81 return '.true.' if x
else '.false.'
86 conf+=
87 conf+=
88 conf+=
89 conf+=fortDouble(self.rts) +
" ! [rts] : CMS collision energy (GeV) \n"
90 conf+=
91 conf+=
92 conf+=fortInt(self.proc) +
" ! [proc] : Process number \n"
93 conf+=fortStr(self.outtag) +
" ! [outtag] : for output file \n"
94 conf+=fortStr(self.diff) +
" ! [diff] : elastic ('el'), single/double dissociation ('sd'/'dd') \n"
95 conf+=fortBool(self.SFerror) +
" ! [SFerror] : Include error from SF input - increases run time \n"
96 conf+=fortBool(self.mixed) +
" ! [mixed] : include mixed gam/Z + q diagrams \n"
97 conf+=fortBool(self.Zinit) +
" ! [Zinit] : include Z bosons in initial state \n"
98 conf+=fortBool(self.subt) +
" ! [subt] : calculate *only* (positive) subtraction term \n"
99 conf+=fortStr(self.lep1) +
" ! [lep1] : for lepton-lepton scattering (proc=4) \n"
100 conf+=fortStr(self.lep2) +
" ! [lep2] : for lepton-lepton scattering (proc=4) \n"
101 conf+=fortDouble(self.kmu) +
" ! [kmu] : = mu(f,r)/mu0 \n"
102 conf+=
103 conf+=
"************************** To run in collinear mode *****************************\n"
104 conf+=
105 conf+=fortBool(self.coll) +
" ! [coll] : use collinear approach + lhapdf \n"
106 conf+=fortStr(self.PDFname) +
" ! [PDFname] : PDF set \n"
107 conf+=fortInt(self.PDFmember) +
" ! [PDFmember] : PDF member \n"
108 conf+=
109 conf+=
"*************Integration parameters************************************************\n"
110 conf+=
111 conf+=fortInt(self.ncall) +
" ! [ncall] : Number of calls for preconditioning \n"
112 conf+=fortInt(self.itmx) +
" ! [itmx] : Number of iterations for preconditioning \n"
113 conf+=fortDouble(self.prec) +
" ! [prec] : Relative accuracy (in %) in main run \n"
114 conf+=fortInt(self.ncall1) +
" ! [ncall1] : Number of calls in first iteration \n"
115 conf+=fortInt(self.inccall) +
" ! [inccall] : Number of increase calls per iteration \n"
116 conf+=fortInt(self.itend) +
" ! [itend] : Maximum number of iterations \n"
117 conf+=fortInt(self.iseed) +
" ! [iseed] : Random number seed (integer > 0) \n"
118 conf+=
119 conf+=
"********************Unweighted events**********************************************\n"
120 conf+=
121 conf+=fortBool(self.genunw) +
" ! [genunw] : Generate unweighted events \n"
122 conf+=fortInt(
int(self.nev)) +
" ! [nev] : Number of events (preferably controlled by maxEvents option in Gen_tf command) \n"
123 conf+=fortStr(self.erec) +
" ! [erec] : Event record format ('hepmc','lhe','hepevt') \n"
124 conf+=
125 conf+=
"******************* general cuts ************************************************\n"
126 conf+=
127 conf+=fortDouble(self.ymin) +
" ! [ymin] : Minimum dilepton rapidity \n"
128 conf+=fortDouble(self.ymax) +
" ! [ymax] : Maximum dilepton rapidity \n"
129 conf+=fortDouble(self.mmin) +
" ! [mmin] : Minimum dilepton mass \n"
130 conf+=fortDouble(self.mmax) +
" ! [mmax] : Maximum dilepton mass \n"
131 conf+=fortBool(self.gencuts) +
" ! [gencuts] : Generate cuts below \n"
132 conf+=
133 conf+=
"********** 2 body final states : p(a) + p(b) **************************************\n"
134 conf+=
135 conf+=fortDouble(self.ptamin) +
" ! [ptamin] \n"
136 conf+=fortDouble(self.ptbmin) +
" ! [ptbmin] \n"
137 conf+=fortDouble(self.etaamin) +
" ! [etaamin] \n"
138 conf+=fortDouble(self.etaamax) +
" ! [etaamax] \n"
139 conf+=fortDouble(self.etabmin) +
" ! [etabmin] \n"
140 conf+=fortDouble(self.etabmax) +
" ! [etabmax] \n"
141 conf+=fortDouble(self.ptllmin) +
" ! [ptllmin] \n"
142 conf+=
143 conf+=