ATLAS Offline Software
Classes | Typedefs | Functions
LVL1BS Namespace Reference


class  BitField
class  CaloUserHeader
 L1Calo User Header class. More...
class  CmmCpSubBlock
 Sub-Block class for CMM-CP data. More...
class  CmmEnergySubBlock
 Sub-Block class for CMM-Energy data. More...
class  CmmJetSubBlock
 Sub-Block class for CMM-Jet data. More...
class  CmmSubBlock
 Sub-Block class for CMM data. More...
class  CmxCpHitsByteStreamAuxCnv
 ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers. More...
class  CmxCpHitsByteStreamxAODCnv
 ByteStream converter for CmxTob. More...
class  CmxCpSubBlock
 Sub-Block class for CMX-CP data post LS1. More...
class  CmxCpTobByteStreamAuxCnv
 ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers. More...
class  CmxCpTobByteStreamxAODCnv
 ByteStream converter for CmxTob. More...
class  CmxEnergySubBlock
 Sub-Block class for CMX-Energy data post LS1. More...
class  CmxEtSumsByteStreamAuxCnv
 ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers. More...
class  CmxEtSumsByteStreamxAODCnv
 ByteStream converter for CmxTob. More...
class  CmxJetHitsByteStreamAuxCnv
 ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers. More...
class  CmxJetHitsByteStreamxAODCnv
 ByteStream converter for CmxTob. More...
class  CmxJetSubBlock
 Sub-Block class for CMX-Jet data post LS1. More...
class  CmxJetTobByteStreamAuxCnv
 ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers. More...
class  CmxJetTobByteStreamxAODCnv
 ByteStream converter for CmxTob. More...
class  CmxRoIByteStreamAuxCnv
 ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers. More...
class  CmxRoIByteStreamxAODCnv
 ByteStream converter for CmxTob. More...
class  CmxSubBlock
 Sub-Block class for CMX data post LS1. More...
class  CpByteStreamCnv
 ByteStream converter for CP container. More...
class  CpByteStreamTool
 Tool to perform ROB fragments to CPM towers, CPM hits and CMM-CP hits, and CP container to raw data conversions. More...
class  CpByteStreamV1Cnv
 ByteStream converter for CP container. More...
class  CpByteStreamV1Tool
 Tool to perform ROB fragments to CPM towers, CPM hits and CMM-CP hits, and CP container to raw data conversions. More...
class  CpByteStreamV2Cnv
 ByteStream converter for CP container post LS1. More...
class  CpByteStreamV2Tool
 Tool to perform ROB fragments to CPM towers, CMX-CP TOBs and CMX-CP hits, and CP container to raw data conversions. More...
class  CpmRoiByteStreamCnv
 ByteStream converter for Cluster Processor Module RoIs. More...
class  CpmRoiByteStreamTool
 Tool to perform ROB fragments to CPM RoI and CPM RoI to raw data conversions. More...
class  CpmRoiByteStreamV1Cnv
 ByteStream converter for Cluster Processor Module RoIs. More...
class  CpmRoiByteStreamV1Tool
 Tool to perform ROB fragments to CPM RoI and CPM RoI to raw data conversions. More...
class  CpmRoiByteStreamV2Cnv
 ByteStream converter for Cluster Processor Module RoIs post LS1. More...
class  CpmRoiByteStreamV2Tool
 Tool to perform ROB fragments to CPM TOB RoI and CPM TOB RoI to raw data conversions. More...
class  CpmRoiSubBlock
 Sub-Block class for CPM RoI data (neutral format). More...
class  CpmRoiSubBlockV1
 Sub-Block class for CPM RoI data (neutral format). More...
class  CpmRoiSubBlockV2
 Sub-Block class for CPM RoI data (neutral format) post LS1. More...
class  CpmSubBlock
 Sub-Block class for CPM data. More...
class  CpmSubBlockV1
 Sub-Block class for CPM data. More...
class  CpmSubBlockV2
 Sub-Block class for CPM data post LS1. More...
class  CpmTobRoiByteStreamAuxCnv
 ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers. More...
class  CpmTobRoiByteStreamxAODCnv
 ByteStream converter for CmxTob. More...
class  CpmTowerByteStreamAuxCnv
 ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers. More...
class  CpmTowerByteStreamxAODCnv
 ByteStream converter for CpmTowers. More...
class  CpReadByteStreamV1Cnv
 ByteStream converter for CP component containers. More...
class  CpReadByteStreamV1V2Cnv
 ByteStream converter for Cluster Processor Module Towers allowing for data containing pre-LS1 or post-LS1 format sub-blocks. More...
class  CpReadByteStreamV2Cnv
 ByteStream converter for CP component containers post LS1. More...
class  ITrigT1CaloDataAccess
class  ITrigT1CaloDataAccessV2
class  JemEtSumsByteStreamAuxCnv
 ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers. More...
class  JemEtSumsByteStreamxAODCnv
 ByteStream converter for CmxTob. More...
class  JemJetElement
 JEM jet element dataword class. More...
class  JemRoiSubBlock
 Sub-Block class for JEM RoI data (neutral format). More...
class  JemRoiSubBlockV1
 Sub-Block class for JEM RoI data (neutral format) pre-LS1. More...
class  JemRoiSubBlockV2
 Sub-Block class for JEM RoI data (neutral format) post-LS1. More...
class  JemSubBlock
 Sub-Block class for JEM data. More...
class  JemSubBlockV1
 Sub-Block class for JEM data pre-LS1. More...
class  JemSubBlockV2
 Sub-Block class for JEM data post LS1. More...
class  JemTobRoiByteStreamAuxCnv
 ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers. More...
class  JemTobRoiByteStreamxAODCnv
 ByteStream converter for CmxTob. More...
class  JepByteStreamCnv
 ByteStream converter for JEP container. More...
class  JepByteStreamTool
 Tool to perform ROB fragments to jet elements, jet hits and energy sums, and JEP container to raw data conversions. More...
class  JepByteStreamV1Cnv
 ByteStream converter for JEP container. More...
class  JepByteStreamV1Tool
 Tool to perform ROB fragments to jet elements, jet hits and energy sums, and JEP container to raw data conversions. More...
class  JepByteStreamV2Cnv
 ByteStream converter for JEP container post LS1. More...
class  JepByteStreamV2Tool
 Tool to perform ROB fragments to jet elements, jet hits and energy sums, and JEP container to raw data conversions. More...
class  JepReadByteStreamV1Cnv
 ByteStream converter for JEP component containers. More...
class  JepReadByteStreamV1V2Cnv
 ByteStream converter for JEP component containers which are unchanged post-LS1. More...
class  JepReadByteStreamV2Cnv
 ByteStream converter for JEP component containers post LS1. More...
class  JepRoiByteStreamCnv
 ByteStream converter for JEP RoI container. More...
class  JepRoiByteStreamTool
 Tool to perform ROB fragments to JEM RoI and CMM RoI, and JEP RoI container to raw data conversions. More...
class  JepRoiByteStreamV1Cnv
 ByteStream converter for JEP RoI container. More...
class  JepRoiByteStreamV1Tool
 Tool to perform ROB fragments to JEM RoI and CMM RoI, and JEP RoI container to raw data conversions. More...
class  JepRoiByteStreamV2Cnv
 ByteStream converter for JEP RoI container post LS1. More...
class  JepRoiByteStreamV2Tool
 Tool to perform ROB fragments to JEM RoI and CMX RoI, and JEP RoI container to raw data conversions. More...
class  JepRoiReadByteStreamV1Cnv
 ByteStream converter for JEP component containers. More...
class  JepRoiReadByteStreamV2Cnv
 ByteStream converter for JEP component containers post LS1. More...
class  JetElementByteStreamAuxCnv
 ByteStream converter for JetElement. More...
class  JetElementByteStreamxAODCnv
 ByteStream converter for JetElement. More...
class  L1CaloByteStreamAuxCnv
 ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers. More...
class  L1CaloErrorByteStreamCnv
 Returns vector of errors detected during data unpacking. More...
class  L1CaloErrorByteStreamTool
 Tool to accumulate ROB/ROD unpacking errors. More...
class  L1CaloSrcIdMap
 This class provides conversion between Lower level Source ID to higher level source ID for L1Calo ByteStream fragments. More...
class  L1CaloSubBlock
 L1Calo Sub-Block base class. More...
class  L1CaloUserHeader
 L1Calo User Header class. More...
class  L1TopoByteStreamAuxCnv
 ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers. More...
class  L1TopoByteStreamxAODCnv
 ByteStream converter for CmxTob. More...
class  ModifySlices
 Utility to modify the number of slices. More...
class  PpmByteStreamAuxCnv
 ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers. More...
class  PpmByteStreamReadV1V2Tool
 Tool to perform ROB fragments to trigger towers and trigger towers to raw data conversions. More...
class  PpmByteStreamV1Cnv
 ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers. More...
class  PpmByteStreamV1Tool
 Tool to perform ROB fragments to trigger towers and trigger towers to raw data conversions. More...
class  PpmByteStreamxAODCnv
 ByteStream converter for Pre-processor Module DAQ data / TriggerTowers. More...
class  PpmCompressionV1
 PPM Compressed Format Version 1.04 packing and unpacking utilities. More...
class  PpmSubBlockV1
 Sub-Block class for PPM data. More...
class  RodHeaderByteStreamAuxCnv
 ByteStream converter for RodHeader. More...
class  RodHeaderByteStreamCnv
 ByteStream converter for L1Calo ROD header info. More...
class  RodHeaderByteStreamTool
 Tool to perform ROB fragments to ROD Header conversions. More...
class  RodHeaderByteStreamxAODCnv
 ByteStream converter for RodHeader. More...
class  SubBlockHeader
 L1Calo User Header class. More...
class  SubBlockStatus
 L1Calo User Header class. More...
class  TrigT1CaloDataAccessV2
 Tool to retrieve all TriggerTowers from bytestream. More...
class  WordDecoder
class  ZdcModifySlices
 Utility to modify the number of slices. More...


typedef DataVector< LVL1::JEMTobRoIJEMTobRoICollection
typedef DataVector< LVL1::CPMHitsCPMHitsCollection
typedef DataVector< LVL1::CMMCPHitsCMMCPHitsCollection
typedef DataVector< LVL1::CMMJetHitsCMMJetHitsCollection
typedef DataVector< LVL1::CMMEtSumsCMMEtSumsCollection
typedef DataVector< LVL1::JEMHitsJEMHitsCollection
typedef DataVector< LVL1::JEMRoIJEMRoICollection
typedef DataVector< LVL1::CPMTowerCPMTowerCollection
typedef DataVector< LVL1::JetElementJetElementCollection
typedef DataVector< LVL1::JEMEtSumsJEMEtSumsCollection
typedef JepRoiReadByteStreamV2Cnv< LVL1::CMXRoIJepRoiReadCRByteStreamV2CnvT
typedef CpReadByteStreamV1Cnv< CPMHitsCollectionCpReadCHByteStreamV1CnvT
typedef CpReadByteStreamV1Cnv< CMMCPHitsCollectionCpReadCCByteStreamV1CnvT
typedef JepReadByteStreamV1Cnv< CMMJetHitsCollectionJepReadCJByteStreamV1CnvT
typedef JepReadByteStreamV1Cnv< CMMEtSumsCollectionJepReadCEByteStreamV1CnvT
typedef JepReadByteStreamV1Cnv< JEMHitsCollectionJepReadJHByteStreamV1CnvT
typedef JepRoiReadByteStreamV1Cnv< JEMRoICollectionJepRoiReadJRByteStreamV1CnvT
typedef JepRoiReadByteStreamV1Cnv< LVL1::CMMRoIJepRoiReadCRByteStreamV1CnvT
typedef JepReadByteStreamV1V2Cnv< JetElementCollectionJepReadJEByteStreamV1V2CnvT
typedef JepReadByteStreamV1V2Cnv< JEMEtSumsCollectionJepReadESByteStreamV1V2CnvT


std::string ToString (const xAOD::TriggerTower &tt)
std::string ToString (const xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer &container)
std::string ToString (const xAOD::CPMTower &tt)

Typedef Documentation

◆ CMMCPHitsCollection

Definition at line 176 of file TrigT1CaloByteStream_entries.cxx.

◆ CMMEtSumsCollection

Definition at line 178 of file TrigT1CaloByteStream_entries.cxx.

◆ CMMJetHitsCollection

Definition at line 177 of file TrigT1CaloByteStream_entries.cxx.

◆ CPMHitsCollection

Definition at line 175 of file TrigT1CaloByteStream_entries.cxx.

◆ CPMTowerCollection

Definition at line 183 of file TrigT1CaloByteStream_entries.cxx.

◆ CpReadCCByteStreamV1CnvT

Definition at line 193 of file TrigT1CaloByteStream_entries.cxx.

◆ CpReadCHByteStreamV1CnvT

Definition at line 192 of file TrigT1CaloByteStream_entries.cxx.

◆ JEMEtSumsCollection

Definition at line 185 of file TrigT1CaloByteStream_entries.cxx.

◆ JEMHitsCollection

Definition at line 179 of file TrigT1CaloByteStream_entries.cxx.

◆ JEMRoICollection

Definition at line 180 of file TrigT1CaloByteStream_entries.cxx.

◆ JEMTobRoICollection

Definition at line 172 of file TrigT1CaloByteStream_entries.cxx.

◆ JepReadCEByteStreamV1CnvT

Definition at line 195 of file TrigT1CaloByteStream_entries.cxx.

◆ JepReadCJByteStreamV1CnvT

Definition at line 194 of file TrigT1CaloByteStream_entries.cxx.

◆ JepReadESByteStreamV1V2CnvT

Definition at line 202 of file TrigT1CaloByteStream_entries.cxx.

◆ JepReadJEByteStreamV1V2CnvT

Definition at line 201 of file TrigT1CaloByteStream_entries.cxx.

◆ JepReadJHByteStreamV1CnvT

Definition at line 196 of file TrigT1CaloByteStream_entries.cxx.

◆ JepRoiReadCRByteStreamV1CnvT

Definition at line 198 of file TrigT1CaloByteStream_entries.cxx.

◆ JepRoiReadCRByteStreamV2CnvT

Definition at line 189 of file TrigT1CaloByteStream_entries.cxx.

◆ JepRoiReadJRByteStreamV1CnvT

Definition at line 197 of file TrigT1CaloByteStream_entries.cxx.

◆ JetElementCollection

Definition at line 184 of file TrigT1CaloByteStream_entries.cxx.

Function Documentation

◆ ToString() [1/3]

std::string LVL1BS::ToString ( const xAOD::CPMTower tt)

Definition at line 64 of file ToString.cxx.

64  {
65  std::stringstream o;
67  o << "xAOD::CPMTower"
68  << ", eta=" << cpm.eta()
69  << ", phi=" << cpm.phi()
70  << ", em peak energy=" << cpm.emEnergy()
71  << ", had peak energy=" << cpm.hadEnergy()
72  ;
74  return o.str();
75 }

◆ ToString() [2/3]

std::string LVL1BS::ToString ( const xAOD::TriggerTower tt)

Definition at line 23 of file ToString.cxx.

23  {
24  std::stringstream o;
25  if(tt.coolId() == 0) {
26  o << "xAOD::TriggerTower, coolId=0";
27  } else {
28  o << "xAOD::TriggerTower, coolId=" << std::hex << tt.coolId() << std::dec
29  << ", layer=" << int(tt.layer())
30  << ", sampling=" << int(tt.sampling())
31  << ", eta=" << tt.eta()
32  << ", phi=" << tt.phi()
33  << ", lut_cp=" << ::ToString(tt.lut_cp())
34  << ", lut_jep=" << ::ToString(tt.lut_jep())
35  << ", correction=" << ::ToString(tt.correction())
36  << ", correctionEnabled=" << ::ToString(tt.correctionEnabled())
37  << ", bcidVec=" << ::ToString(tt.bcidVec())
38  << ", adc=" << ::ToString(tt.adc())
39  << ", bcidExt=" << ::ToString(tt.bcidExt())
40  << ", errorWord=" << tt.errorWord()
41  << ", peak=" << int(tt.peak())
42  << ", adcPeak=" << int(tt.adcPeak());
43  if (!tt.lut_cp().empty()) {
44  o << ", cpET=" << int(tt.cpET());
45  }
46  if (!tt.lut_jep().empty()) {
47  o << ", jepET=" << int(tt.jepET());
48  }
50  }
52  return o.str();
53 }

◆ ToString() [3/3]

std::string LVL1BS::ToString ( const xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer container)

Definition at line 55 of file ToString.cxx.

55  {
56  std::stringstream o;
58  iter != tt.end(); ++iter){
59  o << ToString(**iter) << std::endl;
60  }
61  return o.str();
62 }
std::string ToString(const xAOD::TriggerTower &tt)
Definition: ToString.cxx:23
Const iterator class for DataVector/DataList.
Definition: DVLIterator.h:82