typedef ExampleElectron_v1 | ExampleElectron |
typedef ExampleElectronAuxContainer_v1 | ExampleElectronAuxContainer |
typedef ExampleElectronContainer_v1 | ExampleElectronContainer |
typedef DataVector< ExampleElectron_v1 > | ExampleElectronContainer_v1 |
typedef TrackParticleClusterAssociation_v1 | TrackParticleClusterAssociation |
| Reference the current persistent version: More...
typedef TrackParticleClusterAssociationAuxContainer_v1 | TrackParticleClusterAssociationAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current Muon auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrackParticleClusterAssociationContainer_v1 | TrackParticleClusterAssociationContainer |
| Definition of the current "TrackParticleClusterAssociation container version". More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackParticleClusterAssociation_v1 > | TrackParticleClusterAssociationContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< IParticle > | IParticleContainer |
| Simple convenience declaration of IParticleContainer. More...
typedef BTagging_v1 | BTagging |
| Definition of the current "BTagging version". More...
typedef BTaggingAuxContainer_v2 | BTaggingAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current BTagging auxiliary container. More...
typedef BTaggingContainer_v1 | BTaggingContainer |
| Definition of the current "BTagging container version". More...
typedef BTaggingTrigAuxContainer_v1 | BTaggingTrigAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current BTagging auxiliary container for trigger. More...
typedef BTagVertex_v1 | BTagVertex |
| Definition of the current "BTagging version". More...
typedef BTagVertexAuxContainer_v1 | BTagVertexAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current BTagging auxiliary container. More...
typedef BTagVertexContainer_v1 | BTagVertexContainer |
| Definition of the current "BTagging container version". More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::BTagging_v1 > | BTaggingContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::BTagVertex_v1 > | BTagVertexContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef CaloCluster_v1 | CaloCluster |
| Define the latest version of the calorimeter cluster class. More...
typedef CaloClusterAuxContainer_v2 | CaloClusterAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the calorimeter cluster auxiliary container. More...
typedef CaloClusterBadChannelData_v1 | CaloClusterBadChannelData |
typedef std::vector< CaloClusterBadChannelData > | CaloClusterBadChannelList |
typedef CaloClusterContainer_v1 | CaloClusterContainer |
| Define the latest version of the calorimeter cluster container. More...
typedef CaloTower_v1 | CaloTower |
typedef CaloTowerAuxContainer_v1 | CaloTowerAuxContainer |
typedef CaloTowerContainer_v1 | CaloTowerContainer |
typedef DataVector< CaloCluster_v1 > | CaloClusterContainer_v1 |
| Define the cluster container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< CaloTower_v1 > | CaloTowerContainerBase_v1 |
typedef CaloRings_v1 | CaloRings |
| Definition of the current "CaloRings version". More...
typedef CaloRingsAuxContainer_v1 | CaloRingsAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current CaloRings auxiliary container. More...
typedef SG::AuxElement::Decorator< xAOD::CaloRingsLinks > | caloRingsDeco_t |
| The CaloRings element links decorator type: More...
typedef SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< xAOD::CaloRingsLinks > | caloRingsReader_t |
| The CaloRings element links reader type: More...
typedef CaloRingsContainer_v1 | CaloRingsContainer |
| Definition of the current "CaloRings container version". More...
typedef std::vector< ElementLink< CaloRingsContainer > > | CaloRingsLinks |
| ElementLink type pointing at such objects. More...
typedef RingSet_v1 | RingSet |
| Definition of the current "RingSet version". More...
typedef RingSetAuxContainer_v1 | RingSetAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current RingSet auxiliary container. More...
typedef RingSetConf_v1 | RingSetConf |
| Definition of the current "RingSetConf version". More...
typedef RingSetConfAuxContainer_v1 | RingSetConfAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current RingSetConf auxiliary container. More...
typedef RingSetConfContainer_v1 | RingSetConfContainer |
| Definition of the current "RingSetConf container version". More...
typedef std::vector< ElementLink< RingSetConfContainer > > | RingSetConfLinks |
| Declare element links vector. More...
typedef RingSetContainer_v1 | RingSetContainer |
| Definition of the current "RingSet container version". More...
typedef std::vector< ElementLink< RingSetContainer > > | RingSetLinks |
| Declare element links vector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CaloRings_v1 > | CaloRingsContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::RingSetConf_v1 > | RingSetConfContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::RingSet_v1 > | RingSetContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef EventInfo_v1 | EventInfo |
| Definition of the latest event info version. More...
typedef DataVector< SG::AuxElement > | BaseContainer |
typedef ElementLink< CutBookkeeperContainer > | CutBookkeeperLink_t |
using | CutBookkeeperLinks_t = std::vector< xAOD::CutBookkeeperLink_t > |
typedef CutBookkeeper_v1 | CutBookkeeper |
| Define the latest version of the CutBookkeeper class. More...
typedef CutBookkeeperAuxContainer_v1 | CutBookkeeperAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CutBookkeeperAuxContainer class. More...
typedef CutBookkeeperContainer_v1 | CutBookkeeperContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CutBookkeeperContainer class. More...
typedef Egamma_v1 | Egamma |
| Definition of the current "egamma version". More...
typedef EgammaAuxContainer_v1 | EgammaAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current egamma auxiliary container. More...
typedef EgammaContainer_v1 | EgammaContainer |
| Definition of the current "egamma container version". More...
typedef Electron_v1 | Electron |
| Definition of the current "egamma version". More...
typedef ElectronAuxContainer_v3 | ElectronAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current electron auxiliary container. More...
typedef ElectronContainer_v1 | ElectronContainer |
| Definition of the current "electron container version". More...
typedef Photon_v1 | Photon |
| Definition of the current "egamma version". More...
typedef PhotonAuxContainer_v3 | PhotonAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current photon auxiliary container. More...
typedef PhotonContainer_v1 | PhotonContainer |
| Definition of the current "photon container version". More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::Egamma_v1 > | EgammaContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::Electron_v1 > | ElectronContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::Photon_v1 > | PhotonContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef EventFormat_v1 | EventFormat |
| Definition of the current event format version. More...
typedef EventAuxInfo_v3 | EventAuxInfo |
| Definition of the latest event auxiliary info version. More...
typedef EventInfoAuxContainer_v1 | EventInfoAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the auxiliary container. More...
typedef EventInfoContainer_v1 | EventInfoContainer |
| Define the latest version of the container. More...
typedef DataVector< EventInfo_v1 > | EventInfoContainer_v1 |
| Container type for event info objects. More...
typedef EventShape_v1 | EventShape |
| Definition of the current event format version. More...
typedef EventShapeAuxInfo_v1 | EventShapeAuxInfo |
| Definition of the latest event shape auxiliary info version. More...
typedef AFPData_v1 | AFPData |
typedef AFPDataAuxContainer_v1 | AFPDataAuxContainer |
typedef AFPDataContainer_v1 | AFPDataContainer |
typedef AFPProton_v1 | AFPProton |
typedef AFPProtonAuxContainer_v1 | AFPProtonAuxContainer |
typedef AFPProtonContainer_v1 | AFPProtonContainer |
typedef AFPSiHit_v2 | AFPSiHit |
typedef AFPSiHitAuxContainer_v2 | AFPSiHitAuxContainer |
typedef AFPSiHitContainer_v2 | AFPSiHitContainer |
typedef AFPSiHitsCluster_v1 | AFPSiHitsCluster |
typedef AFPSiHitsClusterAuxContainer_v1 | AFPSiHitsClusterAuxContainer |
typedef AFPSiHitsClusterContainer_v1 | AFPSiHitsClusterContainer |
typedef AFPToFHit_v1 | AFPToFHit |
typedef AFPToFHitAuxContainer_v1 | AFPToFHitAuxContainer |
typedef AFPToFHitContainer_v1 | AFPToFHitContainer |
typedef AFPToFTrack_v1 | AFPToFTrack |
typedef AFPToFTrackAuxContainer_v1 | AFPToFTrackAuxContainer |
typedef AFPToFTrackContainer_v1 | AFPToFTrackContainer |
typedef AFPTrack_v2 | AFPTrack |
typedef AFPTrackAuxContainer_v2 | AFPTrackAuxContainer |
typedef AFPTrackContainer_v2 | AFPTrackContainer |
typedef AFPVertex_v1 | AFPVertex |
typedef AFPVertexAuxContainer_v1 | AFPVertexAuxContainer |
typedef AFPVertexContainer_v1 | AFPVertexContainer |
typedef ALFAData_v1 | ALFAData |
typedef ALFADataAuxContainer_v1 | ALFADataAuxContainer |
typedef ALFADataContainer_v1 | ALFADataContainer |
typedef ForwardEventInfo_v1 | ForwardEventInfo |
typedef ForwardEventInfoAuxContainer_v1 | ForwardEventInfoAuxContainer |
typedef ForwardEventInfoContainer_v1 | ForwardEventInfoContainer |
typedef MBTSModule_v1 | MBTSModule |
typedef MBTSModuleAuxContainer_v1 | MBTSModuleAuxContainer |
typedef MBTSModuleContainer_v1 | MBTSModuleContainer |
typedef DataVector< AFPData_v1 > | AFPDataContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< AFPProton_v1 > | AFPProtonContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< AFPSiHit_v1 > | AFPSiHitContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< AFPSiHit_v2 > | AFPSiHitContainer_v2 |
typedef DataVector< AFPSiHitsCluster_v1 > | AFPSiHitsClusterContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< AFPToFHit_v1 > | AFPToFHitContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< AFPToFTrack_v1 > | AFPToFTrackContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< AFPTrack_v1 > | AFPTrackContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< AFPTrack_v2 > | AFPTrackContainer_v2 |
typedef DataVector< AFPVertex_v1 > | AFPVertexContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< ALFAData_v1 > | ALFADataContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< ForwardEventInfo_v1 > | ForwardEventInfoContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< MBTSModule_v1 > | MBTSModuleContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< ZdcModule_v1 > | ZdcModuleContainer_v1 |
typedef ZdcModule_v1 | ZdcModule |
typedef ZdcModuleAuxContainer_v2 | ZdcModuleAuxContainer |
typedef ZdcModuleContainer_v1 | ZdcModuleContainer |
typedef HIEventShape_v2 | HIEventShape |
| Definition of the latest event info version. More...
typedef HIEventShapeAuxContainer_v2 | HIEventShapeAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the auxiliary container. More...
typedef HIEventShapeContainer_v2 | HIEventShapeContainer |
| Define the latest version of the container. More...
typedef DataVector< HIEventShape_v1 > | HIEventShapeContainer_v1 |
| Container type for event info objects. More...
typedef DataVector< HIEventShape_v2 > | HIEventShapeContainer_v2 |
typedef HGTDCluster_v1 | HGTDCluster |
| Define the version of the pixel cluster class. More...
typedef HGTDClusterAuxContainer_v1 | HGTDClusterAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current HGTD cluster auxiliary container. More...
typedef HGTDClusterContainer_v1 | HGTDClusterContainer |
| Define the version of the HGTD cluster container. More...
typedef PixelCluster_v1 | PixelCluster |
| Define the version of the pixel cluster class. More...
typedef PixelClusterAuxContainer_v1 | PixelClusterAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current pixel cluster auxiliary container. More...
typedef PixelClusterContainer_v1 | PixelClusterContainer |
| Define the version of the pixel cluster container. More...
typedef SpacePoint_v1 | SpacePoint |
typedef SpacePointAuxContainer_v1 | SpacePointAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current space point auxiliary container. More...
typedef SpacePointContainer_v1 | SpacePointContainer |
| Define the version of the space point container. More...
typedef StripCluster_v1 | StripCluster |
| Define the version of the strip cluster class. More...
typedef StripClusterAuxContainer_v1 | StripClusterAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current strip cluster auxiliary container. More...
typedef StripClusterContainer_v1 | StripClusterContainer |
| Define the version of the strip cluster container. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::HGTDCluster_v1 > | HGTDClusterContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::PixelCluster_v1 > | PixelClusterContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::SpacePoint_v1 > | SpacePointContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::StripCluster_v1 > | StripClusterContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
using | iterator = JetConstituentVector::iterator |
typedef Jet_v1 | Jet |
| Definition of the current "jet version". More...
typedef JetAuxContainer_v1 | JetAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current jet auxiliary container. More...
typedef JetContainer_v1 | JetContainer |
| Definition of the current "jet container version". More...
typedef JetTrigAuxContainer_v2 | JetTrigAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current jet trigger auxiliary container. More...
typedef ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D< double > > | JetFourMom_t |
| Base 4 Momentum type for Jet. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::Jet_v1 > | JetContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef BCMRawData_v1 | BCMRawData |
| Declare the latest version of the class. More...
typedef BCMRawDataAuxContainer_v1 | BCMRawDataAuxContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the auxiliary container. More...
typedef BCMRawDataContainer_v1 | BCMRawDataContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the container. More...
typedef LumiBlockRange_v1 | LumiBlockRange |
| Declare the latest version of the class. More...
typedef LumiBlockRangeAuxContainer_v1 | LumiBlockRangeAuxContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the auxiliary container. More...
typedef LumiBlockRangeContainer_v1 | LumiBlockRangeContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the container. More...
typedef DataVector< BCMRawData_v1 > | BCMRawDataContainer_v1 |
| The container is simply a type definition. More...
typedef DataVector< LumiBlockRange_v1 > | LumiBlockRangeContainer_v1 |
| The container is simply a type definition. More...
using | DetectorIDHashType = unsigned int |
| @ detector ID element hash More...
using | DetectorIdentType = long unsigned int |
template<size_t N> |
using | PosAccessor = SG::AuxElement::Accessor< std::array< float, N > > |
| xAOD Accessor to the position More...
template<size_t N> |
using | CovAccessor = SG::AuxElement::Accessor< std::array< float, N *N > > |
| xAOD Accessor to the covariance More...
template<size_t N> |
using | MeasVector = Eigen::Matrix< float, N, 1 > |
| Abrivation of the Matrix & Covariance definitions. More...
template<size_t N> |
using | MeasMatrix = Eigen::Matrix< float, N, N > |
template<size_t N> |
using | VectorMap = Eigen::Map< MeasVector< N > > |
template<size_t N> |
using | ConstVectorMap = Eigen::Map< const MeasVector< N > > |
template<size_t N> |
using | MatrixMap = Eigen::Map< MeasMatrix< N > > |
template<size_t N> |
using | ConstMatrixMap = Eigen::Map< const MeasMatrix< N > > |
typedef UncalibratedMeasurement_v1 | UncalibratedMeasurement |
| Define the version of the uncalibrated measurement class. More...
typedef UncalibratedMeasurementContainer_v1 | UncalibratedMeasurementContainer |
| Define the version of the uncalibrated measurement container. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::UncalibratedMeasurement_v1 > | UncalibratedMeasurementContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef FileMetaData_v1 | FileMetaData |
| Declare the latest version of the class. More...
typedef FileMetaDataAuxInfo_v1 | FileMetaDataAuxInfo |
| Declare the latest version of the class. More...
typedef MissingET_v1 | MissingET |
| Version control by type defintion. More...
typedef MissingETAssociation_v1 | MissingETAssociation |
| Version control by type definition. More...
typedef MissingETAssociationMap_v1 | MissingETAssociationMap |
| Version control by type defintion. More...
typedef MissingETAuxAssociationMap_v2 | MissingETAuxAssociationMap |
| Version control by type definition. More...
typedef MissingETAuxComponentMap_v1 | MissingETAuxComponentMap |
| Version control by type definition. More...
typedef MissingETAuxContainer_v1 | MissingETAuxContainer |
typedef MissingETComponent_v1 | MissingETComponent |
| Version control by type definition. More...
typedef MissingETComponentMap_v1 | MissingETComponentMap |
| Version control by type definition. More...
typedef MissingETContainer_v1 | MissingETContainer |
typedef Muon_v1 | Muon |
| Reference the current persistent version: More...
typedef MuonAuxContainer_v5 | MuonAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current Muon auxiliary container. More...
typedef MuonContainer_v1 | MuonContainer |
| Definition of the current "Muon container version". More...
typedef MuonSegment_v1 | MuonSegment |
| Reference the current persistent version: More...
typedef MuonSegmentAuxContainer_v1 | MuonSegmentAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current Muon auxiliary container. More...
typedef MuonSegmentContainer_v1 | MuonSegmentContainer |
| Definition of the current "MuonSegment container version". More...
typedef SlowMuon_v1 | SlowMuon |
| Reference the current persistent version: More...
typedef SlowMuonAuxContainer_v1 | SlowMuonAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current Muon auxiliary container. More...
typedef SlowMuonContainer_v1 | SlowMuonContainer |
| Definition of the current "SlowMuon container version". More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::Muon_v1 > | MuonContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::MuonSegment_v1 > | MuonSegmentContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::SlowMuon_v1 > | SlowMuonContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef NRPCRDO_v1 | NRPCRDO |
| Define the version of the NRPC RDO class. More...
typedef NRPCRDOAuxContainer_v1 | NRPCRDOAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current NRPC RDO auxiliary container. More...
typedef NRPCRDOContainer_v1 | NRPCRDOContainer |
| Define the version of the NRPC RDO container. More...
| Define the version of the NSW MM RDO class. More...
typedef NSWMMTPRDOAuxContainer_v1 | NSWMMTPRDOAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current NSW MM RDO auxiliary container. More...
typedef NSWMMTPRDOContainer_v1 | NSWMMTPRDOContainer |
| Define the version of the NSW MM RDO container. More...
typedef NSWTPRDO_v1 | NSWTPRDO |
| Define the version of the NRPC RDO class. More...
typedef NSWTPRDOAuxContainer_v1 | NSWTPRDOAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current NRPC RDO auxiliary container. More...
typedef NSWTPRDOContainer_v1 | NSWTPRDOContainer |
| Define the version of the NRPC RDO container. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::NRPCRDO_v1 > | NRPCRDOContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::NSWMMTPRDO_v1 > | NSWMMTPRDOContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::NSWTPRDO_v1 > | NSWTPRDOContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef CompositeParticle_v1 | CompositeParticle |
| Define the latest version of the composite particle class. More...
typedef CompositeParticleAuxContainer_v1 | CompositeParticleAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CompositeParticleAuxContainer class. More...
typedef CompositeParticleContainer_v1 | CompositeParticleContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CompositeParticle class. More...
typedef IParticleLink_v1 | IParticleLink |
| Define the latest version of the IParticleLink class. More...
typedef IParticleLinkContainer_v1 | IParticleLinkContainer |
| Define the latest version of the IParticleLinkContainer class. More...
typedef Particle_v1 | Particle |
| Define the latest version of the particle class. More...
typedef ParticleAuxContainer_v1 | ParticleAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the ParticleAuxContainer class. More...
typedef ParticleContainer_v1 | ParticleContainer |
| Define the latest version of the particle class. More...
typedef DataVector< CompositeParticle_v1 > | CompositeParticleContainer_v1 |
| Define the composite particle container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef ElementLink< xAOD::IParticleContainer > | IParticleLink_v1 |
| Define the IParticleLink as a simple typedef. More...
typedef std::vector< IParticleLink_v1 > | IParticleLinkContainer_v1 |
| Define the container of IPartilceLinks. More...
typedef DataVector< Particle_v1 > | ParticleContainer_v1 |
| Define the particle container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef FlowElement_v1 | FlowElement |
| Definition of the current "pfo version". More...
typedef FlowElementAuxContainer_v1 | FlowElementAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current FlowElementAuxContainer_v1 auxiliary container. More...
typedef FlowElementContainer_v1 | FlowElementContainer |
| Definition of the current "pfo container version". More...
typedef PFO_v1 | PFO |
| Definition of the current "pfo version". More...
typedef PFOAuxContainer_v1 | PFOAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current pfo auxiliary container. More...
typedef PFOContainer_v1 | PFOContainer |
| Definition of the current "pfo container version". More...
typedef ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D< float > > | PtEtaPhiMVectorF |
typedef TrackCaloCluster_v1 | TrackCaloCluster |
| Reference the current persistent version: More...
typedef TrackCaloClusterAuxContainer_v1 | TrackCaloClusterAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current TrackCaloCluster auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrackCaloClusterContainer_v1 | TrackCaloClusterContainer |
| Definition of the current "TrackCaloCluster container version". More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::FlowElement_v1 > | FlowElementContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::PFO_v1 > | PFOContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackCaloCluster_v1 > | TrackCaloClusterContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DiTauJet_v1 | DiTauJet |
| Definition of the current version. More...
typedef DiTauJetAuxContainer_v1 | DiTauJetAuxContainer |
typedef DiTauJetContainer_v1 | DiTauJetContainer |
| Definition of the current DiTauJet container version. More...
typedef TauJet_v3 | TauJet |
| Definition of the current "tau version". More...
typedef TauJetAuxContainer_v3 | TauJetAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current taujet auxiliary container. More...
typedef TauJetContainer_v3 | TauJetContainer |
| Definition of the current "taujet container version". More...
typedef TauTrack_v1 | TauTrack |
| Definition of the current version. More...
typedef TauTrackAuxContainer_v1 | TauTrackAuxContainer |
typedef TauTrackContainer_v1 | TauTrackContainer |
| Definition of the current TauTrack container version. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::DiTauJet_v1 > | DiTauJetContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for a vector of DiTauJets. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TauJet_v1 > | TauJetContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TauJet_v2 > | TauJetContainer_v2 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TauJet_v3 > | TauJetContainer_v3 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TauTrack_v1 > | TauTrackContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for a vector of TauTracks. More...
typedef NeutralParticle_v1 | NeutralParticle |
| Reference the current persistent version: More...
typedef NeutralParticleAuxContainer_v1 | NeutralParticleAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current NeutralParticle auxiliary container. More...
typedef NeutralParticleContainer_v1 | NeutralParticleContainer |
| Definition of the current "NeutralParticle container version". More...
typedef SCTRawHitValidation_v1 | SCTRawHitValidation |
| Reference the current persistent version: More...
typedef SCTRawHitValidationAuxContainer_v1 | SCTRawHitValidationAuxContainer |
typedef SCTRawHitValidationContainer_v1 | SCTRawHitValidationContainer |
| Definition of the current "SCTRawHitValidationContainer version". More...
typedef Eigen::Matrix< bool, 5, 5, 0, 5, 5 > | ParametersCovMatrixFilled_t |
typedef TrackJacobian_v1 | TrackJacobian |
typedef TrackJacobianAuxContainer_v1 | TrackJacobianAuxContainer |
typedef TrackJacobianContainer_v1 | TrackJacobianContainer |
typedef TrackMeasurement_v1 | TrackMeasurement |
typedef TrackMeasurementAuxContainer_v1 | TrackMeasurementAuxContainer |
typedef TrackMeasurementContainer_v1 | TrackMeasurementContainer |
typedef TrackMeasurementValidation_v1 | TrackMeasurementValidation |
| Reference the current persistent version: More...
typedef TrackMeasurementValidationAuxContainer_v1 | TrackMeasurementValidationAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current Muon auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrackMeasurementValidationContainer_v1 | TrackMeasurementValidationContainer |
| Definition of the current "TrackMeasurementValidation container version". More...
typedef TrackParameters_v1 | TrackParameters |
typedef TrackParametersAuxContainer_v1 | TrackParametersAuxContainer |
typedef TrackParametersContainer_v1 | TrackParametersContainer |
typedef TrackParticle_v1 | TrackParticle |
| Reference the current persistent version: More...
typedef TrackParticleAuxContainer_v5 | TrackParticleAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current TrackParticle auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrackParticleContainer_v1 | TrackParticleContainer |
| Definition of the current "TrackParticle container version". More...
typedef TrackState_v1 | TrackState |
typedef TrackStateAuxContainer_v1 | TrackStateAuxContainer |
typedef TrackStateContainer_v1 | TrackStateContainer |
typedef TrackStateValidation_v1 | TrackStateValidation |
| Reference the current persistent version: More...
typedef TrackStateValidationAuxContainer_v1 | TrackStateValidationAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current TrackStateValidation auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrackStateValidationContainer_v1 | TrackStateValidationContainer |
| Definition of the current "TrackStateValidation container version". More...
typedef TrackSummary_v1 | TrackSummary |
typedef TrackSummaryAuxContainer_v1 | TrackSummaryAuxContainer |
typedef TrackSummaryContainer_v1 | TrackSummaryContainer |
typedef TrackSurface_v1 | TrackSurface |
typedef TrackSurfaceAuxContainer_v1 | TrackSurfaceAuxContainer |
typedef TrackSurfaceContainer_v1 | TrackSurfaceContainer |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::NeutralParticle_v1 > | NeutralParticleContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::SCTRawHitValidation_v1 > | SCTRawHitValidationContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackJacobian_v1 > | TrackJacobianContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackMeasurement_v1 > | TrackMeasurementContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackMeasurementValidation_v1 > | TrackMeasurementValidationContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackParameters_v1 > | TrackParametersContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackParticle_v1 > | TrackParticleContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
using | TrackStateIndexType = uint32_t |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackState_v1 > | TrackStateContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackStateValidation_v1 > | TrackStateValidationContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackSummary_v1 > | TrackSummaryContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackSurface_v1 > | TrackSurfaceContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::Vertex_v1 > | VertexContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef Vertex_v1 | Vertex |
| Define the latest version of the vertex class. More...
typedef VertexAuxContainer_v1 | VertexAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current jet auxiliary container. More...
typedef VertexContainer_v1 | VertexContainer |
| Definition of the current "Vertex container version". More...
typedef TrigBphys_v1 | TrigBphys |
typedef TrigBphysAuxContainer_v1 | TrigBphysAuxContainer |
typedef TrigBphysContainer_v1 | TrigBphysContainer |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrigBphys_v1 > | TrigBphysContainer_v1 |
| Declare the em/tau RoI container type. More...
typedef CaloClusterTrigAuxContainer_v1 | CaloClusterTrigAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the calorimeter cluster auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrigCaloCluster_v1 | TrigCaloCluster |
| Define the latest version of the trigger calorimeter cluster class. More...
typedef TrigCaloClusterAuxContainer_v1 | TrigCaloClusterAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the trigger calorimeter cluster auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrigCaloClusterContainer_v1 | TrigCaloClusterContainer |
| Define the latest version of the trigger calorimeter cluster container. More...
typedef TrigEMCluster_v1 | TrigEMCluster |
| Define the latest version of the trigger EM cluster class. More...
typedef TrigEMClusterAuxContainer_v2 | TrigEMClusterAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the trigger EM cluster auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrigEMClusterContainer_v1 | TrigEMClusterContainer |
| Define the latest version of the trigger EM cluster container. More...
typedef DataVector< TrigCaloCluster_v1 > | TrigCaloClusterContainer_v1 |
| Define the trigger calorimeter cluster container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< TrigEMCluster_v1 > | TrigEMClusterContainer_v1 |
| Define the trigger EM cluster container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef ElectronTrigAuxContainer_v1 | ElectronTrigAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current electron auxiliary container. More...
typedef PhotonTrigAuxContainer_v1 | PhotonTrigAuxContainer |
| Definition of the current photon auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrigElectron_v1 | TrigElectron |
| Declare the latest version of the class. More...
typedef TrigElectronAuxContainer_v1 | TrigElectronAuxContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrigElectronContainer_v1 | TrigElectronContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the container. More...
typedef TrigPhoton_v1 | TrigPhoton |
| Declare the latest version of TrigPhoton. More...
typedef TrigPhotonAuxContainer_v1 | TrigPhotonAuxContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the photon auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrigPhotonContainer_v1 | TrigPhotonContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the container. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrigElectron_v1 > | TrigElectronContainer_v1 |
| Declare the container as a simple type definition. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrigPhoton_v1 > | TrigPhotonContainer_v1 |
| Declare the container as a simple type definition. More...
typedef BunchConf_v1 | BunchConf |
| Define the latest version of the bunch configuration class. More...
typedef BunchConfAuxContainer_v1 | BunchConfAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the bunch configuration auxiliary container class. More...
typedef BunchConfContainer_v1 | BunchConfContainer |
| Define the latest version of the bunch configuration container class. More...
typedef BunchConfKey_v1 | BunchConfKey |
| Declare the current version of the bunch configuration key type. More...
typedef eFexEMRoI_v1 | eFexEMRoI |
| Define the latest version of the eFexEMRoI class. More...
typedef eFexEMRoIAuxContainer_v1 | eFexEMRoIAuxContainer |
typedef eFexEMRoIContainer_v1 | eFexEMRoIContainer |
typedef eFexTauRoI_v1 | eFexTauRoI |
| Define the latest version of the eFexTauRoI class. More...
typedef eFexTauRoIAuxContainer_v1 | eFexTauRoIAuxContainer |
typedef eFexTauRoIContainer_v1 | eFexTauRoIContainer |
typedef EmTauRoI_v2 | EmTauRoI |
typedef EmTauRoIAuxContainer_v2 | EmTauRoIAuxContainer |
typedef EmTauRoIContainer_v2 | EmTauRoIContainer |
typedef EnergySumRoI_v2 | EnergySumRoI |
typedef EnergySumRoIAuxInfo_v2 | EnergySumRoIAuxInfo |
| Declare the most recent version of the energy-sum auxiliary info. More...
typedef gFexGlobalRoI_v1 | gFexGlobalRoI |
| Define the latest version of the eFexEMRoI class. More...
typedef gFexGlobalRoIAuxContainer_v1 | gFexGlobalRoIAuxContainer |
typedef gFexGlobalRoIContainer_v1 | gFexGlobalRoIContainer |
typedef gFexJetRoI_v1 | gFexJetRoI |
| Define the latest version of the gFexJetRoI class. More...
typedef gFexJetRoIAuxContainer_v1 | gFexJetRoIAuxContainer |
typedef gFexJetRoIContainer_v1 | gFexJetRoIContainer |
typedef JetEtRoI_v1 | JetEtRoI |
typedef JetEtRoIAuxInfo_v1 | JetEtRoIAuxInfo |
| Declare the most recent version of the jet-ET auxiliary info. More...
typedef JetRoI_v2 | JetRoI |
typedef JetRoIAuxContainer_v2 | JetRoIAuxContainer |
typedef JetRoIContainer_v2 | JetRoIContainer |
typedef jFexFwdElRoI_v1 | jFexFwdElRoI |
| Define the latest version of the jFexFwdElJetRoI class
typedef jFexFwdElRoIAuxContainer_v1 | jFexFwdElRoIAuxContainer |
typedef jFexFwdElRoIContainer_v1 | jFexFwdElRoIContainer |
typedef jFexLRJetRoI_v1 | jFexLRJetRoI |
| Define the latest version of the jFexLRJetRoI class
typedef jFexLRJetRoIAuxContainer_v1 | jFexLRJetRoIAuxContainer |
typedef jFexLRJetRoIContainer_v1 | jFexLRJetRoIContainer |
typedef jFexMETRoI_v1 | jFexMETRoI |
| Define the latest version of the jFexMETRoI class
typedef jFexMETRoIAuxContainer_v1 | jFexMETRoIAuxContainer |
typedef jFexMETRoIContainer_v1 | jFexMETRoIContainer |
typedef jFexSRJetRoI_v1 | jFexSRJetRoI |
| Define the latest version of the jFexSRJetRoI class
typedef jFexSRJetRoIAuxContainer_v1 | jFexSRJetRoIAuxContainer |
typedef jFexSRJetRoIContainer_v1 | jFexSRJetRoIContainer |
typedef jFexSumETRoI_v1 | jFexSumETRoI |
| Define the latest version of the jFexSumETJetRoI class
typedef jFexSumETRoIAuxContainer_v1 | jFexSumETRoIAuxContainer |
typedef jFexSumETRoIContainer_v1 | jFexSumETRoIContainer |
typedef jFexTauRoI_v1 | jFexTauRoI |
| Define the latest version of the jFexSRJetRoI class
typedef jFexTauRoIAuxContainer_v1 | jFexTauRoIAuxContainer |
typedef jFexTauRoIContainer_v1 | jFexTauRoIContainer |
typedef L1TopoSimResults_v1 | L1TopoSimResults |
| Define the latest version of the L1TopoSimResults class. More...
typedef L1TopoSimResultsAuxContainer_v1 | L1TopoSimResultsAuxContainer |
typedef L1TopoSimResultsContainer_v1 | L1TopoSimResultsContainer |
typedef MuonRoI_v1 | MuonRoI |
typedef MuonRoIAuxContainer_v1 | MuonRoIAuxContainer |
typedef MuonRoIContainer_v1 | MuonRoIContainer |
typedef RoiDescriptorStore_v1 | RoiDescriptorStore |
| Define the latest version of the serialised RoiDescriptor storage. More...
typedef RoiDescriptorStoreAuxInfo_v1 | RoiDescriptorStoreAuxInfo |
| Define the latest version of the serialised RoiDescriptor collection auxiliary store. More...
typedef TrigComposite_v1 | TrigComposite |
| Declare the latest version of the class. More...
typedef TrigCompositeAuxContainer_v2 | TrigCompositeAuxContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the container. More...
typedef TrigCompositeContainer_v1 | TrigCompositeContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the container. More...
typedef TrigConfKeys_v1 | TrigConfKeys |
| Declare the current version of the trigger configuration keys type. More...
typedef TrigDecision_v1 | TrigDecision |
| Define the latest version of the trigger decision class. More...
typedef TrigDecisionAuxInfo_v1 | TrigDecisionAuxInfo |
| Define the latest version of the trigger decision auxiliary information class. More...
typedef TriggerMenu_v1 | TriggerMenu |
| Define the latest version of the trigger menu class. More...
typedef TriggerMenuAuxContainer_v1 | TriggerMenuAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the trigger menu auxiliary container class. More...
typedef TriggerMenuContainer_v1 | TriggerMenuContainer |
| Define the latest version of the trigger menu container class. More...
typedef TriggerMenuJson_v1 | TriggerMenuJson |
| Define the latest version of the trigger menu JSON class. More...
typedef TriggerMenuJsonAuxContainer_v1 | TriggerMenuJsonAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the trigger menu auxiliary container class. More...
typedef TriggerMenuJsonContainer_v1 | TriggerMenuJsonContainer |
typedef TrigNavigation_v1 | TrigNavigation |
| Define the latest version of the trigger navigation class. More...
typedef TrigNavigationAuxInfo_v1 | TrigNavigationAuxInfo |
| Define the latest version of the trigger navigation auxiliary information class. More...
typedef TrigPassBits_v1 | TrigPassBits |
| Define the latest version of the trigger pass bits class. More...
typedef TrigPassBitsAuxContainer_v1 | TrigPassBitsAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the class. More...
typedef TrigPassBitsContainer_v1 | TrigPassBitsContainer |
| Define the latest version of the trig pass bits container class. More...
typedef DataVector< BunchConf_v1 > | BunchConfContainer_v1 |
| Define the bunch configuration container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::eFexEMRoI_v1 > | eFexEMRoIContainer_v1 |
| Declare the em/tau RoI container type. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::eFexTauRoI_v1 > | eFexTauRoIContainer_v1 |
| Declare the tau RoI container type. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::EmTauRoI_v1 > | EmTauRoIContainer_v1 |
| Declare the em/tau RoI container type. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::EmTauRoI_v2 > | EmTauRoIContainer_v2 |
| Declare the em/tau RoI container type. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::gFexGlobalRoI_v1 > | gFexGlobalRoIContainer_v1 |
| Declare the Global TOB container type. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::gFexJetRoI_v1 > | gFexJetRoIContainer_v1 |
| Declare the Jet TOB container type. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::JetRoI_v1 > | JetRoIContainer_v1 |
| Declare the jet RoI container type. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::JetRoI_v2 > | JetRoIContainer_v2 |
| Declare the jet RoI container type. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::jFexFwdElRoI_v1 > | jFexFwdElRoIContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::jFexLRJetRoI_v1 > | jFexLRJetRoIContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::jFexMETRoI_v1 > | jFexMETRoIContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::jFexSRJetRoI_v1 > | jFexSRJetRoIContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::jFexSumETRoI_v1 > | jFexSumETRoIContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::jFexTauRoI_v1 > | jFexTauRoIContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::L1TopoSimResults_v1 > | L1TopoSimResultsContainer_v1 |
| Declare the em/tau RoI container type. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::MuonRoI_v1 > | MuonRoIContainer_v1 |
| Declare the muon RoI container type. More...
typedef DataVector< TrigComposite_v1 > | TrigCompositeContainer_v1 |
| The container is a simple typedef. More...
typedef DataVector< TriggerMenu_v1 > | TriggerMenuContainer_v1 |
| Define the menu container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< TriggerMenuJson_v1 > | TriggerMenuJsonContainer_v1 |
| Define the menu container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< TrigPassBits_v1 > | TrigPassBitsContainer_v1 |
| Define the trig pass bits container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef CMMCPHits_v1 | CMMCPHits |
| Define the latest version of the CMMCPHits class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const CMMCPHits * > | CMMCPHitsMap_t |
typedef CMMCPHitsAuxContainer_v1 | CMMCPHitsAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CMMCPHits auxiliary container. More...
typedef CMMCPHitsContainer_v1 | CMMCPHitsContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CMMCPHits container. More...
typedef CMMEtSums_v1 | CMMEtSums |
| Define the latest version of the CMMEtSums class. More...
typedef CMMEtSumsAuxContainer_v1 | CMMEtSumsAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CMMEtSums auxiliary container. More...
typedef CMMEtSumsContainer_v1 | CMMEtSumsContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CMMEtSums container. More...
typedef CMMJetHits_v1 | CMMJetHits |
| Define the latest version of the CMMJetHits class. More...
typedef CMMJetHitsAuxContainer_v1 | CMMJetHitsAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CMMJetHits auxiliary container. More...
typedef CMMJetHitsContainer_v1 | CMMJetHitsContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CMMJetHits container. More...
typedef CMMRoI_v1 | CMMRoI |
| Define the latest version of the CMMRoI class. More...
typedef CMMRoIAuxInfo_v1 | CMMRoIAuxInfo |
| Define the latest version of the CMMRoI auxiliary info. More...
typedef CMXCPHits_v1 | CMXCPHits |
| Define the latest version of the CMMCPHits class. More...
typedef CMXCPHitsAuxContainer_v1 | CMXCPHitsAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CMMCPHits class. More...
typedef CMXCPHitsContainer_v1 | CMXCPHitsContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CMXCPHits class. More...
typedef CMXCPTob_v1 | CMXCPTob |
| Define the latest version of the CMXCPTob class. More...
typedef CMXCPTobAuxContainer_v1 | CMXCPTobAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CMXCPTob class. More...
typedef CMXCPTobContainer_v1 | CMXCPTobContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CMXCPTob class. More...
typedef CMXEtSums_v1 | CMXEtSums |
| Define the latest version of the CMXEtSums class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const CMXEtSums * > | CMXEtSumsMap_t |
typedef CMXEtSumsAuxContainer_v1 | CMXEtSumsAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CMXEtSums class. More...
typedef CMXEtSumsContainer_v1 | CMXEtSumsContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CMXEtSums class. More...
typedef CMXJetHits_v1 | CMXJetHits |
| Define the latest version of the CMXJetHits class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const CMXJetHits * > | CMXJetHitsMap_t |
typedef CMXJetHitsAuxContainer_v1 | CMXJetHitsAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CMXJetHits class. More...
typedef CMXJetHitsContainer_v1 | CMXJetHitsContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CMXJetHits class. More...
typedef CMXJetTob_v1 | CMXJetTob |
| Define the latest version of the CMXJetTob class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const CMXJetTob * > | CMXJetTobMap_t |
typedef CMXJetTobAuxContainer_v1 | CMXJetTobAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CMXJetTob class. More...
typedef CMXJetTobContainer_v1 | CMXJetTobContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CMXJetTob class. More...
typedef CMXRoI_v1 | CMXRoI |
| Define the latest version of the CMXRoI class. More...
typedef CMXRoIAuxContainer_v1 | CMXRoIAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CMXRoI auxiliary info. More...
typedef CMXRoIContainer_v1 | CMXRoIContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CMXRoI container. More...
typedef CPMHits_v1 | CPMHits |
| Define the latest version of the CPMHits class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const CPMHits * > | CPMHitsMap_t |
typedef CPMHitsAuxContainer_v1 | CPMHitsAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CPMHits auxiliary container. More...
typedef CPMHitsContainer_v1 | CPMHitsContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CPMHits container. More...
typedef CPMRoI_v1 | CPMRoI |
| Define the latest version of the CPMRoI class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const CPMRoI * > | CPMRoIMap_t |
typedef CPMRoIAuxContainer_v1 | CPMRoIAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CPMRoI auxiliary container. More...
typedef CPMRoIContainer_v1 | CPMRoIContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CPMRoI container. More...
typedef CPMTobRoI_v1 | CPMTobRoI |
| Define the latest version of the CPMTobRoI class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const CPMTobRoI * > | CPMTobRoIMap_t |
typedef CPMTobRoIAuxContainer_v1 | CPMTobRoIAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CPMTobRoI class. More...
typedef CPMTobRoIContainer_v1 | CPMTobRoIContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CPMTobRoI class. More...
typedef CPMTower_v2 | CPMTower |
| Define the latest version of the CPMTower class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const CPMTower * > | CPMTowerMap_t |
typedef CPMTowerAuxContainer_v2 | CPMTowerAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CPMHits auxiliary container. More...
typedef CPMTowerContainer_v2 | CPMTowerContainer |
| Define the latest version of the CPMHits container. More...
typedef eFexTower_v1 | eFexTower |
| Define the latest version of the TriggerTower class. More...
typedef eFexTowerAuxContainer_v1 | eFexTowerAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the TriggerTower auxiliary container. More...
typedef eFexTowerContainer_v1 | eFexTowerContainer |
| Define the latest version of the TriggerTower container. More...
typedef GBlock_v1 | GBlock |
| Define the latest version of the GBlock class. More...
typedef GBlockAuxContainer_v1 | GBlockAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the GBlock auxiliary container. More...
typedef GBlockContainer_v1 | GBlockContainer |
| Define the latest version of the GBlock container. More...
typedef gFexTower_v1 | gFexTower |
| Define the latest version of the TriggerTower class. More...
typedef gFexTowerAuxContainer_v1 | gFexTowerAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the TriggerTower auxiliary container. More...
typedef gFexTowerContainer_v1 | gFexTowerContainer |
| Define the latest version of the TriggerTower container. More...
typedef JEMEtSums_v2 | JEMEtSums |
| Define the latest version of the JEMEtSums class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const JEMEtSums * > | JEMEtSumsMap_t |
typedef JEMEtSumsAuxContainer_v2 | JEMEtSumsAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the JEMEtSums auxiliary container. More...
typedef JEMEtSumsContainer_v2 | JEMEtSumsContainer |
| Define the latest version of the JEMEtSums container. More...
typedef JEMHits_v1 | JEMHits |
| Define the latest version of the JEMHits class. More...
typedef JEMHitsAuxContainer_v1 | JEMHitsAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the JEMHits auxiliary container. More...
typedef JEMHitsContainer_v1 | JEMHitsContainer |
| Define the latest version of the JEMHits container. More...
typedef JEMRoI_v1 | JEMRoI |
| Define the latest version of the JEMRoI class. More...
typedef JEMRoIAuxContainer_v1 | JEMRoIAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the JEMHits auxiliary container. More...
typedef JEMRoIContainer_v1 | JEMRoIContainer |
| Define the latest version of the JEMRoI container. More...
typedef JEMTobRoI_v1 | JEMTobRoI |
| Define the latest version of the JEMTobRoI class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const JEMTobRoI * > | JEMTobRoIMap_t |
typedef JEMTobRoIAuxContainer_v1 | JEMTobRoIAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the JEMTobRoI class. More...
typedef JEMTobRoIContainer_v1 | JEMTobRoIContainer |
| Define the latest version of the JEMTobRoI class. More...
typedef JetElement_v2 | JetElement |
| Define the latest version of the JetElement class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const JetElement * > | JetElementMap_t |
typedef JetElementAuxContainer_v2 | JetElementAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the JetElement auxiliary container. More...
typedef JetElementContainer_v2 | JetElementContainer |
| Define the latest version of the JetElement container. More...
typedef jFexTower_v1 | jFexTower |
| Define the latest version of the TriggerTower class. More...
typedef jFexTowerAuxContainer_v1 | jFexTowerAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the TriggerTower auxiliary container. More...
typedef jFexTowerContainer_v1 | jFexTowerContainer |
| Define the latest version of the TriggerTower container. More...
typedef JGTower_v1 | JGTower |
| Define the latest version of the JGTower class. More...
typedef JGTowerAuxContainer_v1 | JGTowerAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the JGTower auxiliary container. More...
typedef JGTowerContainer_v1 | JGTowerContainer |
| Define the latest version of the JGTower container. More...
typedef L1TopoRawData_v1 | L1TopoRawData |
| Define the latest version of the L1TopoRawData class. More...
typedef L1TopoRawDataAuxContainer_v1 | L1TopoRawDataAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the L1TopoRawData auxiliary container. More...
typedef L1TopoRawDataContainer_v1 | L1TopoRawDataContainer |
| Define the latest version of the L1TopoRawData container. More...
typedef RODHeader_v2 | RODHeader |
| Define the latest version of the RODHeader class. More...
typedef RODHeaderAuxContainer_v2 | RODHeaderAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the RODHeader auxiliary container. More...
typedef RODHeaderContainer_v2 | RODHeaderContainer |
| Define the latest version of the RODHeader container. More...
typedef TriggerTower_v2 | TriggerTower |
| Define the latest version of the TriggerTower class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const TriggerTower * > | TriggerTowerMap_t |
typedef TriggerTowerAuxContainer_v2 | TriggerTowerAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the TriggerTower auxiliary container. More...
typedef TriggerTowerContainer_v2 | TriggerTowerContainer |
| Define the latest version of the TriggerTower container. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CMMCPHits_v1 > | CMMCPHitsContainer_v1 |
| Define the CMMCPHits as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CMMEtSums_v1 > | CMMEtSumsContainer_v1 |
| Define the CMMEtSums as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CMMJetHits_v1 > | CMMJetHitsContainer_v1 |
| Define the CMMJetHits as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CMXCPHits_v1 > | CMXCPHitsContainer_v1 |
| Define the CMXCPHits as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CMXCPTob_v1 > | CMXCPTobContainer_v1 |
| Define the CMXCPTob as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CMXEtSums_v1 > | CMXEtSumsContainer_v1 |
| Define the CMXEtSums as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CMXJetHits_v1 > | CMXJetHitsContainer_v1 |
| Define the CMXJetHits as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CMXJetTob_v1 > | CMXJetTobContainer_v1 |
| Define the CMXJetTob as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CMXRoI_v1 > | CMXRoIContainer_v1 |
| Define the CPMHits as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CPMHits_v1 > | CPMHitsContainer_v1 |
| Define the CPMHits as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CPMRoI_v1 > | CPMRoIContainer_v1 |
| Define the CPMRoI as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CPMTobRoI_v1 > | CPMTobRoIContainer_v1 |
| Define the CPMTobRoI as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CPMTower_v1 > | CPMTowerContainer_v1 |
| Define the CPMHits as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CPMTower_v2 > | CPMTowerContainer_v2 |
| Define the CPMHits as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::eFexTower_v1 > | eFexTowerContainer_v1 |
| Define the TriggerTower as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< GBlock_v1 > | GBlockContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::gFexTower_v1 > | gFexTowerContainer_v1 |
| Define the TriggerTower as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::JEMEtSums_v1 > | JEMEtSumsContainer_v1 |
| Define the JEMEtSums as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::JEMEtSums_v2 > | JEMEtSumsContainer_v2 |
| Define the JEMEtSums as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::JEMHits_v1 > | JEMHitsContainer_v1 |
| Define the JEMHits as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::JEMRoI_v1 > | JEMRoIContainer_v1 |
| Define the JEMRoI as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::JEMTobRoI_v1 > | JEMTobRoIContainer_v1 |
| Define the JEMTobRoI as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::JetElement_v1 > | JetElementContainer_v1 |
| Define the JetElement as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::JetElement_v2 > | JetElementContainer_v2 |
| Define the JetElement as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::jFexTower_v1 > | jFexTowerContainer_v1 |
| Define the TriggerTower as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::JGTower_v1 > | JGTowerContainer_v1 |
| Define the JGTower as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::L1TopoRawData_v1 > | L1TopoRawDataContainer_v1 |
| Define the CMMCPHits as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::RODHeader_v1 > | RODHeaderContainer_v1 |
| Define the RODHeader as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::RODHeader_v2 > | RODHeaderContainer_v2 |
| Define the RODHeader as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TriggerTower_v1 > | TriggerTowerContainer_v1 |
| Define the TriggerTower as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TriggerTower_v2 > | TriggerTowerContainer_v2 |
| Define the TriggerTower as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef TrigHisto2D_v1 | TrigHisto2D |
typedef TrigHisto2DAuxContainer_v1 | TrigHisto2DAuxContainer |
typedef TrigHisto2DContainer_v1 | TrigHisto2DContainer |
typedef TrigSpacePointCounts_v1 | TrigSpacePointCounts |
typedef TrigSpacePointCountsAuxContainer_v1 | TrigSpacePointCountsAuxContainer |
typedef TrigSpacePointCountsContainer_v1 | TrigSpacePointCountsContainer |
typedef TrigT2MbtsBits_v1 | TrigT2MbtsBits |
typedef TrigT2MbtsBitsAuxContainer_v1 | TrigT2MbtsBitsAuxContainer |
typedef TrigT2MbtsBitsContainer_v1 | TrigT2MbtsBitsContainer |
typedef TrigT2ZdcSignals_v1 | TrigT2ZdcSignals |
typedef TrigT2ZdcSignalsAuxContainer_v1 | TrigT2ZdcSignalsAuxContainer |
typedef TrigT2ZdcSignalsContainer_v1 | TrigT2ZdcSignalsContainer |
typedef TrigTrackCounts_v1 | TrigTrackCounts |
typedef TrigTrackCountsAuxContainer_v1 | TrigTrackCountsAuxContainer |
typedef TrigTrackCountsContainer_v1 | TrigTrackCountsContainer |
typedef TrigVertexCounts_v1 | TrigVertexCounts |
typedef TrigVertexCountsAuxContainer_v1 | TrigVertexCountsAuxContainer |
typedef TrigVertexCountsContainer_v1 | TrigVertexCountsContainer |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrigHisto2D_v1 > | TrigHisto2DContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrigSpacePointCounts_v1 > | TrigSpacePointCountsContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrigT2MbtsBits_v1 > | TrigT2MbtsBitsContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrigT2ZdcSignals_v1 > | TrigT2ZdcSignalsContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrigTrackCounts_v1 > | TrigTrackCountsContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrigVertexCounts_v1 > | TrigVertexCountsContainer_v1 |
typedef TrigMissingET_v1 | TrigMissingET |
| Define the most recent version of the TrigMissingET class. More...
typedef TrigMissingETAuxContainer_v1 | TrigMissingETAuxContainer |
| Define the most recent version of the AuxContainer for the TrigMissingET object(s). More...
typedef TrigMissingETContainer_v1 | TrigMissingETContainer |
| DataVector of TrigMissingET - the current version. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrigMissingET_v1 > | TrigMissingETContainer_v1 |
| Datavector of all trig missing et objects. More...
typedef L2CombinedMuon_v1 | L2CombinedMuon |
| Define the latest version of the muon CB class. More...
typedef L2CombinedMuonAuxContainer_v1 | L2CombinedMuonAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the muon CB auxiliary container. More...
typedef L2CombinedMuonContainer_v1 | L2CombinedMuonContainer |
| Define the latest version of the muon CB container. More...
typedef L2IsoMuon_v1 | L2IsoMuon |
| Define the latest version of the muon Iso class. More...
typedef L2IsoMuonAuxContainer_v1 | L2IsoMuonAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the muon Iso auxiliary container. More...
typedef L2IsoMuonContainer_v1 | L2IsoMuonContainer |
| Define the latest version of the muon Iso container. More...
typedef L2StandAloneMuon_v2 | L2StandAloneMuon |
| Define the latest version of the muon SA class. More...
typedef L2StandAloneMuonAuxContainer_v2 | L2StandAloneMuonAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the muon SA auxiliary container. More...
typedef L2StandAloneMuonContainer_v2 | L2StandAloneMuonContainer |
| Define the latest version of the muon SA container. More...
typedef DataVector< L2CombinedMuon_v1 > | L2CombinedMuonContainer_v1 |
| Define the trigger calorimeter cluster container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< L2IsoMuon_v1 > | L2IsoMuonContainer_v1 |
| Define the trigger calorimeter cluster container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< L2StandAloneMuon_v1 > | L2StandAloneMuonContainer_v1 |
| Define the trigger calorimeter cluster container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< L2StandAloneMuon_v2 > | L2StandAloneMuonContainer_v2 |
| Define the trigger calorimeter cluster container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef TrigRingerRings_v2 | TrigRingerRings |
| Define the latest version of the TrigRingerRings class. More...
typedef TrigRingerRingsAuxContainer_v2 | TrigRingerRingsAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the TrigRingerRings class. More...
typedef TrigRingerRingsContainer_v2 | TrigRingerRingsContainer |
| Define the latest version of the TrigRingerRingsContainer class. More...
typedef TrigRNNOutput_v2 | TrigRNNOutput |
| Define the latest version of the RingerRings class. More...
typedef TrigRNNOutputAuxContainer_v2 | TrigRNNOutputAuxContainer |
| Define the latest version of the RingerRings class. More...
typedef TrigRNNOutputContainer_v2 | TrigRNNOutputContainer |
| Define the latest version of the TrigRNNOutputContainer class. More...
typedef DataVector< TrigRingerRings_v1 > | TrigRingerRingsContainer_v1 |
| Define the TrigRingerRings container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< TrigRingerRings_v2 > | TrigRingerRingsContainer_v2 |
| Define the TrigRingerRings container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< TrigRNNOutput_v1 > | TrigRNNOutputContainer_v1 |
| Define the RingerRings container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< TrigRNNOutput_v2 > | TrigRNNOutputContainer_v2 |
| Define the RingerRings container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef TruthEvent_v1 | TruthEvent |
| Typedef to implementation. More...
typedef TruthEventAuxContainer_v1 | TruthEventAuxContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the truth event auxiliary container. More...
typedef TruthEventBase_v1 | TruthEventBase |
| Typedef to implementation. More...
typedef TruthEventBaseContainer_v1 | TruthEventBaseContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the truth event container. More...
typedef TruthEventContainer_v1 | TruthEventContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the truth event container. More...
typedef TruthMetaData_v1 | TruthMetaData |
| Typedef to implementation. More...
typedef TruthMetaDataAuxContainer_v1 | TruthMetaDataAuxContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the truth vertex auxiliary container. More...
typedef TruthMetaDataContainer_v1 | TruthMetaDataContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the truth vertex container. More...
typedef TruthParticle_v1 | TruthParticle |
| Typedef to implementation. More...
typedef TruthParticleAuxContainer_v1 | TruthParticleAuxContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the truth particle auxiliary container. More...
typedef TruthParticleContainer_v1 | TruthParticleContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the truth particle container. More...
typedef TruthPileupEvent_v1 | TruthPileupEvent |
| Typedef to implementation. More...
typedef TruthPileupEventAuxContainer_v1 | TruthPileupEventAuxContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the truth event auxiliary container. More...
typedef TruthPileupEventContainer_v1 | TruthPileupEventContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the truth event container. More...
typedef TruthVertex_v1 | TruthVertex |
| Typedef to implementation. More...
typedef TruthVertexAuxContainer_v1 | TruthVertexAuxContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the truth vertex auxiliary container. More...
typedef TruthVertexContainer_v1 | TruthVertexContainer |
| Declare the latest version of the truth vertex container. More...
typedef DataVector< TruthEventBase_v1 > | TruthEventBaseContainer_v1 |
| Alias. More...
typedef DataVector< TruthEvent_v1 > | TruthEventContainer_v1 |
| Alias. More...
typedef DataVector< TruthMetaData_v1 > | TruthMetaDataContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< TruthParticle_v1 > | TruthParticleContainer_v1 |
typedef DataVector< TruthPileupEvent_v1 > | TruthPileupEventContainer_v1 |
| Alias declaring the container type. More...
typedef DataVector< TruthVertex_v1 > | TruthVertexContainer_v1 |
typedef ViewVector< TrackParticleContainer > | TrackParticleViewVector |
typedef ViewVector< VertexContainer > | VertexViewVector |
typedef std::vector< const xAOD::TrackParticle * > | TrackVertexAssociationList |
typedef std::map< const xAOD::Vertex *, xAOD::TrackVertexAssociationList > | TrackVertexAssociationMap |
using | MdtDriftCircleStatus = MdtDriftCircle_v1::MdtDriftCircleStatus |
using | MdtDriftCircleContainer_v1 = DataVector< MdtDriftCircle_v1 > |
using | MdtDriftCircleContainer = MdtDriftCircleContainer_v1 |
using | MdtDriftCircle = MdtDriftCircle_v1 |
using | MdtDriftCircleAuxContainer = MdtDriftCircleAuxContainer_v1 |
using | MdtTwinDriftCircleContainer_v1 = DataVector< MdtTwinDriftCircle_v1 > |
using | MdtTwinDriftCircleContainer = MdtTwinDriftCircleContainer_v1 |
using | MdtTwinDriftCircle = MdtTwinDriftCircle_v1 |
using | MdtTwinDriftCircleAuxContainer = MdtTwinDriftCircleAuxContainer_v1 |
using | MMClusterContainer_v1 = DataVector< MMCluster_v1 > |
using | MMClusterContainer = MMClusterContainer_v1 |
using | MMCluster = MMCluster_v1 |
using | MMClusterAuxContainer = MMClusterAuxContainer_v1 |
using | RpcMeasurementContainer_v1 = DataVector< RpcMeasurement_v1 > |
using | RpcMeasurementContainer = RpcMeasurementContainer_v1 |
using | RpcMeasurement = RpcMeasurement_v1 |
using | RpcStrip2DContainer_v1 = DataVector< RpcStrip2D_v1 > |
using | RpcStrip2DContainer = RpcStrip2DContainer_v1 |
using | RpcStrip2D = RpcStrip2D_v1 |
using | RpcStrip2DAuxContainer = RpcStrip2DAuxContainer_v1 |
using | RpcStripContainer_v1 = DataVector< RpcStrip_v1 > |
using | RpcStripContainer = RpcStripContainer_v1 |
using | RpcStrip = RpcStrip_v1 |
using | RpcStripAuxContainer = RpcStripAuxContainer_v1 |
using | sTgcMeasContainer_v1 = DataVector< sTgcMeasurement_v1 > |
using | sTgcMeasContainer = sTgcMeasContainer_v1 |
using | sTgcMeasurement = sTgcMeasurement_v1 |
using | sTgcMeasurementAuxContainer = sTgcMeasurementAuxContainer_v1 |
using | sTgcPadContainer_v1 = DataVector< sTgcPadHit_v1 > |
using | sTgcPadContainer = sTgcPadContainer_v1 |
using | sTgcPadHit = sTgcPadHit_v1 |
using | sTgcPadAuxContainer = sTgcPadAuxContainer_v1 |
using | sTgcStripCluster = sTgcStripCluster_v1 |
using | sTgcStripAuxContainer = sTgcStripAuxContainer_v1 |
using | sTgcStripContainer_v1 = DataVector< sTgcStripCluster_v1 > |
using | sTgcStripContainer = sTgcStripContainer_v1 |
using | sTgcWireContainer_v1 = DataVector< sTgcWireHit_v1 > |
using | sTgcWireContainer = sTgcWireContainer_v1 |
using | sTgcWireHit = sTgcWireHit_v1 |
using | sTgcWireAuxContainer = sTgcWireAuxContainer_v1 |
using | TgcStripContainer_v1 = DataVector< TgcStrip_v1 > |
using | TgcStripContainer = TgcStripContainer_v1 |
using | TgcStrip = TgcStrip_v1 |
using | TgcStripAuxContainer = TgcStripAuxContainer_v1 |
using | MuonSimHit = MuonSimHit_v1 |
| Defined the version of the MuonSimHit. More...
using | MuonSimHitAuxContainer = MuonSimHitAuxContainer_v1 |
| Define the version of the pixel cluster container. More...
using | MuonSimHitContainer = MuonSimHitContainer_v1 |
| Define the version of the pixel cluster container. More...
using | MuonSimHitContainer_v1 = DataVector< xAOD::MuonSimHit_v1 > |
| The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
ROOT::RDataFrame | MakeDataFrame (std::string_view fileNameGlob, std::string_view treeName="CollectionTree", bool verboseOutput=false) |
| Helper function for creating an xAOD reading data frame. More...
ROOT::RDataFrame | MakeDataFrame (const std::vector< std::string > &fileNames, std::string_view treeName="CollectionTree", bool verboseOutput=false) |
| Helper function for creating an xAOD reading data frame. More...
template<typename FIRST , typename SECOND > |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const std::pair< FIRST, SECOND > &pair) |
| Helper print operator. More...
template<typename T > |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const std::vector< T > &vec) |
| Helper print operator. More...
template<typename T > |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const std::unordered_map< T, T > &umap) |
| Helper print operator. More...
void ErrorHandler | ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE (Int_t level, Bool_t abort, const char *location, const char *message) |
| Function filtering the warnings coming from ROOT. More...
StatusCode | Init (const char *appname="xAOD::Init") |
| Function initialising ROOT/PyROOT for using the ATLAS EDM. More...
StatusCode | Init (const char *appname, int *argc, char **argv) |
| Function initialising an application for using the ATLAS EDM. More...
void | SetMessageSourceWidth (size_t value) |
| Set the width of the source strings for the printed messages. More...
::TTree *MakeTransientTree | ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE (TEvent &event, const char *treeName) |
::TTree *MakeTransientMetaTree | ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE (TEvent &event, ::TTree *persMetaTree) |
TTransTrees MakeTransientTrees | ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE (::TFile *ifile, const char *treeName="CollectionTree", TEvent::EAuxMode mode=TEvent::kUndefinedAccess) |
| Function creating a transient event and metadata tree using an input file. More...
void ClearTransientTrees | ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE () |
| Function cleaning up the managed memory. More...
::TTree *MakeTransientTree | ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE (::TChain *ichain, TEvent::EAuxMode mode=TEvent::kClassAccess) |
| Function creating a transient TTree object from a TChain pointing to the persistent trees. More...
::TTree *MakeTransientMetaTree | ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE (::TChain *ichain, const char *eventTreeName="CollectionTree", TEvent::EAuxMode mode=TEvent::kUndefinedAccess) |
| Function creating a transient TTree object representing the input files's metadata. More...
| TTHREAD_TLS (TStore *) s_store |
| Pointer to the currently active TStore object of the thread. More...
| TTHREAD_TLS (TVirtualEvent *) s_event |
| Pointer to the currently active TVirtualEvent object of the thread. More...
bool | setOriginalObjectLink (const IParticle &original, IParticle ©) |
| This function should be used by CP tools when they make a deep copy of an object in their correctedCopy(...) function. More...
bool | setOriginalObjectLink (const IParticleContainer &original, IParticleContainer ©) |
| This function should be used by the users when they make deep/shallow copies of an entire container. More...
const IParticle * | getOriginalObject (const IParticle ©) |
| This function can be used to conveniently get a pointer back to the original object from which a copy was created. More...
const ElementLink< IParticleContainer > & | getOriginalObjectLink (const IParticle ©) |
| This function should be used instead of xAOD::getOriginalObject when we want to use the "original object" as a link, and not primarily as an object itself. More...
| AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (BTagging_v1, float, MV1_discriminant, setMV1_discriminant) bool BTagging_v1 |
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< int > * | taggerInfoAccessorV1int (BTagInfo info) |
| Helper function for managing BTagging Accessor objects. More...
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | taggerInfoAccessorV1float (BTagInfo info) |
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< uint8_t > * | taggerInfoAccessorV1uint8_t (BTagInfo info) |
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< std::string > * | taggerInfoAccessorV1string (BTagInfo info) |
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< std::vector< int > > * | taggerInfoAccessorV1vectorOfInts (BTagInfo info) |
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< std::vector< float > > * | taggerInfoAccessorV1vectorOfFloats (BTagInfo info) |
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< std::vector< bool > > * | taggerInfoAccessorV1vectorOfBools (BTagInfo info) |
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | momentAccessorV1 (xAOD::CaloCluster_v1::MomentType moment) |
| Helper function for managing cluster moment Accessor objects. More...
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< xAOD::CaloCluster_v1::ncells_store_t > * | momentContainerAccessorV1 (xAOD::CaloCluster_v1::MomentType moment) |
| Helper function for managing cluster moment Accessor objects. More...
std::unique_ptr< CaloCluster > | prepareElementForShallowCopy (const CaloCluster *orgCluster) |
const caloRingsReader_t & | getCaloRingsReader () |
| Get CaloRings accessor with read only permissions. More...
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (RingSet_v1, std::vector< float >, ringsE, setRingsE) unsigned RingSet_v1 |
std::string | caloRingsLinksDecorKey () |
void | dump (const SG::AuxElement &obj) |
| Helper function for dumping xAOD objects on the screen in PyROOT. More...
void | safeDeepCopy (const SG::AuxElement &orig, SG::AuxElement ©) |
| Function that can deep-copy "problematic" objects. More...
int | safeGetBaseOffset (TClass *cls, TClass *base) |
| Find base class offset using Reflex. More...
TClass * | classFromDVClass (TClass *dvclass) |
| Find the contained class in a DataVector . More...
TClass * | findDVBase (TClass *dvclass) |
| Find the unique base DataVector class. More...
std::string | findDVElement (TClass *cl) |
| Find the element type of a DataVector class. More...
void TDVCollectionProxy::PushProxy | NO_SANITIZE_UNDEFINED (void *objstart) |
| Start working with a new collection. More...
template<class T > |
std::unique_ptr< T > | prepareElementForShallowCopy (const T *) |
| Function to prepare an object to be stored in a shallow-copy container. More...
template<class T > |
std::pair< std::unique_ptr< T >, std::unique_ptr< ShallowAuxContainer > > | shallowCopyContainer (const T &cont, [[maybe_unused]] const EventContext &ctx) |
| Function making a shallow copy of a constant container. More...
template<class T > |
std::pair< T *, ShallowAuxContainer * > | shallowCopyContainer (const T &cont) |
| Function making a shallow copy of a constant container. More...
template<class T > |
std::pair< T *, ShallowAuxInfo * > | shallowCopyObject (const T &obj) |
| Function making a shallow copy of a constant standalone object. More...
void CutBookkeeper_v1::addOutputStreamForAllUsed | ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE (const std::string &outputstream) |
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Egamma_v1, Egamma_v1::CLELVec_t, caloClusterLinks, setCaloClusterLinks) bool Egamma_v1 |
| Then with strings (full flexibility when adding new menus dynamically) More...
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | showerShapeAccessorV1 (xAOD::EgammaParameters::ShowerShapeType type) |
| Explicit Instantiation of Template. More...
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Electron_v1, Electron_v1::TPELVec_t, trackParticleLinks, setTrackParticleLinks) bool Electron_v1 |
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | trackCaloMatchAccessorV1 (xAOD::EgammaParameters::TrackCaloMatchType type) |
| Helper function for managing Egamma Accessor objects. More...
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Photon_v1, Photon_v1::VxELVec_t, vertexLinks, setVertexLinks) size_t xAOD |
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | vertexCaloMatchAccessorV1 (xAOD::EgammaParameters::VertexCaloMatchType type) |
| Helper function for managing Egamma Accessor objects. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const EventFormat_v1 &format) |
| This operator can be used for debugging purposes to print information about an event format object in a user friendly way. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const EventFormatElement &element) |
| This operator can be used to print information about a given event format element in a user friendly way. More...
setEventNumber | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint32_t, lumiBlock, setLumiBlock) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1 |
setEventNumber setTimeStamp | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint32_t, timeStampNSOffset, setTimeStampNSOffset) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1 |
setEventNumber setTimeStamp setBCID | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint32_t, detectorMask0, setDetectorMask0) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1 |
setEventNumber setTimeStamp setBCID setDetectorMask1 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint32_t, detectorMask2, setDetectorMask2) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, EventInfo_v1::DetDescrTags_t, detDescrTags, setDetDescrTags) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1 |
setMCChannelNumber | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint64_t, mcEventNumber, setMCEventNumber) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint32_t, eventTypeBitmask, setEventTypeBitmask) bool EventInfo_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint64_t, pileUpMixtureIDLowBits, setPileUpMixtureIDLowBits) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1 |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const xAOD::EventInfo_v1 &ei) |
| This operator is provided to make it convenient to print debug messages including information about the current event. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const xAOD::EventInfo_v1::PileUpMixtureID &id) |
| This operator is provided to make it convenient to print debug messages including information about the PileUpMixtureID in hex. More...
bool | operator== (const xAOD::EventInfo_v1::PileUpMixtureID &a, const xAOD::EventInfo_v1::PileUpMixtureID &b) |
| This operator is provided to make it convenient to compare two instances of PileUpMixtureID directly. More...
const SG::AtomicDecorator< uint32_t > * | eventFlagsAccessorsV1 (EventInfo_v1::EventFlagSubDet subDet) |
| Helper function for accessing event flag variables. More...
const SG::AtomicConstAccessor< uint32_t > * | eventFlagsConstAccessorsV1 (EventInfo_v1::EventFlagSubDet subDet) |
| Helper function for accessing event flag variables, for const access. More...
setOverV setNumU setNumY | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< int >, mdFibSel, setMDFibSel) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1 |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< float >, xDetCS, setXDetCS) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1 |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< float >, xLhcCS, setXLhcCS) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1 |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< float >, zLhcCS, setZLhcCS) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1 |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< float >, yRPotCS, setYRPotCS) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1 |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS setXStatCS | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< float >, yStatCS, setYStatCS) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1 |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS setXStatCS setXBeamCS | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< float >, yBeamCS, setYBeamCS) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1 |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS setXStatCS setXBeamCS setScaler | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< int >, trigPat, setTrigPat) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1 |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS setXStatCS setXBeamCS setScaler setMDFiberHits | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< int >, mdMultiplicity, setMDMultiplicity) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1 |
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS setXStatCS setXBeamCS setScaler setMDFiberHits setODFiberHitsPos | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< int >, odFiberHitsNeg, setODFiberHitsNeg) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (HIEventShape_v2, std::vector< float >, etSin, setEtSin) std |
double | ptFromEEtaM (const double e, const double eta, const double m) |
void | fillJetConstituent (const IParticle *part, JetConstituent &constit, JetConstitScale sigState) |
| AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (LumiBlockRange_v1, uint32_t, startRunNumber, setStartRunNumber) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(LumiBlockRange_v1 |
setStartLumiBlockNumber | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (LumiBlockRange_v1, uint32_t, stopRunNumber, setStopRunNumber) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(LumiBlockRange_v1 |
setStartLumiBlockNumber setStopLumiBlockNumber | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (LumiBlockRange_v1, uint32_t, eventsExpected, setEventsExpected) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(LumiBlockRange_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (UncalibratedMeasurement_v1, DetectorIDHashType, identifierHash, setIdentifierHash) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(UncalibratedMeasurement_v1 |
template<int N> |
MeasVector< N > | toStorage (const AmgVector(N)&amgVec) |
| Converts the double precision of the AmgVector into the floating point storage precision of the MeasVector. More...
template<int N> |
MeasMatrix< N > | toStorage (const AmgSymMatrix(N)&amgMat) |
| Converts the double precision of the AmgSymMatrix into the floating point storage precision of the MeasMatrix. More...
template<int N> |
| AmgSymMatrix (N) toEigen(const ConstMatrixMap< N > &xAODmat) |
template<int N> |
| AmgVector (N) toEigen(const ConstVectorMap< N > &xAODvec) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, xAOD::FileMetaData_v1::MetaDataType type) |
| This can be used in user code to conveniently print the values of MetaDataType variables in a user friendly manner. More...
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< std::string > * | metaDataTypeStringAccessorV1 (FileMetaData_v1::MetaDataType type) |
| Helper function for getting an accessor for a pre-defined property. More...
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< uint32_t > * | metaDataTypeUIntAccessorV1 (FileMetaData_v1::MetaDataType type) |
| Helper function for getting an accessor for a pre-defined property. More...
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | metaDataTypeFloatAccessorV1 (FileMetaData_v1::MetaDataType type) |
| Helper function for getting an accessor for a pre-defined property. More...
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< char > * | metaDataTypeCharAccessorV1 (FileMetaData_v1::MetaDataType type) |
| Helper function for getting an accessor for a pre-defined property. More...
MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t | getObjMask (size_t objIndex) |
| AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_GETTER_WITH_CAST (Muon_v1, uint8_t, Muon_v1::EnergyLossType, energyLossType) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST(Muon_v1 |
template<class T > |
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< T > * | parameterAccessorV1 (Muon_v1::ParamDef type) |
| This function holds on to Accessor objects that can be used by each Muon_v1 object at runtime to get/set parameter values on themselves. More...
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< uint8_t > * | muonTrackSummaryAccessorV1 (xAOD::MuonSummaryType type) |
| Helper function for managing MuonTrackSummary Accessor objects. More...
| AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST (CompositeParticle_v1, float, double, px, setPx) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST(CompositeParticle_v1 |
setPy | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST (CompositeParticle_v1, float, double, pz, setPz) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST(CompositeParticle_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (CompositeParticle_v1, xAOD::IParticleLinkContainer, otherPartLinks, setOtherPartLinks) void CompositeParticle_v1 |
setPy | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST (Particle_v1, float, double, pz, setPz) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST(Particle_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Particle_v1, float, charge, setCharge) bool Particle_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (FlowElement_v1, std::vector< ElementLink< xAOD::IParticleContainer > >, chargedObjectLinks, setChargedObjectLinks) void FlowElement_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (FlowElement_v1, std::vector< ElementLink< xAOD::IParticleContainer > >, otherObjectLinks, setOtherObjectLinks) void FlowElement_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrackCaloCluster_v1, ElementLink< xAOD::TrackParticleContainer >, trackParticleLink, setTrackParticleLink) const xAOD |
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | getIsolationAccessor (Iso::IsolationType type) |
| Get the Accessor object for a given isolation type. More...
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< uint32_t > | getIsolationCorrectionBitsetAccessor (Iso::IsolationFlavour type) |
| Returns an accessor for the correction bitset corresponding to this IsolationType. More...
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > | getIsolationCorrectionAccessor (Iso::IsolationFlavour type, Iso::IsolationCaloCorrection corr, Iso::IsolationCorrectionParameter param) |
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > | getIsolationCorrectionAccessor (Iso::IsolationType type, Iso::IsolationCaloCorrection corr) |
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > | getIsolationCorrectionAccessor (Iso::IsolationFlavour type, Iso::IsolationTrackCorrection corr) |
const SG::AuxElement::Decorator< uint32_t > | getIsolationCorrectionBitsetDecorator (Iso::IsolationFlavour type) |
| Returns an decorator for the correction bitset corresponding to this IsolationType. More...
const SG::AuxElement::Decorator< float > | getIsolationCorrectionDecorator (Iso::IsolationFlavour type, Iso::IsolationCaloCorrection corr, Iso::IsolationCorrectionParameter param) |
const SG::AuxElement::Decorator< float > | getIsolationCorrectionDecorator (Iso::IsolationType type, Iso::IsolationCaloCorrection corr) |
const SG::AuxElement::Decorator< float > | getIsolationCorrectionDecorator (Iso::IsolationFlavour type, Iso::IsolationTrackCorrection corr) |
const SG::AuxElement::Decorator< float > * | getIsolationDecorator (Iso::IsolationType type) |
| Get the Decorator object for a given isolation type. More...
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrackMeasurement_v1, std::vector< double >, meas, setMeas) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrackMeasurement_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrackMeasurement_v1, std::uint64_t, projector, setProjector) const std |
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrackMeasurementValidation_v1, std::vector< uint64_t >, rdoIdentifierList, setRdoIdentifierList) void TrackMeasurementValidation_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrackState_v1, uint64_t, geometryId, setGeometryId) |
| AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrackState_v1, unsigned int, surfaceIndex, setSurfaceIndex) |
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrackSummary_v1, std::vector< double >, params, setParams) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrackSummary_v1 |
template<> |
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< uint8_t > * | trackSummaryAccessorV1< uint8_t > (xAOD::SummaryType type) |
template<> |
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * | trackSummaryAccessorV1< float > (xAOD::SummaryType type) |
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrackSurface_v1, std::vector< float >, translation, setTranslation) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrackSurface_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Vertex_v1, std::vector< float >, covariance, setCovariance) const Amg |
const | AmgSymMatrix (3) &Vertex_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Vertex_v1, Vertex_v1::TrackParticleLinks_t, trackParticleLinks, setTrackParticleLinks) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(Vertex_v1 |
setTrackWeights | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Vertex_v1, Vertex_v1::NeutralParticleLinks_t, neutralParticleLinks, setNeutralParticleLinks) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(Vertex_v1 |
typedef | AmgSymMatrix (5) ParametersCovMatrix_t |
typedef | AmgVector (5) DefiningParameters_t |
typedef | AmgVector (6) CurvilinearParameters_t |
template<class T > |
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< T > * | trackSummaryAccessorV1 (xAOD::SummaryType type) |
| Helper function for managing TrackSummary Accessor objects. More...
| AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigCaloCluster_v1, float, rawEnergy, setRawEnergy) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigCaloCluster_v1 |
setRawEt | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigCaloCluster_v1, float, rawEta, setRawEta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigCaloCluster_v1 |
setRawEt setRawPhi | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigCaloCluster_v1, long, RoIword, setRoIword) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigCaloCluster_v1 |
setRawEt setRawPhi setNCells | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigCaloCluster_v1, unsigned int, clusterQuality, setClusterQuality) float TrigCaloCluster_v1 |
setEt setPhi setE277 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigEMCluster_v1, float, fracs1, setFracs1) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigEMCluster_v1 |
setEt setPhi setE277 setWeta2 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigEMCluster_v1, float, ehad1, setEhad1) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigEMCluster_v1 |
setEt setPhi setE277 setWeta2 setEta1 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigEMCluster_v1, float, emaxs1, setEmaxs1) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigEMCluster_v1 |
setEt setPhi setE277 setWeta2 setEta1 setE2tsts1 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigEMCluster_v1, float, e233, setE233) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigEMCluster_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigElectron_v1, uint32_t, roiWord, setRoiWord) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigElectron_v1 |
setCharge setNTRTHiThresholdHits | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigElectron_v1, float, rcore, setRcore) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigElectron_v1 |
setCharge setNTRTHiThresholdHits setEratio | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigElectron_v1, float, etHad, setEtHad) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigElectron_v1 |
setCharge setNTRTHiThresholdHits setEratio setEtHad1 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigElectron_v1, float, trkEtaAtCalo, setTrkEtaAtCalo) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigElectron_v1 |
setCharge setNTRTHiThresholdHits setEratio setEtHad1 setTrkPhiAtCalo | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigElectron_v1, float, etOverPt, setEtOverPt) float TrigElectron_v1 |
| This function can be used to conveniently access the EM cluster associated with the electron. More...
setRcore | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigPhoton_v1, float, eratio, setEratio) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigPhoton_v1 |
setRcore setEtHad | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigPhoton_v1, float, etHad1, setEtHad1) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigPhoton_v1 |
setRcore setEtHad setFside | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigPhoton_v1, float, weta2, setWeta2) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST(TrigPhoton_v1 |
setRcore setEtHad setFside setPt | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigPhoton_v1, float, caloEta, setCaloEta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigPhoton_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigPhoton_v1, TrigPhoton_v1::EMClusterLink_t, emClusterLink, setEmClusterLink) void TrigPhoton_v1 |
| Raw data words. More...
| Only calculable externally. More...
setWord1 setRetaEnv setRhadHad | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (eFexEMRoI_v1, uint16_t, WstotNumerator, setWstotNumerator) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(eFexEMRoI_v1 |
setWord1 setRetaEnv setRhadHad setWstotDenominator | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (eFexEMRoI_v1, char, isTOB, setIsTOB) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(eFexEMRoI_v1 |
| Should be set for xTOB if there is a matching TOB. More...
setWord1 setRetaEnv setRhadHad setWstotDenominator setEt | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (eFexEMRoI_v1, float, eta, setEta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(eFexEMRoI_v1 |
| Raw data words. More...
setWord1 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (eFexTauRoI_v1, uint16_t, rCoreNumerator, setRCoreNumerator) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(eFexTauRoI_v1 |
| Only calculable externally. More...
setWord1 setRCoreDenominator | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (eFexTauRoI_v1, uint16_t, rHadNumerator, setRHadNumerator) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(eFexTauRoI_v1 |
setWord1 setRCoreDenominator setRHadDenominator | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (eFexTauRoI_v1, char, isTOB, setIsTOB) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(eFexTauRoI_v1 |
| Should be set for xTOB if there is a matching TOB. More...
setWord1 setRCoreDenominator setRHadDenominator setEt | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (eFexTauRoI_v1, float, eta, setEta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(eFexTauRoI_v1 |
| Accessor for threshold pattern (not part of RoI in Run 2) More...
setRoIWord1 setRoIWord3 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EnergySumRoI_v2, uint32_t, roiWord4, setRoIWord4) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EnergySumRoI_v2 |
setEnergyY setEnergyXRestricted | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EnergySumRoI_v2, float, energyYRestricted, setEnergyYRestricted) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EnergySumRoI_v2 |
| Raw data words. More...
setScaleOne | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (gFexGlobalRoI_v1, int, tobEtScaleTwo, setScaleTwo) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(gFexGlobalRoI_v1 |
setScaleOne setStatusOne | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (gFexGlobalRoI_v1, uint8_t, statusTwo, setStatusTwo) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(gFexGlobalRoI_v1 |
setScaleOne setStatusOne setSaturated | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (gFexGlobalRoI_v1, int, globalType, setGlobalType) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(gFexGlobalRoI_v1 |
| Raw data words. More...
setScale | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (gFexJetRoI_v1, uint8_t, saturated, setSaturated) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(gFexJetRoI_v1 |
| Only calculable externally eFex puts here RetaCore, RetaEnv, RhadEM, RhadHad, WstotNumerator etc (coming from algorithms) More...
setScale setgFexType setEta | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (gFexJetRoI_v1, uint8_t, iPhi, setPhi) uint8_t gFexJetRoI_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L1TopoSimResults_v1, unsigned int, connectionId, setConnectionId) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L1TopoSimResults_v1 |
setTopoWord | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L1TopoSimResults_v1, uint32_t, topoWordOverflow, setTopoWordOverflow) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L1TopoSimResults_v1 |
setTopoWord setTopoWord64 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L1TopoSimResults_v1, uint64_t, topoWord64Overflow, setTopoWord64Overflow) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L1TopoSimResults_v1 |
setThrValue | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (MuonRoI_v1, std::string, thrName, setThrName) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(MuonRoI_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigComposite_v1, std::string, name, setName) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigComposite_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_GETTER (TrigComposite_v1, std::vector< std::string >, linkColNames) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_GETTER(TrigComposite_v1 |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 &tc) |
| print helper for TrigComposite More...
setBGCode | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, tav, setTAV) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1 |
setBGCode setTAP | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, tbp, setTBP) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1 |
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, uint32_t, efErrorBits, setEFErrorBits) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1 |
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits setLVL2Truncated | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, bool, efTruncated, setEFTruncated) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1 |
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits setLVL2Truncated setLVL2PassedPhysics | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, efPassedPhysics, setEFPassedPhysics) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1 |
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits setLVL2Truncated setLVL2PassedPhysics setLVL2PassedRaw | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, efPassedRaw, setEFPassedRaw) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1 |
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits setLVL2Truncated setLVL2PassedPhysics setLVL2PassedRaw setLVL2PassedThrough | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, efPassedThrough, setEFPassedThrough) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1 |
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits setLVL2Truncated setLVL2PassedPhysics setLVL2PassedRaw setLVL2PassedThrough setLVL2Prescaled | AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, efPrescaled, setEFPrescaled) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1 |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, const xAOD::TrigDecision_v1 &td) |
setL1psk | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TriggerMenu_v1, uint32_t, hltpsk, setHLTpsk) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TriggerMenu_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TriggerMenuJson_v1, uint32_t, key, setKey) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TriggerMenuJson_v1 |
setPassBits | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigPassBits_v1, uint32_t, containerKey, setContainerKey) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigPassBits_v1 |
template<class CONT > |
std::unique_ptr< TrigPassBits_v1 > | makeTrigPassBits (const CONT *container, uint32_t containerKey=xAOD::TrigPassBits_v1::DEFAULT_KEY) |
| Helper function creating a new object to describe a target container. More...
template<class CONT > |
std::unique_ptr< TrigPassBits_v1 > | makeTrigPassBits (const CONT *container, const std::string &containerKey) |
| Helper function creating a new object to describe a target container. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const xAOD::CMXEtSums_v1 &el) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const xAOD::CMXJetHits_v1 &el) |
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (CMXRoI_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, cmxRoIWords, setCmxRoIWords) void CMXRoI_v1 |
| initialize More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const xAOD::JEMTobRoI_v1 &el) |
std::string | str (const TrigT2MbtsBits_v1 &trigT2MbtsBits) |
double | sumEntries (const std::vector< float > &cont, unsigned int nbins_x, float min_x, float max_x, unsigned int nbins_y, float min_y, float max_y, float value_x, float value_y, int cutType) |
eta | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_GETTER_WITH_CAST (L2CombinedMuon_v1, float, double, phi) double L2CombinedMuon_v1 |
setStrategy | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2CombinedMuon_v1, int, errorFlag, setErrorFlag) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2CombinedMuon_v1 |
setStrategy setMatchFlag | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2CombinedMuon_v1, float, sigmaPt, setSigmaPt) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2CombinedMuon_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2CombinedMuon_v1, ElementLink< L2StandAloneMuonContainer >, muSATrackLink, setMuSATrackLink) const xAOD |
| Helper operator for easily printing the properties of a LVL2 muon iso object for debugging. More...
eta | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_GETTER_WITH_CAST (L2IsoMuon_v1, float, double, phi) double L2IsoMuon_v1 |
setCharge setSumPt01 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2IsoMuon_v1, float, sumPt02, setSumPt02) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2IsoMuon_v1 |
setCharge setSumPt01 setSumPt03 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2IsoMuon_v1, float, sumPt04, setSumPt04) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2IsoMuon_v1 |
setCharge setSumPt01 setSumPt03 setSumEt01 | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2IsoMuon_v1, float, sumEt02, setSumEt02) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2IsoMuon_v1 |
eta | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_GETTER_WITH_CAST (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, double, phi) double L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
| Set and get methods for the outputs of L2 muon standalone muon algorithm. More...
setSAddress setEtaMS | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, phiMS, setPhiMS) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, zMS, setZMS) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, beta, setBeta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, barrelSagitta, setBarrelSagitta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, endcapBeta, setEndcapBeta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, slopeInner, setSlopeInner) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setInterceptInner | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, deltaR, setDeltaR) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setInterceptInner setEtaMap | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, phiMap, setPhiMap) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setInterceptInner setEtaMap setEtaBin | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, int, phiBin, setPhiBin) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setInterceptInner setEtaMap setEtaBin setIsTgcFailure | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, int, isRpcFailure, setIsRpcFailure) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setInterceptInner setEtaMap setEtaBin setIsTgcFailure setDeltaPt | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, deltaEta, setDeltaEta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
| Below are detailed information. More...
setTeId | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, uint32_t, lvl1Id, setLvl1Id) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setTeId setLumiBlock | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, uint32_t, muonDetMask, setMuonDetMask) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, uint32_t, roiSystem, setRoiSystem) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId setRoiSubsystem | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, uint32_t, roiSector, setRoiSector) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId setRoiSubsystem setRoiNumber | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, uint32_t, roiThreshold, setRoiThreshold) uint32_t L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
| AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, ptBarrelRadius, setPtBarrelRadius) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
| Set and get pT from different algorithms. More...
setPtBarrelSagitta | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, ptEndcapAlpha, setPtEndcapAlpha) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1 |
eta | AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_GETTER_WITH_CAST (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, float, double, phi) double L2StandAloneMuon_v2 |