ATLAS Offline Software
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
xAOD Namespace Reference

ICaloAffectedTool is abstract interface for tools checking if 4 mom is in calo affected region. More...


 Under the assumption that all measurements in an uncalibrated measurement container are sorted by their IdentifierHash which is the unique hash of the associated ReadoutElement, the UnCalibMeasViewer provides a begin & end iterator where all measurements in between share the same identifierHash.
 Namespace for all helpers.
 Namespace mirroring Gaudi's IncidentType namespace.
 Namespace holding the IsolationType enumeration.
 Dedicated namespace for the helper functions.
 A convenience namespace to make the client code easier to understand.


class  AddDVProxy
 Set up collection proxy for a DataVector class. More...
class  AFPClusterAlgID
 Helper class to store ID numbers of pixel clustering algorithm. More...
class  AFPData_v1
 Class containing AFP information. More...
class  AFPDataAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for xAOD::AFPDataContainer_v1. More...
class  AFPPixelLayerID
 Helper class to store ID numbers of silicon layers (tracking) in an AFP station. More...
class  AFPProton_v1
 Class representing a proton reconstructed in AFP. More...
class  AFPProtonAuxContainer_v1
class  AFPProtonRecoAlgID
 Helper class to store ID numbers of AFP proton reconstruction algorithms. More...
class  AFPSiHit_v1
 Class representing a hit in silicon detector. More...
class  AFPSiHit_v2
 Class representing a hit in silicon detector. More...
class  AFPSiHitAuxContainer_v1
 Class storing information of xAOD::AFPSiHit_v1 objects. More...
class  AFPSiHitAuxContainer_v2
 Class storing information of xAOD::AFPSiHit_v2 objects. More...
class  AFPSiHitsCluster_v1
 Class representing a cluster of AFP pixel hits. More...
class  AFPSiHitsClusterAuxContainer_v1
 Class storing information of xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster objects. More...
class  AFPStationID
 Helper class to store ID numbers of AFP stations. More...
class  AFPToFHit_v1
 Class representing a hit in ToF detector. More...
class  AFPToFHitAuxContainer_v1
 Class storing information of xAOD::AFPToFHit_v1 objects. More...
class  AFPToFTrack_v1
 Class representing a track reconstructed in AFP ToF. More...
class  AFPToFTrackAuxContainer_v1
 Class storing information accessed by xAOD::AFPToFTrack_v1. More...
class  AFPToFTrackRecoAlgID
 Helper class to store ID numbers of track reconstruction algorithms. More...
class  AFPTrack_v1
 Class representing a track reconstructed in AFP. More...
class  AFPTrack_v2
 Class representing a track reconstructed in AFP. More...
class  AFPTrackAuxContainer_v1
 Class storing information accessed by xAOD::AFPTrack_v1. More...
class  AFPTrackAuxContainer_v2
 Class storing information accessed by xAOD::AFPTrack_v2. More...
class  AFPTrackRecoAlgID
 Helper class to store ID numbers of track reconstruction algorithms. More...
class  AFPVertex_v1
 Class representing a vertex reconstructed in AFP. More...
class  AFPVertexAuxContainer_v1
 Class storing information accessed by xAOD::AFPVertex_v1. More...
class  ALFAData_v1
 Class containing ALFA information. More...
class  ALFADataAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for xAOD::ALFADataContainer_v1. More...
struct  ArrayFloat3
 A struct mimicking std::array<float ,3> this structure is a temporary solution for our dynamic variables. More...
class  AuxCompression
class  AuxContainerBase
 Common base class for the auxiliary containers. More...
class  AuxInfoBase
 Common base class for auxiliary info objects. More...
class  AuxPersInfo
 Class managing concrete persistent variables. More...
class  AuxPersVector
 Class managing concrete vector variables. More...
class  AuxPersVector< SG::JaggedVecElt< T >, VEC >
class  AuxPersVector< SG::PackedLink< TARG >, VEC >
 Specialization of AuxPersVector for PackedLink types. More...
class  AuxPersVector< std::vector< SG::PackedLink< TARG >, VALLOC >, VEC >
 Specialization of AuxPersVector for std::vector<PackedLink> types. More...
class  AuxSelection
 Class helping in dealing with dynamic branch selection. More...
class  BCMRawData_v1
 Class describing the BCM raw data. More...
class  BCMRawDataAuxContainer_v1
 Class holding the payload of xAOD::BCMRawDataContainer. More...
class  BPhysBlindingTool
class  BPhysHelper
class  BPhysHypoHelper
class  BPhysMetaDataHelper
 Helper class providing easy access to FileMetaData object holding file-level metadata about an xAOD file specific to B-physics derivations. More...
class  BPhysTrackVertexMapTool
 Dual-use tool createing a track-to-vertex map from the vertex-to-track information. More...
class  BranchStats
 Class describing the access statistics of one (sub-)branch. More...
class  BTagging_v1
class  BTaggingAuxContainer_v1
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  BTaggingAuxContainer_v2
class  BTaggingTrigAuxContainer_v1
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  BTagVertex_v1
class  BTagVertexAuxContainer_v1
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  BunchConf_v1
 Class holding one particular bunch configuration. More...
class  BunchConfAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for BunchConfContainer_v1. More...
class  BunchConfKey_v1
 Class identifying the bunch configuration of a given event. More...
class  ByteStreamAuxContainer_v1
 Base class for dynamic auxiliary stores saved into ByteStream. More...
class  CaloCluster_v1
 Description of a calorimeter cluster. More...
class  CaloClusterAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary container for calorimeter cluster containers. More...
class  CaloClusterAuxContainer_v2
 Auxiliary container for calorimeter cluster containers. More...
class  CaloClusterBadChannelData_v1
 Description of problematic cell in a cluster. More...
class  CaloClustersInConeTool
class  CaloClusterTrigAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary container for calorimeter cluster containers. More...
struct  CaloCorrection
struct  CaloIsolation
class  CaloIsolationTool
class  CaloRings_v1
 Class summarizing the particle interaction throughout the Calorimeter (its shower shape). More...
class  CaloRingsAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for xAOD::CaloRingsContainer. More...
class  CaloTower_v1
 ! More...
class  CaloTowerAuxContainer_v1
 Payload container for xAOD::CaloTowerContainer_v1. More...
class  CaloTowerContainer_v1
 Basic container storing all information need for xAOD::CaloTower_v1 objects. More...
class  CaloVertexedClusterBase
 Evaluate cluster kinematics with a different vertex / signal state. More...
class  CaloVertexedTopoCluster
 Evaluate cluster kinematics with a different vertex / signal state. More...
class  ChamberViewer
class  CMMCPHits_v1
 Description of CMMCPHits_v1. More...
class  CMMCPHitsAuxContainer_v1
 AuxContainer for CMMCPHits_v1. More...
class  CMMEtSums_v1
 Description of CMMEtSums_v1. More...
class  CMMEtSumsAuxContainer_v1
 AuxContainer for CMMEtSums_v1. More...
class  CMMJetHits_v1
 Description of CMMJetHits_v1. More...
class  CMMJetHitsAuxContainer_v1
 AuxContainer for CMMJetHits_v1. More...
class  CMMRoI_v1
 Description of CMMRoI_v1. More...
class  CMMRoIAuxInfo_v1
 AuxInfo for CMMRoI_v1. More...
class  CMXCPHits_v1
 Description of CMXCPHits_v1. More...
class  CMXCPHitsAuxContainer_v1
 Description of CMXCPHitsAuxContainer_v1. More...
class  CMXCPTob_v1
 Description of CMXCPTob_v1. More...
class  CMXCPTobAuxContainer_v1
 Description of CMXCPTobAuxContainer_v1. More...
class  CMXEtSums_v1
 Description of CMXEtSums_v1. More...
class  CMXEtSumsAuxContainer_v1
 Description of CMXEtSumsAuxContainer_v1. More...
class  CMXJetHits_v1
 Description of CMXJetHits_v1. More...
class  CMXJetHitsAuxContainer_v1
 Description of CMXJetHitsAuxContainer_v1. More...
class  CMXJetTob_v1
 Description of CMXJetTob_v1. More...
class  CMXJetTobAuxContainer_v1
 Description of CMXJetTobAuxContainer_v1. More...
class  CMXRoI_v1
 Description of CMXRoI_v1. More...
class  CMXRoIAuxContainer_v1
 AuxInfo for CMXRoI_v1. More...
class  CompositeParticle_v1
 Description of a composite particle, i.e. More...
class  CompositeParticleAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary container for composite particle containers. More...
class  CPMHits_v1
 Description of CPMHits_v1. More...
class  CPMHitsAuxContainer_v1
 AuxContainer for CPMHits_v1. More...
class  CPMRoI_v1
 Description of CPMRoI_v1. More...
class  CPMRoIAuxContainer_v1
 AuxContainer for CPMRoI_v1. More...
class  CPMTobRoI_v1
 Description of CPMTobRoI_v1. More...
class  CPMTobRoIAuxContainer_v1
 Description of CPMTobRoIAuxContainer_v1. More...
class  CPMTower_v1
 Description of CPMTower_v1. More...
class  CPMTower_v2
 Description of CPMTower_v2. More...
class  CPMTowerAuxContainer_v1
 AuxContainer for CPMTower_v1. More...
class  CPMTowerAuxContainer_v2
 AuxContainer for CPMTower_v2. More...
class  CutBookkeeper_v1
 Description of the class that is used to keep track of event counts. More...
class  CutBookkeeperAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary container for CutBookkeeper containers. More...
class  CutBookkeeperContainer_v1
 Container that holds the Container of all CutBookkeepers. More...
class  DiTauJet_v1
class  DiTauJetAuxContainer_v1
class  eFexEMRoI_v1
 Class describing a LVL1 eFEX EM region of interest. More...
class  eFexEMRoIAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for the LVL1 eFEX EM TOB/RoI container. More...
class  eFexTauRoI_v1
 Class describing a LVL1 eFEX tau region of interest. More...
class  eFexTauRoIAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for the LVL1 eFEX tau TOB/RoI container. More...
class  eFexTower_v1
 Class describing input data of a LVL1 eFEX. More...
class  eFexTowerAuxContainer_v1
 AuxContainer for eFexTower_v1. More...
class  Egamma_v1
class  EgammaAuxContainer_v1
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  Electron_v1
class  ElectronAuxContainer_v1
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  ElectronAuxContainer_v2
 Container holding the payload of the electron container. More...
class  ElectronAuxContainer_v3
 Container holding the payload of the electron container. More...
class  ElectronTrigAuxContainer_v1
 Container holding the payload of the electron container. More...
class  EmTauRoI_v1
 Class describing a LVL1 em/tau region of interest. More...
class  EmTauRoI_v2
 Class describing a LVL1 em/tau region of interest. More...
class  EmTauRoIAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for the LVL1 em/tau RoI container. More...
class  EmTauRoIAuxContainer_v2
 Auxiliary store for the LVL1 em/tau RoI container. More...
class  EnergySumRoI_v1
 Class describing a LVL1 energy-sum "RoI". More...
class  EnergySumRoI_v2
 Class describing a LVL1 energy-sum "RoI". More...
class  EnergySumRoIAuxInfo_v1
 Auxiliary store for an EnergySum RoI object. More...
class  EnergySumRoIAuxInfo_v2
 Auxiliary store for an EnergySum RoI object. More...
class  EventAuxInfo_v1
 Auxiliary information about the event. More...
class  EventAuxInfo_v2
 Auxiliary information about the event. More...
class  EventAuxInfo_v3
 Auxiliary information about the event. More...
class  EventFormat_v1
 Event format metadata for xAOD files. More...
class  EventFormatElement
 Class describing one branch of the ROOT file. More...
class  EventInfo_v1
 Class describing the basic event information. More...
class  EventInfoAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary information about the pileup events. More...
class  EventShape_v1
 Data class for event shapes. More...
class  EventShapeAuxInfo_v1
 Auxiliary information about the event shapes. More...
class  ExampleElectron_v1
class  ExampleElectronAuxContainer_v1
class  ExcNotIParticleContainer
class  FastJetLink
class  FastJetLinkBase
class  FileMetaData_v1
 Class holding file-level metadata about an xAOD file. More...
class  FileMetaDataAuxInfo_v1
 Auxiliary store for xAOD::FileMetaData_v1. More...
class  FlowElement_v1
 A detector object made of other lower level object(s) More...
class  FlowElementAuxContainer_v1
class  FlowElementsInConeTool
class  ForwardEventInfo_v1
 add description More...
class  ForwardEventInfoAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for xAOD::ForwardEventInfoContainer_v1. More...
class  GBlock_v1
class  GBlockAuxContainer_v1
class  gFexGlobalRoI_v1
 Class describing properties of a LVL1 gFEX global Trigger Object (TOB) in the xAOD format. More...
class  gFexGlobalRoIAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for the LVL1 GFEX TOB container. More...
class  gFexJetRoI_v1
 Class describing properties of a LVL1 gFEX jet Trigger Object (TOB) in the xAOD format. More...
class  gFexJetRoIAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for the LVL1 GFEX TOB container. More...
class  gFexTower_v1
 Class describing input data of a LVL1 eFEX. More...
class  gFexTowerAuxContainer_v1
 AuxContainer for gFexTower_v1. More...
class  HGTDCluster_v1
class  HGTDClusterAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for HGTD clusters. More...
class  HIEventShape_v1
class  HIEventShape_v2
 Interface class for the HI reconstruction EDM. More...
class  HIEventShapeAuxContainer_v1
class  HIEventShapeAuxContainer_v2
 Auxiliary store for xAOD::HIEventShape_v2. More...
class  IBPhysBlindingTool
 Interface for dual-use tool for blinding and unblinding certain float values provided as variables in a container. More...
class  IBPhysTrackVertexMapTool
 Interface for dual-use tool createing a track-to-vertex map from the vertex-to-track information. More...
class  ICaloCellIsolationTool
 interface for tools calculating track isolation More...
class  ICaloClustersInConeTool
 interface for collecting truth particles inside a cone More...
class  ICaloTopoClusterIsolationTool
 interface for tools calculating topo cluster isolation More...
class  IFlowElementsInConeTool
 interface for collecting pflow objects inside a cone More...
class  IMuonDressingTool
 Interface for tools calculating hit count summaries for track. More...
class  INeutralEFlowIsolationTool
 interface for tools calculating neutral eflow isolation More...
class  IOStats
 Singleton object holding on to the process's I/O statistics. More...
class  IParticle
 Class providing the definition of the 4-vector interface. More...
class  IParticlesLookUpTable
 2D look up table for iParticles More...
class  IPFlowObjectsInConeTool
 interface for collecting pflow objects inside a cone More...
class  ITrackIsolationTool
 interface for tools calculating track isolation More...
class  ITrackParticlesInConeTool
 interface for collecting tracks inside a code More...
class  ITruthParticlesInConeTool
 interface for collecting truth particles inside a cone More...
class  JEMEtSums_v1
 Description of JEMEtSums_v1. More...
class  JEMEtSums_v2
 Description of JEMEtSums_v2. More...
class  JEMEtSumsAuxContainer_v1
 AuxContainer for JEMEtSums_v1. More...
class  JEMEtSumsAuxContainer_v2
 AuxContainer for JEMEtSums_v2. More...
class  JEMHits_v1
 Description of JEMHits_v1. More...
class  JEMHitsAuxContainer_v1
 AuxContainer for JEMHits_v1. More...
class  JEMRoI_v1
 Description of JEMRoI_v1. More...
class  JEMRoIAuxContainer_v1
 AuxContainer for JEMRoI_v1. More...
class  JEMTobRoI_v1
 Description of JEMTobRoI_v1. More...
class  JEMTobRoIAuxContainer_v1
 Description of JEMTobRoIAuxContainer_v1. More...
class  Jet_v1
 Class describing a jet. More...
struct  JetAttribute
class  JetAuxContainer_v1
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  JetConstituent
 4-vector of jet constituent at the scale used during jet finding. More...
class  JetConstituentVector
 A vector of jet constituents at the scale used during jet finding. More...
class  JetElement_v1
 Description of JetElement_v1. More...
class  JetElement_v2
 Description of JetElement_v2. More...
class  JetElementAuxContainer_v1
 AuxContainer for JetElement_v1. More...
class  JetElementAuxContainer_v2
 AuxContainer for JetElement_v2. More...
class  JetEtRoI_v1
 Class describing a LVL1 jet-ET "RoI". More...
class  JetEtRoIAuxInfo_v1
 Auxiliary store for a Jet-ET RoI object. More...
class  JetRoI_v1
 Class describing a LVL1 jet region of interest. More...
class  JetRoI_v2
 Class describing a LVL1 jet region of interest. More...
class  JetRoIAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for the LVL1 jet RoI container. More...
class  JetRoIAuxContainer_v2
 Auxiliary store for the LVL1 jet RoI container. More...
class  JetTrigAuxContainer_v1
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  JetTrigAuxContainer_v2
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  jFexFwdElRoI_v1
 Class describing properties of a LVL1 jFEX global Trigger Object (TOB) in the xAOD format. More...
class  jFexFwdElRoIAuxContainer_v1
class  jFexLRJetRoI_v1
 Class describing properties of a LVL1 jFEX global Trigger Object (TOB) in the xAOD format. More...
class  jFexLRJetRoIAuxContainer_v1
class  jFexMETRoI_v1
 Class describing properties of a LVL1 jFEX global Trigger Object (TOB) in the xAOD format. More...
class  jFexMETRoIAuxContainer_v1
class  jFexSRJetRoI_v1
 Class describing properties of a LVL1 jFEX global Trigger Object (TOB) in the xAOD format. More...
class  jFexSRJetRoIAuxContainer_v1
class  jFexSumETRoI_v1
 Class describing properties of a LVL1 jFEX global Trigger Object (TOB) in the xAOD format. More...
class  jFexSumETRoIAuxContainer_v1
class  jFexTauRoI_v1
 Class describing properties of a LVL1 jFEX global Trigger Object (TOB) in the xAOD format. More...
class  jFexTauRoIAuxContainer_v1
class  jFexTower_v1
 Class describing input data of a LVL1 jFEX. More...
class  jFexTowerAuxContainer_v1
 AuxContainer for jFexTower_v1. More...
class  JGTower_v1
 Description of JGTower_v1. More...
class  JGTowerAuxContainer_v1
 AuxContainer for JGTower_v1. More...
class  L1TopoRawData_v1
 Description of L1TopoRawData_v1. More...
class  L1TopoRawDataAuxContainer_v1
 AuxContainer for L1TopoRawData_v1. More...
class  L1TopoSimResults_v1
class  L1TopoSimResultsAuxContainer_v1
class  L2CombinedMuon_v1
 Class describing combined muon reconstructed in the LVL2 trigger. More...
class  L2CombinedMuonAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary container for CB muon containers. More...
class  L2IsoMuon_v1
 Class describing isolation info for muons reconstructed in the LVL2 trigger. More...
class  L2IsoMuonAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary container for muon iso containers. More...
class  L2StandAloneMuon_v1
 Class describing standalone muons reconstructed in the LVL2 trigger. More...
class  L2StandAloneMuon_v2
 Class describing standalone muons reconstructed in the LVL2 trigger. More...
class  L2StandAloneMuonAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary container for muon SA containers. More...
class  L2StandAloneMuonAuxContainer_v2
 Auxiliary container for muon SA containers. More...
class  LumiBlockRange_v1
 Class describing a luminosity block range. More...
class  LumiBlockRangeAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary container for xAOD::LumiBlockRangeContainer_v1. More...
class  MBTSModule_v1
 add description More...
class  MBTSModuleAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for xAOD::MBTSModuleContainer_v1. More...
class  MdtDriftCircle_v1 More...
class  MdtDriftCircleAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for Mdt drift circles. More...
class  MdtTwinDriftCircle_v1
class  MdtTwinDriftCircleAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for Mdt drift circles. More...
class  MissingET_v1
 Principal data object for Missing ET. More...
class  MissingETAssociation_v1
 MET association descriptor contains object links and corresponding parameters. More...
class  MissingETAssociationHelper
class  MissingETAssociationMap_v1
class  MissingETAuxAssociationMap_v1
 Auxiliary data store for xAOD::MissingETAssociationMap_v1. More...
class  MissingETAuxAssociationMap_v2
 Auxiliary data store for xAOD::MissingETAssociationMap_v2. More...
class  MissingETAuxComponentMap_v1
 Auxiliary data store for xAOD::MissingETComponentMap_v1. More...
class  MissingETAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary data store for xAOD::MissingETContainer. More...
class  MissingETComponent_v1
 MET component descriptor contains object links and corresponding parameters. More...
class  MissingETComponentMap_v1
struct  MissingETComposition
 Collection of functions managing the MET composition map and association map. More...
class  MissingETContainer_v1
 Container for xAOD::MissingET_v1 objects. More...
class  MMCluster_v1
class  MMClusterAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for Mdt drift circles. More...
class  Muon_v1
 Class describing a Muon. More...
class  MuonAODFixAlg
 Algorithm to fix AOD muons. More...
class  MuonAuxContainer_v1
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  MuonAuxContainer_v2
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  MuonAuxContainer_v3
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  MuonAuxContainer_v4
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  MuonAuxContainer_v5
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  MuonRoI_v1
 Class describing a LVL1 muon region of interest. More...
class  MuonRoIAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for the LVL1 muon RoI container. More...
class  MuonSegment_v1
 Class describing a MuonSegment. More...
class  MuonSegmentAuxContainer_v1
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  MuonSimHit_v1
class  MuonSimHitAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for Mdt drift circles. More...
class  NeutralParticle_v1
 Class describing a NeutralParticle. More...
class  NeutralParticleAuxContainer_v1
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  NRPCRDO_v1
class  NRPCRDOAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for pixel clusters. More...
class  NSWMMTPRDO_v1
class  NSWMMTPRDOAuxContainer_v1
class  NSWTPRDO_v1
class  NSWTPRDOAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for pixel clusters. More...
class  Particle_v1
 Description of a generic particle. More...
class  ParticleAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary container for particle containers. More...
class  ParticleCaloExtension
 class storing calorimeter information associated with track based objects More...
class  PerfStats
 Class for collecting information about the xAOD file access pattern. More...
class  PFlowObjectsInConeTool
class  PFO_v1
 Class describing a particle flow object. More...
struct  PFOAttributesAccessor_v1
class  PFOAuxContainer_v1
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
struct  PFOParticleTypeMapper_temp
struct  PFOParticleTypeMapper_v1
class  Photon_v1
class  PhotonAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for offline photons. More...
class  PhotonAuxContainer_v2
 Auxiliary store for offline photons. More...
class  PhotonAuxContainer_v3
 Auxiliary store for offline photons. More...
class  PhotonTrigAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for offline photons. More...
class  PixelCluster_v1
class  PixelClusterAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for pixel clusters. More...
class  RAuxManager
 Manager for RAuxStore objects. More...
class  RAuxStore
class  RDataSource
 Data source for xAOD input files. More...
class  RDataSourceEvent
 Extension to xAOD::TEvent, used by xAOD::RDataSource. More...
class  ReadStats
 Class describing the access statistics of a collection of branches. More...
class  RingSet_v1
 Class holding a set of rings. More...
class  RingSetAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for xAOD::RingSetContainer. More...
class  RingSetConf_v1
 Class holding the RingSet configuration used for the Reconstruction. More...
class  RingSetConfAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for xAOD::RingSetConfContainer. More...
class  RODHeader_v1
 Description of RODHeader_v1. More...
class  RODHeader_v2
 Description of RODHeader_v2. More...
class  RODHeaderAuxContainer_v1
 AuxContainer for RODHeader_v1. More...
class  RODHeaderAuxContainer_v2
 AuxContainer for RODHeader_v2. More...
class  RoiDescriptorStore_v1
class  RoiDescriptorStoreAuxInfo_v1
struct  ROOT6_xAODDataSource_WorkAround_Dummy
 Dummy struct for auto-loading the library. More...
class  RpcMeasurement_v1
 RpcMeasurement_v1: Class storing the geneic. More...
class  RpcStrip2D_v1
class  RpcStrip2DAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for Mdt drift circles. More...
class  RpcStrip_v1
class  RpcStripAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for Mdt drift circles. More...
class  SCTRawHitValidation_v1
 Class describing an SCT Raw Data Object (RDO). More...
class  SCTRawHitValidationAuxContainer_v1
class  ShallowAuxContainer
 Class creating a shallow copy of an existing auxiliary container. More...
class  ShallowAuxInfo
 Shallow copy for the auxiliary store of standalone objects. More...
class  SimpleEncrypter
 Provide simple asymmetric encryption for blinding of float values. More...
class  SlowMuon_v1
 Class describing a SlowMuon. More...
class  SlowMuonAuxContainer_v1
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  SortLumiBlockRangeByStart
 Helper functor used to sort xAOD::LumiBlockRangeContainer-s. More...
class  SpacePoint_v1
class  SpacePointAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for space point. More...
class  sTgcMeasurement_v1
class  sTgcPadAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for Mdt drift circles. More...
class  sTgcPadHit_v1
class  sTgcStripAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for Mdt drift circles. More...
class  sTgcStripCluster_v1
class  sTgcWireAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for Mdt drift circles. More...
class  sTgcWireHit_v1
class  StripCluster_v1
class  StripClusterAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for strip clusters. More...
class  TActiveEvent
 Helper class for finding the active TVirtualEvent object. More...
class  TActiveStore
 Helper class for finding the active TStore object. More...
class  TauJet_v1
 Class describing a tau jet. More...
class  TauJet_v2
 Class describing a tau jet. More...
class  TauJet_v3
 Class describing a tau jet. More...
class  TauJetAuxContainer_v1
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  TauJetAuxContainer_v2
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  TauJetAuxContainer_v3
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
struct  TauJetCalibTypeMapper_v1
struct  TauJetCalibTypeMapper_v3
class  TauTrack_v1
class  TauTrackAuxContainer_v1
class  TAuxBranchManager
 Manager for auxiliary branches created dynamically. More...
class  TAuxManager
 Manager for TAuxStore objects. More...
class  TAuxStore
 "ROOT implementation" of IAuxStore More...
class  TAuxVector
 Auxiliary vector type for types known to ROOT. More...
class  TAuxVectorFactory
 Auxiliary vector factory based on a ROOT dictionary. More...
class  TCDVHolderT
 Class managing ConstDataVector objects in transient memory. More...
class  TChainStateTracker
 Class helping with tracking the state of TChain objects. More...
class  TDestructor
 Implementation of the destructor base class for a given type. More...
class  TDestructorRegistry
 Application-wide registry of destructor objects. More...
class  TDirectoryReset
 Helper class for making sure the current directory is preserved. More...
class  TDVCollectionFuncs
 Helper functions for accessing the container data via the proxy. More...
class  TDVCollectionProxy
 A Root collection proxy for DataVector containers. More...
class  TDVCollectionProxyDummy
 Dummy class to use as the DataVector template argument for the class we give to the Root proxy. More...
class  TEvent
 Tool for accessing xAOD files outside of Athena. More...
class  TEventFormatRegistry
 Helper class for managing the event format for output files. More...
class  TFileAccessTracer
 Helper class keeping track of the files that got accessed. More...
class  TFileChecker
 Tool for running sanity checks on xAOD files. More...
class  TFileMerger
 Helper class for merging xAOD files. More...
class  TgcStrip_v1
class  TgcStripAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for Mdt drift circles. More...
class  THolder
 This class takes care of holding EDM objects in memory. More...
class  TIncident
 Class describing a certain "incident" that is communicated to user code. More...
class  TObjectManager
 Manager for EDM objects created by ROOT. More...
class  TPrimitiveAuxBranchManager
 Manager for primitive auxiliary branches created dynamically. More...
class  TPyEvent
 Python interface to xAOD::TEvent. More...
class  TPyStore
 Python interface to xAOD::TStore. More...
class  TrackCaloCluster_v1
 Class describing a TrackCaloCluster. More...
class  TrackCaloClusterAuxContainer_v1
 This class is meant to implement the TrackCaloCluster EDM. More...
struct  TrackCorrection
struct  TrackIsolation
class  TrackIsolationTool
class  TrackJacobian_v1
 Storage for track Propagation Jacobian for Acts MultiTrajectory. More...
class  TrackJacobianAuxContainer_v1
class  TrackMeasurement_v1
 Track Measurements for Acts MultiTrajectory. More...
class  TrackMeasurementAuxContainer_v1
class  TrackMeasurementValidation_v1
 Class describing a TrackMeasurementValidation. More...
class  TrackMeasurementValidationAuxContainer_v1
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  TrackParameters_v1
 Track Parameters for Acts MultiTrajectory. More...
class  TrackParametersAuxContainer_v1
class  TrackParticle_v1
 Class describing a TrackParticle. More...
class  TrackParticleAuxContainer_v1
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  TrackParticleAuxContainer_v2
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  TrackParticleAuxContainer_v3
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  TrackParticleAuxContainer_v4
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  TrackParticleAuxContainer_v5
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  TrackParticleClusterAssociation_v1
 Class describing a TrackParticleClusterAssociation. More...
class  TrackParticleClusterAssociationAuxContainer_v1
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  TrackParticlesInConeTool
class  TrackState_v1
 class describing TrackState - backend of navigation object of Acts::MultiTrajectory More...
class  TrackStateAuxContainer_v1
class  TrackStateValidation_v1
 Class describing a TrackStateValidation. More...
class  TrackStateValidationAuxContainer_v1
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
class  TrackSummary_v1
 Track Summary for Acts MultiTrajectory. More...
class  TrackSummaryAuxContainer_v1
class  TrackSurface_v1
 TrackSurface for Acts MultiTrajectory and TrackSummary. More...
class  TrackSurfaceAuxContainer_v1
class  TrigBphys_v1
 Class describing a Bphysics online composite object. More...
class  TrigBphysAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for the TrigBphys composite container. More...
class  TrigCaloCluster_v1
 Description of a trigger calorimeter cluster. More...
class  TrigCaloClusterAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary container for trigger calorimeter cluster containers. More...
class  TrigComposite_v1
 Class used to describe composite objects in the HLT. More...
class  TrigCompositeAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for TrigComposite_v1 containers. More...
class  TrigCompositeAuxContainer_v2
 Auxiliary store for TrigComposite containers. More...
class  TrigConfKeys_v1
 Class describing the configuration used in a given event. More...
class  TrigDecision_v1
 Interface to the raw trigger decision information of the event. More...
class  TrigDecisionAuxInfo_v1
 Class holding the data handled by TrigDecision_v1. More...
class  TrigElectron_v1
 Class describing an electron reconstructed in the HLT. More...
class  TrigElectronAuxContainer_v1
 Class holding the payload of xAOD::TrigElectronContainer_v1. More...
class  TrigEMCluster_v1
 Description of a trigger EM cluster. More...
class  TrigEMClusterAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary container for trigger EM cluster containers. More...
class  TrigEMClusterAuxContainer_v2
 Auxiliary container for trigger EM cluster containers. More...
class  TriggerMenu_v1
 Class holding one particular trigger configuration. More...
class  TriggerMenuAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store object for TriggerMenuContainer_v1. More...
class  TriggerMenuJson_v1
 Raw JSON data for a given type of menu file. More...
class  TriggerMenuJsonAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store object for TriggerMenuJsonContainer_v1. More...
class  TriggerTower_v1
 Description of TriggerTower_v1. More...
class  TriggerTower_v2
 Description of TriggerTower_v2. More...
class  TriggerTowerAuxContainer_v1
 AuxContainer for TriggerTower_v1. More...
class  TriggerTowerAuxContainer_v2
 AuxContainer for TriggerTower_v2. More...
class  TrigHisto2D_v1
class  TrigHisto2DAuxContainer_v1
class  TrigMissingET_v1
 Class holding the Missing ET trigger fex results. More...
class  TrigMissingETAuxContainer_v1
 AuxContainer for TrigMissingET classes. More...
class  TrigNavigation_v1
 Interface to the raw trigger navigation information of the event. More...
class  TrigNavigationAuxInfo_v1
 Class holding the data handled by TrigNavigation_v1 (bsaed on the TrigDecision_v1) This is the auxiliary class holding the trigger navigation information in xAOD files. More...
class  TrigPassBits_v1
 Type describing which elements in a container passed a trigger chain. More...
class  TrigPassBitsAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary container for TrigPassBitsContainer_v1. More...
class  TrigPhoton_v1
 Class describing a photon reconstructed in the HLT. More...
class  TrigPhotonAuxContainer_v1
 Class holding the payload of xAOD::TrigPhotonContainer_v1. More...
class  TrigRingerRings_v1
class  TrigRingerRings_v2
class  TrigRingerRingsAuxContainer_v1
 This is a fixed implementation of the trigger TrigRingerRings auxiliary store. More...
class  TrigRingerRingsAuxContainer_v2
 This is a fixed implementation of the trigger TrigRingerRings auxiliary store. More...
class  TrigRNNOutput_v1
class  TrigRNNOutput_v2
class  TrigRNNOutputAuxContainer_v1
 This is a fixed implementation of the trigger TrigRNNOutput auxiliary store. More...
class  TrigRNNOutputAuxContainer_v2
 This is a fixed implementation of the trigger TrigRNNOutput auxiliary store. More...
class  TrigSpacePointCounts_v1
class  TrigSpacePointCountsAuxContainer_v1
class  TrigT2MbtsBits_v1
class  TrigT2MbtsBitsAuxContainer_v1
class  TrigT2ZdcSignals_v1
class  TrigT2ZdcSignalsAuxContainer_v1
class  TrigTrackCounts_v1
class  TrigTrackCountsAuxContainer_v1
class  TrigVertexCounts_v1
class  TrigVertexCountsAuxContainer_v1
class  TruthEvent_v1
 Class describing a signal truth event in the MC record. More...
class  TruthEventAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for the truth vertices. More...
class  TruthEventBase_v1
 Base class describing a pile-up or signal truth event in the MC record. More...
class  TruthMetaData_v1
 Class describing meta data for truth records. More...
class  TruthMetaDataAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for the truth meta data. More...
class  TruthParticle_v1
 Class describing a truth particle in the MC record. More...
class  TruthParticleAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for the truth vertices. More...
class  TruthParticlesInConeTool
class  TruthPileupEvent_v1
 Class describing a pile-up truth event in the MC record. More...
class  TruthPileupEventAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for the truth pile-up events. More...
class  TruthVertex_v1
 Class describing a truth vertex in the MC record. More...
class  TruthVertexAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for the truth vertices. More...
class  TSocket
 Very simple wrapper around POSIX sockets. More...
class  TStore
 A relatively simple transient store for objects created in analysis. More...
class  TTransTrees
 A simple helper class holding both event and metadata transient trees. More...
class  TTreeMgr
 Class creating (a) transient tree(s) from xAOD files. More...
class  TVirtualDestructor
 Base class for the templated destructor types. More...
class  TVirtualEvent
 Base interface for getting objects out of the input file. More...
class  TVirtualIncidentListener
 Class providing an interface for classes listening to xAOD incidents. More...
class  TVirtualManager
 Interface class for the "manager classes". More...
class  UncalibratedMeasurement_v1
class  Vertex_v1
 Class describing a Vertex. More...
class  VertexAuxContainer_v1
 Temporary container used until we have I/O for AuxStoreInternal. More...
struct  xAODDiTAU_return_type
struct  xAODDiTAU_return_type< float >
struct  xAODDiTAU_return_type< int >
struct  xAODTAU_return_type
struct  xAODTAU_return_type< float >
struct  xAODTAU_return_type< int >
class  xAODTEvent
class  ZdcModule_v1
 Class containing ZDC Module information. More...
class  ZdcModuleAuxContainer_v1
 Auxiliary store for xAOD::ZdcModuleContainer_v1. More...
class  ZdcModuleAuxContainer_v2
 Auxiliary store for xAOD::ZdcModuleContainer_v2. More...


typedef ExampleElectron_v1 ExampleElectron
typedef ExampleElectronAuxContainer_v1 ExampleElectronAuxContainer
typedef ExampleElectronContainer_v1 ExampleElectronContainer
typedef DataVector< ExampleElectron_v1ExampleElectronContainer_v1
typedef TrackParticleClusterAssociation_v1 TrackParticleClusterAssociation
 Reference the current persistent version: More...
typedef TrackParticleClusterAssociationAuxContainer_v1 TrackParticleClusterAssociationAuxContainer
 Definition of the current Muon auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrackParticleClusterAssociationContainer_v1 TrackParticleClusterAssociationContainer
 Definition of the current "TrackParticleClusterAssociation container version". More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackParticleClusterAssociation_v1TrackParticleClusterAssociationContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< IParticleIParticleContainer
 Simple convenience declaration of IParticleContainer. More...
typedef BTagging_v1 BTagging
 Definition of the current "BTagging version". More...
typedef BTaggingAuxContainer_v2 BTaggingAuxContainer
 Definition of the current BTagging auxiliary container. More...
typedef BTaggingContainer_v1 BTaggingContainer
 Definition of the current "BTagging container version". More...
typedef BTaggingTrigAuxContainer_v1 BTaggingTrigAuxContainer
 Definition of the current BTagging auxiliary container for trigger. More...
typedef BTagVertex_v1 BTagVertex
 Definition of the current "BTagging version". More...
typedef BTagVertexAuxContainer_v1 BTagVertexAuxContainer
 Definition of the current BTagging auxiliary container. More...
typedef BTagVertexContainer_v1 BTagVertexContainer
 Definition of the current "BTagging container version". More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::BTagging_v1BTaggingContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< xAOD::BTagVertex_v1BTagVertexContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef CaloCluster_v1 CaloCluster
 Define the latest version of the calorimeter cluster class. More...
typedef CaloClusterAuxContainer_v2 CaloClusterAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the calorimeter cluster auxiliary container. More...
typedef CaloClusterBadChannelData_v1 CaloClusterBadChannelData
typedef std::vector< CaloClusterBadChannelDataCaloClusterBadChannelList
typedef CaloClusterContainer_v1 CaloClusterContainer
 Define the latest version of the calorimeter cluster container. More...
typedef CaloTower_v1 CaloTower
typedef CaloTowerAuxContainer_v1 CaloTowerAuxContainer
typedef CaloTowerContainer_v1 CaloTowerContainer
typedef DataVector< CaloCluster_v1CaloClusterContainer_v1
 Define the cluster container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< CaloTower_v1CaloTowerContainerBase_v1
typedef CaloRings_v1 CaloRings
 Definition of the current "CaloRings version". More...
typedef CaloRingsAuxContainer_v1 CaloRingsAuxContainer
 Definition of the current CaloRings auxiliary container. More...
typedef SG::AuxElement::Decorator< xAOD::CaloRingsLinkscaloRingsDeco_t
 The CaloRings element links decorator type: More...
typedef SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor< xAOD::CaloRingsLinkscaloRingsReader_t
 The CaloRings element links reader type: More...
typedef CaloRingsContainer_v1 CaloRingsContainer
 Definition of the current "CaloRings container version". More...
typedef std::vector< ElementLink< CaloRingsContainer > > CaloRingsLinks
 ElementLink type pointing at such objects. More...
typedef RingSet_v1 RingSet
 Definition of the current "RingSet version". More...
typedef RingSetAuxContainer_v1 RingSetAuxContainer
 Definition of the current RingSet auxiliary container. More...
typedef RingSetConf_v1 RingSetConf
 Definition of the current "RingSetConf version". More...
typedef RingSetConfAuxContainer_v1 RingSetConfAuxContainer
 Definition of the current RingSetConf auxiliary container. More...
typedef RingSetConfContainer_v1 RingSetConfContainer
 Definition of the current "RingSetConf container version". More...
typedef std::vector< ElementLink< RingSetConfContainer > > RingSetConfLinks
 Declare element links vector. More...
typedef RingSetContainer_v1 RingSetContainer
 Definition of the current "RingSet container version". More...
typedef std::vector< ElementLink< RingSetContainer > > RingSetLinks
 Declare element links vector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CaloRings_v1CaloRingsContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::RingSetConf_v1RingSetConfContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::RingSet_v1RingSetContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef EventInfo_v1 EventInfo
 Definition of the latest event info version. More...
typedef DataVector< SG::AuxElementBaseContainer
typedef ElementLink< CutBookkeeperContainerCutBookkeeperLink_t
using CutBookkeeperLinks_t = std::vector< xAOD::CutBookkeeperLink_t >
typedef CutBookkeeper_v1 CutBookkeeper
 Define the latest version of the CutBookkeeper class. More...
typedef CutBookkeeperAuxContainer_v1 CutBookkeeperAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the CutBookkeeperAuxContainer class. More...
typedef CutBookkeeperContainer_v1 CutBookkeeperContainer
 Define the latest version of the CutBookkeeperContainer class. More...
typedef Egamma_v1 Egamma
 Definition of the current "egamma version". More...
typedef EgammaAuxContainer_v1 EgammaAuxContainer
 Definition of the current egamma auxiliary container. More...
typedef EgammaContainer_v1 EgammaContainer
 Definition of the current "egamma container version". More...
typedef Electron_v1 Electron
 Definition of the current "egamma version". More...
typedef ElectronAuxContainer_v3 ElectronAuxContainer
 Definition of the current electron auxiliary container. More...
typedef ElectronContainer_v1 ElectronContainer
 Definition of the current "electron container version". More...
typedef Photon_v1 Photon
 Definition of the current "egamma version". More...
typedef PhotonAuxContainer_v3 PhotonAuxContainer
 Definition of the current photon auxiliary container. More...
typedef PhotonContainer_v1 PhotonContainer
 Definition of the current "photon container version". More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::Egamma_v1EgammaContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::Electron_v1ElectronContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::Photon_v1PhotonContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef EventFormat_v1 EventFormat
 Definition of the current event format version. More...
typedef EventAuxInfo_v3 EventAuxInfo
 Definition of the latest event auxiliary info version. More...
typedef EventInfoAuxContainer_v1 EventInfoAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the auxiliary container. More...
typedef EventInfoContainer_v1 EventInfoContainer
 Define the latest version of the container. More...
typedef DataVector< EventInfo_v1EventInfoContainer_v1
 Container type for event info objects. More...
typedef EventShape_v1 EventShape
 Definition of the current event format version. More...
typedef EventShapeAuxInfo_v1 EventShapeAuxInfo
 Definition of the latest event shape auxiliary info version. More...
typedef AFPData_v1 AFPData
typedef AFPDataAuxContainer_v1 AFPDataAuxContainer
typedef AFPDataContainer_v1 AFPDataContainer
typedef AFPProton_v1 AFPProton
typedef AFPProtonAuxContainer_v1 AFPProtonAuxContainer
typedef AFPProtonContainer_v1 AFPProtonContainer
typedef AFPSiHit_v2 AFPSiHit
typedef AFPSiHitAuxContainer_v2 AFPSiHitAuxContainer
typedef AFPSiHitContainer_v2 AFPSiHitContainer
typedef AFPSiHitsCluster_v1 AFPSiHitsCluster
typedef AFPSiHitsClusterAuxContainer_v1 AFPSiHitsClusterAuxContainer
typedef AFPSiHitsClusterContainer_v1 AFPSiHitsClusterContainer
typedef AFPToFHit_v1 AFPToFHit
typedef AFPToFHitAuxContainer_v1 AFPToFHitAuxContainer
typedef AFPToFHitContainer_v1 AFPToFHitContainer
typedef AFPToFTrack_v1 AFPToFTrack
typedef AFPToFTrackAuxContainer_v1 AFPToFTrackAuxContainer
typedef AFPToFTrackContainer_v1 AFPToFTrackContainer
typedef AFPTrack_v2 AFPTrack
typedef AFPTrackAuxContainer_v2 AFPTrackAuxContainer
typedef AFPTrackContainer_v2 AFPTrackContainer
typedef AFPVertex_v1 AFPVertex
typedef AFPVertexAuxContainer_v1 AFPVertexAuxContainer
typedef AFPVertexContainer_v1 AFPVertexContainer
typedef ALFAData_v1 ALFAData
typedef ALFADataAuxContainer_v1 ALFADataAuxContainer
typedef ALFADataContainer_v1 ALFADataContainer
typedef ForwardEventInfo_v1 ForwardEventInfo
typedef ForwardEventInfoAuxContainer_v1 ForwardEventInfoAuxContainer
typedef ForwardEventInfoContainer_v1 ForwardEventInfoContainer
typedef MBTSModule_v1 MBTSModule
typedef MBTSModuleAuxContainer_v1 MBTSModuleAuxContainer
typedef MBTSModuleContainer_v1 MBTSModuleContainer
typedef DataVector< AFPData_v1AFPDataContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< AFPProton_v1AFPProtonContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< AFPSiHit_v1AFPSiHitContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< AFPSiHit_v2AFPSiHitContainer_v2
typedef DataVector< AFPSiHitsCluster_v1AFPSiHitsClusterContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< AFPToFHit_v1AFPToFHitContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< AFPToFTrack_v1AFPToFTrackContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< AFPTrack_v1AFPTrackContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< AFPTrack_v2AFPTrackContainer_v2
typedef DataVector< AFPVertex_v1AFPVertexContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< ALFAData_v1ALFADataContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< ForwardEventInfo_v1ForwardEventInfoContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< MBTSModule_v1MBTSModuleContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< ZdcModule_v1ZdcModuleContainer_v1
typedef ZdcModule_v1 ZdcModule
typedef ZdcModuleAuxContainer_v2 ZdcModuleAuxContainer
typedef ZdcModuleContainer_v1 ZdcModuleContainer
typedef HIEventShape_v2 HIEventShape
 Definition of the latest event info version. More...
typedef HIEventShapeAuxContainer_v2 HIEventShapeAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the auxiliary container. More...
typedef HIEventShapeContainer_v2 HIEventShapeContainer
 Define the latest version of the container. More...
typedef DataVector< HIEventShape_v1HIEventShapeContainer_v1
 Container type for event info objects. More...
typedef DataVector< HIEventShape_v2HIEventShapeContainer_v2
typedef HGTDCluster_v1 HGTDCluster
 Define the version of the pixel cluster class. More...
typedef HGTDClusterAuxContainer_v1 HGTDClusterAuxContainer
 Definition of the current HGTD cluster auxiliary container. More...
typedef HGTDClusterContainer_v1 HGTDClusterContainer
 Define the version of the HGTD cluster container. More...
typedef PixelCluster_v1 PixelCluster
 Define the version of the pixel cluster class. More...
typedef PixelClusterAuxContainer_v1 PixelClusterAuxContainer
 Definition of the current pixel cluster auxiliary container. More...
typedef PixelClusterContainer_v1 PixelClusterContainer
 Define the version of the pixel cluster container. More...
typedef SpacePoint_v1 SpacePoint
typedef SpacePointAuxContainer_v1 SpacePointAuxContainer
 Definition of the current space point auxiliary container. More...
typedef SpacePointContainer_v1 SpacePointContainer
 Define the version of the space point container. More...
typedef StripCluster_v1 StripCluster
 Define the version of the strip cluster class. More...
typedef StripClusterAuxContainer_v1 StripClusterAuxContainer
 Definition of the current strip cluster auxiliary container. More...
typedef StripClusterContainer_v1 StripClusterContainer
 Define the version of the strip cluster container. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::HGTDCluster_v1HGTDClusterContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::PixelCluster_v1PixelClusterContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::SpacePoint_v1SpacePointContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::StripCluster_v1StripClusterContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
using iterator = JetConstituentVector::iterator
typedef Jet_v1 Jet
 Definition of the current "jet version". More...
typedef JetAuxContainer_v1 JetAuxContainer
 Definition of the current jet auxiliary container. More...
typedef JetContainer_v1 JetContainer
 Definition of the current "jet container version". More...
typedef JetTrigAuxContainer_v2 JetTrigAuxContainer
 Definition of the current jet trigger auxiliary container. More...
typedef ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D< double > > JetFourMom_t
 Base 4 Momentum type for Jet. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::Jet_v1JetContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef BCMRawData_v1 BCMRawData
 Declare the latest version of the class. More...
typedef BCMRawDataAuxContainer_v1 BCMRawDataAuxContainer
 Declare the latest version of the auxiliary container. More...
typedef BCMRawDataContainer_v1 BCMRawDataContainer
 Declare the latest version of the container. More...
typedef LumiBlockRange_v1 LumiBlockRange
 Declare the latest version of the class. More...
typedef LumiBlockRangeAuxContainer_v1 LumiBlockRangeAuxContainer
 Declare the latest version of the auxiliary container. More...
typedef LumiBlockRangeContainer_v1 LumiBlockRangeContainer
 Declare the latest version of the container. More...
typedef DataVector< BCMRawData_v1BCMRawDataContainer_v1
 The container is simply a type definition. More...
typedef DataVector< LumiBlockRange_v1LumiBlockRangeContainer_v1
 The container is simply a type definition. More...
using DetectorIDHashType = unsigned int
 @ detector ID element hash More...
using DetectorIdentType = long unsigned int
template<size_t N>
using PosAccessor = SG::AuxElement::Accessor< std::array< float, N > >
 xAOD Accessor to the position More...
template<size_t N>
using CovAccessor = SG::AuxElement::Accessor< std::array< float, N *N > >
 xAOD Accessor to the covariance More...
template<size_t N>
using MeasVector = Eigen::Matrix< float, N, 1 >
 Abrivation of the Matrix & Covariance definitions. More...
template<size_t N>
using MeasMatrix = Eigen::Matrix< float, N, N >
template<size_t N>
using VectorMap = Eigen::Map< MeasVector< N > >
template<size_t N>
using ConstVectorMap = Eigen::Map< const MeasVector< N > >
template<size_t N>
using MatrixMap = Eigen::Map< MeasMatrix< N > >
template<size_t N>
using ConstMatrixMap = Eigen::Map< const MeasMatrix< N > >
typedef UncalibratedMeasurement_v1 UncalibratedMeasurement
 Define the version of the uncalibrated measurement class. More...
typedef UncalibratedMeasurementContainer_v1 UncalibratedMeasurementContainer
 Define the version of the uncalibrated measurement container. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::UncalibratedMeasurement_v1UncalibratedMeasurementContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef FileMetaData_v1 FileMetaData
 Declare the latest version of the class. More...
typedef FileMetaDataAuxInfo_v1 FileMetaDataAuxInfo
 Declare the latest version of the class. More...
typedef MissingET_v1 MissingET
 Version control by type defintion. More...
typedef MissingETAssociation_v1 MissingETAssociation
 Version control by type definition. More...
typedef MissingETAssociationMap_v1 MissingETAssociationMap
 Version control by type defintion. More...
typedef MissingETAuxAssociationMap_v2 MissingETAuxAssociationMap
 Version control by type definition. More...
typedef MissingETAuxComponentMap_v1 MissingETAuxComponentMap
 Version control by type definition. More...
typedef MissingETAuxContainer_v1 MissingETAuxContainer
typedef MissingETComponent_v1 MissingETComponent
 Version control by type definition. More...
typedef MissingETComponentMap_v1 MissingETComponentMap
 Version control by type definition. More...
typedef MissingETContainer_v1 MissingETContainer
typedef Muon_v1 Muon
 Reference the current persistent version: More...
typedef MuonAuxContainer_v5 MuonAuxContainer
 Definition of the current Muon auxiliary container. More...
typedef MuonContainer_v1 MuonContainer
 Definition of the current "Muon container version". More...
typedef MuonSegment_v1 MuonSegment
 Reference the current persistent version: More...
typedef MuonSegmentAuxContainer_v1 MuonSegmentAuxContainer
 Definition of the current Muon auxiliary container. More...
typedef MuonSegmentContainer_v1 MuonSegmentContainer
 Definition of the current "MuonSegment container version". More...
typedef SlowMuon_v1 SlowMuon
 Reference the current persistent version: More...
typedef SlowMuonAuxContainer_v1 SlowMuonAuxContainer
 Definition of the current Muon auxiliary container. More...
typedef SlowMuonContainer_v1 SlowMuonContainer
 Definition of the current "SlowMuon container version". More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::Muon_v1MuonContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::MuonSegment_v1MuonSegmentContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::SlowMuon_v1SlowMuonContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
 Define the version of the NRPC RDO class. More...
typedef NRPCRDOAuxContainer_v1 NRPCRDOAuxContainer
 Definition of the current NRPC RDO auxiliary container. More...
typedef NRPCRDOContainer_v1 NRPCRDOContainer
 Define the version of the NRPC RDO container. More...
 Define the version of the NSW MM RDO class. More...
typedef NSWMMTPRDOAuxContainer_v1 NSWMMTPRDOAuxContainer
 Definition of the current NSW MM RDO auxiliary container. More...
typedef NSWMMTPRDOContainer_v1 NSWMMTPRDOContainer
 Define the version of the NSW MM RDO container. More...
 Define the version of the NRPC RDO class. More...
typedef NSWTPRDOAuxContainer_v1 NSWTPRDOAuxContainer
 Definition of the current NRPC RDO auxiliary container. More...
typedef NSWTPRDOContainer_v1 NSWTPRDOContainer
 Define the version of the NRPC RDO container. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::NRPCRDO_v1NRPCRDOContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::NSWMMTPRDO_v1NSWMMTPRDOContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::NSWTPRDO_v1NSWTPRDOContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef CompositeParticle_v1 CompositeParticle
 Define the latest version of the composite particle class. More...
typedef CompositeParticleAuxContainer_v1 CompositeParticleAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the CompositeParticleAuxContainer class. More...
typedef CompositeParticleContainer_v1 CompositeParticleContainer
 Define the latest version of the CompositeParticle class. More...
typedef IParticleLink_v1 IParticleLink
 Define the latest version of the IParticleLink class. More...
typedef IParticleLinkContainer_v1 IParticleLinkContainer
 Define the latest version of the IParticleLinkContainer class. More...
typedef Particle_v1 Particle
 Define the latest version of the particle class. More...
typedef ParticleAuxContainer_v1 ParticleAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the ParticleAuxContainer class. More...
typedef ParticleContainer_v1 ParticleContainer
 Define the latest version of the particle class. More...
typedef DataVector< CompositeParticle_v1CompositeParticleContainer_v1
 Define the composite particle container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef ElementLink< xAOD::IParticleContainerIParticleLink_v1
 Define the IParticleLink as a simple typedef. More...
typedef std::vector< IParticleLink_v1IParticleLinkContainer_v1
 Define the container of IPartilceLinks. More...
typedef DataVector< Particle_v1ParticleContainer_v1
 Define the particle container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef FlowElement_v1 FlowElement
 Definition of the current "pfo version". More...
typedef FlowElementAuxContainer_v1 FlowElementAuxContainer
 Definition of the current FlowElementAuxContainer_v1 auxiliary container. More...
typedef FlowElementContainer_v1 FlowElementContainer
 Definition of the current "pfo container version". More...
typedef PFO_v1 PFO
 Definition of the current "pfo version". More...
typedef PFOAuxContainer_v1 PFOAuxContainer
 Definition of the current pfo auxiliary container. More...
typedef PFOContainer_v1 PFOContainer
 Definition of the current "pfo container version". More...
typedef ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D< float > > PtEtaPhiMVectorF
typedef TrackCaloCluster_v1 TrackCaloCluster
 Reference the current persistent version: More...
typedef TrackCaloClusterAuxContainer_v1 TrackCaloClusterAuxContainer
 Definition of the current TrackCaloCluster auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrackCaloClusterContainer_v1 TrackCaloClusterContainer
 Definition of the current "TrackCaloCluster container version". More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::FlowElement_v1FlowElementContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::PFO_v1PFOContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackCaloCluster_v1TrackCaloClusterContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DiTauJet_v1 DiTauJet
 Definition of the current version. More...
typedef DiTauJetAuxContainer_v1 DiTauJetAuxContainer
typedef DiTauJetContainer_v1 DiTauJetContainer
 Definition of the current DiTauJet container version. More...
typedef TauJet_v3 TauJet
 Definition of the current "tau version". More...
typedef TauJetAuxContainer_v3 TauJetAuxContainer
 Definition of the current taujet auxiliary container. More...
typedef TauJetContainer_v3 TauJetContainer
 Definition of the current "taujet container version". More...
typedef TauTrack_v1 TauTrack
 Definition of the current version. More...
typedef TauTrackAuxContainer_v1 TauTrackAuxContainer
typedef TauTrackContainer_v1 TauTrackContainer
 Definition of the current TauTrack container version. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::DiTauJet_v1DiTauJetContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for a vector of DiTauJets. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TauJet_v1TauJetContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TauJet_v2TauJetContainer_v2
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TauJet_v3TauJetContainer_v3
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TauTrack_v1TauTrackContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for a vector of TauTracks. More...
typedef NeutralParticle_v1 NeutralParticle
 Reference the current persistent version: More...
typedef NeutralParticleAuxContainer_v1 NeutralParticleAuxContainer
 Definition of the current NeutralParticle auxiliary container. More...
typedef NeutralParticleContainer_v1 NeutralParticleContainer
 Definition of the current "NeutralParticle container version". More...
typedef SCTRawHitValidation_v1 SCTRawHitValidation
 Reference the current persistent version: More...
typedef SCTRawHitValidationAuxContainer_v1 SCTRawHitValidationAuxContainer
typedef SCTRawHitValidationContainer_v1 SCTRawHitValidationContainer
 Definition of the current "SCTRawHitValidationContainer version". More...
typedef Eigen::Matrix< bool, 5, 5, 0, 5, 5 > ParametersCovMatrixFilled_t
typedef TrackJacobian_v1 TrackJacobian
typedef TrackJacobianAuxContainer_v1 TrackJacobianAuxContainer
typedef TrackJacobianContainer_v1 TrackJacobianContainer
typedef TrackMeasurement_v1 TrackMeasurement
typedef TrackMeasurementAuxContainer_v1 TrackMeasurementAuxContainer
typedef TrackMeasurementContainer_v1 TrackMeasurementContainer
typedef TrackMeasurementValidation_v1 TrackMeasurementValidation
 Reference the current persistent version: More...
typedef TrackMeasurementValidationAuxContainer_v1 TrackMeasurementValidationAuxContainer
 Definition of the current Muon auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrackMeasurementValidationContainer_v1 TrackMeasurementValidationContainer
 Definition of the current "TrackMeasurementValidation container version". More...
typedef TrackParameters_v1 TrackParameters
typedef TrackParametersAuxContainer_v1 TrackParametersAuxContainer
typedef TrackParametersContainer_v1 TrackParametersContainer
typedef TrackParticle_v1 TrackParticle
 Reference the current persistent version: More...
typedef TrackParticleAuxContainer_v5 TrackParticleAuxContainer
 Definition of the current TrackParticle auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrackParticleContainer_v1 TrackParticleContainer
 Definition of the current "TrackParticle container version". More...
typedef TrackState_v1 TrackState
typedef TrackStateAuxContainer_v1 TrackStateAuxContainer
typedef TrackStateContainer_v1 TrackStateContainer
typedef TrackStateValidation_v1 TrackStateValidation
 Reference the current persistent version: More...
typedef TrackStateValidationAuxContainer_v1 TrackStateValidationAuxContainer
 Definition of the current TrackStateValidation auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrackStateValidationContainer_v1 TrackStateValidationContainer
 Definition of the current "TrackStateValidation container version". More...
typedef TrackSummary_v1 TrackSummary
typedef TrackSummaryAuxContainer_v1 TrackSummaryAuxContainer
typedef TrackSummaryContainer_v1 TrackSummaryContainer
typedef TrackSurface_v1 TrackSurface
typedef TrackSurfaceAuxContainer_v1 TrackSurfaceAuxContainer
typedef TrackSurfaceContainer_v1 TrackSurfaceContainer
typedef DataVector< xAOD::NeutralParticle_v1NeutralParticleContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::SCTRawHitValidation_v1SCTRawHitValidationContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackJacobian_v1TrackJacobianContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackMeasurement_v1TrackMeasurementContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackMeasurementValidation_v1TrackMeasurementValidationContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackParameters_v1TrackParametersContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackParticle_v1TrackParticleContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
using TrackStateIndexType = uint32_t
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackState_v1TrackStateContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackStateValidation_v1TrackStateValidationContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackSummary_v1TrackSummaryContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrackSurface_v1TrackSurfaceContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< xAOD::Vertex_v1VertexContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...
typedef Vertex_v1 Vertex
 Define the latest version of the vertex class. More...
typedef VertexAuxContainer_v1 VertexAuxContainer
 Definition of the current jet auxiliary container. More...
typedef VertexContainer_v1 VertexContainer
 Definition of the current "Vertex container version". More...
typedef TrigBphys_v1 TrigBphys
typedef TrigBphysAuxContainer_v1 TrigBphysAuxContainer
typedef TrigBphysContainer_v1 TrigBphysContainer
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrigBphys_v1TrigBphysContainer_v1
 Declare the em/tau RoI container type. More...
typedef CaloClusterTrigAuxContainer_v1 CaloClusterTrigAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the calorimeter cluster auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrigCaloCluster_v1 TrigCaloCluster
 Define the latest version of the trigger calorimeter cluster class. More...
typedef TrigCaloClusterAuxContainer_v1 TrigCaloClusterAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the trigger calorimeter cluster auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrigCaloClusterContainer_v1 TrigCaloClusterContainer
 Define the latest version of the trigger calorimeter cluster container. More...
typedef TrigEMCluster_v1 TrigEMCluster
 Define the latest version of the trigger EM cluster class. More...
typedef TrigEMClusterAuxContainer_v2 TrigEMClusterAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the trigger EM cluster auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrigEMClusterContainer_v1 TrigEMClusterContainer
 Define the latest version of the trigger EM cluster container. More...
typedef DataVector< TrigCaloCluster_v1TrigCaloClusterContainer_v1
 Define the trigger calorimeter cluster container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< TrigEMCluster_v1TrigEMClusterContainer_v1
 Define the trigger EM cluster container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef ElectronTrigAuxContainer_v1 ElectronTrigAuxContainer
 Definition of the current electron auxiliary container. More...
typedef PhotonTrigAuxContainer_v1 PhotonTrigAuxContainer
 Definition of the current photon auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrigElectron_v1 TrigElectron
 Declare the latest version of the class. More...
typedef TrigElectronAuxContainer_v1 TrigElectronAuxContainer
 Declare the latest version of the auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrigElectronContainer_v1 TrigElectronContainer
 Declare the latest version of the container. More...
typedef TrigPhoton_v1 TrigPhoton
 Declare the latest version of TrigPhoton. More...
typedef TrigPhotonAuxContainer_v1 TrigPhotonAuxContainer
 Declare the latest version of the photon auxiliary container. More...
typedef TrigPhotonContainer_v1 TrigPhotonContainer
 Declare the latest version of the container. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrigElectron_v1TrigElectronContainer_v1
 Declare the container as a simple type definition. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrigPhoton_v1TrigPhotonContainer_v1
 Declare the container as a simple type definition. More...
typedef BunchConf_v1 BunchConf
 Define the latest version of the bunch configuration class. More...
typedef BunchConfAuxContainer_v1 BunchConfAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the bunch configuration auxiliary container class. More...
typedef BunchConfContainer_v1 BunchConfContainer
 Define the latest version of the bunch configuration container class. More...
typedef BunchConfKey_v1 BunchConfKey
 Declare the current version of the bunch configuration key type. More...
typedef eFexEMRoI_v1 eFexEMRoI
 Define the latest version of the eFexEMRoI class. More...
typedef eFexEMRoIAuxContainer_v1 eFexEMRoIAuxContainer
typedef eFexEMRoIContainer_v1 eFexEMRoIContainer
typedef eFexTauRoI_v1 eFexTauRoI
 Define the latest version of the eFexTauRoI class. More...
typedef eFexTauRoIAuxContainer_v1 eFexTauRoIAuxContainer
typedef eFexTauRoIContainer_v1 eFexTauRoIContainer
typedef EmTauRoI_v2 EmTauRoI
typedef EmTauRoIAuxContainer_v2 EmTauRoIAuxContainer
typedef EmTauRoIContainer_v2 EmTauRoIContainer
typedef EnergySumRoI_v2 EnergySumRoI
typedef EnergySumRoIAuxInfo_v2 EnergySumRoIAuxInfo
 Declare the most recent version of the energy-sum auxiliary info. More...
typedef gFexGlobalRoI_v1 gFexGlobalRoI
 Define the latest version of the eFexEMRoI class. More...
typedef gFexGlobalRoIAuxContainer_v1 gFexGlobalRoIAuxContainer
typedef gFexGlobalRoIContainer_v1 gFexGlobalRoIContainer
typedef gFexJetRoI_v1 gFexJetRoI
 Define the latest version of the gFexJetRoI class. More...
typedef gFexJetRoIAuxContainer_v1 gFexJetRoIAuxContainer
typedef gFexJetRoIContainer_v1 gFexJetRoIContainer
typedef JetEtRoI_v1 JetEtRoI
typedef JetEtRoIAuxInfo_v1 JetEtRoIAuxInfo
 Declare the most recent version of the jet-ET auxiliary info. More...
typedef JetRoI_v2 JetRoI
typedef JetRoIAuxContainer_v2 JetRoIAuxContainer
typedef JetRoIContainer_v2 JetRoIContainer
typedef jFexFwdElRoI_v1 jFexFwdElRoI
 Define the latest version of the jFexFwdElJetRoI class
typedef jFexFwdElRoIAuxContainer_v1 jFexFwdElRoIAuxContainer
typedef jFexFwdElRoIContainer_v1 jFexFwdElRoIContainer
typedef jFexLRJetRoI_v1 jFexLRJetRoI
 Define the latest version of the jFexLRJetRoI class
typedef jFexLRJetRoIAuxContainer_v1 jFexLRJetRoIAuxContainer
typedef jFexLRJetRoIContainer_v1 jFexLRJetRoIContainer
typedef jFexMETRoI_v1 jFexMETRoI
 Define the latest version of the jFexMETRoI class
typedef jFexMETRoIAuxContainer_v1 jFexMETRoIAuxContainer
typedef jFexMETRoIContainer_v1 jFexMETRoIContainer
typedef jFexSRJetRoI_v1 jFexSRJetRoI
 Define the latest version of the jFexSRJetRoI class
typedef jFexSRJetRoIAuxContainer_v1 jFexSRJetRoIAuxContainer
typedef jFexSRJetRoIContainer_v1 jFexSRJetRoIContainer
typedef jFexSumETRoI_v1 jFexSumETRoI
 Define the latest version of the jFexSumETJetRoI class
typedef jFexSumETRoIAuxContainer_v1 jFexSumETRoIAuxContainer
typedef jFexSumETRoIContainer_v1 jFexSumETRoIContainer
typedef jFexTauRoI_v1 jFexTauRoI
 Define the latest version of the jFexSRJetRoI class
typedef jFexTauRoIAuxContainer_v1 jFexTauRoIAuxContainer
typedef jFexTauRoIContainer_v1 jFexTauRoIContainer
typedef L1TopoSimResults_v1 L1TopoSimResults
 Define the latest version of the L1TopoSimResults class. More...
typedef L1TopoSimResultsAuxContainer_v1 L1TopoSimResultsAuxContainer
typedef L1TopoSimResultsContainer_v1 L1TopoSimResultsContainer
typedef MuonRoI_v1 MuonRoI
typedef MuonRoIAuxContainer_v1 MuonRoIAuxContainer
typedef MuonRoIContainer_v1 MuonRoIContainer
typedef RoiDescriptorStore_v1 RoiDescriptorStore
 Define the latest version of the serialised RoiDescriptor storage. More...
typedef RoiDescriptorStoreAuxInfo_v1 RoiDescriptorStoreAuxInfo
 Define the latest version of the serialised RoiDescriptor collection auxiliary store. More...
typedef TrigComposite_v1 TrigComposite
 Declare the latest version of the class. More...
typedef TrigCompositeAuxContainer_v2 TrigCompositeAuxContainer
 Declare the latest version of the container. More...
typedef TrigCompositeContainer_v1 TrigCompositeContainer
 Declare the latest version of the container. More...
typedef TrigConfKeys_v1 TrigConfKeys
 Declare the current version of the trigger configuration keys type. More...
typedef TrigDecision_v1 TrigDecision
 Define the latest version of the trigger decision class. More...
typedef TrigDecisionAuxInfo_v1 TrigDecisionAuxInfo
 Define the latest version of the trigger decision auxiliary information class. More...
typedef TriggerMenu_v1 TriggerMenu
 Define the latest version of the trigger menu class. More...
typedef TriggerMenuAuxContainer_v1 TriggerMenuAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the trigger menu auxiliary container class. More...
typedef TriggerMenuContainer_v1 TriggerMenuContainer
 Define the latest version of the trigger menu container class. More...
typedef TriggerMenuJson_v1 TriggerMenuJson
 Define the latest version of the trigger menu JSON class. More...
typedef TriggerMenuJsonAuxContainer_v1 TriggerMenuJsonAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the trigger menu auxiliary container class. More...
typedef TriggerMenuJsonContainer_v1 TriggerMenuJsonContainer
typedef TrigNavigation_v1 TrigNavigation
 Define the latest version of the trigger navigation class. More...
typedef TrigNavigationAuxInfo_v1 TrigNavigationAuxInfo
 Define the latest version of the trigger navigation auxiliary information class. More...
typedef TrigPassBits_v1 TrigPassBits
 Define the latest version of the trigger pass bits class. More...
typedef TrigPassBitsAuxContainer_v1 TrigPassBitsAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the class. More...
typedef TrigPassBitsContainer_v1 TrigPassBitsContainer
 Define the latest version of the trig pass bits container class. More...
typedef DataVector< BunchConf_v1BunchConfContainer_v1
 Define the bunch configuration container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::eFexEMRoI_v1eFexEMRoIContainer_v1
 Declare the em/tau RoI container type. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::eFexTauRoI_v1eFexTauRoIContainer_v1
 Declare the tau RoI container type. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::EmTauRoI_v1EmTauRoIContainer_v1
 Declare the em/tau RoI container type. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::EmTauRoI_v2EmTauRoIContainer_v2
 Declare the em/tau RoI container type. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::gFexGlobalRoI_v1gFexGlobalRoIContainer_v1
 Declare the Global TOB container type. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::gFexJetRoI_v1gFexJetRoIContainer_v1
 Declare the Jet TOB container type. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::JetRoI_v1JetRoIContainer_v1
 Declare the jet RoI container type. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::JetRoI_v2JetRoIContainer_v2
 Declare the jet RoI container type. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::jFexFwdElRoI_v1jFexFwdElRoIContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< xAOD::jFexLRJetRoI_v1jFexLRJetRoIContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< xAOD::jFexMETRoI_v1jFexMETRoIContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< xAOD::jFexSRJetRoI_v1jFexSRJetRoIContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< xAOD::jFexSumETRoI_v1jFexSumETRoIContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< xAOD::jFexTauRoI_v1jFexTauRoIContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< xAOD::L1TopoSimResults_v1L1TopoSimResultsContainer_v1
 Declare the em/tau RoI container type. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::MuonRoI_v1MuonRoIContainer_v1
 Declare the muon RoI container type. More...
typedef DataVector< TrigComposite_v1TrigCompositeContainer_v1
 The container is a simple typedef. More...
typedef DataVector< TriggerMenu_v1TriggerMenuContainer_v1
 Define the menu container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< TriggerMenuJson_v1TriggerMenuJsonContainer_v1
 Define the menu container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< TrigPassBits_v1TrigPassBitsContainer_v1
 Define the trig pass bits container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef CMMCPHits_v1 CMMCPHits
 Define the latest version of the CMMCPHits class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const CMMCPHits * > CMMCPHitsMap_t
typedef CMMCPHitsAuxContainer_v1 CMMCPHitsAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the CMMCPHits auxiliary container. More...
typedef CMMCPHitsContainer_v1 CMMCPHitsContainer
 Define the latest version of the CMMCPHits container. More...
typedef CMMEtSums_v1 CMMEtSums
 Define the latest version of the CMMEtSums class. More...
typedef CMMEtSumsAuxContainer_v1 CMMEtSumsAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the CMMEtSums auxiliary container. More...
typedef CMMEtSumsContainer_v1 CMMEtSumsContainer
 Define the latest version of the CMMEtSums container. More...
typedef CMMJetHits_v1 CMMJetHits
 Define the latest version of the CMMJetHits class. More...
typedef CMMJetHitsAuxContainer_v1 CMMJetHitsAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the CMMJetHits auxiliary container. More...
typedef CMMJetHitsContainer_v1 CMMJetHitsContainer
 Define the latest version of the CMMJetHits container. More...
typedef CMMRoI_v1 CMMRoI
 Define the latest version of the CMMRoI class. More...
typedef CMMRoIAuxInfo_v1 CMMRoIAuxInfo
 Define the latest version of the CMMRoI auxiliary info. More...
typedef CMXCPHits_v1 CMXCPHits
 Define the latest version of the CMMCPHits class. More...
typedef CMXCPHitsAuxContainer_v1 CMXCPHitsAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the CMMCPHits class. More...
typedef CMXCPHitsContainer_v1 CMXCPHitsContainer
 Define the latest version of the CMXCPHits class. More...
typedef CMXCPTob_v1 CMXCPTob
 Define the latest version of the CMXCPTob class. More...
typedef CMXCPTobAuxContainer_v1 CMXCPTobAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the CMXCPTob class. More...
typedef CMXCPTobContainer_v1 CMXCPTobContainer
 Define the latest version of the CMXCPTob class. More...
typedef CMXEtSums_v1 CMXEtSums
 Define the latest version of the CMXEtSums class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const CMXEtSums * > CMXEtSumsMap_t
typedef CMXEtSumsAuxContainer_v1 CMXEtSumsAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the CMXEtSums class. More...
typedef CMXEtSumsContainer_v1 CMXEtSumsContainer
 Define the latest version of the CMXEtSums class. More...
typedef CMXJetHits_v1 CMXJetHits
 Define the latest version of the CMXJetHits class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const CMXJetHits * > CMXJetHitsMap_t
typedef CMXJetHitsAuxContainer_v1 CMXJetHitsAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the CMXJetHits class. More...
typedef CMXJetHitsContainer_v1 CMXJetHitsContainer
 Define the latest version of the CMXJetHits class. More...
typedef CMXJetTob_v1 CMXJetTob
 Define the latest version of the CMXJetTob class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const CMXJetTob * > CMXJetTobMap_t
typedef CMXJetTobAuxContainer_v1 CMXJetTobAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the CMXJetTob class. More...
typedef CMXJetTobContainer_v1 CMXJetTobContainer
 Define the latest version of the CMXJetTob class. More...
typedef CMXRoI_v1 CMXRoI
 Define the latest version of the CMXRoI class. More...
typedef CMXRoIAuxContainer_v1 CMXRoIAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the CMXRoI auxiliary info. More...
typedef CMXRoIContainer_v1 CMXRoIContainer
 Define the latest version of the CMXRoI container. More...
typedef CPMHits_v1 CPMHits
 Define the latest version of the CPMHits class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const CPMHits * > CPMHitsMap_t
typedef CPMHitsAuxContainer_v1 CPMHitsAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the CPMHits auxiliary container. More...
typedef CPMHitsContainer_v1 CPMHitsContainer
 Define the latest version of the CPMHits container. More...
typedef CPMRoI_v1 CPMRoI
 Define the latest version of the CPMRoI class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const CPMRoI * > CPMRoIMap_t
typedef CPMRoIAuxContainer_v1 CPMRoIAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the CPMRoI auxiliary container. More...
typedef CPMRoIContainer_v1 CPMRoIContainer
 Define the latest version of the CPMRoI container. More...
typedef CPMTobRoI_v1 CPMTobRoI
 Define the latest version of the CPMTobRoI class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const CPMTobRoI * > CPMTobRoIMap_t
typedef CPMTobRoIAuxContainer_v1 CPMTobRoIAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the CPMTobRoI class. More...
typedef CPMTobRoIContainer_v1 CPMTobRoIContainer
 Define the latest version of the CPMTobRoI class. More...
typedef CPMTower_v2 CPMTower
 Define the latest version of the CPMTower class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const CPMTower * > CPMTowerMap_t
typedef CPMTowerAuxContainer_v2 CPMTowerAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the CPMHits auxiliary container. More...
typedef CPMTowerContainer_v2 CPMTowerContainer
 Define the latest version of the CPMHits container. More...
typedef eFexTower_v1 eFexTower
 Define the latest version of the TriggerTower class. More...
typedef eFexTowerAuxContainer_v1 eFexTowerAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the TriggerTower auxiliary container. More...
typedef eFexTowerContainer_v1 eFexTowerContainer
 Define the latest version of the TriggerTower container. More...
typedef GBlock_v1 GBlock
 Define the latest version of the GBlock class. More...
typedef GBlockAuxContainer_v1 GBlockAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the GBlock auxiliary container. More...
typedef GBlockContainer_v1 GBlockContainer
 Define the latest version of the GBlock container. More...
typedef gFexTower_v1 gFexTower
 Define the latest version of the TriggerTower class. More...
typedef gFexTowerAuxContainer_v1 gFexTowerAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the TriggerTower auxiliary container. More...
typedef gFexTowerContainer_v1 gFexTowerContainer
 Define the latest version of the TriggerTower container. More...
typedef JEMEtSums_v2 JEMEtSums
 Define the latest version of the JEMEtSums class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const JEMEtSums * > JEMEtSumsMap_t
typedef JEMEtSumsAuxContainer_v2 JEMEtSumsAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the JEMEtSums auxiliary container. More...
typedef JEMEtSumsContainer_v2 JEMEtSumsContainer
 Define the latest version of the JEMEtSums container. More...
typedef JEMHits_v1 JEMHits
 Define the latest version of the JEMHits class. More...
typedef JEMHitsAuxContainer_v1 JEMHitsAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the JEMHits auxiliary container. More...
typedef JEMHitsContainer_v1 JEMHitsContainer
 Define the latest version of the JEMHits container. More...
typedef JEMRoI_v1 JEMRoI
 Define the latest version of the JEMRoI class. More...
typedef JEMRoIAuxContainer_v1 JEMRoIAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the JEMHits auxiliary container. More...
typedef JEMRoIContainer_v1 JEMRoIContainer
 Define the latest version of the JEMRoI container. More...
typedef JEMTobRoI_v1 JEMTobRoI
 Define the latest version of the JEMTobRoI class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const JEMTobRoI * > JEMTobRoIMap_t
typedef JEMTobRoIAuxContainer_v1 JEMTobRoIAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the JEMTobRoI class. More...
typedef JEMTobRoIContainer_v1 JEMTobRoIContainer
 Define the latest version of the JEMTobRoI class. More...
typedef JetElement_v2 JetElement
 Define the latest version of the JetElement class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const JetElement * > JetElementMap_t
typedef JetElementAuxContainer_v2 JetElementAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the JetElement auxiliary container. More...
typedef JetElementContainer_v2 JetElementContainer
 Define the latest version of the JetElement container. More...
typedef jFexTower_v1 jFexTower
 Define the latest version of the TriggerTower class. More...
typedef jFexTowerAuxContainer_v1 jFexTowerAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the TriggerTower auxiliary container. More...
typedef jFexTowerContainer_v1 jFexTowerContainer
 Define the latest version of the TriggerTower container. More...
typedef JGTower_v1 JGTower
 Define the latest version of the JGTower class. More...
typedef JGTowerAuxContainer_v1 JGTowerAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the JGTower auxiliary container. More...
typedef JGTowerContainer_v1 JGTowerContainer
 Define the latest version of the JGTower container. More...
typedef L1TopoRawData_v1 L1TopoRawData
 Define the latest version of the L1TopoRawData class. More...
typedef L1TopoRawDataAuxContainer_v1 L1TopoRawDataAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the L1TopoRawData auxiliary container. More...
typedef L1TopoRawDataContainer_v1 L1TopoRawDataContainer
 Define the latest version of the L1TopoRawData container. More...
typedef RODHeader_v2 RODHeader
 Define the latest version of the RODHeader class. More...
typedef RODHeaderAuxContainer_v2 RODHeaderAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the RODHeader auxiliary container. More...
typedef RODHeaderContainer_v2 RODHeaderContainer
 Define the latest version of the RODHeader container. More...
typedef TriggerTower_v2 TriggerTower
 Define the latest version of the TriggerTower class. More...
typedef std::map< int, const TriggerTower * > TriggerTowerMap_t
typedef TriggerTowerAuxContainer_v2 TriggerTowerAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the TriggerTower auxiliary container. More...
typedef TriggerTowerContainer_v2 TriggerTowerContainer
 Define the latest version of the TriggerTower container. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CMMCPHits_v1CMMCPHitsContainer_v1
 Define the CMMCPHits as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CMMEtSums_v1CMMEtSumsContainer_v1
 Define the CMMEtSums as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CMMJetHits_v1CMMJetHitsContainer_v1
 Define the CMMJetHits as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CMXCPHits_v1CMXCPHitsContainer_v1
 Define the CMXCPHits as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CMXCPTob_v1CMXCPTobContainer_v1
 Define the CMXCPTob as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CMXEtSums_v1CMXEtSumsContainer_v1
 Define the CMXEtSums as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CMXJetHits_v1CMXJetHitsContainer_v1
 Define the CMXJetHits as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CMXJetTob_v1CMXJetTobContainer_v1
 Define the CMXJetTob as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CMXRoI_v1CMXRoIContainer_v1
 Define the CPMHits as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CPMHits_v1CPMHitsContainer_v1
 Define the CPMHits as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CPMRoI_v1CPMRoIContainer_v1
 Define the CPMRoI as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CPMTobRoI_v1CPMTobRoIContainer_v1
 Define the CPMTobRoI as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CPMTower_v1CPMTowerContainer_v1
 Define the CPMHits as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::CPMTower_v2CPMTowerContainer_v2
 Define the CPMHits as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::eFexTower_v1eFexTowerContainer_v1
 Define the TriggerTower as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< GBlock_v1GBlockContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< xAOD::gFexTower_v1gFexTowerContainer_v1
 Define the TriggerTower as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::JEMEtSums_v1JEMEtSumsContainer_v1
 Define the JEMEtSums as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::JEMEtSums_v2JEMEtSumsContainer_v2
 Define the JEMEtSums as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::JEMHits_v1JEMHitsContainer_v1
 Define the JEMHits as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::JEMRoI_v1JEMRoIContainer_v1
 Define the JEMRoI as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::JEMTobRoI_v1JEMTobRoIContainer_v1
 Define the JEMTobRoI as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::JetElement_v1JetElementContainer_v1
 Define the JetElement as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::JetElement_v2JetElementContainer_v2
 Define the JetElement as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::jFexTower_v1jFexTowerContainer_v1
 Define the TriggerTower as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::JGTower_v1JGTowerContainer_v1
 Define the JGTower as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::L1TopoRawData_v1L1TopoRawDataContainer_v1
 Define the CMMCPHits as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::RODHeader_v1RODHeaderContainer_v1
 Define the RODHeader as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::RODHeader_v2RODHeaderContainer_v2
 Define the RODHeader as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TriggerTower_v1TriggerTowerContainer_v1
 Define the TriggerTower as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TriggerTower_v2TriggerTowerContainer_v2
 Define the TriggerTower as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef TrigHisto2D_v1 TrigHisto2D
typedef TrigHisto2DAuxContainer_v1 TrigHisto2DAuxContainer
typedef TrigHisto2DContainer_v1 TrigHisto2DContainer
typedef TrigSpacePointCounts_v1 TrigSpacePointCounts
typedef TrigSpacePointCountsAuxContainer_v1 TrigSpacePointCountsAuxContainer
typedef TrigSpacePointCountsContainer_v1 TrigSpacePointCountsContainer
typedef TrigT2MbtsBits_v1 TrigT2MbtsBits
typedef TrigT2MbtsBitsAuxContainer_v1 TrigT2MbtsBitsAuxContainer
typedef TrigT2MbtsBitsContainer_v1 TrigT2MbtsBitsContainer
typedef TrigT2ZdcSignals_v1 TrigT2ZdcSignals
typedef TrigT2ZdcSignalsAuxContainer_v1 TrigT2ZdcSignalsAuxContainer
typedef TrigT2ZdcSignalsContainer_v1 TrigT2ZdcSignalsContainer
typedef TrigTrackCounts_v1 TrigTrackCounts
typedef TrigTrackCountsAuxContainer_v1 TrigTrackCountsAuxContainer
typedef TrigTrackCountsContainer_v1 TrigTrackCountsContainer
typedef TrigVertexCounts_v1 TrigVertexCounts
typedef TrigVertexCountsAuxContainer_v1 TrigVertexCountsAuxContainer
typedef TrigVertexCountsContainer_v1 TrigVertexCountsContainer
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrigHisto2D_v1TrigHisto2DContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrigSpacePointCounts_v1TrigSpacePointCountsContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrigT2MbtsBits_v1TrigT2MbtsBitsContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrigT2ZdcSignals_v1TrigT2ZdcSignalsContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrigTrackCounts_v1TrigTrackCountsContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrigVertexCounts_v1TrigVertexCountsContainer_v1
typedef TrigMissingET_v1 TrigMissingET
 Define the most recent version of the TrigMissingET class. More...
typedef TrigMissingETAuxContainer_v1 TrigMissingETAuxContainer
 Define the most recent version of the AuxContainer for the TrigMissingET object(s). More...
typedef TrigMissingETContainer_v1 TrigMissingETContainer
 DataVector of TrigMissingET - the current version. More...
typedef DataVector< xAOD::TrigMissingET_v1TrigMissingETContainer_v1
 Datavector of all trig missing et objects. More...
typedef L2CombinedMuon_v1 L2CombinedMuon
 Define the latest version of the muon CB class. More...
typedef L2CombinedMuonAuxContainer_v1 L2CombinedMuonAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the muon CB auxiliary container. More...
typedef L2CombinedMuonContainer_v1 L2CombinedMuonContainer
 Define the latest version of the muon CB container. More...
typedef L2IsoMuon_v1 L2IsoMuon
 Define the latest version of the muon Iso class. More...
typedef L2IsoMuonAuxContainer_v1 L2IsoMuonAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the muon Iso auxiliary container. More...
typedef L2IsoMuonContainer_v1 L2IsoMuonContainer
 Define the latest version of the muon Iso container. More...
typedef L2StandAloneMuon_v2 L2StandAloneMuon
 Define the latest version of the muon SA class. More...
typedef L2StandAloneMuonAuxContainer_v2 L2StandAloneMuonAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the muon SA auxiliary container. More...
typedef L2StandAloneMuonContainer_v2 L2StandAloneMuonContainer
 Define the latest version of the muon SA container. More...
typedef DataVector< L2CombinedMuon_v1L2CombinedMuonContainer_v1
 Define the trigger calorimeter cluster container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< L2IsoMuon_v1L2IsoMuonContainer_v1
 Define the trigger calorimeter cluster container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< L2StandAloneMuon_v1L2StandAloneMuonContainer_v1
 Define the trigger calorimeter cluster container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< L2StandAloneMuon_v2L2StandAloneMuonContainer_v2
 Define the trigger calorimeter cluster container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef TrigRingerRings_v2 TrigRingerRings
 Define the latest version of the TrigRingerRings class. More...
typedef TrigRingerRingsAuxContainer_v2 TrigRingerRingsAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the TrigRingerRings class. More...
typedef TrigRingerRingsContainer_v2 TrigRingerRingsContainer
 Define the latest version of the TrigRingerRingsContainer class. More...
typedef TrigRNNOutput_v2 TrigRNNOutput
 Define the latest version of the RingerRings class. More...
typedef TrigRNNOutputAuxContainer_v2 TrigRNNOutputAuxContainer
 Define the latest version of the RingerRings class. More...
typedef TrigRNNOutputContainer_v2 TrigRNNOutputContainer
 Define the latest version of the TrigRNNOutputContainer class. More...
typedef DataVector< TrigRingerRings_v1TrigRingerRingsContainer_v1
 Define the TrigRingerRings container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< TrigRingerRings_v2TrigRingerRingsContainer_v2
 Define the TrigRingerRings container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< TrigRNNOutput_v1TrigRNNOutputContainer_v1
 Define the RingerRings container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef DataVector< TrigRNNOutput_v2TrigRNNOutputContainer_v2
 Define the RingerRings container as a simple DataVector. More...
typedef TruthEvent_v1 TruthEvent
 Typedef to implementation. More...
typedef TruthEventAuxContainer_v1 TruthEventAuxContainer
 Declare the latest version of the truth event auxiliary container. More...
typedef TruthEventBase_v1 TruthEventBase
 Typedef to implementation. More...
typedef TruthEventBaseContainer_v1 TruthEventBaseContainer
 Declare the latest version of the truth event container. More...
typedef TruthEventContainer_v1 TruthEventContainer
 Declare the latest version of the truth event container. More...
typedef TruthMetaData_v1 TruthMetaData
 Typedef to implementation. More...
typedef TruthMetaDataAuxContainer_v1 TruthMetaDataAuxContainer
 Declare the latest version of the truth vertex auxiliary container. More...
typedef TruthMetaDataContainer_v1 TruthMetaDataContainer
 Declare the latest version of the truth vertex container. More...
typedef TruthParticle_v1 TruthParticle
 Typedef to implementation. More...
typedef TruthParticleAuxContainer_v1 TruthParticleAuxContainer
 Declare the latest version of the truth particle auxiliary container. More...
typedef TruthParticleContainer_v1 TruthParticleContainer
 Declare the latest version of the truth particle container. More...
typedef TruthPileupEvent_v1 TruthPileupEvent
 Typedef to implementation. More...
typedef TruthPileupEventAuxContainer_v1 TruthPileupEventAuxContainer
 Declare the latest version of the truth event auxiliary container. More...
typedef TruthPileupEventContainer_v1 TruthPileupEventContainer
 Declare the latest version of the truth event container. More...
typedef TruthVertex_v1 TruthVertex
 Typedef to implementation. More...
typedef TruthVertexAuxContainer_v1 TruthVertexAuxContainer
 Declare the latest version of the truth vertex auxiliary container. More...
typedef TruthVertexContainer_v1 TruthVertexContainer
 Declare the latest version of the truth vertex container. More...
typedef DataVector< TruthEventBase_v1TruthEventBaseContainer_v1
 Alias. More...
typedef DataVector< TruthEvent_v1TruthEventContainer_v1
 Alias. More...
typedef DataVector< TruthMetaData_v1TruthMetaDataContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< TruthParticle_v1TruthParticleContainer_v1
typedef DataVector< TruthPileupEvent_v1TruthPileupEventContainer_v1
 Alias declaring the container type. More...
typedef DataVector< TruthVertex_v1TruthVertexContainer_v1
typedef ViewVector< TrackParticleContainerTrackParticleViewVector
typedef ViewVector< VertexContainerVertexViewVector
typedef std::vector< const xAOD::TrackParticle * > TrackVertexAssociationList
typedef std::map< const xAOD::Vertex *, xAOD::TrackVertexAssociationListTrackVertexAssociationMap
using MdtDriftCircleStatus = MdtDriftCircle_v1::MdtDriftCircleStatus
using MdtDriftCircleContainer_v1 = DataVector< MdtDriftCircle_v1 >
using MdtDriftCircleContainer = MdtDriftCircleContainer_v1
using MdtDriftCircle = MdtDriftCircle_v1
using MdtDriftCircleAuxContainer = MdtDriftCircleAuxContainer_v1
using MdtTwinDriftCircleContainer_v1 = DataVector< MdtTwinDriftCircle_v1 >
using MdtTwinDriftCircleContainer = MdtTwinDriftCircleContainer_v1
using MdtTwinDriftCircle = MdtTwinDriftCircle_v1
using MdtTwinDriftCircleAuxContainer = MdtTwinDriftCircleAuxContainer_v1
using MMClusterContainer_v1 = DataVector< MMCluster_v1 >
using MMClusterContainer = MMClusterContainer_v1
using MMCluster = MMCluster_v1
using MMClusterAuxContainer = MMClusterAuxContainer_v1
using RpcMeasurementContainer_v1 = DataVector< RpcMeasurement_v1 >
using RpcMeasurementContainer = RpcMeasurementContainer_v1
using RpcMeasurement = RpcMeasurement_v1
using RpcStrip2DContainer_v1 = DataVector< RpcStrip2D_v1 >
using RpcStrip2DContainer = RpcStrip2DContainer_v1
using RpcStrip2D = RpcStrip2D_v1
using RpcStrip2DAuxContainer = RpcStrip2DAuxContainer_v1
using RpcStripContainer_v1 = DataVector< RpcStrip_v1 >
using RpcStripContainer = RpcStripContainer_v1
using RpcStrip = RpcStrip_v1
using RpcStripAuxContainer = RpcStripAuxContainer_v1
using sTgcMeasContainer_v1 = DataVector< sTgcMeasurement_v1 >
using sTgcMeasContainer = sTgcMeasContainer_v1
using sTgcMeasurement = sTgcMeasurement_v1
using sTgcMeasurementAuxContainer = sTgcMeasurementAuxContainer_v1
using sTgcPadContainer_v1 = DataVector< sTgcPadHit_v1 >
using sTgcPadContainer = sTgcPadContainer_v1
using sTgcPadHit = sTgcPadHit_v1
using sTgcPadAuxContainer = sTgcPadAuxContainer_v1
using sTgcStripCluster = sTgcStripCluster_v1
using sTgcStripAuxContainer = sTgcStripAuxContainer_v1
using sTgcStripContainer_v1 = DataVector< sTgcStripCluster_v1 >
using sTgcStripContainer = sTgcStripContainer_v1
using sTgcWireContainer_v1 = DataVector< sTgcWireHit_v1 >
using sTgcWireContainer = sTgcWireContainer_v1
using sTgcWireHit = sTgcWireHit_v1
using sTgcWireAuxContainer = sTgcWireAuxContainer_v1
using TgcStripContainer_v1 = DataVector< TgcStrip_v1 >
using TgcStripContainer = TgcStripContainer_v1
using TgcStrip = TgcStrip_v1
using TgcStripAuxContainer = TgcStripAuxContainer_v1
using MuonSimHit = MuonSimHit_v1
 Defined the version of the MuonSimHit. More...
using MuonSimHitAuxContainer = MuonSimHitAuxContainer_v1
 Define the version of the pixel cluster container. More...
using MuonSimHitContainer = MuonSimHitContainer_v1
 Define the version of the pixel cluster container. More...
using MuonSimHitContainer_v1 = DataVector< xAOD::MuonSimHit_v1 >
 The container is a simple typedef for now. More...


enum  JetConstitScale { UncalibratedJetConstituent = 0, CalibratedJetConstituent = 1, UnknownConstitScale = 99 }
enum  JetScale { JetEMScaleMomentum = 0, JetConstitScaleMomentum = 1, JetAssignedScaleMomentum =2 }
enum  UncalibMeasType {
  Other = 0, UncalibMeasType::PixelClusterType = 1, UncalibMeasType::StripClusterType = 2, UncalibMeasType::MdtDriftCircleType = 3,
  UncalibMeasType::RpcStripType = 4, UncalibMeasType::TgcStripType = 5, UncalibMeasType::MMClusterType = 6, UncalibMeasType::sTgcStripType = 7,
  UncalibMeasType::HGTDClusterType = 8, UncalibMeasType::nTypes
 Define the type of the uncalibrated measurement. More...
enum  TrackFitter {
  Unknown = 0, iPatTrackFitter = 1, xKalman = 2, KalmanFitter = 3,
  GaussianSumFilter = 4, GlobalChi2Fitter = 5, DistributedKalmanFilter = 6, DeterministicAnnealingFilter = 7,
  KalmanDNAFitter = 8, MuonboyFitter = 9, NumberOfTrackFitters = 10
 Enums to identify who created this track and which properties does it have. More...
enum  TrackProperties {
  BremFit = 1, BremFitSuccessful = 2, StraightTrack = 3, SlimmedTrack = 4,
  HardScatterOrKink = 5, LowPtTrack = 6, NumberOfTrackProperties = 7
enum  TrackPatternRecoInfo {
  SiSPSeededFinder = 0, SiCTBTracking = 1, InDetAmbiguitySolver = 2, InDetExtensionProcessor = 3,
  TRTSeededTrackFinder = 4, Muonboy = 5, MuGirlUnrefitted = 6, STACO = 7,
  StacoLowPt = 8, MuTag = 9, MooreToTrackTool = 10, TrigIDSCAN = 11,
  TrigSiTrack = 12, TrigTRTxK = 13, TrigTRTLUT = 14, Fatras = 15,
  iPatLegacyCnv = 16, xKalmanLegacyCnv = 17, SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool = 18, InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool = 19,
  TRTStandalone = 20, MuidStandAlone = 21, TRTSeededSingleSpTrackFinder = 22, MooreLegacyCnv = 23,
  MuidComb = 24, Moore = 25, MuidCombined = 26, MuidVertexAssociator = 27,
  MuGirl = 28, iPatRec = 29, MuGirlLowBeta = 30, FatrasSimulation = 31,
  ReverseOrderedTrack = 32, MuonNotHittingTileVolume = 33, SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_Cosmic = 34, SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_HeavyIon = 35,
  SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_LowMomentum = 36, SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_BeamGas = 37, SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_VeryLowMomentum = 38, MuidMuonRecoveryTool = 39,
  MuidStandaloneRefit = 40, TrackInCaloROI = 41, SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ForwardTracks = 42, strategyA = 43,
  strategyB = 44, strategyC = 45, FTK = 46, FastTrackFinderSeed = 47,
  SiSPSeededFinderSimple = 48, SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_LargeD0 = 49, SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ITkConversionTracks = 50, Pseudotracking = 51,
  NumberOfTrackRecoInfo = 52
enum  ParticleHypothesis {
  nonInteracting = 0, geantino = 0, electron = 1, muon = 2,
  pion = 3, kaon = 4, proton = 5, photon = 6,
  neutron = 7, pi0 = 8, k0 = 9, nonInteractingMuon = 10,
  noHypothesis = 99, undefined = 99
enum  ParameterPosition {
  BeamLine, FirstMeasurement, LastMeasurement, CalorimeterEntrance,
  CalorimeterExit, MuonSpectrometerEntrance
 Enum allowing us to know where in ATLAS the parameters are defined. More...
enum  SummaryType {
  numberOfContribPixelLayers =29, numberOfBLayerHits = 0, numberOfBLayerOutliers =31, numberOfBLayerSharedHits =16,
  numberOfBLayerSplitHits =43, expectBLayerHit =42, expectInnermostPixelLayerHit =52, numberOfInnermostPixelLayerHits =53,
  numberOfInnermostPixelLayerOutliers =54, numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSharedHits =55, numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSplitHits =56, numberOfInnermostPixelLayerEndcapHits =77,
  numberOfInnermostPixelLayerEndcapOutliers =80, numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSharedEndcapHits =81, numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSplitEndcapHits =82, expectNextToInnermostPixelLayerHit =57,
  numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerHits =58, numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerOutliers =59, numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerSharedHits =60, numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerSplitHits =61,
  numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerEndcapHits =78, numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerEndcapOutliers =83, numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerSharedEndcapHits =84, numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerSplitEndcapHits =85,
  numberOfDBMHits = 63, numberOfPixelHits = 2, numberOfPixelOutliers =41, numberOfPixelHoles = 1,
  numberOfPixelSharedHits =17, numberOfPixelSplitHits =44, numberOfGangedPixels =14, numberOfGangedFlaggedFakes =32,
  numberOfPixelDeadSensors =33, numberOfPixelSpoiltHits =35, numberOfSCTHits = 3, numberOfSCTOutliers =39,
  numberOfSCTHoles = 4, numberOfSCTDoubleHoles =28, numberOfSCTSharedHits =18, numberOfSCTDeadSensors =34,
  numberOfSCTSpoiltHits =36, numberOfTRTHits = 5, numberOfTRTOutliers =19, numberOfTRTHoles =40,
  numberOfTRTHighThresholdHits = 6, numberOfTRTHighThresholdHitsTotal = 64, numberOfTRTHighThresholdOutliers =20, numberOfTRTDeadStraws =37,
  numberOfTRTTubeHits =38, numberOfTRTXenonHits =46, numberOfTRTSharedHits =62, numberOfPrecisionLayers = 7,
  numberOfPrecisionHoleLayers = 8, numberOfPhiLayers = 9, numberOfPhiHoleLayers = 10, numberOfTriggerEtaLayers = 11,
  numberOfTriggerEtaHoleLayers = 12, numberOfGoodPrecisionLayers = 66, numberOfOutliersOnTrack =15, standardDeviationOfChi2OS = 30,
  eProbabilityComb = 47, eProbabilityHT = 48, pixeldEdx = 51, TRTTrackOccupancy = 67,
  numberOfContribPixelBarrelFlatLayers = 68, numberOfContribPixelBarrelInclinedLayers = 69, numberOfContribPixelEndcap = 70, numberOfPixelBarrelFlatHits = 71,
  numberOfPixelBarrelInclinedHits = 72, numberOfPixelEndcapHits = 73, numberOfPixelBarrelFlatHoles = 74, numberOfPixelBarrelInclinedHoles = 75,
  numberOfPixelEndcapHoles = 76, numberOfTrackSummaryTypes = 86
 Enumerates the different types of information stored in Summary. More...
enum  MuonSummaryType {
  primarySector = 0, secondarySector = 1, innerSmallHits = 2, innerLargeHits = 3,
  middleSmallHits = 4, middleLargeHits = 5, outerSmallHits = 6, outerLargeHits = 7,
  extendedSmallHits = 8, extendedLargeHits = 9, innerSmallHoles = 10, innerLargeHoles = 11,
  middleSmallHoles = 12, middleLargeHoles = 13, outerSmallHoles = 14, outerLargeHoles = 15,
  extendedSmallHoles = 16, extendedLargeHoles = 17, phiLayer1Hits = 18, phiLayer2Hits = 19,
  phiLayer3Hits = 20, phiLayer4Hits = 21, etaLayer1Hits = 22, etaLayer2Hits = 23,
  etaLayer3Hits = 24, etaLayer4Hits = 25, phiLayer1Holes = 26, phiLayer2Holes = 27,
  phiLayer3Holes = 28, phiLayer4Holes = 29, etaLayer1Holes = 30, etaLayer2Holes = 31,
  etaLayer3Holes = 32, etaLayer4Holes = 33, innerClosePrecisionHits = 34, middleClosePrecisionHits = 35,
  outerClosePrecisionHits = 36, extendedClosePrecisionHits = 37, innerOutBoundsPrecisionHits = 38, middleOutBoundsPrecisionHits = 39,
  outerOutBoundsPrecisionHits = 40, extendedOutBoundsPrecisionHits = 41, combinedTrackOutBoundsPrecisionHits = 42, isEndcapGoodLayers = 43,
  isSmallGoodSectors = 44, phiLayer1RPCHits = 45, phiLayer2RPCHits = 46, phiLayer3RPCHits = 47,
  phiLayer4RPCHits = 48, etaLayer1RPCHits = 49, etaLayer2RPCHits = 50, etaLayer3RPCHits = 51,
  etaLayer4RPCHits = 52, phiLayer1RPCHoles = 53, phiLayer2RPCHoles = 54, phiLayer3RPCHoles = 55,
  phiLayer4RPCHoles = 56, etaLayer1RPCHoles = 57, etaLayer2RPCHoles = 58, etaLayer3RPCHoles = 59,
  etaLayer4RPCHoles = 60, phiLayer1TGCHits = 61, phiLayer2TGCHits = 62, phiLayer3TGCHits = 63,
  phiLayer4TGCHits = 64, etaLayer1TGCHits = 65, etaLayer2TGCHits = 66, etaLayer3TGCHits = 67,
  etaLayer4TGCHits = 68, phiLayer1TGCHoles = 69, phiLayer2TGCHoles = 70, phiLayer3TGCHoles = 71,
  phiLayer4TGCHoles = 72, etaLayer1TGCHoles = 73, etaLayer2TGCHoles = 74, etaLayer3TGCHoles = 75,
  etaLayer4TGCHoles = 76, phiLayer1STGCHits = 79, phiLayer2STGCHits = 80, etaLayer1STGCHits = 81,
  etaLayer2STGCHits = 82, phiLayer1STGCHoles = 83, phiLayer2STGCHoles = 84, etaLayer1STGCHoles = 85,
  etaLayer2STGCHoles = 86, MMHits = 87, MMHoles = 88, cscEtaHits = 77,
  cscUnspoiledEtaHits = 78, numberOfMuonSummaryTypes = 89
 Enumerates the different types of information stored in Summary. More...
enum  RejectionStep {
  solveTracks, addNewTracks, refitTrack, addTrack,
  decideWhichHitsToKeep, getCleanedOutTrack
enum  RejectionReason {
  acceptedTrack, stillBeingProcessed, trackScoreZero, duplicateTrack,
  subtrackCreated, refitFailed, bremRefitFailed, bremRefitSubtrackCreated,
  bremRefitTrackScoreZero, refitTrackScoreZero, TSOSRejectedHit, TSOSOutlierShared,
  pixelSplitButTooManyShared2Ptc, pixelSplitButTooManyShared3Ptc, tooManySharedRecoverable, tooManySharedNonRecoverable,
  sharedSCT, sharedHitsBadChi2, sharedHitsNotEnoughUniqueHits, firstHitSharedAndPixIBL,
  firstHitSharedAndExtraShared, sharedHitsNotEnoughUniqueSiHits, sharedIBLSharedWithNoIBLTrack, sharedPixelSharedWithDifferentIBLTrack,
  tooManySharedAfterIncreasingShared, notEnoughSiHits, notEnoughTRTHits, notEnoughUniqueSiHits,
  tooFewHits, failedSubtrackCreation, subtrackCreatedWithRecoveredShared, other
enum  ObserverToolIndex {
  track, score, rejectStep, rejectReason,
  parentId, numPixelHoles, numSCTHoles, numSplitSharedPixel,
  numSplitSharedSCT, numSharedOrSplit, numSharedOrSplitPixels, numShared,
  isPatternTrack, totalSiHits, inROI, hasIBLHit,
  hasSharedIBLHit, hasSharedPixel, firstPixIsShared, numPixelDeadSensor,
  numSCTDeadSensor, numPixelHits, numSCTHits, numUnused,
  numTRT_Unused, numSCT_Unused, numPseudo, averageSplit1,
  averageSplit2, numWeightedShared, rejectStep_full, rejectReason_full
enum  SurfaceType {
  Cone = 0, Cylinder = 1, Disc = 2, Perigee = 3,
  Plane = 4, Straw = 5, Curvilinear = 6, Other = 7,
  Other = 0
enum  JetFlavourLabelType {
  GAFinalHadron, GAInitialHadron, GAFinalParton, ExclConeHadron,


ROOT::RDataFrame MakeDataFrame (std::string_view fileNameGlob, std::string_view treeName="CollectionTree", bool verboseOutput=false)
 Helper function for creating an xAOD reading data frame. More...
ROOT::RDataFrame MakeDataFrame (const std::vector< std::string > &fileNames, std::string_view treeName="CollectionTree", bool verboseOutput=false)
 Helper function for creating an xAOD reading data frame. More...
template<typename FIRST , typename SECOND >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const std::pair< FIRST, SECOND > &pair)
 Helper print operator. More...
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const std::vector< T > &vec)
 Helper print operator. More...
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const std::unordered_map< T, T > &umap)
 Helper print operator. More...
void ErrorHandler ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE (Int_t level, Bool_t abort, const char *location, const char *message)
 Function filtering the warnings coming from ROOT. More...
StatusCode Init (const char *appname="xAOD::Init")
 Function initialising ROOT/PyROOT for using the ATLAS EDM. More...
StatusCode Init (const char *appname, int *argc, char **argv)
 Function initialising an application for using the ATLAS EDM. More...
void SetMessageSourceWidth (size_t value)
 Set the width of the source strings for the printed messages. More...
::TTree *MakeTransientTree ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE (TEvent &event, const char *treeName)
::TTree *MakeTransientMetaTree ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE (TEvent &event, ::TTree *persMetaTree)
TTransTrees MakeTransientTrees ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE (::TFile *ifile, const char *treeName="CollectionTree", TEvent::EAuxMode mode=TEvent::kUndefinedAccess)
 Function creating a transient event and metadata tree using an input file. More...
void ClearTransientTrees ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE ()
 Function cleaning up the managed memory. More...
::TTree *MakeTransientTree ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE (::TChain *ichain, TEvent::EAuxMode mode=TEvent::kClassAccess)
 Function creating a transient TTree object from a TChain pointing to the persistent trees. More...
::TTree *MakeTransientMetaTree ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE (::TChain *ichain, const char *eventTreeName="CollectionTree", TEvent::EAuxMode mode=TEvent::kUndefinedAccess)
 Function creating a transient TTree object representing the input files's metadata. More...
 TTHREAD_TLS (TStore *) s_store
 Pointer to the currently active TStore object of the thread. More...
 TTHREAD_TLS (TVirtualEvent *) s_event
 Pointer to the currently active TVirtualEvent object of the thread. More...
bool setOriginalObjectLink (const IParticle &original, IParticle &copy)
 This function should be used by CP tools when they make a deep copy of an object in their correctedCopy(...) function. More...
bool setOriginalObjectLink (const IParticleContainer &original, IParticleContainer &copy)
 This function should be used by the users when they make deep/shallow copies of an entire container. More...
const IParticlegetOriginalObject (const IParticle &copy)
 This function can be used to conveniently get a pointer back to the original object from which a copy was created. More...
const ElementLink< IParticleContainer > & getOriginalObjectLink (const IParticle &copy)
 This function should be used instead of xAOD::getOriginalObject when we want to use the "original object" as a link, and not primarily as an object itself. More...
 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (BTagging_v1, float, MV1_discriminant, setMV1_discriminant) bool BTagging_v1
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< int > * taggerInfoAccessorV1int (BTagInfo info)
 Helper function for managing BTagging Accessor objects. More...
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * taggerInfoAccessorV1float (BTagInfo info)
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< uint8_t > * taggerInfoAccessorV1uint8_t (BTagInfo info)
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< std::string > * taggerInfoAccessorV1string (BTagInfo info)
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< std::vector< int > > * taggerInfoAccessorV1vectorOfInts (BTagInfo info)
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< std::vector< float > > * taggerInfoAccessorV1vectorOfFloats (BTagInfo info)
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< std::vector< bool > > * taggerInfoAccessorV1vectorOfBools (BTagInfo info)
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * momentAccessorV1 (xAOD::CaloCluster_v1::MomentType moment)
 Helper function for managing cluster moment Accessor objects. More...
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< xAOD::CaloCluster_v1::ncells_store_t > * momentContainerAccessorV1 (xAOD::CaloCluster_v1::MomentType moment)
 Helper function for managing cluster moment Accessor objects. More...
std::unique_ptr< CaloClusterprepareElementForShallowCopy (const CaloCluster *orgCluster)
const caloRingsReader_tgetCaloRingsReader ()
 Get CaloRings accessor with read only permissions. More...
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (RingSet_v1, std::vector< float >, ringsE, setRingsE) unsigned RingSet_v1
std::string caloRingsLinksDecorKey ()
void dump (const SG::AuxElement &obj)
 Helper function for dumping xAOD objects on the screen in PyROOT. More...
void safeDeepCopy (const SG::AuxElement &orig, SG::AuxElement &copy)
 Function that can deep-copy "problematic" objects. More...
int safeGetBaseOffset (TClass *cls, TClass *base)
 Find base class offset using Reflex. More...
TClass * classFromDVClass (TClass *dvclass)
 Find the contained class in a DataVector. More...
TClass * findDVBase (TClass *dvclass)
 Find the unique base DataVector class. More...
std::string findDVElement (TClass *cl)
 Find the element type of a DataVector class. More...
void TDVCollectionProxy::PushProxy NO_SANITIZE_UNDEFINED (void *objstart)
 Start working with a new collection. More...
template<class T >
std::unique_ptr< T > prepareElementForShallowCopy (const T *)
 Function to prepare an object to be stored in a shallow-copy container. More...
template<class T >
std::pair< std::unique_ptr< T >, std::unique_ptr< ShallowAuxContainer > > shallowCopyContainer (const T &cont, [[maybe_unused]] const EventContext &ctx)
 Function making a shallow copy of a constant container. More...
template<class T >
std::pair< T *, ShallowAuxContainer * > shallowCopyContainer (const T &cont)
 Function making a shallow copy of a constant container. More...
template<class T >
std::pair< T *, ShallowAuxInfo * > shallowCopyObject (const T &obj)
 Function making a shallow copy of a constant standalone object. More...
void CutBookkeeper_v1::addOutputStreamForAllUsed ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE (const std::string &outputstream)
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Egamma_v1, Egamma_v1::CLELVec_t, caloClusterLinks, setCaloClusterLinks) bool Egamma_v1
 Then with strings (full flexibility when adding new menus dynamically) More...
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * showerShapeAccessorV1 (xAOD::EgammaParameters::ShowerShapeType type)
 Explicit Instantiation of Template. More...
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Electron_v1, Electron_v1::TPELVec_t, trackParticleLinks, setTrackParticleLinks) bool Electron_v1
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * trackCaloMatchAccessorV1 (xAOD::EgammaParameters::TrackCaloMatchType type)
 Helper function for managing Egamma Accessor objects. More...
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Photon_v1, Photon_v1::VxELVec_t, vertexLinks, setVertexLinks) size_t xAOD
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * vertexCaloMatchAccessorV1 (xAOD::EgammaParameters::VertexCaloMatchType type)
 Helper function for managing Egamma Accessor objects. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const EventFormat_v1 &format)
 This operator can be used for debugging purposes to print information about an event format object in a user friendly way. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const EventFormatElement &element)
 This operator can be used to print information about a given event format element in a user friendly way. More...
setEventNumber AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint32_t, lumiBlock, setLumiBlock) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1
setEventNumber setTimeStamp AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint32_t, timeStampNSOffset, setTimeStampNSOffset) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1
setEventNumber setTimeStamp setBCID AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint32_t, detectorMask0, setDetectorMask0) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1
setEventNumber setTimeStamp setBCID setDetectorMask1 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint32_t, detectorMask2, setDetectorMask2) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, EventInfo_v1::DetDescrTags_t, detDescrTags, setDetDescrTags) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1
setMCChannelNumber AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint64_t, mcEventNumber, setMCEventNumber) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1
 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint32_t, eventTypeBitmask, setEventTypeBitmask) bool EventInfo_v1
 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EventInfo_v1, uint64_t, pileUpMixtureIDLowBits, setPileUpMixtureIDLowBits) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EventInfo_v1
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const xAOD::EventInfo_v1 &ei)
 This operator is provided to make it convenient to print debug messages including information about the current event. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const xAOD::EventInfo_v1::PileUpMixtureID &id)
 This operator is provided to make it convenient to print debug messages including information about the PileUpMixtureID in hex. More...
bool operator== (const xAOD::EventInfo_v1::PileUpMixtureID &a, const xAOD::EventInfo_v1::PileUpMixtureID &b)
 This operator is provided to make it convenient to compare two instances of PileUpMixtureID directly. More...
const SG::AtomicDecorator< uint32_t > * eventFlagsAccessorsV1 (EventInfo_v1::EventFlagSubDet subDet)
 Helper function for accessing event flag variables. More...
const SG::AtomicConstAccessor< uint32_t > * eventFlagsConstAccessorsV1 (EventInfo_v1::EventFlagSubDet subDet)
 Helper function for accessing event flag variables, for const access. More...
setOverV setNumU setNumY AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< int >, mdFibSel, setMDFibSel) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< float >, xDetCS, setXDetCS) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< float >, xLhcCS, setXLhcCS) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< float >, zLhcCS, setZLhcCS) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< float >, yRPotCS, setYRPotCS) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS setXStatCS AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< float >, yStatCS, setYStatCS) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS setXStatCS setXBeamCS AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< float >, yBeamCS, setYBeamCS) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS setXStatCS setXBeamCS setScaler AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< int >, trigPat, setTrigPat) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS setXStatCS setXBeamCS setScaler setMDFiberHits AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< int >, mdMultiplicity, setMDMultiplicity) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1
setOverV setNumU setNumY setODFibSel setYDetCS setYLhcCS setXRPotCS setXStatCS setXBeamCS setScaler setMDFiberHits setODFiberHitsPos AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (ALFAData_v1, std::vector< int >, odFiberHitsNeg, setODFiberHitsNeg) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(ALFAData_v1
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (HIEventShape_v2, std::vector< float >, etSin, setEtSin) std
double ptFromEEtaM (const double e, const double eta, const double m)
void fillJetConstituent (const IParticle *part, JetConstituent &constit, JetConstitScale sigState)
 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (LumiBlockRange_v1, uint32_t, startRunNumber, setStartRunNumber) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(LumiBlockRange_v1
setStartLumiBlockNumber AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (LumiBlockRange_v1, uint32_t, stopRunNumber, setStopRunNumber) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(LumiBlockRange_v1
setStartLumiBlockNumber setStopLumiBlockNumber AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (LumiBlockRange_v1, uint32_t, eventsExpected, setEventsExpected) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(LumiBlockRange_v1
 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (UncalibratedMeasurement_v1, DetectorIDHashType, identifierHash, setIdentifierHash) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(UncalibratedMeasurement_v1
template<int N>
MeasVector< N > toStorage (const AmgVector(N)&amgVec)
 Converts the double precision of the AmgVector into the floating point storage precision of the MeasVector. More...
template<int N>
MeasMatrix< N > toStorage (const AmgSymMatrix(N)&amgMat)
 Converts the double precision of the AmgSymMatrix into the floating point storage precision of the MeasMatrix. More...
template<int N>
 AmgSymMatrix (N) toEigen(const ConstMatrixMap< N > &xAODmat)
template<int N>
 AmgVector (N) toEigen(const ConstVectorMap< N > &xAODvec)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, xAOD::FileMetaData_v1::MetaDataType type)
 This can be used in user code to conveniently print the values of MetaDataType variables in a user friendly manner. More...
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< std::string > * metaDataTypeStringAccessorV1 (FileMetaData_v1::MetaDataType type)
 Helper function for getting an accessor for a pre-defined property. More...
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< uint32_t > * metaDataTypeUIntAccessorV1 (FileMetaData_v1::MetaDataType type)
 Helper function for getting an accessor for a pre-defined property. More...
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * metaDataTypeFloatAccessorV1 (FileMetaData_v1::MetaDataType type)
 Helper function for getting an accessor for a pre-defined property. More...
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< char > * metaDataTypeCharAccessorV1 (FileMetaData_v1::MetaDataType type)
 Helper function for getting an accessor for a pre-defined property. More...
MissingETBase::Types::bitmask_t getObjMask (size_t objIndex)
 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_GETTER_WITH_CAST (Muon_v1, uint8_t, Muon_v1::EnergyLossType, energyLossType) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST(Muon_v1
template<class T >
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< T > * parameterAccessorV1 (Muon_v1::ParamDef type)
 This function holds on to Accessor objects that can be used by each Muon_v1 object at runtime to get/set parameter values on themselves. More...
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< uint8_t > * muonTrackSummaryAccessorV1 (xAOD::MuonSummaryType type)
 Helper function for managing MuonTrackSummary Accessor objects. More...
 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST (CompositeParticle_v1, float, double, px, setPx) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST(CompositeParticle_v1
setPy AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST (CompositeParticle_v1, float, double, pz, setPz) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST(CompositeParticle_v1
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (CompositeParticle_v1, xAOD::IParticleLinkContainer, otherPartLinks, setOtherPartLinks) void CompositeParticle_v1
 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Particle_v1, float, charge, setCharge) bool Particle_v1
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (FlowElement_v1, std::vector< ElementLink< xAOD::IParticleContainer > >, chargedObjectLinks, setChargedObjectLinks) void FlowElement_v1
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (FlowElement_v1, std::vector< ElementLink< xAOD::IParticleContainer > >, otherObjectLinks, setOtherObjectLinks) void FlowElement_v1
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrackCaloCluster_v1, ElementLink< xAOD::TrackParticleContainer >, trackParticleLink, setTrackParticleLink) const xAOD
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * getIsolationAccessor (Iso::IsolationType type)
 Get the Accessor object for a given isolation type. More...
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< uint32_tgetIsolationCorrectionBitsetAccessor (Iso::IsolationFlavour type)
 Returns an accessor for the correction bitset corresponding to this IsolationType. More...
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< floatgetIsolationCorrectionAccessor (Iso::IsolationFlavour type, Iso::IsolationCaloCorrection corr, Iso::IsolationCorrectionParameter param)
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< floatgetIsolationCorrectionAccessor (Iso::IsolationType type, Iso::IsolationCaloCorrection corr)
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< floatgetIsolationCorrectionAccessor (Iso::IsolationFlavour type, Iso::IsolationTrackCorrection corr)
const SG::AuxElement::Decorator< uint32_tgetIsolationCorrectionBitsetDecorator (Iso::IsolationFlavour type)
 Returns an decorator for the correction bitset corresponding to this IsolationType. More...
const SG::AuxElement::Decorator< floatgetIsolationCorrectionDecorator (Iso::IsolationFlavour type, Iso::IsolationCaloCorrection corr, Iso::IsolationCorrectionParameter param)
const SG::AuxElement::Decorator< floatgetIsolationCorrectionDecorator (Iso::IsolationType type, Iso::IsolationCaloCorrection corr)
const SG::AuxElement::Decorator< floatgetIsolationCorrectionDecorator (Iso::IsolationFlavour type, Iso::IsolationTrackCorrection corr)
const SG::AuxElement::Decorator< float > * getIsolationDecorator (Iso::IsolationType type)
 Get the Decorator object for a given isolation type. More...
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrackMeasurement_v1, std::vector< double >, meas, setMeas) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrackMeasurement_v1
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrackMeasurement_v1, std::uint64_t, projector, setProjector) const std
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrackMeasurementValidation_v1, std::vector< uint64_t >, rdoIdentifierList, setRdoIdentifierList) void TrackMeasurementValidation_v1
 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrackState_v1, uint64_t, geometryId, setGeometryId)
 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrackState_v1, unsigned int, surfaceIndex, setSurfaceIndex)
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrackSummary_v1, std::vector< double >, params, setParams) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrackSummary_v1
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< uint8_t > * trackSummaryAccessorV1< uint8_t > (xAOD::SummaryType type)
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< float > * trackSummaryAccessorV1< float > (xAOD::SummaryType type)
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrackSurface_v1, std::vector< float >, translation, setTranslation) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrackSurface_v1
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Vertex_v1, std::vector< float >, covariance, setCovariance) const Amg
const AmgSymMatrix (3) &Vertex_v1
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Vertex_v1, Vertex_v1::TrackParticleLinks_t, trackParticleLinks, setTrackParticleLinks) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(Vertex_v1
setTrackWeights AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (Vertex_v1, Vertex_v1::NeutralParticleLinks_t, neutralParticleLinks, setNeutralParticleLinks) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(Vertex_v1
typedef AmgSymMatrix (5) ParametersCovMatrix_t
typedef AmgVector (5) DefiningParameters_t
typedef AmgVector (6) CurvilinearParameters_t
template<class T >
const SG::AuxElement::Accessor< T > * trackSummaryAccessorV1 (xAOD::SummaryType type)
 Helper function for managing TrackSummary Accessor objects. More...
 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigCaloCluster_v1, float, rawEnergy, setRawEnergy) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigCaloCluster_v1
setRawEt setRawPhi AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigCaloCluster_v1, long, RoIword, setRoIword) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigCaloCluster_v1
setRawEt setRawPhi setNCells AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigCaloCluster_v1, unsigned int, clusterQuality, setClusterQuality) float TrigCaloCluster_v1
setEt setPhi setE277 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigEMCluster_v1, float, fracs1, setFracs1) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigEMCluster_v1
setEt setPhi setE277 setWeta2 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigEMCluster_v1, float, ehad1, setEhad1) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigEMCluster_v1
setEt setPhi setE277 setWeta2 setEta1 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigEMCluster_v1, float, emaxs1, setEmaxs1) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigEMCluster_v1
setEt setPhi setE277 setWeta2 setEta1 setE2tsts1 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigEMCluster_v1, float, e233, setE233) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigEMCluster_v1
setCharge setNTRTHiThresholdHits AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigElectron_v1, float, rcore, setRcore) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigElectron_v1
setCharge setNTRTHiThresholdHits setEratio AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigElectron_v1, float, etHad, setEtHad) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigElectron_v1
setCharge setNTRTHiThresholdHits setEratio setEtHad1 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigElectron_v1, float, trkEtaAtCalo, setTrkEtaAtCalo) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigElectron_v1
setCharge setNTRTHiThresholdHits setEratio setEtHad1 setTrkPhiAtCalo AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigElectron_v1, float, etOverPt, setEtOverPt) float TrigElectron_v1
 This function can be used to conveniently access the EM cluster associated with the electron. More...
setRcore setEtHad setFside AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigPhoton_v1, float, weta2, setWeta2) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_WITH_CAST(TrigPhoton_v1
setRcore setEtHad setFside setPt AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigPhoton_v1, float, caloEta, setCaloEta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigPhoton_v1
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigPhoton_v1, TrigPhoton_v1::EMClusterLink_t, emClusterLink, setEmClusterLink) void TrigPhoton_v1
 Raw data words. More...
 Only calculable externally. More...
setWord1 setRetaEnv setRhadHad AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (eFexEMRoI_v1, uint16_t, WstotNumerator, setWstotNumerator) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(eFexEMRoI_v1
 Should be set for xTOB if there is a matching TOB. More...
setWord1 setRetaEnv setRhadHad setWstotDenominator setEt AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (eFexEMRoI_v1, float, eta, setEta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(eFexEMRoI_v1
 Raw data words. More...
setWord1 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (eFexTauRoI_v1, uint16_t, rCoreNumerator, setRCoreNumerator) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(eFexTauRoI_v1
 Only calculable externally. More...
setWord1 setRCoreDenominator AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (eFexTauRoI_v1, uint16_t, rHadNumerator, setRHadNumerator) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(eFexTauRoI_v1
setWord1 setRCoreDenominator setRHadDenominator AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (eFexTauRoI_v1, char, isTOB, setIsTOB) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(eFexTauRoI_v1
 Should be set for xTOB if there is a matching TOB. More...
setWord1 setRCoreDenominator setRHadDenominator setEt AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (eFexTauRoI_v1, float, eta, setEta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(eFexTauRoI_v1
 Accessor for threshold pattern (not part of RoI in Run 2) More...
setRoIWord1 setRoIWord3 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EnergySumRoI_v2, uint32_t, roiWord4, setRoIWord4) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EnergySumRoI_v2
setEnergyY setEnergyXRestricted AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (EnergySumRoI_v2, float, energyYRestricted, setEnergyYRestricted) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(EnergySumRoI_v2
 Raw data words. More...
setScaleOne setStatusOne AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (gFexGlobalRoI_v1, uint8_t, statusTwo, setStatusTwo) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(gFexGlobalRoI_v1
setScaleOne setStatusOne setSaturated AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (gFexGlobalRoI_v1, int, globalType, setGlobalType) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(gFexGlobalRoI_v1
 Raw data words. More...
 Only calculable externally eFex puts here RetaCore, RetaEnv, RhadEM, RhadHad, WstotNumerator etc (coming from algorithms) More...
setScale setgFexType setEta AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (gFexJetRoI_v1, uint8_t, iPhi, setPhi) uint8_t gFexJetRoI_v1
 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L1TopoSimResults_v1, unsigned int, connectionId, setConnectionId) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L1TopoSimResults_v1
setTopoWord AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L1TopoSimResults_v1, uint32_t, topoWordOverflow, setTopoWordOverflow) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L1TopoSimResults_v1
setTopoWord setTopoWord64 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L1TopoSimResults_v1, uint64_t, topoWord64Overflow, setTopoWord64Overflow) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L1TopoSimResults_v1
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigComposite_v1, std::string, name, setName) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigComposite_v1
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_GETTER (TrigComposite_v1, std::vector< std::string >, linkColNames) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_GETTER(TrigComposite_v1
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const xAOD::TrigComposite_v1 &tc)
 print helper for TrigComposite More...
setBGCode AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, tav, setTAV) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1
setBGCode setTAP AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, tbp, setTBP) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, uint32_t, efErrorBits, setEFErrorBits) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits setLVL2Truncated AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, bool, efTruncated, setEFTruncated) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits setLVL2Truncated setLVL2PassedPhysics AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, efPassedPhysics, setEFPassedPhysics) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits setLVL2Truncated setLVL2PassedPhysics setLVL2PassedRaw AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, efPassedRaw, setEFPassedRaw) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits setLVL2Truncated setLVL2PassedPhysics setLVL2PassedRaw setLVL2PassedThrough AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, efPassedThrough, setEFPassedThrough) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits setLVL2Truncated setLVL2PassedPhysics setLVL2PassedRaw setLVL2PassedThrough setLVL2Prescaled AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigDecision_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, efPrescaled, setEFPrescaled) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigDecision_v1
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const xAOD::TrigDecision_v1 &td)
setL1psk AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TriggerMenu_v1, uint32_t, hltpsk, setHLTpsk) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TriggerMenu_v1
setPassBits AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TrigPassBits_v1, uint32_t, containerKey, setContainerKey) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TrigPassBits_v1
template<class CONT >
std::unique_ptr< TrigPassBits_v1makeTrigPassBits (const CONT *container, uint32_t containerKey=xAOD::TrigPassBits_v1::DEFAULT_KEY)
 Helper function creating a new object to describe a target container. More...
template<class CONT >
std::unique_ptr< TrigPassBits_v1makeTrigPassBits (const CONT *container, const std::string &containerKey)
 Helper function creating a new object to describe a target container. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const xAOD::CMXEtSums_v1 &el)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const xAOD::CMXJetHits_v1 &el)
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (CMXRoI_v1, std::vector< uint32_t >, cmxRoIWords, setCmxRoIWords) void CMXRoI_v1
 initialize More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const xAOD::JEMTobRoI_v1 &el)
std::string str (const TrigT2MbtsBits_v1 &trigT2MbtsBits)
double sumEntries (const std::vector< float > &cont, unsigned int nbins_x, float min_x, float max_x, unsigned int nbins_y, float min_y, float max_y, float value_x, float value_y, int cutType)
eta AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_GETTER_WITH_CAST (L2CombinedMuon_v1, float, double, phi) double L2CombinedMuon_v1
setStrategy AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2CombinedMuon_v1, int, errorFlag, setErrorFlag) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2CombinedMuon_v1
setStrategy setMatchFlag AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2CombinedMuon_v1, float, sigmaPt, setSigmaPt) AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2CombinedMuon_v1
 AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2CombinedMuon_v1, ElementLink< L2StandAloneMuonContainer >, muSATrackLink, setMuSATrackLink) const xAOD
 Helper operator for easily printing the properties of a LVL2 muon iso object for debugging. More...
eta AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_GETTER_WITH_CAST (L2IsoMuon_v1, float, double, phi) double L2IsoMuon_v1
setCharge setSumPt01 setSumPt03 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2IsoMuon_v1, float, sumPt04, setSumPt04) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2IsoMuon_v1
setCharge setSumPt01 setSumPt03 setSumEt01 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2IsoMuon_v1, float, sumEt02, setSumEt02) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2IsoMuon_v1
eta AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_GETTER_WITH_CAST (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, double, phi) double L2StandAloneMuon_v1
 Set and get methods for the outputs of L2 muon standalone muon algorithm. More...
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, beta, setBeta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, barrelSagitta, setBarrelSagitta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, endcapBeta, setEndcapBeta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, slopeInner, setSlopeInner) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setInterceptInner AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, deltaR, setDeltaR) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setInterceptInner setEtaMap AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, phiMap, setPhiMap) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setInterceptInner setEtaMap setEtaBin AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, int, phiBin, setPhiBin) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setInterceptInner setEtaMap setEtaBin setIsTgcFailure AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, int, isRpcFailure, setIsRpcFailure) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1
setSAddress setEtaMS setDirPhiMS setDirZMS setBarrelRadius setEndcapAlpha setEndcapRadius setInterceptInner setEtaMap setEtaBin setIsTgcFailure setDeltaPt AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, deltaEta, setDeltaEta) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1
 Below are detailed information. More...
setTeId setLumiBlock AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, uint32_t, muonDetMask, setMuonDetMask) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, uint32_t, roiSystem, setRoiSystem) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId setRoiSubsystem AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, uint32_t, roiSector, setRoiSector) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1
setTeId setLumiBlock setRoiId setRoiSubsystem setRoiNumber AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, uint32_t, roiThreshold, setRoiThreshold) uint32_t L2StandAloneMuon_v1
 AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, ptBarrelRadius, setPtBarrelRadius) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1
 Set and get pT from different algorithms. More...
setPtBarrelSagitta AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER (L2StandAloneMuon_v1, float, ptEndcapAlpha, setPtEndcapAlpha) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(L2StandAloneMuon_v1
eta AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_GETTER_WITH_CAST (L2StandAloneMuon_v2, float, double, phi) double L2StandAloneMuon_v2