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ActsTrk::detail Namespace Reference




struct  accepted_decoration_types
class  AnalogueClusteringToolImpl
class  AtlasMeasurementContainerList
struct  CKF_config
struct  Decoration
class  DuplicateSeedDetector
class  GenMeasurementRangeList
class  GenUncalibSourceLinkAccessor
 Accessor for the above source link container. More...
class  HitSummaryData
 Helper class to gather hit summary information for e.g. More...
struct  MeasurementRange
class  OnTrackCalibrator
class  SumOfValues
 Helper class to gather statistics and compute the biased variance. More...
class  TrackFindingMeasurements


using SetterType = std::function< std::any(SG::IAuxStore *, ActsTrk::IndexType, SG::auxid_t)>
using GetterType = std::function< const std::any(const SG::IConstAuxStore *, ActsTrk::IndexType, SG::auxid_t)>
using CopierType = std::function< void(SG::IAuxStore *, ActsTrk::IndexType, SG::auxid_t, const std::any &)>
using MeasurementRangeList = GenMeasurementRangeList< AtlasMeasurementContainerList >
using UncalibSourceLinkAccessor = GenUncalibSourceLinkAccessor< MeasurementRangeList >
using RecoTrackContainer = Acts::TrackContainer< Acts::VectorTrackContainer, Acts::VectorMultiTrajectory >
using RecoTrackContainerProxy = RecoTrackContainer::TrackProxy
using RecoTrackStateContainer = Acts::VectorMultiTrajectory
using RecoTrackStateContainerProxy = RecoTrackStateContainer::TrackStateProxy
using Stepper = Acts::SympyStepper
 Adapted from Acts Examples/Algorithms/TrackFinding/src/TrackFindingAlgorithmFunction.cpp. More...
using Navigator = Acts::Navigator
using Propagator = Acts::Propagator< Stepper, Navigator >
using CKF = Acts::CombinatorialKalmanFilter< Propagator, RecoTrackContainer >
using Extrapolator = Propagator


template<typename T >
const std::any constDecorationGetter (const SG::IConstAuxStore *container, ActsTrk::IndexType idx, SG::auxid_t decorationId)
template<typename T >
const std::any decorationGetter (const SG::IAuxStore *container, ActsTrk::IndexType idx, SG::auxid_t decorationId)
template<typename T >
std::any decorationSetter (SG::IAuxStore *container, ActsTrk::IndexType idx, SG::auxid_t decorationId)
template<typename T >
void decorationCopier (SG::IAuxStore *dst, ActsTrk::IndexType dst_idx, SG::auxid_t decorationId, const std::any &src_ptr)
std::vector< DecorationrestoreDecorations (const SG::IConstAuxStore *container, const std::set< std::string > &staticVariables)
std::unique_ptr< ActsTrk::IMeasurementSelectorgetMeasurementSelector (const ActsTrk::IOnBoundStateCalibratorTool *onTrackCalibratorTool, const std::vector< float > &etaBinsf, const std::vector< std::pair< float, float > > &chi2CutOffOutlier, const std::vector< size_t > &numMeasurementsCutOff)
double computeDtDs (const Acts::ParticleHypothesis &hypothesis, double qop)
 Helper function to compute dt/ds Helper function to compute the derivative of the time as function of the path length. More...
Acts::FreeToPathMatrix computeFreeToPathDerivatives (const Acts::Vector3 &direction, double qop, const Acts::Vector3 &bfield, const Acts::ParticleHypothesis &particle_hypothesis)
 Compute the path length derivatives for the free/bound to curvilinear paramter transform. More...
std::optional< Acts::BoundMatrix > convertActsBoundCovToCurvilinearParam (const Acts::GeometryContext &tgContext, const Acts::BoundTrackParameters &param, const Acts::Vector3 &magnFieldVect, const Acts::ParticleHypothesis &particle_hypothesis)
 Convert the covariance of the given Acts track parameters into curvilinear parameterisation. More...
std::array< unsigned int, 4 > expectedLayerPattern (const EventContext &ctx, const IActsExtrapolationTool &extrapolator, Acts::BoundTrackParameters perigee_parameters, double pathLimit)
 Extrapolate from the perigee outwards and gather information which detector layers should have hits. More...
void gatherTrackSummaryData (const ActsTrk::TrackContainer &tracksContainer, const typename ActsTrk::TrackContainer::ConstTrackProxy &track, const std::array< const InDetDD::SiDetectorElementCollection *, to_underlying(xAOD::UncalibMeasType::nTypes)> &siDetEleColl, const std::array< unsigned short, to_underlying(xAOD::UncalibMeasType::nTypes)> &measurement_to_summary_type, SumOfValues &chi2_stat_out, HitSummaryData &hit_info_out, std::vector< ActsTrk::TrackStateBackend::ConstTrackStateProxy::IndexType > &param_state_idx_out, std::array< std::array< uint8_t, to_underlying(HitCategory::N)>, to_underlying(xAOD::UncalibMeasType::nTypes)> &special_hit_counts_out)
 Helper to gather track summary information from the track states of the specified track. More...
template<typename T_EnumClass >
constexpr std::underlying_type< T_EnumClass >::type to_underlying (T_EnumClass an_enum)
 Helper to convert class enum into an integer. More...

Typedef Documentation


using ActsTrk::detail::CKF = typedef Acts::CombinatorialKalmanFilter<Propagator, RecoTrackContainer>

◆ CopierType

using ActsTrk::detail::CopierType = typedef std::function<void(SG::IAuxStore*, ActsTrk::IndexType, SG::auxid_t, const std::any&)>

Definition at line 19 of file Decoration.h.

◆ Extrapolator

◆ GetterType

Definition at line 17 of file Decoration.h.

◆ MeasurementRangeList

Definition at line 204 of file AtlasUncalibSourceLinkAccessor.h.

◆ Navigator

using ActsTrk::detail::Navigator = typedef Acts::Navigator

◆ Propagator

using ActsTrk::detail::Propagator = typedef Acts::Propagator<Stepper, Navigator>

◆ RecoTrackContainer

using ActsTrk::detail::RecoTrackContainer = typedef Acts::TrackContainer<Acts::VectorTrackContainer, Acts::VectorMultiTrajectory>

◆ RecoTrackContainerProxy

using ActsTrk::detail::RecoTrackContainerProxy = typedef RecoTrackContainer::TrackProxy

◆ RecoTrackStateContainer

using ActsTrk::detail::RecoTrackStateContainer = typedef Acts::VectorMultiTrajectory

◆ RecoTrackStateContainerProxy

using ActsTrk::detail::RecoTrackStateContainerProxy = typedef RecoTrackStateContainer::TrackStateProxy

◆ SetterType

using ActsTrk::detail::SetterType = typedef std::function<std::any(SG::IAuxStore*, ActsTrk::IndexType, SG::auxid_t)>

Definition at line 15 of file Decoration.h.

◆ Stepper

using ActsTrk::detail::Stepper = typedef Acts::SympyStepper

Adapted from Acts Examples/Algorithms/TrackFinding/src/TrackFindingAlgorithmFunction.cpp.

Definition at line 30 of file Tracking/Acts/ActsTrackReconstruction/src/detail/Definitions.h.

◆ UncalibSourceLinkAccessor

Definition at line 205 of file AtlasUncalibSourceLinkAccessor.h.

Function Documentation

◆ computeDtDs()

double ActsTrk::detail::computeDtDs ( const Acts::ParticleHypothesis &  hypothesis,
double  qop 

Helper function to compute dt/ds Helper function to compute the derivative of the time as function of the path length.

Definition at line 16 of file CurvilinearCovarianceHelper.h.

16  {
17  return std::hypot(1.,hypothesis.mass() / hypothesis.extractMomentum(qop));
18  }

◆ computeFreeToPathDerivatives()

Acts::FreeToPathMatrix ActsTrk::detail::computeFreeToPathDerivatives ( const Acts::Vector3 &  direction,
double  qop,
const Acts::Vector3 &  bfield,
const Acts::ParticleHypothesis &  particle_hypothesis 

Compute the path length derivatives for the free/bound to curvilinear paramter transform.

directionthe direction of trajectory at the location in question
qopq/p of the particle at the location in question in Acts units
bfieldthe magnetic field at the location in question in Acts units
particle_hypothesisthe particle hypothesis e.g. Acts::ParticleHypothesis::pion()
path length derivatives ( dr(...)/ds, dt/ds, dr(...)/ds2, d qop/ds [== 0] )

Definition at line 27 of file CurvilinearCovarianceHelper.h.

31  {
32  Acts::FreeToPathMatrix path_length_deriv;
33  static_assert(path_length_deriv.cols() == 8); // ensure that all elements are initialized
34  path_length_deriv.segment<3>(Acts::eFreePos0) = direction;
35  path_length_deriv(0,Acts::eFreeTime) = computeDtDs(particle_hypothesis,qop);
36  path_length_deriv.segment<3>(Acts::eFreeDir0) = (qop * direction.cross(bfield)).transpose();
37  path_length_deriv(0,Acts::eFreeQOverP) = 0.;
38  return path_length_deriv;
39  }

◆ constDecorationGetter()

template<typename T >
const std::any ActsTrk::detail::constDecorationGetter ( const SG::IConstAuxStore container,
ActsTrk::IndexType  idx,
SG::auxid_t  decorationId 

Definition at line 41 of file Decoration.h.

43  {
44  const void* data = container->getData(decorationId);
45  return &(static_cast<const T*>(data)[idx]);
46 }

◆ convertActsBoundCovToCurvilinearParam()

std::optional<Acts::BoundMatrix> ActsTrk::detail::convertActsBoundCovToCurvilinearParam ( const Acts::GeometryContext &  tgContext,
const Acts::BoundTrackParameters &  param,
const Acts::Vector3 &  magnFieldVect,
const Acts::ParticleHypothesis &  particle_hypothesis 

Convert the covariance of the given Acts track parameters into curvilinear parameterisation.

tgContextthe current geometry context
paramthe Acts track parameters
magnFieldVectthe vector of the magnetic field at the position of the track parameters in Acts units
particle_hypothesisthe particle hypothesis e.g. Acts::ParticleHypothesis::pion() Usage:
     using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
     MagField::AtlasFieldCache fieldCache;
     Amg::Vector3D magnFieldVect;
     magnFieldVect *= 1000_T;
     auto cov = convertActsBoundCovToCurvilinearParam(tgContext, param, magnFieldVect);
     if (cov.has_value()) { ... }

Definition at line 61 of file CurvilinearCovarianceHelper.h.

65  {
66  if (param.covariance().has_value()) {
67  Acts::FreeVector freeParams = Acts::transformBoundToFreeParameters(
68  param.referenceSurface(), tgContext, param.parameters());
69  Acts::Vector3 position = freeParams.segment<3>(Acts::eFreePos0);
70  Acts::Vector3 direction = freeParams.segment<3>(Acts::eFreeDir0);
71  Acts::BoundMatrix b2c;
72  Acts::detail::boundToCurvilinearTransportJacobian(direction, // magnFieldVect.normalized(),
73  param.referenceSurface().boundToFreeJacobian(tgContext, position, direction),
74  Acts::FreeMatrix::Identity(),
76  param.parameters()[Acts::eBoundQOverP],
77  magnFieldVect,
78  particle_hypothesis),
79  b2c);
81  return b2c * param.covariance().value() * b2c.transpose();
82  }
83  else {
84  return {};
85  }
86  }

◆ decorationCopier()

template<typename T >
void ActsTrk::detail::decorationCopier ( SG::IAuxStore dst,
ActsTrk::IndexType  dst_idx,
SG::auxid_t  decorationId,
const std::any &  src_ptr 

Definition at line 66 of file Decoration.h.

67  {
68  *std::any_cast<T*>(decorationSetter<T>(dst, dst_idx, decorationId)) =
69  *std::any_cast<const T*>(src_ptr);
70 }

◆ decorationGetter()

template<typename T >
const std::any ActsTrk::detail::decorationGetter ( const SG::IAuxStore container,
ActsTrk::IndexType  idx,
SG::auxid_t  decorationId 

Definition at line 49 of file Decoration.h.

51  {
52  const void* data = container->getData(decorationId);
53  return &(static_cast<T*>(data)[idx]);
54 }

◆ decorationSetter()

template<typename T >
std::any ActsTrk::detail::decorationSetter ( SG::IAuxStore container,
ActsTrk::IndexType  idx,
SG::auxid_t  decorationId 

Definition at line 59 of file Decoration.h.

60  {
61  void* data = container->getData(decorationId, idx + 1, idx + 1);
62  return &(static_cast<T*>(data)[idx]);
63 }

◆ expectedLayerPattern()

std::array< unsigned int, 4 > ActsTrk::detail::expectedLayerPattern ( const EventContext &  ctx,
const IActsExtrapolationTool extrapolator,
Acts::BoundTrackParameters  perigee_parameters,
double  pathLimit 

Extrapolate from the perigee outwards and gather information which detector layers should have hits.

ctxthe current athena EvetContext @paran extrapolator referece to the Acts extrapolation tool
perigee_parametersthe Acts defining track parameters (parameters at the perigee).
pathLimitthe maximum path length to extrapolate to.
array of layer pattern words: two pairs for pixel and strips containing the barrel and end caps bit pattern with one bit per detector layer. Will extrapolate from the perigee to the given cylinder volume surface and gather the layers which are crossed and on which hits are expected.

Definition at line 14 of file ExpectedHitUtils.cxx.

17  {
19  perigee_parameters,
20  Acts::Direction::Forward,
21  pathLimit);
22  std::array<unsigned int,4> expected_layer_pattern {0u,0u,0u,0u};
23  for (const Acts::detail::Step &step : result.first ) {
24  // @TODO boundary check ?, does layer number match layer numbering in athena ?
25  // @TODO filter out dead modules
26  if (step.geoID.sensitive()) {
27  if (step.surface && step.surface->associatedDetectorElement()) {
28  const ActsDetectorElement *
29  actsDetEl = dynamic_cast<const ActsDetectorElement *>(step.surface->associatedDetectorElement());
30  if (actsDetEl) {
32  detEl = dynamic_cast<const InDetDD::SiDetectorElement *>(actsDetEl->upstreamDetectorElement());
33  if (detEl) {
34  if (detEl->isPixel()) {
36  unsigned int pattern_idx = type==InDetDD::PixelBarrel ? 0 : 1;
37  const PixelID* pixel_id = static_cast<const PixelID *>(detEl->getIdHelper());
38  expected_layer_pattern[pattern_idx] |= (1<< pixel_id->layer_disk(detEl->identify()) );
39  }
40  else if (detEl->isSCT()) {
41  // @TODO SCT/strip layer number should be shifted by total number of pixel layers ...
42  const SCT_ID* sct_id = static_cast<const SCT_ID *>(detEl->getIdHelper());
43  unsigned int pattern_idx = detEl->isBarrel() ? 2 : 3;
44  expected_layer_pattern[pattern_idx] |= (1<< sct_id->layer_disk(detEl->identify()) );
45  }
46  }
47  }
48  }
49  }
50  }
51  return expected_layer_pattern;
52  }

◆ gatherTrackSummaryData()

void ActsTrk::detail::gatherTrackSummaryData ( const ActsTrk::TrackContainer tracksContainer,
const typename ActsTrk::TrackContainer::ConstTrackProxy &  track,
const std::array< const InDetDD::SiDetectorElementCollection *, to_underlying(xAOD::UncalibMeasType::nTypes)> &  siDetEleColl,
const std::array< unsigned short, to_underlying(xAOD::UncalibMeasType::nTypes)> &  measurement_to_summary_type,
SumOfValues chi2_stat_out,
HitSummaryData hit_info_out,
std::vector< ActsTrk::TrackStateBackend::ConstTrackStateProxy::IndexType > &  param_state_idx_out,
std::array< std::array< uint8_t, to_underlying(HitCategory::N)>, to_underlying(xAOD::UncalibMeasType::nTypes)> &  special_hit_counts_out 

Helper to gather track summary information from the track states of the specified track.

tracksContainerthe Acts track container
tracka track of the given acts track container for which the summary information is to be gathered
siDetEleCollarray of SiDetectorElement collections per measurement type.
measurement_to_summary_typea LUT to map measurement types to the corresponding summary type for the measurement counts
chi2_stat_outoutput of the per track state chi-squared sums and squared sums to compute the per state chi2 variance.
hit_info_outoutput of the gathered measurement statistics per detector region, layer, ... .
param_state_idx_outoutput vector to be filled with the state index of all track states which are not holes.
special_hit_counts_outarrays to count holes (and @TODO dead sensors) per measurement type.

Definition at line 16 of file HitSummaryDataUtils.cxx.

27  {
28  chi2_stat_out.reset();
30  hit_info_out.reset();
31  param_state_idx_out.clear();
33  const auto lastMeasurementIndex = track.tipIndex();
34  tracksContainer.trackStateContainer().visitBackwards(
35  lastMeasurementIndex,
36  [&siDetEleColl,
37  &measurement_to_summary_type,
38  &chi2_stat_out,
39  &hit_info_out,
40  &param_state_idx_out,
41  &special_hit_counts_out
42  ](const typename ActsTrk::TrackStateBackend::ConstTrackStateProxy &state) -> void
43  {
45  auto flag = state.typeFlags();
46  if (flag.test(Acts::TrackStateFlag::HoleFlag)) {
47  xAOD::UncalibMeasType det_type = xAOD::UncalibMeasType::Other;
48  if (state.hasReferenceSurface()) {
49  if (state.referenceSurface().associatedDetectorElement()) {
50  const ActsDetectorElement *
51  actsDetEl = dynamic_cast<const ActsDetectorElement *>(state.referenceSurface().associatedDetectorElement());
52  if (actsDetEl) {
53  const InDetDD::SiDetectorElement *
54  detEl = dynamic_cast<const InDetDD::SiDetectorElement *>(actsDetEl->upstreamDetectorElement());
55  if (detEl) {
56  if (detEl->isPixel()) {
57  det_type = xAOD::UncalibMeasType::PixelClusterType;
58  }
59  else if (detEl->isSCT()) {
60  det_type = xAOD::UncalibMeasType::StripClusterType;
61  }
62  }
63  }
64  }
65  }
67  Acts::BoundaryTolerance tolerance = Acts::BoundaryTolerance::AbsoluteBound(
68  // local0 tolerance
70  || state.referenceSurface().bounds().type() != Acts::SurfaceBounds::eAnnulus)
71  ? 0.0 : std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(),
72  // local1 tolerance
74  || state.referenceSurface().bounds().type() == Acts::SurfaceBounds::eAnnulus)
75  ? 0.0 : std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
76  );
77  Acts::Vector2 localPos(state.predicted()[Acts::eBoundLoc0],state.predicted()[Acts::eBoundLoc1]);
78  if (state.referenceSurface().insideBounds(localPos,tolerance)) {
79  // @TODO check whether detector element is dead..
80  // if (dead) {
81  //;
82  // } else {
84  }
86  }
87  else if (flag.test(Acts::TrackStateFlag::MeasurementFlag)) {
88  // do not consider material states
89  param_state_idx_out.push_back(state.index());
90  }
91  // @TODO dead elements
93  if (state.hasUncalibratedSourceLink()) {
94  auto sl = state.getUncalibratedSourceLink().template get<ActsTrk::ATLASUncalibSourceLink>();
95  assert( sl != nullptr );
96  const xAOD::UncalibratedMeasurement &uncalibMeas = getUncalibratedMeasurement(sl);
97  if ( < xAOD::numberOfTrackSummaryTypes ) {
98  if (static_cast<unsigned int>(to_underlying(uncalibMeas.type())) < siDetEleColl.size()) {
99  hit_info_out.addHit(siDetEleColl[to_underlying(uncalibMeas.type())],
100  uncalibMeas.identifierHash(),
101  (flag.test(Acts::TrackStateFlag::OutlierFlag)
102  ? HitSummaryData::Outlier
103  : HitSummaryData::Hit));
104  }
105  }
106  if (state.calibratedSize()>0 && !flag.test(Acts::TrackStateFlag::OutlierFlag)) {
107  // from Tracking/TrkTools/TrkTrackSummaryTool/src/TrackSummaryTool.cxx
108  // processTrackState
109  double chi2add = std::min(state.chi2(),1e5f) / state.calibratedSize();
110  chi2_stat_out.add(chi2add );
111  }
112  }
114  });
115  hit_info_out.computeSummaries();
116  }

◆ getMeasurementSelector()

std::unique_ptr< ActsTrk::IMeasurementSelector > ActsTrk::detail::getMeasurementSelector ( const ActsTrk::IOnBoundStateCalibratorTool onTrackCalibratorTool,
const std::vector< float > &  etaBinsf,
const std::vector< std::pair< float, float > > &  chi2CutOffOutlier,
const std::vector< size_t > &  numMeasurementsCutOff 

Definition at line 333 of file AtlasMeasurementSelector.cxx.

336  {
338  // set calibrators per measurement container type (order does not matter);
339  ActsTrk::MeasurementCalibrator2 atl_measurement_calibrator(onTrackCalibratorTool);
340  using AtlMeasurementSelectorCuts = AtlasMeasurementSelectorCuts;
342  using AtlMeasurementSelector = AtlasActsMeasurmentSelector<ActsTrk::detail::UncalibSourceLinkAccessor::Iterator, RecoTrackContainer>;
343  using AtlMeasurementSelectorConfig = AtlMeasurementSelector::TheAtlasMeasurementSelector::Config;
345  std::unique_ptr<ActsTrk::IMeasurementSelector>
346  selector(new AtlMeasurementSelector(
347  std::move(atl_measurement_calibrator),
348  AtlMeasurementSelectorConfig{ {Acts::GeometryIdentifier(),
349  AtlMeasurementSelectorCuts{ etaBinsf,
350  chi2CutOffOutlier,
351  numMeasurementsCutOff} }}));
352  return selector;
354 }

◆ restoreDecorations()

std::vector< Decoration > ActsTrk::detail::restoreDecorations ( const SG::IConstAuxStore container,
const std::set< std::string > &  staticVariables 
  • container - source container to look for decorations
  • staticVaraibles - set of names of predefined variables for this container

Definition at line 9 of file Decoration.cxx.

11  {
12  std::vector<Decoration> decorations;
13  for (auto id : container->getAuxIDs()) {
14  const std::string name = SG::AuxTypeRegistry::instance().getName(id);
15  const std::type_info* typeInfo =
17  if (staticVariables.count(name) == 1) {
18  continue;
19  }
21  // try making decoration accessor of matching type
22  // there is a fixed set of supported types (as there is a fixed set
23  // available in MutableMTJ) setters are not needed so replaced by a
24  // "nullptr"
25  if (*typeInfo == typeid(float)) {
26  decorations.emplace_back(
27  decoration<float>(name, ActsTrk::detail::constDecorationGetter<float>,
28  ActsTrk::detail::decorationCopier<float>));
29  } else if (*typeInfo == typeid(double)) {
30  decorations.emplace_back(decoration<double>(
31  name, ActsTrk::detail::constDecorationGetter<double>,
32  ActsTrk::detail::decorationCopier<double>));
33  } else if (*typeInfo == typeid(short)) {
34  decorations.emplace_back(
35  decoration<short>(name, ActsTrk::detail::constDecorationGetter<short>,
36  ActsTrk::detail::decorationCopier<short>));
37  } else if (*typeInfo == typeid(uint32_t)) {
38  decorations.emplace_back(decoration<uint32_t>(
39  name, ActsTrk::detail::constDecorationGetter<uint32_t>,
40  ActsTrk::detail::decorationCopier<uint32_t>));
41  } else {
42  throw std::runtime_error("Can't restore decoration of " + name +
43  " because it is of an unsupported type");
44  }
45  }
46  return decorations;
47 }

◆ to_underlying()

template<typename T_EnumClass >
constexpr std::underlying_type<T_EnumClass>::type ActsTrk::detail::to_underlying ( T_EnumClass  an_enum)

Helper to convert class enum into an integer.

Definition at line 25 of file HitSummaryDataUtils.h.

25  {
26  return static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<T_EnumClass>::type>(an_enum);
27  }
char data[hepevt_bytes_allocation_ATLAS]
Definition: HepEvt.cxx:11
virtual const void * getData(SG::auxid_t auxid) const =0
Return the data vector for one aux data item.
static AuxTypeRegistry & instance()
Return the singleton registry instance.
Definition: AuxTypeRegistry.cxx:640
setEventNumber uint32_t
Definition: EventInfo_v1.cxx:127
std::string getName(SG::auxid_t auxid) const
Return the name of an aux data item.
Definition: AuxTypeRegistry.cxx:882
Acts::FreeToPathMatrix computeFreeToPathDerivatives(const Acts::Vector3 &direction, double qop, const Acts::Vector3 &bfield, const Acts::ParticleHypothesis &particle_hypothesis)
Compute the path length derivatives for the free/bound to curvilinear paramter transform.
Definition: CurvilinearCovarianceHelper.h:27
const GeoVDetectorElement * upstreamDetectorElement() const
Returns the underllying GeoModel detectorelement that this one is based on.
Definition: ActsDetectorElement.cxx:288
@ u
Enums for curvilinear frames.
Definition: ParamDefs.h:77
const AtlasDetectorID * getIdHelper() const
Returns the id helper (inline)
const std::type_info * getType(SG::auxid_t auxid) const
Return the type of an aux data item.
Definition: AuxTypeRegistry.cxx:909
Definition: DetectorDesign.h:45
Definition: MeasurementSelector.h:282
bool flag
virtual DetectorType type() const
Type of element.
Definition: DetectorDesign.cxx:101
Definition: ActsDetectorElement.h:42
Definition: MeasurementCalibrator2.h:101
bool isPixel() const
Definition: suep_shower.h:17
int layer_disk(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: PixelID.h:626
std::string name
Definition: Control/AthContainers/Root/debug.cxx:221
@ PixelBarrel
Definition: DetectorDesign.h:46
int layer_disk(const Identifier &id) const
Definition: SCT_ID.h:734
Definition: SiDetectorElement.h:109
bool isBarrel() const
def typename(t)
double computeDtDs(const Acts::ParticleHypothesis &hypothesis, double qop)
Helper function to compute dt/ds Helper function to compute the derivative of the time as function of...
Definition: CurvilinearCovarianceHelper.h:16
Definition: SCT_ID.h:68
virtual void * getData(auxid_t auxid, size_t size, size_t capacity)=0
Return the data vector for one aux data item.
Definition: LArRodBlockPhysicsV0.cxx:567
bool isSCT() const
@ track
Definition: TrackingPrimitives.h:512
virtual ActsPropagationOutput propagationSteps(const EventContext &ctx, const Acts::BoundTrackParameters &startParameters, Acts::Direction navDir=Acts::Direction::Forward, double pathLimit=std::numeric_limits< double >::max()) const =0
virtual const SiDetectorDesign & design() const override final
access to the local description (inline):
Definition: PixelID.h:67
virtual Identifier identify() const override final
identifier of this detector element (inline)
virtual const SG::auxid_set_t & getAuxIDs() const =0
Return a set of identifiers for existing data items in this store.
unsigned long long T
Definition: L1TopoDataTypes.h:35
std::pair< std::vector< Acts::detail::Step >, ActsRecordedMaterial > ActsPropagationOutput
Finally the output of the propagation test.
Definition: IActsExtrapolationTool.h:25
@ PixelClusterType