ATLAS Offline Software
JetHelper Namespace Reference

A tool interface class for tools implementing the IInputVariable interface. More...


class  HistoInput1D
 Class HistoInput1D User interface to read 1D histograms
class  HistoInput2D
 Class HistoInput2D User interface to read 2D histrograms. More...
class  HistoInputBase
 Class HistoInputBase This class implement common function used by HistoInput1D and HistoInput2D
class  IInputVariable
class  InputVariable
 Class InputVariable This is design to read any kind of xAOD::Jet or JetContext variable e.g pt, eta, phi, m ..etc The user need to initialize the class with the name of the variable and the scale. More...
class  InputVariableAttribute
 Template to read xAOD::Jet variables
class  InputVariableJetContext
 Template to read JetContext. More...
class  IVarTool
class  JetContext
 Class JetContext Designed to read AOD information related to the event, N vertices, Ntracks, mu etc ... More...
class  MCJESInputBase
 Class MCJESInputBase This class implement common function used by Text file input
class  TextInputMCJES
 Class TextInputMCJES User interface to read text files containing MCJES calibration factors. More...
class  VarTool
 Class VarTool This class is design to help the user by specializing the InputVariable InputVariable is fix in the initialization, and can be retrieve with getvar() More...

Detailed Description

A tool interface class for tools implementing the IInputVariable interface.

This is needed because often the input variables are configured from python and set via a ToolHandle. This is separate from IInputVariable because not all implementations of that interface are tools.