ATLAS Offline Software
Classes | Typedefs | Functions
MuonGMR4 Namespace Reference

A muon chamber is a collection of readout elements belonging to the same station. More...


class  ChamberAssembleTool
struct  CutOutArea
 Helper struct to parse the information from the AMDB cutout tables. More...
struct  gapVolume
 Helper struct to attribute the Identifier fields with the gas gap volumes. More...
class  GeoModelMdtTest
class  GeoModelMmTest
class  GeoModelRpcTest
class  GeoModelsTgcTest
class  GeoModelTgcTest
class  IMuonGeoUtilityTool
class  IMuonReadoutGeomTool
class  MdtReadoutElement
class  MdtReadoutGeomTool
class  MdtTubeLayer
 Helper struct to retrieve the tube lengths and the tube centers directly from the GeoModel tree. More...
struct  MdtTubeLayerSorter
 Helper struct to sort equivalent MdtTubeLayers into a std::set. More...
class  MmReadoutElement
class  MmReadoutGeomTool
class  MuonChamber
class  MuonChamberToolTest
class  MuonDetectorManager
class  MuonDetectorTool
class  MuonGeoUtilityTool
class  MuonReadoutElement
 The MuonReadoutElement is an abstract class representing the geometry representing the muon detector. More...
class  NswGeoPlottingAlg
class  PadDesign
struct  PadDesignSorter
struct  RadialDesignSorter
class  RadialStripDesign
class  RpcReadoutElement
class  RpcReadoutGeomTool
class  sTgcReadoutElement
class  sTgcReadoutGeomTool
class  StripDesign
struct  StripDesignSorter
class  StripLayer
struct  StripLayerSorter
 Helper struct to share strip layer instances across the readout elements. More...
class  TgcReadoutElement
class  TgcReadoutGeomTool
struct  WireDesignSorter
class  WireGroupDesign


using defineArgs = MuonChamber::defineArgs
using physVolWithTrans = IMuonGeoUtilityTool::physVolWithTrans
using MdtTubeLayerPtr = GeoModel::TransientConstSharedPtr< MdtTubeLayer >
using MdtTubeLayerSet = std::set< MdtTubeLayerPtr, MdtTubeLayerSorter >
using PadDesignPtr = GeoModel::TransientConstSharedPtr< PadDesign >
using RadialStripDesignPtr = GeoModel::TransientConstSharedPtr< RadialStripDesign >
using RadialStripDesignSet = std::set< RadialStripDesignPtr, RadialDesignSorter >
using StripDesignPtr = GeoModel::TransientConstSharedPtr< StripDesign >
using StripLayerPtr = GeoModel::TransientConstSharedPtr< StripLayer >
using WireDesignPtr = GeoModel::TransientConstSharedPtr< WireGroupDesign >
using WireGroupDesignSet = std::set< WireDesignPtr, WireDesignSorter >
using parameterBook = MmReadoutElement::parameterBook
using ReadoutSet = MuonChamber::ReadoutSet
using localCornerArray = std::array< Amg::Vector2D, 4 >
using globalCornerArray = std::array< Amg::Vector3D, 4 >


bool layerSorter (const physVolWithTrans &a, const physVolWithTrans &b)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const CutOutArea &cut)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const MdtReadoutElement::parameterBook &pars)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const MmReadoutElement::parameterBook &pars)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const MuonChamber::defineArgs &args)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const MuonChamber &chamber)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const RpcReadoutElement::parameterBook &pars)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const MuonGMR4::sTgcReadoutElement::parameterBook &pars)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const StripDesign &design)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const StripLayer &lay)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const TgcReadoutElement::parameterBook &pars)
 ADD_DETECTOR (MdtReadoutElement, m_mdtEles)
 ADD_DETECTOR (TgcReadoutElement, m_tgcEles)
 ADD_DETECTOR (RpcReadoutElement, m_rpcEles)
 ADD_DETECTOR (MmReadoutElement, m_mmEles)
 ADD_DETECTOR (sTgcReadoutElement, m_sTgcEles)
bool operator< (const StripDesignPtr &a, const StripDesignPtr &b)

Detailed Description

A muon chamber is a collection of readout elements belonging to the same station.

In the barrel, it's typically 2 Mdt multi layers + a couple of RPC layers, while the endcape chambers either consist of Mdt multi layers, multiple TGC layers or in the case of the NSW, 1 sTGC layer or 2 Micromega multilayers.

The MuonChamber class provides the sets of radout elements and the definitions of the minimal surrounding box.

Typedef Documentation

◆ defineArgs

Definition at line 32 of file ChamberAssembleTool.cxx.

◆ globalCornerArray

using MuonGMR4::globalCornerArray = typedef std::array<Amg::Vector3D, 4>

◆ localCornerArray

using MuonGMR4::localCornerArray = typedef std::array<Amg::Vector2D, 4>

◆ MdtTubeLayerPtr

Definition at line 17 of file MdtTubeLayer.h.

◆ MdtTubeLayerSet

Definition at line 23 of file MdtTubeLayer.h.

◆ PadDesignPtr

Definition at line 22 of file PadDesign.h.

◆ parameterBook

Definition at line 18 of file MmReadoutElement.cxx.

◆ physVolWithTrans

Definition at line 25 of file MdtReadoutGeomTool.cxx.

◆ RadialStripDesignPtr

Definition at line 21 of file RadialStripDesign.h.

◆ RadialStripDesignSet

Definition at line 113 of file RadialStripDesign.h.

◆ ReadoutSet

◆ StripDesignPtr

Definition at line 29 of file StripDesign.h.

◆ StripLayerPtr

Definition at line 39 of file StripLayer.h.

◆ WireDesignPtr

Definition at line 21 of file WireGroupDesign.h.

◆ WireGroupDesignSet

Definition at line 103 of file WireGroupDesign.h.

Function Documentation

◆ ADD_DETECTOR() [1/5]

MuonGMR4::ADD_DETECTOR ( MdtReadoutElement  ,

◆ ADD_DETECTOR() [2/5]

MuonGMR4::ADD_DETECTOR ( MmReadoutElement  ,

◆ ADD_DETECTOR() [3/5]

MuonGMR4::ADD_DETECTOR ( RpcReadoutElement  ,

◆ ADD_DETECTOR() [4/5]

MuonGMR4::ADD_DETECTOR ( sTgcReadoutElement  ,

◆ ADD_DETECTOR() [5/5]

MuonGMR4::ADD_DETECTOR ( TgcReadoutElement  ,

◆ layerSorter()

bool MuonGMR4::layerSorter ( const physVolWithTrans a,
const physVolWithTrans b 

Definition at line 48 of file RpcReadoutGeomTool.cxx.

48  {
49  const Amg::Vector3D cA = a.transform.translation();
50  const Amg::Vector3D cB = b.transform.translation();
51  if (std::abs(cA.x() - cB.x()) > tolerance) return (cA.x() < cB.x());
52  return (cA.y() < cB.y());
53 }

◆ operator<()

bool MuonGMR4::operator< ( const StripDesignPtr a,
const StripDesignPtr b 

Definition at line 23 of file StripDesign.cxx.

23  {
24  return (*a) < (*b);
25  }

◆ operator<<() [1/10]

std::ostream& MuonGMR4::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ostr,
const CutOutArea cut 

Definition at line 23 of file CutOutArea.h.

23  {
24  ostr<<"Cut center "<<Amg::toString(cut.origin,1)<<", half X: "<<cut.halfLengthX<<", half Y "<<cut.lengthY;
25  ostr<<", min X: "<<(cut.origin.x() - cut.halfLengthX)<<", max X: "<<(cut.origin.x() + cut.halfLengthX);
26  ostr<<", min Y: "<<(cut.origin.y() - cut.lengthY)<<", max Y: "<<(cut.origin.y() + cut.lengthY);
27  return ostr;
28  }

◆ operator<<() [2/10]

std::ostream & MuonGMR4::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ostr,
const MdtReadoutElement::parameterBook pars 

Definition at line 15 of file MuonPhaseII/MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometryR4/src/MdtReadoutElement.cxx.

15  {
16  ostr << std::endl;
17  ostr << " // Chamber half- length (min/max): "<<pars.shortHalfX<<"/"<<pars.longHalfX
18  <<", half-width "<<pars.halfY<<", height: "<<pars.halfHeight;
19  ostr << " // Number of tube layers " << pars.tubeLayers.size()<< std::endl;
20  ostr << " // Tube pitch: " << pars.tubePitch
21  << " wall thickness: " << pars.tubeWall
22  << " inner radius: " << pars.tubeInnerRad
23  << " endplug: "<<pars.endPlugLength
24  << " deadlength: "<<pars.deadLength<< std::endl;
25  for (const MdtTubeLayerPtr& layer : pars.tubeLayers) {
26  ostr << " // **** "<< Amg::toString(layer->tubeTransform(0).translation(), 2)<<std::endl;
27  }
28  return ostr;
29 }

◆ operator<<() [3/10]

std::ostream & MuonGMR4::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ostr,
const MmReadoutElement::parameterBook pars 

Definition at line 19 of file MmReadoutElement.cxx.

19  {
20  ostr<<"chamber shortWidth/longWidth/length [mm]: "<<(2.*pars.halfShortWidth)<<"/";
21  ostr<<(2.*pars.halfLongWidth)<<"/"<<(2.*pars.halfHeight)<<std::endl;
22  return ostr;
23 }

◆ operator<<() [4/10]

std::ostream & MuonGMR4::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ostr,
const MuonChamber chamber 

Definition at line 95 of file MuonPhaseII/MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometryR4/src/MuonChamber.cxx.

96  {
97  ostr<<chamber.parameters();
98  return ostr;
99 }

◆ operator<<() [5/10]

std::ostream & MuonGMR4::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ostr,
const MuonChamber::defineArgs args 

Definition at line 87 of file MuonPhaseII/MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometryR4/src/MuonChamber.cxx.

88  {
89  ostr<<"halfX (S/L): "<<args.halfXShort<<"/"<<args.halfXLong<<" [mm], ";
90  ostr<<"halfY: "<<args.halfY<<" [mm], ";
91  ostr<<"halfZ: "<<args.halfZ<<" [mm],";
92  ostr<<" center w.r.t chamber: "<<Amg::toString(args.centerTrans, 2);
93  return ostr;
94 }

◆ operator<<() [6/10]

std::ostream& MuonGMR4::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ostr,
const MuonGMR4::sTgcReadoutElement::parameterBook pars 

◆ operator<<() [7/10]

std::ostream& MuonGMR4::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ostr,
const RpcReadoutElement::parameterBook pars 

◆ operator<<() [8/10]

std::ostream & MuonGMR4::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ostr,
const StripDesign design 

Definition at line 39 of file StripDesign.cxx.

39  {
40  design.print(ostr);
41  return ostr;
42  }

◆ operator<<() [9/10]

std::ostream & MuonGMR4::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ostr,
const StripLayer lay 

Definition at line 8 of file StripLayer.cxx.

8  {
9  ostr<<"Strip layer transform: "<<Amg::toString(lay.toOrigin())<<", ";
10  ostr<<<<", ";
11  ostr<<"Hash: "<<static_cast<unsigned int>(lay.hash());
12  return ostr;
13  }

◆ operator<<() [10/10]

std::ostream& MuonGMR4::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ostr,
const TgcReadoutElement::parameterBook pars 
GeoModel::TransientConstSharedPtr< MdtTubeLayer > MdtTubeLayerPtr
Definition: MdtTubeLayer.h:17
std::string toString(const Translation3D &translation, int precision=4)
Definition: GeoPrimitivesToStringConverter.h:40
@ layer
Definition: HitInfo.h:79
This script demonstrates how to call a C++ class from Python Also how to use PyROOT is shown.
Definition: suep_shower.h:17
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > Vector3D
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:47
TList * a
Definition: liststreamerinfos.cxx:10