes from the associated Trk::PrepRawData)

Definition at line 152 of file RIO_OnTrack.h.

◆ m_localCovariance

Amg::MatrixX Trk::MeasurementBase::m_localCovariance

Definition at line 112 of file MeasurementBase.h.

◆ m_localParams

LocalParameters Trk::MeasurementBase::m_localParams

Definition at line 111 of file MeasurementBase.h.

◆ m_positionAlongStrip

double Muon::MuonClusterOnTrack::m_positionAlongStrip

The position along the strip - used to calculate the GlobalPosition.

Definition at line 97 of file MuonClusterOnTrack.h.

◆ m_rio

ElementLinkToIDC_TGC_Container Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack::m_rio

PrepRawData object assoicated with this measurement.

Definition at line 112 of file TgcClusterOnTrack.h.

◆ s_numberOfInstantiations

std::atomic_size_t Trk::ObjectCounter< Trk::RIO_OnTrack >::s_numberOfInstantiations

Definition at line 22 of file TrkObjectCounter.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
@ MuonCluster
Definition: RIO_OnTrack.h:61
@ locX
Definition: ParamDefs.h:43
@ locY
local cartesian
Definition: ParamDefs.h:44
virtual RIO_OnTrack * clone() const override=0
Pseudo-constructor, needed to avoid excessive RTTI.
Definition: TgcClusterOnTrack.cxx:22
Eigen::Matrix< double, 2, 1 > Vector2D
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:48
virtual const MuonCluster * prepRawData() const override=0
Returns the Trk::PrepRawData - is a MuonCluster in this scope.
CxxUtils::CachedUniquePtr< const Amg::Vector3D > m_globalPosition
cache global position, the global position has to be calculated in the inheriting classes
Definition: MuonClusterOnTrack.h:94
virtual MsgStream & dump(MsgStream &stream) const override
Dumps information about the PRD.
Definition: MuonClusterOnTrack.cxx:62
virtual IdentifierHash collectionHash() const
Returns the IdentifierHash corresponding to the PRD collection in the PRD container.
Definition: MuonSpectrometer/MuonReconstruction/MuonRecEvent/MuonPrepRawData/MuonPrepRawData/MuonCluster.h:104
virtual const MuonGM::TgcReadoutElement * detectorElement() const
Returns the detector element, assoicated with the PRD of this class.
Definition: TgcClusterOnTrack.h:140
virtual const Trk::PlaneSurface & surface() const override
access to chamber surface (phi orientation), uses the first gas gap
Definition: MuonClusterReadoutElement.h:123
string stream
virtual bool type(MeasurementBaseType::Type type) const override final
Extended method checking the type.
Definition: RIO_OnTrack.h:110
Pool constructor.
Definition: MuonClusterOnTrack.cxx:22
virtual const MuonGM::MuonClusterReadoutElement * detectorElement() const override=0
Returns the detector element, associated with the PRD of this class.
ElementLinkToIDC_TGC_Container m_rio
PrepRawData object assoicated with this measurement.
Definition: TgcClusterOnTrack.h:112
#define endmsg
Definition: AnalysisConfig_Ntuple.cxx:63
bool contains(const std::string &s, const std::string &regx)
does a string contain the substring
Definition: hcg.cxx:111
A TgcReadoutElement corresponds to a single TGC chamber; therefore typically a TGC station contains s...
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/TgcReadoutElement.h:42
LocalParameters m_localParams
Definition: MeasurementBase.h:111
const MuonGM::TgcReadoutElement * m_detEl
The detector element, assoicated with this measurement.
Definition: TgcClusterOnTrack.h:115
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > Vector3D
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:47
@ RIO_OnTrack
Definition: MeasurementBase.h:49
const LocalParameters & localParameters() const
Interface method to get the LocalParameters.
Definition: MeasurementBase.h:132
Amg::MatrixX m_localCovariance
Definition: MeasurementBase.h:112
Trk::ObjectCounter< Trk::RIO_OnTrack >::s_numberOfInstantiations
static std::atomic_size_t s_numberOfInstantiations
Definition: TrkObjectCounter.h:22
Identifier m_identifier
Identifier of the RIO_OnTrack (comes from the associated Trk::PrepRawData)
Definition: RIO_OnTrack.h:152
virtual Identifier identify() const final
return the identifier -extends MeasurementBase
Definition: RIO_OnTrack.h:155
T * get(TKey *tobj)
get a TObject* from a TKey* (why can't a TObject be a TKey?)
Definition: hcg.cxx:127
virtual double positionAlongStrip() const
Definition: MuonClusterOnTrack.h:68
virtual void localToGlobal(const Amg::Vector2D &locp, const Amg::Vector3D &mom, Amg::Vector3D &glob) const override final
Specified for PlaneSurface: LocalToGlobal method without dynamic memory allocation.
Definition: PlaneSurface.cxx:204
Definition: IdentifierHash.h:38
double m_positionAlongStrip
The position along the strip - used to calculate the GlobalPosition.
Definition: MuonClusterOnTrack.h:97
void Zero(TH1D *hin)
Definition: generate.cxx:32
MuonClusterOnTrack & operator=(const MuonClusterOnTrack &)
Definition: MuonClusterOnTrack.cxx:52