ATLAS Offline Software
h Class Reference

#include <MvfFitInfo.h>

Collaboration diagram for h:

Detailed Description

A helper storage class providing the information required during the multiple vertex fit. This object is thus meant to be transient.

begin December 2006

: Kirill Prokofiev (University of Sheffield) Kiril.nosp@m.l.Pr.nosp@m.okofi.nosp@m.ev@c.nosp@m.ern.c.nosp@m.h


David Shope (2016-04-19)

constraintVertex now uses xAOD::Vertex instead of Trk::RecVertex seedVertex now uses Amg::Vector3D instead of Trk::Vertex linearizationVertex now uses Amg::Vector3D instead of Trk::Vertex

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: