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LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool Class Reference

#include <EFexEMClusterTool.h>

Inheritance diagram for LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool:
Collaboration diagram for LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool:


struct  AlgResult

Public Member Functions

 EFexEMClusterTool (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, const IInterface *parent)
 Name : EFexEMClusterTool.cxx PACKAGE : Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1CaloFexPerf AUTHOR : Denis Oliveira Damazio PURPOSE : emulate the eFex EM algorithm for phase 1 L1Calo (default clustering) More...
std::vector< AlgResultclusterAlg (bool applyBaselineCuts, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer *TTs, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, const TileID *m_tileIDHelper, const CaloConstCellContainer *tileCellCon) const
 find cluster and associated variables using a user defined selection More...
ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > & evtStore ()
 The standard StoreGateSvc (event store) Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc. More...
const ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > & evtStore () const
 The standard StoreGateSvc (event store) Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc. More...
const ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > & detStore () const
 The standard StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc. More...
virtual StatusCode sysInitialize () override
 Perform system initialization for an algorithm. More...
virtual StatusCode sysStart () override
 Handle START transition. More...
virtual std::vector< Gaudi::DataHandle * > inputHandles () const override
 Return this algorithm's input handles. More...
virtual std::vector< Gaudi::DataHandle * > outputHandles () const override
 Return this algorithm's output handles. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & declareProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &t)
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * declareProperty (const std::string &name, SG::VarHandleKey &hndl, const std::string &doc, const SG::VarHandleKeyType &)
 Declare a new Gaudi property. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * declareProperty (const std::string &name, SG::VarHandleBase &hndl, const std::string &doc, const SG::VarHandleType &)
 Declare a new Gaudi property. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * declareProperty (const std::string &name, SG::VarHandleKeyArray &hndArr, const std::string &doc, const SG::VarHandleKeyArrayType &)
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * declareProperty (const std::string &name, T &property, const std::string &doc, const SG::NotHandleType &)
 Declare a new Gaudi property. More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * declareProperty (const std::string &name, T &property, const std::string &doc="none")
 Declare a new Gaudi property. More...
void updateVHKA (Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &)
MsgStream & msg () const
MsgStream & msg (const MSG::Level lvl) const
bool msgLvl (const MSG::Level lvl) const

Protected Member Functions

void renounceArray (SG::VarHandleKeyArray &handlesArray)
 remove all handles from I/O resolution More...
std::enable_if_t< std::is_void_v< std::result_of_t< decltype(&T::renounce)(T)> > &&!std::is_base_of_v< SG::VarHandleKeyArray, T > &&std::is_base_of_v< Gaudi::DataHandle, T >, void > renounce (T &h)
void extraDeps_update_handler (Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &ExtraDeps)
 Add StoreName to extra input/output deps as needed. More...

Private Types

typedef ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvcStoreGateSvc_t

Private Member Functions

std::vector< AlgResultlooseAlg (const CaloConstCellContainer *SCs, const xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer *TTs, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, const TileID *m_tileIDHelper, const CaloConstCellContainer *tileCellCon) const
 algorithm fors cluster building More...
float CaloCellET (const CaloCell *const &inputCell, float digitScale, float digitThreshold) const
 private algorithms More...
bool localMax (const CaloConstCellContainer *&inputContainer, const CaloCell *inputCell, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThreshold) const
 helper function calling localMax() More...
bool localMax (const CaloConstCellContainer *&inputContainer, const CaloCell *inputCell, int numOthers, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThreshold) const
 tests if the input cell has a local energy maximum with respect to neighbors More...
bool SameTT (const CaloCell *inputCell1, const CaloCell *inputCell2, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
 check if both input cells belong to the same TT More...
double EMClusET (const CaloCell *centreCell, int etaWidth, int phiWidth, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThresh) const
 calculate cluster energy More...
double REta (const CaloCell *centreCell, int etaWidth1, int phiWidth1, int etaWidth2, int phiWidth2, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThresh) const
 calculate the energy isolation of the central cell along eta More...
double RHad (const CaloCell *centreCell, int etaWidth, int phiWidth, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer *&TTContainer, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThresh, float &HadronicET) const
 calculate the hadronic isolation of the central cell More...
double RHadTile (const CaloCell *centreCell, int etaWidth, int phiWidth, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThresh, const TileID *m_tileIDHelper, const CaloConstCellContainer *tileCellCon, float tileNoiseThresh, float &HadronicET) const
 calculate the hadronic isolation for a seed cell using TileCal cells More...
double L2clusET (const CaloCell *centreCell, int etaWidth, int phiWidth, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThresh) const
 calculate cluster energy of cells in L2 around the central cell in a given eta/phi width More...
double REtaL12 (const CaloCell *centreCell, int etaWidth1, int phiWidth1, int etaWidth2, int phiWidth2, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThresh) const
 calculate the energy isolation of the central cell along eta using Layer 1 and Layer 2 More...
double L1Width (const CaloCell *centreCell, int etaWidth, int phiWidth, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThresh) const
 calculate the lateral isolation aorund the central cell More...
double TT_phi (const xAOD::TriggerTower *&inputTower) const
 convert the TT phi to match the definition of SC phi
double dR (double eta1, double phi1, double eta2, double phi2) const
 calculate deltaR between two points in eta/phi space More...
const xAOD::TriggerTowermatchingHCAL_TT (const CaloCell *&inputCell, const xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer *&TTContainer) const
 Match each SC from L2 to one corresponding TT. More...
std::vector< const CaloCell * > TDR_Clus (const CaloCell *centreCell, int etaWidth, int phiWidth, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThresh) const
 form the cluster around the central SC More...
double sumVectorET (const std::vector< const CaloCell * > &inputVector, float digitScale=0., float digitThreshold=0.) const
 calculate cluster energy from all SCs in PS, L1, L2, L3 More...
bool checkDig (float EM_ET, float digitScale, float digitThresh) const
 check if conversion from ET to energy after digitization was performed successfully More...
std::vector< const CaloCell * > L2cluster (const CaloCell *centreCell, int etaWidth, int phiWidth, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThresh) const
 form the cluster from cells of the second layer L2 More...
double TT_ET (const xAOD::TriggerTower *&inputTower) const
 calculate the energy of an input TT More...
double HadronicET (const std::vector< const CaloCell * > &inputVector, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer *&TTContainer, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThresh) const
 calculate the energy in the HCAL (LAr + Tile) for SC/TT that match the EM cluster cells of L2 More...
void fromLayer2toLayer1 (const CaloConstCellContainer *&inputContainer, const CaloCell *inputCell, std::vector< const CaloCell * > &outputVector, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
 match SCs from the cluster in L2 to L1 More...
const CaloCellfromLayer2toPS (const CaloConstCellContainer *&inputContainer, const CaloCell *inputCell, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
 match SCs from the cluster in L2 to one cell of PS More...
const CaloCellfromLayer2toLayer3 (const CaloConstCellContainer *&inputContainer, const CaloCell *inputCell, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
 match SCs from the cluster in L2 to one cell of L3 More...
void addOnce (const CaloCell *inputCell, std::vector< const CaloCell * > &outputVector) const
 adds SC to vector if the SC is not part of this vector yet More...
std::vector< double > EnergyPerTileLayer (const std::vector< const CaloCell * > &inputSCVector, const CaloConstCellContainer *CellCon, const TileID *tileIDHelper, bool isOW, float tileNoiseThresh) const
 match all Tile cells to a given L2Cluster and determine the summed energy per Tile layer More...
const CaloCellmatchingHCAL_LAr (const CaloCell *&inputCell, const CaloConstCellContainer *&SCContainer, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
 Match each SC from L2 to one corresponding HCAL SC. More...
void checkTileCell (const TileCell *&inputCell, std::vector< const TileCell * > &tileCellVector, bool &isAlreadyThere) const
 determine if Tile cell has already been taken into account More...
double tileCellEnergyCalib (float eIn, float etaIn, float tileNoiseThresh) const
 determine transverse energy and apply noise threshold to Tile cells More...
int detRelPos (const float inEta) const
 determine the PMT position of the Tile cell to be matched More...
const CaloCellreturnCellFromCont (Identifier inputID, const CaloConstCellContainer *&cellContainer, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
 helper functions to find neighbouring cells More...
const CaloCellNextEtaCell (const CaloCell *inputCell, bool upwards, const CaloConstCellContainer *&cellContainer, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
 helper function calling NextEtaCell_Barrel(), NextEtaCell_OW(), NextEtaCell_IW() according to position of input cell More...
const CaloCellNextEtaCell_Barrel (const CaloCell *inputCell, bool upwards, const CaloConstCellContainer *&cellContainer, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
 returns the SC left/right to the input cell for the barrel More...
const CaloCellNextEtaCell_OW (const CaloCell *inputCell, bool upwards, const CaloConstCellContainer *&cellContainer, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
 returns the SC left/right to the input cell for the OW More...
const CaloCellNextEtaCell_IW (const CaloCell *inputCell, bool upwards, const CaloConstCellContainer *&cellContainer, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
 returns the SC left/right to the input cell for the IW More...
int restrictPhiIndex (int input_index, bool is64) const
 manager function for the phi index More...
const CaloCellNextPhiCell (const CaloCell *inputCell, bool upwards, const CaloConstCellContainer *&cellContainer, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
 returns the SC above/below the input cell More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & declareGaudiProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &hndl, const SG::VarHandleKeyType &)
 specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKey> More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & declareGaudiProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &hndl, const SG::VarHandleKeyArrayType &)
 specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKeyArray> More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & declareGaudiProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &hndl, const SG::VarHandleType &)
 specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleBase> More...
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & declareGaudiProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &t, const SG::NotHandleType &)
 specialization for handling everything that's not a Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKey> or a <SG::VarHandleKeyArray> More...

Private Attributes

bool m_useProvenance
 properties More...
int m_qualBitMask
 Configurable quality bitmask. More...
float m_clustET_thresh
 threshold for minimum cluster energy (baseline selection) More...
float m_clustET_NoIso_thresh
 threshold for applying cluster isolation cuts (baseline selection) More...
float m_REta_thresh
 threshold for isolation REta (baseline selection) More...
float m_RHad_thresh
 threshold for isolation RHad (baseline selection) More...
float m_L1Width_thresh
 threshold for isolation L1Width (wstot) (baseline selection) More...
float m_eta_dropL1Width
 max eta for applying cut on L1Width (baseline selection) More...
bool m_use_REtaL12 = false
 boolean for caluclating REta using Layer 1 in addition to Layer 2 More...
bool m_use_tileCells
 boolean for using Tile cells instead of Tile TT More...
float m_nominalDigitization
 value of nominal digitisation More...
float m_nominalNoise_thresh
 noise threshold More...
float m_tileNoise_tresh
 TileCal cell noise threshold. More...
int m_phiWidth_TDRCluster
 phi width of the TDR cluster formation given in number of SCs (including the central cell), should be 2 or 3 More...
int m_etaWidth_TDRCluster
 eta width of the TDR cluster formation given in number of SCs (including the central cell), should be >= 1 More...
int m_etaWidth_wstotIsolation
 eta width for wstot isolation given in number of SCs More...
int m_phiWidth_wstotIsolation
 phi width for wstot isolation given in number of SCs More...
int m_etaEMWidth_RHadIsolation
 EM eta width for RHad isolation given in number of SCs. More...
int m_phiEMWidth_RHadIsolation
 EM phi width for RHad isolation given in number of SCs. More...
int m_etaWidth_REtaIsolation_den
 eta width for REta isolation given in number of SCs (denominator of fraction) More...
int m_phiWidth_REtaIsolation_den
 phi width for REta isolation given in number of SCs (denominator of fraction) More...
int m_etaWidth_REtaIsolation_num
 eta width for REta isolation given in number of SCs (numerator of fraction) More...
int m_phiWidth_REtaIsolation_num
 phi width for REta isolation given in number of SCs (numerator of fraction) More...
int m_etaHadWidth_RHadIsolation
 hadronic eta width for RHad isolation given in number of SCs More...
int m_phiHadWidth_RHadIsolation
 hadronic phi width for RHad isolation given in number of SCs More...
float m_clustET_looseAlg_thresh
 threshold for minimum cluster energy for the loose eFEX algorithm More...
StoreGateSvc_t m_evtStore
 Pointer to StoreGate (event store by default) More...
StoreGateSvc_t m_detStore
 Pointer to StoreGate (detector store by default) More...
std::vector< SG::VarHandleKeyArray * > m_vhka
bool m_varHandleArraysDeclared

Detailed Description

Definition at line 26 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ StoreGateSvc_t

typedef ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc> AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::StoreGateSvc_t

Definition at line 388 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ EFexEMClusterTool()

LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::EFexEMClusterTool ( const std::string &  type,
const std::string &  name,
const IInterface *  parent 

Name : EFexEMClusterTool.cxx PACKAGE : Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1CaloFexPerf AUTHOR : Denis Oliveira Damazio PURPOSE : emulate the eFex EM algorithm for phase 1 L1Calo (default clustering)

Definition at line 14 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

16 {
17  declareProperty("CleanCellContainer", m_useProvenance=true);
18  declareProperty("QualBitMask", m_qualBitMask=0x40);
20  // baseline selection properties
21  declareProperty("ClusterEnergyThreshold", m_clustET_thresh = 28., "Cluster energy threshold for baseline selection");
22  declareProperty("EnergyThresholdToApplyIsolation", m_clustET_NoIso_thresh = 60., "Cluster energy above which no isolation cut is applied for baseline selection");
23  declareProperty("REtaThreshold", m_REta_thresh = 0.12, "Reta cut for baseline selection");
24  declareProperty("RHadThreshold", m_RHad_thresh = 0.16, "Rhad cut for baseline selection");
25  declareProperty("L1WidthThreshold", m_L1Width_thresh = 0.02, "L1Width cut for baseline selection");
26  declareProperty("EtaThresholdToApplyL1Width", m_eta_dropL1Width = 2.3, "Eta outside of which no L1Width cut is applied for baseline selection");
28  // loose selection properties
29  declareProperty("UseTileCells", m_use_tileCells = false);
30  declareProperty("NominalDigitizationValue", m_nominalDigitization = 25.);
31  declareProperty("NominalNoiseThreshold", m_nominalNoise_thresh = 100.);
32  declareProperty("TileNoiseThreshold", m_tileNoise_tresh = 100.);
33  declareProperty("EtaWidthTDRCluster", m_etaWidth_TDRCluster = 3);
34  declareProperty("PhiWidthTDRCluster", m_phiWidth_TDRCluster = 2);
35  declareProperty("EtaWidthWStotIsolation", m_etaWidth_wstotIsolation = 5);
36  declareProperty("PhiWidthWStotIsolation", m_phiWidth_wstotIsolation = 3);
37  declareProperty("EtaEMWidthRHadIsolation", m_etaEMWidth_RHadIsolation = 3); // 1 for a 1-eta-tower had cluster, 5 for 2-tower, 9 for 3-tower
38  declareProperty("PhiEMWidthRHadIsolation", m_phiEMWidth_RHadIsolation = 3);
39  declareProperty("EtaWidthREtaIsolationDenominator", m_etaWidth_REtaIsolation_den = 7);
40  declareProperty("PhiWidthREtaIsolationDenominator", m_phiWidth_REtaIsolation_den = 3);
41  declareProperty("EtaWidthREtaIsolationNumerator", m_etaWidth_REtaIsolation_num = 3);
42  declareProperty("PhiWidthREtaIsolationNumerator", m_phiWidth_REtaIsolation_num = 2);
43  declareProperty("ClusterEnergyThresholdLooseEFEX", m_clustET_looseAlg_thresh = 10.);
44  declareProperty("EtaHadWidthRHadIsolation", m_etaHadWidth_RHadIsolation = 9); // 1 for a 1-eta-tower had cluster, 5 for 2-tower, 9 for 3-tower
45  declareProperty("PhiHadWidthRHadIsolation", m_phiHadWidth_RHadIsolation = 3);
46 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ addOnce()

void LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::addOnce ( const CaloCell inputCell,
std::vector< const CaloCell * > &  outputVector 
) const

adds SC to vector if the SC is not part of this vector yet

Definition at line 336 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

337 {
338  if (inputCell==nullptr) return;
339  bool alreadyThere = false;
340  for (auto oCell : outputVector){
341  if (oCell==nullptr) ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "nullptr cell in vector");
342  else if (inputCell->ID() == oCell->ID()) alreadyThere=true;
343  }
344  if (!alreadyThere) outputVector.push_back(inputCell);
345 }

◆ CaloCellET()

float LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::CaloCellET ( const CaloCell *const inputCell,
float  digitScale,
float  digitThreshold 
) const

private algorithms

Definition at line 173 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

174 {
175  if (inputCell==nullptr) return 0.;
176  // Check that timing is correct
177  if ( m_useProvenance ) {
178  bool correctProv = (inputCell->provenance() & m_qualBitMask);
179  if (!correctProv) return 0.;
180  }
181  // Calculates the ET (before digitization)
182  float inputCell_energy = inputCell->energy();
183  float inputCell_eta = inputCell->eta();
184  float inputCell_ET = inputCell_energy / cosh(inputCell_eta);
185  // Check to see if negative ET values are allowed
186  bool allowNegs = false;
187  if (digitScale < 0.){
188  digitScale = std::abs(digitScale);
189  allowNegs = true;
190  }
191  if (inputCell_ET==0) return 0.;
192  else if (digitScale==0) return inputCell_ET;
193  if (allowNegs || inputCell_ET>0.){
194  // Split up ET into magnitude & whether it's positive or negative
195  float posOrNeg = inputCell_ET / std::abs(inputCell_ET);
196  inputCell_ET = std::abs(inputCell_ET);
197  // If no digitisation, return ET following noise cut
198  if (digitScale == 0){
199  if (inputCell_ET>digitThreshold) return inputCell_ET*posOrNeg;
200  else return 0.;
201  }
202  // Apply digitization & then noise cut
203  else {
204  float divET = inputCell_ET / digitScale;
205  int roundET = divET;
206  float result = digitScale * roundET;
207  if (digitThreshold == 0) return result*posOrNeg;
208  else if (result >= digitThreshold) return result*posOrNeg;
209  else return 0;
210  }
211  }
212  else return 0.;
213 }

◆ checkDig()

bool LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::checkDig ( float  EM_ET,
float  digitScale,
float  digitThresh 
) const

check if conversion from ET to energy after digitization was performed successfully

Definition at line 1105 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

1106 {
1107  if (EM_ET == 0 || digitScale == 0) return true;
1108  else {
1109  int div = EM_ET / digitScale;
1110  if (div * digitScale == EM_ET) return true;
1111  else {
1112  ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "ET = " << EM_ET << ", digitThresh = " << digitThresh << " digitScale = " << digitScale << " div = " << div << " " << " -> div * digitScale");
1113  return false;
1114  }
1115  }
1116 }

◆ checkTileCell()

void LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::checkTileCell ( const TileCell *&  inputCell,
std::vector< const TileCell * > &  tileCellVector,
bool &  isAlreadyThere 
) const

determine if Tile cell has already been taken into account

Definition at line 397 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

398 {
399  for (auto ithCell : tileCellVector){
400  if (ithCell->ID() == inputCell->ID()) isAlreadyThere = true;
401  }
402  if (!isAlreadyThere) tileCellVector.push_back(inputCell);
403 }

◆ clusterAlg()

std::vector< LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::AlgResult > LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::clusterAlg ( bool  applyBaselineCuts,
const CaloConstCellContainer scells,
const xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer TTs,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID idHelper,
const TileID m_tileIDHelper,
const CaloConstCellContainer tileCellCon 
) const

find cluster and associated variables using a user defined selection

Definition at line 49 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

53 {
54  std::vector<AlgResult> baselineClusters;
55  for (auto & cluster : looseAlg(scells, TTs, idHelper, tileIDHelper, tileCellCon) ) {
57  // cluster E_T
58  cluster.passClusterEnergy = cluster.clusterET >= m_clustET_thresh; // if ET cut passes
60  // R_eta
61  cluster.passREta = cluster.rEta <= m_REta_thresh || // if reta cut passes
62  cluster.clusterET > m_clustET_NoIso_thresh; // or ET above threshold where any isolation is applied
64  // R_had
65  cluster.passRHad = cluster.rHad <= m_RHad_thresh || // if rhad cut passes
66  cluster.clusterET > m_clustET_NoIso_thresh; // or ET above threshold where any isolation is applied
68  // Wstot
69  cluster.passWstot = cluster.l1Width < m_L1Width_thresh || // if cut passes
70  std::abs(cluster.eta) > m_eta_dropL1Width || // or eta outside range where cut is applied
71  cluster.clusterET > m_clustET_NoIso_thresh; // or ET above threshold where any isolation is applied
73  bool passBaseLineSelection = cluster.passClusterEnergy &&
74  cluster.passRHad &&
75  cluster.passREta &&
76  cluster.passWstot;
78  if (applyBaselineCuts and not passBaseLineSelection ) {
79  continue;
80  }
82  baselineClusters.push_back(cluster);
83  }
84  return baselineClusters;
85 }

◆ declareGaudiProperty() [1/4]

Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase& AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareGaudiProperty ( Gaudi::Property< T > &  hndl,
const SG::VarHandleKeyArrayType  

specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKeyArray>

Definition at line 170 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

172  {
173  return *AthCommonDataStore<PBASE>::declareProperty(,
174  hndl.value(),
175  hndl.documentation());
177  }

◆ declareGaudiProperty() [2/4]

Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase& AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareGaudiProperty ( Gaudi::Property< T > &  hndl,
const SG::VarHandleKeyType  

specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKey>

Definition at line 156 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

158  {
159  return *AthCommonDataStore<PBASE>::declareProperty(,
160  hndl.value(),
161  hndl.documentation());
163  }

◆ declareGaudiProperty() [3/4]

Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase& AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareGaudiProperty ( Gaudi::Property< T > &  hndl,
const SG::VarHandleType  

specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleBase>

Definition at line 184 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

186  {
187  return *AthCommonDataStore<PBASE>::declareProperty(,
188  hndl.value(),
189  hndl.documentation());
190  }

◆ declareGaudiProperty() [4/4]

Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase& AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareGaudiProperty ( Gaudi::Property< T > &  t,
const SG::NotHandleType  

specialization for handling everything that's not a Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKey> or a <SG::VarHandleKeyArray>

Definition at line 199 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

200  {
201  return PBASE::declareProperty(t);
202  }

◆ declareProperty() [1/6]

Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase* AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareProperty ( const std::string &  name,
SG::VarHandleBase hndl,
const std::string &  doc,
const SG::VarHandleType  

Declare a new Gaudi property.

nameName of the property.
hndlObject holding the property value.
docDocumentation string for the property.

This is the version for types that derive from SG::VarHandleBase. The property value object is put on the input and output lists as appropriate; then we forward to the base class.

Definition at line 245 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

249  {
250  this->declare(hndl.vhKey());
251  hndl.vhKey().setOwner(this);
253  return PBASE::declareProperty(name,hndl,doc);
254  }

◆ declareProperty() [2/6]

Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase* AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareProperty ( const std::string &  name,
SG::VarHandleKey hndl,
const std::string &  doc,
const SG::VarHandleKeyType  

Declare a new Gaudi property.

nameName of the property.
hndlObject holding the property value.
docDocumentation string for the property.

This is the version for types that derive from SG::VarHandleKey. The property value object is put on the input and output lists as appropriate; then we forward to the base class.

Definition at line 221 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

225  {
226  this->declare(hndl);
227  hndl.setOwner(this);
229  return PBASE::declareProperty(name,hndl,doc);
230  }

◆ declareProperty() [3/6]

Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase* AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareProperty ( const std::string &  name,
SG::VarHandleKeyArray hndArr,
const std::string &  doc,
const SG::VarHandleKeyArrayType  

Definition at line 259 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

263  {
265  // std::ostringstream ost;
266  // ost << Algorithm::name() << " VHKA declareProp: " << name
267  // << " size: " << hndArr.keys().size()
268  // << " mode: " << hndArr.mode()
269  // << " vhka size: " << m_vhka.size()
270  // << "\n";
271  // debug() << ost.str() << endmsg;
273  hndArr.setOwner(this);
274  m_vhka.push_back(&hndArr);
276  Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase* p = PBASE::declareProperty(name, hndArr, doc);
277  if (p != 0) {
278  p->declareUpdateHandler(&AthCommonDataStore<PBASE>::updateVHKA, this);
279  } else {
280  ATH_MSG_ERROR("unable to call declareProperty on VarHandleKeyArray "
281  << name);
282  }
284  return p;
286  }

◆ declareProperty() [4/6]

Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase* AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareProperty ( const std::string &  name,
T &  property,
const std::string &  doc,
const SG::NotHandleType  

Declare a new Gaudi property.

nameName of the property.
propertyObject holding the property value.
docDocumentation string for the property.

This is the generic version, for types that do not derive from SG::VarHandleKey. It just forwards to the base class version of declareProperty.

Definition at line 333 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

337  {
338  return PBASE::declareProperty(name, property, doc);
339  }

◆ declareProperty() [5/6]

Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase* AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareProperty ( const std::string &  name,
T &  property,
const std::string &  doc = "none" 

Declare a new Gaudi property.

nameName of the property.
propertyObject holding the property value.
docDocumentation string for the property.

This dispatches to either the generic declareProperty or the one for VarHandle/Key/KeyArray.

Definition at line 352 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

355  {
356  typedef typename SG::HandleClassifier<T>::type htype;
357  return declareProperty (name, property, doc, htype());
358  }

◆ declareProperty() [6/6]

Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase& AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareProperty ( Gaudi::Property< T > &  t)

Definition at line 145 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

145  {
146  typedef typename SG::HandleClassifier<T>::type htype;
148  }

◆ detRelPos()

int LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::detRelPos ( const float  inEta) const

determine the PMT position of the Tile cell to be matched

Definition at line 418 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

419 {
420  float pos_neg = inEta/std::abs(inEta);
421  // Right PMT : inPos = 0, Left PMT : inPos = 1, Both PMTs : inPos = 2
422  int inPos = -1;
423  // True if even, false if odd
424  bool isEven = false;
425  if (((int)(std::abs(inEta)*10)) % 2 == 0) isEven = true;
426  if (pos_neg > 0){
427  // A side of TileCal
428  if (inEta < 0.1) inPos = 0;
429  else if (inEta > 0.8 && inEta < 0.9) inPos = 2;
430  else {
431  if (isEven) inPos = 0;
432  else inPos = 1;
433  }
434  }
435  else {
436  // C side of TileCal
437  if (inEta > -0.1) inPos = 1;
438  else if (inEta > -0.9 && inEta < -0.8) inPos = 2;
439  else {
440  if (isEven) inPos = 1;
441  else inPos = 0;
442  }
443  }
444  return inPos;
445 }

◆ detStore()

const ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc>& AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::detStore ( ) const

The standard StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc.

Definition at line 95 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

95 { return m_detStore; }

◆ dR()

double LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::dR ( double  eta1,
double  phi1,
double  eta2,
double  phi2 
) const

calculate deltaR between two points in eta/phi space

Definition at line 976 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

977 {
978  double etaDif = eta1 - eta2;
979  double phiDif = std::abs(phi1 - phi2);
980  if (phiDif > M_PI) phiDif = phiDif - (2*M_PI);
981  double result = std::sqrt(pow(etaDif,2)+pow(phiDif,2));
982  return result;
983 }

◆ EMClusET()

double LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::EMClusET ( const CaloCell centreCell,
int  etaWidth,
int  phiWidth,
const CaloConstCellContainer scells,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID idHelper,
float  digitScale,
float  digitThresh 
) const

calculate cluster energy

Definition at line 348 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

350 {
351  // Sums the ET of the vector
352  std::vector<const CaloCell*> fullClus = TDR_Clus(centreCell, etaWidth, phiWidth, scells, idHelper, digitScale,digitThresh);
353  double EMcomp = sumVectorET(fullClus, digitScale, digitThresh);
354  bool EMcheck = checkDig(EMcomp, digitScale, digitThresh);
355  if (!EMcheck) ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "EMcomp not digitised " << EMcomp << " " << digitScale << " " << digitThresh);
356  double total = EMcomp;
357  return total;
358 }

◆ EnergyPerTileLayer()

std::vector< double > LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::EnergyPerTileLayer ( const std::vector< const CaloCell * > &  inputSCVector,
const CaloConstCellContainer CellCon,
const TileID tileIDHelper,
bool  isOW,
float  tileNoiseThresh 
) const

match all Tile cells to a given L2Cluster and determine the summed energy per Tile layer

Definition at line 888 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

890 {
891  std::vector<double> layerEnergy;
892  if (CellCon==nullptr) return layerEnergy;
893  if (CellCon->size()==0) return layerEnergy;
894  if (inputSCVector.size()==0) return layerEnergy;
895  double ELayer0 = 0, ELayer1 = 0, ELayer2 = 0;
896  std::vector<const TileCell*> tileCellVector;
897  for (auto ithSC : inputSCVector){
898  float ithSCEta = ithSC->eta();
899  float ithSCPhi = ithSC->phi();
900  int matchingCells = 0;
903  for ( ; fCell != lCell; ++fCell){
904  const TileCell* tileCell = static_cast<const TileCell*>(*fCell);
905  if (!tileCell){
906  ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "Failed to cast from CaloCell to TileCell");
907  return layerEnergy;
908  }
909  int layer = tileIDHelper->sample(tileCell->ID());
910  float ithdR = dR(tileCell->eta(), tileCell->phi(), ithSCEta, ithSCPhi);
911  if (layer < 2){
912  float matchingDistance = 0.;
913  if (isOW && (std::abs(ithSCEta) > 1.38 && std::abs(ithSCEta) < 1.42)) matchingDistance = 0.065;
914  else matchingDistance = 0.05;
915  if (ithdR <= matchingDistance){
916  bool isAlreadyThere = false;
917  checkTileCell(tileCell, tileCellVector, isAlreadyThere);
918  if (isAlreadyThere) continue;
919  matchingCells++;
920  if (layer == 0) ELayer0 += tileCellEnergyCalib(tileCell->e(), tileCell->eta(), tileNoiseThresh);
921  if (layer == 1) ELayer1 += tileCellEnergyCalib(tileCell->e(), tileCell->eta(), tileNoiseThresh);
922  }
923  }
924  else if (layer == 2){
925  float matchingDistance = 0.;
926  if (std::abs(ithSCEta) > 0.7 && std::abs(ithSCEta) < 0.8) matchingDistance = 0.05;
927  else if (std::abs(ithSCEta) > 0.9 && std::abs(ithSCEta) < 1.0) matchingDistance = 0.05;
928  else matchingDistance = 0.09;
929  if (ithdR < matchingDistance){
930  bool isAlreadyThere = false;
931  checkTileCell(tileCell, tileCellVector, isAlreadyThere);
932  if (isAlreadyThere) continue;
933  matchingCells++;
934  int tempPos = detRelPos(ithSCEta);
935  // Unknown : tempPos = -1, Right PMT : tempPos = 0, Left PMT : tempPos = 1, Both PMTs : tempPos = 2
936  if (tempPos < 0){
937  ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "Unknown behaviour matching Tile cells to the SC");
938  layerEnergy.clear();
939  return layerEnergy;
940  }
941  else if (tempPos == 0) ELayer2 += tileCellEnergyCalib(tileCell->ene2(), tileCell->eta(), tileNoiseThresh);
942  else if (tempPos == 1) ELayer2 += tileCellEnergyCalib(tileCell->ene1(), tileCell->eta(), tileNoiseThresh);
943  else ELayer2 += tileCellEnergyCalib(tileCell->e(), tileCell->eta(), tileNoiseThresh);
944  }
945  }
946  }
947  if ((matchingCells > 3 && !isOW) || (matchingCells > 3 && isOW && std::abs(ithSCEta) > 1.42) || (matchingCells > 4 && isOW && std::abs(ithSCEta) < 1.42)){
948  ATH_MSG_WARNING ( matchingCells << " matching Tile cells:");
949  ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "Input SC: (eta,phi) = (" << ithSCEta << "," << ithSCPhi << ")");
950  for (auto cell : tileCellVector){
951  ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "Tile cell: (eta,phi) = (" << cell->eta() << "," << cell->phi() << ")" << " dR = " << dR(cell->eta(), cell->phi(), ithSCEta, ithSCPhi) << " layer = " << tileIDHelper->sample(cell->ID()));
952  }
953  layerEnergy.clear();
954  return layerEnergy;
955  }
956  }
957  layerEnergy = {ELayer0, ELayer1, ELayer2};
958  return layerEnergy;
959 }

◆ evtStore() [1/2]

ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc>& AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::evtStore ( )

The standard StoreGateSvc (event store) Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc.

Definition at line 85 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

85 { return m_evtStore; }

◆ evtStore() [2/2]

const ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc>& AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::evtStore ( ) const

The standard StoreGateSvc (event store) Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc.

Definition at line 90 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

90 { return m_evtStore; }

◆ extraDeps_update_handler()

void AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::extraDeps_update_handler ( Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &  ExtraDeps)

Add StoreName to extra input/output deps as needed.

use the logic of the VarHandleKey to parse the DataObjID keys supplied via the ExtraInputs and ExtraOuputs Properties to add the StoreName if it's not explicitly given

◆ fromLayer2toLayer1()

void LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::fromLayer2toLayer1 ( const CaloConstCellContainer *&  inputContainer,
const CaloCell inputCell,
std::vector< const CaloCell * > &  outputVector,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&  idHelper 
) const

match SCs from the cluster in L2 to L1

Now we have to map the other 3 SC in the transition tower correctly Sample 2 region 0 we treat as layer 3

Sample 2 region 1 is 1.425-2.5. First 2 cells here map onto last 2 barrel layer 1 (hence rescaling pos_neg to +/- 1)

Third cell in Sample 2 region 1 maps onto Sample 1 region 0

After which the OW is normal for a little bit...

Then we get to the next weird region (1.8=2.0)

Followed by normal again (2.0-2.4)

And finally one odd one (2.4-2.5)

Definition at line 628 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

630 {
631  if (inputCell==nullptr) return;
632  // Gets ID info
633  Identifier inputID = inputCell->ID();
634  int sampling = idHelper->sampling(inputID);
635  const int sub_calo = idHelper->sub_calo(inputID);
636  int pos_neg = idHelper->pos_neg(inputID);
637  int region = idHelper->region(inputID);
638  int eta_index = idHelper->eta(inputID);
639  const int phi_index = idHelper->phi(inputID);
640  int tracker = 0;
641  if (sampling != 2) return;
642  // Default values are same as input
643  int outputRegion = region;
644  int outputEta = eta_index;
645  bool oneCell = false; // True if layer 2 SC only matches to a single layer 1 SC
646  // Barrel reg 0 (which is a simple one)
647  if ((abs(pos_neg) == 1)&&(region == 0)){
648  oneCell = true;
649  }
650  // Barrel reg 1: 3 layer 1 SCs for 1 layer 2 SC
651  // But we should map one of these onto the barrel SC, the other 2 onto EC SCs
652  else if ((abs(pos_neg) == 1)&&(region == 1)){
653  tracker = 2;
654  outputRegion = 1;
655  outputEta = 0;
656  oneCell = true;
657  /* This code produces a one-to-many matching, which is not how things work
658  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
659  Identifier resultID = idHelper->CaloCell_SuperCell_ID::cell_id(sub_calo, pos_neg, 1, region, i, phi_index);
660  const CaloCell* resultCell = returnCellFromCont(resultID, inputContainer, idHelper);
661  addOnce(resultCell,outputVector);
662  }
663  */
664  }
667  else if (abs(pos_neg)==2 && region == 0) {
668  tracker = -1;
669  }
672  else if (abs(pos_neg)==2&&((region==1 && eta_index < 2))){
673  tracker = 3;
674  outputRegion = 1;
675  outputEta = eta_index + 1;
676  pos_neg /= abs(pos_neg);
677  oneCell = true;
678  }
680  else if (abs(pos_neg)==2&&((region==1 && eta_index == 2))){
681  tracker = 4;
682  outputRegion = 0;
683  outputEta = 0;
684  oneCell = true;
685  }
687  else if (abs(pos_neg)==2&&region==1 && eta_index <= 14){
688  // OW region 1 (on doc): 1:1 match
689  tracker = 5;
690  outputRegion = 2;
691  outputEta = eta_index - 3;
692  oneCell = true;
693  }
695  else if (abs(pos_neg) == 2 && region == 1 && eta_index <= 22){
696  // In this region there are 6 L1 supercells for every 4 L2 ones
697  // The code below groups them 2:1:1:2 2:1:1:2, which is an old proposal
698  // This is not what is actually done, but the structure of this code
699  // makes it impossible to do this correctly.
700  outputRegion = 3;
701  // Middle 2 layer cells match central 2 layer 1 cells
702  if (eta_index%4 == 0 || eta_index%4 ==1){
703  tracker = 6;
704  oneCell = true;
705  if (eta_index < 20) outputEta = eta_index -14;
706  else outputEta = eta_index - 12;
707  }
708  // Edges have a 2:1 ratio. 2 L1s for each L2
709  else {
710  tracker = 7;
711  int offset = 0;
712  if (eta_index == 15) offset = 15;
713  else if (eta_index == 18) offset = 14;
714  else if (eta_index == 19) offset = 13;
715  else if (eta_index == 22) offset = 12;
716  else {
717  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "ISSUE with: " << __LINE__);
718  }
719  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++){
720  outputEta = i+eta_index - offset;
721  Identifier resultID = idHelper->CaloCell_SuperCell_ID::cell_id(sub_calo, pos_neg, 1, outputRegion, outputEta, phi_index);
722  const CaloCell* resultCell = returnCellFromCont(resultID, inputContainer, idHelper);
723  addOnce(resultCell,outputVector);
724  }
725  }
726  }
728  else if (abs(pos_neg)==2 && region == 1 && eta_index <= 38){
729  // OW Reg 3 (on doc): 1:1 match
730  tracker = 8;
731  oneCell = true;
732  outputRegion = 4;
733  outputEta = eta_index - 23;
734  }
736  else if (abs(pos_neg)==2 && region == 1 && eta_index == 40){
737  // OW Reg 4 (on doc): 1 L1 for all 4 L2s
738  // But this must be mapped onto a specific cell: second one seems best
739  // Note: to try alternative mapping of this cell (to Layer 0) should return without adding cell here
740  tracker = 9;
741  oneCell = true;
742  outputEta = 0;
743  outputRegion = 5;
744  }
746  if (oneCell){
747  Identifier resultID = idHelper->CaloCell_SuperCell_ID::cell_id(sub_calo, pos_neg, 1, outputRegion, outputEta, phi_index);
748  const CaloCell* resultCell = returnCellFromCont(resultID, inputContainer, idHelper);
749  addOnce(resultCell,outputVector);
750  }
751  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("L2->L1: sampling = " << sampling << ", region = " << region << ", eta = " << pos_neg*eta_index<< " tracker = " << tracker);
752 }

◆ fromLayer2toLayer3()

const CaloCell * LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::fromLayer2toLayer3 ( const CaloConstCellContainer *&  inputContainer,
const CaloCell inputCell,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&  idHelper 
) const

match SCs from the cluster in L2 to one cell of L3

Special case: transition tower treats endcap layer 2 as layer 3

Now in the endcap

Definition at line 755 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

756 {
757  // Gets ID info
758  int tracker = 0;
759  if ( inputCell == nullptr ) return nullptr;
760  const CaloCell* resultCell = nullptr;
761  Identifier inputID = inputCell->ID();
762  int sampling = idHelper->sampling(inputID);
763  const int sub_calo = idHelper->sub_calo(inputID);
764  const int pos_neg = idHelper->pos_neg(inputID);
765  int region = idHelper->region(inputID);
766  int eta_index = idHelper->eta(inputID);
767  const int phi_index = idHelper->phi(inputID);
768  if (sampling != 2) return nullptr;
769  else if (abs(pos_neg)==1 && ((region==0 && eta_index>53)||region==1)) return nullptr;
770  else if ((abs(pos_neg)==2) && (region == 0 || (region == 1 && eta_index < 3))) return nullptr;
771  else if (abs(pos_neg)==3) return nullptr;
772  // Default values are same as input
773  int outputRegion = region;
774  int outputEta = eta_index;
775  // Is barrel Reg 0
776  if (abs(pos_neg)==1 && region ==0){
777  int outputEta = eta_index/4;
778  Identifier resultID = idHelper->CaloCell_SuperCell_ID::cell_id(sub_calo, pos_neg, 3, outputRegion, outputEta, phi_index);
779  resultCell = returnCellFromCont(resultID, inputContainer, idHelper);
780  tracker = 1;
781  }
783  else if (abs(pos_neg)==1 && region ==1) {
784  int output_pos_neg = pos_neg*2;
785  outputRegion = 0;
786  int outputEta = 0;
787  Identifier resultID = idHelper->CaloCell_SuperCell_ID::cell_id(sub_calo, output_pos_neg, 2, outputRegion, outputEta, phi_index);
788  resultCell = returnCellFromCont(resultID, inputContainer, idHelper);
789  tracker = 2;
790  }
792  else if (abs(pos_neg)==2 && region ==1){
793  outputEta = (eta_index - 3)/4;
794  outputRegion = 0;
795  Identifier resultID = idHelper->CaloCell_SuperCell_ID::cell_id(sub_calo, pos_neg, 3, outputRegion, outputEta, phi_index);
796  resultCell = returnCellFromCont(resultID, inputContainer, idHelper);
797  tracker = 3;
798  }
799  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("L2->L3: sampling = " << sampling << ", region = " << region << ", eta = " << pos_neg*eta_index<< " tracker = " << tracker);
800  return resultCell;
801 }

◆ fromLayer2toPS()

const CaloCell * LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::fromLayer2toPS ( const CaloConstCellContainer *&  inputContainer,
const CaloCell inputCell,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&  idHelper 
) const

match SCs from the cluster in L2 to one cell of PS

Definition at line 804 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

805 {
806  // Gets ID info
807  if (inputCell==nullptr) return nullptr;
808  const CaloCell* resultCell = nullptr;
809  Identifier inputID = inputCell->ID();
810  int sampling = idHelper->sampling(inputID);
811  const int sub_calo = idHelper->sub_calo(inputID);
812  const int pos_neg = idHelper->pos_neg(inputID);
813  int region = idHelper->region(inputID);
814  int eta_index = idHelper->eta(inputID);
815  const int phi_index = idHelper->phi(inputID);
816  if (sampling != 2) return nullptr;
817  if (abs(pos_neg)==2 && (eta_index<3 || eta_index>14)) return nullptr;
818  if (abs(pos_neg)==3) return nullptr;
819  // Default values are same as input
820  int outputRegion = region;
821  int outputEta = eta_index;
822  // Is barrel Reg 0
823  if (abs(pos_neg)==1 && region ==0){
824  int outputEta = eta_index/4;
825  Identifier resultID = idHelper->CaloCell_SuperCell_ID::cell_id(sub_calo, pos_neg, 0, outputRegion, outputEta, phi_index);
826  resultCell = returnCellFromCont(resultID, inputContainer, idHelper);
827  }
828  else if (abs(pos_neg)==1 && region ==1){
829  Identifier resultID = idHelper->CaloCell_SuperCell_ID::cell_id(sub_calo, pos_neg, 0, 0, 14, phi_index);
830  resultCell = returnCellFromCont(resultID, inputContainer, idHelper);
831  }
832  else if (abs(pos_neg)==2 && region ==1){
833  outputEta = (eta_index - 3)/4;
834  outputRegion = 0;
835  Identifier resultID = idHelper->CaloCell_SuperCell_ID::cell_id(sub_calo, pos_neg, 0, outputRegion, outputEta, phi_index);
836  resultCell = returnCellFromCont(resultID, inputContainer, idHelper);
837  }
838  return resultCell;
839 }

◆ HadronicET()

double LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::HadronicET ( const std::vector< const CaloCell * > &  inputVector,
const CaloConstCellContainer scells,
const xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer *&  TTContainer,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID idHelper,
float  digitScale,
float  digitThresh 
) const

calculate the energy in the HCAL (LAr + Tile) for SC/TT that match the EM cluster cells of L2

Definition at line 1119 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

1122 {
1123  // Finds the HCAL SCs & TTs matching the input cluster
1124  std::vector<const CaloCell*> HCAL_LAr_vector;
1125  std::vector<const xAOD::TriggerTower*> HCAL_TT_vector;
1126  for (auto ithCell : inputVector){
1127  if (std::abs(ithCell->eta())<1.5){
1128  const xAOD::TriggerTower* tempTT = matchingHCAL_TT(ithCell, TTContainer);
1129  if (tempTT != nullptr) HCAL_TT_vector.push_back(tempTT);
1130  }
1131  else if (std::abs(ithCell->eta())<2.5){
1132  const CaloCell* tempLArHad = matchingHCAL_LAr(ithCell, scells, idHelper);
1133  if (tempLArHad != nullptr) HCAL_LAr_vector.push_back(tempLArHad);
1134  }
1135  }
1136  // Sums the ET in the HCAL
1137  double HadET = 0.;
1138  for (auto ithTT : HCAL_TT_vector) {HadET += TT_ET(ithTT);}
1139  for (auto ithSC : HCAL_LAr_vector) {HadET += CaloCellET(ithSC, digitScale, digitThresh);}
1140  return HadET;
1141 }

◆ inputHandles()

virtual std::vector<Gaudi::DataHandle*> AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::inputHandles ( ) const

Return this algorithm's input handles.

We override this to include handle instances from key arrays if they have not yet been declared. See comments on updateVHKA.

◆ L1Width()

double LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::L1Width ( const CaloCell centreCell,
int  etaWidth,
int  phiWidth,
const CaloConstCellContainer scells,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID idHelper,
float  digitScale,
float  digitThresh 
) const

calculate the lateral isolation aorund the central cell

This loop adds L1 cells matching L2 cluster and finds offsets in eta from central L2 cell This offset-calculating logic relies on the order that L2cluster adds cells in: from 1 cell add neighbours at +/1 1 step in eta, +/- 2 steps, etc. then move to next row in phi and repeat

Offline version (floating point) Firmware version (integer weights, no sqrt)

Definition at line 448 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

450 {
451  // Finds a L2 cluster and the corresponding L1 cells
452  std::vector<const CaloCell*> L2cells = L2cluster(centreCell, etaWidth, phiWidth, scells, idHelper,digitScale, digitThresh);
458  float oldPhi = centreCell->phi();
459  int counter = 0;
460  std::vector<int> offsets;
461  std::vector<const CaloCell*> frontLayerCells;
462  for (auto ithL2Cell : L2cells){
463  // How many cells added already?
464  unsigned int oldsize = frontLayerCells.size();
465  // Add cells matching this L2 cell
466  fromLayer2toLayer1(scells, ithL2Cell, frontLayerCells, idHelper);
467  // HoW many were added?
468  unsigned int additions = frontLayerCells.size() - oldsize;
469  // Reset counter if phi has changed significantly
470  float dPhi = std::abs(ithL2Cell->phi() - oldPhi);
471  if (dPhi > M_PI) dPhi = 2*M_PI - dPhi;
472  if (dPhi > 0.09) {
473  counter = 0;
474  oldPhi = ithL2Cell->phi();
475  }
476  // Try storing signed offsets
477  int sign = (ithL2Cell->eta()-centreCell->eta() > 0 ? 1 : -1);
478  // Store current eta offset value for all added cells
479  for (unsigned int adds = 0; adds < additions; ++adds) offsets.push_back(sign*((counter+1)/2));
480  counter++;
481  }
483  // Finds the 'width' for the cluster, based on eta offsets found above
484  float sumET = 0, sumET_Eta2=0;
485  unsigned int cellCount = 0;
486  //for (auto ithCell : frontLayerCells){
487  for (std::vector<const CaloCell*>::iterator ithCell = frontLayerCells.begin(); ithCell != frontLayerCells.end(); ++ithCell){
489  // Find offset. As a precaution ignore cells where this can't be found, but warn user
490  int offset = (cellCount < offsets.size() ? offsets[cellCount] : -999);
491  if (offset < -2 || offset > 2) {
492  ATH_MSG_WARNING("Offset out of range, cell skipped");
493  offset = 0; // This will result in a weight of zero for the cell
494  }
496  // Is this one of the cells between 1.8-2.0 that will be divided?
497  Identifier cellID = (*ithCell)->ID();
498  int pos_neg = idHelper->pos_neg(cellID);
499  int region = idHelper->region(cellID);
500  int eta_index = idHelper->eta(cellID);
501  bool halfCell = false;
502  if (abs(pos_neg) == 2 && region == 3 && (eta_index == 1 || eta_index == 4 || eta_index == 7 || eta_index == 10)) halfCell = true;
504  // Total and weighted ET sums (integer weights to match firmware)
505  float ithET = CaloCellET((*ithCell), digitScale, digitThresh);
506  sumET += ithET;
508  // 4 cells will be shared with neighbours. Jiggery-pokery required here:
509  if (halfCell) {
510  sumET_Eta2 += 0.5*ithET*pow(offset,2);
511  // Now what should be the offset for the other half?
512  // Is this one shared with the previous cell?
513  // If so, which cell is shares with depends on which side of that cell it is
514  if ((int)cellCount-1 >= 0 && offsets[cellCount-1] == offset) {
515  auto ithPrev = std::prev(ithCell,1);
516  int sign = ((*ithCell)->eta() > (*ithPrev)->eta() ? 1 : -1);
517  int nextOffset = offset+sign;
518  if (abs(nextOffset) <= 2) sumET_Eta2 += 0.5*ithET*pow(nextOffset,2);
519  }
520  }
521  // Alternatively may be shared with next cell
522  else if (cellCount+1 < offsets.size() && offsets[cellCount+1] == offset) {
523  auto ithNext = std::next(ithCell,1);
524  int sign = ((*ithCell)->eta() > (*ithNext)->eta() ? 1 : -1);
525  int nextOffset = offset+sign;
526  if (abs(nextOffset) <= 2) sumET_Eta2 += 0.5*ithET*pow(nextOffset,2);
527  }
528  // For everything else just add cell with weight to the second sum
529  else {
530  sumET_Eta2 += ithET*pow(offset,2);
531  }
532  cellCount++;
533  }
537  float result = 4.;
538  if (sumET > 0.) result = sumET_Eta2/sumET;
539  return result;
540 }

◆ L2clusET()

double LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::L2clusET ( const CaloCell centreCell,
int  etaWidth,
int  phiWidth,
const CaloConstCellContainer scells,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID idHelper,
float  digitScale,
float  digitThresh 
) const

calculate cluster energy of cells in L2 around the central cell in a given eta/phi width

Definition at line 543 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

545 {
546  return sumVectorET(L2cluster(centreCell, etaWidth, phiWidth, scells, idHelper, digitScale, digitThresh), digitScale, digitThresh);
547 }

◆ L2cluster()

std::vector< const CaloCell * > LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::L2cluster ( const CaloCell centreCell,
int  etaWidth,
int  phiWidth,
const CaloConstCellContainer scells,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID idHelper,
float  digitScale,
float  digitThresh 
) const

form the cluster from cells of the second layer L2

Definition at line 842 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

844 {
845  // Forms the central band of cells, spread in phi
846  std::vector<const CaloCell*> centCells;
847  centCells.push_back(centreCell);
848  const CaloCell* upPhiCell = NextPhiCell(centreCell,true,scells,idHelper);
849  const CaloCell* downPhiCell = NextPhiCell(centreCell,false,scells,idHelper);
850  const CaloCell* energeticPhiCell;
851  // Finds the most energetic phi neighbour, defaulting to the 'down' side if they are equal
852  if ( CaloCellET(upPhiCell, digitScale, digitThresh) > CaloCellET(downPhiCell, digitScale, digitThresh)) energeticPhiCell = upPhiCell;
853  else energeticPhiCell = downPhiCell;
854  if (phiWidth == 2) addOnce(energeticPhiCell, centCells); //centCells.push_back(energeticPhiCell);
855  else if (phiWidth == 3){
856  addOnce(upPhiCell, centCells); //centCells.push_back(upPhiCell);
857  addOnce(downPhiCell, centCells); //centCells.push_back(downPhiCell);
858  }
859  else if (phiWidth > 3) {
860  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "phiWidth not 2 or 3!!!");
861  }
862  // Forms the main cluster. Starts with each SC in the central band and spreads outward in eta
863  std::vector<const CaloCell*> clusCells;
864  int halfEtaWidth = (etaWidth-1)/2;
865  int backToEta = (2*halfEtaWidth)+1;
866  if (backToEta != etaWidth) {
867  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Eta width doesn't match! " << backToEta << " -> " << halfEtaWidth << " -> " << etaWidth << " " << __LINE__);
868  }
869  for (auto ithCentCell : centCells){
870  addOnce(ithCentCell, clusCells); //clusCells.push_back(ithCentCell);
871  if (etaWidth > 1){
872  const CaloCell* tempRightCell = NextEtaCell(ithCentCell,true,scells,idHelper);
873  const CaloCell* tempLeftCell = NextEtaCell(ithCentCell,false,scells,idHelper);
874  addOnce(tempRightCell, clusCells); //clusCells.push_back(tempRightCell);
875  addOnce(tempLeftCell, clusCells); //clusCells.push_back(tempLeftCell);
876  for (int i = 1; i < halfEtaWidth; i++){
877  tempRightCell = NextEtaCell(tempRightCell,true,scells,idHelper);
878  tempLeftCell = NextEtaCell(tempLeftCell,false,scells,idHelper);
879  addOnce(tempRightCell, clusCells); //clusCells.push_back(tempRightCell);
880  addOnce(tempLeftCell, clusCells); //clusCells.push_back(tempLeftCell);
881  }
882  }
883  }
884  return clusCells;
885 }

◆ localMax() [1/2]

bool LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::localMax ( const CaloConstCellContainer *&  inputContainer,
const CaloCell inputCell,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&  idHelper,
float  digitScale,
float  digitThreshold 
) const

helper function calling localMax()

Definition at line 265 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

267 {
268  return localMax(inputContainer, inputCell, 0, idHelper, digitScale, digitThreshold);
269 }

◆ localMax() [2/2]

bool LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::localMax ( const CaloConstCellContainer *&  inputContainer,
const CaloCell inputCell,
int  numOthers,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&  idHelper,
float  digitScale,
float  digitThreshold 
) const

tests if the input cell has a local energy maximum with respect to neighbors

Definition at line 272 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

274 {
275  if (inputCell == nullptr) return false;
276  // Get ID info
277  const Identifier inputID = inputCell->ID();
278  const int sub_calo = idHelper->sub_calo(inputID);
279  const int pos_neg = idHelper->pos_neg(inputID);
280  if (!(sub_calo == 0 || sub_calo == 1) || !(abs(pos_neg) < 4)){
281  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Issue with local max logic");
282  return false;
283  }
284  double seedCandidateEnergy = CaloCellET(inputCell, digitScale, digitThreshold);
285  int nCellsMoreEnergetic = 0;
286  const CaloCell* leftCell = NextEtaCell(inputCell, true, inputContainer, idHelper);
287  if (leftCell != nullptr){
288  double leftEnergy = CaloCellET(leftCell, digitScale, 0.);
289  if (leftEnergy>seedCandidateEnergy) nCellsMoreEnergetic++;
290  }
291  const CaloCell* rightCell = NextEtaCell(inputCell, false, inputContainer, idHelper);
292  if (rightCell != nullptr){
293  double rightEnergy = CaloCellET(rightCell, digitScale, 0.);
294  if (rightEnergy>=seedCandidateEnergy) nCellsMoreEnergetic++;
295  }
296  const CaloCell* upCell = NextPhiCell(inputCell, true, inputContainer, idHelper);
297  if (upCell != nullptr){
298  double upEnergy = CaloCellET(upCell, digitScale, 0.);
299  if (upEnergy>=seedCandidateEnergy) nCellsMoreEnergetic++;
300  }
301  const CaloCell* downCell = NextPhiCell(inputCell, false, inputContainer, idHelper);
302  if (downCell != nullptr){
303  double downEnergy = CaloCellET(downCell, digitScale, 0.);
304  if (downEnergy>seedCandidateEnergy) nCellsMoreEnergetic++;
305  }
306  if (upCell != nullptr){
307  const CaloCell* upRightCell = NextEtaCell(upCell, false, inputContainer, idHelper);
308  if (upRightCell != nullptr){
309  double upRightEnergy = CaloCellET(upRightCell, digitScale, 0.);
310  if (upRightEnergy>=seedCandidateEnergy) nCellsMoreEnergetic++;
311  }
312  const CaloCell* upLeftCell = NextEtaCell(upCell, true, inputContainer, idHelper);
313  if (upLeftCell != nullptr){
314  double upLeftEnergy = CaloCellET(upLeftCell, digitScale, 0.);
315  if (upLeftEnergy>=seedCandidateEnergy) nCellsMoreEnergetic++;
316  }
317  }
318  if (downCell != nullptr){
319  const CaloCell* downRightCell = NextEtaCell(downCell, false, inputContainer, idHelper);
320  if (downRightCell != nullptr){
321  double downRightEnergy = CaloCellET(downRightCell, digitScale, 0.);
322  if (downRightEnergy>seedCandidateEnergy) nCellsMoreEnergetic++;
323  }
324  const CaloCell* downLeftCell = NextEtaCell(downCell, true, inputContainer, idHelper);
325  if (downLeftCell != nullptr){
326  double downLeftEnergy = CaloCellET(downLeftCell, digitScale, 0.);
327  if (downLeftEnergy>seedCandidateEnergy) nCellsMoreEnergetic++;
328  }
329  }
330  // If candidate is more energetic than all of neighbours, it is a local max
331  if (nCellsMoreEnergetic <= numOthers) return true;
332  else return false;
333 }

◆ looseAlg()

std::vector< LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::AlgResult > LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::looseAlg ( const CaloConstCellContainer SCs,
const xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer TTs,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID idHelper,
const TileID m_tileIDHelper,
const CaloConstCellContainer tileCellCon 
) const

algorithm fors cluster building

find cluster and associated variables using a "loose" algorithm

Now we can do the minimum cluster ET test

Definition at line 88 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

91 {
92  std::vector<AlgResult> result;
93  // Loops through and find L2 SCs that are local maxes and adds to list of local maxes if cluster ET is at least 10GeV
94  std::vector<const CaloCell*> potentialCentres;
95  for (auto ithCell : *SCs) {
96  if ( !( std::abs(CaloCellET(ithCell, m_nominalDigitization, m_nominalNoise_thresh)) > 0) ) {
97  continue;
98  }
99  Identifier ithID = ithCell->ID();
100  if (idHelper->sampling(ithID) != 2) {
101  continue;
102  }
104  if (idHelper->sub_calo(ithID) != 0) {
105  continue;
106  }
108  bool inEfexCoverage = false;
109  if ( std::abs(idHelper->pos_neg(ithID)) < 3) {
110  inEfexCoverage = true;
111  }
113  if (!inEfexCoverage) {
114  continue;
115  }
117  if (localMax(SCs, ithCell, idHelper, m_nominalDigitization, m_nominalNoise_thresh)) {
118  potentialCentres.push_back(ithCell);
119  }
120  }
122  // Looops through the local maxes and skips the less energetic ones that belong to the same TT
123  for (auto ithCell : potentialCentres){
124  bool useSC = true;
125  for (auto jthCell : potentialCentres){
126  if (jthCell == ithCell) continue;
127  if (!SameTT(ithCell, jthCell, idHelper)) continue;
128  float ithEt = CaloCellET(ithCell, m_nominalDigitization, m_nominalNoise_thresh);
129  float jthEt = CaloCellET(jthCell, m_nominalDigitization, m_nominalNoise_thresh);
130  if (ithEt > jthEt) continue;
131  if (ithEt == jthEt && ithCell->eta() > jthCell->eta()) continue;
132  useSC = false;
133  }
135  float clustET = EMClusET(ithCell, m_etaWidth_TDRCluster, m_phiWidth_TDRCluster, SCs, idHelper, m_nominalDigitization, m_nominalNoise_thresh)/1000.;
136  if (clustET < m_clustET_looseAlg_thresh) useSC = false;
138  if (useSC) {
139  float HadET = -999;
140  float ithRHad = -1;
141  float ithEta = ithCell->eta();
142  float ithPhi = ithCell->phi();
145  if (!m_use_tileCells) {
147  } else {
148  ithRHad = RHadTile(ithCell, m_etaEMWidth_RHadIsolation, m_phiEMWidth_RHadIsolation, SCs, idHelper, m_nominalDigitization, m_nominalNoise_thresh, tileIDHelper, tileCellCon, m_tileNoise_tresh, HadET);
149  }
151  float ithL1Width = L1Width( ithCell, m_etaWidth_wstotIsolation, m_phiWidth_wstotIsolation, SCs,
153  float L2ClusterET33 = L2clusET( ithCell, 3, 3, SCs, idHelper, m_nominalDigitization, m_nominalNoise_thresh)/1e3;
154  float L2ClusterET37 = L2clusET( ithCell, 7, 3, SCs, idHelper, m_nominalDigitization, m_nominalNoise_thresh)/1e3;
156  float ithREtaL12{-1};
157  if (m_use_REtaL12) {
161  }
162  result.push_back(AlgResult{ithEta, ithPhi, clustET, ithREta, ithRHad, ithL1Width, HadET, L2ClusterET33, L2ClusterET37, ithREtaL12});
163  }
164  }
165  return result;
166 }

◆ matchingHCAL_LAr()

const CaloCell * LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::matchingHCAL_LAr ( const CaloCell *&  inputCell,
const CaloConstCellContainer *&  SCContainer,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&  idHelper 
) const

Match each SC from L2 to one corresponding HCAL SC.

Definition at line 1008 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

1009 {
1010  std::vector<const CaloCell*> matchingCells;
1011  if (inputCell==nullptr) return nullptr;
1012  for (auto ithSC : *SCContainer){
1013  Identifier ithID = ithSC->ID();
1014  int ithSub_calo = idHelper->sub_calo(ithID);
1015  if (ithSub_calo == 1){
1016  double ithdR = dR(inputCell->eta(), inputCell->phi(), ithSC->eta(), ithSC->phi());
1017  if (ithdR < 0.05) matchingCells.push_back(ithSC);
1018  }
1019  }
1021  if (matchingCells.size()==1)
1022  return matchingCells[0];
1025  if (matchingCells.size()==0){
1027  ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "No match betweem LAr ECAL SC and LAr HCAL SC!!! Input coords: " << inputCell->eta() << ", " << inputCell->phi());
1029  } else if (matchingCells.size()!=0) {
1031  ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "More than one matching LAr HCAL SC!!! (Returned Null)");
1032  ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "Input cell coords: " << inputCell->eta() << " x " << inputCell->phi());
1033  for (auto ithMatch : matchingCells){
1034  ATH_MSG_WARNING ( " " << ithMatch->eta() << " x " << ithMatch->phi() << ", dR = "
1035  << dR(inputCell->eta(), inputCell->phi(), ithMatch->eta(), ithMatch->phi()));
1036  }
1037  }
1038  return nullptr;
1039 }

◆ matchingHCAL_TT()

const xAOD::TriggerTower * LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::matchingHCAL_TT ( const CaloCell *&  inputCell,
const xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer *&  TTContainer 
) const

Match each SC from L2 to one corresponding TT.

Definition at line 986 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

987 {
988  std::vector<const xAOD::TriggerTower*> matchingTTs;
989  if (TTContainer==nullptr) return nullptr;
990  if (TTContainer->size()==0) return nullptr;
991  if (inputCell==nullptr) return nullptr;
992  for (auto ithTT : *TTContainer){
993  if (ithTT->sampling()==1){
994  float ithTT_eta = ithTT->eta();
995  float ithTT_phi = TT_phi(ithTT);
996  float ithdR = dR(ithTT_eta, ithTT_phi, inputCell->eta(), inputCell->phi());
997  if (ithdR < 0.05) matchingTTs.push_back(ithTT);
998  }
999  }
1000  if (matchingTTs.size()==1) return matchingTTs[0];
1001  else if (matchingTTs.size()!=0){
1002  ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "More than one matching HCAL TT!!! (Returned Null)");
1003  }
1004  return nullptr;
1005 }

◆ msg() [1/2]

MsgStream& AthCommonMsg< AlgTool >::msg ( ) const

Definition at line 24 of file AthCommonMsg.h.

24  {
25  return this->msgStream();
26  }

◆ msg() [2/2]

MsgStream& AthCommonMsg< AlgTool >::msg ( const MSG::Level  lvl) const

Definition at line 27 of file AthCommonMsg.h.

27  {
28  return this->msgStream(lvl);
29  }

◆ msgLvl()

bool AthCommonMsg< AlgTool >::msgLvl ( const MSG::Level  lvl) const

Definition at line 30 of file AthCommonMsg.h.

30  {
31  return this->msgLevel(lvl);
32  }

◆ NextEtaCell()

const CaloCell * LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::NextEtaCell ( const CaloCell inputCell,
bool  upwards,
const CaloConstCellContainer *&  cellContainer,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&  idHelper 
) const

helper function calling NextEtaCell_Barrel(), NextEtaCell_OW(), NextEtaCell_IW() according to position of input cell

Definition at line 1156 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

1158 {
1159  if (inputCell==nullptr) return nullptr;
1160  Identifier ithID = inputCell->ID();
1161  int ithSub_calo = idHelper->sub_calo(ithID);
1162  int ithPos_neg = idHelper->pos_neg(ithID);
1163  const CaloCell* tempCell = nullptr;
1164  // Only works for LArEM
1165  if (ithSub_calo==0){
1166  // Barrel regions
1167  if (abs(ithPos_neg)==1) tempCell = NextEtaCell_Barrel(inputCell, upwards, cellContainer, idHelper);
1168  // EC OW
1169  else if (abs(ithPos_neg)==2) tempCell = NextEtaCell_OW(inputCell, upwards, cellContainer, idHelper);
1170  // EC IW
1171  else if (abs(ithPos_neg)==3) tempCell = NextEtaCell_IW(inputCell, upwards, cellContainer, idHelper);
1172  // Not barrel or end cap
1173  else {
1174  ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "Layer 2 cell not passed to specific method at" << inputCell->eta() << " , " << inputCell->phi());
1175  return nullptr;
1176  }
1177  return tempCell;
1178  }
1179  // Is FCAL
1180  else {
1181  ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "Next eta cell called for non-EM SC!");
1182  return nullptr;
1183  }
1184 }

◆ NextEtaCell_Barrel()

const CaloCell * LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::NextEtaCell_Barrel ( const CaloCell inputCell,
bool  upwards,
const CaloConstCellContainer *&  cellContainer,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&  idHelper 
) const

returns the SC left/right to the input cell for the barrel

Leave this in for debug purposes, but I now expect it to happen

Definition at line 1187 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

1189 {
1190  const Identifier ithID = inputCell->ID();
1191  const int ithEta_index = idHelper->eta(ithID);
1192  const int ithPhi_index = idHelper->phi(ithID);
1193  const int ithSampling = idHelper->sampling(ithID);
1194  const int ithSub_calo = idHelper->sub_calo(ithID);
1195  const int ithPos_neg = idHelper->pos_neg(ithID);
1196  const int ithRegion = idHelper->region(ithID);
1198  // Extreme indices of each region
1199  int maxEta_index = 0;
1200  int minEta_index = 0;
1201  if (ithRegion==0){
1202  if (ithSampling == 0) maxEta_index = 14;
1203  else if (ithSampling == 1 || ithSampling == 2) maxEta_index = 55;
1204  else if (ithSampling == 3) maxEta_index = 13;
1205  else ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "ISSUE: " << __LINE__);
1206  }
1207  else if (ithRegion==1){
1208  if (ithSampling == 1) maxEta_index =2;
1209  else if (ithSampling == 2) maxEta_index=0;
1210  else ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "ISSUE: " << __LINE__);
1211  }
1212  else ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "ISSUE: " << __LINE__);
1213  // Declare next values, default initialisation is the same as cell
1214  int nextEta_index = ithEta_index;
1215  // Phi shouldn't change!
1216  // One special case where sampling does change, otherwise stays same
1217  int nextSampling = ithSampling;
1218  int nextSub_calo = ithSub_calo;
1219  int nextPos_neg = ithPos_neg;
1220  int nextRegion = ithRegion;
1222  // Calculate the increment for eta: it depends on whether we are moving 'up' & which side we are on
1223  int incrementEta;
1224  if (upwards) incrementEta = ithPos_neg;
1225  else incrementEta = -1*ithPos_neg;
1227  int tracker = 0;
1229  // If first cell in region & moving more inwards
1230  if (ithEta_index==minEta_index && incrementEta==-1){
1231  if (ithRegion == 0){
1232  nextEta_index = 0;
1233  nextPos_neg = ithPos_neg * -1;
1234  tracker = 1;
1235  }
1236  else if (ithRegion == 1){
1237  nextEta_index = 55;
1238  nextRegion = 0;
1239  tracker = 2;
1240  }
1241  else ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "ISSUE: " << __LINE__);
1242  }
1244  // If last cell in region & moving outwards
1245  else if ((ithEta_index == maxEta_index) && (incrementEta == 1)) {
1246  // Reg 0, Layers 1 & 2 go to barrel region 1
1247  if ((ithRegion == 0)&&(ithSampling == 1 || ithSampling == 2)){
1248  nextRegion = 1;
1249  nextEta_index = 0;
1250  tracker = 3;
1251  }
1252  // Reg 0, Layer 0 goes to OW region 0
1253  else if ((ithRegion == 0)&&(ithSampling == 0)){
1254  nextEta_index = 0;
1255  nextRegion = 0;
1256  nextPos_neg = 2*ithPos_neg;
1257  tracker = 4;
1258  }
1259  // Reg 0, Layer 3 goes to OW Layer 2 region 0 (change by ATW)
1260  else if ((ithRegion == 0)&&(ithSampling == 3)){
1261  nextSampling = 2;
1262  nextEta_index = 0;
1263  nextRegion = 0;
1264  nextPos_neg = 2*ithPos_neg;
1265  tracker = 5;
1266  }
1267  // Reg 1, Layer 1 go to OW region 0 (change by ATW)
1268  else if ((ithRegion == 1)&&(ithSampling == 1)){
1269  nextEta_index=0;
1270  nextRegion = 0;
1271  nextPos_neg = 2 * ithPos_neg;
1272  tracker = 6;
1273  }
1274  // Reg 1, Layer 2 goes to OW region 1
1275  else if ((ithRegion == 1)&&(ithSampling == 2)){
1276  nextEta_index=0;
1277  nextRegion = 1;
1278  nextPos_neg = 2 * ithPos_neg;
1279  tracker = 7;
1280  }
1281  else ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "ISSUE: " << __LINE__);
1282  }
1283  // Otherwise 'simply' next cell along
1284  else {
1285  nextEta_index = ithEta_index + incrementEta;
1286  tracker = 8;
1287  }
1288  //ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "B Tracker = " << tracker);
1289  // Form identifier, find cell & return it
1290  // sub_calo, left_pos_neg, 2, region, eta_index, down_phi_index
1291  Identifier nextCellID = idHelper->CaloCell_SuperCell_ID::cell_id(nextSub_calo, nextPos_neg, nextSampling, nextRegion, nextEta_index, ithPhi_index);
1292  const CaloCell* nextCell = returnCellFromCont(nextCellID, cellContainer, idHelper);
1293  if (nextCell == nullptr) {
1294  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "ISSUE: " << __LINE__);
1295  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Barrel Tracker = " << tracker);
1296  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "from nextCellID: "<<idHelper->sub_calo(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->pos_neg(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->sampling(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->region(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->eta(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->phi(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->calo_cell_hash(nextCellID)<<", "<<nextCellID);
1297  }
1298  else {
1299  Identifier newID = nextCell->ID();
1300  int IDsample = idHelper->sampling(nextCell->ID());
1302  if (IDsample!=ithSampling){
1303  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Layer has changed " << " tracker = " << tracker);
1304  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "from nextCellID: "<<idHelper->sub_calo(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->pos_neg(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->sampling(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->region(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->eta(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->phi(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->calo_cell_hash(nextCellID)<<", "<<nextCellID);
1305  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "from ID from new cell: "<<idHelper->sub_calo(newID)<<", "<<idHelper->pos_neg(newID)<<", "<<idHelper->sampling(newID)<<", "<<idHelper->region(newID)<<", "<<idHelper->eta(newID)<<", "<<idHelper->phi(newID)<<", "<<idHelper->calo_cell_hash(newID)<<", "<<newID);
1306  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "comp indices: "<< (nextCellID == newID));
1307  }
1308  }
1309  if (nextCell && (nextCell->ID() != nextCellID)) ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( __LINE__ << " does not match");
1310  return nextCell;
1311 }

◆ NextEtaCell_IW()

const CaloCell * LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::NextEtaCell_IW ( const CaloCell inputCell,
bool  upwards,
const CaloConstCellContainer *&  cellContainer,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&  idHelper 
) const

returns the SC left/right to the input cell for the IW

Definition at line 1494 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

1496 {
1497  const Identifier ithID = inputCell->ID();
1498  const int ithEta_index = idHelper->eta(ithID);
1499  const int ithPhi_index = idHelper->phi(ithID);
1500  const int ithSampling = idHelper->sampling(ithID);
1501  const int ithSub_calo = idHelper->sub_calo(ithID);
1502  const int ithPos_neg = idHelper->pos_neg(ithID);
1503  const int ithRegion = idHelper->region(ithID);
1504  //int tracker =0;
1505  // Declare next values, default initialisation is the same as cell
1506  int nextEta_index = ithEta_index;
1507  int nextPhi_index = ithPhi_index;
1508  // Sampling shouldn't change!
1509  int nextSub_calo = ithSub_calo;
1510  int nextPos_neg = ithPos_neg;
1511  int nextRegion = ithRegion;
1513  // Maximum indices for barrel region 0:
1514  int maxEta_index = 0;
1515  int minEta_index = 0;
1517  if (ithRegion==0){
1518  maxEta_index=2;
1519  minEta_index=0;
1520  }
1521  else if (ithRegion!=1) ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "ISSUE: " <<__LINE__);
1523  // Calculate the increment for eta: it depends on whether we are moving 'up' & which side we are on
1524  int incrementEta;
1525  int ithSide = ithPos_neg / abs(ithPos_neg);
1526  if (upwards) incrementEta = ithSide;
1527  else incrementEta = ithSide * -1;
1528  // Lower end of region IW, going inwards
1529  if (ithEta_index==minEta_index&& incrementEta==-1){
1530  // Goes to OW
1531  if (ithRegion == 0){
1532  nextPos_neg = 2*ithSide;
1533  nextPhi_index=2*ithPhi_index;
1534  if (ithSampling==1){
1535  // tracker=1;
1536  nextRegion=5;
1537  nextEta_index=0;
1538  }
1539  else if (ithSampling==2){
1540  // tracker=2;
1541  nextRegion=1;
1542  nextEta_index=42;
1543  }
1544  else ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "ISSUE: " <<__LINE__);
1545  }
1546  // Goes to IW region 0
1547  else if (ithRegion == 1){
1548  // tracker=3;
1549  nextRegion=0;
1550  nextEta_index=2;
1551  }
1552  }
1553  // Upper end of region in IW
1554  else if (ithEta_index==maxEta_index && incrementEta==1){
1555  // Goes to region 1
1556  if (ithRegion==0){
1557  // tracker=4;
1558  nextRegion=1;
1559  nextEta_index=0;
1560  }
1561  // Reaches FCAL
1562  else if (ithRegion==1) return nullptr;
1563  }
1564  // Increment eta like normal
1565  else {
1566  // tracker=5;
1567  nextEta_index=ithEta_index+incrementEta;
1568  }
1569  Identifier nextCellID = idHelper->CaloCell_SuperCell_ID::cell_id(nextSub_calo, nextPos_neg, ithSampling, nextRegion, nextEta_index, nextPhi_index);
1570  const CaloCell* nextCell = returnCellFromCont(nextCellID, cellContainer, idHelper);
1571  if (nextCell && (nextCell->ID() != nextCellID)) ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( __LINE__<<" does not match");
1572  return nextCell;
1573 }

◆ NextEtaCell_OW()

const CaloCell * LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::NextEtaCell_OW ( const CaloCell inputCell,
bool  upwards,
const CaloConstCellContainer *&  cellContainer,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&  idHelper 
) const

returns the SC left/right to the input cell for the OW

The OW region 0 layer 2 is treated as layer 3 in transition

Fix by ATW to allow for strange mapping in transition

Definition at line 1314 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

1316 {
1317  Identifier ithID = inputCell->ID();
1318  int ithEta_index = idHelper->eta(ithID);
1319  const int ithPhi_index = idHelper->phi(ithID);
1320  const int ithSampling = idHelper->sampling(ithID);
1321  int ithSub_calo = idHelper->sub_calo(ithID);
1322  int ithPos_neg = idHelper->pos_neg(ithID);
1323  int ithRegion = idHelper->region(ithID);
1324  // Declare next values, default initialisation is the same as cell
1325  int nextEta_index = ithEta_index;
1326  int nextPhi_index = ithPhi_index;
1327  // Sampling may change in a couple of special cases (transition tower)
1328  int nextSampling = ithSampling;
1329  int nextSub_calo = ithSub_calo;
1330  int nextPos_neg = ithPos_neg;
1331  int nextRegion = ithRegion;
1332  // Maximum indices for barrel region 0:
1333  int maxEta_index = 0;
1334  int minEta_index = 0;
1335  // Set max / min values based on ithRegion
1336  if (ithSampling==0) maxEta_index = 2;
1337  else if (ithSampling==2 && ithRegion==0) maxEta_index = 0;
1338  else if (ithSampling==2 && ithRegion==1) maxEta_index = 42;
1339  else if (ithSampling==3) maxEta_index=9;
1340  else if (ithSampling==1) {
1341  switch(ithRegion){
1342  case 0:
1343  maxEta_index=0;
1344  break;
1345  case 1:
1346  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "ISSUE " << __LINE__);
1347  break;
1348  case 2:
1349  maxEta_index=11;
1350  break;
1351  case 3:
1352  maxEta_index=11;// Should this be 11? - it was 7
1353  break;
1354  case 4:
1355  maxEta_index=15;
1356  break;
1357  case 5:
1358  maxEta_index=0;
1359  break;
1360  default:
1361  ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "OW region is not covered: " << ithRegion);
1362  }
1363  }
1364  else ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "ISSUE: " << __LINE__ );
1366  // Calculate the increment for eta: it depends on whether we are moving 'up' & which side we are on
1367  int incrementEta;
1368  int ithSide = ithPos_neg / abs(ithPos_neg);
1369  if (upwards) incrementEta = ithSide;
1370  else incrementEta = ithSide * -1;
1371  int tracker = 0;
1372  // Lower end of OW, going inwards
1373  if (ithEta_index==minEta_index && ithRegion==0 && incrementEta==-1){
1374  nextPos_neg = ithSide;
1375  if (ithSampling==0){
1376  nextRegion = 0;
1377  nextEta_index = 14;
1378  tracker = 1;
1379  }
1380  else if (ithSampling==1){
1381  nextRegion = 1;
1382  nextEta_index = 2;
1383  tracker = 2;
1384  }
1386  else if (ithSampling==2){
1387  nextRegion = 0;
1388  nextSampling = 2;
1389  nextEta_index = 13;
1390  tracker = 3;
1391  }
1393  else if (ithSampling==3){
1394  nextRegion = 0;
1395  nextSampling = 2;
1396  nextEta_index = 0;
1397  nextPos_neg = ithPos_neg;
1398  tracker = 4;
1399  }
1400  }
1401  // Higher end of OW, going outwards
1402  else if (ithEta_index==maxEta_index && incrementEta==1){
1403  // Layers 0 & 3 aren't in IW
1404  if (ithSampling==0 || ithSampling==3) return nullptr;
1405  else if (ithSampling==2 && ithRegion==0){
1406  nextRegion = 1;
1407  nextEta_index = 0;
1408  tracker = 5;
1409  }
1410  else if ((ithSampling==2 && ithRegion==1)||(ithSampling==1 && ithRegion==5)){
1411  // Reaches IW
1412  nextEta_index=0;
1413  nextRegion=0;
1414  nextPhi_index=ithPhi_index/2;
1415  nextPos_neg=3*ithSide;
1416  tracker=6;
1417  }
1418  else if (ithSampling==1 && ithRegion==0){
1419  // Unsure what to do??
1420  nextRegion = 2;
1421  nextEta_index = 0;
1422  tracker = 7;
1423  }
1424  else if (ithSampling==1){
1425  nextRegion=ithRegion + 1;
1426  nextEta_index=0;
1427  tracker = 8;
1428  }
1429  }
1430  // Lower end of region in OW, going inwards
1431  else if (ithEta_index==minEta_index && incrementEta==-1){
1432  // Shouldn't apply to layers 0 & 3
1433  // Only case for layer 2 should be in region 1
1434  // But this one is special because we want to step into barrel (ATW)
1435  if (ithSampling==2){
1436  nextRegion = 1;
1437  nextEta_index = 0;
1438  nextPos_neg = ithPos_neg;
1439  tracker = 9;
1440  }
1441  else if (ithSampling==1){
1442  if (ithRegion==0){ // haven't we covered this? (ATW)
1443  nextPos_neg = ithSide;
1444  nextRegion = 1;
1445  nextEta_index = 2;
1446  tracker = 10;
1447  }
1448  else {
1449  tracker = 11;
1450  // Layer one has muliple regions
1451  nextRegion = ithRegion-1;
1452  if (nextRegion==0) {
1453  nextEta_index=0;
1454  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "ISSUE: "<< __LINE__);
1455  }
1456  else if (nextRegion==1) {
1457  nextRegion = 0;
1458  nextEta_index= 0;
1459  }
1460  else if (nextRegion==2) nextEta_index=11;
1461  else if (nextRegion==3) nextEta_index=7;
1462  else if (nextRegion==4) nextEta_index=15;
1463  }
1464  }
1465  }
1466  // Middle of region in middle of endcap
1467  else {
1468  nextEta_index = ithEta_index+incrementEta;
1469  tracker = 12;
1470  }
1471  Identifier nextCellID = idHelper->CaloCell_SuperCell_ID::cell_id(nextSub_calo, nextPos_neg, nextSampling, nextRegion, nextEta_index, nextPhi_index);
1472  const CaloCell* nextCell = returnCellFromCont(nextCellID, cellContainer, idHelper);
1473  if (nextCell == nullptr) {
1474  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "ISSUE: "<<__LINE__);
1475  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "OW Tracker = "<<tracker);
1476  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "from nextCellID: "<<idHelper->sub_calo(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->pos_neg(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->sampling(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->region(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->eta(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->phi(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->calo_cell_hash(nextCellID)<<", "<<nextCellID);
1477  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Increment eta = "<<incrementEta<<", max_eta = "<<maxEta_index<<", min_eta = "<<minEta_index);
1478  }
1479  else {
1480  Identifier newID = nextCell->ID();
1481  int IDsample = idHelper->sampling(nextCell->ID());
1482  if (IDsample!=ithSampling){
1483  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Layer has changed "<<" tracker = "<<tracker);
1484  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "from nextCellID: "<<idHelper->sub_calo(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->pos_neg(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->sampling(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->region(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->eta(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->phi(nextCellID)<<", "<<idHelper->calo_cell_hash(nextCellID)<<", "<<nextCellID);
1485  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "from ID from new cell: "<<idHelper->sub_calo(newID)<<", "<<idHelper->pos_neg(newID)<<", "<<idHelper->sampling(newID)<<", "<<idHelper->region(newID)<<", "<<idHelper->eta(newID)<<", "<<idHelper->phi(newID)<<", "<<idHelper->calo_cell_hash(newID)<<", "<<newID);
1486  ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "comp indices: "<<(nextCellID == newID));
1487  }
1488  }
1489  if (nextCell && (nextCell->ID() != nextCellID)) ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( __LINE__<< " does not match");
1490  return nextCell;
1491 }

◆ NextPhiCell()

const CaloCell * LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::NextPhiCell ( const CaloCell inputCell,
bool  upwards,
const CaloConstCellContainer *&  cellContainer,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&  idHelper 
) const

returns the SC above/below the input cell

Definition at line 1586 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

1588 {
1589  if (inputCell==nullptr)
1590  return nullptr;
1592  const Identifier ithID = inputCell->ID();
1593  const int ithEta_index = idHelper->eta(ithID);
1594  const int ithPhi_index = idHelper->phi(ithID);
1595  const int ithSampling = idHelper->sampling(ithID);
1596  const int ithSub_calo = idHelper->sub_calo(ithID);
1597  const int ithPos_neg = idHelper->pos_neg(ithID);
1598  const int ithRegion = idHelper->region(ithID);
1600  bool is64;
1601  if (abs(ithPos_neg)==3) is64 = false;
1602  else is64 = true;
1604  int incrementPhi;
1605  if (upwards==true) incrementPhi=1;
1606  else incrementPhi=-1;
1608  const int nextPhi_index = restrictPhiIndex(ithPhi_index+incrementPhi, is64);
1609  Identifier nextCellID = idHelper->CaloCell_SuperCell_ID::cell_id(ithSub_calo, ithPos_neg, ithSampling, ithRegion, ithEta_index, nextPhi_index);
1610  const CaloCell* nextCell = returnCellFromCont(nextCellID, cellContainer, idHelper);
1611  if (nextCell && (nextCell->ID() != nextCellID)) ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( __LINE__ << " does not match");
1612  if (nextCell == nullptr) ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Next phi cell is nullptr at " << __LINE__);
1613  return nextCell;
1614 }

◆ outputHandles()

virtual std::vector<Gaudi::DataHandle*> AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::outputHandles ( ) const

Return this algorithm's output handles.

We override this to include handle instances from key arrays if they have not yet been declared. See comments on updateVHKA.

◆ renounce()

std::enable_if_t<std::is_void_v<std::result_of_t<decltype(&T::renounce)(T)> > && !std::is_base_of_v<SG::VarHandleKeyArray, T> && std::is_base_of_v<Gaudi::DataHandle, T>, void> AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::renounce ( T &  h)

Definition at line 380 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

381  {
382  h.renounce();
383  PBASE::renounce (h);
384  }

◆ renounceArray()

void AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::renounceArray ( SG::VarHandleKeyArray handlesArray)

remove all handles from I/O resolution

Definition at line 364 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

364  {
365  handlesArray.renounce();
366  }

◆ restrictPhiIndex()

int LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::restrictPhiIndex ( int  input_index,
bool  is64 
) const

manager function for the phi index

Definition at line 1576 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

1577 {
1578  if (is64&&input_index<0) return input_index+64;
1579  else if (is64&&input_index>63) return input_index-64;
1580  else if (!(is64)&&input_index<0) return input_index+32;
1581  else if (!(is64)&&input_index>31) return input_index-32;
1582  else return input_index;
1583 }

◆ REta()

double LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::REta ( const CaloCell centreCell,
int  etaWidth1,
int  phiWidth1,
int  etaWidth2,
int  phiWidth2,
const CaloConstCellContainer scells,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID idHelper,
float  digitScale,
float  digitThresh 
) const

calculate the energy isolation of the central cell along eta

Definition at line 361 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

363 {
364  // Check windows sizes are right way round
365  if (etaWidth1 > etaWidth2) ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "REta: eta1 = " << etaWidth1 << ", eta2 = " << etaWidth2);
366  if (phiWidth1 > phiWidth2) ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "Rphi: phi1 = " << phiWidth1 << ", phi2 = " << phiWidth2);
367  // Finds ET of windows
368  double inner_ET = L2clusET(centreCell, etaWidth1, phiWidth1, scells, idHelper, digitScale, digitThresh);
369  double outer_ET = L2clusET(centreCell, etaWidth2, phiWidth2, scells, idHelper, digitScale, digitThresh);
370  // Find normal value of REta & changes it to my version
371  double normal_REta;
372  if (inner_ET != 0. && outer_ET==0.) normal_REta = 0.;
373  else if (inner_ET==0.) normal_REta = 0.;
374  else normal_REta = inner_ET / outer_ET;
375  if (normal_REta < 0) normal_REta = 0.;
376  double my_REta = 1-normal_REta;
377  return my_REta;
378 }

◆ REtaL12()

double LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::REtaL12 ( const CaloCell centreCell,
int  etaWidth1,
int  phiWidth1,
int  etaWidth2,
int  phiWidth2,
const CaloConstCellContainer scells,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID idHelper,
float  digitScale,
float  digitThresh 
) const

calculate the energy isolation of the central cell along eta using Layer 1 and Layer 2

Definition at line 594 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

597 {
598  // Check windows sizes are right way round
599  if (etaWidth1 > etaWidth2) ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "REta: eta1 = " << etaWidth1 << ", eta2 = " << etaWidth2);
600  if (phiWidth1 > phiWidth2) ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "Rphi: phi1 = " << phiWidth1 << ", phi2 = " << phiWidth2);
601  // Finds ET of windows
602  double inner_ET = L2clusET(centreCell, etaWidth1, phiWidth1, scells, idHelper, digitScale, digitThresh);
603  double outer_ET = L2clusET(centreCell, etaWidth2, phiWidth2, scells, idHelper, digitScale, digitThresh);
604  // Find corresponding L1 cells, calculate the L1 ET and add them to L2 ET
605  std::vector<const CaloCell*> L2cells_inner = L2cluster(centreCell, etaWidth1, phiWidth1, scells, idHelper,digitScale, digitThresh);
606  std::vector<const CaloCell*> L1cells_inner;
607  for (auto ithL2Cell : L2cells_inner){
608  fromLayer2toLayer1(scells, ithL2Cell, L1cells_inner, idHelper);
609  }
610  inner_ET += sumVectorET(L1cells_inner, digitScale, digitThresh);
611  std::vector<const CaloCell*> L2cells_outer = L2cluster(centreCell, etaWidth2, phiWidth2, scells, idHelper,digitScale, digitThresh);
612  std::vector<const CaloCell*> L1cells_outer;
613  for (auto ithL2Cell : L2cells_outer){
614  fromLayer2toLayer1(scells, ithL2Cell, L1cells_outer, idHelper);
615  }
616  outer_ET += sumVectorET(L1cells_outer, digitScale, digitThresh);
617  // Find normal value of REta & changes it to my version
618  double normal_REta;
619  if (inner_ET != 0. && outer_ET==0.) normal_REta = 0.;
620  else if (inner_ET==0.) normal_REta = 0.;
621  else normal_REta = inner_ET / outer_ET;
622  if (normal_REta < 0) normal_REta = 0.;
623  double my_REta = 1-normal_REta;
624  return my_REta;
625 }

◆ returnCellFromCont()

const CaloCell * LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::returnCellFromCont ( Identifier  inputID,
const CaloConstCellContainer *&  cellContainer,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&  idHelper 
) const

helper functions to find neighbouring cells

SC from container is returned according to its ID

Definition at line 1148 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

1149 {
1150  const CaloCell* isCell = cellContainer->findCell(idHelper->CaloCell_SuperCell_ID::calo_cell_hash(inputID));
1151  if (isCell) return isCell;
1152  else return nullptr;
1153 }

◆ RHad()

double LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::RHad ( const CaloCell centreCell,
int  etaWidth,
int  phiWidth,
const CaloConstCellContainer scells,
const xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer *&  TTContainer,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID idHelper,
float  digitScale,
float  digitThresh,
float &  HadronicET 
) const

calculate the hadronic isolation of the central cell

Definition at line 381 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

383 {
384  std::vector<const CaloCell*> fullClus = TDR_Clus(centreCell, etaWidth, phiWidth, scells, idHelper, digitScale, digitThresh);
385  double EMcomp = sumVectorET(fullClus, digitScale, digitThresh);
386  double HCALcomp = HadronicET(L2cluster(centreCell, m_etaHadWidth_RHadIsolation, m_phiHadWidth_RHadIsolation, scells, idHelper, digitScale, digitThresh), scells, TTContainer, idHelper, digitScale, digitThresh);
387  HadET = HCALcomp/1e3;
388  double result = HCALcomp/(EMcomp+HCALcomp);
389  if (result < 0. || result > 1.){
390  ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "RHAD -> " << etaWidth << " * " << phiWidth);
391  ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "fullClus count = " << fullClus.size() << ", EMcomp = " << EMcomp << ", HCALcomp = " << HCALcomp);
392  }
393  return result;
394 }

◆ RHadTile()

double LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::RHadTile ( const CaloCell centreCell,
int  etaWidth,
int  phiWidth,
const CaloConstCellContainer scells,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID idHelper,
float  digitScale,
float  digitThresh,
const TileID m_tileIDHelper,
const CaloConstCellContainer tileCellCon,
float  tileNoiseThresh,
float &  HadronicET 
) const

calculate the hadronic isolation for a seed cell using TileCal cells

Definition at line 550 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

553 {
554  std::vector<float> outVec;
555  double HadET = 0.;
556  std::vector<const CaloCell*> L2Cells = L2cluster(centreCell, etaWidth, phiWidth, scells, idHelper, digitScale, digitThresh);
557  std::vector<const CaloCell*> fullClus = TDR_Clus(centreCell, m_etaHadWidth_RHadIsolation, m_phiHadWidth_RHadIsolation, scells, idHelper, digitScale, digitThresh);
558  // Last Tile cell boundary: eta = 1.6
559  // Last outer wheel SC seed that still falls into Tile boundary: eta = 1.5625
560  if (std::abs(centreCell->eta()) < 1.57){
561  const int barrel_ec = idHelper->pos_neg(centreCell->ID());
562  bool isOW = false;
563  if (std::abs(barrel_ec) == 2) isOW = true;
564  std::vector<double> energyPerLayer = EnergyPerTileLayer(L2Cells, tileCellCon, tileIDHelper, isOW, tileNoiseThresh);
565  if (energyPerLayer.size() > 0){
566  for (auto ithLayerEnergy : energyPerLayer){
567  HadET += ithLayerEnergy;
568  }
569  }
570  }
571  else {
572  std::vector<const CaloCell*> HCAL_LAr_vector;
573  for (auto ithCell : L2Cells){
574  if (std::abs(ithCell->eta()) > 2.5) continue;
575  const CaloCell* tempLArHad = matchingHCAL_LAr(ithCell, scells, idHelper);
576  if (tempLArHad != nullptr) HCAL_LAr_vector.push_back(tempLArHad);
577  }
578  for (auto ithSC : HCAL_LAr_vector){
579  HadET += CaloCellET(ithSC, digitScale, digitThresh);
580  }
581  }
582  HadronicET = HadET/1e3;
583  double EMcomp = sumVectorET(fullClus, digitScale, digitThresh);
584  double result = HadET/(EMcomp+HadET);
585  if (result < 0. || result > 1.){
586  ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "RHADTILE -> " << etaWidth << " * " << phiWidth);
587  ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "fullClus count = " << fullClus.size() << ", EMcomp = " << EMcomp << ", HCALcomp = " << HadET);
588  return 1.;
589  }
590  return result;
591 }

◆ SameTT()

bool LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::SameTT ( const CaloCell inputCell1,
const CaloCell inputCell2,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&  idHelper 
) const

check if both input cells belong to the same TT

Definition at line 216 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

217 {
218  const Identifier ID1 = inputCell1->ID();
219  int phi1 = idHelper->phi(ID1);
220  const Identifier ID2 = inputCell2->ID();
221  int phi2 = idHelper->phi(ID2);
222  if (phi1 != phi2) {
223  return false;
224  }
225  int pn1 = idHelper->pos_neg(ID1);
226  int pn2 = idHelper->pos_neg(ID2);
227  if (pn1 != pn2) {
228  return false;
229  }
230  // Is barrel
231  if (abs(pn1)==1) {
232  int reg1 = idHelper->region(ID1);
233  int reg2 = idHelper->region(ID2);
234  if (reg1 != reg2) {
235  return false;
236  }
237  int etaDiv1 = idHelper->eta(ID1)/4;
238  int etaDiv2 = idHelper->eta(ID2)/4;
239  if (etaDiv1 == etaDiv2) {
240  return true;
241  }
242  else {
243  return false;
244  }
245  }
246  // OW
247  else if (abs(pn1)==2){
248  int reg1 = idHelper->region(ID1);
249  int reg2 = idHelper->region(ID2);
250  int eta1 = idHelper->eta(ID1);
251  int eta2 = idHelper->eta(ID2);
252  if ((reg1 == 0 && reg2 == 1 && eta2 < 3 ) || (reg2 == 0 && reg1 == 1 && eta1 < 3 )) return true;
253  else {
254  if (reg1 != reg2) return false;
255  int etaDiv1 = (idHelper->eta(ID1) - 3)/4;
256  int etaDiv2 = (idHelper->eta(ID2) - 3)/4;
257  if (etaDiv1 == etaDiv2) return true;
258  else return false;
259  }
260  }
261  else return false;
262 }

◆ sumVectorET()

double LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::sumVectorET ( const std::vector< const CaloCell * > &  inputVector,
float  digitScale = 0.,
float  digitThreshold = 0. 
) const

calculate cluster energy from all SCs in PS, L1, L2, L3

Definition at line 1095 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

1096 {
1097  double TotalET=0.0;
1098  for (auto ithCell : inputVector){
1099  if (ithCell!=nullptr) TotalET += CaloCellET(ithCell, digitScale, digitThreshold);
1100  }
1101  return TotalET;
1102 }

◆ sysInitialize()

virtual StatusCode AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::sysInitialize ( )

Perform system initialization for an algorithm.

We override this to declare all the elements of handle key arrays at the end of initialization. See comments on updateVHKA.

Reimplemented in DerivationFramework::CfAthAlgTool, AthCheckedComponent< AthAlgTool >, AthCheckedComponent<::AthAlgTool >, and asg::AsgMetadataTool.

◆ sysStart()

virtual StatusCode AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::sysStart ( )

Handle START transition.

We override this in order to make sure that conditions handle keys can cache a pointer to the conditions container.

◆ TDR_Clus()

std::vector< const CaloCell * > LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::TDR_Clus ( const CaloCell centreCell,
int  etaWidth,
int  phiWidth,
const CaloConstCellContainer scells,
const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID idHelper,
float  digitScale,
float  digitThresh 
) const

form the cluster around the central SC

Definition at line 1056 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

1058 {
1059  // Find the L2 cells
1060  std::vector<const CaloCell*> L2cells = L2cluster(centreCell, etaWidth, phiWidth, scells, idHelper, digitScale, digitThresh);
1061  // Forms a vector of the centre L2 cells (to be used to find L0/3 SCs)
1062  std::vector<const CaloCell*> centCells;
1063  centCells.push_back(centreCell);
1064  const CaloCell* upPhiCell = NextPhiCell(centreCell,true,scells,idHelper);
1065  const CaloCell* downPhiCell = NextPhiCell(centreCell,false,scells,idHelper);
1066  const CaloCell* energeticPhiCell;
1067  // If the phi width is 2, the most energetic neighbour is chosen (defaulting to the 'down' side)
1068  // If the phi width is 3, both neighbours are added
1069  if (phiWidth > 1){
1070  if (CaloCellET(upPhiCell, digitScale, digitThresh) > CaloCellET(downPhiCell, digitScale, digitThresh)) energeticPhiCell = upPhiCell;
1071  else energeticPhiCell = downPhiCell;
1072  if (phiWidth == 2) addOnce(energeticPhiCell, centCells); //centCells.push_back(energeticPhiCell);
1073  else if (phiWidth == 3){
1074  addOnce(upPhiCell, centCells); //centCells.push_back(upPhiCell);
1075  addOnce(downPhiCell, centCells); //centCells.push_back(downPhiCell);
1076  }
1077  else if (phiWidth > 3) ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "phiWidth not 2 or 3!!!. Value = " << phiWidth);
1078  }
1079  // The actual cluster is initialised
1080  std::vector<const CaloCell*> fullClus;
1081  // The L1&2 SCs are added that match the full width
1082  for (auto ithL2Cell : L2cells){
1083  fullClus.push_back(ithL2Cell);
1084  fromLayer2toLayer1(scells, ithL2Cell, fullClus, idHelper);
1085  }
1086  // The L0&3 SCs are added that match the central L2 cells
1087  for (auto ithL2CentCell : centCells){
1088  addOnce( fromLayer2toPS( scells, ithL2CentCell, idHelper),fullClus);
1089  addOnce( fromLayer2toLayer3( scells, ithL2CentCell, idHelper),fullClus);
1090  }
1091  return fullClus;
1092 }

◆ tileCellEnergyCalib()

double LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::tileCellEnergyCalib ( float  eIn,
float  etaIn,
float  tileNoiseThresh 
) const

determine transverse energy and apply noise threshold to Tile cells

Definition at line 406 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

407 {
408  if (eIn <= 0) return 0.;
409  float eOut = eIn/cosh(etaIn);
410  if (tileNoiseThresh == 0.) return eOut;
411  else {
412  if (eOut > tileNoiseThresh) return eOut;
413  else return 0.;
414  }
415 }

◆ TT_ET()

double LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::TT_ET ( const xAOD::TriggerTower *&  inputTower) const

calculate the energy of an input TT

Definition at line 1042 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

1043 {
1044  if (inputTower == nullptr){
1045  ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "Tower is nullptr!");
1046  return 0.;
1047  }
1048  else if (inputTower->cpET() < 0.) {
1049  return 0;
1050  } else {
1051  return 500*inputTower->cpET();
1052  }
1053 }

◆ TT_phi()

double LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::TT_phi ( const xAOD::TriggerTower *&  inputTower) const

convert the TT phi to match the definition of SC phi

Definition at line 962 of file EFexEMClusterTool.cxx.

963 {
964  if (inputTower == nullptr){
965  ATH_MSG_WARNING ( "Tower is nullptr in phi transformation!");
966  return 0.;
967  }
968  else {
969  double phi = inputTower->phi();
970  if (phi > M_PI) phi = phi - 2*M_PI;
971  return phi;
972  }
973 }

◆ updateVHKA()

void AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::updateVHKA ( Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &  )

Definition at line 308 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

308  {
309  // debug() << "updateVHKA for property " << << " " << p.toString()
310  // << " size: " << m_vhka.size() << endmsg;
311  for (auto &a : m_vhka) {
312  std::vector<SG::VarHandleKey*> keys = a->keys();
313  for (auto k : keys) {
314  k->setOwner(this);
315  }
316  }
317  }

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_clustET_looseAlg_thresh

float LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_clustET_looseAlg_thresh

threshold for minimum cluster energy for the loose eFEX algorithm

Definition at line 233 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_clustET_NoIso_thresh

float LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_clustET_NoIso_thresh

threshold for applying cluster isolation cuts (baseline selection)

Definition at line 209 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_clustET_thresh

float LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_clustET_thresh

threshold for minimum cluster energy (baseline selection)

Definition at line 208 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_detStore

StoreGateSvc_t AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::m_detStore

Pointer to StoreGate (detector store by default)

Definition at line 393 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

◆ m_eta_dropL1Width

float LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_eta_dropL1Width

max eta for applying cut on L1Width (baseline selection)

Definition at line 213 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_etaEMWidth_RHadIsolation

int LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_etaEMWidth_RHadIsolation

EM eta width for RHad isolation given in number of SCs.

Definition at line 225 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_etaHadWidth_RHadIsolation

int LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_etaHadWidth_RHadIsolation

hadronic eta width for RHad isolation given in number of SCs

Definition at line 231 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_etaWidth_REtaIsolation_den

int LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_etaWidth_REtaIsolation_den

eta width for REta isolation given in number of SCs (denominator of fraction)

Definition at line 227 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_etaWidth_REtaIsolation_num

int LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_etaWidth_REtaIsolation_num

eta width for REta isolation given in number of SCs (numerator of fraction)

Definition at line 229 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_etaWidth_TDRCluster

int LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_etaWidth_TDRCluster

eta width of the TDR cluster formation given in number of SCs (including the central cell), should be >= 1

Definition at line 222 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_etaWidth_wstotIsolation

int LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_etaWidth_wstotIsolation

eta width for wstot isolation given in number of SCs

Definition at line 223 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_evtStore

StoreGateSvc_t AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::m_evtStore

Pointer to StoreGate (event store by default)

Definition at line 390 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

◆ m_L1Width_thresh

float LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_L1Width_thresh

threshold for isolation L1Width (wstot) (baseline selection)

Definition at line 212 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_nominalDigitization

float LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_nominalDigitization

value of nominal digitisation

Definition at line 218 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_nominalNoise_thresh

float LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_nominalNoise_thresh

noise threshold

Definition at line 219 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_phiEMWidth_RHadIsolation

int LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_phiEMWidth_RHadIsolation

EM phi width for RHad isolation given in number of SCs.

Definition at line 226 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_phiHadWidth_RHadIsolation

int LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_phiHadWidth_RHadIsolation

hadronic phi width for RHad isolation given in number of SCs

Definition at line 232 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_phiWidth_REtaIsolation_den

int LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_phiWidth_REtaIsolation_den

phi width for REta isolation given in number of SCs (denominator of fraction)

Definition at line 228 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_phiWidth_REtaIsolation_num

int LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_phiWidth_REtaIsolation_num

phi width for REta isolation given in number of SCs (numerator of fraction)

Definition at line 230 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_phiWidth_TDRCluster

int LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_phiWidth_TDRCluster

phi width of the TDR cluster formation given in number of SCs (including the central cell), should be 2 or 3

Definition at line 221 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_phiWidth_wstotIsolation

int LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_phiWidth_wstotIsolation

phi width for wstot isolation given in number of SCs

Definition at line 224 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_qualBitMask

int LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_qualBitMask

Configurable quality bitmask.

Definition at line 205 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_REta_thresh

float LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_REta_thresh

threshold for isolation REta (baseline selection)

Definition at line 210 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_RHad_thresh

float LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_RHad_thresh

threshold for isolation RHad (baseline selection)

Definition at line 211 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_tileNoise_tresh

float LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_tileNoise_tresh

TileCal cell noise threshold.

Definition at line 220 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_use_REtaL12

bool LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_use_REtaL12 = false

boolean for caluclating REta using Layer 1 in addition to Layer 2

Definition at line 216 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_use_tileCells

bool LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_use_tileCells

boolean for using Tile cells instead of Tile TT

Definition at line 217 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_useProvenance

bool LVL1::EFexEMClusterTool::m_useProvenance


clear up container from bad BC by skipping scells

Definition at line 204 of file EFexEMClusterTool.h.

◆ m_varHandleArraysDeclared

bool AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::m_varHandleArraysDeclared

Definition at line 399 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

◆ m_vhka

std::vector<SG::VarHandleKeyArray*> AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::m_vhka

Definition at line 398 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
JetConstituentVector::iterator iterator
Definition: JetConstituentVector.cxx:68
std::vector< const CaloCell * > TDR_Clus(const CaloCell *centreCell, int etaWidth, int phiWidth, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThresh) const
form the cluster around the central SC
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:1056
Definition: TileCell.h:57
bool localMax(const CaloConstCellContainer *&inputContainer, const CaloCell *inputCell, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThreshold) const
helper function calling localMax()
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:265
Const iterator class for DataVector/DataList.
Definition: DVLIterator.h:82
uint8_t cpET() const
get cpET from peak of lut_cp
Definition: TriggerTower_v2.cxx:180
virtual double phi() const override final
get phi (through CaloDetDescrElement)
Definition: CaloCell.h:359
IdentifierHash calo_cell_hash(const Identifier cellId) const
create hash id from 'global' cell id
int region(const Identifier id) const
LAr field values (NOT_VALID == invalid request)
bool SameTT(const CaloCell *inputCell1, const CaloCell *inputCell2, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
check if both input cells belong to the same TT
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:216
const CaloCell * matchingHCAL_LAr(const CaloCell *&inputCell, const CaloConstCellContainer *&SCContainer, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
Match each SC from L2 to one corresponding HCAL SC.
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:1008
bool m_use_tileCells
boolean for using Tile cells instead of Tile TT
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:217
virtual double phi() const final
The azimuthal angle ( ) of the particle.
Definition: TriggerTower_v2.cxx:222
int m_phiWidth_REtaIsolation_num
phi width for REta isolation given in number of SCs (numerator of fraction)
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:230
double REta(const CaloCell *centreCell, int etaWidth1, int phiWidth1, int etaWidth2, int phiWidth2, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThresh) const
calculate the energy isolation of the central cell along eta
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:361
const CaloCell * NextEtaCell(const CaloCell *inputCell, bool upwards, const CaloConstCellContainer *&cellContainer, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
helper function calling NextEtaCell_Barrel(), NextEtaCell_OW(), NextEtaCell_IW() according to positio...
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:1156
AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::declareProperty
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & declareProperty(Gaudi::Property< T > &t)
Definition: AthCommonDataStore.h:145
float ene1(void) const
get energy of first PMT
Definition: TileCell.h:193
int pos_neg(const Identifier id) const
LAr field values (NOT_VALID == invalid request)
float m_clustET_thresh
threshold for minimum cluster energy (baseline selection)
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:208
double EMClusET(const CaloCell *centreCell, int etaWidth, int phiWidth, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThresh) const
calculate cluster energy
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:348
constexpr int pow(int x)
Definition: conifer.h:20
double RHad(const CaloCell *centreCell, int etaWidth, int phiWidth, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer *&TTContainer, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThresh, float &HadronicET) const
calculate the hadronic isolation of the central cell
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:381
float m_nominalNoise_thresh
noise threshold
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:219
int sample(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: Tile_Base_ID.cxx:171
#define M_PI
Definition: ActiveFraction.h:11
AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::m_evtStore
StoreGateSvc_t m_evtStore
Pointer to StoreGate (event store by default)
Definition: AthCommonDataStore.h:390
AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::m_vhka
std::vector< SG::VarHandleKeyArray * > m_vhka
Definition: AthCommonDataStore.h:398
double HadronicET(const std::vector< const CaloCell * > &inputVector, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer *&TTContainer, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThresh) const
calculate the energy in the HCAL (LAr + Tile) for SC/TT that match the EM cluster cells of L2
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:1119
bool m_useProvenance
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:204
virtual double e() const override final
get energy (data member) (synonym to method energy()
Definition: CaloCell.h:317
setEt setPhi setE277 setWeta2 eta1
Definition: TrigEMCluster_v1.cxx:41
float m_tileNoise_tresh
TileCal cell noise threshold.
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:220
int m_phiWidth_TDRCluster
phi width of the TDR cluster formation given in number of SCs (including the central cell),...
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:221
int detRelPos(const float inEta) const
determine the PMT position of the Tile cell to be matched
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:418
uint16_t provenance() const
get provenance (data member)
Definition: CaloCell.h:338
const CaloCell * NextPhiCell(const CaloCell *inputCell, bool upwards, const CaloConstCellContainer *&cellContainer, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
returns the SC above/below the input cell
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:1586
int m_phiWidth_wstotIsolation
phi width for wstot isolation given in number of SCs
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:224
virtual void setOwner(IDataHandleHolder *o)=0
double energy() const
get energy (data member)
Definition: CaloCell.h:311
float m_L1Width_thresh
threshold for isolation L1Width (wstot) (baseline selection)
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:212
int restrictPhiIndex(int input_index, bool is64) const
manager function for the phi index
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:1576
const CaloCell * fromLayer2toPS(const CaloConstCellContainer *&inputContainer, const CaloCell *inputCell, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
match SCs from the cluster in L2 to one cell of PS
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:804
int m_qualBitMask
Configurable quality bitmask.
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:205
void addOnce(const CaloCell *inputCell, std::vector< const CaloCell * > &outputVector) const
adds SC to vector if the SC is not part of this vector yet
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:336
setEt phi
Definition: TrigEMCluster_v1.cxx:29
double REtaL12(const CaloCell *centreCell, int etaWidth1, int phiWidth1, int etaWidth2, int phiWidth2, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThresh) const
calculate the energy isolation of the central cell along eta using Layer 1 and Layer 2
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:594
Definition: AthCommonDataStore.h:52
double L1Width(const CaloCell *centreCell, int etaWidth, int phiWidth, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThresh) const
calculate the lateral isolation aorund the central cell
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:448
#define ATH_MSG_ERROR(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:33
int m_etaWidth_TDRCluster
eta width of the TDR cluster formation given in number of SCs (including the central cell),...
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:222
const CaloCell * NextEtaCell_OW(const CaloCell *inputCell, bool upwards, const CaloConstCellContainer *&cellContainer, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
returns the SC left/right to the input cell for the OW
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:1314
double RHadTile(const CaloCell *centreCell, int etaWidth, int phiWidth, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThresh, const TileID *m_tileIDHelper, const CaloConstCellContainer *tileCellCon, float tileNoiseThresh, float &HadronicET) const
calculate the hadronic isolation for a seed cell using TileCal cells
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:550
int i
double L2clusET(const CaloCell *centreCell, int etaWidth, int phiWidth, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThresh) const
calculate cluster energy of cells in L2 around the central cell in a given eta/phi width
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:543
double sumVectorET(const std::vector< const CaloCell * > &inputVector, float digitScale=0., float digitThreshold=0.) const
calculate cluster energy from all SCs in PS, L1, L2, L3
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:1095
double dR(double eta1, double phi1, double eta2, double phi2) const
calculate deltaR between two points in eta/phi space
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:976
int sampling(const Identifier id) const
LAr field values (NOT_VALID == invalid request)
void checkTileCell(const TileCell *&inputCell, std::vector< const TileCell * > &tileCellVector, bool &isAlreadyThere) const
determine if Tile cell has already been taken into account
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:397
const CaloCell * findCell(IdentifierHash theHash) const
fast find method given identifier hash.
#define ATH_MSG_DEBUG(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:29
float m_nominalDigitization
value of nominal digitisation
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:218
@ layer
Definition: HitInfo.h:79
bool dPhi(const xAOD::TauJet &tau, const xAOD::TauTrack &track, double &out)
Definition: TauGNNUtils.cxx:538
float m_REta_thresh
threshold for isolation REta (baseline selection)
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:210
Description of TriggerTower_v2.
Definition: TriggerTower_v2.h:49
int sign(int a)
Definition: TRT_StrawNeighbourSvc.h:107
int eta(const Identifier id) const
LAr field values (NOT_VALID == invalid request)
int sub_calo(const Identifier id) const
returns an int taken from SUBCALO enum and describing the subCalo to which the Id belongs.
Definition: CaloCell_Base_ID.h:46
AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< AlgTool > >::m_detStore
StoreGateSvc_t m_detStore
Pointer to StoreGate (detector store by default)
Definition: AthCommonDataStore.h:393
int m_etaHadWidth_RHadIsolation
hadronic eta width for RHad isolation given in number of SCs
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:231
int eta_index
const CaloCell * NextEtaCell_Barrel(const CaloCell *inputCell, bool upwards, const CaloConstCellContainer *&cellContainer, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
returns the SC left/right to the input cell for the barrel
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:1187
Default constructor:
float m_RHad_thresh
threshold for isolation RHad (baseline selection)
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:211
virtual void renounce()=0
int m_phiHadWidth_RHadIsolation
hadronic phi width for RHad isolation given in number of SCs
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:232
const CaloCell * NextEtaCell_IW(const CaloCell *inputCell, bool upwards, const CaloConstCellContainer *&cellContainer, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
returns the SC left/right to the input cell for the IW
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:1494
std::conditional< std::is_base_of< SG::VarHandleKeyArray, T >::value, VarHandleKeyArrayType, type2 >::type type
Definition: HandleClassifier.h:54
float m_clustET_NoIso_thresh
threshold for applying cluster isolation cuts (baseline selection)
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:209
string doc
std::string name
Definition: Control/AthContainers/Root/debug.cxx:221
int m_etaWidth_REtaIsolation_den
eta width for REta isolation given in number of SCs (denominator of fraction)
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:227
double tileCellEnergyCalib(float eIn, float etaIn, float tileNoiseThresh) const
determine transverse energy and apply noise threshold to Tile cells
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:406
std::vector< double > EnergyPerTileLayer(const std::vector< const CaloCell * > &inputSCVector, const CaloConstCellContainer *CellCon, const TileID *tileIDHelper, bool isOW, float tileNoiseThresh) const
match all Tile cells to a given L2Cluster and determine the summed energy per Tile layer
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:888
Identifier ID() const
get ID (from cached data member) non-virtual and inline for fast access
Definition: CaloCell.h:279
int phi(const Identifier id) const
LAr field values (NOT_VALID == invalid request)
float m_eta_dropL1Width
max eta for applying cut on L1Width (baseline selection)
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:213
int m_phiWidth_REtaIsolation_den
phi width for REta isolation given in number of SCs (denominator of fraction)
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:228
const CaloCell * returnCellFromCont(Identifier inputID, const CaloConstCellContainer *&cellContainer, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
helper functions to find neighbouring cells
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:1148
float CaloCellET(const CaloCell *const &inputCell, float digitScale, float digitThreshold) const
private algorithms
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:173
int m_etaWidth_wstotIsolation
eta width for wstot isolation given in number of SCs
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:223
bool m_use_REtaL12
boolean for caluclating REta using Layer 1 in addition to Layer 2
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:216
float ene2(void) const
get energy of second PMT
Definition: TileCell.h:195
TList * a
Definition: liststreamerinfos.cxx:10
Data object for each calorimeter readout cell.
Definition: CaloCell.h:57
#define ATH_MSG_WARNING(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:32
std::vector< AlgResult > looseAlg(const CaloConstCellContainer *SCs, const xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer *TTs, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, const TileID *m_tileIDHelper, const CaloConstCellContainer *tileCellCon) const
algorithm fors cluster building
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:88
Definition: RingSetConf_v1.cxx:612
double TT_phi(const xAOD::TriggerTower *&inputTower) const
convert the TT phi to match the definition of SC phi
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:962
int m_etaWidth_REtaIsolation_num
eta width for REta isolation given in number of SCs (numerator of fraction)
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:229
SG::VarHandleKey & vhKey()
Return a non-const reference to the HandleKey.
Definition: StoreGate/src/VarHandleBase.cxx:623
int m_phiEMWidth_RHadIsolation
EM phi width for RHad isolation given in number of SCs.
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:226
const CaloCell * fromLayer2toLayer3(const CaloConstCellContainer *&inputContainer, const CaloCell *inputCell, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
match SCs from the cluster in L2 to one cell of L3
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:755
Definition: Control/AthenaPython/python/
double TT_ET(const xAOD::TriggerTower *&inputTower) const
calculate the energy of an input TT
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:1042
std::vector< const CaloCell * > L2cluster(const CaloCell *centreCell, int etaWidth, int phiWidth, const CaloConstCellContainer *scells, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *idHelper, float digitScale, float digitThresh) const
form the cluster from cells of the second layer L2
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:842
::CaloCellContainer::const_iterator beginConstCalo(CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO caloNum) const
get const begin iterator on cell of just one calo
::CaloCellContainer::const_iterator endConstCalo(CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO caloNum) const
get const begin iterator on cell of just one calo
void fromLayer2toLayer1(const CaloConstCellContainer *&inputContainer, const CaloCell *inputCell, std::vector< const CaloCell * > &outputVector, const CaloCell_SuperCell_ID *&idHelper) const
match SCs from the cluster in L2 to L1
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:628
int m_etaEMWidth_RHadIsolation
EM eta width for RHad isolation given in number of SCs.
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:225
size_type size() const noexcept
Returns the number of elements in the collection.
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & declareGaudiProperty(Gaudi::Property< T > &hndl, const SG::VarHandleKeyType &)
specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKey>
Definition: AthCommonDataStore.h:156
bool checkDig(float EM_ET, float digitScale, float digitThresh) const
check if conversion from ET to energy after digitization was performed successfully
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:1105
float m_clustET_looseAlg_thresh
threshold for minimum cluster energy for the loose eFEX algorithm
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.h:233
virtual double eta() const override final
get eta (through CaloDetDescrElement)
Definition: CaloCell.h:366
const xAOD::TriggerTower * matchingHCAL_TT(const CaloCell *&inputCell, const xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer *&TTContainer) const
Match each SC from L2 to one corresponding TT.
Definition: EFexEMClusterTool.cxx:986
Definition: IdentifierFieldParser.cxx:14