![]() |
ATLAS Offline Software
Forward declaration. More...
Namespaces | |
ArenaBlockAlignDetail | |
CondHandleDefault | |
detail | |
Classes | |
class | Accessor |
Helper class to provide type-safe access to aux data. More... | |
class | Accessor< JaggedVecElt< PAYLOAD_T >, ALLOC > |
Helper class to provide type-safe access to aux data, specialized for JaggedVecElt . More... | |
class | Accessor< PackedLink< CONT >, ALLOC > |
Helper class to provide constant type-safe access to aux data, specialized for PackedLink. More... | |
class | Accessor< std::vector< PackedLink< CONT >, VALLOC >, ALLOC > |
Helper class to provide constant type-safe access to aux data, specialized for a vector of PackedLink. More... | |
class | Arena |
Collection of memory allocators with a common lifetime,. More... | |
class | ArenaAllocatorBase |
Common base class for arena allocator classes. More... | |
class | ArenaAllocatorCreator |
Provide an interface for creating an arena Allocator. More... | |
class | ArenaAllocatorRegistry |
Registry of allocator factories. More... | |
class | ArenaAllocatorRegistryImpl |
ArenaAllocatorRegistry implementation class. More... | |
class | ArenaBase |
Part of Arena dealing with the list of allocators. More... | |
class | ArenaBlock |
A large memory block that gets carved into smaller uniform elements. More... | |
class | ArenaBlockAllocatorBase |
Common functionality for block-oriented allocators. More... | |
class | ArenaCachingHandle |
User interface for allocating memory that caches constructed objects. More... | |
class | ArenaHandle |
User interface for allocating memory. More... | |
class | ArenaHandleBase |
Base class for all Handle classes, containing parts that do not depend on the referenced type. More... | |
class | ArenaHandleBaseAllocT |
Base class for Handle classes, containing parts that depend only on the Allocator. More... | |
class | ArenaHandleBaseT |
Base class for Handle classes, containing parts that are independent of how the Allocator gets created. More... | |
class | ArenaHeader |
Proxy for a group of Arenas. More... | |
class | ArenaHeapAllocator |
Heap-based allocator. More... | |
class | ArenaHeapSTLAllocator |
STL-style allocator wrapper for ArenaHeapAllocator . More... | |
class | ArenaHeapSTLAllocator< T, T > |
STL-style allocator wrapper for ArenaHeapAllocator . More... | |
class | ArenaHeapSTLAllocator_initParams |
Initializer for pool allocator parameters. More... | |
class | ArenaNonConstHeapSTLAllocator |
Forward declaration. More... | |
class | ArenaNonConstPoolSTLAllocator |
Forward declaration. More... | |
class | ArenaPoolAllocator |
Pool-based allocator. More... | |
class | ArenaPoolSTLAllocator |
STL-style allocator wrapper for ArenaPoolAllocator . More... | |
class | ArenaPoolSTLAllocator< T *, VETO > |
STL-style allocator wrapper for ArenaPoolAllocator . More... | |
class | ArenaPoolSTLAllocator< T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer_v< T >, T >::type > |
STL-style allocator wrapper for ArenaPoolAllocator . More... | |
class | ArenaPoolSTLAllocator_initParams |
Initializer for pool allocator parameters. More... | |
class | ArenaSharedHeapSTLAllocator |
Forward declaration. More... | |
class | ArenaSharedHeapSTLHeader |
Common header class for ArenaSharedHeapSTLAllocator. More... | |
class | AtomicConstAccessor |
Access an auxiliary variable atomically. More... | |
class | AtomicDecorator |
Access an auxiliary variable atomically. More... | |
class | AuxDataOption |
Hold information about an option setting request. More... | |
struct | AuxDataSpanBase |
Minimal span-like object describing the range of an auxiliary variable. More... | |
class | AuxDataTraits |
Allow customizing how aux data types are treated. More... | |
class | AuxDataTraits< bool, ALLOC > |
Allow customizing how aux data types are treated. More... | |
class | AuxElement |
Base class for elements of a container that can have aux data. More... | |
class | AuxElementComplete |
Wrapper to automatically create a private store for an element. More... | |
class | AuxElementData |
Internal data container. More... | |
class | AuxElementPrivateData |
Internal data container for private store. More... | |
class | AuxElementStandaloneData |
Internal data container for standalone store. More... | |
class | auxid_set_t |
A set of aux data identifiers. More... | |
struct | AuxStore_traits |
Associate AuxStore classes with EDM container classes (default implementation). More... | |
struct | AuxStore_traits1 |
Helper for the case where DOBJ::base_value_type does not derive from SG::IAuxElement. More... | |
struct | AuxStore_traits1< DOBJ, typename std::is_base_of< IAuxElement, typename DOBJ::base_value_type >::type > |
Helper for the case where DOBJ::base_value_type does derive from SG::IAuxElement. More... | |
struct | AuxStore_traits< DOBJ * > |
Associate AuxStore classes with EDM container classes. More... | |
struct | AuxStore_traits_AuxDefault |
Default traits values for aux data case. More... | |
struct | AuxStore_traits_NoAuxDefault |
Default traits values for no-aux data case. More... | |
class | AuxStoreConstMem |
IConstAuxStore implementation referencing external buffers. More... | |
class | AuxStoreInternal |
An auxiliary data store that holds data internally. More... | |
class | AuxStoreStandalone |
Auxiliary data store for standalone objects. More... | |
class | AuxTypePlaceholder |
Used as type_info when we read an aux data item but it doesn't exist in the registry. More... | |
class | AuxTypeRegistry |
Handle mappings between names and auxid_t. More... | |
class | AuxTypeRegistryImpl |
@Brief Implementation class for AuxTypeRegistry . More... | |
class | AuxTypeVectorFactory |
Factory object that creates vectors using AuxTypeVector . More... | |
class | AuxTypeVectorFactory< JaggedVecElt< T >, ALLOC > |
Factory object that creates vectors using AuxTypeVector . More... | |
class | AuxTypeVectorFactory< PackedLink< CONT >, ALLOC > |
Factory object that creates vectors for packed links. More... | |
class | AuxTypeVectorFactory< std::vector< PackedLink< CONT >, VALLOC >, ALLOC > |
Factory object that creates vectors of vectors of packed links. More... | |
class | AuxTypeVectorFactoryImpl |
Factory object that creates vectors using AuxTypeVector . More... | |
class | AuxTypeVectorHolder |
Implementation of IAuxTypeVector for specific types. More... | |
class | AuxTypeVectorT |
Implementation of IAuxTypeVector holding a vector instance. More... | |
class | AuxVectorBase |
Manage index tracking and synchronization of auxiliary data. More... | |
class | AuxVectorData |
Manage lookup of vectors of auxiliary data. More... | |
class | AuxVectorInterface |
Make an AuxVectorData object from either a raw array or an aux store. More... | |
class | BaseInfo |
Provide an interface for finding inheritance information at run time. More... | |
class | BaseInfo< CaloConstCellContainer > |
class | BaseInfo< ConstDataVector< DV > > |
Let the BaseInfo for ConstDataVector forward to that of the base DataVector . More... | |
class | BaseInfo< DataVectorWithAlloc< DV, ALLOC > > |
Let the BaseInfo for DataVectorWithAlloc forward to that of the base DataVector . More... | |
class | BaseInfoBase |
The non-template portion of the BaseInfo implementation. More... | |
struct | BaseInfoBaseImpl |
class | BaseInfoImpl |
struct | BaseList |
Represent a list of base classes. More... | |
struct | BaseList< BASE, REST... > |
Represent a non-empty list of base classes. More... | |
struct | Bases |
Traits class to hold derivation information. More... | |
struct | Bases< CondCont< T > > |
struct | Bases< CondContMixed< T > > |
struct | Bases< DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase > > |
Declare DataVector base class. More... | |
struct | Bases< TileContainer< T > > |
struct | Bases< ViewVector< DV > > |
Specialize to declare that ViewVector<DV> derives from DV. More... | |
struct | BaseType |
Helper metafunction to get base class types. More... | |
struct | BaseType< Virtual< T > > |
class | CondHandleKey |
class | ConstAccessor |
Helper class to provide constant type-safe access to aux data. More... | |
class | ConstAccessor< SG::JaggedVecElt< PAYLOAD_T >, ALLOC > |
Helper class to provide constant type-safe access to aux data, specialized for JaggedVecElt . More... | |
class | ConstAccessor< SG::PackedLink< CONT >, ALLOC > |
Helper class to provide constant type-safe access to aux data, specialized for PackedLink. More... | |
class | ConstAccessor< std::vector< SG::PackedLink< CONT >, VALLOC >, ALLOC > |
Helper class to provide constant type-safe access to aux data, specialized for a vector of PackedLink. More... | |
class | ConstAuxElement |
Const part of AuxElement . More... | |
class | ConstIterator |
class | CopyConversion |
Base class for copy conversions, templated on source and destination classes. More... | |
class | CopyConversionBase |
Base class for copy conversions. More... | |
class | CurrentEventStore |
Hold a pointer to the current event store. More... | |
class | DataBucket |
struct | DataBucketTrait |
Metafunction to find the proper DataBucket class for T . More... | |
struct | DataBucketTrait< CaloConstCellContainer, U > |
struct | DataBucketTrait< ConstDataVector< DV >, U > |
Metafunction to find the proper DataBucket class for the first template argument. More... | |
struct | DataBucketTrait< DataVector< T >, U > |
Metafunction to find the proper DataBucket class for T . More... | |
struct | DataBucketTrait< DataVectorWithAlloc< DV, ALLOC >, U > |
Metafunction to find the proper DataBucket class for the first template argument. More... | |
struct | DataBucketTrait< MetaCont< T >, U > |
Metafunction to find the proper DataBucket class for T . More... | |
class | DataObjectSharedPtr |
Smart pointer to manage DataObject reference counts. More... | |
class | DataPoolNullClear |
Null cleanup functional — does no actual cleanup. More... | |
class | DataProxy |
class | DataProxyHolder |
Manage DataProxy reference in ElementLink/DataLink. More... | |
class | DataStore |
Hold DataProxy instances associated with a store. More... | |
class | Decorator |
Helper class to provide type-safe access to aux data. More... | |
class | Decorator< JaggedVecElt< PAYLOAD_T >, ALLOC > |
Helper class to provide type-safe access to aux data, specialized for JaggedVecElt . More... | |
class | Decorator< PackedLink< CONT >, ALLOC > |
Helper class to provide type-safe access to aux data, specialized for PackedLink. More... | |
class | Decorator< std::vector< PackedLink< CONT >, VALLOC >, ALLOC > |
Helper class to provide constant type-safe access to aux data, specialized for a vector of PackedLink. More... | |
class | DVLConstDataVectorBucket |
DataBucket class for ConstDataVector . More... | |
class | DVLDataBucket |
A DataBucket specialized for DataVector/ More... | |
class | DVLDataVectorWithAllocBucket |
DataBucket class for DataVectorWithAlloc . More... | |
class | ElementLinkTraits |
ElementLinkTraits class to specialize. More... | |
class | ElementLinkTraits1 |
ElementLink classes for the generic case. More... | |
class | ElementLinkTraits1< STORABLE, BASE_VALUE_TYPE *, true > |
ElementLink classes for the case of a vector-like container of pointers. More... | |
class | ELVRef |
a short ref to an ElementLink into an ElementLinkVector. Used to be an internal class of ElementLinkVector. Had to pull out because of brain-damaged pool converters More... | |
class | ExcAllocOwnership |
Exception — Bad allocation ownership. More... | |
class | ExcAuxTypeMismatch |
Exception — Type mismatch for aux variable. More... | |
class | ExcBadAuxVar |
Exception — Attempt to retrieve nonexistent aux data item. More... | |
class | ExcBadContext |
Exception — Bad EventContext extension while building ReadCondHandle. More... | |
class | ExcBadDataProxyCast |
Exception — Bad cast of DataProxy with CLID. More... | |
class | ExcBadDecorElement |
Exception — DecorHandle given an element not in the requested container. More... | |
class | ExcBadForwardLink |
Exception — ForwardIndexingPolicy: internal link state is invalid. More... | |
class | ExcBadHandleKey |
Exception — Bad key format for VarHandleKey. More... | |
class | ExcBadInitializedReadHandleKey |
Exception — Initialization of InitializedReadHandleKey failed. More... | |
class | ExcBadIterSwap |
Exception — Bad iter_swap. More... | |
class | ExcBadPrivateStore |
Exception — Bad use of private store. More... | |
class | ExcBadReadCondHandleInit |
Exception — ReadCondHandle didn't initialize in getRange(). More... | |
class | ExcBadThinning |
Exception – Bad thinning request. More... | |
class | ExcBadToTransient |
Exception — bad toTransient. More... | |
class | ExcBadVarName |
Exception — Bad name for auxiliary variable. More... | |
class | ExcCLIDMismatch |
Exception — Attempt to set DataLink / ElementLink with CLID <clid> to object with CLID <clid>. More... | |
class | ExcConstAuxData |
Exception — Non-const operation performed on const aux data. More... | |
class | ExcConstObject |
Exception — Tried to retrieve non-const pointer to const object. More... | |
class | ExcConstStorable |
Exception – Tried to retrieve const storable as a non-const pointer. More... | |
class | ExcDifferentArenas |
Exception — Attempt to assign between ArenaSharedHeapSTLAllocators for different arenas. More... | |
class | ExcDVToELV |
Exception — Can't convert DataVector to vector of ElementLinks. More... | |
class | ExcElementNotFound |
Exception — element not found. More... | |
class | ExcFlagMismatch |
Exception — Flag mismatch for aux variable. More... | |
class | ExcForbiddenMethod |
Exception — Forbidden method called. More... | |
class | ExcHandleInitError |
Exception — Error initializing VarHandle from VarHandleKey. More... | |
class | ExcIncomparableEL |
Exception — incomparable ElementLink. More... | |
class | ExcIndexNotFound |
Exception — index not found. More... | |
class | ExcInsertionInBaseClass |
Exception — Attempted to do OP on a BASE base class of COMPLETE; can only be done on the most-derived class. More... | |
class | ExcInsertMoveOwnershipMismatch |
Exception — Ownership mismatch for insertMove. More... | |
class | ExcInvalidIndex |
Exception — invalid index. More... | |
class | ExcInvalidIterator |
Exception — Deference invalid SG::Iterator. More... | |
class | ExcInvalidLink |
Exception — Attempt to dereference invalid DataLink / ElementLink ". More... | |
class | ExcInvalidThinningTarget |
Exception — ThinningHandle target does not exist. More... | |
class | ExcJaggedVecOverlappingCopy |
Exception — Overlapping copies not implemented for jagged vectors. More... | |
class | ExcLinkMismatch |
Exception — Linked variable mismatch. More... | |
class | ExcMissingBaseInfo |
Exception — Missing BaseInfo. More... | |
class | ExcMissingViewVectorCLID |
Exception — Missing CLID for ViewVector . More... | |
class | ExcNoAuxStore |
Exception — Aux data requested from object with no store. More... | |
class | ExcNoCondCont |
Exception — Can't retrieve CondCont from ReadCondHandle. More... | |
class | ExcNoLinkedVar |
Exception — Linked variable not found. More... | |
class | ExcNonConstHandleKey |
Exception — Attempt to get non-const VarHandleKey from non-owning VarHandle. More... | |
class | ExcNonowningContainer |
Exception — Attempted to insert a unique_ptr to a non-owning container. More... | |
class | ExcNoRange |
Exception — Range not set in ReadCondHandle::getRange(). More... | |
class | ExcNullHandleKey |
Exception — Attempt to dereference a Read/Write/UpdateHandle with a null key. More... | |
class | ExcNullReadHandle |
Exception — Deference of read handle failed. More... | |
class | ExcNullUpdateHandle |
Exception — Deference of update handle failed. More... | |
class | ExcNullWriteHandle |
Exception — Attempt to dereference write handle before record. More... | |
class | ExcOutOfRange |
Exception — Range reference out of bounds. More... | |
class | ExcPointerNotInSG |
Exception — The object referenced by a DataLink / ElementLink is not registered in SG. More... | |
class | ExcProtected |
Exception — Attempt to change protected arena. More... | |
class | ExcProtection |
Exception — Attempt to change memory protection failed. More... | |
class | ExcProxyCollision |
Exception — Proxy collision for clid/key. More... | |
class | ExcSgkeyCollision |
Exception — sgkey hash collision. More... | |
class | ExcStoreLocked |
Exception — Attempted to modify auxiliary data in a locked store. More... | |
class | ExcUninitKey |
Exception — Tried to create a handle from an uninitialized key. More... | |
class | ExcUnknownAuxItem |
Exception — Unknown aux data item. More... | |
class | ExcUntrackedSetStore |
Exception — Attempt to set aux data store on container that doesn't track indices, or disable index tracking for a container with aux data. More... | |
class | ExcViewVectorNotView |
Exception — ViewVector not in view mode. More... | |
class | Folder |
a run-time configurable list of data objects More... | |
class | FolderItem |
a Folder item (data object) is identified by the clid/key pair More... | |
class | ForwardIndexingPolicy |
Indexing policy for a vector-like container. More... | |
struct | GenerateIndexingPolicy |
class | GenericElementLinkBase |
Generic base class for ElementLinks. More... | |
struct | HandleClassifier |
Helper to classify the type of a handle property. More... | |
class | HandleKeyArray |
struct | HiveEventSlot |
class | HiveMgrSvc |
class | IAuxElement |
Flag that a class may have auxiliary data associated with it. More... | |
class | IAuxSetOption |
Abstract interface for setting a option on a aux data container. More... | |
class | IAuxStore |
Interface for non-const operations on an auxiliary store. More... | |
class | IAuxStoreHolder |
Interface for objects taking part in direct ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | IAuxStoreIO |
Interface providing I/O for a generic auxiliary store. More... | |
class | IAuxTypeVector |
Abstract interface for manipulating vectors of arbitrary types. More... | |
class | IAuxTypeVectorFactory |
Interface for factory objects that create vectors. More... | |
class | IConstAuxStore |
Interface for const operations on an auxiliary store. More... | |
class | IdentContIndexingPolicy |
Indexing policy for an IdentifiableContainer. More... | |
class | IFolder |
a run-time configurable list of data objects More... | |
class | IndexHolder |
Store an ElementLink index for non-vector containers. More... | |
class | InitializedReadHandleKey |
ReadHandleKey that initializes during construction. More... | |
struct | InstallPackedContainerStreamer |
struct | InstallViewVectorBaseStreamer |
class | IRegisterTransient |
Interface for registering a transient object in t2p map. More... | |
class | IsMostDerivedFlag |
Holder for the is-most-derived flag. More... | |
struct | IsSTLSequence |
struct | IsThreadSafeForUH |
struct | IsThreadSafeForUH< int, std::true_type > |
struct | IsThreadSafeForUH< T, typename T::thread_safe > |
class | Iterator |
class | JaggedVecElt |
Describe one element of a jagged vector. More... | |
class | JaggedVecEltBase |
Describe one element of a jagged vector (base class). More... | |
class | JaggedVecVectorFactory |
Factory objects that creates vectors for packed links. More... | |
class | JaggedVecVectorHolder |
Implementation of IAuxTypeVector for JaggedVec types. More... | |
class | JaggedVecVectorT |
Implementation of IAuxTypeVector holding a vector of JaggedVec . More... | |
class | LockedAllocator |
A pointer type that holds a lock on an allocator object. More... | |
class | MapIndexingPolicy |
Indexing policy for a map-like container. More... | |
class | MetaContDataBucket |
Allow converting MetaCont<T> to T. More... | |
class | MetaHandleKey |
class | NoAuxStore |
Mark that there's no associated AuxStore class. More... | |
struct | NoBase |
Marker to indicate a nonexistent base class. More... | |
class | NotHandleType |
class | ObjectWithVersion |
associate a data object with its VersionedKey The object is held by a ReadHandle to delay its retrieval in case the user is interested only in the versionedKey More... | |
class | PackedContainer |
Container to hold aux data to be stored in a packed form. More... | |
class | PackedContainerStreamer |
Streamer for reading/writing SG::PackedContainer instances. More... | |
class | PackedConverter |
Helper for packing/unpacking a PackedContainer to/from a stream. More... | |
struct | PackedLinkBase |
A packed version of ElementLink . More... | |
class | PackedLinkVectorFactory |
Factory object that creates vectors for packed links. More... | |
class | PackedLinkVectorHolder |
Implementation of IAuxTypeVector for PackedLink types. More... | |
class | PackedLinkVectorT |
Implementation of IAuxTypeVector holding a vector of PackedLink . More... | |
class | PackedLinkVVectorFactory |
Factory object that creates vectors of vectors of packed links. More... | |
class | PackedLinkVVectorHolder |
Implementation of IAuxTypeVector for a vector of PackedLink . More... | |
class | PackedParameters |
Describe how the contents of a PackedContainer are to be saved. More... | |
struct | ptrhash |
Improved hash function for pointers. More... | |
class | PyDataBucket |
Concrete DataBucket that holds the object via a void* and uses the Root dictionary to do conversions. More... | |
struct | PyProxyDict |
a python front-end to the IProxyDict interface PyProxyDict encapsulates getting python objects from the raw C++ ones ones gets from the C++ store. More... | |
struct | PyProxyMgr |
A helper class to manage accesses to PyProxies. More... | |
class | ReadCondHandle |
class | ReadCondHandleKey |
class | ReadDecorHandle |
Handle class for reading a decoration on an object. More... | |
class | ReadDecorHandleKey |
Property holding a SG store/key/clid/attr name from which a ReadDecorHandle is made. More... | |
class | ReadHandle |
class | ReadHandleKey |
Property holding a SG store/key/clid from which a ReadHandle is made. More... | |
class | ReadMetaHandle |
class | ReadMetaHandleKey |
struct | RegisterAddBaseInit |
struct | RegisterAddCopyConversionInit |
struct | RemapImpl |
class | RootAuxVector |
Dynamic implementation of IAuxTypeVector , relying on root vector proxy. More... | |
class | RootAuxVectorFactory |
Dynamic implementation of IAuxVectorFactory , relying on root's vector proxy. More... | |
class | SetIndexingPolicy |
Indexing policy for a set-like container. More... | |
struct | SGKeyEqual |
Comparison functional for sgkey_t. More... | |
struct | SGKeyHash |
Hash functional for sgkey_t. More... | |
class | ShallowCopyDecorDeps |
Helper to propagate decoration dependencies to a shallow copy. More... | |
class | SlotSpecificObj |
Maintain a set of objects, one per slot. More... | |
class | StringPool |
class | StringPoolImpl |
class | SymlinkDataObject |
Helper for symLink_impl. More... | |
class | T2pMap |
struct | TestSequenceTag |
struct | TestSequenceTag< CONTAINER, typename CONTAINER::isSequence > |
class | ThinningCache |
Cache thinning decisions for converters. More... | |
class | ThinningDecision |
Hold thinning decisions for one container. More... | |
class | ThinningDecisionBase |
Hold thinning decisions for one container. More... | |
class | ThinningHandle |
Handle for requesting thinning for a data object. More... | |
class | ThinningHandleBase |
Handle for requesting thinning: factor out type-independent code. More... | |
class | ThinningHandleKey |
HandleKey object for adding thinning to an object. More... | |
class | ThinningInfo |
Hold thinning/slimming information for a given object. More... | |
struct | TopBase |
Calculate topmost base accessible via SG_BASES. More... | |
struct | TopBase< DataVector< T, DataModel_detail::NoBase > > |
struct | TopBase< SG::NoBase > |
class | TransientAddress |
class | TypelessConstAccessor |
Helper class to provide const generic access to aux data. More... | |
class | TypelessWriteHandle |
Handle allowing writes to the event store with a configurable type. More... | |
class | TypelessWriteHandleKey |
Property holding a write key for which the type can be configured. More... | |
class | UpdateHandle |
class | UpdateHandleKey |
Property holding a SG store/key/clid from which an UpdateHandle is made. More... | |
class | VarHandleBase |
Base class for VarHandle types. More... | |
class | VarHandleKey |
A property holding a SG store/key/clid from which a VarHandle is made. More... | |
class | VarHandleKeyArray |
class | VarHandleKeyArrayCommon |
class | VarHandleKeyArrayProperty |
class | VarHandleKeyArrayType |
class | VarHandleKeyProperty |
VarHandleKeyProperty is the class which wraps a SG::VarHandleKey . More... | |
class | VarHandleKeyType |
class | VarHandleType |
class | VersionedKey |
a StoreGateSvc key with a version number. Notice that StoreGate does not order multiple instances of an object with a given key by version number. A generic retrieve will always return the first version recorded. For example, if object ("MyKey",1) is recorded _before__ ("MyKey", 2) a sg.retrieve(pObj,"MyKey") will return ("MyKey",1). StoreGateSvc provides retrieveAllVersions and retrieveHighestVersion, which offer a better-defined behaviour. More... | |
class | View |
class | ViewVectorBase |
Hold the persistent representation for a ViewVector. More... | |
struct | Virtual |
Wrapper to indicate virtual derivation. More... | |
class | WriteCondHandle |
class | WriteCondHandleKey |
class | WriteDecorHandle |
Handle class for adding a decoration to an object. More... | |
class | WriteDecorHandleKey |
Property holding a SG store/key/clid/attr name from which a WriteDecorHandle is made. More... | |
class | WriteHandle |
class | WriteHandleKey |
Property holding a SG store/key/clid from which a WriteHandle is made. More... | |
struct | Zero |
Helper to specialize how to make an initialized instance of T . More... | |
struct | Zero< Eigen::Matrix< SCALAR, ROWS, COLS, OPTIONS, MAXROWS, MAXCOLS > > |
Typedefs | |
template<class T > | |
using | AuxAllocator_t = std::allocator< T > |
The default allocator type to use for auxiliary variables. More... | |
template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<T>, class CONT = typename AuxDataTraits<T, ALLOC>::vector_type> | |
using | AuxTypeVector = AuxTypeVectorT< AuxTypeVectorHolder< T, CONT > > |
Default type derives directly from AuxTypeVectorHolder. More... | |
template<class T , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<JaggedVecElt<T> >> | |
using | JaggedVecVector = JaggedVecVectorT< JaggedVecVectorHolder< T, ALLOC > > |
template<class CONT , class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<PackedLink<CONT> >> | |
using | PackedLinkVector = PackedLinkVectorT< PackedLinkVectorHolder< CONT, ALLOC > > |
template<class CONT , class VALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<PackedLink<CONT> >, class VELT = typename AuxDataTraits<PackedLink<CONT>, VALLOC >::vector_type, class ALLOC = AuxAllocator_t<VELT>> | |
using | PackedLinkVVector = PackedLinkVectorT< PackedLinkVVectorHolder< CONT, VALLOC, VELT, ALLOC > > |
typedef size_t | auxid_t |
Identifier for a particular aux data item. More... | |
template<class T > | |
using | BaseType_t = typename SG::BaseType< T >::type |
typedef std::string | SourceID |
using | CompressionInfo = std::unordered_map< std::string, SG::ThinningInfo::compression_map_t > |
Map of compressed variables and their compression levels. More... | |
using | SelectionVetoes = std::unordered_map< std::string, SG::auxid_set_t > |
Map of vetoed variables. More... | |
typedef ExcElementNotFound | maybe_thinning_error |
Backwards compatibility. More... | |
typedef uint32_t | sgkey_t |
Type used for hashed StoreGate key+CLID pairs. More... | |
template<class T > | |
using | SGKeyMap = std::unordered_map< sgkey_t, T > |
A map using sgkey_t as a key. More... | |
using | SGKeySet = std::unordered_set< sgkey_t > |
A set of sgkey_t values. More... | |
typedef std::map< std::string, DataProxy * > | ProxyMap |
typedef ProxyMap::iterator | ProxyIterator |
typedef ProxyMap::const_iterator | ConstProxyIterator |
typedef IProxyDict ** | getDataSourcePointerFunc_t(const std::string &) |
template<class T > | |
using | ReadCondHandleKeyArray = HandleKeyArray< ReadCondHandle< T >, CondHandleDefault::Key< ReadCondHandleKey< T > >, Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader > |
template<class T > | |
using | WriteCondHandleKeyArray = HandleKeyArray< WriteCondHandle< T >, CondHandleDefault::Key< WriteCondHandleKey< T > >, Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer > |
template<class T_Handle , class T_HandleKey , Gaudi::DataHandle::Mode MODE> | |
using | DecorHandleKeyArray = HandleKeyArray< T_Handle, T_HandleKey, MODE > |
template<class T , class S = float> | |
using | ReadDecorHandleKeyArray = DecorHandleKeyArray< ReadDecorHandle< T, S >, ReadDecorHandleKey< T >, Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader > |
template<class T > | |
using | RVar = ReadHandle< T > |
template<class T > | |
using | ReadHandleKeyArray = HandleKeyArray< ReadHandle< T >, ReadHandleKey< T >, Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader > |
template<class T > | |
using | WPtr = T * |
template<class T > | |
using | ThinningHandleKeyArray = HandleKeyArray< ThinningHandle< T >, ThinningHandleKey< T >, Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader > |
template<class T > | |
using | RWVar = UpdateHandle< T > |
template<class T , class S = float> | |
using | WriteDecorHandleKeyArray = DecorHandleKeyArray< WriteDecorHandle< T, S >, WriteDecorHandleKey< T >, Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer > |
template<class T > | |
using | WVar = WriteHandle< T > |
template<class T > | |
using | WriteHandleKeyArray = HandleKeyArray< WriteHandle< T >, WriteHandleKey< T >, Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer > |
Enumerations | |
enum | OwnershipPolicy { OWN_ELEMENTS, VIEW_ELEMENTS } |
describes the possible element ownership policies (see e.g. DataVector) More... | |
enum | AuxVarFlags { None = 0x00, Atomic = 0x01, Linked = 0x02, SkipNameCheck = 0x80, ATH_BITMASK } |
Additional flags to qualify an auxiliary variable. More... | |
enum | AllowEmptyEnum { AllowEmpty = 1 } |
Functions | |
template<> | |
bool | findInContainer (const CaloCellContainer &data, CaloCell const *const &element, CaloCellContainer::size_type &index) |
template<> | |
bool | findInContainer (const CaloConstCellContainer &data, CaloCell const *const &element, CaloConstCellContainer::size_type &index) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ArenaAllocatorBase::Stats::Stat &stat) |
Format a statistic structure. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ArenaAllocatorBase::Stats &stats) |
Format a complete statistics structure. More... | |
template<class T , class VETO > | |
void | maybeUnprotect (ArenaHeapSTLAllocator< T, VETO > &a) |
Hook for unprotecting an arena. More... | |
template<class T , class VETO > | |
void | maybeUnprotect (ArenaPoolSTLAllocator< T, VETO > &a) |
Hook for unprotecting an arena. More... | |
template<class T > | |
void | swap (ArenaSharedHeapSTLAllocator< T > &a, ArenaSharedHeapSTLAllocator< T > &b) |
template<class T > | |
void | maybeUnprotect (ArenaSharedHeapSTLAllocator< T > &a) |
Hook for unprotecting an arena. More... | |
template<class ALLOC > | |
void | maybeUnprotect (ALLOC &) |
Hook for unprotecting an arena. More... | |
void | null_arena_deleter (ArenaBase *) |
ArenaPoolAllocator::pointer | ArenaPoolAllocator_iterator_increment (ArenaPoolAllocator::pointer base, ArenaBlock *&block) |
Helper: common code for advancing an iterator. More... | |
ArenaPoolAllocator::const_pointer | ArenaPoolAllocator_iterator_increment (ArenaPoolAllocator::const_pointer base, const ArenaBlock *&block) |
Helper: common code for advancing an iterator. More... | |
std::string | excProtection_format (int errnum) |
template<class DV > | |
void | dataVectorViewAsELV (const std::true_type &, const DV &v, std::vector< ElementLink< DV > > &ret, IProxyDict *store) |
Helper for dataVectorViewAsELV . More... | |
template<class DV > | |
void | dataVectorViewAsELV (const std::false_type &, const DV &, std::vector< ElementLink< DV > > &, IProxyDict *) |
Helper for dataVectorViewAsELV . More... | |
template<class DV > | |
std::vector< ElementLink< DV > > | dataVectorAsELV (const DV &v, IProxyDict *store=0) |
Helper to make a vector<EL> from a DataVector. More... | |
void | throwExcNonowningContainer () |
Throw a SG::ExcNonowningContainer exception. More... | |
void | throwExcUnknownAuxItem (const std::string &name, const std::string &clsname="", const std::type_info *typ=0) |
Throw a SG::ExcUnknownAuxItem exception. More... | |
void | throwExcViewVectorNotView () |
Throw a SG::ExcViewVectorNotView exception. More... | |
void | throwExcMissingViewVectorCLID (const std::type_info &ti) |
Throw a SG::ExcMissingViewVectorCLID exception. More... | |
void | throwExcMissingBaseInfo (const std::type_info &ti) |
Throw a SG::ExcMissingBaseInfo exception. More... | |
void | throwExcAllocOwnership () |
Throw a SG::ExcAllocOwnership exception. More... | |
void | throwJaggedVecOverlappingCopy () |
Throw a SG::ExcJaggedVecOverlappingCopy exception. More... | |
void | throwExcOutOfRange (const char *what, size_t i, size_t size) |
Throw a SG::ExcOutOfRange exception. More... | |
std::string | normalizedTypeinfoName (const std::type_info &info) |
Convert a type_info to a normalized string representation (matching the names used in the root dictionary). More... | |
void | copyAuxStoreThinned (const SG::IConstAuxStore &orig, SG::IAuxStore ©, const SG::ThinningInfo *info) |
Helper to copy an aux store while applying thinning. More... | |
void | lossyFloatCompress (void *dst, const std::size_t dst_index, const std::size_t n, const std::size_t eltSize, const std::string &typeName, const unsigned int nmantissa) |
Helper method to apply lossy float compression. More... | |
template<class CONTAINER > | |
std::unique_ptr< CONTAINER > | copyThinned (CONTAINER &orig, const SG::ThinningInfo *info) |
Helper to copy an object while applying thinning. More... | |
template<class CONTAINER > | |
std::unique_ptr< const CONTAINER > | copyThinnedConst (const CONTAINER &orig, const SG::ThinningInfo *info) |
Helper to copy an object while applying thinning, const version. More... | |
template<class CONTAINER > | |
std::unique_ptr< CONTAINER > | copyThinned1 (const CONTAINER &orig, const void *dummy, const SG::ThinningInfo *info) |
Helper to copy an object while applying thinning. More... | |
template<class CONTAINER > | |
std::unique_ptr< CONTAINER > | copyThinned1 (CONTAINER &orig, DataVector< typename CONTAINER::base_value_type > *, const SG::ThinningInfo *info) |
Helper to copy an object while applying thinning. More... | |
template<class CONTAINER > | |
std::unique_ptr< const CONTAINER > | copyThinned1 (const CONTAINER &orig, const DataVector< typename CONTAINER::base_value_type > *dummy, const SG::ThinningInfo *info) |
Helper to copy an object while applying thinning. More... | |
template<class CONTAINER > | |
std::unique_ptr< CONTAINER > | copyThinned1 (const CONTAINER &orig, const SG::IAuxStore *dummy, const SG::ThinningInfo *info) |
Helper to copy an object while applying thinning. More... | |
template<class T , typename std::enable_if_t< is_xAODInterfaceObject_v< T > > * = nullptr> | |
constexpr bool | xAODInterfaceSupportingThinning () |
template<class T , typename std::enable_if_t< is_xAODStoreObject_v< T > > * = nullptr> | |
constexpr bool | xAODStoreSupportingThinning () |
void | writePackedParameters (TBuffer &b, const SG::PackedParameters &parms) |
Write a set of packed parameters to a buffer. More... | |
SG::PackedParameters | readPackedParameters (TBuffer &b) |
Read a set of packed parameters from a buffer. More... | |
void | ViewVectorBaseStreamerFunc (TBuffer &b, void *p) |
std::string | excFormatName (SG::auxid_t auxid) |
Helper: format an aux data item name. More... | |
std::string | excNoAuxStore_format (SG::auxid_t auxid) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excNoAuxStore_format (const char *op) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excBadAuxVar_format (SG::auxid_t auxid) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excConstAuxData_format (const std::string &op, SG::auxid_t auxid) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excAuxTypeMismatch_format (SG::auxid_t auxid, const std::type_info &new_type, const std::type_info &old_type, const std::string &new_alloc_type, const std::string &old_alloc_type) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excInsertionInBaseClass_format (const char *op, const std::type_info &base_type, const std::type_info &complete_type) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excStoreLocked_format (SG::auxid_t auxid) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excStoreLocked_format (const char *op) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excUnknownAuxItem_format (const std::string &name, const std::string &clsname, const std::type_info *typ) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excDVToELV_format (const std::string &detail) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excFormatFlags (SG::AuxVarFlags flags) |
Helper: format flags. More... | |
std::string | excFlagMismatch_format (SG::auxid_t auxid, const std::type_info &type, SG::AuxVarFlags existing_flags, SG::AuxVarFlags requested_flags) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excLinkMismatch_format (SG::auxid_t auxid, const std::type_info &type, SG::auxid_t existing_linked_id, SG::auxid_t requested_linked_id) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excNoLinkedVar_format (SG::auxid_t auxid, const std::type_info &type) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excInvalidThinningTarget_format (unsigned int clid, const std::string &key) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excBadVarName_format (const std::string &name) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excJaggedVecOverlappingCopy_format () |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excOutOfRange_format (const char *what, size_t i, size_t size) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
void | throwOutOfRange (const char *what, size_t i, size_t size) |
Throw a SG::ExcOutOfRange exception. More... | |
void copyAuxStoreThinned | NO_SANITIZE_UNDEFINED (const SG::IConstAuxStore &orig, SG::IAuxStore ©, const SG::ThinningInfo *info) |
Helper to copy an aux store while applying thinning. More... | |
SG::auxid_t | getDynamicAuxID (const std::type_info &ti, const std::string &name, const std::string &elementTypeName, const std::string &branch_type_name, bool standalone, SG::auxid_t linked_auxid) |
Find the auxid for a dynamic branch. More... | |
TClass * | getClassIfDictionaryExists (const std::string &cname) |
Look up a TClass given a name. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
DataObject * | asStorable (SG::DataObjectSharedPtr< T > pObject) |
const SG::ThinningCache * | getThinningCache (const EventContext &ctx) |
Retrieve the current thinning cache from the event context. More... | |
const SG::ThinningCache * | getThinningCache () |
Retrieve the current thinning cache from the current event context. More... | |
const SG::ThinningInfo * | getThinningInfo (const EventContext &ctx, const std::string &key) |
Retrieve the current thinning information for key . More... | |
const SG::ThinningInfo * | getThinningInfo (const std::string &key) |
Retrieve the current thinning information for key . More... | |
const SG::ThinningDecisionBase * | getThinningDecision (const EventContext &ctx, const std::string &key) |
Retrieve the current thinning decision for key . More... | |
const SG::ThinningDecisionBase * | getThinningDecision (const std::string &key) |
Retrieve the current thinning decision for key . More... | |
const SG::ThinningDecisionBase * | getThinningDecision (const EventContext &ctx, const sgkey_t sgkey) |
Retrieve the current thinning decision for sgkey . More... | |
const SG::ThinningDecisionBase * | getThinningDecision (const sgkey_t sgkey) |
Retrieve the current thinning decision for sgkey . More... | |
size_t | getNSlots () |
Return the number of event slots. More... | |
void setNSlotsHiveMgrName | ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE (const std::string &s) |
Allow setting the name of the whiteboard service. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
DataObject * | asStorable (T *pObject) |
template<typename T > | |
bool | fromStorable (DataObject *pDObj, T *&pTrans, bool quiet=false, IRegisterTransient *irt=0, bool isConst=true) |
template<typename T > | |
T * | Storable_cast (DataObject *pDObj, bool quiet=true, IRegisterTransient *irt=0, bool isConst=true) |
void * | fromStorable (DataObject *pDObj, CLID clid, const std::type_info *tinfo=nullptr, bool quiet=false, IRegisterTransient *irt=0, bool isConst=true) |
Try to get the pointer back from a DataObject, converted to be of type clid. More... | |
void * | Storable_cast (DataObject *pDObj, CLID clid, const std::type_info *tinfo=nullptr, bool quiet=false, IRegisterTransient *irt=0, bool isConst=true) |
Try to get the pointer back from a DataObject, converted to be of type clid. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
DataObject * | asStorable (std::unique_ptr< T > pObject) |
template<class T > | |
constexpr CLID | safe_clid () |
Return the class ID of T, or CLID_NULL if it doesn't have one. More... | |
void | dumpBaseInfo () |
size_t | getNSlots_once () |
Return the number of event slots. More... | |
void * | fromStorable (DataObject *pDObj, CLID clid, const std::type_info *tinfo, bool quiet[[maybe_unused]], IRegisterTransient *irt, bool isConst) |
Try to get the pointer back from a DataObject, converted to be of type clid. More... | |
void | throwExcInvalidLink (CLID clid, const std::string &key, SG::sgkey_t sgkey) |
Throw a SG::ExcInvalidLink exception. More... | |
void | throwExcBadForwardLink (size_t index, size_t size, const std::string &name) |
Throw a SG::ExcBadForwardLink exception. More... | |
void | throwExcElementNotFound (const char *where) |
Throw a SG::ExcElementNotFound exception. More... | |
void | throwExcInvalidIndex (const char *where) |
Throw a SG::ExcInvalidIndex exception. More... | |
void | throwExcIndexNotFound (const char *where) |
Throw a SG::ExcIndexNotFound exception. More... | |
void | throwExcIncomparableEL () |
Throw a SG::IncomparableEL exception. More... | |
void | throwExcBadToTransient () |
Throw a SG::ExcBadToTransient exception. More... | |
void | throwExcBadThinning (CLID clid, const std::string &key, SG::sgkey_t sgkey) |
Throw a SG::ExcBadThinning exception. More... | |
void setDataProxyHolderInputRenameMap | ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE (const Athena::IInputRename::InputRenameRCU_t *map) |
Set map used for performing input renaming in toTransient. More... | |
template<typename CONT , typename ELT > | |
bool | findInContainer (const CONT &data, const ELT &element, typename CONT::size_type &index) |
Find the index of an object within a container. More... | |
void | AthLinks_error () |
For setting debugger breakpoints. More... | |
std::string | excPointerNotInSG_format (const void *pointer) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excCLIDMismatch_format (CLID obj_clid, CLID link_clid) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excInvalidLink_format (CLID clid, const std::string &key, SG::sgkey_t sgkey) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excBadForwardLink_format (size_t index, size_t size, const std::string &name) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excConstStorable_format (CLID clid, const std::string &key, SG::sgkey_t sgkey) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excBadThinning_format (CLID clid, const std::string &key, SG::sgkey_t sgkey) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const VarHandleBase &o) |
Output stream. More... | |
bool | operator== (const VarHandleBase &l, const VarHandleBase &r) |
Equality comparison. More... | |
bool | operator!= (const VarHandleBase &l, const VarHandleBase &r) |
Inequality comparison. More... | |
constexpr bool | sgkeyEqual (const sgkey_t a, const sgkey_t b) |
Compare two sgkeys for equality. More... | |
constexpr bool | sgkeyLess (const sgkey_t a, const sgkey_t b) |
Compare two sgkeys for ordering. More... | |
constexpr uint32_t | sgkeyShort (const sgkey_t k) |
Convert a sgkey to the 32-bit form used for older data. More... | |
template<typename DATA > | |
DATA * | DataProxy_cast (DataProxy *proxy) |
cast the proxy into the concrete data object it proxies More... | |
template<typename DATA > | |
DATA | DataProxy_cast (const DataProxy &proxy) |
const ref version of the cast. More... | |
void * | DataProxy_cast (DataProxy *proxy, CLID clid, const std::type_info *tinfo=nullptr) |
Try to get the pointer back from a DataProxy, converted to be of type clid. More... | |
void | throwExcBadDataProxyCast (const DataProxy &proxy, const std::type_info &tid) |
Throw an ExcBadDataProxyCast exception. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &ost, const SG::VersionedKey &k) |
IOpaqueAddress *TransientAddress::address | ATLAS_NOT_CONST_THREAD_SAFE () const |
Retrieve IOpaqueAddress. More... | |
bool | isTransientKey (const std::string &key) |
Test to see if a key is transoent. More... | |
std::string | transientKey (const std::string &key) |
Make a key transient. More... | |
std::string | excBadDataProxyCast_format (CLID id, const std::type_info &tid) |
Helper: Format exception string. More... | |
std::string | excProxyCollision_format (CLID id, const std::string &key, CLID primary_id, const std::string &primary_key) |
Helper: Format exception string. More... | |
std::string | excSgkeyCollision_format (const std::string &new_key, CLID new_clid, const std::string &old_key, CLID old_clid, sgkey_t sgkey) |
Helper: Format exception string. More... | |
std::string | contKeyFromKey (const std::string &key) |
Extract the container part of key. More... | |
std::string | decorKeyFromKey (const std::string &key) |
Extract the decoration part of key. More... | |
std::string | makeContDecorKey (const std::string &cont, const std::string &decor) |
Make a StoreGate key from container and decoration name. More... | |
std::string | makeContDecorKey (const VarHandleKey &contKey, const std::string &key) |
Make a StoreGate key from container and decoration. More... | |
void | removeContFromDecorKey (const VarHandleKey &contKey, std::string &key) |
Remove container name from decoration key. More... | |
void | throwExcNullHandleKey () |
Throw a SG::ExcNullHandleKey exception. More... | |
std::string | excHandleInitError_format (CLID clid, const std::string &sgkey, const std::string &storename) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excUninitKey_format (CLID clid, const std::string &sgkey, const std::string &storename, const std::string &holdername, const std::string &htype) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excConstObject_format (CLID clid, const std::string &sgkey, const std::string &storename) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excNullWriteHandle_format (CLID clid, const std::string &sgkey, const std::string &storename) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
void | throwExcNullWriteHandle (CLID clid, const std::string &sgkey, const std::string &storename) |
Throw a SG::ExcNullWriteHandle exception. More... | |
std::string | excNullReadHandle_format (CLID clid, const std::string &sgkey, const std::string &storename) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
void | throwExcNullReadHandle (CLID clid, const std::string &sgkey, const std::string &storename) |
Throw a SG::ExcNullReadHandle exception. More... | |
std::string | excNullUpdateHandle_format (CLID clid, const std::string &sgkey, const std::string &storename) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
void | throwExcNullUpdateHandle (CLID clid, const std::string &sgkey, const std::string &storename) |
Throw a SG::ExcNullUpdateHandle exception. More... | |
std::string | excNonConstHandleKey_format (CLID clid, const std::string &sgkey, const std::string &storename) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
void | throwExcNonConstHandleKey (CLID clid, const std::string &sgkey, const std::string &storename) |
Throw a SG::ExcNonConstHandleKey exception. More... | |
std::string | excBadContext_format (const EventContext &ctx, const std::string &key) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excNoCondCont_format (const std::string &key, const std::string &why) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
std::string | excBadDecorElement_format (Gaudi::DataHandle::Mode mode, CLID clid, const std::string &decorKey) |
Helper: format exception error string. More... | |
void | throwExcBadDecorElement (Gaudi::DataHandle::Mode mode, CLID clid, const std::string &decorKey) |
Throw a SG::ExcBadDecorElement exception. More... | |
void | ReadCondHandleNotFound (const CondContBase &cc, const EventIDBase &eid, const std::string &key) |
Report a conditions container lookup failure. More... | |
template<class T > | |
SG::ReadCondHandle< T > | makeHandle (const SG::ReadCondHandleKey< T > &key, const EventContext &ctx=Gaudi::Hive::currentContext()) |
template<class D , class T > | |
ReadDecorHandle< T, D > | makeHandle (const ReadDecorHandleKey< T > &key) |
Return a ReadDecorHandle referencing key . More... | |
template<class D , class T > | |
ReadDecorHandle< T, D > | makeHandle (const ReadDecorHandleKey< T > &key, const EventContext &ctx) |
Return a ReadDecorHandle referencing key for an explicit context. More... | |
template<class T > | |
void | makeHandle (const ReadDecorHandleKey< T > &key) |
These two signatures are to catch cases where the explicit template argument is omitted from the makeHandle call and give an error tailored to that. More... | |
template<class T > | |
void | makeHandle (const ReadDecorHandleKey< T > &key, const EventContext &ctx) |
template<class T > | |
ReadHandle< T > | makeHandle (const ReadHandleKey< T > &key) |
Return a ReadHandle referencing key . More... | |
template<class T > | |
ReadHandle< T > | makeHandle (const ReadHandleKey< T > &key, const EventContext &ctx) |
Return a ReadHandle referencing key for an explicit context. More... | |
template<class T > | |
const T * | get (const ReadHandleKey< T > &key) |
Convenience function to retrieve an object given a ReadHandleKey . More... | |
template<class T > | |
const T * | get (const ReadHandleKey< T > &key, const EventContext &ctx) |
Convenience function to retrieve an object given a ReadHandleKey . More... | |
template<class T > | |
ThinningHandle< T > | makeHandle (const ThinningHandleKey< T > &key) |
Return a ThinningHandle referencing key . More... | |
template<class T > | |
ThinningHandle< T > | makeHandle (const ThinningHandleKey< T > &key, const EventContext &ctx) |
Return a ThinningHandle referencing key for an explicit context. More... | |
int | simpleStringHash (const std::string &str, int maxInt=0xFFFF) |
simple hash function derived from Sedgewick Algorithms in C++ 3rd ed More... | |
template<class T > | |
UpdateHandle< T > | makeHandle (const UpdateHandleKey< T > &key) |
Return an UpdateHandle referencing key . More... | |
template<class T > | |
UpdateHandle< T > | makeHandle (const UpdateHandleKey< T > &key, const EventContext &ctx) |
Return an UpdateHandle referencing key for an explicit context. More... | |
template<class T > | |
SG::WriteCondHandle< T > | makeHandle (const SG::WriteCondHandleKey< T > &key, const EventContext &ctx=Gaudi::Hive::currentContext()) |
template<class D , class T > | |
WriteDecorHandle< T, D > | makeHandle (const WriteDecorHandleKey< T > &key) |
Return a WriteDecorHandle referencing key . More... | |
template<class D , class T > | |
WriteDecorHandle< T, D > | makeHandle (const WriteDecorHandleKey< T > &key, const EventContext &ctx) |
Return a WriteDecorHandle referencing key for an explicit context. More... | |
template<class T > | |
void | makeHandle (const WriteDecorHandleKey< T > &key) |
These two signatures are to catch cases where the explicit template argument is omitted from the makeHandle call and give an error tailored to that. More... | |
template<class T > | |
void | makeHandle (const WriteDecorHandleKey< T > &key, const EventContext &ctx) |
template<class T > | |
WriteHandle< T > | makeHandle (const WriteHandleKey< T > &key) |
Return a WriteHandle referencing key . More... | |
template<class T > | |
WriteHandle< T > | makeHandle (const WriteHandleKey< T > &key, const EventContext &ctx) |
Return a WriteHandle referencing key for an explicit context. More... | |
template<> | |
void | ArenaAllocatorBase::destroy_fcn< HepMC::GenParticle > (ArenaAllocatorBase::pointer p) |
template<> | |
void | ArenaAllocatorBase::destroy_fcn< HepMC::GenVertex > (ArenaAllocatorBase::pointer p) |
template<> | |
void | ArenaAllocatorBase::destroy_fcn< HepMC::GenEvent > (ArenaAllocatorBase::pointer p) |
Variables | |
constexpr const char * | auxAllocatorNamePrefix = "std::allocator<" |
template<class T > | |
concept | IsConstAuxElement |
Test if T is compatible with ConstAuxElement. More... | |
template<class T > | |
concept | IsAuxElement |
Test if T is compatible with AuxElement. More... | |
template<class T > | |
constexpr bool | is_xAODInterfaceObject_v |
Test for an xAOD interface class supporting thinning. More... | |
template<class T > | |
constexpr bool | is_xAODStoreObject_v |
Test for an xAOD auxiliary store class supporting thinning. More... | |
InstallViewVectorBaseStreamer | viewVectorBaseStreamerInstance |
const std::string | DEFAULTKEY = "" |
getDataSourcePointerFunc_t * | getDataSourcePointerFunc |
Forward declaration.
Namespace used by StoreGate for some of its internal structures/classes
using SG::AuxAllocator_t = typedef std::allocator<T> |
The default allocator type to use for auxiliary variables.
Definition at line 28 of file AuxDataTraits.h.
typedef size_t SG::auxid_t |
Identifier for a particular aux data item.
Definition at line 27 of file AuxTypes.h.
using SG::AuxTypeVector = typedef AuxTypeVectorT<AuxTypeVectorHolder<T, CONT> > |
Default type derives directly from AuxTypeVectorHolder.
Definition at line 381 of file AuxTypeVector.h.
using SG::BaseType_t = typedef typename SG::BaseType<T>::type |
using SG::CompressionInfo = typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, SG::ThinningInfo::compression_map_t> |
Map of compressed variables and their compression levels.
Definition at line 37 of file CompressionInfo.h.
typedef ProxyMap::const_iterator SG::ConstProxyIterator |
Definition at line 28 of file ProxyMap.h.
using SG::DecorHandleKeyArray = typedef HandleKeyArray< T_Handle, T_HandleKey, MODE> |
Definition at line 25 of file StoreGate/StoreGate/DecorHandleKeyArray.h.
typedef IProxyDict** SG::getDataSourcePointerFunc_t(const std::string &) |
Definition at line 33 of file DataProxy.cxx.
using SG::JaggedVecVector = typedef JaggedVecVectorT<JaggedVecVectorHolder<T, ALLOC> > |
Definition at line 224 of file JaggedVecVector.h.
Backwards compatibility.
Definition at line 161 of file Control/AthLinks/AthLinks/exceptions.h.
using SG::PackedLinkVector = typedef PackedLinkVectorT<PackedLinkVectorHolder<CONT, ALLOC> > |
Definition at line 271 of file PackedLinkVector.h.
using SG::PackedLinkVVector = typedef PackedLinkVectorT<PackedLinkVVectorHolder<CONT, VALLOC, VELT, ALLOC> > |
Definition at line 277 of file PackedLinkVector.h.
typedef ProxyMap::iterator SG::ProxyIterator |
Definition at line 27 of file ProxyMap.h.
typedef std::map<std::string, DataProxy*> SG::ProxyMap |
Definition at line 26 of file ProxyMap.h.
using SG::ReadCondHandleKeyArray = typedef HandleKeyArray<ReadCondHandle<T>, CondHandleDefault::Key<ReadCondHandleKey<T> >, Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader > |
Definition at line 30 of file CondHandleKeyArray.h.
using SG::ReadDecorHandleKeyArray = typedef DecorHandleKeyArray<ReadDecorHandle<T, S>, ReadDecorHandleKey<T>, Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader > |
Definition at line 35 of file StoreGate/StoreGate/ReadDecorHandleKeyArray.h.
using SG::ReadHandleKeyArray = typedef HandleKeyArray<ReadHandle<T>, ReadHandleKey<T>, Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader > |
Definition at line 32 of file StoreGate/StoreGate/ReadHandleKeyArray.h.
using SG::RVar = typedef ReadHandle<T> |
Definition at line 310 of file StoreGate/StoreGate/ReadHandle.h.
using SG::RWVar = typedef UpdateHandle<T> |
Definition at line 290 of file UpdateHandle.h.
using SG::SelectionVetoes = typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, SG::auxid_set_t> |
Map of vetoed variables.
Map from object SG names to a mask of vetoed variables for that object.
Definition at line 50 of file SelectionVetoes.h.
typedef uint32_t SG::sgkey_t |
Type used for hashed StoreGate key+CLID pairs.
Definition at line 32 of file CxxUtils/CxxUtils/sgkey_t.h.
using SG::SGKeyMap = typedef std::unordered_map<sgkey_t, T> |
A map using sgkey_t as a key.
Definition at line 93 of file CxxUtils/CxxUtils/sgkey_t.h.
using SG::SGKeySet = typedef std::unordered_set<sgkey_t> |
A set of sgkey_t values.
Definition at line 97 of file CxxUtils/CxxUtils/sgkey_t.h.
typedef std::string SG::SourceID |
Definition at line 25 of file AthenaKernel/AthenaKernel/SourceID.h.
using SG::ThinningHandleKeyArray = typedef HandleKeyArray<ReadHandle<T>, ThinningHandleKey<T>, Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader > |
Definition at line 28 of file ThinningHandleKeyArray.h.
using SG::WriteCondHandleKeyArray = typedef HandleKeyArray<WriteCondHandle<T>,CondHandleDefault::Key<WriteCondHandleKey<T> >, Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer > |
Definition at line 33 of file CondHandleKeyArray.h.
using SG::WriteDecorHandleKeyArray = typedef DecorHandleKeyArray<WriteDecorHandle<T, S>,WriteDecorHandleKey<T>, Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer > |
Definition at line 35 of file StoreGate/StoreGate/WriteDecorHandleKeyArray.h.
using SG::WriteHandleKeyArray = typedef HandleKeyArray<WriteHandle<T>,WriteHandleKey<T>, Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer > |
Definition at line 32 of file WriteHandleKeyArray.h.
using SG::WVar = typedef WriteHandle<T> |
Definition at line 702 of file StoreGate/StoreGate/WriteHandle.h.
enum SG::AllowEmptyEnum |
Enumerator | |
AllowEmpty |
Definition at line 29 of file StoreGate/StoreGate/VarHandleKey.h.
enum SG::AuxVarFlags |
Additional flags to qualify an auxiliary variable.
Enumerator | |
None | No special flags set. |
Atomic | Mark that this variable should only be accessed atomically. If this is set, then the variable can be accessed only via |
Linked | Mark that this variable is linked to another one. Examples are the payload for a jagged vector and the array of DataLinks for packed ElementLinks. Linked variables are ‘global’ in that their entries do not correspond directly with entries of the container (and hence their size may be different). |
SkipNameCheck | |
ATH_BITMASK | Enable bitwise functions on this enum; see bitmask.h. |
Definition at line 58 of file AuxTypes.h.
Enumerator | |
DEFAULT_TRACK_INDICES | Default value. Set index tracking based on the ownership policy. If this container owns its elements, then track indices; otherwise do not. |
ALWAYS_TRACK_INDICES | Always track indices, regardless of the setting of the ownership policy. |
NEVER_TRACK_INDICES | Never track indices, regardless of the setting of the ownership policy. |
Definition at line 37 of file IndexTrackingPolicy.h.
enum SG::OwnershipPolicy |
describes the possible element ownership policies (see e.g. DataVector)
Enumerator | |
OWN_ELEMENTS | this data object owns its elements |
VIEW_ELEMENTS | this data object is a view, it does not own its elmts |
Definition at line 16 of file OwnershipPolicy.h.
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 45 of file HepMcDataPool.h.
inline |
Definition at line 55 of file HepMcDataPool.h.
inline |
Helper: common code for advancing an iterator.
base | Element pointer. |
block | Block pointer. |
Definition at line 52 of file ArenaPoolAllocator.cxx.
inline |
Helper: common code for advancing an iterator.
base | Element pointer. |
block | Block pointer. |
Definition at line 27 of file ArenaPoolAllocator.cxx.
DataObject* SG::asStorable | ( | SG::DataObjectSharedPtr< T > | pObject | ) |
Definition at line 65 of file DataObjectSharedPtr.h.
DataObject* SG::asStorable | ( | std::unique_ptr< T > | pObject | ) |
Definition at line 159 of file StorableConversions.h.
DataObject * SG::asStorable | ( | T * | pObject | ) |
Definition at line 153 of file StorableConversions.h.
void SG::AthLinks_error | ( | ) |
For setting debugger breakpoints.
Definition at line 21 of file Control/AthLinks/src/exceptions.cxx.
inline |
Retrieve IOpaqueAddress.
Definition at line 194 of file TransientAddress.h.
void setDataProxyHolderInputRenameMap SG::ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE | ( | const Athena::IInputRename::InputRenameRCU_t * | map | ) |
Set map used for performing input renaming in toTransient.
map | The new map, or nullptr for no renmaing. |
Definition at line 617 of file DataProxyHolder.cxx.
void setNSlotsHiveMgrName SG::ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE | ( | const std::string & | s | ) |
Allow setting the name of the whiteboard service.
For testing.
Definition at line 35 of file SlotSpecificObj.cxx.
std::string SG::contKeyFromKey | ( | const std::string & | key | ) |
Extract the container part of key.
key | The decoration handle key. |
Given a key of the form CCC.DDD, returns the container part, CCC.
Definition at line 26 of file DecorKeyHelpers.cxx.
void SG::copyAuxStoreThinned | ( | const SG::IConstAuxStore & | orig, |
SG::IAuxStore & | copy, | ||
const SG::ThinningInfo * | info | ||
) |
Helper to copy an aux store while applying thinning.
orig | Source aux store from which to copy. |
copy | Destination aux store to which to copy. |
info | Thinning information for this object (or nullptr). |
and copy
are both auxiliary store objects. The data from orig
will be copied to copy
, with individual elements / variables removed according info
std::unique_ptr<CONTAINER> SG::copyThinned | ( | CONTAINER & | orig, |
const SG::ThinningInfo * | info | ||
) |
Helper to copy an object while applying thinning.
orig | The object to copy. |
info | Thinning information for this object (or nullptr). |
Returns a new copy of orig
with elements removed according to the thinning defined in svc
. Ownership of the new object is passed back to the caller.
The code here handles IAuxStore
objects. (For a DataVector
object, use copyThinnedConst
.) Support for additional object types may be added by adding overloads for copyThinned1
std::unique_ptr<const CONTAINER> SG::copyThinned1 | ( | const CONTAINER & | orig, |
const DataVector< typename CONTAINER::base_value_type > * | dummy, | ||
const SG::ThinningInfo * | info | ||
) |
Helper to copy an object while applying thinning.
orig | The object to copy. |
dummy | Dummy argument for overload resolution. |
info | Thinning information for this object (or nullptr). |
This overload handles DataVector
types. It returns a view container copy of orig
, from which any thinned elements are removed.
std::unique_ptr<CONTAINER> SG::copyThinned1 | ( | const CONTAINER & | orig, |
const SG::IAuxStore * | dummy, | ||
const SG::ThinningInfo * | info | ||
) |
Helper to copy an object while applying thinning.
orig | The object to copy. |
dummy | Dummy argument for overload resolution. |
info | Thinning information for this object (or nullptr). |
This overload handles IAuxStore
types. It returns a new copy of the store, with any thinned elements removed.
std::unique_ptr<CONTAINER> SG::copyThinned1 | ( | const CONTAINER & | orig, |
const void * | dummy, | ||
const SG::ThinningInfo * | info | ||
) |
Helper to copy an object while applying thinning.
orig | The object to copy. |
dummy | Dummy argument for overload resolution. |
info | Thinning information for this object (or nullptr). |
This is the generic version of copyThinned
, which matches types for which there is not a more specific overload. It simply makes a copy of orig
using the copy constructor.
std::unique_ptr<CONTAINER> SG::copyThinned1 | ( | CONTAINER & | orig, |
DataVector< typename CONTAINER::base_value_type > * | , | ||
const SG::ThinningInfo * | info | ||
) |
Helper to copy an object while applying thinning.
orig | The object to copy. |
dummy | Dummy argument for overload resolution. |
info | Thinning information for this object (or nullptr). |
This overload handles DataVector
types. It returns a view container copy of orig
, from which any thinned elements are removed.
std::unique_ptr<const CONTAINER> SG::copyThinnedConst | ( | const CONTAINER & | orig, |
const SG::ThinningInfo * | info | ||
) |
Helper to copy an object while applying thinning, const version.
orig | The object to copy. |
info | Thinning information for this object (or nullptr). |
Returns a new copy of orig
with elements removed according to the thinning defined in svc
. Ownership of the new object is passed back to the caller.
The code here handles DataVector
and IAuxStore
objects. Support for additional object types may be added by adding overloads for copyThinned1
const ref version of the cast.
SG::ExcBadDataProxyCast. |
Definition at line 64 of file DataProxy_cast.h.
DATA * SG::DataProxy_cast | ( | SG::DataProxy * | proxy | ) |
cast the proxy into the concrete data object it proxies
use optional>
Definition at line 53 of file DataProxy_cast.h.
void * SG::DataProxy_cast | ( | SG::DataProxy * | proxy, |
CLID | clid, | ||
const std::type_info * | tinfo = nullptr |
) |
Try to get the pointer back from a DataProxy, converted to be of type clid.
proxy | The DataProxy. |
clid | The ID of the class to which to convert. |
Only works if the held object is a DataBucket. Returns nullptr on failure,
Definition at line 600 of file DataProxy.cxx.
std::vector<ElementLink<DV> > SG::dataVectorAsELV | ( | const DV & | v, |
IProxyDict * | store = 0 |
) |
Helper to make a vector<EL> from a DataVector.
Given a DataVector
, return a vector of ElementLink objects that reference the DataVector's
elements. We can always do this if the DataVector
owns its elements. However, if it is a view container, then the elements must derive from SG::AuxElement
and must be part of some other container.
Definition at line 92 of file dataVectorAsELV.h.
void SG::dataVectorViewAsELV | ( | const std::false_type & | , |
const DV & | , | ||
std::vector< ElementLink< DV > > & | , | ||
IProxyDict * | |||
) |
Helper for dataVectorViewAsELV
Don't call this directly.
Handle the case of a view vector with elements not deriving from AuxElement (just throw an exception).
Definition at line 71 of file dataVectorAsELV.h.
void SG::dataVectorViewAsELV | ( | const std::true_type & | , |
const DV & | v, | ||
std::vector< ElementLink< DV > > & | ret, | ||
IProxyDict * | store | ||
) |
Helper for dataVectorViewAsELV
Don't call this directly.
Handle the case of a view vector with elements deriving from AuxElement.
Definition at line 43 of file dataVectorAsELV.h.
std::string SG::decorKeyFromKey | ( | const std::string & | key | ) |
Extract the decoration part of key.
key | The decoration handle key. |
Given a key of the form CCC.DDD, returns the decoration part, DDD.
Definition at line 41 of file DecorKeyHelpers.cxx.
void SG::dumpBaseInfo | ( | ) |
Definition at line 735 of file BaseInfo.cxx.
std::string SG::excAuxTypeMismatch_format | ( | SG::auxid_t | auxid, |
const std::type_info & | new_type, | ||
const std::type_info & | old_type, | ||
const std::string & | new_alloc_type, | ||
const std::string & | old_alloc_type | ||
) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 170 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excBadAuxVar_format | ( | SG::auxid_t | auxid | ) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 90 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 373 of file Control/StoreGate/src/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excBadDecorElement_format | ( | Gaudi::DataHandle::Mode | mode, |
CLID | clid, | ||
const std::string & | decorKey | ||
) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 451 of file Control/StoreGate/src/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excBadForwardLink_format | ( | size_t | index, |
size_t | size, | ||
const std::string & | name | ||
) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 122 of file Control/AthLinks/src/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excBadThinning_format | ( | CLID | clid, |
const std::string & | key, | ||
SG::sgkey_t | sgkey | ||
) |
std::string SG::excBadVarName_format | ( | const std::string & | name | ) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 646 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 53 of file Control/AthLinks/src/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excConstAuxData_format | ( | const std::string & | op, |
SG::auxid_t | auxid | ||
) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 115 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excConstObject_format | ( | CLID | clid, |
const std::string & | sgkey, | ||
const std::string & | storename | ||
) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 138 of file Control/StoreGate/src/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excConstStorable_format | ( | CLID | clid, |
const std::string & | key, | ||
SG::sgkey_t | sgkey | ||
) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 283 of file Control/AthLinks/src/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excDVToELV_format | ( | const std::string & | detail | ) |
std::string SG::excFlagMismatch_format | ( | SG::auxid_t | auxid, |
const std::type_info & | type, | ||
SG::AuxVarFlags | existing_flags, | ||
SG::AuxVarFlags | requested_flags | ||
) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 484 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excFormatFlags | ( | SG::AuxVarFlags | flags | ) |
std::string SG::excFormatName | ( | SG::auxid_t | auxid | ) |
Helper: format an aux data item name.
Definition at line 22 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excHandleInitError_format | ( | CLID | clid, |
const std::string & | sgkey, | ||
const std::string & | storename | ||
) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 68 of file Control/StoreGate/src/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excInsertionInBaseClass_format | ( | const char * | op, |
const std::type_info & | base_type, | ||
const std::type_info & | complete_type | ||
) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 216 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excInvalidLink_format | ( | CLID | clid, |
const std::string & | key, | ||
SG::sgkey_t | sgkey | ||
) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 80 of file Control/AthLinks/src/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excInvalidThinningTarget_format | ( | unsigned int | clid, |
const std::string & | key | ||
) |
std::string SG::excJaggedVecOverlappingCopy_format | ( | ) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 672 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excLinkMismatch_format | ( | SG::auxid_t | auxid, |
const std::type_info & | type, | ||
SG::auxid_t | existing_linked_id, | ||
SG::auxid_t | requested_linked_id | ||
) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 521 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excNoAuxStore_format | ( | const char * | op | ) |
std::string SG::excNoAuxStore_format | ( | SG::auxid_t | auxid | ) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 44 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excNoLinkedVar_format | ( | SG::auxid_t | auxid, |
const std::type_info & | type | ||
) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 558 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excNonConstHandleKey_format | ( | CLID | clid, |
const std::string & | sgkey, | ||
const std::string & | storename | ||
) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 304 of file Control/StoreGate/src/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excNullReadHandle_format | ( | CLID | clid, |
const std::string & | sgkey, | ||
const std::string & | storename | ||
) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 214 of file Control/StoreGate/src/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excNullUpdateHandle_format | ( | CLID | clid, |
const std::string & | sgkey, | ||
const std::string & | storename | ||
) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 259 of file Control/StoreGate/src/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excNullWriteHandle_format | ( | CLID | clid, |
const std::string & | sgkey, | ||
const std::string & | storename | ||
) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 169 of file Control/StoreGate/src/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excOutOfRange_format | ( | const char * | what, |
size_t | i, | ||
size_t | size | ||
) |
std::string SG::excPointerNotInSG_format | ( | const void * | pointer | ) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 28 of file Control/AthLinks/src/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excProtection_format | ( | int | errnum | ) |
Definition at line 34 of file Control/AthAllocators/src/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excProxyCollision_format | ( | CLID | id, |
const std::string & | key, | ||
CLID | primary_id, | ||
const std::string & | primary_key | ||
) |
Helper: Format exception string.
Definition at line 67 of file Control/SGTools/src/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excSgkeyCollision_format | ( | const std::string & | new_key, |
CLID | new_clid, | ||
const std::string & | old_key, | ||
CLID | old_clid, | ||
sgkey_t | sgkey | ||
) |
Helper: Format exception string.
Definition at line 103 of file Control/SGTools/src/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excStoreLocked_format | ( | const char * | op | ) |
std::string SG::excStoreLocked_format | ( | SG::auxid_t | auxid | ) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 251 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excUninitKey_format | ( | CLID | clid, |
const std::string & | sgkey, | ||
const std::string & | storename, | ||
const std::string & | holdername, | ||
const std::string & | htype | ||
) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 99 of file Control/StoreGate/src/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::excUnknownAuxItem_format | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | clsname, | ||
const std::type_info * | typ | ||
) |
Helper: format exception error string.
Definition at line 317 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
bool SG::findInContainer | ( | const CaloCellContainer & | data, |
CaloCell const *const & | element, | ||
CaloCellContainer::size_type & | index | ||
) |
Definition at line 676 of file CaloCellContainer.cxx.
inline |
Definition at line 211 of file CaloConstCellContainer.h.
bool SG::findInContainer | ( | const CONT & | data, |
const ELT & | element, | ||
typename CONT::size_type & | index | ||
) |
Find the index of an object within a container.
data | The container to search. | |
element | The element for which to search. | |
[out] | index | The found index of the element. |
By default, this function will do an exhaustive search through the container to find the element. However, this function may be specialized if this can be done more efficiently for some specific container.
Definition at line 37 of file findInContainer.h.
void* SG::fromStorable | ( | DataObject * | pDObj, |
CLID | clid, | ||
const std::type_info * | tinfo, | ||
bool quiet] | [[maybe_unused], | ||
IRegisterTransient * | irt, | ||
bool | isConst | ||
) |
Try to get the pointer back from a DataObject, converted to be of type clid.
pDObj | The DataObject. |
clid | The ID of the class to which to convert. |
tinfo | type_info for the object being converted (optional). |
quiet | If true, suppress warning messages. |
irt | To be called if we make a new instance. |
isConst | True if the object being converted is regarded as const. |
Only works if the DataObject is a DataBucket. Returns 0 on failure,
Definition at line 35 of file StorableConversions.cxx.
void* SG::fromStorable | ( | DataObject * | pDObj, |
CLID | clid, | ||
const std::type_info * | tinfo = nullptr , |
bool | quiet = false , |
IRegisterTransient * | irt = 0 , |
bool | isConst = true |
) |
Try to get the pointer back from a DataObject, converted to be of type clid.
pDObj | The DataObject. |
clid | The ID of the class to which to convert. |
tinfo | type_info for the object being converted (optional). |
quiet | If true, suppress warning messages. |
irt | To be called if we make a new instance. |
isConst | True if the object being converted is regarded as const. |
Only works if the DataObject is a DataBucket. Returns 0 on failure,
bool SG::fromStorable | ( | DataObject * | pDObj, |
T *& | pTrans, | ||
bool | quiet = false , |
IRegisterTransient * | irt = 0 , |
bool | isConst = true |
) |
Definition at line 169 of file StorableConversions.h.
const T* SG::get | ( | const ReadHandleKey< T > & | key | ) |
Convenience function to retrieve an object given a ReadHandleKey
key | The key to retrieve. |
Returns the object. Returns nullptr if the key is null or if there's an error.
const T* SG::get | ( | const ReadHandleKey< T > & | key, |
const EventContext & | ctx | ||
) |
Convenience function to retrieve an object given a ReadHandleKey
key | The key to retrieve. |
ctx | The event context. |
Returns the object. Returns nullptr if the key is null or if there's an error.
TClass* SG::getClassIfDictionaryExists | ( | const std::string & | cname | ) |
Look up a TClass
given a name.
Try to avoid autoparsing.
cname | Name of the class to find. |
Definition at line 27 of file getDynamicAuxID.cxx.
SG::auxid_t SG::getDynamicAuxID | ( | const std::type_info & | ti, |
const std::string & | name, | ||
const std::string & | elementTypeName, | ||
const std::string & | branchTypeName, | ||
bool | standalone, | ||
SG::auxid_t | linked_auxid | ||
) |
Find the auxid for a dynamic branch.
ti | Type of the auxiliary variable. Usually the type of the vector payload, but if standalone is true, then this is the type of the stored object. |
name | Auxiliary variable name. |
elementTypeName | Name of the type for one aux data element. Should be the same as branchTypeName if standalone is true. |
branchTypeName | Name of the type for this branch. |
standalone | True if this is a standalone object. |
Definition at line 64 of file getDynamicAuxID.cxx.
size_t SG::getNSlots | ( | ) |
Return the number of event slots.
Calls getNSlots_once
the first time we're called and caches the result.
Definition at line 64 of file SlotSpecificObj.cxx.
size_t SG::getNSlots_once | ( | ) |
Return the number of event slots.
This accesses the IHiveWhiteBoard
service to find the number of slots.
Definition at line 46 of file SlotSpecificObj.cxx.
const SG::ThinningCache * SG::getThinningCache | ( | ) |
Retrieve the current thinning cache from the current event context.
Returns nullptr if there is no current thinning cache.
Definition at line 41 of file getThinningCache.cxx.
const SG::ThinningCache * SG::getThinningCache | ( | const EventContext & | ctx | ) |
Retrieve the current thinning cache from the event context.
ctx Event context.
Returns nullptr if there is no current thinning cache.
Definition at line 28 of file getThinningCache.cxx.
const SG::ThinningDecisionBase * SG::getThinningDecision | ( | const EventContext & | ctx, |
const sgkey_t | sgkey | ||
) |
Retrieve the current thinning decision for sgkey
ctx Event context.
sgkey | SG hashed key to test. |
Returns nullptr if there is no thinning for sgkey
Definition at line 112 of file getThinningCache.cxx.
const SG::ThinningDecisionBase * SG::getThinningDecision | ( | const EventContext & | ctx, |
const std::string & | key | ||
) |
Retrieve the current thinning decision for key
ctx Event context.
key | SG key to test. |
Returns nullptr if there is no thinning for key
Definition at line 83 of file getThinningCache.cxx.
const SG::ThinningDecisionBase * SG::getThinningDecision | ( | const sgkey_t | sgkey | ) |
Retrieve the current thinning decision for sgkey
Returns nullptr if there is no thinning for sgkey
sgkey | SG hashed key to test. |
Returns nullptr if there is no thinning for sgkey
Definition at line 128 of file getThinningCache.cxx.
const SG::ThinningDecisionBase * SG::getThinningDecision | ( | const std::string & | key | ) |
Retrieve the current thinning decision for key
key | SG key to test. |
Returns nullptr if there is no thinning for key
Definition at line 99 of file getThinningCache.cxx.
const SG::ThinningInfo * SG::getThinningInfo | ( | const EventContext & | ctx, |
const std::string & | key | ||
) |
Retrieve the current thinning information for key
ctx Event context.
key | SG key to test. |
Returns nullptr if there is no thinning for key
Definition at line 54 of file getThinningCache.cxx.
const SG::ThinningInfo * SG::getThinningInfo | ( | const std::string & | key | ) |
Retrieve the current thinning information for key
key | SG key to test. |
Returns nullptr if there is no thinning for key
Definition at line 70 of file getThinningCache.cxx.
bool SG::isTransientKey | ( | const std::string & | key | ) |
Test to see if a key is transoent.
key | The key to test. |
Definition at line 41 of file transientKey.h.
void SG::lossyFloatCompress | ( | void * | dst, |
const std::size_t | idst, | ||
const std::size_t | n, | ||
const std::size_t | eltSize, | ||
const std::string & | typeName, | ||
const unsigned int | nmantissa | ||
) |
Helper method to apply lossy float compression.
dst | Pointer to the start of the vector's data |
idst | Index of first element in vector |
n | Number of elements to process. |
eltSize | Element size for the auxid |
typeName | Type name for the auxid |
nmantissa | Compression level to be used for the auxid |
Definition at line 213 of file copyAuxStoreThinned.cxx.
Make a StoreGate key from container and decoration name.
cont | The container handle key. |
decor | The decoration handle key. |
Given keys of the form "CCC" and "DDD", returns the full key, "CCC.DDD". If cont or decor is empty, returns the non-empty key (or an empty string).
Definition at line 58 of file DecorKeyHelpers.cxx.
std::string SG::makeContDecorKey | ( | const VarHandleKey & | contKey, |
const std::string & | key | ||
) |
Make a StoreGate key from container and decoration.
contKey | The VarHandleKey of the container holding the decoration. |
key | The decoration name. |
Construct the StoreGate key from the associated container and the decoration name passed in key
. If the latter also contains the container name, an exception will be raised. Returns an empty string if key
is empty.
Definition at line 76 of file DecorKeyHelpers.cxx.
ReadDecorHandle<T, D> SG::makeHandle | ( | const ReadDecorHandleKey< T > & | key | ) |
Return a ReadDecorHandle
referencing key
key | The key object holding the clid/key/store. |
This will raise an exception if the StoreGate key is blank, or if the event store cannot be found.
The type of the decoration must be included as an explicit template parameter:
Note that D
comes first in the argument list. It's given explicitly, while T
is inferred from key
void SG::makeHandle | ( | const ReadDecorHandleKey< T > & | key | ) |
These two signatures are to catch cases where the explicit template argument is omitted from the makeHandle
call and give an error tailored to that.
Otherwise, the makeHandle
call for ReadHandle
would match, potentially giving a much more confusing error.
ReadDecorHandle<T, D> SG::makeHandle | ( | const ReadDecorHandleKey< T > & | key, |
const EventContext & | ctx | ||
) |
Return a ReadDecorHandle
referencing key
for an explicit context.
key | The key object holding the clid/key/store. |
ctx | The event context. |
This will raise an exception if the StoreGate key is blank, or if the event store cannot be found.
If the default event store has been requested, then the thread-specific store from the event context will be used.
The type of the decoration must be included as an explicit template parameter:
Note that D
comes first in the argument list. It's given explicitly, while T
is inferred from key
void SG::makeHandle | ( | const ReadDecorHandleKey< T > & | key, |
const EventContext & | ctx | ||
) |
ReadHandle<T> SG::makeHandle | ( | const ReadHandleKey< T > & | key | ) |
Return a ReadHandle
referencing key
key | The key object holding the clid/key/store. |
This will raise an exception if the StoreGate key is blank, or if the event store cannot be found.
ReadHandle<T> SG::makeHandle | ( | const ReadHandleKey< T > & | key, |
const EventContext & | ctx | ||
) |
Return a ReadHandle
referencing key
for an explicit context.
key | The key object holding the clid/key/store. |
ctx | The event context. |
This will raise an exception if the StoreGate key is blank, or if the event store cannot be found.
If the default event store has been requested, then the thread-specific store from the event context will be used.
SG::ReadCondHandle<T> SG::makeHandle | ( | const SG::ReadCondHandleKey< T > & | key, |
const EventContext & | ctx = Gaudi::Hive::currentContext() |
) |
Definition at line 270 of file ReadCondHandle.h.
SG::WriteCondHandle<T> SG::makeHandle | ( | const SG::WriteCondHandleKey< T > & | key, |
const EventContext & | ctx = Gaudi::Hive::currentContext() |
) |
Definition at line 313 of file WriteCondHandle.h.
ThinningHandle<T> SG::makeHandle | ( | const ThinningHandleKey< T > & | key | ) |
Return a ThinningHandle
referencing key
key | The key object holding the clid/key/store. |
This will raise an exception if the StoreGate key is blank, or if the event store cannot be found.
Definition at line 130 of file ThinningHandle.h.
ThinningHandle<T> SG::makeHandle | ( | const ThinningHandleKey< T > & | key, |
const EventContext & | ctx | ||
) |
Return a ThinningHandle
referencing key
for an explicit context.
key | The key object holding the clid/key/store. |
ctx | The event context. |
This will raise an exception if the StoreGate key is blank, or if the event store cannot be found.
If the default event store has been requested, then the thread-specific store from the event context will be used.
Definition at line 148 of file ThinningHandle.h.
UpdateHandle<T> SG::makeHandle | ( | const UpdateHandleKey< T > & | key | ) |
Return an UpdateHandle
referencing key
key | The key object holding the clid/key/store. |
This will raise an exception if the StoreGate key is blank, or if the event store cannot be found.
UpdateHandle<T> SG::makeHandle | ( | const UpdateHandleKey< T > & | key, |
const EventContext & | ctx | ||
) |
Return an UpdateHandle
referencing key
for an explicit context.
key | The key object holding the clid/key/store. |
ctx | The event context. |
This will raise an exception if the StoreGate key is blank, or if the event store cannot be found.
If the default event store has been requested, then the thread-specific store from the event context will be used.
WriteDecorHandle<T, D> SG::makeHandle | ( | const WriteDecorHandleKey< T > & | key | ) |
Return a WriteDecorHandle
referencing key
key | The key object holding the clid/key/store. |
This will raise an exception if the StoreGate key is blank, or if the event store cannot be found.
The type of the decoration must be included as an explicit template parameter:
Note that D
comes first in the argument list. It's given explicitly, while T
is inferred from key
void SG::makeHandle | ( | const WriteDecorHandleKey< T > & | key | ) |
These two signatures are to catch cases where the explicit template argument is omitted from the makeHandle
call and give an error tailored to that.
Otherwise, the makeHandle
call for ReadHandle
would match, potentially giving a much more confusing error.
WriteDecorHandle<T, D> SG::makeHandle | ( | const WriteDecorHandleKey< T > & | key, |
const EventContext & | ctx | ||
) |
Return a WriteDecorHandle
referencing key
for an explicit context.
key | The key object holding the clid/key/store. |
ctx | The event context. |
This will raise an exception if the StoreGate key is blank, or if the event store cannot be found.
If the default event store has been requested, then the thread-specific store from the event context will be used.
The type of the decoration must be included as an explicit template parameter:
Note that D
comes first in the argument list. It's given explicitly, while T
is inferred from key
void SG::makeHandle | ( | const WriteDecorHandleKey< T > & | key, |
const EventContext & | ctx | ||
) |
WriteHandle<T> SG::makeHandle | ( | const WriteHandleKey< T > & | key | ) |
Return a WriteHandle
referencing key
key | The key object holding the clid/key/store. |
This will raise an exception if the StoreGate key is blank, or if the event store cannot be found.
WriteHandle<T> SG::makeHandle | ( | const WriteHandleKey< T > & | key, |
const EventContext & | ctx | ||
) |
Return a WriteHandle
referencing key
for an explicit context.
key | The key object holding the clid/key/store. |
ctx | The event context. |
This will raise an exception if the StoreGate key is blank, or if the event store cannot be found.
If the default event store has been requested, then the thread-specific store from the event context will be used.
void SG::maybeUnprotect | ( | ALLOC & | ) |
Hook for unprotecting an arena.
Sometimes we need to ensure that an arena is unprotected before we start destroying an object that contains the arena. To do that without making assumptions about whether the arena supports an unprotect operation, call this function.
This is the generic version, which is a no-op. It will be specialized as appropriate for individual allocators.
Definition at line 32 of file maybeUnprotect.h.
void SG::maybeUnprotect | ( | ArenaHeapSTLAllocator< T, VETO > & | a | ) |
Hook for unprotecting an arena.
Sometimes we need to ensure that an arena is unprotected before we start destroying an object that contains the arena. To do that without making assumptions about whether the arena supports an unprotect operation, call this function.
void SG::maybeUnprotect | ( | ArenaPoolSTLAllocator< T, VETO > & | a | ) |
Hook for unprotecting an arena.
Sometimes we need to ensure that an arena is unprotected before we start destroying an object that contains the arena. To do that without making assumptions about whether the arena supports an unprotect operation, call this function.
void SG::maybeUnprotect | ( | ArenaSharedHeapSTLAllocator< T > & | a | ) |
Hook for unprotecting an arena.
Sometimes we need to ensure that an arena is unprotected before we start destroying an object that contains the arena. To do that without making assumptions about whether the arena supports an unprotect operation, call this function.
void copyAuxStoreThinned SG::NO_SANITIZE_UNDEFINED | ( | const SG::IConstAuxStore & | orig, |
SG::IAuxStore & | copy, | ||
const SG::ThinningInfo * | info | ||
) |
Helper to copy an aux store while applying thinning.
orig | Source aux store from which to copy. |
copy | Destination aux store to which to copy. |
info | Thinning information for this object (or nullptr). |
and copy
are both auxiliary store objects. The data from orig
will be copied to copy
, with individual elements / variables removed according info
Definition at line 60 of file copyAuxStoreThinned.cxx.
std::string SG::normalizedTypeinfoName | ( | const std::type_info & | info | ) |
Convert a type_info
to a normalized string representation (matching the names used in the root dictionary).
info | The type to convert. |
The function AthContainer_detail::typeinfoName
may be used to convert a C++ type_info
to a string representing the name of the class; this handles platform-dependent details such as performing demangling.
However, the name you get as a result of this does not necessarily match the name by which the class is known in the ROOT dictionary. In particular, defaulted template arguments for STL containers and DataVector
are suppressed in the dictionary. So, for example, for a vector class typeinfoName
may produce std::vector<int, std::allocator<T> >
, while in the dictionary it is known as std::vector<int>
. Using normalizedTypeinfoName
instead will transform the names to match what's in the dictionary. This function will also cache the typeinfo -> string conversions.
Definition at line 120 of file normalizedTypeinfoName.cxx.
void SG::null_arena_deleter | ( | ArenaBase * | ) |
Definition at line 28 of file ArenaHeader.cxx.
bool SG::operator!= | ( | const VarHandleBase & | l, |
const VarHandleBase & | r | ||
) |
Inequality comparison.
Definition at line 129 of file AthToolSupport/AsgDataHandles/Root/VarHandleBase.cxx.
std::ostream & SG::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const ArenaAllocatorBase::Stats & | stats | ||
) |
std::ostream & SG::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const ArenaAllocatorBase::Stats::Stat & | stat | ||
) |
Format a statistic structure.
os | The stream to which to write. |
stat | The statistic structure to write. |
Definition at line 61 of file ArenaAllocatorBase.cxx.
inline |
Definition at line 116 of file SGVersionedKey.h.
std::ostream & SG::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
const VarHandleBase & | o | ||
) |
Output stream.
out | Stream to which to write. |
o | Object to write. |
Definition at line 107 of file AthToolSupport/AsgDataHandles/Root/VarHandleBase.cxx.
bool SG::operator== | ( | const VarHandleBase & | l, |
const VarHandleBase & | r | ||
) |
Equality comparison.
Definition at line 119 of file AthToolSupport/AsgDataHandles/Root/VarHandleBase.cxx.
void SG::ReadCondHandleNotFound | ( | const CondContBase & | cc, |
const EventIDBase & | eid, | ||
const std::string & | key | ||
) |
Report a conditions container lookup failure.
cc | The conditions container. |
eid | The time for which to search. |
The | key corresponding to the conditions container. |
Definition at line 23 of file ReadCondHandle.cxx.
inline |
Read a set of packed parameters from a buffer.
b | Buffer from which to write. |
Definition at line 47 of file PackedContainerStreamer.cxx.
void SG::removeContFromDecorKey | ( | const VarHandleKey & | contKey, |
std::string & | key | ||
) |
Remove container name from decoration key.
contKey | The VarHandleKey of the container holding the decoration. |
key | The decoration name to be modified. |
Given a key of the form SG+CCC.DDD, removes SG+CCC.
Definition at line 98 of file DecorKeyHelpers.cxx.
constexpr |
Return the class ID of T, or CLID_NULL if it doesn't have one.
Avoids compilation errors if the class ID is not defined.
Compare two sgkeys for equality.
Definition at line 39 of file CxxUtils/CxxUtils/sgkey_t.h.
Compare two sgkeys for ordering.
Definition at line 49 of file CxxUtils/CxxUtils/sgkey_t.h.
Convert a sgkey to the 32-bit form used for older data.
Definition at line 85 of file CxxUtils/CxxUtils/sgkey_t.h.
inline |
simple hash function derived from Sedgewick Algorithms in C++ 3rd ed
str | the string to be hashed |
maxInt | the maximum value the function returns. Hash collision probability is 1/min(maxInt, 2**127) |
Definition at line 16 of file hash_functions.h.
T* SG::Storable_cast | ( | DataObject * | pDObj, |
bool | quiet = true , |
IRegisterTransient * | irt = 0 , |
bool | isConst = true |
) |
Definition at line 37 of file StorableConversions.h.
void * SG::Storable_cast | ( | DataObject * | pDObj, |
CLID | clid, | ||
const std::type_info * | tinfo = nullptr , |
bool | quiet = false , |
IRegisterTransient * | irt = 0 , |
bool | isConst = true |
) |
Try to get the pointer back from a DataObject, converted to be of type clid.
pDObj | The DataObject. |
clid | The ID of the class to which to convert. |
tinfo | type_info for the object being converted (optional). |
quiet | If true, suppress warning messages. |
irt | To be called if we make a new instance. |
isConst | True if the object being converted is regarded as const. |
Only works if the DataObject is a DataBucket. Returns 0 on failure,
Definition at line 88 of file StorableConversions.cxx.
void SG::swap | ( | ArenaSharedHeapSTLAllocator< T > & | a, |
ArenaSharedHeapSTLAllocator< T > & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 483 of file ArenaSharedHeapSTLAllocator.h.
void SG::throwExcAllocOwnership | ( | ) |
Throw a SG::ExcAllocOwnership exception.
Definition at line 636 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
Throw an ExcBadDataProxyCast exception.
proxy | The proxy from which we're trying to cast. |
tid | Type to which we're trying to convert the object. |
Definition at line 57 of file Control/SGTools/src/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwExcBadDecorElement | ( | Gaudi::DataHandle::Mode | mode, |
CLID | clid, | ||
const std::string & | decorKey | ||
) |
Throw a SG::ExcBadDecorElement exception.
Definition at line 488 of file Control/StoreGate/src/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwExcBadForwardLink | ( | size_t | index, |
size_t | size, | ||
const std::string & | name | ||
) |
Throw a SG::ExcBadForwardLink exception.
index | Index in the link. |
size | Size of the referenced container. |
name | Type name of the container. |
Definition at line 155 of file Control/AthLinks/src/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwExcBadThinning | ( | CLID | clid, |
const std::string & | key, | ||
SG::sgkey_t | sgkey | ||
) |
Throw a SG::ExcBadThinning exception.
clid | CLID of the link. |
key | String key of the link. |
sgkey | Hashed key of the link. |
Definition at line 344 of file Control/AthLinks/src/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwExcBadToTransient | ( | ) |
Throw a SG::ExcBadToTransient exception.
Definition at line 272 of file Control/AthLinks/src/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwExcElementNotFound | ( | const char * | where | ) |
Throw a SG::ExcElementNotFound exception.
where | The operation being attempted. |
Definition at line 180 of file Control/AthLinks/src/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwExcIncomparableEL | ( | ) |
Throw a SG::IncomparableEL exception.
Throw a SG::ExcIncomparableSG exception.
Definition at line 250 of file Control/AthLinks/src/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwExcIndexNotFound | ( | const char * | where | ) |
Throw a SG::ExcIndexNotFound exception.
where | The operation being attempted. |
Definition at line 228 of file Control/AthLinks/src/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwExcInvalidIndex | ( | const char * | where | ) |
Throw a SG::ExcInvalidIndex exception.
where | The operation being attempted. |
Definition at line 204 of file Control/AthLinks/src/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwExcInvalidLink | ( | CLID | clid, |
const std::string & | key, | ||
SG::sgkey_t | sgkey | ||
) |
Throw a SG::ExcInvalidLink exception.
clid | CLID of the link. |
key | String key of the link. |
sgkey | Hashed key of the link. |
Definition at line 111 of file Control/AthLinks/src/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwExcMissingBaseInfo | ( | const std::type_info & | ti | ) |
Throw a SG::ExcMissingBaseInfo exception.
ti | type_info for the class with the missing base info. |
Definition at line 447 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwExcMissingViewVectorCLID | ( | const std::type_info & | ti | ) |
Throw a SG::ExcMissingViewVectorCLID exception.
Throw a SG::ExcViewVectorCLID exception.
ti | type_info for the class with the missing CLID. |
Definition at line 425 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwExcNonConstHandleKey | ( | CLID | clid, |
const std::string & | sgkey, | ||
const std::string & | storename | ||
) |
Throw a SG::ExcNonConstHandleKey exception.
clid | CLID from the key. |
sgkey | StoreGate key from the key. |
storename | Store name from the key. |
Definition at line 337 of file Control/StoreGate/src/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwExcNonowningContainer | ( | ) |
Throw a SG::ExcNonowningContainer exception.
Definition at line 307 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwExcNullHandleKey | ( | ) |
Throw a SG::ExcNullHandleKey exception.
Definition at line 32 of file Control/StoreGate/src/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwExcNullReadHandle | ( | CLID | clid, |
const std::string & | sgkey, | ||
const std::string & | storename | ||
) |
Throw a SG::ExcNullReadHandle exception.
clid | CLID from the key. |
sgkey | StoreGate key from the key. |
storename | Store name from the key. |
Definition at line 247 of file Control/StoreGate/src/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwExcNullUpdateHandle | ( | CLID | clid, |
const std::string & | sgkey, | ||
const std::string & | storename | ||
) |
Throw a SG::ExcNullUpdateHandle exception.
clid | CLID from the key. |
sgkey | StoreGate key from the key. |
storename | Store name from the key. |
Definition at line 292 of file Control/StoreGate/src/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwExcNullWriteHandle | ( | CLID | clid, |
const std::string & | sgkey, | ||
const std::string & | storename | ||
) |
Throw a SG::ExcNullWriteHandle exception.
clid | CLID from the key. |
sgkey | StoreGate key from the key. |
storename | Store name from the key. |
Definition at line 202 of file Control/StoreGate/src/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwExcOutOfRange | ( | const char * | what, |
size_t | i, | ||
size_t | size | ||
) |
Throw a SG::ExcOutOfRange exception.
what | Description of the failing operation. |
i | The attempted index. |
size | The actual size of the range. |
void SG::throwExcUnknownAuxItem | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | clsname = "" , |
const std::type_info * | typ = 0 |
) |
Throw a SG::ExcUnknownAuxItem exception.
name | Name of the aux data item. |
clsname | Class name of the aux data item, or an empty string. |
typ | Type of the item, if provided. |
Definition at line 353 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwExcViewVectorNotView | ( | ) |
Throw a SG::ExcViewVectorNotView exception.
Definition at line 400 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwJaggedVecOverlappingCopy | ( | ) |
Throw a SG::ExcJaggedVecOverlappingCopy exception.
Definition at line 690 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
void SG::throwOutOfRange | ( | const char * | what, |
size_t | i, | ||
size_t | size | ||
) |
Throw a SG::ExcOutOfRange exception.
what | Description of the failing operation. |
i | The attempted index. |
size | The actual size of the range. |
Definition at line 731 of file Control/AthContainers/Root/exceptions.cxx.
std::string SG::transientKey | ( | const std::string & | key | ) |
Make a key transient.
key | The key to transform; |
Definition at line 51 of file transientKey.h.
void SG::ViewVectorBaseStreamerFunc | ( | TBuffer & | b, |
void * | p | ||
) |
Definition at line 27 of file ViewVectorBaseStreamer.cxx.
inline |
Write a set of packed parameters to a buffer.
b | Buffer to which to write. |
param | Parameters to write. |
Definition at line 31 of file PackedContainerStreamer.cxx.
constexpr |
Definition at line 48 of file supportsThinning.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 67 of file supportsThinning.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 29 of file AuxDataTraits.h.
const std::string SG::DEFAULTKEY = "" |
Definition at line 12 of file DefaultKey.h.
getDataSourcePointerFunc_t* SG::getDataSourcePointerFunc |
inlineconstexpr |
Test for an xAOD interface class supporting thinning.
Returns true
if T
derives from either AuxVectorBase
or AuxElement
and T::supportsThinning
is true
. (The enable_if's are to avoid getting undefined symbol errors when T
is not an xAOD object.)
Definition at line 44 of file supportsThinning.h.
inlineconstexpr |
Test for an xAOD auxiliary store class supporting thinning.
Returns true
if T
derives from IAuxStore
and T::supportsThinning
is true
. (The enable_if's are to avoid getting undefined symbol errors when T
is not an xAOD object.)
Definition at line 63 of file supportsThinning.h.
concept SG::IsAuxElement |
Test if T is compatible with AuxElement.
Definition at line 44 of file AuxElementConcepts.h.
concept SG::IsConstAuxElement |
Test if T is compatible with ConstAuxElement.
Definition at line 34 of file AuxElementConcepts.h.
InstallViewVectorBaseStreamer SG::viewVectorBaseStreamerInstance |
Definition at line 53 of file ViewVectorBaseStreamer.cxx.