ATLAS Offline Software
List of all members
ArrayBM Class Reference

#include <ArrayBM.h>

Inheritance diagram for ArrayBM:
Collaboration diagram for ArrayBM:

Public Member Functions

Constructor and Destructor
 ArrayBM (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *svc)
virtual ~ArrayBM ()
AthService methods
virtual StatusCode initialize () override final

IBeamIntensity methods

unsigned int m_maxBunchCrossingPerOrbit
 max bunch crossings per orbit More...
Gaudi::Hive::ContextSpecificData< unsigned int > m_t0Offset
 offset of the t0 wrto our intensity pattern More...
Gaudi::Property< std::uint64_t > m_seed {this, "Seed", 0, "Seed for FastReseededPRNG. Zero seed switches to AthRNGSvc mode."}
 seed for FastReseededPRNG. Non-zero switches to using FastReseededPRNG. More...
Gaudi::Property< std::vector< float > > m_intensityPatternProp
 user-defined intensity pattern More...
unsigned int m_ipLength
 length of the intensity pattern More...
double * m_intensityPattern
 normalized intensity pattern. C array to make clhep RandGeneral happy More...
CLHEP::RandGeneral * m_biRandom
 shoot random number proportionally to m_intensityPattern More...
std::unique_ptr< const boost::random::discrete_distribution< unsigned int > > m_t0Dist {nullptr}
 as with m_biRandom, but for FastReseededPRNG More...
ServiceHandle< IAthRNGSvcm_randomSvc {this, "RandomSvc", "AthRNGSvc","The random number service that will be used."}
 the service managing our random seeds/sequences More...
ATHRNG::RNGWrapper *m_rngWrapper ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE {}
float m_largestElementInPattern
 The largest value in the pattern assuming that the pattern has mean value 1.0. More...
int m_emptyBunches
 Empty bunch option. More...
double * m_signalPattern
 Additional array for keeping the locations we want signal in By default, will match the intensity pattern. More...
virtual float normFactor (int iXing) const override final
virtual float largestElementInPattern () const override final
virtual void selectT0 (unsigned int run, unsigned long long event) override final
virtual unsigned int getCurrentT0BunchCrossing () const override final
virtual unsigned int getBeamPatternLength () const override final

Detailed Description

Definition at line 33 of file ArrayBM.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ArrayBM()

ArrayBM::ArrayBM ( const std::string &  name,
ISvcLocator *  svc 

Definition at line 20 of file ArrayBM.cxx.

21  : base_class(name,svc)
23  , m_t0Offset(0)
25  , m_ipLength(1)
26  , m_intensityPattern(new double[m_ipLength])
27  , m_biRandom(nullptr)
29  , m_signalPattern(nullptr)
30 {
31  declareProperty("MaxBunchCrossingPerOrbit", m_maxBunchCrossingPerOrbit, "The number of slots in each LHC beam. Default: 3564.");
32  declareProperty("IntensityPattern", m_intensityPatternProp,
33  "An array of floats containing the beam intensity distribution as a function of time in bins of 25ns. ArrayBM normalizes the distribution and uses it as a stencil to determine the relative intensity at each beam xing in the simulated range"
34  );
35  declareProperty("EmptyBunchOption", m_emptyBunches=0, "Option for empty bunches. 0: normal treatment. Positive N: first N BCIDs after filled. Negative N: any empty BCID is allowed.");
36  m_intensityPattern[0]=1.0;
37 }

◆ ~ArrayBM()

ArrayBM::~ArrayBM ( )

Definition at line 39 of file ArrayBM.cxx.

40 {
41  delete [] m_intensityPattern;
42  delete m_biRandom;
43 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ getBeamPatternLength()

virtual unsigned int ArrayBM::getBeamPatternLength ( ) const

Definition at line 51 of file ArrayBM.h.

51 { return m_ipLength; }

◆ getCurrentT0BunchCrossing()

virtual unsigned int ArrayBM::getCurrentT0BunchCrossing ( ) const

Definition at line 50 of file ArrayBM.h.

50 { return m_t0Offset; }

◆ initialize()

StatusCode ArrayBM::initialize ( )

Definition at line 45 of file ArrayBM.cxx.

46 {
47  if (m_seed == 0u) {
48  // Only need AthRNGSvc if seed is set to 0
49  ATH_CHECK(m_randomSvc.retrieve());
50  m_rngWrapper = m_randomSvc->getEngine(this);
51  }
53  // Need to copy to make modifications for empty bunches
54  const std::vector<float>& rProp(m_intensityPatternProp.value());
55  std::vector<float>::const_iterator pBegin(rProp.begin());
56  std::vector<float>::const_iterator pEnd(rProp.end());
57  m_ipLength = rProp.size();
58  // Consistency checks
60  {
61  ATH_MSG_ERROR("IntensityPattern length (" << m_ipLength << "), exceeds the maximum number of bunch crossings per orbit (" << m_maxBunchCrossingPerOrbit << ").");
62  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
63  }
65  // Initialize the signal pattern if we need one different from the intensity pattern
66  if (m_signalPattern) delete [] m_signalPattern;
67  if (m_emptyBunches!=0){
68  m_signalPattern = new double[m_ipLength];
69  }
70  // Modification for empty bunches option
71  if (m_emptyBunches<0 || std::abs(m_emptyBunches)>static_cast<int>(m_ipLength)){
72  // Easy case: Just flip all the bunches
73  for (size_t i=0;i<m_ipLength;++i){
74  if (rProp[i]>0.) m_signalPattern[i]=0.;
75  else m_signalPattern[i]=1.;
76  } // Loop over all bunches in the pattern
77  } else if (m_emptyBunches>0){
78  // Harder case: N BCIDs after filled
79  int sinceFilled=0;
80  // Set sinceFilled for the beginning of the pattern; assume we will not wrap (otherwise caught above)
81  for (size_t i=m_ipLength-m_emptyBunches;i<m_ipLength;++i){
82  if (rProp[i]>0) sinceFilled=0;
83  else sinceFilled+=1;
84  } // Done with the loop over previous BCIDs
85  // Now do the loop setting the intensity pattern
86  for (size_t i=0;i<m_ipLength;++i){
87  if (rProp[i]>0){
88  // Filled BCID. Reset count, don't allow signal.
89  sinceFilled=0;
90  m_signalPattern[i]=0.;
91  } else if (sinceFilled<m_emptyBunches){
92  // First N BCIDs. Increment count, allow signal.
93  sinceFilled+=1;
94  m_signalPattern[i]=1.;
95  } else {
96  // Beyond N BCIDs. Increment count, don't allow signal.
97  sinceFilled+=1;
98  m_signalPattern[i]=0.;
99  }
100  } // Done with loop over previous BCIDs
101  }
103  // Normalise the pattern so that the non-zero elements average to 1.0
104  float nonZeroElementCount(static_cast<float>(std::count_if(pBegin, pEnd, IsNonZero)));
105  if(nonZeroElementCount<1.0)
106  {
107  ATH_MSG_ERROR("IntensityPattern has no non-zero elements!");
108  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
109  }
110  float elementSum(static_cast<float>(std::accumulate(pBegin, pEnd,0.0)));
111  float denominator(elementSum/nonZeroElementCount);
113  // Normalise the pattern so that the highest element value is 1.0
114  float maxElement(*(std::max_element(pBegin, pEnd)));
115  float inv_maxElement = maxElement != 0 ? 1. / maxElement : 1;
117  // Copy normalized intensity pattern from the property
118  delete [] m_intensityPattern;
119  m_intensityPattern = new double[m_ipLength];
120  for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_ipLength; ++i)
121  {
122  if (rProp[i]<0.0)
123  {
124  ATH_MSG_ERROR("All IntensityPattern elements must be >=0. Please fix element #" << i );
125  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
126  }
127  m_intensityPattern[i] = rProp[i] * inv_maxElement; // this ensures that the elements are all in the range [0,1]
128  }
129  // If we don't want to have signal in empty crossings, then our signal pattern is just the intensity pattern
130  if (m_emptyBunches==0){
132  }
134  // Will be used to convert values in the m_intensityPattern
135  // from having max value 1.0 to having mean value 1.0
136  m_largestElementInPattern = (maxElement/denominator);
138  // FIXME add a check that entry 0 is zero? In data, BCID=1 is always the
139  // first filled bunch.
141  if (m_seed == 0u) {
142  delete m_biRandom;
143  // the engine is created if not there already
144  m_biRandom =
145  new CLHEP::RandGeneral(m_signalPattern, m_ipLength,
146  /*IntType=*/1); // discrete distribution
147  } else {
148  m_t0Dist =
149  std::make_unique<boost::random::discrete_distribution<unsigned int>>(
151  }
152  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
153 }

◆ largestElementInPattern()

virtual float ArrayBM::largestElementInPattern ( ) const

Definition at line 48 of file ArrayBM.h.

48 { return m_largestElementInPattern; }

◆ normFactor()

float ArrayBM::normFactor ( int  iXing) const

Definition at line 177 of file ArrayBM.cxx.

178 {
179  unsigned int index = static_cast<unsigned int>((((iXing + static_cast<int>(m_t0Offset)) % static_cast<int>(m_ipLength)) + static_cast<int>(m_ipLength) ) % static_cast<int>(m_ipLength));
180  //The array itself has max-value 1.0, but we want it to have mean value 1.0 (for filled bunch crossings), so we multiple by the m_largestElementInPattern.
181  ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("normFactor for BCID " << iXing
182  << " (offset " << m_t0Offset
183  << " index " << index
186 }

◆ selectT0()

void ArrayBM::selectT0 ( unsigned int  run,
unsigned long long  event 

Definition at line 155 of file ArrayBM.cxx.

156 {
157  if (m_seed == 0u) {
158  // Use AthRNGSvc
159  const EventContext& ctx =
160  Gaudi::Hive::currentContext(); // not ideal, but seems the cleanest
161  // solution for now, as this call is
162  // once per event.
163  m_rngWrapper->setSeed("BEAMINT", ctx.slot(), event, run, ctx.evt());
164  CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* rndmEngine = m_rngWrapper->getEngine(ctx);
165  // m_biRandom->shoot() returns in range [0,1]
166  m_t0Offset = static_cast<unsigned int>(
167  floor((m_biRandom->shoot(rndmEngine) * m_ipLength) + 0.5));
168  } else {
169  FastReseededPRNG prng{m_seed.value(), run, event};
170  m_t0Offset = (*m_t0Dist)(prng);
171  }
172  assert(m_intensityPattern[m_t0Offset % m_ipLength] > 0.0); // just in case
173  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("selectT0 offset for this event " << m_t0Offset);
174  return;
175 }

Member Data Documentation


ATHRNG::RNGWrapper* m_rngWrapper ArrayBM::ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE {}

Definition at line 72 of file ArrayBM.h.

◆ m_biRandom

CLHEP::RandGeneral* ArrayBM::m_biRandom

shoot random number proportionally to m_intensityPattern

Definition at line 67 of file ArrayBM.h.

◆ m_emptyBunches

int ArrayBM::m_emptyBunches

Empty bunch option.

Default (0) means no special treatment of empty bunches, signal goes in filled bunches. Negative number means put signal in any empty bunch. Positive number means put signal in one of the first N bunches after a filled bunch.

Definition at line 82 of file ArrayBM.h.

◆ m_intensityPattern

double* ArrayBM::m_intensityPattern

normalized intensity pattern. C array to make clhep RandGeneral happy

Definition at line 65 of file ArrayBM.h.

◆ m_intensityPatternProp

Gaudi::Property<std::vector<float> > ArrayBM::m_intensityPatternProp

user-defined intensity pattern

Definition at line 61 of file ArrayBM.h.

◆ m_ipLength

unsigned int ArrayBM::m_ipLength

length of the intensity pattern

Definition at line 63 of file ArrayBM.h.

◆ m_largestElementInPattern

float ArrayBM::m_largestElementInPattern

The largest value in the pattern assuming that the pattern has mean value 1.0.

Multiplying by this converts values in the m_intensityPattern from having max value 1.0 to having mean value 1.0.

Definition at line 77 of file ArrayBM.h.

◆ m_maxBunchCrossingPerOrbit

unsigned int ArrayBM::m_maxBunchCrossingPerOrbit

max bunch crossings per orbit

Definition at line 55 of file ArrayBM.h.

◆ m_randomSvc

ServiceHandle<IAthRNGSvc> ArrayBM::m_randomSvc {this, "RandomSvc", "AthRNGSvc","The random number service that will be used."}

the service managing our random seeds/sequences

Definition at line 71 of file ArrayBM.h.

◆ m_seed

Gaudi::Property<std::uint64_t> ArrayBM::m_seed {this, "Seed", 0, "Seed for FastReseededPRNG. Zero seed switches to AthRNGSvc mode."}

seed for FastReseededPRNG. Non-zero switches to using FastReseededPRNG.

Definition at line 59 of file ArrayBM.h.

◆ m_signalPattern

double* ArrayBM::m_signalPattern

Additional array for keeping the locations we want signal in By default, will match the intensity pattern.

Definition at line 85 of file ArrayBM.h.

◆ m_t0Dist

std::unique_ptr<const boost::random::discrete_distribution<unsigned int> > ArrayBM::m_t0Dist {nullptr}

as with m_biRandom, but for FastReseededPRNG

Definition at line 69 of file ArrayBM.h.

◆ m_t0Offset

Gaudi::Hive::ContextSpecificData<unsigned int> ArrayBM::m_t0Offset

offset of the t0 wrto our intensity pattern

Definition at line 57 of file ArrayBM.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Gaudi::Property< std::uint64_t > m_seed
seed for FastReseededPRNG. Non-zero switches to using FastReseededPRNG.
Definition: ArrayBM.h:59
unsigned int m_maxBunchCrossingPerOrbit
max bunch crossings per orbit
Definition: ArrayBM.h:55
bool accumulate(AccumulateMap &map, std::vector< module_t > const &modules, FPGATrackSimMatrixAccumulator const &acc)
Accumulates an accumulator (e.g.
Definition: FPGATrackSimMatrixAccumulator.cxx:22
Gaudi::Hive::ContextSpecificData< unsigned int > m_t0Offset
offset of the t0 wrto our intensity pattern
Definition: ArrayBM.h:57
int run(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: ttree2hdf5.cxx:28
#define ATH_MSG_VERBOSE(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:28
@ u
Enums for curvilinear frames.
Definition: ParamDefs.h:83
int m_emptyBunches
Empty bunch option.
Definition: ArrayBM.h:82
double * m_signalPattern
Additional array for keeping the locations we want signal in By default, will match the intensity pat...
Definition: ArrayBM.h:85
#define ATH_MSG_ERROR(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:33
POOL::TEvent event(POOL::TEvent::kClassAccess)
int i
#define ATH_MSG_DEBUG(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:29
#define ATH_CHECK
Definition: AthCheckMacros.h:40
AthROOTErrorHandlerSvc * svc
Definition: AthROOTErrorHandlerSvc.cxx:10
Gaudi::Property< std::vector< float > > m_intensityPatternProp
user-defined intensity pattern
Definition: ArrayBM.h:61
ServiceHandle< IAthRNGSvc > m_randomSvc
the service managing our random seeds/sequences
Definition: ArrayBM.h:71
std::string name
Definition: Control/AthContainers/Root/debug.cxx:195
std::unique_ptr< const boost::random::discrete_distribution< unsigned int > > m_t0Dist
as with m_biRandom, but for FastReseededPRNG
Definition: ArrayBM.h:69
unsigned int m_ipLength
length of the intensity pattern
Definition: ArrayBM.h:63
float m_largestElementInPattern
The largest value in the pattern assuming that the pattern has mean value 1.0.
Definition: ArrayBM.h:77
string index
double * m_intensityPattern
normalized intensity pattern. C array to make clhep RandGeneral happy
Definition: ArrayBM.h:65
#define declareProperty(n, p, h)
Definition: BaseFakeBkgTool.cxx:15
CLHEP::RandGeneral * m_biRandom
shoot random number proportionally to m_intensityPattern
Definition: ArrayBM.h:67
Definition: FastReseededPRNG.h:28