ATLAS Offline Software
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
Analysis Namespace Reference

The namespace of all packages in PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging. More...




class  AtlfInfo
class  AtlfInfo_p1
class  AtlfInfoCnv_p1
class  AtomicProperty
class  BaseTagInfo
 Class BasetagInfo: Implements methods defined in ITagInfo. More...
class  BaseTagInfo_p1
 Hold onto the base tagging info. More...
class  BaseTagInfoCnv_p1
class  BasicTrackGradeFactory
class  BTagLightSecVertexing
class  BTagTool
class  BTagTrackAugmenterAlg
class  CalibrationDataContainer
class  CalibrationDataEigenVariations
class  CalibrationDataFunctionContainer
class  CalibrationDataGlobalEigenVariations
class  CalibrationDataHistogramContainer
class  CalibrationDataInterfaceBase
class  CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT
class  CalibrationDataInterfaceTester
class  CalibrationDataInterfaceTool
class  CalibrationDataMappedHistogramContainer
class  CalibrationDataUpdater
class  CalibrationDataVariables
class  CDIReader
class  ClassifiedTrackTaggerTool
class  CleanUpVertex
class  CombinerTool
class  CombinerToolTag
class  Composite
class  DetailedTrackGradeFactory
class  Electron
class  ElectronAssociation
class  ElectronAssociationCnv_p1
class  ElectronConstituent
class  GbbNNTagInfo
class  GbbNNTagInfo_p1
class  GbbNNTagInfoCnv_p1
class  GradedTrack
class  HadFlavorTagInfo
class  HistoHelperRoot
 Helper class for histograming. More...
struct  HistoLimits
class  IBTagLightSecVertexing
class  IBTagTool
class  IBTagTrackAssociation
class  ICalibrationDataInterfaceTool
class  ICandidateSearch
class  IClassifiedTrackTaggerTool
class  ICombinerTool
class  IConstituent
 Class IConstituent: This is the abstract base class for additional jet constituents to be put into the JetTag/ParticleJet class. More...
class  IJetFitterClassifierTool
class  IJetFitterNtupleWriter
class  IJetFitterTagInfo
 The IJetFitterTagInfo class: Abstract baseclass for JetFitterTagInfo and JetFitterGenericTagInfo. More...
class  IJetFitterVariablesFactory
class  IMSVVariablesFactory
class  IMultivariateJetTagger
class  IPInfoBase
class  IPInfoBase_p1
class  IPInfoBaseCnv_p1
class  IPInfoPlus
class  IPInfoPlus_p1
class  IPInfoPlusCnv_p1
class  IPTag
class  IPTrackInfo
class  IPTrackInfo_p1
class  IPTrackInfoCnv_p1
class  ISvxAssociation
class  ISvxAssociation_p1
class  ISvxAssociationCnv_p1
class  ISvxConstituent
class  ITagInfo
class  ITagTool
class  ITrackGradeFactory
class  JetBTaggingAlg
class  JetConstituent
 Class JetConstituent: This is the implemntation of the JetConstituent class for ParticleJet. More...
class  JetFitterDummyClassifier
class  JetFitterGenericTagInfo
 Generic replacement for JetFitterTagInfo. More...
class  JetFitterInputWriter
class  JetFitterTagInfo
 The JetFitterTagInfo class: This class contains information of the secondary vertex fit within the jet. More...
class  JetFitterTagInfo_p1
class  JetFitterTagInfoCnv_p1
class  JetFitterVariablesFactory
class  JetPartonTruthLabel
class  JetProbInfoBase
class  JetProbInfoBase_p1
class  JetProbInfoBaseCnv_p1
class  JetSecVertexingAlg
class  JetSecVtxFindingAlg
class  JetTagCalibCondAlg
 @ class JetTagCalibCondAlg More...
class  JetTagCalibCondData
class  JetTagInfo_tlp1
 Contains a vector of evrything that we will store... More...
class  JetTagInfo_tlp2
 Contains a vector of evrything that we will store... More...
class  JetTagInfo_tlp3
 Contains a vector of evrything that we will store... More...
class  JetTagInfoCnv_tlp1
class  JetTagInfoCnv_tlp2
class  JetTagInfoCnv_tlp3
struct  JpsiCandidate
struct  JpsiEECandidate
class  JpsiFinder
class  JpsiFinder_ee
class  JpsiPlus1Track
class  JpsiPlus2Tracks
class  JpsiUpsilonCommon
class  LifetimeInfo
 Class LifetimeInfo: Class to store information produced by the LifetimeTag. More...
class  LifetimeInfo_p1
class  LifetimeInfoCnv_p1
class  LikelihoodMultiDTool
class  MSVVariablesFactory
class  MSVVtxInfo
class  MSVVtxInfo_p1
class  MSVVtxInfo_p2
class  MSVVtxInfoCnv_p1
class  MSVVtxInfoCnv_p2
class  MultiSVInfoPlus
class  MultiSVInfoPlus_p1
class  MultiSVInfoPlusCnv_p1
class  MultiSVTag
class  MultivariateTagManager
class  Muon
 The ATLAS Muon object - see doxygen, physics workbookd and the Muon Combined Performance WG's pages for full documentation. More...
class  MuonAssociation
class  MuonAssociationCnv_p1
class  MuonConstituent
 Class MuonConstituent: This is the implemntation of the MuonConstituent class for ParticleJet. More...
class  MuonContainer
 definition of StoreGate container holding a vector of Analysis::Muon More...
class  MV2Tag
struct  myIPxDinfo
class  NavAssociationCommon_p1
class  NewLikelihoodTool
class  ParticleShallowClone
class  Photon
class  PhotonAssociation
class  PhotonAssociationCnv_p1
class  PrimaryVertexRefitter
class  QGPartonTruthInfo
 Class QGPartonTruthInfo: Class to store more truth information about a JetTag (e.g. More...
class  SecVtxInfo
 The SecVtxInfo class: This class contains information of the secondary vertex fit within the jet. More...
class  SecVtxInfo_p1
class  SecVtxInfoCnv_p1
class  SETrackInfo
class  SETrackInfo_p1
class  SETrackInfoCnv_p1
class  Slice
class  SLTrueInfo
class  SLTrueInfo_p1
class  SLTrueInfoCnv_p1
class  SMTrackInfo
class  SMTrackInfo_p1
class  SMTrackInfoCnv_p1
class  SoftElectronInfo
class  SoftElectronInfo_p1
class  SoftElectronInfoCnv_p1
class  SoftLeptonTruthInfo
 Class SoftLeptonTruthInfo: Class to store truth information about lepton in jet. More...
class  SoftLeptonTruthInfo_p1
class  SoftLeptonTruthInfoCnv_p1
class  SoftMuonInfo
class  SoftMuonInfo_p1
class  SoftMuonInfoCnv_p1
class  SVForIPTool
class  SVInfoBase
class  SVInfoBase_p1
class  SVInfoBaseCnv_p1
class  SVInfoPlus
class  SVInfoPlus_p1
class  SVInfoPlusCnv_p1
class  SVTag
class  SVTrackInfo
class  SvxSummary
class  SvxSummary_p1
class  SvxSummaryCnv_p1
class  TagNtupleDumper
class  Tau1P3PDetails
 DEPRECATED DO NOT USE - MIGRATE TO TauCommonDetails Basic details class containing information produced by tau1P3P algorithm, goes to both AOD and ESD. More...
class  Tau1P3PExtraDetails
 DEPRECATED DO NOT USE - MIGRATE TO TauCommonDetails Extended details class containing information produced by tau1P3P algorithm, goes to ESD only. More...
class  TauCommonDetails
 Basic detail class containing information for track and calo seeded tau reconstruction algorithms. More...
class  TauCommonExtraDetails
 Extra detail class containing information for track and calo seeded tau reconstruction algorithms. More...
class  TauDetails
class  TauDetailsContainer
class  TauJet
 Object for taus common for ESD and AOD. More...
class  TauJetContainer
class  TauPi0Candidate
class  TauPi0Cluster
class  TauPi0Details
class  TauPID
 Class containing discriminants produced by identification algorithms. More...
class  TauRecDetails
 DEPRECATED DO NOT USE - MIGRATE TO TauCommonDetails Basic details class containing information produced by tauRec algorithm, goes to both ESD and AOD. More...
class  TauRecExtraDetails
 DEPRECATED DO NOT USE - MIGRATE TO TauCommonDetails Extended details class containing information produced by tauRec algorithm, goes to ESD only. More...
class  TauShot
class  TrackAssociation
class  TrackAssociationCnv_p1
class  TrackConstituents
 Class TrackConstituent: This is the implemntation of the TrackConstituents class for ParticleJet. More...
class  TrackCounting
class  TrackCountingInfo
class  TrackCountingInfo_p1
class  TrackCountingInfoCnv_p1
class  TrackGrade
class  TrackGradePartition
class  TrackGradesDefinition
class  TrackSelector
class  TruthInfo
 Class TruthInfo: Class to store more truth information about a JetTag (e.g. More...
class  TruthInfo_p1
class  TruthInfoCnv_p1
class  TruthTagResults


typedef std::string NameType
 string to identify the constituent More...
typedef std::vector< double > FloatVec
typedef std::vector< std::string > StringVector
typedef std::vector< std::string >::iterator StringIterator
typedef std::vector< const Rec::TrackParticle * > TrackVec
typedef std::pair< double, double > UncertaintyResult
 The following typedef is for convenience: most uncertainties can be asymmetric. More...
typedef std::pair< double, double > CalibResult
typedef ElementLink< xAOD::TrackParticleContainertracklink_t
typedef std::map< std::string, double > var_map
typedef std::vector< double >::iterator FloatVecIter
typedef std::string TagInfoType
typedef NavigableTerminalNode MuonNavigation
typedef NavigableTerminalNode TauJetNavigation


enum  Uncertainty
 specification of type information requested by the user More...
enum  EVReductionStrategy
 specification of Eigenvector variations reduction strategy. More...
enum  OutOfBoundsStrategy
 strategies for dealing with specified kinematic variables being outside their range of validity: ignore any items, flag items (this will merely produce a summary at the end of the job), giving up when even a specified extrapolation range is exceeded, or giving up upon any out-of-bound condition. More...
enum  OutOfBoundsType
 counter types (to be used when flagging out-of-bounds cases) More...
enum  CalibrationStatus
enum  PairType
enum  MuonTypes
enum  PairTypeEE


MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &out, const IPInfoBase &)
 output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const IPInfoBase &)
 output. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &out, const IPInfoPlus &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const IPInfoPlus &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &out, const IPTrackInfo &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const IPTrackInfo &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &out, const JetProbInfoBase &)
 output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const JetProbInfoBase &)
 output. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &out, const SETrackInfo &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SETrackInfo &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &out, const SLTrueInfo &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SLTrueInfo &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &out, const SMTrackInfo &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SMTrackInfo &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &out, const SoftMuonInfo &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SoftMuonInfo &)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &out, const SVInfoBase &)
 output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SVInfoBase &)
 output. More...
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &out, const TrackCountingInfo &)
 output. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const TrackCountingInfo &)
 output. More...
template<class CNV , class CNVForObj , class ObjType >
void persToTransVectorObj (CNV *masterCvt, CNVForObj **cnv, const std::vector< TPObjRef > &persVector, std::vector< ObjType * > &result, MsgStream &msg)
 Given a vector of poitners to an object, create the persistent from the transient. More...
template<typename CNV , typename CNVForObj , typename ObjType >
void transToPersVectorObj (CNV *masterCvt, CNVForObj **cnv, const std::vector< ObjType * > &transVector, std::vector< TPObjRef > &result, MsgStream &msg)
 Translate a set of pointers to objects to their persistent rep, saving them in the tlp container. More...
Int_t addContainer (Analysis::CalibrationDataContainer *cnt, TFile *file, const char *tagger, const char *jetAuthor, const char *OP, const char *flavour, const char *name=0, bool isReference=false)
const CalibResult dummyResult (dummyValue, dummyValue)
void showHadronisations (const char *filename, const char *directory)
std::map< std::string, std::string > getHadronisations (const char *filename, const char *directory)
void showBuildNumber (const char *filename)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &out, const TrackGradePartition &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const TrackGradePartition &)
bool StructPTsorting (const myIPxDinfo &objA, const myIPxDinfo &objB)
bool StructD0Sigsorting (const myIPxDinfo &objA, const myIPxDinfo &objB)
bool StructZ0D0Sigsorting (const myIPxDinfo &objA, const myIPxDinfo &objB)
bool cmp (double a, double b)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const TauDetails &detail)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const TauDetails *detail)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &o, const TauDetails &detail)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &o, const TauDetails *detail)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const TauJet &tau)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const TauJet *tau)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &o, const TauJet &tau)
MsgStream & operator<< (MsgStream &o, const TauJet *tau)


const unsigned int MaxCalibrationVars = 10
 Maximum dimensionality of the calibration parametrisation. More...
const double CalibZERO = 1.e-6
const double dummyValue = -1.
constexpr double muMass = 105.658
constexpr double kMass = 493.677
constexpr double piMass = 139.57
constexpr double pMass = 938.272

Detailed Description

The namespace of all packages in PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging.

Tau Photon Shot.

Tau Pi0 Candidate Details Container.

Tau Pi0 Cluster.

Tau Pi0 Candidate.

Name: MuonContainer.h Package : offline/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/muonEvent.

Name : Muon.cxx Package : offline/Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/muonEvent Author : Ketevi A.

string to identify the tagger tool.

Name : JetFitterNNTool.h Package : BTagTools Author : Dan Guest Created : March 2016.

Name : MSVVariableFactory.h Created : sept 14.

Name : JetFitterVariableFactory.h Package : BTagTools Author : Giacinto Piacquadio, Christian Weiser (University of Freiburg) Created : March 2007.

Name : JetFitterInputWriter.h Package : BTagTools Author : Dan Guest Created : January 2017.

Name : JetFitterDummyClassifier.h Package : BTagTools Author : Dan Guest Created : Jan 2017.

Author: A.

Write out a TrackAssociation.

Some helpers for the T/P seperation.

Type converter for the SvxSummary persistent/transient classes.

Convert the sl truth info.

Translator for the soft electron track info.

Type converter for the SecVtxInfo persistent/transient classes.

Write out a PhotonAssociation.

Write out a MuonAssociation.

Type converter for the LifetimeInfo persistent/transient classes.

Implement the top level container's converter.

Write out a ISvxAssociation.

Translation for the IPTrackInfoCnv object.

Code to fluf and compress the ip info plus data.

Write out a ElectronAssociation.

Translator for the base tag info – very simple, but common for everyone.

Type converter for the TruthInfo persistent/transient classes.

Persistent class for the truth info.

Converter header to move the sec vtx info into persistant format.

Cache all info having to do with the secondary vertex.

Persitent class for the truth info.

Top level tag info converter.

The top level container that will store the various tag info objects.

Persitent class for the JetProbl class.

Store the required info for b-tagging assocaiations that are a Navigable dude.

Persitent class for the jet fitter tag info class.

Converter to move the track assocation into a real persistent object.

Converter header to move the truth info into persistant format.

Persistent class for the ATL Fast tag info.

Access the items themselves! SVInfoPlus must be included first due to the @*#&& protected and private #defines - these are required to get the ElementLinkVectorCnv to work properly. Same with NavigableCnv. What a mess. Normal includes below.

Wildauer CERN, January 26, 2005

Wildauer CERN, January 14, 2005

Transition from AIDA to THistSvc (root) and enhancement of functionality (smoothing, interpolation): L. Vacavant, JB Devivie

DESCRIPTION: filler for JetFitter classifier, does nothing


Write JetFitter inputs to xAOD


This class is a "variable factory". It generates, starting from the VxJetCandidate, all the variables actually used by the JetFitterTag.


This class is a "variable factory". It generates all the variables per vertex to MSV.

DESCRIPTION: Class to dump a ROOT file with tagger info

For backward compability. This will likely be removed in the near future.

put it into namespace Analysis, where everybody expects it to be

Assamagan Created : December 2004 Note : CombinedMuon Object in the ESD


see Muon.h January 2007: Merge CombinedMuon with Muon into one class - simply Muon

Authors: K. A. Assamagan Created: December 2004

Purpose: This is a data object, containing a collection of Combined Muon Objects

(detailed description)

Felix Friedrich
Will Davey
Benedict Winter

(detailed description)

Felix Friedrich
Will Davey
Benedict Winter

TODO: implement correct constness!


Will Davey
Benedict Winter
Stephanie Yuen

Typedef Documentation

◆ CalibResult

typedef std::pair<double,double> Analysis::CalibResult

Definition at line 34 of file CalibrationDataInterfaceBase.h.

◆ FloatVec

typedef std::vector<double> Analysis::FloatVec

Definition at line 31 of file LifetimeInfo.h.

◆ FloatVecIter

typedef std::vector<double>::iterator Analysis::FloatVecIter

Definition at line 31 of file TrackCounting.cxx.

◆ MuonNavigation

◆ NameType

typedef std::string Analysis::NameType

string to identify the constituent

string to identify the association

Definition at line 39 of file IConstituent.h.

◆ StringIterator

typedef std::vector<std::string>::iterator Analysis::StringIterator

Definition at line 33 of file LifetimeInfo.h.

◆ StringVector

typedef std::vector<std::string> Analysis::StringVector

Definition at line 32 of file LifetimeInfo.h.

◆ TagInfoType

typedef std::string Analysis::TagInfoType

Definition at line 19 of file JetTagInfoBase.h.

◆ TauJetNavigation

Definition at line 53 of file Reconstruction/tauEvent/tauEvent/TauJet.h.

◆ tracklink_t

Definition at line 28 of file GradedTrack.h.

◆ TrackVec

Definition at line 33 of file SecVtxInfo.h.

◆ UncertaintyResult

typedef std::pair<double, double> Analysis::UncertaintyResult

The following typedef is for convenience: most uncertainties can be asymmetric.

The pair holds the positive (first) and negative (second) uncertainties. Note that in the context of systematic uncertainties, "positive" and "negative" may reflect what happens if the uncertainty parameter is varied. This means that the "positive" uncertainty result may be negative etc.

Definition at line 33 of file CalibrationDataContainer.h.

◆ var_map

typedef std::map<std::string,double> Analysis::var_map

Definition at line 55 of file TagNtupleDumper.cxx.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CalibrationStatus

Definition at line 56 of file CalibrationDataVariables.h.

56  {
57  kSuccess = 0, // all OK
58  kRange = 1, // given coordinates outside the range of validity of the calibration
59  kExtrapolatedRange = 2, // given coordinates even outside the extrapolation range
60  kError = 3 // "technical" error (typically: nonexistent object)
61  };

◆ EVReductionStrategy

specification of Eigenvector variations reduction strategy.

For implementation reasons the possibilities are given in "reverse" order.

Definition at line 73 of file CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h.

73 { Tight = 0, Medium = 1, Loose = 2};

◆ MuonTypes

Definition at line 36 of file JpsiFinder.h.

36 { CC=0, CT=1, TT=2};

◆ OutOfBoundsStrategy

strategies for dealing with specified kinematic variables being outside their range of validity: ignore any items, flag items (this will merely produce a summary at the end of the job), giving up when even a specified extrapolation range is exceeded, or giving up upon any out-of-bound condition.

The strategy can be set in the configuration file. Note that the "GiveUpExtrapolated" strategy (give up upon finding that the kinematic variables are outside even the extrapolation range) implementation is only partial, as this will be flagged only if extrapolation uncertainties are requested.

Definition at line 82 of file CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h.

◆ OutOfBoundsType

counter types (to be used when flagging out-of-bounds cases)

Definition at line 85 of file CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h.

◆ PairType

Definition at line 35 of file JpsiFinder.h.

35 { MUMU=0, MUTRK=1, TRKTRK=2};

◆ PairTypeEE

Definition at line 42 of file JpsiFinder_ee.h.

42 { ELEL=0, ELTRK=1, TRK2=2};

◆ Uncertainty

specification of type information requested by the user

Definition at line 70 of file CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h.

Function Documentation

◆ addContainer()

Int_t Analysis::addContainer ( Analysis::CalibrationDataContainer cnt,
TFile *  file,
const char *  tagger,
const char *  jetAuthor,
const char *  OP,
const char *  flavour,
const char *  name = 0,
bool  isReference = false 

◆ cmp()

bool Analysis::cmp ( double  a,
double  b 

Definition at line 23 of file TauPID.cxx.

23  {
24  static const double epsilon=1.0e-6;
25  return (std::fabs(a-b)<epsilon);
26  }

◆ dummyResult()

const CalibResult Analysis::dummyResult ( dummyValue  ,

◆ getHadronisations()

std::map<std::string, std::string> Analysis::getHadronisations ( const char *  filename,
const char *  directory 

◆ operator<<() [1/30]

MsgStream& Analysis::operator<< ( MsgStream &  o,
const TauDetails detail 
ostream to write to
detaildetail to print

Definition at line 113 of file TauDetails.h.

114  {
115  detail.printOn(o);
116  return o;
117  }

◆ operator<<() [2/30]

MsgStream& Analysis::operator<< ( MsgStream &  o,
const TauDetails detail 
ostream to write to
detaildetail to print

Definition at line 119 of file TauDetails.h.

120  {
121  detail->printOn(o);
122  return o;
123  }

◆ operator<<() [3/30]

MsgStream& Analysis::operator<< ( MsgStream &  o,
const TauJet tau 
ostream to write to
tautau to print

Definition at line 708 of file Reconstruction/tauEvent/tauEvent/TauJet.h.

710  {
711  tau.printOn(o);
712  return o;
713  }

◆ operator<<() [4/30]

MsgStream& Analysis::operator<< ( MsgStream &  o,
const TauJet tau 
ostream to write to
tautau to print

Definition at line 715 of file Reconstruction/tauEvent/tauEvent/TauJet.h.

717  {
718  tau->printOn(o);
719  return o;
720  }

◆ operator<<() [5/30]

MsgStream& Analysis::operator<< ( MsgStream &  out,
const IPInfoBase info 



This dumps the values of each of the possible summary enums

Definition at line 47 of file IPInfoBase.cxx.

47  {
48  double pb = info.tagLikelihood()[0];
49  double pu = info.tagLikelihood()[1];
50  double ww = log(pb/pu);
51  out << " - Tag type " << info.infoType()
52  << " : P(b)= " << pb << " P(u)= " << pu << " W= " << ww
53  << " based on " << info.nbTracks() << " tracks." << endmsg;
54  return out;
55  }

◆ operator<<() [6/30]

MsgStream& Analysis::operator<< ( MsgStream &  out,
const IPInfoPlus info 

Definition at line 54 of file IPInfoPlus.cxx.

54  {
55  int ntrk = info.numTrackInfo();
56  out << " - Tag type " << info.infoType()
57  << " based on " << ntrk << " tracks:" << endmsg;
58  for(int i=0;i<ntrk;i++) {
59  out << " -> " << i << info.getTrackInfo(i) << endmsg;
60  }
61  return out;
62  }

◆ operator<<() [7/30]

MsgStream& Analysis::operator<< ( MsgStream &  out,
const IPTrackInfo info 

Definition at line 78 of file IPTrackInfo.cxx.

78  {
79  const Rec::TrackParticle* tp = info.track();
80  double phi = 0.;
81  double d0 = 0.;
82  double pt = 0.;
83  double eta = 0.;
84  if(tp) {
85  phi = tp->measuredPerigee()->parameters()[Trk::phi];
86  d0 = tp->measuredPerigee()->parameters()[Trk::d0];
87  pt = tp->pt();
88  eta = tp->eta();
89  }
90  out << " -> IPTrackInfo "
91  << " grade= " << info.trackGrade().gradeString()
92  << " fromV0= " << info.isFromV0()
93  << " d0wrtPV= " << info.d0Value() << " S=" << info.d0Significance()
94  << " z0wrtPV= " << info.z0Value() << " S=" << info.z0Significance()
95  << " original pt,eta,phi,d0 = "<<pt<<" "<<eta<<" "<<phi<<" "<<d0
96  << " weight2D= " << info.trackWeight2D()
97  << " weight3D= " << info.trackWeight3D()
98  << " probJP= " << info.trackProbJP()
99  << " probJPneg= " << info.trackProbJPneg()
100  << endmsg;
101  return out;
102 }

◆ operator<<() [8/30]

MsgStream& Analysis::operator<< ( MsgStream &  out,
const JetProbInfoBase info 



This dumps the values of each of the possible summary enums

Definition at line 47 of file JetProbInfoBase.cxx.

47  {
48  double pb = info.tagLikelihood()[0];
49  out << " - Tag type " << info.infoType()
50  << " : Prob= " << pb << " based on " << info.nbTracks() << " tracks." << endmsg;
51  return out;
52  }

◆ operator<<() [9/30]

MsgStream& Analysis::operator<< ( MsgStream &  out,
const SETrackInfo info 

Definition at line 83 of file SETrackInfo.cxx.

83  {
84  const egamma* tp = info.electron();
85  double phi = 0.;
86  double ipt = 0.;
87  double cth = 0.;
88  if(tp) {
89  phi = tp->phi();
90  ipt = tp->iPt();
91  cth = tp->cotTh();
92  }
93  out << " -> SETrackInfo "
94  << " isPhoton = " << info.isPhoton()
95  << " d0wrtPV= " << info.d0Value()
96  << " original 1/pt,phi,cotTh = "<<ipt<<" "<<phi<<" "<<cth
97  << " pTrel= " << info.pTrel()
98  << endmsg;
99  return out;
100 }

◆ operator<<() [10/30]

MsgStream& Analysis::operator<< ( MsgStream &  out,
const SLTrueInfo info 

Definition at line 35 of file SLTrueInfo.cxx.

35  {
36  out << " -> SLTrueInfo "
37  << " barcode = " << info.barcode()
38  << " pdg = " << info.pdgId()
39  << " pt = " << info.momentum().perp()
40  << " pdgMother = " << info.pdgIdMother()
41  << " From B = " << info.FromB() << " From D = " << info.FromD() << " From Gauge/Higgs = " << info.FromGH()
42  << endmsg;
43  return out;
44 }

◆ operator<<() [11/30]

MsgStream& Analysis::operator<< ( MsgStream &  out,
const SMTrackInfo info 

Definition at line 51 of file SMTrackInfo.cxx.

51  {
52  const Muon* tp = info.muon();
53  double phi = 0.;
54  double ipt = 0.;
55  double cth = 0.;
56  if(tp) {
57  phi = tp->phi();
58  ipt = tp->iPt();
59  cth = tp->cotTh();
60  }
61  out << " -> SMTrackInfo "
62  << " d0wrtPV= " << info.d0Value()
63  << " original 1/pt,phi,cotTh = "<<ipt<<" "<<phi<<" "<<cth
64  << " pTrel= " << info.pTrel()
65  << endmsg;
66  return out;
67 }

◆ operator<<() [12/30]

MsgStream& Analysis::operator<< ( MsgStream &  out,
const SoftMuonInfo info 

Definition at line 54 of file SoftMuonInfo.cxx.

59  {
60  int ntrk = info.numTrackInfo();
61  out << " - Tag type " << info.infoType()
62  << " based on " << ntrk << " muon tracks:" << std::endl;

◆ operator<<() [13/30]

MsgStream& Analysis::operator<< ( MsgStream &  out,
const SVInfoBase info 



This dumps the values of each of the possible summary enums

Definition at line 44 of file SVInfoBase.cxx.

44  {
45  double pb = info.tagLikelihood()[0];
46  double pu = info.tagLikelihood()[1];
47  double ww = log(pb/pu);
48  out << " - Tag type " << info.infoType()
49  << " : P(b)= " << pb << " P(u)= " << pu << " W= " << ww << endmsg;
50  return out;
51  }

◆ operator<<() [14/30]

MsgStream& Analysis::operator<< ( MsgStream &  out,
const TrackCountingInfo info 


This dumps the values of each of the possible summary enums

Definition at line 55 of file TrackCountingInfo.cxx.

55  {
56  out << " - Tag type " << info.infoType()
57  << "2nd/3rd highest ip2d significance: " << info.d0sig_2nd() << " / " << info.d0sig_3rd()
58  << "2nd/3rd highest |ip2d significance|: " << info.d0sig_abs_2nd() << " / " << info.d0sig_abs_3rd()
59  << endmsg;
60  return out;
61  }

◆ operator<<() [15/30]

MsgStream& Analysis::operator<< ( MsgStream &  out,
const TrackGradePartition part 

Definition at line 78 of file GradedTrack.cxx.

78  {
79  out << "#BTAG# GradePartition: [ ";
80  for(int i=0;i<part.size();i++) out<<" "<<part.grades()[i].gradeString();
81  out << " ]";
82  return out;
83  }

◆ operator<<() [16/30]

std::ostream& Analysis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const TauDetails detail 
ostream to write to
detaildetail to print

Definition at line 101 of file TauDetails.h.

102  {
103  detail.printOn(o);
104  return o;
105  }

◆ operator<<() [17/30]

std::ostream& Analysis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const TauDetails detail 
ostream to write to
detaildetail to print

Definition at line 107 of file TauDetails.h.

108  {
109  detail->printOn(o);
110  return o;
111  }

◆ operator<<() [18/30]

std::ostream& Analysis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const TauJet tau 
ostream to write to
tautau to print

Definition at line 694 of file Reconstruction/tauEvent/tauEvent/TauJet.h.

696  {
697  tau.printOn(o);
698  return o;
699  }

◆ operator<<() [19/30]

std::ostream& Analysis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
const TauJet tau 
ostream to write to
tautau to print

Definition at line 701 of file Reconstruction/tauEvent/tauEvent/TauJet.h.

703  {
704  tau->printOn(o);
705  return o;
706  }

◆ operator<<() [20/30]

std::ostream& Analysis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const IPInfoBase info 



This dumps the values of each of the possible summary enums

Definition at line 58 of file IPInfoBase.cxx.

58  {
59  double pb = info.tagLikelihood()[0];
60  double pu = info.tagLikelihood()[1];
61  double ww = log(pb/pu);
62  out << " - Tag type " << info.infoType()
63  << " : P(b)= " << pb << " P(u)= " << pu << " W= " << ww
64  << " based on " << info.nbTracks() << " tracks." << std::endl;
65  return out;
66  }

◆ operator<<() [21/30]

std::ostream& Analysis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const IPInfoPlus info 

Definition at line 64 of file IPInfoPlus.cxx.

64  {
65  int ntrk = info.numTrackInfo();
66  out << " - Tag type " << info.infoType()
67  << " based on " << ntrk << " tracks:" << std::endl;
68  for(int i=0;i<ntrk;i++) {
69  out << " -> " << info.getTrackInfo(i) << std::endl;
70  }
71  return out;
72  }

◆ operator<<() [22/30]

std::ostream& Analysis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const IPTrackInfo info 

Definition at line 104 of file IPTrackInfo.cxx.

104  {
105  const Rec::TrackParticle* tp = info.track();
106  double phi = 0.;
107  double d0 = 0.;
108  double pt = 0.;
109  double eta = 0.;
110  if(tp) {
111  phi = tp->measuredPerigee()->parameters()[Trk::phi];
112  d0 = tp->measuredPerigee()->parameters()[Trk::d0];
113  pt = tp->pt();
114  eta = tp->eta();
115  }
116  out << " -> IPTrackInfo "
117  << " grade= " << info.trackGrade().gradeString()
118  << " fromV0= " << info.isFromV0()
119  << " d0wrtPV= " << info.d0Value() << " S=" << info.d0Significance()
120  << " z0wrtPV= " << info.z0Value() << " S=" << info.z0Significance()
121  << " original pt,eta,phi,d0 = "<<pt<<" "<<eta<<" "<<phi<<" "<<d0
122  << " weight2D= " << info.trackWeight2D()
123  << " weight3D= " << info.trackWeight3D()
124  << " probJP= " << info.trackProbJP()
125  << " probJPneg= " << info.trackProbJPneg()
126  << std::endl;
127  return out;
128 }

◆ operator<<() [23/30]

std::ostream& Analysis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const JetProbInfoBase info 



This dumps the values of each of the possible summary enums

Definition at line 55 of file JetProbInfoBase.cxx.

55  {
56  double pb = info.tagLikelihood()[0];
57  out << " - Tag type " << info.infoType()
58  << " : Prob= " << pb << " based on " << info.nbTracks() << " tracks." << std::endl;
59  return out;
60  }

◆ operator<<() [24/30]

std::ostream& Analysis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const SETrackInfo info 

Definition at line 102 of file SETrackInfo.cxx.

102  {
103  const egamma* tp = info.electron();
104  double phi = 0.;
105  double ipt = 0.;
106  double cth = 0.;
107  if(tp) {
108  phi = tp->phi();
109  ipt = tp->iPt();
110  cth = tp->cotTh();
111  }
112  out << " -> SETrackInfo "
113  << " isPhoton = " << info.isPhoton()
114  << " d0wrtPV= " << info.d0Value()
115  << " original 1/pt,phi,cotTh = "<<ipt<<" "<<phi<<" "<<cth
116  << " pTrel= " << info.pTrel()
117  << std::endl;
118  return out;
119 }

◆ operator<<() [25/30]

std::ostream& Analysis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const SLTrueInfo info 

Definition at line 46 of file SLTrueInfo.cxx.

46  {
47  out << " -> SLTrueInfo "
48  << " barcode = " << info.barcode()
49  << " pdg = " << info.pdgId()
50  << " pt = " << info.momentum().perp()
51  << " pdgMother = " << info.pdgIdMother()
52  << " From B = " << info.FromB() << " From D = " << info.FromD() << " From Gauge/Higgs = " << info.FromGH()
53  << std::endl;
54  return out;
55 }

◆ operator<<() [26/30]

std::ostream& Analysis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const SMTrackInfo info 

Definition at line 69 of file SMTrackInfo.cxx.

69  {
70  const Muon* tp = info.muon();
71  double phi = 0.;
72  double ipt = 0.;
73  double cth = 0.;
74  if(tp) {
75  phi = tp->phi();
76  ipt = tp->iPt();
77  cth = tp->cotTh();
78  }
79  out << " -> SMTrackInfo "
80  << " d0wrtPV= " << info.d0Value()
81  << " original 1/pt,phi,cotTh = "<<ipt<<" "<<phi<<" "<<cth
82  << " pTrel= " << info.pTrel()
83  << std::endl;
84  return out;
85 }

◆ operator<<() [27/30]

std::ostream& Analysis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const SoftMuonInfo info 

Definition at line 64 of file SoftMuonInfo.cxx.

◆ operator<<() [28/30]

std::ostream& Analysis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const SVInfoBase info 



This dumps the values of each of the possible summary enums

Definition at line 54 of file SVInfoBase.cxx.

54  {
55  double pb = info.tagLikelihood()[0];
56  double pu = info.tagLikelihood()[1];
57  double ww = log(pb/pu);
58  out << " - Tag type " << info.infoType()
59  << " : P(b)= " << pb << " P(u)= " << pu << " W= " << ww << std::endl;
60  return out;
61  }

◆ operator<<() [29/30]

std::ostream& Analysis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const TrackCountingInfo info 


This dumps the values of each of the possible summary enums

Definition at line 63 of file TrackCountingInfo.cxx.

63  {
64  out << " - Tag type " << info.infoType()
65  << "2nd/3rd highest ip2d significance: " << info.d0sig_2nd() << " / " << info.d0sig_3rd()
66  << "2nd/3rd highest |ip2d significance|: " << info.d0sig_abs_2nd() << " / " << info.d0sig_abs_3rd()
67  << std::endl;
68  return out;
69  }

◆ operator<<() [30/30]

std::ostream& Analysis::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const TrackGradePartition part 

Definition at line 84 of file GradedTrack.cxx.

84  {
85  out << "#BTAG# GradePartition: [ ";
86  for(int i=0;i<part.size();i++) out<<" "<<part.grades()[i].gradeString();
87  out << " ]";
88  return out;
89  }

◆ persToTransVectorObj()

template<class CNV , class CNVForObj , class ObjType >
void Analysis::persToTransVectorObj ( CNV *  masterCvt,
CNVForObj **  cnv,
const std::vector< TPObjRef > &  persVector,
std::vector< ObjType * > &  result,
MsgStream &  msg 

Given a vector of poitners to an object, create the persistent from the transient.

Definition at line 20 of file TPHelpers.h.

25  {
26  result.clear();
27  result.reserve(persVector.size());
28  for (const TPObjRef& ref : persVector) {
29  result.push_back(masterCvt->createTransFromPStore(cnv, ref, msg));
30  }
31  }

◆ showBuildNumber()

void Analysis::showBuildNumber ( const char *  filename)

◆ showHadronisations()

void Analysis::showHadronisations ( const char *  filename,
const char *  directory 

◆ StructD0Sigsorting()

bool Analysis::StructD0Sigsorting ( const myIPxDinfo objA,
const myIPxDinfo objB 

Definition at line 46 of file IPTag.cxx.

46  {
47  return fabs(objA.d0sig) > fabs(objB.d0sig);
48  }

◆ StructPTsorting()

bool Analysis::StructPTsorting ( const myIPxDinfo objA,
const myIPxDinfo objB 

Definition at line 42 of file IPTag.cxx.

42  {
43  return (objA.trkP)->pt() > (objB.trkP)->pt();
44  }

◆ StructZ0D0Sigsorting()

bool Analysis::StructZ0D0Sigsorting ( const myIPxDinfo objA,
const myIPxDinfo objB 

Definition at line 50 of file IPTag.cxx.

50  {
51  return pow(objA.d0sig,2)+pow(objA.z0sig,2) > pow(objB.d0sig,2)+pow(objB.z0sig,2);
52  }

◆ transToPersVectorObj()

template<typename CNV , typename CNVForObj , typename ObjType >
void Analysis::transToPersVectorObj ( CNV *  masterCvt,
CNVForObj **  cnv,
const std::vector< ObjType * > &  transVector,
std::vector< TPObjRef > &  result,
MsgStream &  msg 

Translate a set of pointers to objects to their persistent rep, saving them in the tlp container.

Definition at line 38 of file TPHelpers.h.

43  {
44  result.clear();
45  result.reserve(transVector.size());
46  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < transVector.size(); i++) {
47  result.push_back(masterCvt->toPersistent(cnv, transVector[i], msg));
48  }
49  }

Variable Documentation

◆ CalibZERO

const double Analysis::CalibZERO = 1.e-6

Definition at line 32 of file CalibrationDataInterfaceBase.h.

◆ dummyValue

const double Analysis::dummyValue = -1.

Definition at line 33 of file CalibrationDataInterfaceBase.h.

◆ kMass

constexpr double Analysis::kMass = 493.677

Definition at line 34 of file JpsiPlus1Track.cxx.

◆ MaxCalibrationVars

const unsigned int Analysis::MaxCalibrationVars = 10

Maximum dimensionality of the calibration parametrisation.

This is just so that variables do not need to be carried around in various methods.

Definition at line 40 of file CalibrationDataContainer.h.

◆ muMass

constexpr double Analysis::muMass = 105.658

Definition at line 33 of file JpsiPlus1Track.cxx.

◆ piMass

constexpr double Analysis::piMass = 139.57

Definition at line 35 of file JpsiPlus1Track.cxx.

◆ pMass

constexpr double Analysis::pMass = 938.272

Definition at line 33 of file JpsiPlus2Tracks.cxx.
@ GiveUp
Definition: CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h:82
Scalar phi() const
phi method
Definition: AmgMatrixBasePlugin.h:67
Scalar eta() const
pseudorapidity method
Definition: AmgMatrixBasePlugin.h:83
@ SFNamed
Definition: CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h:70
@ Statistical
Definition: CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h:70
@ TagWeight
Definition: CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h:85
Definition: extract_histogram_tag.cxx:14
@ CT
Definition: JpsiFinder.h:36
NRpcCablingAlg reads raw condition data and writes derived condition data to the condition store.
Definition: TrackSystemController.h:45
Definition: JpsiFinder.h:35
@ TauExtrapolation
Definition: CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h:70
Definition: TPObjRef.h:20
Definition: egamma.h:58
@ Main
Definition: CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h:85
@ kSuccess
Definition: CalibrationDataVariables.h:57
@ Total
Definition: CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h:70
Definition: JpsiFinder_ee.h:42
@ GiveUpExtrapolated
Definition: CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h:82
@ kExtrapolatedRange
Definition: CalibrationDataVariables.h:59
int i
Definition: JpsiFinder.h:35
@ Medium
Definition: CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h:73
@ kError
Definition: CalibrationDataVariables.h:60
#define endmsg
Definition: AnalysisConfig_Ntuple.cxx:63
@ Loose
Definition: CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h:73
@ kRange
Definition: CalibrationDataVariables.h:58
@ d0
Definition: InnerDetector/InDetCalibEvent/TRT_CalibData/TRT_CalibData/TrackInfo.h:62
@ SFEigen
Definition: CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h:70
@ Extrapolated
Definition: CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h:85
@ d0
Definition: ParamDefs.h:63
Definition: Reconstruction/Particle/Particle/TrackParticle.h:47
TList * a
Definition: liststreamerinfos.cxx:10
const boost::regex ref(r_ef)
@ SFGlobalEigen
Definition: CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h:70
@ Ignore
Definition: CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h:82
@ None
Definition: CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h:70
Definition: JpsiFinder_ee.h:42
@ phi
Definition: ParamDefs.h:75
Definition: JpsiFinder.h:35
@ TRK2
Definition: JpsiFinder_ee.h:42
@ Tight
Definition: CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h:73
@ TT
Definition: JpsiFinder.h:36
@ Systematic
Definition: CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h:70
@ Flag
Definition: CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h:82
@ Extrapolation
Definition: CalibrationDataInterfaceROOT.h:70
constexpr int pow(int base, int exp) noexcept
Definition: ap_fixedTest.cxx:15
@ Eta
Definition: RPCdef.h:8
@ CC
Definition: JpsiFinder.h:36