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AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack Class Reference

Class representing a reconstructed track with Kalman filter. More...

#include <AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h>

Collaboration diagram for AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack:

Public Member Functions

 AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack (const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster *firstCluster, const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster *secondCluster, const CLHEP::HepMatrix &observationModel, const CLHEP::HepMatrix &observationNoise, const CLHEP::HepMatrix &covarianceMatrix)
 Main constructor that creates the track seed from two clusters. More...
CLHEP::HepMatrix transitionModel (const double firstPos, const double secondPos) const
 Create state transition matrix to calculate x and y position and slopes between to Z positions. More...
CLHEP::HepMatrix transitionModel (const double zPosition) const
 Create state transition matrix to calculate x and y position and slopes at given Z. More...
CLHEP::HepVector predictNextPoint (const double zPosition) const
 Predict x and y positions and slopes of the track at given Z. More...
CLHEP::HepMatrix predictNextPointCov (const double zPosition) const
 Predict covariance matrix of the track at given Z. More...
const xAOD::AFPSiHitsClusterfindNearestCluster (const std::vector< const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster * > &clusters, const float maxAllowedDistance) const
 Finds the cluster which is nearest to the track, returns nullptr if no is found. More...
void addCluster (const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster *cluster, const float htiMaxChi2)
 Adds a new cluster to the track and updates history and position. More...
int holes () const
void addHole ()
 Increase number of holes by 1. (see m_holes) More...
const std::list< const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster * > & clustersInTrack () const
 Clusters used to reconstruct the track. More...
void clearSmoothMatrices ()
 Clears matrices used for smoothing the track. More...
const std::list< CLHEP::HepVector > & positionAndSlopeSmooth () const
 Vectors of reconstructed true positions for each step after smoothing \(x_{k}\). More...
const std::list< CLHEP::HepVector > & positionAndSlopeHistory () const
 Vectors of reconstructed true positions for each step \(x_{k}\). More...
const std::list< double > & chi2Smooth () const
 History of chi2 for each step after smoothing. More...
double trkChi2NDFSmooth () const
 Chi2 per degrees of freedom (clusters) for the whole smoothed track. More...
void smooth ()
 Run smoothing algorithm. More...

Protected Attributes

std::list< float > m_zPositionHistory
 Vectors of reconstructed true positions for each step. More...
std::list< CLHEP::HepVector > m_positionAndSlopeHistory
 Vectors of reconstructed true positions for each step \(x_{k}\). More...
std::list< CLHEP::HepVector > m_positionAndSlopePredictedHistory
 Vectors of predicted true position of a track for each step. More...
std::list< CLHEP::HepMatrix > m_positionAndSlopeCovHistory
 Matrices of updated (a posteriori) estimate covariance of the position and slope for each step \(P_{k|k}\). More...
std::list< CLHEP::HepMatrix > m_positionAndSlopeCovPredictedHistory
 Matrices of predicted estimate covariance of the position and slope for each step. More...
std::list< CLHEP::HepMatrix > m_transitionHistory
 Matrices of transitionModel used at each step of track reconstruction. More...
std::list< double > m_chi2History
 History of chi2 for each step. More...
std::list< CLHEP::HepVector > m_positionAndSlopeSmooth
 Vectors of reconstructed true positions for each step after smoothing \(x_{k}\). More...
std::list< CLHEP::HepMatrix > m_positionAndSlopeSmoothCov
 Matrices of updated (a posteriori) estimate covariance of the position and slope for each step after smoothing \(P_{k|k}\). More...
std::list< double > m_chi2Smooth
 History of chi2 for each step after smoothing. More...
std::list< const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster * > m_clustersInTrack
 Clusters used to reconstruct the track. More...
const CLHEP::HepMatrix & m_observationModel
 Observation model, describing transformation from true to measured state. More...
const CLHEP::HepMatrix & m_observationNoise
 Matrix representing observation noise disturbing the measurement. More...
int m_holes
 Number of layers in which hit from a track is expected, but is not present. More...

Detailed Description

Class representing a reconstructed track with Kalman filter.

Definition at line 23 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack()

AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack ( const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster firstCluster,
const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster secondCluster,
const CLHEP::HepMatrix &  observationModel,
const CLHEP::HepMatrix &  observationNoise,
const CLHEP::HepMatrix &  covarianceMatrix 

Main constructor that creates the track seed from two clusters.

It adds the two clusters to the list of clusters used to reconstruct the track. It sets the position of the last point of the track to be equal to the position of the second cluster and calculates track slopes using first and second clusters. It adds first entry to m_chi2History and sets it to 0.

firstClusterpointer to the first cluster of the track
secondClusterpointer to the second cluster of the track
observationModelmatrix representing observation model (see m_observationModel)
observationNoisesee m_observationNoise
covarianceMatrixinitial error covariance matrix (see m_positionAndSlopeCovHistory)

Definition at line 19 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.cxx.

19  :
20  m_observationModel(observationModel),
21  m_observationNoise(observationNoise),
22  m_holes(0)
23 {
24  m_positionAndSlopeHistory.emplace_back(4);
26  const double zDistance = secondCluster->zLocal() - firstCluster->zLocal(); // absolute value taken in case global z position is used, in that case the distance would be negative for stations on the A side
28  CLHEP::HepVector& positionAndSlope = m_positionAndSlopeHistory.back();
29  positionAndSlope[0] = secondCluster->xLocal(); // set track X position
30  positionAndSlope[1] = (secondCluster->xLocal() - firstCluster->xLocal())/zDistance; // set track X slope
31  positionAndSlope[2] = secondCluster->yLocal(); // set track Y position
32  positionAndSlope[3] = (secondCluster->yLocal() - firstCluster->yLocal())/zDistance; // set track Y slope
34  // set z position of the track
35  m_zPositionHistory.push_back(secondCluster->zLocal());
37  // add clusters to the list
38  m_clustersInTrack.push_back(firstCluster);
39  m_clustersInTrack.push_back(secondCluster);
41  // set the first covariance matrix
42  m_positionAndSlopeCovHistory.emplace_back(covarianceMatrix);
44  // set chi2 to 0 for two points
45  m_chi2History.emplace_back(0);
46 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ addCluster()

void AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::addCluster ( const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster cluster,
const float  htiMaxChi2 

Adds a new cluster to the track and updates history and position.

Definition at line 48 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.cxx.

49 {
50  // prepare a vector with new observation point coordinates
51  CLHEP::HepVector newPoint (2);
52  newPoint[0] = cluster->xLocal();
53  newPoint[1] = cluster->yLocal();
55  // get the values for the predicted new point
56  const double newZ = cluster->zLocal();
58  const CLHEP::HepVector predictedTruePosition = predictNextPoint(newZ);
59  const CLHEP::HepMatrix predictedCovariance = predictNextPointCov(newZ);
61  // difference between measured and predicted (called innovation y_k and S_k)
62  const CLHEP::HepVector residualPredicted = newPoint - m_observationModel*predictedTruePosition;
63  const CLHEP::HepMatrix residualPredictedCov = m_observationNoise + m_observationModel*predictedCovariance*m_observationModel.T();
65  // optimal Kalman gain (Kk)
66  const CLHEP::HepMatrix kalmanGain = predictedCovariance*m_observationModel.T()*qr_inverse(residualPredictedCov);
68  // === calculated new values ===
69  // Updated (a posteriori) state estimate
70  const CLHEP::HepVector newPosition = predictedTruePosition + kalmanGain*residualPredicted;
72  // Updated (a posteriori) residuals
73  const CLHEP::HepVector newResidual = newPoint - m_observationModel*newPosition;
74  const CLHEP::HepMatrix newResidualCov = m_observationNoise - m_observationModel*kalmanGain*m_observationNoise;
76  // chi2 statistics
77  const CLHEP::HepVector chi2Vector = newResidual.T()*qr_inverse(newResidualCov)*newResidual;
79  // check if hit is good
80  if (chi2Vector[0] < clusterMaxChi2) {
81  // add cluster and all information
82  m_clustersInTrack.push_back(cluster);
83  m_zPositionHistory.push_back(newZ);
84  m_transitionHistory.emplace_back(transitionModel(newZ));
85  m_positionAndSlopePredictedHistory.push_back(predictedTruePosition);
86  m_positionAndSlopeCovPredictedHistory.push_back(predictedCovariance);
87  m_positionAndSlopeHistory.push_back(newPosition);
88  m_chi2History.emplace_back(chi2Vector[0]);
89  // Updated (a posteriori) estimate covariance
90  m_positionAndSlopeCovHistory.emplace_back(predictedCovariance - kalmanGain*m_observationModel*predictedCovariance);
91  }
92  else {
93  addHole();
94  }
95 }

◆ addHole()

void AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::addHole ( )

Increase number of holes by 1. (see m_holes)

Definition at line 97 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

97 {++m_holes;}

◆ chi2Smooth()

const std::list< double >& AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::chi2Smooth ( ) const

History of chi2 for each step after smoothing.

Definition at line 112 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

112 {return m_chi2Smooth;}

◆ clearSmoothMatrices()

void AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::clearSmoothMatrices ( )

Clears matrices used for smoothing the track.

Definition at line 115 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.cxx.

116 {
117  m_positionAndSlopeSmooth.clear();
119  m_chi2Smooth.clear();
120 }

◆ clustersInTrack()

const std::list<const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster*>& AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::clustersInTrack ( ) const

Clusters used to reconstruct the track.

Definition at line 100 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

100 {return m_clustersInTrack;}

◆ findNearestCluster()

const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster * AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::findNearestCluster ( const std::vector< const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster * > &  clusters,
const float  maxAllowedDistance 
) const

Finds the cluster which is nearest to the track, returns nullptr if no is found.

The method predicts what are track X and Y coordinates for the Z of a cluster. Next, loops over the clusters in the vector and calculates distance \(r = \sqrt{\Delta x^2 + \Delta y^2}\). Returns nullptr if there is no cluster which is closer than #maxAllowedDistance or if there are clusters with r < #maxAllowedDistance a pointer to the closest one.

clustersvector of clusters from which the closest one is to be found
maxAllowedDistanceif no cluster is closer than this argument nullptr is returned

Definition at line 97 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.cxx.

98 {
99  double minDisntace = maxAllowedDistance;
100  const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster* nearestCluster = nullptr;
101  for (const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster* theCluster : clusters) {
102  const CLHEP::HepVector predictedPoint = predictNextPoint(theCluster->zLocal());
103  const double xDiff = predictedPoint[0] - theCluster->xLocal();
104  const double yDiff = predictedPoint[2] - theCluster->yLocal(); // index 2, because this is (x, dx, y, dy) vector
105  const double distance = std::sqrt(xDiff*xDiff + yDiff*yDiff);
106  if (distance < minDisntace) {
107  minDisntace = distance;
108  nearestCluster = theCluster;
109  }
110  }
112  return nearestCluster;
113 }

◆ holes()

int AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::holes ( ) const

Definition at line 94 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

94 {return m_holes;}

◆ positionAndSlopeHistory()

const std::list< CLHEP::HepVector >& AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::positionAndSlopeHistory ( ) const

Vectors of reconstructed true positions for each step \(x_{k}\).

Each 4D vector containing x, y position of the track in a given step as well as slopes in these two directions \(\Delta x, \Delta y\). \(x_{k} = (x, \Delta x, y, \Delta y)\)

Definition at line 109 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

◆ positionAndSlopeSmooth()

const std::list< CLHEP::HepVector >& AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::positionAndSlopeSmooth ( ) const

Vectors of reconstructed true positions for each step after smoothing \(x_{k}\).

Each 4D vector containing x, y position of the track in a given step as well as slopes in these two directions \(\Delta x, \Delta y\). \(x_{k} = (x, \Delta x, y, \Delta y)\)

Definition at line 106 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

106 {return m_positionAndSlopeSmooth;}

◆ predictNextPoint()

CLHEP::HepVector AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::predictNextPoint ( const double  zPosition) const

Predict x and y positions and slopes of the track at given Z.

Definition at line 67 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

68  {return transitionModel(zPosition)*m_positionAndSlopeHistory.back();}

◆ predictNextPointCov()

CLHEP::HepMatrix AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::predictNextPointCov ( const double  zPosition) const

Predict covariance matrix of the track at given Z.

Definition at line 71 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

72  {CLHEP::HepMatrix transition = transitionModel(zPosition);
73  return transition*m_positionAndSlopeCovHistory.back()*transition.T();}

◆ smooth()

void AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::smooth ( )

Run smoothing algorithm.

The algorithm should probably just reconstruct track starting from the last hit, but the covaraince matrices are changed, so the result maybe slightly different. Algorithm is just copied from the previous implementation.

Definition at line 122 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.cxx.

123 {
126  // prepare iterators for going backwards through the lists
127  std::list< CLHEP::HepVector >::const_iterator positionIter = m_positionAndSlopeHistory.end();
128  std::list< CLHEP::HepVector >::const_iterator positionBegin = m_positionAndSlopeHistory.begin();
129  // if no position is reconstructed there is nothing to be done
130  if (positionIter != positionBegin) {
131  // prepare remaining iterators
132  std::list< CLHEP::HepMatrix >::const_iterator covIter = m_positionAndSlopeCovHistory.end();
133  std::list< const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster* >::const_iterator clustersIter = m_clustersInTrack.end();
134  std::list< CLHEP::HepVector >::const_iterator positionPredictIter = m_positionAndSlopePredictedHistory.end();
135  std::list< CLHEP::HepMatrix >::const_iterator covPredictIter = m_positionAndSlopeCovPredictedHistory.end();
136  std::list< CLHEP::HepMatrix >::const_iterator transitionIter = m_transitionHistory.end();
138  // === prepare first point ===
139  // iterator moved back by 1, because end() points after the last element
140  const CLHEP::HepVector& lastPosition = *(--positionIter);
141  const CLHEP::HepMatrix& lastCovariance = *(--covIter);
142  const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster* lastCluster = *(--clustersIter);
144  m_positionAndSlopeSmooth.push_back(lastPosition);
145  m_positionAndSlopeSmoothCov.push_back(lastCovariance);
147  // prepare a vector with new observation point coordinates
148  CLHEP::HepVector lastPoint (2);
149  lastPoint[0] = lastCluster->xLocal();
150  lastPoint[1] = lastCluster->yLocal();
152  const CLHEP::HepVector residualSmooth = lastPoint - m_observationModel*lastPosition;
153  const CLHEP::HepMatrix residualSmoothCov = m_observationNoise - m_observationModel*lastCovariance*m_observationModel.T();
154  const CLHEP::HepVector chi2Smooth = residualSmooth.T()*qr_inverse(residualSmoothCov)*residualSmooth;
155  m_chi2Smooth.push_back(chi2Smooth[0]);
157  // === loop over remaining clusters ===
158  while (positionIter != positionBegin) {
159  // --- read needed variables ---
160  const CLHEP::HepVector& position = *(--positionIter);
161  const CLHEP::HepMatrix& covariance = *(--covIter);
162  const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster* cluster = *(--clustersIter);
164  // shifted by 1 in history with respect to the position and covariance
165  const CLHEP::HepVector& prevPositionPred = *(--positionPredictIter);
166  const CLHEP::HepMatrix& prevCovPred = *(--covPredictIter);
167  const CLHEP::HepMatrix& prevTransition = *(--transitionIter);
169  // --- calculate the smoothed position and covariance ---
170  const CLHEP::HepMatrix Ai = qr_inverse(prevTransition); // when Qk == 0
171  // const CLHEP::HepMatrix Ai = covariance * prevTransition.T() * qr_inverse(prevCovPred);
172  const CLHEP::HepVector positionSmooth = position + Ai*( m_positionAndSlopeSmooth.back() - prevPositionPred );
173  const CLHEP::HepMatrix covarianceSmooth = covariance + Ai*( m_positionAndSlopeSmoothCov.back() - prevCovPred )*Ai.T();
175  // --- calculate smoothed chi2 ---
176  CLHEP::HepVector point (2);
177  point[0] = cluster->xLocal();
178  point[1] = cluster->yLocal();
179  const CLHEP::HepVector residualSmooth = point - m_observationModel*positionSmooth;
180  const CLHEP::HepMatrix residualCovSmooth = m_observationNoise - m_observationModel*covarianceSmooth*m_observationModel.T();
181  CLHEP::HepVector chi2Smooth = residualSmooth.T()*qr_inverse(residualCovSmooth)*residualSmooth;
183  // --- add results to the lists ---
184  m_positionAndSlopeSmooth.push_back(positionSmooth);
185  m_positionAndSlopeSmoothCov.push_back(covarianceSmooth);
186  m_chi2Smooth.push_back(chi2Smooth[0]);
187  } // end while over points/clusters
190  // === extrapolate to the first plane ===
191  clustersIter = m_clustersInTrack.begin();
192  const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster* firstCluster = *clustersIter;
193  const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster* secondCluster = *(++clustersIter);
194  const CLHEP::HepMatrix firstTransition = transitionModel(firstCluster->zLocal(), secondCluster->zLocal());
196  const CLHEP::HepMatrix Ai = qr_inverse(firstTransition); // when Qk == 0
197  const CLHEP::HepVector firstPosition = Ai*(m_positionAndSlopeSmooth.back());
198  const CLHEP::HepMatrix firstCovariance = m_positionAndSlopeCovHistory.front() + Ai*( m_positionAndSlopeSmoothCov.back() - m_positionAndSlopeCovHistory.front())*Ai.T();
200  // --- calculate smoothed chi2 ---
201  const CLHEP::HepVector firstResidual = m_observationModel*Ai*(m_positionAndSlopeHistory.front() - m_positionAndSlopeSmooth.back());
202  CLHEP::HepVector firstPoint (2);
203  firstPoint[0] = firstCluster->xLocal();
204  firstPoint[1] = firstCluster->yLocal();
205  // const CLHEP::HepVector firstResidual = firstPoint - m_observationModel*firstPosition;
206  const CLHEP::HepMatrix firstResidualCov = m_observationNoise - m_observationModel*firstCovariance*m_observationModel.T();
207  CLHEP::HepVector firstChi2 = firstResidual.T()*qr_inverse(firstResidualCov)*firstResidual;
209  // --- add results to the lists ---
210  m_positionAndSlopeSmooth.push_back(firstPosition);
211  m_positionAndSlopeSmoothCov.push_back(firstCovariance);
212  m_chi2Smooth.push_back(firstChi2[0]);
213  }
214 }

◆ transitionModel() [1/2]

CLHEP::HepMatrix AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::transitionModel ( const double  firstPos,
const double  secondPos 
) const

Create state transition matrix to calculate x and y position and slopes between to Z positions.

The matrix leaves slopes unchanged and adds to the previous positions slopes multiplied by the z distance i.e. secondPos - firstPos.

\[ \left( \begin{array}{cccc} 1 & \Delta z & 0 & 0 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 0 & 0 & 1 & \Delta z 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{array} \right) \]

Definition at line 187 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

188 {
189  CLHEP::HepMatrix transitionModel (4, 4, 1); // create unit matrix (1 on diagonal, 0 offdiagonal)
190  const double zDistance = secondPos - firstPos;
191  transitionModel[0][1] = zDistance;// set linear transformation which sets x' = x + dx*dz
192  transitionModel[2][3] = zDistance; // set linear transformation which sets y' = y + dy*dz
194  return transitionModel;
195 }

◆ transitionModel() [2/2]

CLHEP::HepMatrix AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::transitionModel ( const double  zPosition) const

Create state transition matrix to calculate x and y position and slopes at given Z.

The matrix for transition between the last point and given Z position is calculated.

Definition at line 63 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

64  {return transitionModel (m_zPositionHistory.back(), zPosition);}

◆ trkChi2NDFSmooth()

double AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::trkChi2NDFSmooth ( ) const

Chi2 per degrees of freedom (clusters) for the whole smoothed track.

Sum chi2 for each cluster and divide by the number of clusters.

Definition at line 216 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.cxx.

217 {
218  double chi2 = 0;
219  for (double val : m_chi2Smooth) {
220  chi2 += val;
221  }
223  return chi2/m_chi2Smooth.size();
224 }

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_chi2History

std::list< double> AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::m_chi2History

History of chi2 for each step.

Definition at line 156 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

◆ m_chi2Smooth

std::list< double > AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::m_chi2Smooth

History of chi2 for each step after smoothing.

Definition at line 169 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

◆ m_clustersInTrack

std::list<const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster*> AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::m_clustersInTrack

Clusters used to reconstruct the track.

Definition at line 172 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

◆ m_holes

int AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::m_holes

Number of layers in which hit from a track is expected, but is not present.

Definition at line 184 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

◆ m_observationModel

const CLHEP::HepMatrix& AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::m_observationModel

Observation model, describing transformation from true to measured state.

Definition at line 175 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

◆ m_observationNoise

const CLHEP::HepMatrix& AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::m_observationNoise

Matrix representing observation noise disturbing the measurement.

Used to estimate covariance matrix of the track.

Definition at line 180 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

◆ m_positionAndSlopeCovHistory

std::list< CLHEP::HepMatrix > AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::m_positionAndSlopeCovHistory

Matrices of updated (a posteriori) estimate covariance of the position and slope for each step \(P_{k|k}\).

Definition at line 147 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

◆ m_positionAndSlopeCovPredictedHistory

std::list< CLHEP::HepMatrix > AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::m_positionAndSlopeCovPredictedHistory

Matrices of predicted estimate covariance of the position and slope for each step.

Definition at line 150 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

◆ m_positionAndSlopeHistory

std::list< CLHEP::HepVector > AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::m_positionAndSlopeHistory

Vectors of reconstructed true positions for each step \(x_{k}\).

Each 4D vector containing x, y position of the track in a given step as well as slopes in these two directions \(\Delta x, \Delta y\). \(x_{k} = (x, \Delta x, y, \Delta y)\)

Definition at line 137 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

◆ m_positionAndSlopePredictedHistory

std::list< CLHEP::HepVector > AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::m_positionAndSlopePredictedHistory

Vectors of predicted true position of a track for each step.

Each 4D vector containing x, y position of the track in a given step as well as slopes in these two directions \(\Delta x, \Delta y\). \(x_{k} = (x, \Delta x, y, \Delta y)\)

Definition at line 144 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

◆ m_positionAndSlopeSmooth

std::list< CLHEP::HepVector > AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::m_positionAndSlopeSmooth

Vectors of reconstructed true positions for each step after smoothing \(x_{k}\).

Each 4D vector containing x, y position of the track in a given step as well as slopes in these two directions \(\Delta x, \Delta y\). \(x_{k} = (x, \Delta x, y, \Delta y)\)

Definition at line 163 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

◆ m_positionAndSlopeSmoothCov

std::list< CLHEP::HepMatrix > AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::m_positionAndSlopeSmoothCov

Matrices of updated (a posteriori) estimate covariance of the position and slope for each step after smoothing \(P_{k|k}\).

Definition at line 166 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

◆ m_transitionHistory

std::list< CLHEP::HepMatrix > AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::m_transitionHistory

Matrices of transitionModel used at each step of track reconstruction.

Definition at line 153 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

◆ m_zPositionHistory

std::list< float > AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack::m_zPositionHistory

Vectors of reconstructed true positions for each step.

Definition at line 130 of file AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
CLHEP::HepMatrix transitionModel(const double firstPos, const double secondPos) const
Create state transition matrix to calculate x and y position and slopes between to Z positions.
Definition: AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h:187
CLHEP::HepMatrix predictNextPointCov(const double zPosition) const
Predict covariance matrix of the track at given Z.
Definition: AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h:71
std::list< double > m_chi2History
History of chi2 for each step.
Definition: AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h:156
std::list< CLHEP::HepVector > m_positionAndSlopeSmooth
Vectors of reconstructed true positions for each step after smoothing .
Definition: AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h:163
std::list< CLHEP::HepMatrix > m_positionAndSlopeSmoothCov
Matrices of updated (a posteriori) estimate covariance of the position and slope for each step after ...
Definition: AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h:166
void addHole()
Increase number of holes by 1. (see m_holes)
Definition: AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h:97
const CLHEP::HepMatrix & m_observationModel
Observation model, describing transformation from true to measured state.
Definition: AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h:175
std::list< CLHEP::HepVector > m_positionAndSlopeHistory
Vectors of reconstructed true positions for each step .
Definition: AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h:137
std::list< CLHEP::HepMatrix > m_positionAndSlopeCovPredictedHistory
Matrices of predicted estimate covariance of the position and slope for each step.
Definition: AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h:150
std::list< const xAOD::AFPSiHitsCluster * > m_clustersInTrack
Clusters used to reconstruct the track.
Definition: AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h:172
void clearSmoothMatrices()
Clears matrices used for smoothing the track.
Definition: AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.cxx:115
std::list< float > m_zPositionHistory
Vectors of reconstructed true positions for each step.
Definition: AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h:130
double chi2(TH1 *h0, TH1 *h1)
Definition: comparitor.cxx:522
float xLocal() const
Cluster position along X axis in station local coordinate system.
std::list< CLHEP::HepMatrix > m_positionAndSlopeCovHistory
Matrices of updated (a posteriori) estimate covariance of the position and slope for each step .
Definition: AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h:147
std::list< CLHEP::HepVector > m_positionAndSlopePredictedHistory
Vectors of predicted true position of a track for each step.
Definition: AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h:144
std::list< CLHEP::HepMatrix > m_transitionHistory
Matrices of transitionModel used at each step of track reconstruction.
Definition: AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h:153
int m_holes
Number of layers in which hit from a track is expected, but is not present.
Definition: AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h:184
CLHEP::HepVector predictNextPoint(const double zPosition) const
Predict x and y positions and slopes of the track at given Z.
Definition: AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h:67
const std::list< double > & chi2Smooth() const
History of chi2 for each step after smoothing.
Definition: AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h:112
Class representing a cluster of AFP pixel hits.
Definition: AFPSiHitsCluster_v1.h:32
float yLocal() const
Cluster position along Y axis in station local coordinate system.
const CLHEP::HepMatrix & m_observationNoise
Matrix representing observation noise disturbing the measurement.
Definition: AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h:180
std::list< double > m_chi2Smooth
History of chi2 for each step after smoothing.
Definition: AFPSiDBasicKalmanToolTrack.h:169
float distance(const Amg::Vector3D &p1, const Amg::Vector3D &p2)
calculates the distance between two point in 3D space
Definition: GeoPrimitivesHelpers.h:54
float zLocal() const
Cluster position along Z axis in station local coordinate system.