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APWeightEntry Class Reference

#include <APWeightEntry.h>

Collaboration diagram for APWeightEntry:

Public Member Functions

 APWeightEntry ()
 Default constructor. More...
 APWeightEntry (unsigned int val_denominator, unsigned int val_numerator, double scale, bool isTrig=false)
 Constructor, takes n_denom, n_num, the relative scale of the used samples or an additional user scale and a bool if the entry is a trigger weight. More...
virtual ~APWeightEntry ()
 Default destructor. More...
void ReadEfficiency (double efficiency, double err_low, double err_high)
 Read efficiencies and upper/lower uncertainty (if numerator/denominator not applicable (e.g. More...
void SetCoordinates (const std::vector< int > &coords, const std::vector< int > &n_dim_origin)
unsigned int GetValDenominator () const
 Get value of original denominator. More...
unsigned int GetValNumerator () const
 Get value of original numerator. More...
double GetExpectancy () const
 Get Expectancy value of efficiency/weight. More...
double GetVariance () const
 Get Variance of efficiency/weight (classical binomial/poisson model). More...
double GetStatUncertLow () const
 Get lower bound of asymmetric statistical uncertainty. More...
double GetStatUncertHigh () const
 Get upper bound of asymmetric statistical uncertainty. More...
double GetSysUncert () const
 Get absolute systematic uncertainty value of efficiency/weight. More...
double GetSysUncert2 () const
 Get absolute systematic uncertainty squared value of efficiency/weight. More...
double GetRandom ()
 Get random number from PDF. More...
 Returns the calculated PDF. More...
unsigned int GetID () const
 Returns the internal ID (used by APReweight/APReweight2D/APReweight3D/APReweightND). More...
std::vector< int > GetCoords () const
 Returns the coordinates of the current entry in the original histogram. More...
std::vector< int > GetOriginalDimensions () const
 Returns the dimensions and amounts of bins for each dimension of the original histogram. More...
bool IsNaN () const
 Returns true if instance is NaN. More...
bool IsTrig () const
 Returns true if instance is trigger based. More...
void SetSystUncert (double rel_uncert)
 Set the relative (!) systematic uncertainty for the efficiency/weight. More...
void SetID (unsigned int id)
 Set the internal ID (used by APReweight/APReweight2D/APReweight3D/APReweightND). More...

Private Member Functions

 APWeightEntry (const APWeightEntry &)
APWeightEntryoperator= (const APWeightEntry &)
void _CreateHist ()
 Creates a TH1F instance from the arrays if necessary. More...
void _ComputeCum ()
 Calculates the cumulative function of the pdf if necessary. More...

Private Attributes

unsigned int m_val_denominator
 Holds the value of original denominator. More...
unsigned int m_val_numerator
 Holds the value of original numerator. More...
double m_expectancy_val
 Holds the Expectancy value of efficiency/weight. More...
double m_variance
 Holds Variance of efficiency/weight (classical binomial/poisson model). More...
double m_stat_uncert_low
 Holds lower bound of asymmetric statistical uncertainty. More...
double m_stat_uncert_high
 Holds upper bound of asymmetric statistical uncertainty. More...
double m_sys_uncert
 Holds absolute systematic uncertainty value of efficiency/weight. More...
double m_sys_uncert2
 Holds absolute systematic uncertainty squared value of efficiency/weight. More...
bool m_is_trig
 Flag, set to true if weight entry is trigger based. More...
bool m_is_nan
 Flag, set to true if denominator is zero. More...
unsigned int m_ID
 Holds internal ID (used by APReweight/APReweight2D/APReweight3D/APReweightND). More...
double m_integral
 Holds the integral of the probability distribution. More...
double * m_pdf
double * m_bins
double * m_cumul
 Histograms to hold the probability distribution and the cumulative distribution. More...
 Holds the TH1F instance from the arrays if computed. More...
std::vector< int > m_coords
 Holds the coordinates of the current entry in the original histogram. More...
std::vector< int > m_n_dim_origin
 Holds the amount of dimensions and bins per axis in the original histogram. More...

Detailed Description

Class to store a single weight entry (one bin).

Stores a single binned weight, corresponding to a pair of bins from the underlying numerator and denominator histograms. Allows access to quantities like central values, uncertainties and PDFs.


Definition at line 25 of file APWeightEntry.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ APWeightEntry() [1/3]

APWeightEntry::APWeightEntry ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 20 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

21  : m_val_denominator(0),
22  m_val_numerator(0),
24  m_variance(0),
27  m_sys_uncert(0),
28  m_sys_uncert2(0),
29  m_is_trig(0),
30  m_is_nan(0),
31  m_integral(0)
32 {
33  m_hist = 0;
34  m_cumul = 0;
35  m_pdf = 0;
36  m_bins = 0;
37  m_ID = 0;
38  //m_coords = 0;
39 }

◆ APWeightEntry() [2/3]

APWeightEntry::APWeightEntry ( unsigned int  val_denominator,
unsigned int  val_numerator,
double  scale,
bool  isTrig = false 

Constructor, takes n_denom, n_num, the relative scale of the used samples or an additional user scale and a bool if the entry is a trigger weight.

Definition at line 41 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

42  : m_stat_uncert_low(0),
44 {
45  m_val_denominator = val_denominator;
46  double val_denominator_f = (double) val_denominator;
47  m_val_numerator = val_numerator;
48  double val_numerator_f = (double) val_numerator;
49  m_sys_uncert = 0.;
50  m_sys_uncert2 = 0.;
51  m_integral = 0.;
52  m_hist = 0;
53  m_cumul = 0;
54  m_bins = 0;
55  m_pdf = 0;
56  m_is_trig = isTrig;
57  m_ID = 0;
58  //m_coords = 0;
60  if (!isTrig) {
61  if (m_val_numerator == 0 || m_val_denominator == 0) {
62  m_expectancy_val = 0.;
63  m_variance = 0.;
64  m_stat_uncert_low = 0.;
65  m_stat_uncert_high = 0.;
66  m_is_nan = true;
67  } else {
68  m_is_nan = false;
69  m_pdf = new double[1000];
70  m_bins = new double[1001];
72  m_expectancy_val = scale * (val_numerator_f / val_denominator_f);
73  m_variance = (val_numerator_f / (val_denominator_f * val_denominator_f)) + ((val_numerator_f * val_numerator_f) / (val_denominator_f * val_denominator_f * val_denominator_f));
77  double sig_low = (std::max((double) 0.0, (m_expectancy_val - 5. * scale * sqrt(m_variance))));
78  double sig_high = (m_expectancy_val + 5. * scale * sqrt(m_variance));
79  double step = (sig_high - sig_low) * 1e-3;
80  const double inv_scale = 1. / scale;
81  double shift = val_numerator_f * log(m_expectancy_val * inv_scale)+(-val_numerator_f - val_denominator_f - 2.) * log((m_expectancy_val * inv_scale) + 1.);
82  //double shift = ln_factorialApp(m_val_numerator);
84  double temp_value = sig_low;
85  double arr_position = sig_low;
87  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
88  temp_value = exp(m_val_numerator * log(arr_position * inv_scale)+(-val_numerator_f - val_denominator_f - 2.) * log((arr_position * inv_scale) + 1.) - shift);
89  if (temp_value != temp_value) temp_value = 0.;
90  m_pdf[i] = temp_value;
91  m_integral += temp_value;
92  m_bins[i] = arr_position;
93  arr_position += step;
94  }
95  m_bins[1000] = arr_position;
96  }
97  } else {
98  if (m_val_denominator == 0) {
99  m_expectancy_val = 0.;
100  m_variance = 0.;
101  m_stat_uncert_low = 0.;
102  m_stat_uncert_high = 0.;
103  m_is_nan = true;
104  } else {
105  m_is_nan = false;
106  m_pdf = new double[1000];
107  m_bins = new double[1001];
109  const double inv_val_denominator_f = 1. / val_denominator_f;
110  m_expectancy_val = val_numerator_f * inv_val_denominator_f;
111  m_variance = (m_expectancy_val * (1. - m_expectancy_val)) * inv_val_denominator_f;
112  double var_sqrt = sqrt(m_variance);
113  double sig_low = std::max(0., m_expectancy_val - 5. * var_sqrt);
114  double sig_high = std::min(1., m_expectancy_val + 5. * var_sqrt);
115  if (val_numerator_f == 0) {
116  sig_low = 0.;
117  sig_high = std::min(1., (8. * inv_val_denominator_f));
118  }
119  if (val_numerator_f == val_denominator_f) {
120  sig_low = std::max(0., (1. - 8. * inv_val_denominator_f));
121  sig_high = 1.;
122  }
124  double step = fabs(sig_high - sig_low) * 1e-3;
125  double shift = 0.;
126  if (val_numerator_f == 0 || val_numerator_f == val_denominator_f) {
127  shift = 0.;
128  } else {
129  shift = val_numerator_f * log(m_expectancy_val) + (val_denominator_f - val_numerator_f) * log(1. - m_expectancy_val);
130  }
132  double temp_value = sig_low;
133  double arr_position = sig_low;
135  if (val_numerator_f == 0) {
136  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
137  temp_value = exp(val_denominator_f * log(1. - arr_position) - shift);
138  m_pdf[i] = temp_value;
139  m_integral += temp_value;
140  m_bins[i] = arr_position;
141  arr_position += step;
142  }
143  } else {
144  if (val_numerator_f == val_denominator_f) {
145  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
146  temp_value = exp(val_numerator_f * log(arr_position) - shift);
147  m_pdf[i] = temp_value;
148  m_integral += temp_value;
149  m_bins[i] = arr_position;
150  arr_position += step;
151  }
152  } else {
153  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
154  temp_value = exp(val_numerator_f * log(arr_position) + (val_denominator_f - val_numerator_f) * log(1. - arr_position) - shift);
155  m_pdf[i] = temp_value;
156  m_integral += temp_value;
157  m_bins[i] = arr_position;
158  arr_position += step;
159  }
160  }
161  }
162  m_bins[1000] = arr_position;
163  }
164  }
166 }

◆ ~APWeightEntry()

APWeightEntry::~APWeightEntry ( )

Default destructor.

Definition at line 188 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

188  {
189  delete [] m_pdf;
190  m_pdf = 0;
191  delete [] m_bins;
192  m_bins = 0;
193  delete [] m_cumul;
194  m_cumul = 0;
195  delete m_hist;
196 }

◆ APWeightEntry() [3/3]

APWeightEntry::APWeightEntry ( const APWeightEntry )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _ComputeCum()

void APWeightEntry::_ComputeCum ( )

Calculates the cumulative function of the pdf if necessary.

Definition at line 286 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

286  {
287  if (m_cumul) delete [] m_cumul;
288  m_cumul = new double[1001];
289  m_cumul[0] = 0.;
290  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
291  m_cumul[i + 1] = m_cumul[i] + m_pdf[i];
292  }
293  const double inv_normalize = 1. / m_cumul[1000];
294  for (int i = 1; i < 1000; ++i) {
295  m_cumul[i] *= inv_normalize;
296  }
297 }

◆ _CreateHist()

void APWeightEntry::_CreateHist ( )

Creates a TH1F instance from the arrays if necessary.

Definition at line 277 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

277  {
278  m_hist = new TH1F("", "", 1000, m_bins);
279  if (m_is_nan == false) {
280  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
281  m_hist->SetBinContent(i + 1, m_pdf[i]);
282  }
283  }
284 }

◆ GetCoords()

vector< int > APWeightEntry::GetCoords ( ) const

Returns the coordinates of the current entry in the original histogram.

Definition at line 252 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

252  {
253  return m_coords;
254 }

◆ GetExpectancy()

double APWeightEntry::GetExpectancy ( ) const

Get Expectancy value of efficiency/weight.

Definition at line 206 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

206  {
207  return m_expectancy_val;
208 }

◆ GetID()

unsigned int APWeightEntry::GetID ( ) const

Returns the internal ID (used by APReweight/APReweight2D/APReweight3D/APReweightND).

Definition at line 248 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

248  {
249  return m_ID;
250 }

◆ GetOriginalDimensions()

vector< int > APWeightEntry::GetOriginalDimensions ( ) const

Returns the dimensions and amounts of bins for each dimension of the original histogram.

Definition at line 256 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

256  {
257  return m_n_dim_origin;
258 }

◆ GetPDF()

TH1F * APWeightEntry::GetPDF ( )

Returns the calculated PDF.

Definition at line 243 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

243  {
244  if (!m_hist) _CreateHist();
245  return m_hist;
246 }

◆ GetRandom()

double APWeightEntry::GetRandom ( )

Get random number from PDF.

Definition at line 230 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

230  {
233  if (m_is_nan || m_integral < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
234  return 1e-100;
235  }
236  if (!m_cumul) _ComputeCum();
237  double rn = random->Rndm();
238  int ibin = TMath::BinarySearch(1000, m_cumul, rn);
239  return m_bins[ibin];
240  //if (rn > m_cumul[ibin]) x += fabs(m_bins[1]-m_bins[0]) * (rn-m_cumul[ibin])/(m_cumul[ibin+1] - m_cumul[ibin]);
241 }

◆ GetStatUncertHigh()

double APWeightEntry::GetStatUncertHigh ( ) const

Get upper bound of asymmetric statistical uncertainty.

Definition at line 218 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

218  {
219  return m_stat_uncert_high;
220 }

◆ GetStatUncertLow()

double APWeightEntry::GetStatUncertLow ( ) const

Get lower bound of asymmetric statistical uncertainty.

Definition at line 214 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

214  {
215  return m_stat_uncert_low;
216 }

◆ GetSysUncert()

double APWeightEntry::GetSysUncert ( ) const

Get absolute systematic uncertainty value of efficiency/weight.

Definition at line 222 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

222  {
223  return m_sys_uncert;
224 }

◆ GetSysUncert2()

double APWeightEntry::GetSysUncert2 ( ) const

Get absolute systematic uncertainty squared value of efficiency/weight.

Definition at line 226 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

226  {
227  return m_sys_uncert2;
228 }

◆ GetValDenominator()

unsigned int APWeightEntry::GetValDenominator ( ) const

Get value of original denominator.

Definition at line 198 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

198  {
199  return m_val_denominator;
200 }

◆ GetValNumerator()

unsigned int APWeightEntry::GetValNumerator ( ) const

Get value of original numerator.

Definition at line 202 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

202  {
203  return m_val_numerator;
204 }

◆ GetVariance()

double APWeightEntry::GetVariance ( ) const

Get Variance of efficiency/weight (classical binomial/poisson model).

Definition at line 210 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

210  {
211  return m_variance;
212 }

◆ IsNaN()

bool APWeightEntry::IsNaN ( ) const

Returns true if instance is NaN.

Definition at line 260 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

260  {
261  return m_is_nan;
262 }

◆ IsTrig()

bool APWeightEntry::IsTrig ( ) const

Returns true if instance is trigger based.

Definition at line 264 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

264  {
265  return m_is_trig;
266 }

◆ operator=()

APWeightEntry& APWeightEntry::operator= ( const APWeightEntry )

◆ ReadEfficiency()

void APWeightEntry::ReadEfficiency ( double  efficiency,
double  err_low,
double  err_high 

Read efficiencies and upper/lower uncertainty (if numerator/denominator not applicable (e.g.


Definition at line 168 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

168  {
169  m_val_denominator = 0;
170  m_val_numerator = 0;
171  m_sys_uncert = 0.;
172  m_sys_uncert2 = 0.;
174  m_stat_uncert_low = fabs(err_low);
175  m_stat_uncert_high = fabs(err_high);
178 }

◆ SetCoordinates()

void APWeightEntry::SetCoordinates ( const std::vector< int > &  coords,
const std::vector< int > &  n_dim_origin 

Definition at line 180 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

181  {
182  m_coords.clear();
183  m_n_dim_origin.clear();
184  m_coords = coords;
185  m_n_dim_origin = n_dim_origin;
186 }

◆ SetID()

void APWeightEntry::SetID ( unsigned int  id)

Set the internal ID (used by APReweight/APReweight2D/APReweight3D/APReweightND).

Definition at line 273 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

273  {
274  m_ID = id;
275 }

◆ SetSystUncert()

void APWeightEntry::SetSystUncert ( double  rel_uncert)

Set the relative (!) systematic uncertainty for the efficiency/weight.

Definition at line 268 of file APWeightEntry.cxx.

268  {
269  m_sys_uncert = m_expectancy_val*rel_uncert;
271 }

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_bins

double * APWeightEntry::m_bins

Definition at line 76 of file APWeightEntry.h.

◆ m_coords

std::vector<int> APWeightEntry::m_coords

Holds the coordinates of the current entry in the original histogram.

Definition at line 78 of file APWeightEntry.h.

◆ m_cumul

double * APWeightEntry::m_cumul

Histograms to hold the probability distribution and the cumulative distribution.

Definition at line 76 of file APWeightEntry.h.

◆ m_expectancy_val

double APWeightEntry::m_expectancy_val

Holds the Expectancy value of efficiency/weight.

Definition at line 65 of file APWeightEntry.h.

◆ m_hist

TH1F* APWeightEntry::m_hist

Holds the TH1F instance from the arrays if computed.

Definition at line 77 of file APWeightEntry.h.

◆ m_ID

unsigned int APWeightEntry::m_ID

Holds internal ID (used by APReweight/APReweight2D/APReweight3D/APReweightND).

Definition at line 74 of file APWeightEntry.h.

◆ m_integral

double APWeightEntry::m_integral

Holds the integral of the probability distribution.

Definition at line 75 of file APWeightEntry.h.

◆ m_is_nan

bool APWeightEntry::m_is_nan

Flag, set to true if denominator is zero.

Definition at line 73 of file APWeightEntry.h.

◆ m_is_trig

bool APWeightEntry::m_is_trig

Flag, set to true if weight entry is trigger based.

Definition at line 72 of file APWeightEntry.h.

◆ m_n_dim_origin

std::vector< int > APWeightEntry::m_n_dim_origin

Holds the amount of dimensions and bins per axis in the original histogram.

Definition at line 79 of file APWeightEntry.h.

◆ m_pdf

double* APWeightEntry::m_pdf

Definition at line 76 of file APWeightEntry.h.

◆ m_stat_uncert_high

double APWeightEntry::m_stat_uncert_high

Holds upper bound of asymmetric statistical uncertainty.

Definition at line 68 of file APWeightEntry.h.

◆ m_stat_uncert_low

double APWeightEntry::m_stat_uncert_low

Holds lower bound of asymmetric statistical uncertainty.

Definition at line 67 of file APWeightEntry.h.

◆ m_sys_uncert

double APWeightEntry::m_sys_uncert

Holds absolute systematic uncertainty value of efficiency/weight.

Definition at line 69 of file APWeightEntry.h.

◆ m_sys_uncert2

double APWeightEntry::m_sys_uncert2

Holds absolute systematic uncertainty squared value of efficiency/weight.

Definition at line 70 of file APWeightEntry.h.

◆ m_val_denominator

unsigned int APWeightEntry::m_val_denominator

Holds the value of original denominator.

Definition at line 63 of file APWeightEntry.h.

◆ m_val_numerator

unsigned int APWeightEntry::m_val_numerator

Holds the value of original numerator.

Definition at line 64 of file APWeightEntry.h.

◆ m_variance

double APWeightEntry::m_variance

Holds Variance of efficiency/weight (classical binomial/poisson model).

Definition at line 66 of file APWeightEntry.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
std::vector< int > m_coords
Holds the coordinates of the current entry in the original histogram.
Definition: APWeightEntry.h:78
double * m_pdf
Definition: APWeightEntry.h:76
#define max(a, b)
Definition: cfImp.cxx:41
bool m_is_trig
Flag, set to true if weight entry is trigger based.
Definition: APWeightEntry.h:72
Thread-local TRandom generator.
Definition: TRandomTLS.h:29
double m_variance
Holds Variance of efficiency/weight (classical binomial/poisson model).
Definition: APWeightEntry.h:66
unsigned int m_val_denominator
Holds the value of original denominator.
Definition: APWeightEntry.h:63
void _ComputeCum()
Calculates the cumulative function of the pdf if necessary.
Definition: APWeightEntry.cxx:286
double m_stat_uncert_high
Holds upper bound of asymmetric statistical uncertainty.
Definition: APWeightEntry.h:68
double m_sys_uncert
Holds absolute systematic uncertainty value of efficiency/weight.
Definition: APWeightEntry.h:69
void efficiency(std::vector< double > &bins, std::vector< double > &values, const std::vector< std::string > &files, const std::string &histname, const std::string &tplotname, const std::string &label="")
Definition: dependence.cxx:128
int i
bool m_is_nan
Flag, set to true if denominator is zero.
Definition: APWeightEntry.h:73
double m_stat_uncert_low
Holds lower bound of asymmetric statistical uncertainty.
Definition: APWeightEntry.h:67
double m_expectancy_val
Holds the Expectancy value of efficiency/weight.
Definition: APWeightEntry.h:65
Definition: CompositeParticle_v1.cxx:159
TH1F * m_hist
Holds the TH1F instance from the arrays if computed.
Definition: APWeightEntry.h:77
#define min(a, b)
Definition: cfImp.cxx:40
unsigned int m_val_numerator
Holds the value of original numerator.
Definition: APWeightEntry.h:64
std::vector< int > m_n_dim_origin
Holds the amount of dimensions and bins per axis in the original histogram.
Definition: APWeightEntry.h:79
SG::auxid_t id
Definition: Control/AthContainers/Root/debug.cxx:194
void _CreateHist()
Creates a TH1F instance from the arrays if necessary.
Definition: APWeightEntry.cxx:277
double m_sys_uncert2
Holds absolute systematic uncertainty squared value of efficiency/weight.
Definition: APWeightEntry.h:70
double m_integral
Holds the integral of the probability distribution.
Definition: APWeightEntry.h:75
Definition: PhysicsAnalysis/TauID/DiTauMassTools/DiTauMassTools/HelperFunctions.h:26
double * m_cumul
Histograms to hold the probability distribution and the cumulative distribution.
Definition: APWeightEntry.h:76
double * m_bins
Definition: APWeightEntry.h:76
def TH1F(name, title, nxbins, bins_par2, bins_par3=None, path='', **kwargs)
Definition: checker_macros.h:211
unsigned int m_ID
Holds internal ID (used by APReweight/APReweight2D/APReweight3D/APReweightND).
Definition: APWeightEntry.h:74