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ATLAS Offline Software
The AlignStoreProviderAlg loads the rigid alignment corrections and pipes them through the readout geometry to cache the final transformations of the sensor surfaces associated to one particular detector technology (Pixel, Sct, etc.). More...
Namespaces | |
Cache | |
detail | |
details | |
ParticleHypothesis | |
ScoreBasedSolverCutsImpl | |
Enumerations | |
enum | NeighbourIndices { ThisOne, Opposite, PhiMinus, PhiPlus, EtaMinus, EtaPlus, nNeighbours } |
Total number of neightbours and indices. More... | |
enum | DetectorType : unsigned short { DetectorType::Pixel, DetectorType::Sct, DetectorType::Trt, DetectorType::Hgtd, DetectorType::Mdt, DetectorType::Rpc, DetectorType::Tgc, DetectorType::Csc, DetectorType::Mm, DetectorType::sTgc, DetectorType::UnDefined } |
Simple enum to Identify the Type of the ACTS sub detector. More... | |
Functions | |
std::string | objFileName (std::string str) |
template<typename IFACE , typename AUX > | |
std::unique_ptr< IFACE > | makeInterfaceContainer (const AUX *aux) |
helper to construct interface container for already filled Aux container TODO maybe should be moved to xAOD area More... | |
void | encodeSurface (xAOD::TrackSurfaceAuxContainer *backend, size_t index, const Acts::Surface *surface, const Acts::GeometryContext &geoContext) |
Prepares persistifiable representation of surface into xAOD::TrackSurface object. More... | |
void | encodeSurface (xAOD::TrackSurface *backend, const Acts::Surface *surface, const Acts::GeometryContext &geoContext) |
As above, but works on xAOD::TrackSurface object. More... | |
std::shared_ptr< const Acts::Surface > | decodeSurface (const xAOD::TrackSurface *backend, const Acts::GeometryContext &geoContext) |
Creates transient Acts Surface objects given a surface backend implementation should be exact mirror of encodeSurface. More... | |
std::shared_ptr< const Acts::Surface > | decodeSurface (const xAOD::TrackSurfaceAuxContainer *backend, size_t i, const Acts::GeometryContext &geoContext) |
As above, but takes data from Aux container at an index i. More... | |
std::string | prefixFromTrackContainerName (const std::string &tracks) |
Parse TrackContainer name to get the prefix for backends The name has to contain XYZTracks, the XYZ is returned. More... | |
void | encodeSurface (xAOD::SurfaceType &surfaceType, std::vector< float > &translation, std::vector< float > &rotation, std::vector< float > &boundValues, const Acts::Surface *surface, const Acts::GeometryContext &geoContext) |
std::shared_ptr< const Acts::Surface > | decodeSurface (const xAOD::SurfaceType surfaceType, const std::vector< float > &translation, const std::vector< float > &rotation, const std::vector< float > &boundValues, const Acts::GeometryContext &) |
template<typename T , typename IFACE , typename AUX > | |
void | recordxAOD (const SG::WriteHandleKey< T > &key, IFACE &iface, AUX &aux, const EventContext &evtContext) |
const xAOD::UncalibratedMeasurement & | getUncalibratedMeasurement (const ATLASUncalibSourceLink &source_link) |
ATLASUncalibSourceLink | makeATLASUncalibSourceLink (const xAOD::UncalibratedMeasurementContainer *container, std::size_t index, [[maybe_unused]] const EventContext &ctx) |
ATLASUncalibSourceLink | makeATLASUncalibSourceLink ([[maybe_unused]] const xAOD::UncalibratedMeasurementContainer *container, const xAOD::UncalibratedMeasurement *measurement, [[maybe_unused]] const EventContext &ctx) |
ATLASUncalibSourceLink | makeATLASUncalibSourceLink (const xAOD::UncalibratedMeasurementContainer *container, std::size_t index) |
ATLASUncalibSourceLink | makeATLASUncalibSourceLink (const xAOD::UncalibratedMeasurement *measurement) |
float | localXFromSourceLink (const ATLASUncalibSourceLink &source_link) |
float | localYFromSourceLink (const ATLASUncalibSourceLink &source_link) |
DetectorElementKey | makeDetectorElementKey (xAOD::UncalibMeasType meas_type, unsigned int identifier_hash) |
const Acts::Surface * | getSurfaceOfMeasurement (const Acts::TrackingGeometry &tracking_geometry, const DetectorElementToActsGeometryIdMap &detector_element_to_geoid, const xAOD::UncalibratedMeasurement &measurement) |
Acts::GeometryIdentifier | getSurfaceGeometryIdOfMeasurement (const DetectorElementToActsGeometryIdMap &detector_element_to_geoid, const xAOD::UncalibratedMeasurement &measurement) |
std::string | to_string (const DetectorType &type) |
bool | operator< (const std::unique_ptr< SurfaceCache > &a, const std::unique_ptr< SurfaceCache > &b) |
Comparison operators. More... | |
bool | operator< (const IdentifierHash &a, const std::unique_ptr< SurfaceCache > &b) |
bool | operator< (const std::unique_ptr< SurfaceCache > &a, const IdentifierHash &b) |
Acts::Logging::Level | actsLevelVector (MSG::Level lvl) |
MSG::Level | athLevelVector (Acts::Logging::Level lvl) |
template<class T_Cont , class T > | |
std::vector< SG::WriteDecorHandle< T_Cont, T > > | createDecorators (const std::vector< SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< T_Cont > > &keys, const EventContext &ctx) |
template<class T_Parent , class T_Cont > | |
void | createDecoratorKeys (T_Parent &parent, const SG::ReadHandleKey< T_Cont > &container_key, const std::string &prefix, const std::vector< std::string > &decor_names, std::vector< SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< T_Cont > > &decor_out) |
template<class T > | |
auto | getRDOList (const T &a) |
template<class T_TruthEventCollection > | |
auto | makeDepositToTruthParticleMap (const T_TruthEventCollection *truth_particle_links) |
template<class T_TruthEventCollection > | |
const char * | getInTruthPropertyName () |
template<class T_SimDataCollection , class T_SimDataIterator > | |
auto | getSimDataDeposits (const T_SimDataCollection &sim_data_collection, T_SimDataIterator sim_data_iter_for_identifier) |
template<class T_Deposit > | |
float | getDepositedEnergy (const T_Deposit &) |
MsgStream & | operator<< (MsgStream &out, const ActsUtils::Stat &stat) |
Variables | |
constexpr double | ONE_TWELFTH = 1./12. |
constexpr unsigned int | NTruthParticlesPerMeasurement = 5 |
constexpr unsigned int | NHitCounter = static_cast< std::underlying_type<xAOD::UncalibMeasType>::type >(xAOD::UncalibMeasType::nTypes) - 1u |
constexpr unsigned int | NTruthParticlesPerTrack = 5 |
constexpr unsigned int | DETELEMENT_TYPE_SHIFT = 28 |
constexpr unsigned int | DETELEMENT_HASH_MASK = ~(1u<<31|1u<<30|1u<<29|1u<<28) |
constexpr bool | TrackToTruthParticleAssociationDebugHists = false |
constexpr bool | TrackFindingValidationDebugHists = false |
constexpr bool | TrackFindingValidationDetailedStat = true |
constexpr bool | TruthParticleHitCountDebugHists = false |
The AlignStoreProviderAlg loads the rigid alignment corrections and pipes them through the readout geometry to cache the final transformations of the sensor surfaces associated to one particular detector technology (Pixel, Sct, etc.).
copied from InDetPhysValMonitoring/src/safeDecorator.h
: The NoDeletePtr is a shared_ptr with disabled deleter.
Header file to manage the common inlcudes.
Includes the GeoPrimitives.
Load ATLAS Eigen library with custom geometry functions.
Put first the GeoPrimitives.
small non-persistent data class to wrap the output of the EF-tracking development pattern finding placeholder
The DetectorAlignCondAlg loads the rigid alignment corrections and pipes them through the readout geometry to cache the final transformations of the sensor surfaces associated to one particular detector technology (Pixel, Sct, etc.).
The transformations are cached in the DetectorAlignmentStore which is later propagated to the ActsGeometryContext.
The ActsFromGeoAlignStore is an adaptor to go from the GeoModel world caching the rigid transformations of the detector elements to the Acts world where transformations
Then load the Acts TypeDef definitions for Eigen
In AthSimulation, the Acts core library is not available yet
ATLAS extension of the Acts::DetectorElementBase. The extension provides extra methods to identify the element within the ATLAS identifier scheme and also the enum indicating to which tracking subsystem the DetectorElement belongs to. Finally, the detector element provides the interface to optionally precache the aligned transformations in the external AlignmentStore of the geometry context.
forward declarations of the classes defined in the package
using ActsTrk::ATLASSourceLink = typedef const Trk::MeasurementBase * |
Definition at line 23 of file ATLASSourceLink.h.
using ActsTrk::ATLASUncalibSourceLink = typedef const xAOD::UncalibratedMeasurement * |
Definition at line 24 of file ATLASSourceLink.h.
Definition at line 65 of file TrackFindingAlg.h.
typedef DataVector< Acts::BoundTrackParameters > ActsTrk::BoundTrackParametersContainer |
Definition at line 12 of file Tracking/Acts/ActsEvent/ActsEvent/TrackParametersContainer.h.
using ActsTrk::ConstCovariance = typedef Acts::TrackStateTraits<3>::Covariance |
Definition at line 50 of file Tracking/Acts/ActsEvent/ActsEvent/TrackSummaryContainer.h.
using ActsTrk::ConstParameters = typedef Acts::TrackStateTraits<3>::Parameters |
Definition at line 49 of file Tracking/Acts/ActsEvent/ActsEvent/TrackSummaryContainer.h.
using ActsTrk::Covariance = typedef Acts::TrackStateTraits<3, false>::Covariance |
Definition at line 52 of file Tracking/Acts/ActsEvent/ActsEvent/TrackSummaryContainer.h.
using ActsTrk::DefaultTrackStateCreator = typedef Acts::TrackStateCreator<ActsTrk::detail::UncalibSourceLinkAccessor::Iterator,detail::RecoTrackContainer> |
Definition at line 66 of file TrackFindingAlg.h.
using ActsTrk::DetectorElementKey = typedef unsigned int |
Definition at line 19 of file DetectorElementToActsGeometryIdMap.h.
typedef std::uint32_t ActsTrk::IndexType |
Definition at line 14 of file Decoration.h.
using ActsTrk::MutableTrackBackend = typedef ActsTrk::MutableTrackSummaryContainer |
Definition at line 12 of file TrackContainer.h.
using ActsTrk::MutableTrackStateBackend = typedef ActsTrk::MutableMultiTrajectory |
Definition at line 14 of file TrackContainer.h.
using ActsTrk::Parameters = typedef Acts::TrackStateTraits<3, false>::Parameters |
Definition at line 51 of file Tracking/Acts/ActsEvent/ActsEvent/TrackSummaryContainer.h.
using ActsTrk::ParticleVector = typedef boost::container::small_vector<const xAOD::TruthParticle *, NTruthParticlesPerMeasurement> |
Definition at line 17 of file MeasurementToTruthParticleAssociation.h.
typedef std::vector<ActsTrk::ProtoTrack> ActsTrk::ProtoTrackCollection |
Definition at line 12 of file ProtoTrackCollection.h.
using ActsTrk::rdoListFunc_t = typedef decltype(std::declval<Object>().rdoList()) |
Definition at line 94 of file MeasurementToTruthAssociationAlg.h.
Definition at line 16 of file DetectorAlignStore.cxx.
using ActsTrk::ReturnedTicketArr = typedef DetectorAlignStore::TrackingAlignStore::ReturnedTicketArr |
Definition at line 15 of file DetectorAlignStore.cxx.
typedef Acts::Seed<xAOD::SpacePoint, 3ul> ActsTrk::Seed |
Definition at line 12 of file SeedContainer.h.
using ActsTrk::StoredSurface = typedef std::variant<const Acts::Surface*, std::shared_ptr<const Acts::Surface> > |
Definition at line 66 of file MultiTrajectory.h.
using ActsTrk::StripLayerPtr = typedef GeoModel::TransientConstSharedPtr<MuonGMR4::StripLayer> |
Definition at line 65 of file MuonDetectorBuilderTool.cxx.
using ActsTrk::StripRDORawData = typedef SCT_RDORawData |
Definition at line 21 of file IStripClusteringTool.h.
using ActsTrk::SurfaceBoundSetPtr = typedef std::shared_ptr<SurfaceBoundSet<BoundType> > |
Aberivation to create a new SurfaceBoundSetPtr.
Definition at line 19 of file Tracking/Acts/ActsGeoUtils/ActsGeoUtils/Defs.h.
using ActsTrk::SurfaceCacheSet = typedef std::set<std::unique_ptr<SurfaceCache>, std::less<> > |
Definition at line 22 of file Tracking/Acts/ActsGeoUtils/ActsGeoUtils/Defs.h.
using ActsTrk::surfacePtr = typedef std::shared_ptr<Acts::Surface> |
Definition at line 64 of file MuonDetectorBuilderTool.cxx.
Definition at line 14 of file DetectorAlignStore.cxx.
using ActsTrk::TrackBackend = typedef ActsTrk::TrackSummaryContainer |
Definition at line 13 of file TrackContainer.h.
using ActsTrk::TrackContainerBase = typedef Acts::TrackContainer<ActsTrk::TrackBackend, ActsTrk::TrackStateBackend, ActsTrk::DataLinkHolder> |
Definition at line 26 of file TrackContainer.h.
using ActsTrk::TrackStateBackend = typedef ActsTrk::MultiTrajectory |
Definition at line 15 of file TrackContainer.h.
using ActsTrk::TruthParticleHitCounts = typedef std::unordered_map<const xAOD::TruthParticle *,HitCounterArray> |
Definition at line 19 of file TruthParticleHitCounts.h.
using ActsTrk::volumePtr = typedef std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume> |
Definition at line 63 of file MuonDetectorBuilderTool.cxx.
strong |
Simple enum to Identify the Type of the ACTS sub detector.
Enumerator | |
Pixel | Inner detector legacy. |
Sct | |
Trt | Maybe the Sct / Pixel for Itk become seperate entries? |
Hgtd | |
Mdt | MuonSpectrometer. |
Rpc | Monitored Drift Tubes. |
Tgc | Resitive Plate Chambers. |
Csc | Thin gap champers. |
Mm | Maybe not needed in the migration. |
sTgc | Micromegas (NSW) |
UnDefined | Small Thing Gap chambers (NSW) |
Definition at line 17 of file GeometryDefs.h.
Total number of neightbours and indices.
Enumerator | |
ThisOne | |
Opposite | |
PhiMinus | |
PhiPlus | |
EtaMinus | |
EtaPlus | |
nNeighbours |
Definition at line 13 of file StripInformationHelper.h.
Acts::Logging::Level ActsTrk::actsLevelVector | ( | MSG::Level | lvl | ) |
Definition at line 9 of file LoggerUtils.cxx.
MSG::Level ActsTrk::athLevelVector | ( | Acts::Logging::Level | lvl | ) |
Definition at line 29 of file LoggerUtils.cxx.
void ActsTrk::createDecoratorKeys | ( | T_Parent & | parent, |
const SG::ReadHandleKey< T_Cont > & | container_key, | ||
const std::string & | prefix, | ||
const std::vector< std::string > & | decor_names, | ||
std::vector< SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< T_Cont > > & | decor_out | ||
) |
Definition at line 49 of file decoratorUtils.h.
std::vector<SG::WriteDecorHandle<T_Cont,T> > ActsTrk::createDecorators | ( | const std::vector< SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< T_Cont > > & | keys, |
const EventContext & | ctx | ||
) |
Definition at line 31 of file decoratorUtils.h.
std::shared_ptr<const Acts::Surface> ActsTrk::decodeSurface | ( | const xAOD::SurfaceType | surfaceType, |
const std::vector< float > & | translation, | ||
const std::vector< float > & | rotation, | ||
const std::vector< float > & | boundValues, | ||
const Acts::GeometryContext & | |||
) |
Definition at line 74 of file SurfaceEncoding.cxx.
std::shared_ptr< const Acts::Surface > ActsTrk::decodeSurface | ( | const xAOD::TrackSurface * | backend, |
const Acts::GeometryContext & | geoContext | ||
) |
Creates transient Acts Surface objects given a surface backend implementation should be exact mirror of encodeSurface.
Definition at line 143 of file SurfaceEncoding.cxx.
std::shared_ptr< const Acts::Surface > ActsTrk::decodeSurface | ( | const xAOD::TrackSurfaceAuxContainer * | backend, |
size_t | i, | ||
const Acts::GeometryContext & | geoContext | ||
) |
void ActsTrk::encodeSurface | ( | xAOD::SurfaceType & | surfaceType, |
std::vector< float > & | translation, | ||
std::vector< float > & | rotation, | ||
std::vector< float > & | boundValues, | ||
const Acts::Surface * | surface, | ||
const Acts::GeometryContext & | geoContext | ||
) |
Definition at line 7 of file SurfaceEncoding.cxx.
void ActsTrk::encodeSurface | ( | xAOD::TrackSurface * | backend, |
const Acts::Surface * | surface, | ||
const Acts::GeometryContext & | geoContext | ||
) |
As above, but works on xAOD::TrackSurface object.
Definition at line 62 of file SurfaceEncoding.cxx.
void ActsTrk::encodeSurface | ( | xAOD::TrackSurfaceAuxContainer * | backend, |
size_t | index, | ||
const Acts::Surface * | surface, | ||
const Acts::GeometryContext & | geoContext | ||
) |
Prepares persistifiable representation of surface into xAOD::TrackSurface object.
Definition at line 55 of file SurfaceEncoding.cxx.
float ActsTrk::getDepositedEnergy | ( | const T_Deposit & | ) |
inline |
auto ActsTrk::getRDOList | ( | const T & | a | ) |
Definition at line 109 of file MeasurementToTruthAssociationAlg.h.
auto ActsTrk::getSimDataDeposits | ( | const T_SimDataCollection & | sim_data_collection, |
T_SimDataIterator | sim_data_iter_for_identifier | ||
) |
inline |
Definition at line 24 of file SurfaceOfMeasurementUtil.h.
inline |
Definition at line 13 of file SurfaceOfMeasurementUtil.h.
inline |
Definition at line 26 of file ATLASSourceLink.h.
inline |
Definition at line 53 of file ATLASSourceLink.h.
inline |
Definition at line 60 of file ATLASSourceLink.h.
inline |
Definition at line 36 of file ATLASSourceLink.h.
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 43 of file ATLASSourceLink.h.
inline |
Definition at line 30 of file ATLASSourceLink.h.
auto ActsTrk::makeDepositToTruthParticleMap | ( | const T_TruthEventCollection * | truth_particle_links | ) |
inline |
Definition at line 23 of file DetectorElementToActsGeometryIdMap.h.
std::unique_ptr<IFACE> ActsTrk::makeInterfaceContainer | ( | const AUX * | aux | ) |
helper to construct interface container for already filled Aux container TODO maybe should be moved to xAOD area
Definition at line 510 of file MultiTrajectory.h.
inline |
Definition at line 57 of file MuonDetectorBuilderTool.cxx.
inline |
Definition at line 63 of file Tracking/Acts/ActsGeoUtils/ActsGeoUtils/SurfaceCache.h.
inline |
Definition at line 66 of file Tracking/Acts/ActsGeoUtils/ActsGeoUtils/SurfaceCache.h.
inline |
Comparison operators.
Definition at line 59 of file Tracking/Acts/ActsGeoUtils/ActsGeoUtils/SurfaceCache.h.
inline |
Definition at line 25 of file TrackToTruthAssociationAlg.cxx.
std::string ActsTrk::prefixFromTrackContainerName | ( | const std::string & | tracks | ) |
Parse TrackContainer name to get the prefix for backends The name has to contain XYZTracks, the XYZ is returned.
Definition at line 18 of file TrackContainerHandlesHelper.cxx.
void ActsTrk::recordxAOD | ( | const SG::WriteHandleKey< T > & | key, |
IFACE & | iface, | ||
AUX & | aux, | ||
const EventContext & | evtContext | ||
) |
Definition at line 32 of file TrackContainerHandlesHelper.cxx.
inline |
Definition at line 34 of file GeometryDefs.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 21 of file DetectorElementToActsGeometryIdMap.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 20 of file DetectorElementToActsGeometryIdMap.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 19 of file TrackToTruthParticleAssociation.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 14 of file MeasurementToTruthParticleAssociation.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 20 of file TrackToTruthParticleAssociation.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 20 of file StripClusteringTool.cxx.
constexpr |
Definition at line 41 of file TrackTruthMatchingBaseAlg.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 42 of file TrackTruthMatchingBaseAlg.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 42 of file TrackToTruthAssociationAlg.h.
constexpr |
Definition at line 42 of file TruthParticleHitCountAlg.h.