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McEventCollectionCnv_p7 Class Referenceabstract

#include <McEventCollectionCnv_p7.h>

Inheritance diagram for McEventCollectionCnv_p7:
Collaboration diagram for McEventCollectionCnv_p7:

Public Types

typedef TRANS Trans_t
typedef PERS Pers_t
typedef PERS PersBase_t
typedef TRANS TransBase_t
typedef ITPConverterFor< TRANS > PolyCnvBase_t
typedef Gaudi::PluginService::Factory< ITPCnvBase *()> Factory

Public Member Functions

 McEventCollectionCnv_p7 ()
 Default constructor: More...
 McEventCollectionCnv_p7 (const McEventCollectionCnv_p7 &rhs)
 Copy constructor. More...
McEventCollectionCnv_p7operator= (const McEventCollectionCnv_p7 &rhs)
 Assignement operator. More...
virtual ~McEventCollectionCnv_p7 ()
 Destructor. More...
void setPileup ()
virtual void persToTrans (const McEventCollection_p7 *persObj, McEventCollection *transObj, MsgStream &log)
 Method creating the transient representation of McEventCollection from its persistent representation McEventCollection_p7. More...
virtual void transToPers (const McEventCollection *transObj, McEventCollection_p7 *persObj, MsgStream &log)
 Method creating the persistent representation McEventCollection_p7 from its transient representation McEventCollection. More...
virtual TPObjRef virt_toPersistent (const TRANS *trans, MsgStream &log)
 Internal interface method that is used to invoke the real conversion method (toPersistent_impl) in the derived converter. More...
virtual TPObjRef virt_toPersistentWithKey (const TRANS *trans, const std::string &key, MsgStream &log)
 Internal interface method that is used to invoke the real conversion method (toPersistent_impl) in the derived converter. More...
virtual void pstoreToTrans (unsigned index, TRANS *trans, MsgStream &log)
 Convert persistent representation stored in the storage vector of the top-level object to transient. More...
virtual TRANS * createTransient (const PERS *persObj, MsgStream &log)
 Create transient representation of a persistent object. More...
virtual TRANS * createTransientWithKey (const PERS *persObj, const std::string &key, MsgStream &log)
 Create transient representation of a persistent object, with SG key. More...
virtual TRANS * virt_createTransFromPStore (unsigned index, MsgStream &log)
 Internal interface method that is used to invoke the real conversion method (createTransient) More...
virtual TRANS * virt_createTransFromPStoreWithKey (unsigned index, const std::string &key, MsgStream &log)
 Internal interface method that is used to invoke the real conversion method (createTransient) More...
virtual void persToTrans (const PERS *persObj, TRANS *transObj, MsgStream &log)=0
 Convert persistent representation to transient one. More...
virtual void transToPers (const TRANS *transObj, PERS *persObj, MsgStream &log)=0
 Convert transient representation to persistent one. More...
virtual void persToTransWithKey (const PERS *persObj, TRANS *transObj, const std::string &, MsgStream &log)
 Convert persistent representation to transient one. More...
virtual void transToPersWithKey (const TRANS *transObj, PERS *persObj, const std::string &, MsgStream &log)
 Convert transient representation to persistent one. More...
virtual void persToTransUntyped (const void *pers, void *trans, MsgStream &log)
 Convert persistent object representation to transient. More...
virtual void transToPersUntyped (const void *trans, void *pers, MsgStream &log)
 Convert transient object representation to persistent. More...
virtual void persToTransWithKeyUntyped (const void *pers, void *trans, const std::string &key, MsgStream &log)
 Convert persistent object representation to transient. More...
virtual void transToPersWithKeyUntyped (const void *trans, void *pers, const std::string &key, MsgStream &log)
 Convert transient object representation to persistent. More...
virtual PERScreatePersistent (const TRANS *transObj, MsgStream &log)
 Create persistent representation of a transient object. More...
virtual PERScreatePersistentWithKey (const TRANS *transObj, const std::string &key, MsgStream &log)
 Create persistent representation of a transient object, with SG key. More...
TPObjRef toPersistentWithKey_impl (const TRANS *trans, const std::string &key, MsgStream &log)
 Convert transient object to persistent representation. More...
virtual const std::type_info & transientTInfo () const
 return C++ type id of the transient class this converter is for More...
virtual const std::type_info & transientTInfo () const
 return C++ type id of the transient class this converter is for More...
virtual const std::type_info & persistentTInfo () const
 return C++ type id of the persistent class this converter is for More...
virtual const std::type_info & persistentTInfo () const =0
 return C++ type id of the persistent class this converter is for More...
void setPStorage (std::vector< PERS > *storage)
 Tell this converter which storage vector it should use to store or retrieve persistent representations. More...
void setRecursive (bool flag=true)
 Tell the converter if it should work in recursive mode slower but it can safely handle recursion. More...
void ignoreRecursion (bool flag=false)
 Tell the converter to ignore recursion (do not throw errors) even when recurion is detected. More...
virtual void reservePStorage (size_t size)
 Reserve 'size' elements for persistent storage. More...
template<class CNV >
CNV * converterForType (CNV *cnv, const std::type_info &t_info, MsgStream &log) const
 Find converter for a given C++ type ID, that is or ihnerits from CNV type. More...
template<class CNV >
CNV * converterForRef (CNV *cnv, const TPObjRef &ref, MsgStream &log) const
 Find converter for a TP type ID (passed in a TP Ref), that is or ihnerits from CNV type. More...
template<class CNV >
TPObjRef baseToPersistent (CNV **cnv, const typename CNV::Trans_t *transObj, MsgStream &log) const
 Persistify bass class of a given object and store the persistent represenation in the storage vector of the top-level persistent object. More...
template<class CNV >
TPObjRef toPersistent (CNV **cnv, const typename CNV::TransBase_t *transObj, MsgStream &log) const
 Persistify an object and store the persistent represenation in the storage vector of the top-level persistent object. More...
template<class CNV , class TRANS_T >
void fillTransFromPStore (CNV **cnv, const TPObjRef &ref, TRANS_T *trans, MsgStream &log) const
 Convert persistent object, stored in the the top-level persistent object and referenced by the TP Ref, to transient representation. More...
template<class CNV >
CNV::Trans_t * createTransFromPStore (CNV **cnv, const TPObjRef &ref, MsgStream &log) const
 Create transient representation of a persistent object, stored in the the top-level persistent object and referenced by the TP Ref. More...
virtual void initPrivateConverters (TopLevelTPCnvBase *)
virtual TopLevelTPCnvBasetopConverter ()
 return the top-level converter for this elemental TP converter More...
virtual const TopLevelTPCnvBasetopConverter () const
 return the top-level converter for this elemental TP converter More...
const std::type_info & transBaseTInfo () const
 return C++ type id of the common base transient type for all converters for a group of polymorphic types More...
virtual const TPObjRef::typeID_ttypeID () const
 Return TP typeID for persistent objects produced by this converter. More...
unsigned typeIDvalue () const
 inlined non-virtual version to get the typeID value fast More...
virtual void setRuntimeTopConverter (TopLevelTPCnvBase *topConverter)
 Set runtime top-level converter - usually it is the owning TL converter, but in case of extended objects it will be the TL converter of the extended object. More...
virtual void setTopConverter (TopLevelTPCnvBase *topConverter, const TPObjRef::typeID_t &TPtypeID)
 Set which top-level converter owns this elemental converter, and what TPtypeID was assigned to the persistent objects it produces. More...
void setReadingFlag ()
void clearReadingFlag ()
bool wasUsedForReading ()
virtual void converterNotFound (const std::type_info &converterType, ITPConverter *c, const std::string &typeName, MsgStream &log) const
 method called when the right TP converter was not found during writing More...
virtual void converterNotFound (unsigned typeID, ITPConverter *c, const std::string &typeName, MsgStream &log) const
 method called when the right TP converter was not found during reading More...

Protected Types

typedef std::unordered_map< HepMC::GenParticlePtr, int > ParticlesMap_t

Protected Member Functions

HepMC::GenVertexPtr createGenVertex (const McEventCollection_p7 &persEvts, const GenVertex_p7 &vtx, ParticlesMap_t &bcToPart, HepMC::DataPool &datapools, HepMC::GenEvent *parent=nullptr) const
 Create a transient GenVertex from a persistent one (version 1) It returns the new GenVertex. More...
HepMC::GenParticlePtr createGenParticle (const GenParticle_p7 &p, ParticlesMap_t &partToEndVtx, HepMC::DataPool &datapools, const HepMC::GenVertexPtr &parent=nullptr, bool add_to_output=true) const
 Create a transient GenParticle from a persistent one (vers.1) It returns the new GenParticle. More...
void writeGenVertex (const HepMC::GenVertex &vtx, McEventCollection_p7 &persEvt) const
 Method to write a persistent GenVertex object. More...
int writeGenParticle (const HepMC::GenParticle &p, McEventCollection_p7 &persEvt) const
 Method to write a persistent GenParticle object It returns the index of the persistent GenParticle into the collection of persistent of GenParticles from the persistent GenEvent. More...

Protected Attributes

bool m_isPileup
ServiceHandle< IHepMCWeightSvcm_hepMCWeightSvc
std::vector< PERS > * m_pStorage
 the address of the storage vector for persistent representations More...
int m_curRecLevel
 count recursive invocations, to detect recursion More...
bool m_recursive
 if true, work in recursion-safe way (slower) More...
bool m_ignoreRecursion
 if true, do not throw errors in case of recursion. More...
TPObjRef::typeID_t m_pStorageTID
 TP Ref typeID for the persistent objects this converter is creating. More...
unsigned m_pStorageTIDvalue
 m_pStorageTID converted to integer value More...
 top level converter that owns this elemental TP converter it also holds the storage object More...
 top level converter "owning" this TP converter at runtime (different from m_topConverter in case the top-level converter and object have extensions) More...
bool m_wasUsedForReading
 flag set when using this converter for reading triggers search for a new converter before writing, to prevent possible use of old version More...

Private Types

typedef T_AthenaPoolTPCnvBase< McEventCollection, McEventCollection_p7Base_t

Detailed Description

Definition at line 54 of file McEventCollectionCnv_p7.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Base_t

Definition at line 61 of file McEventCollectionCnv_p7.h.

◆ Factory

typedef Gaudi::PluginService::Factory<ITPCnvBase*()> ITPCnvBase::Factory

Definition at line 26 of file ITPCnvBase.h.

◆ ParticlesMap_t

typedef std::unordered_map<HepMC::GenParticlePtr,int> McEventCollectionCnv_p7::ParticlesMap_t

Definition at line 105 of file McEventCollectionCnv_p7.h.

◆ Pers_t

typedef PERS TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::Pers_t

Definition at line 335 of file TPConverter.h.

◆ PersBase_t

typedef PERS TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::PersBase_t

Definition at line 336 of file TPConverter.h.

◆ PolyCnvBase_t

template<class TRANS >
typedef ITPConverterFor< TRANS > ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::PolyCnvBase_t

Definition at line 41 of file TPConverter.h.

◆ Trans_t

typedef TRANS TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::Trans_t

Definition at line 334 of file TPConverter.h.

◆ TransBase_t

template<class TRANS >
typedef TRANS ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::TransBase_t

Definition at line 39 of file TPConverter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ McEventCollectionCnv_p7() [1/2]

McEventCollectionCnv_p7::McEventCollectionCnv_p7 ( )

Default constructor:

Definition at line 38 of file McEventCollectionCnv_p7.cxx.

38  :
39  Base_t( ),
40  m_isPileup(false),m_hepMCWeightSvc("HepMCWeightSvc","McEventCollectionCnv_p7")
41 {}

◆ McEventCollectionCnv_p7() [2/2]

McEventCollectionCnv_p7::McEventCollectionCnv_p7 ( const McEventCollectionCnv_p7 rhs)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 43 of file McEventCollectionCnv_p7.cxx.

43  :
44  Base_t( rhs ),
45  m_isPileup(false),m_hepMCWeightSvc("HepMCWeightSvc","McEventCollectionCnv_p7")
46 {}

◆ ~McEventCollectionCnv_p7()

McEventCollectionCnv_p7::~McEventCollectionCnv_p7 ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ baseToPersistent()

template<class TRANS >
template<class CNV >
TPObjRef ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::baseToPersistent ( CNV **  cnv,
const typename CNV::Trans_t *  transObj,
MsgStream &  log 
) const

Persistify bass class of a given object and store the persistent represenation in the storage vector of the top-level persistent object.

The converter is located using the transient type from the CNV parameter, not from the object itself (because we need the base type, not the actual type)

cnv[IN/OUT] type of this parameter decides which converter will be used. Once the converter is found, this pointer will be set so the search is done only once
transObj[IN] transient object
log[IN] output message stream
TPObjRef TP reference to the persistent representation stored in the storage vector of the top-level persistent object

Definition at line 97 of file TPConverter.h.

97  {
98  if( !*cnv || (*cnv)->wasUsedForReading() ) {
99  // don't trust the converter if it was used for reading, find again
100  *cnv = converterForType( *cnv, typeid(typename CNV::Trans_t), log );
101  if( !*cnv ) return TPObjRef();
102  (*cnv)->clearReadingFlag();
103  }
104 // return (**cnv).toPersistent_impl(transObj, log);
105  return (**cnv).virt_toPersistent(transObj, log);
106  }

◆ clearReadingFlag()

template<class TRANS >
void ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::clearReadingFlag ( )

Definition at line 235 of file TPConverter.h.

235 { m_wasUsedForReading = false; }

◆ converterForRef()

template<class TRANS >
template<class CNV >
CNV* ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::converterForRef ( CNV *  cnv,
const TPObjRef ref,
MsgStream &  log 
) const

Find converter for a TP type ID (passed in a TP Ref), that is or ihnerits from CNV type.

cnv[IN] parameter specifying the converter type
ref[IN] TP Ref to an object for which a converter is sought
log[IN] output message stream
CNV* pointer to the converter, if found

Definition at line 74 of file TPConverter.h.

74  {
76  cnv = dynamic_cast<CNV*>(c);
77  if( !cnv )
78  this->converterNotFound( ref.typeID(), c, typeid(CNV).name(), log );
79  return cnv;
80  }

◆ converterForType()

template<class TRANS >
template<class CNV >
CNV* ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::converterForType ( CNV *  cnv,
const std::type_info &  t_info,
MsgStream &  log 
) const

Find converter for a given C++ type ID, that is or ihnerits from CNV type.

cnv[IN] parameter specifying the converter type
t_info[IN] C++ type id for which a converter is sought
log[IN] output message stream
CNV* pointer to the converter, if found

Definition at line 58 of file TPConverter.h.

58  {
60  cnv = dynamic_cast< CNV* >( c );
61  if( !cnv )
62  this->converterNotFound( typeid(CNV), c,, log );
63  return cnv;
64  }

◆ converterNotFound() [1/2]

void ITPConverter::converterNotFound ( const std::type_info &  converterType,
ITPConverter c,
const std::string &  typeName,
MsgStream &  log 
) const

method called when the right TP converter was not found during writing

  • useful as a debugging hook, prints a detailed error message
converterType[IN] converterType that was requested
c[IN] converter that was actually found (0 if not)
typeName[IN] the C++ type name of the type for which converter was searched for
log[IN] output message stream

Definition at line 22 of file ITPConverter.cxx.

26 {
27  log << MSG::ERROR << ">>>>>> in parent TP converter " << typeid(*this).name()
28  << ": could not find matching TP converter for type " << typeName << endmsg;
29  if( c ) {
30  log << MSG::ERROR << " - found incompatible converter of type "
31  << typeid(*c).name() << endmsg;
32  }
33  log << MSG::ERROR << " Converter handle type was " << << endmsg;
34  errorHandler();
35 }

◆ converterNotFound() [2/2]

void ITPConverter::converterNotFound ( unsigned  typeID,
ITPConverter c,
const std::string &  typeName,
MsgStream &  log 
) const

method called when the right TP converter was not found during reading

  • useful as a debugging hook, prints a detailed error message
typeID[IN] converter ID that was requested
c[IN] converter that was actually found (0 if not)
typeName[IN] the C++ type name of the type for which converter was searched for
log[IN] output message stream

Definition at line 40 of file ITPConverter.cxx.

44 {
45  log << MSG::ERROR << ">>>>>> in parent TP converter " << typeid(*this).name()
46  << " requested TP converter for TP type ID " << typeID << " not found " << endmsg;
47  if( c ) {
48  log << MSG::ERROR << " - found converter " << typeid(*c).name()
49  << " for " << c->transientTInfo().name()
50  << " with an incompatible base type " << c->transBaseTInfo().name()
51  << endmsg;
52  }
53  log << MSG::ERROR << " Converter handle type was " << reqCnvTypeName << endmsg;
54  errorHandler();
55 }

◆ createGenParticle()

HepMC::GenParticlePtr McEventCollectionCnv_p7::createGenParticle ( const GenParticle_p7 p,
ParticlesMap_t partToEndVtx,
HepMC::DataPool datapools,
const HepMC::GenVertexPtr parent = nullptr,
bool  add_to_output = true 
) const

Create a transient GenParticle from a persistent one (vers.1) It returns the new GenParticle.

Note that the map being passed as an argument is to hold the association of barcodes to particle so that we can reconnect all the particles to their decay vertex (if any).

Definition at line 698 of file McEventCollectionCnv_p7.cxx.

700 {
701  HepMC::GenParticlePtr p(nullptr);
702  if (m_isPileup) {
704  } else {
705  p = datapools.getGenParticle();
706  }
707  if (parent) add_to_output?parent->add_particle_out(p):parent->add_particle_in(p);
708 #ifdef HEPMC3
709  p->set_pdg_id( persPart.m_pdgId);
710  p->set_status( persPart.m_status);
711  p->add_attribute("phi",std::make_shared<HepMC3::DoubleAttribute>(persPart.m_phiPolarization));
712  p->add_attribute("theta",std::make_shared<HepMC3::DoubleAttribute>(persPart.m_thetaPolarization));
713  HepMC::suggest_barcode (p, persPart.m_barcode);
714  p->set_generated_mass(persPart.m_generated_mass);
716  // Note: do the E calculation in extended (long double) precision.
717  // That happens implicitly on x86 with optimization on; saying it
718  // explicitly ensures that we get the same results with and without
719  // optimization. (If this is a performance issue for platforms
720  // other than x86, one could change to double for those platforms.)
721  if ( 0 == persPart.m_recoMethod ) {
722  double temp_e = std::sqrt( (long double)(persPart.m_px)*persPart.m_px +
723  (long double)(persPart.m_py)*persPart.m_py +
724  (long double)(persPart.m_pz)*persPart.m_pz +
725  (long double)(persPart.m_m) *persPart.m_m );
726  p->set_momentum( HepMC::FourVector(persPart.m_px,persPart.m_py,persPart.m_pz,temp_e));
727  } else {
728  const int signM2 = ( persPart.m_m >= 0. ? 1 : -1 );
729  const double persPart_ene =
730  std::sqrt( std::abs((long double)(persPart.m_px)*persPart.m_px +
731  (long double)(persPart.m_py)*persPart.m_py +
732  (long double)(persPart.m_pz)*persPart.m_pz +
733  signM2* (long double)(persPart.m_m)* persPart.m_m));
734  const int signEne = ( persPart.m_recoMethod == 1 ? 1 : -1 );
735  p->set_momentum(HepMC::FourVector( persPart.m_px,
736  persPart.m_py,
737  persPart.m_pz,
738  signEne * persPart_ene ));
739  }
741  // setup flow
742  std::vector<int> flows;
743  const unsigned int nFlow = persPart.m_flow.size();
744  for ( unsigned int iFlow= 0; iFlow != nFlow; ++iFlow ) {
745  flows.push_back(persPart.m_flow[iFlow].second );
746  }
747  //We construct it here as vector w/o gaps.
748  p->add_attribute("flows", std::make_shared<HepMC3::VectorIntAttribute>(flows));
749 #else
750  p->m_pdg_id = persPart.m_pdgId;
751  p->m_status = persPart.m_status;
752  p->m_polarization.m_theta= static_cast<double>(persPart.m_thetaPolarization);
753  p->m_polarization.m_phi = static_cast<double>(persPart.m_phiPolarization );
754  p->m_production_vertex = 0;
755  p->m_end_vertex = 0;
756  p->m_barcode = persPart.m_barcode;
757  p->m_generated_mass = static_cast<double>(persPart.m_generated_mass);
759  // Note: do the E calculation in extended (long double) precision.
760  // That happens implicitly on x86 with optimization on; saying it
761  // explicitly ensures that we get the same results with and without
762  // optimization. (If this is a performance issue for platforms
763  // other than x86, one could change to double for those platforms.)
764  if ( 0 == persPart.m_recoMethod ) {
766  p->m_momentum.setPx( persPart.m_px);
767  p->m_momentum.setPy( persPart.m_py);
768  p->m_momentum.setPz( persPart.m_pz);
769  double temp_e = std::sqrt( (long double)(persPart.m_px)*persPart.m_px +
770  (long double)(persPart.m_py)*persPart.m_py +
771  (long double)(persPart.m_pz)*persPart.m_pz +
772  (long double)(persPart.m_m) *persPart.m_m );
773  p->m_momentum.setE( temp_e);
774  } else {
775  const int signM2 = ( persPart.m_m >= 0. ? 1 : -1 );
776  const double persPart_ene =
777  std::sqrt( std::abs((long double)(persPart.m_px)*persPart.m_px +
778  (long double)(persPart.m_py)*persPart.m_py +
779  (long double)(persPart.m_pz)*persPart.m_pz +
780  signM2* (long double)(persPart.m_m)* persPart.m_m));
781  const int signEne = ( persPart.m_recoMethod == 1 ? 1 : -1 );
782  p->m_momentum.set( persPart.m_px,
783  persPart.m_py,
784  persPart.m_pz,
785  signEne * persPart_ene );
786  }
788  // setup flow
789  const unsigned int nFlow = persPart.m_flow.size();
790  p->m_flow.clear();
791  for ( unsigned int iFlow= 0; iFlow != nFlow; ++iFlow ) {
792  p->m_flow.set_icode( persPart.m_flow[iFlow].first,
793  persPart.m_flow[iFlow].second );
794  }
795 #endif
797  if ( persPart.m_endVtx != 0 ) {
798  partToEndVtx[p] = persPart.m_endVtx;
799  }
801  return p;
802 }

◆ createGenVertex()

HepMC::GenVertexPtr McEventCollectionCnv_p7::createGenVertex ( const McEventCollection_p7 persEvts,
const GenVertex_p7 vtx,
ParticlesMap_t bcToPart,
HepMC::DataPool datapools,
HepMC::GenEvent *  parent = nullptr 
) const

Create a transient GenVertex from a persistent one (version 1) It returns the new GenVertex.

This method calls createGenParticle for each of the out-going particles and only for the in-going particle which are orphans (no production vertex): for optimisation purposes. Note that the map being passed as an argument is to hold the association of barcodes to particle so that we can reconnect all the (non-orphan) particles to their decay vertex (if any).

Definition at line 631 of file McEventCollectionCnv_p7.cxx.

636 {
637  HepMC::GenVertexPtr vtx(nullptr);
638  if(m_isPileup) {
640  } else {
641  vtx = datapools.getGenVertex();
642  }
643  if (parent ) parent->add_vertex(vtx);
644 #ifdef HEPMC3
645  vtx->set_position(HepMC::FourVector( persVtx.m_x , persVtx.m_y , persVtx.m_z ,persVtx.m_t ));
646  //AV ID cannot be assigned in HepMC3. And its meaning in HepMC2 is not clear.
647  vtx->set_status(persVtx.m_id);
648  // cast from std::vector<float> to std::vector<double>
649  std::vector<double> weights( persVtx.m_weights.begin(), persVtx.m_weights.end() );
650  vtx->add_attribute("weights",std::make_shared<HepMC3::VectorDoubleAttribute>(weights));
651  HepMC::suggest_barcode (vtx, persVtx.m_barcode);
652  // handle the in-going (orphans) particles
653  const unsigned int nPartsIn = persVtx.m_particlesIn.size();
654  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i != nPartsIn; ++i ) {
655  createGenParticle( persEvt.m_genParticles[persVtx.m_particlesIn[i]], partToEndVtx, datapools, vtx, false );
656  }
658  // now handle the out-going particles
659  const unsigned int nPartsOut = persVtx.m_particlesOut.size();
660  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i != nPartsOut; ++i ) {
661  createGenParticle( persEvt.m_genParticles[persVtx.m_particlesOut[i]], partToEndVtx, datapools, vtx );
662  }
663 #else
664  vtx->m_position.setX( persVtx.m_x );
665  vtx->m_position.setY( persVtx.m_y );
666  vtx->m_position.setZ( persVtx.m_z );
667  vtx->m_position.setT( persVtx.m_t );
668  vtx->m_particles_in.clear();
669  vtx->m_particles_out.clear();
670  vtx->m_id = persVtx.m_id;
671  vtx->m_weights.m_weights.reserve( persVtx.m_weights.size() );
672  vtx->m_weights.m_weights.assign ( persVtx.m_weights.begin(),
673  persVtx.m_weights.end() );
674  vtx->m_event = 0;
675  vtx->m_barcode = persVtx.m_barcode;
677  // handle the in-going (orphans) particles
678  const unsigned int nPartsIn = persVtx.m_particlesIn.size();
679  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i != nPartsIn; ++i ) {
680  createGenParticle( persEvt.m_genParticles[persVtx.m_particlesIn[i]],
681  partToEndVtx,
682  datapools );
683  }
685  // now handle the out-going particles
686  const unsigned int nPartsOut = persVtx.m_particlesOut.size();
687  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i != nPartsOut; ++i ) {
688  vtx->add_particle_out( createGenParticle( persEvt.m_genParticles[persVtx.m_particlesOut[i]],
689  partToEndVtx,
690  datapools ) );
691  }
692 #endif
694  return vtx;
695 }

◆ createPersistent()

virtual PERS* TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::createPersistent ( const TRANS *  transObj,
MsgStream &  log 

Create persistent representation of a transient object.

Simply creates a new persistent object and calls transToPers()

transObj[IN] transient object
log[IN] output message stream
the created persistent representation

◆ createPersistentWithKey()

virtual PERS* TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::createPersistentWithKey ( const TRANS *  transObj,
const std::string &  key,
MsgStream &  log 

Create persistent representation of a transient object, with SG key.

Simply creates a new persistent object and calls transToPersWithKey()

transObj[IN] transient object
key[IN] SG key of object being written
log[IN] output message stream
the created persistent representation

◆ createTransFromPStore()

template<class TRANS >
template<class CNV >
CNV::Trans_t* ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::createTransFromPStore ( CNV **  cnv,
const TPObjRef ref,
MsgStream &  log 
) const

Create transient representation of a persistent object, stored in the the top-level persistent object and referenced by the TP Ref.

If a TP converter is not specified, it will be found based on the Ref type.

cnv[IN][OUT] pointer to the converter, usually 0 at the start. Once the right converter is found, this pointer will be set so the search is done only once
ref[IN] TP Ref to the persistent object to be converted
log[IN] output message stream
pointer to the created transient represention

Definition at line 172 of file TPConverter.h.

172  {
173  if( ref.isNull() ) return 0;
174  CNV *temp_cnv_p = 0;
175  if( !cnv ) cnv = &temp_cnv_p;
176  // see if we already have a converter and if it is the right one
177  if( !*cnv || (*cnv)->typeID().value() != ref.typeID() ) {
178  // we don't - find the right converter for ref.typeID()
179  *cnv = converterForRef( *cnv, ref, log );
180  if( !*cnv ) return 0;
181  (*cnv)->setReadingFlag();
182  }
183  return (**cnv).virt_createTransFromPStore( ref.index(), log );
184  }

◆ createTransient()

virtual TRANS* TPPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::createTransient ( const PERS persObj,
MsgStream &  log 

Create transient representation of a persistent object.

Simply creates a new transient object and calls persToTrans()

persObj[IN] persistent object
log[IN] output message stream
the created transient object

◆ createTransientWithKey()

virtual TRANS* TPPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::createTransientWithKey ( const PERS persObj,
const std::string &  key,
MsgStream &  log 

Create transient representation of a persistent object, with SG key.

Simply creates a new transient object and calls persToTransWithKey()

persObj[IN] persistent object
key[IN] SG key of object being read
log[IN] output message stream
the created transient object

◆ fillTransFromPStore()

template<class TRANS >
template<class CNV , class TRANS_T >
void ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::fillTransFromPStore ( CNV **  cnv,
const TPObjRef ref,
TRANS_T *  trans,
MsgStream &  log 
) const

Convert persistent object, stored in the the top-level persistent object and referenced by the TP Ref, to transient representation.

An empty transient object to be filled in is provided. If converter is not given, it will be found based on the Ref type.

cnv[IN][OUT] pointer to the converter, usually 0 at the start. Once the right converter is found, this pointer will be set so the search is done only once
ref[IN] TP Ref to the persistent object to be converted
trans[IN] pointer to the empty transient object
log[IN] output message stream

Definition at line 145 of file TPConverter.h.

145  {
146  if( ref.isNull() ) return;
147  CNV *temp_cnv_p = 0;
148  if( !cnv ) cnv = &temp_cnv_p;
149  // see if we already have a converter and if it is the right one
150  if( !*cnv || (*cnv)->typeID().value() != ref.typeID() ) {
151  // we don't - find the right converter for ref.typeID()
152  *cnv = converterForRef( *cnv, ref, log );
153  if( !*cnv ) return;
154  (*cnv)->setReadingFlag();
155  }
156  (**cnv).pstoreToTrans( ref.index(), trans, log );
157  }

◆ ignoreRecursion()

void TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::ignoreRecursion ( bool  flag = false)

Tell the converter to ignore recursion (do not throw errors) even when recurion is detected.

UNSAFE! use only if you are sure you preallocated enough persistent storage

Definition at line 568 of file TPConverter.h.

568  {
570  }

◆ initPrivateConverters()

template<class TRANS >
virtual void ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::initPrivateConverters ( TopLevelTPCnvBase )

◆ operator=()

McEventCollectionCnv_p7 & McEventCollectionCnv_p7::operator= ( const McEventCollectionCnv_p7 rhs)

Assignement operator.

Definition at line 49 of file McEventCollectionCnv_p7.cxx.

50 {
51  if ( this != &rhs ) {
52  Base_t::operator=( rhs );
54  }
55  return *this;
56 }

◆ persistentTInfo() [1/2]

virtual const std::type_info& TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::persistentTInfo ( ) const

return C++ type id of the persistent class this converter is for


Definition at line 482 of file TPConverter.h.

482 { return typeid(PERS); }

◆ persistentTInfo() [2/2]

virtual const std::type_info& ITPCnvBase::persistentTInfo ( ) const
pure virtualinherited

return C++ type id of the persistent class this converter is for


Implemented in TopLevelTPConverter< MAIN_CNV, TL_PERS >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS_BASE, TRANS, PERS >, and DummyDetElementSurfaceCnv_p1.

◆ persToTrans() [1/2]

void McEventCollectionCnv_p7::persToTrans ( const McEventCollection_p7 persObj,
McEventCollection transObj,
MsgStream &  log 

Method creating the transient representation of McEventCollection from its persistent representation McEventCollection_p7.

Definition at line 66 of file McEventCollectionCnv_p7.cxx.

69 {
70  const EventContext& ctx = Gaudi::Hive::currentContext();
72  msg << MSG::DEBUG << "Loading McEventCollection from persistent state..."
73  << endmsg;
75  // elements are managed by DataPool
76  if (!m_isPileup) {
77  transObj->clear(SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS);
78  }
79  HepMC::DataPool datapools;
80  const unsigned int nVertices = persObj->m_genVertices.size();
81  datapools.vtx.prepareToAdd(nVertices);
82  const unsigned int nParts = persObj->m_genParticles.size();
83  datapools.part.prepareToAdd(nParts);
84  const unsigned int nEvts = persObj->m_genEvents.size();
85  datapools.evt.prepareToAdd(nEvts);
87  transObj->reserve( nEvts );
88  for ( std::vector<GenEvent_p7>::const_iterator
89  itr = persObj->m_genEvents.begin(),
90  itrEnd = persObj->m_genEvents.end();
91  itr != itrEnd;
92  ++itr ) {
93  const GenEvent_p7& persEvt = *itr;
94  HepMC::GenEvent * genEvt(nullptr);
95  if(m_isPileup) {
96  genEvt = new HepMC::GenEvent();
97  } else {
98  genEvt = datapools.getGenEvent();
99  }
100 #ifdef HEPMC3
101  genEvt->add_attribute ("barcodes", std::make_shared<HepMC::GenEventBarcodes>());
102  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < persEvt.m_e_attribute_id.size(); ++i) {
103  if (attributes_to_ignore.count(persEvt.m_e_attribute_name[i])) continue;
104  genEvt->add_attribute(persEvt.m_e_attribute_name[i], std::make_shared<HepMC3::StringAttribute>(persEvt.m_e_attribute_string[i]), persEvt.m_e_attribute_id[i]);
105  }
108  genEvt->add_attribute("signal_process_id", std::make_shared<HepMC3::IntAttribute>(persEvt.m_signalProcessId));
109  genEvt->set_event_number(persEvt.m_eventNbr);
110  genEvt->add_attribute("mpi", std::make_shared<HepMC3::IntAttribute>(persEvt.m_mpi));
111  genEvt->add_attribute("event_scale", std::make_shared<HepMC3::DoubleAttribute>(persEvt.m_eventScale));
112  genEvt->add_attribute("alphaQCD", std::make_shared<HepMC3::DoubleAttribute>(persEvt.m_alphaQCD));
113  genEvt->add_attribute("alphaQED", std::make_shared<HepMC3::DoubleAttribute>(persEvt.m_alphaQED));
114  genEvt->add_attribute("filterWeight", std::make_shared<HepMC3::DoubleAttribute>(persEvt.m_filterWeight));
115  genEvt->add_attribute("filterHT", std::make_shared<HepMC3::DoubleAttribute>(persEvt.m_filterHT));
116  genEvt->add_attribute("filterMET", std::make_shared<HepMC3::DoubleAttribute>(persEvt.m_filterMET));
117  genEvt->weights()= persEvt.m_weights;
118  genEvt->add_attribute("random_states", std::make_shared<HepMC3::VectorLongIntAttribute>(persEvt.m_randomStates));
120  genEvt->set_units(static_cast<HepMC3::Units::MomentumUnit>(persEvt.m_momentumUnit),
121  static_cast<HepMC3::Units::LengthUnit>(persEvt.m_lengthUnit));
123  //restore weight names from the dedicated svc (which was keeping them in metadata for efficiency)
124  if(!genEvt->run_info()) {
125  HepMC3::GenRunInfoData ri_read;
126  ri_read.weight_names = m_hepMCWeightSvc->weightNameVec(ctx);
127  ri_read.tool_name = persEvt.m_r_tool_name;
128  ri_read.tool_version = persEvt.m_r_tool_version;
129  ri_read.tool_description = persEvt.m_r_tool_description;
130  ri_read.attribute_name = persEvt.m_r_attribute_name;
131  ri_read.attribute_string = persEvt.m_r_attribute_string;
132  auto ri = std::make_shared<HepMC3::GenRunInfo>();
133  ri->read_data(ri_read);
134  genEvt->set_run_info(ri);
135  }
136  // cross-section restore
138  if (!persEvt.m_crossSection.empty()) {
139  auto cs = std::make_shared<HepMC3::GenCrossSection>();
140  const std::vector<double>& xsection = persEvt.m_crossSection;
141  if( static_cast<bool>(xsection[0]) )
142  cs->set_cross_section(xsection[2],xsection[1]);
143  else
144  cs->set_cross_section(-1.0, -1.0);
145  genEvt->set_cross_section(cs);
146  }
148  // heavyIon restore
149  if (!persEvt.m_heavyIon.empty()) {
150  auto hi = std::make_shared<HepMC3::GenHeavyIon>();
151  const std::vector<float>& hIon = persEvt.m_heavyIon;
153  hi->set(
154  static_cast<int>(hIon[12]), // Ncoll_hard
155  static_cast<int>(hIon[11]), // Npart_proj
156  static_cast<int>(hIon[10]), // Npart_targ
157  static_cast<int>(hIon[9]), // Ncoll
158  static_cast<int>(hIon[8]), // spectator_neutrons
159  static_cast<int>(hIon[7]), // spectator_protons
160  static_cast<int>(hIon[6]), // N_Nwounded_collisions
161  static_cast<int>(hIon[5]), // Nwounded_N_collisions
162  static_cast<int>(hIon[4]), // Nwounded_Nwounded_collisions
163  hIon[3], // impact_parameter
164  hIon[2], // event_plane_angle
165  hIon[1], // eccentricity
166  hIon[0] ); // sigma_inel_NN
167  genEvt->set_heavy_ion(hi);
168  }
172  // pdfinfo restore
173  if (!persEvt.m_pdfinfo.empty())
174  {
175  const std::vector<double>& pdf = persEvt.m_pdfinfo;
176  HepMC3::GenPdfInfoPtr pi = std::make_shared<HepMC3::GenPdfInfo>();
177  pi->set(static_cast<int>(pdf[8]), // id1
178  static_cast<int>(pdf[7]), // id2
179  pdf[4], // x1
180  pdf[3], // x2
181  pdf[2], // scalePDF
182  pdf[1], // pdf1
183  pdf[0], // pdf2
184  static_cast<int>(pdf[6]), // pdf_id1
185  static_cast<int>(pdf[5]));// pdf_id2
186  genEvt->set_pdf_info(pi);
187  }
188  transObj->push_back( genEvt );
190  // create a temporary map associating the barcode of an end-vtx to its
191  // particle.
192  // As not all particles are stable (d'oh!) we take 50% of the number of
193  // particles as an initial size of the hash-map (to prevent re-hash)
194  ParticlesMap_t partToEndVtx( (persEvt.m_particlesEnd - persEvt.m_particlesBegin)/2 );
195  // This is faster than the HepMC::barcode_to_vertex
196  std::map<int, HepMC::GenVertexPtr> brc_to_vertex;
198  // create the vertices
199  const unsigned int endVtx = persEvt.m_verticesEnd;
200  for ( unsigned int iVtx = persEvt.m_verticesBegin; iVtx != endVtx; ++iVtx ) {
201  auto vtx = createGenVertex( *persObj, persObj->m_genVertices[iVtx], partToEndVtx, datapools, genEvt );
202  brc_to_vertex[persObj->m_genVertices[iVtx].m_barcode] = vtx;
203  } //> end loop over vertices
205  // set the signal process vertex
206  const int sigProcVtx = persEvt.m_signalProcessVtx;
207  if ( sigProcVtx != 0 && brc_to_vertex.count(sigProcVtx) ) {
208  HepMC::set_signal_process_vertex(genEvt, brc_to_vertex[sigProcVtx] );
209  }
211  // connect particles to their end vertices
212  for (auto & p : partToEndVtx) {
213  if ( brc_to_vertex.count(p.second) ) {
214  auto decayVtx = brc_to_vertex[p.second];
215  decayVtx->add_particle_in( p.first );
216  } else {
217  msg << MSG::ERROR << "GenParticle points to null end vertex !!" << endmsg;
218  }
219  }
220  // set the beam particles
221  const int beamPart1 = persEvt.m_beamParticle1;
222  const int beamPart2 = persEvt.m_beamParticle2;
223  if ( beamPart1 != 0 && beamPart2 != 0 ) {
224  genEvt->set_beam_particles(HepMC::barcode_to_particle(genEvt, beamPart1),
225  HepMC::barcode_to_particle(genEvt, beamPart2));
226  }
228 #else
229  genEvt->m_signal_process_id = persEvt.m_signalProcessId;
230  genEvt->m_event_number = persEvt.m_eventNbr;
231  genEvt->m_mpi = persEvt.m_mpi;
232  genEvt->m_event_scale = persEvt.m_eventScale;
233  genEvt->m_alphaQCD = persEvt.m_alphaQCD;
234  genEvt->m_alphaQED = persEvt.m_alphaQED;
235  genEvt->m_signal_process_vertex = 0;
236  genEvt->m_beam_particle_1 = 0;
237  genEvt->m_beam_particle_2 = 0;
238  genEvt->m_weights = persEvt.m_weights;
239  genEvt->m_random_states = persEvt.m_randomStates;
240  genEvt->m_vertex_barcodes.clear();
241  genEvt->m_particle_barcodes.clear();
242  genEvt->m_momentum_unit = static_cast<HepMC::Units::MomentumUnit>(persEvt.m_momentumUnit);
243  genEvt->m_position_unit = static_cast<HepMC::Units::LengthUnit>(persEvt.m_lengthUnit);
245  //restore weight names from the dedicated svc (which was keeping them in metadata for efficiency)
246  genEvt->m_weights.m_names = m_hepMCWeightSvc->weightNames(ctx);
248  // cross-section restore
249  if( genEvt->m_cross_section )
250  delete genEvt->m_cross_section;
251  genEvt->m_cross_section = 0;
253  if (!persEvt.m_crossSection.empty()) {
254  genEvt->m_cross_section = new HepMC::GenCrossSection();
255  const std::vector<double>& xsection = persEvt.m_crossSection;
256  if( static_cast<bool>(xsection[0]) )
257  genEvt->m_cross_section->set_cross_section(xsection[2],xsection[1]);
258  }
260  // heavyIon restore
261  if(genEvt->m_heavy_ion )
262  delete genEvt->m_heavy_ion;
263  genEvt->m_heavy_ion = 0;
264  if (!persEvt.m_heavyIon.empty()) {
265  const std::vector<float>& hIon = persEvt.m_heavyIon;
266  genEvt->m_heavy_ion = new HepMC::HeavyIon
267  (
268  static_cast<int>(hIon[12]), // Ncoll_hard
269  static_cast<int>(hIon[11]), // Npart_proj
270  static_cast<int>(hIon[10]), // Npart_targ
271  static_cast<int>(hIon[9]), // Ncoll
272  static_cast<int>(hIon[8]), // spectator_neutrons
273  static_cast<int>(hIon[7]), // spectator_protons
274  static_cast<int>(hIon[6]), // N_Nwounded_collisions
275  static_cast<int>(hIon[5]), // Nwounded_N_collisions
276  static_cast<int>(hIon[4]), // Nwounded_Nwounded_collisions
277  hIon[3], // impact_parameter
278  hIon[2], // event_plane_angle
279  hIon[1], // eccentricity
280  hIon[0] ); // sigma_inel_NN
281  }
285  // pdfinfo restore
286  if(genEvt->m_pdf_info)
287  delete genEvt->m_pdf_info;
288  genEvt->m_pdf_info = 0;
289  if (!persEvt.m_pdfinfo.empty()) {
290  const std::vector<double>& pdf = persEvt.m_pdfinfo;
291  genEvt->m_pdf_info = new HepMC::PdfInfo
292  (
293  static_cast<int>(pdf[8]), // id1
294  static_cast<int>(pdf[7]), // id2
295  pdf[4], // x1
296  pdf[3], // x2
297  pdf[2], // scalePDF
298  pdf[1], // pdf1
299  pdf[0], // pdf2
300  static_cast<int>(pdf[6]), // pdf_id1
301  static_cast<int>(pdf[5]) // pdf_id2
302  );
303  }
305  transObj->push_back( genEvt );
307  // create a temporary map associating the barcode of an end-vtx to its
308  // particle.
309  // As not all particles are stable (d'oh!) we take 50% of the number of
310  // particles as an initial size of the hash-map (to prevent re-hash)
311  ParticlesMap_t partToEndVtx( (persEvt.m_particlesEnd-
312  persEvt.m_particlesBegin)/2 );
314  // create the vertices
315  const unsigned int endVtx = persEvt.m_verticesEnd;
316  for ( unsigned int iVtx= persEvt.m_verticesBegin; iVtx != endVtx; ++iVtx ) {
317  genEvt->add_vertex( createGenVertex( *persObj,
318  persObj->m_genVertices[iVtx],
319  partToEndVtx,
320  datapools ) );
321  } //> end loop over vertices
323  // set the signal process vertex
324  const int sigProcVtx = persEvt.m_signalProcessVtx;
325  if ( sigProcVtx != 0 ) {
326  genEvt->set_signal_process_vertex( genEvt->barcode_to_vertex( sigProcVtx ) );
327  }
329  // connect particles to their end vertices
331  p = partToEndVtx.begin(),
332  endItr = partToEndVtx.end();
333  p != endItr;
334  ++p ) {
335  auto decayVtx = HepMC::barcode_to_vertex(genEvt, p->second );
336  if ( decayVtx ) {
337  decayVtx->add_particle_in( p->first );
338  } else {
339  msg << MSG::ERROR
340  << "GenParticle points to null end vertex !!"
341  << endmsg;
342  }
343  }
345  // set the beam particles
346  const int beamPart1 = persEvt.m_beamParticle1;
347  const int beamPart2 = persEvt.m_beamParticle2;
348  if ( beamPart1 != 0 && beamPart2 !=0 ) {
349  genEvt->set_beam_particles(genEvt->barcode_to_particle(beamPart1),
350  genEvt->barcode_to_particle(beamPart2));
351  }
353 #endif
356  } //> end loop over m_genEvents
358  msg << MSG::DEBUG << "Loaded McEventCollection from persistent state [OK]"
359  << endmsg;
360 }

◆ persToTrans() [2/2]

virtual void TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::persToTrans ( const PERS persObj,
TRANS *  transObj,
MsgStream &  log 
pure virtualinherited

Convert persistent representation to transient one.

Copies data members from persistent object to an existing transient one. Needs to be implemented by the developer on the actual converter.

persObj[IN] persistent object
transObj[IN] transient object
log[IN] output message stream

Implemented in TPCnvIDContFromIdentifier< TRANS, PERS, CONV >, TPCnvIDCont< TRANS, PERS, CONV >, TPCnvStdVector< TRANS, PERS, CONV >, TPCnvVector< TRANS, PERS, CONV >, TPValVectorCnv< TRANS, PERS, CONV >, TPPtrVectorCnv< TRANS, PERS, CONV >, TPConverterConstBase< TRANS, PERS >, T_AtlasHitsVectorCnv< TRANS, PERS, CONV >, and T_AthenaHitsVectorCnv< TRANS, PERS, CONV >.

◆ persToTransUntyped()

virtual void TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::persToTransUntyped ( const void *  pers,
void *  trans,
MsgStream &  log 

Convert persistent object representation to transient.

pers[IN] void* pointer to the persistent object
trans[OUT] void* pointer to the empty transient object
log[IN] output message stream

Implements ITPCnvBase.

Definition at line 400 of file TPConverter.h.

403  {
404  persToTrans (reinterpret_cast<const PERS*> (pers),
405  reinterpret_cast<TRANS*> (trans),
406  log);
407  }

◆ persToTransWithKey()

virtual void TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::persToTransWithKey ( const PERS persObj,
TRANS *  transObj,
const std::string &  ,
MsgStream &  log 

Convert persistent representation to transient one.

Copies data members from persistent object to an existing transient one. Needs to be implemented by the developer on the actual converter.

persObj[IN] persistent object
transObj[IN] transient object
log[IN] output message stream

Reimplemented in TPConverterWithKeyBase< TRANS, PERS >.

Definition at line 376 of file TPConverter.h.

379  {
380  return persToTrans (persObj, transObj, log);
381  }

◆ persToTransWithKeyUntyped()

virtual void TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::persToTransWithKeyUntyped ( const void *  pers,
void *  trans,
const std::string &  key,
MsgStream &  log 

Convert persistent object representation to transient.

pers[IN] void* pointer to the persistent object
trans[OUT] void* pointer to the empty transient object
key[IN] SG key of object being read.
log[IN] output message stream

Reimplemented from ITPCnvBase.

Definition at line 420 of file TPConverter.h.

424  {
425  persToTransWithKey (reinterpret_cast<const PERS*> (pers),
426  reinterpret_cast<TRANS*> (trans),
427  key,
428  log);
429  }

◆ pstoreToTrans()

template<class TRANS , class PERS >
virtual void TPConverterBase< TRANS, PERS >::pstoreToTrans ( unsigned  index,
TRANS *  trans,
MsgStream &  log 

Convert persistent representation stored in the storage vector of the top-level object to transient.


index[IN] index of the persistent representation in the storage vector
trans[IN] empty transient object
log[IN] output message stream

Reimplemented from TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS, TRANS, PERS >.

Definition at line 760 of file TPConverter.h.

760  {
761  assert (index < this->m_pStorage->size());
762  this->persToTrans( &(*this->m_pStorage)[index], trans, log );
763  }

◆ reservePStorage()

virtual void TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::reservePStorage ( size_t  size)

Reserve 'size' elements for persistent storage.

Implements ITPConverter.

Definition at line 573 of file TPConverter.h.

573  {
574  m_pStorage->reserve( size );
575  }

◆ setPileup()

void McEventCollectionCnv_p7::setPileup ( )

Definition at line 968 of file McEventCollectionCnv_p7.cxx.

968  {
969  m_isPileup = true;
970 }

◆ setPStorage()

void TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::setPStorage ( std::vector< PERS > *  storage)

Tell this converter which storage vector it should use to store or retrieve persistent representations.

storage[IN] the address of the storage vector

Definition at line 551 of file TPConverter.h.

551  {
552  m_pStorage = storage;
553  m_curRecLevel = 0;
554  }

◆ setReadingFlag()

template<class TRANS >
void ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::setReadingFlag ( )

Definition at line 234 of file TPConverter.h.

234 { m_wasUsedForReading = true; }

◆ setRecursive()

void TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::setRecursive ( bool  flag = true)

Tell the converter if it should work in recursive mode slower but it can safely handle recursion.

Definition at line 559 of file TPConverter.h.

559  {
560  m_recursive = flag;
561  }

◆ setRuntimeTopConverter()

template<class TRANS >
virtual void ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::setRuntimeTopConverter ( TopLevelTPCnvBase topConverter)

Set runtime top-level converter - usually it is the owning TL converter, but in case of extended objects it will be the TL converter of the extended object.

topConverter[IN] runtime top-level converter for this converter

Implements ITPConverter.

Definition at line 215 of file TPConverter.h.

◆ setTopConverter()

template<class TRANS >
virtual void ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::setTopConverter ( TopLevelTPCnvBase topConverter,
const TPObjRef::typeID_t TPtypeID 

Set which top-level converter owns this elemental converter, and what TPtypeID was assigned to the persistent objects it produces.

topConverter[IN] the top-level converter owning this converter
TPtypeID[IN] TP type id for persistent objects (used in TP refs)

Implements ITPConverter.

Definition at line 221 of file TPConverter.h.

223  {
225  m_pStorageTID = TPtypeID;
226  m_pStorageTIDvalue = TPtypeID.value();
228  }

◆ topConverter() [1/2]

template<class TRANS >
virtual TopLevelTPCnvBase* ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::topConverter ( )

return the top-level converter for this elemental TP converter


Reimplemented from ITPConverter.

Definition at line 191 of file TPConverter.h.

191  {
192  return m_topConverter;
193  }

◆ topConverter() [2/2]

template<class TRANS >
virtual const TopLevelTPCnvBase* ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::topConverter ( ) const

return the top-level converter for this elemental TP converter


Reimplemented from ITPConverter.

Definition at line 196 of file TPConverter.h.

196  {
197  return m_topConverter;
198  }

◆ toPersistent()

template<class TRANS >
template<class CNV >
TPObjRef ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::toPersistent ( CNV **  cnv,
const typename CNV::TransBase_t *  transObj,
MsgStream &  log 
) const

Persistify an object and store the persistent represenation in the storage vector of the top-level persistent object.

The correct converter is located using the actual object type.

cnv[IN/OUT] pointer to the converter, usually 0 at the start. Once the right converter is found, this pointer will be set so the search is done only once
transObj[IN] transient object
log[IN] output message stream
TPObjRef TP reference to the persistent representation stored in the storage vector of the top-level persistent object

Definition at line 119 of file TPConverter.h.

119  {
120  if( !transObj ) return TPObjRef();
121  CNV *temp_cnv_p = 0;
122  if( !cnv ) cnv = &temp_cnv_p;
123  if( !*cnv || (*cnv)->wasUsedForReading() ) {
124  // don't trust the converter if it was used for reading, find again
125  *cnv = converterForType( *cnv, typeid(*transObj), log );
126  if( !*cnv ) return TPObjRef();
127  (*cnv)->clearReadingFlag();
128  }
129  return (**cnv).virt_toPersistent(transObj, log);
130  }

◆ toPersistentWithKey_impl()

TPObjRef TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::toPersistentWithKey_impl ( const TRANS *  trans,
const std::string &  key,
MsgStream &  log 

Convert transient object to persistent representation.

Stores the result in the storage vector of the top-level object and returns a TP Ref to it.

trans[IN] transient object
key[IN] SG key of object being converted
log[IN] output message stream
TP reference to the persistent representation

◆ transBaseTInfo()

template<class TRANS >
const std::type_info& ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::transBaseTInfo ( ) const

return C++ type id of the common base transient type for all converters for a group of polymorphic types

std::type_info& this method is not overwritten in the subclasses like transientTInfo()

Implements ITPConverter.

Definition at line 205 of file TPConverter.h.

205 { return typeid(TRANS); }

◆ transientTInfo() [1/2]

template<class TRANS >
virtual const std::type_info& ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::transientTInfo ( ) const

return C++ type id of the transient class this converter is for


Implements ITPCnvBase.

Reimplemented in TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< Analysis::MuonContainer, Analysis::MuonContainer, MuonContainer_p3 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TileTrackMuFeatureContainer, TileTrackMuFeatureContainer, TileTrackMuFeatureContainer_p3 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< std::vector< Analysis::TauPi0Cluster * >, std::vector< Analysis::TauPi0Cluster * >, std::vector< TPObjRef > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< IsoMuonFeatureContainer, IsoMuonFeatureContainer, IsoMuonFeatureContainer_p2 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< MuonFeatureDetailsContainer, MuonFeatureDetailsContainer, MuonFeatureDetailsContainer_p2 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< std::vector< Trk::VxCandidate * >, std::vector< Trk::VxCandidate * >, std::vector< TPObjRef > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< MuonFeatureContainer, MuonFeatureContainer, MuonFeatureContainer_p3 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< std::vector< TrigConfAlg >, std::vector< TrigConfAlg >, std::vector< TrigConfAlg_p1 > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigT2MbtsBitsContainer, TrigT2MbtsBitsContainer, TrigT2MbtsBitsContainer_p3 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigCompositeContainer, TrigCompositeContainer, TrigCompositeContainer_p1 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< LumiBlockCollection, LumiBlockCollection, LumiBlockCollection_p2 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigTauClusterContainer, TrigTauClusterContainer, TrigTauClusterContainer_p5 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigRNNOutputContainer, TrigRNNOutputContainer, TrigRNNOutputContainer_p2 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigRoiDescriptorCollection, TrigRoiDescriptorCollection, TrigRoiDescriptorCollection_p3 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigTauClusterContainer, TrigTauClusterContainer, TrigTauClusterContainer_p4 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigT2JetContainer, TrigT2JetContainer, TrigT2JetContainer_p3 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigPassBitsCollection, TrigPassBitsCollection, TrigPassBitsCollection_p1 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigRoiDescriptorCollection, TrigRoiDescriptorCollection, TrigRoiDescriptorCollection_p2 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< std::vector< const JetTagInfoBase * >, std::vector< const JetTagInfoBase * >, std::vector< TPObjRef > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigTauClusterContainer, TrigTauClusterContainer, TrigTauClusterContainer_p3 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigMuonEFIsolationContainer, TrigMuonEFIsolationContainer, TrigMuonEFIsolationContainer_p1 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< MultiComponentStateOnSurfaceDV, MultiComponentStateOnSurfaceDV, std::vector< TPObjRef > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< RingerRingsContainer, RingerRingsContainer, RingerRingsContainer_p2 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< std::vector< Trk::VxTrackAtVertex * >, std::vector< Trk::VxTrackAtVertex * >, std::vector< TPObjRef > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< std::vector< TrigMonTE >, std::vector< TrigMonTE >, std::vector< TrigMonTE_p1 > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< Analysis::MuonContainer, Analysis::MuonContainer, MuonContainer_p6 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigMissingETContainer, TrigMissingETContainer, TrigMissingETContainer_p3 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TileHitVector, TileHitVector, TileHitVector_p1 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< DataVector< eflowObject >, DataVector< eflowObject >, std::vector< eflowObject_p2 > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< std::vector< TrigConfSeq >, std::vector< TrigConfSeq >, std::vector< TrigConfSeq_p1 > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigTrtHitCountsCollection, TrigTrtHitCountsCollection, TrigTrtHitCountsCollection_p2 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< JetCollection, JetCollection, ParticleJetContainer_p1 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigL2BjetContainer, TrigL2BjetContainer, TrigL2BjetContainer_p3 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigMuonEFIsolationContainer, TrigMuonEFIsolationContainer, TrigMuonEFIsolationContainer_p2 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigPassFlagsCollection, TrigPassFlagsCollection, TrigPassFlagsCollection_p1 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< DataVector< const Trk::MeasurementBase >, DataVector< const Trk::MeasurementBase >, std::vector< TPObjRef > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< DataVector< eflowObject >, DataVector< eflowObject >, std::vector< eflowObject_p3 > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigTauTracksInfoCollection, TrigTauTracksInfoCollection, TrigTauTracksInfoCollection_p2 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrackInVertexVector, TrackInVertexVector, std::vector< TPObjRef > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigTauClusterDetailsContainer, TrigTauClusterDetailsContainer, TrigTauClusterDetailsContainer_p2 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigEMClusterContainer, TrigEMClusterContainer, TrigEMClusterContainer_p4 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< std::vector< Analysis::TauShot * >, std::vector< Analysis::TauShot * >, std::vector< TPObjRef > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< DataVector< eflowObject >, DataVector< eflowObject >, std::vector< eflowObject_p4 > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< std::vector< TrigMonRoi >, std::vector< TrigMonRoi >, std::vector< TrigMonRoi_p1 > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< DataVector< eflowObject >, DataVector< eflowObject >, std::vector< eflowObject_p5 > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigTauContainer, TrigTauContainer, TrigTauContainer_p3 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigEMClusterContainer, TrigEMClusterContainer, TrigEMClusterContainer_p3 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigMuonEFContainer, TrigMuonEFContainer, TrigMuonEFContainer_p2 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< ElectronMuonTopoInfoContainer, ElectronMuonTopoInfoContainer, ElectronMuonTopoInfoContainer_p1 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigInDetTrackCollection, TrigInDetTrackCollection, std::vector< TPObjRef > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< std::vector< const Trk::TrackParameters * >, std::vector< const Trk::TrackParameters * >, std::vector< TPObjRef > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< EventBookkeeperCollection, EventBookkeeperCollection, EventBookkeeperCollection_p2 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< SkimDecisionCollection, SkimDecisionCollection, SkimDecisionCollection_p1 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< std::vector< TrigConfChain >, std::vector< TrigConfChain >, std::vector< TrigConfChain_p1 > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< Trk::TrackStates, Trk::TrackStates, std::vector< TPObjRef > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< CombinedMuonFeatureContainer, CombinedMuonFeatureContainer, CombinedMuonFeatureContainer_p4 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigPhotonContainer, TrigPhotonContainer, TrigPhotonContainer_p3 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< std::vector< TrigMonSeq >, std::vector< TrigMonSeq >, std::vector< TrigMonSeq_p1 > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< EventBookkeeperCollection, EventBookkeeperCollection, EventBookkeeperCollection_p1 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< std::vector< TrigMonAlg >, std::vector< TrigMonAlg >, std::vector< TrigMonAlg_p1 > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< CombinedMuonFeatureContainer, CombinedMuonFeatureContainer, CombinedMuonFeatureContainer_p3 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< DataVector< eflowObject >, DataVector< eflowObject >, std::vector< eflowObject_p1 > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< std::vector< Analysis::TauPi0Candidate * >, std::vector< Analysis::TauPi0Candidate * >, std::vector< TPObjRef > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< CombinedMuonFeatureContainer, CombinedMuonFeatureContainer, CombinedMuonFeatureContainer_p2 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigElectronContainer, TrigElectronContainer, TrigElectronContainer_p3 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigSpacePointCountsCollection, TrigSpacePointCountsCollection, TrigSpacePointCountsCollection_p4 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< Analysis::MuonContainer, Analysis::MuonContainer, MuonContainer_p5 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TileMuFeatureContainer, TileMuFeatureContainer, TileMuFeatureContainer_p2 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< std::vector< TrigConfSig >, std::vector< TrigConfSig >, std::vector< TrigConfSig_p1 > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< std::vector< TrigMonROBData >, std::vector< TrigMonROBData >, std::vector< TrigMonROBData_p1 > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< Analysis::MuonContainer, Analysis::MuonContainer, MuonContainer_p4 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< LumiBlockCollection, LumiBlockCollection, LumiBlockCollection_p1 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< std::vector< const JetAssociationBase * >, std::vector< const JetAssociationBase * >, std::vector< TPObjRef > >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< IsoMuonFeatureContainer, IsoMuonFeatureContainer, IsoMuonFeatureContainer_p3 >, TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TrigCaloClusterContainer, TrigCaloClusterContainer, TrigCaloClusterContainer_p3 >, and TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< std::vector< TrigMonROB >, std::vector< TrigMonROB >, std::vector< TrigMonROB_p1 > >.

Definition at line 201 of file TPConverter.h.

201 { return typeid(TRANS); }

◆ transientTInfo() [2/2]

virtual const std::type_info& TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::transientTInfo ( ) const

return C++ type id of the transient class this converter is for


Definition at line 479 of file TPConverter.h.

479 { return typeid(TRANS); }

◆ transToPers() [1/2]

void McEventCollectionCnv_p7::transToPers ( const McEventCollection transObj,
McEventCollection_p7 persObj,
MsgStream &  log 

Method creating the persistent representation McEventCollection_p7 from its transient representation McEventCollection.

Definition at line 362 of file McEventCollectionCnv_p7.cxx.

365 {
366  const EventContext& ctx = Gaudi::Hive::currentContext();
368  msg << MSG::DEBUG << "Creating persistent state of McEventCollection..."
369  << endmsg;
370  persObj->m_genEvents.reserve( transObj->size() );
372  const std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> stats = nbrParticlesAndVertices( transObj );
373  persObj->m_genParticles.reserve( stats.first );
374  persObj->m_genVertices.reserve ( stats.second );
376  const McEventCollection::const_iterator itrEnd = transObj->end();
377  for ( McEventCollection::const_iterator itr = transObj->begin();
378  itr != itrEnd;
379  ++itr ) {
380  const unsigned int nPersVtx = persObj->m_genVertices.size();
381  const unsigned int nPersParts = persObj->m_genParticles.size();
382  const HepMC::GenEvent* genEvt = *itr;
383 #ifdef HEPMC3
384  auto ri = genEvt->run_info();
386  HepMC3::GenRunInfoData ri_data;
387  if (ri) {
388  ri->write_data(ri_data);
389  if (!ri_data.weight_names.empty()) {
390  m_hepMCWeightSvc->setWeightNames( names_to_name_index_map(ri_data.weight_names), ctx ).ignore();
391  } else {
392  //AV : This to be decided if one would like to have default names.
393  //std::vector<std::string> names{"0"};
394  //m_hepMCWeightSvc->setWeightNames( names_to_name_index_map(names), ctx );
395  }
396  }
398  auto A_mpi=genEvt->attribute<HepMC3::IntAttribute>("mpi");
399  auto A_signal_process_id=genEvt->attribute<HepMC3::IntAttribute>("signal_process_id");
400  auto A_event_scale=genEvt->attribute<HepMC3::DoubleAttribute>("event_scale");
401  auto A_alphaQCD=genEvt->attribute<HepMC3::DoubleAttribute>("alphaQCD");
402  auto A_alphaQED=genEvt->attribute<HepMC3::DoubleAttribute>("alphaQED");
403  auto A_filterWeight=genEvt->attribute<HepMC3::DoubleAttribute>("filterWeight");
404  auto A_filterHT=genEvt->attribute<HepMC3::DoubleAttribute>("filterHT");
405  auto A_filterMET=genEvt->attribute<HepMC3::DoubleAttribute>("filterMET");
407  auto A_random_states=genEvt->attribute<HepMC3::VectorLongIntAttribute>("random_states");
408  auto beams=genEvt->beams();
409  persObj->m_genEvents.
410  emplace_back(A_signal_process_id?(A_signal_process_id->value()):-1,
411  genEvt->event_number(),
412  A_mpi?(A_mpi->value()):-1,
413  A_event_scale?(A_event_scale->value()):0.0,
414  A_alphaQCD?(A_alphaQCD->value()):0.0,
415  A_alphaQED?(A_alphaQED->value()):0.0,
416  A_filterWeight?(A_filterWeight->value()):1.0,
417  A_filterHT?(A_filterHT->value()):-13.,
418  A_filterMET?(A_filterMET->value()):-13.0,
420  !beams.empty()?HepMC::barcode(beams[0]):0,
421  beams.size()>1?HepMC::barcode(beams[1]):0,
422  genEvt->weights(),
423  A_random_states?(A_random_states->value()):std::vector<long>(),
424  std::vector<double>(), // cross section
425  std::vector<float>(), // heavyion
426  std::vector<double>(), // pdf info
427  genEvt->momentum_unit(),
428  genEvt->length_unit(),
429  nPersVtx,
430  nPersVtx + genEvt->vertices().size(),
431  nPersParts,
432  nPersParts + genEvt->particles().size() );
433  {
434  GenEvent_p7& persEvt = persObj->m_genEvents.back();
435  std::map< std::string, std::map<int, std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::Attribute> > > e_atts = genEvt->attributes();
436  persEvt.m_e_attribute_name.clear();
437  persEvt.m_e_attribute_id.clear();
438  persEvt.m_e_attribute_string.clear();
439  for (auto& attmap: e_atts) {
440  if (attributes_to_ignore.count(attmap.first)) continue;
441  if (attmap.first == "ShadowParticle") continue;
442  if (attmap.first == "ShadowParticleId") continue;
443  for (auto& att: attmap.second) {
444  persEvt.m_e_attribute_name.push_back(attmap.first);
445  persEvt.m_e_attribute_id.push_back(att.first);
446  std::string st;
447  att.second->to_string(st);
450  persEvt.m_e_attribute_string.push_back(st);
451  }
452  }
453  persEvt.m_r_attribute_name.clear();
454  persEvt.m_r_attribute_string.clear();
455  persEvt.m_r_tool_name.clear();
456  persEvt.m_r_tool_version.clear();
457  persEvt.m_r_tool_description.clear();
458  persEvt.m_r_weight_names.clear();
459  if (ri) {
460  persEvt.m_r_attribute_string = std::move(ri_data.attribute_string);
461  persEvt.m_r_attribute_name = std::move(ri_data.attribute_name);
462  persEvt.m_r_tool_name = std::move(ri_data.tool_name);
463  persEvt.m_r_tool_version = std::move(ri_data.tool_version);
464  persEvt.m_r_tool_description = std::move(ri_data.tool_description);
465  persEvt.m_r_weight_names = std::move(ri_data.weight_names);
466  }
467  //Actually, with this piece there is no need to treat the CS and HI separately.
468  }
469  //HepMC::GenCrossSection encoding
470  if (genEvt->cross_section()) {
471  auto cs=genEvt->cross_section();
472  GenEvent_p7& persEvt = persObj->m_genEvents.back();
473  std::vector<double>& crossSection = persEvt.m_crossSection;
474  crossSection.resize(3);
475  crossSection[2] = cs->xsec();
476  crossSection[1] = cs->xsec_err();
477  crossSection[0] = static_cast<double>(cs->is_valid());
480  if (crossSection[2] < 0) {
481  crossSection[2] = 0.0;
482  if (crossSection[1] < 0) {
483  crossSection[1] = 0.0;
484  }
485  crossSection[0] = 0.0;
486  }
488  }
490  //HepMC::HeavyIon encoding
491  if (genEvt->heavy_ion()) {
492  auto hi=genEvt->heavy_ion();
493  GenEvent_p7& persEvt = persObj->m_genEvents.back();
494  std::vector<float>& heavyIon = persEvt.m_heavyIon;
495  heavyIon.resize(13);
496  heavyIon[12] = static_cast<float>(hi->Ncoll_hard);
497  heavyIon[11] = static_cast<float>(hi->Npart_proj);
498  heavyIon[10] = static_cast<float>(hi->Npart_targ);
499  heavyIon[9] = static_cast<float>(hi->Ncoll);
500  heavyIon[8] = static_cast<float>(hi->spectator_neutrons);
501  heavyIon[7] = static_cast<float>(hi->spectator_protons);
502  heavyIon[6] = static_cast<float>(hi->N_Nwounded_collisions);
503  heavyIon[5] = static_cast<float>(hi->Nwounded_N_collisions);
504  heavyIon[4] = static_cast<float>(hi->Nwounded_Nwounded_collisions);
505  heavyIon[3] = hi->impact_parameter;
506  heavyIon[2] = hi->event_plane_angle;
507  heavyIon[1] = hi->eccentricity;
508  heavyIon[0] = hi->sigma_inel_NN;
509  }
511  //PdfInfo encoding
512  if (genEvt->pdf_info()) {
513  auto pi=genEvt->pdf_info();
514  GenEvent_p7& persEvt = persObj->m_genEvents.back();
515  std::vector<double>& pdfinfo = persEvt.m_pdfinfo;
516  pdfinfo.resize(9);
517  pdfinfo[8] = static_cast<double>(pi->parton_id[0]);
518  pdfinfo[7] = static_cast<double>(pi->parton_id[1]);
519  pdfinfo[6] = static_cast<double>(pi->pdf_id[0]);
520  pdfinfo[5] = static_cast<double>(pi->pdf_id[1]);
521  pdfinfo[4] = pi->x[0];
522  pdfinfo[3] = pi->x[1];
523  pdfinfo[2] = pi->scale;
524  pdfinfo[1] = pi->xf[0];
525  pdfinfo[0] = pi->xf[1];
526  }
528  // create vertices
529  for (const auto& v: genEvt->vertices()) {
530  writeGenVertex( v, *persObj );
531  }
532 #else
533  const int signalProcessVtx = genEvt->m_signal_process_vertex
534  ? genEvt->m_signal_process_vertex->barcode()
535  : 0;
536  const int beamParticle1Barcode = genEvt->m_beam_particle_1
537  ? genEvt->m_beam_particle_1->barcode()
538  : 0;
539  const int beamParticle2Barcode = genEvt->m_beam_particle_2
540  ? genEvt->m_beam_particle_2->barcode()
541  : 0;
543  //save the weight names to metadata via the HepMCWeightSvc
544  m_hepMCWeightSvc->setWeightNames( genEvt->m_weights.m_names, ctx ).ignore();
547  persObj->m_genEvents.
548  push_back( GenEvent_p7( genEvt->m_signal_process_id,
549  genEvt->m_event_number,
550  genEvt->mpi(), // number of multi particle interactions
551  genEvt->m_event_scale,
552  genEvt->m_alphaQCD,
553  genEvt->m_alphaQED,
554  1, // dummy value as this does not exist in HepMC2::GenEvent
555  signalProcessVtx,
556  beamParticle1Barcode, // barcodes of beam particles
557  beamParticle2Barcode,
558  genEvt->m_weights.m_weights,
559  genEvt->m_random_states,
560  std::vector<double>(), // cross section
561  std::vector<float>(), // heavyion
562  std::vector<double>(), // pdf info
563  genEvt->m_momentum_unit,
564  genEvt->m_position_unit,
565  nPersVtx,
566  nPersVtx + genEvt->vertices_size(),
567  nPersParts,
568  nPersParts + genEvt->particles_size() ) );
569  //HepMC::GenCrossSection encoding
570  if (genEvt->m_cross_section) {
571  GenEvent_p7& persEvt = persObj->m_genEvents.back();
572  std::vector<double>& crossSection = persEvt.m_crossSection;
573  crossSection.resize(3);
574  crossSection[2] = genEvt->m_cross_section->m_cross_section;
575  crossSection[1] = genEvt->m_cross_section->m_cross_section_error;
576  crossSection[0] = static_cast<double>(genEvt->m_cross_section->m_is_set);
577  }
579  //HepMC::HeavyIon encoding
580  if (genEvt->m_heavy_ion) {
581  GenEvent_p7& persEvt = persObj->m_genEvents.back();
582  std::vector<float>& heavyIon = persEvt.m_heavyIon;
583  heavyIon.resize(13);
584  heavyIon[12] = static_cast<float>(genEvt->m_heavy_ion->m_Ncoll_hard);
585  heavyIon[11] = static_cast<float>(genEvt->m_heavy_ion->m_Npart_proj);
586  heavyIon[10] = static_cast<float>(genEvt->m_heavy_ion->m_Npart_targ);
587  heavyIon[9] = static_cast<float>(genEvt->m_heavy_ion->m_Ncoll);
588  heavyIon[8] = static_cast<float>(genEvt->m_heavy_ion->m_spectator_neutrons);
589  heavyIon[7] = static_cast<float>(genEvt->m_heavy_ion->m_spectator_protons);
590  heavyIon[6] = static_cast<float>(genEvt->m_heavy_ion->m_N_Nwounded_collisions);
591  heavyIon[5] = static_cast<float>(genEvt->m_heavy_ion->m_Nwounded_N_collisions);
592  heavyIon[4] = static_cast<float>(genEvt->m_heavy_ion->m_Nwounded_Nwounded_collisions);
593  heavyIon[3] = genEvt->m_heavy_ion->m_impact_parameter;
594  heavyIon[2] = genEvt->m_heavy_ion->m_event_plane_angle;
595  heavyIon[1] = genEvt->m_heavy_ion->m_eccentricity;
596  heavyIon[0] = genEvt->m_heavy_ion->m_sigma_inel_NN;
597  }
599  //PdfInfo encoding
600  if (genEvt->m_pdf_info) {
601  GenEvent_p7& persEvt = persObj->m_genEvents.back();
602  std::vector<double>& pdfinfo = persEvt.m_pdfinfo;
603  pdfinfo.resize(9);
604  pdfinfo[8] = static_cast<double>(genEvt->m_pdf_info->m_id1);
605  pdfinfo[7] = static_cast<double>(genEvt->m_pdf_info->m_id2);
606  pdfinfo[6] = static_cast<double>(genEvt->m_pdf_info->m_pdf_id1);
607  pdfinfo[5] = static_cast<double>(genEvt->m_pdf_info->m_pdf_id2);
608  pdfinfo[4] = genEvt->m_pdf_info->m_x1;
609  pdfinfo[3] = genEvt->m_pdf_info->m_x2;
610  pdfinfo[2] = genEvt->m_pdf_info->m_scalePDF;
611  pdfinfo[1] = genEvt->m_pdf_info->m_pdf1;
612  pdfinfo[0] = genEvt->m_pdf_info->m_pdf2;
613  }
615  // create vertices
616  const HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator endVtx=genEvt->vertices_end();
617  for ( HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator i = genEvt->vertices_begin();
618  i != endVtx;
619  ++i ) {
620  writeGenVertex( **i, *persObj );
621  }
622 #endif
624  } //> end loop over GenEvents
626  msg << MSG::DEBUG << "Created persistent state of HepMC::GenEvent [OK]" << endmsg;
627 }

◆ transToPers() [2/2]

virtual void TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::transToPers ( const TRANS *  transObj,
PERS persObj,
MsgStream &  log 
pure virtualinherited

Convert transient representation to persistent one.

Copies data members from transient object to an existing persistent one. Needs to be implemented by the developer on the actual converter.

transObj[IN] transient object
persObj[IN] persistent object
log[IN] output message stream

Implemented in TPCnvIDContFromIdentifier< TRANS, PERS, CONV >, TPCnvIDCont< TRANS, PERS, CONV >, TPCnvStdVector< TRANS, PERS, CONV >, TPCnvVector< TRANS, PERS, CONV >, TPValVectorCnv< TRANS, PERS, CONV >, TPPolyVectorCnv< TRANS, PERS, CONV >, TPPtrVectorCnv< TRANS, PERS, CONV >, TPConverterConstBase< TRANS, PERS >, T_AtlasHitsVectorCnv< TRANS, PERS, CONV >, and T_AthenaHitsVectorCnv< TRANS, PERS, CONV >.

◆ transToPersUntyped()

virtual void TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::transToPersUntyped ( const void *  trans,
void *  pers,
MsgStream &  log 

Convert transient object representation to persistent.

trans[IN] void* pointer to the transient object
pers[OUT] void* pointer to the empty persistent object
log[IN] output message stream

Implements ITPCnvBase.

Definition at line 410 of file TPConverter.h.

413  {
414  transToPers (reinterpret_cast<const TRANS*> (trans),
415  reinterpret_cast<PERS*> (pers),
416  log);
417  }

◆ transToPersWithKey()

virtual void TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::transToPersWithKey ( const TRANS *  transObj,
PERS persObj,
const std::string &  ,
MsgStream &  log 

Convert transient representation to persistent one.

Copies data members from transient object to an existing persistent one. Needs to be implemented by the developer on the actual converter.

transObj[IN] transient object
persObj[IN] persistent object
key[IN] SG key of object being written.
log[IN] output message stream

Reimplemented in TPConverterWithKeyBase< TRANS, PERS >.

Definition at line 392 of file TPConverter.h.

395  {
396  return transToPers (transObj, persObj, log);
397  }

◆ transToPersWithKeyUntyped()

virtual void TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::transToPersWithKeyUntyped ( const void *  trans,
void *  pers,
const std::string &  key,
MsgStream &  log 

Convert transient object representation to persistent.

trans[IN] void* pointer to the transient object
pers[OUT] void* pointer to the empty persistent object
key[IN] SG key of object being written.
log[IN] output message stream

Reimplemented from ITPCnvBase.

Definition at line 432 of file TPConverter.h.

436  {
437  transToPersWithKey (reinterpret_cast<const TRANS*> (trans),
438  reinterpret_cast<PERS*> (pers),
439  key,
440  log);
441  }

◆ typeID()

template<class TRANS >
virtual const TPObjRef::typeID_t& ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::typeID ( ) const

Return TP typeID for persistent objects produced by this converter.


Implements ITPConverter.

Definition at line 208 of file TPConverter.h.

208 { return m_pStorageTID; }

◆ typeIDvalue()

template<class TRANS >
unsigned ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::typeIDvalue ( ) const

inlined non-virtual version to get the typeID value fast

Definition at line 211 of file TPConverter.h.

211 { return m_pStorageTIDvalue; }

◆ virt_createTransFromPStore()

virtual TRANS* TPPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::virt_createTransFromPStore ( unsigned  index,
MsgStream &  log 

Internal interface method that is used to invoke the real conversion method (createTransient)

index[IN] index of the persistent object in the storage vector
log[IN] output message stream
Created transient object (by pointer)

Reimplemented from TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS, TRANS, PERS >.

Definition at line 706 of file TPConverter.h.

706  {
707  assert (index < this->m_pStorage->size());
708  return createTransient( &(*this->m_pStorage)[index], log );
709  }

◆ virt_createTransFromPStoreWithKey()

virtual TRANS* TPPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::virt_createTransFromPStoreWithKey ( unsigned  index,
const std::string &  key,
MsgStream &  log 

Internal interface method that is used to invoke the real conversion method (createTransient)

index[IN] index of the persistent object in the storage vector
key[IN] SG key of the object being converted
log[IN] output message stream
Created transient object (by pointer)

Reimplemented from TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS, TRANS, PERS >.

Definition at line 718 of file TPConverter.h.

721  {
722  assert (index < this->m_pStorage->size());
723  return createTransientWithKey( &(*this->m_pStorage)[index], key, log );
724  }

◆ virt_toPersistent()

template<class TRANS , class PERS >
virtual TPObjRef TPConverterBase< TRANS, PERS >::virt_toPersistent ( const TRANS *  trans,
MsgStream &  log 

Internal interface method that is used to invoke the real conversion method (toPersistent_impl) in the derived converter.

trans[IN] transient object
log[IN] output message stream
TPObjRef TP reference to the persistent representation stored in the storage vector of the top-level persistent object Here toPersistent_impl is invoked with the dynamic cast of the transient type pointer to it's actual type

Reimplemented from TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS, TRANS, PERS >.

Definition at line 747 of file TPConverter.h.

747  {
748  return this->toPersistentWithKey_impl( trans, "", log);
749  }

◆ virt_toPersistentWithKey()

template<class TRANS , class PERS >
virtual TPObjRef TPConverterBase< TRANS, PERS >::virt_toPersistentWithKey ( const TRANS *  trans,
const std::string &  key,
MsgStream &  log 

Internal interface method that is used to invoke the real conversion method (toPersistent_impl) in the derived converter.

trans[IN] transient object
key[IN] SG key of the object being converted.
log[IN] output message stream
TPObjRef TP reference to the persistent representation stored in the storage vector of the top-level persistent object Here toPersistentWithKey_impl is invoked with the dynamic cast of the transient type pointer to it's actual type

Reimplemented from TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS, TRANS, PERS >.

Definition at line 752 of file TPConverter.h.

755  {
756  return this->toPersistentWithKey_impl( trans, key, log);
757  }

◆ wasUsedForReading()

template<class TRANS >
bool ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::wasUsedForReading ( )

Definition at line 236 of file TPConverter.h.

236 { return m_wasUsedForReading; }

◆ writeGenParticle()

int McEventCollectionCnv_p7::writeGenParticle ( const HepMC::GenParticle p,
McEventCollection_p7 persEvt 
) const

Method to write a persistent GenParticle object It returns the index of the persistent GenParticle into the collection of persistent of GenParticles from the persistent GenEvent.

Definition at line 922 of file McEventCollectionCnv_p7.cxx.

924 {
925  const HepMC::FourVector& mom = p.m_momentum;
926  const double ene = mom.e();
927  const double m2 = mom.m2();
929  // Definitions of Bool isTimeLilike, isSpacelike and isLightlike according to HepLorentzVector definition
930  const bool useP2M2 = !(m2 > 0) && // !isTimelike
931  (m2 < 0) && // isSpacelike
932  !(std::abs(m2) < 2.0*DBL_EPSILON*ene*ene); // !isLightlike
934  const short recoMethod = ( !useP2M2
935  ? 0
936  : ( ene >= 0. //*GeV
937  ? 1
938  : 2 ) );
940  persEvt.m_genParticles.
941  push_back( GenParticle_p7( mom.px(),
943  mom.pz(),
944  mom.m(),
945  p.m_pdg_id,
946  p.m_status,
947  p.m_flow.size(),
948  p.m_polarization.theta(),
949  p.m_polarization.phi(),
950  p.m_production_vertex
951  ? p.m_production_vertex->barcode()
952  : 0,
953  p.m_end_vertex
954  ? p.m_end_vertex->barcode()
955  : 0,
956  p.m_barcode,
957  p.m_generated_mass,
958  recoMethod ) );
959  persEvt.m_genParticles.back().m_flow.assign( p.m_flow.begin(),
960  p.m_flow.end() );
962  // we return the index of the particle in the big vector of particles
963  // (contained by the persistent GenEvent)
964  return (persEvt.m_genParticles.size() - 1);
965 }

◆ writeGenVertex()

void McEventCollectionCnv_p7::writeGenVertex ( const HepMC::GenVertex &  vtx,
McEventCollection_p7 persEvt 
) const

Method to write a persistent GenVertex object.

The persistent vertex is added to the persistent is added to the persistent GenEvent.

Definition at line 841 of file McEventCollectionCnv_p7.cxx.

843 {
844  const HepMC::FourVector& position = vtx.m_position;
845  persEvt.m_genVertices.push_back(
846  GenVertex_p7( position.x(),
847  position.y(),
848  position.z(),
849  position.t(),
850  vtx.m_id,
851  vtx.m_weights.m_weights.begin(),
852  vtx.m_weights.m_weights.end(),
853  vtx.m_barcode ) );
854  GenVertex_p7& persVtx = persEvt.m_genVertices.back();
856  // we write only the orphans in-coming particles
857  const std::vector<HepMC::GenParticlePtr>::const_iterator endInVtx = vtx.m_particles_in.end();
858  persVtx.m_particlesIn.reserve(vtx.m_particles_in.size());
859  for ( std::vector<HepMC::GenParticlePtr>::const_iterator p = vtx.m_particles_in.begin();
860  p != endInVtx;
861  ++p ) {
862  if ( 0 == (*p)->production_vertex() ) {
863  persVtx.m_particlesIn.push_back( writeGenParticle( **p, persEvt ) );
864  }
865  }
867  const std::vector<HepMC::GenParticlePtr>::const_iterator endOutVtx = vtx.m_particles_out.end();
868  persVtx.m_particlesOut.reserve(vtx.m_particles_out.size());
869  for ( std::vector<HepMC::GenParticlePtr>::const_iterator p = vtx.m_particles_out.begin();
870  p != endOutVtx;
871  ++p ) {
872  persVtx.m_particlesOut.push_back( writeGenParticle( **p, persEvt ) );
873  }
875  return;
876 }

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_curRecLevel

int TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::m_curRecLevel

count recursive invocations, to detect recursion

Definition at line 582 of file TPConverter.h.

◆ m_hepMCWeightSvc

ServiceHandle<IHepMCWeightSvc> McEventCollectionCnv_p7::m_hepMCWeightSvc

Definition at line 153 of file McEventCollectionCnv_p7.h.

◆ m_ignoreRecursion

bool TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::m_ignoreRecursion

if true, do not throw errors in case of recursion.

Definition at line 588 of file TPConverter.h.

◆ m_isPileup

bool McEventCollectionCnv_p7::m_isPileup

Definition at line 152 of file McEventCollectionCnv_p7.h.

◆ m_pStorage

std::vector< PERS >* TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::m_pStorage

the address of the storage vector for persistent representations

Definition at line 579 of file TPConverter.h.

◆ m_pStorageTID

template<class TRANS >
TPObjRef::typeID_t ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::m_pStorageTID

TP Ref typeID for the persistent objects this converter is creating.

Definition at line 292 of file TPConverter.h.

◆ m_pStorageTIDvalue

template<class TRANS >
unsigned ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::m_pStorageTIDvalue

m_pStorageTID converted to integer value

Definition at line 295 of file TPConverter.h.

◆ m_recursive

bool TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS , TRANS, PERS >::m_recursive

if true, work in recursion-safe way (slower)

Definition at line 585 of file TPConverter.h.

◆ m_topConverter

template<class TRANS >
TopLevelTPCnvBase* ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::m_topConverter

top level converter that owns this elemental TP converter it also holds the storage object

Definition at line 299 of file TPConverter.h.

◆ m_topConverterRuntime

template<class TRANS >
TopLevelTPCnvBase* ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::m_topConverterRuntime

top level converter "owning" this TP converter at runtime (different from m_topConverter in case the top-level converter and object have extensions)

Definition at line 302 of file TPConverter.h.

◆ m_wasUsedForReading

template<class TRANS >
bool ITPConverterFor< TRANS >::m_wasUsedForReading

flag set when using this converter for reading triggers search for a new converter before writing, to prevent possible use of old version

Definition at line 306 of file TPConverter.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
void reserve(size_type n)
Attempt to preallocate enough memory for a specified number of elements.
HepMC::GenVertex * GenVertexPtr
Definition: GenVertex.h:59
JetConstituentVector::iterator iterator
Definition: JetConstituentVector.cxx:68
virtual const TPObjRef::typeID_t & typeID() const =0
Return TP typeID for persistent objects produced by this converter.
bool suggest_barcode(T &p, int i)
Definition: GenEvent.h:548
ITPConverter * converterForType(const std::type_info &info) const
Find and return a TP converter for a given C++ type info.
Definition: TopLevelTPCnvBase.h:80
TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS, TRANS, PERS >::m_pStorage
std::vector< PERS > * m_pStorage
the address of the storage vector for persistent representations
Definition: TPConverter.h:579
double m_alphaQCD
value of the QCD coupling.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:101
std::vector< double > m_crossSection
Container of HepMC::GenCrossSection object translated to vector<double>
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:139
Const iterator class for DataVector/DataList.
Definition: DVLIterator.h:82
unsigned int m_verticesBegin
Begin position in the vector of vertices composing this event.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:160
std::vector< float > m_heavyIon
Container of HepMC::HeavyIon object translated to vector<double>
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:143
int m2
def p
int nVertices(const Polygon &p)
Definition: GeoUtils.cxx:35
TopLevelTPCnvBase * m_topConverter
top level converter that owns this elemental TP converter it also holds the storage object
Definition: TPConverter.h:299
HepMC::GenVertexPtr createGenVertex(const McEventCollection_p7 &persEvts, const GenVertex_p7 &vtx, ParticlesMap_t &bcToPart, HepMC::DataPool &datapools, HepMC::GenEvent *parent=nullptr) const
Create a transient GenVertex from a persistent one (version 1) It returns the new GenVertex.
Definition: McEventCollectionCnv_p7.cxx:631
TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS, TRANS, PERS >::toPersistentWithKey_impl
TPObjRef toPersistentWithKey_impl(const TRANS *trans, const std::string &key, MsgStream &log)
Convert transient object to persistent representation.
Definition: HepMcDataPool.h:81
bool m_isPileup
Definition: McEventCollectionCnv_p7.h:152
this data object is a view, it does not own its elmts
Definition: OwnershipPolicy.h:18
unsigned value() const
Returns the type ID as an integer.
Definition: TPObjRef.h:46
HepMC::GenParticlePtr createGenParticle(const GenParticle_p7 &p, ParticlesMap_t &partToEndVtx, HepMC::DataPool &datapools, const HepMC::GenVertexPtr &parent=nullptr, bool add_to_output=true) const
Create a transient GenParticle from a persistent one (vers.1) It returns the new GenParticle.
Definition: McEventCollectionCnv_p7.cxx:698
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:23
int m_signalProcessVtx
Barcode of the GenVertex holding the signal process.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:118
TPPolyCnvBase< TRANS, TRANS, PERS >::createTransient
virtual TRANS * createTransient(const PERS *persObj, MsgStream &log)
Create transient representation of a persistent object.
int m_barcode
barcode of this vertex (uniquely identifying a vertex within an event)
Definition: GenVertex_p7.h:85
GenParticle * GenParticlePtr
Definition: GenParticle.h:37
HepMC::PdfInfo * GenPdfInfoPtr
Definition: PdfInfo.h:17
ITPConverter * converterForRef(const TPObjRef &ref) const
Find and return a TP converter for persistent type referenced by ref.
Definition: TopLevelTPCnvBase.h:89
std::vector< GenParticle_p7 > m_genParticles
The vector of persistent representation of GenParticles.
Definition: McEventCollection_p7.h:59
TPPolyCnvBase< TRANS, TRANS, PERS >::createTransientWithKey
virtual TRANS * createTransientWithKey(const PERS *persObj, const std::string &key, MsgStream &log)
Create transient representation of a persistent object, with SG key.
std::vector< double > m_weights
Weights for this event.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:131
int m_momentumUnit
HepMC::Units::MomentumUnit casted to int.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:152
int m_lengthUnit
HepMC::Units::LengthUnit casted to int.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:156
std::vector< std::string > m_e_attribute_name
Attribute name for event.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:176
TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS, TRANS, PERS >::m_ignoreRecursion
bool m_ignoreRecursion
if true, do not throw errors in case of recursion.
Definition: TPConverter.h:588
virtual TopLevelTPCnvBase * topConverter()
return the top-level converter for this elemental TP converter
Definition: TPConverter.h:191
unsigned int m_verticesEnd
End position in the vector of vertices composing this event.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:164
Definition: TPObjRef.h:20
T_AthenaPoolTPCnvBase< McEventCollection, McEventCollection_p7 > Base_t
Definition: McEventCollectionCnv_p7.h:61
#define pi
Definition: TileMuonFitter.cxx:65
std::vector< GenEvent_p7 > m_genEvents
The vector of persistent representation of GenEvents.
Definition: McEventCollection_p7.h:51
HepMC::GenParticlePtr getGenParticle()
Definition: HepMcDataPool.h:160
TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS, TRANS, PERS >::transToPers
virtual void transToPers(const TRANS *transObj, PERS *persObj, MsgStream &log)=0
Convert transient representation to persistent one.
bool m_wasUsedForReading
flag set when using this converter for reading triggers search for a new converter before writing,...
Definition: TPConverter.h:306
double m_eventScale
Energy scale.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:97
int size
Definition: GenVertex_p7.h:24
void set_signal_process_vertex(GenEvent *e, T v)
Definition: GenEvent.h:528
unsigned int m_particlesEnd
End position in the vector of particles composing this event.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:172
CNV * converterForType(CNV *cnv, const std::type_info &t_info, MsgStream &log) const
Find converter for a given C++ type ID, that is or ihnerits from CNV type.
Definition: TPConverter.h:58
std::vector< std::string > m_r_tool_version
Version of the used tool.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:181
GenParticle * barcode_to_particle(const GenEvent *e, int id)
Definition: GenEvent.h:506
GenEvtPool_t evt
an arena of HepMC::GenEvent for efficient object instantiation
Definition: HepMcDataPool.h:140
GenVertexPtr newGenVertexPtr(const HepMC::FourVector &pos=HepMC::FourVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), const int i=0)
Definition: GenVertex.h:64
int i
int m_beamParticle1
Barcode of the beam particle 1.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:122
unsigned int m_particlesBegin
Begin position in the vector of particles composing this event.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:168
TPObjRef::typeID_t m_pStorageTID
TP Ref typeID for the persistent objects this converter is creating.
Definition: TPConverter.h:292
#define endmsg
Definition: AnalysisConfig_Ntuple.cxx:63
std::vector< std::string > m_e_attribute_string
Attribute serialized as string for event.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:177
int barcode(const T *p)
Definition: Barcode.h:16
bool flag
TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS, TRANS, PERS >::persToTransWithKey
virtual void persToTransWithKey(const PERS *persObj, TRANS *transObj, const std::string &, MsgStream &log)
Convert persistent representation to transient one.
Definition: TPConverter.h:376
std::vector< GenVertex_p7 > m_genVertices
The vector of persistent representation of GenVertices.
Definition: McEventCollection_p7.h:55
GenVtxPool_t vtx
an arena of HepMC::GenVertex for efficient object instantiation
Definition: HepMcDataPool.h:144
TopLevelTPCnvBase * m_topConverterRuntime
top level converter "owning" this TP converter at runtime (different from m_topConverter in case the ...
Definition: TPConverter.h:302
double m_alphaQED
value of the QED coupling.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:105
std::vector< int > m_particlesOut
collection of barcodes of out-going particles connected to this vertex
Definition: GenVertex_p7.h:73
void clear()
Erase all the elements in the collection.
double m_filterWeight
value of the extra weight introduced during reweighting events in filter and value of some variables ...
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:109
CNV * converterForRef(CNV *cnv, const TPObjRef &ref, MsgStream &log) const
Find converter for a TP type ID (passed in a TP Ref), that is or ihnerits from CNV type.
Definition: TPConverter.h:74
std::unordered_map< HepMC::GenParticlePtr, int > ParticlesMap_t
Definition: McEventCollectionCnv_p7.h:105
RpcSectorLogicContainer_p1 PERS
Definition: RpcSectorLogicContainerCnv.h:13
Class to represent.
Definition: RpcSectorLogicContainer_p1.h:19
int m_beamParticle2
Barcode of the beam particle 2.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:126
Definition: TruthEvent_v1.cxx:33
value_type push_back(value_type pElem)
Add an element to the end of the collection.
std::vector< long int > m_randomStates
Container of random numbers for the generator states.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:135
std::vector< int > m_e_attribute_id
We define those exactly as in the HepMC3::GenEvent.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:175
int m_id
Id of this vertex.
Definition: GenVertex_p7.h:77
TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS, TRANS, PERS >::transToPersWithKey
virtual void transToPersWithKey(const TRANS *transObj, PERS *persObj, const std::string &, MsgStream &log)
Convert transient representation to persistent one.
Definition: TPConverter.h:392
virtual void initPrivateConverters(TopLevelTPCnvBase *)
Definition: TPConverter.h:187
TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS, TRANS, PERS >::m_recursive
bool m_recursive
if true, work in recursion-safe way (slower)
Definition: TPConverter.h:585
int m_mpi
Number of multi particle interactions.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:93
const_iterator end() const noexcept
Return a const_iterator pointing past the end of the collection.
int writeGenParticle(const HepMC::GenParticle &p, McEventCollection_p7 &persEvt) const
Method to write a persistent GenParticle object It returns the index of the persistent GenParticle in...
Definition: McEventCollectionCnv_p7.cxx:922
GenParticlePtr newGenParticlePtr(const HepMC::FourVector &mom=HepMC::FourVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), int pid=0, int status=0)
Definition: GenParticle.h:39
unsigned m_pStorageTIDvalue
m_pStorageTID converted to integer value
Definition: TPConverter.h:295
ServiceHandle< IHepMCWeightSvc > m_hepMCWeightSvc
Definition: McEventCollectionCnv_p7.h:153
const boost::regex ref(r_ef)
void writeGenVertex(const HepMC::GenVertex &vtx, McEventCollection_p7 &persEvt) const
Method to write a persistent GenVertex object.
Definition: McEventCollectionCnv_p7.cxx:841
TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS, TRANS, PERS >::persToTrans
virtual void persToTrans(const PERS *persObj, TRANS *transObj, MsgStream &log)=0
Convert persistent representation to transient one.
#define DEBUG
Definition: page_access.h:11
int m_signalProcessId
Id of the processus being generated.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:85
std::vector< float > m_weights
Weights for this vertex.
Definition: GenVertex_p7.h:81
std::vector< int > m_particlesIn
collection of barcodes of in-going particles connected to this vertex
Definition: GenVertex_p7.h:69
HepMC::GenEvent * getGenEvent()
Definition: HepMcDataPool.h:150
GenVertex * barcode_to_vertex(const GenEvent *e, int id)
Definition: GenEvent.h:505
std::vector< std::string > m_r_attribute_string
Attribute serialized as string for run info.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:179
std::vector< std::string > m_r_attribute_name
Attribute name for run info.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:178
Definition: TPTools/TPTools/ITPConverter.h:32
virtual void converterNotFound(const std::type_info &converterType, ITPConverter *c, const std::string &typeName, MsgStream &log) const
method called when the right TP converter was not found during writing
Definition: ITPConverter.cxx:22
unsigned typeID() const
returns the type ID (as integer) of the referenced object
Definition: TPObjRef.h:71
int m_eventNbr
Event number.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:89
HepMC::GenVertexPtr getGenVertex()
Definition: HepMcDataPool.h:155
std::vector< std::string > m_r_tool_name
Name of the used tool.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:180
std::vector< std::string > m_r_tool_description
Description of the used tool.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:182
def c
size_type size() const noexcept
Returns the number of elements in the collection.
std::vector< std::string > m_r_weight_names
The weight names.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:183
std::vector< double > m_pdfinfo
Container of HepMC::PdfInfo object translated to vector<double> for simplicity.
Definition: GenEvent_p7.h:148
TPAbstractPolyCnvBase< TRANS, TRANS, PERS >::m_curRecLevel
int m_curRecLevel
count recursive invocations, to detect recursion
Definition: TPConverter.h:582
const_iterator begin() const noexcept
Return a const_iterator pointing at the beginning of the collection.
GenPartPool_t part
an arena of HepMC::GenParticle for efficient object instantiation
Definition: HepMcDataPool.h:148
Definition: GenParticle_p7.h:22
Definition: TElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool.cxx:37
GenVertex * signal_process_vertex(const GenEvent *e)
Definition: GenEvent.h:503