ATLAS Offline Software
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
NSWL1 Namespace Reference

A trigger trigger candidate for a stgc sector. More...




struct  hashPattern
class  IMMTriggerTool
class  IPadTdsTool
 interface for the PadTDS tools More...
class  IPadTriggerLogicTool
 interface for the PadTriggerLogic tools More...
class  IPadTriggerLookupTool
class  IStripClusterTool
 interface for the Strip Cluster Tools More...
class  IStripSegmentTool
 interface for the Strip Cluster Tools More...
class  IStripTdsTool
 interface for the StripTDS tools More...
class  L1TdrStgcTriggerLogic
 Initial version of the stgc pad trigger logic. More...
class  MMTriggerTool
class  NSWL1Simulation
 NSW L1 simulation algorithm. More...
class  PadData
 abstract class to interface the data hit fragment output from the Pad TDS More...
class  PadHits
class  PadOfflineData
 class modeling the pad hit fragment for the NSW L1 offline simulation More...
class  PadTdsOfflineTool
class  PadTdsValidationTree
class  PadTrigger
 Holder of the pad trigger information. More...
class  PadTriggerLogicOfflineTool
class  PadTriggerLookupTool
class  PadTriggerValidationTree
 Make TTree to validate the PadTriggerLogicOfflineTool. More...
class  SectorTriggerCandidate
class  SingleWedgePadTrigger
class  StripClusterData
 abstract class to interface the data hit fragment output from the Strip TDS More...
class  StripClusterOfflineData
 class modeling the strip hit fragment for the NSW L1 offline simulation More...
class  StripClusterTool
 interface for the StripTDS tools More...
class  StripData
 abstract class to interface the data hit fragment output from the Strip TDS More...
class  StripHits
class  StripOfflineData
 class modeling the strip hit fragment for the NSW L1 offline simulation More...
class  StripSegmentTool
 interface for the StripTDS tools More...
class  StripTdsOfflineTool
class  TriggerProcessorTool
struct  TrigIsSubsetOf
 whether all pad indices of one trigger are a subset of another one A functor used to remove redundancies 3/4 from 4/4 More...


using PAD_MAP = std::map< Identifier, std::vector< PadHits > >
using PAD_MAP_IT = std::map< Identifier, std::vector< PadHits > >::iterator
using PAD_MAP_ITEM = std::pair< Identifier, std::vector< PadHits > >
using STRIP_MAP = std::map< Identifier, std::vector< StripHits > >
using STRIP_MAP_IT = std::map< Identifier, std::vector< StripHits > >::iterator
using STRIP_MAP_ITEM = std::pair< Identifier, std::vector< StripHits > >
using Vertex = boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy< double >
using Polygon = boost::geometry::model::polygon< Vertex >
using Vertices = std::vector< Vertex >




float eta (float x, float y, float z)
float phi (float x, float y, float z)
Polygon Project (const Polygon &p, float Zinit, float Zfin)
int nVertices (const Polygon &p)
Vertex getVertex (const Polygon &p, unsigned int i)
Polygon buildPolygon (const Vertices &pts)
float area (const Polygon &p)
Vertex centroid (const Polygon &p)
std::vector< PolygonallIntersections (const Polygon &p1, const Polygon &p2)
Polygon firstIntersection (const Polygon &p1, const Polygon &p2)
Polygon largestIntersection (const Polygon &p1, const Polygon &p2)
Polygon intersectionRegion (const std::vector< Polygon > &polygons)
Polygon globalToLocal (const Polygon &pol, float z, const Trk::PlaneSurface &surf)
Polygon NilPolygon ()
void remove3of4Redundant4of4 (const std::vector< SingleWedgePadTrigger > &trigs4of4, std::vector< SingleWedgePadTrigger > &trigs3of4)
bool order_padHits_with_increasing_time (const PadHits &i, const PadHits &j)
Amg::Vector3D local_position_to_global_position (const MuonSimData::Deposit &d, const Trk::PlaneSurface &s)
 convert the local position of a simhit to a global position More...
StatusCode PadTdsOfflineTool::fill_pad_validation_id ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE (std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< PadData >> > &pad_cache) const
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< PadData > > filterByMultiplet (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< PadData >> &pads_in, const int multiplet)
 ! helper function: copy pads with a given multiplet More...
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< PadData > > filterByGasGap (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< PadData >> &pads_in, const int gasgap)
 ! helper function: copy pads with a given gas gap More...
bool sortByLayer (const std::shared_ptr< PadOfflineData > &p0, const std::shared_ptr< PadOfflineData > &p1)
template<class T >
void print (const T &t)
template<int XY>
float coordinate (const Vertex &v)
template<int XY>
std::pair< float, float > coordinateRange (const Polygon &p)


const std::vector< float > BandsInEtaLargeSector
const std::vector< float > BandsInEtaSmallSector
const double c_inverse = 3.33564095198e-3
const int STGC_LAYER_1 =1
const int STGC_LAYER_2 =2
const int STGC_LAYER_3 =3
const int STGC_LAYER_4 =4
const int SMALL_PIVOT =0
const int SMALL_CONFIRM =1
const int LARGE_PIVOT =2
const int LARGE_CONFIRM =3
const int MAXLAYERSHIT =4
const std::vector< size_t > SECTORS ={0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}
const std::vector< size_t > SIDES ={0,1}
const int nullPadNumber =-9999

Detailed Description

A trigger trigger candidate for a stgc sector.

A trigger with coincident hits in at least 3 out of 4 layers within a wedge., April 2013

Typedef Documentation


using NSWL1::PAD_MAP = typedef std::map < Identifier,std::vector<PadHits> >

Definition at line 27 of file PadTdsOfflineTool.cxx.


using NSWL1::PAD_MAP_IT = typedef std::map < Identifier,std::vector<PadHits> >::iterator

Definition at line 28 of file PadTdsOfflineTool.cxx.


using NSWL1::PAD_MAP_ITEM = typedef std::pair< Identifier,std::vector<PadHits> >

Definition at line 29 of file PadTdsOfflineTool.cxx.

◆ Polygon

using NSWL1::Polygon = typedef boost::geometry::model::polygon<Vertex>

Definition at line 18 of file GeoUtils.h.


using NSWL1::STRIP_MAP = typedef std::map < Identifier,std::vector<StripHits> >

Definition at line 23 of file StripTdsOfflineTool.cxx.


using NSWL1::STRIP_MAP_IT = typedef std::map < Identifier,std::vector<StripHits> >::iterator

Definition at line 24 of file StripTdsOfflineTool.cxx.


using NSWL1::STRIP_MAP_ITEM = typedef std::pair< Identifier,std::vector<StripHits> >

Definition at line 25 of file StripTdsOfflineTool.cxx.

◆ Vertex

using NSWL1::Vertex = typedef boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy<double>

Definition at line 17 of file GeoUtils.h.

◆ Vertices

using NSWL1::Vertices = typedef std::vector<Vertex>

Definition at line 19 of file GeoUtils.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation



Definition at line 17 of file tdr_compat_enum.h.


Function Documentation

◆ allIntersections()

std::vector< Polygon > NSWL1::allIntersections ( const Polygon p1,
const Polygon p2 

Definition at line 65 of file GeoUtils.cxx.

65  {
66  std::vector<Polygon> out;
68  return out;
70 }

◆ area()

float NSWL1::area ( const Polygon p)

Definition at line 55 of file GeoUtils.cxx.

55  {
56  return boost::geometry::area(p);
57 }


StatusCode PadTdsOfflineTool::fill_pad_validation_id NSWL1::ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE ( std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< PadData >> > &  pad_cache) const

Definition at line 114 of file PadTdsOfflineTool.cxx.

114  {
115  float bin_offset = +0.; // used to center the bin on the value of the Pad Id
116  for (const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PadData>>& pad : pad_cache) {
117  m_validation_tree->fill_num_pad_hits(pad.size());
118  for (const std::shared_ptr<PadData> &pd : pad) {
119  Identifier Id( pd->id() );
120  const MuonGM::sTgcReadoutElement* rdoEl = m_detManager->getsTgcReadoutElement(Id);
121  const Trk::PlaneSurface &surface = rdoEl->surface(Id);
122  // gathers the readout element associated to this PAD + the PAD Local/Global psoition
125  rdoEl->stripPosition(Id,pad_lpos); // shouldn't this be padPosition? DG 2014-01-17
126  surface.localToGlobal(pad_lpos, pad_gpos, pad_gpos);
127  ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Pad at GposX " << pad_gpos.x() << " GposY " << pad_gpos.y() << " GposZ " << pad_gpos.z()
128  <<" from multiplet "<< pd->multipletId()<<" and gasGapId "<<pd->gasGapId() );
130  std::vector<MuonSimData::Deposit> deposits;
131  if(get_truth_hits_this_pad(Id, deposits)){
132  for(const auto& d : deposits) {
133  m_validation_tree->fill_truth_hit_global_pos(local_position_to_global_position(d, surface));
134  }
135  }
137  // Fill Pad Corners
138  std::array<Amg::Vector2D, 4> local_pad_corners{make_array<Amg::Vector2D, 4>(Amg::Vector2D::Zero())};
139  rdoEl->padCorners(Id,local_pad_corners);
140  std::vector<Amg::Vector3D> global_pad_corners;
141  for(const auto& local_corner : local_pad_corners) {
142  Amg::Vector3D global_corner{Amg::Vector3D::Zero()};
143  surface.localToGlobal(local_corner, global_corner, global_corner);
144  global_pad_corners.push_back(global_corner);
145  }
146  m_validation_tree->fill_hit_global_corner_pos(global_pad_corners);
148  // gathers the Offline PAD EDM from the interface
149  PadOfflineData* pad_offline = dynamic_cast<PadOfflineData*>( pd.get() );
150  m_validation_tree->fill_hit_global_pos(pad_gpos);
151  m_validation_tree->fill_offlineid_info(*pad_offline, bin_offset);
152  }
153  }
154  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
155  }

◆ buildPolygon()

Polygon NSWL1::buildPolygon ( const Vertices pts)

Definition at line 44 of file GeoUtils.cxx.

44  {//hm
45  Polygon shape;
46  Vertices vts=pts;
47  //to complete the loop...
48  vts.push_back(vts[0]);
50  boost::geometry::assign_points(shape, pts);
51  boost::geometry::correct(shape);
52  return shape;
53 }

◆ centroid()

Vertex NSWL1::centroid ( const Polygon p)

Definition at line 59 of file GeoUtils.cxx.

59  {
60  Vertex v;
62  return v;
63 }

◆ coordinate()

template<int XY>
float NSWL1::coordinate ( const Vertex v)

Definition at line 56 of file GeoUtils.h.

56  {
57  return boost::geometry::get<XY>(v);
58  }

◆ coordinateRange()

template<int XY>
std::pair<float,float> NSWL1::coordinateRange ( const Polygon p)

Definition at line 67 of file GeoUtils.h.

67  {
68  std::vector<float> values;
69  for(auto vertex : boost::geometry::exterior_ring(p)){
70  float currVal=boost::geometry::get<XY>(vertex);
71  values.push_back(currVal);
72  }
73  std::sort(values.begin(),values.end() );
74  return std::make_pair(values[0],values.back());
75  }

◆ eta()

float NSWL1::eta ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z 

Definition at line 9 of file GeoUtils.cxx.

9  {
10  ROOT::Math::XYZVector V(x,y,z);
11  return V.Eta();
12 }

◆ filterByGasGap()

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PadData> > NSWL1::filterByGasGap ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< PadData >> &  pads_in,
const int  gasgap 

! helper function: copy pads with a given gas gap

Definition at line 91 of file PadTriggerLogicOfflineTool.cxx.

91  {
92  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PadData>> pads_out;
93  pads_out.reserve(0.25*pads_in.size()); // educated guess (4 gas gaps)
94  for(const auto& p : pads_in)
95  if(p->gasGapId()==gasgap)
96  pads_out.push_back(p);
97  return pads_out;
98 }

◆ filterByMultiplet()

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PadData> > NSWL1::filterByMultiplet ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< PadData >> &  pads_in,
const int  multiplet 

! helper function: copy pads with a given multiplet

Definition at line 82 of file PadTriggerLogicOfflineTool.cxx.

82  {
83  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PadData>> pads_out;
84  pads_out.reserve(0.5*pads_in.size()); // educated guess (half inner multiplet, half outer multiplet)
85  for(const auto& p : pads_in)
86  if(p->multipletId()==multiplet)
87  pads_out.push_back(p);
88  return pads_out;
89 }

◆ firstIntersection()

Polygon NSWL1::firstIntersection ( const Polygon p1,
const Polygon p2 

Definition at line 73 of file GeoUtils.cxx.

73  {
74  std::vector<Polygon> pols=allIntersections(p1,p2);
75  //we have to return something
76  if(pols.empty()) return NilPolygon();
77  return allIntersections(p1,p2).at(0);
78 }

◆ getVertex()

Vertex NSWL1::getVertex ( const Polygon p,
unsigned int  i 

Definition at line 39 of file GeoUtils.cxx.

39  {
40  return boost::geometry::exterior_ring(p)[i];
41 }

◆ globalToLocal()

Polygon NSWL1::globalToLocal ( const Polygon pol,
float  z,
const Trk::PlaneSurface surf 

Definition at line 103 of file GeoUtils.cxx.

103  {
105  Vertices local_vertices;
106  for(const auto& v : boost::geometry::exterior_ring(pol)){
107  float x=coordinate<0>(v);
108  float y=coordinate<1>(v);
109  Amg::Vector2D local_corner;
110  surf.globalToLocal(Amg::Vector3D(x,y,z),Amg::Vector3D(),local_corner);
111  local_vertices.emplace_back(Vertex(local_corner.x(),local_corner.y()));
112  }
113  return buildPolygon(local_vertices);
114 }

◆ intersectionRegion()

Polygon NSWL1::intersectionRegion ( const std::vector< Polygon > &  polygons)

Definition at line 91 of file GeoUtils.cxx.

91  {
92  Polygon ovl=polygons[0];
93  for(unsigned int i=1;i<polygons.size();i++){
94  Polygon curr=polygons[i];
95  Polygon overlap=largestIntersection(curr,ovl);
96  ovl=overlap;
97  }
98  return ovl;
99 }

◆ largestIntersection()

Polygon NSWL1::largestIntersection ( const Polygon p1,
const Polygon p2 

Definition at line 80 of file GeoUtils.cxx.

80  {
81  std::vector<Polygon> pols=allIntersections(p1,p2);
82  if(pols.empty()) return NilPolygon();
84  std::sort(pols.begin(),pols.end(),[](const Polygon& a,const Polygon& b){return area(a)>area(b);});
85  return pols[0];
87 }

◆ local_position_to_global_position()

Amg::Vector3D NSWL1::local_position_to_global_position ( const MuonSimData::Deposit d,
const Trk::PlaneSurface s 

convert the local position of a simhit to a global position

Relies on the transformation provided by the pad PlaneSurface. Used in PadTdsOfflineTool::fill_pad_validation_id().

Definition at line 105 of file PadTdsOfflineTool.cxx.

106  {
107  double localPosX(d.second.firstEntry()), localPosY(d.second.secondEntry());
108  Amg::Vector2D localPos(localPosX, localPosY);
109  Amg::Vector3D globalPos{Amg::Vector3D::Zero()};
110  s.localToGlobal(localPos, globalPos, globalPos);
111  return globalPos;
112  }

◆ NilPolygon()

Polygon NSWL1::NilPolygon ( )

Definition at line 118 of file GeoUtils.cxx.

118  {
119  Vertices nil={
120  Vertex(0,0),
121  Vertex(0,0),
122  Vertex(0,0),
123  Vertex(0,0),
124  Vertex(0,0)
125  };
126  return buildPolygon(nil);
127 }

◆ nVertices()

int NSWL1::nVertices ( const Polygon p)

Definition at line 35 of file GeoUtils.cxx.

35  {
36  return boost::geometry::num_points(p);
37 }

◆ order_padHits_with_increasing_time()

bool NSWL1::order_padHits_with_increasing_time ( const PadHits i,
const PadHits j 

Definition at line 25 of file PadTdsOfflineTool.cxx.

25 { return i.t_pad->time() < j.t_pad->time(); }

◆ phi()

float NSWL1::phi ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z 

Definition at line 14 of file GeoUtils.cxx.

14  {
15  ROOT::Math::XYZVector V(x,y,z);
16  return V.Phi();
17 }

◆ print()

template<class T >
void NSWL1::print ( const T &  t)

Definition at line 32 of file GeoUtils.h.

32 {std::cout<<boost::geometry::wkt(t)<<std::endl;}

◆ Project()

Polygon NSWL1::Project ( const Polygon p,
float  Zinit,
float  Zfin 

Definition at line 19 of file GeoUtils.cxx.

19  {
20  //loop over vertices
21  Vertices vt;
22  for(const auto& v : boost::geometry::exterior_ring(p)){
23  float x=coordinate<0>(v);
24  float y=coordinate<1>(v);
25  ROOT::Math::XYZVector vec(x, y, Zinit);
26  float phi=vec.Phi();
27  float theta=vec.Theta();
28  vec.SetZ(Zfin);
29  ROOT::Math::Polar3DVector projectedVec(vec.R(), theta, phi);
30  vt.push_back(Vertex(projectedVec.X(), projectedVec.Y()));
31  }
32  return buildPolygon(vt);
33 }

◆ remove3of4Redundant4of4()

void NSWL1::remove3of4Redundant4of4 ( const std::vector< SingleWedgePadTrigger > &  trigs4of4,
std::vector< SingleWedgePadTrigger > &  trigs3of4 

Definition at line 336 of file L1TdrStgcTriggerLogic.cxx.

336  {//haha :)
337  for (std::vector< SingleWedgePadTrigger >::const_iterator t4 = trigs4of4.begin(); t4 != trigs4of4.end();++t4) {
338  trigs3of4.erase(std::remove_if(trigs3of4.begin(), trigs3of4.end(),TrigIsSubsetOf(*t4)),trigs3of4.end());
339  }
340  }

◆ sortByLayer()

bool NSWL1::sortByLayer ( const std::shared_ptr< PadOfflineData > &  p0,
const std::shared_ptr< PadOfflineData > &  p1 

Definition at line 16 of file SingleWedgePadTrigger.cxx.

16  {
17  return p0->gasGapId()<p1->gasGapId();
18  }

Variable Documentation

◆ BandsInEtaLargeSector

const std::vector<float> NSWL1::BandsInEtaLargeSector

Definition at line 16 of file sTGCTriggerBandsInEta.h.

◆ BandsInEtaSmallSector

const std::vector<float> NSWL1::BandsInEtaSmallSector

Definition at line 111 of file sTGCTriggerBandsInEta.h.

◆ c_inverse

const double NSWL1::c_inverse = 3.33564095198e-3

Definition at line 13 of file tdr_compat_enum.h.


const int NSWL1::LARGE_CONFIRM =3

Definition at line 15 of file tdr_compat_enum.h.


const int NSWL1::LARGE_PIVOT =2

Definition at line 15 of file tdr_compat_enum.h.


const int NSWL1::MAXLAYERSHIT =4

Definition at line 16 of file tdr_compat_enum.h.

◆ nullPadNumber

const int NSWL1::nullPadNumber =-9999

Definition at line 21 of file tdr_compat_enum.h.


const std::vector<size_t> NSWL1::SECTORS ={0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}

Definition at line 19 of file tdr_compat_enum.h.


const std::vector<size_t> NSWL1::SIDES ={0,1}

Definition at line 20 of file tdr_compat_enum.h.


const int NSWL1::SMALL_CONFIRM =1

Definition at line 15 of file tdr_compat_enum.h.


const int NSWL1::SMALL_PIVOT =0

Definition at line 15 of file tdr_compat_enum.h.


const int NSWL1::STGC_LAYER_1 =1

Definition at line 14 of file tdr_compat_enum.h.


const int NSWL1::STGC_LAYER_2 =2

Definition at line 14 of file tdr_compat_enum.h.


const int NSWL1::STGC_LAYER_3 =3

Definition at line 14 of file tdr_compat_enum.h.


const int NSWL1::STGC_LAYER_4 =4

Definition at line 14 of file tdr_compat_enum.h.

bool padCorners(const Identifier &id, std::array< Amg::Vector2D, 4 > &corners) const
pad corners
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/sTgcReadoutElement.h:360
virtual bool globalToLocal(const Amg::Vector3D &glob, const Amg::Vector3D &mom, Amg::Vector2D &loc) const override final
Specified for PlaneSurface: GlobalToLocal method without dynamic memory allocation - boolean checks i...
Definition: PlaneSurface.cxx:213
int s
def p
list pts
Scalar phi() const
phi method
Definition: AmgMatrixBasePlugin.h:64
Vertex_v1 Vertex
Define the latest version of the vertex class.
Definition: Event/xAOD/xAODTracking/xAODTracking/Vertex.h:16
Eigen::Matrix< double, 2, 1 > Vector2D
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:48
Scalar theta() const
theta method
Definition: AmgMatrixBasePlugin.h:71
boost::geometry::model::polygon< Vertex > Polygon
Definition: GeoUtils.h:18
Polygon largestIntersection(const Polygon &p1, const Polygon &p2)
Definition: GeoUtils.cxx:80
std::vector< size_t > vec
Definition: CombinationsGeneratorTest.cxx:12
std::vector< Polygon > allIntersections(const Polygon &p1, const Polygon &p2)
Definition: GeoUtils.cxx:65
Polygon NilPolygon()
Definition: GeoUtils.cxx:118
#define x
std::vector< std::string > intersection(std::vector< std::string > &v1, std::vector< std::string > &v2)
Definition: compareFlatTrees.cxx:25
virtual const Trk::PlaneSurface & surface() const override
access to chamber surface (phi orientation), uses the first gas gap
Definition: MuonClusterReadoutElement.h:123
Definition: Control/AthenaPython/python/
virtual bool stripPosition(const Identifier &id, Amg::Vector2D &pos) const override final
strip position - should be renamed to channel position If the strip number is outside the range of va...
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/sTgcReadoutElement.h:323
typename vecDetail::vec_typedef< T, N >::type vec
Define a nice alias for the vectorized type.
Definition: vec.h:207
int i
#define z
Definition: DetectorDescription/Identifier/Identifier/Identifier.h:32
#define ATH_MSG_DEBUG(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:29
An sTgcReadoutElement corresponds to a single STGC module; therefore typicaly a barrel muon station c...
Definition: MuonDetDescr/MuonReadoutGeometry/MuonReadoutGeometry/sTgcReadoutElement.h:28
Definition: sTGCenumeration.h:39
std::vector< LUCID_RawDataContainer_p1 > t4
Definition: LUCID_EventTPCnvDict.h:29
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > Vector3D
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:47
@ vertex
Definition: MeasurementType.h:21
TList * a
Definition: liststreamerinfos.cxx:10
#define y
Amg::Vector3D local_position_to_global_position(const MuonSimData::Deposit &d, const Trk::PlaneSurface &s)
convert the local position of a simhit to a global position
Definition: PadTdsOfflineTool.cxx:105
void sort(typename std::reverse_iterator< DataModel_detail::iterator< DVL > > beg, typename std::reverse_iterator< DataModel_detail::iterator< DVL > > end, const Compare &comp)
Specialization of sort for DataVector/List.
Definition: DVL_algorithms.h:623
Definition: PlaneSurface.h:64
Definition: sTGCenumeration.h:40
double area(double R)
Definition: ConvertStaveServices.cxx:42
virtual void localToGlobal(const Amg::Vector2D &locp, const Amg::Vector3D &mom, Amg::Vector3D &glob) const override final
Specified for PlaneSurface: LocalToGlobal method without dynamic memory allocation.
Definition: PlaneSurface.cxx:204
std::vector< Vertex > Vertices
Definition: GeoUtils.h:19
Vertex centroid(const Polygon &p)
Definition: GeoUtils.cxx:59
Polygon buildPolygon(const Vertices &pts)
Definition: GeoUtils.cxx:44
void Zero(TH1D *hin)
Definition: generate.cxx:32