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SG::VarHandleKey Class Reference

A property holding a SG store/key/clid from which a VarHandle is made. More...

#include <VarHandleKey.h>

Inherits DataHandle.

Inherited by SG::CondHandleKey< ActsTrk::DetectorAlignStore >, SG::CondHandleKey< ActsTrk::DetectorElementToActsGeometryIdMap >, SG::CondHandleKey< ALineContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< Analysis::JetTagCalibCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< AthenaAttributeList >, SG::CondHandleKey< AtlasFieldCacheCondObj >, SG::CondHandleKey< AtlasFieldMapCondObj >, SG::CondHandleKey< BLineContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< BunchCrossingAverageCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< BunchCrossingCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< BunchCrossingIntensityCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< BunchGroupCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< BunchLumisCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< calib_data_t >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloAffectedRegionInfoVec >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloBCIDCoeffs >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloBCIDLumi >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloCellPedShift >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloDetDescrManager >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloLocalHadCoeff >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloNoise >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloNoiseSigmaDiff >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloRec::CaloCellPositionShift >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloRec::ToolConstants >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloSuperCellDetDescrManager >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloTowerGeometry >, SG::CondHandleKey< CondAttrListCollection >, SG::CondHandleKey< CondAttrListVec >, SG::CondHandleKey< CONDDATA >, SG::CondHandleKey< CondDataObj >, SG::CondHandleKey< CondDataObjY >, SG::CondHandleKey< CondDataObjZ >, SG::CondHandleKey< CondMultChanCollection >, SG::CondHandleKey< CscCondDbData >, SG::CondHandleKey< DetCondCFloat >, SG::CondHandleKey< DetCondKeyTrans >, SG::CondHandleKey< DMTest::S1 >, SG::CondHandleKey< DMTest::S2 >, SG::CondHandleKey< DMTest::S3 >, SG::CondHandleKey< external_detector_element_collection_t >, SG::CondHandleKey< FillParamsCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< GeoAlignmentStore >, SG::CondHandleKey< HTcalculator >, SG::CondHandleKey< IdentifierSet >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArAutoCorr >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArDAC2uA >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArfSampl >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArHVScaleCorr >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArMinBias >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArMinBiasAverage >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArMphysOverMcal >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArNoise >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArOFC >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArOFCBin >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArPedestal >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArRamp >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArShape >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILAruA2MeV >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDet::BeamSpotData >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDet::SiDetectorElementStatus >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDet::SiDetElementBoundaryLinks_xk >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDet::SiElementPropertiesTable >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDet::SiliconPropertiesVector >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDet::TRT_DetElementsRoadData_xk >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDet::TRT_TrackSegmentsToolCondData_xk >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDet::TRTPIDNN >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDetDD::HGTD_DetectorElementCollection >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDetDD::SiDetectorElementCollection >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDetDD::TRT_DetElementContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< ITk::PixelOfflineCalibData >, SG::CondHandleKey< ITkPixelCablingData >, SG::CondHandleKey< ITkStripCablingData >, SG::CondHandleKey< JGTowerMappingData >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloDerivedRunParsContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloDisabledTowersContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloPpmDeadChannelsContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloPpmFineTimeRefsContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloPprChanCalibContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloPprChanDefaultsContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloPprChanStrategyContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloPprConditionsContainerRun2 >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloPprDisabledChannelContainerRun2 >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloReadoutConfigContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloReadoutConfigContainerJSON >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloRunParametersContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArADC2MeV >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArAutoCorrNoise >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArAutoCorrTotal >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArBadXCont >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArCalibLineMapping >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArCaliWaveContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArDSPThresholdsComplete >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArFebConfig >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArFebRodMapping >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArFEBTempData >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArfSamplSC >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArHVCorr >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArHVIdMapping >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArHVNMap >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArHVPathology >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArLATOMEMapping >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArMCSym >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArOFC >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArOFCweightSC >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArOnOffIdMapping >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArRinjComplete >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArRoIMap >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArXTalkWeight >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArXTalkWeightGlobal >, SG::CondHandleKey< LBDurationCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< LuminosityCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< LVL1::gFEXDBCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< LVL1::jFEXDBCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< LWTNNCollection >, SG::CondHandleKey< MC_t >, SG::CondHandleKey< MdtAsBuiltContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< MdtCondDbData >, SG::CondHandleKey< Muon::DigitEffiData >, SG::CondHandleKey< Muon::MuonIntersectGeoData >, SG::CondHandleKey< Muon::RpcCablingMap >, SG::CondHandleKey< Muon::TwinTubeMap >, SG::CondHandleKey< MuonAlignmentErrorData >, SG::CondHandleKey< MuonCalib::MdtCalibDataContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< MuonGM::MuonDetectorManager >, SG::CondHandleKey< MuonMDT_CablingMap >, SG::CondHandleKey< Nsw_CablingMap >, SG::CondHandleKey< NswAsBuiltDbData >, SG::CondHandleKey< NswCalibDbThresholdData >, SG::CondHandleKey< NswCalibDbTimeChargeData >, SG::CondHandleKey< NswDcsDbData >, SG::CondHandleKey< NswErrorCalibData >, SG::CondHandleKey< NswPassivationDbData >, SG::CondHandleKey< NswT0Data >, SG::CondHandleKey< OnlineLumiCalibrationCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelCablingCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelCalib::PixelOfflineCalibData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelChargeCalibCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelDCSHVData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelDCSStateData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelDCSStatusData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelDCSTempData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelDeadMapCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixeldEdxData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelDistortionData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelHitDiscCnfgData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelModuleData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelRadiationDamageFluenceMapData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelReadoutSpeedData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelTDAQData >, SG::CondHandleKey< REFCONTAINER >, SG::CondHandleKey< RegSelCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< RIO_OnTrackErrorScaling >, SG::CondHandleKey< RpcCablingCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< RpcCondDbData >, SG::CondHandleKey< RtRelationContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_AllGoodStripInfo >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_CablingData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_CalibDefectData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_CondParameterData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_ConfigurationCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_DCSFloatCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_DCSStatCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_GainCalibData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_MajorityCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_ModuleVetoCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_MonitorCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_NoiseCalibData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_SensorsCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_TdaqEnabledCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SiDetElementsLayerVectors_xk >, SG::CondHandleKey< SiLorentzAngleCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< sTGCAsBuiltData2 >, SG::CondHandleKey< StrawT0Container >, SG::CondHandleKey< SYM_t >, SG::CondHandleKey< T_DefectsData >, SG::CondHandleKey< T_EmulatedDefects >, SG::CondHandleKey< TgcCondDbData >, SG::CondHandleKey< TgcDigitASDposData >, SG::CondHandleKey< TgcDigitCrosstalkData >, SG::CondHandleKey< TgcDigitJitterData >, SG::CondHandleKey< TgcDigitThresholdData >, SG::CondHandleKey< TgcDigitTimeOffsetData >, SG::CondHandleKey< TGCTriggerData >, SG::CondHandleKey< TGCTriggerLUTs >, SG::CondHandleKey< TileBadChannels >, SG::CondHandleKey< TileCalibData >, SG::CondHandleKey< TileCalibData< T > >, SG::CondHandleKey< TileCalibData< TileCalibDrawerOfc > >, SG::CondHandleKey< TileDCSState >, SG::CondHandleKey< TileEMScale >, SG::CondHandleKey< TileHid2RESrcID >, SG::CondHandleKey< TilePulse >, SG::CondHandleKey< TileSampleNoise >, SG::CondHandleKey< TileSamplingFraction >, SG::CondHandleKey< TileTiming >, SG::CondHandleKey< TrigConf::HLTPrescalesSet >, SG::CondHandleKey< TrigConf::L1BunchGroupSet >, SG::CondHandleKey< TrigConf::L1PrescalesSet >, SG::CondHandleKey< TrigLiveFractionCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< Trk::LayerMaterialMap >, SG::CondHandleKey< Trk::SolenoidParametrization >, SG::CondHandleKey< Trk::TrackingGeometry >, SG::CondHandleKey< TRTCond::ActiveFraction >, SG::CondHandleKey< TRTCond::AliveStraws >, SG::CondHandleKey< TRTCond::AverageT0 >, SG::CondHandleKey< TRTCond::HWMap >, SG::CondHandleKey< TRTCond::RtRelationMultChanContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< TRTCond::StrawStatusData >, SG::CondHandleKey< TRTCond::StrawStatusMultChanContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< TRTCond::StrawStatusSummary >, SG::CondHandleKey< TRTCond::StrawT0MultChanContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< TRTDedxcorrection >, SG::CondHandleKey< TTrainedNetworkCollection >, SG::MetaHandleKey< DMTest::C_v1 >, SG::MetaHandleKey< DMTest::S1 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ActsGeometryContext >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ActsTrk::DetectorAlignStore >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ActsTrk::MeasurementToTruthParticleAssociation >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ActsTrk::PrepRawDataAssociation >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ActsTrk::ProtoTrackCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ActsTrk::TrackContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ActsTrk::TrackToTruthParticleAssociation >, SG::ReadHandleKey< AFP_RawContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ALFA_DigitCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ALFA_LocRecCorrEvCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ALFA_LocRecCorrODEvCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ALFA_LocRecEvCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ALFA_LocRecODEvCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ALFA_ODDigitCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ALFA_RawDataContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< AthenaAttributeList >, SG::ReadHandleKey< AthExIParticles >, SG::ReadHandleKey< AthExParticles >, SG::ReadHandleKey< AtlasHitsVector >, SG::ReadHandleKey< BCM_RDO_Container >, SG::ReadHandleKey< BcmCollisionTime >, SG::ReadHandleKey< BeamBackgroundData >, SG::ReadHandleKey< bool >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ByteStreamMetadataContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< C >, SG::ReadHandleKey< CaloBCIDAverage >, SG::ReadHandleKey< CaloCalibrationHitContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< CaloCell2ClusterMap >, SG::ReadHandleKey< CaloCellContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< CaloClusterCellLinkContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< CaloClusterContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< CaloConstCellContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< CaloTowerContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ComTime >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ConstDataVector< CaloCellContainerVector > >, SG::ReadHandleKey< CONSTITUENTS >, SG::ReadHandleKey< CONTAINER >, SG::ReadHandleKey< container_t >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ContainerType >, SG::ReadHandleKey< CosTrigTime >, SG::ReadHandleKey< CscDigitContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< CscRawDataContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< CscSimDataCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< CTP_RDO >, SG::ReadHandleKey< CTP_RIO >, SG::ReadHandleKey< DataHeader >, SG::ReadHandleKey< DataVector >, SG::ReadHandleKey< DataVector< LVL1::CPCMXTopoData > >, SG::ReadHandleKey< DataVector< LVL1::CPMCMXData > >, SG::ReadHandleKey< DataVector< LVL1::CPMTobRoI > >, SG::ReadHandleKey< DataVector< LVL1::JEMTobRoI > >, SG::ReadHandleKey< DataVector< LVL1::JetCMXTopoData > >, SG::ReadHandleKey< DataVector< LVL1::RecMuonRoI > >, SG::ReadHandleKey< DataVector< Muon::MuonPatternCombination > >, SG::ReadHandleKey< DataVector< MyContObj > >, SG::ReadHandleKey< DataVector< Trk::Track > >, SG::ReadHandleKey< DetailedTrackTruthCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< DMTest::C_v1 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< DMTest::CLinks_v1 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< DMTest::CLinksAOD >, SG::ReadHandleKey< DMTest::CVecWithData_v1 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< DMTest::JVec_v1 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< DMTest::PLinks_v1 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< DMTest::S1 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< DMTest::S2 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< eflowCaloObjectContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< eflowRecTrackContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ErrorVector >, SG::ReadHandleKey< EventInfo >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ExampleHitContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ExampleTrackContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< fastjet::ClusterSequence >, SG::ReadHandleKey< FPGATrackSimClusterCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< FPGATrackSimHitCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< FPGATrackSimHitContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< FPGATrackSimOfflineTrackCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< FPGATrackSimRoadCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< FPGATrackSimTrackCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< FPGATrackSimTruthTrackCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< Gep::GepCellMap >, SG::ReadHandleKey< GlobalSim::cTauTOBArray >, SG::ReadHandleKey< GlobalSim::eEmSortSelectCountContainerPortsOut >, SG::ReadHandleKey< GlobalSim::eEmSortSelectCountExpectations >, SG::ReadHandleKey< GlobalSim::eEmTOBArray >, SG::ReadHandleKey< GlobalSim::GenericTOBArray >, SG::ReadHandleKey< GlobalSim::GepAlgoHypothesisFIFO >, SG::ReadHandleKey< GlobalSim::InvariantMassDeltaPhiInclusive2ContainerPortsIn >, SG::ReadHandleKey< GlobalSim::jJetTOBArray >, SG::ReadHandleKey< GlobalSim::jXETOBArray >, SG::ReadHandleKey< HGTD_RDO_Container >, SG::ReadHandleKey< HijingEventParams >, SG::ReadHandleKey< HiveDataObj >, SG::ReadHandleKey< HLT::HLTResult >, SG::ReadHandleKey< HLT::HLTResultMT >, SG::ReadHandleKey< IDCInDetBSErrContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< InDet::PixelClusterContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< InDet::PixelGangedClusterAmbiguities >, SG::ReadHandleKey< InDet::SCT_ClusterContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< InDet::SiClusterContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< InDet::SiDetectorElementStatus >, SG::ReadHandleKey< InDet::TRT_DriftCircleContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< InDet::TRT_LocalOccupancy::OccupancyData >, SG::ReadHandleKey< InDetRawDataContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< InDetSimDataCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< InDetTimeCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< input_collection_t >, SG::ReadHandleKey< int >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfoCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ITkPacketCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< jet::CaloCellFastMap >, SG::ReadHandleKey< jet::TrackVertexAssociation >, SG::ReadHandleKey< JetCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< JetContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< L1MUINT::MuCTPIToRoIBSLink >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LArAccumulatedCalibDigitContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LArAccumulatedDigitContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LArCollisionTime >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LArDeadOTXFromSC >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LArDigitContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LArFebErrorSummary >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LArFebHeaderContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LArHitContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LArHitEMap >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LArLATOMEHeaderContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LArNoisyROSummary >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LArRawChannelContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LArRawSCContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LArTTL1Container >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LUCID_DigitContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LUCID_RawDataContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LVL1::CMXRoI >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LVL1::eFEXOutputCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LVL1::EmTauCTP >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LVL1::EnergyCTP >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LVL1::EnergyTopoData >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LVL1::eTowerContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LVL1::FrontPanelCTP >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LVL1::gFEXOutputCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LVL1::gTowerContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LVL1::JetCTP >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LVL1::jFEXOutputCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LVL1::jTowerContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LVL1::MuCTPICTP >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LVL1::MuCTPIL1Topo >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LVL1::TrtCTP >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LVL1::ZdcCTP >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LVL1_ROI >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LVL1CTP::CTPSLink >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LVL1CTP::Lvl1Result >, SG::ReadHandleKey< LVL1MUONIF::Lvl1MuCTPIInputPhase1 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< MBTSCollisionTime >, SG::ReadHandleKey< McEventCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< MdtCsmContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< MdtDigitContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< MmDigitContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< MuCTPI_Phase1_RDO >, SG::ReadHandleKey< MuCTPI_RDO >, SG::ReadHandleKey< Muon::HoughDataPerSectorVec >, SG::ReadHandleKey< Muon::MM_RawDataContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< Muon::MuonCoinDataContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< Muon::NSW_PadTriggerDataContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< Muon::NSW_TrigRawDataContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< Muon::RpcBis78_TrigRawDataContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< Muon::STGC_RawDataContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< MuonCombined::InDetCandidateToTagMap >, SG::ReadHandleKey< MuonCombined::MuonTagToSegMap >, SG::ReadHandleKey< MuonSimDataCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< MyDataObj >, SG::ReadHandleKey< NEW >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ObservedTrackMap >, SG::ReadHandleKey< OLD >, SG::ReadHandleKey< PixelClusterContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< PixelGangedClusterAmbiguities >, SG::ReadHandleKey< PixelID >, SG::ReadHandleKey< PixelRDO_Container >, SG::ReadHandleKey< PRD_MultiTruthCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< PseudoJetContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< RDOContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< Rec::TrackParticleContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ROIB::RoIBResult >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ROIPhiRZContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< RpcDigitContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< RpcPadContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< RpcSectorLogicContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< SCT_ClusterContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< SCT_ID >, SG::ReadHandleKey< SCT_RDO_Container >, SG::ReadHandleKey< SG::AuxElement >, SG::ReadHandleKey< SiClusterContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< SpacePointContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< SpacePointOverlapCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< std::list< ElementLink< std::vector< float > > > >, SG::ReadHandleKey< std::map< Identifier, std::vector< const CaloCalibrationHit * > > >, SG::ReadHandleKey< std::vector< ElementLink< MapStringFloat > > >, SG::ReadHandleKey< std::vector< float > >, SG::ReadHandleKey< std::vector< int > >, SG::ReadHandleKey< std::vector< std::string > >, SG::ReadHandleKey< std::vector< unsigned int > >, SG::ReadHandleKey< std::vector< unsigned long > >, SG::ReadHandleKey< sTgcDigitContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< T_Cont >, SG::ReadHandleKey< T_MeasurementCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< T_RDO_Container >, SG::ReadHandleKey< T_RoIContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< T_SimDataCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< T_TruthEventCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TestDataObject >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TgcDigitContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TgcRdoContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TileBeamElemContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TileContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TileDigitsContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TileDQstatus >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TileHitContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TileLaserObject >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TileRawChannelContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TileTBID >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TrackCaloClusterInfo >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TrackExtensionMap >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TrackParticleTruthCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TracksScores >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TrackTruthCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TrigConf::HLTMenu >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TrigConf::HLTMonitoring >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TrigConf::L1Menu >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TrigDec::TrigDecision >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TrigRoiDescriptorCollection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TrigTimeStamp >, SG::ReadHandleKey< Trk::ClusterSplitProbabilityContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< Trk::ElementTable >, SG::ReadHandleKey< Trk::PRDtoTrackMap >, SG::ReadHandleKey< Trk::PrepRawDataContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TRT_BSErrContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TRT_DriftCircleContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< TruthParticleHitCounts >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ViewContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ViewVector >, SG::ReadHandleKey< VxContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::BunchConfKey_v1 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::CaloClusterContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::ElectronContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::EnergySumRoI_v2 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::EventInfo >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::EventInfo_v1 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::EventShape_v1 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::FlowElement_v1 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::IParticlesLookUpTable >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::JetContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::L2CombinedMuonContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::L2StandAloneMuonContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::MissingETAssociationMap_v1 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::MissingETComponentMap_v1 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::MissingETContainer_v1 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::MuonContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::MuonRoIContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::MuonSegmentContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::PFO_v1 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::PixelClusterContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::SlowMuonContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::StripClusterContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::TrackParticleContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::TrigConfKeys_v1 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::TrigDecision_v1 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::TrigNavigation_v1 >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::TruthParticleContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::UncalibratedMeasurementContainer >, SG::ReadHandleKey< xAODTruthParticleLinkVector >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ZDC_SimFiberHit_Collection >, SG::ReadHandleKey< ZdcLucrodDataContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< T >, SG::MetaHandleKey< T >, SG::ReadHandleKey< T >, SG::TypelessWriteHandleKey, SG::UpdateHandleKey< T >, SG::WriteHandleKey< T >, SG::UpdateHandleKey< EventContainers::IdentifiableCache >, SG::UpdateHandleKey< HiveDataObj >, SG::UpdateHandleKey< IdentifiableValueCache >, SG::UpdateHandleKey< InDet::PixelClusterContainerCache >, SG::UpdateHandleKey< InDet::TRT_DriftCircleContainerCache >, SG::UpdateHandleKey< SCT_ClusterContainerCache >, SG::UpdateHandleKey< TgcCoinDataCollection_Cache >, SG::UpdateHandleKey< TgcPrepDataCollection_Cache >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ActsGeometryContext >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ActsTrk::Cache::Handles< xAOD::PixelCluster_v1 >::IDCBackend >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ActsTrk::Cache::Handles< xAOD::SpacePoint_v1 >::IDCBackend >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ActsTrk::Cache::Handles< xAOD::StripCluster_v1 >::IDCBackend >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ActsTrk::DetectorAlignStore >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ActsTrk::MeasurementToTruthParticleAssociation >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ActsTrk::MultiTrajectory >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ActsTrk::PrepRawDataAssociation >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ActsTrk::ProtoTrackCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ActsTrk::TrackContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ActsTrk::TrackSummaryContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ActsTrk::TrackToTruthParticleAssociation >, SG::WriteHandleKey< AFP_RawContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ALFA_CLinkEvent >, SG::WriteHandleKey< AthenaAttributeList >, SG::WriteHandleKey< AtlasHitsVector >, SG::WriteHandleKey< BCM_RDO_Container >, SG::WriteHandleKey< BcmCollisionTime >, SG::WriteHandleKey< BeamBackgroundData >, SG::WriteHandleKey< bool >, SG::WriteHandleKey< C >, SG::WriteHandleKey< CaloBCIDAverage >, SG::WriteHandleKey< CaloCalibrationHitContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< CaloCell2ClusterMap >, SG::WriteHandleKey< CaloCellContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< CaloClusterCellLinkContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< CaloConstCellContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< CaloTopoTowerContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< CaloTowerContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ClusterContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ComTime >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ConstDataVector >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ConstDataVector< CaloCellContainer > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ConstDataVector< CaloCellContainerVector > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ConstDataVector< DataVector > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ConstDataVector< LArDigitContainer > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ConstDataVector< TrigRoiDescriptorCollection > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ConstDataVector< ViewVector > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ConstDataVector< xAOD::CaloClusterContainer > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ConstDataVector< xAOD::TrackParticleContainer > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< CONTAINER >, SG::WriteHandleKey< container_t >, SG::WriteHandleKey< CosTrigTime >, SG::WriteHandleKey< CscDigitContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< CscRawDataContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< CscSimDataCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< CTP_RDO >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DataHeader >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DataVector >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DataVector< LVL1::CMXCPHits > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DataVector< LVL1::CMXCPTob > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DataVector< LVL1::CPCMXTopoData > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DataVector< LVL1::CPMCMXData > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DataVector< LVL1::CPMTobRoI > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DataVector< LVL1::EnergyCMXData > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DataVector< LVL1::JEMEtSums > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DataVector< LVL1::JEMTobRoI > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DataVector< LVL1::JetCMXData > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DataVector< LVL1::JetCMXTopoData > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DataVector< LVL1::RecEmTauRoI > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DataVector< LVL1::RecJetRoI > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DataVector< LVL1::RecMuonRoI > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DataVector< Muon::MuonPatternCombination > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DataVector< MyContObj > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DetailedTrackTruthCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DMTest::C_v1 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DMTest::CAuxContainer_v1 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DMTest::CLinks_v1 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DMTest::CLinksAOD >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DMTest::CVecWithData_v1 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DMTest::JVec_v1 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DMTest::PLinks_v1 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DMTest::S1 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< DMTest::S2 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< eflowCaloObjectContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< eflowRecClusterContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< eflowRecTrackContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< EventContainers::IdentifiableCache >, SG::WriteHandleKey< EventContext >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ExampleHitContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ExampleTrackContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< fastjet::ClusterSequence >, SG::WriteHandleKey< FPGATrackSimClusterCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< FPGATrackSimHitCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< FPGATrackSimHitContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< FPGATrackSimOfflineTrackCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< FPGATrackSimRoadCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< FPGATrackSimTrackCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< FPGATrackSimTruthTrackCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< Gep::GepCellMap >, SG::WriteHandleKey< GepAlgoHypothesisFIFO >, SG::WriteHandleKey< GlobalSim::Count >, SG::WriteHandleKey< GlobalSim::cTauTOBArray >, SG::WriteHandleKey< GlobalSim::Decision >, SG::WriteHandleKey< GlobalSim::eEmSortSelectCountContainerPortsOut >, SG::WriteHandleKey< GlobalSim::eEmSortSelectCountExpectations >, SG::WriteHandleKey< GlobalSim::eEmTOBArray >, SG::WriteHandleKey< GlobalSim::GenericTOBArray >, SG::WriteHandleKey< GlobalSim::InvariantMassDeltaPhiInclusive2ContainerPortsOut >, SG::WriteHandleKey< GlobalSim::jJetTOBArray >, SG::WriteHandleKey< GlobalSim::jXETOBArray >, SG::WriteHandleKey< HGTD_RDO_Container >, SG::WriteHandleKey< HijingEventParams >, SG::WriteHandleKey< HiveDataObj >, SG::WriteHandleKey< HLT::HLTResult >, SG::WriteHandleKey< HLT::HLTResultMT >, SG::WriteHandleKey< IDCInDetBSErrContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< IdentifiableValueCache >, SG::WriteHandleKey< InDet::PixelClusterContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< InDet::PixelClusterContainerCache >, SG::WriteHandleKey< InDet::PixelGangedClusterAmbiguities >, SG::WriteHandleKey< InDet::SCT_ClusterContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< InDet::SiClusterContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< InDet::SiDetectorElementStatus >, SG::WriteHandleKey< InDet::TRT_DriftCircleContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< InDet::TRT_DriftCircleContainerCache >, SG::WriteHandleKey< InDet::TRT_LocalOccupancy::OccupancyData >, SG::WriteHandleKey< InDetRawDataContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< InDetSimDataCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< InDetTimeCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< int >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ISF_FCS_Parametrization::FCS_StepInfoCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< jet::CaloCellFastMap >, SG::WriteHandleKey< jet::ClusterSequence >, SG::WriteHandleKey< jet::TrackVertexAssociation >, SG::WriteHandleKey< JetContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LArAccumulatedCalibDigitContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LArAccumulatedDigitContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LArCalibDigitContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LArCollisionTime >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LArDeadOTXFromSC >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LArDigitContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LArFebErrorSummary >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LArFebHeaderContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LArHitContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LArHitEMap >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LArLATOMEHeaderContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LArNoisyROSummary >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LArOFIterResultsContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LArRawChannelContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LArRawSCContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LArTTL1Container >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LUCID_RawDataContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1::CMXRoI >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1::eFEXOutputCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1::EmTauCTP >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1::EnergyCTP >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1::EnergyTopoData >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1::eTowerContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1::FrontPanelCTP >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1::gFEXOutputCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1::gTowerContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1::JetCTP >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1::jFEXOutputCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1::jTowerContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1::MuCTPICTP >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1::TrtCTP >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1::ZdcCTP >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1CTP::CTPSLink >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1CTP::Lvl1Result >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1MUONIF::Lvl1MuCTPIInput >, SG::WriteHandleKey< LVL1MUONIF::Lvl1MuCTPIInputPhase1 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< MapStringFloat >, SG::WriteHandleKey< MBTSCollisionTime >, SG::WriteHandleKey< McEventCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< MdtCsmContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< MdtDigitContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< MmDigitContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< MuCTPI_Phase1_RDO >, SG::WriteHandleKey< Muon::HoughDataPerSectorVec >, SG::WriteHandleKey< Muon::MM_RawDataContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< Muon::MuonCoinDataContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< Muon::MuonPrepDataContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< Muon::NSW_PadTriggerDataContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< Muon::NSW_TrigRawDataContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< Muon::RpcBis78_TrigRawDataContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< Muon::STGC_RawDataContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< MuonCalibPatternCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< MuonCombined::InDetCandidateToTagMap >, SG::WriteHandleKey< MuonCombined::MuonTagToSegMap >, SG::WriteHandleKey< MuonSimDataCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< MyDataObj >, SG::WriteHandleKey< NEW >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ObservedTrackMap >, SG::WriteHandleKey< PixelClusterContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< PixelGangedClusterAmbiguities >, SG::WriteHandleKey< PixelRDO_Container >, SG::WriteHandleKey< PRD_MultiTruthCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< PseudoJetContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< PseudoJetVector >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ROIB::RoIBResult >, SG::WriteHandleKey< RpcDigitContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< RpcPadContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< RpcSectorLogicContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< SCT_ClusterContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< SCT_ClusterContainerCache >, SG::WriteHandleKey< SCT_RDO_Container >, SG::WriteHandleKey< SG::AuxElement >, SG::WriteHandleKey< SG::CompressionInfo >, SG::WriteHandleKey< SG::SelectionVetoes >, SG::WriteHandleKey< SG::ThinningDecision >, SG::WriteHandleKey< SiClusterContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< SpacePointContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< SpacePointOverlapCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< std::list< ElementLink< std::vector< float > > > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< std::map< Identifier, std::vector< const CaloCalibrationHit * > > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< std::vector< ElementLink< MapStringFloat > > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< std::vector< float > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< std::vector< GlobalSim::GenericTOBArray > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< std::vector< int > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< std::vector< std::string > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< std::vector< uint32_t > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< std::vector< unsigned int > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< std::vector< unsigned long > >, SG::WriteHandleKey< sTgcDigitContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< T_RDO_Container >, SG::WriteHandleKey< T_RoIContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TagAthenaAttributeList >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TestDataObject >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TgcDigitContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TgcRdoContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TileBeamElemContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TileContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TileDigitsContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TileDQstatus >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TileHitContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TileLaserObject >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TileRawChannelContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TrackCaloClusterInfo >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TrackExtensionMap >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TracksScores >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TrackTruthCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TrigDec::TrigDecision >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TrigRoiDescriptorCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TrigTimeStamp >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TrigVertexCollection >, SG::WriteHandleKey< Trk::ClusterSplitProbabilityContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< Trk::PRDtoTrackMap >, SG::WriteHandleKey< Trk::PrepRawDataContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TRT_BSErrContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TruthParticleContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< TruthParticleHitCounts >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ViewContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< ViewVector >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::BunchConfKey_v1 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::CaloClusterContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::CaloTowerContainer_v1 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::ElectronContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::EnergySumRoI_v2 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::EventInfo >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::EventInfo_v1 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::EventShape_v1 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::IParticlesLookUpTable >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::JetContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::JetEtRoI_v1 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::MissingETAssociationMap_v1 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::MissingETComponentMap_v1 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::MissingETContainer_v1 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::TrackParticleContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::TrigCompositeAuxContainer_v2 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::TrigConfKeys_v1 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::TrigDecision_v1 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::TrigNavigation_v1 >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAOD::TruthParticleContainer >, SG::WriteHandleKey< xAODTruthParticleLinkVector >, and SG::WriteHandleKey< ZdcLucrodDataContainer >.

Collaboration diagram for SG::VarHandleKey:

Public Types

using PropertyType = SG::VarHandleKeyProperty
 Declare corresponding property type. More...

Public Member Functions

 VarHandleKey (CLID clid, const std::string &sgkey, Gaudi::DataHandle::Mode a, const std::string &storeName=StoreID::storeName(StoreID::EVENT_STORE), bool isCond=false)
 Constructor. More...
VarHandleKeyoperator= (const std::string &sgkey)
 Change the key of the object to which we're referring. More...
virtual StatusCode assign (const std::string &sgkey)
 Change the key of the object to which we're referring. More...
StatusCode initialize (bool used=true)
 If this object is used as a property, then this should be called during the initialize phase. More...
StatusCode initialize (AllowEmptyEnum)
 If this object is used as a property, then this should be called during the initialize phase. More...
CLID clid () const
 Return the class ID for the referenced object. More...
const std::string & key () const
 Return the StoreGate ID for the referenced object. More...
bool empty () const
 Test if the key is blank. More...
const ServiceHandle< IProxyDict > & storeHandle () const
 Return handle to the referenced store. More...
VarHandleBaseowningHandle ()
 Return the VarHandle that owns this key, if any. More...
bool isEventStore () const
 Does this key reference the primary event store? More...
virtual StatusCode start ()
 Called by the owning algorithm during the START transition. More...
SG::sgkey_t hashedKey () const
 Return the hashed StoreGate key. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual std::string pythonRepr () const override
 Python representation of Handle. More...

Private Member Functions

void setOwningHandle (VarHandleBase *handle)
virtual void setKey (DataObjID key) override final
 Don't allow calling these. More...
virtual void updateKey (std::string key) override final
 Prevent this method from being called. More...
void parseKey (const std::string &sgkey, const std::string &storeName)
 Handle assignment/construction from a string key. More...
void updateHandle (const std::string &name)
 Update the name of the store to which we're referring. More...

Private Attributes

ServiceHandle< IProxyDictm_storeHandle
 Handle to the referenced store. More...
std::string m_sgKey
 StoreGate key, that doesn't include the storename. More...
SG::sgkey_t m_hashedKey = 0
 The hashed StoreGate key. May be 0 if not yet initialized. More...
bool m_isEventStore = false
 Cache test for whether we're referencing the event store. More...
VarHandleBasem_owningHandle = nullptr
 Handle that owns this key, or nullptr if it is not owned. More...


class VarHandleBase
 Set the owning handle. Only callable from VarHandleBase. More...

Detailed Description

A property holding a SG store/key/clid from which a VarHandle is made.

This class holds the key part of a VarHandle. This consists of a handle to the referenced store, the CLID, and the StoreGate key. The VarHandle classes derived from this. However, the VarHandle classes cache information about the referenced object, so they can't be used as members of a reentrant algorithm. Instead, we define separate key classes deriving from this that can be used as properties of algorithms or tools. A VarHandle can then be constructed from the key object and (optionally) an event context object.

The classes WriteHandleKey, ReadHandleKey, and UpdateHandleKey derive from this.

The actual StoreGate key is stored in the base DataHandle object. A reference to the store is saved in this class.

The string for the key property can optionally be prefixed with the store name, separated by a "+": "MyStore+Obj". (However, if the key name starts with a slash, it is interpreted as a hierarchical key name, not an empty store name.)

Definition at line 60 of file StoreGate/StoreGate/VarHandleKey.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ PropertyType

Declare corresponding property type.

Definition at line 91 of file StoreGate/StoreGate/VarHandleKey.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ VarHandleKey()

SG::VarHandleKey::VarHandleKey ( CLID  clid,
const std::string &  sgkey,
Gaudi::DataHandle::Mode  a,
const std::string &  storeName = StoreID::storeName(StoreID::EVENT_STORE),
bool  isCond = false 


clidThe class ID for the referenced object.
sgkeyThe StoreGate key for the object.
aMode: read/write.
storeNameName to use for the store, if it's not encoded in sgkey.
isCondTrue if this is a CondHandleKey.

The provided key may actually start with the name of the store, separated by a "+": "MyStore+Obj". If no "+" is present the store named by storeName is used. However, if the key name starts with a slash, it is interpreted as a hierarchical key name, not an empty store name.

A SG::ExcBadHandleKey exception will the thrown if the key string format is bad.

clidThe class ID for the referenced object.
sgkeyThe StoreGate key for the object.
isCondTrue if this is a CondHandleKey.

The provided key may actually start with the name of the store, separated by a "+": "MyStore+Obj". If no "+" is present, the store named by storeName is used. However, if the key name starts with a slash, it is interpreted as a hierarchical key name, not an empty store name.

A SG::ExcBadHandleKey exception will the thrown if the key string format is bad.

Definition at line 38 of file AthToolSupport/AsgDataHandles/Root/VarHandleKey.cxx.

39  : m_sgKey (sgkey)
40 {
41 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ assign()

StatusCode SG::VarHandleKey::assign ( const std::string &  sgkey)

Change the key of the object to which we're referring.

sgkeyThe StoreGate key for the object.

The provided key may actually start with the name of the store, separated by a "+": "MyStore+Obj". If no "+" is present the store is not changed. A key name that starts with a slash is interpreted as a hierarchical key name, not an empty store name.

Returns failure the key string format is bad.

Reimplemented in SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< T >, SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< xAOD::ElectronContainer >, SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< DMTest::CVecWithData_v1 >, SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< DMTest::JVec_v1 >, SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< DataVector >, SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< xAOD::EventInfo >, SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< xAOD::TruthParticleContainer >, SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< C >, SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< DMTest::PLinks_v1 >, SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< NEW >, SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< xAOD::TrackParticleContainer >, SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< xAOD::EventInfo_v1 >, SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< xAOD::JetContainer >, SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< CONTAINER >, SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< MyDataObj >, SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< T_RoIContainer >, SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< DMTest::C_v1 >, SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< container_t >, SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< SG::AuxElement >, SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< T >, SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< DMTest::JVec_v1 >, SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< DataVector >, SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< CONSTITUENTS >, SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< xAOD::TruthParticleContainer >, SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< C >, SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< DMTest::PLinks_v1 >, SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< xAOD::EventInfo_v1 >, SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< xAOD::FlowElement_v1 >, SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< CONTAINER >, SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< JetContainer >, SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< xAOD::PFO_v1 >, SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< MyDataObj >, SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< T_RoIContainer >, SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< DMTest::C_v1 >, SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< T_Cont >, SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< SG::AuxElement >, SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< OLD >, and SG::TypelessWriteHandleKey.

Definition at line 88 of file AthToolSupport/AsgDataHandles/Root/VarHandleKey.cxx.

89 {
90  m_sgKey = sgkey;
91  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
92 }

◆ clid()

CLID SG::VarHandleKey::clid ( ) const

Return the class ID for the referenced object.

Definition at line 177 of file StoreGate/src/VarHandleKey.cxx.

178 {
179  return Gaudi::DataHandle::fullKey().clid();
180 }

◆ empty()

bool SG::VarHandleKey::empty ( ) const

Test if the key is blank.

Definition at line 150 of file AthToolSupport/AsgDataHandles/Root/VarHandleKey.cxx.

151 {
152  return m_sgKey.empty();
153 }

◆ hashedKey()

SG::sgkey_t SG::VarHandleKey::hashedKey ( ) const

Return the hashed StoreGate key.

May be 0 if not yet initialized.

◆ initialize() [1/2]

StatusCode SG::VarHandleKey::initialize ( AllowEmptyEnum  )

If this object is used as a property, then this should be called during the initialize phase.

This variant will allow the key to be blank.

Flagto select this variant. Call like
ATH_CHECK( key.initialize (SG::AllowEmpty) );

Definition at line 129 of file AthToolSupport/AsgDataHandles/Root/VarHandleKey.cxx.

130 {
131  if (key().empty()) {
132  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
133  }
134  return initialize (true);
135 }

◆ initialize() [2/2]

StatusCode SG::VarHandleKey::initialize ( bool  used = true)

If this object is used as a property, then this should be called during the initialize phase.

It will fail if the requested StoreGate service cannot be found or if the key is blank.

usedIf false, then this handle is not to be used. Instead of normal initialization, the key will be cleared.

Definition at line 103 of file AthToolSupport/AsgDataHandles/Root/VarHandleKey.cxx.

104 {
105  if (!used) {
106  m_sgKey = "";
107  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
108  }
110  if (key() == "") {
111  // REPORT_ERROR (StatusCode::FAILURE)
112  // << "Cannot initialize a Read/Write/Update handle with a null key.";
113  return StatusCode::FAILURE;
114  }
116  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
117 }

◆ isEventStore()

bool SG::VarHandleKey::isEventStore ( ) const

Does this key reference the primary event store?

◆ key()

const std::string & SG::VarHandleKey::key ( ) const

Return the StoreGate ID for the referenced object.

Definition at line 141 of file AthToolSupport/AsgDataHandles/Root/VarHandleKey.cxx.

142 {
143  return m_sgKey;
144 }

◆ operator=()

VarHandleKey & SG::VarHandleKey::operator= ( const std::string &  sgkey)

Change the key of the object to which we're referring.

sgkeyThe StoreGate key for the object.

The provided key may actually start with the name of the store, separated by a "+": "MyStore+Obj". If no "+" is present, the store is not changed. A key name that starts with a slash is interpreted as a hierarchical key name, not an empty store name.

A SG::ExcBadHandleKey exception will the thrown if the key string format is bad.

sgkeyThe StoreGate key for the object.

The provided key may actually start with the name of the store, separated by a "+": "MyStore+Obj". If no "+" is present the store is not changed. A key name that starts with a slash is interpreted as a hierarchical key name, not an empty store name.

A SG::ExcBadHandleKey exception will the thrown if the key string format is bad.

Definition at line 68 of file AthToolSupport/AsgDataHandles/Root/VarHandleKey.cxx.

69 {
70  if (assign (sgkey).isFailure ()) {
71  throw std::runtime_error (std::string("Could not assign VarHandleKey with key ") + sgkey);
72  }
73  return *this;
74 }

◆ owningHandle()

VarHandleBase* SG::VarHandleKey::owningHandle ( )

Return the VarHandle that owns this key, if any.

This should only be non-null for keys that are created automatically by a VarHandle when it is not created from a VarHandleKey. This should always be null for keys that are created explicitly.

◆ parseKey()

void SG::VarHandleKey::parseKey ( const std::string &  key,
const std::string &  storeName 

Handle assignment/construction from a string key.

sgkeyThe StoreGate key for the referenced object.

The provided key may actually start with the name of the store, separated by a "+": "MyStore+Obj". If no "+" is present, the store named by storeName is used. A key name that starts with a slash is interpreted as a hierarchical key name, not an empty store name.

see implementation comments for further details

sgkeyThe StoreGate key for the referenced object.

The provided key may actually start with the name of the store, separated by a "+": "MyStore+Obj". If no "+" is present the store named by storeName is used. A key name that starts with a slash is interpreted as a hierarchical key name, not an empty store name.

we also have to check that if the key contains the store name, it matches the store name that they Handle was constructed with

blank keys result in blank DataObjIDs

Definition at line 217 of file StoreGate/src/VarHandleKey.cxx.

219 {
220  m_hashedKey = 0;
222  std::string sn;
223  // test if storeName has classname
224  std::string::size_type sp = storeName.find('/');
225  if (sp == std::string::npos) {
226  sn = storeName;
227  } else {
228  sn = storeName.substr(sp+1,storeName.length()-sp+1);
229  }
231  if (key.empty()) {
232  this->updateHandle(sn);
233  Gaudi::DataHandle::updateKey("");
234  m_sgKey.clear();
235  return;
236  }
238  // StoreName separator is "+"
239  sp = key.find(storeSeparator);
240  if(sp == std::string::npos) {
241  m_sgKey = key;
242  } else {
243  sn = key.substr(0,sp);
244  m_sgKey = key.substr(sp+1,key.length()-sp-1);
245  }
248  this->updateHandle(sn);
250  StoreID::type st;
251  // would be nice if we could get the storeID from the storeHandle, but
252  // we can't be sure that the store has been created when the VHK is
253  // constructed.
254  //
256  st = StoreID::findStoreID(sn);
259  if (m_sgKey.find('/') != std::string::npos) {
260  throw SG::ExcBadHandleKey("key \"" + key
261  + "\": keys with \"/\" only allowed for "
263  + " - store is \""
264  + sn + "\"");
265  }
266  } else {
267  sp = m_sgKey.rfind('/');
268  if (sp != std::string::npos) {
269  if (sp == 0
270  && m_sgKey.size() == 1) {
271  // Replace '\' with blank key
272  m_sgKey.clear();
273  } else if ( sp == m_sgKey.length()-1) {
274  throw SG::ExcBadHandleKey("key \"" + key
275  + "\": must not end with a \"/\"");
276  }
277  }
278  }
280  if (m_sgKey.empty()) {
281  Gaudi::DataHandle::updateKey("");
282  } else {
283  Gaudi::DataHandle::updateKey(sn + storeSeparator + m_sgKey);
284  }
287 }

◆ pythonRepr()

std::string SG::VarHandleKey::pythonRepr ( ) const

Python representation of Handle.

Reimplemented in SG::WriteDecorHandleKey< T >, and SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< T >.

Definition at line 309 of file StoreGate/src/VarHandleKey.cxx.

310 {
311  const std::string& className = fullKey().className().empty() ?
312  Gaudi::DataHandle::default_type : fullKey().className();
314  std::ostringstream ost;
315  ost << "DataHandle(";
317  ost << ",";
318  switch (mode()) {
320  Gaudi::Utils::toStream("W", ost); break;
321  default:
322  Gaudi::Utils::toStream("R", ost); break;
323  }
325  ost << ","; Gaudi::Utils::toStream(isCondition(), ost);
326  ost << ")";
328  return ost.str();
329 }

◆ setKey()

void SG::VarHandleKey::setKey ( DataObjID  key)

Don't allow calling these.

Prevent this method from being called.

Definition at line 186 of file StoreGate/src/VarHandleKey.cxx.

187 {
188  throw SG::ExcForbiddenMethod ("VarHandleKey::setKey");
189 }

◆ setOwningHandle()

void SG::VarHandleKey::setOwningHandle ( VarHandleBase handle)

◆ start()

virtual StatusCode SG::VarHandleKey::start ( )

Called by the owning algorithm during the START transition.

AthAlgorithm and friends will call this during START. This allows for extra initialization that we can't do during initialize(), such as retrieving a conditions container from the store.

The default implementation is a no-op.

Reimplemented in SG::CondHandleKey< T >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArDSPThresholdsComplete >, SG::CondHandleKey< TRTCond::AliveStraws >, SG::CondHandleKey< DMTest::S3 >, SG::CondHandleKey< TileSampleNoise >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloBCIDLumi >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloTowerGeometry >, SG::CondHandleKey< ALineContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_ConfigurationCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< CondAttrListVec >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDet::SiliconPropertiesVector >, SG::CondHandleKey< TRTCond::StrawT0MultChanContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< Analysis::JetTagCalibCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixeldEdxData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelDCSHVData >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArPedestal >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArHVPathology >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloReadoutConfigContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloPprConditionsContainerRun2 >, SG::CondHandleKey< external_detector_element_collection_t >, SG::CondHandleKey< DMTest::S2 >, SG::CondHandleKey< NswDcsDbData >, SG::CondHandleKey< MuonCalib::MdtCalibDataContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< CondDataObj >, SG::CondHandleKey< IdentifierSet >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArADC2MeV >, SG::CondHandleKey< JGTowerMappingData >, SG::CondHandleKey< BunchCrossingCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< TGCTriggerData >, SG::CondHandleKey< TilePulse >, SG::CondHandleKey< TileCalibData< TileCalibDrawerOfc > >, SG::CondHandleKey< DMTest::S1 >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloBCIDCoeffs >, SG::CondHandleKey< TileCalibData< T > >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArRinjComplete >, SG::CondHandleKey< Trk::TrackingGeometry >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_ModuleVetoCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelDCSStatusData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelDistortionData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SiDetElementsLayerVectors_xk >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArShape >, SG::CondHandleKey< CondAttrListCollection >, SG::CondHandleKey< Muon::TwinTubeMap >, SG::CondHandleKey< RtRelationContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelReadoutSpeedData >, SG::CondHandleKey< OnlineLumiCalibrationCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< TileTiming >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_MajorityCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< MuonMDT_CablingMap >, SG::CondHandleKey< ActsTrk::DetectorElementToActsGeometryIdMap >, SG::CondHandleKey< CondMultChanCollection >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArFebConfig >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArHVIdMapping >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArOnOffIdMapping >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDetDD::HGTD_DetectorElementCollection >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDet::SiElementPropertiesTable >, SG::CondHandleKey< ITk::PixelOfflineCalibData >, SG::CondHandleKey< StrawT0Container >, SG::CondHandleKey< TgcDigitCrosstalkData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_AllGoodStripInfo >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArFebRodMapping >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelRadiationDamageFluenceMapData >, SG::CondHandleKey< TgcCondDbData >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILAruA2MeV >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArNoise >, SG::CondHandleKey< LBDurationCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< Muon::MuonIntersectGeoData >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArMinBias >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloPprChanDefaultsContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloPprChanCalibContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< MuonGM::MuonDetectorManager >, SG::CondHandleKey< TGCTriggerLUTs >, SG::CondHandleKey< Muon::RpcCablingMap >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArHVNMap >, SG::CondHandleKey< AtlasFieldMapCondObj >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArAutoCorrNoise >, SG::CondHandleKey< TileHid2RESrcID >, SG::CondHandleKey< DetCondKeyTrans >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelDCSStateData >, SG::CondHandleKey< TileCalibData >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArMinBiasAverage >, SG::CondHandleKey< TrigConf::L1BunchGroupSet >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArXTalkWeightGlobal >, SG::CondHandleKey< BunchCrossingIntensityCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< ITkStripCablingData >, SG::CondHandleKey< CondDataObjZ >, SG::CondHandleKey< TileBadChannels >, SG::CondHandleKey< Muon::DigitEffiData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_CablingData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_CondParameterData >, SG::CondHandleKey< DetCondCFloat >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelHitDiscCnfgData >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDetDD::TRT_DetElementContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArfSampl >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArOFC >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArLATOMEMapping >, SG::CondHandleKey< T_DefectsData >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArOFCweightSC >, SG::CondHandleKey< NswErrorCalibData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_DCSFloatCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< LuminosityCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDetDD::SiDetectorElementCollection >, SG::CondHandleKey< SYM_t >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArOFC >, SG::CondHandleKey< TgcDigitTimeOffsetData >, SG::CondHandleKey< TRTCond::ActiveFraction >, SG::CondHandleKey< TgcDigitJitterData >, SG::CondHandleKey< TRTDedxcorrection >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelCalib::PixelOfflineCalibData >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDet::TRT_DetElementsRoadData_xk >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloAffectedRegionInfoVec >, SG::CondHandleKey< RpcCablingCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< Trk::SolenoidParametrization >, SG::CondHandleKey< BunchLumisCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< BunchCrossingAverageCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArAutoCorr >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArAutoCorrTotal >, SG::CondHandleKey< MdtAsBuiltContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_GainCalibData >, SG::CondHandleKey< ActsTrk::DetectorAlignStore >, SG::CondHandleKey< CscCondDbData >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDet::SiDetElementBoundaryLinks_xk >, SG::CondHandleKey< MdtCondDbData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SiLorentzAngleCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< RIO_OnTrackErrorScaling >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArCalibLineMapping >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloPprChanStrategyContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloDerivedRunParsContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< CONDDATA >, SG::CondHandleKey< Nsw_CablingMap >, SG::CondHandleKey< calib_data_t >, SG::CondHandleKey< NswPassivationDbData >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArCaliWaveContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< REFCONTAINER >, SG::CondHandleKey< BLineContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_MonitorCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDet::SiDetectorElementStatus >, SG::CondHandleKey< RegSelCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDet::BeamSpotData >, SG::CondHandleKey< NswCalibDbTimeChargeData >, SG::CondHandleKey< RpcCondDbData >, SG::CondHandleKey< BunchGroupCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArRoIMap >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_NoiseCalibData >, SG::CondHandleKey< TRTCond::HWMap >, SG::CondHandleKey< TRTCond::AverageT0 >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDet::TRTPIDNN >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArOFCBin >, SG::CondHandleKey< LVL1::gFEXDBCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloRunParametersContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< AthenaAttributeList >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloRec::CaloCellPositionShift >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelDeadMapCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelTDAQData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelDCSTempData >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelChargeCalibCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< LVL1::jFEXDBCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloNoiseSigmaDiff >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloDetDescrManager >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloPpmFineTimeRefsContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< AtlasFieldCacheCondObj >, SG::CondHandleKey< TileSamplingFraction >, SG::CondHandleKey< T_EmulatedDefects >, SG::CondHandleKey< TgcDigitThresholdData >, SG::CondHandleKey< NswT0Data >, SG::CondHandleKey< MC_t >, SG::CondHandleKey< FillParamsCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloCellPedShift >, SG::CondHandleKey< CondDataObjY >, SG::CondHandleKey< TTrainedNetworkCollection >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArFEBTempData >, SG::CondHandleKey< NswCalibDbThresholdData >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArMCSym >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelCablingCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< sTGCAsBuiltData2 >, SG::CondHandleKey< PixelModuleData >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloPprDisabledChannelContainerRun2 >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloReadoutConfigContainerJSON >, SG::CondHandleKey< Trk::LayerMaterialMap >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_TdaqEnabledCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArMphysOverMcal >, SG::CondHandleKey< TrigLiveFractionCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_DCSStatCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArRamp >, SG::CondHandleKey< LWTNNCollection >, SG::CondHandleKey< TRTCond::StrawStatusSummary >, SG::CondHandleKey< TRTCond::StrawStatusMultChanContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArBadXCont >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloRec::ToolConstants >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArXTalkWeight >, SG::CondHandleKey< ITkPixelCablingData >, SG::CondHandleKey< TgcDigitASDposData >, SG::CondHandleKey< NswAsBuiltDbData >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloLocalHadCoeff >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_SensorsCondData >, SG::CondHandleKey< TRTCond::RtRelationMultChanContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< TRTCond::StrawStatusData >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArHVScaleCorr >, SG::CondHandleKey< TrigConf::L1PrescalesSet >, SG::CondHandleKey< TrigConf::HLTPrescalesSet >, SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloDisabledTowersContainer >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArfSamplSC >, SG::CondHandleKey< MuonAlignmentErrorData >, SG::CondHandleKey< SCT_CalibDefectData >, SG::CondHandleKey< TileEMScale >, SG::CondHandleKey< ILArDAC2uA >, SG::CondHandleKey< TileDCSState >, SG::CondHandleKey< GeoAlignmentStore >, SG::CondHandleKey< HTcalculator >, SG::CondHandleKey< InDet::TRT_TrackSegmentsToolCondData_xk >, SG::CondHandleKey< LArHVCorr >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloSuperCellDetDescrManager >, SG::CondHandleKey< CaloNoise >, and SG::CondHandleKey< L1CaloPpmDeadChannelsContainer >.

◆ storeHandle()

const ServiceHandle<IProxyDict>& SG::VarHandleKey::storeHandle ( ) const

Return handle to the referenced store.

◆ updateHandle()

void SG::VarHandleKey::updateHandle ( const std::string &  name)

Update the name of the store to which we're referring.

nameThe new store name.

Definition at line 294 of file StoreGate/src/VarHandleKey.cxx.

295 {
296  // Don't invalidate a stored pointer if the handle is already pointing
297  // at the desired service.
298  if ( != name) {
299  m_hashedKey = 0;
300  m_storeHandle = ServiceHandle<IProxyDict>(name, "VarHandleKey");
303  }
304 }

◆ updateKey()

void SG::VarHandleKey::updateKey ( std::string  key)

Prevent this method from being called.

Definition at line 195 of file StoreGate/src/VarHandleKey.cxx.

196 {
197  throw SG::ExcForbiddenMethod ("VarHandleKey::updateKey");
198 }

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ VarHandleBase

friend class VarHandleBase

Set the owning handle. Only callable from VarHandleBase.

Definition at line 213 of file StoreGate/StoreGate/VarHandleKey.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_hashedKey

SG::sgkey_t SG::VarHandleKey::m_hashedKey = 0

The hashed StoreGate key. May be 0 if not yet initialized.

Definition at line 250 of file StoreGate/StoreGate/VarHandleKey.h.

◆ m_isEventStore

bool SG::VarHandleKey::m_isEventStore = false

Cache test for whether we're referencing the event store.

Definition at line 253 of file StoreGate/StoreGate/VarHandleKey.h.

◆ m_owningHandle

VarHandleBase* SG::VarHandleKey::m_owningHandle = nullptr

Handle that owns this key, or nullptr if it is not owned.

Definition at line 256 of file StoreGate/StoreGate/VarHandleKey.h.

◆ m_sgKey

std::string SG::VarHandleKey::m_sgKey

StoreGate key, that doesn't include the storename.

Definition at line 247 of file StoreGate/StoreGate/VarHandleKey.h.

◆ m_storeHandle

ServiceHandle<IProxyDict> SG::VarHandleKey::m_storeHandle

Handle to the referenced store.

Definition at line 244 of file StoreGate/StoreGate/VarHandleKey.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
def sgkey(tool)
bool m_isEventStore
Cache test for whether we're referencing the event store.
Definition: StoreGate/StoreGate/VarHandleKey.h:253
std::ostream & toStream(const SG::VarHandleKeyArray &v, std::ostream &o)
Gaudi function used to convert a property to a string.
Definition: StoreGate/src/VarHandleKeyArray.cxx:47
ServiceHandle< IProxyDict > m_storeHandle
Handle to the referenced store.
Definition: StoreGate/StoreGate/VarHandleKey.h:244
void updateHandle(const std::string &name)
Update the name of the store to which we're referring.
Definition: StoreGate/src/VarHandleKey.cxx:294
SG::sgkey_t m_hashedKey
The hashed StoreGate key. May be 0 if not yet initialized.
Definition: StoreGate/StoreGate/VarHandleKey.h:250
const std::string & key() const
Return the StoreGate ID for the referenced object.
Definition: AthToolSupport/AsgDataHandles/Root/VarHandleKey.cxx:141
bool empty() const
Test if the key is blank.
Definition: AthToolSupport/AsgDataHandles/Root/VarHandleKey.cxx:150
constexpr char const storeSeparator
Definition: StoreGate/src/VarHandleKey.cxx:27
Definition: StoreID.h:28
Definition: StoreID.h:31
virtual StatusCode assign(const std::string &sgkey)
Change the key of the object to which we're referring.
Definition: AthToolSupport/AsgDataHandles/Root/VarHandleKey.cxx:88
Exception — Bad key format for VarHandleKey.
Definition: Control/StoreGate/StoreGate/exceptions.h:62
#define ATH_CHECK
Definition: AthCheckMacros.h:40
Definition: StoreID.h:29
Exception — Forbidden method called.
Definition: Control/StoreGate/StoreGate/exceptions.h:77
StatusCode initialize(bool used=true)
If this object is used as a property, then this should be called during the initialize phase.
Definition: AthToolSupport/AsgDataHandles/Root/VarHandleKey.cxx:103
std::string m_sgKey
StoreGate key, that doesn't include the storename.
Definition: StoreGate/StoreGate/VarHandleKey.h:247
std::string name
Definition: Control/AthContainers/Root/debug.cxx:228
Definition: StoreID.h:24
static StoreID::type findStoreID(const std::string &storeName)
Definition: StoreID.cxx:21
Pythia8::Writer Writer
Definition: Prophecy4fMerger.cxx:12
Definition: StoreID.h:26
@ AllowEmpty
Definition: StoreGate/StoreGate/VarHandleKey.h:30
static const std::string & storeName(const StoreID::type &s)
Definition: StoreID.cxx:77
ServiceHandle< IProxyDict >