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EMShower Class Reference

#include <EMShower.h>

Inheritance diagram for EMShower:
Collaboration diagram for EMShower:

Public Member Functions

 EMShower ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~EMShower ()=default
 Destructor. More...
virtual const std::string & className () const
virtual double parameter (egammaParameters::ParamDef) const
virtual bool hasParameter (egammaParameters::ParamDef) const
void set_parameter (egammaParameters::ParamDef, double, bool overwrite=false)
double e011 () const
 uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in presampler in a 1x1 window in cells in eta X phi More...
double e033 () const
 uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in presampler in a 3x3 window in cells in eta X phi More...
double e132 () const
 uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in strips in a 3x2 window in cells in eta X phi More...
double e1152 () const
 uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in strips in a 15x2 window in cells in eta X phi More...
double ethad1 () const
 transverse energy in the first sampling of the hadronic calorimeters behind the cluster calculated from ehad1 More...
double ethad () const
 ET leakage into hadronic calorimeter with exclusion of energy in CaloSampling::TileGap3. More...
double ehad1 () const
 E leakage into 1st sampling of had calo (CaloSampling::HEC0 + CaloSampling::TileBar0 + CaloSampling::TileExt0) More...
double f1 () const
 E1/E = fraction of energy reconstructed in the first sampling, where E1 is energy in all strips belonging to the cluster and E is the total energy reconstructed in the electromagnetic calorimeter cluster. More...
double f3 () const
 fraction of energy reconstructed in 3rd sampling More...
double f1core () const
 E1(3x1)/E = fraction of the energy reconstructed in the first longitudinal compartment of the electromagnetic calorimeter, where E1(3x1) the energy reconstructed in +/-3 strips in eta, centered around the maximum energy strip and E is the energy reconstructed in the electromagnetic calorimeter. More...
double f3core () const
 E3(3x3)/E fraction of the energy reconstructed in the third compartment of the electromagnetic calorimeter, where E3(3x3), energy in the back sampling, is the sum of the energy contained in a 3x3 window around the maximum energy cell. More...
double e233 () const
 uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 3x3 (in cell units eta X phi) More...
double e235 () const
 uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 3x5 More...
double e255 () const
 uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 5x5 More...
double e237 () const
 uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 3x7 More...
double e277 () const
 uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 7x7 More...
double e333 () const
 uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the third sampling in a rectangle of size 3x3 More...
double e335 () const
 uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the third sampling in a rectangle of size 3x5 More...
double e337 () const
 uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the third sampling in a rectangle of size 3x7 More...
double e377 () const
 uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 7x7 More...
double weta1 () const
 shower width using +/-3 strips around the one with the maximal energy deposit: w3 strips = sqrt{sum(Ei)x(i-imax)^2/sum(Ei)}, where i is the number of the strip and imax the strip number of the most energetic one More...
double weta2 () const
 the lateral width is calculated with a window of 3x5 cells using the energy weighted sum over all cells, which depends on the particle impact point inside the cell: weta2 = sqrt(sum Ei x eta^2)/(sum Ei) -((sum Ei x eta)/(sum Ei))^2, where Ei is the energy of the i-th cell More...
double e2ts1 () const
 2nd max in strips calc by summing 3 strips More...
double e2tsts1 () const
 energy of the cell corresponding to second energy maximum in the first sampling More...
double fracs1 () const
 shower shape in the shower core : [E(+/-3)-E(+/-1)]/E(+/-1), where E(+/-n) is the energy in +- n strips around the strip with highest energy More...
double widths1 () const
 same as egammaParameters::weta1 but without corrections on particle impact point inside the cell More...
double widths2 () const
 same as egammaParameters::weta2 but without corrections on particle impact point inside the cell More...
double poscs1 () const
 relative position in eta within cell in 1st sampling More...
double poscs2 () const
 relative position in eta within cell in 2nd sampling More...
double asy1 () const
 uncorr asymmetry in 3 strips in the 1st sampling More...
double pos () const
 difference between shower cell and predicted track in +/- 1 cells More...
double pos7 () const
 Difference between the track and the shower positions: sum_{i=i_m-7}^{i=i_m+7}E_i x (i-i_m) / sum_{i=i_m-7}^{i=i_m+7}E_i, The difference between the track and the shower positions measured in units of distance between the strips, where i_m is the impact cell for the track reconstructed in the inner detector and E_i is the energy reconstructed in the i-th cell in the eta direction for constant phi given by the track parameters. More...
double barys1 () const
 barycentre in sampling 1 calculated in 3 strips More...
double wtots1 () const
 shower width is determined in a window detaxdphi = 0,0625 x~0,2, corresponding typically to 20 strips in eta : wtot1=sqrt{sum Ei x ( i-imax)^2 / sum Ei}, where i is the strip number and imax the strip number of the first local maximum More...
double emins1 () const
 energy reconstructed in the strip with the minimal value between the first and second maximum More...
double emaxs1 () const
 energy of strip with maximal energy deposit More...
double etcone () const
 ET in a cone of R=0.45 in calo, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic calorimeter and exclude CaloSampling::TileGap3. More...
double etcone15 () const
 ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.15, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic calorimeter and exclude CaloSampling::TileGap3. More...
double etcone20 () const
 ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic calorimeter and exclude CaloSampling::TileGap3. More...
double etcone25 () const
 ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.25, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic calorimeter and exclude CaloSampling::TileGap3. More...
double etcone30 () const
 ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.3, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic calorimeter and exclude CaloSampling::TileGap3. More...
double etcone35 () const
 ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.35, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic calorimeter and exclude CaloSampling::TileGap3. More...
double etcone40 () const
 ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.4, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic calorimeter and exclude CaloSampling::TileGap3. More...
double etconoisedR02SigAbs2 () const
 ET in a ring of dR<20, cell abs(ET) above 2 sigma from noise. More...
double etconoisedR02SigAbs3 () const
 ET in a ring of dR<20 cell abs (ET) above 3 sigma from noise. More...
double etconoisedR03SigAbs2 () const
 ET in a ring of dR<30, cell abs(ET) above 2 sigma from noise. More...
double etconoisedR03SigAbs3 () const
 ET in a ring of dR<30 cell abs (ET) above 3 sigma from noise. More...
double etconoisedR04SigAbs2 () const
 ET in a ring of dR<40, cell abs(ET) above 2 sigma from noise. More...
double etconoisedR04SigAbs3 () const
 ET in a ring of dR<40 cell abs (ET) above 3 sigma from noise. More...
double etconoisedR04Sig2 () const
 ET in a ring of DR<0.40 above 2 sigma of noise. More...
double etconoisedR04Sig3 () const
 ET in a ring of DR<0.40 above 3 sigma of noise. More...
double r33over37allcalo () const
 1-ratio of energy in 3x3 over 3x7 cells; E(3x3) = E0(1x1) + E1(3x1) + E2(3x3) + E3(3x3); E(3x7) = E0(3x3) + E1(15x3) + E2(3x7) + E3(3x7) More...
double ecore () const
 core energy in em calo E(core) = E0(3x3) + E1(15x2) + E2(5x5) + E3(3x5) More...
double zvertex () const
 pointing z at vertex reconstructed from the cluster More...
double errz () const
 error associated to zvertex More...
double etap () const
 pointing eta reconstructed from the cluster (first and second sampling) More...
double depth () const
 pointing depth of the shower as calculated in egammaqgcld More...
double etringnoisedR02SigAbs2 () const
 all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.2) with abs(energy) > 2 sigma above noise More...
double etringnoisedR02SigAbs3 () const
 all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.2) with abs(energy) > 3 sigma above noise More...
double etringnoisedR03SigAbs2 () const
 all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.3) with abs(energy) > 2 sigma above noise More...
double etringnoisedR03SigAbs3 () const
 all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.3) with abs(energy) > 3 sigma above noise More...
double etringnoisedR04SigAbs2 () const
 all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.4) with abs(energy) > 2 sigma above noise More...
double etringnoisedR04SigAbs3 () const
 all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.4) with abs(energy) > 3 sigma above noise More...
double etringnoisedR03Sig2 () const
 all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.3) with energy > 2 sigma above noise More...
double etringnoisedR03Sig3 () const
 all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.3) with energy > 3 sigma above noise More...
double etringnoisedR03Sig4 () const
 all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.3) with energy > 4 sigma above noise More...
double etringnoisedR04Sig2 () const
 all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.4) with energy > 2 sigma above noise More...
double etringnoisedR04Sig3 () const
 all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.4) with energy > 3 sigma above noise More...
int linkIndex () const
 link index More...
double ptcone20 () const
 summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2 (no zvx cut photons, 1mm electrons) More...
double ptcone30 () const
 summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.3 More...
double ptcone40 () const
 summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.4 More...
double nucone20 () const
 number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2 More...
double nucone30 () const
 number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.3 More...
double nucone40 () const
 number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.4 More...
double ptcone20_zpv05 () const
 summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm More...
double ptcone30_zpv05 () const
 summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm More...
double ptcone40_zpv05 () const
 summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm More...
double nucone20_zpv05 () const
 number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm More...
double nucone30_zpv05 () const
 number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm More...
double nucone40_zpv05 () const
 number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm More...
double etcone15_ptcorrected () const
 pt corrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.15 More...
double etcone20_ptcorrected () const
 pt corrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2 More...
double etcone25_ptcorrected () const
 pt corrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.25 More...
double etcone30_ptcorrected () const
 pt corrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.3 More...
double etcone35_ptcorrected () const
 pt corrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.35 More...
double etcone40_ptcorrected () const
 ptcorrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.4 More...
double etcone20_corrected () const
 pt + ED corrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2 More...
double etcone30_corrected () const
 pt + ED corrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.3 More...
double etcone40_corrected () const
 pt + ED corrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.4 More...
double topoetcone20 () const
 ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.20. More...
double topoetcone30 () const
 ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.30. More...
double topoetcone40 () const
 ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.40. More...
double topoetcone40_ptcorrected () const
 pt corrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.40 More...
double topoetcone40_corrected () const
 fully corrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.40 More...
void set_e011 (double)
void set_e033 (double)
void set_e132 (double)
void set_e1152 (double)
void set_ethad1 (double)
void set_ethad (double)
void set_ehad1 (double)
void set_f1 (double)
void set_f3 (double)
void set_f1core (double)
void set_f3core (double)
void set_e233 (double)
void set_e235 (double)
void set_e255 (double)
void set_e237 (double)
void set_e277 (double)
void set_e333 (double)
void set_e335 (double)
void set_e337 (double)
void set_e377 (double)
void set_weta1 (double)
void set_weta2 (double)
void set_e2ts1 (double)
void set_e2tsts1 (double)
void set_fracs1 (double)
void set_widths1 (double)
void set_widths2 (double)
void set_poscs1 (double)
void set_poscs2 (double)
void set_asy1 (double)
void set_pos (double)
void set_pos7 (double)
void set_barys1 (double)
void set_wtots1 (double)
void set_emins1 (double)
void set_emaxs1 (double)
void set_r33over37allcalo (double)
void set_ecore (double)
void set_zvertex (double)
void set_errz (double)
void set_etap (double)
void set_depth (double)
void set_etcone (double)
void set_etcone15 (double)
void set_etcone20 (double)
void set_etcone25 (double)
void set_etcone30 (double)
void set_etcone35 (double)
void set_etcone40 (double)
void set_etconoisedR04Sig2 (double)
void set_etconoisedR04Sig3 (double)
void set_etconoisedR02SigAbs2 (double)
void set_etconoisedR02SigAbs3 (double)
void set_etconoisedR03SigAbs2 (double)
void set_etconoisedR03SigAbs3 (double)
void set_etconoisedR04SigAbs2 (double)
void set_etconoisedR04SigAbs3 (double)
void set_etringnoisedR03Sig2 (double)
void set_etringnoisedR03Sig3 (double)
void set_etringnoisedR03Sig4 (double)
void set_etringnoisedR04Sig2 (double)
void set_etringnoisedR04Sig3 (double)
void set_etringnoisedR02SigAbs2 (double)
void set_etringnoisedR02SigAbs3 (double)
void set_etringnoisedR03SigAbs2 (double)
void set_etringnoisedR03SigAbs3 (double)
void set_etringnoisedR04SigAbs2 (double)
void set_etringnoisedR04SigAbs3 (double)
void set_linkIndex (int)
void set_ptcone20 (double)
void set_ptcone30 (double)
void set_ptcone40 (double)
void set_nucone20 (double)
void set_nucone30 (double)
void set_nucone40 (double)
void set_ptcone20_zpv05 (double)
void set_ptcone30_zpv05 (double)
void set_ptcone40_zpv05 (double)
void set_nucone20_zpv05 (double)
void set_nucone30_zpv05 (double)
void set_nucone40_zpv05 (double)
void set_etcone15_ptcorrected (double)
void set_etcone20_ptcorrected (double)
void set_etcone25_ptcorrected (double)
void set_etcone30_ptcorrected (double)
void set_etcone35_ptcorrected (double)
void set_etcone40_ptcorrected (double)
void set_etcone20_corrected (double)
void set_etcone30_corrected (double)
void set_etcone40_corrected (double)
void set_topoetcone20 (double)
void set_topoetcone30 (double)
void set_topoetcone40 (double)
void set_topoetcone40_ptcorrected (double)
void set_topoetcone40_corrected (double)
void print () const
virtual int intParameter (egammaParameters::ParamDef) const
virtual bool boolParameter (egammaParameters::ParamDef) const
virtual bool hasIntParameter (egammaParameters::ParamDef) const
virtual bool hasBoolParameter (egammaParameters::ParamDef) const

Private Attributes

std::vector< std::pair< egammaParameters::ParamDef, double > > m_parameters

Static Private Attributes

static const std::string s_className = ClassName<EMShower>::name()
 interface methods More...

Detailed Description

EM shower property class data class. made by EMShowerBuilder, which is an algorithm This class contains information about quantities useful for e/g identification such as shower shape variables and leakage of showers into the hadronic calorimeters

H. Ma, S. Rajagopalan

Definition at line 22 of file EMShower.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ EMShower()

EMShower::EMShower ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 58 of file EMShower.cxx.

59  : egDetail()
60 {
61 }

◆ ~EMShower()

virtual EMShower::~EMShower ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ asy1()

double EMShower::asy1 ( ) const

uncorr asymmetry in 3 strips in the 1st sampling

◆ barys1()

double EMShower::barys1 ( ) const

barycentre in sampling 1 calculated in 3 strips

◆ boolParameter()

bool egDetail::boolParameter ( egammaParameters::ParamDef  ) const

Reimplemented in EMTrackMatch, and EMConvert.

Definition at line 19 of file egDetail.cxx.

20 {
21  return false;
22 }

◆ className()

const std::string & EMShower::className ( ) const

Reimplemented from egDetail.

Definition at line 65 of file EMShower.cxx.

66 {
67  return s_className;
68 }

◆ depth()

double EMShower::depth ( ) const

pointing depth of the shower as calculated in egammaqgcld

◆ e011()

double EMShower::e011 ( ) const

uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in presampler in a 1x1 window in cells in eta X phi

◆ e033()

double EMShower::e033 ( ) const

uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in presampler in a 3x3 window in cells in eta X phi

◆ e1152()

double EMShower::e1152 ( ) const

uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in strips in a 15x2 window in cells in eta X phi

◆ e132()

double EMShower::e132 ( ) const

uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in strips in a 3x2 window in cells in eta X phi

◆ e233()

double EMShower::e233 ( ) const

uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 3x3 (in cell units eta X phi)

◆ e235()

double EMShower::e235 ( ) const

uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 3x5

◆ e237()

double EMShower::e237 ( ) const

uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 3x7

◆ e255()

double EMShower::e255 ( ) const

uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 5x5

◆ e277()

double EMShower::e277 ( ) const

uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 7x7

◆ e2ts1()

double EMShower::e2ts1 ( ) const

2nd max in strips calc by summing 3 strips

◆ e2tsts1()

double EMShower::e2tsts1 ( ) const

energy of the cell corresponding to second energy maximum in the first sampling

◆ e333()

double EMShower::e333 ( ) const

uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the third sampling in a rectangle of size 3x3

◆ e335()

double EMShower::e335 ( ) const

uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the third sampling in a rectangle of size 3x5

◆ e337()

double EMShower::e337 ( ) const

uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the third sampling in a rectangle of size 3x7

◆ e377()

double EMShower::e377 ( ) const

uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 7x7

◆ ecore()

double EMShower::ecore ( ) const

core energy in em calo E(core) = E0(3x3) + E1(15x2) + E2(5x5) + E3(3x5)

◆ ehad1()

double EMShower::ehad1 ( ) const

E leakage into 1st sampling of had calo (CaloSampling::HEC0 + CaloSampling::TileBar0 + CaloSampling::TileExt0)

◆ emaxs1()

double EMShower::emaxs1 ( ) const

energy of strip with maximal energy deposit

◆ emins1()

double EMShower::emins1 ( ) const

energy reconstructed in the strip with the minimal value between the first and second maximum

◆ errz()

double EMShower::errz ( ) const

error associated to zvertex

◆ etap()

double EMShower::etap ( ) const

pointing eta reconstructed from the cluster (first and second sampling)

◆ etcone()

double EMShower::etcone ( ) const

ET in a cone of R=0.45 in calo, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic calorimeter and exclude CaloSampling::TileGap3.

◆ etcone15()

double EMShower::etcone15 ( ) const

ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.15, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic calorimeter and exclude CaloSampling::TileGap3.

◆ etcone15_ptcorrected()

double EMShower::etcone15_ptcorrected ( ) const

pt corrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.15

◆ etcone20()

double EMShower::etcone20 ( ) const

ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic calorimeter and exclude CaloSampling::TileGap3.

◆ etcone20_corrected()

double EMShower::etcone20_corrected ( ) const

pt + ED corrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2

◆ etcone20_ptcorrected()

double EMShower::etcone20_ptcorrected ( ) const

pt corrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2

◆ etcone25()

double EMShower::etcone25 ( ) const

ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.25, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic calorimeter and exclude CaloSampling::TileGap3.

◆ etcone25_ptcorrected()

double EMShower::etcone25_ptcorrected ( ) const

pt corrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.25

◆ etcone30()

double EMShower::etcone30 ( ) const

ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.3, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic calorimeter and exclude CaloSampling::TileGap3.

◆ etcone30_corrected()

double EMShower::etcone30_corrected ( ) const

pt + ED corrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.3

◆ etcone30_ptcorrected()

double EMShower::etcone30_ptcorrected ( ) const

pt corrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.3

◆ etcone35()

double EMShower::etcone35 ( ) const

ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.35, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic calorimeter and exclude CaloSampling::TileGap3.

◆ etcone35_ptcorrected()

double EMShower::etcone35_ptcorrected ( ) const

pt corrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.35

◆ etcone40()

double EMShower::etcone40 ( ) const

ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.4, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic calorimeter and exclude CaloSampling::TileGap3.

◆ etcone40_corrected()

double EMShower::etcone40_corrected ( ) const

pt + ED corrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.4

◆ etcone40_ptcorrected()

double EMShower::etcone40_ptcorrected ( ) const

ptcorrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.4

◆ etconoisedR02SigAbs2()

double EMShower::etconoisedR02SigAbs2 ( ) const

ET in a ring of dR<20, cell abs(ET) above 2 sigma from noise.

◆ etconoisedR02SigAbs3()

double EMShower::etconoisedR02SigAbs3 ( ) const

ET in a ring of dR<20 cell abs (ET) above 3 sigma from noise.

◆ etconoisedR03SigAbs2()

double EMShower::etconoisedR03SigAbs2 ( ) const

ET in a ring of dR<30, cell abs(ET) above 2 sigma from noise.

◆ etconoisedR03SigAbs3()

double EMShower::etconoisedR03SigAbs3 ( ) const

ET in a ring of dR<30 cell abs (ET) above 3 sigma from noise.

◆ etconoisedR04Sig2()

double EMShower::etconoisedR04Sig2 ( ) const

ET in a ring of DR<0.40 above 2 sigma of noise.

◆ etconoisedR04Sig3()

double EMShower::etconoisedR04Sig3 ( ) const

ET in a ring of DR<0.40 above 3 sigma of noise.

◆ etconoisedR04SigAbs2()

double EMShower::etconoisedR04SigAbs2 ( ) const

ET in a ring of dR<40, cell abs(ET) above 2 sigma from noise.

◆ etconoisedR04SigAbs3()

double EMShower::etconoisedR04SigAbs3 ( ) const

ET in a ring of dR<40 cell abs (ET) above 3 sigma from noise.

◆ ethad()

double EMShower::ethad ( ) const

ET leakage into hadronic calorimeter with exclusion of energy in CaloSampling::TileGap3.

◆ ethad1()

double EMShower::ethad1 ( ) const

transverse energy in the first sampling of the hadronic calorimeters behind the cluster calculated from ehad1

◆ etringnoisedR02SigAbs2()

double EMShower::etringnoisedR02SigAbs2 ( ) const

all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.2) with abs(energy) > 2 sigma above noise

◆ etringnoisedR02SigAbs3()

double EMShower::etringnoisedR02SigAbs3 ( ) const

all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.2) with abs(energy) > 3 sigma above noise

◆ etringnoisedR03Sig2()

double EMShower::etringnoisedR03Sig2 ( ) const

all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.3) with energy > 2 sigma above noise

◆ etringnoisedR03Sig3()

double EMShower::etringnoisedR03Sig3 ( ) const

all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.3) with energy > 3 sigma above noise

◆ etringnoisedR03Sig4()

double EMShower::etringnoisedR03Sig4 ( ) const

all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.3) with energy > 4 sigma above noise

◆ etringnoisedR03SigAbs2()

double EMShower::etringnoisedR03SigAbs2 ( ) const

all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.3) with abs(energy) > 2 sigma above noise

◆ etringnoisedR03SigAbs3()

double EMShower::etringnoisedR03SigAbs3 ( ) const

all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.3) with abs(energy) > 3 sigma above noise

◆ etringnoisedR04Sig2()

double EMShower::etringnoisedR04Sig2 ( ) const

all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.4) with energy > 2 sigma above noise

◆ etringnoisedR04Sig3()

double EMShower::etringnoisedR04Sig3 ( ) const

all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.4) with energy > 3 sigma above noise

◆ etringnoisedR04SigAbs2()

double EMShower::etringnoisedR04SigAbs2 ( ) const

all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.4) with abs(energy) > 2 sigma above noise

◆ etringnoisedR04SigAbs3()

double EMShower::etringnoisedR04SigAbs3 ( ) const

all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.4) with abs(energy) > 3 sigma above noise

◆ f1()

double EMShower::f1 ( ) const

E1/E = fraction of energy reconstructed in the first sampling, where E1 is energy in all strips belonging to the cluster and E is the total energy reconstructed in the electromagnetic calorimeter cluster.

◆ f1core()

double EMShower::f1core ( ) const

E1(3x1)/E = fraction of the energy reconstructed in the first longitudinal compartment of the electromagnetic calorimeter, where E1(3x1) the energy reconstructed in +/-3 strips in eta, centered around the maximum energy strip and E is the energy reconstructed in the electromagnetic calorimeter.

◆ f3()

double EMShower::f3 ( ) const

fraction of energy reconstructed in 3rd sampling

◆ f3core()

double EMShower::f3core ( ) const

E3(3x3)/E fraction of the energy reconstructed in the third compartment of the electromagnetic calorimeter, where E3(3x3), energy in the back sampling, is the sum of the energy contained in a 3x3 window around the maximum energy cell.

◆ fracs1()

double EMShower::fracs1 ( ) const

shower shape in the shower core : [E(+/-3)-E(+/-1)]/E(+/-1), where E(+/-n) is the energy in +- n strips around the strip with highest energy

◆ hasBoolParameter()

bool egDetail::hasBoolParameter ( egammaParameters::ParamDef  ) const

Reimplemented in EMTrackMatch, and EMConvert.

Definition at line 34 of file egDetail.cxx.

35 {
36  return false;
37 }

◆ hasIntParameter()

bool egDetail::hasIntParameter ( egammaParameters::ParamDef  ) const

Reimplemented in EMConvert, EMTrackFit, EMBremFit, and EMErrorDetail.

Definition at line 29 of file egDetail.cxx.

30 {
31  return false;
32 }

◆ hasParameter()

bool EMShower::hasParameter ( egammaParameters::ParamDef  key) const

Reimplemented from egDetail.

Definition at line 227 of file EMShower.cxx.

227  {
228  if (key == egammaParameters::e011 ) return true;
229  if (key == egammaParameters::e033 ) return true;
230  if (key == egammaParameters::e132 ) return true;
231  if (key == egammaParameters::e1152 ) return true;
232  if (key == egammaParameters::ethad1 ) return true;
233  if (key == egammaParameters::ethad ) return true;
234  if (key == egammaParameters::ehad1 ) return true;
235  if (key == egammaParameters::f1 ) return true;
236  if (key == egammaParameters::f3 ) return true;
237  if (key == egammaParameters::f1core ) return true;
238  if (key == egammaParameters::f3core ) return true;
239  if (key == egammaParameters::e233 ) return true;
240  if (key == egammaParameters::e235 ) return true;
241  if (key == egammaParameters::e255 ) return true;
242  if (key == egammaParameters::e237 ) return true;
243  if (key == egammaParameters::e277 ) return true;
244  if (key == egammaParameters::e333 ) return true;
245  if (key == egammaParameters::e335 ) return true;
246  if (key == egammaParameters::e337 ) return true;
247  if (key == egammaParameters::e377 ) return true;
248  if (key == egammaParameters::weta1 ) return true;
249  if (key == egammaParameters::weta2 ) return true;
250  if (key == egammaParameters::e2ts1 ) return true;
251  if (key == egammaParameters::e2tsts1 ) return true;
252  if (key == egammaParameters::fracs1 ) return true;
253  if (key == egammaParameters::widths1 ) return true;
254  if (key == egammaParameters::widths2 ) return true;
255  if (key == egammaParameters::poscs1 ) return true;
256  if (key == egammaParameters::poscs2 ) return true;
257  if (key == egammaParameters::asy1 ) return true;
258  if (key == egammaParameters::pos ) return true;
259  if (key == egammaParameters::pos7 ) return true;
260  if (key == egammaParameters::barys1 ) return true;
261  if (key == egammaParameters::wtots1 ) return true;
262  if (key == egammaParameters::emins1 ) return true;
263  if (key == egammaParameters::emaxs1 ) return true;
264  if (key == egammaParameters::etcone ) return true;
265  if (key == egammaParameters::etcone15 ) return true;
266  if (key == egammaParameters::etcone20 ) return true;
267  if (key == egammaParameters::etcone25 ) return true;
268  if (key == egammaParameters::etcone30 ) return true;
269  if (key == egammaParameters::etcone35 ) return true;
270  if (key == egammaParameters::etcone40 ) return true;
271  if (key == egammaParameters::etconoisedR04Sig2 ) return true;
272  if (key == egammaParameters::etconoisedR04Sig3 ) return true;
273  if (key == egammaParameters::etconoisedR02SigAbs2 ) return true;
274  if (key == egammaParameters::etconoisedR02SigAbs3 ) return true;
275  if (key == egammaParameters::etconoisedR03SigAbs2 ) return true;
276  if (key == egammaParameters::etconoisedR03SigAbs3 ) return true;
277  if (key == egammaParameters::etconoisedR04SigAbs2 ) return true;
278  if (key == egammaParameters::etconoisedR04SigAbs3 ) return true;
279  if (key == egammaParameters::r33over37allcalo ) return true;
280  if (key == egammaParameters::ecore ) return true;
281  if (key == egammaParameters::zvertex) return true;
282  if (key == egammaParameters::errz) return true;
283  if (key == egammaParameters::etap) return true;
284  if (key == egammaParameters::depth) return true;
285  if (key == egammaParameters::etringnoisedR03Sig2) return true;
286  if (key == egammaParameters::etringnoisedR03Sig3) return true;
287  if (key == egammaParameters::etringnoisedR03Sig4) return true;
288  if (key == egammaParameters::etringnoisedR04Sig2) return true;
289  if (key == egammaParameters::etringnoisedR04Sig3) return true;
290  if (key == egammaParameters::etringnoisedR02SigAbs2) return true;
291  if (key == egammaParameters::etringnoisedR02SigAbs3) return true;
292  if (key == egammaParameters::etringnoisedR03SigAbs2) return true;
293  if (key == egammaParameters::etringnoisedR03SigAbs3) return true;
294  if (key == egammaParameters::etringnoisedR04SigAbs2) return true;
295  if (key == egammaParameters::etringnoisedR04SigAbs3) return true;
296  if (key == egammaParameters::linkIndex ) return true;
297  if (key == egammaParameters::ptcone20 ) return true;
298  if (key == egammaParameters::ptcone30 ) return true;
299  if (key == egammaParameters::ptcone40 ) return true;
300  if (key == egammaParameters::nucone20 ) return true;
301  if (key == egammaParameters::nucone30 ) return true;
302  if (key == egammaParameters::nucone40 ) return true;
303  if (key == egammaParameters::ptcone20_zpv05 ) return true;
304  if (key == egammaParameters::ptcone30_zpv05 ) return true;
305  if (key == egammaParameters::ptcone40_zpv05 ) return true;
306  if (key == egammaParameters::nucone20_zpv05 ) return true;
307  if (key == egammaParameters::nucone30_zpv05 ) return true;
308  if (key == egammaParameters::nucone40_zpv05 ) return true;
309  if (key == egammaParameters::etcone15_ptcorrected ) return true;
310  if (key == egammaParameters::etcone20_ptcorrected ) return true;
311  if (key == egammaParameters::etcone25_ptcorrected ) return true;
312  if (key == egammaParameters::etcone30_ptcorrected ) return true;
313  if (key == egammaParameters::etcone35_ptcorrected ) return true;
314  if (key == egammaParameters::etcone40_ptcorrected ) return true;
315  if (key == egammaParameters::etcone20_corrected ) return true;
316  if (key == egammaParameters::etcone30_corrected ) return true;
317  if (key == egammaParameters::etcone40_corrected ) return true;
318  if (key == egammaParameters::topoetcone20) return true;
319  if (key == egammaParameters::topoetcone30) return true;
320  if (key == egammaParameters::topoetcone40) return true;
321  if (key == egammaParameters::topoetcone40_ptcorrected ) return true;
322  if (key == egammaParameters::topoetcone40_corrected ) return true;
324  return false;
325 }

◆ intParameter()

int egDetail::intParameter ( egammaParameters::ParamDef  ) const

Reimplemented in EMConvert, EMTrackFit, EMBremFit, and EMErrorDetail.

Definition at line 14 of file egDetail.cxx.

15 {
17 }

◆ linkIndex()

int EMShower::linkIndex ( ) const

link index

Reimplemented from egDetail.

◆ nucone20()

double EMShower::nucone20 ( ) const

number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2

◆ nucone20_zpv05()

double EMShower::nucone20_zpv05 ( ) const

number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm

◆ nucone30()

double EMShower::nucone30 ( ) const

number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.3

◆ nucone30_zpv05()

double EMShower::nucone30_zpv05 ( ) const

number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm

◆ nucone40()

double EMShower::nucone40 ( ) const

number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.4

◆ nucone40_zpv05()

double EMShower::nucone40_zpv05 ( ) const

number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm

◆ parameter()

double EMShower::parameter ( egammaParameters::ParamDef  key) const

Reimplemented from egDetail.

Definition at line 71 of file EMShower.cxx.

71  {
74  using elParams = std::pair<egammaParameters::ParamDef, double>;
77  std::vector<elParams>::const_iterator p = m_parameters.begin();
79  for (;p !=m_parameters.end(); ++p) {
80  if ( (*p).first == key ) {
81  result = (*p).second;
82  break;
83  }
84  }
86  return result;
87 }

◆ pos()

double EMShower::pos ( ) const

difference between shower cell and predicted track in +/- 1 cells

◆ pos7()

double EMShower::pos7 ( ) const

Difference between the track and the shower positions: sum_{i=i_m-7}^{i=i_m+7}E_i x (i-i_m) / sum_{i=i_m-7}^{i=i_m+7}E_i, The difference between the track and the shower positions measured in units of distance between the strips, where i_m is the impact cell for the track reconstructed in the inner detector and E_i is the energy reconstructed in the i-th cell in the eta direction for constant phi given by the track parameters.

◆ poscs1()

double EMShower::poscs1 ( ) const

relative position in eta within cell in 1st sampling

◆ poscs2()

double EMShower::poscs2 ( ) const

relative position in eta within cell in 2nd sampling

◆ print()

void EMShower::print ( ) const

Definition at line 118 of file EMShower.cxx.

119 {
121  std::cout << " EMShower variables " << std::endl;
122  std::cout << " e011 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::e011) << std::endl;
123  std::cout << " e033 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::e033) << std::endl;
124  std::cout << " e132 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::e132) << std::endl;
125  std::cout << " e1152 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::e1152) << std::endl;
126  std::cout << " ethad1 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::ethad1) << std::endl;
127  std::cout << " ethad = " << parameter(egammaParameters::ethad) << std::endl;
128  std::cout << " etcone45 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etcone) << std::endl;
129  std::cout << " etcone15 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etcone15) << std::endl;
130  std::cout << " etcone20 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etcone20) << std::endl;
131  std::cout << " etcone25 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etcone25) << std::endl;
132  std::cout << " etcone30 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etcone30) << std::endl;
133  std::cout << " etcone35 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etcone35) << std::endl;
134  std::cout << " etcone40 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etcone40) << std::endl;
135  std::cout << " etconoisedR04Sig2 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etconoisedR04Sig2) << std::endl;
136  std::cout << " etconoisedR04Sig3 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etconoisedR04Sig3) << std::endl;
137  std::cout << " etconoisedR02SigAbs2 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etconoisedR02SigAbs2) << std::endl;
138  std::cout << " etconoisedR02SigAbs3 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etconoisedR02SigAbs3) << std::endl;
139  std::cout << " etconoisedR03SigAbs2 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etconoisedR03SigAbs2) << std::endl;
140  std::cout << " etconoisedR03SigAbs3 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etconoisedR03SigAbs3) << std::endl;
141  std::cout << " etconoisedR04SigAbs2 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etconoisedR04SigAbs2) << std::endl;
142  std::cout << " etconoisedR04SigAbs3 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etconoisedR04SigAbs3) << std::endl;
143  std::cout << " ehad1 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::ehad1) << std::endl;
144  std::cout << " f1 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::f1) << std::endl;
145  std::cout << " f3 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::f3) << std::endl;
146  std::cout << " f1core = " << parameter(egammaParameters::f1core) << std::endl;
147  std::cout << " f3core = " << parameter(egammaParameters::f3core) << std::endl;
148  std::cout << " e233 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::e233) << std::endl;
149  std::cout << " e235 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::e235) << std::endl;
150  std::cout << " e237 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::e237) << std::endl;
151  std::cout << " e255 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::e255) << std::endl;
152  std::cout << " e277 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::e277) << std::endl;
153  std::cout << " e333 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::e333) << std::endl;
154  std::cout << " e335 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::e335) << std::endl;
155  std::cout << " e337 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::e337) << std::endl;
156  std::cout << " e377 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::e377) << std::endl;
157  std::cout << " weta1 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::weta1) << std::endl;
158  std::cout << " weta2 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::weta2) << std::endl;
159  std::cout << " e2ts1 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::e2ts1) << std::endl;
160  std::cout << " e2tsts1 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::e2tsts1) << std::endl;
161  std::cout << " fracs1 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::fracs1) << std::endl;
162  std::cout << " widths1 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::widths1) << std::endl;
163  std::cout << " widths2 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::widths2) << std::endl;
164  std::cout << " poscs1 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::poscs1) << std::endl;
165  std::cout << " poscs2 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::poscs2) << std::endl;
166  std::cout << " asy1 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::asy1) << std::endl;
167  std::cout << " barys1 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::barys1) << std::endl;
168  std::cout << " wtots1 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::wtots1) << std::endl;
169  std::cout << " emins1 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::emins1) << std::endl;
170  std::cout << " emaxs1 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::emaxs1) << std::endl;
171  std::cout << " r33over37allcalo = " << parameter(egammaParameters::r33over37allcalo) << std::endl;
172  std::cout << " pos = " << parameter(egammaParameters::pos) << std::endl;
173  std::cout << " pos7 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::pos7) << std::endl;
174  std::cout << " ecore = " << parameter(egammaParameters::ecore) << std::endl;
175  std::cout << " zvertex = " << parameter(egammaParameters::zvertex) << std::endl;
176  std::cout << " errz = " << parameter(egammaParameters::errz) << std::endl;
177  std::cout << " etap = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etap) << std::endl;
178  std::cout << " depth = " << parameter(egammaParameters::depth) << std::endl;
179  std::cout << " etringnoisedR03Sig2 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etringnoisedR03Sig2) << std::endl;
180  std::cout << " etringnoisedR03Sig3 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etringnoisedR03Sig3) << std::endl;
181  std::cout << " etringnoisedR03Sig4 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etringnoisedR03Sig4) << std::endl;
182  std::cout << " etringnoisedR04Sig2 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etringnoisedR04Sig2) << std::endl;
183  std::cout << " etringnoisedR04Sig3 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etringnoisedR04Sig3) << std::endl;
184  std::cout << " etringnoisedR02SigAbs2 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etringnoisedR02SigAbs2) << std::endl;
185  std::cout << " etringnoisedR02SigAbs3 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etringnoisedR02SigAbs3) << std::endl;
186  std::cout << " etringnoisedR03SigAbs2 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etringnoisedR03SigAbs2) << std::endl;
187  std::cout << " etringnoisedR03SigAbs3 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etringnoisedR03SigAbs3) << std::endl;
188  std::cout << " etringnoisedR04SigAbs2 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etringnoisedR04SigAbs2) << std::endl;
189  std::cout << " etringnoisedR04SigAbs3 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etringnoisedR04SigAbs3) << std::endl;
190  std::cout << " linkIndex = " << parameter(egammaParameters::linkIndex) << std::endl;
191  std::cout << " ptcone20 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::ptcone20) << std::endl;
192  std::cout << " ptcone30 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::ptcone30) << std::endl;
193  std::cout << " ptcone40 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::ptcone40) << std::endl;
194  std::cout << " nucone20 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::nucone20) << std::endl;
195  std::cout << " nucone30 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::nucone30) << std::endl;
196  std::cout << " nucone40 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::nucone40) << std::endl;
197  std::cout << " ptcone20_zpv05 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::ptcone20_zpv05) << std::endl;
198  std::cout << " ptcone30_zpv05 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::ptcone30_zpv05) << std::endl;
199  std::cout << " ptcone40_zpv05 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::ptcone40_zpv05) << std::endl;
200  std::cout << " nucone20_zpv05 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::nucone20_zpv05) << std::endl;
201  std::cout << " nucone30_zpv05 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::nucone30_zpv05) << std::endl;
202  std::cout << " nucone40_zpv05 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::nucone40_zpv05) << std::endl;
203  std::cout << " etcone15_ptcorrected = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etcone15_ptcorrected) << std::endl;
204  std::cout << " etcone20_ptcorrected = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etcone20_ptcorrected) << std::endl;
205  std::cout << " etcone25_ptcorrected = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etcone25_ptcorrected) << std::endl;
206  std::cout << " etcone30_ptcorrected = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etcone30_ptcorrected) << std::endl;
207  std::cout << " etcone35_ptcorrected = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etcone35_ptcorrected) << std::endl;
208  std::cout << " etcone40_ptcorrected = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etcone40_ptcorrected) << std::endl;
209  std::cout << " etcone20_corrected = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etcone20_corrected) << std::endl;
210  std::cout << " etcone30_corrected = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etcone30_corrected) << std::endl;
211  std::cout << " etcone40_corrected = " << parameter(egammaParameters::etcone40_corrected) << std::endl;
212  std::cout << " topoetcone20 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::topoetcone20) << std::endl;
213  std::cout << " topoetcone30 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::topoetcone30) << std::endl;
214  std::cout << " topoetcone40 = " << parameter(egammaParameters::topoetcone40) << std::endl;
215  std::cout << " topoetcone40_ptcorrected = " << parameter(egammaParameters::topoetcone40_ptcorrected) << std::endl;
216  std::cout << " topoetcone40_corrected = " << parameter(egammaParameters::topoetcone40_corrected) << std::endl;
219 }

◆ ptcone20()

double EMShower::ptcone20 ( ) const

summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2 (no zvx cut photons, 1mm electrons)

◆ ptcone20_zpv05()

double EMShower::ptcone20_zpv05 ( ) const

summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm

◆ ptcone30()

double EMShower::ptcone30 ( ) const

summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.3

◆ ptcone30_zpv05()

double EMShower::ptcone30_zpv05 ( ) const

summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm

◆ ptcone40()

double EMShower::ptcone40 ( ) const

summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.4

◆ ptcone40_zpv05()

double EMShower::ptcone40_zpv05 ( ) const

summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm

◆ r33over37allcalo()

double EMShower::r33over37allcalo ( ) const

1-ratio of energy in 3x3 over 3x7 cells; E(3x3) = E0(1x1) + E1(3x1) + E2(3x3) + E3(3x3); E(3x7) = E0(3x3) + E1(15x3) + E2(3x7) + E3(3x7)

◆ set_asy1()

void EMShower::set_asy1 ( double  )

◆ set_barys1()

void EMShower::set_barys1 ( double  )

◆ set_depth()

void EMShower::set_depth ( double  )

◆ set_e011()

void EMShower::set_e011 ( double  )

◆ set_e033()

void EMShower::set_e033 ( double  )

◆ set_e1152()

void EMShower::set_e1152 ( double  )

◆ set_e132()

void EMShower::set_e132 ( double  )

◆ set_e233()

void EMShower::set_e233 ( double  )

◆ set_e235()

void EMShower::set_e235 ( double  )

◆ set_e237()

void EMShower::set_e237 ( double  )

◆ set_e255()

void EMShower::set_e255 ( double  )

◆ set_e277()

void EMShower::set_e277 ( double  )

◆ set_e2ts1()

void EMShower::set_e2ts1 ( double  )

◆ set_e2tsts1()

void EMShower::set_e2tsts1 ( double  )

◆ set_e333()

void EMShower::set_e333 ( double  )

◆ set_e335()

void EMShower::set_e335 ( double  )

◆ set_e337()

void EMShower::set_e337 ( double  )

◆ set_e377()

void EMShower::set_e377 ( double  )

◆ set_ecore()

void EMShower::set_ecore ( double  )

◆ set_ehad1()

void EMShower::set_ehad1 ( double  )

◆ set_emaxs1()

void EMShower::set_emaxs1 ( double  )

◆ set_emins1()

void EMShower::set_emins1 ( double  )

◆ set_errz()

void EMShower::set_errz ( double  )

◆ set_etap()

void EMShower::set_etap ( double  )

◆ set_etcone()

void EMShower::set_etcone ( double  )

◆ set_etcone15()

void EMShower::set_etcone15 ( double  )

◆ set_etcone15_ptcorrected()

void EMShower::set_etcone15_ptcorrected ( double  )

◆ set_etcone20()

void EMShower::set_etcone20 ( double  )

◆ set_etcone20_corrected()

void EMShower::set_etcone20_corrected ( double  )

◆ set_etcone20_ptcorrected()

void EMShower::set_etcone20_ptcorrected ( double  )

◆ set_etcone25()

void EMShower::set_etcone25 ( double  )

◆ set_etcone25_ptcorrected()

void EMShower::set_etcone25_ptcorrected ( double  )

◆ set_etcone30()

void EMShower::set_etcone30 ( double  )

◆ set_etcone30_corrected()

void EMShower::set_etcone30_corrected ( double  )

◆ set_etcone30_ptcorrected()

void EMShower::set_etcone30_ptcorrected ( double  )

◆ set_etcone35()

void EMShower::set_etcone35 ( double  )

◆ set_etcone35_ptcorrected()

void EMShower::set_etcone35_ptcorrected ( double  )

◆ set_etcone40()

void EMShower::set_etcone40 ( double  )

◆ set_etcone40_corrected()

void EMShower::set_etcone40_corrected ( double  )

◆ set_etcone40_ptcorrected()

void EMShower::set_etcone40_ptcorrected ( double  )

◆ set_etconoisedR02SigAbs2()

void EMShower::set_etconoisedR02SigAbs2 ( double  )

◆ set_etconoisedR02SigAbs3()

void EMShower::set_etconoisedR02SigAbs3 ( double  )

◆ set_etconoisedR03SigAbs2()

void EMShower::set_etconoisedR03SigAbs2 ( double  )

◆ set_etconoisedR03SigAbs3()

void EMShower::set_etconoisedR03SigAbs3 ( double  )

◆ set_etconoisedR04Sig2()

void EMShower::set_etconoisedR04Sig2 ( double  )

◆ set_etconoisedR04Sig3()

void EMShower::set_etconoisedR04Sig3 ( double  )

◆ set_etconoisedR04SigAbs2()

void EMShower::set_etconoisedR04SigAbs2 ( double  )

◆ set_etconoisedR04SigAbs3()

void EMShower::set_etconoisedR04SigAbs3 ( double  )

◆ set_ethad()

void EMShower::set_ethad ( double  )

◆ set_ethad1()

void EMShower::set_ethad1 ( double  )

◆ set_etringnoisedR02SigAbs2()

void EMShower::set_etringnoisedR02SigAbs2 ( double  )

◆ set_etringnoisedR02SigAbs3()

void EMShower::set_etringnoisedR02SigAbs3 ( double  )

◆ set_etringnoisedR03Sig2()

void EMShower::set_etringnoisedR03Sig2 ( double  )

◆ set_etringnoisedR03Sig3()

void EMShower::set_etringnoisedR03Sig3 ( double  )

◆ set_etringnoisedR03Sig4()

void EMShower::set_etringnoisedR03Sig4 ( double  )

◆ set_etringnoisedR03SigAbs2()

void EMShower::set_etringnoisedR03SigAbs2 ( double  )

◆ set_etringnoisedR03SigAbs3()

void EMShower::set_etringnoisedR03SigAbs3 ( double  )

◆ set_etringnoisedR04Sig2()

void EMShower::set_etringnoisedR04Sig2 ( double  )

◆ set_etringnoisedR04Sig3()

void EMShower::set_etringnoisedR04Sig3 ( double  )

◆ set_etringnoisedR04SigAbs2()

void EMShower::set_etringnoisedR04SigAbs2 ( double  )

◆ set_etringnoisedR04SigAbs3()

void EMShower::set_etringnoisedR04SigAbs3 ( double  )

◆ set_f1()

void EMShower::set_f1 ( double  )

◆ set_f1core()

void EMShower::set_f1core ( double  )

◆ set_f3()

void EMShower::set_f3 ( double  )

◆ set_f3core()

void EMShower::set_f3core ( double  )

◆ set_fracs1()

void EMShower::set_fracs1 ( double  )

◆ set_linkIndex()

void EMShower::set_linkIndex ( int  )

Reimplemented from egDetail.

◆ set_nucone20()

void EMShower::set_nucone20 ( double  )

◆ set_nucone20_zpv05()

void EMShower::set_nucone20_zpv05 ( double  )

◆ set_nucone30()

void EMShower::set_nucone30 ( double  )

◆ set_nucone30_zpv05()

void EMShower::set_nucone30_zpv05 ( double  )

◆ set_nucone40()

void EMShower::set_nucone40 ( double  )

◆ set_nucone40_zpv05()

void EMShower::set_nucone40_zpv05 ( double  )

◆ set_parameter()

void EMShower::set_parameter ( egammaParameters::ParamDef  key,
double  value,
bool  overwrite = false 

Definition at line 90 of file EMShower.cxx.

90  {
92  using elParams = std::pair<egammaParameters::ParamDef, double>;
96  for (;p !=m_parameters.end(); ++p) {
97  if ( (*p).first == key ) break;
98  }
100  if ( p == m_parameters.end() ) {
101  m_parameters.emplace_back(key,value );
102  }
103  else {
104  if ( overwrite ) {
105  (*p).second = value;
106  }
107  else {
108  throw GaudiException("parameter not saved", "egamma::set_parameter(...)", StatusCode::FAILURE);
109  }
110  }
112 }

◆ set_pos()

void EMShower::set_pos ( double  )

◆ set_pos7()

void EMShower::set_pos7 ( double  )

◆ set_poscs1()

void EMShower::set_poscs1 ( double  )

◆ set_poscs2()

void EMShower::set_poscs2 ( double  )

◆ set_ptcone20()

void EMShower::set_ptcone20 ( double  )

◆ set_ptcone20_zpv05()

void EMShower::set_ptcone20_zpv05 ( double  )

◆ set_ptcone30()

void EMShower::set_ptcone30 ( double  )

◆ set_ptcone30_zpv05()

void EMShower::set_ptcone30_zpv05 ( double  )

◆ set_ptcone40()

void EMShower::set_ptcone40 ( double  )

◆ set_ptcone40_zpv05()

void EMShower::set_ptcone40_zpv05 ( double  )

◆ set_r33over37allcalo()

void EMShower::set_r33over37allcalo ( double  )

◆ set_topoetcone20()

void EMShower::set_topoetcone20 ( double  )

◆ set_topoetcone30()

void EMShower::set_topoetcone30 ( double  )

◆ set_topoetcone40()

void EMShower::set_topoetcone40 ( double  )

◆ set_topoetcone40_corrected()

void EMShower::set_topoetcone40_corrected ( double  )

◆ set_topoetcone40_ptcorrected()

void EMShower::set_topoetcone40_ptcorrected ( double  )

◆ set_weta1()

void EMShower::set_weta1 ( double  )

◆ set_weta2()

void EMShower::set_weta2 ( double  )

◆ set_widths1()

void EMShower::set_widths1 ( double  )

◆ set_widths2()

void EMShower::set_widths2 ( double  )

◆ set_wtots1()

void EMShower::set_wtots1 ( double  )

◆ set_zvertex()

void EMShower::set_zvertex ( double  )

◆ topoetcone20()

double EMShower::topoetcone20 ( ) const

ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.20.

◆ topoetcone30()

double EMShower::topoetcone30 ( ) const

ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.30.

◆ topoetcone40()

double EMShower::topoetcone40 ( ) const

ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.40.

◆ topoetcone40_corrected()

double EMShower::topoetcone40_corrected ( ) const

fully corrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.40

◆ topoetcone40_ptcorrected()

double EMShower::topoetcone40_ptcorrected ( ) const

pt corrected ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.40

◆ weta1()

double EMShower::weta1 ( ) const

shower width using +/-3 strips around the one with the maximal energy deposit: w3 strips = sqrt{sum(Ei)x(i-imax)^2/sum(Ei)}, where i is the number of the strip and imax the strip number of the most energetic one

◆ weta2()

double EMShower::weta2 ( ) const

the lateral width is calculated with a window of 3x5 cells using the energy weighted sum over all cells, which depends on the particle impact point inside the cell: weta2 = sqrt(sum Ei x eta^2)/(sum Ei) -((sum Ei x eta)/(sum Ei))^2, where Ei is the energy of the i-th cell

◆ widths1()

double EMShower::widths1 ( ) const

same as egammaParameters::weta1 but without corrections on particle impact point inside the cell

◆ widths2()

double EMShower::widths2 ( ) const

same as egammaParameters::weta2 but without corrections on particle impact point inside the cell

◆ wtots1()

double EMShower::wtots1 ( ) const

shower width is determined in a window detaxdphi = 0,0625 x~0,2, corresponding typically to 20 strips in eta : wtot1=sqrt{sum Ei x ( i-imax)^2 / sum Ei}, where i is the strip number and imax the strip number of the first local maximum

◆ zvertex()

double EMShower::zvertex ( ) const

pointing z at vertex reconstructed from the cluster

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_parameters

std::vector< std::pair<egammaParameters::ParamDef , double > > EMShower::m_parameters

Definition at line 389 of file EMShower.h.

◆ s_className

const std::string EMShower::s_className = ClassName<EMShower>::name()

interface methods

Definition at line 390 of file EMShower.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
@ etcone30_ptcorrected
pT-leakage corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.30
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:717
JetConstituentVector::iterator iterator
Definition: JetConstituentVector.cxx:68
@ etcone15_ptcorrected
pT-leakage corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.15
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:711
@ emaxs1
energy of strip with maximal energy deposit
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:189
@ etconoisedR04SigAbs3
ET in a ring of dR<40 cell abs (ET) above 3 sigma from noise.
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:751
@ etringnoisedR03SigAbs3
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.3) with abs(energy) > 3 sigma above noise
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:772
@ depth
pointing depth of the shower as calculated in egammaqgcld
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:276
@ etcone30_corrected
pT-leakage + ED corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.30
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:784
@ e337
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the third sampling in a rectangle of size 3x7
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:147
def p
@ etcone20_corrected
pT-leakage + ED corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.20
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:782
@ e333
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the third sampling in a rectangle of size 3x3
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:143
@ etcone20_ptcorrected
pT-leakage corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.20
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:713
static const std::string s_className
interface methods
Definition: EMShower.h:390
@ topoetcone40_corrected
Topo cluster pT-leakage + ED corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0....
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:735
@ topoetcone40
Topo cluster ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.30.
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:731
@ zvertex
pointing z at vertex reconstructed from the cluster
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:270
@ etringnoisedR04SigAbs3
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.4) with abs(energy) > 3 sigma above noise
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:779
@ e233
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 3x3 (in cell units e...
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:133
@ etcone
ET in a cone of R=0.45 in calo, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic calorimeter...
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:102
@ e033
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in presampler in a 3x3 window in cells in eta X phi
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:112
@ etconoisedR04Sig3
ET in a ring of dR0,40 above 3 sigma from noise.
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:280
@ emins1
energy reconstructed in the strip with the minimal value between the first and second maximum
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:187
@ etringnoisedR04Sig3
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.4) with energy > 3 sigma above noise
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:758
@ etconoisedR03SigAbs2
ET in a ring of dR<30, cell abs(ET) above 2 sigma from noise.
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:744
@ topoetcone40_ptcorrected
Topo cluster pT-leakage corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0....
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:733
const double EgParamUndefined
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:78
@ f3
fraction of energy reconstructed in 3rd sampling
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:127
@ e2ts1
2nd max in strips calc by summing 3 strips
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:157
virtual double parameter(egammaParameters::ParamDef) const
Definition: EMShower.cxx:71
@ etringnoisedR03Sig2
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.3) with energy > 2 sigma above noise
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:438
@ etcone40_ptcorrected
pT-leakage corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.40
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:721
@ ethad
ET leakage into hadronic calorimeter with exclusion of energy in CaloSampling::TileGap3.
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:121
@ etap
pointing eta reconstructed from the cluster (first and second sampling)
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:274
@ etringnoisedR02SigAbs3
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.2) with abs(energy) > 3 sigma above noise
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:765
@ fracs1
shower shape in the shower core : [E(+/-3)-E(+/-1)]/E(+/-1), where E(+/-n) is the energy in +- n stri...
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:161
@ ecore
core energy in em calo E(core) = E0(3x3) + E1(15x2) + E2(5x5) + E3(3x5)
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:195
@ etcone25
ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.25, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic ...
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:678
@ e2tsts1
energy of the cell corresponding to second energy maximum in the first sampling
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:159
@ etringnoisedR03SigAbs2
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.3) with abs(energy) > 2 sigma above noise
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:769
@ etcone20
ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic c...
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:104
@ etconoisedR04SigAbs2
ET in a ring of dR<40, cell abs(ET) above 2 sigma from noise.
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:749
@ e237
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 3x7
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:139
@ etringnoisedR03Sig4
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.3) with energy > 4 sigma above noise
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:444
@ wtots1
shower width is determined in a window detaxdphi = 0,0625 ~0,2, corresponding typically to 20 strips ...
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:185
@ nucone40_zpv05
number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:799
@ nucone30_zpv05
number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:797
@ ethad1
transverse energy in the first sampling of the hadronic calorimeters behind the cluster calculated fr...
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:119
@ e132
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in strips in a 3x2 window in cells in eta X phi
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:114
@ nucone20
number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:701
@ f3core
E3(3x3)/E fraction of the energy reconstructed in the third compartment of the electromagnetic calori...
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:131
@ etconoisedR02SigAbs3
ET in a ring of dR<20 cell abs (ET) above 3 sigma from noise.
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:741
@ etcone40_corrected
pT-leakage + ED corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.40
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:786
@ etcone15
ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.15, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic ...
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:676
@ etringnoisedR04SigAbs2
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.4) with abs(energy) > 2 sigma above noise
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:776
@ etringnoisedR04Sig2
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.4) with energy > 2 sigma above noise
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:755
@ e1152
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in strips in a 15x2 window in cells in eta X phi
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:116
@ etcone25_ptcorrected
pT-leakage corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.25
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:715
@ topoetcone20
Topo cluster ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.20.
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:727
@ r33over37allcalo
1-ratio of energy in 3x3 over 3x7 cells; E(3x3) = E0(1x1) + E1(3x1) + E2(3x3) + E3(3x3); E(3x7) = E0(...
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:192
@ e277
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 7x7
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:141
@ weta2
the lateral width is calculated with a window of 3x5 cells using the energy weighted sum over all cel...
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:155
@ barys1
barycentre in sampling 1 calculated in 3 strips
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:183
@ poscs2
relative position in eta within cell in 2nd sampling
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:170
@ etcone35_ptcorrected
pT-leakage corrections applied to ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.35
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:719
@ ptcone40
summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.4
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:698
@ etconoisedR02SigAbs2
ET in a ring of dR<20, cell abs(ET) above 2 sigma from noise.
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:739
@ etcone35
ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.35, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic ...
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:680
@ etringnoisedR03Sig3
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.3) with energy > 3 sigma above noise
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:441
@ asy1
uncorr asymmetry in 3 strips in the 1st sampling
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:172
@ pos
difference between shower cell and predicted track in +/- 1 cells
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:174
@ e255
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 5x5
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:137
@ nucone30
number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:703
@ e235
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 3x5
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:135
@ etconoisedR03SigAbs3
ET in a ring of dR<30 cell abs (ET) above 3 sigma from noise.
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:746
@ etcone30
ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.3, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic c...
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:106
@ etconoisedR04Sig2
ET in a ring of dR<0,40 above 2 sigma from noise.
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:278
@ ptcone30_zpv05
summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:791
@ f1core
E1(3x1)/E = fraction of the energy reconstructed in the first longitudinal compartment of the electro...
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:129
@ ptcone20
summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2 (no zvx cut photons, 1mm electrons)
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:696
@ ptcone30
summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.3
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:577
@ errz
associated error on zvertex
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:272
@ e335
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the third sampling in a rectangle of size 3x5
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:145
@ e011
uncorrected energy in presampler in a 1x1 window in cells in eta X phi
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:110
@ linkIndex
link index for multiple track and vertex matches
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:574
@ ehad1
E leakage into 1st sampling of had calo (CaloSampling::HEC0 + CaloSampling::TileBar0 + CaloSampling::...
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:123
@ poscs1
relative position in eta within cell in 1st sampling
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:168
@ etcone40
ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.4, with exclusion of a window of size 7x5 in electromagnetic c...
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:108
@ topoetcone30
Topo cluster ET in a cone with half-opening angle 0.30.
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:729
@ weta1
shower width using +/-1 strips around the one with the maximal energy deposit: w3 strips = sqrt{sum(E...
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:152
@ pos7
Difference between the track and the shower positions: sum_{i=i_m-7}^{i=i_m+7}E_i x (i-i_m) / sum_{i=...
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:181
@ nucone20_zpv05
number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:795
@ nucone40
number of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:705
Default constructor.
@ f1
E1/E = fraction of energy reconstructed in the first sampling, where E1 is energy in all strips belon...
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:125
std::vector< std::pair< egammaParameters::ParamDef, double > > m_parameters
Definition: EMShower.h:389
@ e377
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 7x7
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:149
@ ptcone40_zpv05
summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:793
@ widths1
same as egammaParameters::weta1 but without corrections on particle impact point inside the cell
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:164
@ etringnoisedR02SigAbs2
all energy in a ring : (0.1<DR<0.2) with abs(energy) > 2 sigma above noise
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:762
Definition: TElectronEfficiencyCorrectionTool.cxx:37
@ ptcone20_zpv05
summed pt of tracks in a cone with half-opening angle 0.2, |zpv| < 5mm
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:789
@ widths2
same as egammaParameters::weta2 but without corrections on particle impact point inside the cell
Definition: egammaParamDefs.h:166