ATLAS Offline Software
GraphTest Class Reference

#include <GraphTest.h>

Collaboration diagram for GraphTest:

Detailed Description

GraphTest DQ algorithm: check validity of a TGraph (or TH1) This test can be used to perform a test on a TGraph with (or without) error bars, in case asymmmetric. The algorithm accepts also TH1 as input, in such a case the histogram with be translated into a TGraph object (without error bars) It performs two tests: 1- It checks that each point in the TGraph has "small" error bars 2- It checks that each point is "close" to a reference value For test 2 a reference TGraph has to be provided (in this way each point may have a different reference value). The (x,y) coordinates of the point are compared with the reference point coordinates (x_r,y_r) and REFERENCE point error bars defining the maximum allowed distance. i.e. the point is good if: x_r - f*x_err < x < x_r + f*x_err and y_r - f*y_err < y < y_r + f*y_err "f" is a factor that can be used to specify different limits for Green and Red thresholds. If, for a specific reference point, the error bars along one coordinate are set to zero the test 2 is NOT performed for that point (this can be used to exclude, for example, a dead channel through the reference graph). The algorithms can work also with TGraphAsymmErrors object, so high and low errors can always be specified separately. The parameters that can be set, separetely, for Green and Red thresholds are: XErrHigh : Maximum (higher) error bar length x coord. XErrLow : Maximum (lower) error bar length x coord. YErrHigh : Maximum (higher) error bar length y coord. YErrLow : Maximum (lower) error bar length y coord. DistFactor : The factor "f" used in second part of the test Detailed example in workbench macro: TestGraphTest.C

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