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ATLAS Offline Software
Select isolated Photons, Electrons and Muons. More...
Namespaces | |
detail | |
DetailSelectionExprParser | |
QGntrackSyst | |
Classes | |
class | AbsEtaAxisHandler |
class | ApplyE2YFakeRate |
class | ApplyFakeFactor |
class | AsgClassificationDecorationAlg |
an algorithm for decorating classification using a tool based on the CP::IClassificationTool More... | |
class | AsgCutBookkeeperAlg |
an algorithm for dumping the CutBookkeeper metadata into a histogram More... | |
class | AsgEnergyDecoratorAlg |
class | AsgEventScaleFactorAlg |
an algorithm for calculating per-event scale factors More... | |
class | AsgFlagSelectionTool |
an IAsgSelectionTool that cuts on char decorations More... | |
class | AsgLeptonTrackDecorationAlg |
an algorithm for decorating track variables on leptons More... | |
class | AsgLeptonTrackSelectionAlg |
an algorithm for performing track-vertex selection on leptons More... | |
class | AsgMaskSelectionTool |
an IAsgSelectionTool that cuts on int decorations with mask More... | |
class | AsgMassSelectionTool |
an IAsgSelectionTool that performs basic mass cut More... | |
class | AsgObjectScaleFactorAlg |
an algorithm for combining object scale factors More... | |
class | AsgOriginalObjectLinkAlg |
an algorithm for relinking a shallow copy with it's base container when this was not done originally More... | |
class | AsgPriorityDecorationAlg |
an algorithm for decorating priorities More... | |
class | AsgPtEtaSelectionTool |
an IAsgSelectionTool that performs basic pt and eta cut (with an optional eta gap) More... | |
class | AsgSelectionAlg |
an algorithm for calling IAsgSelectionTool More... | |
class | AsgShallowCopyAlg |
create a shallow copy of an input contsainer More... | |
class | AsgUnionPreselectionAlg |
an algorithm for turning a systematics depending selection decoration into a selection decoration without systematics More... | |
class | AsgUnionSelectionAlg |
an algorithm for selection an union of objects that pass at least one systematics More... | |
class | AsgViewFromSelectionAlg |
create a view container based on selection decorations More... | |
class | AsgxAODMetNTupleMakerAlg |
Algorithm that can write MET variables to a simple ntuple from xAOD objects/variables. More... | |
class | AsgxAODNTupleMakerAlg |
Algorithm that can write a simple ntuple from xAOD objects/variables. More... | |
class | AsymptMatrixTool |
class | AxisHandler |
class | AxisHandlerProvider |
class | BadMuonVetoSystHandler |
class | BaseFakeBkgTool |
class | BaseLinearFakeBkgTool |
class | BJetCalibrationAlg |
an algorithm to apply b-jet specific energy correction More... | |
class | BootstrapGenerator |
a class to generate random numbers with a unique seed More... | |
class | BootstrapGeneratorAlg |
an algorithm to compute per-event bootstrap replica weights More... | |
class | BTaggingEfficiencyAlg |
an algorithm for calling IBTaggingEfficiencyTool More... | |
class | BTaggingInformationDecoratorAlg |
class | BTaggingScoresAlg |
class | CalibratedEgammaProvider |
class | CalibratedMuonsProvider |
decorates a muon collection with efficiency and scale factor More... | |
class | CalibratedTracksProvider |
decorates a track collection with efficiency and scale factor More... | |
class | ChargeAxisHandler |
class | ChargeSelectorAlg |
an algorithm that selects an event if the event has leptons with opposite sign or same sign More... | |
class | CollectionContainer |
The collection container manages the time binning of a particular scale-factor map. More... | |
class | CopyNominalSelectionAlg |
an algorithm that copies the nominal selections over to all other object systematics More... | |
class | CorrectionCode |
Return value from object correction CP tools. More... | |
class | CorrectionTool |
Helper base class for "correction tools". More... | |
class | DileptonInvariantMassSelectorAlg |
an algorithm to select an event with 2-lepton mass compared to a specified value More... | |
class | DileptonInvariantMassWindowSelectorAlg |
an algorithm to select an event with 2-lepton mass compared to a specified window of values "lowMLL" and "highMLL". More... | |
class | DileptonOSSFInvariantMassWindowSelectorAlg |
an algorithm that vetos an event with two OS electrons or muons mass in a specific mass window More... | |
class | DiTauEfficiencyCorrectionsAlg |
an algorithm for calling IDiTauEfficiencyCorrectionsTool More... | |
class | DiTauMassCalculatorAlg |
class | DiTauSmearingAlg |
an algorithm for calling IDiTauSmearingTool More... | |
class | DiTauTruthMatchingAlg |
an algorithm for calling IDiTauTruthMatchingTool More... | |
class | dRJetAxisHandler |
class | EfficiencyScaleFactor |
class | EffiCollection |
The EffiCollection class handles the 5 different scale-factor maps binned in time. More... | |
class | EgammaCalibrationAndSmearingAlg |
an algorithm for calling CP::IEgammaCalibrationAndSmearingTool More... | |
class | EgammaCalibrationAndSmearingTool |
class | EgammaCaloClusterEtaAlg |
class | EgammaFSRForMuonsCollectorAlg |
Algorithm to collect photons and electrons which close in dR to muons as FSR candidates. More... | |
class | EgammaIsGoodOQSelectionTool |
Tool selecting e/gamma objects based on their object quality flags. More... | |
class | EgammaIsolationCorrectionAlg |
an algorithm for calling CP::IIsolationCorrectionTool More... | |
class | EgammaIsolationSelectionAlg |
an algorithm for calling IIsolationSelectionTool More... | |
class | EgammaSamplingPatternDecoratorAlg |
an algorithm decorating samplingPattern on e-gamma clusters More... | |
class | ElectronChargeEfficiencyCorrectionTool |
class | ElectronEfficiencyCorrectionAlg |
an algorithm for calling IElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool More... | |
class | ElectronLRTMergingAlg |
this wraps the Electron LRT collection merger in a CP algorithm More... | |
class | ElectronLRTOverlapRemovalTool |
Class-algorithm for electron particle collection merging. More... | |
class | ElectronSiHitDecAlg |
this decorates electrons with extra information from the track and cluster to avoid writing them out for SiHit electrons More... | |
class | EtaAxisHandler |
class | EventCutFlowHistAlg |
an algorithm for dumping the an event-level cutflow More... | |
class | EventDecoratorAlg |
an algorithm for decorating EventInfo More... | |
class | EventFlagSelectionAlg |
an algorithm for selecting events by flag More... | |
class | EventSelectionByObjectFlagAlg |
an algorithm for selecting events based on object flags (e.g. More... | |
class | EventStatusSelectionAlg |
an algorithm for selecting events based on their error status More... | |
class | FakeBkgCalculatorAlg |
class | FFJetSmearingTool |
class | FJvtEfficiencyTool |
class | FJvtSelectionTool |
struct | FlowElementPtr |
For the flow elements we need a special derivate which also contains the weights. More... | |
class | HistHandler |
class | HistHandler_TH1 |
class | HistHandler_TH2 |
class | HistHandler_TH2Poly |
class | HistHandler_TH3 |
class | IClassificationTool |
a tool interface to classify particles into multiple categories by assigning them an unsigned integer More... | |
class | ICorrectionTool |
class | IEfficiencyScaleFactorTool |
General interface for tools providing analysis efficiency scale factors. More... | |
class | IEgammaCalibrationAndSmearingTool |
class | IElectronLRTOverlapRemovalTool |
class | IFakeBkgSystDescriptor |
Auxiliary interface equiping the tools derived from IFakeBkgTool with helper methods to identify what the different SystematicVariations correspond to All the tools inherit from this interface. More... | |
class | IFakeBkgTool |
Top-level interface for the tools providing an estimate of the fake lepton background All the tools, each of them implementing a different method for the estimation, inherit from this interface. More... | |
class | IIsolationCloseByCorrectionTool |
class | IIsolationCorrectionTool |
class | IIsolationHelper |
class | IIsolationLowPtPLVTool |
class | IIsolationSelectionTool |
class | IJetJvtEfficiency |
class | IJetQGTagger |
class | IJetTileCorrectionTool |
Interface for the tool correcting for dead Tile modules. More... | |
class | IJvtEfficiencyTool |
class | IKinematicSystHandler |
class | ILinearFakeBkgTool |
Interface for the tools providing an estimate of the fake lepton background, which are able to provide an event-by-event weight. More... | |
class | IMuonCalibIntScaleSmearTool |
class IMuonCalibIntTool More... | |
class | IMuonCalibIntTool |
class | IMuonCalibrationAndSmearingTool |
class | IMuonEfficiencyScaleFactors |
class | IMuonLRTOverlapRemovalTool |
class | IMuonSelectionTool |
Interface for (a) muon selector tool(s) More... | |
class | IMuonTriggerScaleFactors |
struct | inputScaleMapper |
class | IOStatsAlg |
class | IPhotonPointingTool |
class | IPhotonVertexSelectionTool |
class | IPileupReweightingTool |
class | IReentrantSystematicsTool |
interface for all CP tools supporting systematic variations within a reentrant algorithm More... | |
class | ISelectionNameSvc |
the interface for the central systematics service More... | |
class | ISelectionReadAccessor |
a specialized accessor to read a selection decoration from/to an xAOD object More... | |
class | ISelectionWriteAccessor |
a specialized accessor to write a selection decoration to an xAOD object More... | |
class | IsoCloseByCaloDecorAlg |
class | IsoCloseByCorrectionAlg |
class | IsoCloseByCorrectionTrkSelAlg |
class | IsoCorrectionTestHelper |
class | IsolationCloseByCorrectionTool |
class | IsolationCondition |
class | IsolationConditionCombined |
class | IsolationConditionFormula |
class | IsolationConditionHist |
class | IsolationCorrection |
class | IsolationCorrectionTool |
class | IsolationHelper |
class | IsolationLowPtPLVTool |
class | IsolationSelectionTool |
class | IsolationWP |
class | IsoVariableHelper |
class | ISysHandleBase |
a basic interface for all systematics handles More... | |
class | ISystematicsSvc |
the interface for the central systematics service More... | |
class | ISystematicsTool |
Interface for all CP tools supporting systematic variations. More... | |
class | ITrackVertexAssociationTool |
class | IWeightPFOTool |
class | JetCalibrationAlg |
an algorithm for calling IJetCalibrationTool More... | |
class | JetDecoratorAlg |
an algorithm for calling IJetUpdateJvt More... | |
class | JetFFSmearingAlg |
an algorithm for calling FFJetSmearingTool More... | |
class | JetGhostMergingAlg |
an algorithm for combining multiple ghost collections into one More... | |
class | JetGhostMuonAssociationAlg |
an algorithm for adding ghost muons to jets More... | |
class | JetJvtEfficiency |
class | JetModifierAlg |
an algorithm for calling IJetModifierTool More... | |
class | JetNGhostSelectorAlg |
an algorithm to select an event with a specified number of objects compared to a transverse momentum value More... | |
class | JetQGTagger |
class | JetQGTaggerBDT |
class | JetReclusteringAlg |
class | JetSelectionAlg |
an algorithm for calling IJetSelector More... | |
class | JetTileCorrectionAlg |
class | JetTileCorrectionTool |
class | JetTruthTagAlg |
An algorithm for tagging reco-jets if they are close enough to a truth jet. More... | |
class | JetUncertaintiesAlg |
an algorithm for calling ICPJetUncertaintiesTool More... | |
class | JvtEfficiencyAlg |
an algorithm for calling IJEREfficiencyTool More... | |
class | JvtEfficiencyTool |
class | JvtEfficiencyToolBase |
class | JvtSelectionTool |
class | JvtSelectionToolBase |
class | JvtUpdateAlg |
an algorithm for calling IJetUpdateJvt More... | |
class | KinematicHistAlg |
an algorithm for dumping the kinematics of an IParticle container into histograms More... | |
class | LeptonSFCalculatorAlg |
class | LhoodMM_tools |
struct | LhoodMMFitInfo |
class | MakeSystematicsVector |
This class handles turning the list of systematics into the actual list of nuisance parameter points to evaluate. More... | |
class | MCTCDecorationAlg |
an algorithm to unpack and decorate MCTruthClassifier Classification information More... | |
class | MetBuilderAlg |
an algorithm for calling IMetCalibrationAndSmearingTool More... | |
class | MetMakerAlg |
an algorithm for calling IMETMaker More... | |
class | MetSignificanceAlg |
an algorithm for calling IMETSignificanceTool More... | |
class | MissingETPlusTransverseMassSelectorAlg |
an algorithm to select an event with MET + W-boson mass compared to a specified MET+MWT value More... | |
class | MissingETSelectorAlg |
an algorithm to select an event with missing E_T above or below a specified value More... | |
class | MuonCalibIntHighpTSmearTool |
class | MuonCalibIntSagittaTool |
class | MuonCalibIntScaleSmearTool |
class | MuonCalibrationAndSmearingAlg |
an algorithm for calling IMuonCalibrationAndSmearingTool More... | |
class | MuonCalibTool |
class | MuonCloseJetDecorationAlg |
Small algorithm to quickly write the jetDR decoration needed for isolation scale-factors to the muon. More... | |
class | MuonContainerMergingAlg |
this algorithm allows to merge multiple xAOD::MuonCollection objects into a single (view) collection. More... | |
class | MuonEfficiencyScaleFactorAlg |
an algorithm for calling IMuonEfficiencyScaleFactorTool More... | |
class | MuonEfficiencyScaleFactors |
class | MuonIsolationAlg |
an algorithm for calling IMuonSelectionTool More... | |
class | MuonLRTMergingAlg |
this wraps the MCP LRT collection merger in a CP algorithm More... | |
class | MuonLRTOverlapRemovalTool |
Class-algorithm for muon particle collection merging. More... | |
class | MuonQualityUpdaterAlg |
class | MuonScaleFactorTestAlg |
small test algorithm to quickly test/demonstrate the usage of the MuonEfficiencyCorrections code within athena More... | |
class | MuonSelectionAlg |
class | MuonSelectionAlgV2 |
an algorithm for calling IMuonSelectionTool More... | |
class | MuonSelectionTool |
Implementation of the muon selector tool. More... | |
class | MuonTriggerEfficiencyScaleFactorAlg |
an algorithm for calling IMuonTriggerScaleFactors More... | |
class | MuonTriggerScaleFactors |
class | MVAInputEvaluator |
class | MVATrackVertexAssociationTool |
class | NLargeRJetMassWindowSelectorAlg |
an algorithm to select an event with N large-R jets with a mass compared to a specified window of values "lowMass" and "highMass". More... | |
class | NNJvtEfficiencyTool |
class | NNJvtSelectionTool |
class | NObjectMassSelectorAlg |
an algorithm to select an event with a specified number of objects compared to an invariant mass value More... | |
class | NObjectPtSelectorAlg |
an algorithm to select an event with a specified number of objects compared to a transverse momentum value More... | |
class | ObjectCutFlowHistAlg |
an algorithm for dumping the object-level cutflow More... | |
class | OutOfValidityEventHelper |
a helper to translate a CP::CorrectionCode into a ::StatusCode More... | |
class | OutOfValidityHelper |
a helper to translate a CP::CorrectionCode into a ::StatusCode More... | |
class | OverlapRemovalAlg |
an algorithm for calling IPileupReweightingTool More... | |
class | ParticleLevelChargeDecoratorAlg |
class | ParticleLevelIsolationAlg |
class | ParticleLevelJetsAlg |
class | ParticleLevelMissingETAlg |
class | ParticleLevelOverlapRemovalAlg |
class | ParticleLevelPtEtaPhiDecoratorAlg |
class | PhiAxisHandler |
class | PhotonEfficiencyCorrectionAlg |
an algorithm for calling IPhotonEfficiencyCorrectionTool More... | |
class | PhotonExtraVariablesAlg |
class | PhotonOriginCorrectionAlg |
an algorithm for correctiong the origin of a photon wrt the Primary Vertex More... | |
class | PhotonPointingTool |
Implementation for the photon pointing tool. More... | |
class | PhotonShowerShapeFudgeAlg |
an algorithm for calling IElectronPhotonShowerShapeFudgeTool for photons More... | |
class | PhotonVertexSelectionAlg |
class | PhotonVertexSelectionTool |
Implementation for the photon vertex selection tool. More... | |
class | PileupReweightingAlg |
an algorithm for calling IPileupReweightingTool More... | |
class | PileupReweightingProvider |
class | PileupReweightingTool |
Implementation of the PileupReweighting tool. More... | |
class | PMGTruthWeightAlg |
an algorithm for calling IPMGTruthWeightTool More... | |
class | PrimodialPtSystematic |
The PrimodialPtSystematic was the former PtKinematicSystHandler. More... | |
class | PrintToolConfigAlg |
class | PtAxisHandler |
class | PtKinematicSystHandler |
Z->mumu reconstruction scale-factors are delivered in eta-phi maps integrating out any pt-dependence. More... | |
class | ReclusteredJetCalibrationAlg |
an algorithm for calibration reclustered large-R jets More... | |
class | RunNumberSelectorAlg |
an algorithm to select an event with 2-lepton mass compared to a specified value More... | |
class | SaveFilterAlg |
an algorithm to turn event selections into filters for cutflow saving More... | |
class | SecVertexTruthMatchAlg |
Algorithm to perform truth matching on secondary vertices. More... | |
class | SelectionAccessorExprBase |
Serves as the base for a few logical expression classes. More... | |
class | SelectionAccessorExprNot |
SelectionAccessor which implements a logical NOT. More... | |
class | SelectionAccessorExprOr |
Implements a SelectionAccessor that performs a binary logical OR. More... | |
class | SelectionAccessorList |
the SelectionAccesor for list of selection decorations More... | |
class | SelectionAccessorReadSys |
the SelectionAccesor for reading systematically varied decorations More... | |
class | SelectionExprParser |
Public interface for the expression parsing facility. More... | |
class | SelectionNameSvc |
the canonical implementation of ISelectionNameSvc More... | |
class | SelectionReadAccessorBits |
the SelectionAccesor for standard CP algorithm selection decorations encoded as bits More... | |
class | SelectionReadAccessorChar |
the SelectionAccesor for OR tool selection decorations More... | |
class | SelectionReadAccessorInvert |
the SelectionAccesor for inverting a selection decoration More... | |
class | SelectionReadAccessorNull |
a SelectionAccesor that can be used instead of a nullptr More... | |
class | SelectionReadHandle |
a data handle for reading selection properties from objects More... | |
class | SelectionWriteAccessorBits |
the SelectionAccesor for standard CP algorithm selection decorations encoded as bits More... | |
class | SelectionWriteAccessorChar |
the SelectionAccesor for OR tool selection decorations More... | |
class | SelectionWriteAccessorInvert |
the SelectionAccesor for inverting a selection decoration More... | |
class | SelectionWriteAccessorNull |
a SelectionAccesor that can be used instead of a nullptr More... | |
class | SelectionWriteAccessorSys |
the SelectionAccesor for reading systematically varied decorations More... | |
class | ShowerDepthTool |
struct | SortedObjPtr |
Small helper struct to have sets of particle pointers sorted by pt. More... | |
struct | strObj |
class | SumNLeptonPtSelectorAlg |
an algorithm to select an event with a specified number of electrons, muons or taus compared to a transverse momentum value More... | |
class | SysCopyHandle |
a systematics data handle that will either copy the input object or act like an update handle More... | |
class | SysFilterReporter |
a systematics aware filter reporter More... | |
class | SysFilterReporterCombiner |
a reporter class that combines the filter decisions for all systematics More... | |
class | SysFilterReporterParams |
the properties and persistent data for systematics aware filter reporters More... | |
class | SysHandleArray |
Vector-like class for systematic handles which interact with decorations. More... | |
class | SysListDumperAlg |
Dump systematics names into a histogram. More... | |
class | SysListHandle |
a class managing the property to configure the list of systematics to process More... | |
class | SysReadDecorHandle |
a data handle for reading systematics varied input data More... | |
class | SysReadHandle |
a data handle for reading systematics varied input data More... | |
class | SysReadHandleArray |
a data handle for reading systematics varied input data More... | |
class | SysReadSelectionHandle |
a data handle for reading systematically varied selection properties from objects More... | |
class | SystDiTauUnioniserAlg |
class | SystElectronUnioniserAlg |
class | SystematicRegistry |
This module implements the central registry for handling systematic uncertainties with CP tools. More... | |
class | SystematicsCache |
helper class to cache systematics varied calibration constants inside a ISystematicsTool or IRentrantSystematicsTool More... | |
class | SystematicSet |
Class to wrap a set of SystematicVariations. More... | |
struct | SystematicSetHash |
SystematicSet hash function for general use. More... | |
class | SystematicsSvc |
the canonical implementation of ISystematicsSvc More... | |
class | SystematicsTool |
Base class for CP tools providing systematic variations. More... | |
class | SystematicVariation |
class | SystJetUnioniserAlg |
class | SystMuonUnioniserAlg |
class | SystObjectLinkerAlg |
class | SystObjectUnioniserAlg |
class | SystPhotonUnioniserAlg |
class | SystTauUnioniserAlg |
class | SysWriteDecorHandle |
a data handle for reading systematics varied input data More... | |
class | SysWriteHandle |
a data handle for writing systematics varied input data More... | |
class | SysWriteSelectionHandle |
a data handle for writing systematically varied selection properties from objects More... | |
class | TauCombineMuonRMTausAlg |
class | TauEfficiencyCorrectionsAlg |
an algorithm for calling ITauEfficiencyCorrectionsTool More... | |
class | TauExtraVariablesAlg |
class | TauSmearingAlg |
an algorithm for calling ITauSmearingTool More... | |
class | TauTruthDecorationsAlg |
an algorithm to decorate truth matched information More... | |
class | TauTruthMatchingAlg |
an algorithm for calling ITauTruthMatchingTool More... | |
class | TElectronTestAlg |
class | TestIsolationAthenaAlg |
class | TestIsolationCloseByCorrAlg |
class | TestMCASTTool |
class | TPileupReweighting |
class | TrackParticleMergerAlg |
Algorithm to merge multiple track collections into one. More... | |
class | TrackVertexAssociationTool |
General track-vertex association tool. More... | |
class | TransverseMassSelectorAlg |
an algorithm to select an event with W-boson mass compared to a specified MWT value More... | |
class | TreeFillerAlg |
Algorithm that writes events to a tree filled by preceding algorithms to fill. More... | |
class | TreeMakerAlg |
Algorithm that creates an empty tree for subsequent algorithms to fill. More... | |
class | TrigEventSelectionAlg |
class | TrigGlobalEfficiencyAlg |
class | TrigMatchingAlg |
an algorithm to provide and decorate trigger matching for leptons Currently only single leg triggers are supported. More... | |
class | TrigPrescalesAlg |
an algorithm for retrieving trigger prescales More... | |
class | TTVAClosureSysHandler |
Extra systematic assigned for the TTVA non-closure. More... | |
class | UndefinedAxisHandler |
class | VertexSelectionAlg |
Algorithm meant to select events with "some" vertex requirements. More... | |
class | VGammaORAlg |
class | WeightPFOTool |
class | xAODWriterAlg |
Algorithm writing an xAOD output file. More... | |
class | XbbEfficiencyAlg |
an algorithm for calling IBTaggingEfficiencyJsonTool More... | |
class | XbbInformationDecoratorAlg |
Enumerations | |
enum | OutOfValidityAction { OutOfValidityAction::ABORT, OutOfValidityAction::WARNING, OutOfValidityAction::SILENT } |
the action to perform on encountering an OutOfValidityRange in OutOfValidityHelper More... | |
enum | JvtTagger { Jvt, NNJvt, fJvt } |
enum | MuonEfficiencyType { Undefined = 0, Reco = 1, TTVA = 2, Iso = 3, BadMuonVeto = 4 } |
enum | PFO_JetMETConfig_inputScale { EM = 0, LC } |
enum | PFO_JetMETConfig_charge { neutral = 0, charged = 1, all = 2 } |
Functions | |
bool | preloadComponentFactories () |
StatusCode | makeSelectionReadAccessor (const std::string &expr, std::unique_ptr< ISelectionReadAccessor > &accessor, bool defaultToChar=false) |
make the ISelectionReadAccessor for the given name More... | |
StatusCode | makeSelectionReadAccessorVar (const std::string &name, std::unique_ptr< ISelectionReadAccessor > &accessor, bool defaultToChar=false) |
Produces a simple ISelectionReadAccessor accessing the given decoration. More... | |
StatusCode | makeSelectionWriteAccessor (const std::string &name, std::unique_ptr< ISelectionWriteAccessor > &accessor, bool defaultToChar=false) |
Produces a simple ISelectionWriteAccessor accessing the given decoration. More... | |
SelectionType | selectionFromBool (bool accept) |
the selection decoration made from the given boolean (true = accept) More... | |
SelectionType | selectionFromAccept (const asg::AcceptData &accept) |
the selection decoration made from the given AcceptData object More... | |
constexpr SelectionType | selectionAccept () |
the selection decoration to apply for objects that are selected More... | |
constexpr SelectionType | selectionReject () |
the selection decoration to apply for objects that are rejected More... | |
constexpr float | invalidScaleFactor () |
the decoration value to use if there is no valid scale factor decoration More... | |
constexpr float | invalidEfficiency () |
the decoration value to use if there is no valid efficiency decoration More... | |
constexpr float | invalidTriggerPrescale () |
the decoration value to use if there is no valid trigger prescale information More... | |
std::size_t | hash_value (const SystematicSet &) |
Hash function specifically for boost::hash. More... | |
std::vector< CP::SystematicSet > | make_systematics_vector (const SystematicSet &systematics) |
utility functions for working with systematics More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &str, const CP::SystematicVariation &obj) |
std::unique_ptr< egGain::GainTool > | gainToolFactory (egEnergyCorr::ESModel model) |
std::string | egammaMVAToolFolder (egEnergyCorr::ESModel model) |
std::unique_ptr< egammaLayerRecalibTool > | egammaLayerRecalibToolFactory (egEnergyCorr::ESModel model, int enableSacc) |
bool | use_intermodule_correction (egEnergyCorr::ESModel model) |
bool | use_phi_uniform_correction (egEnergyCorr::ESModel model) |
bool | is_after_run1 (egEnergyCorr::ESModel model) |
const xAOD::Vertex * | getVertexFromTrack (const xAOD::TrackParticle *track, const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertices) |
std::string | EraseWhiteSpaces (std::string str) |
Removes beginning and trailing white spaces from a string. More... | |
std::string | ReplaceExpInString (std::string str, const std::string &exp, const std::string &rep) |
Replaces all expressions an string by something else. More... | |
std::string | LowerString (const std::string &str) |
Lowers all characters in the string. More... | |
std::string | RandomString (size_t s) |
Generates a random string consisting of capital & small letters + numbers. More... | |
std::unique_ptr< TH1 > | clone (TH1 *H) |
Clones a TH1 and handles the ownership then to a unique_ptr. More... | |
bool | isOverflowBin (const TH1 *Histo, int bin) |
Checks whether a global bin number belongs to over/underflow or is in the bulk. More... | |
ANA_MSG_SOURCE (ShowerDepthToolMessaging, "CP::ShowerDepthTool") | |
Variables | |
constexpr float | MinClusterEnergy = 100. |
constexpr float | MeVtoGeV = 1.e-3 |
constexpr int | N_VARIABLES = 6 |
const double | GeV = 1000. |
Select isolated Photons, Electrons and Muons.
Simple class to weight charged PFO for jets and met.
Simple class to retrieve PFO for jets and met in the two possible configurations we provide.
For information, see the Twiki: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/AtlasProtected/FFJetSmearingTool.
Utility class to collect the separate histos for Calo, Central and High Eta muon SF.
Helper enumeration for systematics study.
Framework include(s):
Namespace for generic Combined Performance code.
rationale: standard comparison operator for use by std::set
Simple algorithm to check the performance of the IsolationCloseByCorrectionTool.
The algorithm reads in muons, electrons and photons and runs the closeBy isolation correction tool on them.
The algorithm selects Inner detector tracks from leptons that are poluting the isolation of other close-by leptons.
The tracks can be either written to a VIEW_ELEMENTS container or marked as passed for the track particle thinning of a particular derivation *
The algorithm writes TTrees that can be analyzed by the python scripts in the package. The information written are – particle four momentum – pt of the assocaited ID track (if available) – clusterEta/clusterphi of the associated cluster (if available) – isolation variables before and after the correction
EDM include(s): Local include(s):
using CP::BoolAccessor = typedef SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<bool> |
Definition at line 29 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
using CP::BoolDecorator = typedef SG::AuxElement::Decorator<bool> |
Definition at line 28 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
using CP::CaloClusterPtr = typedef SortedObjPtr<xAOD::CaloCluster> |
Definition at line 70 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
using CP::caloDecorNames = typedef IsolationCloseByCorrectionTool::caloDecorNames |
Definition at line 23 of file IsolationCloseByCorrectionTool.cxx.
using CP::CharAccessor = typedef SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<char> |
Definition at line 19 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
using CP::CharDecorator = typedef SG::AuxElement::Decorator<char> |
Definition at line 20 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
using CP::ClusterSet = typedef std::set<CaloClusterPtr> |
Definition at line 74 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
using CP::FloatAccessor = typedef SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<float> |
Definition at line 22 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
using CP::FloatDecorator = typedef SG::AuxElement::Decorator<float> |
Definition at line 23 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
using CP::IntAccessor = typedef SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<int> |
Definition at line 32 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
using CP::IntDecorator = typedef SG::AuxElement::Decorator<int> |
Definition at line 31 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
Definition at line 58 of file SystObjectUnioniserAlg.h.
typedef std::unique_ptr<IsoVariableHelper> CP::IsoHelperPtr |
Definition at line 18 of file IsoVariableHelper.h.
using CP::IsoType = typedef xAOD::Iso::IsolationType |
Definition at line 37 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
using CP::IsoVector = typedef std::vector<IsoType> |
Definition at line 38 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
using CP::PflowSet = typedef std::set<FlowElementPtr> |
Definition at line 75 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
using CP::SelectionAccessor = typedef std::unique_ptr<CharAccessor> |
Definition at line 25 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
using CP::SelectionDecorator = typedef std::unique_ptr<CharDecorator> |
Definition at line 26 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
typedef uint32_t CP::SelectionType |
the type for selection decorations that are meant to hold a asg::AcceptData
This is matched to the number of bits in a AcceptData, since that holds 32 bits, so do we.
Definition at line 26 of file SelectionHelpers.h.
using CP::ShortAccessor = typedef SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<short> |
Definition at line 35 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
using CP::ShortDecorator = typedef SG::AuxElement::Decorator<short> |
Definition at line 34 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
typedef std::vector<CP::SystematicSet> CP::SysListType |
the type for the systematics list in the event store
For now this is just a vector of SystematicSet, but I made a typedef for this as I am not sure this will necessarily be performant in all situations. This way at least I will get compilation errors if I change it.
Definition at line 30 of file SysListType.h.
using CP::SysReadDecorHandleArray = typedef SysHandleArray<SysReadDecorHandle<T> > |
Definition at line 135 of file SysReadDecorHandle.h.
using CP::SysReadSelectionHandleArray = typedef SysHandleArray<SysReadSelectionHandle> |
Definition at line 112 of file SysReadSelectionHandle.h.
using CP::SysWriteDecorHandleArray = typedef SysHandleArray<SysWriteDecorHandle<T> > |
Definition at line 148 of file SysWriteDecorHandle.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<TH1> CP::TH1_Ptr |
Definition at line 28 of file MuonTriggerScaleFactors.h.
using CP::TrackPtr = typedef SortedObjPtr<xAOD::TrackParticle> |
Definition at line 71 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
using CP::TrackSet = typedef std::set<TrackPtr> |
Definition at line 73 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
using CP::UnorderedClusterSet = typedef std::unordered_set<const xAOD::CaloCluster*> |
Definition at line 77 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
using CP::UnorderedContainerSet = typedef std::unordered_set<const SG::AuxVectorData*> |
Definition at line 78 of file PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/IsolationSelection/IsolationSelection/Defs.h.
enum CP::JvtTagger |
Enumerator | |
Jvt | |
NNJvt | |
fJvt |
Definition at line 22 of file IJetJvtEfficiency.h.
Enumerator | |
Undefined | |
Reco | |
TTVA | |
Iso | |
BadMuonVeto |
Definition at line 12 of file MuonEfficiencyType.h.
strong |
the action to perform on encountering an OutOfValidityRange in OutOfValidityHelper
This is in addition to possibly setting a selection decoration (if that has been configured.
This is not a member enum of OutOfValidityHelper to void problems with member enums in dictionary generation, etc.
Definition at line 35 of file OutOfValidityHelper.h.
Enumerator | |
neutral | |
charged | |
all |
Definition at line 11 of file Reconstruction/PFlow/PFlowUtils/PFlowUtils/PFODefs.h.
Enumerator | |
EM | |
LC |
Definition at line 10 of file Reconstruction/PFlow/PFlowUtils/PFlowUtils/PFODefs.h.
enum CP::QGSystApplied |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 22 of file JetQGTagger.h.
enum CP::SystApplied |
Enumerator | |
NONE | |
Definition at line 26 of file JetJvtEfficiency.h.
CP::ANA_MSG_SOURCE | ( | ShowerDepthToolMessaging | , |
"CP::ShowerDepthTool" | |||
) |
std::unique_ptr< TH1 > CP::clone | ( | TH1 * | H | ) |
Clones a TH1 and handles the ownership then to a unique_ptr.
Definition at line 43 of file PhysicsAnalysis/MuonID/MuonIDAnalysis/MuonEfficiencyCorrections/Root/UtilFunctions.cxx.
std::unique_ptr<egammaLayerRecalibTool> CP::egammaLayerRecalibToolFactory | ( | egEnergyCorr::ESModel | model, |
int | enableSacc | ||
) |
Definition at line 135 of file EgammaCalibrationAndSmearingTool.cxx.
std::string CP::egammaMVAToolFolder | ( | egEnergyCorr::ESModel | model | ) |
Definition at line 84 of file EgammaCalibrationAndSmearingTool.cxx.
std::string CP::EraseWhiteSpaces | ( | std::string | str | ) |
Removes beginning and trailing white spaces from a string.
Definition at line 31 of file PhysicsAnalysis/MuonID/MuonIDAnalysis/MuonEfficiencyCorrections/Root/UtilFunctions.cxx.
std::unique_ptr<egGain::GainTool> CP::gainToolFactory | ( | egEnergyCorr::ESModel | model | ) |
Definition at line 44 of file EgammaCalibrationAndSmearingTool.cxx.
const xAOD::Vertex* CP::getVertexFromTrack | ( | const xAOD::TrackParticle * | track, |
const xAOD::VertexContainer * | vertices | ||
) |
Definition at line 31 of file PhotonVertexSelectionTool.cxx.
std::size_t CP::hash_value | ( | const SystematicSet & | sysSet | ) |
Hash function specifically for boost::hash.
Definition at line 321 of file SystematicSet.cxx.
constexpr |
the decoration value to use if there is no valid efficiency decoration
Definition at line 35 of file SysWriteDecorHandle.h.
constexpr |
the decoration value to use if there is no valid scale factor decoration
Definition at line 31 of file SysWriteDecorHandle.h.
constexpr |
the decoration value to use if there is no valid trigger prescale information
Definition at line 22 of file TrigPrescalesAlg.h.
bool CP::is_after_run1 | ( | egEnergyCorr::ESModel | model | ) |
Definition at line 235 of file EgammaCalibrationAndSmearingTool.cxx.
bool CP::isOverflowBin | ( | const TH1 * | Histo, |
int | bin | ||
) |
Checks whether a global bin number belongs to over/underflow or is in the bulk.
Definition at line 54 of file PhysicsAnalysis/MuonID/MuonIDAnalysis/MuonEfficiencyCorrections/Root/UtilFunctions.cxx.
std::string CP::LowerString | ( | const std::string & | str | ) |
Lowers all characters in the string.
Definition at line 37 of file PhysicsAnalysis/MuonID/MuonIDAnalysis/MuonEfficiencyCorrections/Root/UtilFunctions.cxx.
std::vector< SystematicSet > CP::make_systematics_vector | ( | const SystematicSet & | systematics | ) |
utility functions for working with systematics
Definition at line 25 of file SystematicsUtil.cxx.
StatusCode CP::makeSelectionReadAccessor | ( | const std::string & | expr, |
std::unique_ptr< ISelectionReadAccessor > & | accessor, | ||
bool | defaultToChar = false |
) |
make the ISelectionReadAccessor for the given name
This will invoke SelectionExprParser
to build a ISelectionReadAccessor
that corresponds to a given expression.
, which has special semantics and allows retrievel of AND'ed accessors via a bit sequence. [in] | expr | The expression to parse. |
[out] | accessor | The created accessor will be owned by this unique pointer. |
[in] | defaultToChar | Whether to treat decorations as char by default |
Definition at line 54 of file ISelectionAccessor.cxx.
StatusCode CP::makeSelectionReadAccessorVar | ( | const std::string & | name, |
std::unique_ptr< ISelectionReadAccessor > & | accessor, | ||
bool | defaultToChar = false |
) |
Produces a simple ISelectionReadAccessor
accessing the given decoration.
[in] | name | The name of the decoration to create an accessor for. |
[out] | accessor | The created accessor will be owned by this unique pointer. |
[in] | defaultToChar | Whether to treat decorations as char by default |
Definition at line 139 of file ISelectionAccessor.cxx.
StatusCode CP::makeSelectionWriteAccessor | ( | const std::string & | name, |
std::unique_ptr< ISelectionWriteAccessor > & | accessor, | ||
bool | defaultToChar = false |
) |
Produces a simple ISelectionWriteAccessor
accessing the given decoration.
[in] | name | The name of the decoration to create an accessor for. |
[out] | accessor | The created accessor will be owned by this unique pointer. |
[in] | defaultToChar | Whether to treat decorations as char by default |
Definition at line 170 of file ISelectionAccessor.cxx.
std::ostream & CP::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | str, |
const CP::SystematicVariation & | obj | ||
) |
Definition at line 454 of file SystematicVariation.cxx.
bool CP::preloadComponentFactories | ( | ) |
std::string CP::RandomString | ( | size_t | s | ) |
Generates a random string consisting of capital & small letters + numbers.
Definition at line 11 of file PhysicsAnalysis/MuonID/MuonIDAnalysis/MuonEfficiencyCorrections/Root/UtilFunctions.cxx.
std::string CP::ReplaceExpInString | ( | std::string | str, |
const std::string & | exp, | ||
const std::string & | rep | ||
) |
Replaces all expressions an string by something else.
Definition at line 24 of file PhysicsAnalysis/MuonID/MuonIDAnalysis/MuonEfficiencyCorrections/Root/UtilFunctions.cxx.
inlineconstexpr |
the selection decoration to apply for objects that are selected
This is to be used when making a selection decoration for a single cut and no AcceptData object is at hand, as well as to check whether a particular selection passed.
Definition at line 35 of file SelectionHelpers.h.
SelectionType CP::selectionFromAccept | ( | const asg::AcceptData & | accept | ) |
the selection decoration made from the given AcceptData object
Definition at line 32 of file SelectionHelpers.cxx.
SelectionType CP::selectionFromBool | ( | bool | accept | ) |
the selection decoration made from the given boolean (true = accept)
Definition at line 22 of file SelectionHelpers.cxx.
inlineconstexpr |
the selection decoration to apply for objects that are rejected
This is to be used when making a selection decoration for a single cut and no AcceptData object is at hand.
Definition at line 44 of file SelectionHelpers.h.
bool CP::use_intermodule_correction | ( | egEnergyCorr::ESModel | model | ) |
Definition at line 188 of file EgammaCalibrationAndSmearingTool.cxx.
bool CP::use_phi_uniform_correction | ( | egEnergyCorr::ESModel | model | ) |
Definition at line 231 of file EgammaCalibrationAndSmearingTool.cxx.
const double CP::GeV = 1000. |
Definition at line 42 of file EgammaCalibrationAndSmearingTool.cxx.
constexpr |
Definition at line 33 of file IsolationCloseByCorrectionTool.cxx.
constexpr |
Definition at line 32 of file IsolationCloseByCorrectionTool.cxx.
constexpr |
Definition at line 28 of file IsolationLowPtPLVTool.cxx.